#makoto's advice corner; asks
hoshibatake · 1 month
Sunflower Live - Chapter 10
Previous chapter
Subaru: Oh, look, guys, look! An Eve commercial is playing on TV!
Subaru: Wow! I wish we can become that big! That’s why we have to try our hardest〜♪
Hokuto: Right. If we were to appear in a collab commercial, we’d get a good publicity boost.
Hokuto: Making that a reality is another reason why we have to succeed in the upcoming Sunflower Live.
Makoto: Yeah! ……Wah!?
Hokuto: What is it, Yuuki? Did you forget something at the beach?
Makoto: I didn’t, but I just remembered that I still have Isara-kun’s smartphone on me. I forgot to give it back…
Makoto: I have to return it to him! I feel like I can still catch up to him, so I’m gonna hurry and go after him and Ritsu-kun!
Makoto: Sorry for bailing like this, but can I leave it to Hidaka-kun and Akehoshi-kun to take you home, Anzu-chan?
Subaru: Understood〜. Ukki〜, I hope you manage to catch up with Sari and Sakuma-senpai’s little brother〜
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Subaru: See you tomorrow. Bye, bye〜♪
School Route
Ritsu: Maa-kun.
Mao: Gah! You scared me! We’re nowhere near your house yet, so you can go back to sleep if you want.
Ritsu: I know. Thanks. But now it’s evening, I’ve started to feel more energized, so you can put me down.
Ritsu: There we... go.
Ritsu: ......
Mao: Ritsu〜 what’s up? You just said you’re feeling more energetic now it’s evening, but you seem to be in a bad mood. Although, I hope I’m just imagining things.
Ritsu: That’s right. Nighttime is my time, so I’d usually be in a really good mood. But not today. I’m actually super ticked off.
Ritsu: Tell me, Maa-kun. The Sunflower Live is right around the corner. Do you really have time to be playing around like this?
Ritsu: I remember telling you I’d help you out. Despite that, you haven’t even asked me for any advice... What’s your deal? Is it fun for you to rile me up like this?
Mao: Of course not. But, you’re right. I’m sorry I haven’t asked you for advice. But you were busy with your work for Knights, right?
Mao: And I still feel like I shouldn’t be dragging you into Trickstar’s problems.
Ritsu: Hmph. So you only want to involve fellow Trickstar members, huh?
Ritsu: But you also haven’t told the others about that thing, right?
Ritsu: You did tell me to keep it a secret from your fellow Trickstar members, after all.
Makoto: ...!?
Makoto: (Huh? Huh!? Is Isara-kun hiding something from us...?)
Makoto: (What do I do? Eavesdropping is rude, so should I call out to them? But there’s so much tension in the air that I don’t have the courage to speak up〜!)
Mao: You’re right. I haven’t told them about it.
Mao: But it’s gonna be alright. They’re all plenty fired up, so we’ll ace this Sunflower Live.
Ritsu: Well, yeah, that might be true for the concert part. But what about the booth? You haven’t even decided all the items you’re gonna sell, so how can you be sure you’re gonna come out on top?
Ritsu: If you don’t manage to win... I might lose you, Maa-kun.
Makoto: Huh...!?
Makoto: What!? What do you mean you might lose him!?
Mao: Ma-Makoto? What are you... Weren’t you gonna walk home with Subaru and the rest?
Makoto: I realized I still had your phone halfway through, so I chased after you in order to give it back.
Mao: Ah… Sorry, I completely forgot about that. Thanks for going through all that trouble, Makoto.
Mao: ……
Mao: Makoto? Can I have my phone now?
Makoto: I want you to answer me this first: What did Ritsu-kun mean when he said that he might lose you if we don’t become the number one best selling booth?
Mao: No, wait, Ritsu was just being dramatic. It’s not like I’m gonna die or anything, you know?
Makoto: But you will have to pay a price that is about as high as losing your life, right?
Mao: Urgh… I guess I have no choice but to fess up.
Mao: I told you that we were given a condition that we need to come out on top during the Sunflower Live, right?
Mao: Well, we actually also have to become the best selling booth during the event.
Mao: If we fail to do either of those things… I’ll be forced to dedicate myself to Hibiki-senpai for the rest of the summer.
Makoto: …? Why to Hibiki-senpai?
Mao: Oh, because he was the one who challenged me to a sell-off. There’s gonna be lots of booths at the event, but I’m sure he’s the one we’ll have to contend with the most.
Makoto: No way… Isara-kun, why didn’t you tell us about this?
Mao: Because I didn’t want to worry you guys needlessly.
Mao: We wanted to participate in the Sunflower Live to make some great summer memories together. I couldn’t bear to be the one to spoil that for all of you.
Makoto: Worry us needlessly? And you didn’t think that having to spend the rest of the summer without you would actually spoil our summer even more?
Mao: That’s not it. I’m confident you guys are gonna help us become number one. That’s why I didn’t feel the need to tell you.
Makoto: Yeah, it’s clear that you trust us. But if you trust us, why didn’t you just tell us?
Makoto: Did you think we would be intimidated if we knew we’d be going up against Hibiki-senpai?
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Mao: Of course not. The opposite actually, you guys…
Makoto: Yeah. We’d get even more passionate and work even harder. But despite knowing that, you didn’t tell us.
Makoto: Have you noticed? You’ve been saying “you guys” the entire time, as though you’re not counting yourself as one of us.
Makoto: You’re always doing that. You watch from the sidelines, mulling over what action you can take in order to aim for the optimal outcome.
Makoto: Usually that helps us out, but this is going a step too far…
Mao: Makoto…
Makoto: Oh, right. I still need to give you your phone back. Here. Sorry for not giving it back sooner.
Mao: Uhm, thanks. Wait, no. That’s not what we were…
Makoto: I’m gonna go now. See you tomorrow, Isara-kun.
Mao: R-Right…
Ritsu: Well, you made him angry.
Ritsu: I told you you should’ve let your friends know. I’m aware you care a lot about them, but they care a lot about you too, you know?
Ritsu: You definitely reaped what you sowed. Time to sink into an ocean of regret.
Mao: ……
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zenonaa · 1 year
t4t polaris/fukawa with prompt 21? 🖤🖤
Over your shoulder
Touko has made enough braids in her life that she barely needs to think as her fingers weave Polaris’s golden hair. Though it hangs barely past Polaris’s shoulders when loose, there’s enough for Touko to comfortably work with. Short hair can be braided, but the range of styles is much more limited. It wasn’t until Touko moved out of her family home that she could start growing her own hair out. That she could experiment and find a style that suited her. 
Now, years later, she is helping Polaris do the same. Polaris sits on the edge of Touko’s mattress, back straight and chin up. Touko wishes she could see her face, but being near her is enough. And she knows exactly what she looks like anyway. As her fingers work, her mind conjures an image of Polaris. She imagines Polaris is staring forward with icy blue eyes, lips pursed in a frown. Whatever expression she is wearing, Polaris is beautiful. It is impossible for Polaris not to be beautiful.
Gather, cross, tuck and pull.
Neither have spoken since Polaris settled herself in front of Touko, but the silence doesn’t feel awkward. It never does with Polaris. Some people, like Komaru, feel the need to try to fill silences with conversation. But Polaris is fine with silence, and so is Touko. Her thighs press into Polaris’s sides. Admittedly, Touko would rather be doing something else with Polaris on her bed. Doesn’t matter if the hotel’s walls aren’t soundproof like at Hope’s Peak. Or if Makoto and Aoi are in the neighbouring rooms.
However, earlier that day in the 14th Branch’s archive room, Polaris requested to come over so Touko could braid her hair. And whatever Polaris asks of her, Touko will always oblige. Polaris could ask her to lick off sand between her toes and Touko would drop to her knees on the spot. But Polaris never asks that sort of thing from her.
The aroma of honey and peony mists Polaris’s hair. Touko breathes in and bites her lip. Her face burns. God, she wants to smother herself in Polaris’s hair so badly.
“Must you loudly pant in my ear?” comes Polaris’s voice.
“S-Sorry!” Touko jerks her head back and slaps both hands across her mouth. “I’ll... I’ll stop breathing for you...!”
“Don’t be silly.” Polaris continues to face forward. “You need to breathe.”
A grin breaks across Touko’s face as she lowers her hands. “T-Thank you, Polaris-sama...”
In their early days at Hope’s Peak, Polaris would have demanded Touko never inhale air ever again. Or she would have sent Touko to stand outside on the opposite side of campus, even if it was raining. And Touko would have been content, happy even, to oblige. Polaris had her wrapped around her finger like a lock of blonde hair.
Touko tries to steady her fingers, but every time her knee bumps against Polaris, or she grazes her hand against the shell of Polaris’s ear, her heart sings. She could spend the rest of her life here. But as euphoric as the sensations are, and as delightfully as they frazzle her brain, she forces herself to focus on Polaris’s hair. Were she to produce a shoddy braid, she would surely drown in Polaris’s disappointment.
“Who taught you to braid?” asks Polaris.
Gather, cross, tuck and pull. “Magazines.”
From a young age, Touko would often board a train after school to a neighbouring town where no one knew her. She would buy a self-identified girls’ magazine from a corner shop and then find somewhere quiet, like a park or a cemetery, to read. The magazines brimmed with advice columns for girls, articles for girls, stories for girls, and detailed their highs and lows and everything in between. Despite their differences, the girls in the magazines united together as one, as girls.
How she wished she could dive into a magazine and become one of them. It wasn’t until years later that she realised that what she really wanted to be was herself.
After she finished with the magazine, she would throw it away and return home. 
“When I was victorious over my siblings, I had to cut my hair,” remarks Polaris. She hovers a hand by her ear. “It used to run all the way down my back. My mother didn’t mind it so long as it was well-kept, but the conglomerate had certain expectations on how I should present myself.”
Touko nods. “It wasn’t until I left home that I could have my hair how I wanted.”
Before then, if she found herself alone in a public bathroom, she would approach the mirror and twist two sections of her hair together. She would admire her reflection, but after a few quickened heartbeats, she would comb the braid out with her fingers in case a boy came in and caught her. Doing this at home was never an option. Her parents could have walked in on her and punished her by cutting her hair even shorter, using the same scissors they massacred her paper dolls with.
They saw her wearing nail varnish once, and they ran her hands under scalding water for an hour.
“Before it was cut, if I wanted my hair tied, I was only permitted to have it in a simple ponytail,” says Polaris. Touko listens quietly. It is rare for Polaris to talk about her life before she became the Togami Conglomerate’s sole heir. “When I infiltrated the last stage of the selection competition, that was the first time I could present as a girl. I chose my dress, my name, and Pennyworth tied a blue ribbon to my hair... It must still be on the island. I left it behind along with the hair I cut off.”
A small smile pulls on Touko’s lips. “Now, you can grow it as long as you like.” 
Because the conglomerate is no more. But she doesn’t say that part aloud. She wishes she could have seen Polaris back then, but she would much rather be with the Polaris here right now. The Polaris sitting between her legs. Her Polaris-sama.
Polaris started growing her hair out months ago and while Touko was quick to notice, the others only started commenting on it recently. Hiroko has offered to cut Polaris’s hair, Komaru has been flaunting different fashion magazines and Makoto complimented it a few times. Despite the varied responses, what they all have in common is none of them have been referring to Polaris as a ‘she’. Not that they know any better. Only Pennyworth and Touko are aware. And as much as Touko wants to correct the others, as much as she knows how much it can sting to be called something you’re not, it is up to Polaris to decide if and when she can.
Too soon, Touko reaches the end of Polaris’s hair. Her fingers itch, wanting to unravel it so she can braid it again. So she can stay in this moment for longer. Instead, she fixes a hair tie around the end of the braid before crawling backward, resisting the pull of Polaris’s presence. She slips off the bed and rummages through a desk drawer.
“I want to see,” says Polaris.
“There’s just one more thing left to do.” Touko returns to the bed. In her hand is a blue ribbon, one of many given to her by Komaru, which she ties into a bow at the end of Polaris’s fishtail braid. “Now I’m done.”
She grabs her phone from nearby and takes a photo. Then she passes it to Polaris, who studies it silently. 
Each second that passes is potentially a second where Polaris is dissatisfied with Touko’s work. The wait strangles her insides. Touko can barely breathe. She would bite her fingernails, but the suspense would probably have her gnawing down to her knuckles, so she grips her skirt instead.
“At dinner, I intend to reintroduce myself to the others as Polaris,” announces Polaris, still looking at Touko’s phone. “Though, that won’t affect what they call me. They will continue referring to me as ‘Togami’. You are the only one who addresses me by my forename.”
It has been months since Polaris pulled Touko into an empty office and asked her to call her that. Despite how Polaris’s previous name had flown freely from Touko’s tongue, changing had been easy. Instantaneous. And Touko is sure the others will adapt just as quickly. If they somehow don’t, she’ll make them.
“Do you know why I asked you to do this for me?” asks Polaris.
The obvious answer would be because Touko often wears her hair in braids, so logically she would have the most experience. Nothing short of the best is acceptable. Kyouko used to braid a section of her hair, but sometime after arriving at Future Foundation, she stopped.
“It’s because you know I won’t judge you,” says Touko.
Polaris responds immediately. “I wouldn’t care what you think. Or what anyone else thinks. None of that affects who and what I am.”
And that’s just one reason why Touko adores her so much.
“But you trust me, don’t you?” says Touko.
There’s an intake of breath as Polaris tenses, but she doesn’t answer. Touko smiles to herself. 
“I love you too, Polaris-sama.”
Her arms loop around Polaris and squeeze. She feels Polaris’s muscles slowly relax and understands the silence. The fact that Polaris doesn’t demand she unlatch her arms from around her middle speaks for itself.
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ladyodaskonpeito · 1 year
Day 5: Alternate Universe
Fandom: Free!
Pairing: Yamazaki Sousuke x Tachibana Makoto
Wordcount: 853
Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4
It was a spectacular first birthday at TUH. Sousuke’s new colleagues were amazing people and he couldn’t imagine himself being surrounded by a more uplifting bunch. Or a more chaotic one.
The adrenaline surge in his blood was still going on when he parked his car at his designated spot that evening, all ready to manage an emergency. He frantically rounded the corner in search of Makoto, only to be caught off guard by confetti poppers going off and a loud cheer of Happy Birthday from his wonderful but mischievous teammates.
His heart rate didn’t calm down until he was called in for his shift at seven, and he couldn’t help but be bummed out by missing Makoto who he somehow thought would be showing up at some point. Sousuke was actually starting to get used to his heartbeat quickening at the thought of him, even anticipating the weird symptom at times which became a regular occurrence since the day he met Makoto again.
It was from this point on, though, that he realised it had become a true concern. He had looked forward to coming across Makoto at work the next day, even when he knew what it’d do to his chest. Makoto was in on the surprise the previous evening, after all, so the thrilling thought of seeing him on the job and maybe receiving a happy birthday from him was… starting to worry Sousuke.
So he resorted to his best friend for advice. Rin came in the next day at seven in the morning with zero signs of a hangover from the previous night. Sousuke could only hope the eight-hour rule of ceasing all alcohol before a shift would work just as well for him.
“Rin, have you ever experienced palpitations?”
Rin looked taken aback, cocking an eyebrow at Sousuke. “Yeah, sure. Why?”
“What was your diagnosis?”
“Huh?” Confusion was written all over his face.
Sousuke straightened up. “I’ve been having occasional episodes for a while now and I can’t for the life of me figure out what is it. Do you think I should head over to cardiology for a check-up?”
“Slow down, where’s the rest of your history?” Rin didn’t look too worried, flipping through his hepatology textbook to catch up on what he failed to study the previous night.
“The only concomitant symptom is clammy hands. The triggering factor appears to be—as silly as this sounds—a person.”
Now he had Rin’s full attention. “And do I know this person?”
“You do. It happens to be the nursing manager.”
“Mako-” he almost exclaimed before lowering his volume, quickly overcoming his initial shock, “Makoto?”
Sousuke nodded. “It really is puzzling, isn’t it.”
“It is not,” Rin gulped. “I should have seen it coming, honestly.”
“Do you have a diagnosis already?”
Rin gave him a side-eye, unamused. “Of course I do. I even know the gold standard treatment!”
“What is it? I can’t believe you got it so soon. I revisited all my cardiology lecture notes and still didn’t have a clue.”
“That’s a shame because it’s not cardio in nature.” Rin snapped his textbook shut, scrutinising Sousuke in a way that made him feel self-conscious about not knowing the answer. “Your condition is infatuation, Sousuke. You’re crushing hard!”
Sousuke was speechless for a moment, his mouth hanging open at the conclusion Rin arrived at.
“And I thought I knew you well enough to know your sexuality. Damn it, now it’s Haru’s turn to judge me for being a bad best friend,” said Rin. “Makoto is just the type you’d be into—gentle and caring and all that.”
“So… your idea of a treatment plan would be?”
“To talk to him, idiot. He actually texted me just yesterday to ask about you, I’d say you’ve got a good chance.”
The thought of Makoto asking about him made Sousuke’s mouth go dry. “W-what did you talk to him about?”
“Look at you getting all nervous about it,” Rin guffawed. “Relax, he was wondering if you enjoyed the party we threw, is all.”
“Is all?” Sousuke couldn’t hide the disappointment in his tone.
“Did you expect it to be a conversation where he revealed his secret crush on you?”
“Shut up.”
“I would but I have to apologise first. I told him you’re heterosexual.” Rin shrugged and made a gesture that said ‘You can’t blame me’. “It came up when he asked about Kisumi, who had been trying to bring the two of us together behind our backs. My boyfriend was not thrilled at all when he learned that, apparently. So I told him what I’ve always said to Haru: you’re straight.”
“I-” Sousuke would reprimand Rin for that, except that he had only dated girls in the past and never opened up to anyone about his bisexuality.
Sousuke, having the hots for Makoto? Was that what all these years of dwelling on the past had amounted to?
Sousuke couldn’t say. Not yet, at least.
Not until he came clean to Makoto about the fact that he remembered meeting him as a PT patient seven years ago. And that he was not heterosexual.
To be continued on Day 6
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solipsismbyproxy · 2 years
Ranking Persona 5 Royal confidants - III: Empress
Part of my ongoing series discussing and ranking the plots of the various confidants in P5R! This one is focusing on Haru, whose link represents the Empress Arcana.
Haru's Confidant revolves around her newfound controlling interest in Okumura Foods. Throughout the course of the confidant, you help her navigate treacherous corporate politics, worries around the company's expansion, and the supposed marriage contract with her asshole fiance that supposedly would lead to the company's downfall if she backed out. Along the way, you learn more about Haru's interests, including gardening and a burgeoning interest in coffee. She relates these ideas to her grandfather's original business running a small cafe focused on community and quality. The link ends with Haru having a heart-to-heart with the new president of the company. He asks her to sit on on a future meeting, promises her that the company will remain committed to quality over profit, and tells her he will call off the marriage (which was based on a faulty contract overall.) Haru realizes she doesn’t need to take a heavy hand in running the company and refocuses her dream on running a small cafe to indulge her love of coffee.
