#love sleepy jug
risuola · 29 days
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▶ EARLY MORNINGS AND STOLEN CUPS — nothing better than the first cup of coffee in the morning.
contents: college+roommates!au, smoking implied (like once), teeth rotting fluff — wc. 572
a/n: i can't tell you guys how much i love fluffs with this trio. i like how the dynamics are building and i think you guys enjoy it too (i hope so!) — anyway, very short entry but love medley is all about those after all!
𝙇𝙊𝙑𝙀 𝙈𝙀𝘿𝙇𝙀𝙔 | series masterlist
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Satoru doesn’t drink coffee.
Most days in your little apartment began with the low, monotone whooshing of coffee machine. Harsh rumble of beans being grinded accompany you and Gojo in the bathroom and while you both push through brushing teeth and mandatory eyedrops, Suguru usually was already in the kitchen, brewing the god’s nectar.
You joined the brunette, tempted by the gurgling bubbles and divine aroma mingling with the fresh air and a ghost of herbal, woody scent of whatever Geto was smoking just moments ago. He greeted you with a smile, playing with the rim of an empty cup — his fingers followed the curved ceramic edge and you knew he was as impatient as you were, as eager to dip his mouth into the brown wake-up liquid and feel the first dose of caffeine fill in his system.
And so, he pulled the jug from underneath the working mechanism, hot drops of coffee sizzled as they met the steel drip tray, but the cup was soon filled and before you knew it, Suguru let out a deep sigh of ecstatic relief. First few sips were his — black and bitter — and he made place in the cup for your milk.
You took out some plates — an act of pretending, a distraction for yourself to not eye the precious coffee like an animal would eye its prey.
Then, he gave it to you and your grabby hands enveloped the cup as he reached into the fridge for the carton of milk. As he poured it in, you inhaled the addicting aroma, watching how the dark, nearly black liquid turned into more luscious, creamier nectar in a light brown color and you too sighed deeply when dipping your lips into it.
You felt the heat spreading across your system and you disconnected for a moment, allowing yourself to feel it, to enjoy it while Suguru engaged in the talk with Satoru. The chattering that for a moment turned into background to your experience, soon pulled you in and before you knew it, you were talking too — a routine of babbling before the day fully starts, one that you enjoyed equally as much as late evenings.
A pair of arms wrapped around you and quiet hum filled in your ears. Satoru’s light, fluffy hair tickled the side of your neck as he hid his face in the crook of your shoulder — a habit of him, whenever he was still too sleepy to function properly. You put down the cup and reached up to run your fingers through the snowy locks, earning yourself a low purr that vibrated through the bone of your shoulder.
Engulfed in the story about new guitar strings and stolen picks, you absorbed the passion in Suguru’s voice and didn’t realize a sequence of mischief that was happening right under your nose.
And then, Satoru was leaving towards the living room, a cup half-full of your coffee in his hand as he sing-sang something about nail polish and sunglasses. You looked after him and then at the counter, where a bottle of sugary syrup in the flavor of caramel stood proudly — evidence of severe addiction and theft.
You let out a chuckle and Suguru echoed, reaching up the cabinet for another mug. He continued his story as the coffee machine brewed the dark beverage so that both you and him can enjoy it fully.
Yes, Satoru doesn’t drink coffee.
Unless it’s yours.
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taglist: @kibananya @r0ckst4rjk @rixo-19 @soraya-daydreams @hyun0200 @ilykii @roscpctals99 @mushkasstuff @siimp4youu @juicedcherry @themoreeviltwin @stevenknightmarc @ms5m1th @local-mr-frog
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Jughead: *infodumps about different ways to cook and recepies*
Betty: Cool you want to try one
Jughead: Nah
so trueeee! i have actually done this with my mom before and gone on and on about a recipe or how to make something dairy/egg/nut free and my mom will be like oh so you’re going to make it? and i’m like um.. no?
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klausysworld · 11 months
Sooo could I request a imagine with klaus that he and the reader just had their first time and she was a virgin and is in pain so he makes the best of aftercare, making her feel better and saying how proud he is of her
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All better now
Klaus kissed her head as she silently cried to herself, though she would deny it each time he tried to stop her tears.
He hadn’t meant to of been as roughy as he was, especially with her being a virgin. He could feel the guilt building in him as she kept her face against his chest and her hands cling to his arm.
His hands rubbed along her back gently, soft words whispered to her that required no answer.
“You did so well, my love.” He praised followed by a swarm of kisses peppered all over her head. “You’re an angel sweetheart, you were such a good girl for me, you still are”
Her breathes slowed after a moment and she blinked away the tears
“You’ll always be my princess, won’t you love?” He questioned, looking down to see the top of her head as she nodded and he smiled. “Do you feel okay now love? You ready to lay in the bath? It might help.” He offered
“Hurts” she whimpered, his smile faltering but remaining nevertheless as he cautiously sat up with her in his lap making her groan loudly and her nails to dig into his skin.
“Shh love, it’s okay” he whispered. Her hand rest on top her stomach, feeling the empty space which he had previously filled. Her legs remained clamped together and he let them stay that way as he lifted her into a bridal hold and brought her to the bathroom where a hot bath had already been made by him earlier. “Something to help your body relax okay, make you feel all sleepy okay?” He murmured as he stepped into the water and sat down with her on top of him.
She inhaled in the mix of different scents, lavender mostly overpowering the others but she didn’t mind it at all. The water heated her pleasantly and she lay calmly against his body. He tipped her head back and slowly poured a jug of water down her hair, enjoying the subconscious smile it brought to her face as the warmth made her hum.
His fingers worked along her scalp, the shampoo cleaning her hair effectively as she sighed softly. “Better sweetheart?” He asked and she nodded slightly
“I’m sorry I cried” she rasped and he smiled
“That’s okay lovely, I’m sorry I wasn’t gentler” he whispered and she shook her head
“I didn’t say for you to slow down”
“Still…I think I riled myself up a little much, next time we’ll take our times okay?”
She nodded in response and so did he. He grabbed the sponge from beside him and began to gently scrub away any mess left on her. He used his hands to do her thighs after she flinched when the sponge accidentally touched her poor pussy. He was very careful as he wiped her over and listened to her soft little moans as she struggled to contain them.
Once both clean they stayed laid down in the slowly cooling water. His hands massaged at every inch of her water, the soft caresses of his hands as well as the herbs in the air had her eyes drooped and mind on autopilot.
After a tender breast massage, he lifted her back out the tub and patted her down with a big fluffy grey towel. She watched him in a daze as he rubbed her legs down with a vanilla cream, his hands massaging her once again from her feet to her neck and she smiled as he slid a pair of panties back onto her.
“See? Bet you feel much better now, don’t you sweetheart?” He mumbled and she nodded
“I don’t hurt as bad” she whispered and he smiled
“I’m glad love, you know you did wonderfully tonight right?” He murmured and she smiled weakly. “So well” he repeated with a kiss to her knee before he stood up and grabbed one of his tops to cover her upper body up with. “I’m so proud of you Princess” he told her, smirking to himself when she whimpered quietly.
He brought her back to his bed, which had clean bedding since the last time they were in there, and laid her down. Klaus pulled the covers up before slipping in beside her and pulling her curled up figure against his. His body spooned hers and his hands touched all over her exposed skin.
“I have people ready to bring us breakfast as soon as you wake and new clothes for you in the morning” he whispered to her as she drifted in and out of sleep. “If you wake in the night just get me up and I’ll do anything you need, if your still in pain I can give you my blood okay?” He offered and she whispered her ‘thank yous’. “Y/n…” he murmured and she tilted her head to see him a little. “I love you” he breathed and she rolled over to face him, her lips gently meeting his before hiding her face in his neck
“I love you too Nik”
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momotonescreaming · 4 months
STWG Daily Prompt: a warm cup of tea [Part One] [Part Two] [Part Three] [Part Four]
Fuck, Steve sounds like he’s going to cry again. He supposes it’s the concussion of it all, the brain rattling around in his skull. Bringing all his emotions close to the surface. Tommy watches as Steve sniffs, all wet and gross sounding, before he pinches the bridge of his nose. It’s such a familiar move. Steve holding back tears, his emotions. His fathers words echoing in his head. Boys don’t cry. Man up. Don’t be such a baby. Harrington’s don’t act like that.
Tommy’s father was the same. He gets it. He also thinks that maybe if anyone had a reason to cry, it was Steve. He was freshly broken up with, beaten, and in hospital with a concussion.
It sort of hits Tommy, in that moment, just how alone Steve must have felt, before Tommy showed up. He knew it absently, let the fact wash over him, that all the conversations he had were surface level shit. But he had Nancy. The girl he left Tommy for. But now he doesn’t have Nancy, and his parents aren’t in town, and he didn’t have Tommy. What was it like? Checking into the hospital alone? Weak and woozy and afraid?
But Tommy’s here now, and he’s not fucking leaving. He squeezes Steve’s hand. Ignoring the screaming in the back of his skull that sounds suspiciously like his own father. Telling him it’s weird, and wrong, and he should have let go by now. A handshake is fine, but men don’t hold hands.
He takes a deep breath, and consciously doesn’t let go of Steve’s hand. They both need it, he thinks. A physical symbol of the connection between them. There again. Getting stronger. Tommy is here, and he’s trying, and he fucking missed Steve too.
“So what is there to even do while you’re in here?” Tommy says, looking around the room. There really isn’t much. A table on wheels, to drag over to the bed. A radiator. A painting. An old newspaper.
“Not much,” Steve says, sounding a little calmer now, adjusting his grip in Tommy’s hand but not letting go. “I mostly just doze. The nurses kept waking me up before I could really get to sleep so now I feel all out of wack.”
“Lame,” Tommy scoffs, and Steve smiles at that, soft and sort of sleepy.
“Yeah. I tried reading a newspaper for a bit, just for something to do.” He replies, gesturing at the offending paper with their joint hands. “But it made me feel like my brain was about to melt out my ears and I almost threw up. So.”
“So fuck the newspaper then?” Tommy jokes, smiling back at the other boy. Steve laughs as he nods, an exhale of air. “There’s not even a TV in here. Think your parents are rich enough that they could get one?”
“Probably.” Steve says, laughing, before it quickly dissolves into coughing. Dry, constant, coughs, that shake Steve’s chest. He tries to heave breaths through it all, slow the coughing, until his breaths start to come back to normal. It isn’t until Steve’s stopped that Tommy realises he’s gripping Steve’s hand tighter, and he’s almost hovering on the edge of his seat. Fuck, what if you can really ill from shit like this?
“You okay, dude?” Tommy asks, brows furrowing, trying to keep his voice steady. He cannot lose it now. He’s fucking calm, he’s fine, and Steve is there and he’s okay.
“I’m fine,” Steve says, sort of slumping back down onto the bed, into the pile of pillows keeping him propped up. “My throat’s just dry. Been too tired to sit up and drink. And then the nurse took my water jug away to replace it and never came back.”
“Fucking rude,” Tommy says automatically, enjoying the way Steve smiles at it. At him. At his bitchy little aside. Maybe Tommy doesn’t have to tone himself down too much. Steve loved to gossip and bitch with the rest of him. Seeing something juicy and then turning to Carol and Tommy with a look on his face like did you fucking see that? “Want me to go grab you something? Water? A cup of tea or some shit?”
“Why’re you saying it like that, man?” Steve asks, sort of smirking, teasing. “A cup of tea. It’s not like it’s gross or anything.”
“Warm tea is so fucking gross, dude,” he retorts, smiling. It feels more like they’re settling into what they once had. Friendship. Teasing and joking and actually having fun and enjoying each other’s presence. “Like, who are you, my grandma?”
“I’d be honoured to be Nana Hagan,” Steve laughs, quickly and quietly coughing again. Tommy’s heart clenches at the sound.  “She’s quite the woman.”
“Stop flirting with my nana,” He says, starting to stand up. “I’ll go get you some gross-ass grandma leaf juice.”
And then Tommy’s standing, having pushed himself up with his free hand. And for a moment, he’s just standing there, hand outstretched, still clutching Steve’s. He doesn’t move. Doesn’t pull away. Doesn’t loosen his grip. And neither does Steve.
Neither say anything.
Steve, who looks up at Tommy, letting his eyes draw a line up his arm, their conjoined hands. Inhales, swallows, and then slowly lets go, dragging his hand along Tommy’s. Lingering. It almost feels like static electricity, building as the callouses of their fingertips touch for one last moment.
“I’ll be back.” Tommy says. A statement, not a question. Voice almost too quiet.
“Okay.” Steve says on an exhale of air. Almost relieved he didn’t have to ask for it. To confirm it. That he wouldn’t be alone again. It was only a trip down the hall, but still. Tommy wasn’t going to be mean about it. No way. Steve was always a clingy guy, touchy and affectionate with every girl he’s dated. He was with Tommy, once upon a time. He thrives on touch and company and he was alone.
So Tommy leaves the room, and slips down the hall in search of a nurse. A water cooler. A kitchenette with shitty tea. It would be so fucking gross, and at a weird strength, but he’d make it for Steve. Not like the guy could really get out of bed. He can’t even picture how Steve managed to get all the way down to the phone and still be lucid enough to make a phone call.
He hurries down the hall, not wanting to leave Steve for so long. Because he looks so sad about it, yeah, but also because Tommy can’t help but feel the shiver that runs down his back at the thought of Steve changing his mind. Now that he’s alone, now that he doesn’t have Tommy hanging around him, like Florence fucking Nightingale — maybe he’ll realise that he’s still better off without him.
A nurse leads him down to a small kitchenette, built into another alcove down the end of the hall. Designed for visitors and the nurses on shift at the desk. Tommy makes a cup of tea. Just how Steve likes it. And tries to not to spill it as he hurries back down the hall.
[Part Six]
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j0hnj4ej3n · 1 year
nct dream taking care of you when you're sick
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Word count: 3.2k
Warnings: mentions of food, not eating well, vomiting, fainting, covid and a pregnancy scare, let me know if i missed out anything  
Notes: hello everyone! i’m back from my family holiday and will be posting more now~ here’s a little something for you all hehe <3 hope you all enjoy reading it!! if any of you have any requests, do feel free to send them in, till next time, have a wonderful week ahead everyone <3
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When Mark finds you curled up under your blanket on the couch when he gets home, he’s already worried. Because one, you’re usually excited to engulf him in a hug and two, it’s summer and he’s sweating from the short walk back from the bus stop but you’re wrapped up like a burrito, unmoving and pale. “Babe? You okay?” Mark comes to sit by you, instinctively pressing the back of his hand to your forehead. “Dude, you’re burning…” “I’m fine Mark, just need to rest,” you mumble out. You’re sleepy and cold and finally comfortable on the couch after feeling unwell all afternoon. You’ve been really busy recently, with classes and your part-time job and it seems your body is finally breaking from your packed schedules and lack of sleep. “You’re running a fever babe, come on,” Mark says as he lifts you up bridal style, together with your blanket still wrapped around you into your shared bedroom. He tucks you in properly, making sure the room isn’t too cold for you and even filled a jug of water and placed it beside you on the nightstand along with your cup. Mark digs through the box of medicine you two have in the kitchen cabinet and rushes to offer you ibuprofen for your fever. “I’ll go shower, be right back okay?” Mark tells you as he leans in to give you a kiss, but you’re quick to put your hand over his mouth, gently pushing his face away from yours. “Don’t, I’m sick. You can’t afford to be sick,” you say as Mark pulls your hand away from his face, holding it in his instead. “Don’t care,” he mutters out before swiftly stealing a peck, earning a frown from you. He only chuckles as he pulls the blanket up to make sure you’re properly tucked in. “Don’t worry about me babe, I’m a lot stronger than you think,” Mark tells you almost smugly, hitting his chest twice before flexing an arm to prove his point. “Shut up smelly, go shower already…” you jokingly nagged as you laughed weakly. And even though Mark was really busy himself, he stayed by your side as much as he could. Studying beside you while you rested, running out to get takeout for the both of you. He makes sure you’re drinking enough water and taking your medicine regularly. At night, Mark doesn’t let himself sleep before you do until your fever is finally gone and you’re almost recovered. And he was right, despite sticking right by you while you were sick, juggling his part-time internship and classes, Mark was still holding up well. In this time, you couldn’t help but be grateful for your lovely boyfriend who took care of you dutifully despite his own busy schedules and you wondered if you could love anyone more than you love Mark Lee.
