#many moments in the show got me feeling things but only twice was i shocked speechless. this was one of those times
fearandhatred · 9 months
anyway what was The moment in good omens that gagged you because the first time i heard aziraphale say "you go too fast for me" i was flabbergasted. gobsmacked even. never in my wildest dreams did i expect to hear this kind of line from anywhere other than fanfiction website ao3 dot org
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goldsbitch · 6 months
Just don't talk---------
-and listen too.
p11 to Just don't talk
summary: Enemies to lovers on steroids. It's time to talk. Taking a spin on the whole fake dating.
mentions of Olivia Rodrigo lyrics - all rights belong to the respectable owners.
warnings: unprotected sex, squirting, minors DNI
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"You know those are not the actual lyrics, right?"
For a moment if felt nice to think she "pulled" someone like Lando. Bittersweet afterthought came just a second later.
Y/N did not go to the bathroom, in fact she sprinted over back to her hotel, sunglasses on and trying to avoid anyone stopping her. It must have been a record time in which she got back. Phone on silent do-not-disturb mode, apart from one one her best friends, back from her home town. Actively ignoring any resposibilities she was to attend to. Let her bloody PR team handle that for once. She could also be a diva for once. Always playing by their books, someone else's rules and thinking twice before opening any doors. Fuck that now.
She told her everything - only the best of friends give up their sleep for the heartbreak of others. Time zones were playing against them.
There they were, screaming Olivia Rodrigo lyrics out loud as if there was no tomorrow.
It felt good to get out of her system - she realized that she did not properly tell anyone, with all the feelings and complications involved in her recent fling with a racing driver. Fling. That's all it was ever to be.
The two screamed, danced and sang. One in a hotel room, the other in her own flat shared with a partner. Y/N was just a little bit jealous.
Lando stayed with the rest of the attendees of that forsaken meeting in silence, while they waited for Y/N to rejoin. As silence goes, this was one for the history books. He texted he few times, without any response. While he was worried, he had to get his own head in check first. When she did not return in about twenty minutes, they inevitably dissolved that meeting without rescheduling. But, since this gave Lando some time to think, he took a copy of the contract with him, cancelled all of the engagements of the day and immediately scheduled a call with his lawyers. He paid them enough for them to be available within thirty minutes.
He disclosed with them their situation fully - leaving out only the explicit details. Lando's lawyers have seen some thing with him over the years, this was a first one. As he did many times, he danced around the fact that he started to crush on this girl, which was making the whole conversation harder than needed. But, his team quickly came up with a clause to add should they go though with this - Recognition of Potential Emotional Development. It was all a bit bizarre, but Lando changed his mind from the initial shock he got. They were wrapped up in their own game anyway. He was getting weirdly excited by this.
Y/N ended their Facetime little party after an hour and kept herself locked up in the hotel room. No point in joining her team back for the rest of the day. It was all a little too much and far removed from racing - it was getting annoying. She was determined to get her emotion in check for the following days. It involved room service, some angsty tv show and phone on silent mode. So naturally, she missed Lando's text announcing that he is on his way to her room.
It felt like a strange deja vu. A knock on the door. He was the first one to cross her mind, like an intrusive thought you can't get rid off. She wanted it to be him knocking. And it was.
He let out a big sigh as he saw her open the door.
"Do you always ignore your phone when it matters the most?" he asked, fairly tired after the strange day they'd had.
She refused to answer his comment, simply stepped away to let him pass in her room.
"I was worried about you, you know?" he asked, not letting go as easily as she'd like to.
"Had to get out and clear my head. I'm not obligated to answer any calls or texts," she said in her defense, feeling like she was pushed into a corner.
Another sigh left Lando's lips. "Y/N, let's not go back this again. It's been a little mental for both of us, but we can't let it rule our life."
Was this when he was going to tell her that they should end their "whatever-this-is" affair? Y/N was getting mad - he could have at least wait after the race. There'd be a two week break where she could process all of this.
"Do we really need to do this now?" she asked, giving up on all hope.
Lando was firm on his stance, no more dancing around. "Yes, we do."
"Alright, let me get dressed," as it felt strange to talk like that only in her pyjama. Normally, Lando would drop a comment on how he did not want to hear these types of sentences ever again.
"Great, I'll wait in there," he said, pointing to the living room part of the suite.
The pseudo formal feeling Lando brought with him went out of the window pretty soon. He was nervous beyond belief and her overly-panicky mind was already five steps ahead, overcoming their relation before it even ended.
"So, Norris. What brings you here at this hour?" she asked with a hint sarcasm.
He chucked and observed for a moment, recalculating the angle from which to untangle this. In front of him sat slightly disheveled girl, someone who he wanted to know everything about. It seemed like she deliberately did not join him at the couch and opted for a chair nearby.
"It's been a little crazy lately."
"When was it not?"
"Touché, you're right."
He recalled something his mom used to tell him - it usually only takes 30 seconds to be brave, the rest is dealing with the aftermath.
"I've been thinking," he said and only then has Y/N noticed a folder with the devil contract which got her blood raging once again.
"A unique event, yes," she commented dryly.
"Come on. Stop it. I've thought about it and spoke to my lawyers."
"You did what?!"
"Hear me out, you muppet," another sigh and gestured to her to calm down before getting a wrong idea. "I think our little game of cat and mouse has gotten out of hand. I don't think we can go on like this before it blows up in our faces. It's better to control the narrative."
She shifted in her chair, sitting a little too far away from him on the couch. It felt uncomfortable. "So you want to end it?"
Lando was taken back. "Obviously not? Do you?"
She was quit to respond, fuck it now, right? "No, but I'm not the one who protested again the fake dating thing as if it was a request to walk into an open fire," she said defensively. She could not fathom how he could just run around this world, giving these mixed vibes all the time. And Lando was having the same kind of questions.
He stared her deeply in the eyes. His 30 seconds counting.
"Y/N. I think we're past the whole hatered thing. I really like you and it feels stupid to say it like that. But apparently, I need to say it in order for you to start believing me." He wanted to add few sentences about how he will leave her alone immediately if she didn't feel the same. But he didn't. Stopped avoiding.
Now it was her taken back. Stripped down to the core. Time to come forward, to herself and the gorgeous boy she wanted to devour.
"You once said no strings attached. I want strings attached. If we were to continue, I can't do something casual with you. I'm already beside that point," she said slowly, picking the right words in order to get point out.
He smiled. "Good. Feels nice being on the same page." She let out a smirk and a small laugh. The tension in the room gone and waves of relief washing them over.
"Do you realize we sound like high schoolers with a crush?" she commented with a noticeable ease.
"The truth is I believe not so far away from that." She made him feel all those feelings. Excitement. Butterflies. Healthy amount of nervousness. Because he cared. Because they both did.
"Can you come closer to me?" he asked, pointing at the blank space at the couch. More than wiling, she got up and sat next to him.
"Can I kiss you before I ask you to about the lawyers?" she pleaded, while he held her hand gently. He did not need any convincing. In fact, this was all he needed. He approached her face slowly, taking his time to take in the moment. And when he ultimately lock his lips with hers, it was like unlocking a whole new level in the game. Tender, vulnerable and soft. For her, it was like letting go of the biggest worry, she could finally let herself loose and be herself. With all the strings attached. He caressed her lips once more before they both reached for a short breath. He took a lock of her hair in his fingertips and played with it. She kept touching his hands, that were sending her all the way to hell.
"So, are we going with the whole dating thing?" she asked, mainly for confirmation.
"I hope so...It feels exciting to think about that," he said quietly, as if he just began to realize that.
"Yes, it does," she said, before she finally ended their moment of soft whispers and pulled back a bit. "So, the fuck you're talking about some lawyers shit. Are you planning on suing me?"
He laughed. "I find it funny that your mind went immediately towards that."
"Well you know, child of divorced parents, you never know," she said with a hint of sarcasm masking the true feeling of traumatic memories.
"Right, I understand," he said seriously and made a mental not to ask her about this another time. He longed to know absolutely everything. He shuffled to position himself in less of a slag off position. "So, I've been thinking. The whole "PR relationship thing" - at first I thought it was the worst idea known to human kind. I want to try it with you for real, not to dance like a puppy and not following my feelings," he said as her heart danced the happiest of dances. She nodded at him, letting him finish. Lando was surprised at how much she shifted towards listening instead of constantly jumping into his sentences. He was growing to like that. It was hard for him not to smile. "Right, stop giving me these looks, it's hard for me to get to the point," he said, smiles escaping left and right.
"Hard, you're saying?" she said cheekily. Oh, he was going to make her night really difficult later.
"Anyway, as I was saying. The whole PR thing will be an issue, or more like a thing to tackle together in the future anyway, so why not have some control over it."
She was trying to let this idea sink in. "So you're saying, like date for real and let people think it's for PR?"
He was happy that she appeared to be on the same page. "Exactly. Do whatever we want and just let them worry about our story. And at some point, when we see how this goes, we'll just say we managed to fall for each other because of them and it will a whole happy story for everyone. I feel like if we disclose now, we're robbing ourselves of precious time to get to know each other. What do you think?"
She thought about it for a moment - but her gut feeling was telling her to trust Lando. If she was to start dating him, it would be good to become a team. And he was around this stuff, better than she was. "I think what you're saying makes a lot of sense."
"Pardon? I did not quite catch what you're saying," he said, making fun of her.
"You idiot, you've heard me perfectly fine!" she responded, the corners of her mouth going up again.
"No, I did not, you're gonna have to come closer to say that," he winked at her and got dangerously close to her once again. "Closer, still far away," he said as he licked his lips before kissing her again. While having a way faster battle of tongues this time, she cupped his face as he gently pushed her down to lay on the couch they were sharing.
"There are few things to change in the contract," he said in between kisses, his voice getting characteristically high, as it always did when he was excited. "We need to add a Recognition of Potential Feeling clause, or whatever," he remarked as his mouth found her neck. "And few things regarding the physical aspect of the relation," he whispered to her neck, as she started to let out gentle moans.
"Physical aspects?" she let out suggestively. "Could you be more specific?"
His hands started to roam under her shirt. "I'm happy to show you everything that contract is banning us from doing. First point being not having any physical contact alone."
"Poor Oscar, he's gonna be mortified when he finds out he has to watch," she joked, as she began to touch his dick through his pants.
He bit her lower lip. "Do you like that? When people watch?"
"Depends. I want you all for myself."
"Oh, finally something we agree on. I'm going to be very territorial, you know? Let everyone know that this," he pointed at her torso, "this and this is mine," he said as his hand went in between her legs and lastly to her head. He looked her deeply in the eyes before speaking again. "I've fucked your body, but I feel like mind-fucking you is going to be fun."
Her eyes were wide open and she felt herself getting wetter and wetter. "Lando, show me everything this contract is prohibiting us to do."
It was like giving him three shots of espresso. He smirked, as he began to take off his shirt. "You're going to have to strip for me, honey." She more than happily obliged.
Lando observed like a hungry animal. She was finally his, fully. Her hands crept up his torso, lining his muscles all the way in.
"No touching here," he said as he roamed around her cleavage, "definitely not this," he continued as he kissed her nipple and let her grab his hair firmly. "Oh and most definitely not this," he ended with his hand reaching out all the way down and circled around her clit.
Blood rushed into her head and she arched herself on the sofa handle, giving him a sight to remember during lonely nights. Dim light hitting her body with shadows highlighting the curves. He watched, as his fingers made her lips turn into a smile. It was intoxicating. He flicked them like scissors, gently and watching his tempo. Then he took them out and licked them while maintaining eye contact.
"I want a taste of you," she said before thinking and gestured to come over to her face. She opened her mouth and closed her eyes, starting at the very tip and playing with it gently. She moved her hand up and down his shaft and started taking him in more and more.
Lando was never fan of slow sex. But her moves made him curious to see how far he can push her and himself. Her tongue and lips felt like a soft feather, making his now wet dick sensitive. He got shivers down his lower back, something he rarely did. It was like pleasure started flowing though his whole body. He reached out to hold her other hand and he began slowly moving his hips. He was sliding up and down her tongue as she wrapped her lips around without any plans of letting him go. He on the other hand slit out of her mouth completely, albeit reluctantly. He locked eyes with her and they both knew what was coming next. "I want to try something new this time," he whispered with a hint of excitement in his voice. She was more than happy to try new things with him, knowing all too well that he was perceptive enough to stop the moment she'd feel uncomfortable.
She expected a meriad of different things - but not him, sliding in as slow as possible. It was the sweetest form of torture. Her body, used to his deep hard thrusts was now tightly wrapped around his cock. Lando felt heavenly. Feeling every inch of her body that was around him more intensively than ever before. He kept his slow tempo she she arched her back again, providing him with his favorite view and an angle, that made his moves feel deeper now. Y/n never understood before this moment why some people really likes slow sex. There was tenderness, focus and a pelicular pleasure coming in longer waves. It was like slowing down made them more present. She felt wetter than she ever had with him. And soon enough, when her mind was somewhere high up in the sky, a clear warm liquid started coming out of her - and with every squirt an indescribable heat of pleasure coming around her lower belly. Her breathing became harder and harder, moans that she could not hold in for her life. Lando first felt warmth on his cock and then looked down as drop of her juices started hitting on his stomach. He watched with awe, not being able to get a girl into this position before. As he watched her drown in orgasms, he sped up just a tiny bit in order to get himself ready to finish once she was done. And when he inevitably did, he painted with him cum all over her bare chest.
If this was how it was going to be now, he is going to be a very happy man.
Y/N came down in few moments, her breath going at a normal speed now. He reached out for a box of tissue to get her cleaned up and kissed her once again.
"This was a nice sight," he said, again with his voice going up higher than usual.
She was taken back, this new incredible feeling of finally being "empty" taking over and mixing with a hint of shame as she the aftermath she left on the couch. Lando noticed when her face went red as she saw her stain.
"That's quite embarrassing," she said shyly. And that was not something that Lando would allow. He took his hand and pulled her chin up gently.
"Now, do not ever say that. Did it feel good?" he asked, genuinely curious.
She was gathering herself for a moment before finally admitting. "Oh, god, yes. Unreal."
He smiled proudly. "Good. Well then this is not the last time we're doing this. And also, this," he said pointing at the stain, "is not something a towel can't solve."
She bit her lips and let a smile escape her. If love was a sunbeam, her world was the brightest day in the middle of summer.
@scopeiguess @leclercsluv @sulliamour @starmanv @riverxsq @eviethetheatrefreak @chonkybonky @bicchaan @saachiep81 @chezmardybum @a-beaverhausen @tbsloneely @iamkaku 
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anatee · 2 years
Fantasy | Kylo Ren x Reader Smut
Fantasy | Kylo Ren x Reader Smut One Shot. 18+. MINORS DNI.
Word count: 4.3K
Content warning: fem!reader x Kylo; a few curse words; jealous, possessive Kylo, one tiny bit of violence (not smut-related), inappropriate use of the Force, smut: thigh riding, fingering, oral (f receiving), size difference (and kink ig lol), piv (unprotected), filth really
Author’s note: What bothers me in many Kylo smuts is that he is excessively ruthless. And while I do agree this man is no softie in bed, sometimes the degradation goes so far it’s actually a turn-off to me, so here we have this, the man’s still the leader but doesn’t make you feel like scum ig
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"Why did you invite me here?"
Y/N was still shocked she found herself in Kylo Ren's quarters. They had known each other even before she became a First Order soldier, but it was the first time she got to visit him. She didn't know why: ever since she started her military career, she saw him only a few times, and always with his mask on, either arguing with General Hux or walking aggressively maker knows where.
They didn't even talk much, busy with their own duties, however this part changed two weeks earlier. He started approaching her often, talking to her even if he didn't need to and, eventually, asked to come with him. She followed him gladly, but in utter shock at the same time, not quite understanding what he was trying to achieve.
Yet there she was, alone with him in the private quarters while almost everyone else on the ship was going to bed.
