#may Allah make us better than what people think of us and forgive us for what they don't know about us. Aameen
mashriqiyyah · 11 months
As-salamu'alaikum sis, i have started to like a person because of his deen; he is very pious and posts about islam only. But i am very scred to talk to him and how can i get away from this liking as it is consuming me day and night 🥺
Walaikum assalam warahmatullah wabarkatuhu.
You don't need to talk to him, unfollow that account. And if you find yourself visiting it often, delete your own accounts.
Not everyone you find pious on social media is as such in real life. It's a dangerous trap and it'll be foolishness to believe that everyone who posts about Islam only actually lives by everything they post online. I have seen plenty of "Dawah page" holders in real life missing their obligatory salat and fasts in Ramadan... spending nights playing videogames with their buddies and preferring their time to spend in editing reels n posts instead of actually learning the Deen. Unqualified people have made a trend to start Dawah pages. SubhanAllah. Allahu Musta'an. So don't take it too seriously. It's pretty natural to develop such feelings but don't dwell on it. Lower your gaze from that person...yani... don't see their posts n all at all. Alhamdulillah...when it's out if your sight, it'll be out of your mind with conscious efforts. Seek knowledge through actual, qualified scholars. Dm me... I'll share some useful links of channels where you can learn directly from Madina University teachers, and also Umm ul Qura University teachers. May Allah bless them immensely. Spend more n more time with Quran. If you can read Urdu, read 'Main Anmol' by Nemrah Ahmed. And also, keep making Dua to Allah to save you from everything that's not khayr for you. Allah will help you get rid of feelings harmful for your heart. In Sha Allah. Make a lots of Dua, Istighfar. And look around you...look at the condition of the Ummah, look at the tests of your brothers n sisters n children. And then compare your problem to their calamity. You'll find you're worrying for nothing. Don't give in to such wasawees of shaytan when he makes you think you're in love. This liking will lead nowhere except heartbreak and regret. May Allah save us all.
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sabrgirl · 3 months
muslims stop judging others challenge
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imagine you're in an olympics race. on your marks, get set, go. but while you're in your lane, you're looking at all the other runners. that one is running funny. why is that one wearing two different coloured socks? that person's hair is flying in their face, how are they even going to see? with all this judgement towards everyone else, do you think you're going to win the race? while everyone else is focused on reaching the end, you're focused on them. yes, you might cross the finish line eventually but
you lost
you finished last
did you even qualify?
it's crazy that this judgement happens so much in this ummah specifically. some non-muslims end up hating on islam because of how muslims treat other people online. and in real life too. and some muslims have left islam because of the way other muslims treated them when they were doing wrong.
we're all humans taking the same test. we just have different trials. do you know what really is the cause of this judgement? your nafs. the ego.
the ego is fuelled by fear and projects its own insecurities and fears onto the world to try and bring itself up. it makes you think that you're superior to other people because, by doing so, it makes you feel 'confident' inside.
for eg, you may wear hijab and see someone else who doesn't. you start judging or gossiping or leaving rude and hateful comments, or even just a comment that you think is going to help her because your ego is saying 'wow, i'm such a good/better muslim than her because i wear the hijab'. but... what about when you see someone who seems like a better muslim than you? do you now all of a sudden feel... insecure? jealous? do you start hating on them or desperately try to find faults in them? do you feel less? if you do this, and you need to be honest with yourself if you do, this your ego/nafs you're listening to.
this isn't true confidence. if you do this, you likely have poor self worth that needs to be worked on and an ego to eradicate. luckily, islam is fundamentally based on the jihad against your inner self/nafs/ego - whatever you want to call it - to reform your character and get closer to Allah سُبْحَٰنَهُۥ وَتَعَٰلَىٰ as a result of it. but that's a topic for another day.
Allah Himself has said:
O ye who believe! Do not let some men ridicule others, they may be better than them, nor let some women ridicule other women, they may be better than them. Do not defame one another, nor call each other by offensive nicknames. How evil it is to act rebelliously after having faith! And whoever does not repent, it is they who are the true wrongdoers. (49:12)
i.e. you will never know the true state of someone. why? because that is for Allah to know and for Him to judge.
when you see someone doing something they shouldn't, first realise that you've been guided by Allah to even recognise that in the first place. how many times in your life did you eventually realise that you were doing something bad and you didn't even know? or maybe you knew a specific thing was bad but you didn't know the reasons why, and now you do? you could've been so deaf, dumb and blind but Allah decided to guide you. so first drop the arrogance and praise Him for guiding you enough to recognise and understand the bad deed.
after this, you have two options:
1. you make du'a for them
'O Allah, please guide them to stop doing ______ / to start doing ______ and guide me closer to You too. please forgive us both for our sins'.
if it's something you used to do: 'O Allah, please guide them better than you guided me and forgive us both for our sins'.
the end. you move on. do not doubt the power of prayer.
2. you advise them
and this is the one where it oftentimes all goes wrong. again, let me mention again what Allah has said:
'Do not defame one another, nor call each other by offensive nicknames. How evil it is to act rebelliously after having faith! And whoever does not repent, it is they who are the true wrongdoers'.
notice that Allah said 'it is they who are the true wrongdoers'. the ones who are rude, who defame, who call each other offensive names, who backbite (if they don't repent).
so then, what's a good way to advise someone? a step-by-step guide:
approach them kindly, compliment them for whatever good you can see they already do.
before you advise them, tell them that you don't mean to dishearten them or hurt their feelings but want them to become better in their deen and character for Allah سُبْحَٰنَهُۥ وَتَعَٰلَىٰ's sake and see them in jannah.
then proceed to tell them what you noticed is bad. relate your own experiences and struggles without exposing your own sins and tell them you understand the difficulty of reforming your character as you're a human too and have your own struggles and trials.
tell them what things helped/still help you. good deeds and ways of living. tell them how it helps you. reading the Qur'an helps you realise that Allah has bestowed so many favours for eg, and you don't want to upset Him.
share useful resources to help them on their journey. youtubers you watch, podcasts, qur'an verses.
explain to them that they should also do it for Allah سُبْحَٰنَهُۥ وَتَعَٰلَىٰ's sake and should research why it's bad so that they truly have an understanding first (which will likely make them stop doing it, Insha'Allah)
respectfully acknowledge that they could actually be struggling with this sin and tell them that you understand that growth isn't an overnight journey but wanted to advise them anyway.
tell them that you'll pray for them and ask them to pray for you because you also struggle with things too.
for online/social media advising:
everything i just mentioned above but do it via DM rather than leaving a comment so that they feel less disheartened, let down and publicly shamed.
what not to do:
if you don't want to pray for them or advise them kindly, move on with your life.
do not leave rude comments
do not backbite and/or gossip
do not scold
do not have a harsh tone
we're all taking the same test. perhaps one of your tests is actually the way you treat other people when you see them doing wrong. you might think you simply left a comment because you're 'guiding other people'. but if they leave islam because of your words and treatment... well. what a thing to be held accountable for on the day of judgement, right?
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lightup0nlight · 11 days
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One of the things we can do to heal our hearts is by forgiving people for their past mistakes. Constantly reminding and criticising people’s previous shortcomings will cripple us from building meaningful relationships.
This applies to ourselves too. Stop beating ourselves up for what had happened in the past to a point where it cripples us from moving forward. Regret the sin, learn from the mistakes, but don’t dwell on those past chapters. Instead, focus on the current chapter we’re in. Think how we can make the most in the present for our future.
Low imaan does not equate to No imaan. Don’t give up.
Rather, make haste to return to the One Who can nourish it back, the One Who is Oft-Forgiving, Who is more pleased with the repentance of His servant than a lone man who reunited with his camel after it was lost in the vast, barren desert.
Try again. Always try again. Be better. Always aim to be better.
Your imaan is the greatest blessing from Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
May Allah make our journey towards His rida and forgiveness easy and beloved in our hearts and on our limbs.
Your sister in Deen, Aida Msr ©
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almaqead · 7 months
"Thamud." From Surah Seven, Al Araf, "The Heights."
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Thamud, which means "to covet" is a mythical place destroyed by Allah because they rejected the Prophet Salih, which means "forgiveness."
This is not to say that an ample supply of forgiveness will alleviate all the wants and desires in a man's heart. It means if we are able to bless God and the earth with thanks for what we do have, an ample supply of food, water, space, and money to care for the needs of the entire planet if we are merciful, then that is what we should do:
7: 70-73:
They said, “Have you come to us so that we would worship Allah alone and abandon what our forefathers used to worship? Then bring us what you threaten us with, if what you say is true!”
He said, “You will certainly be subjected to your Lord’s torment and wrath. Do you dispute with me regarding the so-called gods which you and your forefathers have made up—a practice Allah has never authorized? Then wait! I too am waiting with you.”
