#makes so much sense anon you're right to be distracted
mrsdesade · 1 day
What about some Homelander x needy fem reader smut? He made her cry and then he goes soft on her? :)
Say no more anon, here's something for you! It will definitely be something long because I liked the idea so much!
Pairing: Homelander x fem!super (Ophera as usual) TW: NSFW, mention of drugs, teasing, smut, fluff, aftercare Words count: 2,6k
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You and Homelander are attending a night party hosted by Vought, a grand event where the company's high-profile visitors and staff gather to mingle and celebrate.
Was as extravagant as ever, with celebrities, influencers, investors, and a few lucky civilians gathered together in an opulent ballroom. Laughter and music filled the air as people mingled around, engaging in small talk and celebrating.
You've had plenty of conversations, meetings with executives and public appearances with Homelander. By the looks of it, you've both done your part to keep up the public image that Vought has made of you two.
As the night starts slowly to wind down, you find yourselves with a brief moment alone. Homelander looks at you with a mix of tiredness and relief, as if he can finally let his guard down now that you two are out of the spotlight.
"Goddamn, these parties are a pain. I know they're important for the image, but dealing with all those people trying to win my favor… it's starting to wear me down."
He lets out a frustrated huff, his eyes flitting over the crowd around you.
"I swear I could snap the neck of the next person who comes up to me asking for an autograph or a selfie..."
You simply let out a little laugh, but your eyes are wandering around, and your arms are crossed at your stomach, you seem distracted.
Homelander notices the hint of something amiss in your laughter, his sharp senses picking up on the fact that you're not quite comfortable.
"Hey, you alright? You're not your usual self tonight."
''I think I drank too much, I've been feeling strange ever since the party began...but I only drank two glasses of champagne, alcohol usually doesn't cause me problems.''
It's clear that something is wrong, the more he looks at you, the more the signs of your discomfort are visible. Under the beautiful make-up that has been done on you, your cheeks are red, and a few small drops of sweat slide down your temple. Quite strange, since it's December, outside is snowing.
"Two glasses of champagne shouldn't have that kind of effect on you. You're a damn superhero, and a strong one. Are you seriously getting ill from some champagne? I was waiting for a more epic weakness, you know? Something like kryptonite, I don't know."
''If you're here to make fun of me you can go back to the party. Fuck, they must have mixed some kind of drug in my drink. Maybe something that would kill a human has that effect on me. That's the only explanation I have..."
''Someone was stupid enough to drug you? I should find whoever did it and rip their damn head off."
''You're not helping me.''
Your look of disapproval is eloquent, you would like to explain the situation to him better, but you can't do it explicitly. He seems really stupid to you right now. You're holding your chest tight with your arms, your legs are shaking slightly and for the first time you're struggling to stand on your heels.
"What do you want me to do, hold your hand and comfort you? I'm not exactly known for my tender side, you know."
Despite his words, he comes closer to support you with a hands on your back, it seems like you could fall to your knees at any moment.
But immediately he can feel your skin unnaturally warm to the touch. It's at that moment that he starts to notice something unusual, a change in your demeanor. Your breathing is rapid and shallow, and your eyes have a glassy look.
Homelander's eyes widen in realization, as he finally connects the dots.
''...those bastards. They have put an aphrodisiac in your drink.''
''Wow, It took you a while to understand, men never think about these things, I honestly envy you.''
The situation is quite embarrassing for you, but you still manage to want to make fun of him. You have found a stable and comfortable position holding on to his arm, everything seems normal to the people around you, but you know that you will be able to control yourself only for a short time.
He notices the change in your behavior, feeling your hand gripping tighter onto his arm, and the proximity of your body next to his. He clears his throat, trying to maintain his composure.
"Yeah, laugh it up. But you're the one who's struggling to stand still. How the hell did they pull something like this off? I thought Vought security was supposed to prevent something like this from happening."
It's clear that you're not listening to him, you feel the warm from your legs coming up to your throat. You bite your lower lip trying to think as little as possible, but your gaze falls on his hands, causing your mind to drift to absolutely less pure thoughts.
"What are you looking so intently at my hands?''
You lean in a bit closer to him, your playful demeanor turns more tempting, and your voice lowers to a sultry tone, his right hand still holding onto your waist and your running up on his fingers.
''Can't you imagine?''
Homelander tries to maintain his cool demeanor, but he's failing miserably.
Your fingers continue to softly caress his hand, tracing circles on his knuckles, adding to the tension between you two. You take a small step closer, your body now almost pressed against his, and look up at him through your eyelashes, a sly smile on your lips.
"All the things I'm holding myself back from asking you to do to me right now."
His mind suddenly fills with images of what you're hinting at. But he remained silent, faking a smile to the guest who are still walking around the room.
''Come on Homelander, let's get away from this party. I need you. I crave your touch. On me. In me.''
Your lips ghost along his jawline, pressing the promise of a kiss near his ear. You know exactly what to say to convince him, even If your mind is not completely clear, you know what you want and how to get it.
"Please, I'm begging you."
His self-control is about to snap.
''Fine, let's get out of here before I lose my damn mind. Follow my lead and act natural."
He starts guiding you towards the exit, with a certain urgency, casually nodding to guests and saying brief goodbyes as you make your way out of the room.
As you make your way through the crowd, you try your best to act normal and compose yourself, but it's becoming increasingly difficult to keep up the facade. Finally, he finds a secluded corridor and leads you into an empty room, shutting the door behind him.
The moment the door closes, the illusion of control shatters. The tension that have been building up between you two throughout the night reach their peak, and he takes a step forward but you are the first to close the distance and kiss him. Your body wants nothing more than him, the effect of the drug is getting worse and although you haven't said anything, your body language is more than eloquent.
The sight and feel of you, craving for him so openly, is intoxicating.
"God, you're too damn beautiful, Ophera. I've never saw you so messy and needy... only for me.''
''Oh, just for one time, could you just shut up and use your hands for something useful?''
"Eager, aren't we? Don't worry, I'll gladly indulge you.''
He wastes no time in doing as you demand. Your sparkling red dress falls to the floor, but the heat you feel continues to increase, you feel his hands descend on you, and his fierce kisses forbid you to breathe.
He pushes your legs apart with one hand, then he starts caressing you, making you release a sudden moaned whimper. The feel of his leather clad fingers moving so slowly it immediately brings you closer to the edge.
Ridiculous, how is this possible? You think. Ah, yes, that's right, the aphrodisiac, this sensation is like nothing you've ever felt. But it feels so freaking good.
His two fingers slides inside of you, he's enjoying the idea of torturing you. He can feel himself hardening more with every wet sound and moan from you, but driving you insane is going to be way more fun for him than sharing a temporary pleasure.
''...look at you, so needy just for my fucking fingers. You are truly shameless.''
Back against a cold wall, hands on his shoulders, balancing precariously on your heels while your legs tremble and your mind doesn't think clearly, this time he's in control. He's the one in charge.
Time begins to pass. Half an hour, an hour, two, three.
You're whining, you're moaning, and it sounds gorgeous.
What you don't know, is that from the exact moment he saw tears appear in your eyes, he wants to see you cry in his arms. He want to see you desperate for pleasure. You're nearly scream his name.
''You're making such a good show for me, keep going. Keep going...''
He’s enjoying how you’re desperately thrusting against him. Begging him do not stop. Ah yes, sxx between superheroes, durability is the key word to having an extreme fun. Or extreme pleasure. Y'know.
At a certain point you feel his hand move away a little, perhaps his intention was to move on to something more substantial, more thicker. But you immediately block him by grabbing his wrist. Your eyes meet again, and you really are a beautiful mess.
''Don't you dare...to stop...''
''You’ve had thirty orgasms. I'm at zero. How greedy you are.''
Bastard. He’s been keeping count.
''I don't care...touch me again, only one more time. Please...''
Your mind, now overwhelmed by ecstasy, having now the most intense moment of your life. It seems like you can't get enough, and here's his chance to get what he wants. He wants to see you cry.
''Then beg for it.''
His hand that he had leaning against the wall now comes violently wrapped around your neck. Since he can't satisfy himself, he decides that he will have fun in another way. Can't have the pleasure? Then he will have violence. Both are perfect.
Your legs are shaking again and your breath becoming more shallow. You murmur his name in short moans, begging him as he ordered, eyes closed as your makeup slowly begins to run on your cheeks, accompanied by a few small tears.
He is extremely fascinated by you in that moment, you're so lost in pleasure, so desperate for his touch to the point of crying.
You cried out as your body finally release, another orgasm coming down hard from your desperate wait. Your body shudders as your walls squeeze tighter around his fingers.
Then he pause, fingers slip out, he stopped for a second looking at you, still lost in the pleasure aftershocks.
Your body is drained of energy, your breathing ragged. You are too tired to speak, the intense moments you’ve experienced leaving you breathless. Your body feels weary and heavy, the afterglow of your passionate encounter still lingering in your core. And then your legs give out, and you stumble, risking falling, but the fact that he is in front of you, saves you.
''Hey-- you feel good? It was too much?''
He asked a bit worried, his arm wrapped securely around you.
A small, weary smile curves your lips, acknowledging his unexpected concern.
''Are you serious? It was...incredible. I assure you I'm fine, more than fine. Just a bit tired.''
He holds you firmly against him, his strong arms encircling your trembling body. He notices your exhaustion and the way your legs give out, nearly toppling over.
''Don't lie to me, tell me If there's something wrong.''
''Dear, I'm being more than sincere right now, do I seem regretful or unsatisfied? I don't think so.''
You laughed, taking him off guards with your spontaneity.
''Well--uhm, yeah okay, good. Now, let's get back to my apartment. The effect of the aphrodisiac has worn off, and soon you will feel cold with only this fancy dress on.''
''Sure...let's get back to the 99 floor.''
You try to move away from him a little, just a little to walk to the door, but you feel the balance missing and you fall back with your hands resting on his shoulders. Your expression is tired but amused, you find funny even a moment like this.
''Where do you think you're going? Come here, you tired diva. You don't have to walk, I'll carry you.''
He lifts you in his arms carrying you as you weigh nothing, and then he let out a short phrase whispered with kindness.
''I'll take care of you.''
He pauses for a moment, realizing the unfamiliar words that just slipped out of his lips. He clears his throat, trying to cover up the unexpected softness in his voice.
Your reaction is one of mild surprise mixed with a hint of amusement. You look at him with a sly smile, raising an eyebrow. Knowing damn well that he's not used to doing such things.
''Oh, what happened to the tough, domineering Homelander? Suddenly, you're acting all caring and loving.''
"Listen, why do you have to be so annoying?"
Homelander rolls his eyes in response to your playful remark. He knows you caught him in a moment of unexpected tenderness.
''Don't get used to it, doll. This is a one-time exception.''
You let out a small, satisfied laugh at his response, knowing you got under his skin again, like usual.
''Oh come on, lighten up. It's quite charming, you know. You playing the concerned and gentle lover.''
''Concerned and gentle lover, that's not really my thing, if you didn't notice.''
He watches you with a hint of skepticism, waiting for your next smart answer.
''So why did you put your cloak around my shoulders when you lifted me up? It was a spontaneous gesture and you didn't even notice it.''
Homelander froze for a moment, caught off guard by your observation. It was true, he had subconsciously done that without even thinking. He lets out a defeated sigh, realizing that you know that he cares, no matter how much he tries to deny it.
''Fine, you win. I didn't like seeing you shivering. And maybe because I…care.''
"Aww, who would have thought? The great Homelander, soft? For me? How unexpected. Maybe I should thank the one who put the drugs in my drink, without his intervention I would never have discovered this side of you.''
You smile warmly, teasingly caressing his hair with your hand while he's walking outside the room, It's now late at night and there's no one one around. Only the silence and the neon lights of the big Vought tower.
You hug him, staying close to him, safe in his arms, enjoying that moment of kindness that you don't know if it will ever return. But for tonight that's fine. You give him a gentle kiss on the cheek and let him carry you to his room.
''Damn you for making me say things like that.''
He whispered, after after gently placing you on the bed, where you will sleep together that night. You sink into the soft bed, a soft smile on your lips. You look up at him in the dim light, waiting for him. That smile will be his downfall, or yours, who knows.
He's secretly pleased by all of your lovely reaction, and he adores you so damn much, but he will never admit it.
