#market opinions
thelailasblog · 2 months
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gideonisms · 4 months
I become 300% more of both a lover and a hater when I'm on my period. just a time of the month when I have strong opinions I would say
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ecoamerica · 2 months
Watch the American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 now: https://youtu.be/bWiW4Rp8vF0?feature=shared
The American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 broadcast recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by active climate leaders. Watch to find out which finalist received the $50,000 grand prize! Hosted by Vanessa Hauc and featuring Bill McKibben and Katharine Hayhoe!
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ganondoodle · 1 year
not to dive back into my apparently controversial video game opinions but the "they probably left out nigh all references to botw to not confuse new players" argument for totk really confuses me in turn bc …
if an overgrown non functioning botw shrine confuses you so much you cant keep playing how are you ever getting through any video game?? if you are not familiar with botw its just part of the environment for you, a fallen apart titan or a half collapsed shrine of life with a cave now leading somewhere else shouldnt completely confuse you-
but mainly ... this is (supposedly................) a direct sequel to botw, a literal second part, if you dont play the first one and just get into the second one you cant blame it on anyone but yourself for not understanding some things? like if totk actually built on what botw set up and you get into totk without having played the first one you really have no right to be angry about being confused by some things its like if you start watching a series with the second season instead of the first one, your own darn fault if you dont get it (also theres plenty of people who summarize video games for you so you could also jsut watch one of those if you really really dont want to play the first one)
if this is really the reason nintendy forcibly bent everything in totk to not dare have a proper connection to botw then ... im sorry but why the heck did you call it a sequel then, if you want to have a standalone game then make a standalone game, and if you want to reuse the map and models so badly then just say its some paralel universe or something, you have literally done that before!!
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miss-stereo · 6 months
I know it's been days since Wish was released, but I finally watched it and...
I still think Enchanted (2007) is the Disney movie that celebrates the classics while bringing an original story to all audiences.
It has romance, music by Alan Menken, 2D animation, a cool villain, and a amazing cast!
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katy-l-wood · 4 months
All the rage-bait, out of context articles about the changes in the Netflix ATLA adaption are a perfect example of why I decided to leave the marketing field. Fucking hate this shit. "All press is good press" my ass. You're just being obnoxious and riling up the fans so you can hand off some meaningless engagement stats to some executive who isn't even going to look at them.
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sapphicscholar · 2 months
This past weekend my wife and I finished the last episode of the X-files, marking the end of an academic year-long journey to watch the entire series + reboot for the very first time from the start. But now it’s like…what do we do with our post-dinner TV hour??
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ecoamerica · 2 months
Watch the 2024 American Climate Leadership Awards for High School Students now: https://youtu.be/5C-bb9PoRLc
The recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by student climate leaders! Join Aishah-Nyeta Brown & Jerome Foster II and be inspired by student climate leaders as we recognize the High School Student finalists. Watch now to find out which student received the $25,000 grand prize and top recognition!
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llitchilitchi · 2 months
I get hating certain political systems and trying to abolish totalitarian regimes but at the same time many of them are so interwoven with our history and society they have become tropes and when I consume media with a setting where the monarchy is absolute and revered then I am playing my part and sucking that princeling off
#litchi.txt#there are games that address this kinda stuff! and thats good! its good that there are games talking about how this is bad!#but at the same time when I go into a game knowing I will be the prince's sword and shield I dont expect the game to be anti-monarchy#despite having pretty strong opinions on many a thing I tend to put most of them away the moment I engage with media#imperialism bad. monarchy bad. doesnt mean I cant enjoy roleplaying in a game where I help these systems#because guess what its fictional and not everything needs to be a strong statement about politics#sometimes we just... wanna vibe with a setting#I am so very thoroughly exhausted from the politics in this country and where things are going I just kinda need that no brainer gameplay#even if it means working as the secret police for an emperor#even if it means replacing one dictator with another#because its still a game#a lot of people talk about imperialism-monarchy-colonialism with these things because they are a big issue even today#and they are important to talk about!! in real world!!#but I rarely see people be this upset about like religion etc which like. thats also a massive problem.#idk Im just tired of trying to look at fanart of all my fantasy medieval games and people being upset that the games#are not super anti-monarchy despite the marketing being literally 'you are the emperor's bestie. you help him out and go on a quest.'#'your quest is to manipulate local government to support the emperor and do his bidding'#like idk how That is supposed to be a game that addresses it properly#and maybe it does but ig since the MC doesnt look at the player and go REMEMBER KIDS! THIS IS EVIL AND BAD AND WHY MONARCHY SUCKS#it doesnt count??? I guess???
