#marxist rad fem
vampyfem · 6 months
Idk who needs to hear this, but you can’t be a terf if you hold racist views or support the genocidal state of Isreal.
Being against the trans ideology doesn’t make you a terf, you have to hold radically feminist views to be a terf and it isn’t radically feminist at all to support genocide or hold racist views.
Women’s rights mean rights for ALL WOMEN, not just white women or women who agree with your beliefs. Stop calling yourself a terf unless you fight for the rights of all women.
Palestinian women deserve love, safety, and freedom from the horrors they’re facing right now.
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Women's existence as a social class is a profound reality. The poorest man-bruised and battered by the capitalists- still has access to the labour of a woman-his wife. With what little strength he posseses, he exploits her cooking, her cleaning and ofcourse her sex. Misogyny is the oldest form of slavery. When it comes down to men and women, no barriers of race, caste, creed or class prevent men from abusing women. The belief that women of upper station live in ivory towers that shield them from sex based oppression needs to die. The hold of patriarchy upon them is albeit light; howerver, you cant dismiss that their performance of feminity is also a show for the poorest of men. The poor man is a sex buyer, a wife beater and a rapist. His poverty does not dissuade him from committing violence against women. Unlike women, it does not make him more vulnerable to sexual exploitation. Removing class will not dismantle the patriarchy for men will hate and violate all women regardless, be they rich or poor.
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woolfem · 9 days
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one of my best friends lost everything due to a flooding in rio grande do sul, brazil. if you can donate please do, she's without energy and water and she really need the help. any amount will do! thank you 🤍
anyone can help, please! it's not for me, my friend she's in a really desperate situation.
paypal email: [email protected]
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kardilier · 5 months
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fellow feminists, I found this amazing channel and I really recommend it. Paromita is really well spoken and educated on all of her topics and she deserves our appreciation! She hasn't loaded any videos in the last 3 months amd I'm afraid it's because of a lack of comeback.
we should support amd appreciate each other, especially female content makers ♡
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redheadbigshoes · 3 months
I'm the other anon, I think the problem isn't about their "gender abolitionism" I think most black and lgbt marxist feminists will tell you that gender abolition is good. the problem with radfems it their bio essentialism, they reduce social categories such as men and women into genital and outdated and incomplete gens composition (chromosomes and all that shit), disregarding the whole existence of society and its constructs, its ways to organize labor, etc as a main influencer and determiner of people's lives. They don't see how material conditions of society re-writes society anew when these change (ie the concept of men, women, non binary starting to sprout not only out of visibility of trans people but also of ability to physically transition) One example of bad radfems being dumb is when they talk about patriarchy as if it was an "old elders founders of society held these beliefs and have been affecting society since" instead of seeing that older societies or modern ones even are built in creating these social strata of women, trans women, women of color as a "de-genderization" of them to oppress them and make them, in other things, do free labor in the house for the organization of a certain "patriarchal" society, or just be mere commodities to consume (sex work), etc. btw I'm not a rad fem, just a transfem lesbian here. Gender abolition isn't bad, what radfems do bad is just being fucking assholes and stupid.
I think (like I mentioned on the other ask) there’s a difference between gender abolition and gender norms abolition. I completely agree if you’re talking about gender norms abolition that it’s something good, however if it’s about gender abolition the arguments I’ve seen people who believe in this use are transphobic.
At least the way radfems use “gender abolition” is always about reducing people into their biological sex.
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flourescencia · 7 months
hey just fyi that hakkiest person who made the post about ppl making fun of jewish people who are afraid due to antisemitism reblogs from terfs and is a “gender abolitionist”
I already broke the mutual because I tried asking them if it was a mistake since they had never posted anything to indicate that they were trans exclusionary and they answered as if it was indeed a mistake but then they rbd again from the same rad fem blog as we were speaking so 🙃 aside from that and I promise I'm not asking in bad faith but truly because I genuinely don't know about it, what does gender abolitionist imply? I tried looking it up but it seems it's a marxist framework for understanding how gender is used to divide labor and therefore oppress people based on how they're gendered but other than that I don't know enough on it to discern what it entails and how it might relate to being trans exclusionary; but I'd very much like to know more about this especially if it's a euphemism for terf rhetoric so I can learn to tell it apart as dog whistles in the future. If you're willing to tell me more my dms are also open btw
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are you a terf/rad fem :(

no i think trans ppl deserve compassion, respect, and dignity entitled to the same rights that should be guaranteed to all human beings like i have my criticisms of post-modern queer theory, but at the end of the day i'm a marxist feminist and i'll never throw a vulnerable class under the bus for stupid culture war shit
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nullconvention · 2 years
Having spent a lot of time on Twitter in political spaces, one thing I noticed about how communication gets structured is that political tendencies end up isolated in weird feedback loops. Anarchists and Marxist-Leninists already tend to have really significant disagreements with each other but, because of the way conversations get had, each general grouping really only tends to come into contact with the most egregious bad takes or most badly phrased hot takes so their only interactions with representatives of other tendencies tend to be the absolute least reasonable people or positions.
I mostly end up in anarchist adjacent spaces at the moment, though, because swerfism and terf ideology aren't pushed back on at all in ML spaces and even trans femme MLs will end up being mutuals with rad fems that don't believe they should exist which is a wild dynamic. Marxists on the bird app absolutely have a problem with transphobia but they categorically refuse to acknowledge it because it would have them ostracized by large chunks of their own social circles.
