#maluma preference
exhibitionisms · 4 months
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i'm really aching for some discord plots, so i'm making a shortlist of requests with the muse bolded that i would prefer to play; give this a like if you're interested in any of the below, and i'll dm you! if you'd prefer, you can also just shoot me the name or number for the plot, that's cool too. thanks y'all!
1. unlikely lovers. muse a (lyrica okano fc, can be flexible) and muse b are about as two different as people can be. muse a is a rowdy rule breaker, a loud-mouthed punk who only looks after themself because that's all they've ever known. muse b is in a different stage of life, and though he didn't particularly feel like anything was missing, that all changed when he saw a stranger being hassled on the street one night. we can decide together where this goes but i'm seeing an age-gap, nothing unreasonable there but enough that it's felt and could be a point of contention. is it possible that two people who were so different could get along, and maybe even help each other grow? give me drama, and angst, and smut, and unexpected fluff that leaves them both unsure of who they ever are anymore! (vibes xxx . xxx) 2. the 'it' couple. muse a (maluma fc, can be flexible) and muse b are both celebrities in their own right, ideally both musicians. muse a has been in the game for a long while, and is known as the playboy of his genre. he revels in it, until his scandalous behavior sparks calls for 'cancellation'. his publicist hatches a plan to pair him up with a rising star, maybe a pop princess or internet sensation - someone who the public believes can do no wrong. being associated with him would add fuel to her fire and help her career, while being with her would help his image. we can decide how they both feel about this and where we go from there, but i just need the forced proximity, the pr stunts, the inevitable messiness and jealousy!!! gimme gimme gimme 3. worlds collide. muse a (alisha boe fc, can be flexible) is heir to a criminal dynasty, who has been trained her entire life to follow the family business. give me someone who makes her think twice. this could be someone from a rival gang, someone she grew up with, or a random civilian she meets by chance who shows her that there's more to life than crime, give me secrets, dramatic reveals, plots and manipulation. but also love, passion, things that bitches write books about! (vibes xxx . xxx) 4. you again? muse a (tanaya beatty fc) is a woman who has dedicated her life to public service - hospitals, soup kitchens, criminal reform, you name it. muse b is a criminal who has been plaguing their city for years, who couldn't care less who the hurts as long as he gets what he wants. she saw the good in him. he was attracted by her strength and her resolve. the two fell in love against all odds, but the story didn't end there; a tragic event occurs (we can plot what this was together) and led to one of them leaving the other. now it's been over a decade, and look who's back in town ... but is that a ring on muse a's finger? i want angst, denial, love, drama! gimme it all! (vibes xxx . xxx . xxx)
5. it's different with you. muse a (cillian murphy fc, can be flexible) is the typical asocial dark cloud type of guy, the one who goes to parties out of obligation but stands there stiff as a board the entire time. the kind who is more at home working at his desk than having dinner at a table. muse b is the type of person who lives life to the fullest, who is always looking for the next adventure. give me a slow burn, and unexpected love that takes them both by storm. perhaps they work together, or met through some kind of hobby or second party. neither of them expected for this to happen, and neither of them were looking for anything like this; all that they know is that they've never met anyone else like the other before, and they don't want that feeling to go away! (vibes xxx . xxx) 6. rat boy learns to love. muse a (devon bostick fc) is a typical burnout stoner musician, only he happened to luck into some success. life is good, bro is happy. give him a challenge! give him someone who can make him think twice and grow up a little bit. give me the angst of maybe both of them having their flaws and issues, the childish adventures blowing his money and wild sex you only attempt when you know no one can touch you. we can talk details, but you know the vibes! (vibes xxx . xxx . xxx) .
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wingsoar · 1 month
SHIPPING INFO. Answer the following for your muse(s) so people know how shipping works on your blog.
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What’s your OTP for your Muse(s)? I - don't have one. I feel I've lost the desire to think of ships and stuff, mostly because whatever I liked... wasn't particularly popular. So, now I'm like. #SurpriseME.
What are you willing to RP when it comes to shipping? Mostly anything, though I really don't write nsfw much.... and by that I mean I've only written it with one person. I felt okay writing it with them because we had similar thoughts, like we both hated vulgarity ... ya know. "HE SHOVED HIS ****** INTO HER *****" .... and so on. it was steamy but like, classy. we also had a lotttt of ship build up etc. talked everyday, bantered IC .... felt they really and truly enjoyed shipping with me, I wasn't an 'extra' .... so that was a bonus.
