#manga Recomendation
luxshine · 11 months
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Because Junji Ito is coming to San Diego Comic con, we really need to talk about what many consider his magnus opus, the horror manga Uzumaki. But to change things a bit, let's talk about the narrative and the structure of the story, rather than of the horror of it. Like, Share, Comment and Subscribe!
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matcha-kat · 2 years
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Prob my favorite color spread in the whole series I just think its amazing after the events of the story. It’s just a simple image of Aki, Power and Denji walking out of context. But it’s so much more!!!
So this colorspread makes me so emotional for a lot of reasons and after the events of chapter 91 It officially made Power my favorite character in the series. Power goes on to runaway from Makima knowing she can’t win stating how she thinks life is useless and worthless including her own but…but.. Denji can’t die!
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She remembers all the moments she had with Denji all the stupid shit they did all the times Denji saved her because Denji’s her friend. Than she hides in the trash can with him in in very reminiscent scene with Pochita when they first made a contract
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Denji at this point is dejected and has given up on living and pretty resigned to it. But Power snaps him out of it by making a contract with him a reason for him to keep living not a responsibility of the world ending or even tells him to save it.
She just tells him make a contract with her. She most likely won't remember him as the blood devil but even so she wants to be friends with Denji. So please - Come Find me
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Afterwards still a little teary eyed Denji makes a V sign when asked if he's denji or chainsaw man.
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Was that too long of a recap?! 🤷‍♀️
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Chapter 91 ties alot to this color spread because it starts right after. This is speculation but I want to think that in Denji's mind he had 1
last talk with Aki and Power to hype him up. The last panel before; being his answer to Power's V sign ✌
The 2 of the trio bask in a warm light encouraging Denji. Alleyways in this series are ominous in general and alot of unfortunate events occurs their and that’s still evident here since it is there deaths we're seeing. It’s notable however we don’t see a door. Doors are even worse in this universe everytime they show up it leads to hell.🚪
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By not showing the door/lack of one we get that this entrance is more positive.Heaven maybe ??? (Ironic for Power/I want them both to be happy (T-T))
What kills me though, So far we hadn’t seen Aki in awhile so seeing him here with Power after she died breaks my heart. Still watching over them like a big brother even when he's about to leave.
Denji looks like he was about to follow them but, turns around towards the viewer to a unknown future. A path that's alot lonlier than the warm light.
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Thus continuing the story and overcoming his despair gains the will to fight makima.
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naidje · 3 months
Who can recommend me some interesting manga to check out?
Stuff I like:
Dungeon Meshi
Fullmetal Alchemist
Pretty much anything by Naoki Urasawa
Is there anything you think I might enjoy? Lemme know!
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Books I think the hazbin cast would read
Charlie: How to Talk to Your Cat About Gun Safety: And Abstinence, Drugs, Satanism, and Other Dangers That Threaten Their Nine Lives by Zachary Auburn
Vaggie: Convenience Store Woman by Sayaka Murta
Angel Dust: Kageki Shoujo! by Kumiko Saiki 
Alastor: Lord Of The Flies by William Golding
Husk: I Am A Cat Barista by Hiro Maijima
Nifty: Fifty Shades of Grey by E.L James 
Sir Pentious: Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky
Lucifer: Silver Spoon by Hiromu Arakawa 
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han-jislay · 1 year
underrated bokuaka fics #2
these are only some fics i have read, they're all underrated!! they make me feel giddy and they feed my bokuaka addiction.
ex revenge hot line | Lxnn word count: 63, 388
akaashi's side job is to get hired from someone who got hurt to date their ex and break their heart
↳ a little angsty at the end, but happy ending never the less. "you're not evil, just heartbroken."
say yes | kazzydolyn word count: 7, 721
5 times bokuto asks akaashi a question and 1 time akaashi has a life changing question for bokuto
↳ very cute and makes me feel single in 100 ways. 5+1 trend!!
call me koutarou | kazzydolyn word count: 2, 888
akaashi tries to break the enduring habit of calling bokuto "bokuto-san"
↳ i see this as very canon, this story is so well depicted! not ooc at all.
soft blue | groaninlynch word count: 6, 031
akaashi is unaware he lost his sketchbook and bokuto takes a sneak peek
↳ literally the reason why i wanted to make this list. 100% underrated!!! i love this so much
the great mystery of a hickey | sunnybluesky word count: 25, 479
hinata, atsumu and sakusa go on a mission to find the mystery lover that gave bokuto a hickey
↳ a bit long, and the trio is a bit stupid but it's bokuaka so no complaints
i pretend you're mine, all the damn time | glitterati word count: 4, 326
bokuto asks akaashi for kissing practice because of a girl
↳ oh how the turns have tabled. this story got me hanging by a thread.
cat and kid | norio word count: 2, 817
kenma gets a misunderstanding about akaashi and his cat, bokuto-san
↳ norio's works are so good yet underrated!!! this story was a rollercoaster and i swear i had no idea what was happening. poor kenma must've felt 2x worse.
