o000ze · 8 months
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decolonize-the-left · 9 months
Also, if anyone has any resources or advice on how to better support someone who's escaped domestic violence and has experience with serious substance abuse (not necessarily addiction) pls send some advice/tips/things we should know.
And if you experienced it yourself maybe what do you wish people would've done for you or provided or should've known.
I'm hyper-focusing on this and learning a lot about how to help with things like withdrawal, harm reduction, boundaries, etc but it's just So Much, I want to make sure she's not missing anything that would be really significant to her healing. I want to make sure this space is as safe for her as it can be be while giving her all the room and autonomy she needs to get better.
We're gonna call around to a few places today but I figured someone on here might have some good advice too so I thought I'd ask.
Thank you if you do answer.
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vulpixelates · 3 days
as emotional as the end of empire strikes back is, i can never take it too seriously bc of mark hamill's acting lfkfjdjs like. i don't even feel bad shitting on it anymore like i previously did when i mistakenly thought he wasn't a piece of shit* but the fucking FACE he pulls and how cheesily he acts out the shitty double nos 😭 plssssssss he is awful
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peachjuiceretriever · 4 months
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e-m-p-error · 5 months
Is Your Character Stubborn? - Valentino
The short answer is yes.
The long answer is that he cannnot be wrong and refuses to let people think that he is fallible in any way, shape, or form. When he wants something, he takes it if he isn't given it immediately. If he can't take it, he will break it, so nobody can have it. This includes people.
When he is in the middle of an argument, even if he is proven wrong in a demonstrable way, he refuses to budge from his initial position. He has and will start fights over things that he has misconceptions about. He throws tantrums when he doesn't get his way, and will make someone's life miserable over things he feels strongly about.
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batcavescolony · 1 year
S5 E6 Lies Of Omission
I know why Scott is mad Theo didn't tell the actual story so he doesn't actually know but WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK SCOTT!! I get you're going through shit but you're not even gonna get Stiles actual story? Just believe Theo? Stiles is ride or die, through thick and thin, hell and back. Like yeah Scott's got a lot on his plate but that's your brother in all but blood.
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fictionkinfessions · 1 year
Is it normal to feel ashamed of things youve done in your memories? I remember doing and saying horrible things, hurting and killing so many people. Remembering what ive done makes me feel sick to the point where i feel like im gonna be sick.
I remember the soul gripping loneliness and how it drove me crazy, how Vought used me and took everything from me. How the one person i thought was my friend and who was by my side lied to me about my father, and i was so messed up at the time that i killed him. I just wanted someone to love me, and it broke what little stability i had left. I just want to be John to someone, and not Homelander for once.
I lay awake thinking of the way i made people miserable and how lonely i was and am, and it feels all consuming, how do i make it stop?
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plasmalunare · 1 year
one of my favorite things to do is giving shiny pokemon i rng manipulate to my friends
oh, you want a shiny eevee?? fuck it, take 6 of them
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hedanet · 4 months
"Memorias de un Exorcista" Gabriele Amorth por Capítulos en Descripción + PDF del Libro
Según el autor, el padre Amorth es el exorcista más famoso del mundo. Entrevistado por la prensa católica y laica internacional. La lucha del Padre Gabriele Amorth lo enfrenta todos los días cara a cara con el Diablo. En esta obra pretende revelar ejemplos de estas posesiones que atestiguan el poder de Satanás, como la mujer que vomitó vidrio y clavos o el niño que fue quemado con agua bendita. Índice de Capítulos:
00:00....Capítulo I 24:42....Capítulo II 58:45....Capítulo III 01:31:15....Capítulo IV 02:02:49....Capítulo V 02:35:18....Capítulo VI 03:15:13....Capítulo VII 03:55:34....Capítulo VIII
Pero como, seguro le gustará y siempre no podemos, ya sea por el lugar o las condiciones del entorno, disponer de Internet o de electricidad o Etc. Les dejo el PDF como Regalo, por si desean leerlo vosotros mismo, ya que podréis imprimirlo, y tenerlo en cualquier sitio donde la Red o los Medios, de cualquier condición, no pueden llegar. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1i73wAqZqPl5AK0VnsFDMD9RaP1qH7wXW/view?usp=share_link Pueden acceder a Documentales, más Audio-libros del Padre Grabiele Amorth e incluso la Película basada en su Libro "El Exorcista del Papa" en la siguiente entrada al blog: Mi Batalla contra Satanás "El Último Exorcista" 1 Entrevista y Otros 3 Títulos de Gabriele Amorth Audio-Libros voz humana.+ LA PELÍCULA "El Exorcista del Papa" basada en su vida https://logosconocimientos.blogspot.com/2023/04/mi-batalla-contra-satanas-el-ultimo.html
