#splendor is good ol splendor
icarrymany · 4 months
it would be so funny if in-universe the operator had like. mothman level folklore. and there was a show like this abt 'proving' the existence of it:
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tuscaloosa is slenderman's point pleasant or roswell new mexico. slenderman tourist trap exhibit. slenderman keychain. slenderman statue in the middle of town.
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himbo-in-limbo · 1 year
Splendor’s different moods!
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I recently had a very unique and highly detailed dream about good ol Splendy!
The thing is even when I was a teen and I was at the peak of my creepy pasta phase I never got lucky enough to have a dream where he was in it! (Sadly enough I saw his mean brother one too many times) yes it was a gore fest…
Anyways, in that dream I saw splendorman in a new light. There was an interesting story going on (I may make a comic about it some day) and during that dream I saw splendy go through different phases…
Basically he began to fade in color when he had received some very upsetting news! (Unfortunately I had to see splendy cry in 4K) it was just as sad as you’d think it’d be.
And as the dream progressed the news he received just kept getting worse to the point that no one was able to calm him down. (This part of the dream was terrifying 😭) that happy man we all knew just kept getting more…intense…
His faded colors just kept getting darker and darker….to the point where he was as dark as the night…
I kept hearing people in my dream call him “Shadow Man”.
his demeanor changed drastically. In this form…he was out for blood.
As difficult as it was to achieve it, the dream ended on a very sweet note. That bad news he had received turned out to be false. He had to witness this himself before he could turn back. And almost instantly he was back to his colorful self (albeit still a bit faded) but once he began crying tears of joy he had gotten all of his old color back!
I might make a tick tock of this dream some day 🤔 sadly it won’t be as detailed as it was in my dream (felt like I was in a movie 😭)
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codylabs · 5 months
Mechanical symbolism in Dune
Dune Part 2 (and Part 1) did something I don't notice much of and don't see nearly enough of, and that's characterizing factions and characters through their equipment. I'm not even talking about costumes, I'm talking about the ship baybeee.
House Atreides has ships, aircraft, and armor that are very angular and square-ish. Their spice harvesters look like NASA crawler carriers, very mundane, very mechanical. Their ships aren't the biggest or most powerful, but still dwarf all the locals when coming in for a landing. Their interior design is likewise fairly minimalist. Their aircraft are ornithopters, which stay aloft using good-ol-fashioned aerodynamics and hard-working nature-mimicking flapping rotors (albiet twice as many rotors as the dragonflys they're based on). If we think of a square as a perfectly "ordered" shape, and nature's methods of flight as the 'ideal', we can see House Atreides, with their endless trapezoids, as the closest this world has to the "good guys." An unassuming, honorable, humble dukedom, though still mired in politics and corruption, still a little (maybe a lot, maybe not enough) too big for their britches. All that communicated by their vehicles.
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House Harkonnen is their contrast in every way. The book gave their baron a 'suspension rig' to float around because he was so fat, but the movie ingeniously gave that same tech to their troops as well. They float around effortlessly, climbing mountains with a thought, not even engaging with the terrain, perfectly mirroring their attitude and the superior power they represent. They wear black, the categorically worst color for the desert, and their soldier's faces are obscured, almost inhumanly. Their ships are round, bulbous, shaped like rolls of fat, and so darkly-colored and confusingly-shaped that it's hard to even make out their intricate and crowded details except that they're bristling with guns. Their aircraft use lifting gas balloons. Their spice harvesters are so huge and tall and fat with machinery that they need silly legs just to stay upright. Now of course from all this, we can tell that the Harkonnen are so proud that they consider themselves too good for the ground itself, so rich that they don't have to touch it, so powerful they don't think they need to, so disconnected that it's made them weak.
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The Fremen are the simplest and most obvious of course; they have nothing. Their technology is simple. We don't see much of it. I wish their thumpers and compasses looked a little more obviously mechanical, but I can forgive that because they look very simple. The only aircraft we see them using are tiny 2-seater ornithopters with only 4 rotors; a copy of nature's dragonfly, no frills. The instruments onboard look like something out of WWII. Just perfect.
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But my favorite of all is the scene where the emperor arrives. The movie shows him going through the flames of reentry, which isn't something movies often show; the director put it in deliberately, because the very fact that he's entering the atmosphere, that he's coming down to the planet at all, is a thing of much importance, spectacle, and monument. And then his ship itself is an enormous shiny chrome sphere. Because of course it is! What symbolism could possibly be better? When you look at him, you can't even see him without just seeing yourself smaller. But as the ship comes in for a landing (and it doesn't even land, it just perpetually hovers) you can see that the mirror isn't perfect. You can see the seams between the mirrors, see it's just square paneling. The emperor is a powerful and proud and magnificent invisible god, except he's NOT, you can see all that splendor and hubris and pride, and see that beneath it all he's just a mortal man, just by looking at his ship. I have never seen that done in quite this way before. Spectacular.