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You stir awake as you feel someone slightly shaking you. You slowly open your eyes to meet your boyfriend’s kind ones, they’re laced with both worry and adoration. “I made you some tea, it’s supposed to be good for your throat. Drink it while it’s hot.” Renjun tells you as he helps you sit up, holding the cup against your lips as you take small sips of the warm tea. “Thanks love,” you whisper out as much as you can since your voice is still strained, your sore throat preventing you from speaking at your normal volume. Renjun offers you a small smile, brushing your hair out of your face, “Did you sleep well my love? Feeling better?” “Mm, just a little better.” Renjun frowns slightly at that, he puts the tea on the bedside table and pulls you up slowly so you could go wash up for breakfast. While you’re beginning to brush your teeth, Renjun stands behind you, gathering your hair together before tying it up into a ponytail so you can clean up without your hair getting in the way. He places a soft kiss on your shoulder before leaving to heat up your breakfast. He doesn’t close the toilet door on the way out, afraid you’ll have another fainting spell since you are still recovering. You think your immune system hates you because once you’re even just a little unwell, you would get fainting spells but Renjun has gotten used to it and is always so alert. It makes you feel bad because he’d get so worried but you also feel so safe and thankful because you know Renjun would be there to catch you if you fall, quite literally. “Here, I made some soup, it should be easier for you to swallow,” Renjun tells you once you come out from the toilet. You haven’t been eating well since your throat hurts so much so Renjun has been sweet enough to cook or buy soft foods to make sure you still get enough nutrients. He joins you at the dining table, though he’s just eating bread with jam. Renjun looks at you as you take your first sip, chewing his bread while looking at you with expectant eyes. You sigh as flavours explode in your mouth, warmth spreads down to your chest as you swallow. “It’s so good,” you tell him and a proud, tight-lipped smile appears on Renjun’s pretty face, “Thank god, eat up then.”
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You were never someone who had a big appetite, so when you fall sick you practically have no desire to eat anything. It’s really bad, you know but you can’t stomach too much food in fear that you might throw up. All you want to do when you’re sick is sleep all day. But Jeno can’t bear seeing you being sick and not eating or drinking enough, so he takes it upon himself to try and get you to eat even just a little. So now the two of you are on the couch, you’re wearing a hoodie (jeno’s hoodie) and pouting while curled up beside him, hugging your knees to your chest. Jeno’s holding a bowl of porridge in his hand and a spoon in the other, gently blowing the porridge that’s on it. “Aaa,” Jeno says as he moves the spoon to your lips. You look at him, eyes round and almost glistening with tears, “Jeno… I can’t, not hungry.” Jeno sighs, looking at the bowl and then back at you before he says, “You didn’t even eat much baby, you need to eat…” You feel miserable, your head is pounding and even with the hoodie on, you’re still cold. Everything is tasteless and you really don’t feel like eating. But you also know that Jeno’s right and you just feel bad because he’s trying to take such good care of you. “Just two more mouths? Just two and we’re done,” Jeno says as he smiles at you, wiggling the spoon in front of you. Okay, you thought to yourself, you could do two more. Jeno just wants you to be well, he knows it’s not like you asked to be sick so he’s willing to do whatever to get you well again. Whatever you need, he’s ready to do it just for you if it means you’ll feel better physically and emotionally. You slowly open your mouth and Jeno pushes the spoon gently into your mouth. He scoops up some more porridge, remembering to make sure there’s some minced meat on the spoon too before he blows on it. And after you finish the last bite, Jeno gets up to do the dishes, not before he pats your head, cooing out a “Good job~” at you for the last two bites you managed to eat. Jeno returns after doing the dishes to see you nodding off on the couch. So he joins you, pulling you to lie on top of him as he runs his fingers through your hair, soothing you into a deep sleep.
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“Oh shit!” was the only thing Haechan managed to say when he saw the way you were hunched over the toilet bowl, throwing up. He rushed to hold your hair back, firmly rubbing your back as you were calming down after throwing up your lunch. You’ve been nauseous all morning and after eating lunch, your stomach started churning. You wondered if it was the sashimi you had last night that was making you feel funny. Haechan passes you some tissue to wipe your mouth with after you rinsed it, bending down to look at you, gently brushing your hair out of your face. “Are you okay? Still feeling nauseous?” he asked timidly and you nod. You wanted to ask him if he was feeling fine since you both had the sashimi together, or maybe you just had a weaker stomach. But before you open your mouth to ask, Haechan blurts out, “You’re not pregnant, are you?” The two of you look each other dead in the eye for two seconds before you burst out laughing. “W-what? Baby, I’m serious,” Haechan says as he tugs your arm to get you to stop laughing, “My period just ended like two days ago, so we haven’t done anything recently. Plus, we always use protection anyway.” “It’s not 100% though…” “Don’t worry babe, you’re not going to be a dad that soon.” Haechan scoffs at that but you can tell he’s not convinced. “I’ll take a test to be sure if you want,” you suggested but Haechan shakes his head. “It’s fine, but if you puke again I’m taking you to the doctor,” he tells you as he holds your face, looking at you worriedly. You were fine for a while but you do puke again, your throat burns and your stomach hurts. So Haechan rushes to take you to the nearest clinic. You were right about the sashimi, it was food poisoning but Haechan was fine so you guess your digestive system doesn’t really accept raw food too well. “I told you I wasn’t pregnant babe”, “Damn, why am I kind of disappointed though?” “Shut up, you wouldn’t know what to do if I was”, “Of course I would, we’d get married and have a family together. I mean, sure, it’s a little early but I’d be so ready babe.” All week, Haechan made sure you remember to stay hydrated since you did continue to throw up a few more times. He would cook food that was more kind to your stomach and set alarms so you two would remember it’s time to eat your medicine. Thanks to Haechan, you were still able to laugh even in your miserable state and got well really quickly. And you wouldn’t tell him, but you think you fell more in love with him knowing that he had already thought of a future that had you in it.
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You’re finally done with your shift at the cafe and you’re ready to close up for the day. You’re tired and you’ve been having the worst headache since your classes ended. You soldiered through your evening shift despite that but now you’re feeling even worse. You’ve been pushing yourself to work almost every day after classes for some income, so you can pay rent on time without depending on your parents. But as finals draw near, your stress is through the roof. You haven’t been eating or sleeping well and you think it’s finally taking a toll on your body. You’re taking your apron off when you hear the bell from the cafe door ring, “So sorry, we’re close-” “I know, I’m here to pick my lovely girlfriend up from work~” Jaemin stands in front of you, adorning the prettiest smile on his face. And you instantly relax, smiling back at him. “Hi honey, ready to go?” “Yeah, just give me a minute”. You tell him as you rush to the back to get your bag and turn off most of the lights. You rush back out to meet Jaemin when your vision starts to blur, you stop in your tracks as your hand reaches out to hold anything to keep you steady. You try to stay standing as your surroundings start to swirl, your vision blurry and dark. Jaemin is quick to react, rushing to you. “Baby? Y/N, what’s wrong?” Jaemin calls out, he holds you by your waist with one arm as the other comes up to hold your face. He looks into your eyes, his own laced with concern and he can tell you’re kind of blacking out. You blink hard a few times, holding onto his arm as your vision slowly clears. “Are you okay? Have you eaten anything?” Jaemin asks worriedly. You shake your head slightly, trying not to trigger another near fainting spell. “Been having the worst headache and I haven’t had the time to eat after class today…” “Y/N, how many times have I told you? You have to eat no matter what.” You can’t even look at Jaemin because you feel bad that he has to nag at you constantly for something as simple as having your meals on time. Jaemin sighs and brings his hand up to hold your face, tilting your head upwards so you’re looking at him. “You had a long day, let’s go home hm? I’ll cook you something yummy,” Jaemin says in a whisper just loud enough for you to hear. And you nod, closing your eyes as you lean into his touch. He lets go of your face and engulfs you in a hug, you let yourself melt against him. When you’re with Jaemin like this, for these few seconds every one of your burdens fade into nothing and even your head stops throbbing for a while. When you pull away Jaemin is smiling down at you like you’re the single, most precious person in this world. He carries your bag and slides his hand into yours, interlocking your fingers together. You get home and Jaemin feeds you a bowl of delicious beef noodles, nagging once again about how you need to stop skipping your meals. And he goes on, endearingly. “You have to sleep earlier too, go to bed when I do for a week straight. That should fix your sleep… AND if you have a busy school day, don’t put your availability down for work. Just rest at home for a bit this week. You’re always making me worried about you baby, what do I do with you?” “Alright alright, I got it…” “I love you y/n, I just want you to be well and healthy and happy. We have to grow old together, you know?” Jaemin says as he looks at you, eyes sparkly with a slight pout on his face. You pinch his cheek, “I got it babe, I love you too”.
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You’ve been lying in bed all afternoon, you feel cold and you’ve been sneezing and coughing non-stop. You were afraid that you caught covid again but your self-testing kit says otherwise. You put on some soothing music and tried to take another nap. That’s when you hear your front door open, Chenle is back from his basketball class. “Hey babe,” he greets when he enters your shared room but when he sees you all curled up on the bed, he does a double take. “Hi Chenle,” “What’s up with you? You feeling okay?” “No… I feel like shit.” Chenle chuckles at that as he walks up to you, ruffling your hair. “Do you want to go to the doctor? I’ll take you.” You shake your head as you look up at him, “Can you go wash up, then come cuddle with me?” Chenle frowns and says without hesitation, “But you’re sick, what if I catch what you have?” With that, you frown too. “You’re the worst…” Chenle laughs at your expression, “I’m just kidding.” Even at a time like this, there is no escape from your boyfriend’s teasing. He goes to shower and comes back out within 10 minutes, adorning another basketball jersey with his towel around his shoulders. “Have you eaten anything all day?” “No, I’ve just been laying here.” “You’re not hungry?” “I am…” “Why didn’t you text me to get something back?” “I was resting!” You raise your voice a little which causes you to cough. “Okay, chill. I’ll go make you something, after you eat then we can cuddle.” You look at him with your puppy eyes, purposefully exaggerating, “You’re the best~” “Shut up, don’t look at me like that! That was not what you said just now anyway.” And even though Chenle just made you some porridge and bok choy, you were really grateful. It was simple, homey food but you love whatever Chenle cooks so even though you’re still feeling under the weather and it’s a little hard to eat, you finish all your porridge. After Chenle does the dishes, he joins you back in bed and cuddles you as promised. You still feel sick but for some reason, with Chenle around you feel a little better. In the few days that you took to recover, Chenle calls his mum to ask for a herbal soup recipe and makes it for you until you feel better again. On the fourth day, you’re fully recovered but when you woke up, Chenle was shivering beside you even though he had practically snatched the whole blanket and wrapped it around himself. “You okay babe?” “Feel funny, it’s so cold.” Chenle got sick, turns out he did catch the flu from you. You feel so bad, “I’m so sorry… you actually got sick taking care of me…” “Don’t be silly babe, I'll be fine.” So you do your best to take care of him too and nurse him back to health like he did for you.
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“Are you feeling better baby?” Jisung asks you when you wake up from your nap and you shake your head. He sighs and pats your head. After you texted him saying you’re having a fever last night, he came over early this morning to come take care of you. Jisung even got you breakfast, but you didn’t eat much, which Jisung understands. You went back to sleep shortly after and Jisung went out to the pharmacy to get you some ibuprofen and vitamin C drinks for your immune system. Jisung doesn’t let you move an inch until you feel better even though you are fully capable of doing minor tasks yourself. He’s always going, “No, don’t worry about that. I’ll do it.” “Just stay in bed baby, I’ll help you.” And he’s making sure you eat well and drink enough water. He stays by your side all day and night, keeping you company and making sure you have everything you need. Even after you finally get up to shower, Jisung blows your hair for you. “Tell me if it’s too hot,” Jisung says before he blows dry your hair. After that, he combs your hair for you and it makes you feel so sleepy. “Tired?” “Yes… I’m sorry Ji, I’ve just been sleeping all day…” You apologise, feeling bad that he’s over at your place and you can’t spend any proper quality time with him since you’re feeling unwell. And that he’s been running around doing everything for you. Jisung shakes his head, frowning just a little. “Why are you sorry? You’re not feeling well, it’s not your fault. You need rest so you can recover quickly,” Jisung tells you as he smooths your hair down, patting the top of your head before he begins to tuck you into bed. “Will you stay the night?” You ask him timidly, he hums in reply. “I’ll stay with you until you feel better, baby. I’ll be right here when you wake up tomorrow, don’t worry.”
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caffieneaddictt18 · 7 months
Moment of Peace
sorceress!reader travels with geralt and ciri as their healer and ciris mother figure as geralts wife. one relaxing day, reader shows ciri a little party trick that geralt doesnt know yet. ends with geralt and reader play fighting about why she didnt show him but showed ciri; and them all acting like a family
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(not my image)
As we finally settle in a meadow, surrounded by forest, I let out a sigh of relief. The feeling of sun against my face and the soft soil beneath me feels amazing.
"Ciri! Y/N! Go collect water. I'll be right back." Geralt commands, but before he can leave to collect wood and sustenance for the night, you stop him and give him a quick kiss.
"Be safe."
"Always am."
Those simple four words are all you need before you walk off into the forest for a few yards, before you come upon a clear water stream. You see Ciri standing in the water and feeling the sun while collecting water. As you join her in the water, she looks up.
"So... why do you allow him to order you around if you're his wife?" Ciri, blunt as ever, asks, not understanding that this is Geralt's way of showing his love.
"He doesn't 'order' me around. It's his way of keeping us safe. I'm a mage and can keep you safe. You're training and can keep me safe. Plus, he goes off and does the dangerous hunting, so we don't have to. It's his way of showing love." I explain his actions and why I react without losing my patience with the way Geralt talks to me.
"Oh. I didn't think about it like that." Ciri ticks her head to the side and continues to collect water.
"Geralt isn't conventional. But he is exactly how I want him. I wouldn't want it any other way." I start towards the bank of the river and continue walking along the greenery of the forest.
As Ciri looked on as you walked, she watched in mystery. The forest seemed to bend to your will. The trees would part to make a path for you and the stones would roll out of the way, leaving only soft soil for you to walk on.
As you both reached your camp site, Geralt was dragging a large deer, and a cloth behind him that was filled. Probably with wood.
You and Ciri both put your jugs down as Geralt drops the sack of wood off near you and walks to the trees to skin the animal for food & it's hide.
You have the sense to build the fire and let Ciri light it later. She's normally sleepy when you build the fire. Makes it easier.
As you both run around, you find a good size patch of daisies.
"Ciri!" You call over the girl, "Come here!"
The blonde girl runs over to see what you're looking at.
"Would you like to learn how to make a daisy chain? You can even put one on Geralt, if you'd like." You throw out the tempting offer to make the Witcher seem silly.
And Ciri quickly agrees. You sit down, careful to avoid the daisies, and show her how to make a daisy chain/flower crown.
As the sun is no longer at its nice, warm heat and enters the baking heat, you take Ciri down to the stream again to clean up. 'The sun will dry us faster' was your reasoning to drag the girl with you.
