#may need a cry break we'll see
writtenonreceipts · 1 year
Made cookies last night, so at least I have that going for me.
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scary dog privilege - best friend!eren x reader one-shot, 18+!!
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hellooooo i have had this in my wips for like two entire months and i am giddy and ready to share it. this hopefully will just be a one-shot, but you guys know i love to create a universe for each of my erens so god only knows where we'll end up with this one. best friend eren appears to be my angstiest, broodiest one yet, and i love him lol. wanted to make some use of classic fanfic tropes, so here we get best friend eren and fake dating!! woohoo!!
beware: this is absolute, pure filth once you get into it lol
pairing: eren jaeger x afab reader
wc: 9.1k
DISCLAIMER: this post contains MATURE CONTENT that is intended only for those over 18. if you are a minor, please do not read below the cut.
CWs: smut, consensual hook-up, rough sex, biting, dirty talk, oral sex (fem!receiving), alcohol use, cussing, squirting, penetrative vaginal sex, swearing, use of names (baby, pretty baby, my girl), crying, multiple orgasms, eren being a menace per usual, jean's an asshole (i'm so sorry you guys know i love him but it had to happen)
have fun ;)
This is a terrible idea, and it had been from the start. You know it and so does he, but you had insisted. Now that you’ve made your bed, you have to lay in it, you suppose. You press your forehead to the cold, tinted window of Eren’s ridiculous muscle car, ignoring the vibrations from the rock music he’s blaring and the consistent fluttering in your stomach, and think back to your conversation earlier that week.
“Come on, Eren. It’s just one night!”
“And what about after? When you run into Sasha at the coffee place or Armin after work? Did we just suddenly ‘break up’?” Eren scoffs, pushing past you to grab a Red Bull out of the fridge. You collapse into one of the barstools in his kitchen, having prepared yourself to accept defeat from the moment you posed the question.
“I just can’t face him alone,” you sigh, “it’s only been four months and Sasha told me he’s hooked up with not one, not two, but three girls already. I haven’t even had a drunken makeout at the bar.”
“So? Just because Jean’s been whoring around doesn’t mean you have anything to prove.” Eren's tone is thoroughly unimpressed as he pops the tab to his energy drink.
“You’re my best friend. I just need one tiny favor.”
“Who would even believe us? It’s not like it’s a huge party- we know everyone going.”
You cock an eyebrow. “How many times have Annie and Mikasa tried to con us into a double date? Connie’s been teasing us for years, not to mention the waiter at lunch the other day–”
“Fine. I’ll be your date for one night. But all of the explaining is up to you. And,” Eren takes a sip, leveling a glare at you over the top of the can, “I’m going on the record as saying that this is a bad idea.”
He may be reckless, arrogant, and a bit of a brat, but if Eren Jaeger is one thing consistently, he was right. You chance a glance at your “date”. He’s in his typical uniform: black hoodie, black jeans, the little silver chain he never takes off, key swinging over his chest as he turns the car. He looks good, appealing even. If Jean dares to show up with a girl, she won’t consider you to have downgraded, that’s for sure.
You consider your own outfit, an anxious fist tightening in your stomach at the thought of seeing Jean for the first time as an ex. He would have hated it. Your nothing-to-the-imagination outfit is all thanks to Sasha.
You had clued Sasha in on the plan; you hoped having one more agent in on your secret would help sell the act. Sasha had gone all out, lending you an incredibly low-cut black top and some black leather pants that would have caused at least a twenty-minute argument with Jean. Had he not dumped you, you remind yourself bitterly. Sasha had insisted you borrow her all-black outfit to match Eren’s typical attire “just to be cute”. In hindsight, her enthusiasm about this whole situation should have been a red flag, but you’ve already gotten everything lined up, and it’s too late for regret.
It’s far too late for hindsight, too; you’re already ten minutes into receiving the official girlfriend treatment from Eren. He had worn you down on picking you up, opening the car door, the works. Hell, you wouldn’t be surprised if he pulled out a bouquet of roses at this point. You can hear his obnoxious tone now: Even if you’re my fake girlfriend, you’re getting the full package. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
Eren parallel parks smoothly on Armin’s quiet street, unusually busy with the buzz of a house party and lined with your friends’ cars. It’s Connie’s birthday, but Armin always hosts. It’s an unspoken rule at this point; you aren’t sure why he keeps volunteering, especially after Sasha had projectile vomited all over his bathroom at the last get-together, but again, dig your own grave and lie in it. You and Armin are in the same boat there.
When the car switches off, Eren takes a moment to consider you, wrapping and unwrapping his long fingers around the steering wheel, a nervous tic he’s had since high school. “You ready?”
“Ready as I’ll ever be,” you sigh, reaching for the door handle. Before you can wrap your hand around it, Eren leans over and pinches you harshly on the thigh. “Ow!”
“I open the door, remember?” Eren says, visibly annoyed.
You roll your eyes at him.“Isn’t this a bit much?”
“You think I’m going to be caught dead letting my ‘girlfriend’ open her own door? I have a reputation to uphold.”
You decide to bite back a snippy comment about the many girls who cried over Eren in college and cross your arms over your chest, pouting instead. “Fine.”
If Eren can be dramatic, so can you.
As naturally as if he had done it a hundred times, Eren slings his arm over your shoulders on the walk up towards the door; the weight of it, both physically and mentally, is heavier than you’re willing to acknowledge. When you catch sight of Bertholdt, Reiner, and Annie peering through the window, a flutter of nerves erupts your stomach; you reach a hand up to play with Eren’s fingers, absentmindedly spinning one of his rings and trying to sell the look as best you can. “We better pull this off.”
“It’ll be fine, just follow my lead.” Eren pulls you closer, kissing your hairline. Goosebumps rise all over your body; not at the action itself, but how disturbingly easy the affection seems to come to him. As Eren knocks on Armin’s bright red door, you pack that thought away and shove it to the back of your mind to collect dust.
“Hi…guys?” Armin’s friendly smile upon opening the door falters in confusion as he takes you in, absorbing the sight of you two intertwined on his doorstep. Armin’s wide, blue eyes flick between the two of you, and you can see the gears churning in his head, trying to make sense of how awfully close you and Eren are. Pitting your fake relationship against Armin’s intellect is the perfect first test; a nervous sweat breaks out under your skimpy outfit.
“Sup, ‘min?” Eren smiles back, the very picture of nonchalance, extending his free hand to shake Armin’s shoulder.
“Come on in.” Armin, ever polite, turns to allow for plenty of room for Eren to pull you inside. He doesn’t outright ask why Eren’s holding you, but his eyes betray his suspicions. It seems like your plan, as terrible as it is, is working. One down, a dozen or so to go.
Never dropping his arm from around your shoulders, Eren steers you into the living room where one of Connie’s favorite bands is already blasting from the speakers. Annie and Mikasa are curled up together in Armin’s recliner, hands interlocked as usual; Sasha and Connie are positioned at Armin’s bar cart, violently shaking two cocktail shakers apiece; Reiner, Bertholdt, Marco, and Jean are on the couch, arguing over something sports-related. With a sinking stomach, you notice that there’s only one unoccupied seat left in the room.
“My two favorite lovebirds!” Sasha cries, abandoning her cocktail shakers and rushing over to give you a hug. Upon Sasha’s impact, Eren drops his arm and grabs your hand that’s closest to him as a substitute, never taking his hands off of you. His actions are pointed, purposeful; every pair of eyes in the room looks between the two of you in surprise. You can practically feel a hazel-tinted laser beam burning a hole into your forehead. “You guys are so late; honeymoon phase gotcha already?”
“Laying it on a little thick, Sash,” you whisper into Sasha’s ear, cheeks burning. To your chagrin, Eren only curls his mouth in response.
“What?” Connie frowns, still shaking his drinks. “How long has that been a thing?”
You pause, your heart nearly stopping. You should have made up a story, you realize, something to explain–
“Just a few weeks.” The still-strange weight of Eren’s arm around your shoulder returns, and his jade eyes rest on you, adoration beaming through his always-cool gaze. Against your will, butterflies start dancing in your stomach; apparently Eren’s quite the actor.
“Yeah,” you jump in, grateful for Eren’s lead, “we just wanted to feel it out before we told everyone, that’s all.”
“Sasha knew.” Mikasa raises a suspicious eyebrow. Annie smirks at the two of you, a knowing look on her face.
“It’s about time.” Marco appears from the kitchen with a huge bowl of tortilla chips in one hand and salsa in the other. “Good for you guys.”
You can’t help yourself, finally meeting Jean’s eyes. He’s openly scowling at you, which is to be expected; where Eren is a criminally smooth liar, Jean wears his heart on his sleeve. You recognize that face all too well: anger to mask heartbreak, the same face he wore when you used to fight. For the first time, it occurs to you how cruel this plan might be, how Jean might react to you moving on with a mutual friend. Guilt washes over you, cold and heavy.
“Thanks for giving me a heads-up before you moved in on my fucking girlfriend, Jaeger,” Jean snips, taking a long swallow of his beer.
The guilt drops away from you as quickly as your jaw; you’ve forgotten what a prick Jean can be. Eren has been slowly guiding you over to the singular remaining seat throughout the conversation, and after Jean’s comment, he tugs you down firmly onto his lap. He rubs a large palm over your thigh, a blatant gesture of ownership.
“Not your girlfriend anymore, Kirschstein.” You can hear the distinct note of pride ringing through his voice, hear the nasty look leveled at Jean without turning to face him. It’s been fifteen minutes of fake dating, car ride included, and you can already feel the friendship line blurring. Your head spins.
“Anyway,” Armin, ever the gracious host, interrupts, breaking the awkward tension that has settled over the room, “what bar does everyone want to head out to later? Connie gets the first pick, being the birthday boy.”
The conversation in the room picks back up into a familial bickering over the evening’s next destination. All of your friends have become accustomed to the occasional awkward moment over the years now that some of you have begun to couple up; Mikasa and Annie especially are notorious for bickering like an old married couple, no matter who’s around.
“I need a drink,” you murmur to Eren, moving to stand.
“Do you mind getting me one, babe? Don’t want to lose our seat.” Eren pecks you on the cheek, smiling up at you as if everything about your situation right now is normal, natural for him. Jean’s eyes follow you every step of the way, and your face burns.
Over the years you’ve been friends with him, it’s never been lost on you that Eren’s attractive, not after the dozens of women he ran through in his college years. Peeking over your shoulder now, however, feels like you’re seeing him for the first time, seeing him the way the world sees him. Heavy-set dark brows frame his bright eyes beautifully, his jaw’s grown sharp and severe, and his lips are soft and pouty, stretching into a wicked smirk with sharp canines. He had grown into a heartbreaker, and he’s your best friend and now fake boyfriend– you swat away your private admiration as soon as it comes, taking a deep breath to center yourself and rifling through the bar cart in a daze.
“Want me to make you one?” Sasha waves a bright red concoction under your nose. “Connie and I made them- it has three different types of liquor in it, and you can’t taste any of it!”
One sip of the tiny cocktail straw has your nose wrinkling in disgust. You’ve worked behind a bar since the day you turned twenty-one, and the drink Sasha’s offering you tastes like an overly-syruped nightmare. “Um…no, that’s okay Sash. I’ll probably just stick to beer.”
Connie sticks his tongue out at you. “Boring!”
Predictably, Sasha pouts. “Okay, but we’re definitely making you take a shot. We can chill it in the kitchen, want to help me get some ice?”
Holding up a bottle of tequila, she cocks her head toward the kitchen and wobbles her eyebrows madly. You almost laugh; anyone who can’t pick up on a hint from Sasha is walking around with earplugs and their eyes closed.
“Fine. Let me just grab Eren a beer, and I’ll meet you in there.”
“Ugh, couples,” Connie rolls his eyes, wandering over to fiddle with the dusty karaoke machine that Armin claims broke years ago. You’ve always been dubious as to the truth of that, but knowing your friends, you can’t blame him.
Opening the cooler, you smile to yourself; Armin remembered your favorite IPA from the brewery down the road and stocked the cooler accordingly, nestling a few Hazy Daze’s between Reiner and Bertholdt’s domestics. You pick your way through the haphazard seating arrangements back over to Eren, holding a cold Budweiser bottle towards him. He pauses in his conversation with Reiner, grabbing your hand that holds the beer and removing it from your hand, bringing your knuckles to his lips, brushing them over in a light kiss. He looks you up and down lecherously as he does it, a dangerous curve to his lips.
You return a weak half-smile, doing your best to not appear outwardly shaken by Eren’s behavior and keep the what the fuck? thoughts from showing plainly on your face. Eren waves you off to the kitchen with a light pat on your bottom, innocent as ever.
“How’s it going?” Sasha asks, safe now in the privacy of the kitchen. Her face is already full-flush with excitement and that awful cocktail she was sipping.
“I mean, it seems like everyone’s buying it. Jean looks pissed, though.”
“What were you expecting? He’s always thought Eren had a thing for you.”
“Everyone thinks Eren has a thing for me,” you roll your eyes, “at least it’s working in my favor now.”
Sasha fixes you with a glare, wobbling slightly. “If you don’t think Eren actually has a thing for you, you must be blind. Deaf, too.”
“I mean, even if you hadn’t told me, I would have fallen for it. Is it not, like, weird for you guys? That it’s just natural for you two to–” Sasha burps, interrupting herself, and giggles. “Just makes ya think.”
“Sasha!” Connie calls from the living room. “Let’s do Eye of the Tiger first!”
“Woo!” Sasha shouts, abandoning you and running into the room to take part in the newly-revived karaoke festivities.
You stand alone in the kitchen, shell-shocked by Sasha’s observations. The truly irritating thing is that she’s entirely right. Not only do Eren’s little kisses here and there, the constant touching, even the pet names come naturally, it almost feels…nice. It’s as easy for you to receive his affection as it is for him to give it. You peek around the corner, grimacing at Sasha and Connie’s amplified wailing, just wanting to look at him. Really look at him.
Kicked back, beer in hand and jacket thrown over the back of his chair, Eren oozes charisma. Even doing nothing but holding a conversation with Mikasa, the room gravitates around him. Jean’s angry glare never leaves him; Armin has switched to drinking Budweiser, even though you know he hates it; Annie’s nodding along with whatever Eren’s saying; even Sasha and Connie are angling their performance around him, alternating between singing together and holding their microphones towards him, trying to elicit a reaction. He has this undeniable magnetic force, one that you aren’t exempt from.
You’d met him nearly a decade ago, in high school, and initially couldn’t stand him. His hair-trigger temper had hardly cooled with age, and his ego had gotten unthinkably larger, but you grew to find both of them charming– to a degree. One thing led to another, and before you knew it, Eren was the one cleaning you up and getting you drunk after every bad breakup, introducing you to all of your favorite sports teams and lending you jerseys for the games; hell, he even read that smutty fairy fantasy series you’d been obsessed with in college. Had the man you attempted Star Wars marathons with until you both fell asleep really looked like that the entire time?
He catches your stare, beckoning you over with one long, crooked finger. As his girlfriend for the night, you have to obey, even though you would much rather roll your eyes at the cliche.
“Missed you,” he mumbles as you sit back on his lap, breath hot against the shell of your ear.
“You too,” you respond accordingly, wrapping your arm lovingly around his shoulder. Eren’s eyes flit down to your cleavage, but knowing him, it’s impossible to discern if it’s part of the act, or Eren being himself.
His hands rest comfortably over the casing of your pants, one on your thigh and one on the small of your back, one thumb rubbing circles into your soft flesh. Reveling in the drag of his rings over your clothed body, you couldn’t help but wonder how they’d feel on your bare skin, on your throat, on your–
Surprising yourself at the dirty direction of your thoughts, you swallow your beer too quickly, coughing. Eren, who had coincidentally been taking a sip at the same time, laughs at you mid-sip, choking beside you and spraying beer out of his nose.
The entire room bursts into laughter; Eren regains his composure and joins in good-naturedly. You giggle along, relief coursing over your body. Sure, Eren might look a little extra handsome tonight and be a bit touchy because you asked him to, but he’s still Eren.
“They’re practically in sync already.” Hitch, Marco’s girlfriend who had apparently joined the party while Sasha and you were in the kitchen, rests her face on her hand dreamily.
“It’s a little freaky,” Annie observes with narrowed eyes, but the slight curve of her lip betrays her. Not only were they believing your little farce, but they were happy for you. That’s enough to make you flush a little, realizing how naturally everyone’s just accepted your fake relationship. Everyone but one person, at least.
Jean suddenly stands, ripping a beer from the cooler and storming into the kitchen. The laughter dies as quickly as it had come, everyone exchanging nervous looks.
“I’ll go talk to him,” Eren offers, nudging you off of his lap. You blanch.
“Eren, I don’t know if you should-”
“It’s fine,” Eren drops a soft peck on your forehead, walking away before you can stop him. You meet Mikasa’s eyes, wide and concerned. To everyone else, Eren’s walking calmly, not a hint of aggression in his gait. But you know him, know him well enough to catch the anger simmering in his eyes, quiet, but there.
Jean and Eren have always been friends, albeit reluctant ones at first, but too similar where it counted not to get along. That had abruptly come to a halt when you had fallen for Jean. At first Eren had been confused, but over time that confusion had melted into constant irritation. Jean and you were wrong for one another, you know that in hindsight, but at the time, you had chalked all the fighting up to a passionate relationship. The constant tears had driven Eren nearly to a breaking point; multiple times you had begged him not to bring his frustration to physical blows. And now, your fake-boyfriend slash best friend and ex-boyfriend with the two worst tempers out of everyone you know are “talking”. You bite down hard on the inside of your cheek to keep the worry in your chest.
“Are you alright?” The question comes from Armin, who’s placed a steadying hand on your shoulder. “I’m sorry that Jean isn’t taking the news well.”
“There’s no news,” Mikasa says low enough for none of the others to hear over the music, now standing directly behind Armin.
A neat little cross appears between Armin’s eyebrows. “They���re-”
“Faking,” she interrupts Armin, “they aren’t dating.”
Armin stammers, trying to correct her and apologize to you for her at the same time, but you just sigh. “How’d you know?”
“One of you would have told me,” she shrugs, “or at least I’d like to think you would.”
“It’s just…I couldn’t bear to show up alone, not with Jean here and apparently sleeping around since the breakup.” You cross your arms over your chest, grabbing your own shoulders tightly. It’s your fault, you know it is, but you had only wanted to feel a little less pathetic, a little less heartbroken. Drama had been an unfortunate and unexpected side effect.
“Why would Eren agree to that? It seems silly,” Armin muses, noticing your glare and immediately turning bright red, “I- I don’t mean you’re silly, just, you shouldn’t-”
“You know.” Mikasa bumps him. The slightest hint of a smile plays on her face, a knowing look directed at you. You frown, trying to look confused through the pink rising to your face.
A loud crash from the kitchen catches all of your attention, saving you from an uncomfortable line of conversation but making your heart beat that much faster. Dashing to the kitchen door, the entire house party hot on your heels, your thundering heart sinks.
Eren has Jean pinned up against Armin’s cabinets, forearm tight against the other man’s neck. Jean’s still seething at Eren, raw ego washing against the cool anger blazing in Eren’s eyes.
“Need to learn how to watch your fucking mouth, Kirschstein–”
“Eren!” Your voice is surprisingly firm, given the nauseating mixture of embarrassment, confusion, and panic swirling in your stomach. “Let him go!”
“Do you want to tell her what you said, or should I?” Eren hisses, nudging into Jean further. Jean’s eyes dart to you, back to Eren, and for a fleeting moment, you have hope that maybe this all can be resolved peacefully. And then Jean makes a fatal mistake.
He spits directly in Eren’s face.
Just as Eren swings, Reiner collides with the two, just barely catching Eren by his forearm before he can make contact with Jean’s cheek. Bertholdt, as always, is Reiner’s shadow, grabbing Eren by the shoulders and wrenching him away from Jean. It takes Connie, Reiner, Marco, and Bertholdt to restrain both of them, Armin standing in the middle and shouting how ridiculous the fight is above the curses.
“It’s my fucking birthday, Jean, come on bro!” Connie growls, pinning Jean to the cabinets with his back.
“Jaeger- back off!” Reiner manages to pull him back a few inches, hardly able to contain Eren, who’s struggling furiously, in his massive arms. Jean finally relents, slouching into the multiple arms holding him back. After several seconds, Eren does the same, never taking his eyes off of Jean. Into the shocked silence, Armin bravely speaks first.
“Maybe we should leave,” he suggests awkwardly, “take the party elsewhere.”
You pity him, poor Armin and his hosting inclination. Eren finally turns to face you. The wrath laid bare in his eyes sends a chill over your body.
