torimouto · 4 months
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He found himself on the familiar porch, remembering the last time he’d knocked. Wondering if he should, or if he shouldn’t. What he would do if Tobirama didn’t answer?
The decision was taken from him after less than a minute of dithering. The door swung open. The albino on the other side was in the under layers of the formal outfit he’d donned for his sister-in-law’s birthday, still so different without any armor, but no less deadly in his underlayer as he leaned on the doorframe.
He looked vicious. Mean. Madara realized he hadn’t seen that look on the other’s face since the war.
“What do you want, Uchiha. Come to gloat?” the Senju asked, arms crossed even as a bottle of sake dangled in one hand.
-Like Fire Weeping from a Cedar Tree by @madmothmadame
help ive been in madatobi hell for the past few weeks and theres no end in sight
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nogyojutsu · 2 years
eating my own brain matter reading some of my favorite founders fic authors.
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muffinlance · 8 days
i love your writing so i went through your ao3 bookmarks for fic recs and i saw you read naruto ff! so in case you haven't read it already, i highly recommend you take a look at "count your blessings" by @madmothmadame. i genuinely think you will love it
Very belated: YES GOOD SOUP
My summary: "Tobirama keeps a half-dead Izuna in a closet and nobody notices because he wins at poker faces forever: The Fic."
Except it's not crack. It's delightfully political, with lots of expanded world-building. Absolutely recommend this unhinged train wreck of a premise that DELIVERS.
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captainkirkk · 9 months
All the fics I’ve read and really enjoyed in the past week-ish. Reminder: This list features any and all ratings and themes. Please look at tags and warnings on ao3 before reading.
if you wanna be my lover (you gotta get with my friends) by mindshelter
MJ still remembers Ned’s initial disbelief when Peter—infamous for missing class back in sophomore year, suspended for two weeks freshman year—finished his bit of the group write-up four days early. The work was perfect, and so was Ned's chemistry grade. After that it was Peter this, Peter that, Peter parted the Red Sea, it’s true, MJ, I was there; I saw it. MJ, hey, are you listening?
Then Ned says, “We should invite Peter to join AcaDec.”
or; peter isn’t rock bottom on midtown’s social ladder; he’s underground. friendless, rumoured to get into street fights. ned declares him bestie material anyway, and mj catches feelings.
she also meets tony stark(?) in foodtown, of all places, and makes a spider-man(??) sighting.
law of insomnia by thewunderkind
אנחנו נפגשים שוב” "I'm sorry, I do not understand," And then Iruma lowers himself, getting on his knees and bowing until his forehead meets the ground.
Or the one wherein they're soulmates and only Alice is aware of what is happening.
how's it go again? by timdrakesuperspy
Tim Drake's universe is falling apart. He's surprised when he doesn't fall with it, due only to Mr. Mxyzptlk's misplaced feeling of debt. He's even more surprised when the imp crash-land him in the middle of the Wayne family's dinner.
OR: After Tim fails to bring back enough proof that Bruce isn't dead, his life sucks. So of course the universe falls apart. So of course a nosy interdimensional imp decides to intervene and send Tim to a universe unnervingly off from his.
the back corner booth by destiny919
"Hey, Hood," Rhys says seriously. "I've got something for you, but it's a little outside your usual service range."
Jason raises his eyebrows under the helmet. He never gets kids from outside the Alley, if only because they have no way of meeting one of his liaisons, or any reason to trust the Red Hood. "How far outside?"
Rhys smirks. "Not too far. Just Bristol."
Jason really, really hopes his appalled expression is coming through the helmet.
to find an intended (a bit unintentionally) by nyoomerr
It takes about five minutes after they first meet for Shen Yuan to start flirting with Luo Binghe. Aggressively, too, in a way that even some of Luo Binghe’s most frequent bed partners wouldn’t dare to. It’s shocking and infuriating and, unfortunately, Luo Binghe finds himself charmed.
Too bad Shen Yuan doesn’t actually know that his actions come off as demon-flirting in the first place.
Clone Wars
an ill-advised gift by S_C_G
The Senate tries their hand at some regime change in the Mandalore sector.
It doesn't go well.
The Senate tries their hand at sending a gift to better relations and buy some time.
They couldn't have made a worse choice.