As you are cleaning your clothes and yourself off, you see Ciri doing the same. Perfect.
"Hey, Ciri! Would you like to see something?"
"Um... What is it?"
"I promise, no harm will come unto you from me. It's just a little party trick."
"Ok..." She waded closer to you as you met her in the middle of the stream.
You magically gathered the sweat and water from Ciri and yourself, throwing it into the air and condensing the clouds around the sun to have more water, allowing the clouds to form a sort of circle around the sun. As the sun continues to shine, the clouds begin turn colors... briefly pink, then a light green, and there's a light blue! (Refer to the picture at the top)
Ciri looks at the sky in awe. "You can do this?" She points to the clouds.
"Yes. When I was at Aretuza, they taught not just politics and magic. They taught basic sciences. This was one of those. I had asked my teacher why there as a rainbow after every rainfall. She explained it to me. Since then, I had been practicing it until I was able to perfect it. Took a couple tries, but it came one day, and it stayed."
"And you never showed me?" A deep, hulking voice inquired from the shadows. Of course, the yellow cat-like eyes gave him away.
"I'm sorry, Geralt. I thought of it as a mere party trick. And it's not like it is helpful when we are off on adventures." I laugh and 'apologize' for not showing my husband sooner.
"You better be sorry!" He charges out of the woods and into the stream, getting both you and Ciri wet again, before lifting you by the waist and carrying you back to base on his shoulder. Everyone was laughing and peace was covering the three of them.
Just a moment of peace.
Author's Cup of Tea:
I am so sorry the ending was bad. I didn't know what to put for the ending so I winged it. Thank you all so much for your love and support of my work! I love to see everyone enjoying it.
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himimosa · 9 months
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warnings: a little angst but more like hurt-comfort, spoilers(?) from latest chapters (not exactly any spoilers but of course don't read if you don't want to learn what might happen)
this is how i am coping with latest chapters guys, i am sorry...
All you could sense was a terrifying noise. and red red RED... The fear inside you was almost primal, like a survival instinct. Your brain was screaming at you to run, the common sense of terror in humankind when they meet something much more powerful than them... Something more mystic, dark... And god-like...
All the cells inside your body were craving to escape, but your soul couldn't let that happen... Not when the man who you loved was being destroyed by the said God right in front of your eyes...
You tried to reach for him, but he was so far for you to hold... You were trying to scream, only to realize you didn't have a voice. You started to feel hot, so hot. And while you watching the man you love was vanishing, the heat become unbearable-
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You woke up with a deep inhale and jumped upright in your bed. This was the most horrifying dream you ever had. You were trying to get calm by taking deep breaths but you were not doing so well...
The body next to you moved slightly. Then the light turned on, and you saw Chuuya's sleepy face
"Babe? Is everything alright?"
You couldn't help but hug him tightly, burying your face into his chest. Chuuya froze for a second only to hug you tighter right after "Y/N, listen to me... It was only a dream. You are with me, you are fine..."
When he pulled back and looked at you, his heart was crushed by your expression. Your eyes were red as blood and you were trembling with fear. You opened your mouth to talk, then you realized your mouth was so dry...
Chuuya noticed that and poured a glass of water from the jug on the commode for you: "Here, take some water.." He helped you to drink since you were still shaky... He waited patiently for you to catch your breath before you spoke slowly: "You were dying..."
Chuuya squeezed your hand lightly "You can feel this right? This is real. I am here... "
You nodded your head, then you continued "...but Chuuya... it was so... terrifying... someone forced you... to use the corruption... you were not yourself, your body dissolved-" you choked on your words and started to cry harder with remembering the details...
Chuuya wrapped his arms around you again, he started to pat your hair while he was talking with a hushing and soft tone: "Babe... you know this is not likely right?.. There is an oxygen-waste-mackerel who wouldn't let me go apeshit like that.."
You took a deep breath. "..but Chuuya... Dazai was already dead in my dream... he was shot from his head, laying there in blood... when you used the corruption, he wasn't there to stop you..."
You didn't want to say the worst part of your dream for some reason. That part of your dream made you sick, where Chuuya acted like he got possessed by something, and shot Dazai with a gun himself...
Chuuya thought for a minute before speaking again "Not likely... Do you believe and trust me, darling? I know that waste of bandages more than I know anyone else... He is like a little cockroach, even if you cut his head, he would find a way to come back... I know your dream is not likely to happen, you know why?" he asked. You looked at him with your still teary eyes "Because I have you two on my back... I know you wouldn't let anything like that happen to me, you would protect me... Isn't that right?"
You nodded slowly, and Chuuya gave a kiss on your temple.
"God knows, that bastard would rather kill me by his own hands rather than leave me to die by my power " he chuckled. You smiled too. You were feeling a little more relieved than before.
"..Chuuya. Promise to me.. to be even more careful..." you mumbled. Chuuya smiled at your request. He took your hand and kissed the inside of your palm "I promise... Now sleep well darling... I promise I will be right beside you when you wake up, as always" he whispered.
You closed your eyes to have a beautiful dream that was enough to make you forget the old one...
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thegigilwriter · 26 days
03 | “Danger & Star, Rooster & Angel” — Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw x Female Mitchell OC
Summary: 26-year-old Lucy Asa Mitchell did not know what was in store for her when she first bumped into Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw. After an instant mutual connection followed by a sweet whirlwind romance that swept both their feet, Lucy found herself being immersed deeper into Bradley’s world of the Navy, F-14s, and deployments. What she didn’t expect was finding was the answer to an elusive part of her past — the identity of her long-lost father.
Keywords/Warnings: Romance, Fluff
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03 | A Hike and a Dance 🦋
Sunday June 4, 2023
“You good?ˮ
“You should worry a bit more about yourself Lieutenant, Iʼm fun-sized remember?ˮ
Bradley chuckled.
Lucy easily moved against the contours of limestone walls of the canyon. The sun was in its golden hour, and everything around them was basked in its glorious light. There was something in rocks that seemed to scintillate, like someone had mistakenly scattered some glitter dust. Somewhere in north San- Diego, off of the I-5, was Annieʼs Canyon, one of the first hikes that Bradley had overcome and was now the location of their second official date.
“Come here, I wanna show you something.ˮ
Bradley reached out his hand to her. Lucy smiled shyly before pressing her palm against his. He pulled her to him as they slotted themselves against the crevices of what appeared to be a limestone dome that was a little way off the path.
“This is pretty cool,ˮ Lucy remarked, taking a sip from her jug. “Does it have a name?ˮ
“The Mushroom Cave,ˮ Bradley replied. “Look over your left.ˮ
There, over Lucyʼs shoulder, was a graffiti carved into the stone. She grazed her fingers against its fading inscriptions.
“Nick and Carole,ˮ Lucy read.
“Those were my parents — look under it.ˮ
“Bradley,ˮ Lucy read again.
“My dad carved that in a few months before his last deployment,ˮ Bradley chuckled. “I havenʼt been in here for more than a decade — glad to see the old thingʼs still up in here.ˮ
“Your mom and dad — they liked to hike?ˮ
“They loved the outdoors in general,ˮ Bradley grinned. “They loved this place too, there are people in San Diego that have lived their entire lives here but never know of this gem — glad to see that theyʼre taking care of it.ˮ
Bradley helped Lucy off of the ledge and returned to the path. They ascended a metal ladder lodged set against the stones and they arrived at a viewing deck. They grasped the wooden fence overlooking the view. Lucy admired how the sun was nearly kissing the horizon of the Pacific Ocean and all the iridescent waterways against the backdrop of robust greenery.
“I know this place isnʼt very remarkable,ˮ Bradley scratched the nape of his neck nervously. “If you want we can go somewhere a little more uptown and—“
“Bradley stop,ˮ Lucy uttered and his eyes were immediately on hers. She placed her hand on top of his and squeezed his fingers tenderly. “Thank you,ˮ she whispered.
“For what?ˮ
“You took me to a very special place to you,ˮ Lucy smiled. “And that costs so much more in spades than in whatever fancy place with white tablecloths and overpriced appetizers for dinner. I havenʼt had the chance to hike like this since Oregon, so… I really appreciate it. Thank you.ˮ
Bradley just gazed wordlessly in her direction. Lucy Mitchell looked so good in sunsets and he wondered if he would ever see her at sunrises— in his sheets and in his clothes with a sleepy yawn and bed hair.
“I was thinking...ˮ Lucy finally broke the silence. “Since you took me somewhere Iʼve never been before, how about I do the same for you?ˮ
“What do you have in mind, Angel?ˮ Bradley finally found his voice,
Sunday June 11, 2023
When Bradley picked up Lucy at noon from her apartment, he couldnʼt stop staring at her marigold-colored sundress with a corseted bust and a floral lace hem that hung just right above her knees. His eyes grazed the expanse of her smooth and unblemished chest, as well as the winding straps of her sandals enclosing the length of her legs.
“Iʼm starting to think I should have worn something else,ˮ Lucy laughed.
“Wouldnʼt work,ˮ Bradley replied with a wink. “You look good in anything, Angel.ˮ
Lucy blushed.
“And I should say the same for you,ˮ she said quietly as Bradley grinned.
“I always love to look good for my girl,ˮ He said to her, locking eyes.
If Bradley wasnʼt good-looking enough, his hair was slick back with some stubborn brown curls framing his forehead; he had a black tank top on with complementing signature Hawaiian print shirt; dark jeans, and leather dress shoes.
They arrived at the Liberty Public Market some minutes later. Lucy was so excited that she was opening the door before they were fully parked and Bradley had to reach over to grab her arm just in case she fell over. They were laughing heartily in the middle of the parking lot and strangers cast their strange glances in their direction. When they had composed themselves to an acceptable standard (save for the giggles and the childish banter), they finally entered the market area.
“Welcome to one of my most favorite places,ˮ Lucy smiled up at him. “I hope youʼre hungry, ‘cause weʼre in one of Californiaʼs food hotspots.ˮ
Lucy led Bradley to the Maine Lobster. She ordered two of their popular Maine Lobster Roll, one of their signature favorites with some cokes, crispy fries, and pineapple slaw.
“Mmmhh,ˮ Bradley sighed, his mouth stuffed with the roll. “This is... just mmhhh.ˮ
“Itʼs perfect isnʼt it?ˮ Lucy sighed. “I had one of these in New England one time, and I was so upset that I couldnʼt find anything as good in San Diego — until now. Try putting some of the slaw in the roll. The acidity and richness of the mayo and butter together is amazing!ˮ
“What are you… doing?ˮ Lucy laughed as Bradley began side-stepping jauntily with a little wave in his upper body.
“Itʼs good!ˮ He grinned as Lucy held her stomach to support the peals of laughter tumbling from it.
“If youʼre gonna bust out a move every time you have something this good, then youʼre really in for it now,ˮ she smirked.
True to her word, Lucy led Bradley towards the Artisan Kebab where she ordered a plate of beef shawarma, grilled vegetables, hummus and pita bread for the both of them. The beef was tender, hearty, and flavorful. The vegetables were sweet, seasoned generously, and had a delicious roasted char. The pita bread and hummus were great pairings to such a rich meal. They walked around the market for some time, their fingers touching whenever they picked at their shared meal or when they walked a little too closely towards one another.
Their last food stop was at Lola’s Crepes. Lucy ordered two A La Folies with a scoop of ice cream in each one. Nutella, banana, and strawberry all in one delicious and delicate crepe.
“I gotta use the Johnʼs, wait for me at the patio?ˮ
“Sure,ˮ she replied.
As Bradley emerged from the restroom moments later, he came upon a small little shop in one corner of the vicinity. The vendor was a sweet-looking high school girl with freckles for days and light-colored hair in two braids. There were vivid and stylish clothes on hangers, hats of racks, shawls and scarves on hooks, and a table of glimmering jewelry of all sorts.
“See anything ya like?ˮ The young girl squeaked nervously.
Bradley was drawn towards a necklace bejeweled with a single butterfly charm. It sparkled in the afternoon light, casting sun spots all over the table. It came in several metallic tints: silver, gold, rose, and copper.
“This is one of our original pieces and it’s completely waterproof,ˮ the vendor spoke again. “I-Is it for the girl you came with?ˮ
“Yeah,ˮ Bradley smiled.
“Sheʼs very pretty and the copper-tinted butterfly would suit her complexion wonderfully.ˮ
Bradley nodded, staring at the copper butterfly.
“You donʼt have any birds?ˮ Bradley asked her. “I call her Angel.ˮ
The young vendor smiled.
“Thatʼs very sweet of you,ˮ The young vendor replied. “But who says angels canʼt look like butterflies?ˮ
Lucy popped an ice-cream coated strawberry in her mouth. She had seated herself in one of the patio tables facing near the front of a local band. She watched as little children ran around the grass patches and as people began to dance — couples and girl friends having a splendid time. It was officially golden hour, and everything was steeped in a warm haze. Just then, Lucy felt a familiar hand cover eyes and heard a familiar rasp near her ear.
“Keep ‘em closed Angel.ˮ
Lucy obliged and she felt Bradley lift her locks and place what felt to be a chilly string around her neck. When Lucy had opened her eyes, a necklace with a beautiful and iridescent butterfly charm was lying against the bare skin of her chest.
“Lieutenant you shouldnʼt have,ˮ Lucy gasped.
“I wanted to,ˮ Bradley insisted.
“Lucy Mitchell,ˮ Bradley said firmly. “This is a sincere gesture from me to you. I insist.ˮ
“Alright,ˮ Lucy resigned, smiling as she touched the charm fondly. “Thank you, Lieutenant.ˮ
They were quiet for a while, enjoying each otherʼs company and the sweet crepes. “Hey Angel?ˮ Bradley said to her.
Lucy hummed.
“Come dance with me.ˮ
“Iʼm afraid I canʼt Lieutenant. I have a concerning medical condition...ˮ
“What?ˮ Bradley furrowed his eyebrows. “Are you okay?ˮ
“Oh itʼs very serious,ˮ Lucy whispered leaning closer. “... I have two left feet.ˮ
Bradley stared at her dumfounded as Lucy threw her head back laughing.
“Y-Your f-f-face!ˮ Lucy howled, clutching her midsection. “Youʼre so hilar—“
Bradley chuckled, drawing Lucy by the waist towards him in a sudden motion, instantly silencing her.
“Serious, you say?ˮ Bradley smirked at her flustered expression. “I think I can remedy that.”
He lead her from the patio towards the open area and into the crowd of swaying couples, affectionately pressing their cheeks together and sidestepping to the beat.
“Here,ˮ Bradley whispered. “Let me.ˮ
Lucy surrendered her senses to him as he placed one of her hands up his broad shoulder and another one in his palm. He placed his hand slightly beneath her shoulder blades.
“The trick is,ˮ he spoke. “Is that weʼre not perfectly aligned. Your right foot is between my legs and mine is in the space between yours. That way...ˮ
They moved in unison.
“Your left feet never have to touch mine,ˮ he chuckled.
“Youʼre a brave man, Lieutenant,ˮ Lucy joked. “My diagnosis entails dire complications. Embarrassment and falling over are the least of them.ˮ
“For you? Iʼll take my chances Angel,ˮ he said quietly.
“Oh maybe I came on too strong, Maybe I waited too long,”
“Maybe I played my cards wrong Ohhhh, just a little bit of wrong Oh baby I-I-I apologize for it.ˮ
“Eyes on me,ˮ Bradley whispered to her as Lucy began to falter in her steps. Lucy breathed shakily, for fear of whatever catastrophe her dancing would bring, and attuned herself to the music. She began to mutter the lyrics and picked up where Ed Sheeran had left off.