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And then and THEN the next time we see the emperor's ship, it's after it's unpacked all its cargo, into this huge palace, complete with a complement of battleships and thousands of ground troops. My first thought was "hey how did all that fit onboard? That should be a literally impossible construction. Oh well, it's just a movie, who cares." But then the Fremen attack happens. A nuclear strike destroys the defenses, and then the sandworms come in, and something hits the palace, and the entire thing shakes and rattles! Because of COURSE it's not an actual building! Of COURSE all that could fit onboard, because it's just a shaky, fragile house-of cards! Sheet metal held together by rivets and a prayer, because he wanted to appear magnificent on his visit! The imperial rule makes a big talk, but it's all bark and no bite and it's fragile enough to be done in by a stiff breeze, and you can tell all that from the mechanical design alone!
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GOSH these movies are good.
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fimproda · 1 year
Welcome / Fanfiction Masterlist
(This is a long post. Bear with me: I'm unable to stop the flow of words that come out of my mouth. It's why I love writing.)
Hello there!
As I plan on using this account primarily to advertise my stories, here's a "brief" rundown of my authorial profile. Please note that each and every one of my works is R-Rated, and with good reason. (I like myself some smut.)
@zoyalannister and I are co-authors on AO3, and under our names is the The Last Flowers series, in which we hold back no blows towards Cassandra Clare's truly idiotic plot and characterization in The Last Hours and attempt to write something decent. TLF is comprised of:
Hydrangea, a three-part, Grace-centered minilong which takes place between Chain of Gold and Chain of Iron;
Daisy, a six-part, Cordelia-centered minilong spanning from the Whispering Room scene in Chain of Gold to the end of Chain of Iron;
Chrysanthemum (upcoming), a nine-part fix-it of that trash fire that is Chain of Thorns;
Geranium, an AU stemming from a particular plot point in Hydrangea;
Petals, a collection of missing moments from the series.
Please note that I am zoyalannister's friend, co-author and beta reader for a reason, and any defense of Chain of Thorns will not be tolerated on this blog. (I might be joking, or I might not. Find out at your expense.)
As a solo writer, I've been active for a while in the A Court of Thorns and Roses fandom with the Under the Stars series, posting, as of today:
Constellations, a Nessian-centric minilong which takes place about a year after the events in Silver Flames;
In the shadow of a dream, a Gwynriel one-shot that sets the scene for a future Gwynriel long;
Space dust, a collection of 31 drabbles for Kinktober;
Splendor Solis, a little Elucien worldbuilding piece set in the Day Court.
If you're interested about this fandom, want to know more about my stories (current or future), want to hear me proselitizing about how SJM is a truly great writer and suffers from too much negative publicity, or simply want to chat, I'm here for this very reason.
You can also find me on Wattpad, where my "career" actually started. If there's someone between you who can read Italian and fancies themselves some mediocre The Mortal Instruments fanfiction, you can visit my Wattpad profile and be faced with these ol' things:
Remembering the Past, the first fanfic in a trilogy in which I tried to imagine what life after City of Heavenly Fire might have been like for our beloved heroes;
Living the Present, which is RtP's sequel;
Seeing the Future, which in turn is LtP's sequel and concludes the trilogy, as well as starting a new plotline with a fresh set of characters who star as protagonists in this next story I'm about to cite;
House of Cards, a Watty award-winning first story of a tetralogy I never got to write in its entirety. HoC is pretty sweet tho, if I do say so myself, and you can read it even if you know nothing about the Past, Present and Future trilogy.
The stuff on Wattpad is quite old and I'm not posting there anymore, as I now find AO3 more suitable for the kind of stories I write, and also a more "fanfiction-friendly" and "English-friendly" website. But I still respond to comments and interact with readers, since that's the bare minimum in my opinion.
And... this is all I have to say. Nice meeting you all!
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Spoilers for Dawntrail's last area. I have done basically 0.1% of it but I gotta talk about it. I just gotta.
This is it. This is peak right here as a culmination of everything Dawntrail is about. "You thought that was the Golden City of dream? Nah, not even close. This is the Golden City. This is more than shiny rocks and reckless splendor." It is the golden city that a lost parent talks about with a fond haze in their eyes. This is the end of a day of playing with friends before you have to be home for dinner. It is exactly as inviting and heartwarming as a truly nostalgic place should be, but in that as well is a sense of sadness.
Because it's all gone. It's been gone. It is a memory made manifest and like the Amaurot of Emet-Selch's illusions, it is colored by the perceptions of its creator.
But. As a final area for Dawntrail. It's telling to me how the rest of the story is about legacy, a fondness for days long gone, the terror of whether new generations can live up to the supposed splendor of the past. Every place we go in Yok Tural, we hear how Gulool Ja Ja and his party did great and impossible deeds, a time of heroes. How could we possibly hope to match those great times? How can we keep them rolling forever? In Living Memory, they do for Alexandria. It's always the good ol days there.
This stands in contrast to the answer Tuliyollal must accept. Time can't halt there and even if it did, what persists in that bubble? Everyone likes to say the Dawnservant made everything better and perfect but look. Bandits prowl roads, some of the Yok Huy are still imperial-minded, and the Mamool Ja still engage in a tradition that brings them nothing but suffering. It is only by Wuk Lamat and Koana's drive to not repeat greatness but to build upon it that these issues begin to give way. By expanding their understanding and building on what came before, they make a brand new tomorrow.
