#malec writing goodies
khunvegas · 7 years
Malec Fanfic Rec! 2.0
Here I am again with a list too long for those who are Malec Trash.
Since this fandom loves drama (the unnecesary one) this list contains lots of that, with tears, angst, happy endings and everything in between in these Malec writing goodies, that hopefully can appeased those who wants drama and those who really are looking for good fanfiction to bear this hiatus.
And all the love to these amazing writers that can bring everything above and more with just a few words and make you sit still until the end of the chapter and make you want more
My stalking skills are a little rusty and there’s a few authors that I could’t find their blog. So, for whoever read this and knows the author and tag them, that would be very much appreciated.
A Kind of Magic by thegaminebruise
"I'm a warlock."
"Are we roleplaying? Because you know I’m down, but I would really like some time to prepare and, like, flesh out my character, maybe write down some major story points. I don’t know if –”
Or, Magnus tells Alec about his magic.
A Lesson in Love by CobaltCorvus
Alec should have known he was doomed from the moment he decided to ask Magnus Bane for help.
A Tail to Tell by CobaltCorvus
Magnus dresses like a work of art, there's always something new to see every time you look, and Alec is a tad disappointed he didn't notice this little detail before.
Animal by lbrt_audrey
Based on the song Animals, by Maroon 5.
Magnus description of Alec, his touch, his body ... everything that made him feel.
As long as there's the two of us, we've got the world and all it's charms. By Taliehere
And when the world is through with us, we've got each other's arms ~
At first Alec doesn't notice, but Clary does.
Better for You by @zrdu
Magnus' and Alec's relationship comes to a sudden halt when Maryse interferes. They both try to cope without each other.
Blame The Tequila by @scarlett-ice
Alec took a sip of his coffee as he tapped on the message inbox and nearly spat it back out again at the sight that greeted him. He had to be dreaming, hallucinating, because that…that wasn’t Mark’s name at the top. Alec blinked a few times, even put down his coffee to pinch himself, but nothing changed. It still wasn’t Mark’s name.
It was Magnus’.
He’d sent the message to Magnus Bane. He’d sent a flirty shirtless picture to his boss.
Caffeinated Wolves by @softmagnusbane
“They’re really good” finally turning to face the barista Magnus feels his mouth go dry. The man behind the counter is gorgeous: pink lips, cheekbones slightly flushed, mesmerizing hazel eyes, surely a model on the side...maybe he could model Magnus’ clothes, or, model his suddenly inspired underwear collection. He’ll have to get right on that.
Coffee Shop Dalliance by @imawriteriwrite
Everyone who worked at and frequented J&L Coffee knew two things for sure. The first was that Simon under no circumstances should be allowed anywhere near the expensive coffee machines unless they wanted to destroy the coffee shop. The second was that the beautiful glittery man that sat in the front corner of the shop every day sketching and the dark-haired boy who sat in the back corner reading (and happened to be Isabelle the barista’s brother) were made for each other.
Also known as: the one where Magnus and Alec have been pining over each other across a crowded coffee shop for eight months and Isabelle is tired of it.
Devotion by @jezthemadficster
Magnus Bane is one of the most well respected and loved professors at Edom Hall University, but although he adores his students and fellow faculty, he likes to keep his private life ...private. The mystery surrounding his life intrigues everyone at the University but the intrigue picks up to another level with the arrival of flowers one day.
Differences by @theonetruenorth
Five times that Alec is taller/bigger than Magnus and one time he isn’t.
Five People That Heard Magnus' Ringtone for Alec and One Time Alec Heard It Himself (and Shared His Own) by darkangel86
The fact that it took as long as it did for Jace to hear Magnus' ringtone for Alec was surprising. After all, the blonde Shadowhunter had been living in the loft for well over a month before it finally happened.
Freud is a Dick by @sanctuaryforalluniverses
He, Alec Lightwood, had just sent his boss, Magnus Bane, a dick pic. Of someone else’s dick.
Fleeing the country would not even begin to be enough of a response to this.
Glitter and Misunderstandings by Torius Armitage (VictoriaSkyeMarsters)
He had tried. When he was nearer Clary’s age, he had not held back in his efforts to be wooed, but whenever the courtship took its turn for the serious and permanent, Magnus would retreat, realizing he felt empty inside in regards to the suitor. And he would not settle for emptiness. He yearned for genuine, overwhelming, inescapable love, like the heroines and heroes of the novels he consumed. Why sentence oneself to a life absent of magic? But Magnus was learning, after years of lackluster options, that the magic he sought, in his world anyway, was nowhere to be found.
In other words, Pride and Prejudice drenched in glitter.
Hard Choices by heartsdesire456
Even before arriving at the house where Clary and Alec had gone to meet the Warlock that was supposed to be bringing back their mother, Jace could tell that something was very wrong.
Note: this fic is HEAVY. The contain of it is not for everyone. First of all, it has male pregnancy, a lot of angst, torture at some point, discussion of abortion, rape not described but it’s there, I think there’s panic attacks at some point. I feel obliged to say it because anyone can see this post and feel triggered for this. I put it in here, anyway, because this fic is worth it, because the author makes it bearable and for me, the author is cautios for some topics in the fic. For those who can’t really digest this kind of fics, don’t even click it, please, just keep scrolling and find a fic that you really like, and for those who knows the author and knows the writings, I really suggest to give it a chance because it was very well written.
Hold On, We're Going Home by @unorthodoxpartofyourworld
At Esther's request, Alec begins his foray into the mundane world so he can be a believable Matthew Daddario.
He sees something he can't really unsee.
(This is a companion piece to Soul Glitch, you should probably go read that first so you generally understand what's going on. Takes place right after Chapter 3)
Honey, i'm home by Shorty
Magnus gives him a once over as he steps out of the elevator, and for a second Alec lets himself believe that it’s flirtatious.
Of course, that’s all dashed seconds later as Magnus disappears through the door to his apartment with a loud, happy, “babe, I’m home!”
Or, in which misunderstandings are made.
Hoodie by @alec-dark-wood 
It’s soft and fluffy and the first time Magnus sees it,he has to backtrack and take a closer look.He walks towards the grey lump slowly,hardly daring to believe what it could be.
Hopefully it's Enough by onihunter305
Magnus could tell something was wrong with Alec from the moment he touched his elbow outside of the Institute. He could feel the tremors that shook his body. He knew Alec needed someone to take care of him, and even though he was momentarily distracted by Alec’s declaration of love, he was going to make sure he took care of the man he loved.
I can do that by @softmagnusbane
Prompt: soulmate au where the first time you touch you both get a vivid mental image of the other’s biggest kink.
I Love You, Too by parabacrybaby
This takes place the morning after the morning of the battle in the winter finale of season 2A.
I'll make you (beg for mercy) by thesorrowoflizards
Magnus wears body glitter. Alec appreciates this very, very much.
Inspired by combining three one-word prompts: softly, strawberries, and glitter
It's nothing by @steakandvodka 
Alec is pretty sure someone, or something, is stalking him. He just isn't sure if it's an innocent kitten, or something a bit more malicious than that. -- In this world, Alec is the one to find their pet cat and bring it home to Magnus.
Kids in the Kitchen by @perpetual-j0urney
“It’s Alec Lightwood,” He finally said, after another moment of hesitation. Then, both sets of puppy eyes were locked on Magnus once again and waiting for his answer. “No”. More than a few customers turned to look at the outburst as both boys pulled away from Magnus and simultaneously cried, “But Papa!”
Magnus Bane liked to believe he was a good father, but there were just some requests that one could not grant their kids. For instance, a good dad wouldn't let their child crawl into a lion's cage to pet the furry kitty. Alternatively, a good dad also wouldn't bring their kids to a cooking class taught by the angriest chef on the Food Network.
Kiss With A Fist by @clockworkswans
When agent Alec Lightwood is given his first kill hit, he doesn’t expect much trouble. Of course, he also doesn’t expect it to be a cheerful assassin who lands him in a whole load of trouble. Enter Magnus Bane: an assassin turned thief who reluctantly teams up with Alec - and The Clave - after he pisses off a very important and powerful crime boss, Valentine Morgenstern. In a world of violence and unjust laws, can the two put aside their differences and work together? Aka: in which Alec is sent to kill Magnus, doesn’t, and then really wishes he had. (but not really). Enemies to friends to lovers.
Never felt that type of fear before by creativitea
The risk of his heart in Magnus's hands is worth it, compared to the risk that would lie in keeping it hidden. He trusts Magnus with it more than himself, and he needs him to know; even if it's a bad idea. The risk of Magnus not knowing is worse than the risk of it being out in the open.
New Neighbor by Chrystie, kate882
Alec Lightwood isn't the most social person in the world, but his new neighbor is ridiculously attractive so he makes an effort. It's too bad Magnus seems to think that Alec is married to his best friend.
