#margaret x fem!reader
a-small-safe-place · 9 months
She Likes a Boy, and I’m not a Boy.
Queen Maeve x Fem!Reader
Summary: Your girlfriend joins the new superhero team, The Seven, and breaks up with you. This is loosely based on the unreleased song by Nxdia on TikTok. Literally just the “she likes a boy, I’m not a boy” part because a lot of sapphic people can relate to that line.
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Margaret knew you were proud of her when she joined The Seven. You were proud of her for anything she did as “Queen Maeve,” but not in the same way her dad would be proud. You weren’t proud of her because it would bring you money or fame; you were proud of her because she was doing good in the world. You didn’t mind keeping your relationship quiet either. You understood that it could lead to more problems for you and definitely more problems for Queen Maeve if the masses found out that her secret identity was dating a woman, even when she was still a small-time hero.
She was fine keeping you a secret when she first joined The Seven, even once she and Homelander started their showmance. Margaret still would sneak around to see you. She would reassure you that it’s just for the cameras and that this was for the best for you two. That’s what Maeve thought, until Homelander made a move on her away from the cameras. She struggled to find the words to tell him no because she had been warned of the damage he could do when he got mad.
Homelander frowned, "No? Why not? You’re single, I’m single. We are both superheroes with super strength, so we don’t have to worry about hurting each other," he argued. Maeve noticed the way his eyes flickered with a strange emotion when he brought up hurting each other. Maeve wondered who exactly he had hurt in the past to warrant that reaction. The thought quickly left her head; she didn’t care about that right now.
"I’m just not looking for a relationship. I like my privacy," Maeve countered. Homelander scoffed as if the notion of privacy was ridiculous.
"Come on, the minute you became Queen Maeve, you lost your right to privacy. You know that as well as I do. I mean, come on, my secret identity, 'John,' only fooled people for a week. It’s going to be no time before they see 'Margaret' for who she really is," Homelander made it seem as if she had no choice.
Maeve finally agreed to "date" him, but she still wanted to keep seeing you, trying her best to keep you away from Homelander. She hated herself for having to do this, but she didn’t want to lose you. That is until she saw the damage Homelander could do if he was jealous enough. At a Vought party, a bartender had been flirting with Maeve. She knew the guy was trying to get tips, but she didn’t know Homelander was able to hear the man flirting, and Maeve laughed at a few of his cheesy jokes because they reminded her of something you would say. The day after, Homelander was being far clingier, and then the day after that, the bartender was found dead in his apartment, completely disemboweled. Homelander told her he did it. He said he was jealous because she’s never laughed with him in the same way she laughed with that bartender.
"I know you wouldn’t try to leave me, but the thought of you laughing with that bartender pissed me off," Homelander’s words felt like a threat. Maeve doesn’t sleep that night. She lays awake knowing that she has to break up with you or watch you be strung up by your intestines.
A week passes. Queen Maeve doesn’t contact you in any way. She can’t, not with Homelander being so clingy. Finally, she is able to slip away while he goes somewhere to help Black Noir. She arrives at your apartment.
Maeve knocks.
Before all this, she would just walk in and make herself at home. You open the door. "Margaret? I’ve been worried sick! You haven’t answered any of my texts or calls! I haven’t seen you in over a week," you scold her.
"We need to talk," she says with a plain face and a monotone voice. Maeve feels lucky she has had to master acting during her time as a hero. You let her in and shut the door. She takes a small survey of your space; she knows she won’t be in it again. Maeve wants to remember what she can.
"Is something wrong?" You ask; there’s a hint of sadness in your voice. You know what’s coming. Maeve turns around with a disgusted grimace painted on her face.
"I’ve been cheating on you," is all she says. It’s painful to admit; she wishes she could tell you she didn’t have a choice and that she’s doing this to keep you safe, but she doubles down. "With Homelander. Since our showmance started."
"Why, Maeve?" You ask, and Maeve’s acting fails her for a moment; she frowns. You always called her Margaret before and not Maeve. She responds with the first thing that comes to mind. "He’s a man. You’re not. You didn’t think I would actually stay with a woman? Our relationship wasn’t even real. We never went on public dates. You were never my long-term plan. Forget this relationship ever happened. You’re nothing to me." Maeve leaves without another word. She slams the door. She flinches, knowing you hate that.
Maeve goes home to drink. Homelander repeatedly asks her what’s wrong, but she just responds with "nothing, just having a drink." Eventually, he goes to his own room, leaving Maeve alone in her Vought-provided room. Maeve wants to cry, but she knows he is listening to her, so she continues drowning her sorrows.
Years pass. Queen Maeve is inescapable for you. She’s everywhere. You finally move on from your relationship with Margaret, choosing to tell people that your ex had died. After all, Margaret was dead; she was just replaced by Queen Maeve.
You feel a bittersweet feeling when you see Homelander and Maeve broke up because he was sleeping around. You felt a little bad for her. Getting cheated on sucked. You moved through your life unbothered. That is until she was outed by Homelander as a "lesbian," and then he name-dropped you as her girlfriend. For a moment, Maeve was visibly shocked, but her face quickly reverted to a painfully fake smile. He said your first and last name. You realized that you had also been outed to anyone in your life that would put two and two together.
The next couple of days your phone rang and rang and rang. Family members calling you. Friends calling you. Co-workers. Random numbers. They all wanted the same thing. The hot gossip on your relationship with Maeve. You got a few nasty emails and direct messages on social media from anonymous accounts that were telling you that you and Queen Maeve would rot in hell for your sins, and a few threats from people that were convinced you corrupted Maeve. You had to take some personal time from work. Maeve eventually showed up at your apartment.
"We need to talk." The last time she said those words to you, she practically tore your heart out of your chest. This time she didn’t wait for you to let her in; she just pushed past you. Just like the last time, she takes in your apartment. You had gotten quite a few upgrades for the apartment.
"Are you here because of the talk show from the other day?" You ask; if you weren’t irritated by the situation, your voice would likely sound sad. "Yes," is all Maeve says. So she’s not really here for you. She’s not here to apologize.
"Well, you can feel free to leave; I’m not a boy, remember?" The words are bitter when they fall from your mouth. You’re not thinking when you say it. "I don’t want you to hate me anymore. I wanted to be with you. I did, but if I stayed, I would have put you in danger."
Of course, she’s deflecting. "So you cheated for my own good? That sounds so stupid," you scoff.
Maeve becomes very serious. "Being a hero isn’t what you think. It’s not about actually helping people. It’s about being a product that can be sold and palatable for the masses." After she says this, you take a seat and wait for her to continue. "Most of the heroes are narcissistic assholes that have no business having powers. They’re dangerous, and Homelander is the most dangerous."
"Homelander? Seriously? He’s like Jesus or something?" It’s hard to believe the top hero is a monster.
"Please, believe me," she begs. Maeve begins to explain what happened with the bartender right before she broke up with you. Maeve explains everything that she can without possibly endangering you.
"Maeve, I had no idea," you tell her. "I know what I said and did all those years ago was unforgivable, but I didn’t want to risk you trying to come and find me again," she says, sitting next to you.
Your curiosity gets the better of you, "How did he find out about us?" Maeve’s brow furrows. "I’m not sure. Maybe Vought knew and had a file on you or something, and he found it, but he knows. I don’t expect you to trust me right away, but getting you in the public eye is going to be the best way to keep you safe. If the public loves you, it will look suspicious if you suddenly disappear or die. He won’t touch you right now, but this is a short-term solution." You don’t respond.
"Vought’s marketing team wants to meet you tomorrow. A car will come pick you up at 3:00 tomorrow," Maeve leaves.
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no-144444 · 2 months
mishaps online- o.piastri (81)
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summary: oscar accidentally posts a nude online the night before your big concert and launch. oops.
pairing: oscar piastri (no.81) x singer! fem! reader
As you stared at the screen in front of you, your eyes filled with horror. Oscar Jack Piastri, your boyfriend of 3 years, had just posted a nude to his instagram story. 
What the fuck. 
You immediately sprung into action, calling him since you were in Berlin for a concert. He didn’t pick up.
You called Lando next, knowing they were in the same hotel, especially since it was 3am in the fucking morning. You were already getting bombed by tweets and messages, from friends and fans, all asking if you’d seen it. 
“What?” he groaned, groggy from being woken up.
“Lando! Go into Oscar’s room right now please,” you pleaded, happy that you had gotten ahold of someone. 
“What?- Why?” he asked, but obliged all the same, getting out of bed. “You know we're supposed to be on vacation right? He can go to sleep.”
“Is he awake?” You asked, ignoring his complaining. 
“Osc?” he called as he knocked. “Y/n’s on the phone, she wants to talk to you!” 
“Huh?” you heard a yawn from Oscar, then shuffling as he got up. Of course Oscar would send you a nude, then immediately fall asleep. For fuck’s sake. “Baby?” He took the phone out of Lando’s hand and held it to his ear. “You alright?”
“You posted a nude on instagram, please go delete it now,” you blurted out.
He stood still for a moment. “W-what?” 
Lando laughed so hard he fell over. “There’s no way!” 
“I-I didn’t,” he panicked then lowered his voice. “I sent it to you.”
“Well, you sent it to me and your instagram story,” you explained. 
Lando was on the floor, cackling as Oscar almost tripped over him to get to his phone and delete the photo. 
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck,” he repeated as he went through his phone, taking down the photo. 
“You are such a muppet!” Lando cried, breathless from laughing. 
“Shut up!” Oscar replied. “This is your fucking fault! You told me to send the picture!”
“To Y/n, not the fucking world Osc!” he chuckled.
To be fair, you understood where Lando was coming from, this was objectively funny. You’d probably be laughing if you weren;t his girlfriend, and if you wouldn’t have to explain this entire situation to your family, including your parents. God, just thinking about it made you sick.
“Is the photo down?” you asked.
“Yeah, it’s down,” he sighed. “I’m so sorry baby I just-”
“Let’s not have this conversation with Lando in the room,” you stopped him and he chuckled. 
“Good idea.”
“Zak’s probably going to call you, and I’m going to go call Margaret now. I love you Osc, talk later?”
“I love you too,” he sighed. “Talk later.”
You hung up the phone and let yourself scream into your pillow for a few seconds, then dialled the number of your manager, Margaret. 
“Y/n? What’s wrong?”
“Oscar posted a nude on instagram by accident,” you sighed. “He’s sorry.”
She took a deep breath. “You know how I love you, right?”
“Yeah?” You answered hesitantly. 
“And how I love you and Oscar and how happy he makes you?”
“Well right now, I fucking hate him and want him dead. Please give me a few hours to work on this before I can properly face you again, alright?”
You smiled, happy she was taking care of it. “Thank you, and sorry- again.”
She hung up the phone with a groan of frustration. 
Next, someone else called. Oscar’s mom. 
“Hey Nicole,” you tried to keep calm as you spam-texted Oscar about the situation. No way his mother was calling you about this. 
“Hey Y/n,” she smiled. “Can I ask you a question?”
“Of course,” you nodded. 
“Is my son really stupid enough to accidentally post a nude picture of himself to his instagram and leave it up for a whole 5 minutes?”
“Apparently so,” you shrugged, slightly laughing. 
Nicole chuckled. “Are you laughing?”
“If I don’t laugh I’ll probably cry, so, yeah.”
She laughed at that. “I’m logging off the internet for a while, tell Osc to text me, yeah?” 
“Of course,” you smiled. “Sorry about this.”
“Jesus, it’s not your fault, don’t worry. How are you?”
“Shocked,” you answered truthfully. “And a bit scared of what’s coming next.”
“I just hope you two are ok,” she added. “I need you as my daughter-in-law.”
You smiled a genuine smile. Nicole was always so welcoming and lovely. “We’re all good, don ‘t worry.”
“Good,” she smiled. “I’ll leave you to it, love you, talk soon.”
“Talk soon,” you smiled and she hung up. 
Immediately, Lando called you.
“I thought you’d be back in bed,” you teased. 
“Trust me, being in the room for Zak and Oscar’s call was worth the missed sleep,” he chuckled and you heard Oscar sigh in the background. “He’s gotten his phone taken off him!” You couldn’t help but chuckle. “Seriously?”
“Yeah, they’ve given me a fucking flip phone instead,” he revealed. “How’d it go with my mum?”
“She’s not ecstatic with your choices, but she’s alright. She mostly wanted to know if we were alright, which we are, in case you were wondering,” you explained. “She wants you to call her.”
“Nah, maybe tomorrow.”
“How are you?” He asked, worried about what you’d say.
“Not an ideal situation, but I’m not mad at you. It was an honest mistake, seriously darling,” you reassured him. “Plus now the internet knows why I constantly have a bruised cervix,” you added, wanting him to loosen up and relax. It was a mistake, an honest mistake. 
You heard Lando laughing, and you got a chuckle out of Oscar, which was enough for you. You stayed on call with them for a while, then turned off your phone to get some rest.
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You woke up to about a million messages from hundred of different people. Family and friends teasing on the various groupchats, management and your record label freaking out, and Oscar just being upset.
Osc <3: I feel like such an idiot. I cannot believe I did that, especially the night before the start of your tour, and the night of the launch. I'm so sorry baby.
You: It's alright Oscar, I promise. Margaret is already sorting something out right now. It's ok, I swear.
Osc <3: I still feel awful. I'm so sorry.
You: It's alright. Did you at least get your phone back?
Osc <3: Yeah but no social media on it anymore. I can't even look at your instagram :(
You: I think you'll survive lol :) I love you
Osc <3: I love you too.
You got up and out of bed, tired from the stressful night. The concert tonight, the launch tonight. What were your fans going to say?
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ynsbff: something as big as oscar's d-
-> user12: GIRL
user56: girl is bouncing back fast from the shocker last night was
-> user29: fr i'd still be shook my boyfriend posted THAT
landonorris: legend 💙
pierregasly: 💙💙💙
logansargeant: can't wait 💙💙💙
lewishamilton: burning it down and shining on 💙
-> user58: ????? what does this mean????
-> user80: the return of XNDA????
russellgeorge: 💙
valterribottas: 💙
mclaren: 💙🧡
user23: why is the entire grid in the comments with blue hearts?
-> user82: literally? like what do yall know?
danielriccardo: don't know what's gonna hit 'em 💙💙
mercedes: 💙
user13: why is oscar the only one with pink hearts?
-> landonorris: he's not allowed his phone, it's his publicist 😁
-> user90: DAMN. exposing ur bro like that is crazy
-> landonorris: so is posting a nude 🤷🤷🤷🤷
kmag: 💙
charlesleclerc: 💙💙💙
maxverstappen: can't wait 💙
fernandoalonso: Mi favorita💙
lancestroll: it's going to be a wild one 💙
alexalbon: legendary 💙💙💙
lilymhe: my girl 💙💙💙
-> alexalbon: *cough* i'm ur boyfriend? *cough*
-> y/ny/l/n: bless you? do I need to call u a doctor?
zhouguanyu: 💙💙💙
carlossainz: 💙
nicohulkenburg: 💙
estebanocon: 💙
-> landonorris: plz don't crash into this bro 🙌
-> y/ny/l/n: HAHHAHHAHHA
You stepped onto the stage and the crowd went crazy. This was it, your first world tour. You were living your dream.
"Hello!" you cheered into your microphone. "I am so happy to be here, thank you all for coming!"
The crowd went wild again.
"Now, before we start, I have a pretty special announcement to make..." you paused for dramatic affect. "My next album 'Curious' drops tonight at midnight! And a very special feature from one of my very good friends, XNDA!"
As the crowd screamed over you and Lewis, who just came on stage, the opening of 'Save your tears' played. You two danced around the stage as you sang, excited with the reception from fans. For the rest of the concert, Lewis stayed on (since he was on another song, but also because he helped produce the album) and you two had so much fun. The concert ended at exactly midnight, and you came off stage on such a high. And there he was. Your Oscar, with a wide smile on his face and his arms open for you to jump into. Which you did, happily.
"Congratulations," he smiled, holding you close.
"Congratulations to you too," you smiled.
He pulled back, a confused look on his face. "What for?"
"Listen to 'Stargirl Interlude'," you shrugged, a smirk on your face. "And tell your mom not to listen to it, yeah?"
