#love characters who stop censoring themselves
goldenmorningglory · 4 months
just woke up, have a meeting in 6 minutes, and all I have in my head is a scene where charles and edwin are bickering during case-solving, and edwin says something snipy, charles asks if he would've preferred monty there, edwin saying "well he would have agreed with me, for one." charles retorting that "that's not why you keep me around is it? you have me around to actually help and be useful." in the sense of he gives another perspective.
edwin looks him dead in the eye, with a judgemental eyebrow raised and goes, "charles, I'd keep you around for no reason at all." and simply goes back to researching.
charles think about that for the entire duration of the week-long case.
anyway i wanna write about how edwin is freer with his words since the confession and charles gets metaphorically smacked on the head each time with it.
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olderthannetfic · 1 year
Last year, I nearly died from bleeding duodenal ulcers. This has been better for my fandom experience than anything else I have ever experienced in my entire life. Antisemites, Islamophobia, accusations of racefaking (you know, because being Pashtun gives me such clout), people getting mad at me for writing a hijabi character who likes fashion, people losing their minds over my writing an aroace sex-repulsed character, the comments trying to imply that one line or another is proof of racist intent via bad faith readings, the death threats, the rape threats, the suicide bait-
none of it compares to nearly dying.
I have never taken such joy in saying, repeatedly, as a copy-pasted comment, "It's wonderful that you think your opinion matters. It's not true, but I love that you have such unmerited self-importance and self-esteem." again and again until people stop commenting. No I'm not going to block them, I like seeing them get angrier and angrier. I like watching them scream themselves red like toddlers in a supermarket with exactly that little power to effect me. I write more now because holy shit, they are no one and they mean nothing. They're some bumblefucks from wherever the fuck and I'm the author. This is my house, if they don't like the furniture and wallpaper, there's the door.
These people think they have power over me. Motherfuckers, death didn't have power over me. I had a hemoglobin of 4.9 upon admission to the hospital, a resting heartrate of 184, and a temperature of 100F. I threw up blood and convulsed and spasmed until I went unconscious, my heart had to be shocked back into beating, and I still got all my final papers done from the hospital bed on time. I didn't even need an extension. I got one done that night.
Nobody stops me from writing. Death herself couldn't make me, and these internet edgelords are people who censor de*th on reflex.
My message to you all is to adopt the policy that people have to prove to you that you should care about their opinion before you do so. "I don't like-" shut up Braxtleigh and Axlyr, I don't write for white sheltered culturally Christian suburban teens. I write for me.
Do things for you. Value yourself and devalue them. It does wonders for making fandom enjoyable.
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beneaththebrim · 14 days
on ep 21 of 《莲花楼》 and having such "what do you mean this isn't dangai???" thoughts
cuz that's the thing about censorship, people working under it have to create a language that can fly under the radar, but as a result, works that weren't even trying to fly under the radar but happen to use that same language can get recast in the eyes of the audience
like, there are plenty of cultures and time periods where a certain sort of straight masculinity got constructed around being free and not tied down by married life. works with intentional queer subtext can use that construction to get things past the censors, but works that use that trope played straight [haha] then feel queer in themselves to anyone who's used to reading that kind of subtext
[disclaimer that i haven't read the book or know much about authorial intent re: the show, and it's quite possible that they were doing certain things on purpose to corner the fujoshi market while also being able to say "what do you mean homoerotic, this is a straight show for the straights"]
but it's just so funny to me that a big part of all three main characters' arcs is just, running away from women lol
like with li lianhua, whenever a woman proposes intimate relations with him both he and fang duobing spit out their drinks it seems so absurd. when it comes to qiao wanmian, you could read li lianhua as being heartbroken because he lost his childhood sweetheart whom he genuinely loved romantically. you could also read it as him being heartbroken over not being able to love her in the way she wanted him to, not being the heterosexual alloromantic family man qiao wanmian wanted him to be for her--this is also consistent with a lot of his angst around not being able to live up to the ideal hero so many people wanted him to be. so, a reader of queer subtext has a lot of ambiguity to play with, whether he's bi or gay or ace. super breedable fertile ground there
with di feisheng. you get the sense that he's definitely fucked jiao liqiao. emphasis on the past tense. or not even, idk, jiao liqiao has femcel energy, it would actually be kinda funny if di feisheng never actually fucked her lmaooo. and damn from his very intro we know who the person in his heart is. his admiration for li xiangyi is so palpable, you can't really even try to say that he hates him [if anyone's hate-fucking li lianhua it's xiao zijin]. jiao liqiao tries to undo his belt and he's like "ew stop." and then a bunch of people double cross him and he just can't stop hanging around li lianhua. he's such an abused pitbull who got rehomed i love him.
and fang duobing is so funny. he starts off running away from princess marriage [understandable tbh, who wants to be stuck in the imperial court] but then at every juncture he assumes li lianhua is perving on women?? his reaction to girl palace is "ew gross!" there's a region of the brain called "awareness of the existence of homosexuality" that's been cut out of him. he is gay.
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lonelylonelyghost · 3 months
Re-watch of The Spirealm. Episode 16
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Awesome. Love shit like that.
Both of them look scary here, and it makes me think of "what if" Qiushi was a medium who'd help ghosts with resolving their grievances by using mostly "an eye for an eye" principle. Ruthless and cold, but fair and effective. Mmmm, delicious
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The pact is formed. The living and the dead team up for revenge
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No problem. Not at all. Who's jealous? Moi???! Absolutely not. Anyways, I now have a completely unrelated urge to go and dramatically sulk in a corner somewhere, gotta go
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I approve of this act of violence
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And this one
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yeeeee cinematography
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"You'll decide whether to tell the truth or not. We'll decide whether to believe you or not."
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The whole story is just very sad.
Jiang Xinhong is not a bad person, but he is a coward. Which, I can't entirely blame him - he has a lot to lose and powerful people like Mou Kai are terrifying. I'm not sure how I would behave either if I was in his shoes. Mou Kai is definitely the main culprit, but Jiang Xinhong's indecisiveness unfortunately was the final nail to a coffin.
It's awful that just being good is often not enough...
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Also, I'm happy for Zuozi and her revenge, and the fact that the narrative was on her side this whole time. Her classmates bullied her terribly, she died and then repaid them in an equally terrible way, but it's not painted as too excessive.
Maybe it's because this whole thing happens in VR and therefore "doesn't count", maybe the censors were in a coma themselves, but I'm glad that I didn't need to hear the whole "you can't take revenge on the people that wronged you, because you'll become the same as them and you'll be punished even more than them by the plot" spiel that cdramas love to preach nowadays.
Hail murder! (sometimes)
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The cat finally is out of the bag. Lmao
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Stop that.
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Just two guys, sitting on a porch of the house that they share, one dressed in black and the other in white, chatting about their lives, smiling and gazing at each other with so much love in their eyes.
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Hehehe 💙😭
These moments in-between the Doors, quiet, gentle and domestic, are actually my favourite parts of the whole drama. It proves that you don't need explicit scenes, misunderstandings and conflicts between the couple to keep things interesting.
I would watch a thousand episodes of them just hanging out together in Obsidian or going shopping...
The writing of the characters and the chemistry between the two actors is what made it work so gloriously.
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Hm. What was that thing that some people say, about being together forever with a person if you spend the first snowfall in their presence?...
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Same, Qiushi, same. I also can't function unless I get enough sleep
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verychaoticlife · 3 months
Chaotic Academia
My Interpretention Of The Aesthetic Chaotic Academia
word count: 2 711 reading time: 10min
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1. Definition 2. The issue with this subgenre 3. History 4. Philosophy 5. Literature 6. What makes media be « Chaotic Academia » ? 7. Media 8. Visuals 9. Fashion
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Definition :
Chaotic academia is a subgenre of the group of aesthetics Academia. The subgenre is about being less around Eurocentrism, stopping romanticizing elite universities and being less pretentious. They mostly keep the same dress code as the other sub-genres but they focus more on being comfortable in their clothes. The style could be seen as neglige or very chaotic but it’s because they focus more on learning stuff than trying to look perfect. It could be seen as the healthy version of Dark academia in terms of learning and seeing the world.
The issue with this subgenre :
Most people in the academic aesthetic only see this as a micro-label that misses the point of the academic aesthetic and I understand it. The wiki only shows this style as goofy and messy. Probably because no one tried to find a purpose for this subgenre. It’s kind of sad cause it has a really good potential cause I don’t think everyone sees themself in an aesthetic that romanticizes stuff that shouldn’t be romanticized.
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The subgenre came from a Tumblr post made by Chiafet-main in September 27 2019, during the popularity of dark academia. The aesthetic is mainly inspired by dark academia but wants to be more messy and free this is the main reason why it is seen as a micro-label and not a real subgenre. It's because it wasn't supposed to be more than just a post.
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the original post
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When dark academia is about romanticizing school, chaotic academia is about a more realistic version vision of school. It's about liking learning and finding a way to motivate yourself in your schoolwork without being perfect about it. But be aware of the fact that school isn't the most positive place ever, this way you can use words of affirmation, mood board or even take time for yourself so you don't get overwhelmed. The point of this subgenre is not about being the best at school, it's about graduating and flourishing at school. Don't overwork, be happy, and be yourself are what define the philosophy of this subgenre.
What subjects could fit the aesthetic are literature, philosophy, history, theatre and art. Because they let people express themselves it's something very important in the chaotic academia. Also because you can express emotion, an opinion with those subjects. History is mostly because the genre got an appreciation for past stories and past books. It's a little reminder that fashion is very inspired by vintage ways to dress.
