#may have to adjust the lighting situation in that room
victorluvsalice · 10 months
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And then they all settled into the break room to watch the latest Season Premiere! Yes, because it just so happened to be that particular pop-up holiday, and I was like, "Well, they have a nice big TV right here." XD They thoroughly enjoyed the shows on offer, though about midway through Smiler and Alice both got distracted by flirting with Victor. XD But they watched enough of them all to complete the tradition, and that's what matters!
And better yet, by the time they'd all completed their required watching, the blizzard had cleared up, and the snow outside was starting to melt as it was in fact now kind of warm! "All right," I thought cheerfully, "let's just get a picture of the trio in front of their new store, and then we can open!"
...yeah, uh, that ended up TAKING SOME DOING. The first issue I ran into was when I tried to set up the tripod myself at the edge of the lot and have Alice set the timer for a picture -- apparently it was too close to the front of the store, meaning that instead of standing OUTSIDE the store as I'd intended, the group went INSIDE and stood behind the flower-arranging bench in front of the windows. Which, might have been okay if I believe Alice hadn't been entirely blocked by the shelves of flowers. XD So I had to put the tripod and camera back in Alice's inventory and have her place them in the world in the middle of the road, hoping the tripod would face the right way when she did. Fortunately, she did put it down facing the store, yay. First hurdle passed!
Second hurdle -- uh-oh, Smiler is feeling the thirst. Well, fortunately, that is easily taken care of -- they always carry a bunch of plasma packs and plasma fruit. They sipped on that while Victor and Alice had a little make-out session, and ended up refreshed enough that I didn't have to worry about shitty needs while taking the picture. Second hurdle passed!
And then we came to the third hurdle -- ACTUALLY GETTING THESE IDIOTS TO TAKE THE PICTURE. Dear lord, this was SUCH a thing. Because either Alice would go to set the timer, and then just IDLE there for long enough that I would think something had gone wrong and cancel the interaction, or while "waiting for the photographer" Smiler would randomly wander off down the road, and if I tried to teleport them back into position by changing poses when Victor and Alice got in front of the camera, they would end up merged INTO Alice, which, not good. FINALLY getting the shots I wanted took so long that not only did I have to have them change clothes halfway through as they were too hot in their winter wear, it was SUNSET by the time I went "FINE I'M TURNING AUTONOMY OFF SO YOU CAN'T MOVE." *facepalm* Granted, I actually think the sunset photos look pretty cool, and I was happy with the photos once I got to take them, but cripes. Make me suffer for my cute threesome shots, why don't you, game?
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cloudcountry · 2 months
:333 hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
im on my octatrio bs again (when have i ever left). could i request floyd jade and azul but they somehow get flustered by the reader and hide their face in their hats? seeing them squirm (affectionate) makes me happy :)
also remember to take care of urself if u havent gotten up in a while go do that 🔫xoxoxooxo yao
SUMMARY: you fluster some fishies so bad they hide behind their hats!
COMMENTS: hi floyd's fishie :3c it was hard coming up with ways to fluster them and still have them act all smooth and in character LMAO
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You’re staring at him, and it’s making Azul very nervous. He adjusts his glass, clearing his throat as he looks up from the study guide in front of him, giving you a skeptical stare. The soft blue lighting of Mostro Lounge makes you look so dreamy, and he can’t tell if it’s actually the lighting or if your face really looks as lovestruck as he thinks it is. He feels his cheeks heat up but he ignores it, making a point to press a single gloved finger against your worksheets. He asks you the first question that comes to mind, and he isn’t even sure it makes sense, especially when you hide your grin behind your hand and giggle. You tell him he looks handsome instead of answering his question and it's like the nail in the coffin. Azul’s hat tumbles off his head as he slams back against the booth, snatching up his hat and covering his face. He disguises the gesture with a cough and an excuse before running off, shutting himself in his VIP Room.
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It isn’t hard to make Jade laugh, you’ve learned. All you have to do is crack a pun or two about the current situation, and you’ll be blessed with the most undignified snort and giggle combo you’ve ever heard. It makes all the more willing to make jokes about his “morels” and more recently how “cap-tivating” he is, just to see him take his hat off and hide his laughter. His shaking shoulders give him away though, even when he puts his hat back on and hides his toothy smile with a hand to maintain some sort of professionalism. It’s only after a particularly cheesy fungi joke you make when sitting right next to him that you notice his pink cheeks behind his hat, and it gives you pause. Has Jade Leech been blushing over your mushroom puns this whole time?
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Floyd isn’t easy to fluster. One would say it’s impossible—but you’ve learned that it’s very possible. Floyd just has to be in the right mood. He has to be a little bit clingy, a little bit sweet, and just the right amount of whiny. Snuggle up with him in one of the Mostro Lounge’s booth, pet his hair and kiss his forehead, really love on him no matter who is around you and before you know it he’ll be pliant in your arms, his hand clenched in his hands as he holds it over his pouty lipped face. He may look grumpy but don’t be fooled, this eel is so in love with you and he’ll never get sick of your affections.
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TAGLISTS -> azul's business partners . . . @cookiesandbiscuits @vivigoesinsane @identity-theft-101 @dove-da-birb
-> jade's mushrooms . . . @cookiesandbiscuits @vivigoesinsane @identity-theft-101 @welcometomypersonalhell098 @dove-da-birb
-> floyd's fishies . . . @cookiesandbiscuits @vivigoesinsane @identity-theft-101 @welcometomypersonalhell098 @dove-da-birb
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moonjxsung · 3 months
No Guts / No Glory
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Copyright Ⓒ 2024 by Moonjxsung
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or used in any manner. Doing so will result in a legal takedown per the Digital Millennium Copyright Act and is subject to legal action.
Read part 2 here.
Pairing: Bang Chan x fem reader
W/c: 26.2K
Warnings: depictions of bodily harm, descriptions of blood, mentions of drinking, dry-humping, oral sex (male receiving)
Synopsis: Conducting a series of interviews about up-and-coming boxer Bang Chan leading up to his title fight puts you in a complicated situation when you begin to develop feelings for him.
18+. Mdni!
“I believe the second most intimate thing you can do with a person is interview them. If I can’t kiss you, I think it’s only fair you indulge me in a story.”
Calloused fingers adjust the lavalier microphone a little higher up onto the collar of his button-down shirt- knees bent, legs spread to occupy a generous amount of space, even for a guy as big as he is. A gentle noise emits from the silver chain around his wrist as he interlocks his fingers together, twiddling thumbs and placing them neatly onto his jeans. And then he takes a deep breath, as the door across the room swings open, outlining your intimidating figure.
The room is tense when you finally saunter in, clipboard balanced in the crook of your elbow as you do your best to avoid eye contact with the subject of the video while you assume your position on the chair across from him.
Your hand darts out to greet whom you can only assume to be a manager of some sort, giving him a closed-lip smile and a polite nod before taking your seat again. And when there’s nobody else in the room requiring your attention, you let your gaze fall to him at last, doing a once-over of his intimidating figure.
Warm tan skin complements his lightened brown hair, swept neatly out of his face to reveal his narrowed honey eyes. His sharp eyebrows seem to straighten, pulling down into a stoic expression as he observes you right back. His wide nose flaunts a sharp bridge, much like the masculine jawline that clenches as he remains quiet- and juxtaposed against all of it, soft, plump lips, which form into a smile as he greets you, pulling back to expose a dazzling set of teeth.
“Christopher Bang Chan,” he says to you, reaching a hand out and clasping his fingers around yours. His grasp is firm, but intentional, like he’s making every effort to seem professional. And it’s nothing you haven’t seen several times before- in wrestlers, and swimmers and boxers alike.
“I’m going to ask you a few questions,” you say to him, omitting any form of introduction entirely. “Just answer as honestly as you can.”
“Are we rolling?” Chan asks, gesturing to the camera with a wave of his index finger.
“This is just a test for my use,” you explain to him. “You don’t need to acknowledge the cameras.”
He gives an understanding nod, sitting up a little straighter and clearing his throat. And then, as the little red blinking light indicates that the camera is indeed recording, you begin to speak.
“Could you state your name for the camera? In a full sentence, please.”
“Hi,” he begins with a nervous chuckle. “My name’s Christopher Bang Chan. You guys know me as Bang Chan- or just Chan, really.”
“And you’re a boxer.”
“I am a boxer,” he affirms.
“How long have you been boxing?”
“I’ve been boxing for…” his eyes roll up to the ceiling, hand finding its way to his chin as he remains lost in thought for a moment. “About fourteen years. Started when I was twelve, never looked back. Still have my first pair of boxing gloves hanging in my mom’s house, if you can believe it.”
Amused laughter fills the room, Chan’s eyes forming little crescents as he thinks back to the bright blue Kanpeki sparring mitts that hang on a single nail in his parents’ living room.
“Chan- why boxing?”
“Why not?” He retorts with a cheeky smile. “Nah, I’m just messing with you. Seriously, boxing…boxing is… something that makes me feel alive. When I’m in the ring throwing punches like I’ve been trained my whole life to do, and people are standing behind me who’ve been there the whole way and I can hear them cheering, I’m alive. There’s nothing else that matters in that moment. It’s just pure skill, pure passion for what I do. I don’t feel that way about much else.”
His accent is thicker than you’d anticipated it to be- a sultry, Australian accent accompanies his serious intonations, and he speaks as though he’s telling a story, pulling you in captivating you with his entire being. He sounds smarter than the other athletes you’re used to, as though he could have done a variety of career paths if not for boxing. At least something relating to speaking, you’re sure, as he concludes his response with a gentle nod.
“And you’re just months away from the biggest fight of your career,” you then say, cocking your head slightly.
“Can you tell us about where you’re at with that, mentally?”
“Yeah, I mean, it’s really nothing I haven’t trained for before,” Chan replies candidly. “I’m at the gym training every single day, we’re working around the clock to make sure I’m at my best for this event. And at the same time, I’m new to title fights- I really have no expectations going into it. I just want to do my best.”
Chan’s lips purse together as he scans your expression for a reaction to his statement, but all he’s met with is a nod as you gesture to the cameras.
“That’s all we need for now,” you call out to the camera crew. “You can wrap up while we finish discussing.”
Chan’s eyebrows are raised as he glances around the room curiously, staff members conversing amongst themselves as expensive-looking cameras are disassembled and stowed away into leather casing.
“I’ll give you a minute,” his manager says, rising from his spot to rush after another staff member. And just as you’d feared, it’s just Chan and yourself at a painfully close proximity.
“It’s nice to meet you,” Chan chimes in from his spot on the chair, observing the way you shuffle through a stack of papers.
“Y/n,” you say plainly. “The interviews and filming will take place over the next month. Think of it as a sort of docuseries for sports fans- the next hottest thing since last year’s boxing burnout.”
“Hottest thing?” he repeats curiously. “That’s a generous compliment, I wouldn’t call myself the hottest-”
“Up-and-coming,” you correct him. “New, fresh. Fascinating to the masses. They love you now, they’ll be itching to see how you perform. And then you’ll be in the big leagues with all the other athletes. It’s the sort of people I interview.”
Chan purses his lips together again, scratching the back of his head awkwardly and shoving his hands into his pockets.
“How long have you been interviewing?”
“No need to interview the interviewer,” you say sternly. “I don’t expect anything from you. Just show up, give me answers and don’t be late. Anything else I can assist with?”
Chan searches for something to say, wanting so badly to work some of his classic athlete charm on you the way he has for his entire career thus far. But as you pull off your glasses again, tucking them into the pocket of your blouse, he realizes he’ll just have to come to terms with the professional dynamic you’ve so boldly established here with him already.
“That’s all,” Chan says finally. “I’ll see you at the next one, then?”
“Don’t be late,” you say again.
And he can still catch a glimpse of your ponytail as you exit, swaying side-to-side in tandem with purposeful strides as you disappear from his sight.
“How’d it go?”
“Anything notable?”
“He’s a boxer, Lin. Just like anything you’d expect from them- immersed in his sport, rich, not much substance to him.”
“Then I presume the docuseries is going to be smooth sailing from here.”
Lin prods at a particularly thick piece of lettuce in her salad, an obnoxious crunch filling the silent space that falls over you both amidst the otherwise loud cafeteria. Of course it’s natural for her to draw this simple conclusion- one of the lead producers, she’s always heads down in the editing portion of your films, trimming out unnecessary dialogue and uploading B-roll to accompany the complex story behind your subjects. But it’s always the same story- soulless, busy men, far too consumed by their own masculinity and an insatiable appetite to win, no matter the cost.
At first it’s the local media who take a particular liking to them, publishing flashy articles about all their grand endeavors and illustrating the glass shelves of trophies their parents flaunt. And then by some “miracle”, sometimes a “gift from god himself”, they land a title fight- describing the opportunity with stars in their blank eyes, all the while still media trained to project a humble image. That’s where you come in, a journalist with a keen eye to see right through them, still earning the big bucks as you assist in upholding the headache-inducing humble image they’re so set on. And following a series of interviews, once they’re far too gone to even assimilate with normal folk like yourself, they’ll win said respective fight, make it on to the biggest blogs and television publications, and then effectively lose themselves to the new celebrity title. You’ve seen it several times now- in tennis players, wrestlers, swimmers. And boxers- especially boxers.
As you watch Lin poke around at the remainder of her salad, you glance at the room beyond her seated figure, where your colleagues are busy with their own lunches and still heads down in their work, laptops propped open and hands typing away as they chew. It’s always like this when a new series of yours is in its early stages of filming, everybody scrambling to prepare their notes and film work as the schedule is finalized. Not a minute can be wasted on a project like this- the subjects’ time is more valuable than anything right now. Every minute Chan graces the studio, every word he utters is footage, publication- more money.
“Y/n?” Lin questions, snapping you out of your visible trance.
“I asked if you have everything you need.”
You ponder her words for a moment, thinking back to your itinerary, to the list of printed questions still secured on your clipboard and even Chan, the image of the lavalier mic hanging loosely from the collar on his shirt replaying in your head.
“I think so,” you say finally, shrugging and prodding your index finger at the still-wrapped sandwich that rests upon the table.
“Come on,” she says with a sigh. “I’m sure it’ll be fine. You just have to suck it up for a few weeks, and the pay-off will be worth it. Remember the last one? People are still crazy about that guy, and it’s all thanks to you.”
“Yeah, I remember. I’m just tired, I guess. It’s all so voyeuristic. It’s exhausting trying to learn the details of somebody’s life like this.”
“Voyeurism can be a good thing,” she interjects. “The more intimate this process is, the better. We want the people to know every inch of him.”
“I know,” you reply sheepishly. “You’re right.”
“We have to see right through ‘em,” she responds, securing the lid on her Tupperware and rising from her seat. “Hey, I have to go edit another thing. I’ll see you when the next set of footage is done, though?”
“Yeah,” you say to her, watching as she stuffs her belongings into a canvas bag and hoists it over her shoulder.
“This could totally be another big break,” she states, as she begins in the other direction. “This could be huge for us all over again.”
It’s typically recommended to arrive at least 15 minutes early to every studio interview. In some cases, 30 is more favorable. And yet it’s a notion athletes just can’t seem to comprehend most days, sauntering in well past the starting time with a duffel bag slung over their broad shoulders, not so much as an apology uttered as they assume their spot across from you.
And Chan, you learn very quickly, is no different from the rest.
“Sorry,” he says as he finally enters, your gaze fixed on the wall across from you as the floodlights illuminate his muscular figure in your peripheral vision.
You say nothing in return, gently tapping a capped pen on the exposed flesh where your skirt meets your upper thigh. And Chan takes reluctant strides toward you, cocking his head slightly as he glances around the room and gestures to the vacant chair across from you.
“Is this… should I sit down? Or…”
Your figure remains turned away from him, giving a small nod as you remain in your spot, ushering for Chan to take his seat. And he does, slinging his bag onto the floor and leaning back in his chair.
“Wow, it’s bright in here,” Chan remarks, chuckling lightly.
“You’re late.”
He’s quiet for a moment, swallowing nervously as he scans your cold expression. Narrowed eyes meet his, not a hint of a smile present on your pursed lips as you convey your vexation.
“I’m sorry,” Chan says nervously, his eyes softening in attempts to reconcile the tension he’s brought upon you. “My training ran a little longer than I hoped. I tried to leave early, but my coach-”
“Look,” you interrupt, finally letting your gaze meet his and sighing frustratedly. “I interview guys like you on the daily. You show up late, zero regard for my time or my effort, play the game and then win all the prizes that come with it. This is just a stepping stone in your career- I get that. Just please, could you at least try to make this as easy as possible for both of us so that we can be done faster? We’re gonna be stuck with each other for a while, let’s not make this any harder than it needs to be.”
Chan falls silent when you finish speaking, smoothing a loose strand of hair down with his index finger and nodding politely.
“I’m sorry,” he voices for the second time today. “It won’t happen again. This series is really important to me.”
“I would hope so,” you tell him. “Now state your name for the camera. Full sentence, please.”
“This camera?” He inquires, pointing at one straight across from him. “Or that one over there?”
“Just state your name,” you repeat. “I have you at all angles. It doesn’t matter where you look.”
“Can I look at you, then?”
You sigh for what feels like the millionth time today, pinching the bridge of your nose in annoyance and crossing your legs at the ankles. You can’t quite tell if he’s doing this on purpose, or if he genuinely hasn’t conducted a formal interview like this prior to yours.
“Yes, you may look at me. That’s typically how a conversation goes.”
“Right, then. My name is Christopher Bang Chan.”
“And you’re a boxer.”
“I am a boxer,” he affirms with a grin.
“Chan, in just three months you’ll be competing in the biggest fight of your life- the Golden Gloves Championship, against your counterpart Kang-Dae, a competitive boxer who’s been training almost as long as you have. In a recent interview, he told me the two of you are making a deliberate effort not to meet just yet, despite training at some of the same local spots. Can you tell us your reasoning for that, as well as what that’s felt like up until now?”
A short breath escapes Chan’s lips, his eyes rolling to the ceiling as he thinks it over.
“I’ve heard remarkable things about Kang-Dae,” Chan begins. “It was something we made a mutual decision to follow through on. You know, just being mindful of training techniques and respecting each other’s space. It feels a little weird sometimes when I remember while I’m training- it’s like, was he using this bag before I was? I’ve sort of built him up to be this really dedicated player to the game, in my head at least.”
Chan smiles back when you do, taking note of the way your shoulders seem to visibly relax in his presence. He lets his ankles uncross, twiddling his thumbs as his legs spread loosely in front of him.
“So uh… yeah, it’s been… it’s not easy, knowing we’re going head-to-head in just one month. But I’m training really hard, and I know he is, too. I have a lot of respect for him.”
You nod at his words, glancing down at the clipboard of questions and notes on your lap in front of you.
“Chan, you’ve mentioned several times how hard you’ve been training for this. From the gym, to practice with your coach, to mentally preparing for all of this. What are you doing when you’re not training?”
The question marks the first of a series of personal ones, ones that really seek to tear down your subjects’ walls and reveal their true identity to audiences. They love the voyeuristic aspect of gory details- and your subjects love to talk about themselves.
“I’m hardly ever not training,” Chan says with a shrug of his shoulders. “But I guess I just sleep as much as I can. If not maybe… running, doing stretches, all that. I’m at the point where I have to be physically pried away from the gym by my coach. It’s that bad.”
He laughs lightly as he speaks, his eyes forming little crescents the way they always do when his plump lips pull into a grin. And then you mirror his expression, lips pulling into a smile as you pry for more answers.
“Can you tell us how you first got into boxing? What was that like?”
“First time,” he echoes. “Was when I was 12 years old. My dad bought me a pair of gloves after I saw this series about Baik Hyun-Man, an Olympian boxer who swept his category in… 1988? 89? God, he was phenomenal.”
“A docuseries?” You chime in, furrowing your brows together.
“Yeah. Think it was like, 4 episodes where they interviewed him following his sweep at the Olympics that year. I remember him being so well-spoken and fascinating.”
A small smile tugs involuntarily at your lips as Chan speaks, a sort of glint present in his eyes as he recalls the events. He seems so full of passion when he speaks of his source of inspiration, the same way he speaks of his own craft.
“That was made by our network,” you say finally. “That was one of the first series I saw, too.”
“Yeah,” you reply, maintaining a keen smile. “It made me want to get into interviewing. He had such a way with telling his story.”
The room falls quiet as a sharp breath escapes Chan’s lips, a look of disbelief painted upon his chiseled features. He begins to say something, and then he’s quiet again, craning his neck at the camera to the right of your seated figure.
“Sorry,” you say with a sheepish shake of your head. “I don’t mean to get off topic here.”
“No, it’s… that’s really fucking cool. I mean, what are the odds, you know?”
It’s really not some miracle that you happened across the same formative media- you’re pretty sure every parent had Baik Hyun-Man’s docuseries playing on television on repeat shortly after it aired. The way he spoke of his achievements, so self-assured in the way he gestured directly into the camera and urged kids to chase their dreams, too. Inspiring journalists and athletes alike- it was the network’s biggest thing the year it aired. And evidently, a boxer’s dream, to put the sport on pedestal for the whole world to admire.
“Anyway,” you say finally, glancing back down at your clipboard. “You were indulging me in the details of your start to boxing.”
“Right,” Chan voices. “I was 12, with these clunky boxing mitts- blue ones, just like I asked for. And one of those inflatable punching bags hanging in our garage. At first, it was just jabs, I wasn’t really interested in classes or anything like that. It wasn’t until I started boxing with my dad, that’s when he pushed me to keep this going. Said I threw punches like a pro- at least the best I could do at age 12. I owe a lot of this to my dad, I don’t think I would’ve pushed myself to do any of this without him. And to chase this dream, of winning a title fight.”
“Well your dream doesn’t sound very far out of reach, by the sound of it,” you say to him, raising a singular eyebrow and cocking your head.
Chan just smiles, an earnest expression washing over him, and you take note of the way his ears flush a deep shade of red. He’s not one to take compliments very well- he falters somewhere between confident, yet flustered, and it’s endearing, like much of his persona is. Though it may be well-crafted, it’s still charming.
“I dunno,” Chan says with a click of his tongue. “Losing is always a possibility.”
“It is,” you affirm. “But I’m sure you’ve faced your share of losses in the past, too. What does losing mean to you?”
Chan furrows his brows together, a little thrown off by the question posed to him. He’s not sure he’s ever carefully dissected the implications of what it means to lose something- to funnel your entire being into what defines you, only for the tangible payoff to slip from your grasp and dissipate into a void of nothingness. And consequently, to familiarize yourself with the suffocating emotions of regret, pain, loss- even shame. It’s never been an option for him- it’s never even been an occurrence.
“I’ve never lost,” he says finally, a soft chuckle emitting from his lips.
“You’ve never lost?”
“I’ve never lost,” he repeats. “I’ve played matches that weren’t as good as others, or just barely scraped by with a win. But I’ve never lost.”
“So losing isn’t something you’ve even considered.”
“No, I’ve definitely considered it,” he contends. “Some matches, you take a good long look at the guy across from you, and it’s sort of like staring your future in the face. Like, this is it, this is the guy I’m going to lose my streak to.”
“Yet it’s never happened?”
Chan clicks his tongue again, crossing his legs at the knees this time and cocking his head, the same overconfident expression painting his chiseled face.
“I don’t lose,” he states simply. “There’s always the chance that I may lose. But I never do.”
A simple nod of your head signifies the end of this portion of the interview, and Chan finally exhales a breath he hasn’t realized he’s been holding all this time.
“I think I have all I need for today,” you say to him, avoiding the meticulous eye contact he seeks from his spot across from you. “Could you just leave your mic on that table over there?”
“Did I sound a little cocky there?” Chan queries as he fidgets with the lavalier microphone. “I didn’t mean to, it’s just a stupid fact I like to toss around.”
“Facts are facts,” you respond, toying with your own lavalier microphone, yet not moving from your spot. “You’re permitted to say whatever you want. This is your series, after all.”
“Yeah, but I’m not trying to scare people here. I’m just-”
“Frighteningly competent?” You interrupt. “Well-versed in the art of boxing? Aware of the power you hold?”
He’s quieter now, lips pursed together and eyes scanning your expression for a hint of forgiveness. But you don’t grant him any- in fact, you’re admittedly a little disenchanted by his words, which seem to put him right up against all the other boxers you’ve interviewed. Impetuous words which detract from his character as a whole, emphasizing only his worst traits. Self-righteous, self-centered, disdainful, even.
“I’ve interviewed a lot of people like you,” you explain to him, for what feels like the second time this evening. “If you sound cocky, it’s because you are cocky. You’re allowed to be, though.”
“But that’s not what I want people to get from this series.”
“Then what is it that you want?” You ask Chan, rising from your seat and gathering your papers, his gaze fixed on yours still.
He’s quiet, no adequate wording passing him by that may sum up what he seeks to put out into the world. Perhaps he’s never looked so introspectively like this before- perhaps he hasn’t even considered what he wants the world to make of him.
“I’m telling your story, not writing it,” you continue.
His lips part to say something, but a silence overtakes the room once more, words which seek to defend himself dissipating in the back of his throat much like his thoughts do.
“Just something to think about,” you conclude, the lavalier microphone rolling around between the pads of your fingers as you meet his gaze finally.
His eyebrows arch in an almost pleading manner, as though he hopes you might have a change of heart and take some mercy on a skilled boxer like himself. But you don’t- not when you have the ability to see right through him like this, the same way you do with all the others.
An arrogant athlete, on an exponential and unbroken winning-streak, complete stranger to the concept of losing or being humbled.
“Losing isn’t something you’ve even considered,” your words replay in his head. “What is it that you want?”
He ponders, to no avail, as the floodlights outline your departing figure.
“So he’s just never lost a match?”
“Never. And he’s a cocky prick about the fact.”
“That’s unprecedented. I don’t think we’ve ever interviewed somebody with a winning streak like his.”
Lin’s fingers hover over the keyboard of her laptop, slicing footage and importing b-roll as you assume the spot next to her. She moves quickly as she always does, hardly even needing to decipher whether the clips flow into each other adequately- it’s second nature for her to know.
“This looks good,” she voices, pupils rapidly scanning the bright screen which reflects against the lenses of her wireframe glasses. “But the network agrees we need to get a little more personal.”
“What do you mean?”
She pauses her actions, pulling off her glasses and snapping them closed between her teeth before she speaks.
“You guys had a moment somewhere in there. It’s undoubtedly the most interesting bit. There’s a bit of chemistry when you’re relating to him.
“What?” You question, furrowing your brows together as she continues to work.
“Baik Hyun-Man,” she remarks. “I mean, it’s remarkable you found something in common with the guy. Knackered journalist and devoted boxer set aside their differences to agree on one thing- ‘The Iron Gentleman’ really was a sight to marvel at.”
“We didn’t have a moment, Lin. He’s watched a series almost every athlete did when it aired.”
“I’m just saying there’s something… very human, about the whole thing. Try to get to get closer to him. Corner him- find out what makes the guy tick. I need you to read him like a diary and publicize it to the masses. It’s not going to be easy- that’s why you’re doing it.”
Your gaze remains on her computer screen, eyeing the footage you vividly remember having filmed alongside him. It’s paused on a still-shot of you sitting across from him, transfixed on his chiseled features as he explains something indistinguishable to you, playing back at Lin through the chunky black headphones she wears around her neck.
The thought is migraine-inducing, to attempt to get any closer to Bang Chan than you already are. Upon your two interactions, you’ve already taken him to be as arrogant, conceited and obsessed with his sport as you’d assumed him to be. And while it rings true that there may be more to him than meets the eye- a story trying to reveal itself to you, a truth yearning to make itself known among all this superficiality, it’s likely one he’s not keen on making known to you.
“First part airs this Friday,” she states, nodding her head to some electronic background tune as she resumes her editing. “Just promise me you’ll try to get more personal with him. Find out where he trains, scope out the spots he frequents.”
“I’m not stalking the man for the purpose of a series, if that’s what you’re implying.”
“It’s not stalking,” she counters quickly. “It’s familiarizing yourself with the video subject.”
You chuckle lightly at Lin’s request, holding your hands up in surrender and rising from your spot beside her.
“Sure, fine.”
Lin’s hands cup the speakers of her chunky black headphones, finally adjusting them over her ears as she continues working. And she shoots you one last thumbs-up before you retreat from her office.
For several days thereafter, the thoughts consume you, to recall Lin’s requests for a more personal relationship to the interview subject. There hasn’t been an instance yet in which you’ve been made to falsify the closeness of a subject to you- in fact, you’re usually encouraged to keep your distance, knowing very well that a story can get compromising when the lines between boundaries are almost blurred.
You think back to her suggestion to scope out the spots he frequents, which seems like an impossible task when you’re already bearing the burden of trying to know him at all. And one evening, as her words replay in your troubled mind for the umpteenth time, the solution finds you first- in the form of said cocky athlete himself.
The streets are eerily dark at the hour, nothing more than the occasional pass of a car along the blackened road as you keep to the sidewalk, hands shoved in the pockets of your coat and your gaze fixed on the towering buildings ahead. It’s not uncommon to depart the office at ungodly hours during the process of filming a docuseries like this one, especially since you usually opt to keep Lin company while she makes final edits. The neighboring buildings are already cleared out for the night, the parking lots are mostly empty, and the world is quiet as you trudge the short walk back to your apartment.
At the corner of the intersection, a small convenience store, dimly lit by the ominous flicker of street lamps, and largely uninviting to the fleeting passerby. But one you’re familiar with, often opting to make a quick stop for a bite to eat before you go home for the night.
The chime of a bell on the door announces your arrival, making your way past shelves of baked goods to where the pre-packaged foods lie. And aside from the slow lull of jazz music over the muffled speakers, it’s quiet in the convenience store, nothing except the faint sounds of shuffling surrounding you as a cashier stocks produce by the register.
“Do you guys have them in yet?” A voice calls loudly as the door swings open, the bell ringing erratically with its movement. It’s piercing- obnoxious, even, to disturb the once much-appreciated peace of the shop like this. And who else present to disturb the peace at this hour, except for an athlete, a black duffel bag slung over his shoulder as he takes long strides toward the fridge.
“Oh, you do!” he emphasizes, pulling open the handle of the fridge in a hasty motion, as he begins to pile armfuls of what appear to be popsicles in the desperate grasp of his toned arms.
“Did you know these are like, three times the price if you purchase them online?”
The cashier says nothing, giving the athlete a small bow as he continues stockpiling and talking his ear off to no one in particular- and then the athlete pivots on one foot, locking his gaze with yours, a soft chuckle emitting from between his plump lips.
“Are you following me?”
“Me?” You counter, scoffing lightly at him. “I was literally in here before you.”
“I always come here after practice. I’ve never seen you around before.”
“I’m always here after work,” you argue, crossing your arms and maintaining your stance. “I could say the same.”
He rolls his eyes, gesturing to the counter with a nod of his head. “Put it down. I’ll pay.”
“What- no, there’s no need to pay for me. I’m just leaving.”
“Come on,” Chan protests. “You’re trailing after me as though I might be in here buying something seedy. It’s clever- I’ll give you that. Let me pay for you.”
Your eyes narrow in response, reluctantly approaching him and setting down your own dessert of choice onto the counter by the register. The cashier begins to scan your items, the rhythmic beep filling the awkward silence that overtakes you two as Chan keeps his gaze fixed on your standing figure. And then he pulls a black leather wallet out from the loose-fitting gym shorts he wears, grasping a card between his middle and index finger and handing it to the cashier.
He says nothing still, maintaining an almost satisfied expression on his face as the cashier bags his horde of popsicles, and then he gestures to the door once again with a nod of his head.
Chan assumes a spot on the curb by his parked car- a fairly humble two-seater. And the plastic convenience store bag sits open between the two of you as he works on his first popsicle of the evening, twirling the wooden stick between his slender fingers as the sticky residue trickles down and houses itself on the concrete below.
“How’s it coming along?” Chan breaks the silence, eyeing you out of the peripherals of his big brown eyes. “The series, I mean.”
