#love island fic
finelinevogue · 1 year
bestie is there an update on LI harry?
ummmm hi?! here's a little something:
1 Year Later
You hear Harry yell from inside your semi-detached house. You smile to yourself as you are reminded that you have the most perfect, quiet, life now with the guy you love.
It's been a whole year since the beginning of Love Island and you can't be happier that you made it out of there together - only after winning too.
The sponsorships that you both got, after coming out of the villa, have set you both up for life. Even after giving away a quarter of your money to family and another quarter to respective charities, you managed to buy a house in the country on the outskirts of London and Harry recently saved up to buy you your engagement ring.
"In the garden, lovie!" You call back.
His presence is felt before he actually speaks around you.
You are trying to catch a tan in the back garden, laying on a sun-bed. Today was supposed to get up to 25 degrees and the UV would be at 5, so it was a good opportunity to tan.
You squint one eye open to see him hover over you with an ice-cold beer in one hand and a bottle of water in the other.
"Have you got enough suncream on?" He asks, handing you the bottle of water and sitting down on the sun-bed next to you.
"Think so." You nod.
"Think so, is not good enough. Turn over." Harry instructs you, ever the bossy and concerned fiancé.
He takes a swig of his beer and puts it back down on the floor.
You hear the bottle of suncream open and you turn over and lay on your front.
"Fuck!" You squeal as the cold of the suncream meets your hot back. "Could've warned me."
Harry just chuckles and continues rubbing the suncream into your back. It was like getting a free massage. He really lathers the suncream on, so your black glistens with the stickiness of the cream, but only because he cares about you.
Next his hands land on your bum - his favourite part of your body.
He can't even lie when someone asks him what his favourite part of your body is and say your eyes. It is always going to be your ass. He claims it's too peachy for your own good.
"You having fun back there, H?" You tease, noting how long he is spending on applying suncream to your ass.
"Time of my life."
"You're going to rub all the suncream off if you keep massaging it."
"Well, then I'll just have to reapply." He hits your bum lightly to signal that he has finished. For now.
Your head it resting on one side and you watch Harry sit a bit further up on the chair so he is in line with your face. You have a hard time focusing on anything when his chest is right in your line of vision.
"What did you need me for?" You ask.
"Was gonna ask whether you wanted me to put the BBQ on and we can have burgers off the grill for dinner?" He takes another sip of his beer and it shouldn't be as hot as he makes it look.
"Sounds nice."
"Bacon too?"
"And cheese, onions and burger sauce."
"And a salad, because God knows you need to eat more greens." Harry always teases you about your lack of eating vegetables, just because you don't enjoy eating broccoli.
"Oh piss off." You laugh.
"Y'know, if I do this BBQ I'm going to need help." He leans over a bit, so he blocks the sun from your face and he's only a few centimetres in front of you. He smells like a mixture of beer, suncream and aftershave.
"And how am I going to help? I burnt our pasta last week."
"By giving me a kiss." He smirks.
"Oh really?" You tease, leaning your head up a little to close the distance between you.
"Yeah. It's been proven the best help for me."
"Hmm. Sounds a little too convenient for you."
"I don't really care."
Harry doesn't let you bicker back, because he's cupped the back of your neck and pulled you towards his lips. The kiss is messy and ungraceful, considering the positions your both sat in, but you make it work. Your lips work over Harry's deliciously and he doesn't break away until he's satisfied. Your lips both tinge a little afterwards and not because of the sun.
"Will never get over the way you make me feel." Harry says.
"Thanks for finding me." You kiss him again, but just a little one this time.
"And thanks for loving me."
You smile at him as you watch the love transfer between him and yourself. The feelings will always be magical between you both.
"Now go make me my burger." You flop back down on the sun-bed.
Harry slaps you on your ass for the attitude, but you were expecting it so it only makes you laugh.
"Bossiest fiancé in the world." He mumbles as he leaves, making you fall in love with him a little more.
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galexystern · 11 months
island of love - part two
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a steve harrington/reader love island au.
word count; 18k
read on ao3 / series masterlist / part one / my masterlist
As soon as Naomi has left, Chrissy and Nancy run into the villa. You have to hold Eddie back from running after them, and it seems like Steve is holding Robin back as well. For what purpose, you don't know. "Let me go," Eddie says angrily.
"No," you reply calmly. He turns to you to yell but stops when he sees your grave expression. "I know you care about her. But let me do it."
Eddie nods and you stand after squeezing his hand. Emma is walking over to you and you point to the villa. She nods and meets you in the trellis. "Can you see if Nancy is okay? I'm gonna find Chrissy." She nods again and disappears into the house. You eventually find her in the bathroom, crying in the empty tub.
"Oh, babe," you say empathetically. "I'm so sorry."
"I really liked him," she sobs.
"I know."
"I thought he liked me."
"We all did."
"I thought he was a good guy."
"So did we. Looks like we were wrong."
She looks up at you with red eyes. "What's wrong with me?"
You sigh, take off your shoes, and climb into the tub with her, pulling her close. She settles her head under your chin and you stroke her hair. "Nothing's wrong with you, babe. He's what's wrong. He's an asshole who couldn't see what a great girl he had and chose to throw it all away. He's a moron." She hiccups a giggle. "You're way better than him. He's not worth it."
"I'm still sad," she sniffles.
"You're right, those were the wrong words," you concede. "Everything you feel is valid. But the fact that your feelings don't matter to him is what makes him trash. Your true friends care when you're sad, or happy, or angry, or anything. Because they love you and you matter to them. And me and Emma and Nancy and Eddie and Steve and Carson all wanna be your true friends."
She nods. "You are my true friends."
"Good," you reply firmly, making her laugh a little. "You're our true friend."
"I can't believe I worried what Ryan would think while in Casa."
"That's because you're a great person who truly cares. That only reflects well on you."
"Really. And you can be sad for however long you want, but don't let him make you think you're a bad person. That's just simply untrue." She hugs you and you hug her back hard. "Now, do you wanna go back outside or do you wanna go to bed?"
She thinks for a second. "Outside."
"Okay, then let's get you out of this tub, touch up your makeup, and walk out with your head held high. Sound good?" She nods. You extract yourself from her and climb out, helping her stand as well. She fixes her hair and makeup in the mirror and then turns to you with a thumbs-up. You return it and hold her hand as you walk through the villa and back outside.
Emma and Nancy are nowhere to be seen, so they're probably still inside. You think about checking up on them after depositing Chrissy in the kitchen to make tea with Carson, but Eddie is waving you over to the daybed. You go to him.
"How is she?" He asks.
"She's been better," you reply as you settle onto the bed with him. "But she knows she's worth more than that scumbag."
"Did you know?" You cock your head. "That he would turn out to be a bad guy?"
You snort. "I'm not clairvoyant. But I had my suspicions from the beginning."
"Seems like he fooled everyone else."
"Ugh," you say in frustration. "I hate guys like him. Liars who won't accept the consequences of their actions. It makes me so angry."
"Me too." Eddie rubs your shoulder in sympathy.
To get your mind off of Ryan, you look around the backyard. Chrissy and Carson are having a lively conversation, and she's laughing, so that's a good sign. Ryan and Sam are holed up together on the sundeck, clearly knowing they're both persona non grata. Blake and Maggie are cuddling on one beach chair, which has to be uncomfortable, but they look like they're in bliss. And Steve and Robin are huddled close on the beanbags, talking quietly and intently. You feel a pang.
Eddie follows your line of sight. "How are you feeling?"
Sighing, you wave a hand. "I don't know. So much has happened. It's hard to even think about myself."
"But?" He leads.
"But...I'm sad. I guess this is Island of Friends for me."
"I don't know," he muses. "I think you should go after what you want. You might regret it if you don't try."
"Maybe," you respond distractedly. Steve has gotten up and is walking...towards you. You quickly look at Eddie in panic but he just smiles kindly. So when Steve gets to you, it's silent.
He says your name. "Can we chat?"
Your name falling from his lips is so lovely to hear. You nod and Eddie has to push you to stand up. You do so robotically, motioning awkwardly for Steve to lead the way. You look back at Eddie one last time but he just gives you a good luck thumbs-up. You roll your eyes and follow Steve.
His ass looks really good in those jeans and his arm muscles show nicely with his t-shirt. You're daydreaming about running your hands through that hair you'd desperately missed when he turns around abruptly. Then he grabs your arm, tugs you into the bathroom and then into the shower stall, and makes you crouch with him.
“What are you doing?” You ask in shock.
He shakes his head, motioning for you to take off your mic pack like he is and push it across the bathroom floor. You copy him slowly, and he closes the stall door once they’re both sufficiently far away.
He looks at you like he's a drunk and you're the last sip of gin. "You look beautiful."
"Thanks," you respond automatically, a bit crisply.
"I missed you," he admits.
You want to say you'd missed him too, so much, too much, it was unbearable how much you missed him. But all you reply is, "That's nice."
He looks pained as he whispers your name. "I still want to be with you."
"What?" You burst out. "You still want to be with me? After bringing back Robin from Casa Amor? That's not a good show of loyalty, Steve."
"I know, but I did that for a reason."
"What reason?"
"I can't tell you."
"Convenient," you scoff.
"Well, what about Eddie?"
"What about Eddie?"
"Seems like you had a good time in Casa Amor."
You rear back. "That's not fair. I had to recouple."
He makes a frustrated sound. "I know, I'm sorry. I'm just...I don't know. You have to believe me. All I thought about in Casa was you. I just wanted it to be over so I could see you again."
"It's not really matching up with the actions, Steve."
"I know," he says in a huff. He's angry but you can tell it's not with you. "Look," he takes your hand, "all I can do is promise that you're it for me. Not Robin, not Nancy, you. Please, I will prove that to you." Tears come to your eyes. You want to believe him, but you don't know what to think. None of it makes any sense.
You look away so you won't cry and Steve makes a pained noise. He continues, "I'm sorry I hurt you, and I know you don't understand. But I promise you," he gently cups your face so you'll look at him, "I'm still yours."
The tears do come then, so you stand suddenly and turn away. You command, voice thick, “Please leave.”
Steve says your name but you don't look back. Eventually he sighs and leaves the stall, then the bathroom.
Not wanting to go back outside, you undress and take a shower, crouching down again. You cry, because you're so confused and bewildered and unbelievably lonely and you can't see the bigger picture here even though you know there is one. What do Robin and Nancy have to do with each other? Why did Steve come back with Robin if he wants to be with you? Why is this way more complicated than just a normal season of this goddamn TV show?
When you're all cried out, you finish your shower and get ready for bed. You slip under the covers and pull them over your head. You hear the other islanders moving around, talking, doing their nighttime routines. It's a while until Eddie slides into bed too, but you're still awake.
"Hey," he whispers, joining you in the dark. "What happened with Steve?" You just shake your head. "Okay," he says soothingly. "No pressure. Come here." He motions for you to get in close to him so you do, laying your head on his chest. It's nice and sturdy, and his heartbeat is strong and steady, but it's not Steve's, so you only cuddle with Eddie for a few minutes and then scoot away.
You give him a kiss on the cheek before you go. "Thanks," you whisper.
"Anytime, angel." He turns over and falls asleep.
You peek out and see that the lights are off. You turn and see Steve on his bed next to you, asleep facing you. You study his pretty features, his soft hair, his strong nose, his kissable lips. You look at him until you drift off to sleep, and then you dream of your happy ending, with him.
In the morning, after sleeping in and drinking coffee and changing into a swimsuit, you're touching up in the bathroom mirror when the shower door opens and Robin pops her head out.
"Thank god," she says in relief when she sees you. "Can you help me? I can't reach the backs of my legs to do a really good shave."
You're confused by the request but reply, "Um, sure—" Before you can finish, she has pulled you in with her. She tugs you so you're both crouching behind the spray.
"Steve is telling the truth," she says urgently.
"What are you talking about?" You're alarmed.
"He's all in for you. He wants to be with you."
"But—" You're sputtering. "What about you?"
She grimaces. "I'm not here on completely truthful circumstances." You raise an eyebrow. "I'm gay and I'm here for Nancy."
This entire summer has been one shocking revelation after another, but this takes the cake. "More words please," you reply weakly.
"Nancy and I had been hooking up for a while recently. But when I said I wanted more, she ran away. Literally. She came here."
"Why?" You ask, baffled.
"I don't know. Maybe she wants to go back when it was easy. She loved Steve in high school; he was her first love. She changed him for the better. But I know she wants to be with me too."
"And Steve in Casa...?"
"Steve agreed to bring me into the villa so I can get her back. He gets it."
You stare at her for a minute. She gives you a earnestly nervous expression. "Do you like horror movies?"
She's caught by the abrupt subject change but nods. "I love them."
Understanding dawns. "You're the word slip-up," you say faintly.
"She almost called you her girlfriend but stopped and corrected herself to 'friend'." Robin starts to get excited but you're not done. "Is this Nancy anything like your Nancy?"
She shakes her head furiously. "Not one bit."
"So she didn't hate reporting?"
"She loves reporting, she's always wanted to be a reporter. She even has a part-time anchor job offer waiting for her in Chicago."
"And she loves mysteries?"
"Absolutely. She spoils every mystery movie we've ever watched because she's figured it out within the first act. I always got so mad at her about that."
"And Steve is not the one that got away?"
"Nope. She told me she's the one who broke it off with him before college. Never saw her speak about him with anything other than friendship and warm memories."
"So Steve...does want to be with me?"
Robin goes soft. "Yes, he wants to be with you more than anything. You were all he talked about in Casa. It started to get on my nerves a bit, but you're just as lovely as he always said."
You blush. "This is crazy," you finally say.
"I know. This is like, the gayest shit I've ever been part of, and we're on a straight reality dating show."
You laugh. "Agreed." Then your brain starts up again. "So like, what's the plan?"
Robin's expression turns to one of discomfort. "I don't know, honestly. I want you to be with Steve but I need more time to talk with Nancy."
"Don't worry about me and Steve. We'll figure it out," you reassure. She smiles gratefully. "Problem is, I've got my own reconnaissance mission too." At her confused look, you explain about bringing Eddie back to get to know Chrissy.
"Oh, they would be so cute!" She gushes.
"I know, right!" You exclaim before remembering the gravity of it all. "So you need to stay coupled up with Steve while wooing Nancy back, and Eddie needs to stay with me until he woos Chrissy, so none of us get dumped before we can fix the couples."
"But if you couple with Steve and Eddie couples with Chrissy at the next recoupling, what will happen with me and Nancy?" She asks worriedly.
"We're gonna need more boys before they do another recoupling. I'm just worried how it'll go when they send them in."
After talking a bit more with Robin, you get uncomfortable from crouching so long and guilty about the amount of water you're wasting, so you step out and stretch. Your brain is so full of new information and plan ideas and weird connecting lines, you're not sure what to do next.
Scratch that, you know one thing you want to do right this second.
You rush out of the room, through the villa, and outside. You burst out of the trellis and run towards Steve, who is toweling dry his hair after swimming his laps. Thankfully, he sees you coming and drops the towel as you slam into him for an enormous hug, catching and holding you tight. You wrap your arms around him and bury your face in his neck, smiling uncontrollably at his familiar scent.
"I missed you too," you breathe out and Steve relaxes into you, smushing his own face into your neck. You two hold each other for another minute, before he lets you go reluctantly.
He's grinning like crazy. "Sorry I got you all wet," he says happily.
You wave a hand. "I was already wet. I had to help Robin shave her legs just right." You're staring at him intently and he understands.
"Ah," he replies, drawing it out. "I hope you were able to help her."
"I was. I'm really good at shaving."
He laughs, relief clearly flooding through him. "Good." You just give him a brilliant smile.
A few days pass uneventfully—to the public. Within your secret little group, things are happening.
Under the cover of night, you tell Eddie about the revelation from Robin and Steve. He's shocked as well, but seems to accept it easily. You also let him know you'd revealed the Chrissy plan to Robin, who has absolutely told Steve. He's more worried about that, but you reassure him that they also want to see him and Chrissy together.
He continues to comfort and spend time with Chrissy. You keep an eye on him, but he's as chivalrous as he'd sworn to you. He seems to be cheering her up, making her smile and laugh more than Ryan ever did.
Robin is trying to talk to Nancy, but she's not making it easy. It's hard enough to find time and space for them to talk without the mics picking them up, but Nancy also either refuses to talk or refuses to listen. You offer to subtly talk to Nancy to help, but Robin declines, afraid it'll make Nancy even more wary, like a wild animal of some sort.
You and Steve try to enjoy the time you do have together. You can't be physically affectionate, since you don't want to show the public Steve and Robin are not a strong couple and get them dumped, but you still talk, mostly with the group but sometimes alone—and most happily, the swim lessons start up again. It's a great chance for you two to admire each other under the pretense of teaching, though he does teach you how to swim as well. It's as good as it can be. The only thing missing is Steve's bedtime story.
You and Robin come up with a code to determine how each mission is going: you'll ask, "how was your shave today?" like an inside joke, she'll ask, "how were swim lessons today?", and you interpret the status based on the answers. Like if she said she had a terrible shave, she hasn't made any progress with Nancy. Or if you say that the lesson went great but you're still feeling unsure, Eddie seems to be moving well with Chrissy but the end is not yet in sight.
Then one day, you're having a rare moment alone with Steve, talking about your deepest fears, when your phone rings with a text. You give him a nervous look and pull it out. "I got a text!" There's chaos as everyone scrambles to surround you. "Erik has chosen you to make his appetizer for tonight's date," You read. Everyone "ooh's".
Then Emma's phone goes off. She reads, "Brandon has chosen you to make his appetizer for tonight's date." She squeals while Carson groans.
Chrissy's phone chimes. "Erik has chosen you to make his main course for tonight's date." You look at Eddie, sitting next to her, and his face is both disappointed and exasperated.
Maggie gets the next text. "Brandon has chosen you to make his main course for tonight's date."
Surprising everyone, Robin's phone dings. "Erik has chosen you to make his dessert for tonight's date," She reads in astonishment.
If you're thinking you're in the clear, you're wrong. The last text comes to you. "Brandon has chosen you to make his dessert for your date tonight." Steve makes a frustrated noise beside you.
But it's not over. Eddie gets a text next. "Tania has chosen you to make her appetizer for tonight's date." Everyone starts chattering at the prospect of not only two new boys, but another girl as well. You look at Chrissy and see hints of jealousy on her face.
Ryan's phone goes off. "Tania has chosen you to make her main course for tonight's date." No one bats an eye.
Then, worst of them all, Steve's phone beeps. "Tania has chosen you to make her dessert for tonight's date," he reads grimly. You look at him in worry and he gives you a sad smile.
"Come on!" Emma grabs you and tows you back into the villa to get ready. Maggie, Chrissy, and Robin all join you in the dressing room. It's a weird mix of energy: Chrissy and Maggie are both excited and chattering nonstop. Robin seems to be a bundle of nerves that will be tense for the rest of time. Emma is ambivalent about it, happy to be chosen but not particularly worried about her head being turned. And you're subdued—you don't want to be on two dates with bombshells, all you really want is to be with Steve again.
When you're reluctantly ready with everyone else, you head outside, where three tables have been set up for romantic dates. You, Emma, and Eddie head to the kitchen, where you work together to make a decent appetizer.
When you're about finished, you can hear steps coming down the trellis path, and everyone looks over to see the new islanders. They wave at you, those waiting for the next parts of the meals, and the islanders watching everything from the terrace, then sit at the tables.
You put the finishing touches on the appetizers, exchange wary looks with Eddie and Emma, and make your way to the table that has your name on it.
Erik is a nice if overexcitable boy from Alaska. You wouldn't have been able to guess that from his accent alone, but it becomes more obvious when he says things like "the lower 48" and talks about the perks of ice roads in the dead of winter. He talks about Alaska a lot actually, and keeps complaining about the warm temperature here, and you're not really sure why he would come on the show in the first place.
Thankfully, Chrissy interrupts his spiel and you leave the table gratefully. She sits down as you go join the waiting islanders, since you're the only one with two dates tonight.
You're happy to remember Steve and Robin are the dessert choices alongside you. You keep Steve in the middle, so it can look like he's keeping Robin close before they're both on dates, but sit close next to him. His hand behind you sneaks up, and he gently rubs his thumb across your lower back, staying subtle but still giving you goosebumps.
All too soon, the three of you have to construct your desserts. It's an easy choice of ice cream, and you dish it out together, staying quiet but shooting each other small smiles and reassuring looks. Then you receive a text telling you to start the last part of your date, so you go take over for Maggie at Brandon's table.
You want to say you learn more about him than he's from Minnesota, complete with the accent—why did the producers pick cold-weather folks for this hot-weather show?—but that would be a lie. You spend the entire date staring at Steve and Tania's date over his shoulder. Tania is going overboard—laughing like crazy, touching Steve's arm a lot, smiling with all of her teeth. You don't really think Steve is doing anything to encourage that behavior, but his back is to you so you can't help the jealousy that rises within you. By the end of the date, you wouldn't be surprised if your eyes have turned green.
You pick up the plates and take them back to the kitchen so you can get away from Tania hanging all over Steve. Robin joins you and you sidle over to her, covering your mic to whisper, "You and Steve are going to have to step up your game." She looks at you and nods dejectedly, and you start doing dishes.
The rest of the islanders come down and meet Erik, Brandon, and Tania, distracting them enough so Steve can slip away. He joins you in the kitchen, wordlessly drying the dishes you've washed, staying close to you and Robin, who is cleaning the counters and putting away the food. You watch everyone excitedly talk to the new people, observing.
Emma and Carson are with each other, holding hands, so the date did not turn her head, like you'd predicted. Eddie is near Chrissy and watching her nervously, since she's talking animatedly with Erik. Ryan has ditched Sam to talk with Tania more, and she's welcoming the attention. Blake and Maggie are back together, not touching but sticking close. Nancy is on the outskirts of the group, continuously glancing at you in the kitchen.You chance a look at Robin, who is seemingly busy but also glances back at Nancy.
After the excitement of the dates, you're exhausted, so after meeting Tania properly—she's overly perky and from Arizona—you take a shower and get ready for bed. You slide under the covers and just watch aimlessly as the rest of the islanders trickle in.
When it's lights out, you turn on your side and lock eyes with Steve, who smiles at you dreamily. It's impossible not to smile back, and you two just gaze at each other until you both drift off.
In the morning, you're prevented from sleeping in by Robin, who joins you in bed to talk. Under the covers, she tells you that she and Steve have both resolved to be more couple-y so Steve doesn't get stolen by Tania at the next recoupling. She reassures you that it doesn't mean anything to either of them but you just laugh, reminding her you know she's gay and that's a given. She goes red but laughs with you.
You and her join the rest of the girls to discuss the previous night. Emma confesses she and Carson had done some light, over-the-clothes touching and blushes when you all squeal about it. Maggie confirms she and Blake cuddled, and Robin adds herself and Steve to the cuddling list. Sam doesn't add much and you say your head was too jumbled from the dates to really get close to Eddie, which is technically true.
When you all go downstairs, Steve hands you and Robin cups of coffee. Robin makes a big deal about it for show and kisses him on the cheek. But he only preens when you give him a small thanks.
A little later, as you're all lounging—you, Eddie, Robin, and Steve on the daybeds with Nancy, surprising you even though she doesn't say much, and Brandon, an actually good conversationalist; Blake, Maggie, Emma, and Carson on the sundeck; Ryan and Tania talking on the beanbags; Chrissy and Erik by the trellis; and Sam tanning on a beach chair—a phone chimes.
Tania holds up her phone and yells, "I got a text!" About half of you groan while the other half cheer. She continues, "Islanders, are the boys ready to decide what they want to do with their lives? It's time for Career Day!"
You all run down to the challenge stage, which is set up to look like a very complex job fair. It's revealed the boys each have to go through the course and pick a career option. With eight girls, there are eight jobs: pilot, firefighter, astronaut, professional athlete, rockstar, college professor, doctor, and architect. Each boy must go through school (solve easy math problems on a blackboard), graduate (walk across a short platform as the girls throw caps at them), and complete the “application” for their chosen profession (which varies). They get to kiss a girl of their choice after "getting the job".
The producers really went all out for this one.
Steve volunteers to go first. He breezes through the math and excellently dodges the caps thrown at him. He obviously chooses college professor, which involves solving more complex math problems. It takes him a minute but he gets through them, and brings over a giant A+ sticker to the line of girls, winking at you before stopping at Robin and placing the sticker on her chest. He kisses her, dipping her dramatically to the cheers of everyone else.
Carson goes next and gets through the math easily enough, but does get hit a few times by caps. He goes with doctor—very city boy of him—and has to perform CPR on a dummy. He then goes to the girls and puts his stethoscope around Emma's neck, kissing her. She's blushing when he leans back.
Erik takes longer on the math but does miss all the caps coming at him. He chooses firefighter, which baffles you beyond belief for how much he was complaining about the heat, and has to dress in the uniform as quick as he can and spray water at a "fire" raging just off the challenge platform. He inspects each girl before adorning Chrissy with his helmet, kissing her sweetly and making her giggle. You see Eddie roll his eyes.
Eddie decides to go next and gets through the first part without breaking a sweat. He predictably goes for rockstar, and must "perform" for the rest of the islanders. He does it perfectly and everyone screams like he's a member of the Beatles and it's the 1960s. He walks over and gives his pick to Chrissy, kissing her as well. She's red after that one, Eddie looking proud. Everyone looks over at you but you smile and shrug, saying it's just a challenge.
Ryan goes next to almost utter silence from the girls. You even refuse to throw caps at him, which he takes with a cocky grin. He chooses professional athlete and has to complete a few warm-up exercises before throwing a football through a ring a short distance away. Annoyingly, he does it on the first try and struts over to the girls. He bypasses Sam and kisses Tania, making the rest of you gasp. Sam, however, does not seem phased. Maybe she's realized he's an asshole too.
Blake almost falls off the graduation stage after being hit by a cap in the face, for which Chrissy yells a frantic apology. He laughs it off and goes for architect, flipping over the math blackboard to "design" a new skyscraper. It ends up looking like a funky sphere, which is a new one you'll give him that. He goes to Maggie and hands her a comically large pen, then kisses her passionately.