Or, the Senate gives the Mand'alor a child. This, quite predictably, backfires.
let me lie with you by MadMothMadame
The War is over. With the Sith conspiracy uncovered, and Sepratists suing for peace, Obi-Wan knew things would not be the same as they were before. Some changes would be for the worse, but when he thought about Cody, and all they had the potential to become now that rank and the weight of war no longer had to stand between them-
Well, some change could only be for the better.
He should have known better.
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cactusspatz · 3 months
May recs
So May turned into my biennial swing through Naruto fandom (have I ever seen a single episode? nope), during which I managed to fall down the Madara/Tobirama rabbit hole - which is a very fun time if you enjoy extreme competency and enemies-to-lovers! Also I've got some Kakashi/Iruka fic, and a couple of Guardian fics for Shen Wei/Zhao Yunlan. More recs at Pinboard as well!
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As Is the Sea Marvelous by blackkat
Tobirama is willing to give absolutely anything for Hashirama and his dream.
AKA the fic that started me down this rabbit hole. Blackkat is so dangerous with the gateway drug fics like that - this is a great canon AU aimed directly at my id where Tobirama surrenders to the Uchiha in hopes of stopping an escalation of the war after he wounds Izuna.
and all the fire's at your fingertips by pandaflower
Tobirama is elbow deep in a stealth mission in Wind Country when he runs into a shinobi squad toting a stolen Uchiha child. Tobirama disapproves.
Charming gen competence porn/kidfic adventure.
With Enemies Like These by sarkasticfics
After a serious and devastating attack, the Uchiha are in desperate need of a sealmaster. Unfortunately for them, the best candidate happens to be from the Senju clan. Fortunately for them, he doesn't seem all that inclined to act like an enemy. Which is lucky because, as it turns out, there are plenty of other adversaries making moves in Fire Country - both the clans will need to make new friends to survive. Madara would have been content if his new husband tolerated him and helped his clan stay safe. He doesn't quite know what to do with the fact that his husband doesn't stop there.
Jam-packed with competence and tropes, just the way I like it - and there's some incredibly lovely moments as they reconcile with their clans' bloody pasts.
Count Your Blessings by madmothmadame
The war is over. Tobirama ended it when he put his sword through Izuna's center mass. But where war had united the Senju behind their leader, peace threatened to tear them apart. And who better for the warmongers to look to as a leader than the greatest killer of Uchiha they had ever seen? There were only two problems with that plan. One, Tobirama would never, ever, betray his elder brother. Two, he may or may not have a surprisingly not dead Uchiha Izuna in a coma in his guest room, hiding the secret of resurrection that Tobirama needs with everything he is. Now if only he would wake.
Deliciously epic. The inciting incident is very hand-wavey (having been inspired by another fic), but the follow-through in worldbuilding around Konoha's founding, the metric truckload of feels, and the twisty political intrigue makes for a great read. Be warned, there's like 250K of hurt before it gets to any sort of comfort, so maybe save it for a long rainy day if you don't want to suffer (like me). Also, the ship is pretty background, so don't expect much romance - but the gen relationships are fantastic and crunchy.
for the record by ohwickedsoul
Asuma looks from Anko, who is laser-focused in a way rarely seen outside missions, and Iruka’s bewildered face. “Holy shit,” he says. “You’ve seen Kakashi’s face.”
The ending is TRUE ROMANCE, OKAY. And hilarious!
It's Amazing Who You Stumble Into (along the road of life) by vulcanhighblood
Hatake Kakashi and Umino Iruka have been part of each other's lives for a long time. A lot longer than Iruka realizes, anyway. Kakashi recognizes this is something of a problem, but only once it's too late to do anything about it. OR How To Make Your Secret Identity Friend Your Real-Life Boyfriend: A Shinobi's Guide To How Not To Romance
In which they keep running into each other over the years, complicated by Kakashi being ANBU for the first half of it. I loved the varied assortment of meetings, and the way they kept trading off on helping each other (physically, medically, emotionally).
Breaking Point by musicalluna & nightwalker
Zhao Yunlan is having a really terrible week, and it just gets worse when he starts to think Shen Wei has gotten tired of his bullshit.
Fantastic post-canon piece where the boys really need to communicate, and the universe/work is not helping. Excellent characterization and some brutally good relationship fights - but they figure it out in the end.
However deep the Lake by elenothar
Zhao Yunlan finds out a lot earlier that the Envoy isn't as invulnerable as he seems.
Classic h/c story where they're taken captive together in Episode 4.