So when Alexandria and Living Memory hit? When you see how the tower literally feeds upon future progress and new lands to perpetuate its golden years? When you realize that you have to tear this nostalgic dream down with your own two hands or watch it consume every single reflection, piece by piece? When you realize that no matter how much Sphene loves the new people, people everywhere, she will always use them to fuel her sepia-tinted memory of a time long lost?? Holy FUCK. Just... Everything, every single thing led into this one moment of stepping into Living Memory and hearing Erenville say;
"All this time, it was here—the city of gold."
Chills. I can't express how perfect I found that line. That little last reveal. And to behold a town I'm sure I must have seen before. Maybe in a dream.
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Splendorman x Reader
We love an innocent bean turned into a slut, at least I do XD. I used, like, semi-fandom Splendorman for this with a couple twists.
Splendor hummed happily while you waited patiently for a package. Splendorman silently read a book you got him about how to deal with OCD. He has a lot of odd habits due to his OCD, including one you find kinda annoying, he'll hum every time he flips a page, you don't know why but he just does. There was a knock on the door, and you smiled when Splendor got up to opened the door. He said hi, signed the paper, said hi again, took the box, said hi again then closed the door, locking it, he doubled checked and went over. It's pretty severe but he's learning to live with it. His brothers tend to tease him over it, not Slender though, he's informed on this sort of thing. Offender is especially mean, he'll deliberately unlock the door when Splendor isn't looking, and he'll have checked twenty times or so and start crying. Splendor opened the box, and you shook from your thoughts, smiling. He stared, pulling out a outfit. "Uh, what's this?" Splendor asked.
You smiled and he looked at you. You took the outfit and unfolded it to show a leather harness with some silk, knee high socks and a silk, men's thong. He stared at the leash that came with it curiously. He then saw a second, smaller box in the box.
"Ah ah, nope, you'll see that later, now go put that on." you said.
Splendor seemed stunned.
"This? But I'll be cold, what even is it?" he asked.
You kissed his cheek and smiled.
"...Okay.." he said, confused.
He went to put it on, confused. You opened the smaller box to show a pair of sex cuffs, a blind fold, a ball gag, and a vibrating dildo as well as lube. You giggled evilly, staring. You put them back in the box. Soon Splendor came back out, confused. You smiled excitedly as he stood there. You giggled and he blushed. "I'm starting to wonder if this sexual." he said.
You froze and laughed. He blushed harder. "I'll take that as a yes." he laughed.
You walked over and took the leash from him before clipping it onto the front of the harness. He stared and gasped when her jerked him onto his knees. He looked up, blushing.
"Hi.." he said.
You smiled. "Hi." you answered.
You quickly rushed him to his office, smiling. You got the box and smiled. You went to his office where he stood nervously.
"You ready?" you asked. He looked at you.
"Uh, yeah?" he said.
You smiled and had him get onto his knees again. You quickly cuffed him and blindfolded him. He shivered at your soft touched as you got the blindfold tight. "Is this the BDSM stuff we talked about this week, cause if so I kinda like it." he said, smiling.
You laughed and put the gag on him, making him yelp. "Yep." you purred.
He shivered when you got the leash and tugged him close. You smiled and rubbed his face, giggling. He blushed a little and squirmed. "'M 'ol'." he said around the gag. (I'm cold) You tightened the gag a bit and he mumbled around it. You can tell he's nervous cause he's talking a lot. You knelt down behind him and rubbed his lower back. "Do you trust me?" you asked him.
He got silent and nodded. "Okay, then relax." you said.
He leaned into you, and you smiled. Kissing his neck. "Good boy." you said.
You started to rub his groin, humming. He bucked his hips into your hand, groaning around the gag a bit. You laughed and he whined. You rubbed his bare chest, smiling. You got in front of him, sucking softly on his nipple. He gasped around the gag, jerking. You smiled and rubbed it. He relaxed, blushing heavily. You continued to grope his growing hard on. He whined and fought the cuffs a little but stopped when you jerked on the leash. "Are you a good boy?" you asked.
He nodded, blushing. You smiled and got the vibrating dildo. It has a suction cup on the bottom, so you secured it on the floor. You smiled and got some lubed on your fingers. "You ready?" you asked.
He seemed to try ask something, but you slipped a finger in, and he yelped, his back arching when you curled your finger. He shivered and whined, drool running down his chin because he couldn't swallow around the gag. You smiled and slipped another finger in. He squirmed and gasped when he accidently made you hit his prostate. Soon you felt he was ready, and you got lube on the toy, stroking it carefully. Then you led him to the toy.
"Carefully sit on the dildo." you said.
He yelped when he felt it insert a bit. He slipped down on it and moaned loudly when he did. You grabbed the remote and turned it on. He jerked forward, shaking.
"Ride it." you said.
He whined and did as he was told, moaning loudly. You turned it up a little making his whimper. You took the gag off and smiled at the sounds he was making. "Does that feel good?" you asked.