It was the first time she was even near his room. Twice the size of her quarters, it was mostly black with red accents just like every interior of the First Order. Everything was dimly lit by one source of light, and it didn't seem like he wanted it any brighter. He gestured for her to sit on a metallic, circular chair while he approached a weird piece of furniture resembling a well filled with ashes instead of water. And then, to her surprise, he took his helmet off to put it there.
He turned to face her, making her jaw drop. She had seen him before, of course, but it was a long time ago. He matured a lot.
"Wow," she breathed out before she could stop herself. "I... I almost forgot how you look like."
"You like it?" he asked with a smirk dancing on the corners of his mouth.
This question made her gulp, because she knew about the Force, she knew that Kylo could read her mind like an open book if he wanted. He even tried to show her the ways of the Force years before, but it wasn't strong with her. That's why she worried...
She worried he knew how attractive she had always found him, and now even more so. Black, thick hair, broad shoulders, the face that looked young and mature at the same time. He was much more pleasant to look at without the mask, although the act of taking it off was hot by itself.
"Is this your way of asking if you're attractive to me?" she retorted, trying to save herself as her First Order uniform suddenly became much warmer.
"You've been on my mind recently."
Her heart jumped for a moment. She threw her ponytail back, but even though she didn't have her hat on anymore, it still felt very hot... And she wanted to keep it cool.
"Is that so? Why?" She raised an eyebrow, engulfed in a weird feeling. She hadn't looked him in the eye for a long time and it made her heart race.
"I saw you have been talking to this one guy lately."
"You mean Admiral Fando?" 
Kylo's face was almost expressionless. "Whatever his name is."
"Well, yes, he approaches me often. Tries to be funny, I sup..."
"I don't like him talking to you," Kylo cut her off sharply, rendering her speechless for a moment. She thought she had long forgotten the feelings she used to have for him before joining the army, but when he was saying things like this, it was impossible to stay calm.
She cleared her throat eventually. "Why?"
At that moment, as if she weren't shocked enough by everything he was doing, he sat beside her, making her feel extremely small, both literally and metaphorically. He was huge next to her... And one could almost feel the power vibrating, whirling all around him. It must have been part of why he was so intimidating.
His face was less than ten inches from hers as he leaned towards her to say quietly:
"Because I don't like any man trying to court you."
She swallowed hard, because even if it weren't her he was threatening, he looked murderous, and she knew what he was capable of. "You think he's trying to?"
"Don't be delusional, Y/N. Why else would he do this?"
She knew this question would be very risky, but she asked nevertheless.
"And why are you doing this?" She looked down, then back up at him, trying to understand the situation they found themselves in.
There was a moment of silence, silence so tense Y/N feared they might lose oxygen from the room soon. Kylo was piercing her with his gaze, so intensely it almost made her dizzy.
"You know that I can hear your thoughts. I don't look into them at all, but once... Once they were so loud..."
He moved his face closer to speak straight to her ear. The moment she felt his hot breath tingle her skin, she was hopeless; she had a strong inkling she knew what kind of thoughts he was talking about, and waiting for the confirmation like for a sentence.
"I know your fantasy," he whispered in his deep voice. "I know about everything you want to be done to you. I heard it loud and clear."
Each word was almost like a separate touch between her legs. 
Suddenly everything made sense. The dates aligned - she remembered that night her thoughts went wild, her mind playing out every erotic scenario she wanted to experience while she pleasured herself on her bed, but didn't even get half the satisfaction she wished for. Little did she know it made him realise how much he desired her, how much he wanted to act out his own dreams with her, and he decided he would make it happen.
Y/N was surprised herself, but she was not embarrassed at all while listening to him - on the contrary, it was turning her on, and the only fear she had was that he knew her emotions.
"Well, thinking that is not an offence..." she replied breathily, not daring to think he had something else on his mind other than scolding her, even if deep down she wanted him to have.
"That's not what I'm talking about."
He was still speaking against her ear, craning his neck from time to time to watch the expression on her face. Her lips were parted, her gaze half-lidded, and he was intoxicated by that view. Eventually, he decided he wanted to see more of it.
He put his cold, gloved hand on her hot cheek, and the feeling of the leather itself sent a shiver down her spine. All of this was the last thing she expected to be doing that day - but she wished it would never end. He never acted like this, but he always had an effect on her...
He guided her head gently so she would face him, the subtle touch almost igniting a flame between them. She was sure that if he had no gloves on, it would drive her crazy.
After a moment of silence, Kylo spoke while looking right into her eyes. "You're talking to this guy... Do you think he can do it? Do you think he can make you feel as good as you want? Do you think he could fulfil your fantasy?"
His gaze alone was penetrating her, petrifying her completely as the provoking questions echoed against the walls of the spacious room.
She gave in.
"It's not him whom I'd like to fulfil it with."
That sentence alone made him heave a sigh as blood rushed through his entire body. He didn't even need to use the Force; her eyes told him everything he wanted to know.
"Who, then?" he asked even though the answer was right there, in the way she gazed at him.
They both felt that question between their legs.
The only thing stopping him from ripping clothes off of her was that he wanted to do this right, especially now that he knew she desired him just as much. Besides, he would love to catch her off guard one day...
"You could have just told me," he said, making her snort.
"You could have not entered my thoughts."
"You will thank me for doing this," he whispered against her lips, making her heart stop for a split second. She was anticipating something, anything, any touch, words, any action from him, hoping beyond hope he would let the lust from his eyes take over.
He brushed his gloved finger over her bottom lip, trying not to give into the frenzy too quickly. A smirk formed on his face as he was already planning what he'd do to her.
"Let's meet again soon."
He left her that day with arousal, disappointment and anticipation all at the same time.
The next few days were a hell to go through. Kylo Ren didn't leave her thoughts not even for a second, making focusing on her duties almost impossible. But how could she not be thinking about him when she remembered the words he had told her with the velvety voice, when the feeling of his hand still seemed to linger on her cheek? She was constantly alerted, just waiting for the moment he decides to take her back to his quarters.
To make matters worse, he realised what she was daydreaming about, and he absolutely loved it. He made sure she saw him every day so both of them would crave the other person even more, and he was just waiting for the best opportunity to show her that only he could give her the pleasure she had fantasised about.
The opportunity presented itself one calm evening, almost two weeks later, when the tension between them was so high both Kylo and Y/N wanted to throw themselves on the other at any given moment. That evening, she finished her shift and intended to go straight to her room to rest, but Admiral Fando approached her before she could even leave her console. 
"Where are you headed?"
"To my quarters, where else?" she replied in a surprised tone as she stood up from her chair.
"Well, you look and smell exceptionally well today, I thought you had some other plans." He smiled at her, and she was given yet another confirmation Kylo was right about him.
But she did look and smell better. Ever since her tense encounter with Ren, she tried to take better care of her appearance, should he decide to invite her again. She shaved herself to the root and used the most deliciously smelling lotion she could access.
"Thank you, but that is just me caring about myself," she replied, making sure everything was in place for the shift coming after her.
"But if you don't have any other plans... Then maybe you'll come and visit my quarters instead."
And Kylo Ren heard that. Every word, loud and clear, even though he was far away from where Fando was standing. It railed him up immediately; this was the moment. He couldn't wait anymore.
Y/N was flabbergasted. She suspected he might eventually ask her this, but had no idea how to react once it happened.
"That is a bit unprofessional, isn't it, Admiral?" she replied half seriously, half jokingly, trying to get out of the situation.
"Oh, come on. I'm not asking anything weird," he continued. "We can just drink tea and talk."
Y/N let out a sigh. She wanted to refuse, but it was quite complicated since he was her superior and it felt like it was against the protocol.
"It's very nice of you, but I..."
"Come on, Y/N," he cut her off, moving closer to her. "I know you're not taken. Do not act unavaila..."
He trailed off because a loud gasp escaped her lips, one that was unexpected by both parties.
"What's going on?" Fando frowned.
Y/N wished she could explain. Just a moment before, she felt something touch her, like an invisible hand, right between her legs. A shiver of pleasure went down her as she realised whose hand it must have been.
Before she even opened her mouth to respond, her heart racing, she sensed presence somewhere behind herself... And soon, a man in a mask was towering over her and Fando, wrath radiating from him.
It all happened in a split second. One move of Kylo's hand was enough; Fando was thrown against the wall, then fell to the floor with a yelp of pain. Ren didn't even give him a second glance as he spoke to Y/N again:
"Follow me."
She did not dare disobey him, did not dare to check on Fando who was whimpering on the floor... She followed Ren step by step to his quarters, and the moment the door closed behind them, he cornered her.
"I told you it would come to this," he said with disappointment, trapping her between the wall and his body, enveloping her in the feeling of smallness.
"He approached me first, I just replied." She intended to respond loudly and proudly, but her voice failed her as he inched closer.
"Then I'll show you," he grabbed the sides of his helmet and took it off aggressively, "why you shouldn't even reply to scum like him." He threw the helmet into the ashes, his eyes never leaving hers.
She suppressed a shiver as he put a gloved hand under her chin. Her eyes, wide and full of admiration, were staring back at him, and he couldn't get enough of that view.
He smirked. "I should have done this sooner."
"Then stop talking and start doing already. You left me waiting for so long," she said before she could stop herself, making him sneer.
"Cocky, aren't you?" He took his hand back. "Why don't we change that?"
For a split second, fear overtook her as he took a step back, and she had no idea what he was about to do. He threw his cape off, then put one of his hands in front of him, brows furrowed in concentration.
Two invisible hands cupped her breasts at the same time, pulling out a gasp out of her yet again. This further confirmed he was the one responsible for what she felt back at the bridge. It was such a weird sensation, but a pleasurable one, something being there and not existing at the same time, vibrating, pulsating against her body while he wasn't touching her at all. He had never done this to her before.
"I-" She sighed heavily, trying to form a sentence as the large hands massaged her breasts. "I didn't know you- you could do that."
He clearly enjoyed these words as he smirked again. "See? You've underestimated me... Not the first person who has..."
He moved closer to her, maintaining the Force touch - and it made her want to act, too.
"You underestimate me as well, Kylo."
She stood on her tiptoes to grab him by the neck and bring him to her lips. Caught by surprise, he lost focus for a split second, but then quickly seized the initiative again. His invisible hands were untying her hair and taking off her hat or gloves, while his real ones were roaming her body, looking for openings in her uniform.
Minutes passed and she was beginning to lose her breath. She had never thought he'd be kissing her, yet there she was, letting his tongue in anywhere he wanted.
He eventually grabbed her buttock with his one hand and her thigh with the other, raising it so she would wrap it around him. When she did, his arm travelled to her nape, and he held it tight to kiss her hungrily. Hell, fire was flowing through him while he was doing it. Who knew her taste would be so addictive, her lips so soft he could nibble and lick them constantly? Had he known all of this, he would have been devouring her ages ago.
His kisses were hungry and demanding, making her dizzy, but that was just what she wanted. At that moment, she was so drunk on his taste, scent and noises she would allow him to do anything to her. Each of his sharp breaths, loud grunts to keep focus on the Force, the strong, fresh scent that lingered on his body... All of these things made her notice him and him only.
"Fuck," she whimpered against his lips when his real hand slipped underneath her pants. He immediately circled her clit through the material of her panties, causing her to buckle her hips.
He let out a triumphant laugh. "Look at you, and I haven't even started yet..."
The invisible hands took off her boots, and then her pants, roughly, almost causing her to lose balance. Kylo pulled her towards the circular to sit on it, and then made her settle on his thigh.
It was huge. She felt it well as she straddled it, heat from between her legs already spreading throughout her half-dressed body. She knew what he was doing; it was a picture taken straight from her mind, one of many he must have seen...
"I don't think I have to tell you your own fantasy..." he said, planting a kiss on her neck. "Ride it," he added in a commanding voice. He meant it.
The first thrust of her hips pulled a moan out of both of them. When she noticed it was already much more pleasurable than rubbing herself against furniture, she grabbed his arms as tightly as possible to steady herself and began moving back and forth.
The friction did it for him. The invisible hands took her shirt off, while the real ones grabbed her hips strongly enough to leave marks on them. She didn't restrain herself from any noises, and they turned him on more than he thought they would; his pants becoming tighter on him was the best proof of it.
That's why he didn't let her do it for long. Without any warning, he cradled her in his arms and took her to his bed. He let her lie down on the black sheets as he stood in front of her, enjoying the view - she was already soaked, just like his thigh.
"I'm taking whatever I want now," he announced to her, looking her up and down with no shame.
She just smirked, because from her new position she could see the bulge in his pants, one she knew she caused. Who knew she could have such an effect on the Kylo Ren?
"Do it," she replied with no hesitation, craving for him.
He took his gloves off and tossed them to the floor before kneeling in front of the bed. Her heart stopped just for a moment; was he really going to do it? Was he going to fulfil her another fantasy this easily?
The answer came instantly - the Force pulled her panties down, and he used his bare hands to grab her thighs to open her legs. Flesh to flesh, the sensations were even more overwhelming.
She closed her eyes, waiting for what's to come and let out a squeal when he planted a kiss on her inner thigh, massaging them at the same time.
"Open your eyes, look what's coming for you," he demanded. "He wouldn't be able to do to you what I'm about to..."
She obeyed and saw his face for a split second before his mouth came in contact with her clit. A very long lick was followed by an absolute madness of licks and sucking, almost like he took his time to prepare for it. He wanted to make her shake, and it quickly turned out it was the right way to do it as he saw her grab at the sheets out of pleasure.
The moment she moaned out his name, Kylo became drunk on the control he had over her. He let go of one of her thighs to speed up the process of her becoming undone...
"You feel good?" he asked right before sliding two fingers inside her, earning himself the loudest moan yet.
She couldn't think straight enough to give him a cohesive answer. She grabbed him by his thick hair, burying his face in her. "Fuck, Kylo."
He snorted with satisfaction. "I'll take that as a yes."
He soon added a third finger to pump in and out of her, remembering the number from her thoughts. Even she, however, didn't expect them to be this big. The sensations were indescribable; his tongue nor his fingers didn't slow down for a second, making her think she was about to have an orgasm and a heart attack.
She came. She came for the first time in months, because she couldn't quite reach that level of pleasure herself. A powerful orgasm rocked through her, her legs shaking, her breath shallow, and at that moment she was sure no other man than Kylo Ren could make her feel like that. Maybe it was the Force, maybe it was his size, maybe it was her desire for him - either way, she hadn't even hoped it would feel this good.
He let her ride it out to the end, then stood up, his face and fingers glistening - the proof of her satisfaction.
She began sitting up slowly, trying to catch her breath. "Kylo, I-"
"Stay where you are." He pressed her back into the mattress with a wave of his arm. "I am not done. I want you to not be able to think about anything else than this."
Y/N didn't even get to cool down and she was already turned on again. She watched in awe as he removed his pants and boxers, revealing his erected cock without any shame. Her mouth fell agape; not only because it was the first time seeing him naked, but also because it meant he intended to go as far as they could.
He looked at her with authority, clasping a hand around his length - as a result, she felt even smaller than in reality. If he were to interrogate her, she would be cowering, but at that moment, she was excited and waiting.
"Now, can you give me one more?" he asked quietly, his voice working wonders on her.
"Depends on what you're about to do."
"Make you beg," he used the Force to open her legs even wider, "for more."
Before she could respond, he started slowly rubbing his cock along her cunt, letting out a grunt that made her roll her eyes back. It went on for a few seconds, the sound of the wetness echoing in the room and arousing them even more.
And then, without warning, he slid into her with just the tip, then pulled out quickly. He repeated that a few times, slowly driving her insane.
"Kylo... Please..."
That's what he wanted to hear.
"Tell me what you want and you'll get it."
She gulped. The perspective of telling him what was on her mind seemed humiliating, especially that he knew exactly what she wished for.
She tried to save herself. "I cannot give orders to you."
As she expected, he did not buy it.
"Say what you want. That is my order," he replied, moving the tip once more to stimulate her further.
She closed her eyes as if bracing for impact. Alright. She could do it. It were mere words separating from another wave of pleasure. They were nothing compared to the fact that she was lying there with her legs open for him, weren't they?
She took one last deep breath. "I want you inside me."
He smiled with satisfaction. "As I thought."