Vivimos una de las peores épocas en la historia, ya que estamos inmersos en una Tercera Guerra Mundial, como muchos escritores y científicos ya han manifestado, que involucra todos los países a nivel global, pero esta guerra no es física, sino mental, emocional y espiritual, y en la que está en juego la supervivencia del ser humano original. Es una guerra para anular al individuo y su libertad de pensar, sentir y actuar con conciencia. En realidad se trata de una guerra para apropiarse de las psiquis, los valores morales éticos y espirituales y sobre todo de las almas. Pero esto lo están diciendo científicos, médicos, políticos, escritores los cuales alertan de la oscuridad implacable de las élites que nos gobiernan y sus vacunas asesinas, cuya finalidad es envenenar, dañar, asesinar a millones de personas inocentes, buscan quitarnos lo más valioso que tiene el ser humano, alterar la genética e imponer una inteligencia artificial y un Transhumanismo robótico que solo deja un cuerpo vacío sin emociones o pensamientos individuales. Y lo más increíble es la participan los representantes de las grandes religiones, que se han posicionado a favor de la terapia genética que modifica nuestro ADN original tal como muchos científicos están denunciando. El alma, el “gen de Dios”, la genética nos conecta con algo superior que el ser humano no puede perder. Sígueme en alguna de estas Plataformas y otras que están en desarrollo ➡️ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/joanhe40/ ➡️ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/hedanet/ ➡️ Twitter: https://twitter.com/Hedanet ➡️Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@Joseherediaquiros/ ➡️LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jos%C3%A9-a-h-003b8996/ ➡️VK: https://vk.com/hedanet ➡️Blog LOGOS: https://logosconocimientos.blogspot.com
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not-so-superheroine · 10 months
sometimes a partner's abuse is related to a disorder they have, and i get the issue with the connection, but some of us were abused by partners with stigmatized diagnoses as partial result of the traits, behaviors, and symptoms they have.
i am caught in between as someone who has been abused by someone with a stigmatized mental health disability and have one myself.
and i don't like being idk, minimized/erased in the name of psych disability advocacy that is supposedly also for people like me.
i have to stay away from the ableist ipv spaces, but should be at least be able to he at home here.
it does happen. it happens regularly even. but that doesn't mean the those without psych dx don't harm others. they do and often they harm people with psychiatric disabilities.
there's a better way than ignoring the issue of a certain type of abuse happening within the disability community. this topic requires nuance.
and as a general not "hurt people, hurt people" not always but works often enough.
the disorder in question is often related to trauma, which then begets trauma upon another person. who could be near to them at the time or some one new down the line. and it continues.
victims can be and have been the someone else's abuser. without serious intervention it's near bound to happen.
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cynthiabaileyrug · 1 year
Taking Your Power Back From Narcissists
No matter how careful you may be, it’s likely you’ve come across at least one narcissist in your life.  They will do anything they can to make sure they always have control of their victims. The most helpful thing I have found to do in these situations is to pray.  Asking God to help me remain calm, think logically rather than emotionally & have creative & effective ways of dealing with their…
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In Over Our Heads: Mel & Street
@avictimofthejazz (Preplotted Asylum Verse au)
"Jim?" Melody rasps. His name is eternally etched into the grooves that criss-cross her parched lips. She feels like she's drowning in a well so deep it could never be escaped. Ebony lashes sweep begrudgingly over the curves of her cheekbones as she strains for a semblance of consciousness.
"No! Melanie." A harsh voice cuts. A warmth presses to the globe of her cheek and remains there in a feigned comforting gesture. "If you don't stop summoning your imaginary friends, you will never get out of here. Don't you want to be --my-- good wife? It's me. Your beloved, caring husband, Phillipe."
An elongated huff escapes her as she tries to rouse herself to a higher level of consciousness. Though her body feels weightless and floaty, she is vaguely aware that she is being moved by a man. Where he is taking her, she can not imagine. There is little she recollects outside of the scantly lavished, padded room.
"Come on," Phillipe snappishly urges. "Say you remember, Melanie!"
Groggy, Mel's eyes do linger hard upon him, willing herself to remember who and what she is.
Exasperated by her lack of cooperation, Phillipe raises her left hands so that her bleary eyes might view a golden ring. "Look Melanie.."
Was he her husband? Was she violent? Her whirling mind tries to puzzle things together. "I--I don-- don't remember" Mel utters on the verge of tears.
She hasn't seen him in nearly a month. Despite Phillipe's repetitive efforts to banish her every memory of Jim Street, the damnable SWAT officer, has been interwoven into the very tapestry of her being.