I honestly think Haru’s link is close to flawless, which is... giving me a lot of whiplash given how much criticism I leveled at Makoto’s link. The overarching story begins where the main plot leaves Haru’s life. I think this is the perfect sort of story to tell in a confidant, because you can’t elegantly fit it in the main plot, but you also can’t leave it completely unaddressed. The story justifies its own existence immediately - you quickly see that this is the biggest thing going on in Haru’s life right now, and the thing she clearly needs the most help on. It’s also clearly impactful and emotional. All-in-all a great scenario to work with, and the execution is done amazingly as well. The plot is not so straightforward as to be entirely predictable - at least, on my playthrough I was tricked into thinking the president would be a villain - but it also manages to wrap up its problems in a genuine, believable way (ahh, the president was friends with her grandfather and believed in his vision of a community-first business! and her lower than pond scum fiance was just lying through his teeth!) You come away from the link feeling that Haru’s problems are not threatening to crush her anymore, but also feeling as though there is room for her story to go on, given Haru’s future plans. I think this is also an important part of having a good confidant/social link story - the sense that you’ve left the confidant a better person more equipped to handle their problems, but also that the confidant has a future where your help will continue to be appreciated. Teach a confidant how to solve their problems and they’ll be set for a lifetime, but, like, please teach them something that will be useful for a lifetime, yknow?
Second, I want to talk about player involvement. Overall, it makes sense that Haru would come to the protag for this request, I think - Haru’s initial problem is that she does not know who to trust in her company, so it makes sense she’d want help from someone who is both a good judge of character and trustworthy to her. She also has other reasons to - you’re a link to Sojiro, and also someone with an interest in coffee as well. It’s very believable that you, the player, are who she’d open up to in her time of need. You also clearly area positive help for her Throughout the link, you give Haru advice on how to avoid her fiance and help keep her spirits up while facing what seems like an inescapable situation. By being in her corner, you give her the courage and resolve to take the meeting with the president where she brings her own coffee and stays firm that she won’t compromise on quality. In general, throughout the link you play a believable role in helping and encouraging Haru while still allowing her to shine - an ideal balance.
Finally, let’s dive into what we can glean from Haru’s character through this confidant. I think the main thing we get a look into is her drive to do things right and uphold her duties. Though we obviously have background from the main plot that Haru loves taking care of plants, the confidant fully foregrounds this trait. Being able to make a seed-to-cup coffee is a legitimately impressive feat that shows how talented and how passionate she is about her goal. We get a deeper look into her grandfather, who likely inspired those traits. This is another place where the link fleshes out traits we were dimly aware of - we knew Haru disliked how her father was running the company, but now we know the point of comparison that gave Haru her ideals. We also see more of Haru’s fortitude - she has suffered an unthinkable tragedy and been thrust into this situation, and she still bears the advances of her piece of trash fiance because she thinks it would be best for the company. She wants to stand up for herself, but she also has compassion for the company and its employees at the same time. This is not an easy juggling act, but Haru is one of the few characters who can balance everything and find a solution in the end. Finally, I want to quickly highlight one of my favorite scenes in the link, when she invites you out to coffee before telling you that your coffee is made from beans taken from elephant dung, and after suggests using Mona for a similar process. Overall, this link reminds me of all of the traits that immediately drew me to Haru as a character - I feel like that scene shows the same aloof charm that I loved about her during her awkward first introduction as “the beauty thief” while also not making her as much the butt of the joke. On the other hand, the fastidiousness and righteousness that causes her to initially reject your help when she feels Mona has been slighted also show throughout her actions. In Persona games, party members will often only get their One Dungeon To Shine before being backgrounded, and Haru especially suffers from this, so I can’t appreciate this confidant enough for giving a genuinely good, holistic exploration of Haru’s character, keeping and expanding on all her charms.
There’s really very little I can ask for to improve this confidant - it tackles the right “size” of story at the right time, it embodies what makes Haru lovable as a character and celebrates her strength, and demonstrates believably how you grow closer by helping her out. There is a real sense of closure at the end, but simultaneously a promise that Haru isn’t going anywhere and will continue on her path. This, to me, is the ideal formula for building a confidant around a party member. Build around an event hinted at or discussed during the main event, incorporate similar but fresh humor and emotional notes as the story segment where the character shined, and leave them with a believable future for the inevitable end-of-game send-off. I feel comfortable saying that Haru’s confidant is 10/10 no notes and a perfect template for future party member social links.
What do you think? Would you have changed anything about her confidant? and stick around for next time for a confidant that’s not actually at either extreme of the spectrum :)
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hashirun · 2 years
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Bloom Into You (2018) directed by Makoto Kato
The anime series is based on the manga created by Nio Nakatani, however, I haven't really gotten around to reading the manga yet (not really sure why I kept putting it off in favor of other mangas). After watching the series though, I plan to finally read the manga to pick up where the anime left off.
Yuu Koito is a first year high school student who has never experienced falling in love. However, as an avid reader, she is both mystified and envious of the countless love stories she read about in books, and wants to experience them for herself.
When her middle-school classmate confesses to her, she doesn't feel the emotions associated to falling in love that she reads about despite "liking" the guy, and plans to turn him down.
At school, we see her as someone who simply goes with the flow - she doesn't feel strongly for any extracurricular activity and as such is having a hard time deciding which club to join. Her teacher suggested that she help out with student council activities especially since the elections are just around the corner.
While looking for the student council room, she witnesses a confession and is impressed by the way the girl, Touko Nanami, gracefully rejects her suitor.
Touko Nanami turns out to be a member of the student council. She is a popular student admired by students and teachers alike for her academic excellence, athletic prowess, and leadership skills. Despite the countless boys and girls who confessed to her, she claims that she's never felt her heart beat for any of them, which is why she never accepted any of the confessions.
Yuu thinks that they might be in the same boat and decides to ask Touko for advice. However, she is surprised and confused when Touko suddenly confesses that she's starting to fall for her. Touko further asks Yuu to just let her love her, and to not fall for her.
Yuu doesn't really understand Touko but lets the latter have her way with her most of the time. Overtime, as she discovers more about Touko's past and sees past Touko's perfect image, she finds herself wanting to change.
Sayaka Saeki is Touko's bestfriend who is secretly in love with her. Since she has always been by Touko's side supporting her, she feels cast aside when Touko decides to ask Yuu to be her campaign manager instead of her.
Honestly, I like Sayaka waaaay more than the two main characters, which is why I'm glad she got her own spinoff story in the form of three light novels authored by Hitoma Iruma, who is also the author of the light novels Adachi and Shimamura. I was way more invested in her story, the way she hopelessly pined for Touko and watched helplessly as the two protagonists got along, at the same time the way she kept to the path she chose in terms of loving and supporting the person she loves. Of the three, I think she's the one who has a better grasp of what it means to love and be loved, and as such, I just can't help but root for her. Truth be told she's about 66.67% of the reason why I like Bloom Into You, that's how much I like her character lol.
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savageorcacaptain · 7 years
💕 -Ikuya
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One of the things I like about your muse, (as I apologize but I haven’t been around to see your writing much lately) is his looks actually. Ikuya in general is a very cute character. 
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justauthoring · 3 years
Precious To Us [2]
In other words, you’re Seijoh’s manager.
This chapter, Oikawa’s fangirls.
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A/N: Here it is! The second part! I had one person request an idea (thanks @minigranger) and I definitely plan on writing it soon but I love the trope of manager vs. fangirls that I can’t help myself. As usual, please send in ideas :)
Listen, Oikawa’s fangirls are mean.
They just are.
It doesn’t really matter to them that you’re a first year, if they’re supposed to be your seniors, they would probably still be bitches even if you were their seniors and in second/third year.
They seem to think Oikawa’s theirs, even though, of course, he isn’t and if asked, he definitely would deny.
And they see you as a threat.
A big, big threat.
Who gets to see Oikawa everyday? You. Who gets to see him practice every day? You. Who gets a front row to seat to every one of his games? You. And who does he flirt with? You.
It doesn’t matter if you reciprocate the flirting or not -- which of course, you don’t -- they’re jealous and they blame it all on you.
Honestly, the first month of managing is fine. 
Now that you know who Oikawa is and you’re around him more, you do notice the fangirls, but they don’t really bother you and you’re too focused trying to learn the ropes to really care about their constant presence. 
You know you’ve heard some of the other members, namely the third years, complain about them.
About how annoying and distracting they were when it came to practice, or just the mere fact that Oikawa seemed to revel in the attention and love.
You’ve heard them, but you don’t really say anything otherwise because they’ve never done anything to you so you don’t really care either or.
Besides, even if you do think it’s tad bit pathetic, you can’t deny they’re devoted and you guess, in some ways... good for them?
But when you don’t stop being manager, and the rest of the team, namely Oikawa, don’t get sick of you like they all expect them to, and a month passes and you seem to just be thriving, getting a long with everyone, and finally getting the hang of everything?
That’s when they attack.
You’re already late.
And even if you know none of the boys or even the coaches will be upset with you, you do like to be punctual and you absolutely hate being late. So, you’re rushing, practically sprinting through the halls as you try to gather your bearings and organize everything you need to.
You’re already thinking of what drills Oikawa will have the team do, and what you can do to help. Maybe you could bring up some of the notes you’ve made? You’re not a hundred percent on the terms, but Iwaizumi has been helping you, and you’re sure you’ve picked up on a few of the techniques and things you think the boys could improve on.
You didn’t want them to think you’re imposing, but this was the job of the manager wasn’t it? They always reminded you you were more then just a water girl, and that they greatly appreciated anything advice you had for them from an outsider point of view, so maybe--
Landing with a loud thud, a groan leaves your lips as you feel your chin smack against the concrete floor beneath you. It takes you a second to gather your bearings, baffled at how you were suddenly on the ground, and trying to ignore the pain at having bitten your own tongue. But the second you hear laughter, you realized exactly what had happened and your head turns around to stare at the three girls stood above you in bafflement.
They’re laughing at you, quite loudly and obvious mocking you, but your eyes narrow in bafflement when you realize you’re positive you’ve seen them before. You just can’t place your thumb on it. They’re not in your class, one of them doesn’t even seem to be in your year, and you don’t think you’d remember some random face you’d passed in the hall, so--
That’s right. You’ve seen them hanging around Oikawa before, and the one older girl had even snuck into practice one day.
Slowly pushing yourself to your feet, you move to gather your stuff, only for it to be kicked out of your grasp.
“What the--!”
You blink when the older one, clearly the leader or whatever, is suddenly directly before you, barely a breaths away, glaring down at you.
“You need to quit being manager for Oikawa-san’s volleyball team.”
And your eyes widen, baffled, lips parting as you shake your head; “I don’t--”
“I think you perfectly understand,” the girl behind her sneers, eyes cold.
“We don’t like how close you were with Oikawa-san.”
“And we’re sure Oikawa-san’s sick of seeing your ugly face every day.”
You’re stunned silent. Honestly, you’re not really sure what to say.
“We’ll give you till the end of the week,” the head girl smiles, but it’s a sickly sweet, filling you with dread. “Okay?”
She doesn’t wait for you to respond before her and the other two are walking off, clearly proud of themselves if they way they walk and hold themselves is anything to go by.
It’s takes you five minutes to gather yourself before you start making your way to the gym again for practice.
Part of you wants to just skip and go home but you know the boys would be concerned, more then they probably already are given how late you are, and really, it would just cause more issues in the end anyways.
Besides, you’re never one to skip anyways.
You don’t cry. You’re not really sure why because you definitely want to, but the tears never come and then you’re suddenly in the gym and everyone's rushing towards you in concern, questions leaving their lips rapidly as to why you were so late.
You brush them off, and it almost works, before Iwaizumi takes notice of the dried blood on the corner of your lip that you’d regrettably missed when cleaning yourself up earlier and the scrape underneath your chin.
“What happened to your chin, Y/N? You’re bleeding.”
He steps towards you, but you brush him off.
“I just tripped is all. Bit my tongue.”
You smile and hope it’s enough to convince them, but even if Iwaizumi looks like he wants to argue, Oikawa’s already pulling him back onto the court.
“You’re so clumsy, Y/N-chan! You really do need to be more careful!”
Some of the boys laugh and you do too, forcing yourself to pretend like everything’s fine even though you can physically feel yourself shaking.
But even as he’s being dragged away, Iwaizumi is still eyeing you and you don’t let him grow anymore suspicious then you can tell he is. You send him a soft smile, and then turn, making your way over to the coach to see where you can help for the day.
And it continues on like that for week. 
By the next day, every seems to have forgotten you being late and only Makki makes a teasing comment about the cat themed bandaid on your chin to which you begrudgingly shove him away with a shrill “it’s the only ones we have!” and you seem more like yourself then you had the day before that by the second day, even Iwaizumi has relaxed.
By the end of the week, even he seems to have forgotten about it.
But you haven’t. 
And it being the end of the week has you scared.
Kindaichi seems to notice your weird behaviour in class, especially now that the two of you tend to stick together now that you’re acquainted. But you brush him off every time he asks, saying you just felt ill.
He seems to believe it fine.
Luckily for you, nothing happens.
You’re on edge all day expecting something to happen, but nothing ever does.
Aiko, the third year and clear ring leader of that little group, never approaches you. In fact, you don’t see her once all day, which that in itself isn’t odd since you’re in different years, but you had expected to see her lackies -- either Makoto, a first year like you, or even Nami, a second year.
But you don’t.
By the final bell, you’re relieved.
It was just a mindless threat. It didn’t mean anything clearly, and they had just been poking fun, and honestly you were fine with that -- so long as you didn’t have to deal with them again.
You’d just have to be more wary of the fangirls. Maybe they weren’t as kind as you thought you were, and clearly they thought you posed some kind of threat (even though you definitely didn’t) so you’d just keep it in mind and--
“I’m pretty sure we told you by the end of the week.”
It’s a harsh thud, you don’t fall to the ground like you did last time, but you do thud against the lockers which dig painfully into your back. And regrettably you let a small cry in response, which pales in comparison to the cry of pain that leaves your lips when one of them grab a chunk of your hair and tug, hard.
Pushing at the hands that grab at you, you spin, not surprise to see the same three as before, sneering down at you.
Aiko spits down at you. “Clearly you didn’t listen.”
“I’m not gonna just quit,” you whisper, feigning the confidence to speak up for yourself. Your eyes narrow up at her, even though your heart is racing madly against you chest, and shake your head adamantly. “I love managing the volleyball team, and it’s not even because of Oikawa-senpai! I love being will all the boys, and I won’t let you--!”
“You really are just a slut.”
You’re stunned silent, lips left parted.
“Listen, I gave you a week, you didn’t listen.” Aiko scoffs, shaking her head as she brushes her hair back, glaring down at you. “I’ll show you what happens when I don’t get my way.”
She strikes you hard, across the cheek, and naively, you think that’s it. You can handle some punches and kicks, because you really don’t want to give up the one thing that’s made you happy for the first time in a long time. Even as the hits continue, and your body starts to ache, you think,
I can handle this.
But still, you end up skipping practice that day. You blame it on the fact the fact that you just didn’t want to have to explain why you looked so battered and messed up, knowing this time no amount of lying was going to get you out of this one. Because, really, it wouldn’t just be Iwaizumi suspicious this time -- all the boys will be, and then they’ll probably talk to the coach and...
and, it’s just to much a fuss for you. So, you skip, sending a text to Oikawa explaining that you weren’t feeling well and you’d be back Monday and to please apologize on the coaches behalf for you.
But you don’t go back the next day.
When you open your locker the next Monday, your homework that you’d finished during lunch to previous day to get a head start is ruined. Completely and wholeheartedly ruined.
And when you glance around, the first thing you see is Makoto from across the hallway, smirking at you.
But you don’t have any proof.
So, you suck back the tears that threaten to fall, and sulk to your first class where you know the teacher will be less then pleased.
And of course she isn’t, but she simply sighs and tells you that if you don’t have it in by tomorrow, she’ll have to give you a failing grade. 
Embarrassed and upset, you walk to your seat, ignoring Kindaichi’s watchful gaze as you sink into your seat.
But it only gets worse from there.
The second class starts, a note is tossed onto your desk.
You eye, confused, glancing around for who threw it, only for everyone to be faced forward, before glancing briefly at Kindaichi’s whose watching your curiously.
Slowly, you open it.
Is it true you actually slept with all of the volleyball team?
Laughter echoes, but when you look up, there’s three girls staring at you, all mockingly.
Kindaichi leans forward, trying to grab the note but you pull it from his grasp, avoiding his gaze.
He cannot see that.
And when the class ends, you narrowly avoid Kindaichi who calls for you, rushing out of the class, only for someone to bump into you the second you make it out, shoving harshly into your shoulder.
“Slut.” The voice sneers.
Your lips part, and you glance up, feeling your vision blur, but when you glance around, you suddenly notice the looks everyone’s giving you, and the way they laugh and sneer at you.
But what really makes you break is when you turn, feeling like everyone’s against you, and find Kindaichi staring at you with parted lips, obviously confused, and you just can’t hold it back then, turning without another word, and running off.
The day continues like that, and after lunch, which you spent alone hidden in a bathroom stall, you see Iwaizumi and Oikawa ahead of you, smiling when they notice you.
They look as if they want to talk, but you know then you absolutely cannot like that happen, for multiple reasons, so you turn around quickly, running off in the opposite direction despite the way they call after you.
You don’t go back to practice like you said you would.
And neither do you Tuesday.
When Wednesday rolls around, and every laughs at you when you walk pass them in the halls, or sneers at you, or looks at you like you’re the most disgusting thing, you go to the office when you realize you can’t handle this any longer.
No matter how much you love being on the team and managing the boys. 
Little do you know, in class, Kindaichi notices the odd coloured paper in your hands and curiously, maybe even worriedly (because there’s a sinking feeling in his gut) peers over your shoulder as subtle as he can, lips parting when he reads the header.
Permission to quite a club form.
“I think Y/N’s going to quite the team.”
It’s the first words he says when he enters the club room that day, and it makes everybody pause.
Silence echoes, and slowly, unsurely, Yahaba shakes his head; “what-what are you talking about, Kindaichi? I thought Y/N said she just wasn’t feeling well, which is why--”
“I saw the form this morning,” Kindaichi shakes his head, “I know what I read.”
Oikawa shakes his head. “Y/N would’ve talked to us first if something was upsetting her. She wouldn’t just--”
“Haven’t you guys heard the rumours going around?”
It’s Kunimi who speaks this time, his voice the similar drawl it always is, but if you look at him close enough, it’s easy to tell that he’s concerned. Upset even. And he looks disgusted as he speaks, eyeing Kindaichi first, almost knowingly, before turning to the other boys.
Iwaizumi’s brows furrow; “what are you talk--”
“I think someone’s been bullying her,” Kindaichi frowns. “It started at the beginning of the week. Y/N came in with her homework ruined, which I thought was weird, because she always is so careful with her work and makes sure it’s done early. And then someone tossed this note onto her desk but she wouldn’t let me read it, and she wouldn’t talk to me or even look at me all class. Then, when class was over, people were... well--”
“There’s a rumour going around that’s she’s slept with all of us.”
It’s Kunimi who finishes it, Kindaichi’s face beet red, which quite a few of the boys mimic seconds later when Kunimi finishes.
But Oikawa? Oikawa just looks pissed.
Kindaichi blanches, looking absolutely terrified; “I thought you knew! I didn’t--”
Oikawa storms past him, Iwaizumi quick to follow, and then Mattsun and Makki are right behind them. The first and second years glance at each other, before slowly following them, and sure enough the third years are heading straight for the gym, to which none of them are surprised to find you there, a form in your shaky hands as you stare at Coach Mizoguchi.
