#longish post probably
yazzydream · 10 months
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strqyr · 6 months
i've been debating for a while now whether to write this or not. it's a bit... a lot more personal than i'm used to, but with V9: Beyond being nearer and nearer, i'm finding myself to be lacking the spark and excitement for new RWBY content that i'm used to have. for that reason, i've been doing some thinking, trying to nail down where the difference lies, and i think i finally figured it out:
the ending of V9, specifically how they handled ruby's arc.
[tw: suicide, if you decide to continue reading]
before i get any further, i want to lay down some "backstory": about two weeks before V9 started airing, i lost my beloved dog to an illness after fighting for her life for two weeks. those two weeks were a roller coaster straight out of hell, thinking the medicine given were working, only for things to get worse; and through it all, all i could think of was that if she didn't make it through the year, neither would i.
but then, afterwards, in some weird twist of fate, when every part of me wanted to stay in bed and never get up, it was her, my dog, that kept me going, simply because through the last couple of years of her life, she had slept the mornings in my bed, with me, with 1pm being the time she'd force me out of bed if i ever stayed in that late... and that following morning—or more like day lol—after her death, i happened to look at my phone, see the clock be around 1pm, knowing i had a choice to make.
and i got up. have every single day, way before 1pm, to keep part of her alive and with me.
so, perhaps needless to say, but ruby's arc in V9 hit close. i had enough time in-between to not be in middle of the worst of it, but i suppose not as enough as i thought, as not only did i lose some of the spark i had for this show, but i'm also still crying now while writing this.
for the duration of the show, the burden on ruby had been growing stronger and stronger. from being called special due to her silver eyes, to all her friends placing their trust in her leadership, believing that somehow, she always knew what the right thing to do was, to never quite feeling she could be open about her own doubts as a leader, having no one to talk to... V9 started out great. i was excited, for the first time in a long while, for the direction they were taking ruby in.
and everything seemed to be going great. all the issues, trauma, et al that ruby was holding in were slowly seeping over, until it all burst open, explosively, and she ran away; and with all of this and more thrown against her by neo, ruby drank the tea, not wanting to be herself anymore.
...then came the aftermath of her ascension, and it's here, where the writers lost me.
"you're broken! you break everything you touch! i call humans... weak! confused! incomplete!" the cat says, and it's hard to say they're entirely wrong; ruby has been broken, she has had her weak moments, she has been confused, and that's okay.
but her teammates, her friends, her sister, don't seem to think so.
the cat is wrong. ruby has never been any of those things, and that's exactly why they follow her.
like it was more important to prove the antagonist of the volume wrong, rather than offer genuine support to ruby by saying that it is okay to be broken and confused, and for her to have her weak moments because that's why they're there; to support her in good and bad. to make it clear to ruby that she can come to them and air her doubts and concerns without a fear of being shutdown, that they, too, will work on themselves to be better friends in that regard.
but that's not what happened, and even without properly registering it at the time, it felt like a punch to the gut.
during the roundtable discussion of this episode, the writers talked about ruby's arc being about impostor syndrome and i just... can't see it. not with the way they build it up. it's like a switch was flicked, and when before the problem was the burden that was solely placed on ruby's shoulder and how it was too much for her to handle on her own, now ruby ever doubting herself in the first place was the problem, and all she needed to hear was that she was perfect just the way she was; "retrospective" is not a known word here.
and for the first time, even if i do have some critiques over handling of certain storylines, i felt like what was delivered was not what was ordered. at all. and with the vague content warnings in front of episodes, it started to feel like suicide was used for the "shock value" it could provide, to get people talking on social media, rather than because the writers wanted to treat it with the seriousness it deserves.
maybe that's unfair to say; i certainly don't know their intentions. frankly i don't know the people who work on this show at all, and i've stayed far from forming any parasocial relationships to pretend otherwise. all i have is my own feelings about this, ones that i've gone over multiple times, going through episodes, seeing if there's something that i've missed that would make it make sense... i've done my due diligence, and this is the result.
this is not the end: i still love RWBY, the characters, the world and its lore... but some of the trust i had for the writers has definitely gone, as has of the spark that ensured the excitement i had for new episodes and content to the point that i'd be right here, on my seat, ready the moment a new episode dropped.
now if the birbs show up—
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dooxliss · 8 days
Gari Gari, my good friend Gari. Can I please please get an H3 Mr. L? 👀
(send a mario character and an expression!)