Brandon is last of the boys. He's barraged by caps but hits them away to get across the stage unharmed. He goes for pilot and has to construct a paper airplane. He doesn't know how so everyone yells directions at him until he finally gets it. He comes to the girls and takes off his cap and places it on...you! Surprised, you're taken aback when he kisses you, keeping it chaste and short. He grins at you afterwards.
Since there's one more girl than boy, one boy has to go twice. Steve goes for it before anyone else can volunteer. He gets through as easily as before and has to choose astronaut as the only job left. He looks ridiculous as he pretends he's on the moon and plants the American flag, step-jumping absurdly high and shouting out the famous line, "That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind!" to everyone's laughter.
Then he's walking over and he's stopping in front of you and he's handing you a NASA patch and he's kissing you. This one is much more intense and you can hear the gasps from the girls around you, but you can't bear to stop it. It's so nice to feel his lips on yours again, and his hands are cupping your face like he's holding on for dear life. When he finally breaks away, you're both panting. He smiles in joy just for you and you return it, schooling your features into shock when he walks away smugly.
All the girls rush you afterwards and you play up your bewilderment as they talk over each other. You keep repeating you don't know why he would kiss you when he's with Robin, who suggests he wanted to see if there was still a spark. There obviously is, but you just say you don't know when the girls ask follow-up questions. It's all everyone can talk about as you walk back to the villa.
Thankfully it's then time to get ready, and all the girls convene in the dressing room. You keep getting caught up thinking about that kiss and have to jolt yourself back to reality. It was so good, better than you remember. You walk out with everybody else in a dream-like state of happiness.
Until a phone chirps.
Carson reads out nervously, "Islanders, please gather around the fire pit immediately." The mood goes subdued as you all trudge over there.
Once seated, Emma receives a text. "Islanders, there will now be a recoupling. As the newcomers, Erik, Brandon, and Tania will choose first. After that, the boys will decide. The girl not picked will be dumped from the island tonight."
Erik, Brandon, and Tania all stand in front of the fire pit. Erik goes first.
"I know I've only been here a day, I would like to couple up with this girl because I really like her vibe and I think we get along really well. She's beautiful and fun and super cute. I can't wait to get to know her more. So the girl I'd like to couple up with is...Chrissy."
She makes a noise of surprise, and you grab Eddie's hand and hold it tightly. Chrissy walks over to Erik and stands beside him. She gives him a little smile, but doesn't seem completely happy.
Tania goes next. "I'd like to couple up with this boy because he's gorgeous, funny, and I actually like his cocky attitude. He hasn't had the easiest time in the villa, but I think this is the couple for him. So the boy I'd like to couple up with is...Ryan."
You let out a huge exhale quietly as Ryan doesn't even look at Sam before walking to Tania and kissing her on the cheek. You catch Emma's gaze and she rolls her eyes, making you smirk.
Finally, it's Brandon. "I would like to couple up with this girl because she really surprised me with how good of a listener she is and I think she's got a really cool and chill demeanor. She's very nonchalant and I want to see what's under the surface. So the girl I'd like to couple up with is..."
When he finishes with your name, you just blink. Everyone claps as if unsure and Eddie knocks against you so you'll move. You walk to Brandon, who gives you a big smile. You half-return it but look at Steve as soon as you've turned around. His face is blank but Robin is clearly rubbing his back soothingly.
Then it's time to switch. The new couples sit down while the rest of the girls stand in front of the fire pit. As expected, Blake and Carson choose Maggie and Emma, respectively. Steve picks Robin again, trying to sound happy by it but you can read between the lines. By the time Eddie goes, the only two girls left are Nancy and Sam. Sam looks unbothered but Nancy seems nervous.
"I'd like to couple up with this girl because she seems really nice," Eddie says awkwardly. "We don't know each other very well but I'd like to change that. She deserves to find love in here and I think I can help make that happen. So the girl I'd like to couple up with is...Nancy."
She sighs in relief and almost races back to Eddie, giving him an unexpected hug that he returns stiltedly.
Then everyone is crowding around Sam, saying their apologies and goodbyes. The girls all go to the villa and help her pack. She's a little sad about it but doesn't seem heartbroken, and says she's excited to go home and see her friends again. You all wave at her as she leaves.
Exhausted by the night's events, everyone chooses to go to bed. You stand in the shower and mourn not being with Steve, but at least it gives Robin more time to talk with Nancy. You're mostly nervous about being chosen by Brandon—is he assuming you're a good listener because of that first date? why does he think you're so chill?—and having to share a bed.
But when you get to the bedroom, he's already asleep, snoring quietly. You slide in beside him and face the opposite direction, towards Steve. He reaches out a hand in the darkness and you take it. He squeezes it and makes a promise with his eyes: he's still yours.
You, Robin, Steve, and Nancy are chatting in the kitchen when a phone rings. You look at each other with anxiety.
Over the past few days, things with Nancy and Robin have progressed. Once or twice Robin said she had a bad shave, but most of the time, she gave you thumbs-up and raved about her amazing shaves whenever you ask. Chrissy and Eddie also got closer, though Erik did steal away enough of her time that they're not out of the woods yet. Your reviews of swimming lessons were appropriately hopeful and realistic.
In fact, that very morning, as you're dozing after the lights have come on, Robin freaked the hell out of you by jumping in bed and joining you under the covers. She winced at your swear of shock and said, "Sorry about that."
You breathed heavily and glared at her. "What?" You asked flatly.
An excited grin spread across her face. "Nancy talked to me last night!"
Now you were up and interested. "What happened?"
"Not much, and we didn't talk about anything to do with us, but we spoke for a few minutes about the recoupling! I think almost being dumped has opened her eyes a little," she theorized animatedly, "and she's open to listening more now."
You sighed in relief. "At least something good came from this recoupling."
She gave you a sympathetic look. "I'm sorry about you and Steve."
"It's okay." You shrugged. "We're as solid as we can be."
"Just look on the bright side: we're fooling the public and pulling one over on the producers," Robin pointed out and you laughed.
"Very anti-capitalist of us," you commended. She grinned widely.
The two of you got out of bed and went downstairs, taking your offered coffees from Steve, who also made some for Nancy. But you could still tell he got the most satisfaction from your smile of thanks, and it simultaneously excited and relaxed you.
You spent more time with Steve and, as necessary, Brandon. With the latter you try to stay friendlier and don't say much—why not lean into the idea that he thinks you're a great listener? you are, but you can't say you're very interested in what he says—so he doesn't get the wrong idea. It's a thin line to walk, as you don't want to push him away for fear of being dumped and you don't want to bring him too close for fear of leading him on when you don't want to. You're not sure how long Robin needs to win back Nancy's trust, so you're prepared to do this for as long as needed, but you hope he doesn't get too attached. You don't actually want to break his heart.
When Steve wasn't spending his time with you or the group as a whole, he was with Robin. They cuddled in front of everyone, looking physically affectionate without actually doing anything romantic like kissing. They call each other pet names and tease sweetly, and if you didn't know Robin was gay, you probably would've been jealous. Hell, you are a bit jealous, just of the fact that Robin can be as close to him as she wants and you can't.
It's all going suspiciously well, and you're very conscious of what the next challenge and recoupling might bring. Now you're finding out.
Maggie calls out, "I got a text!" and the islanders walk over to stand around her. She continues, "Islanders, we come up with our own challenge ideas and we have to say they're great. But sometimes our siblings over in the UK come up with something truly brilliant that we just have to steal. Can you guess what it is? It's time for Snog, Marry, Pie!"
You cheer with everyone else, because you do love Snog, Marry, Pie, but you're also a bit worried about how it might play out. There's a lot moving behind the scenes that could easily be brought onstage for everyone to see.
As you all move to the challenge area and see the line of whipped cream pies, your nerves only rise. There's a coin toss to see which group will go first and girls win.
Surprisingly, Nancy volunteers to start, and shocks everyone right off the bat: she decides to kiss Erik. You look at Robin, who doesn't seem very phased...maybe this is tactical. She can't stay with Eddie forever, not if he's gonna keep flirting with Chrissy, so it's possible she knows she needs more time and is securing it now. Either way, when she breaks away, blushing, Erik looks properly baffled but also like the kiss might've been...good?
Nancy moves on and kneels in front of Steve. "I would like to marry Steve because he's one of my oldest friends and I cherish our relationship deeply. And I apologize for ever hurting him." She's staring at him intently, possibly communicating that the apology extends to what’s happened on the show, and he smiles kindly.
"Of course I accept," he replies and shows off the fake ring with a flourish, making everyone laugh.
Nancy walks over, picks up a pie, and heads straight for Ryan, slamming it in his face with a satisfying smack. "We all know what that's for," she says lightly, as she licks whipped cream off her finger and Ryan wipes it from his eyes. Everyone cheers her on and she laughs as she comes back to the girls.
Maggie goes next and switches up the order a bit. She goes to Blake and proposes to him sweetly, which he accepts. She pies Ryan just like Nancy, a given.
Then she really surprises by going up to Carson and kissing him, making Emma drop her jaw in shock. It's not very long and stays closed-mouthed, but when she leans back, she says cheekily, "Wanted to see what would take Emma from Blake, but I just don't see the appeal." Carson laughs awkwardly as Maggie goes back to the girls.
In retaliation, Emma immediately after and kisses Blake first thing. Maggie rolls her eyes but is clearly getting upset the longer it goes on. Eventually Emma leans back and makes a face. "Could be better," she mocks and Maggie huffs.
Then Emma predictably proposes to Carson, who accepts and kisses her dramatically, obviously reassuring her that the kiss with Maggie meant nothing; and she pies Ryan as expected.
When she gets back to the girls, she and Maggie glare at each other before dissolving into giggles, unable to keep up the charade. Carson and Blake give each other a smiling eye roll.
Chrissy goes fourth and upends everyone's expectations by kissing Eddie passionately. He's startled but quickly regains his composure and kisses her back. Taking a peek at Erik, you see his eyes are squinted, not in anger but more like confusion maybe? Regardless, when Chrissy and Eddie break apart, they're both panting, bright red, and sporting huge grins.
She inspects the line of men but ultimately bypasses them to come up and kneel in front of you. You look at her in surprise as she says your name sweetly. "You've always been there for me and I don't know where I'd be without our friendship. And I'd rather marry you than any of those guys." You laugh and accept, hugging her tight when she stands.
She then grabs a pie and throws it in Ryan's face, in what has to be the most satisfying event since Casa Amor.
Tania volunteers to go next and goes for the pie first. Instead of moving towards the guys, she comes to the girls and pushes it into Chrissy's face, apparently fed up with everyone pie-ing Ryan. Chrissy cries out in surprise and the rest of you surround her and glare at Tania, but she just smirks.
She then stirs the pot even more by kissing Ryan intensely—disgustingly—and proposing to Steve, who is completely blindsided by it. He accepts hesitantly and takes his hand back from her immediately.
You want to go next to pie her for those moves, but Robin beats you to it. She runs over to the pies, picks one up, and intercepts Tania on her way back to the girls, hitting it in her face nicely. Tania stops in shock but Robin just smiles innocently and says, "That's for proposing to my partner," before moving towards the boys.
Predictably, she proposes to Steve, giving a mushy speech that Steve pretends to swoon over, and she laughs while he spins her in a circle. She also ignores the rest of the boys and comes back to the girls to kiss you on the cheek. "Thanks for helping me shave," she says with a wink, and you laugh as everybody looks confused as hell.
Now is your chance. To appease the public and reality show gods, you propose to Brandon, trying to stay as unromantic as possible. He accepts kindly.
Then, to appease yourself, you kiss Steve, really going for it. He reciprocates, dipping you so it can be seen as a joke rather than being as real as it is. To complete the show, you break away in laughter and playfully push him off, subtly brushing your fingers across his chest to display your real feelings. His smile is huge.
You then pick up a pie and walk towards the girls, fake throwing it in Nancy's face, and then really throwing it at Tania's. She's caught unaware so it smacks into her spot-on. "That's for pie-ing my wife," you add. Chrissy hugs you when you go back to stand by her.
Since you were the last girl to go, the lines switch and it's the boys' turn.
Ryan volunteers to go first and as expected, proposes to Tania with the most fuckboy speech ever heard, though she accepts like it's the sweetest. Then he changes things up by going up to Robin and kissing her way too intensely, forcing her to push him away. At his lewd smirk, she glares and you look at Nancy to see her glaring too.
To top it all off, he grabs a pie and smashes it into your face—you're guessing because you were the last person to pie Tania, while Robin was the first. He goes back to the boys with a satisfied look.
Steve moves immediately, grabbing a pie and pushing into Ryan's face. "That's for kissing my wife," he says but he looks at you, and you know he did it because Ryan had also pied you. You and Robin look at each other and smile. Ryan makes a loud, frustrated noise as he wipes the cream from his face, but Steve just shrugs.
He then goes up and kneels in front of Robin, matching her proposal speech in gooeyness, and she accepts with a face like she's going to cry.
To finish, he comes down the line and kisses you, keeping it short to make it another playful move, but it still makes your lips buzz and he's smiling widely as he goes back to the boys.
To defuse, you think, Carson goes next and proposes to Emma, who actually does start to cry. You all "aw" at her but she waves it away in embarrassment, making Carson smug with pride. He kisses you on the cheek—"thank you for making Emma feel welcome here"—and everyone "aw"'s again. Finally, he takes up a pie and adds it to the pile on Ryan's face, who becomes grumpy about it and makes everyone snicker.
The tension amps up again as Brandon volunteers and chooses to kiss Chrissy right off the bat. She's surprised and you can see Eddie grow rigid, Steve resting a hand on his shoulder soothingly. Chrissy gives a smile that looks more like a grimace when Brandon pulls away, and absolutely locks eyes with Eddie across the platform. He relaxes with the look she gives him.
Brandon walks down and proposes to you, staying sweet and light and making you laugh. You accept graciously and he smiles. The next thing he does endears him to you more than words ever could: he pies Ryan.
Eddie moves to go right after Brandon returns. He runs up to you and gives you a quick, sweet kiss, along with a stare that telepathically tells you it's for helping him with Chrissy (you think).
He then goes up to Chrissy and gets down on one knee. "Chrissy, I've liked you since Casa Amor," he says. "You're the drums to my guitar, the Madonna to my Steven Tyler, and I think you like me too. Will you marry me?"
She looks at him for a minute, long enough for him to start to get antsy, but finally nods and laughs. He lights up and puts the ring on her finger and hugs her tight. It all pretty much ensures their coupledom in the next recoupling.
He then grabs a pie and smashes it into Brandon's face. "That's for kissing my wife." He says it playfully, but you can see the satisfaction he got from the pie-ing. Thankfully, Brandon laughs and apologizes teasingly.
Erik goes next. He picks up a pie and unexpectedly throws it at Eddie, though he does it lightly. "That's for pie-ing my bombshell partner," he says with a chuckle, and then kneels in front of Brandon for another surprise. Brandon looks at him curiously and Erik just shrugs and says, "Thanks for being my bombshell partner." Brandon finally smiles and they hug—in a manly way, of course.
To round it off with yet another shock, he walks down the line of girls and stops in front of Nancy to kiss her. She seems pleasantly taken aback, and entertains it for a few seconds before lightly pushing him away, playing it off as embarrassment. He smiles and goes back to the boys.
Last but not least, Blake takes his turn. He goes up to Maggie and proposes with charm, to which she accepts with grace. He also kisses her but it's just part of the proposal, because he then goes up to Emma, kisses her on the cheek, and says, "Thanks for being my first partner and being so cool," with a kind grin. She goes a little pink—the horror of being called out for being nice!—but hugs him tightly.
Blake then picks up the last pie and pies...Ryan, just to come full circle. He doesn't grumble this time; he just licks at the whipped cream around his mouth.
Challenge finally over, you all race back to the villa to shower and get this gunk out of your hair. That night, freshly clean and all dressed up, you make the rounds to see how everyone feels after the wildest Snog, Marry, Pie you can remember.
For the most part, it's good news. Blake, Maggie, Emma, and Carson are all cool with each other and are too focused on talking about their own stunt to discuss anyone else's. Tania and Ryan are off on their own, licking their wounds—you don't even approach them, having heard them complain about all the islanders being "stuck-up", which is not a problem for you. Eddie and Chrissy are snuggling together and while it warms your heart, you check on Erik, only to find him talking with Nancy, who is making an effort in the conversation.
Most relieving is that Brandon isn't very hung up on your kisses with Steve, instead talking about other things and complimenting your proposal (you also compliment his). You do spend the night with him, pretending to be a good couple and trying not to stare at Steve and Robin, who are huddled together and looking as lovey-dovey as ever.
The only thing that gets you through it is the smiles and longing looks Steve throws your way.
Another couple of days pass without much drama—this must be somehow both the most boring and most exciting season of Island of Love ever, you think.
Robin and Nancy seem to be taking two steps forward and one step back, which you can understand. You keep up the charade with Brandon—the love charade at least, he is your friend by now—and the secret pining with Steve. He and Robin are just as romantic as ever, still overdoing platonic actions to distract from the lack of intimate ones.
Nancy and Erik, and Eddie and Chrissy, spend more time together—though the latter's time is much more physically affectionate. No kissing yet, as they're not an official couple, but almost everything but. Everyone else is also lovey-dovey in their couples, although Ryan and Tania are properly gross about it.
It's been a breezy day so far, including an actual breeze in the air. There was sleeping in, coffee, swim lessons, shaving reviews, group discussions, and lots and lots of laughter. You and the rest of the girls are in the dressing room, talking over each other as you get ready for the evening. There are at least three conversations going on at once, but it's easy for all of you to participate in each one without trouble.
After taking plenty of selfies and group shots, you meet the boys outside. Brandon compliments you nicely, but what really makes your heart skip a beat is Steve's expression upon seeing you and the way he brushes his fingers against your hand as he passes to greet Robin. You're all about to split off into whatever groups naturally form when a phone chimes.
Erik pulls out his. "I got a text!" He yells—unnecessarily, as everyone is still in one clump. "Islanders, please go to the fire pit immediately."
A hush falls over the group and you all slowly make your way over there, sitting in your couples. Then, Robin's phone beeps. She reads, "Islanders, the public has been voting for the couples they think are the most compatible. The three least voted couples risk being dumped from the island tonight."
Her voice goes a bit squeaky by the end. It's not surprising—there are seven couples after all and you're nearing the final—but still unpleasant to confront. You all stand up, as you know what to expect.
Another phone goes off and Nancy pulls hers out. "The couples who are safe, in no particular order, are..."
Your phone dings and scares the hell out of you. Breathing deeply, you pull it out and read, "Emma and Carson." They both let out sighs of relief and sit back down, kissing each other sweetly but still adopting nervous expressions.
Eddie's phone chimes. He reads, "Steve and Robin." Now you let out a (silent) sigh of relief, as one piece of the puzzle is safe. They sit down and each lock eyes with you, giving you hopeful faces.
Carson's phone rings and he says, "Erik and Chrissy." Second piece of the puzzle secured.
Emma's phone chimes and she reads, "And Eddie and Nancy." Final pieces of the puzzle are good!
You're about to feel completely relaxed until you realize...you're still standing. And that last text was implied to be the last safe couple. Your breathing stutters.
Chrissy pulls out her phone—you didn't even hear it go off—and says worriedly, "The final three couples are at risk of being dumped from the island tonight. Please stand in front of the fire pit."
You and Brandon, Ryan and Tania, and Blake and Maggie all do as directed. It's much worse from this angle, as you're now faced with everyone's anxious looks and tense body language, which is not helping your own. Brandon grabs your hand and you clutch it gratefully. Steve gets the next text: "The remaining islanders will now determine which one couple will stay in the villa."
Jaws drop and another text immediately follows that one. Steve finishes, "That was not a typo. Two couples are going home tonight."
"They didn't need to say that, we got it," Emma mutters, annoyed. You'd smile if you weren't so terrified.
Everyone but the three standing couples huddle together and speak in hushed voices. This is actually the worst part, you think. When watching the show, you're privy to the whole discussion, but as a couple on the chopping block, you have no idea what's going on over there. You can only hope your friends are vouching for you and Brandon to stay, but it's definitely a tough choice with Blake and Maggie also on the line.
It feels like an eternity—or maybe a few seconds—before the islanders settle back into their seats. Chrissy stands to give the final verdict.
"This was a really hard decision," she starts, her voice wobbling just the tiniest bit, "and it was torture to have to make it. We love all of you and don't want to send any of you home. But we can only save one couple, and so the discussion was heart-wrenching and powerful. We have decided to save..."
When she finishes with yours and Brandon's names, your knees almost give out. Brandon swings you around to hug you tightly, which you return in a daze.
Then you're turning to Blake and Maggie and your eyes are filling with tears at the sight of their own. They're smiling—it's not all bad, they reassure, they're going home together, and they're so thankful to the show and all of you for bringing them together and rooting for them—but soon everyone is crying too, hugs going on for a long time.
All of you walk the couples to the villa and help them pack, stopping every few items to relive a memory attached to one or another. When you finally lead them to the outer doors, you all take last hugs and watch them leave.
You sigh, exhausted, but you also know the night is still young and it's time for the public to hear the real thoughts about the dumping. Leaning against Chrissy, you escort each other back out to the daybeds. Thankfully, Carson and Emma nor Brandon and Erik join you—the former because they just lost their best couple friendship and want to be alone, and the latter for discussing something, which you're thinking is Erik and Nancy's blossoming relationship.
You lay back and smile at Steve and Robin as they join. Robin sits in the middle so you can cuddle someone without it looking suspicious, but Steve secretly keeps his hand under both your bodies and strokes your shoulder tenderly. Nancy also sits on your bed, close to Robin but not too close. Though, you can see Robin's foot brushing against Nancy's lower back and Nancy relaxing. Chrissy and Eddie snuggle together on the other bed.
"Alright," you start tiredly, "tell me everything."
"Well, it was tough to make the decision between you and Brandon, and Blake and Maggie." Robin says first. "Carson and Emma were really rooting for Blake and Maggie." Translation: It was hard to convince them to dump their friends.
"They did mention they don't see compatibility between you and Brandon," Steve adds, "but that it was a very small belief." Translation: They know you and Brandon are not a lasting couple and didn't want to save you.
You argue, "They're wrong about that." Translation: I will have to work harder to be more couple-y. Robin rests her head on your shoulder at the implication.
"We know," Eddie insists. Translation: Yeah, you will.
"What about Ryan and Tania?" You ask.
Everyone's mouth twists. "That was hard too," Chrissy says, "but an easier decision than the other one." Translation: Obviously they were going to go home the whole time.
"I hope they're doing okay," Nancy adds with an almost-there sincerity. Translation: Thank god they're gone, we hated them. You try not to laugh.
"Thank you guys for saving us," you reply, fully sincere. Translation: Thank you for saving my ass so we can keep up our missions.
"It wasn't just us." Chrissy looks at you intently. Translation: You're gonna have to thank Carson, Emma, and Erik a whole lot to make it worth it for them. You nod seriously, indicating you understand.
Then you're yawning, and it is classified as contagious for a reason.
You try to sink father back into Robin, but she pushes until you're off her and sitting upright. You whine as she climbs out, but she just squeezes your cheeks and smiles. Steve doesn't follow her right away and you're so tempted to just lay back and rest against him, but you resist it. You'll be able to do that soon.
He does help you up however, pulling you into a standing position and leading you back to the villa with everyone else. You give him a grateful, longing look that he returns, and then you go shower. You thankfully get to bed while Brandon is still awake, and motion for him to join you under the covers.
"Ooh," he says once covered completely, "I feel honored to be getting a meeting with you under the covers. I always wondered what you did under here."
You laugh quietly. "It's the only privacy you can get here. Some things you don't want the whole public knowing."
"Fair," he replies with a smile. "What's up?"
"I think we should make the rounds tomorrow and really thank everyone for saving us," you explain, "especially with Carson and Emma. Blake and Maggie were their best friends."
"That's a good idea. We can definitely do that tomorrow."
You give him a relieved look. "Great. I just think we owe them a lot."
"I agree." He nods and you smile kindly. He returns it then adds, "Is that it? 'Cause it's really hot under here."
"Yeah," you respond with a giggle. "Only drawback."
You both pop out from under the covers to the dark room and roll to face opposite directions. Steve is looking back at you, small smile on his face. You smile back, and fall asleep quickly, to thoughts of him.
True to your word, you and Brandon give your thanks graciously and frequently. You make coffee for Carson and Emma while Brandon prepares them some fruit for breakfast (not oranges of course), and then sit and eat with them to really thank them and let them talk about the dumping. They were sad to lose Blake and Maggie, and were unsure about you and Brandon, but they seem pleasantly surprised by the gesture, during which you're a bit more physically affectionate with Brandon to really seal it.
You two also thank everyone else, verbally and by doing little tasks here and there. Brandon brings Steve a towel after his morning laps and you offer to help Robin shave again (she declines). Brandon spots Erik in the gym during his workout and you have a real discussion with Nancy to get to know her better one-on-one. You give Eddie advice on how to keep going with Chrissy while Brandon gives her a (innocent!) neck massage for a knot she's had in her shoulder for a week now. When Robin sees that, she grumbles jokingly that she wishes that was her thank-you gift, making you laugh.
You and Brandon even, in the evening, make dinner for everyone else. Well, Brandon makes it. You help as much as you can without ruining anything, after you'd burned the pasta and cut the vegetables so horribly that Brandon confiscated the knife from you with a laugh. To make up for your lousy cooking skills, you become the most gracious hostess, handing out drinks, appetizers, and talking with everyone. It works well enough.
The next day, you all keep it low-key. You make sure to spend most of your time with Brandon, and cuddle with him close enough to satisfy the public and other islanders of your compatibility. People rotate in and out to talk with you two, and it kind of feels like you're holding court for your loyal subjects.
