#love microdosing death
you can pry my sleep playlist from my cold dead hands
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inevitablestars · 13 days
Fic authors self rec!
thank you sm for the tag @pretentiouswreckingball
When you get tagged, post your favorite five fics that you’ve written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Spread the self-love
(summaries below, me rambling in the tags)
bite the hand | wolfstar, nonbinary sirius, exes to lovers | 120k
It’s them and Remus, it’s always going to be them and Remus. Nothing can break that. Except for themselves. Which evidently they are very good at doing… So hope is what they cling to. More than love, more than history, more than anything. - or - Sirius and Remus have gotten into a cycle of breaking up and making up, except this time is going to be different.
i regret you all the time | jegulus, death eater james | 80k
What happens when James falls for Regulus and his friends lose their trust in him?
take care of you and yours | jegulus, wolfstar, dorlily, sirius centric | currently 100k soon to be 200k
Sirius plans a fun summer at the lake with all of their friends, but it doesn't go quite to plan. Friends become more, hatred becomes love, and people unravel until there is nothing left.
the stars that bind us | jegulus, wolfstar, black family centric | currently 99k dont ask how long it will be
Regulus is an author of four, soon to be five, books all written under a pen name. They tell the stories of each of his cousins, brother, and himself, and how they left home and each other. He has done his best to keep them from finding out about his books, but what happens when they do? How do the five of them fit back together after so many years?
you had to go (i know, i know, i know) | black brothers | 3.6k
He saw it coming. At least there’s that, right? At least Sirius told him before he left. At least Regulus got to say goodbye to his brother.
no pressure tagging: @calamitoustide @itsjaywalkers @magswrite @starsworth @aurorboros @galaxostars @sugarsnappeases @quillkiller <333333
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spacesapphic770 · 9 months
Sedate Memory
So a lil while ago in a server I posted a writing prompt of "Go to this adjective and noun generator. This is the name of a new Destiny gun and you have to write the lore tab for it" and people really enjoyed it (and I did too tbh). Here is my lore:
Sedate Memory – Legendary Stasis Fusion Rifle, High-Impact Frame. Curated roll Controlled Burst/Chill Clip Sometimes the hardest battle is staying present Disconnected. Disparate. Drifting. Orpheus watches herself sit up. Her ghost greets her. Tries to explain where she is and what’s happening. For every explanation all she can muster is “…oh”. Her ghost chuckles and says “Well, I guess I know what we’re going to call you”. O would be a name she carries for a while. She holds it like you hold something a friend has passed to you. Something you can’t put down, but isn’t yours so you can’t hold close. Orpheus watches herself introduce herself to a new guardian. “Hi, I’m Orpheus. It’s long for O.” It always gets a giggle, or at least a smile. Breaks the tension. It’s a script. An autopilot. She isn’t really there. Materially she is, but in most other senses she isn’t.
A few years later, Orpheus watches herself holding that new light’s hand.
It’s tender and gentle.
A hail of bullets passes overhead, above their hideaway in the ditch. They haven’t been found yet, but they don’t have long. “Where is Ameliance?” the Warlock asks weakly. Orpheus looks to fragments of ghost shell a few metres away. “She’s hiding in the next ditch.” Orpheus lies. “I’m scared” “It’s okay. I’m here. I’m with you.” Despite the danger, despite the urging from her ghost to move to a safer location, Orpheus watches herself as she stays with the Warlock until she passes.
When she feels that the Warlock has died her final death, Orpheus stands up. She grabs a nearby metal bar. Before her fingers have even touched it arc light is chaining up and down its surface. She watches her ghost have to decompile to avoid being caught in it. In the storm that follows, there are no survivors.
--------------- “Orpheus! Hello? ...I’m waiting for a response” Orpheus snaps back to herself. Sitting in the tower, at the bottom of the stairs that lead to Ikora’s overlook. Her friend, a fellow Hunter, is looking confused as Orpheus has been staring blankly at nothing for a while and hasn't responded to any questions. “Sorry,” Orpheus says. “I was miles away for a second.”
She forces a smile to avoid further questions.
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skrunksthatwunk · 1 year
y'know i DO dream of labor actually. just not this shit
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wolfythewitch · 4 months
You’ve probably already answered this but: top 5 favorite (and least favorite if you’re alright with it) TMA characters ?
Also if you could be an avatar for any fear which would you choose and which would you be most likely to actually get ?
