#love me some happy fic to though just to clarify
blamemma · 1 year
i know this is controversial to say, but i wish more fic had sad endings
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monzabee · 10 months
a not so meet cute – cl16
paper rings, prologue(?)
masterlist || series masterlist ||
Summary: The one where Charles meets his neighbour, who quickly captures his attention.
Pairing: charles leclerc x reader
Word Count: 1.7k
Warnings: none other than charles being charles, also might have some cursing, google translate french
Request: “Hii if you’re taking requests could you please write a fic for Charles where he’s your best friend and he asks you to fake date him because he think he likes another girl so he wants to make her notice him/make her jealous kind of thing and you agree even though you love him and during the fake dating he realises that he loves you too and yeah angst fluff and all but a happy ending .If you decide to write this tysm and incase you don’t feel like writing this that’s cool too thanks either way ❤️”
Author’s Note: hi, hey, hello!! although i am still working on the first chapter of this new series, i wanted to write a little something for you guys to introduce you to the world i had in mind! i know it was not on the wip schedule, but the inspiration struck so i decided to go with it. ever since i saw the wedding pictures of margaret qualley and jack antonoff, the only thing i've been thinking of was the song, and i though it was the perfect song for the characters i had in mind. so, welcome to the new series, inspired by the request above, so thank you for the anon who put the idea in my mind to create this whole series, and i hope you guys enjoy! good morning, noon or night wherever you are, xoxobee
Please also note that all of my works are protected under copyright, and not available for reposting on other platforms. 
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August, 2017
He met Margaret on our rooftop, she was wearing white And he was like, "I might be in trouble"
Charles loves his country, he really does. He’s always been patriotic of some sorts, he supposes. But the one thing he absolutely loathes about Monaco? The heat, no questions asked. The worst part isn’t even the heat itself, per se, it is the fact that his apartment has no elevator and he has to walk up five stories just to make it to his apartment – in the heat. So yeah, even though he is as patriotic of a Monégasque as they come, he definitely wishes he was somewhere else at the moment. When he does make to his floor, however, he’s met with a rather peculiar view, where his new neighbour is yelling at someone on the phone.
“No, I said I wanted the granite counters,” the person specify, fingers clutching the bridge of his nose in frustration. “No!” The man straight up yells, “Ceux en granit, connard, pas ceux en graphite. I don’t think they even come in graphite!”
Deciding to remain silent as he makes his way towards his own apartment, Charles ignores the man standing in front of the apartment opposite of his. Though, he realises that the apartment’s door is open and there is construction going on inside, which explains the drilling sounds he’s been hearing early in the morning and the smell of fresh paint that never seems to leave the shared floor.
Side-eyeing the whole ordeal, he manages to make it to his apartment without attracting the attention of the man – or so he thinks. Just as he’s about to unlock his front door, he feels a pat on his shoulder. As he turns towards the man, there is a curious look on his face, “Hi?”
“Hello,” the man greets, “do you know how i can contact the superintendent?”
For reasons unknown (extreme hangover), Charles’ brain decides to blank out, “Quoi?”
“Le commissaire,” the man clarifies, “savez-vous comment je peux les contacter?” And Charles realises he would have been impressed with the man’s accent if he wasn’t so hangover from the night before. The superintendent, do you know how I can contact them?
“Ah,” Charles nods in understanding, “sure, let me give you his number.”
After the man saves the number he gives to his phone, he extends his hand in a friendly greeting. “I owe you one, I’m Declan, by the way. Nice to meet you.”
“I’m Charles,” he responds with, what he hopes to be, a friendly smile. Motioning the apartment behind them, he asks, “Are you my new neighbour?”
“Oh, no, no,” Declan laughs, and it’s a warm, almost infectious laugh. It reminds Charles of– well, it doesn’t matter anymore. Declan’s voice draws him back to the conversation, “My sister is, I’m renovating it for her.”
Charles nods in understanding, “Ah, I see. I’ve never seen her around, I don’t think.”
“Well that’d be because she’s as annoying as little sisters come,” Declan laughs again, and this time it manages to get a smile out of Charles. “You know what? We’re actually having a small party at my place tonight, why don’t you come?”
“You’ve just met me,” Charles points out, voicing his confusion, “you really want to invite me to your house?”
“Pish posh,” Declan waves him off, already starting to walk back to his sister’s apartment “I’ll send you the details, bring alcohol!”
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Charles tries to come up with excuses to give Declan when he’s a no show at the party, but all the excused he come up with sounding either shitty, entitled or just a mess in general. So he convinces himself to get ready after a much needed shower, and remembers to pick up a bottle of tequila on his way to the address Declan texted him earlier that day. Considering the amount of cars parked in front of the apartment complex, Charles thinks whether it’s going to be a ‘small’ party as Declan put earlier, but he manages to find a place to park his car, nonetheless. Surprisingly, it’s not hard to find which apartment belongs to his new ‘friend’, as the people he seems to keep literally bumping into give him directions which lead him to the top floor – he thinks, like brother like sister, huh?
“Ah, bienvenu, Charles!” Declan greets him as he enters the apartment, filled with more people than he honestly expected; but hey, they are in Monte Carlo after all.
Because he was raised by his mother, Charles replies, “Merci de me recevoir,” but because he is Charles, he finds himself reverting easily to French. Of course, he soon realises that his new friend has no trouble understanding him.
“Of course, ma maison est ta maison.” With a wide smile that reaches his eyes, he takes the bottle Charles offer him and pats his shoulder in a friendly manner, “Good lad, let me put this in the kitchen and we’ll find my sister together. I suppose she’s here somewhere.”
Giving him a firm nod, Charles is suddenly left alone to gaze around the living area. He quickly realises that he’s not the only one who is particularly patriotic as he comes face to face with the Union Jack on the wall, proudly displayed on the wall, seems to tell a story of cultural connections and a home away from home. He’s also, somehow, met with a very eccentric group of people, who seem to be insistent on having him join their various conversation – which he does his best to partake in.
As he chats with a group of fellow partygoers, he notices Declan making his way through the crowd toward him. “Charles,” he says with an apologetic smile, “sorry for that, let’s go.”
As they move through the apartment, Charles catches glimpses of the décor, which can only be described as eclectic, but what he realises that Declan made sure to fill up his walls with all kinds of memories; from photographs of what Charles thinks is his family to his diplomas, to even famous artwork – he’s not sure whether the Warhol he just passed by is real or not, but he supposes it’s probably the first option. They arrive at a corner of the rooftop terrace where a cozy seating area is arranged. A few guests are engaged in animated discussions, while others lounge comfortably, enjoying the ambiance. However, it doesn’t take either him or Declan to realise that his sister is, in fact, not with the group.
Though, it doesn’t take the latter to spot his sister, mumbling with a wince under his breath, and when Charles follows Declan's gaze to find her engaged in a rather animated discussion with a man who looks both frustrated and slightly bewildered by her. “Poor guy.”
“Seems like she's keeping him entertained.” Charles offer, careful with his words, and also quite confused at the man’s reactions to whatever Declan’s sister seems to be saying.
“Eh, sisters.” Declan shrugs, and motions Charles to follow him.
As they approach their corner of the terrace, her voice becomes clearer, and Charles can overhear snippets of the conversation. “I just don’t understand why we can’t print more money,” she says in an airy voice.
The man she's speaking to rubs his temples, clearly grappling with how to respond. “Well, it's not that simple. Printing more money can lead to inflation and devalue the currency.” He takes a moment to think, then, “Think of it like shoes–”
“Okay,” Declan laughs nervously as he places himself between the two, turning to the other man with a kind smile, “I think we’re done here, mate, she’s playing you. She’s an econ major, sorry for that.” Though Charles can’t see the expression on her face, he imagines there’s some sort of a victorious smile as she waves the man away, “Stop emasculating my friends, please.”
“Well choose better friends, and I won’t,” she shrugs, following his brother’s movements as he makes his way back near Charles, she turns towards him as the white dress she’s wearing sways gently in the evening breeze. There’s a surprised look on her face when she realises and they are not alone, “Um, hi.”
With a playful grin, Declan points to Charles and turns to his sister, “This is Charles, your new neighbour, and Charles, this is my sister–”
It’s the only word that comes to Charles’ mind when he sees your eyes and a friendly smile you give to him, “Nice to meet you, Charles.”
His eyes fall down to your extended hand, and he scrambles to regain his composure, taking your hand and shaking it gently. “Uh, yes, nice to meet you too.”
With an unexpected clap from your brother, which has both you and Charles jumping slightly, you turn to him with a glare, “Well, now that you know each other, I’ll leave you to get acquainted. And you,” he points to you which elicits a raised eyebrow from you, “don’t scare him off, and for God’s sake change this music.”
“What’s wrong with ABBA?” You ask with a small pout already forming on your lips.
“We need a change,” Charles watches with a silent chuckle as Declan starts walking back towards the kitchen, “ergo, change it!”
“Well that was an interesting exit,” you mumble, eyes following your brother until he’s out of both your and Charles’ views. Afterwards, you turn your attention back to the man standing in front of you, “What do you think about The Smiths?”
“Who?” Charles asks you, confusion written on his face.
“Not The Who,” you nudge him slightly, chuckling softly, though your laughter dies down once you realise he’s really confused. “I– The Smiths, Charles! To die by your side is such a heavenly way to die,” you softly sing, but he replies with a small shake of his head, and a shrug. “Oh, I love The Smiths! Come on, you have a lot to learn.”
As you grab him by his wrist to guide him back inside the apartment, I might be in trouble, he thinks to himself. And then, you turn around to give him a full smile, with a glint of mischief in your eyes that he can't quite interpret, and say, “I can already feel that we are going to be very good friends.”
And then he knows, he’s definitely in trouble.
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scoonsalicious · 3 months
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Unwanted: Chapter 8, Unexpected - Pt. 1
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Avenger!Fem!Reader
Summary: When your FWB relationship with your best friend Bucky Barnes turns into something more, you couldn’t be happier. That is, however, until a new Avenger sets her sights on your super soldier and he inadvertently breaks your heart. You take on a mission you might not be prepared for to put some distance between the two of you and open yourself up to past traumas. Too bad the only one who can help you heal is the one person you can no longer trust.
Warnings: (For this part only; see Story Masterlist for general Warnings) Language, bit 'o' dirty talk, allusions to sexual situations, Tony being Tony.
Word Count: 1.9k
Previously On...: Tony invented an interesting game for the team to play while you and Bucky were otherwise... occupied, and the team voted on whether or not to approve Jade's probationary term. To your surprise, Bucky voted against it, though it didn't matter, as you were outvoted, but you were grateful for his support.
A/N: Welcome to Chapter 8! I know Bucky said some shitty stuff in Ch. 7, Pt. 1, but I'd like to clarify that none of what was said was out of malice or lack of care for Pocket. He just truly wasn't thinking about how the things he said would make her feel. Is it callous? Absolutely. Is it unforgivable? I don't necessarily think so. We all have moments where we simply speak without thought. It's not his finest moment in the fic, but it's also not going to be his worst.
Thank you to all those who have been reading; if you like what you've read, likes, comments, and reblogs give me life, and I truly appreciate them, and you!
Banner By: The absolutely amazing @mrsbuckybarnes1917
Taglist: (Please let me know if you’d like to be added!) @jmeelee @cazellen @blackhawkfanatic @les-sel @marcswife21 @buckybarnessimpp @mrsbuckybarnes1917 @erelierraceala @hayjat @capswife @itsteambarnes @jupiter-107 @marygoddessofmischief @sebastians-love @learisa @lethallyprotected @rabbitrabbit12321 @buckybarnesandmarvel @fanfictiongirl77 @calwitch
The next few weeks were some of the best of your life. True to his word, Bucky was romancing the absolute shit out of you. It seemed like nearly every night, he was whisking you out for another romantic dinner, or to this hole-in-the-wall jazz club he found so he could finally take you dancing ("the proper way, not this humping-while-standing-up-thing you kids do nowadays"). He brought fresh flowers to both your suite and your office once a week like clockwork, and the sex-- well, there were some mornings you couldn't even walk properly. It was perfect. He was perfect.
Together, you existed in your own little bubble, a new level of happiness unlocked in both of you that neither one ever expected to achieve.
The day of Jade's move-in to the Tower arrived, and you would have completely forgotten all about it if Tony hadn't mentioned it to you when you passed him in the hall on your way to meet Bucky in the common room for lunch. The reminder didn't weigh you down like you had expected it to. While she was unpleasant, and you didn't expect to become chums with her anytime soon, that burning rage you'd felt for her when she'd flirted with Bucky had subsided. Knowing how he felt about you had worn your jealousy down to non-existent.
You entered the common room, spotting Bucky kneeling in front of the coffee table, his back to you, as he took the lunches he'd ordered for you out of their takeout carriers and arranging them on the surface.
Feeling playful, you decided to sneak up on him, covering his eyes with your hands when you finally reached him.
"You know I heard you coming a mile away, doll," he chuckled, reaching around to pull you into a kiss. "Could smell you, too."
"Oh, I--" You felt the heat rise to your cheeks as you sank next to him on the floor. Just thinking about Bucky was enough to get you aroused most days, but for it to be enough for him to smell--
"Relax, ya pervert; I meant your perfume," Bucky laughed, passing you a bottle of iced tea from the take out bag. You playfully swatted at him.
"You're awful," you admonished with a grin.
"Yet, you love me," he shot back, leaning in to give you a quick kiss.
"The world is full of mysteries," you teased. You started opening up the container of Gaeng Daeng Bucky had ordered from your favorite Thai place. The portions were so large, you'd only ever be able to eat half of it, but that was just fine; your super soldier boyfriend would make sure none of it went to waste.
"I do love that lilac perfume on you," Bucky mused as he dug into his own plate of Pad Krapow Moo Saap. "Mixes so nice with the scent of your pussy."
You choked on a bite of your curry as Bucky broke into a fit of laughter. Handing you your bottle of tea, Bucky gently rubbed your back as he tried to reel himself in. "I'm sorry, doll. Drink this. Don't go choking to death on me, now."
When you were finally able to get your breathing back under control, you shot him a look.
"What?" he said, face the picture of innocence as he held up his hands in surrender. "'s not my fault you have the prettiest pussy I've ever laid my tongue on."
For the sake of propriety, you wanted to be mad at, or at least a little annoyed by him. But, Lord, if his words didn't do things to you. So, instead, you grabbed him by the shirt collar and pulled him toward you in a bruising kiss. His hands quickly guided your body down, until you were lying on the floor and he was resting on top of you, your Thai food temporarily abandoned as you gave in to one another.
Bucky had just begun pawing at your clothes when you both froze at the sound of someone awkwardly clearing their throat in the doorway.
"Common Room's closed for maintenance. Come back later," Bucky called over his shoulder without even looking. You couldn't help but laugh as he resumed kissing you. The man had no shame and you were kinda into it.
"Buck." The single word, low and harsh from Steve left you both frozen in place. In unison, you picked your heads up and looked to the door. Standing in the archway were three individuals-- one looking at you with barely disguised amusement, one with undisguised rage, and one who was trying very hard not to look at you at all.
"I hope you're not fraternizing on company time, Pocket," Tony said with a grin. Surprisingly, he had warmed up to the idea of you and Bucky being together (especially after you had threatened to "take my talents somewhere where my personal life won't be scrutinized and judged." "You wouldn't!" he'd gasped. "I wouldn't want to," you'd replied. "Don't let that be my only remaining option." It had been an empty threat; you both knew it, but it had been enough to get him on board).
The same couldn't be said for the man who refused to look at you, though. Since you and Bucky had officially begun dating, Steve had been ignoring you like you had cooties and he was unvaccinated, and you couldn't, for the life of you, figure out why. You'd brought your concern up to Bucky one evening, sure he'd assuage your anxiety, but he just told you to give the other man time to sort himself, leaving you with more questions. Did Steve hate you now because he thought you'd stolen his best friend from him? Or were those ‘Stucky’ shippers on Tumblr onto something?
"Like you're one to talk, Boss," you sassed back to Tony as you and Bucky extricated yourselves from your compromising position and stood up. Brushing down your pants, you turned to Bucky. "Can't even begin to tell you how many girls I've walked in on this guy with in the office before Pep came into the picture. Scarred me for life."
Tony had a faux-sappy look on his face and let loose a couple of fake sniffles as he clutched his hands to his heart. "Office dalliances of her very own. My little girl is all grown up. There is nothing more for me to teach you, precious Padawan." His hands moved to wipe away at a fake tear.
"Tony," Steve warned with a raised brow.
Tony blanched, as though just remembering his purpose for being in the common room. "Oh, yeah. Um, very unprofessional, you two. I'm shocked. Just scandalized. This is a place of business, blah blah blah and all that. Anyway, you remember Jade Carthage, our newest Probationary Avenger."
Ah, the third individual who was glaring at you with unadulterated hatred in her eyes.
"Vixen, nice to see you again. Welcome to the team." Bucky extended his hand for Jade to shake, and you watched her gaze soften and melt under his as she took his hand.
"Such a pleasure to see you again, Sergeant Barnes," she cooed. When Bucky released her hand, she turned to you, a cold, wicked smile that cut like a knife across her face.
"I don't think we've met," she said, extending her hand to you. "I'm Jade Carthage, but please, call me 'Vixen.'"
"(Y/N) (Y/L/N)," you said, with a shrug, as if completely nonplussed that she claimed not to know you. “My friends call me ‘Pocket,’ but Ms. (Y/L/N) should suffice.'" You took her hand to shake it. "CTO of Stark Industries, head of Innovation and Technology for the Avengers’ Initiative. Bucky's girlfriend." Jade's grip around your hand tightened, her super soldier strength making it feel as though she were crushing your very bones, but you held on, not letting a single ounce of pain show on your face. You'd dealt with worse.
When you didn't back down, Jade let your hand go. You flexed your fingers, relishing in the return of blood flow to your appendages.
"Buck," Steve said, and you were kind of hoping for more than just a single syllable out of him this time, "we're putting Jade next door to you. Mind showing her where to go? We've already had her stuff moved in. Tony and I just need to finalize some paperwork with her and we'll have her back down."
Sensing your body tense up at Steve's request, Bucky placed a reassuring hand at the small of your back. "Well, I'm in Pocket's room most nights now, anyway." He looked down at you, offering a soft smile that you returned. "But since she's just across the hall, yeah. We can walk you down, Jade. That is," he added, his smile turning a little naughty, "if I can convince my girl here to take the afternoon off and indulge me with a bit of her time." His arm moved from your back up to around your shoulders, and he pulled you into him.
"Well," you hemmed, as though not already completely convinced that would be an absolutely wonderful idea, "I have to check with my boss first. Hey, Tony?" He pursed his lips at you, clearly not pleased that you wanted to slack off. "Can I take the afternoon off?" He opened his mouth, most likely to deny you, but you cut him off "Oh, wait-- that's right. I don't actually report to you anymore." You turned back to Bucky. "We're good to go, baby." You winked and blew Tony a kiss. You both knew you had so much unused vacation time stacked up, you could not show up to work for a year and you'd barely tap into it.
"Great," Bucky said with a smile. "We'll finish our lunch and you can meet us back here when you're done finalizing your paperwork, and we'll show you your new digs."
Steve nodded and grunted his consent, while Jade just glared at you.
"Perfect," said Tony with a clap of his hands. Before turning to leave, he looked back at you and Bucky with a conspiratorial nod. "Just make sure to finish off your lunch and not each other, got it? I'm not due to have this carpet shampooed for another couple of weeks, and they charge extra for dealing with bodily fluids."
"Oh, gross, Tony," you moaned, while they walked off, Tony laughing to himself.
Once they were gone and you and Bucky had settled back around the coffee table to eat your now cooling Thai, you leaned in and kissed him. "Thank you," you said when you'd pulled away.
"For what?" he asked, breath a little uneven from the kiss.
"For being amazing and handling that entire thing perfectly," you told him, putting a hand on his knee.
He smiled at you, his blue eyes like crystals. "I told you, sweetheart, gonna be the best goddamned boyfriend you ever had, and that means making sure I'm not putting myself in a situation with her" he nodded his head toward the now empty doorway, "that makes you uncomfortable. Besides, it was really immature of her to pretend she didn't know who you were. I'm not going to spend alone time with someone who disrespects my girl like that."
You brought your hand up to stroke his jaw. "Have I told you how much I fucking love you?"
"Yeah," said Bucky, smiling at you through a big bite of his food, "but you might have to repeat yourself a lot. I am over a hundred, you know. My hearing's not what it used to be."
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cactuscoolerr · 1 year
character: isagi yoichi cw: smut. bestfriend!/boyfriend!isagi, reader and isagi are both switches !!
a/n: also this was stolen from a fic i wrote on wattpad so there might be some confusing parts since it was written for that lololol
you slept peacefully next to isagi after a tiring night spent with him. while you slept, isagi laid next to you, smiling softly as he admired your sleeping face, something he always found adorable.
isagi leaned down and pressed yet another kiss to your nose, hoping that this one would finally wake you. after you remained asleep, he sighed softly, rolled his eyes, and pressed a bunch of gentle kisses against every part of your face.
