#marella discovery
kreuzfahrttester · 1 year
Feuer auf Marella Discovery, aktuelle Reise abgebrochen!
Marella Discovery Feuer … Marella Cruises, ein Unternehmen der deutschen TUI-Gruppe, hat aufgrund eines an Bord ausgebrochenen Feuers die laufende und die bevorstehende Reise ihres Schiffs, der Discovery, storniert. Die örtliche Presse berichtet, dass die Passagiere am Freitag, dem 7. Juli, gegen 1:30 Uhr durch den Feueralarm geweckt wurden, als das Schiff auf einer Karibikkreuzfahrt nach Gran…
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Thoughts on Sophie’s love interests/their relation to her?
Okay I'm gonna try and cover a breadth, but let me know if I missed one! (this got long)
Sokeefe: Spoke about it more here, general idea is I think Keefe's become stagnant and is constantly inhibiting the plot/Sophie to an aggravating degree. He's unhealthily obsessed with her + praises her, yet is constantly meddling/steamrolling in a way I don't enjoy. I think he needs a life outside her and to actually experience consequences--Sophie should hate him for a while. As a treat. Sokeefe's execution was too quick for my tastes, but is still salvageable.
Sophitz: I'm biased; I love Fitz. He's shown remorse and growth, he spent his childhood looking for her while she spent hers wishing for someone like her. Sophie, without knowing or trying, completely annihilated all the pedestals Fitz stood on. Manifested younger, transmits farther, blocks better, etc. She's unwillingly everything he wanted to be. There's this tension, an undertone of subconscious jealousy to it all. Then the matchmaking makes it painfully clear what different worlds they come from, but it's gloriously frustrating because it didn't have to end like that, yet it was always going to, you know? They could've talked, they could've waited--but they were giddy and rushed in too soon (they never would've waited) and now they're further apart than ever. Really really hoping to see them re-find each other and establish something true and strong, non-romantically
Sodex: Sophie feels weird about it because they're technically cousins, so we're not starting strong (if Sophie didn't care, neither would I, but that's a separate thing). Furthermore, Dex fell hard for the first person in the world to not be a bigoted ass to him. Very low bar, very sweet and innocent, but entirely doomed to fail from day one. The crush was one-sided and built on nothing, the friendship forming later based on actual interactions and getting to know each other, which I think is a more compelling and sensible direction for the two of them. Dex is quick, stubborn, petty, and loyal. Big fan of what they've got now.
Sophiana: The pettiness of the first book, the push and shove. The nudge from Alden, the betrayal. Sophie consumed Biana's family's existence before she could walk, Biana always left out wanting until suddenly she was There. This thing she'd been excluded from made flesh to hate. A ratty, weird antithesis to Biana's princess reputation. The bridging of that gap and the sincerity they develop is beautiful. The ways Sophie opens Biana's eyes and Biana fights in turn to be there for her. Hoping we get more from them in-depth in the future
Solinh: Linh's resilient, caring, has spent a lifetime being an unwanted danger afraid of herself and hasn't had the time to find herself outside of survival. Sophie revolutionized Linh's world, enabled her to find the space she needed to grow and breathe easier. She's scary powerful, determined, and joyful--all of which Sophie would benefit from in turn. They could go on a journey of self-discovery and building confidence together, though right now their one-on-one scenes are a little lacking
Sopharella: Lot of layers to these two. One of her first friends, but despite that was one of the last Sophie actually got to know. Marella wanted to join and blamed Sophie for leaving her, decided it wasn't for her, then was dragged into it all anyway. They've never been super close, but are still tied together in ways they don't understand (Caprise's relationship to the Neverseen). Neither of them want to be in the situation they're in, and yet. They're in a sort of truce, but it doesn't seem either of them are doing anything to move beyond that
Hekster: Ah, rivals to lovers. Stina's unstable superiority, distancing herself from them in hopes no one remembers hey, weren't your parents...? The immaturity of "you laughed at me. you didn't even know me but you took his side" (paraphrased, Lodestar). The "We good, Foster?" Lot of hostility, but a lot of growth on Stina's part in this one (said because like 90% of Sophie's hostility is in reaction). Solid up until Stellarlune. However, I find the imbalance of that hostility to detract from the rivalry's appeal; if it was genuinely mutual instead of Stina being a bully and Sophie defending herself, I'd be more into it.