You turn to them with wide eyes, clearly having hoped to finish before any of the boys started practice. But Mizoguchi looks relieved. “Thank God you boys are here,” he breathes, standing up to which you try to stop him, but he isn’t listening, “Y/N wants to quit, but I really think she should talk to you first,” he’s looking directly at Oikawa, “she won’t tell me why. And please Y/N,” he turns to you, “I think you should reconsider.”
“We’ll talk to her,” Oikawa cuts in, voice oddly low before you can say anything.
Mizoguchi smiles, nodding at you before making his way over the gym obviously in search of Irihata. Instantly the tension thickens when you’re left alone with all eyes directly and solely on you.
It takes a second to find the words. “I’m sorry I didn’t talk to any of you about it, but I...” And your voice falters, even you can’t help the way your voice quivers. “I think it’s best if I just quit.”
“You’re not quitting.” It’s Iwaizumi who speaks this time, and his voice is so firm, so sure, even if you’re not sure how to argue against it.
“But I-I--”
“You don’t need to quite,” Oikawa shakes his head, stepping towards you and pulling the form from your grasp with ease. You watch with parted lips as he simply rips it right in front of you, tossing it aside without much care, before glancing back at the rest, namely the other third years, turning back to you. “Now, tell us, who told you you had to quit?”
And your eyes bulge. How did he--
“Kindaichi and Kunimi told us about everything,” Iwaizumi starts, moving towards you, as your eyes fall to the first years, watching the way they both, even Kunimi, stare after you in concern. “We know someone’s been bothering you, so, just tell us.”
“We’ll help you,” Watari adds with a smile, hesitantly speaking up.
And you pause, unsure. But then you stare at them all watching you carefully, and see how all of them care so much, more then you ever thought they did and you’re reminded of why you’d refused to quit in the first place. Reminded of how much you love managing the volleyball team and no matter how much you were scared and hurt, you didn’t want to lose it all.
Lose them.
“It’s... It’s a few, three actually, of Oikawa-senpai’s fangirls,” you mumble, voice low, head turned downwards. “They... They don’t like how much time I spend with him, so they... they told me to quit and when I refused, they...” You don’t need to finish.
There’s a pause, before a slap echoes. 
“Somehow I knew this was your fault, Shittykawa.”
“Ow!” Oikawa cries, “Iwa-chan, it’s not like I...” But he seems to pause, lips parting as he glances down at you, his heart breaking slightly at the tears in your eyes.
Stepping forward, he pulls you into a hug, and you let him; “I’m sorry, Y/N-chan, I didn’t know they were hurting you.”
“It’s not your fault.”
“It kinda is,” Mattsun comments, stepping forward as he smiles down at you, ruffling your hair. “It’s easier to blame him anyways.”
“I agree,” Makki laughs.
And even you find yourself laughing lightly.
“Really, Y/N-chan? Even you too?”
Then, everyone turns serious; “I’ll talk to them,” Oikawa frowns. “What they did isn’t okay. I won’t let them get away with it. They’ll never bother you again, Y/N.”
And you’re surprised by how serious he is.
But things do get better.
Aiko never bothers you again, nor does any other one of Oikawa’s fangirls.
Oikawa even makes her apologize, and even you have to admit the absolute mortification on her face makes everything a lot better.
The boys try to stop the rumour, but it’s easier said then done, though, the fame of it all does dwindle and you’re not snided in the hallways so much anymore.
It’s kind of hard to when you usually have one of the third years walking you to and from class anyways.
Besides, they’re your friends, and even if everyone else hates you, they don’t.
And that’s all that matters to you.
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Anon asked: Heyyy! Can we have some HC on style 5 as fathers? Thank you
Yes! The boys as fathers have me so soft 🥺
Father Headcanons (Style 5)
I got carried away with these hcs... might have to make a separate post for each later on 😅 long post ahead!
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Personally I imagine Haru with a daughter first
Like can you imagine how cute that would be? 🥺🥺the whole like father like daughter 🥺🥺
Haru doesn’t get this whole babies thing, in fact he’s panicking on the inside, but the moment he holds his child in his arms, it’s like every thought every worry has now become irrelevant
The only thing that matters is the child in his arms❤️
Smiles a lot more now because he is genuinely happy.
Even lets his laughs be heard more often just for his kid lol
When his child grows up a bit more, he definitely wants to teach them how to swim and how to ahem ~be one with the water~
He’s not a pushy father at all tho he won’t ever force his child to go down the swimming path and would rather have them get into something they are passionate about
Nevertheless, he still would like them to know how to swim atleast, it’s not a bad thing to learn
But um...he’s not the best of teachers...
Uncle Makoto here to save the day!
That being said, Haru always wants to be there for his child, be able to go to as much of their competitions/meets/games/etc. as he can even though he’s so busy with his own training schedules
He just wants to be there for them and he wants them to know that too<3
Oh um also...he’s bad at scolding...he’ll try to “scold” his little kid for doing something wrong like picking things off the ground and putting it in their mouth but his child just looks up at him like 😯
Also Haru changing diapers? Haha... “ahh (y/n)! How do I do this?”
He gets better at this tho over time :)
Watch his child not like Mackerel
He’s still confused over this whole father thing, but he knows that he really does want to love and be there for his child<3
Btw how cool would it be to have a dad being a world renowned swimmer? 😱
*haru excitingly watching as you feed your baby daughter (I see him w a daughter ok but it’s your choice) mackerel for the first time*
*baby makes a weird face and spits out mackerel*
“*Haru gasps dramatically* She doesn’t like mackerel.”
Baths with his kid. 🐬
How precious 🥺
You sitting on the edge of the bathtub, silently watching Haru as he holds his baby in the bath with a small smile, eyes then slowly drifting up to lock in with yours, his smile a bit wider and everything he feels for you and his child, all shining in his eyes ❤️
There cannot be a more perfect, little, peaceful family <3
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An amazing father!
We’ve seen him with his little siblings Ren and Ran!
That doesn’t mean he won’t panick from time to time because it’s different when it’s your own child
He’s the type to do the whole baby talk and little cooes with his baby but turns bashful when he catches you quietly standing in the doorway watching 🤣
His cooking skills have improved a bit...
You already work so hard everyday for the baby and the house, he wants to lessen your burdens and give you a little break <3🥺
Family cuddles! With you and Makoto on either side and your child/children in the middle! How precious🥺
I see Makoto’s children being a lot more brave and daring than he is like watching “scary” (like Cartoon Network scary XD) movies and wanting going on adventures in places supposedly paranormal
“Dad stop being such a scaredy cat! I wanna go watch this movie already!”
“Ahh (y/n)!! Help me! 😰”
His kids are mischievous bro always do those puppy dog eyes to get him into their schemes
He also spoils his kids XD
Don’t think that means he doesn’t know when the boundaries are crossed and when he needs to get a bit strict
He may spoil his kids but spoiled kids are a big no no (there’s a difference)
The kids actually grow up to be sweet and respectful
Aww imagine Makoto teaching his own kids how to swim and sending them to an sc🥺
He’s just such a loving father and SO supportive!
His children love that they can come to him with any of their problems and know that he’s going to listen intently and understand, while also offering any advice he might think suitable <3
As if you alone didn’t make his heart well enough with so much love, his heart practically bursts with his children❤️
Ready to sacrifice everything he has for the happiness and well being of his family ❤️
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Excitement is an UNDERSTATEMENT
As if this baby himself wasn’t cute enough, just IMAGINE HIS CHILDREN
omg omg omg cuteness overload
He’s jumping up and down when his baby is about to come, however he calms down when he actually gets a chance to hold them and he’s just in a soft, serene state, looking on at his little one with a small smile~
All his little toddler has to do is slightly tug on his shirt, and Nagisa is in a full gushing frenzy
He cries over how adorable they are
Nagisa baby YOU are adorable
He’s such a funny dad always makes his kids laugh!
Like when his child is a baby, he would come over making silly faces that half of the time either made baby laugh or baby cry 😣
Tickle Monster 😏
Finger puppets! I totally see him doing this as a father!
Nagisa won’t tease his kids a whole lot tho, knowing how frustrating it can get having experienced for a good amount of his life by his older sisters
He wants his kids to have fun ALL the time just like him 😁
He shows them his secret sweet stash when he believes it is time
So you’re going to have to be the one implementing the rules and regulations
“Come on, it’s time for bed let’s go, it’s past 11”
“Aww come on (y/n)-chan look at how happy they are! Just give us five more minutes🥺”
The challenging part for you is that you end up having to give in a lot more because now there’s more than 1 who’ve mastered the puppy dog eyes around the house
Another supportive dad! (They all are) he wants to be there for his kids’ firsts! And for all their games and competitions etc.
This is going to be such a fun little family with LOTS of love, support, chocolate, and fun! ❤️
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No theory, no book, no calculations prepared him for the moment his child was placed in his arms
He’s immediately brought to tears and whispers a small “beautiful” 🥺
The type to document EVERY moment of his child
You end up having like 10 albums and tapes of just your kid(s)
ALL of your little ones firsts have all been recorded and documented to reminisce on later in the future🥺
Always nudging you and showing you the cute little things your baby is doing off in the corner🥺
He can be strict
Unlike Nagisa, oh no he is not spoiling his kid’s diet
Their kid is eating their entire rainbow with lots of fruits and vegetables, along with the right amount of protein and milk
However there are times where he chills out and actually bakes cookies and sweets for his children 🥺
And they are *chefs kiss*
However when Uncle Nagisa comes over...those kids know what’s up 😝😋
Wants to show them the beauty of swimming, specifically the butterfly stroke
You don’t have to worry about your kids getting low grades, because Rei will personally take care of that😌
He just wants his children work hard so they can become the best at whatever they choose to do in the future <3
Haha you wanna know what I’m imagining?
Him having a daughter that is an EXACT copy of him
And it will completely leave him speechless at moments XD
“Ahem...Daddy, the way that you pitch the ball is off by approximately 15 degrees according to the direction and pressure of the wind...not beautiful” *pushes glasses up*
Rei is just like 😨😱
Anyways you can forget about having excessive burden on your shoulders from parenting because this man is going to give it his all for you and his children❤️
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The second his baby was delivered, he was already a crying mess, however when they are actually placed in his arms, it’s like all the tears have suddenly stopped, and it’s just a moment for Rin.
However he starts crying again immediately after
He loves his child so much! ❤️
They are a physical embodiment of his love with you! <3
He now understands the sacrifices his own father made for the sake of his family and now Rin is willing to to the same for his own
All his tsundereish tendencies vanish and he just becomes one big softy 😤
Don’t think that means that Rin doesn’t know how to be strict tho
Oh he is a strict dad but he only does is it for his child’s own good
He will shower them in just as much affection after the scolding <3
Like even after he gets a bit harsh on his child and sees their eyes, Rin immediately stops and goes into your shared room and starts sniffling
“H-hey (y-y/n)...w-was I too harsh on them?”
Yes he’s the type of dad to get onto you for brushing your teeth
He’s also that dad helping his kids with math
He has let his emotions show a lot more now.
Like when his baby started taking his first steps...Rin cried, camera in his hand shaking
When his child picked a flower and brought it to him...shark baby cried.
Or when one of his children brought home their essay about Rin being their biggest hero...Rin cried.
A very supportive family!
With you guys going to support him swimming at the world stage, and Rin going to all his children’s events and being their #1 fan <3
I can see Rin owning a “The World’s Best Dad” or “#1 Dad” mug and proudly drinking from it XD <33
He also gets very competitive with his kids! He gets very into the sports and games he plays with them
Teaching them tricks and tips along the way
And swimming? He’s got it in the bag, your child will get the hang of it under a week.
Some days Rin likes to lie with you on the bed, wrapping an arm around you to hold you close and pressing a a soft kiss to your temple, thanking you for being the love of his life and making him the world’s happiest man alive 🥺❤️
A/n: The boys would be such good fathers!They can all have my babies I love the parenting concept! I’m probably going to make separate hcs for them in the future 🥺
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12 Days of Danganronpa Day 3: Byakuya Togami
“Hey, Makoto! Over here!” 
Byakuya furrowed his brow in annoyance, lifting his gaze from his book to look to the corner of the library where Yasuhiro was seated. The clairvoyant was waving over the Ultimate Lucky Student.
The shorter boy shrugged and began making his way over, waving and shooting Byakuya a smile as he passed. The heir huffed and returned his attention to the book. 
“Are you excited for Christmas, Makoto?!” Hiro asked as his friend sat across from him.
“Oh, yeah, I am!” The younger of the two confirmed. “This will be Kyoko and mine’s first Christmas together, and I’m excited to spend it with her.”
“Dude, same with me and Daiya!” Hiro beamed, leaning back in his seat. “He says he wants me to celebrate it with his family, but uh…” The fortune teller scratched his neck. “I think Mondo still hasn’t...accepted I’m dating his brother.”
“Ah, right.” Makoto chuckled awkwardly. “Yeah, he looked about ready to tear your head off when you told him. But he cares about Daiya a lot, and when he sees how happy the two of you are together, he’ll come around.”
The taller boy smiled softly. “You think so?”
Makoto nodded. “Yeah, I do!” He placed a hand on Hiro’s shoulder. “Don’t worry about it. I’m sure everything will be alright.”
Yasuhiro let out a relieved breath.
“Speaking of Mondo.” Makoto continued. “He recently told me he’s getting Taka this really nice red scarf for Christmas. And I’m getting Kyoko a new pair of gloves I saw her looking at in the mall. What present are you getting Daiya?”
It was at this conversation that Byakuya froze. ‘A present? Damn, I’d completely forgotten.’ He thought to himself, then closed the book he was holding as the sound reverberated around the library. The others inside turned to look as he quickly stood and made his way out.
Byakuya cursed quietly as he began quickly making his way to his room. Christmas was so close, and he had forgotten to get you a gift! That would not stand. You were the only one in his class that didn’t make him feel like going insane. If he didn’t show you how much he genuinely appreciated you, you’d think he didn’t care about you when that could not be further from the truth!
“Perhaps chocolate and flowers? No, too pedestrian.” He muttered. “Even that musclehead Mondo found a more meaningful gift for his significant other. Come on, this shouldn’t be so hard. What does she enjoy?” The affluent prodigy looked down at the ground as he walked, trying to recall your interests. “Perhaps-”
“Look out!” 
The warning came too late. Byakuya barely had time to look up before someone collided with him. This caused the boy to stumble backwards. He managed to stay on his feet by leaning against the wall. “What in the-?!”
“Oh shit, sorry, Byakuya!” The annoyed ultimate turned to see the red haired baseball star Leon Kuwata smiling nervously at him. “I wasn’t looking where I was going and-”
“Clearly.” The heir huffed, dusting off his suit. “Just open your eyes next time, you ignoramus.”
Leon furrowed his brow in confusion. “Igno...wha?”
Byakuya rubbed the bridge of his nose. “I don’t have time for this. I need to...Wait a moment.” He slowly turned to look to the ginger. “You are friends with Y/N, correct?”
The redhead tilted his head. “Huh? Uh, y-yeah. Why? If you think I’m gonna try to steal your girl from you, I swear, I have my eyes on S-”
“Silence.” The Togami heir interrupted the other. “I’m not concerned about you ‘stealing my girl.’ Y/N is much too intelligent and cultured to go for someone of your...ilk.” He turned to fully face Leon. “No, what I need from you is to tell me what if there is anything Y/N had mentioned wanting recently.”
Leon scratched at his head. “Something she’s mentioned wanting? Why?” His eyes widened. “Have you not gotten her a Christmas gift, yet?!”
Byakuya scoffed. “Of course I have.” He lied. “I’m simply curious as to her interests, like any partner should be.”
The baseball player shrugged. “Aight, whatever.” The boy sniffed and rubbed at his nose as he thought. “Well, she was saying how she wanted to go see Ibuki from Class 77-B perform with Sayaka. She mentioned she couldn’t really afford the tickets and didn’t wanna ask them for a freebie just ‘cause they’re friends.”
Byakuya furrowed his brow in thought. Tickets to a concert? No, that was still too ordinary. Y/N deserved only the best. “Is that all she mentioned?”
Leon nodded. “That I can remember. Y/N doesn’t really talk about that sorta thing often.”
The heir sighed. “Very well. You’re dismissed.” And with that he turned on his heel and began making his way down the hall.
“Byakuya, what a surprise.” Celestia smiled politely as she opened her door to reveal the taller man there. “To what do I owe this pleasure?”
“You are the only other person in our pathetic year that has even the smallest understanding of class.” He began. “I felt you were the only one I could ask and get a worthy answer.”
Celeste chuckled and stepped to the side, allowing Byakuya in. “Well, I am honored.” She stated, closing the door behind Byakuya when he entered. She made her way to her bed and sat gracefully on it. “What exactly is it you require my assistance with?”
The rich boy sat down on a chair as he looked to the gambler. “I need a present to give Y/N for Christmas.” He told her. “It had slipped my mind until I overheard Makoto and Hiro talking about it.”
Celeste nodded. “I see. Well, have you considered what she is most interested in?”
Byakuya rolled his eyes. “Of course I have.” He snapped. “I even asked that idiot Leon, but all he told me was Y/N wanted to go to some concert. But that isn’t good enough for her.”
“I concur.” The gothic lolita agreed. “I suggest you spare no expense. Money is obviously no issue for you, so perhaps you could buy out a restaurant for the evening and have a private dinner. I would also suggest giving her an expensive necklace. Y/N is a lovely person, but she desperately needs more diamonds in her wardrobe.”
Byakuya thought for a moment, nodding his head. “You know, I think that idea could work.” He grinned lightly. “I knew you were the right one to go to. I give you my thanks, Celeste.”
The girl smiled and waved at the heir as he stood to leave. “It was my pleasure. I am glad I could be of assistance.”
A short while later, Byakuya was walking back to his dorm in order to make the needed calls for the gift.
“H-hey, Byakuya! Wait a minute!”
He stopped and turned as his name was called. There was Chihiro, running up to catch up with him. “What is it? I’m busy.” He said in annoyance.
The programmer came to a stop in front of the prodigy. “I-I know, I’m sorry. I-it’s just, Leon told me you asked him for help getting Y/N a present, and I-”
“I did not.” Byakuya stopped the boy. “I simply wanted to learn of Y/N’s interests.” 
Chihiro flinched. “W-well, Celeste then mentioned you came to her as well.” He continued. “They told me what they suggested, and I just wanted to ask who’s idea you went with.”
The taller of the time sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose. “Can no one here hold their tongue?” He grumbled, then looked to the smaller boy. “I have decided to listen to Celeste’s advice. It was the one that made most sense.”
Chihiro frowned. “I was worried about that.” He reached a hand forward before a glare from Byakuya made him place his hand down. “U-um, I think you should listen to Leon. It may not be as expensive or classy, but it’s more Y/N’s taste.”
Byakuya rolled his eyes. “I’m sure she’ll enjoy the other gift just as much if not more.”
Chihiro rubbed the back of his neck. “I d-don’t mean to argue, but...Y/N prefers simpler things. It will mean more if you give her a gift she’s interested in. She’ll still appreciate whatever you get her, of course, but if you really want her to know you care, the gift should come from what she likes.” Byakuya frowned as he took this in. The look on his face made Chihiro shift awkwardly. “U-um, b-but that’s just my opinion. I just thought you should know.” He then turned and began to leave. “S-sorry for bothering you!” 
Byakuya watched as the smaller boy ran off, leaving him alone to ponder what he had said.
It was now Christmas day, and the Ultimate Affluent Prodigy stood outside your door waiting for you to open it.
