wardback · 4 months
Shanel Bailey did an unboxing video of some stuff from Grease: Rise of the Pink Ladies on her TikTok which included they playbill for romeo and juliet and all the thespians have canonical last names
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Notable names:
Lydia Little
Floyd Wong
Arthur Finley
Edward "shy guy" Liedman
Weirdly a few names arent correctly cast, lydia wasnt mercutio, shy guy wasnt third watch
Also geraldine wasnt cast and im ready to riot
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penguin-writes-books · 11 months
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Cynthia brings a sort of “deer in headlights” vibe to the school hallway that lydia is simply NOT immune to
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sapphosclown · 10 months
Heartstopper AU is alive! Please enjoy the first chapter :)
After being outed her sophomore year of highschool, Lydia has hope junior year will be better. She soon finds out she was seated next to the school trouble maker Cynthia Zdunowski and she wonders if maybe her hopes will actually come true or if she's destined to a life of delusion.
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ruby201009 · 9 months
burning girl is so little fires by jaguar jonze coded
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fruitcoops · 8 months
So I was just watching Matty Healy’s “celebrity school run” interview from BCC Radio One, and my mind jumped right to imagining Sirius with a couple awestruck hockey kids in the back of his truck, navigating questions as he drives them around (maybe to hockey practice instead of school??)! Congrats on finishing finals!! <3
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Fic O'Ween Day 9: Sugar Rush! Cap credit to @lumosinlove and fest credit to @noots-fic-fests <3 Cutie patootie start to the weekend!
“Ask him!”
“I don’t wanna ask. You do it.”
“Everything alright back there?”
A small boy in a blue shirt dropped an elbow into the side of his, equally small yet significantly blonder, companion. “How does the internet work?” the blond boy blurted.
In the front seat, Sirius Black frowned at the road. “Quoi?”
“I told you it was a dumb question!” a redheaded little girl whispered across the seat.
“The internet,” the blond boy repeated, twisting the pocket of his cargo shorts into a nub in his fist. “How’s it work?”
“My mom said the government tells you on your first adult birthday,” the dark-haired boy informed him as he leaned forward onto the console. “So you’ve gotta know, ‘cause you’re totally an adult.”
“Your mother is right, Ethan,” Sirius agreed. His eyes darted to the small camera stuck on the car’s dashboard. “That’s—yes, you’ll have to wait until you’re eighteen to find out. I can’t tell you. It would be illegal.”
Ethan rolled his eyes. “But you’re Canadian, so American laws don’t apply to you.”
“It’s international.” Suburban homes rolled past outside, surrounded by fresh spring foliage. “The UN decided on that rule.”
“Aw, man.”
“Are you really getting married?” the redheaded girl piped up.
“But when?”
“Summer,” Sirius repeated with a laugh.
“What day?” She poked her head between the front seats as well, bumping shoulders with Ethan. “Can we come?”
“Definitely not. Both of you, sit back, you’re going to get hurt.” Sirius glanced into the rearview mirror as he turned onto another narrow street. “Look at Jacob. He’s doing it right.”
Jacob preened, shooting each of his companions a Cheshire grin. “Lydia said you’re getting married to your boyfriend. Is that true?”
“Fiance, but yes.” Sirius reached back to shoo Lydia and Ethan back into their seats, one hand on the wheel. “Why do you know so much about my wedding? Aren’t you supposed to ask me hockey questions?”
“We have time. School doesn’t start for an hour.” Lydia folded her hands in her lap and squinted to look out at the road. “Also, my sister plays hockey and she was telling me that her team was telling her that you're gonna be the first married hockey player ever.”
“That’s…that’s not true.”
“Of course it is.”
“There are so many married hockey players!” Sirius laughed.
“Oh yeah?” Jacob challenged. “Who?”
“James Potter, Pascal Dumais, Sergei Ivanov, Adam Fox, Mika Zibanejad, Brad Marchand—I think most NHL players are married, actually.”
“Is the Earth actually round, or is the government lying?” Ethan asked, picking at the back of Sirius’ seat.
Sirius pressed his lips together for a moment. “Ah,” he began, coughing through a laugh. “Nope, it’s definitely round. People have known that for a long time.”
“My uncle says the government lies a lot.”
“Well, my uncle works for the government,” Jacob scoffed.
“Why is the Earth round?” Lydia butted in. “I think you’re lying. If it was round, everything in Australia would be upside down.”
“Oh god,” Sirius muttered. “Okay, new rule: no flat Earth discussions in the car.”
“Cause you’re lying?”
“Cause Galileo is spinning in his grave.”
“Isn’t that the bird from the movie with the girl and the volcano and the lizard and Russell Crowe and that one lady?”
Jacob gasped and turned to her. “My mom loves Russell Crowe! Y’know, Mr. Sirius Black, you kinda look like Russell Crowe.”
“No, he doesn’t.”
“He kinda does,” Ethan admitted.
“Okay,” Sirius announced as he paused at a stoplight with a thousand-yard stare. “We’re not doing any ‘nuh-uh’s until you are safely at school. Do you act like this when your parents are driving?”
All three children stared at him from the backseat. For a singular second, their fidgeting paused. “Like what?” Lydia asked, clearly bewildered. “The lady with the camera told us to ask you questions.”
Sirius seemed to process that for a beat. His fingertips drummed on the steering wheel while they waited for the light to change. “I’m starting to realize I don’t spend enough time with kids to know how you’re supposed to act.”
“Isn’t your brother a million years younger than you?”
“Six years.”
Lydia gave him a skeptical look over her glasses. “I’m only eight, so that’s basically forever.”
“I’ll keep that in mind.”
“How come clouds have different shapes?” Ethan asked. “Is it because birds fly through them and turn them all thin after they’re fluffy?”
“No, the wind does that.”
“It’s the wind, it doesn’t have reasons.”
“How do you know.”
“Because I’m an adult. Hey, look, a pigeon.”
All three children lunged toward the window, straining at their seatbelts and booster seats. Sirius glanced at the dashcam with a small, pleased smile and made a smooth left turn onto Main Street. “Where is it?” Jacob asked eagerly. “Was it big? What color was it? I don’t see it.”
“Oh, I think it was in the parking lot back there,” Sirius said casually. “Keep an eye out, see if there are more.”
“I’m never allowed to ask adults this many questions,” Lydia gushed, swinging her feet above the floor of the car. “Do you pay taxes?”
“How do they work?”
