#majority podcasts
future-crab · 1 year
The thing about TMA is that if I think about Sasha James too much I will cry and if I think about Michael Shelley too much I will cry and if I think about Agnes Montegue too much I will cry and if I think about Jonathan Sims too much I will cry and if I think about Naomi Herne too much I will cry and if I think about Gerry Keay too much I will cry and if I think about Tim Stoker too much I will cry and if I think about Jane Prentiss too much I will cry and if I think about Martin Blackwood too much I will cry and—
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hood-ex · 3 months
Thinking about how Donna said Dick's been on the go since he was 9. And before that, Dick was working in the circus. He's worked as long as he's been able to, and it isn't in him to stop. Sure, he may have breaks or periods of life where he's knocked off course, but in the end, he'll always take up the call.
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fox-guardian · 8 months
was anyone gonna tell me that "red canary" is the name of some computer security company thing or was I just supposed to learn that while googling if canaries are actually red sometimes
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The Mystery of Aaravos The Banter Lodge
So, recently an account called "The Banter Lodge" has popped up. April 30th, to be precise. You've seen it. I've seen it. We've all seen it. On Twitter, posting various images in the TDP official style.
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A few nights ago, it debuted on Tumblr as well. "Coming May 2024" all of the promotional images and the website itself say.
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Who is this account? Is it fan made, is it official? It's May, when exactly in "May 2024" is it coming?
Well, me and a few friends took some time to try to piece the mystery together, and so -- while it may still be 'coming', only dropping hints, I am here to tell you what I know now!
Website Code ( I love computer programming so I took the time to dive into that!)
A. History
Who's Running the Banter Lodge?
To know that, first we need to delve into the history of the Twitter account.
Despite these images and site debuting less than a month ago, the account itself was founded way back in 2022, and originally called @BantherLodge, with an H, as it is in the show.
@BantherLodge is no longer available, and while it initially did not seem to be connected to The Banter Lodge, there are several interactions linked to the current one, Banter Lodge without an H.
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In fact, here is the same tweets linked to the current (banter) account version.
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Now we've established that @'BantherLodge' and @'BanterLodge' the same account with a changed name and identity, here is the most important past interaction:
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@‘bantherlodge’ is mentioned here, and they are on this call. that said, WHO IS REALLY BEHIND BANTER LODGE? well based off the tweet, it seems that it’s 6 members of the cast and then 2 guests, @‘thebantherlodge’ and @‘ladytheebug’. But don’t take my word for it. Here, more confirmation:
Another person in the call happened to tweet about it too, this time with labels.
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Now let’s take a closer look at these two guests. Sara @‘ladytheebug’ seems to be the one on the right, and by process of elimination, on the left is ‘bantherlodge’. aka:
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Max the Mystery! ‘Sara’ and ‘Max’ isn’t really enough information to know more along with no connection to other socials so it’s hard to pin down who they are or what connections to previous fandom projects or creative projects in general they might have. However, they are still connected.
Besides the partially deleted various back and forths between these two accounts, this tweet about the Bait screensaver in the background is additional confirmation that this is @‘bantherlodge’ and @‘ladytheebug’: (note use of word ‘our’)
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Said TV embodies this duo: A person who loves Bait (evident from so many of their tweets) and a person who loves the Banther Lodge…
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Reminds you of something, doesn’t it?
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“but hold on, just because there’s all these coincidences doesn’t mean the account could be passed on to someone else to run this.” Ok, but one last thing. If that was the case, why would they still be following Sara? In fact, it’s the Only person that they’re following besides TDPO?
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(and their following has even been recently updated within the last few days as before then it didn’t include Eugene and Boone.) So, in conclusion,
Max of @‘BantherLodge’, and possibly Sara, (with or without TDPO but I’ll get to that later) almost certainly are the people behind the curtain of this Banter Lodge mystery.
Now, about said mystery… what exactly is the trail building up to?
well, to find out more about that, let’s glean what we can from the website.
B. Website Secrets
The website itself is very simple- A background, the image of the Banter House, and some text saying "Coming May 2024." But, beneath the deceptively simple surface, there was more to be found.
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On May 1st Caprinae got this from the page. She also tweeted about it, after which the site changed to remove much of the css, including the part about the episodes and subscribe button. I was pretty excited about this as someone with a few years of coding experience, I wanted to mess around in VSC and see what I could find out.
After formatting the code the most noticeable thing is this right?
