#love my free time too much to jeopardize it in any way
a-b-riddle · 6 months
A Simple (Mis) Understanding Chapter One: Location, Location, Location
"MacTavish," It had been about three months since the 141 had returned from our last OP. It had been a rough one and, although, we had all come back alive, we didn't come back unscathed. And we all had to thank a pretty little IT 'expert' to thank for that. Stupid fucking Omega...
"Usually I'm the one calling you. To what do I owe the pleasure?" I threw back the amber colored liquor, finishing the last of my latest bottle. It seemed all I had in my free time was drinking myself into an early grave.
"Care for a hunting trip, Cap'n?" Johnny's tone was playful, which was almost always never a good sign. MacTavish could seek out trouble like a bloody bloodhound. 
"What d'ya have in mind?" I humored. I had come home to a sedentary life style. Any ideals I had about settling down, extinguished. I wasn't as young as I used to be, but I'm still too into the fight to retire now. So whatever Johnny had in mind, surely must be something worth at least entertaining.
"A pretty little flower." He says and I swear I can almost hear the see the smirk on his face. "Stands at about five foot three. Has a knack for stabbing a man in the back right after suckin' 'im dry."
"You got a lead then I take it?" I try to stifle the anger as I feel it beginning to bubble. Every Alpha instinct is telling me to track, hunt, kill. Before, every biological urge I had toward our flower was to protect, keep, and fuck until she forgot her own bloody name. Now, I wasn't so sure I could stand the sight of her long enough to get the answers I wanted-- needed-- before absolutely tearing her to fucking shreds. 
"Aye." He confirmed. "Wanted to see if you were up for it before I called the lads."
"How polite."
"You're still, Cap'n."   "And I know you had more..." There was a shift in his tone. Unease as he tried to find the words, but couldn't. He couldn't. None of us could. Because none of us could describe what had happened with Daisy. Betrayal is too gentle of a word, too short and modest of a word to describe what she had done to us; hell, me. Johnny cleared his throat. Clearly uncomfortable and wanting to retract the beginning of whatever statement he had intended on making.  "Join me to settle an old debt, ye?" 
I didn't need to think twice about Johnny's officer. An opportunity to finish what we started back in Austria. I didn't regret stopping Johnny as much as I did not getting the answers I needed before the little bitch disappeared like a damn thief in the night. Now was the chance. Not only revenge for what we had been through, but the betrayal she had put us through. Jeopardizing not only the 141, but the few loved ones we had. My mum, MacTavish's sisters, Garrick's entire fucking family and the little solace that Simon had. A peace of mind knowing if he wanted to start living again, he could. All of it was almost lost. 
"You got eyes on our-" No. She wasn't ours anymore. Not our girl. Not our flower. Sure as fuck never our Omega. "On her."
"I got an address." If he noticed my pause, he didn't say anything. For that I'm grateful. I can't be weak again because some of doe-eyed little Omega. One who whispered sweet lies about how good my knot felt and all the things she wanted in life. Things we-I- wanted.  "Had an old contact have her name pop up. Hen is too fucking dense to make sure to use an alias especially considering she stayed on our side of the pond."
Don't really plan on going home after this. Not really anything waiting for me back there except some student debt. She had hid the pain of having no family well, but, now after everything, nothing seemed genuine. Every kiss, every touch, every smile and laugh she had thrown my way was now tainted.
Now it was time to bury it all.
"I'll call Garrick." That was all the confirmation Johnny would get out of me. I didn't want to seem too eager to finally get my hands on her. I needed to be collected. Level headed. I was the Alpha. I was the one my team looked to for guidance. I had already failed them once. I damn sure wouldn't be doing it again. "I'll let you convince Riley to come along."
"Lettin' me call in the boogeyman?" Johnny was smiling again. Could fucking hear it in his voice. He was the one who had probably fallen the hardest for the little bitch. Indulging him in soft touches and soothing his temper. Probably the same reason he had put a barrel to her forehead the moment she had admitted to it.
I was going to tell you. She had tried to excuse her delay as if that were the issue. I just didn't know how to tell you. But can you blame me? Yes. We could. And we did. For the shitty last seven months. For the constant worry all of us had for having to pull our mind out of the mission to worry about what was going on back home.
Her tears didn't save her. Only until Laswell came in raising an absolute bloody stink. Claims of how the very audacity to potentially injure an Omega on her team could cost her career. Fuck her career.
"Send me the details." I pulled another bottle off the shelf. Promising myself it would be the last one I had until I finally pulled that weed of a woman out of existence. Killing her meant I could finally move on. Find someone, certainly not a fucking Omega, to settle down with. I could heal from the heartbreak I would never admit to. It would be the ending that we all needed.
"Will do Cap'n." Johnny didn't wait for my dismissal before he hung up. He was just as ready for a hunt as I was.
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leah-lover · 6 months
Closed for maintenance. (Arsenal orgy.)
Reader makes a decision that will change everything. This is part 1 of the orgy.
To better understand read part 1 and 2 of closed for maintenance.
When we arrived at Katie's house they were all there. As soon as we got in Katie pulled Leah aside, which left me alone with Steph, Lia, Alessia, and Caitlin. There was definitely some tension in the room, but no one could speak.
Moments later, Katie and Leah arrived. Leah took the spot next to me on the couch, and Katie sat next to Steph on the opposite portion of the couch.
“ I think we should all relax a little bit.” Said Caitlain with a smile on her face. And with that the whole room calmed down a little.
“Yeah I don't know why we are nervous, you and I, we have done this many times before.” Said Katie, pointing at Steph, Lia and Leah.
“ So what do you know, what do you want to know , tell us everything.” Demanded Steph
“ Well l, I don't know a lot. I know that relationships within the team ruin everything. They certainly ruined my career at Chelsea. I lost friends, a job and a life.” I said which made Leah grab my hand to help me relax.
“ But I also know that I love it over here, you guys are amazing. I love all of you. You guys make me feel less alone.” I added with a smile on my face.
“ This is why I wasn't willing to jeopardize this for my feelings for Leah. I really like you Leah but there is so much to lose for this relationship.” I said squeezing Leah’s hand with a small smile on my face.
“ Hey, I know what you are feeling. When Caitlain and I broke up and she started dating Katie, the dynamic within the team wasn't right. So what we did is create a bond which let us be comfortable, satisfied, and strong as a union. That way I could have Caitlain, she could be with Katie and I could join if I wanted to.” Lia said.
“ This whole concept is based on the idea of freedom and not having to make a choice. You can want multiple people or just one. We communicate really well. We like eachother I love Leah, Katie and Lia all the same. We sleep together, go have dates with each other. We just chose to live our life that way. We found it more freeing. We have been doing it for 3 years now.” Added Steph. She seemed happy talking about what their joint venture made her feel.
“ I joined them only last year when I came from Man united. But they treated me the same way they treat each other. They love each other. We love eachother. There is a sense of belonging, safety , and communication.” added .
By now they were all nervous, checking my face for any kind of reaction and Leah had let go of my hand. However, I wasn't nervous. I really liked the way they looked at eachother. They all behaved in a loving manner towards one another which made me feel safe.
I took a moment before I retook Leah’s hand in mine. “ Hey it's okay, I am okay with this I think. I like the idea.” I said with a smile on my face.
Right there and then the whole room relaxed, and smiles were all around.
“ I like the idea of you.” Said Katie.
“ So do you just get up and start kissing each other or what ? ” I asked jokingly. But Katie didn't take it as a joke. She got up and quickly locked her lips with mine.
I, mindlessly, gave into it. The kiss was soft and sweet. I then jolted remembering the other people in the room.
After my reaction, Leah continuously rubbed my back. “ Hey it's okay, if this is too crazy for you we can stop.” she said
“ No I want this, I want you.” I replied.
This is about to be the best journey in my life.
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shadow4-1 · 9 months
Getting Drunk Imagines w/ the 141 Boys + Alejandro, Rudy, & König (SFW)
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I was getting drunk for my besties birthday, and at the bar I was hit with the idea. What would it be like to get drunk with these guys one on one?
Tags: Light kissing, romantic undertones, no smut. (MDNI, this is still 18+ content imo)
Captain Price:
It was a night of liberty that he, unfortunately, wasn't allowed to enjoy himself. He had too many reports to write and a multitude of things to prepare for. Laswell was breathing down his neck, and by God, was there nothing worse than that.
He eyed the team group chat with a sigh, watching as the boys drunkenly sent nigh illegible messages to each other. He'd wanted to join them at the bar, some lil' hole in the wall place with decent enough booze and decent enough eye candy. But he couldn't. He was a Captain, and he had responsibilities.
There was a knock at the door. He was annoyed at the prospect of being torn away from his already time intensive work. This impromptu meeting would be cutting into whatever free time he might get tomorrow. Despite his annoyance, he opened the door to invite the guest in. Huh, it was you. Weren't you supposed to be out with the boys and under the watchful eye of Ghost?
He raised a brow as you sheepishly, sank into the seat before him. Your body seemed more relaxed than usual. He rested his head on his hands and watched as you tried to make yourself as small as possible in the rather large office chair. Before he could question you, Soap barged into the office, out of breath and excited. He asked if Price had seen you, not even bothering to glance over the tall back of the chair. No, no he hadn't. With that, Soap was gone, and Price had questions.
You shrugged and admitted that you had asked Soap to bring you back to base for a "forgotten phone" only to ditch him. You loved the boys, so much. But as of lately, they had been getting too rowdy for your tastes. You much preferred a quiet, more relaxed environment to drink.
Priced hummed and sat back in his chair. He asked if you liked bourbon. You shrugged. He offered you a glass of some. You agreed.
The night went on. The two of you conversed about a multitude of things. Some of them were work related, but some were more personal. The two of you bonded over a shared interest in countryside life, the logistics, and how you wanted to set up a self-sustaining lifestyle. You both found yourself laughing and drinking even more. Eventually, the decently filled bottle had been emptied out. You covered your mouth in a display of shock. You two had done that?
Price couldn't help himself. He laughed, loud and boisterous. He couldn't remember the last time his belly ached with such amusement. The word escaped from his lips without him thinking.
Cute? You clammed up but he could tell it was a certain type of shyness. It brought him back to a memory of his first girlfriend in primary school. They'd held hands and pecked shyly away from the prying eyes of other people. The office was warm and secluded. During the conversation, you'd moved closer to him. You were only an arms length away.
You called his name. Something about the way you said it was too much for him. He cupped your jaw and kissed you senseless. All logic, all common sense was damned as he licked across your tongue.
Lieutenant Riley:
You weren't stupid. You knew that this was an honor very few, if any would be afforded. You tried to keep your eyes off of the very few belongings he did have within his quarters.
A sickness had broken out across the base your team was stationed at. It wasn't deadly, just a contagious strain of the flu. Despite being vaccinated, the bug was still going around. All of the other boys, including Price, had fallen ill. As the team's field medic, you'd wanted to help them, but everyone fought against it. You couldn't get sick. It'd jeopardize everyone's safety on the field. Meanwhile, because of the many layers he wore, Lieutenant Riley was also unaffected.
You were dying to do something, anything, than continue to be stuck on the sidelines. Ghost had offered a drink to ease your nerves. You took him up on it.
You sat in his desk chair as he pulled out a full bottle of whiskey from a locked box beneath his bed. He then sat on his bed as he uncapped it. He offered you the first drink, which you graciously accepted. The liquor burned badly on the way down, but you weren't a lil' bitch, and were determined to keep up with your unflappable lieutenant.
Eventually you lost track of how many times you'd passed the bottle back to him. Your body felt warm and delightful. You couldn't help but smile. He asked you what was funny but you didn't reply. Instead you sucked down another greedy gulp of alchohol. It didn't taste nearly as acrid as it had at first. It was almost pleasant at this point. Uh oh.
Simon drained what was left in the bottle with a few heavy gulps. A little bit of excess amber liquid dribbled out of the corner of his mouth. Before he could move to wipe it away, you did it for him. Your thumb brushed sweetly over the seam of his lips and over the slight stubble of his chin. He sighed out, seemingly enjoying the touch.
You blinked, and the spell was soon broken. You pulled your hand away and couldn't meet his hungry eyes. You hadn't meant to overstep like this. You tried to stand up, tried to leave, but it was obvious Simon was just as under the influence as you. He grabbed your arm, seemingly off balance. He pulled you into him despite that not seeming to be what he wanted. The moment became an awkward push and pull as the two of you tried to navigate whatever this was.
"Just c'mere, love."
Eventually, you caved, and pecked him on the lips. He grumbled in contentment, and soon, the two of you were laying flat on the bed.
Sergeant MacTavish:
Taking leave was never something you looked forward to. Every time you were forced to, you'd always end up alone at your parent's vacation home. It was a scenic little place, but it was always a boring affair. That was, until you realized Johnny had gotten his new flat a few minutes away.
He'd given you a "tour" of the one bedroom apartment. A total bachelor's pad, complete with shitty futon and painting covered hole in the wall. You'd brought him the nicest bottle of whatever your parents had laying around (its not like they were drinking it anyway). He'd graciously accepted it and opened it.
He didn't have glasses so he offered to just pour the liquid down your throat. Of course you brushed him off. He always flirted that way. But you did manage to get a few swallows down before passing the bottle back to him. The two of you settled down for a movie and a dinner consisting of takeout food.
Despite the two of you getting drunker and drunker the vibes were great. Eventually the two of you managed to get to the bottom of the bottle. You pulled the last little bit of liquor into your mouth, but before you could swallow, Johnny whined for it.
"Please, hen. I wan' th' rest of it."
Feeling a tad cheeky, you obliged him. He pressed his lips to yours and you let him drink the last of the alcohol straight off your tongue.
He couldn't get enough, and the next thing you knew, he'd pinned you down to the futon. Soon enough, your mouth tasted more like him than any booze you've ever had.
Sergeant Garrick:
The two of you had a habit of going on long drives off base when you could get a chance. It gave you both a well needed break from the hustle of the 141 team. Occasionally, you'd pack food, but the two of you also liked to stop and get greasy food from local fast food restaurants.
A drive-thru bar? Gaz was shocked, what a truly American thing. Despite his reservations, the two of you opted to get more than your fair share of mixed drinks. They were supposed to be for the boys too, but halfway back, you both agreed that the ice in some of the drinks would be melted by then.
Gaz pulled over into the parking lot of a grassy park, wet with dew and rather pretty bathed in the hues of the sunset. The two of you enjoyed a meal and as many of the assorted flavors of booze you got your hands on. Gaz turned on the radio and soon enough the quiet was broken by the sound of your tone deaf hollering.
The two of you calmed down and got to talking. It was nice. Gaz always has such a level head. You told him that, and you didn't miss how his face lit up.
"This is why I only associate with pretty people. They're always so sweet."
You chuckled and flushed with heat at his comment. You shot back that if he thinks you're so pretty, why hadn't he made a move yet?
You aren't surprised by how he kissed you sweetly over the center console.
Colonel Vargas:
Ever since Valeria escaped, Alejandro had changed. He was still as intense as ever, but his attitude had taken a dangerous edge to it. He tried to not snap at your fellow members of the 141, but it was obvious he was having a hard time adjusting. This night was no exception.
The other boys had scoffed and left the rec room to go outside and smoke. They had grown tired of Alejandro's constant growling and his thinly veiled comments about them cheating at pool. You were the only one left willing to put up with his out of character behavior.
You'd texted Rudy about it, and he suggested you get the Colonel drunk. As ridiculous as that sounded, you agreed that maybe you should listen to Los Vaqueros' second in command. You had a few shit beers you were saving for a time like this.
You offered them to Alejandro and he thankfully accepted your offer. The two of you drank and chatted as you played pool. It was in his nature to be competitive, and so when you began to win, he grew snippy. It wasn't the mad, annoyed kind of snippy he was towards the boys. This was more challenging in almost a...hungry sort of way.
"You think you can beat me? Ha! I'll fuck you up, cabrona."
You laughed at him, rolling your eyes. That seemed to have been wrong thing to do. He cornered you up against the pool table, tossing your pool stick onto it, completely ruining your game. He tells you not to fuck with him unless you really want to feel the consequences. Again, he's not threatening per se, but almost demanding.
You can almost taste the beer on his breath. His cheeks are flushed a cute little pink. You tell him that. He pins you to the pool table to force his tongue down your throat.
