#love logging in and seeing all of your beautiful creations
astarioffsimpmain · 7 months
Unsolicited Affections (Part 1)
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[Screenshots and Tav, Ban, by the lovely @brabblesblog]
Halsin x Plus Size F!Reader
Warnings: Body insecurity; internalized fatphobia; otherwise, floof (for now)
Synopsis: Your growing feelings for Halsin can no longer be ignored. Even so, that doesn't mean you don't try for your poor heart's sake. However, Halsin keeps bringing you closer, and you aren't sure how much longer you can take it without confessing... even though confessing is your worst fear.
Author's Note: Thank you so much to @brabblesblog for taking these screenshots and allowing me to use Ban in the header! For all readers, there will be a Part 2 to this fic and it will be the smut you all requested from the poll I took! This became a super duper indulgent fic for me, as I struggle with all of the insecurities the reader struggles with here. But I hope this little 2 part creation can act as a balm for anyone who has ever struggled with their bodily image, or wondered if they'd ever be seen as beautiful. This one's for you; for us. <3
Part 2 Here
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The battle had been bloody. Grime and viscera was spread across each body, hair color lost in deep dyes of red in the wake of the victory. You and your companions trudged back to camp in silence; exhausted. You had failed to obtain what the battle had been fought for in the first place, and you were certain that your mood was soured for the rest of the evening. Upon reentering your campground, Gale was the first to greet you all, thankful to see that everyone was alive, albeit roughed up; obvious disappointment creased his features for a moment when you told him the news that you had failed to obtain the magical object you had set out for, but he hid it behind an understanding smile and ushered you to sit by the fire as he finished dinner. 
You had reasoned that if the Netherese Orb in Gale's chest required the consumption of magic to remain stable, that the more powerful the object, the longer it would sate him. So you had taken a group and set out for the most powerful magical object in your direct vicinity - the Circlet of Blasting. You had recognized it the day previous on the head of a Drow with several of its companions near the Myconid colony in the Underdark. Once you found them again, you approached to inquire whether you could cough up enough gold to take it off their hands, but when they turned and pierced you with vicious red eyes that gleamed back at your group with a reflectiveness like a cat's, you knew gold would not satisfy them. And as they drew their daggers, you were proven correct, and the battle had begun.
You slumped over on the log next to the fire, too exhausted to properly stow your weight, as you removed your armor piece by piece. The second person to approach you carried a warm bowl of stew and placed it gently into your palms. The hands were tender and gentle, and much too large to belong to anyone but your favorite Archdruid. You raised your weary head to meet his beautiful bright green eyes, creased with worry, but soft with care as he lowered himself to the ground beside your legs, his muscular arm grazing the now-bare skin of your thigh as he adjusted. A flutter ran through your stomach at the contact, but you clamped down on it before you could get carried away. You knew his kindness was platonic. It had to be. Halsin was simply…kind. 
The tell-tale signs of complicated and painful feelings had risen within your chest since rescuing Halsin from the goblins, and although you had tried to deny them, recently it had proven impossible. But while you finally admitted to yourself that you had fallen for his disarming smile, the scratch of his well-worn fingertips against your softer skin, and how passionately he cared about every living creature in nature, you refused to admit it to anyone else. You would be sparing yourself that embarrassment this time around. Your chest ached, remembering the many times you'd fallen for someone and approached them with this truth, only to be turned away over and over again. Inwardly, you snarled, blaming the extra plush your body carried for your lack of luck in love. Whether the objects of your affection had been kind, polite, or downright rude, there was always a moment in which their eyes would quickly rake your body up and down before delivering their blow. Perhaps they didn't even recognize that they did it, but you saw. You always saw. 
So, while you knew Halsin would never be unkind to you, you had been trying to make peace with the very probable fact that he would only ever see you as a friend - never quite attractive enough to be anything more. It was something you were used to, but it never seemed to dull the throbbing pain in your heart whenever you thought on it too long. There was a part of you, somewhere deep, that knew you were not at fault; that knew you were not to blame; that perhaps if they had deigned to look beyond the surface for even a moment, that they would have seen how genuine your heart was, and how they never would have had to go without affection, love, or loyalty should they have chosen you. You weren't without this enlightenment, but the constant dissatisfaction of, or concern for, the body you carried from those around you - from well-meaning friends to pushy strangers - weighed heavy on your tired mind. 
This moment around the fire was no exception, your burning desire to curl around Halsin's broad shoulders like a cat and purr was strong, but overshadowed by the fear of rejection. You had him near, but pulling him too close was to risk sending him far away, and you weren't sure you'd be able to stand it were that to occur. An icy shudder ran through you at the mere thought of Halsin retracting his warmth from your side. "- giving you a chill?" His dulcet voice pulled you back to reality like a line reeling you in, but you caught only his last few words. 
"What?" You said, blinking as his image in your eyes grew sharper again. "Apologies, my mind was far away." 
"No worries." He chuckled. "I merely asked if the night air was giving you a chill. You were shaking, my heart." 
My heart. 
You melted a little. The nickname was fairly new. The first time he had called you that had been two mornings prior, after a late start and a quick bath in the bioluminescent pools near your campsite in the Underdark. You had come trudging back to camp in clothes that were quickly dampening due to being pressed against your still wet skin, wringing your hair out ferociously as you tried to hurry to catch up with everyone else's progress. You had just started to wrench your boots up over your clinging pants when Halsin had approached you, laying a warm hand against your wet-stained shirt. You had startled, your head snapping up to his in a surprised daze. 
"Slow down." He had said, running a soothing hand down your bent spine and back up, sending full bodied shocks through you like tidal waves. "You needn't worry, my heart. We will wait for you." 
As the memory warmed your cheeks, you cleared your throat and averted your eyes, praying he couldn't see the thoughts lingering just inside the colors of your irises. "No, I'm alright. Just- just a bit weak from not eating all day. Thank you, for bringing me this." You finally acknowledged the bowl in your hands and raised it a little. 
"Of course. Please, eat. I hear from the others that you had a rough skirmish. I implore you to let me check you over once you've finished your stew." 
Ignoring the way your heart jumped dangerously near to your throat, you nodded silently, opting instead to pick up the wooden spoon in the bowl and begin to eat. It was one of Halsin's spoons; one he whittled. It was smooth and beautiful and easy to hold. Almost all of the cutlery in camp had been fashioned by Halsin, and several of the stools you kept as well. It was his hobby and his form of relief, to create things with his hands. Subconsciously, you glanced down to where the hands in question rested on his knees; large and rough, his hands had seen it all and done it all through his 300 plus years of life, and you couldn't help but quietly admire how much they had learned and lost in the process. And after all of that, he chose to create beauty with those hands that knew so much. It made your heart clench with a new wave of affection. You swallowed hard, as if the feelings would force their way back down in the same way as the contents of your bowl. 
Again, you were drawn back from your reverie by the Druid's movements, one of his hands moving from his lap to yours. His palm came down to rest flat on your thigh, only a thin layer of fabric left to separate the blazing heat from your skin. You barely suppressed a gasp of surprise at the sudden contact, feeling much more intimate than it probably was, and locked eyes with Halsin, whose brow was worried into wrinkles. "You seem more distant than usual, are you sure you're alright?" He said, his thumb taking a slow drag across your leg, sending your poor heart racing in your chest. 
"Yes," you managed to respond, rather breathlessly. "I- I'm alright." Even you weren't convinced by your attempt at deflection, and Halsin's frown only deepened. 
"When you've finished your stew, come find me by my tent. I will have some healing herbs waiting for you." He said sternly and you nodded silently. His eyes softened at your wide-eyed expression and he reached up to gingerly tuck a stray piece of hair behind your ear. "Promise me you will come." He murmured quietly, his eyes never leaving yours, and your heart stuttered wildly in your chest. 
"I promise." You replied, and a soft smile graced his lips. He nodded in return and stood up, brushing himself off before walking back towards his tent. 
"Gods," you muttered under your breath, pressing your palm to your chest in an effort to keep your pounding heart inside. 
"You've been given the perfect opportunity, darling." A voice chimed lyrically behind you, and you turned your head to find Astarion eyeing you appreciatively. "Don't waste it." He grinned widely, putting his fangs on display as he did so. 
"Shut up, Astarion." You mumbled, your face heating as you pressed your hands over your eyes. You only hoped you wouldn't make a fool of yourself. 
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aphidclan-clangen · 3 months
Wait- if starclan is like god in this universe. And sometimes clan cats say “ star damned” instead of “god damned” dose that mean pearls stars pronouns are: god and godself!?
I mean, if a Saint Tine made their pronouns glow/glowself it would definitely be a bit awkward lmao
(shine/gleam/light/glimmer/radiance/etc. pronouns would be fine however)
In that case it would be closer to giving yourself god/godself pronouns (which I’m certain is a real thing!), but in my mind Starclan, as an Aphidclan-specific religion, isn’t really…a religion so much as it is a generalized belief that 1. nature and the sky are interwoven with mystical, spiritual forces, and 2. belief in souls/an afterlife. (infodumping mode activated /lh /affectionate) As a wild cat colony, they’re just naturally very strongly and culturally connected to the spiritual side of the wilderness and the cosmos, more so than a kittypet or city cat ever would be. They don’t believe in any god or any central force controlling or designing the world, I don’t think they even have a “creation myth” or an idea that there could ever be a sole “god”/deity-like figure. They believe in souls and an afterlife because their ventures into the spirit realm showed them the souls of their ancestors, friends, and even complete strangers. They know the dead can go whenever they please after life, because some cats have reported seeing these spirits in the woods with them, or standing out amidst the plains. But they’ve also seen the spirit realm largely resemble the sky, so they probably assume the souls of the dead live up there, and may fly down to earth whenever they please.
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(plus the sky is also just generally a very..incomprehensible, mystical, “larger-than-life” powerful force to look at, especially when you’ve got 0 light pollution and look up to see a whole wide galaxy of beautiful unknown above you each night)
Perhaps the souls of their loved ones can even grant gifts and boons, or even curses, since the spirit of the wilderness and the sky is woven everywhere, and can surely influence the movement of a log, the calling of rain, the way of the winds, and maybe even the sickness of the land. Nonetheless, the wilderness takes lives as it gives food and water and a home, they believe this to be an entirely natural cycle. The wilderness gives, the wilderness takes, the wilderness eats and devours whole, and when you die, you’ll fly up into the sky, where you might even get to speak with your loved ones again someday, either through random sightings in the woods, in dreams, or intentional astral projection in more…energistically charged locations.