Thanks again for the request, it was really entertaining to write, hope you like it! Kisses <3
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euovennia · 1 year
short and sweet | ghost/soap/könig
sorry to the anon that it took me so long to get out, i've been dealing with some stuff but here it is! thank you for requesting, and as always, i hope you enjoy <3
pairings: ghost x reader, soap x reader, könig x reader
warnings: bigotry, misogyny, people just being jerks, canon typical violence
summary: in which three buff military men become all too aware of your struggles. (based on this request)
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simon 'ghost' riley
when the idea of simon having a crush comes to mind, i feel like he's one of those people who prefers to observe them from afar rather than have direct interactions with them
so that paired with the fact you're not in the 141 and you're mute, it's gonna take a very long while until you two start interacting, at least a few months after he realizes he's taken a liking to you
they'll usually be pretty short and sweet, but not in the typical sense you may be thinking of
i'm thinking something more along the lines of giving each other a small nod of acknowledgement when you pass each other in the shooting range; him having already practiced and you just barely walking in to start practicing
and honestly? he's completely fine with this arrangement
in fact he prefers it
he still gets a chance to give you a once over without getting distracted from the things he wants/needs to do throughout the day, he considers it a win
but when your target practice slowly begins to overlap with his, he's a bit surprised to find that he doesn't really mind it all that much
there's something oddly comforting about knowing you're just a few stalls down from him
and of course there's the added benefit of him getting to see you and your signature sniper rifle in action
for those of you wondering, yes, he's become quite aware of your talents
how could he not when soap made himself comfortable at his table during meal time and went on about, "a real cute girl and her impeccable aim."
soap's words, not his
and it continues on like this for a while, you two continuing on with your unofficially official meeting times
it becomes comfortable and familiar, two things simon isn't quite used to, but two things that he's quite content with
so he can't help but feel a little empty when you stop attending your unofficial meetings at the shooting range
he's more frustrated with himself than anything cause, let's face it, he's not the type to let himself get comfortable/familiar with just anyone so he's honestly more annoyed that he let himself get attached when he hasn't even made a move to properly talk to you (what a silly goose)
anyway, in true simon fashion he decides to deal with it by not dealing with it
in other words, he just kinda continues on with his routine because he's become so numb to the idea of people leaving his life (no matter how big or small of a role they played) that he doesn't bother acting out on any emotion he has if it does happen
and i think after a while he'll just kinda end up pushing you out of his mind (despite the fact his eyes are fully glued onto you whenever he sees you around base)
so when you walk into the range and make yourself cozy at your usual stall, he's a bit frazzled
so much so he ends up packing up his equipment and making a beeline for the exit
but it's at this moment he bumps into a particularly bratty group of recruits they'd gotten not too long ago
he has to practically hold himself back from snapping the poor kid's neck when he asks simon if he'd seen you enter the range
call it extreme, but the mocking smile that stretched across the recruit's lips as he said your name just ticked him off
simon is a man of intuition and so he can already tell something's not quite right so, curious, he just gives off a gruff, "yes," before waving them off
he's surprised that he manages to bite his tongue when he can hear of the recruits whisper a small, "what a fuckin' arsehole," as they walk away from him
cue him silently stalking after the group and being met with the sight of them crowded around you as you lay flat on your stomach, hands still steady on the rifle
he watches as you line yourself up to take the shot before eventually resting your hand on the trigger and pulling it, only to miss when one of the recruits purposefully kicks at your shin
another recruit makes herself comfortable beside you with a grin spread across her lips as her voice rings out in a mocking tone, "aw, poor thing missed her shot again. it's a wonder she's made it this far."
while his eyes narrow in confusion at your lack of response, it only eggs the girl on as she nudges your shoulder
"still can't talk, i see," she lets out a wistful sigh, "that's a shame. i think you'd sound really pretty screaming out for help on the field."
another recruit takes this as their chance to jump in, "guess we'll just have to leave her stranded. better for us anyway, no dead weight."
the girl by your side rolls her eyes, "we probably won't even get the chance to abandon her, she's so tiny. she'd probably get squashed like an ant before we could even try anything."
her remark elicits a laugh from the small group of recruits, but ghost certainly isn't smiling when he approaches the group and stares down at them with his trademark glare
they can definitely feel their souls leave their bodies when they look up and see him standing over them menacingly
it gets even worse when he opens his mouth, "that any way to talk to a fellow soldier?"
they all just kinda stumble onto their feet at his words, not bothering to say anything as their eyes remain pretty much glued to the floor
he's not having it though so he'll repeat his question, tone louder and meaner than before which causes one of the recruits to just let out a meek, "no sir."
too bad it was the one who insulted him earlier cause he immediately steps in front of them and just kinda, "what? arsehole not good enough an insult for ya?"
you, still lying on the ground and watching everything unfold, can't help the small smile that tugs at the edge of your lips as you witness the way the man's face visibly pales
upon receiving no response from him, simon straightens out his posture before point over to you and speaking once more, "you better pray that girl is more forgiving than i am, because if it were me, you'd all be covering your own asses out on the field."
he watches with great joy as they each begin to shift on their feet uncomfortably before dismissing them in a gruff voice
after making sure they left, simon makes his way back over to you who is still lying on the ground with your rifle as you line up your shots once more
he feels a small wave of pride overcome him when you hit your target perfectly
so much to the point where he walks over to you and spills out a quick, "good aim," to which you'll look up at him with those gorgeous eyes of yours and give him a small nod of acknowledgement
his eyes narrow, "you don't talk much, do you?"
you simply shake your head
he'll give you a quick once over before looking down at his watch and realizing the dining hall will be closing soon
tempted as he is to just walk away, he can't help but wonder if you'd already ate
so he speaks again, "dining hall is closing in a bit. you're free to join me if you haven't eaten yet, was just on my way."
you pause for a bit and give it a bit of thought before nodding and packing up your stuff before eventually walking out of the range with simon by your side
you don't have the heart to tell him you already ate
but when you look up and see him quickly avert his eyes from you and onto the pavement beneath your feet, you don't see why you even would
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john 'soap' mactavish
when i tell you this man was gone the moment he saw you, i mean he was GONE
he genuinely couldn't believe someone as sweet and lovely as you could exist in the same space as him
but the moment he sees you shoot that gorgeous little rifle of yours with a precision that could only be described as pure, raw perfection? it's over. he's all in.
i'm talking, 'fuck me up and send me straight to heaven. this is how i die.'
he's so down bad for you it's insane
and i imagine soap can be quite confident and charming when he wants to be so best believe he'll have no problem in walking straight up to you and trying to strike up a conversation
i'd like to put emphasis on the 'trying' part of that last bit because it becomes quite clear quite quick that you're don't talk
maybe the 'quite quick' part isn't so accurate because it probably takes him a minute or two before he finally catches onto the fact you don't talk
in other words, it takes you pulling out your phone and looking up a volume muted symbol and pointing at it before motioning to yourself for him to catch on
he just kinda makes an 'oh' face before letting out a small chuckle and saying something like, "i see now, why didn't ya just tell me that before?"
and you're just looking at him like ???
but he's looking at you like :)))
yeah he's being a little ridiculous right now, but he just got back from a long mission and he's quite sleep deprived so don't mind him he's just being a silly goose, ok?
but truth be told, that dumb little first interaction doesn't even really matter in the long run because it's the bold initiative on his part that makes it so easy for the two of you to become friends
you spend a lot of time hanging around one another and your once carefully planned, scheduled days turn into unpredictable blurs that are jam packed with soap getting the two of you into trouble
i imagine you've become quite familiar with the stoic face of captain john price
but really, how could you not?
especially when soap catches onto the fact that price is more inclined to let soap off with a warning for whatever trouble he's got himself mixed up in whenever you're around
he may be older than the rest of his team, but he knows that dopey grin soap's got plastered on his face whenever he's around you means he's extra sweet on you
and who is he to stand in the way of his boy's happiness with some extra chores?
he's a total dad <3
because you spend a lot of time around soap, i think it's fair to say that you sometimes end up pushing off work in favor of hanging around the scotsman
and really who could blame you?
he's got a dazzling smile, a charming accent, and a sparkling personality. you'd be a fool not to soak up all the time you can get with him
but that just means whenever he does end up leaving for missions, that's when you really buckle down and start getting all your piled up work done
it can be frustrating and a bit of a bother, but knowing your schedule will be completely free (at least for a little bit) as soon as he gets back is more than enough to get you through the tedious work load you've allowed yourself to accumulate
only this time it's a bit harder to remember that
and it's all because of your newly assigned CO
he's a bit of an older man, which isn't a bad thing
at least until you find out that his mindset lines up with the ideology of a 1950's working husband
you know, the kind of guy who believes it's a man's job to go out and work a job to provide for his family while his wife stays home and takes care of the children, house, and meal prepping
in other words
a complete and utter bigot
so between trying to complete all the work you'd so foolishly neglected in your time hanging out with soap and trying to stop yourself from snapping your superior's neck every time he grabbed your rifle from your hands with a condescending, "careful! wouldn't a small thing like you hurting yourself with this," it's no wonder you couldn't remember that today was the day soap was returning from another one of his top secret missions
in fact, the thought doesn't occur to you at all until soap pulls up a chair beside your desk and makes himself comfortable while you're looking over some paperwork your darling CO had left you because he, "works too hard and needs a break."
more like a break in his skull, but to each their own
anyway i can definitely imagine soap carrying around a small notebook that you use to communicate with him when you can't be bothered to watch him try and fail to decipher your hand movements
and yes, he totally brings it on missions with him just so he can open it up and trace over your handwriting with a gentle touch and a soft smile and oh my god imagine confessing to him like that (i'm kinda dying to write an imagine based on that now (mute or non-mute reader, i'm down for either tbh) so lmk if you're interested!)
when the two of you break apart from your usual 'welcome back' hug, he'll slide the notebook over to you as a simple question falls from his lips, "since when do you do paperwork?"
and this just prompts you to let out a huff and roll your eyes before snatching up the notebook/pen combo and writing out all your frustrations on the pages
it's safe to say this man is absolutely floored when he reads through it all
frustrated and angry as he is, he doesn't outwardly express it
he simply grabs the heap of paperwork sitting on your desk and promptly tosses it into the nearest recycling bin before grabbing your hand and leading you off to something completely unproductive and time wasting
it's exactly what you need
the night will eventually end off with him walking you to your room and offering you a sweet hug with a small lil kiss to your head
it's adorable, really <3
what's not so adorable is the way he barges into price's office with the notebook in hand before tossing the pages where you'd detailed your CO's behavior onto his desk
price reads through them and best believe all this man can see is red
as someone who takes pride in becoming a role model for those who work under him, he can barely believe of the things he's reading
he's so ready to throw hands
but he can't sadly
so he settles for the next best thing
with how ruthless price is in his mission to humiliate this man, it's really no surprise when you eventually find out he's been fired
the moment you and the rest of your unit get the news, you practically run all over base to find soap
and the moment you do, you've pretty much tackled him to the ground in a hug
and he simply wraps his arms around you, that same dopey grin price teases him for stretched onto his lips because he knows and he couldn't be happier
he's just happy you're happy <3
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so because of his affiliation with KorTac, i like to imagine that you're part of another PMC group that tends to help each other out on missions whether it be due to mission overlap, or just needing some extra support
but despite this, i imagine it would take quite some time before you and könig even meet simply due to the fact that you're almost never assigned to be sent out on the field
and if i'm being honest, i can definitely see not a single member of KorTac having even the slightest clue that you exist until you're randomly brought onto the field one day during a particularly tricky mission
long story short, könig and a few other of his team members got ambushed and they needed all the help they could get which is where you come in
granted they don't actually see you until you all meet back at base, safe and sound as can be
while könig and his team are surprised by the new face, they're even more surprised to learn that you've been part of the team for nearly eight whole months
when asked about why they've never seen you on the field before, the answer is simple; "she's been doing other missions," which you've come to learn essentially means, "she's still in training because we don't trust her to be on her own yet."
and while the other members of KorTac seem to just take that simple explanation at face value, könig can't help but notice the way your face falls and shoulders slump upon hearing it
and it's at this moment he realizes he hadn't seen you anywhere on the field at the time, so where the hell were you?
he decides he needs to be more attentive
so the next time KorTac calls on your group for some extra assistance, he's keeping a sharp eye out there in hopes that he'd see you
but he doesn't
even so, he still holds out hope for next time
and the next
and the next
and the next
okay this is ridiculous
where the hell were you?
he knows you're going on the missions with the rest of the team because you're always there when everyone gets back to base, still dressed in your tactical gear and wiping off the dirt that seemed to cling onto your uniform
so why did he never actually see you?
he's a tall guy so surely, he, out of anyone, should be able to pinpoint your location on the field with a few simple turns of his head, right?
well apparently not
you're practically a ghost (hehe see what i did there)
his frustration with not knowing where you're at on the field has him going mad
he so desperately wants to just come out and ask you directly, but he's convinced himself that you'll somehow take offense to such a question so he decides against it
so he decides to settle on the next best thing
which is pretty much just endlessly staring you down on the field before you eventually disappear off to god knows where
it's not the smartest idea he's ever had if the way you seem to squirm under his piercing gaze is anything to go by, but he just can't seem to help it
especially not when he comes to notice just how pretty you really are
the soft slope of your nose, the curve of your jaw, the way your cheeks puff out so cutely when you're finally able to get your hands on a much needed snack after a particularly long mission
you're stunning, how could he not stare?