“We are,” he spits, sparing Jean one last threatening glance before storming over, grabbing you harshly by the wrist, and practically dragging you towards the door.
“Eren, wait–” you try to reason with him and dig your heels in, but it’s fruitless. Eren’s strong, stronger than you, and you don’t stand a chance stopping him now that his mind’s made up.
He doesn’t drop the act at the car, ripping your car door open, waiting impatiently for you to step into your seat, and slamming the door behind you. As soon as he turns the ignition, the same angry rock music you had listened to on the way over blasts from the speakers; Eren makes no move to turn it down and neither do you. After so many years together, his temper rarely scares you anymore; it’s more of a nuisance than anything when it flares. You stare out of the window, seething with anger, arms crossed and foot tapping.
Five minutes into the drive, you realize Eren isn’t taking you to your house, but to his. What he’s thinking, you can’t be sure, but you go ahead and start making your plans to give him an earful and call your Uber the moment you get there. You just can’t wrap your mind around why he would attack Jean and embarrass you like that– Eren may have been a hothead, but rarely did he let his temper escalate to that degree, especially against a friend.
Eren whips his car into the driveway, parking with such force you nearly knock your head against the headrest. You reach for your door handle, ready to throw it open, but Eren’s faster. He hits the child lock button and slams his own door behind him, storming around the car.
“The fucking child lock button?” You leap out of your seat once he’s opened your door, glaring up at him with your fists curled by your sides. “Is that what I am, Eren, a child?”
“Come inside.” Eren’s voice is low, dangerous. You’re too angry to indulge his temper.
“No,” you snap, “I’m going home.”
No sooner have you pulled your phone out to call an Uber than Eren snatches it from you, sliding it into his pocket. He repeats himself, more forceful this time. “Come inside.”
You stand rooted to the spot for a beat, so angry you aren’t sure what you want to do more: run home, punch him, or kick his precious car headlight in. Eren simply glares down his strong nose at you, face unreadable as ever, rage still glittering in his eyes.
“Come inside, please,” Eren repeats himself again through gritted teeth. You decide you’ll indulge him and go inside, hear him out, and then punch him. At least it’ll catch him off guard, and you’ll have a better chance of getting your shot in. Without another word, you stomp up the walkway to his house, into the house, and into the kitchen, shoving your shoes off. Stupid fucking kitchens, you think to yourself, kicking your bare foot against the base of his kitchen island. Immature, but the little burst of violence feels good.
Whether Eren’s house smells like him or Eren smells like his house you’ve never been able to decide. The distinct scent of him envelops you: a boyish, sharp smell, laced with a hint of the weed he kept in the living room. Ordinarily it’s a comforting smell, but tonight, it nearly makes you sick with irritation. Fighting with Eren is something you do rarely, but you know the both of you well enough to buckle down. Arguing with Eren means you have a long, nasty, and emotionally gutting night ahead of you. You’re more than ready, fists shaking by your side.
“What the hell was that, Eren?”
He doesn’t answer, swinging the fridge open and grabbing a beer. He twists the top, tossing it aside carelessly and taking a healthy swig, bun bouncing on the back of his head, making no move to acknowledge your presence.
“Answer me!” Your voice rattles the cabinets. “Yeah, was the fake dating a stupid idea? Sure, fine, it was stupid, but starting a fucking fight with Jean on poor Connie’s birthday–”
“You didn’t hear what he said,” Eren says simply, still chugging his beer and avoiding your gaze.
“What could he have said to make you do that? What was so awful that you had to–”
“It was about you.” Eren finally brings his eyes to yours, staring you down through the little hairs that have escaped his bun with such intensity that it nearly knocks you clean on your ass.
Your heart stutters. “You– what did he say?”
“Told me if I wanted to taste your ‘slutty pussy’ so bad, I could just smell his breath. S’why he spit in my face.” Eren’s fingers wrap and unwrap around the beer bottle anxiously.
Your mouth drops agape, tears immediately springing to your eyes. No, you set your resolve, praying your body cooperates. “He…he said that?”
“Why didn’t you tell me you’d been fucking him?” Eren spares you another scalding look. Your temper flares at his anger, one fire against another.
“Excuse me?”
“Don’t play dumb,” Eren snaps, “this whole thing was your idea. What am I to you, just some toy you can dangle in front of your pussyboy ex boyfriend? How long have you been fucking him?”
“I haven’t been fucking him,” you hiss, “he lied because he was jealous. And you’re not some toy, you’re– you’re my best friend. I needed you.”
Eren freezes, eyeing you across the kitchen. His expression has changed, infinitesimally so, a pinch of the fury fading from his face but none of the heat. It strikes you that in the years you’ve known him, he’s never looked at you like this before, not once. “Say it again.”
“You’re my–”
“The other thing.”
“I needed you.”
“I needed– fuck, Eren, what is this? Some kind of game?”
He stalks toward you, silhouetted by the light behind him and looking sinful, closing you in. He’s forceful and shameless as he backs you into the counter, as quintessentially Eren as he can be. “Say it one more time.”
“I…needed you,” you indulge him, brain slowing down to pick up each little detail. His cologne– when did he start wearing cologne?– musky and thick in the air, one of his tattoos peeking above the collar of his shirt, the tangible sensation of emerald eyes dragging along every inch of you.
“I like the way you say that,” his tongue darts out, wetting his lips. You stare blatantly. His mouth is red, pouty, and full, bottom lip a little chapped from where he was chewing it in the car. “That you need me.”
Words are lost on you; even if you could gather something to say, it would probably get stuck in your throat the moment it materialized. His presence is choking you. He brings one of those massive hands up, cupping your jaw, running a thumb over your lip. His posture, looming over you, is demanding, almost hungry.
“Do you still?”
“Need me.”
You blink, eyes still watery. “How?”
“You’re a smart girl,” Eren murmurs, hot breath laced with beer fanning over your face, “you know. You’ve always known.”
You do know. When he ghosted a hand over your thighs at the bar, when you fell asleep on his chest watching a movie, the way he had kissed your head, nearly fought Jean, protected you at every twist and turn. You had kept it relegated to the recesses of your brain, slid a hand between your legs and allowed it to simmer to the surface, maybe for a moment, before pushing it back down. You had always known. He has you on the edge of a cliff, and with a thin gasp, you understand him now: he wants you to jump. And so do you.
“I still need you. Now.”
Something critical snaps in both of you. The countertop digs into your lower back, a beautiful, aching pain blooming up your spine to meet the sting of his teeth sinking into your bottom lip. He’s kissing you; this magnetic, maddening man is kissing you, hard. It’s all tongue and teeth, fingers wrapping in hair, hands exploring familiar places in a new way. Greedy, demanding sounds slip through his teeth as he paws at your clothes, squeezes your curves through the silken shirt Sasha had lent you.
“This shirt is ridiculous,” Eren pants into your mouth, “wish I wasn’t about to rip it off of you.”
A little whimper leaves your mouth at that, and your knees buckle. Eren catches you, grabbing you by your torso and lifting you up onto the kitchen counter; you use the extra height to wrap your legs around his hips. A groan from deep in Eren’s chest rumbles against your lips as he rolls his clothed cock insistently against you. The low, simmering heat in your stomach catches fire; he’s big, even through both of your pants, rubbing himself into where you need him most. A hand creeps up your neck, grabbing a fistful of hair and forcing you to look up at him. It hits you how large he is; six feet and some change of taut, corded muscle, bad intentions, temptation.
His voice is quiet and controlled, so close to your face that his nose moves against yours as he speaks. “I’m going to take you to my room. If that’s not okay with you, I need you to say it right now.”
You nod urgently, relishing the burn in your scalp where he holds your hair tight. “I want it- want you.”
Eren slides you off of the kitchen counter and holds you firmly around his waist, making a beeline for his room. You mouth at his neck, enjoying the little grunts he makes against your ear. You drop unceremoniously onto the bed, left to watch as he tears off his shirt.
Oh, and do you watch. It’s difficult to comprehend that your best friend is the man standing above you. You’ve seen him shirtless countless times, but not like this: chest heaving, covered in a thin sheen of sweat, muscles flexing as he reaches for your shirt, ripping it from you and tossing it away. Your eyes draw towards the defined v leading down beneath his jeans, and you wonder how it might taste under your tongue.
Your bra comes next, Eren moving down to take your lips in his again as he deals with the clasp. He pushes you onto your back, kissing down your neck, sneaking harsh bites in between the gentle presses of his lips.
“Careful, Eren– you’ll leave marks,” you gasp, pulling at his hair.
“Good,” Eren replies against your neck, emphasizing his point with another deep bite to your neck, “you wanted everyone to think I was your little boyfriend, didn’t you? Let them see.” 
Your panties grow damp and hot against your core at that; you have no other response than to choke out a stunted moan.
“Fuck, you have no idea,” he growls, traveling down, teeth scraping the top of your breast, “what you do to me. How long I’ve wanted you.”
Your mind falters, caught in the crosswires of Eren’s confession and the way you’re clutching his head to your breasts, fingers desperately threaded in his dark hair and pulling him as close as you could get him. His mouth is so hot it burns, even against your feverish skin. 
“Remember…” Eren muses, mouthing his way down your stomach, “remember college? When you’d wear those slutty little dresses out?”
“I remember,” you breathe, impatient and urging him towards your lower half.
“Used to come home from the bar and jerk myself off, thinking about this sweet little cunt,” Eren tears your pants down your legs, panties following, “could practically see it in those short ass dresses. I’d cum thinking about how you’d sound when I stuck my tongue in it.”
A lewd whine rips out of your throat before you can stop it. Eren’s pressing your thighs open now, and his words and the quick little swipes he’s making across your clit are making you dizzy.
“Fuck…” Eren trails off, eyes wide, “got such a pretty pussy. Just look at you.”
“Eren, please,” you’ve never been the begging type, but the bright green eyes peering up at you from where your legs are propped open by broad, strong shoulders take your sense away.
“I’ve got you,” he shushes you, grinning as he leans into your center. A thick stripe of a lick up the center elicits a groan from you both. “So fucking sweet. Knew you would be.”
Eren hooks his arms around your legs, dragging you down the bed to be flush with his face. Eren’s no amateur when it comes to women, you know that, but you had never dared to let yourself imagine what that might translate to in practice.
He licks little figure-eights around your clit, not quite hitting it; he’s teasing you, the antagonist that he is. You tremble under him, little gasps and whimpers puffing out of your lips. Eren smiles contentedly against your pussy, nose flush with your clit, nudging against it rhythmically as he licks through your folds, circling your entrance. You bring your hands down your body, grabbing a fistful of dark hair and pulling him closer to you; you don’t even know what you want, the singular word more ringing in your head like a church bell.
Eren chuckles. “You need something?”
“Stop fucking with me,” you breathe, inwardly cringing at the desperation in your voice, laid bare for him to see. You brace yourself, looking down to meet his eyes, and instantly regret it. The anger has faded entirely from his face, replaced by an unyielding hunger. A wet, wicked smile plays at his mouth; you can physically feel your cunt dripping just at the sight of him.
“You want me to stop fucking with you?”
“Please, Eren, I need you–”
“That’s all you had to say.”
And then, like he does with everything else in his life, Eren licks into you like his life depends on it, like he’s trying to drown himself in you. His tongue pushes in and out of your hole, swirling around your clit, and you can distantly hear the most obscene sounds you’ve ever heard slipping from your mouth. He’s so good, better than you’ve had in years; you throw your head back against the bedspread, hardly able to focus on breathing.
Just when you think it can’t get any more intense, Eren slides one long finger inside of you, curling it against a spongy spot in your walls that makes you see stars. He chuckles at the loud, long moan that you let out.
“My girl likes being full, doesn’t she?” He pumps his finger slowly, testing your limits. Your walls clutch down on him, begging.
“M-more,” you stutter, barely able to form a coherent word through your panting.
“What was that?” You can hear the shit-eating grin on his face.
“I need– fuck– I need more.”
“Magic word?”
“Please, Eren, fuck!”
“Good, good girl,” he coos, pushing another finger into you, “so sweet and needy for me, yeah?”
Your eyes fly open at the stretch, the fullness of his fingers moving inside you. His other hand comes up to push on your lower stomach; your head snaps up, and you frown at him, panicked.
“W-what are you– oh,” you hate yourself for it, but you can’t even speak as he applies pressure onto your abdomen. You feel strange; it’s just right and too much all at once. The familiar bubble of an impending orgasm swells in the pit of your stomach, but it’s more intense, wetter than you’ve ever felt it. 
“Mhm,” you force out through gritted teeth. Eren moves his elbow slightly, just enough to bear down on your hip bone where you’re pushing your hips up towards him unwittingly. “But it- it feels weird…I, I can’t–”
“Sh,” he murmurs, mouth back against your clit, “you can do it, just for me, I know you can. It’s going to feel so good, you’ll see.”
Your eyes roll back in your head as you teeter on the precipice, blood roaring in your ears. You want to, you need to–
“Cum all over my fucking face baby, give it to me.”
The band in you snaps, your eyes rolling back into your head. You can feel your cunt spasming around his fingers, pushing something out. Liquid sprays from you, all over Eren’s face, soaking the sheets beneath you. You can’t even hear the lewd sounds coming out of your mouth, too surprised at the gushing orgasm. It finally winds down, and once you gather the energy, you shove insistently at his hand still pumping in and out of your sensitive pussy.
“You have the messiest little cunt,” Eren chuckles at you, wiping his face and kissing his way back up to your gasping mouth, “knew you were a squirter.”
He lands a few gentle taps against your sore pussy, and you flinch. 
“I–I’ve never…” you take a shaky breath in between every word, “never done that before.”
Pride illuminates his face. “Really? I knew you could do it– just for me, right?”
You nod, sitting up on trembling elbows. “Your cock, I– I want it in my mouth. Please let me.”
You reach down to fumble with the button of his jeans, but Eren grabs your wrist, pulling your hand up to kiss it gently. “Next time. I’d never forgive myself if I busted before I got to fuck you.”
Too overwhelmed to answer, you simply nod again, sitting back as he shimmies his pants off. Once you catch sight of it, your mouth waters. He’s big, bigger than you thought, wide enough to where your fingers wouldn’t touch if you grabbed it, and long enough to make you gag. The thought goes straight between your legs, cunt still throbbing and clutching around nothing, and a rush of anticipation washes over you.
Eren flips you over onto your stomach, shoving a couple of pillows underneath your hips to prop your ass up. “Christ,” he exhales, landing a sharp smack to your ass.
“Please, Eren- oh!” You jump; Eren’s circling your asshole, using the mess you’ve already made as lube to pop the tip of his thumb in. “Eren…”
“You’d let me fuck you there, one day, I bet,” he mutters, more to himself than to you, you think. Your body tenses in response, the memory of your first glance at his cock fresh in your mind. Eren swears under his breath. “Maybe next time, then.”
You hear him spit, hear the slick sounds of him lathering himself up. You have a brief moment to think to yourself, with the last glimmering shreds of consciousness in your orgasm-dazed mind, that this is Eren. This is your best friend, pinning you to the bed by the back of your neck, rubbing your lower back, admiring you, fucking you. And then the head of his cock is pressing into you, and that last little bit of hesitation gives way.
“Oh, baby,” Eren bends over you to growl in your ear, “never gonna forgive you for keeping this perfect pussy from me all these years.”
“Eren, it’s so– oh my god,” you trail off, eyes rolling back into your head as a few more inches of him sink into you. The way your body stretches for him, the way he fills you, is unbelievable, sweetened by just the slightest burning sensation.
“Fuck,” he hisses, pressing his forehead into the back of your neck, “you feel so fucking good. Best I’ve ever had.”
You whine at that, pushing your hips back into his and forcing him to bottom out. Eren swears against your skin, nearly collapsing on top of you. Your cunt pulses around him, desperately trying to hold him. You can hardly fathom the weight of him inside you; you’re just so full, the word runs through your mind on a loop.
And when he rolls his hips into yours– you nearly start praying. He drags against your walls so nicely, you nearly cum again then and there. He works up a torturously slow rhythm, grinding his hips into yours. You bite down hard on your bottom lip, trying your hardest to suppress the obscene groan about to leave your mouth. You taste blood.
“Never giving this pussy up,” Eren grunts above you, “never letting you give this to anybody else again. It’s mine, isn’t it?”
You nod into the pillow beneath your head, tears pricking at your eyes. He’s picking up the pace now, and the exquisite push-and-pull rhythm of Eren moving inside of you coupled with the fact that it’s Eren moving inside of you is destroying any semblance of intelligent conversation you can muster.
“Say it’s mine,” his face is beside yours now. A hand grabs your hair, turning your face towards him. You know how dazed you must look, mouth open in a permanent gasp, eyes watery and full of hearts. “God, you look fucking incredible. Say it.”
“My…my pussy is,” you swallow hard around the delicious knot of shame in your throat, “yours. It’s yours.”
“That’s my girl,” Eren sits back up, thrusting even faster, “my pussy, my girl. Isn’t that right?”
“Yes,” you pant, canting your hips back against his, feeling your next orgasm approach embarrassingly fast. Eren understands, already knows your body as well as he knows you, and moves the angle of his hips just so to hit that spot he had found so quickly with his fingers earlier. You keen, drooling into the pillow, letting him fuck you stupid.
Eren shoves you over the edge for the second time that night. It’s toe curling, almost violent in nature, the way you cum around him, listening to him hiss as you tighten around him, vice-like. He fucks you through your orgasm for just long enough to see you through it, and flips you onto your back the moment you begin to twitch and shove at his hips, desperate for a break.
You slowly blink your eyes open in surprise, letting the tears roll down your cheeks, expecting to see Eren lining himself up, ready to fuck you senseless once more. Instead, he’s studying you, wiping a tear from your face, licking it off of his finger. There’s a moment happening here, an important one, one you don’t have the mental capacity to absorb right now.
“I want to see you now,” Eren says quietly, “need to see your pretty face when I cum, m’kay?”
You nod dumbly, not knowing how to respond to him in the thick air hanging between you. Before Eren can get any more words out of his open mouth, a loud ring startles you both.
Your phone is buzzing on the floor where it fell from Eren’s pocket; the name on the screen nearly stops your heart. Jean.
You stare into Eren’s eyes, a long, silent beat passes between you both. Your hazy mind is scrambling, grasping at anything you can say to take his mind off of the awkward interruption, but to your surprise, Eren cracks a grin. It’s a wicked grin, prettier than the devil himself and twice as evil.
“Your other boyfriend calling? Checking up on you?”
“He’s not my-”
“Better not be. Not after what I did to you tonight,” Eren’s voice drips with ego. Something in his eyes is territorial, carnal.
You find your words, but they come out quiet. “He’s not. Never again.”
Eren’s grin grows darker. He’s nudging your knees apart with his own, reaching down and pulling one of your legs to wrap around his waist. He’s pushing himself in now, the ringing of your phone fading into the background as the all-encompassing stretch of Eren inside you takes over your thoughts.
“Such a good girl,” he coos, thumbing at your bottom lip, “such a good mouth. Always telling me what I want to hear.”
You nod again, urgently this time, pulling your other leg up to hook them around his waist, hold him inside you, make sure he never leaves again. You’re addicted already; addicted to the pressure in your abdomen, addicted to the way his tip kisses your cervix, addicted to the taste of his sweat as you lick a strip of it from his face, cheekbone to temple.
“I…” you aren’t sure how to articulate how good it is, how good he is. A defeated laugh of your own making interrupts you. “You feel so fucking good. I feel so fucking good right now.”
“God, just look at you, all fucked out for me. You love it, don’t you?” Eren kisses your forehead, face to face with you after propping his elbows on either side of your face. “Love how I fuck you like a whore, don’t you? Tell me, baby.”
“I love it,” your voice is quivering, and you’re vaguely aware of tears streaming down your face. You’re overstimulated, you at least know that, but he just feels so good that asking him to stop seems more painful than letting him keep hammering into you.
“My pretty baby, you’re so fucking perfect,” Eren rambles, “so pretty when you cry for me.”
You can’t break away from his gaze, not through the tears or the rapid-fire speed of him fucking into you. Your legs are shaking so badly you can barely hold them up; Eren’s letting a flurry of little grunts and groans fly out, grabbing onto your cheek with one hand.
“Gonna cum soon,” he huffs, hips still pistoning into you hard enough to hurt, “gonna cum in your pussy, really make it mine, okay?”
“Okay,” you whimper, clamping down on him at the mere thought of it.
“Fuck, you like that don’t you?” He seethes against your forehead, thrusts beginning to falter. “You want to be mine? Want this pretty cunt stuffed full of my cum?”