Even the Saint Tines don’t believe in The Glow as a person, but nonetheless a more congealed, solid entity than what the clan cats believe. It is a force of nature as well, but a specific one. The force of decay, of sickness, of life, of glory and triumph in living, that is hungry and gluttonous and never satiated. In AphidClan, you’ll never have to prove your worth or character to the way the winds blow, but to a Saint Tine, if you are impure enough, the Glow shall eat you whole, and you shall rot for all of eternity (and this is a bad thing). It is a strict and demanding force that will punish the unworthy and the impure. It is all very morally attached, very heavily wrapped around the idea of sin and repentance and innate existential value. The Reverend has a very large influence over the doctrine and the opinions of The Glow, as its speaking voice and the head of the church. (In reality, “the glow” is just the nuclear radiation they saw in the power plant the colony used to live in, before the power plant horribly collapsed for reasons unknown.)
In that way, the Saint Tine Church is a closer analogy for a Christianity-like religion, while Aphidclan’s beliefs are closer to that of general pagan spiritualist beliefs. The Saint Tines are a god-fearing people, while Aphidclan just believes in the innate spiritual power of the earth and the universe, who would be confused by the idea of a central god or entity controlling the name of the game.
As for Pearlstar, I think like…they’d be totally chill with pronouns, names, or titles that call back to the spiritual nature of the wild in some way or another, and in fact, it’s already a common thing interwoven into the culture. I mean, they call their designated spiritual leaders of the colony “star,” to honor their leader’s connection to the spirit realm and their initiative to walk between both worlds. If anyone is expected to revere the spiritual and integrate it into their daily life and identity, it would be the spiritual leaders of the colony. Cats are given prefixes and suffixes to reflect aspects of nature that they see themself reflected in. If names are viable territory for integrating the wild, the natural, the spiritual, then why not pronouns? A cat with breeze/breezeself pronouns is respected as a reflection of the wind, a cat with star/starself pronouns is respected as a person with a strong connection to the cosmic aether and the universe beyond. I imagine their kintypes work under similar beliefs as well, as the creatures or entities or energistical forces they see themselves very strongly in. A cat could tell their clanmates that they believe they were once a bird, and feel such a strong connection to flight, to soaring through the air, the clouds, the breeze on their wings, and that before their life as a cat, their soul once resided in an avian animal, and that’d be a common precedent that would totally work with the general cultural belief system.
So to summarize, glow/glowself pronouns would definitely result in getting odd looks and judgemental comments from Saint Tines (not Aphidclan cats though), but star/starself pronouns are totally normal, common, respected, and even a little expected in Aphidclan, and are…pretty much on the same level as giving yourself leaf/sky/cloud/tree/growth/breeze/etc. pronouns. S’just another factor of one’s identity that the wild may influence and make its home in, as it often does
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eatmangoesnekkid · 1 month
Tuscany Italy
Making social media earn my attention more…because when we log into these little devices, social media makes so much money off our attention and as a creative, I am seeing how being responsible for our creative process like we are midwifing our own baby onto the earth plane is essential and mature (like really taking how we direct our attention into our hearts because it is our real currency (and future karma)). And if you were born with a womb, you are always pregnant and in the creation of something by divine biological design. Think about it. I wonder how much genuine organic much-needed creativity has been compromised, numbed, let go of, or deferred to other lifetimes (or in worse case, likely may never happen in the way it was anointed to) because we are always on these apps and being crowded and infiltrated in our life force with fear, distractions, and misinformation that squander or greatly reduce our ethereal healing gifts. We are missing out on making some of the most beautiful love to life around us which can look like many things✨💦. Whatever you do just let your body open and allow the love to wash through your cells and tissues and leak all out into this world. That pure-hearted high frequency love reorganizes you from inside out and favorably impacts the entire electromagnetic field, meaning, the whole world. I have been spending time deep in my body, because too much emotionally-draining processing of life, of relationships, of the future, etc., leads to numbness eventually, and for the life of me, I will never be a numb woman. On God. 🫀🫀🙈🫀
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nychta-luxury · 2 years
An Imposter or a God's Helper?
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You are a normal person, with a pretty average life. Your favorite game is Genshin Impact even though the fanbase is can be..Very concerning to say the least. Ignoring the amount of toxicity, you still loved the game and would play it at every opportunity.
One day, your friend Darling wanted you to look after their account, which kind of surprised you considering Darling was a Genshin fanatic until you learned that Darling needed to focus on their finals. Which is fair. You don't exactly go to collage so might as well help out. what's the worst that can happen?
Part one (here) Part 2
First story I posted, any advise would be appreciated! Please comment as well :)
Warnings: Not proofread, cult behavior, worship, religious themes.
Darling au
"What the actual fuck" You say as you get no five star artifact.
"I'm doing a level 90 domain how is it possible that I don't get a single 5 star in three runs?!" You yelled annoyed. Look you understand if it happened in one run but three?!
"Darling, how in the world did you live like this??" You wined
"I JUST WANT A GOOD SANDS" You were hopping that you get some luck in Darling's account with the sands...We don't talk about the luck you get in your own account alright? It could leave a meta player 6ft under.
"Ugh, fine screw luck I can just fight some bosses" You say confidently, after all bosses don't need luck. Sure you can hope to get three of the boss drops but other than that everything else is guarantied!
You hum as you go over to Oceanid with Raiden and start it's battle
"Why are they level 100..?"
..... You died over five times trying to fight Oceanid and only got one Cleansing Heart..
"This game makes me want to quit." You say before logging off
In Teyvat the dear acolytes were so happy to see their grace yet again, oh how much they missed Darling! They don't care if they saw Darling yesterday, they are always pleased to be in their presence anytime.
However, some of the more observant acolytes have noticed something is off about Darling.
They don't dare question their grace but something is definitely off. Darling has been interacting with the acolytes a little too much not that they don't mind! However they have been muttering things about how they will miss them.
Darling would never leave them right? Their God would never.
So imagine when they got greeted with you and not their beloved grace.
Many of the acolytes are filled with rage especially the immortals. They have been worshiping the divine one for hundreds of years. And when they have been blessed with Darlings guidance, you a lowly creature dare try to steal the almighty's creations?
No one is happy how dare an imposter try to steal the beautiful world the all mighty has created? Even Teyvat itself is displeased with the new management.
They may not be able to kick you out however, They will make your stay here as miserable as possible.
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eternal-kosmo-ghoul · 10 months
*°:⋆ₓₒ day 7. mirror sex
.。❅*⋆⍋*∞*。 “frosted windows”
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ — ❤︎ the fogged windows are perfect places to trace pretty little shapes on, cirrus however has a different shape in mind
pairing: cirrus ghoulette x gn!reader
a/n: i want mommy cirrus to step on me so hard you don’t understand. this one will be shorter than usual
cw: nsfw content. mirror sex. fingering. technically it’s sex against a window but it has a reflection. strap on usage.
“i think i prefer seeing you all fucked out against the window like this… you just look so damn hot.” —❤︎
“hehe, look at this little shape i made.”
“awww, that one is cute.”
cirrus just giggled at your antics, finding them endearing. the two of you rented out a log cabin for the season to stay in, just to enjoy the holiday with each other’s company.
the two of you stood in front of one of the many windows in the cabin, which was frosted from the chilling, crystal snow from outside. it was a rather freezing day today, especially because it was getting closer to late december. but of course, you wanted to make do of the lovely frost and have some fun with it.
“see look at this one! it’s a little bunny!” you cheered happily, tracing your fingertip on the glass to create a simple, cartoonish bunny that had such a dorky look on it. the air ghoulette laughed.
“seriously? that’s what you call a bunny?” cirrus laughed sarcastically. she pinched your cheek with a coo, and you just whined.
“here, i’ll show you how it’s really done.”
her voice held a certain confidence to it. cirrus used her ghoul tail to make quick swipes across the window, each one creating a thin, swift line that led to the creation of a rather skrunkly looking snow bunny.
you stifled a laugh.
“… hah, you sure that one is better than mine?” you managed to snort out, and cirrus narrows her eyes at you, rolling her eyes playfully. “it looks like a shitty shakespearean disaster.”
“you dare to make fun of my creative intellect? i’ll have you know that i am a very talented artist.” cirrus spoke in an exaggerated, dramatic tone, obviously messing around with you.
you just punched her shoulder playfully, giggling at her sassy attitude. “yeah, only with your fingers.”
she sticks her tongue out at you. “i can’t tell if you meant that as a sexual connotation, or me playing my keyboard.”
“hey you never know! it can be both!”
the two of you giggled, laughing and pushing each other around. it was nice getting to rewind and relax with your partner like this. as much as cirrus was a pain in the ass sometimes, she was genuinely a great girlfriend to you. you both leaned against the window and calmed down from your laughter, wiping away tears of joy.
“ahh.. but honestly.. there are other shapes i’m good at making, ones that don’t involve me making shitty drawings on a frosted window.” cirrus spoke between her chuckles, her voice becoming more calm and soothing.
you giggled, wiping your eyes as you looked at cirrus, growing intrigued by her words. “haha.. elaborate, will ya?”
cirrus smirked, her tail coiling around your calf.
“well, first i’ll have to preface this by saying that it is a two-person job.” cirrus started out, her voice dropping lowly. “y’know, it’s a team effort.”
your breath hitched from this.
“and it’s very hands-on.”
“y’know, to really create the most beautiful piece of art.”
you sighed at your girlfriend’s attempts to be teasing.
“just say you wanna fuck and i’ll say yes, babe.” you bluntly stated. cirrus’ eyes widened, and you gave her a blank look, but that smirk spoke volumes.
no further words of affirmation were needed.
cirrus shook her head and mirrored your devilishly charming grin. in a blink, she had you pushed up against the frosted, chilling window, her chest pushing up against your back.
“fine then, since you’re so insistent on it.” she chuckled out lustfully, grabbing your chin and forcing your head to turn around.
the two of you started to kiss with a fervent desire to feel each other’s bodies on one another. cirrus’ quick and nimble fingers quickly made do to discard the jeans you were wearing, yanking both your jeans and underwear down until it was sagging off of your knees.
“i’m going to turn you into a fucking work of art, darling.” cirrus moaned into your mouth lustfully. “and you’re going to fucking like it.”
“mmmh.. sure i will honey.” you teased, and cirrus growled, but it was quickly replaced by a promiscuous chuckle.
licking her fingers, she teased and prodded at your aroused hole before pushing them inside of you. you let out a sharp gasp and pushed your face against the hazy up cabin window, your breath fogging up the areas that were clear. despite the haziness on the glass, you could see your reflection, and your blissed out face.
“fuccckk that’s it… relax.” cirrus groaned out, watching your reflection and how you moaned lustfully against the window. the window was bone-chilling, but the difference in temperature only made pleasure shoot between your legs.
cirrus’ fingers continued to make work in that ring of muscle, stretching out your hole, and prepping you for the main event. she was precise with her fingers, she knew exactly what she was doing.
as your moans got louder and more pornographic, cirrus suddenly pulled her fingers out, making you whine from the emptiness. she quickly hushed you by putting the fluffy end of her tail against your lips, effectively shushing you.