“Fine,” you reply, doing your best not to mirror his mess as you work on a small cup of vanilla ice cream. “The first interview is all set to air.”
“I heard. I hope you didn’t have to edit out too much of my awkward conversation.”
A light chuckle escapes your lips, shaking your head as you dip the wooden spoon back into your cup.
“No, you did well. I’m actually surprised at how genuine you come off to the cameras.”
“Surprising that I’m genuine? I’ll do my best to take that as a compliment.”
“It’s hardly one,” you voice back. “All you athletes are the same. But I suppose you are well-versed in the art of boxing and media-training alike.”
You’re quiet for a moment as you observe the quiet streets across from you both.
“I’ve always said the second most intimate thing you can do with a person is interview them. You make an impressive subject.”
“All me, thank you very much.”
Chan chuckles and shakes his head as he practically chews through the remainder of his popsicle, toying with the bare wooden stick as a silence overtakes you both.
He studies the concrete for a moment, the gentle scrape of the wooden popsicle stick on the ground making itself known as he searches for the words to say. And then the soft rustle of the plastic convenience store bag, as he digs through and collects his second popsicle of the evening.
“Are you scared?” You query, your voice a little quieter than before as you prod at your vanilla ice cream with the wooden spoon.
“Yeah, for the series to air. People are going to start recognizing you when you go out. It always happens.”
Chan cocks his head in response, a satisfied smile pulling onto his lips as he ponders your words. And then his expression seems to drop again, grasping the popsicle stick between his fingers as he observes the way it melts in his touch, the residue trickling gently onto the pads of his fingers and down the bases of his wrists.
“I’m not scared,” Chan says finally. “I get punched by people for a living. There’s so little that actually scares me at this point.”
You think back to Lin’s request to get a little more out of him, pondering his words for a moment as you inhale before speaking once again.
“Then, if I may ask- what does scare you?”
And deep down, you know it’s unlikely you’ll receive a substantial response- it’s like pulling teeth searching for honesty from an athlete, and Chan is evidently no stranger to this phenomenon of insincerity and projection.
The low hum of a car engine is heard as the only other car in the parking lot begins to exit. You take note of the still-flickering street lamps, the vacant roads across the convenience store. And the way Chan’s breath hitches in the back of his throat, as if he’s conjured up an answer far too heavy to relay from between his parted lips, letting it instead dissipate once more as he laps at the sticky popsicle residue on his inner forearms.
“What scares me,” he begins, tongue tracing the outline of sherbet liquid along his veiny arms. “Is the rest of these popsicles melting. Come on, I have a freezer back at the gym.”
“Are you asking me to go with you? I’m going home, not to some sweat-ridden gym with your stash of popsicles.”
“I’m not letting you walk home at this hour, if that’s what you think you’re doing. Come on, it’s just a two minute drive from here and then I’ll take you back to your place.”
“I’m fine, thank you very much.”
Chan waits for you to say something else, silently hoping you’ll just agree without protest. But when you don’t, he gathers the plastic bag by the thinning handles, steadying himself with one hand on the concrete and standing up beside you.
“I’ll meet you in the car,” he says plainly, brushing his shorts off and averting your gaze.
The blinding glow of his car’s headlights reflect off the convenience store windows across him, and Chan watches as you bring a hand up to shield your eyesight while you rise from the curb. You can’t make out his expression in the flood of light that now surrounds you, but Chan’s lips curl into a knowing smile as you approach the passenger’s side, letting yourself in beside him and shifting the bag of popsicles out of your spot.
Of course, he’ll never know that you’re only agreeing to tag along in the unique instance you can gather something of substance for the purpose of your series, the way the network is now pushing you to do.
“Two minutes,” you voice back to him. “And then I want to be dropped off at my place.”
Your hands find their way to the buckle, pulling it across your torso and fastening it with a frustrated sigh.
“Two minutes,” you emphasize again.
Chan just chuckles lightly, extending an arm behind your headrest as he begins to pull out of the parking lot. And then he begins toward his training gym, in the same direction as your place of work.
“Don’t touch anything. I’m just gonna pop these in the freezer.”
Chan takes long strides down the gym with his plastic bag in hand, flipping on a series of light switches as he passes and illuminating the space with harsh white lighting.
At one end of the room lie rows upon rows of heavy weights, scattered carelessly and in no particular order along the rubber carpeted flooring. The other end of the room houses a long line of punching bags, cylindrical black leather masses that hang from metal chains and adhere to the dark gray walls that border the gym. And in the corner of the gym, your eye is drawn to a large boxing ring, elevated onto a black square surface, with tight black ropes that line the perimeter.
Though you’ve interviewed your fair share of athletes, you’re not sure you’ve ever been so intimately close to their place of work like this before, and it’s admittedly fascinating to finally visualize the gym he speaks of when he interviews.
Your hand caresses the rope which lines the boxing ring, looped around and pulled taut around each metal pillar at four of the corners, and you wonder how many times Chan has ducked to traverse beyond these ropes in a practice run or even a match. It’s the same ring which plays a role in his winning streak- and the same ring his opponent, Kang-Dae practices in, making strategic entrances around the clock so as not to accidentally run into each other.
As you admire the boxing ring, you fish a small digital camera out from the purse slung around your shoulder, snapping a generous set of photos and zooming in to all the intricate details.
“It’s been around since the 80’s,” a voice says, startling you amidst the silence. “Home to some of the greats. I practically live here.”
Chan’s hands are stuffed in the pockets of his shorts, the plastic bag now absent as he examines the boxing ring, too.
“The same one Kang-Dae practices in,” you reply.
He nods toward the back of the room, the curls of his hair largely concealed by the black beanie he wears on his head falling loosely into his eyes as he glances over at a boxing bag.
“I’m told he’s partial to the ones at the back of the room. I never use those ones- it’s weird using the same equipment he does.”
You nod slowly at his words, imagining what you envision Kang-Dae to look like, throwing punches at the bag in the back of the room. He’s probably similar to that of Chan’s stature- lean, muscular, chiseled features. And maybe even a handsome face to go with all of it.
“Which ones do you use, then?”
Chan chuckles lightly, meeting your gaze as he answers. “Middle of the ring,” he states with a shrug. “Gotta get used to standing in it.”
You observe the way Chan glances back at the boxing bag hanging in the center of the boxing ring, the chain fastened along a metal track so that it can be moved in and out of the vast space. And then you toy with the camera in your grasp once more, your fingers delicately grazing over the shutter release as you eye the space ahead.
“Could I…record you in it?” You ask him hesitantly, averting his curious gaze when he turns to look back at you.
“For the series?” He asks, a growing smile making itself known as he gestures to the ring.
“Yes, for the series. I’m not really looking to have a personal collection of photos of you, if that’s what you think is happening.”
Chan tosses his head back in amused laughter, and then he gestures to the ring with a wave of his hand, bowing a little and instructing you to lead the way.
The ring is considerably more intimidating from the center of the elevated platform. A glance around the room feels like you’re in the middle of an active match, and you can’t possibly comprehend how Chan does this with hundreds of eyes on him, analyzing his every move and holding him to the standard of a consistent winner. In fact, you can’t imagine how anybody could muster up the courage to be stood here on their own accord.
“This is where the magic happens,” Chan says, his hands on his hips as he cranes his neck to examine the top of the punching bag.
You bring the camera up as he speaks, shutting one eye and snapping a photo of Chan next to the punching bag, adjusting the zoom a little to more closely capture the scene as you snap a few more photos. When you’ve gathered an adequate amount, you then transition to record the scene, holding the camera in front of your chest as you watch Chan position himself in front of the punching bag.
“Can you show us a few tricks?”
Chan’s eyes form little crinkles as he smiles, cocking his head and stretching his arms up above him in preparation. His black tank top rides up a little as he does, exposing the toned strip of flesh between his waistline and the hem of his shirt, and you shake your head a little when you take notice, forcing your attention back on his upper body.
“Anything?” Chan asks, glancing at the camera.
“Yeah,” you shrug in reply. “Just show us a few moves.”
His hands form fists in front of him, knees bent slightly and his legs angled toward the punching bag. And then he pulls back, chin tucked against his upper body, swiftly pushing his fist forward and hitting the bag with an echoing thump.
“That’s a cross,” Chan explains, glancing back toward the camera. “Just a straight punch.”
He pulls back once more, delivering another harsh punch to the bag, and then his right arm bends out at the elbow, striking at an entirely new angle.
“That one’s a hook,” he says a little louder this time. “Sort of how you get in from the side.”
“Show us your hardest,” you call out to Chan, adjusting the lens to capture his full stance. “Imagine it was somebody you hated.”
Chan cocks his head slightly, an overconfident smile on his chiseled face as he positions his arms in front of him. And then he retracts again, throwing a much stronger punch this time, his hand shooting upward from waist-level, a harsh thud echoing around the ring as his fist makes impact. He throws another one with the other hand now, and then another, and then several more, teeth gritting as sharp breaths escaping his lips while he throws punch after punch, the bag swaying with every firm strike.
Your camera lens adjusts as he moves, capturing the entirety of his swift movements, zooming into his skilled hands and then panning up to his face, where his nostrils flare and his eyebrows seem to slant into a frown.
He looks passionate as he moves, his whole being seeming as though it’s being overcome with intense emotion, namely some form of resentment, you think, as he strikes the bag over and over again. You watch through the viewfinder of the camera as he keeps his angry gaze on the bag, growing irate when it sways back toward him, where he proceeds to hit back ten times harder. You study his face through the grainy film, at an expression you’ve never studied on him before this. He looks different- almost scary.
“That’s good,” you call out, to no avail, as Chan delivers another robust hit to the bag.
“I got it,” you call out a little louder, and after one last strike from the angle of the exposed flesh on his stomach upward to the bag, he finally stops, catching the bag when it sways back toward him and grasping it firmly in both hands.
Chan keeps his head down, looking a little ashamed as he catches his breath. You can hear the heavy pants that escape his lips when he turns to meet your gaze at last,
his eyebrows narrowed sternly as he looks at you. And then he brings a bruised knuckle up to his forehead, wiping off beads of sweat that trickle down his temple and flicking them off to the side with a wave of his hand.
“Uppercut,” he says hoarsely.
“The move,” Chan continues. “Good for opponents.”
And then he hangs his head once more, flipping up his shirt to wipe off the remainder of sweat that accumulates on his tanned skin. You force your gaze onto his concealed face, not daring to examine the toned set of abs visible to you at this proximity.
“Best for people you hate,” he then speaks into the fabric of his shirt. And you simply nod meekly in response, stuffing the camera back into the pocket of your coat.
“Say it again, but to the camera this time” You say to Chan between laughter, as he brings another wooden stick up to his lips, working his tongue around the base with a harsh sucking noise.
Two minutes at Chan’s training gym have quickly turned to two hours, and in all his persuasive athlete ways, he’d somehow convinced you that he required another popsicle before drawing a close to the evening.
“These are the best popsicles in the city,” Chan states, holding the half-melted treat up by his face as though he’s advertising it.
“It’s just the right amount of sherbet. Not too much, but just enough to satisfy a sweet tooth. I’m genuinely convinced there’s not a single thing that couldn’t be cured with one of these things.”
“Got fired at work,” you challenge.
“Easily cured by a popsicle.”
“Fight with your spouse.”
“Lost a boxing match,” you voice to him, almost doubling over in laughter when he sucks in a sharp breath and cocks his head.
“It’s a tough one. But with the right amount of sherbet, I promise you’ll make it out unscathed.”
Shared laughter fills the room as he laps up the remainder of his dessert, and then he tosses yet another popsicle stick aside, swinging his legs off the ledge of the raised boxing platform and wiping his lips with the back of his hand. As you set aside the camera once more, he hoists himself up a little further as he grasps the taut strings that surround the ring, and then he lies back entirely on the smooth surface, shutting his eyes briefly as a silence washes over you both.
Chan’s hands fold over his chest, atop the thin fabric tank top that rides up again to expose the band of his boxers, and when he feels you staring, one eye opens to meet your gaze again, a curious smile on his face.
“What?” He asks.
“Nothing,” you reply quickly, shaking your head to avert his stare. Your fingers loop around the taut rope, too, plucking at the wired material and watching it vibrate with the recoil.
Chan maintains the smug smile for a moment, a little amused at your evident shyness. And then he pats the spot behind you, beckoning you to join him in assuming a spot on the floor of the boxing ring. You begin to tell him that you should really be heading home, well aware of how long you’ve already occupied the gym, likely committing some form of trespassing by staying here. But as your eyes scan his lying figure, you think back to the interviews- it’s a miracle you’ve gotten him to loosen up even this much around you. Maybe if you stay, you can coax some form of truth out of him; a story worth telling.
So with a gentle sigh, your fingers loosen their grasp around the rope, lying flat against the smooth surface of the ring, at a close proximity alongside Chan’s languid body. It’s probably prohibited somewhere within the unspoken rules of being an earnest journalist, to lie down beside an interview subject like this. But when your hands finally fold over your own chest, the only feeling present is that of calmness, of unwavering stillness, as the low buzz of the overhead lights emits from above you.
Chan keeps his eyes shut for a while, and amidst the deafening silence, it’s almost too loud when he finally swallows a knot in his throat and speaks in a voice just above a whisper.
“Sometimes I wish I could just turn my brain off,” Chan admits quietly. “I feel like I can still hear the commotion all around me.”
Echoes of training ring through his ears as though they’re lullabies engrained deep into his memory- the strikes to hanging leather bags, the heavy grunts that escape parted lips as men lift weights three times their size, the hot showers that run around the clock as athletes relish in their wins and dwell all their losses. Even with eyes shut tightly, Chan swears he can still see pairs of eyes observing him carefully, analyzing his every move and holding him to the standards of a consistent winner.
Angle your fist upward. Quicker on the footwork. Harder. Faster.
Atta boy. Be a man. Be a winner.
It’s only when his coach has gone home for the evening, when the other athletes file out of the training gym one by one, towels slung over their broad shoulders and duffel bags packed with spare gloves and changes of clothes. It’s when he’s the last shower of the night, letting scorching water roll off his toned body, steam fogging the mirrors until his own reflection is indistinguishable to him once more. And it’s when he’s concluded throwing practice punches in the now-empty ring, his muscular back parallel to the floor of the ring just like this, and his eyes fixed on the gray industrial ceilings and recess lights. It’s only then that he isn’t so easily defined by a winning streak.
In fact, his wins mean nothing in the absence of other athletes, who are also defined by the numerical realities of trophies gained and matches lost. The world feels much clearer to him like this, no longer clouded by the gym chatter and bruised knuckles that seek permanent shelter in his conscience. He’s just Bang Chan- not a winner, not even a boxer. Just Chan.
And though he allows it to consume him entirely, often replacing his curiosity for the world around him and a lingering loneliness with the insatiable appetite to fight, win, conquer- he knows deep down that it’s still not all of him. There remains a sort of fragility tucked somewhere beyond all this rigidness- there’s still a heavy humanness underneath these conjectures that he’s the ‘perfect boxer’.
What is a winning streak relative to an empty boxing ring? What is a spectator relative to a participant? What are concealed identities relative to a lifetime of falsifying new ones?
“What does it feel like?” You ask Chan, and he opens his eyes to examine the gray pipes that run along the ceilings once more.
For a fleeting moment, the dual identity he keeps tucked away makes its way to the forefront, silently admonishing how this all really feels to him- how the sounds that ring throughout his ears are far too loud at times, among a myriad of other admissions.
“It’s a bit much,” Chan responds with a deep sigh. And then he sits up once more, gesturing to the wall of photos across you, neat rows of famous boxers who once inhabited this ring so triumphantly assuming a spot within these gym walls permanently.
“See that?” Chan queries. You sit up, too, following his gaze to the largest photo in the middle, a confident smile painted on the monochrome subject’s face.
“Baik Hyun-Man,” you voice from beside him. “The boxer.”
He’s a little impressed when he turns to face you again, perhaps not having taken you very seriously the first time you dubbed yourself a fan of his, too.
“I want to be like him,” Chan confesses, his voice just above a whisper. “I want to be a winner. I want people to view me like that- always.”
Your words don’t make it past your tongue, which you bite impassively, instead nodding your head and letting a silence fall over you both. You don’t grant him the encouragement he seeks- in fact, you don’t even grant him a proper response.
You simply hum- and whether the verbalization serves as a form of agreement, or as utter dismay for concealing anything beyond the most predictable version of him he brings to you- that is for him to decipher.
Part one of Chan’s docuseries is aired that same week, just after five, on your network’s channel.
You watch on your television, completely immersed, as the familiar tune of your intro starts up, your phone already flooded with texts from colleagues who also tune in to the event.
“He’s so charming,” one texts you, as Chan appears on the screen, recalling stories of his early boxing days and verbally admiring the efforts of his opponent, Kang-Dae.
“Great start to the series,” your boss relays in her message to you, as Chan details his impressive his winning streak, a cocky smile plastered on his handsome face.
“I feel like you bring out something special in him,” Lin’s text reads- one which you read over several times, while your shared moment with Chan plays in the background, both of you reeling over the old documentary which preceded your careers. The very same clip you requested Lin cut out of the docu series- a clip that wasn't planned.
Your attention falls entirely on the way his face lights up as he speaks of the Iron Gentleman, contrary to the rest of the interview, where he delivers otherwise predictable responses and maintains a polite disposition. There’s a lighter tone to his voice when he’s made aware that you’ve also seen the series- and a visible sparkle in his eyes when he looks at you, impressed by the niche similarity you both share. Although unplanned, Lin is right- it’s undoubtedly the highlight of the interview, to watch him break down his walls and give the audience a glimpse into something beyond his boxing career. Part one of his series is certainly not a complete story- but it alludes to the notion that he does harbor a much more complex version of it, somewhere deep down inside of him.
And when the first reviews begin to roll in , Lin is the first to greet you, a piece of paper grasped firmly in her hands as she rushes up to meet you before you’ve even made it to your desk.
“The people love him,” she says enthusiastically, trailing beside you as you shuffle past to your desk.
“Listen to this,” she continues. “The network follows up-and-coming boxer Christopher Bang Chan as he prepares for the biggest fight of his life- in what just may be the biggest docuseries since that which preceded Hyun Man’s championship ring fight.”
“What?” You exclaim, halting your motion of digging through your purse to lock eyes with her ecstatic expression.
“I know!” she replies, practically shoving the paper toward you and directing your gaze upon the printed words. “Read the rest of it!”
Your eyes scan the dark black ink printed along the top of the newspaper, Lin’s finger directing you to where the paragraph continues with the gesture or her manicured finger.
“We were immediately captivated not only by Bang Chan’s remarkable looks, which seem to give models a run for their money, but by the essence in which he speaks of his craft- educational, yet alluring. It’s hard to ignore the chemistry in which interviewer y/n maintains as she tells his story, and we’re equally as satisfied with both subjects’ visible passion for the athletes which once dominated the network’s airtime. The series, which will air until Bang Chan’s Golden Gloves Championship fight, will follow his tale to stardom- and the underlying story he seeks to share with the world in the process.”
Lin lets out an excited squeal when you conclude speaking, patting your hand as she retrieves the paper once more and scans the bold text for the nth time this morning.
“People are seriously into him,” she emphasizes, raising her eyebrows in a knowing manner. “All these intimate looks at his life have people talking like crazy. I mean, we haven’t seen ratings this high since I can’t even remember when.”
You chuckle lightly, fishing around again for your phone in your purse and shrugging in her direction.
“Sure, he’s a little charming, I’ll give him that. People are just sorta drawn to people like him, I suppose.”
“Sorta?” Lin questions. “There’s other networks calling us to request they take over the series from here. They’re dying to know everything about him. Especially because of his winning streak.”
With your phone in hand, you pause again, meeting her gaze and furrowing your brows.
“Really? Why’s it so special to everybody?”
“Because,” she begins. “There hasn’t been an athlete competing in the Golden Gloves Championship with a winning streak like his in maybe 20 years. It makes his title fight appealing to everybody that way, not just to sports fanatics. He’s a handsome boxer and who never loses- and our network��s about to capture the biggest win of his life.”
You finally assume your spot on the swivel chair by your desk as she hovers over you, trying your best to make sense of the words as they leave her lips.
All around you, the office seems particularly busy today, colleagues chatting amongst themselves, sauntering quickly by your desk with video equipment and manila envelopes in hand. The sounds seem to crescendo as you take note of the phone lines that ring nonstop, filling the space with a constant shrill sound as colleagues rush to take messages. Amidst the overlapping voices, you can hear them conversing about ratings, requests for interviews and plans for the remainder of the series. And as you turn back to Lin, you also take note of the big smile plastered across her face- an expression you don’t typically see on an otherwise aloof producer like herself.
“You took my advice, and look where it’s gotten us already,” she says to you. “If you can manage to pull more out of him, I think we’ll have something really good here. Get closer- dig deeper.”
“I’m really trying here, but I don’t know how much closer I’ll be able to get,” you tell her.
Lin shrugs as she watches you glance at your phone, your eyes widening at the sight of several missed calls and texts.
“Took a message for you,” she says with a subtle purse of her lips. “He asked you to swing by the gym. Get out there- and bring every camera you have. He doesn’t take a breath before the camera shoots it.”
You glance past Lin’s standing figure at the giant glass windows of the office, the sun largely obscured by the cloudy weather and the towering buildings that surround it. It’s suffocating at this hour, just a little too busy for your liking, the atmosphere looming with talks of Chan and Chan and more Chan.
You know stopping by the gym will likely just irritate you more, and yet when Lin’s eager expression scans the paper in her hands once more, pupils dancing over written accounts of Chan’s passion for boxing and an underlying story the general public is somehow convinced you’ll unveil to them, you let out a frustrated sigh, gathering your purse once again and pushing your chair back in against your desk.
And Lin shoots you a small, yet knowing smile, as she observes you make your way back to the office entrance.
“Harder. No hooks this time.”
“There you go! Now let’s see it all together.”
Chan ducks as his trainer throws a hit, and then his left fist darts out to deliver a harsh jab as he maintains his quick-paced footwork around the ring.
You watch from the entrance of the gym as he circles around the ring, eyebrows furrowed in deep concentration and beads of sweat trickling down his clenched jaw. His punches echo thunderously around the gym, his sneakers squeaking along the floor as he ducks again to evade another hit. And then he delivers one more hard punch to the palm of his trainer’s mitt, pulling away when his trainer gives a simple nod in response.
“Very good. Take five.”
Chan lets his head hang loosely as he catches his breath, his trainer undoing the velcro mitt straps around his wrists and making his way to the equipment room with them. You approach cautiously, one hand clutching the strap of your purse over your shoulder, as the other fiddles nervously with the hem of your shirt.
Chan takes note when you approach, his head snapping in your direction from where he remains standing. And then he approaches, too, a smile on his lips as he struts toward you and adjusts the black bandages around his knuckles.
“You actually showed!” Chan remarks with a chuckle.
“You asked me to stop by,” you say in response, observing the way he pulls the wires border apart to duck and hoist himself off the platform, now standing in front of you as he leans casually against the ring.
“I know. I just didn’t think you’d actually come.”
“Yeah, well, I didn’t have much of a choice. What’s the occasion?”
“No occasion,” Chan chuckles lightly. “I just like your company.”
“That’s it? You know I’m supposed to be working, right?”
“Relax,” Chan assures you. “I called your office this morning. Told them we needed you here to collect some boxing paraphernalia of the sort. Didn’t get any protest from the big boss.”
Your eyes narrow as Chan reaches behind him and brings forth a plastic water bottle, bringing it to his lips and taking a generous swig. You observe the way he downs half of the bottle in one guttural swallow, his adam’s apple bobbing twice as he now finishes off the water, and then pulls it away from him once more with a gentle pop as the suction from between his lips is broken. A single drop of water trickles down beside his plump lips, and he brings one veiny arm out in front of him to wipe it with his inner wrist, careful to avoid making contact with his bandages.
When Chan notices you staring, he gestures to his bandaged hand with a nod of his head as he speaks. “They get all gross when I wet them,” he explains simply. “Ever had athlete’s foot on your hands?”
“Ew, no,” you say with a small laugh.
He holds your gaze for a moment, as though he wants to ask something, and then he rejects the idea entirely, standing up a little straighter when his coach returns from the equipment room at the back.
“Who’s this?” The man asks, a stern expression on his face as he approaches.
“Oh, uh… sorry, I’m-”
“This is y/n,” Chan interjects. “She’s the interviewer we’ve been talking about.”
“It’s you!” His coach exclaims, scoffing as does a once-over of your timid figure. He’s much broader than Chan is, his buff arms folding over themselves as he leans back against the ring beside Chan. You quickly recognize him as the gentleman who accompanied Chan during your first introduction to him.
“I watched the first part when it aired,” he states. “You somehow make him seem interesting. Didn’t know that was possible.”
Chan laughs and shakes his head, a pink blush creeping upon his cheeks as you laugh, too.
“You can call me Mr. Seo,” his coach says finally, extending a calloused hand to you, his fingers grasping firmly around yours as you shake. “I’ve been training the guy since he was just a little shorter than he is now.”
“Alllll right,” Chan interrupts with a chuckle. “You’re free to go.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Mr. Seo retorts sarcastically. And then turns to face you once more, furrowing his brows as he points a finger in your direction and cocks his head slightly.
“You’ll be at the fight, correct?” He inquires.
“We’re televising it,” you respond with a nod. “I’ll be there to watch.”
Chan’s eyes flicker over your gaze momentarily, and then over Mr. Seo’s expression as he nods.
“Don’t let him fool you,” Mr. Seo says with a chuckle. “I think there’s still a person somewhere deep inside there.”
Chan shakes his head sheepishly and then averts your gaze when you turn to look at him again.
“We’re done for the day, yeah?” He asks in a low voice, practically begging Mr. Seo to make his departure from the gym.
“Yeah,” Mr. Seo responds, his eyebrows raising in your direction as he cocks his head again. “I’m on my way out. It was great meeting you!”
You nod at Mr. Seo, watching as he gathers a black bag off the floor and hoists it over his shoulder.
Chan keeps his head hung as Mr. Seo gets further away from both of your still-standing figures, and then he glances up only when he hears the heavy door push open to indicate his exit.
For a moment, neither of you say anything, a heavy tension making itself known between you. You wonder briefly what could have offended Chan about Mr. Seo’s remark- and then you make a mental note to badger Chan about it later, when he’s properly on camera.
“I need to make a little day trip,” Chan finally says with a click of his tongue. “So you’re coming with.”
“Depends where we’re going.”
“About an hour up north. I left some boxing equipment, and I need it back.”
You hold back a smile as Chan leans back against the ring once more, his eyebrows raised at the same time his lips pull back into a smirk. He maintains a knowing grin as he holds your gaze, as though he already knows you can’t decline the offer. And he’s right- despite fulfilling the role of a work subject, and being forced to spend time with him at practically all hours of the day, there’s something about him you just can’t bring yourself to say no to.
You also can’t help but wonder what’s in this for him- sure, he maintains the fact that you need video footage. And you do, still finding yourself eager to capture all the intimate moments of his life which you already know contribute to his charming persona, one which audiences have been captivated by after just one episode of his series. But you can’t help but feel as though he may possess more motives for keeping you around this closely. Maybe it’s a product of the series’ early success- and maybe it has something to do with the truths he can’t seem to utter.
True to the way he lives his life at full-speed, Chan drives fast. He keeps one hand on the steering wheel, making smooth turns with the palm of his hand as he sits slouched comfortably in the driver’s seat, his vacant hand resting over the center console between you.
The conversation flows with ease, as though you’ve always known him, and Chan details all the mundane intricacies that come with being a boxer for the entirety of the car ride. He doesn’t speak of anything more personal than his start to boxing, yet he upholds his privacy with such dexterity, making cautious attempts to reroute the conversation when it steers any closer to him than he intends it to. And though he makes himself out to be one of two things at any given moment, chuckling lightly as he defines himself somewhere between “perfervid and steadfast”, there’s an underlying tenderness to him, the kind you can observe only in the transient moments in which he doesn’t speak of his work.
You catch a glimpse of it when he laughs at his own jokes, eyes forming little creases under his temples when he fills the space with the melodic sound of “ha ha’s” at tales of his childhood. You notice it in the way he speaks of the people he holds close to him, dubbing Mr. Seo a “lifesaver”, a “best friend” and a “hero” in the same breath. And it’s present every time he asks you a question, his eyes full of concentration as he waits for you to detail your work to him in return, usually met with the gentle reminder that he need not interview the interviewer. Yet he remains the first athlete to try and do so in your presence- a fact you’re undoubtedly charmed by.
When Chan announces your arrival at the undisclosed location, you do a double-take, furrowing your brows in confusion when he comes around to open the passenger’s car door for you.
“Where are we?” You query, stepping out and glancing at the scenery which surrounds you both.
You’re knee deep in the suburbs and well on the outskirts of city life, the clean-paved roads lined with modest-sized homes and yellowing lawns. The overcast skies are much clearer without the obstruction of skyscrapers and billboards, and in the far distance, you can make out the euphonious hum of a mourning dove’s coo.
“I told you,” Chan replies. “Here for some equipment.”
He gestures for you to follow up the cement steps that lead to a single painted door at the front, and once you’re both positioned at the entrance, he rings the doorbell confidently, glancing down at the coir doormat and prodding at it with the sole of his shoe.
“Mom bought new ones,” he says simply, and your head snaps in his direction.
Before he can properly answer, the door is swung open with the heavy creak of the latch, and you’re met with who you can only presume to be Chan’s mother, a warm smile on her face as her arms extend out to him for an embrace.
“You didn’t tell me you were coming!” She exclaims, wrapping her arms around his broad shoulders and laughing lightly. Her eyes form little crinkles the same way his do, and her features robustly resemble all of his.
“And you,” she now says as she pulls away. “Must be the movie-maker.”
You smile politely at her, eyes flickering over Chan momentarily before you nod in response.
“I’m just the interviewer,” you say in response. “I do get a few pieces of footage here and there, too. It’s nice to meet you.”
Your invitation for a handshake is interrupted by her arms embracing you, too, which you reciprocate in a warm hug.
“I left my training gloves,” Chan voices to her. “Did you see them anywhere?”
“I left them on the console table. You’re always forgetting something.”
Chan smiles in response, and then he kicks off his shoes when she gestures for him to come inside. You mirror the action, following his lead into their house, and then you trail after Chan to the console table where a pair of black boxing gloves lie.
As he collects them, you take in the atmosphere, eyeing the decor curiously as his mom assumes a spot on the couch.
It’s a humble little household, no bigger than any of the other houses on the street, but there’s clear indication that it’s lived-in, from the framed photos that line the walls, to the cabinets of trophies that accompany the furniture. You thumb over the strap of your camera as you walk in strides, knowing the network will be elated you managed to get this close to your interview subject. From the photos in frames atop the glass coffee tables, to the collection of medals that decorate the space by the cabinets, every reward and heirloom is more footage, more praise, higher ratings.
And above the couch, a pair of bright blue boxing gloves hung on a single nail, exactly like Chan previously mentioned.
“Are those your first boxing gloves?” You ask suddenly, drawing attention from Mrs. Bang as she cranes her neck to look at them. Chan gives a half-smile as he turns to look at them, too, and then he nods before speaking.
“Yeah, that’s them. They were a little too big for me when I bought them.”
“I was so proud of him,” Mrs. Bang chimes in. “I had to buy a second pair just to display his first.”
You smile in her direction as she folds her hands in her lap, and then your hands run over the bag you wear slung over your shoulder.
“Could I possibly film you answering a couple questions?” You ask Mrs. Bang suddenly, fishing around for the digital camera you brought along with you. “Just a few basic ones about Chan. I promise it won’t take long.”
Your gaze turns to Chan to gauge his reaction, and you’re met with an encouraging nod as he gestures to his mother.
“Of course!” his mom says, smoothing down her dress as she beckons you over. “I’m an open book.”
You take the seat across from her, running your index finger over the release shutter as you fidget with the settings. And then you catch Chan’s gaze once more, your eyes flickering at his anticipatory expression and then beyond his figure into the hallway.
