#martini babbles
g4yr4t · 2 years
wawa should sell seasonal red velvet flavored things I would die
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str4ngr · 8 months
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cw: suggestive, sexual tension, strangers to lovers, not beta read, might be military inaccuracies because i'm not in the military, alcohol consumption, medic! fem!reader. this is part two of a series. part one. notes: sorry for such a long wait, i just went through the academic trenches. words: 1,222.
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It was expected that the friendly crowd would welcome you, but drinking at the local pub in uniform was not something you anticipated.
Luckily, you had the chance to change out of your… not so clean scrubs into another set of a simple grey. 
Sighing as you sat beside Soap, or as the mesmerizingly gruff voice called him, Johnny, at the end of the cushion booth. You smiled at the rest of Taskforce 141, happily introducing yourself once more. Conversation was easy with an easy crowd, they were all friendly, even more so when they learned you were a personal recommendation by their Mrs. Kate Laswell. 
“Looks like someone stole my seat, aye?” 
Low, almost inaudible, Ghost murmured as he slipped into the seat beside Gas, or Kyle, though not as fondly called by that alluring voice. You smile, laughing in soft tones as Gaz nudged his new neighbor's arm. Of course, he meant no harm, anyone could tell, but the unassuming way your eyes fluttered away from his made it seem like something else.
To be honest, it probably was. 4 shots, a margarita, and taking sips out of Soap’s, which he ordered in humor after he chugged too much of something else, Pornstar martini, you genuinely couldn’t let left from right. 
But you could tell his eyes from theirs.
All night, every second, every time you turned, away or to, he was watching, like a predator on the hunt, he stalked your every move. Arms crossed his broad chest, shifting only for a moment to sneak a sip from his old-fashioned as he carefully lifted the bare minimum of his mask. It was almost impossible to look away, no matter how trained the others were to shift their eyes, sober or not, you couldn’t help but stare at the pale skin beneath. 
Then suddenly, his eyes met yours. It felt like white-hot lightening, the way you couldn’t look away, even as his hand dropped to settle his glass back onto the table, his mask following the same direction, even when the others laughed drunkenly as they cut your paycheck in half. 
He didn’t look away and you couldn’t.
You felt your cheeks burn, your eyes snapping back to the salted rim of your glass as you mindlessly laugh along with the running chatter. They burned holes into the side of your head, you felt as they traced every feature, every curve, dip, whatever else was on your face. It made you tremble, made you hold your cup a little tighter. But it wasn’t out of fear, it was a notion you weren't quick to resist. 
If anything, you leaned into it.
You let your fingers tap across the glass between your palms, debating how to go about this. The man, that after a couple, two, (2), interactions, you had become completely enthralled by, was eating you alive with his eyes. 
Trying not to make your intoxication too evident, you purr, leaning onto your elbows on the wooden table, 
“Y’know… Soap’s right, we should play a game.” 
Maybe you should’ve been a salesman with how easily they took your offer, ignoring that they, too, were drunk and easily impressionable. They laugh, especially the Russian one who was, far too often, accidentally funny.
Soap cheers, wrapping his arm around your shoulder as he nods his head, pointing at the rest of them babbling about his ingenious idea. In his drunken state, his hand slips down to your waist. He swayed, holding you close, teasingly grinning,
“Aye, Ghost, yer’ looking a lil’ jealous?”
The way he twitched, his gloved hands tightened around his whisky, gorgeously intimidating eyes narrowing, piercing into the blue eyes beside you. Used to his tactics, Soap, pokes a bit more, squeezing your waist, while you nervously chewed on your lip, comfortable in Soap’s arm, but melting under Ghost’s eyes. 
Your eyes drift away under the pressure when Ghost’s eyes move from Soap to you, a stern utterance of, “Johnny,” before they shift. Focusing on his drink, you eye the cherry settled atop the block of ice in his glass. 
Johnny continues raving about some random form of a drinking game that would surely have you all taking far too many shots and dying of high blood alcohol content. You nodded at each word that followed his mouth, your eyes following the shape of the maraschino cherry.
Then he moved it.
Grabbing the small, artificially red stem, thick, gloved fingers carefully grab the tip, pulling it away from its place above the ice. He rests his elbow on the wooden table, his dark eyes scrutinizing the plump, round cherry dangling from his fingertips. 
”You want it?” 
You blink, eyes fluttering up to his hesitantly, met with an intense gaze that made you want to look away, but so mesmerizing you couldn’t. You didn’t reply, not sure of your own answer, No, I want you.
“The doctor mute?” He muttered at your silence, gravelly voice barely making it through the buzz of the surrounding people. His bulky figure let out a sigh, watching the way your lips parted in surprise. Straightening out, still a little woozy, your eyes blinked, 
“I- yes, I’d like it.”
He gives a skeptical look, analyzing the slow movements of your hand as you reach out for his. Your fingers wrap around around the lower portion of the stem, knuckles knocking against his as you hold the sticky stem. Ghost lets go just as you take hold, the moment your hand grazes his cold gloves barely a second for any of the detail to be even mildly valuable. 
But It felt like minutes, the way you stared into his eyes and he stared back as a damn cherry exchanged your hands with an exotic kind of excitement. Your hand retracted quickly, his hand lingered,, his elbow still digging into the table. 
It was just you two, eyes on each other as the conversation beside you spun into an unintelligible droning,
Low and sharp, he asked, eyes trailing down to your lips for, who knows what time within the night. You blinked a couple times, now was your chance. God, you were fucking desperate. 
Keeping your eyes on him, you bring the crimson fruit to your lips. He never looked away, his eyes not on yours, but watching the way your lips took in the juicy flesh between your teeth, your lips closing around the stem to pop it off. 
You see him shut his eyes, desperate to hear the gruff voice as his eyes snap away, a hand coming to cover his mouth.
"Doc! We should play musical chairs!"
Your eyes snap to Soap, stammering in surprise, lucky to have alcohol as an excuse when your face begins to heat up, 
"Yea- what?" 
You scoff in confusion, still trying to shove away the fluttering in your stomach. "We-... We can't do that in public, Sargent." The others laugh as Soap continues to ramble about the available space in the common area at the base. You couldn't help but grin, your foggy mind slowly clearing its yearning.
Only he didn't laugh. It's been consistent with a spectrum of people that said he had a cold demeanor. But this was different, this was distraction, and two blue eyes saw right through his balaclava. 
⚬ ☠︎︎ ⚬
I feel like their drunk-ness was a little ooc but for the plot. giggling and kicking my feet i hope this counts as slow burn bc i really like reading slow burn and this is my first series. also, will probably make a masterlist bc i wanna be organized. taglist: @141trash, @thriving-n-jiving, @agorophobicreader, @murder-hobo
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Inventing!Husbands Alec and Magnus. They show Izzy making weapons and it’s apparently canon that one of their ancestors was an inventor. (A student of Henry Branwell, the guy who made the portal with Magnus.) So an Alec who is also a creative genius, he just never had the chance to create before because of his parents or how busy he was or any other of numerous reasons. But now he’s with Magnus and they just go on creative frenzies together. The rest of the Shadow World are both delighted and horrified.
oh i love this, 100% especially because it's so unexpected and Alec is just like 'hey i'm curious about this' and Magnus is like 'oh that sounds fun' and the rest of the world regrets everything. thank you for the prompt <3 i hope you enjoy
Magnus is just finishing adding a pinch of stardust to his potion when the wards let him know Alexander is approaching. He’s coming in fast and he’s on the roof, so Magnus wipes his hands and goes to greet him on the balcony.
Instead of a kiss, a large wooden box is pushed into his hands and then Alexander is rushing past him, babbling too fast for Magnus to follow as his voice lowers with delight and Magnus catches about one of every four words.
“Darling, darling a moment.” Magnus says and he uses magic to hold the box as he gets his hand around Alexander’s shoulder and forcibly pulls him back for a kiss. It settles his boy enough that he stops for a moment, settles into Magnus hold and kisses back with delight before he rips himself away.
“Wait, Magnus. We only have an hour of moonlight left and look, I had a meeting in Idris.” And Alexander is waving around two boxes that explain why he shoved one at Magnus and hasn’t reached out for him once. “You said you were trying to figure out a potion involving moonlight, yes?”
“Yes.” Magnus agrees, because he would like to fuck Alexander in the light of a full moon without messing up the earth’s gravitational flow by summoning it.
“Moon lilies, from Lake Lynn.” Alexander tells him and Magnus opens the boxes reverently, delighted at the silver petals imbued with moonlight.
“Alexander, how delightful.” Magnus murmurs and then he has one of the petals in his fingers and he’s holding up, summoning a pair of platinum and diamond glasses that he perches on his nose. “The magic in these is particularly wild though it’s getting along with the angelic grace as well, remarkable really.” Magnus begins to walk towards his lab, content with the knowledge that Alexander is right behind him. “Darling, why did you bring so many?”
“I want to create a nightlight with one, for Madzie.” Alexander tells him and he sounds bashful, like it isn’t the sweetest thing Alexander’s heard. “Traditionally, we use witchlights but for children who are too young to be trusted with them, we put lilies in their rooms. To keep the shadows and demons at bay.” Alexander tells him with a smile, “it’s also used as training, to teach us to sleep while it’s light out and be awake at night.”
“How interesting.” Magnus says, because it is interesting but if he has to think about how even nightlights are a form of training, he’ll go on a murder spree and probably start with Alexander’s parents.
“Well, I’m sure she’ll love it.” Magnus says helpfully, “and we both know Cat will just be relieved Madzie doesn’t have an excuse to destroy another nightlight so she can just use magic.”