“quiet. i’m only getting started.” she said with a tone of authority. cirrus pulled her pants down, to reveal the strap on she’s been hiding this whole time.
you cursed at the sight. “damn, you just had that on you?”
“hell yes i did, i knew i was gonna have to fuck that attitude out of you on this trip.” cirrus groaned. “so you better hold onto that window, baby.”
you obeyed immediately, and held onto whatever surface the window had to offer. without warning, cirrus pushed the strap on completely inside of you, and she relished in the sight of watching you squirm and moan from taking her size.
“ohhh there we go… look at that slutty hole taking my cock so well.”
it wasn’t long before cirrus started to absolutely wreck your hole, watching you bounce on it and hearing you let out heavenly moans. each moan only created more fog against the window, and the lusting fire in your core only grew more hot.
cirrus was pounding away onto you, her breaths ragged from the quickness of her movements.
she grabbed your chin and forced your head to look at a mirror that was laying on the floor across from you guys. there, you could see how good cirrus was fucking you with her strap, and damn did it only get you going.
“o-ohh yess!” you whimpered out loudly, voice hoarse from all of the screaming and moaning.
cirrus had a satisfied look on your face. she could sense you getting close to your impending orgasm, and she just kept fucking your tight little hole.
“you see that? you see how goddamn sexy you look.” she whispered in an alluring tone, watching how her hips thrusted into your hole from behind and how sexy you looked against the window. your palms, face and body pressed up against the glass.
“i think i prefer seeing you all fucked out against the window like this… you just look so damn hot.”
you could only whine pathetically in response, to drink off of cirrus’ strap to even care about what she had to say.
“c-cum… i need to cum!”
“oh? is that what you want? does this toy want to cum?”
she grinned and pushed you more against the window, her strap digging deeper into your hole, making you cry out in pure euphoria.
“then cum.”
like it was on command, you came with a loud whine. hot, sticky fluids coated your lower regions and dripped on cirrus’ toy. she let out a loud groan and held onto your body tightly as you rode out your orgasm. finally, she pulled you away from the window, and you just leaned against her chest.
“shhh.. i got you.” she spoke lovingly, and you just mewled in response, before looking up at the window.
your body was marked onto the glass. every lustful moment was captured on that glossy window, and it looked damn good. your eyes widened at the sight, and cirrus smirked.
“see? told you i was artistic.”
you definitely need to do this more often.
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basketobread · 10 months
Hey there! I wanted to ask if you have any full body images of lunara. I want to try drawing her and a reference like that could be useful.
Your art is awesome and your like my favourite account on here. Keep up the good work (No pressure of course) your silly comics put a smile on my face everytime
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SORRY THIS TOOK A BIT TO RESPOND TO!! i couldnt log onto the game until right now and i didnt have any full body pics of her in her usual armor HAHA
also thank you so much for the lovely words 😭❤❤ im honored to be your favorite account!! i appreciate all the support you've given me and all the sweet comments you've sent!! thanks so much again :) <333
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solitary-cutie · 7 months
Darkness to our light. Part III
Part I
Part II
Part IV
prompt: you and coriolanus are married, it's unbearable for you, but it will all end soon
contains: dark, manipulative, controlling coriolanus. fem!reader.
There's a blizzard outside. The windows were sweating from the difference in temperature between inside and outside. In the living room the logs in the fireplace crackled and the dresses of the helpers rustled as they set the table. The music player let out a quiet, unobtrusive jazz tune. Mr. Snow was sorting things out in his study. His office phone was ringing off the hook, but he was on his private phone with Dr. Gaul.
You were sitting in your bedroom behind the trellis, not putting on makeup, but typing into your phone the text that came to mind for the next story. Besides, you needed to correct your previous fantasy creations, because Coryo had insistently asked you to read out the chapters of your future historical novel in front of the guests tonight. How embarrassing for you, although the gentleman himself revels in pride, seeing how fascinated people listen to his mistress, how they praise her literary talent, her vigorous imagination. He himself liked to listen to your reading one on one with you, when you, sitting in front of him, only to him could read something very frank, personal. In this way you were revealing to him another part of your soul. He loved to be trusted.
Suddenly a rumble in the living room distracted you, and you were about to see what was going on, but your husband's voice at the door took over the attention.
“That would be rash.” He paced back and forth in the study. “I should talk to his father and show him the tape, under that kind of pressure, the voice would be assured.”
He fell silent, apparently on the other end of the line the person he was talking to was expressing their thoughts. You listened, a hunch coming to mind: "Is he talking about Sejan's father? About Mr. Plint? What record could there be? Did Sejanus really say something? Or did it have something to do with his father's activities?".
“I'll do it, yes. Thank you. Snow lands on top.”
"I'll get it all done, yes... Snow always lays on top," echoed in your head.
He hung up the phone, walked a little way across the room, and stopped. You’d heard it all and didn't feel like going in to see him, so quietly tried to retreat to the bedroom, but suddenly the door to his office opened.
“Oh, you're right here.” He came up to you. “The guests would be arriving soon.” He put his arm around his wife’s waist. “You are so beautiful.” He inhaled the scent of her perfume. “Mmm, you smell like a rose.” And leaned his forehead against hers, not only he was tall, but because of his gaze the interlocutor mentally shrank to the size of an ant.
“Something rumbled in the living room.” It was the only thing that came to your mind and you immediately regretted it, right now you had ratted out one of the helpers. “If they didn't come running in with shrapnel, then it's nothing serious," He reached up to kiss you.
You could sense He was in anticipation of something. Blackmail? He would get something out of it, as always, He could set people up and go head to head. And now He was demonstrating the power of his winning attitude by insistently pushing his tongue between your lips, and you were defying him out of spite. Then he pressed you harder into him and kissed the jaw line, near your chin, and then the neck, where you had a small papilloma on the border with collarbone. You weren’t disgusted, just gradually stoked the flame within, burrowing into the mop of his golden hair and clutching it with exasperation. You lifted your hip as if begging your lord to grab onto it, to which received a grin and obedience. The one time... He understood his wife completely, always.
“Good.” He pulled away from you, drawing more air into his lungs. “You're not wearing jewelry or lipstick, which is a good thing. Go.”
“Wha- The girls will meet the guests," you tugged at his sleeve, "we'll keep them waiting.”
“Don't you understand, we need to get ready, it's a big night.” He saw how upset she was and softened. “Tigris will understand what we've been doing besides preparing for tonight.”
An obedient nod.
“I'll be hitting on you at night, you cold key..”
“I dare not refuse you, a heart of mine.”
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gold-rhine · 1 year
anyway, fontaine world quests spoilers, but since Elynas is now my favorite sweet child, here is a little summary\speculations in case ppl mb did not catch some details from the quests and about abyss lore:
Elynas is the monster from the Abyss, some kind of dragon or a serpent. He is gigantic and Elynas island basically formed around him.
He existed in "cosmic cold", i.e. Abyss, until "Mother" summoned him and his "siblings". We know from the logs of fontaine fleet which was following "great beast Elynas" that he appeared during the cataclysm 500 years ago. As we know, Rhinedottir was known to open portals to Abyss that let abyss monsters in, so logically, Elynas was one of these, and "Mother" is most likely Rhinedottir and siblings are other monsters summoned.
Like other Rhine's creation, Durin, Elynas was actually very good natured and didn't wish to harm anyone, but apparently his abyssal origin made him see the world differently and the actions he thought were harmless, were in fact destructive to this world. Spoilers for "Book of Esoteric knowledge", in the domain at the end of this quest we learn that Melusines see places corrupted by abyss not as ruined, but as a beautiful garden and abyssal rifthounds as friendly puppies. And in fact, after we fight rifthound here, it also turns into a friendly dog, hinting that ALL abyss monsters are well-natured, but there is some kind of warp going on that shifts their perspective\actions when they enter Teyvat into being destructive, while they see it completely differently.
after some time, Elynas realized that he was in fact, damaging the world around him, which saddened him greatly and he intentionally sought death to stop suffering of others. He was killed most likely by the fontaine fleet that followed him which i mentioned before, but its not stated directly. He died, but his consciousness still lingered and he is basically aware of his body and whats going on around.
After his death, he didn't rot, but calcified, and apparently many factions, including abyss order, Narzissenkreuz Institute and "spirit of primordial waters" (oceanid? hydro dragon?) explored his body and were collecting his blood and flesh, for which he was glad bc he felt lonely and liked to have company. Especially he liked Narzissenkreuz's Jakob, bc he felt the presence of same cold cosmic power (i.e. abyss) in him and so thought that consuming his flesh will be good for him. Jakob as we know, turned into "Inquitous Baptist" after this, but Narzissenkreuz drama is a different story. But we can at least intuit that one way of turning into abyss lectors\heralds\etc is consuming abyss monsters flesh\blood, btw hey Childe, can we have a word of how you got your foul legacy form? did u eat that whale, Childe???
At some point, there was a battle between former friends from Narzissenkreuz Institute inside of Elynas (mentioned before as Narzissenkreuz drama), which led to huge explosion. As result of this, wounds inside of Elynas were opened by explosions, and Melusines were created from them. Elynas was delighted, thought of them as his children and shaped them into what he thought was a beautiful form. They could hear him telepathically at first and he used this to guide and teach them, but with time, most of them lost this ability. The only one who can still hear him, Mamere, is able to do so because she paints with his blood (she doesn't know its his blood ofc), and so has prolonged contact with him. He still loves them and cares for them deeply.
Jakob tried to restart Elynas' heart with unknown goal, but Elynas didn't want to come back to life, stating that doing so would mean he will keep harming the world, which he doesn't want to. He appeared to traveler in the spirit form in a shape of Melusine bc he thinks they are cute:3 He dreams of being able to exist in the world without damaging it and to show traveler his true form eventually
i did not yet find all 13 pages for "Book of Esoteric Knowledge" quest, so here is probs more info to follow, but I think this is overall what we know of Elynas for now
oh, another thing is that every Melusine was born with a "token", which they don't know what it is, but highly treasure. Elynas doesn't mention them. This token can power a mechanical dog tho and dog calls it "power source". Elynas does mention many "mechanical animals" in the battle that resulted in explosion, so mb these power sources from exploded mechanisms interacting with abyss flesh were the triggers for creation of Melusines? Open question for now, hope to have these Eldritch NFTs explained later
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haloshornsinkstains · 2 years
Demons In My Head
Demiurge [Overlord] x F!Reader
Warnings: canon-typical violence, smut, deviation from canon.