“Chan, do you mind if I interview her… alone?” You request, heartbeat quickening in your chest. “These are really basic questions. I just find that people are a little more detailed when the film subject isn’t directly present.”
Chan shoves his hands into the pockets of his pants awkwardly, chewing nervously on the inside of his lip as he glances at his mother. A silent few seconds go by, and you conclude that his lack of response indicates disapproval of the request.
“I can also just not conduct the interview if that’s better for you-”
“No, that’s fine,” Chan says finally. “I’ll wait out in the garage.”
He gives a small nod in the direction of his mother, as if to request that she uphold the self-contained image he projects, and then he pivots on his heel, disappearing past the hallway toward the direction of his once makeshift gym.
“I wanted to ask you about what Chan was like growing up,” you begin as you turn toward her again, positioning the camera on a side table and adjusting to fix on her face. “Was he always so set on being a boxer?”
“Oh, precisely,” she says, folding her hands over her crossed knees. “I couldn’t get him to do nearly anything outside of going to the gym. At age 12, he was lifting weights twice his own. And by 14, he was training with Mr. Seo. Did you know he missed his own graduation ceremony to participate in some fight?”
“I didn’t know that,” you say with a chuckle.
“He did. He’d also box himself inside that little garage every summer, just practicing. I had to drag him inside for dinner most days.”
“So he’s always had this sort of tunnel vision.”
“Yes, I think so. He was never outside with the other kids, never really had many friends. It wasn’t for a lack of making them- he just found more joy in training with Mr. Seo than doing anything else a typical kid his age would do.”
You nod as she speaks, and then you watch as her lips curl into a small smile.
“In the summer, he would practice all day long in our dingy little garage. It was always scorching hot, so I’d bring him his favorite ice cream to cool down. I think watching his excitement for those ice cream bars is the last time I can recall him feeling like a little kid. He grew up so fast.”
“Sherbet ones,” you voice to her, and she points to you with a cheerful smile on her face.
“Yes, those ones!”
You chuckle as you think of the ones she speaks of, not having guessed they were a staple which preceded his career, and not just some random fixation of his.
Mrs. Bang shakes her head as she recalls memories, and then she cranes her neck to eye the hanging boxing gloves again.
“Sometimes I worry about him,” she confesses in a low voice.
You observe the way her eyebrows furrow into an expression of concern, and you tilt your head when she hangs hers, trying your best to make sense of the shift in tone.
“What do you mean?” You ask, knowing very well these aren’t in fact, the basic questions you promised Chan you would be aiming at her.
“He gets so wrapped up in it- especially when he has a fight around the corner. It’s all he does, all he thinks about.”
Mrs. Bang shakes her head for a moment, and then she meets your gaze again, speaking in a rushed tone.
“He didn’t sleep for three days once,” she announces. “Do you know how hard it was to see him like that?”
You don’t reply immediately, taking note of the visible tears that brim her eyes, which she wipes away with the gentle stroke of a manicured finger.
“He’s so down on himself all the time,” Mrs. Bang continues. “He’s so preoccupied with being the best at what he does. And I can’t help but think there’s something keeping him down.”
“Like what?”
She sniffles loudly once, shrugging her shoulders and flickering her gaze over the camera, as though suddenly remembering she’s being recorded.
“I don’t know,” Mrs. Bang admits. “Maybe you’ll figure it out for us.”
She purses her lips sheepishly when she concludes speaking, resuming the action of wiping off her runny mascara, and then you turn to the camera quickly, shutting off the recording and collecting it in your grasp once more.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to make it so depressing,” she says in a frail voice.”I think a lot of us are just worried about what this fight could mean for him. For his future.”
“No, please don’t apologize,” you say to her quickly. “It’s admirable that you’re so preoccupied with his career. I can just cut out that last part.”
Mrs. Bang just folds her hands neatly in her lap, but she says nothing to you, no verbal request to omit the footage or steer clear of publicizing the concern she houses for her own son. The thought passes you by, momentarily, to ask her if she’s okay being this vulnerable on camera- but when Mrs. Bang clears her throat and speaks again, you swallow your words, straightening your posture and turning your attention onto her seated figure once more.
“He’s a born winner,” she finishes. “I guess that comes at a cost.”
And the cost isn’t so easily visible to you at such proximity to Chan, who spends the duration of lunch shoving food around his plate with the tip of his fork, uttering a simple “yes” when asked if he’s been sleeping, and “maybe” when asked about his interest in a family trip after the big match. And then he turns the attention back to you, with a nod of his head in your direction, urging you to detail your career back to Mrs. Bang, the same way he does.
“I’m a journalist,” you tell her, politely dabbing at the corners of your mouth with a napkin. “I interview a lot of athletes. Your son’s just one of many.”
“How riveting,” she says back, resting her chin atop her folded hands. “So I assume you’ve grown rather close in the process, then?”
You chuckle lightly, biting back from divulging her in the fact that you’ve only agreed to be here because your network is keen on the confidentialities of Chan’s personal life.
“You could say that. I always joke that the second most intimate thing you can do with a person is interview them.”
Chan keeps his chin tucked, eyes glued to his plate as you glance over at him as Mrs. Bang lets out a laugh.
“He’s very talented, though,” you continue. “It’s an honor to know him like this before his biggest win.”
“I’m glad you think so,” Mrs. Bang chimes in. “And so the purpose of this is to capture his life before the title match?”
Chan’s head lifts a little to look at you, knowing very well that he’s the defining factor in all of this, and yet he doesn’t take the liberty of making it known to his mother.
“The purpose is whatever he chooses it to be,” you explain to her. “It’s a story- more like a message of sorts. Really anything that defines him as a person, not just an athlete.”
Mrs. Bang nods once more, and then her eyes flicker over Chan as he evades her eye contact.
“I’m excited for part two,” she finishes. “I think you’re doing a fine job at knowing him."
“He took you to meet his mom?”
“It’s not what you’re thinking,” you reply quickly, as you gesture to the camera Lin grasps between her hands. “He needed to get some equipment. It just happened to be at his mom’s place.”
She scoffs as she thumbs over the camera buttons, her lips pulling into a smile as she observes the thumbnails of your various clips.
“It’s a fucking gold mine,” she emphasizes. “This is exactly what we’re looking for.”
Lin watches curiously as one of the clips begins to play, an indistinguishable dialogue emitting from the camera as a close-up shot of his mom is shown.
“What’s the gist of them?” She inquires, toying with the camera strap.
“His mom seems worried for him,” you remark, pulling the sleeves of your sweater over the palms of your hands as you speak in a reluctant tone. “She alludes to something he’s hiding- maybe some sort of double life he leads. Of course I don’t think he’s that interesting, but he’s definitely a little closed-off when he wants to be.”
“She couldn’t say more?”
“She doesn’t know more. He’s a mystery to his own family, it seems.”
Lin lets out a singular breathy chuckle before ejecting the memory card and grasping it carefully between her fingers.
“Nice work,” she voices. “Part two is finally going to get personal.”
You think over her words momentarily, envisioning the way Chan so confidently brought you along with him that evening, allowing you to photograph the cherished corners of his childhood home, from the blue boxing mitts his mother held onto all those years, down to the sacred conversations of his mother in clear distress. And although you weren’t explicitly ordered not to publicize the footage, it feels wrong- just a little too… voyeuristic, to pass along to the network like this.
“Wait,” you say to Lin, uncovering the palms of your hands and gesturing to the memory card. “There’s a few clips on there I meant to delete.”
“Like what?”
“Just some extra footage we didn’t need. I’ll delete it and give it right back-”
“We can sort it out later,” Lin says, with a shake of her head. “I’ll give you a once-over before we publish the next part. Don’t worry about it.”
You meet her gaze as she finishes speaking, and she shoots you a small smile before setting the memory aside on her desk.
“Tell me,” Lin begins, leaning back in her desk chair. “What’s he like?”
You chuckle softly, leaning back in your own chair, as you shrug in response.
“I don’t know. He’s a perfectionist, that’s for sure. And he’s a little hesitant to be honest about himself.”
And then you sigh, locking eyes with the ceiling as you avert her gaze. A small smile creeps upon your face, as you think of Bang Chan, and the charming way he recounts stories of his career, always keen on asking about yourself in turn and maintaining his polite composure.
“He’s not as bad as I thought,” you then admit to her, after a brief moment of silence. “Of course he’s still an unbroken winner, at the end of the day. And that has its own implications. But I suppose he’s not all bad.”
Lin smirks a little at your confession, nodding as she folds her hands in her lap and raises her eyebrows.
“He seems to have taken a liking to you,” she teases. “He requests for you an awful lot these days.”
And you shake your head in response, your gaze falling to the memory card still placed on the desk in front of her.
“He just wants company,” you say to her, thinking back to the footage of him that exists on the little plastic card. “He just likes good company.”
And perhaps “good company” really is all which Chan seeks, you grow to realize, as the occurrences in which he’s dragging you along to some mundane task grow tenfold during part two of his series’ filming sessions. You familiarize yourself with his gym, his childhood home, even the leather interior of his two-seater when he’s speeding down the highway and indulging you in stories of his days spent training. Always a camera aimed at him, always a frame-by-frame analysis of how much he’s grown to love heavy lifting days the most, or how he’s partial to darker clothing because it offsets the paleness he flaunts when he’s been inside training all day. The monotonous setting of your office is quickly transitioned to that of Chan’s training gym, where you’ll typically occupy a bench by the gallery wall while he throws punches with Mr. Seo in the ring.
Chan is well aware of your tendency to film him during training sessions, earning the new title of a “show-off” by Mr. Seo’s standards, when he’s perfecting all his jabs in front of you, keen on his footwork and lifting weights three times his normal. And from behind the lens, you often hold his gaze a little too long, cocking your head to observe the way his brown tresses cling to his chiseled face with sweat. Or perhaps the way his thin athletic t-shirts seem to ride up his body with every punch, exposing the thin strip of flesh where his toned obliques grace your presence.
And the high ratings mean the network is eager to get more out of him, encouraging you to stay a little longer where you can, or to ask questions that scrape below the surface of who Chan really is.
Be intentional with your questions. Get him vulnerable.
And you certainly make attempts to, especially persistent at following all of his intimate moments with a camera in and hand a series of follow-up questions.
Of course Chan certainly won’t admit it, far too caught up in the pressure to maintain the image of a “perfect boxer” to let his guard down around you, but he is comfortably vulnerable in your presence, fascinated with the prospects of the series as it pertains to his winning streak, and often immersed in thoughts that don’t only involve himself.
As a memory card remains plugged into your laptop, importing clips of Chan’s conversations of carefree footage for Lin- laughing, smiling, your eyes scan the still frame of him, beaming, one popsicle in hand and a hand outstretched to the camera. He looks lighter this way- in fact, you’re not sure you would take him to be a boxer at all if not for the knowledge you possess.
When Chan concludes his round of punches, he makes his way toward you in purposeful strides, hoisting himself off of the ring and wiping his forehead with the back of his hand.
“What are you thinking about?” He queries, assuming a spot on the bench beside you and slouching back comfortably.
“You don’t need to interview the interviewer,” you remind him, fingers hovering over the mousepad of your keyboard. He shoots you a knowing smile, the flesh by his lips creasing as he holds it there momentarily.
When you look up to meet his gaze, he holds it- a little too long to feel appropriate, but not in a way that begs you to cease your actions. He’s still just as charming as you’d concluded him to be following your first interaction- but he’s also real, tantalizing. The look is almost dizzying when a soft hum emits from the back of his throat, as though he’s laughing at you, as though he knows he drives you mad in more ways than just one.
And his intense brown eyes seem to soften as he flickers his gaze over your contented expression.
“Let’s do something tonight,” Chan says in a mellow tone. It’s hardly a question, and more of a command, as he drums on his knees with the pads of his fingers.
“Why, you need another grocery run?” You retort with a smile, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear as he holds your gaze.
“I like your company,” Chan confesses. “This gym wears me out.”
You turn your attention back to your computer as a blush creeps on your cheeks- Chan knows very well that your camera is now well saturated with footage- in fact, you could probably go several days in his absence and still have enough footage to pull together the next part.
“And by ‘do something’ you mean what, exactly?”
“There’s a bar down the street.”
“I don’t like bars.”
“Me either,” Chan says quickly, followed by a soft chuckle.
You turn to hold his gaze once more, narrowing your eyes a little as though you’re challenging him.
“Bad practice for athletes,” he states simply.
“Then I guess we’ll have to forfeit.”
Chan pauses for a moment, and then his lips pull into another smile, a small blush making its way on the tips of his ears before he speaks again.
“Come to my place,” he says plainly. It’s a request perhaps too bold for somebody who’s meant to serve the sole purpose of a video subject, and yet the offer is nothing short of tempting- for video purposes, and possibly for your own interest, too.
He thinks it over a moment, not having devised any form of a plan for the evening, but holding onto his hopes that you’ll agree, nonetheless.
“Just… indulge me in your presence, yeah?” he finishes.
You begin to tell him that you can’t, that this is probably going too far as it stands, to be spending every waking hour with him the way you now do. But the reminder lingers, that you’re meant to be breaking down his walls, gathering all of his private affairs for the purposes of this series. And perhaps, also, because he’s still hard to say no to.
“Can I bring my camera?” You ask him, and Chan nods, amused.
“You can bring your camera,” he affirms. “Film whatever you want.”
He keeps his gaze on yours again, his brown eyes flickering over your pursed lips as you observe him at this painfully close proximity. A single bead of sweat trickles from his temple down to his cheek, and as your hand instinctively reaches out to wipe it off of him, the echoing sound of footsteps interrupts you, your head snapping in the direction of a voice as it calls out to you both.
“Popsicles are out,” Mr. Seo says when he appears, boxing mitts grasped firmly in his grip. “I’m out of here for the evening, but you’re free to go restock if you feel so inclined.”
Your bodies almost force themselves away from each other, and you rise from the bench to give Mr. Seo a small bow when he’s stood in front of you.
“Hi Mr. Seo,” you say nervously. “I can make a quick trip-”
“We’ll go together,” Chan interrupts.
Your gaze snaps in his direction, where he’s now standing, too, and he nods again to affirm his answer.
Mr. Seo glances at you briefly, perhaps at just enough of an angle to presume that he knows your emotions are a little elevated. But then he simply shrugs, nodding affirmatively in your direction.
“Yeah,” he says plainly. “I’ll see you for tomorrow’s session.”
That same evening marks the first instance in which Bang Chan is reminded that he’s now perceivable to the masses- in the form of sold out popsicles. You watch as he cluelessly questions the cashier, furrowing his brows and recalling how they had restocked just days prior.
“Why would popsicles be sold out so quickly?” Chan voices, staring down the freezers against the wall as though his favorite dessert might somehow materialize from nothing.
And as your eyes remain fixed on the A4 paper that hangs loosely from the glass door, detailing “no popsicles” in scribbled handwriting and adhered by a single strip of masking tape, you make sense of it before you can even verbalize it.
“Because of you,” you voice with a chuckle.
“Me? That’s a stretch, I bought, like, three the last time I was here. That’s hardly enough-”
“Your series,” you interrupt, approaching the fridge and giving it a once-over. “You mentioned them in the first part. I think your fans have taken a liking to them.”
Your gaze meets Chan again, waiting for him to say something along the lines of what the athletes typically do when they’ve had their first brush with newfound fame. And yet Chan doesn’t smile back- in fact, the expression he wears on his face is anything but content, his lips pulling into a frown you can only describe as somber.
The chime of the door indicates the arrival of more people, and suddenly Chan can feel pairs of eyes boring into his soul from every corner of the convenience store, the undivided attention of customers analyzing his every move and holding him to the same impossible standard he’s become so accustomed to.
He’s aware that they’re picking apart his appearance, his mannerisms, translating his pixelated figure into the real-life tangibility of his broad stature. The girls seem to laugh into their sleeves as they traverse the store, and the men shoot him envious looks, as though any one of them might be Bang Chan’s opponent in the flesh. He thinks back to his opponent, who he knows trains in the same gym near this very convenience store. And then his eyes scan the room nervously, calculating the chances that one of these men may indeed be Kang-Dae. The men he rules out are paired against the likelihood that they’re either for him, or entirely against him, like they might actively be rooting for his downfall. Like they may eagerly be awaiting a broken winning streak.
And if the sight of an empty freezer isn’t soul-crushing enough, he may very well mistake this to be a boxing match, by the way his heartbeat quickens in his chest, eyes on him eagerly awaiting his next move and silently commentating as though they control him. The thoughts race through his mind once more, as he ponders the relativity of a winning streak to an empty boxing ring, a spectator relative to a participant. A city-wide obsession with popsicles for fleeting, superficial fame- and a voyeuristic fascination with the sacred intricacies of his personal life.
What are you so afraid of?
Your voice rings in his mind, and he cringes when he takes several steps away from your looming figure, averting the gaze of every customer in the store as his own heartbeat echoes loudly through his ears.
“Let’s go,” he says, beginning toward the door again.
“Already?” You question, glancing at the full shelves of alternative dessert options. “You don’t want to grab something else?”
“I want to go home,” Chan emphasizes through gritted teeth.
And when he’s exited the store before you, the blank stares shared amongst you, and the store clerk, and the customers who most definitely recognize him, seem to only affirm the discomfort he feels.
Home to Bang Chan isn’t always the one he grew up in- it’s also his humble apartment on the east side, up three stories high, the walls heavily resembling that of a bachelor pad’s. It’s not very hospitable, you quickly notice, as the room is only incrementally brightened by the on switch of a floor lamp in the corner. And as he gestures to a black leather couch across a luxurious flatscreen television, you can’t help but wonder how many girls he’s charmed into this exact position, comfortably sat on his couch as he makes his way over with two glasses of white wine.
“I’m impressed,” you say quickly, giving the living room another once-over.
“How so?”
“You have good taste in furniture. And your hosting qualities aren’t too shabby. Is white wine your go-to for journalists?”
“Very funny,” Chan says with a grin. “You’re the first to have made it this far.”
“Then can I ask what the occasion is?” You inquire, as he assumes the spot beside you. “Aside from indulging you with my company.”
Chan sets his glass down on the coffee table in front of you both, exchanging it for a remote control and switching on the television.
“Something I wanted to watch with you,” he says simply. You observe as he starts up what you think to be a movie at first, his arm sprawling over the back of the sofa as he sits back comfortably. And then, when the familiar sound of an introduction fills the room, you don’t have to wait long to know what it is.
“I should’ve guessed,” you say quietly from your spot next to him, as you bring the glass of wine up to your lips. Chan nods, a smile upon his face as renowned boxer Baik Hyun-Man assumes a seat in a studio much like yours, and then begins to speak.
“I’ve been boxing for ten years,” he says, following a brief introduction. “It’s my passion. My life’s dream.”
The peripherals of your eyes shift to Chan’s seated figure, where he’s watching intently, a sort of shimmer in his eyes as he indulges in the film for what may be the hundredth time now. It’s one you remember well, too, always having memorized his graceful responses to questions and his aversion to engage in any form of slandering his opponents.
And as Chan watches, you make careful movements to retrieve your camera from your bag, starting up a fresh recording and angling it toward him.
“God, isn’t he the coolest?” Chan remarks, and you chuckle lightly.
“Yeah, he’s pretty cool.”
He gestures to the television with his index finger, sitting up a little when Hyun-Man is filmed pulling on a pair of blue boxing gloves.
“Those are the ones!” Chan says excitedly. “That’s why I picked blue ones for my first pair.”
You chuckle at Chan’s enthusiastic reaction, and then you adjust the camera so that it’s zoomed into his face a little more.
“Chan,” you voice to him, and he turns a little to face you, humming in response. “What exactly is it about him you’re so fascinated with?”
He thinks it over momentarily, and before he can answer, you’re speaking again.
“He was only a championship boxer for a whole two years, you know. He holds one of the shortest-spanning careers in your field.”
Chan purses his lips, hanging his head as he thinks over your words.
“I know,” he responds.
And he’s very knowledgeable of the fact that although Baik Hyun-Man was the first heavyweight boxer of his kind to make it to the Olympics, he was retired and gone just two years after his biggest fight. Not a product of fading relevancy, but rather a personal choice of his, to step away from the spotlight, step down from his career and live a life beyond just the sport in which he excelled at.
“You will face your share of losses,” he had said in his final speech to the masses. “And you can’t let it retract from the rest of life you have to live. It’s been an honorable two years, I’m going to live the rest of it now.”
Chan looks at the television, and then at you once more, an indistinguishable expression painted across his face.
“He didn’t want all of this,” Chan says finally. “And sometimes I don’t, either.”
He reaches forward again, grasping the stem of his wine glass between his fingers and downing a generous mouthful.
“What do you mean?”
“All the fame,” he says, pulling the glass away from his lips again. “And pairs of eyes constantly watching your every move. It gets exhausting.”
He then slouches back a little further into the cushions, shutting his eyes momentarily.
“Made worse when you’ve never lost,” he finishes, opening his eyes again to meet your gaze.
His eyes flicker briefly over your lips, and then back up to your eyes, which carefully examine the state of him. You’re hardly ever at such intimate proximity to a video subject like this, but you can tell again that he looks tired, his eyes outlined by deep, purple bags and a sorrowful expression. You wonder when the last time is that he got a full night of rest, or even consumed something that wasn’t just a snack in between training sessions and interviews.
“Is that what you want for yourself?” You ask him boldly, the tips of your fingers tracing the shutter release on the camera.
He gets quiet, a little reluctant to answer the question- and rightfully so, never having seriously thought about letting go of all of this.
“I don’t know what I want,” Chan admits after a moment of silence. He turns to face you again, shrugging his shoulders and positioning himself to face you fully now. And then he cocks his head, furrowing his brows as you continue to toy with the shutter release.
“Are you recording?” He asks with a breathy chuckle, gesturing to the camera with the point of his index finger.
You chuckle in response, too.
“It’s just for my personal use,” you assure him. “It won’t make it past this memory card. I’m just picking your brain a little.”
He seems satisfied with the response, knowing too that he’s most transparent when he has a camera aimed somewhere at him. Chan sighs, exhaling once before folding his hands in his lap.
“Everyone wants me to tell my story,” Chan says in a shaky voice. “I feel so suffocated these days.”
“Rightfully so,” You echo back at him. “There is a lot of pressure on you leading up to the fight.”
“Something like that. The worship feels… well, it feels suffocating.”
He gets quiet again, eyebrows arched as he meets your gaze, in hopes you’ll make sense of his nervous conciseness.
“Like the popsicles,” you remark, nodding your head once.
You recall Chan growing strangely quiet at the knowledge that he had not only cultivated a loyal fan base after just one episode of airtime, but that just like the audiences at his matches, they were keeping careful watch of his every move, imitating him and placing him on a pedestal like he’s bound to experience for the remainder of his career.
“Yeah,” Chan affirms. “Like the popsicles. It’s like nothing is sacred anymore.”
The popsicles, you remember, have been a childhood staple of his since he still wore the blue mitts to matches that his mother now boasts so proudly. They’re out of reach now; unattainable. Much like a life not tainted by the pressure to win is.
You nod once at his words, and then you reach out to pat his knee encouragingly, smiling when you speak again.
“You said it yourself,” you say to him. “Not much scares you these days. Maybe this is just the product of the anticipation leading up to the fight. I mean, do you really think Baik Hyun-Man wasn’t scared when he was the first boxer to-”
“Losing scares me,” Chan interjects, the pupils of his eyes trembling when he speaks. A deafening silence falls over the room, and you can make out the sound of when he swallows nervously at his own state of vulnerability.
“Losing scares the shit out of me,” Chan repeats, and it’s when you meet his gaze once more that you take notice of the tears which brim his eyes, his lower lip trembling nervously as he struggles to speak.
The only other time you’ve seen him display any emotion besides than the charming, mesmerizing persona he flaunts, is when he’s boxing- and right now, juxtapositioned against his otherwise calm demeanor, he seems almost stricken with sorrow, tears beginning to cascade down his reddened cheeks and find purchase on the sleeves of his shirt.
“Sorry,” Chan breathes out amidst the silence, hiccuping when more tears stream down his face.
For a moment, you can’t find the words to say, simply observing his state and trying to understand where he’s coming from with all of this. Yet it doesn’t require a considerable amount of thought- perhaps somewhere deep down, you already know this of him, well aware of his tendency to pull away and shut himself off from the heavy emotions he harbors. It’s made clear when he diverts from the topic of fear, directing the conversation back to Mr. Seo, or his mom or even yourself. It’s evident in the way he seems to be bothered by his own solitude, dragging you along under the guise of “good company”. And it’s made painfully obvious in the way he’s so frightened at the notion of losing all things sacred to him- remnants of his innocence, the people around him and especially a commendable winning streak.
“What if I lose this match?” Chan ponders out loud, his eyebrows arching as he shrugs sheepishly. “What’s going to become of me? Of all this?”
Your hands are the first ones to beckon for his, palms outstretched as he reciprocates with the gentle placement of his fingers in yours. And then your thumb caresses his knuckles tenderly, cocking your head as you feel the smooth metal of his silver rings in your touch.
“So what if you lose?” You question back boldly.
“Then I’m a loser,” Chan says quickly. “And I don’t want to be a loser. I know I was born to win this thing- I’ve been training for this my whole life.”
“You’ve been training your whole life,” you echo. “But this is only a fraction of it. You’re still going to do remarkable things, whether you win or lose this. Everybody loves you.”
“I don’t,” he says quickly, a breathy chuckle involuntarily escaping his lips. He holds your gaze a moment, and then his expression grows serious again.
“I hate who this has turned me into,” he continues. “I’m a… I’m a coward. I shut people out, I can’t even be honest with them about how terrified I am of being a loser. And the only time I’m honest with myself is when I imagine it’s me I’m punching in that ring. Just a shell of who they think I am. A fucking loser.”
You think back to the way Chan delivers hits to the bag in that raised platform of the gym, teeth gritting and beads of sweat collecting along his brow, as he hits harder, and harder and harder, until the bandages around his knuckles can do nothing to shield the pain of self-inflicted wounds. One hit and a black eye, two hits and a cracked rib, a myriad of strikes and uppercuts and hopefully the numbness of all the self-loathing thoughts that follow.
“I’m so tired,” Chan then confesses quietly. “Can you tell I haven’t slept in days?”
And you say nothing back to him, your eyes flickering over the apples of his cheeks all glossed with tears, the bags under his eyes appearing an even darker shade of deep gray as his eyebrows slouch down into a sorrowful expression. He looks more vulnerable than you’ve ever seen him, almost miserable, as he waits for you to say something. And when you don’t, he quickly regrets the stream of consciousness, shaking his head as he pulls back his calloused hands from your grasp.
“I’m sorry,” he says quickly. “You’re a journalist, not a therapist. I shouldn’t have been so honest-”
“None of that makes you a loser,” you interject with the shake of your head, and then a small smile. “All your fears, and your hangups and your reservations. They’re little burdens you carry with you- but they’re all human. You don’t have to apologize for any of it. They’re simply part of the story you’re telling.”
It’s Chan’s turn to get silent, his lips parted ever so slightly as he studies the way you gauge his reaction back. It’s unclear what he thinks, and you fear momentarily that you may have somehow offended him with your response.
Nothing is spoken for a passing moment as you exchange curious glances with each other. When the camera shifts a little in your lap, you shut off the recording, pushing down on the shutter release with the dip of your index finger and letting it rest atop the crack of the couch cushions.
And then before you can utter some form of apology to him for actions unbeknownst to you, he’s leaning in a bit closer, eyes nervously darting over your lips and back up to your trembling eyes.
Chan’s heartbeat quickens in his chest as he searches for the right words to say- perhaps some thanks for the reassurance, another apology, or even a confession of emotions he’s not fully come to terms with yet. An attractive athlete like himself is no stranger to the process utilizing his eloquent flirting skills, and yet the words escape him, as he understands finally that you don’t feel like a stranger to him at all.
Not when you’re accompanying him to the convenience store by the gym for late night popsicles, or observing the way he trains from behind the lens of your camera. Not when you’re in the intimate setting of his mother's house, graciously conversing with her as he stews in thoughts of self-deprecation. Or when you’re in the passenger’s seat of his car, laughing at tales of his summer days spent confined to that dingy little makeshift gym in his garage. Perhaps the words are lost to his own doubts when he begins to confess that you’re more than just “good company”- that his world doesn’t feel so centered around a sport when he’s in your presence. That for a fleeting moment, he feels like there is a life beyond that of an athlete on a rampant winning-streak, and that the thought of losing doesn’t feel half as scary when he’s sitting beside you.
You’re no stranger to Chan- a fact that rings true when he finally presses his lips to yours, his hand rising to caress your cheek gently as you kiss him back, eager and full of a soft yearning for him.
You remain like that for a moment, aware that it’s entirely wrong and you shouldn’t even be in a subject’s house at this proximity. The flavor of his salty tears mixed with white wine upon his lips is less noticeable as you work to kiss it off him entirely. And when you pull away once more, it’s not for a lack of enjoying it, more so than your guilty conscience weighing on you.
Chan observes your expression, worried he’s crossed a boundary when you pull back gently and give him a sheepish smile.
“What is it?” He asks, one hand coming down to rest on your knee, his thumb rubbing in comforting back and forth motions over the denim of your pants.
“You taste like wine,” is all you utter in response, and Chan chuckles, not moving his gaze off yours.
“I’m not drunk, if that’s what you’re worried about,” he remarks.
“I know you’re not,” you say simply. “But… what exactly are we doing?”
“You tell me,” he says, expression unchanging. “We don’t do anything if you’re not comfortable with it.”
“It’s not that.”
“Then what is it?”
“It’s wrong,” you voice quickly, posturing yourself a little further from him now. “This is strictly a professional relationship. We’re not supposed to be wrapped up in this.”
Chan nods just once, making no effort to try and change your mind. He knows this is a possible outcome, having replayed it in his head several times since the moment he understood that his desire to kiss you was only worsening by the day. So true to the gentleman he is, Chan pulls away, too, sprawling the palms of his hands over his knee caps and pursing his lips.
“Yeah,” he says simply. “Okay.”
“I want to,” you interject, the sleeves of your sweater swallowing your own hands as you fidget nervously. He meets your gaze again, blinking just once as he waits for you to speak.
“I think you’re amazing,” you continue. “And I think in any other context, things might be different between us. But I can’t risk your career, my career- this whole series, and whatever’s waiting for you after all of this. You’re going to do great things after your big win. I’m just a stepping stone in it.”
And there’s an ounce of truth in your words- you do find yourself drawn to Chan, thoroughly enjoying the late night escapades alongside him and getting to know his character beyond that of just a boxer. But the truth stands, that this level of intimacy only exists to uncover his story, not because you’re destined for any sort of relationship to him. In due time, he’ll be in the big leagues with all the other famous athletes, and you’ll still be a journalist. You’re just the storyteller- not a part of the story.
Chan furrows his brows, shaking his head as he replays your words in his head. He begins to piece together the admission that he’s regretful these are the circumstances, and that reducing you to the role of a stepping stone feels like an injustice for the sheer honesty you’ve managed to coax out of him.
“You’re more than that,” is all Chan can utter, with the gentle shake of his head. He’s quiet for a moment when he locks his eyes with yours, letting out a sharp breath before speaking again.
“You’re the only person I haven’t felt inclined to shut out in years. I know it’s probably just this series, and I’m supposed to be telling a story. But having you here, being honest with you and having somebody who listens to me instead of praising me for all these fleeting brushes with fame- it feels so right. It feels so right here with you.”
His words are simultaneously like a pierce to your beating heart, and the catalyst for you to kiss him just once more, your hands finding purchase on the leather beside him as you waste no time pressing your lips to his, a small gasp escaping his lips into your mouth as he shuts his eyes and kisses you back. His hands find the small of your back, assisting you toward him and onto his clothed thigh, where your legs now straddle the denim fabric of his jeans as your fingers tangle in his hair.