How large does the age gap have to be to make it uncomfortable? Uhh. It's hard to say, I'll go by physical appearance since a character could be a billion years old but look and act the exact same age as my muse haha. - if they could pass for my muse's parent.... I'd rather not
Are you selective when shipping? In a way, yeah. My struggle with ships is people will approach me for one and then ...sorta poof? Or they're really just not that interested. And I can tell .... usually they prefer another ship, which is totally fine but then I'm like.... "why did you ask me?" ..... fjrijiwf. I'm still open to trying, but if my rp partner is sorta, eh.... I'll drop the ship.
How far do steamy moments have to go before they’re considered NSFW? again I've only written nsfw once hahaha, but I guesss ....when things start getting extra touchy-feely?
Who are other muses you ship your muse with? sobs, none..... my shippers brain has given up trying, no motive ... so I'm open to anything really.
Does one have to ask to ship with you? I prefer things blossoming in a thread without actually plotting it out. I like surprises but ...I understand my partners may want confirmation, so I'm totally cool with being asked. I just...I miss, letting the thread decide how things go. Unspoken character chemistry through interactions.
How often do you like to ship? It's nice having at least one cute lil ship for a muse but it won't ruin my rping experience to not have any at all. - As I mentioned above ... I sorta feel like an 'extra' sometimes, so like... yes I would like a ship but then I'm like.. ehhhhhhh...........
Are you multiship? Gonna be real, I'm only multiship because a majority of tumblr rpers are haha. i'd be more than happy to ship exclusively with one person if we had that sort of love for the ship / connection. fjeifwjf.
Are you ship obsessed or ship more-or-less? Not obsessed, like everyone else I just want to write romantical things sometimes.
What is your favorite ship in your current fandom? Again I don't have anything for Robin but ... in general? I love March/Dan Heng. it is chefs kiss!
Finally, how does one ship with you? Haha I think I've answered this sorta but ... interactions, asking - whatever works best for us both.
tagged by: @malumae (thank uuuu) tagging: Whoever is reading this at this very moment.
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draconicfool · 1 month
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The rain is an annoyance at best. One she finds the she would prefer not having to deal with at all. Especially as they've taken refuge under this abandoned building. It is irritating. For, as he remembers so clearly, she abhors the rain. Even in good company it is the lowlight of her day. It is the very thing she would rather avoid at any and all costs. Blade makes the rain at the very least less unbearable, but it doesn't stop her from ranting about it. From raving as if that would stop it. But it was during this that she realizes- he isn't listening to her. And her tail begins to flick as she turns to look up at him properly.
"Are you even processing a single--?" But how can she deny him even this kiss? A kiss at all? Especially when his arms are pulling her in and she feels that familiar rumbling in her throat. And despite better judgement, her hands are reaching up to hold onto his face. To keep him down at her level as she, too, melts into the embrace. Into the feeling of his lips on hers. And for now...for now the rain is forgotten.
@malumae || c.
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shallliveoninsong · 1 month
👍💯 / my attempt to pick the most innocent questions
| sunday hcs | @malumae
👍 Does my muse prefer to be asked on a date, or would they rather do the asking?
◇ Either platonically or once it's clear with a specific person Jing Yuan is dating he will happily do the asking. He loves spending time with loved ones and will try his best to squeeze it into his busy schedule and/or avoiding stupid redundant paperwork to do so.
But if it's the first asking out of a romantic nature he would prefer to be asked since he normally just wouldn't register that as an option until blantantly asked.
💯 What is my muse’s ideal date?
Napping. Just kidding, that certainly is something he would enjoy doing with someone he dates but morso if/when they spend the night or start living with the other person.
He likes trying foods from Aurum Alley or similar marketplaces, sparring of course, and just about anything with animals. He would be in heaven in a cat cafe, animal rehabilitation center/zoo.