When Yggdrasil shut down Momonga wasn’t the only one left behind, you were trapped there with him, as the world shifted and all the NPCs came to life. Trapped in Nazarick with an NPC you’ve always had a crush on, what will you do with your new life?
Hearing a soft ping I looked up from where I’d been reading on the floor to pass the time, a new message flashed at the corner of my vision. Sighing I opened it, at least whoever it was had been courteous enough to let me know they weren’t coming.
[Momonga] Just logging in now, sorry I’m so late!
I smiled softly and dismissed the message, no point in messaging him back when you could speak in person in a moment. Seeing the familiar glow that signified one of my guild-mates logging in I pushed to my feet, ready to greet Momonga one last time. “Hey Momo.” I smiled up at the litch. “I’m glad you came.” “Hey Rip.” He nodded his head, and you were sure he was smiling back. “Sorry, I got caught up and it took me longer than I thought to get here. Did I miss everyone?” My chest tightened and I shook my head. “You’re the only one so far Momo.” “Oh.” He drummed his bony fingers against his chin. “Maybe they’ve been and gone? How long have you been here?” “Since midday.” My voice was flat, claws picking at the edges of my armour. “I don’t think they’re coming…” “I’m sure they’d have been here if they could. C’mon, we’ve still got a couple of hours, shall we go and say goodbye to everyone?” I blinked at his outstretched arm for a moment, not sure what he meant, until I remembered the NPCs of Nazarick, those lovingly created by the guild.  “That sounds lovely, Lord Momonga.” I answered softly, glad for once that the game limited my expressions. “Indeed, Lady Riptide. Shall we head to the first floor and then work our way back down?” “Makes sense, I’d like to end things in the Throne room. It just feels right.” Momonga nodded, teleporting the both of you to the top floor. I eyed the rickety bridge while Momonga looked around for Shaltear, neatly teleporting to the other side with a huff. “Still not a fan of heights Rip?” “Nope, besides, Shaltear is over this way.” I called, making my way towards the Vampire’s usual spot. “Floor two, numbnuts.”
Saying goodbye to the fourth floor pulled at something painful in my chest. The Underground Lake had been my domain, though the main guardian was Gargantua, there were monsters of my own creation in the lake itself. They weren’t true NPCs in the way the others were, my skills hadn’t quite been up to par for that, but they did a good job of picking off a few of the fools who made their way this far down. Besides, Ulbert had insisted that my aesthetics fit this floor the most. The next few floors were easier, at least until we reached the seventh. “This was always my favourite.” I sighed, running my fingers over the back of the white throne. “Really? I thought it was the lake?” Momonga hummed. “Nah, that was where Ulbert thought I fit best, but I do really like fire. And this place is so beautiful, he used to chase me out of here all the time. Told me Kelpies shouldn’t stay in hot places long, and to stop ogling his creation.” I laughed, gently patting Demiurge on the shoulder. “Do you think he knew Demi was my favourite NPC?” There was a low rumble of laughter from Momo beside me. “No. None of us would ever have guessed that.” Meanwhile Demiurge was practically vibrating with delight. His Lady, one of the Supreme Beings, favoured him above any other? He couldn’t think of a greater honour. And she even deigned to touch him? Him, a lowly servant. But why were the two remaining Supreme Beings speaking as if they were leaving? It couldn’t be.
Finally we made it to the tenth floor once again. I brought up the menu, glancing over the time. “Ten minutes left.” I sighed, glancing to where Momonga was over with Albedo, looking over something in her description. “You two going to need some time alone? Remember, this place has rules against R rated actions!” “Oi!” I laughed, happily settling on the floor to wait for the final countdown. As the last thirty seconds started to tick down I looked up at Momonga once more, surprised to find that he’d settled himself on the throne. Pushing to my feet I went to join him, perching on the arm, glad that I couldn’t feel how uncomfortable it probably was. “Hey Momo, after this… do you… do you think we can still keep in touch?” “Of course we can Rip.” I hoped he could tell how happily I was smiling at him, I’d used the emote but it didn’t seem enough to convey how truly happy and grateful I was to have his friendship in all this. Gently resting one of my own hands over his boney one I watched the last few moments of the clock count down, bracing myself for the unpleasant sensation of rejection from the gear. “5… 4… 3… 2… 1…” I closed my eyes,ready for the last moments of the game… but then nothing happened. No unpleasant zap in my brain to signify I’d been forcibly disconnected, no sudden feeling of nausea as I came back to the real world. Nervously opening my eyes I glanced around, expecting to see the darkness of my headset only to be greeted by the equally startled face of Momonga. “Did we get the time wrong?” I asked, looking around. “No… I don’t think so… wait, Rip, your mouth is moving.” Momo answered, his eyes flashing green at me. “So is yours!” I yelped, “really moving, not the standard animations. Holy shit, Momo, are we in the game? I swear I saw an anime like this, but if you died in the game you died in real life? Do you think that’s what’s happening here? We’ve been Isekai’d into a game. Oh, I hope we still have all our skills…” “Rip, breathe, we can work this out.” Momonga sighed, gently patting my shoulder to try and distract me from my racing mind. “Lord Momonga? Lady Riptide? Has something happened?” I whirled at the sound of Albedo’s voice, blinking up at her. “It is nothing to worry about Albedo. Could you gather the floor guardians? I believe something has changed here. Sebas-” he paused just long enough for the man to appear “-go and scout the exterior of Nazarick, see if you can determine what has changed.”
[Riptide] Holy shit Momo, how are you so cool right now? I’m still kind of freaking out.
[Momonga] I hadn’t noticed. Don’t worry. I’ll work things out for now. Looks like we still have our skills.
[Riptide] Thanks Momo <3
Time passed almost smoothly after that, once my panic died down I managed to settle back into my old role as vice-leader of the guild, though there were pitfalls that came with our new existence. The burning temple, which normally brought me great solace, made my skin dry out too quickly, and for the first time your expressions were truly visible on my face. It had taken weeks for me to stop blushing whenever you saw Demiurge, my skin taking on a deeper blue-grey tinge whenever I remembered what I’d said to him when we thought we were saying goodbye to the tomb, or how he’d spoken about me when Momonga had asked how the Guardians felt about the two of you. But I’d finally got over that, I could face him like a normal person now, even give orders when I needed to. At least I thought I was over it.
I’d been relaxing in the lake when a group of adventurers made their way into the tomb. I don’t know how they got past Shaltear or the Grave, though I had seen Shaltear chasing after Albedo earlier. They weren’t exactly hard to dispose of either, though I guess I had a bit of a home-field advantage in the water. Still, the encounter had left me dirty and a little sore, one of them had tried to ride me, clearly seeing a horse and thinking nothing of it. Shuddering at the memory I sank into my bath, letting the warmth of the water soothe me. At least until someone knocked at my door. “Come in!” I called out, not thinking anything of it. Momonga had been in here enough times while I soaked, he’d gotten over it fast enough, the water was dark and as it happened having a Kelpie as a guildmate meant spending way more time with them in water than either of us had bargained for, at least until we could get hold of an artefact that helped. Except that wasn’t Momonga, instead standing in your room with a pink dusting on his ears was Demiurge. With a startled yelp I sank under the water, only letting the top of my head and my eyes peek out over the surface. Until I remembered the Demiurge shaped plushie on my bed, the one Albedo had so kindly made for me (after only the briefest of disgusted looks). Another burbled yelping noise and I’d practically flown across the room, landing on the bed on top of the plush. “Lady Riptide? Is everything quite alright?” I blinked at Demiurge, noticing the way he refused to look at me, and the red tinge staining his face. Then I looked down. Oh yeah, still naked. Oh shit, still naked. With a squeak I grabbed a pillow, using it to shield as much of my body as I could. “I had heard some insects made their way down to the fourth level my Lady, I wished to express my deepest apologies that something of that kind would happen. And to promise my Lady that Shaltear will be duly punished for abandoning her post.” I sighed, it was irritating to be attacked, but it had been decent practice at least. And it wasn’t bad enough for whatever punishment you thought Demiurge had put together. “It’s alright Demi, it wasn’t that much bother.” I waved a hand tiredly. “They weren’t much more than practice dummies in the end.” “Then allow me to accept punishment for seeing you like this Lady Riptide. Perhaps you should pluck out my eyes?” He was kneeling before the bed now, head bowed and hand over his chest. “No! No, Demi. It’s fine! I should have checked who it was before asking you to come in, and even then, you came in because I told you to. If anything I should be apologising to you for seeing me in this state!”  Demiurge glanced up, his ears wiggling slightly and tail thumping against the floor as he looked at me once more. “Oh no my Lady! You are a most wondrous sight to behold, one the eyes of a mere servant aren’t fit to see.” “I… I wouldn’t say that.” I murmured, clutching the pillow a little tighter to myself. “I, um, I wouldn’t punish you for seeing me…” “I am honoured my Lady. If that is the case, would I be forgiven for asking a question?” He murmured, still not quite able to keep his eyes on me. I nodded nervously, something about him kneeling there fully clothed while I was still sat here naked stirring a fire in my stomach. The effects of which I was almost sure he could smell, if the excitable thrashing of his tail was any indication. “The item I saw on your bed earlier, that wouldn’t be-” “So what if it was?” I gasped, cutting him off. “Then I would be most honoured Lady Riptide, and I would happily offer my Lady my services should she ever be in need.” His ears were bright red, but he was finally looking at me, smirk fixed back on his lips. I dropped the pillow in shock, my heart racing in my chest. “You would?! Do you understand what you’re saying?” “Of course my Lady. Though if you are displeased by the thought…” He stood and turned towards the door, only to freeze when I called out to him. My mind was racing almost as fast as my heart. Was it even ethical to ask this of him? I was technically his superior, but he had offered… And he looked so eager… “Then… then perhaps I might wish to make good on that offer. If you wish.” “Nothing would please me more Lady Riptide. After all, I am your favourite, am I not?” His voice was practically a purr, one that went straight to the fire now building in my stomach. “I… yes.” I breathed, leaning back on the bed as he prowled over me. “If you’re sure…” “My Lady, I do not think I have been more sure of anything since I took over guardianship of the seventh floor.” I sighed out a breath, leaning back slightly as I allowed him to crawl over my body. He paused over me, tail flicking behind him and head cocked as if asking for permission. My knees squeezed against his hips, neck stretching out almost involuntarily. “Please Demi.” Demiurge almost purred, his head dipping to nip at my neck. I let out a breathy gasp, my body arching up into his. I could feel his claws running down my sides, reminding me once more just how naked I was compared to him. His tongue flicked over my gills, sending a strange ripple through my body as I clawed at his suit, trying to pull the offending layers from his body. Chuckling darkly Demiurge pressed himself up on his knees, stripping himself much more quickly than I ever would have been able to. I licked my lips as I watched his skin reveal itself, his body broader and more muscular than I would have imagined under all that material. My eyes widened as he caught me staring, his mouth pulling up into a wicked smirk, finally removing the last of his clothing and settling between my thighs. “Now my lady, allow me to worship you.” I didn’t get a chance to reply, not when his mouth was on me sending fire through my veins. My hips bucked up against his tongue, claws shredding the sheets beneath me as I writhed against his ministrations. I wanted to cant my head back and close my eyes to enjoy the sensation, but something about watching him made me unable to look away. He was watching me so intently, registering every twitch and gasp and repeating the motions that made it happen, I couldn’t not watch him. At least until my orgasm crashed over me, in a flood of electricity and a flutter of ripped cloth and feathers as I tore into the bed. I tried to call his name, wanting nothing more than to let him know how good he’d made me feel, but only gibberish came out, my brain fried by the pleasure coursing through me. 
