#mammon fluff alphabet
trashytoastboi · 4 months
Day of Greed - Mammon
~SFW Alphabet~
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
 💰 Constant touch, Mammon is clingy in the sense that he physically needs to be touching you, hugging you, holding you, just anything. He adores head pats, it's the physical act of praise for him and he laps it up. Mammon is the avatar of Greed, it's obvious that it extends even to the intangible like your time and attention. He is possessive, he will have a hand on your waist, your thigh, an arm slung around your shoulder in public most of all. In private he's more fixated on other stuff, like having you patting his head, playing with his hair, giving him lots of kisses and calling him a good boy. Does worry that his Greed will engulf you or scare you away, but at the same time he feels like a slave to it. Mammon always hopes that you know that he would never swallow you whole, he won't let his sin devour you and he never asks for comfort from these rampant thoughts, but it's obvious when he needs peace of mind. 
B = Best Friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
💰 The bad influence, in the sense that things are never, ever dull with Mammon around and most of his schemes get the two of you in trouble all the time. It seemed like a good idea at the time but most of his ideas always do. Maybe it's natural charisma that convinces you time and time again. Most of the times when you hang out together you go window shopping, bargain hunting and always helping Mammon with plotting his latest scheme or brand new business idea which is usually a scam with mass profit. It’s entertaining, Mammon usually acts like he doesn’t care but he is always courteous and kind and even generous towards you.  
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle) 
💰 Mammon adores cuddles, he wholeheartedly just wants to be close to you. Originally he used to crave the closeness for his method of pickpocketing though his intention has changed towards you. You remember how he’d touch your ears all flirtatiously and his expertly deft fingers would take any earrings, necklaces, any jewelry of any kind without you being any the wiser. You’re thankful that Mammon is different now, he genuinely just wants affection and wants to cuddle you for the sake of having you in his arms. Somehow it just eases his possessiveness and lets him know that you’re his and he is yours. 
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?) 
💰 3/10, has no time for either. Will do it to make you happy. He can cook if he has to, I mean how hard is it? Cleans but hell he could be doing something else instead of that. Although Mammon grumbles and groans about it a lot he will do it if it makes you happy. He wants to settle down, as soon as possible. I mean what greater way to show everyone that you’re his than putting a ring on your finger. He loves seeing his pact mark on your body but it pisses him off to see his brothers pact marks, but a ring- would be his and his alone. His brothers couldn’t give you a ring. 
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
💰 He’d suddenly start acting like he’s wrapping things up. Paying back any outstanding IoU’s, giving back anything he ‘borrowed’. The entire thing would just look awkward and suspicious. What's the sudden rush and change of heart? When it comes to the actual break up part, once everything settled he just… does it. He’ll rip the plaster off and boy does he dwell on his decision. Will constantly write texts and never send them. Will be lost and not present mentally, he’s angry and upset about it. He thinks at least, maybe it’s his sin gnawing at him for letting his greatest treasure get away. 
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quickly would they want to get married.)
💰 Would be the fastest and most obvious way to stake his claim, everything from your name and even vows- which in their own way are a pact. He’d have two pacts with you and you’d be his in the greatest sense of the word. Maybe it’s the title, he tries to reign in his possessive nature but it’s hard when it literally is his nature. To be greedy, and possessive of you. But the title you carry of being Mammon’s spouse, the sound rings sweeter than the wedding bells themselves. It would ease his worries while boosting it all the more. He’d adore you, as he always has but even more so when you’re his greatest treasure, his person. 
G = Gentle (How gentle are they? Both physically and emotionally.)
💰 Bit of a sharp tongue when he tries to cover his own embarrassment and can get angry at times over certain things, but he has never once been physically harmful to you and if you really think about it, he’s always soft towards you. Even if he’s angry he’s never raised his voice at you in anger. In concern and worry yes- yelling at you when you make harmful decisions but never in anger, You know he’s gentle, he always has been. Even if he uses sharp words you know the true meaning behind them is not like that. 
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?) 
💰 He does like hugs, they keep you close…Close to him. He wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you close, his cologne is always distinct and with hugs sometimes the smell rubs off on your clothing. It’s such a subtle thing, maybe even Mammon doesn’t realize it. He’s always affectionate, always holding a hand, has a hand on your thigh and hugging you. He just needs to be touching you always. Genuinely will sulk if he can’t. 
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-Word) 
💰 Mammon says it through actions and gift giving. He’ll spoil you with gifts, he doesn’t realize why you’re special. Why he desires to give you everything he has, when he comes to the realization of love- it’s something he begins to say on the daily. He’ll tell you, always. How much he loves you. It works its way so naturally into his dialogue because it genuinely just feels so right- nothing feels better. 
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they're jealous?) 
💰 Oh he is a jealous boy- He just doesn’t like you going out to hang with his brothers when you could be with him instead. He’s more of a sulking jealous kind, he won’t get angry but he’ll sulk and might give you silent treatment until you pamper him with attention to make up for depriving him earlier. He’ll make it known that he’s grumpy and will give you that ‘subtle’ sigh and just sigh louder until you notice him and ask what’s wrong and he’ll give you his sob story about you ignoring him.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
💰 Intense, engulfing. Every kiss is so overwhelming filled with all his passion. He feels a little playful and has a tendency to bite. He likes holding you, a hand behind your head as if to prevent you from running around and another around your waist. He likes giving you kisses on your forehead, lips, and cheeks. He has a habit of leaving visible marks on your neck that makes it a little embarrassing when you don’t know it’s there. Likes to be kissed anywhere - so long as it’s you doing it.  