Alexander snorts in agreement and settles at the small table that Magnus has slowly insisted he claim for himself. It settles something in Magnus, to see Alexander settle into Magnus’ home and carve out spaces for himself and fill up the spaces Magnus has carved out for him.
“Now—” Magnus says as he uncovers his cauldron and drops three petals into it before stirring, “let’s see how this goes, shall me?”
“You created a city-wide affect.” Cat reminds Magnus as he lounges on his balcony and sips a martini. Alexander is exhausted and asleep on his lap and the small nightlight he made for Madzie is a platinum whale with fins and tails and body covered in runed petals. It hovers in the air, undulating in the air currents but never truly moving.
“It was for science.” Magnus tries, because Cat is just as interested in experiments as he is. She gives him an unimpressed look and Magnus sighs, “it was supposed to be an ambience booster, not a lunar flare.”
Cat taps her food impatiently and Magnus sighs, because he miscalculated how powerful using nephil ingredients would make things.
“Half of Brooklyn has been temporarily blinded, Magnus. We’re lucky it was magical, or I’d have to figure out a way to cure them all.”
Magnus scoffs, because while the flash from his cauldron was bright, it wasn’t that bright… or perhaps that had just been his wards and Alexander’s grace protecting them both.
“And why is he glowing?” Cat finally asks and Magnus is proud she’s waited so long. “You said he was fine, that he made a present for Madzie and is tired, but that doesn’t explain why he’s glowing?”
“He absorbed the first blast of the potion.” Magnus admits calmly, ignoring Cat’s twitching eye and the way her magic is starting to ravel her braids tighter. “He passed out during the second explosion, but he was already on top of me and glowing and— don’t look at me like that. I’d never risk him; his vitals are all fine.” At Cat’s stern look Magnus sighs, “I did check his vitals, but he’s also very clingy right now. He growled at me when I tried to pull him off.”
Cat’s magic reaches out and instead of accepting it, like Alexander normally does, he bristles, and the glow intensifies.
“Congratulations. You’ve fucked up and done something never before, again.” Cat tells him in a deadpan, “I love you. I’m going to go lock myself and Madzie away for the weekend.” She pauses and then leans down and swipes the glowing whales, “she’ll expect to be able to see both of you by Tuesday. So, figure it out.”
“Yes, yes.” Magnus agrees, already planning on what to do with the remaining half a dozen flowers that survived the first three experiments and Alexander’s own project. “Tuesday, I’ll have everything done by then.”
Cat sighs in exasperation, lovingly passes his hand over his shoulder as she leaves and then portals away and Magnus watches her go, an amused smile on his face.
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kai-anderson-whore · 2 years
Stuck on the puzzle (James patrick march x fem reader)
A/n: I might do a part two to this.
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Summary: you and James were past lovers before he came into wealth when he had left he left you with heartache and pregnant years later meeting again
Warnings: just lying to your husband and James gaslighting
•¤❅¤•.•°˚˚°•..•°˚˚°•.•¤❅¤•.•¤❅¤•.•°˚˚°•. .•°˚˚
It had been years since you had seen him three years to be exact, you had married another man made him believe he had fathered your daughter faith so you wouldn't have a baby out of wedlock.
You didn't love your husband, not like you loved the man who had you years ago before he came into new money and lived life, Unknown to the fact he left you with his heir.
You wondered if he remembered you or even thought about you, you always thought about him and the charm he radiated James patrick march was the love of your life.
Your husband Derek was a kind man a hard worker, a great father to your two year old daughter, the guilt eating out everyday hiding the truth from Derek.
Derek had time off work and thought it would be a great idea to get away from the house take it easy, so that's what you did your little family entering the hotel cortez faith on your hip, babbling into her pacifier.
"Do you have a reservation?" The receptionist asked you looked around the elaborate building as your husband got your room key.
That's when you spotted him up on the balcony a few floors up, James squinting your eyes unsure if you were  Hallucinating or what, his stare on you piercing through your soul.
Holding your daughter a little tighter as your husband pulled you out of your thoughts "honey let's go to our room" he smirked his hand on the small of your back guiding you to your room.
Once you get settled in setting faith in the bed you and your husband were sharing "Derek I think I might go to the bar for a drink do you mind?" You asked the thought eating you that maybe just maybe your hallucination was real.
"Sure honey I'll keep an eye on faith" he smiled you slipped your shoes Back on, "I love you" your husband said as you stepped out the door, "I love you too" you whispered untruthfully leaving the room and heading to the bar.
The fluorescent lights shining as you made your way around the cortez, a pang of hope that James was here, you preyed he was three years you hadn't seen him, you missed him.
Finally making it to the bar ordering a martini, thanking the bartender paying them, taking a sip of your beverage, looking around the remarkable building unlike anything you had seen before.
"Y/n?" A recognisable voice spoke pulling your attention to the voice, your heart skipping a beat your hallucination was infact real "James" you whimperd in shock the man that had left years ago leaving you pregnant and broken-hearted now infront of you.
"It's really you After all these years here you are" James said a cigarette in hand a glass of whisky in hand, "what are you doing here james" you asked sipping your martini.
"Why dear I own this place remarkable isn't it" he smiled taking a seat on the barstool next to You, "it really is beautiful James you always had a taste for glamour" you replied taking James in, his outstanding features that swerved you off your feet.
"So are you staying here with your husband" James asked after talking for a few hours now sitting at a booth for more privacy, "yes I am" you said now drinking a whisky.
"When did you get married?" He went on to ask a glint of sorrow and jealousy in his eyes, "a few months after you had left" you said James narrowed his brows realising the child on your hip was why you had wed.
"I found out I was pregnant before you left and we got married" you sighed wanting to tell James he infact fathered faith.
"I must say now I apologise if I offend you dear but I noticed your child doesn't necessarily look like your husband" James said now recalling your daughters features her jet black hair, dark eyes and prominent cheekbones your daughter undoubtedly had the striking march features.
You sat in shock by your past lovers words "what are you trying to insinuate here james" you asked sipping the last of your whisky, James sat back dramatically puffing his cigarette.
"Well she does look like me if I must say and the timing adds up" James shrugs, you looked into his eyes unable to speak, "James i-i" you stuttered trying to find the words.
"Well is she mine?' James asked his eyes searching your teary ones, wiping the tears away from your eyes, "yes james I wanted to tell you but you left to live a better life so I convinced Derek he's the father" you whispered James scooted closer to you.
"What did you call her" his voice flat thinking about everything, "faith Margaret y/l/n" you said looking into James's dark eyes, "can I meet her" he went on to ask.
You didn't know what to say, he was her father "I don't know james my husband I can't have him knowing that I lied to him" you grimced stuck on a puzzle.
"But she is my child dear" james said with a smirk "of course your husband is on the birth certificate but no harm in you seeing an old friend now is there?" He said gaslighting you.
"James I will need to think about it now if you'll excuse me I'm going to bed" you said getting off the seat you once say on leaving James alone.
Your mind racing making your way back to the hotel room, tears rolling down your face, you can't let James see his daughter it's too risky with Derek here, and how would you approach it.
Even though faith was young and won't remember the encounter, the thought scared you that James will say something, you were stuck if you let James see his daughter he might say something and if you don't he will say something.
You just had to stay up all night and think about it all, opening your room door seeing your daughter asleep on the bed your husband on the little table in the room doing a little bit of work.
"Hey" you whispered wiping the remaining tears from your eyes, "Hey honey you tired?" He asker his eyes not leaving the paper.
"A little yes" you faked yawned slipping into your silk night attire, slipping beside faith and thought for the whole night
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youre-ackermine · 1 year
Hi my love!! <3 <3
For Drunk Drabbles Vol. 2, I give you 23: Is this a date? Of course, give me a LeviHan story!
Hey Sailor my Beautiful Bestest Bestie 🥰❤️
Thank you so much for your request!!! I'm sorry I didn't reply earlier but I'm a [painfully] slow writer!
How was Seoul? You must be exhausted by the past week's work there, so I hope my little drabble will help you relax 😘
Enjoy ❤️❤️❤️
English is not my usual language
This drabble is linked to my previous Levihan drabble Dumbstruck.
Drabble prompt 23 "Is this a date?"
Night Out
Characters: Levi Ackerman / Hange Zoe / Moblit Berner
Wordcount: 1530 approx.
Modern AU / sfw / non-binary Hange / swearwords / mention of alcohol
She had been babbling for twenty minutes now, sipping her cocktail through a straw every once in a while. Not even bothering to reply, he was absentmindedly looking at her glass. It was still half filled with a sugary liquid of a disgusting shade of pink and he wondered how in hell people could ever order such revolting pig piss.
Levi lifted his cup with a sigh, took a sip of hot tea and checked his watch. He should have told her to shut the fuck up, but her incessant chatter distracted him from the tension that gradually built up in his stomach. The queasy feeling had subsided as soon as the young woman sitting down next to him had started a conversation, bringing him some relief.
Slightly annoyed by the high pitched tone of her voice, he shifted on his bar stool and briefly glanced at her. She stopped her tiresome babbling only to drink another sip of her candy cane martini, licking her red lips in an attempt to seduce him before smiling flirtatiously. 
Her purpose was obvious but Levi was startled nonetheless when she dared to put her slender hand on his forearm. He wrapped his fingers around her wrist, starting to lift her hand as he leaned over to reach the blonde's ear.
"Do you wanna get out of here?" he whispered in a husky voice.
She pressed her body against his, her smile widening as she cooed: "sure!"
"Good, I was saving that seat for a friend!" he deadpanned, dropping her hand on the counter as he released his grip on her wrist.