“I could fall, or I could fly
Here in your aeroplane
And I could live, I could die
Hanging on the words you say
And Iʼve been known to give my all
And jumping in harder than—
Ten. Thousand. Rocks. On. The. Lake So donʼt call me babbbbyyyy—“
“You got it!ˮ Bradley smiled. They were box stepping now and Lucy, as best she can, was clumsily filling in the steps Bradley had drawn out for her. He spun her gently and Lucy giggled as he tugged her back towards his chest.
“Unless you mean it,ˮ Lucy sang with a little more certainty in her step. “Donʼt tell me you need me, if you donʼt believe it. So let me know the truth—“
“Before I dive right in to you,ˮ they sang together.
As the interlude played, Lucy placed her head against Bradleyʼs chest and closed her eyes. This was the source of Bradleyʼs pride and gentleness— and love. It felt safe. It felt like home. In the haze of the afternoon, Lucy let herself imagine lying like this every Sunday in the warm sun on her purple couch. She looked up at him, and felt nothing and everything at the same time. Her heart was calm, and her mind was peaceful. Even as the dance had ended, Bradley and Lucy kept their fingers intertwined as they exited the market, in the Bronco on the way to her apartment, and at the front gate. The threshold of their meetings.
“A penny for your thoughts, Lieutenant?ˮ She whispered, hands still locked.
“How about I take you to one of those fancy places with white tablecloths, and overpriced appetizers for dinner?ˮ
Looks like the Angel and Lieutenant are in it for another date! Things are progressing fast, the atmosphere between them is changing, but there is still so much to be known! Check out 04 | White Tablecloths and A Lovely Night!
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overwatchfics · 1 year
I remember reading that some of the requests had gotten deleted so if you still have this one I’m sorry for the spam but can I get prefall Gabe x wife reader just some wholesome time for our fave edgy man thank you ♥️♥️
Married Life W/ Gabriel Reyes
On the weekends, He is the type of husband to wake up an hour early just to make you a big fat breakfast for two in bed.
Pancakes, bacon, fruit, eggs, toast, and a jug of orange juice.
Being commander of Blackwatch, he doesn't have a whole lot of time with you and when he does, Gabe really makes up for it.
Actually, you co-command Blackwatch with him, so you both know that your relationship has to be kept professional on the job (I remember your old request for this crypt i didn't forget about you bby)
Pack your things honey, we're taking a three-day trip in the camper up to the Sequoias
On that camping trip Gabe will bring a hammock for an afternoon nap
You two are sharing the hammock no questions asked
Gabe definitely smells of pine-tar and its super-hot outdoorsy man smell
Cookbook husband, brings a camp side cookbook with him and makes a comfort food chili with mashed potatoes
Definitely some stargazing involved Here! Gabe hopes its a cold night, he wants to share blanket and body heat with you
world's biggest cuddlebug and he's a big burly man who would seem good at that
On the last night of the trip, he peppers your face in kisses and thank you for choosing him
Photos taken on the trip include an off-guard photo of him unhinging his jaw (not literally lmfao) and about to stuff a double turkey sandwich into his face, sleepy hammock photos, a picture of some bears passing by, and so on.
Outside of his spontaneous backpacking trips, he's pretty big into dancing, even if it's super goofy.
Gabe owns the latest Just Dance game, and you cannot change my mind
This is super nice especially after a stressful mission, if you both need cheering up JUST DANCE
on nights where the mood needs to be quieter, bath and massage.
Nothing sexual (Unless you want to think about it that way I'm not going to stop the horny-on-main)
Gabe has this lightly scented oil that he rubs into your back and digs at the knots with
If you work on him, you can just feel him melt.
Also an excuse to eye his back muscles
When the night grows darker, he's definitely a hugger. He's either a big spoon or just doing the honeymoon hug.
as Gabe pulls you closer you feel his whole-body heave with relief has he sighs
Goodnight love.
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anxious-dumpling · 2 months
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Chapter Two: Father's Day! (3,000 words.)
♡ Fandoms: BTS, Stray Kids!
♡ Characters:
CG Jungkook
CG Taehyung
Playcare Owner Hoseok
EA Felix
EA Hyunjin
Little Jimin, IN, Seungmin
Everyone else is Teachers!
♡ Genre: SFW Littlespace, Fluff, Non Idol AU!
After moving from the rural city of Geochang to the bustling city of Seoul, your parents Jungkook and Taehyung decide to start you in a new Playcare Centre. Life is about to be so much different!
Time to be brave!
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Like a kitty cat stalking her unsuspecting prey, you crawl up onto the bed.
"Papa," You whisper, leaning in close to his angelic face as he snores lightly, his dirty blonde hair splayed messily across his pillow. You bump the end of your nose into the tiny mole on his cheekbone. As he begins to stir, you turn to tap Jungkook's arm. "Daddy."
Both men slowly blink away their sleep, smiling weakly when they realize who's sitting between them.
Taehyung grabs his glasses from the nightstand, sliding them on and pulling you in for a warm hug.
"Good morning, early bird," He rasps, kissing your hair.
"Happy Father's Day," You cheer as calmly as you can, not wanting to startle them. "Wait... Or is it, 'Merry'?"
He laughs. "Whichever you want."
"Happy-Merry Father's Day, Papa," You decide, moving to give Jungkook a hug. "Happy-Merry Father's Day, Daddy."
"Thank you, baby," He snarls, squeezing you so tight to his bare chest you think you might snap like a bread stick!
You joke, "Owww!"
"You're the cutest." His tattooed hands fall to your waist as you pull away, heart fluttering as he fondly gazes up at you. "Aren't you?"
"Uh huh. You know what else I am, Papa and Daddy?"
Tae guesses, "Oh. You're... Jeon-Kim Haen?"
"You're hungry?" Jungkook adds.
"You're sleepy?"
"My favorite girl?"
You can't help but giggle at their silliness, scrunching your nose at them.
"No," You shake your head. When they send you suspicious looks, you admit, "Okay, fine. I'm all'ose things. But I'm also... a chef!"
At the same time, they croon, "Ooh. A chef?"
You give a confident nod, putting on your best acting skills and sniffing the air. "Mmmm. What's that smell, you guys?"
They catch on quickly.
Taehyung grins boxily, "Did you make breakfast for us, sweetheart?"
Jungkook throws off the covers. "Well, we have go find out."
"Yeah!" You agree, climbing off the bed. "We have to go find out! Come on!"
Before Jungkook even has the chance to pull on a shirt, you grab his hand and drag him out of the room, Taehyung loyally following along behind you. The early morning sunshine breaks over you as you turn the corner, entering the sunny kitchen area together.
They both gasp softly at the sight that greets them.
Of course you cooked breakfast!
"Haen-ie," Taehyung's grin widens.
"Sit, sit, sit!" You push him forward, pleased to see him and Jungkook taking seats at the table. "I'll get water for you!"
As you run over to the fridge, the two men share a loving glance over the plates of food in front of them. You've spoiled each of them with a pile of hot, crispy eggs and fried rice leftovers, garnished with a pink marshmallow and a very, very large side of ketchup. 
"I can't believe this, baby." Jungkook giggles cutely, as you return with a jug of cold water.
Taehyung is almost doubled over. "The marshmallow. Aww."
"Water for Daddy," You announce, pouring some into his glass. It slips a little, spilling a puddle onto the table, but Jungkook's hands shoot out and help you keep the jug steady. You do the same for Taehyung's glass with some more help from him. "And water for Papa!"
"Thank youuu," He cooes, taking a sip and very seriously considering the taste, as if it's a fine wine. "Mmmm. Very good."
Jungkook asks, "Chef Haen-nim, where did you get this delicious water?"
"It's straight from the Han River," You proudly tell him, taking a seat. "Masitkke deuseyo, Papa and Daddy."
"Masitkke deuseyo."
"Masitkke deuseyo," Taehyung bows, picking up his chopsticks and trying the rice, groaning as he chews. "Mm. Amazing."
Technically, it was him who cooked it for dinner last night, but it's been sprinkled with your love now! Even tastier!
"It looks like you-." Jungkook laughs, turning over his burnt egg. "Baby, did you cook this in the air frier?"
"Yep!" You chirp, watching as he stuffs it in his mouth, politely ignoring the blackened edge. "It was so easy!"
Your Papa and Daddy always tell you not to use the stove or the oven without their help, even if you put on the protective mittens, so you had to find another way to cook breakfast. It was scary hearing the sizzling oil and the loud, robot-like beep of the air fryer, but you love your Papa and Daddy so much that you forced yourself to be brave. You showed that stupid fryer who's boss - Jeon-Kim Haen!
"You're so talented, sweetness," Taehyung praises you. "Would you like to try Papa's marshmallow?"
He holds it to your lips, popping it into your mouth.
"S'ank you!"
"What about you, Jagi?" He looks at his husband. "You should eat your marshmallow, too. Don't waste it."
"Ah. So right," The man agrees, pinching it between his fingers.
"No, no, no," He stops him. "With the rice and eggs."
You giggle, trying not to spit gooey, pink dribble all over your chin as Jungkook gawks. "Wh-?! Punk, you fed yours to Haen already!"
"She loves marshmallows."
"Yah," He complains, twitching his head to the side and readying himself for the bite he's about to take. "How convenient."
"Haen-ie, Papa's smart, isn't he?"
You nod. "Papa is very smart."
"Smarter than Daddy, right?"
Jungkook scoffs, smiling in the dim sunlight at the both of you before taking a bite of everything on his plate.
You wait with bated breath as he tests it out, surprisingly unfazed by the mixture of burnt egg, stale rice, and the sugary gummy.
"Aigo," He mutters, coughing a laugh, swallowing it down like a thick tar. "Why is it good?"
The three of you burst into giggles.
"What?! You're weird, Daddy."
He places his chopsticks down and cradles your face, pressing a wet, sweet-smelling kiss to your cheek. "Best breakfast ever, baby."
Taehyung subtly adds, "But Papa is going to have to cook us some real food after this..."
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"Hyunjin-ie!" You squeal as soon as you enter the classroom. "Good morning!"
"Good morning, Haen-ie," The EA smiles gracefully, kneeling down to give you a brief, friendly hug. Leaning away, he holds both your hands, looking up at you with a gentle gaze and his long hair pulled back into a stylish bun. "How are you today?"
"You should ask me what I had for breakfast," You giggle, squeezing his fingers.
"Oh? What did you have for breakfast?"
"I had eggs, rice, and," You pause, cracking yourself up by whispering loudly, "Marshmallows!"
Hyunjin gasps like you've just slapped him, dramatic as ever. "Marshmallows?!"
"Yeah! Pink ones!"
"Why, why, why?"
"I made breakfast for my Papa and Daddy be- because it's Father's Day," You explain, beaming.
"Is that right? I can see why your Papa calls you 'sweetness', Haen-ie."
"It's because I'm sweet!"
"Yes, it is." Standing up, the man leads you over to the cubby shelves. "Sweet as a marshmallow!"
Putting away your backpack and greeting the other teachers, you head over to the toy area, where your friends Jeongin, Seungmin, and Jimin are grooving out to this morning's song, 'Wiggle, Spin!'. The three of them break out in excitement when they spot you. 
"Haen-ie!" Jeongin exclaims, the alien antennas on his headband wobbling around. "Look! We're dancing!"
"I like dancing!"
"No, we're wiggling and spinning," Seungmin corrects the boy, spinning in a circle when the song tells him to. "See?"
As the rest of you follow suit and do a spin, Jimin claims, "This is dancing!"
"You gotta wear a headband, too," Jeongin grabs a matching one from the basket nearby, sliding it on your head. "There you go!"
"Thanks, Jeongin!"
"You're welcome, Hae- Oh!"
The song is suddenly telling you to wiggle your hips next, so you make sure to follow the command. Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle!
Once the move is over, Jeongin finishes his sentence. "You're welcome, Haen-ie."
"Who's Haen-ie?"
He tilts his head, copper colored hair falling over his eye. "What? It's you!"
"Nuh-uh. My name is Beep-Boop now!" You wag your antennas side to side. "'Cuz I'm an alien! See?"
"Ohhhh." He grins, his eyes squished closed. "You're welcome, Beep-Boop!"
"Beep-Boop," Jimin chirps.
Seungmin copies him. "Beep-Boop!"
"Beep-Boop," You agree with the alien. "Beepy-Beepy-Boop!"
"Hey, friends," Yeongbok's voice comes. You look up at him, met with the lovely EA's bright smile. You feel your whole body preen like a flower under a ray of sunlight, his antennas bouncing all over the place as he approaches you. "Can I dance with you?"
Without even thinking, all four of you waste no time shouting at him, "Beep-Boop!" 
He blanches a little. "Is that a yes?"
You grab his hand. "Yes!"
"Aw. Thank you, kind alien. Did you guys know it's Father's Day today?"
"Oh! Yeah! I gave my Dad a big hug this morning," Seungmin announces.
Yeongbok's crooked smile widens. "That's amazing, Seungmin-ie."
"I hugged my Dad, too!"
You tell him, "I made my Papa and Daddy breakfast."
"Oh, Yeongbok," Jimin's mouth forms a pink 'O', like he's just remembered something. "Haen-ie has two Dads, you know!"
As everyone does another spin, Yeongbok agrees, "Yeah, she does. Isn't that great?"
"She's so lucky."
You stick a finger up, wanting to set something straight. "But Jimin, two Dads means there's- there's twice the Dad-farts!"
"Haen-," Yeongbok tries his best not to burst into laughter like the boys do. "Haen-ie, we don't talk about that sort of thing."
"And you can never decide who you want a piggyback from."
"She said, 'fart'!"
"And also, you can't use their shoes for playing dress-up, 'cuz they only have ugly loafers and grandpa sandals."
"Haen-ie, I hope that's not in your presentation today," Yeongbok chides very lightly.
"What? Shoes, or farts?"
He gives you a cheeky look. "Aigo. I'm going to tell Hyunjin that you're a little trickster."
"Hyunjin loves me," You argue, squealing when the EA grabs at your tummy, digging into you with tickling fingers. "Hey! He loves me!"
"Trickster," He taunts, "You're a little trickster!"
Pushing at his shoulders, you laugh, "That- That tickles, Ye-Yeongbok-ie! Ah!"
"Get off Beep-Boop!"
As Hoseok switches off the dancing song, your alien friends all jump your attacker, dog-piling him until he trips, landing on his butt on the foam padding of the floor. Headbands go flying, legs kicking wildly as Yeongbok growls in defeat like a wounded animal.
"Okay, friends," Your teacher interrupts the chaos, smiling knowingly at you as you stand there innocently.
"I'm sorry," Yeongbok laughs in his deep voice, "I'm sorry!"
"Dance time is over. Let's head over to our desks and get ready to give our presentations!"
You thrust your hands out at the pile of your friends, shouting, "Lazer beam!"
They all flop onto their sides, slowly rising and heading over to the learning area to recover from your dangerous alien powers.
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You remember on your first day at Playcare, Hyunjin explained that dancing before class helps everybody get rid of their morning jitters, but you don't think that's entirely true. You did lots of dancing this morning, and as you watch Ahyun finish her presentation and return to her table, receiving a high-five from Hoseok, you can confirm that there is definitely at least one or two jitters in your belly.
When the applause dies down, your teacher speaks.
"Okay. Next on our list is," Hoseok scrolls down the iPad screen. "Ah. Haen-ie!"
He clicks around, causing a photo of you, Taehyung, and Jungkook to appear on the whiteboard, replacing Ahyun's family.
Everyone gives you a soft round of applause as you freeze up, unsure.
Jeongin and Jimin cheer, "Yay, Haen-ie!"
"Yay, Haen-ie!"
"You got this," Yeongbok pets your shoulder, the tiny freckles on his nose scrunching as he smiles.
"I got this," You whisper to yourself, standing from your seat.
Yeongbok and Hyunjin both send you a thumbs up, Hoseok gesturing for you to begin whenever you're ready.
