#maybe I should just give up and accept my time as a writer is over and move on
atinystraykid · 11 months
Once again falling into a depression pit over my lack of writing progress
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jaegeraether · 7 months
Sunsets and footballers (Part 14)
Lucy Bronze x Reader (14)
Masterlist (other parts here)
(**Been waiting a while to introduce this new character... **)
Lucy was gripping the bridge of her nose between her forefinger and thumb, her eyes closed, jaw twitching. Katie reached across the table to touch her but stopped at YFN shaking her head. “No,” she said gently. “Just… give her some time to process.”
Katie began looking around for the stalker.
“What are you going to do?” Jordan asked, her eyes also wandering. They all knew they were safe together.
“Well it says they want to see me within 48 hours.. so I’ll prepare tonight and go in tomorrow. I’ll give them all my information and explain. I have proof of them stalking me and I’ve done nothing wrong.. it’s not like I’m from a threatening country. Australia is part of the Commonwealth so everything should be okay..”
Lucy stood and left, scanning around for the stalkers as she waded through the crowded area, though always keeping YFN in sight.
“What time are you leaving?” YFN asked Jordan.
“Tomorrow morning. I’m giving myself a day for the drive and to settle back in before training starts again. When are you coming?”
YFN looked around to see Lucy talking to someone who looked like a Manager. “I’m not sure.. Luce is here for another week but I think she wants to see her family in Manchester.. so maybe we’ll be staying there for a few days and then with you for a few before she leaves?”
“Sounds right, I think Luce wants to get you settled in with me before she goes.” Jordan cringed as realised what she’d said and gave a sheepish look to YFN who rolled her eyes. Of course Lucy spoken to Jordan about staying with her in Birmingham. She looked over at Lucy who was heading back to them, her heart melting even more.
“If you’re still hanging around with your Visa thing, you should come watch us train,” Caitlin said.
“Plus, aren’t you a writer?” Katie asked. “They’re always lookin’ fer writers for sports columns but they can never find good ones. They’re always so borin’ and invasive so none of the players want ta open up to them. But we all already know you..”
Lucy sat back down as YFN mulled it over. “Sports column?” Lucy asked gruffly.
“Just an idea.” Katie shrugged. “It’d be great to do interviews where we know the person and know they aren’t going ta just make up a story. We always have to be so careful with the media trainin’ and such.”
“It’s… it’s a really good idea. I love it, actually. It would be great if it were across all of the leagues..” Her pinky reached out for Lucy, testing the waters, and Lucy hooked her pinky around it. Their little way of communicating.
“I think they’d want you to cover as much as possible." Caitlin said. “Especially if lots of players know you. I’ll send you the details of the company. They just can’t find anyone to cover one league let alone all of them. It’ll be a lot of work but if you’re keen..”
YFN nodded. “I’ll be interested but… maybe don’t send me anything yet. My Visa… I’m not allowed to work. And tomorrow I guarantee they’ll go through my phone and messages with a fine-toothed-comb so if it all goes well then I’ll ask them about the possibility of changing to a working visa… and also having to travel across Europe and what those entry requirements are.”
“Okay… we may already have chatted to the company…”
“It’s okay! It’s nothing official, we didn’t give them your name, we just told them about you and that you used to write a column and that you’re here now and have made a lot of friends with the players..”
“Wow, is it really that bad for you guys with media?”
They all nodded.
“The amount of media training we’ve been through is ridiculous.” Jordan said. “And then we stress about what parts they’re going to use and what they’re going to cut! So if we have someone we can trust then it takes all of that stress away.”
“Okay…. Okay.. I’ll think about it and see how tomorrow goes. If they barely agree to accept my current Visa though, I won’t ask them..”
“That’s fair enough, it was just an idea,” Jordan shrugged and YFN chuckled at that. “Wait.. you’ve all spoken about this?” She thought it was just Katie and Caitlin.
“Of course mate!” She slapped a hand to her shoulder. “We don’t want you going anywhere.”
YFN’s heart filled just a little more as she smiled at her friend. “Birmingham is going to be so much fun.”
“Ohhh yes.” She leant around YFN to look at Lucy. “Any news?”
Lucy shook her head. “No one saw them and they’re not here now. I want us to get out of here though.” She looked at YFN, her protective green eyes locking with hers from behind her clear framed glasses. “I want us to get you out of that hotel, and I don’t want us to be in public longer than we have to.”
“Yeah we’re goin’ ta leave ya’s to it. I’m feeling weird just waitin’ for someone to put a bag over my head.” Katie pushed her sunglasses back up her nose, looking around like she wanted a fight.
“I can help you pack if you need?” Jordan suggested.
“Oh yeah, Dory! You can come over if you want? I’d love to spend some time with you before you leave tomorrow..” YFN looked over her shoulder at Lucy who nodded at her friend, looking a little on edge. “It’s settled. Come with us.” YFN smiled and took Jordan’s hand.
They said their goodbyes and hugged. YFN again thanked Katie and Caitlin for last night, checking that Katie’s hand was okay after trying to break the window of the car. They had a good giggle at that. She promised to get back to them about the strangely vague position of interviewing players, and they both again showed their enthusiasm.
Lucy practically bodyguarded YFN the entire way to the car where YFN encouraged Jordan to sit in the front. She sat behind Lucy who had one of her arms behind her, fingers tangled with YFN’s. She liked needy Lucy. She liked all of the Lucy’s to be honest.
They went to YFN’s hotel and Lucy spoke to the staff to check her out early while Jordan and YFN packed. Somehow, Lucy was able to get her a refund for the nights she didn’t stay, and then they were in Lucy’s car and headed to her London home.
YFN felt strange unpacking. She was technically moving in with her partner… whom she hadn’t known for long.. who also lived in Spain. She felt a little like she was pushing herself onto Lucy too fast, but at the same time, all of it was at Lucy's request. Her insistence. And, it had been one of her three demands.
Jordan and YFN spent time together unpacking, researching and bantering while Lucy was on the phone, pacing. She was talking to lawyers, discussing Visa’s and restraining orders. She was frustrated but would pause past YFN often to touch her, give her a kiss wherever she could reach, or just wave from the patio. She didn’t like the idea that she was putting so much extra stress on Lucy when she should have been resting and recovering her knee, but she also knew that this was Lucy’s choice. She was so sexy the way she took care of things. YFN watched her pace the patio, talking on the phone with her AirPods and expressing so much with her hands, the artery in her neck becoming more prominent when she got more frustrated demanding things. The efforts that woman was going through just to keep her safe and in the country was more than anyone had ever done for her in her life.
She spoke to Jordan about Leah who’d dropped the drunk trio home last night, and who’d apparently dropped Jordan home last.
Jordan sighed. “Leah tried talking to me.. she asked how I was doing and how things are at Villa but I just wasn’t in a state to talk. I couldn’t get out of my head the idea of people following you and Luce…”
“So you pretty much blew her off..?”
“Yeah.. pretty much. I didn’t have the capacity to talk. She left me. She didn’t even give me a reason, she just said that she changed and I hadn’t and… and she left. I tried to talk to her, you know I tried, but in the end I left my club for her. The club I spent most of my career at.” She was getting teary eyed and YFN moved next to her and wrapped her arms around her. Jordan leaned into her and sobbed a little.
“You still love her,” YFN said softly. Jordan nodded against her. “Oh Dory..”
She leant over to get some tissues and blew into them. “I can’t just let her back into my life after that. She… she can’t just do that. I don’t even know if she misses me as a friend or as a girlfriend but she lost both.”
“I… I think it’s both.”
Jordan lifted her head to look at her. She continued. “The way she looked at you and spoke about you when you weren’t watching.. especially with that girl at the bar. And she thought we were together…”
She could see the thoughts running behind Jordan’s eyes before she shook her head. “No, she doesn’t get that from me anymore. She did this. She made this mess.”
“She did, she absolutely did. Let’s just bench it for now and take it as it comes, okay? I’m right here for whatever you need.”
“I’m so happy you’re coming to Birmingham,” Jordan said with a tremble in her voice.
“Me too, mate. Me too. We’re going to have so much fun!”
Jordan’s mood picked up as they changed topics and kept researching. They found a lot of good news and information that had them positive about the outcome the next day.
“Oh this looks promising,” Jordan said. “It’s talking about a character reference who’s known you for at least ten years? Not related to you though..”
YFN laughed. “Ohh I have just the person.” She took her phone out and scrolled through her contacts. “Ridley. We grew up together.”
“I thought you didn’t have a best, best friend?”
“She’s basically family and… an acquired taste.” She laughed again. “God, I love her. We go through periods of not talking for 6 months and then talking every day, but that’s just us. She’s the closest person I have from Australia besides my nan. She actually works in Spain, it was one of the reasons I was going to visit, to see her!”
She called her up and a drunk Ridley answered, music blasting in the background. “Hey baby Blue, what’s doing?”
“Hey Riddles, you busy?”
“Nah, never too busy for you. When are you coming to Greece?”
“Are you still partying?”
“You know it baby! Way too many hot Europeans here.” She started talking to someone near her. ‘In a minute, love, just get us some more drinks.’
YFN laughed. “I can call back…”
“Bullshit, they can wait. What’s up?” She changed to Facetime, and it was exactly what it sounded like. Some sort of party at night in Greece, people crowded around. She had a bottle in one hand and some colour sunglasses on which she look like she stole, covered in several beaded and glow in the dark necklaces.
“Having a good night?”
“You know me mate - always.” She said with a grin as someone bumped into her. ‘Watch it!’ She yelled at them.
 ‘Doesn’t cost anything to be kind!’
‘Costs me my fucking sanity, move your big ass feet away from me.’