You can see a lot in this aesthetic queer love and coming-of-age story. It mostly came from that queer stories used to be a lot of censored or banned back in the day. Since the style is very interesting about those banned media of course queer stories are going to be put into the light. Also, people like Oscar Wilde or Sappho are writers who are recommended since they got a lot of their stories banned because of homosexuality. Queer stories fit well the coming-of-age tropes that can be seen a lot in media. The character is learning about who they truly are without caring if they going to fit society's expectations. Also coming of age is a very realistic trope which fits the style because it wants to be more true about reality and not romanticize anything that shouldn't be.
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What is very important in the whole academic aesthetic is reading and every sub-genre got their own style. for chaotic academia, it’s banned books, so I think when we talk about the forbidden book there are talking about old ones, not recent ones (probably cause recent book isn’t interesting I don't know maybe some of them got good queer stories/j) but I think it also good to read the modern banned book mostly cause the old one are super complicated to read in my opinion. so here is a list of old and modern banned books:
1984 by George Orwell (reason: explicit content and its incisive critique of political oppression )
Animal farm by George Orwell(reason : critique of authoritarian regimes and its portrayal of power dynamics )
The Catcher In The Rye by J. D. Salinger ( reason: Profanity and Vulgar Language, Sexual Content, Alcohol and Substance Use, Rebellion and Anti-Authority Themes, Mental Health and Suicide, Religious Concerns)
Brave New World by Aldous Huxley (reason: Sexual Content, Drug Use, Anti-Family and Anti-Religion Themes, Critique of contemporary social and political trends)
Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury (reason: Offensive Language and Profanity, Themes of Censorship and Rebellion, Religious Content, Violence, Sexual Content)
Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown (reason: Religious Controversy, Historical Inaccuracies, Offense to Religious Sensibilities)
The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde (reason: Homosexual Undertones, Immoral Behavior and Hedonism, Decadence and Aestheticism, Criticism of Society )
George (also know as Melissa) by Alex Gino(reason :LGBTQ+ Themes,Perceived Inappropriateness for Age Group,Religious and Moral Objections,Concerns About Influence Children Identity)
Twelfth Night: Or, What You Will by William Shakespeare(reason: Gender-Bending and Cross-Dressing, Sexual Innuendo and Humor, Themes of Deception and Mistaken Identity, Encourages homosexuality)
Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer (reason: Sexual Content and Explicit Language, Criticism of Religious Figures, Moral and Ethical Concerns)
Candide By Voltaire (reason: Criticism of Religion, Satirical Critique of Optimism, Political Criticism, Obscenity and Immorality )
A Farewell To Arms By Ernest Hemingway (reason: Sexual Content and Explicit Language, Portrayal of War, Criticism of Authority and Institutions )
Les Fleurs du Mal by Charles Baudelaire (reason: Obscenity and Erotic Themes, Spiritual and Religious Critique, Social Decadence and Moral Corruption)
Amores & Ars amatoria by Ovid (reason: Explicit Sexual Content, Promotion of Extramarital Affairs)
Romancero Gitano by Federico García Lorca (reason: Political and Social Critique, Cultural Identity and Nationalism, Sexual Themes and Taboo Subjects, Association with Leftist Ideologies)
Poems of Sappho by Sappho (reason: Sexual Themes, Encourages homosexuality)
Howl by Allen Ginsberg (reason: Obscenity, Social Criticism)
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What makes media be « Chaotic Academia » ?
There are two ways to know if this aesthetic can fit the chaotic academia style. First, it should be relatable and talk about school. What tropes fit well are coming-of-age and slice of life which can fit pretty well in an academic universe. Also, the story can be realistic and this is what is important in the sub-genre. Also don't forget that banned media is the big pillar of this aesthetic so if the media you are looking at is banned then it fits perfectly the style.
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In my opinion what movie is the best for this aesthetic are story that focuses on authenticity and messiness of the learning process, emphasizing passion and genuine exploration rather than the pursuit of prestige or perfection. But I also think it could also explore deep story like coming of age with a chaotic character who is learning to be themself in a world where they have to be perfect or « normal ».
Movie type: Mockumentary, comedy, coming of ages
Derry Girls (sitcom)
Cunk on Britain (mockumentary)
Cunk on Earth (mockumentary)
What We Do in the Shadows (comedy horror mockumentary)
Bottoms (satirical comedy film)
Perks of Being a Wallflower (coming-of-age romantic drama)
The Breakfast Club (teen coming-of-age comedy-drama)
Persepolis (Drama)
Booksmart (teen coming-of-age comedy-drama)
Soulmate (2019) (romantic/drama)
Horrible Histories (comedy)
Dead Poets Society (coming-of-age drama)
Mona Lisa Smile (drama)
Sunny (2011) (comedy-drama)
Good Will Hunting (drama)
Plays :
For a more chaotic academic vibe, I choose challenged and Banned Plays and Musicals for this. It's the same with the books but I think this is what matches the best sub-genre.
Lysistrata by Aristophanes
The Children's Hour by Lillian Hellman
Tartuffe by Moliere
A Doll’s House by Henrik Ibsen
Angels in America" by Tony Kushner
Musicals :
The Rocky Horror Show
Hedwig and the Angry Inch
Youtube :
Kaz Rowe (It’s just cause I love them and their videos are cool)
mood board chaotic academia
guide for chaotic academia
BuzzFeed unsolved (it’s just very chaotic sometimes)
Manga and anime :
Is Love the Answer? by Hatsu Kiss
Witch Hat Atelier by Kamome Shirahama
Yotsuba to! By Kiyohiko Azuma
Azumanga Daioh by Kiyohiko Azuma
K-On! By Kakifly
A Tropical Fish Yearns for Snow by Makoto Hagino
Skull-face Bookseller Honda-san by Honda
A Warm Sunshine by Ye Cheng
The Four Seasons Club by Chida Eito
Video games :
I think what could fit well with this aesthetic is a visual novel cause you know it’s more about reading and the stories are cool most of the time. So the style could be coming of age (again) or slice of life. (I’m not sure about this one so don’t trust too much this list)
Tomorrow Will Be Dying
Night in the Woods
Monster prom
Butterfly Soup
Music :
Arctic Monkeys
David Bowie
Glass Animals
Pink Floyd
Chappell Roan
Vampire Weekend
Girl in red
Playlist :
chaotic academia (classical music)
chaotic academia playlist vibe
Podcasts :
You're Wrong About
Stuff You Should Know
99% Invisible
Too Many Spirits
Other :
Lost media in general
Find secrets in media (TV shows, video games etc..)
Use Tumblr like a diary
Post meme
Read fanfiction
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I chose those pictures because they really show messy habits about working at schools but also people enjoying what they do. I think it shows a more plausible student life.
Since the aesthetic is very inspired by dark academia most of the pictures you can find are often edited to look darker. The pictures are often taken less from movies (like Dark Academia does) and more pictures taken by people. The pictures have most of the time colours like gray, brown, green and orange. Most of the visuals are outside, at schools or sometimes at home. Outside people are running, having fun and most of the time sitting on the ground (because they are eating, doing their homework etc…). At school most of the pictures are in the cafeteria with their friends, climbing on the wall, doing their homework or even sleeping. Those pictures at school are mostly taken when they don't work and they just having fun. At home it's them doing their homework in the worst messiest place ever, with paper everywhere, barely light, lot of snacks. Those visuals are taken in the moment and could be compared to the Candid photography style or even Vernacular photography.
For architecture, it's kind of hard to not make it Eurocentrism because it's very inspired by dark academia. What could fit well is a Gothic revival like the University of Glasgow in Scotland or Yale University in the USA. I also think school buildings in general fit well this aesthetic because it's still about academia after all. Plus I also think people can find themself better this way ( not just people outside of Europe to be honest because we don't all go to a school that looks like a castle more something that looks like a prison or a basic modern building).
In terms of artwork, I think censored or even controversial fits perfectly the style. There is no specific type of art for this but in the history of art, a lot of styles have been criticized: Dadaism, Surrealism, Abstract Expressionism, Pop Art, Street Art and Graffiti, Feminist Art…. So I think those could be included in the visual of chaotic academia. For a more visual way to talk about artwork here are some paintings that can be included in this visual.
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Dropping a Han Dynasty urn by Ai Weiwei
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Flower Thrower by Banksy
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Madame X by John Singer Sargent
Chaotic academia is mostly a lifestyle, in terms of interior, it should be maximalist. A gallery walls with art on them, post-it on the mirror, a book on the floor, a cozy bed with a lot of pillows, plushes and a blanket. Trinkets collection, not a lot of light (mostly small light around the desk and the bed); everything should have stuff on it or little decoration that really shows something messy but is also a part of you.
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What could also fit well this style is word of affirmation and positive mood board. For studying but also for feeling better in your private life. Since this subgenre wants to be more positive I think that's the best way to have motivation without using toxic study motivation which is going against the whole subgenre. Here is an example (I can't send pictures anymore so just click on the link)
Relatable imagery can be seen as chaotic academia. Remember that chaotic academia is something you can relate to without having to do toxic stuff. So visuals like working in a very messy place, people with an old eccentric style etc… Forge the imagery of relatable cause it's something you can do and is good for you. Also, this imagery can be found in the media you are consuming with tropes such as coming-of-age or slice-of-life.
Remember: Self-destruction is forbidden in this sub-genre so any visuals with toxic motivation, smoking etc… Aren't chaotic academia. This is what makes the big difference between chaotic and dark academia.