Chan’s breaths are heavy against your mouth as he feels you rock your hips gently toward him, practically rutting against his toned muscle as his kisses move to the column of your neck. And as his calloused hands grip your waist tenaciously, moving your parted thighs back and forth along him, allowing the rough fabric to satisfy the rhythmic ache between your legs with every slight movement, you press two hands to his chest once more, pushing him away from you gently and watching as he halts his movements.
“What is it?” Chan asks again in a low, breathy voice. You can feel his quickening heartbeat as your fingers graze the thin fabric of his t-shirt, your gaze unmoving as you position yourself off his lap and onto your knees. His entire disposition is overtaken by nerves, afraid of losing two things now, as he waits for you to speak. You take note of the visible worry on his face, the way his eyes are still glossy from crying and outlined by a clear lack of sleep. His hair is tousled from the tangle of your fingers in it, his lips remain parted nervously as he observes the way you sit up a little straighter and scan his eager frame.
He’s already pitched a tent under the fabric of his jeans, his cock visibly straining against the confines of the denim fabric, cringing to himself when he sees you eye his crotch curiously from where you’re sat. His eyes then widen when you slot yourself between his legs, his expression appearing animated for the first time in weeks, as the gray bags under his eyes seem to deepen with his confusion.
“Just relax for me, okay?” you reply in a low voice.
Chan watches as you pull a hair tie from around your wrist between your teeth, simultaneously gathering your hair into a ponytail, and then securing it back tightly, looping it skillfully around just twice, until it’s pulled taut and effectively out of your face.
He begins to say that there’s no obligation to finish the job he initiated, and that he’s in no position to contradict the truth that he’s just a video subject to you, in what’s meant to be a strictly professional relationship. But when you shoot him a saccharine smile from between his muscular thighs, hands traveling to the waistband of his jeans and unfastening his belt buckle, he can do nothing except remain fixed on the sight of your manicured fingers undressing him. Chan sits up momentarily to allow his jeans to pool around his ankles, his belt hanging open at his sides, as the gentle clink of the buckle falls upon the leather sofa beside him. And then your hand finds his still-clothed erection, cupping a hand around him and meeting his gaze once more when he lets out a little gasp.
“Is this okay?” You whisper up at him, your hand distancing itself from his cock as you await his reply.
Chan nods before he speaks, swallowing nervously as he comprehends what’s about to occur. He’ll never tell you that he’s dreamt of this for so long- that he’s fantasized about circumstances in which you’re so much more than just a journalist to him. Circumstances in which he’s permitted to kiss you in front of all the watchful eyes, or make love to you right there on the floor of the boxing ring when the gym’s already empty for the night. Ones in which you’re a lover he’s brought home to meet his mother, not just an interviewer or a stepping stone in his career. And where you’re a part of his story, not just fulfilling the mundane task of telling it.
A journalist relative to its subject- the relativity of one storyteller to another. But your relativity to Bang Chan’s- the relativity of one lover to the next, of sweet nothings left unsaid and learning to embrace the intricacies of his own vulnerability.
“Yeah- yes,” Chan vocalizes back in a shaky manner, earning a small chuckle from you, as you loop your fingers in the waistband of his boxers and rid him of those, too.
He’s bigger than you’d anticipated, and harder, the tip of his cock flushed a bright shade of red as you observe it grow against his abdomen once he’s fully exposed. Chan takes a sharp breath when the cool air grazes his bare flesh, wincing, as he watches you sit up on your knees a little straighter. Your hand reaches out to grasp the base of his cock between your fingers, not yet moving, as you gather a generous wad of saliva between your pursed lips. And then Chan’s eyebrows arch in anticipation when you near him, a small dribble of spit already finding purchase on your lower lip.
“Close your eyes,” you tell him. Chan nods eagerly in response, shutting his eyes and leaning back a little further into the couch cushions. He takes a sharp breath when he feels you stroke his length just once, maintaining a light hold of him as you bring your lips to his tip. And then he gasps involuntarily, when he feels you press your drooly mouth against his flesh, pressing a single kiss to his cock and smiling against him while you feel him writhe in your touch.
His chest rises and falls with anticipatory breaths as he waits for you to do more- and in mere seconds, you’re taking him in your mouth, his girth stretching the corners of your lips as you work yourself down halfway and back up again.
“Fuck,” Chan breathes, his eyes trembling as he struggles to keep them closed, his thighs tensing when he feels you work your mouth down his length once more, this time a little bit further down.
His hands grasp desperately at his sides, searching for something, anything, to hold, practically clawing at the taut leather as he lets out another fervent moan. And with nothing within reach, he lets his hands fold behind his neck, throwing his head back in a state of pure bliss as you continue to work him so skillfully.
Your lips grow wetter as you do, a mix of his precum and your saliva glazing the length of his cock as you move down, and up, and down once more, picking up the pace when you hear him let out a heavy grunt at the sensation. He’s tense beneath you, but still in a blissful state of pleasure, breathing cuss words into the air above him and letting his mind stray far from the burdening thoughts that typically plague him. None of it matters when your mouth is working him to his finish, your hands gliding along his shaft in tandem with the rhythmic bobbing of your head along his hard cock, gulping desperately for air when you pull away from him momentarily. He can’t possibly lose when he’s shivering in your touch and letting little moans escape his plump lips- he’s nothing but a winner like this in your presence.
Strings of saliva connect you to him still, glistening under the dim lights the same way your runny makeup now does. He exhales little pleas for a release when you attach your lips to him once more, swirling your tongue around the base before trailing little kisses down his length. And then he feels his hips jerk forward just once, squeezing his eyes shut a little tighter when you hum around his shaft.
You smile with him in your mouth, still, knowing he’s on the cusp of release, his eyebrows knitting together as he makes every effort to stave off his orgasm. You take note of the way his fists clench, intertwined with each other behind the beads of sweat that graze his neck, and then his moans seem to heighten in pitch when you swirl your tongue around his base once more.
You glance up at him from between his legs, his adam’s apple bobbing with every slight noise emitting from the back of his jutted throat.
“Fuck, that’s so good,” he gasps in response to your quick movements. “Fuck, I’m gonna cum, I’m gonna finish.”
And it’s already evident by his facial expressions, which contort into a desperate, silent plea for a finish, as his head jerks forward in a sudden motion.
His eyes squeeze tighter, heartbeat ringing throughout his ears in combination with the erotic, squelching noises of your lips gliding along his shaft. And then you pause for a brief second with his tip between your mouth, still.
“Chan,” you say to him tenderly. “Open your eyes.”
He obeys, eyes fluttering open to marvel at the sight of your hands with his length in their grasp, your pink lips continuing to work needy kisses down his dampened flesh. He exhales sharply at the sight of your mascara, now pooling beneath the apples of your cheeks as you stare up at him through hooded eyelids.
And when you take him in your mouth again, working your throat down to the base of his cock, his hips buck up toward the back of your tongue, earning a drooly gag as you struggle to keep him there.
He practically melts into the couch while your throat adjusts to the new position, his cock twitching upon your flattened tongue as you attempt to lick a stripe up his length. And then his heartbeat quickens when you begin a rhythmic bobbing action again, his mind dizzying at the erotic sight of you like this.
The room fills again with the sound of your tongue working his flesh. And he’s strangely brought back to the memory of popsicles, on a hot day- working his tongue around the base and gathering every last drop of sherbet between his wetted lips. Ridding himself of the sticky residue that finds purchase along the veins of his forearms, tracing his tongue along his skin, the same way you do along his shaft. When his hands come down to grasp his knees momentarily, his gaze falls to your face, and he admires the way you taste him with such desperation, as though he may be the one sacred thing left for you, too. There’s such a juxtaposition between the innocence he’s brought back to- carefree days spent collecting popsicle sticks along the pavement as the consumption of his favorite dessert was made with equal desperation. And the lewd sounds of you humming around his cock, the vibration of your throat sending delicious reverberations along his flesh and causing him to let out a breathy gasp at the sensation.
“I’m gonna cum,” Chan says, for the second time this evening.
“Yeah, cum for me,” you coo tenderly back at him, pulling away from him briefly to hover over his tip with your mouth. “Want you to feel good. Just relax for me.”
Chan’s hardly ever known relaxation- not in the sleepless nights he spends thinking about his career, or when he’s standing in the ring with copious amounts of eyes on him. Not when he’s filming a series for the whole world to scrutinize, or when he’s made aware of the publicity somewhere as unsuspecting as a convenience store.
But he knows it now when he’s with you, lying parallel to you in the same boxing ring after hours, his mind completely void of any self-loathing. He knows it when he’s imagining circumstances in which your careers don’t dictate the inevitable outcome of your relationship to each other.
And he knows it when he finally cums for you, his eyes not leaving the sight of your lips wrapped around his cock as he finds his release, shooting a thick, generous amount of his milky white load onto the flat of your tongue. At first he feels almost guilty, when you finally pull away from around his girth with a gentle pop. And then he muses curiously as he watches you swallow his arousal entirely, wiping the corners of your mouth with the backs of your hands and cleaning the remainder off your fingers with the lap of your tongue.
He almost grows hard all over again watching you devour him entirely, not letting a single drop go to waste, the same way he does with his popsicles. The gentle sounds of your tongue working along the pads of your fingers, swirling around the patterns of your fingertips like they’re just stained orange popsicle sticks. His mind at ease once more, nothing but a stillness in the air and the fleeting presence of another sacred moment to him- this time in the form of yourself.
His body drapes languidly over the couch, too exhausted to speak, simply getting clothed once more as you undo the hair tie and let your hair fall loosely over your shoulders again. Chan extends his hands, helping you off the floor again, and your sore knees straddle him once more, hoisting yourself onto his lap and letting your hands find the back of his neck.
For a minute, he says nothing, completely fascinated with this side of you, as his hands find your waist again.
“Let me return the favor?” Chan inquires just above a whisper, reaching out to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear. And you shoot him a small smile, shaking your head in response as he cocks his head to look at you.
“I… shouldn’t” is all you breathe back, hanging your head as he tries to meet your gaze.
He begins to ask why, but he stops himself, knowing that your previous statement still stands. This is wrong- you’re a journalist and he’s just a video subject. Not to mention, he’s just weeks away from the biggest fight of his life- and neither of you intend on ruining any of that for him. He knows all of this as much as you do- but he’s still disappointed that the circumstances appear to be unchanging.
Chan nods as you hoist yourself off his lap and back onto the leather of the couch, and then he reaches for his glass of wine again, scanning your expression in his peripheral vision as you fix your tousled hair. From beside him, your gaze meets his again, giving him a small shrug.
“I’m sorry,” you say to him, toying with the stitching on the leather of the couch. “You probably have tons of girls practically throwing themselves at you as it stands. I don’t need to be another.”
Chan chuckles, shaking his head and setting down his glass of wine. He fidgets with the lobe of his ear as he admires the blush upon your cheeks when you look at him once more.
“I wouldn’t say that,” he admits shyly. “But I’m sure you have your fair share of athletes trying to score a chance.”
It’s your turn to shake your head, chuckling softly as you avert his gaze.
“Not exactly,” you voice back at him. And then your gaze lingers on him, observing the way his lips appear to be smudged with your lipstick.
“Just one,” you conclude, hands finding purchase on your own knees as you maintain a comfortable distance from him.
Chan begins to say something, but then he’s silent again, awkwardly crossing his legs once more and forcing his attention on the television. Though the docuseries continues to play faintly in front of you, it’s painfully quiet between your breathless bodies, and Chan can’t seem to stop himself from catching glimpses of your seated figure while you try not to engage in eye contact with him. You know that if you do, it’ll only result in you practically throwing yourself at him all over again, so you remain facing the television, saying nothing in efforts to not warrant anything more between the two of you. It’s Chan who breaks the silence first, clearing his throat before grasping the remote between his fingers and lowering the volume to just above a muted speech.
“What are you thinking about?” He asks, not meeting your gaze as you sit comfortably beside each other.
“No need to interview the interviewer,” you say back to him, doing your best to evoke a nonchalant disposition. You bite back a smile, as does Chan, while he observes the interview that plays on the television.
“I beg to differ,” he then chimes in. “I believe the second most intimate thing you can do is interview somebody. If I can’t kiss you, I think it’s only fair you indulge me in a story.”
The docuseries fills the silence that overtakes the room with hushed chatter as Chan awaits a response from you, and he watches as you lean forward to grasp your glass of wine between your fingers before speaking again.
“I’m just a boring journalist,” you say to him, keeping your gaze on the television. “I collect stories the same way you do medals. There’s not much else to say.”
And the statement is only half true- there’s certainly more you can indulge him in pertaining to your career as a journalist. Details of past athletes you’ve interviewed, moments you’ve shared that permanently altered your life, for better or for worse. Restless nights spent gathering footage, following orders from the crew to get closer, be intentional with your actions. You’re as enthralled in your own career as Chan is- perhaps not at the same level, but devoted, nonetheless.
“Do you like all of this?” Chan inquires a little quietly.
You’re silent for a passing moment, and then you take another sip of wine before answering.
“It’s complicated. I like telling stories. Not always the process it takes to uncover one. Sometimes it’s a little…” you ponder the words briefly, and Chan takes a sip from his glass, too, his eyes darting in your direction as he interjects.
You meet his gaze again, not having taken him as someone who could read you so carefully.
“Yeah,” you respond. “That’s exactly how it feels.”
Chan slouches back into the sofa, downing the rest of his wine, and then he sighs deeply, a level of contentedness present in his tone.
“I can’t believe you got me crying on camera,” he says with a chuckle.
You chuckle, too, mirroring his relaxed posture.
“Trust me, the footage isn’t going anywhere,” you say to him. And then you pause, before speaking once more.
“Thank you,” you continue. “For being so honest with me. And for what it’s worth, I don’t think you’re a loser.”
Chan turns his head in your direction, shooting you a small smile and a nod. He looks much more relaxed now, his once teary eyes now replaced by the glazed appearance of his blissful state. He looks comfortable like this- happy, even.
“Thank you,” he echoes. “For letting me be so honest. And for what it’s worth, I think you do a pretty damn good job at collecting stories.”
He turns back to the television, folding his arms over his chest now, as do you. And then he raises the volume on the television again, letting Baik Hyun-Man’s words echo in the otherwise quiet space between you.
“Sometimes we win, and sometimes we lose,” the familiar words play from the television.
“And knowing that, maybe through tales like mine, of guts and glory, we find our footing in the knowledge that we tried.”
Sherbet popsicles remain out for the foreseeable future. Convenience stores are cleared of theme entirely, every freezer in the city decorated with an impromptu sign detailing the status of them.
The environment of the gym seems to grow heavy with anticipation as every passing day brings you closer to Chan’s title fight.
And perhaps the only thing harder than unveiling the very real fears Chan harbors toward his title fight, is resisting the urge to kiss him again.
At first you’re not sure it ever happened, when Chan greets you at the gym with a casual salute, as though he’s greeting his trainer.
“My partner in crime!” He’d exclaimed, like you hadn’t been practically pleasuring yourself on his lap just days ago, mouths breathing hot gasps into each other and hands grasping desperately at his toned muscles. As though you hadn’t devoured him entirely on the sticky leather of his sofa, the flavor of his salty release still familiar to you when you graze your fingertips along your lips.
And with the passing days, he assumes the role of a video subject painfully well, detailing all of his best techniques behind the lens and keeping a comfortable distance from your camera. Part of you is relieved, of course, as you witness Chan do exactly what he’s promised- after all, mixing business and pleasure comes at a cost to the entirety of the project. But when he intentionally averts your gaze while he trains with Mr. Seo now, or refrains from speaking of anything more personal than the mundanes of his daily routine, you can’t help but miss the Chan that was only just beginning to grace you with the details of how all of this really feels to him.
How the sounds that ring throughout his ears are far too loud at times, or that he can’t stand the way his tangible memories seem to slip from his grasp when they’re no longer sacred to him. And a myriad of other admissions, including the painful truth that he’s taken a remarkable liking to you, and yet he’s forced to pretend it’s nothing more than his erratic emotions leading up to the fight when he’s intentionally ignoring you like this.
At just a little over two weeks left until his title fight, Chan is visibly distressed, though he makes his best efforts to mask the fact, growing quiet when you’re not asking him questions, and evading any talk of his fears. It’s worrying to see him like this, and you think back to when his mother previously detailed his tendency to shut himself off from the world in response to his heightened emotions.
“He gets so wrapped up in it,” she had explained somberly. “especially when he has a fight around the corner. It’s all he does- all he thinks about.”
It’s made clear to you now when Chan trails off from his sentences, staring off into the distance as though he’s being overcome with disdain for himself. You can see what he means about thinking of himself when he boxes, as he throws particularly harsh uppercuts at the bag in the ring, his face glazed with a sheen layer of sweat as he avoids your concerned gaze from across the room. And when you find yourself alone with him again, he doesn’t so much as crack a smile from beside you, simply lying parallel to the floor as his eyes scan the now dark ceilings of the gym at nighttime.
The photographs on the gallery wall are too shadowy to make out at this hour, except for the one in the middle, the pearly white grin of renowned boxer Baik Hyun-Man beaming down upon your languid bodies as you remain there, in complete silence. Chan thinks back to his schedule for what feels like the millionth time now- a training session tomorrow in the morning, a tour of the title fight ring in the afternoon, a series of smaller interviews to fill the week and a meeting with some of the sports directors leading up to his match. And following the eventful few days, part two of the docuseries’ broadcast. It’s one of the first times he’ll spend a few days without you in a while, and it feels admittedly unnerving to him, he realizes, as he chews on the inside of his cheek.
“What are you thinking about?” You break the silence, not breaking your eye contact from the pendant lamps that line the ceiling. He’s quiet for a moment, and then he shrugs casually.
“Not much,” Chan fibs.
Fulfilling the demanding traits of a perfect boxer. The fact that he hasn't slept properly in well over three days. Winning. Losing. Especially losing.
“Getting nervous for part two?” You query, and Chan’s eyes dart to your figure briefly.
He thinks back to the docuseries and all the interviews thus far, and then he shakes his head, furrowing his eyebrows as he speaks again.
“Nothing to be nervous about,” he lies again. “You’ll make me look like a winner.”
Chan’s chest rises and falls as he grows quiet once more. He thinks back to the success of part one, where he gained more respect than perhaps ever before, thousands of fans eagerly anticipating how he’ll perform on the evening of the title fight. And then he lets out a deep sigh, shutting his eyes momentarily.
“I miss popsicles,” Chan confesses.
You don’t find the words to reply for a passing moment, thinking back to the bright orange dessert he speaks of, perhaps not having realized he hasn’t consumed one in several weeks now. Chan sighs again, and then he repeats himself, his gaze now finding the wall, at Baik Hyun-Man’s beaming smile.
“I really fucking miss popsicles,” he says a little quieter this time around, and by the way he delivers the confession, you become aware that perhaps it’s not popsicles at all he speaks of.
Rather, Chan misses his innocence, his youthful days when none of this mattered so much to him. He misses training with Mr. Seo in his garage, a bright blue pair of kanpeki mitts around his bruised knuckles as he delivered much softer hits to the punching bag. He misses days spent at his mom’s house without these heavy burdens he bears- a lifelong promise to himself to make her proud, and simultaneously pushing her away, because he knows his obsession with boxing only brings out the very worst in him. He misses the summer days he lost to training sessions, he misses the life he knew before a winning streak was ever uttered in reference to him.
And he misses you, although you remain at this comfortable proximity to him- no camera in sight and a yearning to know him as intimately as he longs to know you. But the truth remains, that you’re just here to tell his story, not be a part of it. The relativity of a journalist to an athlete- new burdens he bears, new fears he harbors.
“I have an interview with Mr. Seo,” you voice from beside him. “Anything in particular I should ask about?”
Chan chuckles at your ability to ground him once again, and then his eyes scan the ceiling as he thinks it over.
“Anything you want,” he says simply. “He probably knows me better than anybody else.”
The cogs turn as you think over the seemingly endless possibility of questions for Mr. Seo- a voyeuristic journalist’s dream.
“I’ll see you after part two airs,” you say to him, sitting up from your spot on the ring. “And then we just have your final interview, following the match.”
Chan is quiet for a moment as he sits up, too, leaning back on the palms of his hands and observing the way you gather your bag from beside you. He thinks back to the start of this series, when you’d scolded him for being late, and when he first detailed to you his start to boxing. It feels like a lifetime ago that you were first stating your introductions to each other, and now you’ve quickly become just as important to Chan as boxing is.
“Everything’s going to be different,” Chan says, as you hoist yourself off the platform and sling your bag over your shoulder. You meet his gaze with furrowed brows, humming in response, as he brings his hands forward and toys with the taut bordering wire.
“Things are just going to be different after this airs,” he concludes. “It happened the first time. It’s going to happen again. I can feel it.”
Whether he speaks of his upward trajectory to fame, the likeability of him to the masses, or his relationship to you, you’re unsure. But you entangle your fingers in the bordering wire across from him, too, letting your fingers caress the stringy metal as you meet his gaze.
The vibrating sound of the wire’s recoil fills the space between your bodies, so close to each other and yet worlds apart, as you let the pads of your fingers brush against his, and then you allow his fingers to intertwine with yours, the bruised knuckles of a boxer’s embracing the silky smooth flesh of a knackered journalist.
He brings your hand up as though he’s going to seal the action with a kiss, yet he doesn’t, simply letting your fingers graze along his lips as he waits for you to say something.
“Are you scared?” You ask him again, not yet moving your gaze from his tired eyes.
He doesn’t blink, or even let his racing heart produce another beat before he’s answering you truthfully this time, his breath tickling your knuckles as he exhales a breath he hasn’t realized he’s been holding in all this time.
“I’m terrified,” Chan confesses. And from the gray bags under his eyes, to the somber expression painted across his face, you catch a glimpse of the vulnerable state only you’ve had the pleasure of becoming so acquainted with.
The evening of Friday is the fourth day spent in the absence of Chan.
As he busies himself with smaller interviews, meetings with sports directors and preparations for his title fight, you occupy the office space with members of the network, the common area transformed into a makeshift theater as they project part two of Chan’s series on a large screen.
“A toast,” Lin says, grasping a glass of wine between her fingers as she holds it up to clink against yours. “To y/n, who managed to piece together a hell of a story from our stubborn boxer.”
Your colleagues fill the room with laughter and praise, and you shoot them a sheepish smile, shaking your head as they start up the series.
You think back to the reserved fears Chan carries with him, and the way he’d only uncovered the rest of his story to you- all of his worries, the reality of his exhaustion with boxing and how he’d taken a liking to the one person who made all of this feel a little less important in the grand scheme of things. And it’s a story that will never exist fully in its publication, per your promise to Chan to maintain its secrecy. It’s the one thing still sacred to him- the one thing that still belongs to him.
Lin mutters quietly as Chan’s interview plays in the background, leaning in to not disturb the careful focus that falls upon the employees as they watch him speak.
“Sometimes you have hundreds of eyes on you,” he voices on screen. “You have to be intentional with your actions. You have to know what to show people.”
As he recalls one of his early matches, Lin sets her glass of wine down on a table, folding her arms over her chest and leaning into the shell of your ear.
“Listen,” she says reluctantly. “You did a fantastic job getting all this out of him.”
“Thanks,” you say with a chuckle. “Wasn’t easy, but I think it’s sufficient.”
“We did manage to go in a… different direction, than what was originally passed along.”
You pause your actions of taking another sip of wine, turning to face her as she continues to face the projection screen.
“What do you mean?”
“It’s nothing personal,” Lin explains. “It just wasn’t the same without it. Of course we tried different angles, but the footage on those memory cards- it was a lot to work with.”
As she speaks, your gaze falls back to the projection screen, where Mrs. Bang appears, hands folded nearly in her lap as she details all of Chan’s tendencies to shut himself off from the world.
“He’s so preoccupied with being the best at what he does. And I can’t help but think there’s something keeping him down.”
And then just as you’d feared, and although you specifically requested the footage be omitted from the film, Mrs. Bang begins to cry, expressing her worry for Chan and his future.
“You kept that footage in?” You say out loud, earning a few glances from your colleagues around you.
Lin gestures for you to lower your voice, taking a sharp breath before explaining.
“It wasn’t me,” she voices in a whisper, fidgeting with a ring on her finger. “The network wanted it personal. It was still on the card when it was imported, and I was told to leave it in.”
“I can’t believe it,” you say, in disbelief as the footage continues to indulge a painful amount of personal information- albeit filmed, not intended for the docu series.
“What else did you keep in?” You say to her, heartbeat quickening in your chest when you remember your conversation with Chan. She scratches the back of her head awkwardly, failing to give an answer, and then without missing a beat, you lunge forward to collect the remote control, fiddling nervously with the buttons as you fast forward through the footage.
The room grows quiet as the footage scrolls rapidly through part two- candid shots of Chan in his car, more interviews, his blue boxing mitts, his training sessions in front of Mr. Seo.
And then before you can begin to ask her about it, your heart sinks in your chest when you’re met with the scene on-screen; one of Chan crying, his head hung in defeat as he sits on the familiar leather couch in his apartment.
“Losing scares the shit out of me,” he says between sniffles, as your camera captures him at a painfully close proximity.
All eyes are on you now, a heavy tension falling over the room as Chan continues to speak on the projection screen. He begins to detail the burdens of valuing his winning streak so much, and you can hardly make out his sentences as you practically toss the remote at Lin and gather your purse once more.
“I can’t believe this,” you say to her, scoffing as you meet her blank gaze. “That was supposed to be for my use. Not for the series. I mean, what the fuck were you thinking?”
“It wasn’t my decision,” she explains, trailing after you as you begin out of the common area. “They loved how personal it got. I’m just here to translate it into the series-”
“I should’ve known you wouldn’t listen to me. God, I should’ve checked the fucking memory card.”
“We wouldn’t have had the ratings we did for part one without this level of closeness,” Lin explains. She follows as you saunter to your desk, gathering a stack of papers and shoving them into your bag.
“I never should have listened to you,” you explain, as a stream of tears finally makes its way onto your reddened cheeks. “All this push to get closer to him, and for what? So you can get your stupid ratings? Well congrats, I hope you got what you were looking for.”
Lin pauses for a moment, and then she scowls in response. For a fleeting moment, you assume she’s going to apologize, or maybe offer to take the fall for you. But when she speaks once more, you’re disenchanted to find it’s the complete opposite.
“I hadn’t taken you to be one to put pleasure before business,” she begins. “He’s just a video subject. Unless there’s more we’re not seeing?”
“He’s a human being, first,” you interject. “His lows aren’t some sick form of entertainment for you to cash out on.”
“Then why were they filmed?” She wonders out loud, and you grow quiet at the question.
You want to argue back, and yet you can’t, not possessing a clear answer to the very fair question she poses to you.
She’s right, to some degree- perhaps in your desire to know Chan so intimately, you’d also begun to house a fascination for the way he opens up to you, recounting stories of his childhood and confessing to a long list of fears he harbors deeps down under the facade of a “perfect boxer”. The lines between business and pleasure had been blurred long ago- as were your intentions when you filmed him every chance you got. Perhaps in navigating the painful reality that you will never be more than a keen journalist relative to a charming boxer like himself, you’d put him on a pedestal the same way many now do. And now you’re no better than the voyeuristic tendencies your network pushed you to possess.
Bang Chan is not some “perfect athlete”, nor can he be reduced to the numerical value of trophies and medals. He doesn’t fit within the binary of a “winner” or a “loser”, and he certainly isn’t some cocky sports fanatic like you’d once taken him for.
He’s a human being- with tangible fears, and hopes for the future, and a profound love for the people who shaped him to be the person he is today. And though the fact remains, that he’s on an unbroken winning streak and about to participate in the biggest fight of his life, it’s just a fraction of who he really is.
“Did you really think this was going to end differently?” She voices. “You really don’t think that you played a role in his exploitation, either?”
“Stop,” you practically beg, glancing past her figure at the caravan of colleagues who’ve now exited the common room, too. They eye you curiously, whispering amongst themselves and awaiting your next move. For a moment, you’re reminded of the boxing ring in Chan’s gym- it’s as though you’re there on that raised platform, pairs of eyes eagerly anticipating your next strike from across your opponent. Your heartbeat echoes in your ears, glancing around the room with such desperation as her words play in your head over and over again.
“If I recall correctly, the second most intimate thing you can do is interview somebody,” Lin states, using your own words against you.
Her voice is like an uppercut to the jaw, leaving you breathless and full of disdain, as she gives you a small shrug. And then before you can strike back, she pivots on her heel, joining your colleagues once more as she departs from your trembling figure.
In the context of this docuseries, you’re entirely complicit in the unjustified publication of Chan’s vulnerability to the whole world.
And in the context of a boxing match- perhaps nothing more than a loser.
Part 2.
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honeydippedwaffles · 9 months
Fading Light
Summary: Tav changed in order to be with Astarion. She never minded adjusting her life to be with her vampire but the guilt he feels for taking her away from her life is only growing. Something has to give eventually.
Content Warnings: She/Her Tav
Word Count: 2.2k words
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She’d always considered herself to be adaptable. She had to be, considering everything that had happened to her in the very recent past. From the moment she woke up on the awful mindflayer ship to the climax of it all, nothing had been a given. She’d been forced to change to save her friends so she had to be rather accepting of new situations.
It was why she had figured becoming nocturnal wouldn’t bother her much at all.
She’d hung dark curtains in her room to prevent the sun from waking her during the days. If she missed it, all she would do was wake up earlier and step out to watch it set before Astarion joined her for the night.
She didn’t mind living like that. Sometimes she missed things with her friends but she made the effort to see them and they responded kindly. She'd adapted.
But Astarion hated it.
He watched her wistfully when she made her way to the door during the sunlight hours – forced to leave early to pick up groceries or something while the merchants still sold their wares. He’d give her a kiss on the cheek and wish her well but she’d be a fool to miss his mood after.
She tried to bring it up and he artfully dodged around the idea. He’d always been far too good at avoiding topics.
The day it started getting worse started when she lost track of time early in the morning. She’d built a solid relationship with various traders and workers around the city. Those who knew things and could send her down the track to a potential cure if they came across it. Mostly what that meant was dealing with their ridiculous requests though.
Could you find my lost necklace (taken by his sister to pay off her gambling debts)? My daughter went missing, could you find her (she ran away to marry a hobgoblin, of all things)? Somebody’s stealing my goods, find them (rats).
This time though, they found the missing caravans by following the scent of rotted meat until they came across gnolls. They took barely any effort to get rid of but they’d set up their den in some old, crumbling houses.
And she could never pass down the opportunity to investigate.
The stone walls had been destroyed in a fire and, as she nosed around, she came across various herbs and poultices that promised this house may have been an apothecary’s stopover. Most of the stone walls had crumbled but a few stood and it was while she opened one of the drawers that she felt him creep up behind her.
His lips brushed against her throat, barely there but enough to send shivers of gooseflesh over her skin.
She tilted her head to the side in an invite and he nipped at the sensitive skin with a small chuckle. The chill of his breath over the shell of her ear drew an embarrassingly small sound from her throat. He muttered something she couldn’t quite hear and nipped at her earlobe with sharp fangs.
She fought the flush on her cheeks, turned around and kissed him. Iron lingered on his frozen lips as he pushed her against the walls. Her fingers crept up the front of his armour until she found purchase to pull him close.
No matter how often he kissed her, her heart raced just the same as it had that first time by the river. But he touched her with such reverence now; held her like he wanted to make sure she never left.
Not that she planned to.
She tilted her head back to draw a small gasp of air and he immediately fell on her throat; nipped at her collarbone and drew stuttered breaths from her lungs.
But the pulse of pleasure as his fingers skimmed her thighs quickly disappeared when she spotted the edge of the horizon beginning to lighten. The sun had begun to rise and they were still far from the city. They had to get moving soon.
She released her hold on his armour, her fingers aching from the grip she’d had. The slight concern pulsed in her veins and overthrew anything else. “We need to leave ‘Starion.”