So We saved him and those with him by Our mercy and uprooted those who denied Our signs. They were not believers.
And to the people of Thamûd We sent their brother Ṣâliḥ. He said, “O my people! Worship Allah—you have no other god except Him. A clear proof has come to you from your Lord: this is Allah’s she-camel as a sign to you. So leave her to graze ˹freely˺ on Allah’s land and do not harm her, or else you will be overcome by a painful punishment.
Graze freely on the land take no more than it or you can endure. The Values in Gematria are:
v. 70: They said, “Have you come to us?" The Value in Gematria is 16434, י״וד‎ג‎ד‎, the 14th and the 16th, arəba'ah asar and shishah asar, "to bind to that which is pleasing, bind to that which is pure."
The verb ערב ('arab III) is generally translated with to be pleasing, but since we may expect it to also reflect the dominant criss-cross motion of the form ערב ('rb), a better translation would be to be satisfying or even rewarding. It's used to describe the effects of sleep (Jeremiah 31:26), an offering (Malachi 3:4), or meditation (Psalm 104:34).
This root's sole derivative is the adjective ערב ('areb), meaning pleasing (satisfying, rewarding; Proverbs 20:17, Song of Solomon 2:14).
The relatively rare verb שוש (sus) or שיש (sis) means to exult or rejoice, and its nouns ששון (sason) and משוש (masos) mean exultation, joy or gladness.
Despite their similarity to the previous, these words seem to have little to do with the number six or being white, which is possibly why these words were pointed differently in the Middle Ages (the previous words have sh-sounds while these words have s-sounds).
v. 71: You will certainly be bound. the Value in Gematria is 14114, ד‎אדאא‎ ‎, dadaa, "understanding of our opinions on knowledge."
v. 72: So We saved those with him and uprooted those who denied. The Value in Gematria is 9551, אטהה,‎ ‎ ‎"I will wait."
v. 73: This is Allah's she-camel. The Value in Gematria is 9927, טטבז‎ , tatbaz, "Shame on you."
We cannot make God wait for our final decision to put an end to the tyrannies, homelessness, wars, violence, and depravities happening on this world. To avoid doing something about it is to worship another God one that we think will allow us to do these things and will still show us mercy and no such being exists.
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tasmiq · 7 months
Jumu'ah Sohbet 2 of 2: 8 March 2024
Last week, Shaykha Muzeyyen (Anne, as our original spiritual mother) had given her revolutionary Sohbet (Spiritual conversation), which went past 2 hours. She not only listened to us murids (Tariqa followers) to the very end, but she repeatedly gave heartful insights that I call "heartsights." Here, I will recount some of these simple and undeniable truths.
Before that, though, we must honour my Shaheen Mama, whose your Nana. He is your Nanu's (maternal Grandma's) younger brother who passed away shortly after a dramatic road accident in Dhaka. Allah, please forgive him for his shortcomings and raise him to Jannatul Firdaus for his immensely noble soul, Insha'Allah! Your Nanu told me just yesterday what an unassuming and observant Muslim he was. He would not only offer his devotions with no air, but he would gently remind everyone else at its time. He took care of my Nanu (Grandma) till she passed on and economically supported numerous other young, old, and especially the poor.
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#1. Back to feeding our souls in their worldly existence, Shaykha Muzeyyen emphasised the importance of reading the Qur'an in an understandable language. As a multilingual that even advanced onto Qur'anic Arabic, I have connected the deepest with Allah's word through Shaykh Taner's English translated version. What's more, she said that we should read the Qur'an all the time and not only in Ramadan.
Allah has enumerated some things where we must remember and connect to Him a minimum of five times a day, yet we are meant to be connected all the time! Sufism's emphasis on Allah as the source of Love automatically draws one into craving that connection permanently.
#2. She also said that we should always keep a good dzan (assumption) about Allah. Additionally, we must always consider what makes Allah happy because what makes Allah happy makes our spiritual hearts happy!
As we observe Allah around us, we must remember and honour Allah within ourselves, too. As someone who is inclined to self-deprecate and rightly so for my nafs' limitations, this was a warning to not be fatalist and dejected because Allah's nur is an undeniable quality that we all possess.
#3. Anne complemented our murid sister Nawal for her attempts to catch the fleeting messages of her heart because often we don't pay attention to them at the beginning. It flicks across our consciousness, that we should enact in a certain way, and yet we totally forget! Here, another murid sister Nazeema concurred that she needed to be more God-conscious with her heart and not her head. However, Anne soothed us by saying that as we keep listening more to our hearts, this faculty will get stronger insha'Allah!
I think that I am most moved by people's soulfulness manifesting a faculty of one's spiritual heart. That is why I was led to marry your Abbu, one's spiritual heart and soul are deeper than a shallow fascination with one's physicality (ie. looks), that he claims I first fell for in him 😉 When we know his open mind and heart are the remarkable traits of his deep soul, which we fall in love with again and again, every day!:
Shukran Ya Allah
#4. In response to yet another murid sister Melinda's tendency to micromanage and plan for the future, Anne said that our best plan should rather be to see what Allah wants us to do in that moment and not to assume what our correct response should be. We are possibly wasting our brain power by endlessly planning. Being ready and prepared in the moment is better than having all our future plans, which may actually make us feel scattered!
#5. As a spiritual family, we intrinsically understood our murid sister Begum recounting that on a nature walk had she received the heart message, "Have you ever heard Me in the silence?" Thereafter, she practiced silence and actually experienced Allah, who spoke in many fantastical ways. She was hearing Allah in the secretive nooks and crannies that were fulfilling to her heart! It was a different kind of connection; not necessarily through the ears, but by listening, hearing, and seeing the universe talk in the most secretive way!
She also related experiencing spiritual connection through observing silence during a conflictual meeting with clients. Just "listening" to the body language and what wasn't said. She ended by reflecting that she'd like to bring taqwa (God-consciousness) this way because the conversations felt more spacious! After hearing her, Anne added an apt analogy of how the art of music plays out. In music, we are listening in so many ways by extending our hearing senses and seeing what Allah is telling us.
The fact that I have been able to compile two Sohbets (spiritual conversations) from a single Sohbet shows how soulful our Tariqa (spiritual family) is! Shukran Ya Allah (Divine gratitude) for bringing us together with such similar resonance where we constantly marvel at Your breath:
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ramadhanseries · 1 year
Summary of Juz 27
Ayat: Adh-Dhariyat 31 – al-Hadid 29
Surah Tur speaks about the mission of Prophet Muhammad (saw). He came to warn people about the consequences of their denial of faith and deeds of injustice and indecency. Those who are in doubt of his message let them produce a similar message. Let them also produce any proofs supporting their wrong beliefs.
Surah an Najm talks about the eminence of the Prophet (saw) with his Mi’raj and closeness to Allah. It warns the disbelievers about the errors of their attitude towards the Qur’an and the Prophet of Allah. Some of their wrong beliefs in the angels as daughters of God, intercession of the angels etc. are also mentioned.
Surah al-Qamar talks about the approaching Day of Judgment. It describes some of the scenes of that Day. It also tells us that Allah’s judgment may come here and now. There are references to the flood that came at the time of Prophet Noah, the punishment of the people of ‘Ad, Thamud, People of Prophet Lot, the Pharaoh and his people. It ends with the good news for the Believers who will be near their Lord in the gardens of bliss.
Surah ar-Rahman clearly indicates that Prophet Muhammad is Allah’s Prophet and Messenger for both human beings as well as Jinns. Allah’s many blessings and favours are mentioned in this Surah. Human beings and Jinn are invited to remember these favours and not to deny Allah’s blessings.
Surah al-Waqiah talks about the resurrection that will definitely take place. It is a fact undeniable. The human beings then will be in three different groups. The faithful are of two types: those who are the pioneers and are foremost in their faith and struggle in the path of Allah. They are a large number from amongst the earlier community and a small from among the later generations. Then the rest of the people are believers and those who oppose the faith. Allah’s rewards are for the faithful and his anger and chastisement is waiting for the opponents of faith. The Surah then invites human beings to think about themselves and the things that they use daily and consider who created all these things. It talks about the Qur’an and its profound and consistent message and then finally reminds about death and the coming end of every being.
Surah al-Hadeed: All knowledge and authority belongs to God. Have faith in Allah’s power, make sacrifice and give charity for the cause of truth. Light and Life are for the Believers. The disbelievers walk in darkness. Warning to those who refuse to acknowledge Allah. Sincere in faith are those who are willing to sacrifice and help the poor and needy. The life of this world is temporary. Compete with each other in doing good things to receive the eternal reward from Allah. Prophets were sent to establish justice with authority.
▪️The fate of the people of Prophet Lot. Prophet Moses and the fate of Pharaoh. People of ‘Ad and Thamud and the people of Prophet Noah.
