#matcha green tea price
miss-floral-thief · 4 months
They said matcha milk tea this time but hopefully it should be ok
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gremlinmodetweeker · 10 days
TF 141 and their Morning Drink Preferences
TF 141 Dump
TF 141 Headcanons
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Obvious tea drinker
Or is it that obvious?
Painfully British of the whole lot of them
Will only drink black teas, absolutely despises herbal, green or rooibos teas
Of the black teas avoids anything floral because he thinks it’s a bit too frilly for his palette
Never adds sugar to teas, says it ruins the flavor
Will add milk to help cool a tea, but only just slightly
Claims drinking a freshly made cup of tea on a hot summer day helps cool him down
How this works is beyond me, but he claims it anyways
Thinks adding cream is a vile concept and anyone who does so should be interrogated by the CIA
He’ll drink a cup of tea with Ghost, but he’s really more of a coffee person
Prefers medium roast with a heavy serving of cream
He can’t stand adding milk, but will use it if there’s nothing else
Adds sugar when he gets a chance
Despises sweeteners and will make little digs at anyone who does use sweetener, usually citing health reasons
Don’t try arguing that adding two spoons of sugar is just as bad, he won’t hear it
As for tea he prefers rooibos, which drives Ghost up the wall
Is down for anything, really
Doesn’t like hot beverages
Prefers either a cool glass of water or juice
Does not understand caffeine addiction whatsoever
Claims the drinks are healthier and more refreshing
People just think he’s incredibly dehydrated in the morning
Will take orange juice from concentrate without batting an eye, but really enjoys more exotic juices if he can get his hands on them
When stationed in foreign countries he’ll try juices made from native fruits
Really likes cactus and mango juice, but is not opposed to papaya
Dislikes southern lemonade with a passion, claims it’s far too sweet
Is surprisingly peppy in the morning despite only drinking juice
Whatever’s there will work
However, he tends to prefer teas
He’s especially fond of green teas
He goes on about how healthy they are for the mind and body
Also will go on about how easy they are to transport and keeps a small sachet of matcha powder (the cheap stuff) on him to prove his point
He thinks Ghost is a snob and should just get over himself
Has tried to sway the others, but they all tell him matcha tastes like grass
He thinks they’re all idiots
Coffee only
Does not fuss over his coffee whatsoever
Whatever’s in the canteen will do
His one gripe is adding cream or sugar
He will only take his coffee black
Some have tried to win him over with coffees made with cream/milk/sugar, and he’ll be polite enough to drink them and thank them, but he really doesn’t like it too much
He will tell them to not fuss too much if they get him another coffee so they don’t do it again
Cannot stand people whining about how they take their coffee and how the military doesn’t give out the good stuff
He just considers them weak whiners
This includes Ghost when he complains about not having enough black tea in the canteen
Price glad to say it to his face
He could not care less about age or temperature
He’ll pull a day-old cup straight out of the fridge and down it like there’s no tomorrow
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Art from This Post
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peachdues · 11 months
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A/N: this came from my unhealthy perfume obsession. Don't @ me.
Perfume: Killian PARIS Love, Don't Be Shy
Notes: orange blossom, vanilla absolute, luscious marshmallow
Sweet like candy, yet warm like a thousand kitten cuddles. This is the perfume Rihanna wears, and honestly, while I wasn't a fan of it on me, I do love the scent!
Perfume: Replica's By the Fireplace
Notes: clove oil, chestnut accord, vanilla accord Literally smells like a crackling fireplace and marshmallow. I'm so in love with this fragrance, it's on my rotation in the fall (I have a leather jacket collection so mixing this on them in the cold is MAGIC). Of course I see our flame boy smelling like a literal cozy fireplace and GOD I could bury my nose between his tiddies forever.
Perfume: NEST New York's Wisteria Bleu ♔ Glossier You
I know the Wisteria perfume is a bit on the nose, but given our girl's development of the wisteria poison, it just seemed to fit! Plus this scent is just delightful. Key notes: French wisteria, watery notes, Bulgarian rose, imperial jasmine
That said, I can also see Shinobu as the type to gravitate towards skin scents -- especially as a doctor, she doesn't want to overwhelm anyone's senses, so she prefers scents that are more natural. So I also think she'd be a fan of Glossier You
Notes: pink pepper, abrox, iris
We actually know what Sanemi smells like canonically -- matcha tea and ohagi!
So in that spirit, I'm going with Matcha Meditation by Replica
Notes: Bergamot Essence, Matcha Accord, Moss Accord.
BUT there's another scent that I 1000% believe Sanemi would wear in the modern age, and it's super affordable: Dossier's Ambery Saffron
Top notes: saffron, orange blossom ♔ middle notes: jasmine, plum, cedarwood ♔ base: oakmoss, fir balsam, amber
I bought this for myself and loved it, but on my husband??? I go feral for it. It smells so fucking good on him, and it's an instant panty-dropper for me. And since Sanemi is the one 2D character I would happily bend over for, it fits.
Tom Ford’s Ebene Fume
Notes: Palo Santo smoke, stoked by the warm elegance of cistus absolute, enticing black pepper, and notes of ebony wood, captured in sleek, sublime notes of leather.
Diptyque L’eau Papier or Tam Daisy EDT
L’eau papier notes: White musks, Mimosa, Blonde woods accord, Rice steam accord. I mean, tell me this doesn’t SCREAM our favorite Stone Pillar???? 
Tam Daisy EDT: Sandalwood, cedar, cypress, and myrtle 
Again, Gyomei SCREAMS diptqyue ok. So earthy and refined and quiet luxury
The flashiest Pillar deserves the flashiest cologne — and by “flashy,” I mean in terms of both scent profile AND price.
Obviously he is a Tom Ford whore. 
Most likely cologne: Tom Ford’s Cherry Smoke. This scent is literally described as “hedonistic” and it’s so correct. 
Notes: Cherry Smoke plays with fire, bursting with the scent of dark cherry, ignited by seductive osmanthus and smoldering, smoked woods.
while we’re at it: Tom Ford’s Fucking Fabulous. I mean, it’s in the name. 
Notes: leather, tonka bean, and sage 
tell me this man isn’t the best-smelling Hashira in the Corps I DARE you 
Okay I feel like this man smells like CITRUS and he’s absolutely delectable. 
So that said — Oyedo by Diptyque 
Notes: yuzu, green tangerine, thyme, and raspberry  I’m sorry this man smells like earthy fruity citrus and you can’t convince me otherwise. There’s also a hint of the aquatic in there, since he’s, y’know, the Water Pillar. And this scent is DIVINE. 
I also see Giyuu having something with ginger as a major note — so that said, Chanel’s Bleu de Chanel
Notes: Citrus Accord, Labdanum, Sandalwood Cedar
Baby is 14. He does not know fine scents/perfumes that well.
That said, I think he’s going for something lowkey and likely no-fuss (if he wears a scent at all). He’s going to smell like soap and something fresh and clean. 