It didn’t take long for you to do so, and you smiled when you saw him. “Merry Christmas, Byakuya!” You greeted him, leaning up on your tiptoes to peck his cheek. 
“Merry Christmas, Y/N.” He returned the greeting, a small smile on his lips. “May I come in?”
You nodded and allowed him entry. You closed the door behind him before both of you walked over and sat on your bed. You reached over to the side and pulled out a small box. “I don’t know if now is an alright time, but I’m excited for you to open your present.”
Byakuya chuckled as he took the gift from you. “I believe now is as good a time as any other.” He said as he began unwrapping the box. He placed the wrapping paper to the side and revealed a black box. He opened it, and you watched as he smiled. He grabbed something from the small box and held it in his hand. It was an expensive looking gem encrusted pocket watch.
“Do you like it?” You asked nervously.
“Like it?” Byakuya repeated as he turned the watch over in his hand, inspecting it. “It’s wonderful. I love it.” He slipped the watch into his shirt pocket, then turned to you and kissed your forehead.
You giggled happily. “Oh, I’m so glad you like it! I know you have a taste for the fancier things, so I decided to get you something aligned to those tastes.”
The heir frowned. “I do appreciate it, but I hope you did not spend money you didn’t have.”
“No no, don’t worry!” You assured him. “I used money I had saved away. I planned this for a while.”
Byakuya nodded, satisfied with the answer. “I have something for you as well.” The heir mentioned, reaching into his suit pocket. 
Your smile widened. “Oh, Byakuya, you didn’t have to get me anything!”
Your boyfriend scoffed. “Of course I did. You spent more money than you most likely should have on me. It would be extremely unfair if I didn’t buy you anything as well.” He pulled something out of his pocket. “I also thought for a while about what to get you. In the end, I think this was the best gift.” He placed something in front of you. “Here.”
You looked down, and your eyes widened. You quickly picked the gift up. “Tickets to Ibuki and Sayaka’s concert?!” You exclaimed. “How did you know I wanted these?!”
Byakuya smirked and adjusted his glasses. “I will admit, I had a little help from your friends Leon and Chihiro.” He confessed. “Leon mentioned you wanted to see the two perform, and Chihiro suggested I buy two of them, so we can spent quality time together.”
You felt tears of happiness in your eyes. You lunged at your partner, wrapping your arms around him and pressing your lips against his. 
He chuckled and closed his eyes as he rested his hands on your waist. 
When you pulled away, you rested your head on his chest happily. “Thank you, Byakuya. This...this has been the best Christmas ever.”
And with four votes, it’s Byakuya Togami for Day 3 of 12 Days of Danganronpa! I used to roleplay as Byakuya, so I’m a bit more comfortable writing him, however like with ALL these fics, the plot is a bit rushed. I am happier with this one than the previous fic, however. And if you are wondering, yes. This fic is filled with self indulgence. I ship Hiro and Daiya way more than I should, and Ishimondo is always a win ^_^  I hope you enjoyed, and come back for Day 4 tomorrow!
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prettyboylovemail · 4 years
[Hana + Juzo] As Long As We’re Alive
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FINALLY! I finished this fic that I’ve been working on all week!
I recently rewatched the Danganronpa 3 anime and wanted to figure out how my S/I would fit into the new killing game! Including interactions with my favorite character from the anime cause I can’t help myself 👀
(Also, for a bit of context: This takes place following my S/I from DR 1 surviving the Hope’s Peak Killing Game!)
As such, this will include anime spoilers!! Keep that in mind!
I worked super hard on this, so I hope you guys enjoy!!
Also a big big thanks to @duncanlovemail​ for helping me do some final edits and tweaks!! ❤️
In a split second, her life flashed before her eyes.
There were some good memories, sure, but mostly bad ones — memories of the last killing game she’d been forced to play overshadowed her happiest moments. And now, laying on the floor, staring wide-eyed at the tip of a katana, she could only remember the moments where she’d been this close to death.
But this time, she didn’t think she’d get to make it out alive.
There was a brief rustling sound from somewhere nearby, but Hana barely noticed it. It sounded as if someone was walking by and she silently begged that it’d be an ally. But as the footsteps grew fainter, she realized that she didn’t have any real allies left, and that she was only going to be left for dead. 
The man behind the corner kept walking. He’d seen the fight, or rather, the one-sided attack, but he paid it no mind. With a scowl, he left Munakata to finish his work. Who cares how many insignificant people died? As long as he made it out alive, then Juzo would slaughter every other person here. If it meant that Kyousuke would be victorious, then he didn’t give a shit about the rest.
Then why?
Why did his chest tighten up at the sight? Why did he feel a twinge of guilt leaving her to die? It’s not like that girl was anyone special or important — just some rookie from another division — so why did he feel like a piece of shit as he turned his back on her?
“Dammit, Juzo, this isn’t like you,” the man muttered to himself through gritted teeth. “Get ahold of yourself and keep walkin’. It’s none of your business.” It wasn’t until the next thing he heard that he stopped in his tracks, listening.
“Please, I-I’m not on the side of despair! I d-don’t want to hurt anyone! Please, believe me!!”
The girl’s voice sounded desperate, like she was crying. Juzo swallowed thickly, trying to take another step, but feeling his entire body stiffen up. Her voice rang through his ears, echoing in the empty hallway, the sound piercing his chest like a knife. 
The man’s fists balled up, squeezing every ounce of strength that he could muster.
“Kyousuke!” Juzo’s voice boomed through the hall as he spun on his heel. He felt the weight of his entire body shift and slam to a stop in front of the scene. Munakata paused and glanced up at him with no change in his cold expression.
“What is it, Sakakura?”
“Don’t worry about that one!” Juzo stepped forward, placing himself between Munataka and the helpless girl, frozen on the ground. “Your target is Makoto Naegi, isn’t it? Why waste your time on a brat like her?”
“Why are you interrupting?” Munakata’s eyes narrowed sharply. “Have you fallen to despair, Sakakura?”
“Don’t be stupid, of course not. But you know as well as I do that it’d be useless to kill this girl. She’s just some random kid, she doesn’t have anything to do with your plan.”
“She’s a survivor along with Naegi and the others. She’s in cahoots with them and as such, must be eliminated.” The katana glistened as Munakata turned it towards him. “And I will kill anyone who gets in my way.”
Juzo sharply inhaled. Was it really worth it, saving this kid at the threat of being turned on himself? He sent a glare behind him, seeing the frantic eyes of the shaking girl beneath him. Her eyes begged for him to save her, but pleading normally didn’t work on him. He turned back to Munakata and grit his teeth.
“What the hell’s gotten into you, man? Do you realize who you’re pointing that blade at?” Juzo raised his voice slightly. “I’m on your side, but right now, we need to focus on the real objective!”
“This is the real objective!”
There was only a moment to react. Time seemed to slow as the blade was swung, but not at him. The katana grazed past Juzo and towards the ground. He felt his heart stop as he reached out and—
“AGH!!” Juzo grunted out loud as the pain of steel cutting through flesh surged through his hand. Blood poured from the wound and it took all his might not to flinch back. He turned towards Hana, cowering barely a foot below the blade, and yelled. “GO!”
She took a sharp breath and squirmed away from the line of attack, barely able to keep her balance as her legs pushed her backwards. “W-What are you doing?” she managed to ask with a feeble voice.
Juzo gripped onto the katana with his opposite hand, keeping it in place as to not cut further into his hand. “Don’t ask stupid questions! Get the fuck out of here!! NOW!” His voice blared through the halls, shaking Hana out of her daze. She stood as quickly as she could and ran, hastily turning the corner. 
“Sakakura! Why are you letting her escape?!” Munakata shouted. “You’re a traitor to the cause—”
“No! I’m not!! Just listen to me for once, god dammit!” Juzo pushed back against the sword, yanking his hand away from the blade and jumping out of range. “Naegi is still on the move right now! Once you get rid of him, you can exterminate the rest of these stupid brats, you hear me?” There was a pause. “I won’t get in your way again, but we’ve gotta track down that bastard Naegi first.”
Another pause as both men decided their next move. When Munakata backed down, Juzo did as well.
“You’re right.” Munakata sighed, lowering his sword and re-sheathing it.
Juzo let out a sigh as well. “Good. Now come on, let’s go search for the brat.”
The two men walked down the empty hallways, searching, scanning every corner for an enemy. Neither of them said anything, and the atmosphere was only growing more tense with every passing minute.
“Kyousuke,” Juzo started, breaking the silence between them, “those wounds don’t look so hot. We should find you a first aid kit.” When he didn’t receive any response, he paused, before making an attempt to change the subject. “Hey, so—”
“What’s on your mind?” Munakata stopped
“Well, uh,” Juzo began, “Kimura’s been killed. Kizakura got poisoned, too. Oh, and Ando was stabbed by one of the survivor brats...” his voice trailed off. Munakata hadn’t reacted to a single thing he’d said and it was starting to throw him off. Did he care that their comrades were dying? Juzo glanced away. “I… just… thought you oughta know…”
“Tengan, as well.”
Juzo’s eyes widened, “No joke?”
Munakata’s voice was cold and unwavering. “I killed him myself.”
It took a moment to process what he’d said, but it was unmistakable. Kyousuke had murdered the chairman. Of course, Juzo was always on his side, but this… didn’t seem like him. And his best friend’s icy demeanor was really concerning him. He knew that Munakata was willing to do anything to achieve his goal, but this—
“Right, sure…” Juzo turned away, putting on a smile to hide his uncertainty as best he could. “Hey, that’s good! This is what we wanted, isn’t it? To purify the foundation.”
Munakata said nothing, just stared at his friend’s back as he continued.
“Heh. ‘Bout damn time. This baby’s in your hands now, chief. You’ve been promoted.” When he still received no response, Juzo continued further. “No one in their right mind is gonna contest it. The revolution’s over, and the spoils of war are all yours! I’ll help, of course. We’re gonna fix the Future Foundation! After that, the world.”
Finally, after a couple of moments, Munakata spoke. “The world, you say…” Juzo turned to face him. “Hey, Sakakura. We go back. You’ve been at my side for years in fact, since we were students.”
“Uh, yeah…?”
Munakata’s eyes closed. “We had our share of good times, the two of us, and Yukizome, of course. Eyes always on the future. Three friends intimately bound together by the same ideals.”
Juzo paused.
“Our mentors were supportive. Tengan always found the time to give me advice. I held firm that the world could change. That I could be the one to change it.” Munakata balled his fist, opening his eyes, but kept them focused down. “That conviction hasn’t left me. It’s as strong as ever…”
“Yeah, sure…” Juzo also looked away, “Hey, it’s strong in me too, ya know. Always has been.” He returned a determined gaze to his friend. “Backing you up’s been the whole point of my life. I take a lot of pride in throwin’ down for your ideals.”
“I know you do… And you’re right, my friend,” Munakata said with a heavy expression. “Without your unwavering support, I would’ve never made it this far.”
There were a couple moments of silence before Juzo spoke up again. “Look, I— There’s something I gotta get off my chest, okay?” His heart began to race. Why did he suddenly feel so nervous? Was it because he was finally going to say it? Finally going to tell Kyousuke how he’s always felt? Or… was it something else? Something more… disconcerting…? “To be totally honest with you—”
And in a flash — before he could even react — a sharp, searing pain surged through his stomach as Munakata’s fiery blade pierced through his midsection. He coughed, blood erupting from his throat and filling his mouth with the revolting taste of iron before spilling from his lips. The smell of burning flesh filled the air in an instant.
Blood quickly spread from the wound and in the next second, Juzo’s feet gave way beneath him and he collapsed onto the cold ground. He lay there in agony as the severity of the situation hit him. He choked and gasped for a breath, craning his neck, struggling to look up at the man who’d betrayed him. “W-What the hell, man? Why… would you… do this?”
Munakata’s voice was just as cold and uncaring as it was before, and it sent a shiver down Juzo’s spine as he lay on the floor beneath him.
“You know why. You know exactly why.”
And with that, Munakata turned… and left. His words hung in the air over Juzo, who lay face down, cursing himself as he felt his senses begin to weaken. He didn’t bother to watch his friend leave him there. He couldn’t bear the sight.
Why did it come to this? 
Dammit!! Why?!
Then everything faded to black.
Hana staggered through the halls, dragging her injured ankle beneath her. It’s not that bad, she told herself, as long as she could keep moving. As long as she was still alive. Her thoughts drifted back to earlier, when Juzo had saved her life. It’d been almost two hours since then, and the next time limit was approaching soon. Tears welled up in her eyes as she stumbled.
Why was she so useless?
Even in the previous killing game, she couldn’t do anything to protect her friends. She couldn’t save those she cared about. She just had to stand by and watch as the ones precious to her died brutal deaths. 
That included him…
Hana stopped and pressed her back to the wall behind her as the tears she’d been trying so hard to hold in fell down her cheeks. Why did she have to think about him right now? The girl felt her knees weaken, and she slid down to the floor with a heavy breath. Here she sat again, completely powerless to stop the deaths happening around her, unable to do anything besides cry. She despised her weakness. 
It might be better if I just sit here… and wait for someone to come and kill me…
As if on cue, the sound of footsteps pulled her out of her thoughts. One? No, two people, she guessed. Were they enemies? Friends? Hana’s thoughts raced. Should she run? Stay put? What would she do if someone attacked her again? Was… it even worth fighting back?
It wasn’t until she heard the sound of familiar voices that she stopped.
“Kyousuke, those wounds don’t look so hot. We should find you a first aid kit.”
Juzo? And Munakata is with him?
Hana froze up in a cold sweat. Juzo had saved her once, but he was still loyal to Munakata. If they were still together now, then— Her hands began to shake. He wouldn’t spare her again.
The sound of footsteps stopped as the two men continued talking just around the corner. Hana wondered if she should run, but her body remained stagnant, completely paralyzed.
“Tengan, as well”
“No joke?”
“I killed him myself.”
Munakata had gotten to the chairman already? Then, there was nothing stopping Munakata from killing everyone else too. Had he already killed Makoto too? Hana kept listening, as silently as possible.
“Look, I— There’s something I gotta get off my chest, okay? To be totally honest with you—”
The sound that came from around the corner was enough to make Hana’s blood run entirely cold. The sound of metal plunging through flesh. The sound of Juzo crying out in pain. A heavy thud. 
No way…
There’s no way…
“Why… would you… do this?”
“You know why. You know exactly why.”
Hana’s hands clasped over her mouth to keep herself from gasping. Her entire body shook and she felt dizzy. She knew that they weren’t aware of her presence, but hearing that felt… directed. If Juzo hadn’t stepped in to save her, if he’d just ignored her and left her to be killed, this wouldn’t have happened. 
Juzo is going to die because of me.
Just like before—
I can’t do anything.
This is my fault!
Footsteps faded as Munakata walked in the opposite direction. Once she was sure he was gone, she risked a glance around the corner and saw Juzo lying on the floor, unconscious and bleeding. Her legs moved on their own as she rushed to his side, frantically checking his wounds. Thankfully, the stomach wound had mostly cauterized due to Munakata’s blade, but he was still bleeding out slowly. Hana took off her jacket and tried tying it around his stomach in a hurry. “God, please,” she gasped. “Please don’t die.”
Once she’d finished securing her makeshift tourniquet as much as possible, Hana wrapped her arms around the man, attempting to pull him up just enough to move him, to no avail. She just wasn’t strong enough to lift him, and dragging him would only cause more damage. “Damn it…” the girl cursed, frantically searching the area. She didn’t want to leave him here, but there was no way she was going to be able to carry him to safety by herself. She had to get help or—
“I’m not going to let you die, I promise.”
Hana stood and ran down the hall, looking for anyone who would be willing to help. Maybe if she found Makoto. Or Koda— Izayoi should be with her, right? Juzo said that Ruruka had been killed, she could only guess that Koda’s the one who’d done it. If she found the two of them, they could help—
“Please. Please. Anybody.”
Hana’s eyes fluttered open slowly, a groggy dizziness overtaking her as her vision attempted to clear, and she scanned the area around her, disoriented from just having woken up. She glanced down at the bangle donning her wrist, still displaying the forbidden action she’d been cursed with, and let out a deep sigh. She’d made it through another time limit alive.
Thank God…
She filed through her memories, trying to remember everything before she’d dozed off. She’d found Juzo laying on the floor, bleeding, after his falling out with Munakata; that part was clear. But after that— Hana frowned— she couldn’t really remember much. She postulated that the time limit had stopped her from finding help, and she figured that if Juzo were still alive, that she wouldn’t know where to look for him. She could only hope that he’d survived.
The girl staggered to her feet, slightly swaying from a lack of balance, and stretched her arms into the air. “Alright,” she muttered to herself, “what to do now?” 
For a moment, she considered looking for an ally, someone who’d be willing to team up with her, but the thought was fleeting. With her forbidden action being as fragile and deadly as it was, Hana figured that it’d be best to stay alone for now, what with Munakata on the hunt. She counted the number of known victims in her head, trying to figure out who was left. 
Makoto, Kyoko, Hina, Koda, Izayoi, Munakata, Ryota, and, maybe, Juzo. 
Including herself, only nine people remained alive out of the starting seventeen. She grit her teeth. Too many people had died already. 
History was repeating itself.
Suddenly, there was a screeching sound, signalling the overhead speakers turning on. Hana glanced up, trying to find where the noise was coming from, before a voice came through. 
“Makoto Naegi.”
“If you’re awake, I assume you’ve figured out what Kirigiri’s forbidden action was.”
She took a sharp breath and her body went rigid. Kyoko…? Her forbidden action? Hana’s eyes widened with shock. 
Is Kyoko dead?!
The voice on the speakers continued, but Hana was only half listening as she repelled the urge to throw up. The pit in her stomach only continued to grow as she heard Munakata call Makoto to confront him alone. He was planning to kill Makoto, she’d already known that; but now, with Kyoko dead, he would be falling right into Munakata’s trap, spurred on by emotion and his relentlessness to push forward. That’s just always how he is — how he was back then too — and Munakata would be anticipating that.
Hana rushed from the room she’d taken shelter in, scanning the halls for anyone else. If Munakata was able to use the loudspeakers, then he should be in the broadcasting room, so if she just avoided there, then she would be fine and she could get help to back up Makoto. It wasn’t much, but she had to try.
The walls around her were broken and beaten to hell, with blood splattered against the dark concrete and rubble scattered across the floor at every turn. The sight made her nauseous, but she had to keep moving. No matter what, she had to push forward too.
As she turned a corner, Hana bumped into something solid and lost her balance. Her ankle twinged with discomfort and she let out a pained groan as she fell backwards. “Agh… shit.” Noticing movement in her peripheral, her eyes darted up to see what, or rather who, she’d crashed into, and she was hit with a wave of relief.
“Damn it. Can’t get anywhere without runnin’ into one of you brats, huh.”
“Juzo!” Hana exclaimed, half from the reassurance to see him alive, and half out of worry that he was still loyal to Munakata. Although, she considered, after what happened between them, she couldn’t say for sure that he was still on Munakata’s side. “How are your injuries?” As the girl stood, her eyes drifted to his midsection; the tourniquet she’d wrapped around him was gone, but his wound wasn’t actively bleeding anymore. Juzo must’ve noticed the concerned look on her face, as he only scoffed in return.
“I’m fine. What’d’you care anyway?”
