#love me some robo butts
tinydefector · 12 days
This just hit me but there is sort of an inherent impact play to fucking a cybertronian! Like their metal frame probably makes it sting a little when they make contact with human skin every time they thrust. I can just image some mech seeing their humans sore little butt from taking a beating from their robo pelvis
Ahhh gods!!!. All I can think is the amount of bruises I get from bumping into things, all I can think is the bruises that would be left on my legs from large fingers. But also that each mech leaves different bruises and outlines in your skin from the plating of their digits.
You know for a fact that the human is going to be sore afterwards. They are sprawled out on a berth, table, or any surface a bot can take them on. And you know for a fact they are going to be limping, tender and sore after fucking. Yet it's almost addicting. you always find yourself back on their spike, whether it's a soft love making session or a brutal fuck fest, your always going to have marks, bruises and tenderness.
But like the amount of bruises left over, at first the cybertronians are so worried because 'oh frag I've hurt my lover' but then it turns out their human seems to rather enjoy the marks left over, tho the first few days they are rather tender and sore form it, so it turns into the next few days after a session that the bot is just watching them, checking on them.
But over time, the cybertronian starts to really enjoy the bruises, and he loves the fact that their digits are basically bruised into their lovers body. Watching the way the blues, reds, greens and yellows swell together on flesh, on one hand they hate the fact they are responsible for the injuries, but on the other they adore the colours and knowing the fact they they are the ones who did it.
If it was from anything other than interfacing or from someone else it would be a very different story, but for the fact you trust them enough to know how much strength this giant metallic being has, yet you still trust them, seek out their company and curl up against them afterwards.
-Imagine getting so into it with a bot to the point they accidentally break your pelvis but your not willing to go to a medic and have to explain what happened.
- human doctor thinking your being abused due to the about of bruises on your body when they are doing a full health check.
- bot your with having a full blown panic first time they see the bruises and they scan you and realises the marks line up with their frame. And they are nearly sobbing becuase 'I've been killing your blood and skin cells and you haven't told me!?!?'
- you looking yourself in the mirror and going. "Fuck today's going to be hell" realising how much walking your going to have to do, and the fact that sitting down is going to hurt just as much.
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the9mm · 13 days
The things you folks do to me...
A funny bit here. I blazed my debut novella robot book which is crowdfunding right now a few days ago for the launch to see if I can reach interested people (man it's hard :') ) who would want to maybe grab an ebook or paperback. A few people reblogged and such, made notes, nothing out of the ordinary. Until I saw these hashtags left by @whattadroid:
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Mind you, there is no ass on the cover (not on purpose anyway). The idea that there is one (I really like to draw and admire butts ok? Who doesn't?) was both hilarious and "on-brand" for me. But I had a friend trace for me the probability of where the ass could be because I could not see it.
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lollll. For reference... It was supposed to be a shoulder plate with a sticker/decal and the bot looking over his shoulder, but I knew it was sloppy and could be better and it was never intended to be the final cover art for this book. It felt ambiguous at best, but quite funny that the unintentional perception of the robot love story book was A WHOLE ROBOT ASS.
I started chuckling about this and more people came out to say they also thought it was an ass.
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I started blasting drawing
Poor Sterling doesn't have an ass like that. He has a much better ass! I must draw it. So I came up with a REAL robo booty cover.
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There's a poll up for the cover available for backers but I am NOT putting the ass up because I know it will win and while I love my drawing I do not think it is the best representation of the inside content lmao. While it's a love story, the bots do very little in the way of admiration for physical features. So instead what I'm doing is if we reach $2500 on the campaign, every physical tier backer will get a free 4x6 print of the ass variant.
I swear my book is good and doesn't take itself too seriously (just like me) so I hope some of you will join me on this adventure by backing The Warm Machine. Because drawing robot asses was the last thing I thought I'd be doing during this campaign (positive).
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determunition · 6 months
To me the funniest aspect of the ships between the scrybes is the silent implication of them collabing on making a campaign. Imagine Magnificus and P03 working together to make one. Imagine Magnificus and Leshy working together on one.
someone in my youtube comments said magnificus and leshy would create a massive convoluted DnD campaign that never ends and they're so right for that, i think a game from the two of them would barely resemble inscryption anymore lmao
magnificus and p03 i think about a lot bc genuinely it would probably be a pretty good campaign; magnificus would probably have a lot of larger than life ideas for settings, bosses, cards, etc, but p03 would know how to make it more playable, digestible, and satisfying to a player. i have no doubt they'd butt heads at MANY points (it would def take them ages to settle on a good techno-magic setting) but if they by some miracle managed to cooperate well enough i think it would probably be one of the better campaigns out of all potential scrybe collabs, especially since p03 is like...kind of not bad at story? maybe it's a hot take but despite his lackluster narration i think he succeeds pretty well in constructing his lil post-apocalyptic robo hellscape in act 3
of course the real wild card in any of these collabs is the idea that they're in a relationship or have feelings for each other while they're collabing; either these guys are emerging from this collaboration bonded in epic love for life or they're breaking up mid-development lmao
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chromatic-lamina · 1 year
one piece 1091 spoilers (including things you won't see in viz)
Hey! Well everyone's going OPLA crazy, so 1091 might just fly under the radar, which is a shame, cos' it's a good chapter! I usually only do these commentaries on the chapters with Law, Kid, characters I really like (and I like the Straw Hats, but you know where my heart lies!), or small things that catch my attention like:
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Is that Chuji (from Wano) helping Sanji out with the cooking for the crew? AND did
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Doflamingo and one of his clones pop in to spice up the party? AND where
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are Robin and Franky? Love seeing Jinbei helping out with the cooking, and Brook and Chopper politely enjoying themselves. Chapter's title is Sentomaru!
So the Pacifista and the weaponised sea beasts are taking on the navy (and the Vegapunks don't know that their defenses have been breached yet. The sea beasts are cute in a Big Mom way:
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But never fear because
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Doll is here! And another of the new vice admirals who was to the right of those two frames above. Beating up sea beasts, I think, and making their way to the Pacifistas (Doll already arrived!).
It seems that
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if Kizaru hadn't breached the defences that the navy wouldn't stand too good a chance against the Robo beasts, OR, if Kizaru was with them, maybe they would. Also, love Usopp with his sniper specs (or whatever they are).
Also, it seems that Vegapunk is pretty blind to
the weakness in the control hierarchy. As shown earlier with the whole seraphim debacle, it's too easy for one person in the chain to wrest control. Then again, there is or was an assumption that everyone is trusted. Going out of order, but Jay Garcia Saturn Kizaru saying (thanks @darkspock)
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that it would be good to keep Vegapunk alive (he is alluding to Vegapunk here, as Kizaru confirms he's set to kill him in the next panel) in the same way Jay Garcia Saturn says that
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it was a shame to lose the weaponised beasts, and that losing them, and ultimately Vegapunk, because they are the less valuable or even dangerous assets, show how far removed he is from humanity. BUT, he does want to keep one Vegapunk! (Edit in: And I wonder now if Kizaru is talking about Sentomaru)
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York! Love me a good villain. Ahhh. And also the power station, and Punk Records cannot become collateral damage. Elimination fo the rest of Vegapunk is the top priority. I still think the Victoria Punk might have a link to all of this too! (just from the name).
Anyway, back to the linear storyline. Before Sentomaru
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bites the dust, Usopp, Nami and Brook sight Kizaru, and Brook mentions Sabaody. It's not forgotten, throughout the piece.
AND, I just had a thought, they weren't taken out by Kizaru this round, far from it, but Kid and Law (and all the other supernova, other than Bonney, Luffy and Zoro) were taken out by other forces before they got the chance to flee from (or fight) Kizaru again. It's a good way of showing the high stakes and who is left in the game. (Usopp still has his specs).
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So Vegapunk is not aware of Kizaru's determination to let Sentomaru fight from his own morals, and Sentomaru's resolve to protect Vegapunk at all costs. The very small background story (we had some before) is sweet, as always, especially the relationship between "Uncle" Kizaru and Santomaru.
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And speaking of cute and hoodlum and maybe awkward, but so at home in one's skin to not even be aware of it:
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Kizaru. SO Kizaru wipes out Santomaru and it affects
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Stella Vegapunk (Atlas too?). But York is unaffected, and won't give up the code! (And Usopp has lost his glasses).
What if the "Old Friends" that Jay Garcia Saturn Kizaru refers to were
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this treacherous bastard, and his now bubble-wrapped
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colleague, Kaku!
Smart move on Sanji's part, but let's reel it back a little:
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Rob Lucci takes Stussy out (and Oda did say in the most recent SBS that he finally learnt how to draw bums, so he's taking every opportunity to draw bums. Butt only female bums, apparently!) And declares:
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that he and Kizaru are besties and everyone's days are numbered, BUT, what if Jay Garcia Saturn Kizaru was talking about Rob Lucci (and Kaku) when he said it was a shame to lose old friends. Lucci is one of those kinds of villains who should be on the most-hated list (like Spandam and Walpole). He's good looking for sure, and CP9/0 have sad stories, but dammit!
Also, Big News Morgans is not gonna be happy about Stussy. But Sanji's move against Kaku above was so swift and cool. And it's Nami declaring Stussy Chan, isn't it? I don't think it's Sanji, due to the positioning of the text bubble, but I could be wrong.
This guy (Zoro)
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is on the offensive (looks great!). And so is
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this guy! Also love that Luffy uses 'we' to describe the whole crew (the whole generation?) being stronger.
And Santomaru's Japanese attack names and their meanings, apparently won't appear in Viz:
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I'm sure I've missed a ton, but there you go! Oh, where's Robin? (and Chopper). Were they going to the Sunny? Also, these two scenes were superrr cute! Bonney and Luffy should definitely be besties.
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ltwharfy · 8 months
"Bob's Burgers" Season 2 Episode Ranking Rewatch (Long Post)
So, I've been rewatching "Bob's Burgers" from the beginning and ranking the episodes using the spreadsheet that @babsvibes created! If you want to know why I'm doing this or how I view the 1-5 rating scale, you can check out my Season 1 post!
