#malec being domestic and shit
khaleesiofalicante · 2 years
Not being scared if Anjali?? Rip to Lance but I can't relate
Max talking out the fights between David and Lance is making me cry ok??
“Isn’t he enough for you?” David asked.
“Of course he is,” Max said without hesitation. “He’s my whole world.”
David raised an eyebrow.
“God, don’t be jealous of our child,” Max chuckled. “You are my whole galaxy. Okay?"
Kdhdkdkf I AM LOVE THEM WITH EVERYTHING IN ME 🥺💙💙 and also he's a jealous lil shit
“Come on,” Max nudged his stomach. “It’ll be fun.” only this man would use this argument to have another baby 😂
“I know you are scared to let more people love you. But don’t be scared of love, David,” Max whispered. “That man took a lot from you. Don’t let him take this. This is too important.” why does domestic mavid kills something in me everytime?? It's just so soft and beautiful and healthy and safe and- 😭
If his hands shook a little as he touched David’s hair and removed the piece of tinsel and if he lingered there for a second too long, no one else had to know. I NEED YOU TO KNOW THIS LINE HAS BEEN HAUNTING ME EVER SINCE I READ IT. JUST WOW💙
Please I love these people so fucking much🥺 also I just know malec and Jackson love those kids so much and they go beyond with the gifts kdgzisksd
“You can’t bring a snake into my home!” David groaned.
“Why not?” Lance asked. “You lived with one for a few years.”
Do I think Lance needs to stop hurting David? Yes. Do I also love his fucking sass? Also yes
I will protect Merlin with my life😍😍
Fuck Jaden, but also, Arthur would be the perfect Will Solace I just know it!!!
He felt David’s fingers curl around one of his own.
Just a little.
It wasn’t even a touch. It was a graze.
It was everything.
My family is concerned about me but honestly?? They would be crying too if something so precious happened oh my god😭😭😭😭
Hehehe. I'm glad you enjoyed it, bebe.
Here is a song that I'm in love with and it's so so Arthur because it fits his sunshine vibes so much 😇
Falling For Ya - Grace Phipps
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khunvegas · 7 years
Malec Fanfic Rec! 2.0
Here I am again with a list too long for those who are Malec Trash.
Since this fandom loves drama (the unnecesary one) this list contains lots of that, with tears, angst, happy endings and everything in between in these Malec writing goodies, that hopefully can appeased those who wants drama and those who really are looking for good fanfiction to bear this hiatus.
And all the love to these amazing writers that can bring everything above and more with just a few words and make you sit still until the end of the chapter and make you want more
My stalking skills are a little rusty and there’s a few authors that I could’t find their blog. So, for whoever read this and knows the author and tag them, that would be very much appreciated.
A Kind of Magic by thegaminebruise
"I'm a warlock."
"Are we roleplaying? Because you know I’m down, but I would really like some time to prepare and, like, flesh out my character, maybe write down some major story points. I don’t know if –”
Or, Magnus tells Alec about his magic.
A Lesson in Love by CobaltCorvus
Alec should have known he was doomed from the moment he decided to ask Magnus Bane for help.
A Tail to Tell by CobaltCorvus
Magnus dresses like a work of art, there's always something new to see every time you look, and Alec is a tad disappointed he didn't notice this little detail before.
Animal by lbrt_audrey
Based on the song Animals, by Maroon 5.
Magnus description of Alec, his touch, his body ... everything that made him feel.
As long as there's the two of us, we've got the world and all it's charms. By Taliehere
And when the world is through with us, we've got each other's arms ~
At first Alec doesn't notice, but Clary does.
Better for You by @zrdu
Magnus' and Alec's relationship comes to a sudden halt when Maryse interferes. They both try to cope without each other.
Blame The Tequila by @scarlett-ice
Alec took a sip of his coffee as he tapped on the message inbox and nearly spat it back out again at the sight that greeted him. He had to be dreaming, hallucinating, because that…that wasn’t Mark’s name at the top. Alec blinked a few times, even put down his coffee to pinch himself, but nothing changed. It still wasn’t Mark’s name.
It was Magnus’.
He’d sent the message to Magnus Bane. He’d sent a flirty shirtless picture to his boss.
Caffeinated Wolves by @softmagnusbane
“They’re really good” finally turning to face the barista Magnus feels his mouth go dry. The man behind the counter is gorgeous: pink lips, cheekbones slightly flushed, mesmerizing hazel eyes, surely a model on the side...maybe he could model Magnus’ clothes, or, model his suddenly inspired underwear collection. He’ll have to get right on that.
Coffee Shop Dalliance by @imawriteriwrite
Everyone who worked at and frequented J&L Coffee knew two things for sure. The first was that Simon under no circumstances should be allowed anywhere near the expensive coffee machines unless they wanted to destroy the coffee shop. The second was that the beautiful glittery man that sat in the front corner of the shop every day sketching and the dark-haired boy who sat in the back corner reading (and happened to be Isabelle the barista’s brother) were made for each other.
Also known as: the one where Magnus and Alec have been pining over each other across a crowded coffee shop for eight months and Isabelle is tired of it.
Devotion by @jezthemadficster
Magnus Bane is one of the most well respected and loved professors at Edom Hall University, but although he adores his students and fellow faculty, he likes to keep his private life ...private. The mystery surrounding his life intrigues everyone at the University but the intrigue picks up to another level with the arrival of flowers one day.
Differences by @theonetruenorth
Five times that Alec is taller/bigger than Magnus and one time he isn’t.
Five People That Heard Magnus' Ringtone for Alec and One Time Alec Heard It Himself (and Shared His Own) by darkangel86
The fact that it took as long as it did for Jace to hear Magnus' ringtone for Alec was surprising. After all, the blonde Shadowhunter had been living in the loft for well over a month before it finally happened.
Freud is a Dick by @sanctuaryforalluniverses
He, Alec Lightwood, had just sent his boss, Magnus Bane, a dick pic. Of someone else’s dick.
Fleeing the country would not even begin to be enough of a response to this.
Glitter and Misunderstandings by Torius Armitage (VictoriaSkyeMarsters)
He had tried. When he was nearer Clary’s age, he had not held back in his efforts to be wooed, but whenever the courtship took its turn for the serious and permanent, Magnus would retreat, realizing he felt empty inside in regards to the suitor. And he would not settle for emptiness. He yearned for genuine, overwhelming, inescapable love, like the heroines and heroes of the novels he consumed. Why sentence oneself to a life absent of magic? But Magnus was learning, after years of lackluster options, that the magic he sought, in his world anyway, was nowhere to be found.
In other words, Pride and Prejudice drenched in glitter.
Hard Choices by heartsdesire456
Even before arriving at the house where Clary and Alec had gone to meet the Warlock that was supposed to be bringing back their mother, Jace could tell that something was very wrong.
Note: this fic is HEAVY. The contain of it is not for everyone. First of all, it has male pregnancy, a lot of angst, torture at some point, discussion of abortion, rape not described but it’s there, I think there’s panic attacks at some point. I feel obliged to say it because anyone can see this post and feel triggered for this. I put it in here, anyway, because this fic is worth it, because the author makes it bearable and for me, the author is cautios for some topics in the fic. For those who can’t really digest this kind of fics, don’t even click it, please, just keep scrolling and find a fic that you really like, and for those who knows the author and knows the writings, I really suggest to give it a chance because it was very well written.
Hold On, We're Going Home by @unorthodoxpartofyourworld
At Esther's request, Alec begins his foray into the mundane world so he can be a believable Matthew Daddario.
He sees something he can't really unsee.
(This is a companion piece to Soul Glitch, you should probably go read that first so you generally understand what's going on. Takes place right after Chapter 3)
Honey, i'm home by Shorty
Magnus gives him a once over as he steps out of the elevator, and for a second Alec lets himself believe that it’s flirtatious.
Of course, that’s all dashed seconds later as Magnus disappears through the door to his apartment with a loud, happy, “babe, I’m home!”
Or, in which misunderstandings are made.
Hoodie by @alec-dark-wood 
It’s soft and fluffy and the first time Magnus sees it,he has to backtrack and take a closer look.He walks towards the grey lump slowly,hardly daring to believe what it could be.
Hopefully it's Enough by onihunter305
Magnus could tell something was wrong with Alec from the moment he touched his elbow outside of the Institute. He could feel the tremors that shook his body. He knew Alec needed someone to take care of him, and even though he was momentarily distracted by Alec’s declaration of love, he was going to make sure he took care of the man he loved.
I can do that by @softmagnusbane
Prompt: soulmate au where the first time you touch you both get a vivid mental image of the other’s biggest kink.
I Love You, Too by parabacrybaby
This takes place the morning after the morning of the battle in the winter finale of season 2A.
I'll make you (beg for mercy) by thesorrowoflizards
Magnus wears body glitter. Alec appreciates this very, very much.
Inspired by combining three one-word prompts: softly, strawberries, and glitter
It's nothing by @steakandvodka 
Alec is pretty sure someone, or something, is stalking him. He just isn't sure if it's an innocent kitten, or something a bit more malicious than that. -- In this world, Alec is the one to find their pet cat and bring it home to Magnus.
Kids in the Kitchen by @perpetual-j0urney
“It’s Alec Lightwood,” He finally said, after another moment of hesitation. Then, both sets of puppy eyes were locked on Magnus once again and waiting for his answer. “No”. More than a few customers turned to look at the outburst as both boys pulled away from Magnus and simultaneously cried, “But Papa!”
Magnus Bane liked to believe he was a good father, but there were just some requests that one could not grant their kids. For instance, a good dad wouldn't let their child crawl into a lion's cage to pet the furry kitty. Alternatively, a good dad also wouldn't bring their kids to a cooking class taught by the angriest chef on the Food Network.
Kiss With A Fist by @clockworkswans
When agent Alec Lightwood is given his first kill hit, he doesn’t expect much trouble. Of course, he also doesn’t expect it to be a cheerful assassin who lands him in a whole load of trouble. Enter Magnus Bane: an assassin turned thief who reluctantly teams up with Alec - and The Clave - after he pisses off a very important and powerful crime boss, Valentine Morgenstern. In a world of violence and unjust laws, can the two put aside their differences and work together? Aka: in which Alec is sent to kill Magnus, doesn’t, and then really wishes he had. (but not really). Enemies to friends to lovers.
Never felt that type of fear before by creativitea
The risk of his heart in Magnus's hands is worth it, compared to the risk that would lie in keeping it hidden. He trusts Magnus with it more than himself, and he needs him to know; even if it's a bad idea. The risk of Magnus not knowing is worse than the risk of it being out in the open.
New Neighbor by Chrystie, kate882
Alec Lightwood isn't the most social person in the world, but his new neighbor is ridiculously attractive so he makes an effort. It's too bad Magnus seems to think that Alec is married to his best friend.