She made a dejected noise of acknowledgement and glanced away. “Sorry, is that a bad thing?” When he didn’t reply, Hana let out a soft exhale. “I saw what happened… between you and Munakata. I know it’s not really my place to intervene, but I couldn’t just… leave you there, ya know?”
Juzo sighed, a low growl escaping his throat, “So you saw all that.” He looked down at the ground, an expression on his face that was somewhere between anger and sadness. He clearly felt betrayed. Understandable, all things considered. “Fuck,” he cursed as he sat on a nearby slab of rubble, “this whole thing is such bullshit! How did it get this far?”
Hana stayed silent, watching the man in front of her. He was normally so aggressive and strong, but seeing his posture fall and his confidence crumble, it filled her heart with a nostalgic sadness. The same feeling that she had before, before that sickening execution, seeing someone so strong that she had nothing but admiration for collapse into weakness and despair. That feeling of helplessness as she couldn’t do anything but watch from the sidelines. It hurt to see the same thing happening yet again.
“I’m sorry…” Hana spoke gently as she sat beside him. She leaned forward, resting her elbows on her knees and keeping her gaze fixated on the floor. “...for what happened. If you hadn’t had to save me, he wouldn’t have—”
“Shut up.”
“I didn’t have to save you. Hell, I thought that I should’ve let you die back there.” Juzo spat out his words with no hesitation. “Even I wondered why I bothered to step in.” Hana didn’t say anything, and only kept her eyes on the ground. “But what’s done is done. And even if I didn’t come to save your sorry ass, Kyousuke already had it in his head to betray me. Leaving you there wouldn’t have prevented anything.”
“You don’t know that for sure,” Hana mumbled. “You two were so close. Why would he have tried to kill you if he didn’t think you were on Makoto’s side?”
There was a pause.
“That’s the question, ain’t it…” Juzo sighed. “I gave everything to show him I wouldn’t hesitate to kill for his ideals. I really would’ve killed that bastard Naegi with my bare hands to prove that.” He slumped over, raising his wrist to clearly see the band hanging from it, “If it wasn’t for this damn thing, I could’ve done it by now.”
“But would killing Makoto really have put a stop to all this?” the girl questioned, sending a glance over her shoulder.
“Dunno. Don’t really care either, at this point.”
Another pause, this one longer than the last.
“Then, let’s end this game.”
“Huh?” Juzo scowled at the girl. “What do you mean by that?”
Hana’s eyes glinted with determination, “The attacker is still out there, right? That’s why there’s a new victim after every time limit. So if we can find and stop the attacker before the next time limit happens, then the game should end!”
“Forget it. If you wanna get yourself killed, then go right ahead, but I’m done.” The man’s eyes narrowed. “I don’t give a shit what happens to the rest of you.”
“But you want this game to end too, don’t you? Or would you rather just stay locked up in here forever?”
“Tch. Even if you think you could find the attacker, how would you be able to stop them? They only show themselves when everybody’s knocked out, so how do you plan to fight them?” He gestured down to Hana’s leg. “And with your busted up foot, I doubt you’d be able to handle yourself if push came to shove.”
That seemed to make the girl back down, as her shoulders slumped in realization. “Well. I don’t know yet. But I still want to try, ya know?” Her eyebrows knitted together. “If I don’t do anything, it’s only a matter of time before everyone is killed off one by one. I don’t want to let that happen again.”
Juzo groaned in frustration, “Right, I get it. You’re trying to play hero just like Naegi, aren’t ya. Cause of that other killing game, right?” Hana kept quiet. “Jeez, you brats are all the same, thinkin’ you can change things by stickin’ your necks out. So damn annoying.” 
He gave her another harsh glare. “So what if I entertain your little suicide mission, huh? How do I know you aren’t just pullin’ a fast one on me, trying to get me to lower my guard?”
“Say, hypothetically, that you’re actually the attacker. What makes you think that I can just blindly trust anything you have to say?”
Hana paused and stared at his face before sighing and closing her eyes. She moved her wrist into view, showing off her bracelet, and the message that circled around it in big, red letters. 
“I haven’t shown anybody this,” Hana said quietly. “I’ve been too worried that someone would use it against me, so I’ve been avoiding everyone else.” Her voice was soft, yet full of resolve. “Earlier… even if I could’ve somehow escaped from Munakata alive on my own, one tiny cut from his blade would’ve been enough to do me in. If you hadn’t come when you did, I would’ve absolutely died... one way or another. All it would take is the smallest drop of blood, and I would be dead.”
“So, what?”
“So that means that I’m willing to put my trust in you. Maybe that’s a dumb decision, but I don’t want to doubt people anymore! And if I don’t do anything, more people will just keep dying. If that means taking a few risks, then so be it.”
“Yeah yeah, I heard you the first time. But unless we can get these stupid bracelets off, we can’t do shit. You’ve gotta accept that.” Juzo paused. This girl, as annoying as she could be, was persistent to say the least — more stubborn than he would’ve given her credit for. It reminded him of before, back when Chisa was still alive. She was persistent and determined, just like that. She wasn’t the strongest person, far from it. She was emotional and irritatingly cheerful sometimes, and the look that Hana had on her face right now looked exactly like her. 
Juzo glared at the girl for a moment, studying her expression for any hint of ulterior motive. It wasn’t like he thought she had it in her to play mind games, but with everything that's happened up to now, he couldn’t underestimate anyone. Not again. 
“Tell me something. I’ve been wondering for a while. ”
“Why do you keep following me around, anyways? You’re not gonna confess your love or something, are you?”
Hana was clearly caught off guard by the question, but found herself giggling in reply. She brought up her hands to dismiss the implication. “No, no way. Believe me, I don’t have any interest in you like that.” She gave him a smug look. “Plus, I don’t really think I’m your type—”
“Get on with it.”
The girl laughed, “Got it, sorry.” A moment passed and she gazed off somewhere down the hall, a forlorn look gracing her features. “Well, it’s just that…”
“...You remind me of someone. That’s all.”
Juzo gave her a questioning look, but she paid it no mind. “So that’s it, huh.” He’d be lying if he said the sentiment wasn’t at least a little bit mutual, but he’d rather die before saying that out loud. “Well, I couldn’t give a damn about that.”
“I know.” With a soft chuckle, Hana kept her eyes down. “It’s kinda silly, isn’t it? To try and keep someone’s memory alive by projecting them onto someone else… it’s stupid to think that’ll help anything. But even so… it’s given me a little bit of courage.” Hana faced Juzo with a bright, albeit somewhat forced, smile. “So it can’t be all bad, right?”
“Tch…” The man clicked his tongue in annoyance. “If you say so.”
The sound of a distant rumbling caught both of their attention and they shot to attention. Juzo jumped to his feet, while Hana’s entire body straightened up.
“That has to be Munakata! He should be fighting Makoto right now,” Hana exclaimed. “We have to help!”
“I told you to forget it! You’re already hurt. You shouldn’t even be walking around so much, much less trying to fight,” Juzo snapped back at her.
“But if I don’t, then Makoto’s going to die!”
“So be it! If he decided to confront Munakata, that’s his own damn business! This isn’t your fight to meddle in!”
“I’m not going to sit back and let another one of my friends get killed!” Hana shouted, standing on her wobbly legs. “If you’re going to still side with Munakata after all of this, then fine, but I’m going to try to help my friends!” She only made it a few steps before a hand gripped her wrist and forcibly yanked her backwards. 
“Don’t be stupid! Just stay here and don’t get in the way, otherwise you’ll end up dying too, you hear me?!” Juzo yelled, squeezing the girl’s arm tight so she couldn’t break free. “If you’re so fucking concerned, then I’ll handle it.”
“What are you talking about?” Hana asked, wincing at the pain in her wrist. 
“You said it yourself! The tiniest cut would be enough to kill you, wouldn’t it? So just find somewhere to hide and stay put.” He released her arm and the girl pulled back to rub the spot he’d grabbed. At this point, Juzo didn’t even know what he planned on doing, but all he knew was that this stupid girl was going to get herself killed if she tried to fight Munakata again. Regardless of how he personally felt about the matter, he knew that her determination would be useless in this situation. “You’ve already done enough, so just stay outta sight and don’t die, got it?!”
Hana stepped back, a confused look on her face, but ultimately didn’t make any more attempts to oppose him. She exhaled softly and nodded. 
And without a second thought, Juzo ran off into the darkness.
Shit… Why’d I let myself get roped into this…?
Juzo breathed heavily, grasping at his sleeve, soaked in blood, as he staggered through the dark halls. He figured it was almost time for the next time limit, although he couldn’t be sure of that anymore. Sweat beaded on his forehead as the throbbing pain surged through his left arm, and he risked a glance down to where the bangle had once been. With his hand now gone, he was free from risk of being poisoned, but the cost of passing out from the pain wasn’t far behind him. 
“D-Damn...it…” he muttered through strained breaths, “This is… all ‘cause of… that girl…”
He thought back to their earlier conversation. He had no initial plans to take what she’d said to heart, not like this, but seems that today was full of surprises, wasn’t it? All that shit he’d said before was just a means of shutting her up at the time, but after pondering it for a while, he realized what he had to do.
He’d set off to find Munakata and Naegi, to stop them from fighting, by however he deemed necessary. Whether that be by stopping Kyousuke again, or by killing the brat that started all of this, he would end this damn game. It wasn’t until the beeping of his wristband caught his attention, to signal that the time limit was fast approaching, that he remembered Hana’s plan. As reckless as it was, he knew that if one of them were to be able to pull it off, it would be him. That’s when the solution to get rid of the bracelet came to mind, and if it took a drastic measure, then that’s what he’d do. So he endured through the pain, biting the fabric of his jacket, grinding it between his teeth as he did what needed to be done.
But now, as he wandered the empty halls, with only the ominous glow of red from the monitors to guide his path, he wondered if he’d made the right decision. He had barely any strength left, why waste it on trying to fight off the attacker when he should be preserving it just to stay standing? Bullshit...
That’s when he heard it, the sound of screaming echoing in the darkness. Was somebody getting attacked? It almost sounded like—
Juzo took off in a sprint, dashing through the hallways. Anger surged through his body like electricity, but he skidded to a sudden stop at the sight before him.
Makoto Naegi, kneeled on the floor, a knife poised to his throat. 
In a split second, Juzo was at top speed again, his strides slamming into the ground with every step.
I don’t think so, you little bastard!
One swing was all it took to knock the knife from the boy’s hands. He paused in confusion, looking around for a second before Juzo gripped him by the arm and raised him to eye-level, slamming his elbow to Naegi’s throat. He writhed and flailed under the pressure of being choked, but Juzo didn’t waver. 
“You’re the man who defeated Junko Enoshima. If you think I’m going to let you kill yourself, then you’re dumber than you look!” he growled, pressing his arm further against the boy’s neck. “You hear me, you little punk?! Not now. Not ever!”
After a few more seconds of struggling, Juzo released Naegi, letting him fall to the floor in a heap as the boy coughed and gasped for air. He looked up at the man in confused distress. “H-How are you even—?!”
Juzo picked the knife from the floor, gripping the handle. “You wanna die so bad, then allow me.” He raised the blade, fully intending to strike and end this right then, but stopped himself mid-swing when Naegi recoiled. He looked pathetic, like a small animal cowering in fear of its predator. Juzo scoffed and dropped the knife, his feet collapsing beneath him as his strength started to waver. “Dammit…”
“How are you still awake?” Makoto asked, staring at Juzo intently. That’s when the boy noticed the crimson-soaked sleeve and gasped, “Y-You cut off your arm?” He looked at the man with concerned eyes. “Well, that’s one way, I guess.”
“Figured I could make the scene before it happened…” Juzo muttered, his energy depleting quickly, “I could meet whoever’s behind this god-forsaken game face-to-face. Take out the attacker and be done with it.” 
Naegi’s eyes widened when he realized Juzo’s intention, and paused. “There is no attacker. There never was.”
“It was suicide. The victims— They were all brainwashed into killing themselves by what they saw on the monitors.” Juzo followed Naegi’s gaze up to the glowing monitor. “When the time limit was up, we were all knocked unconscious. But whoever was closest to a monitor got woken up by a special signal from their bangles. Awake and alone, they were subjected to a video. After that…” his voice trailed off, leaving the implication as it stands.
Juzo slumped over, his expression darkening. “Who did this? What sicko piece of shit thinks this is entertaining?”
“That, I don’t know. At least not yet.” Naegi raised a hand to his chin in thought. “But they wouldn’t even need to be here for it to work.”
“What are you tellin’ me? They could’ve set this up? Controlled it remotely?”
“Probably.” Naegi straightened up, sending a determined smile over in the man’s direction. “On the bright side, at least we don’t have to suspect each other anymore.”
Juzo could only laugh at what he was hearing. Rage boiled through his veins, and it took everything in him to keep himself in check. “So what are we supposed to do now? It’s all a shell game. We’ve been manipulated from some unknown other place. Killing each other like a bunch of animals.
“Yukizome. Gozu. Kimura. Some video brainwashed them into taking their own lives? All the horrible things we’ve done to smoke out the killer and it’s been us?!” Juzo gripped the handle of the knife in his fist once again, shaking with anger. He slammed the blade against the concrete, breaking it in half. “Son of a bitch!”
There was a long pause as Juzo took a breath and collected himself. Everything he’d done — everything he’d tried to prove — it was all for nothing. This entire damn game has been nothing more than a way for some bastard in a far-off place to enjoy a good show while they all chased their tails like a pack of rabid dogs. Juzo stood again, turning and taking a few steps down the hall.
“What are you doing?”
Juzo gritted his teeth. These fucking brats and their million questions. What did it matter what he did now? Why was everyone so concerned about him and whatever he was doing?! “I have somewhere to be,” he forced out. Really, he didn’t know where he was going to go, or what he was going to do. Nothing mattered anymore.
“Let’s end this game.”
He paused, stopped dead in his tracks. What the hell? Did all these survivor kids have the same brain, or was it just coincidence that this brat said the exact same useless shit that she did? Whatever, he didn’t care. He didn’t have to listen.
But of course, that didn’t stop the words from coming. “If we destroy all the monitors, that should do it,” Makoto urged. 
“Heh.” Juzo sent a glance over his shoulder. “You got any idea how many of those things there are?”
“Don’t let me stop you. Just don’t expect me to help either.” With those words, Juzo continued walking. That’s right. It didn’t concern him. He didn’t give a shit what the others did anymore. But still, that uncomfortable twinge of guilt in his chest tugged at him. The same one he felt when he saved that girl’s life. Juzo tried to force the feeling down, but it stayed, regardless, and his feet stopped yet again. He remained quiet for another second before breaking the silence. “True story… I wanted you to die. I’d have gladly done it myself.
“See, I’m not a man who can just forgive and forget. I hated you. No, from the moment you walked out of Hope’s Peak High School alive, I loathed you. Despised you,” Juzo growled. “So, I’m not gonna lie, when Munakata told you to kill yourself, I thought, ‘it’s about damn time’.”
“But why?” came the feeble voice of the kid he hated so much, “I don’t…”
“Because…” Juzo glared back at him. “You defeated Junko Enoshima.” 
When he saw the confused look on Naegi’s face, he continued. “Yeah, that’s right. Bitch played me like a fiddle. I knew she was up to something, and I kept my mouth shut.” The anger he’d been feeling surfaced even faster as he balled his fist. “I had one job and I botched it. So this is the result…” Juzo raised his mutilated arm and gave the boy a pained smirk. “It’s all on me. I couldn’t stop everyone dying... I couldn’t kill you for Munakata...
“And in the end...” Juzo’s eyes narrowed, his eyes stinging and his chest throbbing, “he threw me away. Like an old pair of boots.”
“He was wrong! It’s the game!” Naegi called after him. “The man was fooled into thinking you’d gone over to the enemy!”
Juzo kept walking, gripping his injured arm as he stepped into the darkness.
“Tch… No kidding…”
And this time, he didn’t turn back.
He didn’t think anything mattered anymore. He knew that whatever he did at this point would ultimately be useless. But… even so…
“If I don’t do anything, more people will just keep dying. If that means taking a few risks, then so be it.”
He kept walking. Kept moving. Through the pain and the dizziness, he kept pushing forward. Was this because of that that girl said? Or because of the brat? Or were these his own thoughts? Juzo didn’t know anymore. With every blood-stained step, his breathing staggered. Every motion felt like a hundred bricks weighed on his shoulders. But he had to keep moving. As long as he was alive, then he could fight.
Juzo pushed on, making his way towards the breaker room. His movements were slow and heavy, but determined to make it there. As he stepped through the Monokuma-printed door leading into the hidden room, he scoffed at himself, at the effort he was making. “Well, damn. Guess I’m a Despair now…” he let out a dry laugh that came out as more of a cough. “Wish I could find the humor in—”
He didn’t have time to finish his sentence before his foot gave way beneath him, causing him to stumble forward and crash into the wall. A cry of pain erupted from the man’s throat as he collapsed and slid down the wall, leaving a bloody trail behind him. And as Juzo lay crumpled on the ground, bleeding out from the wounds he’d sustained, he smiled. “This is what I get for letting Enoshima off the hook…” Everything in him wanted to give up, wanted to close his eyes and fall into the depths of darkness right then. 
But he couldn’t die yet. Not until he’d finished what he said he’d do. 
Not until this fucking game came to a bitter end.
With the last quarter of strength he could muster, he pushed himself onto his knees, draping his body against the breaker room door in order to force it open. He gazed down at the long line of switches. “Always been too much of a softie,” the man grinned to himself.
Juzo reached up, struggling to move through the crippling agony, and grabbed the first switch.
“...‘Least that’s what they’ll say about me.”
Hana sat alone with her knees pressed to her chest. It’d been too long, and the silence was starting to drive her crazy. What was everyone else doing right now? Was anyone else even alive? The thoughts that plagued her mind had continued to worry her, but she forced them down.
Everything’s fine. We’re going to make it out of here. All of us.
Then suddenly, everything went black. Hana jumped, startled by the sudden change, but relaxed slightly when the emergency lights came on. The room she’d hidden in was then illuminated a deep red, and the girl stood up to investigate. “Does this mean…?”
She peeked out into the hallway, not seeing anyone nearby. The girl stepped out and her foot swelled up in pain at the sudden movement, but she didn’t stop. Hana staggered along the wall, looking for anyone else to confirm what she’d thought. However, she didn’t have to wonder for much longer. With one final beep, the wristband that’d acted as her shackle for the entirety of the game snapped and fell to the ground. Hana touched her wrist, finally freed from the burden of death, and she let out an exasperated breath.
Is the game finally over?
It only took a couple minutes of walking to notice a few drops of blood on the ground. Her eyes followed the trail, seeing the drops become larger and more frequent as they moved down the hall. The dots began to connect in her head, but she shook them away, not wanting to assume the worst. She followed where they led and was brought to a room she hadn’t been to before. 
“A library?” she questioned aloud, seeing multiple bookshelves lining the walls, “Or maybe a study?” Her inquiries were cut short, however, at the sight of a body coming into view from behind the couch. Hana let out a gasp at the startling sight. Ruruka lay on the ground, a singular gash across her neck, a puddle of blood recently drained from the wound. Her eyes were wide; her expression twisted in shock and pain. She must’ve been caught off guard, Hana assumed.  A closer look revealed something glinting from inside the corpse’s mouth, what looked like a piece of blue candy on her tongue.
They did say she’d been stabbed, but did Koda really do this? She was never the type to murder someone in cold blood, even if it was someone she hated.