The young woman's face twisted in anger and contempt. She grabbed her purse in no time and stormed out of the bar, leaving him both guilty and relieved. The past half-hour had been such a pain in the ass, but no doubt he had crossed a line talking to her like that. What the hell was wrong with him today?
He pinched the bridge of his nose, took a deep breath and checked his watch again. Of course they would be late. How could today be different from any other day? Getting engulfed in their work was Hange's second nature and today was no exception, no matter what his invitation for a drink implied this time.
The knot in his stomach weighed heavily again. His mouth was as dry as a desert and his throat tightened so much he had trouble swallowing some imaginary saliva. The longer he waited, the more nervousness got him and he was muttering an incoherent plea for this torture to end soon when the door bell rang.
A gust of cold wind rushed through the bar as Hange abruptly pushed open the door and stormed into the lively room. Levi rolled his eyes as his friend waved to him, shouting his name over the hubbub, their usual toothy grin plastered on their face. The corners of his lips were starting to lift in a faint smile when he noticed that Hange was holding someone's hand.
Levi froze.
A heavy load seemed to fall in his guts. His lips pressed tight briefly, but quickly he regained composure and his face was soon expressionless as usual.
Fuck! Hange had dragged Moblit with them! Why were they hanging out with their assistant? Working together all day, sometimes all night as well - he gritted his teeth at the thought - wasn't that enough for them?
He crossed his arms over his chest, his silver gaze boring through the poor man as Hange pulled him roughly through the crowded bar.
"Oi Levi! Don't mind Moblit joining us, right?" Hange blurted out cheerfully. 
Moblit faintly nodded to Levi, obviously uncomfortable around him.
Levi turned away from them.
"Bold of you to assume I would say yes to begin with, Four-Eyes!" he replied with irritation. "But now you decided it all on your own, he might as well stay I guess."
"C'mon Shorty! The more the merrier, right? Do you always have to be so dramatic? Just don't make a big deal out of this, will you?" Hange said.
"I told you it's fine, which word did you not understand?"
Hange turned towards Moblit and sneered: "Mr Grumpass over here has the worst case of resting bitch face known to man, but he's a softie deep inside, right Levi?"
Rolling his eyes, he grunted and leaned to the bartender. "Two beers and…" he turned to Moblit. "What do you drink?"
The young man seemed fascinated by the tips of his shoes but mumbled a vague reply, his face blushing under Levi's look. He had been feeling the short man's unwonted hostility since his arrival.
"Two beers and a whisky neat then, please," he ordered.
Levi grabbed the bottles and Moblit his own glass and they sat at the table a group of noisy students just left. Hange took off their worn out coat, randomly threw it on their chair and headed to the bathroom.
Only swallowing sounds filled the awkward silence between both men as they took a sip of their drink. Time seemed to stretch as they waited for Hange to come back.
"You...you seem to be…in a…in a worse mood than usual today, Levi." Moblit found the courage to break the heavy atmosphere, the end of the sentence stumbling out of his mouth in a hurry. "Are you alright?"
Levi averted his gaze. "Nothing unusual, don't worry about that," he replied in a breath.
Moblit's fingers fidgeted over his glass. His eyebrows seemed to knit as he was deep in thought.
"I saw it, you know…" he said after a pause. "When we stepped in earlier."
"What the hell are you talking about?"
Levi glanced nervously to the bathroom door every once in a while, his knuckles whitening as he tightened the grip on the beer bottle.
"I noticed that you almost smiled when Hange came in, but your face soured as soon as you saw me."
Moblit paused for a few seconds again, his eyes still dived into his glass.
"So I'm asking you what's wrong today, because I never ever saw you so angry with me!" he finally let out sheepishly.
Levi rubbed his face, ran his hand through his hair and let out a long, weary sigh. Leaning over the table, gesturing to get Moblit to do the same, he finally asked in an infuriated whisper: "the fuck are you doing here? Why didn't Hange come alone?"
Taken aback, Moblit gasped: "they said you planned to have drinks together tonight and they invited me. As a friend."
Anger still filled Levi's low voice.
"Why did you accept? Now you ruined it all, dumbass!"
Moblit choked on a sip of whisky and coughed.
"What do you mean, Levi? How could I refuse? I thought Erwin and Miche would be here as well but I don-"
Moblit stopped and his eyes widened comically as he came to a logical conclusion.
"Holy sh-shit... I'm sorry to ask this but…is this a date?" he squeaked.
As Levi opened his mouth to reply, Hange rushed over to them and, as graceful as a hippo, sank into their chair with a relieved sigh.
"Oi! How are you doing guys? Talking about me?" they said with a dorky grin.
"We were starting to worry, Four-Eyes!" Levi scoffed. "Man, how long of a shit were you taking anyway?"
Hange burst out laughing: "oh, long enough to get the job done, thank you for asking!"
Moblit had been stunned for years by their constant, almost always disgusting bickering, mostly based on poop jokes and mean nicknames. But today he couldn't believe this banter may have become a sick way of flirting, at least from Levi's part.
Fucking weirdos.
He finished his drink in one gulp and put his glass on the table a little too heavily. The young man suddenly cleared his throat, interrupting the stream of gross jesting flowing between the two, drawing Levi's irked attention to him.
Hange's boisterous laughter faded away as they also turned to look at him. 
"I…I have to…to go now," he uttered sheepishly.
As he got up, pushing back his chair with an unpleasant screeching, Hange grabbed his arm to stop him.
"Where do you think you're going?" they asked. "Don't leave me alone with Shortstack over here, he's literally pouring his shit-talking down on me!" They winked and grinned as Levi rolled his eyes.
Hange looked up at him with their legendary pleading puppy eyes."Stay with us Moblit, we only just got started! It'll be so much fun! Please, please, please, please!!!"
Moblit briefly glanced at Levi and a shiver of dread instantly ran down his spine as he met his sharp grey look.
"I'm…I'm…s-sorry, Hange, I…I really have to…to go now." A pearl of cold sweat made its way down his face. 
"I'm…I'm supposed to see…er… Nifa later and I…I need to take a shower first! Have fun and...and…well, see you tomorrow at the lab Hange!"
Before his friend tried to stop him from leaving again, he hurried out of the bar as Levi watched him go, a smug smirk on his face.
Hange was right: they had just got started.
Thank you so much to my Darling Terra @dont-f-with-moogles for beta/proof reading 😘
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@radi0activesmile Asked : Send “✫” for my muse’s reaction to yours racing in after hearing them scream out in the night due to a nightmare. / Accepting
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「🕸️The last few nights doing the shit that Val wanted left him physically exhausted. Husk seemed rather suspicious since he only had a martini after dragging his ass through the lobby doors. He didn't really wish to discuss it tonight, so he played it all off, but something was really bothering him lately. He understood that he choose to sign the contract with Val. the moth didn't force him to ( though one could argue manipulative tactics were at play, and Angel believed the sweet nothings and promises of fame ). In the end, fame was obtained. But the price was becoming unbearable.
Before bed he pampered his beloved pig, offered a few treats, then tucked him into his little bed beside his. Animals could tell shit and the last thing he wanted was Fat Nuggets to worry about him. But, truthfully, he was getting tired of the demands from Val. He was tired of the constant encounters, tired of dealing with his shit, and tired of having little choice in the decisions that affected him. He had already been with Val for decades...Was this contract his eternal hell? Could he escape it if redeemed? Would he be able to ascend to Heaven and be with the two people that actually gave a shit about him? He knew that thought wasn't fair since there were people on hell that did, but a chance to see his grandmother and Molly again was why he even dealt with this redemption bullshit ( and the free room ).
But realistically, a contract was binding. His soul belonged to Valentino, but on the bright side he'd prefer it be himself. If Molly would have ended up in this place instead and with...no, he didn't want to even humor that thought. He would have sold his soul in a heartbeat to protect her. The only thing he could do was force himself to sleep. Luckily, he had some pills that would calm his nerves and produce melatonin. He took them and waited.
What came was so vivid in detail that the spider couldn't process if this was reality or dream? What were the clues again? Didn't matter once Val grabbed him by the wrist and pulled him into an undesirable embrace. To think that in the beginning, before he knew the moth behind the mask, he would have welcomed this. But now he felt anxious, uncomfortable even as he tried to keep eye contact. That devilish smile; if only he could carve it off and burn it in flames. He was led into the studio whilst listening to the almost incoherent babbling about what they'd do today, blah blah, but the next thing he realized he was in some sort of skimpy assemble. When did he? The lights were on, brighter than ever. The show began and what felt like countless hours of filming various degrading scene after scene only appeared to be minutes. But how?
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Was this ever ending? Wasn't his shift fucking over?! Why were the lights so fucking bright?! He couldn't take it anymore! He vocally broke down and threw something across the room. A bottle, he guessed, since it crashed against the wall, shattering into pieces. He heavily panted, but his eyes widened when he realized his mistake. Shit, shit, shit... ❝ Val, I... ❞ The moth looked pissed. ❝ I can keep goin'. What d'ya- ❞
Almost instantaneously he felt the abrupt motion and the searing pain coursing through his back as it slammed against the wall. He gasped out, only to realize how tightly Val grasped his arms. His heart palpitated in his chest. He could never handle these tantrums. He mostly had to endure until an opportunity to appease him surfaced. Against his will his body violently shook. ❝ ...Please...❞ He felt so small. But the next thing was highly unexpected. Val didn't do anything except pull him towards another room by the arm. Val started talking about how if Angel needed a little break then he had a replacement for him. A replacement?