“Good question. I have no idea.”
Ethan, apparently tired of pigeon-spotting, sat up straight and began peeling a sticker off the side of his booster. “Do you speak French?”
“Can you say something in French?”
“Ouais,” Sirius repeated with a grin.
“I just did.”
“Way,” Ethan mimicked. “Ha! That sounds like a duck. Wah-wah-wah-wah—”
“Yellow punch buggy.”
A flurry of movement and stifled ‘ow’s followed on swift wings; Sirius winced, but didn’t seem particularly regretful. “So,” he tried again. “What do you guys like to do at school?”
“Have lunch.”
He nodded with a light laugh. “You know what, that’s fair.”
Jacob cocked his head to the side. “Did you like school?”
“I loved school.”
“What was your favorite subject?”
“Math.” A simultaneous false gag from three different mouths made him jump slightly, glancing over his shoulder. “Jesus—”
“I hate math,” Lydia declared. “We started multiplication and it makes my head hurt.”
“That’s unfortunate.”
Ethan’s nose wrinkled. “I like math, but it’s definitely not my favorite. Hey, do you have tattoos?”
“Can we see them?”
Sirius’ brow knit. “I just told you I don’t have any.”
“You’re a hockey player, you gotta have tattoos. Thomas Walker has them, Cole Reyes has them, James Potter has them…”
“James doesn’t have tattoos,” Sirius snorted. “Where are you getting your information?”
“My brother. He knows everything.”
“How old is he?”
Sirius nodded slowly, biting the inside of his cheek. “A wise age.”
“How many teeth are you missing?”
“None, dude,” Jacob interrupted. “Didn’t you see earlier? He has perfect teeth. Hey, Mr. Sirius Black, did you have braces?”
“Your teeth just grew like that?”
“I just lost a tooth last week.”
Sirius stopped at the corner, looking over his shoulder at them. “Oh, really? Your first?”
“Nah, my fifth,” Jacob answered, as jaded as a third-grader could get. “It’s boring now. I got a quarter for it, though. My sister wanted to tie it to a doorknob, but my dad didn’t let her.”
Lydia nodded solemnly. “My cousin lost her first tooth when a piñata hit her.”
“I lost mine while I was eating a tuna sandwich,” Ethan added. “Then it was a blood sandwich. It was crazy.”
“Gross,” Lydia said with great approval.
Apparently satisfied with the direction the conversation had gone, the car remained near-silent for almost fifteen seconds. They headed past several gas stations (and their pigeon-filled parking lots) before stopping once again at a red light.
Ethan let out a loud gasp. “Tim Hortons!”
Sirius turned as if on instinct, craning his neck, before he seemed to realize the danger of the situation. Lydia slapped at the back of the driver’s seat with an excited hand, bouncing in her booster. “We gotta go, we gotta go, we gotta go.”
To his credit, Sirius spared a half-second to consider it. “Absolutely not.”
To his demise, Sirius spared a half-second to consider it. They fell on him like miniature wolves to a downed caribou.
“Please,” Ethan begged. “Please, please, their hot cocoa is so good, you don’t understand.”
“I’m Canadian, I understand better than you do.”
“Then we have to go!”
“There is no world where I get three kids on a Tim Horton’s sugar rush before school.” He shook his head and began turning off Main Street. “Not in this lifetime. Your teachers would hunt me for sport.”
“You’re Canadian! You’re—you’re Queb—” Ethan made a frustrated noise and turned to Jacob. “What’s the word for Quebec people?”
“Quebecois,” Sirius informed him. His eyes widened slightly. “Wow, is that the first question you’ve asked that I can actually answer?”
“You’re Quebecois,” Ethan continued, stumbling over each syllable. He made it there in the end, but not before everyone else in the car made a pained face. “That means you have to take us to Tim Horton’s.”
Lydia’s eyes were fever-bright in the backseat, as if she had knocked back a handful of jellybeans and Red Bull. “Timmy’s, Timmy’s, Timmy’s…”
“Please, no.”
Jacob and Ethan brightened immediately, because of course they did. Sirius watched the road in mournful disbelief, like he was driving into his personal hell with no exit ramp in sight. “TIMMY’S, TIMMY’S, TIMMY’S—”
“I’ve never having children.”
The shouting came to an abrupt halt. Sirius parked the car under the shade of a large oak tree and waited for several seconds, until all three kids started to exchange wary looks. The silence dragged on. Polyester and cotton rustled.
Sirius rested his elbow on the console and turned to the backseat, one eyebrow raised. “Are we done?”
“Are you gonna turn this car around?” Jacob whispered in quiet horror.
“Non. I have a deal for you, though.” Instant curiosity overcame their concern. Sirius held three fingers up. “One: don’t kick the back of my seat. Two: don’t yell in my car, it’s very distracting. Three: Count five pigeons by the time we get to school. I will ask your parents if I can bring you Timbits—”
Gasps of delight filled the car.
“—if you promise to do all three of those things.”
Jacob tucked his hands under his legs, all but vibrating with anticipation. “Can you get cinnamon ones?”
“Can you find five pigeons?”
“Of course I can,” he whispered.
Sirius nodded. “I’ll see what I can do.”
“Do you make a million bajillion dollars?” Lydia asked.
“Non. But I do have money for Timbits for nice kids who ask cool questions.”
Ethan’s mouth fell open. “We’re nice kids who ask cool questions!”
“Oh, yeah?”
Sirius gave a teasing hum. “I don’t know. Think you can prove it in the next five minutes?”
“What kind of dog do you have?” Lydia asked without hesitation.
“Oh, that is a good question.” The car rumbled to life, and they pulled onto the road without issue. “I don’t know. She’s black, and she has pointy ears.”
“How long do you want to play hockey?”
“Oof. A while. Maybe ten more years? We’ll see.”
Ethan finished peeling the sticker off his booster seat and reached over Lydia to stick it on Jacob’s. “Is being an adult fun?”
“Is it hard?”
“If you could get in a time machine and be eight again, would you do it?”
Jacob frowned. “How come?”
“Because I like being able to make my own dinner, I would miss my friends, and I wouldn’t be able to get Tim Horton’s whenever I want to.”
Lydia started to kick the back of his seat in boredom, but quickly tucked her foot behind her other leg. “If you were eight and went to our school, do you think we would be friends?”
Sirius smiled, moving slowly past a wire fence. “Sure.”
“Can you say more French stuff?”