She turned back to the phone and took the cap off the bottle with her teeth, spitting it and taking a swig. “I’m just about to throw hands, Blue, I swear.”
YFN and Jordan laughed. “Blue?” Jordan asked.
Before YFN could answer, Ridley noticed her and got closer to the screen with a smirk. “Oh, hey there Jordan Nobbs, you’re looking sexy tonight.”
YFN groaned. “She flirts with everyone, don't be surprised.”
Jordan laughed and answered politely. “Hey mate, nice to meet you! Where was our invite?”
“Oh baby, you’re free to join me aaanytime.”
Jordan’s mouth dropped and YFN groaned, knowing this would happen. “Anyways! Riddles, you know the stalker issue?”
“Oh yeah, you need me to come sort them out?”
“Oh, Lucy’s all over that. No, they put a complaint in about my Visa so I’m headed to the embassy tomorrow. I need a character reference who’s known me at least ten years-”
“-say no more, baby Blue, I’ve got you.” The girl reappeared and was grabbing at Ridley’s face, kissing her cheek. Ridley pulled away, her attention still on her close friend.
“…Yes… but will you be awake tomorrow around 10am your time?”
She hummed and then agreed to set her alarm. Anyone who didn’t know her would think she wasn’t reliable for this, but she knew Ridley and knew she could trust her with anything, anytime. She was incredibly loyal, and the distance between Spain and Australia had meant they’d spoken less which wasn’t what she’d ever wanted with their relationship. But regardless, they were always the type of friends who could call each other up after 6 months and everything was the exact same between them.
Ridley was still flirting with Jordan when the girl from earlier again tried to drag her off the call. Jordan was flirting back, enjoying the attention and YFN made sure to end the call before she saw the girl’s tongue down her throat.
“An acquired taste, I told you. She’s one of my favourite people though. She’s basically family to me.” She laughed.
YFN and Jordan made them dinner while Lucy was still off and on the phone. They ate and then Lucy took Jordan home with hugs and promises that they’d see each other soon in Birmingham. YFN ‘requested’ a shirt with Jordan’s name and number on it. She wanted to wear it to her first Villa game. Jordan was excited that she wanted to wear her shirt, and promised to sign it for her.
Lucy returned to the dishes done, and a squeaky clean YFN who was ready for bed. She looked tired and threw her AirPods and phone onto the couch before taking YFN in her arms. She was so warm and soft and felt like… home. Home had never been place to Lucy. It had always been either her family or wherever she made it with a club. She and YFN hadn’t known each other long but the best way to describe their relationship was that she’d always felt like home to Lucy. For the first time in her life, home felt like a person. The thought of Spain in the back of her mind was a dark thought that she tried to keep back there. She groaned and hugged her little Australian tighter.
“Luce?” She said softly. Lucy pulled back and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “Thank you for today. Thank you for looking after me… I know it’s been a lot to deal with.”
Lucy’s eyebrows furrowed. “This is all on me, all this happening has been because of me and I’m so sorry. You shouldn’t have to deal with any of this. I just….” She paused as she tried to keep her emotions together. “… I really don’t want to lose you.” Her voice was husky as her emotions seeped through.
YFN took her face in her hands. “Luce, I’m not going anywhere. You’re stuck with me, as long as you want me. I need you to know that.”
She was right, Lucy did need those words. A tear slipped out and YFN wiped it away from under her glasses.
“I still want our dates though, regardless of what happens. I’ve planned one for us tomorrow after the… you know. And then the next date-”
“-is all me.” Lucy cut off. “I’ll plan the third.”
“Okay.. but I need to talk to you about… amending one of the deals we made.”
Lucy’s head tilted in question.
“We’re not sure what’s going to happen. We’re not sure what tomorrow will bring. I want to spend every night with you like it’s our last because we deserve that. Regardless of if I’m sent away tomorrow, or in a week, or when you go to Spain…”
As if to prove her point, she pulled Lucy closer, walking backwards until her back was against the wall, Lucy pressed up against her. Lucy couldn’t resist leaning down to kiss her. It was soft and gentle, full of emotion. YFN’s hand found its way to the back of her head and tucked itself into the strands of dark brown hair, using that as leverage to be able to tilt her head and control the kiss a little. They let themselves enjoy it until they could feel each other getting excited, their bodies beginning to move like they wanted more. Lucy pulled back unwillingly, their mouths still close.
“Little one, are you asking me for sex?” She couldn’t help the soft chuckle building up in her throat.
YFN looked up at Lucy a little guilty, her lips pressed together, dimple on full display. “I want all of you. I don’t want to have to wait.”
“Are you… okay after last night?”
She nodded. “That’s part of it, I think. I feel like I lost control of myself at the bar, and I just need… I need to feel like I’m in control of my body again. This is my life, these are my choices, and no one can take them away. And I’ll always choose you..”
Her palms were flat on Lucy’s abs, her body shaking as she rocked, feeling the strap slide in and out with a silky wetness that only Lucy could make her body produce. Lucy’s hands were on her hips, guiding her as she fucked herself while Lucy looked up at her like she was Aphrodite herself. YFN leant forward over Lucy and started taking the strap that way, moaning at the different angle, the wet fucking sound changing notes. Lucy was caught by surprise at the new angle she took so deep and needily. Her rhythm was so ruthless and the new position felt so good on her clit that Lucy knew she’d orgasm soon. Her hands tightened on her hips, her own hips thrusting up to meet hers. Lucy’s back arched and her head bowed back.
“Oh…ffffuck. That’s th…the spot. Fuck. I can’t… I can’t keep.. God I’m going to come.”
This only encouraged YFN who’s pace increased slightly, her hands either side of her head, looking down at her whimpering Lucy. She took her right to the edge, knowing just how well the strap was riding her clit and just before she came, she sat back upright and changed her approach. Lucy came back to life, whimpering at the orgasm she was just denied.
“Little one… I… I was…”
“I know,” YFN panted, her hands again on Lucy’s abs as she rode her. “I know.. just let me get a little closer first and we can finish it together, Luce… argh… just…fuck…just give me a minute. It’ll feel so much better n…now that you’re frustrated.”
Lucy’s hands on her hips encouraged her some more, almost fully picking her up and slamming her back down again. Her hips eagerly thrusted upwards, as deep as she could go. Her little Australian was riding her so well and god, she was a sight. Hair down and well messed by Lucy’s hands during their sex, mouth still wet from the taste of Lucy, her lips swollen and bruised. Her tits were bouncing and excited, nipples out and well sucked. Lucy pulled herself up and grabbed a nipple in her mouth, eagerly sucking the sensitive bud. YFN whimpered and grabbed her hair, holding her head to her tit while she sucked. And god, she sucked. And licked. And nibbled. When she was finished with the first, she moved onto the second and when YFN couldn’t bare it any longer, she pulled Lucy’s head back, making her groan in annoyance as her lips were forced to part with her nipple with a wet popping sound. YFN’s mouth found Lucy’s jaw and with one hand in her hair, she pulled back to give her access to that sharp jawline and strong neck. She nibbled and kissed along those areas that took up so much of her daily thoughts all the while continuously riding her in desperation and need. She knew Lucy wasn’t used to being in a situation like this, but her Englishwoman was taking it so well. Her hands moved from her hips to slide up YFN’s back, pressing her close as she moaned at the feel of her mouth on her throat. Their panting and moaning and swearing were filling the room along with the humidity from their sweaty bodies sliding against each other.
It was taking YFN a little longer than usual being her fifth orgasm of the night, but god, she was getting there. Her rhythm increased to more of a bounce, encouraged by Lucy’s thrusts upwards meeting hers.
“Fuck, you’re doing so well. You look so good, my love.” YFN pulled her mouth away from her neck and looked down at Lucy with hooded eyes. It’s the first time Lucy had ever called her that. She pushed Lucy onto her back again and pressed her hands into her tense abs to help her slide up and down the strap with a depth that she just couldn’t get any other way. The sound of fucking resonated the room, drowned out by their gasps and moans and whimpers. She could feel her wet excitement dripping down the insides of her thighs and undoubtably coating Lucy also. As she was about to come, she leant forwards again to her previous position, hands either side of Lucy’s head and she rode her until Lucy was so wound up that she couldn’t breath.
“Fuck….fuck…fuck…little one…y…yes… oh God….” Lucy had never not been in control of her orgasm and she didn’t realise, but it just made it so much more intense.
YFN leant down and swallowed her moans with her mouth, their tongues meeting. “Come with me, Luce…. Come… come with me…”
They came so hard and tight that they could barely move. A cry ripped from Lucy’s throat and YFN could barely continue to ride the strap as she was so clenched around it. Lucy shoved her up and down on it, needing that bit of friction on her clit to drag out her orgasm, knowing that YFN needed the same. They rocked until they came down, their movements slowing and relaxing.
YFN wasn’t an athlete like Lucy, but she’d just put in a hell of a workout. Her body was tingly and drained from her fifth orgasm, and she just wanted Lucy to hold her and kiss her to sleep. She managed to lift herself up off the strap and Lucy unharnessed, throwing it to the floor and pulling YFN down onto her. YFN laid her full body weight on her, head in her neck.
“You did so good, little one. So, so good.”
“I… I really like you Luce. My body just wants you again and again and it scares me how much I want you. Not just sex… I want you. All of you. Grumpy, happy, protective... sleepy.” She admitted huskily with a yawn into Lucy’s neck, and Lucy wondered if she were sleep talking.
Lucy hummed happily, her fingers tracing up and down her spine, finding those little back dimples at the bottom. “However much you want me, just know, I want you more. I’ll always keep you safe. I’ll always be right here.”
She knew she was speaking to herself as YFN was already asleep, her breathing had changed and her body was fully relaxed onto her. She pressed a kiss to her forehead and was similarly out like a light.
