#mal update: legs gone
wonik1ss · 3 months
pov : me after I see I’m at 500 and now have to finnish the 4k special !
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here’s a little snit-bit ! most likely will come out on monday or tuesday ! spiderman!minji x f!reader
update : here it is for the lazy people just swinging in
you adjusted your glasses as you got down to your beakers level. just one drop and your class would be-
“oh I’m such a klutz sorry..?”
“yeah yeah”. hana waved you of as she pretended to limp over to your freshly 24 year old professor.
“we can use mine..”. yunah giggled as you got ahold of her hand grasping it for dear life.
“oh you sweet sweet angel!”
“calm down I already finnished anyways ..!”. you thanked your friend again and then began to jot down some notes. you were not even three months into college when your favorite class became your least favorite. last week your professor who looked like he was deadly close to kicking the bucket decided to fight a student and he ‘retired’ the school says by his own volition..
now with your new much younger professor you felt like panties were dropping left and right.
“it’s like seeing two birds mate..”. yunah playfully shushed you as a bell rang.
“ok see you all next week..!”. already packed up you and yunah giggled as your professor struggled to get your fellow classmate to leave too.
“so the mal-“
“can’t.. jihan needs to study for her science test and I can’t let her fail..!”. you nodded as yunah ran of to find her bestfriend. ever since you started all your new friends were old friends to others. so after school ended it was either frat party’s or staying at home binging kdramas.
you tried though. you went to three frat party’s in the three months you been their for no more then three minutes. after one minute you were seen as fresh meat, two y they stalked forward, and threw a bunch of horny college boys tired their luck with you
“his boobs were moving”. yunah tilted her head as she painted your nails.
“guys don’t have tits.. y/n”
“well.. he’s peeks like.. twitched..”. you heard a door open and you laughed at jihan’s open mouth.
“you should have let me come..!”. as jihan played with your nine painted hand you went on to the point yunah had to close jihan a mouth herself.
snapping out of your daydream you stepped of the bus ear buds on. you went to get the essentials first. a new tooth brush since your roommate stepped on your old one, some more shower products then finally you got to your wants. walking into the sanrio store happy by wjsn playing in your ears.
you shopped to your hearts desire. or until you reached your debit cards limit. once you were done you wandered into a comic shop. but what caught your eye wasn’t the comics but the red and blue merch.
after coming to seol for that better education you soon found out in your part that somewhat resembled nyc a spiderman ran around helping peopl. last week it was snake in a tree, the next was the culprit of a cat napping and now you saw his suit on the cutest jacket.
“fucking inflation”
“I know right..!”. you head jerked to the old white man in the front of the store.
“no no I understand.. I tried to haggle it down but he’s just got to famous for that now..”. you smiled and as you put the tag of the jacket down you heard the caching.
“take it I’m closing up shop in a few days and it would suit you”. you tried to say no put the man put the jacket and something else in your bag and you bowed and thanked him on your way out. until you fell on your ass.
“watch it dude!”. when you looked up he was long gone and a bunch of people ran following. as you dusted of your legs you heard a stomp then another then another. you tried to scramble to your feet but his eyes trapped you. what looked like an old timely soldier. his eyes glowed blue.. it was like you were in a trance.
“thy must join me or per-“
“army’s are so old timey man just start a cult of something”. you saw red and blue legs infront of you.
“..I shall repeat myself onc-“
“are you alright miss?”. spider-man helped you up while simultaneously webbing the soldier to the mall wall.
“yeah.. shouldn’t you be fighting him though”
“feel like I should help a pretty lady escape first..”. you stood stunned when spider-man winked at you and rushed you to hide in his merch store..
get ready !
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rubiajieun · 1 year
-Lilia Lost His Magic to Hatch Malleus Theory-
Do not proceed if you don't wish to be spoiled
So in the recent/not so recent update on Chapter 7/Book 7 we got quite a lot of info dumped on us one of them being Malleus age, His Parent's and the war that was happening
In short summary the dream/timeline the diashakle group are in is about 500+ year's ago when a war happened between a human kingdom and Briar Valley
But surprised surprise! Malleona (Malleus Mother) has been taking care of her egg and guess again? That right Malleus in real time is only in his 100! I forgot what age princely but it's in 100's
So making the timeline not make sense at all (but then again Silver baby this is a dream after all)
We get confirmation that Malleona was a Princess and is Malleus Grandmother Maleficia's Daughter and only child
So here is the theory that starts it
As we all know and if you haven't read my Crowley is Malleus Father in order for a fea egg to Hatch it needs the live of both parents and magic to hatch
Lilia reveal that Malleus father (His name is Levan or Revan) had gone missing while going to attempt to get into an agreement with the Silver Owl People
Whom all messengers from them have gone also missing
After leaving Malleona to try and stop this war he himself went missing and never returned
This is why Lilia travels because he has hopes that he is alive as he was childhood friends with both and was taken in by Maleficia herself (basically like an adopted brother to Malleona)
So with that being said and Levan being missing, there is only so much Malleona can do other than give her half of her love as she can't fill in what Malleus father's part and use as much magic as she can
With that being said again you can't just hatch an egg with just pure Magic it's really hard to do that because the child needs to know that it's loved in order to hatch
So at some point during this war it seems that Mal's mother passes away AKA she gets murdered
With no one not even his parents being able to hatch him I can see that his kingdom lost all hope maybe even his grandmother lost all hope that their only hope and sole heir may never hatch
Now this were Lilia comes in
What if while all hope is lost Lilia makes on final sacrifice
One final attempt to bring hope back to his home, the home if his beloved friends the Queen that even tho6she had no need to take him in she did and now lost her only daughter
Like the say "You can have everything in life, Sacrifice's need 5o be made in order to achieve"
An eye for and eye
A leg for a leg
A tooth or a tooth
And life for another magic that gives life
(magic is like breathing to fea giving that up is like suicide)
And so he used all his magic to hatch Malleus and maybe potentially had to learn to love Mal to hatch him
But if he didn't let's say he did it with just magic
Then that would mean the oh so great general Lilia
Has made a miracle happen!
A pure miracle
It was a sacrifice but at what coast?
He surely doesn't regret it he is sure his beloved friend Malleona is happy
He is sure his beloved friend Levan is also happy even though deep in his heart he wants him to still be alive
And so that could also explain Malleus and Maleficia's attachment to Lilia
Maybe this just why he is someone Maleficia trust absolutely
Because he gave her a miracle when all hope was lost
While for Malleus is because Lilia literally raised him and hatched him
Imagine baby Malleus in his egg receiving all the love and magic from his parents only for literal 500 to pass without it and no birth suddenly magic comes in and you get out
You would expect to see the parents that took care of you for while you were in the egg only to be met with no one
No one but one man
That man being the one that give Malleus egg magic so he could hatch
Like I said maybe this is the reason Lilia lost his magic
He lost was is like breathing to him in order to bring a life to this world
And no matter what he doesn't regret it heck he would probably do it all over again if he could
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hellenhighwater · 4 years
Kitten update! I’m slowly introducing the kittens to the rest of the house (we have leather sofas in the living room, which kitten claws will instantly destroy, so they have to be supervised at all times) and we’re making steady progress! Vice has gone from hiding the whole time the bedroom door is open to actually venturing out into the rest of the house! He moves in a weasely slink at all times, but he actually came up to me while in the rec room, which is HUGE for him. Vice moves with his spine perfectly parallel to the floor. 
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 He’s about 50% tail at this point, but it’s hard to photograph because he usually has it low for slinking, and when he does have it up, it’s because he’s getting in my face for pets. Still good though!
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Mal is LOVING having the run of the house; she bolts as soon as I give her clearance to go out of the room. I never let her just go out the door right when I open it, or she would try to bolt every time I opened it. Instead, she either has to chill with me for a little bit after the door is opened before I let her go out, or I carry her out myself. She’s at that kitten stage where she loves to run and sounds like an entire stampede. She hasn’t learned how to walk like a real cat--cats do a thing called perfect registering, which means their feet all line up and step into the same place as they walk, like they’re always on a balance beam. Instead, she walks wide-legged like a dog, but she’s so bouncy all the time that there’s no weight to her stride. She moves like a zero-G puppy, and her spine is a C-curve like Halloween is just around the corner.
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She’s still an absolute beanbag when she’s picked up, which is great, and she’s still loving supervised outside time. We’re trying little silicone claw-caps with Malice, and so far she seems cool with them.
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telli1206 · 4 years
Wag My Tail
Carlos is drunk and just wants to see some puppies. 
Just a little pseudo-prompt initiated by my teaser for Chapter 7 of The Wedding Date (made by @bunny-lou and @hersilentlanguage).  It’s NOT an extension of the fic, I just used the idea to have some fun, and made it Halloween-themed to get in the holiday mood 🎃😈💀👻
“Eves, I blame you for this.”
Jay wraps his coat a little tighter, hugging it as securely as he can against his body to combat the bitter chill of the night air. He’s now fully regretting letting the girls convince him to wear body paint over a regular dog costume. If he had known they’d be spending half the night walking through the streets, he never would have gone for it.
“What?! What did I do?” She tries to pout pitifully, but her painted on whiskers and pink nose make it look almost comical. Mal is huddled next to her, cuddling against Evie’s side as Evie walks quickly with her phone out in front of her, texting frantically.
“Have you ever seen a vet uniform that tight? That costume you made hugs, like, everything!” Jay shakes his head, picking up his pace. “I should’ve just locked him in our room and kept him there the second I saw him in that fucking thing.” He mutters, shoving his paw-covered hands under his armpits for more warmth.
“Jay, just chill, ok? We all agreed sexy was the point of these costumes, remember?” 
Mal rolls her eyes, pulling on Evie to walk faster as she keeps her eyes glued to her phone.
“I mean, it’s not like cats have hips and boobs like these, do they?” She cups Evie’s chest. The bluenette quirks a little smile as she elbows Mal lightly,  all the while still texting. “And you’d be wearing a fucking shirt, Scooby.” She gestures to Jay, chuckling as he glares back.
“You had your part in this too Mal, don’t even get me started. You never should have given him that many shots. Pup doesn’t say no to you, you know that.”
Mal chuckles, shrugging at Jay. “Doug’s got an eye on him, we’ll get him back.”
He’s ok, he’s in front of me. Outside Auradon City Grille. HURRY.
Doug tucks his phone in his pocket quickly, blowing on his hands and rubbing them for warmth before shoving them back in his pocket. Texting location updates every minute is not helping with body warmth at all.
He’s stil happy he spotted Carlos though, stumbling out the door of the party with some random Tourney player he’s never met. Not that he talks to many of the jocks anyway. But this guy was very tall and broad, skin an even darker bronze than Jay’s, but his long, dark hair was thick and curly. He’s pretty sure it was Moana’s son, but he’s not about to go up and ask a tall, muscular, guy why he was wrapping a tight arm around his friend’s waist and practically helping him walk out the door.
Not without Jay backing him up at least.
Carlos was chattering excitedly, gesturing with one hand while the other was wrapped tightly around the other boy’s, propping himself up as best he could to walk. His words were a slurry mess though, as animated as they were, and his stumbling walk was so bad he was mainly turning his shoes out with every step, so close to twisting his ankles each time it made Doug wince in anticipation.
“Ssssooooo izzz black ‘n’ white?!” Carlos asks the boy, eyes bright and eager. The boy nods, the arm around Carlos’ waist starting to slip lower as they slow their pace.
“Dam-Damaltion? Or maybe, Auzrali-lian She..p...shep...” Carlos stumbles on his letters, pulling back to try to force out the sound. “huh...huh...Shep-huh-erd?” He giggles softly once he’s able to get out all his words.
“Yeah, yeah, the last one! You got it.” The guy nods, smiling as he scoops Carlos in closer. “And he’s adorable, wait till you see! Only a month old.”
Carlos laughs, swatting at the guy’s hand on his waist. “No wayyyy. Thaz too baby! He can’t be away from hizz mamma yet. Izzz gotta be like, 12 weekz, right?” Carlos looks up at him with a droopy-eyed grin.
“Uh, right. You’re right. He’s 12 weeks. Sorry.”
Doug huffs, shaking his head and whipping back out his phone.
Asshole is a liar. No puppy. Groping Carlos. GET HERE NOW.
A tiny gasp slips out as Evie reads her new text, enough to make Mal look over and take a peek. Her eyes widen, and they both look to make sure Jay’s not watching.
“We’re close, right? Mal whispers, as breathy and quietly as she can. Evie just nods, eyes still on Jay as he jogs to the next corner, eyes whipping all around, desperately searching for the missing vet.
“Jay! Left!” Evie shouts, pulling Mal along with her. 
He makes no acknowledgement but follows her instruction, turning to the left down the next street. He immediately spots Doug and breaks into a sprint, grabbing him harshly by the shoulders as soon as he reaches him.
“Where is he?!” He shouts, making Doug flinch at the volume of his voice. He hesitates, then looks to his right. Jay follows his line of sight, instantly spotting the larger boy hugging Carlos as they disappear down the next block over.
“Thanks Doug!” He yells gratefully, pointing as he starts to run. “You’re the best. I owe you!”
Evie squeezes Doug’s shoulder, smiling warmly when she and Mal finally reach him.
“You really are the best, Doug. Thank you for keeping Carlos safe.”
Doug grins back, a light blush tinting his cheeks as both girls continue to smile at him 
“Anytime. Go get your boy!” He waves as the girls start running to catch up to Jay. He shakes his head as he wrings his hands, finally shoving them back into his pockets and sighing as he feels the warmth they so needed.
“But if you don’t start chaining that boy’s ass to Jay whenever you let him drink I fucking swear I’ll do it myself.” Doug mutters to himself as he heads back to his heated dorm room.
Evie hooks Mal’s arm to drag her faster as Mal groans, starting to pant heavily from keeping up with the girl. But Evie is increasingly worried about the potential scene they may walk into if Jay is left to his own devices with the boy that swiped Carlos from the party.
Thankfully, the girls catch up just in time to see Jay confront his teammate. The boy turns around, trying his best to carefully slide his hand back up to Carlos’ waist so as not to alert Jay to its original position.
“Jay!” Carlos exclaims, his droopy eyes brightening slightly. “Tane got a puppyyyy! We’re gonna go zee it. You shoul’ come!”
He leans forward to slip out of Tane’s grip. The boy tries to curl his arm tighter arond Carlos’ waist, but Jay dips in with a forceful glare. Tane freezes, letting his arm go and dropping Carlos into Jay’s arms. He scoops Carlos up quickly, pressing him firmly against his chest and trying his best not to give an audible sigh of relief.
“He got an Auzzie, Jay! They so pwetty...” Carlos drawls, almost sleepily but with a big smile still curled on his lips. 
Tane nods insistently, “Yep! Exactly. I was just taking Carlos to see him cause he asked. No big deal.”
“Oh really?” Mal quips, loosening her grip on Evie to take a step towards the big, hulking boy. “So tell me then, Tane, how big is your pup going to get?
Mal stands sternly, arms crossed as she stares him down. He pauses, staring back with a blank expression.
Evie steps forward with Mal, putting her hand on the girl’s shoulder as she harshly juts her hip out. “Yeah, Tane, tell us. Your parents would want to know how big of a dog would be in their house, wouldn’t they?” She tips her head to Mal, who returns her knowing look.
Tane sputters indignantly, mirroring Mal’s crossed arms. “Um. Just, like, 25 pounds? My parents didn’t want a big dog.”
Mal smirks, turning to Jay. He grins back, stroking Carlos’ hair calmly as he dips down to the boy’s ear.
“‘Los? How big do Aussies get?”
Carlos hums, leaning into Jay’s soft touch. “Femalezzz...35 to 50 pounds, but the malez range anywhere from 55 to 70.” 
Jay smiles proudly, planting a kiss to the top of Carlos’ head. “That’s my boy. Nothing can stop that beautiful brain.”
Mal turns back to Tane, flashing a wicked grin. “Well T, I think you better run home and have a chat with mommy and daddy. Because that’s not an Aussie at your house.”
Evie smiles, both girls waggling their fingers teasingly at the boy. “Bye T. Get yourself home safe now.”
Tane scoffs, glancing at Carlos. Jay tightens his grip, holding Carlos tightly as he keeps steely eyes on the other boy.
“Whatever,” Tane snarks, rolling his eyes as he starts his walk back. Alone.
Evie’s smile brightens as they see the boy leave. Grabbing Mal’s arm, she turns them around fully to face Jay.
Carlos has flipped himself around in Jay’s arms snuggling against his neck and making Jay giggle quietly. The girls watch, gazing fondly at their freckled boy. 
Evie leans forward, combing her fingers gently through white curls. “Crisis averted,” she whispers, looking around at Jay and Mal’s nods of approval.
Jay drops his body down and quickly hoists Carlos over his shoulder, prompting a sharp yelp from the tipsy boy. Carlos wiggles and whines, but Jay wraps a tight arm around his hips and another across his legs, trying to keep a steady handle on him despite the massive furry paw gloves he’s wearing. He moves to catch up to the girls and start the trek back to the dorms.
“Eves, I hope you learned your lesson,” Jay teases, walking up beside her, trying to blow a loose saggy dog ear away from his face.
Evie just rolls her eyes, giggling a little at the sight of Carlos slung over Jay. 
“Please, Jay. Don’t pretend like you’re not always asking me to make his clothes tighter,” she retorts, waving off Jay’s glare at her response. “Oh stop it, Carlos won’t remember a damn thing tomorrow anyway.”
“I know. And, I know what I told you about his clothes, but maybe not his party stuff? I don’t even know...like, the stuff he gets drunk in.” 
He sighs, looking at the boy who’s somehow managed to pass out with his head hanging down. His face is flushed and red from blood flow, but snores are still escaping his lips.
“I just don’t want anyone touching what’s mine.”
Mal perks a brow at Jay and stops in her tracks. He watches her cautiously as she approaches, suddenly whipping out a hand and slapping Carlos’ ass, hard. The boy wakes with a yelp, squirming and forcing Jay to hold him back down.
Jay glares as Mal barks out a laugh, grabbing her shoulder and turning to shove her back at Evie.