Now, on to Season 2:
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Average (mean): 4.22
Mode (most common ranking) : 5
I hid the director and writer name categories when I took the picture to make it easier to focus on episode ratings. I will share my director and writer rankings when I reach the end of this project.
Season as a whole thoughts:
I really enjoy Season 2! I know everyone's got their own take on when "Bob's Burgers" really hit its stride, and many folks say Season 3 or later, but I'm going to say that for me, it had already hit that stride in Season 2. It was consistently funny, and I was surprised by how many lines from it were just burned in my memory- some without me even recognizing the source. (For example, before starting this project, the line: "You know what's free? Loading. Freeloading!" popped in my head. I did not know where it was from- not even what show. It's Louise in "Burgerboss".) "Mommy doesn't get drunk, she just has fun." "Don't feed a guy a sponge, Bobby." I could go on...
Seeing all the familiar faces who started showing up also really made it begin to feel like classic "Bob's Burgers" to me: we've got Zeke! Darryl! Sgt. Bosco! Mickey! Tammy! Honestly, I always think there is something fun in watching all the pieces of something begin to fall into place to create something wonderful, and Season 2 gave me a lot of that feeling.
In my season 1 review, I noted that if "Bob's Burgers" had been cancelled after that season, I would've been annoyed because I thought it showed promise but I wouldn't've viewed it as a tragedy (Season 1 of "Bob's Burgers" is no "Firefly"). But, Season 2 was really the beginning of the time period when I would've been outraged had it been cancelled. (Thankfully, it avoided being a two season wonder like "Joan of Arcadia" or "Saved by the Bell (2020 Revival)")
That said, the show was still figuring out some of the characters (especially Bob) and the overall family dynamic and show tone, which lead to the few episodes I didn't enjoy that much, including the only 2 I've issued so far.
Some thoughts on particular episodes:
"The Belchies": I remember watching this episode when it first aired and feeling like the show had clearly leveled up- it felt like it was beginning to realize the potential I saw in the first season. For some reason, I specifically remember watching the end credits- with Cyndi Lauper singing "Taffy Butt" and JJ dancing- and knowing that the show was capable of being more than it had been in season 1. Also, this episode is really the first example of one of my favorite "Bob's Burgers" episode types which is "the Belcher kids and their friends have an adventure!" And one of the great things about Season 2 is that the kids gain a number of friends- Hi Zeke!
"Bob Day Afternoon"- After this rewatch thing is over, I may try to do a top 20 or 25 list and this episode may be on that. I love it! In particular, the scene where the kids cling on to Bob as he is trying to take the burgers to Mickey and the hostages is one of the best of the series in terms of improv and the humor of talking over each other. And if I ever don't laugh at the part of Gene's Robot College fantasy where he walks in on his robo-roommate performing "routine maintenance" it's a sign that I am dead.
"Burgerboss"- This was a really pleasant surprise! While I knew those first two were two of my favorites, I just thought this one was kind of good- but on actually rewatching it, I found myself laughing the whole way through, so it gets a 5.
"Dr. Yap"- I generally enjoy Yap the character, as well as Gayle, but the two things I really love about this episode are the Gene and Louise jawbreaker subplot (it's fun watching those two get into a ridiculous competition over something stupid) and the Prince of Persuasia. The Prince is such a great parody of that horrible "pickup artist" style, and I find literally all his lines hilarious ("Never make her pancakes. Force her to make you pancakes- in the middle of the night.")
"Bad Tina"- Another episode that might make a top 25 list. Both storylines- the introduction of Tammy and Bob's obsession with "Cake"- are A+. They had already established a number of Tina's core traits throughout the first two seasons, but now with the addition of friend fiction and Tammy, her best of frenemies, it feels like they've fully got Tina down and we get the first great Tina episode (and Tina episodes tend to my favorites, even if Louise is my favorite character).
Okay, now the episodes I didn't like that much:
"Moody Foodie"- Why did I give this my first (and so far only) 2? Honestly, I thought it was overdone and dry.
Sorry, I couldn't help myself. I actually enjoy the first half of the episode. Bob's nightmare about working in an office is hilarious to me as an actual office drone. The scene where he and Louise just start yelling "overdone and dry" at passersby is great. And the farmer's market scene at the beginning has some great family banter.
And then it goes completely off the rails in the second half. The second half of the episode is "Bob Belcher and his friends and family hold a couple of dudes prisoner" which sounds more like a WTF fanfic summary than an actual episode of the show. And it's likely that this episode bothers me more now than it did when it first aired. I think they were still figuring Bob's character out and if they had ended up making him more Homer Simpson-like (prone to anger and hare-brained schemes) maybe this episode wouldn't stick out so much. Similarly, I think that all animated shows struggle a bit with figuring out how grounded in reality they are going to be. if BB had evolved into a less grounded show, this episode also might not stick out.
But it does stick out, for me at least. I just found the second half of this episode more weird and disturbing than funny (although it still had some good lines- I enjoyed Tina translating "Wet Willie" into Spanish for Pepe). If the hostage taking was a shorter part of the episode, maybe I would give it a mixed-review 3, but it is basically the main plot, and I'd rather not rewatch it.
"Beefsquatch": I don't love the physical confrontation between Bob and Gene at the end, but what stops this episode from being a 2 is that really the worst part of it (in my opinion) is actually a pretty small part of the episode. And both of them realize they were acting nuts, and their motivations seem kind-of in character to me (Bob wanted the cooking segment to be a chance to promote the restaurant, Gene wanted his performance as Beefsquatch to be the center of attention). And I just enjoy some other bits in this. "More Scotch!". Louise first enjoying than getting burnt out by her involvement in Gene and Bob's prank war. And Gene's flashback to accidentally gluing his wiener to his remote control helicopter- followed by Louise's "accidentally on purpose!" and them high-fiving. (The high-five cracks me up so much! It's such a silly thing to high-five over!)
Random thoughts (stuff that doesn't affect the ratings):
-It was fun to see the introduction of the exterminator van being different each episode after seeing "Rat's All Folks!" for all of season 1.
-Peter Pescadero is back- and he has his correct face after that weirdness in "Spaghetti Western and Meatballs"! Has anybody written a fic about why his face changed? Like "Face/Off" but with Peter Pescadero (just one idea)?
-Generally, I try not to nitpick about continuity on the show that much. I think they do a really good job, especially by standards of animated comedies (but honestly, really all comedies). But it does bug me that there is a whole episode in a later season about how Louise can only poop in her home toilet when in "Synchronized Swimming" she poops in public pool. She named it Jezebel for crying out loud! It's Bob and Linda's grand-doody! JEZEBEL CANNOT BE FORGOTTEN!
Well, clearly I've been writing for too long and have gone crazy. See you when I'm done with Season 3, whoever may be reading these!
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munsons-maiden · 2 years
Omg your ghost cat story!! That was totally her giving him her seal of approval.
Here’s mine: 🏀 🎀 👓
It's a very nice thought if she did, we both love cats so their opinion definitely counted a lot when we started dating. It was like "You have to meet my cat to see if she likes you", followed by a sigh of relief of him "oh thank god because you have to meet my cat too before we can get serious" 😂🖤
Though there isn't an alternative explanation, that cat looked exactly like the one in the pictures I later saw of Lizzie.
Lucas 🏀: What unconventional things are you good at?
I answered this one already so I'll copy-paste my reply: Being thrown into the air as a flyer, probably. I've been told I'm very throw-able. And calming people down. They call me the Special K of my friend group (because...Kiki😂), not kidding 😂
Nancy 🎀: What’s the most exhilarating thing you’ve ever done?
Barb 👓: What is the weirdest thing you’ve ever seen a stranger do that you still think about today?
This is a tricky one because I worked at a hospital for a whole year and I'm studying to become a therapist, with half a year of field experience, so...since I'm a weird person, too, I'll tell you about that one time I was the weird stranger because I'd feel awful to talk about patients😂 Okay, listen. Our grocery store has an army of robotic Santa Clauses which, as soon as you pass them by, start dancing and swinging the little lanterns in their hands and blasting Jingle Bells. Last year, I was grocery shopping and there was one of the Santas very close to the shelf with the walnuts, and the walnuts were at the bottom of the shelf. I bent down to grab a pack of walnuts. The Santa didn't move, which at the time I didn't find weird because back then I didn't know it eventually would move at some point. So while I'm moving to straighten myself, walnuts in hand, Santa snaps, starts dancing and singing Jingle Bells while he smashed the lantern right in my face. I, punched in the face by a robotic singing old man, was thrown off my feet and landed on my butt while the gash on my brow started bleeding. My social anxiety kicked in the moment one of the grocery store employees raced towards me to see whether I was okay so my flight instinct got the better of me and I tried to flee the attention, a trail of blood behind me before I fainted in the middle of the grocery store. They called my husband, who then brought me to the hospital. I had a concussion. The doctore couldn't stop laughing when I told her how it happened. I still have a tiny Harry-Potter-esque scar on my forehead reminding me of the day Robo Santa knocked me out while singing Jingle Bells. I have yet to recover from the shame. I have never been to that supermarket again, and I never will.
I remebered as I was done typing, there once was a guy clipping his toe nails at the tube. That's the weirdest thing I've even seen a stranger do omg how did I forget that. I'll leave the Santa story in, though. Feel free to laugh at me😂
Thanks for the ask, love!🖤
Stranger Things ask game
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dammitperseus · 7 years
I just want to make sure I'm seeing something correctly here, but in your original Monderich art, this one: post/168117444870/indeed-i-am-trash-but-i-am-most-of-all-weak-trash Am I crazy or does Mondatta actually have a butt?
congratulations you have made me laugh out loud
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borkthemork · 3 years
Given you amazing theories on what the Wu family situation could be like (one of the best and unique ones I've heard so far), how about one sorta focusing on Marcy and the relationship with her sister (and maybe parents) as a drabble request?
Hey, dude.
It's been a while since we talked. I wanted to give you the scoop on my daily life, since it's been — what — a year since we said stuff face-to-face? And might as well tell you something now that you're here.