He never felt his heart sink so deep before until...until he saw her ( or what he imagined she'd look like ). ❝ ...Molly... ❞ How?! HOW WAS SHE HERE?! No way. Impossible. She couldn't...She wasn't in hell...How did he? He didn't even notice Val let him go. He only became conscious when he saw Val touch his sister's shoulders. His blood fucking boiled. What could he do? If he attacked and failed, it risked his sister's life. If he told Val no...Could he even do that? ❝ She ain't a part 'f this. ❞ But in actuality, she was. With a horrid smirk on his lips Val showed him the thing that terrified him the most:
A contract with his sister's name on it...
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Outside of the hellish nightmare, the spider's body trembled. A cold sweat broke out. And despite his stance that he'd rarely, if ever, cry; the tears came out like a faucet. When he awoke, he had screamed out. There was no current realization of his surroundings. As far as he knew, what he had dreamt was reality. His upper hands tangled in his hair whilst his lower hugged himself. He was hyperventilating, rocking his body back and forth.
The sound of his door opening so abruptly, so harshly cause him to glance over with pure terror written on his face. Who? What? Alastor? His eyes darted over the other man, trying to process his appearance. But that didn't fucking matter right now. He lunged towards Al in a state of panic. His hands reaching out to touch his shoulders. ❝ ...He fuckin' 'as 'er. ...I can't...What the fuck do I do...? ❞ 」
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noailles · 9 months
locale : the top of the standard time : some hour around nye status : closed @emmaxkennedy
Dirty martini hung lazily from a pale hand, slender finger tracing the rim of the glass she had been nurturing for the past minutes ⸻ her date gone from her sights presently. The woman babbled too much about meaningless matters Lilia cared very little for, and she was thankful for this one moment of respite. Her disdain for her own company was hidden behind effortless smiles and generous giggles, the picture-perfect new couple's devotion. The thought almost made her eyes roll to the back of her head, where a telltale pain throbbed faintly in puffs of smoke. She could use a cigarette, right now. Or perhaps a distraction. Blue eyes skimmed through the room, martini gulped down as long legs carried her to Emma ⸻ swiftly, almost unnoticeable, just a shadow amidst the crowd. 
This dance was one Lilia knew too well, wishing to see how far she could get away with before reprimand ⸻ before Lilia herself left, quietly as she came, when boredom struck. For now, however, a smile was all she granted the woman, sharp teeth biting into an olive as she pretended to busy her attention with the masses. Only when it was swallowed, she dared speak, "Quiet party, no?" Turning her face to Emma, Lilia continued, "the company is nothing to complain, I suppose. Are you having fun, Emma, darling? ⸻ We could go fetch a drink, no? I'm parched."
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sacrificialmaiid · 2 years
Milena knows that she shouldn’t look. There are rules to be followed -- rules that she has been carefully, lovingly, torturously trained in for a very long time now ( or, at least, what feels like a very long time. ) Do not go where you are not invited. Do not pry where you are not welcome. Do not touch what is not offered to you. They should be simple enough, and the looming threat of the Lady of the House should be enough to ward her off should she ever forget them -- but sometimes she finds these sacred laws almost impossible to observe and she subtly crushes each one beneath neat little heels in her vague quest to understand. 
There are photographs; dozens of them in black and white print pulled out of a generous wooden box and strewn across a low table in the Countess’ chambers. The woman in question is nowhere to be seen for the moment and Milena had only entered to draw an evening bath for her mistress, but she stops dead in her tracks at the sight of the display fanned out in front of her. 
Photographs are hard to come by in the village, with exception granted to those of Mother Miranda and the Lords -- not many had the luxury of a camera during her youth, but she reminds herself that she should not be surprised. Her mistress is a very rich woman. Of course if anyone is likely to be photographed, it is her. 
With a nervous glance over her shoulder into the hallway, Milena quietly closes the door behind her and hesitantly approaches the spilled pictures as though they might be about to catch flame right in front of her face. When no such thing happens, she lowers herself to perch on the edge of the couch and leans forwards. 
There are plenty of people she doesn’t know in the pictures, and one person that she certainly does. There is Lady Dimitrescu, a good deal less tall and more human ( they do not discuss either element ) living a life so far removed from Milena and the village that it might have been that of a different person entirely. She perches on the edge of a writing desk wearing a wide-brimmed hat, a mink stole, and a gleaming smile. She sits around a circular table, head tipped back with raucous laughter, surrounded by smartly dressed men drinking from martini glasses. In a tailored skirt and jacket, she leans against a stone pillar with a large, austere sort of a building creeping into the background of the frame. In several pictures, a doll-faced blonde woman with kind eyes and a genuine smile appears beside her, gossiping with her, linking arms with her, lighting her cigarette. In others, it is a genial-faced man with very straight teeth and she is on his arm or leaning in towards him, their heads pressed close together conspiratorially over a table. Milena even finds herself double-taking at a more recent photograph where an enormous white tiger drapes itself across the lady’s lap. 
When the door opens, one of the pictures has found itself treacherously in her hands - the Countess propped upon a bench with a badminton racket in hand, long legs stretched out in the sunlight. It goes tumbling back to the table and Milena shoots up straight like a bold little weed from a patch of grass, her eyes wide. 
“I’m sorry, My Lady,” she babbles quickly, rooted to the spot. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have looked. I was just-- I mean, I’ll see to your bath.” 
@dimitresca dared me! 
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advnterccs · 11 months
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@somniaxperdita sent; 🕯 Rick @ Liv!!
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Sat in the barstool, adjacent to Liv, Rick slowly sipped on his martini. Staying quiet as she babbled on about her day. It was an odd thing because he never liked this type of conversation. Mundane talks about each other's day. It reminded him so much of the past and his own conversations with a certain someone. That he typically couldn't stomach the thought of forcing himself to be in one.
However, something about Liv erased all of that for him. He wanted to know how her day went. To know more about what went on in her life while he wasn't around. It was odd, but he wouldn't question it.
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'Damn, sh-she sure fucking talks a lot for being some sort of.... wh-what was she again? Shit, how can I not fucking remember what she does for a living? Some best friend I am. Ugh, even if.... nope, don't go there, Rick, sh-she's your friend a-and she isn't interested. She's made it very clear. We're just best friends. Nothing more. Damnit, saying that in my head makes it fuckin' awkward. Wh-Whatever, I'm ordering another martini.'
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annaphoenix1994 · 1 year
Ch.121 - Battle Cry
Previous Chapter - Masterlist 1; Masterlist 2 - Next Chapter
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Kiera and Robert discuss business strategies at the Bitterroot Club, seeing the perfect opportunity to take down Jenkins after the success of the river damming job; Jenkins has other plans.
The following Monday, Kiera met with Robert at the Bitterroot Club for a business meeting, which was a nice break for Kiera considering it wasn’t at the office in town. It was something different, which she knew Robert had different plans instead of casual drinks. Instead, Robert was staking out the other billionaires that were throughout the club, wondering which ones would eagerly do business with his firm so that he could recruit Kiera to buy up their stocks on local land.
“How’re your kids, Kiera?” Robert asked genuinely. “I noticed you didn’t bring them with you today.”
“Simon wanted to take them to work with him today. He’s back in the office for the rest of the month.” She answered, gently sipping on her ordered martini.
“I see. Growing like a weed, huh?”
“That they are. A part of me is eager to see how they grow up.”
“I’m sure you’ll have a new wrangler and a little barrel racer to haul to rodeos every weekend before you know it.”
“Probably,” She nodded. “Evie keeps trying to say her first word. Every day, she’s getting closer and closer. Simon sent me a video around lunch time of her babbling like she’s trying to say dada. We’re having a competition right now to see what word she says first.”
“And Jacob?”
“Quiet as sin, Rob. It’s quite scary. He murmurs every now and then, but he’s more expressive with his eyes instead of his mouth. I keep trying to get him to say mama, but he’s not as eager as Evie is.”
“Children, for ya,” Robert chuckled. “My daughter took her dear sweet time saying her first word.”
“At this point, I wouldn’t be surprised if her first word was a cuss word.” She scoffed, bringing her glass up to her lips to take another drink.
“Probably,” Robert nodded. “I’ve noticed you’ve cut down on drinking like you used to.”
“I quit for a while before I got pregnant. I didn’t start drinking again until Simon and I went on our honeymoon.”
“That brings me to my next question: how did you drink so much at one time and not seem one bit tipsy?”
“Adderall,” She smirked, watching Robert laugh at her brutally honest answer.
“Then what was the point of drinking anything at all?”
“You’re forgetting what line of work I was in for years before you and I crossed paths, Rob,” She shook her head. “What else was I going to drink? A fuckin’ Fresca?”
“Oh, Kiera. You certainly have your father’s attitude.”
“And mouth.”
“That I’m aware. Are you still enjoying your job?”
“Of course.”
“You know, there’s a lot of work that could be waiting for you up in Montana at my headquarters—”
“I’m staying here, Rob.”
“I know, but you know my offer still stands.”
“I can work from my computer if I need to.”
“You can’t take over companies through Skype, Kiera.”
“Want to bet?” She arched her brow. “Besides, I don’t need to be up north in Montana or Denver to kill companies. Look where you are. The Teton Valley is the Mecca of dumb money. People clawing at each other just to get a half-acre lot of land for their mini home for a quarter of a million dollars just to look at a mountain in the morning. I’m very surprised I haven’t seen trust fund babies walking here on I-90 barefoot, flogging themselves. This is the greatest concentration of wealth in the west. Not L.A., not New York City, right here.”
“Wyoming isn’t the only state, unfortunately. They’re swamping up towards Montana, too.”