“Stop it Mal, you know what I mean.”
Evie shakes her head disapprovingly at her girlfriend, grabbing her arm and pulling her close as they walk up the steps to the dorm. She pulls off Mal’s cat ears and gives an affectionate nuzzle to her head, prompting Mal to press into Evie and rub on her neck.
“Pup’s going to get an earful in the morning, I swear.” Jay mumbles as Evie helps with his door, opening it and allowing Jay in first. He walks quickly to Carlos’ bed and plops the boy down, pulling the stethoscope off his neck and allowing him to snuggle his face into his pillow as Jay pulls the blankets over him.
“I don’t know why I bring him out sometimes.”
Evie bends over to plant a kiss into Carlos’ curls, pulling off her own cat ears as she casts a disapproving glance at Jay.
“Because you’d be miserable without him, Jay. Your life is no fun without Carlos and you know it.”
He rolls his eyes at Evie, but Mal swats him on the back and scares a yelp out of him.
“You love being that boy’s hero, just admit it. Carlos’ knight in shining armor.” She twists to looks at him, pulling on his floppy dog ear and flipping it back in his face.
“Or shining dog fur, at least.” Mal chuckles.
Jay sighs, staring down at the boy cuddled in bed. He rips off the dog paws and unhooks his furry head and ears, dropping them to the ground and climbing on the bed over Carlos, settling himself under the covers behind him and pulling him close. 
Carlos hums quietly and tilts his head towards Jay, rubbing his nose softly against Jay’s jaw, making him smile wide.
“You’re not wrong, pussy,” he says with a contented sigh. He keeps his eyes closed but smiles, feeling Mal’s own angered eyes boring into him.
“Now scram. My pup’s safe, and you have your other pussy to tend to, don’t you?”
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rumbelleshowdown · 4 years
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Author: Moose
Prompt:  Can’t make tea; otherworldly delights; comfort
Group: A
It started with the tea. The water boiled, the bag sat oh so lovingly in the mug, and when it was left to brew it looked a proper tea-like color. Perfectly normal.
Belle liked her tea with milk. Just a splash. Just enough to make the dark brown liquid, well, milky. No lemon. Obviously. That was the first thing everyone learned, wasn’t it? Add a lemon to milky tea and you’ll have a curdled mess. She didn’t particularly like lemons anyway, didn’t even use them for the handful of recipes she knew how to cook.
And yet every time Belle added milk, her tea would curdle. Not right away. Belle could stir in her splash, watch it swirl and become deliciously milky. But on her first sip; disaster. Globs of milk like peeling paint, floating in her mug.
Her solution had been to stop adding milk. She was adaptable.
The timer was set. The tea brewed.
It was bitter; almost rancid on her tongue. There wasn’t enough sugar in her cupboards to cover a taste like that. Defeated, Belle poured the ruined tea down the sink, where every other cupful had gone since moving into the old victorian two weeks ago.
Maybe there was something in the water. Belle’s new pink house was quite old; perhaps the pipes needed updating. As much as she didn’t like the idea of another expense, she wanted safe drinking water more. She’d call about a plummer on Monday.
Belle slid an empty box out of her way with her foot. A cup of tea after finally unpacking all of her things would have been exactly what her day needed, but it was not to be. She’d settle for her books instead.
The library had been the first room she set up. It was thrilling, finally having her own library. The shelves were tall and made of dark wood that blended well with the antique furniture that had come with the house, perfect for the odd houseplant or two. Her pride and joy was her reading nook. It was straight out of her childhood fantasies: plush cushions on a window seat that overlooked a garden, complete with attached side table and blankets.
Would she read that book about penguins Arial had recommended, or would she reach for the new Mal Burns novel that she bought before the move? Pushing open the door, she took in the sight of her library, unable to keep the smile from blooming across her face. Slowly, she walked by the shelves. She wanted something familiar tonight, something comfortable. Her Handsome Hero would do nicely.
When Belle reached the right shelf, she paused. Looked again. The worn blue cover wasn’t there. She looked at the shelf next to it. The one above, below. Nowhere to be seen.
She let out a beleaguered sigh. First no tea, and now no Her Handsome Hero. Belle grabbed a book at random and curled up on the window seat anyway. She was adaptable, after all.
Belle awoke with her face pressed into the woven fabric of a throw pillow, the linen hot against her cheek. It was dark, and it took her a long moment to remember she was in her library. She moved her arm, hanging off the side of the bench, cold. On close inspection, her feet were cold too. She sighed, trying to unbunch the blanket that she’d pulled up to her shoulders with her knees. It was a small thing, meant for her lap, so just as well she was a small person.
Something heavy fell off the table across the room, the loud thud hardly muffled by the rug. The rug did nothing to muffle the swear.
Belle’s eyes shot open. That voice was not hers.
She had left a light on, she remembered. She had fallen asleep with a lamp shining over her shoulder. The light was out now.
Belle swallowed, straining her ears for any other noise, any clue, as to who was there or what they wanted.
Time stretched. She sat up, the blanket pooling in her lap. Soundlessly she felt around for anything close to her. Her hand landed on the book she had fallen asleep with. Her fingers curled around the edges, gripping tightly.
A creak in the floorboard broke the silence and without pausing to think, Belle threw the book in the direction of the sound. Books were friends, not projectiles, but she was desperate and desperate people made do.
She hit her target - something yelped in surprise.
Belle dove for the lamp, turning it on with a click. The light filled the room, illuminating her intruder. It was not a man.
He was man-shaped, at least, and had the expected number of arms and legs. His hair was a wild mane, his skin like a toad’s, a dull grey-green that shimmered in the lamplight. He bared his teeth at her, and she wasn’t sure if they were sharp, or if the stains and rot made them look like it.
Unconsciously, Belle took a step closer. His eyes looked as if they had a sun-shaped iris, the pupil wide and dark. It was striking.
“What are you?” she breathed.
He took a step back
“What are you, other than rude?” His voice was high and throaty. “Throwing things at people is no way to act, dearie.”
“I wasn’t the one skulking around while I was sleeping.”
“No, you don’t skulk,” he agreed, his smile a sharp, humorless thing. “You stomp around in the daytime like some elephant.”
“I do not stomp!”
“You’re thunderous. Keeps me awake.”
Belle gaped at him, mouth open and speechless. This was a dream, had to be a dream. She’d wake up for real, any minute now, and chalk it all up to an overactive imagination. There was no way this thing was actually there.
Calling him a thing seemed rude. What exactly was he anyway?
“Are you a vampire?” she asked suddenly. She hadn’t noticed any bruising around her pulse points lately but the point of vampirism wasn’t to be noticable.
His lip curled in disgust. “Never had a taste for blood.”
“A demon?” she asked. “Vengeful spirit?” Was her house haunted? That was an exciting possibility. An actual haunted house!
He twittered, shaking his head back and forth. Belle studied him closer in the lamp light. His pants looked leather, his shirt smooth like silk, the collar frilly. He already said he wasn’t a vampire, though.
“What, then, some sort of bogart? An imp?” She waved her hand at the lamps. “Waiting for me to stub my toe in the dark?”
“I thought you humans preferred to sleep in the dark. I’ll turn all the lights on, next time.”
Belle bit her lip to hide the smile. He’d probably think she was laughing at him. Which, okay, maybe she was. But he sounded so petulant, like a little kid who wasn’t congratulated for cleaning up all his toys.
“Fine, don’t tell me what you are. At least tell me what you’re doing in my house.”
His nose was pointy, like a beak, only becoming more prominent as he frowned at her. “It’s my house, dearie. You’re the one invading.”
The old victorian had been cheap; cheap enough that Belle didn’t have to think twice about leaving her shitty studio apartment in the city to move to a small town. Cheap enough that she hadn’t asked why. An oversight, clearly.
Looking at the strange man with the leather trousers and wild hair, she couldn’t quite bring herself to regret it.
“I’m not in a position to leave,” Belle said slowly. “I’m actually really quiet, I promise. Or I will be now, since all the boxes are finally unpacked.”
The creature rolled his eyes, bending down to pick up the book she had thrown at him. “Escape in the Moonlight,” he read. “‘The tale of Aumbry and her secret love affair with the village shepherd. Will love win out, or will she be forced into a loveless marriage?’” He waggled his eyebrows at her. “Your taste in books is lacking.”
“My taste is impeccable.”
She expected him to perhaps hand the book back to her. She reached out to accept it, but instead, he waved his hand and the book vanished in a puff of smoke.
Belle gaped at him. “You! You’ve been stealing my books!”
He sniffed, completely unrepentant. “Call it rent.”
“I’m not paying rent on a house I own!”
“I told you, it’s my house!”
Belle narrowed her eyes. “Do you even read them?”
He shrugged. He stepped toward her, one finger running over the spines on the shelves as he did. “You have so many, and I’m so bored. There’s little harm in borrowing a few, is there?”
She frowned at him, annoyance clear on her face. He stalked closer, trying to intimidate her. Well, that wasn’t going to work, not when it was her prized possessions on the line. Belle didn’t react except to put a hand on her hip, and standing as tall as her diminutive height allowed, never breaking eye contact.
“Yes, alright, I’ll give them back when I’m done with them,” he grumbled, pulling his hand back from her books.
“Well. Good. You’ll have to tell me what you think of Gidion’s story.” Belle felt awkward standing there, still in the clothes she was wearing the day before. What time was it, anyway? She bent to pick up the blanket from where it lay in a heap. “And whether that sword fight was justified or not.”
The creature gasped, putting a hand on his chest as if affronted. “Spoilers, dearie!”
Belle laughed.
The thing tilted his head, his large eyes watching her with an unreadable expression. “You’re an odd girl,” he murmured.
“So I’ve been told.” Still smiling, she folded the blanket before dropping it on the cushions. “Now then, would you like some - well, not tea. I still have some biscuits, I think. But I’ve been having trouble with the tea.”
“That so,” he giggled, feigning interest in the shelf again. “How odd.”
Her eyebrows drew together in confusion. Something clicked.
“My books weren’t enough, you had to go after my tea too?” She felt like throwing something else. Perhaps him. Out the window.
“You never made a cup for me. That’s not very neighborly.” He looked at her sideways, those strange eyes dancing.
She wasn’t dealing with some trickster imp. He was clearly just a dick.
Mourning for all her lost tea, she asked, “If I make you some, will you stop ruining it?”
He sent her a pout. “I ruin everything, dear.” And then with a snap, he was gone. He left behind him only a small puff of smoke that smelled like the forest after a rainfall.
Belle rubbed her eyes, exhausted all at once. This either meant she had a roommate or a landlord, depending on if the thing about rent was a quip or not. At least he didn’t seem intent on driving her out, for now. Maybe they could learn to coexist.
Coexist. With a goddamn imp.
Belle shook her head at herself. What she needed was a cup of tea, and maybe she’d be successful now she knew what was sabotaging her. Perhaps he was bored of that particular game. She made her way down the stairs to the kitchen. Everything was how she had left it. Filling the kettle, she set it on to boil.
The teacup she had used earlier was still on the counter, and after a quick rinse was ready for round two. Remembering her offer, Belle pulled another one from the cupboard.
“One more thing, dearie,” said a voice in her ear.
With a yelp, Belle startled and dropped the teacup. It fell to the kitchen floor, hitting the tile. She spun around, now face to face with the imp.
“Tea again? My, you are persistent.”
“I’m an optimist,” Belle snapped, trying to calm her racing heart through sheer force of will.
He was very close. Close enough that she could feel his breath on the side of her face, could make out the embroidered detail of his waistcoat - gold thread in the form of thistles and dandelions.
“What do you want?” she asked, when he continued to stare at her.
“You intend to stay here, in this place.”
Belle couldn’t tell if it was a question. She nodded.
He hummed, the sound vibrating around Belle’s ears. “The thing is, dearie, this here is prime real estate, and you’re here unlawfully.”
“I signed the housing contract -“
“Ah, but you didn’t sign one with me.”
Belle licked her lips. She watched his eyes follow the movement. “Are my books not enough after all?”
“Perhaps they would be, if I were allowed to keep them.” The imp swept his arms out, as if he were making her a grand offer.
“No,” she said, firm.
“Then I’m afraid you’ll have to offer me some other worldly delights,” he said, leaning closer, his eyes wide and cavernous.
Belle tried to step back, away from his searching eyes, but the counter was behind her, boxing her in. She took a deep breath, summoning all her bravery.
“What’s your price?”
He leaned back, slightly. “Your name.”
Belle’s mouth opened in surprise. This wasn’t an imp, nor vampire. “You’re a fairy!” she cried.
“What? No!”
“A fairy!” Belle was bursting with questions. Were there other fairies, here or in the town, or was he the only one? He was fixated on the house - was there a fairy ring inside, somehow, that he was protective of? She remembered the garden, upkept even as the house stood empty for so long. Perhaps there was magic there, in the flowers and bushes that lined the property.
“As if those gnats knew the first thing about home ownership,” he said with forced patience. “Your name, dear.”
She paused. In all the stories, it was known that names had power, and that giving it freely gave the fae power over you.
“You can call me Rose.”
His lip twitched, his eyes narrowed. If Belle had to guess, she’d say he was amused but not surprised.
“Funny, you don’t look like a Rose,” he said.
“What should I call you?” she asked quickly when he straightened.
“That wasn’t part of the deal,” he said with a giggle. Before she could press further, he snapped, and in another puff of earthy-smelling smoke, he was gone.
Belle huffed in annoyance at his hasty exit, but she wasn’t too worried. She had a feeling she’d see him again, perhaps when he decided to move all her furniture two inches to the left.
She bent to pick up the cup still lying on the tile. “Oh, shoot,” she muttered. The rim had a chip.
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xserpentlife · 5 years
You can’t keep pretending it didn’t happen, cause guess what? It did!” Would be great to have with FP and where the reader is younger but legal of course from @keepcalm-and-beyou
Warnings: Mention of blood, fighting
A/N: Fp and reader though they have a large age difference they are both of age and were of age at the start of dating
Word Count: about 2200
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You have been dating, well seeing FP behind everyone's back for a year. A year of kisses, hugs, cuddles, but also hiding around corners, closets, and the shed. Every day of your relationship was kiss here but hide there, you loved it nevertheless. Being with FP, meant everything to you. He had been there for you through the toughest times of your life, and he loved everything about you and you, him. You were tired of hiding but you had to, no one would understand the way your relationship was. Yeah, there was an age gap, but it was legal, everything… well besides serpent trips, everything you had done with him was legal. But everyone saw it differently. The first person to find out was Toni, she caught you and FP up in his office, she thought he had left for the night and needed to lock the cash up, turns out you and him were staying the night and lost track of time. She caught you lying on the couch watching a movie and kissing, nothing crazy, but it still did shock her.
Months later. You were on a job with Sweet Pea, and Jughead. It was a dangerous job, the police and Mayor Mcoy knew of it, it was an inside job trying to catch the Ghoulies on their drug ring. You lost connection with the serpents and FP in your ear piece, which led to you being in danger. You made the turn before you were supposed to the go-ahead getting confused over the line of sound. You turned rounding the corner before the Serpents were ready, shot in the shoulder you fell to the ground, shot again once more in the leg and Malachai standing over you.
“Well… who do we have here, oh little Y/N” A punch to your face causing blood to pool into your mouth
“Mal-Malachai” you tried getting up before his finger was pushing into the bullet wound on your shoulder “Fuck-fuck stop what do you want Malachai”
“You, see you Y/N, should not have came into this building, poor girl, and no one knows they need to save you, because well we caught on sweet cheeks, these ear pieces are doing you no good now”
“Preventative measures sweetheart”
“Fuck you” You spilit blood out again
“You know Y/N it would be very very appealing to me to kill you right here, shoot you straight in the head, or maybe the heart, but you know what would be better. Letting you bleed out, leaving your body here to rot until maybe some coyotes come of find you, better yet maybe hot dog does, and everyone gets led to your body” He cut your cheek before leaving the blade dragging slowly across your skin as he walked closer to the door. “bye Y/N, have fun dying alone”.
You were a fighter, never giving up before you had to, you tried standing first the pain too much to wear, looking down at your leg the wound was so much worse than you originally believed, bleeding profusely your leg had no feeling left. You ripped the tattered flannel you had on making two bandages. One for your shoulder and leg, hoping that maybe it would buy you some more time.
“Jug, Sweets what’s your position?”
“Outside of the building FP”
“Why! What do you mean outside!” “The plan what awry dad, ghoulies standing guard outside, front and back, Sweets got in but had to come back out due to guards”
“Wait guards?”
“We stoked it out the other day there were no guards, fuck we were compromised boys, where is Y/N”
“She hasn’t been answering back, we checked 10 minutes ago but got no response, told her not to move forward”
“You are just telling me now! What the fuck is wrong with you!”
“Sweet pea! Try to make contact” Sweet Pea tried for a total of 5 minutes before FP knew that something had gone terribly wrong. On all the missions you were never one to forget to contact back or update your team, you are the reason so many missions went right, this time being the only one that had gone very, very wrong.
“FP the guards are leaving”
“I’m coming!”
“Dad no stay where you are or your cover will be blown!” FP ran from the masked van like his life depended on it. You, being the thing on his mind right now, everyone was present and safe except you. The girl he promised to always keep save, the one he would risk his life for no matter what. He ran into the building straight past Sweet Pea and Jug, “Stay here and wait for the ambulance!” searching every room gun drawn, before finally making it to you.
“Y/N!!” he crashed to the ground next to you, blood leaking through the fabric you had used. “Who, who did this”
“Mal-Malachai FP”
“Baby look at me, keep your eyes open”
“It’s hard”
“I know princess, I know how hard it is okay, I’ve been here, Jug has been here but you can do it okay, fuck I know how strong you are I know you can do this, an ambulence is coming okay, gonna get you fixed up in no time”
“What princess?”
“Kiss me” His lips met yours in a panicked frenzy before he felt them slowly relax, opening his eyes he saw yours slowly closing. “NO! NO! NO! NO! Y/N!, Baby don’t fucking close yours eyes, I need you baby. Fuck I love you okay, I’m gonna get you fixed up”
What Fp didn’t know was that day, the boys were behind the stack of boxes, watching every move. After that FP got you to the hospital, sitting in the room every day until you woke up. Eating there, showering there, having serpent meetings there, he never left. Someone took over his work at the station, his main priority being you. People always asked him why, he didn’t do that when Fangs got shot, or when Toni was put into the hospital for getting beat up. No one knew why until Jug had asked.