▪️Hasten to Allah. Do not associate anyone in the divinity of Allah. Remind, the reminding will help the Believers. The Judgment of Allah is near.
▪️Warnings about Allah’s coming punishment for the disbelievers. Reward for the Believers.
▪️Questions to the disbelievers about their false beliefs. What are the evidences and proofs of these false beliefs?
▪️The Mi’raj experience of the Prophet Muhammad (saw). Gods or goddesses of the non-believers are mere conjectures and names without any reality.
▪️The angels are the servants of Allah. No intercession can work against Allah. Allah is most forgiving, but He requires righteousness.
▪️Those who deny the truth they are standing against the power and majesty of Allah.
▪️The Day of Judgment is near. References to Prophet Noah, and to the tribe of ‘Ad,
▪️References to the Thamud tribe, Prophet Lot and his people.
▪️Pharaoh and his arrogance. The opponents in Makkah are told whether they think they are better or more powerful than those nations. The wrong doers did suffer the consequences of their evil deeds
▪️The various bounties of Allah.
▪️Everything is finite, but Allah is infinite. Everyone depends on Allah. The warnings to the guilty.
▪️The rewards for the righteous.
▪️The reality will come to pass. The humanity will be in three camps: people of the right hand, people of the left hand and the foremost in faith. The reward of the believers.
▪️The guilty and their punishment. Arguments about the Tawhid and Akhirah.
▪️The Qur’an and its consistent message. Reminder about death, divine judgment and the reward and punishment.
Juz 27 இன் சுருக்கம்
ஆயத்: அத்-தாரியாத் 31 – அல்-ஹதீத் 29
முஹம்மது நபி (ஸல்) அவர்களின் பணியைப் பற்றி சூரா தூர் பேசுகிறது. நம்பிக்கை மறுப்பு மற்றும் அநீதி மற்றும் அநாகரீகமான செயல்களின் விளைவுகளைப் பற்றி மக்களை எச்சரிக்க அவர் வந்தார். அவருடைய செய்தியில் சந்தேகம் உள்ளவர்கள் இதே போன்ற செய்தியை வெளியிடட்டும். அவர்களின் தவறான நம்பிக்கைகளை ஆதரிக்கும் ஆதாரங்களை அவர்கள் சமர்ப்பிக்கட்டும்.
சூரா அன் நஜ்ம் நபிகள் நாயகம் (ஸல்) அவர்களின் மிஃராஜ் மற்றும் அல்லாஹ்வுடனான நெருக்கத்தைப் பற்றி பேசுகிறது. குர்ஆன் மற்றும் அல்லாஹ்வின் தூதர் மீதான அவர்களின் அணுகுமுறையின் பிழைகள் குறித்து காஃபிர்களை எச்சரிக்கிறது. தேவதைகளை கடவுளின் மகள்கள் என்ற அவர்களின் தவறான நம்பிக்கைகள், தேவதூதர்களின் பரிந்துரை போன்றவையும் குறிப்பிடப்பட்டுள்ளன.
சூரா அல் கமர் தீர்ப்பு நாள் நெருங்கி வருவதைப் பற்றி பேசுகிறது. அந்த நாளின் சில காட்சிகளை அது விவரிக்கிறது. அல்லாஹ்வின் தீர்ப்பு இங்கேயும் இப்போதும் வரலாம் என்றும் சொல்கிறது. நூஹ் நபியின் காலத்தில் வந்த வெள்ளம், ‘ஆத், ஸமூத், லூத் நபியின் மக்கள், ஃபிர்அவ்ன் மற்றும் அவனுடைய சமூகத்தினரின் தண்டனை பற்றிய குறிப்புகள் உள்ளன. பேரின்பச் சோலைகளில் தங்கள் இறைவனுக்கு அருகில் இருக்கும் நம்பிக்கையாளர்களுக்கு நற்செய்தியுடன் இது முடிவடைகிறது.
நபிகள் நாயகம் அல்லாஹ்வின் நபி மற்றும் மனிதர்கள் மற்றும் ஜின்களுக்கு தூதர் என்று சூரா அர்-ரஹ்மான் தெளிவாகக் குறிப்பிடுகிறார். அல்லாஹ்வின் பல அருட்கொடைகள் இந்த சூராவில் குறிப்பிடப்பட்டுள்ளன. மனிதர்களும் ஜின்களும் இந்த நன்மைகளை நினைவுகூரவும் அல்லாஹ்வின் அருட்கொடைகளை மறுக்கவும் அழைக்கப்படுகிறார்கள்.
நிச்சயமாக நடக்கும் மறுமை பற்றி சூரா அல்-வாகியா பேசுகிறது. இது மறுக்க முடியாத உண்மை. அப்போது மனிதர்கள் மூன்று வெவ்வேறு குழுக்களாக இருப்பார்கள். விசுவாசிகள் இரண்டு வகைகளாக உள்ளனர்: முன்னோடிகள் மற்றும் அவர்களின் நம்பிக்கையில் முதன்மையானவர்கள் மற்றும் அல்லாஹ்வின் பாதையில் போராடுபவர்கள். அவர்கள் முந்தைய சமூகத்தில் இருந்து ஒரு பெரிய எண்ணிக்கை மற்றும் பிற்கால தலைமுறைகளில் இருந்து சிறியவர்கள். பிறகு எஞ்சியிருப்பவர்கள் விசுவாசிகளாகவும், விசுவாசத்தை எதிர்ப்பவர்களாகவும் இருக்கிறார்கள். அல்லாஹ்வின் வெகுமதிகள் விசுவாசிகளுக்கு மற்றும் அவனது கோபமும் தண்டனையும் விசுவாசத்தை எதிர்ப்பவர்களுக்கு காத்திருக்கிறது. சூரா மனிதர்கள் தங்களைப் பற்றியும் அவர்கள் அன்றாடம் பயன்படுத்தும் பொருட்களைப் பற்றியும் சிந்திக்கவும், இவை அனைத்தையும் உருவாக்கியவர் யார் என்பதைக் கருத்தில் கொள்ளவும் அழைக்கிறது. இது குர்ஆன் மற்றும் அதன் ஆழமான மற்றும் நிலையான செய்தியைப் பற்றி பேசுகிறது, பின்னர் இறுதியாக மரணம் மற்றும் ஒவ்வொரு உயிரினத்தின் வரவிருக்கும் முடிவையும் நினைவூட்டுகிறது.
சூரா அல் ஹதீத்: அனைத்து அறிவும் அதிகாரமும் இறைவனுக்கே உரியது. அல்லாஹ்வின் வல்லமையை நம்புங்கள், உண்மைக்காக தியாகம் செய்யுங்கள், தர்மம் செய்யுங்கள். ஒளியும் வாழ்வும் நம்பிக்கையாளர்களுக்கானது. காஃபிர்கள் இருளில் நடக்கிறார்கள். அல்லாஹ்வை ஒப்புக்கொள்ள மறுப்பவர்களுக்கு எச்சரிக்கை. விசுவாசத்தில் உண்மையுள்ளவர்கள், ஏழைகளுக்கும் ஏழைகளுக்கும் தியாகம் செய்யவும் உதவவும் தயாராக இருப்பவர்கள். இவ்வுலக வாழ்க்கை தற்காலிகமானது. அல்லாஹ்விடமிருந்து நித்திய வெகுமதியைப் பெற நல்ல காரியங்களைச் செய்வதில் ஒருவருக்கொருவர் போட்டி போடுங்கள். அதிகாரத்துடன் நீதியை நிலைநாட்ட நபிமார்கள் அனுப்பப்பட்டனர்.
▪️லூத் நபியின் மக்களின் தலைவிதி. மோசே நபி மற்றும் பார்வோனின் தலைவிதி. ஆத் மற்றும் ஸமூத் இன மக்கள் மற்றும் நூஹ் நபியின் மக்கள்.
▪️அல்லாஹ்விடம் விரைந்து செல்லுங்கள். அல்லாஹ்வின் தெய்வீகத்தன்மையில் யாரையும் இணை வைக்காதீர்கள். நினைவூட்டுங்கள், நினைவூட்டல் விசுவாசிகளுக்கு உதவும். அல்லாஹ்வின் தீர்ப்பு நெருங்கிவிட்டது.
▪️காஃபிர்களுக்கு அல்லாஹ்வின் வரவிருக்கும் தண்டனை பற்றிய எச்சரிக்கைகள். விசுவாசிகளுக்கு வெகுமதி.
▪️காஃபிர்களுக்கு அவர்களின் தவறான நம்பிக்கைகள் பற்றிய கேள்விகள். இந்த தவறான நம்பிக்கைகளின் ஆதாரங்கள் மற்றும் ஆதாரங்கள் என்ன?