He smirked. "Whatever you say baby," and with that, he kissed you. His large hands holding your cheeks as you kissed him back, happy to be in his arms again.
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user12: wishing i was y/n rn....
landonorris: being horny on main? cringe.
-> y/ny/l/n: not winning for 6 years? cringe.
-> maxfewtrell: HA
lewishamilton: we told yall 🤷🤷🤷
pierregasly: kika has not stopped playing this 💙💙💙
-> user51: as she should.
danielriccardo: since when was my back replaced with oscar's y/n???
-> oscarpiastri: sorry mate, just better 🤷🤷🤷
-> y/ny/l/n: at least daniel's better at keeping his pants on online 😁
-> oscarpiastri: ok I deserved that.
-> landonorris: HAHAHHAHAH
-> y/ny/l/n: bitch ik all about urs too. lily tells me everything.
-> alexalbon: brb, having a breakdown.
logansargeant: @ oscarpiastri first i had to see your dick and now this? mate leave us alone.
-> oscarpiastri: SHUT UP I APOLOGISED.
-> logansargeant: NOT ENOUGH.
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lewishamilton: mr. stargirl interlude? mr. billie boss nova? mr. the diner? mr. chihiro? is that you?
-> oscarpiastri: hush
logansargeant: @ oscarpiastri hate club leader
-> landonorris: can I join?
-> y/ny/l/n: lando you've been singing chihiro all day. stfu.
-> landonorris: ...
-> user37: were you silent or silenced?
-> y/nsbff: thirsting on the main?
-> y/ny/l/n: what have i become?😥
user89: ok, but who is 'i didn't change my number' about?
-> y/ny/l/n: @ logansargeant actually wrote it about williams 😥😥😥
-> logansargeant: Y/N. TOO FAR.
navigation for my blog :) (masterlist)
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sideysvault · 1 month
ೀ。˚ Patching Deadpool up years after he left you ೀ⋆。˚
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Pairing: Wade Wilson x fem!reader
Wordcount: 2,5k
Warnings: Canon typical violence and a bit of angst with a happy ending
“The sisters Margaret home for wayward children” was the colorful name of the not so colorful bar where the two of you met.
Back then, you were nothing more than a student struggling to manage the very limited funding given to you to complete your masters degree. This situation cornered you into only being able to rent a decent apartment in the shittiest neighborhood in town.
That particular night was the end of an extremely rough week. Work piled up, homesickness struck you every time you had a chance to relax, and you were the living proof that no meaningful connections were to be made if you only strictly went to work and home. Back to back. No rest. Hell, she really missed home. And the crippling suspicion that you were close to breaking down was settling in.
The next logical move occurred to you just as you were walking into your neighborhood. You needed to blow off some steam. Have a drink. Or two. Or three. So, the woman redirected her steps towards that ugly bar that was close to her apartment. Sure, it seemed super sketchy. But right this second, all you needed was to get a drink.
Wade was in that bar too. As he usually was.
He immediately noticed this woman. She was clearly out of place. Dressed looked like some kind of stuck up librarian. She was really pretty too. And it was obvious that her mood was extremely feeling extraordinarily dispirited. You were just sitting there staring at the wall. Paying no mind to the environment you were in. The furrowed eyebrows adorned your face seemed concerned.
Before Wade even realized what he was doing, he found himself striking a conversation with you. He tried to reason with himself that it was only because he had a soft spot for damsels in distress. And because you were hot as fuck.
“What's a nice place like you doing in a girl like this?”
Strangely, that’s all it took to make you laugh. The absurdity of the corny comment got to you and a burst of laughter came out.
Wade’s face softened with pride when he saw he could make you laugh. The stuck up girl with a stick on her ass let out not a forced and polite giggle, but a showing all teeth and gums type of laugh. He tried to take all your features in. And a sense of warmth began to surface under his skin. He was the one to make your night better.
You’d visit that horrid place regularly. Only to see the charming guy who would make you laugh. Your little hangouts quickly evolved into something more. A friendship of sorts. He would walk you home when you stayed late working. “To protect you from all these homicidal freaks”. He’d take you on little private tours around the city, so it wouldn’t feel so foreign to you. The woman genuinely had a great time whenever he was around. And one late night, laughter became kissing, which turned into a hookup that later evolved into fucking on a regular basis and going out routinely.
Wade and you couldn’t be more different. But it seemed to be the key to your relationship. You guys clicked together, balancing each other out.
The realization struck you on a random day. You were in love with Wade Wilson. And he felt the same for you.
But just as things were getting serious between the two of you, one cursed night, he just decided to pick up all of his things from your apartment and leave. All he left behind was a tiny note stating that he had terminal cancer and that he loved you. And a little doodle of a heart with crossed out eyes and a tongue sticking out of its moth.
You were out working the first time he fainted. The woman was working as a co-author in an important research paper that was being published in some big shot magazine. He felt extremely proud of you. And, some nights he couldn’t believe that you were head over heels over a low stakes hit-man.
You were out working the first time he fainted. He ran straight to the clinic and never told you. He didn't want to bother you with what was probably nothing. But in that very same visit the doctor hit him with the whole terminal cancer ordeal. He knew you’d make a billion plans and extensive research. He knew you’d stay with him all the way through the end. Even if it affected your career, even if it would wreck you emotionally, even if your routine together was reduced to a mere nurse–client relationship, you would stay with him all the way. That was why he loved you.
So, he made a choice.
He was leaving before tarnishing your life, your memory of him and your time together with his sickness. He couldn’t do that to you. You actually had goals. And a promising future.
If he told you about the situation, Wade was certain he wouldn’t have the heart to say no to you. And you’d forever remember him as a lost puppy you loved but had to put down mercifully.
The other option was to be the asshole who left. But he could live on your memory forever. As the person he once was. So that was that.
The woman decided to take a shortcut to her newly renovated home. She was wearing her favorite heels today. And they really weren’t walking shoes.
The scrappy and dark alleyway was well illuminated, and it would take her directly into the street her building was in. She decided it was safe enough to make a run for it.
She heard loud noises coming from the dumpster that was located just before being able to get out of that creepy lane. She was suddenly thinking of all the homicidal maniacs that asshole would go on and on about. But, also of the injured dogs people abandoned on the street. The woman got closer, swallowing her fear because something in there could really need a vet.
She immediately froze. There was a mutilated man wearing a red suit. Holy shit.
Just as she was stepping back and typing the emergency number on her phone she heard that voice.
“Bad Deadpool” it mumbled.
She heard some nonsensical phrases before she could hear a “Fuck. That was, like my favorite arm”
The woman’s heart began to pound so strongly she could practically hear it.
Deadpool hadn’t noticed her yet as he was losing a shit ton of blood and trying to balance himself upward without the missing limbs and several shot wounds. Not without a second thought, she ran to help him stand up. He turned around violently, holding a defensive position. But the man in the red suit stopped dead in his tracks when he saw you were the one holding him. This was not the neighborhood you used to live in.
You quickly take him back to your apartment. The woman knew it was him. The lame jokes had given it away. And that voice had haunted her for a long time. You’d recognize him anywhere.
You had heard rumors about the immortal vigilante. But never wondered who could be behind the mask. Certainly not the man you thought was long dead.
He still tried not to speak. He really really hoped breaking your heart had left you clinically insane. Insane enough to rescue random mutilated men off the street. As soon as you entered the apartment it became carnage. A trail of crimson red adorned your freshly painted white snow walls. Your shoes had been lost somewhere along the way, and with great effort you had managed to throw him into a bed that he wasn’t familiar with.
Fuck it. As if losing an arm and a leg wasn’t enough. This does it. This is breathtakingly fucked.
The shock left your body as soon as you saw your not-dead ex boyfriend mutilated on your bed. And shock was the only thing keeping you together. By that moment he was certain you knew it was him. Your eyes began to tear up at the sight of his wounded body.
But before he could try to get up, a pool of blood came shooting out of his mouth without much warning. It must have filtered through the mask because you somehow looked more terrified than before. He felt ditzy. And before Wade could do anything about it, you took out his mask on a whim to try to avoid him choking on his own blood.
And that was it. All that pain and running away meant nothing now. You had seen his face.
The woman was definitely taken aback. And he felt his heart break a little when she instinctively removed her hand from his face. You swallowed with difficulty, shook your head and got up. There were more pressing matters. You had heard things about the red vigilante regenerating. But you weren’t taking any chances. Not with Wade. Never again. It didint matter how fucked up he looked now.
He took the opportunity of you leaving the room to put his mask back on as quickly as he could.
As he was trying to process everything that had just happened, through the door he could see your crying face going up and down around the apartment. And there you were. Carrying it into the bedroom.
It was a massive (and fancy) emergency kit you had saved up for back in the day. When he was still beating bad guys for money and living with you. She had kept it. And kept it perfectly stocked.
Wade couldn’t lift his gaze to meet hers. But he noticed that the woman seemed relatively unfazed by his new look now. Or by the fact that she had seen him lacking two limbs and with some extra holes. The tears had stopped but she was still mortified. She always knew what he did for a living. But he always managed to keep it out of home. Or at least he tried to. Never to this extent. You weren’t used to it.
After all he had faced, he thought he did not need any care anymore. Just his healing, getting high and his unicorn. After all, his body would mend all the damage he had done to it and grow itself back together. But it still hurt.
And you still tried to make it better. You begin to patch him up as best as you can, taking your time disinfecting, sewing, and fixing him. He knew you well enough to be sure that you were trying not to gag at the sight of the wounds. And he appreciated it.
When you finished, you softly traced your hands on his bandages. He was honestly too tired to talk. And you were still too shocked. How the fuck is he still alive after those injuries? What had happened to him after all these years?
Without saying a word you got up and went straight to the kitchen. You returned with his favorite tea, some soup, and all the analgesics you could find.
Your kindness gave him courage to stop being such a weak pussy and actually talk to you. You had seen him. You wouldn’t want him anymore but the worst had passed.
“So… Sorry about your walls. Didn't know you had a fancy place now. I would’ve totally died in another alleyway, I promise. And sorry for, you know, the character shattering abandonment”
He coughed some blood. You just furrowed your eyebrows and as slowly as you could (So he could actually stop you this time if that was what he wanted) you removed his mask again.
The woman looked straight into his eyes
“You are a fucking asshole. And I fucking hate you. And I’m so glad you are alive”
“I know, I know. And thank you for going all mother Teresa on me. Oops. Wrong comparison. But I’ll be okay in no time. It’s hard to explain. But I will do right by you and paint your walls when my leg and everything grows back! Pinky promise. I’ll also buy you new shoes. It’s kinda gross that you are footless. Or, is it?…”
“Oh my lord, Wade. Just shut up and get some rest. Eat when you feel better. And scream if you need something”
And just when you were about to leave the room he softly said “Hey. I’m sorry. I… I didn't want to bring you onto the whole cancer show. And then everything got fucked. I couldn’t let you see me like this. I’m a monster now. Inside out. I would have never left if there had been a way of staying without ruining your life”
You just looked at him for a long moment. Tears began to appear in your eyes, threatening to come out again.
As soon as he saw it, he immediately tried to lighten up the mood.
“Hey, how long have you been obsessed with me? Still keeping that old thing?” He said as he gestured at the now empty emergency kit.
He didn't have the heart to explain to you that it was a waste in him. But you weren’t stupid.
You said nothing in response to Wade's dumb joke. Hearing him talk that way about himself hurt your soul. You couldn’t help it anymore, so you walked towards the injured man with tears running down your face.
“Y/N, there’s no need to cry. I know I belong to a fucking circus but this is getting a little offensive”
He finally gets a chuckle out of you. You smile at him and wipe out your tears. Wade winces slightly when you get closer to him, and you gently press a kiss on his forehead.
He feels ashamed of the tact his ruined skin probably had on your soft lips. it has truly been so long. You notice how he reacts. So you put your hands around his face and gently kiss each of his cheeks, and then the bridge of his nose. As tenderly as you can.
“I’ll go now before you make some lame joke Greek kiss joke. Get some rest. We’ll talk in the morning. I know you are sorry.”
“Just no more running away in the middle of the night. Okay?” Your voice sounded more serious now.
He softens. He really missed you. As much as he liked Al’s old ass this was his true home. Even after all these years. Even after what he did to you. Even with how he looked. Wade was certain he would sleep soundly for the first time in years. He was safe now.
“Never again, baby. I promise.
“I’ll do right by you. Okay? We’ll be besties with a ton of disgusting unexplored sexual tension in no time and who knows where that could lead to”
You laughed again. And there it was. His favorite sound in the world. It sounded just like the first time he heard it all those years ago.
“By the way, you do owe me those heels. And white walls. You pinky promised. Oh, and the biggest fucking explanation of the century.
“Sounds like a start to me”
Notes: OMG my first big one! I’m excited to post this. I hope it makes sense, if it doesn’t, feedback is always welcomed! -Sidey xxo
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brodieland · 5 months
.˚ 𓈒 ࣪.𝝑𝝔 Royal Rivalries !! ´ˎ˗
Luke Castellan x Fem!Zeus!reader Synopsis: It was the day of your 'contest for suitors' but a recurring man, one you detest, wins the contest Tags: Royalty AU, cursing, a suicide joke but nothing to crazy Word Count: 2592
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"Ouch," you cried out. "I can barely breathe here!!"
"I'm so sorry princess, but we need to tighten your corset just a bit further" your maid, Margaret, apologized. You rolled your eyes and inhaled as much as you could, finally allowing her to finish tightening your godforsaken corset.
"Never been happier to give up the life that was completely laid out from me," your older sister Thalia laughed from your bed. "Fighting is so much cooler than being a baby factory."
"Hey! I'm not becoming a baby factory, just one for the kingdom to continue. And be glad I so graciously stepped up on your behalf," you crossed your arms.
"Yeah, yeah, love you too," she smiled as she stood to stand next to you in the mirror. "But you know you don't mind being married."
"I want to marry someone for love, not from some 'contest of suitors,'" you groaned. "Doubt I'm gonna fall in love by the end of the night, probably gonna start hating more people if anything."
"Stop acting like you hate so many people, you so cute and loving!!"
"Oh my gods stop. You know I hold my grudges, like Leo and Jason stealing all the lamb puffs!! Let's remember I only forgave Jason because he's our brother," you exclaimed. "And don't you laugh at me you know those are my favorites."
"Hey," she raised her hands. "No laughing here, I love those too."
You both stood in the mirror admiring yourselves. Thalia didn't like wearing dresses, but she still dressed nicely for your big day. You on the other hand were absolutely dressed to the nines. You had a long and poofy dress, it white and covered with Greek inspired gold accents. Despite how cute the dress was, the corset was stopping your circulation while simultaneously making your boobs look amazing, yet still classy. It was the pure definition of give a little - get a little.
"My gorgeous sister, anyone of those bogus princes will be lucky to have you."
"I mean isn't this just a formality? I don't actually have to marry any of them, right?"
Thalia gave you one of her looks, and you already knew the answer. You sighed as you hear a knock at the door, "Come in!"
The door creaked open, revealing your younger brother Jason. "C'mon Y/N, its time."
Thalia squeezed your shoulder before you both walked towards Jason. The three of you made your way to the entrance of the ballroom. Jason stood to your right as Thalia was on your left, the three of you had your arms interlocked as you listened to your father, Zeus, announced you to the suitors below while you walked down the stairs.
As you made it to the bottom, they left your side as the room clapped and you curtsied. Everyone went to their conversations and princes would slowly approach, one you recognized, Leo Valdez!
"Aw, are you and my little brother here to steal more lamb puffs," you joked, though were you really joking?
"C'mon, we were just kids, can we be excused," he laughed.
"Maybe one day, but do it at this party and all bets are off," you pointed your finger in his face. "Anyways, you too young to marry me, what're you doing here."
"I'll take any chance to hang out with my boy Jason, you know how it is. And we'll try not to eat all your food, princess fa-"
"Watch yourself," you playfully glared as you fluffed around his hair and walked off. The rest of the night consisted of many different men coming up to you trying to flirt and claim your hand in marriage, and it was tiring. They come up to you as if they were entitled to, for your time and effort, but not once did they ever ask you about yourself!! It was all me, me, me. YAWN!!
You saw Thalia standing off to the side with her friend Reyna, as you approached them you called out, "Thalia, Reyna."