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hate this guy /j
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waitineedaname · 6 months
I need to bring my fucking Brand™️ to the mdzs fandom and write an aro fic
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justanotherfannerd · 1 year
I just hate your stupid face
This idea is so old, but I heard the song again today and I just couldn't help myself. I told myself that I would never write a songfic, but damnit, this song is literally just saiki. Like, look:
"Come on Saiki! Don't I at least deserve to know why you're avoiding me so much?
He grit his teeth, this little game had gone on for too long and it was time he ended it. If passiveness didn't work, he was just going to have to be direct. "… I just really hate your face."
Teruhashi rolled her eyes.
"Though I know that won't surprise you."
She flipped her hair and crossed her arms.
"But, to me, your skin is one giant wart"
She barked out a laugh, her skin was flawless, they both knew that.
"And your laugh's one big snort"
She glared at him for that one.
"And you stink, so in short,"
She gave him an unimpressed look.
"I despise you."
She looked hurt at that remark but otherwise bit her tongue. She swallowed thickly and then stood up straight managing to look down on him despite the fact that he was taller than her.
"You disgrace the human race," He scoffed and rolled his eyes.
"'Cause you're more of a mosquito."
He crossed his arms as he watched her continue to try and come up with things to insult him with.
"I would rather have the dentist and drill," an eyebrow rose at the unfamiliar idea of what a dentist visit entailed, "Then this swine in the swill."
He clicked his tongue. "Are you done?"
"And if you were a bill, I would veto."
"Too bad."
"And if the world was perfect, you would be gone without a trace,"
He flinched at that one.
"But since the world could never be that great," She made sure to bump his shoulder as she walked away from him and the conversation, "I'll just hate your stupid face."
He clenched his hands at his side, unsure why his heart suddenly felt so heavy in his chest.
This is what he wanted right? For her to move on from him? But . . . hate? That's . . . that's more than he bargained for.
He shook his head and continued down the opposite end of the hallway.
Whatever, she'll forget she's even mad at me within a week.
This got to be really long, but you get the idea. I kinda chose the worst verse to start with, but it's giving enemies to lover vibes except their not enemies and Saiki just doesn't understand his feelings and is taking it out on Teruhashi but she is patient and has a good feeling that he likes her and if she continues to wait he'll realize it. She's right. Saiki just has to be a little stupid first, that's all. And if you know how the rest of this song goes, you know that I would eat the angst up. Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner baby. Anyway, yeah. I have like 5 other projects I'm working on, so if I did this it wouldn't come out for a while. But! If there is interest, I will supply for the demand.
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stobinesque · 1 year
WIP Weekend!
Once again tagged by @steves-strapcollection for a WIP game! (Gerry you are like half the reason phryctoria is nearly done, lol)
In a reblog (or new post w/ rules attached), post up to five (5) filenames of your WIPs; not titles, file names.
Post a snippet from one of them. Snippet must be words you wrote in the last 7 days. We’re posting progress here. If you haven’t made any, go make some and come back to post!
After you’ve posted, people can send you an ask with one of your file names. You must then write 3 sentences in that file. If the filename is one you can’t share from (for example, an event fic), write 3 sentences on it anyway, and then 3 more on another to share.
That’s it! You can invite others to join in, or just post. If you tag me in your post, I will send you an ask request!
wigwag (AKA Stobin go to Indy and Steve gets some (OMC) dick; AKA sequel to phryctoria, which is now revisions (and ch. 2 should be up tomorrow)!)
S4 Fix-it: Lucas POV
Stobin soulmate au
steddie week: day 1 [hunger] {I never finished or posted this one, but I want to start getting my Steddie week fics up on ao3!)
Not tagging anyone, but please please join in and tag me in to say I tagged you if you want to participate. (I'll also make note of it for the future!)
from wigwag! alas i am not particularly close the nsfw bits yet, so it's entirely PG below the cut
"Guess what I have?" Steve asks when Robin dumps herself into his car on Friday afternoon.
"Please tell me it's something edible," she groans. "I'm starving."
"Unfortunately not, but I can make us some pasta when we get to your place."
"I would love you forever," she says with her puppy dog eyes. No wonder he'd tricked himself into thinking he had a thing for her. She's adorable.