“Aw,” he complained and looked up at her with a wicked glint in his eyes. The one that she knew she’d do anything for. “You weren’t scared of some dirt the other night,” he purred. “Are you worried about the gnolls judging us?”
She laughed and he took the opportunity to kiss her again. She moaned into his mouth as he eased his way past her lips. How easy it was to lose herself in him. She could spend the rest of her life in his arms and be perfectly happy but to do that, she needed him to not burn into ash.
She broke the kiss with every ounce of her willpower. “The sun’s coming up.”
He turned to look over his shoulder and an immediate distaste darkened his expression. “Right,” he said. “Forgot that sunrises are one of those things I’m not allowed to see anymore.”
He stepped away and she desperately wanted to draw him back. The sudden change in his mood hurt her though she knew she wasn’t the cause.
“We can continue when we get back to the house, if you want?” she offered.
Astarion nodded dismissively but the energy had disappeared into the air with her words. She knew he’d be in a poor mood for at least the rest of the day and she really couldn’t blame him. He’d grown to love the sun over their adventures. It had very nearly changed her decision at the end of it all.
Sometimes she wondered if there had been a way to keep him safe. She worried she hadn’t looked hard enough for the solution.
They hurried to get back to the city. Every ray that crept over the horizon sent another stab of fear into her heart. This area was exposed and once the sun made its appearance, hiding would be a difficult thing.
She almost tripped over the gnoll bodies before she remembered to grab something from the caravan to prove she found it. Even then, she had to leave half her pack behind and hope the various bandits in the area had enough self-preservation not to go sniffing around a den.
She didn’t really trust them to have the intelligence though. She’d had to go find enough of them for their worried friends.
Even with their half-sprinting, they nearly ran out of time and a soft ray caught Astarion’s arm as he ducked through the door, causing him to hiss in pain before he vanished into their house.
She paused in the frame, her attention turned to the sun in half anger and half admiration.
Though she’d adapted to being nocturnal, she did miss the sun. Though she may wish it stayed away so she could spend more time with Astarion outside, she couldn’t help but enjoy the warmth it left on her skin.
Strange how she’d never even appreciated how different life would be without it until she had to make the decision to stay away. It had been her choice but it was his curse. She hated to imagine how much he must miss being around in the daylight hours.
She stepped inside the dark house and closed the door firmly behind her. A few of the wall candles had been lit for her and so she made her way to their small library where he’d settled on one of the loveseats, his arm raw and his attention on the blank book in front of him.
“I’m sorry I lost track of time,” she said though she knew it wasn’t her fault.
She gathered the balm she now kept scattered around the house and gently began to treat the parts of the skin that had been touched. Thankfully, it looked like it wouldn’t blister this time.
“I keep forgetting,” he admitted. “Never thought I would.”
“We’ll just need to be more careful next time. I’ll go visit the merchant later today and see if this is the right caravan. He better pay me well for this.”
She didn’t mean in gold. No, she often traded her services for information on their products and their sources.
Astarion traced the line of her jaw with his fingers, tilted her head toward him and brushed his lips against her own. “You’ve been looking a little weaker than usual,” he mused. “I can’t help but wonder if maybe you’re missing the sun. I hear it’s important for most.”
“I see the sun enough,” she said. “If I needed to be out there more, I’ll just wake up earlier but the city is far too boring without you there.”
“Flatterer,” he said with a laugh she didn’t quite like.
When Astarion laughed properly, the corners of his eyes crinkled in the best way possible. She loved to kiss him on those marks and so she noticed when he laughed without them.
“We’ll find a solution eventually,” she said firmly.
“Well, I can’t say I’m too enthralled by the idea,” he admitted, his tone cooler. “The last two opportunities I had to walk in the sunlight ended up destroyed forever.”
Her blood chilled at the implication and her smoothing of the balm over his arm paused. “Those weren’t options,” she said after the silence stretched too long. “Either one meant you’d be sacrificing something of yourself.”
“Apparently,” he said. “But we don’t really know what would have happened unless you’ve turned into a psychic while I wasn’t looking.”
She’d always thought he appreciated how against his ascension she’d been. Even not knowing much about vampires, she had the idea that that type of power didn’t come without cost. He’d have been giving up more than just his curse in order to walk in the sun.
“But it’s fine,” he said. “I still have my soul so that I can stay trapped up in another house for the rest of my life. Except this time, I get to keep somebody else captive with me. Fun.”
She frowned and slowly retracted her touch on his arm. “I’m not trapped,” she said. “I can leave whenever I want to. I’m choosing to be here with you.”
“You’re choosing to be with me,” Astarion said as though she didn’t understand. “But I don’t think you’re choosing to live without the sun. If we could choose right now to make it possible to live a normal life with me, would you take it?”
“That’s not fair.”
“Isn’t it?” he asked. “Because it seems to me that you aren’t willingly giving up your daylight, you’re sacrificing it.”
She crossed her arms. “Even if it was a sacrifice, it’s my choice.”
“It shouldn’t be. Daylight compliments you too much. You have no idea how beautiful you look when sunshine dapples your skin and flushes your cheeks.” He smiled at her and she winced, knowing he meant to charm. “When I see you in the sun, I know I’m looking upon beauty itself.”
She wouldn’t be distracted by the ceaseless flattery. Not when she knew what he was implying with it.
“If you’re feeling caged up, we can always travel,” she said. “I’ll organise for somebody to watch the house and we can start exploring further than the city’s reach.”
She’d been wanting to stay in one place for a short while to recover from the incident with the mindflayers. It had been somewhat long enough, she figured, that she should be able to head out without worries. A couple of weeks of travel might even do her some good.
The others had been keeping an eye out for any information but they were busy with their own lives. Though maybe one or two of them might be willing to join for an adventure or two.
“There’s no point,” he said. “Darling, let’s not keep pretending we’re going to find a solution we like. Power comes from sacrifice.”
“Not of your soul,” she said. “Or of your mind. There’s a way.”
“You don’t know that.”
“I’m sure of it.”
Astarion stared at her for so long that she felt he might be trying to read her mind as they once were able to. Part of her missed that. She’d liked being able to understand what he wanted easily, even when he tried to hide it.
“Alright,” he said. “If you’re so sure, we can pack after you’ve rested. Come on, let’s get you to bed.”
“I’ll send a letter to Wyll so long,” she said and got up. She met his beautiful eyes and tried not to melt into them. “But just so you know, I’ve always loved the moon far more than I ever did the sun.”
In some ways, she expected it. Part of her knew, even as she drifted off to sleep and he pressed a small kiss to the side of her head. She fell asleep with her hands knotted tightly in the fabric of his shirt, as though it would be enough to keep him there no matter what.
When she woke up in the evening with her heavy curtains pulled aside and a fresh breeze blowing in through the windows, she didn’t need to check to know she wouldn’t find him in the house.
She did anyway. Walked from room to room with a blanket over her shoulders and a sinking heart and when she returned to the bedroom, she moved his pillow to see if a dagger still lay under it.
And seeing it missing was the final thing before the tears started to fall.
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Soft Dom Bangchan x Female Reader Sub!
Word count: 2.7k
Warnings: This is strictly 18+ MDNI fan fiction.
Summary: A sub needs a dom, a dom wants a sub but what happens when feelings overlap with contracts and love creeps in? Will a contract remain only a contract? Or are emotions like love too hard to keep in check?
A/N: would also like to dedicate this story to @daceydeath​ , thank you for always putting up with my deluluness, also thank you for putting up with my drama fill life honestly. I wouldn’t be still writing if it wasn’t for you encouraging me. Also thank you so much for writing my summary xx
You walked into the living room, relieved to be out of that uncomfortable outfit. The shower helped you relax, but you were still uneasy about the situation. Chan smiled at you from the couch, gesturing for you to join him. "Come, Princess."
You snuggle into his warm embrace, nestling your head on his chest. His strong yet gentle arms wrap around you, making you feel safe and cared for. As you listen to the steady beating of his heart, he leans down and places a tender kiss on the top of your head.
"I uh want to talk to you about something," he said, adjusting his body and causing you to sit up straight. 
"Sure, what about?" You say, getting comfortable on the couch, turning to face him and crossing your legs.
"Last night….I ah," he was really struggling to get the words out. You grab his hands in yours, hoping it will help him get them out, lightly stroking your thumb over his knuckles. 
He takes a deep breath before saying, "I heard you crying. . . because of me." You smile lightly but think to yourself that's only half true. Chan had yelled, and that's what started the tears at first. But really, you were mostly mad at yourself.
You take a deep breath. "It wasn't your fault. I was disappointed in myself for not being honest." Your gaze falls to the ground as you speak. You never wanted Chan to feel guilty for expressing his feelings.
Chan looks at you with soft eyes. "All I want is for you to trust me. That's been my goal this whole time." He gently lifts your chin up so you're looking at him. You notice his gaze drift down to your lips briefly before returning to your eyes.
You looked at him, unsure of what to say. "I don't know why I didn't tell you earlier."
He softly caressed your lips with his thumb and whispered, "It's okay. I just want you to know I'm sorry." 
Leaning in, placing his lips on yours, time seems to stand still. Chan's soft lips press against yours, consumed by the intoxicating feeling of his hands caressing your hips. His tender kiss leaves you breathless. 
Your eyes remain shut as he pulls away, giggling cutely as he realises you are chasing his kiss. 
"I have to go", you said, trying to grab your bag from Chan's hands. 
In an effort to keep you there longer, he pulls it away from you playfully as you attempt to grab it. "Chan," you say, pouting as he laughs, "I really have to go. I have to pack. The movers are coming next week." 
"Oh, that reminds me." He placed your bag and did a light jog to the main bedroom.
"This is not how I wanted this weekend to go….but I was supposed to give you this last night." He came down the hallway with a jewellery box, running his fingers through his hair.
"Open it", he smiled as he handed it to you. You snap open the box, and inside is a key. Your head shoots up to look at Chan as you blush. "It's the house key….I wanted to give this to you last night at dinner, but….we got rudely interrupted." 
He was right. This weekend did not go according to plan at all. The fact that you may not see each other for a couple weeks while Chan goes to Japan for his dome tour, resulting in you having to pack up your apartment alone, makes you sad. You thought this weekend was going to be some sort of sex-filled dream. However, that did not end up happening for obvious reasons. "I may not see you for two weeks", you pout as you suddenly become in no rush to leave. 
"Mmm," he hummed as he pulled you closer to his body. "See, you should stay," he smiled as his nose brushed your cheek, giving you goosebumps. "I have a lot of other things I was planning this weekend that we didn't get to do." He placed a light kiss just below your earlobe.
"We can't. You have a flight at 6 am tomorrow….and I have the movers coming at 9," you said, placing my hand on his chest, trying to put some space between the both of you. 
"But 2 weeks without you may just kill me." There he goes again, being all sweet. 
"But when you return, I'll be fully moved in." You smile, kissing his lips with a light peck. 
He glides his hand down your back, realising you're not wearing a bra. He pulls you in closer, lightly brushing his thumb over your nipple, instantly making it hard. 
"When I come back, I want to take you out on a real date," he said out of breath.
"I'd love that" you smiled, gripping your bag and stepping out of his reach, his hands falling to his sides. "Bye, Channie," you say sweetly.
"About to leave for the plane… I'll text you when I land." 
You send him a picture of the live YouTube video you are watching of the airport. 
“Are you watching me 😳…..are you sure you are not a stalker 😉” 
"Fine, I'll turn it off." 
"No, I find it adorable." 
"Safe flight, sir." 
"I'll call you tonight." 
It was only a short time before the YouTube live you had streaming on the TV went active, showing the guys rocking up to the airport. 
The camera zoomed in on Chan, making a heart shape with his hands. "Dork", you laughed, shaking your head. 
As they walked through the airport, you couldn't help but be nervous for them as people started swarming around them to get any sort of photos or even a quick touch from them. 
Your heart beats so fast in your chest as one of the members falls; you can visibly see the frustration in Chan's face as he struggles to keep himself calm. Eventually, they push through the crowd and head to security clearance. 
"Omg….are you all okay?" 
"I'm fine" 
"Is it always that hectic?" 
His short answer makes you believe he is indeed angry. You decided to call him.
"Hello," he must be in professional mode.
"I know you said you're fine….but you're texting like you're angry." You just came out with it. 
"Guys, I just have to take this. I'll be back…order me something," he excused himself from the group. 
"Did you see the way they just swarmed us?" He snapped. "They could have hurt Ji", he growled.
"It's okay…just breathe." You could hear him take a deep breath in. 
"Thank you," he said, breathing out. 
"Okay, good….now have a safe flight," you said, about to hang up. 
"Wait…" He said quickly. "Did you see my heart? I did it for you?" Even through the phone, you could see him blushing. 
"Mmmmm….I did…. You're a dork," you laughed. "I better let you go. Text me when you land", you smile.
"What… you're not going to watch YouTube live", he chuckled.
"I ah…think I'll give it a miss….it made me nervous," you said 
"Cute, you worried about me." You could tell by how he said that sentence that he was grinning. 
"Bye, Channie," you said before hanging up. 
But you couldn't help yourself; when the video of the boys arrived in Japan, you ran to the TV; this time, it was a much calmer arrival.
They looked so happy and excited to be there. Chan even smiled and waved at the camera, almost like he knew you were watching. Chan pulls out his phone as they walk outside and into the car.
"I made it, princess….in the car on the way to the hotel." 
Before you could reply, your doorbell went off. "Coming," you said, running to the door. 
You had been so busy moving that a week and a half had gone by in no time, and it was finally time to move your stuff into channies officially. Well, the things you took with you. 
When you arrive at his house, Chan calls you to meet the small moving van you hired. 
"Hello," you say sweetly.
"How's the moving going?" You know he is watching you on the camera. He has them everywhere. 
"Are you watching me?" You laughed. 
"I'm always watching you… it's my favourite pastime." 
"That's creepy, Chan," you say as he laughs. "But while I have you…where would you like the couch you requested me to bring?"
"In the living room," he laughed.
"Chan, don't we should just get a new couch? Mine is so old." 
"I love that couch..." 
"It's ugly," you say, rolling your eyes. 
"It's not ugly… it's perfect." 
"Whatever?" you mumble. "I have to go….. they're here." 
"Okay, I'll see you in a couple of days", he said before he hung up. 
Ting Ting
I open my eyes to check my phone. "Fuuuckkk", I growl as tears begin to form in my eyes from the light's rays. 
"Unknown number", I whisper to myself. I don't want to wake Minho up from his sleep. 
Unknown number
"Don't worry, buddy…. I've been looking after her."
My heart races as I re-read the message, desperately hoping it wasn't meant for me. As I clumsily grab my phone, almost hitting myself in the process, I frantically open the camera app with shaking hands. Scrolling through the outdoor security feeds, my blood runs cold when I don't see her bedroom light on. Dear God, where could she have gone? The house sits empty as I plead for her to be safe inside. I feel a sense of dread wash over me - where is she? Please let her be here. 
I flick the camera into the master suite, and my panic subsides. "Oh, thank God," I breathe. She's curled up all cozy under my silk sheets. I watched her breathing so calmly and peacefully for a few minutes. Her chest rose and fell with such grace; she was simply stunning with her lips pressed together in the cutest sleepy pout. If I were there right now, I would not be able to control myself from planting the biggest kiss on those beautiful lips. My body gets all tingly just thinking about it, and I can't help but push those thoughts aside for now. The worst part about sharing rooms on tour is honestly not being able to care for myself whenever the urge hits. But now that I know she's safe and sound asleep, I continue to check the house for signs that she is alone. I don't care if I have to watch these cameras night and day; I will not let anyone touch her.
Morning finally arrives, and I open my eyes to find that Y/N has left our bed. This is the first time I've even had a thought like that about a woman… "Ours," I say softly, still staring at my phone screen. It's such a strange concept to me. The thought of sharing with a person makes me so happy. I look over at Minho, who is still asleep. Thank God…the last thing I need is for him to wake up and find me staring at my security cameras like a possessive monster. 
But that's what I am, a man obsessed with her, and after last night's text message, I need to hear her voice. Seeing her on my house camera is not enough. 
I step into the hallway as the phone rings. Minho is still sleeping but shouldn't hear me if I keep my voice low. 
"Hey you", her sweet voice was like music to my ears.
"Hey," I say back, and my nervousness vanishes. 
"What's up?….why are you calling so early?" I can hear her talking with her mouth full. 
"Is now a good time to talk?" I say, and I'm hoping she agrees to continue this conversation because now that I have her, I don't want to let her go. 
"Sorry…. I'm just eating breakfast….is everything okay?" I can see her now in my kitchen, eating toast and frowning. 
"Yeah…..I just ah," fuck how do I say this without seeming like an utterly love-sick puppy? "I ah", I keep choking on my words. Why can't I just say it? 
"I miss you too, Channie." I can hear her giggling on the other end, and it makes me smile to know she misses me just as much. 
"That obvious, huh?" I look at the floor as I kick my foot out. 
"That, and I figured you'd call me after I heard you snoring through the camera system this morning" My eyes widened…..could she really hear me snoring FUCK. 
"I ah….I can explain," I panic, fuck, who am I going to explain this without her thinking I'm an absolute creep.
"I'm just joking, sir….When I woke up this morning, I saw the red light and figured you were just checking in." The strain in my chest subsides as I relax my muscles. 
"I hope it's okay that I slept in your bed last night." I want to correct her and say our bed inside. I chuckle.
"Of course….keep it warm for me." I smile and hear what sounds like Minho walking towards the door.
"I have to go, but I'll call you later, okay?" I hang up the phone before she can answer me, and just in time as well….because as I place my hand on the door handle and open it, Minho practically falls out. 
"Spying on me…are we?" I laugh as Minho groans on the floor.
"Who are you even talking to this early?" He squints his eyes as he looks up from the ground. 
"Wouldn't you like to know?" I say, stepping over him and back into the room. 
"I wouldn't have asked if I didn't." Minho gets up off the floor as I charge my phone. 
"I'm going to take a shower", I say, grabbing my towel and heading into the bathroom. 
"Oh, and Minho," I say, peeking my head out and catching him red-handed, looking at my phone. 
"No peeking, yeah", I laugh as I turn back into the bathroom; he could try to get into my phone; however, I changed the code as soon as Y/N and I got together. 
For the first time, I think I actually miss someone. All the boys have gone out to eat and walk around Tokyo sitting, and I can't help but lay here in my shared hotel room and watch CCTV footage of y/n in my house. 
I wish I was there to help her; it's not like I can go home early, either. We have our show tonight. However, after our last show in Tokyo, the boys decided to stay for a couple of days. Still, I was reluctant to because everything I needed was at home. 
I've been sitting on the Korean Air website, deciding if a 6am flight back home is going to piss the boys off or not. They would be supportive if they knew why, but it's too early to let them know I'm seeing y/n. Especially when they only know her as a JYPE staff member.  
"What are you doing?" Minho said, coming out of the bathroom.
"Do you think the guys would be offended if I left tomorrow?" A question I only trust Minho to answer.
"Want to get home that fast?" 
"I just have so much I need to do….I just really don't have time for a holiday right now." A few days off with the boys would be fun; a few days off with y/n is my priority. After we had that huge fight before I left, I felt I needed to make it up to her. 
"I think they won't mind", he said, drying his hair with the towel. 
"Okay, I'll book this ticket then," I said, moving my hand to click the checkout button. 
Minho smiles. I know he's onto me, but he will never immediately ask me. That's not what Minho does. 
"This wouldn't have anything to do with a girl, would it?" He grins.
"No, Minho", I say, pretending to be annoyed and rolling my eyes. 
"Because we will support you 100% if it is?" 
"I know…but it's not." I smile, knowing it has everything to do with a girl. 
Master list: @bellamuerte1987 @nightrayseishina @9900z @armystay89 @dreamstarsandskz @fosfopirite @neyangi @princesspanda16 @krishastumblernow @agnes-king @bangtanmix73 @khemrose @fawnpeaks @missrobyn81 @dreambelieveinme @umbreonwolfy @jisungiexx @scarletrosesposts @choisoorin @izzathequeen @binnies-minsung-fanclub @jetblackbelle @bunnyxoxodarling @berryberrytan @sky-outta @zerefdragn33l @shiningnono @tinys0ftie @zinnichong @tuggybug @nokacchan @amaranth-writing @seungbinis @jisunglover3409 @kimseungminsprincess @goblin-waifu @skzswife @uwuitsjungwoo @marrivmel
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starb3rrys · 11 months
I just saw Sleeping Together Hcs and AHGZICZGFI, so I'd like to request a part 2 with Jouno and anyone else you like to add if you want to. Bc the first is SOOO CUTEEEE >.<
Hello!! Ah- I am so happy to hear you found my "When Night Falls" Hc's cute. I would be delighted to write your request, hope you enjoy!!
✮꙳ 𓂃 𓂂𓏸✮꙳ 𓂃 𓂂𓏸✮꙳ 𓂃 𓂂𓏸✮꙳ 𓂃 𓂂𓏸✮꙳ 𓂃 𓂂𓏸✮꙳ 𓂃 𓂂𓏸✮
When Night Falls ✩Part 2✩
Ft. Jouno, Dazai, Fyodor || Part One
✮꙳ 𓂃 𓂂𓏸✮꙳ 𓂃 𓂂𓏸✮꙳ 𓂃 𓂂𓏸✮꙳ 𓂃 𓂂𓏸✮꙳ 𓂃 𓂂𓏸✮꙳ 𓂃 𓂂𓏸✮
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Sleeping with Jouno is honestly pretty complex.
Considering Jouno's senses are heightened, I do believe he gets sensory overload when he sleeps with someone else or something he doesn't recognize.
Things like your hair touching his chest, your quiet snoring, the heat radiating off your body can make him feel overwhelmed.
Taking that into consideration, Jouno isn't much of a cuddly person.
He doesn't want to make it seem as if he doesn't love you or like having you around.
Hence why rather than a full cuddle, he just places his arm or leg on or around you.
Its like a way to reassure you he's here and wants to be near you while not being overwhelmed by the feeling yk?
He is honestly a pretty peaceful sleeper, although sadly- he is a very light sleeper.
Meaning any sound, or movement makes him either wake up or alert. (Your light snoring kept him up the first time y'all slept together, but now its like a white noise, weirdly comforting to him now).
Good luck trying to sneak out of bed in the middle of the night.
"Where are you going?"
"Uh- The bathroom?"
"Hm...alright, try not to pee so loud--It keeps me up."
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Sleeping with Dazai is comfortable.
Despite what people may think of Dazai, he isn't overly clingy.
Sure, there are nights when he just wants to be smothered in love and affection but it's usually once every blue moon.
He respects the fact you both need space and hates the feeling of being overwhelmed in a situation that is supposed to be comfy and delicate.
Between you two, its much less cuddling and more of just holding each other.
Lose hands rest on your body as quiet snores fill the room, you both lay in bed enjoying each others presence. (Nothing too tight or restricting).
Dazai tends to always be the one holding rather than being held.
He likes being able to let go or scoot away if the heat gets too overwhelming or adjust if he feels uncomfortable in his current sleeping position.
Dazai is a pretty heavy sleeper, you could really sneak out of bed at night and he would just continue snoring.
In addition, he tends to move around quite a bit; rolling over, scooting away, shifting around- etc.
"Sorry, its getting a bit hot let me just...there we go."
"Dazai- this is the fourth time you've moved."
"OKAY! I promise this is the last time."
"I have to pee-."
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Sleeping with Fyodor was honestly a whole process.
Firstly, you had to practically beg and attempt to convince him to even consider sleeping in the same bed with you at least for one night. (He's such a bitch. I love him.)
Listen- He may love you, but it will take a while to actually get him to be vulnerable around you, especially being unconscious around you.
Once you get past the 4 month long process, we get to the actual good stuff.
The first night you two slept together, Fyodor stayed on his side of the bed, not really moving nor cuddling you--just kinda there. (It was really awkward)
But over time--after realizing that you really mean no harm and just want to sleep next to him--he will actually start to relax and allow himself to be vulnerable.
Fyodor is a very light sleeper as well as a quiet sleeper, rarely ever shifts around.
Once he chooses a sleeping position for the night, he sticks to it.
Fyodor is an occasional cuddler, to be more precise, he only cuddles when he needs to warm up.
Warmth is a big thing for Fyodor, considering he is Anemic, cuddles and warm covers help him alleviate and rest better.
Your warmth helps keep his cold body heated which he appreciates greatly and sees as an advantage.
Although, if the heat from your body and the covers becomes too much, he will quickly move away from you and sleep on his side of the bed.
The next morning, make sure he gets up SLOWLY! or he will fall over and crack his neck.
"So, how did you sleep last night?"
"It was...quite pleasant, although your warmth mixed with the covers warmth got me a bit overheated."
"Is that why you nearly kicked me out of bed?-"
✮꙳ 𓂃 𓂂𓏸✮꙳ 𓂃 𓂂𓏸✮꙳ 𓂃 𓂂𓏸✮꙳ 𓂃 𓂂𓏸✮꙳ 𓂃 𓂂𓏸✮꙳ 𓂃 𓂂𓏸✮
These Head-cannons are so cute, I love being able to write things like these!! Honestly, I was searching up cuddling positions just for the funnies :) I asked my friend for help since I had huge writers block- (ILY) Anyways, Love ya! <3
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gurokiitty · 5 months
Three words here me out:
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a/n: i'm listening, anon !! 👂 👂 👂 ren is here too becoz why not
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{ strade x ren hana x f! reader }
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word count: 1.4k
warnings/tags: angst, forced "marriage", physical and psychological abuse, tongue mutilation, blood, forced intimacy (kissing), may be kinda ooc for strade?
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As the morning dawned, a single ray of light sneaked through the boarded-up window, casting a thin strip of illumination across the dusty floor. It travelled slowly, like a silent, ethereal intruder in the otherwise shadowed space. You watched it crawl up to your legs, highlighting the bruises and scars marking your skin, as well as the bandages wrapped around your foot— a mocking beacon of faint hope in the dim room.
Beside you, Ren sat stiffly. His usual poise was marred by anxiety, evident by the way his ears flattened against his head each time his gaze darted to the heavy door.
Soon, the sound of footsteps approached and the door creaked open. Strade entered with a twisted smile, holding two garments. For you, a faded white dress— obviously a thrift store find— yet it held a semblance of what could have been a bride’s traditional attire. For Ren, one of Strade's old suits, dusty and unworn.
"Time to get ready," he announced, his voice echoing slightly in the cramped space. "Don’t take too long. We wouldn’t want to keep the big day waiting." His smile widened as he tossed the garments onto the bed, pausing briefly at the doorway to give one last look before turning to leave.
As the door clicked shut behind him, you exchanged a brief, fraught glance with Ren, his eyes mirroring your turmoil. The preparations were mechanical; the simple acts of bathing and dressing became an attempt to maintain a shred of normalcy.
In the small bathroom, you sat in the tub and cleaned yourself carefully below the neck. Each stroke on your skin felt like an attempt to erase the gruelling memories of the past days. The water ran pink, mingling dust and sweat with blood— a stark reminder of the reality you couldn't completely wash away.
The ordeal felt more surreal as you dried yourself and slipped the dress over your head. It hung loose on your frame, the soft material grazing your skin in unfamiliar, almost comforting touches. You looked into the fogged mirror, wiping away the condensation to see yourself. Your reflection was simple yet transformative, and for a fleeting moment, you recognized a shadow of the person you once were.
Stepping back into the room, you noticed Ren standing before a full-length mirror, smoothing his hair. He turned his head slightly as you approached, his suit hanging loosely on his frame. The mismatched fit would have been almost comical if not for the gravity of the situation. You caught his eye through the mirror and his ears perked up slightly.
His gaze lingered before he forced a smile and turned to adjust the collar of his ill-fitting suit. "It doesn't quite feel like a celebration, does it?"
You approached him slowly, the fabric of the white dress whispering against the floor. "No, but we'll get through this. Just like we've gotten through everything else." You replied, your voice steadier than you felt.
"I know we will. It's just..." His voice trailed off as he met your eyes in the mirror again, searching for an assurance neither of you could truly provide.
You reached out, placing a hand on his shoulder, feeling the coarse fabric under your fingertips. "We'll find a way out. Together." It was a promise, a thin thread of hope you both clung to, even as doubt whispered in the back of your minds.
The ceremony that awaited you was nothing short of a macabre performance, orchestrated by Strade for his twisted enjoyment. As you descended the stairs, the ceremonial charade Strade had set up in the living room revealed itself. A crude altar stood at the end, draped in an old tablecloth and surrounded by a few flickering candles.
Strade's presence, polished yet sinister in a crisp, red suit, only heightened the surrealism of the moment. His hair was neatly styled, transforming him into a figure vastly different from the one you knew. Yet, as the candlelight danced across his face, it illuminated his familiar smile while he puffed on a cigar; the smoke curling around him like a visible sneer.
"You two clean up nice," he mused, a sinister melody in his voice. "My beautiful bride and my handsome groom, all dolled up for our big day." His smirk widened as he exhaled, the cigar's scent mingling with the stale air.
Then, Strade stepped forward, positioning himself by the makeshift altar. "Let’s begin, shall we?" He said, taking the cigar between his fingers and clearing his throat.
“Während manche sagen, dass es zwei braucht, um eine Ehe zu schließen, / While some say it takes two to make a marriage,” he began, "Wir drei sind ein Leben lang verbunden. / The three of us are bound together for a lifetime."
His smile twisted further as he concluded in a chilling tone, "In life and death, our fates are forever intertwined."
As you stood there, facing Strade in his unnervingly handsome guise, a mixture of dread and despair settled heavily in your stomach. His eyes, sharp and calculating, skimmed over you and Ren, taking in every detail of your forced readiness.
“Now let's get to the good part, huh?” his voice dropped to a husky whisper as he closed the distance between you; his movements poised yet predatory. He reached out suddenly, gripping your chin with a firmness that made your heart skip.
“A little token to commemorate our day,” he murmured before his lips pressed briefly against yours. His touch was cold, his fingers clamping your jaw as he pulled away.
Before you could react, Strade's hand moved to your mouth, prying it open, his fingers pressing against your lips. Dread washed over you as he withdrew a small knife from his suit pocket. The sheen of the blade caught the flickering candlelight as he unsheathed it, his eyes never leaving yours. You could feel Ren's gaze burning into you, a silent plea for mercy mirrored in his expression.
Strade's grip on your chin tightened as he brought the blade closer to your trembling lips, positioning it at the center of your tongue. Without hesitation, he made a long, deliberate cut down the median sulcus, the cold steel slicing through the soft flesh. Pain seared through you as blood began to pool in your mouth, spilling down your chin in thick rivulets, and staining the white of your dress.
You could hear Ren's sharp intake of breath, his own fate mirrored in the cruel twist of Strade's lips. The room seemed to spin, the weight of your shared agony pressing down on you like a suffocating blanket.
Strade then turned to Ren, who had watched the ordeal with horror etched deeply into his features. Ren’s attempts to protest were muffled by Strade’s swift and brutal actions, repeating the gruesome act. The immediate flow of blood now tied your pains together in the most visceral way possible.
With a monstrous grin, he forced you and Ren to face each other, pushing you two into a proximity that felt both intrusive and intimate. "Now, kiss," he commanded, his voice low.
You reached up, your hands trembling as they framed Ren's face, your thumbs brushing against his cheeks. You could feel his muscles tense under your touch.
Reluctantly, painfully, you leaned towards him, the coppery taste of blood mingling as your lips met. The kiss was soft at first, almost hesitant, but you pressed closer and your wounded tongues touched. The pain sparked again, more intensely, as you both stifled a groan. Blood mixed with saliva, creating a bond that was as real as it was enforced, painting your lips and trickling down in a slow, warm drip that met the front of your dress.
You could feel Ren's breath hitch, his hands coming up to rest hesitantly on your hips, his touch light, as if afraid to cause more pain— or perhaps more connection. The kiss deepened slightly, not out of desire but out of a desperate need to find solace in your shared suffering.
“This is what binds us together,” Strade remarked, “Not just some vows or rings, but blood, pain, and fear. You two are mine, in every way that counts.”