Favorites: (well I say favorites but. I don't really have favorites that much HAHA. I generally like all of the characters tbh)
1. Jonathan sims
2. Simon Fairchild
3. Mike Crew
4. Helen Distortion
5. Eric Delano (I'm gonna be so fr I just really like his voice)
Least favorites: (I'm ngl most of these are just sensory. I like all of these people 😭)
1. Jared Hopworth (I LIKE HIM. He gardens. That's so sexy of him. I just. His voice. It hurts me)
2. Nikola Orsinov (same reason as above. Love her but the voice hurts my brain)
3. Tim Stoker (see this is funny because I love Tim stoker. But also he reminds me of me and we can't have that. I microdose on Tim stoker)
4. Jurgen Leitner (I think he's silly. But in the grand scheme of things his death was objectively more gratifying than his life)
5. NotSasha (girl I like your vibe but also your voice. Hurts me)
Fear I'd want to serve: The Vast definitely
Fear I'd more likely serve: hmmm probably the lonely or the end
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sephirthoughts · 1 month
i'm microdosing sephiroth death angst in hopes of inoculating myself for when he inevitably dies in the final game of the remake trilogy. we'll see how it goes
"but he's the bad guy why would you—" you ignorant slut you'll never understand our love
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notvictorhugo · 1 month
Sooo I've just seen some beautiful fanarts of thirteen and eleven and I have Thoughts
So Im gonna talk a bit about Eleven and Thirteen, their relationships with Ten and Twelve, and the concept of 14 and why I think it fits so well.
My main thesis is this: Thirteen and Eleven are very, VERY similar, they are hurt in very similar ways from their previous regenerations, and deal with those things in similar ways. However, while Eleven gets a forced catharsis in Trenzalore, Thirteen only gets an optional one, which she rejects, forcing the regeneration into Fourteen and, later on, the bigeneration. Let's go!
I'd like to begin with Ten and a brief recap of his tenure. It begins with Rose, someone she knew from his previous regeneration, someone who, in many senses, healed him from the cynical POV he had adopted since the Time War. She becomes a bit too doctory, and ends up trapped in a parallel universe, largely because of him and his influence.
He then meets Martha. She ends up leaving him because he can't get over himself and his very recent trauma with Rose. He's on his own for a bit, and meets Donna, arguably his best friend in a long while. And, just like Rose, his actions end up with him being forced to depart from her. He is SO DONE at this point. He keeps travelling on his own, doing his own thing, a distant doctor (but a doctor still) who ends up becoming the Time Lord Victorious. In this state of Loneliness, he is forced to end Gallifrey again, and is saved by the closest thing he has to a friend at this point: the Master. He regenerates.
So, what does the Doctor do immediately after that, in his eleventh incarnation? When he meets Amy he decides to try again. This time, however, Amy is not a life-in companion, as Rose and Donna were (Im not sure about Martha, but I think she was one as well). Instead, he begins to microdose the Ponds, popping in every hundred years or so, seeing them for a while, then leaving again. After Rose, Martha and Donna, he absolutely refuses the idea of losing someone again: he is painfully aware of the time limits, and if working around them means not seeing the Ponds except on rare occasions, so be it. He is RUNNING AWAY.
Except, of course, it doesn't work. A lovely trip to New York ends with the Ponds being zapped back in time, a tombstone confirming they died, and a letter from Amy certifying that he never went back to see them, which, of course, means that NOW he can't. It's written, it's part of the timeline.
So he gives up. He refuses to engage, he refuses to take a new companion and, you know what, this time he won't even be a Doctor. He tried that after Donna and see how it worked out, no, no, never again. He is so tired.
This is arguably the end of the post-time war era. That part of him is definitely healed, and now all his wounds come from after that.
What happens then? He meets Victorian Clara. And she dies. But he's seen Clara die before. He's seen the same person twice, he's seen her die twice, and now here she is, a third one. His curiosity gets the better of him, but there may also be a bit more: for this woman, a death is not the end.
So they travel together, she moves in, and, with her, he starts healing again. This is somewhat similar to a Nine-Rose situation. What happens next?
Well, remember how he keeps running away from loss, what he was doing with the Ponds? This time it's enforced. He is trapped on Trenzalore, leaves Clara, and can only see her every few hundred years. He is forced to stay somewhere and see everyone be born, grow up and die, strapped to a chair, Clockwork-Orange-Style, to see his worst nightmare again and again and again. He lives through it, and Clara is there, always.
He regenerates.
Clara is with him, and she becomes to his twelfth incarnation what Rose was to his tenth. After many adventures, and after a beautiful mirror of Trenzalore in which it is the doctor who is forced to die again and again, Clara leaves in a way that mirrors Donna.
He could enter a second Time Lord Victorious era at this point, but he won't. He's been here before, he knows how it works, he's older and knows better. You can't run from death forever. He says goodbye to River Song and retires, but not in a hermit way, as he'd done before, but in a Professor way. He engages. He takes Bill as a student, but he will not let her become another Rose, Martha, Donna, Amy, Clara. She is not an equal, a partner, but his student and his protegée.
He also remembers. Last time, when he was in this situation, it was the Master who was with him by his side. The Master, who is also a timelord, who grew up with him, who's always been there. Perhaps, he thinks, there is the answer. He becomes her guardian, tries to fix her.
And, as we know (but crucially he doesn't), he succeeds. But he believes she -the one who was to be his friend- betrayed him, his protegée dies because of them, and now what? He gets into an explosion, but he does not die.