As brutal as the scene was, Hana gulped heavily and attempted to move past it as best as she could. Ruruka probably deserved it in all honesty, as horrible as that sounded, but that didn’t make seeing her dead body any easier to handle. Once she met up with Koda and Izayoi later, she could ask them about it, but she shook her head to rid herself of the image. Ending the game was the top priority. So she continued deeper into the room.
The trail of blood, now in large puddles, led into another area, a space behind one of the bookshelves that’d been pried open, it looked like. Hana glanced inside to find a hidden room, one a lot darker than the previous one. She stepped inside, following the trail further until she entered a final door. And when she peered inside, she froze. 
Slumped against the back of the room, one hand on the final switch, lay the familiar figure of Juzo. She rushed to his side to check for any signs of life. Considering the amount of blood he’d lost on the way here, it was unlikely that he was still alive, but—!
“Oh God…” Hana stared into his face, eyes closed and a peaceful smile gracing his lips.
She checked his mouth for breathing. Nothing.
“No, no, damn it.”
Checked his neck for a pulse. Nothing still.
“God, please…”
She pressed her ear to his chest to listen for a heartbeat, every movement more frantic and worried than the last. Tears stung her eyes.
I can’t be too late!
But then—
A heartbeat. Faint, but still barely there.
Another one, even fainter than the last.
He’s still alive—!
Hana stood, her body shaking and her breathing ragged, and dashed from the room as quickly as her legs could move. “I promised that I wouldn’t let you die, dammit! I can’t fail now!”
She ran and ran and ran, turning every corner at top speed, searching for anyone who could help. Anybody. That’s when she heard the faint sound of voices at the end of the hallway. She didn’t know who, but she didn’t care. “Help!! Anyone, please help!!” she shouted into the darkness, praying that someone would hear her and come to her aid. 
“Fujiwara?” a voice echoed back.
As she ran farther down the hall, multiple people came into view, and tears of relief spilled from her eyes. The figures of her friends, as well as a platoon of soldiers that’d presumably been ordered to search for survivors, relieved the immense weight on her shoulders. “Makoto! Byakuya!” 
Finally, finally. They were saved.
“There you are!” Makoto exclaimed. “We hadn’t heard from you all day, we thought you were dead!”
“Don’t worry about me right now! Juzo needs help!” Hana shouted with as much conviction as she could muster. “He’s in the breaker room! He doesn’t have much time left, but he’s still alive!” She turned to Byakuya and his squad of reinforcements, in tears. “Please, we have to save him!”
Byakuya paused for a moment, taking in the information, before barking an order to his crew. “Three of you, follow Fujiwara to the breaker room and ensure Sakakura’s safety! The rest of you will follow Munakata and Naegi to stop Mitarai! Now! Go!”
“Yes, sir!”
The sun peered through the blinds into the hospital room, shining more light on the already blindingly white room. Juzo stirred a bit, then begrudgingly opened his eyes with a strain. He attempted to sit up, but the overwhelming pain caused him to fall backwards onto the bed.
“I wouldn’t attempt to move for a while. You won’t be fully healed for quite some time.”
“E...Eh?” Juzo struggled to see who was speaking to him, and squinted to see blonde hair and the shine of glasses being pushed up the bridge of the man’s nose. “Y-You’re… that rich kid… from the Hope’s Peak survivors…” he forced.
“Byakuya Togami, Future Foundation: 14th Division,” he scoffed, crossing his arms hastily over his chest. “I’d be offended that you don’t remember who I am, but I’ll give you a pass due to your injuries.”
“What are...you doing here? Why am I… still alive?”
Byakuya sighed, “Well, to answer the first question, it’s been about 4 hours since the killing game ended. I’m only passing through on official business to check in on the status of the remaining survivors. Naegi and the other members are also here on business as well, albeit in separate rooms.”
“And as for the latter,” Byakuya continued, sending a glance over his shoulder, “this one practically begged me to save your life.”
Juzo followed the blonde’s eyes to see a sleeping girl sitting hunched over in a chair in the corner of the room. The man clicked his tongue and pressed his head back into the pillow. 
“She’s the one who found you, barely breathing, and ran all the way to come find someone and led my squad back to your location. Once my team brought you into custody, we rushed you to the medical tent. It’s a miracle that you survived, honestly.” Byakuya sent a sharp glare in Juzo’s direction. “The fact that you’re still alive is extremely lucky. I’d be sure to give her your thanks when given the opportunity.”
“Yeah, yeah. I hear ya,” Juzo sighed, but ultimately didn’t say anything else. 
“Well, now that you’re awake and are showing no signs of falling into comatose.” Byakuya stood, shoving his hands into his pockets. “It seems my work here is finished.” The man turned towards the door, taking a couple strides before stopping. “We’ll have to hold another meeting again soon to discuss the plans of the Future Foundation, but I would rest while you can. We’ll take care of everything for now.” And with that, Byakuya left. 
Juzo’d only been half listening, honestly, but he got the general gist. Still, he closed his eyes, processing everything he’d heard. The killing game was over, and he’d actually survived it. He had fully expected to die at the time, and had accepted that fact, but he made it out alive, thanks to her. He mentally laughed at himself. It was always thanks to her, wasn’t it? The only reason he was even able to end the game in the first place was because of her saving his life after being stabbed. And it was because of what she said that he kept fighting to the end.
I’m so damn pathetic, aren’t I? When did I get this soft…?
Then he drifted back to sleep.
Time will always pass. No matter the hardships, the tears, and the pain, life will always go on. Maybe the memories wouldn’t fade right away, not for days or weeks, even months or years, but with every passing day comes a new opportunity to make the best of your situation. 
Bad memories may linger, but life moves forward.
Hana stepped into the sun, a gentle breeze blowing wisps of her hair into her face. It’d been a week since then, and things have been getting back to normal as quickly as possible. The Future Foundation was still working on rebuilding their headquarters, as well as it’s credibility with the public, and they were still trying to figure out what to do with its remaining members. But despite all of that, the girl smiled at the bright blue sky above her.
They’d made it. Through everything, they’d made it.
“You seem awfully cheery for someone still hobbling around on one leg,” came a man’s voice from behind her. She recognized it instantly.
“What are you doing moving around out here, Juzo?” Hana turned where the voice was coming from. “You aren’t fully healed yet, ya know.”
Juzo scoffed, “I got tired of layin’ around in that stuffy room every day. Can only take so much boredom before I end up wanting to off myself.”
The girl put her hands on her hips and sighed, but made no objection. “Geez. If you keep pushing yourself, you’re only gonna have to stay longer.” She gave him a smirk. “Well, whatever. Just don’t get caught by the hospital staff.”
“Doesn’t matter to me. It’s not like I’m leaving the hospital grounds. Just gettin’ some air is all.”
“I know, but still.” She gestured for him to sit on a nearby bench and he reluctantly obliged, to which she joined him as well. After a couple moments of silence, gazing off into the distance, Hana spoke quietly. “Things have gotten pretty crazy lately, huh…” she muttered, “never expected it to end up like this…”
Juzo stared at the girl as she spoke before closing his eyes and leaning back into the bench. “I get what you mean. For one thing, I figured I’d be dead by now.” When Hana didn't reply, he changed the subject. “Did you guys ever figure out what happened to Munakata? Or where he is?”
She shook her head. “No, we didn’t,” the girl answered, “he wandered off somewhere and told us not to follow him, from what I heard. Mentioned something about bearing his own cross. I don’t think he’ll be coming back to the Future Foundation anytime soon.”
“Damn it,” Juzo huffed under his breath. “He’s always been like that. Thinking that he has to take on all of the burdens alone. He’s such an idiot.”
“I don’t think it’s stupidity.”
“What’re you gettin’ at?”
“I think he’s concerned about you and the others in his own way. ‘Course, I can’t say for sure, since I didn't really know him that well. But it seems to me like he recognizes that what he did was wrong and wants to put some separation between himself and the organization to allow for healing. 
“For both the Future Foundation and also for himself,” Hana spoke gently, “I think he needs this time alone to reflect. We shouldn’t urge him to come back if he isn’t ready to.”
“Don’t get all preachy on me,” Juzo retorted. “I know all that already.” 
The girl airily laughed a little, “Sorry…”
“So,” Hana leaned back, pulling one knee up to her chest, “what are you gonna do now? After you’re discharged, I mean.”
“Hell if I know…” the man sighed. “‘Dunno what I’m supposed to do now.”
The girl hummed in response. “Well… what do you want to do? Plan on looking for Munakata?”
“No. If he decided that he’d rather be alone, then I have no reason to chase after him anymore…” Juzo’s eyes fell to the ground. Before Hana could respond, he continued, “What about you? What are you gonna do now that the Future Foundation’s in shambles?”
“Hm, I don’t know…” She placed her chin against her knee, thinking deeply, “I think I just want to go home… wherever that is now…”
“Yeah,” the man let out a small breath, letting his gaze drift into the distance, “same…” After a few minutes, Juzo spoke up again, breaking the silence. “Hey.”
He paused, his eyebrows knitting together as he tried to mentally piece together the right words, “Why…’d you bother savin’ me back there? I get the first time was to pay me back for helpin you out against Munakata, but—”
“Because… I promised I wouldn’t let you die.”
Hana brushed a few strands behind her ear and looked down, “I made that promise to myself and I… couldn’t break it, no matter what.”
“What’s up with that?” Juzo snapped back, “You got some kinda hero complex?”
She gave him an embarrassed smile and an empty chuckle, “No, it’s nothing like that. It’s just…” she hesitated for a second, “someone I knew was… very stubborn about keeping any promise he made. And I guess that sorta just… rubbed off on me.”
“I see how it is,” the man replied, “one of the kids from the Hope’s Peak Killing Game, right?”
A light blush appeared on Hana’s cheeks as she pressed her lips together and fidgeted her thumbs in her lap. “W-Well…”
“Lemme guess, you had a crush on the guy. Then he died, so now you feel like you’ve gotta keep up his ideals in his place,” Juzo said frankly, not wavering for a second. “Sound about right?”
The small squeak that the girl made, along with her face turning a deeper shade of red by the moment, promptly answered his question. “T-That obvious, huh?”
“Yeah, kinda,” Juzo sneered. “But whatever, it’s not like I care to pry into some brat’s love life.”
Hana glanced away, leaning her cheek against her knee once again, “I know I mentioned it before, but you kinda reminded me of him, ya know. I think that’s another reason why I told myself that I had to save you, no matter what happened.”
“Uh-huh?” Juzo paused, giving her a questioning look. “You’re still not gonna say you like me or some sappy shit like that, are you?”
“I already told you it’s not like that!” the girl huffed. 
“Just checkin’.”
“It’s more like… I dunno,” the girl thought for a moment, “you’re both so strong and aggressive and stubborn, but you’ve both got a soft side too. You care about your friends and are willing to do anything to protect those who are close to you. That’s something I really admire, so…”
“Tch, you don’t need to say anything else. I understand.” Juzo also looked away, an embarrassed expression on his face. “I’m not that big a softie.”
“I know, I know. But still…”
The two sat in silence for a while longer, watching a couple birds fly from their perch on a telephone wire. The wind blew softly. Even with all of the chaos happening around them, everything still seemed so peaceful. They still had a lot of work to do; the war against despair wasn’t completely over yet, but for now… 
Things were okay.
With a loud sigh, Hana stood. “Welp! Nothing’s gonna get done if we keep sitting around here.”
“Take it easy. Didja forget you’re still bandaged up too?” Juzo scolded. “You don’t need to push yourself either. Take your own advice for once, will ya?”
Despite Juzo’s harsh tone, Hana giggled. “Don’t worry, I’m alright. I’m mostly healed now. You’re the one in a lot worse condition, but yet here you are still walking around.”
“I’m a lot more sturdy than you are. I can take it.”
“Mhm, sure. You don’t need to act all tough.”
“Shut it.”
“Got it, sorry,” she said with a dismissive laugh. “But, I should really be getting back to the others. Gotta check in on some official Future Foundation business before I go home.” The girl gave a bright grin before turning her back to him. 
Juzo paused before pushing himself up as well, leaning heavily on his crutch. “Right. Duty calls, I guess.” He watched her back for a moment. “Hey, kid.”
“What is it?”
“If… you ever need anything. Just gimme a call, alright?”
Hana smiled softly and nodded. 
- END -
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Murder thieves
Sae is Sae for the first part of course, not much changes there. She’s stressed, overworked, only unlike canon she immediately declares a connection between the mental shutdowns and the Thieves thanks to their calling card. She is also wary because the calling card is a significant change in MO, a declaration of intent and motivation where most mental shutdowns happen at what appears to be random.
Her relationship with Makoto is actually worse. See, Makoto does not want to kill Kaneshiro. Lawful Good at its most ruthless is Makoto, so rather than killing Kaneshiro she reaches out to her sister for help, and gets rejected.
Okay, she doesn’t explain the entire situation to Sae. There’s a lot of hesitant testing the waters because Makoto is terrified of disappointing her sister, of failing her. Makoto doesn’t outright say Kaneshiro has blackmail on her or that the principle has leveraged her future to make her clean up an adult mess. She implies, she purposes hypotheticals, she asks for advice for ‘friends’ and Sae reacts poorly every time.
I have no doubt that if Sae knew Kaneshiro was threatening Makoto she would do everything in her power to protect her sister (though I personally suspect she would blame Makoto for getting into that situation in the first place), but Makoto doesn’t know. Makoto only knows that when asking about a hypothetical friend who got involved in some nasty business and might need help, Sae told her to drop the friendship for the sake of her future and call the police if they were doing anything illegal. Makoto cannot ask for help from Sae.
Makoto is caught between going to the police and dragging herself and the Thieves down with Kaneshiro because of the blackmail, or killing Kaneshiro herself. And Makoto knows that the choice she should take in turn herself in, let Kaneshiro’s blackmail ruin her future and her sister’s career through association but… Makoto can’t do that. Her throat closes up and she begins to feel nauseated whenever she thinks of the look Sae will give her, of ruining everything her older sister sacrificed so much for.
The Thieves offer to do it for her, Makoto doesn’t need to be involved, but Makoto isn’t the type to let others take on her burdens.
Sae’s relationship with Makoto really suffers from this because Sae simply cannot be trusted anymore. In canon I think Makoto never really gave much consideration to the fact Sae might turn her in if she knew Makoto was a Phantom Thief, but in the Murder Thieves AU Makoto has nightmares about Sae finding out.
It is a very good thing in the interrogation room they are not relying Sae to get Joker out. Not that Sae may not feel sympathy for them of course, but it’s a lot easier for prosecutors to aid and abet criminals when their crimes are fantastical incidences of brainwashing with no precedent instead of the much more mundane crime of murder. The Thieves know Sae will be nearly impossible to convince so they don’t even try. Joker doesn’t really tell Sae much because he simply cannot incriminate the Thieves even with circumstantial evidence, but he’s pretty ruthless about trying to get to her understand they were backed into a corner and no one would help them. They do have a very intense conversation (without outright stating anything) about Makoto being a Phantom Thief.
Sae is also not thrilled to have some of her own shady actions thrown back in her face either. In order to make her a tempting target for the Thieves (and please note, Shido does not know Makoto is a Phantom Thief) a situation was created where Sae was a direct threat to the Thieves and her immoral actions as a prosecutor were shoved in their faces.
Sae has a Palace. That’s no small time distortion. Sae has no doubt done things in her pursuit of winning and I wish we got to discuss more of that in canon.
When Sae shows up at Leblanc after it was announced Joker committed suicide she comes to realize she, much like the Thieves were, has no way to be just in this situation. She cannot sell them out or they’ll get killed, never stepping a foot in court for a trial. But they’re still murderers. But there’s no other way to stop a tyrant from getting into power. And so on. Also Makoto is family and however much Sae might pressure Makoto, she loves her sister.
Sae is not the Judgement Arcana. Even once Sae knows the truth she never really lets her guard down around Joker or the other Thieves, though she works to reconcile with Makoto. She’s also thrust in the horrible position of realizing Makoto was so scared of her she couldn’t go to her in what was a life-threatening situation. On one hand she thinks Makoto should have still gone to the police but… well, the other Thieves point out what a no-win situation it was and that Sae would have been furious with Makoto regardless of her choice.
(This is what actually leads to the end of her Palace. Makoto. Sae had been so focused on winning, Makoto had felt like she couldn’t rely on Sae, yet also craved her approval to the point of committing murder to maintain their livelihoods. It’s a bitter pill to swallow)
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shoichee · 4 years
Phantom Thieves of Hearts in KNB
This is part 3 for Murasakibara only! Part 2 and part 1 for other KNB characters are right here and here, respectively!
Persona 5 x Kuroko no Basket crossover
[Murasakibara x s/o reader]
Headcanons on how KNB characters find out you were a member of the Phantom Thieves + what they do afterwards
@akichan-th i remember how you wanted a murasakibara h/c and i spent a while thinking LOL
Warning: spoilers regarding the palace’s deadline after 10/11 and the subsequent events shortly after
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Murasakibara Atsushi
in this headcanon, the PT is located in either Yosen high or any nearby schools in Akita, since it’s a 7 hour drive minimum from Akita to Tokyo (the main location of the PT, Shujin Academy)
you and Murasakibara have been dating for a few months
very casual, easygoing relationship between the two of you where you two give each other space if needed and cuddle (while snacking, of course) other times
so your Phantom Thief life remained secretive and very manageable to keep under wraps, especially since he just never saw the need to poke and prod through your business if you never bring it up yourself first
as long as you gave him cuddles and snacks, he didn’t have a problem; he knew you were a good person too, so he had no reason to doubt you
“(y/n)-chin,” he childishly demanded. “I wanna cuddle.”
“Ah..! I’m so sorry, Atsu!” you gave him an enveloping hug as an apology. “But not today, I have lots of work to do for school…”
you gave him a regretful look, and while he was pouting and whining for snacks, he eventually let you go out of his ginormous arms
he might be a childish person and have lots of clingy tendencies/demands, but he’s still reasonable in letting you carry out your own life
. . . 
“Ready to explore the palace?” Futaba waves you over, with the other hand grasping her phone that already had the metaverse app opened and ready to be activated 
“Yup,” you heaved, after jogging briskly for several minutes to the hideout
Ryuji: “Alright! All set!”
Haru: “I’m still a little nervous…”
Ann: “Don’t worry, Haru! We’ll make sure to change his heart!”
. . .
“Humpf,” Murasakibara huffed, blowing his hair strand off his face for the umpteenth time as his chin was propped on the table, his biscuits left mostly forgotten a few feet away 
“You’ve been sighing a lot, Atsushi.” Himuro peered over from his book to see him moping. “What’s wrong?”
“(y/n)-chin isn’t here,” he grumbled
“That can’t be helped sometimes, you know.”
“I knooow,” he drawled before sighing again
“What are all these snacks lying around for? Aren’t you going to eat them?”
“They’re for (y/n)-chin, obviously.”