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vivacia-18 · 4 months
After many years, guess who decided to try their hand at bookbinding again?
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That's right, me! And of course I chose I giant of a fic, because I am nothing if not ambitious XD. I think it's 3 inches or more thick, and came to a whopping 1088 pages! The fic is Count Your Blessings by @madmothmadame , a Founders Era Tobirama centric fic and I cannot recommend it enough <3 <3 <3
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My cover fabric and end paper are pretty simple, one part because I thought it suited the story, one part because I had them on hand, and one part because I'm a raw beginner and that's about as good as I could manage XD
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It took a lot of waffling on my part (graphic design is NOT a great skill of mine) but overall I ended up really happy with how the title page came out - if I had the artistic skill to paint/draw it or the supplies to transfer it, this would have gone on the cover as well. Alas, for now it shall remain inside only.
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A little detail that gave me some grief, as I waffled on font style and size a bit, but ultimately I'm really pleased with it - I used a plum blossom branch as the scene break throughout the book. If you've read the fic, you probably know why I picked that particular image for this and the title page ;)
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I realized after printing that some of my paper had gotten a bit aged, even though it was stored in the printer. I wasn't about to waste the paper, ink and time for a reprint though, so I left it. Since the book is for me, little things like that are no bother. I was just glad I didn't fuck up in the printing or signature sewing order X'D
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I included the authors notes from the end of each chapter as a bonus section at the end, so they'd be preserved with the story but not breaking up the flow of reading the book ^_^
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Final view, this time from the spine - think I left the gap a little to wide between the cover boards and spine but eh, again this is just for me and only my third binding ever (and certainly the largest! XD) so I'm still really pleased overall.
A very fun experience, and I'm looking forward to my next re-read of the story, where I'll be doing it with my very own chonky boi version held in my hands :3
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haveyoureadthisfanfic · 5 months
Summary: The War is over. With the Sith conspiracy uncovered, and Separatists suing for peace, Obi-Wan knew things would not be the same as they were before. Some changes would be for the worse, but when he thought about Cody, and all they had the potential to become now that rank and the weight of war no longer had to stand between them- Well, the coming changes could only be for the better, right? He should have known. Or, the road home is neither short nor straight, with many trials and tribulations along the way, but it is worth it in the end.
Author: @madmothmadame
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madmothmadame · 8 months
This one was a labor of love and is finally complete. If you like my writing and want to give it a try, I'd love to see you there <3
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nikkicross22 · 5 months
I’m having a rather bothersome flare up, so here’s
My top 10 favorite fics
In no particular order!
1) Count Your Blessings by MadMothMadame
Fandom: Naruto
Status: On-going, near complete
Summary: “All war is fratricide, and there is therefore an infinite chain of blame that winds its circuitous route back and forth across the path and under the feet of every people and every nation." -Louis de Bernières
The war is over. Tobirama ended it when he put his sword through Izuna's center mass. But where war had united the Senju behind their leader, peace threatened to tear them apart. And who better for the warmongers to look to as a leader than the greatest killer of Uchiha they had ever seen?
There were only two problems with that plan. One, Tobirama would never, ever, betray his elder brother.
Two, he may or may not have a surprisingly not dead Uchiha Izuna in a coma in his guest room, hiding the secret of resurrection that Tobirama needs with everything he is.
Now if only he would wake.
2) No Paths Are Bound by Cataclysmic_Calamity
Fandom: MXTX - TGCF
Status: Complete
Summary: Xie Lian found something in himself that he thought was gone—worn away with every mistake he had made.
His arms opened, and the child was hesitant—but eventually, he fell into them, his body trembling with silent sobs.
"I remember you," he whispered again, voice breaking as Hong-er clung to him.
I remember you.
I remember you.
I will always, for as long as I live, remember you.
(A re-telling of TGCF where Xie Lian has his cursed shackle placed in his eyes, blinding him. And yet, through all of his struggles; there is always someone watching over him.)
3) A Dangerous Game by Cybrid
Fandom: Harry Potter
Status: On-going
Summary: Tom Riddle opens the Chamber of Secrets in Harry’s fifth year at Hogwarts. After a botched attempt to extract the Horcrux in Harry’s scar leaves their souls tied together, Tom is forced to kidnap him when he makes his escape.
A story of Horcrux hunting, adventure and unwilling attraction.