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The fashion of chaotic academia is mainly dark academia and vintage forms of dress. The issue with the dark academia inspiration is that it emphasizes high class and mainly is inspired by the style of American Prep. I think you can keep the inspiration of vintage clothing if you mix modern fashion with it. What could fit well the style is oversized clothing and comfy clothes like sweaters, leg warmers, converse etc… Also I want to keep a little bit of academia in those outfits so I think a blouse should be something you don't forget in your outfit (something oversized or button downs). Also, I think a cardigan should be a must in this style because it's comfy and can replace suit jacket which is used a lot in the other style. Also, be free to not always wear the same white blouse and wear a shirt from other colours or even with a cool motif.For pants, I think jeans can be used but honestly, I think they break most of the academia styles this is why I think it's better if you wear corduroy pants or even trousers. I also think that this style should have a lot of accessories like necklaces, rings or even a carabiner keychain. The style should be maximalist. Also don't forget cool socks with motifs or drawings.
For chaotic academia, I think the key colours should be something between light and dark academia. The point here in this subgenre is to not look like a sad beige baby so do not be afraid to use other colours than brown or beige. I think the colours red, green and blue can really fit well with the aesthetic and probably not in a very bright shade more like something dark or muted/soft tones.
here few inspo
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This post come to an end please let me know if you like it or if you even want more posts like that i don't know why I started making this post but I hope people get interested in it. Do not be scared to message me if you have suggestions.
One of my favourite aesthetics is chaotic academia the problem is that there is no interesting info about this aesthetic. There is the Wiki aesthetics but the whole thing feels wrong. Maybe I'm missing the style so if that is the case please let me know. So this why I wrote this post.
No hate to any other style I love you guys too much Also, the creation of this post was hell I was writing part in the wrong way. I rewrote a lot of things more than 3 times and lost motivation for a week. This was very messy but I'm glad I finished it!
Rest in peace my Pinterest account that gets deleted in between for no reason and who got all the fashion I wanted to post for my chaotic academia post :,)
This is not proofread
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chaotictempleknight · 5 months
Food for thought, but what if in TADC, Jax is actually supposed to be the villain/antagonist? And Caine is more of an anti-hero/villain? Future proofing...
I was thinking about episode 2 last night and some ideas are running through my head.
SPOILERS for episode 2, so go watch it:
So Jax was being chaotic evil throughout the whole episode. Here's what I thought of:
Jax is bored, on the verge of madness. He went chaotic to stop himself from abstracting
Did Jax having something to do with Kaufmo? He did not attend his funeral
Furthermore, here's some other things I noted
I love how frivolously some people toss around abstraction, like it's no big deal... THE CHARACTERS CONSIDER KAUFMO EFFECTIVELY DEAD. That means there is no "cure" for abstraction. Characters that abstract lose themselves permanently. They all merge together and become a collective blob of insanity in the cellar (or at least, that's what I get from that scene). Caine has not figured out how to fix this. This isn't some symbiote-goo-thing or thing you can just recover from because the plot demands it (not saying abstractions couldn't potentially regain some sense of self, I'm just saying abstraction is VERY complicated)
As more food for thought, I wonder if in a future episode an abstraction will regain some sense of self and cause trouble for Caine and the circus. I'd imagine Caine would put them back in the cellar, however, on the grounds that it could destabilize the entire digital circus. Off topic, but I needed to get this out of my head.
The Amazing Digital Circus is buggy. Good Lord, imagine getting out of bed and no clipping into one of your things...
Jax most likely has a reason for his disruptive behavior. Also I have to chuckle at people who assumed he was sad from the teaser. Red Sun intensifies...
So is Gangle losing her comedy mask going to become a recurring gag? I feel bad for her... But that is funny, not going to lie.
Why do I get the feeling no one actually likes Jax? The only one that hasn't said anything is Kinger... But he's mad.
We are most likely going to get Kinger with a shotgun in a future episode... Assuming that wasn't an outright joke.
Kinger being one of the oldest cast members has merit to it, given what he said to Ragatha.
Pomni is familiar with video games and how they work. I love how she says she's not an expert. Pomni, that exploit you did was pretty good, something I could see a speed runner doing. Headcanon: she used to watch YouTube videos on this kind of stuff.
Caine's dialogue at the end continues to convince me he's not actually the "villain." The fact that he's worried about losing track of who's human and who's an NPC is very interesting. I wonder if the pause he had relates to a past issue.
Also, JEEZ, what did Bubble even say that warranted being censored that hard?
And that's my thoughts on episode 2. If episode 3 proves me wrong... Ok. That's fine, as this is just speculation on my part. If you any thoughts or have a different idea, speak your mind.
Also autocorrect can go burn in Hell...
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rainbowsky · 1 year
Review: Born to Fly
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I saw DD's new film, so here are my thoughts on it. I'm going to have a spoiler-free section and then a more spoilery section. Please pay attention to that if you haven't seen it yet!
Spoiler Free Section
I have to be honest: I had pretty low expectations going into this film. These kind of militaristic, nationalistic, 'heroes and glory' films aren't really my thing. I like the action and excitement, but that tends to get eclipsed by cliches, macho posturing and manipulative melodrama.
These kinds of films tend to take themselves too seriously, and the audience is supposed to go along with that and take it all equally seriously. A lot of the promo for the film showed officials and military figures crying in the audience, which could have gone a few different ways depending on what was happening onscreen.
Given the political situation in that region right now, with China escalating their military aggression against Taiwan, I was also worried this film might push a narrative that I'd find offensive.
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Thankfully this film wasn't quite what I feared it might be. Yeah, it had some eye-roll worthy cliche moments and some unintentional humor, but for the most part it was just an engaging, suspenseful and surprisingly funny film. The political angle wasn't great but it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.
For the most part the special effects were pretty good. Definitely strong enough to give a sense of immersion, and all the actors gave good performances.
Of course DD was the star of the show, and he really stepped up to the task. His performance was convincing, his character was sympathetic, and of course he looked amazing in every frame. I was so proud of him.
Overall I think it's a film most fans will enjoy immensely, and any family or friends who get dragged along for the ride will not have much to complain about.
If you haven't seen it yet, I recommend you stop reading now and maybe come back once you have.
Spoilery Section
I'm not going to go into too much depth, here, because if I get too ambitious this post will run the risk of languishing in my drafts folder, never to see the light of day.
What I Liked
I loved Lei Yu. DD was well cast - he had a lot of DD-ish traits. I enjoyed his plucky, often conflicted personality. He was smart, talented and very human.
While we didn't get much depth from him or the other characters (typical of the genre), the relationships he had with his crew mates were at least convincing enough to drive the story forward and make me feel invested in what was happening to them all.
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I loved the action. The aerial scenes were so exciting, and mostly well produced. I had been a bit worried that we'd spend most of the film watching the guys work out and do all these endurance tests (which might make good eye candy but isn't a story), so when those things just ended up being quick montages I was relieved.
I mean, that's what's most exciting about a film like this, right? The planes, the action, the suspense, the crashes.
I also really loved the humor in this film. There were some genuinely funny moments, and it helped relax me into the story more and become more invested in the characters. We all know a film like this is going to play with our emotions a bit, but too many writers forget that just like pain, laughter can be a gateway into people's hearts.
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The story was pretty good. I wasn't expecting much, but I think they did a good job of making the mission seem important, of making the struggles seem real, and taking the viewer on a journey.
The film was over 2 hours long, but never at any point did I look at my phone or wonder how much time was left. I was engaged and excited throughout the story. That alone is a pretty big accomplishment. My attention span isn't stellar.
I was grateful that there wasn't much of a romantic storyline. I guess we can thank the censors for that, because they recently put stronger limitations on romantic storylines in nationalistic media. 😐
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It was fine for there to be a spark of interest between characters - it makes the stakes higher when things get tense - but I showed up for an action flick, not a romance.
I can't really comment on the technology or anything to do with the planes, training, etc. I have no clue about any of that. It all seemed plausible enough to me that I wasn't being pulled out of the story every time that stuff was being discussed.
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I especially enjoyed the parachute packing scene. I had never before put much thought into how parachutes are put together, but the way the guy was talking about it lent gravity to the story while also just being really interesting both topically and visually.
While I felt that the 'background-building' scene with his parents was a bit too rushed to give us a strong sense of their relationship, I wasn't too upset about it because I was more interested in the action.
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The relationship between Lei Yu and Zhang Ting (his commander) was very satisfying, and I loved the chief engineer guy who he packed parachutes with. What a great character. Both Hu Jun and Tian Zhuang Zhuang gave strong performances.
I loved that Lei Yu was something of an engineer himself. I don't know much about military aviation, but I know astronauts are serious engineers and scientists, so why can't top tier pilots be too?
This whole aspect of participating in the design of the aircraft was so interesting, and gave us another angle on Lei Yu. Brains, beauty and brawn rather than just a hot macho soldier.
The commander's child was also a smart choice for the story. He was cute and relatable, and gave us another angle through which to view all of this. The enthusiasm for planes. The connection with his dad. It added some fun and human interest to the story (and some pathos).
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Little Bai Ze Ze was so cute and he gave a good performance!
I like that I can look back on a movie that was over two hours long and feel that some things were rushed. They packed a lot into those two hours, and the pacing was such that I never got bored or lost interest, and always felt like something interesting was happening.
That might sound like a small thing, but to me it's huge. It's so rare for me to watch a film where I feel engaged all the way through. Especially not a movie in this genre. They did a good job with the story and pacing.
There were some good emotional moments. Going to the tomb to pay respects to the fallen comrades, of course was so emotional, and it helped give a sense of the stakes of what they were doing and the magnitude of the mission.
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The death of the commander was also so powerful and heartbreaking. I liked that they weren't afraid to show all these guys bawling their eyes out. It made it all more believable.