Splendor whined before answering. "M-More.." Splendor begged.
You smiled widely and turned it up making him gasp, he started to ride it faster. You took his cock out and stroked it. You put the gag on, and Splendor desperately rode the toy. You took your pants and underwear off, smiling because you know he'll be shocked by this. You went to find a condom you turned to see Splendor growling violently as he rode the toy. You smiled and put the condom on him. You then slowly took his length inside you, smiling. He gasped, throwing his head back. You started to ride him, smiling as your falling body made the toy dig deep inside him. You struggled with the cuffs a little but ignore it. The blindfold slipped a bit, and you stared happily. Splendor admired you for a bit before you jerked the blindfold back, tugging on the leash. He whimpered around the gag, speeding up. You chuckled, turning the toy all the way up. You felt your face slowly getting hot as Splendor speed up. Drool dripped from his chin onto your thigh and you laughed.
"Look at my vulgar little boy." you said.
Splendor rested his head on your chest. You put a hand on his head, moaning loudly. Splendor groaned, tensing up. You tensed around him at this sudden stop but didn't stop moving. Splendor whined and relaxed as you came to. You got off his length and took the gag and blindfold off. "T-Turn the vibrator off." Splendor begged.
You smiled and he whined, shaking. "Just a little longer." you said.
Splendor made a noise kind of like a sob but still moved a bit, whimpering and whining. You took the condom off him and threw it in the trash. You tugged a bit on the leash, making him move harshly on the toy. You started to slowly turn it down until you turned it off. Splendor got off the toy and laid down, panting. "Ag-Again?" he whined. "Maybe another day, you need to rest silly." you said.
Splendor whined and sighed, curling up. You started to take everything off and went to get a shower ready.
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critleemadness-blog · 2 years
Loathsome Chaos God
You know, being a god is so great. You can basically do what you want; create anything you want, have undeniable power, order your followers to attack a village and tell them to be indoctrinated or face extreme prejudice.
Being a god is great…But wow it can be freaking boring… and damn well annoying.
"Ugh, nothing to do except hear everyone complain." Leshy muttered. Recently, his siblings were complaining of his incompetency on leading his cult. Yes there were a lot of hiccups here and there he did, but what could you do, he's a growing god, "No fun at all."
As he lay there in his garden, a sinister thought came into his mind. It began to fester to the point where he couldn't ignore it.
He is the God of Chaos after all. Why not cause some chaos for his dear siblings? It was only fair to get them back.
He chuckled to himself as black goop appeared underneath him before he descended in it.
/// ///
Hidden away inside her temple in Anura, Heket was taking special care of her bountiful mushrooms. All so beautiful, delectable and most definitely not going to be used in any other way.
Heket chuckled to herself on that last part, knowing damn well what she was going to use them for.
When she was about to harvest a ripe mushroom, she began to notice something amiss. For one, she smells a faint smoke coming from the entrance of her hidden garden. And for two, she can definitely hear her followers screaming in what must have been terror.
Thinking it's some lowly village attacking her cult… again, she makes her way outside and bellows out, "Foolish mortals, who dares disturb… my…"
Her words died down as she watched the entirety of Anura was burning, her followers running around in complete terror.
Quickly recovering her stupor, she ran out the temple as she yelled to her panicking followers, "What the hell is happening?!"
Meanwhile while she was distracted, the grassy god of chaos sneaked right into the temple, all the while nonchalantly whistling some tune. After a few minutes he sneaked right back out with white mushrooms in his arms.
One down, three to go.
/// ///
"Arondight, such a lovely name. Fine edge, phenomenal craftsmanship. You are simply amazing." Something tapped on his shoulder and turning around, he sees a green lance, "Oh, but how could I forget about you, Guandao? Such luxurious green tint. No emerald nor jade could compete with your sweet splendor." Another blade was plucked from the collection as the tentacled monster made a gasp, "Here's the lady of the hour, Gungnir Valhalla! What's ya cooking, good looking?"
"AAAAUGH!" Kallamar made a girly scream, pointing the many weapons towards the perpetrator… who was his sister who looked like she was absolutely traumatized by what she saw. Caught in the with his tentacles full, he puts away his plethora of sharp objects in the dresser, "Heket, when did you get here, why are you here, how much did you see?! Have you not heard of privacy?!"
Heket looked at her brother weirdly before shaking her head, "No time to explain. Need your help, come with me."
"Do you want me to tell our brethren about your disgusting fetish?"
Scared to tempt fate, the two disappear to return to Heket's domain. The moment they did, Leshy came out of the closet with a disgusted look on him.
"...so damn weird…" Leshy said out loud, trying to shake away the icky thoughts on what his brother was doing to the blades. Not wanting to further question his own sanity, he pulls out a bucket full of paint and a brush.
/// ///
It was like Leshy was served with a silver platter as when he arrived in Narinder's cloudy domain, Narinder himself was sleeping! There was no one there, not even those two meddlesome brats he likes to look over.
