#i might write it if smn cares
niamh-writes-things · 16 days
so, as an explanation, I'm going feral over these two and the fact that i have to wait 4 months for my tour date i also just finished an amazing (but uncompleted and orphaned ): ) fic set in the 50s so here's a list of the various fic ideas I've had over the past few months set in various points in history. i also organized them in chronological order for you!
Dan is a pirate, and Phil is the son of a very rich merchant who was originally meant to be collateral damage. That was until dan took a liking to him and decided to give him a choice: stick with him and be a pirate, or be left somewhere for the spanish to get him (he probably tells some story about them ripping people’s guts out or smn). Luckily, Phil has always wanted to be a sailor. (in this dan already knows he likes men but phil doesn’t)
Regency (1810s)-shorter, maybe a oneshot or only 2-3 chapters- dan and phil are both eligible bachelors at a ball, and after a bit too much champagne they kiss in a back room or something and it awakens something in both of them. Que a lot of sneaking around and stolen kisses
Late 1800s-Phil has various medical issues and has been sent to live by the coast for a bit to get better. Dan is supposed to take care of him and be a companion for walks to the beach and such.
Based on chicago- Phil has been wrongly accused of a crime, and Dan is the best lawyer in town. They fall in love and run away together.
performances-Dan is a pianist working in the nightclub that phil happens to bartend at. They get talking.
phil gets evacuated and has to live with dan -Phil,an ordinary teen boy from Manchester is being evacuated to  some tiny place down south to avoid getting blown up by a german bomb.Dan works on his father’s farm down south,and he isn’t too happy that he’s going to have to share his room with a northern evacuee. (i might have started writing this)
Post war- a boy turns up alone and afraid in the woods near Dan's home. He doesn’t remember anything, but the crows seem to like him an awful lot. (context, its a very fairytale-esque idea. phil was a prince of crows or something that got cursed to be human and doesn't remember anything. the fic includes them living their lives and phil slowly regaining his memory and eventually they both go to find whoever cursed him because they think it's what the other wants, only to have phil decide he wants to live out his days with dan instead, or alternatively, phil wasn't cursed, but dan wished to not be alone anymore so hard and whatever forces there are felt so bad for him that phil was turned from a bird to a human. both have the opportunity to be angsty. also, lets just pretend that phil has natural black hair.)
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teenietinytangerine · 2 months
I’ve got a fic I doubt I’ll ever write so let me unload my notes app here:
jane austen period drama setting
a is an adoptee/pupil to a Count who is known as a great music composer, regularly hosts parties and welcomes students in music to educate them over the summer at his home that is always full.
outside of a, also has four sons and a young daughter.
the count took A in because she is the daughter of his life long friend now dead in the war; mom was a working woman that fell ill while waiting for her secret husband.
When her mother died, A moved into the Count's residence, she was about 9.
A is a full sunshine to be around, social butterfly with a sneaky side, she has taken over the role of organizing and hosting the parties as the oldest "daughter”.
a is also a piano genius, she writes songs she sells to less talented, more man, would-be composers (did smn say overcompensing for daddy's approval? no one?)
her origins are known by all, the fact that the Count will always prioritize his own children over her in terms of dowry and inheritance, which keeps all suitors away but not boys with lesser intentions. a is the first one to redirect attentions of the men she finds suitable on her little sister.
b is a broke lord, from a family that cares for nothing but titles and got screwed over by a vengeful accountant (that honestly may have had a point). They managed to keep their financial situation a secret, putting all their hopes on their two sons to marry well before it is known.
b is the eldest, and is a moderatly renowned pianist as his parents kept sending him away to lords and masters (mostly to not have to pay for his upkeep). This is how he caught the eye of the Count and is invited to stay at his Manor to become his student.
during his stay, his family expects a lot, he will never be more in company of young rich ladies.
But, of course, he meets a.
though a bit coldly at first as her entrance disturbs his performance by how loud the children welcome her back.
b does not know about a's circumstances, he comes from too far away, and just assumes she is a bored daughter of a Count that took up music as another hobby.
a takes a lot of pleasure teasing the shit out of straight-arrow-no-funny-business b, quickly becoming their guide in this new fancy world, much like a cat plays with a prey, until the fake flirting became a bit too real, and their feelings menaces their status quo.
b: “I want to finally do one thing I truly want to do before i throw my will away and marry smart and that is to kiss you” a:"we can kiss ONCE but no more, you’ve got to marry well and that is not me”
a: “since we can’t seem to move on, and we’re both very free spirited, we should have sex to get it out of our systems and then forget it all about it” b: “since we can’t seem to move on, we should marry eo actually”
a:”I’m not marrying you bc we’re horny, ur not being reasonable which is very hard and annoying to me bc so far you have been the reasonable one, and I do not appreciate this position when I’m just as damn horny for u”
b:”this is way beyond being horny and ur being blind to how deep we’ve fallen bc ur so sure i'm gonna change my mind, I’m not just willing to give up an easier life for you, I would be miserable without you, therefore this is me being reasonable by telling you I want to marry you and if you keep saying we should just get it out of our systems, then i'm telling you we can’t have sex until we’re married”
a thousand teasings later and flirtatious attempts, a few existential crisis, and resignation over a's own feelings and trust issues*
a: “fine, I’ll marry ur sorry adorable ass.”
b: “that’s such great news, let’s have sex to celebrate!”
a: “nah, we might as well wait now, it’ll be more special *is absolutely taking revenge*”
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ars3n1ck · 3 months
Hi! Attraction in fiction is not the same thing as attraction irl. Hope this helps! If you don't believe me, talk to an adult in your life.
i was gonna like write smn funny but honestly the fact you sent this to the guy who openly posts abt characters jerking off to their kills says enough abt how whatever spawned this wasnt based in any real ability to read so uh- idk- you should start a community garden? it might feel good to take care of something that benefits the people around you.
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yostresswritinggirl · 2 years
so idk if u write for scara but i just desperately need to get this out to smn its been stewing in my brain everynight for the past week
u can take this as a req or as js a little discussion abt scara ig? up to u
so what if reader was made to be a doll but when raiden created scara, some of that divine power leaked out by accident and brought reader to life?
readers creator, lets call them r/c, is a dollmaker, who makes different sized dolls for a living, and he makes life sized dolls sometimes
so reader was made by r/c, and when r/c went to bed after completing reader's main body and features, ei's divine power somehow leaked out? and brought reader to life.
idk how r/c would react but i have 2 ideas
no 1: r/c cant support another living bring bc hes barely coping with his meager income, so he lets reader free to fend for themselves
no 2: r/c figures he could get reader to be his maid/servant and mistreats them; doesnt feed them well, no proper living conditions bc hes broke
and the night reader tries to escape, r/c almost catches them, but a gust of wind blew past reader, allowing them to run faster and escape, essentially having freedom. basically, venti gave them an anemo vision, bc reader fought for their freedom kinda?