Like the success of the mission, the redemption of the relationship between Lei Yu and his rival Deng Fang was totally predictable. The salute at the end "I owe you" could have come off as cheesy but was played well and felt sincere and meaningful. Overall I liked Yu Shi in this film, he did well.
What I Didn't Like
There were some things that I found weak, cringey or even offensive.
The number one thing that bothered me was the glorification of tragedy, and the characterization of terrible accidents as a noble and heroic self-sacrifice, as though it was a price worth paying for the competitive mission of building a frickin' plane to outdo the other guys' technology.
There is never a time when that kind of thing is not offensive to me. The 'noble, self-sacrificing heroism' of soldiers is not an accidental sociocultural perception. It's something people are taught to believe so that the state has enough people who are willing to come forward as cannon fodder, and so the loved ones left behind don't mutiny against those who put them in harm's way.
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Yes, there are some dangerous jobs out there and people put themselves on the line to do some important things, but the way this film framed loss of life as an acceptable - even valiant - price for getting a jet built (that is itself just a killing machine)... ugh.
If the value of their lives was put above the value of the technology being built - and above the value of the mission - their goals would still be achievable, but with less loss of life. This isn't about getting the planes built, it's about expediency.
As I was watching a lot of the action scenes I couldn't help but think of DD and everything he went through to make it all happen. I don't like how much danger and injury he ended up with during this film shoot. Seeing the car crash where I knew it was REALLY HIM in the driver's seat was stressful.
And that goes alongside the overall message of 'necessary, noble sacrifice'. The film promo glorified DD's accident and the danger he was put in, his willingness to keep filming even when he was injured or in pain (such as the way the shoulder straps tore up his shoulders when he was in the spinning machine), as heroic and noble rather than irresponsible and unnecessary. It's just so offensive to me. Actors shouldn't be expected to risk life and limb for the sake of creating entertainment. Such things shouldn't be glorified.
So there's that whole tone to the film of people's lives and welfare being an accepted - even natural - price of doing business, which really bothered me.
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Another thing I didn't like - and which I knew going into the film would be a problem for me - was the way the whole thing was framed politically. The whole "East vs West" thing was cringey and at times unintentionally hilarious. The American pilots were totally slapstick funny in their characterization, to a degree that came across as childish and embarrassingly propagandistic.
"We can come and go whenever we want and you can't stop us! Hahaha!"
Said the evil stick men with curly moustaches.
This is where nationalistic films often cross the line into creepy or ultra cringey. I think the goal of creating a powerful stealth fighter jet is exciting enough on its own. The audience would have been there for it without the villainizing and the 'us vs them' narrative.
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Painting China as an underdog was also so laughable and totally offensive. They are one of the top military powers on the planet. They are leading in technology on many fronts. This had no believability whatsoever, and came across as blatant propagandizing. Which of course I knew to expect, but that didn't make it any more palatable.
And of course, the scenes where they were patrolling the seas were exciting, but when you think about what's actually happening in the region right now it all takes on a totally different tone.
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So while the propagandizing wasn't as overbearing as I thought it would be, it still had a pretty strong presence in the film, and that detracted from my enjoyment. I knew that going in, though. It's inevitable with a film like this.
There were a few other moments in the film where I rolled my eyes at the heavy-handed melodrama - the totally predictable and cheesy tombstone fly-by after the big save toward the end of the film, for example - but none of it was unexpected. It's all par for the course with these kinds of films.
Some of the crisis points in the film were a bit much, too. Like that bird strike, which felt sudden and unintentionally comical. The people sobbing in the control room when you know damn well the pilots are fine. That kind of thing. But again - typical fare for this type of film.
Final Thoughts
This film is admittedly a bit shallow, but that's something one can expect from this genre. Films like this tend to put a few hooks into viewers - pull a few emotional strings - and then deliver a bunch of high impact moments to give a sense of payoff. It's all very predictable and formulaic, but that can be part of the appeal. Sometimes I just want to see a cheesy action film.
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As far as these types of films go, Born to Fly really wasn't too bad. It was watchable and enjoyable, and the things that bothered me didn't bother me enough to pull me out of the story. My fear was that DD would be associated with a really trashy, awful film and I am hugely relieved to say that didn't end up happening.
This film was a totally respectable effort for what it was, and I enjoyed it, although it doesn't hold up as well internationally as it probably would in China.
That might sound like a tepid summation, but all things considered it's practically a glowing review. 😅
Most importantly, DD gave a really solid performance, and I think that's going to bode well for his career moving forward. There really wasn't a moment in the entire film where I felt he fell short. I am so proud of him. He's doing so well!
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leikeliscomet · 10 months
Asexual and Aromantic Representation isn't a zero sum game. There's room for everyone.
Sorry I'm so sick and tired of seeing "there's too much aroace rep" "there's too much alloace rep" posts. Aspec representation is rare for everyone because this orientation is barely recognised in mainstream media. "But I can name a few aroace/alloace characters!" And were they gifted to us because of privilege or were they made by actual aspec creatives who wanted to see themselves represented? Were all these characters' asexuality written well or falling back into damaging stereotypes? A lot of aroace characters have been written in a way where the writer has conflated asexuality and aromanticism as being the same and alloace characters are often written as someone who just doesn't have sex with their partner. Representation isn't automatically good by proxy.
There's also still a major lack of asexual representation for aces that are also lesbian, gay, bisexual, pansexual, trans/non-binary, POC, disabled etc. To say "oh there's an aroace/alloace you've had enough" in response to a few white cishet aces in mainstream TV is extremely ignorant to the diversity of the asexual spectrum. Everyone talks about Todd from Bojack Horseman, Florence from Sex Education and Isaac from Heartstopper. But Selah Summers from Selah and the Spades? Fei Hargreeves from the Umbrella Academy? Abbi Singh from the Imperfects? They didn't get that same "groundbreaking ace representation" credit.
Amatonormativity is real, at the same time, gay aces, lesbian aces, bi aces, pan aces and more are lacking representation when it comes to queer asexual love. Arguing for less queer love representation when all forms of queer love are still stigmatised, from gay marriage still being illegal in parts of the world, to gay couples being attacked in public to censoring of gay kisses, isn't helpful at all. Nothing good has ever come out of "this marginalised group needs to stop appearing on screen so much"
And yes, aroallo representation is needed, along with every other part of the aromantic spectrum, but asexual visibility isn't causing a lack of aromantic visibility. Asexual representation isn't causing a lack of aromantic representation. We need to push for more representation not arguing for another group to have less.
Visibility =/= Privilege
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malarkgirlypop · 1 year
MEDIC! - 6th Part (Donald Malarkey x Fem!OC)
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Hello, that was mean of me wasn't it, leaving you hanging off the cliff. Well here you go the next part. This story is so long, I am so sorry if you aren't a long story fan but I cannot stop myself. I love my OC she is me I am her, she is all of us. @brassknucklespeirs has been giving me some tasty little story lines so you know it's gonna be good. I'm so excited like the last chapter it's intense. I should make a playlist for Emily but I'm busy. I might do it later if people want it. As per usual this is based on the HBO show and the actors who portray the characters, no hate to the real men in WW2.
Trigger warning: Talks of rape, violence, use of derogatory language.
I gasp for air, my eyes opening, I look up at the same scene I saw when Malarkey was carrying me through the forest, the green against the white.
“She’s breathing!” I look around worried faces come into my vision. “Em, Oh God!” someone says from behind me. Sighs of relief fill the air. 
“Emmy! Jesus, way to scare us all to death.” Lieb says to my left. I go to sit up. 
“Woah, steady there Darlin’.” Bull moves behind me resting my back on his front.
“Lieb?” I croak out, looking at the man confused at what everyone is so worried about. Gene sits on his haunches at my waist puffing. 
“Your heart stopped!” Gene pants. I take a deep breath finding that my chest aches, probably from the compressions he would’ve had to do. I look out of the foxhole to see Malarkey and Nixon both looking like they are about to pass out. Winters stands beside them watching me closely. 
“Sorry to scare you all.” I look at each of them. Lieb moves forward pulling me into his embrace, I hug him back. “Don’t do that again.” He says sternly in my ear. “Yes, Sir.” I whisper, earning a chuckle. 
“Let’s get you out of this hole.” Bull says, he easily pulls me to my feet. “How do you feel? Can you walk?” He asks. I nod moving slowly, it feels so good to move again. I am helped by the men to climb out of the foxhole. 
“Ok men back to the front, spread the good news.” The men grumble but head back to the front. Nixon stands close, putting his hand on the small of my back to ensure I am steady on my feet. 
“Let’s get you something to eat and drink. You’ll need a new top too. The buttons have been ripped off of the one you are wearing.” Winters says, I look down, finding my long sleeve shirt hanging open. I wrap the top around me. 
The next day we sit in the tent. I slowly sip tea that Winters made for me. A blanket hangs from my shoulders. Nixon sits across from me watching my every move like I will vanish if he takes his eye off me.
“Who did it Em?” Nixon questions leaning forward. I think back to the incident, the faces are blurred, the men themselves seem like they have been censored from my mind. I shake my head trying to get the picture to clear. 
“Nixon! Don’t ask her that! She will tell us when she’s ready.” Winters reprimands the intelligence officer. 
“I don’t remember. It’s all a blur. I remember finding something that scared me and then, I can’t, it’s blank.” I say disheartened. Nixon’s brows crease as he takes my hand resting on the table between us giving me a loving squeeze. 
“I’m sorry Em, I just. Ugh. I just want those men to be dealt with.” He’s angry, his jaw hard set as he looks behind me. Gunshots fire in the distance pulling my focus. 
“When can I go back?” I ask looking towards Winters. Both Winters and Nixon look at me like I have grown another head.