"Whats up," you sister asked as they both turned to you.
"Please cover me, I need some fresh air without some 'bogus prince' up my ass for three seconds," you pleaded as the two girls laughed.
"We got you," Reyna smiled.
"Yeah go away sis," Thalia shooed and you silently thanked her. You slightly lifted the front of your dress, allowing you to scurry off a little faster. You tried being secretive about your dismissal, but being dressed like a giant snowball (if the gold was yellow snow, that sounds gross), made it quite difficult. Though of course you managed.
You dashed down an unreasonably long hallway till you made it to the balcony that overlooked the massive garden behind the palace. The greenery was absolutely serene, what would you would give to be down there right not, not looking from above on a terrace.
As you stood leaning over the edge, you felt the cool air running through your hair as the moonlight glinted off your tiara. Being a princess was cool, but you didn't know if you were ready for marriage, you were freshly 18. You were knocked out of your thoughts as you heard the door open from behind you.
You dropped your head, "Sorry dad, I just wanted some fresh air."
"Dad? Don't think I'm old enough for an 18 year old daughter," you recognized that voice as you internally groaned. You slowly turned your head and saw a figure standing just behind you. He was tall, with dark curly hair and big brown eyes, but oh my did you wish it was your dad.
"Luke," you said firmly as you turned back around.
"Princess Y/N," he stood next to you, staring off at the garden just as you were. "Now why are you out here and not with your suitors?"
"I wanted a breathe of fresh air away from all the heinous flirting, but as it seems," you looked at him up and down, distastefully, "it follows me everywhere."
"Oh, so you think I'm here for your hand in marriage, that's quite an audacious take is it not?"
"Your in my territory Castellan, one wrong move and I push you off this balcony and claim suicide," he let out an elegant laugh that made an imaginary irk mark appear above your forehead.
"Wow, you really still don't like me?"
"C'mon, we were just kids, you know that."
"And you humiliated me, you know that," you spat out.
Why did you not like Luke? While the two of you were younger, around 14, the both of you were betrothed by your parents. Luke was one of your closest friends, but when it came to the topic of marriage, he was cold and distant, and you couldn't help your adolescent self. You had a minor crush on the boy, 'nothing too serious,' at least that's what you told yourself. Except when a princess of Aphrodite played a foolish tricked, and got him to kiss her, the two were deemed to have more chemistry and better potential for the future of the kingdoms, whatever that meant, and your engagement was nulled.
Most people knew of your crush on Luke, and everyone who did also watched as he completely ditched you for a princess of Aphrodite. You were the talk among kingdoms, and pitied for months. 'Oh poor, princess Y/N, how that Hermes prince completely broke her heart.' It was enraging, that day you decided you didn't want another arranged marriage for convenience, but a marriage for love, thought at this point life didn't seem to be going in your favor.
"Why are you even here," you asked coldly. "You know I don't want to see you."
"Maybe I just wanted to stop by, say hello," you looked at him, you face contorted in a manner that showed him that this was a confusing thing for him to do, considering the history.
"I meant why are you here at all, as in you're already engaged. Isn't you wedding coming up soon?"
"The engagement was broken off," he said. You looked at him and smirked. "Well don't look too excited about it."
"Karma is truly a bitch, is it not?"
"She fell in love with a Hephaestus prince. Sucks, she was gorgeous was she not," it was now his turn to smirk, causing your anger to bubble to the surface as you glared at him.
"You haven't answered me," you shoved his chest. "Why. Are. You. Here."
"Hey no pushing," he looked down at you. "I was just wondering if we could give this whole engagement and marriage thing another shot?"
"You're unbelievable, you cheat on me and manage to get my name dragged through the 12 major kingdoms, and still have the audacity to come back when things don't work out the way you planned??"
"C'mon, we both know you had a crush me back then, why bother going through more insufferable trial and errors with other princes when you've already gotten to know and fallen for this prince right here once before," he question as he raised his hand, rubbing his thumb on your bottom lip in a kindly and romantic manner. "You know, you've grown into a beautiful woman, in many different ways if I may add."
You stared as him through your eyelashes as your boobs were threatening to spill from your corset, which was what he was referring to in his 'many different ways.' The nerve of this man.
"The past is the past," you swatted his hand away. "Screw you, you royal courtesan."
You heard him whistle as you threw the doors open and left him behind. You suddenly felt that the party was better than being stuck alone with the insufferable Castellan boy. Except he ran up to catch up to you.
"My dear princess, why can't you just forgive me," he cooed as you tried rushing off, finding great difficulty in your dress and heels.
"I will not be seen as an easy woman with no backbone, just because you may think you have a way with your words, I have no issue throwing you down those stairs," you said as you pointed toward the stairs, then you realized, you were pointing at the stairs. You were now back in front of the party, but your anger could no longer be contained, no matter how many eyes were beginning to dart your way.
"Calm down princess, you're supposed to stay contained in front of your suitors, you may scare them aware," his words were dripping with arrogance, the bastard. You couldn't help yourself, you slapped him, leaving a red hand mark on his cheek. Gasps erupted from the crowd, some small chuckles here and there, though they quickly died.
"I don't care whom I scare aware, I don't know who you think you are, but this is my Kingdom, you conceited harlot."
You then threw off your heals and picked up as much of your dress as possible and ran up the stairs, no longer caring about the party. You knew you were gonna catch hell from your father, but you didn't care if he struck you down with his lightning, you could no longer stand to stay in the room with all these thickheaded princes, especially one in specific. Thalia ran up behind you, helping drag your dress as you rushed to your room.
You slammed the door behind you as she started, "What the hell happened?"
"That stupid Hermes prince, thinking he could just waltz back into my home and act like he can "reclaim" me. After what I was put through??" You were pacing the room as you grabbed a pillow to shove your face into, and yelled.
"That little dick," Thalia shook her head. 15 minuted passed when the door slammed open, it was your father, Zeus.
"Now what made you thinking slapping prince Castellan in front of all those people was appropriate in any way, shape, or form," he bellowed, but you couldn't be bother to bring yourself in, or to speak with respect.
"I did what I felt was right, its not my problem he's an absolute bitch!"
"That language is unbecoming of a princess! And I will not stand by as you disrespect your now fiancé."
"Excuse me? What the fuck, are you talking about?"
"It was the only way we could fix your outburst," he reasoned, though he didn't sound like he cared about reasoning. You knew he wanted to marry you off, and how upset he was about the engagement first being nulled.
"Yeah, the only way without paying, you're just greedy and you use your kids to take the easy way out," you argued. Thalia just sat back, mouth agape at the scene in front of her.
"Who gave you the right to speak to me this way, I give you everything, and I can take it away at the snap of my fingers if you even dare to try and back out of this marriage. Be. Careful."
You both stared at one another in anger, you hands were balled into tight fists as you knew what your father was capable offend you knew you had to back down. You didn't want to seem like a woman with no backbone? Pathetic, if the crowd could see you now. "Fine."
You felt weak, that's how your fathers presence always made you feel. "Now," he started. "Your going to go back down and apologize."
You softly nodded, with the feeling of defeat washing over you, as you walked back toward the party. People seemed to be going back to talking, but quickly shushed as they noticed you making your way right back down the stairs. You scanned the room, and saw Luke standing by his father, Hermes, with a shit eating grin on his face.
You were tempted to not be bothered to apologize, but you had no choice. Time to go apologize to your new fiancé!!
"Hello to my new fiancé," he said in such an egotistical manner. "Anything you'd like to say to me?"
Gasps were heard among the crowd upon hear the word, 'fiancé.' "I'd like to apologize for my earlier actions, they were unbecoming for a princess, and disrespectful to do against my future husband."
You didn't meet his eyes once, keeping your eyes to the side or the floor. You knew if you looked at his face, no matter how hot, you'd try to leave behind a black eye. He then took your hand, and planted a light kiss on it, "Why thank you, princess."
You took the moment to pull him into a hug and whispered in his ear, "Disrespect me, and you'll be sorry. I'll strike you down with my lightning till there's absolutely nothing left and no one remembers you."
You separated and he looked at you with his classic, mischievous smirk. "Noted."
"Now if you all excuse me," you addressed the room. "I will now be calling it a night. Goodnight and thank you for coming."
You curtsied and walked off as you noticed Jason walking with you, with your discarded heels in his hand and he helped you back to your room. You were truly getting tired of these ungodly amount of stairs.
"Congratulations on the not-so-new engagement," Jason tried to sound upbeat, but it wasn't working. "No more boring parties I guess."
"I think I'd rather suffer through the parties at this point," you smiled as you leaned on his shoulder.
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allywthsr · 5 months
LEO LECLERC | (c.leclerc)
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summary: you and Charles get a dog
wordcount: 1.8k words
pairing: charlesleclerc x fem!reader
warnings: dogs
notes: how cute is Leo? My goodness.
You and Charles had been together for quite a while now, while he was busy racing all over the world, you were staying at home and working, sometimes you would join him for a race but most of the time, you couldn’t just get off work. Even with meeting your friends and being busy with your own work, you still felt lonely, especially at night. You never knew what could happen, due to having your address leaked by a few fans, you had people ringing the doorbell at two am. Sometimes friends slept over, but you needed someone to cuddle with when Charles was gone.
You‘ve always thought about having a dog, and all the cute puppies on your Instagram page had you swooning, just like Charles, he had always kept a close eye on your phone whenever you went down a rabbit hole of looking at cute dogs, seeing what kind of dogs you loved and spent hours of watching, he secretly always watched videos as well, but he also knew that a dog meant more work than it seemed in the videos.
It wasn’t like you two were seriously talking about getting a dog, sometimes the topic would randomly occur and you fantasized about the life with a dog, but you weren’t even sure if Charles would be a hundred percent okay with a little companion.
Until one Thursday evening, it was an off week for Charles and you were cuddling on the couch, watching some Netflix, when his phone rang. Joris was calling and Charles left the living room, you heard him mumble something in French, but you couldn’t hear him clear enough to fully hear what he was saying. Shortly after he came back and sat down again, you looked at him, he normally never left the room when he received a call.
“Joris called to tell me something.”
That made you sit up, nudging him slightly to talk more.
“I know how lonely you felt these last few weeks when I’m not around. And I know that you love dogs, so I aske-”
“You got us a dog?!”, you screeched in his ear, to which he shifted a little more far away, so he could keep his hearing ability.
“Not yet, Joris knows someone whose dog accidentally got pregnant and wants to sell some puppies, I thought we could go there tomorrow and see if any puppies like us?”
With tears in your eyes, you nodded and hugged him tightly, this was your dream, a little someone to take care of, a new best friend.
During the night you had trouble falling asleep, too excited to look at the dogs, so when the clock hit 7 am, you got up and took a shower, after you prepared some breakfast and woke Charles up, the faster you could get there, the better.
You both were nervous during breakfast, this was a big decision, a dog was a responsibility for several years, but you knew he or she would have the best life in your home, and your lives would also get better. There would always be a little cuddle buddy, someone to play with, and someone who needs your attention twenty-four-seven.
Joris didn’t say what breed it would be, only that the pregnancy wasn’t planned, but the puppies were adorable, and you didn’t doubt that for one second, every puppy was a cute creature.
The drive was rather short, only thirty minutes until you reached the family home, when you rang the doorbell, you could already hear dogs barking, and when the door opened and an older lady smiled at you, you could hear little puppies crying. You introduced yourself to the woman, whose name was Margarete, and she welcomed you into her home. After she offered you a coffee, she led you into the room where a big playpen was standing, and five little light brown puppies were sleeping. The little golden retriever dachshund mixes had the cutest little floppy ears and the softest-looking fur you had ever seen.
You quietly gasped after seeing these angels, and the first one lifted his head, after hearing a strange noise, and got excited when he saw you and Charles, waking his siblings in the process. After the puppies were awake and barking at you, you couldn’t wait anymore and carefully got in the pen, immediately you had four dogs crawling all over you, and the fifth one was sitting in the corner, crying for his mother, he was smaller than his siblings but in perfect health. Margaret told you she was currently training them to be separated from their mother, and so they could be crying, but when Charles joined you in the pen, the little fella walked over to him and sniffed at his knee, before getting up on Charles leg and finding a comfortable spot to sleep, after all, he was a small puppy.
From that moment, you knew this puppy had your heart, seeing how comfortable he was with Charles, and how he was crying for his mama a second ago, these two had a special connection.
Charles also fell in love with the little boy, he picked him up carefully and the puppy started to lick his face, which Charles commented with a chuckle. You two looked at each other and you knew what he was thinking, you found your little love. Charles gave you the fella and he also started sniffing you, giving you small licks on your chin, when you held him close to your chest.
Margaret came in and saw you cuddling with the dog, she knew you made a decision when you looked at her, “That’s Leo, you can change his name if you want to, but my grandson named him that way.”
Leo fit him perfectly, Leo Leclerc.
Charles and you took your time to cuddle some more, really making sure Leo liked you and wasn’t scared.
After doing all the paperwork with Margaret and learning about the needs that a little puppy had, you two left the house and went straight to the pet store, you still had to wait two weeks until you could pick him up, but you two were way too excited to not go and shop for Leo.
The cart was almost full when you waited in the queue to pay, food, toys, leashes, beds, and more stuff waiting to be used by Leo.
The next two weeks were going by slower than you’d hoped. Every day you chatted with Margarete and she sent you pictures and updates from Leo, the little puppy was doing great and got his last few shots at the vet, now he was ready to come home to you.
It was a Saturday when you picked him up, Leo got excited when you had him in your arms, licking everything he could reach, while Charles paid for Leo, and signed the last papers. Now he was officially yours, your own little puppy, to cherish and love.
On the way home you spilled some tears, while the little angel was sleeping on your lap, this was a dream come true. Now you wouldn’t be as lonely anymore when Charles was gone, but you also had a little companion when you two were together.
The first few steps Leo did in his new home were wobbly, he was a little scared, so you and Charles settled down on the floor, just to make sure Leo didn’t feel lonely and had someone he could go to if he needed emotional support. But he was a brave boy, and even if his steps were slow, he still looked around the apartment, sniffing all these new smells and he already found his favorite spot, which was underneath the piano, where a furry rug was lying.
You let the little puppy sleep and started making dinner, Leo must’ve been exhausted, he left his old home and his family, and now he was with strangers in new surroundings, but he felt comfortable, or otherwise he wouldn’t be sleeping like he was now.
The evening was spent cuddling with Leo, when you and Charles were lying on the couch, watching TV, Leo tried to get up on the couch and when Charles picked him up, he settled on your belly, where he took another nap.
The first night was nerve-racking, you had read a lot of articles, so you prepared for the worst. Leo and you two went to bed at around eleven pm, the little puppy lay down in his dog bed that Charles placed in the corner of the room, and two hours after you fell asleep, you got woken up by little whines that came from Leo. You grabbed him and put on his leash, and Charles and you went outside, where Leo did his business. Charles held your hand, while he had the leash in the other hand, he looked adorable with his jumper pulled over his head.
Back at home, you laid in bed again, but before you could fall asleep, little whines came from Leo again. Charles let out a sigh, “Do you think he needs to go outside again?”
“But he did his business, maybe he misses his family? They slept cuddled together every night after all.”
So he got up, picked Leo up, and came back to bed with him, when Leo settled between you, he stopped crying and fell asleep.
The next morning started off early, Leo licked all over your face and started playing with your hair, even if you were sleep deprived, when you opened your eyes and looked at Charles with Leo, all of this was worth it. The way Leo’s tail was wagging when you filled his food bowl with the puppy food, you think you died from diabetes, but Charles wasn’t any different. You already caught him way too often when he sneaked a treat to Leo, and you only had him for a day.
You also caught Charles cuddling with Leo while he was doing sim work in his simulator at home, or while taking a nap on the couch, or how Leo followed him everywhere Charles went. He already loved his new dad. Just as much as he loved you.
The ice cream launch was when you wanted to introduce Leo to the world, the little baby was frightened by the flashing lights, but when Charles held him, he calmed down again, in general, he felt most calm when he was in Charles’ arms.
Leo loved small walks, he couldn’t walk for long, he had small legs and was exhausted easily, so you all could walk for fifteen minutes before Leo had enough and wanted to be held, that's why you and Charles were often seen holding him.