As I trembled with the aftershocks Demiurge lifted his head, his mouth glistening with the remnants of his feast. “Now now My Lady, I hope you aren’t tired already. We’ve only just begun.” He grinned, crawling up my body to press his lips to mine, letting me taste myself on him - like fresh water and vegetation. I purred against his lips, careful not to let my claws dig into his skin as I ran my hands down the expanse of his back, feeling the muscles tense and flex under my touch. I wrapped my legs around his back, pulling him into me. “It’ll take more than that to tire me out Demi.” I chuckled against his neck, letting my sharp teeth scrape against his skin. “Do your best, hmm?”
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moccahobi · 1 year
May and June Reads
I know it isn’t the end of June but I am posting this anyways! It’s been a rough month and I am working on resetting and orienting so Imma imagine that posting this marks a new start for my reading log periods.  Last month, I read seven pieces and this month I managed to read ten! Which makes me quite happy! So many of my reads were stuff that I got consumed in and couldn’t step away from! There are truly so many amazing creations and I am so glad that I am exploring and reading them!
Two months ago when I last posted my reads, I talked about starting a schedule for fanfic reading... I’ve not. BUT! I did put fics that I already know I am interested in reading on my document and filled in everything other than my comments on it. This really helped me keep looking to reads. I plan to continue to putting fics I know I want to prioritize onto my bimonthly log when I find them because that helped so much!  I think it also helped me to mix up shorter pieces and longer pieces. I had two pieces that I read that were almost 50k (wow! In so much awe of the authors) and it really helped to have some smaller pieces that I could intersperse as well! It’s been so nice to mix my book reading with my fic reading and work fic reading in as little breaks from all that I am doing! 
If you all have any fics you rec me reading, please send them to me! I’d love to add to my TRL!
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Tongue Tied (Jungkook x Reader) ( @jeonqkooks )
“Jeez, you’re acting like I asked to peg you or something.”
Warnings: brief mentions of sex and drinking
Fluff, F2L, Neighbors AU
As an enjoyer of the tension right before a relationship starts, this fic gives such a good depiction of if! The tone is light hearted and the narration is funny. It's a great fic to brighten your day and rest with. So adorable! 
Sit. Stay (Seokjin x Reader) ( @daechwitatamic )
Your new puppy, Zinnia, has turned your world on its head. She’s ruined everything from your sleep schedule to your favorite shoes, and you know it’s your own failure to train her properly. When your cute upstairs neighbor tells you about a local obedience academy, he slowly starts to make himself a place in your schedule, your life, and your heart. After your last relationship went up in flames, will his affections be something else you can count as a failure?
Warnings: language, casual drinking, parental medical problems, mentions of surgery/doctors/hospitals (major operations lightly mentioned; no d
S2L, Neighbors AU, Fluff, Smut, Angst 
This had me hooked and hanging on at the edge of my seat as I read! Joe does such a beautiful job at weaving humor with serious topics of healing and medical emergencies and it is really just so wonderful. She does a wonderful job at creating complex and gray stories that help readers sympathize with both characters. If you want a fun and goofy story that also tackles serious topics, this is a great one for you.
The Perfect Gift (Jimin x Reader) ( @moonleeai )
A cute story about two friends that decide to "fake date" for the Christmas Holiday while visiting family, but with each household they fall for each other.
Warnings: None
Fluff, Fake Dating, F2L Christmas AU
This story follows our characters as they try to get their parents off of their backs. It is such a cute and classic fake dating AU and if you are a connoisseur of fake dating tropes you NEED to read this fic! It’s funny and cute and all the domestic moments kept my heart full! I highly recommend you read it!
Crazy For You (Taehyung x Reader) ( @oddinary4bts )
You’ve known Kim Taehyung your whole life. When you meet again at a party hosted by your best friend, alcohol looses your lips and you spill your secrets to your childhood crush. Will Taehyung give in to your desire, or will you be struck by remorse?
Warnings: alcohol consumption, lying/hiding the truth, unclear relationship, feelings of  cheating, cursing, mention of a grandparent passing away, sex (see fic for full list of sex warnings)
Angst, Smut, Fluff, Idol AU, angst, smut, fluff, Best friends older brother, Fake dating
If you enjoy monster oneshots, this is the fic for you! I am in awe of how long and detailed this fic is and you can truly lose yourself in it! There is so much that’s explored and so many angsty moments present! Lovers of idol aus will love this too. The detail and ways everything is woven together is just astounding and truly so amazing. READ IT!
Fearless (Hoseok x Reader) ( @hobisuniverse )
On your way home from a party, you tell your best friend to pull over so you can dance with him in a storm in your best dress, fearless.
Warnings: None
Fluff, Confessions, Friends to lovers
FLUFFY CONFESSION LOVERS! COME HITHER! Ahhhh! This fic is so short and sweet and so glorious! If you enjoy fluffy confessions, weather matching emotions (kinda), and feeling fuzzy all over, this is the perfect quick read!
To The Beach (Jungkook x OC) ( @mydogssqueakytoy )
Jungkook’s daughter misses her mom and needs a way to pass the time before she comes home.
Warnings: None
Fluff, Dad Jungkook AU
Father BTS fics are just so adorable! And this fic is such a perfect example of this! The author does such an amazing job at showing the ways Jungkook may express his love for his family: comforting his kid and looking his partner into it all! If you enjoy father BTS fics, I highly rec reading this piece! It’s soft and cute and just leaves one feeling so soft!
Honorable Mention
@magicshopaholic​‘s amazing universe (BTS x OCs)
This series consists of fics set in the same universe, of the members of BTS and their long-term OCs. While these are part of a larger story, most fics can be read standalone as well.
Generally, I try to only post finished pieces BUT Cath’s amazing works have been things I’ve been slowly reading throughout the past four months! I immediately got hooked on Hoseok and Chaeyoung’s storyline. Because OMG CHILDHOOD NEIGHBOR’S TO POSSIBLY LOVERS? It is gold! I inhaled it! THERE IS ANOTHER PART THOUGH THAT I’VE NOT READ AND AM SO EXCITED TO! And recently I’ve started reading Yoongi and Miso’s storyline which is also SO INTERESTING! I am a slow reader and have been interspersing my reading of her universe through all my other pieces and because everything is one universe and each series is being updated kinda at the same time (which is so impressive! Cath weaves so many stories together and I am so in awe). It didn’t feel right not to mention it. 
If you’ve never read an MxOC piece before or don’t really read them, I highly recommend Cath be your introduction to it! I know that on tumblr there is a strong pretense for MxR rather than MxOC (I only read one other OC piece in the six months I’ve been doing this and that is also in this post).  The range in MxR is BROAD. We have some who have no physical characteristics, some who do and are labeled, some who do and aren’t labeled, and all of them have personality traits that are close to how the reader is or isn’t. Each reader is a character. They are just vague in some places. OCs are just other characters. They also exist on the same range and are just as rich in depth! I highly recommend you read some if you enjoy reading books and fanfic!
Honeycomb For a Heart (yoonminjoonseok) ( @hungline )
Yoongi never actually expected to build his own hive.
Warnings: mentioned misgendering and transphobia 
In this fic, Yoongi is a king bee and I absolutely love how his hybrid identity is tied into his trans identity! The story introduces the readers to yoongi and his struggles in such a quick but heartfelt an empathetic way and we get introduced to Namjoon, Hoseok, and Jimin in such a fun and open way! Although the story is only 1.5 k and we only get their meeting, there is so much personality and hope packed into the story. If you're wanting on uplifting quick read, this is a great one.
( ✓ read 10:18 p.m. ) (Yoongi x Jungkook; Hoseok x Jimin) (AO3)
By the time Suga got back to him with the name of the sample, Jungkook was sitting in class. He’d never been an in-class text-er. He listened well. He followed rules. He gave professors the attention they deserved. But if Min Suga texted him, Jungkook always found himself texting back, attention 100% on his phone. Maybe it was because messaging the stranger felt as informative as half of his classes. Suga gave good advice. He’d caught himself thinking over the weekend that maybe he actually did owe Jimin some coffee.
Warnings: No archive warnings, mentions of sex, insecurity
College AU, Young Professionals AU, Angst, Fluff
AHHHHHHHHHH! This fic is an adorable story. As readers, we get to see Jungkook try to grow and learn to accept his growing feelings for Min Suga, an unknown man he slowly gets to know. Only thing: he is emotionally constipated and Yoongi feels so much that he struggles… Oh and also Suga kinda likes Jimin… or does he? Owo. It’s such a good series! The chapters are short and addictive and left me unable to put the fic down! It’s angsty and focuses on the growth of everyone and it’s such a wonderful read. It’s such a good series and I highly recommend you read it!
Got7 MxR
Filipendulous (adj.) - hanging by a thread (Jinyoung x Reader) ( @flurrys-creativity )
Summary: After a fight with Y/n, Jinyoung spirals with jealousy. One call changes it all.
Warnings: mentions of an argument, mentions of jealousy, mentions of drinking alcohol (not really responsible), mentions of an accident, mentions of results from said accident, short hospital setting, one kiss…
1,967 words
Angst, No AU
Do you like angst? Open endings? Many struggles and layers to a fic? This is the fic for you! I read this and gasped with each new development! Flurry does wonderful at getting us hooked and keeping us hooked! It's such a wonderful read!
Got7 MxM
Brewed Love (Mark x Jackson) ( @limjaeseven )
Summary: Jackson is comfortable working at the cafe Jaebeom owns. He expects to earn a living there, he doesn’t expect falling in love.
Warnings: None
Fluff, Coffee Shop AU
1,518 words
Coffee shop aus are so cute! And this fic is no different! It’s such a vibe and it had my heart fluttering all while reading. Cris is an amazing writer and his care for word play is present in the many coffee references that are present in this fic. Its short and sweet and just the perfect thing to energize your day!
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xiaoxiongmaos · 2 years
end (beginning?) of year appreciation post ♡
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hello~ this is xixi (also @/choibeomggyu)!