"You already do, dingbat."
"Yeah...well..." she trails off like she's searching for an argument to that point. "That's true," she says, giving up. "So what is it then?" She asks as she buckles her seat belt.
Steve reaches into the cup holder and pulls out the plastic card there.
"Oh shit! Is that my fake?"
Steve laughs. "It is indeed. Your name is Rowan Buck and you were born on January 10th of 1965."
"Eugh. A Capricorn."
"What in the heck is a Capricorn and what is your problem with them?"
"Oh puh-lease--don't act as though a Leo such as yourself doesn't read your horoscope on the daily."
"Okay fine, I know what a Capricorn is, broadly speaking. I still have no idea why you'd have a problem with them."
Robin shrugs. "I don't, really. Just thought it would be funny to say."
"You're hilarious," Steve deadpans.
"Okay, you say that like you don't think it's true, but need I remind you of 'I've laughed more this summer than I have in a really long time'?"
"I never said that."
"You did."
"Must have been an alternate version, then."
"Yep," Robin says, popping the 'p' with a smug little smile. "Also known as 'truth serum Steve.'"
"Ugh, whatever, fine: you're hilarious," he concedes.
"Thank you." Robin holds her new ID up to the light. "You're sure this will pass inspection?"
Steve shrugs. "I got it form the same person who did mine."
"Yeah, sure, but we're dealing with small town dives down here, not big city bar tenders."
"Yeah, actually, I think the fact that we're up against everybody-knows-everybody-itis in Hawkins makes is more impressive that my fake works anywhere. Also--I don't think Indianapolis really counts as a big city."
"So...tomorrow? Wanna try our hand at hitting up a gay club?"
"I'd love nothing more, Stevie."
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banana-breadses · 1 year
How did I get here. well I know how o got here. My mom asking me to clean the bathroom because my cousins are coming and they’re gonna have it allll to themselves. And then I procrastinated and I can’t start and now it’s 11:19 pm but it probably won’t be by the time I finish this post. I have my headphones primed to blast music or whatever podcast I’m gonna catch up to this time (it’s Hey Riddle Riddle cause I’m already halfway through the backlog and I am NOT gonna start another whole new show with a whole new backlog.)
I’ve put my phone down twice since I started this post. I like my phone case. Pretty shade of purple with a built in pop socket to be a stand and handhold. It has two cracks. I don’t remember exactly how they formed- probably from dropping it. I mean it’s to be expected, I’ve had this phone case for a while. It was given to me on my birthday of last year. That makes a whole 13 months and 3 weeks I’ve had it and yeah I guess that’s normal.
I was gonna make this it’s own post but my younger sibling is making their own fan- wings of Fire continent with dragons like MagmaWings and StormWings and StoneWings and a super cool one called PhantomWings. They were showing me their stuff and then they said something that shook me to my core. “And there’s Queen Nimbus of the StormWings.” Can you fucking believe this???? They named the StormWing Queen after a cloud. I named myself after a cloud! They don’t even know I go by that online!
ok wow my dog just howled and that was a bit creepy cause I’ve never heard him do anything like that before. but WOW! Can you believe that my oh my god my phone just autocorrected a mistake between believe and that where I didn’t do a space into girlie w that. Amazing fantastic incredible.
I don’t know what this is. It’s now 11:31 pm and I’ve spent the last 12 minutes writing a dumb tumblr post instead of cleaning the bath room which is what I’m supposed to do. Okie bye
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abyssembraced · 1 year
I'm hesitant to outright promise anything, but I'm hoping to get to my owed replies sometime soon? At least the ones I owe for Ghost, anyway.
I'm also open to plot new threads for either Ghost or Rouxls! Admittedly, I'm not sure how much time I'll have to sit down and Discuss things this week, mind you, but I'm willing to give it a shot! Finishing my currently owed replies will have to take priority over writing any new starters or replies for new threads, though, since I've owed them for a frankly ridiculous amount of time and I feel really bad for putting them off for so long, but plotting and planning stuff is good!
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nekoyaz · 1 year
My parents got me a cheesecake as my cake for my 30th birthday. I'm sitting here eating my second piece of it and thinking about the other time I had a cheesecake for my birthday.