He is so tired. He's been through this twice already, as Ten and as Fourteen, and something like it as Eleven. Nothing works. His last shot, Missy, fails. He refuses to do it again. He does not want to regenerate.
Here's when Thirteen comes in.
She comes right after an attempt of giving up. It comes after recalling his friends (what makes his life worth living) and recalling how much she's grown via meeting One. Fine. Another attempt. Let's go.
But, just like Ten-Eleven, this new chance comes without any self-reflection, any attempt at fixing herself. Just like Eleven, she knows that she just has to run away, she just has to make friends, keep them well, keep them happy, and everything will be okay, just don't think about it. We sometimes see her brooding on her TARDIS alone, but she resumes her act as soon as Yaz (or anyone else) appears. She won't let the Fam see anything: the Bill dynamic worked well, so they're gonna be her students, not her equals. Not again.
So she's alone, perhaps more than ever. She has no friends, only students who she wants to convince they're friends to her, her wife's dead, the only other timelord remaining, her friend, has betrayed her and trashed all her previous efforts, and now it turns out the land of Time Lords, her equals, the ones she might have come back to, the ones she'd finally saved, have been destroyed again (by her friend!) and she isn't even one of them, she's an anomaly in an entire universe. And she HAS to carry all this on her back, not relying on anyone, not letting anyone close this time (unlike Clara-Eleven), AND has to pretend everything's fine for the humans she's decided to keep with her AND now it turns out one has caught feelings for her? Requited feelings at that?
Thirteen is a tragic figure. Unlike Ten, who had ups and downs, recoveries and reprises, and Eleven, who is forced to stay in Trenzalore and recover, she just... Dies. Carrying the same trauma from start to finish, and getting more and more and more and...
She can't. She just can't. She needs to stop. In these situations, humans somatize and just collapse, but she can't. So, how does her body force her to stop?
Old face.
Not Twelve, he was also alone. Not Eleven, with Amy and Rory timelocked. Ten, then? Yes, Ten might do. Back to an old face. Her TARDIS, seizing this chance, takes him to his friend, Donna. An equal, not a student.
But he still refuses to stop, refuses to engage, he just runs and runs and runs, never stopping, never sharing, never trusting. The ONE TIME he opens up a bit, it turns out it's to Fake Donna. Actual Donna doesn't remember. He powers on, as Thirteen did.
And then he gets shot.
But his body refuses. It is NOT giving up. It is not gonna let this chance go, it is not gonna give it a new face just to keep running from everything, as Thirteen and Fourteen did. No, Fifteen won't do that. The body regenerated eighteen hours ago: theregeneration energy is still fresh. Last time it had this face, he grew a new hand. Perhaps there's time for one last trick, it thinks.
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the-deadrobin · 8 months
Jason Todd Headcannons
I will probably add more later, because I surely forgot a few.
Half of these don't make sense, but they're fun.
Jason is a huge Literature nerd and an even bigger Jane Austen fan. He's also a huge romance lover. But he likes the wholesome cutesy shit. (I also think he just loves poems) But even so, he likes Shakespeare especially the tragedies like Macbeth.
He is the only Bat Alfred allows in the kitchen. Jason used to learn to cook from/help cook with Alfred back in his Robin days. Thus he is a surprisingly good cook, second only to Alfred.
Jason smoked when he was an Alley kid before being Robin and he still smokes as Red Hood. He also smokes on rooftops while Bruce has his Galas and the press are all over it.
This one is kinda funny but I love the idea of the Wayne family being like the Kardashians of Gotham (just much more useful) and Dick and Jason are absolute heartthrobs. (I'm so going to elaborate on this with detail in another post)
The Bat-fam don't know about the all-blades, or the all-caste. Because the situation just never called for it.
Anesthesia or sedatives either don't work on him, or wear off him much faster than normal. Same with alcohol.
Being a Gothamite, a Bat, and trained with the League Of Assassins, I imagine Jason has trained himself to have immunity to poisons and toxins (mostly but not all) (I believe its called Microdosing)
Jason has that good old white tuft of hair. Whether from head trauma or the Lazarus remains a mystery.
Jason is dramatic as hell. And extremely petty too. Spite drives this man. He does everything he can (no matter how small or big it might be) to spite Bruce.
Most of his younger siblings don't prank him unless they're looking for all out war, in which him, Dick and Steph form an alliance and go batshit insane (pun not intended)
Leading me to my next point: Jason is very competitive.
He's also a horrible role model because whenever any of the siblings fight (namely Tim and Damian) he just makes shit worse and watches the chaos he helped create.
Jason is big on revenge. He has a list is all I'm saying.
Jason probably has claustrophobia (what with being stuck in a damn coffin and all that)
I think that all of the bat siblings (except Dick, because he has the Big Bro power) has a blackmail list on everyone in the house. But no one can seem to find blackmail for Jason just because Jason is so damn good at covering up what he does that even if it was obvious he did something, there'd be no evidence of it.