“Dad why are you still here?”
“I can’t leave her, I'm all she has”
“Dad we saw you”
“What are you talking about Jug”
“The day this all happened, Pea and I came in the building behind you incase you needed back up”
“I told you to wait outside! Why didn’t you wait outside!”
‘‘Do you love her?”
“I do”
“It isn’t right...”
It spread like wildfire after that. News stations and newspapers littered with titles along the lines of “FP jones Sheriff of Riverdale Police station in love with a girl more than half his age” after Y/N woke up though and FP knew she was safe he left her, ignoring her all the time, thinking that is what she needed. Time away from him, time to be who she truly was. The people were getting to him. Telling him he was gross, telling him he was an endangerment to society, or all the people calling him the name that no man would ever want to be called, but he wasn’t any of that. He got scared, scared that Jelly bean would be taken from him, scared he would hurt you if people started attacking you instead. Months went by, you were still healing. You talked to FP twice in that time frame. Once when he called to check in, and once when you cornered him in a store before he pushed you to the side and walked away having Toni keep you back from trying to run after him, not that you could considering you were in a cast and on crutches. Fp Jones ignored you as much as he could, as much as his heart would let him without fully breaking. He still watched from afar, keeping you safe when anyone looked at you funny. He cared, that could never go away, but he also thought it was better for you if no one was talking about the relationship that both of you had prior. He told the press it was all a lie, told everyone that he loved you like a second daughter rather than a lover. It took another month to get people to believe him, it started with him not seeing you, keeping his distance people began to believe him, he even created a fake relationship with a woman in Greendale. People woul;d see them walk around together, people that were watching FP from afar who thought he was a danger to their young female children. He never kissed her though, never wanted his lips tainted because he always remembered yours. You heard about his new relationship, your heart breaking with every update to the story. Everyone in the serpents kept you protected. Kept the articles hidden from you after you got out of the hospital. You went into a depression when FP stopped talking to you. Your breakup having no goodbye and not being closed left a hole in your heart that no one but him could repair no matter how hard they tried. You loved him and that never stopped. You loved him, need him, craved him. But most of all you needed him to heal, he was the one that saved you, the one that found you bleeding out in that building, his lips the last thing you remember before you drifted off and the first thing you wanted to feel when you woke up but instead him being gone made you feel more pain than being shot. You needed him, so after those few months, after you found the articles and the updates you decided that enough was enough, Jug had came to you telling you the entire story, telling you his dad had started taking sips of bourbon again, not full drinks but sips here and there and he could see it slowly starting. He knew his dad needed you just as much as you needed him. So he helped you corner him, locking the office from outside so his dad couldn’t get out.
“Y/N? Get out of this office you shouldn’t be here”
“What about the time you told me I could be here any time I wanted”
“Fine then stay, I'm leaving” You stepped to the side as he tried to open the door.
“You know this is my office, I should be able to come and please as I want, what did you do to the door?”
“Locked it, from the outside, figured you wouldn’t be able to run. You keep shutting me out and ignoring me, why FP I thought...”
“Leave, this is my office remember!”
“Oh get off your fucking pedestool, how many nights did we spend here otgether! You telling me this was our special place where no one could hurt us!”
“None, as far as I'm concerned and you should know that!”
“You can’t keep pretending it didn’t happen! Cause guess what? It did!!”
“Fuck Y/N I need to pretend!”
“I need to keep you safe! Keep Jug and Jelly bean safe!”
“You always keep them safe”
“They won’t be unless I pretend, it’s so fucked because I fucking love you with everything I have and I shouldn’t”
“And why not!? Who says you shouldn’t?”
“The whole fucking world y/n, your 21 and I am 50. I know you saw the papers! The articles and news reports!”
“Yeah I did and fuck them, Fuck the world FP because I love you too and that is all that should matter. I fucking love you so much”
“But is that enough?”
“It damn well should be. When, when you were not there when I woke up Fp it killed me, and then you didn’t talk to me kept me at a distance I didn’t understand. You left a fucking whole in my heart FP”
“I was trying to protect you! To protect everyone”
“Yeah well in trying to protect me, you killed me just the same”
“Let me try to fix it then!, I still love you”
“I love you too Fp, but you need to learn not to care what the world thinks”
“I want you Y/N. I’m so fucking sorry”
“Good, you should be. And I’m not saying I won’t forgive you because fuck FP I love you with every piece of my being but I can’t let you in instantly, you hurt me so badly”
“I know princess, I know I did” He stepped towards you as you stepped away.
“No, you are not going to do that! It’s gonna take time FP”
“Okay” You knocked on the door with the code as they unlocked it letting you out. “I love you Y/N”
“I love you too” You left slowly out the door climbing down the stairs. Hopefully, he realized time would heal the wounds, him trying was all you wanted. You still loved him with every part of you and that would never change.
314 notes · View notes
hitchell-mope · 5 years
Just put on the movie
And there we go. The dedication is there.
Oh god the rapping.
My palms will be bloody by the time this is over.
But I like the parallels to the first movie
To much auto tune
There goes my heart Disney.
Oh lord that’s high
Bbys. Smee twins
There’s my child Celia
MY BOY!!!!
I mean Mal has a point.
He thinks it through
I love him so fucking much
Loving Doug’s hair
Rat bastard. Rat bitch. Rat fairy (Adam belle Verna)
Fuck off leah chad Audrey
😍😍😍😍. This version is better then d1
Oh Evie love. Just tell him you love him
I hate you Adam and belle
Ben and the other three are adorable family
Still hating Audrey. So. Fucking. Much
Love the purple limo
Bal parent vibes are strong
They shoulda painted the limo roof purple
Dying of cuteness
Proud fiancé Mal. Love it
Fuck off leah
Here’s papa hades. And the ham.
Ah well. Nice while it lasted
So. Much. Ham.
Poor girl. Ouch.
🤮🤮🤮🤮. I still hate her and her geriatric bitch of a grandmother
Oh bitch please. First words out of your mouth were creel. And it ain’t abated
I’m supposed to be sorry for this sad act? I don’t think so
So. Much. Rapping
Still theft. Throw her on the isle with her grandmother
Lonely and friendless. Because Mal is so much better then you ya limp noodle
Gotta be bad on the back
Seriously though. The actual singing is better then the rapping. So gotta give satah her dues
Fuck off grown ups.
Blue bitch. Just like always belle
Ok. People. You can see it’s hurting bal to do this. KILL THE BEAST
Murder. The fucking. Parents
Evie. Evie’s sensible. Listen to your sister Mal.
And here comes the guilt. Like always. The narrative blames Mal
That darn cake
Ah. Pain. Hug them now
And jump scare
Oh god. Shut up Audrey. You’re a sore loser
Eh. The prosthesis look ok
Audrey. Nutter. Ben was more then ready to start the honeymoon when Mal was a dragon. Do you really think a hag would stop him?
Oh boy
That’s a lie and you know it bluey.
At least the bikes have an explanation
Why the red for Evie though
And the mutt speaks
Fuck off Chad. I hate you so much
This bitch again
So shrieky.
Kiss ass
Real original
Jump Jane jump!
So many neck cricks
No one tells him anything
Cella’s right Mal
Overly long gag. But cute
Awww 🥰🥰🥰🥰. At least he’s a good dad
Nice reference
And the fear mongering begins.
And here’s the cryptid. He shoulda died in it’s going down
Psycho bitch pirate whore
Cella’s a troll and I love it
The vehicle needs an oil change
At least he’s sleeping. Though that position can not be comfortable
At long last the reveal.
He’s funny. And hot. (I can see where @mochacake2016 is coming from)
We know! We know
And here’s the music
He’s got a point
She actually sounds like jade west here
So far. Besides the proposal. This is my favourite song. Mostly for Hades great looks. Great voice
And the tambourine
Would be better with purple and blue fire effects. But no. We can’t have nice things. They spent the budget on pirate whores make up
She’s got a point. They both do
Proud papa
C’mon girl. Cry
Of course she told her sister
He’s a good king.
T-shirt should be ripped.
🤮🤮🤮🤮. Hate her so much
And. Here. We. Go.
Benny. I love you. But did you not hear what she said to Evie when you first met the vks. Of course not. You were lost in Mal’s eyes.
Whore man is probably skunk drunk. Gil’s cute as ever though
Throw hook in the water. And keep it there.
🎶she’s back🎶
And there screwed
He makes feel physically sick
Uma. I love ya. But honestly. Mal owes no one anything. It’s not her job.
No it ain’t
Jay’s got a point
Oh honey
Hook. In the words of the irreverent Captain Jack Sparrow “if the bikes be crashed properly. You be crashed along with it”. Not you Gil. I like you
Mother hen strikes again. Uma ain’t buying what she’s selling
Pure child Celia. (I don’t use this very much but) Gil’s babey (it feels wrong to type£
Chicken arms. No brains. No wit. No dance skills. No rapping skills. Ya basically a walking corpse hook
The dogs giving me a nervous twitch.
I hate the pair of them so no. No sympathy for prince douche bag
Gil makes me cry so simply
Stab the pirate jay. Please. For all of us
Psycho bitch
I want. It. Dead. Brutally. Dead
And more music. If this weren’t Disney they coulda melted them yo pukes of goo and pour it down Harry’s throat.
Oh god
So she can’t count either. Just like her brother
Definitely cha cha slide.
Deep sigh
So much ham.
Here’s a funny idea. How about instead of a bloody pantomime. ACTUALLY FUCKING FIGHT YOU FECKERS
Synchronised armour dancing. That’s new
Oh for fuck sake
Ha ha. Save it for the sob story bitch
What’s next a kick line
Thank god I was wrong.
Hook should be suffocated under the armour right now. Put us out of our misery
Care bear alert
I had to have a flu jab today. And it weren’t as painful as every single nanosecond hooks on screen
Love the platonic affection (I hate the very concept of malvie. What did you expect?)
Mother alert
Don’t eat wild fruit honey
So cute. But so dumb
Oh. Phineas and Ferb reference
Awww babies.
Don’t you dare tell me Mal doesn’t care.
Uma’s so done with care bear bs
More singing. Yay(!)
Please. Remind me again exactly why this is a DCOM. Cause it honestly does not feel like it what with the backstory pirate whores entire existence and the choreography
How has evie not broken a leg in this number.
Believe me Mal and Uma. I feel your frustration they go together like peanut butter and chocolate spread. (Perfectly if you didn’t know)
Where is she going?
She knows how R&J ended right? Double suicide. Why the romanticism huh?
HE IS NOT A RAG DOLL! Though props to Zachary for not corpsing
How can you hate Doug. He’s adorable. Best straight couple ever
There’s ma boy. Rip Harry’s throyatvout plwae.
Ben’s always been hot. But this is definitely working for me.
Awww. Carlos helping his papa
Wet Ben. Yum
Awww. Janelos cuteness.
Love the beard. So good. 🤤🤤🤤🤤
Someone murder the man whore before I do.
He makes me wanna throw up. And I’m not physically capable of doing that
@rpsocsandcanonohmy. I get where you’re coming from. But I also get where Ben is coming from. Sunbeam did get him abducted. And man slut tried to feed him to sharks. So I do understand both points. Doesn’t mean you’re wrong though
Shoulda let Ben slash hooks throat jay. You’re slipping buddy
Mal’s eating crow
Hopefully he chad suffocates. Then she’s have done one thing that wasn’t completely worthlessly reprehensible
And it had to ruin it
Te-am work. As plankton says
Proud sister
Boys are back. (With dude and the mutt in tow)
I hate happy harry. But I do like happy Uma. Eh. Double edged sword
Shoulda gone with Janelos. Jarlos is from big time rush
Oh they’re so cute
Poor Doug.
So. Update. Might be like Mal. (Definitely loving Ben’s facial hair)
Yawning over chad. So pathetic
Her seat from him douchey mcuseless
Poor Janey
Cats outta the bag
Once again. I kinda understand all points. Yeah Mal shouldn’t have lied. But Uma didn’t really give her and choice. And Evie just kinda assumed. And no one really lets her explain anything.
Hooks still pathetic. Even hurt emotionally I still wanna punch his roger rabbit looking face (Sorry Roger)
Oh dear
Mal. Don’t apologise. You did what you felt you needed to do. And no gives you a chance to explain. Ever.
Yes. You needed to do what you could.
Excellent acting all around as usual
Evie. Look. I love you. Your favourite number seven. But WHY IS IT YOUR SISTERS JOB. WHY DOES EVERYONE MAKE IT MALS PROBLEM
Ha! Evie said it. She said family.
Oh fuck. Taken for granite
More singing.
I do want to stab Harry in the mouth with the hook
More flashback. Yay(.). Couldn’t they fill out the runtime
More dragon.
Audrey’s performance might make me a vegetarian
How is it not crushed by the claws?
Fire should be green
Yay. Auds dead. Please say yes?
The twins say literally one thing
From magical incantation to vaguely irritating verbal tick. Well alright then
Evie. Why do you sound so sad. It’s a good thing Audrey’s dying. The ultimate price and all that. You should be glad. It’s a good thing
Mal: he’s my father. Ben: shocked face. Me: makes a sound like a boiling kettle
Bye bye facial hair
Die slut
More eating crow
The in laws meet
Exactly hades. Exactly. Knee beast in the dick
God Ben’s so hot.
Bite Adam’s throat out please hades
Should’ve let Audrey waste away. And sent granny to Tartarus to meet her
OH SPARE ME YOUR BLEEDING HEART ROUTINE! I still hate you in a fundamental level
Nice little family moment
What the fuck is Evie’s dress?
Queen Mal has a very nice ring to it.
Sure you can. You owe them noting. You owe nobody anything
Jay has a pull back braid in his hair. Yay!
“Audrey would be gone”. You say it as though that’s a bad thing
“Insert woody woodpecker laugh”. Fuck you Adam
Compromise. Bring the vks over. And plop Adam Audrey chad anleah on the isle. Sink it into the ocean
Why didn’t Verna bring the barrier down. Oh yeah. Cause then she’d be useful
More singing
At least this takes place in daylight
I still hate harry
Push Harry in the drink please. IM LITERALLY BEGGING YOU
God I love Ben and Doug
Why the Charleston?
I still hate tremaine
Well. Jane. In ZM. You met Mal. She’s Carlos’s mother in this au
Giljay. It’s cute
So Harry makes me ill right upbto the end. Now he’s related to purple and blue
🎶a bitch is in the dog house🎶. And deservedly so
Sweet little king
Oh boy
Whore has a turkey neck
This is the end. Good movie. With some unneeded bits. I’m gonna change a lot in ZM part three. And both dedications broke me.
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popatochisssp · 6 years
Skeletons Masterpost
The number of posts I’ve made about headcanons and such is starting to get a little long, so I feel like this might be useful! ;3
I’ll be adding to this as I do more things and try to keep it relatively up-to-date with all the stuff I’ve written, headcanons and actual fic alike.
Under the cut because it got pretty long!
Sans (Undertale)
Random Headcanons: 1
A-Z Ask Game: 1 | 2
Sans is a basic bitch
Stuff he enjoys in bed * 
Pokemon team
...Well, one of you is gonna have to change.
Love in a Ball-Pit
Papyrus (Undertale)
Random Headcanons: 1
A-Z Ask Game: 1
Stuff he enjoys in bed *
Pokemon team
Get Dunked On
Sky (Underswap Sans)
Random Headcanons: 1 | 2
A-Z Ask Game: 1 | 2 | 3
With a s/o who’s never been in a relationship before
On marking his partner *
Stuff he enjoys in bed * 
Pokemon team
His cautious opinion of humans
Would he ever Judge his s/o?
Best Worst Day Ever
Paps (Underswap Papyrus)
Random Headcanons: 1 | 2 | 3
A-Z Ask Game: 1 | 2 | 3
With a s/o who wears thigh-highs
Paps is not a basic bitch... but he IS a college cryptid (or maybe a Victorian gentleman...)
Stuff he enjoys in bed * 
With a dyslexic s/o
With a friend who unintentionally plays on his daddy kink
Pokemon team
You’ve Goat to Be Kidding
Jasper (Underfell Sans)
Random Headcanons: 1 | 2
A-Z Ask Game: 1
With an artist s/o who wants him to pose for them
Jasper is a crunchy marshmallow
With a s/o who wants to dom him in the bedroom
With a s/o who wants to kiss and nuzzle his forehead
Stuff he enjoys in bed *
Feelings on collaring (but also, on collars with a s/o)
Pokemon team
The baby pictures he keeps of his bro
With a s/o who wants to flatter/fluster/pamper him
On knitting
Bad to the Bone
Pyre (Underfell Papyrus)
Random Headcanons: 1 | 2 | 3
A-Z Ask Game: 1 | 2
With an artist s/o who wants him to pose for them
Stuff he enjoys in bed *
Feelings on collaring (but also, on collars with a s/o)
Pokemon team
Theatrical romance
Better Than Expected
Family First (Platonic)
As You Like It
Mal (Swapfell Sans)
Random Headcanons: 1 | 2
A-Z Ask Game: 1 | 2 | 3
What is Swapfell Indigo?
How to start winning his trust
On marking his partner *
Stuff he enjoys in bed *
With a s/o who doesn’t want to wear a collar......or wants to wear it as a bracelet instead? Or maybe a big bow? (Would he wear a bow collar...?)
Adapting to the surface
Pokemon team
If someone were to try and boop him (Being booped by a s/o specifically)
With a self-negative s/o
With a s/o who’s scared of rough stuff in bed *
With a s/o who doesn’t like fancy styles of clothes
Mal and his Princess
Aftercare best practices *
Mission Impossible
Dirty Laundry (plus The Hamper [WIP] for extras)
Rus (Swapfell Papyrus)
Random Headcanons: 1 | 2 | 3
A-Z Ask Game: 1
What is Swapfell Indigo?