the impaled | norio word count: 2, 184
bokuto is a vampire hunter and akaashi owns an antique store
↳ you know when you want a part two so bad?? yeah. this one is the one.
cookies and cream | norio word count: 5, 840
akaashi has a habit of stress baking
↳ i think this is one of my favourites, i love baking and bokuaka, what a perfect combination.
nine hundred lies | norio word count: 8, 454
akaashi is a big fat liar. happy ending
↳ it's a happy ending, but akaashi lies through his teeth. do you think there's a confession?
one in a hundred | norio word count: 4, 080
though he has no proof, bokuto thinks dating akaashi would be easier if he didn't try to break up with him all the time
↳ akaashi second guesses himself so much, it projects onto his relationship. damn
4am | talonyth word count: 13, 448
akaashi doesn't call often, let alone at an ungodly hour
↳ i was quite conflicted about this story but it's actually quite good, especially at the end! almost like a slow burn. but medium. so medium burn.
wing man | CheekyBrunette word count: 8, 366
kuroo doesn't let anyone date bokuto that doesn't meet his standards. fortunately, akaashi does
↳ bokuroo is like peak comedy and friendship goals! oh to have a friend like kuroo. this story was quite nice and it's more of kuroo's pov than anything.
hanging by a moment | gabstar word count: 1, 169
finding the perfect moment isn't always easy
↳ my descriptions are so bad oml, i can't really remember what this was about, but i do remember that akaashi and bokuto has their own pace, and a lot of people like to interfere.
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maleyanderecafe · 7 months
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The Yandere Angel is obsessed with a good-natured succubus (Oneshot)
Created by: aironiro
Genre: Smut
This one was really difficult to word properly and I'm not really sure why. It's not because of the angel and demon words that I don't know it's just kind of weirdly translated. That might be on my end because I finished this one while I was still sick. Hopefully it makes enough sense that it's still enjoyable though, I did like the backstory that the yandere had in this one. It's pretty interesting. If you are interested in a sequel, please donate to kofi.com/lovesicktranslation to fund it.
The story starts out with Lilith being recognized by her fellow succubus, Meribel, who hasn't seen her since the French Revolution. Meribel talks about how there's a corrupted angel attacking people, including the reaper, Yvette. While talking, Meribel is threatened by Cyril, the corrupted angel she was talking about, and Lilith is able to shoo her away. We see that Cyril has been chasing after Lilith for a while, to the point of attacking other Reaper. Cyril asks to have sex with Lilith, which she accepts because she it's kind of her nature, but is basically overwhelmed by it, something that she is confused and horrified by as Cyril ravishes her body. She passes out and recalls her first encounter with him, having gone to an orphanage to corrupt a priest, only to meet Cyril as a child. Cyril seems to be bullied at the orphanage, and Lilith defends him from spirits that want to take his pure soul away. She talks to him a bit, about how she's actually quite fond of humans. She remarks that because his soul is so pure, he will likely become an angel, and that the two will never meet again, and that even if they did, she would eat him. Lilith ends up waking up at her human friend Akari's place after having passed out. She's worried that Cyril might attack Akari and gets a note from Cyril on where to meet. Cyril upon meeting Lilith again, apologizes for what he's done, and states that he wants to be corrupted so that he can be with Lilith again. The two have sex again, and apparently the reason why Lilith feels so good while having sex with Cyril is because it's a taste of true love (?) something that succubus don't taste as they usually charm the people they're targeting. After all that, Lilith takes a liking to Cyril, even planning to allow him to meet and sort of make sure that he doesn't cause any problems.
I'm not super used to oneshot yandere smut splitting up the actual sex part into two sections, but this one does do that and it kept on throwing me for a loop while I was translating. Personally, I think the idea of a succubus feeling intense pleasure when they are actually loved seems kind of stupid, since I feel like there are people who do fall in love at first sight, so a succubus should be used to that type of feeling, or at least have experienced it once before. The lore of the angels and devils aren't made that clear in this story, which might be because this is part of a second series, with the first one introducing Togo and Akari. I guess it doesn't really need to be because it's a smut, but it does leave a lot to be desired. The most interesting part for me is the backstory, since we do get to see how and why Cyril became so obsessed with tracking her down, even if there is seemingly a weird age gap between them since I believe Lilith would have been around 200 years old when meeting Cyril who died at age 14 according to the end profiles (which is never mentioned at all in the story but alright).
Cyril as a yandere is pretty obsessive, having basically ignored the orders of god so much that his halo and wings ended up getting corrupted just so that he could track down Lilith, and even ended up attacking and wounding Yvette (who supposedly is difficult to kill) and nearly hurting Meribel had Lilith not stepped into saving him. He also seemed to have kept his virginity up to this point. I mean I am sort of glad they have a reason to why Cyril a virgin is able to make Lilith a succubus feel good, but it's still pretty stupid in my opinion. I still don't really get why Lilith ends up keeping Cyril at the end, but I guess it's better than letting a yandere angel run around for a bit. Always cool to see a yandere angel though since that's not something you'd normally see in this scenario. Yandere demons seem to be more common and for good reason.