You can feel him getting closer now, sloppy thrusts punching into your cervix, the ache of bruises forming on your inner thighs as he uses you, chasing his orgasm. You force your eyes open, meeting bright, hypnotizing green. Your voice is going to break, you know it, you hate it, you love him for it. “I– I want to be yours. P-please cum in me Eren, I need it.”
He slams into you one last time, holding his hips as tightly to yours as he can manage, cumming deep inside you with a breathless curse. You arch your back, relishing the feel of his cum in you, warm and filling. Even in your fucked-out mind, you know it’s a lot; you can feel the drip of it, seeping out around his cock and down onto the sheets. The leaden collapse of his body into yours, the gradual softening of him inside you, grounds you, pulling you down from the clouds and back into the bed.
It’s Eren on top of you, sweaty skin clinging to yours, his cum that you begged him for leaking out of your abused pussy. Your eyes shoot open. He’s incredibly heavy, your breath still coming out in short puffs as you try to catch it. He slides out of you; one last pitiful whimper leaving your lips as you find yourself empty.
“Holy shit,” Eren breathes out into the tension, a humorless and exhausted laugh punctuating his statement. As he rolls off of you, you’re overcome with the urge to smack him.
“That’s one way of putting it.” You scrounge around in the bed, trying to find the edge of the sheets to cover yourself with. Eren lays beside you, arm tossed over his eyes, as if the entire axis of your friendship hadn’t just flipped on its head. After a beat, you speak your mind, testing the waters. “I should probably call Jean back.”
That catches his attention. Eren sits up, scowling at you. “Why?”
“Maybe he wants to apologize.”
Eren snorts, rolling off of the bed and pulling you up with him, bridal-style; you aren’t sure where he’s taking you, but all the fight’s been fucked out of you, and you melt into his arms, eyes falling closed. “Who fucking cares?”
“I might,” you answer quietly, adjusting to the heat radiating off of his body. When your eyes open, you realize he’s carrying you to the bathroom to clean you up. Your heart thuds sadly in your chest, overcome with so many emotions you couldn’t begin to name them if you tried. You almost want to cry again, for a different reason now.
Eren sits you on the toilet, not responding to your small confession. He drops to his knees before you, reaches a long arm behind him over to the fixtures on his obscenely large bathtub, pushing the plug in and turning the water on. You draw your knees up to your chest, suddenly feeling incredibly exposed. Satisfied with the water temperature, Eren turns back to you, one hand placed firmly on each of your kneecaps.
“You don’t need him,” he says, solemn as you’ve ever seen him, “and from what I saw tonight, you don’t even want him. You know that now, right?”
There’s something about the way he says it, a hidden thread of pleading woven into his words. Your exhausted brain holds onto that, but your heart refuses to believe in it, broken and beating wildly in your chest.
“I just–”
“I meant it, you know,” Eren avoids your direct gaze, eyes flitting over every feature on your face, “I’ve been thinking about this for a long time. Meant every word of it.”
You pause, wondering absentmindedly if he can hear the pounding of your pulse. “Really?”
“We don’t need to get into it now,” he shrugs, “but you know that. You know I’d do anything for you. You know I’d treat you well. ‘M not a bad guy.”
Your chest aches. “I know, but Eren–”
“So that wasn’t the best sex you’ve ever had in your life?” He fixes you with a singular, raised eyebrow, so serious that you giggle in his face.
“You might have me there.”
“Better than horseface?”
“Watch it.”
The light returns to his eyes; it loosens a hard little piece in your chest, flooding you with warmth. It hits you just how much you love that little sparkle amongst the green, just how much you would give to see it as often as you can. “We won’t talk about it, for now at least. I’ll get us cleaned up, and we can go watch–”
“Mamma Mia,” you blurt, hopeful.
“No fucking shot. But we can watch something else of your choosing, if you let me eat you out again.”
“Eren!” You smack his shoulder, scandalized. Both of you laugh; your fake outrage is twice as funny considering the state of you right now, smeared makeup and bruises on your neck.
He grins crookedly back at you. “That’s not a no.”
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pseudowho · 1 month
"Good girl-- good girl, that's it! Listen to your body."
A bag full of snacks, and books, and massage oils, all woefully surplus to requirements, flung to the side of the room. The dappled reflection of under-lit water on the dark ceiling. A stack of warm towels. A tiny woollen hat. A little trolley of equipment; a calm attendant wearing smiles and blue.
Kento, knelt at the edge of the pool, his shirtsleeves soaked to the shoulder. One thick arm looped around your neck and chest as if he meant to throttle you, when really, he just needed to be held. Or, did you need to be held? The paired clinging comfort to be found in the gloom of fear, was not mutually exclusive, it seemed.
"Amazing work...you're doing so well, sweetheart...just going to listen to the baby's heart..."
Your heart and Kento's pounded in tandem, almost as fast as the little pwssh-pwssh-pwssh-pwssh of your baby's heart, tinny on the Doppler, as the midwife's hand swished through the water. Kento whispered to you, his cheek clasped to your temple, sweatslick hair sticking you together.
"Our baby-- that's our baby-- god I love you, I love you so much, I'm so sorry, I wish I could do this for you--"
You gasped, splashing legs clamouring for resistance against the edge of the pool, writhing back against Kento. Kento's face crumpled, his teeth gritting so hard against your agony, they crunched.
You bellowed, another contraction roaring through you like wildfire, and you gripped Kento's arm. Your scream became a roar as you pushed, absurdly, overwhelmingly dragged from your body by a brutal force of nature. You barely heard Kento's hushed rumble, through the haze of blinding pain.
"...can do it, you can do it, you're so strong-- not long now-- nearly here, they're nearly here, our baby--"
You gasped again, seeing stars for a moment, surely being cleaved in half and you panicked, crying out and digging your nails in. Kento didn't care, surely deserving this, certain your nails didn't sting as much as the stretch you felt stung. You babbled at Kento and the midwife, pleading, bargaining.
"I can't do it anymore-- please don't make me, please please--"
"You're doing it, sweetheart. The biggest part of the head is coming with the next push-- with the next one, just listen to me, and breathe. No pushing. Just little breaths."
You looked up at Kento, your eyes feverish with the love that ripped you asunder. Kento nodded, trusting you, trying to hide the fear and miserable male helplessness and uselessness that threatened to fill him with violence, if he did not cling so desperately to being gentle instead.
Kento felt you tense; another pain peaking as you shook your head, sobbing so briefly, only to be replaced by gritted resolution. Kento saw the fire in your eyes as you began to roar, and thought his heart may break with the weight of his adoration.
Kento grasped you close, your fingers plaited together. He whispered to you as you trembled, fighting against nature as your body pushed for you.
"...that's it-- that's it-- just breathe, little breaths, little breaths-- I know it stings, good girl, good girl-- and the head's out!"
Kento's heart stopped, to see the crest of a little head, its soft waves of hair swishing in the birthing pool. Invigorated by thrill, almost weeping with excitement, he whispered to you, heated and trembling.
"--oh god-- right there, they're right there-- nearly got them, we'll know what we've got--"
"Just one more big push, sweetheart-- one big push with the next contraction, and your baby's here--"
Almost ten months of blooming and worry and scans and building and laughing and crying and aching and fearing, all ended in one enormous push, and a whoosh, and a cry...
...and a cry, wet and sweet and crumpled and on your chest, mother and child still bound together by the string of life.
Kento buckled against the side of the pool. Still he held you, looking down at you, looking down at your baby, blue and angry and baleful at having been shoved into the world from their warm dark kingdom.
Arms replaced the womb, and Kento huffed a couple of great sobs to hear you babble love at your scrumply flailing babe.
"--oh my god-- oh you're so beautiful-- oh, mummy loves you-- daddy loves you--"
Daddy. Kento almost buckled again, nuzzling his tears away into your hair, smothering your sweaty cheeks with kisses and relief. His voice was thick with joy, the fever of pain in your eyes replaced with elation, clasping the boon of a champion within your arms.
"Thank you. I can't...I can't thank you-- I-- love you, love you both so much--"
You gazed up at Kento, basking, your eyes glazed. "Kento...Ken...what have we got? Tell me-- tell me what we've got."
Kento sniffled, looking at the midwife as if for permission. She looked on, an enamoured, privileged bystander, and nodded encouragingly to Kento. Kento leaned over you, gently lifting his baby's legs apart, peering under the cord.
He huffed a single wet laugh, and looked at you, honey-brown eyes rimmed red. Kento's voice was gravelly as he stroked your hair back, to your wondrous grin.
"You were right, lover...as always."
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peachesofteal · 3 months
Through Me (The Flood) - secret baby fic Simon Riley / female reader - warnings: panic attack, PPD
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"Does tomorrow morning work? I'll be heading to base immediately after. Want to make sure I have enough time to say goodbye."
"Yeah, we'll see you then."
Simon goes to bed early that night.
He's good at clearing his mind and willing himself to sleep, hovering just barely there on the surface, never dipping too deep, and has done it for years. It enables his ability to rest in even some of the most uncomfortable circumstances (and that includes Johnny's snoring). It's compartmentalizing at it's finest, something he's tried to impress upon the sergeants too, over time.
Learn how to do this. It may save your life.
The pendulum swing keeps him somewhat aware, connected to a very small piece still tethered to the conscious world.
It's how he hears his phone ring at twenty hundred.
The caller ID flashes your name and he picks up immediately, sitting straight up. "Hey-"
"Hi, um..." You're crying. He flips himself out of bed, already partially dress, and manages to locate his shoes in a millisecond.
"What's wrong?"
"Can you... can you c-come- take the baby for a little while?" Your exhale whistles through the phone sharply. "P-please. I know you- you're leaving tomorrow but I-"
"It's alright, I'm on my way. I'll be there in a minute. Are you okay?"
"I- I... don't know wh-what to do." You're hyperventilating, caught in the grip of something, scared and alone. The sidewalk stretches for miles, his lungs burning as the oxygen stays trapped in his chest from the weight of his fear, and the line goes quiet, call ending as he makes it to the lobby of your building and up the stairs.
The copy of your key he never returned gets him inside, and the first thing he notices, or realizes, is Orion's screaming. He calls your name, yells it, beelining for the nursery where the baby lays on his back, hands and feet wriggling wildly in the air, tears coursing down his cheeks as he wails. "Alright, Ry, alright. C'mere, I've got you." You're not in here, not anywhere in sight, and his stomach flips.
You have to be here. He just talked to you.
But you wouldn't know how to signal him if something was really wrong, would you? He didn't prepare you. If something happened, how would you tell him?
He tucks Orion into his arms, cradles him to his chest, and bounces him gently. "Hey, you're okay, you're okay. What's all this crying about, hmm? What is it? Where's your mama?" The crying gentles, barely, and Simon holds him at a distance, quickly, checking him over. He's not overheated, he doesn't seem to be hurt, he's freshly bathed and in a clean onesie. His nappy is new and doesn't need to be changed. "Mama took good care of you, huh? You're all clean, fresh nappy, ready for bed, aren't you bub? Yeah." Simon paces in a circle, trying to settle his cries, before lowering him back into the crib. "You stay right here, little man, alright? Close your eyes. Daddy's gonna find mama and he'll be right back."
You're not in the living room, and he finds your bedroom dark when he opens the door. For a very brief moment, his panic blooms into paralyzation, before he spots the light from your bathroom.
His heart breaks when he opens the door.
You're on the floor, back against the vanity, sobbing with your palms covering your ears. You look like you haven't showered in days, and your light blue t shirt is soaked, slicked to your breasts and belly.
There's no distance between the two of you in this moment, no barriers, no time, no need for space. He kneels, and you look up, tearful eyes telling him all he needs to know. "I'm here, mama. I've got you."
You go into his arms willingly, diaphragm heaving with tiny hiccups and sobs, unable to catch your breath. Your entire body shakes, and wraps himself around you, holding you tight where you've buried your face in his chest. "I- I'm s-sorry." You're hoarse, voice cracked and broken. "He w-won't stop."
"Shhh, don't worry about that right now, just take a deep breath." You shake your head.
"I can't."
"Yes you can." You're frozen, panicked, and he smoothes his hand over your head. "You can do it, honey. Try f'me." The baby is still crying, and with the bathroom door slightly ajar, it bounces off the tile, all around you. Simon grimaces.
He's fine, he's safe. He's in his crib.
Simon shuts the door.
"Breathe with me, alright?" he maneuvers you so that you're in his arms, laying on his chest, face tipped back to his. "Just follow me," he pulls the hand that's gripping onto his forearm like rebar away and places it over his heart, "like this." You try and try to sync your breathing with his, and once you finally get there, evening out slowly, he kisses your hair. "There you go, good girl."
Simon keeps you close, happy to hold you, even if it was in these circumstances. It's so selfish, so wrong, but he can't find it in himself to let you go, waiting long past the point when you've calmed down to finally speak again. "Can you tell me what happened?"
"He... he wouldn't stop crying. For hours and I... I tried everything, but I felt like I couldn't breathe and I felt... dizzy, and when I went to feed him he didn't want me and I was crying too, but I felt so- so mad at the same time, and I didn't know what to do so I j-just put him in his crib and came in here and c-called you. I don't kn-know what I did wrong-" your breathing slips into shallow territory again, and he rubs your back.
"You didn't do anything wrong. He's okay, he's safe. He's even got a fresh nappy on. You made sure you took care of him, which is all you need to do, okay?"
"I feel awful," you whisper, drenched in shame, "he needs to eat, and I just- I abandoned him."
"No, you did the right thing and took a break. There's nothing wrong with taking a break." You sniffle, pulling the sopping shirt away from your body, shivering with discomfort. "Do you want to try again? See if it goes any better?" You give him a frightened look, unsure and nervous. "I'll be right here with you."
"Let's go see your mama." Orion has worked himself into a state, and it tears Simon to pieces, guilt about leaving him in here ripping through his heart.
He feels responsible. He is responsible, at the end of the day. If he had been upfront with you from the beginning, this might have never happened. He would have been here. You would have the support you need.
He was supposed to take care of you, but all he did was make it worse.
He kisses Orion gently. It helps quell the anxiety growing like a plague inside him, worry and fear about leaving you on your own for weeks, or more, chipping away at his resolve. He tells himself you'll be okay, that you did it on your own before he came along, and that you can do it again, but the admission of another dizzy spell doesn't make him feel any better in the long run.
"Don't worry, she's okay now. She loves you so much, you know that? She takes such good care of you, all the time. Even when she doesn't feel good, doesn't she?" He doesn't turn the lights on to your bedroom, and finds you on the bed, sitting up, wet shirt discarded on the floor. He doesn't rush it, doesn't push you, even though the baby cries at the top of his lungs in Simon's arms.
Finally, you hold your hands out. He helps get Orion settled, stroking his cheek over and over until he starts to instinctually seek you out, latching after a few long minutes.
Your eyes slip closed at the silence and you lean to the side, nestling into Simon's chest.
He holds you. You hold his baby.
How it was always meant to be.
He whispers above your ear, working his fingers into the knots of your neck, your shoulders. "You're doing great, mama." You hum but stay quiet, head down, fingers stroking over Ry's cheek, again and again.
"Thank you... for being here. I know things are complicated but it means a lot that you would come. I'm sorry I freaked out, about your job. I just... it's a lot to take in. I don't really know how to feel. I need some time." That's good, he thinks. Better than last week, when you asked him to leave with tears in your eyes. There's hope. He can fix this.
"You can have all the time you want sweetheart, but... I need to ask you a favor." Orion's body full relaxes, little fist clenched in the swell of your breast falling away, and you sigh.
"What is it?"
"When I'm away... I can turn my phone on every now and then, in specific places. D'you think you could send me some pictures? Or maybe I could call, when I'm able?"
"Of course."
He stays most of the night, until the sun comes up. Gets Ry back down, stands watch while you're in shower, helps you get settled in bed. There's a special place in his heart for you when you're soft and sweet and sleepy, a tiny kitten, curling up in the palm of his hand, purring. His moon. His everything.
"You be good for your mama, okay? I expect a good report when I get home. And try not to grow too much, alright little man?" He kisses his head, holding it there, walking around in the kitchen with Ry in his arms. "I love you, Orion. You and your mama. I'll be home real soon."
You turn the corner, something clenched in your hands, what, he can't tell, and you smile sadly. "I uh... I have something for you." He cocks, his head, shifting the baby to one arm, and you hold your fist out. "It's kind of dumb, honestly, but I thought you might... I don't know. I thought you might like it. I made it myself." It's a small fabric square, embroidered with a constellation, Orion's, he recognizes now, and a compass. "It's so you can always find it in the night sky. If you're in the northern hemisphere it should be south west, and if you're in the southern, it's in the north west. I didn't know like, what you could take with you but I figured this is small enough..." You look embarrassed, and all he wants to do is pull you into his arms and kiss you.
But he can't. He can only whisper your name, thick with emotion.
"It's great. I'll use it every night. Thank you." You blink, eyes wet, and then nod. He glances at his watch.
"Time to go?"
"Yeah," he hands you the baby, and picks up his duffle, the weight foreign now but still familiar. "Take care of yourself, alright?"
"I will."
"Promise me." He's stern, pushing a little bit of lieutenant into it, and you agree again, quickly.
"I will." You follow him to the door, holding Orion up for him to kiss one last time, and then he presses his mouth to your forehead, pleased when you don't pull away. He's dragging it out, the reluctance too ripe, and finally hangs his head in defeat after the too short minutes tick away.
"I'll see you soon." He gives you one last look, memorizing your face, Orion's, as much as he can, before heading down the hall.
"Simon," you call, turning him on a dime, "be careful, okay? Make sure... make sure you come home." Home.
"I will. I promise."
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verstappen-cult · 6 months
— 05. THE END
summary: in which charles has an embarrassing crush on alex's childhood best friend and everyone meddles. content warnings: faceclaim is taylor hill but you can picture her as you’d like!
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Liked by charles_leclerc, arthur_leclerc and 567,954 others
yourusername 🥂🌅🍋⛱️
view all 8,763 comments
user48 she's so hot i don't know if i wanna be her
zendaya prettiest girl in the world.
user49 is she with charles??
user50 her life doesn't revolve around charles.
user51 im pretty sure she's with charles.
user52 i actually saw a picture going around tw of her and charles like a day ago? so maybe they're spending summer break together user53 a fan ran into charles today in monaco so i don't think they're tgt
francisa.cgomes whoever told you to buy that bikini has excellent taste
yourusername i might kiss that person pierregasly HEY! that's my girlfriend you know. yourusername she wants ME
user54 what is charles doing in the likes
user55 yk sometime people like other people posts. user56 and they're dating so it's pretty normal user54 some people still act surprised lol
alex_albon you look pretty good (i was forced to comment) ((i'm held at gunpoint))
user57 she could be a model
user58 but she chose to follow charles like a dog user59 what is wrong with you people? you hate her just because she's dating your favorite driver. pathetic. user60 and she IS a model btw
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Liked by landonorris, georgerussell63 and 768,998 others
oscarpiastri We had to leave the others behind. Sacrificies were made.
tagged: danielricciardo, yourusername.
view all 10,862 comments
landonorris WHY DIDN'T YOU TAKE ME?
user61 wait. are they spending summer break together?
user62 girl have you been living under a rock? everyone's spending summer break with everyone. go check twitter.
lilymhe bring me ice cream :(
user63 im having a panic attack
user64 i may never recover
charles_leclerc where did you take my girlfriend?
danielricciardo pay us or you'll never see her again. oscarpiastri We'll throw her into the ocean. yourusername WHAT THE F
georgerussell63 We're going to leave without you.
carmenmundt No, we are not. georgerussell63 Yes, ma'am 🫡
user68 no one was ready for this
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Liked by yourusername, arthur_leclerc and 9,872 others
charles_leclerc 🌊🗺️🤚🥥
view all 8,776 comments
yourusername who's that handsome boy. 👀
user69 summer break is looking good
user70 screaming crying throwing up i can't do this anymore
maxverstappen1 No pic credits? I put my life in danger for you.
user72 my parents
user73 i want him so bad
user74 i need them to confirm their relationship
user75 i mean it's confirmed they're dating, charles called her his gf in oscar's most recent post user76 WHAT user75 idk why people need them to 'confirm' they just don't want to user76 she's been receiving sm hate online i understand if they wanna keep it a little more private
user79 one chance thats all i ask
arthur_leclerc thanks for (not) inviting me
charles_leclerc adults only 🤪 pierregasly i told him to invite you charles_leclerc no you didn't stfu
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Liked by yourusername, arthur_leclerc and 9,872 others
charles_leclerc As Taylor Swift once said... love you to the moon and to saturn.
tagged: yourusername.
view all 15,846 comments
user82 i'm sleeping on the highway tonight
yourusername as taylor swift once said... you are the best thing that's ever been mine. 🖤
charles_leclerc should we kiss now? yourusername i see you making eyes at me from across the room. landonorris there are children on this app
alex_albon fucking finally!
yourusername stfu
pierregasly you can finally stop whining. 🙄
user85 oh my god they finally confirmed it
maxverstappen1 It was all thanks to me, you're welcome.
alex_albon it was thanks to me?? what are you on about maxverstappen1 If I hadn't threaten to punch him, he wouldn't have made things right. alex_albon I introduced them! yourusername no you didn't, you abandoned me and that's how i met charlie. alex_albon SEE?! THANKS TO ME
user86 con 😭 gra 😭 tu 😭 lations 😭
oscarpiastri Can you adopt me now?
olliebearman get in line landonorris i'm their first born child gtfo
georgerussell63 So happy for you! Can you get out of the room now, we want to eat.
danielricciardo they aren't getting out of that room😏
user88 when is it my turn????