With a very small, very affectionate s/o
With a s/o who hasn’t had the best life
With a diabetic s/o who cannot accept sweets from him
Stuff he enjoys in bed * (and if his s/o is kinda subby, too)
How his s/o’s first period around him might’ve gone
Why he’s a little more vulnerable when he comes from a Kill or Be Killed universe
His feelings on collaring (and if not being able to beat Mal is an obstacle...) Or if his s/o wants to wear a big bow as a collar?
Adapting to the surface
Pokemon team
With an argumentative s/o
Resisting a Rest
Snuggle Therapy
Dirty Laundry (plus The Hamper [WIP] for extras)
Slate (Horrortale Sans)
Random Headcanons: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4
A-Z Ask Game: 1 | 2 | 3
On fixing the hole in his skull
Making it work with a small normal-sized s/o
With a s/o trying to wear his clothes
Why is he so big?
With a s/o who wants to dress up fancy to go on a casual date
With a s/o recovering from anorexia
With a s/o who wants to kiss his hands
Stuff he enjoys in bed *
A meet-cute
Pokemon team
If his Phantump discovered some...memories...
With an adopted sibling in college who’s working too hard
With a s/o who has as much LV as he does
Is he a sadist?
Using his poor memory to trick/prank him
Can he see out of both eyes?
Skull damage
Fur a Good Time, Call... (plus Snips & Snails for extras)
Papy (Horrortale Papyrus)
Random Headcanons: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4
A-Z Ask Game: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4
With a s/o who struggles with anxiety/depression
Making it work with a small normal-sized s/o
With a s/o trying to wear his clothes 
With a s/o who likes to be picked up
Why is he so big?
With a s/o recovering from anorexia
With a loving, domestic s/o
Stuff he enjoys in bed *
Pokemon team
With a s/o who isn’t intimidated by/likes his height
Trauma/coping from the Underground
A Modest Proposal
Ash (Undergloom Sans)
Random Headcanons: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4
What is Undergloom?
Stuff he enjoys in bed *
Pokemon team
Undergloom Sandbox (worldbuilding, meta, flash-drabbles)
Yrus (Undergloom Papyrus)
Random Headcanons: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6
What is Undergloom?
Stuff he enjoys in bed *
Pokemon team
Undergloom Sandbox (worldbuilding, meta, flash-drabbles)
Brick (Horrorfell Sans)
Random Headcanons: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7
What is Horrorfell?
His ideal s/o
With someone struggling to learn sign who wants to communicate through text/writing
His feelings on his lost voice
Refusal to rely on text-to-speech
Reaction time
Swearing in sign
Acrylic vs wool
On knitting
Stuff he enjoys in bed *
His relationship with his brother
Surface wildlife
Telling his s/o about the Underground
Skull damage
Pokemon team
Tangles (WIP)
King (Horrorfell Papyrus)
Random Headcanons: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7
What is Horrorfell?
Who took the blame for all the dead humans? Well...
On King’s prosthetic leg
How to befriend/get close to him
Stuff he enjoys in bed *
His relationship with his brother
Surface wildlife
Telling his s/o about the Underground
Pokemon team
Sunny (G!Sans)
Random Headcanons: 1
What is Gastertale?
Stuff he enjoys in bed *
Pokemon team
Aster (G!Papyrus)
Random Headcanons: 1
What is Gastertale?
Stuff he enjoys in bed *
Pokemon team
Merc (Horrorswap Sans)
Random Headcanons: 1
What is Horrorswap?
No, not ALL the way pink
Though that would be cool
Does his personality change post-pink?
Stuff he enjoys in bed *
Making up with his brother
Pokemon team
His ideal s/o
Ell (Horrorswap Papyrus)
Random Headcanons: 1
What is Horrorswap?
Not pink, but blurple is nice too
Stuff he enjoys in bed *
Making up with his brother
Pokemon team
Pitch (Horrorswapfell Sans)
Random Headcanons: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
What is Horrorswapfell?
HSF!Dirty Laundry
Blind jokes
Stuff he enjoys in bed *
Making up with his brother
Skull damage
There’s a snake in his face
Pokemon team
Nemo (Horrorswapfell Papyrus)
Random Headcanons: 1 | 2
What is Horrorswapfell?
HSF!Dirty Laundry
Stuff he enjoys in bed *
Making up with his brother
Pokemon team
All the Skeles...
Where their nicknames came from (Part 2, Part 3)
The not-so-secret G!bros... [NO LONGER ACCURATE] THIS is the one you want!
Sending flowers to their s/o
With a s/o who has narcolepsy
Who can use shortcuts?
With a transgender s/o: 1 | 2
With an asexual s/o
With a s/o who has chronic pain (active skeles, and the lazybones)
Where to run into a Sans for the first time
Cats vs Dogs Opinions
With a s/o who’s having a birthmark surgery
With a cute, yet intelligent scientist s/o
With a shy, easily flustered s/o
With a s/o who has self-harm scars
Favorite Youtubers
With a ticklish s/o
With a s/o who cries a lot
With a s/o who dyed their hair to match their magic
With a s/o who has a degenerative condition
Worst traits in a relationship (and the Silver Lining!)
Best traits in a relationship
Halloween: 1 | 2
With a death metal vocalist s/o
With an s/o who is a dragon
Astrological signs
Chinese Zodiac animal
Opinions on puns: 1 | 2
4/20 Blaze It
Accidentally walking in on their crush changing
Unique tastes in music
Meme literacy
With someone being aggressive toward their s/o
With a s/o who’s loud when excited and then self-conscious
Relative heights
...but if their heights were static and they had a relatively tall s/o
Boobs or butts? *  (Tumblr is dumb, here’s the exact same link)
With a monster s/o without eyes
With an s/o who sings about them
Who confesses first?
How does monster pregnancy work?
With a s/o who wants to be poly
With a bilingual s/o
With a monster s/o who’s the strong, silent type
Proposing to their s/o: Sanses | Papyri
Favorite Disney movies
With a s/o who has the power of KR
Beverage of choice
With an affectionate s/o after a wisdom teeth removal
With a crying s/o after a wisdom teeth removal
Can skeletons squish?
Body insecurities when with a human s/o
With a s/o scared of getting married and having kids
The brothers’ relationships with each other
On scary movies and a scaredy cat s/o
As adopted siblings to a teen/young adult human
Biggest pet peeves
With a s/o who has curly, fluffy hair
With a s/o that used to have an eating disorder
With a s/o who draws on themselves with sharpie
With a s/o having their period (And more on the HT boys specifically) (Plus an update with the new skeles)
With a s/o who has low self-esteem
With a s/o who has body-image issues
With a s/o having a bad day, and how to help on their bad days
What and who is The Judge? (Plus the new skeles)
With their pregnant s/o who forgot to tell them it was twins
Can monsters get sick?
With a s/o whose pet just died
With a s/o who draws them as superheroes
With a s/o who has projective chromesthesia
What jobs do they have on the surface?
Making their s/o gigglesnort for the first time
What kind of huggers are they?
Accidentally hurting their s/o in an argument... (but don’t panic because...)
With a pregnant s/o (and if he was the pregnant one)
With an accidentally pregnant s/o
With their brother’s s/o
Lingerie preferences * (Tumblr is dumb, here’s the exact same link, and here’s another link for the new skeles update)
With a s/o who can lift them
Dresses they might pick out for their s/o (or suits they might pick for their s/o)
With a s/o who wants to learn a new skill for them
What kind of kissers are they?
How they feel about Valentine hearts (and if their s/o decided to tease them...)
What kind of sweets they’d get their sweetie for Valentines Day
What kind of cuddlers are they?
Feelings on petnames (and favorites to use) PLUS the reverse: (pet names they like to be called!)
Sharing a s/o with their brother...?
What kind of lovers are they? (And what if it’s their s/o’s first time?) *
Awareness of RESETs
Modern Stats
With a s/o who’s a criminal
As Pokémon
With a s/o who’s scared/anxious about pregnancy and childbirth
How fast do they move in a relationship?
How are they at aftercare?
How do they feel about being edged? Sanses | Papyri *
The Sanses stats
To a s/o who attempted suicide
With a s/o who secretly plays the guitar
How to get him riled up in public *
How they’re like when drunk/tipsy (and their drinks of choice!)
With a s/o who has split personalities
With a s/o who has a big secret in their past
The loud skeles with a s/o who gets bad headaches
Annoying Dog across AUs
With a s/o that snores
With a s/o who doesn’t like attention in bed and wants to take care of him instead *
On tattoos and other body-mods
Lifespans and aging
Feelings on public displays of affection
With a short-tempered s/o
All the Sanses are scientists!
As candies/sweet treats
Misc Underswap Alphyne headcanons
Preferred condiments/toppings
On Vocaloids
With a stoic crush who looks at them affectionately (UF, SF, HT)
With a shy s/o getting the courage to hold their hand for the first time
With a s/o who gets into a lot of trouble
With a sensitive s/o (UF & SF)
With an artistically-minded s/o
Thoughts on seeing their kid for the first time
With a s/o crying because they’re so happy
Prominent scars and injuries (UF, SF, HT)
Favorite cats & toys in Neko Atsume
Kinds of flowers they’d surprise their s/o with
Favorite foods
Who would win in a Pokemon tournament (or would they prefer a contest?)
What do they feed their Pokemon?
What are they like as yanderes?
With a s/o who wants to go to a Pride celebration
Hogwarts houses (and the new skeles update)
With a s/o who’s cut family members out of their life
When they’ll be comfortable with “I love you” with a s/o
Soft hands vs rough hands
With a s/o whose depression causes dissociation
The Nightmare Before Christmas
Nuzzling habits
A s/o trying to climb them (Papyri | Sanses)
Trying to surprise-kiss a tall skele
Knowledge of flower-language
How the upbeat skeles handle bad feelings
Opinions on humans
Cats & Dogs they might own
Talking during movies
The active skeles with a lazy s/o
Tics and habits
Baby Shark
Spooky Scary Skeletons
Which starter Pokemon would they pick?
Younger brothers’ first words
Age gap between the older and younger brothers
Area 51
On killing (UF, SF, HT)
Babybones Papyri bringing home a bad grade
Gaming habits
Being called ‘husband’ by a friend
Feelings on Pokemon (the game)
Can the innocent, sweet, naive skeletons take care of themselves?
Languages they might be interested to learn
On cursing
How they handle separation from their brother
Ideal honeymoons
Wild West AU
Surface integration for ‘fell ‘verses
Minor deity AU
Buying menstruation supplies for their s/o
Speech patterns across AUs (plus the new skeles)
Mood/stimboard vibes (plus UG and HF)
What animal would they be
As kinds of cake
Halloween costumes (new skeles only)
Frisk’s role in Swapfell
On eye-lights and the shapes they make
So no additional humans died in HS and HSF?
Spit or swallow *
What would the skeles be like if they were gay?
On the intrusion of skull orifices
Hope for the Holidays (Sans & Papyrus bonding, no Reader)
Bag of Bones (drabble collection)
Working Out the Kinks (Kinktober 2018) * NSFW, not for minors!
Make Your Mark (Soulmate AU, and here’s the Symbolism Guide)
Flotsam and Jetsam (Mermay inspired, WIP)
Not So Spooky Scary (Halloween costume drabbles)
Choose Your Adventure (Holiday Edition)
Kinktober 2: Electric Boogaloo (Kinktober 2019, WIP) * NSFW, not for minors!
Soul Searching (w/skeletons 1-14)
Sweet Treats (drabble collection, WIP, w/all 20 skeletons)
305 notes · View notes
crystalninjaphoenix · 5 years
A Jacksepticeye Fanfiction
Part Fifteen: Ignorance Is Bliss
First Part | Previous | Next
Summary: The boys are scrambling to figure out how to reach Jackie. Meanwhile, those two detectives are starting to realize things in the world aren’t what they thought.
(Sorry it’s been a while updating this, I had other things I wanted to write. But I hope this part will be worth it)
“Please pick up, please pick up, please pick up,” Lydia whispered, listening to the phone ring on the other side. She’d already tried calling Malcolm’s cell three times, and nobody answered. Now she was resorting to calling his roommate.
After some time, the line picked up. “Hello?”
Lydia let out a deep breath of relief. “Hi, Benji. Is Malcolm home? I’ve been trying to call him for an hour now and he hasn’t picked up.”
“Oh yes, he’s been home for a while. Shut up in his room, though. Do you want me to go get him?”
“Yes, thank you.” Lydia waited in silence, tapping her fingers nervously on the arm of her couch she was sitting on. It was quiet in her apartment, with Rachel having already gone to bed. Over the line she heard footsteps and then a knock on the door, followed by quiet conversation.
“Hey, Lyd, what’s up?” Malcolm’s voice had a shaky note to it. “It’s pretty late, what’re you calling for?”
“Just making sure you got home alright after the late shift,” Lydia said slowly. “Y’know, with how far away you live from the station.”
“I’m fine, I’m fine, I took a shortcut. Is that everything?”
Lydia bit her lip. “Why weren’t you picking up, then? I called your cell three times before I decided to call Benji.”
“My phone...broke,” Malcolm said slowly. 
“Broke. While I was on the way home.” A pause. “Anything else?”
“What’s wrong, Malcolm?” Lydia asked.
“Noth-nothing’s wrong!”
“I know you well enough to tell when something’s up,” Lydia said in a low voice. “And I can tell that you’re kinda freaked out right now. So what’s wrong?”
For a moment, there was nothing but interference on the phone line. And then: “Do you...want to meet up tomorrow? I know we have the day off, and maybe...we could meet at the park? Around one or one-thirty? And I can tell you what happened then.”
“You can just...tell me over the phone—”
“No!” Lydia had to lean back from the phone after that word was screamed in her ear. “I—I mean, no, that’d probably be a bad idea. Actually, when we meet up, can you leave your phone at home?”
“Why on Earth—”
“Lydia. Trust me on this.”
Malcolm’s tone silenced her. “Alright, then. I’ll see you tomorrow, one o’clock?”
“Yeah. Bye, Lyd. See ya tomorrow.”
Since they weren’t working that day, Lydia didn’t wear the pantsuit she wore for work. But, she noted, her button-down shirt was still more professional than the purple hoodie Malcolm wore every chance he got. He was currently hiding in the hood, avoiding looking at her while the two of them sat on one of the benches next to a path. “So...?” Lydia prompted.
Malcolm sighed. “I...fuck, I don’t know where to start.”
“Well, it can’t be that hard.” When Malcolm didn’t answer, Lydia sighed and continued. “Look, you weren’t this on edge when you left the station last night. So something must’ve happened between you leaving there and getting home. Your phone...broke, or whatever, so does that have anything to do with this? I bet if you just share what’s on your mind, you’ll feel better. Or if you don’t, I can help you out with whatever it was.”
“I saw a demon,” Malcolm blurted out.
Lydia blinked. “Uh, that was a serious offering, Mal.”
“No no no, really,” Malcolm hurried to say. “So, I took a shortcut through the north part of town—”
“Are you insane?! Do you even know how many dispatches are sent there every week?!”
“Yeah, yeah, but nothing’s ever happened to me there. I know the spaces to avoid. But, uh, I ended up seeing that vigilante in red. He seemed to be in a hurry, and I just...followed him. And, well...”
Lydia listened in silence as Malcolm spilled out everything that happened the previous night. From the vigilante meeting with that magician, the suspect in the Brody case, to the vigilante turning out to be Jackie Parker, another part of the case, to the most insane details: the magician destroying Malcolm’s phone with what was apparently real magic, to him running home, and seeing something out of the corner of his eye...
“It was a demon, I know it was,” Malcolm finished, eyes wide. “It—it disappeared, but I could hear it, like—like static. And I think it was smiling at me.”
Lydia leaned back, staring at her partner. “Mal, are you off your meds?”
 “No, no, I am not!” Malcolm slapped his leg with the flat palm of his hand. “This is a different issue! I’ve just had all of my life and beliefs thrown out of balance, because fucking demons don’t exist, except they do! Fuck!”
“Okay, okay, calm down, dude,” Lydia patted his back in a soothing manner. She didn’t quite understand what was happening. The two of them were skeptics, they’d always been, but now Malcolm was shaking like a leaf and claiming he’d seen magic.
“You don’t believe me,” Malcolm said, narrowing his eyes.
“Well...no,” Lydia admitted. “Honestly, I would be calling Benji and asking him if you’d really been taking your medication, if you hadn’t insisted I leave my phone at home.”
“I think it can use phones to watch people,” Malcolm said, folding his arms and shrinking a bit. “And I know that sounds like a paranoid delusion, but it’s the only conclusion I’ve drawn for everything that happened.”
Lydia sighed deeply. “Look, if you’re sure about this, then I’m not gonna talk you out of it. But I’m gonna ask you to double-check with Benji about the meds.”
“Alright, alright,” Malcolm relented. “But I’m pretty sure I’ve been taking them like I’m supposed to.” He stood up. “And now I’m gonna...I’m gonna go home, if that’s alright with you. I don’t...really feel like being out and about.”
Lydia nodded. “Fair enough. Get some rest, dude. I’ll see you later.” After Malcolm had walked out of sight, she too stood up, and started in the opposite direction. She really didn’t believe his story about magic and demons. But she did believe that he saw the vigilante meet with that magician. And that he figured out who the vigilante actually was beneath that costume. Technically, she wasn’t on duty today. But that didn’t mean she couldn’t, say, go visit a certain Mr. Parker in a certain apartment. 
She didn’t want to arrest the vigilante like some of the more extreme members of the department did. She just wanted him to stop, and leave the crime-fighting to the ones whose job it was. This wasn’t a comic book; running around in a mask and hooded jumpsuit just made you look like an idiot, even if you’d managed to actually catch a fair number of criminals. It didn’t matter what the end result was, just what you did to get there. And vigilantism put yourself and others in danger.
Not to mention, if she went to talk to him...he could tell her what really happened last night with Malcolm. He could tell her that her best friend wasn’t losing it. Or maybe he could tell her he was, but support her in the efforts to help him.
But first, she needed to stop by her apartment. She’d need backup for this.