Anyways, hopefully you enjoy this oneshot. The artwork in it is pretty loose so I could get away with the cleaning easier. The fonts kind of irked me because the original Chinese I was basing it off of uses way too many different fonts.
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niilue · 2 months
babes! tell me about an anime/manga/manhwa you haven't seen enough dom!reader to see if i know it... im bored, i don't know if i should write again smuttttt
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yume-fanfare · 5 months
also i finished kageki shoujo............................ devastated wish it'd kept going on forever
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goldrogerstits · 1 year
fairy tail literally just looks like an off brand one piece with way worse character designs i read like 300 chapters of that shit when i was like 15 and i cant remember any of it most forgetable manga off all time god bless
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mabexxxx · 2 months
New yaoi 💖
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Name: Undercover Darling
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daydreamwhumpinc · 3 months
Semi-Obscure Media Whump (part 1)
[A Series of me finding whump scenes from a not well known media]
Name: Soredemo Sekai wa Utsukushii
Score: 2/5
Would only recommend this for the character whump. The whole story (which has an actually interesting setting, commentary, and characters)  is ruined for me by the relationship between the 2 main leads. Although the ML age is appropriate for the narrative of the story, the romance with the Fl just feels so weird and borderline illegal? The ML is about 11/12 years old and FL (although never specifically stated) is somewhere in the range of 16-18. Although the story is SFW, their relationship is still so weirdly grown up (?). Which is yeah, the ML supposed to represent a child who had to grow up too fast and lost the ability to appreciate the world and became too jaded from the horrors of violence and hardship, buuuut…. For me, the story would have worked with a younger brother- older sister platonic relationship and not just because I am AroAce. Other characters Also, a later chapter contains attempted SA (between the LF and a later side antagonist), so read at your own risk, but this was not something I greatly enjoyed.
Character: Neil
A butler character who is really loyal to the ML and has a somewhat fatherly/older brother relationship with the ML.
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Chapter: 79 (page 22-end)- 80 (whole chapter)
Whump: Getting sick/Overworking/collapsing/worried friends/taken care of/scars reveal (on the back)
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Chapter: 110 (beginning to end) 
Whump: Shielding someone/nicked with a knife/fighting/self sacrifice/worried friends/presumed dead/rescued (in later chapters)
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There is an anime for this manga, but it only covers like the first arc (?), so it sadly doesn't include any of this whump.
Additionally: He also has some emotional and physical whump in his backstoy- comes right after this chapter.
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datafogao · 11 months
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Weekly reminder to Read/Watch Helck(Ep 2 should be out)
I drew Rococo
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puppyharuka · 11 months
I'm alive and did a thing!
So I'm starting a YouTube series called Sketchy Recommendations where I will sketch (usually about the thing I'm recommending but putting my own little spin on it) and talk about an anime/manga or even light novel, comic, cartoon etc. Just basically stuff I highly enjoyed in the many years of consuming works of fiction.
Maybe I'll help bring a light on some not so well known series for others to give a try. The recommendations will be short, basically spoiler free all the info I give about plot is basically what you would find out right at the beginning or in a blur.
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aoridesudesu · 8 months
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Tenkousei ga oshi seiyuu datta hanashi #5.3
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sol-em-gemeos · 9 months
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hasellia · 10 months
I'm not a fan of ASOIAF, but if you were one of people pulled in for it's... "Realism", might I recomend Water margin?
I should preface that I'm not chinese and I'm not that far into the story yet. But everytime I hear something of ASOIAF, I find myself thinking of Water Margin and what I've heard of it. So wanted to share it.
水滸傳 is a 14th - 15th centuary novel set in Northern Song dynasty China around 1120. It's about a band of brigands, the murderous scum of society, struggling to do the right thing in the face of the law and the greys of morality between good and evil. The first half of the story deals with how each of the main players came to their life of banditry, each character per chapter, before developing into a sort of war drama with strategy and action. During it's time of writing, martial arts and kung-fu really started kicking off so there's a lot action scenes intermixed with tragedy and drama. It was written with realism in mind which is why it has some heavy scenes and was banned for some time period. That's also why it was a big hit in lower class Sengoku Japan, where it's known as Suikoden. It's legacy is still strongly felt in Japan's cultural entertainment tropes such as shouting attack names. There's no monsters (i know of) but there are curses, demons and super-human feats.
Since the source deals with several heavy topics and was written in a time of increasing conservatism I also recomend reading a list of trigger warings before you watch or read it if you can find one.
If you can't find a copy, the 1998 live action adaptation is generally the one chinese audiences reccomend (WARNING: there is some hardcore REAL LIFE animal cruelty and hunting in the show, PLEASE be aware of that before you watch). Otherwise there is a 2011 adaptation, a 1978 movie adaptation and several animated adaptations of the japanese variations of the story. I also recomend 'Cool History Bros' animated recaps of the story since he walks through the cultural differences for a western audience.
Here's also the free original text from the Chinese wikisource.
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