Leshy doesn't know why ol' Nari is asleep, gods don't really have the need for it. Maybe he was doing it for the pleasure of it, who knows.
What Leshy does know is that he's gonna pull the 'Prank him, John', or whatever his followers tell each other when someone goes to sleep too early. He doesn't know what they were doing exactly, but it sounds like it involved some slapping and a lot of screaming.
Ignoring that weird tidbit, Leshy grabs a spare pair of scissors Kallamar had and a bottle of ink (which he isn't going to question where his brother even got the liquid from), and he goes to work on his brother.
/// ///
Shamura was exceptionally confused. Not only do they sense their siblings being stressed over something, but they had a small vision where something was about to happen to them in due time into their temple's library.
Arriving at their location containing tomes from many pompous writers and avid readers, Shamura looked around and checked every nook and cranny for whatever it was. Strangely though, it seems like there was nothing out in the ordinary, just their followers reading and what they assumed was some newly made candles.
What the spider lord didn't know was that their cultist readers were completely out of it, barely heed on the written literature. When Shamura noticed one of them staring at the candle rather intently, they said to them, "Are you ill, young one?"
The cultist said nothing as they continued to stare at the candle. It was then that Shamura noticed the scent grew more powerful. Looking closely at them, they saw there was a white mushroom hidden in the candle wax that was burning brightly.
They finally realize, as the world begins to grow colorful, that it was already too late.
/// ///
"I'm going to be in so much trouble~." Leshy laughed as he returned to his domain, knowing full well his sibling will be knocking on his door in about a few moments… Now that he realizes that, it would be mighty funny if he did not appear before them…
"Odysseys?" Leshy guessed, passing by his follower who was cleaning his temple.
"It's Asmodeus, my lord." The small shrub corrected, though from the way Leshy looked at him tells the follower doesn't seem to care.
"Yeah, yeah whatever. Anyways, my siblings are about to come in about… oh I don't know, thirty seconds or less, and they expect an explanation from me."
"If I could inquire, for what exactly?"
Leshy pays the cult members head, "Oh don't worry about that with your small, mortal brain of yours. Just tell them I'm taking a short trip to… somewhere for a couple of months."
"...Wait, what?"
"Side note, specifically tell Heket I'm not sorry and it tasted good, ta ta!" With a tip of his hat, a black portal opens underneath him.
"Taste what go-" Before he could finish, the god disappears, leaving nothing of trace of him. The cult member looked confused for a few seconds, but sighs, "Well okay then. Wonder why he left in such a ru-"
"WHERE IS THAT GREEN PIECE OF SHRUBBY SHIT!" A roar shook the temple, nearly spooking the member's soul out of him.
The doors of the temple were literally thrown from its hinges and nearly smashing Asmodeus in the process. What surprised the little follower was his lords coming in and, even more surprising, the state they were.
Coming to the forefront of the group stomping her way towards him was Heket, and boy; not only was she covered in soot but she looked absolutely pissed. Following not too far from her was a hooded giant, who Asmodeus guessed was Narinder from the tail coming out of him. The last two confused him the most with Kallamar crying horrendously while being dragged by Shamura who's… slouching and having this 'out of this world' look to them.
All and all, they look like a mess.
Asmodeus kneels to the lords The Old Faith, "Wh-what can I do you for, my lords?"
"Where is he?" The frog god croaked.
"Wh-who?" Asmodeus idiotically whimpered.
"Leshy, is. He. Here?" The hooded god said, venom clearly coming out with each word.
The lowly follower gulped, "H-he just le-left, my lords."
"Us damn it." Narinder cursed under his breath before turning to the follower, "Where is he now?"
"He di-didn't specify, my lords. Wh-what did Lord Leshy do?"
Right then and there did he wish he wasn't a curious creature as the two wrathful gods narrowed their eyes on him. The first to respond was Heket who was brimming with hate, "He took ALL of my special mushrooms."
The hooded Narinder raised a brow on the frog, "So you're not mad that he basically burned down half of your domain?" He paused for a moment, "Wait, how do you know he just took the mushrooms if he could just burn it as well?"
"Don't get this wrong brother, I'm livid he started a fire, but my mushrooms are my priority here." She turns her eyes towards Shamura with utter jealousy, "However it seems it's already been used."
Narinder took a moment to wonder where his sister's mushrooms went before looking at Shamura… who was climbing onto the walls while building a hammock with his webs, "Ah, no wonder why they're higher than your foul ego."
Heket's eyes twitched as she glared at the godcat. Before Narinder could react, his sister grabbed his hood and pulled it down.
Instantly, the follower wanted to vomit out his breakfast onto the floor. Narinder's excellent and beautiful fur was shaved off, leaving behind an ugly, pink creature for everyone to see. To add insult to the injury, there was even a certain genitalia drawn long onto his cheeks and forehead.
"At least I don't look like some cheap escort from an alley." Heket insulted as a snide grin appeared on her face.
"Sister, keep spouting like that and I will rip your throat out." Narinder growled, pulling out his claws to prove his point.
While the two were arguing with each other like children, Asmodeus looked at the sobbing squid and asked, "Wh-what happened to you, Lord Kallamar?"