Sergeant Major Parra:
It's just a check in. Alejandro would happily go back home to Las Almas if he wasn't so hot on Valeria's tail. Instead, he sent you as a representative of the 141. Rudy is just so happy to see a familiar face. Los Vaqueros welcomed you in with open arms.
They showered you in gifts. So many beers and shots of tequila were fed to you that you lost count. Eventually, the night slowed down, and you had no choice but to lean on Rudy for support. He was so kind, he steadied you so well despite the fact he was just as drunk as you. Giggling, the two of you tripped and fell into the brush at the perimeter of the base. It was so funny that neither one of you couldn't stop laughing until your sides ached.
You both laid there, out of breath, minds swimming, looking up at the southern stars. He took the chance to hold your hand. You kissed his cheek.
"I'm glad you're here, amiga."
Colonel Konig:
No one in KORTAC really liked each other. All relationships were based on respect and rank. All new meat, aka you, were at the bottom of the pecking order. You got shit gear and even shittier respect.
You'd always been scrappy. And so clawing your way into the good graces of the higher ups had been relatively easy. What you hadn't expected was the backlash and annoyance of your fellow operatives. If it hadn't been for O'Conor pushing you to take his spot at poker night, you would've had a nice quiet evening. Instead, you had no choice but to beat Horangi and Hutch and turn them into angry dickheads. A part of you didn't blame them as stolen barrels of liquor had been freely flowing the entire night.
Horangi growled at you, half in English and half in Japanese. He pointed angrily at your face, his nigh unintelligible words getting more and more scathing. Just as he was getting around to calling you a cheater, someone snapped their fingers. Immediately, the entire room went silent. Konig scoffed something in his native tongue but switched to English shortly after.
"If any of you bother maus again, I will bother you." He chuckled darkly.
Immediately everyone packed up, grabbed their things and left the recreational area. Horangi hissed at you but left his lost money on the table. He also left his glass of liquor behind. Deciding to enjoy all of your spoils, you stole his cup and began to drink.
Konig hummed at you, seemingly enjoying the view of you drinking down the juice of your pissy comrade. He offered you his untouched glass. You humored him, sitting on the table as you chose to nurse his drink instead. You thanked him for standing up for you. He shrugged, and let his eyes hungrily devour the sight of your body.
As you got to the bottom of the glass, you quickly realized that you had allowed yourself to walk right into this trap. You were alone with him, and no one would be coming to bother you for the rest of the night. König's eyes felt like fire on every exposed piece of your skin.
You licked your lips and pondered the situation. You had nothing to lose.
You smiled at him, leaning back farther on the table. You curled your finger at him in a beckoning motion. He kicked the chair away as he quickly moved to stand over you.
You supposed there were worse ways to attain power among thieves.
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tea-and-secrets · 4 months
I feel horrible about this, but it's escalated to a point where this issue could destroy my life if I don't find a way to stop doing it.
So, for some reason, I get these really intense, obsessive, really disturbing fascinations with people. There's no pattern to them, no specific personality type or anything that sets it off, and I have never had more than one or maybe two per year, although they don't usually last more than a few (3-5) months. They're NOT hyperfixations. I've been hyperfixated on people before. For me, it never lasts more than 2 months (usually FAR less) and is entirely platonic, not at all violent or distressing, and doesn't make me upset in any way. I've had hyperfixations and an obsession at the same time, once I had an obsession and hyperfixated on each of his main friends within a 3 month span rapid fire style.
These obsessive feelings are like. Needing to talk to them, intrusive thoughts about hurting them, wanting to find them IRL (even if they live states away), to show up where they are, to call them at ofd hours, constantly imagining a future together, and they're always very romantic/explicit in nature. They make me feel physically ill from how gross they are. They're like nonstop intrusive thoughts of a relationship, but with this intense desire to constantly act on them and a need to be around the person all the time. And not being close to the person makes the intrusive thoughts worse.
It has never happened with someone I have actual romantic attraction to, but it happens even if I don't know them in person or we never met IRL. Usually after they fade I feel ambivalent or cold or just vaguely normal about the person. So basically after a few months of agony it sorts out and I am free usually for 8-10 months. I've never dated someone I have an obsession with. I understand them enoughto know they wouldn't mimic intrusive thoughts if they were genuinely romantic feelings. Plus, they don't last. They always fade eventually and honestly, they seriously freak me out. I don't want to have murderous intrusive thoughts when someone doesn't pick up a Skype call. That's not my idea of romantic.
Usually, I just wait for these feelings to pass, or limit contact with the person, but this time. It's so much worse.
The person is my friend, and way too young for me. He's not a minor, he's just to young for me (4 years younger, its my personal thing). He's taken, not my type, and I've always seen him as a pesky younger brother of sorts, so I never even considered this would happen. Having these feelings about him makes me feel violently ill. I've tried ignoring him and pushing him away until they stopped, but he noticed and I feel guilty punishing him for a problem that's only in my head. It isn't his fault there's something wrong with me. But I dont know what to do. If I told him about it, I'm worried he might think I like him (I don't think I do, I know how my obsessions are and it isn't love) and based on comments he's made, I'm worried he might actually try to rope me into a polycule or shoot his shot with me. Neither of those would be good places for my mental state.
I also really don't want our other friends to hear about this because I have a crush on one friend who's way older than me (we're both adults but we would NOT have gone to high school together ha ha) and I still want to hold out hope that in a few years she might see me as a viable partner (a bi can dream...) which would be jeopardized if she knew I'm basically a freak of nature.
So I need to figure out how to fix this part of me, FAST. I can't keep doing this and I'm scared things will fall apart or I'll lose it trying to fix this but I'm scared of losing everything.
I wish I could just have been born normal but I wasn't and now I have to fix it. It doesn't feel fair, and I hate it, but I want to be normal and not have to deal with this anymore. I want to just be okay, and I don't know how. I just know that normal people don't do this and this scares me. I don't want to hurt people, I don't want to be like this, and I don't know how to fix it, so I just suffered in silence for years. And now I have to fix it and don't know where to start. I just needed to tell someone about it.
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bananayuyu · 8 months
When We Were Young
Part 1
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Pairing: Mingi x f reader x Yunho
Genre: fluff, smut
Word count: 5.7k
Summary: Sometimes sudden change is all for the best. Especially when you meet two new boys who change your life forever. You just couldn't help falling in love with them.
Warnings: smut, MDNI
A/n: I wrote this so so many months ago, when I was too scared to post publicly on here. It was the first full fic I ever wrote, thanks to the encouragement of my bestie. I've been editing it and trying to get it ready for posting and finally I just really feel like posting it. I hope you all enjoy! (and more smut in the next part for sure, sorry this is kind of a tease)
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Your childhood had been unremarkable.
Well, to you it had been. Both of your parents were academics and had been since you were born. You lived in a medium sized city, in a medium sized house; you were a good student, but not the best in your class. You had one close friend in school, and one on your dance team. Other than dance, you spent most of your time outside of school by yourself; you read and listened to music, and sometimes felt so worried at how much you enjoyed it all. You never pictured a spectacular life for yourself. You felt content with the small life you had for it was free of change, free of uncertainty. That all changed New Year's Day of your 14th year.
"Y/n, we're home!" your mother called from the front door. It was the early afternoon and your parent's had been gone for most of the day because of work. You found it surprising that they worked so often, but they seemed content enough so you didn't worry. You had spent the day chatting with your friends online and reading, which felt as good a way to welcome the new year as any. Upon hearing your mother's voice you put down your book and headed towards the kitchen.
"Y/n, we have some news for you. This might feel shocking but I promise you, it's good news. I'm sorry we couldn't tell you earlier, but it could have jeopardized everything. Here, sit," your mother said. She spoke more frantically than she usually did, though still with her steady and assuring tone. She pulled out a chair at your small dining table.
"What is it?" you asked. Your father still hadn't spoken, and was gathering ingredients for the soup he was making for dinner. Everything felt as normal as it always had. In no way were you prepared for what came next.
"Well, we're moving to Korea later this year. Your father and I both have been offered jobs there, and we've accepted them. We are both so excited for this opportunity but we know it will be a huge change for you. I hope we'll all enjoy it, though..." she trailed off at seeing your face, which instead of showing excitement, or anger, or any reaction at all stayed perfectly and unnaturally still.
For the first time in your life you couldn't believe the words coming from your mother's mouth. Your parents seemed content with their lives and you had always assumed they'd live in this house forever. Your mother's direct nature didn't surprise you, but you simply couldn't comprehend the words. They sounded wrong coming out of her mouth. You felt your heart rate rise and shook your head, trying desperately to come back to yourself. You felt faint for a moment, and then just confused. What would you do in Korea?
"What am I going to do there?" you asked, still staring off at the wall with a blank expression. Your father turned to look at you, confused as your mother was at your reaction.
"You'll go to school, like you do here," your mother started.
"Mom, I don't know Korean," you butted in. You began thinking of your school, your dance team, your room with it's pink LEDs and bookshelf of comfort, the small park a half mile away that you walked to anytime you wanted to hear the birds sing and watch the turtles in the pond sun themselves. Life was good here and it was all you had ever known. A sharp panic began to color your thoughts, and you didn't hear any of what your mother said next. You felt faint again, this time much more so.
"Y/n, did you hear me?"
You shook your head.
"It will be difficult, we know, but it would be best for you to study Korean over the next eight months. We won't leave until August, so that gives you plenty of time. You are a smart kid, I know you can make a lot of progress. And your Korean will improve there. We'd like to put you in a normal high school if possible. We don't want you falling behind of course."
You sat silently for a while. There wasn't any one thing that frightened you, just the fact that so much change would be coming.
It was a very strange eight months, stranger than any time of your life so far. Initially you felt panicked, but over the months felt a new feeling creeping in, one you weren't familiar with. You started dreaming of the future in Korea and wondering what experiences lie ahead. You knew you would miss home desperately, especially at first, but you also realized it could be a special place itself. As you started telling your classmates and teachers why you wouldn't be returning next year many of them reacted with awe. It gave you a jolt of excitement each time they did. 'My life is becoming interesting now' you thought, and it terrified you.
The air was hot and sticky when you arrived in Korea in early August. You all had been expecting it. Your parents had prepared you for everything; they were the ones who helped you study Korean and remarkably all of you felt fairly comfortable now. Navigating the airport was relatively easy, and as you walked into your room of your new home, now a two bedroom apartment on the 10th floor, everything felt too easy. It wasn't until a few hours later that the jet lag hit you, and you passed out for nearly fourteen hours. You woke in the middle of the night and crept out to the kitchen to find a note from your mother.
'Y/n, we left you some food in the fridge, eat whatever you would like'
You ate and stared out the window, struggling to feel grounded.
Your first day of school in Korea was the scariest day of your life so far. Your parents had determined your Korean was good enough for you to be put in a regular school, and though you endlessly studied the expectations and etiquette you were terrified of being disrespectful or rude.
When you walked into your classroom everyone stared. One quick look confirmed your expectation that you were the only non-Korean kid in your class. Your heart sank, slightly; you worried you wouldn't be able to make a single friend. But as your eyes wandered back over the class a second time they caught on a girl who was smiling at you, not just staring. She had short black hair and wore glasses, and the look in her eye seemed rather mischevious to you, though her smile was innocent enough. You slightly bowed your head to her and she winked. You almost couldn't believe she had done it.
You greeted your teacher politely, and then she introduced you to the class. You hadn't known what to expect but it was very quick, and soon she was ushering you down a row towards an empty desk. Everything was a blur as you focused on understanding what she was saying. It wasn't until you reached your desk and sat down that you realized it was directly behind that girl who had winked at you. You stared at the back of her head, her neck, her shoulders. You realized she was quite tall, especially compared to you. As if she knew you were staring she suddenly turned around and smiled at you again. You almost jumped at her sudden movement, but managed to keep your face calm. She just smiled at you again, and then turned right around.
By the time lunch came your brain felt fuzzy and your body deflated. You hadn't paid attention to a single thing but what your teacher had spoken. As everyone began getting up for lunch the boy who sat to your right accidentally bumped into your desk slightly and you jumped.
"I am so sorry," he said as he turned around, still kneeling on the floor from searching for his fallen pencil. As he looked up you were struck by his face, his sharp nose and full lips, his long neck with a large Adam's apple that bobbed as he swallowed. He looked nervous about your reply. You felt so foggy that you didn't respond for a second.
"Introduce yourself Mingi, don't just stare at her," said the girl in front of you. She turned to you and said, "Hi, I'm Bitna. If you'd like to sit with us at lunch please do. I know it must be weird for you here, I hope not too bad. Luckily you get to sit at the back with us," she smiled at Mingi, "and can ignore everyone else as much as you'd like."
"Thank you," you replied to her, rather meekly.
"You really are so soft-spoken," she said. "Will you be joining us?"
"Oh, yes," you replied, and then, "I just don't want to be too loud on my first day."
"Sorry again," said Mingi, "I really didn't mean to bump your desk on your first day. I'm glad you'll be sitting with us."
"It's okay," you replied to him. As the three of you stood and began walking, you were struck by how tall they both were, especially Mingi. As you walked to the lunch room they were on either side of you, and you felt protected and safe even as you got several more uncomfortable stares in the hall.
"Is Yunho coming today?" Bitna asked Mingi.
"Yeah, he said he would be," he replied.
"Does he go here?" you asked, a bit confused.
"No, but he comes and has lunch with us a lot," Mingi said. "He's my best friend."
How unbelievably sweet, you thought. You had a bright feeling in your chest, even as you were exhausted.
When Yunho walked in the room you knew immediately it was him. They had said he was tall, but you would have probably used the words incredibly tall to describe him. He was lanky but walked confidently, and had the sweetest look on his face as he walked towards the table. He set down two cans of Coca Cola, for Mingi and Bitna, and then grabbed a third out of his bag.
Bitna introduced you to Yunho and he reached out his hand to shake yours. You were taken aback at how large his hand was and hesitated a moment.
"Isn't this how people greet each other in America? Sorry if I've gotten it wrong," he said.
"It is, I'm sorry!" you said, still staring at his hand which felt warm and soft surrounding yours. "I appreciate it." You looked up at him and for a second made eye contact. You felt almost lost in his face for a moment. You were having so many intense feelings today and it scared you, so you put it down to the muggy weather and nerves of your first day. Yunho cracked open the soda in his hand and then slid it over to you.
"Oh, you don't have to. Thank you though," you said, sliding it back towards him.
"Do you not like it?" he asked.
"I just feel a bit faint and overwhelmed, I don't know if sugar and caffeine will make that better," you replied.
"Have some of my water then," he said, and grabbed a water bottle from his bag and opened it for you.
"Are you sure?" you asked. His kindness, and Bitna and Mingi's too in inviting you to eat with them, felt too good to be true.
"We don't want you passing out on your first day," he said with a bright smile. "I seriously don't mind at all."
You were thankful and didn't wait another second in taking a sip. Over lunch you began to feel a bit better with the food and water in your system, and a break from having to focus. You listened to the three of them chat and again stared out the window, trying desperately to feel grounded. Remarkably, you sort of did, especially when you looked at the three of them. It was that day that you fell in love with each one of them. It was the way you would feel for a long time.
The four of you became inseparable over that year, and again, remarkably, your life started to feel predictable again. You spent many nights at Bitna's house, where you would sleep over in her bed and stay up giggling about anything and everything. The boys would sometimes sleep over as well, though you noted that they never slept in the bed with you two. You were beginning to understand the world around you a bit better. They all asked you many questions about America and in turn you'd ask them about Korea. You began dancing at the same studio Mingi and Yunho were dancing at, and finally convinced Bitna to join you as well. The boys would tell you two about their dreams of being idols, and you and Bitna would tell them not to forget you when they became famous. They promised not to but you would giggle, not convinced. It was the start of three blissful years.
It wasn't until you were sixteen that you realized you were in love with all three of them, though when you looked back you knew it started the moment you met them. The feeling creeped up on you slowly, and had started within you before you could name it. Sleeping over with Bitna so often led to cuddling and secrets, and before you knew it you began to feel like she was your other half. You began to wish you could spend every waking minute with her. It wasn't objectively sexual or romantic; it almost felt even deeper than that. And with the boys, your thoughts wandered to places you hadn't expected it to. You thought of their hands, which you had developed an obsession with. You loved to give them hand massages and they always thanked you for it, never knowing where your mind was wandering to. You longed to feel their touch, anywhere they'd give it. By the time your attraction to them was plain to you it was quite strong, and nothing you did could lower the simmer. You knew you'd never do anything with them for fear of ruining the friendships, but it didn't bother you. The time you spent together was so good as it was. You just couldn't help that feeling you got between your legs when they teased you, or when you sat on Mingi's lap when you watched a movie, or when Yunho grabbed your hand every time you climbed the stairs to Bitna's front door.