Which leads to the fact that I think Jason is an extremely good liar. And he uses that to make his lies really weird and borderline crazy but people still believe him because he's just so convincing. Like, whenever he lies to Bruce, Bruce just believes it. And the other batkids are in the corner like: what??? It wasn't even a convincing lie!! But then they find out about an instance Jason has pulled this shit on them and realise how believable it actually is. (And that was only when he was caught) but Jason never does this to Alfred, because no matter what Alfred can always catch his lies.
Jason regularly has tea time with Alfred. They talk about books, food, Jason's schemes to fuck with his family and Alfred secretly gives him ideas. But everyone else in the family aside from Bruce and Jason always think Alfred is this innocent old man.
Also one of my favourites is that Jason jokes about his death. A lot. Everytime he sees an opportunity he takes it. Bruce and Dick (and to some degree Tim) are so uncomfortable everytime he does it, but Steph and Damian find it the funniest thing ever. Duke has absolutely no clue why Jason keeps making these jokes about dying, because no one told the poor guy. Cass is as clueless as Duke and Babs is always caught so off guard by it. Alfred is always mortified but he doesn't show it because he knows its Jason's coping mechanism.
I wholeheartedly believe that Jason drops off the face of the Earth occasionally. He just goes completely off-grid, no one (except sometimes Roy or Steph) know how to contact him or where he went. Not a single bat can find him when he does this. And that half the time he's doing this, he's just going to the Fields Of All to hang out with Ducra and some monks, or having mother son bonding time with Talia. Then the other half he's either having a nuch needed vacation in the beach, or going on a extremely dark and broody conquest to solve a large case and ultimately failing into its rabbithole and never attempting to get out. (He hates to admit it, but it's a lot like Bruce sometimes)
When Jason is out as Jason Wayne he totally wears makeup. Either just foundation to cover up his scars, or when he's feeling it maybe some black eyeliner and eyeshadow for Galas. So almost nobody recognises him as Jason Wayne while he's in normal civvies and he can wander Gotham freely. (Unlike Dick, who has to style his hair differently, wear a cap, change his wardrobe and still gets paparazzis)
Jason regularly quotes book and poems and the only person who has a chance of understanding him is Alfred.
This whole tumblr post.
Jason died before the Internet became as huge as it is now. So, Jason is the least technologically advanced in the family. He's the equivalent of a grandfather. Barely can use a computer without yelling for someone. Goes into Gaslight, Gatekeep, Girlboss mode upon realising the stupidity of the scenario. It drives Tim and Babs insane. More of that here.
Everyone knows he loves Wonder Woman. He has Wonder Woman clothes, a bottle, a figurine, comics, etc. Once, he got a small tattoo of her logo under his ear mainly to spite Bruce. (Because he has accepted that, that's half his life purpose at this point).
But secretly, under the Wonder Woman jackets and tucked in between the pages of the comics are Green Arrow shirts and bookmarks. Only because he knows Bruce notices these small things and it gnaws away at him because Jason has never touched Batman merch since his ressurection. Roy does the same thing but with Batman merch.
Jason and Damian met in the League Of Assassins and were pretty close before going to Gotham for entirely different reasons. No one in the family knows about this and always wonder why they can communicate so well without using a word. (They did that a lot while sneaking around Nanda Parbat so Ra's wouldn't notice).
Jason and Steph are absolute besties. They're a chaos duo who love tormenting Bruce and are practically bff soulmates. But it's strictly platonic.
He's the kind of guy who would unironically recite a monologue from Macbeth without a hit him, just to motivate his goons.
This post
Also this post
Also, also, this post (I'm sorry, its just these posts are on point)
This one too-
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borderlinereminders · 27 days
Drug talk below the read more. Also some dark humour. And a gun emoji (it’s a water gun I think). And death mention (from children’s movies). I think that covers it?
I accidentally got high yesterday. I didn’t really look at what it said the microdose was for the shrooms I was trying. Well I did, but it didn’t sink in that this was like 6 x the microdose I used to take. And I’m not against getting high. I had a great shroom experience with close friends and my husband a couple weeks ago (I saw the Northern Lights on my fence. It was super cool lol. ) I’m mostly against being high when I’m not expecting it.
It wasn’t a full on trip high but it was definitely high enough where helping make games and plan my cousin’s baby shower didn’t go according to plan. Either way, I worked on the “Guess the children’s movie” based on the emoji. These were some of my favourites that high me came up with.
(They might be hard. I’ll be holding up a big sign of them to a crowd of 20 so I want them to take a second to sink in so it’s not just who can yell the answer the fastest.)
🌊 🦵 🔱 🦀 🐠
👠 💃 🪄
🚪 🧦 👹 👧🏻
The other ones I love are a bit of dark humour.
🦁 ☠️ 😭 (everyone said do a lion and a crown but that felt too easy and I thought this was more accurate for me 😂)
🦌 🔫 (I might get hate for this one but dark humour is how I cope so here we go! Also it’s a crowd that will get a kick out of it. )
There was no real point to this post except that I injured myself and can’t get out of bed so I’m bored. Sorry if you read all this expecting some big lesson like I usually post from my blog when I share personal experiences. There isn’t. Except maybe if you decide to microdose to try and help your mental health, double check the dose you take.