Nobody says that anymore by vomitingwords
Magnus is over 300 years old and Alec is okay with that. Sometimes more often than not
Oh darling (put your arms around me) by thesorrowoflizards
Also known as: Six times Magnus doesn't dare initiate physical affection, two times he doesn't even think about it
Pardon the Interruption by Obsessivecompulsivereadr
But one thing they could never seem to fix was how often they got interrupted whenever they did have time to spend together. It seemed as if no one in the entire shadow world could function without dragging Magnus and Alec into their problems.
So that’s what this vacation had been about, three weeks away, just the two of them.
Prettiest person in the world by @katychan666 
(A fanfic inspired by the prettiest person in the world post on tumblr)
Alec making Magnus speechless with his smugness for the first time :)
Pretty Thoughts by @rosegoldhell 
After being homeschooled all his life, and unintentionally sheltered, Magnus Bane has to navigate his way through American Highschool. He goes in thinking the worse possible scenarios, and quickly learns that not everything you see in movies is true. Sometimes the unexpected happens, and magnus soon realizes he has fallen for one of the most popular guys in school, and it might not be as one sided as he thinks.
Put the heat on if you’re cold by @ohlafraise
Alec pulled back the delicate tissue paper and looked in the box. Oh. Okay.
Or: Alec isn’t attracted to women, but that doesn’t mean he’s not attracted to femininity.
Save it by onihunter305
Magnus knew something wasn’t right the moment he heard the telltale sound of Isabelle Lightwood’s distinctive heels on Raphael’s slate floor. If she had hurt his dear Alexander, she was about to wish she had never returned to this apartment.
Secrets Told at 2am by AdorkaGabe
Alec can't stand it. He has to get out. The roof isn't far enough. He goes to Highland Park in Brooklyn and meets an interesting confidant in a glittery Warlock.
(Or what happens when Alec meets Magnus BEFORE they met at Magnus' Loft.)
Shaky Ground, Stabilized by onihunter305
Alec had once been told that he would blow up the very ground he stood on to make things right. If that was true, why did he feel as though the ground below him was disintegrating at the same rapid pace as the relationships he once held dearly.
So He Told You About That? By @bcnedrah
Magnus' face in 2x08 when talking with Jace about sleeping with Alec was a face of sex gone wrong.
Someone should kill the sun by MsEnny
“You know, Mags. Last night I had a kind of revelation.”
“Yes. I-… I know it’s late, but I realized, stupidly, that I never really told you how much I love you.”
Magnus didn’t talk anymore. He didn’t have to.
Stay Here Forever by @imawriteriwrite
A year before, they didn't even know each other. Then there was this hookup app, and months where they thought they could be "just fuck buddies". Things went downhill. Things went uphill.
Now, it's been months since Magnus Bane (head of Bane Co.) and Alec Lightwood (kind of officially a lawyer) finally figured their shit out and started a healthy relationship. Now it's Valentine's Day and their relationship is put in danger as they compete to out romance each other.
Based on the cheesy line "I've caught feelings. I hear it's contagious. We should both be quarantined in bed all day." Literally nothing but self-indulgent fluff.
Addicted To You Valentines Day!
The Drunk Giraffe, Alec Lightwood by just_a_winchester
Drunk Alec tries to break into Magnus's apartment.
The Kissing Booth by @hornedqueenofhell
Alec will 100% totally and completely blame this on Magnus
The Lightwood-Bane Saga by @achilleanragnor
Alec and Magnus come out by kissing each other on the ice, but the media takes it in a way they never expected. aka 3 +1 times the media got it wrong and the one time they made sure the media understood
The people that matter by @steakandvodka
“God, you two are so in love it’s disgusting,” Jace said, breaking the short silence. He and Izzy grinned as they waited for Alec to blush and stammer his way through a denial, as Alec always did when he was confronted about his feelings for the warlock.
They were stunned into silence when all Alec did was look back at where Magnus left, smile softly, and nod in agreement.
The time Magnus Bane got drunk by @katychan666
It's Alec's birthday and Magnus threw him a party, at which he drank... a lot, even more than he usually has. This ends up with him turning into an emotional and over-dramatic mess.
The Trouble with Words by Obsessivecompulsivereadr
There’s just something about Magnus Bane that makes people feel safe. Cared for. Loved.
And Alec would fight for that till his last dying breath, not just for himself, but for others, too. He just never knows how to tell Magnus that because, while he loves to read, he hates words.
The trouble with words is that they always fail him, and Magnus is too important to him to lose simply because he said something stupid.
The truth, for you by @serendipitiness
He’d meant it – he still means it, and he thinks he’ll mean it forever – but Alec never wants to have to say it like that again.
(or how Alec tells Magnus he loves him the second time, the way he really wants to)
Touch Me by wordsmithraven
When Alec starts to question why Magnus so rarely initiates contact, the powerful warlock and Alec's own siblings are put on the spot. It's a conversation a long time coming but is Magnus ready to have it? And can Alec handle the answer he receives?
Two's company, three's a whole lot of Alec Lightwood eye rolls by all_stories_are_truth_and_lies
This was just all so new, Magnus and he, Alec was nervous but excited to see where it would go. How in the hell was he ever suppose to ever get some alone time with Magnus with Jace-the-constant-mood-killer-Wayland as an unwanted houseguest? The story of how Alec Lightwood tries but doesn't always succeed in moving his and Magnus's relationship to the next step.
‘Alexander…’ Magnus whispered, his breath hot in Alec’s ear. ‘Tell me if you want me to stop.’ Stop? If Alec wasn’t so far gone he might have actually laughed at the thought. Alec gave a quick nod of understanding before pulling Magnus’s mouth back to his, pretty sure he felt the Warlock smiling against his lips.
One-shot set post episode 2.06 Malec trying to get it on with Jace cockblocking all over the shop.
Underneath by @sfjessii
“You already know everything.” Alec whispers but Magnus is alerted instantly, his eyes open, craning his neck to get a glimpse of Alec’s face.
He stays quiet, merely squeezing Alec’s hand to try and soothe him. Alec’s sigh rips right through Magnus and he wishes he could pull him into himself to protect him from any harm.
What's It Gonna Be by @lemonoclefox
Fairchild’s bakery is a second home to not just Magnus, but also to most of his found-family. As a pastry chef, he works long hours and takes great pride in his craft – so much so that he has little time or attention for much else. Least of all romance. After plenty of experience with heartbreak and disappointment, he has come to expect the worst from anything in that department, and the arrival of the wealthy Lightwoods in the neighborhood isn’t about to change that. Especially not when their eldest son might just be the most insufferable prick Magnus has ever met, no matter what anyone else has to say about the guy.
(aka the Pride & Prejudice/bakery AU no one asked for)
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What is your top 5 BEST and WORST Malec moments (in the show) and why?
I had to think about this waaaaaay too long and I’m sorry for taking so long to reply.
I didn’t know how to interpret the worst moments, like did you mean bad acting or just bad stuff happening to them and being like aaaaaaaah why? I went with the second option bc in my opinion malec did not do bad acting.
Anyway, here are my top 5 worst moments with one being bad and 5 being the absolute worst and jee that was a difficult one. Why would you torture me like this?
1. The argument about immortality. Magnus not wanting to even think about Alec being gone. It. Broke. My. Heart.
2. The balcony scene. I know it was a spell but it just enhanced already existing emotions. Just think about Magnus seeing Alec stand on that ledge. If he was even a second later it would’ve been too late. Imagine Magnus already losing Alec even before they had a real chance at a life together.
3. Magnus destroying the lock. This scene, the song, the feelings. It’s partly a happy scene because we get to see them being in love and sharing this lovely moment but then Magnus destroying the lock, it killed me. It literally killed me.
4. The break down/proposal dinner. The raw pain Magnus was in, Alec trying to be there for him. Magnus physically trying to resist Alec but Alec just not letting him go. Again, such a good yet heartbreaking scene.
5. The second break-up. I mean, do I have to say more? That just shattered my heart (and magnus’). Everytime I hear the song from that scene I just want to cry in a corner.
Now that I’m done crying over these sad moments, my top 5 best Malec moments.
1. The shampoo scene. I mean, domestic Malec is just best Malec. Alec sniffing (wasn’t the first time he sniffed it, he does that everytime he showers) and Magnus being like is something wrong with my shampoo. That scene is gold.
2. Them repairing the ley line shit in the institute. I mean first of all, have you seen their outfits in that scene?
Tumblr media
For some reason I am extremely weak for both of their outfits. Also BAMF Malec is the best and this scene was just * chefs kiss *
3. The wedding (the real one). Although the Lydia wedding is definitely an awesome scene, the real wedding means so much more to me. The pure happiness on their faces, Maryse walking Magnus down the isle, their vows, brother Snackaria, Madzie... Everything was perfect.
4. Alec seeing Magnus’ eyes the first time. That whole scene is perfect. Magnus being so insecure because so many people rejected him for something that is basically him. Also the fact he fucking lost control because he was kissing Alec, they were just kissing. And then Alec being nothing but accepting. To him his eyes are nothing more but beautiful, just like Magnus. And Magnus being like shit I am falling so hard for this man. I think they already both knew they loved each other. They were not ready to say it yet but actions speak louder than words ya know. And I think Alec already knew back then this is the one, this is the one I want for the rest of my life. I am so weak for that scene.
5. The first I love you. Alec being frantic because he can’t find Magnus and he doesn't know if he’s even alive. And then the hug and Alec just HAVING to tell him because he can’t keep it in any longer because I think Alec was feeling the sentiment for quite some time and he was waiting for the right moment to tell Magnus but then shit happened and Alec was like fuck it we can die anytime with this Valentine shit I HAVE to tell Magnus right now. Anyway, I have a lot of feelings about that scene.
Also I have so many more scenes I loved so this was really difficult.