Sotam: Adore Tam. The defiance, the stubbornness, the way he'd rather fuck off and yet he's become part of this group almost against his will. The quiet burden he's given himself his whole life, the fear and responsibility. The way he'd choose Linh over the world. He's indebted to Sophie for saving Linh, for getting them out and getting her to an environment where she could connect and build her confidence. He's saved her in turn. They've got a sort of silently orbiting each other thing going on. I personally find their backgrounds (as Others), defiance, and humor to best serve a strong platonic bond.
Lopster: I don't even need to explain myself 100/10 no notes
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mariacallous · 8 months
It was the literary scandal of the decade, the ultimate betrayal and, it turned out, the end of Truman Capote’s career. Published in Esquire in November 1975, “La Côte Basque 1965”, an excerpt from Capote’s then-forthcoming novel Answered Prayers, saw the celebrated writer share the innermost secrets (and most scandalous gossip) entrusted to him by his beloved Swans, the wealthy and glamorous group of high-society women that included Babe Paley, Slim Keith, Gloria Guinness, Lee Radziwill, Marella Agnelli and CZ Guest.
Visceral in its revelations of substance abuse, sexual assault, a murder cover-up, a graphic description of extra-marital period sex and, to top it off, bestiality, the article was a sensation for all the wrong reasons. It saw Capote deserted by his closest friends and shunned from the New York clique he had yearned to be a part of growing up – and, against the odds, had managed to infiltrate as an adult thanks to the success of his novels In Cold Blood and Breakfast at Tiffany’s.
Capote’s questionable actions (and the irresistible drama they precipitated) form the backbone of Ryan Murphy’s long-awaited Feud, inspired by Laurence Leamer’s bestselling 2021 book, Capote’s Women. An all-star cast will bring the man and his muses back to life when the Gus Van Sant-directed series premieres this month on FX in the US, but what was the real-life fallout from the publication of “La Côte Basque 1965” like for Capote and co?
“He never recovered from it,” says Ebs Burnough, director of the 2021 documentary The Capote Tapes, a five-year discovery project that saw him uncover hours of audio footage of Capote, and which gives the most thorough insight into the flawed figure to date. “[These were] friendships born and nurtured over 20-something years. All of a sudden, not one but all of his friends – who had been like his family, because he didn’t really have any family – were not speaking to him; there was literally nowhere for him to go. He was alone drinking, and the phone stopped ringing. He was a man alone on an island.”
Described by the New York Times as “the high-society temple of French cuisine”, La Côte Basque – just off Fifth Avenue and a stone’s throw from The Plaza – was a fine-dining eatery as famous for its juicy gossip as it was for its succulent Coeur de Filet Périgourdine. No one, however, dared to write about what was said and done there – until Capote. While his ostracising may seem like an obvious consequence for spilling society’s sordid secrets, Capote was flawed by the outrage.
Before publication, he boasted to People that he was planning on assassinating his characters with a pen instead of a gun: “There’s the handle, the trigger, the barrel, and, finally, the bullet. And when that bullet is fired from the gun, it’s going to come out with a speed and power like you’ve never seen – wham!”
Success was, in his head, assured, as Capote had been open about writing “La Côte Basque 1965”, bragging about the stories he would tell, continues Burnough. “He was working on that piece for over 20 years, so in his mind he didn’t anticipate the fall out because all of them knew he was working on it.” Upon the outrage, Capote was, “totally abandoned but also indignant”, he continues. “He even said, ‘Hey! What did they expect from me? I’m a writer!’”
Capote had form. “Remember, this was something he had done with Breakfast at Tiffany’s,” explains Burnough. “When you think about it, Holly Golightly is essentially a call girl, yet with Audrey Hepburn [playing her], and because it was so beautifully written, lots of New York socialites were saying, ‘Holly was based on me!’ There’s [even] a quote in The Capote Tapes where Babe’s daughter [Kate] says, ‘Mummy was so excited to be immortalised by such a famous author.’ So, I think he was certainly expecting great praise.”
Babe Paley was Capote’s most aggrieved victim of “La Côte Basque 1965”. In it, Slim Keith’s alias, Lady Ina Coolbirth, reveals to the fictionalised version of Capote, PB Jones, the story that Paley is said to have told Capote about catching her husband, CBS head Bill, in bed with another woman. When Capote rang the Paley household to see what they thought of “La Côte Basque”, Bill is said to have lied, claiming that it was thrown out before either of them could read it; a distraught Babe, who had read it, and who considered Capote her closest confidante, had terminal lung cancer at the time of its publication and never spoke to Capote again before her death in 1978.
