#marcus zhao
huntsvillegossip · 7 months
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Hello Lovelies!
Now Ren Faire has been over for quite some time, but it seems plenty of our folks didn’t quite get the memo. I have received reports of multiple fights breaking out all over town, some physical and others verbal, and there’s been more than a fair share of heartbreak.
Allegedly famous in the outside world, Liam Jefferson and Hunter Hilton had a full on brawl ending in the pair being physically ripped from each other by concerned citizens. From the looks of it, it seems as though Mr. Hilton was turned down by Mr. Jefferson and was not taking the rejection well. It's not surprising that Mr. Jefferson has better things to do considering that he is a new father of two. Really, Mr. Hilton should dust himself off—just because one boy rejects you doesn't mean you need to rush back into the closet. 
You especially don't need to be yelling from the rooftops that you have a girlfriend. Quite the rebound from the looks of it, though I find it hard to believe Miss Valeria Moreno is settling down. That is one girl who has never been afraid to let the world know she is available for anything casual. Word on the street is that she has quite the extensive roster of hookups collected from our town. Her own roommate Saffron Aubert is reportedly much more than a roommate, which I have to give them credit for, is convenient considering the close proximity. She has also been spotted kissing fellow rangers Marcus Zhao and Cain Barlowe, is not afraid to get a little risque and exhibitionist with our resident fighter Kane Bentley, and has been more than a bit handsy in public with one Guillermo Reyes, who is his own can of worms when it comes to relationships. That boy has never been the particularly loyal type if his track record is to be believed. Good luck to his so-called partner, since Mr. Reyes is clearly not nearly as put together as his eldest sister.
But I digress, no need to name every single one of her bedroom companions, after all. Honestly, Mr. Hilton, if you want to show you're not truly hurt by Mr. Jefferson's rejection, there are much more believable girls to say are your girlfriend if you really must carry on this way. I hear that Jessica Sinclair is single and recently heartbroken by a handsome firefighter who is quite the town disaster. Poor thing. 
Speaking of, what to say about someone like Nathanial Dawson? You'd think that with his son in town, he'd clean up his act, or at the very least that his captains would be able to keep a better handle on him. And yet he's been frequently spotted at the bar, more than a few drinks in, most notably with [REDACTED] and [REDACTED]. 
He has also been seen with one of our elementary school teachers, Mr. Edgar Wayne. Something about sharing a pair of orange pants? I’ll be honest, I may be a bit past my prime when it comes to understanding all these new euphemisms. Still, someone may want to inform Principal Yvette Alson about this, since I doubt she wants to see her best friend dragged down to Mr. Dawson's rock bottom. Mr. Wayne may wish to reconsider this friendship for the sake of maintaining some sense of professionalism. I already have reports of parents being very concerned about someone with his associations teaching their children. You are an example for the youth of this town, sir. 
I do hope the Fire Station Captains can help Mr. Dawson get the help he seems to desperately need. But on the subject of one of those captains, there has recently been a lot of chatter about him thanks to one Zoë Clark, who seems to be quite the busy bee as of late—though whether that's because she has some type of personal vendetta against our Mayor is anyone's guess. Multiple people have verified she is causing quite a stir with talks of having an election. Now I won't say how I feel about that, in the spirit of keeping this column a neutral, third party space, but I can confirm that she has pitched Fire Captain Phoenix Romero-Sawyer and Louis Ryan as suitable replacements.
Whether others will agree with this assessment, or might even throw their own name into the ring, remains to be seen. Personally, I do think either of these two members of founding families would make fine mayors, and with their long standing ties to the town, you know that they'd look out for everyone. Then again, Mayor Nat has done a tremendous job for over a decade, and some might not wish to fix what isn't broken.
Finally, a serious note of warning. There is a new resident in our town who has been seen physically assaulting another citizen. I would tread very carefully with those you interact with in the coming days—especially strangers. Seems some people are wound too tight and you never know who's going to blow up. 
That's all I have for you today, because I am running out of printing space even though I have a few things left in my little inbox. At least it gives you all something to look forward to—other than the upcoming Pumpkin Festival of course!
Love, Auntie G.
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makingqueerhistory · 3 months
Canadian Queer Books
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Park Cruising: What Happens When We Wander Off the Path
Marcus McCann
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People Change
Vivek Shraya
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The Subtweet
Vivek Shraya
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Fierce Femmes and Notorious Liars: A Dangerous Trans Girl's Fantabulous Memoir
Kai Cheng Thom
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Arielle Twist
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Indigiqueerness: A Conversation about Storytelling
Joshua Whitehead
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A History of My Brief Body
Billy-Ray Belcourt
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We Have Always Been Here: A Queer Muslim Memoir
Samra Habib
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Iron Widow
Xiran Jay Zhao
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I Hope We Choose Love: A Trans Girl's Notes from the End of the World
Kai Cheng Thom
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I'm Afraid of Men
Vivek Shraya
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veryqueermovies · 1 year
Queer Characters Spotlight: Swedish Netflix Show.