Nobody says that anymore by vomitingwords
Magnus is over 300 years old and Alec is okay with that. Sometimes more often than not
Oh darling (put your arms around me) by thesorrowoflizards
Also known as: Six times Magnus doesn't dare initiate physical affection, two times he doesn't even think about it
Pardon the Interruption by Obsessivecompulsivereadr
But one thing they could never seem to fix was how often they got interrupted whenever they did have time to spend together. It seemed as if no one in the entire shadow world could function without dragging Magnus and Alec into their problems.
So that’s what this vacation had been about, three weeks away, just the two of them.
Prettiest person in the world by @katychan666 
(A fanfic inspired by the prettiest person in the world post on tumblr)
Alec making Magnus speechless with his smugness for the first time :)
Pretty Thoughts by @rosegoldhell 
After being homeschooled all his life, and unintentionally sheltered, Magnus Bane has to navigate his way through American Highschool. He goes in thinking the worse possible scenarios, and quickly learns that not everything you see in movies is true. Sometimes the unexpected happens, and magnus soon realizes he has fallen for one of the most popular guys in school, and it might not be as one sided as he thinks.
Put the heat on if you’re cold by @ohlafraise
Alec pulled back the delicate tissue paper and looked in the box. Oh. Okay.
Or: Alec isn’t attracted to women, but that doesn’t mean he’s not attracted to femininity.
Save it by onihunter305
Magnus knew something wasn’t right the moment he heard the telltale sound of Isabelle Lightwood’s distinctive heels on Raphael’s slate floor. If she had hurt his dear Alexander, she was about to wish she had never returned to this apartment.
Secrets Told at 2am by AdorkaGabe
Alec can't stand it. He has to get out. The roof isn't far enough. He goes to Highland Park in Brooklyn and meets an interesting confidant in a glittery Warlock.
(Or what happens when Alec meets Magnus BEFORE they met at Magnus' Loft.)
Shaky Ground, Stabilized by onihunter305
Alec had once been told that he would blow up the very ground he stood on to make things right. If that was true, why did he feel as though the ground below him was disintegrating at the same rapid pace as the relationships he once held dearly.
So He Told You About That? By @bcnedrah
Magnus' face in 2x08 when talking with Jace about sleeping with Alec was a face of sex gone wrong.
Someone should kill the sun by MsEnny
“You know, Mags. Last night I had a kind of revelation.”
“Yes. I-… I know it’s late, but I realized, stupidly, that I never really told you how much I love you.”
Magnus didn’t talk anymore. He didn’t have to.
Stay Here Forever by @imawriteriwrite
A year before, they didn't even know each other. Then there was this hookup app, and months where they thought they could be "just fuck buddies". Things went downhill. Things went uphill.
Now, it's been months since Magnus Bane (head of Bane Co.) and Alec Lightwood (kind of officially a lawyer) finally figured their shit out and started a healthy relationship. Now it's Valentine's Day and their relationship is put in danger as they compete to out romance each other.
Based on the cheesy line "I've caught feelings. I hear it's contagious. We should both be quarantined in bed all day." Literally nothing but self-indulgent fluff.
Addicted To You Valentines Day!
The Drunk Giraffe, Alec Lightwood by just_a_winchester
Drunk Alec tries to break into Magnus's apartment.
The Kissing Booth by @hornedqueenofhell
Alec will 100% totally and completely blame this on Magnus
The Lightwood-Bane Saga by @achilleanragnor
Alec and Magnus come out by kissing each other on the ice, but the media takes it in a way they never expected. aka 3 +1 times the media got it wrong and the one time they made sure the media understood
The people that matter by @steakandvodka
“God, you two are so in love it’s disgusting,” Jace said, breaking the short silence. He and Izzy grinned as they waited for Alec to blush and stammer his way through a denial, as Alec always did when he was confronted about his feelings for the warlock.
They were stunned into silence when all Alec did was look back at where Magnus left, smile softly, and nod in agreement.
The time Magnus Bane got drunk by @katychan666
It's Alec's birthday and Magnus threw him a party, at which he drank... a lot, even more than he usually has. This ends up with him turning into an emotional and over-dramatic mess.
The Trouble with Words by Obsessivecompulsivereadr
There’s just something about Magnus Bane that makes people feel safe. Cared for. Loved.
And Alec would fight for that till his last dying breath, not just for himself, but for others, too. He just never knows how to tell Magnus that because, while he loves to read, he hates words.
The trouble with words is that they always fail him, and Magnus is too important to him to lose simply because he said something stupid.
The truth, for you by @serendipitiness
He’d meant it – he still means it, and he thinks he’ll mean it forever – but Alec never wants to have to say it like that again.
(or how Alec tells Magnus he loves him the second time, the way he really wants to)
Touch Me by wordsmithraven
When Alec starts to question why Magnus so rarely initiates contact, the powerful warlock and Alec's own siblings are put on the spot. It's a conversation a long time coming but is Magnus ready to have it? And can Alec handle the answer he receives?
Two's company, three's a whole lot of Alec Lightwood eye rolls by all_stories_are_truth_and_lies
This was just all so new, Magnus and he, Alec was nervous but excited to see where it would go. How in the hell was he ever suppose to ever get some alone time with Magnus with Jace-the-constant-mood-killer-Wayland as an unwanted houseguest? The story of how Alec Lightwood tries but doesn't always succeed in moving his and Magnus's relationship to the next step.
‘Alexander…’ Magnus whispered, his breath hot in Alec’s ear. ‘Tell me if you want me to stop.’ Stop? If Alec wasn’t so far gone he might have actually laughed at the thought. Alec gave a quick nod of understanding before pulling Magnus’s mouth back to his, pretty sure he felt the Warlock smiling against his lips.
One-shot set post episode 2.06 Malec trying to get it on with Jace cockblocking all over the shop.
Underneath by @sfjessii
“You already know everything.” Alec whispers but Magnus is alerted instantly, his eyes open, craning his neck to get a glimpse of Alec’s face.
He stays quiet, merely squeezing Alec’s hand to try and soothe him. Alec’s sigh rips right through Magnus and he wishes he could pull him into himself to protect him from any harm.
What's It Gonna Be by @lemonoclefox
Fairchild’s bakery is a second home to not just Magnus, but also to most of his found-family. As a pastry chef, he works long hours and takes great pride in his craft – so much so that he has little time or attention for much else. Least of all romance. After plenty of experience with heartbreak and disappointment, he has come to expect the worst from anything in that department, and the arrival of the wealthy Lightwoods in the neighborhood isn’t about to change that. Especially not when their eldest son might just be the most insufferable prick Magnus has ever met, no matter what anyone else has to say about the guy.
(aka the Pride & Prejudice/bakery AU no one asked for)
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skylar102 · 4 years
I want you to know I read "Alicante’s Most Not Edible Husband" and had to do a double take :DD tell me about "Alicante’s Most Not Eligible Husband"?
So this was my original fic for the Malec Mini Bang. Unfortunately I lost steam for it after a while and stopped writing it. I do have a complete chapter done.
Basically I had this cracky idea about what Lydia said in season 1 about women in Idris lining up to have Alec’s hand in marriage and I just thought to myself “what if they still tried to get with Alec when he and Magnus moved to Alicante when they get promoted. Thus began these bitter, but still thirsty women trying to get Alec to leave Magnus and be with him but buttering him up.
Here’s a lovely snippet of it:
He gets about halfway through when a knock on the door pulls him away. Opening the door reveals a petite woman with blonde hair holding a basket.
“Hello, Mr. Lightwood! Oop or should I say Inquisitor Lightwood,” she giggles.
“Actually it’s Lightwood-Bane,” he corrects. A sneer appears on her face before it quickly disappears.
“Oh my apologies! My name is Cassandra. I live in the area and decided to welcome the new neighbor and Inquisitor to Idris!” She beams, holding out the basket in front of her. “I thought I would stop by and give you this basket full of homemade baked goods! I didn’t know if you were allergic to anything so a warning that there are nuts in some of the goodies.”
“Thank you, that is very kind of you,” Alec says as he reaches for the basket.
“Who’s at the door, darling,” Magnus sighs as he slips an arm around Alec, leaning into his side. Alec wraps his arm around Magnus to steady him and presses a kiss to his forehead.
“This is Cassandra,” he says. “She decided to welcome us to the neighborhood with a basket of home-baked goods.”
“Oh, it seems that word is already out about your sweet tooth,” Magnus chuckles. Magnus looks over at the woman and sees her scowling at him. “Is everything alright dear?”
“Yes everything is fine,” she quips before shoving the basket into their arms. “I just forgot I need to be somewhere and I am late. Have a wonderful day!”
Cassandra runs down the steps and hurries her way down the cobblestone street. Magnus and Alec watch as she stomps her way down the road, hands clenched at her sides.