It was now near the end of junior year; the four of you were seventeen. The Friday before the end of the semester was always a time to celebrate, so the four of you went to get ice cream cones and lay out at the small park by your school. Yunho was eating his chocolate cone and trying to tickle you, which you said you hated and secretly loved. He poked at a spot on your ribs and you involuntarily let out a small scream, causing the three of them to giggle. You turned toward him and shoved him slightly, accidentally making him smudge his chocolate ice cream across his lips and cheek. He fixed you with a look of contempt and you giggled.
"That's what you get," you said, rolling your eyes at him. He just kept staring at you.
"Here, I'm sorry," you leaned over, wiping the ice cream off his lips and face with your thumb. You then licked it off your finger with a slight mmm. The moment felt briefly electric, and then briefly awkward. You hadn't ever touched his face like that before and suddenly you couldn't stop thinking about his lips. His mind seemed to be whirling too and suddenly he sat up awkwardly and put his bag on his lap. You heard Bitna giggle behind you and Yunho fixed her with a glare.
"I need to use the restroom, will you come with me?" she asked you.
"Of course. Yunho can you hold my ice cream?" you asked and handed him your vanilla cone. He still hadn't uttered a word.
"Yunho is being weirdly quiet," you said once the two of you were out of earshot.
"I know, just wait," Bitna said, grabbing your hand and ushering you into the bathroom with her. Once you were inside, she grabbed both of your hands. "I need to tell you something."
You felt a bit worried, but kept silent. She breathed in sharply, and then let out a sigh.
"Yunho really likes you, you know," she started. It sounded like she wanted to say more but stopped herself.
"You mean he's attracted to me?" you asked, tired of waiting. "Just say what you want to say Bitna, please. I just want to know, I feel like you guys are keeping something from me."
"Well..." she stopped again. Then finally, "yes he is. And so is Mingi, actually."
"I don't believe you," you said.
"Yunho obviously is attracted to you, did you not see what you just did to him?" she hadn't raised her voice but there was an intensity about it.
"I know, I know, I just don't believe the thing about Mingi. Yunho makes more sense to me but..." you trailed off. It didn't seem real at all, it seemed far too good to be true. "You aren't messing with me, are you?"
"Not at all! Oh, why would you think that?" Bitna sounded actually concerned, and pulled you into a hug.
"It's just surprising, you know. I like them too. This is so strange," you replied.
"Yunho thought you already knew, and he thought you were messing with him on purpose. That's why he seemed upset," she explained.
The two of you talked some more and then headed back, not wanting the boys to start worrying. When you walked home you walked with Mingi and gave Yunho space. You felt bad, and didn't want to make it any worse for him. You'd never intended to have that affect on him, at least not consciously.
You'd also noticed Mingi's mood had seemed lower recently. You hadn't gotten as close to him as the other two over the past couple of years. He often was quiet for long periods, and seemed prone to feeling low and not wanting to socialize. Other times he seemed perfectly fine and was very energetic. But this time he'd been low for weeks, and you were worried.
When you reached Bitna's house her and Yunho sat on the front steps and said they wanted to stay outside for a while. You and Mingi headed into her room and sat on the carpet while leaning against her bed. Your head fell to his shoulder, feeling the exhaustion of the week of exams you'd all just had.
"Are you okay?" you asked. He was quiet for a long moment.
"Do I seem low?" he asked. You nodded. "There's something going on, with my family..."
He was silent for a while and you didn't press it. You simply took his hand in yours and held it to your lips, then to your cheek.
"I can't tell you anything, really, my mother would be so mad. But there is something terrible happening, with my father. It's going to be bad, really bad. And we can't tell anyone. I don't even know if I should have told you this." He sounded on the brink of tears. You rolled over onto his lap, resting your head on his chest. He leaned down and kissed your head and though the moment was sad, you felt yourself getting flustered. You still held his big, strong hand in yours and you kept staring at it as if mesmerized. The next thing you knew, Bitna and Yunho had come in the room.
"Everything all right?" Bitna asked, and hurried on over to join you two. Yunho joined last and soon the four of you were a big pile of bodies on the floor. Mingi cried out in discomfort and you all broke into giggles. They began to get up and before you did, you leaned in and whispered, "I won't tell anyone" in his ear. He squeezed your hand upon hearing you say it.
That night the boys slept over, and you and Bitna were extra giggly.
"Can you two please keep it down? I'm exhausted," Yunho said through a yawn, and you jumped down to give him a big hug and a pat on the head.
"I'm sorry you sleepy little baby," you mocked him, and he grabbed you and rolled on top of you, tickling you again. This time you couldn't fight back so you just laughed and laughed and begged him to stop.
"Okay, fine," he eventually relented, and started to let you go, but not before he saw the wet spot between your legs on your pajama shorts. It was your turn to be embarrassed and you jumped into bed, not saying anything. You couldn't stop thinking about the slight smirk you saw forming on his lips before you had bolted.
That night Bitna cuddled you, and as she wrapped her hands around your waist and grabbed you, your arousal started by Yunho's tickling kept growing. You couldn't help moving your hips around, trying to find any bit of relief from the neediness you felt.
"Are you not comfortable?" Bitna whispered in your ear, and her hot breathe on your neck and ear made the feeling even stronger.
"I'm fine," you said, as calmly as you could.
"No, you're not," she said. "Tell me."
"Bitna..." you couldn't bring yourself to say it. "I can't tell you," you finally squeaked out.
"I think I know what it is," she started, giving enough pause for you to stop her. But you didn't, you felt frozen in place. "Yunho made you horny, didn't he?"
All you could do was nod your head. A feeling of intensity washed over you, not quite shame or embarrassment, but at the same time lacking in confidence. You felt bad for being so turned on around the three of them when they were just trying to sleep.
"Don't be embarrassed," she said as she giggled. "I understand," she whispered to you, and you felt her grip around you tighten. Your head was spinning from everything she'd said, and you worried about Yunho's reaction. All you wanted was your three best friends to still be your three best friends the next morning.
In the end your worrying was pointless, because everything between the four of you continued on as it had. Well, mostly as it had. It was now your final year of high school and the four of you were preparing for what laid beyond. The intensity of what Mingi and Yunho were pursuing became apparent, and Bitna too with her goals of attending college in the United States. You still didn't know what you wanted to do, and felt at times like every person around you was moving at ten times your speed. But you didn't mind it really, except for the fact that the three of them were busier than they ever had been. Your time together was less frequent but felt much more intense.
In January Bitna's family moved to Seattle for her to finish high school there, and the four of you stayed up all night walking the city and talking through every memory you could think of. You held her hand all night, never once leaving her side. You cried when she left for the airport in the early morning and Mingi and Yunho held you, keeping you from collapsing on the floor. Eventually Yunho picked you up and cradled you like a baby, carrying you home and placing you softly in your bed. They both tucked you in and kissed your cheeks, and tucked your hair behind your ear.
You'd never had a particularly close relationship with your parents, given how busy they always were. You didn't mind it generally, you enjoyed your alone time. But the tears rushing down your cheeks reminded you that you hadn't cried in front of another person in many years. You felt too vulnerable, and scared what the boys might say. You worried they would just start poking fun at you. But you couldn't have been more wrong.
"Our little baby..." said Mingi. "What will you do without your best friend?" His words were sweet but felt like whiplash. You felt excited by him calling you baby, and then crushed by the reminder of Bitna's departure. Your tears began falling swiftly, but you were too exhausted by that point to sob.
"We'll take care of her," Yunho said. He sounded so sure of himself. You felt strange feelings coursing through your body, but you put it down to not having slept all night.
"You promise?" you asked, struggling to form the words.
"Of course," they both answered. They both laid down on either side of you and looked at each other, as if contemplating a previous conversation they'd had.
"What?" you raised your head and asked, but your exhaustion was too great and your head fell onto your pillow again. You began dozing off, unable to keep yourself awake any longer. You swore you heard them both chuckling, but you couldn't be sure. You slept through the whole day, being woken at dinner time by your parents.
From that day on the only time you could see the two of them was at dance class on Sunday, and the few hours after dance class on Sunday evenings that they didn't have booked up with school or preparations for their auditions. With Bitna gone the three of you had taken to spending time at your place, since your parent's were often gone and didn't mind them being over anyway. You spent many of those nights watching movies in your room, the three of you sprawled on your bed. You sometimes called Bitna if you were able, and talked for hours. But usually, sadly, she was too busy or tired. The two boys had become your comfort.
Your attraction to them had not at all lessened, especially now with the long periods of separation you had from them. You saw Mingi at school sometimes but the two of you had very different schedules and he had taken to practicing during lunch. You missed those lunches desperately, and often found yourself daydreaming about the two of them. You usually sat outside now to get away from the other students. Your mind took you places far better than you thought it could, and sometimes you felt so embarrassed at what you thought about during lunch. But it made the school day bearable and was so much fun, you couldn't help but like it.
You thought about that night when Bitna had said, "Yunho made you horny, didn't he?" Was that what she said? And it was out loud, right? So many months had passed since she'd said it; you didn't trust your memory. They had both heard, right? It was never spoken of again, though. You wondered if you had made it up. You fantasized about them both coming up into Bitna's bed that night, touching and teasing you while she kissed you softly. Each time the ending was different, but your favorite, the one you often returned to, was Mingi fucking you from behind while Yunho fucked your mouth, gently enough not to entirely choke you but rough enough to make you gag. You couldn't believe the lewdness of your own mind; the image brought such pleasure to you that even sat still you felt like you might start coming.
Once or twice, on evenings when you had nothing to do at home by yourself, you took to writing about your fantasies in your personal notebook. You never wrote in it consistently, but kept it for the random times you needed to make notes or wanted to get your feelings out. You knew no one would ever read it, no one knew about it. And you needed somewhere to put your lustfull energy, for it was certainly not being satisfied any other way. You tried yourself to satiate your needs, but it just wasn't the same. You needed the two of them so badly, and you hadn't realized how badly until now, when they were busy and had full lives that had nothing to do with you.
You became bold and somewhat brash, spirred on by your intense feelings and the fact that your parents were out on a work trip for the next five days. Bitna had said they both liked you, but you doubted they wanted to do the intense sexual things you wanted. They both were so sweet and kind, and never had mentioned anything remotely sexual around you. But you didn't care anymore, you needed them. The next Sunday when the three of you returned to your house after dance class, you changed into your pajamas in front of them, not in your closet. At the sight of your naked body they both froze as if under a spell and you felt an electric thrill run through you right to your pussy. You put on a small, thin white tank top and very short shorts, which you had worn separately many times but never together. Life had become so much about school, and though you had your hobbies and a few aquaintances at school and dance to keep you entertained, you really just wanted to entertain your two favorite boys.
As you cooked up some dinner you felt them staring at your ass, and nearly started giggling to yourself with how giddy it made you. When you turned around and gave them your food, Mingi couldn't stop staring at your tits, and you couldn't help saying, "my eyes are up here, you know." Yunho started laughing and Mingi pinched your side, causing you to yelp and start running down the hall towards your room. He caught you quickly and picked you up, holding you hostage for a moment. "Don't wear that fucking top if you don't want us staring," he grumbled, rolling his eyes at you. The tension was building, you could feel the air in the room heating up. The boys both took off their shirts, as per usual, but this time you could see sweat beads forming on both of their chests and as they continued to stare at you their mouths hung open slightly as if they were panting. You kept looking between the two of them, squeezing your thighs together involuntarily. Something about the movement caused them to look at each other, again with knowing looks. The first time it happened you were sleep deprived and unsure, but this time you knew you saw it. What was going on? A bit of uncertainty tugged at your thoughts.
"You guys want to watch something now?'' you asked, saying the first thing that came to mind.
"If you want to, baby," Yunho said, and your pussy throbbed again. They only ever called you that when you were tired or sick or not feeling well, not in every day conversation. Did they know how horny that one word made you? You felt yourself getting needy at his words, and you didn't entirely understand why you felt suddenly small and happy. The feelings felt so right. You just looked at him, expectantly.
"Come on," he said, and he led you towards your bedroom by your waist, with Mingi following close behind. He sat you down on your bed and the two of them stood next to each other, looking down at you with crossed arms.
"What do you want?" he asked. You didn't know what he meant. You looked at him with confusion but didn't respond, feeling almost at ease in not speaking anymore. You felt so safe with the two of them.
"Baby, you're never going to get what you want if you don't ask for it," he said.
"We'll do anything for you, you know?" Mingi added. "We promised we'd take care of you, whatever you need. We know we've been very busy but we're here right now. What do you want?" You were silent again for a while but they kept silent too, just looking at you with adoration. The next thing you knew you were pulling your tank top over your head and flinging it on the ground. You kept looking between the two of them, again excited by the looks on their faces. You wiggled out of your shorts and panties and then sat on your knees, spreading your legs a bit for access.
You slid your hand down your torso to your core, slowly stroking down your slit with your middle finger. You were wetter than you had expected, which excited you immensely and you involuntarily let out a small moan. You slowly slid up and down, hitting your clit each time and causing your pussy to clench slightly. You began rubbing little circles over your clit, slightly faster now that you were fully relaxed. The feeling was electric, Yunho and Mingi unable to look away from your center as your pleasure continued to build. You felt hot and needy, and the position started to feel like hard work, but it was so worth it to see the looks on their faces. You kept circling your clit a bit faster, feeling a huge wave of pleasure wash over you. You shut your eyes and rode it out, not caring about the noises coming from your pussy and your mouth. As you came down you didn't feel completely satisfied, but it was the closest you had gotten. You slowly blinked your eyes open as you tried to control your breathing, and felt suddenly shocked and shameful about what you had just done. Why had they just stood there? you thought, worried that you had read their questioning wrong. Maybe Yunho thought you weren't feeling well, that's why he called you baby. You sat on your bed, legs spread, staring up at them with a look of concern on your face.
The moment stretched for far too long.
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tobifuyu · 1 year
Die For You • Chapter 02
RAN HAITANI x f!reader
Out Of Time: There's so much trauma in my life, I've been so cold to the ones who loved me, baby. I look back now and I realize and I remember when I held you, you begged me with your drowning eyes to stay and I regret I didn't tell you.
cw: nsfw, mdni, slow burn, enemies to friends to lovers, eventual smut, smut, fluff, angst, references to depression, drugs, panic attacks, blood and violence, prostitution, basically anything that has to do with bonten, protective haitani ran, sanzu haruchiyo is his own warning.
Masterlist. | Previous Chapter.
Chizu opens her eyes to black. The room she finds herself in is dark. Not even a ray of sun is shining from the windows, that is if the room even has any.
Her movements are lethargic and she can barely grasp what is happening around her. She can feel someone’s hands moving along her body, probably patching her up, as she vaguely remembers getting stabbed.
She wakes up because the air that pricks at her skin is too cold, making shivers run down her body, but the fever she broke into pulls her under once again before she can wonder what has happened to Draken.
After what feels like hours, something grabs at her ankle, pulling on her leg to get her attention.
“You need to wake up.”
Chizu groans, stabbing pain wrecking her abdomen. Her eyelids flutter as she fights to stay awake. She stretches her arms and realizes she’s resting on a big mattress, the sheets covering its surface are soft to the touch, almost silklike.
Her eyes finally get used to the darkness of the room, making the tiny light now coming from a lamp even more bright. Someone must’ve turned that one on.
There’s a silhouette sitting on the edge of the bed, dark clothes, crisp white hair, and a noticeable Bonten tattoo painted on the back of his curved neck.
“Chizu,” Mikey breaks the silence, his voice is soft, but she doesn’t dare to let her guard down.
“Haruchi- Sanzu, stabbed me?” She needs to remain calm and to do so, she has to collect all the puzzle pieces and try to piece back together what happened that night.
“It’s okay, we had you stitched up,” Mikey doesn’t seem to be one to waste time talking anymore.
“How long was I out for?” The woman tries to sit up, but the pain is so excruciating that she falls back in bed with a groan. Mikey turns to look at her right this moment, black eyes so void of emotion that she thinks he must’ve moved to check on the sound on reflex rather than because he cares.