You couldn’t wait to see Leo grow up and have the time of his life, especially Charles couldn’t wait for him to join him at a race, Leo would be his emotional support dog, in these hard times at Ferrari.
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lewisvinga · 7 months
margaret | alex albon x fem! reader
summary; moments when alex knows that y/n is the one for him. when he knows that he will spend the rest of his life with her.
warnings; suggestive comment n that’s all i think 🥸
taglist; @namgification @louvrepool @locelscs @thehufflepuffavenger1
word count; 1.1k
note; WHEN YOU KNOW YOU KNOW. slight crazy rich asians reference lol
‘born to die’ series masterlist.
masterlist !
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“Y/n, you don’t need to-“
“Shut up, Alex. You are not getting up without help.” Y/n huffed when she saw Alex trying to get up from the couch. It was only a few days after he had gotten his appendix removed and she swore to take care of him. That meant she would listen to everything the doctor said despite her boyfriend’s protest.
The Thai driver lets out a deep sigh at his girlfriend's determination. Their relationship was fairly new. They have only been together for a few months before getting appendicitis. The way Y/n cared for him made it seem like they’d been married for years.
“Don’t sigh at me like that. It took you five minutes to walk down the hallway!” She exclaimed, fluffing the pillows around him and making sure he was comfortable.
He completely understood her worry. He had a bad reaction to the anesthesia. He had to be put into an induced coma due to respiratory issues. Although the doctors and nurses had said he was fine and clear to start regular recovery, she still worried for him.
While Y/n was preparing a soup that his mother gave her the recipe for, Alex was stuck in his thoughts. He never had a girl care for him so much as Y/n did.
She made sure he was always comfortable. She had reminders on her phone to give him his medicine. She prepared every meal for him and helped him simply move around the house. She made sure to keep his favorite shows and movies playing to make sure he wasn’t getting bored. And even in between classes and studying, she was by his side.
He remembered asking his mom once years ago how he would know if he found the one. She just told him that when he knows, he’ll know.
Alex knew he had only been in a relationship with Y/n for a few months. However, seeing her making his childhood favorite soup just for him and taking care of him was enough for him to know.
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“Alex, your tie is all messed up.” Y/n huffs when she notices his navy blue tie wasn’t even tied properly as they were leaving their hotel room.
“I think it’s a look,” Alex said with a proud smile but she playfully rolled her eyes in response.
“Not for Carmen and George’s wedding.” She sighs, walking up to him. “Although I much rather prefer you without this.” She added with a smile as she gestured to his blue suit. Her comment made him let out a loud laugh while she fixed his tie for him.
“And I prefer you without this,” Alex said with a smile, his hands finding her waist as he glanced over the strapless silk baby-pink dress she wore. Carmen requested that her bridesmaids wear pink, and that made the Thai driver let out a shout of excitement. He just couldn’t resist Y/n in baby pink.
“You look amazing though, my love.” He leaned down to whisper in her ear once she finished fixing his tie. She gently grasps his navy blue suit and stands on her tiptoes, pressing a gentle kiss against his lips.
“C’mon, pretty boy. We got a wedding to be in.”
Just an hour and a half later, they were both lined up at the altar. Y/n was on Carmen’s side along with the other bridesmaids and Alex was on George’s side with the groomsmen, including Lando.
It was already time for the exchanging of the rings and the Thai driver couldn’t keep his eyes off his girlfriend of two years. Something about her was making her glow. The pink dress paired with her blown-out hair and her soft sparkly makeup made him not even be able to move his eyes.
He had a lovesick smile as he saw George slip the ring onto Carmen’s finger from the corner of his eye. Y/n’s eyes met his and she wore a smile. I love you he subtly mouthed to her.
Her smile grew wider as she mouthed back I love you. Neither realized that the couple already exchanged their rings and just had their first kiss. Everyone around them erupted into cheers as they kept their eyes on each other.
Alex made sure to make a mental note to ask George to go ring shopping with him once the Mercedes driver was back from his honeymoon.
Because Alex knows. He knows that Y/n is the one.
⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
“Okay, don’t be mad at me,” Y/n said as she held her hands up, walking into their shared home with shopping bags hanging off her arms.
Alex let out a noise shocked noise as he recognized the designer brands. “Y/n, what did you do?”
“I couldn’t help myself!” She exclaims, rushing over to sit beside him on the couch. “Look at what I got from Goyard though.” She continues as she grabs the dark green bag.
“Alex!” She interrupted him as she pulled out the Chien Gris bag in a burgundy color. “It’s for our baby.” She gestures to the grey Bengal kitten sleeping on his lap. She pulled out a matching collar.
“It’ll look so cute on her, babe. Imagine me running errands with her in my bag with a matching collar!”
Alex stares at Y/n in disbelief as she tries to justify her impulsive purchase. She wore a pout on her lips as she held up the bag and collar in her hand. “Think about it, Albon. Think!”
They stared at each other for another minute before he finally gave in. “Okay, I’ll admit it. It would be really cute.” He said with a smile. “Now show me what else you got, pretty girl.”
Alex’s words sparked excitement in Y/n as she moved to sit on the carpeted floor with her bags surrounding her. He wore the same lovesick grin as he watched her show him her new purchases, including a matching bracelet for the both of them.
His mind wandered off to the small black box hidden deep in his gym bag, the one place he knew she would never search in. Inside it, there was a diamond ring that George helped him pick out. The Mercedes driver and his wife are preparing for the proposal when the couple goes out for a date later that night.
He was hours away from proposing and instead of being nervous, he was watching his future wife unbox her new pink Miu Miu bag.
Alex’s mother was right because when he knows, he knows, and he definitely knew that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with Y/n.
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guilty-ff · 2 months
𝐒𝐡𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐁𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐬 𝐏𝐭.1
ᡕᠵ᠊ᡃ່࡚ࠢ࠘ ⸝່ࠡࠣ᠊߯᠆ࠣ࠘ᡁࠣ࠘᠊᠊ࠢ࠘𐡏 ˚⁎⁺˳ .
Wade Wilson, still haunted by the loss of his fiancée Vanessa, finds himself in a new relationship with Y/n, a bright and caring presence in his life. As the weight of his past threatens to pull him under, tensions rise, and buried emotions come to the surface.
This story takes place between the second and third movies (warning: not 100% movie/comic accurate)
Pairing: Wade Wilson/Deadpool x (fem!)Reader
Genre: Angst, revenge, Fanfiction, Marvel
Warnings: Movie Spoilers! Explicit content, swearing, torture, mental health, weapons
Word count: 2499
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The night had started out like any other, with the hum of the city outside Y/n’s apartment filling the quiet spaces between her thoughts. She glanced around the room, the soft glow of the lamp casting a warm light on the scene she had carefully prepared.
Balloons and streamers, a playful nod to Wade’s twisted sense of humor, hung from the ceiling, swaying gently in the draft coming through the open window. She would laid out his favorite snacks- Chimichangas and an assortment of junk food that would make any expert on diet faint- and the TV was ready to blast his favorite old-school movies.
It had been a year since Wade had stumbled into her life, a broken man who had just lost the love of his life, Vanessa. But even in his grief, his pain, there had been something that drew her to him. His wit, his relentless, dark humor, and the vulnerability he tried so hard to hide behind that mask.
Over time, what started as a tentative friendship had blossomed into something more- a relationship that was complicated, messy, and sometimes painful, but it was real.
Y/n had always tried to be there for him, understanding that Vanessa’s memory still lingered in every corner of his mind. But tonight, she wanted to remind him of how much he meant to her, how much she loved him. She could not erase his past, but she wanted to be a part of his future.
She grabbed her jacket and hurried out of the apartment, excitement bubbling in her chest as she made her way to Sister Margaret’s, the dingy bar where Wade spent most of his nights.
The cold night air nipped at her skin, but it did not dampen her spirits. She could already imagine the look on his face when she brought him back to the apartment, the smile that would light up his eyes, even if just for a moment.
As she approached the bar, the familiar neon sign buzzing overhead, she slowed her pace, hoping to catch Wade off guard. But as she drew closer, she noticed something that made her pause.
The air was thick with the lingering scent of spilled alcohol, sweat, and the faintest trace of cigarette smoke, remnants of a night that had long since died out.
Wade sat hunched over the bar, his mask discarded to the side. His scarred face was partially emphasised by the dim, yellow light above the counter, the harsh reality of his appearance laid bare in the quiet gloom.
He was nursing a glass of whiskey, but the drink had gone untouched for the last hour, its amber liquid barely rippling as he sat there, lost in thought.
They were seated at their usual spot at the bar, but the atmosphere between them was anything but casual.
Weasel leaned against the counter opposite Wade, his expression a mix of concern and frustration. They had been sitting in silence for what felt like an eternity, the heavy atmosphere weighing down on them both.
“We need to talk, Wade,” Weasel finally broke the silence, his voice low but firm. “And I’m not letting you dodge this one.”
Wade did not respond immediately, his eyes still fixed on the untouched whiskey in front of him. He let out a slow, tired sigh, running a hand over his face, feeling the rough texture of his scars under his fingertips. He knew where this was going, and he wasn’t sure he was ready for it.
“Do you genuinely love Y/n?” Weasel asked, his tone more direct now. “Or are you still hung up on Vanessa?”
The question hung in the air like a noose, tightening around Wade’s throat. He could feel the weight of it pressing down on him, but he couldn’t bring himself to look up, couldn’t bring himself to face Weasel’s probing gaze.
“Come on, man,” Weasel pushed, his frustration seeping through. “You’ve been with Y/n for a year now. She’s been there for you through all your shit, but you’re still acting like you’re half in, half out. What’s going on in that fucked-up avocado head of yours?”.
Wade exhaled sharply, his fingers tightening around the glass. He knew Weasel was right. Y/n had been his rock, his light in the darkness. But Vanessa…her memory clung to him like a second skin, a constant reminder of what he had lost and what he could not let go.
“Why do you have to dig so fucking deep, Weasel?” Wade muttered, finally lifting his gaze to meet Weasel’s. His voice was rough, laced with a bitterness that he could not quite hide.
“Because someone has to, Wade,” he shot back, his patience wearing thin. “Y/n deserves better than this. She deserves to know if you’re actually in this with her, or if you’re just using her to fill the void Vanessa left behind.”
Wade flinched at the harsh truth in Weasel’s words. He did not want to admit it, but a part of him knew that Y/n was getting the short end of the stick. She was kind, funny, and more understanding than anyone had any right to be. But he could not shake the feeling that he was just going through the motions, too scared to fully let go of Vanessa, even after all this time.
“What would you do if Vanessa walked through that door right now?” Weasel pressed, the question like a dagger twisting in Wade’s chest. “Would you drop everything and go back to her? Would you throw Y/n aside like she was nothing?”
The silence that followed was deafening. Wade opened his mouth to respond, but the words would not come. He did not know what he would do, and that uncertainty was tearing him apart.
His hands shook slightly as he finally took a sip of the whiskey, the burn of the alcohol doing nothing to numb the ache inside him.
“Fuck, Wade,” Weasel’s voice was laced with exasperation. “Why are you still hung up on Vanessa? She’s gone, man. Y/n is here, now. But if you can’t let go of the past, you need to let Y/n go. She deserves someone who’s all in, not someone who’s stuck living in the fucking shadows.”
Wade felt like he was suffocating, the walls of the bar closing in on him as Weasel’s words echoed in his mind. He knew Weasel was right. He knew he was being unfair to Y/n. But knowing it didn’t make it any easier to untangle the mess of feelings he had inside him.
In her panic, Y/n stumbled forward, her foot catching the edge of a loose floorboard. The creak was loud, too loud, and before she could stop herself, her presence was revealed. Wade and Weasel turned their heads towards the sound, their conversation abruptly cut off.
Y/n froze, her wide eyes meeting Wade’s for a split second before the crushing weight of realization hit her. The pain in her chest flared up, sharp and unyielding, as the reality of what she’d overheard began to settle in.
She had heard everything.
Wade’s heart dropped to the floor, the reality of the situation crashing down on him like a big wave. He had not wanted her to hear that. He had not wanted her to know just how conflicted he was, how much of a fucking mess he really was.
“Shit…” he breathed, the word barely audible as panic began to claw at the edges of his mind. His hands shook, his breath coming in short, shallow gasps as he watched Y/n’s expression crumble.
For a moment, everything seemed to stand still. The air was thick with unspoken words, the tension between them almost unbearable. Wade wanted to say something, to reach out and pull her back, to explain, to apologize- but he was frozen, unable to move, unable to find the right words.
Before either of them could move, before Wade could say anything, the sound of footsteps broke the tension. Dopinder appeared at the doorway, his usual cheerful smile plastered on his face as he walked in.
“Weasel, I’m done cleaning the toilets. You won't believe me that I haven’t puked-” Dopinder announced proudly, clearly pleased with himself, his voice cutting through the suffocating silence.
Weasel’s eyes went wide with panic as he snapped his head towards Dopinder, mouthing frantically, “Shut the fuck up, don't you dare!”
He gestured sharply, his wide eyes practically bulging out of his head as he tried to silently communicate the gravity of the situation.
Dopinder’s smile faltered as he caught on, his gaze shifting from Weasel to Wade, then to Y/n, who was already backing away, her face twisted in pain.
“Uh… I’ll, uh… be going now…” Dopinder stammered awkwardly, his previous cheer vanishing as he quickly turned on his heel and disappeared back to the bathroom stalls.
The room fell back into a heavy silence, the weight of what had just happened crashing down on Wade as he turned his attention back to Y/n, who was already starting to retreat, her steps shaky and unsteady.
“Y/n, wait!” Wade’s voice cracked as he stumbled to his feet, knocking over the barstool in his haste. The sudden movement made his vision blur, his head spinning as the panic attack tightened its grip on him.
The world around her blurred as she shoved open the bar’s back door, the night air hitting her like a wall. She kept running, her legs carrying her further away from the bar, from Wade, from everything she thought she knew.
He pushed through the hallway, his heart pounding in his chest, the walls closing in on him with every step. His breath came in short, hectic bursts, his lungs struggling to keep up as he tried to catch up to her. The cold night air hit him like a slap to the face as he burst out of the bar and onto the empty street.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” Wade cursed under his breath, his vision narrowing to a pinpoint as he spotted Y/n running down the street. His legs felt like they were made of lead, each step a monumental effort as he tried to push through the haze of panic that was clouding his mind.
Y/n was running blindly, her breath coming in short, desperate gasps as she fought to keep the rising panic at bay. The cold air stung her lungs, but she didn’t care. She just needed to get away, to escape the crushing weight of what she’d heard, of the pain that was suffocating her.
Her mind was spinning, her heart pounding so hard it felt like it was going to burst. Every breath was a struggle, the air thick and heavy as she tried to hold back the tears that blurred her vision. She could not breathe, could not think- the world was closing in on her, the shadows pressing down until she felt like she was drowning.
Wade was still chasing after her, his own panic attack crashing over him like a fucking freight train. His chest felt like it was being crushed, the air refusing to stay in his lungs as his vision darkened at the edges, the world spinning out of control.
The cool night air did nothing to ease the fire raging in her chest. Her vision blurry, dark spots dancing at the edges as her breathing became more erratic. The street was mostly empty, the distant sounds of the city muted against the blood rushing in her ears.
Y/n stumbled to a stop, her hands clutching at her chest as she gasped for air, her vision narrowing to a pinpoint of light surrounded by suffocating darkness. Panic had gripped her entirely now, her mind racing with the realization that she would never truly had Wade’s heart.
He was still lost in his past, in his memories of Vanessa. And where did that leave her? Nowhere, just a placeholder, a stand-in for a love that was never hers to begin with.
Her legs buckled, and she collapsed onto the cold, hard pavement, her body trembling as she tried to suck in air, but it felt like her lungs were being crushed under an unbearable weight. Tears spilled down her cheeks, her sobs echoing through the empty street, each one more desperate than the last.
“Y/n!” he shouted, his voice barely more than a rasp, swallowed by the night as he pushed himself harder, his heart hammering in his chest like it was trying to break free.
But it was too late.
As Y/n tries to stand up and moving back, her foot caught on the uneven pavement, sending her stumbling into the street. The blinding headlights of an oncoming truck cut through the darkness, the screech of tires filling the air as the driver slammed on the brakes-
But it was too late.