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cannibal-nightmares · 1 month
Arcane/League + Soul Eater crossover AU ideas
- Jinx is a meister, and Vi is a weapon (like that of the Atlas Gauntlets). While Vi was weilded by Claggor and Mylo as kids when they'd get up to trouble, she'd allow Jinx to weild her by the start of the series.
- Viktor tries to help develop demon weapons on the side of the allies until said allies inevitably betray him.
- Sevika is a weapon, but ever since she decided to go rogue against Vander, and when she lost her arm, she stays half in weapon form
- Jinx has weilded Sevika before, who might be a gatling gun, mini gun, and/or bladed weapon. 'Would be interesting if Sevika was Pow-Pow.
- A reason why Silco was estranged and had to work so hard to become a leader was because he was a lone weapon. Consider: Silco as Fishbones (or Fishbones containing his soul)
- Stein and Singed as enemy rivals.
- Double augmentation: Just as people can be augmented with hextech, so can demon weapons.
- Arachne and Silco in kahoots together against Piltover and the DWMA.
- Silco is not a witch, but witches trust him more than anyone outside of their circles.
- Finn, Renni, Smeech, and other chem-barons are followers of Arachne, just as characters like Giriko and Mosquito would be followers of Silco.
- yordle!Mosquito
- Jayce is a meister. I can't decide if Viktor is a weapon (especially as a Zaunite) who chooses to weild hextech, or if his interactions with The Void have corrupted his soul resonance abilities as a meister and he now depends on hextech to defend himself... OR Viktor’s illness diminished his abilities to transform into a weapon correctly or efficiently, so he depends on hextech.
- Something something Azusa Yumi and Caitlyn :)
- Marie, as a topsider, sympathizes with the Zaunites (and the children of Zaun to include our main characters of Vi and Powder) to the point that other Pilties tend to question her loving judgement.
- Something something Lord Death and Heimerdinger!
- As he grew complacent to Piltover's demands [for an effort towards peace], Vander was restrictive about Violet transforming into her weapon form.
- On that note, Vander could be a weapon who chooses not to transform. He sympathizes with Vi's want for rebellion, but tries to stay to his new-found principles. This would also allow for another element of tension between him and Silco. ("You'd die for the cause, but you won't fight for it?")
- Stein in a battle of wits in admiring Jinx, Viktor, and Silco. He can't help but be fascinated by their rough advances in science and their determinations.
- Stein microdoses shimmer like that of Viktor...
- "Madness" being synonymous with, related to, or originating from The Void ("the Void is a manifestation of the unknowable nothingness that lies beyond. It is a force of insatiable hunger ... To be a mortal touched by this power is to suffer an agonizing glimpse of eternal unreality, enough to shatter even the strongest mind.") Something something the book of Eibon + "the onset of madness" and the Void.
- Stein helping Viktor with shimmer, Viktor helping him with augmentation.
- Black Star was born in Zaun but was brought to Piltover as a baby. He runs into the main crew of Zaunite kids (Vi, Ekko, etc) as a pre-teen and has not been influenced by topside to see them any different from himself. He helps them get up to crafty shenanigans.
- Kid as the youngest member of the high council.
- Liz and Patty as Zaunites.
- While Zaunites (or at least Silco and chem-barons) get along with witches, they still face a bigger rogue evil: Medusa.
- Instead of black blood, shimmer; instead of shimmer, black blood. Or both!
- Medusa manages bigger ideas for evil in administering shimmer into Crona + Ragnarok and/or the kishin.
- Fire and Thunder as yordles? Could that be a thing?
- Stein and Heimerdinger as collaborators, up until the point Stein realizes how much Heimerdinger prioritizes the ignorance of arcane magic, especially after Viktor and Jayce prove it's scientific potential.
- Heimerdinger and Exclaibur. I just want to see them in the same room together. Hell, yordle!Excalibur, or Heimerdinger being equal to Excalibur in power. While I'd begin to headcanon him as a meister, screw it, weapon!Heimerdinger (despite that this goes against the idea that weapons are looked down upon by Pilties).
- High council meetings in the Death Room.
- Exclaibur being a guest of honor to the high council (at what cost...)
- Hextech/hex crystals and Brew Tempest...
- Don't let Gopher meet Silco. He'll probably love him more than he loves Lord Noah. Silco would use him in very similar ways that Noah does.
- Head-to-head rivalry for the kishin and/or Brew/Hextech specifically between Noah and Silco. Yes, I think Noah could instantly crush Silco, but Silco is far more strategically cunning.
- Viktor and Sky as a weapon/meister duo to some capacity :) heh
- If Caitlyn were a weapon, she'd have a momentary partnership with Jayce. If she were a meister, she'd partner with Violet. (imagine Caitlyn with the Atlas Gauntlets!)
- Something something Justin Law and Marcus?