♡ # ⏤ e
@20cm @97chwe @agibbangs @ambivartence ♡ @ashisland ♡ @awek-s @beomgyus @choiyeonjuns ♡ @connecteds @ddonghyun @digitalgirls ♡ @dongjusmilf @dreamaze​ @euijin 
♡ g ⏤ j
@go-saeng ♡ @hearttoshu ♡ @hoyounq ♡ @hueningkai @hwarizon @hyunjins @hyunpic @hyunsung @inhypen @injunnies @innielove @inracha @itshyuka ♡ @jaeyooniverse @jaeyunsim @jihan @junhee
♡ k ⏤ p
@kdongyoung @kyucob @leejinkie @leemarkies ♡ @leenow @letsstaywithstraykids @limsejun ♡ @maatryoshkaa @nevoono @parksnghoon @pjmsdior @polaroidlove
♡ r ⏤ z
@racha @saltys @scoupsy @seonghwaminho @seunglixes ♡ @seungminhos @seungs @slowrabbitpd​ @smallkore @song-mingi ♡ @strayz @usertae @wonjinist @y2kjungkook @yeonjuins ♡ @yeonjune @yjunies ♡ @yongseungkim ♡
(if there’s a ♡ after your url, i’ve left a little (or not so little hehe) note under the cut for you!)
♡ ⏤
i had originally planned to make a year-end post for all my lovely friends/mutuals which then got dragged into the first week of 2023 on my bday ;;;;; but thank you so much to all the lovely people that have followed this quaint little blog of mine and supported my content throughout my time here on tumblr! i can’t believe it’ll be a whole 1460 days since i made this account later this year... feels like just yesterday i signed up and logged in for the first time ever hehe
it always brings a smile to my face seeing each and every single silly, cute, sweet, supportive tag under any of my gifs, graphics, fanart etc.! i really cannot emphasize enough how wonderful it is to see people like my work enough to reblog it, take time out of their day to gush about it in the tags or send me the occasional ask/dm complimenting any aspect of it (´,,•ω•,,)♡ i truly appreciate all of you.
with the new year finally here and all, i’m sure a lot of people have resolutions and expectations set for the next 365 days so just remember to take it easy⏤start small and that’ll eventually lead you to kick bigger goals out there! you’ll see that every micro-habit has a monumentous impact when you look back on your progress, so read even one paragraph daily or go to sleep 15 mins earlier than you usually would. after all, buildings don’t just appear out of nowhere, you have to stack each brick one by one c: just make sure to not overexert yourself!
thank you to everyone once again, i love looking at all of your beautiful creations on the dashboard and seeing you in my notifications, as well as interacting with you whenever the opportunity arises c:
⏤ ♡
@itshyuka ⏤ oh, where to start... i just really, really, really miss you. a ton. thank you so much for teaching me how to gif, i don’t know where i’d be (probably still getting confused looking at the layers panel dljkdjfjf) if it weren’t for you, lia ♡ late 2019-early 2020 was one of the toughest years of my life and i’ll forever be indebted and grateful to you for being there to cheer me up with your hyuka info dumps, our inspiring conversations and your lovely gifsets. whenever i feel down i go to your blog and feel refreshed just looking at it :D i owe all of my knowledge on ps, vs & anything to do with creating content to you, thank you for supporting me all the way back then to rooting for me even now, no matter how scarce our encounters have become. i hope life is treating you well, and that you become a well-loved and respected educator!
@choiyeonjuns ⏤ vivi! i have been trying to write this for about an hour now; writing, erasing then repeating multiple times⏤how to put everything into a miniature paragraph? words can never truly relay the amount of love i have for you and your blog, thank you for being my friend from day 1 on moablr and always supporting me. i love my little conversations with you whenever they sporadically happen, and i’m so glad we have so many common interests, enabling me to support your content across all of your blogs :3 i hope you get back all the love and support you gives others tenfold, and are always surrounded by happiness!
@go-saeng ⏤ i miss talking to you and seeing you on the dash a lot kashi ;;;;; meeting you was one of the highlights of my 2020-2021 and talking to you was always such a nice part of my day. i’m still blown away each time i see your gfx and gifs on the dashboard as well as am so proud of your gif growth. i also always go back to that runaway & minho + jeongin set you dedicated to me⏤considering all of the effort you put in to make something for myself makes me tear up sometimes... but when life’s rough, the very words you put under them comfort me beyond measure and i gain the strength to face whatever new challenge is thrown my way! hope that you are well and happy, may 2023 bring you loads of blessings!
@hoyounq ⏤ i’m not sure if you’ll see this but you introduced me to so many lovely people, filled my days with laughter and it’s been an absolute pleasure being mutuals with you, han (´。• ω •。`) talking to you and hanjess shenanigans on the timeline will forever be ingrained in my heart and i just want you to know that i really appreciate having you in my life! you’re truly the sunshine and rainbows in one’s life personified ♡
@hearttoshu ⏤ jess dearest! i really don’t know what to say dhfdjsd but i appreciate you so very much, always putting up with my incessant rambles about life, beomgyu, my favourite groups and everything in between! you’re such a sweet and perceptive person, always looking out for others and offering your support⏤i hope i can offer you the same. seeing you jaeyuning everywhere makes my heart warm and i’m so glad you got me more into to1 and verivery ♡ i love seeing your creations on the dashboard and in the tags, your sharpening is one of my absolute favourites because of how almost sparkly your gifs turn out to be... like rhinestones under the moonlight! hope you have a lovely year ahead c:
@ashisland ⏤ dear gabi: you’re so cute when you talk about your ults & i can’t help but get giddy whenever i read your tags, both under my posts and when you’re gushing over serim :D i’m so sorry for making you the target of all my non-sense, but i also will tell you that i can’t promise that it’ll cease, you’re the yeonjun to my beomgyu after all djfjddj i love your gifs so much and thank you for spending your precious time to make me stuff whenever you see me talk about it. hope lab gets easier to deal with for you this year and please know that you’re always doing a good job and worked hard⏤please take it easy on yourself, even by just a little!
@yeonjuins ⏤ woo! your talent never ceases to amaze me, from your well-crafted graphics to how you come up with new ways to bully heeseung sodkdkfj i know it’s not been long since we’ve started talking but you have quickly made your way into my list of friends and i love conversing with you ♡ i love your energy and end up feeling content after talking to you. here’s to another year of yeonjuins & your delightful creations on tumblr, as well as our friendship!
@digitalgirls ⏤ thank you so, so much for always supporting my work, jo! it’s lovely having you on the dash/timeline and i always get so inspired by your content, you’re definitely one of my (if not the most) coolest mutuals, the quality on your work and blog is insane :o i still feel so shy whenever i realize you follow me back and have been for a long while ^^; thank you for all of your hard work and i hope you have a wonderful 2023!
@song-mingi ⏤ my favourite atinytual and justbtual... thank you for single-handedly carrying both fandoms on your back and presenting us with all of your lovely content along with it! it’s super fun having you on the dashboard and i love interacting with you; you’re sunshine and rainbows personified too hehe how fitting for hanri! hope you have a lovely year ahead and that there’s loads more of irigifs to see ♡
@seunglixes ⏤ luna! i know it’s been a while but i love seeing your creations, and you, all the same! i don’t think i’ve met anyone who loves felix more than you yet⏤i hope that i can make you a bday present again this year and not miss the date as last year ;;;;; keep creating and loving felix in 2023 as well!
@ambivartence ⏤ thank you so much for always supporting the art i post siyuan! i love seeing your sweet tags under it and also your gifs + fanart on the dashboard! i appreciate the advice and love you’ve given me and my blog ♡ hope you get to expand your reach and develop your art style even more this year!
@limsejun​ sam my dear friend! i am so glad i had the fortune of meeting you, i really love all of your sets from both your kpop and kdrama blog; you motivated me to start a kdrama sideblog and i hope to engage with your content through it as well~ i’m still holding you to that promise of loving me forever for the sejun url djkafsjfk
@yjunies ⏤ your entire blog is just so pleasing to look at and every single thing you create is really pretty, ana ♡ i aspire to be able to make such beautiful content like yours one day; until then, i’ll simply ooh and aah at everything you put out u.u you’re such a sweet and kind person & i hope only good things come your way, always!
@yongseungkim ⏤ shine! i don’t know if you’ll be seeing this soon either but i love talking to you and hearing you go on about yongseung... thank you for pushing me to be more confident in myself and being my korean teacher (though it was short-lived haha); i hope 2023 treats you well! 
@leemarkies ⏤ marie my beloved! i am so glad i got paired with you for the secret santa event last year, as it did lead to us becoming friends. i love reading all your idiosyncratic tags and thank you for supporting my stray kids content since day one! i hope we can engage more this year and that you are surrounded by love & happiness in this one as well as the next ♡
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doublefreegames · 11 months
Travel Devil - better the devil you know!
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There's less than a week left of judging for the Spooktober Visual Novel Jam and it's been a fantastic experience for us so far! Travel Devil has received such wonderful feedback and critiques. We take on board everything that is written to us so we can make better games every time!
So today I'm going to give a little insight into how and why Travel Devil came to be.
Do you wanna know how Travel Devil came to exist?
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Originally we put together a game idea for a spooky pet adoptions agency. The game would take place on Halloween and have six pets (3 unlocked and 3 locked) to play with. Each pet was going to have a unique story and minigame associated with it. It was codenamed "Spoopy Pets" and it was far too much for the me and Robert to take on and complete in the Spooktober VN Jam timeframe. We worked on it for the first two days of the jam before we were flagging problems up, so we changed trajectory. It's not a dead idea though, it's in the list of rainy day ideas.
Speaking of the rainy day ideas list, that's where Travel Devil comes in. We thought this up a while ago but just put it on the back burner as there was no time to work on it. The concept was simple - a demon escapes hell and starts a travel log. Then the servants of hell follow in its wake starting the apocalypse march on humanity. When Spoopy Pets became too big we had a look at what we had to play with and Travel Devil just sort of fell into place. Robert started writing and I started drawing.
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Character design went pretty smoothly. I went for a mix of cartoon styles, drawing inspiration from things like Dead End, Gravity Falls, The Simpsons and Garfield.
Traditionally, visual novels use anime and manga style design but truth be told, I'm not very good at that style. It takes me ages to make characters look good when I try to draw like that. Hats off to all the wonderful artists in this jam who made beautiful, scintillating characters. I'm so impressed by their dedication to fantastic character art.
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One of the first pitfalls I encountered was background art. I like to use sites like Pixabay to get backgrounds but recently it's been flooded with AI artworks. The game jam expressly forbids AI use in your game so we had to get creative.