4) Falling Leaves of Evergreen Trees by QuillQ
Fandom: Naruto/Harry Potter
Status: On-going
Summary: She is a nameless girl with no past and no future. A test subject at the mercy of Orochimaru. This place will kill her, but there is more to her than meets the eye. She was once someone else, and though no one here knows it, Harry Potter has never been able to stay dead for long.
“The only survivor.” Danzō tells his old friend with appropriate solemnity for the situation. After all, it was Hiruzen’s student who did this to the girl.
5) All’s Fair by Lovely_Elbow_Leech
Fandom: AtLA
Status: On-going (technically a series, but both books are phenomenal. Summary from book 1)
Summary: Book one ends with two major diffrences: 1. Sokka went on the mission with Hahn (it did not go well) 2. Zhao survives the North Pole and that proves unfortunate for everybody (except Zhao, obviously)
Imprisoned on Zhao’s war ship, Sokka and Zuko have to work together to survive. They are not very enthusiastic about this prospect.
And they argue.
A lot.
6) Fire in the Mountains by EllaBesmirched (El_Bell)
Fandom: MHA
Status: On-going (technically a series, but the books are phenomenal. Summary from book 1)
Summary: “I’ll do it.”
Enji froze, fingers curling into a fist at his side, and didn’t turn around.
Shouto froze too, feeling his own eyes widen in shock at the words that had come out of his mouth, at the fact that he had actually stood up, followed his father out of the room, and dashed after him all just to say… he’d do it? He would do it? Him. Shouto Todoroki. He would--
Enji finally turned around and fixed Shouto with an expression so scathing, Shouto had to fight to keep his chin raised. “You’ll marry the Barbarian King.”
Shouto blinked. “Yes.”
7) Ear to Wall by Vodkassassin
Fandom: Naruto
Status: On-going
Summary: The Minato-sensei beams at him, and replies, “Kakashi! I’m glad you’re awake,” and, yup, that’s Minato-sensei’s voice.
Kakashi falls back down against the bed, closing his eyes. It’s too short of a way down, and he clenches hands that are too tiny and feeble and not his in dog-print sheets he hasn’t owned for decades.
8) Consuming Shadows by Child_OTKW
Fandom: Harry Potter
Status: On-going
Summary: His attention skipped passed the students and moved to the politicians’ pavilion. His gaze locked with crimson, and he nearly faltered under the sheer hunger in those eyes.
It unnerved him how fixated the man was on his dirtied, exhausted figure.
But what troubled him more was the slight smirk he could make out on the man’s lips. It was almost pleased.
On the night of the attack, Lily managed to escape with her infant son, but at the cost of her husband’s life. Distraught and distrusting of her friends, she fled to France with Harry, to raise him away from the corruption in Britain and the rising influence of the Dark Lord. She trains him to the best of her abilities, shaping him into a dangerous, intelligent and powerful wizard.
But when Britain re-establishes the Triwizard Tournament, and Harry, now known as Hadrian, is forced to return to his once-home, he finds himself questioning whether he really wants to kill the Dark Lord. Voldemort finds an unexpected challenge in the child, and as his intrigue and amusement grows, so too does the desire to possess the spark in those defiant green eyes.
9) New Recruit Universe by butter_peanut
Fandom: Naruto
Status: Complete (A series, but all books are phenomenal. Summary from book 1)
Summary: He looked like a particularly stupid civilian. He looked like a sharp burst of wind would blow him over. He looked like he’d answered their advertisement thinking the Akatsuki was a cat appreciation society.
“Are you kidding?” said Hidan, voicing what everyone was thinking. “This guy is supposed to replace Sasori and Deidara?”
“Sukea is qualified,” Pein said in a tone that brooked no arguments. “And will be paired with Tobi.”
10) On My Love by RikoJasmine
Fandom: Yuri!!! on Ice
Status: Hiatus
Summary: For the second time, the Sochi Grand Prix Finals arrive, and with it a reborn Yuuri Katsuki. “Viktor,” Yuuri thinks over the pounding of his heart, the crowd going silent as the music begins. “I’ll show the world what you meant to me.”
Yuuri often thinks of his life as Before and After Viktor Nikiforov, the marking point being the day Viktor swept into his life and turned his world upside-down. After many years together, an accident leads to Yuuri suddenly waking up in the Before—back in Detroit, before the GPF, before he ever knew Viktor as anything other than his childhood idol.
As if it had all been just a dream.