The god stopped his bawling for just a moment, "He-he took my… damsels away. My wonderful collection of legendary blades, it's all gone!"
Shamura, swaying on his webbed hammock without a care for the world, added, "There was also the word 'Nerd' written all over his room and temple when returned."
This made Kallamar more prissy as he began to bawl again, "I'm not a nerd damn you!"
"I swear to us, if Kallamar doesn't shut up in about five seconds, I will make a reason for him to cry harder!" Narinder shouted.
Before Asmodeus could properly piece everything together, Heket grabs him by the throat and lifts him up in the air.
"Let me repeat myself once more. Worm." Her voice was completely full of malice, "Where is Leshy?"
"I-I don't know, I swear! All he said was that something tastes good!"
The temple grew silent from his final words. In those few seconds, Asmodeus begins to realize he shouldn't have said that.
"I'm going to eat your heart." Heket said plainly.
"...what…" Asmodeus whimpered, dread in his voice. Black goop appeared beneath the gods, making them all descend in it. Asmodeus struggled to free himself from the most definitely angry frog, "NO, NO WAIT! DON'T KILL THE MESSENGER! DON'T KI-"
He couldn't scream another plea as she, her captive, and two brothers disappeared to whatever they were taking him.
Now, only Shamura is there in Leshy's empty temple. Though alone, he senses something having their gaze on them. Shamura turns towards the window pane, there they see a green crown sitting on top of a bushy. It waves at the spider and like a good drugged up spider god they are, waves back, thinking nothing less of the strangeness of it.
"Hehe, they are going to kill me."
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ladydeznutz · 2 years
Ebony and Ivory
Heavy rain fell from the sky as you threaded through the streets of the city; it was late, so most of the stores and buildings you passed were dark and empty. The occasional car passed by, but for the most part, it was just you and a couple of other people out and about. Ducking low and holding the edges of your sweater around your face, you made your way to a thrift store that you held close to your heart. You'd discovered it last year when you had lost your job and needed to find a way to get by; it had become a place you could go to distract yourself from your troubles and forget your day for a while.
The neon sign in front of the thrift store flashed brightly, "Shimmering Splendors" in crimson letters against a glowing blue backdrop. You smiled as you read it, feeling a little bit like you were visiting the good ol' days when the world was a more optimistic place.
Stepping through the door, you were greeted by the fresh scent of old books flooding your nose. The lights were low, which made the rows and rows of worn clothes, books, and furniture look almost otherworldly. You glanced at the counter and saw that it was piled with gently used items and some new ones for sale.
"It's so nice to see you dear," a small, wrinkled woman with a gray bun walked towards you from the back of the store; she had a kind face and soft eyes that peered out at you from behind her glasses. "Hi, Mrs. Robbins. How are you?" You said as the woman came up to meet you, "I'm fine. You know you can always call me Mary. We're well past the formalities," she replied with a wink.
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gamersguide · 8 months
Method 1: Wired Transfer (Recommended)
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Make sure both your PS4 and PS5 are powered on and connected to the same Wi-Fi network. You’ll also need a good ol’ USB cable (preferably one with Type-A on one end and Type-C on the other).
Go to Settings > System > System Software > Data Transfer. Select Transfer to PS5 and follow the on-screen instructions. You’ll be prompted to connect your PS4 and PS5 with the USB cable mentioned earlier.
Once connected, you’ll see a list of transferable data on your PS4 screen, including saved data, applications, user profiles, and settings. Choose what you want to move and click Start Transfer.
Sit back, relax, and grab a snack. Depending on the amount of data, the transfer might take some time. Keep both consoles powered on until it’s done.
Once complete, your PS5 will automatically restart and guide you through setting up your user profile and transferred data. Enjoy exploring your favorite games and settings in next-gen splendor!
Method 2: Wi-Fi Transfer
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During the initial setup of your PS5, you’ll be prompted to transfer data from your PS4. Simply choose Yes and follow the on-screen instructions.
Your PS5 will download the necessary data transfer software onto your PS4. Once downloaded, follow the prompts on both consoles to connect them via Wi-Fi.
Choose the data you want to transfer from your PS4 and click Start Transfer. Similar to the wired method, the process might take some time, so be patient!
Once finished, your PS5 will restart and guide you through setting up your profile and transferred data. You’re all set to begin on your next-gen adventures!
Method 3: Cloud Storage Transfer (For PS Plus Subscribers)
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Cloud storage is wireless, accessible from any PS5 linked to your account. On your PS4, go to Settings > Application Data Management > Saved Data in System Storage. Select the game data you want to transfer and choose Upload to Online Storage.
On your PS5, go to Settings > Saved Data and Game/App Settings > Saved Data (PS4) > Cloud Storage. Select Download to Console Storage and choose the games you want to transfer.
Method 4: External Hard Drive Transfer
Connect an external hard drive (formatted as exFAT) to your PS4 and transfer any games and data you want to move.
Disconnect the hard drive from your PS4 and plug it into your PS5. You’ll be able to access and play the transferred games directly from the drive.