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revvethasmythh · 2 months
I think New Adult is a completely unnecessary literary genre and I've been watching people on social media essentially try to "make fetch happen" with this age range for almost a decade now and it hasn't made any more sense as time has gone on. Frankly, if you're writing a character who is is 20+ years old, they should be in Adult. I don't think we need to create any more additional sub-categories for age ranges than what already exists: Children's, Middle Grade, YA, and Adult is perfectly fine. The age range NA represents is just 23-year-old teenagers. It's just YA with sex. Grow up and read adult books
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dollypopup · 2 months
y'all can all cancel me (again) for this, but if there's even a SHRED of 'who should I pick?' from Penelope in season 3, I am tuning out SO fast because like. . .sorry not sorry, there IS no choice. Debling is some crusty OC suitor she barely even knows and Colin is a man who she has been so supposedly in love with to the point where she'd ruin her entire family's reputation to have a potential love story with him. Penelope and Colin have background, years of knowing each other, intimacy that few people in the Ton can boast of having (letters, conversations about purpose, fights and arguments and makeups) and her and Debling have. . .a dance or two at a ball because he's a rebound for Penelope's broken heart. he means nothing. he has no nuance, he has no weight to the story, he is such an afterthought to me. either I wanna see Penelope going 'you know what? I don't even LIKE this dude. he's. . .fine, but I don't care about him even a shred as much as I care about Colin' or the INSTANT Colin's like 'you know what? we should get married' if it's not an immediate 'say less, you're already my husband, try returning me without the receipt, Debling whomst?' then I don't want it!
like. . .it's just so frustrating to see all the 'I hope Debling sweeps her off her feet and she rejects Colin's proposal and she makes him work for it and and and-' nonsense from the fandom and it's always tagged and no matter how many times I block it, it just keeps popping up. I go into the Polin tag for POLIN. I don't give a SHIT about a male love interest other than Colin. Not one. Not a shred. Not an iota.
and also. . .Debling has the 'benefit' of not having depth, or character traits, or HISTORY, so peeps can project onto him however they want, but I'm calling it now, there is NOTHING he could do or be that would make me like him more than Colin. Colin will always hit different, and I will always love him more. and if Pen's not on that same page? lol bye
you want me to believe Penelope and Colin are soulmates and it's romance for her to hem and haw about how difficult a decision it is for her to marry a stranger who knows barely anything about her. . .
when Marina was out here dropping banger lines like 'You were the only man with which I could see myself being happy' and 'I do not care about any of these men, where is Colin?'? like hello??? and she wasn't even fully in love with him!!!! but we'll demonize her until the cows come home in our fandom and make her the villain in Polin's love story for DARING to get in between Polin, yet Debling, a white man, is a darling dear perfect prince for getting in between Polin? existing in our fandom solely so Penelope can be like 'lol, Colin ain't shit, let me entertain any and everyone else'?
if that's the direction it goes then, ten toes down and on my mama, she doesn't deserve Colin and she can move because I'm on my way to court him my damn self
and that's that on that
#you know what? lol it's been a bit since i've posted a controversial opinion#tagging it#polin#sorry not sorry i ship polin. . .so i wanna see. . .polin. . .and i'm getting damn sick and tired#of all the bullshit pen/oc pen/other dude theories and stories in the polin tag#and i don't want polin to lose screentime over a frankly bleh male oc#you can't change my mind#if i don't see at least marina's 'you've seen him with the little bridgertons!' level of squee and 'i only want to talk to colin'#levels of devotion then i don't fucking WANT IT!!!!!#yeah definitely try out the marriage market#realize that NO ONE has a good time on the marriage market#try to get over him w/ whomstever#but then be like 'i don't even LIKE this dude where's colin i miss him' about it!!!!!#because otherwise i am not here#i am asleep#and i am courting colin in your place pen#i'm coming for your man#anti debling#if debling has 100 haters i am one of them if he has 10 haters i'm one of them if he has 1 hater i am the hater if he has 0 haters i'm dead#it's incredibly obvious that 'pebling' is half rooted in a revenge storyline fueled by anger at Colin and his complexity#and half a projection of wanting Penelope to have 'choices' because she is a representation and manifestation of the fans themselves#and so people think an OC that can be 'perfect' for them- whoops I mean Pen (because he doesn't have any real depth or interest)#he's a cardboard cutout we can throw whatever you want onto#so we can make him 'perfect' instead of the much more meaningful storyline of pen and colin both being messy and loving each other more#and part of it is bitterness over Polin not being insta-love#which. . .if it was i wouldn't like them as much as i do#anyways y'all ain't slick#and it's fucking WEIRD to be in a fandom that's like 'i ship this couple but i hope she gets with ANYONE else'#maybe you. . .don't ship the couple??#like. . .to the point of wanting her necklace to be from debling. . .and her wearing it everywhere??? WHAT??