He ended her torture as promised. He slid into her, slowly, because it was a lot; after all, nothing about him was small-sized.
She thought he would stay standing, but it wasn't the case. Right after a few of the first thrusts, he put his hands on either side of her body and continued dragging his body passionately, making sure to fill her up completely each time. She felt unbelievable.
"Who is making you feel good now?" he asked after hearing a moan from her, trying to hide the grunts of pleasure which were taking over him as well. "Who is the only person who can?" he rasped, keeping his head close to her neck to kiss it.
"You." She breathed heavily, her whole body shifting on the bed with each of his movements. "Only you."
He used the Force to keep himself steady and grabbed her wrists with his hands, pinning them over her head just to feel even a bit more of control. There was no mercy in his thrusts, ones he had been waiting for for days, the sexual tension finally resolving.
She didn't know if she were to have another orgasm, but he was certainly coming to one. She could hear and feel it as the powerful thrusts became sloppier, and the loudest grunt yet escaped his lips.
"You'll take it all," he almost growled, "for me."
That was his last warning before he reached his peak, letting all of it fill her up. It was insane, the whole scene, the emotions, the sounds of their breathing in the spacious room...
He placed one last desire-filled kiss on her lips, then stood up eventually, pulling out of her, leaving her with her wrists burning. She had no energy to raise again, and he stood there, watching with triumph how his cum flowed out of her.
For a moment, there was a silence, in which they both tried to regain rational thinking... And realise what had just happened, and that there was no turning back - but neither of them regretted it, not even a second. They both got what they wanted and were already thinking about repeating it.
Kylo used the Force once more to pull her closer, then put his hand under her chin again.
"You're not going to even think about anyone else now, are you?" 
She smirked, still feeling his cum dripping down her thigh. "Is that your way of saying you want me only for yourself?"
"You're so right."
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phoebepheebsphibs · 3 months
Double-Mutated Mikey
Chapter 30: Would You Love Me if I was a Worm?
Continued from the short story written by @boots-with-the-fur-club
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After his talk with Raph and CJ, Leo has to do it all over again with the whole family -- April, Draxum, and Cassandra included.
And Mikey, despite Leo's hesitation and objections.
The whole thing goes... very well, actually.
It is tough at first, Leo having been exhausted twice already and having to ask Raphael and Casey Jr. for help explaining on occasion because he just doesn’t have the emotional (or even physical) energy to go through it all a third time.
Tears are shed. Some are Leo's. Most are actually from Splinter.
At first, Leo thinks it is because of his paternal instinct to protect them, but then he remembers how hard it must have been those first several years post-mutation... All the years he'd spent in the Battle Nexus... Splinter understands all too well what Leo is going through.
Second most are from April. She may not have won the award for the most shed, but she won the award for loudest sobs. Leo didn't expect her to be so heartbroken for his sake, but she is, and that makes him cry all over again.
But the most impactful tears for Leo are Donnie's. Maybe it's because they're twins, or maybe it's the fact that Dee typically tends to keep his tears hidden (especially when there was an audience), or bottle them up. Not that he refuses cry ever -- he just doesn't do it often, and especially not when there are so many people around. But here he is, weeping silently for his brother in front of everybody. Leo almost missed it at first, but he happened to glance over and see the stains on his twin's mask and the red irritation surrounding his sclera. So while Donnie didn't make much of a show of his emotions, Leo knows he felt for him.
Cass and Draxum might be the only two not to cry, apart from Raph and Casey -- but those two are exempt, since they'd already knew what happened and had their own moments earlier to shed tears with him. Draxum is stoic and expressionless for the most part, raising an eyebrow at appropriate intervals to show he is paying attention. Cass makes quite a lot of facial expressions, and Leo figures her eyes got watery at one point. She talks a lot, though. So does Draxum.
Everyone has something to say. From advice to give, to words of affirmation, to moments when they felt similarly to Leo -- everyone talks.
All but one, actually.
Mikey stays strangely quiet.
Not that he doesn't understand. He does. Which is one of the reasons Leo was wary to tell Mikey. His eyes go wide with shock, and he cries with the rest when he hears the news. He sits besides Leo the entire time, resting his head on his lap and mewing sadly at him. Leo strokes his head to reassure him he is okay. Though, as the night goes on, he's not certain if Mikey is trying to comfort him, or if that is now Leo's job...
Leo half expects Michael to put on a turtleneck and coke bottle glasses, and don his 'Dr. Feelings' persona to help.
But he doesn't.
The discussion is long and lasts quite a while, with compelling points made from everyone and different ways to help Leo combat the intrusive thoughts and suicidal feelings.
Leo wonders how anyone could ever think he was the hero when they were the ones constantly saving his life.
Exhausted as he is, he weeps again and thanks everyone for their love and support.
The family meeting ends with hugs and kisses and watching a movie together in the hotel room. Leo notices that everyone keeps him in the center of the group, effectively surrounded by their love.
Mikey stays glued to his side the entire evening. He's been mostly quiet the whole night, but now he seems... overprotective of him. Leo is too tired to question it. Besides, he is so grateful for the company. Mikey rests on his lap like a cat, his soft underbelly radiating warmth and his gentle breaths keeping Leo grounded and calm.
They watch movies until Leo falls asleep in his family's embrace.
Leonardo is entirely spent the next day. He wakes up in his hotel bed, exhausted and groggy. He doesn't remember when he fell asleep, just like he doesn't remember being carried to his room, or being given a weighted blanket on top of his sheets. The blanket doesn't even cover his entire body, they just draped it across his chest --
Wait a sec. Why is the weighted blanket breathing?
Leo looks up and blurrily sees a mass of green and yellow sprawled across his torso. He blinks, rubs his eyes free of sleep, and the blur becomes his little brother.
Leon smiles. Did Mikey stay with him the entire night? Was he worried for him? This was exactly why Leo didn't want to tell Mikey... the poor guy doesn’t need another thing to worry about. And yet, he is happy that Mikey is showing him how he loves him. And to be honest, Leo has not slept that well in weeks. Though, that was mostly due to stress from Mikey's disappearance and then camping out on his beanbags once he was home.
Leonardo strokes Mikey's head gently. He doesn't think he puts that much effort or force into it, but Mikey immediately wakes up at his touch and turns to look at him. He chirps before remembering he can speak and clears his throat.
"Hullo," he croaks.
"Hey," Leo simpers. "What's up."
Mikey hums and crawls closer to his big brother so that he's laying beside him rather than across him. He doesn't really respond to Leo, but holds onto his arm. Mikey's tail slides over Leo's knees and swishes back and forth.
"You okay?" he asks, looking over at him. "You're acting a little clingy."
Mikey hugs Leo's arm a bit more tensely. He nods.
"Mikey just... want to be with Leo today."
Leo sighs and snuggles closer to him. He can let Mikey be clingy.
"Okay. How about today is a Leo and Mikey day?"
Mikey glances up at his brother, eyes wide and bright. He chirps excitedly before once again recalling he can speak and answers him with a resounding 'yes'.
Leo is surprised how Mikey's vocal chords still sound raspy and torn. They should have healed by now. They sound better, that much is sure. He just needs a little more time.
Don't we all...
"So, whaddya wanna do today, bud?" Leo inquires. He seems to have caught Mikey off guard with the question.
"Mikey decides?" he asks, surprised. "Why not Llllllleo?"
"I can pick some stuff to do too," Leo adds. "But what do you feel like doing now?"
Mikey considers for a moment before giving a decisive nod followed by a decisive answer.
"Mikey wants food."
"Leo wants food too," he chuckles, getting up out of bed and putting on an oversized t-shirt. He leaves his ninja wraps behind, but ties the mask. Mikey watches with curious investement.
"...Can Mikey wear something, too?"
"Yeah, dude. You packed some clothes, right?"
"Big sweaters," Mikey answers. "Too hot for them."
"You can borrow one of mine, then," Leo says, digging in his thrown-together duffel bag until he finds a shirt that should fit Mikey. "Here ya go!"
Mikey catches the shirt and stares at it like it's a gift from God Himself before delicately pulling it over his head and shell.
"What if Mikey tears it?" he asks nervously. "Will Leo get sad?"
"No," Leo says, sensing that trying to keep Leo from being sad will become a running theme with Mikey for the day. "I won't be sad. You can go ahead and wear it, don't worry."
Mikey looks down at the shirt and smiles. He likes the neon blue swirls and tie-dye patterns, he likes how they contrast so brightly and perfectly with his lemon-bright yellow spots and freckles.
"Does Mikey get a mask too?"
Leo looks back at him, hope shining through his eyes.
"Did you pack your mask?" he asks gently.
"Uuuuummmm," Mikey taps a claw against his chin as he thinks. "I think Cassssssey put one in? Orange cloth, yeah?"
Leo and Mikey walk over to the other bedroom and search through the suitcase. Lo and behold, Casey Jones Jr. did indeed stash a few bright orange masks. Leonardo helps to tie the mask up into a bow behind Mikey's head. The former box turtle scrambles to the mirror and stares at himself in awe.
"I look like Leo and Raphie and Donnie now!" he exclaims. "I-I look like... like... I look like Mikey."
Leo smiles warmly at his little brother, who seems to be crying tears of joy. At least, that's what he hopes. He's smiling pretty big.
Leo helps Mikey to stand on his two feet and the duo walk out hand-in-hand, mostly to help Mikey keep from stumbling or tripping. The boys head downstairs to the free continental breakfast offered.
Mikey is completely awed by the many choices of food. They're all so spread out and numerous! Leo helps Mikey choose, since the Yokai's culinary options are a bit different than theirs, and he isn't sure if the screaming cereal puffs would be appetizing to him just yet...
He picks out a stack bright green pancakes with glowing blue berries mixed in, a bowl of warm milk with non-screaming cereal puffs, and very odd, very large slices of what he thinks is turkey bacon, or something similar to that. Mikey also asks for several fruits and baked goods as well. And while Leo's his bagel is toasting, he assists Mikey with dressing up his oddly-coloured pancakes with strawberry and maple syrup, chocolate chips, and powdered sugar. Leo is going to regret giving him so much sugar later on, but today has been declared a day for fun, so anything goes. Which means a sugar rush, sugar crash, followed by imminent diabetes on a plate, and all at 8am in the morning.
The two sit down and Mikey tries again with the fork and knife. His fingers can't get the utensils to hold still properly, and they slip and clack loudly. Mikey gets flustered and embarrassed that he's making a fool of himself, until Leo points out that the room has very few patrons -- and most of those that are attending breakfast have hooves or tentacles or claws that resemble Mikey's, so they eat without utensils. Mikey beams gladly upon this discovery, and digs into his plate with his bare face.
Leo rolls his eyes with an airy chuckle and noshes on his cheese and bacon bagel-ritto. He wonders how long it will take for Mikey to not treat every meal like it's his very first, lick every plate clean, and beg for seconds and thirds in a timid manner as though he's scared of being punished for being hungry. The good news is that he's gained some weight since his rescue; he isn't so pale and shaky and thin-framed as he was when they first rescued him.
Breakfast for Mikey is over in a flash. He nearly inhales the pancakes at a speed previously unknown to man. Leo is challenged to match the speed in an attempt to finish his food before Mikey's sugar rush kicks in. He almost makes it, too. Almost.
Mikey starts bouncing in his seat impatiently. He watches Leo scarf down his bagel and slurp up his cereal. Mikey rocks back and forth, tapping his fingers rhythmically as he hums.
"You can always go outside and I'll meet you when I'm done," Leo offers, mouth dripping with milk and chin covered in honey-nut wheat bites.
"Nuh-uh!" Mikey says, shaking his head frantically, bows flapping like they're about to take flight. "Mikey stays with Leo! I l-like staying with Leo, I like being with you it's a lot of fun let's go do other fun stuff too are you finished yet huh huh huh are ya are ya are ya hey look at that guy he looks like a rhinoceros that's pretty cool hey can you make this sound with your mouth??"
Mikey starts blowing raspberries at his brother before busting out in mad giggles.
"I'mma gonna go get some more syrup and pancakes!"
"Wooooaaaaah mister!" Leo halts him, grabbing Mikey by the elbow before he can jet off. "I think you've had enough. Raph will kill me if he finds out how much sugar I let you have already!"
Mikey yipes at that claim, instantly going to guard Leo's chair with a growl.
"N-no! No one hurts you! Don't worry Leo I'll protect you Mikey can help don't be hurt no dying I don't like that hey how about we go outside now are you finished with your food I wanna go play outside can we play is that okay is that okay I'm not being annoying am I you'd tell me if I was annoying right I don't wanna be a burden am I being weird how come everything is moving so slowly wow my hands are really shaky can we go outside now I wanna play can we play how long does it take for you to eat food let's go outside now okay???"
Leo swallows the last of the bagel-ritto and half-chokes on it before clearing his throat.
"Okay, Mikey, let's go outside and burn off all that energy, huh?"
"Yaaaaaay!!!" Mikey cheers, grabbing Leo's wrist and racing outside with him.
Leo yelps as his baby brother drags him out at the speed of light, nearly dislocating his shoulder. Mikey dodges sunbathers and resort patrons as he rushes going out towards the beach and fly through the giant magic rainbow arch.
"What should we play first??" Mikey asks, skidding to a halt and buzzing around Leo's ankles excitedly.
"I think maybe let's start with a race," Leo schemes. "Let's see how fast you can go, hmm? First one to round the island wins!"
"THAT SOUNDS LIKE FUN OKAY LET'S DO IT!!" Mikey screams, bouncing and vibrating in a blur from excitement.
Leo crouches, Mikey mimicking him as his tail flaps around so wildly it cracks the air and slaps sand into the wind.
"OnyourmarkgetsetGO!" Leo shouts.
Mikey is instantaneously gone, a trail of smoke and sand billowing behind him as he vanishes around the bend. Leo half wishes he'd brought his katanas so he could make a portal just to mess with him.
Mikey is back in a few minutes, zooming past him and around the bend again. Leo wonders why he didn't stop. He's back after another five minutes or so.
"Hi!" he pants, still hyped up but out of breath. "I didn't see you until it was too late the first time and by the time I realised I passed you I figured it would be faster just to run the island again hey you didn't run at all why didn't you run but I won the race anyway didn't I didn't I huh huh Mikey's the winner Mikey wins at racing I'm fast very fast look what Mikey can do!"
Mikey starts zooming back and forth and running out onto the water to play. Leo laughs and follows after him, taking off his shirt and jumping into the water to wade with his little brother. Several minutes later, Mikey slows and starts to yawn. He shudders and sits on the shore while Leo goes to get him some water and something to combat the sugar crash.
After a peanut butter and apple slices snack later, and a reluctant drink of some cold orange juice, Mikey's shakes dissipate and he takes a quick nap on the beach shore. Leo grabs some beach towels and lounge chairs for the two to relax in. He lets Mikey rest where he is, for the time being, sticking an umbrella in the ground beside him to keep him shaded.
"See you when you get up, buddy..."
Mikey wakes about an hour later, afraid that Leo might have left him while he was sleeping. He sits up and looks around, only relaxing once he sees his brother's signature shade of blue.
Leo is lounging, smiling brightly as he basks in the sunlight. Mikey sees that a lounge chair has been set up besides Leo for him as well.
Instead, Mikey climbs aboard Leo's chair and curls onto his lap, careful not to crush his legs like he tends to do. Mikey feels Leo's hand rub circles onto his back once he's situated.
"Hey, bud," he says quietly. "You doing okay? Need more peanut butter?"
Mikey shakes his head 'no'.
"M'kay. Wanna do something?"
"Leo's turn to choose," Mikey hums back.
"I'm kinda good to just stay here and relax."
Mikey hums and nods. It is good to relax. Mikey likes relaxing. He wasn't really allowed to relax in the labs... well, that's probably not true. They let him sleep at night and have some mealtimes. But his days were mostly tests and experiments and fighting deformed monsters. Nothing like laying back and bathing in pure unprohibited sunshine. And Leo needs his relaxation, too! He needs to feel sunshine, and rest on the beach, and enjoy the peace too. If anyone deserves it, Leo does.