"yoichi.." you whined softly, pushing your hands outward into his face to get him away from you. "too early for this shit" a low groan sounded from you as you pressed your face into the pillow.
isagi laughed softly, pulling the blanket off of you so it only covered your bottom half. "come on, sweetheart" he said lowly into your ear and you could basically hear that stupid smirk on his face. "just wanna spend the day with you, my love.." his fingers lightly trailed down your spine, making you shiver and whine once more into the pillow.
you felt a gentle kiss pressed against your bare back and you raised your head to look back and glare at him. "i'm not having sex with you this early in the morning"
"it's nearly eight, baby. you need to get up soon anyway"
a scoff sounded from you and you pressed your face back into the pillow. "i can get up at any time i want" you said, though it was too muffled by the pillow for isagi to understand what you said. "repeat that for me, hun. i didn't quite catch that one" he teased and you felt your cheeks burn, refusing to lift your face so he can see the reaction he got from you.
"traveling abroad has made a serious change when it comes to your act" you muttered with your face turned out of the pillow but still covered by the blanket you pulled up so he couldn't see your reddened cheeks. "i still don't know this side of you.." your voice was quiet as you traced small shapes into the pillow you laid on.
isagi looked at you almost sadly before laying down next to you so he was face to face with you. "i'm still your yoichi, baby. nothing could ever change that"
"my yoichi..?" you asked softly with a pout and he laughed softly, pressing a sweet kiss to your pout in hopes of making it fall.
"your yoichi, y/n" he clarified and pulled you to lay on his chest. you sighed softly and he laughed, kissing the top of your head as reassurance. with your cheeks burning slightly, you leaned more into his touch, tracing small hearts next to his collarbone before pressing a kiss to each one.
you could feel all of the new muscles he gained since his time in another country. it made you wonder what was so different about this time compared to his training here at home and if this second time traveling abroad in a few days would also change him as much.
"i'm gonna miss you.." you muttered into his chest and he wrapped his arms tighter around you. "it won't be as long as the other times" isagi sighed and kissed your head again. "i'll come back to you as soon as i can"
a soft sigh came from you as silence settled in the room. with the soft sounds of isagi's breathing fanning into your hair, you began to grow emotional. after so many months of being away from him, you finally got him back for a month, only to have him taken from you again. it was so unfair.
you sniffled softly and isagi was quick to turn the two of you onto your side and hold you in his arms. "what's wrong, sweetie? hm?"
isagi pressed small kisses on the top of your head and stroked the side of your face in hopes of soothing you.
"i know how important all of this is for you and i'm so fucking happy that everything is going the way you want but i've just missed you so much" you cried softly, pressing your face into his chest as you gasped softly. "and i know i have no right to feel this way and i know it's selfish but i just need you here with me"
a gentle silence filled the room once more, aside from your soft sobs as isagi thought of what to say. he sighed gently and held you closer to his chest, "you're allowed to be selfish, hun. i kinda just left you all alone didnt i..?"
he sighed once more and ran his hand up and down your side before he gently gripped onto your hip. "wish i didn't have to leave you for so long. it killed me to leave you last time. not sure how i'm gonna survive leaving you this time"
"it's not like it's any different.." you cried softly, "you seemed to live just fine those other times.."
isagi noticed your tone was almost bitter and he couldn't help but laugh into your hair. "so fucking cute, baby" he laughed softly and gently angled your face upwards so he could kiss you. "you're my beautiful and perfect girlfriend this time.." another kiss was pressed to your lips. "of course it's different"
he hummed softly and looked down at you, "what is it, my love?"
you groaned softly to yourself, wishing that he would just know what you wanted so you wouldn't feel so embarrassed. with his words, you felt the heat growing in your core and you knew that isagi was the only thing that would fix it.
instead of talking, you sighed and pressed your face into his neck, gently sucking on his pulse point. you nearly laughed at the way he stiffened, finding his reactions to pleasure cute.
"y/n.." isagi's tone was embarrassed but he still gently moved your hair to the side so it wouldn't get in your way. a soft moan sounded from his as you bit gently into his skin, leaving a small bite mark. you were still afraid of hurting him, so you wouldn't bite hard enough to draw blood like isagi does to you.
while isagi was distracted with the gentle bites you left on his neck, your hand traveled all the way down his naked torso and past his hips to grab onto his hardening cock.
over the past few weeks of isagi being home, you had only ever touched his cock a few times as you were still inexperienced and he didn't want to make you uncomfortable. instead, isagi would always eat you out then fuck you, which you didn't think was all that fair towards your loving boyfriend.
"y/n.." isagi breathed out, whining softly when he felt your thumb swipe gently over the tip of his cock. "please, sweetie" he begged and thrusted slighting into your hand to find pleasure.
trying to focus, you muttered a soft 'okay' and moved your hand up and down his cock. it was fully hardened now and all you could think about was how he would feel inside of you. part of you wanted to skip this part and ask him if he could just start fucking you, but the other part of you wanted to hear just how loud isagi could get for you.
moving from base to tip, your palm dragged over his sensitive glands faster as his noises grew louder. your cheeks burned at the way he whimpered out a broken 'please' and pushed his hips upwards. you gently took his hand that was fisted in the sheets with your unoccupied hand and pressed kisses over his knuckles.
"doing so good, yoichi" you said softly, letting go of his hand to swipe his bangs off of his sweaty forehead. "let me hear all your pretty noises, sweetheart" you laughed against your palm, wondering of his reaction if he caught onto you blatantly mocking him, but you figured he was too stupid to think that much with all of the pleasure he was feeling at the moment.
"please.." he whined, moaning and grabbing onto your wrist as you gently pressed your nail into his slit. "please what?" you mocked and kissed him. "i don't know what you want, so tell me"
"make me cum, please" isagi whined once again, shutting his eyes tightly as if he would feel the movements of your hand more. "please, please. i need it so bad. i cant-" he cut himself off with a loud gasp as you moved onto your knees and jerked him off while your other palm rubbed against the tip of his cock.
unintelligible noises slipped past isagi's lips as you rubbed your palm faster, the excessive amount of pre cum making it all the more easier to do so.
"i'm gonna.. fuck- please i'm gonna cum-" isagi gasped, writhing against the bed sheets. "gonna cum so hard for you, please please please"
with another gentle swipe of your nail against his slit, isagi moaned loudly as his cum began spilling from his cock. the desperation in his whimpers grew as he moaned out your name with every spurt of cum and you watched almost mesmerized.
"fuck.." you breathed out and slowly dragged your hand up and down isagi's reddened cock to help him through his orgasm. "you cum kinda of a lot, yoichi"
isagi breathed deeply as he began to calm down. his eyes were closed and his eyebrows were furrowed. you watched for an expression change, but he held that same look until he slowly opened his eyes to look at you. "that was good.."
"yeah, you came enough to breed like ten other chicks, sicko"
a breathy laugh fell passed his lips and he sighed, "always so vulgar, aren't you?" his words made you scoff and look at the cum that coated his abs. "sure.. i'm the vulgar one" you muttered and gently reached over to touch his cock again.
"i've always wondered if it felt different.." you accidentally said out loud and isagi gave a confused look. "oh uh.. you know getting off as a dude as compared to a girl.." isagi laughed as your words trailed off. "i can imagine that it does"
you hummed lowly and gently flicked his cock, wondering of his reaction. and once he jolted and glared at you, you laughed loudly. "you're a sensitive little thing, aren't you" you cooed, mocking his words once again and he rolled his eyes. "don't think i missed when you mocked me that first time"
"thought you were too fucked out to notice, oops"
he scoffed once more and reached out to trail his thumb against the side of your thigh. isagi's gaze softened slightly at the bruise he left a few days ago. he had always gripped onto your thighs harder than he intended when he was about to cum, but you didn't mind.
"come here" isagi said softly, sitting up and motioning to his lap. without thinking, you did as he commanded and wrapped your arms around the back of his neck with your legs on either side of his torso and his cock barely grazing your cunt.
isagi's eyes met yours and you smiled softly before his eyes cast downwards to look at your body. despite having been naked in front of him nearly every day since his return, your cheeks reddened and you grew slightly insecure.
"pretty.." he muttered softly and kissed against your neck. "always so fucking pretty just for me.." his words trailed off as he leaned in to lick up your neck and to your jaw. you shivered and he laughed breathily as he caressed your back as softly as he could.
you could feel the way isagi's cock began growing hard again and you were beginning to feel excited. "isagi.." your tone was desperate, though you didn't mean for it to be, and you were glad he knew exactly what you wanted.
still holding onto you gently, isagi laid you down, his hands sliding from your back to settle on your hips. he shuffled to sit on his knees, gazing down lovingly at your body. his favorite version of you was when you were all nice and pliant for him, naked and splayed out for his own usage and his eyes only.
"so god damn beautiful, y/n" he breathed out and leaned down to kiss you. as he did so, he brought one hand down to guide his cock to your entrance. the familiar feeling made you whine desperately into the kiss, and he swallowed the sounds you made as he pushed into you.
a low moan slipped past your lips as he bottomed out. as you opened your eyes to look at him, you noticed how red his cheeks were and the way he breathed heavily.
another desperate kiss was pressed against your lips as he began slowly thrusting into you. a shared whine was made into the kiss and isagi brought one hand up to gently caress your face as the other was pressed into your hip to keep him upright while also rubbing soothing circles into your skin.
"yoichi.." you whined desperately as he pulled away, wanting for him to be close to you again. "gimme a sec" isagi gently swiped your hair from your face and sat up. you whined loudly as he spit directly onto your clit and grasped your hand in his, bringing it down to press over your sensitive clit. "pleasure yourself for me, ok?"
you nodded and did as he said, slowly at first but gradually rubbing yourself faster as he thrusted harder into you.
"that's it sweetheart.." isagi smiled and leaned down again to kiss your forehead. "doing so well just for me.."
as you continued rubbing your clit and isagi thrusted his cock in and out of you, you were beginning to feel your oncoming orgasm. you moaned loudly and grasped onto the back of isagi's neck, abandoning what isagi told you to do to press him closer to you. "please" you whined, beginning to feel yourself tearing up as your desperation grew.
"so needy" isagi teased and thrusted into the particular spot that always had you on the cusp of cumming. "needy for my cock, aren't you? like some kind of cheap whore?"
the stimulation paired with isagi degrading you had your back arching off the bed as stray tears rolled down your cheeks. as your orgasm grew near, your legs wrapped around his back, forcing his cock deeper into your pussy.
isagi whimpered with each thrust and you knew based solely on that, he was close to cumming as well. the idea of cumming with your boyfriend did wonders to your brain as you desperately tried to grind into his cock on time with his thrusts. isagi noticed your efforts and whimpered, feeling your desperation as he grabbed your hips and pulled you up to sit up on his lap and force you down onto his cock.
"just like that, sweetie" his voice cracked and he pressed his forehead into the crook of your neck, whining soft praised as he unwillingly thrusted his hips into you whenever he forced you downward into his cock.
"i'm close, 'ichi.." you cried softly, hugging onto him tightly as you still weren't all that used to the feeling of cumming. "i've got you, pretty.." isagi breathed shakily into your skin.. "fuck- just let go for me.. just-" he moaned and thrusted harder, "please just cum for me, please.. need to.. ah- fucking feel you cum on my cock.."
you obeyed his words and tightened around him with a whiny moan as you came. your juices ran down his throbbing cock as he quickly pulled you off of him, letting you fall into his lap as he stroked his hard cock quickly, cumming with quiet whimpers.
with your face pressed into his neck, you tried catching your breath as he came onto both yours and his stomachs. glancing down at his cock, you moaned softly at the sight of his cum still spurting from his slit.
"god.." isagi breathed with his forehead on your shoulder and you laughed breathily. "that time was really fucking good, sweetie"
you smiled into his neck and peppered small kisses to the bruises that were forming from your bites. "you leave for your match tomorrow and i left fresh little marks on you, yoichi" you giggled and pulled back to look at him, your arms still draped around his shoulder.
"you know i don't mind that" he smiled and kissed your lips gently before wiping away the tears that had fallen from eyes when you came on his cock.
you snorted a laugh and stared lovingly into his eyes. "sweetheart..?" isagi suddenly said and your hummed, brushing isagi's hair behind his ears. "didn't mean to call you a whore.." he said nervously and you looked at him with a confused smile on your face. "yoichi, what?" you laughed and he glared.
"i'm serious!" he said and gently pinched your sides to shut you up. "it just slipped out, i didn't mean to call you that" his lips found yours as an apology and when he pulled off of your lips, he kissed your cheek. "i'm sorry, baby"
you laughed once more and kissed away the slight pout on his lips. "thought it was hot anyway so i don't care"
isagi looked at you with a shocked expression and laughed while shaking his head. "you are seriously something else.." he smiled and kissed you once more. "my beautiful girl"
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shadowtriovibes · 1 year
take my hand
Pairing: Ominis Gaunt x f!MC
Word Count: 3.8k
Rating: E
Warnings: 18+, aged-up characters, explicit sexual content, references to consensual sex between minors, loss of virginity, oral sex (f receiving), unprotected PIV sex
Summary: Ominis lets you know he’s ready to go all the way with you, and you quickly realize he likes being told what to do (a.k.a. my “sub-inis” response fic to #dominis)
"That should work, right?" you murmur, stepping closer to him so you can unsubtly press your chest against his and drape your arms around his shoulders. "I know you’re clever, Ominis. I can tell you how to touch me, and you’ll do it?" "Yes," he breathes, quickly stealing a kiss and letting his hands shift all the way down to the curves of your ass. He’ll have to learn by touch, you think. Or maybe even by taste. You have absolutely no problem with that.
Ominis Gaunt is simply going to drive you mad.
For several happy, lovely months you've called the young man your classmates jokingly referred to as “Slytherin’s most eligible bachelor” your love. You’ve kissed his plush lips, memorized the sharp lines of his cheekbones with the tips of your fingers, and even draped your legs across his lap while you curled up together in a secluded corner of the Slytherin common room to study.
…Actually study, of course. Because, unfortunately, he’s kind of a tease.
In fact, the real reason he’d garnered his cheeky nickname? Not one of the girls in your year had gotten anywhere near Ominis’ bed, which, by your seventh year at Hogwarts, was admittedly uncommon.
Even when you started bringing him to the Room of Requirement for some additional privacy, hoping to tempt him into some of those intimacies you know he’s never experienced with anyone else, he’s been a perfect gentleman.
Sure, by now you’ve spent many wonderful nights tangled in the sheets with him, kissing him breathless and letting your hands roam as far as you can get away with. But Ominis wants to “take things slowly,” and you respect that.
(You’re slowly going feral over it, but you respect it.)
He takes you completely by surprise one evening when he tells you that he’s finally ready to go further with you. However, when you sit on the edge of your bed with him and ask him to clarify what that means, he balks.
“Whatever you’d like to do,” he insists, noncommittal. “I’m ready.”
“Ominis,” you say gently. “I do think we should talk about this, so we can both be comfortable.”
He bristles. “‘Both?’ You mean me.”
You bite your lip. It’s true that you are significantly more experienced than Ominis, though it’s not something you’ve talked about in great detail with him. You know that you’re his first everything, that he’d abstained from any sort of physical relationship with anyone thus far because he genuinely wanted to be in love with his partner.
You, however, had pretty much done the opposite after the residual trauma of your fifth year left you with a mindset of “you only live once.” You became more and more selective after you eventually realized that, while occasionally fun, meaningless sex didn’t make you feel better about what had happened. The only thing that did was talking about it with Ominis, which is one of several reasons you fell hopelessly in love with him.
“I mean us both,” you insist. “Just because I’ve had sex before doesn’t mean I want to rush into anything either. This is important. You are important, love.”
He softens a bit when you lace your fingers with his, tugging his hand into your lap.
“I just… I don’t know how to talk about this,” he forces out. “And not because I’m posh or repressed or anything like that, but simply because I fear I don’t know what I need to know.”
“What you need to know?” you ask curiously.
“Truthfully, most of what I’ve ever heard about sex is from the other seventh-years,” Ominis admits. “It’s not like I could have those kinds of conversations with my parents, what with the way they are. I suppose if there’s anyone I could have asked, it would be Sebastian.”
You wince a little and Ominis laughs softly, bumping his shoulder against yours.
“Don’t worry, I’m not intimidated by the two of you,” he murmurs.
You and Sebastian had been “friends with benefits” (as he’d delightedly called it) toward the end of your sixth year, and thank Merlin you’d been able to maintain your friendship after it had ended.
You wouldn’t dare assume just how much Ominis knows about that fiasco, but the real reason it ended was that the two of you were simply too alike in bed – both far too dominant. Every time you came together, it felt like a duel, which was quite fun at first but quickly became exhausting and left neither of you truly satisfied.
“Well, I suppose you could talk with Sebastian,” you agree. “He’s not, er – he’s knowledgeable enough.”
This time Ominis winces, and you pat his hand apologetically.
“You could also just ask me, you know,” you tell him. “We can talk about these things. What we like, what we don’t like, what we want to do together.”
Ominis shifts closer and presses his shoulder against yours, resting his head against the top of yours. “I know. I suppose it’s just… challenging to feel so ignorant.”
“Love,” you sigh. “You aren’t.”
“I am,” he insists ruefully. “But we can… try new things together, right?”
“Of course,” you tell him, dropping his hand so you can stand between his legs and cradle his chin in your hands to pull him in for a kiss. “As long as you’re sure you’re ready.”
“Very ready,” he murmurs, resting his hands on your waist and dragging them down to your hips, more adventurous than he usually allows himself to be.
“Besides, it’s not as if you know nothing,” you tease him. “I’m sure you know how to make yourself feel good, right?”
Ominis goes red and doesn’t offer an answer, but you don’t need one to know that you’re correct.
“I can show you how I make myself feel good.”
It only falls a little flat when Ominis pointedly asks, “‘Show’ me how?”
It’s only then that you realize Ominis had a fair reason to be nervous. He probably has much less familiarity with the female body than many of his Hogwarts classmates would have had, from studying nude forms in classical Muggle art to the risque illustrations and photographs his male counterparts pour over in secret.
He would have been excluded.
“Right, er…” you mumble, thinking on your feet. “Maybe I could… tell you what I like, and you could do it for me?”
“Do it for you?” he asks, and you blink surprisedly when you realize he doesn’t sound annoyed at all with being tasked with your pleasure.
Honestly, he sounds quite interested.
“That should work, right?” you murmur, stepping closer to him so you can unsubtly press your chest against his and drape your arms around his shoulders. “I know you’re clever, Ominis. I can tell you how to touch me, and you’ll do it?”
“Yes,” he breathes, quickly stealing a kiss and letting his hands shift all the way down to the curves of your ass.
He’ll have to learn by touch, you think. Or maybe even by taste.
You have absolutely no problem with that.
For a while you let him kiss you while his hands roam, letting him refamiliarize himself with the figure he already knows quite well beneath your uniform. Then, while his hands slip underneath your skirt to explore your bare thighs, you strip off your tie, dress shirt and brassiere. He undoubtedly hears the rustling of your clothes as you remove them, but he keeps his hands where they are until you reach down and grab his wrists.
Ominis exhales softly when you press his hands to your breasts, and you hum happily when his fingers flex against your skin.
“Touch me,” you tell him softly. “Not my clothes.”
“You’re beautiful,” he says softly. “You feel… you’re so soft.”
You giggle and arch your back into his hands, and when he drags his thumbs across your nipples, you lean down and press your forehead to his.
“Not too soft,” you counter.
“Can I… may I use my mouth on you?” Ominis asks hesitantly.
You’ve observed that your love certainly has an oral fixation. You suppose it could have to do with his blindness, but it could simply be a part of him like anything else. Ominis has been known to suck on quills for hours while he studies – the sugar quills from Honeydukes and, regrettably, regular ones as well – which has occasionally been distracting to some of your classmates who are driven to less-than-pure thoughts while watching him redden his mouth.
“Yes, use your mouth,” you breathe, tipping your head back when he brings his lips to your skin.
He doesn’t just immediately suck at you like some of your past partners have done in a rush. He kisses you all over – the curves of your breasts, across your collarbones, down to your navel and back up again. He’s learning you, and it’s making your head spin.
“Let’s move on,” you slur after a while, nearly dizzy from how good you feel with your skirt still on.
“May I?” Ominis asks, reaching behind you for the clasp of your skirt.
You assent and he deftly unclasps it, letting your skirt drop to the floor and leaving you in just your undergarments. But before he can tug them down – and he does try – you pause him by grabbing his wrists once more.
“I am nearly naked, and you’re fully dressed,” you remind him. “Seems unfair, love.”
“Fine,” he says with a bright laugh, leaning back onto his elbows to let you tug his tie loose and pull it over his head. You unbutton his shirt deliberately slowly, treating yourself to each new inch of bare skin you reveal as you work your way down.
When you reach the bottom, you can tell he’s quite ready for you by the state of his trousers, and you deduce those need to go as well. His breath hitches when you unbutton and unzip them for him, coaxing him into lifting his hips for you to tug them down.
After that, you both hurriedly tug off your undergarments and toss them… somewhere, to be sure.
He looks like sin sitting before you, completely nude with his long cock hard in his lap.
“Are you going to show me now?” he asks hopefully, his fingers twitching nervously at his sides.
“Mmm, soon,” you murmur. “I think I want you to show me something first.”
“You – you want to see…?” Ominis asks, his eyebrows raised. “But you know what men like, how we…”
“I know how men get themselves off, yes,” you say, finishing the sentence he lets die on his tongue. “I don’t care about what men like. I want to see what you like.”
“I can’t imagine I’m that unique,” he retorts.
“Then show me because I want to watch,” you challenge, gently pushing on his shoulders so he’ll scoot back and let you straddle his thighs. “I’m asking so nicely, Ominis.”
He exhales shakily and rests his hands on your bare hips. “Well, I usually… I usually have something to – Merlin, I have a salve, so it’s not dry.”