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kinkymagnus · 5 years
What kinks and fetishes do you think Magnus and Alec have?
sfgkjdfg honestly i think they’re both pretty open to trying anything but here’s some specific kinks/fetishes i enjoy applying to them in fics (and also think they would like. enjoy. lol) 
cum kink: you cannot tell me (or at least i won’t believe you) that magnus doesn’t love alec coming inside him, on him, etc. and alec sure as hell thinks he looks beautiful with cum on his face, or his stomach, his thighs, leaking from his hole, 
competence/power/strength kink: both magnus and alec love that they’re dating a powerful badass. absolute power couple. magnus loves it when alec gets all authoritative head of the institute on him and him around, “punishes” him, is strong enough to pick him up and pin him against walls, etc. praise kink: magnus will deny it to his dying day but he really fucking loves being told how good he’s doing, being praised and told he’s beautiful/good/etc.. the validation and warm fuzzy feelings are so good. and alec loves it too (both praising magnus and watching his reactions and when magnus praises him right back)hair pulling kink: magnus loves having his hair pulled during sex. ‘nuff said.
daddy kink: again, one of those kinks i like only if i don’t think too much about it. but you can’t tell me magnus wouldn’t lose it in the moment and call alec daddy at lease one (1) time. same with alec calling him baby lol. (but i’m not talking full dlg or whatever they call it with like pacifiers and diapers and tantrums or whatever, just pretty mild.)
breeding kink: is it weird? yeah probably. do i care one tiny bit? absolutely not. anyway, alec fucking magnus and teasing him about putting a baby in him–and magnus loving it–is the fucking best. i might be biased because i just read a great fic about it.
bondage: probably one of the most well-known and accepted bdsm things, but still a goodie. a classic. alec tying magnus up and leaving him helpless–even gagged, or with a cock ring and being edged–is something that gets both of them going
humiliation kink: i admit i like this one in more moderate doses but it’s still fun. bonus points if mixed with semi-public sex or sex in places where they probably shouldn’t have sex but somehow it’s really hot to have it there anyway (like alec’s office, for example)
anyway this is just some great kinks that work really well with malec, nowhere near all that i’d use or could see them doing. honestly there are very few kinks i could just straight-up not see them doing (which overlaps heavily but not completely with the ones that squick me out, to be fair) soooo
honestly other than a few big no’s, for the most part, i’ll try anything once writing-wise. i mean like, that huge prompt list i made–a lot of them i’ve never written/really thought about but i wanted to challenge myself. and i’ve had a few surprises on what i do and don’t like, too. it’s weird.
also disclaimer: not everyone likes these kinks/fetishes and that’s fine, you don’t have to read or write them, but please don’t message me being all “kdflgjfalEC WOULD NEVER EVER TIE MAGNUS UP” or “magnus would never ever say daddy in bed ever” like chill bro. it’s fine. if it bugs you that much complain about it on your own blog or to your friends, don’t bother me about it.
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ao3feed-malec · 5 years
To Know Who You Are
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/35Mlt5e
by AmyTheWarlock
Magnus has been in a writing slump for way to long, that is until his flatmate suggests that he interviews Alexander Lightwood, the captain of the swim team and all round goody two shoes. Magnus expects that following Alec around all day will be boring and a waist of time but as he starts to unravel who Alec really is he finds himself falling for him.
Alec has never allowed himself to date, never mind fall in love, it was far too risky. The introduction of student journalist Magnus Bane flips everything he believed in on its head as not only does he start opening up to the new person in his life but finds himself falling for him as well.
Words: 1987, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Shadowhunters (TV), malec - Fandom
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Alec Lightwood, Magnus Bane, Isabelle Lightwood, Jace Wayland, Ragnor Fell, Catarina Loss, Luke Garroway, Maryse Lightwood, Lorenzo Rey
Relationships: Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood, Magnus Bane & Alec Lightwood
Additional Tags: Magnus Bane Loves Alec Lightwood, Alec Lightwood Loves Magnus Bane, Fluff and Angst, Journalist Magnus Bane, College Student Alec Lightwood, Domestic Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood, College Student Magnus Bane, Alec Lightwood Deserves Nice Things, Insecure Alec Lightwood, Protective Magnus Bane, Protective Alec Lightwood, Team as Family, I tried not to make this angsty but i didn't do a good job lol
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/35Mlt5e
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hopelessheathen · 6 years
I fucking love fanfic.
I fucking love waking up in the morning when I have a day off and opening up the next chapter of each of five WIPs I’m following that have updated overnight. I fucking love getting home after an emotionally exhausting day of work and crashing spread-eagle on the carpet with my laptop to read two new updates of WIPs I’m following and two 1500-word one-shots from writers I’m subscribed to. I fucking love getting an email from AO3 about a new chapter and saying aloud to my empty apartment in gleeful anticipation, “Let’s see what happens to these angsty fuckers next!”
Favorite WIPs of the moment, all highly recommended:
Games of Skill and Fortune by aeli_kindara (Supernatural, destiel, sort of an alternative season 14 and it’s so damn compelling, addresses the homeworld-Michael issue in a satisfying, in-depth way; also amazingly good prose)
To the Victor Go the Spoils by JotItDown (Supernatural AU, destiel, deserves special mention for pissing me off so much while also making it impossible to stop reading - kind of reminds me of reading the Hunger Games, not because of plot similarities but because I spent the whole time yelling at characters out loud and then grumbling while reading both stories. To clarify, the writing quality and drama are excellent - getting me riled up is the result of skillful, deliberate choices on the part of the author.)
And All the Sinners, Saints by angelsdemonsducks (Supernatural/Good Omens crossover, canon-divergent after the first apocalypse where Dean leaves Lisa’s on his own, started reading for the destiel but honestly the Aziraphale/Crowley is so good that I would read just that at this point)
Star Trek
The Importance of Choosing the Right Pediatrician by PrairieDawn (Star Trek OST, Amanda/Sarek, if you go by my tumblr it probably looks like I have no het ships, but I am so fucking into Amanda/Sarek it’s unreal, and this is the best Amanda/Sarek of all time. Really captures how both partners in the relationship would adapt for each other given their very different cultures. The early tags make it look like fluff that doesn’t go anywhere, but it doesn’t read that way at all. There is a ton of story conflict going on here in the form of high-stakes medical issues, cultural considerations, and the looming possibility of war with the Klingons.)
Welcome to 1951 series by PrairieDawn (Star Trek TOS/MASH crossover, Kirk/Spock + BJ/Hawkeye, goddamn this writer’s characterization and dialogue are always so damn good. This is not a silly crossover by any means. This is a legit, well-thought-out series of interactions with a solid ongoing plot behind them.)
Angelus ex Machina series by Blue (malec, canon-divergent, the parabatai bond getting way too strong, dipping the brothers in and out of a single shared consciousness - very fun stuff.)
Like Water by apathyinreverie (malec, canon-divergent, time travel, I love the trust between magnus and alec so much)
Mombasa Raha by amusawale (malec, canon-divergent, fooling around on vacation when you’re still in the closet back home, oh ho ho)
A Life Debt by Goody (malec, canon-divergent, Jace fucks up and Alec pays the price by becoming Magnus’ lifelong servant in exchange for sparing Jace’s life - I know this makes it sound like Magnus is a dick, but he’s not even remotely dick-ish here. On the contrary, Magnus already likes and respects Alec before any of this happens, and Alec basically has a nice time living at Magnus’ while people at the Institute angst and bemoan the drama on their own.)
For Family Values by SunsetSwish (malec, A/B/O but otherwise canon-divergent, Omega Alec ends up pregnant with a warlock baby and essentially living in exile from the super-racist Shadowhunter community. Alpha warlock Magnus takes him in so he can help with the magic baby stuff.)
Teen Wolf
Baby Daddy by DiscontentedWinter (sterek, Laura lives AU, Derek is all fucked up about the usual Kate-fire-related issues and Laura decides to rebuild the pack by asking Stiles to donate some sperm. Stiles is suffering from injured-Sheriff financial issues at the same time. I love angst.)
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Music Tag Game
You can tell a lot about a person by the music they listen to. Put your music on shuffle and list the first 10 songs, then tag 10 people.
Okay, was tagged in this a few weeks ago by now, I think, but I suck. Deal with it. Anyway, was tagged by the lovely @theimmortalshadows. Lets get to it, ‘cause my music selection is a mess, and I have no idea, what’s gonna come up. I’ll give you my comments on the songs for shits and giggles, ‘cause honestly I’m as confused as you.
1. Showing Up by Alex G (starting out well with the youtubers)
2. Use Somebody by Kings of Leon (Omg, an oldie, but gotta admit it's a goodie as well)
3. Shackled Up by Alex Vargas
4. Oracle by Iselin Solheim (I do not know this song. How did I find this song? It is a good song, though)
5.Technicolour Beat by Oh Wonder (Okay, this band is so great and chill, and this song is probably The Song on the playlist I have for the main character of the book I'm writing. Gosh, I love it)
6. Never Getting Over You by Colbie Caillat (You know what, I'm not even gonna say anything. Judge me.)
7. Pretend It's Home by Beth Crowley (Badass song about Divergent (I have mixed feelings about the book, but the song is great). If you don't know her, find her on Youtube, she is a pearl, and I will never get over the fact that some malec art I did is in one of her lyric videos)
8. Dear Life by Delta Goodrem (not much to say, just a good pick me up)
9. Sad Song By We The Kings and Elena Coats (I'm pretty sure I have two versions of this song? Could have sworn I heard another one yesterday?!)