You got this!
You shouldn't be nervous! These are your friends!
With one last glance over your shoulder at Taehyung and Jungkook on the board, you muster up the courage to face the class and begin politely, "Happy Father's Day, ev- everyone. This is my Papa and Daddy... Papa's the blonde one, and Daddy's the tall one."
You sound a bit like a robot, reciting the speech you wrote with Hoseok's help a few days ago.
"My Papa's a hairdresser and I love him because he makes my hair pretty every day. He's good at cutting hair and making it different colors, but he also likes doing pottery and taking photos with his big camera. My Daddy, he's an accountant... I don't know what that is, but he's very good at it, too. He likes to work out and he has lots of tattoos, and I love him because he ties my shoelaces for me."
You spot Hyunjin pouting harder than ever from the back of the class, looking like you've stolen his candy.
Yeongbok simply looks like a kicked puppy.
"Oh, and he does this thing called deadlifting," You giggle, remembering. "But he uses me instead of actual weights. It's really funny."
Small smiles break out across their faces.
"There's lots of reasons I love them, but Hoseok-seonsangnim said I only have two or three minutes.... so-, um..."
If you listed all of the reasons you loved your Papa and Daddy, you'd need at least three hours.
At least!
When you're at a loss for what else to say, Hoseok helps you out by prompting, "Why'd you choose this photo, Haen-ie?"
"Oh! I chose it because it's from the- from the day we moved to Seoul, and because Papa said it has his good side in it."
You point out, "We're at a cafe 'cuz it was a long drive from Geochang, and they were hungry. Well, that's what Papa said, but they didn't actually eat much. They just buyed this, um, little cake with a love-heart and 'Welcome Home', on it, and we ate it together."
Your teacher sends you a cheerful grin. "That's lovely, Haen-ie. Anything else you want to tell us?"
You share a glance with your table, where Yeongbok is shaking his head at you and the boys are all nodding.
Your ears go pink.
Yes, there is something else!
"Having two Dads means... you get twice the," You tease, watching your EA facepalm into the table. "Dad jokes!"
He raises his head, pleasantly surprised. You had managed to go the whole presentation without mentioning farts.
"Great job, Haen," Hoseok claps, rallying the class to join in. "Great job."
Returning to your desk, you sit down in your chair, welcomed back by Yeongbok petting your shoulder again.
"I did it!" You whisper. "I didn't even cry, or anything!"
"Amazing," He agrees.
"Okay, everyone. Only a few more to go now. Next up is-!"
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That night, Taehyung lets you share the rest of the marshmallows while you all watch Jungkook's favorite movie - one with no swearing, punching, or bad guys, of course - Spirited Away. It's lucky that your tough Daddy is just as in love with Ghibli movies as you are!
After Chihiro crosses the river and Sen is freed from the Bathhouse, the credits start rolling.
Wrapped up in a blanket, Tae jokes, "How many times have you guys seen this movie now? Thirty?"
"A thousand."
"A thousand," You both say at the same time, giggling and high-fiving afterward.
After that, your Papa and Daddy decide they want to watch something else.
Your performance!
You step up onto the imaginary stage, which is really just the lounge room rug, and recite your speech all over again just for them. You don't sound so much like a robot, anymore. You sound like Jeon-Kim Haen, telling your parents how much you love them.
You love them because they always hold both your hands when you cross the street, which is very important!
You love them for making sure your clothes are clean, your belly is full, and your heart is happy.
You love the warm bear hugs Taehyung gives you, and you love the bone-crushing hugs Jungkook gives you.
You love Taehyung because when he sings you to sleep, it sounds like deep thunder clouds and smooth rocks.
When Jungkook sings you to sleep, it sounds like you're already dreaming!
And of course, you simply love that they're your parents.
Jimin is right.
You're lucky!
Taehyung and Jungkook don't quite give you the three hours you'd need to list all your reasons. It's almost your bed time and they can tell you're getting sleepier by the minute, but it's definitely enough time to melt their hearts into marshmallow-goo.
"Yah! I'm not cryinggg-uhhhhh!" Jungkook whines when you're done, slapping his husband, "You are!"
Taehyung doesn't even deny it. "I am!"
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"Oh, wait."
As Taehyung completes the last button on your pyjama shirt, you run over to your backpack, digging through it.
"I forgot to-... to give this to you. It's still Father's Day, right, Papa?"
"Of course." He cooes. "What kind of Dad would I be if I put you to bed after midnight?"
Ohh. Found it!
"What's this?" He smiles, holding out his hands.
You place a smooth, colorful stone in his palms.
"It's for you and Daddy."
You Rock, The paint on the front side says, and on the bottom side, Happy Father's Day. From Haen.
"Namjoon-seonsangnim said it's a joke in English," You explain, rubbing your eyes. "He thinks he's really funny, you know."
Your Papa chuckles, kissing your cheek. "Thank you, sweetest. Maybe Daddy will understand it. Let's ask him tomorrow, okay?"
"Okay," You yawn. "Tomorrow."
"Let's get you into bed. You're late for your sweet dreams."
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The next morning, when you hand the stone to Jungkook at the breakfast table, he just starts giggling to himself.
"Ah, seriously... Your Dad jokes are better than ours, baby."
"Namjoon-seonsangnim is gonna love it when I tell him that."
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End Notes:
Of course, this is dedicated to everyone out there who's never gotten the chance to make happy memories on Father's Day <3333
Please share your thoughts and leave some suggestions for future chapters! ʕ•◡•ʔっ♡!
Things I won't write.
- Smut.
- Self-harm.
- Intense angst.
- Anything unrelated to Haen or Littlespace.
Everything else goes!
Current roles.
- Taehyung: Parent Caregiver.
- Jungkook: Parent Caregiver.
- Jin: ???
- Namjoon: Art / English Teacher.
- Hoseok: Homeroom Teacher / Playcare Owner.
- Yoongi: Music Teacher.
- Jimin: Little.
- Bangchan: ???
- Lee Know: ???
- Han: ???
- Changbin: Sports Teacher.
- Hyunjin: EA / Art Teacher.
- Felix: EA.
- Seungmin: Little.
- Jeongin: Little.
I encourage you to be friendly and patient with me! ^◡^
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marauderswolf22 · 9 months
FINALLY for @wolfstarmicrofic september prompt- philosophy. i dunno if it's good, for me it's comforting, but maybe that will stop my writing block. i wanna put a warning, talking about weight/alleged family mental abuse. words: 408. enjoy <3
Morning tea
-"Do you think i've gained weight?" - Sirius's voice broke through the sound of boiling water. Remus waited a short moment, this time not trying to check by touching the jug. The noise died down so he began the tea ritual. -"Mhm, I noticed you have more energy and you look healthier."- Two cups appeared on the oak table. One with earl gray, the other green one with raspberries. His spidery fingers danced on their handles. With sleepy, woolly steps he marched towards the bedroom where the voice was coming from. -"But I don't eat that much."- His eyebrows traced winding paths towards each other. Padfoot stood philosophically on the edge of their bed, in front of the slender mirror. Just like he slept, only with his pajama pants on. -"You sound worried? what's wrong with that?" - The hands, previously warm with tea, wrapped around the shorter man's chest from behind.
-"It's nothing, just like that"- The werwolf gave him a really knowledgeable look. -"Okay, okay, sir I know everything, I'm just not sure if I still look "like that"- Somewhere behind the gray of his eyes, a note of uncertainty swirled. Maybe about his own words, maybe something else. His hands slipped into the fingers on his waist, and Remus felt the muscles tense beneath them. -"Like that?" -"Like, attractive, I've never gained weight and I don't know if that suits you…" - If it weren't for the overall importance of this moment, Remus's anger would certainly have bubbled to the surface. Instead, he approached it more tenderly, knowing that Sirius was the victim -"Love, I know what you have been taught but know that first of all, your appearance is not supposed to suit me, especially when it comes to your health."- He emphasized his words with a vague touch. -"Secondly, gaining weight is not always a bad thing. You've had a lot of stress over the last half a year, you haven't eaten much, and now you're getting back on track. Besides, your age is changing, you're not 16 anymore, you're 28, your body has the right to change too." -When, halfway through the monologue, Sirius started shaking slightly and avoiding his eyes, Remus simply pulled him to his chest. Let him stay there as long as he wanted, slowly feeling his tensed muscles calm down. And then they drank tea, and laughed, and talked peacefully. Like they should have been always be able to.
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scribblecake · 9 months
Gentle Lights Ch) 3
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Something short and sweet(?) bc I'm fading fast and needs a sleeb. The author is very tired. She is eepy. The author has had a very long day of writting sins and wants to take just a small sleep. She eeby and neebies to sleebie. audor sleepy and need bed by time. the ator is currently experiencing critical levels of being a sleehjy little guy and needs to go to beb. she is retired and needs to slep. just a little sleejing time as a treat.
TW: Idk how to write fluff... or dialogue...
Warm arms wrapped around her. The scent of honey and oil greeted Izogie as pure elation coaxed tears to her eyes. Oh to be hugged again! To feel something welcoming and familiar!
“We thought you were gone forever!” Nawi sniffed before being overcome with hiccuping sobs. Tentatively, Izogie lifted an arm and shakily wrapped it around her young sister. The warrior did her best to comfort Nawi and fight off sobs herself. 
But the tears were all too eager to fall. They stung at her eyes before streaming down and scorching her cheeks. Izogie felt more hands on her shoulders, they pulled upwards. Her limited view of the world shifted as her body was propped upright with Nawi still clinging to her.
Two other figures hovered over Izogie and Amenza shifted into focus. She wordlessly pressed a clay cup to the warrior's lips. Water! Cool, quenching water! It greeted Izogie’s system like a storm in the dry season.
Liquid life trickled down her throat, bringing strength to withered limbs. Izogie gulped it down greedily and it was gone far too soon. Cracked lips parted to voice displeasure but a jug lifted to her thisting mouth quickly dispelled any protests. 
After Izogie had drunk her fill, two more sets of arms encased her. The solid embrace of Nanisca and the welcoming tenderness of Amenza breathed strength into Izogie’s sore body. They stayed that way for a time. Tears, sobs and relieved murmurs were exchanged in the quiet moment. However; Nanisca was the first to break away.
“You never cease to exceed what is expected of you. I just wish you’d stop terrifying me in the process.” She chuckled. Amenza shook her head fondly at the comment, playfully smacking Nanisca’s arm.
“W-we’re so happy to have you home! The palace was horrible and empty without you here!” Nawi cried as she tightened her hold on Izogie. The warrior grimaced when she felt a sharp twinge of pain in her chest and stomach. This did not go unnoticed by her friend who was quick to move away, but only just. She was still practically glued to the warrior’s side.
“Eh? What are those tears for? Just wait and see! When I heal, I’ll really give you something to cry about! You won’t miss me so much after a ten mile run.” Izogie rasped mischievously. Her words made the young soldier gasp and her commanders snicker.
Amenza hummed as a cheeky grin curled her lips. “Bold words for someone who could barely move, not even a few minutes ago.” 
Laughter rippled through the room and they settled into relaxed chatter, briefing the soldier on what she had missed. Izogie learned that after she lost consciousness and contact with Nawi, Nanisca had returned, against the king’s wishes, to retrieve them. 
She sat awestruck as they recounted how they had led an additional rebellion and burned The Trade to ash. Izogie smiled widely at the lively narration of their triumphant return. She nearly doubled over laughing at how Nanisca snatched the title of The Woman King right from under Shante. 
The more she listened, the more her mind and heart relaxed. The soldier let the familiar voices scrub away any lingering burden of worry and fear. She finally felt safe, no longer adrift in uncertainty and pain. Izogie had found her way back to the ones that loved her. She had found her way back home.
Lmk if you'd like to be added to the tag list!
@mybonafidefeelings @zeezeecave @shanas-baby
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cats-and-confusion · 7 months
Can we start a collection of little quirks and habits we see in people irl, so we can have a better reference when writing characters other than ourselves? I'll go first if it helps!
My mom's left arm twitches when she's sleepy
My mom also has a fake eye, and the eyelid on that eye droops more than the other
My brother sometimes just. Takes a gallon of milk into his room. And drinks the whole thing in one sitting.
A friend of mine cracks their knuckles really really loudly, for fun
My dad plays sudoku to calm down, because the logic helps his brain
My mom is really weak to cute things. I pout at her? She gives me things. My cats? She'll open the door for them whenever (which is bad because they're INDOOR CATS and we SHOULDN'T BE LETTING THEM OUTSIDE but they LIKE IT OUT THERE SO THEY SCREAM AT THE DOOR UNTIL SHE LETS THEM OUT).
My neighbor across the road has a firepit that they sometimes cook over! Or maybe they just do it for fun idk
Not sure how common this is elsewhere but chickens??? I know of 3 houses near mine that have chickens in little coops in their yards. One of them even had a pair of goats. There’s horses here too but they need a bunch more land, soooo
There was a guy in my class who would bring this massive fucking thing of water with him everywhere. Like, water cooler jug type thing. He drank it all by the end of the day every day
I have another classmate that has to rotate their wrists three times before they can write anything
I love bandaids. I put bandaids on myself all the time, or I would if I had enough bandaids. Not for injuries or anything I just like having them. They're like stickers
Feel free to add! Please do, in fact
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your-divine-ribs · 2 months
Baby Love
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Words: 2.5k
Absolutely no plot whatsoever… just baby making for Smutty Sunday! So sorry about the cringe dirty talk - I tried my best lol 🫣
Imagines Masterlist Main Masterlist
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Your boyfriend's got that look in his eyes again, a mixture of affection and hunger as his gaze travels down over your body.
"Just thinking how gorgeous you look," he answers, catching his bottom lip in his teeth as he leans back against the kitchen worktop, head tilted back slightly, blatantly appraising you.
You shake your head, giggling. You hardly feel gorgeous standing there in the kitchen fresh out of bed, your hair a complete mess and your sleeping attire on, little shorts and a cami top. You're making pancakes just how Van likes them, American style fluffy ones that he came back from tour enthusing about. You've just about perfected the recipe and the smell emanating from the frying pan is delicious, but that's not the only thing...
Van's standing there in just the thin pair of trackie bottoms he slipped into when he rolled out of bed and you know he's not wearing anything underneath them. You love it when he looks all sleepy and scruffy first thing in the morning, hair all mussed up and a cute, dopey expression on his face, kind of like someone's just interrupted a dream he's been having and he's still half caught up in it.
"Honestly love... just look at you," he grins as you catch his eye.
"Are you trying to distract me or what?" You laugh, flipping the pancake that's in the pan. "You'll only moan if you end up with burnt pancakes!"
"Well if ya burn the pancakes I'll just have to find something else to eat for breakfast!"
You shake your head, dishing up another pancake on to the small stack you're preparing, reaching over for the jug to pour more batter into the pan.
That's when you feel his hands curl around your hips from behind and his body press into yours, only gently, but it's still enough to send tingles down your spine. You smile to yourself as you move the pan to spread the batter evenly over the bottom. Ever since you and Van had decided to try for a baby he's not been able to keep his hands off you. You'd always joked before that he was like a walking hard-on, but this is like a whole other level of horniness. He can't leave you alone. In the shower, on the kitchen table, up against the wall in the hallway when you'd not even made it to the bedroom... you'd even pulled over and crawled into the backseat of the car to satisfy your desires on the way back from a restaurant last week.
"Mmm... not sure what smells better, those pancakes or you," Van says, and you feel him nuzzling into your neck, his lips brushing your sensitive skin, making you shiver.
"Now you're really distracting me!" You complain, but you're hardly bothered. You push your hips back slightly, feeling the solid warmth of Van's body behind you.
His fingers leave your hips and move forwards, slipping underneath the hem of your top, sliding gently across the soft skin of your stomach.