I just finished my five years! Finally, after all the tears and dorm laundry, I am out of that place and onto somewhere cool. Really.
The board kept trying to delay me with all these counselors and mishaps and the whole major fiasco, but now that's out of the way, nothing's stopping me!
Like I said before, our family is going to get back another pair of shoes in the house eventually, but maybe that doesn't have to be the case? Not right now, at least. Because a lot of stuff happened during college. A lot of growing and realizing stuff, you feel me?
Remember her?
You know, her her?
Oh, what am I kidding, of course you know what I'm talking about. You saw her at my dorm two years ago. She kept going on about how I was being a dick because I kept bragging about how I definitely kicked her butt in those competition courtyards. I don't know why I'm even telling you this, I guess I'm just being nostalgic.
Well, so that same person who called me an affectionate dickhead wanted to plan something with me. She's one of the top grades. Scholarships love her, that kind of bizz. Okay, so, she wanted me to move in with her sometime after graduation since we have this plan of doing our own engineering projects, isn't that exciting?
Me and her, moving in. Sappy, sappy, junk like that. I can practically hear you laughing at me as we speak, but don't be surprised when I laugh at your wedding and embarrass you in front of your spouse.
Because I will do it. I will.
Alright, so we're getting off track here.
We got this plan going. It's not a good plan, it's still flimsy in making a Plan B situation if all else goes to shit, but we're doing really good in just this "honeymoon" phase of our talks. Cause, dude, she gets real passionate about it. It's cute.
I hope you can see our house one day. It'll be cool with neat roofing, awesome aircon, and I'll definitely get some anime posters somewhere in the place. You can pass by and say hello so you can be a nuisance. Or a jerk.
It'll be nice if we can just hang out with the robots. Babe always said that our lil robo guy would've loved to meet you someday, especially since he knows how to scavenge around for new parts like no one's business.
Remember the mall? We used to go there just to mess up the arcade games. You'd carry my toolkit and I'd just see what the pinballs can do as long as no one outed and banned us for "vandalism".
I'd also invite you to meet-ups at the local automation conferences. My professor is such a hot shot with those places, we practically felt like celebrities. Like the boba shop? With all those cool mint flavors and coffee flans? Everyone thought we were champs from chugging them whole, oh dude.
Don't you remember that? I do. I remember a lot of things because I'm great. I'm a great big sister. Yeah. Yeah, yeah...
And great big sisters remember all this stuff so you don't have to. Because apparently memory problems run in our family.
Because it's great to think about what we've done. I don't want to forget this stuff. I don't want you to forget this stuff.
I want to think that talking to you, right now — it sounds so stupid if I say it like this — is keeping me from forgetting.
Like I can finally stop blaming myself for being so stupid. And you're just laughing and reassuring me that I'm just being my loud, goofy self.
And you're not hurting anymore. That you're fine wherever you are.
But I don't know if it's working. I hope it is. I'm not religious? Am I religious? Ugh, and to think I got everything checked out.
I've been in this parking lot for an hour. Just talking to you. And to myself.
I don't know. I'm just sorry that I didn't take care of you more.
I just wish I had more time.
I should've said this stuff at the beginning but I don't think talking to you about morbid stuff at the start would've been the best. And now it's eleven p.m. and babe's probably worried now.
I can't blame her cause I'm just talking to myse—to you in front of the mall. I should've been home ten minutes ago.
You won't mind if I just go home now, right? I mean, I don't want to leave you alone, but I got work tomorrow and it's gonna be killing me, I guarantee it.
Goodnight, Marce.
I love you.
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hajimes-erect-ahoge · 4 years
Diagnosis: Love Sickness!- Chapter 1
In the Ultimate Academy for Gifted Juveniles, 16 students have been imprisoned as part of a nonsensical dating game in which their objective is to find themselves in a budding romance with another student! Although reluctant to admit so, Shuichi Saihara has had his eyes on another student for quite some time now... Will Monokuma's new motive, the Despair Disease, be the driving force that pushes Saihara to finally confess his love? Or will he stay forever single in this twisted dating game?
Stay tuned to find out!
Monokuma introduces the new motive, the despair disease!
The Ultimate Academy for Gifted Juveniles was a rather interesting place, though its facilities were currently being used for a particularly strange purpose. Sixteen students, eight boys and eight girls, were confined within the walls of the academy for some sort of dating game, supposedly for the entertainment of the outside world. The cherry on top of this strange situation was that their captor was a small, animatronic black and white bear who walked and talked as if he were human. Monokuma, as the bear dubbed itself, would appear every now and then to inform the students of the structure and layout of the academy or to introduce some strange motive to encourage the blossoming of romance amongst them, but otherwise left them to their own devices. Having no choice but to mingle and make friends with one another, the students explored the academy and made use of their surroundings.
Speaking of which, the students imprisoned in this academy were not necessarily normal, either. Each and every one of them had an Ultimate Talent, making them special and distinct from one another. Their talents varied greatly from one another, even including something as far-fetched and sci-fi sounding as the Ultimate Robot, but they all managed to get along with one another and cultivate rather interesting friendships.
One exception to this, however, was Shuichi Saihara, the Ultimate Detective. Being naturally introverted and reclusive, he had a difficult time forming friendships with the other students, at least initially. Seeking to help the young detective out of his shell, two other students named Akamatsu and Momota attempted to befriend him, slowly introducing him to their small social circle and eventually the rest of the students. The two of them were social butterflies, flitting gracefully between the social groups that had formed, providing a nice complement to Saihara’s more reserved nature. Their positive and radiant energies bounced off of each other and onto Saihara, causing him to feel more empowered and confident than ever before. 
It was a gradual process that allowed Saihara to become more sure of himself, transpiring over the course of their first few weeks at the academy. The culmination of said process was when, at Momota and Akamatsu’s behest, Saihara removed the black cap that he desperately clung to in order to avoid eye contact with others. His lifestyle had undergone a complete transformation since entering this academy, changing for the better as a result of the efforts of his new friends. Although his tendencies to doubt himself still persevered at times, Saihara was grateful for the progress he had made to better himself and make new friends.
But there was something missing.
As he spent more and more time trapped in the academy, Saihara noticed an increasing number of students crossing the boundary from friends to lovers. At first it was only Chabashira and Yumeno, followed by Iruma and Kiibo, but when both Momota and Akamatsu entered relationships Saihara couldn’t help but feel as if he were missing something. Although he was happy that his two closest friends were in happy, fulfilling relationships, Saihara longed for the intimacy and closeness that came with having a partner. It had been over a year since his last relationship, leaving him finally ready for a fresh start with someone new.
In all honesty, Saihara would be lying if he said he didn’t have his eyes on anyone in particular. But despite the fact that he had grown leaps and bounds in terms of becoming more secure and sure of himself, Saihara knew that he didn’t have it in him to confess his feelings for another person. In the past, it had always been various girls and boys confessing their feelings for him, not the other way around. On the lucky occasion that Saihara had actually returned the other person’s feelings, it would lead to a new relationship for the both of them. But that had only happened once throughout his whole life, and Saihara wasn’t sure if he was ready to enter another relationship and have his heart eventually be broken again. For now, all he could do was admire from afar and pray that the embarrassment when his feelings came to light wasn’t too much to endure. 
Three weeks had passed since the imprisonment of the students had begun, meaning that it was time for a new motive to be announced. In accordance with their schedule, Monokuma had made an announcement instructing everyone to report to the gymnasium bright and early. Having no strong reasons to disobey, the students all gathered in the gymnasium awaiting Monokuma’s appearance. 
Suddenly, Monokuma sprung up on top of the stage at the head of the gymnasium, drawing everyone’s attention. Although it was practically routine by now, there was no getting used to an animatronic bear appearing out of thin air. The murmurs and idle chatter in the room came to a stop, all eyes focusing on the small bear in front of them.
“Gooood morning, everyone!” Monokuma’s familiar voice rang out, chipper as ever. “I hope you all slept well, cuz I certainly did!”
“Huh? Do robots like you even need sleep?” Shirogane curiously asked, a twinge of doubt lacing her words. “I mean… You are a robot, right?”
“Why don’t we just ask the Ultimate Robot himself?” Ouma butt in excitedly, balling his hands into small fists as his eyes sparkled brightly. “Hey, Kiiboy! Is it true that robots don’t need to sleep at night like humans do?”
“I will not tolerate your robophobic remarks, Ouma-kun!” Kiibo fumed, crossing his arms angrily. “While it is true that I do not require sleep, there is a function on my body that allows me to-”
Kiibo was cut off by Ouma audibly yawning, signaling his disinterest in their conversation.
“Boooring! I don’t care about your stupid sci-fi robo functions!” Ouma complained.
“Quit lyin’ you shitty shota!” Iruma scowled, jumping to Kiibo’s defense. “Just the other day you were buggin’ Kiibo about exactly that, so don’t even try pulling that shit!”
“Hmm, was I? I don’t remember…” Ouma lied once more, irritating Iruma even further. “Either way, an ignorant slut like you shouldn’t be-”
“Aaargh, that’s enough!” Monokuma thrashed about, waving his paws in the air angrily. “I didn’t call this meeting for you guys to bicker like little kids! You’re ruining the moment!”
A silence befell them, allowing Monokuma to continue.
“I’m introducing the new motive and that’s final!” He announced, composing himself. “Now, since you idiots were too busy arguing, I bet you didn’t even notice that you’re one student short!”
On cue, everyone began looking around in order to confirm Monokuma’s words.
“Atua says that Shuichi is the one missing!” Yonaga declared proudly, clasping her hands together.
“Oh, yeah! About that...” Momota began, “He wasn’t feeling good when I went to check on him this morning, so I figured it would be fine for him to sit this one out… He looked pretty bad.”
“Did you provide him with any medical attention, at the very least?” Tojo asked, voice laced with concern.
“Err…” Momota glanced to the side, a guilty expression adorning his face. “I might’ve forgotten about that when the announcement was made…”
“So you just left my beloved Saihara-chan to die?! How cruel, Momota-chan! And here I thought the two of you were all buddy-buddy or something!” Ouma cried, crocodile tears forming in the corners of his eyes.
