#magicarp jump
adhd-languages · 2 years
I just play my silly little games in my target language and pretend like that counts as studying
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realpokemon · 11 months
hey listen, i dont know if my magicarp is shiny or not. Are shiny magicarp supposed to be blue? almost all of her scales are blue and ive been told its not normal, but the Pokecenter says shes perfectly healthy. Is she a regional variant or just a little freak/affectionate?
this sounds like a release from a Magikarp Jump carnival game. they're fancy "designer breeds" that're selected only for color. they don't typically survive in the wild because of how the loss of proteins in their scales affects their sensitivity
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Day 13: Stars
Lonely was something Emmet knew nothing about, yet he knew everything about it.
Being born with someone who stayed by your side so constantly that you weren't sure their was such a word as alone until one day he was no longer there.
Now alone was a word he knew so very much. Even as a subway boss who is always in the middle of a crowded room it still felt like if he were to scream none of them would stop and ask why.
Walking through a full grocery store, with all its welcoming people, even the children that ran up to him and hugged him which happened a lot.
Lonely was a word he knew well, and it was what he would always be from now on.
Emmet lay a blanket down on the ground and spread out the snacks he had just bought. Pulling out the coffee, and placed it into a bag of ice. He didn't have a cooler so it was all he could do.
It was night and almost midnight. He had invited Elesa to come too, but it was all but to late for her and she had to be at the gym super early so they planned something a little later tomorrow.
Emmet balled up his jacket and put it under his head as he looked up at the sky. He was told when he was a kid that no matter how old you were the stars would always be that same.
A few months ago Emmet had realized that Ingo had been thrust into the past, although it wasn't known how far or even where he would be by now. So Emmet hoped that at some point Ingo would find his way home. But he knew that if he looked at the stars enough he and ingo would be seeing them at the same time. No matter when.
A comfort although small, it allowed Emmet to hold on for Ingo.
"I got your favorite." He held up a bag of gummy worms Ingo normally ate a lot.
"Do they still have the red ones?" Emmet jumped and turned to see a familiar sight, although his jacket and hat were tattered and torn. His skin was a little darker then normal, and he even had a soul patch under his lip.
"You just going to stare at me like a Magicarp?" Ingo asked his brother who jumped up and threw his arms around him.
"Dawww." Emmet jumped looking down at the young girl that stood just behind Ingo. "Thats so sweet."
"Uh...Ingo? Who's that?"
"This is Akari, we're going to help her to get home." Ingo put his arm around his brother. "Now how about those." He picked up a gummy worm from the bag and stuffed it into his mouth. "I miss these..."
Emmet looked up at the sky and smiled, maybe the legends were true? Maybe if you wish enough on the stars, they'll come true.
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leo-kinnie · 2 months
Draxum messed up him he got magicarp in him
...can he join the whatever comp was in magicarp jump game?
Absolutely not that freak would poison the other contestants
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empressgeekt · 11 months
The Aura is with us - outline
The Aura is With Us (Even if you don’t want it)
please excuse the grammar and spelling
Riley’s imprisonment
Mew and Mewtwo
Chapter 1
Sir Aaron’s awakening
Chapter 2: Goh vs team Rocket
a) Goh’s plan
b) Team Rocket’s confusion
c) Riolu’s confusion
d) Ash’s cage
e) Finding ash   
Chapter 3: Past meets Present
Lucario’s grumblings
Sir Aaron and Ash
Mew and Mewtwo p2
Chapter 4: New and Old Faces
Lucario’s concern
Intro Amanda
Chapter 5: Lab
Ash introduces Sir Aaron and Lucario to lab staff, and giant magicarp soaks all the adults.
Cerise sends the boys to the kalos region
Sir Aaron and Ash talk late at night
Chapter 6: Kalos
Ash meets up with Korrina while Sir Aaron goes looking for Goh
Goh and Sir Aaron meet Korrina’s Grandpa
The battle
Chapter 7: Interlude Oak
Professor Cerise contact Prof. Oak
First Aura Lesson, Ash blows up a tree
Ash has a difficult time bathing Riolu
Chapter 8: To Pallet town we go!