Honorable mentions:
- the Lydia wedding
- the scene in lorenzo’s mansion where they break in
- pretty boy get your team ready
- the training scene
- the proposal
- the whole first season
- the whole second season
- the whole third season
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thinking of a best friends malec roommate au. problem is that they are both shit at hiding how in love they are and both of them were pretty forward abt their initial attraction so how would this even happen? perhaps: magnus’ flirting is, canonically, a fucking disaster so maybe alec really thinks he’s straight-up joking and therefore could not possibly be attracted to alec at all or maybe he thinks that means magnus is just not emotionally available for a relationship. (sucks bc magnus is gorgeous and nice and they have a good rapport—but alec isn’t abt to let him go.) alec, of course, flirts back just as horribly bc it’s fun. bonus points if he accidentally slips in some real good flirting bc it’s magnus and he can’t help but say terribly romantic shit to him. and Oblivious magnus is just like “god i CANT get a good read on him what is going on.” so they don’t actually end up dating right away and instead build up a beautiful friendship (can we call this a romantic friendship? i would argue that’s a thing and that’s how they would be. they’re essentially dating but they’re Not actually) and they move in together after a few months of knowing each other bc they just click so well ykno? it’s rare to find that kind of flow with someone and they both LOVE living together. it just feels right. cue cooking together/for each other, soft mornings drinking coffee on the balcony in silence, getting home and venting about their day to each other, etc etc. they are so incredibly domestic. magnus has a really hard time putting those heart eyes away; he’s never felt this way abt anyone—like he could be his most authentic, flawed self and still be accepted. alec doesn’t even try to hide his heart eyes at this point. doesn’t even matter bc Oblivious magnus never fucking notices somehow. he thinks it’s just some real intense platonic love. but they both think that the other is aware of how in love they are but just doesn’t feel the same and so they carry on being ridiculous. until, idk, i think of them being so casually physically intimate with each other that one day they share a lil peck and it feels so right that it takes them both a second to register that it happened. after they process this, it’s all goofy grins and “will you let me take you to dinner?” “alexander, we’ve been living together for months, i think we’re well past our first date” “yeah, maybe, but what if i want to wine and dine you a bit?” 🥺 they start dating and it’s hardly any different than how they were with each other before. alec: i have never been capable of hiding a single emotion, babe, how did you not notice? magnus: you’re one to talk. i flirted with you with intent for months and you thought it was a game!! alec: your flirting is awful and you cannot blame me for that. anyway it’s all fluff no angst, but loads of mutual pining! that’s all, thank u for ur time.
ugh mutual pining is my shit. personally i think that mutual pining works for malec if it's a best friends to lovers sort of thing, you know, feelings developed slowly and they just assumed that the loving touches and looks were normal and etc etc doajdosiaj or like alec thought magnus wasn't ready for a relationship and magnus thought that alec wasn't interested, or they both thought the other wasn't interested (like yes, they are very obvious, but they are also very dumb when it comes to each other) or something like that
idk i just can totally see that kind of au where they are basically dating but not and Everyone Knows Except For Them because they're idiots/lowkey insecure/there's probably some kind of misunderstanding involved. but they'd still be So Loving towards each other because what matters isn't the label slapped on top of their relationship but just how they feel about the other? like they are soft and caring towards each other and they get along so well and click so wonderfully it's basically irrelevant if they are dating or not because the love is Obviously Still There. they are best friends and highly supportive of each other way before they are Boyfriends or Husbands and that's why their relationship works and it makes me go a little crazy tbh
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cuubism · 5 years
someone as frightened as you
Malec, T, h/c, fluff, post-canon, immortality
Tarot Challenge Prompt 2: Death
(read on AO3)
“Ah, fuck!”
Alec slashes the final demon with his blade, not stopping to watch it disintegrate as he clamps a hand over the gash its claw left in his arm. His hand spasms, sending the blade clattering to the ground, and blood wells between his fingers.
He wasn’t even supposed to be on patrol—he doesn’t do much demon hunting these days—but the Institute had been short staffed, and he couldn’t just leave them that way.
It’s good to know working behind a desk hasn’t made him too soft to take down a couple of demons.
Alec looks critically at the wound in his upper arm. It’s pretty deep, actually, but nothing that should be too difficult to heal. He quickly draws an iratze.
Which does… nothing.
Alec sighs, more irritated than anything. He’s experienced enough to know that the venom is pretty mild. It would probably work its way out of his system on its own in a few days, but he knows Magnus will insist on healing it once he gets home.
So that’s that problem sorted.
As he wipes his blade on his pant leg, Alec mentally ticks through the things he still has to do today. Patrol is over. He can write his report tomorrow. Paperwork is never done, which means it can wait. So he should be good to go home—
No, wait, he was planning to pick up flowers for Magnus.
He starts heading in that direction.
Magnus has been having a long few weeks, bouncing across the world to help with various minor emergencies, only coming back to the loft to sleep, if that. Last night, he got in after Alec was asleep, and was still dead to the world when Alec left at noon for the afternoon patrol.
Flowers may be just a small gesture, but Alec knows they’ll cheer Magnus up.
He glamours the blood and ichor all over him before stepping into the flower shop. He forgot to do that once and nearly caused a huge panic. It’s been nearly seventy-five years and Magnus still teases him about how he can never go back to that particular store.
The owner of this store knows him and puts together the bouquet he describes (something, uh, cheerful? with a lot of yellow?) with a warm smile. Magnus is convinced that she’s flirting with him, and has warned Alec to be careful not to accidentally break her poor heart, but Alec’s of the opinion that more than thirty flower arrangements “For My Beautiful Husband” should be enough to get a person to take a hint.
Then again, he’ll never understand Mundanes.
He pays for the flowers before any further attempts at flirting can occur, feeling a little jittery. Even after so long living this semi-domesticated life with Magnus, running mundane errands feels incredibly bizarre. You never really escape your upbringing, he supposes.
When he pushes open the doors of the loft, he doesn’t have to call out to know that Magnus isn’t home. The loft feels colder and darker without him there, regardless of the actual temperature or level of illumination.
Alec places the flowers in a vase in the kitchen, stopping with his arm outstretched when he catches sight of the blood soaking his sleeve. Shit. He should definitely bandage that.
In the bathroom, he carefully cuts away his sleeve—the shirt’s ruined anyway—and washes out the wound under the showerhead. The torn flesh continues to bleed sluggishly even when clean.
It’s fascinating, really, to be able to see past his skin and into his body, at the wiry muscles that let him move, the blood that keeps his heart beating. It’s all so fragile.
He hasn’t really thought about it, being fragile. Not since… well.
Growing up, death was ever-present. Not just a threat, a certainty. And then there was Magnus, and Alec decided that as long as Magnus was around, death was not something he would accept. Death went from a certainty to an impossibility.
If some person or demon doesn’t physically kill him, Alec just won’t die, he realizes. Not ever.
He’s dealt with the not dying. He hasn’t dealt with the ever.
He suddenly becomes aware that his hands are shaking, hard enough that he can no longer examine the wound. He should probably go lie down. Clearly, the lingering adrenaline from the battle is hitting him harder than he thought.
Oh, no, he realizes as his breathing quickens, that adrenaline’s not from the battle…
He stumbles back, clumsily switching off the water. If he can just make it to the bed…
He doesn’t.
Panic surges through his body, he sways, half-falls half-slides down the wall to the bathroom floor, pressing the palms of his hands to the cool tile.
Breathe. Breathe. For the love of— get it together.
He can’t get the thought out of his head: forever. That’s… a long time.
It’s an insanely stupid thought to have now, one hundred years after committing to it.
Distantly, he hears the sound of a portal opening.
Footsteps in the living room.
Magnus sounds panicked, his voice pitched high and wobbling slightly. Alec knows that if he doesn’t say anything Magnus will find him eventually. Still:
“In here,” he calls weakly.
He hears approaching footsteps, then the bathroom door swings open. As soon as Magnus sees him he’s rushing forward, collapsing to his knees beside Alec’s crumpled form.
“Oh, darling, what happened?” his hands float over Alec’s body, unsure if he’s allowed to touch. “Are you hurt? I felt—”
Of course Magnus felt his panic. Their marriage bond connects them, heart and mind, no matter how far apart they are. Magnus is now tuned into Alec’s soul far more intimately than Jace ever was.
They don’t keep the connection fully open all the time. Alec would be content to always have Magnus in the corner of his mind, used to the feeling because of Jace, but he knows Magnus values the sanctity of his mental space, and would never begrudge him that. They open it deliberately at times—during sex, when cuddling or holding each other, during meetings when they want to know what the other is thinking, when one or both of them is heading into danger, when one of them is upset and needs to be comforted. But certain strong emotions break through regardless of intent.
Like now, apparently.
Magnus’s hand goes to Alec’s neck, grounding him as Alec struggles to draw in a full breath. His grip is steadying, a rock to hold onto amidst a current that’s sweeping him god knows where.
“Breathe, love.” Magnus’s other hand presses to his heart, feeling its fluttering. His eyes dart all over, clearly looking for some cause of this breakdown. They land on the wound in his arm, but he must not think it’s too serious as he doesn’t remove either of his hands to heal it. “Easy, you’re alright.”
Alec thinks that’s debatable. His heart is hammering louder and louder in his chest, and staring at Magnus is just reminding him that it never ends, oh god—
“Magnus,” he says, “Magnus, Magnus—”
Magnus must sense him spiraling, for suddenly he’s pushing Alec’s knees down so he can climb into his lap. His thighs pressing onto Alec’s are a strong weight holding him to the ground, his body radiates heat that Alec can feel in his chest, his hands come up to hook under his jaw. Alec needs that weight, that heat, that grip. He’s flying away in a cold wind.
“Shh,” Magnus says, “shh, darling, it’s alright. It will be alright. Tell me what’s bothering you, hmm?”
“Forever,” Alec manages to say.
Magnus’s brow furrows. “I don’t understand.”
“It’s so long.” Alec feels like an idiot.
Understanding dawns across Magnus’s face, and he shifts back slightly in Alec’s lap. He probably doesn’t think Alec notices, but he does. Magnus’s body has gone tense under his hands, the smile he plasters on is strained.
“It is,” he says. “It is, I’m sorry.”
Alec’s heart jumps, and he knows, just knows, that Magnus has drawn entirely the wrong conclusion from his words. A conclusion that, in retrospect, he should have known Magnus would come to.
“No, I didn’t mean—”
But Magnus is already shifting back further, as if to get up, releasing Alec’s face. Alec snags his wrists and holds them, feeling Magnus’s pulse hammer under his thumbs. Magnus swallows hard and avoids his gaze.
Nothing can cut through Alec’s panic like that tremulous expression on Magnus’s face.
“Look at me,” Alec says, the words almost getting stuck in his throat with how effortlessly he’s ripped the floor out from beneath Magnus’s feet.
“You don’t have to explain—”
“I’ve never regretted my time with you,” Alec interrupts.
Magnus finally looks up at him, startled.
“I know what you’re thinking,” Alec continues. “That I suddenly realized I made a mistake in staying with you. That’s not what I meant.”
He releases Magnus’s wrists to cup his face between his palms, and Magnus offers him a small smile.
“I always feared it was inevitable,” he admits.
“I know, and I hate that.” Alec runs his thumbs over Magnus’s cheekbones, relishing the way he closes his eyes and leans into the touch.
He can never get over how it feels to hold Magnus like this, knowing that he’s holding his entire being between his hands, and that Magnus is letting him. It’s a reminder of how fragile Magnus actually is, how underneath the glitter and magic he’s just blood and bone like all the rest of them. There is nothing more frightening than knowing that this soul he loves more than the whole world lives in a breakable body.
Alec still remembers the first time, so long ago now, that he saw Magnus bleed. It was a minor wound, similar to the one he’s currently sporting on his arm, but it nearly sent him into a blind panic. The idea that his strong, solid, immortal boyfriend could be broken open so easily had been terrifying. Alec had wanted to follow Magnus around as his personal bodyguard for weeks.
Of course, he’s since realized that he has far more to fear from Magnus’s internal injuries than his external ones.
Especially the ones Alec himself inflicts.