- While I'd begin to think the main cast of Soul Eater kids are of similar ages to Violet, Powder, Claggor, etc, it'd be interesting if they could go to school with characters like that of Sky and Viktor.
- Something something Grayson and Auntie having similar dynamics and possibly even being a duo.
- Silco, Viktor, and/or Jinx facing madness. Or, really, literally any of the Arcane characters facing madness in the way all of the characters do in [the] Soul Eater [manga]
- Something something Vi and Maka... I just want to see how they'd interact...
- Crona and Jinx. Needn't I say more. Listen, re-read chapter 87 and come back to me.
- Mifune being some sort of bodyguard for Silco and Jinx. HC that Mifune was from Piltover. Something something Mifune and Sevika; Sevika looks after Angela with much more willingness than she has for Jinx.
- Soul being a Zaunite who made it to Piltover.
- Blair, Arisa, and Risa working at The Last Drop; Chupa Cabra's in the Undercity. Spirit frequenting The Last Drop despite that he is from Piltover.
- reaper!Mel Medarda, equal to that of Kid through most of the series. Is this too far-fetched? And what would that make of Ambessa Medarda? :3c
- on that note, reaper!Heimerdinger and the idea that there can be more than one Lord of Death
- The idea that Ambessa Medarda has long-secretly collaborated with witches for their power. Unbeknownst to the witches, Ambessa would betray them in a heartbeat, which proves further tensions as Piltover eventually tries to rectify their bonds with witches and Zaun against forces such as that of the kishin.
- Stein and Jinx getting along... I just feel like they'd resonate, but I can't place exactly how. Jinx would tease him so bad.
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dragon-communion · 1 month
I should make a full crack collection of posts for my ideas about Saint Trina's Church of Eepy Cozy. Partially because it's insanely funny to me and partially because what else is the study of religion for? Shitposts, obviously.
Like- we have various examples of the Christian sacraments in Elden Ring, but here at Saint Trina's Church of Snork-mimimi we literally imbibe the blood of our god to microdose on death. :D
Suffering in the Lands Between? People trying to kill you? Fret not! Saint Trina's clerics are more than willing to enforce naptime on all those cranky souls who just need a bit of a timeout to think about their actions.
Come in, come in, see our god saint she's definitely a saint and totally compatible with your current belief system don't worry about it- experience the ecstasy that is finally being free of all pain, all care, wrapped in the velvet embrace of a girl who asks for nothing but that you rest well. You are encouraged to become as unhinged as possible about the soft cupid's bow of her smile and the pale curve of her jaw. She is the one who delivers final peace. She is the one who delivers true silence. She is the embodiment of purest slumber. Love her and forsake all else to drink ever deeper of freely given blood.
Find her. Find her, above all else, find the love the world has denied you and drown yourself in it headfirst.
Here at Saint Trina's Church of Pillow and Blankie, you need never wake up again.
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burningvelvet · 1 year
More thoughts about The Tenant of Wildfell Hall after finishing it…
1 good movie adaptation WHEN?
2 the themes of universalism and the idea that everyone can change if they want it bad enough and nothing is permanent and we have the ability to make choices and self-destruction has social repercussions bc it affects the ppl around you… yeah, my heart is full!
3 helen successfully microdosing her own child with poison to give him a pavlovian response to alcohol so he wouldn’t end up as an alcoholic like his father and grandfather because she intuitively knew he had a genetic predisposition to addiction despite having no modern knowledge of science or psychology. excellent.
4 the shit helen goes through in this novel is unreal. our girl is basically trapped in a frat-house — complete with the booze, drugs, laughter, fraternizing, sportsmanship, anti-intellectualism, infidelity, and rape culture.
5 as a sad aficionado of the romantic era & byronic studies i can 100% without a doubt say that not only is arthur based on some popular victorian conceptions of lord and lady byron and their marriage, but the brontës must have been familiar with biographical writing on byron’s life! i’ve found several academic texts to support this and it’s 100% true.
6 also, as a person who grew up with relatives who suffered from severe substance abuse and mental illness, i’m pretty confident in saying that the brontë sisters must have had some inside knowledge to spark their sustained interest in writing about these subjects. there are specific details and feelings pertaining to these topics which are documented with so much acuity it must have been personal to them. it seems a lot of academics theorize this as well — however, i still don’t know enough about the brontë family biography to form my own opinions on this topic yet!
7 helen is such a progressive mother (considering her circumstances and level of education, and the non-harmful drugging aside which is questionable today but within the narrative understandable) and her theories on education and parenthood are so advanced.
8 i think arthur’s friends (especially mr. hargrave and annabella) are as bad as he is, considering the fact that they enable him and they could easily use their influence to try and sway him considering but they choose not to — only partly because he’s the “leader of the pack,” but partly because they also have zero respect for helen and enjoy openly bullying and abusing her in her own household
9 big shoutout to the servants in this novel who are the real heroes. all throughout the novel (especially starting from Gilbert’s POV considering he and his family are a little poorer off than those of the Huntingdon circle) we see the lower-classes and smaller owners gradually triumphing against the upper-classes, gentry, and larger land owners. i love the line about rachel having to sell helen’s fine gowns for cheaper ones, and how helen notices that rachel still looks decent while dressed like a more common woman.