this is their first betrayal, with their creator abandoning/mistreating them, similar to scara
nect ,reader finds a village and makes a friend, ill call them f/n. so f/n and reader become closer, and reader finds out f/n steals things for the thrill of it. one day, f/n drags reader along on one of their theiving trips, and gets discovered. f/n disregars reader, and escapes without sparing a glance for reader. reader gets caught and takes the blame for the theft. this is the 2nd betrayal, where a friend turns on them
after escaping? finishing the punishment that was met out to them, reader finds a cat maybe? idk abt this one
but they become inseparable. think of tomo and his cat maybe? reader and the cat would chill tgt and cat would sit on readers head or shoulders and nuzzle into their hair or cheek. but one day the cat gets sick and reader goes out to find some medicine/herbs to help
but by the time reader gets back, the cat succumed to its illness and passed
ik these are all pretty similar to scaras backstory but im not creative ok 😪
all i started out with was reader being a doll lol and i came up with these from the timespan of 11pm to 2am
as im writing this its 12.40am lol
reader and scara meet, and scara realises theyre just like him
one is a puppet, the other a doll, and both went through similar experiences
scara and reader open up to each other eventually and fnd company in each other ig idk
another one could be r/c treated reader like his own child, but died of age eventually, and reader is alone, then meets scara after hes gone through his 3 betrayals
scara trusts them bc theyre a doll, similar to him being a puppet. but bc reader was brought up with love, they are a lot more caring and kind, and they cause scara to develop a soft spot idk
this was just rotting in my brain for the past few nights so yea 🧍
love ur work btw 😍
they always make me go awooga in excitement whrn u have a new post
*shakes head* I do write for Scaramouche but I don't have my requests open so please keep that in mind
I'll try to make sense of this with my sleepy mind hhh *cleaning glasses* I don't really have much to say for fear that it might spill over to my puppet fic already and you pretty much got the details down, but a replica of his story with so many side characters doesn't sit right with me
I do very much lean on the creator tending to them - actually the set up is quite complicated and uhhh I honestly thought they'd be a doll made for Kuni or a doll commissioned by Raiden haha. We can say that the thing that made them come to life is archon residue and that the dollmaker either slowly became corrupted while in the presence of the doll or like Teppei and met an early death
From then on it could be that the people they want to get close to or even those that have bad intentions always die in their presence and so they became closed off, viewed as cursed, and scared to be near others. And since Scaramouche is a puppet, he doesn't have to worry about dying in their presence so he's pretty much the only one they can even be close to!
Maybe Scaramouche might go mad down the route from the exposure (angst) or upon acquiring the gnosis, the divine power cleansed the archon residue or exchanged it with the gnosis' power to make them alive (good)
Thank you very much for your support, ah I really need to work on writing, bastard sickness getting in the way
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yandere-sins · 2 years
yandere-sins!!!!!!! the god!reader yandere village story got me completely fucked up. in the middle when shit HEATED UP i started out loud begging for a good ending to come.
i knew where it was probably heading and i was already going "NO NO NO" but then it all fucking spiraled and spiraled - until the ending literally had me screaming for a full minute afterwards.
my fuck you really went for it. and like, as excellent as the writing was, i am now left reeling like Aaaaaaaaaa!!!
so...... i am just begging for there to be an ending where the mc's pains will stop (including not letting the torture continue for their baby or smn else like that.)
I'm wondering like for somethings to be able to roll out, like their powerful dad and maybe fkn allies or ppl in the same situation, to come rescue their ass and maybe get revenge on those absolute creeps (i HATE the head priest for example)
but i see you seem to be already writing part three and i am shaking and quaking. in my non existent boots.
also i hope you're alright buddy cause damn you got some sick fkn imagination (sick as in oof that gadda hurt and also sick nasty rad cool)
anyway i didn't rly know if i should suggest any plot ideas cause maybe it'd be uninterestin narratively to see the wished ending at the top lol. also maybe it's good storywise to hurt but idk im so invested in the being of this being.
but anyway, you're fucking rad and got a beautiful mind (gn) dude. take care
Honestly, some might read the story and think "wtf is wrong with her" BUT for me, It's tough to be a god was paving the way of a less, hm, tame Sins and much more unhinged. Like I was so nervous posting something so digusting and gory because I kept thinking my followers will really hate me if they see it. (Ha! How the turns have tabled, right? Now providing beautiful disgusting things on the daily.)
In reality, however, I reached my prefered clientele with it and now feel much freer writing whatever the fuck I want. I also got the confirmation that horror was the right way for me to go with yandere, ultimately finding my passion in the genre again. In a way it has started my villain arc for killing characters with similar names to Alex and also for this blog because I realized I needed to be more unhinged.
As mindboggling as it is, that story really brought out my better self, in terms of writing. Like you know... do stuff you want, power through, enjoy your own stories... that kind of stuff. Reflecting on it now, it might not be my magnum opus but it placed the first bricks for my temple of creativity.
Did it have to be the most disgusting, gory story that brought forth that change? No.
But we don't get to choose what makes us grow in life.
Musings aside, I am really glad you had the exact emotions I intended for my readers :D
I will give you the absolute tease that you will hate me for and say that one thing you mentioned actually comes true. And also, always keeping in mind it's a yandere story, there will be a happy ending, yes! At least, one that I'd describe as happy, hehe.
But yeah, the plot is very much decided already, so sorry I can't really take suggestions. I also know some people wished for like a bookish ending where reader gets their revenge but well... this is a yandere blog. And if anyone knows anything about me, darlings don't get happy endings here.
But thank you for reading, stay tuned for the last part, take care too and don't hate me too much (;
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part TT 3 TT (HGHJJD i made it accidentally) for the cutie angel! i got back to karekare 'i was so confused why it was called that because tuwalya is towel ??' yes! i searched for it too and was so confused... glad you like it. 'do we even have ox in the ph?' HSHDJFJFJ good question. 'YOU SHOULD HAVE STRING BEANS' yeah yeah we do. i got a bit confused bc i know we have string beans but they dont look just like in your pic. but we do. but i still didnt know pechay.. 'PLS YOU HAVE EGGPLANTS IM SURE' ARE WE PLAYING SOME GUESS A VEGETABLE GAME?? TT 'banana blossoms' i never was good at biology but this... 'NOW WE BOTH LEARNED SOMETHING' are we classmates now? 'every day i get to eat karekare is a special day' awww cute TT idk if i have a special meal. 'i felt way better about them now that ive finished ranting about it' ooh im so glad im able to help you in some way. you can always tell me whatever you want! emotions need to be released. and woah uncle sam? ill remember it thanks... this kitty in the gif TT so vimpare-ish djdjsh. a cutie. im so sorry for your disappeared text. its good you shared this all in the next message, it was interesting to know about dream. 'our grades are so high standard. /: asians' yes... no there are lots of strict and demanding parents too but ig were just much worse as children... 'i love pluto lets talk about pluto' ooh i love astronomy!! plutos such a baby planet TT idk how they call it in english. im so mesmerized by space... its kinda scary but is so fascinating... i remember the first time i saw a constellation from my window i was stunned! amazed! so excited! it was the big dipper btw. violence sucks. 'tell me about your daemon fic now' hmhmhm dont know. i kinda feel like it might be a bit challenging for you? im not saying you cant do it but its kinds not your format. bc ig its rather long? and it requires more of 3rd person pov or daemos pov. i can continue teasing it fhsfh. it includes some angst and an inner conflict. ig its the main point even. but ok, write your sandman fics. 'hope you liked my daemon x niece fic' tbh daemon x niece isnt my thing in general. idk maybe i subconsciously associate it with daemyra. yes daemon x his twin is my guilty pleasure so what. but i still love the idea of making all big and arrogant men feel little and miserable. so yeah. and the ocs who can stand for themselves! yey! hope shell become queen ghjdjf. 'I dont mean to be that person' you have all the right to be this person. anger is ugly but a natural reaction to irritating events. hope you slept well ghdjfh. andand! i was so excited to see smn ask about part 3 of waiting for a lifetime TT noy only bc of your answer but also bc someone is interested! smn waits for it! i feel so proud. people are really sleeping on this masterpiece. hope itll get more love. and it still wont be enough to surpass the amount of love i have for this fic. no but... i was listening to a mockingbird by eminem and had an idea. imagine. daemon coming back home from flea bottom, drunk, hair disheveled and reeking of the cheap feminine perfumes. hes standing at the door and watching his wife stand by the window rocking his child, singing a lullaby about daddy being here and loving them wholeheartedly. and while they dont fight, he sees the betrayal in her scornful eyes. sorry, i couldnt help it. so! have a nice day/evening/night! take care! luv you <з
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HI!!! this me in snow the moment i see snow
i got back to karekare 'i was so confused why it was called that because tuwalya is towel ??' yes! i searched for it too and was so confused... glad you like it.