So I think the safest bet is Bubble Bath by Replica 
Notes: Soap Bubble Accord, Rose Superessence, White Musk, Coconut Milk Accord
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Tagging @xxsabitoxx who is a mutual perfume whore like me
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imaginmatrix · 10 months
zutara au where katara is an up and coming model/actress and zuko is the closed off guy who serves her tea at the shop next to her apartment.
Okay. Look. Listen. Against all odds, despite them filling all my favorite tropes, I do not actually… ship Zutara. I don’t read fics of them, I’ve never written them— which is wild, right? Wacky? Crazy? Doesn’t make sense. I know. I agree. Idk.
So I wrote this anyway and I have no clue what the fandom is like or how they characterize these characters but HERE WE GO DIVING IN HEADFIRST ANYWAY LETS GO
Katara already knew her and her brother had wildly different priorities— but moving into her new apartment proved that Sokka existed on an entirely different plane of reality.
“My sister has the cash to live anywhere she wants, but she picks a place next to the weirdest building in the city.” He had grumbled the day of the move, which kind of pissed Katara off.
Not because he called the building weird, but because that was his issue with it.
He should have been far more upset with the fact that the skyscraper belong to Ember Corp.
Katara pointed this out to him, to which Sokka only shrugged in reply, “I figured you didn’t care about that seeing as you moved in next door anyway.”
And then she had to stomp away in a huff to stop herself from snapping at him, because that would be hypocritical and ridiculous; but it wasn’t like she moved in next to the corporation that demolished their family’s home and community for parking lots because she didn’t care!
She did care! A lot! Maybe too much!
But then that was why she chose this apartment; the skyscraper next door wasn’t just a skyscraper.
Like Sokka said, it was…
Good weird.
To be fair, Ba Sing Se as a whole was a little weird— a hodgepodge of shiny, towering buildings and ancient temples and Spiritbucks and cobblestones and sky trolleys.
No structure could compare to this one.
From a distance, it looked like a regular skyscraper; the architecture was more creative than most, but it didn’t stand out.
Then one’s gaze would travel down, and there, at the base…
A tea shop.
An old tea shop.
It wasn’t even all that fancy, though there were pieces that hinted at a rich history— the small, painted wood pillars on either side of the door, the round windows with various designs etched into them, and the roof— oh the roof! A beautiful hip-and-gable one with the edges flared up and rust red shingles that complimented the muted green of the shop itself.
Katara loved it.
And the fact that a skyscraper had been built atop was so ludicrous it made her dizzy.
She’d once asked Toph why it was like that, and in turn Toph explained that the rumor was that the old guy who owned the shop had been offered a ton of money from Ember Corp for the location. He refused to sell, but reportedly told them he’d be willing to sell the air above his shop for the same price, and a promise that his shop would stay— he wasn’t selling the land, after all.
So they reinforced the shop and foundation to be able to bear the weight, and just like that, a new skyscraper had risen above the city.
Katara only went to the tea shop.
She wasn’t sure what about it was so enticing. Maybe it was how peaceful it was; even when the giant sliding doors were left open in the summer, the noise of the city never seemed to penetrate the shop fully. The smell of tea soothed her. It was soft, and sweet, and earthy, and strangely reminded her of home.
Which was wildly different in culture, but… she felt safe here. Like she had at home. Before it was taken.
That could be the reason she came— she liked seeing something old and ancient stand up to an entity like Ember Corp. It filled her with satisfaction to see something refuse to give in to intimidation, to be immovable in the face of “innovation.”
It was almost sacred in a way.
So she found herself stopping by every morning on the way to work— be it a photoshoot or commercial or audition— for some matcha to perk her up. And every evening, if the shop was still open, she’d grab a Jasmine brew on the way home.
The owner was so kind, a round, elderly man with a gravely voice filled with mirth. He insisted on being referred to as “Uncle Iroh,” which Katara didn’t mind. Sokka was her only family in the city, as their Gran and Father and what remained of their community migrated to the southern towns after their neighborhood was sold out from under them.
She could use an Uncle these days.
On one particular morning she was running late. She whirled into the shop, juggling various items while she searched her purse— sunglasses, phone, the audition packet, chapstick, planner, book for the trolley— ah! Wallet!
But when Katara turned to the counter, it wasn’t Uncle Iroh who she saw; a grumpy looking guy stood there, shaggy hair falling in gold eyes. Those eyes were what she noticed first, bright and intense and filled with an emotion she couldn’t quite place— anger? Contempt? For… her?
The scar, she noticed second. Which upon reflection was a little ridiculous, considering that the angry deep red color and mottled flesh took up nearly half of his face. Not that it should have been what people saw first when they looked at him, she was certain he probably hated it being pointed out, but it was hard to miss.
They stared at each other a moment.
“…Hi?” Katara ventured, less confused by the new employee than the fact that he apparently had no customer service skills. No “Welcome to the Jasmine Dragon!” or “Can I take your order?” or even a rude “What do you want?”
The boy’s brow just furrowed deeper, which seemed almost impossible, yet there he was— basically one big furrow at this point.
“…Um…” When it became clear the grumpy employee had no intention of being friendly, Katara ventured, “Can I have a hot matcha to go?”
She waited anxiously as he punched the order in, finally speaking, “That’ll be six yuans.”
It was Katara’s turn to be the furrower. “Six? It’s usually three, isn’t it?”
This was met with an eye roll and a breathy huff, “My Uncle is… let’s just say he gives discounts more often than he should.”
Katara lamented that the new price would likely mean she’d only have one tea stop a day rather than two, but didn’t argue as she zipped open her wallet, uninterested in prolonging this weird interaction that made her more and more late by the second. She passed the rectangular coins over, and the boy dropped them into the register before turning on his heel to prepare the tea.
That was weird.
But so was a tea shop with a skyscraper balanced atop.
She crossed her arms, checking her phone for the time over and over again. Why was this taking so long?
Katara leaned over the counter to see what the boy was doing, and blinked. The kettle was—
“Are you… are you boiling water?!”
He frowned back at her— though it was likely just a regular look, if frowning was his default state as it appeared to be. “…I don’t know how you make hot tea, but here we boil it.”
“Yes but—“ Katara cut herself off, biting her tongue so that she could calm the ever growing frustration bubbling within. Sokka said she was hot headed, ironic considering where their ancestors came from. Finally, she managed to speak with an even, calm tone; “You have a boiling water tap.”
“…A what?”
Dear Spirits, this guy...
“The owner, he only uses the kettle at night when it’s less busy, for a more authentic experience. In the mornings, he uses the tap— or an electric kettle.”
The guy glanced around. “Because the mornings are so busy?”
To be fair, the shop was empty at the moment. Katara wondered if it was due to the upcoming holiday.
“Yes.” Katara ground out through gritted teeth.
He shrugged in response. “There’s no rush now, so it’s not a big deal.”
“It is!” She finally burst out, “It is a big deal! I’m late for work!”
The boy seemed taken aback for a moment, blinking at her. Then his face hardened. “It’s not my problem if you didn’t leave early enough.”