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And when I make an element for it to apply to (since all that code is just formatting for stuff on the page like the title, images, etc, in this case- an audio bar) + adding in an image and an audio file:
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We get this
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AUDIO and an image. It looks exactly like a podcast episode. It turns out there’s actually a bunch of code for formatting that’s not used in elements in the site (elements that exist: the title or image), but it’s there, so I made some elements it would apply to. technically, it’s supposed to have a parchment paper background too, but I just chose some colors that you could see the text on.
Doing so, we get this!
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(Here’s a video version.)
Plus, Original Code and Modified Code if you’re curious
Anyway, so the site (at least at the stage the code was taken from) doesn’t appear to be finished and there was no Java script written (or at least, linked) but there is definitely the makings for a website for a podcast— some sort of nav bar with the episodes, on an episode page, the image and audio, and then a subscribe link at the bottom!
C. Purpose
Time to speculate on the real identity and purpose of the Banter Lodge. So far, we know it used to be called the Banther Lodge. We know it seems to be run by [insert here.] We know it is almost certainly a podcast of some sort. But what, and why?
Here are some possibilites:
1.Official Content to Tide Over Fans Til S6 As we know, to calm the frustration of fans at Netflix/TDP for the delay of S6, the creators have been putting out content every day for the fans to puzzle over and figure out the season six titles.
Based on the current schedule, it’s set to end on May 13.—although it could be ending either May 13 or May 14 (depending when they do the last hint) after these drop, there will likely be a lull in TDP content, which would be the perfect time for the Banter Lodge to launch.
+ The Banter Lodge teaser campaign has already been perfectly timed for when a bunch of fans would be online on Twitter checking in for clues to begin with.
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If this is official content, it would doubly make sense—it’d be timed perfectly to tie the fans over until the actual season six campaign starts (ie, trailer). Considering these two fans also somehow got to have a private panel with the cast, it’s not impossible that they’d be working with TDP on this content, additionally the teaser images put out this far have been somewhat reminiscent of TDP official content—ie, Callum’s lodge notebook->Callum’s sketchbook, Refractions->Reflections, Dear Callum letter from Rayla, design style, etc.
However, there is one big reason I don’t think this is the case: it’s a little too sloppy. For example, if they wanted it to be completely anonymous and unclear what was happening, the tweet mentioning @‘BantherLodge’ in the panel would have been deleted and there wouldn’t have been any hints in the code. Of course, these could still just be honest mistakes. However, it also seems like it is building off of the current world in a more derivative, fan-content fashion, not necessarily adding new material the way TDP Official tends to. It’s copying the official style,—but almost too much if that makes sense.
Like altering a shot from the show for a teaser.
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Don’t get me wrong. I love the way that they’re building off the world, I’m excited to see where it leads, but for whatever reason, to me, it just doesn’t seem official.
So assuming it’s made by fans, what kind of podcast is it? Second possibility—
2. Fan Made Talk Show
This seems like the most obvious conclusion, considering that The Banter House is a play on a location in TDP, and the word banter, which is synonymous with talking, but specifically back and forth, genial interactions.
Maybe it’s dedicated to analyzing the show or a particular aspect,—maybe centric to the lodge, crystals, Bait and Stella—maybe even interviewing cast/crew!
Well, to get a better idea of what niche it might be filling, let’s take a look at what TDP podcasts are already out there.
Hot Brown Morning Potion Podcast [2019-2023] Hosted by Tamika "Kuno" Williams and Hailey from Cartoon Universe. This podcast [is] full of answering fan questions, interviews, theories and all kinds of discussions on everything Dragon Prince.
News from the Breach [2020-2024] Your hosts Ceilidh and Yana are watching The Dragon Prince from start to finish. Each season of the podcast covers one “Book” (or season) of the Netflix series The Dragon Prince. In each episode we discuss two chapters of the series, except for the season finales.
Calm Chaos Club [2023] Join Kevlar and Lou each week as they discuss topics about animation, design, and all things related to The Dragon Prince on Netflix! With special guests brought on for unique topics and insights into the creative process, these bite-sized episodes will ensure you can get your TDP fix in anywhere and anytime.
There’s no harm in another talk show but as there are a few out there already (and for other reasons) I personally think this is not necessarily the niche the banter Lodge is going to fill. I mean, I do think that it’s still possible I mean, it could be centric to particular aspect around the lodge as mentioned.
However, there’s a possibility that excites me a lot more, that I’m hoping for the most….
3.Fan Made Audio Drama in the Saga Setting I have personally always been a huge fan of audio drama podcasts (TMA,TPP,WTNV) and if there was a dragon Prince audio drama podcast, I think I would just die on the spot honestly from joy. I also think it’s most likely because all of the clues so far have been very story/worldbuilding oriented, as well as writings from familiar characters’ perspectives. It seems as though a story is being crafted here, and I am all for it.