HAHAHHAAHAH we truly are the same AHHAHAHHAH
'do we even have ox in the ph?' HSHDJFJFJ good question.
AHHAHAHAHAHAHAAHA i mean we have carabao so ??? but according to the net its a water buffalo HAAHH
'YOU SHOULD HAVE STRING BEANS' yeah yeah we do. i got a bit confused bc i know we have string beans but they dont look just like in your pic. but we do. but i still didnt know pechay..
ah that makes sense for our veggies to be different. dw i already foresaw you not having pechay HAHAH
'banana blossoms' i never was good at biology but this...
same AHHAHHAH but my grandma's sister who's dead now RIP lola (filipino for grandma) she used to be a science teacher i think she was a biologist and our house (which is the house she and my grandma lives in) has so many specimens like seashells sea horses butterflies lizards lol we threw them all out because well its been in the house for 20+ years T_T im sure some of them are older than me T_T so yeah
'NOW WE BOTH LEARNED SOMETHING' are we classmates now?
classmates in life
'every day i get to eat karekare is a special day' awww cute TT idk if i have a special meal.
nom nom every meal is special! karekare is just ultra mega special to me dammit now im hungry T_T
'i felt way better about them now that ive finished ranting about it' ooh im so glad im able to help you in some way. you can always tell me whatever you want! emotions need to be released.
<3 thank you. youre so right emotions need to be released. here's a kind of embarrassing story. i used to have a crush on my philosophy teacher T_T HAHAHAHA he was quite close to our age, he was a fresh graduate and idk T_T its cringey now that i think about it but he had this thing about him and i in fact HATED HIM whereas my classmates were like omg sirs so hot i love him T_T and the more i talked about how i hated him my classmates were like omg hannah you like him and i was like ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? YUCK NO so then ... when i realized i liked him but refused to tell anyone i bottled it up and liked him more and more and i fucking wrote poetry about him because it was the only way i could get it out of my system and the day i admitted i liked him it slowly went away and i was like DAMN I SHUDDA JUST STARTED WITH THAT
end scene
and woah uncle sam? ill remember it thanks...
this kitty in the gif TT so vimpare-ish djdjsh. a cutie.
<3 i love cats <3
im so sorry for your disappeared text. its good you shared this all in the next message, it was interesting to know about dream.
WHY ARE YOU APOLOGIZING ARE YOU TUMBLR /: if you are yuck unfriend HAHAH JK I LOVE TUMBLR <3 and anyway i did this because i love you <3
'our grades are so high standard. /: asians' yes... no there are lots of strict and demanding parents too but ig were just much worse as children...
T_T #breakgenerationaltrauma
'i love pluto lets talk about pluto' ooh i love astronomy!! plutos such a baby planet TT
IM LUV PLUTO T_T T_T #FOREVERMY9THPLANET random thing i remembered. theres this show called blues clues idk if you know it but its my fav show ever T_T and they had this free pc cd game from a cereal box (WHICH THEY DONT DO ANYMORE PLS THAT SO L CEREAL MANUFACTURERS GET BACK IN YOUR GAME) and it was there that i think i started my love for the heavenly bodies because in the game you'd go to a treehouse and talk to like cartoons of planets T_T
and i remember learning that mars had 2 moons msladashlhalhew AND MY POOR MIND WAS BROKEN T_T like on a real level i was so frustrated with this knowledge because i thought well, earth has one moon and we have one night, so since mars had 2 moons... they have two nights T_T AND I WAS TRYING SO HARD TO FIGURED IT OUT I DONT REMEMBER BUT maybe i cried T_T because i couldnt figure it out. im so happy they didnt add the other planets moons or that like jupiter had 9999999999+ moons cos my baby brain would have exploded.
this also reminds me of this time i either was coloring or i read a post which was like you cant think of a color that doesnt exist and then i tried and this i remember vividly crying because T_T I WAS SO FRUSTRATED and then i was like PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER HANNAH #1 UR NOT GOD #2 YOU DONT HAVE TO INVENT A NEW COLOR and then all of a sudden i was fine hallelujah
idk how they call it in english. im so mesmerized by space... its kinda scary but is so fascinating... i remember the first time i saw a constellation from my window i was stunned! amazed! so excited! it was the big dipper btw.
?YOU CAN MAKE OUT THE CONSTELLATIONS!!!?? ?? wow i cannot theyre all just... dots in the sky. i remember i had this dream where i went up to a high building and then i could see the stars eye level and could finally make out the constellations and then when i woke up i was like YAY I FINALLY wait... thats not how that works T_T
violence sucks.
'tell me about your daemon fic now' hmhmhm dont know. i kinda feel like it might be a bit challenging for you? im not saying you cant do it but its kinds not your format. bc ig its rather long? and it requires more of 3rd person pov or daemos pov.
I LOVE A CHALLENGE AHHAHAHAH i dont mind writing in different perspectives
i can continue teasing it fhsfh. it includes some angst and an inner conflict. ig its the main point even. but ok, write your sandman fics.
DAMN YOU WONT TELL ME /: ok then ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ sandman fics it is
'hope you liked my daemon x niece fic' tbh daemon x niece isnt my thing in general. idk maybe i subconsciously associate it with daemyra. yes daemon x his twin is my guilty pleasure so what.
T_T HIS TWIN T_T thats fine you can like them or not valid either way it think only cos targaryens
but i still love the idea of making all big and arrogant men feel little and miserable. so yeah. and the ocs who can stand for themselves! yey! hope shell become queen ghjdjf.
i mean she's the younger sister no HOLLUP NOW I GOTTA CHECK well apparently the req never specified if she was younger or older but idk i imaged her to be younger so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
'I dont mean to be that person' you have all the right to be this person. anger is ugly but a natural reaction to irritating events. hope you slept well ghdjfh. andand!
i did sleep well i think. i was mostly tired not so much angry when i typed this
i was so excited to see smn ask about part 3 of waiting for a lifetime TT noy only bc of your answer but also bc someone is interested! smn waits for it! i feel so proud.
AW THANK YOU BABY <3 i was excited to see the ask too!!!