“Let me take care of it,” you purr, lifting one of his hands to your mouth and licking across his palm. He nearly chokes, but he lets you wet his hand for him and wrap it around his cock.
“Touch yourself,” you murmur. “Tell me what you think about when you get yourself off.”
“You,” he says quickly. “It’s always you, kissing you, touching you.”
You watch hungrily as he starts to stroke himself, observing the way he drags his thumb across his sensitive head and squeezes firmly at the base.
“Touching me how?” you encourage him.
“I… like this, touching your breasts, your bare skin,” he whispers. His other hand trails from your waist down to the crease of your hip. “Here too.”
“Do it then,” you whine. “Touch me, feel me.”
Finally, with his free hand he reaches between your thighs, tracing two fingertips along your folds. You’re already wet, and he groans softly before cursing under his breath.
“Let me show you,” you whisper, wrapping your fingers around his wrist to guide his hand.
You shift his hand up until his fingertips are pressed to your clit. “This is one of my favorite places to touch when I’m alone,” you tell him, nosing along his cheek. “Just touching here can get me off, actually.”
“R-really?” he breathes. “But what about… inside?”
“Inside, hm?” you croon. “Seems like you aren’t as ignorant as you let me believe.”
Ominis blushes a little and ducks his head, but he quickly tips his sightless gaze back up to you when you trace his fingertips along your slit to your entrance.
“Here,” you breathe. “If you want to go inside, it’s just here.”
“Can I?
“One finger first,” you tell him, and he’s perfectly gentle as he presses his long middle finger into your body.
You press your lips against his cheekbone and murmur, “Tell me how I feel, Ominis.”
“Warm. Wet, so wet,” he groans. His hand on his cock has gone completely still, forgotten in favor of exploring you with his other hand. “And – tight.”
It’s then that you have a brilliant idea.
“What if I let you use your mouth on me here?” you keen when he drags his thumb across your clit with his finger still inside you. “Would you like that?”
“I can do that?” Ominis asks. “You would want me to?”
“If you’re comfortable,” you tell him, gently running your fingers through his hair to loosen it a little from his daily coiffe. “I’d like to try it with you.”
Stunned, he nods and gently pulls out of you so that you can join him on the bed and lie on your back. Carefully, you drape one leg and then the other over his shoulders as he kneels between the apex of your thighs. You cross your ankles behind his back to coax him closer and onto his elbows, his face inches from where you most want him.
“What, er… how should I…” he asks.
“It’s instinct, love,” you croon, leaning back on your elbows and watching as he leans in a bit more, transfixed by how close he is to you. “I couldn’t possibly tell you, I’ve never done it myself.”
“Has anyone ever…?” he asks suggestively, one of his hands wrapping around your thigh.
“Ever what?” you tease him, utterly in love with the way it makes him blush harder.
“Has anyone else ever used their mouth on you?” he asks more firmly, nuzzling his temple against your inner thigh.
“Mmm, no,” you murmur.
He smirks to himself. “So I suppose I needn’t be worried about being compared.”
“Ominis,” you sigh. “I need you to do something, anything. Just try, I promise I’ll tell you if it’s working or not.”
“Please, tell me,” he requests. “I might not… It’s harder to be sure that I’m doing it right, if you’re quiet.”
“Somehow, I don’t think that will be a problem,” you reply cheekily.
Without another word, Ominis leans in and presses his tongue to your skin, licking you open with broad, curious strokes of his tongue while he learns the taste and feel of you. You quickly lose your breath as he explores your drenched core.
You gasp sharply when he presses his tongue against your clit, and he quickly asks, “How does that feel?”
“Amazing,” you breathe. “That’s good, Ominis, right there, keep going.”
Ominis simply lights up after receiving your praise, and it makes your heart race adoringly to see how much he loves this – loves you.
He becomes more and more assured as he presses his tongue against your clit, and even without his sight, he couldn’t possibly miss how your legs tremble helplessly when he moans into your body, the vibrations sending you closer and closer to your climax.
He experiments with pressing his tongue inside you as well, and it feels nice, of course it does. But it’s just not as nice as when he’s paying attention to your clit, so without thinking, you reach down and tug on his blond hair to direct his mouth back to where you want it.
This time, when Ominis moans against your clit, it’s not for your benefit.
“Did you like that?” you ask knowingly, twisting your fingers deeper into his hair. Usually it’s so perfectly coiffed, but you imagine by the time you’re through with him, it might look more like Sebastian’s does after Quidditch practice.
“Yes,” he admits, his voice nearly a whine.
“Good. Make me come and you can tell me how else you’d like me to touch you.”
Desperate to finish you off, Ominis first wraps both hands around your thighs and positively buries his face between them, his tongue flicking over and over against your clit. Then he pulls one hand back and presses the tips of two fingers against your entrance.
“Inside?” he asks quickly.
“Yes,” you grit out. “I’m so close Ominis, don’t stop.”
Obediently, he presses his long, thin fingers inside you and curls them how you tell him to, and you only last another minute under his focused ministrations before you come hard, both hands now tangled in his hair to hold him in place until you’re too sensitive to take anymore.
When you finally push his face away, Ominis looks drunk. His mouth and chin are soaked from your release, his pale skin is burning red and his hair is a wild mess.
“So…” he murmurs, dragging a thumb across his lower lip and briefly sucking it clean. “How was that?”
“Don’t be daft,” you laugh deliriously, still staring up at the ceiling. “You’re a natural, Ominis, you get an Outstanding from me.”
He smiles and rests one of his hands on your bare hip, trailing the other up your waist to your neck so he can lean down and kiss you, letting you taste yourself on his tongue.
However, despite how formal his countenance often is, he’s still a young man – and not a very patient one.
“I believe you said something about touching me now?” he murmurs, kissing down your chin to your neck and gently nipping at your pulse point.
“Mmm, yes, I do think you deserve a turn,” you agree.
You reach down to wrap your hand around his cock and slowly stroke him, earning a choked-off moan and a much less gentle bite against your neck.
“Which would you like, Ominis? My hand, my mouth, or my cunt?”
Ominis curses under his breath – you can tell he likes it when you’re vulgar, despite how often he chides Sebastian for using similar language around their other mates.
He zones out for a moment, considering, so you stroke him harder to bring his focus back to you. “Tell me, love.”
“Your – your body, I want… I want to be inside you,” he admits. “But I don’t think I’m going to last very long.”
“That’s alright,” you reassure him. “It’s only your first time, we’ll have many more times to practice.”
He whines softly and presses a kiss over the bruise he’s worked into the skin below your jawline. “Many more?”
“Focus,” you tease him. “Let’s enjoy this time first, alright? Are you ready?”
You drop your hand from his cock so he can sit back and line himself up against you, and you think that this must be where some amount of instinct kicks in because the juts of his hip bones line up perfectly with the insides of your thighs without so much as a guiding hand from you.
“Good, Ominis,” you breathe, and his cock jumps, its wet tip tapping against his stomach.
He takes himself in hand and presses the head of his cock against your entrance, tracing a line from your hole to your clit and back to learn just where to press in, and then he starts to sheath himself within you.
“Oh, fuck,” he groans, and you beam delightedly – you’ve never heard him talk like that before.
“That’s it, keep going,” you encourage him. “I can take all of you.”
He’s quite long, but he takes his time with you, slowly pressing in until his hips are flush with your thighs and his arms are trembling slightly as he holds himself above you.
“Am I hurting you?” he asks, restraint clear in both his voice and the tense line of his jaw.
You cup your hand against the side of his face and murmur, “Not at all, you feel wonderful.”
“Can I move?” he pleads, and you breathe your yes against his lips.
Even without the muscle memory of a more experienced man, Ominis is a fast learner. He quickly sets a rhythm that has you dragging your hands down his chest and demanding more, harder, faster.
Your heart can barely take it when he simply meets your demands without a word, his hair falling into his eyes as he fucks you like it’s a gift to be inside you.
“I want to make you come again,” he confesses, leaning down to kiss you wherever he can put his mouth on you – your jaw, your shoulder, your lips. “Can I?”
“Yes,” you breathe, because your first orgasm had left you so sensitive you’re sure you can come again before Ominis finishes.
In fact, you think if you asked him, he’d make himself wait for you.
You slide a hand down your body and start to touch yourself, rubbing your clit the way you know you like when you need a release. You want to be quick – you want him to learn how it feels when you come around his cock.
“Close,” he grunts, his hands fisting in the sheets beside you. “Love, please…”
“Don’t you dare,” you hiss, leaning up to nip at his lower lip. “Let me come first, Ominis, I promise it’s worth waiting for.”
“I can’t,” he whines, but you know he can – you can see how he’s straining to hold back, his stomach taut and his arms tense beside your head.
“Just a little more, love, and – ah!” you gasp, because when he sits back just a little – as if trying to physically pull back from falling over the edge – his cock presses against a spot inside you that’s just enough to make you see stars.
It’s barely seconds after you come that Ominis groans helplessly and spills inside you, his thrusts coming to a halt when he feels you become impossibly tighter around him.
You stroke your hands lazily up and down his back while he catches his breath, mercifully not dropping his full weight onto you in favor of gently rolling to the side, hooking your leg over his hip.
“What’s the verdict, then?” you ask him softly, tracing your fingertips along his jawline and smiling at the blissful look on his face.
“We’re doing that again, quite literally as soon as I can,” he pants, and you can’t help but laugh brightly and bury your face against his chest.
“How charming!” you tease him. “That’s it, hm? Have I finally made a monster of you?”
“Without a doubt,” he agrees, pressing his nose to your hair.
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sundrop-writes · 28 days
When Doves Cry
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Jason Todd x Gar Logan
How can you just leave me standing - alone in a world that’s so cold?  So cold.  Why do we scream at each other?  This is what it sounds like: When Doves Cry.
This fic is dedicated to a husband who has never given up on me. 
Love is infinite, patient, and always welcomes you home.
At Dick's insistence, Jason comes back to Wayne Manor to help the Titans end Crane's deadly plan. Jason doesn't want redemption or forgiveness - he's done believing that he's worthy of those. Once Crane is back at Arkham where he belongs, Jason plans to disappear, never to be heard from again.
But Gar - someone who never stopped loving Jason and never stopped believing in his goodness - has other plans.
Jason Todd x Gar Logan. Friends to Lovers/Lovers Reunited. Smut and Emotional Angst. Set during Season 3, Episode 13.
Word Count: 11,100
DC Titans Masterlist | AO3 Link
Detailed warnings and author's notes below the cut.
Warnings: this is a character x character fic - no reader character here; this is M/M; emotional angst - Jason's self deprecating inner monologue; Jason being emotionally constipated; mentions of Jason's past trauma - including being kidnapped by Deathstroke, and his canon suicide attempt; canon level violence (mentions of guns/gun violence, mentions of killing/mentions of Jason killing people); mentions of Jason's death and resurrection; mentions of Gar mourning Jason's death; mentions of Gar's canon trauma - being forced to murder people while under Cadmus' mind control, having brain surgery performed on him to achieve that mind control; implications of Dick/Hank/Dawn being in a poly relationship because I literally cannot help myself; mentions of Jason being injured from the confrontation that goes down at Wayne Manor in 3x13 (which is canon) - the injuries are vaguely described as 'bumps and bruises'; mentions of Jason's substance abuse - including the Anti-Fear Gas (which yes, even though it's fictional, is still substance abuse), alcohol, and implications toward other unnamed drugs; there is mentions of Jason/Rose - but in this version of things, their interactions were one single kiss and Jason never had any true feelings for her; because of his attraction to Rose - Jason is very much bisexual in this, and though it's not mentioned that Gar has been with a woman (or anyone aside from Jason lmao) - I always headcanon him as bi and write him as bi just so you know; mentions of Gar and Jason having a previous sexual relationship during their time living together at Titans Tower (but that relationship was purely sexual and not romantic); implications that The Pit changed Jason's body somewhat, including making his dick bigger; smut - M/M smut; biting/marking kink (from Gar toward Jason) - at one point, Gar bites down hard enough to draw blood; wet ?? humping/grinding; mentions of Jason and Gar masturbating; passing mention of sex toys (a dildo); anal sex with lots of (real!!!) lube; unprotected sex - they don't use a condom (but there is no mention of STDs and technically they are monogamous even if they didn't discuss it, but irl you should always use one!! don't be like them); Jason bottoming while Gar tops; scent kink - Gar and Jason both really like the way that the other person smells; Jason is a power bottom at first and then becomes more submissive; Gar is very possessive/animalistic during sex; some dirty talk; emotional/passionate sex; creampie kink - Gar cums inside of Jason and they both really like it; a warning for literally licking wounds - Gar licks a cut on Jason's forehead that he has from the fight (this IS NOT blood kink - it's about him caring for Jason because his animal instincts are telling him licking the wound will make it better/soothe it) (btw I am not shaming those with a blood kink, I have written blood kink before and I love it - I just wanted to clarify the tone of the moment); this fic does have a happy ending if that makes you more motivated to read it. I believe that is actually, finally it.
A/N: In case it's not already clearly labelled - there is no reader character in this fic! It is very different from what I usually write, but I felt very inspired and the request that @nctzenkane gave me was just too good not to write. Jason and Gar have so much chemistry in the show, they are such an obvious ship, and they never even got to say goodbye to each other. (The writers make it so convenient that Gar is just not in the room during Jason's pivotal moments - sigh.) Anyway - I love JayGar as a ship and I feel like this fic sums up everything I love about them, as well as giving them the ending they should have gotten. They should have ended up together and Jason should have gotten forgiveness from the Titans family. I hope you guys enjoy this fic even though it's not like my typical stuff, and if you sit this one out - please know that this one did wonders for my creative flow as a writer, and I will be back with more amazing things later. Also, I know that this fic is gonna make my Top Ten Favourite Fics of the year when I make that list for 2024. I was not at all expecting to write this fic but I absolutely love it so much omg. Also - even though I started my taglist a little while ago, I decided not to use the taglist for this particular fic because it's so different from my usual stuff. But the taglist will be used for all upcoming fics.
“I have to believe that this dude we fought alongside - my friend - he’s not all bad.” 
Gar purposefully put emphasis on those two words, trying his hardest to remind Dick of what Jason was to them. At least, what he should be. A friend. Even if Dick wanted to deny it, Jason had been a Titan once. He had been part of their family. Even if Gar was the only one who still remembered that; even if he was the only one who still remembered Jason’s good side. Even if Gar was the only one who had ever truly loved him - the others needed to remember what being a part of that family meant, and what their obligations were to Jason because of it. 
No matter what Dick claimed, Jason hadn’t turned into some evil villain overnight. He had his own reasons for what he was doing, and that meant he could be reasoned with. (Gar knew that it was difficult to reason with Jason - but he knew it could be done.) 
Dick’s silence was deafening. Maybe he didn’t want to tell his tender-hearted friend what he really thought of Jason now; those tiny streaks of things that he had been secretly thinking for a long time. Or perhaps - Gar was really getting through to him. 
Jason needed to come home. Despite what everyone else believed: he could be saved. 
All of it was Dick’s idea. Gar still wasn’t even entirely clear on half of it, but the bulk of it involved using his newly acquired - still very undeveloped - ability of turning into a bat so that he could fly up to Jason’s unlocked bedroom window and breach the house’s security system undetected. 
No matter how much Gar stressed the fact that he can’t fly, Dick kept telling that it would be okay - that he just had to believe in himself, blah blah. The typical leader speech jargon that he used to convince people to do dangerous things. Gar felt like he shouldn’t have been so easily convinced, but he knew that a lot was on the line - he knew that Crane needed to be stopped. So he put aside sense and transformed, and flew off toward the window even though he barely knew how to control himself in this state. 
He was so damn dizzy when he landed. He could taste vomit swelling up inside his mouth and he forcefully pushed it back down. The world was spinning around him in an utterly cruel way and he could barely comprehend anything - he was naked and he needed clothes, so grabbing Jason’s shirt off the floor was nothing but pure instinct. The smell of Jason’s stupid strong cologne - so entrenched in the bedroom’s walls, mixed with the natural musk of sweat in the bedsheets - it should have made Gar even more dizzy and nauseous, but instead, it grounded him. It made him feel safe. 
Dig, if you will, the picture of you and I engaged in a kiss. The sweat of your body covers me.  Can you, my darling - can you picture this?
It was one of the only things that gave him a true, firm center while the world was spinning so damn hard, still undulating under his hands and knees while he dug his fingers into the expensive carpet, gritting his teeth with how much he absolutely hated the sensation. 
Gar and Jason have always been the same size. 
It was something they found out days into living together at Titans Tower, when Jason got out of bed and put on one of Gar’s favorite hoodies without a word. He never apologized for getting milk chocolate on it and letting it stain. From that point on, their wardrobe easily blended into one. Jason wore ‘nerd shirts’ with logos that he had no clue about the meaning behind, and Gar found himself wearing more black and more band tees with logos for bands that he couldn’t stand the loud, angry music of. 
After Dick had confessed everything that had happened with Jericho, Jason pulled away on the screeching tires of his motorcycle, and ended up taking some of Gar’s clothes with him. This left Gar with the pain of accidentally pulling something out of his drawer that still smelled like Jason - sleeping in sheets that definitely still reeked of that strong cologne. In fact, Gar had been wearing one of Jason’s black hoodies on the night that Cadmus had stormed the Tower - on the night his life had forever changed. 
In the present, when Gar left Jason’s room dressed head to toe in Jason’s clothes, it felt natural. It felt natural to be surrounded by that scent. It gave a certain kind of unconscious comfort to his overwhelmed instincts during such a chaotic time. It wasn’t even something he had put that much thought into. Instead, he was far more focused on using the remote Dick had instructed him to grab in order to disarm the alarm system - a task he was incredibly worried about getting right. 
With Dick in his ear giving him instructions to defuse the alarm, even with the terrible itch of anxiety creeping down his neck - he felt a certain sense of safety from being wrapped in Jason’s clothes. Even when the sound of gunfire came from down the hall - something that nearly paralyzed him with fear, part of him still foolishly felt bulletproof because of that familiar shirt on his back. 
When he rounded the corner, the first thing that truly made him freeze up during all of this was actually seeing Jason for the first time in so long. 
It was a true shock to his system. 
After all the talk of Jason - a death that he barely had time to mourn, so heavy in his heart and barely processed by his mind. After finding out that the person behind Red Hood’s mask had once been his best friend, somehow stolen from the morgue and woken up from what should have been a permanent sleep due to the treacherous waters of the Lazarus Pit. After spending all that time talking Dick’s ear off, trying to convince him to let Jason come home, where he truly belonged; after feeling so damn fruitless in doing so. After tracking down Molly, trying to stand united with one of Jason’s last true friends in an effort not to see him hurt. 
After all of that, everything Gar had been through over the past few weeks, actually seeing Jason in front of him - it was like having ice water poured down his back. 
He froze up standing there, and he knew that the expression on his face must have been that of dumbstruck delirium. 
He hadn’t expected their reunion to be anything like this. 
When Jason had first stormed out of Titans Tower, Gar had imagined that he would come back. Even after he had screamed at the top of his lungs, telling Dick to fuck off, and followed that up by screaming at Rose not to touch him when she had tried to grab his arm in some poor attempt at ‘comfort’, daring anybody else not to follow him - Gar had thought that it would be only a matter of hours before Jason came back. 
At the time, he had texted Jason after everyone else scrambled out like cockroaches fleeing from the light, and he had told Jason that it was safe to come back because they would be alone together (save for Conner’s unconscious body). He had expected that statement alone would cause Jason to eagerly come running back. 
He thought that it would be a predictable reunion. 
Jason would come back puffy-eyed and stinking of booze, stumbling, furiously denying that he had even been upset, saying that he would never let Dick Grayson get under his skin. Slurring his words while also denying that he had been drinking and driving his bike - because he didn’t want Gar to ‘narc’ on him about it. 
Gar would put him in the shower and douse him in cold water to sober him up while trying not to scold him about the potential of crashing the stupid speeding death machine due to being drunk. They would go to bed together and Jason would fall asleep holding onto him for dear life. And he would still make Jason the best hangover breakfast that vegan soy substitutes can offer (and Jason would complain about Gar not cooking with ‘real’ bacon, but he would still clean his plate). And Jason would sneak a kiss over the sudsy dish water that would turn into soapy grab-ass, and he would have wanted to fuck Gar across the kitchen counter just because nobody else was around to complain about it. 
(Maybe that last part was just a fantasy Gar cooked up with his hand on his cock in his bed at the Tower when he was missing Jason a bit too much. But still, it felt like something Jason would do.) 
When the days passed and Jason still hadn’t responded to him - still hadn’t come home, Gar tried to deny that he missed the mouthy asshole. He tried to weed those shirts out of his laundry so that he could stop being constantly reminded of Jason. He tried to keep his crying limited to the shower, or muffled into his pillow at night. 
And then, he didn’t have to worry as much about that stuff, because he got distracted and busy when Conner woke up. Introducing the clone to the world, teaching him to be a Titan. 
When he got his brain scrambled, between the taste of blood in his mouth and the distant sound of a done drill - memories of Jason flickered in front of him, and when he was present enough in reality, he knew that Jason running far away was a good thing. It meant that Gar couldn’t hurt someone like him. Someone he loved who didn’t have any meta powers to defend himself - someone who was only flesh and bone with no way to defend against a six hundred pound uncontrollable tiger pouncing on him. 