“But it is your problem that you don’t know how to do your job correctly!” Katara snapped back.
This seemed to rile up the guy even more, his nostrils flaring, “I didn’t even want—“
He was interrupted by the scream of the kettle, and he turned his back on her to remove it from the heat. Katara rubbed the bridge of her nose, feeling a headache encroach on the edges of her consciousness.
It only grew when she looked up to see him dropping a teabag into the cup of water.
“What are you doing?!” She demanded, aghast.
He glanced up, confusion mingling with his frustration this time. “Making tea?”
“I asked for matcha!” Her voice was shrill now, but she couldn’t help it— who hired this guy?!
“…Is this not matcha…?”
“That’s green tea!” And in a bag rather than an infuser, no less!
“Matcha is green tea though.”
“It’s prepared differently!” Katara leaned further over the counter, her braid hanging over the opposite edge as she craned her neck, “Look, Uncle Iroh keeps the materials right there under—“
“Hey, don’t lean over here like that!”
“Or what?” She retorted as the guy stalked towards her, “Mad that I know this place better than you do?”
With the way his eyes narrowed, he was indeed mad about that. “No, I’m not— the money is over here!” He waved his hands at her in a shooing motion. At least he had the intelligence to know not to put his hands on her.
Katara snorted. “Do I look like a robber?”
“You look like a pain in the—“
“Nephew? I heard the kettle…” A sleepy voice interrupted them, and Katara quickly straightened from being sprawled over the counter as a bleary-eyed Uncle Iroh parted the curtains to stare at them.
“Uncle, this girl—“ he pointed, “should be banned from the shop.”
Uncle Iroh yawned, turning his gaze to Katara. Then he brightened. “Ah, Miss Katara, a pleasure to see you— picking up your usual, I take it?”
“Well, yes, but…” she hesitated. A moment ago she had been ready to go ballistic, but Iroh had called the guy ‘Nephew’… so he was his literal uncle? Tattling to family felt a bit childish. “It’s fine.”
“Is it now? Well, I see you’ve met my nephew, Katara, this is—“
“Lee.” The boy interrupted immediately, his hand flying up to cover the name tag pinned to his apron, “My name is Lee.” He looked meaningfully at his Uncle, who merely shrugged.
“He will be working here from now on, so I hope that…” Iroh’s voice trailed off as his gaze wandered to the cup of tea. He blanched. “Z— Lee, did Katara ask for green tea?”
It was Lee’s turn to go pale. “Well, she asked for matcha, and that’s basically—“
Uncle Iroh groaned as he hurried to the tea, nose wrinkling in disgust, “And a bag, too! Where did you even find— no, no bags! We use these!” He waved around an infuser wildly, and Lee grew more indignant.
“Well how was I supposed to know that?! Why do you have teabags if we don’t—“
“Never mind that!” Uncle Iroh bustled around, scooping the matcha into the chawan to whisk, “Clearly you are far worse off than I thought— what has your father been teaching you?”
“Business! And finances, and—“ a furtive glance was shot towards Katara, “and things way more important than making tea!”
“Bah!” Iroh finished whisking and began to prepare the drink, “Very few things in life are more worth knowing than this.” He snapped the lid onto the cup and passed it over the counter with a cheery smile, “There you are my dear, I hope it’s to your liking.”
Katara was already speeding for the door with a wave, “I’m sure it’ll be perfect as always— see you tonight?”
“We’ll be open— and I’ll make sure my Nephew knows how to at least brew jasmine by then.”
Katara jogged to the sky trolley stop, her mind racing a bit. Uncle Iroh said Lee would be working there from then on… and if today was anything to go by, her once peaceful escape was about to become a whole lot more stressful.
Unfortunately, slinking into the agency thirty minutes after she was supposed to did not go unnoticed. But the lecture about professionalism and punctuality in the industry was brief, and the day passed in a blur. Lee was nowhere to be found during her evening stop, though Uncle Iroh was appalled to discover that he had charged Katara full price for the matcha. He insisted on giving her the evening mug of piping hot jasmine at no cost, and she took up her usual place on the patio to sit and read and relax before tromping up to her apartment.
The weeks passed fast, and to Katara’s dismay, Lee was now there every time she stopped in.
Figures. Her luck had always gone overboard to balance out— placed first in the third grade spelling bee? Broke her arm on the way home. High school valedictorian? Congratulations, your childhood home is being bulldozed! Career picking up? An annoying man now works at your favorite place in the world.
…Maybe one of those things wasn’t like the others, but it still irked her.
But Lee didn’t speak to her again beyond the curt welcome he gave everyone, the exchanging of funds (he gave her the Uncle Iroh discount now,) and the call of her name when the tea was at the counter.
Katara didn’t like hearing her name on his lips. It was wrong. It made the hairs on the back of her neck prickle, made her body tighten and squirm in an uncomfortable way.
A fight or flight response, she reasoned.
And then one evening, he didn’t call it.
She was curled in the plush chair that Iroh always let her drag to the patio in the evenings. Days were getting longer again, so the sun hadn’t quite set yet, casting a golden glow between buildings.
The day had been exhausting; three auditions and two photoshoots. Katara had been up since 3am for the first shoot, but despite her yawns and heavy lids, she couldn’t resist the allure of Iroh’s tea.
Katara was reading. Well, she thought she was reading; but when the sound of a clearing throat made her eyes flutter open, the sky was much darker and the streets bathed in blue rather than gold.
Her head felt cotton-y in the way it did when one took an impromptu nap, and she yawned, looking up from her curled up position on the chair to see Lee standing next to her.
“Ah— sorry, is it closing time…?” She began to straighten out, reaching for her bag, but Lee shook his head.
“No, uh… no. I just… here.” He held out the teacup. “Free refill.”
Katara blinked, “Oh.”
Lee shifted uncomfortably, and it took a moment for Katara to realize what she was seeing; he was nervous. “If you don’t want it, I can—“
“No, no I do!” She nodded to the side table, placing the book that had become wedged between her and the cushions on it as well. “Tell your Uncle thank you.”
“Uncle’s not here.” Lee said. Then he hesitated. “I… I can tell him when he gets back.”
Katara reached for the cup. It smelled amazing, and she sipped at the rich, floral drink. It was different than usual, but good different.
So she took a deeper sip, licking her lips as droplets clung to them.
Her face lifted to Lee, who was shifting his weight back and forth anxiously. Anticipating.
And then it hit her.
“You made this?” She asked— since that first meeting, Lee had only made one of her orders when his Uncle had stepped out. It had been rather disappointing.
“Uh… yeah.”
“It’s really good.” To her surprise, Lee almost smiled, the corners of his lips tugging up as his body relaxed.
“Yeah.” She confirmed. “Did you add something different…?”
“A few things— Uncle thinks that jasmine is best on its own but…” He shrugged. “I don’t know. I… got bored.”
“Well maybe you should be bored more often if this is the result.”