“Comme quoi?”
“Um—can you say ‘hello’?”
Jacob chewed on his lower lip. “Can you say…this school is super cool?”
“Cette école est très cool.”
“Is ‘cool’ the same in both?”
“Okay, stop, stop, you gotta do English now,” Ethan said hurriedly, waving his hands. “I don’t speak French.”
“That’s okay, you can learn,” Sirius laughed. They rolled to a stop in a mostly-empty section of the parking lot; he waved to someone outside, and the children quickly followed suit. He propped his arm on the console again and raised his eyebrows. “I think your parents are ready to have you back. Any last questions?”
“Do you like books?”
“What’s your favorite color?”
“What kind of Timbits do you like?’
“Have you been playing hockey since before we were born?”
“How does electricity work?”
“Do you kiss your boyfriend? Oh, yeah, how do cars work?”
“How come the sky changes colors but the ocean doesn’t?”
Sirius didn’t miss a beat. “Yes, blue, all of them, yes, I think it’s something with electrons and metal? Yes, engines and combustion, and because the sky and the ocean are made of different things.”
“Okay,” Jacob said with a decisive nod. “Cool! Thanks!”
“Thank you, this was lots of fun.” Sirius unbuckled his seat belt and stepped out of the car, then came around and opened the backseat door for them. They spilled out in a pile, each meeting his gentle fist-bump with incredible enthusiasm that only grew when he feigned injury at the strength of their hands. Their booster seats came free with little finagling. “Alright, go see your parents. I can carry these.”
“Wait!” Lydia yelped, turning on her heel halfway through a step. “What about the Timbits?”
“Nobody kicked my seat or yelled,” Sirius mused, gathering the boosters in his arms. “Pigeons?”
“Two on the sidewalk, one in the parking lot, and two at the Gas ‘n Sip,” Jacob announced.
“Then they’ll be here when you get out of school,” he promised. They shook on it, tiny hands dwarfed by his palm, before they were off at a sprint once more. “Be safe! Don’t trip on the concrete!”
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hiddenpxpercuts · 3 months
Since I am coming off hiatus and a lot of my muses need stuff, plus I dropped some folks, here is a new starter call for all my muses! Please react to your heart's content, I could use stuff for EVERY SINGLE MUSE!!!!
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Kronk (Emperor's New Groove)
Vox (Hazbin Hotel)
Derek Hale (Teen Wolf)
Peter (mischiefxmuses)
Lydia (spellbcok)
Jake Wheeler (Chucky)
Mickey Milkovich (Shameless)
Reggie Peters (JATP)
Kiara (wvsteria) 
Ivan Carvalho (Elite)
Prince Henry (RWRB)
Max (mischiefxmuses)
Riley Matthews (GMW)
Isabel (wvsteria) 
Edwina Sharma (Bridgerton)
Zed Necrodopolis (ZOMBIES)
Astarion (coreofgold)
Veronica Fisher (Shameless)
Jesse St. James (Glee)
Beth Corcoran (Glee)
Olaf (Disney)
Gir (coreofgold) 
10th Doctor (Doctor Who)
Luca (Luca)
Joel Miller (TLOU)
Daryl Dixon (coreofgold)
Gretchen Wieners (Mean Girls)
Blair (spellbcok) 
Sir Pentious (Hazbin Hotel)
Stolas (coreofgold)
Bee (mischiefxmuses) 
Katherine Pierce (TVD)
Enzo (wvsteria) 
Blaine Anderson (Glee)
Maria Vasquez (West Side Story)
Gabriel Boutin (Half Bad)
Chishiya Shuntaro (Alice in Borderland)
Lillian Deville (Rugrats)
Mercutio Alice (Romeo and Juliet)
Bob Belcher (Bob’s Burgers)
Beel (coreofgold)
Lorelai (spellbcok)
Enid Sinclair (Wednesday)
Sidney (wvsteria) 
Sabrina (spellbcok) 
Ambrose Spellman (CAOS)
Lily Tucker-Pritchett (Modern Family)
Dohee (spellbcok)
Max Mayfield (Stranger Things)
T.J Kippen (Andi Mack)
Harry Hook (Descendants)
Gil (coreofgold)
Marco Del Rossi (Degrassi)
Max Baker (Ginny and Georgia)
Matthew Murdock (Marvel)
Peter Parker (wvsteria) 
Dean Winchester (Supernatural)
Ruyi (spellbcok) 
Emily Fitch (Skins UK)
Nick Nelson (Heartstopper)
Simon Spier (Love, Simon)
Evan Buckley (911)
T.K Strand (911 Lone Star)
Richie Tozier (IT)
Alexander Lightwood (Shadowhunters)
Markl (coreofgold)
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cybercupidwrites · 1 year
Hi!! I want to start writing for different characters in my free time, so i guess this will be my request page just leave a comment (OR advice about writing. That would be so helpful too!)
I will NOT be writing smut because I’m terrible at it! So thats just a warning.
These are characters i could write about
Marvel (the avengers mainly):
Bucky barnes
Tony stark
Steve rodgers
Peter parker
Natasha romanoff
Bruce banner
Thor odinson
Loki laufeyson
Wanda maximoff
Pietro maximoff
Steven grant
Marc spector
Jake lockley
Scott lang
Criminal minds:
Spencer reid
Aaron hotchner
Derek morgan
Penelope garcia
Emily prentiss
Jennifer jareau
Elle greenway
The maruraders:
Remus lupin
Sirius black
James potter
Glimore girls:
Luke danes
Jess mariano
Dean forester
Tristan dugray
Dave rygalski
Lorelai gilmore
Rory gilmore
Sookie st. James
Lane kim
Joey tribbiani
Ross geller
Chandler bing
Rachel green
Monica geller
Phoebe buffay
Mike hannigan
Teen wolf:
Stiles stilinski
Scott mccall
Issac lahey
Derek hale
Theo reaken
Liam dunbar
Malia tate
Lydia martin
Allison argent
Kira yukimura
Other characters:
Nick miller
Carl gallagher
Steve harrington
Robin buckley
Damian wayne
Dick grayson
Bruce wayne
Jason todd
Clark kent
Peeta mellark
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anewkindofme · 7 months
Here are a current list of fandoms I make content for and how I’ve classified characters thus far! If I haven’t included one, just ask and I’ll classify them for you. :) I’ll also include my OTPs that I may put together to be caregivers as well as NOTPs that I will not write for.