Ash telling everyone about his home
Making it to the lab, meeting up with Tracy and the rest of ash’s Pokémon (Riolu goes with Oak and Tracy, Goh goes through the digital files, Ash, Sir Aaron and Lucario meet with Ash’s crew)
Ash and crew find Gary in the field.
Everyone meets up inside, and find out about the physical files in a storage rom
Chapter 9: In Black Ink
Searching file vault
Ash’s mom shows up and takes them to stay the night at her house.
Chapter 10: A mother’s memory
Lucario and Riolu in the back yard
Aaron and Delia talk after the kids are in bed.
Enter Anwir
Chapter 11: There’s a Ninja in the basement
a) Training in the front yard
b) Ren’s theory and phone call
c) Power outage
d) Meeting Mandy
e) Riolu and Pikachu mess up the kitchen and Mandy sleeps through it.
Chapter 12: Back to kalos
Lumious city
Seeing Clemont and Bonnie again
Clemont’s work shop.
Chapter 13: Eevee and Mandy
Mandy‘s anxiety and control issues / Eevee sneaks out of the van and follows Chloe to school
Mandy explains the situation to her mom’s employees / Chloe gets to keep Eevee
Sir Aaron’s nightmare
Sir Aaron finds Mandy cutting herself
Chapter 14: the aura temple
Arriving in at the temple ad going inside
Opening the door and finding the body
Splitting up: Goh and Ash/ Mandy and sir Aaron
The time flower/realization
Chapter 15: Escape the temple
Team Rocket attack, intro to Anwir
The flash back explaining Anwir’s life after banishment and loss of aura
Escaping through the mail system/ getting separated (Sir Aaron & Goh & Pikachu & Pichu, Ash &Raboot & Umbreon & Mandy, Lucario & Riolu)
Chapter 16: Lost in the woods p1
First group getting their bearings
Goh asking questions as the start walking wile Pichu hides underneath Sir Aaron’s hat to hide form the rain.
The rain picks up and Goh ends up caught in a river
Chapter 17: Lost in the woods p2
Ash finds out Mandy is pretty much blind without her glasses
They start walking, and get into a disagreement
Then they hear Goh screaming
Mandy jumps into the river and fishes Goh out saves him from drowning
They all find out Mandy’s deaf after her hearing-aides get soaked
They set up camp for the night
Chapter 18: Lost in the woods p3
Lucario and Riolu start to walk around end up in the old pup grounds
End up running into a group of toxicroak Riolu gets poisoned
Lucario retreats with Riolu
Riolu tries to walk himself, while their looking for the others but can’t de to the poison
They eventually take shelter in an abandoned burrow
Chapter 19: reunited
Ash and Sir Aaron talk,
Mandy sits away from the others, Unbreon sitting with her, she hears lucario’s telepathy
Lucario finds the camp
Sir Aaron has trouble sleeping after they make it to a Pokémon center.
Chapter 20: A legendary meeting
Arecus summons all the legendaries and mythicals to discuss the recent events (mew gets pissed off at arecus)
Mew and Mewtwo meet again
Chapter 21: That New Old Gang of Mine
Arriving in Alola
The kuki household
Sir Aaron and Kuki talk while the kids play in the ocean
Prof. Bernedette talk with Mandy
Chapter 22: Sunny party
Party at the Pokémon school / Students swarm the new comers
Mandy calls out Kiawe
Kiawe challenges Mandy she declines, shocking everyone
Kiawe and Goh still battle.
Goh catching alolan exggcutor
Chapter 23: Let’s Battle
A call with Clemont
Traveling to Unova and reading about the tournament.
