#love that you made your own fanmade stuff!
erigold13261 · 9 months
📢Psychonauts NSR AU Observations, Chapter 3: Akusuka District📢
Traditional Mask
Milla: Is this supposed to be a traditional mask of the east? It more looks like a cheap knock-off!
Sasha: Despite the appearance, it’s supposed to be a replica mask. They used to be popular around here, but now these ‘replicas’ exist. Guess that Akusuka is no longer ‘classy’.
Traditional Drums
Milla: Man, these things were impossible to find! There were back-orders of these things within performance halls.
Sasha: I’ve played drums like these since college. They were a form of escapism ever since I stopped talking to… 'him’.
Raz Toy Capsule Machine
Milla: Oh dear… a toy capsule machine. Sasha hates these things. Better not let him see this.
Sasha: …Das ist ein Stück nutzlose Scheiße.
Internet Service Provider Stand
Milla: Ok, I know that Raz is an idol, so the music industry tends to make sponsors with musicians like Raz. But this has nothing to do with music at all!
Sasha: As far as celebrity tie-ins come, this makes sense. But wouldn’t it be better to have celebrities sign autographs?
Vallermo Dam Replica (Fanmade)
Milla: A dam? Well, I get that he is a sailor and a dam blocks water. But… I got nothing. At all.
Sasha: Even though Akusuka is influenced by Japanese Culture. It was heavily influenced by Grulovian Culture as well. The Vallermo Dam was one of the well known landmarks of Grulovia. It was most notable for the 'Vallermo Dam Break’. Which killed thousands. Kind of weird but historical for Raz to place it here.
DIY-Droid: Keishi Ver. (Fanmade)
Milla: Ok, I know that Raz is supposed to be a digital idol. But this… this is really creative. I won’t lie.
Sasha: DIY-Droid is a vocal software where artists can create songs using digital idols. I’m guessing that this was a sponsor by Raz where that users can use his older siblings. Shame that it didn’t work at all.
Deep-Sea Angel Manga (Fanmade)
Milla: Aw! Raz gets his own manga? That’s kinda cute. But that’s a bit much to ask for… and I want it to be free.
Sasha: According to sources, Deep-Sea Angel is the story of a sailor who ends up crashing into a mysterious sunken island where he ends up helping Raz creating the 'Song of Miracles’. That's… that's… that,s bizarre for my taste.
Battle Stars Movie Poster (Fanmade)
Milla: The Battle Stars are getting a movie? For their 30th anniversary? Sign me up! It better be good, unlike it’s 20th anniversary. Ugh.
Sasha: I didn’t watch this show when I grew up, but I did hear that one of my former roommates loved this show. His favorite character was Mystic Star, who had the ability to change into four forms that each had a power of an animal… shame for the actor who played him.
Sniffles-Branded Honey (Fanmade)
Sasha: Milla told me about Sniffles. She was a well known bassist. She also specializes in beekeeping. I bet Milla will buy four jars of this type of honey and finish them all in 1 hour.
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lisa-russell · 6 months
UPDATE: *Dies in awe*
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"Learn the rules like a Pro, so you can break them like an Artist"-Pablo Picasso
"There is no line between an Author and an Artist" - ???
If your like me and love reading, listening and seeing fanart,music and stories all based around Splatoon...well look no futher!
IF ya wanna see a bunch of amusing and comedic, like memes or mini comics collected from all just #sploonies. (I also have links too some of my own stuff lol)
Do me a favor and reblog this! or...atleast share it! More inkfolk who see thia the better!
# splatsville sploonies if yah wanna see all dah memes ive reblogged from tumblr!
I reaaaad alllooot. So these are what I get when the game ain't enough. I made this lil list from myself and others. Authors who have taken their time to let us dive into their inky tales or love, danger,action,fluff and... the risqué.
Yah your reading right. Over 377 songs. Remixes, Fanmade, Originals and so much more!
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Ya, 8 links up but they lead too some really good fan comics. I consider small panels one and full series. Feel free teh let me know or suggest some!
This a rather interesting Reddit Post about how music effects Inklings and Octolings!
An A.I Assistant thoughts(?) On Octo Expansion sanitizing and dah memverse cure...
A lil blog on how agents cannon lore wise have such neat lil details about em!
Marina made a love letter by making a Shojo Manga Oneshot.
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the communities visceral desire to find out if something is canon or noncanon is so annoying to me and it does not help that yeucc panders to his fans constantly in response
nobody needs to know what a characters canonical favorite food or drink or show or style or music is. the whole fun part of that is making that shit up on your own and having fun with it. but people dont agree so they go to yeucc and yeucc answers all of it with answers he Obviously bullshitted to pander to his fanbase. Hmm Yes Infected Loves Dinosaurs. Yes he would burn stuff on cds. yes he loves runescap and fps games and pikachu and his favorite drink is fizz up and baja blast and mcdonalds spride and he read homestuck and he watches invader zim NONE OF THIS NEEDS TO BE CONFIRMED CANON!!! ITS SO BORING!!!!!!!!!!! ahhh yes pests favorite food is apple pie this is canon and needs to be in the lore section of his wiki page. lets make unpleasant eat infecteds cat in the new update even though that was only a fanmade theory with 0 evidence before now. yeucc talking to his writing team Lets canonize so many bullshit traits i made up on the spot so they can go slap it all on their trivia section and make it longer than the rest of the actual page. i love canonizing shit about characters i didnt even make myself. i feel like you can really tell how little he thinks about this shit with the way he said pest is canonically evil and then canonized him having aspd and npd a few months later (both of which are Very Heavily Demonized PDs). didnt even THINK about how that might come off to people with those personality disorders. he HAS to canonize it because someone asked him
i need to clarify idgaf if yeucc canonizes sexualities or ships or pronouns because thats all like a nothing issue to me, i could care less, its just the constant canonization of useless little likes and dislikes to make the fandom happy that pisses me off
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satanicsanity · 1 year
Please take the time to read this, because I feel this is something that needs to be addressed.
None of the information I include in my videos, is cannon. Wally and frank fighting isn't cannon, home hurting wally isn't cannon, yandere wally isn't cannon, NONE of the audios i make where wally is one thing or another Is cannon. These are specifically fan-Made based on peoples requests.
I have received a hurtful message saying that they hate how home is being made out to be a bad guy, and how they're starting to hate wally because of specific things I have said or done in my videos, that were requested by someone else.