On my 16th birthday, during the height of the recession, my parents were incredibly broke and we were struggling so hard. My mom's friend bought me the cheesecake and it was the only thing I got for my birthday. I got a piece and ate it happily but when I went back for another piece later that night it was all gone. My brothers, who I was practically raising at that point since my parents worked so much, had eaten the rest of it. Looking back I understand that we almost never had treats or sweets so my brothers didnt have any control because they literally didnt know if we'd ever have something like that again so they binge ate it. But at the time I was so hurt.
I cried and cried and my dad and brothers couldn't understand why I was so upset. It was my only present and they had eaten it all up with no regard for me and how hard I worked and what all I sacrificed.
Now, it's just me and my parents celebrating (I'll celebrate again later with friends so don't feel bad for me). Both my brothers are grown up and living their own lives but once again they've forgotten me. They didn't bother to come, or wish me happy birthday. This time I get to have my cheesecake mostly to myself, but I'm still incredibly sad.
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blitzoyaoi · 4 months
Now that I'm an adult I have no fear pf being extremely pro lgbt on social media which has put my grandmother into some kind of spiral.
The past 5 days she's been sharing homophobic facebook posts like a child factory worker trying to support a family of 7 like.
I shared something that was basically like "if you have to pass laws to hurt a group of people to support your faith/morals then your faith/morals are bad" and she has been nonstop shilling them out for like an hour straight like give it a rest granny good lord
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thaliagrayce · 9 months
i wanna write for a bang SO BAD this year, please PLEASE let me know if you hear about any bangs i can join
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quiggel · 2 years
I’ve seen a lot of stuff going around about determining the type of discrimination an act of hatred is (which I don’t really get, it’s all discrimination, I don’t see the big deal in differentiating between them when they’re all so closely linked together anyway), and despite the fact that realistically no one will see this, I thought I’d share my two cents. In my opinion, what form of discrimination an act takes on is determined by two different things: The perpetrators reason for the hate, and the victim’s trait that caused them to receive this hate. While this often match up, they don’t always, meaning that some hate can be two forms of discrimination, one intended by the perpetrator, and one not. Say for example a straight, very masculine looking woman is called a slur intended for lesbians. The perpetrator reason for this slur was homophobia, as they thought the woman to be gay, whereas the woman’s trait that made her receive this hate is that she dresses masculine, a way that women “shouldn’t” dress, making it sexism. This act can then be attributed to both homophobia, intended, and sexism, unintended. Another example would be something that I’ve often seen happen often, which is when people, typically terfs, are transphobic towards non-white cis women, because they have features that are deemed “too masculine” by the terfs because their vision of femininity is entirely white. Acts of these would be both transphobic, as was the perpetrator intent, and racism, because of the reason the victims received the hate. Context is key. You can’t know the entire situation from only looking at one point. People can be subject to discrimination that doesn’t apply to them and people can be discriminatory in a way they did not intend. In many cases, both of these things happen, and both forms of hatred are important to the situation. Hate is hate.
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dwaekkicidal · 2 months
Curly Hair Routine with Changbin
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˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ summary: Teaching Changbin how to take care of his curls. based off this post/request!
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ word count: 1k (how did i do this.. i thought it was like 500)
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ warnings: none really :3 just fluff and mentioned that reader has longish, curly hair
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ notes: i saw a few moots repost that prompt and i have curly hair (like 3A/3B?) that i've been learning to take care of the last few years so :3 thought this was cyuuute!!! also probably gonna write chris' later today/tomorrow! (my insomnia came back so.. we'll see when it gets done LMFAO)
@chaeryred (also @httpdwaekki cause hehe) i hope you guys like it >< thought it came off a little messy but i still think its pretty cute
DO NOT republish or translate+post my work!
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After wrestling your boyfriend like a cat taking a bath, you managed to wash the rest of the conditioner out of his hair and wrap his head up in a towel. You sent him to sit on the floor in the living room while you went to grab all your products from your bedroom. Once you returned, you were met with the biggest pout you've ever seen mixed with the nastiest side eye known to man. His head is almost completely wrapped up in a towel, minus the big circle where part of his face peeks out, and his arms are crossed sassily.
You couldn't help but smile and chuckle, shaking your head as you dropped the products and tools on the couch. You sit directly behind him, putting your legs on either side of his shoulders and leaning him into you. He shivers and your heart pangs a little, but you lean forward and wrap your arms around him and rub them soothingly. A quiet 'hmph!' comes from him and you laugh again.