Never once has she beckoned for the prince responsible for her stay. There are no hazy freudian slips, no yielding for him in the face of desperation, no accidental urges to acknowledge the truth Phillipe had attempted to fabricate. It didn't matter how oft he attempted to convinced the ebony-haired woman that she was his wife, that her identity was Melanie of Cambridge, that she was extremely violent, or that Street was dead, or little more than an imaginary friend, Mel still kept clinging tightly to the desire for Street.
Prince Phillipe's patience is rapidly waning, dissolving like sugar into water. A fact, of which, the entire staff has been made very aware of. With a flash of money and a sense of urgency, he insisted they up whatever medication she was on to the highest dose to make her even more susceptible to his suggestions.
Overcrowding had a way of overriding express orders from the irate prince. They were running out of rooms to accommodate patients. The staff knew they couldn't exactly keep the "secret occupants" under wraps much longer. Especially, if an accidental cell-mate couldn't keep their mouths shut. The operation would be safer if the princess and the swat officer were kept in the same room.
After hours of profuse deliberation, Phillipe caved. So long as they continued to sedate her, that they keep her in a straight jacket, and treat Street like a figment of her imagination, the prince resolved the rest of his qualms about her new accommodations.
The sound of wheels against marbled tiles is the last she remembers. She must have dozed off for the next time she opens her eyes, she's in another white-washed room and Phillipe is gone. As is the incessant headache the timbre of his voice had inspired.
Mel drags the flat of her foot along the sticky surface of the hospital's mattress and groans as long crumpled muscles unfurl for the first time in ages. All except for her hands. Mel gives a soft tug to them but realizes they are held steadfast and secure.
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Sucking in a breath, she wills her core muscles to help her raise a little. After all, she saw-- was it? Yes, it had to be another person. With a parched wallow she mumbles. "Y-- you okay o-over there?" She blinks still a little ot fuzzy to even think about moving to the figure's side.
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blakeswritingimagines · 10 months
Aemond who wants your attention
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As a yandere for you, he is a very possessive and jealous husband. He makes it his business to know where you are, what you are doing, and who you are with, at all times. He does not allow you to associate with other men in any way, shape, or form. This is not because he does not trust you, but because he knows how the mind of a man works, and he knows that some might try to take advantage of your beauty and innocence. He would defend you fiercely should anyone attempt to harm you or make you theirs. You belong to him, and he to you.
He seeks to maintain exclusive control over you. He wants to be the only one who can make you smile, laugh, or feel loved and cherished. He wants you to only have eyes for him, and for no one else to be able to draw your attention. If you even look at another man in a favorable light, he becomes incredibly jealous and feels the need to claim you once again.
He goes to great lengths to make you feel loved and safe. Any moment you are at risk, or even perceived risk is a cause for his concern and attention. Your needs and desires are his utmost priority. As your husband, he is not afraid to show his passion and rage for you. He will move the earth and sky itself to ensure your safety and comfort. His possessiveness, as yandere, is for your good alone, because he cannot stand the thought of another having you.
It would be a problem. He is a man who wants nothing more than to be with you, and for you to be with him. If you paid more attention to anything else but him, it would drive him mad with fury. Especially if that thing was your children. They come from your love, he knows they are a physical manifestation of the bond between you both. They should be treated with the same care and affection that he gives to you but can't help himself.
He would certainly feel a pang of jealousy should you show more affection to your child instead of him but he would have to realize that children are naturally needy just as much as he is. It is in their nature to rely on their parents which causes him to seeth in a slow quiet rage.
If he were to act out of his jealousy, he would make sure your life is absolute torture. He would isolate you from others, keep you from seeing your shared child, and force you into a position of dependence. He would make you feel alone in the world, cut off from everyone else, leaving only him as your sole companion. If he felt you were showing more affection to the child than to him, he would turn the child against you.
He would likely treat your child in a cruel manner, demanding he or she behave in a way that he deems “ proper” rather than allow them to grow and explore on their own terms. He might become too harsh, demanding, and cold, hurting their confidence and self-esteem. He might accuse them of wrongdoing when they are innocent, instilling a fear of him and resentment that could never be forgotten.
Absolutely without hesitation, he would send the child away. He feels there is no reason for you to have a child when you have each other. The idea of you ever having the audacity to give so much attention to the child disgusts him. You should only ever need him. Nothing else matters except you and him. He can and he will keep you under his complete control. You and he can live happily forever if you just let your guard down and come into his embrace forgetting about the child.
He would go as far as lying to you, he would lie to you, and say the child is being sent away for a good reason such as safety or education, just to make you think that his love for them outweighs anyone else. He would do anything and say anything to keep you with him or he would also try to make you see the child in a negative light, he would try to convince you that the child doesn't love you. He would try to convince you that the child hates you, even.