Mikey watches the waves as they tumble over one another. He sees what looks like a dolphin in the distance. The sunlight sparkles across the water majestically. He's sure he's seen this before...
"Well, it's official. Leo is the worst," Mikey mutters.
"You mean the BEST!" Donnie squeals, rushing over to the water and jumping in excitement. "We get a beach vacay! FINALLY! I don't know about you gentlemen, but I have definitely EARNED this."
"Earned it how?" Raph asks, remembering the 'gifts' he made for them, when he tested out his tranq darts on them, how he got addicted to the Purple Game and accidentally trained a giant mech AI to squash them...
"Where exactly are we?" Mikey asks, spotting a red and white flag waving far off in the distance.
"According to my calculations --" Donnie declares, typing on his wrist tech dramatically, "-- Leo has portalled us to Tahiti."
"TAHITI?!" Raph shouts, eyes bulging out of his head. "Wha- How- Why --"
"How about we don't have a conniption," Donnie says, taking Raphael by the arm and leading him to the water, "...and instead we enjoy the serenity that is a beach vacation?"
"But what about Leo?" Mikey asks, already splashing in the waves. "Do you think he's worried? Or in trouble? Why wasn't he portalled here with us?"
"Oh I'm sure he's fine, he said with very little hesitation," Donnie states, waving away Mikey's concern. "He got us into this mess, he'll get us out of it. Now, Tahiti. Is. Ours!"
Donnie supplies the boys with flower leis and coconuts filled with fruity beverages, initiating the chillest of vibes and enticing his brothers to join in.
"Well... maybe just a few minutes," Raph agrees, taking the coconut from Donnie. "But at some point we gotta figure out a way to get home."
"Ooooorrrr we could look into finding a nice sewer here?" Donnie offers.
Raph and Mikey glare at him.
"Kidding!" he quickly rebuffs. "I was of course joking, and have not already been researching the options. It's not like there's one available for a very reasonable price just two miles away or anything..."
Mikey rolls his eyes and kicks a wave at Raph, initiating a splash war between them.
The trio enjoy the sun and surf, laughing and having a wonderful time. Mikey wishes that Leo could enjoy it with them... He's still a bit worried about what happened to his bro. He knows Leo has been feeling really low about his mystic weapon not working right. For whatever reason, he can't get it to properly portal. Mikey figured out how to use his almost instantly, and Raph has been getting the hang of his pretty easily as well. But Leo's odachi keeps malfunctioning. He could barely get a portal to open at first! Mikey remembers how he tricked them all into the minotaur maze to prove he was a champion. They were pretty mad at him, but the more Mikey thinks about it, the more he feels like Leo was hiding his insecurities. And still is.
Mikey's been working on a new persona -- like Dr. Delicate Touch, but softer. Less focused on telling the cold hard truth, and more focused on getting others to admit truths about themselves. A therapist kinda persona, to help with feelings. Hey, that could be his name! 'Dr. Feelings'... that might work.
He wonders if Leo would be willing to talk about it. Leo's pretty cagey when it comes to talking about feelings. But maybe --
Mikey's train of thought is interrupted by a burst of blue light ignites from above, and the three are sucked in very suddenly with a yell...
His stomach does a backflip as he goes from flying upwards to falling downwards, landing with a crash against Raph's back and a hard wooden surface.
"Whoah, where'd you guys come from? I mean, hey check it out! I freed you from your pirate prison!"
Mikey blinks and he's back from the memory. It's always weird and disorienting when he recovers a new recollection. Mostly because he doesn't recognize himself, and can't actually imagine himself walking around so easily without help or not stumbling over his words and referring to himself as 'Mikey' instead of 'I' at times, or not seeing his tail flick around out of his peripherals. He can't possibly comprehend that he was Hamato Michelangelo, and not Mikey from Project Venus of the TCRI, prisoner of the EPF.
Mikey feels Leo's hand on his shell again. He shifts around so he can lay his chin against Leo's shoulder in a lazy hug.
"You sure you're okay?" Leo asks quietly. "I know I said this, but you've been acting a little clingy. Is everything alright?"
"I told you, Mikey wants to be with Leo today."
"I get that," Leo mumbles, shifting his weight a bit so they can sit a bit more comfortably. "But why? Is it because of last night?"
Mikey whimpers quietly.
"I'll take that as a yes. I'm sorry it bothered you --"
Mikey pulls away and stares him in the eyes. That was probably not the right thing to say, Leo figures. Mikey's eyes seem to search Leo's for something.
"Mikey, why are you looking at me like that? Why are you so upset? What about last night upset you?"
"Mikey want Leo happy today."
"But why?" he asks.
"Leo said he's not always happy. Leo said he doesn't love himself sometimes. Mikey... Mikey wants to make Leo happy today so Leo knows I love Leo. Mikey make everything better... Mikey helps, Mikey do good..."
Mikey starts whimpering a little and his eyes tear up. Leo reaches around him and pulls him into a hug.
"Mikey, I know you love me. It's okay, I'm going to work on treating myself better and not letting those thoughts win. It's not your job to do that. But thank you, this really helps."
Mikey sniffles and nuzzles his face into the crook between Leo's neck and shoulder.
"...Mikey knows how hard it is to remember to be loved."
Leo glances out of the corner of his vision at Mikey, not daring to let go of the hug.
"Mikey... Mikey can't always remember things. Mikey has a hard time remembering. The labs... they took everything from Mikey. Nobody loves in the labs. Everybody just hates. Especially Instinct. He hates everyone a lot. Instinct CAN'T love, he just hates. Instinct kept Mikey alive, but not happy. Instinct always says 'Don't trust them', because he thinks everyone is going to hurt Mikey. But... he wasn't wrong. And the people at the labs... the 'evil humans'... they told me... I was a monster. Instinct told me I was a monster. And I had no choice but to believe them."
Mikey slowly glances back at his brother.
"So Mikey knows how it feels to not really love what you are. Mikey knows how hard it is.... and how much it hurts..."
Leo wraps his arms tighter around Michelangelo, squeezing him and not releasing until he hears the little guy squeak.
"We've been trying our best to show you that you're not a monster, Mikey."
"I know...."
"Because you're not a monster, Mikey. Nobody thinks that. Not me, not Raph, not --"
"I bit Raph, though!" Mikey protests meekly. "A-and I attacked you, you still have the scratches on your neck and leg -- aren't you mad? Or scared??"
"If I understand it right, I think technically it was Instinct who did those things," Leo corrects. "And even if it wasn't, Raph and I would never think anything bad about you."
Mikey rests his head against Leo's plastron.
"...Will... will you love me if I really AM a monster?"
Leo rubs Mikey's head gently.
"Mikey, I love you so much. I'd love you if you were a worm. I'd love you if you were a non-mutated box turtle. And yes, I'd love you if you were a monster. And I love you now."
Mikey wonders what Leo means by 'I love you now'. He feels some hidden meaning behind the word. It unnerves him slightly, thinking that there is something dark hiding behind the word 'NOW', something terrible that he doesn't understand. Then again, there is very little that Mikey understands.
But he understands that he's different now. Though, somehow, they act like that isn't a bad thing. Or they act like he hasn't changed at all. Mikey's not sure if it's true or not, and he isn't sure how he feels about either prospect.
Looking on the outside, Mikey is astounded by the love they show him. He imagines that he deserves that love, he has earned it. Somehow.
"...Mikey loves you too, Leo. Please remember that."
"If you'll remember that I love you right back."
Mikey nods, churring softly as he hugs Leo again, just for good measure.
Mikey hopes that, if nothing else, he really will remember that.
Agent John Bishop sits at a desk and types several keywords into the computer. He's not a hacker, but he's learned a few tricks from Honeycutt about bypassing codes. He gave Bishop his login username and passkey so that he could piggyback off of his server without drawing attention. He's currently looking for any information that they have on Mikey's status. They can't track him anymore, but that doesn't mean they don't have other means of finding him. Cameras and drones and sweepers, oh my...!
Bishop types another line of code and uncovers a file from Chaplin's server: a map of New York overlayed on top of another schematic. Are those sewer tunnels? No, too winding and varied, plus there are tons of open areas that don't line up with the city plumbing codes. So then what...?
Bishop peers at it before recognizing a few of the structures and symbols. That's a city schematic. So, they've overlayed NYC overtop of another city? What --
Bishop realizes what this map is of.
How have they discovered the Hidden City so quickly?? Bishop and those two idiot mercs only found it yesterday! This isn't good news.
Bishop regrets not asking Casey for his info or a way to contact them. They need to know what's happening! But then again, it's probably for the best. If the EPF were to make any kind of security check on his phone for unknown numbers, they'd immediately find Casey and their whole family would be in danger. Besides, Bishop is aware that Casey probably doesn't own a cell or even have any sort of email. Someone with no records or identification whatsoever isn't going to just have a cell that can be tracked or traced.
He keeps on scrolling, going through the restricted channels. He finds a notice for the employees discussing something about Staten Island. He finds a timetable for some sort of mission or extraction. He finds a work order given to Honeycutt for a new program titled Mechanical Iambic: Mimicry Initiative Cybernetic. 'MI:M.I.C.' for short. Bishop can guess what the program does, but not what they would want it for.
They're planning something. An attack of some kind. For Mikey. Bishop has to act. But how? What can he do...
He quickly makes a printout of the mission timetable and map overlay and logs out quickly.
He messages Honeycutt to be careful and warns him about the program, asking that he intentionally sabotage it in a way they wouldn't notice. He hits send just as he gets up and leaves the abandoned office room.
Bishop is in the elevator. Honeycutt hasn't answered back yet. He usually responds within the first few seconds, especially with everything going. Bishop presses the button for the ground floor. He waits an eternity with the papers hidden in his interior jacket pocket. He presses the button again.
The doors open on the ground floor, and Honeycutt still hasn't offered any kind of response. It doesn't even say he's read the message. That's not like him... He stares down at his phone as he crosses through the lobby.
"Hey, John," says the receptionist, waving him down with a sparkling smile. "Going out again?"
Bishop smiles back at her kindly.
"Yep, just going on a coffee run. Want anything?"
"I might like a cappuccino," a voice says from the front.
Bishop turns in surprise to see Dr. Chaplin, standing with two very large guards at the front door.
"...Didn't take you for the cappuccino type," Bishop jokes.
"Well, we all have our little secrets now, don't we?" Chaplin replies, walking towards him with a strange smile. "Like you, for instance."
He looks Bishop over, analyzing him. Bishop wonders what he's up to... but this ominous talk of secrets doesn't bode well.
"...You know, Ms. Campbell told me about the odd hacker that had infiltrated our systems a few days back. Left a message, 'leave us alone', very ominous... did Honeycutt tell you about that?"
"Why would he?"
"You two have been rather chummy as of late," he says with a snakeish, sickly saccharine smile. "I thought you might have discussed it. But in any case, I tasked Ms. Campbell to search for anything out of the ordinary in the EPF/TCRI servers. Suspicious activity, piracy, hackers, that sort of thing."
$#!%, John Bishop thinks to himself.
"And she told me about someone downloading reports on Project Venus. Looking for information. And some of the researchers and analysts gave reports of important items going missing, like blood reports and DNA samples."
Bishop stays stone-faced.
"Do you want me to look into this?" he asks, hoping that all he has is speculation and no hard evidence.
"No, thank you though. I had Ms. Campbell set up a tracing modem earlier today."
The two guards walk up to Bishop and each grabs him by his arms.
Bishop's eyes widen as he realizes what's happening.
"She tracked you pretty quickly. And not only you," Chaplin informs, his smile slowly fading. "You used your friend's IP server to carry your signal and hide your hacks. Very good, very ingenious. Honeycutt is quite clever. But unfortunately for the two of you, his creations are more clever."
Agent Bishop struggles against the security guards as they start to search him, one taking his EPF standardized concealed weapon, the other reaching into his interior lining of his jacket and pulling out the printouts. He hands the sheets to Dr. Chaplin, who tuts at Bishop disappointedly.
"What are you planning? Where did you get that schematic?" Bishop demands.
"You're not exactly in a position to ask questions," Chaplin replies drably.
"But how could you possibly even know about --"
"What, the quote unquote, 'Hidden City'?" Dr. Chaplin chuckles. "Please. That pathetic ghetto of ghouls hasn't been a secret, especially not since the incident with the mosquitos and that maniac in the baseball field. Did you really think I wouldn't know about something like this? And it's not the only Yokai city I've come across. This is what got me into the study of mutations in the first place!"
"What do you want with them?!" Bishop shouts, pulling his arm as hard as he can to try and punch his former employer in anger.
Dr. Chaplin stares at the agent as though he just asked him the stupidest question in the world.
"My dear Bishop, I want absolutely nothing to do with them. That's the whole point of this."
Bishop is tugged back, his arms thrust behind him as the guards try to cuff him.
"Where's Zayton Honeycutt? What are you going to do to him?!" he snarls, desperate to wrench his arms free.
One of the guards punches Bishop in the gut, causing him to double over. He's half-held up by the guards as he struggles to get his breath back.
"The good old professor still has some usefulness for us. I see no reason to kill the golden goose just yet. You, on the other hand," Chaplin says, leaning close to his face. "You are an expendable agent with no connections or important qualities whatsoever. And you should have known better."
Dr. Chaplin snaps his fingers, and Agent John Bishop is dragged away, kicking and shouting and struggling.
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00belle00lovely00 · 7 months
okay- okay- I'm shy to ask this but- got any headcanons for CraftyCorn×KickinChicken? it's just- these two has something special I promise you I'm not insane trust me gurl-
B E S T I E.
Opposites attract, you guys. Maybe not like Dogday and Catnap in that sense, but LITERALLY in their social status and personality are they opposites.
Kickin would've totally heard from someone else that Craftycorn had a crush on him, which in this case she didn't YET, but BECAUSE of that fact he would play all high and mighty and say that he would act "hard to get". So at the end of the day, he would go around and try to send indirect pickup lines, hoping she would get nervous and ask if he was serious only for him to reject the thought of it. BUT INSTEAD. Craftycorn is completely confused by the comment and thinks it's just a playful joke from Kickin. Then she attempts to laugh it off to not make the situation awkward for herself, AND GUESS WHAT. JUST BECAUSE OF THAT ONE ACT, JUST BECAUSE SHE GIGGLED TO IT. HE INSTANTLY CRUSHES ON HER. AND NOW DOESN'T KNOW WHAT TO DO, BECAUSE HE TOLD THE ENTIRE GROUP HE WOULD BE ACTING HARD TO GET.
I'll never stop head canonizing Craftycorn doodling the people she crushes on.
A very nice thought I would get from these two is Craftycorn asking Kickin if she'd like to hold his hand. At first, Kickin dismisses it, then reluctantly agrees, only for Crafty to witness how downright NERVOUS this man got. Like- we are talking about taking feathers, sweating beads dripping down his forehead, and even getting chicken skin WHILE BEING A CHICKEN. As she notices it, she attempts to comfort him and check if he is all right but just makes matters WORSE.
Picture this: The whole group are in a basketball competition on the beach/backyard of someone's house. Kickin's team are all struggling to keep up the energy. So, noticing this, Bobby brings in the idea for the ones not participating in the game to be the cheerleaders. That of course, one of them being Craftycorn. She declines the offer, once, twice, even so many times because she is too nervous to do such a thing. But once she decided to do it, all Kickin had to hear was "Uuuh... go team, go?" from Crafty and INSTANT WIN. INSTANTLY.
Let's all just agree that this is not looking-for-attention artist x looking-for-attention superstar.
Whenever there's a group activity, Craftycorn would usually invite everyone over to her house to do arts and crafts. She is somewhat of an art teacher for all her friends. That included Kickin, but due to his pride and wanting to heavily impress Crafty with his skills, he would deny any help and try to do EXTREMELY difficult art pieces. Which, obviously always ended up a crappy mess. Soon enough, when Kickin feels like giving up on his masterpiece and downright frustrated by not catching Crafty's interest, Crafty decides to step in and help him little by little. Soon enough, Kickin finds out that this is a much better way to catch Crafty's attention and finally enjoys doing something together.