Young Royals (2 seasons, Renewed).
Prince Wilhelm is Unlabeled.
Wilhelm is played by actor Edvin Ryding (his sexuality, to my knowledge, is unknown).
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Simon Eriksson is Gay.
Simon is played by Unlabeled actor Omar Rudberg.
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Wilhelm and Simon are a couple.
Shipname: Wilmon
Alexander, while the character himself has not been stated to be Queer, is played by Trans actor Xiao-Long Zhao
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Marcus is Queer.
Marcus is played by actor Tommy Wättring (his sexuality, to my knowledge, is unknown).
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Nils is Gay.
Nils is played by Gay actor Samuel Astor.
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Stella is a Lesbian.
Stella is played by Felicia Truedsson (her sexuality, to my knowledge, is unknown).
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Rosh is a Lesbian.
Rosh is played by Lesbian actress Beri Gerwise.
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Show Synopsis:
"The plot primarily follows the fictional Prince Wilhelm of Sweden, his romance with fellow male student Simon Eriksson, and the drama it results in."
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toournextadventure · 1 year
I'll explain what it's for once the poll is finished, good luck
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callofthxvoid · 7 months
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SUMMARY: Clara is at the emergency command centre.
MENTIONS: Rangers, Jamie Brennan, Phoenix Romero-Sawyer, Jay Romero-Sawyer
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Clara let out an exasperated sigh as she conversed with—slash yelled at—Rusty and Duck over the radio. She had made her way to the emergency command centre after the earthquake, and once it had been made clear that both the Head Ranger and the Game Warden would be out of commission, she had kicked into high gear making sure that she was staying on top of everything. And at least trying to get them to rest.
"For the last time, I've got it covered," she said with a tone that brokered no argument. "You can help with search and rescue but don't overexert yourselves. Yes, I say this knowing you will both ignore me, but I still want it on the record that I tried."
The radio crackled to life in response, with Rusty reminding her that she was in charge of everyone except him, and Duck reminding her that they were technically in different departments altogether, resulting in another beleagured sigh. After issuing a reluctant correction, she wrapped up the conversation and clipped her radio back to her belt.
Okay. She was in charge.
After taking a moment to let that reality sink in, Clara looked down at the map of Huntsville she had laid out on a table, quadrants for search and rescue hastily drawn out with various emergency personnel and rangers assigned to them. She had marked out all triage centres, and was keeping running notes for each of them listing medical professionals on site, number of patients with serious injuries, and a likely tally of people who would need to stay the night at either the clinic or the fire station.
Next to the map was a pile of lists that she was doing her best to keep updated as the day progressed—a list of people who have been confirmed fine, a list of people who have been confirmed injured, a list of people who were still missing, among others.
Pulling the list of rangers out of the pile, she looked down at it while fiddling with her engagement ring, spinning it around her finger and trying her best not to think about Jamie out there without her—or any of her loved ones out there without her. Running a hand through her hair, she took a deep breath before methodically going down the list.
Her radio crackled to life again. "Hey, it’s Val, and I have DJ here. We're at the fire station. Injured but not badly. Has Cain radioed in?"
"Okay, stay put and let me know if any rangers show up there, we're still missing a few," Clara responded, amending her notes to state that the pair were accounted for but injured, before frowning to herself. She could hear the concern and fear in the younger woman's voice, and even though she was also worried about Cain, she knew that she had to be reassuring. "And he hasn't, but I'm sure they will soon."
"Oh, okay. Let me know if they do. Can someone keep an eye out for Hunter too? Uh… Bleach blonde hair, probably walking around with a phone."
"Will do," the Acting Head Ranger replied before amending her notes and moving on.
Mia had managed to radio in earlier, reporting that her back and arms were cut up from shielding her kid and their dog from debris, but that she was otherwise alright. Marcus was uninjured, working search and rescue, and had been one of the rangers to locate Rusty and Reggie and then help them out of the haunted house.
Finally, when her radio sounded again, it was Elijah's voice coming through, reporting that he had found James and was trying to get him out of the bank. "Understood, I'll check in with the fire trucks and get one of them over to you ASAP," Clara replied, before once more amending her notes and moving on to the last section.
Elijah and Jahi had both radioed in earlier, the latter joining Marcus to help Rusty and Reggie, but she hadn't heard from Emrys yet. She took a deep breath before noting the time and bringing the radio to her lips. "Attention rangers, keep an eye out for Barlowe, Reider, and Rosser," she barked into it. "They have yet to check in."