yeah he's definitely got a little crush
but he'll never admit it
especially not with the amount of teasing horangi throws his way whenever you enter the room
anyways i think i'm getting ahead of myself here, let's get back on track lol
i imagine it all comes to a head on the battlefield
one moment könig is going at it with no more than three enemy soliders, but it seems within the blink of an eye those numbers have nearly tripled as he sees a sizeable group of enemy soldiers heading this way
he knows he's more than capable of holding his own in close combat, but with this many people? he can't help but feel a little uneasy as he sees the group grow closer and closer
that is, of course, until the unmistakable sound of a rifle fires through the air and the group of soldiers who were previously approaching him steadily begin to fall to the ground, a pool of crimson blood flowing from their heads
könig's eyes catch onto a bright red laser making small patterns on the ground in front of him so, curious, he looks up to find the source of the light coming from under a pile of rubble located on the roof of a building
upon making eye contact with the small area, the red laser pointer goes dead and you quickly poke your head out from your self appointed hiding spot and offer him a small 'ok' motion with your hand before concealing yourself back into your spot once more
he swears his heart soars at the sight
satisfied with himself and your stellar aim, his mind becomes preoccupied with the mission once more, a newly placed sense of vigor in his attacks
but when everyone is cozying up in the common area after the mission's been completed (with the exception of you bc you're taking a shower), könig decides he can't hold himself back from asking a certain question that's been on his mind for a long time
so he simply decides to go for it and ask, "why hasn't she been assigned to our missions before?"
your teammates all look at each other for a few moments before one of them pipes up, "didn't think she was ready."
another one decides to offer their input, "there are times we still don't think she is, but our captain told us to bring her in anyway."
könig and the rest of those present from KorTac's confusion must be apparent because one of the other members of your team decides to speak out, "she was still a bit rocky when she first came to us. we just wanted her to polish up on her skills before we sent her out on an official mission. it's more out of worry than anything."
the explanation calms the small bout of worry that had infested his mind when they first offered their reasoning for not including you on missions, but he can't help but feel a little pit grow in his stomach
so he decides to speak up once more, "well i think they're capable. perhaps it's time you trust them more."
one of your teammates brows raise, "you think so?"
he nods, "took out a whole group of soldiers that were coming at me, i'd probably be done for if it weren't for them."
he finds the look of shock on their faces amusing as they ask, "how?"
könig leans back, "they were hiding in some rubble on one of the buildings. took them out with a sniper."
he watches a look of realization come over their faces as one of them exclaims, "i thought they were running around the field, not hiding!"
horangi decides to pipe in, "you didn't know? she's always running around the rooftops. i see her all the time."
your teammates practically implode on themselves at his revelation before they start hounding him for questions, ones he graciously answers
könig watches with a small smile hidden under his hood before he can see a small movement of the corner of his eye
he turns his head and sees you peering over at him with a small smile and he watches as you sign out a quick, "thank you," with your hands
he sucks in a sharp breath before bringing up his hands and signing back a shaky, "you're welcome"
his hidden smile widens as he watches your eyes glisten with delight, "you know sign?"
he's quick to respond, "since i was little."
horangi is the one to give his arm a harsh nudge when könig all but freezes upon seeing what you sign to him next
"would you like to join me for dinner?"
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k2ntoss · 4 months
Omg omg omg
Pls do “shit— do that again” and “this is so wrong” with dickie grayson pretty please
(The second prompt gives enemies to lovers vibes SO MUCH, so if it’s included the better.)
— ❤️‍🩹 xx
SECOND ANON WITH AN EMOJI, LET'S FUCKING CELEBRATE!! first of all, thank you so much for this request, i have an idea buzzing into my head and if i don't post it i'll go insane (i'm already insane) and second... i'm listening to the weeknd so yeah....
“do that again- shit, just like that, right there.” + "this is wrong... so wrong." (plus enemies to lovers trope omg yes please!!!)
dick has never been known to be a bad detective, his partners adore him and so does every kid and person he helps, he does his job so well everyone is aware that whenever he's got a new case he will be at it all the time but there is just one person that doesn't really agrees with that, dick knows it and it gets on his nerves because it's always just his cases and investigations the ones that you observe and deny before they reach the court.
he really hated the moment he had to go present his case to the prosecutor, mostly when it was you who was assigned to it and what's worse it's that dick knows that you take it personal because there's no way on earth you let mobs or criminals to pay for justice and that is pretty much clear when you have an amazing percentage of cases won where criminals end up getting what they deserve.
"you have to be joking," at this point is almost a routine. dick arrives to your office with a folder filled with documents and reports from the officers and his own, a box full of evidence he picked up and sent to check to the labs, all the signed paperwork and the hope that you won't send him back to re-do all the work from zero "everything is in that folder!"
"detective, would you lower your damn voice?" you'd ask him, the snark on your tone is upsetting and dick has to take a deep breath to cool down a bit "there are several forms you haven't filled, how do you expect me to work like this?" and it was true, paperwork was important even if everyone hated doing it.
"you can't return the whole investigation for a couple of stupid papers! it's a big case, if you return it to the station we'll have to let the criminals go because the time runs up." dick is starting to lose every trace of patience and good will he has, hands gripping the fabric of his trousers and his hands clench a little more when you look at him, unamused and with any intention to help him.
"i can't help you if you don't bring everything in order, not to say that there are so many things that don't make sense on your files," you say, reading through some pages "this doesn't looks like a real detective's work, how do you expect me to do anything with this?" you leave the folder down, looking at him with your arms crossed over your chest and leaning back on the chair behind your desk.
dick is about to scream, you're telling him his work sucks and sending him back to do it all over again when he is sure there are cases pilling up back in the station but he has to hold it back. it's weird that the person he despises the most isn't some villain he fights at night but a prosecutor that he desperately wants to shut up for once and for all.
you are way too cocky for your own good and since the first case you dismised from his hands he has wanted to show you why he had the reputation he had, he's fighting his rage right now because he knew that in this case you were right and it would be stupid to keep pushing but he was too stubborn and a little too lost on how much he liked to get in your nerves.
"there's no way you can't help me with that case," he says and dick's voice is now an indicator of how upset he is feeling, not only because of you dismissing his work but also because this time he wasn't right (not that he has been before, he always forgot a paper or the whole background of a piece of evidence because he was too distracted on thinking how jolly the moment would be when you'd had to accept his work) "you just don't want to do it and that's bullshit, you should be dismissed from all the station's cases because this is personal."
"detective grayson," you warn him, if it was on your hands you'd help him just as you always tried to help but as a prosecutor you had to stick to the rules and make sure your coworkers did just the same "i'd suggest you to lower your tone and keep your emotions in check, the fact that i can't work with this investigation it's not my fault." you said, letting the folder fall back on your desk before standing up.
there went the last string of patience and good will dick had, he stood up but stayed still until you started walking your way to the door and he'd be lying if your figure wasn't distracting him a little bit with the way that greenish button up shirt hung a little loose on your shoulders but gave a hint of your figure. he had to shake his thoughts away and as soon as he saw your hand reaching for the door he darted towards you, pushing the door closed shut again and standing a little too close to you.
dick is hovering over you, looking down as his eyes fix on yours and there's no way to hide the surprise of the sudden outburst that causes you to flinch a little.
"you think so high of yourself, y/n," dick hisses as his eyes narrow, he leans in closer and it sends a spark that danced between anger and pure expectation from what he could do "you think that you make the fucking calls and that is just so upsetting, i wish i could just bring you down from that cloud and show you just what you are." he points at you and it's distracting because dick grayson has always managed to keep his anger in check.
"keep your emotions in check, detective" it was another warning, it came throught gritted teeth and narrowed eyes as you stand still ready to snap back at him on the first chance "am i the one that thinks too high of themself? let me break it to you, grayson, at least i'm trying to do my job as i have to."
the banter between you two has always been a little more snarky and less heated, not to be taken so serious because what you wanted to do was to push dick to do his absolute best so you could also help people to be safe out on the streets, living their lives but this time was just different because there was something else fueling the words.
there's a spark that ignites inside of dick as soon as your words hit close to home and next thing you know is that you're being cornered against the door of your office and he managed to inmobilize you; he grabs your shoulder to turn you around, his right leg between yours and his face right next to yours.
"you think you're better than the rest of us just because you get to take the credit of putting the bastards we catch behind bars but you just have to sit pretty here," he speaks lowly into your ear, his tone making it clear that he was letting it all out, months of bottled up frustration flowing out of him "you do nothing but talk, that's all that mouth of yours can do and it was just time someone put you in your place."
"richard grayson, you better back the fuck up now or–" you start, the warning hanging in the air and interrupted by a low grunt that just escaped your lips when he pressed a bit more against you just to mess with your nerves, causing his thigh to press a bit more between your legs and sending a jolt through your spine that mixed with all the emotions "do that again– shit," and even tho he is surprised and a little taken aback by your reaction he complies, moving closer until he could feel his leg pressed up against your clothed core and he decided to grind it teasingly "just like that, right there..."
"that's all it takes to turn off your brain?" he asks mockingly, his hand pressed between your shoulders as his lips brush against your era and it's easy to hear the smirk on dick's voice "pin you against the door and let you grind yourself against my thigh? it's pathetic how a smartmouth like you turns to a puddle when someone touches your cunt like this."
yeah, it's pathetic because he managed to shut you up without even trying and he's proud of it. his hand trails down your back until it reaches the lower part of it making sure to hold your body in a way you couldn't move your hips to grind on his thigh.
"go on, why don't you move?" he asks teasingly, his hand pressing harder when he felt the jerk of your hips and an amused laugh escapes his throat when you grunt frustrated "who would have thought that miss great prosecutor was such a desperate little slut." and he could have stopped there, make you help him because you'd be too embarrased to deny him anything after putting this show for him but dick decided to lean in and press a lingering kiss on your neck that made your breath catch on your throat.
"dick– fuck, don't be such an ass" you say in a hoarse tone, looking at the ceiling as you try to rock your hips once again, feeling yourself able to do so when dick's hand wanders from your back to your stomach and then up, resting between your breasts as he breathes you in.
"pretty fucked up, isn't it?" he asks against your neck, nibbling on the side of your neck as his fingers start undoing the buttons of your shirt while you grind against his thigh and everything feels so forbidden, one of your hands moving to lock the door because there was no way you'd let yourself get caught being groped by the detective you've told all your department you hated.
it wasn't news for your coworkers that dick and you had a long history of not getting alone but truth be told, you just wanted to make dick give his best because that would also allow you to give your best. it was a win-win, if only he saw it that way because you weren't trying to buy more time for the criminals to make up evidence or build new alibis or get fake witnesses.
dick gets your shirt open, his hands messily working on pulling your bra down and growling lowly when he saw your breasts spilling out against the door, his eyes moving from your chest to the way your features contorted from the way you were getting yourself off like this. with every jerk of your hips he could feel your ass pressed against his cock, the bulge inside his dressing pants now hard in a way you could feel it againt your body.
he lets go of you, turning you around and ignoring your grunt when you were left without that pleasurable feeling on your aching pussy. his hands gripping your hips as he presses a hungry kiss on your lips, demanding and bruising between the smirk it draws from him when you kiss him back with the same need as your hands undo his shirt, pulling it away from his body as he manages to walk until he is sitting on your desk with you sitting on his lap.
the messy making out is only interrupted when the clothes come out of your body, heavy breathing as he squeezes and gropes your flesh into his hands in a rush of pure lust that's fueled by the way your wetness feels when pressed against his hard on as he moves you to tease your pussy, his shaft moving between your folds and the wet sounds are only muffled by the low moans and growls you both try to keep as low as you can.
"this is wrong..." you say breathlessly, feeling how dick picks your body up with his arm around your waist as his free hand lines his tip with your entrance and he grunts into your neck when you are the one that slides down on him with your eyes closed shut "so wrong, god."
it's not much when your body moves on its own, going up and down on his cock as he looks up at you, hands gripping your waist to hold you as his lips are around one of your nipples, sucking and licking at it while your nails sink into the skin of his shoulders.
you'd never set yourself into this kind of situations but there was no time to think about how wrong this was when it felt so good, the way he filled you up as you rode him slowly, teasing him to grip your hips in order to set the pace to make you bounce on him.
"you look so good like that, fuck," he whispers against your chin when you start grinding on him, his hands on your hips so hard that his fingers bruise your skin as he thrusts deeper into your pussy "so desperate fucking yourself like a bitch in heat, you think you're using my cock for your pleasure but you're nothing but a pretty toy."
his words work as a turn on, the way he looks at you with hunger and need as he pounds harshly inside your cunt makes you moan without care on who could hear you.