These are FAN made, they're not MEANT to be cannon information. I'm NOT the creator, I don't work with the creator, i don't work with the voice actors of the characters. Nothing I do or say is accurate to the actual story of welcome home, it's NOT supposed to be. I'm not trying to induce theories, I make these for fun. They're alternative universe ideas, or simply audios of things people want to hear me say or do in wally's voice.
This message upset me deeply, as I have asked just yesterday not to message me personally and get snippy with me, or complain. And receiving those hurtful words, made me feel sick.
I know this may seem harsh.. But I truly do not care if you dislike wally, the welcome home fanbase, or if you love home to the core of your being. That is you, I personally do not hate home AT ALL, I'm simply making an audio based on Someone's REQUEST. None of that information is TRUE.
Now if I make a mistake, I will absolutely 100% try and correct it to the best I can. But it is NOT my fault if you hate wally, and NOT my fault if you hate my videos. If you are so genuinely disgusted by my work, block me. You can Block me. You do not have to come messaging me telling how much you hate my work, and blame me for you forming your own negative opinion on something.
I am so genuinely tired, I hate when people get mad at me, typing this out right now I am genuinely shaking. This is why I put trigger warnings in my videos, because if you hate the kind of stuff that will be in that specific video.. I ENCOURAGE You to NOT watch it. If you do, that is NOT my fault.
I'm not the only person who's made videos of alternate universes, where home IS the bad guy. It's not cannon, WE KNOW that nothing like that has been confirmed. My videos are not theories, they are fanmade material. I'm not trying to encourage people to hate home, I'm simply fulfilling a REQUEST I was GIVEN, by somebody else. There are people who want to see content where home is the bad guy, that doesn't make it cannon.
I understand this is alot of repeating information, and I'm sorry if this comes across as harsh or insensitive.. But I'm tired of having people cross over my boundaries, just to tell me how much they hate something or hate me for simply doing impressions of a character. If i make a mistake I will fix it, But i haven't because NOWHERE in my videos is there meant to be anything saying "oh this is cannon! This actually happened!" or "this might be the story behind welcome home!" that is not my intention of these videos. I'm doing them for fun, I'm doing them for the peeps who want to see specific things that I can provide to them.
Please just.. Read my boundaries, do NOT cross them, and do not message me personally saying hurtful things. There is a REASON the block button exists, pal. I am ONE person doing everything on this blog. If I make a mistake, I'm sorry. If you don't like something I do, I'm sorry. I'm one person, I can't do everything, I can't make everyone happy.
Furthermore, Do not message me to vent to me about how much you hate or dislike something I'm doing. I'm happy to do a comfort audio or something like that, but I'm not a therapist. I'm some random guy on the internet making voice impression videos, if you're so pressed about my content talk to someone else. I'm not going to to stop doing something that isn't a problem, just because you don't like it. That's called being selfish.
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eve-pie · 4 months
There you are and Welcome!
This probably should've been the first post I've ever made on this platform but better late than never
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So firstly hi! You can call me Eve or Lazuli I can say that I'm a minor and use they/them welcome to this blog!
Here I make mostly welcome home art of albeit my 16 OCs, other au's, my own, other OCs so on and so forth
Fandom's I'm in!
Welcome home
Five nights at Freddy's
Poppy playtime
Spooky month
Friday night funkin
Little nightmares
My little pony
Digital circus
Sonic the hedgehog
And just getting a bit into indigo Park
Learning with pibby
Murder drones
There's more but I do not feel like typing all that out I don't do art of the other fandom's I'm in unfortunately (you'll find some fnf art somewhere around here along with digital circus and some learning with pibby) because I'm not as interested in them as I am welcome home
This is fine!:
I appreciate fanart I love seeing it
My OCs x other OCs! That'd be fun to see I highly encouraged it (but of course the only exception being clover she's 6)
Asking me questions about my OCs or au is the most!
Putting my OCs in anything such as fan works, au's, or comic's is awesome as well as long as credit is given!
This is a safe space regardless of identity LGBT, furries, or anyone else is welcomed don't be problematic
This is not okay!:
Do not under any circumstances repost my art on other platforms such as Pinterest please don't especially if you don't credit me
Using my OCs for anything you will have to tag or credit me for and ask permission first
No proshippers
No lolicons
No shotacons
No zoophiles
No Ai "artist"
No homophobes, Transphobes, Misogynist, etc get a life already
No nos
Do not ask me anything about my personal life I'm a minor and not yet ready to reveal my age
Inspiration is just fine but please don't just straight up take my work the least you could do is give credit I work way to hard for this
Asking to randomly be mutuals especially if you're an adult is weird don't be doing that
Don't tag me in suggestive artwork, Don't make any of my OCs, don't show me any, don't even make any for my au no if, ands, or buts
If you just so happened to be an adult and we are mutuals do not private message me
Do not put me in tag chains such as; tag you mutuals to continue, tell us something about yourself, so on and so forth it's flattering but I don't know what to do for them
This would include tagging me in stuff that doesn't concern me it blocks out anything else that's important
Be respectful of everyone here problematic behavior isn't welcomed
Do not repost my artwork on any platform especially if no credit is given
Asking personal regarding me
With that being said let's move on to my au
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Cuphead au:
I created the cuphead au and here are my boundaries for it
Do so as you please!
Oc x canon! (By clown's rules everyone is an adult go crazy!!)
Canon x Canon
Adding OCs to the au as a boss, NPC, or anyone from the show it work's (it's funny it doesn't matter what you do with your OC i currently have two of the same bosses!)
Asking questions (my ask box is opened for just about anything!)
Yeah maybe don't ever do this
NSFW (I'm a minor and I'd hate to see this of my au or anyone for that matter)
Wally x Barnaby (i know I said canon x Canon is fine but these two are siblings in this au)
Claiming my au as your own
Stealing au artwork (or any of mine for that matter) and reposting it somewhere or claiming it as your own
Making ai bots of them (I'm currently making some of my own I don't want any fanmade one's!)
Ask box: Open! No need to close it anytime soon!!
Status: Not on break I'm just fine and Dandy!
Sona's! Two so far and they both work as self inserts in a way
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Sona boundaries:
Although yes I'm a minor lazuil and Evie don't necessarily have an age because I felt no need to give them one yet
I only ask to not make NSFW of them, don't ship them together, and don't ship them with you're OCs this including mutuals I don't feel comfortable with that yet
Mutuals will have to ask premission first before shipping
Links for welcome my neighbor, and Of course My Cuphead au saves the trouble if you wanna know info!