“Staring holes into the Hi-Chew packages isn’t going to summon them over. Come here, we can use the kitchen and maybe fix you up a quick appetizer to take your mind off of this.”
the next subsequent day, Murasakibara was clingier than normal, even went as so far as to initiate PDA by holding your hand when walking in the hallways and draping himself all over you during breaks
and yes, he fed you those snacks he saved for you from yesterday
Murasakibara honestly thought this was going to be a one time thing where you were busy, but since you were working on Okumura’s palace before the deadline, you had to always leave every day, or at least every other day, to finish the palace exploration
you initially went to the palace with the PT every day, but after seeing Murasakibara’s sour moods during school and being really grumpy over you not spending time with him, you opted to tell Joker that you would settle on coming every other day instead
Murasakibara still had some reservations about the changes in your “after school” activities that didn’t involve him by your side, but at least he knew you made the effort to try to be with him as much as you could, even though he could see how important these “activities” were to you
so for now, he was content enough with the way things are
until several days later, when he was about to approach you after school, after finding you in a secluded corner of the campus outside (it wasn’t hard to spot you with his height), he tried to approach you when he overheard your hushed conversation on the phone:
“Yeah… got it… mhm… I’ll be there at Leblanc… yeah, it wouldn’t be a problem, I hope. I should be free this evening, Akira. Wait for me, okay?”
Akira? Who was that?
Murasakibara stood there, frowning as he was processing your words and the possible implications from them, and for the first time, he felt doubt 
while he was lost in his thoughts, you hung off the call, and went to look for Murasakibara, and in immediately spotting the tower of your boyfriend, you ran to him
“Atsu!” you cheerily called, and it immediately snapped Murasakibara out of his thoughts to face you (more like looking down)
“Atsu,” you said, squeezing his torso in a hug and nuzzling him. “I gotta go again… But I’ll make it up to you, I promise!”
and as you backed up from Murasakibara to start jogging to your destination, you yelled out, “I’ll bring lots of food tomorrow for lunch!”
a small hiss in the back of his mind concluded that you were possibly seeing someone else; the fact that you constantly canceled a lot of plans with him just for these “activities” already gnawed at him
in his laziness dread, he opted not to follow you at all and immediately went to look for Himuro
“Muro-chin, what does it mean when someone is always busy?”
“Is this about (y/n)-chan again?” Himuro chuckled, not missing the way how Mursakibara was even more sullen than usual
“Maybe you need to talk to them yourself, Atsushi,” he hummed, walking slightly ahead of the giant. “You can’t constantly rely on me for all your decisions.”
“Maybe they’re just sick of eating snacks with you 24/7,” Fukui popped up between them. “Have you ever even been on a proper date with (l/n) before??”
“(y/n)-chin isn’t like that…” he grumbled vehemently, but it was totally obvious that he was hesitant
the next day, you came to school like nothing ever happened, your face bright as you held a cloth loaded with bento boxes, and Murasakibara decided to try Himuro’s advice to “talk to you”
“(y/n)-chin, you like me, right?” he propped his chin on your head
“Huh? Of course I do, silly,” you beamed up at him, and Murasakibara, right there and then, lost the will to question you any further, and he felt the doubt washed away
he figured this whole ordeal must’ve been just his imagination and he chided himself for doubting you like that when you always gave him amazing food and told him when you were free and whatnot
scratch that, when school finished for the day, you were ready to bounce out again with another excuse
his doubt came back and just multiplied tenfold
you felt really guilty, leaving your boyfriend in the dust constantly
you hadn’t anticipate this would happen, no; Okumura’s palace unexpectedly became a lot harder to deal with in the deepest areas, especially with the constant puzzles in the maze to sort through
and you knew he wasn’t a stupid person to overlook your behavior despite his oblivious surface, but even though you knew you couldn’t tell him your secret life, you tried to make him feel better in the only way you knew how: give him food
but there’s only so much food could do to appease Murasakibara before enough was enough for him
so while you ran out from campus again for the umpteenth time, Murasakibara decided to put his laziness to the side and follow you for once
okay but to outsiders, it totally looked like this grown ass man child giant was stalking a little, unsuspecting you
you made a sharp turn before slipping into a quaint coffee shop, and Murasakibara made the connection to the phone call after seeing the shop sign “Leblanc”
he was already jittering inside from nerves, but now he’s agitated
If he walked in, was he going to see you with another person? 
he gave a slow sigh before stopping before the door and opening it as he ducked in the doorway
a soft jingle from the door’s bell announced his entrance and everyone in the shop (including you) stopped their conversations midway and turned their attention to the newcomer (whose shadow from standing at the door blanketed the entire shop interior)
Ryuji: “Huh? Can’t you read? Shop’s closed.”
Makoto: “Ryuji! Can’t you just be nice?—I’m sorry, please don’t mind his manners, but he is right that we’re not open as of now…”
“(y/n)-chin came in here.”
Ann: “A-ah! Well, yes they did! But uh, they’re a sweeper and is training to be a waitress—”
you jabbed Ann’s side with your elbow with a “shhh” before you got up from your seat to walk to Murasakibara
“Atsu, what are you doing here?”
“I came here to ask you the same thing, chibi-chin.”
“(y/n) is working here as an apprentice to be a coffee barista under the owner’s tutelage along with the rest of us,” Joker said, getting up from his seat to walk towards Mura as well
“Akira…” you turned to Joker
not only was this man on a first name basis with you, but he was the Akira from the phone call
Joker could suddenly sense a huge spike in a hostile aura emitted by the purple-haired titan
Murasakibara suddenly pulled your arm into his chest and wrapped your waist from behind, all while glaring at the ravenette
“(y/n)-chin is mine.”
there was a collective silence before everyone started shouting in disbelief
“I didn’t know you dated anyone, (y/n)!!” “That’s sooo cute!!” “How long were you with him?” “What a wonderful thing to experience, (y/n)-chan!” “Mwehe, got any dirt on (y/n)?”
Joker just gives a smirk to the two of you, which you knew he meant that he was gonna make some comments and jokes on your relationship from this point on
No wonder you couldn’t come everyday to do a palace run.
“Ugh, seriously?? How the hell did (y/n) find someone before all of us? I mean, I thought being a Phantom Thief would’ve made me more noticeable to girls—”
“Oh… uh—”
everyone in the PT gang turned to Murasakibara to gauge his reaction:
he just had figurative question marks and clouds floating over his head as he continued to embrace you from behind
“Fan… tom… Thief?” (you inwardly sighed in relief and amusement at his reaction)
“It’s a group activity we have to do often,” you hurriedly explained. “Like… D&D role-playing gaming, and plus we all do it together after we finish doing barista work… together, but it’s kind of… embarrassing, so that’s why we’re all doing this rather secretively. So… could you keep this to yourself too?”
“Yeah, so sorry again, Atsu, but could you leave me to my own devices for the evening again?...”
“No, I don’t want to,” he replied, squeezing you even harder with his arms as if daring you to try to escape from him, and you shot glances at your team members to help you out (they looked at you as if this was all yours to deal with)
“Atsuuu,” you turned to face him while still being in his arms. “Other than this group activity, you’re still my number one priority, you know?” and you tippy-toed up to his face to give him a sweet peck on his lips 
choruses of fangirling and groaning ring out again
“I guess I’ll leave you be, (y/n)-chin,” Murasakibara said indifferently, but you spied a small smile on his lips
being relieved that you weren’t going behind his back to see someone was an understatement; in fact, he was giddy that you were so forward with him in front of a large group of your friends
true to his word, Murasakibara never mentions a peep of the “Phantom Thieves” again to anyone (other than with you sometimes when you two are alone)
although he merely thought it was just a type of extracurricular/club activity of some sorts, he did ask Himuro (and a nearby nosy Fukui) if they knew what the “Phantom Thieves” were
“I’m surprised you only heard about them now,” Himuro replied. “There’s tons of popular merch of them and everyone is so hyped up that they’re pretending to be the Phantom Thieves themselves and trying to hand out ‘calling cards’ to other students.”
Fukui popped up in hearing the “Phantom Thieves” with a collection of calling cards of his own and bragging about how he had to go through extensive means to obtain the “limited edition” card
so you were just fans of these famed superheroes and role playing it with your other friends? he guess it could be embarrassing for you enough to try to hide this from him
Mura always walks you to Leblanc and then leaves home for the day, but sometimes, Sojiro invites him in (when nobody is doing PT business) for good plate of curry and soba 
Murasakibara loves the old man and his cooking
he’s grown somewhat close to your PT friends, particularly Ann, Makoto, and Haru; Ann has a massive sweet tooth like Mura, so she would often give him extra sweets she bought from a dessert shop, meanwhile Makoto and Haru are like mother-figures (strict and doting, respectively) to him (sort of like Akashi and Himuro)
if you didn’t give into his whining for a particular something, he’d turn to Makoto or Haru to try to persuade you in giving in (may or may not work)
he’d probably will not think much of the “PT” business for the longest time, even when the Okumura news break out, because he doesn’t think they’re real to begin with (oh, he would believe the murder is real, but the perpetrator being the “PT” he thinks would be the media over-exagerrating and just giving any anonymous killer at large the term, “PT”)
as long as he wasn’t directly affected, he’s not someone to worry about the needless things
when things were getting dire for the PT, you actually isolated yourself from Murasakibara as well as the Yosen basketball team, not because you hate them, but because you didn’t want to drag them into legal matters with the police by association with you
you cursed yourself for being careless and letting your boyfriend hang out with the PT because someone’s bound to see a giant kid lurking in and around Leblanc at least once
Murasakibara thought he did something wrong and would tried to get your attention, but every time he did, you would expertly avoid him
he even left so many snacks at your desk hoping for you to accept them :((
one day, you finally went up to Murasakibara when you were absolutely sure you were alone with him, and before he could say your name and be elated that you were in front of him again, you coldly said:
“I want to break up.”
the usually apathetic guy would widen his eyes in complete shock and fear; the first thing you said after not talking to him in weeks were… that?
“(y/n)-chin… why? (y/n)-chin! Talk to me...” 
It was for the best… you never wanted to ruin his future and his basketball career just by being near you
you feigned indifference and tried turning around to walk away from him, struggling to keep your face from being tear-stricken
“(y/n)-chin!” Murasakibara released a bellow you never heard unless he was playing aggressively on the courts, before he forcefully tug your arm to spin you around
there you were, failing to keep your true feelings hidden as you started sniffling and then full blown sobbing the longer your boyfriend stared at your face in full worry 
“Here…” he pressed your face into his shirt as he hoisted you up from your knees, and he walked home with your legs around his waist, crying your eyes out from the stress and fears you’ve felt haunted by lately (“Stop crying, (y/n)-chin, it’s annoying” he would say as he rubbed your back)
as soon as he puts you down on a couch in his living room, you knew he meant business when he had a serious look on his face that meant “Talk now.”
you bit your lip in apprehension and in seeing that, Mura grabbed a few snacks from the cabinets for you before settling next to you again
and you confessed the entire truth to him, sniffling and hiccuping as you struggled to enunciate your words while stuffing your face with cream biscuits
“Is that all?...” Mura tilted his head. “You obviously didn’t kill him, so why are you worried?” he munched on his next package
“Atsu, it’s not that simple, you—”
“I know, I know.” he ruffled your hair before pulling you close
“Just stop crying,” he mumbled into your head
and you felt safe for the first time in a couple of weeks
the Phantom Thieves will overcome this, definitely.
“Don’t break up with me, (y/n)-chin,” he said out of nowhere, pouting and sulking at your figure
you busted a huge laugh, the very sound he missed hearing from you for so long
“I wouldn’t dare, Atsu.”
bonus: sometime in the future, you brought over an overly-curious Murasakibara to mementos with everyone, and there, he finally hears Morgana speaking for the first time. Afterwards, he’s best friends with the cat, taking him everywhere he went whenever he did errands or snack-shopping and ignoring the questioning gazes from strangers as he talked to the said cat like it was a normal thing. Both love to eat sashimi together.
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shadow-scenarios · 4 years
Omggg how you wrote out my request certainly surprised me but I totally enjoyed what you did with it!! And you said that you'd love to write a second part? Well, may I perhaps request that? 👀👀 (P.S.: I'm really relieved that you liked the idea haha, I've been sitting on it for awhile)
Hey again, simulationone!! I’m happy you like the direction I look it in. I was going to have the Reader become Akechi’s Navigator but I think that was a better direction to take it. Also, I tried a different style with this one, so I hope you like it!!
I loved the idea, it was so unique! If you have anything else that you want to request, you’re more than welcome to. By the way, this is suuuper angsty. If you don’t like that kind of thing, skip this post!!
Link to Part 1 here!!
- Nexus.
Trigger Warning: Major Character Death ;; Blood ;; Violence ;; Injuries ;; Swearing
Dance With Justice [2] | Goro Akechi
Perhaps there was a reality where she never had to hurt anyone. A world in which the Phantom Thieves never existed & justice was never an issue. Everyone could simply be happy without any concerns. However, thus was not her current fate.
This was never supposed to happen. She was going to die here, stuck in Mementos until she bled out.
{ Sat, 23 / 10 / 20XX }
Akechi had laid the plan out to her on this day: He had been given an opportunity to meet with the Phantom Thieves at the Shujin Academy. In particular, there was a panel in which a Q&A style show was being held. All they had to do was attend & imply they knew the identities of the Phantom Thieves before he ‘ inconveniently received a phone call ’. Afterwards, the group would be forcibly assembled in the Faculty Room & there they would unfurl the evidence. The photos the both of them had gathered & the video of them disappearing into the Metaverse.
As a result, they would be forced to stop committing their crimes after they took down the Palace of one individual in particular: Sae Niijima. He did admit that he was afraid for the life of his colleague because she was investigating the Phantom Thieves. If they were the perpetrators behind the metal shutdowns, she might be targeted next because she was seen as a threat.
However, there was one thing they were not to be informed about. The additional plan to arrest their leader as a warning of sorts. Additional police forces were to be sent out into the Metaverse & they would corner him when he was alone. It was quite simple but effective. All they had to do was cooperate with them.
This was all communicated to her over lunch in the school rooftop & she nodded, steeling her resolve.
{ Wed, 26 / 10 / 20XX }
Alas, the school festival came too quickly. The first day was ‘ unimportant ’, according to Akechi { although he did look rather embarrassed when she asked what happened with the Phantom Thieves... }.
It was about 20 minutes before the panel was due to start & she had already taken a seat somewhere near the centre. People were already gathered at this point because the Famous Ace Detective: Goro Akechi was going to be answering questions. Frankly, she found it quite creepy the levels most fans went to in order to see him.
Eventually the debate began. Makoto Niijima, student Council President, was hosting & essentially demanded answers related to his detective work reguarding the Phantom Theives. It was immensely impressive how he managed to dance around the answers, giving something vague yet satisfying. Was this is the life of a celebrity?
The question about the identity of the mysterious group soon came up. As her cue came, she texted him & there was the sound of Akechi’s ringtone going off. Silence spread through the auditorium in a strange mix of disappointment & comedic timing. After making a remark along the lines of not wanting to be trolled online, he quickly requested that a break be tacked on.
Quietly, she moved her way across the row & slipped out before the crowd could congest any corridors. The PE Faculty Office was easy enough to find, with many students easily offering directions. Slipping in before anyone else, there he stood.
“ Akechi. Are you ready for this? There’s no going back after we present the evidence. ”
“ Of course. The Phantom Thieves are a menace to society & by getting rid of them, people will finally feel safe in Japan. That’s what you want as well, right? ”
“ Yeah. Murderers aren’t welcome. ”
Once they had all entered, she presented the photographic evidence & introduced herself. Ryuji was in shock. Makoto seemed to be struggling to process the information. Explaining how both herself & Akechi had met, she pressed onto the point: Sae Niijima. She had to be saved from the mental shutdown culprits. An agreement of sorts was made by their rather stoic leader Akira. They would all work together to solve the cases.
{ Wed, 16 / 10 / 20XX & Thurs 17 / 11 / 20XX }
After the initial investigation into Sae’s Palace, keywords & location, these were the days of infiltration, so to speak. The Casino of Jealousy was vibrant & full of money. Coins were messily spread around on every single surface, posters containing snappy tag lines about how winning was key to survival. It was all so decadent. Cognitive shadows lined up for a chance to participate in the game known as the legal system. What a sick way to look at justice.
Despite the crimes they had committed, the Phantom Theives were very casual. They showed no symptoms of guilt nor doubt & insisted on these strangely flashy moves such as the All-Out Attack or the Showtime, in which they would defeat a bundle of enemies all at once. Although they were powerful, did they really feel the need to show off that much?
The other problem was their leader, Joker. He was tenaciously gripping onto both herself & Akechi { or Crow, was it? She never understood the need for the ridiculous code names... } to remain on the front lines to see what they could both do. Despite having bounds of energy at the beginning & regular breaks, it was quite tiring to keep having to constantly battle. Perhaps that was why she ended up being held captive by a Shadow.
It demanded Yen & safety. It was not a substantial amount of money & the Palace’s supposed ‘ Security Level ’ was not particularly high. She had seen how Akira had been picking through remains of the corpses of these beings, as they contained Yen. For some unknown reason during the negotiation, he simply refused to part. Apparently Joker, the supposed leader of the just Phantom Thieves believed some money more important than an ally.
Even as the shadow tore through skin & left almost fatal wounds, it hurt more to reaffirm her belief that the Phantom Theives were merciless.
Waking up was a surprise to be sure. To be greeted by Akechi in the nearest Safe Room asking if she was okay? It was very much a shock. He offered to patch up the wounds that were unreadable by her own hands & scolded her for being so reckless on that battlefield. It was good that both Queen & Mona were on hand, otherwise she would have died. Despite the presence of the other members of the group, this felt like a rather intimate moment.
The two of them kept having these strange moments: Delicately & intimate but as though something was missing.
A touch that lingered for longer than it needed to; Comforting words on a cool evening when she felt upset; Sitting within close proximity despite there being more space for the two of them than needed. Small signs that seemed to be hesitantly trying to convey something.
Even now as she paused to take in his appearance, it was startling. Dressed up in his princely regalia that was his Metaverse outfit, he looked rather charming. With golden tassels & a red cape, something about him seemed to just ooze noble. Though at times he could be slightly extra with the poses he pulled, Akechi was kind.
That was why she never saw it coming.
{ Thurs, 18 / 10 / 20XX }
Signaling for a meeting, Akira explained that they were going to write & send the Calling Card today. The debate about where to send it was long, strenuous & boring. After they eventually decided to be direct by mailing it to the Niijima residence, everyone disbanded for the day.
Aside for Akechi, who invited her to play Darts in Kichijoji. What a strange request.
The atmosphere was actually rather calming. At night, there were few around to disturb them. Handing over 800 Yen to play, the game began. It was nice to simply be able to talk about something unrelated to the Phantom Thieves for the both of them & although Akechi’s aim was unerring, she found it rather difficult to hit the tiny target, let alone land it in a specific place to score as many points as possible. After a while & with some expert advice, there was definitely some improvement.
By the time night struck, she had barely noticed until he had pointed it out. Everything was moving so swiftly. Offering to walk her to the train station, he was ever so polite. Until it rained.
It absolutely poured down with rain as the two of them descended the stairs of Penguin Sniper. Luckily, she had packed an umbrella into a crevice in her bag. The detective next to her? Not quite as fortunate as he sighed. Feeling bad, she offered to share & he accepted with reluctance after realising that it was better than the alternative of running home in the rain.
Being this close was both enthralling & embarrassing. Something about being forced this close to him was killing her. Akechi seemed to be doing alright, staying underneath to avoid both his hair & briefcase from becoming drenched by the cascading water. After a while that was in some respects a long time but in others not long at all, they reached the train station, parting ways when they had a difference in train line.
She knew exactly what she was feeling: There was no use in denial. Repressing such feelings would be more painful in the end. However, now was not the time to tell him. Catching the Phantom Thieves & saving Japan was more important than a high school romance. Filing the secret away for later, it was kept close to her heart.