Robin says she had her best shave yet with a truly brilliant smile that could blind someone. Eddie and Chrissy confirm they're basically a couple now that Erik has been talking more with Nancy. Steve comes around and mostly talks sports with Brandon, while you try not to stare at him dreamily, picturing his hands wrapped around you and his lips on yours. Even Nancy stops by, not talking about anything in particular, but you can see her happiness has increased since Robin's "shaves" have gotten better.
After all the girls get dressed up and the night falls, but before anyone can cheers the newly opened champagne, someone receives a text.
"I got a text!" Robin says. "Islanders, please gather around the fire pit."
The mood isn't as low as last time since this can't be another dumping. Sure enough, when you're all sitting in your couples, Carson gets the next text and reads, "Islanders, it's time for a recoupling. As the girls will be choosing, will the boys please line up in front of the fire pit."
Brandon gives you a smile that you return as he joins the rest of the guys in a line. Emma's phone goes off and she stands with a lovestruck expression. It's a soft sight on her usually stony face.
She starts, "I would like to couple up with this boy because he's somehow turned me into the gooiest, mushiest girl here, and I'm not even that mad about it." Everyone laughs quietly and Carson grins cheekily. "I'm so happy we met in Casa Amor and that he liked me as much as I liked him. That we still like each other so much. I can't wait to see where this goes in the future—I think it'll be a happy ending. So the boy I'd like to couple up with is...Carson."
Everyone claps as Carson jogs to Emma and gives her a sweet kiss before they sit down. Chrissy's phone dings and she stands. When you take a peek at Eddie, he's looking at her with adoration.
"I'd like to couple up with this boy," she says, "because he really has been my rock after everything that happened with he-who-shall-not-be-named. He's almost brought me back to life and I can't believe I just about passed up that chance. I am so grateful," she says your name and looks at you in thanks, "that you brought him back from Casa Amor. I don't know where I'd be otherwise—he really is the guitar to my drums. So the boy I'd like to couple up with is...Eddie."
You cheer the loudest as he walks over to her and gives her a huge hug. She laughs when he kisses her cheek and they sit, wrapped around each other. Then Robin's phone chimes and she stands up.
"I'd like to couple up with this boy, because it's alarming how well we go together. He makes me laugh, swoon, and coffee, and what more can you ask for?" Steve rolls his eyes with a smile. "I'm so glad he took a chance on me in Casa and I can't thank him enough. I really think we're soulmates on some level. So the boy I'd like to couple up with is...Steve."
You feel sad for a brief moment—that should be you—but it fades quickly when both Steve and Robin look at you with love. You smile back at them and notice how Steve fully relaxes into Robin at it. Nancy's phone rings and she stands.
"I'd like to couple up with this boy, because even though we haven't known each other long, I think we get along really well and I'm excited to see where it can go. He seems to really understand me and isn't that the most important thing in a relationship? So the boy I'd like to couple up with is...Erik."
He smiles and kisses her on the cheek when he reaches her. They sit, and he puts an arm around her shoulders, but they don't hold hands. Maybe by the "really understand me" Nancy actually meant it—that he knows? You ponder until your own phone goes off next to you. Confirming it's your turn to choose, you stand.
"I'd like to couple up with this boy, because we have fun together and he makes me smile. I'm glad he took a chance on me and I'd like to say it's worked out so far." Brandon smiles kindly. "We laugh at the same things, think on the same wavelength, and like the same people—each other." Everyone chuckles at your teasing. "I wanna thank him for everything we've been through together. So the boy I'd like to couple up with is...Brandon."
He walks over and you give him a genuine, tight hug that he returns, and you two sit down.
Since that's everyone, you all break from the serious feeling and start talking and laughing again. Eddie immediately leads Chrissy to a daybed and no one follows. You and Brandon join Steve and Robin in the kitchen for some food.
When Robin whoops in joy and you all follow her line of sight to Eddie and Chrissy and see them kissing sweetly, everyone joins in, you probably the loudest. The couple part from each other and Eddie waves at everyone to shut up as Chrissy covers her red face with her hands. He brings her close and they cuddle.
The four of you in the kitchen walk over to them as soon as possible and congratulate them, embarrassing them further and laughing at their flustered faces.
You all sit together and get close and talk. Eventually Erik and Nancy and Emma and Carson wander over and join in. You're not sure how you all fit on the daybeds but you make it happen. As you survey everyone on top of each other, both physically and verbally, you think this may be your favorite part of the whole experience. Well, maybe second best, you think, as you catch Steve's eye and he gives you a smile that melts your entire being.
In the morning a few days later, you're not woken up by sunlight shining onto your face, someone jumping into your bed, a phone chiming with a text. You're woken up by...a baby crying.
You jolt upright at the loud sound. Brandon is groggily waking up next to you, as are most of the islanders, with the exception of Steve, who has already jumped out of bed. He has the biggest smile on his face as he looks at you—it makes your heart sing. You're interrupted from further daydreaming as the crying continues.
"It's baby day!" Steve shouts excitedly and runs towards the noise.
"Wha?" Robin mumbles from her pillow, eyes still closed.
"It's baby day," Emma repeats, but her voice is filled with dread. She follows it up with a groan and a flopping back onto the bed. Beside her, Carson is grinning and standing and rushing after Steve. You go with him, padding into the villa's living room to find five cribs holding five fake, but very loud, babies. Well, four—Steve has picked up his and Robin's baby and is rocking it in his arms, cooing at it softly. Noticeably, his baby is not crying anymore.
Shaking your head so you don't keep staring at Steve being the cutest dad ever, you locate yours and Brandon's crib and peer in. Brandon soon pops his head next to yours.
"Aw," he says, "it's a girl."
"How can you tell?" You ask, as he picks up the baby.
He shrugs while holding your "daughter" on his hip. "I can't. I just want a girl."
You chuckle and caress the baby's cheek. Her cries soften then disappear, as Brandon continues to bounce her. "What's her name?"
"That's up to you," he replies. "I did pick the gender."
You hum, studying the doll for a few seconds. “Violet," you say abruptly, the name just popping into your head.
"Violet," Brandon echos. "Yeah, you look like a Violet." He's talking to the baby.
"Vi for short," you add and he nods.
"Hold her?" You take her gently. "I'm finding her an outfit."
"I get final approval!" You call as he races to the big bin of baby clothes in the corner. Carson and Robin are already there and digging through. You look back at baby Violet and picture her as a real child. At the fantasy, you hold her tighter and glance at Steve, who has his doll tucked against his chest sweetly as Robin shows him the outfit options she'd picked out. He senses your eyes and looks back at you, giving you a bright smile at seeing you with your doll as well.
After returning it, you peek into the crib again and find a pacifier and bottle. You pick them up. Brandon comes back, holding up two cute dresses. You survey them and choose one, giving Violet back to Brandon so he can dress her.
"Here," you say, holding out the baby's extra items to him. He takes them and puts them in his pajama bottom pocket. "I'm gonna get ready quickly. I'll be right back." Brandon nods, and you can't help but drop a kiss on Violet's head before rushing out. You keep your word and get dressed in record time, only stopping to brush your teeth and hair. You meet him back by the crib and take now-dressed Violet so Brandon can get ready too. You let him know you'll be outside.
You make your way to the kitchen, finding Steve there making coffee. "For you," he says while passing you a mug. Taking a sip, you sigh in happiness—it's perfect. You tell him as much and he beams. He continues, "And who's this?"
You adjust Violet so she's facing Steve and stroke her head. "This is Violet."
"Oh, I love that name!" He exclaims. "It's on my shortlist for daughters."
You blush at his excitement. The universe just keeps showing you signs that Steve's the one, doesn't it? "Where's your kid?" You ask to change the subject.
"With his mother," he replies and you both smirk. "On the daybeds." He points, and you follow his finger to see Robin playing with their doll in the shade. "His name is Dustin."
"Interesting," you muse.
"Named after a close friend," Steve explains. At your smile he goes pink. "Miss that guy."
"I'm sure he's watching and is honored you named your son after him."
"He better!" Steve calls out toward any nearby camera, and you laugh.
"You still gonna get to swim?"
He nods. "Robin's letting me swim if I'll let her nap later."
"Great parenting skills right off the bat," you praise, and he preens.
"Hey," Brandon says as he walks into the kitchen. Steve hands him a mug and Brandon thanks him in surprise.
"We talked about drinking our coffee black," Steve says. "So it's easy to make."
Brandon's about to reply when Emma comes stomping into the kitchen. She pulls open the fridge door angrily and you all look at her. "What?" She barks and everyone averts their gaze. Carson comes striding in soon after, baby strapped to his chest in a carrier. He looks frustrated—Carson, not the baby.
"Emma," he says, voice tense, "we have to talk about it."
"What's there to talk about?" She fumes and slams the fridge door closed. "I said I don't want to take care of it. That's pretty straightforward."
"Scott is not an 'it'," Carson retorts, "and this whole challenge is about parenting together."
"'He'," Emma mocks, "is not even real!"
Carson gasps and covers his baby's ears as if protecting him from her statement. "He is very real, to me at least."
"Give me a break." She rolls her eyes.
"If that's what you want!" He yells and then stalks away, taking his baby to the beanbags and sitting with Eddie and Chrissy, who are cooing over their own doll together. Emma scoffs in response and goes to the sundeck, not even finishing making her coffee. You, Brandon, and Steve all look at each other with grimaces.
"I'm gonna join Robin," you say hesitantly. "Feel free to work out if you want." It's directed at Brandon, who nods slowly. You leave the kitchen and settle onto a daybed, as Steve and Brandon finish their coffee and go their separate ways.
Looking at Robin and baby Dustin, you have to laugh at the sight of the doll covered in white lotion, sunscreen presumably. Since it can't soak in, it just sits on the doll's "skin" oddly.
Robin looks at you and realizes what you're laughing about. "Sun protection is important!" She protests.
You laugh again but nod as well. "It's a good idea. Pass me the bottle." Triumphant, she gives you the sunscreen and you cover baby Violet in the lotion as well. When you're done, you look at Robin and both of you bust out laughing. 
"Okay," she wheezes, "it's pretty funny."
"I told you!" You shout between giggles.
"At least we're being good mothers," Robin pants, "even if they look ridiculous."
"Aw, they don't look ridiculous," Chrissy says sweetly, having walked over to you and Robin. She sits at your feet and motions for the bottle, which you hand to her. She squirts some out and lathers it on her doll. Once it's covered, her mouth twists like she's holding in a laugh. "Okay, maybe a little bit." You and Robin laugh again and Chrissy joins in. The three of you settle back and Chrissy introduces you to her and Eddie's daughter, Katie.
"I never knew if I wanted kids," you say, "but I guess I do now." You hold Violet to your chest and squeeze her tight.
"Oh, I've always wanted kids!" Chrissy replies.
"You would," Robin teases, and Chrissy rolls her eyes good-naturedly. She continues, "I still don't think I want any. Dustin here is cute but the cons outweigh the pros for me."
Chrissy frowns. "But you look so cute with him!"
Robin grins and pretends to model with her doll, making you and Chrissy laugh. "We may be adorable, but there's a lot more that goes into not fucking up your kid."
"Every kid gets fucked up, one way or another," you input. "You can't help it. Just as long as you try your best, love them no matter what, and always encourage them to be open with you, it'll be okay in the end."
Chrissy and Robin golf clap. "Very wise," Robin says snobbily. You shove her in retaliation. "Hey, watch the baby!"
At that moment, your baby starts crying. "Oh," you coo, "is little Vi hungry? Should we go see where daddy put your bottle?" She screams louder in response and you snort. "I'll be back," you tell Chrissy and Robin, who nod in sympathy.
You slide off the bed and walk over to Brandon in the gym, shouting that Violet's hungry. When Brandon understands your words, his face turns to one of horror.
"I left it upstairs," he says like he's going to be struck by lightning for admitting it.
"Okay," you shrug, "go get it."
He races off and into the villa. You bounce Vi, shushing her even though it doesn't do much. Brandon reappears and practically sprints to get the bottle to you. You take it and adjust the doll so you can start "feeding" her. As soon as the bottle's in place, she quiets down. You look up at Brandon with a smile, but he's frowning.
"I'm so sorry," he groans.
"Hey," you soothe, stroking his upper arm. "It's okay. She got it in the end." He makes a face. "Not the end of the world," you insist. "Look, she's perfectly fine now." You both look down at her, "eating" happily. Eventually, the noises taper off and you intuit she's done. Looking up at Brandon, you ask, "Wanna burp her?"
He looks a little afraid but nods anyway. You smile encouragingly and hand her to him, placing her in the correct position. He starts to pat her back and after a few minutes, she lets out a burp.
"You got it!" You exclaim happily.
He grins back at you as he moves the doll so he's holding her on his hip. "I got it from here," he says confidently. "You go take a break."
"Alright," you reply, impressed, and walk back to the daybed, where Steve has joined Robin and Chrissy has disappeared. You take up your previous spot on the vacant bed and watch as the couple make the exchange. Steve is cooing at baby Dustin so lovingly that it makes your heart (and thighs) clench. He only has eyes for the doll, not even noticing when Robin lets out a sigh once her hands are empty. She stands and pads away, murmuring something about finally getting coffee, and you lay down on your side to keep watching Steve.
The sight of Steve caring so much for a doll just makes you want to see how he'd be with a real baby. You try not to let your face go too lovestruck, but it's a losing battle.
"Where's Vi?" Steve breaks into your reverie.
"With her father," you respond dreamily.
Steve looks at you finally and sees the expression on your face. You blush at being found out, but his smile just grows. "Robin told me you want kids?" He sounds hopeful.
"I do," you confirm. "Obviously, so do you."
He somehow brightens further. "Always. Want a whole pack of them running around."
You laugh. "How many is in a pack?"
"Six, give or take," he answers, and chuckles when your jaw drops. "But I'd be fine with one. Just need a baby in my life sometime."
"I think you can get more than one." You watch his face intently and almost swoon when his smile about splits his face.
"Yeah?" He asks excitedly.
You hum affirmatively, and Steve holds Dustin tighter in response, still gazing at you. "Did Robin tell you she doesn't really want them?"
He shrugs and nods at the same time. "So did Nancy."
"Interesting. How did Erik take it?"
"Surprisingly well. Didn't even bat an eye."
More evidence he knows what's going on behind the scenes, or can sense it anyway. "What do you think about Emma and Carson?"
He looks out into the backyard, and you follow his gaze to the sundeck, where Emma is still sitting, rigid and tense. You search out Carson, who is with Brandon by the trellis. They're talking normally while their dolls lay on their chests, each secured with an arm around them. It's a cute visual.
Steve turns back to you. "I don't know." He sighs. "Bad sign."
You nod in agreement. "Worries me."
"Me too."
"You too what?" Eddie interrupts, plopping next to Steve, baby-free. He plays with Dustin, making faces even though the baby can't laugh at him. You do instead.
"Emma and Carson," Steve explains. "Worries us."
"Oh, yeah," Eddie replies gravely. "I heard about the kitchen fight."
You wince. "Not a pretty sight."
"Hope they can work it out," Steve says.
"I don't know," you protest. "That's a big thing to disagree about. Deal breaker for a lot of people."
"Well, it's good that Chrissy and I both want kids," Eddie says brightly, to lighten the mood. You raise an eyebrow and Steve gives him a look. "Sorry! But the topic was depressing me."
You can understand that, so you three start talking about other, happier things. Brandon wanders over and sits with you, starting a conversation about what you think your babies would be like in real life: Violet would be quiet, thoughtful, and kind; Dustin would be loud, passionate, and funny, "just like his namesake," Steve adds. Eddie runs off and drags Chrissy over with Katie so they can join in, saying she would be punk, rebellious, but a softie at heart.
You watch in jealousy as they gaze at each other with heart eyes, wanting to be able to do that too. You sense and look over to lock eyes with Steve, who has a soft, adoring expression. Soon, it seems to say, and it makes you glow with happiness.
You wander away in search of something to eat, and encounter Robin and Nancy talking animatedly in the kitchen. They barely notice your arrival, they're so wrapped up in each other, and you smile into the fridge for them.
As you munch on some grapes, you survey the scene. Carson has joined Erik on the trellis seating, adopting the same pose. It looks like they're dozing, but the babies are still tucked into them closely. Emma has moved to a beach chair and is suntanning, though she doesn't look very relaxed. Steve and Brandon have moved to the beanbags to sit in the sun, hats tucked low on the babies' heads. Eddie and Chrissy have taken over a full daybed, laying next to each other with their doll in the middle, talking and laughing gently.
You're marveling at the view of it all when a phone beeps. "I got a text!" Nancy yells. "Islanders, it's time to learn who has passed the baby challenge!" Everyone cheers.
She continues, "The couples who have passed are...Steve and Robin." They both pump their hands in the air, turning to each other to do an air high-five, which makes you snort. "Eddie and Chrissy." They lift their hands from the daybed in triumph. "And..." She finishes with yours and Brandon's names, and you both whoop.
"The couples who have not passed are...Erik and Nancy." She goes sheepish. "I wasn't very attentive, I'll agree with that. But Erik was a model father!" She yells and he shouts back a thanks. "And...Emma and Carson." It's quiet as you all look at Carson, who doesn't look happy but doesn't say anything. Emma doesn't even look up.
"It's time to say goodbye to your babies," she finishes. "Please place them back in their cribs."
Everyone starts moving towards the villa. You approach Brandon and Violet with a pout. "Bye, baby Vi," you say softly, stroking her head lightly. "You were a great daughter."
Brandon gives you a sympathetic look. "The best."
"Can I put her back?" You ask, and Brandon hands her to you. You walk into the villa and lay her gently in her crib, giving her another silent goodbye as you take one last look. When you lift your head, you meet Steve's gaze as he leans over Dustin's crib. You smile at each other softly. Without breaking eye contact, you move towards each other and eventually hug tightly.
"God, I wanna kiss you," he whispers in your ear, and your breath catches.
"Me too," you reply, just as quiet. "So much."
"Just a little longer," he promises. You nod and he leans back to look at you again. You're trying not to cry, hating this invisible barrier between you, but Steve just keeps projecting strength in his stare. You breathe deeply to regain composure and eventually step away. He seems reluctant to let you go. You give him one last grateful smile as you follow the girls upstairs. You try to memorize his returning beam before he disappears from view.
The next day is much quieter, but you feel a sense of emptiness. "Is it weird if I miss the babies?" You wonder aloud in the morning, sitting at the kitchen counter and savoring your coffee.
Emma scoffs and says, "yes," while Steve replies, "no," at the same time. Emma rolls her eyes at Steve's answer and walks away. Instead of going somewhere in the backyard, she enters the villa and eventually emerges on the terrace. You exchange a look with Robin, who's standing next to Steve across from you.
"Think that's a good on-the-terrace mood?" Robin asks hopefully, face falling when you shake your head no.
"I'll go," you reassure her and stand from your stool. You grab Emma's half-finished coffee and bring it to her on the terrace. She doesn't take it when you hold it out to her, so you set it on the table in front of you and sit next to her. You let the quiet linger a bit longer, finishing your own coffee, before setting the empty cup next to Emma's and asking gently, "You okay?"
"Fuck off," she snarls. You don't take it to heart and just nod, lapsing into silence again. A little while longer, as you're daydreaming about Steve, she says quietly, "No."
You look at her. She looks miserable. "Wanna talk about it?"
She shrugs. She doesn't say anything for a minute, but eventually continues. "I don't want kids."
"That's okay," you reply. She looks up at you, seemingly surprised. "Not everyone has to have kids."
"But..." She trails off, chewing the inside of her cheek. "It's what a woman should want."
"No one can decide what a woman wants except that woman."
"But that's what Carson said," she argues, on the edge of tears.
You give her a sympathetic expression. "Well, that was an asshole thing to say." She snorts like she wasn't expecting it. You keep going. "He doesn't get to tell you what you want. No one does but you."
"Yeah," she says with confidence, surprising you both. She embraces it. "You're right. I'm in control of myself."
"Exactly," you encourage.
"And I don't want kids!"
"Damn right!" You give her a high-five and then the two of you dissolve into giggles.
"I can't believe I let a man tell me what to do," she says with disgust.
"I thought you were lost to us forever." She pushes you at your teasing and you laugh.
She gives you an appreciative face. "Thank you." It's so sincere it kind of makes you wanna cry.
"That's what friends are for." You go bright so you don't actually tear up. "Ready to go back?"
She nods firmly and you stand together, walking through the villa quickly. She emerges outside with her head held high and doesn't even look at Carson, who's giving her a dirty look. However, you look at him and shoot him your middle finger, making his mouth gape in shock. You snicker at it as you rejoin your friends in the kitchen, Emma making some toast and talking with Steve and Robin.
You stick close to her during the day and into the night, just to be supportive, but it doesn't seem like she needs it. She stays strong and you wouldn't have believed she'd been so low before if you hadn't seen it with your own two eyes. She even picks out a daring outfit that makes her look smoking hot and refuses to speak to Carson when he tries to talk to her. You've never been prouder.
You two are relaxing on the beanbags with Nancy and Erik, talking about nothing and everything, when a phone chimes. "I got a text!" Eddie yells from the trellis bench, where he's laying with Chrissy. "Islanders, please gather around the fire pit immediately."
You and Emma give each other an exasperated look as you get up and join the procession to the fire pit. You sit in your couples, Emma with an inch of space between her and Carson. Another phone goes off and Brandon pulls his out. "Islanders, it's time for the final dumping. The public have been voting for their favorite couples and the one with the least votes will be going home tonight."
You hold Brandon's hand tighter, remembering the last dumping. You expect it to be a drawn-out, torturous affair, but when Robin's phone dings, she reads, "The couple with the least amount of votes is..."
Your phone startles you by ringing. You lift it up and say grimly, "Emma and Carson."
Everyone looks at them. Carson looks upset but Emma just shrugs. She stands and you walk over to her, all the girls following and circling around her. "I figured," she explains. "Yesterday could not have been in our favor."
"Hopefully the public are just not voting for you two because of what Carson said," you offer hopefully. Emma looks at you with a smile.
"Maybe," she says lightly. "But I'm mostly sad that I'm gonna miss you guys so much." You all "aw" and go in for a group hug. She giggles at the center and holds everyone close. "Help me pack?" She asks when you break apart. All the girls nod.
You take her back to the villa and pack her suitcase slowly, reminiscing about your adventures in the villa in the past weeks. You laugh, you cry, and you hug an alarming amount of times, but it still doesn't feel like enough. When she and Carson wave and step out of the door, you lean against Chrissy with tears in your eyes. "She was our day one-er," you say wetly.
Chrissy sniffles. "Gonna miss her."
"Me too." You look at each other, but it just makes you both cry again. Eddie comes over and you lay Chrissy against him gently. She digs her head into his chest as he holds her tightly, smiling at you in sympathy. You smile back.
Walking with them to the backyard, you want nothing more than to go to Steve and be held by him, to hear his heart beating under your cheek and feel his lips on the crown of your head. Instead, you go to Brandon and hook your elbow with his, resting against him just a little. He places his hand on yours, patting it lightly in comfort.
"Come on," Robin says softly. "Let's get a drink."
You and Brandon nod and follow her to the island, where the glasses and champagne bottle are waiting. Erik opens it expertly and pours, Nancy handing out the flutes to everyone. Brandon lifts his into the air.
"Island of Love final four!" He shouts.
You all echo him and cheers. As you sip, you glance around at everyone, chatting lowly. You land on Steve, who's staring back at you. You two smile at each other, and you wonder what will happen next.
one year later
CELEB Magazine Issue 2780
There are days everyone asks if you remember where you were when they occurred: September 11, 2001; the day Michael Jackson died; when Destiel became canon. And the latest event to be added to that list is the season five finale of Island of Love, where the craziest series of things happened to create the most memorable episode in all of reality television. It's officially been a year, so let's recap, shall we?
Season five was a weird ride from start to finish. There was drama for sure, but we can't say we completely understood it. And there were a lot of secret conversations the contestants had that couldn't be recorded—making the creators revamp their procedures so that couldn't happen anymore. Because of that, we probably should've seen it all coming, and on some level, we did. But it was also way more than we expected.
We went into the finale with four couples: Steve and Robin, Eddie and Chrissy, Erik and Nancy, and Y/N and Brandon. We liked them, we thought they liked each other. We were wrong. Kind of.
It was wild from the very beginning. After introductions and some videos from the season as a whole, host Naomi Tressel is about to announce the fourth place winners, when Nancy interrupts her. "Stop!" She says. "I need to say something!"
After given a microphone, she proceeds to apologize and profess her love to fellow islander Robin. Everyone's jaws drop, there's crickets from the audience. But none of the islanders look surprised, let alone absolutely shocked like we were. Once Nancy is finished, Robin runs towards her and they kiss passionately, while the other contestants just smile and cheer them on. Even their partners, Erik and Steve, seem happy for them.
So Robin and Nancy—who, we've learned, were friends with benefits before Nancy came on the show to get back with her ex, Steve, and Robin followed to get her back—are hugging and no one's sure what to do next. Naomi is begging for direction, but even the producers don't know what to say. Eventually, someone takes charge and tells Naomi to keep going as planned. We hear that she looked at them like they were crazy, but adopts a composed expression when the camera turns on her.
"Well, wasn't that a surprise!" She exclaims, clearly floundering. "Happy for the two of them. Going back to our program..." She then announces that Erik and Nancy had been fourth place, and the (ex?) couple hug. They join Naomi on the couch and nonchalantly answer all her questions about the season, revealing that Nancy had told Erik early on in their coupledom that she and Robin had something going and she was still exploring that. He'd been super cool about it and agreed to be her partner as she and Robin spoke further. Naomi stares at them as Nancy gives a tiny speech thanking Erik for helping her. He just responds that he's glad they finally got together, teasing that they took until the last minute.
They finish their interview and Naomi comes back after a commercial break to announce the third place couple. She's seemingly back to normal and reveals that Y/N and Brandon have won. The two of them join her on the couch, where they give everyone whiplash and explain that they weren't really a couple at all, but just good friends. How did they fool all of us so well? Watching their clips in the show, it's obvious. Well, hindsight is 20/20.