Other than this post as of currently all old post are outdated I'm just not going through the trouble of editing em
And welcome my neighbor! Not as important but oh well
#patches bashful (used for main OC if you so happen to draw her)
#wh cuphead au
#cuphead au
#Welcome My Neighbor
#Welcome home Cuphead au
Thank you and don't forget to wave up high!💐
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zukotheartist · 7 months
My last post on this (tho ill keep reblogging others' posts) but a few days ago I actually wanted to complain about this and then never did so ill do it now.
I unfollowed Noah a few weeks ago? On insta. And completly forgot that he also has tiktok and that i followed him there so one of his newer videos popped up on my page and it was smth like Eleven dancing in Fortnite and i checked the comments, hoping to see some palestenian flags🇵🇸 or anyone calling him out, but it was FILLED with support for him and "youre back baby🥺" "noah online era again!" "omg ily! Pls say hi to me🥺" and then i opened his full acc and noticed that That recent video was also more viewed and liked than some of his previous videos... all he had to do for so many people to switch up was... post a stupid fucking tiktok about Stranger Things... and just like that he was being idolised again, all it took...
Fucking pathetic and sad.
Love Will Byers all u want (he'll probably always be one of my alltime favourite characters too) but do not hide behind that to support Noah or Brett or Levy or whatever. Theyre awful human beings and they dont care about anyone but themselves. You can love the character and hate the actor. Fanarts and ao3 are free, you dont need to support ST. Pirate the show, make your own merch, only interact with free fanmade content. There's no need to show support for official Stranger Things stuff. Actually, take it a step further and boycott what the bds movement is asking to boycott!
These are the main ones!
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But the people, on their own, also started these specific boycotts! (Starbucks too! I was obsessed with pumpkin spice latte but im never stepping foot inside a Starbucks again).
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Again, the MAIN TARGETS are the ones inside the first box. The second and third box are about putting PRESSURE on them (ofc we cant boycott google but we Can put pressure) and the last box is the "the people started it on their own without the bds asking" boycotts! Disney and Starbucks (although both missing from the 4th box) are actually part of the "people started/led" boycotts too!
There are also people out there sharing FREE books (online) about Palestine! It's easy to look up but I can send you some if you don't find anything, I'm reading one myself.
There are also essays made by others that summarise specific books!
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(Apparently this one also has a voiceover? Not sure bc I still havent checked it out but I saw Multiple people reccomend it and will hopefully get to it soon!)
Last thing: depending on where you live (im not from the US, nor live there, and that's the main genocide supporter) you can also call your representatives, send emails (you can find premade speeches) and go to protests! And most of all, you can share the videos from Palestine! By journalists such as Motaz, Bisam and Plestia.
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sweetmariihs2 · 27 days
A headcanon-like thing I would like to share about Queen Lorelei
Tw: death during childbirth and some light mentions of suicide and grieving
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I love Queen Lorelei (King Roland's deceased wife). She barely appears or it's mentioned in the show? Yes. But oh well. Fandom.
We believe she's that genuinely kind deceased character, that everyone remembers as sweet and beautiful, always more gentle than the world was to her, like a ray of sunshine. She's absolutely adored by everyone and her beauty and kindness always brought all the eyes in the room to her and her sweet laughs and smiles.
But unfortunately she died some time after she got married, during the childbirth of the princes that her body wasn't made to support, because the only reason she got pregnant in the first place was the wishing well, and that action had consequences, which means, she got pregnant indeed but that didn't changed the fact her body wasn't capable of enduring this.
And well, she died because of that. I usually feel really bad about childbirth deaths, because I feel like that could have been avoided months earlier. She was well and healthy but trying to have children took her life, and that just happened because she wanted to have a family and live a happy life.
But well, despite being something that lacks information, her story and character fascinates me, and we try to suppress that desire to see her story through fanfiction and fanmade content.
In my case, I have a constant habit of relating characters to songs, in some cases to whole artists if their whole discography match this character or fandom. For example I can't hear some of Aurora's songs without thinking of Cedric.
In Lorelei's case, it was something I never spoke about, but since we're in a fandom and in constant search for STF related stuff and fan content to keep enjoying our favorite show, I decided to share this.
Basically, I'm a HUGE Lana Del Rey fan since around 2019. I know 90% of her released songs and I also listen to some of her unreleaseds (that despite me knowing a ton of unreleaseds there are more than 200 wandering through the internet so there's no way I know all of them)
During the start of her carreer (actually, her first albums, since her career started years before the debut album) Lana's songs told us stories. Some key words that I would like to relate to her songs are: girlhood, nostalgia and melancholy (+or tragedy if you think about it)
In her first albums (Born to Die + The Paradise Version which is a deluxe of BTD) her songs were centered around nostalgic stories and feelings surrounding girls' experiences. Because she is so beautiful and often delicate while singing about darker topics, it's like her voice and lyric choice just interconnect. She sang about girls who lost their lovers, about beautiful girls that felt unhappy or/because they wasted their youth, about tragic endings, like being taken away from your friends during your teenage years because you guys were doing all kinds of crazy stuff at that time (this song is called This Is What Makes Us Girls), all of this surrounded by a feeling of nostalgia, as if those stories had happened a long time ago.
(Her songs weren't made to romanticize anything, like some people say they were; in fact, a huge part of these songs were inspired by her own life and feelings, and Lana is just telling us stories.)
So, going back to Lorelei, some of Lana's songs remind me of her. Based on what I said you can understand why. But not only that, Lana has some very specific songs that kinds match the fandom's headcanons of how Lorelei would be like (since we have no official info about her character).
Like in the song Blue Velvet, which is a cover from Bobby Vinton's song, but Lana brought a whole different feeling to it. Bringing it to the context of her album, her version sounds a lot more heartbreaking than the original one. The lyrics are about a male character missing his lover, singing about her blue velvet dress and how he will never forget about his love for her, even after she passed. Lana's version has a whole orchestral instrumental through the song and mostly at the end of it, making the song sound nostalgic, tragic and even sounds like some kind of anthem close to the end.