L = Little Ones (How are they around children?)
💰 Doesn’t mind them, but wouldn’t voluntarily be around them if he can avoid it. They’re a bit much for him to handle besides! As one of the oldest siblings, he’s had his fair share of dealing with children. It’s a little bit of a problem considering your soft and fluffy aura and kids always attach themselves to you if they get lost or something. Mammon obviously tries to help out and has become very adept at dealing with kids 
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
💰 He spoils you, wakes you up gently and is usually extra affectionate in the mornings. He likes getting ready together, sometimes he even helps out with your hair and stuff. Making you as blinged out as you possibly can be even with the uniform. You eat breakfast together and then head off to RAD. It’s the real royal treatment because Mammon enjoys spending time with you and prefers it if you slept over in his room the night before. His day is absolutely made when he gets to wake up next to your sleeping face. 
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
💰 Mammon likes going out - he’d try to convince you of his little idea and take you out. Modeling has given him a lot of connections and he enjoys buying you clothes to let you get all donned and dressed up for a night out, he takes you to the high end places of Devildom to show you something different. Mammon is great because he takes you to so many different places. Of course he can get carried away and Lucifer is usually pissed when you breach curfew but it was totally worth it.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while and reveal things slowly?)
💰 Mammon was pretty open about himself, at least about how great he is at the very least. He told you a lot about himself, you almost could have mistook him for Asmo had you not met him prior. He talks about his great qualities, things that he possesses and how smart he is. Understandable. You always want the one you love to see the best side of you. Once the relationship got deeper Mammon was more honest with the things he would tell you. It wasn’t only the face value but he exposed his innermost thoughts and fears. It took trust and a bit of opening up for him to do so. 
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?) 
💰 Mammon is pretty patient when it comes to you. Though only you can really testify to that since Mammon has always been that way with you, you’ve rarely seen him get very angry even when you’ve heard quite a few stories about it. You didn’t believe it at first then regarded it as a hidden side to Mammon. You’ve asked him about it but Mammon being Mammon of course denied that it ever happened. His best strategy, admit nothing - deny everything. He’d get mad at you in the sense of his concern overflowing if you’ve done something reckless and you can’t take him seriously when he’s practically pampering you to make sure you’re fine. 
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing or they kind of or forget everything?) 
💰 Usually plays it off that he coincidentally remembered you wanted this or liked that, nevermind him actually knowing and actively looking for it so he could give it to you. He likes playing it cool, and if you catch him out on it he’ll usually give some half cooked theory as to how he magically remembered it. Mammon honestly listens, loves learning about you and remembers every little detail. Maybe it’s another manifestation of his greed, to possess all the possible knowledge of you that he possibly can. 
R = Remember (What is their favourite moment in your relationship?)
💰 The moment you called yourself his. The affirmation of your relationship- he knew that everyone was attached to you and everyone loves you, but he was the first. Mammon is more aware of his flaws than he lets off, most would never guess. Considering how everyone calls him shameless. He didn’t know in the end, you hold pacts with all his brothers. You all had a deep connection to prove that he was closer to you than anyone, that more than anyone you cared about him more. Mammon toiled with those silent insecurities, until one day you just seemed to affirm it was him. That out of his brothers, it was him that you chose. 
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
💰 He’s always been your protector even when he regarded you as an annoying and random human that didn’t belong in the Devildom. He was your first and most steadfast protector, even now. Although the depth of his reasoning has changed Mammon is very protective of you, no matter what or who. He doesn’t even think twice before acting. Mammon never wanted anything in return, so long as you were safe and out of harm's way that was more than enough for him. Although you protected him on various instances and in other cases even went as far as shielding him and putting yourself in harm's way. He would get upset, what if something happened and he lost you? 
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
💰 He tries hard, his utmost for you. Never anything less, you’re his special person and you deserve only the best of the best. Mammon has always told you that and never failed to remind you of that fact. He may be overbearing with the gifts but he truly means well even when you tell him that you don't need the same pair of shoes in every single colour they had to offer, he’s faithful to the anniversary game, 1 week, 30 days, 100 days, 6 months, 1 year - he remembers them all and has mentally planned all the perfect dates he could take you on for them. In everyday life he has a habit of doing small tasks, or leaving you small gifts. A random juice or snack on your desk at RAD, seeing that your portion of chores had been done for the day. Mammon was usually embarrassed to admit it’s him so it's from the quote, “secret admirer”. 
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
💰 His possessiveness. He knows it’s part of his nature and a big part of his sin, but he fears some of the thoughts he has. He is scared of those thoughts and buries them beneath everything else. He wonders how he could completely possess you, and in a dream, more aptly described as a nightmare he thought about devouring you completely, making sure your soul would know no one else but him. How he got irked seeing his brothers’ pact marks on your body, or those stupid sorcerers protective sigils that he left on you as well. It irks him, he’d never say anything knowing it’s for your protection but his thoughts wander to dangerous territory and it frightens him that one day he might act on it and scare you away. 