Y’know what? While we’re here on the topic of storytelling podcasts, we might as well throw in D&D/TTRPG or even Tales of Xadia as a possibility because yeah sure. Why not? I mean, tabletop role-play games also involve a lot of talking so it would fit the banter theme. Who knows.
That's all! What do you think? Any other thoughts, additions or other speculation? Feel free to add on!
Thanks to @bycaprinae for Twitter screenshots, html, and general inspiration, and to @parroset for other help with the website part and general support!
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podcast-bookclub · 2 months
August Coffee Shop Chats Q's + Announcement!
I'm absolutely terrible at remembering to update CSC news over here, so the best place to keep up with the show is in our Discord, but hello! Question call for the August interviews — we'll be chatting with Cry MJ of @twigsandhearts + William Wellman of @hellofromthehallowoods.
You can send in questions here/on anon via our askbox or drop them in the coffee shop Discord channel. Ask away!
Re: Updates, CSC now has an editor! that isn't me lmao! Everyone say hi to Azazel, who doesn't have a Tumblr but does have a portfolio you can check out, who will be helping out on the show. I'm looking forward to working with him on the show, and hope y'all will enjoy hearing his work too!
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captainjonnitkessler · 2 months
I'm listening to a literary criticism podcast that I've been going back and forth on - sometimes the hosts have really good insights, and sometimes they're trying way too hard to force a square peg into a round hole to fit a particular tumblr-social-justice narrative.
But then they said Nimona was a dogshit movie about a kid with "friendship problems" and accused ND Stevenson of being a capitalist sellout who "let" Netflix ruin his comic so I think I'm good to stop listening to anything they say about media actually
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meri-l · 3 months
Spoiler-free podcast with Sergey Goroshko playing the role of Sergey Razumovsky
English is not my native language, I used Google Translator when translating, so if there are any errors, please let me know
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earthghoul-mp4 · 7 months
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gunpowdertimsleftgun · 10 months
”always watching, but stripped of any way to voice her pain” okay jonny, we get it, you like the Archivist.
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paging-possum · 2 months
No because the number of nonwhite dndads fans saying they were put off the show/fandom because of the way white fans treat nonwhite characters…….like hello. Is that not a bit of a sign there’s a problem….If you’re all desperate to critique the show can you also critique the environment you’ve all made.
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sillycourtjester · 1 month
The Magnus Archives podcast was the tipping point in changing my mind on what major I wanted to study and I don't think I can over come back from that
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treahollow · 3 months
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Some painting practice ft. Vyncent with a gun (I love Vyncent with a gun)
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dice-sociation · 2 months
Girls Who Don’t DnD
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Quick Info
Audio Quality: High-Quality Audio, Effects, Music. (Occasional fan-submitted recordings)
Vibes: Throne of Glass, Doctor Who, Alice in Wonderland, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Princess and the Pauper
Extras: Patreon rewards, Discord Community with Book Club, and more!
System: 5e DnD
Campaign/ Show Length: Long Term Campaign
Average Episode time: 1.5 Hours (varies a bit)
Uploads 1 episode a month. 
Diversity: Majority Women
Platforms: Podcast, Audio Only. 
Number of Episodes This Review is based on: 30+ 
** If you want the TLDR, scroll to the bottom of the post **
Why Girls Who Don’t DnD?
How often have you said to yourself, “Man, I wish I could experience that for the first time again?” While we can’t reset your brain, you can live vicariously through the Girls Who Don’t D&D podcast. 
If you're looking for a podcast with relaxed gameplay, fantastic humor, great editing, and effects, you should read on to learn more. This wonderful adventure showcases the beautiful experience of watching three girls fall in love with Dungeons and Dragons (D&D). 
Starting the Pod
The podcast starts with Cory, the Dungeon Master (DM), explaining that he has invited three girls, Indy, Alana, and Stacey, who have never played D&D, into his world of Kalee with premade characters. If you, the listener, haven’t played before, you’ll learn a lot just from listening. Cory purposely doesn’t edit out explanations of how to play. I’m confident my experience was better because I was still learning to play the game myself as I started listening.
Right from the start you will hear how much work Cory puts into editing and pre-recording. He recruits people to voice-act for non-player characters (NPCs) or to play out memories or scenes. Some additions are just for the listeners, giving us a little extra information about the lore of the world. This includes the origin of magical artifacts, gods, and sometimes an NPC’s perspective that the players don’t get to hear.  It feels like listening to an audiobook and honestly, I think “booktok” would love Girls Who Don’t DnD. 