There's also the song Carmen, where there is a girl called Carmen, who attracts all eyes to her and is known for her beauty, but deep inside she's not mentally well, and people seem not to care about or notice how she's feeling. By the end of the song she even gets a love confession (in french), probably hinting at the fact that she receives many of them, but it doesn't matter because those who give them don't really know her or care about it. Despite her state "she's still shining" (in Lana's words), because even though she's suffering, she's still beautiful and loved by people.
In the song Born To Die, Lana sings about enjoying your life while it's still happening, because we're gonna die sooner or later. In the music video the scenes interwine with her sitting in a throne and spending time with a lover, who seems to give her an unhealthy relationship, judging by his aggresive behavior. At the end of the music video they're travelling together by car and her boyfriend, the driver, tries to force her to kiss him back, and because of that their car crashes and she dies in his arms, making him face his guilt because he was the one who did this to her. Tragic ending.
Dark Paradise is a song about grieving a loved one. It was made based on her feelings and her life.
These are some of the songs that match because of the lyrics, but being honest, because of the album being so concrete, the lyrics don't even need to match for me to remember her, because as I said this album is about nostalgic girlhood and melancholia, and she often sings about memories like in the song This Is What Makes Us Girls, that was also inspired by her teenage years when she was taken from her friends, but the memories she carries with them last till this day and it makes her miss those times.
Going to the unreleased, there are so many more. Like the song Angels Forever, where she's singing about memories that at her youth she never thought they were going to end: "we were angels forever, forever angels".
Or Fine China, where she is watching a friend having their first child, and remembering that at her own wedding years ago her groom left her at the wedding, depriving her of the dream life she would have liked to have had, singing "I'm going down now, with all of my fine china and fresh linen, all of my dresses with them tags still on", hinting at what was left of the wedding, of a life she couldn't have, but that she was watching others around her having it in her place. This song kinda reminds me of Roland to be honest, even thought his story with Lorelei isn't really related to their wedding, he was also deprived of a life he wish he could have had. And he had her dresses packed, her stuff still there in the castle, just like in the song the pov had her fine china and dresses with tags still on (they were never used).
It kinda fits even more with that headcanon that Cedric was in love with Lorelei. He never had the chance to live a life with her, and he's a bachelor till this day, watching all the weddings and happy lives through the years but never being a part of them, thinking about what would have happened if life wasn't so cruel.
I had these thoughts and despite being a bit niche I still felt like it should be shared. I know that not many people are fans of listening to recommended songs (at least in my case that's true), but I also made this post for those who already know some of those songs and didn't noticed these connections with Lorelei's story. Those who don't know the songs and want to listen to them now are also very welcomed.
I think about how amazing would be if I made a fanfic about this and using these songs. But I won't do it, it's just a thought. Feel free to do it though, I would absolutely love to read that.
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samhaft · 4 months
is it (legally) required to have some sort of permission to upload or publish remixes of hazbin hotel songs?
Short answer yes, long answer it depends what you mean by publish, and I love that I get in the weeds with music business stuff.
So - the recordings themselves and all pieces of them, like the instrumental stems and vocals, are all part of the A24-owned “master recordings” which you cannot use or sample or remix without a license from them. Technically you could make an un-monetized video or tiktok or something and probably won’t get in trouble for it, but they’ll have the rights to monetize it or take it down. Spotify/distrokid/any form of real distribution you for sure cannot do without a license.
That’s remixes - but covers are interesting. You can actually formally distribute song covers thanks to something called a “mandatory mechanical license” whereby if your distributor gives you the option (I know distrokid does) you can mark that the song is a cover, and it’ll fetch a cover license (which are generally automatically approved) from (usually) the Harry Fox Agency in the US. Now this does NOT give you permission to remix, interpolate, change, or put the song to video - THAT requires a license from the master recording owner (as described above) as well as the copyright owner (song copyright ownership is also known as ‘publishing’). This is how Taylor Swift was able to re-record her “Taylor’s Versions” of songs - she didn’t have control over her master recordings, but because she owned the copyright to those songs, she was able to make new master recordings from scratch.
Ultimately fanmade remixes often do not get taken down or get copyright strikes unless the remix in question is being monetized and distributed to platforms, because generally it is in content owners’ interest to allow social media users to make “UGC” (user generated content) as ultimately it’s more attention to that piece of music, but it IS up to the content owner’s discretion to decide to take action against it or not - and sometimes systems like YouTube’s Content ID will flag and fingerprint that content automatically without the content owner needed to see or ID the thing you made.
And unfortunately I cannot personally help anyone get cover or remix licenses to the Hazbin songs, that’s all A24 Music - I’ve been getting a lot of emails to that effect and I’m sorry I can’t be more helpful there.
Hope this was informative!
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son1c · 1 year
Talking in your asks about Sonic Prime stuff repeatedly made me wanna show you my own fanmade shatterverse (Violet Hill Zone) but I felt like it'd be weird to just come on here and dump a bunch of things on you so instead I decided to draw Prism with my blue bunch of energy Cicada (aka the Sonic of my shatterverse)
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Correct me if I'm wrong here but I imagine that even though Prism is trauma free, he's still a shy boi, so Cicada's massive amount of energy catches him off guard hehe-
To tell ya about Cicada, they're very much the hyperactive bit of Sonic, very energetic, loud, rambles a lot, very neurodivergent out of 10. I debated trying to be secretive about what the deal with Violet Hill is but nah. So basically I got very inspired by New Yoke/Yolk City and went for that "What if Sonic wasn't there" theme but replace Sonic with Shadow and replace the winning party being Eggman/The Chaos Council with it now being The Black Arms. So basically Cicada's morals are rather screwy cause of the Black Arms making them one of their own, they do that Sonic thing of "doing what they think is right" but what they think is right is uh. Biased-
Suffice to say, I think Prism would get along well enough with Cicada at first but then he finds out all that and uh. Sorry Cicada I gotta take you down to protect Nine and make sure you aliens don't swipe in to take New Yoke as well after he brings down The Chaos Council </3
Also two notes for the folks at home
> Cicada's pronouns are they/them
> Plz don't ship Cicada w/ Prism or any other Shadow, they already have a non-Shadow partner in their own dimension that they are very loyal too (part of why they're morally grey at best-)
Here take this Cicada ref image for the road, I'll get out of your hair now-
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OMG SCENE SONIC IS SO HUGE BRAIN... if we can have nine inch tails then we should also get scene sonic!!!!!!!!!!!! i love the jacket and the pink accents you gave them so much wow <333 cicada is a sick name too wtf
i think the lore you made for them is really cool!!! + i think them being enemies with prism would be so awesome... the role reversal is so tasty fr
TYSM for drawing prism btw omggg i LOVE how he looks in your style!!! the fluff especially is so <3
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azar-rosethorn · 1 year
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A fanmade TMNT Iteration created by yours truly!! Inspired by Rise and TMNT 2012.