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"What can I get for ya?"
Clara looked at her foster dad from behind the bar. The bar was busy, the dancehall was in full swing, and she had been serving drinks practically non-stop since she had clocked in for her shift. John had showed up on his way to work, and she knew damn well that he didn't want a drink—but if he was going to insist on checking in on her, she was going to insist on doing her job. Even if her job was just serving drinks at a bar.
Before he could respond, a loud crash was heard from the other side of the bar and Clara immediately jumped into action. Directing the other bartenders, she directed one to continue manning the bar, one to remake the drink that had spilled, and then disappeared herself to grab the broomstick and clean up the broken glass. When she returned, her dad was nursing a glass of water and giving her a pointed look.
"What?" she asked.
"You handled that well," John replied calmly before having a sip of water. "You were decisive, you gave clear and concise directions, and you took responsibility for the main job of cleaning up—even if it wasn't your mess to begin with. It's impressive."
"It's just a bar, dad," Clara said with a slight roll of her eyes. "I'm not exactly making life or death decisions here. I'm serving cocktails and cleaning up broken glass."
"Yeah, and the same skills are required in my job," he responded with a shrug. "Quick decision-making, a sense of duty, a willingness to be accountable. I'm not saying you should be a ranger, but we both know you're meant for greater things."
"Who says I want greater things?"
He let out a laugh before setting the glass down and getting ready to leave for his shift. "Clara," he said with a small shake of his head. "Everything about you screams it."
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Once more, her radio crackled and she heard Val's voice coming through.
"Hey, Cain is here at the fire station. Some debris hit his eye but he should be fine."
After a brief exchange regarding the status at the fire station, Clara thanked her for reporting in before setting her radio down on the table and going back to amending her various lists. Her work was interrupted when an earlier entry caught her eye, and without thinking about it, she paused to brush her fingers over the names.
The word injured felt like a knife to her gut, and for a few seconds Clara struggled to breathe as she stared at it, before wiping a tear from her face and going back to work.
Hours passed, and never once did she stop working. It was getting closer to dusk and she was still on the radio, talking to the cops, talking to the medical staff, and coordinating with volunteers still working search and rescue. Looking up at the setting sun, she knew that she would have to start diverting ranger attention toward securing and eventually leading people to buildings that would be safe for the night ahead.
She took her duty seriously. She thought quickly, made concise decisions, and held herself accountable for making the right ones. She did everything that her dad had always known that she could, that she would, if she was ever in a leadership position.
She was Clara Jones. And she had finally managed to prove to the world, but most of all herself, that she was meant for greater things than she had once settled for.
Thanks for believing in me, dad.
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endlessreruns · 8 months
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Marcus Zhao as Miss Trunchbull (Matilda)
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oxtofmydcpth · 5 months
Ranger Station // Marcus Zhao // @endlessreruns
"Hey," he pushed a little closer to Marcus as they left the Station, still trying to process the information given to them from the last meeting, "got this for Zain, they're usually his favourite, but he wasn't there today so I got one spare." He passed Marcus a small paper bag with two pastries inside. "No catch. Bon Appétit."
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ambercast · 6 months
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where: west ranger tower who: marcus zhao (@endlessreruns)
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Rose hobbled her way to the West Tower, on the look-out for Marcus. With her laid up at Avery’s for so long, she hadn’t gotten a chance to properly thank him for saving her and Avery’s lives after the earthquake. They’d been trapped and resigned to die, when he’d broken through like a guardian angel.
With her crutch under one arm, her gift for him in a tote bag over her other shoulder, she came to the ladder and tilted her head back to look up at the tower.
“Hello? Is Marcus up there?” she called. “It’s Rose! From the festival!”
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boroughshq · 21 days
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WELCOME TO THE BOROUGHS, B! Hope the city is everything you dreamed it would be. Make sure to send your account in within 24 hours, and don't forget to follow the checklist as you get settled!
chase sui wonders as rowan zhao **filling marcus thompson’s ex-fiance WC & sherri lowe’s roommate WC! 
[ chase sui wonders, cis woman, she/her ] — whoa! ROWAN ZHAO just stole my cab! not cool, but maybe they needed it more. they have lived in the city for TWENTY YEARS, working as an AUTHOR & BOOKSELLER AT COVER TO COVER. that can’t be easy, especially at only 27 YEARS OLD. some people say they can be a little bit FICKLE and PRETENTIOUS , but i know them to be CANDID and BENEVOLENT. whatever. i guess i’ll catch the next cab. hope they like the ride back to THE BRONX! — (b, 23, est, she/her, no triggers)
* filling marcus thompson’s ex fiance & sherri lowe’s roommate(s) wanted connection!