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What makes you know hobie is 18 or above? And not the in the same age range as miles and gwen
Honestly, great question. And the answer is:
I Don't Know Jack Shit. So jot that down.
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Additionally, anyone telling you they DO know Jack Shit is a liar. Jot that down too.
[I may go a little Miguel Mode at the end of you know what I mean]
I personally operate under the headcanon that Hobie is over 18.
Why? He says he goes to pubs. You need to be over 18 to do that. The End.
You can headcanon that he has a fake id or simply finds himself in pubs while underage - and that's completely valid. Go ahead. You can headcanon he has a mfing tail. I can't stop you and we haven't seen his ass so maybe he do, who knows.
But my headcanon is just that. And to me - until Hobie's age is clearly displayed and mentioned on screen, then it'll always be a headcanon.
No matter what age you headcanon him as - if you think you KNOW his age, you're probably wrong. And I mean that.
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The ATSV describes him as a 'slightly older boy'. Case closed, right? He's a minor then.
Nah, three lines later they say he's MUCH older than Miles....literally contradicting themselves within the same paragraph.
[And the funny thing is - I've seen the artbook used as evidence in the argument multiple times. Even though it literally contradicts itself. And every single time I'm like 'bruh did you even read the full page come on now'.]
Case in point, if you think you KNOW Hobie's age when 1) it's not stated on screen and 2) even the official external material gives conflicting information - you're just wrong. You can't know a theoretical number. And you can't be wrong about a theoretical number.
It's Schrodinger's age.
Example: A character is shown to be in High School. They live in New Jersey where the driving age is 16. If a fanfic writer has the character say "I can't do that, I can't drive yet.", is the fanfic writer canonically wrong? No. Because the character could reasonably be above OR below the driving age, either 14-18. Even if the director mentions the character having a sweet-16 that is never mentioned in the show, it's not screen-canon and the average viewer will not know the character is definitely over 16. Therefore they can reasonable be 15.
"But the director said-"
Don't care. Not weighted canon unless stated on-screen.
Maybe this is a controversial opinion. But if it's not on screen, I can't say it's canon.
Sure, the director may have said in an outside interview that Hobie's conceptually 19-20 -
But a normal person who goes to see the movie, and comes home to write fanfiction isn't going to know what.
They shouldn't have to dig through all conceptual and external content of a specific character in order to be deemed 'acceptable' and knowledgeable enough to write about them.
A person who watches the movie and writes solely based off of what the movie says about Hobie shouldn't be harassed or told they're wrong because they didn't listen to a podcast of a director who's name they don't even know.
There's no pass that says 'Okay you've done enough research about Hobie to write about him, congrats-'
If it's not in the movie, show, book, etc - a fan should not be required to seek out that information to be caught up to speed. External information is supplemental, not a part of the hole.
If it's not in the movie - It DOESN'T MATTER.
ATSV is a very well written movie. Every line is used for the purpose of telling the story. Especially Hobie's.
They didn't tell us Hobie's age because it didn't matter to the story. And it shouldn't matter to you.
If the writers didn't care enough to take time out to clarify his age, then it makes no sense to spend take arguing about it.
They obviously don't find it important. Because it isn't. It doesn't matter to the story at all.
Hobie's age doesn't matter to the 'love triangle'. Although the film is narrated by Gwen, we largely see it from Miles' point of view. And the 'love triangle' only exists when Mile has no concept of who Hobie is.
Miles doesn't know Hobie. So him questioning a love triangle happens regardless of whether Hobie is an adult or not. Miles doesn't know, neither do we.
The 'Hobie' in the 'love triangle' is an empty-shell of the mystery of who Hobie COULD be. The moment Hobie takes off the mask and we're revealed to the real him - the illusion of who he could've been is shattered for both us and Miles.
Because his age isn't stated, it has no bearing on Miles' perception of him. Miles don't know shit. Neither do we.
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Also you people should be fucking grateful GODDAMN WTF
If you deadass beef about this you one ungrateful mfer i swear. Take offense. All offense.
We have a black, attractive, educated, useful, respected character in an animated movie that's available for ANY SHIP with ANY character and what do you people do??? - you argue.
Why? Explain to me why.
You should be happy it's up to interpretation and not definitely stated that you were wrong. At any time the creators could just put it in the next movie and make you look stupid.
You could be out there enjoying any ship of your choosing; with any character you enjoy him with - regardless of age. But no, instead of enjoying the ship that's available to you, you antagonize others.
Sit there and eat your mfing salad you INGRATE
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Be grateful we have a character with such free range of shipping. A character that's un-aged and doesn't have a specific gender preference. BE THANKFUL.
You like Gwen x Hobie. Great. You argue with people and harass people who think Hobie's an adult??? - What if Hobie deadass looked in the camera next movie and said "I'm 19 also I'm gay." You'd look dumb as hell.
But they didn't do that. They left it unstated for you to go and enjoy your Hobie x Gwen or Hobie x Miguel or Hobie x whoever the hell.
I'm thankful everyday they didn't say his age because I don't make OCs that go to high school because I'm 24 and hate high school. And guess what, I can do that.
Him and Diane can just hang out on the houseboat all day cause they're grown ass adults with no place to be. Isn't that swell?
Stop playing with me and enjoy the goddamn shipping buffet. Christ almighty
All in all - I don't know shit. You don't know shit. And it's okay to not know shit.
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Get comfortable with saying "I'm not the authority on this." or better yet "I don't know shit about nothing."
I love him to death, but I am not the authority on Hobie Brown.
For me - I know he said he goes to pubs and I know I wanted to ship him with Diane. Personality wise, Diane is 19. So Hobie is 19.
But I don't know anything about his age. No one does.
I'm just cute and like to share headcanons. Hobie Brown as of right now doesn't have an age. And that's fine. Cause he ain't real.
If you made it this far ummmmmm Here he is. I'm giving you this photo under the condition that you'll act right and enjoy him in a ship of your choosing if you'd like to do that.
Now lets sit here, and eat this ship salad.
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[me making sure ur enjoying ur shipping salad]
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hi mousey!! been a while since I sent you an ask
I was putting on my make up earlier today and an idea came to mind, I need to know your opinion on this
how do you think the sdv + sve bachelors would react to a farmer who asks to do their make up? which ones do you think refuse? which ones ask before the farmer does, "can you do it?"? and which ones just accept?
hope you have a great day <3
Hope you have a good day too, dear anon, and thanks for the ask! ☺️❤️
SDV and SVE bachelors react to the Farmer who asks to do their makeup:
"Babe, I don't know anything about this."
Still, Shane tries to try to give them a makeup so they don't get upset.
Unfortunately, it didn't work very well.
But he does get a funny little face made of mascara on Farmer's cheek, heh.
Next time, however, he'll refuse, as he'll only make it worse.
Well, at least Shane and Farmer got a funny little memory.
Surprisingly, Elliott agrees right away.
And what's more surprising is that he manages to help Farmer with the make-up very well.
Everything is precise, neat and harmonious, like wow!
Surely our long-haired writer hasn't been a stylist before?
Elliott is happy to do Farmer's make up and tells them not to hesitate to ask him for help in the future.
"Oh, make-up? I'm sorry, my dear, but I don't think I can..."
Harvey does agree to help, though he doesn't count on success.
Totally calm when applying mascara to Farmer, but accidentally paints their cheek with mascara anyway.
On the third or fourth attempt, the doctor manages to give Farmer a simple and quite passable make-up.
Hey, a reason to be proud, he helped his loved one!
Hell yeah, Sammy can do quite good make-up! A little different, though.
The young musician has been thinking about make-up for his music band for a long time, so he's had time to practice.
Even though Farmer needs a light, simple ("and boring" as Sam described it) make-up, he can still help them.
And will do very well with mascara and foundation.
"You sure you don't want cool make-up like metal bands? Eh, okay..."
Sebastian definitely uses black eyeliner (my headcanon, you can't change my mind).
At times our dear emo was too lazy to do his own eyeliner, so will ask Farmer for help first. "Hon, can you help with the eyes please?"
Doesn't know much about the rest of make-up products, but if you need to emphasise your eyes, Sebby will never refuse a request.
And he'll ask for it himself if Farmer's okay with it as well.
What make-up? He's not a girl!
To be honest, Alex has only had a couple of make-ups, which are usually done by gridball fans, and, well, that's basically it.
So if Farmer's going to the stadium, then Alex can help with cool sport fan make-up.
If it's just some regular make-up, then no, sorry. He can't do it.
He could try, but he'd end up with paint all over their face. Oh well, at least he tried.
"Makeup? Oh, I've never done it, but my mom does her own makeup every day. Maybe she could help you?"
If Farmer insists on getting help from Victor specifically, he will politely decline.
He'd be interested in the idea, though, and a little later he'd watch tutorials on his laptop or ask Olivia.
The next time Victor offered to help Farmer with their makeup, wanting to practice.
"I thought it sounded interesting. Besides, we'll have one more common interest."
Magnus Rasmodius:
"Only with magic can I fulfil your request."
For Magnus, magic is almost the solution to all problems. He thinks magic will help here, too....
With his hands? Sorry, Farmer. A wizard certainly can't do your make up by hands. Only with a spell.
Well, he still has to remember the spell.....
Hold on, he should ask Camilla, she's definitely using that kind of spell.
Another clever mage from the magical society where agree to help Farmer with the help of his magic.
He also watches his appearance and sometimes uses spells, but he doesn't do his own makeup and tries to take care of himself without cosmetics.
How then he knows the spells of instant perfect makeup is a mystery.
A snap of his fingers and in a second, he has perfect makeup on Farmer's face.
Though in the future he may learn a couple of basics on how to do Farmer's makeup without magic. Just because the process itself is kinda interesting.