“T-That’s not true! We were going to check on him as soon as this was over! Right, Maki Roll?” Momota sputtered, struggling to defend himself.
“...That’s right.” Harukawa agreed, fiddling with her pigtails in response to Momota’s pet name for her.
“Upupu!” Monokuma laughed, lifting his paws to cover his smiling face. “Looks like everything is going just as planned!” 
“...Just as I thought.” Amami concluded, bringing a hand to his chin as he spoke his thoughts aloud. “Saihara-kun’s illness must have something to do with Monokuma’s new motive.”
Akamatsu gasped in surprise, frowning as she processed the implications of Amami’s statement. “Is that true, Monokuma? Did you do something to Saihara-kun?”
“Upupupu! I call it…” He paused dramatically for effect, “the despair disease!”
A wave of silence washed over them, the students carefully pondering over Monokuma’s words.
“Diss-pear duh-seeze…” Gokuhara sounded out, attempting to understand the information he had been given. “Gonta not sure he understand…”
“Nyeh…” Yumeno groaned, voicing her confusion. “Am I the only one who’s lost?”
“Tell us, Monokuma…” Shinguji spoke cautiously, “What is this ‘despair disease’ you speak of?”
“Well, since you asked so nicely I might as well tell you all!” Monokuma grinned, preparing to explain himself. “The despair disease is a highly contagious illness that affects each and every student differently, depending on the strain that they contract! The symptoms can range from physical ailments to complete personality changes, so I’d be careful if I were you!”
“Personality changes…?” Harukawa repeated to herself, turning to address Momota. “Did you notice anything unusual when you checked on Saihara earlier?”
“Now that you mention it, he was acting kind of weird…” Momota admitted, putting the pieces of the puzzle together in his mind. “Alright, I’ve decided! Me and Maki Roll will watch over Shuichi until he gets better!” He declared boldly.
“What about the two of you, then?” Hoshi questioned, raising an eyebrow. “If this disease is as contagious as Monokuma just said doesn’t that put the two of you at risk?”
“Don’t worry about that! I, Kaito Momota, Luminary of the Stars, am naturally immune to all types of sickness! I could never let something as silly as being sick bring me down!” Momota boasted.
“You’re such an idiot…” Harukawa twirled a loose strand of hair between her fingers, a faint smile visible on her face. “But don’t worry about us. After we make sure Saihara is feeling alright, we’ll leave so that we don’t contract the illness.”
“Good luck, you two!” Akamatsu encouraged, flashing them a bright smile.
Momota gave her a thumbs up, heading out of the gymnasium with Harukawa in tow. One by one, the rest of the students exited as well, leaving only Monokuma.
“Upupupu…” He laughed to himself, grinning knowingly. “Let’s see how they deal with this...”
After arriving at Saihara’s dorm, Momota knocked on the door while Harukawa waited.
“Yo, Shuichi! You holdin’ up in there?” Momota asked, speaking loud enough for practically every dorm to hear him. “Me and Maki Roll came to check up on ya!”
Saihara faintly called out to them, informing them that the door should be open. Momota and Harukawa entered, immediately noticing a sick-looking Saihara sitting up in bed.
“Damn, you still look pretty bad…” Momota observed aloud, stepping closer to him. “How are you feeling?”
“I’m so tired, Momota-kun…” Saihara drawled, flashing him a coy expression. “I was up all night thinking about you…” He smiled innocently, fingers grazing his lips as he watched Momota’s concerned expression morph into one of bewilderment.
“Huh?” Momota recoiled, taken aback by Saihara’s sudden advances. “Shuichi, what are you talking about?”
Before Saihara could answer, Harukawa approached, placing the back of her hand on his forehead in order to check his temperature.
“He has a crazy high fever…” Harukawa stated, moving to pull her hand away.
But before she could retract it completely, Saihara took her hand in his, interlacing their fingers.
“Your hands are beautiful, Harukawa-san…” He gave her hand a squeeze, looking up to make eye contact with her. “Just like the rest of you.” Saihara smirked, a beguiling expression dressing his face.
Harukawa was quick to pull her hand away, wiping it on her sleeve. “And your hands are sweaty.” She stated flatly, shooting Momota a quick look. With a sigh, she continued. “So, let me guess. You have a strain of the despair disease that makes you flirt with everyone you come in contact with. Correct?”
“Despair disease…?” Saihara repeated, “You’ve got it all wrong, Harukawa-san…” Beads of sweat trickled down his forehead, the heat of his fever adding to the already prominent flush on his face. “The only disease I have is love sickness.”
“Do you want to die?” She threatened, expecting to wipe the smirk right off of Saihara’s face. But he continued to smile as he averted his eyes, another witty remark hanging off the tip of his tongue.
“Uhh… Can I talk to you for a minute, Maki Roll?” Momota spoke in a hushed voice, pulling her aside while Saihara simply observed. “Shuichi is acting kind of… weird, right?”
Harukawa rolled her eyes, another sigh escaping her lips. It was just like Momota to be this dense, especially when it came to flirting. Nevertheless, she responded, speaking in a low voice.
“Yeah…” She agreed. “Definitely weird.”
“So, what should we do?” Momota glanced at Saihara, who was simply staring down at the bedsheets. “I mean, someone has to take care of him… Right?”
“I don’t think we should leave him alone in this state…” Harukawa admitted. Despite Saihara’s odd behavior, it just wouldn’t be right to leave a sick person all by themselves. “I guess… We can keep an eye on him until nighttime.”
“Hmm… Alright! I trust you!” Momota gave her a small pat on the arm before turning back to Saihara, who seemed to be in a daze. “Listen up, Shuichi! Maki Roll and I are gonna be taking care of you until you feel better, so you better snap out of it!”
“Aha… Snap out of what?” Saihara responded, laughing a bit to himself.
Momota and Harukawa shared a suspect glance, before resigning themselves to their fate.
It was going to be a long day.
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kiiboslostahoge · 2 years
Summary: Killua bullies Gon, Alluka is confused, and Nanika betrays Killua, but not in the way you'd think.
Idk why i did this I just- I love Nanika/Alluka, and she's so underrated, and- I promise I'll write a Genshin rq soon, but just...
Lemme fangirl a bit, m'kay?
Warnings: Tickling, Killua and Gon hug in a scene,, Gon simps for nachos/j, but no cusses in sight bc Killua is a good big brother and Alluka, Nanika, and Gon are baby <3
Killua and Alluka had just returned from an incredibly long shopping spree. Wayy too long, if you asked Gon. Although he had to admit, they'd made good use of their time.
The floor was littered with bags containing almost everything the mall had to offer, from chocolate to clothes to crest toothpaste(Alluka had begun to fear for her brother's oral hygiene). The warm, cheesy nachos had really gotten Gon's attention, as he took a second to admire how appealing they looked with the perfect ratio of toppings to chips and cheddar spreaded all over.
Really, those nachos were quite the beauty, with the perfect spread and selection of toppings ensuring that the flavors could be delivered properly through the immense, flavorful cheese and perfectly textured chips, and really, those were beautiful over-
"Wow," Killua giggled, holding up his smartphone, "You really managed to make me look all lame and normal. How the heck does your mouth make bubble-bath foam?" Gon took a look at the smartphone, and to no one's surprise, there was a picture of him drooling at the mouth.
Wait, what??? He was drooling? The bubble bath foam was real? No way! Killua had just photoshopped it! It wasn't exactly like his best/boyfriend needed a reason to get blackmail on people, and he knew by now that even he got the same, cruel treatment! So yeah, apparently someone was surprised by the picture. At lease he knew it was just made up by Killua to find entertainment.
"Don't be mean to Gon, Big brother! I'm sure you're used to bubble-bath foam by now," Alluka mock-glared, confirming that he did drool bubble-bath foam.
No, he justified, maybe Nanika's started calling Killua big brother. She's probably in on his Photoshop gig. Whatever, at least Nanika and Alluka are standing up for me.
"Yeah Killua! Listen to your sister! Or is it sisters? Is Nanika gender-neutral? Oh no, have I been misgendering Nanika? No, someone would've corrected me. But... Have I been misgendering Kite? What is Kite's gender? What is gender and why do we care? Why do we care about anything political? Why can't we just- "
"Owww... KILLUA!" Gon groaned as he rubbed the now sensitive skin on his forehead.
"Your fault for being stupid, you know! Kite and Nanika can both kick your butts, they'll have no problem telling you what they want you to call them!" Gon expected Killua's mini-rant to end there, but it did not.
"Though I've gotta admit, I'm kinda impressed. As stupid as your rant was, I got to know your vocabulary actually has words with four or more syllables! Wait, do you even know what syllables means?"
"Hmph, well..." The Hunter-Hunter paused for a second, steam coming out of his brain, "At least I can insult people without calling them old or stupid!"
"Says the idiot of a goody-two shoes using 'fiddlesticks' like it's the latest technology in insults!"
"Yeah, I'm a goody-two shoes! I'm such a goody-two shoes that I can't even maul my friends over some plain old choco-robos!"
"Take back what you said about choco-robo kun."
"It's just choco- Ah! K-Killua!" Gon felt Killua's weight on his torso. He tried to push his friend, now his boyfriend, off only to feel an iron grip on his hands.
Damnit, he's just too strong!
"I said, take it back. Or else," The ex-assassin threatened.
"Or else what?"
"Well, Gon, remember what happened this morning?" His best friend(boyfriend) soundded wayy too innocent. Killua was almost always smug, not innocent! Killua usually sounded about as innocent as a cat. Probably because deep down, he was one.
"Yeah I do, what ab- Wait, wait, Killua! Y-You already got revehenge fohor thahat!"
"I think my revenge wasn't good enough. I want some more."
"Hehey, wahahit aha sehecohond!"
"Wow," the Silver-haired (Gon said the hair was grey once, and he still remembered the screeching about color theory after that) teen snickered, "You're really an idiot, you know. I'm not even touching you yet and you're already giggling! Are you hallucinating my hands? The answer doesn't matter, of course, 'cause I'm about to make 'em real!"