“So, let me get this straight,” Rachel said, not taking the eyes off the road while she drove. “Malcolm follows this vigilante last night. Finds out who he is, and that he’s meeting with someone wanted by the police. Then he gets caught eavesdropping, the guy steals his phone, blasts it with bloody green lightning, am I getting that right?”
“Yep,” Lydia nodded. “We’re getting close to the apartment complex, by the way.”
“I see. And, after he sees this happen, he seeing a...floating eyeball?”
“That’s what he said.”
“And gets threatened by the wanted man, runs, and sees a demon that can apparently use phones as its own personal spy cameras.”
Rachel whistled. “And now you’re planning on confronting this vigilante man in the hopes that he can corroborate Malcolm’s story?”
“No, I’m confronting the vigilante man in the hopes that he can explain what happened, and I can talk him out of crime-fighting.”
“And you need me for this?”
“Figured I might,” Lydia shrugged. “You have your whole lawyer-talk thing going on. You can be pretty persuasive.”
“Aw, thank you, love. Is this the building?”
“Yeah, just pull up in that lot over there, we can walk.”
A few minutes later, the two of them were outside Jackie Parker’s apartment door, knocking. Or, more accurately, Lydia was banging on the door while Rachel was standing off to the side, watching with a resigned look. “Mr. Parker, I know you’re in there!” Lydia was shouting. “I really need to talk to you! Don’t worry, you’re not in trouble or anything.”
“I think that would make him think he was, wouldn’t it?” Rachel pointed out.
Lydia made a shush sound. After a few silent seconds, she continued banging, even harder this time. “Parker, open up! This is really important! So I’m demanding at this point that you open this door!”
The door swung open. Not all the way open, but enough for a person to stick their head out of the apartment inside “Will you ever learn how to manners, detective?!”
Lydia blinked in surprise. “You’re not Parker. You’re that doctor fellow. What are you doing here?”
He scowled, folding his arms. It was indeed the same doctor from last week, just wearing a turtleneck sweater instead of a hoodie, with the addition of a pair of glasses. “Well, I live here,” he said sharply.
“You do not. You have an apartment on Greenway.” Lydia narrowed her eyes. “Though I suppose it’s possible that a mysterious disappearance for nine entire months with no explanation whatsoever could lead to them selling it.”
“Precisely.” The doctor adjusted his glasses. “Now, what is so important that the police have come to break down my friend’s door?”
Rachel poked her head in between the two, making Lydia realize that she’d been subconsciously leaning closer to the doctor, edging in. “Well, it’s not the police actually. Hi, my name is Rachel Kikelomo, are you that doctor with the strange last name that Lydia won’t shut up about for the past week?”
The doctor took a step back. “If she has been complaining about a Dr. Schneeplestein, then yes, I think I am. And...you are not a member of the police, are you?”
“Well, technically I’m a member of the judicial system, being a lawyer and all,” Rachel said coolly. “But I’m not here in that capacity. And Lydia is not here as a detective, since today she is off-duty.”
Lydia coughed awkwardly. “Rachel is my...partner. She drove me here and is...support.”
“Ah! I see!” The doctor raised an eyebrow with a smile. “Well, in that case, this is slightly better. We have had enough of police running around. But you are looking for Jackie, are you not?”
Lydia nodded.
“I—I’m afraid he’s not here.”
“Not here?!” Lydia repeated incredulously. “Where else could he be?”
“Well, he has a job, you understand.”
There was something more to it. Lydia noticed the way the doctor’s shoulders had tensed, the way he was very deliberately blocking her view of the rest of the apartment, the way his voice had cracked. “Well, can I have his cell number to call him then?” she said calmly.
“I do not think—I do not think he would appreciate me giving that out to you.” The doctor shifted on his feet.
“Well, I guess that’s understandable.” Lydia leaned forward. “But what isn’t, is the fact that you seem to be hiding something.”
The doctor bristled. “I do not appreciate such accusations.”
“It’s not an accusation if it’s the truth.”
Rachel opened her mouth to say something, then decided against it. She took a step back. She’d been with Lydia long enough to know when she was getting ready to do something rash.
“Even if it was, which it isn’t,” the doctor continued, “since you are not on duty, and would not have a warrant anyway, you must leave when I ask you to, and cannot come inside.”
“Oh, really?” Lydia backed up a few steps, looking for all the world like she was retreating. And then she rushed forward and threw her weight against the door. It flew open, and she landed flat on her face inside the apartment. She groaned. Honestly, she’d been expecting more resistance, apparently the doctor wasn’t as strong as she’d thought, which still wasn’t that strong.
She climbed to her feet and looked around the apartment living area. This was the second time she’d been in here, and it looked basically exactly the same. Not only because the furniture and everything was the same, but also because the same collection of people were inside. Brody was curled up asleep on the beanbag, arms wrapped around his head like he was protecting himself from something. Sitting on the couch was a man who she couldn’t quite remember the name of, but who was dressed in a fancy vest and bow tie. His hands were frozen in midair, apparently having been interrupted in the middle of making a gesture of some sort. Next to him was—it was that crazy magician fellow. He was holding a black wand with white tips in his right hand, and had a strange book open, propped against his left hand. Both of them were staring at her like they’d been caught with their hands in the cookie jar.
“I’m really terribly sorry about all this,” Rachel sighed, entering the apartment. “Are you alright doctor? She pushed you right over.”
“Yes, I am—I am fine,” the doctor said, sitting up from where Lydia had knocked him down in her rush to get into the apartment. He accepted Rachel’s offered hand and let her pull him to his feet.
The magician snapped his book shut. “What the fuck are you doing here?” he growled.
“Well, certainly not looking for you,” Lydia growled right back. “I just wanted to find Mr. Parker. Though, you know, now that I’m thinking about it, you could probably tell me the same things.”
“Nope, not doing this, goodbye.” The magician stood up, but was interrupted from leaving when the other man—Lydia was pretty sure his name started with a J��grabbed his arm. The magician looked down and watched as the man made some gestures, too quick for Lydia to catch but apparently he understood perfectly. “Fine. Fine, one chance.” He plopped back onto the couch and glared at Lydia.
She sighed deeply. “Look, Mr. Moore, if I’d seen you even just yesterday, I one hundred percent would be calling the police right now. But apparently Malcolm heard you talking with the vigilante last night—who turned out to be Mr. Parker—about finding the Brody kids and getting them back, so now I’m in doubts that your confession was actually real.”
“Well, I really confessed, didn’t I? It’s not like one of my friends was about to get detained and most likely ultimately arrested, probably eventually giving in to his clinical depression again, and thus probably giving the real culprit what he wanted, which pressured me into saying whatever I had to in order to make sure that didn’t happen.”
 Lydia truly, honestly didn’t know how to respond to that dump of information and sarcasm. Luckily, Rachel jumped in. “So it sounds to me as if you were just protecting your friend there,” she said. “Possibly not only from the police, but from whoever really took the Brody children?”
The magician stared at her. “I didn’t say I knew who took the kids.”
Rachel chuckled. “I never said you were implying you did. But the fact that you assumed that says a lot.”
“Well...fuck.” He slumped a bit deeper into the couch cushions. The other man next to him was smiling. “Don’t give me that look, JJ. That’s called a ‘shit-eating grin’ and it’s not something you give to your friends.” The man—JJ, apparently—gestured more. “Oh, shut up.”
“You know who took the kids?!” Lydia gaped. “Well, why didn’t you tell us?! We could’ve used that lead, and avoided almost arresting him.” She pointed at where Brody was sleeping. “He must look a lot like you guys, if we believe the security footage. Is that why you didn’t say anything? Because you thought ‘there are already five of us, they won’t believe one more exists’?”  
The doctor coughed. “It is bit more...complicated than that, I’m afraid.”
“What? Are you all quintuplets or something?” Lydia threw her hands up in the air. “Can’t get any more absurd than this!”
“Ah, love,” Rachel piped up. “Do you still want to see the vigilante man? I thought you intended to confront him at some point.”
Lydia had almost forgotten about the fact that she now knew who the vigilante in red was. “Yes, yes I do,” she said. “Is he really at work? Or are you all just hiding here like—like cowards?”
Silence. The three awake men exchanged sad looks. “He’s...not at work,” the magician admitted. “But he’s...not...here, either.”
Lydia took in the sad glances, the awkward explanation. “...something happened, didn’t it?” she asked softly. “Something happened to him.”
“The less you know, the safer you are,” the magician said, tapping the wand against his leg. “But...yeah. We’re...working on fixing that. Have been since last night, actually. Chase gave in and crashed, as you see. But the rest of us...”
“I’m...sorry,” Lydia whispered. She’d just barged right in here, in the middle of their crisis situation, and unknowingly made everything worse. You’d think that she’d learn how to think things through in her years as a detective, but nope. She’d always trusted the thinking to Malcolm.
The silent man, JJ, made a few small gestures. “He wants to let you know it’s okay, you didn’t know,” the magician said. “It’s, uh, sign language.”
“I see,” Lydia said. She wanted to ask more, to know more, but she couldn’t tread on their hearts anymore. But... “Just...one more thing. Last night, Malcolm said he ran into Parker and you, and he...saw some strange things.”
The magician raised an eyebrow. “You mean, like this?” He snapped his fingers, and a small burst of green sparks and fire flew out from the site of impact.
“Holy shit!” Lydia gasped, stumbling back a few steps.
“Hmm, wha...?” There was a sudden surge of movement as Brody opened his eyes and stretched. “Wha’s happ’ning?”
“Good morning, Chase!” The doctor waved from his spot by the door. “Or should I say good afternoon, because you fell asleep earlier this morning. Sorry about the commotion, I think the detective was just leaving?”
“Detective?” Brody blinked the tired out of his eyes and stared at Lydia with no recognition whatsoever.
“Yes, the detective lady,” the doctor continued. “From the case about the kids. She wanted to talk to Jackie, though I’m still not sure why.”
“Th’ kids?” Brody looked confused for a moment more before suddenly bolting straight into a sitting position. “Fuck, right, the kids! Oh my god, I’m so—god, I must really be tired, damn, I can’t believe I forgot they—fuck, I’m horrible.”
“You are not horrible, you have a lot on your mind, and just woke up.” The doctor walked over and sat on the beanbag next to Chase. “Is fine.”
“Alright, if you say so.” Brody rubbed his eyes, then looked over at Lydia. “Did you...want to talk about something?”
“It wasn’t about the case,” Lydia hurried to say. “It’s just—my partner, last night he saw your friends talk, and then some...unusual stuff happened, and I just wanted to make sure he wasn’t...imagining things.” She glanced over at the magician. “But apparently, he was right. Magic is real, I...fuck.” She looked at Rachel. “Tell me I didn’t hallucinate that.”
“The sparks?” Rachel looked a bit pale. “You did not. That is...some new things to take into account...”
“Yeah, no shit.” Lydia was starting to feel a bit dizzy, which was to be expected when one’s world got totally turned upside-down. Magic was real...she looked at the magician. “If...you really can do that, then...Malcolm, my partner, he saw some more things. A floating eyeball—”
“Sam,” Brody said. “They...were with Jackie. We need to find them too.”
Ah. It had a name. And existed. Fantastic. Lydia could feel a stress headache blossoming. “He also thought he saw...he said it was a demon, following him?”
The atmosphere in the room immediately changed, becoming sharper, more tense. All of the men exchanged glances. JJ signed something. “He said don’t think about it,” the magician translated. “Or, well, it sounded a bit more polite the way he spelled it out. But that’s the gist.”
Lydia stared. “Are you telling me...that demons exist?”
JJ signed something else, very rapidly. “They do, but this isn’t...that,” the magician translated once more. “It’s very complicated.”
“I beg your pardon, but why can’t we learn more?” Rachel asked. “Wouldn’t that be better to prepare ourselves?”
“Not when knowing this thing can draw his attention to you,” the doctor said in a hushed voice. “Not when he gets stronger the more people know. And quite a few know already.”
“Ignorance is bliss,” Brody said. “Really. Just forget about it, and you’ll be fine. Tell your partner to forget too.”
“I...don’t quite get it, but I’ll believe you, I guess,” Lydia said slowly. Maybe she should just forget this whole thing ever happened. Go about her business like nothing had changed. It would probably be better for her mental health that way. “Rachel, I’m ready to go now. You?”
“Yes, yes, we should,” Rachel backed out the door, and Lydia followed her. “Thank you for accommodating us.”
“It was no trouble,” the doctor muttered, clearly implying it was.
“Alright, well,” Lydia said awkwardly. “Guess I might be seeing you?”
“Hope you don’t!” The magician called, earning himself a smack on the ear from JJ.
“Yeah, well, same, honestly. Bye.” Lydia shut the door.
The boys listened to her and Rachel’s footsteps recede down the hall. When they could no longer be heard, Marvin opened up the book again. “Okay, let’s give it a couple more go’s,” he said.
Are you quite sure about that? JJ asked. You’re starting to develop those black bags under your eyes. Practicing all night without sleep can’t be good for your soul and body.
“I’ll be fine,” Marvin shrugged. “I think learning how to open dimensional portals is a bit more important than sleep.”
“Jamie is right,” Schneep said. “If you do not sleep, you are no good to anyone.”
“Says the guy who runs on coffee like a car runs on oil.” Chase rolled his eyes. “Hypocrite.”
“Cars don’t run on oil,” Marvin pointed out.
“Oh, shut your face, I’m tired.” Chase yawned, as if to accentuate this. “I was having a good time, and then that detective lady and that other one woke me up. Who was that, again? Did she ever introduce herself?”
“That lady was a lawyer, and she was the detective’s girlfriend,” Schneep explained. “At least, I assume so. She was introduced as a partner, in that sort of awkward way you do when you are not sure where the other party stands.”
“I see,” Marvin hummed. He gripped his wand tightly and swirled it in a circle. Green whisps appeared and whirled about for a few seconds before dissipating. Marvin frowned. “That was a fluke, it didn’t even get close but I can do it better next time.”
I don’t believe you can, JJ signed with a sigh. I think you’re severely draining your energy, and you should really sleep in order to recover it.
“I’ll sleep when I’m dead, which could be soon if I don’t figure out how the fuck to get Jackie back and stick it in that—that glitch bitch’s face.”
Chase wheezed, and then leaned over as he devolved into laughter. “Okay, okay, I love it,” he said after a while. “That’s the best thing I’ve heard in ten months.”
“He would not like that.” Schneep sounded vaguely amused by the idea.
JJ shook his head. Clearly, you are all loopy from lack of sleep. We all need to go to bed, NOW. He emphasized the “now” part by making the sign a bit sharper than it normally would be.
“Okay, fine, maybe you’re right,” Chase relented. “Marv, bedtime.”
“Don’t try to dad me, it’s not gonna work,” Marvin grumbled, rereading the instructions for the spell.
“Do not make me count to five,” Schneep added with a smile.
“Two dads! Ay!” Chase made finger guns. “Now you have to listen.”
Marvin closed his eyes and sighed deeply. “Alright, fine.” He closed the book. “But once I wake up, I’m going straight back to working on this. We’re gonna have to double up if we want to use the beds here. Dibs on the one in Jackie’s room.”
Yet, he still couldn’t sleep, even an hour after everyone else had crashed. It wasn’t for lack of trying, or for lack of exhaustion. But he couldn’t stop thinking. His thoughts kept whirling through his mind in a cyclone, unable to halt for one minute. It seemed like everyone had been pretty safe during the week he was away. Nothing had happened until he ran into Jackie and Sam, and now look at where Jackie was.
Maybe...maybe there was a reason for that. He was the only one of the group with power. And he was the only one who...maybe stood a chance against him. Maybe that was enough to earn his attention.
He slipped out of the bed. He grabbed a pen and piece of paper from on top of one of Jackie’s dressers, scribbling a note to the others before creeping out into the main living area of the apartment. He put the note on the coffee table, then opened the window to the fire escape and climbed through.
He’d find a solution on his own. And if he drew Anti’s attention to him in the process, what of it? At least then it would be away from the others. At least this way, they’d be a little bit safer. They wouldn’t know anything about where he was or what he was doing, and it would be fine that way. After all, not knowing was a blanket of protection.
In another world entirely, someone was watching him leave through a broken computer screen, the only one that was lit up on top of a pile of more shattered screens. Its plug was dangling limply, but the picture was crystal clear. He was screaming at Marvin, telling him to turn around, to go back so he could protect them, to remember that there was safety in numbers. When Marvin didn’t listen, he banged his fist against the screen in a fit of frustration, making the image cut off entirely. Tears were threatening the corners of his eyes.
The pile shifted beneath his feet. When he tried to stand up, cords wrapped around his wrists. When he tried to kick his feet free, wires wrapped around his ankles. There was laughter, more laughter, seemingly as ever-present as the red glow all around. The cables dragged him down and he disappeared.
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lizartgurl · 6 years
I need..... Kaldur and Vic being soft. Not necessarily with or to each other, just in general. Idc how just. They are different sorts of gentle! But they are both kind.
taken from my mal fanfic because goshdarnit now that s3 is out I need to write more about it.
“You look worse than I do,” Barbara told Mal over the video call.
“Thanks for the compliment,” Mal grunted, not bothering to sound offended.
“I’m not going to replace you though, you’ll be out of there in a week.” She said. Mal could see that she was sitting at a computer desk in a wheelchair, adjusting the position every so often to get comfortable.
“Did you get the team’s care package?” Mal asked her.
“I did, but from the amount of crumbs in the tray, I have a feeling I was supposed to get more cookies, but Bart got to them before I could get them.” Barbra held up the half-empty plastic sheath of M'gann’s homemade cookies to demonstrate.
“I’ll debrief him on that.” Mal promised. “What else is on the agenda today?”
Barbara did a few quick moves across her keyboard. Her hands were just as quick as they always had been. “Now that you’re awake, it’s be nice to send at least a semi-formal thank you to the Runaways who helped with evacuating STAR Labs, a gentle reminder that we’ve got open spots on the team for them.”
“Yeah, because that won’t get annoying.” He sighed.
“Training got moved to tomorrow because of everyone who’s in recovery, but I suspect you’ll still want Tigress and Superboy to supervise that?” Barbara asked.
“That’d be nice, thanks.” Mal nodded.
