#may still be cis??
gouinisme · 1 year
thinking about who i'd be if i didnt watch steven universe in middle school
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sciderman · 7 months
Sci in the short time Uncle Ben was around -- or even if he'd lived longer -- would he have known that Peter is Spiderman?
this is such a delight of a question! what a delightful little thought experiment. thinking about a scenario where uncle ben was still around when aunt may finds out peter is spider-man – when she finds peter's tights, when he was seventeen.
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i think there's no way at all that aunt may wouldn't have told uncle ben. she definitely would have told him. i don't think uncle ben would've been observant enough to figure it out by himself, but – aunt may, she's smart. she figures it out.
may and ben have such entirely different ways of handling peter
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ben's old-fashioned, a bit square (like peter), and not very well-informed. he worries a lot about peter. worries about him getting into trouble. sees his unusual behaviour, and meets it with soft concern. he doesn't understand it all, he doesn't understand the youth. but he has a desire to embrace peter and attempt to understand him. he worries about him a lot.
may - may's always been the cool parent. she's encouraging, and very easy about this sort of thing. i think she has a lot of trust in peter. maybe more than she should. she is well-informed, and smart, and she recognises behaviours in peter and kind of feels like it's nothing to worry about. she knows peter's doing all the important exploration that he needs to do, and he'll do it at his own time. she thinks peter can handle it.
(of course peter could not handle it.)
i think that's why aunt may didn't confront peter about spider-man. i think she's of the feeling that peter would come out to her when he's ready to. but - she'd definitely tell ben. and if uncle ben knew - well, oh. he would be worried out of his mind.
god bless, it would come out of such a place of concern. and he'd talk to peter. in the most awkward way a father could give his son the talk.
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jiangwanyinscatmom · 8 months
I'm of the mind that Shi Qingxuan would have the will to ascend a second time as a god especially one for the people even more so as he thrived with other beggars and was still able to gather them to help Xie Lian. I think there is just something very strong in him as a person even without Shi Wudu manipulating their fates. He is still able to persevere just fine and able to come back stronger despite his own sadness. And I think that's pretty great despite it all he wasn't broken down.
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trans-androgyne · 2 months
Common thread across radical feminisms is “I experience the real actually important misogyny and everyone else just gets the weaker misdirected stuff” — seen it from cis woman TERFs and transmasc and transfem TIRFs.
“Trans women can’t experience misogyny because they aren’t women”
“Trans men can’t experience misogyny because they aren’t women”
“Trans women can’t experience misogyny like I do because they’re not afab and we get the worst of it”
“Trans men can’t experience misogyny like I do because they’re not amab and we get the worst of it”
It’s exhausting. Yeah we could do all that or we could consider that all sexism very much impacts all trans people in different ways.
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lazycranberrydoodles · 5 months
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rare pen doodles cause finals week is grinding me into a fine dust
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uncanny-tranny · 2 years
Other people have discussed this more eloquently, but the thing people don't always seem to get about "passing" (think "cis passing" or "straight passing", for instance) is that the concept of "passing" relies on more than just appearance.
Take me for instance, where I do pass as a man, but I have never (and will never) pass as a cishet man. People know I am queer, even if they don't see that I am a trans queer man. Passing is more than wearing certain things or saying certain things. My mannerisms are queer, my speech is queer, my inflection is queer, my stance is queer. People pick up on that. There's nothing wrong with me being seen as queer, but I'm still treated like a queer man, for better and worse. It seems that people forget that, you know?
My point is that passing is very conplex, nuanced, and individual. I use myself as an example, but that by no means indicates that I have a standard experience. I've noticed, however, that many people have over-generalized these conversations, and I think that doesn't do us - as a community - a service.
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illuminatedferret · 10 months
ascensions lian
one of my favorite things about rereading tgcf is finding little bits of info where MXTX showcases how crazy strong xie lian is. like in the PROLOGUE we learn that if people trying to ascend fail their Heavenly Tribulations they either die or are (socially? physically?) ruined. like, nevermind the rigors of cultivating to ascension, the act of ascension itself is lethally dangerous.
this motherfucker ascended for the first time IN HIS SLEEP. the second time he was so busy pummeling bai wuxiang that he didn't even notice it!!! what the hell!!! what the hell is this guy on and how do i get some
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dyed-indigo · 3 months
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happy birthday to this man.
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I have my own Son and his Boyfriend, and I worry I’m not Enriching them Enough. Any advice?
Ooooh, first of all - I'm honoured that you're coming to me for advice, from one parent to another, so thank you for that!! Onto the actual advice. I think the best thing to do is to just...bring them with you if you go out. They thrive on open air (and it motivates me to get out on walks as well), and will start going stir crazy if they aren't spotted doing crazy antics at least once or twice a month. I actually have a bag dedicated to transporting them so they're comfortable throughout the experience! (Don't be afraid of getting them dirty either, they can be washed really well! I was really nervous about it at the start.) If they don't get out enough...let's not think about that. However, don't leave Xie Lian alone with anything that can fit in his mouth - he can and will try and eat it. Hua Cheng is like a disease magnet, keep an eye on him at all times to make sure he doesn't begin dying of the plague or something. If you separate the two, I'm sure you're aware of the screaming that can and will occur if this does happen. Of course, all blorbos need to relax as well!