"I'm sorry, baby. You said you wanted to do my hair routine just like me. And I always end it off with rinsing with cold water." Your fingers sneak into the hole in the towel and pull it back some, exposing his cheeks more as well as some of his wet hair. He makes the angry noise again and throws a small fit, turning away from you and tugging the towel back to its previous position in defiance.
You peck his cheek a few times and combine it with a mumbled apology. Then a small smile forms on his face and you start ruffing the towel, rubbing your hands back and forth and using it to poke fun at him while also starting to dry his hair off. Giggles erupt from the both of you as he drops the tough act and reacts to the ticklish feeling, his distinct giggle ringing through your ears in the best way possible.
Once you both have calmed down, and he's no longer feigning distress, you start to gently dry his hair. "I brought a mirror too." His hair is mostly dry and you grab your brush before realizing that Changbin's eyes have been glued to the show on TV. This was supposed to be a learning experience so you wanted him to watch, but it was also endearing to see him trust you so blindly that he resorts to iPad-baby tendencies.
"Are you gonna watch me do it so you can learn, or was this just an excuse for you to get pampered?" You tease, tilting his head back gently so he can look you in the eyes. He smiles apologetically and reaches for the mirror, "Sorry, Bunny. Got a little distracted hehe. I am your apprentice tonight! Teach away, Jagi." You smile widely and lean down again to place a kiss on his lips. One he reciprocates it before fixing his posture and placing the mirror in position.
He then lowers the television down and sits there patiently, allowing you to take him through the steps and using the mirror to peek at what your hands are doing. You start it off by showing him the products and explaining what they do and then tell him how you're supposed to use them, using a strand of his hair as an example.
Each step doesn't take long, thanks to the fact that he memorized the first few steps of your routine; the brushing and cream application. What you did explain was the styling techniques. He could have just left it as is and not done anything, or he could do what you do and finger-coil each strand.
He had seen how you slaved over your hair for over an hour each time you finger-coiled it and was dreading his experience to be similar to that. But thanks to how short his hair was compared to yours, it was a cakewalk. However, when he tried to coil one strand himself, his fingers did manage to get tangled in each other a few times... but you have to experience something to really learn from it! And the texture of the gel you used seemed to drive him crazy, but he got used to it eventually.
Then it was onto drying! You had brought out the diffuser attachment- or.. what Changbin called the "claws of death," for your hair dryer. He had seen you use it countless times before, but it looked like a jumbled mess of things from the outside and he never knew if there was a technique to it or if it was just random movements.
After teaching him the tips and tricks you used for extra volume and just how to diffuse his hair in general on a small section of his hair, you watched proudly as he dried the rest of his hair on his own with little to no problems. You did a dramatic reveal, wiggling your fingers and adding a "Tada~" when he looked into the mirror for the final time.
He stared for a while, eyes tracing the unfamiliar, defined curls on his head. They were pretty, and you have literally never seen his hair like that before. But what really made it worth it was his reaction. A big smile grew on his face and he turned to you, crawling up the couch to give you a big kiss. "Thank you, Bunny."
"Of course, baby. You look good like this." You smiled and admired your handiwork for a while until you remembered that today was supposed to be your wash day in the first place.
"Okay!! Time for me to wash my hair now." You peck him on the lips and playfully shove him onto the couch, running away after. The pitter-patter of his steps chases after you and he wraps his hands around you once the water is turned back on.
"Wait. I want to do it!" He smiles widely despite the unsure face you make. But he's your Binnie, so it's kind of hard not to cave in. You agree and resume the same position he had earlier, sitting on the tile with your neck resting on the edge and your head hovering over the big bowl of the tub. He steals another kiss before gathering your hair products and directing the water to your head.
"Don't worry, Bunny. I'm a professional at this~"
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@valkyriexo @lunearta @jabmastersupriseee @rylea08
@yaorzu-blog @amararosesblog @jiminssluttyminx @clemissleepy
@miss-daisy04 @kittyxnoa @dwaekkiiracha
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the-s1lly-corner · 9 months
Thank you sm 😭 you actually did so good! It felt so nice to see my favorite creepy boy with those head canons 🥹🥹 but yes your writing is absolutely amazing!! I can’t wait to keep seeing everything you write!! And I apologize in advance if I ever get too excited and request too much 🥹
Perhaps creepy boy relationship head canons with a fem!reader who attempts to steal their clothes because they miss them?