“I’ve also got an updated list of teenage meta-humans and vigilantes that have been popping up who could use some company and guidance, but you don’t have to look at that if you don’t want to.” She assured him. “Batman keeps track of everyone anyway, and if he picks any he thinks show promise he’ll pair ‘em up with a mentor and shove them into a place on the team anyway.”
Mal shrugged. “But it would be a good idea to get to these kids before the Dark Knight does so that they don’t get traumatized.”
“My thoughts exactly,” Barbara chuckled. A small box in the corner of Mal’s screen indicated that he’d received Barbra’s files.
“If that’s all, then I-”
Mal’s goodbye was cut off by a painful shout. “GO AWAY!”
On the other side of the screen, Barbara’s eyes went wide. “Nope, that was it. Better go see what that was. Bye.” The screen went dark as Mal yanked his walker to the side of his bed, and hobbled to the door as fast as his sore legs could carry him. He finally discarded the walker completely. He’d gone through four-hour-long football practices at three in the morning and made it through third quarter with a twisted ankle. His legs could handle walking down the hall to see what was up.
“You’re supposed to be in bed rest,” John Stewart reminded him.
“Thanks for the reminder, I’ll log it away for safekeeping,” Mal nodded, continuing down the hall towards the room where Vic was staying. Black Canary and Batman were still there in the doorway, holding Doctor Stone, who seemed to have fallen backwards.
“Victor, let’s calm down,” Black Canary urged gently but firmly.
“This is all your fault!” Mal heard Victor Stone shout, his voice hot and angry. When Mal finally reached the doorway, he saw Vic standing on hesitant metal limbs, a plasma cannon on his right arm ready to fire at his father.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa, Vic!” Mal squeezed past Black Canary, stepping between Silas and Victor Stone. “What’s going on?” He asked.
He didn’t know if Vic remembered him, but tears squeezed out of the boy’s one good eye as his new body shook and trembled. “It’s all his fault!” He insisted, referring to his dad. “If he’d come to my game instead of working on his stupid science project, it wouldn’t have exploded all over me like this!” He explained angrily, the red light that replaced the eye on the burnt half of his face glowing brightly with Victor’s emotions.
Mal heard Batman ushering Doctor Stone out of the room, quietly asking the scientist what he’d been working on with his project, but Mal ignored him, reaching out a hand to grip Vic’ metal shoulder.
“How do you feel, kid?” He asked.
Victor’s eyes went wide, not expecting that gentle tone or the question it conveyed. The plasma cannon on his arm morphed back into a robot arm, just like Blue Beetle’s armor did. Victor held his half-human half-metal face in his handsb as the tears leaked out of his eye.
“I’m mad and I’m angry, and it hurt, but now it doesn’t hurt so much and I look like a freak and I just want it all to stop-” Victor sat down on the edge of the bed, shaking too much to articulate any words.
Mal sat next to Victor, and arm around his shoulders. “I’m not going to tell you that it’s okay, because it’s obviously not.” He said quietly. “But I have to promise you, kid, I’m not gonna leave you on your own until you feel that it is.”
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edream93 · 6 years
You’re a Gryffindor, Hook...
Hey, so the day’s almost over but I wanted to do a Huma Harry Potter AU since it was “the boy’s who lived” birthday. This beginning is based off of an earlier post with Huma HP AU headcanons that I did that you can check out here. I can’t promise that I’ll update this but I had some free time on my hand today. Anyway, hope you enjoy, let me know what you think, and please like and reblog.
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“Slytherin. Slytherin. Slytherin.”
“Another Hook, eh? Hm...you’re definitely brave, boy...to the point of recklessness even...and that temper...HA!
“Slytherin! Slytherin! Slytherin!”
“But you’re not just a hot head, are you? There’s something else there...loyalty...honor…”
“...well it looks like it’s gotta be… GRYFFINDOR!!!”
This couldn’t be happening.
This...it..it just couldn’t be happening.
“Mister Hook, I need you to move on along to your house table so that we can continue the sorting ceremony,” Fairy Godmother spoke next to him, a hint of annoyance in her otherwise calm tone as she removed the Sorting Hat from one Harry James Hook’s head.
Harry stood up, oddly compliant as Professor Godmother gave him a gentle nudge towards his assigned house table. He took a shaky step forward, nearly tripping over his robes as he went down the short set of steps towards his newly assigned house table.
His body moved on its own, mind blank except for one thought: “I’m a Slytherin, like me da. Like ‘Ettie. Not a Gryffindor...This can’t be right. It-it just can’t!”
But as he neared the table filled with crimson and gold wearing young wizards and witches, glaring at him like he was the upchuck that his father’s old familiar Tic Toc had spat out, Harry’s once plain black robes began to magically become trimmed with the colors of the brave and valiant house of Gryffindor.
“Fuck,” he groaned as he flopped himself down at the end of table, his earlier appetite gone and oblivious to the glares of his own house; oblivious to the sorting ceremony continuing; and oblivious to his best friend, Uma Triskelion being sorted into Slytherin, and the look of guilt on her face as she passed him, heading to the excited welcoming cheers of the Slytherin table.
Hours earlier, Uma flopped back into her seat, Mal’s annoying little cackle seeming to still echo throughout the room despite her having been gone for the last ten minutes. “What if I don’t get into Slytherin with you? What if Mal is right? What if-”
“Don’t ye even finish that thought, lass,” Harry hissed, jumping across the space that separates them in one of the small compartments of the Hogwarts Express to cover her mouth with his hand.
The young witch slapped his hand away, glaring at him before turning her head quickly to look out of the window, black braids nearly smacking her oldest friend.
Harry huffed, falling back in his seat across from her, the shirt of his uniform already untucked and his hair as messy and wild as always. “Come on, Uma,” he sighed. “You’re gonna be there in Slytherin right there with me and prove to that momma’s girl Mal and everyone else that they ain’t even half the witch you are.”
The compartment was silent for a second before Uma spoke, insecurity still in her voice. “If I’m not in Slytherin, Harry…” Uma began before cutting herself off, clearing her throat as she stared down at her shoes. “Will...will we still be friends?”
The boy looked at her quietly for a second before breaking out into a loud laugh. “Is that what got ye worried?” He ignored Uma’s scathing glare and moved to sit down next to her. “Uma, even if you get sorted with them lousy ‘Puffs, we’ll always stick together. No matter what.” Harry stuck out his hand towards her in a promise. “That’s a promise. I swear,” he murmured sincerely.
Uma let out a small smile. “Okay,” she nodded, taking his hand. “We stick together.”
Trying to sleep had been useless for Harry and it showed with how easily the bags underneath his eyes had formed.
The upperclassmen in Gryffindor had made it clear from the very beginning that they didn’t trust him because his da had been a dark wizard. That they thought he was gonna throw a killing curse at them while they were sleeping. When the rumors spread, noone, not even the other first years in his house wanted to be near him.
And he didn’t even want to think about how his eldest sister Harriet, a former Slytherin herself, was going to skin him alive when she found out about this. Hooks had been sorted into Slytherin for generations. He could just hear the hollwer that Harriet would send blaming him as always for something that wasn’t even his fault.
Harry groaned at the thought as he made his way to his first class. Honestly, he would have ditched class to avoid the staring and whispers if it hadn’t been for his damn head of house strolling into the dorm room Harry shared with some of the other boys in his year and tugging him by the ear out of bed.
“Merlin’s beard,” he paused in front of the classroom door. He wasn’t ready for this. He couldn’t do this. Nope. Nope. Nope. He may be a lot of things but he wouldn’t be the laughingstock of the school. He knew that once he stepped foot into that room full of Gryffindors and Slytherins he’d be surrounded by untrusting lions and devious snakes ready to exploit him. He couldn’t let that happen. He had to-
“Geez, did you get petrified by a Gorgon or something, Hook?” a familiar voice startled him. Harry spun around, coming face to face with Uma, an expectant look on the girl’s features. He couldn’t help but notice her robes, with their silver and emerald green trimming and matching tie. He should be wearing those colors too.
Harry would be lying if he didn’t admit a curl of jealousy crept into his throat at the sight. But it only lasted for a second as he felt an overwhelming sense of happiness for his friend. At least she would be fine. At least she would finally be able to show Mal and the rest of this stupid school that she was a witch not to be messed with. It was nice to think that he could at least look back on this and say he used to know Uma Triskelion before she left him behind for better things, the witch that-
“Quit your internal monologuing Hook before we’re late for class,” she hissed pushing past him, surprising him when she grabbed his arm as she passed, pulling him along.
Harry wasn’t prepared for the sudden shift and nearly fell on his face, catching himself just as Uma gave another forceful tug on his arm, pulling him further into the room. Any conversation that had been occurring immediately stopped, everyone watching as the short Slytherin girl determinedly pulled the outcast of Gryffindor into an empty seat before she sat down next to him. No one said a thing, neither on the Slytherin side of the room nor on the Gryffindor side. Even Harry found himself speechless as he watched Uma casually ruffle through her bag for her materials for class.
Uma seemed to allow a few more seconds of being stared at before she turned around, glaring fiercely at the other students until they averted their eyes, going into hushed conversations, pondering why the heck a Slytherin and a Gryffindor - members of the two houses with the biggest rivalries against each other for centuries - were sitting with each other.
When Uma turned back to Harry, she was met with pure shock and awe in his bright blue eyes.
“Uma, why-” Harry began but was cut off by a small hand against his lips, reminiscent of what he had done to her only the day before.
“Don’t you even finish that thought, Hook,” she hissed, the look in her eyes firm but not harsh. “We always stick together, right?” she stated more than questioned just as Professor Godmother came in to begin their Transfiguration class.
Harry bit his lip, tilting his head down just slightly so that his always messy hair obscured his eyes for a moment. “A-aye,” he managed to get out.
Uma didn’t say a word but she shifted slightly closer to him so that her leg brushed against his, ignoring the lingering eyes of their fellow classmates, in order to provide the simple comfort letting him know that she was there for him, that she would always be there for him.
When Harry finally did lift up his head, his eyes were bright and he flashed her his usual mischievous smile, making a face to mock Professor Godmother and her lecture whenever her back was turned back to the class.
They nearly got caught and given a week’s worth of detention on their first day when Uma couldn’t hold in her giggles at a particularly funny face Harry had made but it didn’t matter. Not to Harry at least.
Slytherin or not, he had Uma.
That would be enough for him. 
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blind-radio-waves · 2 years
Oh ! The Host has some updates on the menagerie !
Brair and Echo are very normal as always, Echo did no get stuck on the top of the bookshelves for a week and refused to come down for anything, no sir. Brair was evil to her the entire time.
Nagini has grown, not much considering she is a small breed, but she has grown more than The Host predicted, which is always fun, and thus her tank has been upgraded
Fate is not Host's but Mal's, but Mal has been having many a technical difficulty, so Fate updates are left to Host, she has chosen to sleep in bed with Host and Mal now, and curls up at the edge. Neither has the heart to kick her out.
Noodle is a monster. Having a ferret is work and her existence is a punishment for one of The Host's many crimes. The Host loves her.
Further updates included the addiction of a 50 gallon fish tank of a slowly building hit thriving ecosystem of fish that can live peacefully with one another.
Finally, there is a bird on the way, but she is a rescue and thus things are going very slowly in introductions and she currently does not live with in the library as the stress would be too much for her at the moment. The rescue the Host has gone through has assured him she will be fine as long as the other pets are watched when around her, which the Host is capable of doing. She does still live in the rescue until her cage is fully set up and she has been introduced properly to at least the four legged animals likely to follow me. Move in is expected in the next few days!
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noirshadow · 2 years
Only in Dreams - Ch 2
AO3 - 1 | 2
A/N: Hi everyone! This chapter is still setting the scene but action is coming soon, I promise. Slow burn at its finest. Also, I'm traveling next week so next update won't be for two weeks. Enjoy!
Alina blinked awake and forgot where she was for a second. Forgot what had happened yesterday. She took a second to reorient herself and squinted her eyes, looking towards the light streaming in from the gauzy curtains that let in a hazy and refracted glow from the sun. She was still in the Darkling’s room. The one Alina had taken over when she had returned to the Little Palace.
When Alina first took over this room, it felt fine. It was the room closest to the War Room and one of the most secure. Now, with the Darkling back, she felt like she was an intruding guest. Like she was intruding and crashing in someone else’s space. That would have to change, she thought.
There was a light rap on the door and it opened, forming the tiniest crack. “Alina?” A quiet voice whispered.
It was Nikolai. “Come in!” Alina called out.
The newly minted governor was already fully dressed in warm and comfortable traveling clothes. A brown ensemble of suitably strong herringbone with green accents that brought out his eyes.  He came over and plopped on the edge of the bed, his weight leaning into the mattress and forcing Alina to tilt toward him.
“Sorry, did I wake you?”
“No, I was already up but still feeling tired.” There was so much on her mind but Alina managed to completely pass out after she had returned from seeing Mal. She had barely even been able to sit straight on her horse, toward the end, as she fought the sleep from her eyes. When she arrived back to the Little Palace, it was a quick sprint in and an instant sprawl onto her bed into dreamless sleep. It was actually a blessing to be able to sleep uninterrupted and forget the past day’s event.
“I bet. Well, do you want to have breakfast with me? I’m off in a couple hours to Os Kervo…as requested,” added Nikolai in feigned enthusiasm.
“Oh Nikolai. I’m sorry. It’s the only way. And it’s not like you’re exiled or anything. I thought you’d like being close to the sea. Come visit whenever you want.”
“And see his ugly mug?” Nikolai smirked half-heartedly. “No, I think it’s best if I give it some distance. If not for him, just after what happened to my brother, it will be best for my parents to get a fresh start too. I think they are eager to leave as soon as possible. I just thought we would have more time together…as friends, you know?”
He put a hand on her leg — not in a flirty way — his eyes earnest. The silken covers still separated Alina from the Lantsov prince but the weight of his hand was more than physical. Since they had first met on that ship and their initial interactions were breezy and frivolous, their relationship had blossomed past the jesting flirtation and there was actually a true friendship there. Alina realized she would miss his daily presence when he was gone.
“We’re still friends. Always. Get your parents settled and come back anytime. I’ll be here, trying not to fail,” Alina said with a wan smile.
“Take care of yourself. I’m here if you need anything. I discussed with Zoya last night. We know you’ll be careful but he can’t be trusted. You must know that.”
Alina sat up a bit, resting her back on the headboard, breathing out a long sigh. She placed a hand over his, giving a squeeze. She wondered what the two must have talked about. Alina knew they cared about her but that they must also have reservations. How they must be worried that Alina didn’t have a real plan and was potentially walking into the Darkling’s trap. She kind of thought that, too, but was too scared that it might be a reality to verbalize it to her friends. Especially now, when it already seemed like they were second-guessing her decisions.
Being honest, Alina would have liked the approval of her friends. While she knew they supported her and would back her decisions, it would have been more reassuring had at least one of them thought her idea was a good one.
“I know. And I will. I have a plan.”
Leaning in and whispering conspiratorially with her plan, “I think I can get through to him, Nikolai. The past few months, he has been coming to me in dreams and we have been…talking. More honestly than our real interactions, actually.” Alina blushed a little, thinking about the omitted actions that also played out.
Concluding her point, Alina said, “He really cares about Ravka. He’s just misguided by his power. But I’m his equal now. I can potentially fix this. Fix him.”
Flippantly, she added, “And if I can’t, I’ll use him to dismantle the Fold, free Ravka and then we can take him down still if it’s not working out.”
She looked at the former prince earnestly, hoping she sold him over with the wisecracking tone he was so familiar with. He was, however, just the opposite. Pensive and serious but finally he spoke.
“Don’t fool yourself, Alina. He’s not a project, a broken toy. He’s killed people. He’s a monster who just wants to take control of your powers.”
Alina leaned back again, completely deflated, wracking her brain for the right words. “I know he’s not. And I know he’s evil and I hate him for everything he’s done. For the choices he’s forced on us. On me. But I don’t think he’s beyond redemption. He just wanted a place for Grisha. That we wouldn’t be persecuted. I think I can remind him of that goal. That’s all. Everyone deserves a second chance, don’t they?”
Alina knew that she was probably being naive but she had made this deal and they had to try to make it work.
“I’m unconvinced, but if anyone can do it, it’s you. You convinced me to help you when I didn’t think that was possible. I didn’t think I could care about Ravka anymore, be the responsible leader I should have been from the start. But you got me to believe again. In Ravka and myself.” Nikolai stood up.
“And I know him. You don’t know him like I do. Like you, I think I can get through to him,” Alina confirmed.
The former prince had the good sense to know that there was nothing more to discuss on this topic. He gave his two cents and Alina was grateful for both that and his trust in her. Nikolai gave a big but slightly ersatz smile that Alina easily saw through. “And now look at me. Running back to my old privateer life. Must put my sea legs back on.”
Alina grimaced, refusing the change in subject. While she knew that Nikolai was not going to argue against her further, she had to make it clear that she was serious and to convince her friend to believe her. She wasn’t sure when she would see Nikolai again and Alina couldn’t bear for him to leave, not completely convinced. “I know. With M…Mal leaving and everything else, I have to see this through. I have to at least try. Please trust me and give me time.”
“I guess you’re right. I trust you but I hope you know what you’re doing,” Nikolai returned softly.
And if it doesn’t work, we can still kill him, right?” Alina remarked, a resolute smile now across her face.
Nikolai laughed his old laugh for the first time in days. “Agreed. Ok, let’s get some food—extra herring for you—I’m starved.”
Despite their best efforts, it was a relatively somber breakfast. After, Alina said goodbye to Nikolai and his entourage as they lingered by the front entrance. Alina hadn’t seen the former king and queen since yesterday and they were pale shadows of themselves, like the light in them had been switched off. His parents looked bereft, no doubt still shocked from the death of their other son. Alina felt sad when she saw them, even a bit ashamed. They were just two of the many people who had lost someone they loved in this conflict and it was partially her fault. She tried to reassure herself that they would be ok. At least they had their other son and would have a good home to return to.