Chapter 24: Round One
Mandy and Lucario try to sneak into the back? Mandy unlocks the door
In the stands
Ash’s battle
Chapter 25: Round two
Goh’s battle
Mandy downloading team rocket data
Chapter 26: Round three
Mandy’s fight/ forfeit
Team rockets attack
Afterward back at the hotel
Chapter 27: Break Through
Breakfast, and Mandy cracking through one of the codes that leads them to Moon Mountain
Mandy and Sir Aaron talk again in the RV ride there
Arriving at mount Moon, sensing Riley inside
Chapter 28: Break in
They find a secret tunnel leading to a hidden Team Rocket base that was once and Aura base
They get surrounded, and separated (Goh and ash, Sir Aaron and Mandy, [Pokémon stay with respective trainer])
Chapter 29: Break down
Ash and Goh find Riley
Sir Aaron and Mandy ended up falling through the floor and deeper into the tunnels, getting separated from the others and loosing her glasses, leaving Sir Aaron to try and teach her how to use her aura sight
Lucario and Umbreon go through the tunnels to try an find a way to get to Mandy
 Fighting their way through team rocket
Chapter 30: Recovery
Back to Pallet Town, going back to Ash’s house, Mandy and Delia meet
Riley wakes up
Discussion of what to do next, Mandy says she has somewhere to go
Team Rocket discussing How to lure Sir Aaron in, Anwir suggests something
Chapter 31: Ryme City
On the train
To the mansion
The twins and miss rose
Lady Emily’s story
Chapter 32: old friends
a) Ash and Goh play in the pool with the Twins
b) Mandy’s old theater group
Chapter 33: Mother’s frost
Lorelei meets the others
A very uncomfortable dinner
Sir Aaron over hears Lorelei fussing at Mandy, and talks again with Miss Rose
Chapter 34: The round house
The battle stadium
Meeting with Bella/ ash challenges Bella
Chaos, by drugs
Mewtwo teleports everyone away
Chapter 35: A mother’s wrath
Lorelei Blames Mandy for what happened
Riley tries to argue with Lorelei Mandy stops him and apologizes to her mother
Riley asked Mandy why she didn’t let him defend her they end up in an argument
Team Rocket kidnaps Delia
Chapter 36: A Brother’s strength
Sir Aaron counsels Riley on What to do about Mandy
Riley and Mandy talk again
Chapter 37: The calm before the storm
Oh, my Arecus we’re jedi
Attack by team rocket! (Lucario gets hit with a dart), twins were taken, and leave a message about Delia
Discussing what’s next.
Miss Rose calls an old friend (Jackie)
Chapter 38: For the Good of the people
Delia being taunted by Anwir
Arriving at the temple and surrendering (enter Mewtwo and mew as back up)
Giovanni and Anwir taunting the others / Anwir explaining the history between Aaron and Delia
Starting the ritual
Chapter 39: Battle in the Temple
Anwir taunts Deila and Goh one last time
Mewtwo starts a fight, and start to take out the grunts
The portal opens, Lucario and the others are shocked
Mew breaks Goh and Delia out
Giovanni ran out with the others only to get arrest by the rangers, while Anwir ran towards our heroes
Mandy breaks out as well as the others, they try to stop the portal from opening
Duel between Anwir and Aaron / while the others battle again the Shadow pokemon
Aercues Emerged from the portal smiting Anwir and the portal closes sending a large wave of Aura throughout the world
Chapter 40: The aftermath
Sir Aaron, Ash and Deila reunite as a family
Mandy and Riley discuss a way to get the twins out of the situation their in.
Mew thanks Mewtwo
0Chapter 41: Epilogue
Sir Aaron and Delia finally get married, and have a daughter
Riley restarts the Aura guild alongside Sir Aaron
Ash ended up achieve his goal of becoming a Pokémon master
Mandy joins the rangers and dies at 29
Twins Go on to run the family company and try to steer it away from their mother’s influence
The Aura wave ended up restoring the descendants of the previous bloodlines and making new ones
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crossovermadness06 · 2 years
Once again, Pokemon x Anything, but I decided to show you my personal picks if Monster Trio had Pokemon teams
•Monkey D. Luffy
☆ Luffy would 100% have a Magicarp, but I'd like to think he'd have a shiny one
☆Also, it's only a Magicarp. Nothing else.
☆ "Woah, guys! Look at this one! It's a cool color..!!"