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Caregivers: Carlisle Cullen, Esme Cullen, Charlie Swan & Rosalie Hale.
Flips: Edward Cullen, Alice Cullen & Jacob Black
Littles: Bella Swan, Emmett Cullen & Jasper Hale
Nuetrals: N/A
OTPs: Carlisle/Esme, Jasper/Alice & Rosalie/Emmett (as caregivers only)
NOTPs: Edward/Bella & Jacob/Bella
The Vampire Diaries Universe:
Caregivers: Damon Salvatore, Klaus Mikaelson, Rebekah Mikaelson, Caroline Forbes, Elijah Mikaelson, Matt Donovan, Enzo St. John, Keelin Mikaelson, Bonnie Bennett, Freya Mikaelson, Cami O’Donnell, Hayley Marshall & Hope Mikaelson
Flips: None
Neutrals: Alaric Saltzman, Mikael Mikaelson, Esther Mikaelson, John Gilbert & Miranda Gilbert
Littles: Stefan Salvatore, Elena Gilbert, Jeremy Gilbert, Tyler Lockwood, Kol Mikaelson, Katherine Pierce, Marcel Gerard, Josie Saltzman, Lizzie Saltzman, Jenna Sommers & Davina Claire
OTPs: Damon/Enzo, Damon/Bonnie, Hayley/Elijah, Klaus/Caroline, Rebekah/Matt, Keelin/Freya, Damon/Bonnie/Enzo & Klaus/Cami
NOTPs: Damon/Elena, Damon/Katherine & Stefan/Katherine
I do ship Stefan/Elena, Kol/Davina, Hope/Josie & Jeremy/Bonnie, but as I don’t write about romantic dynamics between Littles and Caregivers, they won’t be featured romantically.
One Tree Hill:
Caregivers: Karen Roe, Keith Scott, Haley James Scott, Mouth McFadden, Quinn James, Chase Adams, Chris Keller & Clay Evans
Flips: Lucas Scott & Peyton Saywer
Neutrals: Dan Scott
Littles: Nathan Scott, Millie Huxtible, Brooke Davis & Alex Dupre
OTPs: Karen/Keith, Quinn/Clay, Peyton/Lucas (as caregivers) & Chris/Chase
NOTPs: Brooke/Lucas & Dan/Karen
I do ship Haley/Nathan, Brooke/Peyton & Mouth/Millie, but as I don’t write about romantic dynamics between Littles and Caregivers, they won’t be featured romantically.
Caregivers: Dean Winchester & Castiel
Flips: N/A
Neutrals: John Winchester & Mary Winchester
Littles: Sam Winchester & Jack Kline
OTPs: Dean/Castiel
Teen Wolf:
Caregivers: Derek Hale, Noah Stilinski, Melissa McCall, Chris Argent & Peter Hale
Flips: Scott McCall & Lydia Martin
Neutrals: N/A
Littles: Malia Tate, Stiles Stilinksi, Alison Argent & Liam Dunbar
OTPs: Noah/Melissa
I do ship Stiles/Derek, Stiles/Malia, Stiles/Lydia & Scott/Alison, but as I don’t write about romantic dynamics between Littles and Caregivers, they won’t be featured romantically.
Grey’s Anatomy/Private Practice:
Caregivers: Owen Hunt, Meredith Grey, Mark Sloan, Derek Shepherd, Addison Montgomery, Charlotte King, Arizona Robbins, Callie Torres, Atticus Lincoln & Sheldon Wallace
Flips: Amelia Shepherd
Neutrals: Cristina Yang & Izzie Stevens
Littles: Alex Karev, Jackson Avery, April Kepner, Jo Wilson, Andrew DeLuca, Lexi Grey & Dell Parker
OTPs: Meredith/Derek, Addison/Mark, Callie/Arizona & Charlotte/Amelia (as caregivers)
NOTPs: Owen Hunt/Anyone, Addison/Derek & Charlotte/Cooper
I do ship Mark/Lexi, April/Jackson, Alex/Jo & Andrew/Meredith, but as I don’t write about romantic dynamics between Littles and Caregivers, they won’t be featured romantically.
Once Upon A Time:
Caregivers: Snow White, Rumpelstiltskin, Belle French, Maleficent, Princess Anna, Prince Kristoff, Killian Jones (all versions), Henry Mills (S7 only), Ella Mills, Robin Hood, Queen Tiana, Ursula & Robin Hood-Mills/Margot
Flips: David Charming & Ruby Lucas
Nuetrals: Mother Gothel, Zelena Mills & Cora Mills
Littles: Emma Swan, Regina Mills, Alice Jones, Will Scarlet, Drizella Tremaine, Queen Elsa, Lily Page & Neal Cassidy/Baelfire
OTPs: Tiana/Killian, Snow/David (as caregivers), Belle/Rumpelstiltskin, Belle/Killian, Maleficent/Ursula, Henry/Ella, Snow/Ruby/David (as caregivers), Ruby/Belle (as caregivers) & Kristoff/Anna
NOTPs: Killian/Emma, Henry/Drizella, Killian/Gothel & Zelena/Anyone
I do ship Emma/Neal, Emma/Elsa, Emma/Lily, Belle/Will, Snow/Regina & Alice/Margot, but as I don’t write about romantic dynamics between Littles and Caregivers, they won’t be featured romantically.
Pretty Little Liars:
Caregivers: Emily Fields, Toby Cavanaugh, Caleb Rivers, Wayne Fields, Pam Fields, Mary Drake, Jason Dilaurentis & Maya St. Germain
Flips: Mona Vanderwaal, Alison Dilaurentis & Cece Drake
Neutrals: Veronica Hastings, Byron Montgomery, Peter Hastings, Ezra Fitz & Ella Montgomery.
Littles: Aria Montgomery, Spencer Hastings, Mike Montgomery, Alex Drake & Hanna Marin
OTPs: Wayne/Pam, Maya/Emily, Alison/Emily (as caregivers) & Caleb/Toby
NOTPs: Ezra/Aria
I do ship Spencer/Toby, Hanna/Caleb, Mona/Mike, Aria/Spencer & Aria/Jason, but as I don’t write about romantic dynamics between Littles and Caregivers, they won’t be featured romantically.