Finally, you pulled away, and the string of blood that had connected you broke, leaving only a sticky residue on your lips.
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bloodykora · 2 months
Orange Tainted Fingers
This was very much influenced by @ilovemycatkafir comment on my Scrapped Knees. So big thanks to her!
I would recommend reading Just a Little Gift which sets up this premise which you can read here. If you decide not to then its basically stalker mc with stalker Sol. Hope yall enjoy!!!
TW: end of day 2 spoilers, aka B+E, attempted drugging, stalking/yandere behaviours
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There was always a craving of fresh orange juice, one of the best parts of being raised on a farm. A nice cold cup of OJ in the morning instead of the over sugared and weirdly pulped store stuff.
It was a habit that followed you to school, first getting the jugs of OJ before you went back to buying oranges to juice on the weekends. Weekly routine which somewhat soothed you on the days you were most stressed. And on the worst days it was right under desperately wanting to crawl into bed.
It had been a hectic day, studies on top of going out with Hyugo and Sol after classes. Hyugo not wanting to run errands by himself and Sol agreeing after you had decided to go. All you could fantasize now was stripping off your socks and having a seat.
Your door lock clicks as you take your keys out of it, opening and stepping in your apartment. Closing and locking it behind you, dropping your bag, chucking off your shoes and flopping on the sofa. Taking a deep breath in as you adjust to the now quietness of the house.
You slide into your usual routine, already had eaten so you didn't need to do dishes however there was laundry to pick up off the floor of your room. Tidying and sweeping the kitchen and bathroom, general cleaning. You glance at the clock on the stove, its vibrant green light reading to be past 9. Deciding its time to head to bed.
You open the fridge and pull out a spoon, setting the jug on the counter while you grab a small glass. Ready to stir and have a cup before going to bed. You take the wrap off the top before pausing, there was no separation. There was nothing to stir, which was off considering it had been probably 12 hours since you last touched it.
You pause and think, what or who did it and why? No sign of forced entry, no broken front lock or kicked in door and nothing stolen. So how? You pour it into the cup, your back out to the rest of the apartment and lifting the cup to your face. Then reaching down and pouring it in the sink quietly, rinsing out the cup and the juice.
Making sure if there was someone watching, they thought you had taken a sip of it at least. You calm your breath, not wanting to panic. You continue your routine, turning off the lights and going to burst your teeth. Heart pounding into your ears, adrenaline now overtaking any fear you may have had.
Snuggling into bed, having your phone under the pillow in case anything happened and your hand clutched around the pink frog plush for comfort.
You close your eyes and listen, tossing and turning for what felt like an eternity. Laying still as you could be, crickets and the wind would be almost lullabyic if it wasn't for the situation. Finally, a click from the window makes your face scrunch. Thankful but nervous your back was to it.
Your eyes open slightly as a pair of shoes hit the floor, your eyes adjusted to the darkness so you could see perfectly. You still your breathing again, shutting your eyes and tensing every muscle to not shake. Your arms clutch each other, the frog still in between them.
The stranger's feet carry themselves around the bed, a hand going to reach out to graze your legs. A hummed breath coming out as they admire your sleeping beauty.
Sol recognizes the small trembling in your body, a small frown appearing on his face as he squats down to look at your face. Your face slightly twitching as his hand touches your temple.
"Oh are you having a nightmare?" He pauses, his voice finally pierces your ears. "I'll chase all your monsters away pumpkin." Realization creeps up your ears and face, along with his hand. The man you had been obsessed with was now in your room, staring while you 'slept' and caressing you.
Your heart quickens but not out of fear anymore, in adoration. Planning in your head to now accept all the attention Sol wanted to give you but was just too nervous to while you were awake.
"Hmm, that seemed to have work. You've calmed right down just from me touching you. That's so cute." His voice was so delicate, not wanting to stir you from your slumber at all. You bit your tongue, yearning to just clamp your hand around his.
He takes your right arm, closing his eyes and putting your palm to his face. Relaxing in your touch, rubbing your hand with his thumb. You decided to peek open your eyes, taking the risk in benefit of seeing his peaceful face in your hand.
His hair felt so soft, it being out of his normal half up half down style. A black face mask pull down over his chin, very about break and enter kind of outfit. You closed your eyes again, a smile resting on your face.
Sol makes a comment about how soft your skin is, and how he should paint your nails to match his. You feel like you're being baked in the most pleasant ray of sun, his attention fuelling you for the whole next day ahead. You can his muttering, his usual small comments he thought you couldn't hear.
"I could just wrap in your scent til the end of time, staying in your arms so no one else ma-" He stops in the middle of his sentence, a thing he had never done since you'd known him. His hands withdraw from you, your concerns now growing.
"Frog, the frog. No, no it can't be." You barely make out his words, immediately realizing he's talking about the stuffie in your grasp. It now being more easily to see after he had taken your arm. The same frog that had matched his.
The one you had left on his bed.
Your bedroom stays quiet again, you could almost hear his mind running. Anxiety and dread filling the space between belly and chest again as you wondered if he'd run.
'He can't run, no. Don't want to scare him, but he can't run.' Your mind now running along with his, planning what would happen if he did book it. It didn't take much time for the both of you to make up your mind.
Sol's feet leaning back on the wood of the floor, a creaking escaping into the room. Arguably the loudest thing you've heard all night, all your life. Your right arm moves on instinct, reaching out and gripping the sweater he had on.
His crimson eyes shoot to yours, a look now lingering on your face that he had never seen before. Yet seemed so familiar.
Your eyes wide open in a dead stare, very clearly not sleeping and staring into his soul.
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bucketslutz · 1 month
Don't Be Late (professor Logan Howlett/Fem student mutant reader)
Click here for chapter index.
Summary: The aftermath of your drunken night with Logan does not go the way you expect it to. Tensions rise, harsh words are spoken, and feelings get inevitably hurt.
A/N: thank you all so much for the kind words and the support! every comment means the world to me, seriously. my surgery went well, it wasn't very invasive but the nitrous gas knocked me out for most of the day yesterday! thank you to everyone who wished me well. this chapter is a lot more angsty than i was intending to write it but i've been feeling pretty icky in my personal life and i think that's just translated into my writing😅 whoops. i hope y'all enjoy tho!
Warnings: smut!! 18+ minors DNI!!!, swearing, ass slapping, unprotected vaginal sex, p in v, dirty talking, car sex, angry sex, slightly rough sex, orgasm denial if you squint, insults, Logan being kinda mean to reader and vice versa
Word Count: 5,118
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Chapter 4
A sharp pain reverberates around your skull. Slowly blinking your eyes open, you eventually adjust to your surroundings. You glare suspiciously at the room around you, apprehensive to move. But your head is pounding, and nausea swirls around your stomach. You groan as you sit up, scanning the area for an indication of where you are. The window to your right is draped in sheer flannel curtains, allowing the morning sunlight to shine in, much to the dismay of your hangover. The log cabin interior is sparsely decorated, save for a pair of antlers mounted above a pine dresser, clothes draped haphazardly along its prongs. The space smells of tobacco and pine. Oh god, you think to yourself, your stomach dropping as you piece the puzzle of your night together in your mind. Logan. This is Logan’s house. And you’re in your underwear. Surely you didn’t...did you? Wouldn’t you remember something like that? Would Logan even want to fuck you? Especially with how drunk you assume you were. You’re pulled from your thoughts with a startle, a knock against the door bringing you back down to earth. Logan calls your name gently from behind it.
“I’ve, uh, got some toast, if you’re hungry,” Logan says, a layer of uncertainty in his voice.
“I’ll be out in a minute,” you reply, clinging the scratchy blanket to your chest. You gather up all the courage you can muster, preparing yourself to face him, assuming you made a complete and utter fool of yourself the night before. You find your pants on the floor and shimmy them up your legs, searching for a mirror you can fix your appearance in. You find the bathroom behind a door on your left and flick the light on, groaning at the harsh pain the bright light brings upon your headache. Once your squinting ceases and your eyes adjust, you almost gasp at how wrecked you look. Your hair is completely disheveled, smudged black eye makeup making your eyes look sunken in. The smudged makeup also doesn’t help the colorless, pale appearance of your skin. You turn the sink’s faucet on, splashing some cold water onto your face. You’re delusional to think that it will do much to help. You try your best to smooth your hair down with your fingers, taking a deep breath in preparation for whatever you may face in Logan’s living room.
You meekly open the door of his bedroom, scanning the area in front of you quickly before stepping out. His bedroom is situated on the second level of his house, the door of his room leading out to a mezzanine. From here, you can see Logan sat on a leather couch in the middle of his living space, puffing on a cigar. Despite his home having this mezzanine, it isn’t full of grandiosity. It’s lit fairly dimly, the ceiling flat above your head but vaulted above Logan’s. Everything looks hand crafted, with slight imperfections in each cut of wood that sustains the structure of the cabin. 
You walk slowly down the stairs, each step making your head throb. Heading towards the couch, you decide to sit as far from him as you can manage, feeling the most awkward you’ve ever felt around him since you’ve met. He reaches his cigar’d hand towards the coffee table, stuffing it out onto the ashtray that’s already littered with old, dead cigars. He slides a plate of cold toast in your direction before he gets up. You mutter a meek thanks as he walks to the kitchen that’s nestled under the mezzanine. You manage a bite of the toast, hoping it will alleviate your nausea slightly. It doesn’t, but it does feel good to have something in your stomach. Logan returns to the living room and sets a mug in front of you, grunting as he sits back down on the couch. He seemingly has no care with being in your proximity, as he moves closer to you than from where he was before.
“Thank you,” you grumble in appreciation, reaching for the mug of black coffee. Wincing as you sip, you wish you could make that Colombian dark roast without Logan noticing. He doesn’t say anything in response to your thanks, simply nodding as he sips from his own mug of coffee. There’s a loaded moment of silence, neither one of you brave enough to say anything yet. Maybe you did something in your drunken stupor to offend him. Or maybe something happened and he feels too awkward and ashamed to do anything about it. It’s killing you to not know, and causing you to worry even further that something bad might’ve happened. You decide to swallow your anxiety.
“Um, did we..?” you break the silence, trailing off, feeling too awkward to finish the sentence.
“What? Fuck?” he finishes, rather casually, a slight furrow to his brow. His candor made you almost choke on your coffee. 
“Believe me, princess, you were in no state,” he chuckles with a shake of his head, you exhale in relief, glad you didn’t do anything too stupid, “Wouldn’t be much fun that way, anyways,” he mutters into his mug.
A wave of heat rushes to your cheeks. The nickname, the sexual innuendo. Surely that was flirting, wasn’t it? A part of your brain knows this is so highly inappropriate. Your professor got you so drunk the night before that you had to crash in his bed, and now openly flirts with you the morning after. But the other half of your brain wants to know just how fun fucking him would be.
“How much do you remember?” he asks, turning his head towards you. Shifting your weight under his stare, you focus your thoughts, trying to remember as much as you can.
“I remember our first couple games of pool,” you start, looking up at the ceiling as you try and recall further, “I remember splitting the shot of tequila…I remember the lemon drops I made you drink…And I remember....” You trail off, remembering something far worse than a potential sexual encounter with Logan. The man. His body flying across the room from the force of your kick. Logan saw you, everyone in that bar saw you. You need to get out of here.
“You know, I think I should head home actually,” you deflect, trying your best to seem as collected as possible. You stand from the couch, not entirely sure where you’re supposed to go from here.
“Your ride’s still at the bar, you were in no condition, believe me,” Logan assures, standing up with you. He walks towards his dining table and retrieves what you recognize as your purse. He hands it to you along with your shoes, you offer a tight smile as a thanks. “I’ll give you a lift to the bar.”
The ride back to the bar has been silent, the only sound being the engine of Logan’s truck growling down the road. Your mind is slowly becoming less and less shrouded to the events of the night before. You recall more of the tension between the two of you, his hands supporting you when you fell, the times he called you princess, the way he bit the lime in half when he split that shot of tequila.
“This wasn’t what I was tryin’ to do,” Logan mumbles, suddenly breaking the silence. You snap your head towards him, confused by what he’s attempting to say.
“What do you mean?”
“I wasn’t tryna get you shitfaced. I just…wanted you to relax,” he admits, turning his head to you briefly before promptly turning his focus back to the road. That wasn’t his intention? Really? You suddenly recall talking to him about how you don’t like clear liquor, yet he still shoved those shots in your face. Sure, you were playing a game. But you were being playful in ordering him fruity drinks as punishment, he made you violently hungover and in a state of delirium.
“Is that your way of apologizing?” you snap, narrowing your eyes at him. Logan looks taken aback by your sudden frustration.
“Sorry?” Logan responds, his voice begging offense as his head tilts like a confused puppy.
“Oh, so that word is in your vocabulary. Great. Apology accepted. I really appreciate you taking responsibility for getting me unbelievably shitfaced on liquor I told you I couldn’t drink,” you sass, crossing your arms in frustration.
“Alright, bub, sure,” Logan scoffs, laughing you off as if you’re no serious threat. Which pisses you off even more.
“I’m serious. Did you honestly think I was enjoying myself puking in your toilet for hours?” you question rhetorically, trying to get him to understand, “Maybe you like being dysfunctional, but not everyone else likes being blackout drunk on their Friday nights while getting into bar fights.” You sit back in your seat and turn as far out to the window as you physically can.
“Hey! I didn’t make you do shit,” Logan counters pointing his finger accusatorially at you, “The whole goddamned game was your stupid idea.”
“Oh, wow, that’s a really good observation, Logan. You didn’t make me do anything. The drunk girl with impaired judgement made a decision and should face the consequences of her actions,” you remark sarcastically, your arms gesturing with each emphasis you make, “Wow, ‘ya sure you’re a history professor? Because you’d be great teaching Date Rape 101.”
“Date Rape 101?” he scoffs, barely coherent, before continuing, “And whose goddamn self defense classes are you taking, eh? Wonder Woman’s?”
You freeze. Unable to form a retort. What can you say? There’s no explanation for what you did last night. It was inhuman.
“What? Got nothin’ to say, princess?” he spat, gritting his teeth. You scoff and roll your eyes in disbelief at his attitude. His car approaches the shallow gravel lot belonging to the bar. Saved by the bell, you think to yourself. He puts it in park.
“Go fuck yourself, Logan,” you bark, your tone low and deadly as you throw the car door open and stomp out. You motion to slam it, but you hesitate when a thought crosses your mind, “And buying your student drinks is extremely inappropriate and against, like, so many code of conducts,” you remark sassily before slamming his car door shut. You fish for your keys in your bag, fighting to not look behind you and watch as Logan pulls out of the parking lot, before aggressively driving away. You growl in frustration once you step into your car, holding yourself back from slamming your head against the steering wheel. In all honesty, you weren’t sure if you were mad at him or yourself for being so careless.
Saturday was spent nursing yourself back to health, doing nothing but laying in bed, doomscrolling on your phone in an attempt to numb your mind from the anger you felt towards your professor. The audacity to put you in that kind of position. You got so drunk you were almost unconscious, you were almost groped by a stranger, and you risked revealing your powers to him and all those strangers in the bar. How stupid were you to believe that you could have a fun evening with someone like him. An abrasive, impolite, selfish asshole that’s incapable of taking any responsibility for his actions. If you feel this way, then why do you wish you stayed in his bed a little bit longer? Why do you wish he made a move on you on his couch? Why do still want him? It makes you want to rip your hair out. How can he have this effect on you? And why him? What’s so fucking special about him that your affections are intertwined with his? No one has ever made you feel this connected in your life. It’s like there’s been an invisible string between the two of you since you’ve met, and it’s so strong that nothing can separate it. You hate him, you do, but you want him. God, you’d give anything to fuck him now. His actions from last night honestly fanning the flames of your desire even further. You don’t know why, you hate his guts right now. It almost seems that in order for you to release your anger and frustration with him, your body wants to fuck. Hard.
It’s gotten to the point where you can’t think about how mad you are at him without getting unbelievably turned on. You just want him to slam you down onto his bed and fuck you into tomorrow, leaving bites down your neck as you scratch red marks into his back. Despite your growing arousal, you’re too tired to want to relieve yourself, opting to succumb to sleep instead. You think about Logan calling you “princess” as you fall asleep.
“You got nothing to say, princess?” Logan spat from the driver’s seat, angling his head towards yours after putting the truck in park.
“Asshole,” you mumble through gritted teeth. You remain fixed on the expanse of gravel road in front of you, lit only by the headlights of Logan’s truck. Logan chuckles in disbelief, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Jesus, Logan, you’re a fucking asshole!”
“It takes one to fucking know one, baby, and you’ve been a real mess all day,” Logan retorts, waving his arms in the air in frustration. “It seems whenever you got a problem with yourself you turn it around on me. I’m not a person you can dump your shit onto!”
“I’m not dumping anything! You don’t fucking listen to me!” you scowl, finally turning your body towards him.
“Oh, believe me, bub, if you had to hear yourself half the time I do, you’d understand why I tune you out!”
“Excuse me?” you scoffed.
“You heard me!” Logan growled, dismissing you with a wave of his hand.
“Fuck you!” you snap, venom on your tongue and a furious expression on your face.
“Fuck you!” Logan snaps back, sliding towards you on the truck’s bench seat to get in your face.
“Fuck you!” you raise your voice louder than his, squaring up to him, not allowing him to corner you in the car and get the upper hand. Your faces are inches from each other now, your angry pants fanning the other’s face. You can see a shift in Logan’s eyes, twisting from raging embers of anger, to dark and lustful in a second. His eyes flick down to your lips, then back up to join your gaze again. His lips hesitate between keeping the distance, and floating towards yours, like he’s being pulled by a magnet. You don’t want him, you hate him right now, but god how you want him.
“You’re an asshole,” you mumble quickly before his lips crash hastily onto yours. He swallows you, generously flicking his tongue in and out of his mouth. You tangle your tongue with his, grasping the back of his neck with need. Logan hooks both his arms around you, pulling you as close to his chest as he can manage. With each aggressive nip and suck to your lips, the stronger your arousal swirls within you. You tuck your legs under you, sitting up on your knees, as you push him back onto the bench of the truck. You straddle him, pressing your full weight onto his pelvis and reveling in the feel of his hard cock pressed firmly against your core. His hips buck into yours, hands traveling down the expanse of your body before sliding under the hem of your tank top. You aggressively grind your hips down onto his, causing Logan to growl lowly into your mouth. Your fingers travel to Logan’s scalp, gripping his hair with intensity and ferocity while your other is pressed firmly against his chest for leverage as you continue grinding into him. Your skirt has hiked up almost completely all the way, leaving just your lacy underwear as your only barrier against his jean-clad cock. So preoccupied with his lips on yours and the friction against your clit, you failed to notice that Logan has unclasped your bra and is fighting to pull your tank top over your head. Before you even get a chance to sit up and adjust, Logan loses his patience, using both his hands to rip your tank in half with ease. Any other day, you would give a shit and chastise him for being so careless, but right now, you want nothing more than to fuck the shit out of him. You grab him by the collar and sit him up without breaking the kiss, allowing him the freedom to slip your bra off of you and let your tits spring free.
You fiddle with the buttons at the collar of his shirt, growing increasingly frustrated with them. You decide to take a page from Logan’s book and rip the front of his shirt open, sending buttons ricocheting throughout the truck. Logan growls in approval, pulling you closer to his chest. He breaks the kiss, biting and sucking up and down the expanse of your neck causing you to elicit a guttural moan in response. Logan’s becoming more and more ferocious with his movements the longer your hips grind down onto his. Removing his mouth from your neck, he bares his lower teeth before shoving you back so he’s now sitting up above you. He unbuttons his pants with ease before pulling his cock out, clearly eager to fuck you already. You spread your legs in anticipation, your skirt scrunched up to your ribcage, your bare chest heaving. He reaches for the waistband of your panties and hurriedly yanks them down your legs, throwing them behind him without a care. He barely takes any time to line himself up before he bottoms out into your tight pussy with a growl from his lips. You gasp in a mixture of sheer bliss and sharp pain. Logan hunches over your figure, grunting into your ear as he begins his rapid, hard thrusts into your core. Your moans are high pitched, overwhelmed with the pleasure he brings to your aching pussy.
“Take it,” he growls into your ear before bringing his mouth down to the crook of your neck and biting. Hard. A pained moan escapes your lips. He grunts with each powerful thrust into you, spearing you in half, causing tears to prick at the corners of your eyes. Each time he rocks into you, your moans grow more desperate, embarrassingly high pitched. Logan pulls his face away from your neck, maintaining eye contact with you as he brings a hand to your throat and squeezes.
“That’s right, take this cock,” he husks, his voice barely below a growl as he watches you get absolutely wrecked by the way he’s pounding into your pussy. The pressure to your neck makes you lightheaded, the pleasure overwhelming you.
“Yes…fuck,” you groan, your words of encouragement being broken up by each of Logan’s hard thrusts inside of you. Logan’s noises are animalistic above you, his teeth bared, his hand squeezed around your throat possessively. You’re not sure how much more of this you can take with his cock stretching and spearing you the way that it is. Just as you think you’re ready to pass out, Logan’s thrusts stutter to a stop. Removing the hand from your throat, he pulls out. You whine at the sudden emptiness, and watch Logan sit up above you, his chest heaving.
“All fours for me, babygirl,” he commands, gesturing to the space behind him for you to crawl to as he lazily strokes his cock. You oblige immediately, crawling past him to the other end of the bench seat. You arch your back in anticipation, gyrating your ass to entice him. He gives your rear a harsh smack causing you to moan lightly.
“D’you like that, princess?” he rasps, the gravel in his voice making you clench. He gives you another smack making you moan more, desperate for him to keep fucking you.
“Logan, please,” you whine, eagerly moving your hips backwards in an attempt to feel his cock against you.  
“You want it?” he teases, you can hear his cocky smile.
“Yes,” you reply breathlessly, squeezing your thighs together for some kind of friction as Logan gently massages the tender flesh of your ass. You gasp when a hand shoots up to your hair, Logan grabs a fistful and forcefully pulls you up so your back is flush with his chest. From here you can feel the stiffness of his cock against your ass. You whimper, grinding your ass into him as you’re desperate for a release. Logan’s hips adjust, feeling his length prod at your entrance before he spears into you, completely stretching you out. You gasp as he hits your cervix, starting his thrusts slowly before pushing you back down onto your hands. Keeping his hand in your hair, he uses his other hand to grip your shoulder for leverage, before bucking into you hard. You groan, pressing your hands against the car door for support as his pace quickens, his belt jingling rhythmically with the pace of his hips. You almost feel pain from the way he prods your cervix, but his pace is so fast you barely have enough time to register it. Your moans grow lewd and high pitched, the slap of his skin against your ass, the pulling of your hair, his grunting and moaning and panting. It’s all so vulgar and feral. 
“Tell me I’m right,” he grunts, his teeth bared and grip on you tightening.
“Lo-gan,” you grunt, trying your best to form a sentence, but his thrusts move your whole body and you can’t speak when he fucks you like this. He lets go of your hair, bending over you to whisper in your ear.
“Tell me that I was right and you were wrong, and I’ll keep fucking this pretty pussy,” he husks, his gruff voice tempting you as his cock twitches inside of you. God, you want to, but you’re stubborn. You know you’ll never live this down and he’ll continuously hold it over your head for as long as you live. You crane your neck behind you, flashing him a sultry look, fluttering your eyelashes.
“No,” you whisper, pressing a firm hand to his chest and pushing him off of you, his dick popping out of you as he sits back in disbelief.
“No?” he asks incredulously. You spin around situating yourself on the seat as he stares at you blankly.
“No,” you clarify simply, smoothing your hair down and collecting yourself. You find your panties on the floor and slip them on. Logan slides towards you, wrapping his arms around your waist, burying his face in your neck before kissing up and down it. You shrug him off, bringing your hand up to his face and gripping his jaw lightly so he’s forced to make eye contact with you. Eyes flit down to your lips hungrily, like he’s a dog begging for his chew toy.
“We’ll see how long you last without my pussy,” you murmur, letting his lips float just inches from yours, as he’s barely able to resist capturing your lips in a kiss. But you won’t let him.
This is the first time in a week you’ve woken up without an orgasm on your fingertips. You feel quite confused, unsure of what to make of this dream. It was just as vivid as the others, but the abrupt ending didn’t leave you begging for more from him. For once, you’re not dreading his class tomorrow, ready to face him and whatever kind of attitude he wants to throw your way.
It’s Monday morning and you approach Logan Howlett’s class with the utmost confidence. What could he do to you? Call you out in front of the class? What would he gain from that? You could just report him to the Dean, hell, you could report him to the president of the university. You could do that now even, but he hasn’t forced your hand yet. His actions today, however, could.
You push the door open, filing in with a few other classmates, trying your best to avoid looking towards Logan at the head of the room. You pull out your notebook, attempting to focus on nothing but his lecture and his lesson plan. No distractions today.
You startle when something is slammed in front of you onto your desk, as if Logan could read your thoughts and wanted to disturb you as much as possible by simply handing you back your essay that he must’ve graded. You avoid looking at him, which isn’t hard considering he walked away almost immediately after throwing the pages on your desk. You huff as you flip the it over, much to your surprise, there’s a huge red zero scrawled at the top of your page. You’re taken aback, trying to flip through the pages so you can understand why he gave you no credit. But he offered no explanation, no notes in any of the margins. Goddamnit, you’re the only person who turned it in on time! You should be getting extra credit for that alone. You try and glare at him, hoping he’ll meet your gaze, but he avoids you with expertise. That fucking bastard. 
You stew in your seat for the rest of class. Finding it almost impossible to focus on the lecture with how much more pissed you are at Logan. What reason would Logan have to be that petty? You did the work goddamnit, he can’t withhold a grade just because you yelled at him. What an immature, insecure, stupid man. You can’t believe you were ever attracted to someone so chauvinistic and egotistical. You’d have half a mind if you didn’t go to the President about his behavior, he shouldn’t be allowed to continue teaching here or anywhere. Not when you’re done with him. And you want him to know that. You want him to feel powerless to stop you from taking his job away from him.
The clock strikes 10 and Logan zips out of class swiftly, you attempt to follow, maneuvering out from behind your row as quickly as possible. You turn out the classroom, spotting him further down the hall. Tailing him through doorways and corridors, you finally find him at his destination: his office. You take a deep breath, mentally preparing yourself for whatever he might throw your way. Without knocking, you swing the door open, promptly shutting it behind you. Mimicking his actions from earlier, you slam your essay in front of his face, staring at him with venom.
“Are you fucking kidding me?” you snap, your face twisted into a furious scowl.
“Somethin’ wrong?” Logan asks, feigning ignorance, staring up at you with a coldness in his eyes.
“You’re a child,” you scoff, “What, you couldn’t handle getting yelled at so you take that out on my grade?”
“I don’t know what you mean. Maybe you should give that essay again another read,” he remarks as matter of factly as possible, trying his best to hide his thinly veiled anger.
“Bullshit. Fix my grade,” you command, reaching over the desk and shoving the pages closer towards him.
“I’m not fixing shit, now get out,” Logan barks sternly, sliding a drawer in his desk open and pulling out a silver leather-cased flask. He takes a generous swig, barely flinching when he gulps, causing you to scoff and roll your eyes.
“You’re unbelievable,” you huff in disbelief. A grown-ass man, drinking in the middle of the day while he’s still at work.
“You got a problem, bub?” he frowns at you before taking another swig of his liquor.
“What problem don’t I have with you!?” you exclaim, throwing your arms in the air in frustration, “You’re inexplicably nice to me on the first day of class, then you tell me to fuck off half of the time you see me, then you suddenly feel bad for me and take me out for pity drinks where you shove liquor down my throat like you wanted me to get sick! You’re abrasive, you’re bad at your job, you’re irresponsible and I could almost hate you for—“
Something in Logan snaps, causing him to stand up abruptly, slamming his palms flat on his desk before coming out from behind it to get in your face.
“I didn’t fucking ask for this!” he barks pointing at you aggressively, with each continuation of his thought, he steps closer to you, causing you to back away from his advances, “Do you think I want to be in that fucking classroom everyday, reading from a bullshit textbook with bullshit facts…Lecturing half-drunk, spoiled, rich, asshole 20 year olds who could give two shits about what I have to fucking say!”
You say nothing, letting him back you into a corner with each sling of curses and frustrations he barks at you. You can’t help the tears that well in your eyes as he gets closer and closer to your face.
“Don’t even get me fucking started on this shy, timid wallflower act you put on every day! If you think you’re fooling everyone with that performance, then you must be too goddamned stupid to be here! Stop wasting your time; wastin’ everyone’s goddamned time! Do us all a favor, pack up your bullshit and leave before you push someone else through a wall!”
Logan’s face is inches from yours now, lower teeth bared as he pants furiously, face red from anger. Tears prick your eyes and threaten to roll down your cheeks, you can’t help it, his words dug a knife into your chest. Is that what he really thinks of you? Is that really what you should do? You know what, fuck what he thinks, fuck him and his opinions. What the hell does he know about academia, you think to yourself. You inhale shakily, trying your best to choke down a sob as you twist your face into a hateful scowl.
“Fuck you,” you hiss, a stray tear rolling down your cheek despite your best efforts to uphold the angered front you wanted to put forward. You shove past him and back towards his desk, collecting your essay before starting towards the door. Your hand reaches the handle, you hesitate before you leave. Wanting to turn around, wanting him to maybe even stop you. But he’s fixed, his breathing remaining the same angered pace. With tears now unabashedly running down your cheeks, you leave, drafting the email you’re going to send to the president’s office in your head.
A/N: ouch :/ this one hurt to write lowkey. i had to put some smut in there to balance this one out because i started feeling too bad for all of the angst. again, all the kind words of support and encouragement make me so happy. i check my email a million times a day so i can see if someone left a comment. it motivates me a lot to keep this going, which is why im churning chapters out so fast. thank you all🫶🏻 leave your guesses for who you think the president of the university is below and any other x men characters you hope to see in the future!
also, i'm thinking about recommending a song to go with each chapter, i listen to music a lot when i write so i wanted to know what y'all thought about that! click here to view on ao3
Tags: @wolviesgirl @sanemis-piss
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eds6ngel · 9 months
✮⋆。°✩⋆˙ a christmas miracle
a 'when i kissed the teacher' spinoff.
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summary: you and steve were in a weird situation. you weren't actively trying to get pregnant, but you weren't exactly being safe either. so, how will steve react when he opens his final christmas present?
warnings: dad!steve. mom!reader. fem!reader. afab!reader. 90s!au. mentions and allusions to sex. mentions of pregnancy. pet names. kissing. tons of crying. alena being too young to understand pregnancy (kinda cute tho). alena being a cutie pie as always. some worries over steve's reaction. but mostly fluff and comfort!! [1.9k].
author's note: hi everyone!! i am back!! my first semester of uni is finally over, so i can get back to fic writing a little more! i couldn't neglect my happy family like this, so i've tackled a pregnancy fic! i've never been pregnant, but i do wish to be in my life, so all of my research has been for my own benefit and utilised in this fic. if i'm inaccurate in any parts, please let me know for the benefit of the readers and myself!! ♡
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It was hard not announcing the news to Steve. Having to attend your first scan without him was heartbreaking, but the look upon the nurse’s face after you told her you were going to wrap up the ultrasound photo, along with a card saying “Merry Christmas Daddy” and a pair of small, cream, woolen socks, just confirmed your decision was the right one.
You and Steve were in a sort of weird situation. You had stopped using protection, but weren’t in a position were you were actively trying to get pregnant. You agreed that any time from now was an okay time for the two of you to have a child, but also weren’t bothered if the pregnancy tests came back negative.
But, a little Christmas miracle decided to form inside of you, the test showing two lines on December 11th, 1999.
Steve and Alena had gone grocery shopping for an hour, the perfect opportunity for you to wrap Steve’s gift.
Rolling out the wrapping paper, you placed a grey, fluffy blanket in the centre, before laying on top the Christmas card which read:
Hi Daddy.
I’m six weeks old today!