Such dismissal of his work would have affected Capote, says Burnough, but the fallout from the Swans leaving him would have been even worse. “Babe Paley was his North Star. She was everything he aspired to be and everything his mother aspired to be. [His mother] had always wanted to be a socialite, so his obsession came from her wanting but not being a part of that world, and then abandoning him as a child. There’s a lot of mother psychology there.”
It makes total sense that Babe Paley was the victim of Capote’s worst betrayal, says Lisa Pomerantz, the New York-based brand expert with a lifelong obsession with Capote and his era of social commentators. “She was the one that opened up the most to him. He took total advantage of her because the others – Lee Radziwill, CZ Guest [et al] – were always more guarded,” she says. “The question is, did he do it knowingly? He was a tortured soul, mostly because of his relationship with his mother – that combined with his natural obsession with this aspirational life and Babe and Bill being the epitome of it.”
Having been sent from New Orleans to Alabama to be raised by relatives after his parents’ divorce, Capote is said to have been a lonely, introverted child searching for a sense of belonging. So why, having infiltrated the glitzy New York scene as a bonafide player, did he blow it all up?
In tandem with craving acceptance, psychologist Carolyn Mair muses that, deep down, Capote resented the world he had managed to become a part of. “People warmed to him and wanted to protect him as he projected an identity of both child and woman, yet his wit could be razor sharp. His ability to remember conversations verbatim made him a good source of gossip,” she says. “Yet as his psychological problems worsened, it seems reasonable to assume that his judgement also worsened.” Shocking others, she adds, “can also be a way of getting attention”.
The backlash from other circles would also have been keenly felt by Capote, continues Mair. “The Swans were the high society who lived aspirational lives and were the envy of women across the States and elsewhere,” she says. “Ordinary people would have read about these women and their lifestyles in the press and fashion magazines and would relate to them as if they were also their friends. The publication of ‘La Côte Basque 1965’ would likely have triggered a shocked sense of betrayal amongst the readers of popular and fashion press at the time.”
Perhaps the most interesting upshot of the “La Côte Basque 1965” scandal, though? The ways in which it laid the groundwork for tabloid culture, says Burnough. “This was an era [in America] when no one even talked about the fact that Franklin Roosevelt was in a wheelchair, let alone the affairs people were having, let alone as graphically as Truman did. As the late, great John Richardson said, ‘[Capote] took the lid off a pile of shit’ and it started the exposé culture we have today. It was a real ‘gotcha!’ moment for the rich and famous.”
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corruption-exe · 2 years
Historians Wouldn't Call Us Lovers
i know the prompt was "valiant" but you never specified the type of valiant, so i twisted it.
and just so you know, i spent most of my afternoon on this and had a dilemma, so please enjoy it!
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Day 2: Valiant
Sophie, the princess of Havenfield, could hear trumpets coming from the castle walls.
She looked out the window and saw that a special traveling party had come back from the outskirts of the kingdom.
A smile grew on her face and she hitched up her skirts so she could descend the stairs to greet them before her father did.
“Do you think Mare and Linh are going to be there?” one of her best friends, Princess Biana of the Everglen kingdom, joined her as she passed one of the many hallways.
In some of the years prior, Biana had gotten to know two knights-in-training, Lady Marella of the Fluttermont estate and the exiled princess who was adopted, Lady Linh of Solreef, and had confided to Sophie that she was in love with both, but they were in a relationship with each other and Biana didn’t want to intrude.
It broke Sophie’s heart a little because she could sense that both knights had shared affection for Biana as well.
“I don’t care.” Fitz, Biana’s brother, remarked. “I want to see if-”
“If Dex went home, I know.”
“N- no I don’t!”
“He definitely did.” Biana whispered to Sophie and they both giggled.
Fitz had also fallen in love with one of Havenfield’s knights, and Sophie’s cousin, Dex. 
Fitz wouldn’t admit it, but there was no denying how flustered he got when Dex was mentioned in the smallest way.
And, by the looks of it, Dex felt the same, but was better at covering it up by using his one-sided rivalry with the Crown Prince of Everglen.
“Well, a lot of them seemed to come back, so I’m positive.”
They came to a stop as they reached the doors that would open to the foyer.
Sophie could see the doubt on Biana’s face and patted her arm.
“We don’t have to see them if you don’t want to.”
“No, I do. Open the doors, please.”
The three royals hurried down the stairs as soon as the doors opened.