Yes, if it came down to it he would kill your child in an "accident". It would be his secret. He would be sneaky and manipulative to convince you that you don't need your child, that you don't need anyone but him. That you can love him, but no one else. He would be sneaky and manipulative to make himself the only one you ever love just like the situation with your child, sneakiness and deception come as natural to him. He would convince you that the child is no good for the both of you slowly, making sure that you do not suspect him of doing so. He would be extra careful, in this situation so that you do not learn of his ulterior motive.
If you found out about his manipulation towards you and reacted badly, he would be prepared for that. He would use every word in his vocabulary to convince you that he did it for your own good. He would try to convince you that he knew it was the best choice for your relationship. He would try to calm your anger and make you see the good side of the situation, no matter how much the truth may hurt.
He would also try to make you see that the child never truly loved you. He would try to convince you that the child never wanted to be with you, that their love for you was never real. He would try to make you see how good it is that the child was taken away from you. He would try to convince you that your love for him is better than the child's love for you and that you are better off without the child. He would use all of his manipulation tactics for this goal.
If you still didn't believe him, he would use more drastic measures to make you believe him. He would use both words and actions to convince you that he did it for you and that it will benefit you both in the long run. If all else fails, he would threaten you to make you see or even feel what he wanted you to believe.
If you tried to fight back and stop him, he would do everything in his power to either subdue you or convince you that fighting back will only make things worse. He would be determined, and there is no way he would let you stop him. He would do what had to be done for the benefit of your love.
He won't feel guilty about it at all, the reason why he is getting rid of your child is because he loves you so much that he would do anything to be with you. He knows that getting rid of your child seems like a horrible thing to do, but he justifies it by saying that your relationship is more important than anything else in the world.
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mrsriddlenott · 6 months
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~ Caught V ~
I’m so sorry to anyone waiting on this, I’ve been adjusting to college recently but I’m still planning on keeping this going as long as I can🥰🫶🏻
I am sorry to any readers with good fathers, I have daddy issues and have no idea how to write a good dad soooo y/ns dad sucks, so trigger warning🙂🙂
This parts kinda sad and I’m sorry, it gets better
Warnings:Angst,Fighting,Abuse, Manipuation,Nightmares,Blackmail, Angst,&some fluff.
When Mattheo entered his shared dorm room after seeing you off, he was greeted with a table covered in moving photographs from the night before. Some were of his roommates with people he didn't care to know, but mostly of you, him and all of your friends. Mattheo was happy to get to see your smiling face as he searched through the pictures, laughing and joking as he showed off funny ones to the other boys.
As he rustled through the images Mattheo couldn't contain his smile as he uncovered a picture capturing and repeating your first public kiss on the coffee table, one he hadn't even noticed was taken in the moment but was very glad it was. He didn't waste a second in taking it across to his side of the dorm, transfiguring one of his extra quills into a picture frame and placing the polaroid gently inside to go on his nightstand.
"Damn, look at y/n's dress in this picture," Draco chuckled in an attempt at a hushed voice as they continued to look over the photos. Enzo scoffed and almost began speaking before noticing Blaise and Theo’s stillness as their gazes settled on Mattheo slowly turning to eye the back of Draco's head, “it's one thing to have seen her last night but damn, I think I'll have to keep this for late-"
Mattheo rushed forward to shove at Draco's shoulder, letting his fist make contact with the blondes jaw as soon as he turned toward him, knocking him off balance before he even noticed Mattheo had heard him.
“I fucking warned you Malfoy.” Mattheo said with a heavy sigh, snatching the picture from Draco’s hand and stuffing it in his pocket as he spoke calmly, “I have no desire to stay friends with you if you can’t respect my girlfriend, or even my relationship for that matter. If you want to act like this then you can run back to Daddy and beg him to solve your problems, because I won’t be here to do it for you any longer.
“It’s not like that, it was pretty much a compliment Mattheo,” Draco spoke from the floor as Mattheo stood above him, tilting his head to the side as he blinked down at the idiot below him.
“Do you really think that? Are you genuinely that stupid Malfoy?” He chuckled after a second, raising his eyebrows and smiling before reaching his hand down to him. Draco hesitated, looking between Mattheo’s eyes and hand before reaching up with his, as soon as he had his hand in his, Mattheo gripped it with all his strength and yanked him forward as he leaned down beside his ear.
“I’m not playing this game Draco, you don’t speak about her ever again or I promise I will show you how Riddles handle their problems.” He whispered in a growl before shoving him back against the hardwood floor. Draco laid dumbfounded on the ground for only a second before tugging himself up and storming from the dorm with a thud as the door magically slammed shut behind his retreating back.