Fortunately this game revolves around travel vlog creation in Paris and we found loads of creative commons photos of the famous tourist destination. Seriously there are so many fantastic photographers out there and it was a complete life and time saver for the jam. All I had to do was add a translucent white filter to the top of the photos to make the characters pop out and we had our backgrounds!
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Development went well once we got on the right track. Travel Devil was made using Ren'py which is a joy to develop with. We did have to wind back our ideas at one point as both Robert and I got sick with a nasty bug but we made it. We stripped back some choices and streamlined the game to make sure we could get finished. Originally, we wanted the player to be able to unlock multiple hidden scenes in one playthrough. As the deadline loomed we simplified it so that the player would only see one of three potential side stories that were growing due to the activities of our main character Tornacense per playthrough. We included 7 unlockable scenes and also 6 unlockable images in our gallery.
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There's also a nifty guide to finding all the unlockables right here if you want a more relaxing time while playing.
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If you've had a chance to play Travel Devil you may have noticed that we planted some seeds in our side stories that will be big plot points as we go forward. Travel Devil is going to be a series of five games travelling around Europe making video journals and outrunning the underworld.
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Tornacense and Kirby will grow, we'll meet lots of new strange and devastating people and love could be just around the corner! Who knows? That choice will be yours.
If you want to check out the first installment of Travel Devil you can nab a pentagram portal and find it right here.
Travel Devil was made for the 5th Annual Spooktober Visual Novel Jam in under 30 days. The next one will be made with a lot more time dedicated to it!
Thanks for stopping by!
DoubleFree - Artist and coder for Travel Devil
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necronomeconomicism · 5 months
Dominions My Beloved
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This is my attempt to share my love for the best grandest strategy game ever made with you Tumblr. Here it is in all its glory, that game your neighborhood autistic tgirl has over 2000 hours in.
Pictured above is my Pretender God
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hollowed be her name, engaged in viscous combat with the nation of Bandar Log and their tiger riders.
In this game, you embody a Pretender God of your creation, a worshiped creature that seeks to defeat all other Pretenders and become the one true God or Pantokrator.
All gods worth anything have worshipers, so your Pretender heads a nation inspired by myth and legend. Everything from Zoroastrian inspired bird people, to a satanic twist on the inquisition, to Lovecraft, glamorous elf vikings, and beyond are represented here. One of the two Swedes who makes this game is a mythology professor. In my case, I chose to lord over the Ice Giants of Jotunheim. Fear my flag!
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For we are protected by magic grandmas, giant werewolves, and little goblin men riding dogs! All rendered in awesome sprite work.
But back to Blatantly a Phallus, this is his description in game. Every unit, commander, and spell has some kind of description like this.
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You may be wondering how an immobile statue even gets into combat with a bunch of tiger riders in an open field. The answer is teleportation magic, which when paired with a unit literally made of rocks like Phallus, creates a lot of trouble for Bandar Log. The downside is sitting in this random field preparing another teleportation ritual for a month (one turn) before she can get back to business.
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Winning the fight is the easy part with a rock this hard. She just casted the "drop meteors on them" spell called Gifts From Heaven repeatedly while the tigers hopelessly wailed on her. That's what you're seeing in the first image, meteors landing "danger close" around Blatantly a Phallus. Its of note those 100+ damage numbers are extreme in Dominions. A regular human soldier is lucky to have more than 10 hit points! But that's because this is a war game. Dominions isn't about regular soldiers. Its about destroying each other with dubious magics! Remember those magic grandmas? Well I wasn't kidding. They're necromancer blood mages, and illusionists, who can turn your insides into outsides while they make you believe your teeth have been replaced with caterpillars.
It's a beautiful game, Dominions. This is its 6th iteration, and the same two people have been working on it since 2001. It oozes passion and history in a way I've not seen another game do. All 24 years of Dominions existence it has focused almost entirely on deepening its systems. More magic, more nations, more Pretenders, more choices for the player. It's so huge it can be incredibly daunting to new players. If this sounds like fun, don't let that deter you! There are games for all skill levels.
All of these images are from multiplayer btw. Dropping a statue with a shit eating grin called "Blatantly Not a Phallus" onto your enemy is a lot more fun when its another human being. The community is robust and very friendly.
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Your requests are open :D
May I please request something fluffy with Tyelko? Ooh something romantic, mayhaps? And clichè... like getting caught in the rain. Perhaps during a hunting trip, the weather turned unexpectedly. It's sunny, bright, and blue, to suddenly thunder crashing and rain pouring so hard they can't see very far in front of them and they run for cover under the biggest, tallest tree they can find
Maybe they kiss idk 👀
Thank you in advance if you decide to write this! And thanks for taking the time to read my request :)
Tasarë - Celegorm x reader
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Word count: 1.9k
Summary: Reader and Tyelko get caught in an unexpected downpour when out in the forest.
Tags: Fluff!!!
Author’s note: All aboard the simp train. I really enjoyed writing this one, hope you like it anon!🍃✨
It had been well in the afternoon when he had asked you to join him on his trip into the forest, to show you a deer and its fawn.
You had always thought his trips were exclusively about hunting and bringing home some sort of trophy, that was why you never really found interest in joining him whenever he rode out. 
Today, however, there was a certain urgency in his voice, a glimmer in his silver eyes when he had asked you. You had simply felt compelled to come along. And so you had found yourselves riding on your horses, racing each other to the forest, cheering and laughing all the while. For some reason you felt like your energy had rubbed off on your horse, for it seemed to gallop with a certain step that was new to you — and for the first time, you felt excited to be going on this trip with him, venturing into the unknown.
When you reached the forest, he told you to get off your horse and follow him by foot instead to not disturb the fawn. You snuck up to a small hidden clearing and crouched down behind a log of wood, waiting for the fawn to show itself. Time passed slowly, but you didn’t mind. Leaning on his shoulder, you closed your eyes and just relished in his company, listening to the birds singing their songs in the distance. Until he nudged you and silently gestured towards the clearing, bringing a finger up to his lips to remind you not to make a sound. Your eyes fell on a deer carefully entering the clearing, sniffing around the high grass. It was when the fawn emerged slowly from its hiding place, stepping outside of the tall grass and brought its dark nose to meet its mother’s, when they widened, never having witnessed something like this before. The small display of affection warmed your heart and you turned your head to your right, meeting Tyelko’s loving gaze, a small smile on his lips. You’d never seen him like this before, for some reason you had never thought he’d sit and just watch nature like his younger brothers would, an unfamiliar serenity written all over his handsome face. He was always so proud when it came to his hunting trips. To see him so silent, with a tenderness in his eyes that only you would be on the receiving end of, made you feel fuzzy inside, as this was a newfound perspective for you to see your lover. You knew hunting required patience and inner calm, but for some reason, you had always imagined his hunts to be full of adrenaline, speed and weapons — things you weren’t necessarily fond of. The overall observational aspect of it seemed to have slipped from your mind completely.
Your head found its way back onto Celegorm’s hard shoulder, snuggling into him like the fawn into its mother’s copper fur. You didn't know how long you sat like this, enjoying the sunlight in this quiet green sanctuary, hidden away from his estate and all the stress and errands that came with being there. You could see how liberating it was to ride out and come back when the sun was about to set. Him and his brothers were free spirits, bound to Yavanna and the beauty of her creations, always longing to be held in her embrace, to be caressed by the aromas of her flowers in full bloom, smiling at every living creature that passed them by. You felt honored to be able to witness him in his true form, in sync with the flora and fauna around him, applying the knowledge his surroundings and Oromë the Forester had taught him whenever he would dwell in these woods. Both of you seemed to be so engrossed in the wholesome interaction that was taking place in front of you that you didn’t notice the dark clouds that were beginning to creep up above you, not until they inevitably blocked the sunlight that had been streaming down on you mere seconds ago. What had started off as a few drops falling from the sky, had quickly turned into what felt like waterfalls being unleashed from above. Never before had you experienced a weather change more abruptly than this — it was like poor Nienna had suddenly been plagued by a particularly tortured soul so much that Manwë himself had felt it darken his mood, resulting in this sudden change of scenery mixed with her desperate tears raining down on you. The fawn and its mother had disappeared in the blink of an eye, but you couldn’t care less. Your head was tilted towards the sky, mouth agape, releasing a surprised yell: 
Next to you, Celegorm started laughing at your exclamation. The sound seemed far away, growing more and more mellow with every second as the rain began pouring harder and harder. 
It didn’t take long for the water to seep through your linen dress, having it stick to your body like a second skin.
Feeling his hand clasp itself around yours, you turned to look at your lover.
"Let’s get out of here!" He yelled, his rich voice struggling to keep up with the noise around you. 
And so, you ran out of the clearing. You noticed how Celegorm kept pushing you behind his back so you wouldn’t run into a tree. By now, the rain had become so much that it was impairing your vision ahead. Your eyes found themselves glued to his back, more specifically the impressive muscles and shoulder blades that protruded more than ever because of his shirt sticking to his skin like your dress did to yours. 
Celegorm had always been the strongest out of his brothers, evidently bulkier in size. You hadn’t thought that was even possible when you had first met his brothers — they all were so intimidatingly tall and strong, you feared they could snap anyone in half like a twig if they got on their bad side. But your silver haired ellon seemed to somehow have inherited an even more athletic build. He could probably run right through a tree and not feel a thing, you thought, smirking to yourself.
"This is insane!" You heard him call out, followed by hysterical laughter. What a wild child he was, constantly chasing the thrill Mother Nature offered him, running through these woods as if he knew them like the back of his hand. He gradually slowed down after a few moments of seemingly not so aimless running, when the silhouette of a tall willow emerged in front of you. It was an old one, having grown so very high you thought Yavanna herself could sit in its crown, watching over the entirety of this magic forest right now, giggling at the two little people who had come to seek refuge underneath her majestic tree. 
You carefully stepped underneath the willow’s hanging branches — some of them so long they were touching the very ground you were walking on. You had always believed willows to be the most affectionate trees. Their branches would play with the winds in the softest motions, and yet always make sure to let the earth know how much they cherished her by caressing her so lovingly.
You now seemed to be shielded from the noise of the rain pouring outside of these branches. Apart from one or the other drop that would still land on your heads, you seemed to have made it to safety after all. 
Drawing your attention to your company, you wished there was a way to capture the image in front of you for all of eternity.
He looked unreal. Ethereal. His usually long and silky silver tresses now messy and grey-looking, some of them hanging in front of his eyes, drops falling from where they covered his face. His eyes seemed to glimmer more radiantly than ever — it was like the rain reflected in them, for they looked like melted silver swirling around in circles, drawing you in. His skin appeared paler than usual because of his now darker hair, the wetness having brought out his cool undertones. If you didn’t know any better you would say he was made out of porcelain, painted so intricately. You wondered how much time Eru Illúvatar had put into creating him, for each and every part of him was perfect, otherworldly, so incredibly beautiful it took your breath away in a heartbeat.