☆ Surprisingly he doesn't eat it, and instead keeps it as a pet more than a fighting partner
☆He does still encourage it to battle when it can
☆ One day, during a battle, Luffy falls into the ocean. Magicarp jumps in after him, but Magicarp is too small to lift the man up to the surface
☆ So Magicarp forces itself to evolve, and Luffy comes out of the water, laughing as he sits on top of his Red Gyarados' head
•Roronoa Zoro
☆ A Gallade and an Eevee
☆ For Gallade, I think he'd obtain a Ralts after his childhood friend passed away.
☆ It was hers first, and she planned to evolve into the strongest Gallade possible!
☆ Zoro tries hard to fulfill that wish
☆ When he met Luffy, Gallade was still a Kirlia without a Dawn stone.
☆ When he joined the Strawhats, he vowed to find a Dawn stone, and he eventually did. His Kirlia evolved into his Gallade, a swordsman just like Zoro himself.
☆ But why Eevee??
☆ Kinda like how Zoro has a soft spot for kids, he'd have one for young Pokemon. He finds an Egg one day, and sense the mother was nowhere to be seen, he takes it
☆ Eevee hatches from it, and Zoro becomes kinda like a dad to the small thing
☆ Eevee and Chopper are siblings. I speak the truth
• Vinsmoke Sanji
☆ Tsareena, Alcremie, and an Blaziken
☆ He'd get Bounsweet as a child, it smells so good as it looks just like a berry, he originally wanted to prepare it like food
☆ But he didn't, and it stuck around as his mini Suos-Chef.
☆ Eventually, it evolved into a Tsareena, and just like Sanji, used only its long legs for battle. This did, however, make its arms too small to help around the kitchen as much.
☆ So Sanji managed to get himself an Alcremie, so Tsareena can focus on battles and Alcremie can focus on helping in the kitchen.
☆ After he joined the Strawhats, he found a wild Combusken! Poor thing had been abandoned by it's trainer.
☆ Sanji felt awful. He was determined to help it find only the best trainer.
☆ Turned out, the "best trainer" was Sanji himself.
☆ Combusken probably evolved while protecting Alcremie and Tsareena, determined to protect those he saw as not only his friends, but family.
☆ Blaziken doesn't help much in the kitchen, simply because he knocks everything over and makes a huge mess.
Ace also had an Infernape but we're not gonna talk about that yet
Edit: Changing Sanji's Infernape to Blaziken cause that's just infinitely better
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nelson-and-friends · 1 year
Which of your Pokemon….
👽 has the weirdest origin story?
(i'm being late to the party i know. Also sorry if this was asked before, i don't feel like going through the backlog to check :3)
None of my Pokémon have a very weird origin story so it's pretty much a tie between Totomi, my Totodile, or Mimi, my Gyarados.
Whenever I visited Castelia City, a Totodile would follow me around, messing with my bag and trying to annoy me. When he saw I wasn't getting annoyed, he would get angry and try harder. This went on for a couple years. He would follow me around, take an item from my bag, pour water on my shoes, and I would just kinda deal with it and pat him on the head.
Eventually he got so annoyed that he grabbed a Dive Ball from my bag and just clicked it, capturing himself. Now he can annoy me wherever I go.
When I was on my first journey, in Unova, I went into the Castelia City sewers. I had an empty Poké Ball in my hand and Nelson beside me. I was ready to fight and catch anything that came at me.
Then all of a sudden a Magicarp jumps out and hits me square in the face, falls to the floor, I drop the ball, and *click!* Captured.
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sceptile11 · 1 year
I really want to finally beat magicarp jump for once as I never did
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blueengland · 10 months
10/10 because magicarp jump
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gayshitanddadjokes · 1 year
So you know the mobile game Magicarp Jump? It's a shitty game where you raise magicarp to jump higher and higher and compete againt other trainers. I was fucking addicted to that in middle or high school and a month or two ago I was like "oh let me play it again!" and I got addicted again but that isn't the point the point is I started listening to the song Riot by The Scarlet Opera. I really liked it so I played it on repeat and apparently I must have only listened to it while playing Magicarp Jump (which I already deleted bc it was draining my battery) because that's all I can think about when I listen to the song. Anyway that post had no real meaning or merit stick around for more bland apropos of nothings.