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percervall · 2 years
amor de me vida
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Player: Rodrigo De Paul Words: 975 Warnings: None, fluff Request: Stealing their clothes - he's away and you've been ill at home but you miss him so you basically drag yourself to his apartment/house to wear one of his hoodies and joggers and then he comes home during the night (was supposed to be later that next day) and he finds you cuddled up in his bed, wearing his clothes and he drops everything and joins you and you wake up and you two cuddle and A/N: I tweaked it a little bit, hope you like it!
title's from Maluma's ADMV
January was one of those months that always left her feeling run down. Work had been exhausting the past month and today had been a particularly horrible day where everything that could go wrong, went wrong. What made it even worse was that she hadn’t been able to see her boyfriend in over a week due to their conflicting work schedules and missed him terribly. He always knew exactly what to do to make her feel better. Missing him felt like a dull ache in her chest, mirroring the way her head pounded with a headache that had settled behind her eyes. There was no point in pretending she could get any work done feeling like this, so after sending a quick email to her boss, she packed up for the day and figured she might as well go to his house to at least seek comfort in his shower and bed. One of the many advantages of dating a professional athlete was that they had money to spend on top tier water pressure and mattresses. 
After stopping by the supermarket to get some soup and bread, she parked her car in front of his house. Rodrigo had given her a key for situations just like this, where she needed him to settle the ache in her bones. Dropping her work bag by the door, she took off her shoes and carried the groceries into the kitchen. Her phone automatically connected to the sound system he had set up, and the playlist she had put on in the car started playing over the speakers. She made her way to the ensuite, throwing her clothes in the laundry basket. As the hot water hit her skin, she sighed at the feeling of her muscles letting go of the tension that had held them in a vice all day. 
She wrapped the towel tighter around herself and walked to Rodrigo’s closet. They shared a preference for oversized lounge wear and while his closet held about a third of her’s, right now she wanted nothing more than to wrap up in one of his soft hoodies. Grabbing her favourite one, she buried her face in the fabric, inhaling the scent of his fabric softener and aftershave. Smiling softly as his scent enveloped her, she got dressed in the hoodie and a pair of sweatpants, and settled in for an evening on the couch with her favourite series on TV.
To say he was tired would be an understatement. Between winning the world cup with Argentina and the starting of La Liga, his time had been spent mostly travelling. The plan had been to travel back from their latest away fixture early the next morning, but the whole team wanted to go home and see their families –Rodrigo being one of them. Ever since Diego agreed, he’d been trying to get a hold of his girlfriend. She hadn’t answered her phone, but when he pulled up to his house he spotted her car on the driveway. His lips tugged up in a smile seeing it parked there. Rodrigo quickly made his way inside, dropping his bag by the stairs to take up later. The house was quiet, but he could tell she was still downstairs by the light coming from the living room.
“Babe?” he called out, voice barely above speaking volumes. He waited a beat to see if she’d answer before moving into the living room. The TV was still on, a streaming service politely asking if anyone was still watching. Rodrigo moved further into the room, picking up the remote to turn the TV off. Turning his face, he spotted his girlfriend on the couch, bundled up in one of his hoodies and fast asleep. She had made herself a hot drink and was still clutching the empty mug to her chest as her head rested on her own shoulder. He couldn’t help but smile lovingly, taking in her sleeping features. Rodrigo carefully took the mug from her hands, placing it on the coffee table, before moving to lift her up. He chuckled when she sighed deeply and snuggled into him as he carried her out of the room. 
“Hey,” she croaked, waking up enough to realise the couch wasn’t moving but her boyfriend had come home and was carrying her upstairs.
“Hey mi vida. This is a nice surprise, didn’t think you’d gotten my texts.” 
“Put my phone on do not disturb, so haven’t seen any come in. Just missed you and your hoodies,” she mumbled, sleep slurring her speech. Rodrigo chuckled and carried her up the stairs. He gently set her down on his bed and moved to his closet to get her a shirt to sleep in. 
“How was your day?” he asked as he handed it to her. 
“It’s been hectic and I’m exhausted. Last month was insane and it’s not looking to slow down any time soon. Went home early today with a headache,” she told him, swapping the hoodie for the shirt. Kicking off the sweatpants, she got under the covers. Rodrigo climbed in as well, pulling her closer. It wasn’t lost on him that she had referred to his house as home, his heart squeezing at the thought of her living with him. 
“I have the day off tomorrow, how about we spend it in bed all day?” he murmured, pressing a kiss to her temple. She hummed in agreement, snuggling into him. 