“Where is Draken?” She shoots another question his way, impatient to know whether she was the only one being held captive. She fears for his life. They’ve chosen to go through this together, but she wouldn’t forgive herself if they had killed him already.
“He’s alive. You slept the whole day.”
Fuck, thank god. She nods in understanding. The familiar sound of a plastic wrap being opened nearly brings a smile to her face, before she remembers her situation. Mikey is snacking, after he had someone stab her.
“You got married,” he muses in between bites, “Chifuyu, right?”
Fuck fuck fuck, he must’ve seen the ring that I forgot to take off like a fucking idiot. That could jeopardize Chifuyu and the whole operation, I need to think fast-
“No need to lie, I had you followed. I know you were living with him.”
Calm down, she breathes out, you have multiple cover stories prepared just for this.
“It was a relationship of convenience,” now more than ever, she feels her words are true. Their relationship was, after all, built on comfort and not much else.
“Mhmh,” he takes another bite, “What do you want from Bonten, Chizu?”
“I want in, I want to join the organization.”
Once again, she pushes herself on her elbows as she grits her teeth in pain, trying to sit up and take a peek at his face. He turns and scoots over to her on the center of the bed, pushing at her shoulder with his free hand to have her lay back.
“You need to lay down and rest. You were stabbed.”
She’s fucking aware of that! “It was your pet that stabbed me-“
Mikey leans over to the nightstand she had yet to notice and grabs her a bottle, “Shut up, drink some water. I want to know why you want to join Bonten so desperately that you’ve been touring our clubs for months. You’re a detective, are they pushing you to go undercover?”
She gulps down the refreshing liquid as he holds up her head, grateful for his help but unwilling to give him a response. Chizu is aware that his mind should go there first, it’s the most plausible explanation.
“I’m already surprised by the fact that they would give a position of your caliber to someone who has past relations with gangs. Why else if not to use you like a chess piece?”
Chizu realizes she had feared meeting him for the longest time, no matter how much she craved to. The idea of finding the man completely changed, lost in madness as she remembered him to be the last time she and Toman had seen him, has been driving her crazy. But Mikey seems to be calm and aware, eerily so.
“I’m not sure why it was given to me. But I worked hard for it. I wanted to find you, Manjirou,” Chizu grabs at his wrist, looking up at him like she hasn’t in ten years.
Still, he looks so different. He’s not the bright-eyed kid that he used to be. His face is caved in and purplish marks are staining his under eyes, making him look like he barely gets any sun or sleep, let alone food other than his snacks.
There’s not a trace of a smile or any sort of happiness as he stares at her. She hoped he would’ve been somewhat content about seeing an old friend after such a long time. At least she’s relieved he hasn’t killed her, yet.
“I missed you, ‘jiro. I spent the last ten years of my life trying to find you. I have nothing left to live for, but you. You have to trust me.”
Her voice is shaky, it’s hard for her to speak. The fever hasn’t gone down, and the pain in her belly is spreading through her lower back and legs. The numbing effect of the painkillers someone must’ve slipped her while she was asleep is fading as her heart rate accelerates with every word.
She’s telling the truth. After all, the main point of her crafted plan was always to wing it. Maybe, she really shouldn’t have been given that badge…
The pain had knocked her out once again. This time she comes to, in what she figures is the same room as before, but the heavy black curtains have been drawn to the sides to let the blinding sun illuminate the elegant furniture.
Outside the glass panels, Chizu can see the tall buildings of Tokyo scattered in front of her. This floor is pretty up high. I wonder where I am.
In front of the floor to ceilings windows there’s a heavy desk, the wood is dark and polished, a simple sturdy chair behind it. On its right is a closed door, and the center of the room is inhabited by a huge bed. Its frame is straight out of a princess movie, canopy drapes of red velvet fall onto the black silk sheets, making the dark of its wood look even more elegant. A dresser is in front of her, but no tv or any other personal objects seem to decorate the room.
Must be an empty room.
While she is observing her surroundings a knock can be heard on the door closest to the bed. Chizu is taken aback for a second,
not sure whether she should call out to them or not, but when she sees that no one is making their way into the room, she clears her throat and rasps out a “Come in.”
She’s greeted by white hair, but this time its owner sports them in a long hairstyle parted to the side with the left of his head shaved in a striped pattern. Tattooed right there, black ink standing out against the snowlike background, is the infamous Hanafuda.
“Glad to see you awake, Chizu-chan.”
Kokonoi Hajime makes his way into the room, lithe body draped in expensive silks and a traditional design. His mouth stretches in a small grin that he tops off by peeking his tongue out at her.
“How’s being alive treating you?” He walks closer to the bed, looking at her funny as she struggles to get up. However, she notices it has become considerably easier to do so without feeling excruciating pain. Chizu thinks she must’ve slept at least another full day or so for it to heal to this length.
“Don’t worry, we’ve got the best doctors around. And the best drugs. You’ll be as good as new in a couple more days.”
His smirk does nothing to amuse her, and he makes a joke about how hard it is to entertain her. Kokonoi throws a pair of sweatpants and a shirt her way before gesturing towards the closed door.
“Go take a shower, this room stinks like death.”
Chizu feels refreshed after showering. The bathroom is big and clean, which is a relief. The clothes she was given fit too big, she’s not exactly as tall as whoever its owner is.
When she complains about it, Kokonoi lets her know that they just had some laying around, it’s not like they would give her used garments. “That’s nice of you, but you guys are okay with stabbing me?”
“May I remind you where you waltzed yourself into?”
“Okay, no need to be an asshole. I’ve been stabbed, you know?” Kokonoi Hajime isn’t exactly scary. He looks, in fact, rather friendly, but she has to remind herself that he must be dangerous nonetheless, if he’s a top executive of Bonten. She has to stop her sarcastic self from winning them another stab wound.
She’s gonna have to work really hard to bite her tongue around these people.
“Are you gonna use that as an excuse for everything from now on?” He arches a trimmed brow, making his earring jingle as he turns to stare at her, “I’m actually doing you a favor. The boss said I get to take you around, like a little puppy. A few hours of sunlight and some new clothes will do you good.”
“Maybe then you’ll stop complaining,” He whispers the last part. He doesn’t want his daily headache to get worse because of a whiny stray they picked up at some club.
He accepted this assignment ‘cause Mikey has asked him to, and Mikey doesn’t usually ask. He tells them to. So he thought he must’ve been rather desperate to find someone fitting for the role.
Mikey couldn’t exactly assign anyone of their lower ranks because, no matter how much he trusts the system of enrollment and punishment imposed by Sanzu and doesn’t doubt that any of them could turn on the organization, he knows very few people could take on her in case she were to escape.
This means that any of the executives will have to do. He just had to cross out all of those who wouldn’t shy away from fighting a woman, so that takes out Sanzu and Rindou straight off the bat. And then again, out with all of those who would try to bed her, meaning Mochi, Takeomi, and Ran would have to keep their distance for now. That leaves him with Kakucho, who he would rather have come along on the field as a shipment was to be delivered the very same day, and Kokonoi Hajime.
Kokonoi Hajime, the money maker. Koko had a knack for supervising the organization from behind the scenes. His position didn’t require him to be on the field. He was not a fan of violence, not anymore. The arrays of purplish and yellowish tones that show up on someone’s skin after a fight always remind him of his time in Black Dragon. Of Inupi. So he steers clear.
Kokonoi is the kind of man who dresses in deep red so that the splashes of blood won’t noticeably stain his clothes when he closes a deal gone wrong with the mad dog by his side.
Hajime joined Bonten because he didn’t have anywhere else to go. He is in Bonten because he needs a purpose, he wants to feel needed.
So Mikey figures who better than him, the smart guy who likes to play puppeteer, to keep track of a cunning detective. It wouldn’t be his first time.
Kokonoi mentally praises him for his choice, still obnoxiously annoyed by having to chaperone the woman. She had already cursed him out. She would’ve been dead by now with any of the others.
But at the end of the day, as long as his numbers add up and he gets his fat share, Kokonoi doesn’t feel like complaining.
A headache is nothing that one of his pills can’t fix.
“Shall we go? I’ll let you have a look around the top floors of the headquarters.”
Chizu is confused. If Mikey is letting her buy clothes (out of all things) it must mean he doesn’t plan on killing her yet, but giving her the possibility to study and memorize the top floor of what she figures is their headquarters, means that he will, eventually. At least, he’s not planning on letting her out of here alive.
Chizu thinks Kokonoi must be one of the prettiest men she has ever seen. His elegance is the defining trait that makes him stand out even more.
She’s trying to grasp the situation as they roam around the floor. She finds herself more interested in studying the man rather than finding her way out of there, knowing that the odds are against her favor in a building such as this one. Guards must be placed all over, or they wouldn’t have left me with such a weak guy.
She knows better than to judge a person from their appearance, especially considering Mikey is half his height and could probably knock the both of them unconscious with a single kick. But this Kokonoi has not a single scratch on his porcelain skin. His hands are manicured and kept better than her own. He doesn’t like getting his hands dirty.
The tour he takes her on is uneventful, the floor’s hallways are pretty scarce, and they don’t meet any of the big fishes. Most of the doors are locked, but he shows her around the main areas.
There’s a standard conference room with a long glass table and plenty of chairs, the next one is a big office with a desk in its middle and two couches facing each other. A bar is placed on its far wall.
“This is usually where we do our meetings, we use the conference hall if Mikey’s pissed off, if he’s feeling more laid back we get to sip on something and lounge around in the other room.”
Chizu observes how easygoing Kokonoi is, and wonders why would that be. He’s actually quite fun to be around. This might be part of their plan to bring my guard down.
He stops again outside the door of the room you found yourself in, “This is Mikey’s room.”
“Why the fuck am I staying in Mikey’s room? I’m confused.”
“Would you rather we move you in with Sanzu?” He looks at Chizu like she’s grown another head. Koko doesn’t think she’s truly yet realized what she willingly walked herself into. He’s being nice to her because there’s always gotta be one nice cop in this game they’re playing. She is lucky she hasn’t met the bad one yet. Or quite.
After all, the rooms are not their residence, it’s just a place for them to rest when they’re in the headquarters. The executives have properties all over Japan, and most tend to reside in those closer to their area of competence in Tokyo. Others have chosen to sleep in this same building, just upstairs, where the top two upper floors give space to the penthouses.
“Mikey and Sanzu usually stay on this floor, Ran and Takeomi have their place here. I try to go and sleep as far away from this place as possible so that I don’t wake up to screaming and raging.”
“I thought the Haitani brothers would be in Roppongi.”
“Yeah, Rindou is still there. Kakucho barely sleeps, I can’t even tell you if he leaves this place at all. To be honest I don’t give a fuck. And I only ever see Mochi around when he has to complain about his paycheck. I’m hoping someone will shoot him sooner or later, before I’ll have to take matters into my own hands.”
An exhausted sigh leaves his parted lips and the man massages the side of his neck as if the weight of his job is dragging him down.
“So this building is just a huge waste of money, then?” Maybe, after analyzing what she knows about Kokonoi, she can get to the man before he does.
“I see we speak the same language. It’s huge, it draws a lot of attention, and being all here clumped together is more dangerous than strategic, but we reside in a zone where the police are completely under our payroll. We’re untouchable.”
She wonders where that could be, she’s always been great with directions but she’s never been so up high to recognize her surroundings from the windows of this same floor.
“Now let’s get going, I’m gonna have to get your measurements and have some stuff delivered unless you wanna come and have fun with me. I’d love to dress you up like a doll, you have a nice figure for a cop.”
He asked her before if she wanted to go and shop with him, but her priorities didn’t reside in his fat wallet. She figures that if she plays nice, she could barter her hour of open air in an expensive shopping district with something she actually needs.
They’ve wound up in an open space with a big lather couch and seating of all kinds littered around, facing the full-length windows overseeing the city. She sits down and gestures at him to do the same.
“I just really need your help,” Chizu looks up at him, she knows tears are not gonna get her anywhere in this situation. So, because this is Kokonoi Hajime we’re talking about, she decides that a little bribery will do.
“No, you don’t,” he makes to stand up but she grabs his wrist to sit him back down.
“Kokonoi, please. I don’t need all that, I need to go to my apartment and grab some stuff if I’m gonna be stuck there.”
“That’s a big ass no-“ he tries to remove her hand from his wrist, so she lets go.
“Please, I’m not opposed to begging, but don’t make me get on my knees. My side is still hurting.”
Kokonoi is close to telling her he doesn’t really give a fuck, but he’s sure she can already read it from his expression, “I can buy you whatever you need.”
“I need my glasses, I can barely make out your face,” That’s a lie, it’s reading glasses, “It’s gonna take so long to get another prescription. Oh my god, I- I don’t even remember how many diopters I’m missing… Please, this could be a mess. My doctor said every day without them my sight will worsen, I’m sure Mikey wouldn’t want me to get blind.”
Koko sighs, shaking his head no. He wears glasses himself, but even if he didn’t, does she really think he’s that dumb? Or is she just that desperate? “Mikey could’ve been lenient about letting you out with me, but there’s no way he’s gonna want you anywhere near your district.”
“What is it? He doesn’t trust you to keep me on a leash?”
“Yeah, exactly. I know who you are, Baji Chizu, don’t think I don’t remember you,” His tone has lost all the chirpiness and friendliness that it held before, “I’ve been the one keeping an eye on you for the past ten years.”
Shit, he shouldn’t have mentioned that. He sees her eyes light up in recognition, as he drops his shoulders in defeat. Her stupidity is contagious.
What did he say? It’s now time for Chizu to mentally start putting pieces together. Is that what Mikey meant when he said he had been tailing me? “Why would he entrust you with such a lowly assignment?”
“Just like today, I’m the one who’s less likely to shoot you dead. That mouth you have on you? You’re lucky I’m a patient man. And,” Hajime stops himself, almost like pondering over whether or not he should share the rest with her.
He makes up his mind in that moment. If she’d happen to overshare with anyone else, he’ll make sure to be the one shooting her dead. He might not like getting his hands dirty, but he’s not completely opposed to violence, “Mikey so happened to catch me in the neighborhood. So as long as I did his biddings, he’s been cool with me bouncing over that part of town.”
“You mean-“ Fuck! She can’t know, right? I mean, it was at their shop I first got sight of her, but that doesn’t mean she must know about it!
“You’ve been keeping tabs on Inui?” Shit, she knows alright.
“Yeah, what about it,” Kokonoi looks embarrassed. Chizu has to play her cards right, she might just get a crack at him if she does.
“I think it’s kind of you, wanting to make sure that he’s doing okay.”
“I didn’t ask for your opinion-“ He’s like those tiny chihuahuas, all bark and no bite.
“I guess I’m just wondering why you never approached him. Is it because of me hanging out at their place? Inui would never rat you out,” She imagines that finding a detective weekly visiting the love of your life when you’re a criminal must be a deterrent enough to stay away.
He scoffs, “You don’t know a thing about Inupi and me.” But she recalls the late-night talking, Inupi’s blue eyes wet with tears. “As a matter of fact, I think I know enough,” She promises she’s doing this for Seishu as much as for herself, “Do you wanna know what he told me?”
“There’s no need, I don’t care that much,” He’s lying, she can tell. He looks like the kind to run away when things get serious, that must be why he’s here in the first place. So where else does he have to go?
“Let’s do one thing, you’ll do this one small favor for me, and I’ll tell you some stuff that I'm sure you need to hear.”
He fidgets, “I can’t bring you there, infiltration is not my specialty, and you can’t be seen around. At this point, they must’ve already opened a missing person case for you.”
“I’m sure you will find someone, mh?” Chizu clasps his shoulder in her hand, squeezing as if to reassure him. I’m being selfish.
“Nothing you will ever tell me about him, I don’t know already.”
“Are you sure, Koko? Can I call you Koko, I feel like we’re going somewhere with this,” she winks, trying to ease the tension. She’s glad she found the right piece of information to bribe him. No amount of money she possesses could’ve swayed him in her direction.
“What if I told you where to find him alone? It makes sense why you wouldn’t approach him in our district, or at the shop, but I know where he picks up his spares from.”
“I don’t need that kind of information, I shouldn’t-” To be honest, Chizu didn’t think it would’ve been so easy, to get inside his head. Apparently, Kokonoi Hajime is weaker than she thought. He’s getting anxious, palms rubbing against his knees as if he hadn’t spoken about him in such a long time, or enough to give his body such a shock. Lucky, lucky!