10 the very ending with everyone’s resolutions was a bit choppy and rushed but i don’t mind because everything went how i wanted it to go lol. but the ending for arthur/helen — the fact that he never repented, but helen still believes in universal salvation nonetheless, and still took care of him even though she didn’t have to, after everyone else abandoned him — the person he treated the worst still cared for him when no one else did — she fulfilled all her marital vows and he fulfilled none of his — his fear of death — her letter of december 5th, her holding his hand until the very end — his last words, “pray for me!” don’t leave me!” — all the unspoken words on her part, her feelings of helplessness, her telling him that she cannot save him, his crying and cursing the world — her fainting from exhaustion — him continuing to act like a brat on his death bed — her taking control, her cleverness with the contract — her lack of closure — aahhhh! just so heart wrenching and frustrating and angsty yet also cathartic and realistic.
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wetcatspellcaster · 6 months
Hello! I know you are very against a AA/Tav ending, but I love the way you wrote him, especially the party, maze and library scenes. Would you ever consider writing another story where Tav loves AA back/wants to be with him?
Hey anon, thank you for the question!
I'm not against the AA/Tav ending. I think it's the evil ending, due to the 7,000 deaths required to have the ritual work, but beyond that element of the Disk Horse I find frustrating, I enjoy many aspects of the Ascended ending and that's why I wrote a fic about it! The dynamics and moral standpoint of the fic are not a judgement from me but instead an artistic choice from 1. The Tav I already shipped Astarion with, as this was the only way an A!Astarion ending would play out with Rosalie specifically, and 2. The genre of Gothic horror and the genre of villain/heroine ships I go absolutely feral for.
At this point in time, I don't think I'm likely to write another story with A!Astarion in. This is partly bc of burnout, and the fact that Pieces has ended up being very close what I wanted it to be. If I were to write another story, I think it would still have similar dynamics bc as I said, this is the kind of heroine/villain ship I go feral for. That's reflected in other fics I've written for other fandoms - I just like watching the heroine wreck a bad man's shit.
TLDR I don't have any plans to write any more Ascended Astarion at this point bc I need a rest and have lots of other fics to write. If I did write again, I don't think it would be the dynamic you're looking for.
The only thing that does tempt me is vampire lord Tav vs Ascended!Astarion, but I don't really have a plot for that yet. Which is why I microdosed it in the True Polymorph chapter of Pieces for my own mental health instead.
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immoralimmortals · 3 months
Things I've written about the Akatsuki that i think are funny out of context, because I think I'm funny and love microdosing on stroking my own ego
(this is a third person reader x akatsuki fic I swear to god, please believe me it's ROMANTIC, I don't just make them look stupid, I PROMISE I SWEAR ON MY LIFE--)
☆ Hidan wrote a book by ripping pages out of an already existing one, putting in his own that he wrote in blood (origin unknown) and not even attempting to glue them to the blinding.
☆ Kakuzu being forced to say the word "duckling" with such great disdain he may throw up.
☆ Literally just anything about the fact that Kakuzu became a talent agent on his own free will
☆ Hidan thinking that Kakuzu being your talent agent is-- in a very literal sense-- a fate worse than death
☆ “Doesn’t matter. Physical agony fortifies the soul. Whatever.” (about accidentally letting the performer starve)
☆ "She’d be lying if in some way this wasn’t her dreams come true. ...Minus the serial killers, or whatever they are. They won’t really tell her. But she can make that work!"
☆ 1) You’re a failure of society.
2) You’re a kidnapping victim.
3) You’re in a cult.
4) You’re a one-man band with a manager AND you’re in a cult.
☆ Zetsu scaring people on purpose, then Zetsu being flabbergasted and insulted as he scares people by accident!
☆ The performer thinking Kisame is Itachi and Itachi is Kisame. Because of course the big scary shark man is the evilest here, right? (Holding Itachi's hand like la dee da! Boy sure am glad I'm not with the scary clan killer!)
☆ The above being ZETSU'S FAULT on PURPOSE
☆ "Were Hidan and Kakuzu really that mean to other people…? Grumpy, yeah— also yeah okay they were killers or whatever— but they didn’t start any fights! Yet!"
☆ Kisame thinking YouTube is shit from description alone
☆ "The raven shakes his head, despite how helpfully Hidan gestures in a shoving motion, demonstrating the direction in which he should move his ass."
☆ Tobi jumpscare (ALSO ZETSU'S FAULT)
☆ Directly taking inspiration of how Tobi gets punched by Hidan from this Smiling Friends clip
☆ Hidan being allergic to cleanliness
☆ Hidan spending his entire month-long stipend on useless animal figurines he did not want that may or may not be cursed
☆ “Did Takara-chan get the kitty statue?”