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?) 
💰 He’s a model by trade, he’s gotta be concerned with his looks and make sure he’s picturesque. He’s not vain to the point of being obsessed but he enjoys looking and feeling good. He especially likes donning himself in the biggest brand names that Devildom has to offer. He also likes looking good for you, on the days when he has a shoot and is dressed up in a different style to the one you’re used to and he catches all of your little stares and glances, he loves it. 
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
💰 He would feel very incomplete without you and feel like something is constantly missing. It was an emptiness he never knew existed until he met you, you filled that empty space that tugged in subconscious and when you’re not around he is painfully aware of it. It contributes to his reasoning of wanting to be around you and with you, he feels at peace and whole. Mammon just gets all listless when you’re not near him and he’ll worry about you a lot. 
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them)
💰 For someone so greedy he loves spending his money, specifically on you. You lose track of the amount of gifts he buys, how many strings he pulls to get the latest designer wear all for you, even securing limited editions. You told Mammon on multiple occasion that you didn’t really need the gifts nor had the space for them but he can’t help it. He’ll buy something and say it made him think of you :( More than anything he wants praise from you. 
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn't like, either in general or in a partner?)
💰 No sense of humor, he likes to tell jokes even if they’re not all that funny. He occasionally drops a really hilarious one. But he’s not a fan of overly serious people with no sense of humor, maybe because it reminds him too much of Lucifer, who in his eyes, is a stick in the mud. It just kills the entire vibe if he’s cracking jokes and there’s someone who feels the need to splice the entire joke and just takes all the fun out of it.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs?) 
💰 Would you believe that he had stuffed animals that he actually stuffed with grimm? He loves snuggling them, he also has a lot of pillows that make it difficult to sleep next to him unless you toss most of them off and away from the bed,  Mammon is a chronic snuggler, any which way he rolls he wants to grab onto something and snuggle, that just so happens to be you as of late. 
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Taglist: @completelyshatteredbrokenmschf
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otakusheep15 · 6 months
Obey Me SFW Masterlist
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lemonandlime22 · 2 years
I haven’t been here for a long time but I love your writing! I was wondering if I could have a honesty, injury, and jealousy with Simeon? (If you can, could I have it with Mammon and Beel too? If not, it’s completely ok!) Thank you for writing and happy 1300 followers!!!
Welcome! and tysm dearie that's so sweet of you (*´∀`*) oh and you wanted them romantic so-
Simeon (Romantic)
Honesty: Simeon is an ex angel. He is going to be honest with you. Well, kinda... he does unintentionally lie to you from time to time, and sometimes intentionally when he feels shame. But after a bit of talking, he may start to come around to tell you a lot more about, even perhaps the part he finds shameful.
Injury: When something bad happens to you, he is the type to stay calm and make sure your okay and once he knows your safe he'll make you food, get you some blankets, and cuddle you if you'll allow it.
When something bad happens to him, He'll make sure he himself his okay before going to you for comfort. It's one of those things he may find shameful at first but after a short while he'll rely on you more.
Jealousy: He gets more jealous easier than you'd think. For example at one of Diavolo's parties, if Simeon demes you've spent too much time with someone else he'll politely pull you away from the conversation to dance with you, making sure to hold you close to him the whole time. Just a few kisses and a few reassuring words will make him feel way better.
Mammon (Romantic)
Honesty: He is unintentionally the most honest person with you, if you didn't know better you may call him a saint by how honest he is. Levi gets secondhand embarrassment when he hears Mammon being honest with you.
Injury: Mammon will react in one of two ways, either go absolute apeshit or panic so much he might go into cardiac arrest. No matter how he reacts, once everything has settled down, he'll hold onto you so tight you might pop. But if you seriously need comfort he'll gladly give you a to shoulder for you to cry on while he reassures you with his words and a back rub.
You are absolutely the first person he will go to when something happens. He will go to you demanding hugs and kisses and to be held in a long cuddle sesh.
Jealousy: This is Mammon we're talking about, there is no question on if he gets jealous easily or not. Of course he does.
When your talking to someone else for too long without him like 10 minutes he'll whine and hang off you any way he can unit eventually either you end the conversation to spend time with him or the other person gets annoyed and leaves. He will demand all your attention for the next few hours, but not like a normal person, like how a cat would. Make sure to say a lot of reassuring things to him if he is seriously jealous, trust me, bby need them.
Beel (Romantic)
Honesty: Beel is the same as Mammon, he is painfully honest with you. But with him, it's less how much he wants to tell you and have your attention on him (like Mammon), and more that he doesn't have much of a filter, especially with you.
Injury: He instantly goes into protective mode when something bad happens. His first instinct is to make sure your safe, and if someone had hurt you he'll take care of them, then bring you somewhere comfortable and make sure you have as much food and snacks as he could possibly give you.
If something were to happen to him Beel will do his best to get to you, bby is more worried about worrying you than himself. Once he reassures you he's okay, he's going to ask for a lot of food, so I suggest you hop to it and got all that for him, he'll feel so much better.
Jealousy: Beel's definitely not a very jealous person. He trusts you, and if your not paying attention to him in favor of a conversation with someone else he'll just wait patiently behind you while eating a snack. I can see him taking your hand and playing with it if he's impatient or a tiny bit jealous. If he is jealous, just some kisses and an "I love you <3" will make him feel way better.