“I’m not gonna bother him anymore. He has his life, the shop, Ryuguji.” Wait, what? She nearly lets out a laugh.
“Is that what you think? Nothing is going on between the two.”
“Are you willing to put your friend in danger like that? Do you know who I am? What is Bonten? I understand you don’t have a care in the world for your own well-being but-“
“Inupi is like a brother to me,” Koko flinches at the word, she knows why and that’s exactly the reason she chose the term, “He would want to know I’m alive, you could do that for him. And if I know anything about him, it’s that he’s been living his life waiting for you.”
“For me? We parted ways because it was for the better,” He shakes his head as if to chase away an old memory, “We should’ve better ourselves after that. I can’t show my face to him. Not like this.”
Chizu understands his point. She had always thought herself to be too twisted for Chifuyu. And sometimes you just don’t wanna deal with the pain of hurting the people you love because of your darkness. Mikey must feel the same.
“I shouldn’t be the one telling you that, Hajime. But I myself know what it feels like to live without someone you love, even if they did you wrong. Maybe you could start by apologizing.”
Koko finally looks up at her. The wind picked up and is now knocking against the windows, a storm is in sight, but the one behind his eyes has calmed down.
He doesn’t say thank you, “I’ll find someone to drive you. You own me one.”
“You go and meet Seishu. Once you’re back, I promise you’ll be the one owning me. Big time.”
The day is darkening under her gaze, it might have already started raining in some parts of the city.
Her side hurts, and Chizu tries not to give it away, scared it might drive Kokonoi to postpone her little outing. All he does, though, is hand her a pill after making sure to grab a glass of water. “It’ll help numb the pain.”
“I hope it’s not drugs.” She flinches, grabbing the blue tablet from his cold hand.
“You’re a detective and you can’t recognize simple paracetamol? I always keep some on me. Not that you should mind, considering what we gave you while you were knocked out.” He smirks as she whispers a “Fucker.”
They seem to have gotten incredibly close after just a couple of hours together.
She must rein herself in. Don’t let your guard down, don’t think of them as anything but what they are: criminals. Prostitution, drugs, money laundering. Blood stains all of their hands, no matter how pretty and manicured.
Steps approaching behind them make her turn around. Chizu doesn’t know who she will find. But as long as it’s not Mikey or Sanzu, she guesses it must be fine.
The man that enters the room wears elegant shoes, incredibly long legs stretch under the lilac suit he’s wearing. It’s a three-piece, but the jacket is open, leaving on sight the tight vest and crisp white shirt hugging his nice build. He has a tie on, but it’s slightly undone, like the top two buttons of his shirt, just enough to let her glimpse the black ink branding his neck. Like all of them, he parades it almost proudly.
“I heard a lady in distress might be needing a ride?” His hands are confined in the pockets of his pants. He looks smug and put together, not even a strand of hair falling from his combed-back hairstyle, “Good evening, detective.”
“You called Ran, Haitani?” If looks could kill Kokonoi would be laying dead on the ground by now. The sweet act she’s been putting on all afternoon is suddenly gone.
“Who else should I call? Once again, would you like me to get Sanzu for you?”
“Stop mentioning that prick’s name!” She huffs, standing up while arguing with the man. She doesn’t want to give the impression of being scared of Sanzu, so she has to play it out like his name alone annoys the fuck out of her (to cover up the shivers), which it does, but not to the extent of Haitani Ran.
The motherfucker who has been posing for the department’s pictures for months. But worse, the fucker who used to tease her whenever he got the chance when they were teens.
They never got well together. Even went as far as to physically fight, a couple of times. She used to despise his braids – and his pretty face – and made sure to tell him if he ever crossed her path.
“She has a mouth on her, uh? I see things haven’t changed.” He moves closer, as if ready to separate her and Kokonoi in case they were to fight right in front of him. His downturned eyes staring right at her.
“Yeah, so keep that gun strapped in, Haitani. Got it? Mikey will kill you. And keep your dick in your pants, too, if possible,” Kokonoi reprimands him, making sure he understands the situation.
“Don’t you worry, Koko-kun. Chizu right here has taken me down a couple of times already,” he chuckles at that, as if remembering good times only he has the recollection of, “I don’t doubt she could do it again if I were to touch her.”
He turns back to her, “And I would never, unless you asked me to.” His eye closes in a wink, before gesturing at her to follow him.
At that, Chizu finally looks up at his retroceding back, with fire in her eyes, biting her tongue between her teeth so hard she draws blood. She hopes the painkillers Kokonoi gave her will help with that as well.
The elevator ride down to the garage is awkward. Chizu thought she would be relieved by the fact that Ran was not talking, but she realizes not knowing what is happening inside that pretty head of his is far worse than hearing him blubber, “Cat got your tongue?”
“I figured you’d prefer me silent,” He shrugs, “I woke up one hour ago. Let me get used to socializing.”
“An hour ago? It’s five pm, Haitani.” He peers down at her from over his shoulder, lilac-dyed eyebrows creased.
“Mhmh what about it? I work at night. ‘nd I need my beauty sleep. You don’t get this handsome just because, y’know.”
They reach the parking space, it’s right below the building, and it seems like its perimeter is completely gated, which makes sense considering the kind of cars that are parked inside.
Ran extracts a set of keys from the deep of his pocket. The car they stop in front of is a sight to see, not that the others by its side are any lesser, but this one is a shining purple color. It’s eye-catching. And custom-made, apparently. She knows because it’s a Bugatti Centodieci. There are not many of those around, certainly not in this color.
Chizu has never been a huge fan of cars, but she likes driving, when there’s no traffic, which is not often in the city. And she likes speed. She wouldn’t even have recognized the car if it weren’t for the name branded on its sporty back. It is truly a beauty, she thinks. Sleek, elegant and unique. It suits Ran just fine. Not that she would ever tell him that.
“A bit pretentious, don't you think? How much was that even?“
“Little over 1 billion yen. Without customization,” He shrugs, as if that wasn’t a shameful amount of money, and unlocks the vehicle.
Chizu scratches her head, “Did Kokonoi not kill you for that?”
“It’s my money, sweetheart, I get to waste it however I please,” He bends down to open the door on the passenger side. It’s blood money. Fake ass gentleman. “ Now if you may, we don’t have all the time in the world.“
“How do you even get inside this car, the roof is so low…” she mumbles, squeezing her eyes as her stab wound pulsates with pain.
“If you’re that interested in how bendy I am, there are other ways I could show you.”
Fuck Haitani Ran.
Not literally, of course.
Next Chapter.
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kyriaejiraiblog · 2 months
i feel like i’m dying so long vent wwwww
i have basically no plans for my future, and my dad is always upset about it, and i can’t even begin to explain why cutting feels so good, and that only makes him more upset and think im insane because i “don’t like pain,” and i “have had an extremely easy life,” and i ruined my entire senior year of high school, and im such a lost cause that i have almost no options anymore
but i can’t kill myself, because even if i wasn’t too pathetic to follow through, my dad said it’s the coward’s way out and i can’t let him win… i feel like im always losing, whether it be friends, money, any possible future…. i can’t lose to him too. i need to figure out how to get out of here. i need to leave. he says i have had everything easy, that because i haven’t gone hungry, have a roof over my head, have running water and electricity, that im lucky he has a high stable income because of how he’s suffered in the past… but he doesn’t know how hard it is to wake up every day.
he says i’m lazy, very smart but so lazy. but there’s a reason i have that depression diagnosis. i want to do so much, but i just don’t have the energy or drive to. i barely have the energy to draw, even for commissions or other people. he says i put so much effort into miku expo, and refuse to do anything for my future. what he doesn’t realize is how hard it was to even start styling that wig, how i bought a cosplay off of amazon 2 days before when i wanted to see one myself. he doesn’t realize that i did, in fact, forget that the concert was happening, until one of the friends i was going with texted me about it.
he says i need a boyfriend. that having one will make me happy. i want to date someone. i really do. but i have such a specific preference that i know it’ll never happen. and even if it does, i know that ill become so obsessive over them that ill drive myself further into a void. because its happened before. i wasn’t even dating him and i had texted and talked constantly. asked him if he loved me. threatened to kill myself if he left. shocker, he cut me off. he had his own issues as well, and i still hate him but that’s not the point. i hate him. despise him. i might kill him if im ever unfortunate enough to see him again.
another guy, i completely broke because i rejected him. we were friends for 3 years. that friendship disappeared in a day. i ghosted him, shunned him. i made an excuse of i wasn’t in the right mental place to date. i was cutting, yeah, but nothing excuses what i did. i tried to reconnect but everything i did made things worse. i’m only good for destroying connections.
another guy i met online, dm’ed him constantly. i always sent my darkest thoughts. 2 years ago, i almost landed him in prison because my dad assumed he was a pedophile. in reality, he only viewed me as someone who needed to escape. he even offered his mom’s phone number if i needed someone else to talk to. i regret everything i did to make him suffer.
i always break relationships. even now. the few people who put up with me are precious, but it always only feels like a matter of time before they leave. i’m surprised one of them didn’t leave the second i hurt him, accused him of talking shit about me (without proof, at that). i still love him dearly as a friend, and am happy i met them.
but look at me, what am i supposed to do? i’m useless. i break relationships. i break people. i destroy myself, and any possible future. i’m smart enough to realize that what i do is jeopardizing any potential success, and yet i choose self destruction anyway for a brief feeling of euphoria.
i want to be able to leave this house. i want to be free of whatever life my dad has planned. but im not sure i ever can. i wish i could live the life i constantly dream of. i wish i was a normal person. i’m so tired of everything.
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am-i-interrupting · 7 months
Requesting a Hazbin Hotel Matchup!
I would prefer a male character! (Despite that, I am an ace lesbian. I just wanna indulge my comphet fictional crushes iykwim + i prefer more of the male cast in hazbin. I totally understand if you'd prefer to match me up with a female character) I use she/they pronouns.
A few personality traits of mine would be hardworking, clumsy, compassionate, and playful. I am a workaholic, and often work myself to the bone. Ironically, to others, I try my best to ensure they don't overwork themselves. I'm a bit of a people pleaser to the point where I jeopardize my mental health, but I'm working on it. I'm decently good at appearing mature and socially adept (if a bit anxious) when around strangers, but around those close to me, I admit I am a bit of a baby, being playful.
I have ADHD, a Depressive Disorder, and strongly believe I have Autism. Some jokes, sarcasm, and flirting goes iver my head, but if I notice, I do like to play along. I like cutesy pastel colored clothing in a sort of streetwear style. Like, cargo pants are great but I also love cute skirts. I'm an artist and a gamer. I like to animate and am working towards developing video games! My love language is definitely physical touch and quality time. Hugs are important to me. I like being close to people I care about, even if we're not doing the same thing. Parallel play is peak to me.
My music taste swings around wildly. I've always been a sucker for vocaloid and musical theatre songs. Lately, I've been listening to Epic The Musical and Calliope Mori. I love to sing and play the violin, so any music that I can vibe to, I like. I like plushies quite a bit, even though it's childish. My sense of humor is nonsensical even to me. I laugh a lot, basically, from dark jokes to antihumor.
I'm unsure of my demon form, to be honest. I'd probably have something to do with video games or art, and my favourite animals are small round birds (like the white-browed tit-warbler), jellyfish, and frogs. Feel free to describe my sinner form however you want! (I am short though)
I hope this isn't too much haha I just realized how much I rambled
I don't really want full NSFW headcanons, but some spiciness/non-explicit stuff is good.
Thank you!
-👾 (so i can find this later)
Your Match Up Is. . .
Tumblr media
You probably met him at the Hotel.
Now, Lucifer wasn’t immediately obsessed with you. No, no, he had his daughter to focus on.
However, you caught his attention soon enough.
It was actually while working on the Hotel rebuilding that you caught his eye.
With you darting around from place to place, making sure everything got done while also making sure everyone else took a break, you made yourself known.
Unfortunately, no one made sure you took a break so he took that role upon himself.
It probably took some convincing but eventually he got you to do it.
Over time you two got closer and closer.
It was one of those things were everyone else realized you were both in deep for each other before either of you did.
This is because neither of you recognized when the other was flirting. . . like at all.
It would probably be Angel or maybe even Charlie saddling up to one of you going, “Soooo, when are you gonna ask them out?”
Immediate denial followed up by very intense analyzation of every single one of your interactions with each other because what are they talki. . . Ooooh, you see it now.
It’d be a while before you two got together.
When you did though, prepare for heaven in hell.
Wow, Lucifer sure is a catch.
He is so sweet and so caring.
He is able to recognize signs that your depression is getting worse because of his own and together you’re able to help each other through the spirals.
You’re also able to give each other advice that actually works with you AuDHD brains because there is no way that man is neurotypical.
Get ready to be able to infodump any time you want to and be listened to with the most attention. He is asking all the questions.
You’re making a game? What genre? What animation style? What’s the main story line? What’s that side character that you made too detailed of a background for? Tell him everything.
You like drawing? He likes making ducks. Can you draw him ducks for him to make when he’s in a funk?
And you have plushes! They can be friends with his ducks.
If he hears you listening to a song from a musical, it’s over. You’re not doing whatever it was you were doing. You are now obligated to reenact the scene from him.
He loves dancing with you.
Sometimes though, he can get a bit in a Gomez Addams-like mood and he’ll just start kissing your arms, then your neck, the one thing leads to another.
This man is big on oral.
Cuddles after. Always.
He is a big cuddler.
This man is so touch starved it’s not even funny.
He intends to make up for it so a hand is almost always on you. He is always in your space.
You are never falling asleep without being cuddled again.
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joannaofarkham · 10 months
So, I was looking at my very old and unfinished wips and found this little gem. This is the very first idea I had for an aot x star trek au, and it's much lighter than the one posted in AO3.
Now I'm thinking if I should complete this as a stand alone and a completely other aot x star trek au 🤔
800 hrs., 6 Hours Before Graduation
"Cadet Ackerman, you may start."
The raven-haired cadet nods cooly at the panel of officers in front of her. She glances at the lieutenant, a Betazoid, just like her, who has placed a recorder and a lie detector on top of the table, but the young cadet knows that the lieutenant won't need the latter. 
As a Betazoid, and a full-blooded one, they have telepathic abilities. They can tell right away if a person is lying, not just by their thoughts, but also by their emotional state.  Cadet Mikasa Ackerman has almost the same abilities, being a part Betazoid. While she can't exactly read someone's mind, she can determine how someone is emotionally, including if they are guilty or not. 
So, there's no point in lying in front of a Betazoid, much more in front of a Starfleet officer who's monitoring her statement on the incident that happened last night. Mikasa just hopes that by telling the truth, she won't jeopardize their graduation.
And they said this isn't a court-martial but it sure feels like one. 
Mikasa inhales, then exhales to relax her nerves. Then she starts giving her statement about the brawl among the upperclassmen cadets which include her, her friends, and a shuttlecraft used in one of their classes that was almost torn to pieces, starting from the very beginning.
2000 hrs., 18 Hours Before Graduation
The chattering of young upperclassmen cadets fills the halls of the academy's grand mess hall. The excitement from these cadets is intoxicating, talks of what's next evident in each group huddling together at their own tables as they share their last meal as outgoing cadets of Starfleet Academy. Finally free from exams and projects, the cadets are making more memories as they can for one more night, for tomorrow their goodbyes and see-yous will be the ones reverberating in the academy halls. 
Tomorrow, they will be standing before their loved ones, the Federation, and the rest of the Starfleet officers, ready to explore strange new worlds, ready to seek out new civilizations. 
Ready to boldly go like the officers before them. 
Tomorrow, Starfleet Academy Class of 2377  finally graduates and joins the continuing mission of Starfleet as fully-fledged ensigns of their first starship. 
Mikasa and her friends aren't any different from these hopeful graduates who are excited to go to their first missions, may it be within the Alpha Quadrant or beyond the deeper space.
Still in their uniform, Mikasa and Sasha queue up in one of the replicators. Their friends have already secured a table for them, waiting until everyone got their dinner. 
"Do you think any of us will be assigned to Captain Smith's ship?" Sasha asks Mikasa as they move closer to the replicator.
 Mikasa just shrugs and said, "I'm not sure. When I got a transmission from Levi earlier, he said his shore leave to attend our graduation just only got approved after finishing one of their first contact missions, and that he was on his way to the nearest Starbase to get an en route here. The transmission was recorded, I guess two, three days ago. Seems like their ship is too far to get back in time for the roster."