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people are really sleeping on this masterpiece. hope itll get more love. and it still wont be enough to surpass the amount of love i have for this fic.
that means the world <3
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no but... i was listening to a mockingbird by eminem and had an idea. imagine. daemon coming back home from flea bottom, drunk, hair disheveled and reeking of the cheap feminine perfumes. hes standing at the door and watching his wife stand by the window rocking his child, singing a lullaby about daddy being here and loving them wholeheartedly. and while they dont fight, he sees the betrayal in her scornful eyes.
sorry, i couldnt help it.
so! have a nice day/evening/night! take care! luv you <з
im luv u so much my love love love love
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bluesky88diary · 5 months
Today I could feel how you are calling me again. I love this warm feeling that sound like "I think about you now" or "보고싶어". It was for a while from last time, but the feeling was so intense that I stopped work and opened Instagram. Yes, that was your call and I could see that you shared songs from fanme at the same time.
What is the last song? You voice sounds so sweet~ I can guess reading comments it's something about love, and much grateful and bright love. I don't understand words, however it feels like morning kiss of sunshine, bright warm and cute. How sunshine can be cute? If somebody will ask me I will let them hear your songs ^^
...Just before this letter I had launch. I cooked lentils with 불고기 souse (the one I learn to cook last Monday). It was good but a little too salty. I don't know why there is so much salt in soy souse... Anyways I like it. My friend says that I like everything that is Korean. He says, "If I will cook something and say it's Korean, you will like it even if you don't". Well, I think it's not because of food likeness, but because of love. Everything cooked with love tastes better, especially bread.
Though you warming up my heart and lifting up my heart, and cuddle to my heart and so and on... But I guess I am so lazy these days. Don't want to do anything by myself. I have much footage to edit, book to write and some small things to do, but merely avoid those. Actually, it's weird laziness, because to help somebody I work hard without complaining or even pay. Weird if this is about somebody else it's okay, but if it's about myself then I have like no motivation to do much effort. What this might be? Maybe I'm too much content with a little? Who knows...
By the way last Friday I signed contract with that mortgage company. Finally! But not that fast. Last time we talked there supposed to be an even for me to shoot this week, but nothing so far. I made a request to know the schedule they have for this week, but nothing. So I decided to be initiative. I made some analytics and developed marketing plan (woke up 4 am this morning for that) and scheduled for tomorrow shooting. Let's see how they will response. Mr. Keving (the company boss) mentioned that he wants me to take care of SMN, but at the same time I don't understand what exactly they want. Why not? Because I heard many times about events he wants me to record, but this never happened. Asking so, he said, "I was a little busy". So I will try different approach and will do my job instead of waiting for what they think could be. Saying "my job" I mean promote their company on SMN.
That's it for today. Going to read a book for a while and push myself get into editing software.
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heretic-altias · 1 year
I'm about to start writing for ffxivwrite but since I am bad at posting about my OCs they might hit some people out of left field. The characters page on my blog has more in depth backstory details (even if it's a little outdated, Altais's pictures still have her old glam and hair and I'm sure there's new stuff I haven't added) but for a quick and easy reference I'm going to put a short bullet point style write up on my main three OCs here and link it before every fic I post this month. Under the cut so it stays nice and short looking lol.
An important distinction to be aware of right away is not all these characters exist in the same universe!!! Altais and Akku are written in Solarverse, a group WoL universe with my friends and so you'll see references to more than one WoL. Any character you don't recognize mentioned in their stories that isn't canon is more than likely another friend's WoL. A'kito is written in his own solo universe though, anything written about him has him as the only WoL. There are a couple side character OCs of mine I've introduced in his universe, so characters you don't recognize written in his stories are probably those. Ok now the basic really fast character bullet points:
Altais Narluu
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GNB and MCH are canon classes with a little bit of SMN (researched and incorporated into her weapon designs)
Genius weapons engineer, current research focuses on combining magitek with magic in a way Garleans can't since she can use magic. Summoning magic is of particular interest.
Accidentally corrupted by a new primal thanks to said summoning research, it's a new incarnation of Bahamut but with her own Issues mixed into the summoning so he doesn't look quite the same as the original.
Grew up with terrible no good mother who left her to care for herself very young, not very trusting and quick to fight when threatened.
Essentially had a found family type arc with Solar and they're the people she really trusts now
Akku Ephos
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Just a little guy really. Super friendly, quick to trust, and tries really hard to befriend everyone.
Started out as a NIN under Zelda's (the leader of Solar) training, but was never a very good fighter. Found his purpose as a healer WHM later on.
His echo also comes with the ability to see dynamis on people. So he can literally see emotions as an aura around everyone.
Tries to be Everyone's Therapist bc of this, while hiding his own feelings bc he doesn't want to upset them and see their sadness when he's struggling.
Grew up in Gridania with his brother, an incident when his brother was drunk ended up with him fleeing home and ending up in Limsa where the rogues took care of him until he met Solar
A'kito Noro
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Grew up in Bozja, adopted by a Hrothgar father as a baby. Has an adoptive Viera brother named Kotah.
Goes by Kito usually even though A'kito is his full name since he never knew the tribe the prefix came from.
DRK was his class until the end of EW using a sword/soulstone inherited from his father. At the end of EW he hung up his father's sword and now uses a RPR/DRG combo essentially.
Accidentally bound his soul to Twintania freeing her from allagan control after the binding coils. Think Inheritance Cycle dragon rider type bond between them.
Loves botany. Studied it until the Bozja Incident sent him into a DRK depression spiral. Talk to him about plants pls he will love you.
His brother was evil for awhile but got better in ShB
Ok yeah this is longer than I intended but shouldn't be long if you're just referencing the character you're reading about. Feel free to ask me anything about any of them though! I haven't really done OC tags in the past, but I'll start tagging their names from now on so you can quickly find fics about each one as xivwrite goes on if you want to.
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I love the idea of Dia and Barb spoiling Raphael, especially considering I'm pretty sure Raphael has like severe clinical depression (source: me) and him getting loved and cared for by two elite demons who want nothing more than to love and spoil, after all the tensions between the two realms? I enjoy that, thank you
Raphael really does seem like suffers from some kind of depression/mood disorder and I low key think despite how he acts, he’s moderately scared of demons because of the war.
Then to have two of the strongest demons being sweet to him, protecting him, helping him adjust and teaching him all kinds of things.
He gets so flustered over little things, Diavolo is so affectionate in public, he ends hiding his face in Diavolo’s chest whenever he’s pulled into a hug without warning.
Barbatos is very protective of him and scares off anyone who steps too close to Raphael and teaches him all the dangerous flora and fauna. Barbatos usally just holds his hand in public and that’s enough to make Raphael blush.
Then when they are together? Diavolo always insist on cuddle piles and they keep Raphael in the center.
I’m glad you enjoy it! I might do smn with it since it’s a cute ship! I have a lot of ships I wanna write stuff on!
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faaun · 2 years
hi hello PLEASE take a nap. set a timer for 1½-2 hours and take a nap (in your bed), and maybe take a quick shower, and then you can write the last 400 words of your paper. i promise you, having like 10 hours left is enough for 400 words, and if you're really struggling, you could even ask for a time extension. the answer can only be yes or no, no harm done.
like, please please please take care of you & your body for a minute until you continue with your paper omg, i know i might be taking this too seriously but i know what that's like and i know it's horrible, so please. go take a nap, mx oatbugs, and then you'll be refreshed enough to finish your paper, okay? 💓🌟
hi hi tysm !!! when i saw this i unfortunately could not stop bc the psych department doesnt do extensions in my uni and also 400 words in 10 hours would actually be impossible (sosososo much research had to be done) but !! it made me feel so nice to know smn cared ! im rly sorry u understand the feeling though, it's defintely a little painful, but thank u so much for ur concern and caring !!!