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sailoryooons · 20 days
Okay I need y'all to be a sounding board to tell me if I'm crazy or if this is as diabolical as I think it is. Tonight (after hours) my boss randomly pinged me and told me to drop my job description and four key projects/values I bring to the company ASAP. I'm like okay... and open the doc link... and there are literally other people in the marketing department doing the same thing where we can all see what the other is writing.
No preface for why we were asked to do this and not everyone in the department has been asked to do this.... is this not absolute psychological warfare????????????
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adhdandcomics · 1 year
adding to my tags because i’ve been thinkin a lot about the post i just reblogged and have more thoughts:
i’ll be real, the more i saw ‘hey adhd influencers are so annoying’ the more i worried that i was unconsciously contributing to the spreading reputation of adhd folks as annoying and over-pathologizing every symptom they experience
and then i realized. i am not a goddam influencer or life coach or representative. obviously i have some obligation as someone who cares about myself and the people that like my comics to not spread harmful ideology or blatant misinformation but i never intended myself to be a “’increase your productivity!!’ blog OR a ‘if you have XYZ you have adhd!’ blog. and i do this for fun, and originally started this blog bc i had a lot of internalized shame and self loathing about my adhd and thought if i could make it funny i might have less of that. let’s get real! and it worked!
i’ve obviously done this kind of thing— (hey these symptoms might be adhd!) a lot before in my life & on this blog, but there’s more to it than trying to be an “influencer” or whatever. a term that didn’t even exist when i started this blog!
i felt very isolated trying to find out if i had any mental problems & what have you originally because of large advice (etc) blogs with staunchly anti self Dx views at the time
so i overcorrected when i DID get dxed and tried to validate everyone who was like me. and of course. not the best course of action always for the ol mental health. tried to be the source of positivity and jokes that i didn’t see because the online adhd presence was near non-existent.
and anyway. i make a lot of fun of myself & the way m brain works in my comics obviously but it is not my obligation to... how do you say.... not be annoying online.
because if folks interpret MY little jokes as a strict guide to diagnosis. that’s on them, really, not me. i also believe “making adhd your entire personality” is a non-issue. so what if people find out they have it and get over excited with identifying as adhd. saying this as someone who DID do it. criticism of this gives the same vibes as people being annoyed that young queers make “being queer” their whole personality. im very obviously more than a guy with adhd, and id reckon other adhd comic artists are too. (im friends with a lot of them!) it’s fine to post about it online.
anyway. i just don’t take myself too seriously and i’m a comic artist for myself first! and you know what, i’ve been considered annoying my entire life. what do i care if a few more folks think i’m annoying. neurotypical or not
#i think the article did have some good points especially on the capitalism and marketing angle but i oft think it did venture into#being mad at individual folks who post jokes about adhd. which is literally fine thats what an opinion piece is for lol#i am just very tired of people pretending that a lot of reaction to online adhders is not in itself just an extension of the ableism#we already were facing#'adhd people are so annoying everyone does this youre pathologizing everything' ok and how exactly are you helping.#i hesitate to throw my hat in with hating on adhd tiktok because i am simply not on tiktok and have no way to back up my thoughts#that they may be annoying and oversimplifying a complex disorder on the 'drains your attention span' website.#and i think perhaps the value of each adhd resource varies widely depending on who made it and what theyre even posting.#sometimes its a joke made by a person with adhd. sometimes its sourced and cited research. sometimes its someone discussing their personal#experiences in depth. sometimes its someone talking completely out of their ass. sometimes its THINLY veiled ableism.#its up to the individual to research and determine the value of the memes and resources you seek#anyway. perhaps these points are tough to clarify on sites like insta and twitter. bless.#text#adhd#im punk now#oh and yeah i also agree lots of folks do not talk about the unsavory parts of adhd but rather the funnies and the sillies. but that is#once again a larger capitalism and marketing and ableism problem#r we not talking about them because we are actively trying to infantalize this disorder or is it because we collectively experience a lot#of internalized ableism and hesitate to talk about our worst symptoms for fear of the backlash#weve always gotten about them 🤔🤔🤔#much to consider#if youve read this far sorry for tangent number 56 about this. but also start being more unapologetic about your disorders. fuck it!#<3
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trashogram · 2 months
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velichorus-k · 2 years
We desperately need more animated movies with gross animal characters in the year of our lord 2023. No more cute or furry-bait dogs and cats. I want to see these guys and go "what is that?"