Neither of them noticed Alluka's confused mumbling to Nanika.
"B-But, I ohonly dihid it for t-two- AHCK! Wahahait!"
"Hmm," Killua faked consideration, "Nah."
Alluka's confused mumbles increased.
"N-Nohot thehere!" He giggled, noticing Killua's hands moving inwards from his sides to his stomach.
"Gon, you're so delusional it's hilarious," He sharpened his nails ever-so-slightly and scribbled all over Gon's stomach, "See? You're even laughing at yourself!"
"Guys?" Alluka's confused rambles came to a halt, as she pouted, "What're you doing? I asked Nanika and she told me she was sure it wasn't dangerous, but I know she was lying!"
"Huh? Alluka, what're you- Oh. Alluka," Killua's tone shifted from confused to weirdly compassionate.
His (boy)friend got off of him and sat down beside Alluka, eyes abnormally full of compassion. Gon was confused for a second, then remembered:
He wanted to murder the Zoldycks. It would be cruel and careless, just like the way they treated their children. Screw the Zoldycks, minus Killua and Alluka. Screw their heads with a rusted nail.
"Alluka, it's not our training, I promise."
"It's really not? B-But, Gon's laughing wildly and begging you to not do things, j-just like..."
"That's just formality. He gets me and I get him, and neither of us feel uncomfortable afterwards. It's not like Aniki's punishments, I promise."
"Then, what are you doing to him?" The worry in Alluka's eyes had faded, but not the confusion.
"Hmm," Killua paused for a moment, seemingly conflicted, "Could you give me your hand?"
Alluka reluctantly agreed, handing over her palm. Her older brother ran a finger over it, causing her to raise an eyebrow.
"Nothing's happening, Big Brother. Did you lie to me?"
"Huh?" Killua honest-to-god shrieked, "Y-You aren't- Not even one bit?"
"Aren't what even one bit?" Poor Alluka was ignored by her older brother.
"How..." Killua grumbled, "I'm the only one in the family. Not even Kalluto!"
"... Gon, please tell me what Big Brother is talking about."
"What's that?"
"Why don't you try running your finger down Killua's back?" Gon barely restrained himself from snickering.
Meanwhile, said Bestfriend/Boyfriend had finally caught on to the conversation and jumped back, grinning. Alluka, bless her poor heart, was looking from Killua to Gon with an incredible amount of confusion.
"Heh, It's not gonna be that easy, Gon. Not everyone's as much of a pushover as you."
"Killua! Just because you always get me doesn't mean I'm a pushover! It just means that you're way too strong!"
"I think it means both of those things," Killua grinned.
For the first time that day, Nanika spoke up.
"Gon, Killua's ears are really sensitive."
"Really? Score!" The green-haired hunter tried to reach his friend, who was now sitting on top of the refrigerator.
"If you want to make him stop talking, frequencies of above 50k hertz are really irritating and something only he ca- Oh. I guess that works as well."
"Nanika!" Killua mock-gasped, "How could you?"
"Sorry, Killua," Nanika actually sounded somewhat sorry, "But poor Gon won't stand a chance without help. What you were doing was like taking candy from a baby! He'll lose all his dignity and want to bury himself in a hole just like poor Mr. Leorio!"
"I'm not a bully! Gon and Leorio both deserve it for always saying embarrassing things!"
"Killua," The slightly older boy has to interrupt at this point, "As awesome as you are, the last few words I said made you blush."
"Because it's embarrassing, idiot!"
"But why?"
"Because it's not true! Why else?"
"B-But, it is true!"
"Is not! Just because I stopped killing people doesn't mean I never did!" His best fri- boyfriend spat out.
"Yeah, but you're still an awesome person!"
Meanwhile, Nanika remained on control purely put of mercy for her poor twin, who was already confused by the concepts of tickling and play-fighting.
"No I'm not! If I'm a good person, then so are the bombers! By your standards, even Piggy's a good person!"
"But you are a good person! You killed because you had to, while everyone else killed because they wanted to! The Bombers just wanted to win the game, and your Otaku brother just wants money!"
"So? I bet I've killed more than all of them combined!"
"Killua," The shadow-faced twin interrupted worriedly, "Alluka and I killed more people than you. Does that make us bad people?"
"No, it doesn't," Killua's voice instantly softened, "You were both bound by rules. If anything, you're the victims of all of the nasty people taking advantage of you."
"Okay, Killua," Nanika seemed reassured, but then she thought for a moment, "But, didn't Kikyo and Silva ask Illumi to make you do it?"
"I could've resisted way earlier than I did," he scoffed.
Gon just wanted to make this conversation end. Killua was too cool to feel this way about himself, after all. The ex-assassin had spared Ikalgo and protected him when he'd lost his Nen and saved him from the aftermath of the Nen contract and saved Zushi from those buttholes trying to pick on him and wayy more! He also wanted revenge. Wait...
That was what had gotten them in this position in the first place! Had he really gotten distracted from his quest to enact vengeance and end up with Killua thinking he wasn't awesome? He had an idea that'd help him get both. As much of his pride as he'd have to sacrifice by cheating in their fights, it didn't matter. Not in comparison to Killua's self-esteem and his need for vengeance after being bullied by his new boyfriend.
"Killua, if we're gonna talk about all of this deep stuff, can't you get off of the fridge? It feels kinda weird talking about morals and their meanings with someone sitting on a fridge."
"Oh," Said boy had apparently just remembered he was still sitting on the fridge, "Sorry. No clue why I was sitting there, the chocolate's all inside the refrigerator!"
Killua jumped off and Gon tried his best to hide his inner smugness.
"So, Gon, what 'morals' were you talking abo-HEY!" The Silver-haired boy found himself pinned to the floor.
"Yeah, that was actually just a trick to get you off of the fridge. Sorry," He wasn't sorry, not one bit. This was all well-deserved.
"B-But, why?" Killua paused in thought for a moment, before finally coming to a realization, "Oh."
He was expecting Killua to be angry, but instead, he got a completely different response!
"I've got to admit, you won this round. But that doesn't mean you'll win the Match," Just as his partner for a few days said that, abnormally large muscles pushed him off, only to freeze in place. Killua stared confusedly for a second, only for Nanika to speak up, holding up her arm to reveal a shadow. Said shadow extended all the way to Killua's arms, effectively rendering them useless.
"Sorry, but Gon does have a point. You keep bullying him and you never let him get you back. You even took a picture of him drooling over nachos!"
"But, How did you..."
"Alluka and I talked long enough for her to accept three requests. Her wish was for me to do anything I wanted that was simple enough to keep the requests at level 1," Instead of an innocent Nanika-like expression, she made a cat-face like Killua's.
Gon felt a chill down his spine as a vision of a male Killua and a female Killua hunched protectively over two stashes of choco-robos filled his mind(Yes, they both had cat-ears and tails).
"Hmph. Go ahead," Killua activated his electrokinesis, sticking his tongue out.
"I've grown used to the feeling, so it won't tickle. You haven't. So, how do you plan on getting me now?"
"I've noticed that your electricity functions differently from actual electricity. Due to your Nen, it isn't affected by regular water! Otherwise, your sweat would've killed you off."
"Yeah, and how's that gonna- Gon, Don't you da- AHAHA GOHON, THAHAT TIHIHICKLES!"
"Now you know how it feels, Killua," he got his tongue off of the ex-assassin's ribs just to stick it out.
Truth be told, Gon wasn't going to be using his tongue. That was just too unfair. Instead, he just wanted Killua to loosen up on his electrokinesis. Considering the lack of electricity of his (boy)friend's skin, it was working.
He quickly moved to run his left index finger over the albino's ear before bringing it and his right hand down to Killua's stomach.
"Eep- Gohon!"
"I already told you, you need to know how it feels!" Gon said, narrowly dodging a kick from his friend.
"Noho Ihi dohon't!"
"Behecahauhuse- uhuh, Yohou stahartehed ihit!"
"Ehh? This time you started it!" Because Killua's untrue words made Gon angry, he decided to flutter his fingers over his friend's ribs. It worked everytime and he came up with the idea himself, because he was just really smart like that.
"Ihi wohohuldn't knohow whahat ihit mehehant ihif ihit wahasn't fohor yahoo! Soho yohou staharted ahall ohof thihis- AHAH GOHON! IHIT TIHICKLES!" Gon was unable to stand the fact that his boyfriend was right, and therefore decided to just give Killua a raspberry to the ribs to shut him up. It always came with the bonus of hearing his angelic laughter, too! Besides, he'd had his fill of vengeance for now anyways.
"Yeah, well, I don't wanna hear you pretend you aren't awesome either, Killua!"
Just like that, Killua's blush spread all the way down to his neck, as his embarrassment allowed him to do nothing but groan while desperately trying to hide his face from Gon. Feeling bad, the amber-eyed boy decided to pause the tickling for a bit.
"Killua, are you alright?"
Nothing, just a weird muffled sound. 'Sutopmdiut', what did that mean anyway?
"What did you say? And... now that I think about it," Gon paused his own statement, "Woahhh, your face is even redder up close!"
Killua groaned, "I said, Shut up, idiot. What was the point of that anyways? You already got me back."
"Well, you're too awesome to feel bad about yourself, Killua! So," Gon did some puppy eyes and a pout to make Killua listen to his next words, "Stop pretending that you aren't awesome, please!"
"I-I'm really n-not all that spec- Mph! Gon!" The hunter-hunter took the chance to hug his new boyfriend.
"You're really special, Killua! And you're so cool, and smart, and strong and-"
Gon felt Killua's arms wrap around his own shoulders, despite their immobilized state. Killua just stared confusedly at Nanika, who just grinned and held up her own smartphone.
"Aww, you two look sooo cute together!" She gushed, "But, I've gotta say: You're both so competitive! Was godspeed really necessary for a tickle fight?"
"Oh, You don't know the half of it," Killua said, "One time, I edited a Wikipedia page to win an argument with Gon that I was wrong about."
"Oh, come on!"