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boyfhee · 2 years
cael as one of the older kids (i’m assuming 🤧) on sfw enhablr (not saying ur old !! 😭😭 it’s just that there’s a lot of minors on here) how do you feel abt the current content for the maknae line? like ik it’s not always super sexualized or anything but sometimes i see stuff that’s just the way it’s worded really rubs me the wrong way ☹️ esp bc some of the kids on here are so young it makes me feel like if they see stuff like that , they might start think it’s okay for others to treat them the same or vice verse … whenever i see edits of niki on tiktok , i have to avoid the comments bc there’s almost always like a “daddy” , “how is he 16” or “you don’t know what you do to me” like wtf he’s a literal child ?? it makes me so mad and honestly so uncomfortable :( and i saw an article on kboo today too that said niki apparently has around 200 explicit or mature fics written abt him on ao3 … sometimes even the fboi trope (usually when it’s written abt minors) bothers me bc i see minors writing abt it (like 13-15 y/o) and i don’t understand why they don’t just use the term player or smtg … bc they’ll go out of their way to mention how the character has sex a lot an whatnot , even that feels way too suggestive for me personally for a minor too write let aline abt a minor too , sorry for the rant,, i was just wondering how you felt … omg also though tbh i noticed that some of the minors on here / blogs in gen seem way too comfy on here like they’ll be sharing where they live , their actual names and sometimes like giving a lot of personal info … like did they not learn abt internet safety or do they just no care? as one of the older kids , i kind of worry abt them :( i really hope everybody stays safe on here <3 & some reminders: never be afraid to block anyone ! bc i’ve seen a lot of minors on here get sent stuff from the p*rn bots or just weird dms :( & u don’t need to force yourself to interact with someone , make sure ur comfy with them first !
HELP THIS IS SO LONG I THOUGHT I WAS GETTING CANCELLED OR SMN 💀 and pls there's not a single day i dont feel old on kpopblr, it's just that the general community here holds an average age of 13-15 years :/ ALSO PLS DONT APOLOGIZE FOR RANTING IT'S FINE !!
TW : mentions of nsfw and all yeah .
as for your question, i'm sorry if my response isn't what you expected because i rarely read for maknae lines. first of all, the only 4th gen group i read for is enha, so i don't know how bad things are in other fandoms ( and i've heard abt nct blr being nothing but a pit of smuts— no offence to the writers— but i agree ) about niki though, i personally haven't encountered any such comments but some of my friends have reported seeing nsfw accounts for enha maknae lines, which is straight up disgusting because they're minors. probably one of the main reasons why i don't read for maknae line because i legit can't trust minors here, except a few that i have known for a while. the thing about minors ( 13-15 y/o as you said ) writing nsfw / borderline nsfw, whether for minors or adults, is so messed up because that's straight up wrong. i don't care if you were exposed to such topics at the age of 10 or whatever, if i spot you, a minor, writing nsfw i'm going to block you.
and smut about minors is even more messed up because it's like a gate to tell people that yeah, you can have sex at 16 it's fine, completely normal— which it isn't. moreover, how would you feel if someone wrote a smut about you when you're just 16? and not even smut, i think some people tend to see niki the way they see heeseung, which is also depicted in fiction. the point here is that heeseung is an adult while niki is not, and creating a line between how you write the two of them is very important. you can make suggestive jokes, go on, but not a suggestive work. that's weird, it's messed up.
honestly, i just don't read for maknae line in general lmao. sunoo is fine at times, but you'll rarely spot me reading a jungwon fic, and reading for riki is even rarer; same with writing. like, i know i have riki fics in works but they don't revolve around romance or whatever. i simply don't feel comfortable bcz jungwon is like, just a few months older and niki is younger than me. i think it's just a personal preference but as an adult, i prefer writing for hyung line over everyone else in the group. besides, i once saw someone writing a make out scene with niki and it was so descriptive, i scrolled so fast lmao 🏃‍♀️💨 i mean ok if you're dying to writing a kissing scene but there's a limit ??? he's a minor and you're writing about grinding i ????? also the kboo article im 💀 it's funny because if someone would sexualise a minor irl people would go off but suddenly it's all normal in fictions ( and i just don't mean kpop fics. it's wrong even if you're writing for fictional characters who are canonically minors ) and, i've seen MANY users posting nsfw right on the day an idol turns adult ( like i knew a sunoo one pls ) as if they were waiting for him to turn legal, only to write smut ?? which is so disgusting. fortunately, the user got called out for their actions.
yeah long story short : if i spot you writing inappropriate stuff for minors, i will call you out on your bs i don't care if it ends up with you deactivating or whatever
ALSO YEAH IVE SEEN MANY KIDS DISCLOSE THEIR PERSONAL INFO PLSS, like yawll have an alias for 'privacy' but would give away your school's name to one person you met online like three days ago 🧍‍♀️ there's a reason why people warn you about internet safety and honestly, if stuff hasn't happened to you doesn't mean it can't in future.
you need to watch out for yourself especially if you're on a website which is rated for users above your age ( like tumblr ) since you would be the only one responsible for your actions. btw im so tired of porn bots like a few days ago i had one send me link to her nudes ???? it was 7 in the morning . AND IVE SEEN PEOPLE POST ABOUT THOSE BOTS AND GATHER ATTENTION ffs just block them and move on there's no need to inform your moots.
THIS IS SO LONG I AM SORRY i hope this was Okay like i don't know what to say except this whole issue is fucked up so badly and i can't believe people are so hungry for porn, they're involving minors in it :/
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mintdrop · 4 years
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Meet Nanami. A shy, selectively mute “witch” who spends most of her time tending to plants and making herbal medicines. She has a fascination with the ocean and occasionally daydreams about what it would be like to explore the waters. More info under the cut!
Basic Info
Real Name: Nanami Nami Age: 26 as of SHB Race: Dunesfolk Lalafell Sexuality: Bisexual Guardian Deity: Nophica, the Matron Main classes: WHM, SMN (purely for her familiar) DOL/DOH: BTN, ALC, a dream of being FSH Voice Claim: Nao Tōyama (Reina Prowler in Macross Delta, Chitose from Nisekoi, Lyria from Granblue Fantasy)
MBTI: ISFP Enneagram: Type 9 Wing 1 (The Dreamer) Temperament: Phlegmatic Alignment: Neutral Good
Nanami is soft; marshmallow soft. Introverted to the nth degree, she has no real experience in dealing with other people outside of those who have run a select few shops that she's patroned for years - and even then, she can't meet their eyes. She suffers from selective mutism, meaning words are few and far between in regards to anyone but herself for the most part. However, with enough time and trust, it's possible that you might hear an answer or two rather than see it with your eyes.
Because she knows that she can't function through life (alone or otherwise) without "speaking", Nanami is able to combine her magic with her aether to speak by drawing or writing in the air - she often chooses drawing, as it allows for quicker responses.