9-1-1 & 9-1-1 Lone Star:
Caregivers: Owen Strand, Bobby Nash, Athena Grant, Henrietta “Hen” Wilson, Howie Han, Tommy Vega, Judson “Judd” Ryder, Eddie Dias & Paul Strickland
Flips: Carlos Reyes
Neutrals: N/A
Littles: TK Strand, Marjan Marwani, Evan “Buck” Buckley & Maddie Buckley
OTPs: Bobby/Athena & Hen/Tracie
I do also ship TK/Carlos, Howie/Maddie & Buck/Eddie, but as I don’t write about romantic dynamics between Littles and Caregivers, they won’t be featured romantically.
Criminal Minds:
Caregivers: Aaron Hotchner, David Rossi, Jason Gideon, Will LaMontagne & Emily Prentiss
Flips: Derek Morgan & Jennifer “JJ” Jereau
Neutrals: N/A
Littles: Spencer Reid & Penelope Garcia
OTPs: JJ/Hotch (as caregivers), Emily/Hotch and Will/JJ (as caregivers)
NOTPs: Penelope/Luke
I do ship Penelope/Derek but as I don’t write about romantic dynamics between Littles and Caregivers, they won’t be featured romantically.
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loonylupinblack3 · 2 years
Who I Write For
A list of people (and ships) I write for
If you want me to write about any of these people just send a request. If there is someone else from one of the fandoms listed below you want me to write about, request it and I'll see if I'll write about it (I probably will).
x readers:
Regulus Black, James Potter, Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, Lily Evans, Pandora Lovegood, Dorcas Meadowes, Marlene McKinnon, Mary McDonald, Barty Crouch Jr, Evan Rosier, Harry Potter, Draco Malfoy, Fred Weasly, Newt Scammander
Jegulus, Wolfstar, Marylilly, Rosekiller, Dorlene, Jily, Marylene, Prongsfoot, Drarry, Linny
x readers:
Peter Parker 1 & 3, Pietro Maximoff, Wanda Maximoff, Natasha Romanoff, Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes, Carol Danvers, Tony Stark, Mark Spector/Steve Grant, Kate Bishop, Peter Maximoff, Maria Hill
Romanogers, Stucky, Stony, Blackhill, Ironstrange, Pepperioni
x readers:
Logan Howlett, Peter Maximoff, Erik Lehnsherr, Mystique
Xavier x Erik
x readers:
Stiles Stilinski, Kira Yukimura, Isaac Lahey, Void Stiles, Lydia Martin, Allison Argent, Theo Raeken, Derek Hale
Stydia, Sterek, Scallison, Scira, Scisaac, Thiam, Stora
x readers:
Charles Leclerc, Oscar Piastri, Max Verstappen, Lando Norris, Carlos Sainz, Logan Sargeant
Lestappen, Carlando, Landoscar, Charlos
x readers:
Thomas, Newt, Minho, Brenda, Aris
x readers
Steve Harrington, Robin Buckley, Mike Wheeler, Max Mayfield, Eddie Munson, Peter Ballard, Nancy Wheeler
Steddie, Ronance, Byler,
x readers:
Klaus Mikaelson, Caroline Forbes, Jeremy Gilbert, Katherine Pierce, Damon Salvatore, Stefan Salvatore, Kai Parker, Enzo St John
x readers:
Prince Caspian, Edmund
Caspian x Edmund
x readers:
Dick Grayson, Harley Quinn
x readers:
Regulus Black, Theodore Laurence, Paul Atreides
x readers:
JJ Maybank, Rafe Cameron
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penguin-writes-books · 11 months
psa on lydia’s discography (partially because someone asked and partially because i can’t keep it all in my mind)
DEBUT ALBUM: Coming of Age (the only album she didn’t tour) Lead Single: ‘Changed’ Thesis: Have you ever been a heartbroken seventeen year old girl? 0/10.
SECOND ALBUM: Angel Eyes Lead Single: ‘Angel Eyes’ Thesis: I’m an adult now and can do what I want, but I’m still kind of the little girl I’ve always been.
THIRD ALBUM: Get Better Soon Lead Single: ‘Sorry For Your Loss’ Thesis: Fuck everyone who has ever hurt me INCLUDING the people who hurt me in my head. Especially them.
FOURTH ALBUM: Burning Girl Lead Single: ‘Witches’ Thesis: WHY do people hate women so much? please stop that
FIFTH ALBUM: Static Lead Single: ‘Bitter’ Thesis: Cynthia Zdunowski broke my heart and I want to fucking murder her. And it was totally my fault. And I loved her. And I love her.
SIXTH ALBUM: metamorphosis Lead Single: ‘even’ Thesis: Have you guys ever been married to the love of your life? 10/10.
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randomestfandoms-ocs · 4 months
Ash's Gilmore Girls OC Masterlist
Gilmore Girls OC Masterlist for @the-witching-ash (none of these ocs are mine, I only organized the list)
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Name: Andrew Cartwright*
Story: Everything Changes
Faceclaim: Logan Lerman
Love Interest: Kirsty Gilmore (@randomestfandoms-ocs)
Pinterest: x
*a variation of the standard To Being An Us Verse but combined with the Gilmore Girls Delicate crossover
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Name: Addie Hisenburg
Faceclaim: Rachel Hilson
Story: So Much Better
Love Interest Paris Geller
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Name: Alice Hawthorn
Faceclaim: Olivia Colman
Story: Multi
Love Interest: Rupert Hawthorn
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Name: Callum Zang
Faceclaim: Harry Shum Jr.