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huntsvillehq · 3 months
(Mackenyu) [THE WANDERER]. Please welcome [AKIRA ‘AKI’ KOBAYASHI (HE/HIM)] to Huntsville, WV. They are an [27]-year-old [VISITOR] who lives in [TOWN]. You may see them around working as a [MANAGER AT THE 7/11]. They are looking for [CYAN CANNE] their [HALF BROTHER] Poor unfortunate soul. We’ll see if they survive.
(Aramis Knight) [THE EMPATH]. Please welcome [FARIS ZHAO (HE/THEY)] to Huntsville, WV. They are an [22]-year-old [RESIDENT] who lives in [TOWN]. You may see them around working as a [CARETAKER AT SUNNYSIDE]. They are looking for [MARCUS ZHAO] their [BROTHER] Poor unfortunate soul. We’ll see if they survive.
WELCOME TO HUNTSVILLE, WV, akira and faris. Please follow this checklist and submit your account within 48 hours. Do not stay out after dark, and beware the whispers calling you into the woods at dusk.
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badmintonstorefan · 4 months
Unveiling the Best of 2024: Top 5+ Badminton Racket Brands
Choosing the right badminton racket can significantly impact your game, whether you're a beginner aiming to learn the ropes or a seasoned professional looking for that competitive edge. Understanding the top badminton racket brands is crucial in making an informed decision. Let’s delve into the world of badminton rackets and learn which brand will best suit your needs in the New Year!
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1. Victor: Precision Craftsmanship from Taiwan
Originating from Taiwan, Victor Rackets Industrial Corporation, popularly known as Victor, has earned a reputation of producing top-quality badminton equipment. The company was founded in 1968 by Chen Den-li. The company quickly expanded its distribution to European countries after early successful years in Taiwan.
From badminton rackets, shoes, to shuttlecocks and other badminton gear, the brand offers premium sports equipment approved by BWF for international tournaments. The brand is well-known for their advanced technology, durable materials, and exceptional performance.
Global Technical Advisor/Brand Ambassadors: Zhao Jianhua, Wang Shixian, and Li Jinhui.
Victor Sponsored Players: Denmark national badminton team, Anders Antonsen, Tai Tzu-ying, Wang Tzu-wei, Jenny Moore, Greg Mairs , Ashwini Ponnappa, Hendra Setiawan, Mohammad Ahsan, Praveen Jordan, Melati Daeva Oktavianti, Greysia Polii, Apriyani Rahayu, Siti Fadia Silva Ramadhanti, Lee Zii Jia, and Kirsty Gilmour.
Top Badminton Rackets from Victor:
1. Victor Thruster TTY A is a head-heavy racket for advanced players. 2. Victor Thruster F Enhanced Edition is an excellent racket for smashes. 3. Victor Thruster F Claw LTD Edition is the hallmark of long-term collaboration between VICTOR and World No. 1 Tai Tzu Ying. 4. Victor BraveSword 12 is an all-around racket for dominating rallies. 5. Victor Jetspeed S 12 ii F ensures superior agility and pace on the badminton court. 6. Victor Thruster Ryuga offers great offensive shots, given by its characteristics. 7. Victor AuraSpeed 100X focuses more on the continuity between each shot.
2. Yonex: Japanese Excellence in Badminton
Who doesn’t know about Yonex in the world of sports? Hailing from Japan, the company was started by Minoru Yoneyama in 1946. The company produced fishing equipment and later began manufacturing badminton rackets for other brands in 1957. The company started selling Yoneyama-branded racquet in 1961 and became a world leader. It started manufacturing tennis rackets and golf clubs soon after.
Renowned for its cutting-edge technology, Yonex rackets are favored by top players globally. The brand is committed to advanced research and development to ensure that their rackets deliver the best innovations to its players.
Yonex Sponsored Teams: National Badminton Teams of Malaysia, China, South Korea, Japan, Thailand, India, England, France, Chinese Taipei, and Spain.
Yonex Sponsored Players: Lin Dan, Viktor Axelsen, Lakshya Sen, Satwiksairaj Rankireddy, Chirag Shetty, Marcus Fernaldi Gideon, Taufik Hidayat, Kevin Sanjaya Sukamuljo, Kento Momota, Yugo Kobayashi, Lee Yang , Lee Chong Wei, Choi Sol-gyu, Lee Yong-dae, Zheng Si Wei, Dechapol Puavaranukroh, Kantaphon Wangcharoen, Kunlavut Vitidsarn, Lucas Mazur, Wang Yi Lyu, Aaron Chia, Sooh Wooic Yik, Takuro Hoki, and many other professional male badminton players.