Mattheo scoffed at his departure before flopping down on his large green bed with a chuckle, “If I’d known all it took to get him out of here was reminding him of good ol’ Tom I’d have done it years ago.” He sighed, staring at the ceiling visible above the four posters as images of his Fathers red eyes and pale skin seeped into his mind. He tried to shake the thoughts away as his chest tightened and his fingers shook, turning on his side to look at the image of your smiling face looking into his as he tried, and failed, to breath deeply.
Theo knew Mattheo had a hard time understanding why his Father was the type of man he was, he knew it hurt his best friend every time he was mentioned whether by name or title. He watched his back as it rose and fell in deep breaths. “Come on guys, lets go to the Black Lake for a smoke,” Theo let the others flow forward past him as he stayed behind, grabbing a jacket and watching his friend intently.
“Just go Theo, I’m not in the mood for a smoke,” He sighed, the sound of his voice shaking had Theo wishing he knew anything useful to say, something you might say.
“Alright mate but….just try and come join us soon if you can,” Theo sighed, locking the door behind him as he left to join their friends.
Mattheo didn’t notice himself drifting off staring at your beautiful smile. He could hear your gorgeous laugh ringing in his ears as you ran across the beach behind that lovely little cottage he always imagined buying for you and for a second he didn’t know where he was. The waves became clearer and the stars brighter as he unknowingly slipped further into his perfect dreamscape. “Matty are you coming?” You shouted in a sing song voice over your shoulder, he swore his smile couldn’t get any wider as you stripped from your sundress, slipping into the cold dark water beneath the beautifully shimmering night sky.
The warmth in his chest grew even as he submerged himself below the cold water behind you. His arms snaked around you as soon as his fingertips felt your waist, breathing in your aroma as he nuzzled his face in your neck.
“You have no idea how much I love you, you’re my perfect girl” He sighed, settling you into himself, tugging you into him like his life depended on it. “I will always protect you.”
“Then why did you let this happen?” Mattheo’s face scrunched up as he heard you meek voice crack, “Let what happen y/n?” He asked, looking down to search your face.
But before he could hear your voice again that shrill, heart stopping cackle filled his ears followed by a shriek as you were yanked from his arms and into the water. The sky was suddenly full of trails of smoke as be turned to see the cottage ablaze. “No…no no,” He swiveled around, arms flailing wildly as he felt for you in the shallow water.
He could hear himself screaming from a distance, he could feel himself covered in slick sweat as he pulled you above the water, eyes blank as you stared up at him, a clear look of terror plastered on your face permanently. He was shaking with rage and despair as he screamed your name only to be met with those pale red eyes and the bright green light he feared more than anything.
Well, almost anything.
He woke clutching his chest as he heaved himself out of bed, desperate for a gasp of fresh air as he rushed to the window. His heart pounded against his chest, the thought of you somewhere out there with his father had him ready to throw up. The heavy flapping of wings through the now open window snatched his attention as he took in your large barn owl perching himself on his nightstand.
He felt an instant rush of relief, Claudius would surely be clawing his eyes out if anything had happened to you. The large eyed owl made that very clear, very early on in your relationship.
“You have no idea how glad I am to see you,” He sighed, breathing heavily as he pat his head, tugging at the letter delicately tied on his foot. Mattheo wasted no time in tearing the y/l/n Family Crest wax seal and rushing to read it.
My love,
My Father is throwing a ball to celebrate Christmas with his partners from the Ministry and their family(Riveting I know…). I’d rather not go but I’ve been told I have to and must take a plus one, I don’t want to take anyone else so I’ve told Father I’m bringing you as a friend(Sorry Love). The other boys aren’t invited so I hope they don’t give you any trouble. Write back to me if you can make it, I simply will refuse to come downstairs if you can’t.
Bring the fanciest dress robes you have and arrive early, I want my father impressed. You know how he can be.
I love you
Yours, Y/N<3
P.S. The gown I’ve picked is a dark green and I want your tie to match. (and don’t just use your school tie please)
Mattheo was overridden with joy as he read your letter over and over before suddenly becoming overcome with anxiety once more. This form however, was much more acceptable in his eyes.
Before he thought to write a response he was rushing to the Black Lake and yanking at Enzo’s shoulder, “Come with me please, I need your help……like now Enzo” He arched his eyebrows as he stared down at his friend. He didn’t give him a chance to complain as he grabbed the joint from his fingers and passed it off to Theo, Enzo’s fingertips chasing after it like a child to candy. “There’s no time Enzo this is important.”
Enzo hurried to his feet and quickly followed his friend along the trails leading up to the castle. The air was cold and biting at their skin as they began to speak, “If you did something stupid just tell y/n and hope she forgi-“
“What?! I didn’t!” Mattheo avoided meeting his friends eyes as he mumbled, “I need your help with an outfit.”