ALSO feel free to drop into the ask box ANY questions u have pls I love interacting with yall!
also I would love you forever if u reblogged this so it reaches more people pls pls pls
The Hamato Clan had broken into the Foot Clan headquarters in order to steal the Dark Armor before Oroku Saki could inherit it. But, Hamato Yoshi underestimated the armor's power, and got mortally wounded while trying to obtain it. He would've died if it wasn't for the mysterious purple vines that wrapped him up before he blacked out. Three days later, Yoshi woke up in a sewer, all healed up (though, with some strange new physical features), and accompanied by some strange looking turtle eggs, as well as a note taped to the basket they came in. Over the next 3 years, the eggs hatched one by one (well, except Leo and Donnie, those two hatched around the same time), and over the next 16 years, Splinter raised the turtles, and he hopes that one day, he'll finally get to thank the person that saved his life and gave him his children. Meanwhile, the turtles' gain powers from both their mutation and their Hamato ancestry, and end up digging up secrets of the past that should've stayed buried.
Meet the Cast!
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Leona is not what you'd think of when the image of a leader comes to your mind. She's slow to adapt to new surroundings, a bit arrogant, looks to the past way too often and, to quote her older brother, "Her anxiety has anxiety!" But, despite all her flaws, Leo has been able to lead her team through unfathomable challenges, way more naturally than her precedent, Raph. She works hard to live up to her family's expectations (which, despite what Leo's anxiety tells her, aren't actually that high. Basically just "don't die.") Leo also loves anime and is in many fandoms; she has actually made her own cosplays and has gone to the surface for conventions on the surface. She is 15, a hawksbill sea turtle and her mystic power is hydrokinesis (water).
Donatello honestly could not care less. They spend most of their time in their lab, creating who knows what. But whenever Splinter or one of his siblings go scrounging around in the sewer, he'll definitely come with. They really don't like interacting with people outside of their family, especially humans, after a traumatic event when they were eight. Needless to say, Donnie made plans to create his battleshell the second that he was all healed up. But, despite that, Donnie is surprisingly close with April. Those two are basically inseparable. Actually, they're pretty close with all their family, even though they act like they hate everyone, but that's just typical sibling stuff. Donnie's 15, an indian flapshell turtle, and their mystic power is aerokinesis (wind).
Raphael would rather die than admit that he's scared. As the oldest, he's always been a role models for his younger siblings, even though, he wasn't very good at leading, well, anything. But, as the strong big brother, he always felt the need to bottle up all his feelings for the good of the team. It took Raph a long time to learn that Leo could handle the weight of leadership, much better than Raph did actually. He is extremely overprotective of his siblings and sometimes that equals holes in the walls. He does have anger issues which he takes out on the objects surrounding him. It's one of the reasons why nothing in his room is completely intact. Recently, though, he's targeting his anger towards enemies instead of household objects, so it's progress. Raph also learns to chill out a bit when he meets (and falls for) a certain runaway foster child who has just as much of an anger problem as he does. He's 15, a common snapping turtle, and his mystic power is geokinesis (earth).
Michelangelo just wants to party with his fam. He's an eccentric little dude that always knows how to turn up the party. She's the heart of the team, always knowing how to resolve issues within the team and how to find the positives in stuff. When she was mutated, she was actually given a little more power than her siblings, making her the most powerful with her mystic abilities. But, that means that controlling their power is a lot more difficult, and being kinda sensitive and emotional has resulted in more than one room of the lair getting burned down. They've tried their best to keep it under control but if their emotions end up getting the best of them, uh...good luck, bud. You'll need it. He's also taken a great interest in art and sometimes goes to the surface to graffiti the city, often joined by either April or Casey. He's 14, an eastern box turtle, and his mystic power is pyrokinesis (fire).
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Hamato 'Splinter' Yoshi needs sleep. A lot of it. He grew rebellious of the Hamato Clan due to his father's treatment of him and left for Los Angeles to become the action movie star Lou Jitsu. But, when his father called and said there was a Foot Clan situation up in NYC, Yoshi just had to help. And the rest is history. He was aware that while he was in Hollywood his family captured Oroku Saki, the one to inherit the Dark Armour and become The Shredder, but he never knew what Oroku Saki looked like. This had consequences later on. After an incident on the surface that involved a break-in, a human with a weapon, and a dent in Donnie's shell, Splinter finally went back to the ways of ninjutsu to keep his children safe from the surface. When the turtles met April and Casey, Splinter practically jumped for joy at the thought of talking to actual people again. he also trains them as well as the turtles. Splinter hopes to reconnect with the Hamato Clan after him and his children started fighting the Foot, but little does he know the lies that he's been fed as a child...
Baron Draxum is, well.... we don't exactly know what he is. After he and his mother were taken and experimented on by a human military group called the Terrestrial Cryptic Research Inventory (TCRI) when he was six, not even he does, really. All we know is that he's a powerful guy who HATES humans after his encounters with TCRI. Though, a long time ago, he did save the life of one man and entrusted said man with 4 turtles that he mutated with the powers given to him by TCRI's experimentation. And meeting them again 16 years later was definitely a shock. But, he's tried to be as best of a father as he can to the turtles, and has tried to teach each of them about their own powers as best as he can. He owns a store in the Hidden City that sells all sorts of mystic goos, potions, and enchanted objects.
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April O'Neil CANNOT catch a break. Let's just say that, being raised in the foster care system, she knows how to defend herself. April and her cousin Casey Jones ran away from their foster parents when she aged out of the system and they wanted to separate April and Casey. But, when Casey got in trouble with the cops, April got separated from them, now she's trying to find where they are, as well as finding her father, who she discovered is a scientist in NYC. She's very introverted and has a lot of trust issues, which is why it takes her a long time to actually open up to the Turtles once she becomes friends with them. She's also a huge bookworm and a great writer, and wants to have a career in journalism. She's currently living with Splinter and the Turtles until she can find Casey and her father and start a new life for both of them.