When observed from afar, Nanami's true character can be seen; gentle, and extremely caring of those around her. She handles plants and flowers as though they're her family, and more often than not will she end up somewhat red-eyed and sniffly when using a plant for herbal medicines.
An orphan from birth, Nanami has lived her life in self-inflicted isolation. The other children of the orphanage were never very kind to her, given that she couldn't speak, was more interested in the weeds growing from the ground than the game they were playing, and often felt sick when in the sun. Of course, children can be cruel, and it would be a lie to say if she wasn't bullied because of it; this only led her to isolate herself more in the long run.
It was discovered at a young age that she was proficient in white magics, and thus spent a long amount of time training under E-Sumi-Yan to hone her skills; thanks to this, he is one of few people who Nanami is able to speak to normally, though only when nobody else is around. She now uses these magics in conjuncture with her "witch magic" to produce various potions and medicines to sell for income.
Nanami lives far within the woods of the Black Shroud, in a small cottage that she had built by herself. When adventurers, wounded or otherwise, would come seeking shelter and aid, she would offer it under few conditions; one, that they understand she would only be around them to administer care and meals. Two, that before they left, they repair a part of her cottage that was in disarray, as her own craftsmanship was fairly shoddy. Thanks to this, her cottage is much more stable than when it had been made.
Strength: 3/10 Offense:  5/10 Defense: 7/10 Speed:  4/10 Durability: 6/10 Accuracy: 5/10 Agility: 4/10 Stamina: 3/10 Teamwork: 9/10 Stealth: 2/10 Magic: 10/10 Healing: 10/10
Nanami is a healer in all forms of the word; from healing magics to shielding magics, and even homemade potions, she functions as a pure supportive role in the heat of battle. Of course, she'd very much prefer not to fight at all if possible, but she's well aware that that simply isn't the case in this world.
Because she often gets uncomfortable in the sun, Nanami is never found without a massively large hat to mitigate the effects - leading to a hard drop in combative accuracy, as the rim of the hat will often block the far off view. Her close combat skills are basically nonexistent, which can sometimes lead to her being more of a liability if she's unable to protect herself in time. To say she fears these scenarios more than death would be an understatement.
Other headcanons
Could probably sing fairly well if she didn’t suffer from psychological issues.
Has a floating ferret familiar named Ren and a fat cat named Mr. Pibbles.
Has a love/hate relationship with spring - she loves seeing the plants flourish, but hates the allergies that come with them.
Paints as a hobby, but she hides all her artwork in a loose floorboard because she’s embarrassed about it.
Somewhat good at figuring things out on the fly, but her anxiety leads her to second guessing herself almost instantly.
She loves fruits in all forms, especially in drinks.
Fell in love with the ocean after visiting Costa Del Sol once with the orphanage - she wants to visit again, especially on a clear night.
Blind as a bat; she can’t even find her glasses in the morning after waking up - Ren has to put them on his back and bring them to her.
She knows sign language! She just doesn’t use it often because her art conveys things easier to those who don’t.
Scents: Baked apples, cinnamon, flower shops, rose water Colors: Grayscale, dark purples and reds Animals: Deer, crows, squirrels Clothing: Long dresses, cloaks, large hats, circle frames, long sleeves, layered shirts, long socks Others: Autumn leaves crunching underfoot, candlelight, the faint sounds of a piano from another room, bird calls, whispers
Mun Notes
First and foremost, I want to say that selective mutism isn’t choosing to be mute - honestly, the term is very poorly named, imo. The link the phrase directs to has a few examples that accurately describe Nanami’s condition:
Twenty-six-year-old Hannah is only able to speak with her parents. In other situations like school, where she’s interacting with a larger group of people who she is less familiar with, her words get stuck, and even though she wants to speak, nothing comes out.
For interactions with Nanami, I know it’s hard to portray her when she’s unable to speak, so people are free to have her talk in sets. But she’s very quiet/soft, and pauses a lot. Ellipses are her best friend tbh.
Her design uses a custom face dds that I edited from Mint’s that I don’t mind giving to people who want to pose her if they ask ;w;
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catwithangerissues · 4 years
Letter for my love!
Hey lovely, a’ve been missin’ yer cute face more than usual today. Wanted to leave ya one of those cliche love letters they always show in those shitty romance movies, a figured it’d be somethin’ you’d enjoy.
It’s been on my mind a lot lately, how much a love ya’. How much ya’ positively affect my life by blessin’ me with yer angelic presence. Can’t believe a got so lucky with ya’. When ya’ wear my sweatshirts, when ya’ give me kisses on the cheek before a leave. When we go on night drives, yer feet in my lap as a drive. The way ya’ smile, yer cute laugh, yer adorable whines for morning affection, yer humor, the way ya’ let me twirl ya’ round after a’ve won a game- they make me fall in love with ya’ more ever’day. A could go on all day about those cute mannerisms of yers, but I don’t ‘ave that kinda time sweetheart- yer gonna wake up soon and a gotta be there to give you that forehead kiss ya’ always ask for so sweetly before a go to practice.
Ya’ know, ya’ really do make my day better just by bein’ around. Yer always there to calm me down when a need it, or help me up when a fail and blame everything on myself. Yer my voice of reason, yer my supporter, ya’ keep me grounded, and yer my best friend. A can joke with ya’, be vulnerable, feel safe because ya’ always go outta yer way to make sure a feel that way, a can just be Atsu with ya’. A really hope ya’ feel the same way, pretty one. Yer so smart, so funny, and sickly sweet darlin’. A really couldn’t ask for a better human to call mine.
Ya’ know, a can’t get this one memory off my mind as a write this for ya’, hun. Remember that time we went ice skating, it snowing outside and it was super pretty out? When we brought Suna and ‘Samu cause they didn’t wanna be bored at home alone, and ya’ decided it’d be smart not to bring gloves? I gave ya’ mine and the big bright smile on yer face made my heart melt. It’s simple, but, A think about that a lot, ‘specially when a miss ya’ or a can’t sleep. If a hadn’t already known a was in love with ya’, a would’ve fallen head first that night. Ya’ looked so beautiful, darlin’, spinning around and smilin’ so wide. A wanted to marry ya’ right then and there.
A wish a was one of those romantic poets in those shitty books that always have a half naked dude on the cover, so a could write a super lovey message for ya’ to wake up to and reread whenever a was gone for a game and ya’ missed yer handsome ‘Tsumu. Can’t blame ya’ for that, a miss ya’ so much when am gone. Omi Omi gets annoyed with how much a talk about ya’, but he also says it’s sweet how much a care. He’s not wrong, yer my world, love.
A should probably go now, yer alarm is gonna go off at any minute and a know it’s too cold in the house for ya’ to be comfortable all by yerself. But a threw your shower towel in the dryer for ya’, so am expecting kisses. A love ya’ cutie, can’t wait to make you mine forever someday soon.
Xx -Tsumu Tsumu
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HOPE YOU LIKED IT ILY💛 I wish I could’ve made it more fluffy but then again I might just be blind lmao. Not 100% happy with it but I hope you still liked it 🥺 @hvnlydmn ✨
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kiwibes · 4 years
So, you cant live the "cottagecore life"?
I am here to tell you that you can!
Wether you're poor, living in the city with no garden or terras, living abroad, have a disability, are poc or still living with your birthgivers, cottagecore is also there for you.