His hand came up to run itself through his wet hair, pushing it back over his head, giving you an even better view of his glowing complexion and pointy ears that were now poking out left and right. You remembered how he had once told you about how his brothers used to tease him for having bigger ears than the rest of the family, which had always left him a bit insecure about putting his hair up or wearing it in braids that would expose his ears. However now, all you could see was the most divine being ever to have been created, each part of him looking so intentionally placed and formed to have this exact effect on anyone happening to gaze upon him. 
You were snapped out of your daze when he cocked his head to the side and sheepishly grinned at you. 
"You really do wear you heart on your sleeve, love," he chuckled, looking down at you fondly. 
And in this moment, lightning stroke, illuminating the space behind him so piercingly, bathing his silhouette in white light and Valar, you swore you were seeing stars. 
His countenance — the fairest in all of Arda. 
"Oh," all air had left your lungs. You were shamelessly mesmerized, completely at his mercy, once and for all. 
"Eru… Tyelkormo, you are a vision…"
The hand that had laid in his until now came up to his face, your index finger ghosting over his wet cheek, the bridge of his nose, his eyebrows, eyelids that were momentarily closed because of the proximity of your finger, his full lips. 
You kissed him. You kissed him and poured your entire capacity to love into it like the rain had poured itself onto you moments ago. And he kissed you back with that same passion, that same desire and longing that never seemed to be quenched, no matter how close you were to each other, no matter how tightly you held onto one another.
Neither of you seemed to notice the thunder roaring above you, louder than Huan could ever growl. Too swept away were you both, losing yourselves in the intensity of this kiss, hidden away underneath Yavanna’s watchful eye, sweet whispers and declarations of love falling from your lips like prayers — like the rain drops that fell from the sky. And it was then, when all sense of time had been lost, that Nienna seemed to find solace in the honeyed words that were uttered underneath that ancient tree. Her tears ceased to cloud her vision entirely when Manwë dried her cheeks with the sunlight which was beginning to stream down onto Arda again, timidly peaking through the willow’s branches and falling onto your faces at last.
And so, this tree became much more than a shelter. It was months after this magical afternoon that your Tyelko presented you with a silver band to be worn on your right index finger, which he had crafted with the help of his closest sibling the smith — a band as silver as his eyes when you had stood underneath that willow, its branches delicately engraved into the entire length of it in a filigree display of a love as tender and raw as these very branches caressing the earth and sky alike, wrapping themselves around your finger to lock in this love, like they did when you sought shelter between them on that fateful day. It was more than a shelter. It was a beacon of unconditional devotion, cosy togetherness.
A promise — forever.
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mariowritesforyou · 1 year
Dogs, Bots and Blogs:
A content creation horror story
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This is a long one, but my mind can only contain so much madness.
So yours truly decided to start an online presence.
I want to write and be a creative as a vocation, and it was time for me to build the bridges that would connect me to an audience.
My first bridge was built Wordpress, where I'm uploading a web serial currently. It's not terrible, check it out.
Degenerate self-promotion aside, I was quite excited to see who my first subscribers were, people who got to me through the Wordpress Reader, the feed of all the posts made in the platform.
A couple of human-seeming accounts, they had that soulful controlled randomness to them, along with the kindness to give my stuff a chance. I checked their blogs back, until I stumbled on a particularly canine one.
A pomeranian blog.
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Nothing but.
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I have considered against outright saying the name of the blog or the name that the creator goes by because 1, saying their names might bring more power unto them and 2, I don't want to be cruel.
It's carnage trying to get the blind behemoth of the internet to set its eyes on your content. As long as their methods are not malicious, I am hard pressed to judge someone for how they do the grind. That's why I'm also pasting screenshots that are not too revealing.
It's all gray.
(This is all true for how creepypasta it sounds. I swear to god.)
But yeah, pomeranians.
Pom-poms galore.
The blog howled till its chords were raw about the beauty and caretaking needs of the dog breed, to a point of an almost hypnotic suggestion of it's necessity.
Odd, but garden-variety odd. The internet has seen wilder bursts. I thought that until I took a closer look at the furballs.
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Like stuck between mediums, not quite a photograph and not quite a digital painting. Both too blurry and too sharp.
Artificially generated images.
A fraction more odd to my expectation, but still adhering to logic in function.
I can perfectly picture a Pomeranian enthusiast, with unbridled energy and capacity for writing of the children of the German Spitz, but incapable of illustrating their texts on their own. Perhaps wanting to avoid the legal headache of copyright with their incomplete understanding of it, they turn to AI (which is a copyright nightmare of its own, but I digress) in order to get their images.
Cut and dry.
But I wanted the character I had conjured to be real, their love for Pomeranians real, so I checked the posts' content.
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I'm not an expert, but the text does have a mechanistic aftertaste to it. Huge amounts of fluff (heh) with aimlessly vague topics. No citations of experts of any kind. No personal experiences with their own pom puppies. No typos.
You've got around 3500 words a post, putting them in a word counter. So, how many posts?
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(What are they looking at?)
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(There's nothing particular about their eyes.)
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This is the first post. No "Welcome to my blog!" post or "This is why I love poms so much" post or "You're pet too, aren't you?" post, but an article about poms alerting impending seizures.
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I'm writing this on the 13th of August (Why does that sound like a last captain's log?). 52 days since their last post.
200 posts in 52 days. Approximately seventy thousand words in honor of the breed, like warm drops spilled at a stone altar. This is definitely automated to crap.
There's no heart pumping blood that is creating this.
It's necessarily something else.
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(What can you be other ecstatic? Ungrateful?, you little shit.)
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The best part (if you're inclined for human definitions of "good" and "bad") is this:
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They are also following me.
(No one's laughing at you. No one cares enough).
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(What is purpose?)
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(Is there any?)
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(Where can I find it? Certainly not their eyes.)
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(There's nothing particular about their eyes.)
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(There's nothing there.)
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38 or 46?
Ohhhhh, when I saw this I KNEW I had to do the AU where c!Dream is convinced c!Tommy is a Prime >:3
TW: Religious themes, religious delusions, kidnapping, isolation, mental health issues, references to self harm and self hatred, abuse, restraints, forced sedation, Tommy not always using the best terminology for referring to mental illness as an uneducated teenager (hes trying), and literal idolisation.
With shaking hands, Dream fastened the gilded necklace around Tommy's neck, the bell on it's chain ringing lightly. All Tommy could think is, fuck, that was going to be obnoxious and there was no way he was gonna be allowed to take that off either.
“They say the bells provide great joy to the Primes, you know.” Dream's voice was the sort of soft Tommy wasn't used to- not sickly sweet nor mocking, a genuine, wavering vulnerability to it. “I know you may not remember things before you were trapped in this form, Tommy, but maybe your fellow Primes will hear it, and…”
Tommy had long since learnt it was pointless to argue Dream on this fact, but it still made his skin crawl. He wasn’t something holy, and it was blasphemy to treat a mortal like a creation of the Gods. After all, they’d created the Primes to watch over the world in their absence- in a sense, the Primes were also gods, the sort that inhabited every shrine and meadow and lake. It was no less sacrilegious than outright declaring Tommy a God, yet nothing he said could change Dream's mind.
Something must have snapped in the prison, that’s what Tommy reckoned. When Dream had… y’know, the whole killing and reviving thing, he was normal. Normal for Dream, at least. But after he’d broke out, he’d been convinced that Tommy was one of the Primes, fallen from Heaven and unable to remember their power. And honestly, Tommy couldn’t help but pity that. In Exile, he'd been convinced the Primes talked to him through the logs- he'd saw them peeking up at him, beauty indescribable. Sometimes, he still saw them out of the corner of his eyes. He'd always seen shit, since he wasn’t even really a Big Man, but it had never felt so real.
He still fucking hated Dream, though. Pity didn’t change that.
“Are you feeling okay, Tommy? I really don’t want to hurt you, y’know.”
“Too late for that.” Tommy's speech still came out embarrassingly slurred, even though he'd tried his best to practice under the potion induced haze he was always in. Because, sure, Dream didn’t hit him anymore, but he still kept him locked up as tight as possible. To prevent the mortal world from corrupting him, he said. So he still had the thick, heavy cuffs around his arms and legs, chained to the wall tightly, and he had the stupid fucking IV injecting Prime knew what into his veins, making him all sleepy and shit. “You killed me, remember.”
Dream had a genuinely guilty look on his face, avoiding eye contact with Tommy. He suspected he might actually be tearing up. “I know you may never forgive me for that. Once you’ve regained my power, you may give me any punishment you see fit. I've been ensuring that I’ve been punishing myself in the meantime, to ensure I do not fall into sin.”
“You've been hurting yourself?”
“Of course. I need to go through your pain a thousandfold to repent.”
“No. No no no, no you don’t, don't fuckin' hurt yourself, man. That’s awful. I don’t want you to do that.” He coughed and added on. “As one of your Primes, I mean. That’s an order.”
Dream stared at Tommy with such awe it made him feel worthless. The kind of look of pure adoration and admiration a man would have for their God, a trust Tommy could never live up to. “I still remember the first time I saw you. I- I thought you were just a human- how little did I know- but your kindness, your unending mercy… it’s always been a sign you're not like them. Humans hurt and beat and torture me. Not a single fucking one has ever really cared!” He sounded incensed at that, before taking a deep breath. “But you? You're… you're made of unending love and compassion, Tommy. Not flesh and blood. You can’t be.”
Dream took a deep breath, and smiled. “If- if you think I shouldn’t debase myself through daring to think I could be the arbiter of my own punishment, I’ll oblige, my Prime. You are truly wise.”
“That’s not what I- sure. Okay.” Tommy would have rolled his eyes if he had the energy. “Yeah, if that’s what stops you from hurting yourself, go with it.”
Dream ignored him, like how he ignored anything Tommy said or did that didn’t play into his delusions- and he didn’t fucking say that to be disparaging, he said that because that’s what he and Puffy had been reading about in one of those big old dumb textbooks, to try and figure out what the fuck was wrong with him. He knew how fucking suffocating they were, and he wouldn’t wish it on his worst enemy. In fact, he was currently wishing it to stop happening to his worst enemy because at least if he was normal Tommy knew what pain to expect.
Instead, he muttered a prayer under his breath, head bowed, eyes averted yet occasionally glancing at Tommy with the same reverent look when he thought he wasn’t watching, and Tommy felt the same skin crawling sensation as he always did. He wasn’t a fucking Prime, so this was an insult of the highest order to everything he believed in- everything Dream believed in. It was a heresy of the highest order.
Tommy groaned and wished he was dead instead.
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