1,300 followers event (Fluff alphabet)
Event masterlist
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amberrskiies · 2 years
ohh alright can i just get it with asmodeus? Asmodeus with I L Y!! :))
A/N - Replacing it with Mammon as requested! :)
Pairing : Mammon x gender neutral reader
200 Followers Milestone Event
Event Masterlist
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I nspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
Mammon would have to admit that you did change him in someways. He reduced his gambling habits and tries to pay attention to class even though sometimes he slacks off but he is trying for you. It makes you happy that he's doing this all for you but at the same time you have to tell him to not force himself in somethings just for your sake
L ove Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
He's that one person who will confess without realizing what he said while having a normal conversation with you. When he realizes what he said, he'll try to defend himself while blushing furiously. You found it amusing but what he wasn't expecting was you returning his feelings, making him so happy that he could cry
Y earning - How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
Answered Here!
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koolades-world · 7 months
drabbles masterlist!
Tell me why your hands are cold trend with Satan!
The moment the om cast realized they fell in love with you (part one)
The moment the om cast realized they were in love with you (part two)
The moment the om cast realized they fell in love with you (part three)
Demon brothers comforting their s/o after a particularly hard day at work
Demons brothers comforting their s/o after a particularly hard day at work (part two)
happy valentines day!
Fluff alphabet w/ Lucifer
Operation Whoopie Cushion
Mc strikes again!
every time you see "their" color, you can't help but be reminded with them ♡
happy april fools day!
Fluff alphabet w/ Beel
Sensitive Mc who's afraid of hurting the brothers
Big Brother Mammon
dreaming of you ♡
Mc gets into a fight w/ Simeon and Solomon (separately)
unique dates the brothers would take you on
With a cherry on top?
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devildomresidentt · 4 months
⇨ 𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐈𝐧𝐟𝐨 + 𝐑𝐮𝐥𝐞𝐬
⇨ 𝐊𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐭𝐨𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟒’ 𝐋𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠
🌟Tenn’s Favs🌟 ⇨ 🖌️Art🖌️ ⇨ 🥀Angst🥀 ⇨ 🌺Fluff🌺 ⇨ 🔥Smut/NSFW🔥 ⇨ 🕯️Light NSFW🕯️
Now Playing - These Things (She Wants Revenge)
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𝐎𝐁𝐄𝐘 𝐌𝐄! 𝐒𝐡𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐖𝐞 𝐃𝐚𝐭𝐞
Lucifer Headcanons 🌟
NSFW Lucifer Headcanons 🕯️
Songs that remind me of Lucifer
How would they dress?
Favorite Music Genre HC’s (+ Diavolo & Barbatos ) 🌺
Favorite Musicals + The Datables
NSFW Mammon Headcanons 🕯️
Mammon Headcanons
Songs that remind me of Mammon
How would they dress?
Favorite Music Genre HC’s 🌺
Favorite Musicals + The Datables
Leviathan Headcanons
How would they dress?
Favorite Music Genre HC’s 🌺
Favorite Musicals + The Datables
Satan Headcanons
How would they dress? 🌟
Favorite Music Genre HC’s 🌺
Favorite Musicals + The Datables
Asmodeus Headcanons
How would they dress?
Favorite Music Genre HC’s 🌺
Favorite Musicals + The Datables
Beelzebub Headcanons 🌟
How would they dress?
Favorite Music Genre HC’s 🌺
Favorite Musicals + The Dateables
Belphegor Headcanons
How would they dress? 🌟
Favorite Music Genre HC’s 🌺
Favorite Musicals + The Dateables
Rants + Drabbles
Lucifer seeing himself in Satan 🥀🌟
Lucifer’s memories during the fall 🥀
How did the Little D’s come to be? 🌺
Little D’s and their Behaviors 🌺
Old man Lucifer 🌺
Random Headcanons 🌺🌟
Everyone excluding Diavolo from the cookout
Random Headcanons 2 🌺
Belphegor abusing his power 🌟
RIP, You would’ve loved (ft. The Demon Bros)
Levi & his fav Jpop group
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Konoha 12
Leaf Sensei
Kakashi + Yamato NSFW Alphabet 🔥🌟
Birthday Wishes (ft. Yamato) 🔥
Akatsuki Members
The “death” of Obito Uchiha🥀🖌️
Protecting one’s innocence (Obito Uchiha) 🥀🖌️
Yan!Itachi Headcanons 🕯️
Senju Brothers
The Legendary Sannin
Character Mix
Men who… 🌺 (w/ Kakashi, Kisame, Gaara, Juugo, Yamato, Obito, Might Guy, Asuma, Itachi, Iruka, Jiraiya, Konoha 12 males, & Anyone else you see fit)
Men who… 🔥🌟 (w/ Kakashi, Obito, Itachi, Jiraiya, Shikamaru, Shikaku, Neji, Choji, Might Guy, Naruto, Rock Lee, Iruka, Sai, Kiba, Sasori, Juugo, & Gaara)
Rants + Drabbles
Out of pocket Tweets
Incorrect NaruSasu Tweets 🌟
Shino “The Drip Shinobi” Aburame
Kotetsu and Izumo being boykissers for each other
Kisame and his adorable tiny pet kitten
The cursed Nara hairline
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Survey Corps
Marleyan Warriors
Commanders / Squad Captains
Rants + Drabbles
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𝐉𝐮𝐣𝐮𝐭𝐬𝐮 𝐊𝐚𝐢𝐬𝐞𝐧 (TBA)
Jujutsu Sorcerers
Cursed Spirits/Users
Jujutsu High Students
Rants + Drabbles
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getosbunsblog · 2 years
Obey me masterlist
Leave request!!!