We learn that the three player characters, Freya, Kaa'Riin, and Morrigan, have lost their memories and need to recover them. The story and the discovery of who the player characters are and what happened to them work in tandem with the players themselves learning the game in a beautiful way. 
Power gamers and hardcore strategy? We don’t need that here. (Tosses book over shoulder). This group is made of story-tellers who usually choose to progress the narrative over strategy. At first, it's like watching Without A Recipe or the British Bake Off challenge where they have no clue what they are supposed to be making. This makes it all the more special when the players get more comfortable with the gameplay and more grounded in their characters. 
About the Team
Cory, "(who owns all the books but hasn't read them)"* completely absorbs the chaos the girls bring to the table and somehow also keeps them immersed in the story. He holds onto the rules of D&D loosely, letting his players use their abilities in different and unique ways. You still get full epic fights with no pulled punches, yet they feel more cinematic than the usual D&D grind. Outside of combat, Cory introduces challenging puzzles and encounters that present more opportunities for his players to think outside the mechanics of the game.
I adore Alana, Indy, and Stacy. I have some difficulty with telling their voices apart, but I never felt like that took away from my enjoyment of the show. Over time they develop their characters and have different play styles. They all have so much personality and bring their own flavor to the table. 
Indy, playing Freya the Rogue, has to be the most classic of first-time players, starting a little hack-and-slash happy, but eventually, she gets really into the strategy of the game. Freya is a cheeky scamp of a character and Indy leans naturally into the rogue class.  
Alana, playing Morrigan the Sorcerer, is usually the most sensible of the group. She is a leader in a way. There is so much more I want to say but I can't think of anything that isn't a big spoiler. Playing a sorcerer for your first time playing D&D is never easy, but Cory was able to ease her into the role and she runs with it.
Stacey, playing Kaa'Riin the Bearbarian (Druid with some Barbarian), has some epic combat moments. She can change from one animal to another without reverting to humanoid form, which deviates from traditional Druid rules. This decision, as well as other tweaks of the rules, help the pacing of the overall production. 
And sure, you're probably thinking their whole schtick is that they don't know D&D, so wouldn't it lose its charm after they get better? Absolutely not. Not even a little bit. This table is casual, silly, charming, and gripping. They make me feel like I am with my best friends playing our chaos gremlins together. 
A special shout to Mia Stegner (https://www.miastegner.com/) who composed and performed the opening and closing songs. It’s the cherry on top of this podcast sunday.
*Referenced from the Podcast Description. https://www.girlswhodontdnd.com/ 
About the world
“There is a saying among the good people of Kalee, when you know what is right, do what is right, and then deliver it all into the endless sea” From Episode 1: Throw it Into the Sea, Aug 16, 2021.
Cory presents a world both complex and informed by the player's choices and features some of the more bizarre parts of typical High Fantasy settings. 
There is just something so satisfying about learning the characters' backstories and how their stories are expertly baked in the many-layered cake that makes the world. Flavors include; wild magic, strange and whimsical characters, Evil Queens, “timey-wimey” stuff, super cute plans, snails, Gods, magic crystals, trapped souls, and Alan (the real star of the later episodes).
There are so many Patreon perks! You get behind-the-scenes talks, recipes from Indy, DMing tips, Lana's book reviews, and more! You can also join their Discord server where Cory is pretty active and they encourage community gaming and have a book club.
This podcast is about girls learning to play D&D using premade characters with amnesia. The girls learning to play parallels the story’s progression as they regain memories. 
Reliving the experience of learning to play for the first time all over again. 
Loosely follows the rules of 5e to keep the pacing up.
DM Cory recruits people to voice act for NPCs or to play out memories or scenes. Some additions are just for the listeners, giving us a little extra information about the lore of the world.
It's a little hard to tell the girls apart, but I don’t think it takes away from my enjoyment at all. 
Wild magic, strange and whimsical characters, Evil Queens, “timey-wimey” stuff, super cute plans, snails, Gods, magic crystals, trapped souls, and Alan. 
DM Cory presents a world both complex and informed by the player's choices and features some of the more bizarre parts of typical High Fantasy settings.
Special thanks to Artax of Who's Taking Watch for helping with editing!
No Context Gifs:
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fox-guardian · 2 months
My hopes for tomorrow's episode:
Sam being cute (easy)
Alice and Gwen being gay
Celia being. Easier to read
Teddy and/or Colin appearance. Please are they okay
rq be kind to me can I get one (1) of these pleasies and thankies <3
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meri-l · 3 months
Attention screemer!
Eating cherries / cherries are out
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starshapedk0ffin · 3 months
The Magnus Archives is just Jujutsu Kaisen for an adult audience in podcast form
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