“Emily you just got better, you’re technically still recovering.” Winters makes his way over to me, laying his hand on my shoulder. 
“I can’t sit here and do nothing, I feel like I will go insane trying to replay whatever happened to me.” I plead my case to Winters. 
“But it was a big trauma Em.” His face softens, still trying to get me to rest. 
“I feel better, I swear I will take it easy. I will just help Gene.” I beg, giving my best puppy dog eyes to convince him. 
“Oh fine, fine!” He concedes throwing up his hands in surrender. 
“YES!” I stand shaking off the blanket, grabbing my gear. I scoot past Winters on my way past giving him a quick peek on the cheek. He chuckles and shakes his head as I make my way over to the front. 
I make my way to Gene, he looks weary and cold. “You good Gene?” I ask as I approach. 
“I should be asking you that aye Em?” He gives a small smile. “How well are you stocked?” He asks. 
“Not good, only a few bandages, no plasma and like one morphine. How about you?” I look through the stock in my bag. 
“About the same.” He says. “I was thinking we are going to have to scavenge a bit to get supplies, we are going to need it.” He is tired, he looks like he needs a good sleep.
“I will do whatever you need Gene, just tell me what you want me to do.” I say giving his arm a reassuring squeeze. 
I follow him as we try to find the other medic Doc Ryan so that we can trade items and stock take our supplies. 
“Spina.” Gene calls to the medic digging a hole in the frozen ground. 
“Doc.” Spina acknowledges the man. 
“What’s happening?” Gene asks. 
“We’re digging in, right along the line.” Spina says while shovelling. 
“So what did you get?” Spina asks Gene, throwing the shovel over his shoulder. 
“I got uh. I got this and I got myself a Kraut bandage.” Gene hands him things, as they both take a seat in the half dug foxhole. I make my way over sitting on the edge of the hole. 
“What? This is it?” Spina says when Gene doesn’t hand him anything else. 
“Yeah, that’s it.” Gene sounds defeated, god I didn’t know we were so low on everything. 
“What about you?” Spina turns his attention to me. 
“Same for me.” I say rummaging through my medic bag. I watch Gene pull his last Morphine syrette, I only have one on my person as well. 
“You know, First Battalion has pulled out of Foy. Heavy casualties.” Gene says to Spina. 
“They left?” I ask, having missed the update. 
“So, if they’re pulling back then what the hell are we doing sitting here?” Spina asks, Gene is focused on the morphine in his hand. 
“We need more morphine. This is all I got.” He put the morphine back into its box tucking it away in his bag.     
“You got extra scissors?” Gene asks the both of us. I shake my head. 
“Uh-uh just the one.” Spina says drinking from his canteen. 
“First Sergeant Lipton.” I hear being called out through the woods. A man appears at the foxhole. “What’s this? Three medics in one hole?” He asks, dramatically putting his hand on his hip, I choke back a laugh. Who is this guy?
“Yes Sir!” Spina replies. 
“And what’s going to happen to us if you take a hit? Huh?” The man stands with his hand tucked onto his hip trying to be assertive, but Spina seems to take the man for a joke.
Lip marches up behind the man, “Sir?” he asks. 
“First Sergeant, where is my foxhole?” The man demands. My mouth falls open at the rude way he speaks to Lip. 
Lip looks incredulously at the man, “this way Sir.” He motions his hand back in the direction the man appeared from. None of the other medics seem to be paying attention to this interaction, I watch intently. 
“Maybe you missed it, huh?” Lip says to the man. “I’ll walk you back Sir. You’re a bit close to the line here.” Lip seems to be annoyed at the man.     
“Goddammit.” The man mutters, marching away. 
“Who is that man?” I ask the boys sitting in front of me. 
“That’s First Lieutenant Dike, the men are calling him foxhole Norman though.” Spina says in a hushed voice. 
“Why?” I question. 
“He goes missing whenever there is action, says he is going for a walk but who knows where he goes.” Spina says. I let my mouth fall open. 
“And he’s the First Lieutenant?” I ask surprised, Spina nods. I raise my eyebrows making a judgemental face. 
“Alright here's the plan Em,” Gene says to me as we leave Spina, “you go down to Dog company, see what you can scrounge from the men and I will go to Fox.” Gene instructs pointing behind me. “Keep low Em, meet me back at Easy when you are done.” He turns and walks away from me. I follow his instructions, keeping back from the line as I make my way over to where Dog company is stationed, not far over from Easy. 
I make my way over to one of the foxholes back from the line, dropping inside next to another man.
“First Sergeant?” I ask the man huddling in the foxhole. 
“Yeah, who’s asking?” The Sergeant replied. 
“Lane, I’m one of the medics from Easy Sir.” I introduce myself to the man. 
“Aren’t you supposed to be dead?” He seemed surprised. 
“Excuse me?” I ask, shocked by his comment. 
“Ah, nothing. What do you want, Lane?” The man dismisses his previous question. 
“I came to see if you have any extra medical supplies?” I tell the man. 
“You might have to go ask the men for their own supplies, we are running low as well.” He sighs, focusing his eyes back onto the line. I go to climb out of the hole when his hand grabs my forearm. “We actually have a couple casualties, can you tend to them, I have no idea where our medic is.” His stare pins me to the ground, not giving any room to protest. I give a sharp nod. “That one over there has someone in it.” He points to a foxhole a couple of metres away. 
I leave the hole, keeping low, I drop into the foxhole that the Sergeant pointed out to me. A man lies in the bottom, I almost land on him as I enter. The other man keeps eyes on the line. I see blood soaking into the green of his jacket on his shoulder. 
“Hey!” I say tapping the man, he flinches at my touch. He turns over to look at me, “What happened?” I ask the man, who vacantly stares past me. I shake him again trying to get his attention but his stare remains distant. 
“Hey, what’s this guy's name? Do you know what happened?” I ask the other soldier crouched next to me. He slowly swivels to face me, as our eyes lock, terror washes over my features. I feel my heart stop as a cold sweat pricks at my skin. I go to stand trying to escape him but I don’t move fast enough. The man who pinned me down in the woods grabs my mouth preventing me from making any noise, slamming my head back into the side of the foxhole. My helmet only takes so much of the brunt, black spots dance over my vision.
“You’re supposed to be dead.” The man says in disbelief, coming into my face to whisper so that no one can hear what is going on. I struggle beneath his hold. “I should’ve killed you when I got the chance.” My body stills at the words, “but I don’t have a thing for fucking dead bodies.” A fire ignites in my chest, my blood coursing through my body filled with hate. I open my mouth biting down hard at the soft flesh between his thumb and index finger, I bite hard enough to draw blood. The man yelps in pain, snatching his hand back but he moves quickly striking his palm to my cheek. I tuck my knees to my chest using the wall behind me to send him flying back crashing into the other wall. I clamber out of the foxhole, but still he is quick. Grabbing my ankles he yanks me back into the hole, not before a scream rips from my throat echoing through the trees. I am soon back on the floor of the foxhole and the man clamps a hand around my mouth and his other around my throat. 
“Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!” he hisses in my face repeatedly, thumping my body into the ground as his hand squeezes my neck, cutting off my blood and oxygen supply. My head spins from the loss of air. I claw at his face with my nails drawing blood from his cheeks. 
“What the fuck is going on?” I hear from above us, the man quickly releases me from his grasp. I crawl away from him sucking in gulps of air into my burning lungs. I haul myself out of the hole lying in the snow. Other men have gathered around to see what the commotion was. I hear the sound of feet crunching in the snow, the men from Easy arrive, I watch their eyes survey the scene, Lieb and Malarkey leading with Bull, Toye and Bill not far behind. Malarkey’s eyes find me first widening at the sight of me sprawled out on the snow.
“Should I repeat myself, Private?” The man who found us first speaks, I recognise him. Speirs, the man who everyone is afraid of due to the rumours; there is one about him giving out smokes to a bunch of POWs before shooting them all. 
The soldier has climbed out of the hole sitting on his knees in front of Speirs. I roll over, slowly getting to my feet, swaying, I shake my head steadying myself. 
“She attacked me first.” He accuses. I snort, spitting the blood from my mouth onto the snow. “She bit me!” he holds out his hand for Speirs to see.
“And tell me how, Private, that your hand got so close to her mouth that she bit it.” Speirs tilts his head as he stares down the man with his deadly glare. There is movement from behind Speirs. I flick my gaze over watching Bull hold back a raging Lieb, the other men watch with looks that could kill. 
“Yeah, tell them Private.” I taunt the man, “tell them how you couldn’t get it up.” I wipe the blood running down my cheek, giving the man a sadistic grin. 
“Tell them how you brought two other men to hold me down while you tried to rape me. What? Were you worried that you weren’t strong enough to do it by yourself?” My brows quirks as I ask the question, arms folded in front of me. I walk up to the man getting close to his face. “Should I tell everyone that you’re a coward with a tiny cock?” The man seethes, he growls in anger flinging himself forward taking me down to the ground. I laugh in his face. “God you’re so easy to wind up.” He is quickly dragged up from on top of me. I am helped to my feet by Malarkey, the rest of the men looking like they are chomping at the bit to fight. 
“Take that man to the Captain, tell them what he did. Find the other men who attacked Lane the other day and bring them in too.” Speirs commands two soldiers to drag the man away.
“Go back to your spots men, the show is over.” Speirs announces, as the men watching slowly dissipate back into the burrows. The Easy company men are by my side in seconds. Malarkey stands close, he cups my face, his eyes frantically scanning my head looking for any injuries. 
“I’m fine Malark.” I try to say but he has squished my face so it makes it harder to talk. 