Then it's down to Steve and Robin and Eddie and Chrissy. Robin is back standing with Steve, while Nancy is standing with Brandon and Y/N, who are all hugging. Naomi tries to get her groove back and reveals that first place goes to...Steve and Robin! They cheer as confetti rains down, second place winners Eddie and Chrissy hugging them excitedly. Naomi then shoos them away so Steve and Robin can go through one last challenge: will they split the prize money?
Spoiler alert: they do, but not without one last twist. Steve gets the winning envelope and confirms that he's sharing the $50,000 with his partner Robin. But he doesn't stop there. No, he goes on to state that he won't be keeping his half of the money but giving it away, to...Y/N! We're flabbergasted. Y/N, of Y/N and Brandon, third place winners?
The very same. Steve explains that he's giving her the money not just because she deserves it, so she can focus on auditioning for an orchestra, but also because HE LOVES HER. IN THE ROMANTIC SENSE. As fans will remember, the two were coupled up in the first weeks, until Nancy stole him away and then he brought Robin back from Casa Amor. They were obviously good friends, and kissed a couple of times later in the season—claiming they were seeing if the "spark was still there"—but we never doubted Steve's fidelity to Robin, especially not after she called him her soulmate in a recoupling speech. (Later, after the finale, Robin explained Steve is her soulmate—just platonically.)
Y/N runs from behind the scenes and she and Steve embrace passionately, kissing for a really long time. Brandon doesn't look fazed at all. In fact, the rest of the islanders are all screaming for them and running onstage to pile into a group hug. When the camera goes back to Naomi, she can't help but look helpless.
"Well," she says, “that's all for tonight, I guess. Unless there's another surprise?" She looks at the contestants, who all shake their heads, smiling from ear to ear. "Thank god," she sighs. "Thanks for joining us on what's turned out to be one hell of a season finale." The program ends and the rest of the world just sits their with our mouths hanging open. Then, we obviously go on the internet.
It blows up, it trends, it goes viral. It's the biggest thing since One Direction broke up. It's the only thing anyone can talk about for days. And who can blame them? Almost none of the couples came out intact—the only exception being Eddie and Chrissy—and we were plot twisted three times in one hour. And in the year since, it's become a meme, a running gag, and even a cliché. But no one can ever outdo the original.
"We tried to see what our islanders have been up to since the finale, but couldn't get in touch with anyone. If y'all are reading this, can you give us a call? We wanna see how it's working out," you finish reading.
"Been working out pretty well, I'd say," Eddie says as he and Steve set down the couch they'd been carrying. Steve collapses onto it and you join him, his arms opening wide for you to cuddle close. You show him the magazine article, the pictures accompanying it from the live finale.
"Should we call them?" Robin teases, and Nancy pinches her side. "Ow!" She protests but Nancy just rolls her eyes fondly and tugs her closer, as they lean against the kitchen counter.
Chrissy pretends to think about it but ultimately waves a hand and says, "Nah." Eddie snorts as he sits in a chair near her, motioning for her to sit on his lap. She does so, relaxing back as his arms wrap around her waist.
You remember when you used to feel jealous about that public display of affection...but now you're where you belong, snuggled up with Steve, his head resting on top of yours.
You're all in your and Steve's new Chicago suburb apartment. It's a cute little place that's halfway between your places of work. It was an easy decision to move in together really—you'd been a real couple since the finale. You had immediately gone off on a vacation, just the two of you, to make up for all the time you hadn't gotten to spend together during the show. You hadn't told anyone but your friends and sworn them to secrecy, so no pesky reporters tracked you down.
The choice of location had been by chance. You and Steve had actually picked up a map and both pointed with your eyes closed—your finger landed on Maine while his on Idaho, so you of course went to Maine. You'd gotten your parents to reserve a tiny Airbnb right on the coast, and so you and Steve holed up together. There were nights out, nights in, a whale-watching tour and even a boat to Nova Scotia, just for the hell of it. You two had gotten to know each other quite well, and best of all, Steve had finished his bedtime story about Eleven and the Upside Down (but sh, no spoilers).
It had been hard to go home separately after that month of bliss, but you both dove into working to get back to each other. You'd quit your job and went full-force into auditioning, going all over the United States before accepting a first violin placement with the Chicago Symphony. Steve had applied to all of the school distracts he wanted to work at in Illinois, eventually interviewing for and getting a great position in Maine Township, just outside Chicago.
It also helped that your friends and fellow islanders also live in Chicago. Chrissy had joined Eddie there and gone one step further to join his band. He swears that she elevated them, since now they play at mid-level clubs around the city and have a record deal pending. Chrissy blushes whenever he says it but doesn't refute it. Nancy accepted that anchor job offer when she'd come back, Robin in tow. They weren't living together just yet, but it's a close thing. Robin spends all her time at Nancy's apartment anyway. She claims it's better than hers and Nancy doesn't disagree.
Steve points out a great picture of the two of you kissing. You nod. “Maybe we should reach out,” you say, “just so they can send us the original photo. It would look so good framed.” Steve laughs with everyone else, his chest vibrating against your back, making you go all gooey inside. “I’m serious!” You protest.
Steve kisses your temple. “I know, beautiful; it’s a good idea. I’d love to be able to see that moment everyday. Best of my life.”
You blush as all your friends “aw” at the sentiment. “Mine too,” you reply softly, embarrassed by how exhilarating it is to hear those words. Steve just squeezes you to him, burrowing his face into your neck and placing barely-there kisses to the skin.
“I think it was the best moments of all our lives,” Nancy muses, but Eddie holds up a finger.
“Not me. It’s a toss-up between proposing to this beauty during Snog, Marry, Pie, or our first kiss as a couple.” He tightens his arms around Chrissy, who smiles.
She adds, “I think mine was when I got to pie Ryan.” Eddie tickles her for that and she laughs, swatting his hands away. “I’m kidding,” she finally says and Eddie settles. “It was the first time we kissed, period. In Casa Amor.” Everyone “aw”’s again as they kiss.
“Well mine was the finale,” Robin declares, holding Nancy closer. “Obviously. Who would say Nancy Wheeler confessing their love for you on live television wasn’t their best moment?”
You almost expect Nancy to pinch her again for that, but she just leans over and kisses her girlfriend softly, not even adding anything.
Your phone chimes and you say, “I got a text!” as you pull it out, just for the hell of it. You giggle as everyone groans. “It’s Emma! She’s set to come up next weekend. We got confirmation from Brandon and Erik too? And Blake and Maggie?”
After being dumped from the show, Emma and Carson had gone their separate ways—a definite good thing. She’d moved down to Miami and became a semi-professional boxer, doing great in that circuit. Similarly, Brandon and Erik had also gone south, to Texas, and went into business together. You’re not exactly sure what they do but they’re good at it—their company is super successful. Blake and Maggie had moved in together, in her hometown of San Francisco. You’d been surprised at the choice—it was expensive as fuck—but both of them had signed brand deals after the show and were the faces of major ad campaigns, so you think they’re good.
“Erik is in,” Nancy confirms.
“So is Brandon,” Steve follows up.
“As are Blake and Maggie!” Chrissy finishes excitedly. “It’s gonna be a proper Island of Love reunion!”
“Thank god there won’t be any cameras this time,” you sigh. “Maybe Blake, Maggie, and Emma can get their shit together.”
“What do you mean?” Robin asks, intrigued.
“Okay, swearing y’all to secrecy.” Everyone nods seriously. “She told me recently she had a crush on both Blake and Maggie during the show.” A couple people gasp and you nod enthusiastically. “And now that she’s not with Carson, she can see if they’d be open to it!”
“There are other elements of that situation that we don’t know exist,” Eddie points out.
You look at Chrissy. “Well,” she draws out, twisting her mouth. “Maggie told me she’s bi too. And that both of them are into the idea of being poly.”
Everyone “ooh”’s and you display your hands like you’re resting your case. “It’s perfect.”
“Does that mean we have another secret mission on our hands?” Steve says slyly, raising an eyebrow.
You all look at each other in hopeful curiosity. Everyone seems on board with the idea and so you clap your hands. “Operation Throuple is officially underway!”
The other two couples start talking over each other to bicker about the name, while you settle back against Steve and enjoy the moment.
“Okay,” Steve says quietly, just for you. “This might be tied for best moment of my life.”
You smile. “Tied with the finale?”
“Tied with every other moment I get to spend with you.” He nuzzles his nose against your cheek and you giggle. “You’re the love of my life, you know that?“
Your heart jumps, but you just nod. “I know. You know you’re mine too?”
“I know,” he whispers and kisses behind your ear.
Guess it was Island of Love for you after all.
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foolishlovers · 5 months
anything can be a good omens au if you’re unhinged enough
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eldritch-thrumming · 1 year
imagine: it’s been years since Steve and Eddie have seen each other. Eddie is still in contact with the kids, with Robin and Nancy and even Jonathan and Argyle, but he and Steve have kind of fallen out of touch. Steve buys every magazine that features Eddie, has a stack of Eddie’s tapes by his stereo, watches every televised award ceremony. He’s being supportive in the only ways he knows how. He had thought, back in 1986, that maybe they could have been something great, but he and Eddie had missed each other. That’s okay. It’s fine.
Steve’s okay, following Eddie’s career from afar. He’s got his own life to think about, his students and coaching and dating the various men and women his coworkers try to set him up with. It’s fine.
The Grammys are this weekend and Steve’s carved out his Sunday evening to watch the ceremony. Eddie’s third studio album is nominated for a whole slew of awards and fans have been gobbling up all the hints of who the album could be about. Eddie isn’t known for his love songs, but this new album consists of quite a few torch songs and ballads, each one more heartbreaking than the last. Steve’s been listening to the album on repeat for the past few weeks, imagining a world that maybe could have been if he’d been ready for it ten years ago. But he hadn’t been. He knows he hadn’t been.
On Sunday night, Steve pops some popcorn and parks himself on the couch in front of his ancient TV. He settles in as the red carpet coverage starts. He watches as Madonna and Prince and Michael Jackson arrive. He watches as Bruce Springsteen and Celine Dion and Shania Twain are interviewed by entertainment reporters.
And then Eddie appears, stepping out of his car and holding out his hand for his date to climb out after him, some actor that had just had a film premier at the Venice Film Festival. They make a good couple, handsome and clearly in love judging by the way they look at each other, the secret smiles they share when they think no one is looking. Steve tries not to take it personally, knows he has no right. It’s been years since he’s even seen Eddie in the flesh, even longer since they’ve had any meaningful sort of conversation. Fans have been speculating about this new relationship, theorizing that this is who Eddie’s love songs are all about. Watching them together, Steve thinks they’re probably right.
Halfway through the ceremony, Eddie wins the award for Best Metal Performance. Steve can’t help the smile that spreads across his lips, practically threatening to split his face in two. He watches, enraptured, as Eddie storms onto the stage, smile blinding. Steve practically holds his breath as he watches Eddie clutch the trophy in his shaking hands and stand close to the mic. He has to bend slightly and Steve’s smile grows even wider as Eddie thanks Wayne and the Party, all of them, before thanking his managers and agents and producers. Then Steve watches as Eddie takes a deep breath. The camera cuts to the crowd, closing in on Eddie’s date who watches from his seat, glassy eyes reflecting the stage lights and dopey smile on his face. Steve’s own smile falls just a little until the camera cuts back to Eddie.
“And to the man who’s inspired every song on this album,” Eddie smiles again, bright and blinding, holding his trophy up towards his date. “Stevie baby, thank you, darling.”
Steve’s face falls. Something in his chest tightens. There’s a grumbling from the crowd on screen and the camera zooms in on Eddie’s face as he seems to realize what he’s said. That he’s said the wrong name. Because that’s not his date’s name, it’s not even close. Eddie looks surprised at his own words but the camera cuts from him to where his date sits in the crowd, smile still plastered to his tanned and handsome face, clearly forced. The crowd starts clapping as the music starts to play and the presenters help usher Eddie backstage.
Steve can’t breathe. He can’t take his eyes off the screen, even though Eddie’s not there anymore. He feels rooted to the spot he’s made for himself on his couch. There’s a rushing in his ears.
He’s vaguely aware of his phone as it starts to ring in the kitchen.
when i got into the accident, the sight that flashed before me was your face. but when i stepped up to the podium, i think that i forgot to say your name. i’m on a bench in coney island wondering where did my baby go? the fast times, the bright lights, the merry-go. sorry for not making you my centerfold, over and over.
part two
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Been having some ISaT tech level and timeline (as in 'when backstory things happened') thoughts and want to ramble a bit:
ISaT's setting is based on your classic sword and sorcery fantasy JRPG so its easy to assume that tech wise everything is 'fantasy medieval' and call it a day but consider:
Body Craft is at bare minimum is magic sex changing surgery (earliest known equivent in our world dating to 1930) that any old person can learn to do safely on themselves in only a few months, and more likely has many many broader applications like regular old surgery, the 'combat healing' Mira and Sif use, etc.
Cameras and photos are rare enough that Odile comments on it (namely she's happy the group get a photo in the House due to them being 'so rare') yet are also common enough that everyone in the party knows about them and doesn't question the existence of a camera beyond being surprised that the mirror was one. (In our world cameras date back to the 19th century, with the earliest manufacturing of them being in 1839). 
Printing presses and ways to make plenty of paper to feed those presses given absolutely everyone in this game can read, expects everyone else to know how to, and both mass produced book series and newspapers are a thing. (Note: Printing presses have existed since waaaay back but it's the mass paper manufacturing that makes newspapers and The Cursing of Chateu Castle possible that really has my eyebrows raised here, especially since neither Siffrin or Odile find either odd in any way, indicating such things are common everywhere, and while newspapers have been around since 1604 in our world, mass produced fantasy books didn't really take off until the start of the 20th century).
Food production and storage: despite being in the middle of a national disaster that almost certainly cut off trade networks and access to most suppliers for literal months now, Bonnie, a small child, is able to easily get their hands on fresh Pineapple, curry ingredients (for samosa), potatoes, plantains etc with no issues or anyone commenting on this being unusual or lucky. Oh and the only character who even brings up the concept of potential starvation is the Fishing One, and only in a sort of 'we're not at risk now but sooner or later...' kinda way due to noticing that the fish they fish up for fun are disappearing and likely being frozen. So yeah, that heavily implies Vaugarde has very good food storage tech/Craft (possibly better than ours), and likely also good food production and harvesting tech/skills also.
The Island's incredible knowledge of the stars: while the oldest known orrery in our world is dated from around 205 to 87 BC (ancient Greek, earth centric model), the fact Sif -who would've learnt this as a child/teen- is so very certain that stars are big balls of fire made up of gas is interesting as that's something our world couldn't prove the theory of until around the 1900s (note: it'd been theorized a LONG time but Sif talks like its complete facts to them . Additionally the earliest existing record of a telescope in our world dates to a 1608 patent and we see one of those in game.
Post posting EDIT: A wonderful user qds-place pointed out that Mirabelle has anti-anxiety medication in her room. This is in both ISaT and SAaP and though we're not sure what form the medication takes (pills? Valium? Megitech esc Craft boosters???) the fact they specifically have 'anti anxiety' medication at all (as opposed to idk dragging Mira off and drugging her through the gills) is kind of impressive and if it IS modern anti anxiety pills those could be as recent in creation as the 1950s! So um. Some high levels of tech implied in chemistry there <3
So... yeah. All this, plus the fact that the highest tech implied area, The Island, literally specialised in the study/Craft of turning wishes into reality (for a long enough time period that Wish Craft is culturally so ingrained in the King and Sif that they do it without thinking and it seems intertwined with their nation's religion) has been completely erased from memory to the point anything heavily associated with them has been forgotten, and also we only ever see Dormont aka a little village well away from the cities, it's not hard to conclude that you can basically justify giving the ISaT world any level of tech you want, so long as you lock any of the truly 'setting breaking' stuff like planes and rockets behind The Island's forgetting curse (I would've said trains too but thinking about it trains were invented in 1802 so it's honestly easy to imagine that they totally exist in the ISaT setting/Vaugarde but aren't ever on screen because rail is way too dangerous to consider using while the Curse is active and potentially time freezing things on the tracks).
Side note: We know absolutely nothing about Vaugarde's transport system but as a fan of fantasy RPGs it is honestly a travesty I have yet to see a fic that has flying dragons/wyverns or other fantasy mounts in setting. Like, ok yes, the party would probably have wanted to use those but maybe they don't like the Curse and fled? Maybe the King's Curse targeted them first? Maybe all their handlers dropped the heroes off in Dormont and said 'Well Saviors it's been fun, but well me and Scales here are off to Poteria until things wrap up so best of luck to you' before buggering off?
This isn't really a serious complaint just. Me reminding myself/potentially other fanwork writers out there that there's a lot about the setting we just don't know about and limiting all travel to walking, horse drawn carriage and boat is not actually required. (Also please mix up travelling to the Island. Boats are a wonderful classic and have great thematic vibes for Sif's original leaving of the Island but like. Imagine the sheer in-universe wtf of the memories of The Island suddenly coming back and people on the north coast suddenly realising there's a massive bridge, subway or underwater tunnel leading there that everyone just forgot about - potentially filled with all kinds of Sadnesses that need taking down. Or Warp Panels in a House of Change, idk XD).
Canon notes first:
Bonnie is a preteen (8 to 12), Mira and Isa are in their early to mid 20s (with Isa slightly older), Sif is late 20s to 30, and Odile is 40+ Nille is stated to be around 18 to 20.
Siffrin ran away from home when they were a teenager (13 to 17? 18?) and this is heavily implied to be when the Island was Forgotten.
Bonnie (in ISaT specifically*) says that Nille told them that when it happened all the adults were talking about it, hence why they think The Island is close to their village. *In Start Again a Prologue, Bonnie says that they themself remember the adults talking about the Island disappearing, which er. Is a bit impossible given they likely weren't even born yet when that happened but that can be explained away by AU differences, InsertDisc5 still finalising details between SAaP and ISaT, and/or OG Siffrin having been in the loops so long they weren't actually listening when Bonnie was talking and just 'scripted' in their head something 'close enough' to what Bonnie was saying to get the idea (note: mentioned that idea before in my post here on the differences between the House and King in Start Again vs In Stars and Time for anyone curious so er please feel free to give that a read if you haven't already).
Odile mentions remembering 'when it happened' as well and has been 'travelling for years'.
The King 'appeared out of nowhere' sometime in his adulthood, and lived in the city of Corbeaux for a few years before he became the King.
The King became the King as was freezing people in time long enough before his attack on the House of Dormont that everyone inside knew he was coming, there were a wall's worth of newspaper articles about him, and everyone was expecting Euphrasie to defeat him.
Mirabelle's quest began 'almost a year ago' and Sif lost their eye 'recently'.
Thoughts on the above:
Calculating when The Island was forgotten:
Sif being mid 20s to 30 and having run away from home as a teen means that The Island has to have been forgotten somewhere between 9 to 17 years ago with nine only possible if he ran away at age 17 and is only age 26 now, and seventeen being the far opposite if he ran at age 13 and is currently 30.
To narrow down the timeline: Given Sif ran away from home because he 'didn't want to eat his veggies' and 'just wanted to scare [his] parents a little bit' it's probably safe to assume Siffrin was likely on the younger end of the teen spectrum (teens run off all the time sure but with loving parents and over veggies? That screams 'kid who has not yet learned that freaking out the parents will get their ass grounded and/or yelled at a LOT and is therefore best saved for doing fun forbidden stuff that ideally the parents will never find out about' XD) Additionally given Siffrin can't remember his age/birthday etc but Isabeau outright says near the beginning of the game "But you're older than most of the people here?" meaning Sif must be visibly older than Isa or Mira, so he's probably closer to 30 than not.
Those alone would imply the Island likely disappeared closer to the '17 years ago' side of things BUT Nille (tops 20 years old) told Bonnie that "[the Island's disappearance] was all the adults would talk about for ages" and kids usually can't remember anything prior to 4 years of age so with that in mind...
I'd say The Island most likely disappeared between 13 to 16 years ago.
Nille stuff:
This is more a general mention but. Nille is tops 20 years old. Bonnie is between 8 and 12 and doesn't remember their parents at all.
This means Nille ran away with Bonnie and gained emancipation and custody of Bonnie (if Vaugarde has formalised that kind of legal stuff) while she was at most 12 years old herself and could have in theory been as young as 6..!
Regardless, it's very likely the original home situation was that bad, Nille deserves a ton of credit for raising Bonnie as well as she has and I'd say it's very VERY likely she had a lot of help from villagers in Bambosche and/or the local House of Change in doing so. ...But also Bonnie is very adamantly 'my sister and village' and not 'my sister and [specific names who live with us]' so there's clearly by the time Bonnie was 4 or so they were living in their own place so... Yeah. Lotta drive for independence there too it seems (so the party might have more trouble adopting Nille into their group post ISaT than Bonnie might expect).
King stuff:
Already an adult 13 to 16 years ago so at bare minimum 33. Given his vibe probably much older though.
Newspapers get printed pretty quick though for there to be so much speculation and research done into his background so quick, either Vaugarde has some form of fast messaging system (something like a Chappe telegraph on top of the Houses of Change? Odile I think does mention that they'll have a message sent to let Nille know they'll be returning Bonnie...) or the King was freezing stuff for IDK around a month or two before reaching Dormont? Alas can't find out how long it takes to walk across all of France out very easily (I'm sure the numbers are out there but my brain is pudding rn) but if we had those numbers we could probably make some guesstimates based off the rough sketched map of Vaugarde InsertDisk5 did... Which I would link but apparently the tumblr post I had it linked on has been deleted???? 'wails at this very unhappy development'
Mira's journey and Sif's eye:
We really don't know a lot but almost a year ago gives us somewhere around 9 to 11 months to spread the journey out along and after eye removal surgery the patient can out and about as soon as 2 to 6 weeks after, maybe sooner with magic healing (though full recovery/growing used to the changed spacial awareness -which Sif clearly does not have- probably can't be sped up and takes around 3 to 6 months) so um. I'd guestimate Sif's eye injury is really recent; like two months ago tops recent. ...Which sorta explains a lot of why Bonnie is not dealing with it right now and also why the others might be trying to avoid bringing it up (since Sif clearly loves avoiding the issue but they haven't yet realised that maybe they really should bring it up even if it annoys them anyway?)
Odile with some Ka Bue speculation:
When it comes to The Island, how did Odile, presumably living in Ka Bue at the time, remember 'when it happened'? Was the Island well known enough even on the other side of the world that it's disappearance made waves? Or was Odile herself or someone she's close to paying attention to the region? (Like maybe her dad or a friend is/was into politics or trade, keeping up with overseas news and got concerned it could happen to Ka Bue? I'd say 'I remember when it happened' line implies it was more immediate knowledge than being informed by a messenger much later though...)
As for Odile's 'years of travel' I have to wonder, what's left behind for her in Ka Bue? She brings up going back there quite a bit, might just miss home and possibly her father if he's still alive, but given it took her years to get here for something so personal rather than idk 'materially rewarding' I think Odile might have some kinda family estate or something back in Ka Bue... Something she wasn't worried about potentially losing while far away, but solid enough to want to return to, beyond her father who she'd definitely want to see again if he's still around. (...But given how open she is to chilling about Vaugarde a few more months with the others, I really don't think he is alive, since well, given their respective ages and travel between Vaugarde and Ka Bue apparently taking years, there'd definitely an uncomfortably high chance of him passing away while she's gone and that seems like the thing that'd stress Odile out so... Yeah. Probably got an estate in Ka Bue she'd like to take the Family to visit/possibly sell off if she decides she'd like to live with them in Vaugarde so... Just my off the cuff headcanoning here and hoping that gives others ideas or something).
Anyway that's all the ramble I've got in me so... yeah! Hope this was interesting and useful for those needing a bit of a 'possible tech'/timeline calcs breakdown for the Island + a few more vague things and um. Probably will post a long winding ramble about my attempt at a ISaT Selkie AU fic I've been working on next <3 (Not to be confused with looped-140-and-counting's already existing and quite wonderful Selkie Siffrin AU which already has a completed oneshot fic, a snippet of sequel, two snippets of prequel/Sif flashbacking and I believe a comic too, all of which I highly recommend <3)
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bidisastersanji · 7 months
In this episode of I can’t do anything without thinking of ZoSan please go listen to “Lay all your love on me” by ABBA and imagine it from Sanji’s perspective I swear. Maybe someday it can be a fic featuring:
Sanji struggling with his feelings of jealousy when women keep accosting and flirting with Zoro
He thinks he’s jealous because he wants the women to be flirting with him but as time passes he realizes he’s being possessive of the stupid marimo and his head is so far up his own ass he doesn’t clock that Zoro has never shown interest in a woman ever
What drives him even more nuts is that this means he feels some resentment towards WOMEN and that’s a big no no these feelings are wrong and bad and should be buried because he’s a gentleman and women can do no wrong and he would never think bad thoughts about a woman his only vice is smoking after all
But now it isn’t true - and he comes to turn with these new feelings- feelings of attraction towards a man, which he hasn’t had before, and it’s just completely overturning his self perception- so he’s bisexual apparently???
At every party his possessive jealousy gets progressively worse, he begs higher powers that zoro notices him, not the women flirting with him, nor the men that he sometimes sees the marimo walk off with into the night
He yearns, he yearns so much for the swordsman’s love, daydreaming about his touch, his voice- the way he calls him by stupid nicknames- completely distracted as he cooks by himself. He wants it all, he wants it so much it hurts but there’s no way Zoro would want him.