{ Fri, 19 / 10 / 20XX }
It was almost too easy how quick everything was to fall into place. Putting on her best acting face was difficult but it was a believable lie, especially when most of the stress was based around getting Joker out alive. All their valiant efforts were for nothing. Similar to a spider spinning a web to catch prey, they had fallen victim.
After facing down the shadow of Sae Niijima herself on this strange roulette like battlefield, her desperate desire to achieve victory at all costs was her downfall & as she fell to her knees, clearly defeated, Queen went over to comfort her. Skull took Fox with him to steal the Treasure & once they discovered the numerous police forces that had made their way into the Metaverse, everything was taken up a notch.
Whilst Joker agreed to take the Treasure, thus becoming a distraction, everyone else would take the time to escape back to reality. A makeshift plan but one that would work in both her own & Akechi’s favour. Dashing along the protruding walls of the casino was thrilling as the group moved in sync, grappling along & weaving through like a natural born instinct.
Inevitably, he was captured. The leader of the Phantom Thieves, put behind bars. People would be safe from the mental shutdowns, they would no longer have to worry about having a psychotic breakdown. Without the branch that held them all together, there were no roots. As to not arouse suspicions, everyone parted ways until Akechi stopped her.
“ I... Know it’s rather late & we’ve just been to the Palace but there’s something I need to warn you about in the Metaverse. Will you join me in Mementos tomorrow morning? Preferably before school, if that’s okay with you, ” was all he requested with a ghost of a smile.
“ Sure, I don’t mind. Is there something else dangerous I should be worrying about? ”
“ It’s nothing too urgent but I thought I’d bring it to your attention since we are working on this case with the Phantom Thieves together. After all, we still need to hold the others accountable for their actions. ”
With that, she left. Akechi had always been a reliable source of information, so why would he lie?
{ Sat, 20 / 10 / 20XX }
It was the early morning. Despite the cold, she was in warm spirits as she approached the Shibuya line. Waiting there for her was the Detective Prince himself. Overnight, there was a decision made that once Akechi broke this bad news to her that she would change the mood by confessing. After all, it would be difficult to keep under lock & key.
Fading into the background as other students filtered in, they talked for a short period of time before getting down to business. Typing in ‘ Mementos ’ to the MetaNav was easy enough & there they were, standing at the dusty entrance.
Together, they fought their way down into a few floors below the surface. Although it took longer for them to traverse these levels due to not having a method of transportation such as the Mona Car, the Shadows were easy pickings for the two of them. At least, that is what she thought until two laser blasts from a ray gun burnt into her back.
Standing over her was a very different Goro Akechi to the person she had preciously known. What was once a charismatic smile that could charm anyone become a psychotic grin that looks unnaturally wide. Though she had once thought of his eyes as a storm of emotions, worries about the future & the safety of Japan, they were most definitely a typhoon, pulling victims in to tear them apart without a trace of mercy. Even as he called her a blind fool for trusting him & berated her sense of justice, the burning pain of the wounds that burnt through the Metaverse outfit were clouding her vision. She could have sworn there was the sound of someone walking away but there was too many sensations for her to clearly tell.
No one was going to find a dead body in the depths of Mementos. She found it morbidly ironic that her last thought was that she would never be able to tell Akechi how she truly felt.
Word Count: 2.3k
Publish Date: 06.10.20
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soranihimawari · 4 years
Confessions & Kiss
Welcome back to a short draft/drabble featuring the Karasuno 1st year squad and Delta-y/n (again). This is a continuation of “Constellations & Whistles” where the main pairing is Yamaguchi x Delta-y/n (Hitoka’s childhood friend from elementary - middle school). Time frame is roughly six weeks since Delta was introduced to the team by Hitoka. Enjoy!
Taglist: @m0nstergeneration20xx​ 
<Constellations & Whistles< previous
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Ever since you came to visit the Karasuno VBC with Hitoka, life for you became pretty rad. For example, you didn’t have to worry about eating lunch alone anymore since you were joined by either Kageyama & Hinata or Tsukki & Yamaguchi on the days Hitoka couldn’t meet up with you; walking in the hallways when you had to deliver the English class notes to the Faculty Room, you were usually stopped by some of the second year senpais like Kazuhito & Ennoshita who would escort you and tell you funny stories about Noya & Tanaka bombing the last exam; and finally on the days leading up to an official match, Shizumi-san asked if you could come watch the match. 
“I-I’m not sure if I should go,” you said. You sighed as you closed your locker after changing out of your uniform shoes. It wasn’t that you were nervous about going, however you saw first hand how much the whole team had improved with the late night practices.
“What?” Hitoka asked. She gripped your shoulders in slight shock. “Delta, I know this would take you out of your comfort zone watching the guys go up against Seijoh, but I think the guys would really appreciate it if you’d come...”
You remove her hands from your shoulder and give them a gentle squeeze for reassurance. You give your best friend a half smile. It’s been about a month since now since that first afternoon and perhaps you thought the volleyball club members were extremely kind and attentive to making sure the bullying you endured was reduced (mostly thanks to Tanaka and Sugawara being the founders of “protect our precious lady manager/s squad”.)
“I know you’re the one inviting me, Yacchan,” you said, releasing Hitoka’s hands. About a minute goes by for Hitoka to acknowledge her friend might have begun liking one of the members of the team.
“But you’d rather have the person you like ask you to come?” Hitoka asks sheepishly. The blush forming on the apples of your cheeks warm your face. “Holy moly, I was right,wasn’t I?”
You nod. 
“Don’t make such a fuss over this development please. Yamaguchi might not even like me back...” 
“Oh, I highly doubt that.”
“Yacchan, I’ll be fine. Besides, did I tell you I’m headed to see the concert tonight at the observatory with Marina-san?”
“Oh? I didn’t know your relative was in town, but have fun! I’m running a little behind to practice anyway.”
“See ya.”
You shake your head to clear your negative thoughts as you turn around mentioning you were heading to the local city science museum since your cousin was taking you to see the Holst Concert ‘Planet’ Series (once or twice a month the local observatory would either stream or have live concerts at the observatory). Your moss green combat boots made you a little bit taller than Hitoka who was gearing up for another last minute practice before the team would be off until game day doing individual practices.
Hitoka pouted, but there was a hopeful expression emerging. Unbeknownst to you, Tsukkishima let it slip during one of the first year study groups his best friend had a crush on Delta. 
Kageyama and Hinata were the ones who flipped out the most, cornering Yamaguchi after morning practice with questions ranging from how he was going to confess, when did those emotions come in, and most of them were positive. Hitoka, on the other hand, had come back to the group catching wind of the endless teasing ways her fellow classmates were giving Yamaguchi. Tsukkishima continued doing his work trying to steer his company back into studying, but Hitoka decided to offer some free advice to the boys when it comes to handling a crush (especially since she would essentially personally involved in making sure Yamaguchi’s feelings go answered):
“Sometimes the simplest ways to get the person you like to notice you is if you’ express interest in learning about what makes them happy,“ Hitoka states, going back to working on preparing the lab report for her preliminary biology class. Judging by the silence she was being given as a response (even Tsukki paused his writing for a moment. Truthfully, he did want to help Yamaguchi, yet he had no clue how).
“Yamaguchi, you know how much Delta loves studying the constellations, right?Have you ever asked her about which ones are her favorite or see how worked up she gets when she found a new part of the city to go stargazing?” Hitoka states in matter-of-fact tone. “I gave you her number a couple days ago, message her and see what she says.”
『yamaguchi: hey delta. 』
『delta-y/n: hi yamaguchi! what’s up?』
『yamaguchi: mind telling me about the draco constellation?』
『delta-y/n: sure! did you know that draco means dragon in latin? are you busy after practice tonight?』
The days leading up the Karasuno rematch against Seijoh caused all members of the team to practice more intensely than before. There was a sort of electric switch between the students on the team. Even the most rambunctious members were eerily quiet when pondering upon different strategies (Hitoka mentioned it to you Kageyama observed one of the Grand King’s practices where the local university club players played a set against the present team.)
During break, you accompanied Hitoka at the request of Shizumi to the gym. The boys were all seen doing spiking drills with both Sugawara & Kageyama on either side of the net while Noya and the was working on his defense. You quietly observed the ambient sounds of the sneakers squeaking against the polished gym floors followed by the echoes of “toss to me!” from the players’ lips.
“Yacchan,” you whisper to your friend.
“Hmm?” Hitoka replies. Her hands are looking at the notes Shizumi handed her when you both arrived.
“I thought they were on individual practice again?”
“They are, but they do need to practice as a team.”
“Can’t argue that logic, Yacchan. I’m going to head back early. I haveTakeda-sensei’s class next & we’re covering Nakajima works.”
You tap the blonde girl’s shoulder paired with a nod and you left, the commanding sound of Sawamura’s voice echoes.
After classes had concluded, you were once again at your locker switching out your school shoes for your boots again. The skies above were cloudy and overcast with the weatherman stating there would be no reason to bring an umbrella until tomorrow. Hitoka mentioned to you that she was on cleaning duty for her class via text, stating if you wouldn’t mind, she was going to send one of the boys from the club to walk with you in her stead. You were honestly surprised a bit because as far as you knew, not very many of them (with the exception of your fellow first year compatriots) knew which neighborhood your parents house was. 
You were lost in your own thoughts over thinking about how you did on your science exam as well. You didn’t really prepare for it, considering it was going to be about planetary systems, it should be a breeze. Well, except for the physics involved, but who is counting? your inner voice sasses you. You finish tying your laces and closing the door to your locker to let out a surprised gasp when you saw Yamaguchi walking in your direction. Tsukkishima apparently wasn’t with him considering his individual practice was with his brother’s neighborhood team that evening, allowing for this conversation to happen between Yamaguchi & you.
“Hey Delta-chan,” he greeted. Yamaguchi waved and you did the same.
“Oh hi, Yamaguchi-kun. You’re the one who’s gonna accompany me home?” you ask. I am going to get Hitoka back for sending my crush to walk home with me. Maybe she could buy me chocolate milk for a week, you think.
“Is that ok? I was going that way anyway to speak to Coach Ukai’s friend.”
“Sure.” You comb your hair behind an ear and as you turn around, you and Yamaguchi begin the walk home. “So you wanted to learn more about the draco constellation right?”
When you reach the convenience store, Yamaguchi introduces you to his jump-floater teacher: Shimada Makoto. You wave as a silent greeting before humming along with the song on the radio. Your attention was immediately drawn to the connect the dots magazine having an issue for the fall constellations a few aisles away leaving the student and his master to speak in confidence.
“How are your serves coming along?” Shimada asked.
“I’m improving, but I haven’t quite perfected it, but that’s ok,” Yamaguchi answered. His eyes wander to where you were thumbing through another magazine having a featurette on otherworldly planets from neighboring star systems. 
“There is always room for improvement, Tadashi-san,” Shimada explains. Then, he notices how his honorary student glances at his school mate who was thumbing through another National Geographic-Japan issue. “But maybe you might feel more determined after you talk to your friend.”
Roughly twenty minutes later, you and Yamaguchi bid Shamada good bye as you both continue walking to your neighborhood. The sun had already begun to set in the twilight hour. Yamaguchi told you stories of his childhood growing up with Tsukki, being bullied for his timid demeanor; in return you told him about the shared sidewalk chalk with Hitoka and the awkward years in middle school where you found your affinity for studying the heavens. At the park that separates your house from theYamaguchi residence, you fish out your pocket telescope from your bag. 
“Care to stargaze for a while with me?” you ask him extending the telescope out to him.
“Only if you come to the game we have coming up, Delta” Yamaguchi says. 
His cheeks seemed a little more pink because of the way he phrased his statement. In his mind, when Hitoka had told him you might need a little more convincing to come to the match, he wasn’t exactly planning on asking you the week before it was scheduled. To be fair, it was the first time Yamaguchi also took an initiative in asking his crush to cheer him and his team on. His eyes look away from yours for a moment before you answer him. You lower your hand holding the telescope, baffled by his compromise. Your eyes study Yamaguchi’s face, taking into account how the freckles on his face are mini-star clusters you were eager to memorize. He really is good looking up close, you muse thoughtfully as you take a step forward toward him.
With your free hand, you caress Yamaguchi’s cheek so he can turn his face to see yours. He leans into your palm with a surprised sigh escaping his mouth; his blush deepens on the apples of cheeks. The freckles on his skin remind you of the red hues in the photos published on the NASA website earlier that week from the Guggenheim Conservatory. 
“OK. I’ll go,” your voice is gentle like the breeze that stirs the leaves in the park. The time space continuum slows for a bit when Yamaguchi puts his hand over yours to remove it from his face. You don’t tell him how handsome you think he is while being bashful around you nor does he tell you clearly how much he was considering sharing his first kiss with you when you tell him you’d go. He leans his forehead against yours, committing the minute features of your face to memory like the scar on your eyebrow when you fell off your bike in second grade and the beauty mark on the top left corner of your cupid’s bow. With a light touch, he slowly lifts your chin up with the tip of his index finger until your face is uplifted toward his. Your breath hitches in your throat in anticipation when you feel your heartbeat pick up quickens its pace.
Yamaguchi dips his head down as if to kiss you fully, but instead you feel his lips brush against yours in a subtle manner. 
“If you’re actually planning on kissing me, I suggest you do it now,” you whispered as you press your lips against his own lightly. This mutual feeling between you and Yamaguchi was as bright as a solar flare; the mutual pining ceased as soon as you felt him return your kiss. Timid Yamaguchi was grinning against your pout like he won a lottery for every time your lips met his. When you two pulled apart after the last one, he pulled you into a loose embrace.
“I really like you,” he confesses, still holding your hand. Yamaguchi’s voice for once, is not shaking because of nerves. It sounded as though there was an air of confidence emit from his vocal chords.
“Me too,” you confess too. 
Your lips curl upwards into a smile as you close the distance between Yamaguchi and yourself. When you press your lips against his, you feel how well his lips mold on to yours; he catches a whiff of the light mint flavor of your lip balm. The kiss is innocently short when you two break apart. Yamaguchi is quick to notice how smitten he was with you especially seeing your cheeks slightly redden when he kisses your forehead. You glance down at your shoes kicking a small pile of construction dirt away. 
“W-we don’t have to go stargazing today Tadashi,” you offer. “I think I’d like it if you take me to the cafe a few blocks away from my house.” 
『yamaguchi: tsukki. i kissed delta this afternoon. 』
『tsukki: : huh?! YOU DID WHAT?』
『delta-y/n: i changed my mind. i’m going to the match on saturday, hitoka. 』
『hitoka-chan: oh~? that’s great. how was the walk home with yamaguchi?』
『delta-y/n: fine actually...he confessed if that’s what you mean. 』
『hitoka-chan: wha~?! yamaguchi did what?!』
『delta-y/n: hitoka, he kissed me & then we went to the cafe this afternoon...』
『hitoka-chan: i’m gonna call you right now delta and you’re gonna tell me e v e r y t h i n g.. 』
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liittlemac-a · 5 years
✍ - My muse’s boss (for the drabble meme?)
Send a symbol and I will write a drabble about my muse from the point of view of someone related to my muse.Source
“Best of three, and if you lose... You’re calling it quits? Forever?”
“That’s what I said.” Mac’s arms were folded against the table, head leaning against them. His manager cast a glance to Doc, who’s posture mirrored his current pose, but stood up. The look on the older man’s face was stern, however, seemingly deep in thought as he watched Mac carefully. However, the boxer just seemed... Bored. Tired.
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“I don’t... Want t’ do this anymore.”
Mac’s words were soft. No fire, the usual boisterousness seeming to dissipate as his head only slumped down further. No excitement, no... Drive to continue. His manager gave a glance at Doc again, then back to Mac. “Are you sure this is what you want to do, Mac?” He asked, frowning. This was all very sudden. Maybe all the rigorous training was taking its toll, but... This was something else.
“...Mhm.” Was the only answer he recieved, and one he heavily doubted. This was no publicity stunt... “I do. I jus’...” There was a weak shrug. He lifted his head up a little, and it looked like he’d been awake for days. “I’m- I’m not feelin’ it. I- I don’t really know if I’m made for this.”
The way Doc cringed in the corner of his vision, clearly want to speak up, but allowed Mac to have his say. “I... I jus’... I wanna make sure I’m- I’m, like, worthy.” His words were mumbled out, and he heard Doc sigh deeply. The manager paused for a moment, before clearing his throat.
“Mr. Louis, is it okay if I ask you to leave the room for a moment? There’s something I’d wish to speak to Mac about privately.” The manager spoke up. There was a puzzled look shared between them, but he gave a look that just read to trust him. Doc gave a nod, before quietly taking his leave. Once the door shut behind him, his eyes directed to the boxer before him.
Mac leaned back slightly, sitting half-upright. “...Why? What is it?” This never happened. The three of them always discussed matters together, all three of them, and the confusion and worry was evident on his features.
“I’m not going to try and change your mind on this one, Makoto.” The use of his real name made him shrink down ever so slightly, as if he were being spoken down to. But the manager rolled his chair forward, reaching over his desk to tip his head upwards, to hold his head high. “I just want to be entirely certain you believe you’re making the right decision.”
“I’m not finished.” Mac’s eyes narrowed slightly as he was cut off. For a second, he could see his pupils become fine slits, but his own gaze remained firm. He held eyecontact as he reached for a letter, tucked deep into his pocket. “If you choose to retire if you lose a best of three, that’s fine. My concern is... You may be turning down an opportunity of a lifetime that I have no doubt will be a huge turning point in your career.”
The letter was slid over the desk. There was a ruby wax stamp delicately holding the envelope together--
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His eyes widened.
“I recieved this just after you became Champion. I wanted the dust to settle before I passed it over to you.” The manager began to explain. “I understand the fame can sometimes be overwhelming. I didn’t want to pile one thing on top of another. But Master Hand is awaiting a response. They proposed a match between one of the competitors before making the trip there, as a sort of warm-up to what is in store, as it were.”
Mac stared at the letter, running a finger across the gold trim. A curious spark seemed to have ignited, and if the flame fizzled out again... Then he could be on his way. “But this is all up to you. Like I said, I can only offer advice. But this is your life. I know you don’t like being treated like one, but you’re still a kid... But I truly believe remaining on this path will only open more doors for you.”
The boxer nodded, slowly, in confirmation. He still seemed taken aback, and there was a long sigh, as if a weight had been lifted off of his shoulders. The manager smiled. “...I- I’ll- I’ll think about it.” He spoke up. “Th... Thanks. Thank you. But... I still wanna go ahead with my... My best of three.”
This time, when he looked up, the familiar determination reflected within his blue eyes. The manager nodded in return. “I’ll pass on the message to the officials this evening.” He had no doubt Mac would beat them all to a pulp as he did previously. As Mac rose to his feet, about to leave, the manager held out a hand to halt him. He paused, brow raised.
“You’re always worthy, Mac. You earned your title. Wear it with pride.”
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savageorcacaptain · 7 years
I haven’t seen you on my dash in so long and it makes me so sad (・᷄ὢ・᷅) hope you’re okay and we miss you!
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I’ve missed you too, Dear! I’m alive and perfectly fine as I mentioned in a previous ask. Just been busy in another fandom on my side blogs there! I didn’t forget any of you, I swear! Mako and I love you all and we’re sorry it took so long to come back! 
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