“Fucking Dog company.” Lieb seethes next to me. Bull watches me concerned. Toye and Bill are on guard, glaring down any man that walks too close to the group.      
“Easy company come with me.” Commands Speirs. He marches back towards where we are camped. We follow him back, Malarkey and Lieb glued to me. Lieb looks ready for a fight. I watch his hands clench and unclench. His jaw tight, his eyes dart around. Malarkey is the same, I have never seen him angry before, I have always known him as kind and sweet but this man escorting me back to the camp is vengeful, his face is hard and stoic but his eyes are a blazing fire. 
“At least we found him.” I try to make light of the situation but the men don’t reply seemingly in their own world, I’m sure they are planning various ways to make the soldier pay for his crimes. The men in front of us are no different, their silence is deafening. We arrive, Winters and Nixon look pissed. They dismiss the other men only leaving me with the Captains and Speirs. 
We sit in the tent around the table, I look at the floor fiddling with the button on my jacket. I feel like I have been brought into the principal's office to be scolded.
“What happened?” Winters asks Speirs who sits next to me. 
“Well Sir I’m sure we all heard the scream that alerted us to the situation in the first place.” Starts Speirs leaning his arms on the table. 
“It took me a while to find where the noise actually came from, since she was, I am assuming, dragged back into the foxhole by the soldier.” He looks to me for confirmation, to which I nod. 
“When I finally found where the sound came from I looked into the hole to find the man strangling Lane here, he was also covering her mouth and whispering to her, but I didn’t hear what was said.” Speirs says. I feel their eyes land on me. 
“He was telling me to shut up.” I say looking up to meet Winters eyes, regretting my decision, the look on his face breaking my heart. I avert my gaze back to the ground. 
“Did he say anything else?” Nixon asks.  
“He said that he should’ve killed me when he had the chance, but that he…” I pause, clearing my throat. I take a breath, I don’t want to have to tell Nixon and Winters what the asshole said to me. It was bad enough to hear from him but I keep going. “He said that he didn’t have a thing for fucking dead bodies.” I bite my lip looking up at the men, disgust evident on their faces. 
“Thank you Lane, we will have this sorted.” Winters says dismissing me. He can’t even look at me, none of them can. I bite my inner lip. Standing I leave the tent letting them figure out what they want to do with the man. 
Chapter 7
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ryuichirou · 6 months
A couple of replies with fandom stuff, then a couple of twst replies.
irregardlessly-tish asked:
A friend message me "YOU FOLLOW THE LEVI X GRISHA PERSON" and I had no clue what they were talking about but then they showed me the two pictures you drew of Levi and Grisha lol. It made me laugh a lot. Then I helped them found the uncensor version of one of the drawings in your pixiv since the link to twitter seem to be broken (I'm a great friend I know/j). I guess you could say they are big fans of your rarepair work!
LEVI X GRISHA PERSON AAAHH 😭 It’s always so funny to learn how people are referring to us; I was the Zevi artist, the Shroudcest artist… For some reason, being a Guriri (wow Grisha’s and Levi’s shipname is cute, I completely forgot about it) artist feels like such a high honour lol Especially because I had no idea there was someone out there invested in this ship. Your friend’s taste is excellent. A huge thank you to them for enjoying our stuff, and a huge thank you to you for helping to find the uncensored version. You really are a great friend hehe.
It’s honestly a shame that even the pixiv version is still censored (albeit not cropped like the tumblr version), because you can’t really post uncensored stuff there… So now only a few people who had saved our snk smut back when it was posted on our now-deleted twitter have it :(
(it’s a bit embarrassing looking back at those sketches and seeing all the mistakes though, yikes)
Anonymous asked:
I want to shake antis by the shoulders and scream at them all the time cause I see them being sooo unhealthy with themselves, and I've BEEN there I know what they are doing and I know it is just going to get them hurt with the same train wreck I got myself in!!
It's the whole problem with black and white thinking where you go "people treat incest shippers like satan himself, so I cannot accidentally enjoy it or I would be evil incarnate too, and adopted/step is the same thing, so I cannot accidentally like that, and found family is basically the same as adopted, so I have to avoid that, and character A called character B his bro one time, so..." that thinking pattern does not have a stopping point!!!!!! It is so unhealthy!!!!!!!!
And then people realize they can't stop themselves from enjoying unhealthy ships, and instead of separating fiction from reality, they just excuse everything abusive about the ship like it is fine and normal behavior because they cannot accept themselves enjoying something that is remotely problematic. It is so much more likely to get people hurt than just enjoying the porn of some fake brothers fucking 😭
Anon! First of all, sorry for replying late; we received your ask about a week ago but I didn’t have enough time to properly address it. Second of all, thank you for talking about it and sharing your experience.
It’s just like you said; people really don’t want to get ridiculed or hated, especially younger people, therefore, they are afraid of liking stuff that is even slightly problematic. And for some of them, if they don’t want their so-called friends to suspect them loving problematic stuff, they’ll act even more aggressive than they should to overcompensate. I feel like when it comes to antis who talk about us specifically, the most vocal and persistent ones are those whose friends called them out for following my accounts or liking my drawings. And this is honestly both sad and pathetic at the same time; I cannot imagine how bad of a headspace this might be. I don’t pity them though lol
We always talk about it, but still: this is a game you can’t win because the rules are always changing. The only thing that never changes is that there is no nuance, once the crowd decide that the ship is bad, it’s bad. Starting out with the basics, age gaps and incest are bad, right? Right. But what if the characters aren’t canonically related but could be interpreted as brothers? Then it’s still bad, right? But what if they aren’t at all brotherly, but one of them expressed that they want to do bad things to the other? Sounds bad, right? And thus, the only type of dynamic that exists is a romanticised version of a perfect gay couple: they are equal in every way, they love each other, they are SUCH DORKS together who fit perfectly to any “redraw this as your ship” meme that’s the hottest thing these days, they don’t have arguments, they don’t have misunderstanding and rough moments. Their personalities, everything that made their relationship unique or interesting completely disappears and smoothes out, and after that it’s not even a ship, it’s just a nice blend that is perfect for consumption because it doesn’t irritate your teeth, your throat, or your stomach. It’s tasteless, it’s boring, it’s nothing, and it’s not about the characters, it’s about deciding which two characters are unproblematic enough to be transformed into blorbos, and if they have some problematic elements in-canon, it’s okay, we’ll just erase those because being unproblematic doesn’t really matter. What matters is to act in a way that doesn’t go against what the rest of them are doing, because otherwise you’re making people uncomfortable, and if they are uncomfortable with you, they feel morally correct for attacking you.
It’s never about characters. It’s always about control, about cliques, about bullying and making everyone afraid to have an actual opinion. It’s about instilling in people’s mind that attacking strangers on the internet makes you a cool person because you are simultaneously a rebel for being so ballsy and brave, and a saint for having moral standards so high that you can’t stomach bad things even if they are fictional.
Sometimes people just have different ships and that’s okay. Sometimes people don’t have any ships and don’t understand the shipping culture, and that’s okay. What’s not okay is to feel entitled to this control over the way others consume media and interact with it.
Because it makes the fandom experience boring at best and unbearable at worst.
Sorry, I digress lol What I wanted to say is that you are right, it messes with people’s brains. And it is much more unhealthy than fantasising about the things that are 100% fictional (which is, by the way, a huge part of their appeal).
Anonymous asked:
just wanted to say I love your content a lot, it's a breath of fresh air from all the anti content present in the fandom
You are very welcome, Anon! And thank you so much for your support <3 It means a lot to hear that our stuff is refreshing to you.
Anonymous asked:
Is Lilia sneezing on people on purpose, or is it a sneeze button for him?
(this is related to this post)
We’ll never know, Anon, it’s one of Lilia’s many mysteries…
Maybe it started out as a joke, but then he really began to sneeze on people every time his nose gets booped lol
Anonymous asked:
Where can I see the art for the new Shaftlands event?
I don’t think all of them are fully out yet, but people are pretty active on twitter, so simply looking up characters’ names is probably going to work!
Anonymous asked:
…Quick, someone bully Idia into sending nudes.
And be quick about it because Idia could also quickly change his mind and hack the recipient’s phone to delete the pictures!!
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browzerhistory · 4 months
steven universe … want to know what u like about it tbh
ohhgg my god ok prepare. it's going to be a lot.
ok so everyone and their dog who's on tumblr knows of steven universe because of the infamy of the Discourse. however today i will present to you the aspects of su that i think shine the brightest and maybe convince you to give it a shot if you haven't already.
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so one of the best parts of it that doesn't get talked about much (that i've seen at least) is that it's just a beautiful show. the backgrounds especially really shine in this aspect, though one might not focus as much on them while watching the show, and they add a lot of life and breath to the world. it's easy to tell how much love crewniverse put into making it, especially in the later seasons when the show grows into its style.
despite it getting cancelled and having to crunch for time in the last seasons because of it, the show also has really good queer representation. like, record-setting. it's hard to overstate, especially when it cleared the way for shows like the owl house to have even more open rep. steven universe boasts the first on-screen gay proposal and wedding for a cartoon of its scale, and rebecca sugar and the crewniverse fought hard to get it through. even before that, scenes like ruby and sapphire's reuniting in the first season were heavily censored. the show really set the stage for later cartoons to have canon, on-screen queer characters and relationships.
it also (imo at least) has a really interesting world that i really wish could have been explored more. the way gems are created, living walls on homeworld, and whatever peridot meant when she got scared of being "harvested" - they're all awesome mysteries that add more depth not just to the plot but to gem society outside of it. personally, i really enjoyed the way social relationships were explored in a world where people just burst out of the ground as fully functional soldiers/battle strategists/blacksmiths/etc.
and one more before i have to stop, but i really appreciated the ways unhealthy relationships were portrayed in the show. lapis and jasper come to mind immediately, of course, but there's also peridot and lapis later, early garnet and pearl, and even the diamonds themselves. they're all, for lack of a better word, people. they fight and they lie and they make mistakes, and they learn and grow from it too. it's refreshingly realistic.
idk if that was at all convincing or even coherent. i just really like the show :3
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olderthannetfic · 5 months
So probably not so small rant.