Hoppy wouldn't leave him alone the moment she found out he liked Crafty. And the same thing would go for Craftycorn with Bobby.
Craftycorn, as a way to show her appreciation to others without saying words out, would usually go around and paste stickers to the things she likes. Now just imagine Kickin's shock the moment she begins to put stickers ALL around his body.
Craftycorn rarely gets angry at people, not because only is she soft-spoken, but she is rather very collected with her emotions. But when she gets ever so PISSED with people, she begins to regret it rather instantly. Sometimes she would lock herself in a room, and not come out for DAYS. This of course made Kickin very worried about her. Instead of going downright bursting into the door, he promises Crafty that he will be sitting at the other end until she is ready to come out. For a few bunch of minutes, there's a bit of a comforting silence until Craftycorn decides to open the door and let him inside. Now let's be honest, both of them are terrible at speaking their feelings out. Maybe Crafty is much more open about it, but it was clear she didn't want to make things worse than they already were, so they majorly only hold hands and stick together, the silence much more comforting than they thought it would be.
Let me make this easy for you'll to understand what I mean: Crafty + papercut = Kickin instantly falling into panic mode.
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
Yandere Nikola, Jack, Buddha, Kojiro, Raiden, Qin Shi, and Michel taking advantage of the fact that their darling has amnesia from a near fatal incident.
Hello love, the only person I won’t be writing for is Michel, who is a child in this universe. I do apologize that he will be the only one not included in this request.
-Everything hurt as you slowly came to, a soft whine leaving your lips.
-You couldn’t move; you didn’t think you could even open your eyes! Everything felt so heavy.
-Your mind was fuzzy, thoughts muddled as you couldn’t understand why you were in so much pain.
-Movement to the side of you, the bed you were laying on dipping down before a hand gently cupped your cheek, “Y/N?”
-You flinched lightly, another soft whimper escaping you as your nerves got a jolt, able to finally move, your eyes fluttering open.
-Your vision was blurry, eyes full of tears and you quickly felt someone’s gentle touch on your face, trying to brush the tears away.
-Colors that had been swirling slowly separated, your vision clearing as you saw an unknown man above you.
-Nikola- Had his own tears in his eyes, “Y/N! You’re awake! You’re finally awake!” his tears fell as his hands cupped your cheeks, sliding down a bit to not bother any of your wounds. You were silent, your mind still foggy as he brushed your hair back from your face as he spoke again, “You’ve been unconscious for almost a week now! I’ve been so worried! How do you feel? Do you need anything? How many fingers am I holding up?” he began to panic a bit, showing you that he was concerned as you tried to speak, but winced softly, your eyes screwing shut, “Where…” he instantly shushed you, stroking your cheek with the back of his hand, “In my house, I’ve tending to your wounds and I’ve been monitoring you around the clock!” you didn’t answer, looking up at him, one of your hands shifting, but unable to lift it, more tears welling, “Who- who are you?” his eyes widened in shock for only a moment before melted, taking the hand you tried to move, “Your fiancé, my love, Nikola.” Your eyes widened this time, hearing this before you nodded only twice, opening your mouth to speak again before he shushed you again, “Rest my love, I’ll prepare something light for you to eat, so rest now.” You managed a small smile, hearing that he was so caring, so doting and you let your eyes slide closed and into a dreamless sleep.
-Jack- His smile of elation, seeing you awake was the first thing you could see, his eyes, one of each color, were sparkling so brightly, almost like they were sparkly with tears, “Oh my dear, how I’ve longed to see your beautiful eyes again! I can’t tell you how scared I was when I thought you were never going to wake up again!” you were so confused and he must had understood that, leaning back with a small smile, holding one of your hands between both of his, “You were in a terrible accident- simply terrible- I-I thought I lost you, Y/N!” he felt your hand shifting in his own, gripping gently as you felt for this man, he seemed so sad and feeling your grip made him smile broadly. Your throat was scratchy and you winced softly when you tried to speak, another tear escaping you before you managed to speak, your voice weak, “Who… head hurts…” you tried to ask him for his name, but you whined softly, unable to comprehend and he sunk to his knees beside you, “Y/N- I’m Jack, remember? Oh lords above- you’ve lost your memory!” this did make a bit of sense, as you couldn’t recall anything. Jack however was quick to bounce back, kissing the back of your hand gently, “Then I will have no choice to make you fall in love with me all over again!” his declaration surprised you, color rising to your cheeks as you had been in a relationship with this man. Jack bent and pecked your cheek softly, “I’ll go make some tea now. Rest up, my dear.” You smiled gently at him and let your eyes shut.
Buddha- You instantly felt a weight on your chest, like someone was embracing you, a deep sigh of relief leaving him, “You opened your eyes- you’re awake…” he almost sounded like he was crying. You were only barely able to turn your head as he pulled back, seeing the confusion in your eyes as he smiled warmly down at you, brushing the lingering tears from your cheeks. His warm smile made you smile, only just slightly as he breathed in relief, “I can’t believe you’re awake! You’ve been out for almost a week now! You made me worry!” he ended his last statement with a small pout, which made you smile softly, before confusion filled you, not knowing why you had been out. You went to speak before instantly wincing, your eyes screwing shut in pain and he was quick to soothe you, “Easy now- easy~ You’re still healing from the accident so take it easy.” You were so confused, not remembering an accident of any sorts, your confusion making his smile fall before he spoke, “Do you- do you remember the accident?” you shook your head and he carefully prodded, “Do you remember anything? Do you remember me?” the tears that welled in your eyes, feeling so guilty that you couldn’t remember, made his heart break. He carefully reached down to hug you again, petting your hair, hiding the huge grin that went across his lips before he pulled back, brushing your tears away again, “It’s okay, Y/N, everything will be okay. You and I will take this one step at a time, just like we have been, my love.” Your cheeks turned a bit pink at his words, which made him smile down at you, trying to hide the elation inside of him.
-Kojiro- He all but deflated, sagging his shoulders down as you looked at him before he bent over, his lips meeting your forehead in a soft kiss before lingering there for a moment or two. His affections made your cheeks turn a bit pink which made him chuckle as he pulled back, “I almost lost you, Y/N.” you were confused, turning your head to face him just a bit more and he started, concern filling his face, “Do you- you remember the accident, right?” you were able to give a soft shake, instantly flinching, a whimper leaving your lips and his hands were quick to cup your face, stroking your cheeks with his thumbs, “Hush now Y/N, don’t force yourself! It will all be okay, I’m here for you!” his words made you feel warm, but you couldn’t recall his face, and he noticed the tears welling in your eyes, making his own eyes widen, “Oh-oh no- are you in pain- what can I do?” your hand managed to grab a piece of his haori, halting him and he was quick to turn back to you, sinking to his knees, cupping your face gently, “Y/N… I- do you… do you remember me?” your tears finally fell and while a look of pain flashed through his eyes for a moment, he smiled gently afterwards, “It’s okay, I’m not mad at all. I could never be mad at you. You and I have been together for a long while now, my flower. I love you even if you don’t remember me, and I’ll love you so much until you remember your love too!” his words made your cheeks turn red, which made him smile and you gave him a tiny nod, agreeing, and his elation grew even more.
-Raiden- He was such a large man, towering over you, even while sitting, but his hand was so gently as he brushed your tears away, smiling softly down at you, “Welcome back to the land of the living Y/N! You gave me a good scare getting into that accident!” you were confused, not remembering an accident, and the way he was talking made it sound like he was trying to joke to hide his pain of almost losing you. He saw your confusion which concerned him as he turned a bit more to loom over you just a bit, “You remember the accident right? I know it was sudden and all but… you don’t…do you?” your face must have been answering his questions, but you gave a tiny shake of the head, confirming you didn’t remember anything about the accident. He held his chin in his hand, a hum leaving him as he pondered about what to do before he felt a tiny tug on his yukata, getting his attention back on you, “What is it my love, do you need anything? Food? Water? A hot bath?” your eyes widened only slightly as he called you ‘my love’ and instantly you made him panic as tears welled in your eyes, as you didn’t know this man, “Who… you?” Raiden’s eyes widened, momentarily stunned by your question, his heart felt like it was going to burst, he tried to keep his smile under control as he shifted so he could lean down over you without risk of hurting you, “It’s alright, don’t cry. We’ll make it through this together, just like old times. I’m your fiancé, we were planning our wedding when you got hurt. Right at this moment however, all I care about is getting you better again.” Your tears did fall, but the smile on your face calmed him, as he was going to take this once-in-a-lifetime chance with you, praying you would never recover your memories.
-Qin Shi Huang- You weren’t sure what to make of the man before, his eyes were so unique, and had a centipede tattoo running across his face, he was so unique but also so handsome as he was smiling down at you. He instantly leaned down into you, hugging you as carefully as he could while being as close as he could without hurting you, a deep sigh of relief leaving him, “You’re awake… I’m so happy, Y/N.” he then pulled back, his hands on his hips, “Don’t you ever scare me like that again! I’ve been so worried!” he just sat there and scolded you, but you could see that he was tense, he had been worried about you. You managed to move your hand, just slightly and instantly his scolding session ended, turning his attention back on you, grasping that hand gently between his own, as if you would disappear, “Do you need anything my love?” your eyes widened at this before softening in confusion, which made him pause before his eyes widened, “You don’t remember anything do you? The accident? Me?” your tears nearly broke his heart before he hugged you again, “It’s okay, Y/N, I’ll stand by your side like you have done for me. From here on out, until you’re completely better, you’re not to lift a single finger!” for some reason, you wanted to tease him, and he saw you lift a finger and he instantly pouted, “It seems you didn’t forget your sense of humor!” your smile warmed his heart as he bent and pecked your forehead softly, smiling down at you.
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tqngerine · 1 year
stay in the middle — 32. who
SYNOPSIS: Huening Kai would do anything for his best friend Taehyun, and this one small favor is no exception. It appears that Kai’s fellow campus journalist Y/N has caught his attention, and Taehyun needs help connecting to them. Befriending someone outside of his small social circle wasn’t something Kai did often, but he comes to find that it’s easy to get close to Y/N—maybe even getting a little too close.
word count: 1k
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“Two nacho platters, please.” This phrase had been spoken as regularly as Y/N did their laundry. With how frequently they visited this nameless food truck situated comfortably amidst other stalls in the outdoor food hall, the vendors behind the counter no longer needed to look twice to know Y/N’s order. At this point, Y/N only spoke it out of formality (and for the joy of it).
The vendor with the tattoo sleeve replied without looking up from his pan, back against Y/N. “Actually, Y/N, I was told to give you two platters for free.”
That was not part of the routine Y/N was used to practicing.
Y/N laughed in shock. “On the house? Is it a reward for being a loyal customer?”
“Nope, someone else paid for you.” He finally turned around to lay their order down the counter, void of any required cash transaction. Y/N stood astounded.
Of course, this was bound to be news as piping hot as the platter to Y/N’s friends. When Y/N relayed it over their table, Soobin was the first to react. “Jay got you those for free?!”
They violently slapped a hand over his mouth. “Say it a little louder for the rest of Asia to hear, how about that?” They hissed sarcastically.
“Well, I’ll be the first to thank him at rehearsals later for treating me with my favorite.” Beomgyu licked his lips and didn’t hesitate to dive into the free meal.
“How many times do I have to tell you? We don’t even know if it’s him for sure!”
“You’re just in denial at this point, Y/N.” Soobin shrugged, taking his own piece of nacho chip.
But they weren’t—and they knew they weren’t because they’ve been spending enough time with Jay lately to know.
Y/N wasn’t oblivious; they would have been able to spot if Jay had any sort of feelings toward them. In between the nights of practices that ended with both of them lying on the volleyball court’s floor to catch their breath and the cordial waves exchanged whenever they coincidentally passed by each other in the valley of their buildings, not once did Y/N feel Jay’s eyes linger on them beyond that. Not once did his cheeks flush and his words stutter around them the way they did around him.
Y/N was simply a coworker with friendly tendencies to him.
Slumping down opposite their friends, they started delving into the platter in defeat. Proving them incorrect was useless if it was just one stubborn soul against two. “Things would be so much clearer if the person sending all these gifts to me would just magically show up at this very moment.”
“Kai!” Soobin and Beomgyu suddenly exclaimed, waving frantically over Y/N’s shoulder. They looked behind to find that the tall, dark haired boy was indeed standing a few feet away from them, holding a food tray and grinning sheepishly.
“My friends are ditching me for today. Mind if I sit with you?”
“What makes you think we’d ever mind?” Soobin happily gestured at the spot beside Y/N. They shuffled slightly to the side to make way, unknowingly directing their gaze at anywhere but him. They coughed out the uncomfortable lump in their throat.
“We’re celebrating because Y/N just got treated with free nachos.” Beomgyu reported between bites.
“Woah! Today’s your lucky day, huh?” Kai smirked, nudging Y/N’s arm with his elbow.
“Here’s the best part,” Soobin added. “This is already the fifth in a series of gifts that Y/N’s been mysteriously receiving over the past few weeks.”
Beomgyu nodded excitedly. “It started with a daisy, then a basket of strawberries—“
“—then a pack of glitter stickers and a book of affirmations—“
“—and now we have deduced that they’re all obviously from Jay.”
“Beomgyu! Soobin!” Y/N’s face was heated. This was the last thing they wanted to discuss in Kai’s presence right now.
“Jay?” Kai glanced at Y/N, chuckling loudly. “Why am I only hearing about this now?”
Y/N wanted nothing more than to shrink in size at that moment. “I just, uh, wanted to make sure I confirmed the identity of this person—“
“Secret admirer.”
“—shut up, Beomgyu! Of this person before telling anyone else about it. Besides, these two bozos got the investigation covered already… but they’re doing an ass job at keeping it unbiased.”
“A secret admirer, huh…” Kai repeated.
Y/N found themself studying Kai carefully. His voice didn’t tremble in panic, nor was his face as red as theirs. His hands were not playing with the paper placemat beneath him like he usually did when deep in thought or uncomfortable. His eyes stayed with Y/N, cheekbones raised in a smile. He didn’t look like he was getting caught in the act of what they were describing.
It’s a relief Y/N didn’t jump into conclusions.
(Is it really a relief?)
“The thing is this person leaves no hints about their identity in these gifts, like they don’t want me to find them at all.” Y/N said. “But we can tell they know my specific interests enough to leave meaningful gifts.”
“They know you too well.” Soobin nodded at the book peaking out from Y/N’s tote bag. For such a small thing, it was a large boost to their energy and self-esteem. They kind of saw it as a compact and portable Huening Kai, always there to make them feel good about themself.
Y/N took it out to show Kai. “Remember when I told you I liked hearing words of affirmation? This person thought of getting me a whole book filled with them.” They flipped through the pages until they landed on their favorite.
I am a book
with the pages worn.
the cover is tearing,
the ink is fading,
but I swear I’m worth the read.
“I thought of you while reading this one because… well, because you listen to me. It’s like you could take all the time in the world for me, even if I’m busy and kind of a mess. You’ve never judged me from the start the way others would. It’s… you’re warm to be with, yeah?”
When Y/N looked back up at Kai, his eyes still had not left them, although they were wider now. “I… you thought of me while reading that?”
“Uh,” Y/N quickly shut the book in embarrassment.
“No, no! Don’t be offended! It’s just—you’re easy to be with, Y/N. I feel like I see new perspectives because of you. You’re naturally someone worth listening to.” He laid a hand over their shoulder, rubbing his thumb consolingly. “I’m sure your secret admirer feels that way about you, too.”
Prickly were the edges of Y/N stomach. Still, they managed a small smile.
“Now how’s Jay gonna top that?”
Beomgyu was barely quick enough to dodge the flying ball of tissue shot at him.