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Z,Y,U,O ❣️
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M+W for mammon ❣️
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Jealous dom levi❣️🔪
Entire NSFW alphabet❣️
Yandere Levi ❣️🔪
More jealous levi😳❣️
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Human anatomy lesson ❣️
Just a horny thought ❣️
Cuck Diavolo ❣️
Smut visuals❣️
Fluffy hug🧁
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Ass or tits?❣️💊
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enbyenvy666 · 7 months
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key smut - 𓋼 fluff - ❀ angst - ☽ crack - 𓆏
𓍊𓋼Boku no hero Academia𓍊𓋼𓋼
personal pornstar part 1 𓋼 Falling on hard times led you to signing up to become a 'companion' for Pro Heroes, hoping to make a quick buck, but instead you became the 3rd part of a famous hero couple who show you love in ways you never expected. part 2 | trans!ver 𓋼 | cis!ver 𓋼 After your first date with the Pro Hero pair, they invite you to their home, where things get a little spicy and not just from the food. part 3 | trans!ver 𓋼 | cis!ver 𓋼 after a little spending spree courtesy of your pro-hero sugar daddies, you send the pair some pictures of your new clothes, as well as a couple other outfits, leading to a late-night sleepover.
nsfw alphabet - katsuki bakugo 𓋼
happy birthday? w/Katsuki Bakugo ❀
i just can't w/Katsuki Bakugo, Eijiro Kirishima, Izuku Midoriya, Shoto Todoroki, Dabi, Hawks, Shota Aizawa 𓋼
𓍊𓋼𓋼Obey Me! Shall We Date?𓆏𓋼
i just can't w/Lucifer, Satan, Mammon, Solomon, Diavolo 𓋼
𓆏𓍊 Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss𓋼𓍊
i just can't w/Luficer, Ozzie 𓋼
punting mineta 𓆏 exhibitionism w/Aizawa Shota 𓋼 a/b/o w/Shinso Hitoshi 𓋼❀ harem, hypnosis and chastity w/Mirio Togata 𓋼 accidentally burning their partner w/Shoto Todoroki, Katsuki Bakugo ☽❀
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obey-me-disaster · 2 years
Masterlist and Rules
Started: 06.10.2022
Last Update: 10.09.2023
Total Works: 81
Requests: open!
Fluff:💖 Angst: 💔 Smut:❤ Crack:🧡
F-fanfic H-headcanon
The Demon Brothers:
-An apple's stem-(H-💖)
MC scams drunk demons(H-🧡)
The demon brothers switch bodies(H-🧡)
Mc gets followed by a car while driving home(H-💖 with some 💔)
The demon brothers with an MC that accidentally flashes them(H-🧡)
The demon brothers in maid dresses with an MC that likes it a bit too much(H-slight ❤)
Mc with road rage(H-🧡)
MC is a photographer(H-🧡)
Mc disappears without telling anyone(H-🧡 and some 💔)
The brothers playing windtrace(H-🧡)
I do not recognize the bodies in the water(H-💔)
All of the characters x gn!MC adopting a kid(🧡 and just a tiny bit of 💔)
Demon brothers escaping SCP 3008(H-🧡)
MC who is easily scared(by horror movies)(H-💖)
MC who is a fallen angel stuck in the process of becoming a demon(H)
MC who writes cute messages on their body while they sleep(F-💖)
How would they spend their Valentine's Day in the human world(H-💖)
MC with a service dog for anxiety(H-💖)
The demon brothers swap bodies part 2(H-🧡)
MC who is a noob at cooking(H-🧡)
MC running away(and failing) after the demon brothers call them cute(H-🧡💖)
MC stays dead for good(H-💔)
MC who collects plushies(H-💖)
Would they smoke? Have they tried to?(H-🧡)
Demon brothers with a very clingy MC(H-💖)
Obey me brothers trying to seduce MC(H- slight ❤)
MC hides the fact that they are alive(H-💔, just slight 🧡)
Would they like to propose or be proposed to?(H-💖)
MC comes back to life all twisted(H-💔)
Demon brothers x MC that info-dumps about their familiars(H-💖)
Lucifer: - ~Proposing to~(F-💖)(part 1)
Love language and jealousy headcanons(H)
You're the one who should live(F-💔)
Matching rings(F-💖)
Memories of a better time(F-💔/💖)
Memories of falling stars(F-💔/💖)
With an MC that self harms(F-💔)
Mammon: - -Proposing to-(F-💖)(part 2)
C,D,Y for the fluff alphabet
Mammon x MC as friends(H-💖)
Mammon with a race car bed(H-💖)
Mammon with a very clingy MC(H-💖)
With an MC that self harms(F-💔)
Gift from the human world(F-💖)
Runway Drama(F-🧡)
Leviathan: - -Proposing to-(F-💖)(part3)
MC cooks Henry 2.0(F-🧡💔)
Satan: - The 'cat' group chat addopts a cat(H-🧡)
PDA and guilty pleasures headcanons(H)
Stuck in a Christmas book(F-💖)
Asmodeus: ~After a stressful day~(F- 💖, slight ❤)-gn!MC
How to charm a demon(F-slight ❤)-masc!MC
Q,D,I for the fluff alphabet