▪️முஹம்மது நபி (ஸல்) அவர்களின் மிஃராஜ் அனுபவம். நம்பிக்கை இல்லாதவர்களின் கடவுள்கள் அல்லது தெய்வங்கள் எந்த உண்மையும் இல்லாத வெறும் யூகங்கள் மற்றும் பெயர்கள்.
▪️மலக்குகள் அல்லாஹ்வின் அடியார்கள். அல்லாஹ்வுக்கு எதிராக எந்த பரிந்துரையும் செயல்பட முடியாது. அல்லாஹ் மிகவும் மன்னிப்பவன், ஆனால் அவன் நேர்மையை நாடுகிறான்.
▪️உண்மையை மறுப்பவர்கள் அல்லாஹ்வின் வல்லமைக்கும் மகத்துவத்திற்கும் எதிராக நிற்கிறார்கள்.
▪️தீர்ப்பு நாள் நெருங்கிவிட்டது. நூஹ் நபி மற்றும் 'ஆத்' கோத்திரத்தைப் பற்றிய குறிப்புகள்,
▪️தாமூத் கோத்திரம், லூத் நபி மற்றும் அவரது மக்களைப் பற்றிய குறிப்புகள்.
▪️பார்வோனும் அவனது ஆணவமும். மக்காவில் உள்ள எதிரிகள் அந்த நாடுகளை விட தாங்கள் சிறந்தவர்கள் அல்லது அதிக சக்தி வாய்ந்தவர்கள் என்று நினைக்கிறார்களா என்று சொல்லப்படுகிறது. தவறு செய்தவர்கள் தங்கள் தீய செயல்களின் விளைவுகளை அனுபவித்தார்கள்
▪️அல்லாஹ்வின் பல்வேறு அருட்கொடைகள்.
▪️எல்லாம் வரையறுக்கப்பட்டவை, ஆனால் அல்லாஹ் எல்லையற்றவன். அனைவரும் அல்லாஹ்வையே சார்ந்துள்ளனர். குற்றவாளிகளுக்கு எச்சரிக்கைகள்.
▪️நீதிமான்களுக்கான வெகுமதிகள்.
▪️உண்மை நிறைவேறும். மனிதகுலம் மூன்று முகாம்களில் இருக்கும்: வலது கை மக்கள், இடது கை மக்கள் மற்றும் நம்பிக்கையில் முதன்மையானவர்கள். விசுவாசிகளின் வெகுமதி.
▪️குற்றவாளிகள் மற்றும் அவர்களுக்கு தண்டனை. தவ்ஹீத் மற்றும் அகீரா பற்றிய வாதங்கள்.
▪️குர்ஆன் மற்றும் அதன் சீரான செய்தி. மரணம், தெய்வீக தீர்ப்பு மற்றும் வெகுமதி மற்றும் தண்டனை பற்றிய நினைவூட்டல்.
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ibadst · 1 year
THE BETTER WAY Of Ramadan #quran #muftimenk #ramadan #islam #alquran #ra...
want to be as quick as possible before it's sold out and we've got what we wanted and the next best thing is
everything's delivered at home and we feel rich but what did we do we achieved during a sale a sale I wanted something
but I got it a quarter of the price I got it at the song subhanallah
forgiveness is on sale in Ramadan you need it I need it in the same way we sit
and put on our phones all these reminders to remind us about a sale that
is material surely it's more important to put the reminders to remind you about
the sale of the Forgiveness of Allah the commencement of the month of Ramadan Allah gives you beautiful beautiful
opportunities as soon as the Crescent is cited there is excitement the ambience
changes don't you agree it feels amazing there is a rohania there is a beautiful
spirituality that suddenly comes to life it's the month of Ramadan but we just
saw the moon or it was just announced before you know it you're already in Salat
and Everything's changed what's that that's a gift of Allah the example of Black Friday is cheap
it's low it's material the example of Ramadan is the real example
but the question is are you going to wait for Ramadan to seek forgiveness when you don't know if you're going to
even witness Ramadan foreign
in the interim start seeking forgiveness now I started off by saying may Allah
forgive us all did you hear this application because forgiveness I wanted you wanted I'm a human you're all human beings I'm
not only prone to error but I make mistakes and I'm a sinful slave of Allah and so
are all of us obviously the level of sin differs from person to person but you're a human
I am consoled by what Adam alaihissalam did you know what that means
at least it makes me feel human Allah told him not to do one thing and that's exactly what he did
I'm not telling you to do something that Allah told you not to do but the consolation is in the fact that Allah
forgave him as soon as Allah heard him seek that forgiveness
we have wronged ourselves and if you don't forgive us and if you
don't have mercy upon us we will be from among the losers we're going to lose oh
Allah we seek your mercy Allah forgave him what does that mean
that means part of the plan of Allah is to watch who is going to turn to him in
Repentance often and so shaytan came up with another plan
what was his plan his plan was I'm going to make these
people lose hope in the mercy of Allah so you seek forgiveness
you're forgiven and then shaytan comes to you and makes
you think you're not forgiven so you start believing that perhaps I am
not forgiven Allah's Mercy will not Encompass what I did
that itself is a bigger sin than the initial sin you committed because now
you're doubting a name or quality of Allah you see what I'm saying you're a human you made a mistake Allah
has given you opportunity upon opportunity to seek forgiveness did you seek the Forgiveness the answer is yes I
sought it once and twice and Thrice well don't let shaytan trap You Again by making you think that you are not
forgiven subhanallah how dare you doubt the mercy of Allah
you don't need to wait for Ramadan in order to seek forgiveness as soon as a sin is committed you ask Allah oh Allah
I didn't do that out of defiance I did that out of human weakness I regret it I
won't do it again forgive me Allah says you are forgiven the first time you asked for forgiveness your sin was
already wiped out you are taught to ask for forgiveness again and again not
because you are doubting the mercy of Allah because that would Grant you elevation in your status in the eyes of
Allah don't doubt the mercy of Allah Allah is
the fact that you are seeking forgiveness there's no chance that Allah is going to punish you for a sin that
you sought forgiveness from sincerely whatever has happened in your past is
exactly that the past p-a-s-t that's what it is
don't let it determine who you are today you're a good person you have goodness why do you think you're here listening
to this it's the house of Allah not mine or yours would you ever attempt to visit a house of someone you didn't like no
way would you ever want to go to a house of a person you're not connected to and
decide I'm gonna go there when you're close to someone you feel comfortable to walk in when you come to the house of
Allah it's Allah who's allowed you to come here to feel comfortable so you walk through the door and say Allah
open for me the doors of your mercy so Allah flings open the doors of Mercy you
come in here you fulfill your Salah you do some amazing beautiful ibadah worship
for the sake of Allah you listen to something that reminds you about Allah that moves you motivates you to become a
better person and if you want to become a better person you need to Value the Iman you have you need to Value the Lord
who created you Allah so that you can achieve consciousness of Allah a lot of
Acts of worship were prescribed in order for us to develop a better relationship with Allah fasting being one of them
when I translate I say in order for you to develop the
correct relationship with Allah what is that relationship it's a relationship of a worshiper
and his Lord a slave and the master we are slaves of Allah I put my head on
the ground but only and solely for the one who made me no one else I can never imagine putting my head on the ground in
that position or posture for anyone or anything besides my maker that's it when
I go down on my
my face has been put onto the ground in
prostration for he who made it amazing
look at that taqwa you should be thankful to Allah for giving you an
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lucidhope333 · 2 years
Trust, Love, Forgiveness
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If the Creator, Source, God, Allah, Yahweh, or the Universe came to you and asked you to focus on only love, trust, and forgiveness, what would you say in response? Would it be a Holy Hell Yes!, or a less than enthusiastic "sure"? Or would it be neither but a nod of the head? Would you answer the call? Or Would you run? Or would you do both? The younger me and still parts of the older me would do both. Say yes to the first in the name of a challenge, then think about running once I started to see what I was in for exactly. Thankfully, the beautiful and one of the most remarkable parts of a healing journey is, from oneself to the other, from lower self to higher self, the growth we all seek to obtain is rather yet in the awareness of having any feeling of it at all and knowing what that feeling is so we may begin to unpack how it got there. 
    I know for me, I don't know where I'd be if not for the grace of meditation. The practice of quieting the mind so we can discern our spiritual messages is our greatest asset. This practice makes it so we may get our spiritual heading and get to doing our spiritual work, trusting, loving, and forgiving. As you can probably tell, I'm a spiritualist. I don't consider myself a guru or sensei of any sort. I, like you, am doing this life thing as it comes at me, while "stepping in the place with style and grace." Words of wisdom from beloved Notorious B.I.G. :)
    I thought I already knew what love and forgiveness were and I only need to work on the trust factor. That was until I went deeper in terms of self and realized that for how much love, trust, and forgiveness I gave out, I had none left over for myself. Then would be stuck, confused as to why I was getting hurt. Well, because at the time I didn't include my inner self while giving all of that other stuff out. Then reconciling that was even harder because had I only trusted myself when I felt that feeling and had that first thought, I might have avoided so unnecessarily bad situations and people. But once I learned how to apply all that I was putting out, what needed to be poured back in, it was at that moment we had our heading! 