At the same time, Alina bottled up her guilt. Some of these other families have lost relatives as well as their homes. She didn’t need it weighing on her constantly but it was something that should still affect her future choices. As a good leader, it should inform her decisions — channel these feelings into resolve to help them, to do better for Ravka.
Nikolai gave Alina a huge hug. It lingered, the weight of its meaning crushing Alina but he didn’t say anything more. With Zoya, there was a slight pause — as if they shared something new since everything happened — but Alina couldn’t put her finger on it. His parents didn’t speak to anyone. They clutched at their belongings, wide-eyed, as they climbed into the waiting carriage.
Alina watched the caravan disappear down the path. She stood there, on the steps, waving till it disappeared out of sight. Zoya put her arm around Alina as they continued to stare out into the now empty road.
“Well, I hope they’re ok,” Zoya sighed, deep in thought.
“They will be. If anyone can cheer them up, it’s Nikolai.” Alina said, ruefully.
Zoya couldn’t help but grin. “I know you’re right. Well, I’m going to go back to clearing up the training areas. I’ll see you at dinner.” Zoya gave Alina a gentle pat before skipping deftly down the steps toward the Grand Palace.
Alina looked around. Beyond her in the gardens, Materialkis were still cleaning up and fixing the damage from the nichevo’ya. She wanted to help but at the moment, there wasn’t really much that she could help with. Alina wished she could get involved with the manual labor: to be able to fix something tangibly. She wasn’t quite ready to face her other daunting task ahead. The one where she didn’t even know where to begin. She turned and heading back inside. In the entrance hall, she ran into Tamar, who was directing some of the clean-up.
“Hi Tamar. How are you holding up? I haven’t seen you much since yesterday.”
“It’s ok. Tolya and I have been trying to access the damage - get things back on track. I should be asking how you’re doing but I wanted to give you space.”
“I’m as fine as I can be. I’m sorry I couldn’t really talk to you about the plan ahead of time. It was kind of a last minute decision,” Alina confessed.
Tamar shrugged indifferently. “It doesn’t really matter. Tolya and I are sworn to you. We will serve you however you see fit.”
Alina nodded a bit sadly and started to walk away. She was still holding out hope that someone, anyone, could see - or convince herself, for that matter - that she was trying to make the right choice.
Meandering around aimlessly, lost in thought, she found herself taking the familiar path toward the War Room. Alina entered and quickly realized that someone was already in there.
She hadn’t seen him since yesterday’s meeting in this very room. The Darkling was bent over a map and was deep in thought. The scars on his face deepened by the shadows as he sat with his back to the window, curtains almost fully drawn.
He looked up at the sound of her entrance, slightly startled, his grey eyes piercingly black against the light.
“Sorry, I just wandered in. I can go,” Alina explained, stopping in her tracks.
“Alina. No need to go. I was just looking at a map of Ravka. Figuring out next steps. I never thought you would agree to all this so soon and I hadn’t planned further out.”
“I only agreed to stop the bloodshed. You have destroyed so much, all in the name of Ravka. If you really care about it, then you will help me fix it. There shouldn’t be any further plans without consulting me. Let’s focus on rebuilding.”
The Darkling set down the map and walked deliberately over to her. Alina stepped back, at first thinking he was going to hit her, but then thinking he might try to kiss her. Either way, she tried to maintain a distance until she was blocked - her back hitting a piece of furniture.
“The ends justify the means, Alina. It was necessary to get us to where we are now. I -” He took a step closer.
“That is not true. A real leader has to think about the consequences of their actions. That they are making decisions on behalf of an entire people,” Alina cut in, unable to keep her anger down.
She put a hand up to keep him from coming any closer. “You have killed so many Grisha…so many people in the name of your cause. Where does it end? If you want me to work with you, show me that you aren’t beyond redemption,” she finished off.
He closed the small gap between them, his chest pushing up onto her hand. It shook as Alina felt his beating heart through her palm. Helpless to fight him off, she dropped it, leveraging it against the smoothly shellacked credenza on the small of her back as she leaned back as far as possible. His finger lifted, lazily tracing the collar and then onto her bare skin, lingering just at the bone. She cursed the oversized comfortable shirt she was wearing, instead of a more conservative-fitting kefta, that hung haphazardly off her shoulder. Despite it all, his closeness quickened her breathing and she hoped his touch didn’t feel her now rapid heart rate.
“My Alina, it was merely collateral damage. Nothing more. Unfortunately, sacrifices always had to be made. But I have agreed to all your terms. I stand with you now. As long as we are ruling Ravka together, our power together, I will comply with whatever you wish.”
His grey eyes searched her face. She could see the hunger written across his. The ache that dogged him. Was it her power? Or her? She swallowed, hoping to quell the butterflies that were in a frenzy in her stomach with his haunting but handsome look, that despite everything, still made her squirm.
Alina shakily reached up and lightly took his hand off her collar and lowered it gently, their two hands suspended in midair. His hand was warm and she could feel the faint ridging from the Fold scars he carried. Her own skin warmed at the connection and she dropped his hand with a start before it could betray her.
“You and I are nothing. You left me no choice and I agreed to this reluctantly. We are not the same.”
Alina hoped her harsh words would come through more forceful than she felt at the moment.
All that light, all that power, I want it all.
The words Alina had previously uttered flashed across her mind. Were they really that different? When he was this close to her, it was hard to focus on anything else but him. She gave him another look, that she hoped was angry, and then turned to go, a trail of unspoken words in her wake.
Trying to avoid the Darkling and not wanting to be in anyone’s way, Alina had no choice but to return to her chambers. Since she had nothing else to do anyway, she thought it a good time to move back to her old room. Being in the Darkling’s room when he was living under the same roof was too weird. At the same time, Alina had already defiantly declared to the Darkling that she refused to move to the Grand Palace. It would feel strange there. It was where the King and Queen had lived and she did not feel like royalty.
In the end, it was agreed that because the training grounds were there, too, some of the Grisha would move there. There was more space and they wouldn’t need to squeeze into bunks. It would remain the main location for events and official ceremonies but just without the heads of state in residence. Alina had tried hard to push the Darkling to move there. The King’s quarters were by far the nicest in the entire palace enclave. They seemed perfect for the power-hungry guy to finally get to act as king in the official residence. However, with a sardonic smile, he replied that he would stay where she stayed.
With the Darkling continuing to stay at the Little Palace, Alina didn’t want to stay in this room that he knew so intimately. She grabbed the few keftas and belongings she had brought in and took them over to her old room. She could have moved to a nicer or bigger chamber but she preferred the familiar setting.
As she entered, she was surprised to find yet another person already occupying a room she stepped into. This time, it was Genya.
Alina stopped in her tracks. Genya stood up, wringing her hands, a look of worry across her beautiful face. “Hi Alina.”
Alina set down her stuff on one of the armchairs and walked a bit closer toward the Tailor. “Hi.” she replied stiffly. “What are you doing in here?”
“I was hoping to find you. I didn’t know that you had moved to the Darkling’s room,” Genya confessed nervously, brushing her red tresses out of her anxious face.
“I haven’t. It was only temporary. Are you staying then?” Alina asked, a bit standoffish.
“Alina. Please. Let me explain —”
Alina put her hand up to signal the redhead to stop. “You don’t have to, Genya. I know why you had to do what you did. And, I’ve pretty much made a similar choice. For the greater good. For Ravka. I’m siding with him too, so we are the same.”
Genya moved closer, lifting a half-limp hand as if wanting to reach out toward Alina. “I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry,” she whispered.
Alina looked at her, any lingering contempt fading quickly into pity. Her friend did what she had to do. Just as she, herself, had done. Alina realized she wasn’t mad at her anymore. Not really. She rushed over and scooped her into an embrace.
“It’s ok.” Alina soothed. “We’re ok.”
They stood there in silence, locked together for several minutes. Finally, they broke apart. Genya wiped her eye and took Alina’s hand, leading her to one of the brocade sofas in front of the fire.
“Are you ok? What happened? I was back at the Darkling’s camp and then all of a sudden there was word that we were coming back to Os Alta. I didn’t know that you were involved until I saw you in the War Room yesterday.
“I’m ok…as ok as I can be. It was too much destruction. It had to end.” Alina acknowledged, bitterly.
“Mal…Mal left, Genya.” She choked back tears as her throat caught.
And then the floodgates opened. All the feelings and confessions that Alina had harbored for months spilled out. It was either because she couldn’t hold it in anymore or because she finally had her friend and confidante back.
“It’s been so tough the past few months. He didn’t want me to have my powers and he wanted us to go back to where we were. But I couldn’t do that. They’re a part of me now. I didn’t know I was missing them until I had them. And I…and I loved that feeling. When I got that second amplifier, it just made me feel whole. He didn’t understand.”
Genya moved closer and wrapped an arm around her. Allowed Alina’s head to rest on her shoulder as she patted her gently and enveloped her into a cocoon of comfort.
“And now. I’m so conflicted about the Darkling and if what I’m doing is the right thing.”
“Shh…” Genya soothed, “I told you once to be careful of him because he’s powerful. But you’re just as powerful now if not more. Trust yourself and your abilities. Just as we do.”
“It’s more than that though. When we were separated, he was coming to me in my dreams…” Alina balked. But it was too late to stop now. It was so cathartic to vent. To tell her friend everything and know that she wouldn’t be judged.
So Alina sat up and told her friend everything that had happened since they were last together. About Mal kissing Zoya. About using the amplifiers. About the dreams. About what they would do in the dreams. Genya sat quietly. She didn’t laugh or pass judgment. Just did what she always did and listened.
“Well, he did always have a thing for you. And you two make a beautiful couple.” Her eyes sparkled in mirth, some hints of the old Genya returning.
“Oh Genya. I mean, it’s not like that. Or, I don’t know. He’s done so many awful things. But then sometimes I think he can be redeemed. Baghra told me about their past. His past. Sometimes I see that scared Grisha boy that he was…” she trailed off.
“Alina. I know. And I agree with the others that you still shouldn’t trust him completely. But I do think there is something in him. I’ve known him for awhile now. I have been able to see him behind closed doors. I still remember what he did for me…with the King.” Genya gulped, no doubt this conversation resurfacing those painful memories.
Alina breathed out a sigh of relief. Finally. Someone who grasped the decisions she had to make. Someone who saw that there was logic there. That understood that some sacrifices had to be made in exchange for something good. It wasn’t exactly justification but it was what Alina had needed this whole time and couldn’t get from Zoya, Nikolai or the twins. Someone who knew the Darkling well, and could see where Alina was trying to go with this. And Genya’s next words just gave Alina the affirmation she very much needed.
Genya squeezed Alina closer, so much so that she was breathing in her familiar tuberose, gingery scent. “You are here now. Just try it and if it doesn’t work, we will find another way. I’m here and I won’t leave you this time.” ——
She spent the rest of the afternoon catching up with Genya on every detail that had happened since they separated. The day quickly turned into evening and they got dinner delivered into her chamber. By the time they had finished eating, Genya could see Alina’s eyes start to droop.
“You must still be so tired. I’ll leave you to rest. I’ll see you tomorrow. I’ve moved into David’s room now with him, but just send for me if you need anything.” She hugged Alina one more time, squeezing tight with a kiss on top of her head before exiting with the dinner tray, closing the doors silently behind her.
Alina got ready for bed and immediately her entire body relaxed as she sank into the lusciously soft bed. It was the same bed as in the Darkling’s room but something about being back in her own room made a difference. As soon as she closed her eyes, her mind drifted and an image materialized on its own. The scene came into focus and all of a sudden, Alina discovered she was in the woods.
It was all real. Alina smelled the piney scent and felt the crisp night on her cheeks. The stars peeked through the canopy of trees bright and twinkling, their light overlaying the scene in an ethereal glow. The air was still and silent and the only sound was the underbrush crunching below her feet as she stepped. She looked around - it was so familiar and Alina felt like she had been there before. Suddenly, Alina realized she was in the very same clearing where she and Mal had encountered Morozova’s stag.
Although it was a faint sound, it echoed loudly in the noiseless surroundings. Alina’s whole body spun toward the sound. In front of her was the Darkling, emerging on her right from behind the trees, like a shadow being corporeal. It took a second, but Alina noted that this was not the Darkling that should have been sleeping a few doors down from her. This was a previous version, from before, where his face was still unmarked by the Fold. Even now, with the scars, his beauty remained but Alina had almost forgotten that pure, flawless look that had first captured her attention in Keramzin .
Alina spoke first, “Why are you here? Is this a dream?”
“I guess you could say this is your dream. It’s still bound through the tether but I thought conjuring up a familiar setting might be fun. This place where it was the first time you found your true self. To help remind you of your strength.” His gray eyes flicked towards her collar.
“Do you not haunt me enough in the day?” Alina rebuked.
“You’re not happy to see me?” The Darkling raised his eyebrows in mock affront. “I seem to recall we used to have such nice moments, just us, like this. Have you forgotten?”
Alina blushed, trying to stem the heat rising to her cheeks at the images that came to mind that the words invoked.
He moved forward into the clearing. “You’re so busy trying to hate me during the day, it seemed that this is the best time to actually converse, when you can’t run away.”
“Well, I hate you in my dreams, too, if that helps,” Alina retorted.
“Come, Alina. You know I’ve said it to you before. I wouldn’t come unless you called to me.”
“No. You only come because you’re lonely,” she spat.
“Do you deny that you are too? All those nights when you basically cried yourself to sleep over that tracker. Did you not crave that comfort that I brought?” He looked knowingly at her.
Even in her sleep, Alina’s anger bubbled up. Not because he wrong but because he was right. Overflowing, uncontrollably, like a boiling pot. But seconds later, the fire was out. Like that the pot had spilled so much it doused the flame beneath it. Mollified her fury. Because how could she be mad about something that was so true?
And in this gossamer lighting, it didn’t help that it looked like a fairy tale surrounding around them. It was too beautiful to stay this angry. Reluctantly, Alina acknowledged that combined, this setting and him was too seductive of a situation. She was drawn to it. She would never admit it but Alina had missed their tether.
And this is what she wanted right? To talk to him and win him over. Unlike earlier in the War Room, this time, she boldly approached him. Dared move closer. In his surprise, the Darkling stayed very still. Only the rise and fall of his chest gave him away.
Alina’s breathing quickened again as she approached closer to him. Even when she knew none of this was real. Or perhaps, she had this confident daring because she knew it wasn’t real. Or at least that's what she told herself.
“Of course I did,” she replied softly, her open honesty surprising, even herself. “You know I did, so why do you have to ask.”
The Darkling, now hesitant, dared to step closer. This new assertiveness from her somehow diminished his usual bravado. They were both in the middle of the clearing now, a foot apart. Their breathing was almost in sync. Her willful brown eyes gazing into his unfathomable grey ones.
“We don’t always have to be enemies, you know,” the Darkling murmured softly.
“Help me to do that then. Show me you’re still in there…that Aleksander still exists,” Alina whispered back, his true name hanging heavy in the air above them.
The Darkling closed his eyes, as if trying to bottle up the sound of his name on her tongue. Savored it as the echo of the word lingered.
His eyes flew open, the grey behind them seemed paler now. Less grey and more like the silvery starlight that surrounded them. They were softer. As if her saying his true name had removed the mask he wore.
“When you say my name, I remember who I was - who I am.” Aleksander brought a hand up and traced the outline of her jaw, brushing lightly on her cheek.
Alina shivered at his touch. Every hair on her body raised up. She reached up, timidly at first, and brought her hand over his, clasping his and holding it on the side of her face. Electricity surged between them with that touch. The one, that unwittingly, Alina had been actually craving all this time.
Their eyes locked, grey on brown. Their hands still held in place. Standing in the middle of the forest where it all began.
Alina awoke with a start, her eyes springing open as they focused up at the damask ceiling of her canopy bed. It was already morning and a sliver of light poked through a break in the curtains, trying to force its way in. She blinked several times, recalling what had just happened in her dream that had felt like mere seconds ago. Her arm extended out, sweeping a path across the smooth silken sheets but the other half of the bed was cold and empty.
Her head turned, cheek resting on the pillow as she stared into the empty space next to her, her arm still extended. The tether was one thing but this was so much more. Alina didn’t know what magic the Darkling was using but it was all so very real, even more so than before. It took more from her than the tether. This was more emotionally exhausting. It was as if something was yanked from her. When she woke up, Alina felt bereft - like she had lost something in that dream.
That was the closest she had been to him in months, Alina reflected. Since he started coming to her those months ago. Not the normal barbed comments of the day that were equally draining, but themselves completely bare and open, raw even. Alina had conceded last night that she missed the tether but she hadn’t ascertained just how much till now, when it was over. It took her breath away - like the air sucked out of a room. But why was he starting to come to her again, especially now when they were living together and seeing each other everyday? Alina thought that either way, she shouldn’t question it. If it was an opportunity to try to get through to him, then she would take it. No matter the setting.
There was a knock at the door that interrupted her reverie and Genya peeked her head in.
“You awake, Alina?”
Alina sat up and nodded as Genya swept in with a very welcome tray of breakfast.
“I thought you might still be too tired to eat with everyone so I brought you a tray. Are you feeling better this morning?” Genya asked curiously, surveying her friend’s pallid face.
“A bit. Thanks for this, Genya,” Alina said gratefully as Genya brought the tray down in front of her and sat on the edge of the bed.
It wasn’t the usual herring, Alina was pleased to see. There were some of the pastries, Genya used to eat with the Queen and a steaming mug of strong amber tea. Alina dug in, surprised to find herself hungry. She hadn’t really eaten much the past couple days at all.
“You sure you’re ok? You look really pale,” inquired Genya, still studying Alina’s face as she ate.
“Yes, just a weird dream. I’ll be fine.” Genya raised her eyebrows knowingly but did not press further.
Another knock came and this time it was Zoya. Alina hadn’t talked to her since that quick moment at Nikolai’s departure. Behind her, Tamar, Tolya and the Darkling followed her in. It was the whole crew. Alina made quick eye contact with the Darkling and her cheeks pinked, still feeling the after effects of their interaction last night. His face was impassive, no indication or acknowledgement of their nocturnal liaison.