IMO cottagecore (and the like) is about appreciating the smile things in life. Nursing a plant, watching the sun carress the surface, enjoying rain drops falling down, finding fun and love in small acts like cooking, baking, sewing, knitting, gardening, painting,etc. U dont need grand architecture, expensive technology or 'cheap thrills' if you seek small thrills in the simple things. U dont have to like ALL things (I hate crocheting but I like seeing others enjoy it), but I think nearly everyone has a little bit of cottagecore in them. (If smn disagrees with my view, that sounds like a them problem)
So, having lived in cities, suburbs and only very briefly the countryside. Having had a nice income and no income at all and spending a lot of time on how to find these small joys, I will share some tips on how to incorporate some cottagecore into your life
No garden? Not even a terras? Windowsills are your best friend. They are great place for some plants, herbs and regrowths. Some plants dont even need direct light and can stand on your table/desk/shelf
Don't have money for plants? The world is out there! Even the grayest most concrete city I've lived in had some uncontrolled shrubs or weeds growing. Weeds are just as much awesome plants and calling them weeds feels like discrimination? I prefer wildlings. Anyway, you have to be a little more carefull if you go scavenging plants because of private property and hygiene but it is a good excuse for an adventure and remember to bring gloves and take enough surrounding soil to ease the transition of your scavenged treasures. Daisies and dandelions in grassy patches are easy, pretty starters. Love them.
Now you got the plants but not the money or availability of pots? Fear not, almost everything can be a pot. Soda bottles, milk cartons, jugs, chipped mugs, food trays, cardboard packages if lined with some plastic/alu foil,...you might want to put some holes in the bottom to let the water run trough. Put a plate or tray under it. If you need the 'pot' to be raised I found that bottle caps and empty tea lights can do the trick often.
You did get your gruby hands on some store bought plants? Cool, maybe they come in a brown/black plastic pot? You can paint it and reuse. I do recommend to put the plant from that pot in a bigger recipient cuz store plants are usually put in just-big enough pots with lots of fertilizer to keep them looking fresh for sales but they cant survive them longterm. The pots can still be used for smaller plants though. Some plantshops also have a recycle bin for these pots. You can sneak some of them with you. They won't really care
For all the above plant holders, u might think 'it will look ugly, all that plastic and non-unity. If that bothers u, u can paint them, glue them with nice colours or newspaper, make a fun craft project from it. Newspaper, glue and acrylics can hold for quiet some time!
Name tags can be crafted out of popsicle sticks, branches, writing on cobbles, etc.
Regrowths. Propagate some plants, herbs, vegetable. Cheap and fun. Internet is full of tutorials on how to propagate.
Idigenous climate and plants are your best friends. Research the practices of your ancestors/the native settlers. Learn from their lessons and mistakes. You might want to check google books and archive.org for reading/loaning old books about your region.
Sos sewing kits can be your hero if you dont have a sewing shop nearby. All u really need is needle, thread and scissors and you can get started on small projects. Dont aim for a ball gown from scratch though but you can refurbish old/ugly/cheap clothes with a small travelling sos sewing kit.
No fabrics? Use old clothes, blankets, tabletops, curtains or some scarfs. I've found no place yet where I can't buy some scarfs. They are basicly long, rectangular fabrics that can be used for some sewing projects like plushies, head band, tops, pillow covers, etc.
No kitchen? No bake recipes, microwave recipes, what to make in a water kettle etc. Many before you have suffered the lack of a kitchen, including yours truly!
Wall decoration. Print old photos, press leaves or flowers or herbs, calligraph, paint, draw, etc.
No money to buy fancy frames? Not allowed to drill in the wall? Tape and sticky hooks can hold some light weight deco. Tape some paper clips to the wall to hold photos, maps, botanical drawings,...
Laminators are too expensive for my liking. For smaller things you can use tape. Stick it on, fold the tape double, cut. You just laminate a flower. Cut it out, make a frame from leftover paper or cardboard or not, hang it. For the larger things you can us stronger plastic from folder splitters, packing, those slide in things u have to put your front page/homework into. Squash it in between 2 layers and tape/glue/staple/paperclip it together.
No signing voice? Just talk to your plants! The CO2 will do them good.
You dont have to spent money on a plant water diffuser thing. Any mechanical spray thing will work like parfume bottles, sunscreen spray bottles, etc. Make sure they are clean inside before using.
Dont feel bad about plastic flowers
Dont feel bad, ashamed or like you have a short coming for not achieving the ultimate cottagecore aestethic cuz 1. It is an aestethic no one has it. It is meant for inspiration, relaxation and feel good vibes 2. Everybody has as much right to relate to any -core as any other next person. 3. If you enjoy it, it has fulfilled its purpose. Enjoy!
If I think of sth else I will add it. If anyone else has an idea please reblog it with an addition.
Dont hesitate to ask any questions!
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spacequokka · 5 years
Pls update Say my name or Something beautiful THESE ARE SUCK GOOD STORIES ✨
I’m trying to make the words do the thing but they won’t listen to me. They refuse to work!
No, seriously I’ve hit a bit of writer’s block for SMN.6 and Beautiful Thing. You didn’t ask but I’m just gonna vent, okay? Okay.
So, first off I’m a senior in college. Writing a tv spec script is much harder than it sounds and for the past two months, it’s really sucking my soul away. Trying to force out that pile of hate (even though I love B99) has made me a little…sensitive to writing for fun. Like I’d rather play Minecraft or Sims, y’know? And with my new class, I’m having to write another script. I deadass just want to write novels. But I gotta do it to get my degree this summer. That’s my first horse pill.
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With SMN, I have it all planned out and even have a feel for Jun’s character (sorry, I can’t contain the daddy kink) but because of school I just don’t have the mental energy. I open Scrivener, look at the summary, and maybe add a sentence. Like my creative waterfall is all tapped out. I haven’t read any Junmyeon smut for inspiration, so if any of you can recommend something I’d appreciate it from the bottom of my heart.
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With everything else going on, I’m not surprised BT isn’t cooperating. It’s the most ambitious thing I’ve ever attempted. Eight main characters that each have a character arc. It’s madness. If you could see my binder and spirals and worksheets–yeah. I’m sure the issue is my perfectionism. Like, I want to deliver a piece that brings the story in my head as I see it to life. I want a realistic romance where we see the guys fall for the reader and not just “oh she’s my soulmate and so I love her.” Where they have pre-existing issues they must acknowledge or confront in order to be part of a polyamorous relationship. I want to emphasize why a relationship like that is beneficial to all of them, what each person has to offer to her and her to them, why they need each other and prove that their matching isn’t a fluke. It’s fate proven by science.
Most of all, I want my readers to see that love isn’t easy and you can’t make anyone love you, not even a parent or soulmate. I want to reassure each and every one of you that no matter who the person is, if they don’t or can’t love you the way you should be loved, it’s not the end of the world. I want to show you when to keep fighting and when to let go. I want to show you what self-love looks like and how easy it can be once you get the hang of it.
And I realize that’s A LOT to ask of a fanfic. A pretty tall order for something that started as a simple wish for more Got7 fics. I did beg you all not to make me write it. If I could just beam the whole story into your heads the world would be perfect. It’s just the best. It’ll make you laugh, cry, roll around on your bed with a pillow and kick your feet while giggling–the works. I might be setting the bar too high for myself, expecting too much. Do I really need a detailed outline? Is a rewrite necessary or can I just wing it? Should I take my anxiety meds and chill out to Seoul?
