#mary and augustus
endollvors · 5 months
V:tM Mary & Augustus for Wip Wednesday
He woke up the next evening and made it all the way through cooking himself eggs for “breakfast” before he remembered. He stared at the plate accusingly for several long minutes before putting a dash of hot sauce on it and digging in. Those ended up in his toilet as well, redder than the sriracha should have made it. He spent the rest of the night cleaning and reorganizing all the clothes in his apartment, eventually giving up on both the suit and the jeans and tank top he’d brought home with him.
The building’s laundry room was deserted, which made sense, given the hour. He sat next to his laundry basket on the table across from the washers and watched his clothes spin in the dim basement lighting. Eventually, he ran out of clothes. He’d folded all his laundry, hung up his delicates on their rack to dry, and had a sizable pile in a box for donation. It didn’t distract him enough from the fact that he’d seen a neighbor on his way back upstairs and spent some time imagining him bleeding.
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fetalabduction · 1 year
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my updated catcf designs if you remember me drawing these you get a members discount they are very different but the same (to read more about each one go to my Instagram @moongatti) I CANNOT be bothered explaining more here
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cringefail-loser · 2 years
the fact that the identities of the somerton man, lady of the dunes, and the boy in the box were all discovered around the same time that watcher gained more popularity tells me something but I don't know what
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inexpressiblybeautiful · 10 months
Hey guys! I made a meme. (Also posted in r/Sherlock)
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neonartistycauseidk · 13 days
Sooooo….. tell me about this rtc x catcf au of urs…. 😈😈😈😈
HOOOOOOOOGHH HUHUUUHUHHU!!! You’re asking for it!!!!
Okay, so, I’ve been thinking about this concept for the past couple months or so, and I’ve just finally settled on the roles (at least for the kids, Karnak is another thing in and of itself)…
Let’s go in order of song for the kids (in terms of roles):
Ocean O’Connell Rosenberg: Miranda Mary Piker
Noel Gruber: Violet Beauregarde
Mischa Bachinski: Mike Teavee
Ricky Potts: Charlie Bucket
Jane Doe: Veruca Salt
Constance Blackwood: Augustus Gloop
Miranda Mary Piker is one of Dahl’s scrapped characters for the original “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” book and was originally intended to be the daughter of a school master who HATED the idea of holidays/breaks from school/work and wanted to straight up ban them. In the story, she “died” after ending up inside (I believe it was referred to as) “spotty-powder machine” and, assumably, turned into spotty powder. Coming out of the factory, Miranda had red/orange spots on her face…and even in some versions…began to laugh uncontrollably as beforehand, she was a very “no-funny business” girl.
That aside, in my headcannons for her, Miranda was heavily pressured by her parents to be “a winner” and “the best of the best.” This kind of mentality sticks with Miranda and is tough to break out of. With that being said, what role fits our little over-achiever better than Ocean O’Connell Rosenberg?
Now onto Violet…Idk…it just…sorta made sense to me? If I included Marvin Prune (another of Dahl’s scrapped characters) he’s likely fill this role—-but since he’s not, Violet was the next best option. It’s half because I headcannon her as a lesbian and half because I think she and Miranda would have a rivalry with one another (like Ocean and Noel), mainly because of their strict parents who force them into reaching the “highest heights possible” in life. Also, since she’d be a female Noel…instead of Monique being her alter-ego, instead it’d be filled by “Jean Gibeau”…a male version of Monique. (She’d also change into more masculine clothing for her song).
Okay, I think this next one shouldn’t come as too much of a surprise…I mean…“The angriest boy in town”? Who do we know who fits that to a ‘T’? Well, Mike, of course! There’s also, of course all of his dialogue revolving around his phone and social media so…I mean…yeah. I get why people would cast him as Ricky (due to him being imaginative/a literal genius) but…idk, this just makes more sense to me.
Next, Charlie…Your ideas for him as Constance work VERY well…however, hear me out on this one! Hear me out! So, what do we know about Charlie? He aspires to be an inventor/chocolatier just like Wonka and is INCREDIBLY imaginative…Now, what was Ricky’s title again? “The most imaginative boy in town”…LISTEN…I MEAN…ITS LITERALLY IN THE NAME. Many people also headcannon that Charlie’s a genius, like Wonka, so—-for me, at least, it’s not too much of a stretch for him to say all of those “groundbreaking/intelligent” lines. Also, just as a note, “Space Age Bachelor Man” would be re-written to better fit his character since…uh…the cat-love stuff isn’t really…Charlie’s forte, lets say. (I feel like the name should be changed to “Space Age Candyman”, thoughts? And yes, he’s still in space…Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator exists after all).