Yonex also sponsors Kim So Yeong, Michelle Li, Saina Nehwal, Yuki Fukushima, Arisa Higashino, Sayaka Hirota, Mayu Matsumoto, Nami Matsuyama Wakana Nagahara, Aya Ohori, Chiharu Shida, Sayaka Takahashi, Akane Yamaguchi, An Se-young, Chae Yoo-jung, Chang Ye-na, Kim Ga-eun, Kim So-yeong, Kim Hye-rin, Kong Hee-yong, Huang Dong Ping, Huang Ya Qiong, Lee So-hee, Shin Seung-chan, Jia Yi Fan, Sung Ji-hyun, Ratchanok Intanon, Busanan Ongbamrungphan, Sapsiree Taerattanachai, Beiwen Zhang, Carolina Marin, Chen Qing Chen, Chen Yu Fei, and Delhpine Delrue.
Top Badminton Rackets from Yonex:
1. NanoFlare 800 Pro will make your counter-drive shots more effective. 2. NanoFlare 1000 Z delivers incredible speed and cuts air resistance like none. 3. ArcSaber 11 Pro designed for all-around performance on the court. 4. Astrox 99 Pro makes your attacks more powerful than ever. 5. Astrox 88D Pro designed for quick attacks in a doubles game. 6. Astrox 88S Pro is made for professionals who demand control over their shots. 7. ArcSaber 7 Pro helps you with incredible precision, accuracy, and control. 8. Astrox 100 ZZ is the perfect choice for speedy smashes. 9. NanoFlare 700 delivers lightning-fast drives, net shots, and smashes. 10. Nanoflare NextAge will make your shots faster without being too demanding.
3. Apacs: Malaysian Ingenuity for All Levels
Established in 2002, the Malaysian brand Apacs, is now available across 50 countries. The company has gained a quick reputation for its commitment to manufacturing high-quality badminton equipment with advanced technology. Whether you are a beginner or an advanced player, Apacs rackets will provide a wide range of options to enhance your game.
The name of the company incorporates all the essential ingredients of the game including Aggressive, Power, Accurate, Control and Speed.
Apacs Sponsored Players: Cheam June Wei, Tommy Sugiarto, Soong Joo Ven, Tan Wee Kiong, Cheak Liek Hou, Lee Hyun IL, and others.
Top Badminton Rackets from Apacs:
1. Apacs Ziggler LHI Pro III is ideal for pro players who want a slightly head heavy racket for hard smashes and faster defense. 2. Stardom Pro III is the perfect racket for all-around performance in a singles and doubles game. 3. Apacs Honor Pro racket will dominate the court with powerful smashes and controlled shots. Another racket for aggressive players is the Apacs Imperial Pro.
4. Li-Ning: A Chinese Powerhouse on the Court
Li-Ning, originating from China, was started by the legendary gymnast, Mr. Li Ning in 1990 with a goal of providing local athletes a national brand that they can proudly wear on the global stage. Several years later, the company has become a global force in badminton equipment because of its innovation and design. The company celebrates 21st century technology and matches it with the nation’s glorious heritage.
Li-Ning rackets are well-known for their unique design, cutting-edge technology, and diverse range that caters the demands of all playing styles and levels.
Li-Ning Sponsored Players: PV Sindhu, Yuta Watanabe, Srikanth Kidambi, Goh Liu Ying, Chen Long, Fu Haifeng, Zhang Nan, Li Xuerui, Zhao Yunlei, Liliyana Natsir, Liu Yuchen, Pornpawee Chochuwong, Jonatan Christie, Jia Yifan, Ou Xuanyi, Liu Yuchen, Loh Kean Yew, and many others.
Top Badminton Rackets from Li-Ning
1. Li Ning Ax Force 80 is a head-heavy racket for powerful shots. 2. Li-Ning G-Force 3500 Superlite is a carbon-fiber racket for attacking. 3. Li-Ning Aeronaut 6000 headlight racket makes your defense lightning fast. 4. Li-Ning BladeX-700 delivers striking force for more efficient shots.
5. Babolat: Heritage Meets Precision
What started as a family business in Lyon for manufacturing raw material for racket strings, the brand is now a leader in racquet-sports equipment. In 1995, the French company was a well-known name in the tennis world. The company decided to expand and foray into the game of badminton with the very first Babolat badminton racket frame. Today, it has a wide range of badminton rackets for children and adults of all playing levels.
Babolat Sponsored Players: In addition to Chloe Birch, Babolat is popular in the European continent where it sponsors several junior and club teams.