He presses a quick kiss to Magnus’s lips, and says, “Come on. I could never get enough of you. You know that.”
Magnus sighs, pressing his forehead against Alec’s. “I do. I’m sorry.”
Alec releases his face to run a hand up and down his back. “It’s okay.”
Magnus huffs, his breath warm against Alec’s lips. “You were upset about something. I’ve derailed your panic attack.”
Alec snorts. “Yeah, because I was enjoying that so much.”
Magnus pulls back, looking at him in concern. “What was bothering you, then?”
Alec feels his cheeks heat. He ducks his head. “Oh god, it’s going to sound so stupid.”
Magnus takes a hold of his chin and tilts his face back up. “Please tell me.”
“I don’t know,” Alec sighs, trying to articulate his thoughts, “I just don’t think I ever really processed it. The idea of just… staying alive forever, and never dying. It’s— it’s weird.”
The corners of Magnus’s lips quirk up in a half-amused, half-sympathetic smile. “It’s overwhelming.”
“Yeah. How do you handle it?”
Magnus shrugs self-deprecatingly. “Mostly, I don’t, to be honest. It’s too much to think about on a daily basis. But it helps to have someone who understands what you’re dealing with. It’s why the Warlock community is so tight-knit.”
“Makes sense.”
“What I’m trying to say is,” Magnus pats his chest, “you have those people. Me, and Cat, and Simon. But especially me. You know you can always talk to me about it? You’re not alone in this.”
Magnus looks a little out of breath after all that. Alec kisses the corner of his mouth. “And neither are you,” he tells him.
Magnus blinks once, twice. Then pushes onward: “It also helps to think not of immortality, but of just a very long lifespan.” He smiles a little, bittersweet. “No one is truly immortal, Alexander. We may be beyond the reach of age, but death will come for us all eventually, whether we’re killed by demons or just done in by a piece of bad steak.”
It’s unexpectedly comforting. That infinite, amorphous mass of life stretching out before him isn’t infinite after all. Not that he wants it to end anytime soon, not when he has Magnus here with him, not when he still has more to do.
“There’s no real forever,” Magnus concludes.
“Even if there were, I would still want it with you,” Alec says, “even though it scares the shit out of me.”
Magnus softens. “Oh, my love. Me too.”
“Does it scare you? Immortality?”
“It terrifies me.” Magnus’s expression turns suddenly, unexpectedly light. He grins. “Why do you think I spend so much time not thinking about it?”
“Because you specialize in avoidance?”
Magnus jerks back, looking startled—though not hurt, Alec’s relieved to see—by the accuracy of the jab. Halfway through, the motion shifts to a more intentional languid lean that has Alec suppressing a smile at Magnus’s attempt to disguise his reaction.
Magnus smiles, long and slow, and tilts his head, and Alec just knows he has it coming for him. “Oh, I’m the one who’s been avoiding?”
“Shut up.” Alec leans in to place a couple of smacking kisses on Magnus’s smug face. “You’ve had way longer to get used to this.”
“Are you calling me old, Alexander?”
“Rude.” Magnus returns his kisses. “Very rude. What shall we do about that?”
“Whatever you want.”
“Carte blanche?” Magnus leans in to nip under Alec’s jaw. “It’s a good thing we have a lot of time, then.”
“Maybe we can move somewhere else before we get started? I’m losing feeling in my legs.”
Magnus looks down at where his thighs are still pressing Alec’s against the floor. “Well, we wouldn’t want that, would we, darling? How else would you pick me up, and press me against the wall, and f—”
“Yeah, because that’s the only reason I need legs,” Alec interrupts before Magnus can distract him to the point that he truly loses circulation.
“I can’t possibly think of another.”
“You’re really in a mood today, huh?”
“Don’t get snippy with me,” Magnus pouts. “I haven’t touched my husband in weeks.”
“Neither have I.”
“And you’re thriving.”
“Magnus, are we getting up off the floor, or not?”
“I don’t know, Alexander, are we?” Magnus looks down his nose at him in clear challenge, sedately curling his fingers around Alec’s neck, and that’s it. Alec will show him.
He wraps his hands around Magnus’s thighs, tucks his feet under himself as best he can, and pushes up the wall to standing. Magnus is no help at all, an absolute dead weight in Alec’s arms, smiling serenely down at him like a prince on his chariot.
“Where to now, my liege?”
Magnus frowns in thought. “Oh, I don’t know. Perhaps the kitchen? I’m feeling rather peckish.” He grins sharply down at Alec, eyes twinkling.
“As you—”
Alec’s injured arm gives out on him.
Magnus tumbles from his grip with an undignified yelp, landing, somehow, mostly on his feet. Alec clamps a hand over the wound, which is suddenly on fire.
“Shit,” he grits out, “I forgot about that.”
Magnus crowds up to him, prying his hand off his arm. “Let me see.”
He scans the gash with his magic and visibly relaxes. “It’s not too serious. Why didn’t you heal it?”
“Tried. Iratze didn’t work. Some kind of mild venom.”
Magnus swats his uninjured arm. “Alexander! You’ve been walking around with an infected wound?”
Alec shrugs. “Had more important things to do.”
“Like what, pray tell?”
“Getting you flowers.”
Magnus softens, running a soothing hand down Alec’s arm. “While I love getting flowers from you, please know that I prefer you to be conscious when delivering them.”
Alec grins. “I’ll keep that in mind.”
“Let’s clear this up.” Magnus’s playfulness vanishes as he directs his complete focus to the wound, healing it with a flash of magic that’s a balm to Alec’s soul. He’s missed the touch of Magnus’s magic during these past few weeks.
“There.” Magnus presses a kiss to the pink, healed skin. “All better.”
“That free-of-charge Warlock TLC is really one of the main benefits of this marriage,” Alec says.
“Oh, but it’s not free-of-charge this time.”
“It’s not?”
“Nope,” Magnus says, popping the ‘p,’ as he grabs a fistful of Alec’s shirt and drags him into a kiss.
Alec returns it wholeheartedly, relishing in the warmth of his lips as Magnus kisses him messily, biting at his bottom lip, his hands tugging at his shirt, seemingly trying to yank it off without moving away from his face.
Magnus taps at Alec’s arm. “We weren’t finished.”
“You want me to pick you up?”
“Mmmhmm.” Magnus stretches like a cat, twining his arms around Alec’s neck again, playing with his hair. “Just don’t throw me this time.”
Alec gapes at him indignantly. “I didn’t throw you.”
Magnus shrugs. “Agree to disagree.”
“There’s nothing to— never mind.” Alec hauls Magnus back up. Magnus wraps his legs around his waist, grinning. He looks so self-satisfied.
“Ooh, so strong,” Magnus purrs, petting his chest, his arms.
Even though Magnus is hard to hold—he’s actually pretty heavy and is constantly squirming around—Alec finds having him in his arms extremely comforting, especially after weeks spent barely seeing each other. That weight means Magnus is here with him, that squirming means Magnus is alive, and Alec feels like with a firm grip on him, he can keep him safe. He knows Magnus doesn’t need his protection most of the time, but that isn’t going to stop Alec from providing it.
He tamps down the sudden surge of affection he feels so he can focus enough to quip back, “This is really a thing for you now, isn’t it?”
Magnus lifts a hand to his forehead in a mock faint, closing his eyes. “What can I say? I’m but a poor traveler, exhausted from my wanderings across the lands and in desperate need of a hero to sweep me off my feet! And lo, one appears! How am I to be blamed when the presence of such a dashing Shadowhunter in my home renders me unable to walk?”
Alec squints at him. “When’s the last time you slept?”
“I slept last night.”
“I meant before that.”
Magnus’s lips purse as he thinks. “Tuesday.”
“It’s Saturday.”
Magnus’s expression turns sheepish. “I may be a bit delirious.”
“Oh? I hadn’t noticed.”
“Are you going to help fulfill my wild fantasies?” Magnus’s breath tickles Alec’s neck. “Or… not?” He nips at the skin, sucking a mark there.
Yeah, Alec thinks, breathless, I would do anything for you. He says, “What’s in it for me?”
Magnus smirks and rolls his hips. “Why don’t you find out?”
Alec grins and tries to kiss the smirk off his face. Magnus leans in, taking advantage of his new height to press down into Alec’s mouth, hot and messy, his hands going to Alec’s hair. He tugs.
Alec follows the pull of his hands, stumbling a little as he tries to walk with Magnus’s face blocking his line of sight. As they approach the bed, an idea occurs to him.
Magnus frowns down at him. “I don’t like that look on your face. Alexander, what’s that look?”
Alec keeps his expression carefully neutral. “Oh, nothing.”
He doesn’t get any further because Alec suddenly pries Magnus away from his torso and throws him. Magnus shrieks, landing on the bed in a flurry of bouncing pillows. He pushes himself upright, mouth agape, hair going in all directions, looking absolutely scandalized. “Alexander!”
“Now that,” Alec says, looking down at him triumphantly, “is throwing you.”
Magnus just stares at him, lost for words.
“What? I thought you were fantasizing about being tossed into bed by a big, strong Shadowhunter?”
Magnus plays with his ear, smiling a little. “Well, now that you mention it…” He leans back onto the pillows, beckons Alec with a finger. “Are you going to finish what you started?”
“Oh, you started this.” But Alec’s toeing off his boots, pulling off Magnus’s, too, for good measure, before crawling up the bed to lean down on his newly-healed arm and kiss him, their bellies just barely touching.
Magnus’s hand drags up Alec’s back to tangle in his hair. He shifts on the bed, burying himself deeper in the comforter. He looks so languid and beautiful, limbs limp with relaxation, he looks—
—really tired, actually.
For the first time Alec notices the lines around his eyes, the dark circles covered with concealer. How Magnus’s movements drag, slow and warm like honey, how there’s a delay in the way his eyes track Alec’s, like too fast a movement might cause him pain.
“Hey,” Alec says, “You okay?”
“Tired,” Magnus says, and the fact that he’s even admitting it says a lot. “Keep kissing me.”
Alec kisses him, his lips, his nose, his jaw. “You should take a nap.”
Magnus groans. “I want to spend time with my husband, it’s been weeks.”
“I’m not going anywhere.”
Magnus pulls Alec down so all his weight is plastered across his body. “Mmm. You are a good blanket.”
“I’m covered in blood.”
Magnus snaps his fingers and they’re both clad in clean pajamas.
Magnus tugs at his face, eyes slipping shut. “Come on, blanket, kiss me. Come on, come on—”
“I’m coming, by the Angel.” Alec kisses him, over and over and over.
“You still owe me for saving your arm,” Magnus murmurs.
“Oh, yeah? What’s the debt?”
“One quadrillion kisses.”
“Not sure I can ever pay that back,” Alec says, pressing the first of a quadrillion kisses to the corner of Magnus’s mouth, “but I’m happy to start by kissing you to sleep.”
Magnus smiles against his lips. “My greatest fantasy.”