Bonus (because while I was tagging this started playing and !!!!!): An Open Letter by Watsky ft Shockwave
So this was just as much of a ride, as I expected. Take or leave, I stand by all these song. Follow me on spotify for even more music that is all over the place genre-wise.
Okay, so tagging. The worst part of these tag games are the tagging. I'm just gonna do some random followers. If you don't wanna do it, don't. If you wanna do it and I didn’t tag you, just pretend I did. @star-of-terrasen @dance-punk-yurio @aguacatio @asmnerdy @chronically-captivating @toph-proudfoot @yinfenatic I know that wasn’t 10, but I don’t have to play by your rules.
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My ramblings on Shadowhunters S02E01: The Guilty Blood
Aaand we’re back. You have no idea how impatient I was to finally watch this episode. Especially with all the gifs appearing on my dash from people who get to watch it before me. Grrr I’m so jealous.
Anyway, I didn’t plan on doing a fullscale rambling this season but turns out I have a lot of em. That’s just how keen I am.
You know the drill. SPOILERS below.
Huh. I don’t even remember that valentine in the library scene. Guess I should’ve gone back and watched that last episode before diving in to S2. Oh well.
Oh, i remember the evil speech though
“JOIN ME BLAH BLAH BLAH *cuts to everyone dead. whoops
wtf is Clary doing there? No way would she just run onto the ship without being seen.
#its a trick
…I don’t think that’s Clary. 
“whoops just killed a random. oh well”
KNEW IT! Jace is so gullible
hate to break it to  you, Shadowhunters. But you really need to find a new opening theme song. 
yaay Lydia
eeeee he said Alexander. 
Alec just blew off Magnus after yelling at everyone. well then.
 I mean, I love him, but I forget he’s also a jerk sometimes.  
Oh. phew. He’s apologising *goes back to forgetting he’s a jerk (he’s only slightly a jerk, I don’t really hold it against him)
As I was writing that he forgot he was supposed to be apologizing and now he’s yelling again. this is why we love him, right?
ahahaha Simon trying to hide his teeth from Jocelyn. What a dweeb. Lool and now she’s all like “of course you would be so dumb”
Ewwww go back to your book, Aldertree! No one wants you here.
Dammit he actually looks quite charming. 
“Valentine will never break him” -cuts to Jace getting the crap beaten out of him. MY GOD THESE JUMP TRANSITIONS ARE BRILLIANT. I LOVE THEM SO MUCH. 
(But seriously, hurry up and save him, guys)
Ohhhhh Aldertree is meeting with Clary. I hate this already
I can’t quite make out what kind of accent he has there. Can’t believe I’m saying this, but I need more scenes with him to figure it out. 
……Valentine is making spaghetti. This is too weird.
…pretty sure playing with knives was the first thing you taught him, Valentine.
*painful hesitation “It’s because I *chokes back vomit* love you son” *shudders -  so believable
are they…no they wouldn’t reveal that this soon. 
Mind you, there was plenty of cut/pasting going on in the last season too, so I shouldn’t be so surprised. At least they’re not dragging it out. 
Guys. Alec and Magnus are fighting again. Alec is such a jerk
He’s like “Mag-ah forget it”
Ugh Aldertree is such a dick.
It’s like kind of British, right? But like, not british
I hate aldertree so much. Even morre then I ever hated him in the book.
Fiine I looked it up, and he is British. he is also only a few years older than me. huh. 
HANG ON I just remembered that it’s supposed to be Imogen Herondale making everyone’s lives miserable instead of Aldertree. Wonder why they didn’t just bring her back. 
Even Jocelyn’s pissing me off.
I was going to harp on Luke for encouraging Simon to chase after Clary and then I remembered that they still think Jace and Clary are related so he has no reason not to. dammit.
oooooh Simon’s in trouble
(seriously, though, why did Luke just leave him there. 
oh yeah, the demon blood thing.
jesus Valentine is such an asshole. 
oooh training sequence (actually this is one of the few sneak peak things I actually watched)
goodie now Alec gets to fight with Marys. Leave no one out, Alec. 
OMG IT’S CLARY. That one actually got me. Although i suppose I did find it odd that Aldertree would ever just show up to find Luke.
Don’t believe you, Jocelyn. Even book you wouldn’t help Clary run into danger
#knew it. Clary is also gullible
Alec’s trying to apologize again. 
He’s really sorry, guys. I think we should forgive him.
magnus doesn’t want to hear about your other boyfriend, Alec.
“Also, you’re getting better at apologies”
awwww he’s been working on it. 
And I’m squeeing. Dammit
phew dodged that bullet simon
Do you think Magnus really needed Alec shirtless for this? Or was it just an added bonus
Ugh. Not all vampires are nice. I forget
Marys is so embarrassed by her children. lol
Dom Sherwood certainly has the moral struggling thing down pact. I’m not even cringing a little.
I am literally too shocked that Jocelyn tried to kill her apparent son to make too much comment on this.
So do you reckon Malec are going to be fighting a lot this season or what? Coz I’m not sure I can take much more of this sadness.
But anyway, the previously on kind of jumped out at me, and the opening  credit song needs changing.  Other than that it was a pretty good episode. Even though Malec are squabbling all the time, I still love them, and the real apology scene was adorable. I love you guys. And Any time Simon is on screen is a delight. I knoww I went on a lot about him last season but I love him even more in the show than I do in the books. Actually, I pretty much like all of these characters better in the show.
I JUST WANT THEM TO END THE CLACEST THING ALREADY AND WE’RE NOT EVEN UP TO THE DUMB LOVE TRIANGLE. (p.s. I am not at all looking forward to Climon. They were so adorable together in this episode and it’s going to break my heart how much more he loves her than she loves him. He doesn’t deserve that heartbreak).
Oh, and Aldertree is a dick. But you knew that already. I HATE THIS WAITING A WEEK FOR THE NEXT EPISODE NONSENSE WHY CAN’T WE JUST HAVE THEM ALL NOW. jokes we shouldn’t do that, I’d use up all my data bingeing it and not sleep.
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khunvegas · 7 years
Malec Goodies Part 1
This was supposed to be longer but anyway.
Here it is!
A collection of Malec Writing Goodies. My Malec fanfic rec. Well written fics with amazing writers.
As always, if you know the author and want to give me a hand, please tag them :)
A Fated Pair (Omegaverse) by @katychan666
Series about Alpha!Alec x Omega!Magnus.... 
A good kind of drug by  @imjustoutofideas
After getting a minor surgery, Alec is a little bit 'high' from the morphine he was given as pain relief. Fluff ensues.
A Pirate's Life For Me by @lecrit 
Note: All the love you need and want between your favorite OTP, where one is a prince and the other one is a pirate. There’s a lot of angst, maybe a few tears, you can be sure of that but it’s oh so worth it, fluff and shameless innuendos.
A World Uncertain by @broodingalec 
The overwhelming passage of time has been a topic of avoidance between Alec and Magnus ever since the two started dating. With their lives so fragile and unpredictable under the threat of Valentine, they have managed to leave the concept in the back of their minds for a later date, hopefully somewhere in the far future.
This method of coping is pushed even further in the wake of Sebastian, Valentine's son and Clary's brother, taking a new and increasingly cruel step into their lives. The threats that are piling up against them seem to be rising to nearly insurmountable heights, but under the pressure of it all, the idea of the future that would come in the aftermath of success is beginning to haunt Alec's dreams at night just as often.
Aftermath by @battlemagnus
It used to be that Alec always fit securely inside a neat little box inside Magnus’s head. He was a Shadowhunter, yes, but he was… he was Alec. He was a protector.
And my heart is set on you by  @lightwoodlesbians
Or the, 'we're putting on a fund-raising play to save our old drama department' au (ft. bonus: 'we had a thing in high school but i haven't seen you in years and oh god you're even more attractive than i remember')
Aren't You Cold? By lethargical
Alec dislikes the Winter. A lot. So when his apartment's heating stops working, he decides to ask his neighbour for help, little did he know his neighbour was glittery and oddly familiar...
August by @glambertal
"What was your first time like?"
Magnus looked up at him slowly, one eyebrow arched curiously. "Why?"
Alec shrugged as if he weren't mortified. "Just wondering. You don't have to answer."
Magnus just hummed and bookmarked his page, setting the book down. "It wasn't nearly as good as yours, if that's what you mean."
Bang Me Like Your Drum by hckycrzy07
Magnus Bane is a pre-med student at NYU just trying to graduate. He's stressed enough and could do without his friends pestering him about his boyfriend. It's not that he's embarrassed or closeted or something. He just wants to keep his boyfriend to himself, thank you very much. Now, if he could just get his friends to understand that, his life would be a whole lot easier.
or Magnus has a secret boyfriend that all of his friends have been dying to meet but Magnus just keeps refusing.