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deluweil · 1 month
Here's the thing, I have nothing against Lou/Tommy, but the accessive enthusiasm of him returning and everyone already talking about him showing up for next season,
Which if any of you watched for the last 7 seasons, it is very possible because writers love to drag temps over to the next seasons because apparently breakups are for season beginners, mostly (except for taylor),
is very off-putting.
1. Because the dude literally just showed up and they haven't even had one worthy make out session to even call it a situationship.
2. Buck hurt Eddie physically to get into Tommy's mouth and pants, which ruined it for me from the start tbh and Tommy had nothing to do with it, he was just there.
3. Buck has made Maddie's day, his coming out party - that is a big NO in my book. Because one, dude you literally came out, what if you decide eventually that you don't want this or don't want this with this specific first-guy-ever anymore? And two SHE IS YOUR SISTER THE LEAST YOU CAN DO IS HAVE HER LEAVE ON HER HONEYMOON BEFORE YOU KILL YOUR PARENTS OF A HEART- ATTACK.
Even if they "seem accepting" to Buck’s face, this takes time to process, something better revealed in time and in private, once one is sure. Not thinking and talking about this the whole wedding!
And yes, I know, Buck is impulsive, but think for a second, would you want your baby brother to hijacke your wedding after so long of planning it? I know I would have killed him.
Would have told him in advance that if he's bringing his new boyfriend to my wedding, he better tell our parents first. Because this is my fucking day!
I love Buck, but his self-centered personality rubs me the wrong way this season.
Maybe because I wanted to see him growing the fuck up after 7 years and so many traumas and experiences and therapy that he went through, but nope, same old Buck, only instead of the dating the girl who gave him attention, he's seeing the guy who gave him attention.
It's annoying, it's off putting and frankly I am so mad at the writers and Tim for this because these characters deserved better.
And don't talk to me about representation because Shonda did the bi representation in Station 19 perfectly to the point that I was bummed that Travis and Eli didn't end up as endgame even though I loved Emmett with Travis.
Again somehow the 911 writers managed to taint for me what should have been and amazing experience, independent completely of buddie, but no they managed to not only mix Eddie and Buck with Tommy, the whole thing came at the expense of Eddie, physically and mentally, because not only did Buck not apologized to Eddie, Eddie also lost his new friend who now fawns over Buck.
So screw this storyline, I hate it and I hate how everyone is OK with everything that happened in the story, just because Buck is doing a dude(kissing really, there was no doing yet).
There's a lot of blocking in my future, most are just ppl who either came in now because of bi Buck or those who came from other disappointing fandoms and are just here for the rep not the actual story.
But some of us have been here since S1, we want the rep, but we want it to be complimenting, we want to fall in love with the character before it turns into a LI, we want the emotion, the connection, the obvious love building over several years.
Like Casey and Gabby and Severide and Stella, like Maya and Carina, like Travis and Emmett (even though I liked Eli better for him) like Sullivan and Natasha.
I want an emotional payout, give up the surprises, and the wrecked trucks and ships, just tell a good story!
And for the love of all that's holy, enough with the last-minute changes, those never turn out well in the long run. They literally started from scratch when they made the switch between Eddie and Buck.
Also in my opinion, Eddie had a LOT more chemistry with Lou/Tommy than Buck. It would have made so much more sense, in the catholic guilt and internal homophobia department, the nun and supposedly commitment issues was weak at best.
It could have been epic. 😩
And yes, Buck could have started the season single, no harm in that, maybe make him, I don't know, actually growing into something that he would like without someone else to pet his ego? Go back to therapy, work for the LT. exams, be interim captain, realize his worth and learn to love himself for him, not because someone else gave him attention and that made him preen, get him somewhere worthy. Even lessons with Tommy without involving Eddie in this would have been great.
Just something that shows character development, because up until now all I get is S2/S3 Buck and I've seen that movie before, I want my money back.
I realize this is harsh, and normally, I would stick to the light and fun and ignore the rest, but this had to be said out loud so I can go back to that.
That being said, as I said, I will watch Madney wedding purely for Madney. Anything else is just a bonus. I can't wait for that bachelor party and see wth happens to Chimney.
Happy Monday, my loves. ❤️
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alexanderwales · 10 days
Book Review: Metropolitan Man
[content warning: sexual violence]
It's been 10 years since I wrote Metropolitan Man, and last night I read it for the first time in almost that long. Since writing it, I've written over 4 million words, and hopefully, grown as a writer. I've also forgotten parts of the story, so was looking at it with as fresh of eyes as possible. These are my overall thoughts.
I should say, before I start, that I've read tons of comments and discussion on this story over the years. I don't know how many of these thoughts are my own, or how much I've internalized things that people have said.
Writing Style
There were lots of changes I thought about making while reading, but people hate change, and this story is about ten years past when I wanted to be making editing passes on it. In many places I kept thinking of little extras I would add, things that would make the dialogue pop a little more, or provide characterization. I had this idea for a line where I describe Lois typing out two letters like she was letting loose with both barrels of a shotgun. There's dialogue to clean just a bit more, a few places where words are repeated or something is just a bit awkward, and where it could have been tighter or more clear.
The biggest thing that stood out to me was how little time got spent on scene setting and how short some of the snippets were, just five paragraphs to get a scene across before we're onto the next thing. I might have webserial brainrot, but those are definitely places where today I would give a little more breathing room and maybe use the same amount of words to describe something in a more oblique and stronger way. One that stood out as a clear example was a private investigator going home with Jimmy Olsen even though she was done pumping him for information, which could have been twice as long and benefitted from it. Another was a brief little thing about a Superman spotter on the roof, where I'd now describe everything he was doing, and only get to the conclusion of "he was a Superman spotter" at the end of the section to let the reader have this mini mystery of what they're being shown and why.
I would describe things more if I was writing this today, trying to get those nicely tight and evocative descriptions and ditch the stuff like "she wore a white blouse", but I often feel that way about stuff that I'm revising from last week, so it's not surprising.
The plot is very tight, which is good. I tend to prefer my plots tight, but it takes work, and webserials aren't conducive to it because it's difficult to know when you're writing a scene whether it's really pulling its weight as far as moving things forward. The initial idea for MM was to move as cleanly as possible through a series of events: Superman -> Superman is invincible -> Superman is Clark Kent -> Clark Kent grew up in Smallville -> the ship is in Smallville -> the ship has a Kryptonite power source -> Kryptonite can kill Superman -> Superman is dead. The only thing that would make it any faster would be if we dropped the Lois Lane subplot, but that's like half the novel.
Superman is OOC
I've gotten tons and tons of comments on this story over the years. If I hated myself, I would go back through my email and count them up, but there are some death threats and "kill yourself"s in there, and I prefer not to reread them. The major thing that people hate is the ending, which I don't care to talk about, but the other major thing is that Superman isn't Superman.
In this, I largely agree, but then, I'm pretty sure I've always agreed. That said, Superman has had a ton of interpretations over the years, and there's a wide range of acceptable behavior from "a Superman", even if we're not counting the really out there variations like Red Son or some of the alternate timelines.
... but I still would probably make him more like a canon Superman if I had to do it all over.
There are a few things that raise red flags at the beginning, which is where I think they're inexpertly placed. Superman takes Lois off the roof and flies her around, making her very afraid, and this is fine, I think, a misunderstanding that might be stronger if we got his insight into what was happening before we got hers to help bridge some of the disconnect there and characterize them both better. But there's a little note after that, where Clark makes a joke about "Superman's girlfriend Lois Lane" that I think is a HUGE red flag, and which probably comes too early in the story. It would be better as a joke someone else made that Clark laughs along with, which raises the red flag to half mast.
The other major moment I would change is when the bombs start going off. Superman pulls back, unsure whether he's actually immune to mustard gas, and I think this is one of the moments that most goes against the character of Superman. Canon Superman would just say "welp, guess I gotta find out whether I'm immune to mustard gas in a hurry". Superman making the argument that he doesn't know the bounds of his powers and so should exercise caution reads as either cowardice or as him being way too bitten by the rationality bug.
This would then obviously have to change the plot of that section a bit, because in the novel as it stands right now, Superman is convinced by Lois Lane that he can't just sit on the sidelines for game theory reasons. Better to either scrap that section or have Lois convince Superman that for game theory reasons he should offer to have testing carried out against him in a way that doesn't harm civilians, which canon Superman might submit to if it saved lives. Then the rest of the plot can proceed as normal, because Superman is immune to everything and that's the whole plot beat anyway.
I'd definitely clean up some of Superman/Clark's dialogue to nail the character voice better, but I don't think it's that bad, and it's mostly a few places where the wording is off. I think in particular the points where he's feeling anger go too far, and are not how someone internally conflicted about the anger might talk.
And then, oh yeah, Superman punches a guy's head clean off, which I think is the biggest sticking point for most people.
I've thought about that scene a lot. I personally like it. But if I were ever trying to sell this story to DC, it's one of the things I would almost certainly change. Superman doesn't kill, except in that one movie that came out just before this story was published where Superman snapped a guy's neck.
The change I am most happy/comfortable with is that Whitman, the governor whose children were [REDACTED], is the one to kill Calhoun. This happens just outside the courthouse with Superman watching and not intervening in the slightest, or maybe catching the bullets as they go through Calhoun so no bypassers get hit.
I don't know, as I type it out, it doesn't have the same weight to it. It's not cool. It's not a watershed moment. Maybe there's a plot thread to pull there, where Superman has tacitly endorsed other vigilantes, and it would be a great time to pull in other mundane street-level heroes ... but that's an entirely different story at that point.