Beelzebub: - Beel coping with the loss of gn!MC and their kid(F-💔)
Dreamlike Perspective(F-💔)
Belphegor: - PDA headcanons(H)
Lesson 16 Belphie x gn!MC who enjoys being choked(🧡)
Dreamlike Perspective(F-💔)
The Side Characters
MC gets followed by a car while driving home(H-💖 with some 💔)
The side character in maid dresses with an MC that likes it a bit too much(without Luke)(H-slight ❤)
All of the characters x gn!MC adopting a kid(🧡 with just a tiny bit of 💔)
MC who is easily scared(by horror movies)(H-💖)
MC who is a fallen angel stuck in the process of becoming a demon(H)
How would they spend their Valentine's Day in the human world(H-💖)
MC stays dead for good(H-💔)
Would they smoke? Have they tried to?(H-🧡)
Solomon: - C,R,S for the fluff alphabet
The 'cat' group chat addopts a cat(H-🧡)
Simeon: -
Diavolo: - jealousy and guilty pleasures (H)
Barbatos: - Z I for the fluff alphabet
PDA headcanons(H)
Love language and body language headcanons(H)
Jealousy headcanons(H)
Luke: Luke resembles MC's dead younger brother(F-💔)
The new 3
All of the characters x gn!MC adopting a kid(🧡 with just a tiny bit of 💔)
Thirteen: - Christmas movie night(F-💖)
Mephistopheles: - Lost on Devildom Streets(F-💖)
U for the fluff alphabet
Obey me rants/analysis
Belphegor and MC's relationship pre lesson 16.
Brainrot about Beel angst
The more or less canon DILFs dads of Obey Me
The weirdly durable MC
Beelzebub's hobbies that the game refuses to use cause the devs don't know shit
Descend to me, my Morning Star(Lucifer x gn!MC x Solomon):
Part 1
Part 2
NSFW Alphabet(666 followers celebration)
Barbatos(full alphabet)
Mephisto(full alphabet)
Beelzebub(full alphabet)
Simeon(full alphabet)
Solomon(full alphabet)
Mammon(full alphabet)
The gluttonous builder(Beelzebub)
Part 1 and 2
Part 3
Part 4
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violetduchess · 1 year
✬Obey Me! Masterlist✬
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Last Updated: 07/11/23
🚩Possibly Triggering Content
🏅Personal Favorite
[Fandom List] [Prompt List] [Demon Slayer ver.]
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Soulmates [Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3]
Mermay: [General] [Other Characters]💌 [Types of Merfolk]
[Imagine MC is on their period in the human world. ft. Diavolo]🧁
[With soul reaper princess s/o]💌
[Demon Brother fighting for your attention]
[When you cry]
[Ship Dynamics]
[When they knew they loved you[
[Hot things they do]
[Types of kisses]
[Vampire MC]
[They scare you]
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Demon Brothers
[12:52 pm]
[Fluff Letters: A,B,C]🧁
[21. “You made me miserable and I still loved you.”]
[Character Analysis]
[3:21 am]--(You can't sleep)
[Let's play a game!]
[Study Date]
[With Atsushi s/o]💌
[Hungry Hungry Hippo]
[Sir naps a lot]
[Character Analysis]
[NSFW Alphabet]🔞
[Cursed Sandwhich]
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[Sweet Light]
A glimpse into a morning with your lover [Solomon/Barbatos/Diavolo]
[Frog in my hand prank]
You bother lucifer [ft. Satan and Mammon]
[Sesshomaru's Child]💌
In which you are Sesshomaru's child
[Characters as songs]
[Will You Remember Me?]
You contemplate your mortality and the boys responses.
Incorrect Quotes: [x],[x],[x],[x],[×],[x],[x],[x],[x]
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All rights reserved @violetduchess. All works of fanfiction belong to me, please do not copy, translate or repost any works without my express permission. Thank you.~☆
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justice-maul · 2 years
Last updated on: August 1 2024
Archives are things I don’t write for anymore and are listed down below
Most Recent Post:
Key: Recent (made within thirty days):✨ Smut:🔞 Fluff:☀️ Angsty:🎭 Personal Favs:❤️‍🔥
Please Me~ Natasha Romanoff x Wanda Maximoff x Male Reader 🔞
Only a Fool~ Wanda x FTM Reader 🔞☀️
Promises~ Young Tony Stark x Top Male Reader College Au 🔞❤️‍🔥
Avengers Giving You a Blowjob | Headcanons 🔞
Tony Stark x Younger Poolboy Male Reader | Headcanons 🔞❤️‍🔥
Killmonger NSFW Alphabet | Headcanons 🔞
«Hateful Lust» Tony Stark x Dom Rival Male Reader 🔞✨❤️‍🔥
Obsession~ Storm x Male Reader 🔞❤️‍🔥
Kurt Wagner/Nightcrawler x Dom Male Reader
Jason Todd x Male Werewolf Reader | Headcanons ☀️🎭
Jason Todd x Top Male Werewolf Reader | Headcanons Part 2 🔞❤️‍🔥✨
«Agents of Shield»
Nothing here yet..