There were moments of mental clarity, tiny little moments when Mercy wasn’t humming in his ear. Moment when he prayed that he would never see Jason again - because he never wanted the blood in his mouth to belong to Jason. 
After Rachel helped him gain back control, he still wondered if he was capable of hurting Jason, even by mistake. He was almost glad when Jason rode away from Donna’s funeral in the opposite direction. (Almost.) Because that feeling of missing him came back harder than ever days after the funeral, when the dust had settled. When he realized that he was fully in control of his powers - working well as a Titan, and the only thing missing from the picture in his mind was having Robin right there by his side, working as the perfect duo Jason always knew they could be. 
When Gar found out about Jason’s death, he felt numb. It had never felt real. Sure, denial is the first stage of grief - but Gar never truly felt like he was living on the same earth where Jason was not. He felt like the world should have stopped. Or at the very least - he should have gone down with Jason. 
He kept imagining that someone would wake him up from the nightmare - that someone would shake him and he would wake up in his bed months earlier, with Conner still in a coma, only to find out that everything that had happened at Cadmus had been one big horrible dream. He would open his eyes to find out that Jason was still alive, waiting to sneak out and get veggie burgers with him at three in the morning. 
But no. There was a grave in the backyard of Wayne Manor with his name on it - even if Gar had seen it empty after Dick had dug it up in a manic state. Just to make himself feel like he wasn’t totally crazy, Gar had searched through Bruce’s files and found Jason’s morgue paperwork, wanting to fully confirm that Jason had even died in the first place. After seeing the attached photos of Jason’s bashed-in skull caused him to lose his lunch, he knew then that it was very much real. It wasn’t just a horrific dream. 
Jason had died and somehow been brought back from that. 
Even then, Gar imagined their reunion to be very different from this. 
But here he was - standing in one of the many hallways of Wayne Manor, staring Jason down like a deer in headlights, his heart pounding while his wide eyes fixated on the person he thought that he would never get to see again. Someone covered in bumps and bruises from a fight, looking much more worn down by the world than the guy who used to laugh at Gar’s shitty puns. 
Dream, if you can, a courtyard- An ocean of violets in bloom. Animals strike curious poses. They feel the heat - the heat between me and you.
Jason’s eyes flickered down and locked on Gar’s chest, or rather - fixated on his shirt. Jason’s shirt that Gar was wearing. In a moment, he felt more naked than he ever did when he stripped down in public to transform. He felt so fucking caught. Of course Jason knew that Gar was wearing his clothes. Gar could have claimed that it was out of pure convenience, but somehow, as if he was part animal himself - Jason’s pupils dilated and his Adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed thickly. It was almost like he could smell the fatal yearning coming off Gar, everything about him that said: ‘I love you, I missed you, I need you’. 
“Jason-” Gar croaked out. 
There was no chance for conversation. 
A streak of movement behind Jason’s heavily armored shoulder realigned Gar’s priorities in a snap. 
“Look out!” He shouted, pointing sharply behind Jason before he ducked for cover himself. 
Jason didn’t hesitate - he fired his gun, taking the enemy out. He did a visual check of the hallway to make sure that nobody else was coming before he turned back to Gar - who was crouching tightly against one of the divots in the complex design of the old house. 
“I’m here for you.” Jason said - finding that he felt far too naked in his own way with how utterly vulnerable this sounded. 
Especially when Gar’s lips quivered, almost as if desperate to cry out for him, to thank him for coming home - something. 
“I’m here to help. Dick sent me.” He quickly amended, attempting to clarify that this was all business. 
Even though, with Gar’s large, glassy eyes staring him down - he couldn’t be sure that’s what it was. 
He didn’t have too much time to grind through the details of it, though. They had to get through the business aspects of it or there wouldn’t be any personal details left to untangle because they would all be dead. 
They split off, following a plan that Dick had carefully laid out, and Gar was proud when Tim and Dick led Crane out of the Batcave in shackles. 
With the relief of knowing that they had won, Gar quickly set about finding Jason once again - to thank him, to ask him what their next move was, to kiss him - he wasn’t quite sure yet. But he felt gleeful. 
All that glee was slashed when he caught Jason in his old bedroom, packing a bag. 
He had stripped out of his Red Hood armor from the waist-up, and Gar was met with the shocking sight of bright purple welts smothered across the broad of his back. It made Gar’s natural urge toward sympathy ache, especially when it came to Jason. But that feeling conflicted with nothing but boiling anger at the sight of him furiously stuffing things into a duffle bag he had placed into the middle of his bed - clearly trying to rescue everything he could from his old life on the way out. 
How can you just leave me standing alone in a world that’s so cold? So cold.
He was running away. Again. 
“Going somewhere?” Gar asked, trying to sound tough when his voice was trembling at the very thought of Jason leaving him again. 
If he was less mature, he would have dropped to the floor and thrown a catastrophic toddler fit, flailing his limbs and screaming at the top of his lungs. He would have demanded that Jason stay, telling him that he simply wasn’t allowed to leave. 
He knew that it was selfish, but it just made Gar feel so disposable. The fact that Jason came into his life, made him laugh, made him smile, fucked him like they were in love, made him care - and then he wanted to run away like Gar meant nothing to him. He knew that Jason had his own issues - a list of problems and past traumas longer than his arm, but Gar would have run away with him. Jason didn’t have to be sentenced to solitude. 
All these thoughts caused a sheen of tears to form in Gar’s eyes - the sadness battling with the anger inside his chest. He was threatening to spill those tears by the time Jason whipped around - partially startled, partially angry that his plans to disappear again had been disrupted. 
Jason mirrored back his own wet eyes at seeing Gar so upset, but quickly blinked the tears away. 
“I was never here.” He quietly croaked. “I can’t-” 
“You can’t ‘what’?” Gar barked back, cutting him off. 
This was the most cruel way that he had ever spoken to Jason, but he was fed up, to say the least. All of the emotions that he had been politely festering with now boiled over. The grief, the mourning, the loneliness - all of it spilled over at once. 
“You can’t stay?” He asked, raising his voice in anger. “You can’t admit that someone actually cares about you for you for once in your fucking life?” 
Maybe I’m just too demanding. Maybe I’m just like my father - too bold.
Jason’s face quivered at this. 
He knew Gar cared about him. Of course he did. But that was why he had to run. He couldn’t let Gar risk his place with the Titans for a murderous piece of shit like himself. He threatened to break into sobs and he forced himself to become steel. Without Crane’s drugs running through his system, he felt even more weak and chaotic - but he couldn’t let Gar be the drop of water that broke his dam after all these weeks. 
“I can’t stay.” He said solemnly, his eyes glued to the floor, refusing to look at Gar. “I - I can’t… stay.” It hung in the air for the moment as the words truly sunk in for him. He had been so busy packing in order to flee that he hadn’t even fully realized why. Now it was even more painful. “They won’t let me.” 
The realization pierced through Gar’s heart like a knife. 
This wasn’t just about him. Of course it wasn’t. 
The thing that he had been fighting for, fighting against all this time - the idea that Jason wasn’t even worthy to come home because he was some crazed killer. Gar wasn’t the only one who got a vote. Gar wasn’t the only one to claim love for him or deny him. 
If Gar’s love for him was the only thing that mattered, then the whole thing could have been smoothed over weeks ago. Maybe Jason wouldn’t have left in the first place. Maybe Jason wouldn’t have been balanced on the edge of a roof about to jump off while Gar had been sleeping. 
Gar wheezed out a harsh breath - almost as if the pain of the realization had literally pierced his lung, and he was having difficulty breathing because of it. 
“Stay.” Gar begged, hardly realizing that he was crying openly now. “I’ll talk to Dick, I’ll-” 
Maybe you’re just like my mother: She’s never satisfied.
“I can’t.” Jason said bitterly, entirely defiant. “You know I can’t. Not after everything that’s happened. Especially not after Hank.” 
There was a careful kind of mourning in Jason’s voice when he said the name - and potently, he flipped back around then, unable to face Gar after bringing it up. He continued to pack his bag as Gar stared at his back, his throat tightening harshly around everything that he had to say in reply. 
Gar loved Hank as a friend - as a mentor, someone to look up to. But even now, he couldn’t fully blame Jason for Hank’s death. He knew that it was all a part of Crane’s plan. He knew that Jason was sorry. Before, that fact was something he had based solely on his knowledge of Jason - but now he could base it on Jason’s very clear guilt towards the situation. 
Gar knew that if he told Dick that he forgave Jason for Hank’s death - it would put them on bad terms. Dick had known Hank for longer. And there had been something more there (something more between Dawn, and Hank, and Dick). Something that made that scar extra tender for Dick. 
Gar had to find a better way to explain it. Perhaps tell the team that he had once been a pawn himself - he had been to Mercy Graves what Jason was to Crane. And he knew that if she put him alone in a room with Hank and told him to kill, he couldn’t have been sure that his sterling morals and his willpower alone would have held up against everything that she did to him. 
Why was the situation with Jason any different? 
Why were they so determined not to forgive him? 
Out of the corner of his eye, something broke up his contemplative thinking - Jason slipped a tee shirt over his head, and Gar couldn’t ignore the glaring shade of green that said it was one of his. It caused a possessive streak to roll through him - he had a difficult time holding back a feral growl as it flared up in his throat. 
It made him only able to focus on one thing. 
“What about before?” Gar croaked out, disappointment apparent in his voice. 
Jason looked over his shoulder with gentle confusion, and he felt the need to clarify. 
“What about everything that happened before Hank?” Gar rephrased the question. “Doesn’t that matter?” 
Why do we scream at each other?
Jason wanted to say - yes, of course it does. 
But it felt so much more complicated than that. 
“Gar-” He barely choked the name out before he was cut off. 
Gar couldn’t stand to hear more excuses - more reasons as to why Jason was going to cut and run. He reached a hand up to Jason’s neck and pulled him into a kiss before anything else could come spilling from his mouth. 
It felt like trying to desperately claw his way into the front door of a home he once knew - a house that was now cold and abandoned as Jason stood stalk still, purposefully not kissing him back. Jason wasn’t letting him in - not giving him a single sign that there was any love left there. That there had even been love here in the first place. 
Deep down, Jason was terrified. If he gave in and kissed Gar back - he would be done for. He would be opening himself up to a world of hurt that he once thought he could erase with doses of Anti-Fear Gas. 
Gar was used to playfulness; teeth nibbling on his lips, laughter in the air. He was used to a hand reaching for the tie on the front of his sweatpants while that cocky voice muttered lustful ‘threats’ against his mouth - something about how he was ‘going to get it’ - when in actuality, Jason was always the one who ended up a moaning mess on his cock. 
Tears spilled hotly from the corners of his eyes and a sobbed choked out from the back of his throat when Jason was completely still against him. He was being so coldly denied - Jason was like stone, fighting off everything he had missed most from Gar because he still felt like he had to run, and this was nothing more than a distraction from that. 
“Please.” Gar wept against his mouth. 
It was one of the hardest things he had ever done, but - Jason didn’t move. 
This is what it sounds like: When Doves Cry.
Gar pulled back harshly then. When his wet eyes fell to the Triforce printed in the middle of Jason’s chest, further signaling that it wasn’t his shirt (because he likely had no clue what the symbol meant or what it even was) - Gar felt a wave of rage overtake him. He gripped the hem of the green shirt and didn’t hesitate to yank it up over Jason’s head. Rather than the typical heat that this action would lead to, there was nothing but bitter tension in the air as Gar waved the ball-up fabric in front of Jason’s face. 
“This is mine.” He choked out, barely holding back a wave of sobs. “So - so if you’re leaving, you can’t take it with you. You can’t be that much of an asshole. You can’t just take everything that belongs to me.” 
Gar choked on his own words, holding back more. 
They both knew that the words held a dangerous double meaning. If he was going to run, he would be taking so much that belonged to Gar - so much more than some fabric that they had once blissfully shared. 
He would be ripping Gar’s heart out of his chest and taking it with him. 
Jason looked at him with tears now leaking from his eyes. Oceanic blue swimming in bloodshot red - not a pretty sight, by any means. He took in a heavy breath, but his stomach was visibly trembling where he was holding in his own sobs. 
He wanted Gar to tell him to stay. He didn’t want Gar to be okay with him leaving - he wanted it to be such a fight that he couldn’t just walk away. 
Touch if you will, my stomach.  Feel how it trembles inside.  You’ve got the butterflies all tied up.  Don’t make me chase you - even doves have pride. 
Gar - still feeling the need to comfort Jason, even stewing in all his anger toward this man he called lover, enemy, or friend - dropped the shirt on the floor and reached out, smoothing his hands over Jason’s hips. He leaned in and laid the most feather-light butterfly kisses across Jason’s shoulder, and Jason choked on another sob. 
Gar smoothed a hand over Jason’s stomach, and under the intense heat of Gar’s large palm - his muscles calmed. Any cries of anguish died off inside of him and he was able to gather enough breath to speak as Gar laid a gentle cheek on his shoulder. 
“You - you can’t do this.” Jason whispered, the weakest protest he could have come up with. 
Gar only hummed in response. This close to Jason, he could almost feel that thing inside Jason, yearning for him, crying out to him. 
He knew that Jason didn’t want to leave. He knew that if he was patient, Jason would crumble to the need as much as he was. 
He already felt as though he had won. 
“You’re a fucking hypocrite.” Jason added on, his words slightly steadier now. He curled his fingers into the fabric of the shirt Gar was wearing - the one he had picked up off of Jason’s bedroom floor when he had landed. “This is mine.” 
Gar wanted to make some sarcastic jest about how he wasn’t planning on leaving while wearing it - but he became choked up at how the words sounded. As though Jason was truly claiming him - something he had been waiting to hear for so damn long. 
He lifted his head to ask if it was true - if Jason would stay for him or if they could flee together - but Jason caught the back of his neck and slammed their lips together, stealing any words that Gar was planning to speak. 
There was a certain fierceness that followed next - a battle of stubborn wills that was as stiff and tense as their words. 
Passion and love and anger are spears all lined up on the same fence, all equally sharpened - Gar was still angry with Jason for leaving in the first place and never coming back. He still blamed Jason for all those months of bitter loneliness that he had felt, for being left there in the Tower with no help when Cadmus had attacked. Deep in the back of his mind, there was a fantasy of the night they attacked - of Beast Boy and Robin operating as the perfect team to snub out evil. 
Jason was still mad at Gar for not chasing him, for not asking him to come home. Mad at him for not making more of an effort, for siding with Dick on seemingly everything. 
He had no clue how hard Gar had fought to bring him home. How much Gar’s voice had burrowed into the ears of the others, especially Dick, being the only remaining one to speak up, vouching for Jason’s good side. If he had been a fly on the wall, perhaps he would have bowed at Gar’s feet, thanking him. 
But instead - these lopsided views created a bitter stubbornness. Something that made the kiss feral and angry - gnashing teeth and hot, hard breaths as they grabbed and groped at each other, battling with their own anger and swelling up with that love they tried so hard to deny. 
Why bother staying so angry with someone if you didn’t care about them? Why take that much time and effort to be pissed off if you wouldn’t just forgive the person out of love at the end of the day? 
Jason ripped off Gar’s shirt - the borrowed shirt that only further reminded him of everything he had missed out on, the home he couldn’t come back to. He threw it to the floor, trying his best to forget about it - but this only made way for Gar’s hot skin underneath his own, forcing more temptation as they made more skin-on-skin contact. 
He let out a kind of wounded sound when Gar gripped the back of his head and swept down, his mouth tracing along Jason’s neck, digging his teeth in. He was still unsure if he was trying to claim Jason in that animalistic way and make it impossible for him to leave or if he was just taking that anger out on him, trying to cause a little bit of pain - trying to make Jason feel a fraction of what he had felt. Either way, his teeth were savage and frantic on Jason’s skin, and Jason’s nerves screamed pleasurably with the full effects of it. 
“Fuck,” Jason moaned out as Gar sunk his teeth in harder. “Fuck you.” 
Gar was about to make some clever reply - the typical ‘you should’ or ‘I’m trying to’. 
But he was caught off guard, silenced when Jason put a hand in the middle of his now bare chest and shoved him back toward the bed - causing him to sprawl beside the bag that Jason had been trying to steal away with. He poofed out across the luxurious, expensive mattress; there was a worrying second as he looked up at Jason when he believed that Jason might just pick up that bag and run. 
He could use this as his opportunity to flee. 
But instead, Jason eyed him up and down heavily - lustful eyes casting a thick gaze over Gar’s body. Looking over every inch of him carefully, from his now ruffled hair, down across his heaving chest, to the place where Jason’s borrowed pants were hanging low on his hips - the thickness of his hard cock very apparent between his thighs with no underwear on underneath them. 
Jason knew it was temptation. Fondness. 
At the time, perhaps he considered it ‘one last hurrah’. But in truth, it was the breaking point - the point of no return. The point at which Gar had truly hooked him in and reeled him back. Between those big, beautiful brown eyes staring up at him with a combination of intense affection and fear at the possibility of him leaving and that fat cock practically calling to him - Jason was done for. 
Jason reached for the button on his own pants, and Gar remained frozen for a moment. 
“Well,” Jason said impatiently. Gar still didn’t move, unsure what was expected of him in that moment. “Get your fuckin’ pants off. I know you’re not shy about stripping down, ya damn nudist.” 
Gar felt the tension leave his body with a stiff exhale. He wanted to make some smartass comment, but found himself lacking. Instead, he became distracted by rushing to get the pants off and watching the flexing of Jason’s muscles while he worked to get his own pants and boots off. 
All he could muster up was: 
“You - you’re an asshole,” Gar chuckled out, throwing Jason a genuine smile as he kicked the fabric off his ankles, leaving himself wonderfully bare in the middle of the bed. 
Gar’s eyes traced over Jason’s naked body - he seemed more thick and muscular than the last time Gar had seen him. Had he been training harder in the time that he’d been gone? Though his overall build was still much the same - matching Gar in stature, though Gar’s muscles were leaner and softer compared to Jason now. And if Gar wasn’t mistaken, Jason’s cock was bigger? Though that seemed more like a trick of the eye. (Though, it was still a good two or three inches smaller than Gar’s, which Jason often called ‘monstrous’ and joked that he could barely walk after taking.) 
Gar didn’t have too much time to admire Jason’s nudity before Jason was on top of him, bumping their cocks together as he climbed onto Gar’s lap. 
Gar let out a harsh growl from deep within his chest at the feeling of his sensitive dick being touched by someone else for the first time in months - for the first time since Jason had stormed away from the Tower in a fit. Since then, he’d had nothing but his own hand and distant memories of Jason fueled by the fading smell on the clothes he’d left behind. 
Even then, it’s not like he had the opportunity or even the desire to touch himself all that often - not with the chaos going on in his life. So having a warm body in his lap again - the warm body of someone he had missed so fucking much - it reignited the fire inside of him like poking holes in a gasoline tankard and lighting a match. 
“Fuck, Jay.” 
Gar reached up and tightly, possessively grabbed Jason by the ass, pulling him closer instinctively. This caused the echo of a whimper from within Jason’s throat as he bent down to take Gar’s lips again. Jason’s hands planted firmly on the hard muscle of Gar’s chest and Gar kept that needy grasp on Jason’s ass - wanting to keep Jason as close to him as possible. 
The touch quickly turned into moving Jason on top of him, grinding Jason’s body on top of his so that their cocks were gyrating together - a perfectly filthy clash of hot skin that fit together so well after they had been apart for too long. 
They moaned into each other’s mouths and Jason forced his tongue past Gar’s sweet, pink lips - as if he was still trying to put up that fight, still trying to show that he held some power over the man underneath him. Gar’s cock was leaking furiously and soon the slide of their two cocks became wet and glossy while Gar’s bright pink cockhead was continually nudged against his stomach, making a mess against his abs and staining slickness all over Jason’s eager, throbbing dick. 
“Fuck. Fuck, man.” Jason hissed, pulling away from the kiss, a new urgency pumped into him. 
Gar felt a slight streak of disappointment when Jason looked away from him - like a fictional pixie, fading away for the slightest moment without Jason’s attention. The feeling was doubled when Jason took the touch of his chest. He actually found himself whimpering like a pathetic puppy as he wondered what Jason was doing. 
It made a bit more sense when Jason frantically unzipped his would-be getaway bag - rifling through the pockets, ripping out spare underwear and - fuck, of course, more of Gar’s bright green shirts that he had stolen - until he came back with a bottle in hand. 
Of course. Of course that would be something Jason considered to be an essential to travel with when he was stealing away into the night, never to be seen or heard from again. 
Gar would have made some kind of joke about it, but he found his mouth dry, and he was far too horny and mesmerized, his blood pumping through him at top speed as he watched Jason. Who uncapped the bottle and squirted some onto his fingers - then his hand disappeared behind him while he tensed his thighs and hiked his body higher up onto his knees, clearly with the intent to finger himself open in preparation for Gar’s cock. 
Gar huffed out hot breath. 
It had been so damn long. 
He felt his cock pulse with fierce need and spurt out more pathetic spurts of precum, making his stomach even more shiny as it began to pool inside his belly button. He rubbed his hands lovingly over Jason’s thighs as he continued to watch with the utmost rapture, his eyes drinking in every single inch of the beautiful body in front of him - the flexing muscles, the sharpness of Jason’s hips, the thickness of his thighs, the way his perfect, modest cock bobbed between his thighs while he worked. His plump, pink bottom lip snagged between his teeth while he tried to contain his moans. Something that turned the sounds into the most beautiful little grunts that Gar had ever heard. 