“Sorry to bother you so early, Alina, but I have an update from some of the scouts. I thought everyone should hear this so I brought them all in.” Zoya delivered crisply.
The rest of the group positioned themselves in various places around the room as Alina pulled up the blanket to her shoulder, suddenly very aware she was in her skimpy silk pajamas. Tamar and Tolya stayed by the door, as usual. Zoya had leaned on one of the columns at the foot of her four-poster bed, arm wrapped around the wooden post. The Darkling lingered near the fireplace, hand resting on the mantle, staring intently at her from distance.
“The Apparat has moved from Kerskii. He is now gathering forces near Ryevost. He thinks you’re dead and is using that news to further gain alliances amongst the towns. He’s turned you into a martyr for his own power move,” Zoya explained.
“Well, we will just have to prove him wrong, won’t we?” The Darkling furtively remarked.
Alina locked eyes on him. “We don’t want to do anything rash. He might just still be trying to fight the damage from The Fold. If we get rid of that now, we should be fine.” She continued, speaking directly at The Darkling, “Are you ready to fulfill your side of the bargain on this? Let’s ride out to The Fold and get rid of this once and for all.”
Zoya turned to him. “Tell her. You know how dangerous The Apparat has gotten these last few months. We can’t underestimate him.”
The Darkling padded closer, speaking in a breezy tone. “My dear Zoya. He’s merely an insignificant flea grabbing hold of a dog and catching a free ride. He can’t do anything to us. Yes, he may have a few scattered battalions, here and there, but he can’t possibly go up against the First and Second Armies. Or the Sun Summoner and the Darkling, for that matter.”
He walked up straight to the foot of the bed. Hovering right above Alina, as if she was his shadow. All eyes had turned to him.
“As for The Fold. I’m fine. I’ll do it whenever. Let’s even do it today if you wish,” he replied loftily.
Tamar piped up then. “How can you even do it? The Unsea is so vast. It’s also swarming with more volcra than ever.”
“The Fold is nothing compared to Alina,” snapped the Darkling. Tamar cowered a bit but without flashing a look of resentment at him.
Alina turned back to The Darkling. “I can do it with my light, right? With these.” She touched the edge of the collar and spun the fetter around her wrist.
Theorizing, Alina continued aloud, “It’s like on the ship. It should be enough…if you amplify me. That should give enough light to blast through the Shadow Fold once and for all.”
“Then it’s settled. Alina and I will ride out to the Fold tomorrow,” the Darkling announced. Lowering his tone, he added softly, “now we can truly see what our powers combined can do.”
“Don’t get any ideas. We aren’t trying to hurt anyone. Just destroy The Fold and get rid of the volcra. That’s it,” she growled at him.
He shrugged, a look of feigned innocence across his face.
She couldn’t help the look of contempt written across her own face. Was this entire thing a huge mistake?
As if sensing her unease, Tamar chimed in, “I’ll go with you. Tolya and I both will.” Her brother nodded as she threw a look back at the Darkling as if to show that she would be keeping an eye on him.
Alina nodded. She turned back to the others. “It’s settled then. We ride out tomorrow. Zoya can take charge of things here.”
“We’ll go see to the horses and prepare everything for tomorrow then,” Tamar replied. She and Tolya turned and filed out.
“We still will need to address The Apparat even when the Fold is gone. I’m not convinced we have seen the last of him,” insisted Zoya.
“We will, Zo. One thing at a time.” Alina pressed.
Zoya gave her a little nod and Genya gave Alina’s hand a quick squeeze before exiting. Only the Darkling lingered.
“What do you want now? Can’t I have my breakfast in peace?” Alina whined.
“I’m going. I just wanted to ask how you slept,” the Darkling smirked.
“Why do you ask questions you know the answer to? I didn’t sleep well because I can’t get any peace from you. You have already won but you still have to invade my thoughts.”
“Come now, Alina. No one else is here, you don’t have to lie. It seemed like you rather enjoyed it last night.”
Alina snapped, trying to keep the flush out of her cheeks, “Just because Mal is gone and so is Nikolai, doesn’t mean that I’ll automatically turn to you. I won’t just forget all the stuff you’ve done or the people you’ve hurt. I wish you would leave me alone.”
“Do you, though? And I always take responsibility for my actions. I wouldn’t ask you to forget that - those are a part of me. But we are allies now and more so, the two most powerful Grisha that ever lived. We need to be able to rely on each other, support each other.”
Alina growled, low in her throat. “There is a difference between supporting each other and you invading my thoughts.”
“I only come when called, my dear.”
“Get out.” Alina only replied, fuming silently that what he said was indeed true.
0 notes
Listen, I don't know who Raven and Kaldur EVEN ARE but I am extremely invested in this AU of theirs that you mentioned, I THOUGHT YOU SHOULD KNOW THIS!
I started this on the bus today and you actually motivated me finish it, thanks anon.
Two disclaimers: every Teen Titans/Young Justice crossover I write has TT!Robin be Dick Grayson’s older brother Robert, nicknamed Robin. Also, I’ve never been in a restaurant kitchen for longer than .2 seconds.
Raven gripped her rescuer’s arm like a lifeline the whole minute and a half it took to walk to the kitchen, listening desperately to make sure Malchior hadn’t decided to follow them after all. The chef pushed the door open, sending about half the kitchen staff tumbling to the floor as he led Raven in before him. The door swung shut and she finally managed to breathe. One of the waitresses led her over to a little alcove full of serving trays as the staff grilled the chef that had helped her. As soon as her heart slowed to the same pace as her thoughts, she whipped her phone out of her purse and opened her friends’ group chat.
Raven: I just got rescued by the most handsome man in the world?
Cyborg: what did i do
Raven: Malchior showed up during my date
Raven: I guess he saw me in the window, because he pushed straight past the hostess and went straight to my table
Raven: I was in a booth so he just stood at the end of the seat so I couldn’t get out
Starfire: you should have let us kill him
Robin: ………………… star…………………………………
BB: she’s not wrong
Raven: David was in the bathroom and when he walked out he bolted before Mal even saw him
Cyborg: dump him
Raven: Thanks I was going to
Raven: I guess the hostess had gone to the kitchen when Mal showed up because one of the cooks came out
Starfire: is this the world’s most beautiful man?
Raven: Yes
Raven: He came up to my table and insinuated that he was my boyfriend and I was waiting for him to get off work, and offered to let me sit in the kitchen for the rest of his shift
Raven: Which is where I am right now.
Starfire: did you get his phone number?????????
BB: ABSOLUTELY get his phone number
Raven: Anyway, he has these super intricate serpent tattoos that go all the way down to his wrists
Robin: siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiick
Raven: They are. 
Raven: When Mal wouldn’t let me out of the booth he pushed his sleeves up and asked if there was a problem
Raven: He went from harmless caring boyfriend to “I will fuck you up outside the bar” in 0.3 seconds just by shifting his weight
Raven: I saw all the blood rush out of Malchior’s face. It was incredible.
Robin: wait what restaurant is this
Raven: The Greek one in the town center
Robin: brb gotta check something
Raven looked up and caught The World’s Most Beautiful Man staring at her. They held eyes for a second, then both looked frantically away as her text notification went off and the pan he was holding burst into flames. 
BB: dude i think my cousin works there
Starfire: if raven doesn’t get his phone number PLEASE get it for her
BB: you got it boss
Raven: SHIT he looked at me
BB: ???????
BB: good look or bad look
The World’s Most Beautiful Man flipped over a cut of meat and looked over at her just in time to catch the tail end of her glance. Raven hunched further over her phone, pulling her skirt up onto the chair as a waitress passed by her with a plate of appetizers.
Raven: How am I supposed to tell if it’s a good look
Starfire: did you wear your lengha skirt with your cropped blouse
Raven: Yes? why
Starfire: then he’s looking you up
Raven: Translation please?
Cyborg: jfc rae he’s checking you out
Raven: HE IS NOT
She peeked through her hair and caught The World’s Most Beautiful Man staring at her legs.
Raven: Shit I think he is
Raven: I don’t actually know what to do in this situation
Robin: hey is the world’s most beautiful man black with a bleached undercut
Raven: Yes??? How do you know that
Robin: he’s friends with Dick
Starfire: is this the friend whose mother looks like Beyonce
Robin posted a picture in the chat of The World’s Most Beautiful Man wearing a tank top that showed off his tattoos, which spiraled up his arms like a caduceus and disappeared into his shoulders. 
BB: hol y shit you weren’t kidding
Starfire: he is so beautiful
Robin: no yeah that’s Kaldur, his entire family is ridiculously good looking
Cyborg: Raven, you’re my sister and I love you, but if you don’t get this boy’s dick I’m going to disown you
Raven: SHUT UP
Robin: you really should ask him out
Robin: he’s a good guy 
BB: already outpacing the rest of your dating history
Raven: Shut up garfield
Raven looked up to see the hostess, dressed in a faux tux jacket and a short skirt. 
“That guy finally left,” she said. Raven breathed a sigh of relief. “Do you need someone to walk you to your car?”
“My date drove me,” she said. The hostess winced. “I could call a friend, but they’ll take a bit to get here.”
“Take your time. We’re not going to rush you.” She grinned, first at Raven and then at someone behind her, before heading back to the front. Raven turned around to see Kaldur come over, sans apron, the shirt of his uniform slightly undone and the sleeves pushed up to his elbows. 
“I don’t think I caught your name,” he said, leaning against the table.
“It’s Raven. You’re Kaldur, right?” She smirked a little as his eyebrows went up. “I’m a friend of Robin Grayson’s.”
“Ah. Kaldur’ahm Jackson,” he said with a nod. “My shift just ended. If you need a ride home, I’d be happy to give you one.”
“I’d like that,” she said, fighting back a smile. “Maybe we could grab dinner on the way.”
“Ah, now you have my attention,” he said with a grin. “I can get my car and meet you out front.”
“Sounds like a plan,” she said, and glanced back down at her phone as he left.
Robin: seriously, you have the worst taste
Cyborg: from now on raven’s not allowed to date anyone who can’t provide three character witnesses and survive Star’s shovel talk
Starfire: was I not already a rule?
Cyborg: yeah but now it’s official
Raven: Update: we’re getting dinner and then he’s driving me home
Starfire: :D
Robin: *eyebrow waggle*
Cyborg: niiiiiiiiiiice
Raven: I hate this fucking family 
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edream93 · 7 years
prompt idea - something during harry's childhood or the hook siblings childhood if you wanna include harriet and cj. idk if you want specific prompts or not so just incase hmm.. maybe captain hook teaching harry (or all of the hook kids) to play the organ/piano/whatevs??
Hey anon! So…this may me a little bit of cheating…I say cheating because when I received this ask, I was actually working on a scene from Harry’s childhood for “We’ll Light the Fuse”. Not sure if it’ll actually make it to the next update but it doesn’t have an spoilers so…why not? I’ll also try to do the piano/organ thing too later. Don’t worry, though, you don’t need to have read WLTF to understand this.
But for now, hope you enjoy this product of coincidence? 
(Note: My headcannon for now is Harriet is two years older than Harry and CJ is three years younger.)
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Once upon a time… there were three siblings that could only depend on each other. One night, the eldest sibling left, wanting to start her own life on the other side of the Isle after years of looking after and protecting her younger siblings…
“Hey! Enough of those tears, Cali! They’re not gonna change Ettie’s mind!” a ten year old Harry Hook yelled throwing a somewhat clean rag at his crying younger sister. His gesture, though he meant well, only seemed to make the seven year old cry even more. He faced palmed.
And Uma calls me dramatic, he thought. The fact he knew the tears probably weren’t real and merely an old trick Harriet had taught her when CJ was still too small to be anything other than a distraction didn’t help him be any more sympathetic either.
Harriet had left in the dead of the night, collecting all of the few personal objects she had along with the red jacket that she had outfitted from one of their father’s old coats… Harry had suspected she would desert them for the past month now. She already had a ship, one of their father’s better ones given a month earlier when she had turned twelve, and her crew was easy to come by since most of their father’s crew all had children of their own who they had grown up with.
Good riddance! Harry thought bitterly, ignoring how much his sister leaving had felt like betrayal. He may only be ten, but he knew getting too close with anyone, even family was a risk. Blood wasn’t always thicker on the Isle after all. His strenuous relationship with a father who most of the time couldn’t bare to look at him was a prime example.
So he ignored how he would miss Harriet’s cackle of a laugh when he did something that really helped carve an impression into the minds of those of the Isle that he was a pirate not to be messed with. He ignored how he would miss their daily spars where woven in between sarcastic remarks and insulting names, there would actual be tidbits on not to get himself killed, much more helpful than his father’s suggestion slurred suggestion to just run himself with a sword. (The frequency that Hook made that comment and ones similar had started to wear off…that is until the old Captain actually tried to force his suggestion onto the boy himself.)
“You’re gonna leave me just like sissy did!” the young blonde cried throwing the rag right back back at him, anchoring him back to the present.
Harry refrained his desire to just shove her off the boat and into the murky water below but a voice that sounded too much like his older sister reminded him that all too familiar sneer of hers that if “precious Calista Jane” went overboard their father would have his neck. And Harry quite liked his neck.
“Stop that cryin’ right now! Ye hear me?” he growled, trying to repress himself from turning into a useless heaving ball, curled up on the deck of the ship, struggling to breathe and waiting for the world to stop spinning like he did when he first found Harriet gone.
He took a deep breath, causing CJ to look at him with wide teary brown eyes. For a moment, the young boy thought that one of his sisters was finally listening to him, that was until CJ stomped on his foot with as much force as she could (which was a lot for a seven year old) before kicking his shin.
“Holy crocodile! Ye little goblin!” Harry howled falling to the ground and clutching his lower leg.
“No!” CJ cried, stomping her foot, though this time thankfully nowhere near his own. “You can’t leave! You can’t! You can’t!”
“Oh shut up you idiot! I’m not going no where!” the boy rolled his eyes, flopping back on the deck of the ship. There was only a few of his father’s crew above deck at the moment, many of them somewhere else, roaming the island, or sleeping off whatever questionable moonshine they managed to get their hands on. He was bored. He idly wondered what Uma was doing and if she was stuck working her mother’s shop again.
“Promise?” CJ prodded, hovering over him, blonde hair knotted in a poor attempt at mimicking the braid that Harriet always struggled with taming into submission. Her bottom lip was trembling and the only tell that this wasn’t completely an act was the way the younger child bit the inside of her cheek. When Calista Jane was pulling a con she bit her bottom lip.
Oh Davy Jones, he thought sitting up. He was never really good when CJ got like this, when she looked at him expectantly as if he could actually keep a damn promise on this pitiful rock that they called home. He wasn’t stupid. He hadn’t made a name yet like Harriet. Still known to too many as just one of Harriet Hook’s bratty little siblings. But maybe…one day, with a certain sea witch, he would be so feared on the Isle that he could make a promise to his sibling without his stomach twisting at the uncertainty of being able to keep such a promise.
“Yeah, yeah. I promise,” he said pushing her away none too gently as he got up to his feet. “We’ll even go on a grand adventure one day,” he muttered, sarcasm heavy in his voice but CJ didn’t seem to hear it as her eyes grew wide, any remaining traces of her crying now long gone and she let out a squeal before running off to another part of the ship yelling “ADVENTURE!” and needing to go find that Freddie brat loudly.
Harry rolled his eyes again, glancing at the dock where a familiar turquoise figure caught his eye waiting impatiently for him, a mischievous smirk instantly fading away his concerns for the time being.
He ran down the ship’s board, his usual mischievous smile on his face until he caught sight of an unpleasant head of purple hair waiting next to Uma.   
“Mal,” he ground out. Before turning to Uma. “Why’d ye bring her here?” he hissed.
“Yeah, I thought we were going to have some real fun, Uma.,” Mal sighed, sounding almost bored as she barely gave the boy a glance. “Didn’t know we were gonna spend the day with this charity case.”
“Ye wanna say that a bit louder, pixie?” Harry fumed through clenched teeth, taking a step closer to her.
Uma pushed her way between the two. “Both of you, chill!” she growled before tugging Harry off to the side. “What’s up with you? I thought you’d be up for causing a little bit of mayhem,” she said, glancing back at Mal before in a lower voice saying, “I heard about Harriet and…ya know, thought it would cheer you up.”
(Davy Jones.That weird stomach fluttering thing always seemed to happen at the most inconvenient of times, he thought, taking in her rare look of concern.) 
“I do like causing mayhem but with ye, lass. But not with that purple tadpole. I just don’t see why ye would even want to hang out with her. She’s got no real substance! Everyone knows she’s just her mother’s clone. And not even a good one.”  
Uma rolled her eyes. This wasn’t the first time Harry had made his feelings about her friend from the other side of the Isle clear.
“Look Harry,” she growled irritatedly, poking him in the chest. “Mal and I have each other’s back. We’re gonna rule this island and then we’re going to take over Auradon together and shove all those sugary sweet royal brats off their thrones. Now, I can do that with or without you, Hook, but if you’re with me then you need to shut your clam about Mal. She and I are partners.”
Harry knocked her hand away from him, ignoring the part of him that wanted to ask weren’t they partners. 
“This is n’t going to end well, Uma. I can feel it. Mal. Is. Bad. News,” he said putting emphasis on the last few words. “And not in the way ya wanna mess with.”
Rolling her eyes, Uma turned around, speaking over her shoulder, “You’re too paranoid, Hook. Mal and I have a plan. Like I said, you’re either with us or against us. When you come to your senses, Mal and I will be the docks by one of your old man’s other ships,” she said before starting to walk back towards where the purple half-fae was smirking triumphantly at him.
(Damn pixie.)
The young boy bit his lip, holding back a curse as he watched them both disappear around a turn, hearing a faint conversation of needing to find something slippery and smelly for their next prank. His stomach twisted with a sense of foreboding that something irreversible was going to occur soon…
A few hours later, he would realize that he hated being right…and once again, he hated how he felt powerless in protecting what was his.
Yep, I bet you can guess when this took place… So I was going to cut it off right after Harry sees Uma but…then my fingers slipped across the keyboard…repeatedly…and…well, yeah…
Hope you enjoyed, anon! And I’ll try the piano thing at some point too.
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