The world seemed to slow down, everything happening in agonizing detail as Y/n’s body crumpled beneath the impact. The sound of the collision echoed through the empty street, a sickening thud that made Wade’s heart stop in his chest.
“NO!” Wade’s scream was raw, filled with a pain that tore through him like a blade. He felt like he was being ripped apart from the inside as he watched the woman he loved be ripped away from him by death yet again.
He collapsed to his knees beside her lifeless body, his hands trembling violently as he reached out, his fingers brushing against her skin, still warm but rapidly cooling. Blood pooled around her, seeping into the cracks of the pavement, the red stark against the cold, unyielding concrete.
Wade’s vision blurred, his chest heaving with ragged breaths that did nothing to ease the crushing weight on his chest. The panic attack had him in its grip, squeezing tighter and tighter until he thought his heart was going to fucking explode.
“Fuck…no, no, no, no…” Wade choked out, his voice breaking as he cradled Y/n’s body, rocking back and forth as the reality of what had just happened crashed over him.
He could not breathe, could not think- the world was spinning out of control, the edges of his vision going dark as he was consumed by the panic, the grief, the overwhelming sense of loss that was suffocating him.
And as the night stretched on, the silence was broken only by Wade’s broken sobs, echoing through the empty street as he held Y/n close, the weight of everything he’d lost crashing down on him, leaving him utterly, devastatingly alone.
Her heart pounded in her chest, each beat echoing in her ears, drowning out the background noise. She felt her throat tighten as she strained to hear Wade’s response, the heavy words sinking deep into her chest. But there was nothing-just a deep, unsettling quiet.
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the-record · 9 months
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SYNOPSIS: inspired by ‘margaret’ by lana 🫶
PAIRING: ellie williams x fem!reader
A/N: this is so stupid i LOVE it , love at first sight trope 🧎
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ellie didnt mind parties. the people weren’t always great, but it was good to sell and it made her friends happy.
she liked to sit on the couch with a blunt and people watch, dina chatting away in her ear or singing at jessie. abby trying to find her pic of the night with some help from ellie.
but tonight was boring. dina had run away to dance, pulling jessie with her. abby had an away game, states away. she sat on the couch alone, bored now.
and then she saw you. she thanked a god she didnt know existed that abby wasn’t there that night.
ellie watched for a moment as you grabbed a drink, waiting to see if you found a friend. but when five minutes passed and you still stood there, eyes floating around as you slowly sipped, she made her way over.
“hey,” you jumped a little as she spoke and she smiled softly. “shit, sorry. didn’t mean to scare you.” but you shook your head and laughed. “i’m ellie.”
“angel.” she hummed in response, a questioning tone to it. “what?”
ellie clicked her tongue. “angel? that you’re real name?”
“is ellie yours?” she nodded. “huh. well, maybe if you’re nice enough you can learn the real one.” you smiled teasingly at her.
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“you ever gonna tell me your name?” ellie’s arms rested on the window frame of your car door. “i thought i was nice.”
you laughed softly and kissed her cheek. “goodnight ellie.”
she sighed and pulled back, a blush rising to her face, and she watched as you drove away from the party. watching even after your car disappeared and you with it.
an arm slung around her and ellie stumbled as she caught dina’s weight. “good god, how much did you drink?”
dina giggled as jesse caught up to the both of them, her coat and his keys in hand. “just hold her while i bring the car around?” ellie nodded and watched jesse jog off.
“who was that girl?” dina wondered.
ellie smiled softly. “no idea.”
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yourusername followed you.
elliewilliams followed you.
angel: hey :)))
ellie: hello
e: three smiles??? way to make a girl feel special
a: mmm i try my best
e: nice name.
a: why thank you
a: whats ur weekend look like?
e: possibly busy, possibly absolutely nothing. why, someone wanna know??
a: no…
e: busy sunday night, but free otherwise
a: good.
e: and whys that?
a: ur taking me out friday night? obv.
e: damn ur right
e: mb thats on me
a: yes. so 8 pm ill send u my addy
e: addy??
a: i speak drug dealer
e: goodbye 😭
e: u ever smoked?
a: i hit a vape
e: …
a: once.
e: once again
e: goodbye 😭
a: nvm dont come on friday
e: waijikitjrjrjrjjrjrjr no
e: ill be there
e: 8pm sharp
e: forgive me :(
a: okay!
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ellie: oh me oh MYYYYYYYYY
dina: oh lord
jesse: no 🫶
ellie: pls!!!
dina: what.
ellie: ur honor i love her
jesse: yall havent been out yet??????
dina: lord.
ellie: STOP?
dina: no 🫶
jesse: mcscuse me thats my line
dina: ull make it
jesse: 😥
ellie: 8pm on friday
dina: NO.
ellie: guys ily PLEASE.
dina: NO??
jesse: sigh.
dina: JESSE?????
jesse: 🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅
dina: ihy all
dina: why are u bailing on ussddsss
dina: u must really like her
ellie: a LOT.
ellie: idk i just
ellie: ive got a feeling
jesse: when you know, you know
dina: blegh
jesse: UR MY GIRLFRIEND????????
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snow was falling outside as you and ellie stood just outside your door. “so.” you whispered.
“so.” she whispered back. “snow. on our first date. seems like a sign.”
“oh yea?” she hummed back. “and how’s it a sign?”
she pretended to think for a moment. “i love snow. only brings good things.”
“oh, so im only good now.” ellie blushed as you teased her
“i didnt say that. you’re more than good. great.”
you nodded. “amazing? perfect?”
“no, not yet.” ellie fiddled with your hands as she leaned against your door.
“oh so whats gonna make it perfect?”
“a kiss.”
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jesse: noo shh let the woman speak
ellie: thanks jesse.
dina: shh jesse.
dina: so that good then?
ellie: SIGH 🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠
jesse: oh lord.
ellie: shes so pretty
dina: mhm.
ellie: and so kind
jesse: mhm.
ellie: and a great kisser 🫠
dina: lovely
jesse: when u know
dina: u know.
ellie: i know.
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munsonsmixtapes · 3 months
Bad Blood
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Evan “Buck” Buckley x fem!reader
summary: tension rises as you have dinner with the Buckleys
word count: 1.6k
part one part two part three part four part five
“I’m not mad at you,” Bobby said after taking a sip from his coffee. You and Buck were sitting across from him and Athena because they had insisted that they needed to talk to the both of you. You all sat for twenty minutes, not a single word uttered while you and Buck held onto each other’s hands for dear life.
With the your recovery, there hasn’t really been time to talk to Bobby about the baby and all three of you had just now had time to spare to have a whole conversation. You were very nervous, but you were hoping that he would be happy for you.
“You’re not?” Buck asked, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion.
“Of course I’m not,” Bobby responded with a laugh. “You two are adults and in fact, I couldn’t be happier.“
“Do you want to see the sonogram?” You asked, holding the thing in your free hand.
“I’d love to see the sonogram,” he smiled and you didn’t miss the tears welling up in his eyes. You handed the small photo to him and both him and Athena leaned together to look at it, both of them crying.
“It’s a girl,” you told them and Bobby wiped his tears.
“A girl,” he repeated.
“And Evan and I talked it over and we want her to call you grandma and grandpa.”
“But I’m not-”
“For all the reasons that count, Bobby, yes you are. You were there for me when my dad wasn’t and I want you to be in her life just as much as you have been in mine. And Athena, I know we haven’t known each other for very long, but you took me in when I was going through a hard time. You insisted that I stay here while I recover from my accident and I will forever be grateful. And I would love nothing more than for our little girl to call you her grandmother.”
“Damn it, now I’m crying,” Athena laughed before grabbing a napkin from the center of the table. “I will wear that title proudly.”
“Have you told the Buckley’s yet?”
“No,” Buck replied. “We’re going over there tonight.” And you had been dreading it. Knowing what you did about his relationship with his parents, you weren’t exactly excited to meet them, let alone tell them that you were having Buck’s baby.
“Actually, we should probably head out now,” you said. “Don’t want to be late.” The restaurant was over an hour away and there was no way that you were going to show up late and make a bad first impression.
“Well, we wish you luck,” Bobby replied.
“If they give you any grief. Tell them that I’m a cop,” Athena winked.
The car ride was nothing but silent on the way to the restaurant. Music was playing on a low volume, but all you could think about was how nervous you were. Your hands were shaking and all you wanted to do was tell Buck to turn around.
Chimney and Maddie were going to be there for support, so at least there was that. Maddie was the one who offered to be the buffer since she knew that tension was going to be high. You just knew that as soon as you said the words that all hell would break loose and you were terrified that they weren’t going to have a single nice thing to say.
He pushed your chair into the restaurant with Maddie and Chimney in tow and Maddie grabbed hold of your hand, giving it a squeeze before pulling Chimney along to the table where her parents had already been sitting.
They both stood to hug Maddie and Chimney, leaving Buck for last and you could feel the tension rise as they hadn’t even acknowledged you. Buck pushed your chair up to the table and gave your shoulders a reassuring squeeze before sitting to your left, taking your hand and holding it for comfort.
“Evan, who’s this?” Margaret asked, gesturing towards you. “I wasn’t aware that we were having any guests.” Buck couldn’t figure out whether or not his mother was being rude or had genuinely forgotten the whole reason for the dinner which was so that her and Phillip could meet you.
“And where is Jee-Yun?” Phillip asked.
“She’s with the sitter tonight,” Maddie replied, resisting the urge to call them out for their behavior. She knew that if she had, it would have caused a scene and she really didn’t want to embarrass you.
“This is y/n,” Buck spoke up. “She’s my girlfriend.” Both of them widened their eyes. They have never met any of his girlfriends since he seemed to move on so quickly.
“Well, let’s hope this one sticks, hm?” Margaret replied as she put her napkin in her lap.
You sat there quietly, unsure of what to say. How was it worse than you thought it was going to be? How were they even more horrible than Buck and Maddie had described? You hadn’t even ordered drinks and it was already ruined. And you couldn’t even get drunk to act like it wasn’t even happening.
A waiter came by to take drink orders and you panicked when everyone was ordering alcohol. You were going to look suspicious if you hadn’t ordered anything and you certainly didn’t want to tell them about the baby now. You had a sneaking suspicion that it wouldn’t end well.
“And for you?” The waiter gestured to you and your mind went blank, your usual drink order suddenly leaving your head.
“She’ll have a water,” Buck ordered for you and you noticed Phillip eyeing you. Your face felt hot and you quickly glanced at the front door, imagining yourself fleeing the scene, no longer wanting to be apart of whatever was going on.
The waiter fled to the kitchen to retrieve your drinks and the Buckley’s turned to you, finally giving you their attention. You felt like you were in an interrogation room with how intensely they were staring you down.
“So, y/n,” Phillip spoke. “What do you do for work?”
“I’m a labor and delivery nurse.”
“Very interesting. I bet that pays very well.”
“I mean, yes, the money is nice, but I really love what I do. I love being a part of bringing new life into the world.”
“So, what’s with the wheelchair?” Margaret asked and you were caught off guard by the sudden subject change.
“Oh, I was in an accident a few weeks ago and broke my leg pretty badly.”
“Evan, why didn’t you tell us that your girlfriend was in an accident?”
“Don’t really tell you much of anything these days,” you mumbled. “I was a little preoccupied with taking care of her. Sorry.”
“Any other news you’ve been keeping from us?” It was almost as if they already knew about the baby and were just waiting for one of you to bring it up.
“Actually,” Buck gave your hand a squeeze. “Y/n and I are having a baby.” You could see his parents’ faces turn white as sheets.
“A real one this time? This one’s actually yours?” That was the final straw. Buck had told you all about being a sperm donor and you really admired that he had done something so selfless to help one of his friends. And now here his parents were discrediting something that he had done just because they didn't agree with it.
“Yes,” you nodded. “Buck is the father and he’s going to be a great one. Something you’d know nothing about.” Maybe your words a bit harsh, but you didn't care. You loved Buck and were going to defend him with everything you were.
“Excuse me?" He asked, his eyebrows furrowing.
"You're excused," you told him.
"A child out of wedlock?" Margaret asked. "Are you going to at least get married?"
"We haven't discussed it, but if we do, trust me, neither of you will be invited," you glared as you pushed your chair away from the table and turned towards the door. Buck was quick to follow, standing up from the table and giving his parents a glare.
"We are very disappointed in you."
"Well, the feeling is mutual."
He then grabbed hold of your chair and pushed you towards the exit of the restaurant, both of you filled with rage. You knew that it was going to be bad, but clearly you had underestimated just how mean they could be.
Once you got outside, Buck rolled you to the car and squatted in front of you, wiping away the tears that you hadn't even realized had fallen. He then pressed a kiss to your lips before helping you into the passenger seat, grabbing hold of your hand as soon as he got into his, pressing a kiss to it, knowing that if you didn't have anyone, at least you had each other and your daughter.
Everyone else seemed to be happy for you, so why couldn't they? What made them think that they were better than everyone? They had been happy for Chimney and Maddie, so why was Buck any different? Maybe it was because all they ever saw him as was spare parts for his brother and when they lost Daniel, the realized that they just had another son for no reason.
Well, if they were going to treat you both like garbage, then maybe they just weren't allowed to see your baby. If they couldn't accept you both for what you were, then they just weren't going to be in your daughter's life at all, because clearly they didn't think either of you were fit to be parents. Well, you were going to prove them very wrong and show them just how great the two of you could be.
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weediewrites · 2 months
All so oblivious
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Summary: Y/N has a neighbourhood friend over, Margaret. A regular talk with some tea and cakes quickly turned into a much more sinister and bruting talk.
E/N: Thank you all for the support in the last one, really, I am so grateful. I'm very glad you all enjoy my writing - I will continue to keep everyone updated! ❤️
Trigger warnings: This story contains talk of murder, blood, and abuse and is not suitable for young audiences. Please let me know if I missed anything!
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"You know, it really is unfortunate. So many young people, innocent people, suddenly going missing." Margaret said solemnly. I was standing in the kitchen, cutting an apple Danish I had made for Margaret and as I hummed quietly in response, not paying much mind to her theatrics.
"I mean, what person could go and do such heinous things to such lovely people with long lives ahead of them." She pinched the space between her brows.
I paused, the knife in my hand scraping gently across the board as it came to a halt. "It's surprising you think all these people are innocent, Marg. We really don't know." I mumbled softly.
"Innocent or not, nobody deserves to die. Especially all those young boys." Marg scoffed at my response. She had always been this way, devils advocate. It was one of the few reasons that over the years I'd begun growing a dislike for Margaret. She was too sympathetic for the wrong people.
"Those 'young boys' with 'promising futures' were nothing but abusers! Every last one of them." I spat aggressively before composing myself. "Each of them had no right wandering our streets."
Margaret's voice quickly halted, one of the rare occasions she kept quiet.
"You're disgusting." She growled, I could hear her glass being placed on my table and the sound of the wooden floors creaked as she stood up to her feet.
"Why are you so against these people being alive. It's almost as if you have something to do with this all you know?" She added onto her statement.
"Me? knowing something you all don't?" I let go of the knife, turning to face her as I leaned against the kitchen countertop. "Margaret you're being silly. You must really go home, you're probably having post partum delusions again-" I was about to step forward before she stopped me.
"Don't come near me! You had something to do with this didn't you. I've been trying to tell everybody you and Alastor are too perfect for your own good, nobody listens to me. You're sick." She yelled.
"I'm not sick, Margaret. You are the one spitting nonsense!" I screamed back, my voice raising ever so slightly above hers. "How dare you come into my home and accuse me of these crimes." I shook my head in disappointment.
I moved my hand behind me, grabbing the knife slowly. "I will hand it to you though, you are correct." I shrugged.
"W-what?" She asked softly, hands dropping to her sides and clenching into fists.
"I know, Marg. It's a shame... I really did like you, but you've always been so loud mouthed. So nosy, always in somebody else's business when it's not yours to be concerned about. Me and Al can't have that. We have a reputation to uphold." I smiled softly.
"I mean, what would the papers say if they found out?" I laughed softly.
"You're a psychotic bitch! You know that." She screamed.