When he looks back on it, it’s truly unfair how easily the swordsman made him fall for him- a little talk and a smile and his insides were turning to mush - it’s embarrassing, really, how he as an adult man fell so easily, like shooting a sitting duck
After Thriller Bark it gets worse- sometimes he feels a sharp flash of fear run up his spine, a faint echo of the abject horror he felt when he found the bloodied swordsman on deaths door, and he, panicked and against all logic, needs to find him and make sure he’s ok, needs to have him near. Zoro looks at him quizzically as his excuses when he does find him get weirder and weirder
Back when he was at the Baratie, he’d had a few little love affairs- and Zeff would always scoff at him when he claimed he had found the one and gush about whatever woman had decided to string him along that week, chastising him about the ease at which he gave his affections away- he’d told him repeatedly that it wasn’t love- that he’d know love when it really hit him
And oh god had it hit him now. Pining from Momoiro island does nothing for his poor little heart and his mind goes crazy over not knowing where his nakama are and what they’re doing and he’s definitely not worried about the marimo possibly being off on some island with a better, stronger, more beautiful man than him
Iva and the candies notice him moping and decide to coach him to get his man
Sanji’s mindset is completely different two years later - he’s determined to get ALL of Zoro’s attention, his love, his devotion, and he’s not afraid of using every weapon the Candies of Kamabakka taught him
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luuxxart · 2 years
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spoilers: he met her anyway and she did her rita voice, causing him to promptly collapse on the dance floor
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chelemlem · 5 months
For the prompts: 5 times Oscar takes care of Lando and 1 time Lando takes care of him Back!
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ty anon! hope u don't mind that i combined 2 prompts + made it LOVE ISLAND AU ↓ (why is this 1k)
"Watch your step," their driver says sharply, half a second before Lando's loafers slip on a particularly wet patch of earth climbing out the car.
"Cheers, mate," Lando says, heart thundering. Jesus. Fine way to start off his reality T.V career. Week one and out of the running 'cause he split his head open on some fucking rocks. 
Lando extracts his fingers from around the guy's bicep. Huh, not bad. He wasn’t trying to cop a feel, but.
And he’s back to squinting at something on his digital notebook. Pale and rumpled, he looks out of place in the Majorca sunshine. There's a subtle furrow between his brows, like he’s got a long list of tasks to get through, and Lando’s just the first.
"That was close," George fusses, strategically sliding an arm around Lando's shoulder in a way that both highlights their height difference and show off his delts. One of those posh Cotswold types; harmless enough. Lando'd picked him for his first date because at the end of the day, they wanted the same thing—to win.
"Yeah, scary," Lando blinks up at him. Giggles for the cameras.
Lando's going to quit. 
Or like. Sue someone. He stares down at his pre-packaged meal, stomach turning. This was the one thing, the one thing he listed as part of his dietary restrictions, and still—
A shadow falls across his lap.
"Here," the PA from before says. Brown hair, thighs. Oscar?
Lando eyes the unmarked takeaway box hovering in front of him with suspicion. It smells okay. And anything's better than fish.
"Chicken rice," Oscar clarifies, handing him a spoon to match. "Thai okay?"
Oh. Lando gives him a smile, small but genuine. So someone did read the profile they made him write. Who would've thought?
Oscar clears his throat. "If you need anything else, just—I'll be over there."
He hightails it to where Luisa and the other girls are holding court around the firepit, sliding his headset back on as he goes. Nice arse too. 
Crew aren't allowed to speak to the islanders, if Max’s rudimentary Reddit trawl is to be believed, but whatever. Lando's not one for rules anyway.
He tucks into his chicken rice and tries to think of other things he needs. 
"There's a new bombshell arriving today," Oscar casually lets slip at mic-up. Quietly, under his breath.
The fuck? It's only been forty-eight hours since Nyck got here. Or maybe longer—who the fuck knows with the way time passes in the villa. There's nothing to do but tan and flirt, the sun setting on the same listless, lazy day forever. Forever. 
But more importantly—
"They hotter than me?"
Oscar's face does this put-upon little thing before sliding back to neutral. Instead of responding, he winds the mic pack around Lando's waist, bending down to secure it at his hips. 
Lando knows how to do it himself by now. Oscar knows Lando knows.
"By a fair bit, I reckon," he says finally, and escapes before Lando can call him a liar. 
"Also, you've got a terrible poker face. At least pretend to be touched when he surprises you with breakfast." 
"He made me eggs and toast, mate. Not exactly Michelin-star, is it?" Or chicken rice, for that matter.
Oscar sighs. "Next week's vote's going to the public. Just so you know."
Lando's not worried. He's survived this long—longer than Daniel, even, who won fan favourite, week two—so clearly there's something he's doing right.
He sort of wants out, anyway. He misses his phone. God, he misses sex. Everyone talks a big game, but when it actually comes down to it they're fucking, like, shy about doing it in front of the cameras. And the cameras are bleeding everywhere. Lando would know.
The only reprieve, or something like it, is—Oscar. 
He's not exactly forthcoming with chatter, but through the power of being cute and annoying, Lando learns a lot about him anyway. 
Like how he's a fan of the cricket. And he's got three sisters, none of whom give a fuck about the show. And how apparently being a former cub scout makes him some kind of authority on tying people up. 
"Just saying those knots seemed loose, is all." 
Lando feels a smirk coming on. "Watching, were you?" 
Oscar rolls his eyes. "I review the Hideaway footage to make sure it's fit for broadcast, yes."
"Good job. Really defended my honour there." 
"Fuck off," Oscar says, surprisingly calm for someone with bruises trawling the side of their face.
"Dunno why you thought you could take him. He's got like two stone and six centimetres on you. And Charles heard he's done amateur boxing—"
"Got one decent one in there, at least?"
"Element of surprise, s'all it was."
Lando gives up with the bandages. He has no idea what he's doing—and his hands are shaking too much to be of any real use. Best leave it to medical.
"Oscar," he says, rubbing his eyes. His thumb comes away damp. Christ, this better not end up on telly. "The fuck were you thinking, mate." 
Oscar exhales long and hard. His voice is softer when he says: "Sorry. Wasn't really… thinking."
Lando punches his arm lightly—the good one.
"Next time, just. Ask me out normally, alright?"
"They're not firing me," Oscar's voice sounds stunned through the phone, coloured with relief. It's the most emotion Lando's ever heard out of him. Well, second most. "Did you—?"
"My agent said me and Carlos can call it quits two months after the finale," Lando interrupts. It's important, after all.
There's quiet over the line. He can hear Oscar breathing. In out, in out. 
"And what did you say?"
Lando leans forward, against the dash of his borrowed McLaren. The one he's being paid to drive around in, posting selfies with wine and roses in the passenger's. 
Runner's up is first loser and all that, but. It's still a pretty good deal.
"Told her I'll do two weeks." 
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peacestew · 3 months
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62 Degrees North
written by MeropeMerope Isak/Even | Rating: E A Faroes Island AU
Chapter 6: Sometimes when Isak is working, seemingly lost in thought as he sands down one of the new pilasters or cuts two wood pieces to the same length, there's a sudden change to his movements, a sharp intake of breath, and then he turns around and looks for me.
The first time it happens, he is kneeling at the foot of the stairs. He's been pulling on his unwashed hair all day. There's wood dust smeared on his forehead where he must have rubbed the skin with the back of his hand, and there's more of it clinging to the little gilt hairs on his arms. For reasons unknown, he's only wearing one sock.
He's so lovely.
The moment his gaze finds me, he swallows and the tightness around his mouth softens. He gives me a small smile. It stays on his face as he turns back to his work.
Read on AO3 here with art by @peacestew ✨
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hornkneebee · 9 months
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//no warning tags applied, 502 words//
How irresponsible, Mark thinks. The Farmer is always stretching themselves thin. From managing their farm, running people's errands, fighting monsters within the shadows–the Farmer has a lot on their plate.
And despite Mark's initial indifference towards the Farmer, pity begins to well when he sees the Farmer sleeping so soundly beneath the tree in the Woodlands. Sleeping so peacefully that even the bypassing insects weren't startled by their moving chest.
Might be from exhaustion, he thinks. No wonder; day and night the Farmer goes here and there doing things of many sorts.
Mark sighs. How can the Farmer be so irresponsible. Sure, sleeping on the open grass under the shade of the oak tree seems nice, but he'd reckoned the Farmer might get rashes and itches all across their body.
Mark approaches the Farmer, crouching so that he can see the Farmer's face that is partially obscured by their straw-hat (did the Farmer bought it recently?), gently nudging the Farmer to wake.
Yet, the Farmer remains oblivious towards Mark's nudging. Instead, they lean more towards the tree, a small, satisfied smile etches across their face as they say "Just five more minutes," as though Mark was waking the Farmer up from their daily sleep.
Mark sighs, again. How helpless. With one swift motion, Mark hoists the Farmer up, craddling them protectively to ensure their security within his arms before walking. Their home is not that far, so it is not that far of a journey.
But such sudden movement immediately jolts the Farmer awake, their eyes widen as they were lifted out from the earth below before they begin to register the presence of strong arms around them, securing them in place. Only when the Farmer turns towards Mark does they speak.
"M-mark?!" the Farmer's mouth agape, still trying to make sense of the situation, "What are you doing?"
"Bringing you home," Mark says, his face stoic and cold as ever yet his tone betrays the warmth that already exuding within, "You're tired."
The Farmer doesn't know what to say to that. Indeed, they were tired.
"I..." Alas, there's no other appropriate response but a little, "Thank you... Mark..."
Despite his overall apathetic aura, his lips quirk upwards a bit, though not noticeable enough for anyone to notice.
"You know, it's amazing how you manage to keep all those plants alive..." he sighs, now the Farmer's farm is within views. He sees a vast piece of land decorated by nothing but crops that the Farmer had planted. Otherwise, there's untouched land beyond the fences.
"Yet you can barely take care of yourself." and Mark's expression soften a bit. He then looks down at the Farmer, who has a bewildered expression across their face.
"You ought to take better care of yourself, okay?" and as if the last wall had collapsed, the Farmer witnesses Mark smiling. Not at anyone else. Or anything else. But at them.
The Farmer smiles. Again, still confused, yet they're slowly taking in this development.
"Thank you, Mark."
🌻A little note from me🌻
Thank you for reading! I hope you like this one! I really love Mark and the only other fan fiction of Mark is about him adopting a pet and I love it so much!!! To contribute to the scarcity of Mark-related content, I wrote this one just for fellow Mark-lovers out there!
Also, if you notice, the last few dialogues from Mark is heavily taken and inspired from his own dialogue in game;
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Which I interpret as Mark softening up with the Farmer, which is a development I yearn for!!!
Anyway, again, thank you for reading and see you guys when I see you!!!
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stingray-art · 6 months
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He had to stop himself from fiddling with the gold band, so unfamiliar on his finger.  Acting the part of a dashing ladies' man for his jobs was one thing, but a doting and devoted husband was another. Especially when it was her.
Based on @ladycrescentvenus’s fic, Lucifer’s 13, for the Greed Island Server card #13, Luck Bankbook 💎
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galexystern · 11 months
island of love - part one
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a steve harrington/reader love island au
word count; 17k
read on ao3 / series masterlist / part two / my masterlist
You step out of the car into literal paradise. Walking down the driveway to the massive, beautiful villa, you marvel at the lush greenery, clear blue skies, and perfect temperature with just a light breeze. You can hear birds chirping in the trees and—
And a voice screaming, "Oh my god, hi!"
You look down and see a gorgeous girl waving wildly at you. You speed up to reach her sooner rather than later. When you do, she throws her arms around you and gives you an unexpected hug. You return it, only somewhat awkwardly.
"This is so exciting!" She gushes when she leans back.
"I know!" You don't want to come off as too eager, but this girl's excitement is infectious.
"I'm Chrissy!"
You introduce yourself and ask, "Are you the first girl here?"
"Yeah!" You think her every sentence is going to have an exclamation point at the end of it. "But we can't go in until the final girl is here!"
You're about to respond when there's a revving of an engine. You turn around just in time to see another car stop and the door open. A beautiful girl emerges and flips her hair before strutting down to you and Chrissy. She doesn't close the car door. She also doesn't move any faster than a model walk, so you two are stuck just watching her.
"Hi, girls," she calls out.
"Hi!" Chrissy shouts back enthusiastically.
The girl takes another minute to reach you and strikes a catwalk pose, which is completely unnecessary. You hold back a snicker.
"I'm Emma," she purrs. Yes, purrs.
Chrissy introduces herself and you. You give Emma a smile and wave, but she only fake-smiles back while eyeing you up and down critically. It's lucky you don't know where all the cameras are hidden, because you would've looked directly into one, turning this reality show into a mockumentary.
Suddenly something dings. Chrissy looks down at her designated phone. "We can go in now!" She gasps.
Emma holds out a hand imperiously. "Lead the way."
You fight an eye roll as you follow Chrissy into the villa with Emma on your heels. Chrissy explains that you three can explore the villa for a few minutes but must make your way to the backyard for the first coupling. You buzz in excitement.
You and Chrissy look around the villa with gasps and exclamations while Emma just moves through like she's better than it. She makes it to the door to the backyard before you do, and seems annoyed at having to wait.
You'd like to make a comment but Chrissy just bursts out the door and you and Emma have to hurry to catch up with her. She leads all of you back outside, to the start of a trellis, where she stops abruptly. "We have to wait here," she whispers. "They'll let us know to come out."
Right on cue, your phone chirps. "You're up first! Please head out to meet host Naomi now."
Chrissy gives you an excited thumbs-up and Emma looks at you coolly. Shaking your head, you breathe deeply as you walk through the trellis and into the sunshine. Holding up a hand so you can actually see, you spot Naomi and three boys watching you. As you make your way to them, you take the chance to check them out. They're all very attractive, but one catches your eye: a tall, muscular guy with the most perfect floppy brown hair and a smile that makes you wanna giggle. He doesn't take his gaze off you and you have to look away to watch where you're going so you don't trip and fall at the attention.
"Alright, love?" Naomi calls out. "Come join me." You take the last few steps and stand beside her. She's stunning obviously—it is her job. She gives you a very white smile. "How are you feeling?"
"Excited," you reply. "A little nervous."
She gives a little TV laugh. "Totally understandable! How do you like these boys?" She holds out a hand like she's Vanna White.
You give them the proper once-over for the cameras but you're still drawn to the boy with the amazing hair. He's looking at you with that grin, and you smile just for him before turning back to Naomi. "Well, they're all gorgeous, that's for sure."
"That they are!" Naomi and Chrissy would be best friends, you think. "Anyone you like in particular yet?"
You resist looking at the brunette. "Maybe," you answer coyly.
"Ooh, we've got a mysterious one here, boys! Now it's your turn. Please step forward if you're feeling this lovely lady," Naomi directs.
Two of the three boys step forward, including your boy, you're happy to note. "Hi," you call out. They each give you a wave.
"Love this result for you!" Naomi chirps. You can't help your eyes from widening in awkwardness and you hear a snicker from the boys. The other boys are watching Naomi. You risk a glance and see your boy still looking at you, mouth twisted like he's holding in a laugh, and your stomach suddenly has butterflies. Naomi continues, "Steve, Ryan, tell us why you stepped forward."
The other boy, Ryan, jumps in first. "Well, obviously she's beautiful." He gives you a fuckboy nod and you have to stop yourself from scoffing and smile at him instead.
Then your boy—Steve—speaks. "I agree, you are gorgeous." You thrill at how he's talking directly to you. "But I also like your vibe. I feel like we'd get along." You let yourself linger in the eye contact, which doesn't break until Naomi starts talking again.
"Those are some tempting answers," she says. What a script. "But unfortunately, you will not be able to pick who you'd like to couple up with. The public have been voting and have decided who your first partner should be." You're disappointed but unsurprised. They do it this way every time. "So," she continues, speaking your name dramatically, "the boy you will be coupling up with is..." You hold your breath and cross your fingers. "Blake!"
Guess that trick doesn't work.
You look at the third boy. He's great-looking but he hadn't stepped forward for you, and you would prefer to be in a couple with someone who like, finds you attractive. As you walk over to him, he gives you a half-smile.
"Hey," he says. "Welcome."
"Thanks," you reply as you stand next to him.
Naomi beams at you. "How are you two feeling!" She asks it with an exclamation point. "Our first couple!"
You shrug. "Happy enough."
"I'm chilling," Blake answers.
You can tell Naomi was hoping for more and now has to pivot. "Well, let's bring out our second girl! Everyone, please welcome Emma!"
Predictably, Emma takes her sweet time walking to you all, still strutting her stuff at the only speed she seems to know. When she reaches Naomi, she winks and blows a kiss to all the boys. You hear Blake swallow next to you. Awesome.
Naomi asks Emma how she is. "Great," she replies with a sharp smile. "Raring to go."
"Excellent!" Naomi looks at the boys again. "Boys, please step forward if you like Emma."
As suspected, Blake steps forward, as does Ryan. You take a peek down the line and see Steve has not moved forward. You let yourself smile a little.
"Hm, I like what I see." Emma clearly steals Naomi's thunder, and the host's smile goes a little strained.
"Blake, Ryan," she says loudly to take back control, "tell us what you like about Emma."
Again, Ryan speaks first. Good to know he's that type of guy. "Wow, she's stunning. I love the energy."
Emma gives him an unimpressed look and moves her attention to Blake, who says, "She is beautiful. But she's clearly got the attitude. She needs someone to dish it back." You can tell she liked that answer, because her eyes go dark and her smile goes wicked.
"Intriguing," Naomi says. "Wish we could let you pick. But! The public has voted for your couple. So the boy you will be coupling up with is..." Emma doesn't take her eyes off Blake. "Steve!"
Not only does your stomach drop, but Emma's face falls for a split-second before she regains composure. She eyes Steve, who gives her a tight-lipped smile. She stalks over to him and they stand next to each other with an inch of space between them. Blake and Ryan step back, Blake with drooped shoulders. He's already in a couple with you, why is he disappointed? This is shaping up to be great for your self-esteem.
"Steve and Emma!" Naomi claps her hands. "What do you think?"
Emma is very clearly trying to keep her attitude in check for the cameras. "Can't be mad about it, can I? He's gorgeous."
"Yeah, it's alright," Steve replies vaguely. He turns his head and catches your eye, and you see the start of a grin before you turn back to Naomi.
"Great!" You really hope Chrissy gives Naomi what she wants. "Let's bring out our third and final girl. Boys, this is Chrissy!" Chrissy comes practically running from the trellis, waving madly. You smile at her excitement while Naomi looks relieved by her energy. Chrissy joins Naomi and gives her an eager expression, shoulders scrunching up. "How are you doing?"
"Oh, I'm so excited!" Chrissy almost seems like she'll levitate from all this joy. "Can't believe I'm here!"
"We're excited to have you!" Naomi turns to the rest of you with a triumphant beam. "Let's see how the boys are feeling about you. Boys, please step forward if you want to get to know this beauty here."
Ryan steps forward of course, but he looks more excited this time. Neither Steve nor Blake join him. You feel a little sad for Chrissy but she doesn't seem sad for herself. She and Ryan are looking at each other like they're the only two people in the whole villa.
"Ryan, tell us why you stepped forward."
"Oh, man," he says, "she's beautiful, fun, adorable, the whole package!"
Chrissy blushes. "Oh, stop," she says, waving half-heartedly.
Naomi is eating this up. "Great answer, Ryan. I agree with all those descriptors." Big word. "And since you're our last single boy, that means that you and Chrissy are now coupled up per our public vote!" Chrissy gives a little clap and rushes over to Ryan, who looks stunned and delighted. Okay, maybe he's not a fuckboy, maybe he's just a himbo. Naomi goes on, "Well, that's all for me. I'll let you couples get to know each other, and I will see you soon." You all dutifully watch her walk away.
Chrissy breaks the moment by squealing. "Finally!"
"Let's drink!" Emma calls out and everyone cheers. You all make your way to the island holding the champagne and glasses. Blake takes the bottle and opens it with a flourish, mostly for Emma's sake. You just wait for a full glass and Blake to come grab you for a chat, as is natural.
Except it never comes. Well, you get the champagne. But Blake doesn't join you, instead walking over and whisking Emma away to talk. You sigh.
"Guess we know who the bitch couple of the villa will be," someone says behind you, and you turn to see Steve smirking. You take in his words and laugh. His smirk turns to a smile and he walks around the counter to lean on it. You mirror his pose.
"Very high school king and queen bee," you agree.
"Exactly." He nods. "I'm Steve."
"I know," you tease, but give your name too.
"Me or the name?"
You blush. "Thanks." Your voice is quiet and you clear your throat. "So, Steve, what brings you here?"
"An SUV," he responds, deadpan, and you laugh again. "Oh, you meant the villa?" He asks exaggeratedly. "The usual: love."
"I guess that is a basic question," you concede. "It is called Island of Love."
"Not everyone comes for love," Steve protests. "But I doubt they'd tell you that."
You narrow your eyes. "Then you could be lying."
"Nah, I'm as honest as they come." It's obviously something a liar would say, but there's something in his eyes that makes you believe him. Maybe it's the hope. Maybe it's the excitement. Maybe it's the way he's looking at you. One of those. "And I'm honest when I say I like you." Maybe it's that.
"We'll see," you reply lightly, trying to keep him on his toes. "You'll have to prove it."
"Prove it," he echoes and you nod. "I can do that, beautiful."
You blush, but you're prevented from responding by Chrissy running up and grabbing your arm. "It's time to go get ready for tonight! Come on!" You let her pull you away, giving Steve a helpless smile and he grins in response.
Chrissy takes you to the dressing room and you help each other pick out what you'll wear for the evening. You ask Emma if she wants to join in, but she looks like she'd rather die, so you leave her alone. You let Chrissy babble as the three of you put on makeup and style your hair. She talks nonstop about the villa, Ryan, the other boys, Ryan, the closets full of clothes, Ryan, the tons of makeup supplies, Ryan.
"I'm guessing you like Ryan?" You tease good-naturedly.
Chrissy goes pink. "Maybe I am being a little obvious," she says, giggling nervously.
"A little?" Emma comments under her breath and you shoot her a look.
"I think it's cute," you say pointedly. "That is the whole point." Chrissy gives you a thankful smile.
Once you're ready to go, you walk through the villa and outside, where the boys are already waiting. Steve looks delicious in a simple white t-shirt with jeans and sneakers, hair perfectly styled. He keeps his eyes on you as the three of you walk towards them, smiling. He meets you in a few paces and hands you a champagne glass. "Here you go," he says.
"Thanks," you reply. You glance around while taking a sip and find exactly what you'd expected: Blake presenting Emma with a glass. You roll your eyes. Taking another look, you see Chrissy bouncing next to Ryan, talking excitedly. He looks like he can't believe his luck. It makes you smile.
"Should we cheers?" Steve asks, bringing your attention back to him.
You lift up your cup. "To what?"
"To...fresh starts. Chances for love."
You click your glass against his, butterflies going again in your stomach. "To love," you echo, paraphrasing.
He inclines his head in acknowledgement and you both take a sip.
"Steve!" Emma calls and you both turn to her. "Can I pull you for a chat?"
A flash of disappointment crosses his face before he smiles, nodding amiably. "Sure. See you later?" He asks you.
"Not really anywhere for me to go," you reply and he laughs. "But yes."
"Good." He takes one last look at you and joins Emma, who leads him to the seating area next to the trellis.
"Yo," Blake says from behind you. "Chat?"
You nod and he lumbers off. You walk after him, preparing yourself for whatever this will be. He slumps onto a beanbag and you descend carefully so you're not flashing any cameras. Strike one: not helping you sit in your dress. Once you're finally down, he exhales heavily. "So..." he trails off.
"So," you echo and try to make this as enjoyable as possible. "what do you do?"
"I'm in marketing."
"Cool. What do you market?"
What the fuck does that even mean? This is like pulling teeth. Strike two. He does not ask you the same question, but you answer like he did. "Well, I'm a musician. I specialize in violin."
"Nice." He yawns. He's not even looking at you.
You try one more time. "What do you like to do?" He just looks at you. "You know. For fun."
"Drink. Basketball. Video games. Fast cars."
"I see." You give him the space to ask you but he just takes a sip of his drink. Strike three. You settle into the silence, trying not to watch Steve and Emma's conversation. She seems to be going overboard, laughing loudly and slapping him like he's being naughty. He's just watching her in amusement. You can tell he is not remotely saying the things Emma is implying. But it's working: Blake tenses beside you and when you glance at him, he's glaring daggers at them across the yard. You hide a smirk.
Eventually it becomes too much and Blake huffs and stands, stalking over to the kitchen. You watch him go, seeing Emma notice and quickly leave her chat with Steve, who also studies the interaction between them. Then he's turning to you, and you wave. He stands and ambles over to you.
"I feel like a scientist," he says when close enough. "I'm just watching this experiment play out."
You laugh. "Well, I think maybe the government might've found the perfect torture method."
Steve sits on Blake's empty beanbag. "That bad?"
"Almost worse."
"Sorry." He actually seems apologetic too.
"Seems like you two were having a good time." It's a tease.
"Absolutely," he replies sarcastically. "I was having the time of my life." You laugh again. "Seriously, I think she might've bruised me with all those slaps. She's got hidden strength."
"Maybe keep some distance away at all times," you suggest. "That way she can't reach you."
He chuckles. "Can you imagine? I could serve her a very small restraining order right here. Can't come within a foot of me or she'll be forced to run a lap."
You snort. "I'm not even sure she can run. I think she only has one speed."
"I've noticed." You two grin at each other.
You clear your throat. "So, Steve, what do you do?"
"I'm a teacher."
"Aw." You melt. "What grade?"
"Aren't kids like, at their meanest then?"
"That's seventh grade. I get the kids right before they become little angsty monsters."
"Oh, right. Obviously."
Steve smirks at your sarcasm. "What about you?" He asks.
"I'm a musician. I specialize in violin."
"Cool!" He seems like he really means it. "Does that mean you're like, in an orchestra?"
"I'd like to be. But I'm just giving lessons right now."
"This place doesn't really seem like your scene then."
"Maybe not. But $25,000 would be really nice. Keep me afloat while I audition."
"Isn't the prize $50,000?"
"Yeah, but obviously I would split it in my couple. Anyone who wouldn't is an asshole."
Steve fakes outrage. "You're calling me an asshole?" You laugh, which makes him break and join in. "Seriously," he continues, "I would split it too."
"Good to know." You know there's a sparkle in your eye as you gaze at each other. It matches the one in his. "So what do you do for fun?"