Story: Royals
Love Interest: Hana Ryu, endgame Jess Mariano
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Name: Clemency Campbell
Faceclaim: Helena Boham Carter
Story: Multi
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Name: Daisy Gilmore
Faceclaim: Zoe Colletti
Story: Where Do You Belong
Love Interest: Dave Rygalski & Lane Kim
Pinterest: x
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Name: Eileen Bloom
Faceclaim: Maya Hawke
Story: Hazy Shades of Winter
Love Interest: TBD
Pinterest: x
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Name: Everett West
Faceclaim: Jesse L. Martin
Story: Multi
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Name: Evie Charleston
Faceclaim: Lucy Fry
Story: It’s Nice To Have A Friend
Love Interest: Rory Gilmore & Logan Huntzberger
Pinterest: x
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Name: Floyd Bach
Faceclaim: Cole Sprouse
Story: Things You Can’t Speak About / Piece By Piece*
Love Interest: Lane Kim
Pinterest: x
*a crossover with @randomestfandoms-ocs' Kirsty Gilmore / Piece By Piece universe
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Name: Floyd Bach*
Faceclaim: Cole Sprouse
Story: Delicate
Love Interest: Vicki St James
Pinterest: x
*A second variation of Floyd who exists in the Delicate crossover verse with @randomestfandoms-ocs' Kirsty, Troy, Harry, Vicki, and Lottie, sometimes combined with other crossovers
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Name: Grace Kim
Faceclaim: Lana Condor
Story: How Girls Should Behave
Love Interest: Regina Gilmore
Pinterest: x
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Name: Hana Ryu
Faceclaim: Jenna Ushkowitz
Story: Royals
Love Interest: Callum Zang, endgame Lindsay Lister
Pinterest: x
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Name: Harriet Stiles
Faceclaim: Caroline Goodall
Story: Mean
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Name: Imogen Flemming
Faceclaim: Anne Hathaway
Story: Mean
Love Interest: Jess Mariano
Pinterest: x
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Name: Liberty Danes
Faceclaim: Jennifer Love Hewitt
Story: There She Goes
Pinterest: x
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Name: Lily Lister
Faceclaim: Lili Reinhart
Story: Fearless
Love Interest: Rory Gilmore
Pinterest: x
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Name: Lydia Danes
Faceclaim: Ginnifer Goodwin
Story: My Little Corner Of The World, Multi
Love Interest: Lulu Kuschner
Pinterest: x
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Name: Mario Medina
Faceclaim: John Barrowman
Story: May God Have Mercy, Multi
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Name: Mercy Medina
Faceclaim: Michelle Trachtenberg
Story: May God Have Mercy
Love Interest: Logan Huntzberger
Pinterest: x
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Name: Richie Gilmore
Faceclaim: Grant Gustin
Story: Things You Can’t Speak About
Love Interest: N/A
Pinterest: x
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Name: Richie Gilmore*
Story: Piece By Piece/Multi
Love interest: Multi
*a variant of Richie that exists in multiple crossovers, always with @randomestfandoms-ocs' Kirsty Gilmore
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Name: Richie Gilmore / Richie Donahue-Callisto*
Story: Delicate
Love Interest: Troy Donahue-Callisto & Harry Bechtel ( @randomestfandoms-ocs )
*A second variation of Richie who exists in the Delicate crossover verse with @randomestfandoms-ocs' Kirsty, Troy, Harry, Vicki, and Lottie, sometimes combined with other crossovers
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Name: Regina Gilmore
Story: How Girls Should Behave
Faceclaim: Leighton Meester
Love Interests: Vance Hawthorn, Grace Kim
Pinterest: x
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Name: Rupert Hawthorn
Faceclaim: Tom Cavanagh
Story: Multi
Love Interest: Alice Hawthorn
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Name: Vance Hawthorn
Faceclaim: Ed Westwick
Story: Multi
Love Interest: Regina Gilmore, Colin McCrae & Finn
Pinterest: x
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cecexwrites · 6 days
Teen Wolf Masterlist
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Name: Amalie Elise Deveraux Fic: Coven Wars Ship: None Species: Witch FC: Blake Lively Amalie has always been the golden child, something her sister Charlotte made incredibly easy. Now Amalie is just waiting for the day her mother steps down as the Matriarch of the family so that she can step into the role. She has no idea about what's going on behind the scenes. That her sister's bastard child is in Beacon Hills and is more powerful than any of them expected
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Name: Artem Mikhail Sokolov Fic: Coven Wars Ship: Will Argent Species: Witch FC: Matthew Daddario Being the heir is something Artem has always taken incredibly seriously. The Sokolov name means power, strength and that is the legacy Artem intends to continue. Of course the cute Hunter who just came to town is really getting in the way of his focus.
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Name: Bambi Perilee Bardot Fic: Coven Wars Ship: Eli Hale Species: Necromancer FC: Rachel Zegler Bambi was 15 the first time her father killed her. lucky for him she just refuses to stay dead. Now, She's a coffee addict who spends her evening sneaking into the hospital morgue to wake up the dead and talk to them about their lives. Until the day she wakes up a man with a toe tag reading 'D Hale' and now it's her turn to be annoyed because that mother fucker won't stay dead
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Name: Charlotte Eloise Deveraux Fic: Coven Wars Ship: None Species: Witch FC: Leighton Meester There was a lot of pressure that came with being the eldest daughter in the Deveraux home. Unfortunately, Charlotte has never been good under pressure. Her cracks came in the form of rebellion of fooling around with the wrong kind of guys. And when she got pregnant, her mother 'handled' the problem. Taking the child away before Charlotte even had a chance to lay eyes on her daughter. Now, nearly 18 years later, the Deverauxs are on the rapidly losing side of the magical war they've been raging in for generations- and Charlotte's past is back to bite them all
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Name: Dimitri Mikhail Sokolov Fic: Coven Wars Ship: Leiden Deveraux Species: Witch FC: Louis Partridge The youngest of the Sokolov boys, Dimitri is the perfect mix of Artem and Lev. He knows how to have fun, as one of the more popular guys in school. But he also knows his duty, something his father and eldest brother drilled into his head from a young age. Now if only he could get away from Leiden Deveraux and get her the hell out of his head.
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Name: Eden St James Fic: Coven Wars Ship: Isaac Lahey Species: Witch/Werewolf FC: Lily Rose Depp Raised in a wolf pack that abused and discounted her, unable to see the true power that lived within her, Eden unintentionally murdered them all. Soon after she was taken in by Deucalion, who helped her to learn to harness her power and use it purposefully (Mostly for his purposes). Deucalion wants to collect a new toy for his pack, so off to Beacon Hills they go. But none of them know what they are about to face off against.
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Name: Isabel Elizabeth Weaver Fic: Coven Wars Ship: Derek Hale Species: Human (With a little druid blood in her) FC: Phoebe Dynevor Running from a bad relationship, Isabel found herself drawn to Beacon Hills for reasons she couldn't explain. She got a job teaching art, made friends and got herself a cute little apartment. Now if only she could get around running into Derek Freaking Hale on a far too regular basis.