I hummed, nodding my head. I glared Marg up and down, tears could be seen falling from her eyes as they formed over a glossy shine.
"Before you die, I'm going to tear that tongue out of your mouth so you never speak about me or my husband again." My smile quickly dropped into a flat line.
I was as she quickly attempted to scramble to the front door, which was unsuccessful as she tripped on the rug. I quickly ran over, flipping her in her back to look up at me.
I smiled, pulling the knife atop my head with my hands before plunging it into her chest repeatedly. Once, twice, a fourth time, a fifth, as far as twenty before I stopped counting. There Margaret laid, in a pool of what looked like melted rubies. I stood up, leaving her in her final resting spot as I carried on with my day.
Cutting the Danish, doing the laundry, pouring Alastor his whiskey for when he got home. He could deal with Margaret when he arrived, but the whole time I finished up my jobs - the only thing on my mind was "They're all so oblivious."
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E/N: How do we like this one? Yay or nay? Feel free to be honest (and feel free to send ideas)
Reminder to have a dandy day everyone!
- Weedie 🌹
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diorcities · 1 year
moon boy
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pairing: haechan x fem!reader, afab!reader.
genre: fluff, smut.
content: breast groping, multiple orgasms, oral sex, breeding kink, unprotected sex, haechan overstim himself, lazy sex overall. enjoy !
an: hbd to my beloved @djxia0 。゚゚・。・゚゚。
margaret atwood was right when she said «i exist in two places. here, and where you are» whenever your boyfriend was out of town. finding yourself looking for parallels of you in every romance. smelling fragrances that remind you of him. sounds. music. movies. books. overthinking. does he also remind you when he sees things? smiling for no reason other than your name showing up on his mind.
it's almost impossible not to look at him. his face calm, asleep peacefully beside you. the same hands that pinned you on the bed while making love to you after what felt like years away from each other, now lie lazily on your back, locking you in his chest, which slowly rises and falls. half-open fleshy lips, which make you want to kiss. a knot of limbs from the waist down.
you lose track of time. hours pass. minutes. or perhaps seconds until his eyes open, first waking up from his sleep, and then he watches you. he gives you a tired smile, before securing the grip and drawing you further towards him. “creepy woman,” he says, leaving a kiss on your forehead. “what you mean?” you ask, trying to play it cool. he hums. “you really have to love me to stare at me while i sleep.” little did you know that he did the same when you were sleeping a few minutes ago.
“i'm just afraid that someone will come and take you while i sleep.” he stops stretching his muscles to look at you, his hands caressing the skin on your arm. “i won't go anywhere.” haechan kisses you passionately, his lazy tongue playfully teasing yours. deepening the kiss as he hover over you, your hands go to his cheeks, while you melt at his caresses. feeling an entire galaxy explode within you. gently biting his puffy lips, trying to encapsulate the moment and make it infinite. he breaks the kiss and looks at you, searching for any other insecurity, but these have faded. “can you breathe with my weight on you?” he asks. nodding, you wish he knows that it's the only way to breathe you know.
your eyes move to the clock on the bedside table. he nuzzles his head into the crook of your neck, spreading small kisses on your skin. you haven't dressed since the last time you made love. your skins touch each other unscrupulously, feeling each other's warmth. caressing each part already explored. knowing each other's favorite spots. tracing paths on his back, wide and soft, hearing him sigh with pleasure. “would like to eat now?” you ask after minutes of comfortable silence. he hums in agreement. “some pasta?” you suggest, feeling him shake his head. “what, then?.” he comes out of hiding, and looks at you. eyes gleaming and hinting something you don't take long to guess.
haechan smiles drowsily, before kissing you carefully. he leaves short, deep kisses on your lips, more and more sloppy, until he slides his mouth down your jaw and down. his head is lost under the covers, as he leaves a path of kissing to your crotch. you move the fabric away in one movement, wanting to get drunk from the view. “you look so heavenly right now, honey,” he states, watching your breathing increase. “let me have a taste of you, i bet you taste just like you look.”
a lash of pure euphoria invades you when his tongue licks your folds, before feeling it in your clitoris, rocking it up and down. silky. tasting you. when he hums with bliss on the exposed skin, it sends electrical currents to your senses. his hands hold your legs open while delighting in your taste, eventually going to your breasts, rubbing his thumb on your nipples and cupping them in his hands as his tongue twirl and lick you like a starved man. bobbing his head, and moving it from one side to another as he can't get enough of you. hands pulling his hair when he hits just where you want it. “there, hyuck...” you breathe, “there.” while blinking and moaning, letting him know how good he was eating you out. feeling your mind blurring, and your heart beating erratically.
you gasp for air. “oh, h-hyck,” he delights every time you pronounce his name. he swears it's the most beautiful sound in the world. your body shakes when he sucks gently, back arching and toe-curling, raising your legs on his shoulders, revealing a now reachable area that his tongue soon attacks. your hands make the sheets fists when the pleasure is unbearable, when your muscles tense and relax again as the sweet ecstasy bathes you whole. haechan enjoys the view of you, drinking your naked body and the few love marks he made in the previous encounters, before hovering over you. his weight is distributed in one hand next to your head, while his is buried in your neck.
you receive him by rubbing his back, pulling him to you, and leaving little kisses on his shoulders. his available hand caresses your hips and thighs, and his lips spread love in all the areas he can reach. he does it until he gets tired, and then, brushes his length at your entrance. your excitement causes it to slip into you with ease, gently. wanting to drink and feel every stimulus, every reaction of your bodies to coming together. “so pretty, moaning my name,” he praises you, “so fucked. shit, i'd love to breed you.”
“push it all inside,” you plead, aching for him. “so greedy.” you bring your hands to his butt and push him in. a high-pitched moan leaves his lips, as his length buries deeper in your pussy. a giggle full of pleasure runs through you that ends in a whimper. you bite your lip, wrapping your legs around his waist as he adjusts in the proper position before starting to penetrate you. he takes his pace, feeling you take him so well. he thinks he's going to lose his mind if you keep moaning like that. with slow, deep strokes that drives you crazy.
his hands seek yours, interlacing your fingers with his. lips going to lips. soft moans filling the air as he pumps you just right. legs trembling on either side of his hips, bringing him closer, causing him to grind against you, rocking his cock side to side, and up and down inside you, stimulating forgotten areas that make you twitch under his weight. he has always known how to find those spots, make you feel this good. possessing the perfect size to fill you, to light fireworks in your chest.
his moans are melody to your ears, caressing his hair, letting him use you as he pleases. hearing him struggle to keep the pace, because it's so hard when you're wailing in his ear and throbbing like that around his stimulated cock. no stamina left. both drained from past encounters. fucking each other senseless. yet not able to stop until you have the last essence of the other. until the sky runs out of stars.
haechan seeks your gaze. making eye contact, you bathe in the warmth of his brown eyes, like taking a shot of espresso on a rainy morning. like melted chocolate. as love would feel. burning and blooming inside out as the climax devours and leaves only quivers that shake your whole body. haechan curses. “where do you want it?” he wants to know. he holds it until you answer “inside.” resulting in spasms that shake his body as he releases inside you. filling you with his hot cum, until he empties himself. he keeps rocking his hips into you while pretty whimpers falls from his lips. even though you're still drunk from your high, you can't help but tighten the grip on his waist, and let him fuck you again. “fuck,” he says with a raspy moan.
he can't have enough of you. you both can't have enough of each other. and he's been far from you for so long, that your high arrives just by grinding into each other. your body quivers due to the euphoria draining you completely, while you sense haechan's legs trembling, “o-oh fuck, love.” yet he doesn't stop. when he gets up to lock eyes with you, you catch his face contracted in an unbearable look, with furrowed eyebrows and eyes glossy, thrusting you with a sloppy pace. his breathing, ragged and uneven, let out drawn-out groans. forehead creased and cheeks painted with the prettiest shade of pink. “you're so beautiful,” you whisper, “cum in me, hyuck.” you push him in with your hands, and it's the only thing that takes him to finally reach his climax.
you trap him in your embrace until his seed starts to come out of you along with your arousal, unwrapping your legs so he can slide out of you once he passes his high, resting his length on your stomach.
“give me a minute, baby, i physically can't move right now,” he states, dropping all his weight on you, nuzzling his nose in your neck. lips awkwardly leaving small, wet kisses. “just absorbing how good you felt.” his hand rubs circles on your thigh while he hums, melting under the caresses that your fingers leave on his scalp. a minute passes and haechan doesn't move. “hyuck, love,” you call his name softly, but there's no answer.
he has fallen asleep again.
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girlkisser13 · 3 months
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"when you know, you know"
pairings: stefan salvatore x fem!reader
warnings/tags: none. purely fluff.
summary: stefan tells his best friend about you.
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stefan sat on the edge of the salvatore boarding house’s rooftop, staring out at the sleepy town of mystic falls. the night was calm, stars twinkling above, but his mind was anything but serene. next to him, his best friend, lexi took a sip of her drink, observing him closely.
"you're awfully quiet tonight, stefan," she remarked, nudging him with her elbow.
he sighed, running a hand through his tousled hair. "it's... complicated, lexi."
"when is it not?" she teased, then turned serious. "come on, spill. what's eating you up inside?"
he hesitated, looking down at his hands. "it's about y/n."
lexi's eyes sparkled with curiosity. "oh? do tell."
stefan's face softened as he spoke.
“when i’m with her, i feel at peace. like all the weight of my past just fades away. she’s kind, and she sees the good in me, even when i can’t see it myself. i can be myself around her, without any pretenses. she makes me want to be better, to do better. her laugh, her smile, the way she looks at the world. i just want to be near her, always.”
lexi smiled knowingly. "sounds like someone's got it bad."
stefan shook his head, a faint smile playing on his lips. "i don't know what it is. all i know is that i can't stop thinking about her. when I'm with her, i'm happy. truly happy, in a way i haven't been for a long time. when i’m not with her, it feels like something's missing."
lexi leaned back, her expression turning mischievous. "stefan, you're in love with her."
the words hung in the air, and stefan felt his heart skip a beat. he looked up at lexi, the realization dawning on him. "yeah," he whispered. "i am in love with her."
lexi’s grin widened. "well, what are you waiting for? go tell her!"
stefan blinked, taken aback. "now? it's late."
lexi rolled her eyes. "love doesn't wait for convenient times. go, stefan. tell her how you feel. you might not get another chance."
with newfound determination, stefan nodded. he stood up, giving lexi a quick hug. "thanks, lexi. i needed that."
"anytime, lover boy," she teased. "now go get your girl."
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stefan's heart raced as he drove to your house, the words he wanted to say playing over and over in his mind. by the time he reached your doorstep, his nerves were frayed, but he knew he couldn't turn back now. he knocked on your door, his breath hitching as he waited.
you opened the door, surprised to see him. "stefan? what are you doing here so late?"
he took a deep breath, his eyes locking with yours. "i had to see you. i couldn't wait another second. y/n, i need to tell you something."
you stepped outside, concern etched on your face. "what is it? what's wrong?"
"nothing's wrong," he said quickly. "everything's fine, actually. i just... i need you to know how i feel about you. i can't stop thinking about you. you make me feel alive in a way i haven't felt in years. i'm in love with you, y/n."
your eyes widened, your heart pounding. for a moment, there was silence. then, without a word, you stepped closer, cupping his face in your hands and pressing your lips to his. the kiss was soft and tender, yet filled with all the emotions both of you had been holding back.
when you finally pulled away, you smiled up at him. "i love you too, stefan."
relief and joy flooded through him, and he pulled you into his arms, holding you close. in that moment, everything felt perfect. for once, the world was just right.
and stefan knew that with you by his side, it always would be.
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hansensgirl · 1 year
🪽— 𝐒𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐫 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐱
summary. | Steve Rogers is a good man. You’re a good woman. Emotional affairs are harder than they seem.
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pairings. | Steve Rogers x fem!reader, Steve Rogers x Peggy Carter, fem!reader x OMC (brief), Peggy Carter x Daniel Sousa
warnings. | ANGST, light smut, allusions to sex, cheating, emotional affairs, pregnancy (not the reader), crying, bad family, sadness, age gap, power dynamics (boss x employee), Christmas, heavy petting, kissing, broken vase (accidentally), sadness, drinking, smoking, nightmares, mild argument, and more. 18+ MINORS DNI!
word count. | ~2.5k
author's note. | hi! i'm sort of back. i'm very sorry for my hiatus. here's a new fic! this is based on the lyrics from Phoebe Bridgers' Savior Complex, which is one of my favourite songs of all time. let me know what you think! taglist: @hansensfics. i might delete this one, but please don’t save it or upload it anywhere. thanks! MINORS DNI! 18+ ONLY!
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He’s your boss. You work directly under him.
He isn’t bossy. Really, it’s an issue. Every time he gives you a task, he says ‘sorry’ first and finishes the order with another apology. You tell him he doesn’t have to apologize, but you’ve got the same problem as well. It’s always atonement for something you haven’t even done. You wouldn’t hurt a fly unless it hurt him.
Mr. Rogers is very nice. He has a secret office that he lets you stay in whenever you want. There’s a couch from one country and a desk from another. Each item is foreign in this room.
You’re always so tired, but he tells you to avoid caffeine. He gives you a blanket and tells you to lie down. You listen at first but can never relax. Not when you know he’ll be alone.
The honesty was a mistake at first. Mr. Rogers is so sensitive that he feels what you feel. He knows you so well that if something’s wrong, he’ll bother you until confession. You tell him almost anything, biting your tongue when you know you get too close to baring your entire soul.
The male friend of yours who keeps asking you out. The exams you study for to no avail. Your parents’ absence. Mr. Rogers—Steve, he insists—is a good listener and very wise. It makes sense. He’s much older than you and was on his own adventures when you were born.
The adventures are where he met his wife. Her name is Margaret, and she’s everything you aren’t. She’s headstrong and beautiful beyond words. She’s good with numbers and brilliant. She knows what she wants and will stop at nothing to get them.
Peggy is a real keeper. The wedding rings on their fingers prove this well.
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Nothing more than a few kisses and caresses have intertwined you and Steve. Nothing physical, at least.
You’re quiet around him. Never say anything more than a sentence. You shy away when your eyes met, especially if he says something sweet.
Words take up the space as you grow closer. Steve is particularly good with words, whereas you often stutter and blend words together.
And sometimes, there is complete silence. It’s contentful. He replies to emails, and you sort through the pile of mess in the corner.
You tell him your dreams, and he tells you the ones he’s already fulfilled. What he studied in school, his family, his friends, his favourite country he’s been to. Nothing about Peggy—neither of you can bear it.
Unless she’s done something that’s hurt his feelings—like when she swears she doesn’t talk to Daniel Sousa anymore, but he hears them calling late at night.
Sometimes, Steve talks for so long that it gets dark, and your shift is over. He pays you extra—or, at least, tries to. You never take the money because nothing was lost. You enjoy the little time you have with him.
He takes you home, wanting you to avoid walking down the street in the pitch-black evening.
His car is a mess—the same as his office. He apologizes sincerely and pushes everything in the front seat to the back. The directions consist of “take a left” and “keep going straight.” You assume he’ll forget it. You don’t know how much this means to him.
Steve stays parked outside your building when you rush to your room. You live on the bottom floor and are right by the entrance. You’re a movie’s heroine when you throw yourself on your bed and giggle, butterflies filling your stomach.
He is something. The scriptwriter has Steve’s dialogue under his name but with “CHARACTER: TBA” in parentheses. No one knows if the film will be completed. No one knows how it will end.
Mr. Rogers stays parked outside, forehead resting against his steering wheel, and he’s trying to get a hold of his nerves.
Eventually, he grabs his pack of cigarettes that he always hides from Peggy. She often reminds him of his mother—without the sagacity. She tells Steve what he should or shouldn’t do a lot. He hasn’t lived since he breathed you in.
He smokes with the windows up, tears flowing down his face because he knows this can’t happen. He cannot betray his wife, but he doesn’t want to hurt you.
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Steve comes to you on a starry night. You can see the moon and something else twinkling through the trees, and he rings your doorbell.
When you open the door, he’s a large man cowering like a small child. He wants to cry—you can tell. His mouth is in a frown that won’t disappear, and his eyes are glassy.