Method 5: PS4 Disc Transfer (for PS4 Disc Games)
Simply insert your PS4 game disc into your PS5 and the installation process will start automatically.
Make sure to download any available game updates to ensure optimal performance on your PS5.
Method 6: PlayStation App Transfer (for Small Data)
Download the PlayStation App on your mobile device and log in with your PlayStation account.
Select the PS4 tab and choose Settings > Data Management > Saved Data in System Storage.
Select the save data you want to transfer and choose Upload to Cloud Storage.
On your PS5, go to Settings > Saved Data and Game/App Settings > Saved Data (PS4) > Cloud Storage and download the save data to your console.
Bonus Tips:
Back Up Your Saves: While the transfer process shouldn’t affect your save data, it’s always a good idea to manually back them up to the cloud or a USB drive for extra peace of mind.
External Storage: If you have an external hard drive connected to your PS4, you can directly connect it to your PS5 after the transfer and access all your stored games and data.
PS Plus Perks: PS Plus subscribers get an additional benefit: cloud storage! You can upload your PS4 save data to the cloud and download it directly onto your PS5.
Common Problems While Transfer:
Insufficient Cloud Storage:
One of the primary methods for transferring data between PS4 and PS5 is through cloud storage. However, you may face challenges if they have exceeded their allocated cloud storage space. To address this issue, you should ensure they have sufficient space or consider upgrading their PlayStation Plus subscription for additional cloud storage.
Know More
Originally Published at GamersGuide
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snake-main · 2 years
Twilight Imperium
Terraforming Mars
Kill Team
Century Spice Road
Plain ol chess
Kingdom Death Monster
King of Tokyo
XCOM the board game
Eldritch Horror
The Resistance
Warhammer 40k
MTG (complicated feelings on mtg)
Race & Roll for the Galaxy
Boss Monster
Warhammer Armies Project
Civilization the board game
Power grid
Burrows & Badgers
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dewa-chan · 6 years
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This time, five ships! Featuring Celebrity Constellation (Elite), Carnival Splendor (Standard), Marella Discovery II (Standard), Queen Victoria (Elite) and Terukuni Maru (Old Guard)!
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brainyxbat · 2 years
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All of Venus Wisteria’s outfits for Butch and Cassidy’s episodes!
For tags regarding incorrect quotes for these moments, I’m considering something along the lines of “Foodie Trio”, since all 3 of them have food businesses in Journeys. Or HisuiNeo, combining Butch’s ship names with Venus and Cassidy, respectively. Though Foodie sounds better...
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costofwar · 2 years
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@divergentpaths​ || More Random Dialogue Prompts
“i’m trying really hard to keep it together.” (bernie!)
          What more could one possibly ask of her? Ever since his sprained wrist incident, Ferdinand has known better than to push Bernadetta to do things she wasn’t ready to do herself. Time has certainly been kind to her in this regard even if the progression is slow, and all he can do is silently commend her for it. She has made great strides. It would be rude to not offer her words of praise and the reassurance that she’s perfectly safe.
          “You are doing a fantastic job, Bernadetta. We will get through this together.” He offers her a bright smile despite their rather bleak circumstances. After all, it wasn’t either of their intentions to get separated from everyone else. Regardless, it wouldn’t be wise of Ferdinand to show his own frustration or panic at the situation. If being strong as stone would help Bernadetta remain calm then he was more than willing to comply.
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          “Perhaps they will have treats prepared for our arrival once we return to the monastery. You are not exactly subtle about your adoration for cake.”
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i-came-back · 2 years
“Uncle Leiland?” He stops dead in his tracks and whips around just as he makes his way to the door. “My lord? Is something the matter?” Leiland Junior tilts his head, curious black eyes narrowing. “Are you in love with Markus?” The fact is, yes, he was and he still is. He was deeply in love with this swaggering bombastic pirate constantly away plundering the treasures of the world. What time they did get to spend before the next expedition was time they both treasured. He smiles dreamily. “I am, my lord. Happily so.” Leiland Juniors eyes widen excitedly. “What’s it like?”
Leiland shakes a little, startled at the monumental question. He chuckles to himself before sitting at the edge of his bed. “I will say this to you now, my lord, love is not infallible like tales will tell.” Leiland chuckles sombrely. “It can be cruel, it can be empty, it can be painful and worse. No getting around it, everyone regardless of what path they lead is bound to be wounded by love.” Leiland Junior furrows his brow in angered confusion. “So why did you do it? Why fall in love if it cannot be trusted?!” The Prince protested vehemently.
Leiland’s pallor skin breaks into a soft amorous grin, the tips of his ears and the top of his cheekbones lightly glowing. “Because to be in love, my lord, is a splendorous thing. You feel like you are all and nothing at once. I am a spirit bound for celestial heights, but being in love is the closest I have ever been to being one with the gods.” Leiland Junior sat up in bed, awed at this discovery. “Markus makes you feel that way?” Leiland laughs to himself wistfully. “Markus makes me feel that way, yes. I have lived two lifetimes, my lord. Though I loathe now the lives I lead, if living them exactly as I had would have lead me to meet and fall in love with Markus St Vincent all over again, know that I would do it again with a song in my cold dead heart. I would endure everything I ever went through just to fall in love for the first time with that wonderful man without a doubt in my mind. That is what love is like to me my lord.” Leiland’s cold hand lovingly rubs behind Leiland Junior’s growing horns. “I hope one day you will be able to tell me what love is like to you.”