    Everything comes down to math if you look at it. If the math isn't mathing then what are we conditioned to do? Solve for X so the math can live to math another day. But that solving for X can be a mother can't it? Here's where the forgiveness comes in... forgive them sure, but forgive you for not knowing any better beforehand. I like to think that, as a collective, we all have had these instances and questions at one point in our lives. Not to say that every being roaming this beautiful planet is not of course unique because we all are. However, the strife of life is what gives us our similarities amongst the differences most of mainstream society likes to focus on.  
So what was I given as my assignment? You should grab snacks. 
    December 28th, 2022, I resigned from my position at a Fortune 500 corporation in the healthcare finance sector and voluntarily submitted myself for professional psychological and psychiatric evaluation. I had been having suicidal thoughts and ideations on a mental level but on a spiritual level, I was struggling to make the connection with my practices. I spent 1 week in intense therapy and evaluation and 1 week reacclimating myself. The experience was chaotic, to say the least, but like every other challenge, I pushed through and dug deep for the strength and faith I'd been known to have in situations prior. The more I went to group therapy the more I realized that what I was doing was already what I had been assigned to do. The love, trust, and forgiveness I wasn't seeing were right in front of me and I had been pouring it back into myself for a long time to that point, I just couldn't see it to believe it. I don't know what I was expecting it to look like but once I had that epiphany, I was ready to blow that popsicle stand and apply my newfound sense of self. So I did. 
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The stress of the realization that I just quit my job without having another lined up hit me like a ton of bricks. As it should have in the world we live in today. I'd even started to second-guess my decision to resign in the first place and not just work with my employer at the time. But after spending 2 weeks in a hospital I couldn't let myself be defeated by something so minuscule as that 1 thought of defeat, could I? Oh, I think not! So I didn't. If it meant I picked up gig work here and there, so be it. Door Dash came in handy let me tell you. I eventually landed another position with a new company completely separate from what I was previously skilled in doing. Scared much? a little. Excited about the new beginning? Absolutely! How you ask? I loved myself so much, that in my awareness of self, reached out for the help I almost desperately needed at the time, I trusted that resigning from my previous position was the right decision, and I forgave myself for ever having doubted I had made the right decision. 
1 month later I am here, alive and well to write about it. I hope this message finds who it is meant to find and helps all who it is meant to help. 
Please feel free to reach out to me at [email protected] or leave a comment below if there are any questions, feedback, and/or suggestions. 
This is a safe space for all and to be safe means one can be their most authentic self without retribution. 
Love and Light 
Lucid Hope
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ddmrzkt · 2 years
It’s been 4 months since the last time I write in here HAHA,
I can’t believe so many things happened to me in these past few months.. many ups and downs, and I’m so glad that even though I went through so many shit experiences, I can say that I’m happy now, more than happy. Well, at least until I write this.
I used to get scared for what happen next, I used to think that if today I’m happy, then the next day I’ll be sad. I used to think it’s like a cycle, that will never stop. But, One day, I met Madani and he shared a lot of his thoughts & opinions, that could change me. He said “live in the moment, kalo nanti akhirnya bakal buruk, masa lo mau juga ngabisin waktu baik lo kebuang gitu aja gara-gara you are scared of so many things ahead.” And it had hit me from the very first time I hear it. Since then, everything’s changed. If today I’m happy, then I’ll embrace those feelings. I wouldn’t overthink anything that’s about to come.
If I can tell how was my life like in those past 4 months, I think it would be so much, but here’s the highlights LOL.
My love life, I can’t believe I can love someone that much. My relationship also have its ups and downs, from crying every night, to laughing every day, from questioning everything, and now I’m sure about everything. He’s changed so much and I’m so glad for it. When I say I love him, it really can’t be compared to all of my past relationships, they don’t even close to that. I love him so much, he always say that he’s the lucky one, but I would say I’m the lucky one, I’m the luckiest. He’s everything for me, he deserves all the love that I gave him, he always deserves it. From him, I learnt a lot and still learning new things every day. I learned how to control my ego, emotions, and I learned to give all my love in the healthiest way possible, I learned to respect his space and understand his situation, and many more, I learn all those things so that he won’t get hurt, because if something hurts him, it would hurts me too. But I’m just a human and I know that I’m full of flaws, there’s a chance that I would hurt him, but I always pray to Allah I don’t do anything that will hurts him, and I always try to love him better and being a better person for him every seconds in my life. When I’m with him I always feel like I’m the luckiest girl in the world. I promise I will love him on his happiest state and on his darkest time, and always be there for him everytime he needs me.
My friends, they are all good. There was a problem but gladly it passed. And all I can say is, I may be kind, but I’m not dumb. I know if I did something wrong or not, I can say that I have a really high empathy so I would see other people’s point of view before I decide to do anything. And I think I’m not stubborn, I always accept other opinions and thoughts, but at the end, I’m the one who makes the choices. I won’t let anyone ruin my happiness, I’m not a selfies person, so I know my position. I always forgive, if someone hurts me, I always pray that they will be a better person so they won’t hurt anyone after me. But, it will forever change the way I see them and I won’t forget what they did to me. I can still be kind to people who hurts me, if I see they’re suffering from something, I wouldn’t think twice to help them. There’s so much to say but I think I’ll run out of paper HAHAHA.
My family, I’m really grateful to have them in my life, they taught me a lot of lessons that will help me sooner or later. I have such a healthy relationship with each one of them. Never the day goes by without I’m saying thank you to Allah for giving me the loving family. I know we will always be there for each other, as long as I have them by my side, I know I won’t be alone. Special shout-out for Kaka Wiena HAHAHAH. She’s been here since day one. And I love her so much.
Maybe life really going like that, we fail, and we learn. We fall, and we rise. We make mistakes, and we will get lessons from that. We sad, and we will be happy. There will be so many problems ahead, but we will get through it all. It’s like a never ending cycle, whatever it is, as long as I have my loved ones and especially Hanif, I know I’ll be fine. He’s my home. My safest place 🤍
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menalez · 2 years
On a post that you made 06 days ago on toddler girls wearing Hijab, watch out your caption please.
First, whosoever told you that the sole purpose of Hijab is to hide the beauty of a woman from a man is problematic. Modesty is a part of Islam adjoined upon both men and women. About Hijab, Muslim women does Hijab out of modesty to please their Lord not for a men, any men.
Second, no one makes their toddler wear hijab and even if they do its on them they like it that way.
Third, when they grow up they have the choice of wearing it or not. No one is gonna persecute them.
The things such as persecution, violence because of not doing hijab etc comes from patriarchal mindset of society not İslam. So, please get your facts right.
And how about stop dumping your western feminism on an entirely different culture/population.(You might be from Bahrain but you've clearly misunderstood the whole concept of it).
Maybe seeing young girls pushed into slavery and sex work is also something that exist and much harmful than toddlers wearing hijaab and actually enjoying it.
Before you go in expressing your concern about a certain issue, you better educate yourself first. Go read the Quran, the supporting Hadiths and then go about it.
Thanks. 🌻
hadiths are garbage filled with misogynistic nonsense and if u think opposing literal 3 year old girls being made to wear the hijab (say all u want about 'its not for men its about allah!!!', the verse used to argue that the hijab is MANDATORY, as is believed by most muslims altho u guys sometimes wanna act otherwise, is a verse about modesty in PUBLIC and another verse about:
“The Arab women used to uncover their faces as slave women do, which was an invitation to men to look at them. So Allah commanded them to cover themselves with their jilbabs and cover their faces with them.” (Al-Tas-hil li ‘Uloom al-Tanzil, 3/144) 
“O Prophet! Tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to draw their cloaks (veils) all over their bodies (i.e. screen themselves completely except the eyes or one eye to see the way). That will be better, that they should be known (as free respectable women) so as not to be annoyed. And Allah is Ever Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.” [al-Ahzab 33:59]
“And say to the believing women that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty; that they should not display their beauty and ornaments except what must ordinarily appear therof; that they should draw their veils over their bosoms and not display their beauty except to their husbands, their fathers, their husbands' fathers, their sons, their husbands' sons, their brothers, or their brothers' sons or their sisters' sons, or their women or the servants whom their right hands possess, or male servants free of physical needs, or small children who have no sense of the shame of sex, and that they should not strike their feet in order to draw attention to their hidden ornaments. And O you Believers, turn you all together towards Allah, that you may attain Bliss.” (Quran 24:31).
also lol "western feminism" tell that to nawal el-saadawi! tell that to all the iranian women fighting very hard into not being forced into the hijab! tell that to eastern feminists whose feminism has been focusing on issues such as this, all while the west argues its just a free choice and to do with showing your faith. what's western feminism are people like you, deceiving others and acting like the hijab is a choice (when in most cases, it is not & to most muslims the hijab is mandatory. go read what most islamic scholars believe), people like you who act like women aren't persecuted if they wear the hijab and then take it off (anyone who lives in the muslim world can tell you otherwise), claiming that the hijab has nothing to do with hiding ourselves from men (as if the rules of hijab and the verses used to argue hijab is mandatory doesn't explicitly say so), and so on. your arguments are literally things western white feminists who know nothing about islam argue. its also telling you basically said "its not forced on those 3 year olds to wear the hijab, but if it is then its ok that theyre being forced!"
as for "waa read the quran read the hadiths educate yourself" i have. how about you do the same next? you can't correct me on this or deceive me into thinking otherwise because as every born muslim in my country has been, i had to take islamic studies for 12 years at school.