“That sounds lovely,” she sighed. Rodrigo smiled again, pressing his lips to her hair. He heard how her breathing evened out, body fully relaxed against his. Finally giving in to sleep, the last thought that crossed his mind was that he would ask her to move in tomorrow. Home was no longer a place, it had become a person shaped like the woman asleep in his arms. 
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Tags @football-and-fanfics @kostasstsimikass @lfc21
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rafeandonlyrafe · 5 months
One question, who are your favorite singing artists?
i prefer singles in general over artists lol so i listen to a lot of different ones but i love shakira, the killers, maluma, the weeknd and lady gaga in general!
my on repeat is kinda crazy like 😭
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sade-alicious · 2 months
intro bc ive been on tumblr for 3 years🤷‍♀️
Hello! So, my name is Sade (pronounced say-d, not shaw-day like the very talented singer.) I have no preferred pronouns, I go by whatever and I really dont care what people use for me, nor the frequency of what pronouns people wanna use for me.
I mostly post byler content. If I get into a fandom briefly then I’ll post a lot abt that for a bit, but byler is year round it has zero end💪
fandoms im in that i will gladly talk about with other people:
stranger things
the goofy movies
idk but fandoms i have been in but just not as active anymore is loki, south park, and trolls
favorite ships!
byler (obvi)
karen and joyce
jarlos (jane x carlos)
pls give me asks or dm me or ask to be mutuals! tumblr is such a kind place im sure so many of u guys are so cool🫶 (also my tiktok is @/bark.blvd if anyone wants to follow pls follow me i promise im funny)
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bisluthq · 10 months
Do you think Bad Bunny or Maluma are bi?
Bad Bunny has said he's fluid but in a weird way (could be ESL) like he made it sound a bit Jake-y where he was like "I'd do a man but not any man I've ever met" tbh. He's so big on LGBTQ+ protections tho that I lean to him being bi but he could just be a dope ally. We'll have to wait and see. He prefers women imo like because he's dated a bunch.
Maluma seems straight to me. My bf finds him fuck hot though so like if he's not straight he can hit us up lol - I'm neutral on him but I'd do the threesome for his sake.
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neweventsworld · 1 year
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Determining the "best" aspects of Maluma  career is subjective and can vary depending on individual preferences. However, here are a few notable factors that many fans appreciate about his work:
Catchy and Versatile Music: Maluma is known for his ability to create catchy and infectious music that blends reggaeton, Latin pop, and trap elements. His songs often feature memorable hooks, energetic beats, and a mix of romantic and party-oriented lyrics. He has a versatile discography that appeals to a wide range of listeners.
Stage Presence and Live Performances: Maluma is celebrated for his dynamic stage presence and captivating live performances. He brings high energy, choreography, and engaging visuals to his shows, creating an immersive experience for his fans. His charisma and stage charisma contribute to his popularity as a live performer.
Collaborations with International Artists: Maluma has collaborated with numerous international artists, both within the Latin music industry and beyond. His collaborations with renowned artists such as Shakira, Ricky Martin, Madonna, and The Weeknd have helped expand his global reach and showcase his versatility as an artist.
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middleageamerican · 2 years
seeking fame y fortune
seeking fame y fortune
eye’ve written recently abt Madonna’s tight face . . eye’d prefer Madonna alive and performing, and especially w my immersion in this Spanish-speaking barrio . . seeing Madonna perform w Maluma made me smile in a Colombian owned panaderia cafe restaurant . . Lisa Maria Preslley’s death is fresh and . . . damn . . her death is premature . . her son Benjamin Keough committed suicide by gun in mouth…
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evostyles · 5 years
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Maluma İmagines (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/8Icg0NKQ63 
 Wanted to read imagines/fanfics about maluma for a long while now but couldn't find that much. So i decided to write some. İ hope that you enjoy this book, if you have any suggestions feel free to dm me. .Xo
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nattinatalia · 2 years
Urban Wyatt Instagram AU
*I make preferences from old aus so just keep in mind.*
when I say (girlfromvideo) I’m talking about a girl he was seen with in a video & they had gotten into an argument about it. Idk how to link stuff yet so I’m sorry if I’m confusing you.•
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theshaderoom 🚨 JUST IN 🚨 let us know your thoughts down below 👇🏼
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yourusername I think y’all are bored and in need of a pay day.