Alec kisses Magnus again, long and deep, just tasting him. Magnus whimpers, shifting under him, twining a slow and uncoordinated hand in Alec’s hair to pull him in deeper, dragging his lips against Alec's, slipping his tongue into Alec’s mouth.
Magnus hums, loose and happy, on the verge of sleep, and Alec’s heart soars to see him so open and comfortable, unburdened and drowning in nothing but pleasure. Magnus deserves it. He deserves this always. If it wouldn’t be against Magnus’s nature, Alec would keep him in this moment forever.
But there are no real forevers, and he shouldn’t try to make there be.
Magnus reaches up for him, jerking him back out of his thoughts. “C’mere ‘n kiss me, ‘lexander. Kiss me…”
By the time Alec moves to do so, he’s already asleep.
Alec presses one final kiss to Magnus’s forehead, and then lies down beside him, dragging the blanket from the end of the bed over them, tucking his head in the crook of Magnus’s neck. Sleep is pulling at him, too, and he doesn’t mind, more than content to soak in Magnus’s warmth, the solidness of his body, especially when Magnus turns in his sleep to clutch at him, his tight grip a grounding force.
Alec looks at him and tries to capture this moment, to hold onto it permanently in his mind’s eye, knowing that if he ever starts despairing over the sheer expansiveness of his future, he’ll only have to look back on this to remember why he wanted it in the first place, to remember why it was worth it.
title from “Being Alive” from the musical Company
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supercalime · 4 years
Ghosts of the Shadow Market Commentary pt. 10
Forever Fallen:
- last one folks! Let’s see what this story brings
- Oh! Remember that episode of shadowhunters with that same quote? The one Magnus and Alec break up the first time? Me neither
- Kit! Jem already loves you! Let him be your dad!
- Jem’s gaydar is on point. Good for him
- Oh no! Is that Thule!Jace ? Turn around! No one wants you here! Get out! The power of Christ compels you!
- Janus? JANUS? You know what that rhymes with, right? Cassie, you just created a meme
- Wait a second. How did he get here?
- I already don’t like Jace. Do I really have to endure two of him?
- What the hell. Janus is a fucking creep. Leave clary’s illusion alone
- Mina is the luckiest baby in the world!
- It’s cute that Mina looks like Tessa, but if I see a single fanart that she looks white, someone will die by my sword
- Jem and Tessa are the only straight couple with rights
- If he hurts Lily...
- Lily, my queen! She’s so smart!
- Raphael is amazing in any dimension, huh
- Oh no. Don’t mess up with dimensions. It doesn’t end well. It will become a Rick and morty episode and everything will go to shit
- Kit being cute with his baby sister? Can he be any more precious?
- Putting a hand inside your beloved’s pocket is something that can be so personal
- These cherry blossom festivals are so cool! I miss going outside!
- Alec was like: have you met my husband Magnus? Magnus. My husband. We are married. I married Magnus. Husband? Magnus
- Don’t mess up with these nothing characters! I could have liked them
- What the fuck? He murdered them? Like that? Fuck you Anus!
- Yeah, let’s go back to the Carstairs-Gray being domestic. I need some time
- Oh yeah. I forgot Tessa is a psychopath. Who doesn’t like chocolate?
- I need more Kit and Tessa interactions! These two are gold!
- Kit just “okay boomered” Jem and Tessa! 😂
- Stop reminding me of Malec in Thule! It was traumatizing enough the first time!
- Max? Stranger danger? Did your wonderful dads not teach you that?
- Oh thank god!
- Yep. Jem and Tessa are the only ones with rights. Kit is so loved! It’s good to know he’s gonna be okay
- I feel so best for the real Sebastian Verlac. His name still got associated with the worst person. I hope he at least got a proper Shadowhunter funeral
- I have a feeling real Clace will adopt Ash in the future. He’s not evil yet. He can get a kilo ren redemption and just not die
- Simon!
- No non no no. No no non no! Clary! Leave! Run! It’s not the real Jace!
- Alexa! Play “Creep” by Radiohead!
- Clary! C’mon! You’re dating the guy! You should be able to notice his bullshit!
- Rant time: this is one of the things that bother me about Clary. Everybody SAYS how great, intelligent, strong she is, but when it’s time to SHOW it, her character is dumbed down to the “not like other girls” trope or she’s just plain stupid
- Ew. Did he really kiss the floor?
- Rosemary’s baby! They are funny!
- I love the read the book/saw the movie bit!
- Abandonment issues: the musical
- I know Janus is an alternate version of Jace, but can he like, die a very painful death? Thanks
- That entire scene with kit wanting to be in a movie montage! What a relatable boy
- Someone hug Kit! Please!
- Jem being poetic part 274663829151
- Jem hugged him! I’m so happy
- Will...
- Jem! Call kit your son challenge!
- Ooooooh! Shpookey.
That’s it folks! I hope you enjoyed this ten part journey! See you on the next book!
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"imagine your OTP" posts are such a trip
Buddie getting locked in a pet shop, and Buck falling in love with a kitten. When they're rescued, he sneaks the kitten out in his jacket and Eddie loses his shit when there's a cat on his face the next morning
Sterek in Starbucks
Marvey being domestic and Mike brings Harvey breakfast in bed on his birthday and there's a ring box next on the breakfast bagels
Malex on a boat, and Michael is freaking out even though he literally travelled from another planet
Phevor going car shopping and Trevor wants to buy an old-man car
Bellarke taking their grandkids to a space museum and saying shit like "yeah no. That's not how it happened, believe me I was there"
Malec making gingerbread houses on Christmas and Alec accidentally trips and falls on Magnus'
Mcdanno snuggling on the floor, after breaking the bed. Yet again.
Drumfred going out for pizza
66 notes · View notes
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Shadowhunters (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Magnus Bane & Alec Lightwood & Max Lightwood-Bane & Rafael Lightwood-Bane, Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood, Max Lightwood-Bane & Rafael Lightwood-Bane Characters: Magnus Bane, Alec Lightwood, Max Lightwood-Bane, Rafael Lightwood-Bane Additional Tags: Mortality, Domestic Malec Summary:
Something's off with Max, and not just the normal teenager-my-parents-suck-stuff. It's more than that. And Rafael is done being kept at a distance from his brother.
He had barely closed their bedroom door, when Alec, already in bed, called out for him.
“What is it?”
“Can I ask you something?”
“Anything, you know that. And I really wish you would, you look quite anxious.” Magnus joined his husband on the bed and took Alec's hands in his. “What's worrying you?”
“Max is”, Alec sighed. “Have you noticed anything different about our boy?”
“Not really”, Magnus shook his head and thought back on the last few days, weeks, but nothing unusual came to mind. “But I'm worried now: Am I a bad father?”
“Please, you're the best father anybody could wish for”, Alec brushed his doubts away. “Maybe I'm overreacting, but it feels like he's keeping his distance. And I don't know what I did wrong to push him away.” Alec dropped his head and stared at their entangled hands.
“Or maybe our little warlock is just a typical teenager”, Magnus suggested with a shrug. It had been the same with Rafael a few years back; from a certain age on, your parents were just lame and so uncool. Or whatever the current slang was; Magnus didn't even bother with trying to catch up, especially since every now and then he still threw in slang from Victorian times.
“Maybe...” Alec looked back up, but didn't seemed to be convinced. “It's just... It felt different with Rafael. Instead of getting overemotional, bitchy or something like that, Max just closes himself off.”
That was indeed weird, their little blueberry wore his emotions on his sleeve. And to Magnus that hadn't stopped. So maybe there was some truth to Alexander's suspicions.
“Do you want to talk to him then?”
“I don't know... Maybe I am overreacting and it's really just some teenager-stuff and if that's the case I don't want to push him further away by being pushy and probing.”
Magnus squeezed his husband's hand and shot him the most encouraging smile he could muster up. “I trust you and your judgement. I'll keep my eyes on Max and I'm sure that if there's something bothering him, he'll come to us.”
“Ok”, Alec nodded and smiled back, “I have no reasons to doubt the smartest man I know.” He leaned over and brushed their lips together. “I love you.”
“I love you, too.”
“Hermano, we need to talk.” Rafa burst into Max' room, leaving the warlock no chance to argue. Besides, he knew better than to start bitching; Rafa already looked pissed off enough, no need to aggravate him further.
So, instead of groaning at his brother to leave him alone, he put the comic book down and looked up at Rafael, who had closed the door behind himself. “What's up?”
“That's a damn good question.” He stomped over to where Max was sprawled out on the bed, pushed the warlock's legs off it to make room for himself and sat down. “What's up with you?”
“I'm alright”, he shrugged, not exactly sure where Rafael was going with this.
“Right”, the older brother scoffed. “Of course you're alright, that's why you keep avoiding me and Dad. Is it a Shadowhunter thing?”
Shit. Of course Rafael was right, hitting the nail on the head, but that was not a conversation Max was comfortable with having right now. “I have no idea what you mean.”
“You're a horrible liar”, Rafa sighed and the anger on his face dropped and turned into a more saddened expression. “I just... If you tell me what I did wrong, I'll happily fix it. I don't want to lose you, man.”
“But I'm gonna lose you!”, Max just blurted out. Shit, not how he wanted this to go...
“What?” Now Rafael looked like he had no idea what was going on. “Why are you going to lose me?”
Damnit. Well, there was no need in trying to talk around it, but then again, there was also no way to make Rafael understand... “I'm immortal”, he just mumbled, his head hung low. “You're not. Dad is not. And... I'm not like Papa, I can't handle it. I can't just keep a little box with your stele or something...”
“What are you talking about? What box with my stele?”
Max couldn't explain, he had to show his brother. Papa and Dad were both at the Institute right now and there was no danger in looking through Papa's old stuff, so Max got up and motioned for Rafe to follow him.
“A while ago I was looking for a specific spell book. But instead I found this little box.” It wasn't really hidden in the shelf, but also not on full display, disappearing in the sheer amount of books, tokens, fangs and all that magical stuff so it wasn't surprising that neither of the brothers had ever seen it before.
“What's that?”, Rafe asked, as Max carefully got it out of the cupboard and put it on the living room table.
“I asked myself the same thing, so I looked inside. It's Papa's”, he explained and lifted the lid. “Memories of past friends, loved ones, all the people he outlived.”
Completely silent, Rafael walked over and inspected the box, somewhat curious and terrified at the same time. There was this old wartime photograph of Papa with some blonde guy, having his arms around him. There was an old watch, almost ancient and Max was afraid to touch it, out of fear it'd break. There was an amulet with a beautiful gem that, depending on how the light shone on it, shimmered green or almost as blue as Max' skin. There were letters and postcards, some of them hundreds of years old.
“Put it away”, Rafael demanded and quickly turned around and walked away.
Max complied and followed his brother into his room, where he already sat on the bed with an empty expression on his face.
“I'm sorry, I shouldn't have shown you”, Max apologized and sat next to his brother, putting his hand on the Shadowhunter's shoulder.