"you look so pretty like that, so tight around me" he grunts into your ear and it's right there when he takes the lead, setting a fast pace as he holds your hips to make your body bounce "you like it like this? when you're being used like a dirty whore, sweetheart?"
"i like it so much, fuck–" you whine and the sound of your voice makes him chuckle, this was pretty bad because the degrading words were making you needier and the way you couldn't hide it made you appear more like a slut for him, clenching around him the closer you got to your climax as he hit all the right spots with each thrust he gave.
it was hard to talk for you, between moans and whines of pure delight that came after each stroke dick made as he kissed your jaw but he had no problem on doing it while his hand moved and reached that space on your pussy.
his thumb pressed against your clit made you shiver into his arms, whinning pathetically as he played with your sensitivity with a wide grin "look at the little mess you are, always so collected and now you're here with your legs all spread for me to fuck you into a brainless slut."
"dick– i'm close" you say, eyes teary and voice broken as your face finds a place into the crook of his neck but it's not too much time until he finds your gaze, leaning in to press a reassuring kiss into your lips before he pulls back and nods, thrusting in a faster pace and with deeper strokes.
"c'mon, cum for me, sweetheart." he growls against your ear, both hands holding your waist as your movements become sloppier and erratic, the tension on your belly building more and more until your orgasm hits your whole body making your walls clench tighter around him "that's it, that's a fucking good girl... i'll pull out now, yeah?"
and he doesn't wait for your response, knowing you won't be able to think straight while you were still on your high and with you still straddling his lap dick moves, strocking his cock until he is throbbing into his fist before he reaches his own climax, painting your stomach with those milky white streaks.
maybe, just maybe now he could find a way to fix his work without feeling so upset about it.
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Hi! Hope you’re having a good day!
I was wondering if I could request a Kaz x moon summoner!reader?
I’ve liked the idea of a moon summoner atm my main idea would be that they can do the same kind of thing as Alina with summoning light but it’s not as bright,they can also heal but on a higher level than a normal healer if that makes sense?
for the actual request just something with the reader making shapes out of light/messing around with it while Kaz works or something and it gets his attention
if not that’s perfectly fine too! :] -🍒Anon
Moon- K.B x gn! moon summoner! reader
cherry anon, thank you so much for sending this in! You and your requests always get my creative head going when I feel like I'm stuck and my creativity does not want to cooperate with me, and this request kind of got me out of a bit of funk!
Fic type- this is entirely fluff
Warnings- mentions of injuries/canon typical injuries mentioned
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Your small science was so rare that the only other representations of it were present in myth. Myth that was right when it came down to your capabilities as a moon summoner but largely wrong in most other capacities.
Some tales stated that you had light as dim as bone-lights, some stated that you couldn't summon the light at all, only dim pieces of blue that were barely reminiscent of the night sky.
Others said you could heal yourself and others, though a lot slower than a healer; others made no mention of your potential to heal others or yourself at all.
You could summon light, though. It was a light that was as bright as the moon, which happened to be brighter than a bone light but not nearly so bright and blinding as the sun.
You could heal yourself and others more efficiently, too. You were quicker than a healer and it didn't take much out of you to do it, so it was an ability that came in handy.
You found yourself on Kaz's windowsil, the book you'd been reading somewhat forgotten as you held it open in your lap and had beams of moonlight dancing across the pages rather than illuminating the words as they'd been beforehand.
You looked up to meet Kaz's gaze in the same breath as he looked up to meet yours, grinning at his appearance as you did.
He looked as he usually did when it was just the two of you in his office, you reading a book and helping him with his plans while he alternated between planning a heist and keeping track of everything in the books so as to keep a track of legitimate records for the businesses he owned and operated.
His tie had been undone, resting on either of his shoulders, his gloves secure on his hands, his hair a bit of a mess from running his hands through it. The bags beneath his eyes had grown a bit prominent, and he was drinking coffee number three of the day.
"I always forget you can summon moonbeams," he said. "You heal people more often than you summon."
"Healing is just something that needs doing more often," you said with a grin. "I only summon when it's night and I'm trying to read, or when I get bored. It makes for quite the entertaining distraction."
Kaz nodded. "You're in for the job tomorrow?"
"Sixty thousand kruge. Not even with the advisement of the saints themselves would I refuse."
Kaz grinned, and the two of you fell back into that same, easy way of things that you always had. No conversation necessary, just the two of you existing in the same space, the love you felt for one of another making the silence an incredible comfort.
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sorencd · 11 months
hey hannah! hope you're well <3 could you write about having a study session with charlie dalton? im studying rn and i cant stop thinking about him lol
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pairing: charlie dalton x reader
word count: 0.7k
a/n: hii anon! here u go :) GOOD LUCK WITH UR STUDYING BBY MWAMWAS
charlie knows where the extent of his intelligence is. he wasn't as much of a genius as meeks but he wasn't dumb either. he only felt the need to study when it was really necessary. mostly, he'd rather spend his time with you, the other poets, or playing the saxophone.
when he met you though, he's come to love studying more and more. he loves lying on your carpet on the ground beside you with a bunch of textbooks sprawled out in front of you. he adored the little snacks your mom would bring in the middle of your studying with a grin on her face, saying you'll accomplish more with a full stomach. he always liked staying at your place more than his. besides, your dad's starting to like him.
sometimes, when you’re helping him find the answer to a seemingly impossible maths problem that’s stumping the both of you, he'd opt to stare at you instead of focusing on the task at hand. he’d watch you chew on your pen, angrily ramble about how it all makes no sense, scribble formulas that he’s sure aren’t the right ones, and listen to how pretty your voice sounds. he’d ease his cheeks into his arms that were crossed on the floor and nod his head to everything you’d say, occasionally flipping the pages to put on the guise of knowing what you’re talking about. he knows by the end of the day, he’ll distract you and avoid you two from achieving anything.
while you were busy marking your latin notes to their respective places, and to give charlie an easier time reading it all when he needs to, you heard a soft thump! to your right. charlie, whom you thought was also doing the same thing you were, at least was doing the same thing, had now decided to slump further onto the carpet. ‘that’s gotta hurt.’ you wondered, slightly wincing before poking his cheek. his brain was getting fried from all this studying.
“i don’t understand how this could possibly be used in the future. when will i ever say ‘quid est tempestas hodie?’” he whined. you do have to agree, when will you use latin? you shrugged and just guessed it would come in handy one day.
“don’t be like that! latin is fun! imagine how many swear words you could say and no one outside of welton would understand you.”
“then what’s the point? most of the people i want to say ‘stercore manducare’ to is from hellton.” 
“it can’t be that bad!”
“enroll and find out then, it’ll make me very happy if you do that.” he batted his eyelashes and puckered his lips, his face contorted into a silly expression, making smooching sounds to your dismay.
you giggled and pushed him away in a joking matter, “stop, you’re making me lose focus!”
charlie feigned hurt as he let out a huff, turning to lie on his back and raised a hand to his forehead. “the world is treating me bad, misery! my darling has finally cracked and can now ignore the un-ignorable me!” it was like he was reciting a poem. it always made you laugh whenever he did that. his sudden outbursts of poetical literacy always successfully being able to lift up your spirits.
“i’m getting sick of the floor, let’s study in bed instead! it’ll help us think better.” he cheekily proclaims, trying his best to persuade you. it didn’t take much convincing for him to get you to do anything. how could you ever pass up any opportunity with charlie? so inevitably, you would give in and you’d end up in bed, supposedly studying with a textbook in between your blanket covered legs. you could already see yourself waking up only to realise that you fell asleep. with charlie spooning you and your notes haphazardly scattered onto the floor.
you continued jotting down useful information both you and charlie could use when examination arrives, and he continued admiring you trying to write down on an uneven surface. it didn’t take long for charlie to realise that in every version he imagined himself as, he saw you in each one. he loved being nuwanda with you. because with you, loving is easy.
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© sorencd . 2023 ─ do not copy, repost, translate or claim any of my works as your own.
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starleska · 1 year
If you're still doing headcanon requests, what about a Wally x workaholic perfectionist?
Love your writing and whenever you have the time I'd love to see what you think of this :)
ahhh thank you sweet and precious anon!!! 🥰 oooh now this one is hitting home...i'm guessing you are a workaholic perfectionist yourself? you may have guessed from the outpouring of fanworks i've made both for Welcome Home in general that i also fit into this category 🙈 thank you for this cathartic writing opportunity!
Wally Darling x Workaholic, Perfectionist Reader headcanons
💖 it's your passion which draws Wally to you in the first place. an easy-going, less-thoughts-in-the-head-than-most sort of fellow, Wally prefers to take life at a leisurely pace - but all of that is thrown out of the window when he meets you. you're so full of verve, forever jotting down notes or scribbling sketches in your notebooks, or coming up with grand ideas for outings and events. in fact, when the two of you first meet Wally says very little at all: he's quite content to sit with his chin cradled in his palm, gazing whilst you infodump about your latest obsession and the countless related projects you're going to create. Wally feels that you're an unstoppable force, and he's an immovable object...but he's so excited to be in the presence of such a tour de force of enthusiasm 🔥
💖 however, Wally doesn't always understand why your work makes you so upset. Wally understands the concept of a job - after all, his good friend Howdy Pillar has a fantastic job, working at the bugdega! but the kind of work typical of the Neighbourhood is much less structured and capitalism-driven, and the laxness of this system gives you severe anxiety. Wally grows concerned when he notices you staying up later and later, hunched over your desk and crumpling up endless sheets of paper. when the darkness shifts into a burgeoning dawn, a fuzzy hand grips your wrist, stilling it against your desk. "You don't need to have one perfect idea," Wally says, picking up and uncrumpling one of your discarded sheets. "You just need to enjoy having ideas in the first place!"
💖 eventually, Wally realises that your perfectionistic, workaholic tendencies aren't going away - so he compromises. on more than one occasion when you've passed out on the couch surrounded by half-read books, you've awoken to find your shoulders draped with Wally's soft cardigan. but some days are so stressful that no amount of cosy fabric will calm you down. when days where you're driven to distraction and frazzled by tasks read their heads, Wally likes to play a game of his own invention: something he calls Puppet Time. if Wally senses you're about to have a breakdown, he will announce, "it's Puppet Time!" and launch himself right into your arms. once contact is established, Wally will go completely limp, meaning there's nothing you can do but drop whatever you're holding and grab Wally before he hits the ground. no matter how stressed you are, this never fails to make you burst into laughter, and you're always much more receptive to a rest afterwards. Wally will continue his boneless routine even as you swing him up over your shoulders, giving him a free ride to a different room for a well-deserved break ✨
haha, this was a seriously fun one!! i hope you know you deserve to rest when you need it, anon. take care 🥰
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unclewaynemunson · 1 year
prompt idea! :D
steve being a poet and eddie being a songwriter. they both reference each other in their works and no one has put it together yet.
( also hi you're awesome )
Oooh anon I love this, this is such an intriguing concept bc the possibilities are ENDLESS with this one! I hope you like the direction I ended up taking it in :) (and thank you so much for dropping this in my ask box! <3 )
EDIT: I wrote an expanded version for this one and it's also on ao3 :D
Jeff was the one who introduced Eddie to Ronan Right. His mom was moving and when Eddie visited to help, he found his friend with his nose buried in a small book that was nearly falling apart in his hands.
“What's that?” Eddie asked, flopping down next to Jeff among the boxes.
“My mom's favorite poet,” Jeff mumbled, barely glancing up from the page.
And as soon as Eddie got a chance to pick up the book from where Jeff had left it, he was hooked. He was no help at all for Jeff's poor mom, completely engrossed in poem after poem, reading them again and again and again.
Eddie liked reading poetry to get some inspiration for his songwriting, but a lot of poetry had this atmosphere of pretentiousness around it. This didn't. It was surprisingly simple. To the point, with a rawness to it, mostly short poems that had a simplicity with which they managed to cut right to the heart of things.
Ever since that day, Ronan Right became Eddie's biggest source of inspiration. He'd never start working on new songs before reading one of Right's poems first. And whenever he got stuck on his lyrics, he'd pick up one of Right's books – and every time, without fail, he'd find something in there to help him find the right words.
When people would ask Steve what inspired him, his answer was always the same, always simple: music. Most people probably assumed that by that, a poet would mean classical music or maybe jazz of some kind. They were wrong: Steve Harrington, professionally known as Ronan Right, liked to blast the most screamy metal imaginable whenever he was writing – much to the discontent of his poor neighbors. He didn't care much for lyrics, it was all about the sound for him: about volume, about harmonies, about a combination of ingredients that somehow managed to flip a switch inside of his brain that unlocked the more creative ways to look at words.
His favorite band was called Corroded Coffin. Something about them stood out in the long list of metal bands he loved to listen to. It was something about the sound of the singer's voice, about the guitar riffs, that simply made sense to him, made the words that he was looking for bubble up to the surface naturally.