yourbestiename Lmao what? Since when? This is news to me.
allabouttheharlows You know Jack must be pissed about this.
jackharlow Ain’t nothing to be mad about, wife and I are good. This is all lies.
yourbestiename This is wild, I’m working on a song with him, y/n is too. So idk how the media turned it into this nonsense. Run me money for putting out fake information.
urbanwyatt At least you and y/bestie/n are good, can’t say the same for me and y/n
yourusername You’re talking out of your ass again 🙄
urbanwyatt Really? That’s why you were seen leaving dudes place.
yourusername I’m not even going to entertain your bullshit right now. The fact that you’re questioning my loyalty says a lot. Thanks for that.
maluma Que? 😂 no pues estoy re-cabron si pude jalar a estas dos duras 🔥
maluma @ urbanwyatt @ jackharlow This is false we’re working on music
jackharlow I know, didn’t even have to question it. We’re good 👍🏼 thanks though.
maluma Y/N si tu novio no te cree pues entonces a qué hacerlo realidad 😉
yourusername Juancho not the time to joke 🤦🏻‍♀️
girlfromvideoname 🤭 I knew this little relationship was going to end sooner or later. Urby come to my place tonight 😉
yourusername Bitch I will fuck you up, I’m not fucking playing anymore. Every time you got some type of shit to say.
urbanwyatt Don’t turn your anger to someone else. You got caught, own that shit. @ girfromvideoname hit my line.
urbanwyatt @ maluma fuck you
maluma Para eso está tu novia 😉 🤤
yourusername Urban I swear to god, fuck you if you go and entertain this bitch.
girlfromvideoname I’ll send you a video of me riding his face. You know, return the favor 😉
druski2funnny Urb if you don’t set this girl straight 🤬
cozane 😬
@ girlfromvideoname added to their story
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@ urbanwyatt added to their story
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Liked by princeroyce, austinmahone, and 8,677,345 others
maluma Watching my girl 😉
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princeroyce Juancho 😂💀
austinmahone 💀💀💀
yourbestiename All of you must be looking for a death wish or something. This isn’t the time to be trolling
maluma Mi amor por favor, es solo una broma. El gringo no entiende que y/n no tiene ojos para nadie más?
urbanwyatt You’re just asking to get knocked out.
urbanwyatt @ austinmahone Asking for another black eye from me huh?
yourusername 🤦🏻‍♀️ Men always finding satisfaction when a woman is suffering. All of you are idiots.
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Liked by yourbestiename, neelamthadhani, alexademie, and 8,678,445 others
yourusername I’m allowed five minutes of crying, then I’m back to being a boss bitch. Keep trying me, I dare you. Don’t mistake my kindness for weakness, I’ll choke you with the same hand I fed you with.
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yourbestiename Te amo bebecita, I’m always here for you 💕
yourusername I love you 😘 thank you for keeping me company this week. Already miss you and the bebecitos.
yourbestiename Say the word and I’ll turn back around.
yourusername I love you for that, but no, you need to go see your man and the babies miss their dad.
druski2funnny Damn sis Urban really fucked up huh if he has you crying on the gram
jackharlow 🤦🏼‍♂️
yourusername 🖕🏻
druski2funnny Sorry I wanted to keep Shit funny. I don’t like how everything is right now.
yourusername You’re good 👍🏼
urbanandy/nupdates Im so sad about this. I wanted you two to be end game so bad
yourusername Shit happens
allabouturbanandy/n So y’all two really broke up? You took down all pictures of him and unfollowed him, but he still follows you and has all the pictures up.
yourusername Nothing on my part.