He hums, thinking. "I like basketball. I coach the middle school team. I used to play in high school." You take a sip while he muses. "I read all the new comic books.”
“Favorite superhero?” You interrupt.
“Superman.” He shrugs. “Boring, I know.”
“No, it’s a classic. Timeless.”
He smiles in thanks. “You?”
“My favorite superhero is Captain Marvel.”
He laughs. “I meant what you do for fun, but good choice.”
“Thanks.” You knew what he meant, you just wanted to hear his laugh again. “I like to read, bake, garden, and roller-skate.”
“That’s it?” He teases and you blush.
“Among others.”
“Well, I used to swim in high school. I’m a bit rusty but I’m sure it’s like riding a bike.”
“Is there anything you didn’t do in high school?” You ask, amused.
“Yeah, study.” He grins at your laugh. “But roller-skating. That’s fun.”
“I’m not very good at it, but I try.”
“It’s easier with two people, you know.”
“Are you implying you wanna go roller-skating with me?”
“Actually, I was thinking Emma would be perfect.” He’s deadpan again, making you giggle. He continues, “But I’d love to go roller-skating with you.”
“Can you roller-skate?”
“I did do it in high school—“ You cut him off with a weak slap and he chuckles. “No, I didn’t, and I can’t. But I bet you’re a really great teacher.” You’re blushing but then he goes on, “I’d be your pupil any day.”
You roll your eyes at the obvious innuendo, making him laugh. Then you’re yawning, and he goes soft. “Been a long day. Let’s get you to bed.” He stands and holds out his hands to help you up. You let him and he easily hauls you upright. Home run.
Everyone is also making their way to the villa. Chrissy joins you and gushes about her conversations with Ryan. You give Steve one last smile before disappearing into the dressing room. You shower and get ready for bed, slipping into comfortable but cute pajamas. You go to the bedroom and discover your bed is next to Steve’s, who is already laying down. He’s wearing glasses and looks utterly adorable.
He lights up when he sees you. “Guess we’re neighbors.”
You slide onto the side of the bed closest to him. “What a nice surprise.”
“The best.”
The rest of the islanders trickle in. The lights go out and you settle in, turning to face Steve. You can see him looking back at you in the darkness.
“I had fun today,” he whispers.
“Me too.”
“I can’t wait to get to know you more,” he says with a yawn and you go all melty.
“Me too,” you repeat. He gives you one last smile before you two fall asleep, still facing each other.
The next morning, it would be perfect to say you wake up looking into Steve's eyes. But when the lights come on, you just squeeze your eyes closed tighter and pull the covers over your face. You stay dozing as you feel Blake sitting up beside you and the islanders say their good mornings. Someone calls your name. "Yoo-hoo! Good morning!"
It's Emma. If your eyes were open you would roll them. But you just groan grumpily.
Steve laughs near you. It makes you relax into your pillow.
Then the bed dips and a minute later, someone jumps onto it, making it bounce. "Come on, sleepyhead!" Chrissy prods you gently. "Let's go get some coffee and talk shop!"
You take another second to soak in the dark before throwing the comforter off. Everyone cheers as you sit up. "Oh, fuck off," you mutter, making them laugh as you trudge after Chrissy. Steve holds out a pair of sunglasses and you take them gratefully, giving him a smile as you slip them on and step outside. The glasses are a godsend. It's bright as hell out here.
You meet Chrissy in the kitchen. She's brewing the coffee, so you grab mugs, milk, and sugar. As it drips into the pot, the rest of the islanders trickle in. Emma and Steve join you in waiting for the coffee, while Blake goes for tea and Ryan just gets some ice water. When it's ready, Chrissy pours into four mugs and you each take one.
"How do you take it?" Steve asks, while sipping his black.
"Two sugars," you start, dropping in the right amount of sugar cubes, "and just a dash of milk." You demonstrate by putting in less than a teaspoon of milk. Tasting it, you nod. "I don't trust anybody else to do it. It has to be just right."
"Hope you're okay with some trial and error." Steve gives you a wink. You smile into your cup at the idea of Steve making you coffee in the morning.
"I might be," you reply vaguely. He grins.
"I'll take it."
Then Chrissy is taking your hand and pulling you over to the fire pit. Emma eventually follows, and the three of you sit together and start talking. Chrissy immediately launches into an excited retelling of her night with Ryan, which included them spooning. "He was very gentlemanly," she reassures. "No funny business."
Emma yawns. "Boring."
You shoot her a look but Chrissy says back pointedly, "Well, how was your night?"
"Fine," she replies like she's bored. "Steve wanted to make something happen but I turned him down."
You snort and she glares at you. "What about you?" She spits your name with venom.
Shrugging, you take a sip. "I slept great," you finally answer. "These beds are so nice."
Emma smirks. Chrissy asks, "So nothing with Blake?"
"He's not really my type." You smile at her to let her know you don't care.
"How could he not be?" Emma scoffs. "He's freaking gorgeous."
"Well, I like to have intelligent conversation with my partner," you retort.
Chrissy nods in agreement eagerly, but Emma waves a hand. "Overrated," she says. You and Chrissy exchange a look with wide eyes and raised brows.
"Are you feeling anyone else?" She asks nervously.
You don't want to lie but want to make sure she knows you're not into Ryan. Or at least you wouldn't do that to her. "Possibly, but I'm not out to steal anyone's man." She smiles in relief.
"That's the whole point of this show," Emma interjects.
"If a guy wants to couple up with me, he's not stolen. He wants to get taken," you explain. "And I'll be honest about it every step of the way." At Emma's eye roll, you look at Chrissy. "Come on, let's go get dressed." She nods, and you two leave Emma at the fire pit alone.
Chrissy and you walk inside, discussing what you should do today. You help each other pick out swimsuits and give opinions on hairstyles. Eventually Emma comes in but you two are pretty much done, so you just head back outside together. The boys are all in various spots: Ryan in the gym, Blake chilling on the sundeck, and Steve swimming laps in the pool.
You don't even decide to go over there, your feet just bring you like they're drawn to him. You sit and dangle your feet in the water, admiring the lines of Steve's back in the sun and the way his arms break the water with his strides. Even his hair is behaving.
Finally he reaches the edge and comes up for air. You have to hold in an exhale as you watch him slick his hair back and tense his abdomen muscles. He spots you looking and gives you a smirk, making you blush and look away. He glides over and rests his arms next to you.
"Finally awake?" He asks.
"I have had my coffee, so yes, I am awake," you answer primly, making him grin. It makes you grin back. "I thought you were rusty at swimming."
"Well, I don't have a pool at home," he explains. "But it is like riding a bike."
"I wouldn't know. I can't swim."
He looks at you in shock. "What? You can't swim?"
You shrug. "I'm from a land-locked state. Never got around to it."
"We're gonna have to fix that," he says resolutely.
"You gonna teach me?" You tease.
"Obviously," he replies with a smile. "Emma and Blake would let you drown because they'd be too busy looking at each other. And Ryan wouldn't save you for fear of touching you in an inappropriate manner."
"What about Chrissy?"
He thinks. "Maybe. But I also think she wouldn't know you were drowning until too late. She'd be too busy cheering you on."
You look at him exasperatedly. "Such a happy topic for the morning."
"Sorry." He goes sheepish. "I'm sure any one of them would be good teachers."
"I'd rather have you teach me," you reply softly.
He lights up and you blush again. "I promise I wouldn't let you drown." You laugh. "So where are you from, Miss Land-Locked?"
"Not your best." He rolls his eyes and you giggle. "I'm from Colorado," you finally answer. "Denver."
"Do you like it?"
"Yeah, it's fine. Doesn't exactly have a world-renowned orchestra however."
"That's fair. It's pretty important. Where do you want to go? Or should I ask, which orchestra do you want to join?"
"Of course, it'd be a dream come true to go to Vienna or London. But in the US, I'd like to go to Chicago or New York. Maybe Cleveland." He looks at you with a raised eyebrow. "They're part of the Big Five!" At his confusion, you explain, "They're stated to be the best ones in the US. It's New York, Boston, Chicago, Philadelphia, and Cleveland. Any would be amazing to be part of."
"If you say so," he says skeptically.
With an eye roll, you continue, "What about you? Where are you from?"
"I'm from Indiana. I teach in Indianapolis."
"I don't know why you were disparaging Cleveland. You live next door."
"Yeah, but I don't wanna stay there forever."
"Where do you wanna go?"
"Honestly, some of the best schools are in Illinois. It wouldn't be hard to move there. Plus, it's got Chicago."
You smile. "You are correct. Chicago is in Illinois."
He laughs but doesn't say anything else. You know what he meant. It makes the butterflies come back.
Suddenly a phone dings. "I got a text!" Blake yells.  "Islanders, please make your way to the fire pit to play a round of Never Have I Ever!" He reads out.
Before you can even stand, Steve hops out of the pool and reaches out a hand. He pulls you up and you end up really close to him. His eyes are like honey in the sunshine and you could melt in them. His hand is lingering on yours and it's whipping the butterflies into a frenzy.
Finally, he gives you a smile and steps back, letting you walk first. You give him a shaky thanks and focus on your breathing as you join the other islanders at the fire pit. You sit next to Chrissy, and Steve sits beside you.
"Who wants to go first?" Ryan asks.
"Me!" Chrissy squeals, predictably. "Never have I ever...stolen something!"
Both you and Emma take a sip. She explains first. "I really wanted this top that my mom wouldn't let me get. I never got caught."
Then it's your turn. "I stole a candy bar from CVS. My dad realized and made me go back and apologize." At everyone's faces you snicker. "I was three. He only found out because the chocolate was all over my face in the car." They laugh and you join in.
"My turn," Blake says. "Never have I ever...hooked up on the first date."
"What are we defining as hooking up?" Steve asks.
"All the way," Blake clarifies.
Emma and Steve both drink. You want to ask Steve about it but notice Emma has gone red. "But we don't slut-shame here," you say loudly. "Right, everyone?" Steve and Chrissy nod immediately. You glare until Blake and Ryan do too. Emma gives you a small grateful look and you smile.
To distract, Emma clears her throat and says, "My turn. Never have I ever...eaten an orange." She snickers while everyone rolls their eyes and grumbles while drinking. "Allergic."
"I'll go," Steve says. "Never have I ever...had sex in a public place."
You, Emma, and Chrissy all drink.
"We've got some adventurous girls!" Ryan shouts. "Give us all the dirty deets."
Everyone looks at Emma. "In a pool," she explains. Then Chrissy. "In the gym shower."
Then you. "You know those Tunnel of Love rides they have at carnivals?" Everybody nods and then understands. They all "ooh" teasingly.
"Aren't those rides like, really short?" Chrissy asks.
"I was friends with the operator. They stopped the ride for us, faking maintenance problems." You smile fondly. "It was on my partner's bucket list."
"In public or specifically there?" Steve asks.
"Specifically the Tunnel of Love. We had to drive two hours to that carnival." You laugh. "The boat was really tight and rocky. But we had fun."
"Bold," Blake muses admiringly.
Steve leans over. "Congrats, you've been approved by the king," he whispers. You shove him lightly and he chuckles.
"Me next," you say. "Never have I ever...been to Paris." Emma, Blake, and Ryan drink. "That's on my bucket list," you add.
"They should make a show like this one but set in Paris," Chrissy says wistfully. "They could even call it City of Love."
"I would watch that," you reply. "There would be a challenge where the contestants have to order at a café without letting the barista know they're not French. They get a kiss if they pass."
"What's the punishment if they don't?"
"The disdain and contempt of the barista," you answer and Steve laughs.
"Worse than anything the producers could come up with," he adds.
"Exactly!" You look at him and know there are matching smiles between you two.
"Last but not least," Ryan says, and you turn to face him, blushing furiously. "Never have I ever...played an instrument."
"Feels targeted," you mutter while you drink, but Chrissy and Blake drink too. You all look at them.
"I played trumpet for like one year in middle school," Blake answers. "Not my thing."
"I play drums!" Chrissy exclaims. "My friends and I have a band."
Emma says what you're thinking: "I never would've expected that."
Chrissy smiles. "I like to surprise."
"What's your band called?" Steve interjects.
"The Cheerleaders. All of us look like preppy bitches, so we lean into it. We wear custom uniforms and everything."
"That's so cute," you gush. "You get to play gigs?"
"Some," she replies, going pink. "We like to play at a bar nearby. They don't pay us much but the customers are nice."
"I hope I get to go to one," you say earnestly and Chrissy smiles.
"You will," she replies firmly. "You'll be a VIP guest. All of you will be." Everyone chimes in with "Nice!"'s or "Cool!"'s. Chrissy ducks her head, clearly proud but also embarrassed. "I think it's time to get changed," she says hurriedly and rushes from the area. You watch her go in amusement before following, Emma behind you.
You two find her in the dressing room. "I can't believe you're in a band," you say in amazement. "I've always wanted to play drums."
"I could teach you!" Chrissy gets excited again.
You laugh. "I probably can't afford you. But I can give you violin lessons in return."
"Deal." She holds out a hand and you shake it. She grins at you. "It's cool you get to do it professionally. Mine's more of a side thing."
"It has its pros and cons." You go to the dresser and peek through the clothes, holding up options. "Like any other career."
"That one," Emma says quietly, pointing at the dress you're holding in one hand. You look at her and she gives a nervous nod. You smile and go with her advice. She continues, "Maybe I can join in on that deal?" You and Chrissy look at her. "I can't play an instrument, but I do know how to box."
"Boxing?" Chrissy asks in awe. "That's so cool! I'm down."
"Me too," you add. "My fatal flaw is thinking I can box when I have no idea how to. The movies just make it look so easy."
Emma genuinely laughs—the first time you've heard it. "It's not that hard. But you need a lot of core strength. Most of my training is lifting weights and learning control."
You three continue to talk about your respective interests as you get ready and all go down together. The boys are lounging in the bedroom, but stand when you enter. Chrissy bounces over to Ryan while Blake walks up to Emma. Steve falls in step with you. "You look amazing," he says softly.
"Thanks." You appraise him. He's wearing a striped tee that shows off his arms, dark jeans that show off his ass, and sneakers that show off nothing, but look good. "You too." He preens and you roll your eyes fondly.
Outside, all six of you cheers with champagne and then split into couples. There's no pretense this time, Blake and Emma going off together right away. Chrissy tells you and Steve to join her and Ryan on the daybeds and you all settle together. You talk, letting the conversation flow and lull as natural. You sit perpendicular on the bed, eventually leaning back so you're resting on Steve's legs. You glance at him to make sure it's okay and he smiles and nods in encouragement. As the four of you keep the conversation going, you can feel his fingers brushing the ends of your hair, almost unconsciously. It keeps a smile on your face.
At some point, Emma and Blake meander over and join in, Emma sitting next to you while Blake relaxes at Chrissy and Ryan's feet. You think it might derail the discussion, but the two are surprisingly good at opening up and crack jokes to keep it light. Someone grabs the champagne bottle and brings it back, topping you all up to finish it. Then Chrissy yawns, setting off a chain reaction.
Blake helps Emma stand, while Ryan and Chrissy lean on each other as they walk back tiredly. You think about getting up, but just burrow further against Steve.
"Not gonna move?" He asks with a smile.
You hum a no. "Too comfy," you explain.
"Love to hear that, beautiful, but unfortunately, my legs are numb."
Groaning, you sit up petulantly. Steve gets up from the bed and does some crazy moves to get feeling back in his legs, making you giggle uncontrollably. He eventually holds out a hand and you take it. You expect him to pull you upright and let go, but instead he drapes your arm around his neck and leans down to lift you, carrying you bridal-style. You squeal at the surprise. He laughs and starts walking back, holding you like you weigh nothing. You hum and rest your head on his shoulder.
"Not a morning or night person, huh?" He murmurs.
"Nope. I'm a middle-of-the-day person."
He chuckles. "That's a new one."
"I'm a new one."
"Tell me about it." He looks down at you with soft eyes. You can't look away for anything. It's only when you arrive at the door that you have to break the eye contact so you can pull it open for him. He enters the bedroom and sets you down gently.
"Thanks," you whisper.
"Anytime," he whispers back.
Your legs are shaky as you go shower.
The next few days are much of the same. You watch Steve do laps while Chrissy watches Ryan work out and Emma watches Blake cook, all three of you on the beach chairs. He's a surprisingly good cook, having made dinner one night to rave reviews. He seems to have appointed himself the designated chef, which is fine for the rest of you. If he wants to, and keeps making good food, you'll let him.
Steve and you continue talking, discussing more about dreams, desires, wants, needs, and more. The time flies by and Chrissy has to shout multiple times before you two register she's saying it's time to get ready for the evening.
You, Chrissy, and Emma fill the dressing room with chatter, giving opinions on clothing, makeup, and hairstyles while also talking about the boys and your lives. All the boys give you compliments when you enter the bedroom, making you all blush. Outside, someone gives a toast and you all cheers.
But before you can break into couples, someone's phone chimes.
"I got a text!" Emma says. "Islanders, please go to the fire pit immediately."
You look at each other in nervous anticipation and do as asked. You and Blake have to sit together, but Steve makes sure to be on your other side. He gives you a reassuring smile when you look at him in wariness. Then your phone dings.
"Islanders, there will now be a recoupling. The boys will pick who they would like to couple up with. Girls, please stand in front of the fire pit." You read.
You, Emma, and Chrissy all make your way to the edge of the deck platform. Steve's phone chirps, and he checks it before standing. His gaze is on you.
"I'd like to couple up with this girl because she's beautiful, funny, sarcastic, and intelligent. She keeps me on my toes and makes me work hard to keep up with her. I've had a great time getting to know her and all I've learned just makes me want to know more. And I'm excited to share a bed. Cuddling purposes only." Everyone laughs. "She makes me wanna be better. So the girl I'd like to couple up with is..."
His eyes are shining as he finishes with your name. You smile as everyone claps and you walk over to him. He greets you with a hug and a kiss on the cheek, and you two sit down together.
Someone else's phone sounds, but you're too focused on the feel of Steve's arm around you and hand holding yours to pay attention. His skin is soft and warm, and you squeeze his hand in some variation on a pinch to make sure this is real. It is when he squeezes back.
"How was that?" He mutters out of the side of his mouth. "Did you like it?"
"I loved it," you whisper, unable to stop smiling.
You two clap as Emma walks over to Blake, sitting next to him. Another phone goes off—must be Ryan's. You try to pay attention to his speech for Chrissy, but Steve is distracting you by continuously brushing his thumb across the back of your hand. It gives you goosebumps.
Finally, Emma and Blake clap so you and Steve follow suit. Chrissy has bounded over to Ryan and kisses him on the cheek. They both sit looking like they've won the lottery. Chrissy looks at you and you give her an excited smile, which she returns.
Then she and Ryan, and Emma and Blake, meander away from the fire pit. Steve turns to you.
"Nice to finally be coupled up," you say.
"Means I can finally do this." He leans in.
You stop him. "It's only the first week. Are you sure?"
He looks at you with those honey eyes. "Never been more sure in my life." Then he kisses you. It's sweet and perfect, and he cups your face as his lips brush against yours. It doesn't go further than that, but it doesn't need to. It makes your heart race all the same.
There's cheering from the other side of the villa, and you and Steve part in embarrassed laughter. You both look at the other islanders, who are whooping and calling out encouragement. You wave at them to stop and they just get louder, making Steve laugh harder. "Oh my god," you moan. "Can you believe we just had our first kiss on live television?"
"That is the whole reason we're here," he teases.
You roll your eyes. "Let's go to bed." He nods eagerly.
You both stand and walk to the villa, holding hands. Chrissy joins you and drags you away so you can talk to her about the kiss, which you describe while you're in the shower and she's standing outside in the bathroom. She keeps aw-ing and generally looking like the heart-eyed emoji, which you try to ignore.
When she finally gets enough info, you walk into the bedroom. Steve is standing and staring at yours and Blake's bed and his and Emma's.
"So who moves?" He asks.
"I guess the producers don't decide that," you note. "Well, if we get to choose, you come to mine. It's farther from the door and the light that shines in."
He shrugs. "Works for me." He slides his monogrammed dresser and nightstand to your bed as you slip in. Once they're situated, he joins you. He settles back against the headboard and lifts an arm. You slide under it, snuggling close and resting your head on his chest. He wraps his arm around you and holds tight.
"I wish I had a book," you mutter, stuck watching the other islanders walk through the room.
"I could tell you a story." You look at Steve. "It's a little scary, though. That okay?" You nod and he takes a breath. "Alright. Once upon a time, a boy disappears. He was ordinary, liked playing D&D with his friends, idolized his older brother. His mom is worried sick and she and the police chief organize a group of volunteers to look for him..."
He continues on, telling the story of a girl named Eleven with psychic powers escaping from a government facility and crossing paths with friends of the missing boy, Will. You're engrossed, and it's a shock when the lights turn off.
"And that's when they find out about the Upside Down," Steve whispers and doesn't keep going.
"What's the Upside Down?" You ask, but Steve shakes his head.
"Tomorrow, beautiful. Want you to get your beauty sleep." You pout. "I know you're pouting right now, but I can't see it. So you'll have to save it."
You roll your eyes. "Party pooper."
He laughs quietly, scooting down the bed so you're both fully horizontal. "Don't worry, promise I'll finish it." You grumble but tuck in closer to him, getting comfortable. He presses a quick kiss to the crown of your head. "Goodnight."
You yawn. "G'night."
You sleep wonderfully.
A few mornings later, when the lights come on, Steve lifts the covers over your heads when you scrunch against him. He lets you doze for a while longer before asking if you want coffee. Weighing the options, you finally nod and get up. He smiles at your grumpy expression and kisses your cheek before leaving the bed.
You go through the dressing room to the terrace, where you find Chrissy and Emma. They ask you about your night, but you keep the bedtime story to yourself—it's just for you right now. Instead, you talk about the cuddling and great sleep. Chrissy also excitedly talks about her own cuddle with Ryan. Emma says she doesn't cuddle while sleeping, but does mention she and Blake held hands through the night. She blushes when you and Chrissy "ooh".
You all get ready and go downstairs. Steve hands you a cup and watches nervously as you sip it. You gently tell him there's too much milk and he frowns, but also that it's still good and thank him. He smiles and as he goes to the pool, you wander over to the daybeds, laying down in the shade. Before you know it, you're asleep.
However long later, someone yells, "I got a text!" You wake up with a start, finding Steve sitting next to you, fully dry. Guess you were out for a while. You stand and stretch, taking Steve's offered hand and walking with him to the kitchen. Ryan had gotten the text and he waits until all of you are there to read it. "Girls, who's ready prove themselves in a battle with the elements? It's time for A Girl For All Seasons!"
You all get ready in the according swimsuits as directed. They're all element-themed: boys wear either blue or green trunks, for water and earth, while girls wear red or white, for fire and air. Then you're off, running to the challenge area.
Another text reveals that each girl must go through the course literally battling the elements. She has to climb down the constructed rock wall from the starting point, run over (fake) fire, stand in front of a giant fan for ten seconds, and then run through a designated column, where the boys will be spraying her with water guns. Once she gets through, there will be origami birds waiting to be picked up, filled with fun facts about the boys. She must read it aloud and kiss the boy she thinks it connects to.
Chrissy volunteers to go first. She excellently scales the wall and runs over the fire. She has a little trouble with the fan, which is at like supersonic speed, and then the boys really go at it with the water—she's drenched when she makes it to the birds. She dries her hands before picking one up and reading the clue on the wing.
She reads, "This boy once hid from security and stayed overnight at his local history museum." Obviously, you're all playing for the kisses, not to be right, so she kisses Ryan. The rest of you holler as they go at it.
When they break apart, she unfolds it and reveals Ryan's name. "I wanted to see what the dinosaurs looked like at night," he explains with a shrug. "Spoiler alert, they look like bones."
Then Emma goes. She has more difficulty with the wall—she clarifies heights are not her strong suit—but really excels at the fan bit. After going through the water barrage, she is also soaked. Drying her hands, she picks up another bird and says, "This boy was king of his high school—literally. Duh, we know who this is." She goes over and kisses Blake full-on. Again, you all cheer as they plaster themselves to each other. It's about to become too long when they part, panting.
She unfolds the bird and her jaw drops. "It's Steve?"
You all look at him, and he goes sheepish. "Yeah, I was called King Steve in high school."
Emma turns back to Blake. "How was it not you?"
"Well, I was more of a loser in high school. I had a better time in college." He's pink.
Emma almost melts and walks back to the girls. "That's kind of sweet," she admits to you and Chrissy. She might feel good about her man's past, but you're not as happy. You too were a loser in high school, tormented by the popular boys and girls. It's hard to reconcile the Steve you know with the boys who used to make fun of you and your achievements in violin, which the administration just had to announce to the whole school, even though you'd asked them not to every time.
You head to the start of the course, still distracted. You make it down the wall and over the fire without harm, and stand in front of the fan like an immovable object. It's harder to make yourself run through the water, and you're coughing by the end, having been hit in the face a few times. "Sorry!" Ryan calls out, sounding relatively genuine. You wave it away as you dry your hands. You pick up the last bird and read, "This boy once street raced but got caught by the cops." You know it's Blake—besides being the last one, he'd mentioned fast cars the one time you'd talked to him—but you definitely don't want to kiss him.
You go up to Steve, who smiles. But you only give him a quick kiss before stepping away and unfolding the bird and saying flatly, "Blake."
The rest of the islanders start asking him questions but Steve touches your arm. "You okay?" He asks quietly.
You shrug, unable to look at him. You walk back to the girls and pretend to be interested in Blake's story, which you aren't following. When you all leave for the villa, you trail behind, deep in thought. Arriving back, you go to the pool and dip your feet in.
Another pair join yours and you look to see Steve sitting next to you. "What's up?" He asks. It's gentle.
"King Steve?"
He sighs. "Yeah, not my finest time in life."
You don't look at him. "Boys like you made my life a living hell in high school."
"I'm sorry. I wish I could go back and kick their asses."
You don't let yourself smile. "How do I know you're not still like that somewhere underneath?"