Top Badminton Rackets from Babolat
1. Babolat X-Feel Origin Power racket delivers extreme control over your shots with incredible precision and sensation. 2. Babolat X-Feel Origin Essential is an all-around racket with even balance. 3. Babolat Satellite Gravity 74 weighs just 74 grams to give you faster swings than any other racket. 4. Babolat Satellite Blast is a head-heavy racket to empower your game.
Carlton: British Legacy in Badminton
Carlton is credited to introducing the first modern-day metal badminton racket that utilizes grommets to make the equipment more stable and durable. Carlton has introduced many innovative technologies in the field of badminton such as the first truly one-piece graphite racket.
Carlton has sponsored several All England Champions such as Eddy Choong, Lim Swie King, Morten Frost, and Mike Tredgett. The company also sponsored legends such as Peter Rasmussen, Simon Archer, Nathan Robertson, and Gail Emms.
Top Badminton Rackets from Carlton
1. Carlton MegaFlex F1 Titanium is an offensive racket with even balance. 2. Carlton MegaFlex F2 has a head-heavy balance for maximum power. 3. Carlton Airblade Tour is an all-around racket to play both: defensive and aggressive game.
Bonus! Franklin Sports for Recreational Badminton Play
For those engaging in badminton recreationally, Franklin Sports provides a range of rackets that emphasize fun and accessibility. The company was started in 1946 as a regional brand by Irving H. Franklin and brother Sydney Franklin. The brand has collaborated with several world-class athletes including Sugar Ray Leonard, David Robinson, Dan Marino, Barry Bonds, and Joe Namath.
Franklin Sports is dedicated to creating equipment that encourages players to enjoy the game at any skill level, thus, making the brand an excellent choice for family gatherings and picnics.
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linguistlist-blog · 8 months
TOC: Chinese Language and Discourse Vol. 14, No. 2 (2023)
ICYMI: 2023. iii, 172 pp. Table of Contents ARTICLES Reconsidering the shi…(de) construction in spoken Mandarin Angela Cook pp. 209–231 Mandarin chī ‘eat’ sentences in elicitation and corpus data John Newman & Dan Zhao pp. 232–264 Language and identity: A report on a Cambodian Chinese village Dana Scott Bourgerie pp. 265–284 Pluricentric legal Chinese: A Rethink on harmonization and uniformization of legal terminology Clara Ho-yan Chan & Marcus Galdia pp. 285–300 Pronoun TA as a facilitator of e http://dlvr.it/Swn5c9
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thesecrettimes · 10 months
Coinbase Looking to Add Lightning Network Support
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Coinbase Mulls Adding Support for Lightning Network Coinbase, the U.S.-based cryptocurrency exchange, has given an update about the possible integration of Lightning Network operations on its platforms. The Lightning Network is a second-layer scaling protocol for Bitcoin, with the aim of allowing users to benefit from almost real-time transaction times and low fees. Answering a post where former Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey criticized him for ignoring Bitcoin and the Lightning Network in the payments arena, Coinbase CEO Brian Armstrong stated: We’re looking into how to best add Lightning. It’s non-trivial, but I think worth doing. I’m all for payments taking off in Bitcoin. Furthermore, Armstrong stated that Coinbase had “onboarded more people to Bitcoin than probably any company in the world,” inviting Dorsey to collaborate on this task. However, in the exchange, Dorsey called for putting more resources behind Coinbase’s “original focus on Bitcoin and layer two technologies.” He concluded: We want an open protocol for money transmission for the internet that’s not controlled by a single individual, company, or government. While Armstrong did not give any dates regarding the implementation of Lightning, Victor Bunin, a protocol specialist at the exchange, reported he was at the helm of this task while asking for “insights on lift to add support, UX flows, open source tooling, service providers, and edge cases.” A Non-Trivial Task Armstrong referred to bringing Lightning Network support to Coinbase’s platform as a “non-trivial task,” indicating the process implied some degree of complication. Other cryptocurrency builders have recently voiced their own challenges regarding building on Lightning, criticizing the difficulty behind it. Changpeng “CZ” Zhao, CEO of Binance, an exchange that added support for Lightning Network deposits and withdrawals recently, stated that integrating tech to support the layer 2 (L2) was “more complicated” than it might appear due to the use of on-demand invoices. Also, Lightspark CEO David Marcus referred to the issue, stating that building on top of Lightning Network was “likely at least 5x harder than building with other protocols,” referring to the experience as “incredibly complex and hard.” What do you think about Coinbase looking to implement Lightning Network? Tell us in the comments section below. Read the full article
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likmacuhylang · 1 year
Results of 2022 Year
Empty month without big problem and war. I stay in country and hoped to go in Penza, start writing and create blog in insta. Cinema: "Forrest Gump" by Robert Zemeckis Manga: "Wild Yaoi"Cinema: "Vertigo" by Alfred Hitchcock Cinema: "Fargo" by Joel and Ethan Coen Cinema: "The Curse of the Jade Scorpion" by Woody Allen Cinema: "Annette" by Leos Carax Cinema: "Nomadland" by Chloe Zhao Cinema: "American Beauty" by Sam Mendes
On the morning of Febrary 24, the war began. My country attaced Ukraine. Cinema: "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas" by Terry Gilliam Cinema: "No Country for Old Men" by Joel and Ethan Coen Cinema: "The Green Mile" by Frank Darabont Cinema: "Yalda a Night for Forgiveness" by Massound Bakhshi Cinema: "Honey Sigar" by Kamir Ainouz
Whole month I cried, thinked and cheked news about war.In this period I often thinked, what I must was die. Saved myself only Art.