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TAGLIST (bold means i couldn’t tag you) — @leclerc16s. @willowpains. @berrnuu. @minkyungseokie. @1655clean. @sassyheroneckgiant. @nessacarty1. @a1leexxa. @storminacloud. @lovstappen. @littlehoneyfreak. @paintedbypoetry. @miakat9. @scott-mccall-could-lift-mjolnir. @thatoneembarrasingmoment. @lyrasconstellation. @rhythmstars. @c-losur3. @apolloxxivmin. @janeholt3. @lovrsm. @gulphulp. @thecubanator2. @dark-night-sky-99. @ssprayberrythings.
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note: oh my god, i'm so sorry it took me this long to finish this but here you have the final chapter. i'm not good with series but i did my best. hope you liked it!🤍
659 notes · View notes
anonymousicecream · 9 days
Leave Me Alone III (Kwon Eunbi x M Reader)
8 Years Later...
You're now working as a photographer, based in New York City for the past 2 years ever since you graduated. You worked for large brands including Ralph Lauren, Tommy Hilfiger, Christian Dior and Calvin Klein.
"Y/n, we need you to take Aaron's place. He has a family issue." Your supervisor told you. "Alright. Where's the shoot?" "Central Park Tower.
You arrived at the shoot location 20 minutes later, immediately preparing the camera for the shoot. You set the lighting, as well as finding the perfect spot and angle for the talent which will allow you to shoot them in the best possible way. "Y/n, let me introduce you to...." You heard your supervisor said as you turned around, and you saw someone you never expected to see.
"Kwon Eunbi...." You whispered. "OH, you know her?" Your supervisor asked you, returning your consciousness to the current situation. "Just professionally, from her past shoots." You said. "Oh. Well, Ms Kwon, this is Bae Y/n, our photographer for the day. I'll leave the two of you to discuss the shoot and you can start in no time." Your supervisor said, before leaving the two of you.
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"So Ms Kwon, I heard that you uh, will do shoots for two different outfits, am I right?" You ask her, trying to break the ice. "Yes Mr Bae. We'll do this white bra set first before going to the black one." She said, acting as if there wasn't any history between the two of you. "Right. Let's start then."
"Alright that's good, goood, perfect!" You said, complimenting her after each shot. "Alright, for the final shot of this collection, I'll need you to expose your left shoulder." You instructed her, as she did so immediately, obeying to your commands. "PERFECT!" You said, before giving a thumbs-up, notifying her that this shoot is done.
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"Nice, nice. Another pose, please..... GOOD!!!" You complimented her while shooting repeatedly. "Alright I'll need one more pose. However for this, I'll leave it all up to you, so you can set your pose and I'll adjust accordingly." You told her and she nodded. You then waited as she got into her pose, but when she did, your jaw dropped, due to how seductive, and hot, she looks.
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"Fuck...." You muttered, seeing her get into position. You immediately got to shoot her, wishing the shoot to be over ASAP.
"And.... done! Good job Ms Kwon. You may leave now!" You said, before returning your focus to your laptop, as you transfer the pictures from your camera to your laptop.
Your focus was suddenly distracted by the sound of the doors locking. You looked up and saw Eunbi lustfully smirking at you, the look you knew and loved. "Ehm, Ms Kwon, how may I help?" You ask her, trying to maintain formality. "Oh drop that Y/n. We all know you're used to calling me Eunbi." Eunbi said, walking towards you, unbuttoning her jeans. She then sat on your lap, before she starts grinding on your crotch.
"Eunbi. We're not in that situation anymore." You reminded her, making her roll her eyes. "Fuck that. We're adults." Eunbi replied, trying to kiss you, but you held her lips with your hand. "Yes, and what we did was a childhood mistake, nothing more." You said sternly, making Eunbi frown at you, before looking away, tears are forming on her eyes as she tries to hold them back.
"Eunbi, I-I'm..." You try to say but no words came out of your mouth. "It's alright Y/n, now I know." Eunbi said, before getting off your lap and walking towards the door, unlocking the door as she left the room. You sighed, disappointed at yourself for making HER cry.
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After the stressful evening you had, you decided to go to a beach in Long Island. It's the very place where your present life in New York intertwine with your past in Korea, as you always took your special ones here, as well as the countless nights you spent here, drinking your good (and bad) memories away.
You parked your 1967 Ford Mustang near the edge, turning off the engine before grabbing a towel, walking towards the beach, setting the towel down before you opened a bottle of wine, pouring it gently onto the glass. You started drinking it slowly, taking in the view and mood as the sun set.
You heard a thud and turned around. You saw a young toddler, face down, on the sand. You put your glass down and immediately rushed to her aid. You helped her get up and saw her laugh, sighing a relief as you're thankful she wasn't hurt. "Be careful dear." You said, making her chuckle. "What were you doing, making you run so much?" You ask her, as you helped her stand up. "Well, I'm trying to run from my imo." She replied. "Why were you running away from her?" You ask her again, as you guide her to where you previously sat. "Well, we were just playing and I thought it'll be fun to run away from her, but still within her eyesight." She said, making you chuckle.
You then grabbed your bag and opened a bag of M&M's, offering it to her. She gladly nodded and took it, as the two of you shared the pack together. "Hey Mister, I never got your name." The girl asked. "Well, my name's Bae Y/n. I'm from Korea but I moved here a few years ago." You told her, making her gasp in surprise. "I'm from Korea too Mr Bae!! My name's Kwon Wonyoung!" She said, making you smile. You offered your hand for a high five, which she did immediately.
"Why are you in New York now?" You asked Wonyoung. "Well, my mom is currently working in New York, and she told me that my dad is also in New York, although I never found him." She said, getting sad after remembering about the condition with her dad. Seeing her reaction, it reminds you of a certain someone who has a similar reaction when they got sad.
"WONYOUNG-AH!!!!!" You heard someone shout, making you and Wonyoung turn your heads towards her. "Ah, that's my imo. I should get back to her." Wonyoung said snarkily, making you chuckle. "Yes you should. I'll get you to her." You said, following Wonyoung's steps to her imo. Wonyoung jumped up to her imo's arms, hugging her as her imo sighed in relief, being thankful that she didn't lost her nephew.
"Omo, who is this?" The imo asked. "Oh my bad. My name's Bae Y/n. Wonyoung happened to fell behind me when I was sitting, and we had a small chat." You told her. "Oh, thank you for accompanying her. My name's Kwon Hyewon, it's nice to meet you too." She said, as she offers her hand, which you took, as you shake her hands.
"Imo, can we take this Mister with us back home?" Wonyoung cutely asked, making you chuckle. "Erm, I'll be fine with it, but you need to ask him nicely." Hyewon encouraged Wonyoung, as Wonyoung walked towards you. "Mister! Do you want to grab dinner with my family?" Wonyoung asked. "Of course Wonyoung, and from now, you can call me Samchon instead." You replied. "Yayyy thank you Samchon!!!" Wonyoung replied happily, making you smile. "Let's head home then. My car's just right there." You point out, tidying your belongings before returning to your car. You helped the two of them get into your car before they gave you directions to their residence.
You arrived at their residence, which shocked you at the very least because it's in a very upscaled neighborhood. You parked your car where Hyewon ordered you to, before walking into their mansion. You were guided to their living room by Hyewon, who asked you to wait there with Wonyoung as Hyewon called her unnies.
"UNNIEEE!!!!" You heard Wonyoung scream, standing up to rush behind you, onto the arms of someone. "Wonyoungieeee I miss you so much!!!!!" You heard a VERY familiar voice, making you shiver. "Omo, who's this?" Wonyoung's unnie said. You then stand up before turning around and the sight in front of you was shocking, to say the least.
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"NOOONA?????/DONGSAENG?????" You and Irene shout at the same time, making Wonyoung close her eyes. "W-what are you doing here?" Joohyun noona beat you to a question. "W-well, I met Wonyoungie and Hyewon-ssi at the beach, and Wonyoungie wants me to eat with her family, so here I am. Well, now that I answered your question, what are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be in Paris????" You asked her, before adding "Wonyoung mentioned how her mother's working and living here, while her father's nowhere to be found, you're not her mother are you???" "N-no, of course not. Her mother's....." Joohyun said, before she was interrupted by....
The sound of a glass cracking, as it fell from someone's hands. You turned to the voice, and you moved your stare from the ground, where the glass cracked, all the way up as you saw the person in front of you.
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"Eunbi/Y/n" The two of you whispered under your breathes, as Joohyun's breathe got stuck. "Eomma!!!" The shock that went into you as you saw Wonyoung rush towards her eomma, which is Eunbi. THE Kwon Eunbi you fell in love with, and is still probably in love with until today. Eunbi got out of her shock and went to welcome her daughter with a hug, watching as you process what is happening.
"Wonnie, who is this?" Eunbi asked, pretending to not know. "Oh! This is Y/n Samchon! I met him with Hyewon Unnie at the beach before. He's so kind, so I invited him here for dinner with us!" Wonyoung replied cheerfully. "Oh, would he be fine with it?" Eunbi asked, trying to buy a way into making sure you don't attend the dinner. "Yeah he is!" Wonyoung replied cheerfully.
Eunbi then relented, and admitted defeat before she guided all of you to their kitchen, allowing all of you to watch as she cooks Chicken Cutlet with Curry. It didn't surprise you that she cooked chicken cutlet with curry even before you saw it, as you got familiar to the smell over time, and still recognize it. After your passionate sex, comes the aftercare, and the way she does it, is by at times, cooking you food.
You sat at the very edge of the kitchen island while Wonyoung sat in between you and Irene noona, while Hyewon next to Irene, leaving the final seat empty for Eunbi. Eunbi started plating the dish, giving a plate to the four of you as well as herself, before she sat down and started eating. The dinner was enlightened with stories that Wonyoung shared about her life.
After the dinner finished, Wonyoung went on to play with Irene and Hyewon while you used the toilet. Once you left the toilet, you noticed Eunbi washing the plates all by herself, so you decide to lend her a helping hand.
"Let me." You said, earning a shriek from Eunbi, shocked from hearing your voice. Nonetheless, she stepped aside, making way for you to wash the dishes with her. The silence was felt in the room, but it wasn't the awkward silence that was caused by the two of you not being able to talk to each other. It was actually the silence the two of you gave to each other, as a way of comfort.
"Ah!" You turned your head to the scream you heard, seeing as Eunbi cut her hand, possibly from accidentally hitting the knife when she washed the knife. "Hold on." You said, spotting a handkerchief at the dinner table. You grabbed the handkerchief, before holding it against her fingers, applying the pressure. "Hold this okay?" You instructed her and she nodded, walking towards the kitchen island. You looked around to find a first-aid kit, and found it immediately. You grabbed a band-aid, walking back to Eunbi to clean up her wound and then wrapping the band-aid around her fingers. Eunbi then got up, walking towards the sink.
"Don't. Just sit down. Let me do it." You told her, referring to the dirty dishes. "No. It's my duty." Eunbi said, before you said. "It's my duty to keep you safe and healthy." You said, and you immediately regret the words. "I, I'm sorry, I should've not said that, not when you have a husband and daughter." You said, lowering your head before grabbing your wallet and keys, heading for the exit.
You immediately left the house and walk towards your car. You entered your car, turning the engine on and putting it to first gear. You lift your foot off the clutch to start driving but before you got any further...
Your foot hit the brakes HARD as Eunbi jumped in front of your car. You were surprised to see this happening, but you're also concerned of her, so you turned off the car and got off the car, walking towards Eunbi. "WHAT WERE YOU THINKING????" You ask Eunbi ragefully, almost killing her. "LET ME FUCKING EXPLAIN. PLEASE. BEFORE YOU LEAVE, AGAIN!" Eunbi shouted at you, with tears on the edge of her eyes. You nodded at her words, following her inside the house and onto the back of the house, where she enters a room.
You followed her, the room having lots of windows, exposing a lot of the stars. "You can sit on the balcony." She instructed you. You walked to the balcony and took a seat. You took a blunt out of your pocket, lighting it up before you start smoking. Not long after, Eunbi then sat down next to you, with a book, a stack of envelopes and two glasses as well as a wine bottle. Eunbi poured some wine before giving the glass to you.
"Didn't know you smoke weed." Eunbi said. "I don't." You said. Eunbi then gave a book to you. "This is me. My life for the past 8 years." Eunbi said. You took the book and opened it, and the first thing you saw surprised you.
Kwon Eunbi's Diary
April 14, 2016
I'm pregnant. The last time I had sex was with Bae Y/n, which was before he left, 3 weeks ago. I don't know who to tell, what to tell, or even how to tell anyone about what happened.
April 22, 2016
I told my parents about it. They told me that I should finish school and keep the baby. They're also arranging a meeting with Y/n's parents.
May 1, 2016
I met with Y/n's family. I was almost killed by Joohyun Unnie :). They all then softened up after they found out I was pregnant, and agreed that the best thing was to keep it from Y/n.
June 2, 2016
I went to my first ObGyn meeting with Joohyun unnie. She accompanied me and started treating me as if I'm her dongsaeng.
September 11, 2016
Happy Birthday, Y/n! I hope when the time's right, we get to meet again, and you get to know about your daughter.
December 22, 2016
(*Insert baby picture)
Our daughter's born Y/n! I named her Wonyoung, because Joohyun unnie told me you want a daughter named Wonyoung.
March 30, 2017
It's been a year since I last saw you. It was supposed to be the day I confessed everything to you, from the bet, as well as what you did to me, making me fall in love with you. I love you, Bae Y/n, and I will never stop loving you, forever.
*Back to present
You closed the book, and as you closed the book, you saw a polaroid picture of you sleeping, which she must've took during your final sexcapade with her. You noticed that next to the picture lays a picture of Wonyoung, playing at a park. It surprised you as you saw a tear drop onto the cover of the book, making you wipe it immediately. You then stare up to her, watching as she sips her wine.
"Why didn't you try to reach out?" You ask her. "I can't. I just, I figured you didn't want anything to do with me, so I didn't. Today, the thing after the shoot, made everything clear for me." Eunbi said. "Eunbi. I said that because I didn't know about your status. I want us. I want us, together. I love you, Kwon Eunbi." You said, leaning in to her lips to kiss her. She replied to the kiss immediately, cupping your cheek immediately. Eunbi pulls you by your collar, pulling you down onto her. She wraps her arms around your neck and legs around your hips, allowing you to start dry-humping your hardening cock onto her crotch, getting wetter after each hump. She moves her hands onto your crotch, palming your cock through your pants, before you unbutton them.
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"Stop." You told Eunbi, making her stop immediately. You gave her a sly smirk before lifting her up, carrying her into the bedroom, dropping her onto the bed. You undressed yourself, revealing your hard cock to her, making her slurp her saliva, enjoying the sight in front of her. Eunbi then undressed herself, leaving her in her lingerie.
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"You have condoms?" You ask her, and she pointed to her bedside drawer. You reached over to the drawer, finding a box of condoms. You tore a pack before putting them on your cock, aligning yourself before you remove her panties. "Will it fit?" She asks you in concern, before adding "You've gotten bigger." You smirked at her words and align yourself with her pussy, before pushing in to enter her.
"AH FUCK. Gimme a few moments." Eunbi said. You rest yourself inside her for a few moments, before she gave you the go-sign to start fucking her. You moved your hands across her tits, moving her bra up, exposing her perky nipples. You started caressing them, matching your thrusts, earning various responses from her.
"Nngghh fuck, you feel so good." You groaned, enjoying her moans as well as her tightness. You leaned in to kiss her, which she replied by inserting her tongue into your mouth, while also wrapping her legs around your hips, allowing you to fuck her deeper. Your thrusts got slower, but deeper, as you try to find her g-spot. It didn't take long before you hit it, and once you did....
"FUCKKK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK!!!!" Eunbi moaned loudly as she came HARD onto your cock. You continued fucking her through her orgasm, rubbing her clit and tits aggressively while also leaving hickeys on her neck, helping her increase stimulation and prolong her orgasm. "FUCK you're so tight." You said, stimulating Eunbi into an even longer orgasm.
After she finished cumming, you pulled out of her and got up, helping her get up as well. You pushed her onto a big-ass mirror, unclasping her bra and throwing it away, before you grabbed both of her thighs, lifting her up, earning a gasp from Eunbi. You align yourself before entering her, leaning against her ears.
"I'll take you back to the night I fell in love with you." You said, as you start thrusting in and out of her at a lightning pace. Eunbi tried to steady herself by holding the mirror, but your thrusts prove it hard to make her steady herself. You started rubbing her clit and tits aggressively, helping her to get close to cumming again as this time you're also close.
"I'm close." You told her, increasing your pace even more. "I know. Inside me." Eunbi said. You nodded, setting her down and pushing her against the wall even more, thrusting and rubbing her privates aggressively as you thrust one last time, cumming inside her.
"F-F-FUCKKKK!!!!" You groaned, thrusting spurt after spurt as you finish inside Eunbi. "Fuckkk!" Eunbi groaned, feeling each spurt, as she also came, although not as hard as previously. You guided her from the mirror onto her bed, setting her down as you pulled out of her and wrapped the blankets over the two of you.
What you hoped to be the end of the night was wrong, as the two of you continued making love throughout the night. Eunbi's now on top of you, riding you slowly, but passionately, allowing you two to feel each other's privates immensely, while also adding passion by the make-out session the two of you are having. It didn't take long before she starts slowing down.
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"What's wrong?" You ask Eunbi with concern. "I'm tired." She said, making you smile. "Let me take over." You told her and she nods. You move your hands onto her hips, helping her bottom out on your cock, earning a LOUD moan from her. You started moving her hip front and back, helping her as she starts grinding on your cock, with your cock inside her.
"F-Fuck that feels good. YEAH THAT'S IT!" Eunbi moaned very loudly after you brushed through her g-spot. You thrust up once, hitting her g-spot again, making her juices leak, as well as her pussy clench. "I'm close." Eunbi moaned, controlling her own pace in grinding against your cock. "I know. Let's cum together." You told her and she nods. Her grinds started getting faster and you started thrusting up a bit after each grind, and it didn't take long before the two of you climaxed again.
"AHHH FUCKKK FUCKK FUCKK!!!!" You groaned, shooting your load into her womb. "NNNGGHHH FUCKKK FUCKKK!!!" Eunbi moaned, as she also climaxed, squirting her juices onto your cock. She grabs your face, moaning into your mouth as the two of you kiss during your climax, enjoying the orgasm the two of you gave to each other.
"Marry me." Eunbi's eyes widen and got shocked after hearing what you said. "What?" Eunbi asked, afraid that she misheard your words. "Let's get married. You and me. I love you so much, and I didn't really know when I'll meet you, or if I'll ever meet you, so I bought a ring, to remind what we had. It's in my bag." You told her, and she then lift herself off your cock and got to the bedside table, grabbing your bag and going through it, finding a velvet box. Eunbi opened the box and found a ring, grabbing it before she rushed onto you again.
"Do it properly." She said, hopping onto your dick again making you groan. "Alright alright. Kwon Eunbi, will you marry me?" You ask her, and she said yes, nodding before you put the ring on her finger. The two of you shared a kiss before you pulled the covers on the two of you, this time sleeping into dreamland.
(The next morning)
Your sleep was interrupted by kisses from Eunbi, who encouraged you to shower which you did. After showering, you went to the kitchen, seeing Eunbi cook breakfast for everyone. She then called everyone over, as you sat at the table. She served the plates for everyone, leaving you last. However, after she served your plate, she pecked you on the lips, before saying "Here's your breakfast, hubby." Irene and Hyewon's jaws dropped, hearing Eunbi's words, while Wonyoung was just staring at everyone in confusion. Meanwhile, you gulped, not knowing how to explain it to everyone. However, the awkwardness was saved by Eunbi, who caressed your palm as she sat down next to you.
