#the Tiny Terrors
hellenhighwater · 2 years
This is how Malice sleeps most nights, curled into my left arm.
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Meanwhile, Vice is slaving away at the biscuit factory, doing very serious work
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spiral-man · 4 months
someone was talking about Alice and Celia being anagrams and it’s times like this I really just hate Jonny Sims. Because you see, your first instinct is to theorize what that could mean because it’s got to mean something right? Wrong. This is the same writer who plagiarized his own birth certificate for a main character and then named three important re-occurring characters Michael….IN A AUDIO PODCAST.
Jonny sims is a genius writer, but he also wrote “there is no such thing as a name” about himself and his tendency to just pick names based on whatever first comes to mind. HE VOICED A CHARACTER NAMED DONNY SUMS. DONNY FUCKING SUMS ARE YOU KIDDING ME-
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corkscrewteeth · 1 year
happy pride month audio drama community
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EDIT: ID in alt, fellas!!
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respectthepetty · 2 months
Yak deserves all the praise for continuously checking in with Dee throughout the night during sex, but I also want to point out that Yak kept apologizing to a drunk and passed out Dee because he knew he was violating his privacy.
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He apologized when he was trying to figure out where Dee lived and even though he smiled when he picked up Dee's phone, he still apologized.
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Which makes me think that this conversation isn't all about Yak's dick.
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Yak is used to people being intimidated by him. He is a fighter. He is a scary guy.
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But Dee doesn't give a shit.
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Yak is annoyed that Dee doesn't know who he is.
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But how nice must it be to not immediately get the normal reaction from Dee that he probably gets from others.
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Yak doesn't threaten Dee with violence in the bathroom, but Dee, who is in the wrong, still argues with Yak as if he is the one who is annoyed.
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But, even then, Yak makes it clear that he isn't a mean man.
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Which is true.
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Yak is as kind as he can be in those circumstances. He apologizes to a person who is not awake to hear those apologizes. He carries Dee to his home. He fully intends to leave him once he gets into the place. He checks in throughout sex. And he asks if Dee is scared.
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Of his dick? Yeah, he directly asks that, but also of him, to which Dee sizes him up and firmly establishes that there is really nothing to be afraid of.
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Because feisty Dee is actually the scary one here when pissed off and the only reason he was "vanilla" was because he wanted Ter to believe he was vanilla, but Yak has proven to the gentle giant.
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But nobody ever gets to see that.
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Except Dee.
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chiropteracupola · 3 months
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in which the captain's mouse-steward does a bit of mending
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nerdpoe · 11 months
Itty Bitty Timmy becoming Superman obsessed instead of Batman obsessed
And he somehow still manages to tail Superman for photos without Superman knowing.
Like, his parents move to Metropolis instead of Gotham. He gets saved by Superman at three instead of watching the Graysons die.
He fixates.
He pinpoints where Superman appears to start from during emergency vs where he starts from via regular patrol based on the level of crime stopped and manages to find not only the Daily Planet, but also Clarks goddamn apartment building.
He manages to get a list and pictures of all reporters at the Daily Planet.
He figures out who Superman is.
Superman only realizes he has a child following him around when said child almost gets too close the the action.
And then he does it again.
And again.
In the middle of an argument, the same one that would have driven Jason away, Superman flies into the cave holding a windswept Tim.
"Please teach him how not to die." Was probably not the best opener, but Clarks suffered multiple small heart attacks thanks to the kid, and he needs help from the only completely human hero he knows who can go toe to toe with gods.
The other option was Green Arrow, but Tim's need to solve mysteries fits more with Bruce than Ollie.
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danothan · 11 months
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“i need you to be brave” jfc was hal ever allowed to grieve once in his life
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chiaki-c · 6 months
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jimmy fitzcunt or whatever she's called
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yalster54 · 14 days
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they're menaces
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hellenhighwater · 2 years
in all candor, it is occasionally difficult to get pictures of Vice that do justice to the thrumming anxiety that fuels his every waking hour; he's too terribly photogenic and most of the time he just looks like a fancy elegant shiny man who has his shit together, which is horribly misleading.
Malice, on the other hand, is difficult to photograph for other reasons.
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fcb-mv33 · 7 months
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He’s so fond of his terror😭
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leadandblood · 13 days
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theartisticcrow · 1 day
Ah fuck it, I CALL UPON THE FREV COMMUNITY FOR ASSISTANCE (please). Right, I'm writing this essay for my socials class that nobody asked me to write but hey I'm doing it anyways for "fun" and basically what I'm asking here is for anyone who has watched a bunch of those French Revolution films that portray Robespierre as an awful tyrant (and also queercoded) and such like to please infodump on me about these films. I'm trying to write about how films and similar media like these play into how a large majority of society view him as a brutal dictator responsible for the Reign of Terror (barely) so yeah uh... please help me if you have the time, I would greatly appreciate it. I myself have never watched the films and knowing how they go about portraying Robespierre would be greatly appreciated.
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kittynomore · 1 year
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This was fun
I would like to thank @amevello-blue ame for letting me commit acts of horror on to this sad old man @rottmntpeepawpolls
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smoosey · 1 year
I know there are many beloved headcanons about where Cody got his facial scar, but to me, it really is so good if Grievous is the one who does it 🤌🤌
I think about how every time the 212th sees Grievous, it's on sight. I think about the S2E9 dogpile. They're freaks about this guy. It feels personal. 
And, obviously, I also think about the way Obi-Wan acts about Grievous. There's a really clear antagonism there. And I think it really 🤌 adds to it if, early in the war, Grievous ripped through some of Obi-Wan's men before he even really made a name for himself. It recontextualizes the fight with Grievous in ROTS. 
Mostly, though, I was imagining a scene where Obi-Wan and Cody maybe don't even know each other that well yet, but Obi-Wan stays with Cody in the aftermath of the attack. Maybe it is horrific. Maybe they're trapped. Maybe they're helpless, maybe they're in the dark. There's something compelling about that. It's their story, isn't it? The entire war is a trap, Cody's life is a trap, they're both trapped, they've been trapped since the beginning. They're hurtling towards inevitable tragedy together. But in the midst of all the grief and horror, they share moments of humanity and comfort and light. That, to me, is what their story is about, and that's also how it should begin. 
The idea wouldn't let me go, so here's the fic:
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