The furrow that lived between Lee’s brow and where another brow once grew smoothed in surprise— no, that wasn’t a strong enough word for it— shock? The emotion was fleeting, gone in an instant, though his face managed to retain its new relaxed state. “That’s the second compliment you’ve given me. Maybe I should buy a lottery ticket.”
Katara surprised herself by laughing. “You gave me a free drink, so maybe I should buy one too.”
Lee ran a hand through his hair, revealing how his scar stretched up to his forehead; “Well, uh, I should—“
“Do you want to sit for a second?”
Lee immediately, wordlessly dragged one of the patio chairs up next to her in response, flopping into it.
They sat in silence for a minute, watching the occasional car pass by.
Then Katara couldn’t help herself; “Why did you start working here? You didn’t seem like you liked tea all that much.”
Lee sighed, his hand mussing up his hair again; he did that a lot, as if he wasn’t used to having so little of it. “I… messed up big time back home.” His head tilted back to gaze up at the skyscraper that towered above the shop behind them. “So my father sent me here to… I don’t know. Punish me, I guess. Cut me off, told me I couldn’t come back until…” he trailed off. “…you know, I was lucky my Uncle even agreed to let me stay here. If he hadn’t… I don’t know what I would have done.”
Katara couldn’t imagine it— what sort of father would abandon his kid like that?
Sure, she felt abandoned by her own dad half the time, but… at least when he left, he did it knowing her and Sokka were safe and cared for. And at least she didn’t doubt that he loved her, as angry as she was at him for his choices.
She cleared her throat, “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have pried—“
“No, it’s okay.” Lee’s voice had a rasp to it, the sound of someone trying to hold emotion at bay. “It… it was probably time I told someone about it. I haven’t exactly made a ton of friends here.”
Katara spoke before she even realized she’d decided to; “You can come out with me and my friends sometime.”
Lee tilted his head to her, a puzzled expression on his features, “…Me?”
“Do you see anyone else here?”
And then a real smile played across his lips, “Are all your friends hot shot movie stars too?”
It was once more Katara’s turn to be surprised. “You— that— I’m not even close to a ‘hot shot movie star!’” She laughed and tugged on her braid nervously, suddenly feeling shy. “You know who I am?”
“Since the beginning?”
“…Yeah.” His voice was softer, more reserved, as if the question had stirred something in him. Guilt?
Katara pressed on, not wanting to ruin the new atmosphere they’d built for themselves. “So you’ve seen me in… what, shampoo commercials?”
Lee shook his head, “Nah, my fa— someone my mom used to be friends with, uh… helped fund that one movie; Glacier Soul?”
“You… you remember me from that?” She laughed again, both delighted and aghast, “It wasn’t even a big role, I wasn’t a lead or anything— and I wasn’t great in it—“
“No.” Lee‘s voice was firm, no room for disagreement. If he didn’t sound so earnest, Katara may have assumed he was just being nice. “You were perfect.”
Katara shifted, warmth spreading on her cheeks. The prickle on her neck, the tightness in her body, those both were present now too; but it wasn’t fight or flight this time, was it? Had it ever been? “Well I… I’m glad you liked me. I mean, me in it. It was my first dramatic film and… and I’m just… glad.”
They both fell silent, Katara downing the rest of her tea to keep from saying more dumb things.
“So…” Lee was hesitating again. “When… when are you and your friends next…?”
“Oh!” Katara reached for her bag, rummaging for a pen, “Here, one sec—“ she grabbed her napkin and jotted down her number. “Text me when I leave, I’ll let you know next time we have plans.”
Lee seemed completely out of his element as he stared at the napkin she’d shoved at him; as if he couldn’t believe it was actually there. Finally, he nodded, “Right, yeah, that sounds— yeah. Good. Great.”
“Yeah?” Katara asked teasingly.
There was another hint of a smile when he replied with, “Yeah.”
Her body was heavy again, so Katara started to gather her things. “Well, good to know you’re not so bad when you’re not extorting people or serving them poisoned tea.”
Lee sputtered, “I… I haven’t done either of those things!”
“Mm, that green tea you tried to give me looked pretty deadly.” He seemed troubled despite the tease, and Katara nudged him as she stood. “Tonight though? That jasmine tea was ridiculously good.”
Lee relaxed again, understanding the jests now and looking quite pleased with himself, “I practiced.”
“I can tell.” Katara yawned and stretched, her body complaining after being curled up for so long, “Well, Lee, I’m glad I got to know you a little better.”
He was running a hand through his dark locks again, looking as if he were going through some sort of inner turmoil despite the small smile on his lips, “Y-yeah, me too, listen, uh…” he took a breath. Then another. “I’m… I…” and then he deflated, “I’m glad too.”
Katara said goodnight, made him promise to text her as soon as she walked out the door, and as she strolled to the next building over, she realized she felt light. Bubbly. Happy.
So their first meeting had been rocky; she couldn’t blame the guy for having a bad day, especially since it sounded like he’d been through the wringer shortly before that.
Why should a bad first impression affect this one?
Katara’s phone buzzed with a text, and when she pulled it out she saw a little fire emoji.
And then she texted back something that normally she’d never in a million years say.
‘Is this your way of saying I’m hot?’
Sokka would laugh in the face of anyone who implied his uptight little sister had flirted.
Lee’s reply was immediate.
‘What?! No! What???? It’s just my favorite!’
‘…wait, don’t take that the wrong way, I mean, I’m not saying you aren’t’
‘I mean’
‘Can you just ignore all of that? Please?’
Katara laughed. Normally she might over analyze his panicked denial, worry she overstepped, but… something felt different about Lee. He was so serious, serious in a way that made her loosen up.
Her brother often told her she was a stick in the mud. And maybe she was, maybe she was austere and boring and too much a stickler for rules… But Lee made her feel like she was fun, too.
‘Ignore what?’
‘I didn’t see anything :)’
‘….thank you.’
She hummed to herself as she savored the taste of jasmine still on her tongue.
Maybe Lee wasn’t so bad.
And maybe… maybe now she had more than one reason to look forward to her morning matcha.
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pacinglikeghosts · 3 months
assigning sydcarmy signature scents
happy s3 release week! i am obsessed with fragrance and this is kind of like my hidden talent and love to do this so im using it on them. if this isn't clear, i am NOT sponsored, just obsessed and want to share.
**also, to be clear, they are definitely NOT wearing these on the day-to-day. more like...special occasions**
starting with syd because i have a clearer vision for her. i think she'd really want something clean and fresh, but not like household cleaner clean, which is why i leaned towards tea scents with citrus. this scent, which is "matcha meditation" by maison martin margiela's replica line (or "serene green tea" from alt fragrances, which is a dupe and like....a quarter of the price) has a bright, summery opening, and ultimately dries down to something a bit warmer and cozier--a lot like sydney, bright and enthusiastic, but warm and welcoming once you spend time with her. this is on the pricier side, so i think sydney would get it once as a gift from some random family member and opt for the dupe, since it's not as much of an "essential" to her as some other things may be.