"Kwon Wonyoung, this is your father, Bae Y/n." She said, making Wonyoung happy. She got off her chair and rushed towards you, hugging you. You replied to the hug, but before you could say anything, Joohyun noona cleared her throat before saying "So, the 'hubby', what was that about?"
"Well, he proposed to me, and I said yes." "YOU DID WHAT????"
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the-froschamethyst4 · 10 months
Where is my husband
𖤐Pairing: Husband! Ghost x Wife! Reader
𖤐Pronouns: She/Her
𖤐Warnings: Fluff, emotional, kissing, language, married couple, you may or may not cry,
𖤐Summary: Ghost was on a dangerous mission that he had a feeling he might not even make it home to see his wife
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Ghost was hooked up to a monitor, he got shot at and stabbed on this mission, he was close to dying and he didn't want to die, he wanted to go home and see he wife, he wanted to grow old with her, he wanted a family with her, he wanted a child with her.
His eyes were closed as he was having a watchful eye on him while he rests, the doctors and nurses checking up on him and Price, Soap and Gaz all watching over him.
Soap had a broken nose, arm and was recovering from a gun wound.
Price was recovering from almost being blown up by a landmine.
And Gaz was in a wheelchair after breaking his leg and a gunshot to his lower abdomen.
Ghost was lucky to even come out alive.
"Are we going to tell, Y/n?" Gaz asked, looking up at Price.
"I had Lasswell, let her know...I haven't heard anything," he said as they looked at Ghost through the window into his room as doctors went through more tests if he was okay and could go home soon.
"Price!" Price jumped hearing his name, all three men turned seeing a worried and teary-eyed Y/n coming towards them.
"Y/n!" Price called. Before she could make it to the window to look at Ghost, Price and Soap stopped her.
"Just be prepare what you may see," Price said.
"John, where is my husband and is he okay?" Y/n asked worried and a tear finally falling on her cheek.
"The doctors said he's going to be okay, but they just need to run a few more tests," Soap said as he held Y/n's shoulders and brought her to the window.
Her eyes widened and tears falling even more down her cheeks. She stepped closer to the window as she saw her husband laying on the hospital bed, wires hooked to him and doctors and nurses making sure he was good to go. She saw that his eyes were closed.
"He's been asleep for 4 days..." Price said.
"They said it's a coma...he may or may not wake up," Soap said.
Y/n turned to Price. "So, I may not have a husband anymore?" She said with tears falling.
"We don't know, Mrs.Ri-"
"Yes?" A doctor came out asking for Y/n.
"If you would like to come in and see your husband..."
"Is he okay?" She asked him.
"He's just fine, we just need him to wake up and he can be released," Y/n walked into the room as the same with the guys but they stopped in the doorway.
"We'll leave you be, Y/n," Price said as all three left along with the nurses and doctor.
She walked to his right side, her hand touched his, she sat in the chair that was next to his bed. She drops her head on his hand tears falling from her eyes onto his hand.
Ghost felt something drop on his hand, a small hand on his hand, and he heard sniffling. He opened his eyes and looked around he saw that he was in the hospital and looked down at the woman crying on his hand.
"Ow," he says as his head was hurting. Y/n shot up and looked at her husband.
"Simon!" She said, cupping his face and kissing his skull mask, she grabbed the bottom of it pulling it up and kissing his lips, which caught him off guard. She ran to the doorframe and called for a doctor.
"DOCTOR! DOCTOR! HE'S AWAKE!" She yells as him, two nurses and Price, Soap and Gaz came back to the room to see Ghost.
"How do you feel?" Price asked as the doctor checked him once more.
"I feel fine..." he said as he lifted his arm, so the nurses could check his blood pressure.
Y/n was smiling seeing that her husband was awake. The doctor checked his eyes and cleared his throat before talking.
"Well, Mr.Riley, we will sign off of your reports and by the afternoon you should be allowed to leave with your wife."
"Wife?" Y/n's heart dropped when he questioned the doctor. "I have a wife?"
Price, Soap and Gaz looked at Y/n, who played with her fingers after hearing Ghost doesn't know that he is married.
"Ghost...your wife," Price pointed to Y/n standing next to the bed.
"She's not my wife..." Ghost said, turning back to Price.
"Yes, she is, you married her, 2 years ago...do you...not remember her?" Soap asked.
"No...I don't remember marrying her...I don't remember dating anyone..." Ghost said.
The guys looked at Y/n as those same tears wanted to fall again.
"Doctor, why the hell, does he not remember Y/n but knows us just fine?" Price questioned the doctor.
"I'm not sure...but we figure something out," he looks at Y/n. "He remembers everything before 2 years ago that's how he knows you three just fine...whatever happened before he came here, you, have disappeared from his memory...you need to get yourself back into his head, help him out, help him remember you...till then we'll sign off on the papers and you are free to take him home, Mrs.Riley."
"Thanks doctor," was all Y/n could say.
"For nothing," Soap said as the doctor was out of ear shot.
"Soap," Price growled. Y/n walked back to the window seeing her husband eating the horrible hospital food, she swallowed a lump in her throat and walked into the room.
Ghost looked up at her as she sat next to him again. He still had on his black wedding ring.
"So...you're my wife?" Simon asked.
"Yeah...it's okay if you don't remember me, Simon...I will help you remember who I am...who we were together."
"Thanks...I'm sorry, you seem like such a sweet and gentle woman, if I am married to you, I must be a good guy then to get someone like you."
Y/n smiled at his comment.
"You were always a good guy, Simon."
"Sometimes, I don't feel like it," he said, staring at his food. "And this food sucks."
"We can get real food once you're dismissed," she giggled.
Simon walked to your car just fine, getting into the passenger side and Y/n got into the driver side but before she got in Price stopped her.
"If you need anything, you know how to reach me...and let me know how he's doing."
"I will...thank you, Price."
"Of course," he said as she got in and started her car.
"So, where do you want to go eat?"
"I don't care anything better than the hospital."
"Understandable," she said as she drove out of the parking lot.
"So...if we're married do we have...kids?" Ghost asked.
"No...we have a cat named Phantom."
"Phantom?" He questioned.
"You named him...because of his fur."
"Is he a black cat?"
"Yep, long haired, ember eyes and little bit of white on his paws." She said moving her head from side to side making sure the road was clear for her to go.
"What was our wedding like?"
"Big, beautiful, our colors were black and lavender, you thought it was weird at first but learned to love it later on," she said.
"Where was it?"
"The Napa Valley, you picked that spot, you thought the land was beautiful."
"I picked it?"
"I let you pick the destination and then I handled the rest."
"Was your dress beautiful?" He asked.
"...Yeah it was...when you saw it at the wedding-"
"I cried?"
"Yeah," she smiled at him.
"Do we have photos in the house where I could see?"
"Oh yeah...you put up so many photos of us around the house," Ghost smiled.
"I didn't know...a woman like you could make me happy, I thought I was honestly going to be alone for the rest of my life."
"No, Simon, don't say that."
"But I thought it was."
The rest of the ride home was silent, Ghost did ask a few more questions every now and then but he wanted to get home, he wasn't tired or anything, he just wanted to get home and feel his guard et let down because he was comfortable.
Y/n pulled into the driveway, and she went to Ghost's passenger side and opened the door for him as he got out, he held his side where he got shot and Y/n was worried if it was hurting him.
"Does it hurt?"
"A little...but it's fine," he said as he looked at the house behind Y/n. "Is this our house?"
"Yep," she smiled and unlocked the door and pushed it open. Phantom came running towards them both. Ghost looked down at Phantom who was meowing at the top of his lungs and rubbing his head on Ghost's leg.
Y/n picked him up and Ghost petted Phantom's head.
He removed his mask and tossed it on the bench next to the front door along with taking his boots off and jacket, but he winced feeling the pain of his other gun wound in his shoulder. Y/n came towards him and helped him remove his jacket.
"There..." she said, putting it on the coatrack.
"Guess you'll have to take care of me till I can go to therapy for it," the doctor had made a couple of appointments for Simon to go see a Physical Therapist after he gets his stitches out.
"That's fine, give me enough time for you to remember me," she said with a soft smile.
Ghost walked into the living room seeing the photos she was talking about. The fireplace had some sitting there some were wedding photos, and one had a photo of Phantom as a kitten.
There was on sitting on the coffee table in from of the couch and it was Ghost holding Y/n's waist and kissing her at the altar. There were some behind the couch, one was Y/n in a cute summer dress and a flower in her hair and his chin being held by Ghost as he was the one who took the photo.
Y/n watched as he walked around the living room, looking at the photos. She watched him pick a few to look at them.
"You took most of them."
"I see that...I like this one," he said, holding the one where she was in a summer dress.
"When you printed it out, you almost didn't want to put it out," she said.
"I understand why, look at this, she's beautiful," he said, Y/n smiled at his compliment.
Ghost had followed Y/n up the stairs to their shared master bedroom. He looked around the bedroom, definitely his doing on the decorating, black and white with some gray here and there, barely any sort of feminine touch.
"Which side did I sleep on?" Ghost asked.
"The left...you liked sleeping next to the window because if someone broke in...they'd have to get past you first," he smiled at that thought of keeping her safe from danger.
"Tonight, you can sleep here, and I'll take the guest bedroom if you don't feel like we should sleep together right now."
"Umm~ you can stay in here...it's more your bedroom than mine," Ghost said, rubbing the back of his neck. "We can set up a pillow border to keep apart from each other." He suggested.
"That can work," she said.
Y/n was in her silk pajama set as Simon was in sweatpants and a black tank top (I rather not call it a 'wife-beater') and got under the covers. He helped her set up the pillow barrier.
"I'm sorry, I don't remember you."
"It's okay, we have a whole day tomorrow to start over," she said with a reassuring smile.
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thesirencult · 11 months
Sometimes the golden threads of the past, the present and the future get entangled. We get to look out of the window and witness what lies ahead or, in reverse, we can look from above to the present and past time and re-evaluate the situation we used to be at. May this letter serve as a reminder that there is a version of you down the line which has escaped on the other side of the veil and they are ready to share their wisdom.
You can book your tarot or astrology reading with me by directly messaging me ❤️ Till then, enjoy this general message waiting to find you 🌙
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"I was going through albums full of photos, hugs, love, tears and sadness. I know that we've come a long way now. Sometimes I want to forget and other times to remember. There is always this book that I reread over and over again whenever I want to meet you again. It feels so long ago yet it was what? 5 years? 7? Certainly not that long ago. Yet so many things have changed. That book holds so many memories of us. I love you. You are my little teddy bear. I can not comprehend how we made it or how badly people treated you in the past. There is a place in my heart I keep hiding you in. I talk to you constantly in hopes that you will hear me at some point and realize that we are meant for so much more and we will get that. We just have to wake up and break free from the chains and constraints of others. I love you, for all the beautiful moments we spent together and all the times we cried alone on a cold pillow. I love you. I love you. I love you.
Yours forever and ever and ever,
U 🌧️
"When I try to find the words to talk to you I struggle. I don't feel that much of a connection to you. I've changed a lot and I see my timeline as fragmented. I don't feel proud for you but that doesn't mean I resent you. How could I? You brought me here. You were the one who transformed and broke from the pain, but it was a rough time for me and I try to distance myself from addictions and betrayalz.
Anyways, I wanted to let you know that it's done. We are safe. You wake up in the morning feeling calm and rejuvenated. We don't need it anymore. We don't need them anymore. We take joy in the mundane. Don't roll your eyes! Boring is safe and learning to be still in a world that's always moving will help you ground. Stay safe love ❤️
Yours, faithfully.
(I don't even know why this name came out but maybe it resonates with someone, so I will mention it. Ashley.)
"We are free. We found a lover that let's us breathe and we no longer fear our power and beauty.
We no longer feel threatened by others and we don't have to hide our true selves.
I passed by our old house today and I saw mom and pops. They are doing fine. I went by the doghouse of our old pet and I still cry after 10 years without them, but it's okay, we've loved and we kept a piece of them in our hearts. They still visit us in our dreams you know. A friend like that never leaves you.
Our lover is sweet and safe. They are disciplined and a rock for us. We are still tumultuous and unorganized and they can withstand the dark clouds same as they do the sunny days out. They are a champion and they don't find us difficult to love. They marvel in our strength.
You will grow old together and built a few different houses but the home will always be in your hearts.
I remember you all the time. You would be grateful if you stayed. Don't go, we'll get there. Don't leave me please, I don't want to miss my lover and our home. No matter the weather stay.
Yours now and forever.
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simjaexy · 1 month
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𝙒𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙚 𝙈𝙮 𝙒𝙤𝙧𝙙𝙨 𝙎𝙩𝙖𝙣𝙙
Pairing ⇀ Idol Bf! Yang Jungwon x Gn! Reader
Synopsis ⇀ Idol life has been getting to Jungwon and he lashes it out on you.
Genre ⇀ Angst, Fluff
Warnings ⇀ Arguments and Crying
Notes ⇀ Not Proofread
The soft hum of the city outside the apartment window was a stark contrast to the tension inside.
Jungwon sat on the edge of the bed, his head buried in his hands, the weight of his responsibilities as an idol pressing down on him. You stood a few feet away, your heart aching at the sight of him so distressed.
"Jungwon, talk to me," you pleaded softly, taking a tentative step forward. "I know things have been tough, but I'm here for you."
He didn't lift his head, his voice muffled as he responded, "You don't understand. The pressure, the expectations... it's too much."
You reached out, gently placing a hand on his shoulder. "I may not fully understand, but I want to help. Let me be here for you."
Jungwon finally looked up, his eyes filled with frustration and exhaustion. "Help? How can you help? You can't change the fact that I have to be perfect all the time. You can't take away the stress of constantly being in the spotlight."
Your heart sank at his words, but you refused to back down. "I know I can't change those things, but I can be your support. I can be the person you lean on when it gets too hard."
He stood up abruptly, your hand falling away from his shoulder. "I don't need your pity," he snapped, his voice harsher than he intended. "I just need to be alone."
The sting of his words brought tears to your eyes, but you blinked them back, trying to stay strong. "Jungwon, I'm not offering pity. I'm offering love and support. Please don't push me away."
But he was already turning his back to you, his shoulders tense. "Just leave me alone," he muttered, his voice breaking slightly.
Feeling a wave of sadness wash over you, you took a step back, your own frustration bubbling up.
"Fine, if that's what you want," you said quietly, your voice trembling. "But know that I'm here when you're ready to talk."
You left the room, the door closing softly behind you. The silence that followed was deafening, and Jungwon felt a pang of regret almost immediately. He sank back onto the bed, his mind racing with guilt and frustration.
Minutes turned into an hour, and the weight of his words began to crush him. He knew he had hurt you, and the realization was like a knife to his heart.
With a deep breath, he stood up and made his way to the living room where you sat, staring blankly at the TV.
"Y/N," he called softly, his voice filled with remorse.
You looked up, your eyes red from unshed tears. "What is it, Jungwon?"
He took a step closer, his heart aching at the sight of your pain. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to snap at you. The stress... it's just been getting to me, but that's no excuse for how I treated you."
You sighed, your shoulders slumping. "I just want to help you, Jungwon. I hate seeing you like this."
He knelt in front of you, taking your hands in his. "I know, and I'm so grateful for you. I was wrong to push you away. I need you more than ever."
A tear slipped down your cheek, and he gently wiped it away with his thumb. "Can we start over? Can we try to get through this together?"
You nodded, a small smile breaking through your sadness. "Of course, Jungwon. I'm not going anywhere."
He wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into a tight embrace. "Thank you," he whispered into your hair. "I promise I'll do better. We'll get through this, together."
In that moment, the tension began to melt away, replaced by a renewed sense of hope and understanding. Jungwon understood you were just trying to help him, and he loved you for that.
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fireintheimpala · 7 months
McCartney II
Paul McCartney's 1980 album 'McCartney II' is such an interesting piece of work. It's a banging, sexy album! He finally breaks up Wings and releases his first solo album in a decade. He releases it in May 1980, Lennon loves it, and by June 1980 John Lennon is hard at work on his first album in 5 years.
What's this Lennon-inspiring album about??
I TRY not to read into McCartney's lyrics, since he keeps claiming they're all about "nothing in particular." But let's just list the tracks, skipping the instrumentals.
Coming Up - Hey guy who likes peace and stuff, you want (quotes Don't Let Me Down) a love to last forever? I wanna help. We can be together. We can make it! It's coming up like a flower, the word I most commonly use to describe love!
Temporary Secretary - I want a kinky secretary and I don't care what kind of girl she is.
On the Way - Well, we've been traveling for a long time and we finally finished here. Though I said some things to hurt you, well, it was only out of fear. Wouldn't want to see you crying so l hope you don't mind the things I say on the way. Well, you know I'll always love you. Everything will be alright.
Waterfalls - I need love
Nobody Knows - nobody knows, baby, and that's the way I like it
Summer's Day Song - tomorrow our bad dream will be over, the world will soon be waking
Bogey Music - we gotta bogey. clean your bogey act up, let's bogey!
Darkroom - I got a sexy dark place we can go, let me show you.
One of These Days
One of these days, when my feet are on the ground I'm gonna look around and see See what's right, see what's there And breathe fresh air ever after One of these days, when a job just takes too long I'm gonna sing my song and see See what's right, see what's there And breathe fresh air ever after It's there, it's round It's to be found By you, by me It's all we ever wanted to be One of these days, when we both are at our ease When you've got time to please yourself See what's right and see what's there And breathe fresh air ever after
And let us not forget its B-Side single!
Secret Friend - I know we'll find our way if you will say you'll be my secret friend. I need you.
This is the message that brought John Lennon out of retirement.
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mcflymemes · 2 months
PROMPTS FROM THE MANDALORIAN SEASON 2 *  assorted dialogue from the tv show, adjust as necessary
enjoy the fights.
they say it lives here. they say it sleeps.
i know you're good at killing.
where did you get the armor?
i'm sure you call the shots where you come from, but 'round here, i'm the one who tells folks what to do.
take it off. or i will.
i'm prepared to pay you for the information.
i'm not leaving my fate up to chance.
thank you for coming to me.
give it to me now, or i will peel it off your corpse.
you must promise you won't kill me.
i promise that you will not die by my hand.
that wasn't part of the deal.
you don't understand what it was like.
i've got an idea. get its attention.
maybe we can work something out.
they might be open to some fresh ideas.
i hope someday our paths will cross again.
we've heard the stories.
what am i supposed to do with this?
am i under arrest?
you might be in luck.
oh, stop your crying. you'll rust.
i'm not a taxi service.
i paraphrased.
what can i say? i'm an excellent judge of character.
i'll let you know if i see any.
how much will it cost me?
thank you for letting me know. i'll get right on it.
what the hell are you doing?
this was not a part of the deal.
if you hadn't guessed, we're in a tight spot.
that old thing's gonna break apart in this atmosphere.
are you sure you won't join us?
there's something i need to do.
this is more than i signed up for.
that planet is cursed. anyone who goes there dies.
i can lead you to one of their kind.
do you copy?
put some tea on. we'll be up in a minute.
i'll let you live.
we've been hitting them pretty hard.
this was the best you could do?
were you able to eliminate them?
looks like we made it. get ready for landing.
according to records, you're quite a soldier. we could really use you.
that was some pretty impressive flying.
can i at least buy you a drink?
i believe you two have met.
i'm surprised to see this place is still standing.
i'll take my chances down here.
we'll watch the doors.
can we talk business?
i'm only here for repairs.
you wanna come back here and try this? be my guest!
i'm sure we can work something out.
i cannot train him.
you've seen what he can do.
i must get back to the village.
i've seen him do things i can't explain.
show yourself. i've been expecting you.
you will learn nothing from me.
surrender, or face the consequences.
we must find a way to free them.
my price is high.
i believe this is your payment.
you made me a promise, and i held up my end.
your bounty hunter failed.
if you want my armor, you'll have to peel it off my dead body.
i give my allegiance to no one.
nice shot.
you look like you've just seen a ghost.
you may think you have some idea of what you're in possession of, but you do not.
it's all the same to these people.
hey, i'm just a realist. i'm a survivor, just like you.
let's get one thing straight. you and i are nothing alike.
everybody's got their line they don't cross until things get messy.
you did what you had to do.
everybody thinks they want freedom, but what they really want is order.
we got company. hang on.
you get to the roof. i'll drop in and pull you out.
hey, if you want to accuse me of something, then just say it.
let's just say they might recognize my face.
you're not going alone. i'm coming with you.
that's not how this works.
that was some nice shooting back there.
wish i could say it looked good on you, but i'd be lying.
i can't go in there.
are you a jedi?
that's who you belong with.
may the force be with you.
you're a disgrace to your armor.
i've heard your voice thousands of times.
i thought you were dead.
don't be afraid.
drop your weapon.
don't worry about me. just be careful in there.
i need your help.
you're sparing my life?
open the doors.
i suggest you shut your mouth.