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Name: Jude Amalie Deveraux Fic: Coven Wars Ship: Lydia Martin Species: Witch FC: Renee Rapp Living a life as the undisputed future head of the Deveraux family, Jude knew she could get away with murder and she pushed the limit constantly. However that all comes to a screeching halt when her Aunt's mistake finds it's way to town and threatens Jude's standing. At least she'll always have the hot ginger Prom Queen Lydia Martin
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Name: Leiden Elise Deveraux Fic: Coven Wars Ship: Dimitri Sokolov Species: Witch Deveraux Princess Leiden has never broken a rule in her life (at least she's never been caught breaking a rule) so when she's approached by not only Eli Hale, but Dimitri Freaking Sokolov to break them all to help solve a mystery her first instinct is to tell them both to take a hike but maybe choosing to do the exciting thing for the first time in her life- is a good thing?
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Name: Lev Mikhail Sokolov Fic: Coven Wars Ship: tbd Species: Witch The party boy at heart, Lev has never taken anything too seriously. He's just here to have a good time, being too serious is Artem's job. However when Lev finds himself wrapped up in the McCall Pack drama, he's going to have to put down the party boy image and use his magic to save the damn day, whether he likes it or not.
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Name: Mia Celeste Hale Fic: Coven Wars Ship: Jordan Parrish Species: Werewolf Once upon a time, the Hale Pack was a force to be reckoned with. But a bitch taking advantage of Derek and a whole light of kerosene ruined that. Mia was out at a sleep over that night and was forced to watch her famly burned. Lucky for her, her older brother and sister survived and she was able to remain in Beacon Hills. Now a reporter at the Beacon Hills Gazette, she is looking to get closer to the cute new deputy, mostly to keep an eye on things and keep them far far away from her family and Pack
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Name: Mikhail Anatoly Sokolov Fic: Coven Wars Ship: Kate Argent Species: Witch The Patriarch of the Sokolov family, Mikhail is a monster and he doesn't care who knows it. To him the only thing that matters is power and that means getting rid of that damned Deveraux family no matter the cost. Working with multiple accomplices, Mikhail's plan to seize power is never ending.
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Name: Wesley Anne Brooks Fic: Coven Wars Ship: Liam Dumbar Species: Werewolf Being a female werewolf is hard. All Westley wants to do is play Lacrosse but she's too rough for the girls team and keeps getting denied for the boys team. But this year is her year, she's campaigned her way in thanks to Past female lacrosse players like Kira. But when Nolan and Gabe begin their crusade to hunt down all the supernatural creatures in the school, her year might just be cut short. Oh and her long lost father? Yeah he's here too
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Name: William Henry Argent Fic: Coven Wars Ship: Artem Sokolov Species: Human (Hunter) As a member of the famous Argents, Will knew his place in life. He was to hunt down all the dirty rotten Supernatural creatures ruining the world. However, a quick stop in Beacon Hills to see his family has everything he's ever known derailing in ways he couldn't imagine.
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dreamlandforever · 11 months
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@writersmonth Prompt: Day 3 - Seashell
Fandom: Teen Wolf | Sterek WC: 600
III. Seashell | The Mermaid
“Did you know that seashells were once used as currency?” Stiles asked, playing with the seashell currently his hand, throwing it up in the air and catching it again. 
Derek held his hand out to Stiles, who wordlessly handed him the seashell he had found. 
“They also represent St. James, the patron Saint of Spain and pilgrims.” Stiles added, not really turning to see Derek. “He was the son of a fisherman, so I guess that’s why.” 
“Why do you know that?” Derek asked, pulling Stiles against him so the younger man could focus on him instead of on the sea.
“I researched it.” Stiles said simply, shrugging. Derek was sometimes taken aback with how casual Stiles was about some very random stuff he did. 
“You thought Neptune was the Big Bad?” Derek couldn’t help but ask. A part of him knew Stiles was way too smart for his own good. The other part of him also knew that Stiles was severely sleep deprived, which, at times, made him not the most coherent person. 
“No, dude. I had no clue what was happening, and excuse me for evil man-eating mermaid not being my first thought, and there were seashells all around town. So I researched if they were used for spells, or if they had any meaning. I learned a lot of useless information, because apparently the mermaid simply didn’t notice she had seashells all over her every time she came into town to steal a man.” Stiles defended himself, taking the seashell from Derek’s hands again to play with it. 
“You aren’t going to join them?” Derek asked, looking at the rest of the Pack in the lake. He rolled his eyes when he noticed that Scott and Isaac were trying to drown each other and passing it off as a ‘game’.
“They have the weirdest way to flirt, don’t they?” Stiles commented, finally setting the shell down. “There are no shells in Beacon Hills, I have no clue how mermaids work. I hate them, though. That I know.”
Derek couldn’t agree more, especially with the still healing bites he had on his torso and legs. A good chunk of his thigh was still trying to regrow. “Like you have a better way?”
“Hey! I got you in the end, didn’t I?” Stiles protested immediately, letting Derek hold him closer to him.
“Stiles, you almost got yourself killed. Literally.” 
“Look, I was trying to be brave and save your ass. I did. And then you immediately returned the favor. That’s how we work, Sourwolf, deal with it. Now, your co-Alpha and your son are trying to kill each other and I think you should intervene.” Stiles commented, pointing at where Scott and Isaac were getting more violent, and Lydia and Allison were simply sitting on their chairs fixing their manicure after dealing with the mermaid. The rest of the betas were swimming away from the two, ignoring them. 
Derek sighed. “Are you not coming?”
“The shade is this skin’s best friend, Derbear. Go deal with them and then come back here. And don’t get in the lake, it might be bad for your wounds.” Stiles told him, making himself comfortable in the outdoors couch Lydia had, perfectly safe under an oversize umbrella. He started wondering if he could find enough seashells to make a necklace, when he heard a big splash. By the time he turned to look, Derek was already on his way back to him, and Scott and Isaac were staring blankly at each other. Stiles had no clue what had happened, but he was certain it was a lot more violent than it had to be, judging by Erica’s loud laugh. He closed his eyes again, grateful for his life, while he waited for his perfect boyfriend to join him.
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katereads · 9 months
In keeping with my "What if this other story but literati?" tendencies, here's a modern Pride & Prejudice AU.
The Bennett Sisters
A literati pride and prejudice AU that I have no intention of actually writing.
A city in 2020s America. The Bennett sisters have been musically talented their whole lives, but it took being stuck at home during the pandemic for them to start a band. They started out playing shows online, then small outdoor gigs. They have a small but growing fan base.
The sisters:
Jane Bennett, played by Lane Kim, drummer extraordinaire 
Elizabeth Bennett, played by Rory Gilmore, bassist, co-song-writer
Mary Bennett, played by Paris Gellar, keyboardist, co-song-writer
Lydia Bennett, played by Louise Grant, lead singer
Kitty Bennett, played by Madeline Lynn, guitar
Other characters:
Mrs Bennett, played by Lorelei Gilmore, their ambitious manager who wants her daughters to succeed. 