Leiland tucks the young demon lord back into his bed and rises to his feet. “Rest, my lord. Your lessons reconvene tomorrow morning, you’ll need your strength.” The youngling groans but nestles into his bed, murmuring his goodnight to Leiland as he dispels the lights in the room.
Leiland’s room always felt empty without Markus’s presence now. He summons his sending stone from his bedside to his hand. It glows in his grasp and he awaits melancholically for an answer.
It rings.
And it rings.
And it rings.
And it rings.
And it rings.
And it-
There’s a dramatically loud yawn from the other end. “Well… good evening to you too, love. How you been?” Markus grumbles, his voice like tumbling gravel. It brings a smile to Leiland’s typically icy visage. “Better. You’re finishing soon, correct?” Markus’s exhausted laugh echoes from the stone. “On our way back, I managed to get those repairs done sooner than I thought thankfully. You missing lil ol’ me, Leiland?” Leiland huffs out a bubbly chesty laugh, flopping back onto his bed. “Always. Especially now. Our lord mentioned you, mentioned us. He-he wanted to know what… love is like.” There is a brief silence between the two as the truth settles in. “What’d you tell ‘em?” Markus asked. Leiland smiles, staring up into the canopy of his bed. “The truth. That it is different with everyone and… not always a benevolent thing. And of course what love meant to me. Our love.” Markus hums approvingly. “Only good things I hope?” Leiland hums responding. “Entirely. I couldn’t lie to my liege and godson.”
The two speak exhaustedly of their day until the hour grows late and the claws of tempting sleep begins to make its claim on both of them. Silence mournfully stretches between them. “I miss you, Lee.” Markus murmurs sleepily. “I know. You’re coming home. Wait a little longer. I will be.” Leiland mutters assuringly into his sending stone. A part of his heart sinks as he watches the light fade from the stone, he concedes that his fair captain was exhausted from his travels and all the moving that comes with business. ‘He’s coming home.’ Leiland thinks to himself as the world begins to fade to black. ‘He’s coming back to me. To us.’ Leiland succumbs to sleep, a peaceful smile upon his wispy features.
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shslstraws · 3 years
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Oumota Week Day 1: Virtual Reality AU / Magical Boys AU
Nothing like a good ol classic VR AU,,, fills me full of splendor 
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capsensislagamoprh · 2 years
Spring Line Is Ready! By which I mean: I made flower themed clothes for the crew. Sadly, the light from the day is messing with my camera, so... enjoy some free glow! Here we see Barbie in a low waist gown with a form fitted bodice and big ol poof at the bottom.
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It really does look like she’s just wearing a bouquet of petals, and I am living for it. Barbie looks like she’s gonna have fun at the Equinox Event!
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Head mistress Coralie is ready for the event and the Spring Court announcements! She stopped along the way to get a lovely set of long stem roses for the ruler of the spring court, who ever they may be!
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I love the pinked edges of the petals in the skirt. That’s one way to make sure your lilies stand out from the crowd! I wonder who won? She refuses to tell until it’s time!
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Rebeca is prepped to chaperone in a lovely fitted gown with matching footwear. Her mild gaze can see into the future, so no shenanigans, you guys!
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Over the bust gem band keeps the petals in place, which is not only good for modesty, but helps her keep the sparkle up on such a joyous night.
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Rebeca was considering a backdrop necklace, but with all that hair, said ‘Nah’, choosing to accessorize with her ever stylish Sorcery Staff.
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Adam isn’t going anywhere so crowded without his ESA.
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That’s okay. Bert is ready to go, looking fluffy with a freshly groomed tail and ear bow.
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I really like the back of Adam’s vest, and how it mirrors the jeweled one in the front. Yes, hello Bertrand, we see you peaking! Don’t you worry. Adam won't have to go on stage. He’s a TA, not part of the student pop tonight.
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Saavi just looks stunning in her yellow rose gown. The flair, the cut, the fit!
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Look at this! Even in the back, she’s got it figured out! What did we expect from our top conjuration and manifestation graduate? Keep making things like this, and that faculty position may well be yours!
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Terissa, our kitchen witchery, herbology, and general care and keeping of Familiars teacher is senior staff, and boy does she wear a lot of hats! Perhaps that’s why she went with a simple rose-red gown with vine details and hair flower accent. She pulls it off well.
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A sage green ribbon about her waist pulls it all together with simple elegance, as her vines give off an accent of unique splendor. Be careful though! They are not merely decor. They are alive, and will smack a naught hand - or worse!
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As you can see, Terissa has thought of everything - even what to do about unruly students who try to get away with things behind her back. Plant magic, anyone?
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It’s going to be an interesting night at the Equinox Event!
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