“No, it's alright, it's just...” He turned to Max with his brown eyes all sad. “I never thought about that, you know? I mean I know that you and Papa are immortal, but I never really got it...”
“I know what you mean”, Max nodded and scooted a little closer. “I never really gave it too much thought as well. Until I found that box and... I don't know if I can do that. Just keep some memories and then move on... I'm not strong like Papa.” Max didn't bother trying to fight the tears that were making their way down his cheek; he had cried enough about losing who he loved to know that any tries to blink the tears away were useless.
“Please”, Rafe shot back, trying to smile encouragingly, but tearing up as well. “You're as strong as Papa and Dad put together.”
Max was about to argue that, when he heard the apartment door opening. “Boys, we're home!”
“Please don't tell them that I've been snooping in Papa's stuff”, Max pleaded as he wiped the tears of his cheek.
“I won't”, Rafe promised and dried his own face.
And like that a silent promise went between them to keep what they just realized from their parents. It's not that they didn't trusted them, on the contrary. But how should they even start this conversation? There was nothing that Max could say, it was just a sucky feeling and all talking would not change the fact Max was immortal.
“Boys? Where are you?”, Dad called and after making sure that he was indeed tear-free, Max walked out into the living room with Rafa on his heels.
“Ah, there you are. We got pizza on our way home, hope you're hungry”, Papa smiled and put the cartons on the table.
“Starving”, Rafe forced himself to smile and sat himself between Max and Papa.
“Good, then dig in!”
“Everything at the Institute alright?”, Max asked, as Dad cut their dinner, trying his best to sound casual. Maybe talking about something completely different would distract him enough, at least until he was back in the privacy of his room.
“As alright as leaving Uncle Jace in charge can be”, Papa chuckled and Dad just rolled his eyes.
“My life would be a lot easier, if Jace just stuck to being the house husband, and let Clary be a fulltime Shadowhunter... Huh”, he chuckled. “I never thought I'd prefer working with Clary instead of Jace...”
Papa chuckled along. “Jace and Simon could start a Dad's club, let Izzy and Clary battle New York's demons. The ladies are fiercer than their husbands, definitely.”
As Dad and Papa continued reminiscing about a time when Dad hated Aunt Clary, Max just focused on his pizza. Which was hard to do, his stomach had dropped to some very uncomfortable places and Max felt like he would be sick.
Under the table, Rafael reached out and grabbed Max's hand, squeezing it reassuringly and he could just start crying again. Damnit, Rafa was so much better at putting on a brave face, he even managed to smile as he ate his pizza, instead of the young warlock.
“Max?” At Dad's call, he dared to look up, biting hard on his tongue to keep from breaking down. “Are you alright?” Dad looked worried about him, but Max decided to play it as cool as he could.
“Yeah”, he lied, forcing a smile, “I'm just a little off I guess...”
He leaned over the table and put his hand on Max's forehead. “You're not feverish, that's good.”
“I think I'll just need to get to bed a little earlier”, he shrugged, before Dad could examine him some more and prayed to whoever would listen that Dad would just accept it and leave him be. Otherwise Max would break down any moment.
“That's probably a good thing”, Papa nodded. “The pizza will still be good tomorrow. Do you want to lie down here on the couch on go to your bed?”
Damnit, why did they have to care so much instead of just letting Max leave? “I'll go to bed” he answered instead and slowly got up. “Just have dinner”, he shot over at Dad who motioned to get up with Max. “I'm ok, just tired.”
“Right.” Dad sat back down, looking somewhat awkward at Max. “Call if you need anything.”
“I will”, he forced a smile.
As soon as he had the bedroom door closed behind him, he let the tears run wild.
This was so unfair! Why did he have to deal with this? Max was fifteen for crying out loud, he should worry about curfews and avoiding being grounded, not the inevitability of life and death!
Wallowing in his self-pity, he lost all sense of time, until his door opened.
“Relax, it's me.” Rafa held his arms up defensively, as Max jumped up off the bed, ready to face whoever walked through the door. Seeing that it was just his brother, Max fell back down, and the Shadowhunter sat next to him and pulled the younger brother close.
“Sorry”, Max mumbled and pressed himself against Rafael's side. He was only three years older than him, but quite a bit bigger; Papa always joked about the Shadowhuntergene, with Dad being so much taller than him. Right now it was nothing but comforting though.
“Nothing to be sorry for”, Rafa assured him, gently rubbing up and down Max's back.
They sat in silence for a while, calming each other down. After seeing Papa's box, Rafa too was pretty shaken. He preferred to play the big and strong warrior though, so Max pretended not to notice the tears that made their way down Rafael's cheek.
And then a soft knock echoed through the room. “It's us”, Dad announced, “can we come in?”
Max looked up, seeing Rafa being just as afraid and worried about what their parents would think about their issues... They couldn't keep on pretending, though. Clearly the adults knew that something was up and maybe the sooner they'd get out with it, the sooner it'd be over. With a flick of his wrist, Max magicked the door to open and their dads walked in, sitting on each side of the boys.
“You wanna talk about it?”
Max wasn't sure. He wasn't even sure what to say, what his issue was and... It was just hopeless. So he scooted a little closer against Rafael, who answered instead. “We found Papa's box.”
“What box do you... Oh.” Papa went quiet again, when realization hit.
“I just don't want to one day have only your bow and arrow in a box, with Rafe's stele next to it”, Max eventually admitted, it was barely more than a mumble though.
“And is that all we're gonna be for you one day?”, Rafael asked, sounding like he was scared of the answer.
“What? No way”, Papa made clear. “You are my sons and I love you more than anyone or anything ever before. Even in three, four or eight hundred years, I can promise you that.”
Dad moved over and put an arm around Max. “And it's true the other way round as well. Even when I'm up there with Raziel, I'll still love you and that won't change.”
“Yeah, but it will change!” Max looked up at his Dad, who tried to look brave, but he was actually sad. “You'll leave us, Rafe'll leave us and I... I'm not like Papa. I can't deal with that.”
“Well”, Dad smiled, “you don't need to be like Papa, because you are so, so strong just the way you are; I know it. I can see it every time you train, every time you help the little warlocks with their spells, when you teach the young Shadowhunters about magic... To put it in terms of Uncle Simon, you have an absolute superpower and that is your big heart. And yes, having a big heart like this, it's gonna cause a lot of pain. But do you think it'd be more painful never loving your brother or missing him, but all that in the best of memories?”
“It's really unfair”, Max stated, after his Dad's speech had sunk in. “You don't even know what it's like, but can give a speech like that?” Max wasn't sure whether he was impressed or annoyed that Dad thought he knew what it felt like.
“Yeah”, he chuckled, “that's your Papa's fault. We've talked a lot about this, him and me, when many, many years ago, I too found the box and started to realize a thing or two.”
“Your Dad was so hurt, to be seemingly only one in a long line of loved ones”, Papa continued the story. “He was scared, like you are”, he squeezed Rafael's shoulder, “that one day I would just move on and confine him to a piece of memorabilia. All I can promise you, is that with all my power I'll fight to never let that happen. And Max'll help me with that, and I'll help him with that as well.”
Mhm. Did Max feel better right now? No, not really. He still dreaded the future like nobody's business and he could feel how Rafael next to him felt the same way.
“This won't get easy over night, not even in a decade or two. What Papa and I have learned though, is that we need to talk about those things. Especially the things that scare us. Our lives just are a little contrasting, being Shadowhunters or Warlocks makes a few differences”, Dad shrugged. “It doesn't matter what it's about, come and talk to us, ok? Because there is nothing, absolutely nothing in this or any other world that could make us not love you anymore.”
“Really nothing?”, Rafa asked, and just a bit of a grin broke through.
“Son”, Papa grinned back, “I believe there's nothing that can shock a parent more than what the two of us did to our parents.”
“That sounds like a challenge”, Max giggled and grinned up at his Dad, who smiled right back.
“It is an unwinnable challenge for you two”, he made clear. “I'll bet the entire Shadow World that me and your Papa will love you until the sun explodes.”
“Max! We need to go!”, Magnus called for the third time.
“I'M COMING!”, he yelled back and Magnus could hear the eye roll.
“We'll be late to little Alexander's rune ceremony”, Magnus reminded his son, as he finally made it out of the bathroom.
“I need to look good for my great-grand nephew, though”, he grinned and Magnus could only smile back.
“You do look very nice. Not sure who you dressed up for... I'm pretty sure Alexander doesn't mind, en contraire to a certain warlock lady...”, he added with a grin and a wink, before opening a portal.
“Oh my god, Papa! Don't be embarrassing!”, Max groaned, flushing nicely purpleish.
“Me? How preposterous! Wait, you got a little bit...” Magnus straightened Max's lapels and motioned to tuck a stray strand of dark blue hair behind the young warlock's ear, when he moved back.
“Can you cut it out? I'm 112, I can get dressed all by myself, thank you very much.”
“Your Dad used to say the same thing. And then he'd go out in washed-out jeans and an old ratty shirt...” As much as he loved him, Magnus could only shudder at the thought of his late husband's style, especially in the early years of their relationship.
“That's harsh”, Max shot back with his mouth gaping open. “You're really calling me a fashion disaster like Dad?”
“Thankfully you take after me, style-wise”, Magnus chuckled and pushed Max through the portal to the institute, where everybody already seemed to be assembled.
Max didn't even grace Magnus with much of a glance once he spotted Madzie and hurried over to the girl and the seat next to her that just happened to be empty still.
“It looks like you'll owe me twenty bucks soon”, Catarina chuckled and came up on Magnus' side, looking at the lovebirds.
“They're not together yet”, he shot back, “and it's only a few weeks left till Christmas. I can still win the bet.”
“Yeah, right. Come on, you're great-great-grandson's rune ceremony s about to start.” She nudged his arm and he followed her to an empty seat, as they watched Alexander walk down the aisle, all determined and a little scared for his big moment.
He didn't just inherit the name; the little Shadowhunter reminder Magnus so much of his Alexander, his determination, his drive...
Optically, he definitely got his great grand dad's looks though. Whenever Magnus got the chance to tousle those unruly curls, he always had wonderful flashbacks to Rafael scrunching up his face when Magnus stroked his head.
“Hey, Papa?” Magnus enjoyed a wonderful cocktail at the party, when Max walked up to him. “Are you alright?”
“Of course I am”, he smiled. “are you?”
“I think so...” Well, that looked like he was not alright at all.
Magnus put his arm around Max's shoulder and together they walked out on the balcony, where they could sit in private. “What's bothering you?”
“Nothing, it's just... There's a lot of talk about Alexander Lightwood today, obviously. But, it just... It hurts so much. And then he looks just like Rafa and... you know?”
“I do”, Magnus nodded and pulled his son in for a hug. “I miss them, too. Every day. But that's love, you know?”
“Well, love sucks.”