Can people fucking stop celebrating censorship when it's for something they don't like? Stellar blade, I'm never gonna play it, it's not my style of game. You know what I still think fucking sucks? The censorship. Why? Because censorship is fucking shitty. I don't care if the girl has jiggle physics, I wouldn't care if her tits fall out when she runs. I don't fucking care, but I still don't want it censored. Censorship by a big company is shit, and I'm against in on principle.
But what to all the oh so righteous do? First of all: Virginity shame. Great, fucking fantastic, must be great to call everyone a "virgin incel" who is against the censorship. Sexism: Everyone who's against censorship is a man. Lovely. Bodyshaming: Come on, Idc how many skinny characters there are, if you feel threatened by some random JRPG looking skinny girly and then start complaining about it not being "realistic" you got some other problems.
And of course it's always the same crowd who're right at the front with that shit. Especially those that "do as I say, not as I do." because they themselves look at porn, or other shit. You do you, but then shut up about how everyone else is a porn watching incel virgin pedo.
And before someone mentions it, I'm just as disgusted and fucking annoyed when people do it to games that "pander" to the other side. We shouldn't censor games feature queer couples, or interracial characters and relationships either. Because that shit sucks the fuck as well. Anyone who does that is an idiot, and needs to stick to their corner.
The reason I point out Stellar blade in particular is because I'm left leaning, and the most vocal pro-censorship idiots are also on the left, probably more extreme -and hypocritical- who otherwise constantly tout love and acceptance, and tolerance, but that goes out the window the moment you can body and sexshame strangers for stupid jiggle physics games. Why the fuck are you on "my side" you hypocritical assholes?
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tinyowlthoughts · 1 month
What the fuck Utah
I have a nephew who lives in Utah (not Mormon, nor conservative). He goes to a charter school. They aren't allowed anything that may be 'disruptive', and the conservative Christian staff use that to their advantage. My nephew wanted one - ONE - rainbow stick to put on his water bottle when I came out as gay. I gave him several, and he said he would have to put it on the bottom of the water bottle so none of the teachers saw the rainbow dinosaur (that was in no way exclusively LGBTQIA+ themed) and took it away.
So am I surprised by this development? No.
Am I mad?
I am God. Damned.
This bullshit has got to stop. There is NO REASON to censor books a school, beyond reading level. By which I mean, don't have Lord of the Flies in an elementary school library. (The reading/comprehension level is likely too high for a majority of students to fully grasp.)
Books should cover a wide variety of topics for all student interests.
Books should encourage learning and exploring and challenge preconceived notions and ideas.
Books should be available to be used to illustrate complex topics that kids might have a hard time understanding, like death or illness or other upsetting topics.
Books should take kids away to worlds they can only imagine, and encourage them to question everything, from how ants carry so much weight to whether God exists.
Banning books in this manner is not only political over-reach that encourages censorship and is (likely, hopefully) unconstitutional, it is LAZY PARENTING.
You don't want your kid to read 'Diary of a Wimpy Kid' because the character is rude? Fine. But you can't force another parent not to let their kid read it.
You don't think teens should have access to books about revolution, magic, exploring budding romance/sexuality, and standing against authority figures? Fine. But you can't force another parent to keep it out of their kids hands.
You think it's your way or the highway?
Try again bitch.
Sarah Maas is one of the most popular YA authors in the world.
Judy Blume is a national treasure who has given so many young people the words to express themselves through puberty and beyond.
Margaret Atwood's Oryx and Crake takes a crack at a pig-infested future and warns readers against blindly trusting big tech.
What Girls Are Made Of by Elana Arnold is a poignant look at what love means when you're only 16.
Ellen Hopkins approaches addiction and drug use from her own personal experiences with her daughter, offering readers a look into and a warning against drug use.
Rupi Kaur is a poet who's words are twists of silk that illustrate thriving against violence and abuse.
Craig Thompson's Blankets is a beautiful graphic novel that illustrates the way love and religion can clash, and how as one grows, they have to come to their own conclusions about both.
None of these books are dangerous.
None of these books are pornographic or obscene.
None of these books deserve to taken from the hands of readers.
And the only thing you've done, Utah, is piss off a world full of readers and prove that not only do your leaders no understand the dangers of censorship on this scale, but
you haven't even read the books.
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isfjmel-phleg · 2 years
I posted 2,140 times in 2022
That's 560 more posts than 2021!
910 posts created (43%)
1,230 posts reblogged (57%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,133 of my posts in 2022
#random personal stuff - 585 posts
#the blackberry bushes - 169 posts
#asks - 166 posts
#scarvenartist - 117 posts
#fictionadventurer - 115 posts
#brown-little-robin - 109 posts
#thank you! - 90 posts
#lady-merian - 79 posts
#elystan liddick - 76 posts
#an illusion of wings - 76 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#relatively down-to-earth commoner child paired with and often annoyed by a royal child with a weird upbringing and overwhelming personality
My Top Posts in 2022:
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So we're doing Bingo again?
63 notes - Posted November 26, 2022
Not much of a one for gushing in general, but this is me politely banging pots and pans outside your door and informing you that you need to 
It’s so good, it’s in public domain in the US, I promise you will enjoy it, what’s stopping you?
121 notes - Posted April 19, 2022
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(Young Justice 1998 #7 and #55)
Attitudes toward mortality at the beginning and end of the series.
154 notes - Posted November 14, 2022
I finally put my finger on why a lot of adaptations and retellings of The Secret Garden feel thematically off to me.
So many of these interpret it as a story about healing from grief and loss. Which is very true of Mr. Craven’s subplot, but not for Mary and Colin.
It’s about healing from emotional neglect.
This is mirrored in the neglected garden and how the children’s restoring it--giving it the love and care and attention that they themselves have lacked--heals them in turn. Forming emotional connections is the first step in Mary’s recovery, and the Sowerbys are crucial to the plot because they’re the first people Mary has known who take an interest in her emotional well-being. Colin meanwhile has his turning point when Mary confronts the root of the emotions he’s never been able to address to anyone. These are very different issues from those surrounding loss of a loved one. In fact, these children are the way they are because they’ve never had loved ones.
So to rewrite the story as centrally a tale of overcoming grief recontextualizes everything about the protagonists, and the characterization either makes less sense or needs to be altered accordingly.
Nothing wrong with stories about overcoming grief, of course. That’s just not the story Burnett was telling, and I’m not sure where the shift in interpretation comes from, or why it’s so prevalent.
213 notes - Posted July 16, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
We’ve finally arrived at an infamous line from Dracula, and I’d like to share some thoughts before anyone (like many, many critics before them) reads too much into Lucy’s comment about her three suitors.
From what we’ve seen (and will continue to see...I’m going to refer to some things that haven’t happened yet), Lucy’s intelligence is primarily interpersonal. She reads others’ mental states well, she’s strongly empathetic, feels things more acutely than others, and speaks out against what she sees as insensitivity. She has an interesting blend of demonstrativeness and reticence. Although she expresses her emotions readily when writing to her friend and when turning down Seward’s and Morris’s proposals, the way she declares to Mina, “There, that does me good,” after confessing her love for Arthur and thanks Mina for allowing her to be “able to tell you and to have your sympathy” suggests relief at being able to express something held back. She admittedly tries to be “a tough nut to crack” in front of Seward and is reluctant to give even Mina the full details of Arthur’s proposal. As much relief as she finds in emotional openness, she also seems to need to self-censor.
The reason lies in the keynote of her character: her need to please other people. One literary critic I’ve encountered has criticized her for apparently having no life beyond her mother and suitors. Lucy’s suitors do indeed take up a lot of her letters’ content, but before these letters comes a request from Mina: “Tell me all of the news when you write. You have not told me anything for a long time. I hear rumours, and especially of a tall, handsome, curly-haired man???” Lucy obligingly gives her friend the information she knows her to be most interested in hearing. As she tells Mina, “I have nothing to tell you. There is really nothing to interest you” (emphasis added). What we know of Lucy so far is only what she believes is relevant to Mina’s interests.
While she does love Arthur greatly, it's telling that the first thing she tells Mina about him is “he and mamma get on very well together; they have so many things to talk about in common.” Presumably he and Lucy relate to each other too, but her primary concern is her mother’s approval of her love interest. Once engaged to Arthur, she is careful to tailor herself to his preferences.  Likewise, she filters her emotions through the need to please; she admits she’s “very, very happy” at her engagement but considers herself undeserving and vows to “try in the future to show that I am not ungrateful.” Even while struggling with some incredibly traumatizing things herself, she shows concern for Mina’s anxieties about Jonathan and tries to console her. Later, we’ll see that her letters to Mina and her personal diary present very different pictures of her state; she glosses over her own pain to keep her friend from worrying. She similarly tries to “cheer up” to keep Arthur from being “miserable to see me so” and downplays her problems for the sake of her ailing mother. Even her private diary’s last entry ends not with a comment for her own benefit but an address to others: “Thank everybody for being so good to me! Thank God! Good-night, Arthur” It is as if she struggles to conceive of an identity for herself beyond her relation to others.