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good-vs-evo · 5 months
oooh i was just tryna find some huayin content because i was bored and a little tired and wanted to cheer myself up AND GUESS WHAT
i thought tumblr was a safe place for me to be insane and queer and have a good time w my silly little rarepairs and polycules and hcs
but apparently. i can't ask for one place to be silly lmao there are ppl on tumblr still being like haters... for ships they could easily avoid? and putting it... under the huayin tag? which is, you know. the uh. the intention is kind of confusing. esp since ppl search up that tag w the intent to consume content related to their personal interests and probably don't want to see ppl hating on what they enjoy in the process <3
once again i don't really see the point in so avidly hating a ship that ur tagging it... in hopes that ppl who ship it will see it? because... they're ppl who ship it... and will likely not agree w u... and will likely just see u as another hater... and either ignore or fight and like where will that get anyone? sincerely? and hating an artist so much like w so much passion i think there are better things in life to do such as: find an artist u do like and move on!!
but i digress i just. i wanted to make a lil post w my hcs for them bc i <3 huayin hehe
reusing some from my long post abt all the rarepairs and polycules i ship!
hua cheng rarely got sick, but when he did, he wasn't worried (he knew yin yu would take good care of him)
both yin yu and hua cheng know how to cook, so they make each other meals when they know the other is too busy to remember to cook for themselves
yin yu can read hua cheng's handwriting! possibly the only person on heaven, hell, and earth who can, he's really used to seeing his messy scribbles and has learned how to decipher them
hua cheng was kind of a xie lian gatekeeper for a while, but he regaled yin yu with stories and let yin yu into his temple dedicated to xie lian
e'ming trusts yin yu and likes him to equal levels to xie lian
they have some little odd creatures of mysterious background that they keep and raise together in paradise mansion
yin yu asked hua cheng to teach him how to draw and paint and hua cheng has little lessons for him when they're both free
yin yu's interested in different kinds of masks, so hua cheng gifted him a room and funds to invest in new ones
they have chill time once a month when they're required to leave their work to just spend an entire day together
hua cheng's love language to yin yu is acts of service and gift giving
yin yu's love language to hua cheng is acts of service (no wayyy) and touch
hope u enjoy :) and also wishing u a nice day :D
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byler-alarmist · 1 year
What scares me most about Byler endgame is the reality of it likely coming out long after the US presidential election 2024.
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weirdcat1213 · 5 months
Mxtx just did this really cool thing: She described the dire situation in yong'an for like a paragraph cuz xie lian was stunned by it. All the could do is watch and feel ashamed about it
But when he visits his new place mxtx goes "the scenery was pretty- but xie lian had no mind to appreciate it. Xie lian has a goal in mind and rn he can't be bothered by a nice view.
If mxtx had described the scenery as she usually does even if xie lian did not care it would have sent an interesting message: "look at what xie lian is missing because of his mission". But because she didn't, she forces the reader to be as focused as xie lian and I think that's cool :D
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kittyphoenix12-xx · 2 months
rewatching the finale of white collar and pretending not to be absolutely devastated by the implications of it all
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pomsdoodlefort · 3 months
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Unable to sire a brood of his own, he was tasked with guarding and warming the eggs of others. His true name was lost to time as other family members started calling him "Egg-Father" as an insult, but he took the mantle to heart.
Never truly allowed to interact with the hatchlings, they will never know his service. However, when they hear his voice they feel a warmth in their hearts they cannot truly understand.
Egg-Father is kept at arms length from the rest of the family, but he is content in his role tending to the young eggs. He sees it as an important and sacred duty, even if others see him as simply an incubator.
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moodr1ng · 4 months
now and again i remember the first time i knowingly met another trans person.. i was a preteen at summer camp, and on the first day we were all sitting around and one of the camp counselors said something about how theres x number of boys and girls, and i was like "no, theres (one more) boys" and pointed out each of the boys. i was then told one of the people id picked out was actually a girl, and i was terribly embarrassed but he just laughed and said it was ok. he was presenting in a very masculine way both in style and behavior and i kept "messing up" and gendering him as a boy and then profusely apologizing, and hed just say "its fine, i actually prefer that". eventually one night he told me and a few other kids that he wanted to be a boy and he was gonna get surgery for it one day. then i just kept on gendering him as a boy. he never used the word transgender or really got into the details of it so it didnt really click to me that this was a thing you could do (that i could do?) and it wouldnt really until i later stumbled onto transgender blogs and articles online, but looking back now its a sweet memory. i hope it made that kid really happy that i couldnt help but gender him properly multiple times before he ever actually clarified his identity lol
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lokh · 2 months
oh wait. i just remembered that while i was getting my blood drawn and asked to have the sex indicator changed (kept fucking up the reference ranges) the technician asked if i was born male and when i was like uhh no she was like oh ok thats fine. so are you in the middle of transitioning or are you done
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