He takes your hand. "Can you look at me?" It takes a few seconds, but he waits patiently, and you eventually meet his gaze. His expression is soft and understanding. "That's a really valid question, and I wish I could prove it to you in an incontrovertible way. But all I can tell you is that there was a girl, a lot like you actually, who changed me for the better. She opened my eyes to all the consequences of my actions and I did my best to make them right and never do them again."
"Where's she then?"
He shrugs. "Chicago, maybe. Or Springfield. I don't know, we lost touch after high school. But what she taught me has always stayed with me. I don't let myself forget it." He gives you a small smile, which you return. "There's that beautiful smile. Missed it."
Your smile grows until it's full. "I'm sorry," you say. "That was a stupid thing to be upset about."
"No, it's not. Everything you feel matters. And how you feel matters to me." You lean against him. "You wanna tell me about it?"
"My feelings?"
"I was thinking high school, but that works too."
You exhale a small laugh. "Okay." So you do. You tell him all the good things and the bad things and the bittersweet things and the things you wish you could do over and the things you wouldn't change for a million dollars and the things you felt about all those things. All he does is listen.
Eventually, the sun sinks down and Chrissy interrupts to grab you and get ready. You give Steve a tight hug, thank him for listening, and walk away with her, leaving him to digest it all at the pool.
Chrissy gets you back into a good mood, and in the dressing room, you, her, and Emma bounce off each other to hype everyone up. You all help organize your looks and go to the bedroom. Steve walks up to you and kisses you on the cheek, murmuring that you look stunning. Your heart flip-flops as he escorts you outside.
For the evening, everyone hangs together again, this time on the sundeck. You lounge against Steve, who keeps his arm tight around you, and only participate sporadically, drained from talking so much earlier. Steve can tell and talks an extra amount so you don't have to. You rub your hand across his back in thanks, letting your fingers stray into his hair. He hums happily whenever you do.
The nightly yawning commences and everyone heads for bed. You almost fall asleep in the shower and drop into bed exhausted. Steve tucks you in close and asks if you still want the bedtime story. You nod, eyes closed, and listen to his quiet voice as he explains the Upside Down and how Eleven has joined the search for the Will but is also being hunted by government agents.
He's describing the sensory-deprivation tank Eleven uses to visit the Upside Down and find Will alive, when the lights go out. You're disappointed but know you'll get more of the story tomorrow.
You give Steve a soft kiss and thank him for the day. He just holds you closer, protecting you as you fall asleep.
A week later, after getting to know Steve better and him you, after more challenges and games and frighteningly little drama, it all changes.
It's the middle of the day. You and Steve are lounging around, talking infrequently, just making random comments here and there to pass the time. You like to ask each other bizarre questions, like if all you're food tasted like one thing for the rest of your life, what would that thing be? (You choose garlic while Steve chooses chocolate.) Or if you're a dishes or laundry person? (You're laundry and Steve's dishes. You do note the compatibility there.)
Then there's the sound of heels clicking down the trellis and a hesitant "hello!" A new girl emerges: short, brunette, petite features. Steve tenses beside you and you look at him.
"Oh my god," he mutters.
"That's my ex."
"What?" You repeat in shock, but he's already striding across the backyard to the new girl. You follow quickly.
"Nancy?" At his voice, the girl turns to him and beams.
"Steve!" She shouts and throws her arms around him. He hesitates before putting his arms around her awkwardly and hugging her back.
"What are you doing here?" He asks when she pulls back. You've caught up to them, along with everyone else.
"Finding love, silly!" She titters, but it doesn't match her vibe. It feels fake. "Actually, finding you."
Your vision pinholes. You must falter on your feet because then Steve is next to you, holding your hand. "Me?"
She laughs, high-pitched. It really doesn't suit her. "Yes, you! You were always the one that got away."
"What?" Steve's baffled. "I am?"
"Mhm!" She turns to everyone. "Anyways, I'm Nancy!"
The other islanders crowd in and make their introductions. You lean over to Steve. "Is that the girl from high school? Who opened your eyes and all that?" He nods and you exhale heavily.
The producers sure got their drama.
Chrissy and Emma motion to you so you'll join them in the dressing room. You hold up a finger and turn to Steve. "You okay?" You ask soothingly.
He doesn't really look it, but he replies, "Yeah, yeah. Go ahead."
"Steve," you say sternly. He finally meets your gaze. "Honest?"
His face goes soft and he smiles. "Yeah. Just hurry back."
"Promise." You give him a quick kiss before rushing after the girls.
You catch up to them in the dressing room and stay quiet as you get ready. Chrissy and Emma pepper Nancy with questions, excited to have another person in the villa. They ask about Steve, and Nancy explains how she'd helped him change his ways. She tries to sound wistful while saying they lost touch after high school, but the whole thing feels forced. You're only listening to her as you do your makeup, and you know it's all bullshit of some sort. The only thing you can't figure out is why she's here and why she wants Steve back.
You meet the boys in the bedroom as usual. You walk right up to Steve and take his hand, asking silently if he's okay. He shrugs but gives you a small smile, which relieves you for right now. He leads you out of the villa with everyone else. Tonight's cheers is welcoming Nancy and wishing her luck on her Island of Love journey.
As expected, she asks Steve for a chat. You squeeze his hand to let him know he's got your support. He squeezes back before letting go and following Nancy to the sundeck. You join Chrissy and Ryan on the beanbags and try not to stare. You succeed in that, but it means you keep glancing over every few seconds to see how it's going.
Nancy is talking animatedly, using her hands and touching Steve a lot. Steve looks a bit uncomfortable and doesn't reciprocate, but he's listening intently. Chrissy and Ryan try to draw you into conversation but you're a lousy addition so they taper off their attempts.
Eventually, they stand. Nancy gives Steve a hug, which he returns half-heartedly. Then he's speed-walking to you. You stand up to meet him. "You okay?" You ask.
He doesn't answer, just pulls you into a hug. "I'll tell you later," he whispers in your ear and you nod. Holding him tight, you see Nancy eyeing you from the kitchen, blank expression on her face. You can't tell if she's paying attention to your hug or lost in thought.
Steve leans back and asks if you'd sit on the daybed with him. You agree and he leads you there. He has you sit first, which you do against the headboard, he lays next to you with his head in your lap. You stroke his hair and he doesn't talk and you don't make him. You just sit in silence together, listening to the other islanders chatter and the wind blow through the trees.
You notice Steve yawning and poke him into sitting up. This time, you stand and haul him up, making him smile. You two walk back to the villa and get ready for bed. When you get into bed and snuggle up to Steve, he continues his story. He's telling you about the Upside Down creature Dustin had found and brought home, which Will identifies, when the lights go out. Steve has you slide down with him, then pulls the covers up over you both.
"How was your conversation with Nancy?" You ask in a whisper.
"Weird," he replies. "She's so...different from high school."
"Is that a bad thing?"
"Not necessarily. But she worked hard as editor of the school newspaper and last I knew, she wanted to become a real reporter. Now she's told me she hated being in journalism while in Chicago and kept thinking about me. She knew I was going on the show and applied to be the bombshell."
"I'm assuming the producers picked her because she's your ex."
"Must be. This is not her scene. I really don't know what happened, but something must have. Our whole conversation felt so forced. It was like I could tell she didn't really believe what she was saying, but was determined to say it anyways." He makes a frustrated noise.
"What did she say?"
"She said she wanted to find me and try a relationship again. She knows I've changed and wants to see if we could work out this time. She kept saying I was 'the one that got away'. I don't even think that's true."
You hum, nervously chewing on your cheek.
"Hey," he says softly, turning your head so you look at him. "I don't want to be with Nancy. I want to be with you."
"What if you change your mind?" You fret.
"I did love Nancy in high school. But this Nancy is not that one, and this one is no match for you. Neither of them are. And I got over her a long time ago. If I hadn't, I wouldn't be on here."
You're only half-convinced. "I don't know."
Instead of speaking, he leans forward and kisses you sweetly. Pressing his forehead against yours, he reassures, "I'm yours."
You finally smile and nod against him. He sighs in relief and removes the covers. You cuddle with him, and he uses both arms to hold you close, resting his cheek against the crown of your head. "It's fucking hot under there," he mutters.
You laugh.
The next morning, after Steve lets you sleep in and makes you coffee—just the tiniest bit too much milk, but you tell him it's perfect—you two are in the pool. He's been teaching you to swim all week, and he's a good teacher, but you're distracted by Nancy, who has pulled both Ryan and Blake for individual chats. Chrissy looks nervous while Emma just looks peeved.
You jolt when Steve says your name. "You wanna try?"
"I guess so." You take a breath and go under, letting your body rise to the surface and starting a basic stroke. You've got the arm movements, and you're going forward, but you keep forgetting to breathe. When you burst from the water to inhale desperately for the third time, Steve joins you.
"Maybe we can try something a little easier," he suggests, and demonstrates a backstroke. You're a little nervous about being on your back so Steve has you float for a bit, holding you up at first before letting go. It feels nice, the water covering your ears, knowing Steve is a step away, watching the clouds move. It's the first moment of peace you've had since Nancy got here.
"Okay," you hear Steve say, muffled by the water, and you stand. "Your floating is an a-plus. Let's do a backstroke."
You gently lean back into the water and move your arms and legs as Steve showed you. It takes a minute, but you eventually feel yourself moving backwards. When you go far enough to know you're near the wall, you stand up and lift your hands triumphantly.
"You did it!" Steve yells in excitement.
"I did it!" You echo him as he swims to you, lifting you up by your waist when he reaches you. You laugh happily as he spins you in the water, loving the joy and pride he has for you. When he brings you back down, you kiss him. This time, you push it further, swiping your tongue across his bottom lip. He opens for you and as your tongues dance around each other, Steve moves backwards until he's touching the side of the pool and you can wrap your legs around him.
You and Steve startle back, turning your heads and looking up at Nancy standing about a foot away from you two. She's smiling, but it looks more like a grimace. "Steve, can I steal her away?"
"Me?" You ask in surprise. She nods and you reluctantly untangle from Steve and get out of the pool. He rests his head on the side and looks sad. "I'll come back soon," you say before joining Nancy, who leads you to the kitchen.
"Fruit?" She asks innocently.
"Sure." You sound as suspicious as you feel. "What did you want to talk about?"
She hands you a bunch of grapes and eats a few before answering. "Just wanted to see where your head is at with Steve."
"Well, I like him, and we're coupled up."
"And he likes you?"
"Yeah," you say confidently but warily, more so about Nancy's intentions.
"We'll see," she replies lightly and before you can respond, she continues. "He's changed so much since high school."
"I know. He told me about that."
"He said what I did?" She says it with expectation, not pleasant surprise. You nod. "Good. We were really close. I was so sad when we didn't stay connected."
"Steve said you went to school to become a reporter?"
She waves a hand dismissively. "Yeah, but I didn't really like it. Didn't know what else to do, so saw Steve was gonna be here and decided to follow."
She's definitely lying, but you can't figure out why. There's something in her eyes, beneath the fake cheer, something akin to fear or desperation. Maybe she's running from something, not running to Steve. Maybe she's scared of going forwards so she's going backwards.
"That's cool," you eventually say, keeping it simple. "What else do you do?"
"Oh, I like to read, work out. My girl—" She cuts off abruptly. "My friend and I used to watch horror movies together. She adored them but I hated all the jump scares. Comedies are much more my speed."
You can see through that changed word choice but don't pry. "I like horror and comedy. But mysteries are where it's really at."
"Too complicated for me." She almost sounds pained as she says it. You don't believe her one bit.
Thankfully you're saved from continuing the conversation by Chrissy and Emma, who are taking you to the dressing room. You stand and scan for Steve. When you catch his gaze, you give him an apologetic look. He waves it away and smiles, motioning for you to go with the girls. You do so and get ready with them. You keep watching Nancy for more slips, but she's back to her fully fake self, chattering on to the rest of you about absolutely nothing.
You lead Steve directly to the daybed when he walks you outside. "That was such a weird conversation," you say after you've settled. "She had this slip-up that I think I understand but I'm not sure. One word change does not a queer person make."
He looks at you with a raised eyebrow. "Queer?" You nod. "That's new."
"Guess it's a new thing. But I think she's afraid of coming out of the closet."
Before Steve can reply, a phone chimes. "I got a text!" Nancy yells. "Islanders, please go to the fire pit immediately."
You and Steve look at each other warily before standing and joining everyone else at the fire pit. Once you're all sitting, Nancy gets another text. "Nancy, you must now choose the boy you would like to couple up with." She stands and moves in front of the fire pit.
"I would like to couple up with this boy because he is the reason I came here." Your stomach goes into free fall. "He's smart, handsome, funny, and I'm so glad we were able to reconnect. I've wanted to try this again for a long time." She's lying through her teeth. "So the boy I would like to couple up with is...Steve."
Everyone claps awkwardly. You look at Steve, who seems to be as sad as you feel. He gives you a kiss on the cheek and whispers, "I'll be back, beautiful. Promise."
You watch him stand and walk over to Nancy, who hugs him. He hugs her back, uncomfortable, before stepping back. He keeps his eyes on you but you can't stand the sight of them as a couple so you look away. Then your phone dings. "You are now single and vulnerable. Good luck."
Nancy drags Steve away as Chrissy and Emma comfort you. You don't cry, but you're definitely upset. You don't talk much, and they eventually trail off. When they leave, you walk to the villa with your head held high and don't look at Nancy and Steve. You shower and get into bed before everyone else. You close your eyes and pretend to be asleep so no one will talk to you.
You don't let the tears fall until after lights out. You miss Steve beside you, his arms around you, his heart beating steadily against your cheek. You miss his voice in your ear, telling his bedtime story, most of all.
There's something buzzing in your bed. You grope around until you find the vibrating object—your phone—and squint through the brightness. You received a text: Please gather all the girls in the dressing room. Stay quiet!
You breathe deep before sneaking out from under the covers and tip-toeing over to Chrissy's bed. You gently jostle her awake, shushing her as soon as she opens her eyes. "The girls have to go to the dressing room," you whisper. "Can you grab Nancy? I'll get Emma."
She nods and stealthily moves to Nancy and Steve's bed while you go to Emma and Blake's. You have to keep her quiet as well and motion for her to join you in the dressing room.
When you're all there, blinking and confused in the darkness, you get another text. You read it out softly: "Girls, you are now headed to Casa Amor! Please gather only necessary items and meet your cars outside. Shh! Don't wake the boys."
You all squeal silently and rush around for the things you absolutely need in Casa. You slip back into the bedroom to get your water bottle. Steve moves in his bed, catching your eye. He looks so peaceful, so innocent, while asleep. You want nothing more than to lean over and kiss him awake.
But you can't. So you grab the bottle and scramble back to the dressing room, packing a few other things before meeting the girls downstairs. You all get out of the villa and into the waiting SUVs quickly and quietly, only screaming in excitement when the doors have closed. You and Nancy seem to be less enthusiastic about the news. You're sure she wanted to strike up with Steve again. You're just glad you don't have to seem them parade around as a couple now, though you do wish you could've spoken to him about last night.
Regardless, you're on the way now. Steve is coupled up with Nancy and Casa Amor wasn't going to give you the opportunity to take him back. Plus, you're single and as the text said, vulnerable, so you do have to up your game. So you decide to leave thoughts of Steve at the villa and start fresh at Casa. Who knows? Maybe you'll find a better guy than Steve.
As impossible as that seems.
All four of you marvel at the new space—it's a lot similar to the villa, but you also haven't been outside of the villa in about two weeks, so anything new is a change. When you walk outside into the backyard, four guys greet you.
You all scream hello's and they introduce themselves. There's Max, a blonde surfer from California (talk about a cliché); Carson, a preppy boy from New York City; Lee, a good ol' Southern boy from Louisiana; and Eddie, a metalhead from Chicago. You're drawn to Eddie immediately—he has gorgeous wavy black hair that goes past his shoulders, tattoos covering his arms and chest, and black-painted nails to go with the black swim trunks. He could come off as scary, but his warm smile and kind eyes completely counteract the dark aesthetic.
He seems to notice your gaze and walks over to you with a smirk. "Like what you see, princess?"
Ah, a boy who uses pet names. You like it. "Maybe," you say vaguely. "As first impressions go."
"Well, I like what I see." He smiles cheekily. "You're stunning."
You blush. "Thanks." You give your name.
"Oh, I've been watching you." There's a glint in his eye. "Care for a chat?" You nod, and he leads you to the sundeck that's almost identical to the villa's, just opposite. He sits easily and pats the space next to him, and you join him, staying sitting up as he lounges back.
"So what do you already know about me?" You ask.
"Lemme see. You're a musician from Colorado, a violinist. Want to be in an orchestra someday. Learning how to swim. Likes roller-skating. Coupled up with Steve."
"All correct, except for the last one."
He looks at you in surprise. "You two were solid though."
"Yeah," you sigh, "until Nancy stole him last night. She had to choose who she wanted to couple up with."
"Guess that wasn't a shock."
"Actually, I was blindsided," you say sarcastically. "I never would've thought she'd pick the guy she kept saying she came on the show for."
Eddie laughs but there's still sympathy in his gaze. "I'm sorry, angel. That sucks."
You look away, not wanting to be caught up about Steve. "Thanks. But tell me who you are, Eddie."
"I'm from Chicago. I'm also a musician; I play guitar in a band kind of known around the dive bars of the city. I'm a certified metalhead and love rock music. I also love high fantasy shit and DM D&D campaigns for my friends." He doesn't have one ounce of shame.
"That's cool!" You exclaim genuinely. "I may play primarily classical music but I also love rock and pop. Who's your favorite classic rock band?"
He muses. "That's a tough question. Dio, maybe? Or Metallica. Or Motley Crüe." He goes pink when you laugh. "There's a lot of good options," he argues.
"I agree," you reply. "It's hard to pick just one."
"What's yours?"
"Probably Aerosmith or Journey. I also like AC/DC."
"Solid choices," he says, impressed. "Pop-wise?"
This is when you blush. "I'm a Taylor Swift lover if we're going modern. But classic it's gotta be Madonna or Stevie Nicks."
He just smiles. "I don't judge. I'm not a Swiftie myself but she can write a song. And I love Fleetwood Mac."
"They're so good!" You smile back at him. "I've never played D&D, though."
"Not many people have," he responds amiably. "It's really for the nerds out there who love to act that shit out."
You laugh. "I'm usually good just reading it. I've been known to champion some high fantasy series." At his raised eyebrow, you clarify, "Lord of the Rings mostly. Never was a Game of Thrones fan."
"I like both, but LotR definitely tops GoT." You giggle as he uses the letters instead of the words for the titles. "Movies are where it's at too."
"Agreed. But those Hobbit movies didn't match up."
"We don't really talk about those," Eddie says gravely and you laugh again.
Then Emma interrupts you. "Just gonna hoard him all day?" She teases you. You roll your eyes fondly as Eddie laughs. "Come on, we're all around the fire pit."
You and Eddie follow her and join the group for a lively discussion. It's not really centered around anything in particular, just speaking when you can about the current topic. Eddie learns Chrissy plays drums in her own rock band and you giggle at his starstruck look. The new boys learn Emma has traveled the world, and Carson seems to take an interest. You learn that Max has won surfing championships and Lee's family owns a stable of horses that specialize in working on movie sets.
You also note the girls' varying interests in getting to know the boys. Unsurprisingly, Nancy is completely closed off, still participating but not inviting more conversation. Chrissy is also mostly closed off, clearly loyal to Ryan, though you think she and Eddie would hit it off if she was open to it. Emma is going for it, obviously not thinking about Blake too much. And you're somewhere in the middle, wanting to be open but unable to stop thinking about Steve. Even though he is not your partner.
At some point, Nancy stands and stiltedly says it's time for y'all to get ready. You, Chrissy, and Emma follow her into the house, and she seems to let out a huge sigh of relief when in the dressing room. You keep an eye on her as you all get ready, and she seems much more at ease when surrounded by the girls, not talking a lot but not being too fake anymore. Maybe she spent all her energy in the villa and doesn't have anymore for Casa? Maybe she thinks she's in the clear with Steve and so doesn't want to even try here? Whatever it is, you resolve to make sure she's not uncomfortable while here in Casa—girls support girls, even if they have stolen your couple.
You get back outside and cheers drinks to Casa Amor. Everyone splits off and it turns into a kind of speed-dating: the boys rotate around the girls to get to know all of you. It's an odd setup but not a terrible one. For one thing, you find out you're not into Max—the not knowing how to swim thing kind of puts a damper on his favorite subject of surfing.
For another, it's a good thing Carson is not your type, because he spends the whole time with you talking about his conversation with Emma and listing things he admires about her. It's rather sweet.
For the last, you're ambivalent about Lee, who is certainly a gentleman but also hasn't done a fucking thing in his life except work at his family's stable and become quite a good equestrian. But you also like horses and would ask him more about film sets since you love movies.
After talking to the three of them, you take a breather and sit at the pool, dipping your feet in. You're lost in thought about Steve swimming laps, Steve teaching you how to swim, Steve kissing you in the water, Steve, Steve, Steve—
"Penny for your thoughts?" Eddie says, startling you. He sits beside you, setting aside his shoes and socks and rolling up his pant legs to also put his feet in the water.
You shrug. "Don't need a penny," you reply lightly.
He looks out at the horizon. "You miss him?"
Tears rush to your eyes but you will them away. Choked up, you just nod.
Eddie smiles kindly. "I get it."
You breathe and clear your throat. "So," you say, changing the subject, "how are you feeling about the girls?"
"Well," he draws out. "Nancy was nice but didn't seem interested in talking much. Emma's cool but kept talking about Carson."
You snort. "Carson kept talking about her to me."
"See, that's cute," Eddie says with a grin. "I like Chrissy but she's also pretty closed to getting to know people."
"And me?" You ask, with feigned lightness.
"Who?" He smirks and then laughs when you shove him. "I like you."
"I like you too," you admit softly. But...
"There’s some big shoes to fill," he replies.
You half-smile and he knocks his shoulder into yours. You knock him back. Then you yawn and Eddie helps you up, joining you on the way back to the house. The other islanders trail after you and you all get ready for bed.
You think in the shower. You do like Eddie, he makes you laugh and you have similar interests, but you don't have that physical attraction you have with Steve. You wish Chrissy was more open, because she and Eddie would really get along, and maybe you'd have a better connection with Lee? By the time you're done, you've decided to flirt more with Lee and Eddie, and see if that physical connection will spark tomorrow.
You, Chrissy, and Nancy all sleep alone, while Carson and Emma share a bed. There's giggling from it for a while, but no moaning or bed shaking, so it seems innocent for now. You sleep fitfully, the new bed weird to be sleeping in and missing Steve's comforting presence.
In the morning, you don't even try to sleep in; you just get up and go make your coffee, knowing you're gonna need it. You sit with the girls and discuss the night before. Emma goes red when she talks about sharing a bed with Carson, and you say you want to get to know Eddie and Lee more. Nancy and Chrissy both confirm they're sticking to their couples and won't be swayed.
After breakfast, you pull Lee for a chat and see if you can work some magic. However, it doesn't help; it's a super dull conversation, even as he tells stories from film sets he's worked on with his horses. He doesn't seem interested in making those anecdotes entertaining, and becomes much more animated when he talks about riding competitions. Which you won't judge him for, but it doesn't really match up with what you want from the conversation. Thankfully, you're interrupted by Emma yelling that she got a text.
"Islanders, please gather together in an open space. It's time for the Raunchy Races, the Villa vs. Casa Amor battle!" She reads. You all come together in the grassy area and sit on benches, tense and ready.
Chrissy's phone dings. She reads quickly, "The tallest islander must kiss the shortest. That's Nancy!"
"And Lee!" Emma calls out, and Lee rushes over to Nancy, kissing her. She stops it almost immediately, her smile looking more like a grimace. Chrissy gets another text, "The Villa were the fastest!”
You all groan. "Who's the tallest over there?" Someone asks.
"Blake," Emma answers, nonplussed.
Your phone goes off. You read, "The blonde islanders must kiss each other."
Chrissy and Carson rush to each other and kiss hastily. It's also short and when Chrissy goes back to her seat, she looks worried. "That's Ryan," she explains.
You get the result text. "The Villa were the fastest," You say glumly. Chrissy becomes even more despondent.
Another text chimes and Eddie reads, "The two oldest male and female islanders must demonstrate reverse cowgirl!"
Emma and Carson both stand up and run to the open area, getting into position so quickly it's impressive.
Eddie gets the next text and says excitedly, "Casa were the fastest!" Everyone cheers and Emma and Carson high-five.
Another phone goes off. Nancy holds hers up and says, "The male islanders with a birthday in the second half of the year and the female islanders with a birthday in the first half of the year must do the Cupid Shuffle. What the hell is that?"
You laugh and stand up. "I know it. Let's go!" Chrissy, Max, and Lee all join you. You call out the moves and demonstrate them, having the others follow. Soon enough, all four of you are doing the Cupid Shuffle easily and singing the words to the song. The rest of the islanders are clapping along. Once you've done the sequence about three times, you stop and double over in laughter, and the others join you.
Nancy gets another text and says, "Casa were the fastest!" You all scream in excitement. Chrissy gives you a hug and all the boys high-five you. You bow for your dance knowledge and everyone cheers loudly, making you laugh as you sit back down.
Lee gets a text. "The girl with the highest body count has to kiss the chest of the boy with the lowest ten times."
You motion the girls to huddle quickly. You recount numbers in hushed and determine it's Emma. You break apart and the boys point at Max, who's gone red. Emma rushes up to him and kisses his chest the ten times, smearing lipgloss across it. She eventually leans back and admires her handiwork. She gives Max a wink and he reddens even further. She flits back to her seat next to Carson, who gives Max a stink eye. Max sits back down warily and you snicker at all the forces working against him for that one.
Lee then reads the result, "The Villa were the fastest."
Everyone grumbles. "Who even was that about over there?" Emma asks sourly.
"I don't know," you reply. "Maybe Blake?"
"Nah," Emma says, waving it away. "Gotta be Ryan."
Chrissy harrumphs.
Max gets the next text. "The most musical islanders must kiss each other for ten seconds."