After a few moments, Jason pulled his fingers from himself with a sinfully wet sound, and then he reached for the bottle of lube again. Gar was surprised though when he went straight to pouring the shockingly cool liquid across Gar’s cock. 
Typically it took them a lot more work to get Jason ready to take Gar, seeing as he was a bit longer than nine inches, impressively thick - and though he tried his hardest to be gentle - when Jason begged him and nagged him with purpose, he could sometimes get carried away. (Jason claimed that he liked the feeling of soreness afterwards, but Gar sometimes felt guilty for letting go of self control and pounding into Jason like an animal.) 
“You - you want more help?” Gar choked out. 
With Jason’s hand on his cock, spreading the wetness, he was already pushing his orgasm down past the onslaught of sensations - the lube warming under Jason’s hot touch, the purposefully loose grip that Jason had on his dick that just made him itch and made him want more. 
Jason grunted in reply. 
“I fucked myself this morning.” He said, distinctly not making eye contact with Gar. Instead, continuing to stare at his own hand as he picked up the bottle and poured more wetness around his grip on that impressive, thick cock, and then spread it around. 
He almost added on: ‘I was thinking about you when I did it.’ 
But somehow, even now - that felt too emotionally vulnerable. 
Gar quickly became swallowed up by heated thoughts of this. He became consumed by the visual image of Jason splayed out on a bed somewhere, (wherever he had been staying since he had left), fucking himself with his fingers shoved deep inside his well-lubed hole while his other hand moved frantically on his cock. Or even better, pounding a toy inside of himself like the one Gar had found snooping through his room while looking for anything he could use to help Jason against Crane. 
He would look so fucking good like that, spread open on the unforgiving thickness of the silicone, desperate whines and moans coming from his lips because it was good, but it just wasn’t right. It wasn’t enough. It wasn’t perfect like having Gar’s hot body on top of him while Gar’s big cock carved out a spot deep inside his guts- 
While Gar was distracted by these thoughts, Jason took the opportunity to line up the now well-lubed dick with his prepped hole and sink down onto Gar without another word. This caught Gar off guard, stealing his breath in the best way. It was smooth and slick and he didn’t waste a second before putting his entire body weight onto Gar, letting his ass rest flush with Gar’s pelvis so that Gar’s impressive cock was fully inside of him. 
“Jay - oh, fuck.” 
Gar let out a chest-rattling moan and quickly became dizzy, and it didn’t even occur to him that Jason had skipped putting a condom on him. So, this was the first time that he was bare inside Jason, absolutely no barriers between them. He couldn’t mentally comprehend it, and all he could think was - of course it was hotter, of course it felt better - he hadn’t seen Jason for so long, he had forgotten how perfect Jason felt around him, he had forgotten that it felt this fucking good. 
“God, fuck, Gar, your dick-” Jason mumbled out, clearly lost in a haze of pleasure himself. 
Jason didn’t waste a second - with Gar too pleasure-numb, Jason simply took what he needed. He planted his hands on Gar’s chest while Gar’s hands rested dumbly on his thighs, and he began frantically bouncing up and down on Gar’s dick, impaling himself on that beautiful big cock, quickly creating a good rhythm. He watched with awe and swelling adoration as his eyes locked on the man below him. 
Gar looked so perfect like this. 
His body was a sculpture of perfection, like Adonis himself, carved from marble. Every single time Jason got him naked in bed, he wondered how the hell he had gotten so lucky. With his pink lips parted as increasingly loud moans escaped him and his brows creased with pleasure, bits of that distinct green hair stuck to his forehead from the efforts. His stomach fluttering and flexing every single time Jason slammed his hips down and took Gar back inside him fully, Gar’s body glistening with sweat, slick from their encounter so far - he was a picture of perfection, not a single flaw that Jason could pick out.
And while his hole was tingling with the pleasure of having Gar inside him again and his cock was throbbing as it danced between them, beginning to sputter out precum now - he was beginning to ache with a brand new need. 
He was chasing a sexual need, of course, but he was also growing frantic with an emotional need that he had pushed down for so many months. He had missed Gar so fucking much. So much it hurt - and he had used so much to try and forget about it - the Anti Fear gas, the intense focus on Crane’s mission, the booze, the distance. 
But now it was all right here in front of him - those moans he had missed so much, that green hair, the smell of someone so distinct that he had tried huffing off clothing like a drug that he couldn’t buy anywhere off the street. He swallowed thickly and tried his best to hold back tears, and was only reminded of this more when Gar’s fingers dug into his hips - a firm but loving grasp that only more deeply reminded him of who he was fucking. Reminded him of what he had missed out on. 
“Dammit,” Jason huffed out. “Fuck - your-your cock is so good,” 
Usually he was a motormouth during sex. He was infamous for never shutting up until his orgasm hit him like a truck. If it was spitting out ‘fuckboy’-esque promises that he never could keep because he usually wasn’t the one fucking Gar’s brains out (but rather, mindlessly taking a cock), or horny blabbering as he begged for more - his tongue was constantly sputtering out something while Gar touched him. 
So he thought that talking would be a good distraction from the horrible knot in his gut - from this thing that he was feeling. He didn’t need to deal with those stupid fucking feelings right now. He just didn’t. 
“So fuckin’ big.” Jason whined. “You feel so good inside me.” 
Gar grunted in return, taking a tighter hold on Jason’s hips and helping more now. He helped Jason slam down harder, causing a harsher collision of their skin each time - a sharp, wet slapping that sounded absolutely sinful in the room. It made Jason feel fuller somehow, and he let out a downright whorish sound, struggling to get out his next words. 
“God - I - fuck -” He whined. “Your cock - Gar - you feel so-” 
“Yeah.” Gar breathed back in reply, encouraging him. “Yeah, Jay.” 
With another hard slam of Gar’s hips up into his hole, Jason’s mouth was knocked loose. 
“Missed this dick.” He breathed out. “Missed this - missed this so much. Missed you.” 
It was a stubborn admission that even the world’s harshest torture couldn’t have pulled out of him. But the feeling of Gar’s cock deep inside of him, those fingers digging into his flesh like he owned Jason - that was enough to have his tongue loosening around his secrets and have him spilling into vulnerability like it was his fucking job. 
Jason didn’t have enough time for the sting of regret to settle over saying the words, because something inside Gar snapped. The mourning in Jason’s voice, knowing that Jason has missed him just as much - he went from dumb and lustful as Jason bounced on his cock to swelling with that passionate anger once again. He had missed too much time with Jason, and he needed to make up for it. He needed Jason to know that he couldn’t just run away - that he mattered. 
He became filled with the determined need to show Jason that he couldn’t leave - he could never leave, because Gar had missed him too. 
Gar loved him. Gar needed him. 
They needed each other. 
Gar grabbed him around the waist and with a deep growl that was truly bordering on animal this time, he flipped Jason over onto his back. His cock slipped out of Jason, slick from the lube, causing Jason to make a startled, disappointed noise as he suddenly felt far too empty. When Gar leaned over Jason and felt Jason’s getaway bag brushing against his knee, a swell of offense came over him. He reached for the bag, shoving it off the bed without a second thought - spilling clothes and other random items across the floor out of the open zippers, something that neither of them paid any mind to in the following hours. 
“Please, Gar-” Jason breathed out, and from there, anything else in the world was shut out for him and Gar. 
Maybe what they had done before could never be considered making love - but they certainly had their moments. Times when Jason would kiss Gar’s forehead after making him cum, before getting out of bed without a word. Times when Gar grabbed both of Jason’s hands and interlocked their fingers while he rocked his cock deep inside of him. But for the most part, they fucked filthy and horny and desperate. They fucked like two guys in a race to get each other off - and it worked for them. 
But this felt different. 
As Gar slipped his cock back inside of Jason, he locked eyes with the man below him and a spark ran through him that said this was different. This wasn’t turning to the closest warm body out of convenience or boredom. This wasn’t just a friendship with some very particular, spectacular benefits. This was the intense gaze of a lover, locked into a stare that said the rest of the world was locked out, completely forgotten just because Gar was touching him. 
This was coming home. 
This meant that nothing else mattered - no past transgressions, no supposed mistakes, no demanding corrupt figures that had used them as pawns in their own games - none of it could even be seen as Jason locked his knees around Gar’s lower back, holding him tightly in place, silently begging him not to go too far. 
A quiet: please, don’t leave me, I need you. 
I need you just as much as you need me. I swear it. 
Gar held back more tears, and his next huff of breath turned into another low growl - a sound that had Jason whining quietly and clenching down on his cock. That hint at his more animal side had always been something Jason had liked - especially knowing that Gar was the most tame ‘beast’ he had ever met. Ironic, considering that Gar could turn into a six hundred pound tiger and he could shred people with his teeth at will. But Gar was the most gentle person Jason had ever known - someone he trusted with his life within a day of knowing him. Someone better than his own blood relatives and shitty foster ‘families’ who had tossed him out onto the street without a second thought. 
Gar was never a beast, no matter what he was capable of. 
“Please.” Jason begged, his voice slightly choked and breathless. 
He held on tightly to the side of Gar’s face, the other hand straying around to grip the back of Gar’s shoulder - and though Gar’s cock was already throbbing and threatening to blow far too early, he knew he couldn’t deny Jason any longer. 
Gar pressed his forehead into Jason’s neck, unable to stand the piercing interrogation of that gaze - looking for atonement, looking for validation, looking for love. Gar would give him all of those things, and he fucking will - but he couldn’t concentrate on that and delivering a quality fuck at the same time. Jason deserved that, too. He deserved to cum in a spectacular and satisfying way. 
With his concentration a bit steadier, Gar began to fuck his hips forward - fucking into Jason in slow, smooth strokes. 
“Jay, fuck,” He moaned out. “So fucking good. You’re so fucking good.” 
Jason let out a high whine in return and Gar sped up his hips - fucking into Jason faster, but nowhere near as fast as Jason had been riding him. It was still so tender and slow, deep and firm as the thickness of his cock truly made a home inside of Jason that reminded them both exactly where he belonged. 
Jason’s voice warbled - becoming nothing but a nonsensical echo of weak sounds dispersing into the air. Gar couldn’t help himself; he kissed a trail from the middle of Jason’s chest up his neck once again, taking the time to lay a few more possessive bites across Jason’s neck before he reached his face. When he felt roughness under his lips, it truly sunk in that Jason had been hurt - he had picked up a few injuries while fighting to defend him and the other Titans. Jason had put his body on the line for them. 
How could Jason ever be bad if he was willing to get hurt in order to protect his family? 
A swell of passion and possessiveness streaked through him again. 
His tongue sneaked out of his mouth and he licked over the cut above Jason’s eye like a cat trying to lick the wound clean, all of his instincts heightened with the lust pumping through him. Something in his lust-drunken brain was screaming at him that Jason needed this care, and nothing more than the saliva from his tongue would make Jason feel better. 
He did this, kitten licking across the cut, while he continually ground his hips deeply against Jason’s, stuffing his cock ever deeper into Jason’s needy hole. It made for a breath-taking combination of care, attention, and heat that made Jason’s stomach curl. 
“Gar-” He gasped out. “I - ah - fuck!” 
Gar gave another little lick and then moved to grab both of Jason’s hands, entwining their fingers on both sides as he had done in the past. Previous times Jason had laughed about it or called him cheesy, or even suggested that Gar use handcuffs instead if he truly wanted to pin Jason down. But this time, as Gar brought the grip of their tangled hands up above Jason’s head and continued fucking him so deeply. Jason only let out another shuddering gasp and looked Gar in the eyes with a glassy look that said he was truly gone. 
He had surrendered everything to Gar now. 
He couldn’t have run from this if he tried. 
“Come on,” Gar grunted, slamming his hips a little harder, a little more determined - pulling back a bit more, going a bit deeper. It was a motion that pulled louder sounds from Jason, that made him tremble. 
“Cum for me.” He breathed into Jason’s ear. “Cum on my cock - so good for me. Cum for me, show me how much you missed me.” 
Gar kept Jason pinned by their joined hands and by his hips holding Jason tightly to the bed. With his cock slamming into Jason in fierce, heavy, hard strokes - and with Jason’s cock jostling between them, brushing against Gar’s impossibly hot stomach - it was difficult for him to deny the order. With those words spoken in that perfect voice, floating in his ears, the orgasm shot through his body like his soul awakening - like he was truly feeling himself for the first time since he had woken up after The Pit. 
“Shh - shit! Ah! Fuck!” 
He gasped and struggled to get air into his lungs, and Gar cloaked his mouth over Jason’s gaping lips, fucking him right through it. Jason’s cock jumped and jolted between them, painting both their stomachs with his cum while his hole tightened and clenched around Gar - while he shook beneath Gar and tightly grasped Gar’s hands. 
It was utterly perfect. 
“Please, please, please-” Jason gasped, frantic. 
He needed Gar to cum, too. He needed the feeling to be complete. 
Gar let out another growl, shoving his head into Jason’s neck, taking a healthy whiff of his sweat as he fucked his hips hard into Jason. 
“Mine.” He growled possessively into Jason’s skin. “Mine, mine, mine-” He punctuated each slap of his hips into Jason’s ass with the word, his mind filled with this as though it were the one true thing in the world. 
A final pathetic dribble of cum escaped Jason before Gar’s cock began pumping into him. As he came, Gar’s teeth latched onto his neck once again, biting down hard enough to pull blood this time - creating a twinge of copper under Gar’s tongue and wringing even more inhuman sounds out of Jason. 
Gar pressed his hips as deep as possible into Jason, making them both utterly high on the feeling of his cum fucking deep into Jason for the first time. Jason feeling it so warm inside of him and having it pool and leak down over Gar’s balls - it only further reminded them how utterly close they were, how deeply Gar had marked Jason, how Jason was cursed to return back to Gar because he needed this - it was a deep reminder of how Gar was his home. 
Tears leaked from Jason’s eyes and Gar licked them away, grinding his hips deep into Jason - causing stray whimpers and aftershocks of pleasure while his cock began to soften. 
“God, oh-” 
“I know.” Gar replied, his voice more ragged than he imagined it should be. 
When he pulled out, it felt like a shock to both of their systems. Too empty, too distant - even still so close to a warm body, too cold. 
Jason’s first instinct was to get up and go to the bathroom to clean up. Especially feeling the stickiness and the mess all over his body as he came down from the high. But Gar rolled onto his back and put a tight arm around his back. 
“Sleep now.” Gar told him, puffing out an oddly cute little yawn. For someone who had just fucked his brains out - he now resembled a sleepy little house cat. 
Jason found that he couldn’t really argue with that. 
Even though Jason was exhausted and hadn’t slept much in the past few weeks, he woke up long before Gar did. 
There was still so much worry plaguing him. 
Oddly enough, Gar’s snoring was more of a comfort than it was a disturbance. It reminded him of sharing a wall with Gar when their bedrooms had been so close together; when he had laid awake at night after scurrying out of Gar’s bed at top speed after they had fucked, wondering what it would have been like if he had decided to stay. 
Back then, it felt like the end of the world to open up to Gar. But now, he couldn’t help but to wonder if it would have saved him in the long run. 
Titans Tower was never the perfect place for him. It only ever felt livable because Gar had been there. They grew so close so quickly - at the time, Jason had tried to convince himself that it was just friendship. That it was the delusion of being stuck in close quarters. Gar was convenient - he was a good fuck, close by, and he was hot. He was someone Jason could get off with while Dick and Bruce had him locked up. And most of all, Gar was pleasant to be around. He didn’t look down on Jason like he was just some street rat, and he didn’t expect Jason to perform miracles just because he had taken on the mantle of Robin. 
Gar treated him like an equal. At the time, that was the best that Jason could ask for. 
Jason didn’t think there were any possible downsides to being close with Gar, and letting himself have some sexual relief in the process. 
Until Deathstroke. 
If he had any feelings for Gar, he had been suppressing them, and then - Gar argued with him about going out to hunt down Doctor Light. He felt betrayed. He felt like Gar didn’t understand him anyway, like Gar would always side with Bruce’s favorite - Good Old Dickie. The one thing he had been putting Gar on a pedestal for - treating him as an equal - was slashed away within seconds. 
Back then, Jason couldn’t think rationally. He felt like he needed to capture Doctor Light and bring him in to get back in Bruce’s good graces, to show the Titans what he could do. He had no clue that Gar was scared for him; that he was acting out of fear, trying to protect Jason. (Something he would continue to do no matter what, apparently.) 
At the time, Jason was insecure and stir crazy and he let it get to him. 
And then, he was blindfolded, strapped to a chair, stabbed, and beaten, and all he could think of was how much he was going to disappoint Gar. How much he was going to hurt him. Bruce, Dick, and the other Titans were the farthest thing from his mind - all he could think about were the last time those soft lips had been on his, the flash of green hair. The utterly disappointed look Gar had given him when he had declined to call Dick for back-up before going into the train tunnels. 
Gar thought Jason was stupid. But Gar was so damn soft-hearted. And Jason couldn’t stop thinking about how much he was going to hurt Gar with his idiotic antics. How much he was going to take from someone who didn’t deserve it. 
As he was strapped to that chair, watching Deathstroke sharpen the sword, all he could think about was the look on Gar’s face - the tears he was going to cry when he was eventually told about Jason being sliced open. Especially because he knew that Gar would blame himself for not saving Jason, for not calling Dick sooner - and it was all Jason’s own stupid fault. 
When he got back, somehow unscathed, he kept his distance from Gar. It hadn’t happened then, but the day would come when he would bring Gar a lot of undue pain - and if he started severing their ‘friendship’ now, then he could eventually soften the blow. At least, that was his line of thinking. He kept far away from Gar’s room when he needed that comfort more than ever, thinking that it would both do them better in the long run. 
When a knock came on his door, he was surprised that it was Rose, and not Gar - and he was pissed off and annoyed more than anything. She was persistent and he was tired. 
When she barged her way in, he found a particular part of his brain nagging at him - telling him that technically, he was still single. He shouldn’t get so attached to Gar anyway, because it would only hurt them both later on. Maybe it was because he didn’t want to be attached - he wanted to know that he could run at any time. He needed to know that he wouldn’t get hurt. More importantly, that he wouldn’t hurt someone soft and caring like Gar. 
He wanted to be able to say that everything going on between him and Gar was just sex. 
So he let himself kiss Rose. 
And he felt absolutely nothing. 
When she told him: ‘Don’t be stupid and maybe it’ll happen again.’ 
He wanted to bark out: ‘It won’t.’ 
But he didn’t want to lay it all out. He didn’t want to tell her of all people that he was in love with his best friend and that’s why he wasn’t available. He wasn’t ready to say it out loud - and that’s why he settled for simply telling her to loudly fuck off as he stormed out of Titans Tower, determined to be alone. Especially when Gar did nothing more than stare him down with sad eyes, not moving a muscle, making no efforts to chase him. 
He was meant to be alone. Or so he thought. 
It was very clear that Gar had other plans. 
Gar - who was currently snoring beside him with the presence of a slumbering lion. Perhaps Gar had skewed his idea of what it might actually be like to sleep beside a lion - wholly warm, downright hot, with heat radiating off his skin like a furnace, utterly soft and cuddly even though he was so muscled, someone who slept with his mouth agape and snored loudly - but in a pleasantly rhythmic way. He was a perfect, quaint, slumbering beast. 
He made Jason feel safe. 
It was not a luxury Jason had often in life. Maybe it was the thing that kept him coming back to Gar, again and again - that precious feeling of safety. It truly was better than any drug. 
More and more presently by the minute, Jason was reminded of the mess - the unpleasant drying cum between his cheeks and on his lower stomach, leaking out of him and no longer pleasantly warm. It made him want a shower. He didn’t want to scare Gar by having him wake up to an empty bed, but he also didn’t want to wake him, steal sleep away from him when he clearly desperately needed it. 
Jason nudged his way to the edge of the bed, trying to sneak away to the bathroom - but when he heard a harsh snort from Gar, he knew him well enough to know that this had signaled the end of his sleep; a harsh jolt awake. 
“Where are you going?” Gar mumbled tiredly, not even having his eyes fully open yet before he frantically looked around for Jason. 
“I was just gonna go shower, crawl outta my ass.” Jason hissed back, still feeling a bit raw and defensive. 
He knew that Gar would sacrifice anything for him, but he still felt unworthy. Like a puffer fish growing big in defense, Jason was spitting out sourness in a last-ditch attempt to get Gar to change his mind - to shift his thinking last minute and suddenly see the truth: to find him unworthy. 
Jason was almost shocked when Gar smiled. 
Gar held back a clever quip about how he had made a home inside Jason’s ass and he wasn’t going to change that now. 
“I’ll come with you.” He said instead. “Hot shower sounds nice right about now.” 
“You should stay and sleep.” Jason told him, still teetering on the edge of the bed. “You’re clearly tired.” 
“And you’re not?” Gar probed back. 
There was a moment of tense silence. Jason didn’t offer up a reply. 
“Come on, what’s this about?” Gar asked, fully opening his eyes now, propping himself up on one elbow to stare Jason down. 
“After I get dressed, I have to go and talk to Dick.” Jason declared. 
The words were heavy in the air. 
The admission that he no longer felt the need to run. That he wanted to make an effort to stay, that he actually wanted to ask for his place back with the Titans. 
Gar wanted to squeal with glee. Naturally, he held himself back. There would be a few more bumps in the road before Jason was officially home. 
“Not by yourself.” Gar told him sharply. 
Jason’s jaw clenched. He was afraid to admit that he needed the help. It was something he had been afraid of for a long time. 