Big days and fragile nerves by @katwriting
It’s the day that Alec is supposed to become the official Head of the Institute and he is a tiny bit nervous.
“Nervous?”, Magnus said softly. Alec let out a shaky laugh and scratched the back of his neck in a nervous gesture. “You have no idea.” Magnus sighed. “Oh, Alexander. You have absolutely nothing to worry about.” “Yeah, sure”, Alec scoffed, running one of his arms up Magnus’s side and cupping his cheek with his hand, “only every single shadowhunter in New York waiting for me to screw up.”
But some of us are looking at the stars by @lecrit
There aren’t many things that Alec loves as much as he loves the stars. Most nights, he just likes to sit on his balcony and watch the eerie darkness drape over the sky and the silver glow of the moon, surrounded by the stars shaping constellations he knows by heart.
This is a special night for him and his son. The only night in the year Alec lets Max stay up after midnight, so they can watch Perseids meteor shower together on the rooftop of their building.
Alec doesn't expect to find out they weren't the only ones to get the idea.
Build your hopes up like a tower by alecsmagnus
They thought he never heard them.
But he always did.
Burnt by redappleblossom
The rest of the scene that Magnus deserved at the end of episode 12.
But In the Morning We Rise by @alittlebriton
"Mmmkay," Magnus sighs without opening his eyes and shifts to allow Alec more access. "You can wake up the rest of me if you want."
Alec knows he doesn't mean it quite the way his brain interprets it - he just means he can keep up the kissing - but his brain leaps ahead and makes him flush, his body getting warmer. But why shouldn't he? Magnus was his boyfriend; he was naked in bed with him. He could definitely wake up the whole of Magnus if he wanted. Just because he hasn't done it before didn't mean it wasn't a good idea. 
Set before Episode 9 Bound By Blood - Alec wakes Magnus up in new ways.
Closed Doors Don't Lie by @actuallyredorchid
When the summoning of the Memory Demon reveals that it's not only Clary's memories that have been meddled with, Alec finds himself being pushed off the path set out for him and onto a different one.
Communication by NotEvenThat
It didn't matter if Alec hadn't meant to upset him. Ragnor was dead. Valentine was back. The Clave wanted to document Downworlders, like they were cattle. Magnus was breaking down and he needed Alexander to leave before he really lost it.
Or how I think the Malec fight will go in 2B.
Communication Is Key by LS_5Ever
Everything was going great for Alec and Magnus. Alec no longer cares what Maryse thinks, and apart from Jace and Izzy's constant teasing, he couldn't be happier. Then, all goes downhill when, after a great day, Magnus starts ignoring him. What did he do wrong? If only Magnus would tell him, he could try to make it better.
Or the one where Magnus thinks Alec is cheating on him but in reality he's not, but Magnus doesn't know that because the two of them don't communicate enough.
This will only be about 5 chapters unless I feel like expanding the story a bit.
Count to Ten and Breathe by @baneismyexistence
This is just a little drabble that came to me after watching 2.12.
Dancing in the Devil's shoes by @marieruby 
His legs are not working. No matter how much he tries, the swirling mess in his head makes it impossible to walk anywhere, take any action. It’s the last couple of days all over again. He wants to cry but the tears are dry. He wants to scream but his voice is gone.
His voice is gone.
------- The aftermath of 2x11 and the consequences of the bodyswap for Magnus.
Everything's Embarrassing by @rosegoldhell
Magnus is a single father. Alec is a 4th grade teacher. Both men are scared of relationships, but secretly crave to have something more one day, life just keeps getting in the way. But their plans of living single lonely lives doesn't last for long, when Rafael and Madzie Bane decide to play Matchmaker.
Explosive, Corrosive (Self-Preservation) by  GideonGraystairs (TrxyesSivan)
This was how they worked; angry in different ways, but always at the same time.
Family by @beautifulmagick
Magnus comes home from a meeting to find Alec braiding little Madzie's hair.
Five drinks later by larana
“You know,” Alec was saying, one hundred percent drunk, “your house is cool.” Magnus smiled and gently took the glass from his hand - the last of many, Jace suspected - asking him how many of those drinks he had had. “Oh, I don’t know. Four, maybe? Or five? Whatever,” Alec answered and reached out to touch Magnus’ shirt, just where the fabric met his bare skin. “Okay, honey, no more alcohol for you. Possibly forever. Come on, just sit here and-” “Are you single?”
Where Alec gets drunk af, Magnus doesn't know whether to cry or laugh and Jace films all of this.
Holding the Stick by @baneismyexistence
Alec Lightwood has dreamed of hoisting Lord Stanley since he was eight. It's in his blood. He's spent the last five years trying to make that dream a reality, only managing to fall short each time.
Until a scandal leads to a multi-team trade that sends Magnus Bane his way. One of the top performing wingers in the league. An up and coming star.
And the most handsome man Alec has ever met.
He's doomed.
Home by @harlee-queen
A sudden feeling of loneliness overcame him. Pulling out his mobile phone, Magnus contemplated if it was too late to call Alec. A smile crept unto his face thinking about the tall Shadowhunter. Magnus knew that Alec was probably busy and would not be able to come over, but just listening to Alec's voice for awhile would be enough for the moment.
I'd like that by @fangtasticsaphael
“Are you spending the night?” He asked, pushing away these depressing thoughts of something that was hopefully a little farther away in their future than he feared. The fact that Alexander confirmed his question with a nod and an almost hopeful expression in his pretty hazel eyes caused Magnus’s heart to swell with affection and he would never get over the fact that this boy - this young man - was a worrier but still so adorably shy when it came to their relationship.
He watched the long line of Alexander’s neck when he took another sip of his beer while humming along to the classical tune softly playing in the background. When the music switched to a piece with a distinct rhythm, Magnus’s lips curled into an almost mischievous little smile and he placed his glass down, snapping his fingers to turn up the volume a little more.
I Surrender by NotAPrettyLady
An unexpected encounter blossomed into a lovely relationship for Magnus Bane and Alec Lightwood but alas, Magnus would rather be ruled by lust than love.
If You Don't Find Him By 2 am (Give Up) by @doctorthetwitch 
“I couldn't care less if he’s in pain. I’m more concerned that he’s passed out in some stranger’s bathroom.”
“So? That doesn’t sound like your problem.” Magnus set his glass down and patted the bed next to him. Alec wanted nothing more than to join him. But-
“He has a shift tomorrow morning.”
I'll Defend You (To The End Of My Days) by EliseLightwoodBane
"There was true emotion behind Alec’s eyes and every word that left his mouth—loyalty, protectiveness, love—and it transcended through the entire hall. Alec could care less who bared witness to his outburst, he could care less that the Head of the Institute is the one he is yelling at—the only person in the institute that could potentially ruin him for his outburst—and he could care less what anyone thought of him because of this afterwards. This is his boyfriend that they’re objectifying—degrading, judging, and shaming—for what he is. As if the arrogant and self-centered Shadowhunter's in this room had any right to talk."
(Or in other words; Aldertree is a dick, Alec is a good boyfriend, Magnus is all-around wonderful, and Malec are so in love it's embarrassing)
Looking for the Book of the What??!! By drjekyllandmrhyde10
Magnus finally had a chance to corner Alec. He had a lot of explaining to do
More than eyes can see by candidshot
Alec pressed his palms against the glass barrier – his fingers aligned with Magnus’s.
“You look like crap”.
There’s relief in Magnus’s smile. “Well I’ve had better days. This body is filthy. No glitter and with this big and unglamorous head”.
Malec Goodies Part 2
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khunvegas · 7 years
Saphael Fanfic Rec 2.0
A Saphael Fest.
More writing goodies from amazing writers.
As always, if you know any of the authors and tag them, that would be very much appreciated
A Daisy instead of a glass shoe by @soft-saphael
Tumblr prompt: runaway prince!simon and commoner!rapahel
Two weeks from his coronation and three from his wedding to Princess Isabelle of Idris, the Prince of New York found himself on a park bench in Brooklyn. His face buried in the palms of his hand as his phone continued to ring. Deep breaths. Deep breathes. Deep- the phone is laying in pieces on the concrete walkway in shattered fragments.
“You’re a little far from the palace” A slightly accented voice said, from out of the corner of his eyes Simon saw black leather.
“Excuse me?”
“Oh I’m sorry your highness, I apologize for not bowing” The boy snorted.
“Please, just leave me alone” Simon huffed tiredly.
A First Date (Kind of. Almost.) by SnogboxesAndChips
Simon is always looking for excuses to be near Raphael. When he finally finds a suitable excuse, he walks in on Raphael doing something that Simon would have never thought Raphael would do. He was cooking.
And every road you take (will always lead you home) by @woodenhallslikecaskets
For Raphael's 55th birthday Magnus gifts him a portal that leads to 1956.