“Of course they are,” She scoffed. “Montana is just poverty with a view nowadays. Wyoming is becoming the same. I could throw a boomerang across this room and hit at least three millionaires.”
“Would you run my office here if I went back to Montana?”
“I’d run it like a tight ship, Rob. You know that.”
“That’s why I asked. You know the protocols and you know the job. Everything other than that, you run on your own terms.”
“I like the sound of that,” She smirked, her heart swelling with excitement before a distinct voice in the background caught her attention:
“Hello. Reservation for Jenkins.”
“Yes, sir. Right this way.”
“When I do, I know exactly the company I’d kill first.” She said, nodding her head towards Phillip as he and his wife entered the club, confirming their reservation for an evening dinner.
“You know Phil Jenkins?”
“Oh, we’ve met. Is he a friend?”
“Of course, he’s a friend, but this is business. He’s trying to open up a version of this in the valley—”
“The valley bordering my ranch, yes. Believe me, I’m well aware. It’s ripe to fall. So a friend, huh?”
“Like I said, it’s a business. You have to have friends to keep business. If you can kill it, kill it.”
“Want another?” She hummed, holding up her martini glass after she had finished it.
“Bring me a whiskey. I think I’ll need one after what you’re planning to do.”
“For once I agree with you.” She smirked, stalking towards the bar of the club in search of her new victim, except he came toting along a woman next to him. Oh, this’ll be good, the mused.
“Dalton? Two whiskeys, please.”
“Sure thing.”
She nodded, purposely taking a seat next to Phillip at the bar while his wife sat on the opposite side of him. Kiera waited a few moments before putting on a fake smile, “Oh, hi, Phil! Who’s this?”
“I’m his wife.” She smiled.
“Ah. Kiera Riley. I run Mergers and Acquisitions for Jackson Collins Equities.”
“Oh, so you work with Phil?”
“Something like that. Isn’t that right?” She hummed, knowing she was getting under his skin, seeing the anger that was flooding up from the pit of his stomach. I will get you emotional. And when I do, you will become weak. “So, are you two out for an evening cocktail? Long day at the office?”
“It’s always a long day at the office.” He grumbled.
“Oh, I’m sure. Especially when things change unexpectedly, right?”
“Right.” He huffed.
“These are the best cocktails,” His wife commented, oblivion clearly all over her face. A ditz, if you were to call it that. “Where we’re from, the city shuts down at four a.m. Here, it shuts down at four p.m. Isn’t that funny? There’s almost no trouble here and it’s so quiet.”
Kiera smirked, “There’s plenty of trouble if you know where to look. You seem like you like to have some every now and then?”
The woman nearly squealed, “Something tells me that you like trouble. I like that! We could use some!”
“Well, I’m your girl.”
“Oh, my God! Phil, I think I finally found a friend!” She smiled at her husband. “Are you getting ready to leave, by chance?”
“Not on your life, sister.”
“Great. I’ll be right back!”
Kiera vaguely heard Phil growl before leaning towards her in a desperate attempt to look somewhat dominant, knowing he would have no luck with her. “Remember what I said, Phil. Generations.” She snickered.
“You think I’m still not going to fuck you over after that little stunt on the river? Huh?” He growled.
“Absolutely,” She scoffed. “I told you to watch me fuck up your little plan so you can mark a tally on your scorecard under my name. Besides, I’m not fucking you over, I’m fucking her over – and if she’s got a brother, I’m fucking him over too. I’m chopping your entire family tree down like fucking Paul Bunyon.” She laughed, requesting another glass of whiskey after finishing her first, grasping another glass for Robert as well before standing to her feet. “Send her over when she gets back, would ya? I’d love to talk about business strategies with her.”
“Not a chance.”
“I wasn’t asking.” She giggled, making her way back to the sitting room to offer Robert his requested glass of whiskey.
“Kiera, I advise you to be careful dealing with Phil. He’ll stab you in the back the second you fall down.” Phil warned.
“Please, when I get done with that cocksucker, you’ll have custody of his kids and his grandchildren will be on welfare.” She scoffed, sitting back in her chair and crossing her leg over her opposite knee.
Back at the lodge, Eva welcomed Simon and the twins into the house with open arms (and plenty of kisses for Jacob and Evie) as she was beyond happy to see them in the evening. It was a new routine at this point – whether Simon or Kiera had the twins, they made it a point to bring them to the lodge to see their grandmother as both Kiera and Simon felt that it would help Eva with her grieving process after losing Bud, remembering a sad statement Eva had made in the past:
“I don’t care if it’s once a day or four times a day, the more you all are in my home, the fuller it feels. That’s what my heart needs is the family I have left. This house is too big for just me.”
“How are you, sweetheart?” Eva smiled up at Simon, pinching his cheek before going to grasp the first twin that came into her line of sight.
“I’m alright, love,” He smiled. “Been a long day, that’s for sure.”
“You look like you have a headache. Your face is as red as a beet!” Eva frowned, reaching up to place the back of her hand against Simon’s forehead.
“H-How did you know?”
“I’m a mother who just earned her title as Nana, I know when a child is sick, especially an adult.”
“How you figure?”
“Because adults aren’t as good as hiding it,” She smiled. “Go lay down on the couch, sweetheart. I’ll tend to my grandbabies.”
“I can’t let you do that, Eva,” Simon shook his head. “At least let me—”
“Simon Riley, I won’t take no for an answer, now go lay down on the couch and take a nap.”
He breathed a chuckle, “Yes, ma’am.”
“Thank you. There ain’t no room for you being a stubborn mule. I already have to deal with Kiera’s thick hide.” Eva giggled, holding Evie snug against her hip while she held her hand between Simon’s shoulder blades as she escorted him into the living room, keeping a sharp eye on him until he lay on the couch.
“I’m still trying to learn the secret to keeping her in line.” Simon chuckled.
“There is no keeping her in line, sweetheart. You just gotta walk the line with her.”
“Ain’t that the truth.”
“I’ll dim the lights so you can rest your eyes. I have a stew on the stove and it needs to simmer for a while before it’s ready. I’ll take the babies into the other room so you can sit in the quiet. I’ll be right back.” She assured him, bringing him a folded blanket from the opposite couch adjacent to the one he was laying on and splayed it over him.
“Thank you.”
“No need to thank me, sweetheart. Just doing what grandmothers do.” She smiled warmly, leaning her cheek against Evie’s forehead before leaving Simon to hopefully rest in the living room.
“Kiera said she’d be home in an hour.” She heard him chime from the couch.
“Nap, Simon!” Eva reminded, knowing that Kiera would be home soon as Kiera had a habit of calling her mother first before she’d call Simon.
He chuckled to himself, “Yes, ma’am.”
Although his plans didn’t involve actually dozing off, his eyes shot open at the sound of Eva’s distressed voice coming from the kitchen. “What is it?” He asked hastily, rubbing his eyes to focus his vision after his brief nap. “Where are you?”
“I’m in the kitchen, sweetheart,” She replied, her voice low in a whisper as Simon looked at her with a worried expression. “There’s someone in front of the house. They kept peeking in through the windows in the living room and then they disappeared—”
“Stay here. I’ll go look,” He informed, his heart thudding with adrenaline, hoping that it wasn’t a major threat peering along the outside of the lodge. “Stay away from any doors or windows.”
“O-Okay.” She nodded, nearly trembling with nervousness, but thankful that Simon was under the same roof as her as protecting herself was unlikely due to her fragile age.
“It’ll be alright, don’t worry.” He nodded, walking towards the front door and looking through the stained glass, seeing a man in normal attire lurking around, seeming to pace back and forth like a person who was under the influence. Removing the pistol from his waistband, Simon was glad he was still in his uniform as he normally didn’t carry a pistol on him unless he was working or doing ranch work as you could truly never know when you’d need it. “Can I help you?” He asked sternly, the pistol held to his side behind the door as he avoided opening it fully.
“Is Kiera Dutton around?”
As badly as he wanted to correct him, he chose to stay silent, “No. What’s your business with her?”
“I was sent to deliver this to only her.”
“I’m her husband. What you can tell her, you can tell me. What’s behind your back?”
“I-I just need to give this to her—”
“I won’t ask again,” Simon warned, the tone of the man’s voice immediately raising concern. Aside from being in the military, being an official heightened his senses when it came to suspicious body language. With his demand, he then presented his pistol as he opened the door further, revealing his true size compared to his opponent, making the man gulp nervously before revealing a folder that he had kept behind his back. “Now, why was that so hard?”
“I-I don’t know, sir, I—”
“Hand it over.”
He nodded slowly, taking slow and hesitant steps towards Simon, holding his free hand in surrender after he saw the pistol clutched in Simon’s hand. “I’m here to serve her.” He finally spoke, tossing the folder onto the stone porch in front of Simon’s feet.
“Why’d you make a big deal about it in the first place?”
“I-I don’t know.”
“If I ever see you peering in through the windows again, I won’t give you a chance to explain yourself. Understand?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Get out of here.” He scoffed, watching the man do as he was told, more like warned, before he picked up the folder in question, slowly opening it to reveal the contents inside. “Bloody fucking hell.”
“Who was that, Simon?” Eva asked, slowly approaching the front door after he had shut it, standing next to the window as he watched the car leave the driveway.
Don’t lie to her, Simon. Tell her the truth, he scolded himself. Lying won’t protect her. “He was here to serve papers.”
“Papers? For who?”
“Your daughter.” He breathed a chuckle, desperate to lighten the situation.
“Lord, what did she do now?”
“She didn’t do anything. It’s what she’s about to do.”
“That is?”