And there’s 10! Honestly there’s so many absolutely fantastic fics out there, but those are the ones that jump to the front of my mind. I’ll definitely add more later. Please reboot and add some of your own favorites for me to check out!
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anxiousotters · 6 months
WIP Writing Game
Thank you to @vytels for the tag!!
Summarize 5 of your works in progress badly:
1. Woman peels fruit for her murder gf
2. Sad bitchy man adopts his dead rival’s traumatized son
3. Man escapes murder charge via. shotgun wedding
4. Lovers commit fraud, spread propaganda, and misfile paperwork
5. Soulmates get unknowingly shoved into an arranged marriage
This was so fun, thanks again for the tag!! I’m tagging: @cookiemonsterv3, @rooksnooks, @biscuityskies, @ferretrade, @goddammitjim, and @madmothmadame!
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childotkw · 1 year
And then izuna marches up to Regulus' village (because at this point I think everyone would just assume those are HIS stomping grounds) with a whole battalion of streamers, food, and lights but the villagers are all confused and Regulus is just exasperated because "these fucking ninja-"
I wonder how Regulus interacts with other shinobi, I'm new to the naruto fandom and there's not a lot of fics that show shinobi life outside of  Konohagakure, so it would definetly be interesting to see the interactions with other villages (if you have fic recs I'd be very greatful).
Regulus exits his bedroom one day to see Izuna having breakfast with the old couple he lives with (was adopted by). Izuna beams up at him and Regulus just releases the deepest, most exhausted groan you've ever heard because he thought he was free from the little prick but nnoo
Izuna is turning up the dial on his innocently-menacing-little-brother vibe because he's miffed that it's taken this long to get Regulus back (after he's spent months banishing Uchiha patrols and retrieval teams from the area and no one knows how he keeps doing it). But he's got an in with the elderly couple that took Regulus in, and he exploits the hell out of it.
As for Regulus interacting with other Fire Nation ninja clans...I'd say he'd enjoy the Nara the most for their intellect but laidback approach. He's a bit of a genius himself, and would have been in Ravenclaw if he wasn't in Slytherin, so he does love learning and testing himself mentally - which the Nara would appreciate.
For non-Konoha / Fire clans, Regulus would likely get along with most he came across. He wouldn't be a traveller, but he's courteous and polite when meeting new people, and doesn't have any of the preconceived biases / rivalries that most people would have. I do think it'd be funny if he didn't like Suna though because it's a desert and he's from fucking Britain.
On that note, Konoha sends him to Kiri once as part of an envoy and they have to pry him away because he likes the weather 😂
(I haven't read too many Naruto fics lately to really rec any...but the best one I've come across that goes into the politics of Konoha is Count Your Blessings by MadMothMadame, and it's set in the Founder Era, so it's really good!)
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firecoloredwater · 6 months
Tagged by @domoz
Rules: list the first line(s) of your last 10 (or however many you have) posted fics and see if there’s a pattern.
1 - Second Breath: "When Madara's mother died he was twelve, a fully fledged shinobi, and no longer in need of anyone to raise him."
2 - Roots Grow Up: "There are shinobi in town today."
3 - And On The Horizon: "A dragon’s rising, and their first flight in particular, can’t be predicted perfectly."
4 - to accept the will of heaven: "To die for the Uchiha is an honor." - cowritten with @denialcity who I'm like 60% sure wrote the first line?
(in the beginning would go here, but I'm like 99% sure that @denialcity wrote the first sentence of that one so I'm skipping it)
5 - Party of Two Centuries: "“Dual monarchies never work,” Tarvek complained as he straightened Gil’s waistcoat."
6 - There's a Statue in the Baron's Lair: "The office looked thrown together, or possibly left over from some other office."
7 - The Best of Bad Plans: "“What are you doing here?”"
(Dealing With Canon Impression Limits is meta, not fic, so I'm skipping it as well.)
8 - In Words: "The green hair wasn’t unusual."
9 - Burning Up: "Back in Gyula Kai’s best friend was Ioan, the son of a silversmith."
10 - Somebody Else's Dream: "Petru’s head ached."
...well. first pattern. I have posted WAY less Naruto fic than I have written. Although that's mostly deliberate, since I finished so few Girl Genius fics I decided to stop posting things as soon as I had a chapter finished. Which has... mostly worked?
But wow no wonder I get no comments anymore in comparison. Need to keep in mind that comments are in a ratio to posting, not writing, I guess. Someday I will figure out how to write oneshots.