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the-wracs-facility · 20 days
The W.R.A.C.S. Facility
Everything you need to know about the facility!
OOC: We are a new Pokemon RP blog that would love to interact with you! Send us an ask through our "Inquiries" section, or feel free to message us!
Since this blog does delve into some slightly mature themes, please do not interact if you are under 16. Any actual role-play between our characters and yours will only be accepted for 18+, even if the content is entirely safe for minors. Please respect our wishes.
Thank you,
The WRACS Team
Here at WRACS, our main objective is the conservation of water type pokemon. All of our staff has been trained specifically to interact with water types, including large and dangerous species. Through our many programs, we aim to educate and inspire people and pokemon alike to care for our environment and the amazing pokemon present within it.
The WRACS facility was started, and is still run, by Victory Harbour's very own Professors Cypress and Tupelo. Both of their Gyarados partners - Typhoon and Monsoon - can be seen from time to time within the aquarium. Rest assured that both of these Gyarados are extremely well behaved and pose no threat to the public.
Please come visit our Museum, Aquarium, and special Splashtopia to support our work - all proceeds gathered from tickets and adoption fees go towards our pokemon! We also have a gift shop, of which and amazing 80% of our merchandise is hand-made by local artistisans! What a great way to support local creatives and help pokemon at the same time!
Check out our amazing adoption programs, as well as our unique "Magicarp & Me" program which is available at a discount for schools and other large groups. We hope to see you there!
Main Public Entrances - One on the Aquarium side and one on the Museum side; get your tickets or enquire about our programs here!
Splashtopia - Wading pool where Magicarp and other, adoptable-ready pokemon can swim with patrons. Public showers are available and washing is mandatory in order to enter the pool.
Museum - Available throught the right side entrance; offers a detailed look at the history of our waters and pokemon from prehistoric to modern eras.
Aquarium - Available through the left side entrance; swirls around the entire facility, minus the Rehab building. Includes an underwater portion that extends into the Harbour's sea for a glance at the natural habitat of wild pokemon!
Gift Shop - Educational and locally hand-made merchandise available!
Breeding Tanks - Private, sectioned off spaces where breeding research is done. The incubation area is viewable through the Aquarium pass.
Rehab Building - A building separated from the main facility that houses any pokemon who need extra care. This is not accessible to the public in any way.
Research Offices - Second floor of the main building, for the boring paperwork side of things. Also inaccessible to the public, though we're not sure why you would want to see it, anyways.
Magicarp & Me - Aspiring trainers are matched with a magicarp for the day; it's their responsibility to care for the pokemon and ensure it's happiness, as well as train for the jumping contest at the end of the visit! Each attendee will receive a collectible wrist band with the name of their magicarp. Those who keep their wrist bands can see that magicarp for free in Splashtopia the next time they visit the facility.
Adoption Program - Trainers may apply to be paired with any adopt-ready pokemon for the day to form a bond. At least three visits are required before adoption can occur, and is based on the staff and pokemon's discretion.
Professor "Bald" Cypress (Pokemon: Typhoon)
Professor Tupelo (Pokemon: Monsoon)
Water Specialist Xavier (Pokemon: Aspi, Bunny, Dirk, Goliath, Heart)
Water Specialist Nix (Pokemon: ?)
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magicnoob · 8 months
I was playing magicarp jump and i left the app to turn on music and this happened (sorry about the music still playing)
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bulbamike · 11 months
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Playing magicarp jump and my 50th generation magicarp crushed this rock in training
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Any idea what game I’ve been playing recently?
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zora-moyashi · 7 years
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the silverware swam with the sharks in the sink, even so i don’t know what to think. heaven knows i could really use a friend.
this was a good time, magikarp jump made me so happy
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the-night-writer1 · 7 years
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She got so close but lost
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