"That's too bad. I always wanted to serve under Captain Smith. They always get the best missions." Sasha sighs softly. Once they reach the rows of replicators, she recites the dinner she wants and the machine obliged.  A tray with a plate of steak, mashed potatoes, greens, and a glass of synthehol appears on the replicator's receiving tray. The academy has lifted the synthehol ban for tonight for the upperclassmen, so everyone is getting rounds of it, even if they know they won't really get the buzz like the real ones give. 
It's Mikasa's turn to get her dinner from the replicator. Like Sasha, she recites the dinner she wants, just a bowl of donburi and soup, plus a glass of synthehol then gets her tray once it appears. Mikasa then responds to Sasha. 
"Honestly, I wouldn't want to be assigned to that ship on my first assignment. They always get the dangerous missions."
"You don't want to be in dangerous missions?" Sasha gawks at Mikasa. "You? Honey, you aced every hand-to-hand and phaser combat class we have. You're the fastest to dismantle and assemble a phaser rifle, I think dangerous missions should be scared of you."
"Just because I can do those stuff better and quicker doesn't mean I want to be part of those dangerous missions. I don't want to die yet, Sasha."
They reach the table where their friends are sitting. Almost everyone is there already and busy with either their food, discussion of plans they have for tonight, or sending in some last-minute projects to make up with their grades. 
On the left side of the long table,  at the very far side, is Armin Arlert, who is still checking his PADD as if he hasn't sent in all his extra projects, not that he needs the extra grades. He is already top of their class, and will definitely get a high appreciation award tomorrow with his understanding of Engineering and Advanced Warp Core Theory but he's too humble and shy to admit his brilliance and too nervous to fail a single coursework hence, he would grab the other extra projects thrown to them.
Beside Armin,  a tiny blonde Bajoran woman who's busy with her own PADD and then nudges him, as if he has sent her something offensive, is Annie Leonhart.  Though one of the shortest in their class, her hand-to-hand and close-range combat skills are as impeccable as Mikasa. She is probably the next best cadet in those classes since she and Mikasa would always and unintentionally compete for the top spot. But they have mutual respect for each other for being good fighters and for being what Armin considered the important people in his life.
Across the two blondes are Ymir Freckles and Historia Reiss, who are busy feeding each other the food they have got from the replicator– a variety of desserts ranging from cakes to chocolate candy bars. The tall brunette who did have freckles on her face had been dating the other tiny blonde woman beside her way before their Starfleet Academy days. 
Their story was they hopped on a ship going to Earth from their homeworld, which is one of the Federation's colony planets near the Cardassia-Bajor border to elope, and never turned back with what they left. Who would've thought that in this day and age, some families would still prohibit a budding romance just because they were of different status? Their friends were shocked when they told this story to them during their first year in the academy but they never missed showering these women with adoration and love. They'd hoped for them not to get separated after getting their ship assignment tomorrow after graduation but that would be a futile wish.
Looming over his tray of protein beside Historia is Reiner Braun. A beast when playing Parisses Square, a sporting event that could potentially injure players critically when played without abiding by the rules, but his friends will say he is the most sincere person in their circle.
Lost his parents at a young age during the last stretch of the Cardassian occupation in Bajor, Reiner lived with his remaining relatives who were freedom fighters at that time. The danger in his life wasn't done yet even if the war with their oppressors was over. There was unrest among the Bajorans since the planet was left without a leader. Civil wars were inevitable then, and Reiner was tasked to take the young ones to safety. 
Together with Annie and Bertholt Hoover, who is sitting across from him, they evacuated Bajor with the other kids, for good. Starfleet officers who were assigned for a diplomatic mission discovered their freighter floating dangerously near the Cardassian border but they were successfully rescued. The captain of the starship Reiner boarded saw the three's dedication and potential, so they were recommended by the captain for Starfleet Academy admissions. It was an opportunity he could never miss, especially because he knew that being a Starfleet officer could give him the chance to support the younger Bajoran orphans like him to live a better life. And, maybe, to go back to Bajor and help rebuild their nation.
Beside Reiner, the fair-haired young man who was smiling and beckoning Sasha to sit beside him, is Connie Springer. He is not the brightest of the cadets, he almost failed some tests during his early years in the academy and had to stay behind after classes for extra work, but his determination has pushed him to do better bit by bit.
But when it comes to having fun, Connie is definitely the man for it, along with Sasha. They are like PB & J these two, one would mistake them for dating but really, they stuck as buddies throughout their academy days for the only cadets who repeated Exochemistry in their class batch. And the guy has a delectable food palate, always knowing which dish goes well with what drink. If he weren't able to pass the academy, he would have pursued a profession related to food. 
Connie is also very good with programming holodeck stories, something his friends really like about him. The best holodeck simulation he did is based on an ancient Japanese graphic novel, a manga as they would call it, about giant people called Titans that attacked a lone island and ate its occupants. It’s a fun holodeck simulation where he and his friends play roles but it will take a while for them to finish it with the upcoming graduation. 
Sasha beams back at Connie and sits beside him, while Mikasa sits next to Sasha. She then circles back to their topic. 
"I'm just saying, Mika. Regardless of how sensitive the mission is, with your skills, I think you'll do well with Captain Smith's missions."
Mikasa scrunches her nose and sips from her cup of synthehol. "Eh, they're still dangerous, and besides, it would be weird for Levi and me to be on one ship."
Connie is now the one to speak up. "Why would it be weird? Wouldn't it be easier since he's your cousin? Oh, and also, won't their ship be on the roster?"
Everyone at the table stops whatever they have been doing to listen to Mikasa. Like Sasha, they are also looking forward to being commissioned to USS Sina. Mikasa looks at everyone at the table and shrugs nonchalantly, just like before in the replicator queue. "Levi will come here aboard another starship. No luck, guys."
And just like Sasha, the young cadets at the table state their desire to have their first assignment in Sina, their excitement and eagerness bubbling.
A small smile creeps on Mikasa's lips. She will definitely miss this bunch. Sure, there will be a chance for some of them to get assigned on the same ship as her, but a career in Starfleet means years before meeting your friends again. It won’t be surprising if some of them get promoted to lieutenant junior grade or even a higher rank the next time they see each other. 
Her eyes scan the faces on the table, realizing that they aren’t complete yet. Three people are  still missing from their circle so she asks, "Hey, has anyone heard from Eren, Jean, and Marco?"
It’s Armin who answers her, closing his PADD and putting it aside. "Oh, Eren said they’ll be coming late. They're still doing some last-minute routine checks on the trainer crafts they're using for tomorrow's exhibition." 
Mikasa nods then sighs softly. She loves all her friends, really, but she can’t help feeling incomplete whenever Eren was away.
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obb-z-scene · 1 year
RIProducer's "Pyrite Girl" reminds me of Rick!!
TW mental health and suicide discussion
Analysis below. I'm working from the end to the beginning because I said so.
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This is the end..chorus? Christ I'm in choir I should know this. Anyways, something about this just screams his mental state. Not all of it, but a lot of it. It showcases how he's both a huge ass egoist and extremely self loathing. Him just knowing he's destroying himself and that he's going bonkers, but also fully deluding himself into thinking that he IS God and is untouchable when in reality he will break any moment now. It also ties into the irony of the title Pyrite girl, which is also known as "fools gold" due to being mistaken as gold for its colour. His "shield of gold" is really a fake protector.
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Him putting up protective emotional walls so he does not get attatched again. Probably after Diane's death, and possibly also from being betrayed by Prime in their partnership/relationship? I'm unsure where their relation to eachother will actually lead canonically but I've read some interesting theory posts and it's got me convinced a lil bit so I'm adding this.
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He oh so badly wants to be understood and comforted but he doesn't have anyone anymore because they all either left or betrayed him. (Let's push Squanchy and BP aside for the sake of convenience I'm tired) and this will soon turn into a need to hide the vulnerable parts of himself away.
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Ricks response to Prime's betrayl, "you left me covered in gold" implying that Rick is the reason he is the way he is today. His anger is new but so is his grief, and it hits so very hard. ("don't you try me! Don't take it lightly!" And "I'm broken, yet somehow, still alive.")
"I've been pulverized for the past five thousand five hundred days." References his endless hunt for Prime. It's exhausting and killing him so badly, example "you shattered my mind one thousand times.", but he's counting every single day to torture himself because he can't keep failing his family. This can also be backed by how the AI in his old house taunts him so horribly, and he even fucked with the time in that dimension just so he could suffer and continue to look with a constant agonizing reminder.
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This mainly just reminds me of all the enemies and allies he's made but there's also an actual point here. The people in his life that love him want to try and fix him in their own way. People like Birdperson and Morty. Probably even short term partners, not-seen-in-canon-friends, and probably Unity too when it broke things off. It realized it could not fix someone that wants to stay broken. And Rick does need support, he needs his big support system because he's been so lonely for so long. But without him putting the work in himself, not much can be done. I actually read a fanfiction where Unity had used some sort of mind control to make Rick pass out before he killed himself, and I think that was really smart but also sad. It knows it can't jeopardize it's own health to be around him, he is toxic and infectious like the plague. He seeps into every person around him to survive, but it sees the humanity in him.
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In conclusion, the song can be seen as Ricks fall into...himself. or a fake self, someone he shouldn't have been. You can also just think all of this is bullshit and that's okay too. This song is really good and it's story is both a thinker and easy to place at the same time! I hope I made sense and that my tired almost-4-AM brain didn't make you want to retake kindergarten. Feel free to pm me or comment whether you just wanna tell me how your day was or you want to discuss this more. :)
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valorums · 8 months
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Are there any tropes fandom would put upon your character, for better or for worse?
── ⠀⠀@misfittcd
⠀⠀[ ⠀⠀ FROM if your oc was canon⠀⠀]
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There absolutely are. As I discussed in this post, Shi’al would be an incredibly POLARIZING character within the Star Wars community due to her role as COMMENTARY on humanity’s hypocrisy. Therefore, she is naturally a PERFECT VICTIM for mischaracterization through common tropes — both those which are fandom specific and those which are applicable to media at large — in fan-made content.
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CANON: ⠀⠀Shi’al Valorum is a complex and multi-faceted character, whose moral CORRUPTION is meant to highlight both the sheer CHARISMA wielded by PALPATINE and the susceptibility of even the most well-intentioned humans to propaganda. The degradation of her morality depicted within this story can happen to ANY OF US, even the most righteous souls. We are all capable of both good and evil, no matter our origins or fiercely protected systems of belief.
FANON: ⠀⠀Shi’al Valorum is either a CARICATURE of a VILLAIN or a PARAGON of all that is GOOD and PURE in the galaxy; it is not possible for her to be MORALLY GRAY.
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CANON: ⠀⠀Prior to ORDER SIXTY-SIX, Shi’al Valorum absolutely adored the JEDI ORDER and viewed them as honorary members of her family. Only when Palpatine managed to convince her that their existence was detrimental to the greater good of the galaxy did she agree to participate in a propaganda campaign denouncing the Jedi.
FANON: ⠀⠀The Jedi are at fault for not freeing Shi’al from her life as a PUPPET to PALPATINE. She was all too glad to participate in creating PROPAGANDA that vilified the Jedi Order because of her valid resentment towards their dogmatic ways and blindness regarding her corruption.
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CANON: ⠀⠀There was a brief time where Shi’al Valorum FELL IN LOVE with Anakin Skywalker; however, she let go of her romantic affections once it became evident that he had won Padmè’s heart, so that her friendship with Padmè would not be jeopardized by childish JEALOUSY and broken hearts.
FANON: ⠀⠀The character of Shi’al Valorum will be reduced to a mere OBSTACLE for the development of ANIDALA (Anakin x Padmè), our much more beloved — and canonical — ship. Despite canon explicitly addressing the fact that she eventually lets go of her jealousy, we will portray her in our fanworks as VINDICATIVE and PETTY towards Padmè and Anakin for the sake of manufacturing DRAMA.
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These are just a few examples — I have more swimming around in my head, but if I write them down here as well, then this post will become a full blown essay 😭
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We are still at the ranch but I'm itchin to leave and bad. I wanna commit some more robberies. I wanna feel that thrill. I wanna get the money from it. I want it and I need it right now! It's a problem. I ain't bad, I ain't. I swear. I have some morals and self control. I just can't stand doin chores all damn day it ain't the life for me. I can't milk and feed cows all my life. I can't just keep on doin this. I think imma sneak out tonight. I needa sneak out. I needa be free for just a little bit. I just need that time. I'll do anything to be able to be off this ranch for any amount of time I'm losing my mind here!
I did it. I left. I crawled out the window of the guest room, crawled down the roof, admittedly, ungracefully. I fell down the last few feet but I didn't get too hurt. I didn't care if I did at this point. This life is...safe. too safe. It ain't me ans I ain't right for it. I ain't gonna jeopardize anybody this time, I'm smarter than that. But I at least needa get off the ranch again. Just for a whole cycle of day. I wrote my sister a note, telling her how I went out for the day and swore not to rob anything in the note.
I know she's all hooked on heifer and he ain't that bad a kid. But I. Need. Out. And I can tell she's even gettin antsy too. Heifer hasn't tamed her, yet. He's got lots a way to go. She loves makin unsuspecting so-called 'men' think they're all that. It makes her hit all the more satisfying for her. And her methods were fool-proof before the incident separating us. And even now they still work pretty well. Besides I know her, she can't lay low and just pickpocket forever.
Anyhow, I managed out the ranch. Not far just in the town right outside of it. I went to the inn for some drinks and hit on the pretty bartender, as per usual. She was a little fancier dressed than the ones back home. I found the deeper colors and patterns in her dress rather fitting. It made me feel out of place which made me a little weird feelin. I never feel out of place at inns. Usually inns have scum. Losers and criminals as low as me and dressed from head to toe in the clothes to prove it. These folk looked normal to say the least amd downright successful to say the most. I felt so lost and everything was so unfamiliar until I saw-
"A WANTED POSTER?! HERE?!" I shouted. Everyone looked at me and I awkwardly snickered, rubbing the back of my head. The chatter started up again and I got the 'tenders attention again. "S-Scuse me, miss. What's the word on that fella behind ya?" "Him? Oh, he's said to mighty dangerous...." "Really?" I asked, leaning closer. I was trying to fake my intrigue but the truth is, I was restraining it. "I had that outburst cause uh...I see his poster a little often now. Not too much or in too many big places but. Yknow." "You travel often then, sir?" "Oh. Yeah...Fer my job" "Whaddya do? Oh lemme guess...hmmm...given that journal poking out yer satchel I'm guessing yer a writer!" "Uh...yeah. You could say that." "Whaddya write about?" "Ohhh uh...theories...about that fella behind ya." "Really? Like what?" "Oh yknow...uh...his identity...and his...motive...?" "Oo that sounds fascinating sir! Who do you think he is?" "Well...I...I have a theory he's someone like Billy The Kid...." "Truly?!" "Yup...I think he didn't...actually die..." "That's rather absurd, sir." "Well sure but I don't...really believe jt I just...think he's as good." I awkwardly giggle, losing myself in this lie. "Say, ya think I look like that fella behind ya?" She looked at me than the poster, laughing. "Oh, no! Never, silly!" "And why's that, girlie?" "Yer far too young to be coffin dodger!" I sighed in relief a little, getting scared I was recognizable given how much o stuck out around here. "Gee, thanks." "Sure, no problem. Besides, ya look too cute to be a criminal." She winked at me and I smirked a little, kicking my feet up.
Maybe I could get adjusted to this town
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ofpearlsandstars · 3 months
hello! I'm P.P! could i pls know how S.B feels about me now that i confessed my feelings to her? for some context we met around 9-10 months ago and became good friends! we continued to get closer and i started seeing some romantic potential in our connection. unfortunately she left for another country this week, so i made plans with her and told her the day before she left of my feelings. i had gotten some readings prior as to if she felt the same for me and got a yes. though when i did confess she said she saw me as a friend and we are still friends. i do have an idea as to why she may have had that reaction but i would like to see what the cards say. anyways i'm devastated that i won't see her again for a while😭 its likely i’ll see her again maybe next year but i worry i have damaged the friendship. ty once again 🫶
Hey there, sweet bean! ✨
I’m so sorry to hear that things didn’t work out before she left. 😭 It’s so tough when distance comes between relationships. As someone that has been in many LDR’s, it’s not easy being in one, let alone starting your first few months in these conditions. 🥺 Let me look into your question for you!