"I can't wait to put a baby in there, ya know," he murmurs, his fingers lightly dancing over your skin, dipping under the waistband of your shorts.
You laugh at the ticklish sensation which just makes you wriggle your hips against him even more. "Yeah, but are you still gonna fancy me when I'm eight months pregnant and the size of a house?"
"I can't wait babe, there's just gonna be more of you to love!"
One of his hands moves up to sweep your hair aside and you feel his lips on your neck, sucking gently, sending a spike of heat through you. You tip your head to the side to give him better access, closing your eyes and surrendering to the sensation. It feels so good...
That's until you detect the acrid scent of burning and your eyes flick open instantly as you grab for the spatula to try and free the pancake that's stuck hard to the bottom of the pan.
"Ughh," you groan in frustration, trying to pull away from Van. "I told you that you'd go and distract me! Look... it's ruined now! I've only made a few and that'll never fill you up."
"It's fine, don't worry," he reassures you, then his voice drops low as he pulls you even closer to his body. "Besides... I'm more concerned about filling you up..."
Your agitation dissipates in an instant at these words. Van isn't the only one who's been getting turned on by the thought of baby making. His obvious arousal about it and his enthusiasm just makes your heart race and sets off a throb between your legs.
"Oh yeah?" You smile, turning off the hob and pushing the pan to the side where it's instantly forgotten. You turn around in his arms so that you're facing him, leaning against the kitchen counter. "Why don't you tell me more about that?"
A slow, sexy smile spreads on his lips. "You love it when I talk dirty to ya, don't ya?"
You nod, smiling back at him alluringly and a little coyly which you know turns him on even more. Not that you have to try very hard. It's plain to see by the prominent bulge straining at his trousers that he's already more than ready.
He pushes his hips into yours, grinding lazily against you as he dips his head down to kiss you, and you raise your head, your lips meeting in a passionate kiss. His tongue moves slowly against yours, and the feel of his hardness pressing into your pelvis ignites the fire inside you.
"Mmm... want you," you breathe into his mouth, your hands grasping his bum, pulling him even closer.
He pulls away, looking you in the eye with a hunger that has you pushing your hips forward in eagerness.
"You want me do ya? Want me to put a baby inside you?" He murmurs, bending down to grasp your thighs and lifting you easily in one swift movement so that you're sitting perched on the kitchen counter with your legs splayed. "D'ya want my cock inside you, huh?"
"Yeah," you breathe, lifting your bum as Van's fingers curl under the waistband of your shorts and he roughly pulls them down your hips with your panties in one swift movement until they drop on to the kitchen floor, discarded.
"Gonna fuck you right here love, we're gonna make this baby right now."
Van's voice is low, smooth as honey with that hint of a commanding edge that has your heart racing. He places his hands on your thighs, gripping your soft skin firmly, pushing your legs wide apart, his fingers tracing a trail upwards. He moves slowly, watching your reaction as he does, a smirk forming on his lips as little tremors shiver your body through.
"Don't tease me... please, " you urge, your body screaming out for his touch as he lingers close to your aching core but not close enough. You know he likes you to beg for it and you're only too happy to oblige.
You reach out for him, sliding your fingers under the waistband of his trousers which are slung low on his hips, pushing them down. His hard cock springs free, and the sight is enough to make your mouth water.
"Fuck me," you urge, wrapping your hand around his dick, your other hand on his hips pulling him to you. Your whole body is yearning for him, wanting to feel him inside you, filling you up.
He resists, shaking his head, his smirk widening at your need. "Oh babe, I don't think you're ready for me quite yet."
That's when you feel his fingertips where you need them the most, moving delicately over your soft folds, a fleeting caress which instantly has you sighing and needing more. You tip your hips forward, pressing yourself into his hand.
"You're so wet for me already and I've barely even touched you," he whispers, moving a finger against your slit, dipping lightly inside you. You're panting now, your body thrumming for more, the featherlight touches he's giving like some kind of sweet torture.
You grip the shaft of his cock tighter, sliding your hand down his length. All you can think of is how it's going to feel when he slides inside you. You feel his fingertip slide over your clit, moving purposefully as he watches your reactions to see your face contort in pleasure as he hits just the right spot over and over again. You moan loudly, feeling a tightening low down in your body.
"Oh yeah," you sigh as the pressure builds steadily, your head tipping back, your eyes screwed shut.
You're so close, ready to tip over the edge when you feel the pressure dissipate as his hand moves away. Your eyes flick open, feeling cheated, ready to protest, but as you see Van step forward with his hand wrapped around the base of his cock your words are forgotten.
"Gonna fill you up so good," he says, and you spread your legs even wider for him, grasping greedily at his hips.
You're so wet there's no resistance as the head of his cock nudges against your dripping core. Your breathing is ragged, coming in little gasps of anticipation. All that matters is feeling him inside you, but he takes his time, sliding into you gradually and stretching you out so that you can feel every part of him.
"Fuck..." you breathe, feeling yourself clench around him. He fits you so perfectly it's like your body was made for him and him alone.
"Love you so much babe," he utters, his eyes fluttering shut as he shunts his hips forward, burying himself fully inside you, his fingers curled tightly around your hips. You love watching the way his brow furrows and his mouth falls agape, the pleasure clear on his face.
You gasp at the feeling as he pulls back and bucks his hips into you again, harder this time, the blissful feeling radiating through your body. You wrap your legs around his hips, drawing him close, needy for him and the way that he makes you feel.
"I need..." you begin, but his lips crash against yours, snatching the words right out of your mouth. He kisses you hungrily, desperately, his tongue probing your mouth and you melt into the kiss, your mind awash with the sensation of the two of you fused, his breath hot in your mouth, his hips clashing with yours.
After a while he pulls back, panting, his hips still pistoning against yours, thrusting slow and deep. "I love how my cock feels inside you. Feels so fucking good... so right..."
His words trail off into a sensual groan and you're aware that your fingernails are digging into his back, no doubt leaving deep furrows on his skin. You can't help yourself, the sensations are just too overwhelming. You need him closer, as close as he possibly can be.
Van places his forehead against yours and your heads are bent down. From this position you can both watch his cock thrusting into you, emerging glistening with your arousal and ploughing into you again, over and over. The sight sends you into a passionate frenzy, your hips bucking up to meet his, curses falling from your lips.
"Tell me... tell me you want..." he groans, a fingertip moving to press against the nub of your clit, eliciting further curses from you. The kitchen is full of your combined moans now, the pornographic sounds just fuelling both of your desires all the more, your endeavours to both reach your climaxes spiralling into a desperate need, hips colliding, slick with sweat.
You know exactly what he wants to hear, what will make him fuck you hard enough to turn you into a whimpering mess.
"Fuck me hard... wanna feel you come inside me... I want this baby so bad..."
You gasp the words out, mewling now with every hard thrust, Van's fingertips working their magic, edging you closer and closer to your peak until your whole body is pulsing with the promise of it.
"You gonna take it all, huh?"
His voice is rough, almost a growl as he mercilessly slams into you, hard enough that you're sure you'll bear bruises the next day.
"Yeah," you breathe, your body shaking now, your legs trembling, out of control as the first waves of your orgasm start to wash over you.
You know that Van can't hold on any longer as you clench around his cock, your warm wetness and the sight and sounds of you falling apart driving him to the brink of his own climax.
His body shudders as he finally lets go and you feel his cum flood you as you reach the heights of your crescendo, crying out in ecstasy as you both cling together, riding out your highs breathlessly.
Your legs are still locked around his waist as your head falls against his chest and you can feel his heartbeat thundering wildly.
"That was amazing... as always," you murmur, starting to pull away but he won't let you, arms wrapped tightly around you, keeping you close, your bodies connected like perfect puzzle pieces.
"Not yet... don't go yet," he whispers into your hair, his head bent down to press soft kisses into your parting. "Just wanna stay like this for a bit, ya know... give things a chance to happen..."
"Oh right, yeah, the baby making. Of course!" You grin. "Forgot about that for a moment!"
You hear a soft chuckle come from above as he wriggles his hips slightly, pressing against you even though you can feel him start to soften inside you. "Reckon that was it. That was definitely the one. I just got that feeling."
You roll your eyes even though Van can't see. "Like I've not heard you say that every single time we do it!"
"Just can't bloody wait," Van says, enthusiasm leaking into his voice as his fingers flex around your waist and he pulls back slightly to look at you, careful to keeps his hips pressed tightly against yours. "You're gonna be the best mum and I'm gonna be so proud of you."
His blue eyes are sparkling with a warmth and affection that makes your already fast beating heart race even quicker, images of you and Van becoming parents flicking through your mind like you're leafing through a future family photo album.
"Love you so much," you say, feeling the smile stretch wide on your face.
"Mmm babe... I love you too."
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theladyofbloodshed · 2 years
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Chapter 14 It's got a bit of everything: trauma-bonding, reverse cowgirl, face-sitting, soft sleepy azriel
Would Azriel’s breath ever not catch in his lungs when he looked at Nesta? She was a jewel unlike any Azriel had ever encountered before. The steady confidence, the classic beauty. A queen from a tale, shrewd and devastating in equal measure. There wasn’t a part of her he hadn’t fallen in love with.
They had found a quiet restaurant perched on a hill in the Summer Court by the coast. They arrived just in time to watch the sun begin its descent towards the sea. The sky was awash with pinks and gold and waning light gleamed off the calm surface of the sea. Nesta gazed out on it in wistful longing. He’d heard her breath hitch again when they’d arrived, overwhelmed by the power of the ocean.
She looked at home in the Summer Court, Azriel had to admit, with her cascading blonde hair and soft, blue dress. Nesta could have been the personification of the sea herself. So much power lay within her, untouched and untapped, but Azriel wouldn’t push her to use it.
‘A little bit warmer than the north Illyrian coast,’ she mused, pouring them both a glass of water from the jug.
Despite the encroaching sunset, the temperature hadn’t dipped. The evening was warm enough that Nesta’s body didn’t ripple with goosebumps. Her wolf-grey eyes were roaming over his face. He could always feel them cataloguing every inch of him, committing him to memory.
‘See something you like?’
Nesta blinked down at her lap, almost with shyness. ‘You’re so handsome. When I was a little girl, in my stories of brave knights rescuing princesses, I always imagined him with black hair and hazel eyes. Quiet and stoic. A good person. I was always dreaming of you.’
Azriel squeezed her hand then brought it to his lips. ‘I didn’t know how much I needed you until you were mine.’
They dined on seafood – which Nesta needed promises from him to eat. It wasn’t a staple of Illyrian culture. That was seeped with lamb and goat, rich with spices. But from his mother’s village where they relied on fish for survival in the hard winters, Azriel had grown fond of it. Nesta could manage salmon or haddock easily, but presented with prawns where she had to crack the shells, she said that she was reconsidering her love of the sea. Azriel bit back his smile when she scrunched her eyes closed and swallowed an oyster like a shot of alcohol.
Another plate was brought to the table and Nesta’s eyes went wide.
‘Do you want to try crab?’
She stared in complete horror in a mute silence as Azriel took his knife to the shell then began prising out the meat. Nesta shook her head at all of his offers, and only once the table was cleared, did she say, ‘The pudding isn’t from the sea, is it?’
Nesta was relieved to see none of the desserts had eyes or claws or legs. She settled for fruit and sorbet, light and refreshing for the hot night. No shells to crack either.
It still struck Azriel how easy it was to be in Nesta’s company. Neither of them needed to fill up a silence with idle chatter. She ate her pudding and gazed out towards the horizon, a hand in his, with nothing but the noises of the restaurant surrounding them. It was nice to do this – to be a couple who didn’t need to skulk in the shadows. The Summer Court allowed free access through its borders to those who wished to visit; it was a rarity in Prythian to not need to announce one’s presence or seek invitation to a court. Azriel thought it foolish, but then again this was a court that had no secrets to hide. Tarquin ruled as an open book, treating high fae and lesser the same, offering opportunities in equal measure. And if it meant that Azriel could whisk Nesta away to the sea at the drop of a hat then perhaps it wasn’t foolish at all.  
Nesta had given him so much – and Azriel still wanted more.
On their stroll down the hill to walk off dinner and to take a moon lit walk along the sea front, Azriel took a moment to just be present and enjoy the moment. Nesta led him by the hand towards the sea. In the moonlight, she scoured the sand for shells. Every now and then, she paused to examine one. If it was a good one, she asked him to keep it in his pocket. Azriel had no idea what her criteria was, but Nesta seemed to be able to tell which shells were the good ones. He’d gladly fill his pockets with them for her.
Once Nesta had collected enough, they walked together, with his wing coming around her back. He bolstered his courage. It wouldn’t be an easy conversation, he knew, but Azriel had given Nesta every part of himself and she had seen it all. Seen it all and not reviled him. He wanted to see all of her too. Wanted her to know that she could show herself to him. That he loved her no matter what.
‘Nesta, can you tell me about your mother?’
Her body tensed in an instant as if frozen in a memory.
‘Why do you want to know about her?’ The defensive tone told Azriel enough, that there was nothing good to say – and yet it was a stone he could not leave unturned. They deserved to heal from their pasts together.
‘Because I want to know everything about you.’
‘She’s a worse version of me.’
Azriel would not let her tug her body from his. Wouldn’t let her try and march away to avoid the topic. She tried to pull out of his embrace, but he held her still.
‘Everybody pales in comparison to you. There is no other like you.’ Nesta’s face was stormy as he held it in his ruined hands. He shouldn’t be allowed to touch someone as lovely as her. ‘I shared my past. I’m asking for the same courtesy.’
‘You’ll feel differently about me,’ she whispered, voice giving way to her insecurities. And they had been guilty of judging her too soon, too unfairly.
They found a place to sit on flat rocks where the sea rolled close by. Azriel had offered to take her home to talk in private, but he had the sense that she preferred this conversation in the dim light of the moon with the waves rushing by – the sound giving her something else to focus on.
‘I don’t know what to say about her.’
‘What was she like?’
‘Not like yours,’ she said bitterly. ‘I don’t know. If you spoke to her peers, they would say she exemplified what it meant to be a high-ranking lady of society. Beautiful, beguiling. If you spoke to the servants, they would not have a kind word to say of her.’
‘You had servants?’
‘Lots. When my father was a merchant, we were very rich. My mother treated them how lesser fae are treated. Not worth her time. Barely human. She could be horrid to them. Dismissing them in the middle of winter when they had families to feed. If they begged to stay, they were too desperate. If they didn’t then they weren’t worth her coins.’
Azriel took a section of Nesta’s hair and sectioned it off into three parts. ‘And as a mother, what was she like?’
‘Cruel. Spiteful. Jealous. Calculating.’
It was easier for Nesta to speak if she did not have to look at him. Even if Azriel wanted her to, he had to give Nesta her allowances. He’d rather her words than silence. She spoke of a mother and father who had primed her to be the darling of society. Every hour of her childhood was spent studying books or learning instruments or how to dance. Nesta had not been a daughter to either of them but an investment to bolster their position in society. She would be the daughter to broker an alliance with a duke or a prince. Nesta had been taught to see a ballroom like a battleground, to think three steps ahead in a conversation to work it to her family’s advantage, to carve down any other girls who threatened her position. Elain was discounted; too soft and gentle to go through her mother’s flames, but doted on by the father for being that way. Elain would wed for love and Nesta would conquer. Feyre had been the forgotten child, unwanted and unloved by either parent.
‘She resents me because I spent so much time with our mother, but they were not hours she would want. I used to wish she’d dismiss me so I could escape her scrutiny. Then I’d crave her affection again once I’d been sent away. Pathetic. All I ever wanted was for her to tuck me into bed. Not chests of jewels and dresses to show me off to her friends, just a mother who loved me.’