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oh carmy. in all honest, he would definitely be rocking some basic ass fragrance he can get at macy's or walgreens or something like axe, but we can pretend. i mostly picked this one (which is "CK Free" from Calvin Klein) because i think the makeup is interesting, and again, a reasonable enough price (the fact that it's calvin klein is also a bit funny to me). i imagine he's got a wood-y, rich scent to him, which is only amplified by the cigarettes (depending on how you feel about those).
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that's it! again, this is just for funsies, so feel free to take it as seriously as you'd like. i had fun doing it, but i know everyone has their own interpretations, so let me know what you think :) i love talking about fragrance and i never really do it except a couple other analyses and a poll on coco chanel so PLEASE talk about it with me if you’d like. whatever you want, whether its more characters or my personal stuff. shoot me some asks and ill answer them!!
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saw you talking about tea the other day and now i'm intrigued 👀 any flavors you're particularly fond of? asking for a friend also. please do ramble about it bc it's delightful :D
Jay! Hi! Fellow tea lover?
Hm… I love lots of teas, but really I prefer simple teas to anything super decadent or elaborate. I don’t ever add anything to my teas unless I’m sick (then I’ll add a bit of honey).
My go-to is just a simple green or peppermint tea, though I’m also a huge fan of spiced chai and earl grey. I adore jasmine tea - jasmine is probably my favourite, but it has to be a good jasmine, so I don’t have it all the time (again, it gets expensive). I always have some green or peppermint tea on hand though - a quality cup is always nice but I don’t as much mind if these are the cheaper kind.
I’m not a huge fruit tea person, though I did have a peach white tea once - that one was lovely cold - and of course a good lemon ginger is always nice. If I’m having bubble tea though, I always go for a mango or lychee green tea if they have it!
I have to say that I can’t remember what pu’erh tea was like - I know it was interesting and I liked it, but I’d need to try it again I think to recall it properly. I haven’t found a rooibos tea I’ve been particularly crazy about, but it’s nice too, just not what I’d gravitate towards.
If you want a sweet or dessert type tea, then any oolong is great, but I think I’m spoiled for that wuyi oolong now hahaha. I’ve had a vanilla black tea - it’s really good. I’d highly recommend that one. I also have this sweet apple-cinnamon tea with nuts. I don’t have it super often, as I’m not a fan of sugary teas but this one is a nice dessert on its own. It’s very nutty which makes it pretty unique.
When I’m sick, I’ve had a couple good teas. One I have for colds is a eucalyptus-mint. I recommend having this one only when you are very congested because boy is it strong. Tastes amazing though. Also my mom had several Korean friends when I was little, so I have fond memories of her making yujacha at their urging when I wasn’t feeling well as a young kid, and boricha for us to put in the fridge and drink cold. I love both.
I don’t usually have chamomile at home, but this is largely because on days when I’m really incredibly stressed (like, shaking with anxiety, actively spiralling, kind of stressed), I like to go for a walk in the evening and pick up a chamomile from a nearby café to take back with me. It’s an indulgence that way.
Other cool teas I have tried:
Butterfly pea flower tea: More of a novelty than anything but this tea is bright blue and changes to red when you add citric acid. It’s a natural pH indicator!
Lavender black tea: Incredibly good. This was another gift from my mom a few years back. Very nice in the evening.
Mushroom tea: These tend to be incredibly overpriced due to purported health benefits so I’ve only ever had samples but honestly? The ones I’ve had are very nice, a smooth, rich flavour. Not convinced they’re worth that price though.
Dandelion tea: People say this can be used as a coffee substitute. I’m not entirely sure I agree with that but it does have a dark roasted flavour that is similar to black coffee. It’s a little sweet though. I like this one a lot, but I only have this with food because if I don’t have anything in my stomach it makes me cramp a bit (as I found out the hard way) :/
Matcha green tea with roasted rice: Okay a friend of mine got me some of this as a gift when she went back to visit family for a bit and. Um. This tea is so incredibly good. We had some together and it was fantastic. I’ve been saving it and only having it at times I know I can really savour it because I want it to last. If you can find some good quality stuff I highly recommend it.
Aaaand sometimes, admittedly, I will enjoy an orange pekoe. It’s nice on occasion. I make it pretty strong hehe
I hope this was fun for you your friend! 😆
What are your favourite teas, Jay?
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presiding · 9 months
i wanna hear your recommendations!
a list with some stuff i like + a request for you to share yours :)
as a godless queer who spawned on earth randomly one time, my only holiday-season tradition is charity + passionately enjoying things. in lieu of passing my followers & mutuals $100 cash, have a random variety of things you might like to try - i know we're an international bunch so your mileage may vary on what you can access. in the spirit of giving i am hoping for some recs 🎁♥
disclaimer these are just things i like i am not paid. would be great. but.
yo ho ho if you read comics & manga but always found it to be a pain in the ass to source online, here's the aggregator app of your dreams: tachiyomiJ2K. real. not clickbait. android only tho. the extensions mangacute, mangadex, allanime, and mangareader, are good places to start. as a creator, i'm always iffy about recommending this kind of thing because i'd much prefer you went out and brought the things you're reading, however i'm not under any illusions about which era we're in, media-wise and economy-wise
gemma! - webcomic what if corvo was a woman and young emily was a dragon and they went on adventures in a fun fantasy/adventure way that is Extremely Gender. pictured: gender. god i want to be her > is this the greatest webcomic of all time? no. is it that sweet spot between 'mindless fun' and 'good'? yes. you get me
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laksa noodles the more intl friends i have the more i realise that laksa isn't common everywhere. don't let that stop you from trying it. ultimate comfort food. hearty noodly soupy goodness. worth seeking out fr
ways of seeing - mini-documentary so profoundly changed the way i think that i had been wanting to revisit it and so was delighted to find its all on youtube. if you're an artist or want to improve your ability to critically think about what you're seeing in media, this is a must-see. link or embedded>
FUCKING GOOD AND CHEAP GREEN TEA price comment won't apply to everyone this site offers great prices for high quality tea direct from the farm. been buying from here for years and its always amazing - i love the houjicha/roast green tea, and if you like green tea but always wish it was stronger without sacrificing taste or becoming bitter, i recommend genmaicha matcha-iri, which uses matcha to intensify the flavour. yum
incense body powder being a perfume nerd who is prone to migraines sucks. if you like spices and good incense - not the $2 kind that you use to hide cigs from your parents but rather the kind that smells like wandering into a forest temple - you'll love incense body powder. it lasts well and i'd most compare it to a softer, more gourmand comme des garçons Incense series 3 kyoto. shoyeido is the easiest to source as far as i can tell, but other brands make it too. USD$11 - cheaper than even cheap perfumes tbh - the bag will last you years. if you try this please tell me i'd love to know what you think!
anyway!! i wanna hear your recs if you have any! can be any type of thing that has recently improved your mood or changed your life or you think someone else might like?