Casey Jones is a menace to society. Can't go one month without getting in trouble, and that's only when they get caught. They're not immediately introduced at the beginning of the story, due to the Foot Clan framing them for a crime they didn't commit. Instead, they're going to show up 6 months after April meets the turtles. Casey is instantly a part of the family due to April's stories about them, plus watching them in action during a street fight with some petty criminals (which Raph was absolutely smitten by). They're definitely a wild child who is on a mission to play hockey and overthrow society. They will also fight you for that one specific brand of eyeliner.
And that's it! I can't wait to show you guys more about this AU! I'll probably do another post that's all about the villains in the future. But in the meantime, u can read this post if u would like to see some silly villain banter
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daily-hssb · 7 months
Hello everynyan I have rebranded my blog to be a daily for every1's favorite nnsg spin-off 🔥🔥🔥 i'll try to b posting screenshots (and my own occasional fanart) of it every day
If you don't know what haime! sweet and sour boys is, it's a fanmade nyan neko sugar girls spin-off created by yogi kohai (who has a tumblr you should follow ^o^) you can find all da episodes on yt in da Franklin Project channel!!!!! Ore made this account in order to make it more well-known and widespread desu!!! Excited to be the very first fanblog (I think) 4 this epic series
If you wanna know motto about me here is sum stuff:
- i'm a guy
- gasu is ore no everything and i am a simp
- i relat to 2 character tuzi and baioreto. they r so me
- i like other stuff too, nnsg (obv), love live, your turn to die, sonic and vocaloid
let's hope this account doesn't die out after barely a month like all other dailies I had so far :(
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katyspersonal · 10 months
Ogay now your turn, who was your blorbo(s) before???
Damn... This is a harder question than it seems, because it is... hard to remember? My brain got SO rotted with Soulsborne world that I legit am forgetting how things used to be before that? It doesn't help that my feelings about the character and how much I talk about them / do for them do not always match! As a result, I have three types of blorbos:
1) The 'real' blorbo: The one that evokes the most feelings and I actively fantasize about being with, one that sparks yearning and attraction and consumes the most of my thoughts, but I won't do enough with
2) The 'productive' blorbo: The one which I practically breathe life in and create entire story and world for when canon didn't provide much and/or this character is unpopular. They often become crucial part of my online identity, or JUST my identity o_o'
3) The 'fanmade' blorbo: It is either an AU version of the character, an interpretation so unfitting and far from canon vibe that it almost works as an OC, or JUST an OC. I actually love/hate this one, because this is the asshole that will always make me stray from working on canon!! They will make me focus so much on them that depending on the nature of the character, I will forget the canon vibe in my love for this version or will forsaken general source material to join an AU/RP where this character is. Let me focus on canon-palatable creativity and stop wasting my time, dipshits!!
So, to give you the idea, in Bloodborne, type one would be, of course, Micolash, Edgar and Maria (but mostly Micolash)! Type two would be Rom and Izzy. And since recently my Laurence is between 1 and 2 because he is really S E X Y but also I have to create everything for him xD. Type three would be... uh...
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My previous "fandom" was UTDR, but that stay was a little short-lasting, since Deltarune is work in progress and Undertale did not have the same grip on me. In there, my type one blorbo were Rouxls Kaard and Mettaton! You can tell I love the flamboyant sexy man with fake depth, fair level of depravity but not evilness, and intelligence of a brick dshhfdsdds My art never felt good enough to capture Mettaton's confident energy, however, I'd like to show this fanart of Rouxls:
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Type two blorbo were Mad MewMew, Catti, and Diamond King! The latter two were sort of underdeveloped in canon at the time, and for MewMew I actually had a bunch of things, and even RPed as her for some time! Developing Diamond King was quite fun, though he was dangerously close to type 3 because of AU stuff where HE was the bad guy and not Spade King (and Catti was the 'monster' of the prophesy). Besides, we did give him a wife who is not getting used in canon but exists in the cards deck that WAS used for the 'cards'.
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(EDIT: I made these sprites and I forgot that I made them and not Val o_o" Because it's been a few years ago + I am scatter-brained. Oh jeez)
And type three happened when I delved into helping to work on an AU for Deltarune, a project a passionate person started in hunger for completion of Deltarune, following after Chapter 1 and ignoring everything. Basically, attempt to finish the game that had AMAZING story and characters! I lended many designs, ideas and characters for it, improving it very significantly. I no longer work on that project and gave all rights to my designs and creative solutions to the developer, but it was FUN. And like I said, distracted me from the canon-palatable creativity. And helped me to finally come to terms with the fact that I am way better at nurturing, supporting, editing and improving someone else's projects than creating my own. It was a long time coming realisation considering how half of my drawings for any fandom used to be fanart of other people's ideas and OCs or fanart for our RP plots. Not something that can happen in this fandom because... you know. But yeah, I've always been the guy that would draw a pile of everyone's OCs/interpretations in the community, or help someone with no coherent design idea to GET that design down!
...ak-hem, where was I? Right, blorbos. So, the 'fanmade' blorbos were, of course, our version of Diamond Queen and... this BITCH:
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This is Ace of Hearts! And Insight joke is actually something I just made up, since I made this guy before I knew anything about Bloodborne! It aged like fucking milk, hahahahaha!! To give you the idea of what I had to do to design the Aces, here are the cards by Kanotynes that Toby was using:
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These are the face cards ( x )! If you saw Deltarune's chapter one, you can see how and which designs were used, and which changed.
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And this is the only image of all cards I can reliably find ( x ). You can see that number cards were de-personalised and are just various things. So what I did was combining the face card look and find a way to "fuck it up", since Aces learned A LOT of 'Chaos' and not only part of it like Jevil (and now Spamton)! Here are the rest of them:
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You can tell, even in healthy forms, they'd still be a bit... 'strange' compared with face cards. Ace of Clubs in healthy form would have only one head and one horn, and his 99 Insight Chaos version has 11 heads each with one peace of their body or face... And Ace of Diamonds would be a snake with 'umbrella' skin, which is nothing like other Diamond suits!
I was the one to insist that we have Aces in the project, conceptualised them, designed them, wrote them lore etc. And Ace of Hearts was my favourite, and also the scariest one. (of course I like the most creepy one -_-) It was also the first situation where I got obsessed with my OWN non-canon stuff... although, technically, they are no longer mine, since I passed the designs and right to write and use to the owner completely. Maybe it is to the better, as I moved closer towards enjoying my own content more!