And Nesta continued and spoke of a grandmother who beat her for missteps in her dancing while Azriel continued plaiting strands of her hair to keep his own hands busy. She spoke of a mother who would stand and watch with a grim expression or a sneer each time her daughter lost her footing or cried, rather than comforting her or protecting her. A mother who seemed to delight in Nesta’s misfortune as much as she hated her failure as if she both wanted and loathed a daughter who might rise higher in society than her. There was a mountain of pressure on Nesta’s shoulders to be perfect.
Then she spoke of her mother’s death with a voice devoid of any emotion at all as if it wasn’t her story she was telling. Nesta had locked those emotions away long ago and had lost the key. It was a complicated relationship. On one side of the coin, there was resentment and the other, that desperation to be loved by her still existed. After her mother’s death, Nesta grew to despise her father. She had lashed out at him for not doing more for his daughters – in fortune and loss. Nesta had lost her one avenue in life. Without a dowry, she had believed she was nothing. All of those years training her to be a perfect wife had gone to ruin. Their father had been too proud to seek work for another. Despite a ruined leg and worse reputation in society, Nesta believed he was too cowardly to seek work managing accounts or using the mind that had once earnt him his fortune.
‘He’s dead and I am still so angry with him. Angry that he won’t ever pay for his negligence. His death absolved him of any wrong doing. Then I hate myself for thinking such a thing about him.’ She brushed a hand across her face. Azriel was torn between stopping her from talking to ease the pain, or to letting Nesta go on so it could all be out in the open for the first time. ‘He brought armies to the war. Shouldn’t I be thankful? Armies that Tamlin’s money paid for. He only moved off of his backside once Tamlin exchanged Feyre for hordes of wealth and he could make himself richer. When the high lord sent her home, do you know what my father did? Him and Elain threw a ball to see which wealthy suitor might marry Feyre. I spent the whole night guarding her from males. Then when she returned to Prythian, my father didn’t even say goodbye to her. He’d locked himself in his office weighing rubies and diamonds. It’s not fair, Azriel. He has as much blame on his shoulders for Feyre hunting but nobody would ever say such a thing to his precious memory.’
Azriel could bear it no longer. He couldn’t hear Nesta’s voice cracking like glass and not reach for her. The pain of a ruined life bracketed her body, hunching her shoulders, curving her spine. His arms enveloped her. Azriel pressed his chest to her back and kept his arms around her front as she cried. His wings cocooned them.
Only the parts of Nesta that jutted above the surface had even been visible. The depths of her were finally in the open. Now, Azriel understood exactly why she was so guarded and fierce, why her anger smouldered in her veins. Because everybody who should have loved her had made it conditional, had forced her to earn their love. Feyre might have hunted for their family to keep them alive, but their father and Elain were never blamed for it, only Nesta. Nesta who endured a grandmother beating her, a mother withholding her meals if she made a mistake in her learning, who would have married whatever mortal male her parents told her to for the benefit of her family. In another life, it would be Nesta who the family relied on for survival. Would she hold it above their heads too? Remind them of it at any occasion? Azriel was furious on her behalf.
‘I know that wasn’t easy for you. Thank you for talking to me. I want your past as much as your future, Nesta.’
He’d made a mess of her hair with haphazard braids scattered through it, but as Nesta turned her face to his, Azriel knew he was looking at his wife. One day. He was sure of it. There was no other for him.
Nesta leaned forwards to kiss him. ‘My shadow singer.’
As if summoned by her, shadows blanketed both of their laps, curling around them in a thick, black swarm. Azriel hadn’t realised that his shadows were a non-negotiable part of him until Nesta had accepted them fully, let them curl around her own body or brush against her cheeks. They had never gone near other females before. They’d watched occasionally or a daring one might dart forwards, but never had they been so happy to engulf another like they did to him. The shadows had been with him since he was a child, but they seemed to love Nesta’s company now too.
‘I have always wanted to a mother,’ she confessed, eyes flicking back to the black sea. ‘I tell myself that she taught me everything not to be but then I’m afraid I will still become her. Or worse. Will I laugh when my daughter cries over a failed test because I excelled in it? Will I take away food from her and pinch her stomach?’
The same fears were reflected in Azriel’s heart. His mother had loved him – still loved him as if he were a small boy – and that was likely the only thing that kept him reaching for the light. There was always that doubt that he could be his father’s son, that maybe his temper would get the better of him and he’d strike his son or lock him into a room as punishment. It was a fear that broke him into a cold sweat.
He was repulsed by a future that might never come to be.
Azriel pressed Nesta’s hands over his heart. ‘Your heart is filled with love that is desperate to be given. You are a good person.’ He swallowed and hesitated on his words. ‘We are good people.’
It was so easy to be with Azriel. The understanding that had grown between them was better than anything Nesta could have imagined. They remained in the Summer Court then when she had been ready to ask him to take them home, he did unannounced, as if he’d known those words were about to spill from her lips.
Compared to the warmth of Summer, her apartment made her shiver. Azriel would not have that. He covered her with her body, rubbing her bare arms before reaching for the blanket draped over the back of the couch. In silence, he wrapped it around her body. Nesta liked these silences where his face would grow pensive and serious. He’d purse his lips as the task consumed him. Shadows would skitter across his shoulders, curious to know what had rendered him so determined.
He had settled her into the chair while he set the kettle to boil over the fire that he was lighting. Sometimes, Azriel still reared back from the flames if they spat too harshly or diverted towards him. He touched it only the necessary amount to wake it, never to play with it like Feyre was fond of doing.
Once heat had been pumped into the room and Nesta had her bedtime cup of tea in hand, Azriel had her in his lap. His fingers worked through her hair to unravel all of the plaits he’d made by the sea. Nesta must really love him to let him fondle her hair. Even Elain wasn’t permitted access to it.
‘What was the criteria for a good shell?’
‘I could tell which shells wanted to come here and live with us.’
‘Oh, could you?’ He kissed below her ear. ‘Worth filling my pockets with sand then.’
‘Absolutely. Could you think of a better way to spend your evening?’
The sensation of his lips against the back of her neck was unparalleled. It had Nesta tipping her head back like a cat.
‘I have an idea.’ The low timbre of his voice sent shivers running down her spine. Nesta knew that tone. She’d always liked what followed. ‘Tonight, you can do whatever you want to me. I’m yours to command.’
It was a chance to explore – and more than that, it was a chance to tease. They were both excelling at that.
Shadows restrained Azriel onto the bed in a sitting position. If he was made uneasy by the arrangement, he didn’t show it. More than anything, he seemed intrigued about what Nesta might devise for them.
Nesta had selected black lingerie although he’d want to tear it off her soon enough.
‘What’s your first command?’
‘You get to watch,’ Nesta said brightly. She sat opposite him, tangling her legs with his as she spread them open.
Lazily, she circled over the lace fabric, already feeling her arousal seeping through. Azriel’s eyes tracked the movements.
Nesta pulled aside her underwear to display her sex to him. His cock jutted upwards, hard as a rock. Within the shadow manacles, his wrists strained. They were caught between pulling itself free or obeying her. She gave him a little, satisfied smile.
It was a performance more than anything. Each unhurried stroke wouldn’t bring her anywhere near climax – a fact Azriel well knew. He could make her come better. Harder. It was more fun to see him strain like an animal, fighting against his instincts to dominate and take charge.
‘Put your finger inside. Please.’
Nesta made a show of ignorance. ‘Like this?’
She pressed her finger in as deep as the second knuckle.
‘Should I move faster?’
‘Yes,’ he bit out, voice guttural.
Nesta spread herself with one hand and pulsed her finger in and out, observing Azriel throughout.
‘Two fingers.’
Nesta withdrew it. ‘That sounded like an order. It’s not your turn tonight.’
She let go of the underwear, let it cover her then closed her legs. Shadows bubbled up around him. Azriel was practically glowering, his desperation simmering beneath the surface.
‘Be quiet and watch.’
To torture him a little more, Nesta followed the same motions, moving teasingly slow as if it was the first time that she’d ever touched herself even if her heart was hammering at the control she was exhibiting – and at Azriel’s restraint.
Azriel let out a quiet noise of desperation when Nesta entered herself with two fingers. Pre-cum beaded on the head of his cock in response. What would win out – his stubbornness or his desire?
‘These are in the way,’ she murmured, crawling across his lap to get to the floor. Nesta removed her underwear as slowly as she could, ensuring Azriel’s view was impeccable. She bent over in front of him and allowed herself a moment of pride when she heard his groan.
‘What?’ She cooed. ‘What’s wrong?’
Nesta traced his soft lips with her finger. And she was surprised when Azriel’s tongue came around it, sucking the taste of her away.
Nesta caressed his face. ‘Should I let you go so that you can touch me? Would you like that?’
‘Yes,’ he begged, eyes pleading.
‘But I’m not ready to give up my power just yet,’ she said with a teasing pout. ‘You’ll just have to wait a little longer.’
She traced a finger along one of the thicker tendons running through the middle of his splayed wing. It caused his whole body to tremble. Azriel tipped his mouth to hers, lips parting.
‘No,’ Nesta chided. ‘No kissing there.’
It gave Nesta satisfaction to deny him of what he wanted, to see him tip his head towards the ceiling with eyes screwed shut. If he wanted to, Azriel could tell those shadows to release him. Nesta merely wanted to see how long he could last, how long could he give up control for.   
When she stood on the bed, legs either side of his body, his gaze snagged on the lace of her stockings half-way up her thighs. It had been his money that had paid for them. His choice in the store. And he wasn’t allowed to enjoy them the way he wanted.
Nerves butterflied in her stomach at this new position as Nesta lowered herself towards Azriel’s mouth, but she needn’t have worried. His tongue licked up her seam then circled her clit. He moaned as if it was the first food for a starving male.  
Despite the restraints holding him firmly to the bed, Azriel manoeuvred his face, brushing his nose and lips with abandon to generate friction. The flat of his tongue glided over her sex, pressing inside to taste her.
The shadow singer had fallen into a frenzy. Nesta’s legs quivered as she settled herself on his shoulders. Heat pooled in her core. Fingers threaded into Azriel’s thick hair as her climax built.
Briefly, Azriel prised his face away to throw her a conquering grin. His lips glistened with her arousal, plump from their pilgrimage, then he dived back in with renewed fervour until Nesta was quivering around his face.
As Nesta came, shadows drifted up to her back to support her. More snaked over her breasts as her chest rose with her gasping breaths.
On shaking legs, Nesta stood for moment, only to turn her body then sink down onto his cock. She was still breathing heavily from her orgasm, savouring the stretch that he elicited. Blood scorched in her cheeks, more from her daring than anything.
The searing heat of Azriel’s chest pressed into her back. His lips brushed against the back of her neck.
Shadows cooled her skin as Nesta rolled her hips in Azriel’s lap feeling every inch of him. She tilted forwards on the bed, offering Azriel a view she was still shy to display.
She had made him wait a long time. From the hiss of his breath through his teeth, it wouldn’t be long until he came too – much to Nesta’s delight.
He drove his hips upwards to meet her in a punishing rhythm so Nesta had to grip the bed sheets to keep her balance.
Shadows scattered away as he came, releasing his arms so that Azriel could heave Nesta against his body. The sharp press of his teeth met the flesh of her shoulder, and she heard the hard crack of his wings as the bone snapped together.
Nesta did not know how Azriel had been able to surrender his control until the last second, but it was worth it.
He was everything.
Hazy spring mornings were meant for quiet embraces beneath the covers, Nesta decided. Although work called to both of them, neither could find it in themselves to drag themselves out from the bed in a hurry.
‘The tavern we went to has another band playing tonight.’
‘Let’s go then.’
Azriel hadn’t even opened his eyes. Nesta doubted the words really registered. He seemed to catch up on the sleep he’d missed in his life in her presence. If she ever opened the curtains too early, his shadows would cover his eyes like a blindfold to keep him asleep or smother the window itself to not let any light in as if they wanted both of them to stay in bed as long as possible. They were mischievous things.
As she made breakfast for him, Nesta felt lighter than she had in a long time. She had not realised how heavy the baggage from her past was until she finally put it down. It was difficult to leave it behind when it had always been something she carried. It had been a drowning man that she’d tried to keep afloat even if it would have taken her down in the process.
Nesta was not her mother, just as Azriel was not his father. Their parents’ cruelty was not to be mirrored in their children. They would heal, they would learn, and they would grow.
And part of that growth included tackling her fears.
‘What do you say we pay a visit to my sisters today?’ Nesta asked as she settled a tray of breakfast on top of Azriel’s body.
He forced open an eye. ‘Did I hear you correctly?’
‘I can’t hide behind your skirts forever.’
‘My skirts?’
‘It’s a figure of speech,’ Nesta said, waving a hand. ‘You’re so tired today.’
Never did Nesta think she’d find a male half-asleep and yawning through every word so attractive. Then again, no male looked like Azriel in the mornings with shadows draped over his bare body like garlands and sticking-up black hair. All she had ever known him as was the mysterious, put-together shadow singer. Here, his eyelids were heavy, face still lined from sleep, but he was perfect.
‘A wicked female abused my generous offer last night.’
She pressed a slice of buttery toast into his hand. ‘I recall you saying to do what I wanted to you.’
‘And you did. And it was very unfair,’ he replied, wings twitching at the memory.
‘You can have your turn tonight. I’ll give you free reign over me then it’s fair. Eat your crusts.’
Obliging, Azriel pecked at the crusts that he liked to discard. ‘Are you sure about today, after what Elain said.’
‘Don’t make me doubt myself, Azriel. I’d rather stick pins in my eyes, but I will go. I’ll go and broach peace, but don’t think I won’t wage war if I must. I won’t be backed into a corner or convinced to accept a silly magic bond that means nothing to me. You are mine.’
In appreciation, a shadow drifted up and nuzzled against her cheek. ‘I can’t decide if I like you or the shadows more.’
More came to swamp her, slithering in from nothing, their touch cool against her skin. Azriel rolled his eyes at their blatant favouritism.
‘They’re not playing tonight,’ he groused. ‘I feel like a third wheel.’
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bangtan-yn · 1 year
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Pairing: Jungkook (husband) x Reader Fem
Genres: Romance, fluff
Word Count: 3.5K approx
Warning: Angst, Depression, Swearing, Pregnancy Complication.
The sound of splattering oil is heard while the batter is poured in the pan by Y/n, who is busy making Pancakes for breakfast. She lets the side get cooked and gets the jug to pour fresh juice into it… while changing the side of the pancake she felt muscular arms around her petite waist and she heard a groan left from the one holding her.
"I was looking for you in the room. Why did you leave me alone there?"
Her husband said in his sleepy breathy voice while trying to snuggle in the crook of her neck.
Y/n just let out a small chuckle in order to hide her nervousness as butterflies started invading her stomach at the speed of the light.
"I had to make breakfast for us, Love. You didn't eat anything in the night as well…"
She said while struggling to take out the cooked pancake and put in the plate because of the heavy weight of the muscle pig..
He turned her around.
"I can't seem to fulfill my appetite for.…"
Her eyes widened realising his words and slapped his arm while turning around.
"You pervert..!!"
She grabbed the plates and the chocolate syrup.
"Come-on sit here, breakfast is ready.."
He grabbed the plates from her hands and started to put in on the shelf while properly covering the breakfast while Y/n stood there dumbfounded.
"What are you doing..?? Don't you want to eat …"
"We'll have breakfast later right now I have an important business…"
He gave her his best bunny smile while Y/n looked at him confused oblivious of his intentions. He came near her and tried to pick her up bridal style.
Y/n: "Jungkook..!!! No.! No.! No..! We'll deal with your important business some other time… right now let's have breakfa…"
Before she could complete her sentence Jungkook smirked and picked her up on his shoulder and started taking Y/n to their room ignoring all her pleas.