“To make it short: some businessman from Las Vegas bought the land in the valley that borders the ranch. He was planning to use the river as an organic power source and the part of the river he was planning to use was on the ranch, so Kiera pulled some strings and was able to have the river rerouted to keep him from doing it.”
“Oh, no,” Eva frowned. “Looks like she’s going to fill in her father’s shoes indefinitely.”
“I’m afraid so. They’s putting together a lawsuit against her for having the river rerouted,” He explained, looking over the document. “Something about rerouting the river being a violation of the Endangered Species Act.”
“Simon, that’s a felony.”
“I know,” He sighed. “I’ll have her look at this when she gets home. She’ll know what to do.”
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fruity-science · 4 years
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for the recent episode :)
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Post Battle Malec
For @sparrowdrama Thanks for the prompt! It was really fun to write, I hope you enjoy it!
Alec stares blankly across the barren field. It’s empty and bleak for not a single blade of grass remains. The only thing remaining is the dust in the air from the hundreds of bodies that had suddenly been devoured by unholy fire and the huddled figure of Magnus across the suddenly vast field.
Alec wonders if he’s in shock as he limps towards the source of the explosion. He’s terrified to approach, and his hand trembles as he reaches out to touch Magnus' bent shoulders.
Magnus shudders when Alec touches him and gives a gasping, choked sob.
Behind him, Alec sobs with him and collapses against Magnus, his legs no longer holding him up.
“Thank everything above and below.” Alec manages to say, trying his best to both pull Magnus closer and press into him at the same time. “Are you hurt? Magnus? You just collapsed after summoning the fire and I had to wait for it to clear. Are you injured?”
Magnus turns to him slowly, sitting in the ashes of a thousand deaths and his bright golden eyes meet Alexander’s searchingly.
“No, my love.” Magnus tells him something old and powerful haunting Magnus’ brittle smile. “For their souls now nourish my magic. I remain unharmed.”
Alec feels as though he could collapse with relief and so he does, letting himself go limp against Magnus.
“And aren’t you terrified now, my Alexander?” Magnus asks him, something hauntingly calm about his voice. Alec lets himself be manhandled as Magnus reaches out and cups Alec’s jaw, magic wreathing the fingers that lovingly hold his face.
“I was terrified when I thought you were dead.” Alec tells him freely, unreservedly and unashamedly. “I was horrified that I might have witnessed your death, that I would be forced to suffer living without you.”
Alec waits until Magnus is focused on him and then he turns his head, kissing the magic lovingly engulfing him and the hands that wrought so much devastation.
“And I was relieved, as if I’ve been granted a miracle from Raziel himself, that you remain unharmed.” Alec gives a content sigh, kissing Magnus’ fingers again. Exhaustion loosens his tongue and he finds himself tiredly babbling as he tries to make plans and not think about nearly losing Magnus. “Do you need my strength to get us home? Just take what you need if you do?” Alec says around a yawn, “how’s your magic? Do you need a steak and martini for dinner?”
Alec yawns again as his questions trail off. The weariness of battle and the panic of fearing for Magnus’ followed by overwhelming relief has zapped him of his strength.
Strong arms wrap around him, lips press adoringly to his brow and Alec hums happily as he passes out. Whatever else is going on, Magnus is uninjured and holding him, which means he’s in the safest place he could ever be.
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gregwillas · 3 years
frankly i think jesse armstrong is a little insane for writing a character like stewy hosseini. clearly bisexual, nipple ring haver, pastry enjoyer, commits petty theft in a brazillian dollar suit. even gave him a sexy little gray streak? like what. literally dicks up when he step in the party
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dylanmunson · 2 years
Night out / JQ
Summary; your out in town with some friends when a certain someone asks if they can borrow a lighter.
Fluff/ angst… I’m a whore for this man, I apologise. It’s a mess and I’m not even sorry
Word count; 0.8k
Masterlist | wattpad | Eddie fic
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It was Friday night and your friend Nicky had asked if I wanted to join her,her boyfriend and a few friends of there’s, out in London for the night. I agreed, having nothing better to do. I get up from my bed and look through my clothes deciding on a simple black dress, popping a denim jacket over it, pairing it with my trusty docs.
Adding a bit of makeup and grabbing my back of things before walking out the door and getting the train into town to meet my loser friends.
We’d been at the bar for a while now, Nicky and her partner dancing and making out mid dance floor for the most part. One of her friends joins me outside where I lean against the tall, drink in one hand and vape in the other.
I don’t smoke, we’ll not often, more just social situations, taking a drag I look at the friend as she babbles about some dude that she was dancing with.
“I’m so sorry, do you have a lighter I could borrow?” I turn to the voice and am met with these gorgeous brown eyes “I uh yeah” I nod digging through my bag and handing him a lighter I had stolen from a friend.
“Thanks love” he smiles lighting his cig, taking a drag before handing it back to me. “Sorry have we met before?” He chuckles, raising a brow looking at me up and down.
I shake my head “not that I know of?” I say turning my body towards the man, then it hits me where I know him from “your Eddie! Eddie munson!” I chuckle, “ah ya caught me” he grins taking another drag. “Sorry, sorry, I’m y/n” I smile softly at the taller man in front of me.
“Joe, Joseph, but you knew that” he smiles softly, I nod “sorry” I groan, taking another drag of my vape “start over?” He grins I nod.
The friend who was outside with me, now disappearing into the crowd. “Y/n” I smile, he chuckles “Joseph, but you can call me Joe, or Joseph, I don’t mind” he smiles pulling me into a small side hug. I nod grinning. “Enjoying your night?” I smile taking a sip of my drink, he nods sighing slightly taking another drag “sorry” he chuckles blowing the smoke over his shoulder so it doesn’t blow into my face.
“It’s fine honestly” I chuckle, looking down at my drink, which is now nearly empty. “Wanna join me for a round?” He smiles looking down at me “oh I don’t wanna intru—“ “it’s alright sweet” he chuckles, stomping out the cig butt with his boot. “Come” he chuckles I grin following behind the tall man, as he walks to the bar ordering us two dirty martini’s. After taking both drinks he leads us back outside, sitting at one of the benches in the middle.
“So�� he chuckles handing me the drink. I chuckle sitting opposite him “sooo” I grin taking a sip of the drink.
We begin talking about everything and anything, it being surprisingly easy to talk to the man, that I don’t notice the 10 missed calls from Nicky.
“Oh my days y/n I’ve been ringing you for the past hour!” Nicky sighs coming up behind me “you have?” I frown fishing my phone out of my bag “shit sorry nick” I chuckle, Joseph just smirks “that would be my fault” he grins looking at the red head behind me. “Joe” he smiles “I know who you are” she chuckles dryly, the alcohol in her system making her ever so slightly more bitchy and blunt towards the gorgeous man in front of me.
“Nicky…” I say “right we’re heading home” she hiccups, I chuckle “alright, text me when you get there ok” I nod, her boyfriend coming up behind her. Him nodding his head mumbling a quick apology for his girlfriend, knowing she can be a handful when drunk.
“Sorry about that” I sigh as they walk away. Joseph just chuckles taking a drag of his newly lite cig. “S’alright” he smiles “not joining them?” I shake my head “I’m alright here for the time being if that’s ok” I grin taking a sip of my five drink of the evening, knowing I should swap out for a soft drink or water after this.
“S‘’ more than fine love” he grins we continue talking away, I wrap my jacket around my body a little tighter as a gust of wind blows past us. “Cold?” I shake my head grinning “wanna head out?” He mumbles, “I uhh sure” I chuckle, moving to stand up but wobbling in the process. “Whoa” he chuckles coming to my side wrapping an arm around my waist. “Get you some water huh” he chuckles as we walk back through the bar and into the chilly street, it now being early hours of the morning as we do.
Munson tag list
@alicefallsintotherabbithole  @steves-robin + @onlydruig @tenderhornynihilist  + @itsyouimagines @witchsbitchestime @kyomiite @girl-with-an-orange-cat @flatoust11 @udontcarethisshit @chloepricerk800 @kellysimagines @caitfrogs @tinkbasically @stephanie-lkj @get-me-to-wonderland @bdpst-massacre @lagataprrr @goldenharrysworld @oo0lady-mad0oo @smxling @presidential-facts @qu7nn  @pleasantlycrazyworld  @ladyapplejackdnd @little-cupcake17  @meaganjm  @dixontardis   @megsrose @chaos-incorp @sourbutcalm143 @lieblingsmenzch @lieblingsmenzch @kbakery  @positivevibesnlif3 @stcastwh00re @greatfandomsgalore   @yandere-nctsstuff   @eddies-gf-86  @mariar597   @lothiriel9  @kennedyssmile @lesliemcawesome @chrisevansmarvelmcu @zdarie  @notbeforelong @jayy-sins
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murdock-barnes · 2 years
One Night Stand
Matt Murdock x Elektra Natchios x Fem!Reader
Summary: When Matt and Elektra spot you sitting at a bar alone, they want to spend some "quality time" with you😏
Warnings: protected and unprotected p in v, oral (both female and male receiving), vaginal fingering, face riding (pls let me know if I forgot something)
Word Count: 3,3K
A/N: I made my favorite couple married here because I am desperate for them to be happy together😩 I’ve been wanting to write a threesome like this for a long time and it’s finally the right time. HERE IT IS! I’m really happy about how it turned out😍 I'm sorry this is a bit long cuz I wanted to write all of my fantasies with them😏🥵 I hope you like it!!!! Please let me know what you think❤️
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The busy, bleak day wore you out. It was one of those days that nothing went right. First, your alarm didn't go off and you were half an hour late to work. Then, the supplier came in with the wrong delivery which he was pretty sure was the right one. On the meeting afternoon, your boss asked to see a preview of your upcoming presentation and you just froze and babbled some nonsense. That's because you didn't even form the idea of the presentation which you simply pushed forward and forward, procrastinating. In the end, it was a long and exhausting day. However, you didn't want to go home, sit alone and mope around. You needed a drink. That's how you ended up in this fancy hotel bar that is right next to the office.