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(Idle sprites I've made back then!)
Thank you for listening and giving me nostalgia, lol xD
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cloverlink · 1 month
/chin on hands I would like to hear about Jak X and why it's your favorite! If you're up for it/don't mind.
sO I played this game when I was like 8-9-10 y/o. I met the saga through The Lost Frontier lmao but my English was very bad so I couldn't play much of the game and sent my dad to change it. iirc, the game he came back with was Jak X, if not then I got it another time I went to the store and said "surprise me".
since I had tried googling about TLF to help me pass the game, I got familiarized with the rest of the games as well. I had a (very) vague idea of the story through amvs and fanmade content. so then I got to play the game, the story was much shorter cuz it was only one game, and the playing mechanics were basically Mario kart (which I had played a lot previously) so I had a way easier time understanding things. I guess that made me closer to this game in particular. Also I asked the store for the main trilogy but they could never get them.
Plus I actually replayed it a dozen times cause of the fucking save file corruption bug, it was years of frustration cause I could never reach the end of the game without losing my progress. I eventually got a second memory card and tried again, this time with a strategy of cloning the save on each card. But by that time I had already watched the cutscenes on YouTube cause I genuinely thought I could never do it on my own. Still, getting to finish the game was like a life goal being achieved
Tldr years long frustration + learning to like bad guys lmao
NOW since I was a small kid I haTED Mizo's crew with a passion cause they were evil bad guys and that was all I could see. I had a special hate spot for Razer and UR-86. And the fact that I couldn't beat the game felt like they were winning against me and I was failing to save Jak's team from the poison. But then puberty hit and I admitted to myself that I had a crush on Razer LMAO and I became Mizo's crew #1 fanboy. Before I realized I was thinking of backstories, headcanons, ships, self inserting myself on the team or as their rival who ends up warming up to them
I got to play the other games when I was 15 (it was around this time that I got to beat Jak x too) and that made me appreciate X even more because they really didn't need to go THAT HARD yet they did!!! and I'm so glad!!!! It gave us more time with Jak + a different side to him, a lot of depth in world building, character development for Keira (I had very protective parents so I feel her) AND THEY FINALLY KISSED OMG TOOK YOU BOTH DUMMIES LONG ENOUGH + that plot wist with GT and then the Rayn one at the very end holy shit
now a lil on my love for the baddies: we get literally zero stuff from them except for Mizo's daddy issues and Razer's sassyness so this part is mostly me going full delulu. Most of my attention at first was on Razer obviously and I always love/hated him, I feel like I wouldn't stand him but God he's so cool. Then one day I randomly started adoring Shiv?? I just thought he'd be such a chill guy and started picturing us as besties??? Edge I feel would be Shiv's kinda close friend, we see them together most of the time they have in X after all. And then Cutter's the most reserved one, I picture him being actually really sweet but you Have To Get There.
Now I need to draw my self insert so bad omgggg
Also I can recite the Spanish version of the opening scene by heart
OK THAT GOT LONG ENOUGH thank you so much for asking I loved writing all this and would love to hear your thoughts on the game (⁠ʃ⁠ƪ⁠^⁠3⁠^⁠)
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Well, it finally happened. My Warrior Cats hyperfixation is officially, just... Over. I'm still gonna leave this sideblog up because I still enjoy the art I made and posted here, and I largely still am very passionate about the topics of posts I reblogged, but lately I've been kind of falling out of love with Warrior Cats and the fandom as a whole. I think that kind of is because of two main reasons.
Number one, the Warrior Cats I fell in love with isn't the same as the Warrior Cats of today, and it simply never will be. This series is old enough to drink in America, it predates my own existence by about six years, and the writing team has changed so much that a lot of the charm of the first series simply can't be replicated today.
And number two is... Well, that's gonna be a bit of a chore to explain. See, in most fandoms I'm in, a good chunk of, if not all of the source material holds up without fandom content. Like, Hatchetfield is a genuinely good, well written series of musicals, with interesting lore and characters, so if there was an alternate universe where the fandom simply didn't exist, I'd still like it. With Warrior Cats, however... Well, it's just kind of a bad series. Sure, the first arc is well written and good, and some of the super editions are phenomenal, but it has a slow decline in quality you can start to see even in arc 2, meaning most of the fandom ends up consuming the series through fanmade content because that's simply just... The most enjoyable way to consume it. So as a series, Warrior Cats doesn't have that same quality needed to stand alone without a fandom, because often a lot of what keeps people interested is the fandom itself.
Additionally, there's this theory I have that out of any fandom, a specific, very small percentage of the fandom is going to be... kind of bad in some way. Like, outright misogyny, incest ships, misinterpreting other people's opinions and headcanons... that sort of stuff. As a fandom gets larger, that percentage remains the same; but if you did a whole unit on percentages, fractions, and now they work, you know that the sheer amount of people that represent a small percentage also grows as the number of people in the whole increases. Like, 1/5 of 5 is 1, but 1/5 of 100 is 20. And Warrior Cats is obviously a huge fucking fandom, so when this same rule is applied, there's a bigger amount of "bad fans" in this fandom than there are in smaller ones, despite having the exact same percentage.
Lately, it sort of feels like to meet the only real saving grace of the series is, in some cases, the fandom itself, and when the bad percentage of fans is so much harder to avoid, it's only natural that some fans, like me, will just get burnt out with the series as a whole.
So, yeah, I'm kind of leaving the Warrior Cats fandom. I'll probably reblog stuff onto here occasionally, or make the occasional drawing of the characters I like, but I simply just can't really enjoy the series in the same ways I used to. Hell, the only way I HAD been enjoying it on the tail end of my hyperfixation was with rewrites of the series itself where everything had to be entirely overhauled, such as @cryptidclaw and @bonefall and their honestly brilliant rewrites of the series. So, I think it's kind of fair of me to want to find a series that DOESN'T need extensive fanmade rewrites to be enjoyed, and while I'll still enjoy those specific rewrites, they'll be entirely divorced from Warrior Cats, the canon, because it just isn't good enough to hold my interest anymore.