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muneersecstasy · 3 years
There's a constant battle going inside my head.
There's a constant battle going inside my head. My conscience(Zameer) conflicting with my Nafs. I keep hearing some voices from time to time coming from inside of me, in my mind. I don't understand where do they come from or it is Shaytan who's whispering them in my ears. Stopping me from approaching opportunities. Ceasing my capacity of rational thinking. Making me self-judgmental. Compelling me to start doubting my ownself, my own capabilities. Making me saying things to myself like you're worthless, you’re lazy, you’re stupid, you’re unlovable, etc. Which is eventually making me hate myself. However, forgetting how could you hate yourself? Despite, When Allahﷻ loves you the most. Heﷻ loves you more than seventy mothers. When our prophet Muhammad ﷺ loves you the most. How?
Maybe the reason behind procrastinating over everything is also these voices. Making me lazier day by day. And when I procrastinate, I judge myself pretty harshly, telling myself I’m not a good person, I'm just like a sack of potatoes. Moreover, what concerns me is that everyone is productive and are achieving their goals, except me. Asking myself why I'm not good enough?Somedays, these voices inside of me don't even let me sleep. Spending nights overthinking. Yet, i forget that we're human beings. Our lord created us as humans. And every human has different capabilities and potentialities on the basis of which, we work accordingly. We make mistakes, making us aware of what needs to be changed in order to improve. Besides, every human has their vices too. With whom a person constantly battles or either befriend them, that means to become slave of 'em. These vices or lusts are also aroused by our nafs. When Shaytan and nafs team up against us. They trick us in different different ways with gimmicks and deceptions, to make us go astray. But we should stay steadfast on our deen, and ask Allahﷻ for help and protection from evil. However, we make mistakes, we learn and we overcome. Nevertheless, we do keep repeating some of our mistakes untill we learn from them. Though, people don't see our struggles and just kept throwing their words as knives. They don't think that their mouths could work like a bows and words like arrows. And could criticality damage one's feelings. Even if they kill someone, someday. But who cares. And it is also their words behind the growth of these voices. It isn't easy to win over these voices. It is our conscience which help us to keep fighting the inner battle, against the things that we don't speak out. These troubles we've got may arises through the traumatic events we experience or have experienced. It just end up making a chaos inside your head. It feels like a graveyard, occasionally we end up burying something inside of us. In the end, what we came to realise is that these voices are nothing but created by our own Nafs, when befriended by Shaytan. ["Auzubillahi-Minashaitan-Nirajeem": I seek refuge in Allah from the outcast Shaitan.] And, as for the thoughts, it can be seen as an example of a pathway where different passersby passes and it's upto you to whom do you have to pay attention to. If you gave your attention to the wrong one, it will eventually harm you. And for the right one, it will be beneficial for you. ["In-Sha-Allah": if Allah wills.] And to make a difference between the right and wrong, our conscience works. And ask Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى): "Ya Rabb, grant me the strength to change the things i can, the courage to accept the things i can't, and the wisdom to know the difference."
Somethings are better to be left unsaid. “Whether you conceal what is in your hearts or reveal it, Allah will know it.” He knows what is in the heavens and what is in the earth. Allah is powerful over everything.[ Aal-Imran | 3:29] Indeed. He's all knowing: Rab-ul-alameen. Our pain is as temporary as this world. Every disease has it's cure. Verily, it is our lord who shall heal the chest of his believers. Whosoever believe in his guidance and mercy, his heart will be cured. "...And (He) shall heal the breast of the believers." [At-Tawba | 9:14] Surely, heﷻ test us by putting us in trials. And verily, with hardship comes ease. How can we forget that this worldly life is only temporary enjoyment, and indeed, the hereafter is the home of permanent settlement? We all are here today and gone tomorrow. And all these worldly possessions will end up being worthless. And only our good deeds will remain with us on the day of judgement. May Allah ﷻ forgive us all for our sins. May Allah ﷻ grant us relief from all that suffocates us and constricts us. May heﷻ grant us peace amongst the turmoils and tribulations. May Allah ﷻ grant us protection against laziness, cowardice, miserliness and the punishment of the grave. May Allahﷻ grant our souls dutifulness and purify them from arrogance, envy, egoism, selfishness, greed, lust, intolerance, anger, lying, cheating, gossiping, and slandering. May Allahﷻ guard us all. As he's the bestower of faith and Security: "Al-Mu’min". And the Guardian: "Al-Muhaymin". May Allah ﷻ take our lives when he's most pleased with us and help us all to get over these mental traumas.
Ameen ya rabbul alameen!🌼🍃
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sabrgirl · 7 months
Say, ‘O People of the Book! Why do you turn the believers away from the path of Allah, seeking to make it crooked, while you are witnesses thereof? And Allah is not unmindful of what you do.’ (3:100).
it honestly breaks my heart seeing so many muslims hating on other muslims on social media— especially the hate muslim women get. when will the world change? are we not the final religion of Allah? but we’re hating on our own people like this? why so hard to be kind?
do not doubt the power of prayer. simply praying for Allah سُبْحَٰنَهُۥ وَتَعَٰلَىٰ to guide someone will not only work wonders, but YOU will also get the reward for praying for someone! by doing so, the angels will pray for you! but instead, it’s almost every comment section you open on a muslim video/post that there’s someone hating and judging as a way of ‘guiding’ someone. it is so heartbreaking. people have left islam. let that sink in. people have left the religion of Allah because someone decided to hate and judge them, rather than pray for their guidance and kindly advise them on the right path. what a thing to be held accountable for on the day of judgement! leading somebody astray! may Allah protect us all!
and now, i’m even seeing non-muslims hating on islam because they are seeing what muslims are saying to other muslims. instead of showing what the religion of Allah is like, what the community is like, we are turning people away and inviting people to be islamophobic. just because you thought you were guiding someone by being incredibly rude and disrespectful.
it’s also extremely arrogant. Allah has guided YOU and this is how you repay Him? YOU could have been that same person you are judging but instead Allah bestowed knowledge and guidance upon you, and you’re using that blessing to hate on other people. if you think someone can do better as a muslim, make a quick sincere du’a that Allah guides them on the right path and helps them stop doing that bad deed. and if you really want to speak to them, be. kind. you have no idea what people are going through in this life. maybe they are crying in the night because they really want to drop that bad deed and have zero hope, and your hate was the final straw to give up. have you not sinned in life? can you say right now to yourself, ‘if I die at this very second, I know that I am 100% going to jannatul firdous?’. if the answer is no, which it is, then understand that there are proper ways to advise people on the right path. we are not perfect human beings. we have all made mistakes in life. may Allah forgive us all. so understand that the next time you see someone who should be doing better in their deen and realise that the very fact that you can see a flaw in someone else means that you have been blessed with guidance and knowledge from the Gracious Allah. so use that blessing and guidance wisely and do not let it turn into a sin. do not end up sinning by hating on people and judging them so harshly by being rude on the internet or in real life and making people struggle even more with this bad deed or turn away completely as a result. this is not how our beloved Prophet ﷺ invited people to Islam, this is not how he advised people. he was the most kindest person and if we really want to be righteous, we need to follow the sunnah, follow in his footsteps. pray for the people you see that can be doing better so that your blessings increase and they can come closer to Allah and be guided. speak to them kindly. tell them respectfully why what they’re doing is wrong and kindly tell them what they can do to improve. relate your own experiences and struggles without exposing your own sins, explain things you do that help you. share useful resources to help them on their journey. start islamic pages on social media to share islamic guidance and advice. share verses from the Qur’an and kindly explain the interpretation and why Allah has made doing this good deed/abstaining from this bad deed obligatory and what benefits they have by following, what benefits they have on you. tell them that you understand that no one is perfect and that you merely mean to help them be a better muslim and see them in jannah. respectfully acknowledge that they could genuinely be struggling and make many many du’as and pray for them in your sujoods if you truly want them to be better. actually be a useful helping hand. and if you don’t want to do any of this, do not say anything at all and carry on with your day.
at the end of the day, Allah guides whomsoever He pleases to the right path (2:214). you can hate and judge all you want but at the end of the day, if Allah does not want to guide that person, they will not be guided—but where does that leave you? with more bad deeds because you weren’t kind to the creation and attempted to turn someone away from islam with your words, whether you intended to or not. we have rights upon each other. please. please be kind.