He got halfway through the first song on Corroded Coffin's newly released album, when he froze at his desk. He didn't care much for lyrics, but those words... There was something familiar about them.
He replayed the song from the beginning and started frantically flipping through the pages of one of his earliest poetry bundles... Yeah, there definitely was something familiar about those lyrics.
They weren't copied, exactly. It could just be a coincidence.
But the album kept playing on and Steve kept getting distracted by the lyrics because there was so much familiarity in them. It wasn't like the singer was stealing from him, it wasn't even like he was taunting his copyright or anything like that... It was like he was building on Steve's words. Like Steve had laid a foundation that had sparked Corroded Coffin to make something beautiful. Like the two of them shared a mind, a soul, an inspiration.
And Steve wrote the best poem he had ever written, in one go, that day.
More bundles followed. More albums were released. And they kept interlocking with each other, one causing the other to do something new, try something different, figure something out.
Ronan Right was still an obscure poet, well-respected but not mainstream enough for bigger successes. Corroded Coffin was still an obscure metal band, praised by the connoisseur but too experimental to ever get anywhere bigger than the verge of the metal scene. The only one who noticed the textual similarities between the two, was Jeff's mother. She'd smile her knowing smile and chuckle quietly, delighting in her own private understanding.
A new book was about to get published. Steve had to drive down to Chicago to meet with his publicist and talk some things through, but his car was in the shop so he got on a train instead. The meeting went well, Don't try to be a hero officially got the green light, and feeling content, Steve pulled out the latest Corroded Coffin cd to put in his walkman as soon as he got on the train back home.
“Hey,” the guy opposite him said with a smile and a nod towards Steve's walkman, just before Steve could put on his headphones. “Corroded Coffin, nice.”
“You know them?” Steve asked, taken by surprise, a matching smile creeping onto his own face.
“Yeah.” The guy chuckled. “Yeah, I know them.”
Sunlight fell through the window and shone on the big rings around the guy's fingers, catching Steve's eye – and pulling his gaze towards the tiny book he was holding in his hands.
“Hey,” he said, “Ronan Right, nice.”
The guy stared at him for a few seconds, something like disbelief in his big brown eyes. “You know him?!”
Steve felt laughter bubble up in his chest. “Yeah, I know him.”
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yandere-kokeshi · 11 months
Ahh, yes Hobie is underrated!! But lemme get you something :)
Hobie with a m!reader who tends to have nightmares a bunch when he sleeps alone. maybe they started off as friends and hobie would always notice how he looked like he barely got any sleep? and then when they got closer- y’know :D wholesomeness
also, if you want to- maybe one night hobie sees y/n moving around in his sleep and thinking it’s a nightmare until he sees a boner :7
i realise now this looks a lot like a scenario but it’s meant for headcanons since that’s how you prefer right now! stay safe love, we appreciate even the smallest things we get from you :D
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Warnings: yandere behavior and slight NSFW
A/N: we love hobie <3. I hope more requests like these come in! You're so smart anon!
You stay safe and warm(or cold!). Love you so much, hope you enjoy <3
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Having nightmares is embarrassing at times. Waking up in cold sweat, arms feeling like large logs of steel you have to carry and head woozy from witnessing things that may or may not trick you into thinking what’s real.
Of course, Hobie noticed right away. The huge black bags under your eyes showed clearly how you yawned every other word that came from your mouth. And let’s not forget how you zoned out pretty much of the time - his hand having to wave in front of you to get your attention.
“Oi, bruv. You doin’ good?” He asks, leaning in to touch your shoulder. But when he saw you nodded. He knew something was up. Not that you were willing to say; it annoyed him, and he kept pestering about it.
So, one day, he asked you if he could hang out later in the evening, which turned into a night of the two of you sleeping together when Hobie witnessed the reason you were hiding such lies.
You kept shaking. Whimpering in the shared bed. At first, he thought it was a dream - everyone has one some nights and sometimes they’re more active than most. But the more active you got with the shaking, sometimes yelling, Hobie got concerned.
He gently shook you awake, whispering you away not to scare you, and kissed your forehead affectionately as he comforted you - watching your eyes fill up with tears. He hugged you close, rocking you back and forth as he made sure to gently rub your back.
Hobie kept reminding you that it was just a dream, none of the things are real, and he was always here for you. Your heart bounded, the sheer closeness was embarrassing. But you needed it. Craved the attention you never had. The warm comfort was relieving your pounding heart from your surprised state.
But the kiss he gave you on the lips was more surprising than ever. He laughed at your reaction, pulling out a handmade necklace he made for you, and a guitar pick he stated he wanted to give to you. Wrapping it behind your neck, he clicked it in place, reaching over to whisper in your ear, ‘Ya now mine. I’ll protect you, m’kay?’
For the next couple of days, he always insists on sleeping with you - even if you protest or say you’ll get embarrassed, he won’t listen to you.
Every night, Hobie makes sure to cuddle you close to his chest, allowing you to borrow his headphones as he plays music to distract you; kissing your cheek as he watches TV.
If you feel self-conscious about you having nightmares, Hobie always cuts you off with a hard kiss. He hates seeing you down yourself just because of something normal. With this said, he always comments about how he doesn’t care. Sure, nightmares can and will be scary. But he will never judge you. Ever.
Sometimes waking up groggy is the worse. Hobie hates the AM. PM. literally every time of the day. If he could, he’d love to spend his entire day with you sleeping or causing chaos.
But, waking up on a lazy Tuesday, he groaned as his phone buzzed underneath the pillow. He cursed out, immediately hanging up the phone as he saw multiple texts from Miguel. Of course, he was the one waking him up.
Ignoring Miguel's protests to contact him and throwing the phone back into place, his senses went off the radar; his ears listened to your heavy breathing, grunting, and slight moans. Were you in pain? Did he hurt you by squishing you too hard? He doesn’t really wanna be yelled at again.
Though his eyes widened for a second before a smirk struck his face. Seeing something poking out of your boxers, blankets thrown off to the side as it was too hot. Yeah, you were too hot after all.
In one instance, he moved between your legs and his hands crawled to your crotch, pulling down your boxers, and waiting to awaken you to a very special prize.
Masterlist || Please consider reblogging and commenting instead of liking, it helps me as a creator!! Stay well!!
© yandere-kokeshi 2023 — Do not copy, modify, edit, repost, or use my works for ASMR readings, tiktoks, or other content.
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mazeinthemiroh · 2 years
Hi!! Can I request an Ateez reaction to you being unusually cuddly and just latching onto them after a long day? Maybe because you're upset about something, or just tired, on your period etc. I've been feeling really tired lately and the thought of cuddling the fuck out of them is one of the few remaining things that keep me going lol. But if you don't want to write this, that's completely fine too of course!!! Thank you and have a nice day :) ❤️
ateez reaction to you being in need of comfort
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genre: fluff
word count: 1k
warnings: joong's and hwa's reactions are sort of like mini scenarios?? idk it still cute and fluffy all the same
author's notes: lowercase intentional. oh anon i totally feel you on this one :( i am super proud of you, please get some rest when you can. i hope these reactions make you feel a little better. sending lots of love <3
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it had been a long, stressful week, to say the least. so you decide to join hongjoong in the studio one afternoon. you'll be sitting with him quietly, watching him do his thing. but the need for physical contact took over you. you decide to get up, walking over to him, at first wrapping your arms around him from behind. he smiled fondly at your touch, turning around to look at you. what he didn't expect was to see tears glisten over your eyes. "jagi..." hongjoong's voice was soft, quiet, laced with sympathy and love. he turned his chair around to face you fully and pulled you onto his lap. "i'm sorry joongie" you whimpered as you hugged him tightly. "i'm just a bit tired and sensitive today that's all." hongjoong would shush your apologies and rub circles on your back to soothe you. "it's okay, i got you."
life just wasn't treating you right lately. you had become emotionally exhausted and it took a big toll on you. so when you slipped into seonghwa's room, you didn't want to make eye contact with him. he immediately notices your uncharacteristic demeanour. "y/n? you okay sweetie?" he inquired. finally giving in and looking at him, you burst into tears, not being able to control yourself anymore. seonghwa would rush up to you, extremely concerned. he would scoop you up in his arms and cradle you, letting you cry into his neck. he himself would probably be emotional and distressed from your crying in general. you cling onto him for the rest of the night and he clings onto you too. there's no way he's letting you go.
yunho is such an easy boyfriend. if you want space? he will give it to you. similarly, if you want to hang off of him like a koala bear the whole day, who is he to deny such a request? yunho just loves to know that he is your source of comfort. his way of soothing you is by distracting you from any negative thoughts by talking about other different random things. he likes to make jokes here and there because he wants to see you smile <///3 but all this time he is using the sweetest, softest voice for you. as much as he likes joking around he does take your emotions seriously, so if he senses that his jokes aren't landing the way he wants them to, he will stop and provide you with a big bear hug <//3
i know yeosang seems quite shy but he does like to feel needed/wanted. so on the days when you just need him to hold you and cuddle you softly, he would really like that. he is such a softie :(( he would just love cuddling in peaceful silence with you, both of you relaxing together and dwelling in each others company. you both are very comforted. if you are just tired, it is easier for him to comfort you, getting you relaxed and making you comfortable enough to drift off to sleep in his arms. however, if you are sad, he might be a little awkward at first, not knowing how to comfort you. he would likely stay silent and pull you in for a tight hug, letting you cry and vent to him about anything.
he is like an expert in comforting you because he knows exactly what to say and do to make you feel better. san is would be just as clingy as you tbh. he just lives and thrives off of cuddles so when you tell him you are sad and weak and just want to be close to him the boy literally melts. 'ahh my baby you have nothing to worry about, i'm here" he would say in his cute pouty voice that he does, all to make you feel better. he will sit you on his lap and cuddle you so close, cooing and kissing all your worries and negative thoughts away. looking at you with so much affection in his eyes, he will not stop saying how much he loves you.
this guy wants cuddles all the time like it's not a joke. he might stiffen up a bit when he sees you upset because he is anxious he might say or do the wrong thing and possibly hurt your feelings or make things worse. but he tries his very best. you will both get into your pyjamas and he will pull you onto his chest so you guys are all snuggly together. he will probably put on a comfort movie and play with your hair, whispering different compliments here and there: "you look so beautiful today" and "i can't believe you're mine." would feel proud if you fell asleep on him, because he knows he's made you feel relaxed <3333
"why are you latching onto me huh? did you miss me that much today?" wooyoung's tone would be playful as he teased you, feeling your arms wrapped around his form in a back hug. when he doesn't hear you respond he turns around to face you, and after seeing your tearful and exhausted face, he softens and pulls you in for a deeper hug. "well i still don't think you missed me as much as i missed you baby" he says in a gentler tone, giving you a reassuring squeeze before plopping on the couch with you, cuddling the night away.
jongho isn't used to you being extra cuddly. he doesn't really know what to do at first, sort of quirking up an eyebrow when you continue to hang onto him and embrace him. but he will accept your affection with a light-hearted chuckle. still, he can sense something isn't quite right. "you okay, jagi?" he would ask in a soft but firm voice. when you lower your gaze, he would reach out to grab your hand and pull your body closer to his. "tell me what's wrong then. i'm here. i'm listening."
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merakiui · 1 year
PUPPYBOY FLOYD PUPPYBOY FLOYD PUPPYBOY FLOYD AAAAAAAAA UR SO RIGHT MERA he'd be the sweetest little puppy yet the moment you turn away from him he's already messing everything up (definitely not so you pay attention to him bc he doesn't like when you pay attention to anything other than him, he's so annoying in the best of ways <333 orz) He should be punished for being a bad boy, but his puppy eyes are so powerful no one can resist them,,, (i'm no one) Even when he starts humping you in the most inappropriate places there's no way you can be mad for more than 5 minutes
And catboy Jade being the worst menace known to mankind - definitely the kind of cat to swat everything off a table of counter while looking you straight in the eye. He's absolutely awful, but can you really get mad when he looks so cute napping on your lap? (you really ought to, he's only going to get worse and more daring if you let him misbehave) So many thoughts, both horny and not,, tweels are just too perfect orz
(also, could I be 🦈anon? I sent in a request for the lunar love hotel asking but obviously it'll take some time for you to answer that one!)
YES YES YES puppyboy Floyd is so physical with you, always wanting to cuddle with you or, more commonly, hump you from behind. He loves caging you in against the countertop if you're preparing food in the kitchen, distracting you from your main priority by rutting against you, breath hot and wet in your ears... he's so clingy, so needy, so whiny whenever you ignore him or aren't giving him enough attention. He especially hates it if you bring unfamiliar scents into the house. His nose is very keen, as is his sense of hearing, so he'll know when and if you're home before you're even turning the key in the lock.