Brooklyn, NY 1956: he meets a beautiful boy by the name of Simon Lewis. They've never met before but Raphael feels like he could love him. They could fall in love.
Break of the light by @makehomesofhumans
Simon's eyes sparked to life as he was being dangled over the edge of a building. He sighed, because that was just his luck.
But who would love a monster, anyway? By @spendeonswithyou
As he learns later, loving Simon hurts. It’s making his dead heart want to beat again, destroying the remaining bits and pieces of his soul.
Or the Soulmate AU in which you can feel your soulmate's pain.
Customer Satisfaction by kuro1neko2kun
'You’re the customer and you get back at me for all the times I’ve spelt your name wrong by mispronouncing my name in increasingly horrible ways’ AU
Darling, you're all I need by @anjawritingsx
Simon and Raphael are happy together, that is until Simon forgets their 8th year anniversary. Raphael is left heartbroken and Magnus and Alec try to pick up the pieces.
Does that mean you've a really bad crush on me too? By milleniumlint
Simon wants Raphael to understand he has feelings for him but he's not so obvious like he thinks he is.
Dreaming of You (endlessly) by Nubian_Reese
Corazón—His heart. He loves Simon so much it hurts. His beauty, his optimism, it’s a sea of good and Raphael does nothing but dive right in. And he is not ashamed, because Simon is a gift. God’s gift, and sometimes Raphael can’t believe what they have together is real, but when Simon leans down and kisses him, hands running through each other's hair skimming down backs, and gripping hips, Raphael lives in every sense and knows that this is real.
Flirting 101 by TrickyVicky3
Raphael sighs, shaking his head more to himself than anything else as he reaches down for Simon and pulls the other boy up again. “That will be all for today” he pulls the bottom of his tank top up, using the material to wipe away sweat, unaware of Simon’s gaze tracking over his abdomen. “You did good but not good enough, even if you pinning me down was kind of hot”
For Simon by @sirknightmordred
It's Simon's birthday and Raphael has the perfect gift.  {Part of my Malec AU ask blog.}
His Beauty by christinawithav
He is so sensual without even realizing it, Simon muses about Raphael.
Home by @anjawritingsx
Set after 1x13.
A week after his betrayal Simon has nightmares. Jace, Alec, Magnus and Isabelle want to bring him back to Raphael but Clary refuses. Surely she could be the one to help her friend.
I Don't Want You To Get It On (With Nobody Else But Me) by lizards
Simon and Raphael drunk hook up, Raphael is a ass about it because he's an emotionally constipated adult. Simon is eternally frustrated and sucks at not-thinking about it.
I'm a tiny heart that's falling fast by @woodenhallslikecaskets
Before Camille and DuMort, Simon's search history usually brought up games, cheat codes, guitar chords.
And after, it evolves into:
"Does pansexuality include crushing on vampires?" and "How to kiss a vampire."
It's quite revealing.
In other words (I love you) by @woodenhallslikecaskets
In a perfect world, he would take Simon apart with his hands and teeth as sunlight streamed through an open window. The radio would play Buddy Holly and Raphael would hum along.
He would try very hard not to laugh every time Simon tripped over his own feet as they danced.
In stillness, in sorrow (softly sighing lament) by owilde
"Hey," the boy said abruptly. He looked up from his coffee cup, giving Raphael a hesitant smile. Or at least Raphael thought it was meant to be a smile – it mostly resembled a badly carved Halloween pumpkin with social anxiety.
The boy kept looking at him, expecting a greeting in return. Raphael took a leap of faith and bowed down to social expectations. His therapist was going to be so proud.
"Um. Hi," he replied.
Interrupt my sleep, You're in my dreams anyway by PoetryMistress
Simon keeps waking Raphael up over trivial things. At first it's because he needs to get something off his mind. Slowly the reason turns more into the way Raphael looked when he woke up, how he let Simon stay, how he listened even though he pretended to find Simon's talking insufferable.
Kiss me with adventure 'til I forget my name by @woodenhallslikecaskets
Simon's life is fairly predictable and he's comfortable with the quiet routine. Once a week he practices with the band, in his free time he binge watches Jessica Jones on Netflix and has dinner with his mother 'lest she send a police squad to his apartment after he misses two of her calls.
He doesn't care for change, not one bit.
Enter a boxing instructor who belongs on the pages of GQ.
Kiss of light (and all my mirrors are windows) by @woodenhallslikecaskets
Simon falls in love and manages to completely screw it up. Sometimes in order to fix the damage, you have to fix yourself.
Who says an ending can't be a beginning?
Like a love song on the radio by @eversall
Simon could be reading into the tiny glimpses of Raphael’s personality he gets a little too much. But he doesn’t think he is, and it honestly doesn’t matter; when the other man looks at him, he wants to know what it would feel like to be Raphael’s happily ever after. . Simon's a bartender, Raphael plays the piano, and somehow they manage to communicate to each other that yeah, they both want this.
Like what you see? By wvlfqveen
Simon was working through his second rum and coke when he realized he was being watched.
Match Made in Brooklyn by @soft-saphael
Raphael wasn't a fan of blind dating or dating period.
He was content with his life, he had his family, his best friend and his job, he thought that was more than enough but they thought otherwise.
The boy, Simon, he was a friend of Magnus' boyfriend’s sister’s girlfriend, it could have been simpler but Alec refused to say Clary was his friend too.
It was on a chilly October afternoon when Raphael found himself walking down a Brooklyn street lined with small stores and boutiques, several family owned restaurants and bakeries. His destination was a small cafe called biscuits.
Raphael could smell the spend of freshly baked cakes, and hints of overly sweetened coffee. Raphael was a greeted by wide grin that was quickly replaced by a frown when he pulled out the chair in front of Simon Lewis.
Me - Kiss - What? By @bigbisexual     
Isabelle laughed for what seemed like the fifth time that minute, and said, “Simon, truth or dare?” with a light, dazzling slur, grabbing her glass from the table yet again arousing a clink, and putting it to her lips.
“Die-” Said Simon, choking, then quickly corrected, “I mean dare, sorry- tongue twister.”
Suddenly a dark expression appeared on her face. All this time she had kept one dare in her mind for Simon alone, but waited until it was her chance to ask the questions, “I dare you…” She began, took a graceful pause to garner his reaction, “to kiss Raphael on the cheek, or whatever, when you get back to the hotel.”
“…. Is it too late to pick die?” Simon asked, begging.
Not About Angels by @abluelightinthedark 
He remembered crashing down onto snow, his refracted wings spread around his cold body, a bloody taste on his lips.  He remembered coughing and then… then breathing.  He remembered his first breath, he remembered his first heartbeat, he remembered everything.
Raphael Santiago had been an angel. He had been an angel and then he fell, banished from heaven by his own blood.
Raphael Santiago was a fallen angel, because angels are not supposed to fall in love with humans, but that’s exactly what he did. 
One More Memory by @soft-saphael 
Java Jace had become their place. Raphael had kissed Simon there for the first time, his lips had tasted of caffeine and caramel.
Simon had asked Raphael to be his boyfriend there, as they huddled together trying to find warmth from the blistering cold of winter.
Their first ‘I love you’ was spoke with bright smiles as spring blossomed through the windows.
One more offkey anthem by @niifflers
Loving raphael was a new experience for simon.
Only Fools Fall For You by @dauntless-sansa 
Simon is tired of being kept in this house all day. But he's not tired of Raphael. He never could be.
Por silencio by hoywfiction
Simon won’t shut up and Raphael is running out of ideas.
Red gerbera by @fangtasticsaphael
"Looks like you got yourself a secret admirer," the clan leader commented with a shrug and just turned around without another word to leave the room. Simon watched the other go, feeling even more confused by the slightly weird behaviour of the older vampire.
"Hey, what's up with his sour face?" Stan's voice caused him to flinch again and Simon groaned softly.
"Could you guys stop popping up out of nowhere? You will give me a heart attack someday," the fledgeling complained and Stan laughed with a dismissive gesture.
"Good thing you're already dead, then--"
"--and, what, do you expect us to deliberately stomp around the hotel just so your poor hearing might pick it up? Maybe you should start taking your training more serious," the older vampire teased with a grin that widened a little more when Simon muttered a "You sound like Rapha" in return.
I deserve love by WritenStuff
Raphael reaches breaking point and finally opens up about his feelings for Simon. Will Simon feel the same?
Somebody out there by @fangtasticsaphael
He was curled up on the seat, headphones caressing his ears with the tunes of another song by American Authors because he had really enjoyed Best day of my life and didn't actually know any other songs from them. Raphael wasn't aware of humming along until he finally felt Magnus staring at him with wide but amused eyes.
"What is it, Bane?" He asked and deliberately used the other's last name to show annoyance even though both of them knew it was just an act he kept up for whatever reasons. Habit, maybe.