I just wanted to share my rambling thoughts in hopes of finding other people who, y'know, shared my sort of mixed feelings, and also because it somehow felt wrong to not leave some sort of goodbye and an explanation for why I'm leaving a fandom that had been a huge part of my life for the better part of four years. Feel free to reblog this with your own thoughts and opinions on this sorta thing, I'd really appreciate some other fan insight onto this topic.
Now if you excuse me, I need a nap.
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scaryspears · 2 years
Fem Young Severus Snape - Let's discuss
So I'm working on a story on archive of our own where Severus Snape leaves Hogwarts, but it's a fem Snape and it's tagged as Snape/Sirius and James, which I'm still unsure about. I love stories where characters realise their self worth and the toxic people behind and having character growth. Fanfiction or not those stories are the best.
But I'm mostly wondering what people think young female Severus Snape would look and be like, ignoring my fanfic counterpart that I already wrote up. I will be switching between him and her for addressing canon and fanmade Snape.
Now before any Snape supporters or bashers get onto me, I'll just quickly reveal that I haven't read the books and have only watched at least 4 films, but did some research in my mid teens in curiosity. I've always been interested in the characters, their dynamics, and what if scenarios, but never the magic.
There's a lot of fanart where she's given the same hair style as her male counterpart, and honestly I believe her hair would be much longer. Long to the point where it's unusual and makes her look unhinged. Long to the point where it's too easy for someone to pull it. Most of the time using it to cover her face, unsuccessfully hiding herself from the marauders. I can imagine her eyes and face glaring creepily at anyone who disturbs her, with her nose sticking out through it. She would have a really ghostly appearance, and if you count the mudblood incident you would sense the distress, anger and sadness waving off of her. I'm also thinking of this fanart made by @iscawen.
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For an obsessive personality I would take inspiration from Palm Siberia. Palm starts off as creepy but goes off to become someone we sympathise with. Not saying that you have to sympathise with Snape, but I think he's someone to pity at a logical standpoint. I'm also speaking as someone who could relate to certain parts of his character.
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Her obsession with Lily has more to do with being her first and only true friend. I think Snape wants love, but that love needs to come in different forms other than romance. With the whole unpleasant parents thing, and people staying many feet away from her due to her unruly appearance, it's safe to say that Snape latches onto Lily for a reason. She wants to be appreciated, cared for, recognised for something good rather than the bad omen that the people she's stuck with think she is. And she doesn't want to be punished for being a bad omen. I guess the same could be said for canon young Snape.
I don't ship them together, and I cringe whenever I come across a fanfic that does. Not only is it fun to hate Lily, but the whole marrying your former friend's childhood bully even though he's changed is super suspicious.
With the leaving Hogwarts thing Snape would have to realise that Lily isn't the angel that her mind made her out to be, but I don't know if that's while she's at Hogwarts or after she leaves.
By this time Snape gets a makeover, none of that altering physical features stuff. Just giving her healthier hair and skin, I don't think she needs make up but I think something Goth related would suit her. The story is set in the 70s so it was more of a decade filled with punk fashion (not everywhere of course) which would suit Sirius. (Another note that isn't relevant, when the fandom gives Snape makeover stories they always change his nose to be smaller, you'll be some hating ass people). I bet Snape had a thing for formal attire so I think she'd wear something similar to Wednesday Addams. I can definitely picture her with a black pencil skirt and blouse.
Also the 70s where a different time when it comes to beauty standards compared to the ones of today, I genuinely think a lot of guys would be into her even though a lot of people in the fandom love making Snape out to be some hideous creature. I think she would resemble Shelly Duvall or Angelica Hudson.
Note: @iscawen sorry that I didn't use your permission before putting up the art, if you want I can edit this post and remove the picture. I really love it and wanted to use it as a reference as well as inspiration.
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lo-sulci · 11 months
tagged by @itshighjuniper to share 5 songs i've been listening to recently!! thank you juni ^u^ i am not including songs that are on the playlist that plays at my work (which I have been listening to ad nauseam but not by choice) or songs from the OSTs of stuff, just because those would probably dominate the list (that said, some of the OSTs I've been listening to lately: Across the Spider-Verse, Revue Starlight, Gatchaman Crowds, fanmade g witch covers). anyways!!
- PRESSURE BOMB 2!!!! by Jhariah: have been listening to a LOT of jhariah lately, super super cool style and I always always always love narrative albums. this song in particular just makes my brain happy and also, like, vibrate aggressively. it's nice!!!! other favorites include ENTER: A BEGINNER'S GUIDE TO FAKING YOUR OWN DEATH (the opening track off the album A BEGINNER'S GUIDE TO FAKING YOUR OWN DEATH), Promises, Needed A Change of Pace, and Flight of the Crows
- Riptide by the Scary Jokes: been a fan of the scary jokes for a whiiiile now, and this has been one of the songs from their newest album that i've been listening to the most (other two favorites from the album probably being Forever In You and Rage). Burn, Pygmalion!!! is still an all timer to me tbh (MEANWHILE ON THE ROOF JEANNIE CONSIDERS THE VASTNESS OF THE COUNTRYSIDE THE DARKNESS OF THE MOUNTAINS-) but I am also enjoying RB and bonus points the cassette looks SICK AS HELL
- Love Me Dead by Ludo: introduced to by way of a podcast and thoroughly wormed its way deep into my brain along with Tick Tick Boom by The Hives, Electric Version by The New Pronographers, and Picture, Picture by Harvey Danger. anywhays, god DAMN that chorus kicks ass. also, the video is pretty fun!!
- Venus Ambassador by Bryan Scary: song that I actually found ages ago and only recently checked out the rest of the album for- it's really good!! i think there's a narrative going on here even if I havent quite figured it out in its entirety but in the meantime gosh the music is good and the vibes are exquisite. other favorites off Flight of the Knife include La Madame on the Moon, Mama Waits, and Son of Stab
- A Better Place, A Better Time by Streetlight Manifesto: Streetlight Manifesto singlehandedly made my opinion of ska as a genre do a 180. one day while cleaning/organizing stuff in my room I decided to listen to, like, almost if not all of their discography, and this one was my favorite. made me cry the first time I listened to it!! anyways, my personal recommendation is to do what I did and listen to the entire Streetlight Manifesto discography just fuxking do it
anyways, tagging @theclairewitch @plaintivemeow @lvnarsapphic @sg-x00-airgetlam @destructix (absolutely no pressure tho yall lol) and, like, anyone who sees this and wants an excuse to do one of these!!
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