I can’t wait to meet you soon! I’m planning to enter the world on August 20th, 2000.
My mom is keeping me very safe right now as I grow, but I’ll still be listening out for you from inside my home.
See you in nine months.
Love, your future child <3
And as you were about to place the ultrasound photo next to the cream baby socks you previous put underneath the card, your eyes started welling with tears once more.
Was it the hormones? Maybe. But, something in you felt this was all natural. You were growing a human life inside of you, one that has half of your DNA and the other half the love of your life’s. That was something to bask in the intense emotion of.
With everything laid out neatly, you reached over for the sellotape, folding over the edges and carefully sticking them in place.
Wrapping the gift in a pretty cream bow, matching the socks inside, and adding a label reading “To my darling Stevie,” you added it to the pile of increasing gifts in the corner of yours and Steve’s bedroom.
Now, just a week to go until he gets his surprise.
You cradle your stomach, despite the size not increasing at all yet, and whisper to your unborn child “A week and he’ll know, my love. Your beautiful existence will be known.”
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“Mom! Dad! Wake up! Wake up!”
You are awoken by the sound of your bouncing ten-year-old, aggressively rocking your fiancé as he groans loudly, his eyes adjusting to the light peaking through the window.
“Mornin’ pumpkin,” he murmurs, you opening up one eye as Alena’s full set of brand-new adult teeth smile right at you.
“And what are you doing up so early, missy?” you ask, the clock on the bedside table next to Steve shining a bright 6:00 in the morning, illuminating the room in a red glow.
“Mom” she drags out, rolling her eyes playfully, “You know what day it is!”
You tap your chin lightly, playing along with the joke, “Hmm… I feel as if I may need a reminder.”
“It’s Christmas Mom! And I may or may not have seen all the presents you left underneath the tree…” her vocal pitch increases, looking away in a guilty look as Steve reaches up and pulls her down into his body, the girl screaming as he ruffles her hair.
“Did someone be naughty and peak underneath the tree?” he grits through his teeth, Alena shouting in a reply, “I didn’t mean to, I promise! I saw it on the way to your room!”
You begin to tickle her sides as Steve holds her in place against his chest, making the girl scream in delight loudly, “Is someone now on Santa’s naughty list?”
“Mom…” she pouts her lips, a grumpy expression adorning her face as you sigh sadly, “I know sweet cheeks, you don’t believe in him anymore.”
“I’m sorry…”
You hold out your arms as you wrap her in a warm hug, “Don’t be sorry, baby. I knew you would realise eventually. You’re getting too old!”
She gasps and looks into your eyes, crossing her arms over her chest, “I am not old! You and Dad are old.”
You start giggling in shock as Steve just opens his mouth wide, “You better watch yourself, pumpkin.”
“Yeah,” you hold up a finger in warning, before pointing it over to Steve, “Dad doesn’t like being reminded he’s in his mid-thirties.”
And now it is Steve’s turn to attack you, but instead with aggressive kisses, littering them up your neck and across your face lightly, Alena now old enough to understand the playful love between the two of you. “You’re almost thirty as well, you know.”
“Two more years to go, babe. I’m still in my prime development decade,” you smirk at him.
And it wasn’t just you who was developing.
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A loud gasp can be heard along with the shredding of paper as Alena holds up her latest gift, “You actually got me it?”
For such a small gadget, the Barbie Digital Camera cost you $70, the most expensive gift yet, but maybe not the one which will cause the biggest reaction.
“Of course I did! It’s the one thing you kept pointing at in the magazine!”
She giggles with a bright smile, “Thank you! Thank you!”
She launches herself at you, the motherly instinct in you clutching onto your stomach to protect your unborn child, hoping Steve didn’t notice the movement. The surprise would be known in the next half an hour.
“And after you’ve taken your photos, we can connect it to Dad’s computer and see it come to life! How cool is that?”
“Can I take it to school?” she asks, clutching the box in her hands.
“I assume you can! But, just ask Mrs. Critchley before you take it in, okay?”
“Okay!” she smiles, plopping herself back down on the carpet to open the rest of her gifts.
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Your hands began to sweat. Alena was all done opening her presents, patiently waiting for you and Steve to unwrap yours.
Steve let you attend to your gifts first. Everything from a brand-new necklace designed with a rose quartz, matching your engagement ring, to the latest Nokia phone, you were thankful for everything he had bought you, praising him with many gentle kisses and warm hugs.
Now, it was Steve’s turn. You specifically told him to leave one present until last, leading him to give you an eyebrow raise and a shrug before simply agreeing, used to your weirdness by now. You got him everything from a new cologne to a new pair of Nike shoes, the soles of his old pair wearing thin from how much he was working over the Christmas holidays.
But, after one final kiss, it was finally time.
“Can I open this now?” Steve jokes, the nerves deeply settling in your stomach. You don’t even know why you were worried, you had stopped using protection in mutual agreement, knowing kids could be a possibility from that result. There was just a voice in your head trying to convince you an awful reaction would occur.
“Uh, yeah… Yeah, you can.”
“Hey,” he puts an arm on your shoulder, “Why are you so nervous?”
You lightly chuckle, “You’ll find out once you open the gift.”
Even after all of these years, Steve still wasn’t the smartest. Verbal cues were not his strong suit, but my God could he read body language like a champ.
He gives you a confused look before unwrapping the cream-coloured bow, delicately tearing apart the paper as his eyes immediately notice the ultrasound scan.
He may be oblivious, but he isn’t that oblivious. He has one very similar in his bedside table drawer of his sweet ten-year-old daughter sat next to him.
The tears form at his eyes before he can even recognise them. Small sniffles enter the atmosphere as his hazel eyes make contact with you, “Are you serious?”
And the tears follow suit for you, nodding frantically as he leans across the floor to collect you in his arms, crying into your shoulder.
“How far along?” he mumbles into your shoulder, tears dripping onto the red fabric of your dress.
“Read the card and you’ll find out.”
Steve was too drawn into the ultrasound scan to even notice the card you had gotten him. Releasing from the hug, he keeps a gentle hand on the small of your back, picking up the card and carefully opening it, reading the words you had written, the tears increasing as he noticed it was from the perspective of his baby.
“Wha— How? When did you get this done?” he stutters out, still in complete shock of the entire moment.
“Pregnancy test has been in the bathroom trash can for two weeks. I was scared you were going to notice it for a while, but then I remembered it’s you, and you don’t notice anything,” you giggle, Steve not even bothered by the joking insult, too caught up in his own emotions, “And two Thursday’s ago, I didn’t go to work. Went to the hospital and got the scan, and just hung around Starcourt until the time I would normally come home.”
“Well, you fooled me,” he chuckles, leaning in for a kiss which you gladly accept, cupping his cheeks as you smile into it.
“I love you so much, beautiful girl. And I love the baby who is growing inside of you. You’re so strong. Your body is so strong. I just— I can’t wait. I can’t wait to meet them.”
His hand had migrated down to your stomach, gently cradling the unborn child inside of you.
Alena had finally looked up from her Etch-a-Sketch, noticing the tears falling down both yours and Steve’s cheeks, your hands holding tightly onto each side of his head as your foreheads were leant against each other, kneeling on the soft carpet of the living room.
“Mom? Dad? Why are you crying?”
Steve turns around to face his daughter, you looking softly into her eyes, “Because Mom is having a baby, sweetie.”
Steve passes her the ultrasound scan, her face scrunching up in confusion as she points at it, “Why is it just a black blob?”
Steve begins laughing as his head falls onto your shoulder, sweetly rubbing up and down the sides of your waist.
“Because when a baby is first made, it starts out as a black blob and then grows into the full size baby we all know and love,” you explain gently to her.
“Hmm…” she takes in, before asking her next question, “But how did it get there?”
Your eyes widen as Steve’s hands stop on your waist, refusing to lift his head and look at his daughter.
You smile through the awkwardness, remembering that her sex education lessons would start in a matter of months, “You’ll find out soon, baby.”
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thank you ever so much for reading!! do you guys want any more pregnancy related fics? i really want to do some research into post-partum for myself, so do you want me to skip straight to that, or tackle other things like morning sickness, gender reveal, baby shower, stuff like that? feel free to let me know!! ♡
taglist: @livsters @bakugouswh0r3 @nix-rose @ihatepeanutss @suitelif3 @clincallyonline17 @crowssixof @starkeylover @eris-rose-86 @frostandflamesfanfic @tlclick73 @steveshairspray @superlegend216
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why4anne · 8 months
Money Power Glory
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x Reader
Category: Mafia! au
Part: 3/?
Word Count: 2.6k
Warnings: Kidnapping, Torture, fighting
Summary: When you accidentally found yourself in the middle of a mafia show down you had no idea that your life was about to change, forever. For better or for worse.
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The earthy scent of basement was the first thing you noticed as you came to your senses. With your head pounding you opened your eyes. Thankfully the room was dim, the only light source being a floor lamp in the corner. You looked around, taking in your surroundings. The room was empty except for the chair you were tied, the lamp and some form of AC unit, the cold concrete walls and the lack of windows made you feel claustrophobic. Where the hell are you? 
Your heart raced as panic began to set in. Memories of being attacked on the street flooded back, and you struggled against the restraints binding you to the chair. The room felt suffocating, and the realization that you were trapped in an unknown location only fueled your fear.
You took a deep breath, attempting to calm yourself. Panicking wouldn't help, and you needed to assess the situation. As your eyes adjusted to the dim light, you noticed a door on the far side of the room.
The sound of footsteps approached, echoing in the cold, damp space. The door creaked open, revealing a figure in the shadows. You strained to see who it was, but the dim lighting obscured their features.
A man with black hair and a suit walked into the room, followed by two other masked men, his bodyguards you assumed. “So this is Leclerc’s new plaything? Pity you chose the wrong man, you are a cute one” He snarled, grabbing your chin with his rough hand and looking you over with a condescending gaze.
You recoiled instinctively at his touch, the feeling of his rough hand on your skin sending a shiver down your spine. Fear pulsed through you as you struggled against the restraints, desperate to break free from the chair that held you captive.
"Who are you? What do you want?" you demanded, your voice trembling with a mixture of fear and defiance.
The man's lips curled into a cruel smirk, his eyes glinting with malice. "You don't need to know my name, sweetheart. All you need to know is that you're in a world of trouble now."
He circled around you, his footsteps echoing ominously in the small room. "You see, Charles Leclerc made a big mistake by letting you go. He thought he could protect you from afar, but he underestimated me. And now, you're going to pay the price for his arrogance."
Your mind raced as you tried to make sense of the situation. Charles had warned you that his world was dangerous, but you never imagined it would lead to this. Trapped in a basement with a man who clearly had ill intentions, you knew that you were in grave danger.
"What do you want from me?" you repeated, your voice more desperate this time.
The man leaned in close, his breath hot against your ear. "I want to send a message to Leclerc. I want him to know that he can't just walk away from killing three of my best men. And you, my dear, are the perfect pawn to use against him."
Panic surged through you as his words sank in. You were nothing more than a tool in this man's twisted game, a pawn to be sacrificed for his own agenda. But you refused to go down without a fight.
"Please, you don't have to do this. I’ve only met him three times, I’m not important." you pleaded, your voice barely above a whisper.
The man's smirk widened, a predatory gleam in his eyes. "Oh, but you are. Charles Leclerc has not shown any interest in anyone since he took over as the head of the family. Yet, for you, he not only actively sought you out. No, he offered you his protection, he offered you a place in his home. He has an obsession with you and I plan on using that to my advantage.” 
“What are you going to do to me?” Your throat dried up at the thought of what he may do to you in his sick need for revenge.
The man chuckled darkly, the sound sending shivers down your spine. "Oh, darling, the possibilities are endless. But rest assured, it won't be pleasant for you."
Your heart hammered in your chest as you wracked your brain for a way out of this nightmare. But with your hands tied and surrounded by armed men, escape seemed impossible.
“Let’s see, I don’t want to ruin that pretty face of yours” He feigned puzzlement, rubbing his chin as if he was thinking. “Ah, I know, let’s see how you like the cold.” 
He motioned for his men to open the door before he walked over to the AC unit and turned it on. The air coming from it was freezing and you were suddenly aware of your lack of clothing you had on. All you were wearing were a pair of shorts and a tank top. 
“The temperature will continue to drop until you inevitably get hypothermia. I have a live feed sent to the Leclerc’s so don’t worry, he will have front seats for this” The man smirks cruelly before turning his back on you and walking out of the room with his men.
As the door creaked shut, leaving you alone in the cold, dimly lit room, the reality of your dire situation set in. Shivering in the frigid air, you strained against the restraints, desperate to find a way to escape the impending torture.
The chilling air gnawed at your skin, causing goosebumps to rise, and your breath became visible in the icy atmosphere. The room felt like a prison, and the cruel intentions of the man who held you captive loomed over you like a dark cloud.
Your mind raced, searching for any possible escape plan. The chair was sturdy, but you wondered if you could somehow topple it over, using the impact to break free. With each futile attempt, the cold seeped into your bones, making your movements sluggish.
The seconds felt like hours as you fought against the numbing cold, the fear of hypothermia looming over you. Your thoughts darted back to Charles, wondering if he had received the live feed and if there was any chance he could intervene.
As the temperature continued to drop, your teeth chattered uncontrollably, and your body trembled. You couldn't help but wonder how much longer you could endure the bone-chilling cold. The pain in your extremities intensified, and you felt a growing sense of helplessness.
Hours passed and just when you thought you couldn't bear it any longer, the door creaked open again. The man returned, without his bodyguards this time. A sinister grin was plastered on his face as he observed your suffering. The fucker was wearing a heavy coat as well as a pair of gloves and a hat, as if to taunt you with the prospect of warm clothes.
"Having fun, sweetheart?" he taunted, reveling in your distress. "I hope you're enjoying the preview. Charles needs to learn that his actions have consequences."
You mustered whatever strength you had left to glare at him defiantly. "You're a monster," you spat, your words barely audible through the chattering of your teeth.
The man chuckled, seemingly amused by your defiance. "Monsters are subjective, my dear. I'm just playing the game, and you happen to be a pawn. Now, let's see how much longer you can endure this before begging for mercy."
You continued to endure the bone-chilling cold, your body trembling involuntarily. The room had become a frozen prison, and the man's sadistic amusement only fueled your determination to survive. 
The man circled you, his eyes glittering with malevolence. "You're a tough one, I'll give you that," he remarked, his gloved fingers tracing a pattern on the back of the chair. "But toughness can only get you so far in my world."
You gritted your teeth, refusing to show any signs of weakness. The pain in your extremities had become unbearable, and the cold seemed to seep into your very core. Desperation clawed at your mind as you tried to devise a plan to escape this frozen hell.
Just as you thought you couldn't endure it any longer, the sound of chaos erupted on the other side of the door. The sound of gunshots and screaming got closer and closer until, at last, the door smashed open once. This time, however, it wasn't the sadistic man who entered but a figure you didn't expect. Charles stood in the doorway, his expression a mix of anger and concern.
"What the hell is this?" Charles demanded, his eyes narrowing as he took in the scene before him.
The sadistic man grinned, reveling in the surprise on Charles's face. "Well, well, if it isn't the great Charles Leclerc himself. I hope you're enjoying the show."
Charles's gaze hardened as he assessed the situation. "Release her. Now."
The man laughed, seemingly unfazed by Charles's commanding presence. "Oh, I don't think so. You see, Leclerc, you made a mistake letting this one go. And now, they're going to pay the price for your arrogance."
Charles's jaw clenched, his fists tightening at his sides. "You're playing a dangerous game.
The sadistic man shrugged, a smirk playing on his lips. "It's only dangerous if you lose, Leclerc. And right now, it seems like you're losing."
As the standoff unfolded, you felt a glimmer of hope. Charles was here, and maybe he could put an end to this nightmare. The room seemed to hang in tense silence, the cold air thick with anticipation.
In that moment, Charles's eyes flashed with a resolve that sent a shiver down your spine. The room erupted into chaos as Charles lunged at the sadistic man.
“I should shoot you right here but that would be too easy for you.” Charles spat, holding the man down. Men filed into the room and fear filled your senses before you realized that they were Charles’. He let his men handle the man, taking him away, before quickly moving over to the chair that you were tied to. He made quick work of the ropes that were digging into your skin before he took you into his arms. 
You started sobbing both from relief but also from all of the pent up fear finally releasing. He sank to the floor, holding you close and you savored his warmth. He took off his blazer and hung it over your shoulders to try and get you to warm up. The smell of his cologne was oddly comforting. 
“I’m here, I’m here. You’re safe now” Charles continued to whisper in your ear. His voice was soothing and you felt your heart slow at his comfort. “Let’s get you out of here, darling” He coos before scooping you up in his arms, carrying you bridal style. The warm air of Monaco in the late spring hits you as you’re carried outside. You couldn’t believe that it was this hot outside while you were freezing to death in that basement mere minutes ago. The shivering finally subsided and you felt yourself relax in Charles’ arms.
“I’ll take you to my house, you’ll be safe there. It’s too risky for you to be by yourself right now, sweetheart, but I promise that I’ll protect you from this ever happening again” Charles vowed as he carefully put you down in the backseat of his Escalade. He rounded the car and sat down in the other seat before his driver turned on the engine.
The drive was peaceful, not a single word being uttered between the two of you. Charles’ hand found yours, rubbing gentle circles in your palm, as if trying to sooth you and keep you calm. The soothing sensation lulled you into a light sleep, the events of the day crashing down as your eyelids become heavy.
“We’re here sweetheart.” Charles whispers in your ear some time later. Your eyes blink open and you’re met with his gorgeous face smiling down at you softly. “Hi there, you slept well?” He chuckles at your tired expression.
“Yeah” You answer in a soft voice, happy to finally be safe and sound in the protection of his home. 
“Good. Do you want to walk or should I carry you?” He asks as the heavy gates in front of his estate opens and the car rolls into the long driveway. 
“I can walk, thank you” You answer him, not taking your eyes off the huge mansion in front of you. You are in awe, this is the biggest house you’ve ever seen. 
 Charles helped you out of the car, his arm wrapped protectively around you as you stood on shaky legs. The grandeur of his estate loomed before you, and you couldn't help but marvel at the opulence of the surroundings. The worry and fear from the basement began to dissipate as you entered the safety of his home.
As you walked through the luxurious halls, Charles guided you to a spacious bedroom. The room was adorned with elegant furnishings and soft, comforting colors. It was a stark contrast to the cold, dimly lit basement you had been trapped in just moments ago.
"Feel free to make yourself at home," Charles said, his voice gentle. "I'll have someone bring you something to eat. You must be starving."
You nodded gratefully, still processing the surreal turn of events. As Charles left the room to attend to your needs, you took a moment to appreciate the warmth and safety that surrounded you. The trauma of the basement lingered, but being in Charles' care provided a sense of solace.
After a warm meal, you found yourself sitting on a plush couch in the living room, wrapped in a soft blanket. Charles joined you, his expression a mix of concern and relief. He took a seat beside you, his hand finding yours once again.
"Are you okay?" he asked, his eyes searching yours for any signs of distress.
You managed a small smile, appreciating the genuine concern in his gaze. "I'm better now, thanks to you. I can't believe you came for me."
Charles sighed, his thumb gently caressing the back of your hand. "I told you, I won't let anything happen to you. You're under my protection now."
You nodded in understanding. Your own stubbornness put you in this situation in the first place. If you’d just accepted Charles’ care from the start none of this would’ve happened. But, you knew better now and you were not about to turn his protection down a second time.
“I need you to understand that what happened today was not an anomaly in my world. People get hurt, kidnapped or even worse on a daily basis. So I need you to stay here, in the house, where I can keep you safe. Do you understand?” Charles explains in a voice that leaves little room for negotiation
“But what about uni?” You ask the first thing that comes into mind.
Charles sighed, his expression softening. "I understand the importance of your education, but your safety comes first. We can arrange for online classes or find a way to make sure you don't fall behind. Right now, being out there alone is too risky. I won't let anything happen to you."
You nodded, realizing the gravity of the situation. "I trust you, Charles. If staying here is what it takes to be safe, then I'll do it."
A small smile played on his lips. "Thank you for understanding. I'll do everything in my power to make sure you're comfortable here."
As the evening wore on, Charles remained by your side, offering comfort and support. Despite the harrowing experience, you found solace in his presence. And as you drifted off to sleep in the comfort of his mansion, you couldn't help but feel grateful for the unexpected turn of events that brought you into his care.
Tag-list: @cmleitora @anne1444444 @halover13 @buendiabebeta @buttfug213
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cattonicdragon · 1 year
So like what I'm see, could you do glamrock chica Roxy Monty bonny marinette and baby with a animatronic reader built for security and has access to the cameras,
this idea has been inside my head for awhile now and i know my x reader viewers are starving so yes.
also may i say your taste in fnaf animatronics is just 🤌
also i didnt know which bonnie you wanted so i just did glamrock bonnie
hows everyone feeling abt ruin???👁️👁️
there will be spelling errors
{not proof read}
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glamerock chica
the pizzaplex had many security messures in place,including security bots
not that they made the most difference
its not until after a break-in incedint that they decide they need to up their security a tad bit more,however they were already paying enough fees and did'nt want to pay another security officer so instead they went for the next best option!
a new security animatronic that was sentient like the main four+sun and moon
chica was quite surprised once she saw you lurking around,that was until she remembered that the staff had said there was a new bot for extra security
she decided to approach you abit before opening since you both had'nt needed to survey the pizzaplex
you both got along very well actually
she found it very interesting and was slightly jealous that you had the ability to access the cctv cameras around the plex
she was quite happy that there was another animatronic though,you made for good company
if she every saw a security camera she would wave at it,regardless of if you were watching or not
she has offerd you trash before,though wether or not you accept it though is up to you
its the thought that counts atleast
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monty/montgomary gator
similar situation to chicas
he was surprised to see another bot wondering round the plex
though hes not one to dweel on something that isnt his buisness,so he was mainly just curious and let you be
your first real interaction is when a customer gets particulary aggitated with the gator when you stepped in
you had told the woman the whatever had happpened she could bring it to customer service,you also warned her that if she did not comply she would be escorted out of the pizzzaplex
he hadnt seen anyone stand up for him before like that
you also presented yourself very professionaly,being an animatronic you stood fairly tall but the way your presented yourself almost made yyou seem taller,you were assertive in our words and spoke without stuttering
it was a very nice manner
although hes thankful that you stepped in he dosnt show it
he just huffs and leaves to his green room to blow off steam
after making some more meetings though an unlikely friendship manages to form
he trys to perform even better now that he knows your potentially watching
speaking of that
he finds it cool how they trust you enough to allow you access to the cameras,though hes not jeoalous because he has gator golf
he loves compliments whether your giving them to him or vice versa
hes very possessive and will cuddle you in his greenroom
he will either give you his glasses to wear temporarily or will get a copy made and then give you the copy
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roxanne wolf
she would be one of the first ones to learn of your existance due to her excellent eye sight
she gets a little aggressive until she learns that your not an intruder and also not one of the "main" bots
it turns out mangament just thought it'd be a good idea to through you into the pizza plex with no for warning
she does get nervous that youll take her spot light a tad bit since animatronics do tend to draw more attraction then old ones
she needs quite a bit of confirmation that your not threatening her stance and thats shes still the best
after adjusting to you though shes very friendly
the chances are very high that she'll introduce cassie to you
she lets you into her green room preety much whenever
having a shitty day? go straight to her! she'll cheer you right up!
ashes constantley giving you makeovers,with your consent of course and other things
she loves racing you and she gives you many praises if you win
shes very soft with yopu,surprisingly even in public,although its not to the same extent as when your both alone she'll still be very sweet to you.
if people have a problem with it they can leave
your very quick to come to her aid if someone is being rude to her,also having the security cameras to back you up is a bonus
she gives you many of her merchandise on a whim,your talking and she has to leave,oh wait.before she goes she gives you a limited addition rare roxanne wolf plushie.how sweet ;)
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glamrock bonnie
he wouldnt be to surprised to find out tghat managment added another animatronic that was strictly for security,wouldnt be to surprised that managment had'nt told anyone either
he'd probally be one of the first ones to come up to you,having a smug smirk on his face will dramatically spinning a bowling ball with one of his fingers
very flirty,however alot of the time it usually ends up with something funny happening,so flirting but failing at the same time.
he'll lean on a wall,about to recite a very cheezy monologue of randome romantic words when he suddenly just,falls.he slips off the wall and onto the floor,whatever words he was about to say,yea unless hes feeling particularly confident he will just get up,apologize and walk off
he tries to impress you tones,and i mean TONS
if your ever nearby he tries to get the most amount of attention possible,hoping that in the crowd he would have hooked your interest
he has honed his skills of bowling and hes going to show it
if you ask him to teach you a trick in bowling he will drop EVERYTHING just to show you how to do it
he absolutely loves when you give him attention and if you ever tease or flirt back,hes like putty in your hands,oh so sweet and tripping over his words like a highschool crush
he will unironically do the finger thing where he just 👉👈
will give you all sorts of gifts
if your not a pro bowling player by the time you actually get together(if you do) than you might just need alittle more help from him,but hes not complaining
fyi,you probally figured out he had feelings way before he told you,you most likely saw him rehearsing(and failing) through the cameras
speaking of wich,if he thinks/knows your looking at the security cameras and there one near him,hell wink and do a finger gun or some other flirty action towards it,and then most likely trip afterwards
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shes quite surprised when you get added as additional securty measurements
dont the toy's already have saftey measurements like face recognitional scanning features and stuff
shes abit confused as to why they would do that instead of just upgrading the already made animatronics,like you already have tons of animatronics and instead of saving money you decide to waste it?
the only reason she can think that your here is maybe for increased popularity aswell?
shes confused but also curious,the toys can get a tad bit annoying and its nice to see a fresh face around,well animatronic technically speaking.
shes intreguded by the fact that you have access to the camera systems,theyve always been so adiment about only letting the night guard have it so why do you?
more questions than ones being answered,though maybe you could answer them
she can be a tad bit harsh and brash,with a pinch of shyness when she approacesh you,well actually the likely hood is,that she'll probally lure you to her box where she can stay safe instead of being in the outside world
once she gets to know you shes much more calm
she allows you to be in her box with her if you wish,with others she dismmises them with a harsh swipe of her black and white striped arm
she likes listening to her music box with you,just sitting in almost complete silence as the soft lullaby fills the air with calm music
she loves giving you gifts or leaving them around for you
she makes the pressents that belog to you blatently obvious as to who its for,one of the toys took one of your pressents once and it wasnt a very happy ending
she likes to just wrap her long lanky arms around you,seeking comfort in your presense and just you being there
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circus baby
shes rather annoyed apon your arrival
circus baby is a mastermind and also likes things to be in place,specifically in places where she wants them
you put a very large and prominent thorn in her side
im not very sure on the lore but there's a high likely hood that you were made by henry and given as a gift after some concerning reports were leaked
shes an extreme mix between being friendly and being harsh
she annoyed because now shes going to have to re-arrange her plans and make accomadations for you,who can see into the security feed
but she needs to play nice if she wants her plan to go smoothly
shes a toxic mix between the two emotions,however as time goes on her feelings start to subside and change
she distances herself as much as your circumstances allow as she tries to configure her conflicting feelings
shes a robot made to kill,and your.well ,not
she eventually decides to see how her feelings lpay out and then plan around that
safe to say,she was very wrong,she thought that letting things happen,her feeling would subdue.nope,they just became stronger and she feel for you harder
she eventual;ly comes to a grueling conclusion that she likes you and after a short confrontation about feeling and such.her plans will have to change,again
shes very sweet with you,aswell as openly affecttionate
she uses alot of her mechanisms to wow you
like making heart shaped ballons randomly and giving them to you
she uses her high status in the funtimes frequently
she refuses to let the biddy babs anywhere near you
she likes keeping you by her side,you keep her calm and collected
she vents to you about the troubles she faces and asks your opinions and what she should do.
shes very caring towards you and sweet
to you:(//ó//w//ò//)
to the funtimes:(ò~ó)
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chibikyo · 11 months
Day 19 - Stuck in Wall
Black Dragon x F!Reader (Kano, Erron Black, Kabal, Tremor) *set in some random ass timeframe where these four were black dragon at the same time. Did not research as mk multiverse is now a thing
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Reader is caught during a recon mission at a Black Dragon warehouse. She tries to sneak out, but gets caught in a precarious position that Kano and his goons are all to happy to use to their advantage.
Warnings: Non-con to Dub-con (Reader is given two kinda horrible choices but does enjoy the sex), stuck in a wall trope, rough sex, throat fucking, inhuman genitalia (Tremor is half rocks), spanking, anal sex (writer is tired after working 12 hours and may have missed warnings)
************************************************************************ She was screwed; royally and unequivocally screwed. She’d volunteered for this mission because it should have been easy. Sneak into the black dragon’s warehouse, get eyes on the goods, and get out. A simple, easy mission for someone of her particular skill set yet it had gone ass over tea kettle really fucking fast. She ducked around a corner, listening to the sound of the thundering footsteps that pursued her. To her left was a dark room, door ajar, and Y/n slid through, quietly shutting the door behind her.
She managed to shut the door without so much as a click, her eyes adjusting to the darkness of the room. She heard Tremor thundering past the closed door and held her breath, afraid to so much as breathe to give away her hiding place. She took a quick assessment of her situation, noticing a half-boarded window on the far side of the room. The soft light filtering in was definitely natural; an exit! She crept quietly across the room, careful to avoid obstacles. The floor was littered with junk and scrap and general detritus one might expect from a dingy warehouse owned by black market thugs.
“She must have ducked into another room!” Y/n heard Kano shouting and picked up her pace. She figured she only had a few minutes at most before she was discovered and at least outside she could radio for help. The walls had been lined with something that caused interference as her radio proved ineffective. She reached the window without making any noise. She assessed the hole between the boards critically. The space was small, but she figured she could just squeeze through. She tested the board above the window sill but it wasn’t moving without considerable force and she would have to move quickly if she pried it off.
She heard slamming noises close by, heard swearing and shouting and the thundering footsteps of Tremor shaking the very walls and made her decision. She wedged herself though the window, had to wiggle to get her shoulders through, then her breasts, bracing herself on the window to pry herself out. She reached her waist, cursing her wide hips as she struggled to fit through the hole. When she was nearly free she let out a sigh of relief, before she heard a tearing sound and a sudden resistance. Her belt was caught on the boards.
“Shit not now!” She growled. She couldn’t reach through to feel what she was caught against and she heard another loud bang, the shouting echoing through the hangar-esque room. “Fuck!” She tried to push back in, at least to give herself a fighting chance, but whatever had hooked her resisted her moving that way too. She heard Kano let out a sharp, echoing laugh as she fought to pull herself free.
“Got yer fat ass stuck there did ya, Sheila?” Kano cackled as he came to a halt just out of reach of her flailing legs. “So fucking close to freedom too.” He skirted around to the side, avoiding a kick as he brought the flat of his hand down against her admittedly plump ass, pleased when he heard her yelp filter in from outside.. “Quite the predicament she’s in eh, Tremor?”
“She’s certainly not going anywhere.” Tremor replied, grabbing one of her ankles as she kicked out again. Kano wrapped an arm around her other leg and laughed harder as she began to struggle harder. "Fixing to get hurt if she keeps this up." He added, his grip on her leg painfully tight. 
Y/n knew it was over, she was caught, but there was still a chance if she could just find the right leverage. She heard the wood splinter and felt her heart sore with victory until two more black dragon goons appeared around the side of the building. It was Erron Black followed by Kabal, who put on his thrusters the second he saw her, coming to a stop just a foot away from her head.
Erron let out a low whistle, sauntering up beside Kabal as he holstered his gun and Y/n felt that small shimmer of hope fizzle and die. She glared at Kano's minions as she cursed her luck. Her gut was starting to ache from the pressure of the window ledge and Tremor's death grip on her ankle was starting to grind the bones. 