- 🩶 Anon
Laughing Jack, Eyeless Jack, and Hoodie x fem!reader who steals their clothes because she misses them!
went ahead and threw in some other characters that i think would be silly with this request since you didnt specify :3! was gonna add slenderman but im on the fence about whether or not his clothes are a part of his body.. shrugs!! feels weird not doing masky since im doing hoodie too but shrugs again laughing jack included as you state hes your favorite :3 and WAAAAH im glad you enjoyed the previous request!! and no need to apologize; i get it !! sometimes i get excited too with requesting stuff !! ill let you know if youre being too intense (though i gotta admit i love writing creepypasta stuff, had a longish break between august and now where i hardly wrote for it and i missed writing for the fandom loads TToTT)
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honestly for a moment i was going to say his mask but i genuinely think that would be a deal breaker for him since it kind of acts as a comfort and security thing for him. even if hes not wearing the mask around you, dont take it. now his hoodie or one of his shirts... thats a different story.. would rather you ask him, though, but he does find it a little sweet that its because you missed him.. mind you he thinks so lowly of himself that he might even be a little shocked that you *miss him.. might let you keep on his shirts! might have to wash it though and patch up a hole or two but its nothing major.. though i dont think he would let you keep one of his hoodies, he has way less of those than he does shirts and he kind of needs them to keep warm.. also the hood comes in handy.. for things.. will expect you to return his belongings when asked, will not take any excuses since they are his belongings and he cant really waltz into a store and go shopping
okay so this one is a little funny since i do personally hc that his clothes are just a part of his body for the sake of the post lets turn a blind eye.. theres so many options for you.. his shirt (sleeves! long and floppy!) or a spare sweater than hes claimed... hmm.. i think regardless of what piece of clothing you've taken from him he would be thrilled that you miss him THAT much! he rarely goes out, in fact i dont think its often that he goes far from where his music box is.. gotta stay in decent range, you know? but the point still stands... you miss him? i think that actually does wonders for his abandonment issues, since it reassures him that you care about him and think of him when hes away. probably scoops you up in his arms and hugs you, likely wrapping his arms around you like a snake. offers to never let you go, and kind of sticks true to that until you need to tend to your bodily needs
another victim of jacket thief... a moment of silence for this man losing the thing that literally sparked his name.. okay jokes aside i dont think he would care that much, hes probably hoarded other clothing while staying with you; from hoodies to sweaters. so hes not going to sweat it if you briefly snatch something from him so long as you eventually give it back.. might sign some teasing words at you for missing him, might also prompt a session of you two cuddling.. good luck getting up because hes probably not going to let go.. why would he, you missed him! also might make him try to spend more time with you since every now and then he does have decently long periods of just. being gone doing whatever it is that he does.. probably leaves you his main hoodie and wears a different one when he knows hes about to dip for a while..
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daistea · 4 months
the thought of mithrun in traditional elven attire makes me go a little bit feral like ...
SPOILERS ❗️sorry I know you didn’t ask for this, but I wanna talk about it
Elf fashion looks kinda Greek/Roman inspired(I may be wrong idk) like flowy fabrics and.. toga-esque, almost But in history, togas were mainly worn only for special occasions I think. So I’m leaning more towards a chiton-like style. Ruching, pretty simple, pretty gender neutral.
Though we only see Mithrun in a flowy chitan-ish garment when he’s in rehabilitation post-demon.
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His caretakers are all wearing white longish dresses/robes too, and even the tall-man is wearing robes. Get these guys like a fashionable belt or something, they need a pop of color
Otherwise he’s either in uniform or wearing high necked, long tunics, pants, and boots.