Now…Veruca. Listen, even though I think it’d make sense to have Miranda as Jane (due to her LITERALLY being a scrapped character, thus limiting who knows her story and name) BUT…In this universe, Veruca being Jane almost makes sense. See, many people headcannon that Jane/Penny’s parents were never really there for her, per-say, and who do we also know aren’t really there for their kid? The Salts. Sure, they spoil her…but spoiling isn’t love. If anything…it turns people into monsters. But in this au, Veruca doesn’t turn into an angry, fear-mongering little rich girl…in fact, it actually leads her to become lonely and feel she isn’t loved by anyone…So, naturally, at St. Cassains (lets just say the story takes place in Uranium, still) Veruca is outcasted and seen as “the weird girl” who comes from that really rich family that nobody really knows too much about other than their famous nut business. Also, can’t leave this out…in the broadway version (referencing “Veruca’s Nutcracker Sweet”) she is LITERALLY TORN APART LIMB FROM LIMB. That includes, of course…her head.
Finally, Augustus. Yes, again, Charlie and Constance makes sense…however, something about Augustus and Constance just…fits for me. In WWATCF specifically, there isn’t a lot of evidence leading to Augustus being a jerk or even a “rotten kid” despite his parents kinda just…giving him more food to eat and him being a foodie. In fact, I’d argue any bad behaviors of Augustus are just endorsed by his parents and never addressed because…well, they caused it. (The same argument could be made for literally any of the other kids and their parents…but I digress). Anyway, in this au, Augustus never had these types of problems with his parents (or unhealthy relationships with food)…and I think that without all of that? Augustus would be a very good kid. Not a Charlie, per-say…but a good kid with a big heart. And because of that? The title of “nicest girl (or rather boy) in town” works quite nicely. It’s the only thing he’s really known for, really. His kindness…and…well…thats about it. Oh, except for the fact that his parents own the best bakery in town, of course! (Yes, the butcher shop is changed to the bakery in this…AND IT STILL FITS). Also, also…I headcannon that Augustus and Miranda would eventually end up as close friends…perhaps even lovers (blackrose, anyone?) in the future…so, in this world…bestie Augustus and Miranda just works.
So uh…that’s my casting! For the kids, anyway…Karnak I’m stuck between it being Wonka or Mr. Wilkinson (from the 1971 movie)…I’m leaning more towards Wonka because of certain headcannons I have that would make this au…EVEN SADDER.
Any more questions? (You have no idea how happy I am that I’m getting asked about this!!! EEEEEEEEE!!!!
“I’ve waited YEARS for someone to ask me about theories…! Hang on, I made a model!!! :)”
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howdoyouwhiskit · 5 months
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Once again adding to lists of my posts technically from tiktok but I’m cross posting here.
Can you tell I have a lot of fictional character anger? /s
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chronophotographic-gun · 11 months
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Frankenstein (1910)
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alexaugustusart · 6 months
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Bestie, are you upset with me? Was it the skin?
Why should I be upset? It takes a lot more to upset me than to ask for 144 square feet of skin.
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endollvors · 5 months
vtm for wip wed pls!
He got off the tile and turned around in the tiny space to grab the cleaning supplies from under the sink. There was a drop of blood scented coffee on the rim of the seat and he couldn’t bear to look at it. By the time he realized the smell of blood was mostly coming from the crumbling layer of the stuff on his shoulder, there were bleach stains on the knees of his Augustus’ tailored slacks and the grout between his tiles was cleaner than it had been before he rented the apartment. He got in the shower and stared at the red tinged water as it washed down the drain. He pulled himself out of the shower when the water went cold and trailed water across his nice clean floors on his way to his closet. The sun was coming up and he was getting tired. He pulled on some baggy pajamas and curled up to sleep on the couch again instead of going to his bed. 
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diioonysus · 10 months
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hair + art
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mightbeyoyo · 1 year
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Full AU
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lavenderrosiefan · 5 months
Victoria: I failed my safety training course today.
Edward: Why, what happened?
Victoria: Well, one of the questions was "In case of a fire, what steps would you take?"
Edward: And?
Victoria: Well, apparently "F***ING LARGE ONES" isn't an acceptable answer.
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The Birth of Jesus
1 And it came to pass in those days, that there went out a decree from Cesar Augustus, that all the world should be taxed. 2 (And this taxing was first made when Cyrenius was governor of Syria.) 3 And all went to be taxed, every one into his own city. 4 And Joseph also went up from Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth, into Judea, unto the city of David, which is called Bethlehem; (because he was of the house and lineage of David:) 5 to be taxed with Mary his espoused wife, being great with child. 6 And so it was that, while they were there, the days were accomplished that she should be delivered. 7 And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn. — Luke 2:1-7 | Cambridge Paragraph Bible (CAMB) The Cambridge Paragraph Bible of the Authorized English Version, by Scrivener, Frederick Henry Ambrose, 1813-1891. Published by Cambridge University Press. Cross References: 1 Samuel 16:4; Micah 5:2; Matthew 1:18; Matthew 1:25; Matthew 4:24; Matthew 22:17; Matthew 24:14; Luke 2:12; Acts 5:37
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neonartistycauseidk · 29 days
Look who made CATCF playlists—!!!
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