When he's in particularly nasty moods, he has a tendency to destroy things or make a mess, but he'll help pick things up if you seem truly angry or upset with him (he always makes it up to you by snuggling with you in bed or even preparing your favorite meal; he tries to make it up to you with sex, but you always stop him and he pouts about it. >:( Floyd's always considerably sadder if you yell at him, call him a "bad boy," or ignore him out of frustration. But he's perfected the puppy eyes, so it's really impossible to stay angry for long). You've started fixing this habit of his by providing him with things to chew on or squeeze (like stress toys) so that he won't take his feelings out on the decor in your house.
Catboy Jade... very much a menace and a nuisance and a misbehaving catboy!!!! But he's so cute (and so mischievous), so how can you possibly be cross with him? :< he's very cute when he's napping. He looks so content, and when he purrs when you scratch his head or behind his ears (or when he leans into your hand with that cute, sleepy smile) it's enough to have you cooing so sweetly at him. Sometimes he'll lick your hand a few times before biting down hard, as if he's marinating it. T_T but he's cute, so even if he shreds your curtains or destroys the belongings of any friends (or hopefully not romantic partners) who visit he can be forgiven!!!
He's also a catboy who's fond of water!! He loves to take baths with you. >:) and though he often sleeps in his own bedroom, every morning without fail you'll wake to find him curled against you. Though sometimes he likes to stay up late into the night to do all manner of fun things; if you feel a sandpaper tongue against your bare skin while you're sleeping, don't pay it any mind! You're most likely dreaming about it. :) (catboy jade is a lover of somnophilia hehehe) you're so right when you say he will get worse if you let him misbehave. If you keep forgiving him for every devious thing he does, sooner or later you'll wake to him lovingly fucking you so slowly into the sheets. <3
(aaaa the tweels are so perfect yes!!! I always have too many thoughts for them. They give off such catboy and puppyboy energy, so thinking about them as a catboy and puppyboy... it's too good. orz and you may absolutely be the 🦈 anon!!! I also received your request for LLH, so I'm eager to write it!!)
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stonerpsii · 6 months
I was once chilling with a friend drinking wine, but every time they'd leave the kitchen, I'd open the fridge a little bit and take the vodka bottle from there and pour a little into my wine. I wanted to even the playing field bc they are a huge lightweight and I needed stronger stuff to get as drunk as they were, but I did not want to offend them by spiking my drink right in front of them. But I am thinking of a fantasy of doing it with someone who's sober, and who's noticed, and who leaves the room as often as possible on purpose.
anon your mind...
sorry for the delay in answering this lol, i wrote most of this like two weeks ago and then got distracted
You go over to your friend's place for dinner and ask if they have anything to drink. Your friend knows just as well as you do that you have no sense of moderation; left to your own devices, you drink until you're completely wasted. But you're hardly a lightweight, so your friend suggests wine, and you agree. This way, you can relax and get tipsy, but there's no chance you'll get drunk and make an embarrassment of yourself before it's time to go home.
At the time, it seemed like a good plan. You could always get wasted after you went home, and for now you could chill out with your friend and savor the wine!
After a few glasses, your friend excuses themself to the bathroom. You wander around the kitchen, wishing you were more than just vaguely tipsy. You glance at your glass and wonder if you have time to chug it and refill it before your friend gets back. You probably could... but god, it would be so embarrassing if your friend caught you. You don't even have the excuse of being drunk, because you're not. Even if you would very much like to be.
You make another circuit of the kitchen and then open the fridge, more out of boredom than anything else. Your gaze immediately falls on a large, mostly full bottle of vodka. Now that's more like it, you think to yourself.
Except you'd agreed to stick to wine for the evening, for reasons that still make sense now. You didn't want to get drunk — okay, you did, but when you got drunk you inevitably got wasted, and your friend hadn't signed up for that. It still made sense to stick to wine until you got home.
You bite your lip.
You were barely even buzzed, was the problem. And at this rate you wouldn't get to buzzed, not unless you chugged the wine... or...
Just a little would be fine, right? Just enough to get you to buzzed, and then you can stick to wine the rest of the evening, and have a good time. It's a foolproof plan, you think, and glance around one last time to make sure your friend is nowhere in sight. Then you take the bottle over to your glass, pour a little vodka into it, and then return the bottle to the fridge.
By the time your friend gets back, you're seated at the table, sipping your glass of wine calmly and unhurriedly.
You're beginning to feel pleasantly fuzzy by the time you've finished this glass and your friend pours you another. You glance at them, but they don't seem to suspect anything is amiss. They haven't made any jokes about cutting you off, so you know you're in the clear.
There's a crashing sound from elsewhere in the house, and your friend groans. "My cat probably just knocked something over," they say, "but I should go make sure nothing's broken. Just wait here."
You nod, and the moment they're gone, your eyes are on the fridge.
You... probably shouldn't. You're feeling a nice buzz by now, and you were already pushing your limits the first time, after all. You shudder to think of your friend catching you pilfering their vodka.
But surely a little more couldn't hurt? It's not like you're drunk. You're just... buzzed, and you'd like to get a little more buzzed. That's all. What your friend doesn't know won't hurt them.
So you spike your drink again, though this time you pour in a little more vodka than before. Better make the most of the opportunity, right? Especially since you'll be sticking to wine after. You're still on your feet when your friend re-enters the room, but they don't seem to notice, and you sit back down with your glass and join them in commiserating about the woes of pet ownership.
Maybe you drink this glass a little quicker than your elegant sipping of before. You're not really sure; everything's starting to get delightfully blurry. But not as delightful as your friend offering you another glass before you head home!
"If — hic — you're shure," you demur, but your eyes are fixated on the wine.
"Of course," your friend says warmly.
You take a sip of your glass and then put it back down. Moderation. You totally know how to... to moderate. Drink moderately. You're the best at that.
"I'm gonna go feed the cat," your friend says. "Just wait here."
Oh no, says a dim, muffled part of your brain.
Oh yes, says the rest of it.
Quick as a flash, you stand up — so quick you have to hold onto the table for balance for a moment. Then, before you even have time to think about it, you have the vodka bottle in hand and are pouring it into your glass. Your vision fuzzes slightly. How much vodka did you just spike your drink with? Your glass looks... a bit fuller than you'd intended. Noticeably fuller.
You hear footsteps. Quickly, you put the bottle back, then take a few generous swallows of your drink as you lean against the counter.
"Everything all right?" your friend says as they come back in.
"I'm good!" You hiccup. "Totally, um, good. This wine iss great, whas the... uh... vin, vintage?"
Your friend answers, but you're too busy taking another eager swallow to listen. And then another. And then before you know it, your glass is empty.
You sway slightly, empty glass held loosely in your hand. "Oopsh," you slur. "Godda lil carried away."
"No worries," your friend says, smiling slightly. "Would you like another, or do you want to head home?"
"I'll take anoth — hic! — another rounddd!" You grin and stick out your glass for your friend to take and refill. They hand it back and you take a drink. It doesn't have the same bite as before... oh right, it's missing the vodka. "Jus needs a lil..." You blink, realizing you're speaking aloud. "Neverrr mind, iss perfect." You take another drink.
"Glad to hear it," your friend says. "Let me just go check on something real quick."
The world's beginning to spin a little around you, but you know what your friend's absence means. You wobble over to the fridge and pour vodka into your glass. Then you realize if you drink real fast you could pour more vodka in before your friend gets back. So you slam most of your vodka-y wine, belatedly noticing that some of it spilled onto your front. "Oopsh," you giggle as you pour some more vodka. It barely even burned going down, perfect time to have some more...
"Having fun?" your friend asks warmly.
You turn and the world tilts around you, glass in one hand and vodka bottle in the other. "Sho much fun!" You beam at them and take another drink.
The next thing you know, they're helping you sit on the floor because the world was so so spinny. "I miiiiight be a lil drunk," you confess.
"Only a little?" they say, amused.
"Jus' a lil," you slur as you polish off your glass. "S na like 'm wassed or anythin. I jus had thish vodka to get more drunk. Cus I wanted to be a lil drunker." You hiccup. "Or meybe a lot more drunker."
"But you're not wasted," they say with a smile.
"I knowww my limmish," you insist.
"Of course. So if I were to ask if you wanted to finish off the wine bottle or drink straight from the vodka bottle, you would say...?"
You squint at them blearily. There's a right answer here, but it's so hard to think. Much easier to drink. You glance down and oh right, you're still holding the vodka bottle! You take a swig, though some of it falls out of your mouth and onto your chest.
"Spoken like a true lush," your friend laughs, and then they offer you the wine bottle, and you don't remember much after that.
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theobjectofyourire · 2 years
Eleventh Doctor x reader fluff disguised as smut because it’s actually the reader’s first time and they’re really nervous. But the Doctor’s incredibly sweet and patient. Kind of inspired by the Daemyra scene from episode seven? I’m still not over it.
a/n: wow wow wow I cannot tell you how much I loved this!! seriously this was so much fun to write and so perfect for my first request! thank you so so much, anon, I really hope you like it!
word count: 3.2k
cw: some angst and hurt/comfort vibes in the beginning, worries of unrequited love - but it all gets resolved, so much build up, definitely gets spicy later on, I think the request pretty much sums it up
ps. if you want The Feels, the song I imagine them dancing to is The Night We Met by Lord Huron
A Thing Of Poetry
Your cheeks flush as reality begins to settle around you, adrenaline leaving your senses far more alert than you'd like. The chill of the ocean breeze does little to cool your skin, let alone soothe your ego, and it all seems a terrible joke that despite having a Time Lord by your side, you're incapable of erasing this moment from history.
You'd need only travel a few minutes into the past, just enough to create a distraction, some sort of loud noise that would send you both back to his blue box, or out exploring beyond the sands. It wouldn't be anything serious, not in the big scheme of things. Of course, there was always the chance that your past self would run into your current self and tear a hole in the fabric of space and time, which admittedly seemed rather an extreme risk for what essentially amounted to an embarrassment. It's also exactly why the Doctor would never allow it, and it isn't as if you could fly the Tardis without him. Not that you would want to. You can't imagine one without the other.
No, the only thing you truly want right now is for this unbearable, almost unbelievable silence to end. He's the Doctor, your Doctor, who not a few hours ago managed to talk for ten minutes straight without so much as taking a breath. The same man who once explained water in such a way that by the end of it, even the poor fish was confused. The Time Lord who has a clever, if not somewhat silly reply to everything and everyone in the whole of the universe, and yet, here and now, seems incapable of uttering a single word.
You've done the impossible in rendering him speechless, and you're not entirely sure how to feel about it. Unsettled seems a good word. Awkward, chastened, terrified, the list goes ever on, but you're trying not to dwell on it too much. Instead, you attempt to refocus your attentions by observing him, hoping to discern something of an understanding from his movements.
He stares at you with wide eyes, unreadable save for the obvious shock. His long lashes continue to flutter the way they always do when excited or nervous, and his fingers are trailing along his bottom lip as if examining a precious artifact.
You wonder if you've made a terrible mistake.
His gaze begins to wander, drifting from yours to the midnight sea stretched before you. At the end of a trying day and a few near misses, he'd asked to take you here, a moonlit beach at the edge of the world. A world, he said, where dragons once roamed. Your face lit up at the mere mention.
I knew you'd love it.
You'd nestled yourselves in the sand, just a little distance from the incoming tide. You hadn't any blankets or towels, only a knit jumper and his body heat to keep you warm. It had been, by all accounts, the perfect evening.
It might have stayed that way.
You never should have kissed him.
Your Doctor lets out a deep sigh, a sound so uncertain, you think your heart might break. You can't bear the silence a minute longer.
"I'm sorry," you choke as you haul yourself to your feet, all but running back to the Tardis.
"Y/n," he murmurs. His voice is soft and painfully kind, enough to make you consider turning back. You can't help but imagine the way he'd wrap his arms around you, holding you tightly as he kissed the top of your head, comforting and consoling you until the dawn. All you want is to snuggle into him, but you're already fighting back tears, and it doesn't seem fair to let the Doctor see you cry.
You force yourself to keep going. He says your name again, louder this time as he shuffles about the sand. You hear him curse (his idea of cursing, anyway) as he slips, unable to get a firm footing, but you keep your eyes fixed straight ahead as you trudge across the beach. Knowing his coordination, or lack thereof, you have a few minutes before he catches up with you.
You find yourself trembling as you fling yourself into the Tardis, propping the door shut behind you. She rumbles, seeming to sense your distress.
"I'm alright," you mumble, burying your face in your hands. "I'll be alright."
The Tardis lets out a low groan.
"I know," you heave a sigh. "I don't buy it, either."
You run your hand along the rails as you make your way towards the stairs. You plan on going straight to bed, but you've not made it two steps into the hall before you find yourself on the other side of the console.