"Nothing. Just...you seem happy," his best friend replied with a shrug and a genuine smile tugging at the corners of his lips. Raphael paused with a frown, his eyes narrowing before he realised that Magnus was actually right. He felt relaxed and...happy. It was weird that he hadn't even noticed it himself, considering the tension he had carried around ever since the breakup. But here he was, feeling comfortable and relaxed in a van with his best friend and a not-so-stranger, humming along to some good music with a smile on his face.
The aftermath by izzyasavestheday (stilessexual)
These are the days following the battle against Valentine.This is Simon breaking down and picking up the pieces.
“It’s killing her,” Simon whispered. “We tried. We tried so hard to be together –to be happy, to forget about you and R-Raphael. But we couldn’t and we couldn’t turn off our feelings. So, yeah. We broke up.”
The conceptual art of brooding by @eversall 
Simon comes home to Raphael sulking. Or, he’s sure Raphael doesn’t consider it sulking, but the older vampire is reclined across the ridiculous amount of throw pillows decorating his bed, a book in his hand that he’s glaring ferociously at. . Simon Lewis faces off against his boyfriend's fantastic dramatics.
The perfect height by @fangtasticsaphael 
Five times Raphael notices their height difference and thinks about Simon kissing him (forehead, nose, lips) + one time Simon notices it as well and acts on it.
“I’m sorry?” Simon offered with a small voice and obediently took a few sips of his blood to show he was listening to the clan leader now, that he was going to be healed in no time and there was nothing really to worry about. The fledgeling put down the glass after drinking half of its content and walked up to Raphael, tentatively stopping right in front of him.
Under the screen of night by @fangtasticsaphael
The boy sat up and scrambled to his feet after tugging his beanie back in place and when he glanced up at Simon - cheeks red from the cold just like the tip of his small nose that peaked out of the top of his scarf, big and round brown eyes framed by long lashes and a few curls of dark hair tumbling into his forehead - the vampire couldn't help but think that this kid was absolutely adorable. He resisted the urge to reach out and pinch the child's round cheeks because this gesture might not be very appreciated, especially from a total stranger.
"I'm sorry, Mister, I didn't mean to run you over," the boy mumbled into his scarf and one gloved hand tugged nervously at the partly torn fabric of the other glove. His jacket seemed a little too wide, kind of dirty and also littered with several tears in the material. Simon doubted that the clothes did a very good job at keeping the boy warm in these temperatures.
Walked into the flames by @joanthangroff
A desperate Raphael takes up the offer of a warlock to grant him a second chance to live as a human in exchange for his voice.
We're no strangers to love by @taylorcoley
The vampire clan switches over to email, and Simon seriously overestimates Raphael's knowledge of contemporary memes.
You can get used to a certain kind of sadness by @woodenhallslikecaskets
"How do you move on?" He adds, not entirely wanting to get over Simon.
(Don't make me)
Jace makes a small broken noise that goes straight to Raphael's heart. Here are two men from different worlds who cannot seem to win at life or love. For all their sins and triumphs, they are the same where it counts.
"You don't."
(Raphael is shrouded in the oppressive shadows and this is how I die, he thinks. Watching him watching her. Loving her. History repeats itself)
You put the stars in the sky by @malecxdreams
Simon goes out with the clan and things happen with stars and stuff
You’re enough (I promise you’re enough) by @woodenhallslikecaskets 
Simon needs advice. More specifically: he needs to know how to romance Raphael or at least spit out his feelings already.
Enter Magnus and Jace.
This can't possibly go wrong.
Your left hand man by @madroxed
“Okay,” Simon says, shoving a shirt back into the overly ornate closet that takes up half his room, “this isn’t a nineties movie. There’s not going to be a shopping montage to indie rock chick music, and even though tiny backpacks are probably cool again, please don’t ever buy one.”
Raphael looks at him like he’s a moron. “Do you even understand half the stuff that comes out of your mouth?”
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khunvegas · 8 years
Malec Fanfic Rec!
Malec writing goodies from amazing writers.These are some golden works
4 times Alec almost said I love you, and the one time that he actually did by sufferingbisexual
Alec realized he was in love with Magnus. However when will he be able to actually tell him.
Across the Hall by clato27
“'She looks just like your wife,' Magnus said, offhandedly. His gaze tore back to Alec when he heard the other man choke on the coffee he was drinking. 'Oh, I’m sorry, are you two not married.' 'Uh, no,' Alec said after recovering from his coughing fit. 'Izzy is my sister.'”
Aka, the “I fell in love with the pregnant girl across the hall’s brother” AU.
Addicted To You by @imawriteriwrite
Magnus Bane's the head of his own company. Alec Lightwood is in his last year of law school. They’ve never met but have one thing in common: neither does relationships. Just one night stands. That is until they find themselves matched on a hookup app and suddenly one night is not enough.
Also known as the one where Magnus and Alec meet and think they can have no strings attached sex and not develop feelings.
Alecs Husband by NotEvenThat
Max misses Alec and finally demands that he go with Alec and his friend.. Even if Mom says no.
Amor Aeternus by @lolguess
In a world where the Clave encourages soulbonding you would think Magnus and Alec have it easy.
And Then I Met You by @everydayfandom
Sometimes someone comes along and throws you of your life path. And sometimes that's not such a bad thing.
Bibliophile by @dorkberto
Despite what his sister thinks about his non-existent love life, Alec is not in danger of an oncoming descent into recluse crazy cat owner. For one; Church would eat his competitors for Alec’s undivided attention and two; Alec’s a little hung up over Magnus Bane.
Blue storm by @dorkberto
Ragnor was gone.
 Ragnor was gone
Bright Lights, Small Town by @lecrit
When Magnus gets to Nashville, Indiana to handle his late mother's will, he doesn't expect to be forced to stay there for six months. Six months away from New York and lost in the wildness of the countryside.
It quickly appears that he is going to go through six months of living hell.
The fact that he hates the local veterinarian on sight isn't helping.
Broken Arrows by @gibberish10
Over his parabatai's missing, Alec lashes out at everyone, including Magnus Bane, his warlock lover.
Come Undone by @gibberish10
No one has asked him how he felt, but Alec did.
Complete Me by Maleciseverything
"What one loves in childhood stays in the heart forever." -Mary Jo Putney
Drop It Like It's Hot by @janoda
Alec tries to deal with people behaving differently since the wedding. He hadn't counted on Dylan from Accounting.
Fusion by prfctdaze
Magnus gets the surprise of his life when he walks in to Jade Wolf.
Happy Birthday, Beautiful by @themagnusbane
The thing about having lived for centuries is that birthdays are no longer such a big deal. A pity no one told that to Magnus Bane's party extraordinaire boyfriend: Alec Lightwood.
Hold me tightly by Tchell1
“I thought you had died, Alexander” Magnus finally said as a way of explaining himself “I saw you die”
Hypnotise by highlytrainedfangirl
Alec had a problem. One that was wrapped up in exquisite clothing and dusted in glitter. Alec was quickly realising that being around Magnus was terrible for his composure. Ignoring the fact that he could barely string a sentence together without tripping over his words, he'd discovered a new distraction: magic.
I found God but it wasn't supposed to be by @intangibel
After closing a particularly spectacular legal case Magnus sends Ragnor a celebratory text only to find himself the victim of autocorrect and having to explain to a very handsome angel (Alec) that he isn’t God, no matter how much he wishes he was right now.
In The Cards by Obssesivecompulsivereadr
Magnus wore cardigans and baggy slacks. He owned two cats, and he lived in a home more suitable for an elderly mundane woman for a reason. He was to remain boring and unsuitable for most associations with people. He did not like attention, no matter how positive it might be. He was to seem eccentric and weird. Living a life focused on magic that was supposed to not exist.
Into You by @darrenchristsupastar
Alec has more layers than we may have previously thought
It's Time To Lose Your Virginity, Brother Dearest by @themagnusbane
Magnus Bane is a famous stripper, used to pretty boys falling in love with him after one dance. The feeling is hardly ever mutual. But when he meets the freshly turned twenty-one year old Alec lightwood, he can’t take his eyes off him, and they find themselves in love quicker than they expected.
Looking at him by @jainsel-and-the-ships
Alec Lightwood is in love with his best friend and colleague Jace. Jace is straight and at the moment he's dating this Clary girl. Alec is certain it won't last, as all his friend's previous relationships. Then there's Magnus Bane, another co-worker and a man who sure knows how to make Alec feel embarrassed. Something's going on between Alec and Magnus. Something's going on between Jace and Clary too...
Magic and Rum by NotEvenThat
Shortly after the party, Magnus finds Max in the kitchen.
Make a home out of you by @thealmostrhetoricalquestion
“There is a delicate system in place and you are destroying it, Alexander Lightwood. Unhand my pants.”
“Now there’s a sentence I never thought I’d hear you say. You’re usually encouraging me to put my hands on your pants.”
Morning hair by @lollylokoala
While Magnus was completely aware of the effect Alec had on him, he didn't know that a tiny little detail in Alec's morning look could make his heart skipped a beat.