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not-poignant · 7 days
Hiya Pia,
Do you think Flitmouse ever created clothing for Crielle? Or do you think Crielle’s omega prejudice would’ve stopped her? I am intrigued by the idea that one day Flitmouse remembers interacting with her or her staff, and how that moment would inform his perception of Efnisien. All the love to you!
Crielle would never knowingly let clothing made by an omega touch her body. She thought it was valid to torture an omega for years and recommended he be murdered to a complete stranger, that's not someone who will then be like 'oh yes I will drop thousands of dollars on haute couture made by an omega.'
And Flitmouse would have no way of knowing she was Efnisien's aunt. He still doesn't know! I actually have no idea when he'll find out, but I doubt it will be during Underline the Black. Knowing someone's family is abusive =/= knowing the names or identities of those people!
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jasontoddenthusiastt · 7 months
Observing peoples reactions to morally gray or black actions committed by different characters is so funny. Throughout all of G. War the character tags were chock-full of people unironically enraged claiming “Bruce isn’t even capable of doing something bad like that.” about an action that is pretty well in line with his character journey thus far, meanwhile there are still new posts that gain traction that open with lines like “I know Jason has committed his fair share of sins/crimes but” like bro when. In 2010?
Also. The whole premise of the b*tfamily™ that you so love is built on the load bearing wall being that they are a crime family. Hell, do people just collectively forget the part where Bruce manufactures and freely uses weapons with his own furry brand logo plastered all over them, causing all sorts of 'explosions and more!' property damage all over the streets of Gotham? Pretty sure that makes him a terrorist but you people don't feel the need to go around reminding fandom of that every five minutes.
#as someone who loves post crisis Jason more than the average person who considers themselves a Jason fan:#how much longer are we going to pretend that’s still where we are today#to all the people who get so fucking worked up anytime Jason does something other than sit there and look pretty#what exactly do you want to see him do in comics anyway? vacuum his apartment?#like please let him fuck shit up for people whose plans were messed up anyway please let him have opinions and act on them#kelseethe#these people assume fans like Jason *despite* all his ‘wrongdoings'#when we repeatedly post about why Jason fucking with people was epic and cool and justified#while they sit there being upset that their traumatized problematic fav with a god complex#acts like a traumatized problematic bitch with a god complex lol#‘do Jason fans even know why they like his character’ seems like someone is in need of some introspection#disclaimer: l'm not a bruce anti. you know that liking a problematic character doesn't mean wanting to erase#every atrocity he committed and putting him through a redemption arc#I just have low tolerance for the utter ignorance of some of his fans lol#and that of his writers who market him as the agreeable voice of reason#while simultaneously portraying him as an abusive father + war criminal lol#the way I used the terms ‘morally gray/black’ here is subjective.#personally I don’t consider killing drug dealers/kingpins in a fictional universe morally gray because I’m not a fucking narc lol#but abusing your son for over a decade then literally breaking his brain is undeniably morally black in & out of universe
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I didn't base Wish off of it being 100 years of Disney and I still felt let down. Just as a movie it was, in my opinon, a badly written movie. It just never gives you enough investment in any of the characters to make me care about the plot. And it doesn't have to be complicated. Moana for example, has a very simple plot. It still spends time with Moana and using that time wisely, to get me to care about her and her relationship with her parents and her island. Wish, just fell to a mid point and it's okay. Sometimes a lot of people can hate something bc it is in fact, just a poorly written movie. Not everything is an "underappreciated" movie.
Well good for you
You know I was going to leave it at that but I'm not strong enough. Because sorry but what exactly do you expect me to do now...?
You yourself said that it just fell to mid point, I agree, it's not a masterpiece even if I personally really enjoyed it. But despite that I don't agree with the opinions that it's the worst Disney movie to date, an absolute disaster, unsalvageable or any other of the extreme opinions I've seen online. Obviously I don't mean you here, since I don't know you or your opinions on the movie and frankly I'm not going to assume anything about some anon. But I just want to point out the amount of, I don't know, fics where people outright admit to not having even watched the movie but feeling cheated/robbed/betrayed whatever and deciding that they can do a better job based on the cancelled concept art.
I don't even want it to be more appreciated, but the worst it deserves is to just pass silently like, frankly most of Disney's movies this year, because, and I can't stress it enough, it's not as bad as people are making it out to be. That's the stance I'm going to defend. I'm not saying you have to like it but I'm saying that the reaction is majorly undeserved and unfair. Most of this hate should go towards the executives and advertisement people, who created false and too high expectations and didn't allow the movie to stand on its own
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