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A/N: to everyone who thought the gifts were from kai… 🤷‍♀️ (sorry to you too y/n ☠️)
TAGLIST: open!! leave a comment below or send me an ask to be included in this taglist ^^
@kaisdefender @fairysh4mpoo @0rangemilk @beomsbeanie @hanjisungsgirl @luvsoobs @goldennika @spagettae @solarsolarity @hy2ka-i @aestheticsluut @sophie-writingtime @quitbeingawhore @destinylightlove42 @softpia @strawberry-kirby @matcharetsuko @txtbrainrot @taekwondoes @tatanbin @uno7 @catsyoon @fzy-b3om @concatpng @wezbin @dczedhee @officiallyjaehyuns @wannabeyn @youbettertellmeyes @umbreonwolfy @yumilovesloona @softcabur @tsookies @dreamydusks @amazingly-amazing-loser
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pupkashi · 2 years
friends to lovers
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includes gojo satoru, nanami kento and fushiguro megumi
a/n: hi hi !! thank you for the lovely request i had sm fun writing this !!! a bit lengthy so i apologize in advance ,, srry if it’s a bit ooc but let me know what u all think <3 i live off feedback
wordcount: 2,820
gojo satoru !
the friendship you and gojo had felt easy
you never felt the need to try to have conversation, there was just always something to talk about and there was never a dull moment
the two of you had found the perfect balance of goofing around and being partners in crime while having deep conversations and comforting each other during rough times
anytime the two of you were together there’s either be a smile or a scowl on your face (mainly because he was being reckless during a mission or making one too many bad jokes)
the great gojo shift, as you called it, happened after you had one too many shots and gojo looked much more attractive than usual
we’re his arms always that toned? had his chest always been this firm? “y/n? you need some water?” sapphire eyes looking at yours, full of concern and care had he always been this gentle with you? “I’m fine thanks bro”
that night gojo tucked you into bed after you’d thrown up twice, figuring you wouldn’t remember anything by morning he placed a kiss on your forehead “sleep well y/n” he turned to leave but not before you giggled
“you’re so pretty toru, think i like like you” pink dusted his cheeks and he tried to fight the smile on his face, leaving to sleep on your couch
when you woke the next morning your head throbbed, and then your heart clenched as you recalled the forehead kiss
you hadn’t remembered calling his pretty or confessing your feelings, and gojo didn’t want to bring it up, deciding it was time to take matters into his own hands
after that night gojo doted on you a bit more than others, sure he’d always been caring but now he’s show up at your door with your favorite snacks in hand, he’d ask you to hang out just the two of you
“i like your outfit today” “did you do your eyebrows?” “are you wearing a new fragrance?” small comments like that only made your feelings grow
your touches began to linger on each other, when you’d hand him a paper his fingers would brush against yours, he’d hold your hand in crowds when he’d never done that before his excuse being how would i survive if my y/n isn’t with me?
you would FaceTime call more often, missing each other when you hadn’t seen each other in a couple days which was rare
at some point gojo got frustrated with the little progress, he just wanted to kiss you and hold you close and call you his
he just wanted to love you
so during a movie night you’d planned gojo turned to look at you, causing you to turn and smile at him
“what is it?” “have you always been this pretty?”
your world was turned upside down, your heart racing as he watched you process the words
“i like you, y/n” he spoke, leaning a bit closer to you after you hadn’t said anything for a couple seconds “what?” gojo smiled, “you called me pretty then told me you liked me that one night when you got drunk”
your face was burning and your hands flew to your mouth in shock “and you just didn’t tell me i said that!?”
“i liked you too so i thought i should let things progress naturally!” he pouted, “but naturally was too slow and i just-” he sighed, “i just wanna be yours, if you’ll let me”
the words rung in your ears and you didn’t think twice before pressing your hand against his cheek, tangling your fingers in the nape of his hair and pulling his face closer to yours
you both smiled into the kiss, giggling as you pulled apart from each other
“so, i take it that’s a yes?” he teased and you rolled your eyes, placing a kiss on the top of his nose and nodding “definitely yes”
nanami kento !
you’d met nanami at your own little bakery, seeing the man come in quite often and ordering almost the exact same thing everytime
after a couple weeks as you were calculating his total you made small talk, cracking a bit so funny joke that had your ears burning and nanami’s lips curling into a small smile
after that interaction you two began to talk more at the register, usually slipping in a free pastry or two when he’d say he was gonna work late that night
small talk turned into conversations when it was just the two of you
“can you try this for me? it’s a new recipe I’m testing out” “this is the best thing I’ve ever had in my life”
even after he quit his office job and the bakery wasn’t on his way to Jujutsu high or his apartment, without fail he’s stop by at some point of the day
nanami always felt so relaxed around you, not feeling the need to act so mature and let lose when you two would hang out
“we’re closed sorry!” you called out one night, looking and finding your favorite costumer smiling at you, “nanami! didn’t know it was you, thought you weren’t coming today so i just sold my last couple items” you frowned and he waved you off
“no worries, it’s my fault for coming so late, got stuck at work” he smiled and you returned it, placing the last couple of things in their spot before finishing cleaning up for the night
“have you had dinner?” he asked, looking at you with hopeful eyes, you shook your head and he smiled, “would you wanna go get some? with me? right now?” the dim lighting only accentuated his facial features and you felt like a giddy little kid in a candy shop as you nodded
dinner was fun, catching up and telling anecdotes, getting to know each other a bit more
you ended up hanging out outside of work more often, catching movies together, getting lunch or dinner together
you’d text more often, the two of you considering the other your closest friend
it was during an afternoon walk on your day off that nanami’s breath caught in his throat as you smiled at something he said, the sun rays hitting you just right and you looked like the most beautiful person on earth
“kento? did ya hear me?” your voice snapped him out of his thought and he shook his head, “what? sorry was thinking about this uh work thing we’ve been stuck on” your eyes lingered on him for a bit, but you decided to not push him
for you i was when you two went to watch a movie you’d been wanting to see, catching the last one available for the day, nanami showing up at your apartment in black crewneck with a t shirt under and some loose fitting jeans
“ready?” you nodded enthusiastically, putting your jacket on and heading out the door, not even halfway to his car he yawned and you looked at him
“y’know we can watch it another day right? if you’re tired we don’t have to go” you reassured him, thanking him softly when he held the car door open for you
he turned the car on and smiled at you, not wanting to ruin your excitement just cause he was tired, “I’m fine y/n! promise”
the theatre was quite empty, not many other people wanting to watch a movie at 11:45 pm on a Wednesday night
within the first five minutes of the movie you looked at nanami, who had fallen asleep in a position that would definitely make his neck hurt when he woke up
as quietly as you could, you lifted the small armrest between the seats and ushered him to lay as comfortably as he on against you
kento mumbled a bit, curling into your side and staying fast asleep on your lap
that was when you realized you had very real romantic feelings for your number one supporter / customer and best friend
your hand moved almost on instinct to let your fingers run through his hair, watching as his face relaxed at your touch
with loud booms and crashes from the movie, nanami didn’t move a muscle, even the flashes of lights from the fight sequence didn’t bother him
you stopped paying attention to the movie, your eyes focusing on the man asleep on your lap, taking in every detail and feature, drinking in his beauty
the flashes of light illuminated his face, your breath taken out of your lungs when he smiled a bit, nuzzling into you a bit further
as the movie came to an end you gently shook him awake, whispering a small “kento” he stirred a bit, his eyes blinking open but by bit before the realization of where he was hit him
he sat up quickly, apologizing profusely as you shook your head, shaking your hands to stop him
“no no it’s okay really! I’m just glad you trust me enough to relax and sleep around me” you beamed, your kind eyes causing his worries to melt away and god this isn’t how you feel about best friends, this isn’t how you look at best friends this isn’t how you think about best friends
because all he was thinking of is being in your arms again and kissing you softly and slowly and waking you up with a kiss and making you breakfast and-
“I’ll drive home, you can crash at my place i don’t want you falling asleep behind the wheel” you spoke, taking the keys from his hands and unlocking the car, he didn’t bother arguing, he knew how stubborn you could be
as you arrived to your apartment you unlocked the door and invited him in, giving him some pillows and blankets
the two of you parted ways after a bit, as you laid in bed staring at the ceiling with thoughts facing through your mind, and maybe it was because he was right outside in your living room or maybe it was because it was 3:54 am and you were slightly insane
you got out of bed, swinging your door open surprises to see nanami’s hand lifted as if he was about to knock on your door
your heart raced, your palms were a bit sweaty as you opened your mouth to talk, only to close it and grabbing the collar of his sweater, crashing your lips together
nanami didn’t hesitate to return the kiss, his hand moving to the back of your neck
the two of you pulled apart, trying to catch your breath, making eye contact with each other and you smiled sheepishly
“guess we had the same idea huh sweets” he laughed, his voice a bit raspy from his tired state, after a bit more kissing and a lot more confessing feelings the two of you fell asleep in your bed, wrapped in each others arms
fushiguro megumi !
you and megumi were just casual friends, not best friends or anything but you two didn’t hate each other
you’d always thought he was cute but you never said anything, only hanging out when mutual friends would invite the both of you, even then you’d never talk much
when your friend group had invited you to the amusement park nobara smiled at you, “fushiguro’s gonna be there” you rolled your eyes at her, “okay? what’s that gotta do with me not going” she frowned, “you like him don’t you? this is your chance!” She squealed and you shook your head, “so you’ll go right? please?” you sighed, reluctantly nodding your head
when the day arrived you found yourself being seated next to megumi during the first ride, you noticed how tightly he was making his seatbelt, pushing the safety bar down three times just to be sure it was really safe
“you nervous?” you smiled at him and he looked at you with a small pour on his lips before scoffing, “me? pfft, no” he spoke, but you didn’t bring up the slight tremble in his hands
“okay, well if you by any chance do get scared, you can always hold my hand” you offered, watching as his ears turned pink
by the first drop in the rollercoaster megumi’s hand was intertwined in yours, eyes squeezed shut as he willed himself to not scream in fear, your giggles caused him to open his eyes, taking in how happy you looked
you hair was all over the place as you smoothed it down, taking your free hand and doing the same for the sorcerers spiky hair
megumi let go of your hand, mumbling an apology and smiling at you a bit
the rest of the day the two of you spent talking to each other, sharing a funnel cake and sitting next to each other for every ride
after that day the two of you got closer, talking more often and hanging out just the two of you
megumi always felt giddy around you, a smile always on his face when you would explain to him the plot of a show you wanted him to watch
your feelings for him were always in the back of your mind, gnawing at your heart when you would take in just how good he looked in an outfit or when he’d place you on the other side of the sidewalk so you weren’t next to the street
megumi liked you, he knew that much, but how do you confess to one of your only friends without ruining your friendship? and so he found himself reluctantly knocking at nobaras room door
she had a shit eating grin on her face as he explained his predicament to her, megumi was about to get up and leave when she yelled at him to stop, promising she would genuinely help him out
and so there you were, the two of you seated on his bed, making light conversation, giggles escaping your lips as he made a stupid joke gojo had told him earlier
there was a beat of silence and the ambience of the room shifted, your stomach plummeting as you realized what was coming, had nobara told him you liked him? was he gonna cut you off? the worst case scenario ran through your head as you tried to calm yourself down
“i like you” he broke the silence, his palms were embarrassingly clammy and suddenly his body felt too hot, his ears were burning and his heartbeat felt more obvious than usual
“what” the one word response made you wanna hit your head on the wall, “not a bad what! just what? like… what?” your rambling causing your cheeks to heat up
you took in a deep breath before looking up at the raven haired boy, “me too” you internally winced at your words once more
the two words were enough for megumi to stop holding his breath, a smile forming on his face and relief washing over his body, he finally looked up at you, his face still burning and heart still racing
“o-okay” was all he could muster, the two of you sitting awkwardly for a second before you broke into a fit of giggles, megumi looking at you with a wide smile
“what’s so funny?” you could hear the smile through his words as you contained your laughter
“we just told each other we both like each other and somehow made it extremely awkward” megumi gasped and shoved you lightly, you fell onto your back and continued to laugh
you sat up and looked at him, shoving him slightly, megumi only smiled and grabbed you, pulling you on top of him as he fell over, you squealed, holding your breath as the two of you stared at each other
your faces were inches away, you could hear his erratic breathing, taking in the way his eyes looked up at you in the most loving way possible, the way his eyelashes seemed to fan against his cheeks, you made the mistake of looking at his lips
you couldn’t stop yourself as you placed your lips against his, your eyes closing
both of you giggled into the kiss, your teeth knocking into each other a bit but neither of you minded, only smiling wider when it happened
you pulled back with a smile, megumi only snaked his hand behind your neck, pulling you down once more and crashing his lips onto yours, kissing you once more, this one with more desire than before
you both pulled away breathless, both of you chuckling, you moved off of him, sitting next to him as he sat up to lean against the wall
“y/n, will you be mine?” he asked, still nervous as me uttered the words, you nodded, a smile on your face
“only if you’re mine too” he smiled as you peppered his face with kisses, a laugh escaping his lips as you continued
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Choice - Chapter 8
Summary: Din tries to learn more about what happened between you and Luke
A/N: Hello Lovelies,
The story is coming to an end, it'll probably be another two or three chapters, but it is ending. I already have Gym Membership ready to go, at least Crosshair's section. I have to finish Omega's and then the series will be done. Can't believe another story will be coming to a close.
I hope everyone is staying safe. The world just keeps getting crazier. Just know that I love oo.
Warnings: Heart ache, disappointment, regret, silence, finding a home, over eating (not really since it's Grogu), I think that's it, if I miss any please let me know.
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When you came out of the room and realized Luke had left, your heart plummeted. Somehow knowing he walked out on you again hurt twice as much. The only thing he indicated to Din, was that he’d be in touch but neither of you heard anything. Weeks passed with no sign of Luke. You never trusted his timing on things, you learned that the hard way, and truth was if he wanted to find you, he could. 
As the days passed, the hope of seeing Luke again was slowly diminishing. You just wanted an opportunity to talk with him, to clear the air. But the disappointment you’d gotten used to when you were by his side all those years ago, had felt so foreign, it nearly broke you. 
Thankfully, you returned to your comfort and safety before you dwelled on it any longer. To think that Nevarro had become a safety to you, shocked you more than Luke appearing in your life again. 
The home High Magistrate Karga, lovingly bestowed to Din after his service to the people here, was  just as much your home as it was Din and Grogu’s. Din made sure you knew you were welcome there without hesitation. He even made sure to that your room was a sanctuary, that his home was a place you could always rely on. Din did whatever he could to make you feel comfortable and appreciated. He even marked out a spot for your ship. 
As soon as your home came into view in your transparisteel view screen, a smile automatically found its way to your lips. You couldn’t wait to step foot on that soil of land, to hear Grogu’s light laughters, to hear Din’s footfalls as he learned to relax more and more. 
It was still night time when you arrived, you didn’t want to wake anyone and headed straight for your room after a quick shower. It was several hours later when a warm, spicy and comforting smell wafted into your room, waking you from your peaceful slumber. 
As much as you wanted to continue sleeping, the demand for food coming from your stomach won out your demand for sleep. You slowly wandered out of your bedroom, as the oversized shirt you were sleeping hung slightly off your shoulder. 
You couldn’t help smile as you saw Din busy focusing on his task, completely unaware of your presence, “Something smells good?” 
“I made some stew” he answered without missing a beat. No matter how hard you tried to surprise him, he refused to show that you caught him off guard. 
“For breakfast?”
Din turned to look at you, tilting his head at you, “You complaining?”
“Nope. Not at all.” You knew the moment you did, Din would make sure you never got to eat it, all day. 
“Good” he put a steaming plate in front of you, as he placed another plate in front of Grogu.
You couldn’t help watch as Grogu scarfed down ever last morsel in front of him, you simply smiled and chuckled at his antics, “How many plates is that for him?” You asked as you put a spoonful of the warm and delicious meal in your mouth. 
“Um… I think 4 or 5”
“Where does he put it all?”
“Good question”
Grogu simply giggled as he leaned against your shoulder, his eyes drifting closed, now that his stomach was full. As soon as he fell asleep, you placed him gently in his crib, returning back to your own meal.
Din took the seat in front of you, his hand clasped on the table, as his helmet bore into your very thoughts. There was no questioning, that he would eventually ask, it was just a matter of when. He knew if he just stared long enough, without saying anything it would only be a matter of time before you caved. 