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lightup0nlight · 2 months
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One of the companions that we often look to is Umar ibn al-Khattab radi Allahu anhu. He was the enforcer, yet the people knew that while he was critical towards the mistakes of others, he was even more critical of himself. If anyone — a man, woman, child of any race and economic status — said to him “Fear Allah”, he would instantly go into self-reflection.
What do you think the supplications of Umar ibn al-Khattab sounded like?
🌺 ❛O Allah, I am weak, so make me strong. I am harsh, so make me gentle [with the people]. I am stingy, so make me generous.❜ 【Musannaf Ibn Abi Shaybah 5179】
It’s a shocking du’a considering it was supplicated by someone who was known to be strong, yet just and generous towards others.
Yes, Umar was feared by his people. But it was a fear of committing wrongdoings in his presence, and never because of oppression. Despite his strength, he never oppressed others.
Yes, he was harsher in his character than Rasulullah’s ﷺ. But his harshness never exceeded nor was it non-praiseworthy, and he still sought Allah’s Help to make him more lenient.
And he was among the most generous companions of Rasulullah ﷺ, yet he still asked Allah to make him more generous than his current state.
Umar ibn al-Khattab’s character was praised by people, but he didn’t absorb those praises. He took account of what he considered his shortcomings, and feared falling into sins and hypocrisy. He always aspired to be better in the Sight of Allah. This is an amazing example of husnul-khuluq (beautiful character) that we should follow.
So how much do we admit of ourselves? Because often the things that we don’t take ourselves to account are the things that we are praised for. Remember that when we stand before our Rabb on the Day of Judgment, we will no longer be embellished by the praises and criticisms of people.
May Allah forgive our shortcomings, allow us to engage in a self-criticism that would purify us, and make our private lives better than our public lives.
Your sister in Deen, Aida Msr ©
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sisterssafespace · 3 years
Assalamu alaykum!🕊
First of all, I really appreciate ur work🤍
Now, to my problem, I used to be a non-practicing muslim astaghfirullah and due to my environment (i take full responsibility tho, I think blaming ur environment for everything is bad and irresponsible) I think I became a very horrible person.
I never purposely hurt anyone to my knowledge, but I think that just makes it worse because if it was an action of mine that my fingers could point at, it would be easier to remove it from my system, but instead it's something more subconscious and passive.
Alhamdulillah🤍 Allah guided me and I became practicing and though I sin a lot it is better than having 0 self-awareness and never praying. But I fear my behaviour to others is almost the same (I never actively try to help people, I think only of how much people used to wrong me and continue to do so, but never of how much I - behind my excuse of introversion - hurt people with my apathy)
Also I am a very shy person and this often stops me from doing even small acts of kindness and common decency, like thanking people, complimenting people, loving people, being actively gentle and helpful to them and I don't know how to overcome my old patterns of behaviour that only now I see as unhealthy.
On a bright note tho, I think I healed from my pessimism and cynism - I resemble now the child I used to be, optimistic and enthusiatic.🤍🤍🤍🤍
Wa Alaikum assalamu wa rahmatu Allahi wa barakatuhu sweet one 🌼🤍
Where to start? Jazaki Allahu kulla Khayr for the ask and for the words of encouragement, I appreciate you 🤍
To start with, I have two remarks:
1) like I always say: a 'horrible' person would NEVER say they're a 'horrible' person .. so 🌝
Had you been a really horrible person, you'd never feel bad for wronging others or for not being able to help, just saying..
2) there is just so much sincerity and genuine truth to your story, it is clear that you are being very humble and very sincere. May Allah swt accept your sincere repentance and grant you Hos forgiveness and His guidance. My Allah swt keep you steadfast on his straight path my sister, ameen.
I loved how you were being grateful admitting and recognizing that even the fact that you are now practicing is a gift and a blessing from Allah swt, and you don't take credit for it. It reminds me of one of my favorite quotes that if you are righteous or pious or being a good Muslim and for example praying on time, it is a blessing from Allah swt and you should be actually grateful and never take His guidance, His hidaya for granted, because like He swt gave you that, He could easily take it away. There is a saying in Arabic that goes like :
من كان في نعمة و لم يشكر، خرج منها و لم يشعر
That who was in a blessing and didn't thank (Allah) - wasn't grateful - would get out of that blessing without realizing it.
So, Alhamdulillah a thousand times that you are not getting in your head and you're being very humble about it. Allahuma barik laki ✨
As for your character and how you deal with others, all I can say is sübhanallah nobody among us is perfect. Our behaviors depend on our personalities and our issues.. I think you shouldn't really put pressure on yourself. I think you shouldn't force yourself to feel empathy or help others when you don't feel like it because it would be hypocrisy as it's not coming from within you, and God forbid, you would be not sincere in your intentions. Allahu aālam. So I say, maybe you should read more about how kindness and charity were core characters in the life of the Prophet ﷺ and his sahaba. I recently heard about how oue mother Aisha and her sister Asmae bintu Abi Bakr As-sidiq may Allah swt be pleased with all of them were the best at giving charity, how Asmae wouldn't leave anything at the house for the next day she would just give it all for the sake of Allah swt and it really stuck with me because as a Muslimah I would want to look up to them and follow their footsteps, in shaa Allah. Maybe if you listen to lectures about the importance of charity (even a kind word is charity, even a smile is charity) and how Allah swt appreciates sadaqah and the believer who gives sadaqah, maybe then your heart will soften towards that act. Kheir in shaa Allah. But again, I don't want you to feel guilty about not being able to, or not feeling empathetic. Sometimes it's the trauma that deactivates the feature of empathy for us let's say, sometimes it's the trust issues, it could be your emotional baggage, God knows what you've been through, sis so cut yourself some slack. Kheir in shaa Allah :)
Finally, I will leave you with this Hadith of the Prophet ﷺ :
On the authority of Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him), that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:
Whoever removes a worldly grief from a believer, Allah will remove from him one of the griefs of the Day of Resurrection. And whoever alleviates the need of a needy person, Allah will alleviate his needs in this world and the Hereafter. Whoever shields [or hides the misdeeds of] a Muslim, Allah will shield him in this world and the Hereafter. And Allah will aid His slave so long as he aids his brother. [Muslim]
May Allah swt ease your journey, and strengthen your steps towards Him my sweet sister, hold on to that innocent child-like heart of yours and stay safe, fi Amanillah 🤍
- A. Z. 🍃
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b-lessings · 3 years
Hello sister, I recently converted to Islam and I just want to say how much I appreciate your presence on tumblr. It has really helped me a lot with my journey. You are such a beautiful person and thank you so much for your posts and reminders! Also if you have any tips or recommendations in regards to memorizing the Quran and being a better muslismah I would super appreciate it! I am still trying to figure everything out 😅😅😅
* speechless *
Assalamualaikum sister!
First of all, Ma Shaa Allah, la quwata illa billah, Allahuma barik lakii 🥺🤍🤍🤍🌼 congrats on converting and welcome HOME sis! May the highest ranks of Jannah be written for you, ameen. 🍃
Second of all, I feel so humbled by your words I don't know what to say except for Alhamdulillah. I am just over here tumblring my way thru life, learning as I go while there are great blogs on here with amazing rich and heavy Islamic content, sübhanallah. I don't even claim the knowledge I share. I am a very emotional personal and I do see religion from a very personal and subjective perspective that probably lots of people don't agree with or at least frown upon, and I know what they'll say : You need to take knowledge from an established scholar. True. But I believe more in connecting with people, being inspired by their personal stories, and how they flawedly and humanly make their way and walk their journey thru this beautiful religion ❤️ So for you to actually say that those precious words, it actually means one thing, that Allah swt is in shaa Allah pleased with me because He swt has heard my prayers of making my journey on tumblr beneficial to me and to others, and to make me help others by the means of this blog. So, Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah.