Y/n: "Jungkook. Put me down. I'll fall… Jungkook what are you doing… Jungkook, Hobi oppa and my Unnie would be coming anytime… please Leave me please.."
He entered their bedroom and closed the door with his leg and placed Y/n on his bed..
Well it was a typical arrange marriage for both of them. When Jungkook's parents told him that they have found a perfect girl for him he didn't mind. He had trust in his parents choice and always wanted a girl of his mother's liking.
Y/n had graduated and was working in her father's firm when her father had a business deal with Jungkook's father. In no time Mr Jeon chose Y/n for his son because of her manners and decency…
For 3 to 4 months straight they gave time to each other to understand each other better… likes, dislikes everything… As the time passed by their bond started to get stronger and ultimately they started to fall in love. Jungkook could see the reflection of his mother in Y/n and he felt blessed to have Y/n in his life…He wasn't wrong afterall.
It was Jungkook's birthday and everyone was gathered in the house. Y/n and her sister were arranging dinner with the help of maids.
Mary: "So when are you going to tell him about this?"
Y/n: "I don't know why Unnie.! But I am nervous to tell this to him.."
Her sister looked to at her confused.
Mary: "But you said that he himself wanted this… you both were waiting for this beautiful moment.."
Y/n blushed and said,
"Of Course we were… now that I am experiencing it. I am excited and nervous at the same time."
Mary hugged her younger sister.
Mary: "I still can't believe My little Y/niee grew up so much."
They both were laughing when they heard a distant voice coming from the living room.
Hobi: "Mary! come here… hurry up"
Y/n and Mary giggled.
Y/n: "Unnie your Husband can't even bear you away from him even for a second…"
Mary: "Hehe. Let's go and see what does he need now…??"
They both went to the living and Mary went near her husband and son.
Mary: "What is it, Hobi??"
Hobi: "Look at your son. He's asking for ice cream right now.. I told him we can't have it now…"
Mary Haneult down to her son's level.
"Baby we need to have dinner first that your favorite Y/niee made, right? If you don't eat the food she made, she'll be sad…"
Haneul: "Okay mama."
He nodded cutely.
Hobi: "Yahhh!!! I told you the same thing but you listened to your mother."
Haneul: "Dad. You also listen to mama only."
They both widened their eyes at the statement and Hobi picked him up while tickling him making him laugh.
Hobi: "Yahhh!!! You brat…"
Y/n was fondly watching the whole scene when she felt someone back hugging her, bringing her out of her thoughts…
Jungkook: "Where's my birthday present Hon?"
Y/n blushed and turned towards him placing her hands on his shoulders.
Y/n: "Can't you wait a bit more… it's something really special"
He pouted.
Jungkook: "I can not now. Let me guess… Is it our Honeymoon trip?"
Y/n shook her head as a no..
Jungkook: "Uhmmm! Is it a cruise trip?"
She again shook her head…
He pulled her closer and started to snuggle in the crook of her neck not caring if others might see them.
Jungkook: "What are you planning to gift your Husband, Mrs. Jeon.."
She lightly pushed him away.
Y/n: "Aish! For that you'll have to wait, Mr. Jeon."
Everyone gathered around the table to cut the cake and gave gifts to Jungkook. Now it was Y/n's turn. She went near him and gave him 2 boxes.
He smiled brightly, seeing his wife nervous. He opened up the first box to see a beautiful rolex watch and the other one his favorite perfume that he wanted to get.
Jungkook: "Wow. Babe this watch is beautiful. Thank you."
He was genuinely smiling like a baby bunny.
Y/n: "Jungkook! There's something else as well..!"
Jungkook knitted his brow seeing her so much confused. Y/n took a quick glance at her sister for reassurance who was holding her sleeping baby in her arms. Hobi looked at Mary curiously and went near her, placing his hand on her shoulder. She nodded at him as well while smiling.
Jungkook pulled Y/n from her hand seeing her confused and she handed him a box. Jungkook opened the box and his eyes filled with tears.
Jungkook: "Is it true.??"
Y/n nodded and he pulled her in for a hug while kissing her head multiple times.
Jungkook: "I promise I'll be the best father for our child. I will always protect you both… I am so happy Y/n..!!! Thank you..!"
After that they greeted their parents who were extremely happy for their kids. Jungkook's mom gave a bone crushing hug to Y/n.
Time skip.
Jungkook: "Y/n! You have to take the medicine. The doctor will scold me if you don't."
Y/n: "But Jungkook the taste is so soooo bad. I don't want to take the medicine.."
Jungkook: "Hon! It's important for the baby, please."
Y/n looked at him and with an annoyed expression she took the medicine from his hands.
Y/n: "Only for him, otherwise I hate this medicine."
Jungkook laughed at her cuteness and her pouty lips.
Jungkook: "I am sorry Babe that you have to take this but we want our child to be healthy right.."
She nodded.
Y/n: "Of Course..!! But Jungkook I am scared. I don't know why.."
Jungkook chuckled and pulled her in for a hug while kissing her head.
Jungkook: "Don't be. I am here with you. I will protect you."
Y/n broke the hug and looked at him while pouting again
Jungkook: "You'll protect my baby more right?"
Jungkook sighed,
Jungkook: "Hon, why do you keep saying that? I'll protect you both. You both are my responsibility."
Y/n: "No.. no.. no.. Mr. Jeon Jungkook!!! Promise me if something happens to me you'll take care of my child. Promise me."
Jungkook knew that it was her mood swings that made her vulnerable at times and he has to be patient.
Jungkook: "Ok my Wifey!! I promise you. Now can I hug my wife and sleep?"
Y/n's smile immediately appeared on her face making her look more beautiful. She wrapped her arms around his torso and they both slept cuddling.
In the morning Jungkook was getting ready for his office as he had an important meeting that day. He had been working for this project for months and now was the day when all his efforts were going to be fruitful. He had called Y/n's sister Mary to take care of Y/n in the mean time because when it comes to her he couldn't trust maids that they are responsible enough. His wife is 7 months pregnant and he doesn't want to take any risks. He wanted the best for his wife and his child.
Jungkook received a call from his secretary.
Jungkook: "What???.... But how can they prepone the meeting? They were to give this time. But you should have convinced them. How am I going to manage now Damn it. Let me see what I can do."
Y/n, who was hearing the whole conversation went near him
Y/n: "Jungkook you can go. I will be alright. I promise."
Jungkook: "But Noona is coming here after an hour. She has to pick Haneul from school."
Y/n: "Babe! It's a matter of one hour! I will take care of myself"
Jungkook: "I just don't know. I can't leave you alone here. Even the maid has gone out to the market. I just cannot. Hear me clearly, Okay.."
Y/n held his hand and made him sit on the couch
Y/n: "Alright! Listen to me. Your wife is strong just like you, okay. Don't worry. You have worked hard so much for this project. It's just a matter of one hour. I will not do anything till Sister comes, okay??"
Jungkook: "Promise me that??"
Y/n: "I promise you, Silly. Now go and get the deal.Prove them that you are My Hero Jungkook! The one who never loses."
Jungkook chuckled and kissed her. He left the house, leaving a text message for Mary that he had to leave early.
Y/n was sitting in her bed reading a novel that she loves to read. All of a sudden she felt pain in her abdomen but she felt it was normal to be in pain since it's her 7th month.
She tried to suppress it since she knew she couldn't take any painkillers.
She felt her throat was getting dry and she wanted to have water.
Y/n looked at her night stand but found the jug empty. With an urge to have water she stood up and went downstairs. While she was coming downstairs she felt dizzy and her head was spinning so bad.
When there were only a few stairs left, Y/n encouraged herself that she can do this. But to her dismay her foot slipped and she ended up falling down. She couldn't process anything before fainting.
After some time Mary came to the house with Haneul.
Mary: "Y/n, Honey! We are home."
She shouted.
Mary turned to Haneul
Mary: "Let me put these things in the kitchen first and then we'll go to meet Y/niee, okay. And promise me you'll not bother her today?"
He nodded like a good boy and Mary started arranging things in the kitchen. Haneul left from there excited to meet his aunt but when he came near the staircase he started shouting.
Haneul: "Mama..!!! Mama..!!! Come fast…"
Mary came immediately and gasped at the scene in front of her. Y/n lying unconscious in front of her.
She started rubbing her palms and tapped her face again and again to wake her up…!!
Jungkook was busy in his presentation. As usual he was giving his best. He has poured all his energy. His clients were pretty much impressed by the way he was presenting. His proposal impressed them and so did his aura. He was so immersed in the meeting when his secretary came near him.
Jungkook: "Not now Ms. Mills"
Ms. Han: "Sir it's a call from Mrs. Jung. She says it's urgent..."
Jungkook: "Sister? Okay, give me the phone. Excuse me gentlemen."
Jungkook: "Mary, just allow me 20 minutes. I am gonna wrap up and come home. Y/n is fine right?..........What??? What are you saying, Mary?Where is my wife right now? I am coming to the hospital right away."
He didn't even wait a second to explain the matter to the clients. His secretary understood that something was wrong, otherwise Jungkook would never leave. She apologised on his behalf.
Jungkook started his car and started driving like a mad man. The car stopped on the signal he kept honking and cursing.
Jungkook: "Why did I leave my wife and child alone? Be Safe,Y/n. Please be safe. I can't lose you both."
He reached the hospital all messed up and Y/n's mother immediately came giving him a hug while crying.
Jungkook: "Mother!! Nothing will happen to her. I am here."
Hobi, who was hugging his wife all this time, left her and came near Jungkook.
Hobi: "You should meet the doctor first, Jungkook."
Jungkook went near Mary.
Jungkook: "Mary don't cry. Y/n promised me that she and my child will be alright. Don't cry."
Jungkook went from there to the doctor's room. His world collapsed hearing the doctor's words.
Doctor: "Mr. Jeon. The case is already critical. Both lives are at stake. You have to tell us either you want us to save the mother or the child. You can decide and let us know."
After signing the papers and doing all the formalities Jungkook came outside and saw Hobi and broke down crying badly.
Jungkook: "Why us Hyung ? Why us? She broke her promise. She broke her only promise. I did that as well. I couldn't protect them"
Hobi just held Jungkook while he was crying.
Y/n was lying lifelessly on the hospital bed.
Jungkook came in to meet her. He knew his wife needed him the most. She was breaking up from inside. He wanted to hug her. He wanted to hold her.
He knew that now they both have to be each other's shield to overcome this storm. He knew his wife needed him and he needed her to overcome this loss.
He came near the bed and kissed her forehead as tears kept coming out of both their eyes.
Jungkook: "Y/n..!"
Y/n: "Jungkook! My child.. He's no more. Jungkook!! You broke your promise."
Jungkook just kept saying sorry and hugged her. She wasn't able to move at all.
Days passed and their life was becoming dull each day.
Y/n always got up in the night because of nightmares. She would start calling her child. Till Jungkook would wake up to calm her down. She was holding up very badly. As for a mother, it's a big thing to lose her child.
She was skipping her meals and she used to beat herself thinking that she shouldn't be alive. It was her baby who should be alive rather than her.
Jungkook came into the room while closing the door behind him. He had a plate in his hands for Y/n.
He sat Infront of her and offered her a bite but she lightly pushed his hand away.
Jungkook: "Baby! You cannot skip the meals forever. You have to eat to gain strength."
Y/n: "Jungkook please go from here."
Jungkook: "Y/n you can't always push me away. I can't see you like this forever.."
Y/n: "Jungkook, I am asking you to leave"
She said a bit louder.
Jungkook: "Y/n! It's been a month since we lost our child and you have locked yourself into a shell that you don't want to break. I am your husband, honey and I am just worried about you."
Y/n lost her patience. She had been controlling it for a whole month but she let it out while shouting at Jungkook.
Y/n: "No! Mr Jungkook.. You are not my husband anymore. You are not my husband. You are the killer of my child. You killed my baby."
Jungkook's eyes widened seeing her like this. He went near her to hold her hand and to try to calm her down.
Jungkook: "I never did it on purpose Y/n. I was forced to make a choice."
Y/n: "You promised me you'll protect our baby. You broke your promise. You broke my trust. You compromised my baby. You killed him…"
Jungkook: "Y/n! Please don't say that… I never d…"
Y/n: "Shut up, Jungkook.!!! Leave me here .I want to be alone.."
Jungkook tried to go near her to talk.
Jungkook: "But please listen to m…."
Y/n: "Jungkook! I said leave me alone for sometime."
Without saying a word Jungkook left her there. Y/n kept crying, holding her knees. She felt so alone. She felt empty. She felt helpless!
After sometime Y/n got a call from her sister.
On the call.
Mary: "Y/n! Where were you? I was calling you for so long…"
Y/n: "Unnie, I am sorry. I was actually.."
Mary: "Come and take your Husband from here"
Y/n: "What..?? Jungkook is there???"
Mary: "Yeah. He is with Hobi right now. He came here drunk and he is saying he don't want to go back home"
Y/n: "Sissy! I-i can't come actuall-y"
Mary: "Why is that? You two had a fight?"
Y/n: "He didn't fight Unnie. I asked him to leave. "
Mary: "What? Crazy girl? Why did you fight with your husband..?
Y/n started tearing up.
Y/n: "Unnie, you will never understand what I am going through."
Mary: "Honey! I know but it's not your husband's fault right? You can't punish him for something he never did."
Y/n: "Unnie! How can you even say that? It's obviously his fault. It's not a mistake, it's a crime. He had a choice, Unnie. He broke his promise."
Mary: "Y/n you are forgetting something here. It was his child as well. It's not just you who lost a child. He is in grief as well."
Y/n kept silent. She didn't have the audacity to even utter a single word.
Mary: "All this time you had him. You had me. You had our parents and his parents who were supporting you. They were trying to make you feel better. Your husband had no one. Do you even know he'd been skipping meals as well? Hobi is the one forcing him to eat."
Y/n: "Unnie. I didn't know that."
Mary: "How would you know that when you were busy accusing your husband, little one?"
Y/n: "I am coming to get him Unnie"
8 years later…
Y/n is flipping the sides of the pancakes while humming. She placed the pancakes in the plate while pouring the chocolate syrup over it. She turned back to put the pancakes on the breakfast table and was about to call others when she saw a beautiful view in front of her eyes. A giggle escaped her lips seeing her husband and 6 years daughter placing their elbows on the table and pouting while waiting for the breakfast.
Y/n: "I was about to call you two. Here are the pancakes and I am going to get the fresh juice."
Both Jungkook and his daughter said in a sink.
"No, we don't want juice."
She knitted her brows and looked at them confused.
Y/n: "What should I bring then??"
Both of them started laughing sheepishly.
Y/n: "Alright my bunnys.I am bringing banana milk. Wait here."
Both father and the daughter got excited.
After having the breakfast. Y/n helped Jeanine in getting ready for school and Jungkook got ready for his office.
Jungkook started shouting.
"Y/n!! I can't find my file…"
Y/n: "Which file?? You never gave me any file."
Jungkook: "Yes I did. Come to the room and help me find it."
Y/n went to their room and started to go towards the drawer where Jungkook keeps his files when he pulled her in for a hug and started snuggle in her neck.
Y/n: "Jungkook, Jeanie is going to come. Leave me."
Jungkook: "But I was missing you."
Y/n: "Jungkook, she's getting late from school. Can't you wait."
A voice came from behind that startled the.
Jeanie: "Daddy, mommy is right. You can wait. My school will not."
Jungkook ran towards her and picked her up in his arms.
Jungkook: "You naughty baby."
Y/n saw them both happy and a smile appeared on her face as well.
'The happiness she had been waiting for was now in her life."
"Life is all about ups and downs. It's you who decide if you want to live in the miseries of past or you want to give a chance to happiness of future that awaits you."
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