anyone reading can go for it, consider this a carte blanche for recommendations. gonna tag a few people - you don't have to of course thank you love you <;3 @lapinneok @dangerousdan-dan @arosebyothernames @headcrabrave @corvidad @neznoodles @retired-crow @corpseprince @i-really-hate-creating-usernames @geminison @fakeshibe @skemford @loveofdetail + please feel welcome if not tagged! edit OH @nekon-ron i tried to tag your old URL. ha
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my-plastic-life · 2 months
Japanese Summer Festival, part 1
(PART 1 due to a limit on number of photos per post)
Wow, more than a month since my last post! I'm slacking! But I have a good excuse - I was working on a HUGE project. This is my biggest scene to date. It's so large it won't fit in my usual diorama cube box. This was on my coffee table, and for an example of scale, that table measures 48" wide by 26" deep. And it was all covered LOL
It's still technically summer, and in Japan, summer festivals are a very popular pastime. I've wanted to create an actual festival scene for a while, and I finally took the plunge this year. My husband used his Glow Forge to create the little food stalls, and I created the rest. The awnings, booth covers, prices, signs, posters, floor, walls, etc. are all made by me. I also painted the silver on the booths. They're technically still a bit under scale compared to real life stalls, but I was basing my measurements off actual props I had, most of which are Re-Ment. There are even a few Re-Ment festival sets, so I had to use those! And next year I plan to add even more stalls - but I'll have to alternate what's on display since I think I'm at my limit of what will fit on that table LOL.
So here we go, a 1/6 scale Japanese summer festival! We've got lots of food street stalls (yotai) and a few popular games, and all the girls are wearing kimonos (a popular tradition).
Looking down the street toward the stairs leading to more fun (through a real torii gate!):
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Looking down the street toward the shrine:
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Cold drinks are important to beat the heat!
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Miwa is watching Kiku try her hand at yo-yo fishing:
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Kiku is yo-yo fishing. In this game, you're meant to use a hook attached to a paper rope to pick up a water balloon. The balloons are filled with air and water, and they're called yo-yos because of the bouncing effect they have. This game can be difficult due to the rope being made of paper and the balloons are in the water.
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Miwa has a popular snack - a tornado potato - along with the popular Ramune drink:
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She got one! Any balloons that you successfully pick up with the hook can be kept.
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Goldfish scooping. This game requires you to use a small wand called a poi to try to catch goldfish. The poi's net is made of paper, which makes the game tricky because of the water. The game is over once the paper in the poi breaks. However, people will often get to take one of each fish home after trying even if they don't actually catch them.
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Aika is watching the goldfish scooping game, carrying a bag of cotton candy:
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Superball fishing. This game is like the goldfish scooping game, only the prize is super balls. I made these little tubs myself. The Re-Ment sets had the yo-yo fishing and goldfish scooping, but no superballs. So I took the measurements of those tubs, used TinkerCAD to create two boxes made to the same size, and 3D printed them. I then used some of the Miniverse resin (the recalled stuff, lol) to fill the tubs in layers, and I used beads without holes (they exist!) to make the super balls. I'm very pleased with how they turned out!
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Takoyaki stand. Takoyaki is a bite-sized, ball-shaped dumpling made from batter and grilled, then filled with octopus, tempura, pickled ginger, and green onion:
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A definite favorite in the summer - the shaved ice stand (kakigori). Similar to shaved ice in the U.S., with the Japanese variant, blocks of ice are shaved into fine flakes using special machines, then topped with flavorings like strawberry or melon syrup, sweet matcha (strong green tea) sauce, sweetened beans, or condensed milk.
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Fuka got a variety of flavors on her kakigori! Yum! Meanwhile, Lycee is preparing to make some more - she'll use the little machine to grind that block of ice to shave it down into edible pieces:
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Look closely at the lady below in the blue kimono and you'll see that she's tucked in a traditional uchiwa (hand fan) into the obi (belt) of her kimono. These fans are a must for summer festivals to help beat the heat, as well as add a more traditional look to the yukata (kimono).
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Choco banana and candy apple stand. These treats are also popular - they're your traditional candy apple on a stick, and also chocolate-covered bananas on a stick covered in sprinkles.
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Cotton candy stand. Another popular treat for festival-goers of all ages. The container on the counter features fortune sticks inside, and you're meant to reach in and pull one out. You then tell the miko (shrine priestess) what fortune you got on the stick, and she will give you a paper that explains your fortune.
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Japanese cotton candy bags frequently feature popular anime or pop culture characters on them. I made these bags by using small jewelry bags, cutting off the Ziploc sealer, placing cotton balls inside (almost all festival cotton candy I've seen has been white), then sized down pictures of characters, printed them out on clear sticker paper, and stuck them on the bags. I'm very pleased with how they turned out!
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lunarw0rks · 1 year
Milk tea/booba i think some of cod characters would get:
Price: i think oolong or ube/taro milk tea🍠
Soap: cookies n cream! Extra bobba!! 🍪
Gaz: strawberry matcha! With fresh strawberries 🍓
Ghost: regular/house milk tea, i think he might sub bobba w pudding bc one time he choked on the bobba and hes traumatized rip. 🍮
Konig: caramel or chocolate milk tea xxxxl size fir our xxxxl boi 🍫
Valeria: thai milk tea for our queen 👸
Alejandro: i think he might get passion fruit tea with coconut/lychee jelly . Something fruity and tropical 🥥
Rudy: green milktea🌱
i bet price choked the first time he tried boba. even after the employee explained what it was. he guzzled it anyways.
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blnk338 · 1 year
chapter 33 is literally one word under 7.1k words... here are a few more hints.. // first round of editing too!
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“Price likes to drive,” he pointed out before Gaz jumped in. “Also, Price complains about every other driver.” But, just as you were going to interject, Rigo nudged your shoulder, a smug look across his features. “You can drive—but you’ve got awful road rage.” With a frown, you shook your head, knees rising to rest your arms on. “No I don’t, what the hell are you talking about?”
“Dude,” the rest of the team’s giggles had quieted down to listen to you two go back and forth. “Every single time you drive in California, you’re yelling over the wheel—”
“That’s because Californian’s fucking suck at driving!”
“No, you just like to go too fast.”
“LA is impossible to navigate and people cut you off for no fuckin’ reason—they’re glad that they don’t have the kinda drivers like they do in Cincinnati—their matcha green teas would be on the goddamn highway.” [change maybe?? Doesn’t have a punch]]
“One time,” Rigo turned from you to the rest of the team, “we were going from San Diego up to LA and some guy cut us off at a light—which, he had also been driving like a goddamn maniac—and she yelled out the window—what was it again?”
“I asked him why his dick was on the horn and his balls were on ten and two.”
Laughter erupted from the room as a smile crept across your features, happy to join in on the giggles as Roach smacked Gaz’s shoulder lightly. He’s also got awful road rage. Soap leaped in to add in, “we’ve banned him from driving on operations ‘coz the bastards fuckin’ bonkers.”
“I’m bloody not—if you can’t drive, I’m gonna fuckin’ tell you!” Pointing at him with a flattened hand, you nodded enthusiastically. “No—no, he’s right, all of you guys gotta listen—”
“If yer acting like a nonce, you’re entitled to knowing!”