As soon as they passed the bottom step, the knights knelt in front of the princesses.
They were arranged according to rank and Sophie took pride in the fact that they were organized in a straight line. That must have been her lover, Stina’s, doing.
“You may rise and take off your helmets. I want to see the heroes that saved my kingdom.”
The knights did as she said and took off their helmets one by one.
When Linh and Marella undid their helmets, Biana ambushed them both with an embrace, causing all three girls to fall down, laughing.
Eventually, when Dex took his off, Sophie gave him a quick hug and went on her way.
When she looked over her shoulder, she could see Dex blushing and Fitz talking animatedly with his hands.
As Sophie moved to the left, she got worried each time someone took their helmets off and it wasn’t her lover. 
She tried to stay positive, but she was starting to lose hope like she’d already lost her love.
When it came to the last knight, she held her breath as they lifted the helmet and… long blond hair spilled out of it instead of the coily brown hair she was used to.
The face behind the helmet was her lover, Stina’s, second-in-command, Keefe.
His face bore the familiar look of a soldier who lost a loved one to a war and she feared the worst; for Keefe was known for his jokes and smirks.
“Where- where is she?” Sophie whispered softly, willing herself not to cry.
“She- Stina insisted on staying back. She was convinced that she made a discovery about the dragon. I- I tried to go back, but she kicked me away as the cave collapsed. I’m sorry. I tried.”
 Sophie could feel a tear sliding down her face.
It couldn’t be.
How could the gods let this happen to her?
She’d done nothing wrong.
How could the gods take her love away from her? 
After everything she did-
Sophie let out a sob and collapsed onto Keefe.
For the next two weeks, Sophie mourned her lover.
Her mother had tried cheering her up by saying that there was a possibility Stina was still alive.
It was no use.
She was inconsolable and didn’t leave her room.
Food and beverages were either tasteless to her or left cold.
A month later, a handmaid went in and woke her up.
"My lady, a suitor has come. They claim to have done something unachievable before. The king sent me here to get you ready.
Sophie could feel her head nod although she felt numb inside.
Her senses were numbed as she was led away to get ready.
Years ago, when she turned 15, her father had started a contest for her hand in marriage.
Ever since then, suitors had come far and wide in attempts to woo her, but none of them struck her like her friend from childhood, Stina.
Stina was the daughter of the Stable Masters and had made her ambition to be a knight obvious.
Originally, Sophie disliked Stina because she’d caught Stina saddling a horse in a way that made her think that the horse was being mistreated.
She’d come to her father and told him what she saw, but he simply laughed and told her that it wasn’t harmful to the horse in any way.
Sophie, being only 10 at the time, huffed and promised that she’d never ride a horse without its consent. 
Her mother, who was sewing nearby, had laughed and accidentally pricked her finger on the needle.
When she was 12, Stina teased her for falling off a pony.
Sophie ignored her and got back on.
When she was 14, she became friends with Stina and they put their past behind them.
That was also the year Stina started training as a knight.
When she was 15, she found out she was in love.
When she was 16, they became lovers.
At 18, Stina had been bestowed the official title of knight.
But despite the fact that she had fallen in love with Stina and had made their love public, the contest would carry on until she was too old to marry or Stina proposed; which would never happen now that she was dead.
She was currently 21; there was plenty of time until she was illegible for marriage.
As she was preparing to be presented, Sophie couldn’t remember anything. She felt numb and emotionless as she went down the stairs despite most princesses’ excitement at a suitor.
Her father smiled when he saw her.
“You’ll like this suitor.”
Sophie nodded with no emotion behind it.
She was brought into the throne room and seated on her throne.
A knight was brought in after a few minutes of sitting.
They had a familiar figure, that crest seemed familiar, and, wait, was that-
The knight kneeled in front of Sophie and Sophie had a weird feeling that this had happened before, but she forgot when.
“My lady.”
Sophie’s eyes furrowed as she tried to remember where she’d heard that voice before.
“Rise and take your helmet off, please.”
The knight rose, but didn’t take their helmet off.
“I can’t take my helmet off, my lady.”
“Why not?”
“I’m quite hideous.” 
“That’s no excuse to deny my request.”
“I- I do believe that you would not like my appearance. People have fainted at the sight of it.”
“I have seen worse. Take. It. Off.”
They went back and forth over the helmet with the knight changing their argument every few sentences.
When the knight changed their argument once more, Sophie finally lost her temper and stood up.
She walked over to where the knight was standing and grabbed the sides of the helmet.