A thud sounds beside her chair, a sack cloth with the weight of a whole baby hitting the floor. “Yup. You could say that.”
☆ Kakuzu's type is people that surprise him even after being alive for so long. Therefore, apparently, he's attracted to fucking idiots.
☆ Kakuzu getting told someone tried to kill themselves over being in debt and his first reaction is "wow that's a LOT of money" instead of anything about the killing yourself or whatever
☆ “Guess it’s a good thing you don’t wanna hurt yourself or whatever.” said in disappointment
☆ “Tell the chemicals to stop.”
☆ Deidara giving a powerpoint on why he's the best and Pain being like *nodding, nodding* (has no faith in him whatsoever)
☆ Long suffering Sasori having a point proven to him that does not need proving (that Deidara is the best)
☆ Getting attached to a clay mouse Deidara made only for it to commit suicide (all according to plan! Isn't he dreamy ;) )
...And more to come!
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oliviawebsite · 6 months
tired of hurts and pain in both the physical and mental sense i love sleep because its the only way out of it for a little while. microdosing death
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eleneressea · 1 year
@welcomingdisaster suggested posting whole scenes for not-six sentence not-sunday and I will happily take any excuse for microdosing on posting fics:
“Well now,” said a Voice. “Well now! We are all assembled now. Your coming has been long awaited, Makalaurë. All eight are here: very good.”
The speaker was as a flame, burning without burning, and the light of that flame cast aside all darkness. Before him were eight smaller flames, weak and sputtering, as candles burned to nubs.
“Great evils have you done in service to the Oath you swore in My name, and to the everlasting Darkness you swore to be cast if your deed failed. There is the Darkness, if you wish it; I shall not stop you.” A tongue of flame bent as though to indicate it. “Yet neither will I cast you into it, for such is neither My design nor wish, and there are perils there as you cannot know.”
“We are still bound by the Oath,” said one of the flames, who had once been called Atyarussa; “we have no choice but the Darkness. Even yet it pulls me there.”
“Do you not think that you could be released?”
“We failed in our quest, how could we be released?” said Pityarussa.
“I am He to whom you swore the Oath,” the great Flame said. “And there is nothing that is beyond My power.”
“Then what will happen to us?”
“What do you think ought to happen?”
“Punish me,” said Fëanáro, “and not my sons; for the Oath was my invention, and I bound them to it; I lead them into evil, and they did it in my name. Therefore I bear the fault of it.”
“No!” cried Maitimo. “For of us, our father did the least part: but I lead them to the end, and my brothers followed me. The evils were of my designing, and I bear the blame of it; therefore let me bear, too, the punishment.”
“Not so,” and it was Tyelkormo who spoke, proud and unyielding. “For mine was the sack of Doriath and the ruin of Menegroth; in my name were the sons of Dior abandoned to their deaths, though Maitimo sought them out. So the blame must fall on me, at least in part.”
“Therefore if you punish him it must only be in one-third part,” said Carnistir. “And one-third to our father, for Alqualondë, and one-third to Maitimo, for Sirion; yet some part should by rights be mine, for Maitimo’s great Union was betrayed by those who I spoke for, and that failure led to our despair, and turned our thoughts from Angband to Doriath. So I too must bear some blame.”
“Maitimo was not the only one who led them into the end,” said Makalaurë. “And I bear some greater fault than him, for I left him for dead on Thangorodrim, and caused him thirty years’ suffering. Therefore if Maitimo must be punished, mine should be of equal proportion.”
“Not so,” said Maitimo, “for you pled for us to forsake the Oath, and turn away from our evil; I pushed until the last to continue. And I do not fault you for Thangorodrim. Let Morgoth and my own foolishness bear the blame for that.”
Curufinwë spake: “Do you think we are so easily led against our will, that others may bear all the fault of our actions? For my part I must refute this. My deeds were of my own design and borne of my own will: therefore do not punish them, neither my brothers nor my father, for what I myself did.”
“You forget, O our elder brothers,” said the Ambarussa, “that our swords were with yours until the last: if Carnistir bears blame and merits punishment, who did not slay any at Sirion, who did not there stain his hands thrice over, then shall we escape our due?”
“Have pity on my youngest sons, at least,” said Fëanáro, “for their mother’s sake, if not for mine, for she wished them to stay with her in Aman, and it was my doing that led them to their fates.”
“Shall I not have pity on all of your sons, then, for their mother’s sake? Shall I not have pity on you as well, for your mother’s sake? Shall I not have pity on you for the sake of Finwë whose death you sought to avenge, on Maitimo for the sake of Findekáno who rescued him, on Makalaurë for the sake of Elrond and Elros who love him and are loved in turn, on Curufinwë for the sake of his son Tyelperinquar who even yet needs healing for his defiance of evil: shall I not have pity?” And his voice was as the thunder-clap, and the flame was all-consuming.
The small flames of Fëanáro and his seven sons were silent.
“Do you repent, O Fëanáro, O his sons, of the Oath that you swore in My name?”
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