My Heart Smiles by pseudofoucault333 
Magnus is an interior designer who is dreading going to his yearly Christmas party and Alec a waiter who has dealt with more than enough Christmas cheer to last a lifetime. But when the two set eyes on the other across a crowded restaurant are they going to be destined for more when the festive season is over?
My True Love Gave To Me by @imawriteriwrite
Magnus Bane had a plan, a perfect Christmas Eve just like always. Hang out with his friends, bask in the Christmas Spirit. Then everything went wrong.
Now he's stuck reliving the same day again and again and again. The bright side? Maybe Alec Lightwood isn't as terrible as Magnus always thought.
Never Stand Between Two Mirrors by @oncethrown
Alec has enough on his plate right now. His parents are furious at him, Magnus Bane is making him feel things he's trying so hard not to feel, his wedding is coming up, and his world is breaking apart.What he doesn't need is a fussy mundane version on himself showing up in the Institute basement. What he doesn't need is Magnus telling him that they'll just have to wait for Seelie Magic to suck that version of himself back to his own dimension.But since when does Alec get what he needs?
Alternate Dimension Alec gets trapped in the Shadowhunter reality at some point after the "I know you feel what I feel" scene. The gang desperately tries to stop chaos from ensuing. 
Nothing But A Distraction by @actuallyredorchid
Clary doesn't sneak away when Alec's on the phone, so Alec accepts Magnus' invitation to "go out for a drink".
Off to a bad start by @fangtasticsaphael
"How did you manage to never run into him? He's always helping with stuff and he's even been at the institute about three weeks ago to strengthen the wards against further attacks from Valentine," she replied and looked at her brother incredulously. Alexander scrunched up his nose and shrugged.
"Well, maybe I have better things to do than waiting around to watch some overrated warlock do magic tricks," he commented a little defensively but it was the truth. He always had something to do and even when they were not out demon hunting, he had either paperwork to do or train.
"Pardon me, but I'm not just some overrated warlock. I'm the High Warlock of Brooklyn and that title is well deserved, if I may say so. And I'm appalled that you refer to my magic as petty tricks. You Nephilim always act to high and mighty, yet you're constantly in need of some tricks from overrated warlocks to help you out of some unnecessary dilemma," a foreign voice interjected and Alec whirled around, fingers instinctively curling around his bow to be ready to attack if need be. The owner of the voice was not what Alexander had expected, to be honest.
Oh lover, hold on by @fireblazie
The mask and goggles clatter to the ground. Isabelle makes a choked noise, and Jace whispers, paper-thin, “Alec?”
Magnus stops breathing as Alec’s gaze—cold, dead, and empty—comes to rest impassively on them.
“Who the hell is Alec?”
(Loosely based on Captain America: The Winter Soldier.)
One Show Only by KouriArashi
It's hard to stay in the closet when the guy you had a one-night stand with two nights ago turns out to be your new partner ... but Alec will be damned if he isn't going to give it a try.
People say crazy things by @ohlafraise
“But what I don’t get is why Magnus cares so much about a random shadowhunter,” Jocelyn said.
Simon winced. “Oh, boy.”
Pick up lines by Gracefanfics
Admittly maybe using pick up lines in the middle of your brother's rune party was a bad idea.
Or  A short fic about Alec not having great timing in using pick up lines on Magnus.
Shooting Pool by @malec-is-pretty
Magnus and Alec go on their date and a simple game of pool gets them a little wound up.
Somewhere safe to finally break by onefootintheboilinghotlava
With the war finally over, Magnus had time to be alone and his mind decided to bring up all the things and people he had lost in the war at once. At his own loft, with his two beloved cats sleeping soundly, Magnus broke down......
Tampons and Concealer? By onefootintheboilinghotlava
So Izzy sent Alec to get tampons and concealer...Alec was standing in the drugstore, not even sure where to begin, when a handsome stranger offered to help.
That's your cue by @theleftboobgrabber
“Keep your hands to yourself,” Alec tells Magnus apropos of nothing.
Magnus frowns. “I’m on the other side of the table!” he protests… not that he wasn’t thinking about some light groping per say, but they’re in public, Alec might not be into it and, while he’s good at concealing it, Magnus does have manners. Sometimes.
My take on Magnus and Alec's date.
The Choices of the Chosen by KouriArashi
The day after his 21st birthday, Alec is sent to the demonic court as a gladiator, where he makes both friends and enemies ... along with meeting Magnus Bane, who doesn't seem to fit in either category.
The Only Magic I Believe In (Is The Magic I Receive From Loving You) by @delilahbelle
Or, four gifts Alec gives Magnus. --
“No one’s ever done anything like that for me before.”
Alec’s face softens. “Well, I’m going to do it for as long as I’m alive. So get used to it.”
The Second Kiss by @simonseroticfriendfiction
"So here we are." Magnus said, taking a step closer to Alec.
Alec gulped and took a deep breath in through his nose. "Yeah, here we are." He squeezed his fingers nervously in his fists as he caught Magnus glancing towards his lips. "I-I suppose you want me to kiss you?" He stuttered, voice faltering.
This Christmas (You're Someone Special) by vulturemonem 
Last Christmas, Magnus Bane had his heart broken.
Again, and again, and again.
And he didn't think it would be mended anytime soon. He certainly didn't think he'd be ready to let anybody in. Until a beautiful boy walks into his shop, and steals his breath with shy glances, kind words, and a fantastic coffee machine.
Maybe this Christmas will be better.
Or: In which Camille is awful, Ragnor and Raphael are an old married couple, and Magnus can't help but be enamoured by Alec Lightwood.
This Night Is Not Forever by @isabellebiwoods
Alec Lightwood is a happily settled down man in a loving, caring relationship. But things weren't always that way... and once upon a time, Alec used his Valentine's Day to celebrate the spirit of the night as much as possible.
aka. world inverted legendary lothario alec lightwood
Too Much is Never Enough by Obsessivecompulsivereadr
They are on opposite edges of the same ideal. Alec so young, and Magnus so much older. Alec a blessed acolyte of the Angel, Raziel. Magnus the abandoned son of the Greater Demon, Asmodeus. Magnus with so much more unimportant and irrelevant experience, and Alec with none. They could not be more different if they tried, and yet, they are also the same. A matched set of uncertainty and inability to accept that someone might want them for exactly who they are.
Top Three by @nebulein
So.” Alec flops back onto the bed, sprawled in a lazy heap on his back, sated and boneless. Magnus is already lying on his belly, basking in the afterglow, and he surreptitiously steals closer, burrowing against Alec's side. “Best sex of my life.”
Magnus hums, resting his head on his arms, revelling in the thrill those words send through him.
“Or, well,” Alec hazardously waves an arm around, “easily in the top three.”
Magnus giggles. He has no idea where that came from. It's uncharacteristic for him. Magnus Bane, High Warlock of Brooklyn is usually much too dignified to giggle. But then Alec turns his head and grins at Magnus, lopsided and loopy but brilliant, oh so brilliant, warming Magnus from the inside out and maybe this is exactly the kind of situation which calls for a giggle, so Magnus will allow it. Just this once.
“How about you?”
Twenty-One-Year-Old Alec Lightwood by Obsessivecompulsivereadr
Alec tries not to want Magnus, but it goes about as well as all those other things Alec’s tried not to want throughout the years. Which is... badly
Warm In Your Light by @actuallyredorchid
It’s far too easy, letting himself be swept away.
(S02E07 missing scene)
We must choose to reach out and touch by Ambros
Magnus holds out his hand, a silver chain running around his middle finger and wrist, and Alec doesn't have the time to process it – to think, doesn't have the time to realise what's going to happen because he has to take it and he does, electricity dancing through their fingers and down his back and he tries not to think about it, holds out his own hand for Jace and feels unbalanced; he knows Jace's touch, remembers it from roughing each other up when they were kids even though he tried to forget it, to turn it into a ghost when he understood, but Magnus' is new and smooth and unassuming and he feels uncomfortable, doesn't know what to do with it.
Who Ya Gonna Call? By @menckenschrestomethy
“You have to—“
“Help you?” Magnus filled in dryly.
 Or: The Six Times Magnus helped someone, and the one time they try to help him
Will you be my best friend? Will you be my last? by @lightwoodlesbians
or the 'you pretended to be my partner bc my ex wouldn't stop talking to me' au
You Are Certainly My Poison of Choice by iktwabrokenbone
So there he was. Midnight, at a party. Preparing himself to do something with a guy. To spend one night getting all of this- this unspeakable desire out of his system. He needed to forget it before he made a mistake and ruined his career, his chances of becoming Head of the New York Institute.  
(Alec's panic attacks were getting worse and worse and maybe if he spent one night with a guy he could get it out of his system, and he could forget being gay and loving Jace. But nothing went that smoothly, so of course Alec's one night stand had to be Magnus Bane, and they had to keep bumping into each other. It wasn't like Alec wanted to understand his emotions, anyway.)
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