But he knew that without Gar’s help, without Gar vouching for him in Dick’s eyes, the conversation would likely only go one way. 
And he needed to come home. He needed to stay. 
Jason felt weak, and his voice was quiet when he finally mustered it up. 
It was a weak surrender. But things between him and Gar had never been that kind of battle. Not the kind of battle that he had with Bruce, or with Dick, or even with himself. There was never any true hatred there. Just the kind of fierce anger you feel when you love someone so much that you fear losing them. 
So this surrender didn’t feel like a stain on his record - didn’t feel too much like giving up, after all. Not when the picture he ended up with had him and Gar in the same frame. It was something that made him feel more content and less defeated when Gar poorly concealed a smile in response - and then pulled him in for a kiss before getting up to grab towels for their shower.
A/N: This is a standalone oneshot, so please do not ask for a second part or a continuation. If you are going to comment, please comment about the body of work that has been written.
Also, typically, I don't write character x character fics, so if you randomly found this in tags and you really like it - I apologize, because the rest of my masterlist is not like this and I won't be writing anything else like it anytime soon. I do write a lot of Titans fics and I have a lot more of them on my masterlist, so if you enjoy my style of smut or if you really enjoy my characterization of these two, then you should definitely check out the other things I have written - particularly No Place Like Home, which has a lot more JayGar scenes in it.
If you do really like my writing style and you want to see Titans x Reader fics (which is what I typically write), then you can follow me and sign up for my DC Titans Taglist by replying to this post asking to be put on the taglist or sending me an ask about it. Anyway, glad you enjoying the fic if you read this far, thanks for reading!!
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conkers-thecosy · 8 months
Bagginshield-tober / Day 8 / Harp
Hey folks! Here's my offering for day eight of the "Bagginshield-tober" prompt list, by the lovely @smolestboop 💛 (I'm a day late, please forgive me!)
You can also find these little snippets compiled into one fic on AO3 - all the chapters link into each other, in chronological order as one big fic, so it's worth reading from the beginning, if you're interested!
Hope you enjoy!
“It’s a Shire tradition!”
Thorin looked in confusion between the small crate on the kitchen table, and the clearly excited, but also oddly bashful Hobbit standing beside it. Thorin had just entered for breakfast, surprised to find such a sight greeting him, not to mention all the other parcels that Bilbo had apparently been sat up wrapping for most of the night, littering the table in large piles.
“It is your birthday?” Thorin clarified slowly, feeling like he was missing something. “And you… wish to give me a gift?”
“Yes, that’s right,” Bilbo smiled, though a little uncertainly as he fidgeted a bit.
“I wish you had told me,” Thorin felt very odd about all this, though he didn’t like the fact that he hadn’t ever thought to ask when Bilbo’s birthday fell. “I might have made you a gift, organised a party for you…”
“Oh, no no!” Bilbo held up his hands and stepped forwards. “Birthday parties are always to be arranged by the birthee, and I have it well in hand. And it would be deemed terribly rude if I were to accept a gift! In all honesty, that was why I took such pains not to mention it to you, I thought you might try to find a way to help or, ah, give me something.”
He could immediately see how concerned Bilbo was by all of this, and resolved not to let his own idea of what a birthday should look like throw a dark cloud over the morning. Besides, there was nothing to stop him from giving Bilbo a completely unrelated gift in, say, a week or so, and perhaps treating him to something special for dinner, or a day out somewhere, or both. Thorin offered up a small smile and nodded his understanding.
“Very well, I will be happy to take part in this aspect of your culture. Consider me a willing student.”
Bilbo brightened considerably, his eyes lit up and his smile widened, and Thorin suddenly ached to pull him into a hug. He found some relief at least, as the Hobbit closed the distance between them and grabbed his hand, pulling him towards the table where the crate waited.
“This one’s yours!” he practically sang, more excited than anyone Thorin had ever seen when gifting another with a present. “It’s traditional to wait until the Do later, but I really have been desperate to give you this! It’s been burning a hole under my bed for weeks!”
Thorin couldn’t help but laugh, Bilbo’s enthusiasm was so infectious, but felt a little nervous as he opened the lid of the wooden crate with great care. He couldn’t fathom what Bilbo might have got him, and he was suddenly anxious about making sure he reacted correctly to whatever it was.
He needn't have worried, of course, as Bilbo seemed to have a knack for giving gifts just as much as he did for spinning words into beautiful tapestries of story. With great care and reverence, Thorin cleared the last of the packaging to reveal a beautiful, wooden harp.
It was small, similar to his gold one he had lost while on the road, though this was made with deep, polished maple, with accents of walnut and oak. The crown was fashioned into an intricate little circle of oak leaves and acorns. It was an absolute masterpiece.
He looked down at the instrument in awe, his fingers hovering over it for a moment before he brushed the strings delicately. The sound was beautiful, perhaps even more beautiful than his golden one had ever made, and his breath caught in his throat as a hundred memories assailed him. Being taught how to play by his grandmother, practising with Frerin and Dis, playing for and with friends and kin over the years. Happy memories, all.
“Do you like it?” Bilbo asked, his voice quiet, and eyes worried.
Thorin couldn’t help himself this time, and swept the Hobbit up into a close embrace, as he choked on his words and emotions in turn. “I love it, Bilbo. Thank you.”
“Oh, I am glad,” Bilbo sighed, sagging his small weight against Thorin and hugging him back tightly. “Perhaps, if it’s not an imposition, you might play for me later? Not if you don’t want to, of course, only I have missed your gift for music these past months.”
Thorin smiled, his heart warming even further at the compliment and the hesitance in turn. An imposition, indeed. “I would play for you all day, every day, if that was what you so wished, and I would take great pleasure in doing so.”
Something about their embrace seemed to change a little then, as Bilbo shifted his weight so they were set a little firmer against one another. His hands slid almost languidly from where they were grasped at the back of Thorin’s tunic, palms flat as they ran downwards and around to stop at his hips. The dwarf felt a jolt in his gut at the motion, but as Bilbo pulled back and looked up at him with a laugh, Thorin fought to keep his composure.
��I would love that,” Bilbo grinned. “But sadly I have too much to do today to fully appreciate such a gallant offer! I’ve outsourced most of the catering, but there are some things a Baggins simply must do himself, after all.”
Thorin swallowed hard, willing his face to stop tingling with the threat of a blush. “Indeed? Such as?”
“Why, the cake, of course!”
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naranjapetrificada · 1 month
Time for Fanfic Friday!
First, a WIP update: it appears that the much lamented Izzy POV section of Chapter 3 was important scaffolding for the chapter as a whole, and finally tackling it clarified most of the rest of the structure I needed. I order to gauge my progress over the last several weeks, I moved everything to a new doc and it looks like I'm about halfway to my self-imposed upper word count limit of ~8000. That's not a goal, it can be shorter, but it will certain grow on revision.
All of which is to say that the weeks I've spent whining about my slow progress weren't necessary, because I have been making progress, even if it wasn't visible to me at the time. TLDR Chapter 3 will be here sooner than you think, although idk exactly when. My progress over the next couple days will determine whether it takes one week or two (or three) for me to have a beta-ready draft. I think. I hope.
Anyway, time for recs! I seem to have fallen into a rhythm of a few OFMD recs and one from GO, and if it ain't broke I won't try to fix it! Here's some things I've been reading:
Maybe it's just time to give @piratecaptainscaptainpirates a permanent Fanfic Friday slot, because no matter what he seems to end up on here. And this time I've got TWO recs! There's Moth to a Flame, a sweet funny modern one-shot where Ed pretends to share Stede's enthusiasm for bugs early in their relationship, with predictable consequences; and their newest multi-chapter WIP On a Bright Day, Next Week, which is (sort of?) a Portal/Portal 2 AU? Or at least inspired by it? In any case, I've never hit the subscribe button faster.
fuck ’em, only we know by @medievill, which is more of the inevitable Zaddy fallout, something I cherish every possible iteration of.
In "older fics I'm finally circling back around to" we've got Here's to the Night by @xoxoemynn, a Y2K NYE AU because who doesn't love acronyms? But for real, it's sweet and funny and full of wonderful 1999 flavor that made me smile a lot.
As an Astrology Gay you know I was gonna love Connecting the Dots by @theyellowestmustard! It's so good I can even ignore my personal headcanon that Ed is a Pisces, whereas in this fic he's a Cancer. At least we agree on his undeniable watery nature, and that even though astrology is fake, he's too sweet to ever be a Scorpio. Anyway what really matters here is Ed getting pampered on his special day by Stede "The Most Romantic Motherfucker Alive" Bonnet, as is right and proper.
Last but not least there's Waddle Together by @sylwritesstuff, a weird wonderful GO fic that I genuinely can't explain how I found, but I have to assume it was fate because I had such a blast reading it. This may be the first and only time I've finished a fic where Crowley and Aziraphale aren't their eldritch selves. They're uh, not human either. Just roll with it.
As always, happy Friday and happy reading!
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An ask game for writers to procrastinate working on your WIPs
Thank you for tagging me @ic3-que3n @theearlgreymage @wellbelesbian @shrekgogurt @orange-peony @youarenevertooold @whatevertheweather @thewholelemon @cutestkilla @aristocratic-otter @monbons @emeryhall @valeffelees (wow everyone is out here playing huh?)
🦈Tell us the name of your / one of your WIP(s)
As of right now, I’m going with Back and Back and Back but that may change.
🍄Decscribe your wip / one of your wips in the format of “___ + ___ =___”
Past flashbacks in which Baz grows up being visited by an older Simon in the woods outside his house in Hampshire + current 7th year Simon suddenly finds himself traveling back in time to visit young Baz = both Simon and Baz trying to figure out what’s happening in the present, resulting in them falling in love in a mesh of past and present
🌍What tags or warnings will your / one of your wip(s) need if you intend to share it?
Soulmates, time travel, canon divergent, Watford-era, angst with a happy ending, kid!Baz, lightly inspired by Time Traveler’s Wife.
🧭An alternative title to your / one of your WIP(s)?
I mentioned this last week, but I quite like Start at the End, even though I don’t think it technically is accurate or describes the fic.
⚠️Which wip you’re most likely to finish or update next?
Idk, this one will be quite long, but everything else in my WIP folder are just attempts at starting a premise I liked, but none of them have gotten much traction, so probably this one? Hopefully?
💾What is your document of your wip / a wip called? (not the stories actual title but what you’ve saved it as)
Time Travel AU
🖍Post Any sentence from your wip
He whistles, looking around and finally taking the time to fully appreciate the tree house.
“Did you make this?”
“With help,” I explain. “Some from Father. Mostly from you.”
His eyebrows raise in surprise. That’s one thing I’ve yet to figure out, why he forgets. Sometimes, he remembers our past visits with more detail than I do. As if they’d just happened the day before instead of years ago. Other times, he can’t remember something as big as building a treehouse with me. He reminds me of my grandmother, when her dementia had its grips on her. She’d recall something from her childhood so clearly, and the next minute, she’d forget my name.
Father didn’t want me to call attention to it in front of her. He said it would only make her more confused. So I don’t mention it to him, either. We just sort of…dance around it, without mentioning it outright. (He’d fit right in with my family, honestly.) I just clarify things and then we move on.
♻️A scrapped idea for your current WIP
I was thinking about having the Humdrum be a time traveling younger Simon, or something like that, in addition to current Simon being a time traveler. Like, they discover there’s another version of him traveling, but I thought that would be too confusing. So instead, he’s just the regular ol’ Humdrum.
🤔What’s a story you’d love to write but haven’t even started yet?
I have a lil Drabble in my head about Baz being sad while his wedding ring is getting fixed by the jewelers for a week so Simon has to cheer him up. (It me. Rubbing my empty ring finger all week while it’s getting fixed and I hate it not being there.)
🤡How many Wips are you actively working on?
Actively? I think just this one right now. There are about 4 other half starts from earlier this year when I was just throwing spaghetti noodles at the wall to see what stuck. Some of them I may come back to if I get a burst of inspiration or something.
🛠Is there a scene or anything in the WIP you are struggling with right now?
(One of) the big reveals because the scene carries a lot of emotional weight, and I want to do it right.
❤️Not a question, just a second kudos to send.
And kudos to anyone who read this far!
Anyone else want to play? @facewithoutheart @hushed-chorus @iamamythologicalcreature @ileadacharmedlife @blackberrysummerblog @run-for-chamo-miles @mooncello @angelsfalling16 @artsyunderstudy and anyone else interested! 💜
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soobberries · 1 year
Dilf!Seonghwa pt 2.
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Author's Note: Mayhaps I'm tempted to make this a proper fic series and rewrite it... But for now, it's going to be a 'deconstructed fanfiction' as I call it. Let me know if you want a part 3! Feedback is always appreciated too!
Also, this hasn't been properly proofread :p
Warning: Despite this technically being based on a legal reader, since there is a somewhat large age gap - thought I would clarify:
Please be aware that I do not condone any type of relationships between minors and adults, nor do I encourage the idea of being a homewrecker. This is all just fiction! So without further ado, let’s get started!
Genre: Doesn’t exactly have one but has elements of crack and is suggestive.
Age: This is written for a somewhat mature audience so please, no under 16s. Stay safe younglings <3
Word Count: 3.9k
Part one: click here!
Yeah booooiiiiiz, let’s go!
After the first encounter at the fundraiser, which by the way, was ruined by some PTA moms gossiping outside the bathroom door (which caused you and Mr. Park to get the shock of your lives. Fumbling around the enclosed space in slight panic with the sudden reality check of where you two were). 
It ended in him having covered your exposed self with his blazer, insisting you can keep it, secretly in hopes that it would be an excuse to somehow see you again. 
Despite it being painfully awkward (read: unlawful), you were far too intrigued by Mr. Park to let that be your last encounter as well. 
I mean who can blame you? It was a day that definitely took you for a ride (and perhaps not the exact one you would prefer but who knows, maybe it'll lead to the ideal one 🤪). 
jk jk… Unless-
Sometimes you even question if it was a fever dream or something but… you knew it wasn't- 
… the blazer stared you down a lot. It definitely was real. 
So you maaaay have decided against your better judgment to look after Nila a whole lot more these days, just in the rare case you may bump into him :D
You’ve been pretty unlucky though.
You’ve become used to seeing Yerim running towards you with Nila to give you hugs though… which honestly? A very wholesome experience so you can't complain. 
Yerim loved you now since Nila was her best friend and if you were taking Yerim back to Nila’s house or they were going to hang out, you’d take them out for ice cream secretly without their parents knowing (which made it even more exciting for them).
Listen, part of you knew that maybe all this was stupid, and the chances of seeing him were slim, but it wasn’t all too bad and you didn’t have anything to lose.
These two kids were basically like your own but without the burden and responsibility of being an actual parent, and you were making some decent cash over the summer (plus your mom was pleased with how much you were helping her co-worker since it helped their relationship too.) 
Which was great honestly. You grew to like the two munchkins since they weren’t bad or rude. They were both a little chaotic and loud at times, but overall, just really sweet, happy kids. You couldn’t help but cherish them.
So even without seeing the handsome devil himself, you felt satisfied with your looney decision as it came with other benefits. 
It wasn’t until one particular day after the girls had some late afternoon sports practice that you ended up finally seeing the man that's been plaguing your thoughts for the past while. 
Of course, you were excited to see that he was indeed, not a figment of your imagination anymore, however, you weren't as happy as you thought you'd be. 
In fact, you were pretty angry when you did end up seeing him…
You had good reason to be though.
After their practice, Nila asked if you and her could wait with Yerim until her mom came to fetch her so she wouldn’t be alone...and yes perhaps some undying curiosity about who the mysterious ‘Mrs Park’ actually was, was urging you to stay…
But you did also care for the two girls so it was a no-brainer when you ultimately sat down with them outside at one of the nearby benches, not really bothered.
Uhhhh… nevermind?
It’s been about an hour and both girls were getting restless, as well as yourself. 
Where was Mrs Park, or at the very least, the driver she often sent to fetch Yerim instead? 
You offered your phone to Yerim, and she was polite and thankful at the gesture, however, after dialing the number she knew off by heart twice, her mother didn’t answer, so she phoned the only other number she knew: her dad.
Seonghwa’s coupe rolled up about thirty minutes after the call, and if it weren’t for the circumstance, you’d be eyeing down his expensive car more carefully.
“Daddy!” Yerim shouted, running towards him with her arms open, only relief and excitement in her voice.
He leaned down waiting for her hug before embracing her into his arms.
“Hey sweetheart! Sorry, I made you wait, love. Why don’t you go put your stuff in the car while Daddy speaks to Y/n?”
(score, he remembers your name. Yerim must mention you at home sometimes). 
The girl nodded, running towards you to give you a hug as a thank you before running off to the car with her things, Nila assisting in carrying her lunchbox and maths book to the car as well.
You stood arms crossed and all, staring him down expectantly. 
Seonghwa gulped at how scary the aura you were exuding appeared to be.
“Nice to see you again,” is all he could get out with a small smile; meekly, at that.
Your knees were weak at the sight of his smile but your head was still strong.
“You made your kid wait two hours, you know that? They close facilities in fifteen minutes. How could you let her wait so long?” You spoke calmly, but Seonghwa couldn’t help but feel a little ashamed despite the gentle voice.
It felt like you were aggressively scolding him, despite you actually being more reasonable than perhaps the situation granted.
His chest tightened; he knew it was because he hated seeing you even slightly upset, he just wasn’t exactly sure why.
It just gave him an uneasy feeling in the pit of his stomach, as if he feared something…
“Her mom was supposed to come and she didn’t. Apparently, she had work and forgot to tell me…” He uttered while gazing at the floor and clasping his hands awkwardly in front of him.
It was the first time Seonghwa didn’t have this confident flair that was always present, even if it was just in his walk.
He genuinely looked upset with himself and it made your heart drop a little, realizing that it’s not really your place to speak about what you did. You were just some girl, You crossed the line…
But it obviously wasn’t purposeful and granted, something had to be said. Being left at school by your parents can sometimes be the worst feeling after a long school day, and you know Yerim has mentioned waiting at school for a long while more than once.
“Hey,” You reached over towards him, placing your hands atop his shoulders.
“It wasn’t your fault. You were busy right?”
Seonghwa, with a spark in his eye, looked towards you, hesitantly nodding.
He had a small pout displayed and for a second you couldn’t help but wonder how the hell this handsome, adult man could look so cute.
No wait, be serious here!
“It just shouldn’t become a habit. I saw how sad Yerim looked when her mom didn’t pick up the phone, but she said she’s used to it...I, I know it’s not my place, but I just worry for her. Sorry for overstepping.”
You let out a sigh looking away, before retracting your hands, wanting to give him some personal space.
But you couldn’t because when you pulled away he grabbed your forearms pulling you to your previous spot which was closer to him.
He trailed his hands gently down your arms, grasping your hands in his own.
“It’s okay. You’re right. I just, really didn’t know,” He said tenderly. 
His voice is only loud enough to reach your ears, and your ears alone.
“If you ever need me to urgently help out with Yerim, I don’t mind…” You said, trying to ignore the close proximity between the two of you and the very much intentional hand-holding.
Everything felt still and peaceful,
Perhaps it was due to the school being mainly empty and the sky getting darker but for a moment things stopped for a second, it was just you two in each other’s company while silence encompassed the two of you.
“It’s nice having someone like you care so much for her...and me as well. I’ll keep that in mind.” he gave your hands a soft squeeze.
Ignoring the heat rising to your face, you sent him a bashful smile. 
"Uhh, you should get going…" You said uncertainly, trying to be responsible, but you knew deep down that you didn't want to let go of him just yet. 
"You're right… Before I leave, can I have your number? For emergencies, like you said." He uttered out, letting go of your hands to reach for his phone, causing you to realize how warm his hands were keeping yours. 
“I actually still need to return your blazer…” you mumbled mindlessly, as you took his phone, typing away.
He chuckled, placing his hand on the back of his neck, “Right, I almost forgot! Seems I remembered everything else about you that day except that,” he said, only to somewhat regret his ambiguous words after they came out of his mouth. 
You nodded, unsure exactly what he entailed, but you had a good idea of what he may have been referring to.
You awkwardly exchanged numbers with him before you both parted ways.
This was a bad idea…Offering up your services just like that… Especially since it’s not null of selfish intentions.
But, for now, if no one is getting harmed, then, whatever.
You’ll handle what comes when you get there if you get there.
So lil time skip of about two weeks and you’re chilling, procrastinating the cleanup that you should be doing this Friday afternoon when you get a notification— Seonghwa’s name appearing on screen.
Hey, I know this is a bit sudden, but it’s the end of our business quarter and I have to stay late. Yerim will be all alone at home and no one will be there until 11pm. I’m sorry to ask this of you, but would you be willing to look after her? I promise I’ll compensate you generously.
Are you really about to look after this dude’s kid because you think he’s hot when you could rather be hanging out with friends or watching movies (or actually cleaning)?
Yeah. deal with it.
Of course! I don’t mind at all. Is there anything particular I should know (like should I bring her dinner or-)? And I hope we can discuss the compensation when you arrive home :)
Oh man… your mind really shouldn’t be jumping the gun here but it’s like, really really hard to not think about this scenario playing out…
What scenario?
Him compensating for this through physical means instead-
He lets you know that there are some leftovers in the fridge that you can heat up for Yerim and sends you his address.
On your way there you can’t help but wonder why his wife isn’t there or a caretaker for Yerim. Is she also working late or are they not staying with each other..? It’s none of your business but of course, you were curious.