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Liked by druski2funnny, neelamthadhani, jackharlow, cozane, and 8,677,345 others
urbanwyatt treat her like a queen, her friends think I’m mean as fuck
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allaboutyn The audacity 🥱
urbanwyatt I’m trying here
urbanandynupdates Try harder! You did her dirty with going with that chick
girlfromvideoname 😋😋
urbanwyatt Don’t start unnecessary shit
neelamthadhani You haven’t blocked this girl Urban?
girlfromvideoname Why are you being mean @ neelamthadhani you were the one who hooked me up with his number and address.
yourbestiename Wow
neelamthadhani That was before they started dating. I respected their relationship. Girl don’t bring me into this.
yourusername If one more person tries me, I’m about to fuck them up. I’m done being nice to y’all ungrateful asses.
girlfromvideoname 🤣 you’ve been saying that for the longest but you never pull up.
urbanwyatt Baby, @ yourusername please just let me talk to you in person.
girlfromvideoname 🥱 how are you still going to beg? Let her go she’s not all that anyway. Her music career is a flop, way out of your league.
yourusername Next time I run into you, it’s on sight. I’m getting tired of your shit talking. Urban, learn how to put a leash on your hoes.
girlfromvideoname I’ve been called worst, but how does it feel to know I’m his now?
urbanwyatt 🤦🏼‍♂️ Stop bullshitting. Enough is enough man @ girlfromvideoname
druski2funnny Nah Urb, i want to know, you fucked this girl? Cheated on y/n over gossip?
urbanwyatt No, I was pissed of when I first saw everything. Yes I might have thought about it but I didn’t do it. Not when I realized she wouldn’t do me dirty like that. I fucked up big time.
yourusername A little too late ✌🏼
urbanwyatt y/n I’m sorry
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Liked by jackharlow, yourbestiename, cozane, urbanwyatt, neelamthadhani, and 9,678,445 others
yourcousinname This was y/n after she beat the fuck out of @ girlfromvideoname 💀 unbothered, queen shit.
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druski2funnny Y/N really said ON SIGHT
cozane That was crazy to watch
yourbestiename 😂 Love to see it. Go best friend, that’s my fucking best friend.
neelamthadhani I need to know everything from the beginning, all I saw was y/n slamming her face against the table 😂
jackharlow We don’t condone violence…
jackharlow but damn
nemoachida Yo I was scared for miss girl. Y/n you rocked her 😱
yourusername 💅🏼
yourcousinname Homegirl pulled up to y/n album listening party, started saying some stuff, she went and sat next to Urban and kissed him. Y/n obviously wasn’t with it so she literally grabbed a fist of girls hair and slammed her whole face against the table, and she just started beating on girl 🤣💀
yourbestiename Are we forgetting the part where she confessed on taking that wanna be story to the shade room? How it was HER ALL ALONG creating this bullshit drama. She had it coming if you ask me, she’s just lucky it was only y/n beating her ass up, I should’ve gotten a few punches in for putting my name out with bullshit. Like how do I get dragged into this drama 🤦🏻‍♀️
druski2funnny Na the part where we all tried breaking them apart, y/n was just throwing punches at everyone who came near them.
yourusername I was cleaning house 😏
y/nupdates So you and Urb back together? Why was he there in the first place
yourusername We have the same friends, I had already send out invites before all the drama went down. I wasn’t going to uninvited him.
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Liked by jackharlow, neelamthadhani, yourbestiename, and 9,678,945 others
urbanwyatt I know I’m on her shit list and it’s going to take me a long time to make things better between us, and I promise you there isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t regret how I acted. Just wanted to say how proud I am of you, and congratulations on your new album. I love you, always.
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druski2funnny Y/N had to beat up girl so you would stop acting a fool.
urbanwyatt 🤫 She had it coming no?
urbanandynupdates I’m still wondering if you really went and linked up with your side chick
urbanwyatt I did, but it didn’t get into anything.
yourusername 🤨
druski2funnny Let the people know Urb, it’s your time.
urbanwyatt No, I want to talk to her in person not through social media.
cozane Bro she has your number blocked and she hasn’t spoken to you since she beat the shit out of @ girlfromvideoname. Just talk here i guess, mainly because I want to know all the details 💀
yourusername Peor que las mujeres con los chismes 😞 but he’s right, so talk because I’m not doing this in person anytime soon.
urbanwyatt Mami 🥺
yourusername No enough of that shit, you called me out on my name, you doubted me. You know she had an agenda, the fact that you found out it was her who went to the media with that bullshit article and was sending you photoshopped pictures and you believed her, that shit broke me.
yourusername We were solid, we were finally on the right path. For someone who dislikes it when any man gets near me, and vise versa, you really believed I would do you dirty like that? After everything we’ve been through? The no relationship between us, all the sharing and just everything, you think I would fuck up something I wanted from the start? You hurt me.
urbanwyatt I don’t have any excuses, I can’t make up lies. All I can say is that I acted out out of rage and I know it doesn’t make things right.
neelamthadhani I just need everything to go back to normal with all of you
druski2funnny Honestly. I miss the four of you.
allabouttheharlows Four? Wait what does Jack and y/bestie/n say about this drama.
urbanwyatt They decided to stay out of it.
urbanwyatt Y/N can we meet up to talk in private? I’m tired of this back and forth on social media.
yourusername Our spot, ten minutes.