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Remember That Time... Vol. 01
Remember that time Eobard created giant robot horses from prison in exchange for a pardon, and then released one back into the 20th century in a long con to have an ugly statue stolen for him by Hal while he and Barry vibrated into each other, fusing together to defeat the giant robot horse by stomping it to death, and then Eo accidentally blabbed his whole plan after Hal returned with a dissolved statue and Barry defeated him by stripping his suit off?
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This is the cover art to one of Eo’s lengthy Eobarry fanfics, because you know he’s one of those fanfic authors who’s extra like that.
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“THAWNYE” sounds like some kind of diminutive if you say it like “Thawn-ya”. Great job keeping track of things, guys. Look at Barry pretending he doesn’t know who Eo is... or maybe it’s just the name thing. I’m not sure how humanity managed to drive horses to extinction, but I’m taking that as an indication that the 25th century is actually a horrid dystopia. I assume Eo does know what horses really look like, and just took some creative license, but it would be funny if he didn’t. I’m also concerned that they gave him a shop to work in, what with him being a mad scientist and all.
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LOOK AT THAT OUTFIT. My boy is always out there, bringing the hottest new looks. Since his giant collar is the same color as his pants, and it’s The Future, I’m willing to bet that he wearing a--say it with me--mid-20th century retro-futuristic jumpsuit! And those pirate boots! And that consistently inconsistent hairline!
I kinda can’t help but wonder if Eo has some deep, hidden desire to become a sculptor. And is it the getting of the statues, or the having? Is it the thieving, or the collecting? And is shitty modern art the only art that exists in the future? Oh god, now I can’t get the image out of my head of Eo making a (life-size) reproduction of Blucifer, the 32ft tall patricidal horse statue, in his prison workshop. It just seems like an appropriate thematic progression to the robo-horses.
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Side-sidebar: It amuses me that people in the 70s couldn’t imagine that we would move beyond the CRT screen. But I hope to god we don’t move on to the holographic/clear glass screens that Current Year people think we’ll have.
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Ugh, the Guardians. If the worst Earth-cops ever did was steal the occasional bad statue, we’d be in a good place.
Also, uhhhh. Folks who are up on the Lantern lore--is time travel a standard feature of the rings, or is this one of those “it happened because we needed it to in this one issue” things?
Is it me, or does Central City--20th and 25th century--have a lot of movin’ around room? Lots of PLAZAS. Lots of pedestrian spaces. I like it in concept, kinda like how the Europeans do it, but in execution it has the feeling like you could start walking to those buildings on the horizon, and you would never get there.
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I’m not going to lie to you. I included this page solely and entirely for the butts.
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Aaaaand FUSION DAAAAAAANCE! I love how Eo’s complaining and doesn’t know what Barry’s doing, but he starts vibe-dancin’ anyway.
+1 for the artist remembering Eo’s nose. I need to create a compilation in celebration of Classic Eo’s nose.
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I don’t know about you, but. I’m aroused. Not gonna lie, before I’d read this, I’d already been contemplating what a Eo-Barry fusion would look like and. Well, this isn’t what I had in mind. And I kinda got stuck on the resulting costume being ENTIRELY ORANGE.
Eo’s FACE in the 3rd panel is priceless. Is this confirmation that Barry would lead in any hypothetical dances? I’m taking it as that. And they’re doing a great job, considering! Eo seems so excited in the last panel. I want to see these moves at regular speed. They must be... somethin’ else.
Oh, right: Heh heh... the beast with no backs. Pffffff--
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I know it’s a mindless robo-horse, but this, uh. I kinda feel like I need to call some sort of humane organization about what I’m seeing here. And that pink cloud HAS to be an environmental hazard.
BUT CAN YOU IMAGINE the grape-crushing potential?
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Why Would Hal Jordan Do This?
WHAT IF...? They weren’t able to separate, and just had to DEAL with it for like the next year or so? Don’t think about it too hard, though.
Eo’s FAAAACE in panel 5 is *chef’s kiss*.
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An ASTONISHING HR nightmare! I have a love-hate relationship with how the older comics avoid explaining how these suits work. They always pop out like they’re one single piece--gloves and boots and all! Do ya gotta slide yourself in through the neck hole? Where is all this excess fabric on Eo’s suit coming from? It sure doesn’t look like Barry’s making any headway in removing it. He’s a 25th century Draupadi over here. And he’s just wearing regular ol’ clothes underneath a skintight suit, a thing that will continue to baffle me about Flash comics for decades to come.
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“Cinder needs some love. I dare random A and B to cuddle Cinder and make her smile, no matter what it takes” - anon
Name Randomizer: Weiss (A) and Ruby (B)
Late night at the RWBY dorm…
Cinder: Since when do you have a massive mattress in your dorm instead of bunks?
Weiss: Since Vale Furniture Outlet started carrying a Vacuan King and offered delivery to Beacon.
Ruby, already in her nighttime attire: And it’s polycule friendly! *leaps into bed, bouncing on the mattress* For the biggest of cuddle piles!
Cinder: Well, at least that means we’ll have room.
Weiss: Especially with Blake and Yang sleeping over with JNPR tonight, we’ll have an endless expanse of bed.
Ruby: We’re still going to cuddle, though, right?
Weiss: Yes, Ruby, like always.
Ruby: Yaaay.
Cinder, sighing as she detaches her robo-arm: Are we actually going to get any sleep, or is Ruby going to keep us up with her constant tossing and turning?
Ruby: If you came here to sleep, you ain’t here for the right reasons!
Weiss: Would you be getting any sleep otherwise, Cinder?
Cinder: Good point.
Ruby: Quit jabbering and get in here with me!
Cinder: I still need to change clothes.
Weiss: And I need a shower.
Ruby: I could take one with you.
Weiss: What, why?
Ruby: You take too long washing your hair! With my help you wouldn’t take as long, and you’d use less water. It’s the economical choice.
Cinder: Can’t argue with economics, huh, Weiss?
Weiss, sighing: Okay, good point. But don’t make it weird.
Ruby: If anyone would make it weird, it’s you, Weiss.
Cinder: Oof, true tho.
Weiss: *scoffs*
Ruby: Cinder can join, too!
Cinder: Huh? But I don’t need to shower!
Ruby: Uh, yeah you do.
Weiss, mockingly: Oof, true tho.
Ruby: Our shower is big enough, c’mon!
Cinder: I’m not getting out of this, am I?
Weiss: Not unless you plan on smuggling yourself out of the kingdom and hiding for the rest of your life.
Ruby: And even then, I would find you. *hops out of bed and heads to the bathroom* Let’s go! *starts awkwardly yanking her tank top off, bumps in to the door frame, then steps inside*
Weiss, sighing, squeezing the bridge of her nose: I do love her, I promise I do.
Cinder, chuckling and tossing her arm onto the bed: This place would be boring as hell without her, to be fair. *takes off her jacket and pulls her top off* Come on, time to be economical. *throws her shirt at Weiss*
Weiss, blushing as Cinder’s shirt lands on her face: Yeah, right. *suddenly flinches and tosses the shirt away in a panic* What the fuck, that reeks!
Ruby, from in the bathroom: Told you she doesn’t shower.
Cinder: It’s called executive dysfunction.
Ruby: Yes, I know that!
One shower later…
Weiss: I despise how you both towel dry your hair.
Ruby, standing with a towel around her, hair a wild mess: Don’t worry, it falls into place.
Cinder, currently towel drying her hair: It’s just my style.
Weiss, rolling her eyes, a towel wrapped around herself while carefully blowdrying her hair: Especially before bed. You’re going to wake up and it’ll still be a mess.
Ruby: And? I’ll look cute.
Cinder, revealing her messy hair: She’s got you there.
Weiss, sighing: Okay, fine. *glances over* Cinder, why are you wrapping your towel around your waist?
Cinder, hand on her hip, looking in the mirror: It’s gender affirming.
Ruby, snickering: You look like the kind of stereotypical boy who goes around whipping others with a towel in a locker room.
Cinder, shrugging: I can do that. *takes her towel off*
Ruby: Oh, oh no.
Cinder, spinning the towel around: Oh yes.
Ruby, running out of the bathroom: Nooo!
Cinder: Come back here! *runs out after her*
Weiss, sighing: Ozpin is so good at picking team leaders. (/s)
Ruby, from the other room: Agh, my butt!
Cinder, laughing: Oh shit, my bad!
Weiss, emerging from the bathroom to check on them: What the heck happened?
Ruby, face down on the bed, kicking her legs behind herself while rubbing her butt: Ow ow ow ow!
Cinder, shrugging with coiled up towel in hand: I think I won.
Weiss, facepalming: You two are ridiculous.
Cinder, readying her towel: What, you want some, too?
Weiss, flinching and holding up her own towel to keep it from falling: Not in the slightest!
Cinder, chuckling: Thought so. *looks back at Ruby* You good?
Ruby, fake sniffling: Yeah, just *sniff* in so much pain.
Cinder: I’m sorry, you were just no match for me.
Ruby, poking her left butt cheek, giggling: Kiss it better.
Cinder, leaning over and kissing her: There.
Ruby, laughing: I didn’t think you’d actually do it!
Cinder, shrugging: You asked.
Weiss, laughing: Oh my gods, you really have come a long way, Cinder.
Ruby, still laughing as she rolled over and sat up: Yeah, I mean…no offense, but you were a jerk when we first met.
Cinder, sighing and nodding: Yeah, I know. I was still a moody kid who thought the whole world was against me. But… *gestures at Ruby and Weiss* I’m glad I have friends like you two and the others. It made me realize a lot of new things about myself, and…yeah, I’m way happier now. *chuckles* I mean, I just took a shower with two other people and I didn’t worry about either of you seeing my scars for even a second. *rubs her shoulder* It’s pretty amazing, honestly. Never thought I’d be this happy and comfortable around others.
Ruby: Aww. *hops off the bed and hugs her* All you needed was friendship, huh?
Cinder, blushing: Well when you say it like that, it sounds corny. *wraps her arm around her* But yeah, having friends is pretty cool. Or…girlfriends. I still haven’t figured all of it out.
Weiss: None of us have. *walks over and gingerly hugs Cinder* But we’re glad you’re a part of it, even if you’re kind of a gremlin.