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...If ye break faith with us who die We shall not sleep, though poppies grow In Flanders fields.
Cinema: "Titan" by Julia Ducournau Manga: "Love is Money" by Panda Manga: "Creepy Cat and My Strange Life" by Cotton Valent
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Manga: "The Baker from First Floor" by Gyaga Manga: "Why did Men Stop Wearing High Heels" by KIM Jimmy Manga: "Demon Slayer" by GOTOUGE Koyoharu Manga: "Demon Slayer: Tamioka Giyuu Gaiden" by GOTOUGE Koyoharu Manga: "Demon Slayer: Rengoku" by GOTOUGE Koyoharu Manga: "Ka gari gari" by GOTOUGE Koyoharu Manga: "Brothers Monjushirou" by GOTOUGE Koyoharu Manga: "Rokkostu-san" GOTOUGE Koyoharu Manga: "Haeniwa no Zigzag" GOTOUGE Koyoharu Manga: "Total Eclipse of the Ethernal Heart" by Syundei Book: "Secretum" by Petrarca Franchesco Book: "Epistolae familiares" by Petrarca FranchescoManga: "People, who can't see" by Nagabe Anime: "Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid" by Yashiro Takemoto
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Anime: "Magical Girl Ore" by Itsurou Kawasaki. Book: "A Guide to Art Nouveau Style" by William Hardy Anime: "No Matter How I Look at It, It's You Guy's Fault I'm Not Poppular!" by Shin Oonuma Book: "Time to Come to Your Senses!" Leo Tolstoy Book: "Alphonse Mucha" by Sarah Mucha Manga: "Yakedo Shoujo" by SATOMY Yuu
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Manga: "xxxHolic" by CLAMP Anime: "Blood+" by Junchi Fujisaku Manga: "The Gokuraku District's Third Avenue Incident" by Sano Yuto Book: "Biography by Leonid Kannegisser" Cinema: "Knives Out" by Rian Johnson Cinema: "Pensione Edelweiss" by Ottorino Franco Bertolini and Victor Merenda Cinema: "The Truble with Harry" by Alfred Hitchcock Cinema: "The Shawshnk Redemption" by Frank Darabond Cinema: "Divorce Italian Style: Pieto Germi Book: "First Manifesto of Surrealism" by Andre Breton Book: "Language of Cinema" by Danila Kusnecov
Donna unmei ga matte irun darou Kuyamitakunai yo umareta koto
Book: "Mediocre as Social Danger" by Olga Sedakova. Manga: "Solo Leveling" by GEE So-Lyung. Cinema: "The Lord of Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring" by Peter Jackson. Book: "About Psychological attractiveness  totalitarianism" by Bruno Bettelheim. Book: "Five Moral Pieces" by Umberto Eco.
Manga: "Cardcaptor Sakura" by CLAMP. Cinema: "The Evil Dead" by Sam Raimi. Cinema: "Eye Wide Shut" by Stanley Kubrik. Cinema: "Interview with the Vampire" by Neil Jordan. Cinema: "My Little Princess" by Eva Ionesco. Anime: "Visual Prison" by Tomoya Tanaka. Manga: "Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE" by CLAMP. Book: "Dark Carnival" by Ray Douglas Bradbury. Anime: "Beelzebub" by Yoshihiro Takamoto. Cinema: "Love and Death" by Woody Allen.
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Cinema: "The Others" by Alejanro Amenabar. Cinema: "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre" by Marcus Nispel. Book: "Lonf After Midnight" Ray Douglas Bradbury. Cinema: "Great Beauty" by Paolo Sorrentino. Cinema: "Neon Demon" by Nicolas Winding Fefn. Book: "Biography of Konstantin Savitsky" by Mihail Sokolnikov. Cinema: "Dead Poets Society" by Peter Weir. Cinema: "What We Do in the Shadows" by Taika Waititi. Book: "Room and a Half" Joseph Brodsy. Book: "Hallowe'en Party" Agatha Cristie. Cinema: "Decision to Leave" by Park Chan-wook. Cinema: "Crimson Peak" by Guilermodel Toro. Cinema: "Ready or Not" by Matt Bettin elli-Olpin.