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High necked collar (got that fancy embroidery ohhh he fashion)
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Idk what to call this. A tunic? A dress? I think technically it’s a tunic. I like his boots tho I want them
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Same here. He seems to cover his neck, even before the demon ate his desires. Though there’s an image of his brother wearing a similar high necked thing. Like us all, elves probably dress in many different ways, and Mithrun just preferred to be covered up. Covered up like… his heart… not willing to be exposed… hmmm
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Sooo idk I don’t think we can pinpoint an exact inspiration for their clothing, it’s prob just a blend. The Canaries uniform, at least Mithrun’s, kinda calls to mind a pteruges, leading us back to the Greek inspiration theory
I would like to think that there’s a version of the canaries uniform that’s for formal events? Something without the uncomfortable spider silk stuff
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Poor Mithrun, taking off his armor must feel like taking off a tight bra at the end of a day 😩 relief (not that he rly cares tho)
But anyway yeah it would be cool if they had formal wear, something without the armor but still signifying their position (the wardens are prob the only ones that would have it though) It’s canon that Pattadol and Mithrun have attended things held by the Queen so I wonder how they dressed….
As for traditional wear, I’d think it would just be fancier versions of the flowy outfits. Maybe add a nice fibula and another layer.. idk 🤷‍♀️
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buckera · 10 months
Inspiration Saturday 📸
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This wip is loosely based on this post of mine and based on the initial outline I expect it to total out around 20k, but I have like 3 much longer fics on my list before this, so it probably won't be written any time soon, but it wouldn't leave my mind today, so!
After a serious injury on the job, Eddie takes up light duty as the temporary Instagram Manager of the LAFD and even though he's now physically healed, he's still not ready to return to active duty. The job has its perks though; namely the new guy who joined the 118 shortly after Eddie left.
Tags and a longish snippet under the cut 💛
“Hey Diaz, sure you don’t want in on the action instead of playing around with your camera?” Buck asked, lifting his helmet a little, probably to see Eddie better in the harsh sunlight.
He had ash smudged all over his face, giving him a ragged edge that Eddie thought fit him just a little too well. His turnout coat was open, revealing just how tight his shirt hugged his body underneath.
“And what if I prefer the camera?” Eddie asked playfully. “And I told you to call me Eddie.”
“Not until you tell me what it’s short for.” Buck grinned at him teasingly and Eddie clicked the button on his camera again, to capture the way the sun hit his laugh lines; sue him, the man was gorgeous.
Buck had this weird thing for nicknames and though Eddie found it kind of endearing, he didn’t really understand why Buck didn’t just ask the team what his name was if he wanted to know so badly — maybe it was part of some kind of game that Eddie never learned the rules for.
“You know this year’s calendar is coming up.” Eddie said, lowering his camera back down to his chest.
“Yeah? Are you the one shooting it?” Buck stepped in closer, still holding the jaws of life in his hands while everyone continued packing up behind him.
“Why? Would that make you wanna do it more or less?”
Buck chuckled lightly, before swiping a gloved finger across the tip of his nose, leaving yet another black mark there.
“I don’t know. Am I gonna be the only one taking my clothes off?” He raised his eyebrows suggestively and Eddie only had time to roll his eyes jovially before he was cut off by Hen.
“Stop riling up the poor guy and help us put these away, I’m starving!”
“I’m n-not rili—” Buck stammered, all his earlier bravado suddenly gone.
“Come on Buckaroo, it’s lunch time.” Chimney chimed in as well, walking past them and dropping his medkit into the back of the ambulance.
Buck looked back at Eddie and shrugged sheepishly. “Duty calls.”
“Yeah... I gotta upload these too.” He lifted his camera with a sigh, indicating the pictures he just took.
“Well, I hope you got my good side.” Buck smiled at him with a mischievous glint in his eyes and Eddie just grinned back at him.
As if you have a bad side, he thought to himself.
“Buck, come on!” This time it was Bobby who yelled over, so they both knew that they ran out of time.
“Coming!” Buck called back, still not taking his eyes off of Eddie. “Take care, Diaz.” He added gently before he finally turned around and jogged away, leaving Eddie standing in the middle of the road, watching as the engine and the ambulance pulled away.
“Yeah, you too, Buckley.” He mumbled to no one in particular.
I was tagged by @disasterbuckdiaz and @watchyourbuck thank you mwuah 💛
✨no pressure tagging: @malewifediaz @spagheddiediaz @daffi-990 @jeeyuns @ladydorian05 @steadfastsaturnsrings @eowon @heartshapedvows @nmcggg @rainbow-nerdss @jamespearce9-1-1 @eddiebabygirldiaz @theotherbuckley @thewolvesof1998 @fortheloveofbuddie @evanbegins
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