Second: I tend to start way zoomed out and like, write myself into the scene. Which is not Good Writing TM but I enjoy it so I'm not really fighting myself on it. I also like to start with a very mild, bland observation or statement of fact, which is actually significantly less bland once the fic gets started.
When I don't do 2, I tend to start with dialogue.
Also wow I do not like any of these titles. Why can't the fics with titles I like be the ones I get to a point where they can be posted.
Tagging @denialcity/@codedredalert, @madmothmadame @hellotemporaryuniverse and also whoever else wants to
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Last Line Challenge
Rules: in a new post, show the last line you wrote (or drew) and tag as many people as there are words (or as many as you feel like). 
I was tagged by @cmmdrkote and @tired-bshocked
sharing a bit from my (as of yet untitled) immortalwan series wip
As the first tears trickled down his cheeks, he closed his eyes and bowed his head. Cody took his face between his hands and brought their foreheads together, like he would with one of his brothers, and the care in that gesture made Obi-Wan cry harder.
“It’s alright,” Cody soothed. “We’ll figure it out, somehow. It will be okay.”
Somehow, it would be okay.
tagging.... hmm. @ijustreallylovedaredevil @ihathbenobiwankenobied @pandora15 @hellowkatey @cats-and-dr-pepper @coalmine301 @the-last-kenobi @madmothmadame and anyone else who wants a go
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messier-47 · 2 years
Messy's Fic Recs
Main Focus: Politics, Worldbuilding, characterization, story writing, interpersonal connections, reimagining of canon or filling in the empty spaces
Honestly compiled this list just for fun. These are my favorite fanfics that have inspired FUBAR in some way and I know some folks may be wondering where to find more. This list will be regularly updated and polished to include more stories when I find them cause...yeah Messy disorganized her online library oops.
"Sanatize" by sage_thrasher | Absolutely phenomenal story. Founder's Era, OC-insert, the medical advancement of the Naruto world is emphasized with mind blowing consideration.
"paint your lips with carmine" by Keanblade | Fantastic. Founder's Era, Madatobi, cutting edge in terms of reimagining of a different priority for the conception of Konoha. Cleverly constructed politics!
"a symbol of subjugation" by evocates | Don't think I could EVER get away with not mentioned ASoS as an inspiring piece of literature. Founder's Era, the world building so deeply understood by the author that it's incredible to read through first, second, third time. Will admit, some of the subjects and exposition can be somewhat hard to read through, but exceptionally well thought out.
"Count Your Blessings" by MadMothMadame | GOD TIER fanfic. Founder's Era, Tobirama-centric, they got everything here, the politics, the drama, the interpersonal relationship and an incredibly well fleshed out Tobirama.
"Doing the Work" by MarbleGlove | not Founder Era, instead we're set post-Uchiha Massacre with a civilian-OC and holy shit I cannot get enough of this story. A reimagining of civilian culture that live beside their shinobi counterparts, where instead of a complete segregation of understanding between the two cultures they're more interlinked.
"Tsundoku" by CherShare | another GOD TIER fanfic. OC-insert, Kakashi generation but set after Team 7's bell test and omg I cannot gush enough the wonderous worldbuilding, shinobi culture, and refreshing personalities introduced in this story.
"Satori (Between the Lines)" by jaylene | Sakura-Centric, Academy days, incredible fanfic where politics, shinobi career pathing, and the cultures between civilian and shinobi are impressively showcased.
Non-Naruto Fic Recs
still focused on worldbuilding, politics, culture inclusion, and phenomenal storytelling
"This Bites!" by Xomniac | One Piece Fanfic, OC-insert but the story is PHENOMINAL! Incredible world building, extraordinary plot! if you love political drama THIS IS THE FANFIC to have wet dreams about. Truly a masterpiece.
"have you heard" by peradi | Star Wars Fanfic, Post Episode-7, this story left me speechless by how incredible it is. A reimagining of the culture of storm troopers and while it's not political there is SO MUCH going on in terms of propaganda, rumor milling, and the character of war.
"Certain Point" by esama | Star Wars Fanfic, Obi-Wan Kenobi time travel, the politics and war games in this one left me breathless. Incredibly defining in the priority of wars and how propaganda works to properly display the narrative.
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I was tagged by @kenobster, thanks friend :)
RULES: Share the last line you wrote for your WIP and tag as many people as there are words.