“Damn straight!” More howls sounded as everyone clapped shoulders and shook each other, falling into further giggles at the antics. Rigo was next, thinking for a moment before looking at you with an evil gaze. “Never have I ever had a thing for someone on the same team as me.”
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neighawolf · 10 months
Character Development Questions
Saw some questions, I reblogged the OG post. (by wisteria-lodge) So here's some Rornir lore!! 10 questions!
What is the character’s go-to drink order? Usually he doesn't order out, too much fake stuff or over priced and under filled (more ice and air than drink) but if he does, Its Green Tea. It varies by season. Spring and Winter its a Green Tea with one spoonful of cane sugar. That's it. Summer is a blended/smoothie style Green Tea with no whip. and Autumn is either an Iced Green tea or a Green Tea latter, both with soy milk and powdered matcha. Maybe some whip as a lil treat.
What is their grooming routine? He showers every day or as much as possible when doing WoL stuff. At home its every day. Bathing is kind of a ritual and self care. Its aftercare for him and personal time for reflecting. Cleansing of body, mind and soul. So he bathes everyday. He doesn't wash his hair every day, though. It can dry out from over washing and he's very particular about his hair and fluffy bits (like ears). He can easily spend an hour brushing his hair (or attempting to tame it, unsuccessfully). Twice a day he brushes his teeth and washes his face with a particular toner and moisturizer afterwards. He shaves as he needs to, as he (and his hubby) prefer his smooth face, with the exception of his little cheek fluffs. 2-3 times a week he does cuticle and nail care for hands and feet. and 2-3 a month has a spa/massage retreat day to work out the rest of his needs. This is, of course, assuming he isn't in the middle of stopping the end of creation...again.
What was their most expensive purchase/where does their disposable income go? He's not really a materialistic person and doesn't keep much money on him. He's fairly humble in terms of money. The most expensive "purchase" was buying shares into a theatre in Kugane under Garlean occupation. He bought well over half, making him majority shareholder and subsequently owner/patron of that theatre. He paid everyone's wages and kept all currently employed cast and staff. He still owns that and often partakes in some of the shows as guest roles. Most of his extra money goes to art venues. When he travels he donates to local museums or small art studios, funds art troupes for less fortunate places or buys supplies and costumes or instrument repairs. He'll buy art pieces from small artists and pay to put them up in museums that wouldn't normally buy them. He''ll even pay to refloor old dance studios and new shoes for dancers. He's a patron of the arts, and finds so much culture to be learned, so much of his extra money is given to the arts. Anything extra he just buys nice things for his friends or husband.
Do they have any scars or tattoos? He has the normal wear and tear, in terms of scars, expected of someone in his line of work. Bumps and scrapes, bruises, cuts, some small scars from stabs, shootings, near death etc. The expected usual. His tattoos however are far more significant. There are only a handful of people aware that he even has any. Including his husband Urianger, his best friend Alex, his husband's best friend and best friend's husband Thancred, Y'sthola because of her aether sight and a few members of his family clan including his uncle. The Tattoo is a full double sleeve tattoo that includes his chest and back and part of his lower right leg. An oni face mask with ribbons and "red threads of fate" being cut from it. Cherry blossom branches extend over each shoulder and down his arms. Each full blossom is a life he took, and each half blossom is a life he assisted in or almost took. tiny singular red strands connect from the blossoms, around the tree branches and weave into a larger thread that leads to the oni mask. He keeps this tattoo covered up now with a glamour prism, but Y'sthola can see it because of her aether sight. She's never mentioned it to him. Only those closest to him have seen and know the burden it weighs on him.
What was the last time they cried, and under what circumstances? The literal most recent would be yesterday (Nov 22) as it was in fact his first anniversary with his husband Urianger. There were definitely some good tears. So happy you start crying, kind. Lots of love, surprises, happy, friends. It was a good day. Unknown to Urianger though, Rornir left in the middle of the night to go have a hard cry. His best friend even expected it and stayed up. When she got the call she was at his house in minutes. Rornir's biggest fear is outliving everyone he loves. Which he will, because viera life spans. So he was in a major conflict about being happy he made a year with Urianger and it was the best year ever, but also that's one year closer to losing Uri. The life span difference is so hard for him, and he is beginning to realise why viera don't bond outside of other viera. How many more years until Uri is gone and he's still young by viera standards? How many perfect nights until he's alone? To live a hundred perfect years then be alone for another 500. He knows he shouldn't think like that, but its really hard, especially when its such important moments like anniversaries or birthdays. His bestie calmed him down and he went back to bed, burying his face in Urianger. If Uri knew, he didn't say anything. 
Are they an oldest, middle, youngest or only child? He's an only child. Never knew any other sibling. He has no cousins or nieces either. To his knowledge, the only other surviving family member is his shitty uncle. What he doesn't know is that his mother had a sister who has been keeping an eye on him since he left Doma to start the events of ARR, and has been supplying resources and supplies to Tataru the whole time. So Tataru is the only other person who knows Rornir has at least one other family member.
Describe the shoes they’re wearing. Rornir has like...5 pairs. Inside house slippers, Outside house slippers, good soled boots for hiking, marching, treking, combat shoes (as he's a dancer, they're comfy and supportive but not restricting allowing protection in a fight but comfort to move over a variety of surfaces), and a pair of outdoor sandals, for just casual comfort outdoorsy stuff. Any other pair of shoes he either borrows from Thancred (Best friend's husband and husband's best friend) or his bestie buys some and he wears like...once.
Describe the place where they sleep. His home was hand built by several of his friends. Most of the hard work and structural work was done by his friend and fellow WoL Bastian. Interior decor and arrangement by his bestie, and miscellaneous bits donated or provided by others of the scions and his own adventuring group. A lot of care and respect was put into making his current home, with many suggestions and input coming from Lord Hien, an honoured ally and long time friend. The home was built in traditional, ancient, Othardian/Hingan style with hand woven tatami reed mats and wood stacked and cut using traditional tools. Holy relics and family armor were provided by locals eager to support the Warrior of Light from their homeland. All of this was done at the request of Urianger. Their bedroom specifically has a magically enchanted star box, moon and star lights and a stained glass window. So they sky is always near by. Its very cozy, tradtional, and homey and its his favourite place in the world.
What is their favorite holiday? His favourite holiday is Heavensturn. Its essentially the Lunar New Year. Rornir comes from a very traditional heritage where lunar cycles are everything. Everything is done in accordance to the lunar cycle, not so much the conventional method of time keeping. So the new year festivities are incredibly important to him. They're also super fun!
What objects do they always carry around with them? He isn't super materialistic, so doesn't keep much. The only thing really is a bracelet made from thread used in his hand fasting ceremony.
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nico-di-genova · 3 months
Thanks for tagging me @flyingcakeee!
Do you make your bed? When I’m not in a rush, yes, but usually I am in fact rushing.