Mr Bennett, played by Christopher Hayden, a music company executive who works with his daughters as well as many other bands. A largely absentee father who nonetheless made sure the house was full of music
Charles Bingley, played by Dave Rygalski, an up-and-coming artist who comes to town to record his next album
Fitzwilliam (Will) Darcy, played by Jess Mariano, Bingley’s best friend and successful singer-songwriter 
Wickham, played by Tristan DuGrey, will threaten the band’s future when he convinces Lydia to run off with him
Mr Collins, played by Logan Huntzburger, a businessman running a popular music streaming service that is buying out the music company Mr Bennett works for. Refers to art as “content”
Mr and Mrs Gardiner, played by Sookie St James and Jackson Belleville, take Elizabeth on a short vacation
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Updated Fandom List (TV Series)
Created: 26/02/2023
Updated: 31/11/2023
The following list contains fandoms and characters I take requests for.
You can find my Movies Fandom List here.
13 Reasons Why
Jeff Atkins
Clay Jensen
Jessica Devis
Zack Dempsey
Montgomery de la Cruz
Tyler Down
Justin Foley
Sheri Holland
Alex Randall
Charlie St. George
Diego Torres
Scott Reed
Winston Williams
Evan Buckley
Athena Grant-Nash
Eddie Diaz
Bobby Nash
Howard Han
Maddie Buckley
All American
Asher Adams
Darnell Hayes
Jordan Baker
Layla Keating
Olivia Baker
Spencer James
Tyrone Morris
Chicago Fire
Kelly Severide
Matthew Casey
Leslie Shay
Sylvie Brett
Stella Kidd
Wallace Boden
Gabriella Dawson
Peter Mills
Jimmy Borelli
Chris Herrmann
Jessica Chilton
Chicago P.D.
Kim Burgess
Antonio Dawnson
Jay Halstead
Erin Lindsay
Hailey Upton
Hank Voight
Control Z
Alex Salomone
Gerry Granda
Isabela de La Fuente
Javier Williams
Luis Navarro
Maria Alexander
Natalia Alexander
Raul Leon
Rosita Restrepo
Sofia Herrera
El Club
Matias Anda
Nicolas Farah
Rablo Caballero
Santiago Caballero
Sofia de Leon
Ander Muñoz
Carla Rosón Caleruega
Christian Varela Expósito
Guzmán Nunier Osuna
Lucrecia Montesinos Hendrich
Marina Nunier Osuna
Nadia Shanaa
Omar Shanaa
Patrick Blanco Commerford
Polo Benavent Villada
Samuel García Domínguez
Valerio Montesinos Rojas
House M.D.
Gregory House
James Wilson
Lisa Cuddy
Eric Foreman
Robert Chase
Allison Cameron
Sergio Siscar
Anna Dussuel
Marta Ortega
Station 19
Maya Bishop
Carina DeLuca
Theo Ruiz
Teen Wolf
Brett Talbot
Chris Argent
Danny Mahealani
Derek Hale
Aiden Steiner
Ethan Steiner
Isaac Lahey
Jackson Whittemore
Kira Yukimura
Liam Dunbar
Lydia Martin
Scott McCall
Stiles Stilinski
The Resident
AJ Austin
Barett Cain
Billie Sutton
Conrad Hawkings
Nic Nevin
Devon Pravesh
Kit Voss
Randolph Bell
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ghost-bison · 9 months
Rules For Requests
No hard smut, but I will write flirting/kissing/soft NSFW
I can do y/n, cross-ships, crackships, rare pairs... As long as it's characters I'm willing to write for
You can send your request in my ask box. I'll only answer if you're polite and nice, though
Length of the OS may vary with inspiration/characters I'm writing for
Try to give me at least a little bit of information so I know which direction your OS will take
I'll write about (almost) any ship as long as it involves at least one character in my list
Good Omens: Anthony J. Crowley - Aziraphale Fell - Gabriel - Beelzebub - Furfur - Hastur - Muriel - Shax
Doctor Who: Donna Noble - Tenth Doctor - Ninth Doctor - Martha Jones - Rose Tyler - River Song - Fourteenth Doctor - Rose Noble - Shaun Temple - Eleventh Doctor - Amelia Pond - Rory Williams
Broadchurch: Alec Hardy - Ellie Miller - Beth Latimer
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - Negan Smith - Carol Pelletier - Michonne Hawthorne - Judith Grimes - Beth Greene
Project Blue Book: Michael James Quinn - Allen Hynek - Mimi Hynek - Susie Miller
Teen Wolf: Derek Hale - Malia Hale - Allison Argent - Stiles Stilinski - Scott McCall - Lydia Martin - Isaac Lahey - Peter Hale - Theo Raeken - Liam Dunbar - Kira Yukimura - Cora Hale - Braeden - Kate Argent - Chris Argent
The Vampire Diaries: Lorenzo 'Enzo' St. John - Damon Salvatore - Bonnie Bennett - Elena Gilbert - Rebekah Mikaelson - Malachai 'Kai' Parker - Alexia 'Lexi' Branson - Tyler Lockwood - Elijah Mikaelson - Niklaus 'Klaus' Mikaelson - Caroline Forbes - Katherine Pierce - Matt Donovan - Stefan Salvatore
The Sandman: Morpheus 'Dream' of the Endless - Robert 'Hob' Gadling - Corinthian - Death of the Endless - Desire of the Endless - Matthew - Lucifer Morningstar - Lucienne
Once Upon A Time: Regina Mills - Emma Swan - Zelena Mills - Mary Margaret Blanchard - Henry Mills - David 'Charming' Nolan - Rogers - Lucy Mills - Robyn Mills - Alice Jones
She-Ra and the Princesses of Power: Catra - Adora - Glimmer of Brightmoon - Bow - Scorpia - Entrapta - Mermista - Sea Hawk - Perfuma - Swiftwind - Frosta - Mara - Castaspella - Angela - Micah - Double Trouble - Madame Razz - Light Hope
The Haunting of Hill House: Eleanor 'Nell' Crain - Theodora 'Theo' Crain - Hugh Crain - Olivia Crain
The Haunting of Bly Manor: Dani Clayton - Jamie Taylor - Viola Willoughby
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