Another option is for Superman to simply fly off with Calhoun and put him away, but that lacks punch too, and gets talky, and ... it's about the rage, right? The feeling of injustice, not just at Calhoun, but at the entire world, and it's not just an unhappy side effect that there's blood everywhere, all over the clamoring press, that's part of the point.
Social Justice
I really enjoy how wide-ranging the novel is, and how many things it touches on. Good job me. There was a line I had completely forgotten about where Lois asks "Why doesn't Superman stop abortions?" that I had completely forgotten I had ever written, and which brought a big smile to my face (but no wonder some Superman fans hate this story).
There are a few other things that I raise my eyebrow at a little bit, at least sitting here in 2024. There's a particular line that Superman gives when talking about this whitewashed mural of the past they're walking by, and he says "It's easy to forget that slavery ever happened, you know?" Now, I will grant you that this is a part of a conversation where he's saying that maybe he should have been a better student of history, and is saying this as a white guy in 1934, but I wanted him or someone else to tear that statement apart. It never really happens.
"It's easy to forget that slavery ever happened [if you and your people have not been affected by slavery]". The novel takes place ~70 years after the end of the Civil War, which means that when Clark was growing up there would have been freed slaves who were in their fifties, probably many of them in Kansas, though Smallville is (notably) small. I don't know, it wouldn't have been historically accurate for them to have a discussion of privilege, but there's way more meat on that bone, and it's all left as subtext.
Also probably the case that if I were writing it now, I would pay more attention to race in general, but that I'm less sure on, because it would mean some major structural changes to be done well. There's a single black guy in the whole thing, who is barely a character and has no speaking lines: the farmhand Ma Kent has before he gets lured away with the promise of being an actor. I have never felt that any novel needs racial balance to it, but if you're going to be talking about slavery and whether Superman would have done anything about it, you start to make black people look like props, which is not a good look.
I mean look, I think it's fine for a given story to not actually take a stance on political issues or have a diverse cast, but this story goes from abortion to the Equal Rights Amendment to Prohibition to Nazis to the death penalty, and then despite being set in 1934 sort of talks around the subject of how shitty race relations were. As a white guy, I never feel comfortable talking about race, but I think it would have been appropriate to have here in more than the cursory way it was handled. But the cast is just not that large, and the way that modern Superman stories handle that is usually making Jimmy Olsen black and then not actually talking about the fact that he's black so it's just a palette swap, which I don't think would work here, especially since Jimmy is such a bit character, and also it's 1934.
Sexual Violence
Alright, I will say it: there's too much sexual violence.
Chapter 7 is when the two Whitman kids get kidnapped. Their driver gets his throat slit, the boy gets dismembered, and the girl gets raped. I knew it was coming and I was still horrified by it.
I would not remove this part. I would foreshadow it better with a few scenes with Calhoun, the brutes, etc., and I might change some of the details to be a bit less awful and gruesome, but I don't think I would remove it. There are a few core ideas here that I think all work:
The better class of criminal has left the city now, and all that are left are the worst of the worst, the people who will not respond to incentives or symbols or rational thought.
If you cannot strike at Superman's physical self, you strike at his mind instead, and one of the ways to do that is psychic damage. In Calhoun's case, this is irrational, a pure desire to hurt Superman in any way possible while his empire collapses.
The amount of evil in the world is enormous. The pain and suffering cannot be comprehended. I love what Superman says, that this isn't really unique, that these things happen to children all the time. He's upset about not being able to save them, but they're a drop in the bucket.
I think you have to be careful with sexual violence, whether it's depicted or hinted at or just briefly mentioned. There are tons of people who are not on board with that in their media, and even of those who are on board, it has to be handled carefully and can feel very cheap, as though you're just going to the worst and most transgressive thing you can think of for the shock value. People will see it as lazy and trivializing and making entertainment out of this horrible thing.
I think the world is shit. I think terrible things happen. I have always felt both oppressed by the weight of evil in the world and powerless to stop it. I think that's the thing that I'm gesturing at here, and it feels weird to me that sexual violence would get put on a pedestal as the one thing too horrible to mention, even though we're mentioning all the most horrible things.
How do Superman comics and shows and movies deal with this? My impression is that they don't. Surely Superman must be stopping rapes from happening, but I cannot think of a single time I've seen it happen. I'm actually having trouble thinking of a time it was implied to happen. I think this is probably a good idea on the part of the people who make these bits of media, but it's absolutely not realistic if you're thinking about how Superman would operate in the "real world". Sexual violence happens, child abuse happens, and I guess we just sort of assume that these things are dealt with by Superman off-screen.
Though ... I mean it impacts the characters, right? Does Superman not have a trauma response? Does he have a superpower where he can bottle it all up? He's definitely too late to stop certain crimes, and he definitely can't make things better for some of the victims, and I guess in the comics when he shows up to a burning building he generally has a 100% success rate and people come out with only minor injuries, but ... alright, this is definitely the sort of thing that led me to write this fic in the first place.
It's a question that the fic doesn't have an answer for: how do you go on living when you know that there's so much evil in the world?
I think dialing that particular scene back is, maybe, fine. But it's the sort of thing that would feel like I was being less authentic in a way, as though I wanted to grapple with the big questions but not that one, wanted to consider ethics and morality but silo myself away from things that actually are on my mind. I see the point of blunting that scene, and I rebel against it because I don't want to be blunted, I want to be sharp.
I would, however, remove a lot of the earlier references, or blunt those, because they didn't need to be sharp. There are, before the Whitman stuff, about five references to sexual violence, and maybe even just using "sexual violence" would be enough, rather than "rape". One of these references is to what crimes Superman is statistically most likely to stop, another is to a plot to besmirch his name, both can be massaged or they can go.
I don't know if I think about these things differently because time has passed or I've had a bunch of discussions about these issues, or whether it's just having the outside view. It's weird to think about what a conversation with myself would look like, if we were working on the story together.
I understand why Superman fans sometimes hate this story. There's the Superman OOC stuff, sure, but there are also a lot of questions about Superman that apply to canon equally well, and people hate that. Superman is a fantasy, maybe the ultimate comic book fantasy. He stops crimes and bullets bounce off him! You're not supposed to think about his stance on abortion rights. You're not supposed to look at the Clark Kent mask and say 'huh, that's strange'. I mean it's media, you can do whatever the hell you want, but if Superman is a fantasy, then there are a lot of questions that are fantasy-ruining.
I stand by the story as written about 80%, which is higher than I thought it would be, though there are certain things that I stand by more than others. There are certain structural changes and many line-by-line changes, and I'm glad that I didn't have the story open in edit mode, because it would have taken me three times as long to read and when I hit "save changes" people would grumble about archives or bad changes or whatever, because you can't please people.
About five years ago, I started writing A Common Sense Guide to Doing the Most Good, which was meant as a companion piece to MM. It ended up being all mechanics, no plot, and the plot that I wanted it to have was divorced from the center questions it wanted to answer. It didn't feel as grand, I guess, and the cats were out of their bags a little too quickly.
One of the Answers that MM gives is that the thing you should do in the face of overwhelming evil is to grind relentlessly, grind until your bones are scraping the grindstone and there's nothing left of yourself. The story does not believe this answer, but it's one of the places I ended up ten years ago, and am still sort of at now. The other answer is to live as best you can, be aware of the evil and do what you can against it without letting the idea of it (or the battle against it) consume your soul.
When I was finished reading, I kind of wanted to write an uncritical Superman comic. Something where Superman can be as his most loyal fans see him, someone who is Good and doesn't often have to grapple with what Good means, where the thorny edges of moral quandaries never come to light and the hero is always there in the nick of time. Where Clark Kent is a bold and noble expression of humanity rather than a deception and a mask. Maybe I will go do that.
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linskywords · 4 months
(Please excuse the following ramblings. I blame the red wine and my over-enthusiastic anticipation for the sequel)
So Jack's self loathing of his sub designation was because of family attitudes (*cough* his dad) but what if Trevor's is the product of the hockey culture itself?
Like what if Trevor was playing in leagues above his age ever since he could remember. So of course he's subjected to seeing the older kids talk shit about subs in the locker room.
Just picturing baby Trevor watching the other kids gang up on a sub on the ice and call them terrible names.
And that just sticks and permeates in his mind. Sure, maybe his family is more supportive and he knows deep down it doesn't matter to them whether he's a dom or a sub.
But he just can't bring himself to tell anyone because he thinks it's some sort of shameful admission of not being good enough.
And maybe that's why he idolizes Quinn to such a level (real talk Trevor and Quinn's actual relationship is so funny to me. Quinn is just perpetually exhausted and Trevor is an overexcited puppy)
Like maybe one summer while Trevor is staying at the Hughes' lake house, he either catches Quinn subbing or Quinn has a heart to heart with him. And Trevor admires Quinn so much for being so sure of himself, even if he doesn't tell everyone in the world.
And sure, Trevor wishes that could be him. But he's stuck in a world of his own doing.
And he bro talks all of his totally real and definitely not made up domming stories with Jamie because he has a giant crush on him from moment one and will spit exaggerated lies for hours as they chill together on their rooftop because he will do anything to spend time with him.
And Jamie would accept Trevor no matter how he identifies. Jamie just shares dom stories with Trevor because, well, Trevor just gives off this persona of an almost stereotypical dom, so Jamie just assumes.
Like one day when they're chilling on the roof of their shared house, Jamie brings up how he thinks subs should have more rights, subs deserve to play in the league, etc. And Trevor gets so close to just blurting out his no good horrible secret until they're rudely interrupted by Jack calling him.
And maybe Jack offers to lend a hand (in the form of Nico) and (after Trevor's token panic about being found out) he agrees because if there is even a chance he can be as comfortable as Quinn, maybe he can tell Jamie.