The whole situation just seemed weird to you so perhaps you’d see if you can figure something out from Yerim.
Upon arriving, your jaw dropped at how fancy the place was. Like yeah, he seemed like he had a decent job but to be raking in this much money? Damn…
There was a glass staircase, floors made of marble, and art pieces that you knew only wealthy people have the privilege of buying, and let’s not forget the fancy security system, that Seonghwa so graciously gave you the password to.
You laid your things down, calling out to Yerim before she shouts that she was coming.
You see her scurry down the stairs, running towards you to give you a hug. You pick her up, amused by her excitement.
“Y/n! Are you looking after me?” She asks with bright eyes and you give her a nod to which she smiles, elated. 
“But your dad gave me some rules to follow and I don’t want to get in trouble. I’m sure you don’t either, right?” 
She eagerly nodded, seeming to have a war flashback to when her dad got mad at her. 
“Then let’s be good, alright?” You chuckled at her reaction.
You set her down, and after exploring the house nonchalantly, you played with her a bit before letting her go do her own thing in her room.
While silence filled the floor you were on, the various things lying around in the house piqued your interest. 
You walked up to a small desk that had very few minimalistic ornaments and three frames, as well as some flowers that seemed to have started withering.
Upon further inspection, you realized that in the frame were Yerim, Seonghwa, and the infamous Mrs. Park. You couldn’t help but scoff at how pretty she was. Bright, bold eyes, thick heart-shaped lips, a small nose, a long neck giving her an elegant appearance, dark raven hair, and a nice figure to top it all off.
You’d be lying if you said Seonghwa and her didn’t look beautiful together. 
In fact, they must’ve been the talk of their neighborhood with how well they visually complemented each other. People likely gushing over what a pretty couple they make.
You placed the frame down, picking up the vase of flowers, wanting to change the browning water.
You didn’t understand why, but you felt a bit bitter while staring at the photos. 
Maybe it was because of your obvious attraction to Seonghwa or maybe it was because through small anecdotes you’ve figured out that she’s seemingly neglectful to her family.
Either way, despite her being beautiful, it irked you to stay staring at the sweet family photos.
You walked away busying yourself with the vase, thinking of how interesting it is… 
They look like the perfect family in those photos, happy as ever…Meanwhile, Seonghwa has revealed to you how stressed and strained his relationship was, and you’ve witnessed Yerim look dejected whenever her mom or sometimes even her father failed to show up to school events.
When placing the flowers back in their original place, you shook your head, trying to get your thoughts in order as you made your way elsewhere in the house.
You sunk into the couch like a melting slug, wondering if this was a good idea. 
‘This’ as in you taking time to somehow be involved in his life, even if it’s indirect.
It’s harmless now; you’re just some young person crushing on Seonghwa and using opportunities to see him…
The problem comes if he tempts you to throw away your self-control or even vice versa (since you know you don’t do too much thinking when around Seonghwa), and if things start escalating…
With a heavy sigh leaving your mouth, you decide that as long as you don’t overstep your boundaries, you should be fine…Right?
It isn’t long before you heat up those leftovers for Yerim and make a little plate of something for yourself.
You help her get ready for bed, as it starts getting later. You try to make it entertaining and fun for her since she seemed to be a little hesitant to sleep until her dad came home. 
Through what Yerim said, it seemed like her mom hasn’t been home for the past few days.
Tucking her in bed, after reading a short story book you found lying around on the bookshelf in her room, you sat there listening as she told you about her favorite character from that book.
You chuckled at the absurd reasons she gave as to why that character was her favorite, such as the fact that they liked cereal bars and she liked them too even though some people in her class would tease her because they hated them. 
While pulling the duvet up to her head as she dosed off after rambling, you gave her a gentle kiss on the forehead. You stood up switching off the lights before stopping in your tracks as she called your name.
You turned around waiting for her to continue,
“Can you come over more often?”
You couldn’t help but furrow your eyebrows in confusion at the request.
“Hmm? Why?”
“Well, you tuck me in and it’s fun when you’re around…Plus Daddy smiles whenever I talk about you so I think he likes you.”
Does she not normally get tucked in? Does Seonghwa talk about me with her a lot?
You gave her a soft smile, “Goodnight Yerim.” 
You headed downstairs, cleaning up the place a bit and doing the dishes before settling on the couch, watching whatever show was on as you waited for Seonghwa.
It was twenty minutes in when you realized looking after kids is no joke, even when they aren’t causing trouble. You were totally ready to have a nice rest after this.
You were fighting your sleep when 11:30pm hit but thankfully It wasn’t long until you heard the front door open, followed by the sound of business shoes hitting the marble. 
You stretched your arms and legs, standing up and switching the TV off, turning around to look towards the hallway entrance,
“Welcome home!” You sang out to Seonghwa, who was startled at the greeting.
His tired eyes lit up at the sight of you and he let out a breathy chuckle, as he took off his coat, hanging it on the hooks near the front. 
He was wearing a white dress shirt with a patterned tie and black slacks, and damn, did he look fucking hot. 
You were a little embarrassed that it didn’t take much for you to get flustered and worked up but his appearance was rather stunning for someone who spent the whole day at work. 
He ruffled his hair a bit, and loosened his tie, walking over towards you with a genuine smile.
“I can’t remember the last time I heard someone welcome me home,” he uttered, popping a few more buttons open, and folding up his sleeves, revealing his toned arms that you vaguely remember, “normally Yerim is either asleep when I get home, or otherwise I fetched her from school and we both came home together…” He trails off to which you nod, shyly petting your hair down, suddenly a little more conscious of your own appearance.
He comes to a stop in front of you, tilting his head, looking at you tenderly.
“It’s nice hearing it, especially so sincerely…”
You open your mouth to say something, only to close it, not fully sure how to respond. You look down to the floor, fumbling over what to say. Normally you’d be a lot quicker, but of course, it seems nothing really is normal when it comes to your behavior around Mr. Park.
He didn’t think much, before reaching out to tuck a strand of your hair behind your ear, cradling your cheek in his palm just after. You felt your breath hitch, realizing that even if you tried to speak, you’d choke on your own words.
He brushed his thumb against your cheek, and you were honestly, just stumped. 
You didn’t know what was going on but you dreamt of this touch for far too long to slap him away like you probably should have.
“Sorry, you had some type of fluff on your cheek,” he uttered, removing his hand which you had to stop yourself from chasing. 
Really..? Fluff? 
You couldn’t tell if he was serious or just using an excuse… 
You knew you liked him and further, you knew the attraction was mutual, but for some reason, it still all felt a bit surreal.
“Was everything okay here? Did Yerim cause you any trouble?” He said gently, his voice low.
“No, not at all! The worst thing she did was tire me out a little bit, but nothing I’m not capable of managing,” you let out an airy chuckle, opting to bite your lip just after feeling slightly awkward. 
He made you nervous in a good way, but also in a way you didn’t know how to handle.
“Oh? It’s a shame. I was hoping I’d be the one responsible for tiring you out tonight,” He chuckled before immediately dying down as he processed what he just said and openly insinuated. 
You almost choked, but swallowed the lump in your throat down instead.
Did he just-
What in the Wattpad was going on?
Not that you minded, I mean the delusional self in you was jumping at this.
Even so, outwardly you had no idea how to respond, feeling overwhelmed enough to just laugh nervously, and beyond your better judgment say this:
“We haven’t exactly discussed my compensation yet, Mr. Park.”
Oh fuck.
You said that. YOU REALLY SAID THAT???
He scoffs, looking away and you catch a glimpse of his reddening ears. 
“You’re driving me mad” he utters under his breath, seemingly to himself, but you could obviously hear his words...
“Why the sudden formalities? ‘Mr. Park’? Y/n, surely you know by now…” His voice was low and his actions bold as he placed his hand against your waist, leaning over so that his lips were brushing against your ear.
It was giving you flashbacks of when you first met and your heart raced once again at the proximity. 
“I like it when you call me by my name.” 
He was firm in what he said, and his voice sounded different from anything you’ve heard before.
It took everything in you to keep standing, your legs threatening to cave in. 
You placed your hands against his shoulders, both yours and his touch rather chaste considering the connotation of your words.
“Is that so? Maybe I need a reason to do that in the first place…” You uttered out, breath shaky and mind foggy. 
You were hoping he understood what you meant by that, your dazed state not even concerned for any rationality.
He tightened his grip against your waist, letting his head drop against your neck as he chuckled.
“I don’t know what to do with you, Y/n,” he said, now with a lighter tone laced with uncertainty.
It was a small call to reality, but he wasn’t making any action to let you go.
In fact, he only wrapped his other arm around you, pulling his head away to look at you, rather intensely at that-
You felt a little doubtful under his gaze. 
You could see a swirl of emotions in his eyes and he no doubt was feeling similar to you, but there was moral conflict tearing you both away from your desires.
“Sorry-” you whispered out, unable to come up with something better, only to be cut off.
“I do know, however— that I want you.” 
Your breath hitched and you subconsciously slid your hands higher, wrapping them around his neck, hinting to him that the feelings are mutual.
He wanted to hear it said from you directly though. Not willing to take a chance at this moment, he pulled you closer.
“So tell me…” He trailed, eyeing your expression carefully as he brought one hand to cradle your face just as before, “What do you want?”
Oh, fuck this. Consequences can wait. 
You leaned in, brushing your lips against his.
You closed the gap between you two, finally able to feel his lips against yours.
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trashcanfills · 2 years
So I just read your hanzo space hcs and I loved the part about hushed conversations between him and genji in Japanese and I'm sorry if this request doesn't make a lot of sense but could I ask for a reader who finds out hanzo likes them because they know Japanese and listen to the arguments between hanzo and genji? Thank you and I'm sorry if this is long or confusing.
Mam/sir no this is not confusing. I like that you elaborated on the scenario u wanted me to write cus boi it helps hehe.
This became a monster of a fic jesus so uhhh more content for you i guess pardon the wait. I might edit this later cus Im not sure if Im happy with it now but eh its been stuck in my inbox for so long with some other requests better release now.
Shimada Hanzo x Reader - Hidden Confessions
Hanzo would likely be crushing on you after spending quite some time with you as friends. It’s hard to tell though because he never really says how he feels out loud, like I doubt you even are aware he considers you as a friend unless you confident/observant as hell or sth happened that both of you had to clarify for the sake of your friendship.
But alright lets say that you both consider each other as friends and you both know that. Cus friends to lovers tropes are gucci hehehehehe.
Ok so you def have to be crushing on Hanzo at this point, which I dont blame you for btw like look at the man. There’s a reason for the loads of fanart around him.
Unfortunately as we all know with the fucking friends to lovers trope drama, you cant just admit you like Hanzo that way, cus what if he doesnt sees you that way and it ruins your friendship and makes everything btw u??? Uh yea better safe than sorry bitches. Just keep it down and appreciate that you get to hang out with the angsty ass archer anyway.
Except…some kinda weird things have been going on with Hanzo and Genji? You think you see Genji talking to Hanzo in hushed whispers abt something that, based on Hanzo’s flushed and irritated expression, Hanzo clearly doesnt want to talk abt. It HAS piqued you interest when it tends to occur more often whenever you see the Shimada bros tgt. Asking Hanzo about it however just has him to dismiss it and change the subject. Rip.
Later on those hushed conversations do end up occurring in front of you and other overwatch members, in Japanese, since not many people do really know the language and the conversation was prob meant to be abt sth private and secretive.
Except, you do know Japanese. You didn’t exactly inform Hanzo or Genji of it because it seemed really entertaining to have them have these supposedly private Japanese conversations OUT LOUD without realising there were people who understood what they were saying. I mean, if it was a really sensitive thing they should be speaking behind closed doors right? Like cmon lol.
Usually, whenever the Shimada brothers talk to each other in Japanese, they would exchange some form of wit or ridiculous reference to their past (like that time Genji tried to cajole Hanzo into joining the DDR contest during one of the weekly game night sessions, until Hanzo said he still has pictures of Genji’s 16th Birthday Party Incident in Japanese. Ngl you were a lil curious what the incident was, but its likely some form of embarrassing blackmail).
However THIS TIME, it was completely different. You were chilling with a few other overwatch members plus Hanzo and Genji in the recreation room. Cue your surprise when Genji decided to ask Hanzo in Japanese:
“Sooooo…have you confessed your feelings yet, brother?”
Im sorry HANZO?? HAS FEELINGS FOR SOMEONE????? Thank god they weren’t really focusing on you that much otherwise they would have noticed your body tense a little at that. You don’t know exactly how to feel about this because this can either spell sth great or very bad for you, but most likely bad because what are the chances…right?
Hanzo predictably flushes a little, scowling even harder. If you didn’t know any better you would probably have thought that the archer was pissed at Genji about something instead of being embarrassed (tho i mean when has hanzo never been annoyed at genji lol)
At Hanzo’s expression, Genji sighed out loud. “You do realise you can’t stew on your feelings forever-“
“I can if I want to and that is my decision to make, not yours.” Hanzo hissed back. Genji, unbothered by the interruption, continued:
“-and you have been pining for them for like almost a year.”
Hanzo scoffed. Genji kept going. “I mean they are literally just RIGHT THERE. You can ask them out on like a freaking date-“
“-and risk the potential embarrassment and fallout of our current platonic relationship?”
“Look, I doubt y/n would be the kind of person to-“ Sorry, hold the phone. Did Genji say YOUR NAME?? DOES HANZO ACTUALLY LIKE YOU BACK??? HOLY SHEET???? It was literally taking all of your concentration to not combust on the spot and give away the fact you could understand what they were saying in Japanese because HOLY FUCK HANZO RETURNS YOUR FEELINGS??
Ok ok calm down and listen back to the conversation because you were zoning out a bit from the revelation that Hanzo has a crush on you. Genji was still talking.
“-and you can’t be sure that they aren’t interested in you. Heck, from what I see, they seem very receptive to your boneheaded ass-“
“Being friendly and polite in a platonic relationship is no grounds for speculating romantic interest, you idiot. It’s only a common courtesy-“
“-dude do you NOT notice how much closer they are to you compared to anyone else here-“
“-and that means nothing, Genji. Cease this conversation.”
“No. I do not wish to discuss this any further. Regardless of what you say, I severely doubt they would even like me that way.”
“Even then, just TRY. That is all I am asking of you, Hanzo. Because I want you to be happy for once-”
“You know, you guys could just asked me yourself right now if that’s what you are worried about.” You chimed in. “And speaking of which, I do actually like you too, Hanzo, and uhhh I would be totally open for a date anytime?”
Their reactions were priceless. The moment you spoke up in Japanese had the two Shimada brother halt their conversation to look at you in shock. Hanzo in particular had a myriad of expressions too entertaining to watch.
Hanzo practically went through an entire rollercoaster of emotions when you interrupted. Shock at you speaking Japanese, horror when he realised you spoke Japanese and understood it which meant you were able to listen through their conversation this entire time, until he processed the part on you liking him back which turned into a mix of joy, relief, embarrassment…yea rip Hanzo lol.
Genji meanwhile was trying so hard not to laugh because holy sheet your timing was excellent.
He had to shake Hanzo a bit to get him out of a daze, and gestured at him to ask you out. Hanzo gets his wits back after, glares at Genji because he’s such a lil shit. He then glanced at you briefly before looking away all flustered. “So uhhh…I’ll pick you for dinner at 7pm later?”
You gave him you biggest smile and agreed. That was the start of your beautiful romance with Hanzo, albeit with a mildly embarrassing start but hey, you guys got together since then. :3
BONUS: during the date
“I wasn’t aware that you knew Japanese.”
“You didn’t exactly ask me.”
“…Fair point but still.”
BONUS BONUS: immediately after Hanzo asks you out
“Holy fuck finally!”
“I-Cassidy WHAT?”
“Look. I had to sit through y/n telling me that they are crushing on Hanzo, and listen to them whine about how unfairly hot and cool Hanzo is. I couldn’t do anything about it because I had to keep it secret.”
“Genji, why are you saying mood? I didn’t tell you about my crush on your brother-“
“I had to sit through Hanzo waxing poetry about you whenever he gets in this weird mood or when he gets drunk during our drinking sessions. It was funny at first but then got sad after a while when he kept making himself depressed over the idea you didn’t see him the same way.”
“You did NOT have to reveal that information-“
“You were the one who chose to confide in me, brother.”
“Hmph, then I suppose you won’t mind me showing y/n my collection of blackmail material of you, then.”
“Woah woah woah let’s not go THAT far-“
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gracesimp · 1 year
Hi!! I love your fics! Could you write something based on snap out of it by the artic monkeys? The doctor tries to stop reader to getting marry with other and that they can start their previous relationship again. I don't know if I explained myself AHH
Snap out of it
tenth doctor x fem!reader
SUMMARY: The Doctor hates that Y/n is already spoken for. Should he tell her how she owns his hearts, or should he let her be happy in the relationship she's already in?
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How long would he have to wait before Y/n realised that she was all he wanted? Could he carry on the way he is: hearts breaking when she says the words 'I love you', but never directed to him? The constant yearning and urge to hold her close becoming unbearable?
"Yeah, I'm on my way!" Y/n said softly, phone between her shoulder and ear whilst her hands were messing with her hair. "Okay. I love you too." She giggled. The doctor looked up from the console, frown forming, before he snapped his head back down. "Bye, sweetie."
Y/n hung up the phone, sighing in content before looking in the mirror, finger delicately smudging the lipstick she wore.
"Who was that?" The Doctor asked, not even knowing why he was asking such an obvious question. Perhaps to taunt himself with the reminder that she would never be his.
"Luke." She smiled back, but faltered slightly when she noticed his sour mood. "You okay?"
The Doctor didn't even glance up from the console as he shrugged his shoulders. "Of course I'm okay." He spoke back. "When am I not?" He murmered beneath his breath, though Y/n heard it perfectly.
She skipped towards him, lightly nudging him with her elbow. "Don't give me that. I know you too well, Doc." He tried his best to not smile, but the corners of his lips twitched up. He couldn't help it. Y/n's happiness was contagious. "Wanna talk?"
Yes. He wanted to tell her everything. He wanted her to know how much she was loved. And how much better he could treat her. He was already offering her more than anyone on Earth could, but he needed to give her more. He needed for her to be his. So, he answered with:
"No." He shook his head softly. "I'm okay. Honest." The Doctor lies. Most times it's to protect his companions, though on the rare occasions like these, it's to protect himself from being hurt. The ultimate defense. Simply not telling the truth.
"Hm." She analysed him with her eyes. She could read him like a book. "You're lying. But if you ever want to talk about it, just let me know. I'm always here for you, Doc." She kissed his cheek quickly, missing the way it burned in response and how his hand automatically reached up to touch it.
Y/n skipped back to where she was before, still applying some makeup. "Do you think you could take me to the Paradise restaurant near my house, please? Luke wants to take me on a date."
The Doctor sighed. Very loudly. It caught his companion's attention immediately, and she furrowed her brows and placed a hand on her hip. "What?" She asked.
The Doctor hesitated for a few seconds. He was shifting awkwardly and he ran a hand down his frustrated face. "I can't do this anymore." He said, abandoning the console and walking so he was standing directly in front of her.
"I wanna grab both your shoulders and shake you." He whispered. "Snap out of it."
"I don't understand." Y/n responded, and he lifted his hand to place a strand of her hair behind her ear. He stared at her for a moment, admiring every inch of her. To him, she was the embodiment of perfection. he brought his hand down to rub her soft cheek. He loved the way his touch ignited a flame, enjoying the pink tint which soon followed.
Smiling, he clarified. "I get the feeling I left it too late, but I'm so in love with you, Y/n Y/L/N. More than I believe anyone could love anything. You have captured my hearts, and should you choose to accept it, they will be forever yours."
not proofread cos I'm lazy. hope this was okay :)
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dadonbabysworld · 2 years
Skz Pack: Natural Born Leader
Author's Note: I hope you guys like the introduction to our pack leader, Chan. This is an Omega verse story so expect mentions of Omega/Alphas. The picture is how Chan looks in the fic. Italics are thoughts.
Genre: Fluff, little suggestive at the end
Warnings: Mention of skz x skz, Insecurities, pets, and children
Word Count: 2,051
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You walk into the music building and head towards the rooms dedicated to private practice. Entering the same one Jeongin always suggested, he was fairly familiar with the routine by now. He’d know you’re here. 
Thursdays were your time together as a couple that’s why it was shocking to you when Chan walks through the door. You had only seen him that night at your house while sick. 
“Hi are you y/n?” He asks. His hair was adorably curly; he seemed to have been on a mission to find you. 
“Yes I am, and are you Chan?” You question just for clarity. He was a pretty boy: dimples, nice smile, silver chains, no rings surprisingly, hoop earrings though, nice simple outfit.
“Yes, I’m Chan. I’m here for your piano lesson. Jeongin had something come up, and he decided it would be best for me to attend in his place.” You nodded before he sat next to you. 
“I hope I’m as good of a teacher as Jeongin. I can say that I make more music of my own, so I'm not the best at playing other people's music.” He clarified, smiling at you.
“Okay well the song Jeongin was teaching me is All of Me by John Legend. Do you know the song?” He nods before grabbing his phone to look up the chords for you.
“Can I hear how much you know so far?” His question catches you off guard. You hadn’t caught up with the fact that Chan was going to judge your abilities until right now. You kind of slump down. 
“Umm… Do I have to show you right now?” He nods. “It’s okay to be nervous. I can turn away if it will make it easier for you. I don’t want to overwhelm you.”