You swear you can hear crickets chirping as you glance around. Did you take a wrong turn? You must've done.
You give your head a good shake before returning to the stairs, taking them two at a time and heading to your right. You end up exactly where you were a few seconds ago, steps away from the Tardis console, in full view of the doors.
"Oh, god, no." Your voice is little more than a whine. Even to your own ears, you sound like a child, but you can't bring yourself to care. "No, no, no, don't do this to me," you plead with the ship, panicking as you hear the Doctor's voice getting closer.
You run up the stairs again, though you don't know why you bother. The Tardis keeps putting you back in the console room, determined for you to be there when the Doctor arrives. Unfortunately for the both of you, you're too stubborn to simply give in.
"You're just like him, you know," you grumble as you head up the stairs, yet again. "Neither of you play fair."
The Tardis hums sympathetically. Where do you think he learned it from?
You snort as you keep walking. The whole thing becomes somewhat soothing - like walking in a circle without getting dizzy. That's how he finds you, arguing with his old girl while walking in a loop, disappearing up the stairs before reappearing seconds later on the other side.
You're too caught up in your own whirlwind of frustrations to notice the Doctor, who's currently leaning against one of the rails and smiling something proud.
Look at you.
Stomping around the Tardis, arguing with her as if she were your own, refusing to surrender despite knowing you can't possibly win...right now, you look a little less human and a little more Time Lord.
Though he tries to suppress it, you can't help but hear his giggle. You turn on your heel with a glare, staring him down. "What?" You flinch at the venom in your voice, but it doesn't seem to fluster him in the least. He just keeps on beaming.
"Oh, nothing, nothing at all," he chuckles as he rubs his hands together, a cheeky glint in his eye. "Just reminding me of meself."
You cross your arms. "Oh, am I?"
The Tardis gives another little rumble, which the Doctor matches in turn. "Yes," he smirks, straightening his bow tie. "Yes, you are."
You try desperately to cling to your anger, an ire so warm it's nearly burned away even the deepest of insecurities, but it doesn't stand a chance against your Doctor. His lopsided grin is already beginning to quell your irritation, leaving you more vulnerable than you'd like. Anxiety trembles in your core while shame coils itself around your heart and in an instant, you remember why you're stuck in this predicament in the first place.
You never should have kissed him.
You chew at the inside of your cheek, offering him a small smile you hope looks sincere. Of course, it doesn't help that you can barely meet his gaze.
In four long strides, he's made his way over to you, eyes alert and brows furrowed. "Something's wrong." His voice is low, a slight growl in the back of his throat the way there always is when he's serious.
You shake your head. "I'm fine."
"No, you're not," he mutters, looking you up and down as if you're something to be analyzed, searching for a crack in the surface. Your Doctor, always looking for some physical wound, some stretch of skin easily mended. You feel exposed when his cheeks flush, realization dawning on his features.
You manage a nod, gulping down a bit of tension. "Yeah."
"Oh, Y/n," he sighs as he leans in, closing his eyes and pressing his forehead against yours. His breath is warm on your skin, like a campfire beneath an autumn moon. If only you could stop thinking of his lips.
"I'm sorry," you mumble.
He pulls away just then, making you regret having said anything at all. "For what?"
He's looking at you with such concern, at once both gentle and steadfast. It certainly isn't a help to your poor heart, which is beating approximately five times faster than it should be. He's really going to make you say it, isn't he?
Your fingers are shaking as you run a hand through your hair, forcing yourself to look at your shoes, at the console, anywhere but his face. "I shouldn't have kissed you."
Kissed. Such a small word, a thing of poetry, and yet it feels like an awkward curse as it tumbles out of your mouth, tasting of something forbidden. You feel so tiny. So silly. You just wish you could disappear. You just wish he could say something to make it all better.
Well, that isn't what you had in mind.
You bounce on the balls of your feet, completely overwhelmed with nervous energy. "Why did I kiss you?"
"Why are you sorry?"
You perk up, daring to look at him as a little spark of hope begins to flutter in your chest. His brows are still furrowed, confusion etched on every line of his face, both endlessly ancient and unfathomably young. Such a beautiful contradiction, your Doctor. The way he's looking at you...
"I...your reaction," you stammer. "I thought you didn't like...I thought you didn't want..."
You trail off as he breaks into a grin, taking your face in both of his hands and again, you find yourself feeling tiny. This time, you don't mind it so much.
"Oh, Y/n." His voice is soft, almost a whisper. His thumb grazes your cheek, wiping away a fallen tear. "My silly, wondrous, Y/n."
You're about to say something, ask him a question, perhaps, but you never get the chance. His lips are already brushing against yours, immeasurably soft with a tender passion you had only ever dreamt of. Your breath catches itself in your throat as his long lashes tickle your skin, his grip on you tightening as he loses himself in a kiss filled with a lifetime of yearning.
You wrap your arms around his waist, pulling him close until his chest is against yours and you can feel his hearts, both beating almost as quickly as your own. You can't stop yourself from moaning into his mouth as he presses you up against the rails, no more than you can help the shiver down your spine when he echoes it back to you.
You find yourself trembling as he pulls away, admiring the slight blush that still lingers on his cheeks. "I've wanted to do that since the moment you first stumbled into my Tardis," he murmurs, offering a smile as sweet as it is mischievous. He sweeps his thumb across your lower lip, chuckling as you suppress another moan. "I never imagined you wanted the same."
"More than anything in the world," you admit, swallowing down a shaky breath.
He gives you a wink. "Which one?" God, he's sly.
You slide your hands down his chest, wrapping your fingers around his suspenders and giving them a playful snap. You could swear he growls in response. "All of them, Doctor. I want you more than all of them."
He takes one of your hands in his, eyes refusing to leave yours. He presses his lips against the soft skin of your wrist, gentle, and yet desperately possessive. "What are we waiting for?"
He slowly leads you around the console, drawing you nearer the stairs, but despite the fact that your desire is growing by the second, you can't ignore the nervousness in the pit of your stomach.
You curse your voice for wavering, wishing you could maintain any semblance of the confidence you felt a minute ago. If you're being entirely honest, part of you is terrified. Not of the Doctor, never of the Doctor, but of disappointing him. After all, you aren't as experienced as most humans, let alone a thousand year old Time Lord.
He needs only glance at your expression to see your apprehensiveness, and it doesn't take a moment for him to spring into action. The lust in his gaze is replaced with something softer as he strokes the back of your hand. "Y/n?" he asks, his voice overflowing with care.
"I...I haven't...well, you know how some people...you know, most people..."
His forehead is all scrunched up as he tries to make sense of your words. You can't blame him, of course, you can hardly make sense of them, yourself. You hadn't thought any of this out, but you're determined to get through to the end.
"I'm what you might consider," you continue, uncertainly, "well, that is to say that I'm not one to have participated in...you know, I've never..."
Mercifully, understanding flashes in the Doctor's eyes before you manage to butcher another sentence.
"I see." He runs a hand over his jaw, eyes darting about the console room as he contemplates. You start to curse yourself again, worrying you'd ruined it all. You shouldn't have said anything. Why did you always have to say something?
"Oi, you," he murmurs, kind but firm. "Stop that."
"Getting lost in that head of yours." You nod sheepishly. He's right, seeing through your anxieties as he so often does.
"Doctor?" you ask, hesitantly. "I want this. I wasn't lying, earlier. I want this more than anything, and maybe I shouldn't have told you-"
"Oi," he interrupts, wagging his finger like the silly old man that he is. "What did I just say?"
"Get out of my own head."
"Exactly." He taps the end of your nose, making you smile and squirm. "I'm glad you told me. If this is what you want-"
It's your turn to interrupt. "It is."
He smiles and squeezes your hand. "Do you trust me?"
You don't even consider your answer. You've known it all along. "Always."
He winks and snaps his fingers. The Tardis dims her lights as music starts playing from the console. A song from your world, a song he knows you love more than anything. The lyrics always made you think of him.
He brings your hand to his lips as he bows, tipping an imaginary hat and beaming when it makes you giggle. He wraps an arm around your waist and pulls you close, his voice but a whisper in your ear as you dance in the heart of his ship.
"You're divine," he hums, kissing the base of your throat. Your hands slide into his hair as he lightly sucks the sensitive skin, cheeks flushed from the sensations as well as his words. You can feel him smiling as you shiver. "I want to show you."
"Show me, Doctor?" You're nearly breathless. "Show me what?"
He brings his lips back to yours, engulfing you in a kiss so longing, so endless, it cannot but threaten tears at the sheer romance of it all. It nearly shatters you when he breaks away, caressing your cheek as his green eyes, full of stars, pour into yours.
"I want to show you how brilliant you are," he murmurs. "I want to show you just how much I adore you."
You gaze up at him, lashes fluttering as you blush. The music seems quieter, somehow, and it's only when your eyes drift from the Doctor that you realize you're no longer in the console room.
The Tardis, it seems, transported the both of you to your bedroom. You can't help but giggle.
"Too right, old girl," he chuckles, looking up at the ceiling and giving her a salute. "Too right."
He takes off his jacket, draping it over a chair before shrugging off his suspenders. Next is his bow tie, which he slowly unravels and sets gently atop one of your shelves. He's undone two or three of his shirt buttons when you still his hands with yours.
His eyes are twinkling as you make your way down to the last, brushing aside the fabric to run your fingers along his chest. It's his breath that shakes, now, as you explore further, hands toying with the zip of his trousers.
He swallows a moan as he stops you. As much as he wants to know what your hands would feel like around him, it can wait. This night is about you.
With a kiss that leaves you trembling, he begins to undress you, an act that can only be described as reverent. He presses his lips against every inch of your bare skin, the shock of the cool air immediately soothed by the warmth of his breath.
When you're standing before him, all but bare, he sinks to his knees and asks once more if you trust him.
"Yes," you whisper.
He places loving kisses along your hip bones before moving down to your thighs, holding you steady when you begin to quiver with anticipation. Your hands tangle themselves in his hair, gripping tight as he gets closer and closer to your aching sex.
"Please," you beg, not even certain what you're begging for.
He smiles against your skin. "As you wish."
Head between your thighs, you call out for him, your voice little more than a whine as his tongue swirls around you, sucking at your most sensitive spot all but dripping with arousal.
"Doctor," you murmur breathlessly as his fingers slide inside you, unlocking secrets even you were unaware of. He hums your name, the vibrations sending intense waves of pleasure through your core. You cling to him for dear life as you clench around his fingers, your own digging into his scalp.
The orgasm feels endless. You wonder if it is. If the Tardis is somehow looping time, or if the Doctor is simply that good. Something tells you it's the latter. The thought sends a tingle down your spine.
He licks his lips, swallowing your arousal with a moan as he looks up at you with a smile. "Do you have any idea how delicious you taste?"
You giggle as you cover your face, feeling the heat rise to your cheeks yet again. He rises from his knees, kissing his way up your body until his lips are against yours, the ache between your thighs already returning. You're still shivering from his fingers, his tongue, everything he did, and it hasn't gone unnoticed.
"Don't worry, my love," he purrs. "The night is just beginning."
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lunicho · 2 months
Idk if we’re still on the topic of the reasoning behind dom/sub Harua but as another Harua stan here r my thoughts:
I’m a switch!Harua truther but the reason why I can see Harua as a dom is bc he gives the vibes that he always gets what he wants so I feel like he knows how to control(?) you (that sounds bad but I hope you know what I’m getting at) like the members have said this before about how Harua is really observant of the people around him so I feel like he’ll learn what makes you submit to him the easiest so you both can feel good as fast as possible. I feel like when he’s horny he wants to be in some sort of control.
Also like that previous anon said his sassiness can come off as dom-like!
Do I think Harua is a mean dom? Personally no but I’ll still eat up any fanfics of it 😋 to me he’s right in the middle between mean and soft !