So it turns into almost a training regiment (at Nico's request to frame it like training to not have Trevor freak out as much)
Trevor first starts coming over and just watching Nico and Jack scene. And at first he's fidgeting and wants to leave. But the second Jack goes down and goes all hazy eyed, Trevor is just hit with this pang of longing. Like he wants to experience that, even if it's just once.
And they work up from there. Trevor and Jack do small little things, like having Trevor be the little spoon, hand feeding etc. (Jack is ok with it because Nico is still domming but he has just become an extension of Nico, which is so hot in Jack's mind)
Eventually they work up to a scene. And Trevor wants nothing more than being held and loves soft scenes. He loves being taken apart while Nico whispers sweet nothings in his ear and Jack holds his ankles to ground him while Trevor cries. His favorite part is aftercare. He loves being the center of attention and falling asleep being the middle spoon.
Now I have no idea where it goes from there. Quite frankly, I'm out of wine and plus you are 100000x better of a writer than I am. I would love to know your thoughts (esp on Trevor's characterization)
Either way, I can't wait for the sequel and know it will be AMAZING! <3
Ahahaha this is amazing!! Your Trevor is so much less bitter and deluded than the one in my head. 😅 In my head, Trevor is super not okay with seeing Jack and Nico together because, like...what Jack is letting Nico do is wrong, right? If it's not wrong, why would Trevor have been depriving himself of this thing that he (er, everyone) wants so badly for so many years?
And, like, sure, he and Jamie can share scening stories, but everyone understands that that's part of the performance. That's what they need to do, to prove to each other that they're doing the thing they're supposed to. It's really impressive that Jamie doesn't slip up very often. Trevor's gotta learn from his example, because he has a sinking feeling he's worse at this than the other guys are, and he's got to get it together before he messes up for real.
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All We Need - Jake Seresin x Reader - Part 4
A/N: sorry for the delay on this part I had writers block, it is a bit shorter but hopefully the next one will be longer. (it is a bit of a filler chapter) but helped with the writers block! as always any requests or feedback is always welcome.
Pairings: Jake 'Hangman' Seresin x fem!pilot!Benjamin!Reader
Warnings: Angst, Hospitals, Fluff, Naval Inaccuracies
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I held tightly to Daisy as all four of us moved from the tarmac into the hanger.
“Javy, Jake and I are going to Daisy to the change rooms, can you let Mav and Ice know?”
Javy nodded at me before taking off towards the rec room. Jake and I continued to the change rooms, when we got there I sat her down in front of my locker both Jake and I crouching in front of her, seeing tears streaming down her face we share a concerned look before Jake starts to speak.
“Sweetie, do you want to tell us what is wrong?” She shook her head and pointed to her the right side of her tummy. “Sore tummy why didn’t you tell Ice and Sarah.” Jake continues to ask and I move my hand to her forehead which has since gone pale, I nearly retract at the heat radiating off at it. I interrupt Jake “we need to get her to the base hospital now Jake.” As Jake moves to pick her up she starts crying more and looks at us like she is going to be sick, Jake scoops her up quickly as we sprint toward the base hospital. 
“What are you thinking here Y/N?”
“Appendicitis Jake.” That prompts Jake to run even faster as we reach the hospital we run through the doors of the ER section, I quickly run to the front desk and explain the situation as doctors rush out to put Daisy on a stretcher and they wheel her through the doors to the surgery Jake and I running after her until the nurses stop us pushing us towards the waiting room. As the nurse disappears through the door I hear a sob behind me as I still stare at the doors where they took Daisy, at the sound I spin around as Jake falls into my arms burying his head in my neck.
“Jake, hey, it is going to be okay.”
“What if we didn’t get here in time or there are complications.”
“You cannot think like that at all okay, she is going to be perfectly fine okay.” Jake nods and holds me tighter before we are interrupted by a squad of aviators all with concern written across their faces, huffing and puffing. Javy moves first to hug Jake who accepts the hug without hesitation.
“Why do you guys look like you booked it across base?” Phoenix speaks up for the group.
“We saw you running and looking concerned so we followed, plus we want to meet the little munchkin.” 
“Did Coyote explain.”
“Don’t worry he didn’t go into detail just that she was Jakes little girl that you and him helped raise and I believe his exact words were - the world is Daisy’s we all just live in it.” There is laughter from the back of the group and everyone turns to see Ice and Mav giggling, they stop as soon as we see them staring and I raise an eyebrow causing Ice to stutter slightly.
“The ’86 top gun squad use to say the same about Athena, maybe she has learnt more from you than you realise.” He moves to hug me as Mav moves to Jake and gives him a hug. “So do we know what is wrong.” Jake shoots me a look that I know all too well if he tries to explain it he will break into tears.
“She should be heading into surgery if she isn’t already, appendicitis is what they think it, but all we can do is wait. You guys really do not have to wait around if you don’t want to.” Every nodded at the final statement and moved to the closer group of seats where they could all fit, Javy, Jake and I are the only ones still standing, stunned, we weren’t expecting anyone to stick around, I mean sure I was close with all of them, but as fair as I knew they severely disliked Jake and over the whole two days we had been recalled he hadn’t made much of an attempt to become friends with any of them. To my surprise it was Fanboy that spoke up.
“Don’t look so shocked Athena, we may not be Jake’s biggest fan but we are a squad and we are there when we need each other.” We cast a quick smile to everyone and move to sit, as Jake sits in a chair I elect to sit on the floor between his legs his hand began stroking my hair, I didn’t miss the looks I got from Rooster and Phoenix but ignored it instead taking a deep breath and leaning further back into Jakes touch.
It felt like we had been sitting there for hours when Payback broke the silence with a sincere and interested tone. 
“So Jake, do you want to tell us how you ended up raising Daisy with Athena and why this is the first time any of us are hearing about her.”  The rest of the squad turned to look at us as I shifted my position between his legs to make eye contact and gave him a nod of support.
“As some of you know, Athena and I grew up together and did everything together down to joining the Navy. As you all also know especially back then I used to sleep around a lot, well I had a one-night stand with a girl and nine months later I was woken to a knock at the door and the next thing I knew I was a father with full custody of a two week old child. I called Y/N, who came over helped me figure out what to do and we moved into her house and have been somewhat co-parenting for 5 years.”
“But Athena isn’t her mother.”
“No.” I say at the same time Jake responds with “Not biologically.” I look at him and feel tears well in my eyes which I quickly blink away.
“How did you manage that and both of you being in the Navy?” Rooster asked.
“It takes a village, normally we are lucky and get different deployments, but we have help from Javy, Ice, Aunt Penny, my mum and dad, Jakes and sisters when they can.” The group settled back into silence before Bob spoke up again.
“If its okay with you we would like to meet her.” I smiled and nodded at him before looking at Jake who looked shocked again.
“Ummm yeah, of course, if that’s okay with her.”
I stand and head towards the vending machine, I didn’t realise Jake got up and followed.
“Y/N,” I turn and look at him, “Its been an hour how long will this take.”
“I don’t know Jake, I really don’t.” My voice breaks slightly and Jake pulls me into a tight hug. “We need to speak about Daisy calling me Mom.”
“I know, I mean I would be lying if I said I wanted her to stop but you really are the closest thing she has.”
“But I am not her mother Jake,” 
“But you are Y/N, in every way that matters.”
“She doesn’t have to stop but she has to understand that if you meet someone that I may need to step back.”
“That isn’t happening anytime soon so we can explain it later yeah.” I lift my head to make eye contact before pressing my head back into his chest.
We are pulled out of our hug hearing the doctor walk through the door.
“Family of Daisy Seresin?” Jake and I both move toward her, Javy, Ice and Mav close behind, “she is going to be just fine, you were right bringing her here the appendix was close to bursting, for now she is still asleep but if you want, Mom and Dad can go sit with her, room 212.” We didn’t bother correcting her just thanked her and raced towards the room.
Third Person POV (Back with the Squad)
The squad watched as Athena and Hangman ran towards the room Phoenix spoke first. 
“They would make a cute couple.” 
“Ew, Phoenix, that is my sister and well Hangman.” The whole group laughed at Roosters response.
“Well squad, I think we can take the rest of the day off now, go to the Hard Deck relax, back up in the air tomorrow. Javy can you…” Mav started.
“On it Sir, I will get them some clothes fill them in on tomorrow.”
“Just get them clothes, be there for your niece, I will talk to them about tomorrow.” Javy nods and heads towards the car. As the rest of the group started to make their ways to the door of the hospital they were stopped by a frantic voice calling out to them, they spin to see a disheaveled Hangman.
“Hangman what are you doing you should be with your daughter.” Rooster spoke.
“I just, I wanted to say thank you, I know you don’t like me but Y/N and I we appreciate you being here for us, and we would love for you to meet her when she is feeling better.” Bob walks up in front of Hangman, and pulled him into a hug.
“We will always help out especially with family. I think your daughter has just gained a crazy lot of Aunts and Uncles.”
“Bobs right Hangman, we are here for you and for Athena.” Phoenix continues. Everyone gives Hangman a hug before exiting the hospital, leaving only Mav and Ice.
“Mav, Ice, thank you for being here and Ice thank you for bringing her to us today.”
“Of course Jake you know I would do anything for those two girls.”
“Um Mav, I think I will need to withdraw from this mission, the docs are saying she will need at least a week of recovery.”
“Absolutely not Jake.” Ice and Mav say at the same time.
“We will work something out, you and Y/N can do half a day each for the rest of this week, then you have the weekend off that is six days, then she can come and spend the days with me and Sarah.”
“Ice, as much as I appreciate that I don’t think Cyclone would agree.”