🤭 So what do we think?
Let me translate what “maluma said”
1 - I must be one bad ass if I was able to pull them both.
2 - Y/N if your boyfriend doesn’t believe you, let’s make it real then.
3- that's what your girlfriend is for
4- My love it’s only a joke, white boy doesn’t understand that y/n has only eyes for him and no one else.
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sociallyakwardnerd · 2 years
I have a couple of modern!Encanto music Hcs
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In a lot of modern encanto Hcs i notice that it’s a lot of English music, now I recognize most of the songs and enjoy it as much as very one else. But I liked to think of some artists/songs that sing/ are in Spanish or Spanglish that each family member would enjoy. Also if you guys can send me hcs like this I’d really enjoy it :)
Side note: These are my personal hcs, don’t have to agree with me about these
- she strikes me as the type of person to listen to old school cumbias and salsa
-Stuff like Joe Arroy, Carlos vives, Jimmy Bosch, La Sonora dinamita, Celia Cruz, Oscar D’leon, etc etc
-but I also think oldies like Ralfi pagan, Rene y Rene, Sunny Ozuna - those love songs reminder her of Pedro
-the type of person that was influenced by romantic oldies ^ that alma listen too
- but listen to very cheesy stuff like “Te juro que te amo”, “Cariño”, “Sin tú amor”, etc
- she is very passionate as well; so fast paced stuff “La carta”, “Amores de mis amores”, “Para No te verte más”, “El chicho del apartamento 512”, etc she would listen to
- Anything thing that reminds him of his wife, so nearly all the stuff she likes
- but also has likes things with good beat or remind him of home
- “Guantanamera”, “Yay boy”, “Variedad y calidad”, “Brujería” (joking says that this song reminds him of Bruno)
- Has some of Alma’s taste
- super chill kind of music
- “Tren Al sur”, Selena, “No soy de ti”, El chicano, Ralfi pagan, etc
- But when things get tough she listens to rock like “El matador” or maña
- Loves stuff with keyboard and piano
- So stuff like Selena, Santana, “What’s going on?”, “De Música ligera”, etc
-“Vienticinco rosas” , “En Barranquilla me quedo”, “Escaldo”, and “Que bueno baila usted” have to be his favorite songs
- Had a teen rebellion
- Alma hated rock n roll bc of it
-Maña, La mosca, Hombres G, Duncan Dhu, Él chicano, Juanes, Los Fabulosos Cadillacs, Caifanes, Timbiriche etc
- Whole heartily can sing “Pachuco”, “De música ligera”, “Lobo hombre en parís”, “Fiesta panga”, and “devuélveme a mi chica”
- listens to those cheesy oldie love songs that pepa likes (“No soy de ti” and “Make it with you” are his favorites)
- Had loved rock en español as a child
- but when she had to be a perfect golden sister, it followed more of Alma’s taste
- eventually got back to stuff like Hombres G, Duncan Dhu, La unión
- but started liking indie stuff like chicano Batman, the tiarras, cuco, etc
- Enjoys cheesy stuff like her mom (and Bruno)
- But loves rap
- kid frost, bad bunny, cuco, cypress hill, daddy yankee, Don Omar, pit bull, Jennifer Lopez, J Balvin, Etc, etc
-enjoys some pop like sherika, Becky G, Camila cabello, and Maluma ( I wonder why 👀)
-think she’d be into Rock en español
-but NAH
-Becky G, Camilla cabello, Jenifer Lopez, Ricky Martin, Sebastiana Yatra, Maluma, and some bad bunny songs
-Has a taste for a little bit of everything from the family
- but has soft spot for accordion songs
- La pollera colorá, Cumbia sampuesana, La incondicional, Etc
- can dance to almost anything
- Loves to Waltz
- same as Mirabel
-but more towards music from his parents, Dolores, and Lusia
- Likes musicals like West side story or In the heights,only listens to American musicals in Spanish
-Listens to In the heights album and West side story frequently
-Knows “no me diga” by heart
- Likes everything his family listens too
-but loves the lullabies that are sung to him every night:
- muñeca fea, los tres cochinitos, el ratón vaquero, el burrito, and bebé tiburón
- each family member takes turn singing one of these to help him sleep
I’d like to think they take turns listening and enjoy each other’s preferred music. Alma will even stand to listen to rap, rock, and pop for her family.