Hot Cocoa~ Peter Parker x Winged Male Reader ☀️
«Temptation» Tom!Peter Parker x Top Avenger Male Reader 🔞✨
«Star Wars»
Nothing here yet..
«The Boys»
Nothing here yet..
«The Witcher»
Nothing here yet..
«Obey Me Shall We Date»
Quit Teasing~ Mammon x Dom Male Reader 🔞
Nothing here yet..
«Call Of Duty»
Nothing here yet..
Nothing here yet..
«Attack On Titan»
My Dream~ Eren x Egyptian Goddess Reader ☀️
Need Help?~ Armin x Dom Gender Neutral Reader 🔞
«Owl House»
Principal Bump x Professor Reader | Headcanons ☀️
Platonic King x Titan Male Reader Headcanons ☀️🎭
Some Alone Time~ Eda x Trans!Masc Reader 🔞☀️
«Stranger Things»
Nothing here yet..
«The Arcana»
Nothing here yet..
Things I no longer write for:
«Death Note»
L x Black Female Reader | Headcanons ☀️
«High Rise Invasion»
Little Toy~ Sniper Mask x Dom Gender Neutral Reader 🔞
Penelope Decker x Lucifer's Younger Brother ☀️
«My Hero Academia»
Serve Me~ Prince Tamaki x Dom Gender Neutral Servant Reader 🔞
Pathetic Hero~ Mount Lady x Ex Villain Male Reader 🔞
Great Dom~ Mirko x Quirkless Male Reader🔞
«Jujitsu Kaisen»
Pretty Girl~ Megumi x Dom Gender Neutral Reader | Thirst 🔞
Not So Tough Now~ Sub Alpha Gojo x Dom Omega Reader | Thirst 🔞
Obedient Pets~ House Husband Toji & Sukuna x Gender Neutral Reader | Thirst 🔞
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nyanashima · 2 years
Obey Me! Headcanon Masterlist
All gender-neutral unless otherwise stated, I'll add more genders to the legend as I write for them lol.
Requests open!
💞 = fluff || 🌧️ = hurt/comfort || 🥀 = angst || 💋 = NSFW 🏳️‍⚧️ = trans mc || 🦞 = masc/male mc || 🦎 = feminine/female mc ❗️ = mature/possibly triggering content || 💫 = request
The Brothers
Neurodiversity Headcanons 💞❗️
Crying & Comfort 🥀🌧️
MC with OCD 💞❗️
Young Satan
Satan General Headcanons
Transmasc MC 💞🏳️‍⚧️🦞
Skating Headcanons 💞
Trans!Mammon (feat. Trans MC) 💞🏳️‍⚧️🦞🦎
Suave MC 💫
Breakfast in Bed 💫💞
Nowdateables + Luke
Crying & Comfort 🥀🌧️❗️
MC with OCD 💞❗️
Flustering the Nowdateables 💞
Solomon General Headcanons
Skating Headcanons 💞
Solomon Fluff Alphabet 💞
When They're Sick 💞❗️
Breakfast in Bed 💫💞
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glamphantasm · 1 year
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Master Post - Kai LGBTQIA+ Queerphobes & Transphobes fuck off o(*^@^*)o~💙💛🧡💚🩷❤️💜
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Prefacing: Kai is a very broken boy. None of this is healthy, and references self harm, past CSA/trafficking, neurodivergent behaviors and habits.
Questionable coping methods abound (drugs, alcohol, risk-taking behavior, you name it).
These posts/hc/character building moments all take place in the Nightbringer timeline (as that is the one we are in now.)
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Day 50 vs Day 500 ART!
by the lovely & talented @writerman - thank you for this version of the boy <3 he's so over all this bullshit - @prismantis - i adore how DONE he is here <3 thank you.
this is a pretty common look for him these days - @drawsmaddy - the skepticism is literally oozing off of him <3 contemplative and a bit lost - nobody's looking. - @saprophilous - stunning. love him.
UR Card! (he says he's SSR at best) - by @askozyr master post for picrew/nekka.cc etc.
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Character Associations (aka 15 things)
D&D Style Sheet Five Senses Aesthetics Fluff Alphabet - A to Z of the not so dirty but not as fluffy as it should have been stuff.
OC Asks: Character Design Smut Alphabet - A to Z of the dirty stuff.
Unusual Character Associations
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Stories in a rough chronological order -
Mammon Steals Something
Lucifer says, "We need to talk."
Solomon Cooks
Kai Imbibes a Truth Serum. Asmodeus Stirs The Pot Part 1, Part 2 Kai Copes (or tries) Asmo Offers an Olive Branch Club Night? Club Night!
The Risks of Cursed Books
Unexpected Rescue, Unexpected Bonds
Interludes I. II.
The Longest Day
Interlude III. IV.
Introspection (but what else is new?)
All stories also here: Examinations on An Exchange Student
One Shots
As Night Falls
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Palette 1 Pinterest (do people still use this? idek)
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amberrskiies · 2 years
If you're still doing the follower event could I request f for mammon?