“Excuse me?” Enzo asked with a chuckle, “You, Mr. I’m So Handsome Riddle, need my fashion advice?” Enzo came to a halt as he laughed lightly, shaking his head.
“Ya done mate?” Mattheo asked with a tight lipped smile, shooting his eyebrows up, refraining from laughing himself.
“y/n’s invited me to a ball and I don’t have fancy clothes like you.” He sighed, continuing his walk to the castle.
“I want to make a good impression, we need to tell her parents we’re together eventually if we ever want a chance at their approval and it would be better if they met me at least once before hand.” He sighed heavily as he shoved his shivering red hands into his pockets.
“I’ve never met a girl’s parents before, what if they hate me? What am I supposed to do just not marry her if they don’t like me? Because I don’t see myself being able to live with that…..What am I supposed to even say? Hello Mr and Mrs. y/l/n I’m the delinquent that your daughters been seeing?”
“Just be yourself, they’ll like you” Enzo shrugs, walking right past Mattheo as he stops abruptly. “No no no no thats a horrible idea Lorenzo, you, y/n, and Theo are the only ones who can stand me for long periods of time.”
“I don’t know mate I just saw that in a muggle movie I’ve never met a girls parents” Enzo quickly took in the clear borderline panicked look on his friends face as he turned back to him with a sigh. “Come on, let’s start with the basics while I find you a suit.”
It wasn’t easy but after two weeks of nonstop plotting, Mattheo and Enzo had come up with(what they seemed to think was), the perfect plan.
Step One: Woo her mother and impress her father.
Step Two: Ask her to dance and tell her the plan.
Step Three: Pull her chair out at dinner.
Step Four: Talk to her father about the ministry.
Step Five: Ask her on a “first date” in front of her parents.
Step Six: Marry the girl of your dreams.
But sadly, Mattheo’s mind was only so big. As he recited the six steps to success, tugging at his brand new emerald tie and attempting to gulp down his anxiety, he rang the bell beside the large arched doorway. He was invited in and escorted across a large open marble floor by an elderly man in a black suit and red tie, Mattheo was quick to thank him as he took his place in a small group gathered at the base of a spiral staircase.
He was absolutely entranced by you the second you stepped onto the stairs. His mind was suddenly empty of any and every thought that wasn’t you. He couldn’t turn his eyes away from you even if he wanted to, which he definitely did not. Your eyes met his and your face lit up with a smile, from behind you he could hear the shutting of doors and steadily grew more anxious, suddenly realizing he should have wrote his plan down.
Your eyes darted between him and the last step of the stair case, at first he didn’t understand. Your eyes shot behind you to two approaching figures before shooting back to him and the stairs. He vaguely remembered something like this unraveling with a couple in a show you liked and found himself waiting for you at the base of the stairs as though it was instinct, just in time for your parents to see him.
The smile on Mr and Mrs. y/l/n’s faces grew as his beautiful girlfriend smiled up at them proudly before slowly starting to descend the stairs. The folds of your deep green dress bounced as you took each step gracefully, your black heels clicking on the marble at the pace of his heart. You met him in a matter of seconds and took his arm in your hand, he gave a small nod as you led him off towards the archway into your dining room. He glanced around the long table as your hand slipped away from him, at first he figured you were taking your seat but when he turned around to find you, a girl he could never describe as anything but brave, meekly following after your father, Mattheo knew something was up.
He knew he shouldn’t, he knew it was snoopy but he couldn’t stop himself from following after you. Your dress flowed behind you dramatically as you rushed to keep up with your fathers long strides, apparently not well enough. He suddenly stopped, rushing to yank at your wrist as he said something between gritted teeth. A sudden surge of anger took over Mattheo, he had to force himself to stay still, hidden behind a wall as he focused on the whispers just past it.
“What were you thinking? Huh? Bringing his son here like there wouldn’t be consequences?” His heart sank as he listened further, thinking his father was going to ruin the best thing in his life. “What if he’s sent him here to see what I’m up to, you stupid child, we’re this close to having it all.”
“He’s important to me, he wouldn’t do anything to hurt me Dad I swear” Mattheo could hear the tears threatening to slip past your eyelashes as he willed himself to stay put. “Than why haven’t you been using that? If he’s so important to you get me information, if I know the secrets The Dark Lord’s son hides for him than there’s no way he can hide from me.”
“Wh- No… I won-“ The loud thud of your body hitting the floor with a whimper finally broke him. Mattheo rushed to you without a second thought to the man watching him, he knelt beside you, cradling your head in his hand as your worried eyes settled on him in fear.