“Suitor or not, I am your future queen and I am determined to find out who managed to accomplish something that hasn’t been done before.”
Sophie started to pull the helmet up.
“Wait, I don’t recommend-”
But it was too late.
Sophie had pulled the helmet and-
It- it couldn’t be.
She had to be dreaming again. 
Standing in front of her was Stina; the lover she thought was lost.
She burst into tears.
“What- but- how- Keefe said-”
Stina sighed and smiled.
“This was supposed to be dramatic, but I guess we’ll have to make do.”
Stina held out her arms and Sophie tackled her to the ground.
“Never do that again.”
“Do what?”
“Scare me like that.”
“It wasn’t intentional. I found out that the dragon was just lonely. She needed some company, so I gave it to her.”
“That’s so you.”
“She’s also flying above the castle, just in case you didn’t know.”
Sophie quickly pulled away.
“Don’t worry, she’s harmless! She wants to negotiate with you!” 
Sophie sighed affectionately. 
“One of these days, you’ll give me a heart attack.”
“Of course.”
Stina stood up and helped Sophie up, but then went back down on one knee.
Sophie could feel her face turn red and her heart beat even faster; a feat she didn’t know could happen.
“Stina, don’t you think it’s too soon? I mean, I just found out you’re alive and there’s a dragon circling our heads and oh my stars, YES.”
On the day of their wedding, Sophie started panicking inside when she saw Stina in a wedding dress.
Stina had chosen to wear the dress when it had come to choosing wedding apparel and seemed to be bent on keeping it. 
Now, Sophie was glad that Stina had fought to keep it, but was kind of regretting not getting a dress that gave her more room to breathe.
Stina’s cheeks turned pink seeing Sophie and gave a soft smile. 
“You’re beautiful.”
“Not as much as you.” Sophie replied without thinking.
Everything was perfect. 
Sophie finally had things the way she wanted and needed.
Stina was beside her as her bride; 
Biana had gathered up enough courage to confess to both Marella and Linh and all three of them were dating; 
Fitz had finally asked Dex out and were in the over-sweetened beta stage of their relationship;
And even Keefe seemed to have gotten a crush on Linh’s brother, Tam, who had been visiting from their adopted country, Solreef, and they were busy arguing over hair, but Sophie could see that they were both smitten.
Really, there was nothing else the gods could do to make her happier.
@camelspit @heksterweek
People I keep locked up (tell me if you want in or out. Sorry if you didn’t want to be tagged out of loyalty):
@/camelspit (you're already tagged; i don't want to give you extra notifs)
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bodrumhaberleri · 22 days
Yolcu gemisi Marella Discovery, "ana limanı" Marmaris'e geldi
Malta bayraklı “Marella Discovery” adlı kruvaziyer, çıktığı tur kapsamında “ana liman” olarak kullandığı Muğla’nın Marmaris ilçesine vardı. Mikanos Adası’ndan gelen ve Marmaris Cruise Port Limanı’nın büyük iskelesine yanaştırılan gemide, çoğu İngiliz 1890 yolcu ve 740 personel bulunduğu belirtildi. Gümrük işlemlerinin ardından limandan ayrılan turistler, Marmaris Çarşısı, tarihi Kaleiçi…
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tifatait · 3 months
ecco la "Marella Discovery 2" | www.salernotoday.it
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pazaryerigundem · 4 months
Bodrum'da çocukların kruvaziyer heyecanı
Bodrum'da çocukların kruvaziyer heyecanı
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Dünyanın en büyük kruvaziyer liman işletmecisi Global Ports Holding’in portföyünde yer alan Bodrum Cruise Port aynı anda 2 kruvaziyer gemisi ağırladı.
MUĞLA (İGFA) – Dünyanın en büyük kruvaziyer liman işletmecisi Global Ports Holding’in portföyünde yer alan Bodrum Cruise Port, dün 2 kruvaziyer gemisini birden ağırlarken, bir yandan da sosyal sorumluk projesini hayata geçirdi.
Virgin Voyages’a ait Resillient Lady ve Marella Cruises’a ait Marella Discovery gemileri toplamda 4 bin 295 yolcu ile Cruise Port’u ziyaret etti.
Bodrum Cruise Port aynı anda Bodrum Cumhuriyet Orta Okulu’ndan 30 öğrenci ve 3 öğretmenin katılımı ile bir sosyal sorumluluk projesini de gerçekleştirdi.