You were on your third Martini, getting tipsy when someone tapped your shoulder. You instinctively turned to look and you were faced with a beautiful woman, looking at you with a mischievous glimmer in her eyes.
"Hello," she said settling on the stool right next to you. The smooth, velvet tone of her voice made your hair stand on its ends.
"Hi?" you responded, questioning.
"Are we disturbing you?" A deep, smooth voice came from the stool on your other side. Turning to him, you saw a handsome man in a tuxedo. Even though he was inside, he was wearing sunglasses.
You were intrigued so you simply said "No."
"Good," the woman replied sitting taller now, exposing her collar bones and chest. Her red dress had a deep neckline which displayed her breasts in the most delightful way. You couldn't take your eyes off of the marvelous view. When she caught you ogling, she smiled and you looked away, embarrassed.
She leaned into you, presenting you with her divine scent. "You caught my eye and I've wanted to meet with you," she reached and tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear. "So pretty," she murmured.
You felt a blush slowly creeping up to your cheeks. Her voice and the way she talked warmed the blood in your veins.
"My name is Elektra and this is my husband Matthew," she introduced.
Matt gave you a dazzling smile "Nice to meet you, sweetie. You can call me Matt."
You smiled shyly "Nice to meet you both." You introduced yourself too.
You chatted with them, getting to know each other. You learned that Elektra runs a private business and Matt, to quote Elektra, was a really good lawyer. You also found out that Matt was blind. You were surprised considering the way he moves like he can see.
They were really charming and good conversation makers. As you talked and talked, they felt safe and trustworthy. They also bewitched you with their beauty and brains. Matt and Elektra were truly a dangerous duo.
Moreover, they were possibly the best-looking couple you've ever seen. The attraction and chemistry between them were filling the space with electricity. Their energy fueled yours and you felt alarmed and alive.
"You're here, drinking by yourself and being seemingly upset. Rough day at work?" Elektra guessed.
You eased into her presence and answered with a nod.
"Aw, poor girl," she pouted. "However, I think we can make your night so much better. Right, Matthew?"
He chuckled "Absolutely." Matt leaned into you, whispering "See, honey. My wife... wants you and she gets everything she wants."
When you got what he implied, you took in a sharp breath. They want to have sex with you? A threesome?
"I-" you didn't know what to say.
Elektra's hand slid onto your thigh, slightly squeezing. She deeply gazed into your eyes. You felt Matt put his hand on your waist. Heat pooled down at your core.
Elektra came closer and placed a kiss on your neck, which sent shivers down your spine. "Come on, it'll be fun. Trust me," she whispered. "Just a one night stand."
Her hand reached and slowly caressed your cheek. "You're so beautiful. Imagine all the ways we can play with you." You felt Matt's hand on your right boob, squeezing slightly. Elektra's hand on your thigh reached between your legs, cupping you. You gasped and shuddered. "We can make you cum so many times, over and over."
"What do you say?" Matt whispered into your ear.
All the logic left your body with their touches and words. "Yes," you answered.
Elektra giggled and hold your hand, making you get up. Matt talked to the bartender "Close her tab and add it to ours." They walked you to the elevator, their hands never leaving you. As soon as the elevator doors closed, Elektra pushed you to the mirror and kissed you hard. Your body was flushed with hers as she worked your mouth. The slight strawberry taste from her stimulated your taste buds.
Matt was just standing at the side, his head dropped down. There was a smirk on his face.
Elektra's hands gripped your hips, pushing herself to your core. The friction made you release a moan into her mouth. You heard the elevator doors open and Elektra stepped away, leaving you gasping for air.
Matt chuckled "Come on."
Elektra held your hand as you made your way to their room. Matt unlocked the door with the key card. "Ladies first," he gestured inside.
Butterflies in your stomach were going crazy as you stepped inside, Elektra and, finally, Matt following you. He closed the door. You walked and stopped before the bed as Elektra approached you.
She gave you a quick kiss with a reassuring smile. "You're so beautiful. So deserving."
The hem of your shirt was lifted and she removed it slowly. Suddenly, Matt was beside you, his sunglasses lost now. He put his palm on your back and kissed you. His kiss felt as good as Elektra's. His hand found the clasp of your bra and undid it.
As you were introduced to his taste, Elektra slid your pants down. She kneeled down and her hands caressed your thighs. She peppered kisses all over your thighs. She got rid of your panties and now her mouth was on your core. She planted a kiss on your clit, making you moan into Matt's mouth. His hands were on your tits, kneading and pinching.
"You taste so sweet," Elektra murmured.
Elektra grabbed your ass, pressing you to her face. The way her tongue worked inside you and on your clit made your knees weak. You held on to Matt's shoulders. He hold you steady and moved on to kiss and suck on your neck. Elektra slowly slid two fingers inside you. Your head fell back, moaning. She sucked and tongued your clit as her fingers moved in and out fast.
Matt held your hand and guided it to his clothed erection. He was so hard in his pants. You rubbed him over his pants, feeling the warmth and length of him. He released a satisfied hum into your neck. "Fuck, yes."
Elektra curled her finger inside you, hitting that magical spot. You threw your head back and came with a cry. Matt held you tight as your body shook with pleasure. Elektra prolonged your bliss and kept sucking and licking. You couldn't take it anymore "Please..." you pushed her head away. She lifted her head and gave you a big smile.
Elektra got up and gave you a kiss. You tasted yourself on her tongue. "You cum so prettily," she whispered into your mouth.
Your hands reached around her body, finding the zip of her dress. You pulled it down and she laughed. Matt slipped her dress down her body. When it pooled down at her feet, she stepped out of it. She wasn't wearing a bra so she displayed her beautiful body only covered with a small fabric between her legs. Fuck, she was doubtlessly the most beautiful woman you've ever seen. Matt caught your reaction, the way you sucked in your breath and became frozen. He chuckled "Yeah, she has that effect on people." He planted a kiss on her temple. Elektra closed her eyes and hummed blissfully, smiling.
Your hands came down on her hips, gripping. You guided her to the bed. First, she sat and then pulled herself up on the bed, resting on her elbows. You settled on the bed on your knees. You leaned into her and slowly slid down her panties. As you threw it aside, you saw Matt from the corner of your eye. Now, he was naked too. He sat on the small sofa, his head laid back and his hand lazily stroking his hard cock. He had various scars on his body yet they couldn't take anything from his beauty. You took in his strong body; his defined abs, muscled arms, and thighs.
You turned to Elektra. She gave you a foxy smile and opened her legs, baring her cunt "Eat me out, pretty princess."
You obeyed as you came closer to her on your hands and knees. You looked up and saw her giving you an assuring nod. You wanted to please her, give her everything she wants. You dived in licking from her entrance to her clit. She lifted her hips with a light moan. Your hands found her thighs, holding her down tight. Her hands became intertwined with your hair.
As you feasted on her, you felt Matt's presence behind you. His hands came down to your ass. "Lift your hips, sweetie," he softly said.
You looked up, locking eyes with Elektra. She understood your hesitance. "Do you want him to fuck you?" she said.
You were ashamed but you didn't give in to that feeling. You nodded shyly. Elektra giggled, her hand on your hair caressed the side of your face "That's a good girl. Lift your hips then."
You went back to give Elektra her well-deserved pleasure as you lifted your hips. Matt reached down and his fingers slid into you. "Fuck, so wet." He planted a small kiss on your shoulder as he lined his cock with your entrance. You felt him slowly entering you, stretching you in the most delicious way. He was wearing a condom which you didn't even see him put on. You moaned deeply and the vibrations made Elektra lift her hips to grind on your face. Your mouth felt like heaven to her. Halfway in, Matt slammed into you. He let out a grunt, as your velvet walls wrapped around his dick delightfully.
He gripped your hips and slowly started to fuck you. Every thrust made your eyes roll in your head. It felt so good. All of you were lost in the sensation. All that mattered was the pleasure.
You moved on to suck on Elektra's clit as your middle finger slid inside her. She gasped and then, moaned. The room was filled with moans and the sounds of flesh hitting flesh. Matt was about to go insane. The feeling of your wet, hot cunt, Elektra's moans, the smell of her, and your arousals. It was all too much. He nearly came with these senses.
"Fuck... you feel so good, baby," he muttered. You whined in response.
Elektra was enjoying herself and when you added a second finger she was over the moon. You pumped your fingers in and out as your mouth never left her clit. Curling your fingers, you hit her g spot. She released a loud moan, throwing her head back. "Oh my God, yes..." she exclaimed. "Don't stop!"
Matt slammed into you harder now. You fingered Elektra faster and pushed your hips to meet his thrusts. All of you were chasing your orgasms now. Everyone moved in unison to meet their needs.
Elektra was the first to come, falling apart under your fingers and mouth. You licked her way through orgasm. Her loud moans were music to both your and Matt's ears. Her legs shook as her body trembled and you kept eating her out.
Matt reached down and started circling your clit, his thrusts never knowing mercy. You felt the coil tightening in your stomach, you knew what was coming.
You lifted your head and as you gasped for the air, you said "Please... gonna cum."