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autumn-hiraeth · 1 year
Hobie brown x reader
Where you got Hobie's heart in your hand.
a/n: i had to write this. Idk why suddenly i'm shadowbanned. Can u see this? :(
You can find more here “ Hobie's masterlist”
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“we'll figure it out Y/n, we can fix this together”
Hobie hasn't stopped begging you to try to break the canon, no matter how selfish that may be, Hobie doesn't care about the lives that are going to be lost if it means you're going to be with him. Because that's what feels good to him, you and him together for the rest of your lives. But you can't do that, sometimes you hate that you can't be selfish but you don't want to condemn a wholeuniverse, you're the type of person to do the right thing no matter the cost. Whatever it takes. And Hobie always admired that about you, until now.
It turns out that you are his canon event and you're going to die soon, Lyla told Miguel when Margo was around then Margo told Gwen and finally she told Hobie. But what Hobie doesn't know is that you already know and you're okay with it.
“luv, listen to me, 's bullshit, this is not supposed to be like this” “you cannot do this Y/n” "'m gonna save you, 'm gonna save you luv"
His broken voice is what makes you wrap him in your arms and he clings to you, his face is buried in the crook of your neck and you can feel his tears fall as he murmurs "please luv." Lemme save you, need to save you"
You rock him softly, it takes all of you not to break down in front of him. "I know it doesn't feel good but it's the right thing to do" so he pulls away from you before crying out through his sobs:
" No! No! No! The right thing is you and me together, this can't be our canon event!" “If you leave, I'll be so lonely. You have to stay with me Y/n” " I do not want to do this!" Watching him break in front of you finally makes you cry, you hate this as much as he does.
“Hobie, my sweetheart, listen to me.” You are kneeling in front of him, your forehead resting on his as he sobs. "I won't be able to live in peace if I know I didn't do the right thing" "This wasn't supposed to end like this, all this time I believed that you and I..." you pause when you feel a lump in your throat "I thought that one day we would get married, I know you hate all that commitment bullshit but I know I would find a way to persuade you” you laugh through tears imagining the scene, a scene you daydreamed about so many times and now it is nothing more than a fading dream.
Hobie wipes your tears "I also thought abou' a future with you... and children" you and Hobie smile through tears, of course you both wanted children, but you never said it out loud, that topic would be for the future, right? Bullshit. The silence that follows that little chat is almost as heartbreaking as the next chat that follows.
"But you can do all that with someone else" you whisper and Hobie closes his eyes as he shakes his head, he's not okay with that. Hobie knows he'll never feel the same way about anyone else. He doesn't want to get married or have children if that person is not you. His Y/n. "Listen Hobie, you have to go on, you have to let me go." "Please, I won't be able to live with the guilt" You choke on your tears and sobbing, all while your head falls onto his shoulder.
Now it's Hobie's turn to see you vulnerable, clinging to him while you tremble, he knows you're scared, who wouldn't be? And he knows you don't want to leave him, he knows you love him, but you don't want a universe to pay the consequences either.
So with all the pain in his heart he comforts you, kisses your salty cheeks and he loves you so much that he accepts losing you so that you can be at peace.
" alrigh' luv, 'm gonna let you go" "I'll be fine" “I always get back luv”
Now you two are crying while kissing, because they know that after this they only have a little time left.
And even though Hobie hates that idea, he keeps his promise from him and when the time comes he doesn't save you.
I don't wanna go
But baby, we both know
This is not our time
It's time to say goodbye
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callsigns-haze · 2 months
Back to beginning
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Eris x Rhysand's Sister!Reader Summary: Y/N wakes up from the dead, overwhelmed by confusion and grief, learning about her miraculous revival and Eris' survival, breaking down in tears as the nurses comfort her. She prepares to reunite with Eris and face their new beginning. Chapter Warning: This chapter contains scenes of intense emotional distress, confusion, and descriptions of recovery from severe trauma, which may be triggering for some readers.
*Serves as a one-shot but can be read as memories fade or the sequel loves haze series
Y/N awoke slowly, her senses dulled as if she were emerging from a dense fog. The weight of her eyelids felt immense, and her body ached with a deep, unfamiliar pain. She was covered by a soft, warm blanket, its texture a slight comfort against her bare skin. The room was dimly lit, and she could hear the faint sound of voices and movement nearby.
Her vision gradually sharpened, revealing two women bustling about the room with practiced efficiency. One of them, a nurse with kind eyes and a gentle demeanour, noticed Y/N stirring and leaned closer. "You're awake," she said softly, relief evident in her voice. "I'm Sera, and this is Elara. We've been taking care of you."
Y/N's mind was a haze of fragmented memories and confusion. She remembered pain, darkness, and then... nothing. She tried to speak, her throat dry and scratchy. "What happened?" she managed to croak out, her voice barely a whisper.
Elara, the other nurse, stepped forward, her expression calm and reassuring. "You've been through a lot," she began, her voice soothing. "You were gravely. The poison... it killed you. But something extraordinary happened."
Sera continued, gently wiping Y/N's forehead with a damp cloth. "You rose from the dead, like a phoenix from the ashes. It's a miracle, really. You and Eris, both of you... you were given a second chance."
The words seemed surreal, almost impossible to grasp. Y/N's mind raced, trying to comprehend the enormity of what she was hearing. She had been dead. She remembered the searing pain, the darkness that had swallowed her whole. And now, she was here, alive.
"Where... where is Eris?" she asked, her voice trembling with confusion and desperation.
Sera offered a comforting smile. "He's alive too. He's been staying nearby, waiting for you to wake up. You're both under protection now, in a place beyond the forest. It's safe here."
The relief was so overwhelming it crashed over her like a wave, bringing with it the release of pent-up emotions. Tears welled up in her eyes, spilling down her cheeks uncontrollably. She sobbed, her body shaking with the force of her grief and relief.
Elara quickly moved to her side, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. "It's okay," she soothed, her voice gentle and warm. "You're safe now. Let it out."
Y/N buried her face in her hands, her cries muffled but no less heart-wrenching. The nurses stayed by her side, their presence a comforting anchor in the storm of her emotions. They didn't rush her or try to stop her tears. Instead, they let her cry, understanding that she needed this release.
Sera brushed Y/N's hair away from her face, her touch motherly. "You've been through so much, dear. It's okay to be overwhelmed."
Y/N nodded, unable to speak through her sobs. She clung to Elara, her body wracked with the pain of all she had endured. The fear, the loss, the sheer horror of what had happened to her and Eris—everything poured out in those tears.
After what felt like an eternity, her sobs began to subside, leaving her feeling drained but strangely lighter. She wiped at her eyes, looking at the nurses with a mix of gratitude and exhaustion. "Thank you," she whispered, her voice hoarse.
Elara smiled gently. "You're welcome. Rest now. We'll take care of you. When you're ready, you'll see Eris again. And together, you'll start anew."
As the nurses continued to clean her and tend to her wounds, Y/N closed her eyes, struggling to process everything she had heard. She didn't know what the future held, but for now, she was alive. And that was a beginning.
Eris sat outside the room, his heart pounding in his chest. The thought of seeing Y/N again, truly alive and not in his dreams or memories, was overwhelming. He took a deep breath, trying to steady himself. When Sera opened the door and gave him a nod, he felt his legs move of their own accord, carrying him inside.
As he stepped into the room, his eyes immediately found Y/N. She looked fragile, almost ethereal, lying there under the blanket. The sight of her brought a lump to his throat, and he could feel the tears welling up in his eyes.
"Y/N," he whispered, his voice breaking.
Her eyes fluttered open, and when they locked onto his, she gave a small, weak smile. "Eris," she breathed, her voice filled with a mixture of relief and confusion.
He couldn't hold back any longer. Eris crossed the room in a few quick strides and fell to his knees beside her bed. He took her hand in his, his tears falling freely now. "I lost you," he choked out, his voice trembling. "I thought I lost you forever."
Y/N reached out with her other hand, brushing away his tears with a gentle touch. "I'm here," she whispered. "We're here."
Eris buried his face in her hand, his body shaking with sobs. The weight of the past weeks, the fear, the guilt, the helplessness, all came crashing down on him. "I'm so sorry," he cried. "I couldn't protect you. I should have been there. I'm so, so sorry."
Y/N gently pulled him closer, wrapping her arms around him as best as she could. "It's not your fault," she murmured, her own tears mingling with his.
They stayed like that for a long time, holding each other, their tears a cathartic release of all the pain and fear they had endured. Eventually, Eris pulled back slightly, looking into Y/N's eyes. "I love you," he said, his voice steadying.
"I love you too," she replied, her eyes shining with tears.
Eris nodded, a sense of peace washing over him. They had been given a second chance, and he wasn't going to waste it. They would rebuild their lives, stronger and more united than ever, they were the Phoenii.
A/n: THEY'RE BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tagging some:
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hanniebaeee · 3 months
Crazy For You - Final Part
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Hyunjin x fem!reader
Warnings: SMUT, drinking, cursing MDNI
Genre: enemies to lovers, fluff, angst
Summary: You and your best friend's cousin, Hyunjin don't get along very well. This game of cat and mouse may be a disguise to hide your real feelings.
a/n: Hyunjin is just the cutest bun!
Part 1 , Part 2
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You hadn't spoken to Hyunjin or even glanced his way after the dinner party events. But seeing him at college with Rose, both engaged in a conversation, and laughing like the leads of a Kdrama had you bristling in rage.
Fine. If that's how it's gonna be, then fuck you, you thought as you made your way to the library. All you wanted was to be alone. You were so tired with this thing with Hyunjin, you just wanted a break. As you stormed on furiously,  you walked straight into someone.
'Wow!  You OK?'
You looked up to see Chris giving you a concerned look, holding your arm so that you wouldn't fall back. It was enough for the floodgates to open. Tears rolled down your cheeks and you throw your arms around Chris, who put his arms around you protectively.
'Hey, hey, its OK.' he said, as you cry against his chest.
He stroked your hair, trying to calm you down. Once you were better and your breathing was back to normal, he gave you a soft smile and said,  'Let's get you something to eat, OK?'
You nod and let him walk you to the cafeteria, holding hands.
'Wanna tell me what happened?' Chris asked, placing a steaming cup of your favorite coffee in front of you.
'I-' you began. 'I don't think whatever we tried to pull off...worked.'
'How do you know that?' Chris asked.
'He was cosying up with Rose just now.' You said, your voice shaking again. 'I'm sorry you had to see me like that, Chris. I couldn't hold back.'
'It's totally fine.' Chris said, shaking his head. 'I want you to come find me whenever you need help, yeah?'
You smile through your tears.
'Thank you so much for coming to the party, Chris.' You said. 'Jennie and Minho and Lisa all love having you over.'
'Thank you for inviting me, sweetheart.' Chris said giving you a smile. 'Now, what can I do to stop these tears, hm?'
'Let's go out for lunch. I need to get away from him. How about that new cafe near the bus stop?'
'Let's do it.' Chris said, nodding.
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Hyunjin dropped his backpack at their regular table and frowned as he didn't see you there.
'Where is she?' he asked.
'Having lunch with Christopher.' Jennie said, in between feeding Changbin a mouthful of salad.
'What? Why?' Hyunjin asked, his heart racing.
Jennie shrugged.
'Um, she wanted to, that's why you pabo.' Lisa said, clearly enjoying his reaction.
'What the fuck is going on here, Lisa?' Hyunjin growled, eyes narrowed. 'Why is he always around?'
'The real question is why is it not YOU, Hyunjin.' Lisa said. 'You're always around, but you do nothing but hurt her over and over again.'
Hyunjin stood up, grabbing his backpack.
'Changbin. Outside. Now.' He snapped at Changbin,  who sprang up from his seat after giving Jennie a quick kiss.
Once outside, Hyunjin glared at best friend.
'I told you it wouldn't work!' he said. 'See what's happening!'
'Calm down, Jin!' Changbin said. 'Shit.'
'How do I calm down!? I know I fucked up OK?' Hyunjin said. 'I can't lose her to him!'
'You won't!  This is Y/N we're talking about!' Changbin said, trying to be strong but he was panicking. 'We'll make it right, I promise!'
Just as they finished talking, they saw you and Chris walking together, laughing at something. Hyunjin felt jealousy taking over him. But again, you looked so genuinely happy, it broke his heart that it wasn't him who was making you smile like that.
Hyunjin starts walking, pushing past Changbin. He didn't stop until he was inside one of the bathrooms. And to Changbin's horror, Hyunjin burst out into tears.
'Dude!' Changbin said, rushing forward to pull his friend into an embrace. 'Hyunjin, stop!'
Hyunjin just sobbed, letting out years worth of despair and pain that he'd been holding in. He was so heartbroken, Hyunjin didn't think there was anything left to do. He had lost you and he didn't have it in him anymore to fight through this. This was it.
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'I'm not going!' You said, shaking your head. 'Look, he clearly likes Rose. Let them be!'
'Oh my effing God!' Jennie growled in frustration. 'Y/N L/N, apparently we are not the only idiots here. Ok? I spoke to Binnie and he told me that he is the one who made Hyunjin ask Rose to the party. Got it? That pabo wants you. Not anyone else. What's wrong with you?! Why won't you just see it, already?!'
'Jen, calm the fuck down. And, Y/N. It's just us. Since when do you care if he's around or not? You're coming and that's that.'  Lisa said, walking out of the room to avoid an argument.
You look at Jennie with sad eyes and she comes forward to hug you.
'I'm sorry, Y/N. I love you, ok? I want you to be happy. It is just so frustrating when you decide not to see what's really happening right in front of your eyes. I know you feel put down and insecure, but can't you try?'
You nod, allowing Jennie to pick your dress and do your makeup.
And that's how you ended up at the nightclub in a dress you hated. Your friends were adamant on making Hyunjin see what he was missing. Even though the only thing he did was sit by the bar, taking shots and drowning in his misery.
'He didn't bring her along.' Lisa noted, and Jennie nodded.
'Where's Y/N?' Jennie asked and Lisa pointed out to the couch where you sat with a drink in hand and a jacket covering your dress.
Jennie stomped over to you and said, 'Darling, we're trying to get things to work here. Please. Do your part!'
'I don't want to do anything!' You said stubbornly. 'I wanna go home.'
'Don't make me mad, Y/N.' Jennie said. 'Now get that darn jacket off and go get you man!'
'Do I have to?' You plead, making Jennie close her eyes tightly and purse her lips.
As much as you wanted Hyunjin, you just couldn't even think about a rejection. After all, it all went down after you refused to go further with him.
'Y/N. Listen to me clearly, yeah? I've known you for long enough to know what Hyunjin does to you. I've seen you falling for that man over and over again. You can tell me that he's an asshole. I will agree. But it never stopped you from loving him. And I know for a fact that my brother loves you as much as you love him. You're both the biggest idiots I've ever come across. You wasted so much time bickering and having ego clashes. You know that he doesn't even like Rose. He's crazy for you. But he stinks at showing it. He's afraid you'll reject him. He thinks you didn't want to fuck him because you think he's not good enough for you. He doesn't understand that it's because you want to be meaningful with him. He's just confused. Just give him a chance. If you can.' Jennie took big breaths and sat down, gulping her drink down in one go.
The music was too loud and yet only Jennie's words float around your brain, stabbing you at all the right places. He thinks he's not good enough for you? He really thinks that, when you actually think he's the most perfect man you've ever met? Arrogant, yes, but still, perfect.
'She's right you know.' Lisa added. 'He tries to show that he doesn't care. But he's just really insecure and thinks he doesn't deserve you.'
'Uhhhh!!!' You cry out before standing up and getting the jacket off. 'Fine. I will kill you both if he does something stupid.'
Fixing your hair and adjusting your dress, you walked over to Hyunjin.
'I hope this works.' prayed Jennie. 'I'm so done seeing to them cry over each other. Fucking idiots.'
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You stood behind Hyunjin, your hands sweaty with nervousness.
'Oh God.' You say under your breath.
Hyunjin felt so numb as he looked at his glass of alcohol with no real interest. He didn't want to drink, he was just trying to get the image of you with Chris off his mind.
You clear your throat and he paid no attention. You take one step forward, now standing beside him. He looked sideways, and seeing you, he sighed.
'What do you want, Y/N?' He asked, dejected.
Your heart flutters at the way he says your name.
OK, stop being so dramatic!, you tell yourself and sit next to him.
'What's this, Hyunjin?' You ask.
He swirled the drink in his glass, chuckling sadly.
'I'm doing some self reflection shit Changbin wants me to do.' He said.
'He wants you to do that in a club?' You ask.
'Apparently.' He replied. 'And why are you here?  Where's your boyfriend?'
'I don't have one, Hyunjin.' You said with a sigh.
'Oh, the one you went on lunch date with?' Hyunjin asked, and you could see the sadness in his eyes through the lights flashing on his handsome face. And there was no teasing there. None at all. Just sadness.
'That was just a friendly lunch outing.' You said. 'So that I could avoid seeing someone I care about with someone who had made life really hard for me.'
Hyunjin's heart skipped a beat.
'What?' He asked, his heart breaking into a thousand pieces. 'What do you mean?'
'Don't pretend now, Hyunjin. Everyone knows.' You say sadly.
'I don't.' Hyunjin said. 'What do you mean?'
'Rose used to bully me back at school, ok? And it had a lot to do with you. Anyways, I think she regrets it now, but some things just don't go away with a sorry, does it?'
'Baby, I never knew. I would never have agreed to-' Hyunjin felt horrible. He wanted to cry. 'I'm so sorry.'
'Where is she anyway?' You asked, ignoring his apologies. 'I half expected to see her wound around your neck when I came in.'
Hyunjin gives you a look and you shrug.
'She's not my girlfriend, Y/N.' Hyunjin said. 'Please.'
'Ok.' You say, your heart beating louder than the music in the club.
'Honestly, why are you sitting here and talking to me?' Hyunjin asks, pushing his drink away.
'Because you are too much of a coward to come to me.' You said under your breath.
'Excuse me?' Hyunjin gives you a glare.
'Because, Hyunjin. If I keep waiting for you to come back, I'm afraid you won't.' You said loudly.
He just sat with his eyes wide open.
'So that you can reject me again? We were in a relationship and you pushed me away when I -' Hyunjin just laughed sadly and reached forward, grabbed his drink and gulping it down. 'Oh wait, you pushed me away twice.'
'When you wanted sex? Hyunjin, we had a made up relationship because your sister dictated us into it. I love Jennie for trying so hard to get us together. But that's not how it should work. I want you to ask me out. I want you to take me out on dates. I want us to be a normal couple.' You said, the weight on your heart getting heavier and heavier. 'I want to have sex with you, but I want it to mean something. You won't even talk to me. Tell me one meaningful conversation we've had. Just one. I can't live in the fear of you getting bored with me after I agree to a random fuck with you. No.'
Hyunjin was silent, but his hands trembled. You are silent too, waiting for him to speak. Your eyes fall on his trembling hands and you slip your fingers through his, holding them tight.
He exhaled noisily,  turing to face you completely.
'I'm sorry.' He said. 'I'm sorry for being a pain all my life. I'm sorry for saying that no one would want you...its not true, because you're amazing, Y/N. I've loved you since we were kids. Then we kiss at that party, you push me away and you ignore me and pretend like nothing ever happened - it broke my heart. You should understand that nothing I have with you is ever meaningless. I would never fuck you and leave you. I could never. Because I love you too much for all that.'
You squeeze his hand as he struggles to speak.
'My mother is, well, she's unbearable. I didn't want her to harass you any more than she already did. I teased you and stayed away all those years ago, only because I didn't have it in me to drag you into any shit with my mother. Then we moved, and I started seeing you all the time. I hoped I could finally get somewhere with you. But every time we spoke, it ended in a fight.' He said, shaking his head. 'I started to believe that you're too good for me. You deserve better. Someone like Chris. And it made me so angry.'
You had never seen this much honesty from Hyunjin. His thumb rubbed soft circles on your hand, and it relaxed you.
'I have loved you since I was what, seven?' He said with a chuckle and it made you laugh, a tear rolling down your face. 'I will wait. For however long it takes. 'Coz I want you.'
'I think I have waited for this long enough.' You say,  and lean forward, placing a soft peck on his lips.