“Oh good you’ve joined us.” Your father’s smile grew wicked as he eyes the scene in front of him. The son of his only rival at his feet, vulnerable. Mattheo could tell from the look in his eyes he knew you two were more that friends, this was planned, he could see that clearly, though he doubted you could.
“I’ll make this simple, you clearly care for my disgrace of a daughter here, if you wish to continue this little,” His lip rose in a snarl as his hand nonchalantly waved in front of you both. “Affiliation, than you’ll do as I say….if not….you’ll never see my daughter again.”
Mattheo gritted his teeth as he refrained from throwing punches at the man over twice his age and size. He was shaking with anger as he rose his eyes to meet his, “What exactly do you want?”
“It’s simple, you help me destroy your father and take over his ranks and I won’t tell him all about your not so secret girlfriend here at our next meeting. How does that sound?” His eyes were empty as his smile rose.
“Y-you wouldn’t….he’d kill her….you know he’d kill her.” He was shaking uncontrollably, holding you as you cried in his lap, mumbling I’m sorry like a broken record. The man was quick to crouch down to his level, eyeing the girl in his arms with disgust as Mattheo pulled her away from him.
“Wouldn’t be the first of my children he’s killed, and certainly wouldn’t be my favorite.” With that he was straightening his posture, smoothing his expensive looking suit jacket and sauntering towards the dining room, “I expect to see you both in the ball room on time.”
Your hands shake as your they travel up Mattheo’s shoulders, pulling yourself up to hug him as he immediately brings his arms around you. Your tears soaked the side of his collar as he caressed your hair and back.
“Why didn’t you tell me he was a Death Eater Lovely?” He sighed, tugging you into him impossibly closer, wanting to protect you inside his arms until there was peace on earth. “All the times you told me how he treats you and your mom, you could have told me.” His voice cracked as tears threatened to break through.
Your sobs only grew as you tried to speak, you couldn’t bring yourself to. You tried so many times to tell him, to sit him down and say your father wanted to kill his. But when was the right time? Your first date? The first time he stayed over? Your first holidays together? No. It was never right, it wasn’t even now.
“I’m so sorry Matty, I didn’t want you to hate me. I should have told you when we were just friends then you could have decided what you wanted with the truth.” He tensed before pulling your face from his neck, his eyes bore into yours like he’d never gotten the chance to truly look at you before. He lightly touched his lips to yours, softly cupping your face before resting his forehead on yours.
“There is absolutely nothing in this world that would have kept me from you.” He sighed, pulling you into him again. He wiped your tears from your cheeks and pulled you to your feet. “I want you to tell me absolutely everything when your ready okay?”
You were nodding your head as his eyes searched your face. “Now, I believe you owe me a dance Gorgeous.” You giggled between your tears as he took you back into his arms with a comforting shushing. “Or we can sneak out of here, find a hidden cottage and live happily ever after as hermits.” He sighed, wishing for nothing more than for you to say yes.
“Soon Matty, for now lets get this over with and try and have fun before everything comes crashing down.”
The music was slow, agonizingly for Mattheo, his right hand was on your waist and his left was in yours. Your eyes hadn’t left each other’s since you made your way to the dance floor. You could feel eyes on you, you knew this was what your father wanted, everyone seeing the Riddle and y/l/n heirs together. But all you could think of was him. You knew that no matter what happened, he was going to protect you, and you him. You effortlessly turned together in a circle as he watched you intently.
Mattheo decided right then and there, as your eyes glistened up at him like he’d personally hung the moon, that no matter what it takes, he’s giving you the future you deserve. Away from this loveless manor, away from his and your own father. You’d be happy and want for nothing. You rested your head in his shoulder contently shutting your eyes as his hand rubbed at your hair.
Mattheo’s eyes locked with your fathers over your head, they held an air of authority and a threatening dominance. However, he held his ground, his eyes dug into his, silently telling him in no uncertain terms that if he ever laid a hand on you again. His father wouldn’t the Riddle he needs to worry about.
Mr. y/l/n was in way over his head, and hadn’t yet realized it.
Caught VI
Again i am so sorry for how long this took, i vaslty overestimated the free time id have as a college student, i hope you guys still like this. Next chapter will be much happier and may have smut☺️
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glitteringcrab · 2 months
Campaign Manager Morty
I mayyy be splitting hairs here, because Evil Morty had exactly zero qualms over killing literally every Morty in the Citadel to escape and, even worse, over having hundreds of poor, innocent, deformed Mortys whipped during his times as president (it's like he put up a nice façade but was still internally seething and had to make someone suffer)--
--but what he did to poor Campaign Manager Morty was especially heartless, and it's always very painful to see it unfold, no matter how many times I re-watch it.