The smell of roses, Chan’s scent, allows you to calm down. He turns around to give you some comfortability and after controlling your breathing you play up until the chorus. 
You speak softly to him. “That is as far as I know.” He claps for you, smiling as he places a hand on your shoulder. “That was great. I know Jeongin is proud. I’m happy Innie has started talking to you. He seems more motivated than ever.”
You never really considered your effect on him, only vice versa. Jeongin made you want to feel feminine again after years of trying to be the hardest, toughest person you can. Jeongin made you more open and compassionate. He was a good influence on you.
Chan places his phone in front of you with the notes to aid in your practice. He watches carefully as you play the notes, and he corrects you when you press the wrong key.
Letting his curiosity get the best of him, Chan asks,“I was wondering… did you know anything about our pack?”
You glance up at him. Truth be told you knew very little about the pack. Jeongin had kept those aspects of his life under lock-and-key not wanting to overwhelm you with information. 
“I know some things… I know you're the pack alpha, and your pack has two omegas already. One of which is your moonmate.”
“That is correct. My moonmate’s name is Minho. I’m assuming you know that Jeongin is your moonmate?”
“I was assuming so. Is there a way that you just… know?” He laughs, making you blush in embarrassment. Was that a dumb question?
“You know when you’re longing for them at night, when your wolf seems at ease in their presence, when they make you feel like you can be the person you want to be. Minho allows me to take the lead, but he knows when I need to be supported and cared for. He is very thoughtful and caring which is one of the reasons I love him so much. I love all my pack members.” Chan spoke with no doubt in his voice. His greatest power came from his humble yet knowledgeable nature; he was a natural born leader. 
“He sounds very sweet. I see your pack has a lot of different people with different personalities.” You can admit that Jeongin, Chan, and the aforementioned Minho seemed very different. All sharing one trait: caring for their pack. Jeongin doesn’t mention the pack to you much, but you knew he spent most of his time with them. They all live together; he would drop anything if one of them needed him. It was adorably selfless of him, yet the first time he left for an emergency you felt lonely.
As you got back into practicing the song, Chan records you for Jeongin briefly. He wants to show him your progress, and you were appreciative of Chan being willing to show him. Chan was very attractive when he was focusing on something. Currently looking at his phone trying to message the video to Jeongin. 
He had caught your stare without you even noticing before he ends up sending the video to Jeongin at last. Chan, asking even more questions today, says “Do you ever picture it? You in our pack?” He seeks clarification if you would even want to become close to them.
“I think about it sometimes, but I don’t know if you and the rest of the members would accept me… I am afraid of being an unwanted member” He grabs your hand slowly. “I won’t ask you to do something you don’t want to, but I would love to take you to my favorite places today. Maybe it would help us bond.”
Chan brought you to the beach. He walks with you through the sand. One hand holding his shoes the other holding your hand. His hands are softer than you expected.
“Another pack member of mine: Hyunjin and I come here often. He uses it as inspiration for painting. I just like the sound and smell of the beach.” Chan admits to you. He seems very comfortable. 
You stood with your feet in water for a moment just taking in the scenery with Chan at your side; he is intrigued by you as you can tell by his staring. It made you blush and look down.
“Do you ever miss being a kid?” Your question seems to float in the air before going to Chan’s brain. “I do and that’s why I come to the beach. Back around the time my sister was born, my parents used to take me to the beach often. It was our personal bonding time.”
“Do you plan to bring your pups here?”
“I already do.” He mentioned hinting at you. You blush and laugh; you could guess Chan is fatherly towards his pack. That is endearingly cute.
“I appreciate you bringing me here. I love it. I’m glad I get to continue the tradition of coming to the beach with you.” You stand in silence for a while taking in the scenery. Lots of families are on the beach as well as some college students. They were probably secretly drinking somewhere. Overall, it was a calm day at the beach for you both.
Chan decides that the best thing to do afterwards would be to grab food. He took you to his favorite restaurant to grab some chicken considering it was something he could never be tired of. Upon getting there, the restaurant workers greeted him nicely and knew exactly what he wanted. Being somewhat shy, he orders for you as well.
“Thank you for ordering my food… I will face my fears one day. I just don’t want to sound stupid or stumble over my words. I know it’s normal to make mistakes and everyone isn’t going to judge me. I want to-” He cuts you off mid-sentence. “You’re rambling; I understand you. There is no need for explanations. Our Jisung is the same way. We have to order his food, or he will just sit there trying to build up the confidence forever.” 
“It seems this Jisung guy and I can’t ever go to dinner.” You both laugh at your horrible joke before Chan goes on his phone briefly to respond to what looks like multiple messages and emails. You had begun to play some phone games to distract you from overthinking. Not noticing when he finishes his responses Chan watches you play your games only commenting when you open Pokémon Go.
“Oh, you play this game too? You should add me. The rest of the guys make fun of me for playing it, and I’m glad you play it too. Give them less of an incentive to trash talk about it.”
“Yes, this game is so good. What is wrong with it?” You were genuinely confused about what was there to make fun of. “They say it’s for nerds. I just think certain Pokémon have advantages, and I want to see them fight other ones.”
“I just thought Pokémon were cute that’s why I downloaded it, but I got too competitive to quit.” Chan smiles. He is shocked to find out you’re competitive, but it was a good thing to have on his team. Someone who would go hard in situations that need it.
“Can I ask what’s your wolf's appearance?” You think deeply about the question. It had been a while since you even transitioned because the full moon is coming up soon.
“It is brown and white. Other than that, I have no idea. I just can see my own feet so..” He laughs and nods. “Among our pack you and Jisung would be the only members that are not a solid coloring. It might be difficult to tell them apart at first. I hope you do join us on the full moon. It would be a nice outing for us all.”
“I will think about it. You have shown me a lot of hospitality as well as not being so forward. I am nervous to engage in sexual things quickly.” You admit to him.
“Hopefully one day you feel comfortable enough to submit to one of our pack members rather that be physically or mentally.”
“I feel submissive around Jeongin. He makes me feel very comfortable so far, and he isn’t a super dominant alpha.”
“Wait until his rut starts… He has a lot of pent-up anger. He lets it out in bed often. I have had to get him under control a few times during his ruts. He becomes a good little pup eventually.” You could imagine that; Chan just has that type of leader energy.  
After eating Chan promises you the next place you travel to will be the last one for the day, he brings you to their home. He could tell by the dead cherry blossom smell this was a high anxiety thing for you. He places an arm around you.
“I promise no one is home. Just our pets…” Chan comments as he holds you close. You felt weak in the knees for a second before tightening up; Chan was indeed dreamy. His smell of roses matches your cherry blossom smell well. You both enter their home, and it is very cozy inside. It has real cabin vibes. Two dogs greet you upon entry.
“Hii Berry. Hi Bbama. This is our two dogs. There is another dog in our home, but he has to be caged when we leave because he is a troublemaker. I brought you here to show you that our house isn’t a scary place. We’re normal people just like everyone else.”
His arms have not left your figure yet keeping you held securely. It was probably a good thing because the dogs begin to run around in excitement over something.
“You put your arm around me, and I literally felt my knees buckle, this is pathetic." You admit to him. He smiles knowing he has you exactly where he wanted you. “It’s okay. Everyone's a little whipped for me. I think it’s cute that you think I'm handsome.”
Chan lifted your head with his finger, “I hope you consider joining us on the full moon and becoming a pack member. I’d love to have you.” 
“Is it supposed to be this hot in here?” You ask, trying to back away. Chan smiles “You’re cute. I want to ruin you one day. Let’s just get you home, okay?”
Taglist: @kflixnet @l-luvr @lino-jagiyaa 🐶 @moonmukamiamajiki 🤍
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mable-stitchpunk · 6 months
Dazed and Amused- TADC fic- Teaser
It was a typical day in the Digital Circus.
Everyone had just gotten finished unclogging the pipe maze of an infestation of surprisingly aggressive gummy worms. A fantastic adventure that was clearly just Caine giving them busy work that he didn’t want to do himself.
“Excellent job in snaking those drains! And in record time too! You should allll be proud of yourselves. Look at Bubble, he’s thrilled! He’s so happy! He’s… Bubble, goodness me, STOP. Whatever you’re doing, please!"
Bubble turned to face a cringing Caine with a mouth overflowing in half-chewed gummy worms. Them slowly sliding out of his mouth as he replied.
“Sowwy boss.”
“Ahem, in any case…” Caine turned back to the others with a little spin of his cane. “I think you all deserve a just reward and a day out, soooo… We’re going to the DIGITAL CARNIVAL!”
There were some mixed reactions amongst the group, but one was very vocal.
“Really?! Hurray!” Gangle cheered, clapping her ribbons. Her comedy mask still stuck firmly to her face. It was a wonder with how lost she had gotten during their excursion.
As a matter of fact, it was the longest Gangle had gone in a while without breaking that mask. So, instead of her typically sulking self, she was overflowing with excitement, bouncing in place.
And it was all because Jax too had gotten lost in that stupid maze. He gave the masked tangle of ribbons a slightly irritated look.
“Ugh,” he groaned in exaggeration.
He made a show of it but, much to his continued displeasure, Gangle took absolutely no notice of it. Someone else did though, the ragdoll standing directly to his right who quickly chimed in.
“Well, you’re the one who’s always claiming that everyone’s too gloomy. You should be happy she’s happy,” Ragatha whispered to him.
“I said she was being a drag. I didn’t say I wanted her to become annoying,” Jax clarified.
Ragatha rolled her eyes from him to Pomni. Giving her a ‘are you hearing this?’ sort of look.
Pomni looked back with a visibly uneasy look replacing her tired one from a few moments ago. That was right, Ragatha realized. Pomni hadn’t gotten a chance to go to the Digital Carnival, and she could only be wary at Caine’s enthusiasm.
“Don’t worry, Pomni. This is going to be fun! The Digital Carnival is great, really,” Ragatha assured.
Before Pomni could even reply, Caine literally inserted himself into the conversation by popping up in between them. It made Pomni jump and even Ragatha took a partial step back in surprise.
“And now it is even better!” he proclaimed. “I have updated it with more rides, more attractions, more prizes, and plenty more bug fixes!”
“Bugs?” Kinger snapped his head over with a confused blink.
“Oh yes! The, erm, minor issues from last time are a thing of the past! For example, the roller coaster- the cars no longer fly off the track!”
“Aww, but Caine, that was the best part! Coming down at breakneck speeds and then fl-ying off at the turn and breaking our necks,” Jax mockingly complained.
“I’m sorry, Jax. I know you like the thrills, but safety is this park’s number one concern!” Caine insisted, Jax’s shtick flying right over his head. Caine then leaned in and whispered behind his hand- loudly, mind you- “We also have a tunnel of looove~.” He winked.  
“Oh that’s…” Ragatha said back with an awkward smile. She stole a look to Jax and saw the absolute look of offense and disbelief that was now on his face. She squeezed her hands together. “That’s great.”
Jax looked at her with just straight-up disbelief now.
“It is! Especially for any love birds tweeting about,” Caine hinted. If that wasn’t obvious enough, he then nudged Pomni repeatedly until he was sure she got it too.
Ragatha only kept smiling to cover her embarrassment.
“I think you’re tweeting outta your- Wait, if we’re going… Shotgun!” Jax suddenly cried. He thrust an arm up in the air as his face broke into an eager smile.
Ragatha pursed her lips as she realized what she had inadvertently let happen again.
“Why, you eager beaver you! Of course you can drive, Jax! I appreciate the initiative,” Caine complemented.
The others weren’t nearly as thrilled. Gangle was making sure to hold her mask on, Kinger got a downright dazed look, and Zooble gave a loud groan.
“God, Jax, didn’t feel like giving anyone else a chance?” Zooble asked.
“Nope! You snooze you lose, Picasso,” Jax said, strutting by.
“What just happened?” Pomni asked for clarification.
“Jax is driving again,” Ragatha sighed. She rubbed her arm. “He’s… a little bit of a leadfoot.”
“…Wait, we have a car?!”
Ragatha laughed a little. “You could call it that… but I wouldn’t.”
“…That doesn’t bode well!” Pomni said with a tense smile.
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magicstormfrostfire · 11 months
Fanfic fanons that are now canon in Monkie Kid!
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This is a sequel to my post in 2021 'Things that I have to keep reminding myself are not true (or at the very least not confirmed) in 'Lego Monkie Kid' because Fandom and Fanfics have warped my perception of reality' back when we only had seasons 1-2! I made a funny list of lmk fanon tropes I found in fanfics so much that they kinda made me forget what was real and what was fanon. But after season 4 and the special, I decided to go back over things because a LOT has changed. So, without further ado, lets get into all the juicy details (with pictures!) hehehe~
Despite the events of 'Shadow Play' the rest of the gang does not know about Macaque
Okay so this one got solved immediately after season 2. Like Mac just showed up right where s2 ended. He made his presence known. Repeatedly! Relentlessly! I love him btw.
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MK has never told Sun Wukong that Macaque appeared while he was gone
I listed this one specifically because some fics decide to either have MK confess to Wukong that Mac's been in contact with him after his debut episode, or MK might keep it a secret. But in the grand scheme since his debut, its kinda irrelevant now. Man is everywhere.
The Gold Fillet has not been mentioned
This is also no longer true! I mean we see it a lot but there's not a conversation about it specifically. I think that counts... (We're gonna get to the juicy ones I promise)
MK's real name has not been mentioned in the Dub
Still true! (I should clarify; I mean they havent told us what it is. Only that MK is a nickname because his real name is too long.)
MK does not have any confirmed biological family details
Whew, okay so this one is harder. We know that MK was adopted by Pigsy after being born from a stone on FFM just like Sun Wukong. So while its not exactly like Wukong laid him as a stone egg (I mean...he might've idk) its safe to say he is more related to Wukong biologically than anyone else. Right?....I think.
MK does not have an older sister
Still true, for reasons above! (Him having an older sister happened in fanfics a lot more than you'd think)
Reincarnation has not been confirmed or denied
Comfirmed now! It was HEAVILY implied in season 3 toward the end anyway heh.
Red Son and MK are not dating
YET. (But they do have cute moments -crosses fingers-)
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Pigsy and Tang are not dating
Im HAPPY to say that this one is actually sort of implied to be canon? I could list a bunch of knowing looks and one off remarks but I'd be here all day gushing so I'll just go with the most obvious piece of evidence. Season 4's Pig-Napped! Has a moment where Tang is trying to get through to Pigsy, who is trapped in his ancestor's body. He mentions that he has "dedicated his life to this man (Pigsy)" and idk how else to read that if ya know what I mean. (Also this cuddle moment when he got Pigsy back. Tee-hee)
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Sun Wukong and Macaque have not had any kind of relation or relationship confirmed beyond "Beloved Friends"
This one is ALSO having some VIBES but not anything confirming enough for me to outright say its canon. Though there's...there's somethin' goin on. Shadow Play set the table but seasons 3-4 gave us a FUCKING ANGST MEAL.
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and the special we learn a lot more about Macaque and Wukong's relationship. They were canonically a lot closer and more affectionate than I had originally expected and the implication of being "sworn brothers" the two sharing a home at FFM, and peach metaphors/nicknames I could write a whole book about. I can't really say it has anything as concrete as Tang saying his life is for Pigsy, but I can say the implications are MIGHTY, and their wounds are DEEP. (Shadowpeach flows in my veins so deeply, season 5 please give me what I need its Sonadow but Monkey men please gods, all of the gods, just give me--)
Mei, Red Son, and MK have never had a party or a sleepover
Weirdly enough, this totally happened??? Like not gonna lie out of all of these things on this list, this one was the one I didn't expect to come through. But they did sleep over at Red's place, and had a beach party at the end of s4.
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Lady Bone Demon has not been directly referred to as White Bone Spirit in the Dub
This is true, likely because they just went with a different name entirely for the English dub.
The Shame Temple is not for sex
There is no Easter Bunny, There is no Tooth Fairy, and there is no Spindrax
Honestly considering what happened to the spider gang as a whole, I'm not surprised this is still true....(RIP)
MK has not called Pigsy Dadsy (Update: a few people have confirmed this has happened) and Mk has not called Sun Wukong Dad
Im including these two together (even though the Dadsy one was already confirmed in s1) for a few reasons because I feel like I need to talk about why.
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MK not only has called Pigsy Dadsy, he says flat out in season 4 that Pigsy is his dad, due to adopting him. This is in reply to Mei saying that Wukong is his dad, due to the whole stone monkey thing. While its implied he and Wukong are cut from the same cloth somehow, both being mystic stone monkeys, MK only sees Pigsy as his true father.
Macaque has not been redeemed yet
This one is a lot more nuanced. While Mac is no longer their enemy and is a reluctant ally, I wouldn't call him redeemed necessary. This is mostly because around the end of season3 and all of season 4 we begin to delve into the complexity of Wukong/Macaque. It's shown that both parties did damage and hurt each other in the past. It feels a bit black and white to try and put all the blame on Macaque and say he needs to be 'redeemed' now that we know more about the two monkeys. But for the sake of argument, I will say that as of season 4, Macaque can be considered one of the good guys even if they're not his 'friends.'
His relationship with Wukong is just beginning to mend and that's a whole different can of worms, but as past antagonists go, I'd say he's got a seal of approval when it comes to being a reliable ally.
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Aaaaannnddddd that's all the ones I had! This was really fun to comb through all of the fanfic themes and see how much they've snuck their way into canon (or were flat out proven to be the deal from the start) since season 2! Hopefully once season 5 rolls around I can address some of these unconfirmed fanfic themes again, and maybe even have new ones! (Right now the only one I can think of is Azure having romantic feelings for Wukong but since he's kinda gone idk if that would ever come up)
If anyone has some other fanfic themes that are so fanon they get mixed up with canon, let me know so I can make a list! mwhehehe UwU
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msmargaretmurry · 8 months
it was about your actual eldest daughter quinn cisswap fic :D
hahahaha thank you for clarifying <3 even though it would have been a delightful message either way
i'm so pleased to hear it though! i love her so much, i am slowly but doggedly plugging away at that fic in the precious free time i have and i am looking forward to hopefully one day share her with you and the five other people who are excited to read her story. also it's been a while since i wrote a female protagonist and it's been such a fun and interesting writing process digging into how the gender of it all does or doesn't change things.
anyway! have a little snippet of exposition!! <3
Technically, Quinn met Brady before they were fifteen. The elite hockey world is small, and they played with and against each other at various youth tournaments, but fifteen is when everything really started. Women in the NHL were no longer brand new, although still treated like a novelty — as if that’s ever going to change — but having girls in the national team development program was still in the experimental stages. After all, international competition was still strictly gendered. Someone had convinced the powers that be that if the best girls in the game were legitimately shooting for the NHL now, then it was good for the Americans to at least present the illusion of equal institutional support, the same way Sweden and Finland were doing. Can’t be falling behind the Europeans.
So the program wanted Quinn. Her parents, despite her years on boys’ teams and her tenuous commitment to Michigan, whose D-I hockey team did not historically include girls, had expressed some reservations about sending her off to live in an environment that was 90% teen boys before her sixteenth birthday. They were supportive, yeah, but they kept asking about special accommodations — a phrase that Quinn at fifteen loathed, feeling that it highlighted a difference between her and the boys that she would prefer for everyone to just forget about. But Brady, obviously, was also program-bound, and at a spring tournament in Wisconsin, Quinn’s coach connected Quinn’s parents with Keith and Chantal. Their dads already knew each other from years in the league: Jim behind the bench and in front offices, Keith on the ice. Both families familiar with the other from years of running in the same circles. The Tkachuks, it turned out, had a place in Ann Arbor while their boys were in the program, and they would be happy to let Quinn have the basement apartment, if some guaranteed parental supervision from a take-no-shit NHL veteran would put everyone’s minds at ease.
Brady, tall and gangly with his sweaty curls matted to his head, had watched the adults deliberating for half a minute, then turned to Quinn, stuck his hand out, and said, “Hey, how ya doing? That was a sick goal from the point your last game. Seriously, hell of a shot. I pointed it out to my dad and he was like, well, yeah, Brady, you could do that too if you didn’t have legs like spaghetti noodles. So I guess it’s gonna be leg day every day this summer.”
Quinn, once she had processed all of this, her hand still being shaken, had said, “Uh, yeah, looks like you could really use some work in that department.” Then she winced internally, because, yeah, great first impression on the kid whose parents were brokering her path to the NHL right at that moment. But Brady just laughed.
“So you think you’re gonna come to the program?” he asked.
Quinn nodded at the council of grown-ups. “If they let me, yeah.”
“They’ll let you. You’re too good not to go,” Brady said, so breezily assured that for a moment Quinn forgot why she had doubts. “It’s great. You’ll love it. My brother is there and he loves it. He says it’s not weird at all having girls around. I mean, like, obviously, we’ve got Nicky and Rach on our team right now and they’re great so I didn’t think it would be weird anyway. But Matthew says—” he laughed again, shaking his head “—he says, ‘just remember, you can hit them, but don’t hit on them, and it’ll all be fine.’” 
Despite herself, by this point, Quinn was grinning. “Sounds like a pretty good rule.”
“Yeah, he’s a knucklehead, but sometimes he pops out a gem like that,” Brady said.
“Brothers are usually knuckleheads.”
“True. Wait, hey.”
Quinn gave him a sidelong look, one eyebrow raised. He slugged her in the shoulder.
“Quinny, come here a sec,” her mom said, and that’s how Quinn wound up living in Brady Tkachuk’s basement for two years.
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