The last two fics i worked on are forbidden and secret, so I wrote some more for my fibro fix-it just now. This line is hot off the press.
Breathing through the pain, releasing it to the Force, he gradually relaxed enough to fall into sleep.
no pressure tagging @ijustreallylovedaredevil @star-byrd @kcrabb88 (ha double tags, now you have to) @rogerrogerthat @indigostars @pandora15 @frostbitebakery @hellowkatey @jedijoanna @cats-and-dr-pepper @calltomuster @kat1132 @madmothmadame @canadadry-eyes @charrhylis @stolen-pen-name23 @coalmine301
and anyone else who wants to play
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shiro-neko96 · 11 months
So I just realized that I have been in various fandom for such a long time (i mean, not really, but it feels LONG). So with this post, I would like to deliver my gratitude towards all fanfic writers whose stories help sustain me throughout the years.
I am not an overly active person. In reading sites (ff net and ao3) you’ll rarely see me comment on stories (i know its not good, i try to leave at least a ❤️ when i can no longer give kudos, like, or bookmark,, don’t hate me pls). Writers often say (write?) to interact with them on various platforms, but i am an over-thinker with an overly suspicious personality; i want to interact but i will overthink all my interactions and will probably leave you on read for months and be overly guilty about it but still not gonna do anything about it.
Today i scroll through my ffnet acc, and was reminded of the thrill i felt when i first read interesting fics on that site (which later on introduced me to ao3) and I could think help but feel very nostalgic. Sadly some of the fanfic i mention is no longer available.
My first venture into the fanfiction zone is through the naruto fanfics. My highschool friend introduced me to fanfiction (and also bl in general), and i was hooked. And my first ever fanfic was ‘Hate’ by RenAfri (it’s in Indonesian, so if you can read it, go ahead). And then i was enchanted by ‘The guardian of the Moon’ by nateulm. (God i got so emotional just thinking of that story), next one is Shizuka na sonata by Paradoxical Pardigm ( i have to search google for this one because I cannot find it anymore and i did not remember the name, only the story) and shizuka na sonata was the story that introduced me to the pain of reading an incomplete story (i still love it very much and i thank you paradoxical paradigm for creating the beautiful story). After those, i browse the site for anything to devour,, and by chance stumbled upon many great stories by legends such as EmptySurface (i really love most(? I think I haven’t read all) their naruto and harry potter fics, thicker than blood is by far my favorite), and Cywsaphyre (the lives worth saving is *mmm chef’s kiss*; also wandererr). I found out i kinda like hp crossover with any fandom and fell into that rabbit hole for a while. Ridell Lee introduced me into Merlin by ‘Only A Boy’, Cosette-aimee’s a necessary gift is an absolute delight to read, brainthief’s 0800-rent-a-hero was a mind changing experience for me back then who worshipped the ground albus dumbledore walk on, seito’s basically all khr and yoi fics are like water after a long draught (a real life cinnamon roll series, we weren’t born to follow, to the beat of my own drum, if there’s a song in your heart-and consequently to the song as well), heir to the sky’s the rightful sky is what introduced me into khr, (i read the fic bfore i knew khr), fruitpastilles’ to live and breathe and live again and the summoning pact is something i didnt know i needed, metamorcy’s various fics of various fandom, ( contract, basically all khr fics because that’s what i was there for), SkyGem’s stories are wondrous (YOI retirement aus, every little thing, they call me freedom), blackkat’s rarepairs which are addicting (their stories are what made me so into madatobi, criminals do it better series, the last immortal is dead and gold series, as is the sea marvellous, backslide, basically all naruto fic actually) raendown’s soulmate story collection is especially sublime (not that their other fics are not!), what you knead by agentmarkele is a heartwarming entity that lives free in my brain, and MadMothMadame’s tobirama centric fics that brought me to tears. In the chinese danmei fandom I breathe in Sami’s and the same moon shines universe (including ridiculous future bullshit and other related verses; *adored* the juniors and jin chan’s dinamic there), trippednfell’s wangxian amazing, heartwarming, and relatable fics (i keep where’s your emergency open in my browser so i can bounce back and have my fill of goodness every once in a while), and many other lovely stories and authors i cannot possibly mention.
This post was meant to be some sort of thank you to all these writers, who have brought so much joy (and not so little tears) into my bleak life. I don’t think i would be the person i am today if i do not read your stories. And maybe this post will not reach you, and i am so sorry for that.
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