Favorite number? 16 :)
What’s your job? I work in marketing
If you could go back to school, would you? Yes. I miss the structure of university so much. I also miss the freedom, and I feel like I never really appreciated it at the time because I was so focused on my own problems/insecurities, but it’s really the last time I felt like I could do whatever I wanted and wasn’t confined to a set path.
Can you parallel park? Nope
Do you think aliens are real? Yes, I think it’s statistically improbable that we are the only planet with intelligent life.
Can you drive a manual car? No, much to my stepdads disappointment
Guilty pleasure? Trash/cheesy television. Not reality tv but shows like teen wolf and gossip girl that are a little silly.
Tattoos? I don’t have any, have considered them but don’t really want to pay the price.
Favorite color? Forest green or a light blue
Favorite type of music? Anything. I really listen to it all. Right now, maybe hyperpop though?
Do you like puzzles? Yes! They’re a good way to pass the time or give me something to do while I’m watching a movie.
Favorite childhood sport? Baseball! I made my all-star team two years in a row and I was the only girl on my team so it was always kind of a flex.
Do you talk to yourself? Yes. I read out loud too, my own writing and whatever book I’m reading.
Tea or coffee? Coffee and matcha
First thing you wanted to be when you grow up? SeaWorld orca trainer, before I was old enough to realize how terribly the orcas were treated :(
What movie do you adore? Treasure planet and the amazing spider-man
Tagging @calebwidgast @cupidskissx and @theemmtropy
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icedmetaltea · 11 months
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(I opened them all for a lil sniff so sorry the tops are kinda scuffed) Kinda hard to see the names so here's what I got: Gyruko, mountain yellow, sichuan sword tip, spiced plum, berry basket, apple harvest, autumn spice, white peach, iccha kariban and dragonwell!!
This ain't sponsored ofc but lil rant about my love for them
Brand is Happy Mug Coffee and while their speciality is coffee they have a pretty extensive tea collection. Their prices are great, their quality is great, their shipping time is amazing (pretty sure they always ship same day on week day) and if you want to dip your foot into japanese and/or chinese green teas, this is a great option. Samples are usually just a $1-3 dollars so you can try a lot at once.
Some personal fav recommendations
. Iccha Kariban - amazing sencha, great for every day drinking. Extremely affordable too, at only $7 for 4 oz (aka a lot of tea, like 50+ cups) At least from my experience, and I've tried a lot of senchas available in the US, you will not find a better quality here, let alone for this price point. I've bought it two other times and have no regrets. Gives you a lovely burst of energy without the jitters, great way to get you awake on a cold morning
. Jasmine Pearl - great option for ppl who love foral teas. Super fragrant, a bit sweet and absolutely amazing for getting your lazyass to wake up on cold mornings just so you can sniff the jasmine tea lol. $15 per 4oz, seems pricy but is actually quite cheap for jasmine pearls, for instance it goes for $26 on Harney and Sons for the same amount in loose tea and most the other ones at a similar price point are awful quality. Is worth every penny imo.
. Matcha - I usually use this for cooking cause the caffeine content is a bit much for my anxiety BUT they have two grades of matcha, one more culinary and one ceremonial. Not sure how these compare to other brands since I haven't tried many others but no complaints. Since matcha usually runs rlly expensive and the culinary grade is only $10 for 4 oz or $3 for 1oz, doesn't hurt to give it a try. If you've never tried making matcha chocolate ur rlly missing out~
Ginger - if you get sick stomachs a lot like I do, rejoice cause they have 4oz for $4. That'll last you a longgg time
Lemon Mint Ginger - Similar to the first one, this one is great for not only sick stomachs but also just when you're sick or feel kinda under the weather. It's super comforting, great with honey.
They also have decaf coffee, I'm not much of a coffee drinker but I tried one of their decafs and quite liked it! If you don't need decaf like I do they ofc have many many caffeinated ones to choose from. From what I hear their Rainy Day blend is rlly good.
And honestly when what I've seen they just seem like sweet people who deserve all the support they get. If I ever get to the point where I can have black tea again I'm ordering samples of like their entire catalog, I just adore them.
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trivialbob · 2 years
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For lunch today I consulted my list of restaurants I want to try. It’s snowing pretty steady here. Sometimes I enjoy driving in it. Just another good reason to go out.
This place pictured above is a nice, food court-like place called North Loop Galley. Inside are four chef run restaurants with counter service. There’s a big bar next to them and plenty of tables.
Today’s choice was Ottimo. I ordered the smashburger and fries. They were excellent. Adding to my enjoyment was the low price: $12 for the sizable burger AND fries. I told the cashier I had never been there before and asked if I waited for my food or if it gets brought out. (After placing an order you get a number on a metal stand. An employee brings out the order when it’s ready.) The employee who helped me seemed glad I was trying the place. When he smiled and said, “You get the family and friends discount” I thought he was kidding around. But he really did give me a discount.
I ate the burger all by myself as I read a newspaper and listened to the mostly younger crowd around me at the bar. If Sheila had been able to join me I would have been happy splitting the burger. It was a late lunch. I’m so full I don’t think I’ll want dinner tonight.
As I waited for my burger and fries I watched the bartender pour a light green beverage for another customer. I asked and learned it was Matcha Green Tea Cider (5.5% ABV) from Minneapolis brewer cidery Sociable Cider Werks. I selected one too, having made my decision solely on the color of the drink. It was refreshing and tasty as well.
Next time I go to the Galley I’m getting the highly regarded, Detroit-style Wrecktangle Pizza. I saw several pizzas get served and darned near ordered one to take home. There are two more restaurants there too, meaning I’ve got at least three more trips to make to the Galley.
One last morsel of happiness: I got rock star parking: Few on-street spaces were available. I lucked out and got one at the front door of the building!
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o-chunks-appreciation · 5 months
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I drank a whole bottle of matcha green tea mid day and now I’m paying the price I’m soooo awakemaxxing and uhhh waken up pilled….perhaps even restless…for realsies guys
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jasminesfoodblog · 2 years
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Me and my mom went to a food hall here in Albuquerque, New Mexico called Green Jeans! Here's pictures of what we ate there! We got our burgers and fries at a place called Rustic On The Road. I ordered the 'Black, Blue, and Bacon' burger, my mom ordered 'The Sacred' burger, and we split an order of 'Italian' fries. After that, we went to a place called Nitro Fog Creamery and ordered ice cream! My mom got the matcha green tea pistachio ice cream and I ordered the pineapple ice cream! Everything was delicious! My burger was very tasty, had a strong blue cheese flavor. I could've done without the fries, they just weren't that special, but they were good. And the pineapple ice cream definitely hit the spot. Probably the best ice cream I've ever had! Super high quality ice cream. It was nice eating our food outside, it was such a nice day today. Definitely affordable too.
Overall, I think I'd give Rustic On The Road an 8 out of 10
Nitro Fog Creamery a 10 out of 10.
Would definitely recommend both places! Especially for the prices.
Date I went: February 24th, 2023
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