Since you were the first person to send in an ask in celebration for starting this new blog, I decided to pull a few extra cards to get more details for you. ☺️💙 I must say a disclaimer though to please take all readings with a grain of salt. Ultimately I am not S.B., so I cannot speak for her, but I will relay what I saw + feel.
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I know this might be a bit hard to take in, but based on this reading, it appears that the main reasons S.B. did not return your feelings was due to both practicality and not feeling enough romantic potential to pursue something more together. She gives me the air of someone who is very focused on her studies and career - not wanting to jeopardize it for a relationship, and especially not for one that will be short-term or have less chances of lasting because of the distance. My spirits are telling me that since you have known S.B., she was always mentally preparing herself for the move by blocking herself off from feeling significant attachment to any particular person, place or sentiment as much as she could since she knew when she’d be leaving it all behind soon. She seems very grounded, driven and pragmatic when it comes to what she feels she needs in her life, and I sense that at this time, a relationship in general would ultimately feel like a “distraction” from her long-term goals and would be too “emotionally messy” to get involved with for now. In terms of romantic feelings, I am not sensing she had felt this way about you prior to your confession (and now), but I do believe she does view you as a good friend, which is still a huge win, as she seems like such a stellar person! If you can continue to show up for her with unconditional platonic support (and without the intention of getting into a relationship with her in the future - because I do feel she doesn’t take well to those disingenuous intentions), there is still a possibility of patching up this friendship and going back to the way things were before, which I do sincerely wish for you! 🥺 Remain honest and true, and it will surely be a fulfilling friendship for the two of you. 💖
I know this might not have been the reading you wanted to hear, but I hope it resonated and was able to give some additional perspective to your situation. If you enjoyed or appreciated the reading, please feel free to provide feedback (you can send an ask or tag me!) and/or tip me in my Ko-fi linked below.
Wishing you all the best on your journey towards healing and finding the love you truly desire!~ 🐚 💘💫
Mira 🌊🌟
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Free Readings are CLOSED!
Detailed Paid Readings are OPEN on Ko-fi!~
I would be deeply honored to serve as your trusted guide through the intricate currents of love, life, career, spirituality, and any other questions that seek profound clarity and insight, delivered with the utmost compassion. I look forward to sharing the celestial sea’s wisdom to assist you in navigating your own ship’s journey with confidence and purpose. 💙
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tarotbykim · 1 year
Hello! Might I participate in your free reads? Greatly appreciated! :) I'd like advice on a certain love situation. 🩵
(Free Readings remain open 'till May 31st! See this post for more information💫).
Hi dear! Of course! ♥️
So the card that showed up for you is the Six of Cups🍶. Let's see what that means for you:
Lately, something has triggered feelings of (considerably positive) nostalgia within you. Because you have asked for advice on a love situation, that’s what we’ll be focusing on. It’s likely that the person in question is someone who you have known for a long time, or someone who at least makes you feel those feelings of nostalgia. Whether you are currently in a relationship with this person or not, doesn’t quite matter. You’re reminiscing a lot and remembering many happy times in your life 😇
If you are currently unhappy with the way your life is going, it’s important to allow your inner child to come out and play. Use the connections with that nostalgia to inspire you. However, if you’ve been playing around too much, this card could be a sign that it’s important not to get stuck in the past, but keep an eye out for the future too. Life’s always a delicate balance like that ⚖️
The same advice goes for the person in question: If you feel like you’ve been too serious for far too long, and this person allows you to bring out your playful side, definitely get in touch with that and explore what might happen! However, if they themselves are stuck in the past and you feel like it’s impossible to build a future together with them because of it, listen to that gut feeling too.
It’s important to enjoy the nostalgia and memories and playfulness, but only to the point where it does not jeopardize the chance to make a whole bunch of lovely new memories as well ♥️
Good luck! 💪✨
(PS. This reading is free, and I hope you've found value in it! In case you wish to sponsor my work you can buy me a coffee! Of course, this is not mandatory nor expected! I also really appreciate any constructive feedback!💫)
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floralbfs · 4 years
every single day i am thankful for the fact that i presented the toefl last semester and thus fulfilled my english credits and thus don't need to take daily english classes
#they only last an hour but every day i am thankful for my 11-12 break and sometimes i dont realise not everyone has that free hour#because theyre in english class😭😭#sometimes i wish i had english class too so that i could bond more w my classmates but also i have always hated english class dynamics and i#love my free time too much to jeopardize it in any way#also i forgot how i was so proud for getting an almost perfect score on the toefl lmaoooooo#my literal only pride falls on my english skills how sad is that </3 jshfjsbdjsbf#anyways today i woke up sick and if i hadn't freed up english id be in english class right now and i think i would die#esp bc in other classes i can just lay there and screenshot stuff or whatever but in english class id have to speak or participate or whatev#luckily i am only listening to got7 rn <3#i made my bed and now im lying down and maybe ill take econ class here sndbsndbns#every day i fear my professors will find out im lying when i say i cant turn on my camera bc of bad wifi#i usually turn on my camera and sometimes it rly isnt a lie bc my wifi sucks but also sometimes u just need to sit there w/o the pressure of#potentially being seen by everyone in ur class u know????#ok im going to close my eyes now im going to collapse ksbdnsbdjs even tho im already lying down👁️👄👁️ freaky.... skbdnsbdn jk#anyways like i get the objective necessity of speaking english efficiently but whyyyyyyy obligatory english????#why wld u want ur students to suffer :((((#yes i love english and it was part of my growing love for languages and stuff yes i hate english with all my guts we exist#honey talk#anyways if ure forced by ur school to take english (or another language but im talking mainly abt english and also this doesn't rly apply#for usa maybe?) i wish u a very pleasant anti english revolution i am only kind of kidding <3#also el mes o algo así que tuve así de que clase de inglés obligatoria antes de poder tomar el toefl..... hell.#literalmente me dió una hueva horrible y odié todo y después de que ya había hecho el toefl me enteré que tenía como 15 faltas libres (menos#de las clases que tomé en sí antes del toefl) y creo que siempre cargaré ese dolor#also like ive been the teacher's favorite in like 99% of the english classes ive been in and theyre mostly very nice but why are they all#Like That.....#also i just remembered the english teacher i had for like a week with whom i picked a fight before the first class properly even started....#i am so sorry for being so fucking awful ma'am i promise if u gave me classes again i wouldn't paint my nails and then give u shit about it#i promise i have grown now i have stopped going out with my bad influences i hope ur family is ok ma'am however i still think your views#were rancid and you were racist and classist please do better ma'am im glad u werent my teacher for more than a week i would have been awful#ok got off topic there sjdhsnbdjs i carry burdens i ignore
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barnes-n-nobles · 3 years
Ready or Not (NONCONSMUT)
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- Can you do a dark!druig when he forces the reader to marry him.
- Can i request a dark! druig
people always tell the reader that she was born to be a mother and housewife and the druig decides he's going to make her one
If she was a eternal that happens when they reunited
If she was a human she lives in his comunity in amazon
Thank u
Once again i have combined two asks in one as they make sense together !!
Thank you for your request! Please reblog, like, and let me know what you think!
Warnings: Non con, drugging, mind control, threats of murder, tampering with birth control, trapping. Also talks about pregnancies and there might be some wrong information in here but it’s fictional!
Word count: 5k+
18+ !!!! If you “keep reading” you are acknowledging that you are 18+ and that you have read the warnings.
Please Do not translate, no permission to repost any of my writing on any other platform, and do not copy this and claim it as your own.
“I’m sorry but I’m not ready for marriage. I still have a lot to do before I settle down Druig…I can’t marry you” pulling your hand away from his. Druigs eyes widened, coming up from his knee, the look of absolute shock. “DONT do this to me y/n..we’re perfect for eachother” his hand taking yours again. You ripped it away quickly, “I’m telling you no! I don’t want this. I don’t want to marry you” stone cold expression as you walked off. Tears filled his eyes, wondering where he had gone wrong. Why didn’t you feel the same way that he did. What could he have done to change this outcome. “No..youre not leaving me” he ran up to you, holding you in his arms as you struggled to get him off. “Let me go!” you yelled trying to break free. Druig threw you to the ground, making you fall on your knees, “Fine…If i CANT have you…no one can” with a quick motion of his hand, he snapped your neck, making your body collapse to the ground.
He sat up from bed, finally opening his eyes, hyperventilating, muttering many no’s while he was still half asleep. You woke up to the cries next to you, reaching over to him immediately, “My love are you okay??what happened?” Your soft hands ran along his back, bringing him close to you as his panic attack passed him. “I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry….Oh my god it was just a dream” pulling you into a feverish kiss, holding your face in place as he kissed you repeatedly, trying to reassure himself that you were still here. “Terrible..terrible dream”. As he calmed down you two two slept intertwined with eachother, Druig needed to feel your love for him. He craved your touch, affection, smiles, it was all very reassuring to him. That dream was never going to happen, because you WOULD marry him…right?
As time went on Druig projected his insecurities on you. Never letting you speak to any other man unless it was him. He made you wear loose clothing so no one would ever dare to see or imagine your perfect body but him. You were only allowed to leave when he accompanied you. He insisted on showering together to make sure you didn’t pleasure yourself. The only person who was allowed to make you feel good was him. Not only that, he had all your passwords to every social media account that you had, blocking the men who tried to slide into your DM’s. He even made you quit your job, insisting that he would take care of you but it was really just his way of making you stay away from other people, needing you home safe and sound so you could take care of the house and him. He need to know you weren’t going to jeopardize your relationship, that way he could make sure you only had eyes for him. You were willing to comply, hoping this would bring him peace but it started to feel like way too much. He got specially controlling when he would leave for weeks at a time. He ran a business that you had little to no knowledge about. All you knew is that he made a lot of money, which he used to spoil you and take you on really nice trips. When he had to leave, he placed guards outside the property, making sure you were “properly protected” when he left.
While you were home preparing dinner, you got a text from Druig, quickly stopping what you were doing texting him right back.
“Baby, I have a surprise for you.”
Smiling at the text, your fingers flew over tiny letters
“Honey you shouldn’t have! Come home already ~”
When he got your message, a smirk formed on his face, looking at the ring he held in his finger, imagining how it would look on your pretty left hand. “Boss, its ready. You just need to sign” the employee brought a little case and place it in front of him, giving him the pen and paper to sign. “Make sure all the footage is erased. No one can know I was here” Druig said as he signed, placing everything he needed into the little case, feeling excited for tonight.
Getting all dolled up, your mind wandered, trying to figure out what the big surprise could be. Your mind immediately thought about a puppy, then a new dinner table, then you thought about a car, laughing at yourself for all these silly ideas. What could it possibly be. You got everything ready for Druigs arrival, waiting for him in the living room. As soon as you heard the door start to unlock you got up, trying to look as natural as possible. “Honey I’m home” his voice trailing all the way to your ears. “I’m so glad baby, I missed you” hugging him now, as he placed a kiss on your head. “Look! I made you your favorite dish! Aren’t you so proud of me” he smiled at how cute you were, knowing you’d made the most beautiful housewife. “Of course darling. You always know how to make me happy. My perfect girl” throwing his case on the sofa, freeing his hands so that he could finally have you in his arms. Hugging you tightly, he connected his lips to yours, tasting your sweet lipgloss that you had put on.
“Are you ready for your surprise kitten?” running his thumb under your chin. Nodding, he gave you a quick kiss before asking you to close your eyes. Doing as he said, you heard him open his case and then shutting it. “Alright princess open”. He was now on one knee, holding up a beautiful ring. You gasped, hands going up to your mouth in shock. Druig smiled, feeling a little relieved seeing your reaction, “Druig what is this” shocked. “My love, it’s time for us to move on to the next stage in our life. Will you do me the honor of marrying me?” your breath caught up in your throat, feeling your heart start to race “Druig…I…I don’t know if I’m ready”. His heart felt like it had stopped pumping, that wretched familiar feeling of fear emerged. You knelt beside him, giving him a hug. “I’m sorry love, just give me some time okay? Let me get prepared for you and we can revisit this in the future” your voice was sweet and soft, but it didn’t change the fact that it felt like a thousand knives were stabbing him right through the heart. His tears now spilled out from his eyes, wishing he could wake up again from what felt like that terrible dream.
“I’m sorry Druig..please understand me. I’m so so sorry. I don’t know if I’m ready for marriage or to even start a family yet, I’m only (your age)” he moved away from you, his nose turning a shade of pink. He caressed your face, your head leaning against his touch, feeling good that he was understanding. “No baby..I’m sorry” he whispered before feeling a stabbing pinch on the side of your neck. Your eyes were darting everywhere as your body started to feel heavy, you couldn’t keep your body upright so you started to slowly lean, Druig caught you and held you close to him as the drug fully entered your system. “Dont worry princess…I’m going to take care of you.” Your sight started to blur, as you fought the intense urge to sleep, “wha..Is, hap..” slurred words tried to form but your body slowly shut down. Before it was completely gone you felt him slip something on your finger, moving your eyes down you saw the ring before it all went black.
Druig held your now unconscious body, lifting you up into his arms taking you to bed, gently placing you on the mattress. Going back to the living room, he placed both of your passports in his case and started to pack for you. He grabbed a bag and started to place everything you might need into it. When he went to the bathroom he grabbed all your toiletries, shoving everything in. Due to how fast he was going he dropped a mint container, spilling its contents out. His eyes narrowed a bit, trying to figure out what he was looking at, because it sure as hell wasn’t mints. As he knelt down and looked at it closely, then it clicked. This was birth control, the one thing he told you he didn’t want you to use. He rummaged through the rest of your things and came across a little calendar that tracked your intake of the pills however, you seem to have missed a couple days. He counted the pills and it matched up, you had been off it for at least a week. He opened up the pills, tossing them in the toilet then flushing them down. He felt betrayed that you would keep something like this from him and go behind his back. His thoughts were all over the place but he settled on a sick one. If you didn’t want to marry him, then he would have to trap you.
Since you were unconscious, he decided to start early. He unbuckled his pants taking them off, his dick hardening at what he was about to do. He rose up your dress, snapping your panties off with his hands, thumb now rubbing over your clit, trying to get you nice and wet for him. He couldn’t help himself when he started to feel your juices coat his finger, needing to get a taste. His tongue circled over your clit, making you whimper unconsciously. His finger entered you, going in and out as it curled inside you, loving the sound that your pussy made. He entered a second finger, scissoring you inside, earning another mewl from you. “Even in your sleep you get me so hard, my love. Delicious” he whispered before kissing your clit and getting up. He pulled himself out of his pants, giving himself a few pumps.
He slid inside with ease, moaning at how slippery and warm your cunt was. Shuddering in pleasure. He held your leg up, having more access as he started to fuck into you. “Fuck baby…you take me so good…can’t wait till you’re so full of my cum. Im going to get you pregnant, and you’re going to be the best mommy ever” grunting into your ear. “My beautiful beautiful wife” his thrusts getting irregular, chasing his high. A few more pumps into you and he was spilling himself inside you. His dick twitching as he filled you with his seed. He stayed inside you for a couple minutes, not wanting a single drop to leak out. When he was satisfied, he cleaned you up then himself, looking at the time he realized that he needed to hurry up and get going with you. The private jet was waiting.
~~~~Many many hours later~~~~
When Druig and you landed, he had people already waiting for him. A black Escalade was to take you two far deep into the Amazon, where you and him would never be seen again. Druig had to drug you many times, he could have just kept you unconscious but he had to make sure everyone who you two were encountering had no knowledge of what was happening, resorting to erasing their mind over and over again. That in itself took a lot of power from him, so he couldn’t keep you unconscious with his ability so he just used drugs to keep you sedated. When you two were finally there, he couldn’t believe how successful the community had been since he was last there. Everyone had done an amazing job at making this a fully functional village for the two of you to raise a family in. Everything was going according to plan, knowing he did good by preparing everything in advanced.