Given Lucy’s family situation, it makes sense that she would grow up with this mindset. As the only daughter of a widow, she is her mother’s only immediate family, and pressure seems to be placed on her in this relationship. Her mother expects her to marry, and Lucy does so, with attention to which suitor her mother gets along with. Her mother’s will even leaves “the whole estate, real and personal” to Arthur, requiring that Lucy marry him if she is to have any inheritance. Lucy seems reluctant to be open with her mother, judging from her relief at being able to confide in Mina, and her insistence on concealing her increasing struggles from her mother. Although the delicate state of Mrs. Westenra’s health is ostensibly kept from Lucy, she is implied to be aware that her mother is not well and feels responsible for her health and well-being.
This quality places Lucy’s conduct toward her suitors in a new light. Her remark “Why can’t they let a girl marry three men, or as many as want her, and save all this trouble?” is commonly interpreted by critics as voracious desire for as many men as possible. Lucy’s rhetorical question is indeed unorthodox, as she acknowledges, and viewed in isolation, it does appear to support a reading of an over-sexualized Lucy. However, placed back into context, it becomes more consistent with her desire to please than any unusual lust. 
Lucy begins her account to Mina of the proposals with mixed feelings: “Just fancy! THREE proposals in one day! Isn’t it awful! I feel sorry, really and truly sorry for two of the poor fellows. Oh, Mina, I am so happy that I don’t know what to do with myself. And three proposals!” She is clearly flattered by the validation of attracting three men, but her happiness, as indicated later in the letter, refers to her engagement to Arthur more than to exultation at multiple conquests.
Her intermixed sorrow is not on her own account but on the behalf of the men she must reject. She shows no self-pity. Her empathetic nature takes on the emotions of her suitors in addition to her own; as she tells Mina, “it isn’t a happy thing when you have to see a poor fellow, whom you know loves you honestly, going away and looking all broken-hearted, and to know that, no matter what he may say at the moment, you are passing quite out of his life.” So she feels “so miserable, though […] so happy.” After Quincey Morris’s proposal, she is overwhelmed with guilt for “almost making fun of this great-hearted, true gentleman” as she turns him down. This deep regret at having to disappoint another good, worthy person leads her to bring up marrying multiple men as a means to “save all this trouble” of the rejected ones’ pain and her own sorrow at not being about to please everyone.
Therefore, the emphasis in Lucy’s infamous line is not lust but her own sensitivity to others’ emotional pain. Once she is engaged to Arthur, she shows no sign of wanting the other two back or seeking them out in any way. This is not the behavior of a woman driven by desire for multiple partners. Choosing Arthur pleases her mother and herself, but for someone as committed to taking responsibility for everyone’s happiness as Lucy, a solution that does not satisfy all parties can be difficult to take.
For more on this reading of Lucy, I highly recommend Leah Davydov’s article “Why Can’t They Let a Girl Marry One Man?: The Origins of Lucy Westenra’s Suitors” (Journal of Dracula Studies, vol. 18, 2016, pp. 5-29).
777 notes - Posted May 24, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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teaveetamer · 2 years
genuinely, do you think maybe you should step back and take some time and think on what this whole situation has become, what should’ve just been standing up to harassment and telling people to block and move on has become a vitriolic and toxic space. since this whole thing started ive seen people use the antisemitic lizard rhetoric to make jokes, ive seen people imply edelgard and the empire is comparable to nazism, make ignorant comments on japan, and people compare real world events and problems to this game, all within the community you interact with or interacts with you. maybe you should reassess what you and people around you have been saying and if you want to continue this whole thing or maybe let it end.
you should step back and take some time and think on what this whole situation has become
Friend, I didn't make the situation anything. I called out harassment, and now I'm back to doing what I have always done: talking about Fire Emblem and other media. Frankly, this situation wouldn't exist at all if certain individuals in this fandom didn't feel empowered to come and bully and harass. Most of us have done basically everything in our power to avoid having people see our content, even going so far as to come up with custom tags and censor character names, and still we've literally had these people come here, take screenshots of our blogs, and repost them to their blogs or spread them around on other social media platforms for months to point and laugh and mock and encourage harassment. Many of my mutuals have been getting harassing messages in their inboxes for months. Harassers have been stalking our blogs looking for things to get angry about and bring back to their friends. And we've been very kindly ignoring it and hoping it goes away. But it's very clear that it hasn't stopped and that it's getting worse. And it's not even just the "bad" takes they're going after. They're going after people expressing the most milquetoast stuff, like saying having character flaws makes a character more interesting.
So what do you want me to do, exactly? Because I've honestly tried. I didn't tag any of my posts for years (I do now, specifically so if people don't want to see the discourse they can blacklist it). I block and mute or simply don't engage with people who are getting on my nerves, except in some very specific exception cases like calling out the harassment that has already, again, been going on for months. So what's the next logical step? Stop talking about a game series I love? Stop having opinions that other people don't agree with, no matter how mild? Do you really think that's a reasonable solution?
ive seen people use the antisemitic lizard rhetoric to make jokes, ive seen people imply edelgard and the empire is comparable to nazism, make ignorant comments on japan, and people compare real world events and problems to this game, all within the community you interact with or interacts with you.
Not sure who you're referencing here specifically, since I haven't seen anyone I follow say this kind of stuff as of this moment in time. Don't you think it might be a bit more effective to take your grievances directly to them instead of hiding behind anon on a blog two steps removed from anything being said? Firstly, because I honestly believe that people deserve the opportunity to look at their own behavior and decide for themselves if they need or want to apologize or make corrections. Secondly, because what, exactly, do you want me to do about what other people are saying? If there's a specific post of mine that seemed to trigger this kind of discussion then you haven't pointed it out. If there's something I've said specifically that you find objectionable then you didn't share it. You haven't even given me the names of the people saying these things so I can investigate for myself whether or not anything I've said might have influenced them, or ask for clarification, or talk to them about the things they've said (or even know if what they've said is as bad as you're implying). There's nothing actually actionable here.
Anyway anon, I'm sorry you're upset about the fandom situation. I understand how it feels to log in and see horrible things being said. I mean, I also don't browse the general FE tag or even some character tags because there are also people going around saying stuff like "Abyss is a concentration camp", "Dimitri is delusional and needs to be put down", people making fun of "those nasty fujos", calling Dimitri "manpain Biden", comparing Dimitri to right wing zealots or "blue lives matter" or homophobes or whatever other BS. Just do your best to curate your experience. Blacklist, block, and use tags properly.
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Hi dost!!!!!!!!
First, LOVE the pink it brings me joy.
Second, I would like to ask you about your favorite metanarratives!!!
hiiiiiiii omg!!!!
my tumblr experience just looks like this <3 i really like pink and i love searing my eyes
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did u know you are the first person who's ever taken me up on the 'ask me about my favorite metanarratives' header? :0 thank u for that!
my favorite metanarratives that i'm talking about there are the play rosencrantz and guildenstern are dead and the webnovels omniscient reader's viewpoint and the scum villain's self saving system! basically, ragad is about two self-aware hamlet side characters, svsss is about a guy who enters the world of a story, and orv is about a story that enters the world of a guy! but the reason my header is that is that i just generally like 1) stories that are straight up just about someone ending up in the world of a story/a story world being real for whatever reason 2) stories that look at themselves and their genre and analyze it in depth, and 3) stories that use #1 to do #2, as well as analyzing something deeper about the human condition!
for example, rosencrantz and guildenstern is about fate and mortality; my transmigration (person ending up in the story world stories) favorites are often about how one person's actions can make an impact, as well as taking apart all the vices of the genre they're in!
orv is BRILLIANT at sending a message via its meta format btw, because the protagonist has this tool called the fourth wall which basically stops his emotions from being affected as much by things- because he views what he's in as a story, is what the text tells you from his pov, but it's kind of just disassociation which was ALREADY a thing he did because he had mad trauma! and also, there are themes about understanding each other and how well you really know each other, and the protag kim dokja thinks he understands the protag of the NOVEL and he doesn't, and just like. it's good!!
but in terms of taking apart genre vices, scum villain's amazing at that, and balancing comedy and this inherent tragedy of the situation they're in; i have another thing i like, mistakenly saving the villain, which takes and saves a cannon-fodder type danmei (Chinese boy's love) character who would often have been ignored/genuinely looked down on by the story, and saying 'hey, screw this, nothing of what happened to him was his fault and also maybe he's right and bloody revenge IS okay' and exploring the ramifications of that while deconstructing these ideas of like. young virgin mcs and stockholm-syndromed mcs and censored stories!
and you can tell a light-hearted story while still going a bit meta! my favorite book series as a kid was story thieves, which did the AMAZING thing i'm still thinking about of having each book be a different genre with one of them being a choose-your-own-adventure novel with a self aware protagonist. that stuff awakened something in me for real! and stories that don't have that literal story-within-a-story aspect can still do all this stuff, like gekkan shoujo nozaki kun is a manga about shoujo manga that gets a bit meta occasionally with characters in the story having more stereotypical equivalents in the main character's manga, and mostly uses that to uhh (checks notes) be incredibly gender! it's good!
tbh i think these are just the people i follow/am mutuals with but i see a lot of posts about things being metanarratives or characters being 'doomed by the narrative' or whatever by people who aren't talking about this stuff that is GENUINELY so meta and that bothers me, like those elements are there but come on!! u would like all of this stuff i'm talking about if only you knew about it . ... (let me introduce u to character doomed by the narrative: yue wuhuan who quite literally keeps getting LIGHTNING thrown at him from the sky because plot reasons GOD HATES HIM AND HE SHOULD BE DEAD) (also, we're all usually actually talking about metafiction but shh. ignore that there could be a more precise term.)
sooo uh yeah!!! thanks for asking haha i hope this ramble is the start of a beautiful friendship
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