“No, it doesn't”, Magnus smiled. “Love hurts, yes. But in the final balance... Not even all the pain at missing your Dad and brother can dampen the joy I feel that I got to spend around seventy years with them. Nobody can take those years away from us. Nobody can ever take away that Alexander was my husband, that he was your Dad; nobody can ever ruin Rafael being our son and brother.” He gently stroked Max's back, who had his face pressed against Magnus' shoulder; he knew his son well enough to know that he fought with everything he had against the tears and was losing that fight. “Love hurts. And for centuries I locked myself off, just forbade myself from loving anybody. Those were the loneliest years of my life. Yes, I had Catarina, there was my friend Ragnor I told you stories about, but I thought being miserable now was not as bad as being heartbroken then. That was not true, at all.”
He cupped Max's face and locked eyes with his son. “Your Dad showed me what love is all about. And I am so happy for every second, because being with him gave me you and Rafael. And as much as it hurts, how can I be angry about having gotten to be a husband, a father? It was the best damn thing that could have happened to me.”
“And to us”, Max chuckled and wiped a tear from his cheek. “Without you, Rafe would have lived his whole life on the street and who knows where I would have ended up.”
“Maybe everything does happen for a reason”, Magnus smiled. He wasn't sure he believed that, but who knew... There could be a grain of truth in there.
“Maybe”, Max smiled. “Thanks, I feel so much better now.”
“Good.” Magnus leaned over and pressed a kiss against Max's forehead.
“Ok, then I'll let you get back to your cocktail”, he decided and got up, determination clear in his eyes.
“And where are you off to?”
“Well, there's something I need to do...” The way his cheeks flushed in deep purple, there was only one thing Max could be talking about.
“Uhm, no”, Magnus decided and motioned for Max to sit back down.
“What now?”
“You can't, not yet at least”, Magnus explained. “You need to wait until Christmas.”
“Why, so you can win your bet against Aunt Catarina?”, Max shot back with a raised eyebrow, a look he definitely had learned from his Dad.
“So you know about that, alright.” Now it was Magnus who blushed ever so slightly.
“Yes. Madzie and I know about that”, he deadpanned. “And we are not amused.”
“Sorry, son.”
“Yeah, well, you should be. Because somebody told me that no amount of pain and hardship can compare with the wonderfulness that is lo... Well, what might be there”, he corrected himself, blushing some more.
“Using my words against me... Not sure whether I should be proud or ground you”, Magnus grinned.
“I'm 112, you can't ground me anymore”, Max made clear, shot him a grin and strutted back into the building.
“Well, Alexander.” Magnus looked up at the sky, where he assumed his husband to be. “No need to worry about us. Max is doing just great. He's growing up to be a man just like his Dad and I know you couldn't be prouder. I'm really lucky to have him, he has been making my life worth living these last fifty years without you. Well, I should get back to our great-great-grandson's rune party. It's about damn time though; this institute has been living without an Alexander Lightwood for way too long.”
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domestic malec is all i fucking care about ok, i don’t give a shit about them doing their downworlder/ shadowhunter thing, i just want to watch them watch a movie and cuddle and magnus flick his fingers and bring them a bowl of fancy pop corn and alec being in like sweats and a tank top and magnus being in a high quality bathrobe and like fancy pajama pants and still wearing eyeliner and they’re sitting under a blanket and there legs are literally tangled but neither one wants to move so they just leave them there even if they start to go a bit numb and magnus is more interested in watching alec watch whatever old gay classic he’s picked out to teach alec some of their history, than watching the movie himself. During musicals sometimes he lays his head against alec’s shoulder and sings along with the songs quietly and alec listens to his voice instead of the actors and would rather have magnus sing the songs than bother watching it in the movie, but he is just so thrilled magnus isn’t busy and he’s been free from hunting for a week and they have run out of exciting outings to go on so they’re just here, like mundanes, watching movies alec’s never heard of so he can finally understand some of magnus’s references and he feels like time has slowed and like he is loved and that’s all i fucking care about ok
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anthony-kate · 8 years
how often can you watch that scene? i've watched it like 20 or more times already sadfgdsh i literally feel like crying they're so good so soft so healthy what did we do to deserve them and the next episode??? i feel myself dying just thinking about it we're not gonna make it
Same, Anon, same. At this point I am not even sure what kills me more: Them having this fucking healthy relationship and being allowed to be so soft (that kiss, the looks? just end me already) or them being also badass? What a power couple!
Like imagine them later to be all domestic and such. Wait, who am I kidding? Magnus refered to his loft as home towards Alec, Alec already walks in like he is fucking living there and they are throwing a party for Alec’s little brother together. In matching outfits. Like what the fuck….how married are these two already? Add to this lazy mornings, them making breakfast together and just enjoy spending time together. Just being domestic, soft and having this healthy relationship.
And next week we will see them probably making out. Hard and fast, according to Matt. I mean I don’t think it will actually happen. Which I am fine. Because if that means we will get to see Magnus showing Alec his cat eyes…. punch me in the face but I cannot deal with this right now. So dead.
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khaleesiofalicante · 2 years
“Forgive me, for all the things I did but mostly for the ones I did not.” -Donna Tartt
Rafael spent a whole minute without thinking about how much he loves Anjali!! That a new record lmao
He had never knocked on the door. These doors have always been open for him. From the very first day. Now I am having gotsm feeling ahh😭
The domesticity of all this scene got me🥺 I LOVE THE LIGHTWOOD-BANES OK?!?!
Love me some Rafael and Anjali changing the world and making guides and sharing their world to mundanes!!! Power couple 😎
New game: Everytime Rafael thinks of how much he loves Anjali, or casually thinks "My Anjali" let's take a shot!! We'll be dead in 10 minutes but whatever 😂
God, the ring is gorgeous 😍 But also not the proposal being eight pages long omfg jshsjdbdk. Why am I not surprised??
Magnus didn’t know how a person could forget a memory like that. Even an immortal. Malec winning as always 💙💙
Max's clothes are disappearing bc of Mallory right?? Right??? 🔪🔪
People got jobs. People got busy. People had too many priorities. You can’t just be a boy in love forever. Adult life is so stupid 😭
Ragnor speaking facts as always >>>
It’s hard to decide what to do with your life when you have ‘forever’ to live. I'm sensing some inmortality crisis coming....
I am worried about the magic problem, shit is gonna blow up soon... Is this something related to the Devlins????
I relate to Lexi bc I am also a queer disaster and shit at communicating :)
“I can’t believe Rafael almost had a funeral,” Lexi chuckled. “I miss the crazy times.” “Don’t manifest that!” Gigi all but yelled. I think it's kinda late for that....
Me @ Camilla and Max: NO BABES!!! RUN AS FAST AND AS FAR AS YOU CAN!!!
Me @ the demons giving David a hard time: you better watch out🗡️ low-key kinda scared tho...
His parents told him that he was perhaps being paranoid. I'm sorry but I'm just crying at the fact that he thinks "his parents"
Those goosebumps definitely mean something and I am pissed idk what😭 is it Mal??? A prince of hell??? WHAT???
Max's presentation>>>>>>>
“Please?” David whispered. “I promise I’ll make it good for you.”
“Babe. I’ll marry the shit out of you.”
I am going to focus on this and forget all the angst that is coming:))
Wait, didn't Max come up with a nickname in edomai or something?? Anya? Anyang? Something like that??
Fuck Mallory tbh🔪 Chopin doesn't like you and neither do I!!!
Some memes for this chapter:
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Alec and Rafel:
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Abigail supremacy only.
and yassss the quotes are back 😎
also omg im glad you noticed because i was writing and rafe was like 'my anjali/his anjali' every 2.4 seconds and i was like 'dude chill'.
Max's name for David is Ayaan. It means god's gift. It's still there. We'll come to it later x
And yes Mallory is the one stealing his clothes 😐
See you next week, babygirl.
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I normally do not make gifs from sad scenes (and once again it only was a working gif in the preview!!)
When I saw the little promo of 318 I was like ‚do not give me the ‚he just does it for love‘-shit! I could not even bear to watch the promo till the end, but then after refusing to watch the full ep foudn myself putting all my other duties aside after to get through with it. I was kinda hoping they would screw it up and make it illogical and ridiculous so I would not have to be sad. But as much as I hated the whole situation – and have both Alec and Magnus acted well!! - the thought of Magnus being left alone by the first partner he has trusted after closing himself off for so many years still just makes me wanna scream. It is so unbearable. >/p>
And as much as I hate to admit it, I get it. I get why Alec did it - hell yeah, I do. The entire ep was built on showing him what ppl would do for their loved ones and always having been a protector of his family and friends it was only logical for him to not go the way Jace would. Being selfish. But in this one particular moment it might have been the best thing to do. And then sit down with his friends and consider second options. And the part that really bugs me apart from all the other horrible aspects is that Izzy did not try and keep him from giving in to Asmodeus – ASMODEUS AFTER ALL!! – more. She brought up almost all the important arguments against the deal with him and after that was of course most concerned about her brother‘s feelings, but why did not one consider that a fully re-powered demon of Magnus‘ class might turn into a ticking time bomb and WHY THE HELL DID NO ONE ASSUME FOR A EVEN A TINY SECOND THAT ASMODEUS MIGHT HAVE ULTERIOR MOTIVES?! I get that when you are all caught up in your love life drama, you might overlook things, but then ppl around you need to help you. And Izzy is a clever girl and I am kinda pissed that the writers did not let her react in a different way. And all in all I do not want Malec drama. I want sweet and domestic and happy Malec with fucking sprinkles and rainbow dust covering them.
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Ghosts of the Shadow Market Review!
My first book of the Read to Roll challenge is Ghosts of the Shadow Market by Cassandra Clare, Sarah Rees Brennan, Maureen Johnson, Kelly Link, and Robin Wasserman. 
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Look at Jem! I love my son!
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Here we are at the pond! Fun fact: Cassandra Clare allegedly lives in the town next to mine. I kinda really hate it. 
I actually finished reading this a while ago, but I got caught up with school and the library book is due tomorrow, so I guess we’re doing this review tonight, bitches! 
First: I LOVED this book!! I have my issues with CC and it took me literally took me like 9 months to finish reading QOAAD (which I also enjoyed, I just couldn’t get through) but I FLEW through this book! I think maybe the short story format just fits my brain a bit better. I’m gonna break this down by story:
Cast Long Shadows
Matthew!! My child!! I want to hug you so much!! 
This story stood out to me as particularly hopeless, especially compared to the rest of the stories. It ended in total despair, and I understand Matthew did something VERY VERY BAD but he is a dumb child and dumb 15 year olds do a lot of dumb things so 
I really hope he gets some sort of resolution in TLH
This bitch deserves happiness 
Also he’s defo not straight?? like no straight boi is THAT into oscar wilde
i kinda ship him with thomas
Every Exquisite Thing
This story was like a breath of fresh air compared to the last
It doesn’t really connect to the overarching plot at ALL (every other story does, correct me if I’m wrong) but i’m okay with it because anna lightwood is incredible and deserves all of the respect 
the only bit that kinda not really relates is the talk about tessa’s demon parent? which is lowkey implied to be like... actually satan?? ahhhh????