He slammed you even harder, in a way that you didn't think would be possible. He was hitting it so deeply, so raw. Your orgasm slowly crept upon you, it built up and built up. Then, snapped. You came with a loud cry, stars blurring your vision. Your legs shook unable to keep you lifted. He gripped your hips tighter, fucking you relentlessly. Your fluttering walls were milking his cock. You felt his pace falter and his grunts grew louder. A few more thrusts and he came, burying himself inside you.
All of you just stayed still, trying to catch your breaths. A veil of bless wrapped your bodies. You were hyper-aware of every inch of your body.
Matt slowly slid out of you and you rolled onto your back to rest. Matt walked to the trash, disposing of the condom. Elektra pulled you to her embrace. You felt so safe and welcomed in her arms. She caressed your face "You did so good." She planted a kiss on your forehead.
Matt laid beside Elektra, spooning her. She eased into his embrace with a big smile. "I told you she'd make us happy," she said.
Matt smiled "Yeah, you were right."
"I'm always right, Matthew," she replied, grinning.
You don't know how long you laid there with them. Elektra was right. They really made your night better. They possibly caused you to live the best night of your life. You stripped away from your thoughts when the bed shifted.
Elektra was leaning back and rubbing her ass on Matt's dick. Matt gave a small frown "Already?" he asked.
"Mhm," Elektra answered. Matt laughed, his hand coming over her body to grab her tit. You joined them, kissing and sucking Elektra's neck. She suddenly escaped both your and Matt's embrace, sitting up.
"What..." Matt got interrupted by her shushing. She reached her hand out to you "Come here, baby."
You also sat up and joined her. She leaned into your ear "Suck him off and get him ready for me. Okay?"
You looked down at Matt's semi-hard cock and nodded. You placed your hands on his thighs, hearing the breath he let out. You reached and wrapped your hand around his dick, giving him a few strokes. You leaned down and licked a stripe from its base to the tip. Then, you took him into your mouth. Matt released a soft moan as you slowly bobbed your head. You were teasing him, he knew.
You sensed a movement and looked up, seeing Elektra sitting on Matt's face. She was facing you "Go on, I wanna watch," she said.
You leaned in and teased his tip with your tongue, then sucked. His hips lifted from the bed as he moaned into Elektra's pussy. She literally rode his face but her eyes never left you. You wondered if he could breathe.
"Mhm.. soo good," she moaned. "Such a good boy, my Matthew." He replied by whimpering and lifting his hips more. You took him in all the way and hollowed your cheeks, sucking him off dry. You repeated it over and over until Elektra told you to stop. You moved back, giving her space.
She left the throne of her husband's face and straddled Matt's hips, guiding his cock into her. She slowly sank down, and she closed her eyes, letting out a delighted moan. Matt's hands reached and grabbed her hips. She opened her eyes and looked down at him and smiled. The view before you was mesmerizing. It was clear as day that they were madly in love.
Elektra turned to you "Pretty kitten, are you just gonna watch? Go sit on his face. I promise he's really good at it," she winked. You looked at Matt and he gave you a cunning smile.
"I don't know... I'd never done that," you said shyly. "What if I hurt you?"
Matt laughed "I'll be fine and you're gonna love it. We can't deprive you of one of the greatest pleasures of life. Plus I like it."
"Okay, then," you said but you were still nervous. You moved on the bed and straddled his face, hovering. When you were trying to figure out how to sit, Matt held your thighs and guided you down to his mouth. With his first lick, you arched your back. You were trying so hard not to put your whole weight on him but his tongue strikes made you weak in the knees. He heard you struggle "Sweetie, sit down" he commanded. "Not hover!"
His grip on your thighs tightened as he pushed you down. You were fully sitting on his face now. His tongue dived into you as his nose brushed your clit. You let out a deep moan.
"There we go," Elektra chuckled. She reached and caught your nipples, playing with them.
Elektra rode Matt like there's no tomorrow. That's how she liked to fuck. To the death. She lifted her hips, only leaving his tip inside, and then, she slammed down. A huge grunt left Matt's lips but it was muffled by your cunt. Elektra did the same thing over and over, making him and herself go crazy.
Your shy attitude was long gone when you got familiar with this new feeling. Now, you rode his face confidently. The moans he left made you even needier. You held onto his hands on your thighs and you rode faster, rubbing your clit on his nose.
Elektra, also, rode him harder. Leaning into him, she steadied her hands on his chest as her hips kept pounding down. She was out of breath, looking so goddamn beautiful. You smiled at the thought so you reached out and held her face, bringing her closer to you. Your lips crashed with hers as Matt pleased both of you.
You broke the kiss "Oh... I'm..." you couldn't speak properly as your orgasm neared.
She grabbed your face in both hands "Hold it, we're all gonna cum together."
You tried your best holding it as she kept riding him. Her legs were trembling so Matt's hands left your thigh to grip her hips, holding her still. Then, he rutted inside her so hard, so deep. She threw her head back moaning loudly.
She looked back at you, holding your eyes "Cum, baby. Now!" she said.
You finally let go, cumming on Matt's face and riding your high. You moaned and whimpered, your legs shaking frantically so you hold onto Elektra. Dizziness hit you as his tongue still worked inside you. Elektra came with a cry, her body trembling over his. Her orgasm hit her hard, she'd definitely collapse if it weren't for Matt's strong hands holding her up. Matt fucked his way to the peak of his pleasure and spilled inside Elektra as his muffled moans and grunts accompanied his spasming abs.
Elektra slowly got up and threw herself next to Matt. Her legs were weak and her whole body felt sore. You lifted yourself off of him and laid between them. Matt let out a sigh. All of you were completely worn out.
"That was... perfect," she looked at you. "Aren't you glad you joined us, sweetie?"
You giggled "I am." You played with the ends of her hair as Matt's arms tightened around you. "Thank you for giving me the best night of my existence."
Elektra saw the adoring look in your eyes. It was clear that you worshipped both her and Matt. It made her heart swell.
"Maybe this wasn't just a one night stand," she muttered.
Your eyes grew big in response. Your heartbeat faltered. Matt chuckled "Go to sleep and we'll talk about it in the morning," he said.
You settled between them more comfortably and they both wrapped you in their magical cocoon of love. You drifted off to a peaceful sleep with a big smile painted on your face.
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blackacre13 · 3 years
Hi, can u do tammy’s children went to lou’s loft & their favorite aunt is lou bcz lou loves spoiling them.
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“Deb,” Tammy exhaled in surprise. She opened the front door to reveal a tired, but sophisticated looking Debbie with one of her children holding on to each of Debbie’s hands, looking up at her and babbling as Debbie nodded and smiled, not quite sure how to answer their questions or validate their stories, but looking desperate to do so.
“Auntie Lou had to stop by the club,” Debbie admitted with a sheepish grin. “I’m afraid their play date got cut off a bit early.”
“That’s alright,” Tammy chuckled, ushering the kids in as they started to pull at her clothing and show her toys they were holding. “Why don’t you two let me get Aunt Deb and you guys a snack and you can tell me all about your day?”
Debbie nodded, watching the kids run off into the living room as she awkwardly closed the door behind her, closing her eyes as she leaned back against it.
“You alright?” Tammy whispered, watching her friend with concern.
“We both know I’m no good with kids. I mean, that’s one of the reasons that we—that you and I—“ Debbie stopped, trying to collect her thoughts before meeting Tammy’s eyes again. “I’ll be Auntie Deb one day, right? They get so excited to see Lou and I just—“
“I think you’re being a little hard on yourself,” Tammy smiled sadly, nodding towards the kitchen. “Coffee?”
“Martini?” Debbie laughed.
Tammy rolled her eyes, heading to fill up the coffee maker as she nodded to the fridge.
“There’s some baileys in there I’m sure if you need to add a little kick. I won’t tell.”
“Thanks,” the brunette mumbled, poking around in the fridge.
“It’s not that they like her better,” Tammy sighed. “They just know her better. One of them was a peanut when you went away. And well, one of them didn’t even exist yet. They’ll give you a chance. You just have to give them one.”
“I’ve given them plenty of—“
“Deb,” Tammy frowned, shaking her head. “You can’t just exist and think they’ll think the world of you. You have to make an effort.”
“Yeah,” Debbie nodded, sighing into the mug Tammy handed her. “What was it like with Lou?”
“I mean you’ve seen how great she is with them,” Tammy smiled. “Maybe spoils them a bit too much for my taste but—“
“But she’s rich and can spoil them. Let her.”
“It’s true,” Tammy laughed. “She definitely has the cool lesbian aunt role down pat. And it’s not like she has kids of her…”
“Own,” Debbie finished with a whisper. “That’s my fault.”
“Deb,” Tammy frowned. “I’m not saying you have to-“
“I know,” Debbie smiled. “I do. But it’s something I wish I could do for her sometimes. Maybe I’ll get there. I’m still trying to repair the relationships I already have before I bring any new ones into the world though, you know?”
“Well, I’ve already forgiven you,” Tammy teased. “And I think your wife seems to be on board,” Tammy grinned. “You might want to try the kids next.”
“You think?” Debbie asked, her eyes growing hopeful.
“Let’s give it a go,” Tammy smiled softly. “I can play backup. Don’t worry.”
“Okay,” Debbie nodded, cupping her hands around the mug for warmth as she headed into the living room, the kids immediately running up to her. “You guys want to show me the presents L—Auntie Lou bought for you?” Debbie smiled as the two exchanged excited looks and ran to get their presents.
“Maybe you guys can tell Aunt Deb what games you played today,” Tammy suggested. “If you went anywhere special.”
“I’d love that,” Debbie agreed before mouthing a silent ‘thank you’ to Tammy.
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