His cabin was just as he had left it, with the addition of a bigger bed. He laid you down gently, needing to bring you back he grabbed the antidote for the drugs that were swimming in your system. Carefully he injected it into your blood stream, rendering them useless. Slowly, you were brought back into consciousness. Starting to hyperventilate you felt like your head was about to roll off, grabbing your temples, rubbing them as if that would relieve the pain. “Morning Sunshine…or evening I should say. We’re in a different time zone” he cooed moving the hair from your face, satisfied with himself for bringing you all the way here with him. “Druig what happened…my head hurts so bad” your voice raspy, making him smile at how cute you sounded. “Worrying will make it worse baby. Just sit back and relax” he assured you, watching you closely. The bed felt different. The room was an unknown color, different layout, your dresser was gone. Everything was different, hence the unfamiliarity. “Where are we?” You asked, realizing that the last thing you remembered was his proposal at your previous home. “Darling, I’ll let you know soon. Please just get better and I’ll explain everything” his tone was soft, yet it felt odd. “I…what happened, why am I here…I cant remember anything” getting up from the bed, scanning the room. You opened the curtain, surprised too see this eerie looking forest. “Y/n…calm down. Come back here” he commanded, trying his best to keep it cool.
Walking towards a door, you opened it, a wave of humidity enveloping you. This only confirmed that you were far from home. This type of weather never happened where you lived. The fog was dense, making it hard to see, but you heard someone walking. You ran out, ignoring Druigs call outs to you “HELP ME PLEASE SOMEONE” your screams echoed through the forest finally being able to see the person. “Please you have to help me…” you said grabbing the persons arm, but as he turned you saw he had golden eyes. You gasped, taking a few steps back but you bumped into a stern chest, taking a few steps as you turned. You saw Druig, eyes golden like the other man, staring at you expressionless. Druig shifted his attention from you to him “have everyone on guard, seems like she likes run” the man mindlessly nodded as he turned and left. Druig grabbed your arm and yanked you to him, almost dragging you back into the cabin. You struggled against him but his strength was too much, making you fall on your feet when he pulled you inside. He closed the door, locking it as he saw your frightened frame on the floor.
“Why are you doing this, please tell me something..Anything….” you cried, scooting away from him as he tried to grab you again. “Just Stop with the questions. Everything will be okay love, just trust me. I’m doing this for us” he explained, bringing you up to your feet, adjusting your clothes. “Why have you brought me here. I wanna go home”. Not being able to remember much, the moments before you were taken you remember how he was proposing. You knew in your heart you wanted to potentially marry him, but the timing was not right. You wanted to do more in your life, settling down at your age just wasn’t something you were planning on.
Druig cupped your cheek, leaning in to give your forehead a kiss. “You are home y/n. This is where you belong…with me” his hand bringing your face closer to him, the kiss getting heavier. His left hand snaked its way around you, gripping your waist pulling you more into him. His lips trailed from yours to your jaw, making your body ignite. His breathy moans moved down to the nape of your neck, making you get goosebumps. Your better judgement was slowly slipping away but you couldn’t have him distract you from what you needed to know. You pulled away from him, but he pushed himself onto you more, “Where are you going princess…I’m not done with you” he picked you up by your legs, making you wrap your arms around his neck, fearing you would fall back.
Attempting to get off of him, you squealed as he let you go, dropping you hard down into bed. You tried to roll over to get away from him but he grabbed your hair making you roll on your back, facing him, “this isn’t you Druig…please don’t do this” Druig eyes flashed gold, making your own widen as they reflected off your own. “You have no idea who I am baby. What I can be for you.” He eyed you down looking as you voraciously, as if you were the little lamb that walked right in front of a wolf . “What I can do…I suggest you lay there like the good little girl I know you are and take what I’m about to give you. I promise you’ll enjoy it, my wife” his sinister smile made you recoil into yourself. This wasn’t the person you were with, the person you wanted to marry. You questioned if it was a facade but it didn’t make sense, he seemed so real and genuine to you. Someone who promised to protect you at all costs.
“Stop DONT do this. I promise I won’t tell anyone, Druig let me go” your voice shaking in fear. His hands grabbed your wrists, pinning them on either side of your head. His legs wedged themselves between yours, spreading them apart. Squirming under him, your wrists started to sting due to how hard he was crushing them. You winced at the pain, making your movements come to a halt. “That’s it darling, calm down…unless you want me to hurt you more. Which might be what you want considering how horny you are, I can almost feel your wetness seep through your panties.” His hard bulge grinding against your thinly clothed pussy.
The way he was grinding into you, was so good. He pressed against your clit over and over again making you aroused. When he let your wrists go, he spread your legs open wider, his thumb pressing into your clit before rubbing it in circles. You clamped down on your lips, not wanting to moan. “Aww sweetie, you don’t have to fight me. I know I make you feel good..” he grabbed your face with his pale fingers, making you look up at him, “just let go” his eyes turned gold, making you groan out in pleasure. Watching you come undone beneath him was a sight he could never get over. Your lips opening in bliss, eyes closed, your beautiful body arching up. It was addicting to him.
Finally having enough, he tore your clothes off while doing the same with his. He flipped you on your tummy, shoving your face down onto the mattress. You tried to fight him but there really wasn’t any point, he quickly overpowered you. Grabbing you, making sure you were kept in place, ass up with your folds shinning. He growls to himself as his tip rubbed on it, moving his shaft up and down. “Such a wet cunt” he whispered as he finally pushed himself inside. Inch by inch, your body stirred, feeling conflicted with yourself you kept your face flat on the soft pillow, trying to drown your moans. Druig laughed at your actions, snapping his hips into you in a single fast motion, making you scream into it. His right hand came under your neck, grabbing you harshly and pulling you up to him. His lips ghosted over your ear, his feathered kisses tickled making you recoil.
“mmm Darling…you need to learn to be grateful for the pleasure you’re receiving. I’ll edge you for hours if you don’t show me how good I’m making you feel…do you understand?” His heavenly accent made your legs week, something you had a very weak spot for. “This is w-wrong” muttering silently as you clenched around him, the sound of your wetness coupled with his thrusts resonating off the walls. “Take pleasure in the wrong. It’s so much better..relish in it..enjoy it. I know I do”. He straighter up, grabbing your hands and held them behind your back, angling himself, he started to obliterate you. You bounced off of him only to be brought right back over and over again. This time you couldn’t stop your moans, hissing and crying at the astonishing pleasure.
Druigs eyes rolled back, loving the way your pussy grasped him while he fucked you. His eyes roamed your back, mesmerized by the way your ass bounced with each forceful thrust. His delusional state made him want to do it harder, wanting to see how much more you could bounce off of him. Your cries made him crave you, finding it incredibly hot as you begged for him to stop. He need to show you that whatever he wanted, he got. “I wouldn’t waste your words princess…I’m not gonna stop. What you want doesn’t matter anymore. You are mine to use whenever and however I want….that is your only purpose from now on”. Thrusting into you one more time, he let you go, causing you to crash into the pillow. He laid behind you, holding your left leg up as he plunged himself inside you again, connecting his lips to yours making out with you feverishly.
“Submit to me” his eyes glowed gold again, making you accept him as your lips moved in sync with his. Making your leg stay up, he let go of it and focused his middle finger on your clit, flicking it up, down, side to side, and in circles. Your legs were starting to feel like jelly, “fuck Druig….don’t…stop” screaming in pleasure yet ashamed at the same time, head rolling back onto him. “Darling I will never…I’m going to keep playing with your pretty pussy until you cum all over my fingers. I’m gonna make you squirt all over yourself like the dirty little whore I know you are..” his filthy words made you loose it, cuming hard against him, feeling your liquid coat your inner thighs, doing exactly what he predicted. You body shook as his fingers caressed your sensitive clit, letting you ride it out. Going numb, you just laid there a mess, hair sticking to your forehead and drained from all of it. Druig threw your leg over, making you lay on your side, “This is how I want you y/n, all weak and fragile so that I can do with you as I please” he entered you again, pushing himself deep into you, his hands holding onto your hips as he pounded into you.
“Fuck you’re going to be the most beautiful and perfect wife. An amazing mother to our children. CANT wait till I see you all swollen and full of our baby” moaning at the thought he couldn’t keep it in anymore, with one more push he was coating your insides. His cock twitched as he emptied himself inside you, making sure to push his cum as deep inside you as he could. The lack of response had him puzzled, “Y/n?” His hand grabbed your jaw turning you to him, but your eyes were closed and you weren’t responding. He checked to make sure that you were still breathing and he was so thankful that you were. You must have passed out from exhaustion, he thought to himself. He curled up next to you and spooned you, satisfied with himself for being that much closer to getting you pregnant. He made you his wife so now the next objective was to start a family, and he would make sure you two would do just that.
~~~~~~~~~~2 months after~~~~~~~~~~~
Druig let you have more freedom now that you were here in the village, no longer controlling you in the way he used to. He lessened his grip a bit and let you do as you pleased, as long as you were inside the community. He felt safe knowing you were close by, after all this village was made for you and him. It certainly felt better for you to have more freedom, however he did have one important rule. Stay within the village. He forbade you from leaving as there wasn’t any humans for miles. It could be hard for him to find you if you were in trouble or worse, if you tried to escape. Understanding his position, you did as he said, getting accustomed to your new life. You made good friends in there and even learned how to live without much technology thanks to the help of Enzo, the community’s teacher. He was Druigs right hand, he made sure everyone was doing as they were told. Enzo was gifted with knowledge, making it easy for everyone to learn from him. Today he would be teaching you how to deliver a baby, a bit awkward but you certainly had to know in case of an emergency.
“After you instruct her to breathe and push, you want to make sure that you keep your eye out for the head” he explained showing you a picture of what you’d be looking at. Everything he was saying and showing was too much, you weren’t the best when it came to graphic imagines and this certainly was one of them. “I need to take a break” taking the picture from him and turning it over, closing the book and pushing it away. Enzo giggled, rolling his eyes at you, “okay we’ll stop here for today. Your husband won’t be happy though, he insisted on having at least this first lesson done”. Sighing you shook your head, “I don’t know why I have to learn this. Well….I do but why can’t another person do it, I’d faint if I had to do this in real life. Druig knows this”. Enzo took a quick look behind him, making sure you two were alone, “Ok fine I’ll let you skip the pictures but tomorrow we’ll need to go over the procedure in great detail, ok?” Smiling at him you agreed, “sounds good, thank you for understanding” as you got up to leave he grabbed your arm, “wait you can’t go back now. He’ll know the lesson wasn’t done right if you leave this early. Let’s just stay here for now” patting the seat next to him so you could sit.
“How are you so comfortable teaching this kind of stuff. Did you help deliver a lot of babies here?” curios as to how he even knows this well enough to be teaching it. “I have actually. Everyone needs to know how to do it because as you know we don’t have a 5 story hospital here with fancy technology. We all must be ready”
“Having kids is so crazy. I can’t believe human bodies go through all that” your mind going in circles after all that you saw in the pictures. You knew it wasn’t an easy process but the pain was what you feared the most.
“Yes the body is an incredible being. But people have different experiences, I know that women who have wider hips have an easier time. They can have many kids and it won’t be as painful as someone who is extremely petite. I can already tell you that you have the perfect birthing hips. You’ll definitely take it like a champ” he nudged you with your shoulder. “When you have to carry your infant, he or she will sit perfectly on your hips. Your curves were made to carry your husbands children. In all honesty you would make a great mother. Don’t you think?” You were indeed great with children and you even looked after them whenever they were close to you. Many of the moms said that you would make the perfect mother and housewife. It was something you now thought to be a sweet compliment, however you didn’t want to be a mother just yet.
“I don’t know wether to be flattered or offended Mr.Enzo. You know how I feel about having children.” Enzo shook his head, “You’ll never be ready silly. But once you’re pregnant I can assure you that you’ll like you are when you see your tummy start to grow, feel the baby kick, and when its time to deliver. My wife felt the same as you did but she fell in love with the whole process”. You chewed your lip in nervousness, it had been a while since you took your birth control and you wondered when that scary day would come. Enzo noticed how you weren’t giving in to the idea, nothing he said regarding this topic got through to you. “Just make sure to keep Druig in the loop. I know he’s been wanting to start a family with you, but he deserves to know how you feel if you’re that unsure of it. Anywho, I’ll see you tomorrow at the same time” Enzo packed his satchel and went off, needing to talk to Druig before you got to him. This was the last attempt Druig was going to take to convince you that you were ready to have a child. He tried to use your friends from the village to encourage you to have a baby. He could easily control you to but he wanted it to come from you. He tried everything to give you baby fever. For this reason you two weren’t having safe sex but you still weren’t getting knocked up.
Druig was at the chapel getting ready for the upcoming service when Enzo knocked on the door. “Come in” his deep voice resonating through the empty place. Enzo clutched the band of his satchel feeling nervous that he was about to give him bad news. “Aah my favorite teacher! Take a seat tell me what wonders you worked today” Druig smiled excited for what his trusted friend would tell him. “I had a lesson with y/n…she’s definitely a hard one to crack” Enzo tried to laugh it off but he quickly choked it down, as Druigs smile fell. His eyes flashed gold, entering his mind in a second. Reading through his thoughts and getting to the point faster than Enzo ever could. “Oh my god Enzo you had one job. ONE JOB…Just had to encourage her to want a pregnancy. That’s all.” he spat, feeling his blood boil now, “Druig do you know what you’re even asking. Women these days are in control of themselves, no longer basing huge decisions like this on their husbands. She’s a strong and very hard headed. Maybe she just isn’t fit to be a mother now.” He was now pissed, Druig was his good friend too but this task was way too much.
Druig chuckled darkly, “I’m disappointed. Not only in my wife but you. I bet you didn’t even try hard enough. No matter…I’ll just have to take care of this myself. Take everyone on a trip to the nearest town and don’t come back for 7 days. Stock up with whatever we need for the village. I need to spend every single second I can with y/n. I need everyone gone in 2 hours” Druig commanded making Enzo, who now had his golden eyes, nodded mindlessly as he turned and left. Druig followed him out of the chapel and his eyes were instantly fixated on you. You were a bit far from him but he could still see you perfectly. His eyes raked over your body, imagining how he was going to undress you. He felt himself get hard with each step he took towards you. You looked so perfect just minding your own business, picking some oranges from a tree, your dress riding up a bit, exposing your delicious ass. 
“My beautiful beautiful wife...who gave you the right to look so sexy” his honeylike voice filled your ears, feeling him press himself to your back. His hands found your waist, rubbing circles into them with his thumb. A chill ran through your spine as he kissed your neck, making the orange roll off of your hand, “Druig...not here” you whispered, giggling as he now nibbled on your ear. “why not hm? Everyone should know you're mine in eeverry single way, right?” He moaned into your ear, making your knees feel weak. With the little bit of energy you had, you moved away from him, “Whats the matter princess? Why are you walking away…you know I don’t like it when you do this” his tone was stern, almost warning you. You quickly hugged him, leaning your head against his, “I’m sorry baby…I much rather be touchy in our home and not out here.” Druig relaxed into you, wrapping his hand around you. “If you say so..let’s go home. We need to talk”
Druig brought up having a baby again, you thought you had been very clear with him but apparently not enough. This irritated you because it felt like everyone wanted the same thing but no one really cared what you wanted, making this whole situation sour. At this point he had confessed that he had been trying to use other people to help you get encouraged but it only made you more mad that he went out of his way to do this. “JUST STOP! Okay STOP! I don’t know how else to tell you. I don’t want A BABY! Please just listen to me. I have forgiven you and turned a blind eye on so many things that you have done. I deserve a say in what I want” your tears threatening to spill. Druigs nose flared, taking in sharp breaths, “Y/n….Youre making me angry. DONT make me do something I’ll regret” his knuckles turned white due to how hard he was clutching them. “Why are you like this Druig…why! YOURE always mad , always trying to control everyone and everything you see. It’s not fair. You’re a freak that’s why I don’t want anything else tying me back to you” your anger took over and you revealed your true secret. Druigs eyes went wide, already making you regret what you had said. “Youre lying” his voice was now low, trying hard to not sound hurt. “I’m not. It’s how I really feel”. This was the first time you had said something like that. You were hurt before by him and you wanted him to get a taste of his own medicine. When you tried to walk away he grabbed you, making you rip your arm away from him, “Dont…I need to be alone”.
Druig couldn’t take this disrespect anymore, throwing all his judgement and good conscious away. He grabbed you by the neck and walked to bed, slamming your body down into it. “You’ll never be alone. Not while I’m alive, you WILL carry my baby and you’ll be grateful about it. I tried so hard to be your perfect husband but as always you deny me, so you leave me no choice.” He laughed in your face, watching your horrified state. You screamed and kicked like your life depended on, but it honestly did. “Scream and fight all you want….no one can hear you but me. I’m going to fuck you raw my love. I’m going to fill you up with my cum a thousand times over until I know for a fact that you’ll be pregnant….wether you’re ready for it or not”
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