“No but he will take orders.” Hangman doesn’t respond just shakes the two older mens hand before heading back in the direction where he had come and back to his daughters and best friends side
Taglist: @dory-98 @djs8891 @brooke-stinson
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roomsofangel · 3 months
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synopsis you hated christmas. simple. this year was no different, the only thing changing was the scenery when you decide to let your older brother, yunho convince you to visit your grandmother who neither of you had met but hoped it would do some good. everything was still the same — writer’s block, the winter loneliness, the way yunho won’t stop singing jingle bell rock, yeah, everything was the same. at least, until a certain blonde haired boy made it his mission to melt your iced heart.
warnings none really!
wc 1.3k
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this chapter is in san’s pov !
a/n i decided to update this today and give you all a double update for growing pains since i know it has been a good while:( let me know what you guys think :D
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san thought he knew a lot of things back when he was still a rosy cheeked kid with deeper dimples than he had now — when he still had a lot of hope in the world and nothing snuffed out his spark just yet.
and maybe now that he’s an adult with more emotional scars than before, he can say he never wants anyone to feel the way he did. not since that night, he refuses to let anyone feel as if he has given up on them. sometimes he wonders if thats who he is or the fact he just wished no one ever gave up on him.
this small town, oh the ache it carried when he decided to come back three years ago to care for his mother. it was best to not live these days in his own rues, he had to learn to accept the past and embrace the future, no matter how much it ached.
and for the most part, san was fully convinced he was healed from that chapter of his life — that he no longer needed medication to make him feel alright.
“and this is yeosang.”
ah, that made his world shatter. kang yeosang in the flesh.
his eyes couldn’t help but match the other’s when they narrowed, eyeing and taking in the sight of how he was sat before the sound of your voice came up again, “you can sit by me if you want to.”
and san felt his heart ache a little, well— does it count as an ache? he hasn’t felt anything in his chest like this before, unless it was to do with hurt and sorrow. san nods, “of course yn.” he smiled, and tried to ignore the feeling of a glare on him as he took a seat with you, your smile warming him up.
it seemed that time was going by achingly slow, but san was thankful for the three that were there. mingi seemed to be decent, he reminded him of wooyoung. he should text wooyoung later, he forgot to do so.
as the movie progressed, it was some romcom that san could recall watching with his sister years ago, he couldn’t remember the name but he could recall certain scenes as he tried to snack on the popcorn given and focus on the texture, the taste. he could feel your hand brush against his and he felt his face warm, why was he warm?
“personally, if she says i’m a bird i’m gonna be a bird.” mingi broke the silence with his hands raised up in defense, making yunho snort and san couldn’t help but laugh a little himself and nod along. “so are you?” he teased a little and mingi grinned
“i like this guy.” mingi motioned over to san who nodded his head in acknowledgment and returned the grin, yunho agreeing with a “right!”
but san didn’t miss one thing,
the one thing but san is he was too observant for his own good
so yeosang must have forgotten that san noticed everything, even the similar little scowl that he remembered all too well.
“no! like this!” mingi shoved yunho aside to get onto the snowy ground, laying on his back and spread out to begin making a snow angel, making yunho groan and find a new spot to make his own
san chuckled, turning his attention to you who quickly looked away and back at your brother, making his lips only curl up more. he was convinced his face would hurt later on. “are they always like this?” he asked, wondering out loud and asking you while you nod and laugh. “sadly.” you said in response, san chuckled
“thank you for inviting me, yn.” san whispered softly as his eyes glanced up at the night sky, the stars twinkling and he noticed the moon was full. god, it was beautiful. he always loved the moon, he loved the different meanings and the different phases. how can something so magnetic and beautiful also be so far?
his eyes glanced towards you, your rosy nose scrunching as you felt the snowflakes fall onto the bridge of your nose and melt on your skin, your focus more on the same moon he was admiring.
how can something so magnetic and beautiful feel so far?
san walked back to his home, holding his house keys while you followed behind, your little hums making him smile at the snowy ground that he tried to focus on, counting each little detail. “hey san,” your voice met his ears, and he hummed in response
“i’m glad you came tonight.” you said, the two of you reaching his doorstep and he thought this was comical in a way, maybe even endearing. you were walking him to his door this time, oh how the roles reversed but he didn’t mind. he’d do anything to spend just even another second with you.
san smiled, “me too.”
“i’ll.. see you around?” your voice got a bit higher towards the end, your feet backpedaling to walk away soon to get on your way back home but your gaze was still on him, cheeks and nose rosy. “you know where to find me.” he whispered, not letting his eyes leave you for one moment. no, he needed to every little detail of you tonight committed to memory.
you looked.. so beautiful, under the moonlight with the snowflakes in your hair. “goodnight, san.” you looked at him, and he nodded.
“goodnight, yn.”
you reminded san of the moon,
he just hoped he could be your sun.
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I think there is a lot to talk about, and a lot to blame. But I think in the end we have to accept and agree that both Tim and Lucy have a lot of issues they need to deal with and that is okay, Tim more than Lucy but still it’s from both sides. And yes the way that the break up happened was rough and I also don’t agree 100% with how and why but I don’t attack actors, writers or characters for it and no one should. I have seen a lot of people do that and that’s not okay. But I think that everyone who doesn’t understand it and maybe even attacked anyone for it needs to listen to the song used in the break up scene. It explains Tim’s perspective perfectly and beautifully:
“I’m in to deep, over my head.”
“And I think it’s time to put it to rest.”
“I’m not giving up, I’m not giving in”
“I finally found the strength from within.”
“And if I’m afraid, and if I can’t see.”
“I’ll get it done and I’ll do what I need.”
“So I can breathe freely, so I can breathe freely.”
Basically: he is in to deep, he has done stuff he really isn’t proud of to say the least, so he puts the relationship to rest. He is not giving up on Lucy completely, he just needs time and to get done what he needs to do so he can breathe again. He chose himself and now i hope he also goes the right path (aka therapy)
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primofate · 8 months
Hey Primo! This is only my opinion so please don't take it to heart. I remember reading your post about how bad the interaction (at the time) was with one of your posts. I felt a bit odd about it considering it was only 1 day apart and notes etc normally pick up over the span of a few days/weeks. I think that when writers reach to a point where they crave to hear what others think of their work, is when writing no longer becomes a fun pastime if that is what it originally intended to be. There was also someone that made a comment stating that alot of writers can't take criticism though they ask for it which is completely true. It's a constant back n' forth where at the end of the day we'll never truly be able to satisfy everyone. You'll just drive yourself mad (case in point, you're someone that normally gets thousands of notes but this time merely 1 day of little interaction seemed to have gotten to you which is extremely unhealthy.)
You're an amazing writer and overall genuine person. Don't let things like this eat away at you.
I quote from your post
You'll just drive yourself mad (case in point, you're someone that normally gets thousands of notes but this time merely 1 day of little interaction seemed to have gotten to you which is extremely unhealthy.)
Which is extremely true and it is very unhealthy that I expected so much out of that post when in truth I should know that not all of my posts is going to have thousands of notes. Some will reach further some will not, and that's something I should understand and accept.
Though I do agree with you that posts pick up over a couple of days... sometimes, for me who has a few thousand followers, if it doesn't pick up the first few hours and doesn't get reblogged the first few hours, it actually won't pick up anymore. At the moment it has 2,000 or so notes, unless someone revives it, it will actually remain stagnant and will even have difficulty climbing to 3,000. (This is the reason why you see some authors reblog their own post and caption it "in case you missed it #icymi "because it actually won't move anymore if they don't do that)
But here's the thing, the notes is not what really got to me. Yes that was part of it, but what really bugged me is that I spent so much time on that one post and I realized that I shouldn't have. Realizing that my TIME is now more precious than it was a year ago. Which ties in to what you said about it being unhealthy. Tumblr is not something I should spend my time on, to be quite frank. I love doing this, but I hate so much that I forgo something when I do it (e.g. Time with my family).
Thus my 10 minute quick writes was born, after realizing this fact. In that way I don't spend so much time in front of the computer, mulling over my writing, re-reading it, wondering how I can make the words flow better. Wondering how to make the words and story clearer in my mind and everyone else's. With the 10 minute quick writes, I don't really give a freak who read it, who interacts with it, who likes it...because it only took 10 minutes of my life (I actually put a 10 minute timer on whenever I feel like writing now) and some day when I have more time, then maybe I can write something longer but honestly, right now, I would rather not.
Thank you so much for your message! It has cemented me back to Earth, cause even with my 10 minute quick write I had felt guilty that I only wrote such a short thing...but reading your message has told me there's nothing to feel guilty about, specially when I MYSELF am already happy with doing 10 minutes of writing, regardless of what tumblr thinks.
With love,
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maryonaccross · 4 months
Ok so this may be weird on my part, but why is it that every time I read a Velaryon(Strong)!Reader, I kinda wait for a scene where Alys is present?
I mean like a good scene, not the usual cringe cliches where OC (and author 😭) vilifies Alys for no reason. To me (Alys' lawyer and 1# stan) it sometimes gets repetitive. They completely ignore the potential this encounter may have.
Because at least in my eyes, especially in the case of a Velaryon(Strong)!Reader x Aemond or even Aegon AU, these two girls are... Literally the same?
Bastards born from a Strong? Hello???? Spouses of Targaryen princes? HELLO?????? Except one has everything and one has nothing because this one had no one to cover her up and protect her. And at the same time, the OC maybe just MAYBE sees Alys as a reflection of what she'd be had people been honest about her from the start, refreshing and haunting at the same time. Am I the only one seeing some angsty ass material with this?
No conflict. None that regards Aemond and brutalizing each other for him, at least.
You’re so rightttt. There’s so much missed potential there. The OC interacting with Alys would be such a great way to explore the Strong OCs perception of self and how they feel about the imposter role their mother put them if the writers had the guts to write an OC that actually has critical thinking and doesn’t simply accept every one of Rhaenyra beliefs. The Alys/ Strong OC clash and how effective it could be in a fic reminds me of Sejanus having to mentor the tribute from his own district in tbosbas and how much guilt that evoked in him because they’re both district people but he was spared that life because of his fathers money.