He’s drunk when he practically falls on top of you. He is slurring apologies that you know are unnecessary. His breath smells of whiskey, and he’s very heavy. You’ve fantasized about him on top of you during restless sleeps, but not quite like this.
Somehow, you crawl out from underneath the older, married man. You know it would be fruitless to lift Steve up, so you drag him to your bedroom.
You keep the door to the bathroom open and bring a bucket as well. The water on your bedside table is his now, and so is the charger and landline. Anything he wants of yours, he can have. He doesn’t even have to ask.
It’s hard to sleep when the one you desire so profoundly is in your bed, sadder than he should be. He drifts off with ease, but he’s violent in his tossing and turning. He shines with sweat and tears, soaking your sheets with his scent. You’re not sure if you’ll wash them. It’s a nightmare you can’t rouse him from, one that you don’t dare to ask him about the next morning.
Steve must’ve woken up on the wrong side of the bed. It’s small, too small for his big being. Or maybe it’s his hangover—perhaps even hunger. You offer to make whatever, but he grumbles.
He’s not sure why he’s taking his disappointment out on you. He wasn’t trying to test you, but you should’ve turned him away. You should’ve told him to go back home to his wife with her expected child inside her womb, but you don’t know this terrible secret. If you did, it would tear you apart from the inside out. This, he knows, for sure.
Mr. Rogers doesn’t say much to you in the morning, drinking two cups of coffee and staring out the window. You sit across him, and he looks past your face—the very visage he can never seem to tear his eyes away from.
“You shouldn’t have let me stay,” he finally says.
“Why not?” you ask, “you came here yourself. I could never turn you away.”
“You need to. You need to go out and, I don’t know, spend time with boys your age. Boys who don’t have wives or girlfriends they won’t leave you for.”
You flinch as if he’s raised one of his gentle hands.
Steve sighs. “That’s not what I meant. I think the lines between us have blurred. We’re not doing the right thing here, honey.”
You can’t look up, can’t face him. You wish this wasn’t the topic. You wish he had told you about his dream instead, and you would have told him yours. The one where he leaves you, the one where he gets his happy ever after with Peggy, and you get nothing.
He gives you a kiss on the head and bids you goodbye. You’re happy you have a day off tomorrow.
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It’s almost Christmas, about two weeks since the conversation. Steve tries to make things seem normal. Normal in the sense that he hasn’t made his employee fall hopelessly in love with him. Then, normal in the sense that Peggy doesn’t exist, and he can still keep you in his arms until a customer comes in.
You go on dates with your guy friend like Mr. Rogers has insisted, but they’re unfulfilling. He often prefers to stay home and rent a movie, followed by sloppy kisses and dry humping that is unsatisfactory for only you.
“You don’t have to go out with only him,” Steve reminds you one day. You’re in his lap and he’s just finished reading through his entire diary with you. Most pages are about the employee he’s infatuated with, few are about his wife.
“I know. I just don’t want anyone else but you,” you tell him.
Moments later, his mouth is on your neck and his hand is up your skirt. You’re just about to come when a delivery man walks in, calling your boss’ name.
The shop is closed for a week, and your father has invited you to visit him and his new family. Your step-sisters are older and runway-ready. They have wonderful jobs and husbands that aren’t seeing women younger than them.
It’s like a closed practice. An event you can only watch from afar. You have no place here, even if your stepmother cleaned the guest room for you. You book a new plane ticket so you can go home early. You don’t make an excuse because they don’t even ask why; they just bid you goodbye.
You land at a horrible hour. There are too many taxis that families need—families trying to have a nice, hurt-free holiday.
And so you call Steve, and he answers on the first ring.
“Hello?” he greets, and you can sense some kind of anxiety in his voice.
“Um, hi. Happy holidays,” you tell him, nervous beyond belief as well.
His voice is smooth like honey, crooning in your frost-bitten ear.
“Happy holidays, baby,” he says. Peggy isn’t nearby.
“Uh, I’m at the airport. I was with my dad’s family, but I left. I don’t know how to get home. All the taxis are taken up.”
“I’m on my way, okay? Just sit tight, sweetie.”
“Thank you,” you exhale, “thank you so much, Steve.”
“Anything for my girl.”
When he arrives, he finds a place to quickly park. He takes your sole suitcase out of your hands and presses a chaste kiss to your lips.
It’s sudden.
Mr. Rogers—your boss, a married man—is kissing you like you’re his only lover. Like he’s your boyfriend, and he’s missed you dearly.
You lean in for more, and he pulls away. Smiling, he opens the car door for you.
He takes the long way home, the ones with few cars driving alongside.
“I didn’t know you left,” he eventually says.
“Oh, yeah. Sorry. It was a last-minute thing.”
“No, no. Don’t apologize. I went to your place to say ‘hi,’ but no one was home.”
“I should’ve told you. I really am sorry,” you profess.
Steve places a finger on your mouth, shushing you. His hand moves to cup your cheek, and you push your face further into his palm.
“Thank you for picking me up,” you whisper, looking at him intently.
“I’m glad you called me. I missed you. I would do anything for you.”
You say nothing to that. You turn the radio on and the last song is one you recommended to him. You both hum the lyrics until it ends, and he turns it off.
“I always enjoy it when you drive me,” you confess after a while.
“Oh yeah? Why?” he smiles.
“You’re careful. You don’t go too fast or slow. You know what you’re doing. You’re such a pro at it,” you explain, slightly self-conscious of your reasoning.
“That all?” Steve teases, raising his eyebrows.
“Hm… No… I love your hands.” You giggle.
“Yeah? I know you do, baby. Always starin’ at them. I bet you think of them touching you all the time,” he rasps, briefly letting go of the wheel to rub at his beard.
You squeeze your thighs, mind already turning with scenarios where Steve touches you like a starved man.
His hand on your face moves back to your mouth, thumb swiping your bottom lip before pushing in. You suck on the digit, giving it the treatment you would to his cock. When you reach out to touch him, the car suddenly halts.
He stops on the side of the road, eyes watering. Regret etches his features, and you know what’s to come.
“We can’t,” Steve says, pulling his finger out. “Not yet, at least.”
“I know” is all you have to give.
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Peggy visits the store in early March. Underneath her shirt is a small baby bump.
When you see it, your heart stops.
Steve brushes past you to lead her away, examining your face for hurt. You’re behind the shelves and watch the couple, your mouth parted with your eyes threatening to leak. You turn and head towards the back, choosing to hide somewhere so you can fall apart in solitude.
Mr. Rogers watches as you leave. He wishes you would look back and give him something, anything. It wasn’t supposed to be like this. He wasn’t supposed to hurt you this way. But he did, and he will try to make it right.
Peggy leaves eventually, and Steve closes the store early. He searches for you, listening for a sniffle or movement.
You sit on the floor, a broken vase next to you. He quickly nudges the debris away so you don’t get hurt.
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry,” he says, looking down at you. You look up, eyes bloodshot, and you stare at him with something he can’t place. He envelopes you in a hug, and you can feel his erratic heart clamouring against your face.
“Come with me to the office, please,” Steve begs.
You shake your head.
“You ask too much of me, Steve. You have a wife and an innocent child on the way. We can’t keep doing this.”
“No, no. Please, just come. Please, honey,” he pleads once more. “At least hit me, yell at me, tell me to go fuck myself.”
“Why would I? I’m happy for you. You’re getting what you’ve always wanted.” Your voice cracks, and you force a smile. Steve sees through it all.
“No. I want you—I love you. But I don’t have you, do I? Listen, I’ll leave her. I’ll still be a good father, even though I know that’s not my kid at all. We’ll go elsewhere. Move into a nice home and do whatever we want,” he rambles.
Strong Mr. Rogers breaks apart in front of you. You take him into your arms, and you both cry together.
You’re the one that leads him to his office. You sit on the couch with him and notice that his wedding band is gone. He always wears it when Peggy comes by, but he didn’t this time.
“That night you took me in—I dreamt of you. I dreamt you weren’t mine, and you didn’t love me anymore. I messed something up and didn’t fix it. It was the worst nightmare I’ve ever had,” Steve admits.
You don’t say anything. As much as the whole ordeal hurts you, as terrible as what you’ve done to a woman and her child, you can’t let Steve go. Neither can he. It’ll have to end someday, just not now. Not yet.
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sakumz · 4 months
[ m. orter x fem reader ]
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" why does it feel like I've caught you in some sort of affair? its unusual for a visionary to still be in this school, so late at night, hm? " your voice was stern and threatening though still slightly curious.
orter was leaving after his quick dinner with margaret, that he won't tell anyone of. you're one of the teachers in this school. known for having great foresight. he had heard countless rumours about you. they said you used to be an assassin, having killed a few witches or maybe a spy for an enemy organisation waiting to overthrow the visionaries and the government. they said you had power strong enough to actually be part of the visionary. hearing all that, he had to be cautious around you.
" well isn't it strange for a teacher to still be in the school, after 7? " he replied as you quirk a brow.
" I'm clocking out and this is the earliest time of the week that I'm clocking out. I've worked countless overtime. mainly to help students write their report for any troubles they've cause, marking papers and such. " you state matter of fact, rendering the man speechless for a moment.
" I see, have a lovely night then. " he turns to walk away, before moving too far away. you open your mouth to speak one last thing, " don't try to do anything to stop mash from taking the exam. especially using a student of the school to- "
as he turned around, you were gone. how did you even know he was going to stop mash. he tossed and turned in his sleep, that night. well you're a teacher, you'll most likely be at the stadium. he can always put you in jail and question you, he can also question you later on.
at the stadium, he wasn't expecting you to stand next to walhberg. kaldo on his other side. he wonders what the two of you could possibly be talking about, seeing the dumb smile on kaldo and you laughing at the man. was he that funny? heck, he can see the tears on your eyes. WAS HE SO FUNNY?
" are you seeing anyone as of late, ms l/n? " walhberg starts, feeling your face burn up a little, kaldo couldn't help but laugh at you.
" w-whats it to you, mr walhberg! I have no interest right now, and I'm very busy! " you scold.
orter wonders what the conversation was, seeing you turn red and kaldo laughing at you embarrassed self, walhberg was smiling too. WHO'S FUNNY NOW? he wanted to painfully rip someone's head off. it's not his business but he too wants to know. how come both of them, aren't so cautious around you. did they not cared for such rumours? what about you, are you trying to prove that such rumours weren't even true?
after the whole fiasco of innocent zero showing up, the exam was over. everyone was slowly leaving. you, kaldo, orter and the light cane remained. discussing the attack.
" ms l/n, I didn't get to see you fight today but I've heard countless rumours. care to fill me in about you? " ryoh starts, as yall made your way out of the stadium.
" oh those rumours are true. I'm a witch assassin and I'm working for a secret organisation to overthrow the idiotic government and visionaries, " the three were stunned to hear your confession.
" I don't buy it, " orter says as he walks past the three.
" if its true and you ever try to do anything funny. mark my words, I'll stop you singlehandedly. "
" he likes you, y/n. " kaldo whispers in your ear before rushing off somewhere.
surely that wasn't the last he's seen you. you're even dropping by their office, as if you worked here! it's mainly to drop off reports and to check in on lance and dot, hearing they're being trained by orter.
upon hearing his training methods, you can't help but sit and watch. of course cheering your lovely students on and cursing at orter. he tried challenging you to that particular training only to be surprised at how easy you dodge his attacks with your smoke magic.
maybe both of you were meant to be, having similar magic skills. slowly but surely your presence is everywhere. the man didn't even realise he was falling.
" say do you like l/n-sensei? " dot questions as they take a quick short break from training.
the sudden question making orter stop wiping his glasses to stare at him, stupidly.
" a man has been trying to court her, the past few days. she said she's close to accepting his proposal, " lance spoke.
" I see, trainings over for now. " orter rushes out, making his way to your office at Easton.
" what brings you here, dear madl? " you swirl in your chair to face him.
" you're getting married? " you couldn't help but burst out laughing at his dumbfounded expression as he only glared at you in return.
" n-no, just thinking about it. " you wipe the tears from your eyes, staring back at his face.
" then marry me not him. I'll treat you way better, " he walks closer to your table, grabbing a few locks of your hair to plant a kiss.
such simple actions, made your heart go doki doki.
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brodieland · 5 months
.˚ 𓈒 ࣪.𝝑𝝔 Royal Rivalries !! ´ˎ˗
Luke Castellan x Fem!Zeus!Reader Synopsis: home alone with your prince Luke, but you needed to shower.. Tag(s): Royal AU, suggestive ASF, possibly most devious thing ive written and its not even crazy bai Word Count: 2248
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A sunny day when your father isn't home is always bound to be a good day. Normally when he's home, he prefers when everyone was always dressed nicely, always in dresses or button ups. So when he leaves to visit the other kingdoms of Olympia, you take advantage walking around in sweats and shirts with no bras.
Zeus was currently in the Aphrodite kingdom, talking love and weddings and whatnot, you didn't really know, nor did you really care. It's been about two weeks of wedding talk, or two weeks since the day you got engaged. It's been sickening, you've had to sit through three dinners with Luke, trying your best not to throw something across the table every time he makes an 'assface' type of comment. Anyways, Zeus finally letting you out of sight may have been a blessing.
After snaking through your closet, you pulled some little shorts and a bikini. By the garden out behind your castle, there's a gazebo with a glass roof and lawn chairs, perfect for sunbathing.
As you skipped down the hallways, you waved off all your maids, and butlers and servants. Finally you pushed through the doors to the garden that looked straight from a painting. While walking down, you were brushing your hand along the bushes and hedges, occasionally picking and plucking some flowers and putting one in your hair.
Making it to the gazebo, you took off your shorts and laid down. The sound of the leaves and frogs could've made you fall asleep. Except, you were interrupted.
"Excuse me? Princess Y/N," it was your favorite maid, Margaret.
"Yes Margaret, is something wrong," you asked without opening your eyes.
"You have a visitor," her voice sounded somewhat nervous, and you could only guess who it was.
"If its my father, please tell him what I do in my free time is my business and my business alone."
"You gotta stop thinking I'm your dad," your eyes shot open. "It's getting a little concerning."
You looked at him, standing in front of you with the sun coating his skin in a nice golden light. He gave you a smug look, with that jagged scar stretched out on his face.
"What're you doing here," you asked as you leaned up in your seat. "Go home."
"That's no way to speak to your future husband, now is it?"
You sat fully up, crossing your arms and throwing one leg over the other, while looking up at him with an unpleasant expression. "I asked you a question."
"When did you grow to be so feisty?"
"When did you grow up to be such an ass-"
"I'm going back now," Margaret said nervously. "Bye princess."
She quickly scurried off back from where she came from. You scowled, "your scaring the help away Castellan."
"Me? You're the one with a foul mouth. What was it you said, 'that it was unbecoming of a princess?' Or is that only when daddy dearest is around?"
"Gods forbid I do something alone."
"You know, sooner than you think I'll be here for you more," you raised your brow. "One week."
You stood up, "What does 'one week' mean?"
"It means in one week I'll see you in your long white dress walking down the aisle, all for me."
Your eyes widened, "One week? Why is he rushing things??"
"Who cares," he laughed. "Personally, I can not wait."
You weren't ready for marriage. Not only were you too young, but too sober to get through a wedding with Luke. You yelled in frustration while holding your head in your hands. When you looked back up, you saw Luke's hair standing up on its self. Before freaking out, you quickly grabbed onto Luke and pulled him behind you, under the roof of the gazebo. Then a giant bolt of lightning, with a width twice the size of a telephone pole, zapped the ground where he was just standing.
"Holy.." he whispered.
"I meant full offense by the way," you panted, despite it being accidental, it took more out of you then you thought.
"Wow, almost worked yourself to death trying to kill me?"
You rolled your eyes and pushed him off as he tried catching you. When you did so, you wobbled a little. "I'm fine."
You stumbled back to your chair to grab your shorts and head back home, nearly tripping over yourself. "Lemme help you."
"I told you, I'm-" you started coughing. "I'm fine."
"Clearly," you were struggling to stay on your feet. "C'mon."
You didn't have the energy to protest as he picked you up bridal style and carried you back to the house. You tried to push him away with no luck, he really was as strong as he looked. He kept walking till he made it to the kitchen, sitting you down on top of a counter.