Hyunjin gave you the brightest smile ever, scooting closer and placing a hand on your cheek, kissing you. His lips moved softly with yours, and you could taste the alcohol in his mouth.
Pulling back a bit, you speak against his lips, 'Are you drunk, Hyunjin?'
'I had one drink, Y/N.' He said. 'Good enough to remember this for tomorrow.'
Getting off his chair and dragging you along, he walked towards the exit.
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Jennie, Lisa and Changbin stood watching you kiss Hyunjin.
'Yes!' Jennie said, pumping her fist in the air. 'Finally!!'
She kissed Changbin in happiness and Lisa grinned at the two.
'I hope our work here is done. I'd rather murder them both than try to get them together. Again.' Lisa said, shaking her head.
Jennie laughed happily.
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You close your eyes, melting as Hyunjin's lips placed open mouthed kisses along your neck. Both of your lips were swollen from kissing and a few pink marks were starting to show up on your neck.
'I love you, baby.' He whispered, his sweet voice sending shivers down your spine.
'I love you too.' You managed to reply, only to have him capture your lips with his. His hands gripped at your hips, desperate for some friction. He held you close,  and moaned softly as you moved your hips, almost involuntarily.
'I want you.' Hyunjin said, struggling to control himself. 'I can't hold back anymore.'
'Then don't.' you tell him, cupping his cheeks with your hands.
'Are you sure?'
'Take me home, Jinnie. I want this.'
Letting you climb off his lap, Hyunjin drove you home. His hand remained on your thigh, squeezing gently, like he needed that touch to make sure this was real.
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He had no patience. Scooping you up in his arms, he walked towards your bedroom. Kicking the door shut behind you, he dropped you on the bed carefully,  climbing in behind you.
More kisses, more urgent ones, followed. His hands roamed your body, not missing an inch of it, as you had yours around his neck,  holding him as close as possible. His fingers moved towards the zipper of your dress and he looked at you for permission.
Pressing your lips to his for a small kiss, you give him a smile and nod. His fingers graze your smooth skin as the zipper fell open. Pulling the dress off you, his lips buried themselves in your soft breasts.
Legs intertwined, fingers intertwined, his lips left shades of pink on their wake on the soft flesh of your breasts.
'Jinnie!', you cry.
'Yes, baby' he purred, his thigh pressing against your sensitive core.
'Please -' you whimper.
You were overwhelmed as you watched him strip. This being your first time, you were nervous. You entire body trembled in his arms.
His lips found your hardened nipple, and he sucked on it gently. You moan, your fingers gripping his hair tightly. Back to devouring your lips, his hand moved down, disappearing between your thighs.
You gasp as you feel his fingers graze over your sensitive bud. You hold on tightly as he explored your wet folds, fingers slipping inside you and then surfacing to massage your clit.
You were falling apart. Ragged breaths and soft moans filled the room.
'Baby, can I?' Hyunjin whispered against your ear. You nod slowly. Getting in between your legs, he positioned himself at your entrance. He was so handsome, you were lost in his beauty. And you gasped again as he rubbed the swollen head of his length against your wetness.
'Hyunjin, wait-' you stutter.
'Hmm?' He looked afraid all of a sudden.
'Please go slow...I -'
'Is this...?' He looked concerned, and a bit surprised.
You nod, blushing.
'Its ok, baby. We can stop anytime you want to, ok? Tell me if it hurts too much. And I'll be slow, I promise.' he says, kissing your cheek lovingly.
He kept his promise as he pushed in slowly. It felt so uncomfortable and the stretch was painful. But he kept whispering sweet things to you, asking you to relax. A few tears were shed, as the pain and sting felt way too much. But once in, he waited for you to adjust to him. When you finally nod, allowing him to move, he did ever so gently.
It stung, but the pleasure was beyond words. You were both so giddy with excitement and happiness. Finally.
You lay in his arms, spent and cuddling. Your head rested on his chest, his arms wrapped around your waist. You quickly clean up before falling asleep, wrapped in each other's arms.
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You woke up to the sound of someone knocking on your bedroom door. You try to untangle yourself from Hyunjin, but he didn't let you go.
'Jinnie, it's really late.' You laugh, turning around to face him.
'I don't want to get up. Just wanna cuddle with you forever.' He mumbled.
'Well, you're lucky, 'coz you can do that forever. But let's go get breakfast now, yeah?' You said and he agreed reluctantly. But he pulled you closer and pressed his lips to you before letting you go.
Wearing a sweater that covered most of the hickeys, you step out. Jennie and Changbin gave you teasing grins.
Jennie glanced at the purple bruise on your collarbone that unfortunately wasn't covered by your dress and cleared her throat.
'So-' she began.
'Are we gonna ignore that little-?' Lisa points at the hickey, and you drop the slice of toast you were buttering.
'Lisa!!' Jennie hissed.
Changbin sniggered and raised his eyebrows at Hyunjin who had joined the table. He saw you trying to pull at your sweater and raised his eyebrows.
'Why would you hide it?!' Hyunjin asked, making you blush more.
'Oh my God!' You groan, turning away from him.
'Wow. This would take some getting used to.' Lisa said. 'I think I liked it better when you guys tried to kill each other all the time.'
Hyunjin hugged you from the back, burying his face in the crook of your neck.
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Hyunjin wanted to walk you to class and followed you around like a lovesick child. ALL THE TIME. He stole a kiss or two whenever opportunity presented itself. You think you've never seen him smile so much.
He literally wanted to carry your books for you. The two books you just got from the library. But you thought he was the cutest little bean. Chris saw Hyunjin fussing over you and had the time of his life, laughing. He would never let you forget this. Ever.
Chris: I just saw the funniest thing.
Chris: Oh My God. LOL.
Y/N: Christopher.
Y/N: I saw you staring at us and then rolling on the floor laughing.
Y/N: I thought you'd be on my side.
Chris: I'm sorry. I'm so used to you wanting to strangle him.
Y/N: We didn't even do anything.
Y/N: Stop it. You're doing it again.
Chris: What have you done to Hwang Hyunjin?
Chris: Playboy. Campus bad boy.
Y/N: He's not!
Chris: He's like a puppy rn
Chris: Wtf did you do?!
Y/N: I hate you
Chris: Ok sorry. I'm so happy for you. And puppy.
Chris: 🤣🤣🤣
Y/N: 🙄🙄🙄
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cummin-n-cryin · 2 years
Hello! can I request a scenario where Jade, Floyd and Riddle (Separately) are being put in an arranged marriage (since the tweels are definitely in a mafia family and riddle’s mom would do that) but they are dating/in love with the (Gender Neutral) reader, whether the ending is happy or not is up to you
~Thank you for your request!
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Arranged Marriage
Jade + Floyd + Riddle x gn!reader (all separate)
Tw: Arranged marriage, angst, suggested murder, family drama (idk if this is a proper tw but if people hate reading about family arguments or just arguing in general then here's your warning lmao), if I missed anything lemme know!
Wordcount: 1,410 + 1,503 + 1,207
Side Note: This doesn't take place in NRC so it's kind in the future I guess? Idk you'll get what I mean if you read it lol. Pretty angsty and might not be too accurate to the characters personalities but it was fun to try and write Idk if this is what you wanted lol but hopefully this turned out okay!
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~Jade Leech~
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Jade was on his way to meet up with you for the picnic date you two had planned together when he had gotten a sudden text from his parents telling him that they needed to have a long chat.
He wasn't too worried about such a text. It may be ominous to some but it was a typical text when his parents wanted to discuss their 'business' with him. They weren't going to just text him about what was actually going on. It would be quite embarrassing if someone were to look at his phone and find out about his family's business, wouldn't it?
So, he sent you a text explaining that he may be a few minutes late to your date. He smiled at your quick response. He was glad you were so kind and understanding.
Deciding to hide behind a tree a little way off the path he had been walking on, he called his parents. The conversation started normally, a casual hello and asking how they've been but he could hear the nervousness in his mother's voice.
"Mother, is something wrong?" he asked concerned. His mother was quiet for a moment before saying, "Well, me and your father have made a decision and we know you may not like it but, its for the family," she said.
"What do you mean?" Jade asked. His mother seemed to have a hard time finding the right words before she sighed and decided to be blunt about what was going on.
As her words hit his ears he froze. The words, "arranged marriage," echoed within his mind. He was frozen to the spot, unable to move or speak as his heart felt like it stopped beating.
This... This has to be a misunderstanding.
He tried to regain some composure before responding to his parents. He told them how he can't get married because he's already in a relationship. He can't just drop you and go get married to someone he doesn't even know!
Jade tried his best to remain calm, "I'm afraid I can't accept as I'm already in a relationship with a very lovely person and I have no plans on breaking up with them for someone I don't know."
"I'm afraid you don't have a choice in the matter," his father said on the line before his mother quickly interrupted, "We know that you're already in love dear and we're happy for you but sometimes things need to happen and-" Jade interrupted, "I understand. We'll talk more about it later I need to go," he said as he quickly ended the call.
He was shaking so bad he could barely stand. He tried taking some deep breaths to calm himself down. His phone suddenly vibrates and he looks down to see a text from you asking where he was. He smiled a little but as he goes to text you back, he suddenly feels something wet on his hand. Looking at his hand he sees what looks to be a droplet of water and he quickly touches his face, he's crying. He tries to quickly dry his eyes as he clears his throat to try and regain his composure.
He texts you that he's on his way and quickly heads back to the path he was walking. Eventually, he meets up with you and you both have a fun date together.
Jade won't tell you about what had happened. He tells himself that its better you don't know so that things don't get overcomplicated but in truth, it's because he's afraid of your reaction. Great Seven forbid you think he's actually in love with his wedding partner and decide to leave him. He can't let that happen. So, he keeps quiet and does what he does best. He pretends. He pretends that everything is fine and that there's absolutely nothing to worry about.
Later it would turn out that the marriage wasn't something he would be able to easily escape out of. Everything had been made official for the wedding and now all he could do was wait for the day to come. Of course, he had asked his parents why this was happening in the first place and he should've expected the answer but it still came as a surprise to him. Money and reputation. Of course, none of it had to do with love, in fact, they don't expect him to love his new partner at all. Sure, it would be great but it's not expected.
Great Seven help him. Jade understands why their doing this but even so, it still hurts. He almost feels like an object his parents are selling away.
He really tried his best to change his parents' minds but, in the end, he won't go against his parent's wishes. He won't run away from this even though he really wants to. Well, it's not like he really could. His parents and their connections would find him rather quickly either way.
While Jade wasn't certain about his future, there was one thing he was certain about. There was absolutely no way that he was going to break up with you. You've brought him so much joy and you've made him feel loved in a way no one else ever has.
The wedding date creeps nearer and while he grows nervous on the inside, he continues pretending that everything's fine. He truly hates lying to you but it was for the best. Sometimes you get very close to figuring out there's something wrong but he quickly distracts you so you won't catch on.
Eventually, he tells you that he has to go back home to visit his parents for a while. Unbeknownst to you, he's getting married.
And again, this is where Jade does what he does best. Pretending to at least like the bride is an easy feat. He has no problems dancing or even kissing them. However, that's as far as his masquerade goes. He'll pretend the reason as to why he doesn't want to get any more intimate with the bride is that he's just simply nervous and luckily, no one ever pushes him on the topic.
Overall, the wedding goes smoothly. It's a formal affair with very little excitement which leaves Jade quite bored at the end of it.
If he's made to live in the same home as the bride, he's very good at sneaking out unnoticed. He'll play the loving husband role as long as he needs to convince his new partner to not get suspicious of him. But as soon as he can, he's getting out of there to return to you. While he can't stay too far from his new home for too long, he'll do as much as he can to see you.
Even now Jade won't tell you of his marriage and if you notice that he doesn't hang out with you as often as he used to, he'll just say that work has been keeping him busy and change the topic. If he had the choice, he'd never tell you about his arranged marriage but he knows that there might be a day where he will have to.
And if you ever find out about his arranged marriage he'll sit down with you and explain the situation to you. He's afraid of your reaction but he really doesn't like lying to you.
He's just so worried that if you ever found out he's married you'll want to leave him and he loves you far too much to let that happen.
Jade will try to communicate with his parents. Perhaps he only needs to be married to this person for a certain amount of time? That would be ideal as then all he would have to do is wait and then he can leave without too much fuss.
But, if he's meant to be permanently married to them well... He may have to make a few decisions.
Jade is not against using much more darker methods to escape this marriage he's been forced into. He knows quite a lot about plants and there's some that would be very helpful in this kind of situation. Ideally, he wouldn't have to turn to such methods but, well, sometimes things need to happen.
Once his new partner is gone, he'll return to you as quickly as possible and who knows, perhaps this event is enough to encourage him to take your relationship to the next level.
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~Floyd Leech~
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Floyd was lounging around your apartment as he waited for you to come back from work.
He laid back on the couch as the TV droned on in the background. He was incredibly bored and started to space out, getting lost within his own mind when his phone's ringtone startled him from his trance.
He clumsily grabbed the phone off the table next to him, "Who is it?" he asked irritated. His tone quickly changed from irritated to excited as he heard his parent's voice on the phone.
The conversation was typical. His parents asking him how he's been and him reassuring them, especially his mom, that he's alright. But he could tell that something was bothering them, "Hey ma, is something going on?" concern laced in his voice. His mother seemed hesitant to respond, "Well, me and your father have put a lot of thought into this decision and we know that you may not like it but we have good reason-" Floyd interrupted, "Just say it mama." His mother sighed and told him what had happened.
As much as Floyd loves unexpected surprises this was probably the worst surprise he's ever gotten in his entire life.
"What?!" he yelled into the phone as he bolted up from the couch. The words, "arranged marriage," was loud in his mind.
"You're joking right?" he asked, desperately hoping that this was some kind of weird joke but they denied that it was a joke and they were completely serious. He started to panic. He couldn't tell if he wanted to laugh, cry, or scream. He was becoming overwhelmed as the situation became more real by the minute.
He tried to stay calm, taking deep breaths as he argued with his parents. "I'm already in a relationship! I'm not just gonna drop 'em for someone I don't know or even care about," Floyd said slightly panicking.
His father spoke calmly through the phone, "Floyd, you should know that sometimes we have to do things we don't like or want to do. That's how this business works and unfortunately, we sometimes have to leave people behind."
Floyd laughed bitterly, "This is so fucking stupid. Are you seriously telling me to break up with them?"
His father responded, his tone cold, "We don't care how you do it, just get it done. We don't need to make this more complicated then it needs to be."
Floyd ran his hand through his hair in disbelief, "No, no, no, I'm not doing that."
His father's voice was stern as he responded, "It doesn't matter if you want to do it or not. It's for the business, you'll understand later."
Floyd yelled into the phone, "You're really doing this to me?!" He couldn't keep calm anymore.
His mother spoke trying to calm him down, "Floyd please-"
Floyd interrupted yelling, "SHUT UP!" as he threw his phone full force into a nearby wall making a hole and shattering the screen.
Tears streamed down his face as his heart hammered in his chest. He couldn't calm himself down, he was beyond pissed. He grabbed a nearby chair and threw it in a random direction hearing something shatter. He couldn't stop himself. He grabbed anything nearby him and either threw it or slammed it into something else. He punched, threw, and tore whatever he could as he became blinded by his anger.
He didn't realize how long he was going at it until he heard you opening the front door to your apartment. He was breathing heavily as he sat himself on the now torn up couch.
He heard your gasp of surprise but didn't look at you, instead he hid his face in his hands.
"Floyd! What the hell happened?" you asked looking around at all the broken furniture.
He kept his face hidden in his hands as he mumbled out, "I'm sorry."
You sighed and sat down next to him on your now ruined couch. "Floyd-" you began but are quickly interrupted as he pulled you into a tight hug. As you awkwardly rub his back you feel something wet on your shoulder only to realize he was crying.
"What happened?" you ask him gently. He doesn't respond, instead he hugs you tighter as he silently cries into your shoulder.
After awhile, he pulls away from you rubbing his eyes, "AHHH- Shrimpy you won't belieeeeve it!" he says dramatically as he falls back on the couch, "My parents are tryin' to get me married to some idiot or whatever," he sniffles as he messes with the fabric on the couch.
"You're what?!" you yell in disbelief. "Wha- why?" Floyd shrugged, "Eh, I dunno. I'll ask em' later."
You look around at all the broken furniture, "I'm guessing that's what made you destroy my apartment?" Floyd sighed, "Yeah, I'll help fix it later."
You both fall quiet. You start to grow worried as you think about this marriage he's supposed to be in. You glance over at Floyd, "So, about that marriage thing..."
You're nervous as he sits up on the couch, "I'm not agreeing to it. It's just some stupid paper anyway. Stupid marriage keeping me trapped," Floyd grumbled out mostly to himself. You don't know why but his words made you feel a bit insecure, "Well if that's the case then in a way aren't I keeping you trapped?"
Floyd stared at you before letting out a small laugh, "Nah you ain't keeping me trapped Shrimpy. The difference between the marriage and our relationship is that I actually chose to be here with you and at least I can leave our relationship whenever I want."
"Hey!" you yelled incredulously, slapping him with a nearby pillow. Floyd laughed, "I never said I was goin' to leave!" You smiled, "Good because I don't know what I'd do without you."
Overtime, you can easily see the shift in Floyd's personality as he goes from his usual happy and cuddly self to irritable and barely seeing you at all. And when he does get the chance to see you, he cuddles you for hours on end before he disappears again.
Floyd really tried to stay with you but his parents had made their decision. He complains a lot to you about the whole situation telling you how he hates everyone and everything and how the only person he ever wants to marry is you. He guessed the money was too good to pass up and the thought left a bitter taste in his mouth. It made him feel like he was some object being sold and it pissed him off greatly.
Sooner than he'd like, the wedding date arrives and reluctantly he goes. He may hate his parents for this but he won't go against them. That doesn't mean he won't make things difficult for them and everyone else involved.
The wedding is a formal affair that leaves Floyd very bored. He wants nothing to do with his new partner but he can try to pretend to like them. He'll dance around with them but it's not his fault if his new bride almost gets their arm ripped out from it's socket. He'll even say his vows and kiss the bride even though it makes him want to throw up. But he'll do it for his parents and if it makes this whole event end faster then whatever, he'll do it.
If he's made to live in the same home as the bride, Floyd will almost never be home with them and if his family or his wife's family try dragging him back, he'll fight them the whole way there. Floyd makes it very clear to his new partner that he absolutely doesn't love them. There's only one person that he wants to spend the rest of his life with and it's you.
He doesn't get why anyone, especially the bride, would care about this marriage anyway. Both their families probably set them up for money reasons so why should Floyd care about it? If he could, he'd just say he doesn't give a shit and leave.
Floyd is more likely the one who'd kill their new partner. He absolutely can't stand being trapped and if he's supposed to spend the rest of his life with this person with no way out then he's gonna get irritated really quick.
He isn't heartless however, he knows that his new partner might share his feelings of irritation and that's why he'd much rather just get a divorce than go as far as to kill them.
But, sometimes we have to do things we don't really want to do.
Floyd will find a way back to you. Whether it be with clean hands and a bouquet of flowers to apologize for his absence or with bloody bruised knuckles and skin stuck in-between his teeth, he'll come back to you.
He may even decide to marry you as soon as he comes back! How cute! Besides, his parents can't force him into another marriage if he's taken, right?
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~Riddle Rosehearts~
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Riddle had met up with you in town to take a much-needed break from his job. Getting some fresh air was nice every now and then and it was a nice impromptu date for you two!
You both walked around the town picking up a few things here and there but mostly just spent your time window shopping. Until he suddenly got a call.
Riddle looked down at his phone. It's his mother. He really didn't want to talk to her right now but when you asked who was calling, he quickly tells you it's Trey.
"He's probably just checking in on me," Riddle awkwardly laughs before telling you that he'll be right back as he sneaks off to a more secluded area.
He walked into an empty alleyway. Looking down at the phone again, he grows nervous. He's hesitant to answer but nonetheless he does.
"Hello mother," he greets her with a steady voice. The conversation starts off normal. She asks him about his job and how he's doing. He tells her he's doing great but, the conversation becomes strange as she tells him that she's found him a new partner.
"What do you mean?" Riddle asks confused. "I mean I've found you a new partner and she's far better than the one you have now. She's a very lovely young lady, far more suitable for you," she says happily, "You both will be married soon so I expect you to be here when the date arrives."
Riddle was shocked. Is... this an arranged marriage? Is he being forced into marriage? He never thought his mother would do something like this to him. Not only that but she had the gall to insult you!
His mother continues speaking but he can barely pay attention as he's begins to panic. He needs to say something! He needs to convince her to not go through with it!