You glanced up every few seconds feeling the piercing stare from his visor. You hated it when he started playing this game, you hoped he would say something. The silence and piercing gaze was always a sure victory to the game you two would play when neither of you wanted to talk. Didn’t matter who it was, as soon as the silence and piercing gaze enter the game, whoever was on the receiving end would automatically lose.
You tilted your head, smirking at his glare, “Okay, what?”
He smiled as he tilted his head, mimicking your movements. Din knew how much you hated it, when he did that, mainly because you could see his face but you knew he was mocking you. He hoped it was putting you at ease, he wanted to find out more about what was going on between you and the Jedi, and he’d been patient for the past few weeks, but now he wanted details. He wanted to know exactly what was the reason for your saddened appearance ever since the Jedi walked out.
“You gonna ever tell me what happened with Luke?’
You knew you should tell him the truth, tell him exactly what happened, and why Luke meant so much, but no matter how hard you tried, your eyes simply found your plate more fascinating than anything in the galaxy. I took another spoonful of the stew, ignoring how Din’s gaze was boring straight into my soul.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, you were there when we talked”
He let out a sigh, he was trying to be more active, to actually show you what he felt, what he always felt when you were around him. He simply reached across, moving his hand forward and taking your hand in his as if it were the most normal and casual thing he had ever done. His thumb gently ran over your knuckles, hoping his feelings were showing through. He didn’t want to hide anymore, not from you.
“You know I’m here for you. I can see you’re still hurting and not from the conversation you two had in that abandoned apartment. This pain you carry around isn’t a new, it’s an old pain, one seated deep inside your heart. It pains me to see you baring the brunt of this pain, all by yourself. I don’t want to see you hurt.”
“I’m not hurting” your voice was low, as your eyes slowly focused on his visor. Your fingers tightened around his, letting his strength seep into you, to be able to face this conversation..
“If you weren’t hurting, then why did we have to leave so fast from there?”
Din didn’t say anything, he simply tilted his head as his gaze refocused on your every facial expression. There was no doubt in his mind, you knew he didn’t believe you, he didn’t exactly hide it, but what he wanted you to realize, was that he wasn’t going to let you keep holding on to this pain by yourself, he wanted you to know he was there by your side to help you carry this unbearable weight. Always.
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single-malt-scotch · 1 year
of course i have things to say about lim life and bdubs. you know its funny and great- of course i would love his pov. but i still feel satisfied by what i saw and i dont feel like i do. there is something very different about witnessing a player this way, something we really havent had at all. and of everyone its bdubs. the guy who is associated with time and the guy who acts out so well to the narrative in front of him. and we dont lose anything- bdubs is still bdubs.
after double life we see him team up with people he hadnt from LL-DL. something fresh. together they create a family themed around time and at the center of the map they make a clock tower. they watch every death that spawns for entertainment. regardless of his need to stay with the clockers he continuously shows attachment to TIES/etho (mostly etho). it may be in jest but the clockers point out numerous times that this behavior doesnt shock them, that of course hes like that with etho and of course its muddying his alliances. and lets not forget the grudges held by most members of TIES (eventually Skizz on the list for a bit due to killing him), a neat detail in this funny little situation.
and then for a good whole episode it does make a problem- in the sense it confuses him and everyone else as to where he lies. he later defends the hell out of etho even from the meta jokes of being washed up, later in game of putting himself in front of a group that wants to kill etho, again in offer his life that etho doesnt take. we dont get to hear his thought process, whatever commentary he may be giving about why he really wanted to be with etho again and why he struggled to make it happen. we see it through everyone else. cleo, who is amused at bdubs' very typical behavior but evermore trying to convince him to not go wot etho. etho, who gets glimpses at bdubs from afar and a few moments where they meet in private, having a connection only two close friends could have alone. the rest of TIES who takes him in in brief moments but never hearing more. overall in the end hes around and hes trying to do good, hes "trying his heart out", theres attempts being made but we can see them slip and falter from things outside of his control. the timing is never right.
but no im not done actually. his attempt to help isnt just tied to etho. bdubs has shown himself to be caring and kind, and putting himself out there in order to help others. i think thats where he fell apart- he wanted to keep it all good between clockers and TIES, despite the family dynamic putting in stone that it wasnt possible. as a whole he wanted to be in the middle and this extended to many other interactions. there wasnt a single person that bdubs was actively against this season (yes including skizz- their dynamic was on the same level after he first fight so it became mutual imo), no long building hate, and the clockers were welcoming to others too in their alliances but bdubs did still stand out as the clockers denied TIES and he held on to them. further in we get to the moments where bdubs then offers himself up. its like there was a realization on the game in episode 7, they were far enough in that he thought maybe he could help just before it got worse. he went up to jimmy who's known to die first (yet someone he hardly interacted with) and desperately and repeatedly asks to be killed and of course jimmy takes it, hes only a few minutes away. and then of course he tries again with etho, twice, including helping a fight and etho doesnt take it. you can hear bdubs in the background still laying out what etho could do.
as the season reaches its end let me wind back a bit to deaths in general. bdubs earliest death was certainly an interesting one, one fight he was so confident about and completely failed at, missing numerous hits. and this isnt a surprise to me. bdubs was actually pretty.... well he lacked a lot of kills this season. and not knowing his time for sure through the episodes made this all more interesting to watch, you know? he never seemed like he was really seeking it out. even in a stream before session 8 scar and grian both say they have no clue what bdubs' time is. im sure someone added this up but for everyone else and the average watcher, we see him fumbling or giving his time all while not thinking at all about what he had left just before the end. and then hes the first one to go out in episode 8. its not that it wasnt expected, but his time being in the dark for so much of the series leaves you not thinking about it. it didnt seem like he died that much, it didnt seem like his timer was that now- you wouldnt know for sure unless you saw his pov. most of all, we never really hear him asking for time? there arent any key moments with him saying he really needs to kill. hes fighting, hes helping, but theres barely a hint of desperation to hunt people down- he just stayed in the place he usually was, around the tower, hoping to lend a hand.
and death again. how does his series end? unexpected, completely unknowing to what would kill him. impulse had killed him once earlier and tried to a second time and the cute thing about it? they were laughing the whole time. this could be the moment where youd say impulse got the kill he wanted. and then we get to bdubs' perma death and its impulse again and he never saw it coming- out of the game first that session and left to spectate everyone until the next start to die. quietly until he gets in the chat.. not unlike LL, but not for nearly as long.
and of course, so much of his time is spent in around the clock tower. this led to all of the clocker's demise, with ow dangerous of a location it became, and its all the more in character for each of them to go out there. theres of course something poetic to take from that.
so what does bdubs give us this season? why does it still mean something despite his pov? well it can mean whatever you want it to mean, it can add up to whatever narrative you took from limited life. i dont know if we will know for sure why bdubs didnt upload outside of what he loosely stated on stream. but forever hes someone i look to for an act that has so much to take from it. intentional or not hes putting something in i never see from anyone else. there doesnt need to even be an artistic reason for his choice to not post but his choices always add up to something and i do think he goes out there knowing full well what he can do. he played a type only he can play, because its inherently just who he is and he will never stop being him and that is so great. ill never doubt his decision no matter if it was purposeful, or personal. bdubs is still bdubs and that is all that i wanted.
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siriannatan · 2 years
“Headaches are normal, I get them all the time... - fWhip Scott
Full prompt:
“Headaches are normal, I get them all the time," “. . . you get constant headaches and you didn’t tell me?!”
As with the whole series, the prompt was found @deity-prompts
fWhip was perfectly fine. Gem was worried over absolutely nothing. Why should he be worried he's pale? He's been pale his whole life, and there was nothing wrong with an occasional headache. And so what if he maybe slept eight hours total last week? Everyone skips sleep here and there. He told Gem as much when she came over to excessively worry about him. He assured her he was fine and that him fainting had nothing to do with his health. It was just... a dragon thing. No reason to worry. She said okay, and left after reminding him to call her if he does feel any worse but, if she was indeed dropping the topic, why...
Why was fWhip being glared at by an angry elven prince? Wings ruffled and hair messed up. Snow slowly melting off his shoulders and onto fWhip's desk as their staring match progressed. Why was his accursed husband trying to stare him into a nap? 
"I heard someone wasn't sleeping much lately," Scott huffed, not looking away from fWhip for even a second. "And is pretending he's fine despite having passed out."
"It's not that bad, the fainting was a dragon thing," fWhip chuckled nervously. There was no way Scott would buy his dumb dragon excuses.
"That's a terrible excuse. You need sleep fWhip," Scott sighed, leaning back and glaring at fWhip. He was mildly shocked Scott cared about him at all, considering their relationship was purely political and means of closing an alliance.
"Weren't you supposed to be in Rivendell for a few more days?" fWhip tried moving the topic off of him and to his annoying new brother-in-law - Scott's older brother who was shockingly okay with the whole marriage. No one asked if fWhip was okay with it, they just said it'd be good for WRA and that he'd probably see very little of Scott. In reality the damned, very pretty, elf didn't leave him alone whenever he was in Grimlands. Or anywhere fWhip went actually.
"I came back sooner, Xor's annoying husband was visiting," Scott shrugged. "You need to rest, your advisors said you had a headache," the elf huffed and fWhip regretted using that as an excuse to get rid of them. It wasn't even that bad.
“Headaches are normal, I get them all the time," fWhip grumbled, rolling his eyes.
Scott stared at fWhip for a moment and fWhip was sure his 'husband' was about to give up. “. . . you get constant headaches and you didn’t tell me?! Are you trying to worry me into my grave? No more work for you mister," Scott complained while walking around the desk and, to fWhip's utter and complete shock, picked him up. "I'm personally making sure you're resting, and I'll hear no complaints," the elf decided and carried fWhip off to the master bedroom they were supposed to share but ever since their first night they did not. Scott's own request.
"I'm fine," fWhip protested once the initial shock wore off. Since when was this sting bean of an elf so strong? "I don't need to rest or anything like that. Headaches are nothing special..."
The problem is, fWhip, headaches are bed, especially if you get them all the time... How many times this week?" Scott continued complaining. And showing no signs that fWhip weighed anything to him. "How many times this week did you have a headache, fWhip."
"Like twice... but it were small ones..." fWhip grumbled, wiggling as much as he could but Scott's grip on him only got stronger. 
"I have a feeling you're lying," Scott sighed. "You do realise people care about your well-being?" fWhip did not feel like talking and arguing anymore after being gently sat on his bed. "Like Gem, Pearl, Sausage... me..." Scott barely whispered the last part. fWhip was honestly not quite sure if he even heard it correctly or if he was just imagining things. Not because he was tired, he was rested as a daisy...
He still let Scott tuck him in.
"If I see you anywhere but in bed when I come to check on you I'm freezing all your doors and windows shut," the elf said, shuffling awkwardly, once fWhip was tucked under a pile of blankets. It was a chilly, late fall day so it was fair.
A thought of asking Scott to stay with him did cross fWhip's brain. Mostly it's dragon side, due to the gold the elf wore. "Scott... Y... Thank you..." fWhip mumbled. Asking Scott to stay and cuddle felt too forward.
"It's nothing, we're married after all... Just sleep. I'll come by in couple hours to check on you," Scott mumbled almost fondly and left fWhip alone with his damned brain.
When Scott returned to check on him, sickness has finally caught up to fWhip and earned him another, exasperated lecture from Scott.
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danielanightmare · 1 year
Monkart Vettel Baskervile x reader
Warnings: old and cliché
Requested long time ago but the one chapter about  Vettel x Mysterious! reader was cringe to me so I decided to delete it) anyways on to the story and Vettel may seem a bit of oc...
. . . . . . .
(Your pov when you were 14 just pretend you were 14 )
"Go! The winner  is (Name) ( Last name )!" Monster referee said as I and (monsters name)won against that (random boys name) who challenged me. The boy fell on his knees in disbelief. "No way I lost to a girl.." - the boy said . I rolled my eyes and said "Every boy that lost to me says the same thing, and I even went easy on you, but you still failed to beat me. " After I said that, I started to walk away  leaving the guy alone.  Ask why boys aren't used to girls being monkart racers? Well the truth is there aren't many girls that plays monkart in my town. That made me an easy target for the bullies, but I didn't care at least not until when they started to physically hurt me and gave me a scar on my right eye. Until I got enough and got my revenge until they beged for mercy from me. "Fine, but if you get in my way again I'll finish you" - I said and started to walk away from the alley way until I saw a man with black and gold armor standing in front of me. "Who are you?" - I asked to the mysterious man "I see the fire in your eyes, come with me I'll help you to get more stronger than you was before" - he said ignoring my question. I looked at my monsters eyes and she nodded.
(Time skip one and a half year later your pov)
I walked to the main hall after I arrived from the tournament because Destro said I have to meet someone. After I walked in, I saw unfamiliar boy with black spiky hair which curves upwards with red tips he has green eyes, his outfit is black and yellow coat with pointed ends, black and red T-shirts under the coat, black leather pants and yellow and black sneakers and also you can't forget his black and yellow fingerless gloves. "I see you're already arrived, (Name ). Well, Vettel let me introduce you to (name) your partner in crime" - Destro said  I blinked twice and I looked at that Vettel guy that seemed shocked as I am. Then Destro explained everything "So you say I  can't deal it on my own?" - Vettel asked
"No, I actually think you and her would make a good team don't you think" - Destro told him and Vettel widened his eyes then he turned to me our eyes met... and we glared at each other, after our little eye contest I stretched out my hand infront of him for him to shake , he looked at my gloved hand for a moment then shook it.  So it's the start of the new friendship I guess..
(another time skip by 2months )
By those two months me and Vettel became pretty good team and friends, we both have almost the same attitude. I actually developed feelings for him but didn't show it. I shook off the thoughts and walked up to the balcony to refresh my self from my thoughts.
(Vettel's pov)
I decided to go to the balcony to get some fresh air but soon as I got there, I saw (name) there. I actually got a bit romantic feelings for her. It all started when I  started to hang out with her. I thought about saying that I like her. 'And the only way to find out if she likes me is too kiss her.'- I thought with a smirk
(Your pov)
I looked at the sky admiring it's beauty, but then I felt someone's lips on mine, as I looked at the person, I turned red because it was Vettel, but then I secretly smirked and kissed him back. After a moment we pulled away for air. "So you do like me" - he said with a smirk I rolled my eyes  "And what if I do?" - I asked suspiciously he smirked and whispers to my ear "then will you be my girlfriend" I blushed "sure" - I answered and he kissed me. Again...
-DanielaNightmare (from wattpad) full book:
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impossible3girl · 2 years
Watched Law and Order SVU for the first time in a while and remembered a thing I learned because of this show.
The line between being a victim and becoming a perp/abuser yourself can be soooooo small. And this can happen to the best of people.
Like take Olivia Benson for example. She is one of the best characters on this show. I mean this is literally her show. Liv is the only one who has been there since day one, over 20 years and seasons ago. Starting out as a junior Detective and now being Captain of SVU for a few years already. She (as well as her actress Mariska Hargitay) is a role model to many women and victims of especially sexual abuse. Some people even only got the courage to talk about their experiences because of seeing her on TV. Olivia is one of the most human characters I know which means despite being such an amazing person she also has her flaws. In my opinion this makes her even more amazing as a character because perfect characters are boring (and don't exist in the real world which makes it harder to relate to them or look up to them because it can never be).
This leads me to my realisation from the beginning.
[The line between being a victim and becoming a perp/abuser yourself can be soooooo small. And this can happen to the best of people.]
During her time at SVU Liv not only had to help victims of sexual abuse but sometimes became the victim herself. On some occasions it was in a way planed because she went undercover but on othes it had nothing to do with her job or at least not in that way. One example I want to talk about now is the story with Lewis. Most SVU probably remember him because he was one of the creepiest characters on the show. This guy was literally fixated on Liv and kidnapped her twice but I only want to look at the first time here. (I have to say it has been a while since I watched this episode but I think I still remember all the, for this post important parts.)