Limana gelen öğrencilere liman ile ilgili genel bilgilendirmeler yapılırken, sonrasında Marella Discovery gemisinde gezi düzenlendi. Öğrencilere gemide denizcilik, kruvaziyer turizmi ve denizlerin korunması hakkında eğitim verilirken, Turmepa’nın hazırladığı okyanusların korunmasını konu alan çizgi film gösterimi de gerçekleştirildi.
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Bir yandan kruvaziyer gemilerine üstün bir hizmet sunarken bir yandan da sosyal sorumluluk projelerini hayata geçirmeye devam edeceklerini kaydeden Global Ports Holding Doğu Akdeniz Limanları Direktörü, Aziz Güngör, “Etkileyici gemi yelpazesi ve yolcularımıza olağanüstü hizmet sunma konusundaki sürekli kararlılığımızla bu yıl Bodrum’da başarılı bir kruvaziyer sezonu daha bekliyoruz. Bununla birlikte gelecek nesillere denizlerin önemini anlatırken, sektörümüzü de tanıtıyoruz. Böylece hem sektörümüzde hem de denizlerimizde sürdürülebilirliğin sağlanması noktasında önemli bir sorumluluk üstleniyoruz” dedi.
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BU Haber İGF HABER AJANSI tarafından servis edilmiştir.
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livornopress · 1 year
Crociere: la stagione entra nel vivo, a Piombino arriva la Marella Discovery II
Crociere: la stagione entra nel vivo, a Piombino arriva la
Piombino (Livorno) 2 giugno 2023 – Crociere: la stagione entra nel vivo, a Piombino arriva la Marella Discovery II Con l’arrivo della seconda nave dell’anno, la Marella Discovery 2, previsto per domani, entra nel vivo la stagione crocieristica nel porto di Piombino, stagione che è iniziata a metà maggio con lo scalo eccezionale della Sea Cloud II e che secondo le stime della Port Authority farà…
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atomowen · 2 years
Fuel ship pulled out of harbor Montego Bay, Marella Discovery 2 is pre...
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cruiseready · 5 years
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ichristian-news · 4 years
☀️ #61 The Blind Sightseers "Escape The Lockdown" With Distant Memories: "St. George's, Grenada" 🇬🇩 (2019)
☀️ #61 The Blind Sightseers “Escape The Lockdown” With Distant Memories: “St. George’s, Grenada” 🇬🇩 (2019)
   Hi friends and welcome to Day 61 of this monumental, inconceivable and definly memorable blind sightseers tour….! Good morning friends! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q-6pkbgL3Ho&feature=youtu.be One of my first attempts at a Time-Lapse video… Yay, Safe On The Dock….🛳 Upon leaving the ship it felt like coming home, as we knew exactly where we needed to go as we were here last year (read…
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kreuzfahrttester · 5 years
Marella Discovery fährt an 2021 vom Basishafen Port Canaveral
Marella Discovery fährt an 2021 vom Basishafen Port Canaveral
Die Marella Discovery (früher Splendour of the Seas, dt. Pracht der Meere)  soll 2021 in den USA stationiert werden.
Zum ersten Mal wird Marella Cruises ein Schiff in den USA stationieren!
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Marella Discovery
Die TUI-eigene Marke, die auf den britischen Markt ausgerichtet ist, wird die Marella Discovery ab Sommer 2021 vom Port Canaveral aus auf vier neue Routen mit elf Anlaufhäfen…
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the-resident-gay · 3 years
Hey Everyone! Do you want to read a very niche marellinh fic? Well, you’ve come to the right place. Go check out the first chapter of my story! Is there a plot? yes. Do I already know the ending? yes. Am I kinda making this up as I go? yes. So come on this fantastic journey with me!
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elliieephant · 6 years
I got back home from my cruise late last night. It was the most incredible weekend of my life, I only wish it lasted longer. I can’t wait to do it again!
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dewa-chan · 6 years
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This time, five ships! Featuring Celebrity Constellation (Elite), Carnival Splendor (Standard), Marella Discovery II (Standard), Queen Victoria (Elite) and Terukuni Maru (Old Guard)!
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justraffo · 5 years
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#marelladiscovery #marella #discovery #navedacrociera #cruiseship #nave #ship #crociera #cruise #porto #port #mare #sea #acqua #water #ioniansea #marjonio #taranto #puglia #apulia #italia #italy (presso Molo Sant'Eligio) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzQ3sQ5Cogt/?igshid=1eefenuoac228
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