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vampyfem · 2 years
Trans-affirmative “care” is,
capitalism preying on dysphoric individuals, convincing these people that they need thousands of dollars in surgeries, a new closet and makeup to cure their dysphoria.
Dysphoria wouldn’t exist without gender roles and the patriarchy.
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I really need more rad fem and gc friends so please interact with this if you’re interested! Even better if you’re into Marxism, I’m very interested in learning more about how Marxist ideology & trans ideology are incompatible. (:
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What the hell man. I know it’s not just feminism but since getting really deep into misogyny and patriarchy I just literally don’t want to live anymore. Nothing is fun. I hate everything. I hate watching movies that show literally the gender binary. I hate sex scenes. I don’t want to shower. I don’t want to eat. I just hate life so much. Help???
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genderkoolaid · 2 years
i agree that trans men face specific oppression that's directly tied to being perceived as men, because the same is also true of other marginalized men. but the privilege thing... privilege is not a binary on-off switch. it's a set of benefits that come up in different contexts. every trans man's experience is going to be different and the benefits they get are going to be severely limited in some contexts and experiences.
but to say that a marginalized man can't have male privilege is to say that he's not a real man, he's not the same gender as a cis or otherwise non-marginalized man. which, if you're okay making that argument for every other axis of oppression, okay! that's an interesting argument but it's consistent.
but i find it more helpful to think that a man's experience with manhood is so context dependent and unique that there's no like, archetypal real man who experiences all the possible benefits of manhood all the time. most people don't even get most of the possible benefits in their lives. because the benefits of privilege are often contradictory, just like the rules for temporarily gaining them. it's far more complex than just 'privilege bad and makes you bad and immune from harm' rad/fem shit. i would really suggest reading more about the theories of privilege from a marxist-feminist perspective.
I think that's an interesting point. I think you're right that discussions about male privilege tend to view it as an overarching, solid thing that comes in one piece, which isn't really true, and having it in one situation doesn't mean you actually get to benefit from it in a broader sense. I'm not sure I 100% agree with everything you said but I will try & read up on what you suggested!
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wait are you a rad fem then?
I've previously said I was a radical feminist, before I really understood the implications that has on tumblr. I called myself a radical feminist to distinguish myself from liberal feminism, which I think is a sham for all sorts of reasons, but particularly that it focuses on success of women within the narrow framework of capitalism, which let's be clear is not liberation.
To be clear, my feminism doesn't exclude trans people or sex workers, or other groups that are often excluded in the name of "radical feminism".
However, after discussing it with various people, I think the label most appropriate for my feminism is probably Marxist-Feminism. You could argue that's a form of "radical feminism" given that Marxism is a radical ideology.
However, the key things I believe are:
-The liberation of women cannot be achieved under capitalism.
-We should apply Marxist class based analysis to the oppression of women (both historical and current).
-We should consider how other factors (including but not limited to) race, class, sexuality, disability, gender identity etc feed into the oppression of women, and be intersectional in our feminism.
-We should consider that the patriarchy is harmful to men, but this should not be a key focus or priority of our feminism.
And, to be honest, if you have a problem with any of that, you're not welcome on this blog.
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turing-tested · 3 years
Wait what is the difference between terfs and radfems aren't they the same?
if terfs and rad fems were the same we would not have the term terf- its an acronym specifically for Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminism, with the TE specifically describing radical feminists that do not include trans people, particularly trans women as women in their analysis and work for equality
radical feminism has gotten a bad wrap for varying reasons over the years but no, radical feminism does not mean inherently ‘evil’ feminism anymore than liberal feminism does, the contrast between the two is “our boat is fucked. we need to get a boat” - without the possibility of actually feasibly really Getting one anytime soon, as opposed to liberal feminism which is “the boat is leaking, we will patch the holes” but missing the point that the boat still has issues with it, but like to be clear theres all different types of feminism and the ways in which they analyze society and differ in approach to how to solve the problems they see within it, theres everything from intersectional feminism, to marxist feminism, to eco feminism and more, all of which can also be trans exclusionary if the person in question uses that type rhetoric in their analysis
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moonstarfem · 3 years
do you have any recommendations for a radfem looking to learn more about marxism/communism?
Good question! I’d recommend starting with ‘Women, Race and Class’ by Angela Davis. It might not be regarded as core theory in the way that the works of Marx and Lenin are, but as a rad fem it’s great to start somewhere where you can easily see gender, race and class in context and see the way in which those intersections are intertwined. I learnt so much reading that book, loads of stuff I was never taught about women’s liberation movements so I really appreciated filling that gap in my historical knowledge.
Also, if you go on challenge-magazine.org (which is run by the YCL in the UK), you can find their “Back to Basics” series where there are articles on materialism, dialectics, imperialism, etc. It can be a bit daunting reading dense books about those concepts straight away, so the articles really help in providing a core understanding before jumping into more complex work. There are some other great articles on their site too, so I’d recommend having a general browse. They often write articles about news and current affairs so you can apply a Marxist framework to it. “Porn, prostitution and socialism” is a really good read for a Marxist perspective on prostitution.
I’d also recommend Friedrich Engels’ ‘Principles of Communism’. It’s structured in question and answer format and is a pretty quick read, you can find it on Marxists.org. Hope that helps! 🙂
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radfem-gossip · 3 years
are there more rad fem centrists...? i'm really not a marxist in the least lmao but most of the community seems obsessed with stanning a man who literally said it was all just an idealistic theory.
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