اللهم لك الحمد حتى ترضى ولك الحمد إذا رضيت ولك الحمد بعد الرضا
Now about the last part of your ask, concerning tips to memorize the Quran, I would give you my personal favorite: write the ayat that you want to memorize on a piece of paper big enough to show them clearly and hang them on the wall in your prayer corner in your room, then start reading them in your salat frequently. You can also write them down in a small notebook and carry it around, or have the Quran app on your phone and whenever you have some free time, you are using transportation or commuting, just pull your phone and read them over and over.. and of course listening to a recitation often or on repeat helps. That way you can learn the surat or ayat with the proper pronunciation and tajweed. But also there are programs and camps for memorizing the Quran if you wanna go the more organized official way 😅 I definitely encourage you to do so. Learning with a group could be very motivating. Also, if you are the type of person who is more productive and reaches their goals better with deadlines and guidelines and teachers/ supervisors checking on them, then that's definitely what you should do.
Oh but I almost forgot the most important thing. Before any step, you should make duāa to Allah swt that He eases this journey of memorizing the Quran for you.
" اللهمّ علمني القرآن وانفعني بالقرآن وارفعني بالقرآن "
Allahuma ālemnee Al Qur'an wa 'nfaānee bil Qur'an wa 'rfaānee bil Qur'an
My lord, teach me the Quran, and benefit me with the Quran, and elevate me with the Quran"
Allahuma ameen. May Allah swt accept it from you and all of us 🤍
Oh, also, try listening to khutbahs and lectures about the stories or the explanations of the chapters that you want to memorize. It will help remember what happens in that Surah. Kheir In shaa Allah. I am extremely proud of you, Allahuma barik.
Last but not least, I have only one tip on how to be a good muslimah sis, just be yourself. Stay true to yourself and to your gut feeling and always listen to your heart. Beware of being dragged into any side unconsciously. Always take a step back to check with yourself and evaluate the situation, think critically because our religion is actually about being critical and about thinking. Also, don't force yourself. Don't compare your first pages to someone's third or fourth book. Take it one step at a time, one thing at a time so that you don't find yourself exhausted and burnt out in no time. This religion is about quality not quantity. And the most loved/ preferred deeds to Allah swt are those that are consistent no matter how small. So, consistency, patience and persistence are your best friends in shaa Allah.
Moreover, it is very important that you be patient with yourself, and that you have unlimited endless infinite husn dhan (good intentions/ positive thinking) in Allah swt. Because you are gonna mess up, sooner or later, we all do, on daily basis, sübhanallah, that's human nature, and you are gonna feel tired at some points, and you are gonna feel desperate (but that's on the devil because a good believer should never feel despair, they should believe that Allah's mercy and grace is beyond any and everything.) So yeah, back to my point, even in those times where you might feel like you messed up and that it was bad and that maybe you are not worthy of Allah's mercy and forgiveness, KNOW that it's not true, and that's only the devil tricking you. So no matter what, always find your way back to Allah swt who swt will be waiting for you with kindness, mercy, grace, generosity, and reward 🤍🤍
The prophet Muhammad salla allahu alaihi wa sallam said “All the sons of Adam are sinners, but the best of sinners are those who repent often.” Related by At·Tirmidhi and Ibn Majah , so no matter what happens and no matter how hard it gets, KNOW that Allah's doors are always open.
I feel like I gave more than the one tip I said I'd give at the beginning of this thought 😅 But I do always get carried away. I still have some super special tips but I feel like the world is not ready for them yet, so maybe some day in the near future 🙈
And my dear sister, a final word for you: we are all still trying to figure it out I promise you. Nobody is perfect. Perfection was not meant for this worldly ending life. It was saved for the hereafter. So, please don't feel intimidated by anyone, be patient with yourself, and never lose hope in Allah's capability. I pray that Allah swt eases your path and blesses every step you make towards Him. And I pray that you find the confidence you need and that you fall inn love with yourself in this religion more and more everyday, ameen 🤍
I am here if you need anything, in shaa Allah I will be able to help.
Fi amanillah (I leave you in Allah's safety) 🤍
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suhyla · 3 years
assalamualaikoom sisters.
can you help me find the answer to my confusion. Lately I’ve been read Aali-‘Imraan verse 38 which imo is that we must surrender to Allah even in forced conditions. What I'm confused about is does this mean that Islam is the most appropriate religion for all people, not just Muslims? And if I may ask you personally, why are you so proud and grateful to be a Muslim than a follower of another religion?
Thankyou sister, may Allah have mercy on you and guide me through your answer
Wa alaykum as salam sister,
Islam is the perfect religion, because it came from the One who created us all and to whom we will return.
Allah created all of humanity, so of course Islam is a message to all of mankind - not just Muslims.
If you think about it - the biggest reality that faces us as humans is this: we are in this world somehow, and some day we will be gone. It is this reality that forces many people to sit and wonder - well, why am I here anyway? How am I here? Where did I come from?
The nature of this world is that everything has a beginning point and an end point. So assuming that there was once "nothing" and suddenly, the world as we know it all came to be, it only makes sense that some entity outside of this world is what set everything in motion. An outside force acted, and because of that action, the world came to be.
Such a being had to be 2 things: All Knowing (He had to know what He was doing to craft such a complex and delicate world) All Powerful (He had to be powerful to craft such a huge, expansive universe).
Allah, the Creator, is the only God that could possibly have created this universe. Allah has no partners. If He did, He wouldn't be all powerful. And any religion that claims there are dark forces that "God" overcame or anything like that makes no sense. By definition, God must be a Being with power over all, and subject to none.
That is Allah. One God. He cannot have a partner. And with perfect knowledge and power, such that the world cannot function without Him.
There is no other god possible. Some believe in Jesus as god. If we think about it logically, how could a god be mortal? How could a god die? How could a god be born - so who was in control of the world before that god came into existence?
Some believe in polytheistic gods- a god of the sun, of life, or victory, etc. Then none of these gods by definition is all powerful or all knowing. They just have "specialties" and some degree of power, but never Total power. That's a weakness, and God cannot be weak. How could a god create the universe and then be weaker than something? How could a god be vulnerable to something? What makes such a god different from man? Could such a god even protect us truly from everything?
Ibrahim, our father and the father of all monotheistic religions, pondered over this question and the conclusion he reached was - God must be the One who created me and the whole world.
The creator is who I will worship.
That Creator is Allah.
Now - okay so we exist. We have a beginning point and our lives have an end point? Now what? What do we do in between?
Naturally, because Islam came from the One who created this life as we know it, it contains the guidelines for us to live our best lives. It tells us what we can and can't do, and most often, these guidelines are in place to protect us. Because the One who created us knows us inside and out. He knows our weaknesses.
To follow Islam means you believe in the guidelines that the Creator put in place. It literally means Submission. And in following these guidelines, we're acknowledging God is All Powerful (He created us, and everything around us, and has power over all things) and All Knowing (because He is the one who created everything, He has perfect knowledge of everything).
For example, He created us with a need for social coexistence. We're social creatures. So Islam advises humanity to be good to others, to share, to be curious about other cultures and learn from them and see them as evidence of Allah's creation. We're encouraged to be patient with people, rather than to secluded ourselves (even if we're secluding ourselves to worship Allah). Such curiosity and desire for cooperation is what helps humanity thrive. We stayed at home for a year and a half and look how bad it affected our mental health, our ability to cooperate and function. Islam didn't just order us to be good to one another because it's virtuous - we literally need each other. Our brains were wired this way.
Allah created us with the ability to procreate and included in us certain desires. But these desires are hard to resist, so Islam orders us not even to come close to Zina (adultery) and not to follow the footsteps of Shaytan. Allah could have just said "don't commit adultery". But that doesn't work, because as humans, the way many would understand it is - I'm just talking with him/her it's definitely not adultery. We're just holding hands. We're just hugging. Etc. etc. And before you know it, you realize you committed adultery. This damages your mental health and ability to form healthy bonds/trust people/feel safe with others because you're constantly forming bonds with people and then leaving them. It damages society because now people can act on their desires without committing. It's a relationship born purely out of our basic instincts, not any thought, love, or obligation toward each other. And of course, there's multiple implications of this on families and society in general. So Allah warns you from the beginning because He knows how we are. He said don't even come close to it, because our minds will constantly normalize step after step until we fall into it and it affects our mental and emotional health, our ability to form families, and the basis of society.
Islam has everything we need to live our lives because it comes from the Creator. Every single thing I've been told to do as a Muslim, I can do confidently knowing Allah told me to do this for a reason - because He knows me better than I know me.
And unlike other religions, Allah is the Most Powerful and All Knowing - but He is also the Most Kind. He is the Best Friend. We don't need to talk to a sheikh and ask him to pray for us. We don't need someone to ask forgiveness for us. We can talk to Allah directly, with no intermediary. He is closer to us than our jugular veins.
That is why I can confidently be Muslim and know without a doubt that this is the Truth that will allow me to live my best life, and to succeed in the world beyond this one.
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