"We got eyes on her out here boss." Erron hollered as he and Kabal glanced at each other, humor lighting up their eyes. Erron reached out, ripping her gun from its holster as well as stripping her of her knife and other equipment. She let it happen, knowing there was literally nowhere for her to run. 
"Okay. I give up." She muttered, humiliation tinting her cheeks red. "Not that this isn't fun, but can you fucking pull me out now. If you're not just going to kill me, that is."
"Shucks Sheila, we ain't gonna kill ya. Not when you make for the perfect bait for those special force bastards. I know Sonya won't leave a man behind. Well, woman in this instance.." Kano smirked as his eyes traced the curve of her ass wickedly. He reached up with his free hand, tracing that curve until he could palm one cheek teasingly.  He felt her tense beneath him. "This is a mighty fine view. Thinking we should play little before we pull you loose."
Y/n froze, eyes wide as a tremor of fear went through her. Kano’s hand stroked her ass slowly before giving it another slap that made Y/n jerk against the sharp ledge. His fingers trailed down, teasing her inner thigh up and up only to skim back down just before he reached her cunt. She squirmed, tried to yank her legs free from their grasp, but Tremor held fast to her right leg and Kano slapped her ass again making her hiss from the sting of it. She glanced up, seeing the heat simmering behind Erron and Kabal’s eyes. 
“Get your fucking hands off me, Kano!” Y/n growled, but all she got in response was another slap, this time on her right cheek, followed by another chuckle. Erron crossed his arms, shaking his head before dropping down to one knee in front of her. His eyes were bright against the shadows cast by his hat and the kohl smeared under to reduce glare. His mask was firmly in place still, leaving little of his face visible. He grasped her chin, tilting her up to meet his gaze.
“Now how about we all settle down for a minute, darling.” His southern drawl somehow soothing despite the situation. She could hear Kano grumbling through the window, but couldn’t discern the words. “You were the one who come in here snooping in our business, and then led us on a mighty fine chase. Now, we can do this the hard way; we rip you out of that window and bleed you until you spill all your special forces secrets.”
“See that’s the way I normally prefer.” Kano added, clearly catching on to Erron’s little game. “But your little game of cat and mouse has me all worked up with no proper outlet to be found. So here is how this is going to work and I’m feeling generous enough to give you a choice.” He felt Y/n tense beneath his hands. 
“You’ve got this nice, tight ass that I just want to sink my teeth into, as well as other things. Now, you can either settle down and have a little fun with us and we’ll make sure this whole thing is down right pleasant for you.” Kano squeezed her ass again to emphasize his point. “Or, you can keep fighting us and I’ll make sure it fucking hurts,” His fingers dug in hard enough to leave bruises as he growled. “And when I’m done I’ll still bleed you fucking dry.”
“Kano’s not one to exaggerate these things, sugar.” Erron added. “Why don’t you just calm down and let us show you a good time?”
“God you have such a pretty mouth.” Kabal leaned down as well, licking his lips as he palmed himself beneath his rough cargos. “THey’re gonna look real good wrapped around my cock.” Erron nodded as if in agreement, though his fingers stroked his soothing strokes along her cheeks.
She whimpered as her legs were released, the muscles aching from being held at such odd angles for so long, but she was able to relieve some pressure as her feet settled on the ground. Then she heard the distinct sound of a knife being unsheathed followed by a sharp tug and ripping sound as Kano cut her pants free of where they’d snagged on a loose piece of wood. She felt hands reaching under her, fumbling with her buttons and zippers and soon rough fingers were digging under the waistband. She had to force herself to remain still as Kano and Tremor removed her boots and pants, leaving her in nothing but her underwear. 
Thick, calloused fingers groped her ass, slipping under the thin fabric of her panties to slide between her lower lips. She felt her face flush at the realization that she was wet there, feeling their fingers slide through her slick before teasing her clit with rough strokes. She let out a choked off moan as Erron let go of her chin and backed up a step to fumble with the zipper on his pants. Kabal was watching her with a smirk, casually stroking the visible bulge in his pants as Erron tugged his cock free. 
“Now, you're gonna keep those teeth to yourself right?” Erron asked as he pressed the tip of his cock to her cheek, leaving a small trail of precum smeared on her skin. Y/n nodded, eyes glaring as she let her mouth fall open enough for him to slide the tip in. She curled her lips around her teeth just a bit as he slowly pressed into the warm cavern of her mouth. He threaded a hand into her hair, helping stay upright as he began to thrust shallowly. She moaned around his cock as two fingers sank into her tight cunt, rough and fast. The complete opposite of Erron’s lazy pace.
“God this bitch is fucking tight.” Kano grunted as he sank his fingers in deeper, harder, feeling her slick coating them more with each thrust. “Bet this fucking hole would feel so good wrapped around my fat cock.” It didn’t take much more than a nod at Tremor for him to reach out and  tear her undies off her like ripping paper. Kano smacked her cheek with his free hand a few times, each slap emphasized by his fingers thrusting into her tight pussy. He just barely caught her muffled whining around Erron’s cock. “Too bad that isn’t what I’m after right now.”
He slipped his fingers out of her cunt, pressing the tip of his forefinger to the tight pucker of her ass. She tried to jerk away as he used her own slick as lube to slowly press inside. He smacked her again, relishing the way her ass jiggled beneath his palm. She fell still immediately and he used that as permission to thrust his finger in deeper. He worked her open slowly, knowing his men, for all their eagerness to enjoy Y/n’s sweet body, would not actually be happy with him causing her real harm. 
Y/n moaned louder, the sound reverberating along Erron’s thick cock, as she felt Kano adding a second finger. She’d never done anal before and the intrusion felt odd, the stretch not painful but strange and she was glad that he seemed to at least be taking his time. She felt Erron slowly thrusting harder, the tip of his cock hitting the back of her throat each time he pressed in and she decided to distract herself by applying her limited skills to sucking his cock. It felt heavy against her tongue, long and pleasantly thick and she found herself almost enjoying herself.
She felt Kabal press in along her waist, then hands sliding down under her to grope at her breasts. She gasped, bearing down around Kano’s fingers as Kabal pinched her nipples through her shirt. The was a soft ‘schnck’ of sliding metal and then she felt her shirt and bra were ripped away, allowing Kabal’s hands to wrap around her bare flesh. He teased and flicked her nipples until they pebbled under his fingers. The rough pads of his fingers were a pleasant distraction from the stretch of Kano adding a third finger.
“Whatever you boys are doing, keep it up. I wanna feel her squeezing this tight around my cock.” Kano laughed as he tugged his fingers free. He kept one finger hooked around the rim as his other hand stroked along her glistening pussy to gather more of her slick. He stroked his cock a few times to get it nice and wet, then leaned down to spit into the gape of her ass. He smeared the spit along her rim, spit twice more until it was nice and glossy before pressing the tip of his cock against her fluttering hole. “Get ready for this sweetheart.”
He slammed his hips forward, sinking into the hilt with a single thrust and felt her spasm around his thickness. He gripped her hips tight, holding her still as he relished the tight squeeze of her around him. It took effort not to just rut into her fast and rough but he gave her time to adjust. He knew he was a lot, decently long but incredibly thick, her hole stretching around his length obscenely. 
“It’s gonna feel so good real soon, sugar, I promise.” Erron murmured, stroking her cheek as continued to thrust. He’d slowly been working to relax her throat and push in deeper and deeper until Kano had made her gag around him. He pulled out long enough to let her catch her breath, watching her body rock forward as Kano began to thrust. He sank back in with a sigh an began to fuck her throat in earnest. Y/n had to force herself to relax her throat as he thrust in hard and fast, chasing his pleasure.
Kabal continued to play with her tits, squeezing them together and playing with them, feeling her nipples grow swollen and puffy as he abused them. The wet sound of Erron fucking into her throat mixed with her muffled whines and moans had him straining against his zipper and he couldn’t wait to get his turn. He leaned down, mouthed pressed to her ear as she whimpered beneath their hands.
“Doing so good for us, sweetheart. Look at you taking Erron’s cock like a perfect little cum dump.” He licked his lips. “God these tits are so gorgeous; plump and perky and so sensitive. I just wanna flip you over and fuck my cock between them. Wanna mark them up and make a complete mess of them.” Kabal twisted her nipples hard, feeling her jerk under his hands before soothing the tender buds.
She felt so overwhelmingly full, a tight coil of pleasure growing in her core as Kano fucked her hard. The odd sensation had all but faded as Y/n grew addicted to the weight of his cock in that hole. She hated how good it felt, her ass squeezing his cock rhythmically, hips pressing back to meet each thrust. She was so fucking close to climax that all she could do was choke around Erron’s cock thrusting into her throat. She felt his hips still, cock buried deep as he shot his cum straight down her throat. She swallowed around the thick shaft as he spilled his seed straight into her stomach.
As he finished, she felt Kano reach under her, fingers pressing against her clit as his thumb pressed into her soaked pussy. He rubbed her clit with rough, fast circles that matched his thrusts and had her screaming as she finally spilled over the edge, her orgasm ripping through her as she spasmed around his cock. He thrust a few more times before the tight clench of her ass coaxed his own orgasm out and he pressed in deep, filling her ass with hot, sticky cum.
“God that ass is so fucking tight.” Kano sighed, pulling his cock out with a deep groan. “Such a perfect little cum slut. Bet she looks so fucking cum drunk on your side.” He laughed. Y/n shuddered, face flushed from humiliation. “It’s only gonna get better from here, slut.” Y/n didn’t have a chance to ask what he meant before she felt rough hands grab her ass, prying the cheeks apart to spread her holes nice and wide. A cock pressed against her soaked cunt, sliding in slow and steady into her quivering hole as a thick thumb pressed into her asshole, keeping it plugged full of Kano’s cum. There was a hard, bumpiness to the fingers and Y/n realized who it was just as that cock was thrust deep into inside her. It had to be Tremor, his hands covered in a layer of hard, rough earth and it seemed his cock had the same rocky outer shell as it pressed hard and ridged inside her. It dragged along her walls, bumpy and stiff and somehow even thicker than Kano had been. 
“Hold on Tremor. Go on and pull her out of there and I’ll be right through. I wanna fuck her fat tits.” Kabal growled as he let them go. She felt Tremor pull out, her body carefully manipulated out of the hole and laid out several feet from the offending window. She squirmed as Tremor spread her legs, his cock sliding back into her glistening cunt as Kano stuffed his coat under her head. The ground was hard concrete, smooth and cold, but hard and she was grateful for the small courtesy. 
She heard wood splintering and just as Tremor began to thrust into her deep and slow and unrelenting Kabal was there straddling her waist. He let his cock rest between her breasts, squeezed them together to make a tight channel as he began to rut between them fast and rough. He laughed as they bounced in his hands, his fingers snaking up to tease her puffy buds as he chased his orgasm.
“Knew these tits were fucking gorgeous. Look at your nipples all red and swollen. Could spend hours just sucking at them. I like making girls cum from nipple play alone.” He watched as a splash of precum hit her lips. Y/n moaned, hands reaching up to hold her tits together for him and he rewarded her by twisting and pinching her nipples between his fingers. “Fuck they’re so pretty. Gonna look even better covered in my cum. Are you ready?”
He gave a few more thrusts before rising up on his knees so his cock was hovered over her. He jerked himself hard and fast until hot cum was splashing across her face, her tits, even landing in her hair. Y/n gasped at the sight, couldn’t help as arousal hit her hard seeing his face twisted with pleasure. When he was done he wasted no time scrambling away from her so he could pull his phone out and snap a few pictures. She tried to complain, but could manage no more than a few throaty whines and Kabal chuckled.
“Just for my personal collection, sweetheart. I promise they won’t leave this room.” He laughed as he tucked his cock back into his pants.
Y/n was starting to feel lightheaded as Tremor continued to thrust into her. HIs cock was so huge it felt like it was rearranging her guts and she was already on the edge of another orgasm. Her spongy walls quivered around his literal rockhard cock. She wondered if he even felt the pressure of her squeezing around him, but then he started moving faster, harder, slamming his hips into her and all thoughts were wiped from her mind.
She came so hard she felt herself squirt, shaking head to toe as she coated both of them with a slick gush of her cum. Tremor groaned at the sight, hip stuttering as he fucked her through his own orgasm. He came until it was spilling out around his cock and he finally pulled free, watching her hole leaking his thick seed as she lay trembling on the floor. Kano grinned, leaning down so he was close to her head. He patted her cheek as he took in her fucked out expression.
“Look at how fucking cum drunk she is. Fucking gorgeous little slut.” He chortled. “Don’t worry sweetheart, we’ll get you cleaned up and find you some new clothes and then we can all have a nice chat about all this. Gods, you really are looking pretty well fucked though. Maybe we should keep you around as our personal slut. Bet you’d like that.”
“Not happening.” Y/n grunted, wondering just how badly bruised she was gonna be in a few hours, now that she had the ability to think at all. “But…” She added as Kano gave her the worlds fakest pout. “It’s gonna be a few days before the rescue party comes and anything could happen between now and then.”
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httpswritings · 8 months
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Can't Remember To Forget You — Alexia Putellas x Jenni Hermoso
Warnings: a small mention of irritated skin, i guess some people may find skin harm triggering.
Word count: 2076
Summary: Alexia and Jenni have to share a room for the World Cup.
A/N: I love reading Alexia x Jenni's fics and I got inspired to write this. I don't know if there'll be a second part as I'm currently working on other fics' second parts and writing new stories.
When Jenni got told that both Alexia and her were going to share a room, she knew she had to mentally prepare herself for having Alexia so near. It had been a while since they both broke up, but the older woman knew that «it was always going to be Alexia.» On the other hand, Alexia was aware of the situation being a bit uncomfortable, but it didn't seem to bother her more than expected.
Jenni was one of the first crushes Alexia had ever had. Everyone was always laughing when they got near her. She was caring, tender, and had great humor. Plus, there was a four-year age difference between them, making Alexia feel intrigued by the older woman. It took Jenni a couple of years since meeting Alexia for the first time to be interested in her.
The Spanish National Team entered the hotel; players were divided into pairs, except Irene and Ivana, who were going to stay in a room with their wives and children. Alexia was waiting for Jenni until the older woman suggested Alexia to head to their room without her without any worries. Jenni stayed chatting with Misa and Laia, who were partnered up. “I don't know how things are between you and her, but if you feel like it's too uncomfortable, you can call us.” The Real Madrid's goalkeeper felt a little lost in the ex-couple's situation but still offered some support along with Laia. “It's weird, but it'll pass with the passing of days.” Jenni waved goodbye at the pair and headed to the room, where she found Alexia placing her hygiene products in the bathroom.
“It's nice. The room, I mean...” Alexia nodded, looking up to face Jenni. “I've chosen the bed nearest to the window. Let me know if you want to switch them. I have no problem.” Jenni shook her head and proceeded to unpack her things. Neither of them said a word until Alexia asked Jenni if she wanted her to wait for her to go down to the lobby to reunite with the team. Jenni shook her head again, and Alexia couldn't help but roll her eyes. «This is going to be really hard», she thought.
After having dinner, Alexia went earlier to the room. She tucked herself into the bed. The room was dark and silent, but her mind was loud enough to create the illusion of the room being filled with a crowd. She kept hearing people going in and out of the rooms. A particular laugh caught her attention. She heard Jenni and Misa, accompanied by Laia, who was rushing to sush them. “She's probably sleeping, Misa. Leave her alone.” But Misa insisted on visiting Alexia. “C'mon! It's the first day, and tomorrow we only have a stretching session at midday. It's barely half past nine!” Alexia closed her eyes as she felt some light intruding the room when the three girls entered the room. “See! She's already asleep! Let's go to our room.” Laia dragged Misa out of the room, gaining some whines from the goalkeeper. Jenni couldn't stop the soft giggles from listening to Misa and Laia argue in the hallway as if they were children, their voices only silencing when they closed their room. 
“I was not asleep. I'm curious about what you three had in mind.” Jenni jumped, as she didn't expect Alexia to talk. “Jesus, Alexia. I thought you were already asleep.” Alexia got on her elbows, looking at her ex-girlfriend. "Misa wanted to hang out in our room, and Laia, well, she was trying to make sure you didn't wake up.”
Jenni changed into her pyjamas in the bathroom, and when she got out of the bathroom, Alexia couldn't help but appreciate her body. The way Jenni's long legs adjusted to her pink pyjama shorts, and her breasts were perfectly defined by the t-shirt she was wearing. She blushed when she noticed that Jenni had caught her staring, so she rolled over and wished Jenni goodnight.
 “Goodnight, Alexia.”
Alexia woke up before Jenni. It was still dark, but she could see Jenni's figure going up and down as she breathed. She remembered the mornings when she would wake up with Jenni sleeping next to her. She loved waking up to a naked Jenni sleeping next to her. Sometimes she would wake her up in between kisses to end up making love to her, «waking you up as you deserve», that was what she always told her. Most of the time, she would admire Jenni's beauty. Alexia was a woman of few words, but Jenni's figure made her feel inspired enough to get into detail, describing every mole, every scar, and every redness. It was more than pure sexual desire. It was love. Pure love.
As the minutes passed by, the room started to lighten up, making the vision of Jenni's figure more clear. She was facing Alexia. Her black hair over her face. Alexia laughed thinking about the days where she would wake up with a tingling sensation on her face, being Jenni's hair interrupting her sleep. Alexia's eyes moved to Jenni's slightly parted lips.
Jenni knew how to kiss, depending on the moment. She could give her the most delicate kiss ever, as a sign of «I'm here with you», «I love you», «You are safe». But she could also give Alexia the roughest and filthiest kiss as a way of saying «I need you», «let's go to the bedroom» or «let's make love». For the very first time in a long time, Alexia felt the need to feel Jenni's lips against hers.
She became aware of that feeling. «Alexia, you're ovulating. Quit this nonsense thinking.» The voice in her mind was trying to convince her of the opposite of what she was thinking. She felt a tingling sensation below her core. The need to wake Jenni up and beg her to touch her, to kiss her, to let her make love to her. She looked at the time on her phone. There were still twenty minutes until the alarm would go off. She closed her eyes. All types of memories of her past relationship with Jenni came back to her, hitting her like a truck.
Jenni helped Alexia experiment back in the day. With her, she explored different areas of her sexuality. When they got together, Jenni was more sexually experienced than Alexia, but that was never a problem. They decided to wait some months until they made love for the first time. Alexia smiled as she remembered how well it went. Jenni couldn't stop holding her. She had never felt that loved, even if she had had good experiences before Jenni. But with her... It was different. «Ale, if you feel the need to stop, tell me. No matter how far we've gone. Tell me whatever you need to make you feel as good as possible.»  
Alexia felt overwhelmed the first time Jenni gave her an orgasm, finishing with some giggles. They shared a precious moment of intimacy. The Catalan woman couldn't forget the first time she gave Jenni an orgasm. Seeing her blissful face as she called Alexia's name out was something Alexia couldn't even describe to this day. Every time she made Jenni orgasm, she felt more addicted to her and the sounds she made. «Ale! Right there, mi vida. Right there...»
Alexia was so induced by her memories that she didn't realize Jenni was waking up. “Good morning.” 
The Catalan looked over Jenni's bed, seeing her with a timid smile, so sweet if it wasn't because of the way Alexia was feeling right now, which had nothing to do with sweetness but pure lust.
“Good morning, Jenni.”
«This can't be happening to me!» Alexia couldn't think properly. She didn't know how to act. All that was on her mind was the image of Jenni's butt perfectly shaped by her underwear. She pressed her legs against each other, gaining a pleasant sensation below her core. «Is she playing games with me?», Maybe that's not a big deal for her. It's not the first time someone from the team is in her underwear in front of me. This happens in the locker room many times. It's not a big deal. It's not a big deal. It's not a big deal.»
Actually, Jenni didn't do it on purpose. She realized what she had done when she entered the bathroom. Her body stayed completely frozen in front of the mirror. She didn't know how to get out of that situation. Thankfully, Misa and Laila knocked on the door. “Good morning, girls!”
«I don't know why I was grateful for them coming over, because this is even weirder. How am I supposed to get out of the bathroom like this?»
Misa called Jenni from the bedroom. The older woman decided to give some naturalness to the situation. «If it gets weird, just joke about it.»
She got out of the bedroom, and silence filled the room. “What? Does my morning face scare you or what?” She pretended to be as unbothered as possible. “Were you hot last night?”, Misa asked, gaining a hit on the shoulder from Laia. “Yes, very hot. I couldn't sleep.” The goalkeeper felt a little lost. «Yesterday she was uncomfortable with sharing a room with Alexia, and now she gets out of the bathroom almost bottomless.» Misa knew Jenni never felt weirder out by showing skin around people she trusted. It was normal to be topless on Spain's beaches, and no one really cared apart from tourists. Plus, they all got changed in the locker room. It was the fact that Alexia had stayed immobile on her bed, playing with her hands and gluing her hands to them, unable to look up since Jenni had left the bathroom.
Laia and Misa eventually left, leaving Jenni and Alexia alone. “Sorry, I didn't remember I had taken my pants off. Maybe it was because of the jet lag, but I couldn't sleep, and the sheets started to be itchy without any reason because they are clean, but if it makes you uncomfortable, I understand that—”
“No. It's fine.” Alexia finally looked at Jenni, gaining a smile from the older woman. “Why didn't you tell that to Misa instead of agreeing on you being warm?”
“Because I actually was. As I scratched my skin to stop the stitching, or at least to try to, it left me with a warm sensation on my skin, especially on my stomach. I'd have to put some lotion on, I guess, because I'm still getting some reaction from it.”
Alexia frowned. “Still from last night? May I see? If it's not too much for you.” Jenni pulled her shirt off over her stomach, only leaving that area visible, and Alexia jumped off the bed to get near her. “Jenni! It's red. You need to put some lotion on. Did you do this just by scratching? Are you sure it's not an allergic reaction?” Jenni melted at Alexia's preoccupation. It reminded her of how Alexia behaved when she was her girlfriend. Caring, clingy and funny.
“Can I touch it?” Jenni nodded, tensing to the contact of Alexia's hand on the irritated area of her stomach, trying to be as delicate as she could. “Jennifer, I'm serious. If you don't go to get that checked, I'm dragging you towards the medical team by myself.“
Yeah, that was also Alexia. She could be the most easy-going person in the field, but as soon as something happened, she would remain stoic about her position and do whatever she thought was right. Jenni loved that side of her, too. She would usually tease her, «Okay, Captain!» and Alexia would not give any answer back, still focused on whatever happened.
But now it was different. They had that tension around them. Still sexually attracted, they were cautious around each other, not wanting to make the other one uncomfortable.
“Don't worry, Ale—Alexia. I'll get it checked, but probably after having breakfast. I'm starving.” Alexia still had her hand on Jenni's stomach when she noticed her hand tremble, accompanied by a sound from Jenni's body, indicating how hungry she was, making the two of them laugh as they forgot for a few seconds all the tension they had been holding.
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a-little-revolution · 1 month
Hello Elliot!
I'm making a comic and one of the characters is a little person, and her husband is not. I want to design their house in a way that will work for both of them, where they can both do everything they need.
Things I'm already planning:
Their home will be single story/one floor so there are no stairs.
An extra cabinet in the kitchen for more plates/bowls/etc. that she can access easily.
A separate area in the kitchen with lower countertops.
Lots of step stools/mini stairs with wheels that she can move around in order to access countertops.
Lots of reaching tools for things like light switches and door handles.
Her own closet/wardrobe that's built to her height.
A bathroom with a normal shower for her husband and one of those accessible walk in tubs for her (like the ones with the doors that swing open and seats for you to sit down).
A second bathroom sink area that's her height, along with towel bars and cabinets at her level.
Do you have any other suggestions, or links to resources or examples of homes that have been designed to be accessible for people with very different heights?
Thank you! <3
Hello! These are all wonderful! My family, friends, and now partner are all average height so my household accommodations have always kept that in mind. You've thought of nearly everything! Here's my additions:
A dual shower head (with possibly a bar and a seat) can also be an option in the bathroom rather than a separate bath
In my household we use the higher shelves for my partners' things or for stuff I don't use often/without him. For instance, the coffee can be up high since he's who makes it in the morning - along with extra appliance parts, his waffle maker, backup pantry items, etc.
Spatially, something else to consider for your Little partner is their pain needs. I for instance, have stations throughout the house (bathroom, bed side table, living room couch table) where I keep things like water, meds, stim toys, CBD, etc. Chronic/arthritic pain is common for little people, and there will be evidence of that in their space.
Note that adaptations are often income-based. You've described my ideal living space! But with my financial and living situation (on ODSP and renting), making permanent adjustments to my home is not feasible. My personal counter was made from scrap wood by a friend of mine. Most of my stools were gifts from my mother. Very little of my house is actually adjusted, just worked around - and this is the reality for lots of disabled folk. Of course this may not be the case for your character! Just keep in mind that classism touches everything!
I love what you've included! What a lovely interabled household!
-Elliot (they/them)
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onechicagolife · 1 year
summary: prompt 33 - in which chicago med goes on lockdown
requested? yes by anonymous (x2)
word count: 1426
warnings: active/mass shooting (i know this is canon with the triggers of the show but this is a particularly tough topic; there is nothing explicit or descriptive other than gunshots being heard)
want to be tagged? link in bio &lt;3
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You make your way back towards the emergency department with a fresh cup of coffee in hand, the cafeteria coffee being surprisingly better than whoever stocks the doctor’s lounge with some weird, flavored crap you can’t keep down. This feels like the longest shift of your life, rarely getting a break from the craziness of a Chicago hospital. You take a long sip, savoring the taste when your pager beeps on your waist. You groan to yourself, not wanting to have to toss your coffee and run to the ED, even though it is a relatively short distance now. When you finally tug the pager free from where it is clipped to your scrubs, your breath hitches in your throat as you read the letters staring back at you.
Racking your brain for an email about a drill that you may have skimmed over, you can feel your heart hammering in your chest like an anvil on metal sending a ringing through your ears. This has to be a drill. You learn about what to do in active shooter situations, but you never thought one would actually happen at a hospital. The small hope that this was somehow not real squashes when three quick shots ring out and your head shoots up, the sound scaring you so bad that you drop the cup in your hand. Coffee splashes on your feet and the brief shocked silence is suddenly filled with screams.
You’ve been trained for this. You’ve been trained for this. You’ve been trained for this.
Everything you learned flew out the window the second you heard those shots sounding too close for comfort and you stand there, frozen. You only snap back to yourself when a frantic woman bumps into you as she runs by with her young child in her arms. It works like a bucket of cold water on a sleeping form, and you start taking in your surroundings. Your eyes dart in every direction, watching as people run and attempt to hide as more shots ring out.
When your eyes land on a door that has a locked card scanner, you kick it into gear. You run over and swipe your access card, watching the red light turn green and waiting for the click to open the door. Glancing back over your shoulder, you spot a group of people trying to shield themselves poorly behind furniture, and you call out to get their attention. When one elderly man meets your eyes, you check both ways to make sure the coast is clear before gesturing them over.
Once everyone in sight is ushered inside, cramming as tightly as possible in the uncomfortably small storage space, you close the door and sit with your back against it. Closing your eyes for a second, you let out a long breath through your nose to try and slow your breathing. One woman’s sobs reach your ears, and your eyes fly open. You bring a finger to your lips and shush her, feeling bad for the harshness but knowing now is not the time for niceties. Someone has to be in charge, and it’s going to be you.
Now that you’ve had a moment to catch your breath with the solid barrier between the rest of the hospital, the severity of the situation hits you. Immediately, you pull out your phone from the inner pocket of your lab coat. The brightness is stark in the almost pitch-blackness of the room and you hurry to turn the brightness all the way down before it can be seen through the space under the door. Eyes adjusting to the screen, you notice the dozens of text messages and missed calls.
Will Halstead: where the hell are you
Will Halstead: there’s a shooter in the ED
Will Halstead: WHERE ARE YOU
Maggie Lockwood: There’s multiple people down in the ED.
Connor Rhodes: Locked in the hybrid OR with Will. Shooter somewhere in the hospital. Where are you?
Maggie Lockwood: Are you safe?
Jay Halstead (14 missed calls)
You respond to the texts first, assuring that you are safe and exactly where you are. It takes a few moments longer than usual due to the shaking of your hands that you can’t gain control of. You’re a doctor, your job relies on steady hands. Yet here you are, struggling to construct a sentence that makes sense. Once you manage, though, you tap the call button on your boyfriend’s contact. Bringing the phone to your ear, you listen as it goes straight to voicemail without even ringing. Meaning his phone is off. Hopefully meaning that he’s responding to this very scene. Hopefully meaning you won’t die without being able to tell him that you’re in love with him. You close your eyes shut to hold back the tears, knowing that if you break down, there’s no way the other dozen people in here will be able to keep it together.
It feels like hours go by in harrowing stillness, but in reality, it was probably shorter than that. Truthfully, you have no idea. It could have been days or seconds, and you wouldn’t know the difference. The sobs around you have quieted, with some of the people falling into silent prayers and hugging the complete strangers beside them. You even pray yourself, to any god or being that will listen, to get you out of this and back to the people – the person – you love. But the silence is interrupted when footsteps echo through the halls outside where you’ve found shelter, and the sobs of a few come back in full force, others trying their best to smother the sounds.
You bring a still-shaking hand up to your mouth, stifling the short breaths as your strength fractures and a few tears trail down your cheeks as the footsteps get closer. When they seem to come to halt just behind where you sit, there's only two inches separating you from whoever is outside. 
You hold your breath.
Your eyes fly open at the sound of the love of your life’s voice. You quickly move to stand up when a young girl, maybe ten, tugs harshly on your pant leg. Glancing down, you meet her frightened eyes and do your best at a reassuring smile. “It’s okay,” you glance around the room with a soft nod, “that’s the police.” Heavy gasps and relieved cries fill the room as you manage to spin around in the cramped space, gripping the handle and yanking the door open.
Immediately, your eyes land on Jay, and a sense of peace washes over you. The feeling is mirrored in his eyes as he takes you in, checking you for nonexistent injuries before you all but launch yourself at him. His arms circle your waist as yours wind around his neck with a grip so tight you’re nearly choking him, but he doesn’t even mind. Jay lifts you off the ground slightly to move out of the way, allowing the other dozen people to come out and be helped by the various other officers. 
“Thank god,” you choke out, tears now flowing freely.
“It’s okay,” Jay mumbles into your hair, one hand migrating to cradle the back of your head, “You’re okay.”
After a few moments of being calmed in his embrace, you pull away just enough to meet his eyes. “Is everyone okay? Did you find Will and th—” you start to ask, words tumbling out of your mouth faster than you can think them.
“Everyone’s okay,” Jay assures, both hands moving to cup your cheeks, “A few bystanders and a nurse were shot, but everyone is going to live. I found Will in the ED; he told me where you were.” 
You close your eyes and nod at his words, signaling that you understand them.
Swiping a tear off of your skin, Jay says your name like a prayer and you open your eyes once again. “When you didn’t answer your phone, I—I thought,” he struggles to get the words out, “I can’t imagine my life without you in it. You are so important to me, you are such a big part of my life, that I just… I can’t imagine you not here. I love you, Y/N.”
The words hit your ears and it’s a melody you want to listen to for the rest of your life. Jay has never said that to you before and now you never want him to stop.
You manage a watery smile, leaning in until your forehead touches his, “I love you.”
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tag list: @talicat713 @nevaehstreater18 @hehurst23 @jesseleesofferupdates @stephanie708 @harleyquinnpuddin @mrspeacem1nusone @nilspettersson @romanogersendgame @gerardssword @the-fan-18 @nobodycanknowus @frenchyjuju @toomuchtv95 @atarmychick007 @imtoanonymousforyou @renataficrecs @ossypooh @haynsey @euphoria257 @hajrakhan @brookerz122493 @sophie10626 @mrshalsteadxx @alexxavicry​ @itserickalove​ @livstilinski​ @sia2raw​ @bebataylor84​ @sande5098​ @withakindheartx​ @i-spaced-sorry​ @star017​ @camillyb​ @munteanmiss @halsteadloversworld​
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