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Cinema: "The Shape of Water" by Guilero del Toro. Cinema: "Shutter Island" by Martin Scorsese. Cinema: "Requiem for a Dream" by Darren Aronofsky. Cinema: "The Naked Gun" by David Zuker. Cinema: "Death on the Nile" by Kenneth Branagh.
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Cinema: "Death in Venice" by Luchino Visconti. Cinema: "The Must Beautiful Boy in the World" by Kristian Petri. Cinema: "Bullets over Broadway" by Woody Allen. Anime: "The Empire of Corpse" by Ryoutarou Makihara. Cinema: "Pale Blood" by Michael W. Leighton and V.V. Dachin Hsu. Series: "Alienist" Cinema: "Stalker" by Andrei Tarkovsky. Cinema: "Safe" by Todd Haynes. Cinema: "Inglurious Basterds" by Quentin Tarantino. Cinema: "Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter... and Spring" by Kim Ki-duk. Cinema: "The Banshees of Inesherin" Martin MacDonagh. Cinema: "Kives Out: Glass Onion" by Rian Johnson. Cinema: "Guilermo del Toro's Pinocchio" by Guilermo del Toro.
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hykerlon · 2 years
Late night screen time with depression
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Late night screen time with depression tv#
The role of physical activity in mental health is well established in several studies and it is proven that physically active individuals are less likely to suffer from depressive symptoms ( Hamer et al., 2010). Most of the studies have focused towards the relation of physical activity with mental health.
Late night screen time with depression tv#
While, it is also reported that people with depressive symptoms spend significantly more hours in a day, watching TV and using computer ( de Wit et al., 2011). People who spend > 4 h of screen time such as: TV watching and computer use, are at higher risk of developing depression ( de Wit et al., 2011, Hamer et al., 2013). TV watching and computer use are common sedentary activities in United States and elsewhere. Sedentary behavior can be defined as behavior characterized by a seated or reclining posture and low energy expenditure (≤ 1.5 Metabolic Equivalent Task) ( Teychenne et al., 2010). Research in sedentary behavior and health risk suggests that engaging in sedentary behavior is associated with depression and several chronic diseases such as: type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases ( de Wit et al., 2011, Megan et al., 2014, Teychenne et al., 2010). Several researches have been conducted to seek the association between depression and individual characteristics such as: physical activity, socio-economic status and existing disease conditions, and reported that these factors are associated with depression ( Freeman et al., 2016, Ma and Xiao, 2010, Vallance et al., 2011, Zhao et al., 2011). Studies have found that females are more likely to experience depressive symptoms than male ( de Wit et al., 2011, Wang et al., 2016). Data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 2009–2012 has indicated that about 7.6% of people aged 12 and over had moderate or severe depression ( Pratt and Brody, 2014). World Health Organization predicts that depression will be the leading cause of disease burden worldwide by the year 2030 ( World Health Organization, 2011). Prospective studies and measurement of factors such as: work place sitting, social relationship, and family history of depression are warranted.ĭepression is one of the most common mental disorders and it is estimated that 350 million people of all ages suffer from depression globally ( Marcus et al., 2016). TV watching and computer use can predict the depression level among adults. Duration of screen time was significantly associated when all covariates were adjusted. Results showed that moderate or severe depression level was associated with higher time spent on TV watching and use of computer (> 6 h/day) (adjusted odds ratio: 2.3, 95% CI: 1.602–3.442). Depression was found to be significantly higher among female. SAS®9.4was used to perform all statistical analyses and final model selection procedure. Self-reported Patient Health Questionnaire-9 was used to classify depression level self-reported hours of watching TV and use of computer/day, and demographic information were obtained from NHANES data set. Participants were 3201 US adults who were 20 years or more. This is a cross-sectional study that used the secondary data from the National Health and Nutritional Examination Survey (NHANES) (2011/2012). The objective of this study was to assess the relationship between television watching/computer use and depression. The relationship between television watching/computer use and depression in US adults is still unknown. Growing evidence suggests that sedentary lifestyle is an important risk factor of depression among adults. World Health Organization has projected that depression will be leading cause of disease burden by the year 2030. Epidemiological surveys conducted in general populations have found that the prevalence of depression is about 9% in the United States.
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dramaspecial1004 · 3 years
Zhao Yiting might be the biggest idiot I have seen in dramaworld... damn it boy just fucking OPEN YOUR MOUTH AND TALK IS THIS SO DIFFICULT? I want to throw things at my tv...
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