"S'cold in here," you shivered, rubbing your hands on whatever they could reach to create whatever warmth possible. Luke was looking inside a fridge for a bottle of water, tossing it to you.
You barely caught it and took a sip, "course your cold, you got almost nothing on."
You paid no attention to him looking you up and down as you chugged the water, some dripping from the sides of your mouth and sliding down your body. You tossed the now empty bottle aside and hopped off the counter, grabbing your shorts and walking out.
"Stop following me."
"I'm not following you, I'm just walking in the same direction," he mused.
"Find another direction, I'm going to take a shower."
"Come on wifey, let's keep the same direction," you glared at him, trying not to react at the ridiculous nickname. "You thought it was funny you can admit it."
You smacked him on the arm with your shorts, "As if."
"You know, I remember when we were younger, and your dad forced you to wear those god awful swimsuits, the long sleeves and shorts. Remember those days?"
"Gods, how could I forget," you grumbled. "The tan lines those suits would give me were outrageous."
You both chuckled before you remembered something, "hey. Let's not forget you also had a swim shirt. And a bucket hat, with the white strips on sun screen on your face."
"Okay okay we can calm down now."
"Hey, you started it, I just finished it," you threw your hands up, and Luke just rolled his eyes. You guys continued walked as you made it to your bedroom. "I was serious, I do need to take a shower now."
"Hey, we used to take baths together when we were kids, and we were engaged then too, whats so different now?"
"I'm gonna pretend you didn't just ask that," you said as you went through your drawers looking for some clean clothes.
"Nothings different, now we're just taller," he shrugged.
"You want to see me naked so bad it's sickening," you joked as you turned back around and looked at Luke. He was laid back on your bed with his arms behind his head as he just stared at you. When his short sleeves are moving up and struggling to fit against his biceps, it makes you forget what a villainous 15 year old he was. "Not even gonna deny it?"
"Nope" he cheered. "And don't act so innocent, like I didn't just catch you checking me out, princess."
"I don't know what your talking about."
"I can see it in your eyes, what you want."
"What're you talking about," you walked up, standing in front of him.
"You act like you hate me, but I don't think you really do," he said as he sat up on your bed.
"And what makes you say that," you asked as you leaned down, hands on his knees while your cleavage was popping out of your bathing suit into his face.
You gave a close-eyed smile as you smacked him upside the head, "Your intuition can eat my ass, get your head out of the gutter."
You laughed as you walked off toward your bathroom. "Your such a tease, aren't you princess?"
"Remember," you started as you leaned against the bathroom doorframe, "As I am royalty, its disrespectful to oh so brazenly stay in my bedroom, out of wedlock no less, with no supervision. What would the people say?"
"The people? Or your father, who isn't even here," he questioned. "How would he feel if he saw the clothes you hide away in your closet? Is there anything else you'd be willing to show?"
"I have my secrets," you said as you started untie your top as you shut the door before anything was revealed. You pressed your ear against the door and rustling from the other side. After a moment of rapid knocking while tying your top back, you opened the door. "Need something?"
"To shower, I'm filthy," Luke said as he walked passed you into the bathroom.
"Only thing filthy is your brain if you think I'm getting in that shower with you," you watched as he turned the shower on and take his shirt off.
"I think the filthiest thing in this room is the way you can't keep your eyes of me."
"I'm not checking you out, I'm just shocked by your sheer audacity."
"Princess, what are you, scared? Scared to shower with your fiancé?"
"Scared? Excuse me," you raised your eyebrow. "What makes you think I would ever be scared right now?"
"I think you won't be able to resist me and that aggravates you."
"Screw you," you started undoing your bathing suit and walking into the shower. Luke stood there with both eyebrows raised. "You coming in? Or are you the one with no self-control?"
"Yeah we'll see about that," he finished undressing and hopped into the shower behind you. You did your best to pay him little to no attention, but it was difficult. You kept yourself faced away, though either side of you, Luke didn't mind.
To be fair, you did want to turn around, but you stayed strong. Hard, I know. You minded your business as you shampooed your hair. "You missed a spot."
"No I didn't."
"Yeah you did," he ran his hand through your hair, softly massaging your scalp. "Right there."
It felt nice, though you weren't gonna say that. "What're you doing?"
"Washing your hair," he tightened his grip on your hair, slowly pulling your head back to look at him. "What're you thinking? Something dirty?"
"You speak to me much too freely, have you no respect," you turned completely as you pointed your finger into his chest, making sure you keep eye contact.
"Of course I do, I plan to treat you with nothing but the upmost respect," he grabbed your finger, interlocking his hand in yours, while his words were laced with arrogance.
"You drown in your over-confidence, I hope you know. And we both know you came in here thinking you were going to get lucky, didn't you?"
"Ah so you see, I'm already lucky to be in here," he smiled.
"Oh Luke, flattery gets you no where."
"You could always let it get me somewhere."
"Why should I, did your little Aphrodite princess let you get lucky?"
"Wouldn't you like to know what we've done," he leaned down into your face.
"As you're your future wife, don't you think I'm entitled to know your past," you raised your brow at him. "Why, do you think she'd be better than anything I'd be able to do?"
"What makes you think I slept with her?"
"Well.. did you," you quickly asked, upset with how interested you sounded.
"Your cute when your jealous," he moved his hand that was still in your hair down to your jaw, making sure you were looking up at him.
"I'm not jealous, what is there to be jealous of?"
"So you wouldn't care if I had sex with her? You wouldn't care about being not being my first?"
You stayed silent. "Though of course, as my future wife, you are entitled to all that information. All the details." He kept talking and you started getting upset. "What was it you wanted to know? How long it lasted, how many times we had sex, how many different positions we did?"
"Shut. up," you stared into his chest, but he just pulled your face back up to look at him.
"What was that?"
"I told you to shut up," you moved his hands and let go of him as you walked out the shower, grabbing a towel and covering yourself. You hated the way that crush from when you were 14 still lingered, even more when he talks about the girl he cheated with. It could've been you who... yeah. You moved so you were no longer in his sight as you dried off.
"I never did," he called out. You contemplated ignoring him.
"Did what."
"Her," he paused. "I never did her."
That made you weirdly happy, but you didn't let it show. "That's all I wanted to know."
"You coming back in?"
"No I don't think so, I'm feeling squeaky clean," you walked past the shower with your towel wrapped around your body as you made your way to the door. "But if you still feeling filthy, stay as long as you need."
You laughed and shut the door behind you, Lukes eyes lingering as you did so. This was going to be fun.
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holylulusworld · 1 year
Very tight places - Kinktober 3
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Summary: You're stuck with a soulless Sam again.
Pairing: Soulless!Sam x fem!Reader
Square 8 filled for @anyfandomgoesbingo: Amnesia
Square 6 filled for @samwinchesterbingo: Dirty Talk
Warnings: soulless!Sam being his asshole self, cheating (kinda), smut, unprotected sex, dirty talk, mentions of anal sex, creampie, claustrophilia, blasphemie
Rating: Explicit
Kink: Claustrophilia
Kinktober vs Flufftober 2023
Catch up here: Cramped (1) & Tight places (2)
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Six months later you are still hunting with Dean and Sam. You didn’t want to leave the elder Winchester alone with his soulless brother. 
Who are you trying to kid? The ugly and embarrassing truth is, that you can’t stay away from Sam for too long.
He’s intoxicating. You’re high on him, and the way he fucks you. If you had an ounce of dignity left, you’d tell the bastard to fuck off. But you are too far gone to care.
Most nights, you let him do unspeakable things to you. Dean stumbled in on you and his brother, calling you sick more than once. He wrinkles his nose anytime Sam gropes you in front of his brother.
Sam has no filter. In any way. When it comes to sex, he doesn’t care if you are in the middle of a case, at a hospital, or buying groceries. Sam wants you, and he gets you.
Anytime. Anywhere.
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“Sam, what are we doing here, dressed in the cheapest costumes we could find,” you grumble as Sam decides you must play nun and priest to solve your latest case. 
Dean is out and about to find Death. Not to die this time, but to convince Death himself to help him get Sam’s soul back. 
Sam is not amused. He wants to stay like this. New and improved. Deadly, focused, and with a sexual appetite making even Dean blush.
“I look ridiculous. They will not believe I’m a nun.” Glancing around the almost empty church you sigh. At least there are not many people around to witness your poor performance.
“Why?” Sam resists the urge to grope your ass. Seeing you in your nun costume got him rock-hard. If not for the case he wants to solve, he’d have you bent over the altar already. “We look just the same as the priest I knocked out to get his clothes.”
“You did what?” you stop in your tracks to gape at Sam. “Please tell me you didn’t knock a priest out, Samuel Winchester. I don’t want to go to hell only because you have no impulse control.”
Sam smirks darkly. “You are so cute when mad,” he dips his head to whisper, “not so cute while you writhe on my fat cock. You’re a whore, not a saint. I know how you like it. Dirty and rough.”
“Sam, can you for once not think about your dick?” You growl. “We still need to find the monster killing the people at the church. Sadly, the only witness still suffers from amnesia.”
“That’s where you come in,” Sam purrs. “I didn’t want you to wear this iconic tunic only for fun. You are the one taking Sister Margaret’s place. You’ll fit in just fine.”
“I don’t want to play the next victim for the monster. Which by the way, you still didn’t identify, Sam. Maybe you shouldn’t have spent the last night at the bar with that blonde,” you snap at the hunter. You don’t give a shit if your blow your cover. Sam won’t get away with treating you like a random bitch he can fuck and leave afterward.
“Y/N, be honest with me,” he chuckles at your angry expression, “are you jealous because you are in love with me?“
“You wish,” you walk away, too angry to be around Sam today. Are you jealous? Of course, you are. Sam and you spent the last months together. Most of the time in the sheets. But last night, he told you to leave and didn’t return until early in the morning.
“Don’t be like that, baby,” Sam mocks you. “I know you love me. You draw hearts and imagine walking down the aisle while I wait for you to give you the ring.”
“You’re such an asshole,” you turn back around to snap at Sam. “I can’t wait for Dean to get your soul back. The moment you have it back, I’m gone. Don’t believe I stuck around for you and your limp dick. I did it for Dean because he’s a good man. Always was.”
“You want my brother?” His features darken, and you can see the change in Sam’s eyes. You take a step back. You know the look in his eyes. It’s the same one you see when he’s about to attack a monster. “Well, too bad. He can’t have you.”
“He can have me if he wants me.” It’s your turn to pay Sam back for all the times you asked yourself if he’s with some other girl. “Just like you had that pretty little thing last night.”
Sam snorts. “She was boring and wanted to go on a date first.” He casually says. As if this excuses his behavior, and how he treated you last night. “Come. I show you something nice.”
“Sam, I’m not in the mood for one of your games. Let’s just solve this case and we can go our separate ways. I stuck around far longer than I intended to.” You huff as Sam once again, ignores your protests. He grabs you by your arm and drags you toward the confession booth.
“Sam! What are you doing?” 
“Shush now, I saw someone,” he pushes you inside the booth and closes the door behind him. You gulp. You’re stuck in a tight place with Sam again. “Do you have your gun?”
“What kind of question is that Winchester? I’m not an idiot!”
“Good. Stay in here and wait for me,” he turns around to look at you. Something flashes in his eyes before he turns around to leave the booth. Not without telling you to lock it, though…
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You’re gnawing at your nails. Sam left you at the confession booth half an hour ago, and now you don’t know if you left the booth to help him or not. 
You press your ear to the door, listening to your breathing. There is not a sound, and you wonder if Sam messed with you and just left the church.
“Open the door,” Sam knocks at the door, “now.”
“Fuck, Winchester,” you curse, but unlock the door to drag Sam inside. He closes it behind him once again and releases an annoyed huff as you check him for injuries. 
“You can't wait to put your hands on me again, huh?” Sam turns around to look you up and down. “You know,” he licks his lips. His large hands shoot toward your face to cradle it for a moment, “I think you should confess your sins to me, my dear.”
“I said I’m not in the mood for one of your games,” you pout and cross your arms over your chest. “Why did you leave me in here, all alone? Did you find the monster?”
“I fucked the nuns and gave them a good spanking,” Sam deadpans. “What do you think I did? I kept you safe. The monster wasn’t here. We will find them, though.”
“You’re such an asshole.”
“And you are still my whore. My brother can’t have you,” he moves his hand to your throat. “Say it.”
“Fuck you.”
“You wish I would,” he chuckles as you claw at the hand holding your throat in a tight grip. “OR maybe I should remind you of your worth. Turn around, lift your tunic, sister. I want to see your cunt.”
“Do it or I swear I’ll drag you out of here and fuck you on the altar like I wanted to,” he warns. You know Sam is not joking. If you don’t do as he says, he’ll drag you out and have his way with you on the altar.
He drops his hand from your throat, smirking as you slowly turn around. You shove the black tunic up your body to reveal your ass to him. 
“I hate you so much.”
“No panties,” Sam moves his hand between your legs to find you dripping for him. “you’re such a whore for me. I can’t believe I found someone like you.”
You should knee his balls and just leave him there. Instead, you press your hands against the wooden wall and brace yourself for Sam’s massive cock. He’s not a fan of foreplay when he’s like that. 
“My whore.” He runs his large hand over your back, down to your ass. “Look at you, ready to have my cock. I think I’ll go for your ass today.”
You suck in a breath. It’s always a struggle to take him up your ass. Especially when he’s impatient. 
“Aw, my little cockslut loves having me up her ass, huh?” His pants drop to the ground before you can even choke out a moan. Sam is on you in a blink. One hand moves between your legs to slap your pussy. “Answer me!”
“I love your cock up my ass,” he slaps your pussylips again, and again until your tender flesh throbs and you soak his hand. “I want to feel it all the time.”
“Beg me,” he slings his arm around your throat. “Y/N, I’m not asking,” Sam growls in your ear. “I want to hear you beg.”
“Please give me your cock, Father Winchester,” he bends your body to his will and rams himself inside of your leaking cunt.
“Fuck,” Sam is not gentle. All he gives you is his free hand between your legs to toy with your clit. He snaps his hips into your ass, making you cry out with every deep thrust. “I love it when cry a little.”
“Ass-hole,” you press your hands hard against the wooden wall. “I hate you so much.”
Sam doesn’t care about your words, or that you soak his cock only a few thrusts later. He batters your cunt, hoping to force another orgasm out of you to make you see that only he can fulfill your desires.
“You make the sweetest noises when I fuck you,” he nips at your earlobe, teeth sinking in your flesh to tug at it. You moan and push back onto him. Sam knows exactly which buttons he must push to get what he wants. “I’m going to fill this cunt up again.”
You hiss his name when your body sizes up. You tremble in his arms and close your eyes as your orgasm washes over you. When he fucks you like this, from behind you can pretend it’s the real Sam, not the broken version of the hunter.
“You’re such a good slut for me, Y/N. I’ll never let you go,” his words a more threat than a promise. His hips begin to stutter. “Open that pussy for me, take my cum…”
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You don’t know how you made it out of the church without getting caught. Sam’s cum ran down your thighs as he dragged you out of the place you stained with your sins.
Back at the motel, you try to make him talk to you. Sam sits across you, just staring at you.
“Sam, we still need to find the monster.” You sigh as he ignores you. “SAM! The monster.”
“It was a hoax,” he shrugs and drops his eyes to your legs. “I wanted to fuck you at a church in a confession booth.”
“There is no monster?” Your jaw drops. “You drove to the middle of nowhere, and forced me to wear a nun costume only for sex.”
“Roleplay, kitten. It’s essential to keep my dick hard.” He watches you squirm on the bed. “Be good and spread your legs. Let me see your tainted cunt.”
“Sam…can you just not be so crass all the time?” 
“I said,” he gets up from his seat to stand in front of your bed, “spread your legs and show me your well-fucked and cum stained cunt.”
“Fine,” you fall back onto the bed and spread your legs. “Satisfied.”
“Hmm…I don’t know,” he unbuckles his belt with one hand and shoves his pants down his legs. “I think you need more cum in your pussy…”
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“Please tell me you got him out,” Dean looks at Death. 
“I got his soul, and we should hurry but,” Death looks Dean straight in the eyes, “I must warn you. This soul got ripped apart, and there is not much left of the brother you knew…
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