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Which Is Bouba And Which Is Kiki?
Look at the picture. Which is bouba and which is kiki?
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The bouba-kiki effect
The bouba/kiki effect was first observed by German-American psychologist Wolfgang Köhler in 1929. In psychological experiments first conducted on the island of Tenerife (where the primary language is Spanish), Köhler showed forms similar to those shown in the picture and asked participants which shape was called "takete" and which was called "baluba" ("maluma" in the 1947 version). Although not explicitly stated, Köhler implies that there was a strong preference to pair the jagged shape with "takete" and the rounded shape with "baluba".
In 2001, Vilayanur S. Ramachandran and Edward Hubbard repeated Köhler's experiment using the words "kiki" and "bouba" and asked American college undergraduates and Tamil speakers in India "Which of these shapes is bouba and which is kiki?" In both groups, 95% to 98% selected the curvy shape as "bouba" and the jagged one as "kiki", suggesting that the human brain somehow attaches abstract meanings to the shapes and sounds in a consistent way.
The effect has also been shown to emerge when the words to be paired are existing first names, suggesting that some familiarity with the linguistic stimuli does not eliminate the effect. A study showed that individuals will pair names such as "Molly" with round silhouettes, and names such as "Kate" with sharp silhouettes. Moreover, individuals will associate different personality traits with either group of names (e.g., easygoingness with "round names"; determination with "sharp names"). This may hint at a role of abstract concepts in the effect.
Contexts where the effect is smaller or absent
In contrast to typically sighted individuals, congenitally blind individuals have been reported not to show a systematic bouba/kiki effect for touched shapes. Autistic individuals do not show as strong a preference. Individuals without autism agree with the standard result 88% of the time, while individuals with autism agree only 56% of the time.
Implications for understanding languages
Ramachandran and Hubbard suggest that the kiki/bouba effect has implications for the evolution of language, because it suggests that the naming of objects is not completely arbitrary:17 The rounded shape may most commonly be named "bouba" because the mouth makes a more rounded shape to produce that sound while a more taut, angular mouth shape is needed to make the sounds in "kiki". Alternatively, the distinction may be between coronal or dorsal consonants like /k/ and labial consonants like /b/.Additionally, it was shown that it is not only different consonants (e.g., voiceless versus voiced) and different vowel qualities (e.g., /a/ versus /i/) that play a role in the effect, but also vowel quantity (long versus short vowels). In one study, participants rated words containing long vowels to refer to longer objects and short vowels to short objects. The presence of these "synesthesia-like mappings" suggest that this effect might be the neurological basis for sound symbolism, in which sounds are non-arbitrarily mapped to objects and events in the world.
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lcvebirds · 2 years
randomly have muse for a couple of my characters that i don’t get to use a lot. so maybe like this if you’re interested in getting a random starter from arielle (kiana lede), farah (olivia cooke), adrian (maluma), ryan (ben barnes). please specify if you have a preference!
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imgloriaa · 3 years
So Maluma you’re probably very familiar with the name but Maluma was dating his aunt at one point very similar to the whole Lunay fucking his cousin and his stepmom confirming that information I think they were also dating it was more than just fucking but you get the point but essentially there were pictures of Maluma and his aunt very very close together think of like the siblings or dating account on Instagram if you don’t know that account you need to check it out it’s wild but they were confirmed to be dating and then Karol G has said the N-word multiple times appropriated black culture and posted a picture of her dog last year like during the Black Lives Matter protests and stuff saying see this is proof that black and white go good together because her dog was white and had black spots 
honestly… i’ve never liked karol g that much. she has like two bangers i like but that’s it. i prefer becky g as a latin woman or natti natasha (hoping anything problematic about her comes out now lmao)
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