I guess I should start there. Chill tf out. It’s just a fanfic, not the Declaration of Independence. It isn’t like someone years from now will read it and go “omg look at this dumpster fire.” Well, they might but I likely won’t care being a published author with bedazzled flip flops and all.
Huh. There’s a thought. I’m stressing out now but there will be a day when I won’t be. It’ll be finished and I’ll be onto another project. That… That’s really fucking comforting.
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TL;DR: Thank you for the compliments, Nonnie. I’ll update as soon as I can. In the meantime, can you recommend some good Suho smut?
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bnha-imagines-hcs · 6 years
A c and e for dabi and twice? (I’m such a slut for the villains oops
( i’ll assume SFW, since that’s the last one i posted and you didn’t specify. | idk if any of this makes sense bc my head is weird atm but i wannit to write!!! i’ve been spooking myself with conspiracy theories... )
| dabi; headcanons.
AFFECTION       yes. now? always.
why else would he bother with a relationship? no trouble getting laid and able to snatch intelligent convos in a bar or park here and there, dabi’s no need to go out of his way for either.but proper, fulfilling affection comes with someone you trust - to an extent.
so. yeah. 
dabi’s always wanted a partner he could truly stand with. side by side, neither lesser or more than the other; whether this would be a romantic partner or not never mattered. a strong, reliable bond that doesn’t hinge on emotional constipation like so many of his working relations. 
                  a, uh. soul mate. if you will. shhh.
      he’s entirely honest with himself about this wish, too - which means he’s not shy about acting on it. unless he has his game face on or you’re around people who shouldn’t know you care about each other, dabi’s open to physical and not so physical affection.around here we’re not too macho for staring deep~~ into each other’s~~ eyes~~ (esp since his are so pretty that it’s hard not to ever get caught staring so yah). he prefers to have at least one hand at you at all times, soaking up your warmth and returning it. idle kisses during conversation, words clear against your cheek, the corner of your mouth. it’s in private that he lets his fingers trace the thin vulnerable skin of your eyelids or the exact shape of your cheeks.
ppl can complain or gag all they want, dabi is and will always be demonstratively loving. (or just. out of fucks to give, but w/e.)
CUDDLING     linked into the affection - dabi is highkey about simple, physical contact. arms around you at all times and usually while he’s behind you (better view on anything that might need to be u know dodged. he protective rawr); resting on your shoulders, round your waist, fingers hooked into the belt loops and fingers tracing the shape of your crotch if you don’t stop him, fingers hooked into the beltloops at your hips, hands at your hips, one arm round your neck w/ a hand on ur shoulder, hand on ur throat, hand resting lightly on ur crown, hands…… on ur ass. yeah.
will shamelessly insert himself into any conversation just by silently curling around you, and staring down ur convo partner like they’re the wall or smth ‘bout to get curbstomped; either, or.other times he lets u be… but still touches u somehow. turned farther away but with a hand on u to know where u at—
—dabi knows damn well how dangerous he is. he’s got to - it’s how he got where he is now, measuring his skill against what he’s got left to learn, against the competition that’ll come for ‘im as he makes a name for himself. consciously & unconsciously, that leads to him placing himself in a position where he can directly oppose whatever might try to fuck up this thing he’s got here, with u.he’s good w/ direct shit. also p good with sneaky shit. if ur a soft lil civilian or otherwise of lesser skill (or equal. or more, really - he’ll lay off some then, but still)- then he’ll want to know where ur at so he can bear in mind the angles if a threat pops up.        so. a hand on ur ass. hey- we can mix business w/ pleasure a lil.
             shhh. it’s totes just cuz he’s an ass man, tho.
straight up cuddling in bed, lazily soothed… all day every day pls and thnx. just hazy dozing, a dream-like quality to simple vulnerability shred. that’s not workable at present, but a worthy goal to set, no..? mmm.
EFFORT     flings, as stated, are for fun. he puts in the effort to be there bc he wants the good times, but it doesn’t go further than skindeep.
a real relationship - to dabi - is committed, and not something he’ll easily accept into his life. the point of one is effort; not in the least bc he knows it takes a fuckton of that for trust to really build. being who he is the way he is means it’s going to take effort.         mostly on his part, he thinks.     buuuuut also on the other part, if you’re not the patient or emotionally intelligent sort (which is fair honestly). 
dabi does not expect any true partner to do all the work. when it comes to effort in bonds, dabi goes … almost for broke, really. he’s neither antisocial nor aromantic, knows he craves emotional connection on several levels, and is therefore invested.                so, although he can be closed off (you may still not hear about w/e got him in this life etc), you can def just go up to him and go ‘okay i have xyz problem with us as we are, i need abc from you / do you need abc from me’. he’ll listen. he’ll try to see it your way too. this boy understands better than most what it really takes to make shit work with smn.
                  the most effort is trying to get him to a point where                   he wants to keep someone around, though. his                  agenda is his priority as is; romance just... well shit,                  you know this ain’t the time for that.
| twice; headcanons.
AFFECTION     at once highkey and lowkey. his anxiety nullifies any impulse to be all lovey dovey bc yeah. actually. that can get you killed. and losing you is high on his list of shit to avoid. so it’s all behind closed doors and there it’s desperate as you know he can be, all over each other, physical reassurance of both your connection and the fact your heart still beats.
starved of it, jin is always up for affection – yet can have too full a head to be able to deal with the extra impulses; physical touch, the emotion it evokes, what it does to his mind.
generally tight hugs, touchy-feely, wants to have his eyes on ur face to read u and check u over. prefers to have some kinda physical contact w/ u when ur together but his attention is away from you; the sensation of good things slipping through his fingers gets intense.
CUDDLING     yes please. jin can actually sleep in the same bed as someone else with little to no problem; at worst he’ll jerk violently in his sleep/during a dream/if his body registers your touch as foreign, but it’s not a punch or shit just an involuntary jolt.
embraces are his fave. full on arms around each other and pressed together. long, feelsy hugs that are all about just. well. affection. feeling each other. finding some peace in the hug and letting it last. 
jin is susceptible to ridicule (from stupid macho morons) but resolved about dem long hugs and sweet, tender love that isn’t afraid to be vulnerable. that’s what his cuddling feels like, always intimate. it can get a bit much to be constantly intimate to that extent, but then he rarely slips up about showing just how much he cares about you in public - so that’s a break from that lmao.
EFFORT     a lot. lots of internal shit, working on new anxieties. trying to ween himself off needing to feel you, to tone down the cling. it takes a few months for him to fully be ready to take this new flaring anxiety in his hands and deal with it like the (at least partially) solvable problem it is, and that’s when he starts toning it down, reassuring himself about the lack of touch, etc.         he’s an anxiety veteran. new causes can be so overwhelming that he doesn’t remember for a while that it’s his brain funking around.
he cares about you / what you’re feeling / needs & wants. might not be able to help, but will fucking care. if there’s one thing you won’t feel, it’s unappreciated. 
twice is a lil more aware of healthy functioning relationship dynamics than some of the other league members, and unlike say dabi he’s really intent on keeping you around. if he’s got something good he’s going to do what he can to keep it.
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