Cinder, nodding confidently: I can accept that. *kisses them both on the forehead* I’m glad to be a part of it, too.
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magicstar16 · 4 years
Invader zim Sitcom au (Part 2)
Okay so this is gonna go over all the other famlies. For characters who’s last names I don’t know I just gave them random last names.
The membranes: AKA The next door neighbors who get a spinoff later or something 
Professor Membrane: Doesn’t change much besides from being actually supportive this time. He’s like how he was in ETF. He’s still a successful scientist, but the “Smartest man in the world” thing is only just a title now. He let’s Gaz and Dib help him during some of his experiments as a fun, family bonding activity. (This does not mean they’re all safe, they can still be pretty chaotic, such as that one time where the house got overrun by gerbils). He still has robotic limbs from the shark incident, the incident actually left him deathly afraid of sharks (Yaaaaayyy PTSD)
Dib Membrane: Still a feral little paranormal investigator, he Zim go on crazy paranormal-hunting adventures together (YAAAYY Zadf), which Gaz joins sometimes. Sometimes it just ends up like a scooby-doo mystery where it turns out nothing supernatural was actually going on, sometimes they actually find some sort of paranormal thing. A lot of they’re hangouts are paranormal investigations. Dib’s still feral but he’s still calmer and more rational than Zim, while ZIm is much more rash and impulsive. Though Dib’s still more of a logical thinker, while Zim is a much more outside-the-box thinker, so they work well together. Sometimes they’ll butt heads and their competitiveness flares up again, but it’s more of a friendly, chaotic rivalry.
Gazlene “Gaz” Membrane: Gaz is a lot like how she was in the comics, still a jerk, but she still cares about her brother. Her care commonly shows in anger born of worry, she’s pretty much 80% of his impulse control.
Clembrane and Foodio 3000: Clembrane was a clone made by membrane so that membrane could get more stuff done, but the cloning didn’t go so well, which is why Clembrane is the way he is. Clembrane just ends up doing housework, and has an odd fixation on pudding. (Professor doesn’t know why, he thinks it might be because that was one of the first thing they taught him to cook that came out edible). Foodio’s pretty much the same, but was instead created as a robo-butler to clean the house and do chores when membrane was to busy.
Skoodge Brians: Zim’s best friend besides Dib, he’s gullible, but he’s got a good heart and he means well. He’s also a strong boy, physically and emotionally. He, Zim, Dib, and Gaz make up a ragtag bunch of misfits and stand up for eachother togther, and go on their own misadventures. Skoodge takes the bullying he receives in stride because he tells himself (Or at least tries to) that they’re just empty insults. He’s usually the shoulder to cry on for the group. He’s the type of friend to just let himself into the house if he’s close enough with whoever lives there (I.e, The Membrane sibs and Zim).
Tak Vessel:  (I wanted her surname to be a reference to her ship in the show. Vessel is an actual surname, albeit rare, and is a synonym for ship). Tak is a transfer student from the UK (Hence her accent) causing occasional culture shock for her (”IT’S NOT CALELD SOCCER! IT’S CALLED FUTBOL!!!” “Tak please it’s just a game). She’s kind of a bully who usually targets Zim, but mostly because he keeps ticking her off. She does have her soft spots for the Membrane siblings and her little sister Mimi. She holds some begrudging respect for Skoodge for putting up with everyone’s BS, her included, she can’t even imagine having that kind of patience. She mellows down if you get on her good side and can be a good friend when she wants to, She’s not much of a bully as she is just able to go from 0 to 100 real easily. 
Minerva “Mimi” Vessel: Tak’s “creepy” little sister around Gir’s age. Tak is really close to her,  which comes as a surprise to most people since Tak is seen as the kind of person who’d bully their little sibling. Mimi is a creepy little Satan child, at least at surface level. She checks all the boxes on the creepy little kid list. She doesn’t talk, she has big ole eyes that stares into your soul, she usually plays or sits alone, and is into some dark things, like she’s the kid who’d read the original tale after watching a disney movie, and would prefer the original. But deep down she’s just shy. She opens up to Gir later in the series, and usually lets him talk for her (Either by whispering in his ear and having him repeat what she just said, or communicating in sign language and having him translate, Gir’s translations are the same quality as google translate, not entirely accurate but you can get what she’s trying to say if you connect the dots). Mimi only speaks when she deems it necessary, since she has a stutter and a bit of a lisp when she speaks, which she’s really insecure about.
Tennessee “Tenn” Michaels: (I know literally nothing about Tenn please forgive me) A lively girl who’s kind of a ditz, but always tries her best and is quick to know when she’s made a mistake. She’s a friend of Skoodge’s so she knows the main squad just by proximity. She’s much more of a girly girl then Tak and Gaz, but they humor her because it makes her happy. Her parents run a daycare which she helps with sometimes, although “Help” usually means “Be offered as a sacrifice to a bunch of insane toddlers” in her eyes (Kinda like being sent tons of defective sir units in the show, except she’s only stuck with them until they’re parents pick them up). Sometimes she joins the main squad with they’re paranormal investigations or general shenanigans, but usually she can’t because she’s busy helping her parents at the daycare. She’s pretty much the only main character who’s not unpopular and has more then 4 or 5 friends.
Floog Gregor: Floog is a shy boy who’s also friends with Skoodge. He’s timid but he tries to be a good leader, and he’s even vice president of the student council at Skool. He looks up to his Dad, Theen, who’s a commander serving in the navy seals. Floog doesn’t get to see his dad very often, at least not in person (They do things like phone calls and video chat, but it’s not the same) Floog knows that his dad’s very busy, and that he has to sacrifice family time for his job. But since Theen’s a navy seal (I’ll keep it vague where Theen is serving specifically because I don’t want to offend anyone) Floog feels selfish for wanting his dad to come home, because of this, Floog has a tendacy to put others before himself. Like Tenn, Floog sometimes joins the main gang in their misadventures, but he’s usually too scared. When he does join them, he’s the most hesitant to do anything, and pretty much takes orders from the others. He’s pretty much the Shaggy of the group.
Minimoose: The Invaedirs pet cat. (I made him a cat because cats go “Nyah!” like Minimoose) He’s a chubby lil good boi who waddles and causes trouble and cutes his way out of it. Zim found him in a dumpster and named him “Minimoose” because according to Zim, he looks like a miniature moose. Red and purple thought the name was stupid, Gir liked it, Miyuki thought it was hillarious, Spork didn’t really care, so Minimoose got his name via majority vote. Zim’s the closest with him, and Zim even talks to Minimoose sometimes. (”MINIMOOSE! Red pushed me again, how can I get him to stop pushing me?! “Nyah” “Good Idea Minimoose! Putting Red down means I WOULD get pushed less!” “Nyah” “Yes Minimoose, I love you too.”)
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tizzymcwizzy · 4 years
Tizzy Dissects Rogercop Part 3
Back on my Adrien is a smart cookie bullshit, but look at him quick thinking while for all he knows Ladybug is a pancake and his ring is about to be taken,
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What a smart boy!!! His plans may not be complicated like Marinette's but he gets the job done! We kinda see this is reflektadoll 2, using the simple straight forward solution instead of Marinette's somewhat overly complicated plans. Also, the freaking dexterity to pull that off? He's hanging by his arm 200 ft in the air on a robo-car and tosses his staff, with his feet, into the exhaust. Amazing.
Also, we don't talk about this enough,
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Who are you????
Who is this man? Dude literally leaped off a building and danced in the middle of the street (who taught you that?? Your DDR machine???? wha-)
Then he strikes this pose, surrounded by the entire Parisian police force, (this man, I can't)
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And he just like, kicks butt and defeats the entire police force by himself. Legendary, we stan.
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Who is this man....
Adrien Agreste, top model in a furry suit, ready to throw hands with the mayor of Paris and his daughter, you get 'em dude.
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This has nothing really to do with this episode but I love the ladynoir in this picture, look at Ladybug's face. Anyone who says she hates him can fight me out back right now.
When Adrien looks back on all the crazy shit he's done in his life I hope he is proud because I for sure am. Boy starts off his day with disappointment, struggles with Plagg being Plagg, has his partner almost die, becomes a wanted criminal, and is still able to put a smile on his face when this is all said and done?? Sorry this kinda turned into stan adrien hours but do you guys hear me? I love him.
Marinette is also great in this episode, it perfectly shows her personality and how she thinks and is confident in herself. From her not so great side, excusing Adrien from blame because it's Adrien and then accusing her classmates the same way Chloe was, (though in a very less mean and valid way) to her trying to get through to Rogercop even though she knows it's useless and giving Chloe some slack at the end cause she's just that kind of person.
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Like look at her face! She is such a sweetheart I love her so much.
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In conclusion, Rogercop is a pretty good episode, stan Adrien, Marinette and Plagg, and lastly, fuck Gabriel.
Thanks for watching folks.
Part 1 Part 2
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drsweetzscenarios · 4 years
Hajime meeting future Female!S/O(Disney’s Hercules-Inspired AU)
I decided it would be fun if I did one of these because I absolutely love this scene so much.I had a lot of fun with this and maybe if this gets enough encouragement I might make this into an x reader series so I hope ha y’all like it!
“Chiaki Dialogue”
“Kaziuchi Dialogue”
“Hajime Dialogue”
“Your Dialogue”
  This imagine is based on is these scenes
x x 
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As Hajime cut through the thick,creepy,green forest, he glanced back at his two allies. Kaziuchi and Chiaki were a great help in this journey.
Kaziuchi being his childhood friend and Chiaki being his mentor for his mission to joining his father, Makoto Naegi and the rest of the hopeful gods up on Mount Hope. He desired to be one of them for it was his destiny. 
“So Chiaki...where are we going exactly?” 
the toothy boy questioned, his neon green jump-suit didn’t blend in very well with the forest. 
“We are traveling to Towa City. Hajime would get a better start on his quest if we started there.” 
She replied before bringing her hand to her mouth to quiet down her yawns
“And when are we going to get there exactly? Not that I don’t trust ya but this place seems a lil shady” 
Kaziuchi tried all of his might not to shudder at the thought of being trapped here forever, running in circles before they all go mad with despair.