Also congrats!!
Pairing : Mammon x gender neutral reader
200 Followers Milestone Event
Event Masterlist
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F ight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
Mammon despises the thought of fighting yet physically getting into one with you too. He's your protector isn't he? He doesn't see any reason for him to even fight you knowing it was him who probably did something and you're yelling cause you're worried about him. You forgive Mammon eventually knowing he feels bad about what he did but you can't really blame him. If you did something which not done on purpose he will forgive you cause he's a simp he knows there's no reason for him to stay mad at you
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bored0writer · 2 years
my hero academia
Obey me
lord diavlo
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skrunklybf-archived · 2 years
𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐨𝐦 𝐚𝐥𝐩𝐡𝐚𝐛𝐞𝐭;
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𝒄 𝐢𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫:
╰┈➤ ❝ 𝒄𝒂𝒕! ❞
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➸ satan x cat!reader
➸ sfw, humor, does this count as crackfic? i'm counting it as crackfic, some fluffs, human -> animal transformation
➸ the devildom alphabet ✧.* d is for deal
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you should know better than to trust mammon when grimm is involved.
sure, he wouldn't put you in explicit danger (probably), and he wouldn't sell you out for just anything (most likely), but your patience for the avatar of greed was thinning by the day.
you scurried down the hall, desperate to find the one demon who could get you out of this fiasco with most of your wits about you. the predicament you found yourself in after foolishly drinking that potion mammon coerced you into was... a hairy one, to say the least.
some would say you were feeling rather small at the moment.
brushing away the scattered thoughts, you padded to a certain blonde's room, eager to rid yourself of this nasty little curse.
satan, casual as the day was long, pushed past his bedroom door and closed it with a soft click. you felt yourself bristle upon seeing him in the hallway.
okay, no need to be embarrassed; if anyone would be wise enough to help, it'd be satan.
"satan?" you tried, but the current state of your body failed you -- the only noise that rang out was a soft chirp, a trill that instantly caught the demons ears and curiosity.
emerald eyes flitted down to you and your position on the cool stone floor.
"what's this?" satan began, a note of delight in his smooth voice, "are you lost?"
he scooped you up into his arms, a sensation that threw you for a loop; you weren't used to being so small, so holdable; and the new pair of triangular ears atop your head laid back in a moment of feebleness.
a cat. a full fledged feline. you would've ripped mammon a new asshole if he didn't haul ass out of sight as soon as you'd transformed.
"no collar? another little stray..." satan tsked, combing his fingers over your fur. he scratched between your ears and, all shame aside, you felt yourself flutter and purr. "would you like to come inside?" turned on your back, cradled in his arms like a baby, you were walked into the quiet solitude of satan's bedroom, where the door softly closed behind you both.
"satan!" you tried again, but still, your cursed body betrayed you. it came out as a garbled call, almost distressed, alarming the demon instantly.
"easy, kitten," he hummed. satan sat you down atop a clear space on his desk.
"it's me! your stupid brother made me test a shitty potion and--"
he watched you rowl, sputtering and crying out as your little furry arms stretched up to claw at his chest. for a split second, something flashed across his eyes, and for just a moment, you felt maybe your confusion would be over soon. maybe the feline obsessed bookworm worked through your incessant meows, maybe he could sense your urgency.
a warm hand stroked down your back and up your tail.
"so needy. y'know, you kind of remind me of someone..." satan resigned to plucking you up and laying you across his lap once he settled into the plush arm chair nearby. "i'd love to introduce you, but she's a little busy babysitting today. she really has the patience of a saint, putting up with mammon like that." his hands deftly nuzzled into your fuzzy cheeks, massaged over your back and between your shoulder blades. you had to admit, it felt nice... so calming...
your eyes fluttered closed, paws working on their own to make biscuits and knead over satan's warm lap. the demon hummed happily in response and let you snuggle against him. "you're safe here, kitten."
all by its lonesome down the hall, your ddd buzzed with reckless abandon. countless messages poured in, one after another, a familiar contact name gracing the screen with every vibration.
mams: okay, i get it, you're a little upset
mams: but don't go gettin yer panties in a twist!
mams: it'll wear off by the end of the day!
mams: ... i think
hours passed with you simply lounging in satans room, perched perfectly over his lap as he quietly worked through a thick book. it was hard not to doze off every now and then. you understood why cats seemed to flock to him -- the man had magic hands.
suddenly, with the turn of a page, your body began to tingle from head to tail. the prickling sensation was enough to rouse you up from your lazy slumber. a little mrow slipped from you as you jumped to the floor. satan eyed you, watched you spin in a circle before his feet and paw at his pant leg.
"what's wrong?"
the bubbling feeling in your chest became almost unbearable. with a swirl of luminance, a soft yellow-green light ebbed into the room -- satan found himself chuckling with unbridled amusement at the scene unfolding before him.
he spoke your name gently, a sound familiar enough that you blinked yourself out of the blinding haze that overtook your vision.
"i leave you alone with mammon for twenty minutes, and he turns you into a cat?"
you looked down -- finally, your body felt like yours again. arms, legs, fingers and toes... and no tail. no whiskers, either. a giddy grin grew on your cheeks.
"although, i have to admit, it was nice having you cuddled up on me like that."
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