That last bit with Cecily was just so beautiful. again. 
I’m just imagining them just in bed one night and one of them was like ‘our daughter hecka gay’ ‘what should we do’ ‘well we gotta buy her a suit that actually fits her obv. she can’t keep walking around in clothes that don’t fit, also they’re gross’ ‘i actually already went to the tailor down the block and made a list of the ones i think she would look best in’ 
I know ariadne broke annas heart but also i feel really bad for her. being a brown lesbian in 2019 is hard enough. she lost her parents and she doesn’t want to lose what she has left. i hope she also gets some sort of closure in TLH. i would be content with her and charlie having a charlotte and henry thing going minus the pining and falling in love. they’re married but it’s just business and they can pursue whomever on the side
also isabelle do you realize that necklace you’re wearing was once owned by queer QUEEN anna lightwood?????
Learn About Loss
this story was a little slow, but very necessary for introducing the lost herondale plot
emilia is so fucking badass 
the last scene with will and jem was so pure and wholesome. i’m so mad that they were robbed of so much time together. 
A Deeper Love
this story was just anxiety
like obv i knew jem wasn’t going to die but the CLIMAX 
can kit pls have some heart to heart with catarina in twp! like she deserves some closure! like she can just tell him some stories and he can understand a bit more of where he comes from
jem deserves all of the hugs 
The Wicked Ones
this story was,, uh,, something
i’d say it ties with cast long shadows as the most depressing 
so basically, celine was horribly abused her entire life by the people who should have taken care of her, her trauma was exploited by another abuser so that she too became incredibly manipulative and potentially abusive, and then she killed herself (was murdered?) and her child was ripped from her corpse to be abused throughout his entire childhood as well
it was cute seeing kit’s parents! they were so cute! what happened. 
Son of the Dawn
baby alec! baby izzy! baby jace! baby baby max! 
i’m not a big jace fan, but ugh i just wanted him to get the love that every child deserves! 
i can’t believe raphael santiago was alec lightwood’s sexual awakening
“brother let him see my rack-ariah” 
lily chen deserves the whole goddamn world
The Land I Lost
gotta admit that i wasn’t too hype about this one bc i’m kinda tired of all of the malec narratives, but it was cute
“JEM I’D-LOVE-TO-CLIMB-’EM-CARSTAIRS” (this has to be my favorite) 
once again i love lily chen with all my heart and she deserves all of the happiness and none of the shit that the world has given her 
also??? lily breathed, “cortana.” this girl was GAY for CORDELIA CARSTAIRS
i love how this small child who hates everyone just physically attached himself to alec and would not let go 
cordelia carstairs was lily’s sexual awakening and you can’t change my mind
SLEEP LILY I’LL WATCH THE DOORS alec lightwood being the PAL lily deserves
THAT BITCH! poor matthew. he was still dumb but he was played by some bitch who couldn’t separate her person grudges and an entire race of people
i love how magnus saw this child run into his home with alec nowhere in sight and was like “guess he’s my son now” 
Through Blood, Through Fire
rosemary ;_;
that’s so fucking depressing like you abandoned your family and it bought them like 3 days max 
i think it’s a little weird that tessa now has some of kit’s mother’s memories and is adopting him but also i guess it’s kinda nice? 
both jem and tessa have actually almost died searching for you, kit, and i don’t think either regret a single thing they did to lead themselves to you
jem and tessa are in LOVE and they’re having a BABY
The Lost World
ty u really did fuck up didn’t u
but he’s got a pet now so that’s nice
livvy ;_; 
i really hope they find a way to release her in twp 
i don’t think ty wants it, but things will come to a head. she’s not happy as a ghost. 
kit and ty are so fucking dumb just talk to each other!!
it’s so fitting that kit gave them the heron pendant
both in a sense of continuity and in the complexities of his feelings - on one hand it belonged to his mother, someone cared very much about him but on the other, it failed to save her
Forever Fallen
i ship kit with a family that loves him
jem just talks to him and is just internally like ‘wtf has everyone in your life done wrong’ 
jem and tessa: you are WORTHY and DESERVING of LOVE, BITCH! 
i want all of the domestic herondale-carstairs family 
i think i read the scene where jem and tessa put all of their stuff in kit’s room like 10 times it had me so shook 
WE STAN SUPPORTIVE PARENTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Janus is as annoying as real jace 
lily be safe bby ily this is gonna end baaaaad 
the scene at the end where jem tells kit that where there is love there is no need for gratitude also has me shook bc we’ve been talking about this a lot in my spanish class, about how so many of us are trained to be complacent and to show gratitude for things that should be a given
Overall, I really enjoyed the book even though some parts bored me and I kinda skimmed through. I’m reading Girls of Paper and Fire now, so we’ll see when I finish that! 
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crack fic idea: mundane friends to lovers au where Magnus and Alex are quarantined together (oh my god they were roommates) and while basically trapped in their apartment and both of them lowkey sexually frustrated/pent up... end up having wild sex all over the apartment and neither regrets this. I suppose you could add some mutual pining angst or maybe make it TWI malec more for more spice
Ive said it before and I'll say it again roommates mutually pining and quarantined together is where shit's at. and i can totally see it for malec dudndid
like they're both just. already highkey in love and because this is my au and i do what i want this is a responsible country where everyone gets everything they need to live and survive during quarantine easily and everything's closed early and there's barely any deaths so everyone is safe and fine and surviving! I'm Brazilian so that's my emotional support fantasy
anyway they "have" to be quarantined together (technically alec could go back home with the rest of his family but he doesn't want to because 1- no magnus, 2- being with his parents 24/7? no thanks, 3- izzy doesnt go either) (another emotional support fantasy being quarantined without ur parents woah can u imagine god i wish that were me) and it's like oh no........ guess we'll have to be together all the time like we basically already did 😳 whatever shall we do
and well theyre both happy that theyre together even if they live in a small apartment and shit because they can respect each other's boundaries and not feel lonely, you know? and Magnus was lowkey scared of being alone for however long this lasts because well, he is very sociable so it would take a big toll on him
anyway! because they are soft bitches this actually mostly means, like, a lot of cuddling. and cooking and bickering and just, domesticity. and yes theyre both absolutely pining because it feels like theyre just in their own world, you know? but its just because of quarantine but it lowkey feels like they have like, their own cabin far away or some shit. you know
anyWAY so they're both like "ahahahaha this is fine" as they're like. getting more and more used to just having this whole routine together? and Magnus, as he is Like This, copes with the domesticity by making "abstaining" jokes
which is doomed to be hell because of course alec blurts out "well, we could..." and Magnus is like "hm" and he's like "i just mean. we're both here, both pent up. I've always thought you are beautiful, you know this" (because he tells magnus so even if their relationship is platonic because they're SOFT okay also friends should say that all the time regardless of romantic feelings but i digress) and Magnus is like "well, thank you. you dont look half bad yourself"
and they're both like HOE DONT DO IT @ themselves but like haha they already did it they are doing it right now. they kiss and it's very tentative at first but then they immediately like, Melt and moan into it and god damn they ARE actually pent up and have been for a while so soon Magnus is rutting against him and moaning needily and Alec has his hands on his hair, and Magnus goes "pull it" and Alec is like "like this?" and tugs and Magnus moans all breathy and loud and holy shit it's so fucking hot what the fuck
and anyway yeah they fuck, and then they do it again, and again, and again. and they're like "guess we can be fuckbuddies. you know. during quarantine" and the more they fuck the more they also cuddle and have fun and get painfully domestic
anyway it ends relatively quickly because in this fictional world things were handled well and its when quarantine ends that it kind of comes crashing down on them, like. oh. i guess it's over now. hm
but welp it also means they can talk about it without being forced together in an awkward situation if worse comes to worst, so one day Alec kind of gets home and closes the door and goes "I want to date you" and Magnus is like "me too. wait a second what? really?" and Alec is just like "yes. I've been wanting to for so long" and Magnus looks up at him and Alec kind of dips down slowly and kisses him softly and its. sweet
anyway this ended up not being very cracky but dudndidn i love fwb to lovers with plenty of mutual pining okay
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nelsonfinn · 8 years
Can you believe how in love Magnus Bane and Alec Lightwood are with each other !!
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faejilly · 6 years
so the darlingest @jadesabre301 ummmed and eventually decided to tag me in one of those LIST FIVE FAVORITE SHIPS or something like that, but I also ALSO stayed up for idk, about 24 hours yesterday for no reason (insomnia! gave up and read hundreds of thousands of words of fic and they are all blurring together in my head now!) and even tho I did get sleep this morning I’m still
so. sleep deprived OTP LIST?!? wtf-ever
tagging, uh,no one from Shadowhunters ‘cause everyone I follow has the same fucking Malec answer 
w/a generous side of Saia/Clizzy/Melizzy/Claiabelle LOVE-DODECAHEDRON FEELS. (we have the worst/best portmanteaus you guys. *laughs*)
(I LOVE YOU GUYS, I’m kidding, you can totally do this too if you want to, let’s all give different answers as to why we love them, I’m pretty sure we could pull that off, anyways, sorry.) gods, my brain y’all
trying this again. TAGGING ANYONE WHO WOULD LIKE TO AND NO ONE WHO WOULDN’T. Slightly less melodramatically, uh: @crisium @dragonreine @eponymous-rose @kiezh @wellreadpigfarmer 
Harley Quinn/Poison Ivy for reasons I cannot really articulate beyond PRETTY! and MISANDRY! so. You know. That.
Anne Elliot/Frederick Wentworth BECAUSE PERSUASION fuck yeah
Nico Rathe/Philip Eslingen in Melissa Scott’s Astreiant books because damn, y’all. Just. Damn. Go read them, they’re awesome. (Tho I would legit read a 500k word interstitial of them being domestic because the romance is very much not the focus of the books, but still. STILL. Someone write me a 500k curtain fic I will pay you in, uh. Tears of joy? Incoherent *pterodactyl squeaks*? Yes, squeaks, screeching in someone’s ear is just rude.)
Death & Everyone. In like, a, everyone is in love with Death and it’s worth it for that smile while she escorts you out of this life. I think basically this is just my I’m in love with Death moment, shit. JOYCE BYERS AND ONE FUCKING DAY WHEN EVERYTHING GOES WELL AND HER KIDS ARE HAPPY. I have derailed already, damn, I really thought I’d make it to five before that happened. (jilly/sleep, gdi) Nancy Drew/Ned Nickerson. PHRYNE FISHER/JACK ROBINSON. wait. topic. list. ok I’m better now.
Guinevere Pettigrew & Joe Blumfeld in Miss Pettigrew Lives For a Day (movie version). And not even because Lee Pace playing piano, though that is an excellent bonus. Mostly because silk and socks and breakfast which is as close to sense as I’m gonna bother trying for right about now.
Bonus: Alec Lightwood & Magnus Bane, duh, but everyone here knows that already
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