Lewis kidnapped Olivia in her home, raped several women infront of her and physically abused Liv as well as telling her he would rape her in the end. Thankfully she managed to free herself and knock Lewis out. She cuffed him with the cuffs he used for her (I think it might have been hers) to the bed she was cuffed to just minutes before. When he gained consciousness again he started to talk to her, trying to break her, make her weak and a victim again even though she was the one who had the upper hand. And in a way he succeeded. She started to hit him with a metall rod a few times and broke several of his bones.
Olivia the victim turned into the abuser.
Of course you can say it was his own fault because he provoked her by fueling her anger and telling her to hit him. But as a cop she knew that this was illegal. He was tied, he couldn't attac her or even defend himself therefore it was not self-defence (unlike when she freed herself and knock him out with one hit beforehand). It was abuse. (Even if she wasn't a cop she should have known.)
One of the best people I know became an abuser in a moment of weakness just after being a victim of abuse herself. It's not right what she did and I was even shocked when I saw this episode for the first time. But did it made me stop loving her? NO!!! Because even though it wasn't right it was human. I don't like what she did but I totally understand it, she, a cop (who in her eyes should be able to defend herself) got not only kidnapped but in her own home and later went through a trauma most of us can't even begin to understand. A trauma no one in their right mind would which anyone else not even their biggest enemy.
Yes, some people go through trauma and become good people, but these are just a few and most of them need a lot of time and don't manage this on their own. They need help from family, friends, social workers, ... But in that moment Liv did not have these things. Which is why i totally understand this outburst. She wanted to feel strong again. She wanted to proof that he did not break her. She wanted to deal with her trauma. But she did it the wrong way. Or at least the wrong way based on morals and the view of society. Actually there is no right or wrong there is only your way because we are all different and deal different with things like trauma. She had to let her anger out because it was her way. The only mistake was by doing it on a real person and not a punching back with his face glued on. Later she managed to heal with the help of the people she loves and who care about her as well as her therapist. Which is by society standards a better way of dealing with your trauma and proving your strength.
The fact that she chose the "wrong" way first did not make me love her less (despite me being shocked at the beginning) because it only showed how complex she as a character and also other real live victims of abuse are.
So now that I made this clear we can come to the actual point.
Him making some really bad mistakes can't change this. I don't love him for these mistakes but despite them just like with Liv. And my knowledge from SVU also shows me some reasons for why Snape did some of these things.
Just clarifying for some people: I am NOT trying to excuse his behaviour but I am trying to give at least part of an explanation. Maybe helping some people understand him and me loving him.
Let's start at the beginning. First he got emotionally (and maybe even physically) abused by his father who hated everything magic therefore his son a wizard too. In addition to that they lived in pretty bad conditions like not having a lot of money. Then Snape went to Hogwarts where he thought everything would be different, everything would be better. But it wasn't. It already started on the train as some rich and good looking guys started to talk bad about him. Makin fun of his love for Slytherin and calling him a name based on him being not as good looking as them. I'm not going to much into detail about the Marauders vs Snape situation but I want to make one thing quiet clear.
A group of at least 2 and sometimes even more students against one. There is a huge power imbalance. Oh and stop saying they did this because he was a death eater. He only joined them after Hogwarts and even then mobbing is not justified. Not if you want to call yourself a good guy. James actually describes their motivation pretty clearly and I quote: "it's more the fact that he exists, if you know what I mean." Like that's something bully and abusers say.
Snape was abuse at the one place where he thought everything would be better. The one place where he thought he might find a home. Not only that he also did not get help. Ok yes Lily tried a bit but we also know that she tried to defend the Marauders. and with what? The faxt that they did not use dark magic. Good but they still abused Severus. Like you cane use intentionally good spells to do bad things and that makes you a better person? It's not really helpful and she was the only person. Not even a teacher tried to help. Which they should. They literally have a duty of care for their students. No, Dumbledore even in some way defended the marauders by telling Snape to not tell anyone about Remus' secret. Them trying to kill Snape is fine but Snape telling everyone that there is a werewolf on the school grounds is bad. I'm not a Dumbledore anti but in this situation he failed completely.
Based on all this it is actually no wonder that Snape joined the death eaters. He just wanted to belong. Maybe not belonging to a good cause but the people who called themselves good never even tried to accept him. So how good are they truly? The death eaters at least gave him a chance to find his place in the world. I don't have to like it but I totally get it. It's like Loki doing all these bad things like blowing up Jotunheim just for Odin to finally show him some love. The love he thinks he deserves. The love that everyone deserves.
Yes of course his prejudice against muggles and muggle born also played a part in him joining the death eaters but we don't know how far it actually went. Yes, he called Lily a mudblood but only in a situation of enormous stress and he immediately tried to apologize (A in book 7 he also tells the picture of "i forgot his name" to not call Hermione a mudblood. No one was there, he did not have to prove anything to anyone. "I forgot his name" would probably not tell anyone. I mean who and why? But Snape did it anyways because he leaned from his mistake). We can assume he might dislike or even hate muggle because of what his father did but we don't know for sure and in the end Snape died to defeat Voldemort which also lead to saving muggles and muggleborn. Therefore I don't think it was his main reason.
His treatment of the students is also mainly a reaktion to his abuse ( and maybe the fact that he never really wanted to become a teacher in the first place). It's not right but based on what we know about Hogwarts actually not as bad as some people make it seem. Like McGonagall told the Gryffindors to not tell Neville the password to the common room while a crazy murderer was running around. Oh and she send 4 first years into the forbidden forest at night because they were running around the corridors at night. Like do you see how paradox this is?
But in the end we have to admit that he did change. Maybe not as much as some of us want but did leave the death eaters and even though he treated some of the students shitty he still protected them (especially Harry) and gave his life for them. Just like Olivia he first chose the wrong way of dealing with his trauma but chose or at least tried to choose the right way in the end. And unlike Olivia he never got the help he needed.
To conclude I think one of Snape's main reason for becoming the person he was, was the abuse he suffered and the lack of help he got. Yes, it is possible to become a good guy despite this abuse like Harry did but Snape's reaction is as much human as Harry's was. And I am allowed to love him despite what he did. He is such a complex and well written character of course I like him.
And I'm not trying to hate on anyone. Of course I don't like what the Marauders did but why would I hate on people for liking them when I want to like Snape despite the thinks he did? As long as they don't excuse or even glorify their actions who am I to judge? There are even people who like both Snape and the marauders so why can't the people who only love one of the sides at least treat the other one with respect and stop hating people for liking a fictional character? Just like the word says they are fictional don't you have enough problems in the real world? Because if not I would appreciate you taking some of mine.
I stayed up till after 3 am to finish this and I will probably think this is totally shit if I read it again tomorrow but I'm gonna post this anyway now.
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sailorsplatoon · 5 months
There has been a lot of traumatizing Four lately. How about something nice. Can we have a scenario where Four and Acht have a romantic evening with each other and they both have a surprise planned for each other and the other doesn’t know?
Acht and Four sat at the table, waiting for their food to arrive. They go to this resturaunt often, yet each time feels special in it’s own way. 
Four bounced their leg rapidly in excitement. They planned to unveil the treasure hidden within their hoodie pocket right as dessert came. They’d have to sit through a whole course until then, but they could wait. Probabaly.
Acht listened to the music playing over the resturaunt speakers. Normally they didn’t like the music in eateries, it always felt like they hand picked the worst songs possible. But they loved the music selection at this place. They were playing Clickbait by C-Side at the moment. How serendipitous with what they had planned.
The waiter brought their food over, placing it on the table. Acht couldn’t help but let a smile creep to their lips. They had only recently regained their ability to taste after being sanitized. Four was right, they were missing out. They’d made it their mission to try every flavor they could. This time they’d ordered the spiciest meal they on the menu. They knew it would proabably burn their tounge off, but they didn’t care. They wanted the rush of flavor as it singed their taste buds.
Four watched Acht scarf down their food, reeling back at the heat for just a moment, then shoveling more into their mouth. Four chuckled, copying Acht’s rapid eating. The sooner they finished their meal, the sooner dessert would come. 
The two were done within ten minutes.
“You’d be amazing in a pie eating contest,” Four teased.
“There are contests where you eat pie?” Acht sounded serious. Apparenlty, pie was no laughing matter.
“Yeah, you just shove your face in the pie and eat as much as you can. If you can eat more than your opponent, you win.” Four paused, looking at Acht thoughtfully. “I bet you’d manage to make smashing your mouth into a dessert look cute.”
“Challenge accepted.” Acht smirked, waving the waiter over to order dessert. Of course, they ordered an appple pie. The waiter brought the food a few moments later. Acht faked slamming their head into it, pausing right before they hit the thin layer of crust sitting on top, laughing. Four loved the way they laughed. It was like an ocean wave crashing along the shore, deep and resonant, hanging in your memory forever.
“Before you get apple all over you, I have a surprise,” Four reached into their pocket, feeling the thin slips of paper between their fingers. 
“Oh? What are you scheming up now?”
In response, Four slammed a pair of tickets on the table, nearly kocking the whole thing over. “I got us tickets to the C-Side performance in Inkopolis!” 
Acht beamed, then laughed. “You really are the perfect squid for me,” they said through their chuckles. They pulled two tickets from their own pocket, placing them on the table next to Fours. “I got us tickets to their show in Splatsville.”
Four stared at the tickets, shocked and elated. “Well then I guess we’re going to see them twice!”
Acht’s laughter died down and they cocked their head, still smiling. “How do you know me so well? Are you secretly the one who stole my memories?”
“No, but you could say I stole your hearts.” Four held their hand to their own hearts grinning.
Hot blush grew on Acht’s face. “You’re too good at this.”
Thank you for the ask!!! I didn’t have many ideas for this at first, but then I started writing them at a resturaunt and this grew out of it. I think it turned out nice!
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the-cat-chat · 7 months
January 20, 2024
Pet Sematary (1989)
After tragedy strikes, a grieving father discovers an ancient burial ground behind his home with the power to raise the dead.
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JayBell: What's the message of this movie? Watch. Your. Kids. I get being a parent is hard and they're wriggly and you can't keep your eyes on them all the time. But seriously? This kid is running off like he's escaping prison and the dogs are on his tail. I know it's sad and a tragedy, but that moment that the dad trips and falls right before the road while the kid is happily running into the road made me laugh.
Let's talk about the road and the trucks real quick. Was the road cursed or something and I missed it? Cause these huge trucks are going 100 mph down this residential road and when anything goes in front of them they just run it down. Cat? Little boy? Who cares, run it over, no stopping! They even honk their horn but refuse to put on the brakes or swerve. It almost feels like the truck drivers are bewitched.
And what's with the lady with the stomach pain? She kills herself because she's in so much pain, despite living next to a doctor who was willing to see her? Make it make sense. And her death has no impact on the plot, so why is it in the movie?
Okay all this makes it seem like I don't like the movie, but I do. Mostly. The story is unique (although predictable), a bit creepy (although it becomes more silly at times), and also sad in a powerful way. It just has a lot of plot holes. For example, if the old man has such a bad experience with this power of raising the dead, why is he so gung ho about showing his new neighbor how to do it?
In the end, I have mixed feelings about this Stephen King adaptation. But I had a good time, even if the cat didn't have as big of a part as I wanted it to.
Rating: 5.5/10 cats 🐈
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Anzie: I honestly thought this movie was all about demon cats and stuff but I was soo wrong. And I had honestly no clue. So when I found out it was really about a demon zombie baby, I got insane whiplash. First off- I could tell just by the seen where the family pulls up- they’re idiots. That’s the vibe. And the neighbor. Just sayin. Weeeiiiird. And to mention the path??? And just say oh that- later after you’ve moved in and your soul is claimed by Satan I’ll tell you then. And then he does - with the kids in tow??? Speaking of kids the girl is a total annoying brat and the other one they don’t watch AT ALL. Annyyyways like I said I thought the cat was gonna be it so when the big dealio happens I was shocked. And I know I can’t fathom the grief- but uhhh you already have a zombie Satan cat- now you want a zombie baby?? Okkk. And just to touch on the zombie thing—— he’s been warned the ground was sour?? Which weird way of saying it’s zombie making dirt but whatever. And he already had the cat??? But anyway- I was kinda confused bc is it only the special dirt way up on the rocks or the one first at the path but honestly whatever. Nowwww zombie baby time. This is so terrifying, hilarious, and sad. My ankles are seizing up as I type bc I’m traumatized- his little creepy voice and laugh is soo insane and funny. And his little suit and shoes. Anyway the ends so sad when the dad has to pull a monkey shines on the kid. But doesss he learn no. And I guess like Jaybell said about him being arguably one of the hotter Stephen King characters, even tho he’s a doctor- all his common sense got traded for his dreamboat status. (I know that doesn’t really work in book/casting but in my brain that’s what I filing this under bc he can’t be that dumb, right?) to do it not once- not twice- but threeeeeee times. Anyway the ghost of the one guy in is short shorts is insane - it’s all insane. Not as many demon animals as expected, but still pretty solid, and maybe that’s a good thing( bcccc I could not handle that rat (Ben is that you). Ok I’ve officially lost it.
Rating: 5/10 Demon Cats 🐈‍⬛
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Well, not exclusively Locked Tomb, this time it was like a wild amalgamation of an anime, a TTRPG, and Harrhowhark was mostly just There for Some Reason.
I haven't even read anything TLT since I read Nona twice??? I think I started reading GtN again and half of HtN when I was on Very Long Flights in November, but I stopped when I got back from England.
I can't even remember the Plot details, but the POV oscillated wildly between Me (As I Am In This World) watching an animated show, some kind of choose-your-own-adventure movie that you could interact with, and Actually Being Harrowhark In Those Situations.
I specifically remember being like "Ha, that person with black outfit and white accessories looks like Harrowhark-- and SKULL PAINT, WAIT THAT IS HARROWHARK!"
Throughout the dream, I remember being bewildered and delighted that they made Something Locked Tomb into an Animated Series.
(Why must my dreams tantalize me with so many various media adaptions, only for me to wake up and realize they're not real?!)
Gideon made an appearance for approximately 2 minutes to banter with her at one point, she might have been checking peoples' weapons, but mostly it was Harrowhark and... a huge group of people I can't remember anything about.
(random bits I remember and putting a cut because it did get kinda long, even though it's all just Vague Feelings at this point.)
The "plot" involved a lot of running from people, winning competitions, and some kind of threat from the sky where one character stayed out in the open for too long and something dropped on their head that killed them. I was like "Holy shit, they actually killed someone???" But I specifically remember being like, "probably a good thing that was only a side character", I was more shocked by the death being there than upset that That Particular character had died.
(I think that may have been Dream Canon staying true to IRL Canon where I mostly latch onto One singular Character and mostly only have emotional responses to My Favorite. ^^';; It takes a rare and special piece of media for me to LOVE more than One Character!)
I think my brain drew from Pokemon Horizons, because there were scenes that took place in a thing that was a hot air balloon basket sometimes, and others it was a huge airship???
There were also scenes on the ground though, like something happened in a high school locker hallway that had... something to do with people doing crimes I think, I have no idea why my brain decided that was an appropriate place to put that whole thing.
I wish I could remember the plot because it was Adventurous and I was having a GREAT time, totally engaged (or exhilarated in the moments It Was Happening to Me and not a character on a show).
But alas, I woke up to the alarm and it slipped away. it took a solid 20 seconds to transition from Stirring From the Dream to Actually Being Awake. I was dreaming Really deeply, apparently.
Not sure if that's because my subconscious was Inspired by the concert last night (Breaking Benjamin, Disturbed, and Jinjer!) or if it's because, as I told my qpp last night, "I've done more physical activity in the past 48 hours than I have in the entire past 6 months." And was thus absolutely Conked Out.
(Helped Mom move, moved some things into our own place, and then the concert, which is a situation I'm constantly moving in. Even being sore from moving things for 6+ hours, I can't help but sway and dance and slam the rock fist. So yeah, a Lot of physical activity. The most I've done lately is 10-minute walks to bus stops and physical therapy exercises, which are mostly just little muscles in my hips.)
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