"That's you!" Chrissy points at you. "And Eddie!"
You both stand up and meet in the middle. You kiss, drawing it out for the ten seconds to see if you can strike that missing spark. While Eddie's lips are soft and warm, and he's good at using them, unfortunately it doesn't do anything for you. It's just flat.
When the other islanders reach ten in their counting, you and Eddie lean back. You both look at each other in vague disappointment. Sitting back down, Max gets the result, "Casa were the fastest!"
Emma gets the next text and reads, "The boy with the best hair must kiss the girl of his choice. Obviously that's Eddie!" Eddie then gets up and rushes over to Chrissy, who seems surprised by the pick. He kisses her and she kisses him back, almost like she can't help it. When they break apart, they're both panting and Chrissy is pink in the cheeks. Eddie has a smirk when he turns around and walks back to his seat.
If you thought that wasn't enough to seal the lack of attraction, all you could think about during it was that Steve was the one picking the girl and doing the kissing in the villa. Your heart squeezes in despair, dramatically. Then Emma reads the result, "The Villa were the fastest," and you sink into the blues farther. You chance a peek at Nancy, who seems tense but not very upset by the notion of Steve winning.
Carson receives the last text, "The girl with the best smile must kiss the boy of their choice."
Everyone looks at you. "What?" You ask.
"That's you, babe!" Chrissy says. You're shocked but still want to win so stand up. With Eddie, Carson, and Max all out, you run up to Lee. He welcomes your kiss but it's terrible—he has no control over his tongue and it's gross-sloppy. Plus, you feel nothing. You lean back just as quickly and speed-walk back to your seat.
There's a final ding. Everyone holds their breath. Carson says, "Casa were the fastest! With the most points, they have won an 80s-themed party for tonight!"
You all burst into excited cheers. You, Chrissy, and Emma all hug tightly and the boys all high-five. There's a chant of "Casa! Casa! Casa!" as you all run back to the house and get ready for the party.
The girls dress in throwback outfits and put on neon makeup, teasing your hair to be big and wild. Chrissy wears all black lace, à la Madonna. Emma chooses a tight and ruffled prom-esque dress. Nancy goes for the day-to-night vibe and wears a blazer over a pencil skirt, complete with shoulder pads. And you go with shiny black leggings and an oversized leather jacket covering a black corset top.
You take a ton of photos together before meeting the boys outside. They all look kind of boring, except for Eddie, who's appropriately wearing a Metallica tee under a leather jacket under a denim vest, with skinny jeans and a studded black belt.
"Great outfit," you compliment when you reach him.
"Thanks!" He responds happily. "You look good too. Went all out."
"Why not?" You shrug with a smile. "We love a theme. Seen Chrissy yet?" He shakes his head and then scans the backyard. You know he's finally spotted her when his jaw drops. "Yes, she is Madonna," you tease.
"Wow." It's all he can seem to say. Then he's looking back at you sheepishly. "Hey, about the challenge—"
"Oh my god," you interrupt, "no worries. Thinking you didn't feel anything during our kiss either?"
"No." His mouth turns down.
"But you did with Chrissy?" He blushes and just nods. You laugh. "As I expected. I'm glad. I thought you two would be a good couple."
"She still doesn't wanna really open up, though," he replies sadly.
You think for a minute, watching him watch her. "Let's strike a deal," you say quietly. The mics will pick up the conversation but hopefully no other islanders can hear. Eddie looks at you in interest. "I can't go back to the villa without a partner, I was left single. Carson's taken, I don't like Max, and Lee has turned out to not be my type. We may not have any chemistry—" you point between you and him, "—but I'd rather bring a friend back with me than someone else. I'll bring you back to the villa and give you more time to crack on with Chrissy."
"Yes!" Eddie answers in a rush. "Deal."
"But," you continue sternly, “you leave her alone if she’s happy with Ryan. And if you do get the chance to be with Chrissy, you've gotta be the most gentlemanly gentleman to ever exist."
"Promise," he replies. "Cross my heart."
"Good." You hold out a hand and he shakes it. "It's a deal then." You both nod at each other before letting go.
Then a speaker blares Whitney Houston's "I Wanna Dance With Somebody" and everyone moves to the constructed dance floor. You all groove to the playlist, which is surprisingly good for being made by reality show producers. You, Chrissy, and Emma all dance together a lot, when Emma isn't dancing with Carson. You even pull Nancy in and she actually starts to move with the beat. Eddie is a terrible dancer but he's funny about it, and it makes you feel lighter than you have since having Steve stolen.
After the dancing ends, you conspire with Emma and Nancy to pull Max, Carson, and Lee into chats so Chrissy will be left to talk with Eddie. Even thought you have to endure more horse stories from Lee—he was absolutely the horse girl of his high school—you see Chrissy and Eddie having a great time. He seems to keep making her laugh and she's blushing the whole time but talking animatedly too. Your matchmaking skills are, well, unmatched.
You still miss Steve.
The next day, it's easy sailing. Chrissy and Eddie end up talking more and you join them occasionally. Emma and Carson are wrapped up in each other, being sickeningly sweet. Max and Lee spend most of the day working out while Nancy sits alone, staring out at the view.
At some point, you go over and sit beside her. You don't say anything at first and neither does she, just enjoying the silence together.
"I'm sorry about taking Steve," she eventually says quietly.
You don't look at her but reply, "It's okay. It's Island of Love not Island of Friends." She cracks a small smile. "Besides, it's not like you weren't upfront about it. You did spend the whole time saying that's what you came on the show to do."
She moves her head back and forth in a so-so motion. "Yeah, I guess." She sighs. "I'm just not sure what I'm doing here."
"What any of us are doing: finding love," you say. "Going back to something that made you happy to see if it still does is a hard thing to do."
"That's just it. I don't know if it does anymore."
Your stomach jumps at the confession but try not to show it. "You owed it to yourself to try, and that's good enough for me." She gives you a grateful look. You pat her shoulder gently before leaving and seeking out Chrissy and Eddie.
Eventually it's time to get ready and so you go inside. But then there's a text to Nancy: "Islanders, please gather your items and go outside to the waiting cars. You're going back to the Villa tonight." You and Chrissy are both excited, while Emma is ambivalent and Nancy doesn't seem to notice at all. She's been lost in thought since your conversation with her.
You all change quickly and grab your stuff and get to the cars. The boys are already gone, back to the villa before you. When you arrive, a text to you directs all the girls to go to the fire pit immediately. Once you're seated, the Casa Amor boys file out of the house and line up in front of the fire pit.
Host Naomi makes a reappearance. "Hello!" She calls out. "How was your time at Casa Amor, lovelies?" You all chorus back "good". "Well, it's time to decide whether you are going to recouple or stay loyal to your Villa partner. Our resident singleton gets to go first." She points at you.
You stand and take a breath. "Since I'm single," you say,  "there is no boy to be loyal to. So I am going to recouple. I want to couple up with this boy because he's handsome, smart, and has a rocking personality." You smirk when Eddie rolls his eyes. "He has the best hair and kept me in stitches the whole time at Casa. So the boy I will be coupling up with is...Eddie."
He beams and moves over to you, giving you a kiss on the cheek and sitting down with you. You glance at Chrissy and see a flash of disappointment cross over her face before it's gone. Interesting.
Naomi points to Emma next. "Emma, please choose what you would like to do."
"This was a hard decision, but I've chosen to recouple." Carson looks relieved after the first sentence. "I liked who I was coupled up with but I like this boy more. He's funny and entertaining and absolutely gorgeous. We have so much in common and want to get to know each other more still. I'm really excited about seeing where this goes." She's blushing. "So the boy I would like to couple up with is...Carson."
Carson has the biggest smile known to man as he walks over to Emma and gives her a hug. They sit down, holding hands.
Naomi asks both Chrissy and Nancy what they'd like to do and they both choose to stay loyal. You all call out goodbyes to Max and Lee, and they wave as they leave.
"Now let's see what the boys have chosen to do," Naomi says dramatically. "Up first is Blake."
You all turn to the trellis as steps coming walking down it—two pairs. Blake appears with a new girl on his arm. You look at Emma, who catches your glance and shrugs. The new couple makes their way to the fire pit and stands next to Naomi.
"Blake, you have decided to recouple," Naomi points out. "Why?"
"I had a really good connection with Maggie and wanted to keep exploring it. I felt bad for possibly hurting Emma, but it looks like she found new happiness as well." You're impressed by the diplomatic answer. Naomi is not.
"Emma," she says, clearly trying to create drama, "how do you feel?"
"Honestly?" She replies. "I feel relieved. I was worried about hurting Blake too but couldn't give up the chance to try things with Carson. I'm glad he found Maggie." She smiles at Maggie, who smiles back.
"Alright." Naomi's definitely frustrated. You snicker and Eddie bumps his shoulder against yours to agree. She continues, "Let's see how Ryan chose."
Chrissy sits up straight. When you hear two pairs of shoes, you don't turn to watch the trellis entrance like everyone else—you watch her. You see the moment she sees Ryan and then the moment she sees the girl with him and then the moment she realizes what that means. Your heart constricts and Eddie grabs your hand and holds on tight. He's also looking at Chrissy, face reflecting her utter despair.
You leave him to watch her and finally check out just who Ryan has brought back from Casa Amor. She's another blonde, tall and skinny, who walks like a model. She's beautiful but there's very little behind her eyes.
You know you, Eddie, Emma, and probably also Nancy are giving him the evil eye. He notices and winces under the stare but still walks down with his head held high. Naomi is over the moon. "Ryan, it looks like you've recoupled with Sam. Why?"
"Well, we had a really good time in Casa together and I wanted to keep that going," he offers. It's weak and he knows it, so he tries to add, "I think we have a lot in common and I really like her."
"You notice that Chrissy has chosen to stay loyal to you. How do you feel about that?"
"I feel bad, of course, but she also had the chance to find someone new, so it's not my fault if she didn't. Shouldn't she be happy I found someone with a better connection?"
You and Eddie hold each other's hands in a death grip. Emma hisses in seething anger. If looks could kill, Ryan would've been obliterated a long time ago.
Naomi turns to Chrissy with a fake sympathetic expression. "Chrissy, how do you feel about this recoupling?"
"Um," her voice is wobbly, and you have to hold Eddie back from going to her, "not great. It kinda really sucks actually."
Naomi nods solemnly. "Ryan and Sam, please sit down." They do, next to Nancy, who scoots as far away as she can. Everyone is still staring at them with daggers until Naomi says, "Last but not least, let's see what Steve has decided to do."
That gets your attention and you whip your head to the trellis. There's a weird buzzing in your ears as you anticipate his appearance. When he finally emerges, you suck in a breath. He looks as good as ever and his hair is perfect and there's a girl on his arm—
There's a girl on his arm.
She's pretty with an awkward gait, crazy brown hair in a bob and freckles across her nose. She's tall and thin and has a really nice smile, even if it is pretty tense-looking. The buzzing in your ears dies away as they make their way to the fire pit. Something grabs your attention.
Nancy has gasped super loudly. But she's not looking at Steve.
Steve and the new girl finally get to where Naomi is. "Steve," she says, "we see you have recoupled. Why that choice?"
Steve doesn't reply for a minute. You tear your eyes away from the girl to look at him, finding in surprise that he's looking at you. His face is sad and his shoulders have drooped and he keeps moving his gaze between you and Eddie, like he's trying to understand.
The new girl eventually bumps him and he clears his throat, looking over your head. "Robin and I really got along in Casa Amor and I wanted to keep exploring it. I am sorry to Nancy, but we weren't even coupled up for a day when the girls left for Casa."
You look at Nancy, who still has her eyes on Robin. Robin is looking back at her with oddly apologetic eyes.
"Nancy," Naomi says, making Nancy snap her gaze to the host. "How are you feeling?"
"I'm not sure," she stutters out. "This is...a lot."
"Absolutely," Naomi replies gravely. "And this is it for me. I will leave you to it and see you later."
Everyone half-heartedly says goodbye and you all deal with the fallout from Casa Amor.
part two
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Water Gun Fight / "It's Not What You Think"
Fandom: The Bad Batch Characters: Mox, Stak, Deke, Omega, Lyana, Jax, Eva, Hunter, Crosshair Set when everyone is living happily on Pabu :) Word Count: ~1560 Read Here on AO3
Synopsis: The children of Pabu have a water gun fight
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Check out a teeny sneak peek of the amazing artwork @the-little-moment did to go with my fic! Go see the full piece HERE and tell her how awesome she is!
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“This isn’t fair. Whoever gets the clones on their team will win.”
Mox folded his arms, a faint, aloof smile painting his face. Either side of him, Stak and Deke stood loose and ready, empty water-pistols held with casual, easy confidence.
“Omega’s a clone too,” he pointed out. “So there’s four of us. You can have two on each team to keep it even.”
“That’s not even,” said Deke with exaggerated annoyance. “Omega was trained by the defectives. She fights dirty.”
“She fights tactically,” corrected Mox, smiling at the blonde girl whose own lips twitched in amusement. “Makes it a challenge.”
Around them the children of Pabu shifted and muttered as a ripple of discussion ran through the group. Some of the younger ones were already getting bored with the idea of teams and rules, pretending to aim at each other and pulling the triggers of their empty water pistols with giggles.
The older ones were taking the issue much more seriously. Nobody could decide what counted as an unfair advantage when it came to the former cadets’ and Omega’s training.
“I think the clones should only be allowed to target each other,” volunteered Jax. His confidence was blossoming with the care he received from his new foster-family on Pabu. “That would make it fair… right?”
“But the rest of you can still target us?” scoffed Stak. “No way.”
“We haven’t even picked team captains yet!” groaned Lyana, dragging her hands dramatically over her face. “At this rate the sea will dry up before we fill these water pistols!”
“I have an idea.”
Omega’s voice cut clearly over the chatter, and the children fell quiet. She had that effect when she took command.
She turned to Deke with a smirk that made her look oh-so-like her younger brother, if only she had a toothpick to hand. “You think I fight dirty?”
There was a deceptive casualness to her tone, the way her dark brown eyes flicked to his from under her long lashes.
Deke shifted uncomfortably, aware that being trapped in the spotlight of Omega’s attention whilst she was plotting something was not where he wanted to be.
“How about… I don’t participate?”
A cry immediately went up from the other children, the small crowd surging to surround her. Eva took her hand, tugging gently.
“You have to play, Omega. You have to.”
Omega held up her free hand, and all eyes turned to her. Mox was smiling out the corner of his mouth, one eyebrow raised in curiosity. He nodded to invite her explanation.
She fixed him with a firm look, challenge in her smile. “I won’t participate,” she repeated, squeezing Eva’s hand reassuringly. “I’ll direct them. The rest of the island against you three. Think you can handle it?”
Stak looked up at Mox, his face breaking into a wide grin. Mox glanced from Stak to Deke, taking in the latter’s nerves, then looked back to Omega.
His smile curved wide as he nodded.
“You’ve got a deal.”
“I don’t like this,” muttered Deke as they crept along the side of a building, pressed tight to the shadows and ignoring the glances and titters from the adults going about their daily business. “Omega will be planning something.”
“Exactly,” said Stak with a confident grin. “Wouldn’t be a challenge otherwise.”
Mox smiled but shushed their chatter, leaning round the wall to check the coast was clear. The water gun sat heavy in his hands, freshly reloaded. He’d emptied it – apologetically, almost – into a brother and sister in Lower Pabu.
That was the rule of the game. A soaked t-shirt meant you were out.
He ducked back when a jet of water streamed in his direction, accompanied by giggling.
Quirking an amused eyebrow at the other two, he gestured with his head. In moments the clones were storming the main street, water splashing everywhere, as shrieks of laughter filled the air.
In the end five dripping children stood about, huge grins on their faces, whilst the three clone boys were still bone-dry.
Lyana was among the victims. She had been drenched head-to-toe when Stak and Deke chased her into a corner, shielding her head with her arms to little effect and sobbing with laughter the entire time.
She stood proudly with her arms crossed now, her ‘troops’ at her side.
“Well, what now, boys?” she challenged.
Stak stepped forward, levelling the brightly coloured super-soaker towards her. “Tell us where your general is,” he demanded, unable to bite back his grin.
Lyana laughed. “You’ll never find her.”
“She’s at the Archium,” said Mox with a grin.
“You don’t know that,” piped up one of the Pabu boys bravely, but Mox just chuckled.
“It’s where I’d direct my squad from,” he said, tilting his head up and shielding his eyes from the glare of Pabu’s sun as he gazed up towards Upper Pabu.
“Reckon we can fight our way up there?” asked Deke, stepping to his side.
“Sure.” He glanced back at Lyana with a sly smile. “We’ve taken out her lieutenant. It won’t be long before we’ve ended this.”
The adults were generous about letting the clones into their houses to refill their water guns. A lifetime’s training came back easily, even after the soft months without warfare on Pabu, and Deke and Stak easily fell into their roles following Mox’s orders.
They avoided combat when they could to conserve their water supplies. Were ruthless in drenching the island’s children when they could not.
Jax made a valiant attempt to divert them, dancing tauntingly in the mouth of an alley-way which wound into darkness behind the shadow of a two-storey building. Deke laid a warning hand on Stak’s arm.
“Watch out. It could be an ambush.”
“He’s one kid,” grinned Stak. “How bad can it be?”
Jax backed away slowly as Stak advanced. He held his water pistol loosely in one hand as he raised his arms in surrender.
“See?” called Stak. “Not so bad.”
A muffled giggle sounded. Then Eva popped up from the balcony above, tipping a bucket of water which splashed squarely onto Stak, soaking his hair, his shirt, and most of his shorts.
The clone gasped with the shock of it, then a grin spread wide on his face. Jax’s face danced with mirth.
“Vengeance!” howled Mox playfully, and he and Deke dove into the alley, water guns firing. Soon the two force sensitive children were similarly drenched, laughing as Stak threw an arm around each of their shoulders.
“Guess I’m out,” he said good-naturedly, grinning at his brothers. “Think you can take the general down by yourself?”
“Leave it to us,” said Deke with a smile and a salute. “We’ll end Omega’s reign of terror. Just you wait and see.”
Storming the plaza in front of the Archium was a running battle. The clones ducked and hid behind market stalls, weaving between chuckling adults as they pursued their quarry, the other laughing children.
Water pistols emptied. Were refilled. Were replaced with weapons ‘looted’ from ‘fallen’ enemies.
Before long they had Omega pinned. Deke leaned over her where she lay on her back, winded but still smiling slyly, where he had tackled her to the floor.
“Orders, sir?” he asked over his shoulder.
“If we’ve captured their general we can negotiate,” said Mox with a cautious glance at Omega. She smoothed her face into an innocent expression, which was a dangerous thing.
“I say we execute her.” Deke primed his super-soaker. “She’s too dangerous to let her live.”
Mox shook his head. “Let her reach her com. She can call her troops off.”
Reluctantly, Deke lifted his foot from where he had pinned Omega’s arm. The blonde girl’s smile returned as she slowly inched her arm towards her face, activating her wrist-com.
The deep rumble of Hunter’s voice was so unexpected that both younger clones backpedalled in shock.
“Hunter–” said Mox, startled, and Deke glanced in panic at Omega’s prone position as he added, “It’s not what you think!”
Hunter folded his arms, tattooed face shadowed with displeasure, stepping forwards to shield Omega and loom over the cadets.
Mox glanced uneasily between them, holding his hands out to his sides in surrender.
“It’s a game–” he began.
The jet of water caught him squarely in the back, running down his spine to soak him to the skin. He yelled, and his shout was echoed by Deke when a similarly targeted blast drenched him too.
The clones spun, searching for the source of the attack. It didn’t take them long to spot Crosshair perched in the weeping maya tree, an impressively large super-soaker in his hands, toothpick clenched between teeth which were bared in a grin.
“No fair,” objected Deke. “This game is supposed to be for kids.”
“It is,” said Hunter, and now he let his brooding façade crack as he picked Omega up from the floor with a fond smile. “Didn’t you hear? We’re younger than Omega. If she can play, we can play…”
Omega returned her big-little brother’s smile and turned a sympathetic look on the two dripping cadets.
“Don’t feel bad,” she said blithely, glancing first at Hunter and then at Crosshair with adoration in her eyes. Her smile turned soft. “You were never going to win, not when I have them.”
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Haha well way back at the submitting prompts stage it was my kiddo who volunteered water gun fight, and I guess you know I engaged in some spurious voting practice to get it into the top 26... thrilled that it got drawn as week 1!
With thanks to @ninjadeathblade who said Crosshair should be camping in the weeping maya tree waiting to snipe the cadets :P
And thanks to the amazing @kybercrystals94 for organising this challenge! You struck up a conversation with me out of the blue last summer and it's been so fun spending the past 10 months bouncing fic ideas back and forth as well as participating in prompt challenges with you. And now you're hosting your own one! Bad Batch Themed! How great is that! :D
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0shewrites0 · 2 months
cotton candy clouds 🍬
S8 | Jin/MC | +4.4k words | by @0shewrites0
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“After all, soul mates always end up together.”
genre | fluff. shameless smut. jealous!Jin.
Read on ao3.
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lynzine · 2 years
The Avatar’s Hobby
Avatar Aang was widely considered the greatest Avatar in the past millennia. At just twelve years old he prevented the genocide of his people, stymied all out war between the Earth Kingdom and the Fire Nation, and somehow stripped the Fire Lord behind these attempted atrocities of his bending. He did not remove Sozin’s family from power, despite the corruption. He watched them carefully. He had a solid grasp of all of the elements before even meeting his teachers. Aang was dedicated to peace and the sanctity of life. There was just one eccentricity that gave people pause…
The matchmaking.
Admittedly, it took years for anyone to notice but over the decades it became clear that Avatar Aang was pushing certain couples together. Most notably in the Fire Nation, when he introduced Crown Prince Azulon to his future wife, Ilah; but it was happening all over the world. He helped a woman escape the Northern Water Tribe to the South and attended her wedding after insistently guiding her to a particular Tribe with a specific young man who stammered and blushed and happily yielded to her in every matter. He supplemented a young Earth Kingdom merchant’s income so he could buy a marriage to a noblewoman. He helped a pair of peasants elope. He encouraged romance between specific members of the Northern Water Tribe’s most respected families.
He happily, sometimes desperately, meddled with seemingly random families all over the world. It was strange, but it was just a quirk. If he wanted to matchmake between preserving world peace and protecting humanity from the Spirit World, it wasn’t like it was hurting anyone.
Crown Prince Iroh reconsidered this widely held belief when the Avatar quite insistently arranged a marriage between his younger brother and Lady Ursa, granddaughter of the previous Avatar, Roku. Iroh and Aang had always gotten along. Aang, already an old man at his birth, had taught him Pai Sho and taken him on trips around the world. He was almost like his uncle. While the kind old Avatar had tried to treat Ozai the same way, Iroh had always sensed profound wariness in the Avatar when dealing with his younger brother, a wariness he tried to mask with his usual cheer and jokes. So why was Avatar Aang so determined to ensure that Ozai would marry Lady Ursa?
A similar issue was plaguing Hakoda of the Southern Water Tribe. No matter who he brought home, Avatar Aang seemed to disapprove. It was like his honorary uncle was looking for someone specific. If Aang had tried to push the young man to break up with someone Hakoda never would have acquiesced. But the old man just stared at him with his girlfriend so mournfully, as if he was going to begin sobbing, that Hakoda would eventually end the relationship.
The relief on the Avatar’s face always made him feel like he’d done the right thing.
The day that he introduced Aang to Kya and saw his face light up was the day Hakoda knew that he’d found the one. He’d found the woman that he was going to marry.
In the Earth Kingdom an assorted handful of merchants and nobles accepted the Avatar’s betrothal suggestions. It was good business to be favored by the Avatar.
   Avatar Aang arrived the night before Lady Ursa went into labor. The old man was apparently more frantic than the rest of the family. Iroh made a dozen pots of tea in an attempt to calm the old airbender.
When an attendant emerged from the room Aang was the first on his feet. “Is he alright?” He demanded sharply. Iroh blinked and wondered how he knew the baby was a boy.
“Yes, he is. Quite healthy for a child born so close to midnight.” The woman answered, holding the new nobleborn at a professional distance from her. Aang stepped forward, and before any other member of the family had a chance, he took the baby into his arms. Iroh raised an eyebrow and exchanged a glace with his father. Both Fire Lord and Prince decided to say nothing of this curious breach of conduct and courtesy.
Aang trembled, clutching the tiny newborn blinking up at him with two whole golden eyes. “You’re here.” He whispered. “You’re really here…” The baby fussed as tears fell on his head. “I missed you so much, Zuko.”
 The Avatar greeted the Princess of the Northern Water Tribe as well, directing her parents to the sacred oasis when she was born too early and without a sound. He even plead with the Moon Spirit himself to aid the child. The Princess woke with hair like the moon and a grateful Avatar gathering her into his arms.
 Avatar Aang was seen mourning on Kyoshi Island. He went to the home of every new or expecting family before he donned the colors of grief and left the island teary eyed. Saying only that he’d lost her.
 Avatar Aang was at the birth of both of Hakoda and Kya’s children. Somehow, more joyful than the parents themselves.
 The Beifongs had not expected the baby to be blind. Avatar Aang assured them that she would be more powerful than any other person he had ever known.
   Aang sat on edge of the Southern Air Temple, surrounded by children from every nation. Their parents might not like Aang’s impromptu field trips for them, but he couldn’t resist sometimes. Whether it was to train with badgermoles, to fly with dragons, to see new wonders, or simply to light candles for the only one he’d failed… the only one whose lineage he hadn’t known. Aang might be over a century old, but he would always need his friends. It had taken decades, but his family was as complete as it was going to be.
Zuko and Sokka argued over which of them was taller. Yue braided Katara’s hair. And Toph used earthbending to lift herself above them all, laughing manically as she did.
Sky bison passed, carrying young monks and nuns to new adventures. And even with the ever present ache of Suki’s loss… Aang was happy.
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all-lars-bars · 6 months
I miss them (they died in the canon media)
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