His voice is shaky as he tries to reason with his mom, "Mother, I am grateful but as you know I'm already in a relationship with someone and I love them very much. Why can't I marry them instead?"
"Them?" his mother asks snidely. "We both know you can't marry them." His mother continues on telling Riddle that you're unworthy of the Rosehearts name and how Riddle should only settle for the absolute best.
His heart breaks with each reason she gives. But as his heart breaks, his anger rises. How dare she say such things about you! You were one the best things to ever appear in Riddle's life and for her to imply that you weren't the absolute best made him flush red in anger.
However, before he could give her a piece of his mind, she said something that made him pause. "Besides, the marriage has already been finalized," his mother said nonchalantly.
A- already? No wait... So that means that...
Riddle is overcome with an immense feeling of dread as the realization dawns on him. It seems no matter what he does or says, he won't be able to change her mind...
"You... YOU CAN'T DO THIS!" he yells into the phone as he starts to cry.
His mother is silent for a moment before she speaks, her tone is cold as ice and it cuts him to the core, "How dare you talk back to me. After all I've done for you," she pauses for a moment before continuing, "I expect you to be here in the upcoming months for your wedding, understood?"
He swallows thickly, whatever courage he had shatters as he responds with a solemn, "Yes mother," before ending the call.
Bitter tears stream down his face as he falls to his knees. He hates himself for not having the courage to stand his ground against his mother, especially with how much was at risk. He thinks of all the things he could've said or done to possibly change her mind perhaps if he tried harder, he could have convinced her to let him marry you instead.
Riddle suddenly feels a hand on his shoulder. He turns only to see you looking down at him concerned, "Riddle, what's wrong?" you ask as you kneel down next to him.
He opens his mouth to speak but no words come out. He wants to tell you but he just- he can't.
Trying to wipe away his tears, he sniffles, "It's nothing. I just remembered something is all," he said. Riddle could tell you didn't believe him, it wasn't a good lie and he knew it but thankfully you didn't push it. Instead, you both continued on your impromptu date.
Riddle's personality change is obvious to everyone around him. He's absolutely miserable and it shows. His temper getting the better of him more often.
He really wishes he could run away from this. He wishes he had the strength to go against his mother. He wishes he was free of her control but it seems that no matter how hard he tries he can't seem to completely get rid of her.
He ends up overworking himself to distract himself from the reality he's in. He daydreams of grabbing your hand and running away from everyone and everything, far away from his mother. But he can't. He has to face reality whether he likes it or not.
Of course, you notice the way Riddle has changed and he appreciates the concern but he reassures you everything's fine, he's just been very busy.
When the date of the wedding arrives, Riddle is incredibly nervous but he won't run away. He'll try his best to like his new partner or at least pretend to. He may not genuinely love his new partner but he won't treat them harshly, they're a person too. It's only fair to treat them kindly after all, they were probably forced into this as well.
He may dance, laugh, and maybe even kiss his new partner but it doesn't feel the same as when he does those things with you. His heart belongs to you and by the end, he realizes that he misses you dearly.
Riddle will more than likely explain his situation to his new partner in hopes that they will be understanding and if they're kind enough, perhaps they'll let him stay with you.
However, if not then Riddle will try his best to see you when he can. He's not the best at sneaking out unseen but he manages.
At some point you'll figure out he's been married off or he'll go and tell you himself. He was far too afraid to tell you before, when the feelings of hurt were still fresh but while he might feel a bit better now, he's still hesitant to tell you about it. He's worried that now he's married you won't want to be with him anymore.
He hopes that one day he'll be able to get out of his marriage whether it be through divorce or by other means. He may even think of just running away and eloping with you.
Riddle swears that one day his mother will have no control over him. It may not be today or tomorrow but some day he'll run away with you and he'll never look back.
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783 notes · View notes
femdomlieeh · 2 months
Notebook of a fool ✧ Xiaojun
BFF!Xiaojun ✧ Crush!Fem!Reader
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WC—3.8 ✧ k
WARNING—anxiety ✧ heartbreak ✧ crying ✧ pet names
THEMES—sfw ✧ light angst ✧ future fluff (?) ✧ best friend au ✧ crush au
A/N. 누나 (nuna) = older sister
psst! Next update is a Beomgyu smut… probably my fav smut I’ve ever written
M.LISTS—wayv ✧ latest updates ✧ read on wp
All rights reserved © femdomlieeh
✧ ੈ ✧ ‧₊˚ * ੈ ✧‧₊˚** ੈ ✧ ‧₊˚ * ੈ ✧‧₊˚** ✧ ੈ ✧
Today was one of those bad fucking days. One of those days when you can't find any positivity in anything. One of those days when you don't feel like talking to the people you love the most. One of those days when you just want to give up.
The first thing you saw in the morning was a notification of a text from your boyfriend. Looking at the white speech bubble is something you usually look forward to when you see Wonwoo's name bright up your screen, knowing he always has something entertaining to tell.
But this particular morning he said something you wish were a joke.
Wonwoo Boo💞
[ive been thinking lately and _____ i think we need a break]
[You're not going to tell me why?]
Seen 10:17
You asked him the first thing that came to your mind. He couldn't possibly just expect you to be OK with having a break without a reason, right?
After an hour you accepted the fact that he had left you on read and that he wasn't going to reply anytime soon.
Maybe it was because he called you _____.
He never called you by your name. Only your friends called you that. He was supposed to call you weird or cheesy pet names and nothing else! 
He left you with a headache. He left you with your bad thoughts and theories. Damn you, Wonwoo.
It was very human-like of you to be in a bad mood. Only a robot would feel nothing in this situation. The day wouldn't get any worse. You were going to make sure of it! Your mood may have been bad, but you weren't going to let anyone else get affected by it. Lashing out on innocent people because you don't feel good on the inside is something you hated doing.
Today you were going to hang out with your best friend, Xiaojun, have a picnic on a park next to the Han river. Xiaojun had packed a cute pink basket (that he had specifically bought for you two to use for picnics together since they happened at least thrice a month) which was filled with kimchi kimbap, green grapes, two clementines and some churro flavored chips and you had packed a large outdoor blanket so Xiaojun wouldn't have too much to carry. For almost a week you two hadn't met up and you both missed each other and wanted to make up for the days you had spent apart so of course you went for the nice, typical not-romantic-at-all picnic hang out session.
But no.
You weren't going to meet Xiaojun and ruin his parade with the rain cloud that was following you around wherever you went since you opened your eyes this dark morning. No, you weren't going to let the first time you two meet in such a long time be ruined by the sad news you got this ugly morning.
누나 🥰
[I can't hang out today, sorry]
Prince Junnie🦄
[why not?☹️]
누나 🥰
[I'm not feeling too well]
Prince Junnie🦄
[it's ok i'll make u some delicious soup😊]
누나 🥰
[No, you don't need to, I don't want you to get sick!]
Prince Junnie🦄
[but ive missed u sm☹️]
누나 🥰
[We'll meet another day I promise to make up for this!]
And so you put the phone gently on the table to lay on the sofa and binge watch some random show. You made sure to turn your phone off first since you knew you'd cut Wonwoo some slack in case you read any persuasive text from him — he's good with words and making you feel loved. Whilst you were looking through all the lists Netflix had created for you, which were filled with movies and series you either had already seen or weren't interested in, Xiaojun was still expectantly waiting for his screen to go bright.
She must be joking, he thought.
Unlike you, Xiaojun's morning had started out brilliant. From the moment he opened his eyes, he was smiling and full of energy, excited to hang out with you after not seeing you for five whole days. He had missed you. Spending time with you was one of his favorite hobbies! Since you two had picnics regularly you two had decided that you would take turns in deciding and packing the picnic basket and this time it was Xiaojun's turn! He had been so excited all week, planning out a shopping list days before. He had specifically purchased grapes this time because he had this fantasy of putting one in your mouth (which sounded weird, but it would feel intimate to feed you fruit) and also playing around and throwing grapes up in the air and catching them in the mouth. 
Needless to say, he liked you a little more than a best friend should and that was a bit of a problem. His friends kept telling him that it was stupid to spend so much time with you and that Xiaojun should either try to ignore his emotions or he should distance himself from you until he loses feelings, because it was unfair to hurt himself by giving himself false hopes of getting somewhere with a taken girl. 
And Xiaojun knew it. For so long, he'd known that it was a bad idea to like you. You didn't like him in the same way, and you even had a boyfriend for fuck's sake — and a really pretty one at that! But no matter how many red flags there were, he still wanted to spend everyday with you. He didn't want a week to go by without being with you. He wanted to cuddle with you on a picnic blanket. He wanted to kiss you when you visited photo booths. He wanted to share hoodies with you. He wanted to stay up late and talk until you two fell asleep in each others' arms. He wanted to be the only one you called Prince. 
Wondering why you called Xiaojun 'Prince' when you already were in a relationship with Wonwoo? Well, Prince had been Xiaojun's nickname before you even met Wonwoo (yes, you'd known Xiaojun longer than you'd known Wonwoo, yet you still found yourself in a relationship with the latter — or not anymore actually). And though your (then) boyfriend never liked it, you had convinced him it was just a friendly pet name. Because that's exactly what it was.
To you.
To Xiaojun it was the closest he'd ever feel to being your boyfriend. But you started using that pet name less and ever since Wonwoo came around and ruined everything more than it already was ruined. Xiaojun even had to change his contact name on your phone to include the word 'Prince' so you wouldn't forget to call him that.
He loathed Wonwoo.
Wonwoo was always the reason why you couldn't hang out with your bestfriend for too long, why you couldn't call him Prince on certain occasions and why you couldn't look at him as a potential boyfriend. Wonwoo was an attention thief. Not really. But it felt like it. Xiaojun was jealous of everything Wonwoo had with you.
Because your boyfriend obviously was a threat, Xiaojun felt like he needed even more of your validation than before (which was already a lot). He needed your attention. If you ignored him he'd think it was your way of telling him that you had left him completely for Wonwoo. Ridiculous! He shouldn't feel like you owe attention to him.
Your friendly fucking friendship was the closest thing Xiaojun had to being together with you in the way he really wanted, so he valued it a lot. Not having you as his girlfriend was painful enough, but not having you as even his friend would break him.
Right now you weren't validating your time together, nor your friendship — or at least it felt like it to Xiaojun. He always needed your attention and unlike normally, he wasn't getting it right now. His smile dropped and so did his excitement for the day.
Was this the end?
He knew that spending one week without each other would lead to more time for you to spend with your damn boyfriend but he didn't know it would lead to the end of your friendship. 
No way he'd bail on the picnic plans.
Prince Junnie🦄
[can i pls come over? i bought fruits for u<33 i'm sure fruits is exactly what u need right now!!]
Prince Junnie🦄
[idc if i get sick or not bc i still wanna hang out w u]
Prince Junnie🦄
[pls 누나]
Sent 11:33
You had ignored him only once before and it was a horrible experience.
The way you ignored him (on accident) was so hurtful that he had to leave the gathering that he had looked forward to for so long, confusing the other guests, to go and lock himself in a bathroom so he could cry without bothering anyone. You'd gone right after him since you knew it wasn't very Xiaojun-like to leave a fun time for no reason. After you had knocked on the door and reassured him you were his best friend and not a random person coming to make fun of him, he let you in the bathroom.
The sight you were met by was his crumbling figure on the floor and overflowing tears on his cheeks. He had thought that you wanted nothing to do with him. Stupid you didn't see the obvious signs. It was because of the fact that you hadn't paid any attention to him that Xiaojun had gotten the idea that you had grown bored of him or that you wanted to leave him for Wonwoo (he hadn't told you the latter part, of course). And weeks later you did get together with Wonwoo. And that made him cry himself to sleep for days which you never knew.
How much your lack of attention and affection for Xiaojun had affected him was scary. And a fucking sign, you idiot. Nobody gets so worked up over the loss of affection of someone they view as a friend. Ever since that incident you'd made sure to always remind him of how much you value your friendship.
Except for today.
He thought he had made it clear enough to you that you never ever should ignore him unless you really meant It. Unless you really wanted to part ways. To go from the bestest friends to cold acquaintances. Some people might think it's crazy to be this attached to a best friend but you weren't just his best friend. You were his love and happiness. Without you he didn't have either.
Five minutes passed since he triple texted you and he still had no reply. Slowly he felt how his tummy was turning into knots and how his eyes started stinging.
Prince Junnie🦄
[ur making me worried]
Prince Junnie🦄
[hey!! text me so ik u didn't die from choking on strawberry milk 누나😰]
Prince Junnie🦄
[r u ignoring me?🫠]
Prince Junnie🦄
[unless u have corona, meet me by the river at 6 if u care abt me. i need to talk to u abt smth important]
Sent 12:04
If you didn't show up he knew for sure that you had left him behind forever. If you did show up then he'd confess to you. So spontaneously he couldn't keep his feelings away from you for another year because it wasn't healthy and he knew it. He knew he would have to tell you about his feelings sooner or later. And after being without you for a whole ass week and after experiencing the cruel punishment that is being ignored and even thinking you broke your dear friendship off, he knew the time had come for him to finally woman up and confess.
Whilst he was anxiously thinking through why he made such a bold move and possibly ruined any future he had with you, the girl he loved was being lazy and stuffing her face in pillows in front of a TV.
one season of Bojack Horseman later...
Tossed between blankets and an overflow of pillows, your tummy roared like a lion. You hadn't eaten anything yet. Maybe it was time to do something other than numbing your feelings with Netflix and the drinks you had at home? As you stood up you felt heavy. You had moved maximum 100 meters in the past few hours — to go to the bathroom, then kitchen and back to the living room — and it had taken a toll on your body physically.
You sat back down on your sofa and brought your phone to view after hours without it.
[6 new messages from Prince Junnie🦄]
Fuck. The last message was sent so long ago. You looked at your windows. It was dark outside. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. As fast as you physically could, you put on a pair of shoes and a jacket with your aching limbs.
In just a few minutes you were on your way to the closest bus station. The whole bus ride to the river was filled with thoughts putting you down. Your favorite person in the world was sensitive about this stuff and you hurt him. You were supposed to not let your bad mood affect anybody around you. But who were you kidding? Of course something had to go wrong with an idea you constructed and analyzed for four microseconds.
Before you knew it you had arrived at the destination. You were speed walking to the river. You two always went to the exact same spot by the river since it was usually vacant, by some miracle, and had a pretty view of a bridge.
You were naive enough to think that isolating yourself from your bestfriend and your phone would help solve your problems, so you were certainly naive enough to go and check if Xiaojun was still at your meeting place hours after you were supposed to meet him. What if he wasn't there? What if he was there?
The water was shimmering from the moonlight and next to it was a bench and an athletic, tall silhouette. Your eyes widened. Could it be...? Sniffles. That's the sound that came from their direction. You walked closer and could make out the lines of a figure that was all too familiar.
The silhouette turned around and though it was dark you could see that it in fact was him. You quickly sat down beside him and noticed that a couple of notebooks were scattered on the ground next to a bike. You didn't know what to do, never having seen glad Xiaojun cry. After another particularly loud sniffle you turned your attention back to him. The light of the moon exposed the redness and tears on his face. For hours he'd been outside and his face was still wet with tears.
"Why are you still out at this hour?"
He choked on his tears and rested his face in his hands, "Because I'm a fool."
"No, you're not a—"
"Why are you here?" he interrupted you.
"You told me to meet you if I care about you."
"You come here hours later as if I don't mean anything to you," he hurried out before his voice could crack.
"I'm sorry about that. But if I didn't care about you I wouldn't show up at all," you spoke with a soft tone. The last thing you wanted was to be harsh, especially since you were the reason your best friend was upset.
"Why did you do this to me, 누나?" he looked you in the eyes as if he'd find any answers inside them.
"I promise I didn't do it on purpose. I would never hurt you on purpose," you took his hands into yours, oblivious to how the simple gesture made Xiaojun a bit hopeful on the inside.
His hands were so cold it was shocking that he was shaking because of his crying and not because of the ice-like coldness. That's what happens when you're out for hours when there's no sun — or person — to keep you warm.
"I saw the messages 20 minutes ago and got here immediately. I would never purposely ignore you, Prince."
You made sure to use his nickname in almost every sentence you spoke, silently telling him that you don't want to fight. Slowly you brought his hands to your lips and kissed them lightly, five kisses on each hand for every finger. He looked at your lovely action and felt how his tears were slowing down. The kisses didn't make him warm — maybe for a second — but at least they made him feel somewhat better inside.
"I'm so, so sorry you had to be here in the cold," you apologized and kept his hands in yours as an attempt to warm them.
One part of Xiaojun wanted to continue being mad and make you feel bad for the hurt you'd caused him but the bigger part wanted you to hold him in your arms. He loved you and couldn't stay mad at you for long even if he tried.
"I-It's OK, 누나. At least you're here now," he whispered and looked at your locked hands, admiring the sight since it may never happen again — or maybe he should make sure his hands are cold more often—
You sent him a sorrowful smile and let his head rest on your shoulder, resting your own against it as an instinct, both from being comfortable and tired.
"From now on I will check if I have any texts every hour for you," you said with an exaggerated joking voice to lighten the mood.
He giggled. You weren't even being that funny but you were both tired and sad, so anything even a tiny bit funny was hilarious to both of you.
"What did you want to tell me before, Prince?" you whispered into his fluffy hair and petted it.
Should he tell you how he feels? Should he possibly ruin this? If he told you how he truly felt, would you ever kiss him hands like you did just now? Would you ever touch him this caringly ever again? Would you continue to call him Prince? Or would all of that be gone due to your loyalty to your sweet precious boyfriend Wonwoo?
For hours Xiaojun had been outside in the cold waiting for the love of his life so he could tell her the truth. But it took time before you, the love of his life, showed up. Too long.
When a person is alone outside with notebooks filled with blank pages to write feelings and stories in, it's easy to let emotions take over. He ended up writing around seven poems. Some poems were really cheesy and written in the spirit of the moment. Some didn't even rhyme. Some were a perfect description of where he was in him non-existent love life.
But they all had one thing in common.
They were melancholic and written from the point of view of a man who was hopelessly in love with his best friend.
"Nothing. I just wanted to have a picnic with you, 누나. I was just being dramatic to convince you to come despite feeling under the weather," he lied right through his teeth.
That made no sense because you two had never been on a picnic after sunset and Xiaojun would never lie to make you come see him. But you were tired and desperate to leave the cold outside, so you chuckled lightly, believing him immediately.
"Then where are the snacks?" you asked, confused since the only things around you were notebooks, a bike and water.
"I ate them."
Laughter filled the air; your genuine one and his fake one.
You put your face in his cheek, making him blush (not that you'd notice, since his cheeks were already red from before), "Well, my tummy is a little too thin right now, so let's go somewhere."
"In the middle of the night?" he questioned.
"Yes," you smiled against his cheek and he felt it, making him smile too.
You both were still smiling when you were picking up all the notebooks to get ready for the ride. Jokes were thrown here and there. It was as if nothing had happened. You both knew it was a misunderstanding and you valued the friendship with the other too much to put energy into arguing. And you were tired too, so the argument wouldn't even be that epic even if you tried.
"What about your bike?" 
"Oh nooo! The buses are always so full now that it's too late to take the subway!" Xiaojun whined.
"You know what? Since I was a jerk you can go take a warm bus while I ride in the cold," you said impulsively.
"B-But, 누나—" he smiled, flattered. 
"B-But nothing," you interrupted him and sat down on the bike. Anyone who had spoken to you knew you were stubborn. He laughed. The little sadness he had left was gone by now. His cheeks were dry. Still red, but not from crying, now they were red from blushing.
"OK, whatever you say, 누나."
"You brought a transport card right?" you made sure since he came by bike.
"Yes I did~ See you in an hour, 누나," he winked at you and waved with a smile brighter than the moon before running to the bus that just arrived.
You waved back to him and got ready to bike — you definitely needed a head start. But before you started you couldn't help but see something white standing out in the darkness.
It was another one of Xiaojun's notebooks. You must've been too tired to notice it when you were picking them up. Thankfully the notebook was open or else you wouldn't have noticed it as it had a dark cover. You took it into your hands. To make sure it really was Xiaojun's you needed to read at least a snippet.
You prayed it was Xiaojun's because it would be worse if you read a stranger's private thoughts than your best friend's since you already knew all him secrets. The snippet was Xiaojun's. It was from one of the pages of poems that didn't rhyme, that was very cheesy but depicted how sappy he was feeling and also told him part of the story that you never knew.
I want to feel my best friend's lips on my lips
I want, more than anything, her to call me HER Prince
You drop the book on the grass. So that's what he wanted to tell you.
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