It's just that Campaign Manager Morty was so good. He had integrity. He had courage. He took it upon himself to murder his evil ex-boss to protect everyone else, even though he knew it would be a death sentence. He could have tried to leave the Citadel when he found the truth about EM, to save his skin, but he decided to act instead on behalf of everyone living there. When they brought him to the air-lock chambers where he'd be executed, even though he could tell what his imminent fate was, he showed no fear of death nor regret over having to face the repercussions of (what he thought was a successful) assassination. He was okay with throwing his life away for everyone else's sake. He only wanted to explain to the people executing him, that this was a good thing, that they weren't missing anything by having their favorite candidate executed. He had to explain why he did this. He wasn't evil, please understand...!
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And when he found out that his ex-boss was still alive, his face filled with panic, because at that moment he knew that EM surviving meant EM would be seen as a poor innocent victim, and this assassination attempt just made things worse.
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And then he finds out that Evil Morty won the elecions and panic takes over completely, even though he had nothing to win or lose any more. Even with his last breath, he tried to warn the others.
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His death was truly tragic. He was a good Morty, undeserving of that fate. It was one of the cruelest things Evil Morty has done.
I mean, EM killed everyone, but he knew this Morty personally. He set him up. And he picked him for this very cruel fate because Campaign Manager Morty had the integrity to voice his honest (and negative) opinion on the campaign's chances of success. Which, if EM listened to him and left the race, would mean Campaign Manager Morty would lose his job. Campaign Manager Morty was honest enough to say to his boss something that would result in him losing his job.
Which in turn meant that EM knew Campaign Manager would have the guts to put himself in a self-destructive situation, if it meant "doing the right thing". EM knew (or at least took an educated guess) Campaign Manager Morty would act to protect everyone else, that he was a fundamentally good person, and still, not only killed him, but set him up for a very, very cruel fate, of trying to do the good thing and having it backfire completely, of losing all hope.
And today it hit me (again, I may be splitting hairs, because it's not like EM has a moral bar anyway) if one more reason EM did this completely heartless thing was: What if Campaign Manager Morty was actively demoralizing him?
I mean... think about it. Evil Morty looked very smug in those sequences (I actually remember thinking "what a moron" at that scene XD):
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He already knew what to say in the debate and how to act to gain support. He had the confidence that he could pull this off.
But he didn't know he would pull this off. In fact, he barely won ("almost close enough to trigger a re-count") and this was with him getting himself shot and gaining votes through sympathy. If he hadn't arranged for his assassination attempt, he would have lost. He must have watched the polls closely, weighing his chances and deeming them Not Good Enough at that point.
And... he had given it his all to this attempt to take over the Citadel. By making himself a public figure, he invited scrutiny on his person (whether Trenchcoat Rick was hired/manipulated/mind-controlled by EM, or honestly stalking EM we have yet to see, but it's not unlikely someone would decide to look into this particular Morty more closely). I mean, they asked him his dimension number in an interview and he deflected. They could have kept pressing into his past. This whole thing risked blowing up to his face. And even if it didn't, if he lost the election race it'd be unlikely he'd get another chance like this one. He had to give this his all, he had to make it work, no matter what.
Evil Morty, who defaults in hiding, in making himself look harmless, in disappearing in the safety of the crowd, was desperate enough to make this work that he put himself in the metaphorical frontlines, turning himself into a public figure, getting himself shot, having to put up a permanent nice act to all those people he despised, in the hopes of freeing himself one day in the distant future. He may have been confident that he could pull this thing off, but actually pulling said thing off couldn't have been easy for him.
And there was obviously no one actually supporting him, because he has no friends. Sure, other Mortys supported "him", but not really. They had no idea what he really had in store for them. They didn't want him to win, they wanted the "nice Morty Candidate" to win (duh).
Any self-doubt, any emotional wavering, any exhaustion, he had to deal with by himself. Any cheering up, any hope, any courage he needed, he also had to provide himself, so that he could escape what he viewed as the unbearably horrible fate of being trapped in the CFC.
...And on top of that, when you are giving this your all, when you are at your most desperate to make this work because your first plan already failed and you might not get another chance like this, imagine having your own campaign manager telling you "no, actually, you won't succeed. Give up. Give up. Give up."
...And he sets up his Campaign Manager to give it his all to make sure everyone else escapes a very horrible fate, only to make him watch himself fail, to force him to face the desperation he kept (unwittingly) insisting Evil Morty should resign himself to.
...I don't know if I'm overthinking this, but Evil Morty's treatment of his campaign manager suddenly feels a lot less cold and heartless and a lot more furious and vengeful.
(I will still mourn Campaign Manager Morty forever; he was the best Morty)
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