TLDR: Basically you’re playing checkers while dom!Harua is playing chess /ref
But also when he’s REALLY horny he’s the subbiest sub on the planet the type where his mind is all foggy and he whines to you about how much it hurts and how he needs you so bad 😋
-😵‍💫 anon who loves to yap about switch!Harua
SORRY I'M SO LATE POSTING THIS 😭 i get distracted rlly easy so i got super sidetracked yesterday but im here to continue the harua convo cuz im really enjoying it 😭
okay so that actually makes so much sense, you saying that he wants something to control. i also see that aspect of him but yk what's funny 😭 i always think of him being the type to make demands and be super needy when he wants something, even while being subby. like you kinda have to snap back at him cuz he'll come off with a little bit of attitude when asking for your attention or for u to touch him and things like that. he's also the type to grab your hand and put it where he wants u and things like that, like he is Not patient 😭. he'll try to control the situation even while he's whining under u which is one of his bratty attributes. so we're definitely in agreeance and it's so interesting to see how differently that translates to us!
that's so true too what you said about him being very observant, i could definitely see him learning all of your tics and cues and using them to be able to take control and lead! him being in between mean and soft makes sm sense like,, if u wanna share ur dom harua thoughts then pls do cuz im curious what more u have to say! also the playing checkers while he's playing chess is so good u ate that
i agree that him being super horny just makes him submit. it sheds all his layers and makes him come completely undone without you having to do much. i feel like he goes into a sub space where he can't think about anything but how ur hand feels on him and how you're gonna make him cum :( he's so cute when he's needy too
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Inceltaru who wants you to only talk to him! Only lok at HIM!! Imagine him seeing you interacting with a fellow angel </3 he's just so heart broken you would ever talk to someone else when he's right there!! You have to be punished for talking to someone else <33 him messing with the base of your wigs till your sobbing, ofc he just adores you but he's still has to teach you a lesson:(( or maybe he get you a costume collar with his name on it so everyone knows your his<33 maybe even something more permanent as carving his initials into your skin<33 just think of how disgusted all the other angels would be when they find out that your mats is a human and what you're letting him do to you :(( you might even be banished from the hevanly realm </33 but who care if that means more time with your precious taru even if he was so mean earlier! Humans have such a funny way of showing others that someone has a mate after all<33
-chubby darling anon who is not doing this out of force but bcs I'm silly and love my nasty little guy
bait placed and effectively grabbed YIPPEEEE my excuse to ramble abt inceltaru punishments is here!! it’s arrived!! thanks to you!! <3
cw: for blood, knifeplay, incel themes, abuse, and manipulation <3
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when it comes to his adorable little angel, Ajax is… selfish to put it lightly. you’re his angel are you not? so why bother gracing others with so much as your gaze; it makes no sense to him. he does his best to drill a firm set of rules into your head but with such a sweet disposition you naturally slip up on occasion under the preface of helping others. Ajax can’t exactly blame you for it, by all means you’re a species designed to aid others, but it still builds an ugly ball of jealous in his gut and mind.
when it comes to punishments, he doesn’t frame them for what they are. he’d rather go about it explaining it as something normal that all humans do!! you would hate to be left out, right? he mumbled sweet yet backhanded praises while gently tracing your throat before fastening the collar around it. a little bit of, “this is what’s supposed to happen,” and a dash of, “c’mon pretty girl, you want to be good don’t you? so quit fussing and let me fix this up.” he’s sweet when he gently cuts his initials into you too. hands smoothing all over your plush skin and trailing kisses wherever his mouth leads him as if it’ll soothe the bite of the blade digging into your flesh. he wipes your tears off and assures you this is what humans do to show affection and ownership!! everyone does it so behave!! with that, you do even if you’re squirming and sobbing the whole time.
when the other angels see what you’ve let him do? oh, they’re horrified. you let him mangle you so eagerly without a word of defiance? rather than ostracizing you immediately, they attempt to save and help you, urging you to leave this foul human and never let him near you again!! yet, you can’t. you just love him so much that when you come back teary eyed and explaining how they want you to abandon him, Ajax his wrapped around you in seconds. he sighs and mutters about how they just don’t understand the way you do. you’re just naturally better than all of them, you get him. he’s a wonderful gaslighter!!
i’m the canon universe he’s far less subdued with punishments. there’s no need for him to beat around the bush so hard since you already know the type of guy he is; a ruthless harbinger with inclinations towards distraction and a major desire for power. he doesn’t need to manipulate the situation so hard because there’s nothing to be manipulated. it’s easy math to him, one plus one is two and you did something bad so you’re getting punished. makes sense, no?
he’s a bit traditional when it comes to these sorts of things. his first line of defence is laughing it off when murderous intent in his eyes and a firm pat to your head that clearly says ‘don’t push your luck’. if that isn’t effective, then prepare for a harsh talking to that’s full of degradation and a bruising grip on your wrists. following that it gets more… humiliating. forcing you to address him as ‘sir’ in public, making you get off on his shoe in front of new recruits, spanking you in Zhongli’s office, and so on… anything above belongs in the category of you fucked up but to a lesser degree. things like back talk, finding work arounds to the rules hes laid out, or not listening to extra orders he’s given to you. he can get far meaner if the situation calls for it.
lets say you did something to make him look a fool in front of his coworkers, god forbid the other harbingers, regardless of if it’s on purpose or not. he’ll be brandishing a small hydro blade and lurking where you least expect him. sometimes it’s in an alley way and sometimes it’s in the darkness of your shared home. you’ll be lulled into false security after he brushes it off in the moment and doesn’t immediately act on punishing you. it’s only when all you’re muscles have relaxed that Ajax slinks out of his hiding spot and presses the blade to your throat just enough to draw blood but not enough to do any serious damage. he’ll revel in the way you sob and cry as with practices precision he makes clean and almost artistic cuts across you’re whole body. Ajax is careful not to draw enough blood to actually put your health at risk but sometimes he gets close; he just adores the deep wine colour especially when it’s coming from your body. numerous degrading terms and many slices of his name will cover your head to toe by the time he’s done making you suffer. it’ll be impossible for you to move without serious discomfort so he’s quick with gliding his cock through the trails of your blood before spreading your pussy open for him to use. it’s close enough to being lube, surely!! any complaints will only make him rougher so be good from there on out. <3
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soracities · 10 months
hii sorry for sliding this in ur asks (u can totally not answer it if u don’t want to) i think i’m madly in love w a girl but we have gone on only two dates and idk if i’m rushing things a bit, but i have a strong feeling that she might be the one. the way i absolutely can’t stop thinking about her in my waking and sleeping hours, this is literally tearing me apart idk what to do about it — do u have any advice? pls help me if u can, really appreciate it <33
sweet anon you are both in the PR stage you're in love with an idea right now, not a person--not saying you do not genuinely like her but you do not know each other enough to have a grasp of her as a person, you only know how she makes you feel and all these feelings are a response to something from within you: they are hopes and projections fuelled by excitement and maybe a dash of novelty which is very common (and normal, we've all been there) but they can create a bit of a smokescreen that makes it harder to look at your situation clearly, if that makes sense.
i think it will be helpful to try and pause for a bit to ask yourself where those feelings are coming from and what they are in response to-- what exactly is it she gives you that you have not had before? what is her presence representing for you? why is this so important to you? when you are thinking about her constantly, what exactly are those thoughts about? are they in the here and now, or an imagined future? are they based on anything solid she has said or done, or are they more your own daydreams and hopes taking centre stage? is there anything in your life that you feel is lacking or empty and that these feelings are a welcome distraction from?
again, absolutely not dismissing your feelings here but i think it's very easy sometimes to let the excitement of finding someone we like (and who likes us back) run away with us sometimes. at this stage, because it is so early, and because you don't know someone enough they are, essentially, kind of a blank slate for you to pin your own feelings and hopes to--as i said, everyone goes through this at some point, but it's important to try and maintain awareness of this so that you are able to be attentive to the other person as a person, and yourself, too, in a way that is fair to the both of you and allows you to express yourselves, and meet each other, openly and honestly. most realisations we have about a person in these scenarios first require us to know that person for themselves--and this takes time.
i think it's important, right now, that you allow yourself to keep busy and remain active in your life outside of your dates and conversations with the girl you're seeing--not saying to ignore her at all, but to make sure you have other lines of focus too and not to neglect whatever you enjoyed doing, or the other relationships, activities etc that you had before her: keep in touch and meet up with your friends often, or set little goals for yourself during the week--eg., "i'll get in an hour at the gym on thursday" "i'll go for a swim" "i'll try this new restaurant with a friend" "i'll go to the cinema to see xyz" "i'm going to try and make this recipe for lunch / dinner / dessert" etc.
forcing yourself not to think about someone is borderline impossible and is only going to make them an even more powerful presence in your mind (trying not to think about something requires, by definition, that you do think about them which makes for a fabulously frustrating circle) so the best thing to do is to limit how much free time you actually have to do that thinking in--this way your brain is occupied enough that it cannot spend as long fantasising and YOU can stay relatively sane.
i hope your interactions with this girl go well, anon, and i hope that as much as you can, you're able to check in with yourself and understand how you're feeling so you can put everything into a more intentional and aware framework for yourself as your feelings evolve. hope this helps even just a little, sending you lots of love (and support!!) 🤍
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yanderes-galore · 8 months
Actually, one last request from 📸 anon, would you mind doing a RVB short of a platonic yandere Caboose with a very blunt, apathetic blue team darling? Feel like the darling and Church would usually bicker nonstop but both cover for each other when Caboose came looking for them because they understand what the other one is going through. Either that or throw each other under the bus. Likely one of the two.
Sure! Darling was kept mostly generic as the plot changed a bit. Requester helped with the plot! I apologize if it was a bit everywhere or not Yandere enough. It was mostly lighthearted compared to the usual stuff.
Blue Team Relations
Yandere! Platonic! Caboose Short (With some Yandere! Church)
Pairing: Platonic (Caboose)/Romantic (Church)
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Jealousy, Angst between you and Church, Mostly tame yandere on both ends, Manipulation, Dubious companionship.
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Caboose is easily the most naive and childish of team blue. It's what's made it easy for him to make friends. To him, you and Church were his best friends!
Yet to you... you found him an annoyance.
At times he was cute, yes, but you were often tired of catering to him. You'd much rather go and talk with someone else. Like Church... a "friend" of yours...
Yet it appears you had to cater to him too.
"Look, is it so wrong for me to not like him?" Church scoffs as you glare him from behind your visor.
"You act like I can't just speak to people, Church. I can speak to Tucker, I can speak to Caboose, and I'm not having you throw a fit about it!" You bark back, only to see Church cross his arms.
"A fit!? I'm not-!" Church fires back before you both hear someone call your name. There's a long pause between you both before you let out a groan. You know that voice...
It's Caboose, looking for you once again to hang out.
"Alright, well, Church..." You start, looking back st the other blue soldier. "I really don't want to deal with Caboose right now. He's just going to pull me into another little game of his."
"And?" Church urges you to continue.
"Could you distract him for me? Just so I can go hide?" You plead. Church grumbles under his breath before slowly nodding, appearing to think about something in his head. You take this as confirmation and run off.
You probably should've expected Church wouldn't help you like you asked. Especially after the argument you last had. Yet... it's wishful thinking.
As the two got closer you could hear Caboose whining to Church. You can hear the annoyance in Church's voice and the desperation of Caboose. Church seemed to be struggling to have the younger soldier leave him alone. You feel bad for ignoring the kid... but you can only take so much.
You quickly peak from your hiding spot to see if they were gone. Unfortunately... you meet Church's eyes. You swore you could've sensed him smirking underneath his helmet.
"Oh, Caboose! I think I see them right over there!" Church exclaims in a teasing tone before gesturing to your spot. Your heart stops...
Rage bubbles in you.
"Oh my Gosh! Hi, friend! I missed you, where were you!?" Caboose greets you with a hug before you pry him off you with a groan. You try to walk away from him yet he follows you like a lost dog.
"Not interested, Caboose." You try to say but he only continues babbling. You once again try to walk away but Caboose mentions a game he wants to play before dragging you off with insane strength.
However... you catch Church trying to leave the area.
You could almost taste the revenge....
"Caboose!" You call, the younger blue soldier looking towards you with glee.
"Yes, friend?" He tilts his head and you make eye contact with Church.
"How about you invite Church? After all... we're all friends, aren't we?" You offer and Caboose looks towards Church. You catch Church shaking his head but Caboose bounds over to drag him too.
You laugh to yourself softly... if Church is going to make you suffer... you're taking him down with you.
You're then sat beside Church in front of Caboose. You two don't look at each other... only the soldier in front of you. Said soldier was still bouncing in place... incredibly eager.
"Okay! I'm going to prepare the game... stay right here! I'll be right back!" Caboose coos before running off.
It's then Church snaps to you.
"Why the Hell did you drag me into this!?" Church yells at you, you only scoff.
"Well you sold me out!" You snarl back. Church groans, his frustration building.
"Uh huh... well maybe if you stopped talking to other guys, I would have sided with you!" Church yells back, catching you off guard.
"Yeah, you know what? Maybe this is a good thing for you and me. Maybe Caboose is just being matchmaker?" Church continues... you start to come to a dreaded realization.
"Church... you didn't-"
"Oh yeah, you know what? This was planned." Church huffs. "Caboose cares about you, I love you, it's a win-win. Although I'd much rather us be alone... I'll settle for this."
"There's no way." You're at a loss of words. "Church, you-"
"We'll talk later." Church cuts you off, gesturing to Caboose coming back.
"Wouldn't want to make our friend upset because we're fighting, do we, dear?"
With that... there's momentary silence before Caboose fills your senses with more babbling.
You can't focus on him right now...
Not after the realization they both were in on manipulating you.
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