“As soon as we make it through the ruins of The Ultimate Academy for Gifted Juveniles-”“THERE’S MORE TO GO THROUGH????”
Chiaki glared at Kaziuchi before going back to explaining herself. However, she was cut off
They all stopped and Hajime raced towards the voice, not even comprehending what he was doing
With the other two following, they soon hide behind a bush.
And there you were in the tough hold of a exisal, struggling to get out of its grasp in the middle of a river
Hajime’s concerned face soon turned into a mighty glare
“Alright now remember Hajime,1.Analysis the situation. Don’t just go in there without thinking-”
Chiaki and Kaziuchi turned their heads to Hajime’s direction only to see he wasn’t there.
They turned their heads only to see Hajime striding up to the opponent his eyes gleaming with rage.
“Oh boy.” 
Kaziuchi gulped 
“He’s losing points for this” 
Chiaki dead-panned
As soon as Hajime spat out those words, the robot and the girl turned to him, one shocked and the other emotionless.
The exisal then crouched to Hajime’s level and seemed to be analyising him.
“My uh..”
He looked over the exisal once 
“ good friend.”
“I’ll have to ask you to release that young-”
He gestured to you 
“Keep moving, junior”  “lady...But you- are-aren’t you...a damsel in despair?”
“I’m a damsel. I’m in despair. I can handle this. Have a nice day~” 
You answered coolly despite struggling through out the sentence to get out of the grip you were in.
Hajime then cleared his throat 
“Ma’am I’m afraid you might be too close to the situation to realize-”
Before he could get his hope sword ready for battle, he was flung across the land and into the water.
Chiaki winced 
“WHAT ARE YOU DOING??GET YOUR SWORD!!” “Sword. Right right, rule #15 a hero’s only as good as his weapon!” 
He scampered for his sword as the exisal neared closer.
As the exisal was nearing closer, Hajime pulled out his weapon to the robot which was not his sword but a nearly broken monokuma that ran for it’s life seeing the exisal.
Kaziuchi’s bellowing laughter in the background while Chiaki elbowed him to keep quiet did no affect while you rested your hand on your chin, expressing boredom and disappointment.
Before Hajime could even react again, he was punched square in the cheek sending him flying into a nearby stone.
“COME ON HAJIME CONCENTRATE”  “use your head Hajime!” 
When Chiaki said those words, he parted his from the tree and came charging at the exisal with the power of hope, like a bull charging towards a red flag.
The exisal flew across the forest before landing into a waterfall, glitching slightly
“ALRIGHT,NOT BAD!”  “not what I had in mind but not bad indeed”
You fell downwards into the river, rendering yourself wet all over before sitting up and spitting out the water that landed in your mouth.
Hajime turned to you and lifted you up bridal style if anyone lifts you up bridal style you immediately know. That’s the one your gonna spend the rest of your life with.
He placed you on a stone near his friend and mentor.
“Oh Usami. I’m really sorry that was dumb...:”
You opened your eyes to look at Hajime
“Yeah definitely”
Hajime looked back to the exisal who was preparing to attack
“Excuse me” 
he raced over to defeat the exisal.
As you watched Hajime defeat the exisal, you looked over to Kaziuchi and Chiaki who then looked over to you. Cue several seconds of awkward eye contact.
“Nice work! Keep at it!” 
Chiaki tried to cheer but her monotone voice made it seem lacking.
“Is Hope boy here for real?”
“WHAT ARE YOU TALKIN ABOUT! Of course he’s real!” 
He gestured to the ongoing brawl
“And by the way sweet cheeks, I’m real too.~” 
Kaziuchi’s lousy excuse for a flirt was gifted with a shove that sent him stumbling from you and a face palm from Chiaki.
Soon the exisal was defeated as Kaziuchi rushed over to use it’s spare parts for some mechanical things.
Hajime calmly walked over to Chiaki and Kaziuchi while you stepped off the stone to get the water out of your clothes.
“So... how was that guys?”
“Hajime you can get away with mistakes like that in smaller things but this is the big leagues” 
She patted his shoulder though to express her pride in doing well while making those mistakes.
“Well at least I beat it” 
He fixed his tie that was slightly torn thanks to the earlier brawl.
Kaziuchi shook Hajime’s shoulders with every word
Hajime then looked over to you who looked like a ethereal goddess as the sun hit your body just right to create something similar to a golden outline.
As Kaziuchi continued to rant about something..Hajime didn’t really pay attention as his body went over to you before his mind could even think.
“Are you...alright miss..?”
you gently swatted your hand in his face. 
"But my friends call me (Nickname) at least they would if I had any friends.”
Hajime’s surprise lasted at least a couple seconds before you continued 
“Soo do they give you a name along with that hopeful charm?” 
Hajime stuttered 
“Uh-Um... I- I- I-uhh …” 
he looked away in embarrassment. Nice going dude, Hajime thought to himself.
“Are you always this articulate?” 
You asked, your finger pointed at him as you dried a sock. 
He coughed awkwardly 
“My name is Hajime Hinata” “Hajime huh? Well I think I prefer Hope Boy”  “ So... How’d you get mixed up with the uh-” 
He leaned against a tree before he slipped and caught himself from slipping and falling.
“The robotic pinhead? You know despair-inducing creatures are. They think ‘no’ means ‘yes’ and ‘get lost’ means ‘take me I’m yours’” 
You barely leaned against Hajime, eyelashes fluttering in fake innocence.
“Don’t worry you’ll find out soon.” 
You walked away before turning to face him. 
“Well see ya later Haji. It’s been a great time.” 
You strutted away
“WAIT! Um... We can escort you there... Yeah! Let us escort you there” “No it’s fine really. My destination isn’t far from here. Just an couple minutes away.”
“I’ll be fine! I’m a big tough girl. Can tie my shoes and everything.”
“See ya later,hope boy”
You waved off to him
He waved back as if he was in a love-struck daze.
“She’s...something. Isn’t she Kaziuchi?”\
“Yeah yeah. She’s really something. A REAL PAIN IN MY BUTT”
Kaziuchi squished Hajime’s nose like a clown
“Come on Hajime we need to get into Towa City before you fall in love”
Chiaki snickered teasingly
He shook his head, flustered
“Y-Yeah! Let’s go!”
Hajime’s blush didn’t his face for a very long time
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edencallsme · 4 years
Can you make a bullet list of all your OC’s and brief description of them🥺🥺
Ooooh boy, I hope you know what you're asking for. Get ready for a bunch of robo cuties.
Oldest OCs to Newest
Nightingale: My first ever Transformers OC! She's a quiet, battle-hardened Neutral femme with a soft spot for children of all species. Her background is a bit complicated, but long story short, she's used to be human but some jerks ruined that for her and made her into a Cybertronian-like battle mecha. Her design is actually based off TFP Soundwave; slim and pretty with a black and purple paintjob. Being a triplechanger, she has two alt-modes: a Blackbird and a Bugatti. (IDK how to know cars.)
Daybreaker: Nightingale's partner and trusted companion! A friendly, soft-spoken former Autobot, now turned Neutral. In Wandering Knights (which is the TF story that they're in), he's the co-captain of an Autobot explorer ship that crashed on Earth and lost his memory on impact. He met Nightingale when she broke him out of the jail cell he was in, and both escaped of the Labs together. Daybreaker has a very knight-like appearance, making him the butt of many knight-in-shining-armor jokes. Though not a triplechanger, his alt-mode is basically the Regalia from FF13 which is literally a flying car.
Daze: Another neutral human-turned-cybertronian! They're suave and charming with the slightest hint of a mischievous streak. Daze just one day woke up as a giant robot and is like "alright cool", before running off and doing whatever their spark desires. Their hobbies includes messing with the Autobots, messing with the Decepticons, flirting with the local Prime, and hanging out with their human haggle of dramatic theater children. Daze has the special ability to make this poisonous and acidic fog, which made many Bots' and Cons' plating rust. Their alt-mode is a really sexy-looking customized Lamborghini with a pink, gold, and black paintjob.
Comet: Autobot scout and space explorer extraordinaire! A very hyperactive and easily excitable femme with a spark of gold. Her high energy and intense love of space tends to overwhelm the other Autobots, so she spends all of that excitement on doing patrol rounds and mapping out star systems. Her background is pretty simple: she's from Caminus and just absolutely adores her big sis Windblade (they're not actually sisters, just really good friends), so when she hears that Windblade is gonna join the Autobots, Comet quickly followed and is now an essential member of the Ark! Her alt-mode is a small but fast starship with a simple white, cyan, and yellow paintjob.
Aurelius: A Neutral war medic who's the leader of a small rescue team called the Starsworn. Calm, gentle, and level-headed: this mech has very leader-like vibes to him. But despite his caring behavior and excellent medical skills, a lot of people don't know his backstory, not even his own team (sshhhh, I totally have a background for him *sweats*). Aurelius' alt-mode is a heavy-duty, white and red truck with a big trailer for hauling injured mecha in.
Drivebright: My latest Transformers OC, and the most baby of them all! Drivebright is an Autobot scout just like Comet and Bumblebee! The youngest of all the Autobots, Drivebright's cheerful and optimistic personality is like a breeze of fresh air to those war-torn Bots, and makes a lot of Bots coddle the young scout. His backstory is pretty long, but I'll make it short. Drivebright is one of the last remaining protoforms batch that the Allspark made before briefly yeeting off to deep space. As a way to protect the young spark, Optimus Prime puts Drivebright at one of the Autobot bases in Iacon, where Drivebright trains with the rest of his batch-members. However, a Decepticon airstrike unfortunately bombed the place and left Drivebright one of the five remaining survivors. Now, Drivebright has PTSD and a great fear of explosions. :) And oh yeah, Drivebright's alt-mode is a teal and light blue Volkswagen Beetle like Bumblebee's!
I actually have a whole lot more of Transformers OCs, both human and Cybertronian. But these guys are my main ones that I've fully written for. I hope y'all enjoy my info-dumping, it was fun for me, lol.
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