Tbh I don’t read a lot of Aemond/Strong OC fics because in a lot of cases the OC is more or less a female version of Lucerys (either she took his eye out or she was there cheering it on) which is a dealbreaker for me because these fics usually heavily imply that Aemond literally loosing an eye is something he should get over and forget about which is just… insane.
And if the OC isn’t some form of Lucerys’ character she’s so team black that it makes the reading experience very boring because girl will literally never question the role her family is playing in creating a succession crisis. It’s very much giving ‘I don’t care about politics because I’m so privileged that I never had to care’ which I see enough of in real life to want to read a fic about.
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1dmonthlyficroundup · 9 months
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— 1D Monthly Fic Roundup —
Hi, and welcome to the 1D Monthly Fic Roundup for September 2023! Below you’ll find 1D fics that were all published this month in the order they were submitted to the blog. We hope you’ll check out these new fics! If you would like to submit your own fic, please check this post on how to submit or visit our blog @1dmonthlyficroundup​. You can find all our other posts here.
There were so many links this month that I had to group fics by the same writer together so if you don't see the writer listed, scroll up to find the writer.
Happy reading!
* bet on it by @nouies [E, 2k, Louis/OMC]
“We should make a bet,” Louis says out loud, waiting for Dante to look up from his tablet and see Louis’ pouty lips.
“Not a fucking chance.”
or…a fic inspired by Louis at the barricade during AFHF.
* Harmony [E, 6k, Louis/Harry]
Alpha Harry and Omega Louis don’t have the most amicable relationship at work. When they get stuck together in an elevator, Harry scents Louis after nothing else works to bring him out of his panicked state.
Their time trapped in the elevator together brings to light some misunderstandings, and maybe some feelings for each other, too.
* like a dream but i wasn't asleep by @alwaysxlarrie [G, 2k, Louis/Harry]
It's cold outside and Harry just wants to get into his hotel room and go to bed. It should be a simple task, but it’s made more challenging by his complicated relationship with gravity, a booking mixup, and a really hot guy.
Receptionist Amy is the only victim here.
* Calmer Waters by zmmf / @zaynmaliksmiddlefinger [M, 9k+, wip, Zayn/Liam]
Zayn hasn’t been camping in years. Twelve years, to be exact. He’s had his reasons for avoiding the lakeside resort his family used to visit every summer, but with some perspective and his sassy companion of a dog, giving it a go again and facing all that comes with it can’t be all bad…
This has been Liam’s happy place for years; since the very first visit it felt different than all of the other lake vacations his family had bounced around to. Now, having quietly accepted his recent divorce, he wonders if this place will feel the same…
But the last thing either of them expected was to see the other here.
* Save Me (from myself) by Imogenlee / @imogenleewriter [E, 159k, Harry/Louis]
The problem with being friends with Liam Payne was that he had a lot of friends... and forced them to be around each other. When they finished high school, both Louis and Harry were equally relieved that they wouldn't have to tolerate each other constantly or whatever it was that they did.
For five years, it worked out perfectly. They'd only had to see each other a handful of times.
Unfortunately, Liam had to go and get engaged, ask them to both be groomsmen, and then go full groomzilla on their arses. With just twelve weeks to plan the 'perfect' destination wedding and throw every ridiculous pre-wedding celebration Liam and his fiancée stumble across, it was safe to say they were firmly back in each other's lives.
And no one could have predicted that was exactly what they needed.
* Tongue Tied by YesIsAWorld / @louandhazaf [G, 1k, Louis/Harry]
Louis’ new bestie placed a hand on his shoulder; he turned with a sway and looked into his blue eyes. ”What do you wish?” The world spun for a moment, and Louis shrugged. It was easy. The only thing he wanted. “I wish that I could tell Harry that I love him, instead of getting all tongue tied and chickening out.” The Irishman winked. “You never know, your wish may just come true.” “From your lips to God’s ears, mate.” He gave the man a hug. “I gotta go before my Uber leaves me.” He stumbled to the door, and that was the last thing he remembered from the night.
* I ain't ever fell from a love this tall by @beardyboyzx [G, 733 words, Zayn/Liam]
When he looks at the words, after a few seconds, Zayn feels this sort of relief feather-thrum inside of him — a brief excitement grasping him by the neck, gripping hard, as Zayn’s fingers run over the things he’s just written, admiring how they hold the true nature of his yearnings. And this weird ancestral knowledge Zayn’s got ever since he’s met Liam that first time — before One Direction, before X-Factor, when they were just fourteen and chatting awkwardly waiting for a Happy Meal. The stupid knowledge that this is it for him. That Liam is it.
* It's a rush inside I can't control [G, 733 words, Louis]
Wind is hitting him in the face as Louis runs, freely and carelessly, through the woods. There’s no one chasing him for once, and he’s got all the time in the world to enjoy how the soil feels under his feet.
* you are the magic in me [NR, 2k, Zayn/Liam]
Zayn is eight when he meets the Prince for the first time. His dad is being knighted — the King has seen the way he fought to defend his village from the enemies of the Kingdom and has decided to gift him a piece of land and a title.
* so pretend (pretend)  [NR, 1k, Louis/Harry]
Louis has thought about it as soon as he found out Styles was back in the Country — ever since he made sure Styles was still in England, really.
Or: the White Collar/Catch me if you can AU nobody asked for.
* Because I Found You by @neondiamond [G, 1k, Louis/Harry]
Louis stumbles upon a poem Harry wrote about him. A follow-up to Inner Crisis.
* Run To You [G, 2k, Harry/Louis]
Harry injures himself while out on a morning run. Louis comes to his rescue.
* A Sense of Stability [G, 1k, Louis/Harry]
Harry and Louis have a very mundane and domestic routine on mornings they get to spend together. Harry loves it.
* Family Bonding [G, 1k, Harry/Louis]
Louis forges a bond with his new daughter, June, over missing loved ones. Part 2 of June
* Little Moments [G, 429 words, Louis/Harry]
Louis’ birthday is a quiet affair this year, but it’s for good reason.
* You Are A Song by @lululawrence [NR, 3k, Louis/Nick Grimshaw]
To Louis, Nick felt like poetry in motion. He was a bit of chaos surrounding Louis’ otherwise monotonous days, and Louis was quickly becoming addicted.
* Did You Know I Fit In A Dryer?  [NR, 4k, Louis/Jordan North]
“Oi, mate!”
There was some knocking and after the voice coming from right behind him when he had clearly just seen an empty room, Jordan didn’t think he could be faulted for jumping and screaming a bit.
“Mate, can you help me open the door?”
* Were You There On That Christmas Night? [NR, 2k, Harry/Louis]
“Thank god you’re here,” Harry said, rushing up to Louis as he tried to have his students join the cacophony being produced by the other year twos that were already in the gymnasium.
“What’s happened now?” Louis asked, quite worried.
Or the one where Harry has some fears regarding the animals present in the school's nativity play.
* No Constraints [NR, 863 words, Louis/Greg James]
Louis is really not understanding this particular section of his Vector Calculus course, and his tutor doesn't seem to get what Louis is having a hard time with.
Until he does.
* Disenchanted (series) by @hellolovers13 [M, 25k, Harry/Louis]
Witch Harry just trying to live his life. Then there's Louis.
The Potion (Part 1)
If Harry were a calm and collected person, he would simply take the scroll back now and leave. Sadly, his mama had blessed him with lots of wonderful things, his soft curls, his biting green eyes, his magic affinity, but he had not inherited any of her patience.
So instead, he got right up in Hedgehog’s face, thrilling at the fact he had to bend down just the tiniest bit to look into his eyes.
Such a shame, too. This guy had pretty blue eyes and if he wasn't drenched in the stench of The Hunters™, he might've even made a decent fuck, but that was neither here nor there now.
or Harry is a witch minding his own business, Louis is a nuisance.
The Escape (Part 2)
Harry is still minding his own business, Louis is still annoying. Well, fine. Maybe he is the tiniest bit helpful, too.
The Healer (Part 3)
Harry is trying to-
Louis is-
He's going to make it. Harry will make sure of that.
The Curse (Part 4)
Time for Harry to confront his past. Or not?
The Heart (Part 5)
True love isn't something that was ever going to be in the cards for Harry. It finds him anyway.
* 1957: here to take my medicine by zita17 / @louisandtheaquarian [E, 2k, Louis/Harry]
Styles - and Louis - are esteemed members of a whole class, an entire community—fuck, it’s being called a generation—who are hellbent on hearing the sound of their own voices reciting their own words.
But this?
The heavenly nothingness that comes when Louis, with all the precision of a surgeon wielding his sharpest scalpel, separates the Harry Styles from all of his fancy words?
This silence is Louis’ greatest poetry.
See, the downside of being the heralded ‘voice of a generation’ is that the voices in Styles’ head never stop.
Except when Louis makes them stop.
Beat poets Louis Tomlinson and Harry Styles blow off some steam before a reading. Very loosely inspired by Howl, Ginsberg, Cassady, Kerouac, and the asterisks in Medicine.
* 1967: not thinkin' 'bout you all the time [E, 8k, Harry/Louis]
It’s September 1967, the flower children have taken over the Haight, The Beatles are learning to meditate, and their American counterparts travel to an ashram on a California cliffside to do the same. Louis just didn’t expect it to be the new home of their old band member—and his ex, Harry.
When he’d left home four years earlier, Harry never expected to see his childhood friends again, and even though now they’re writing songs around the campfire in earshot of Harry’s cottage, he still doesn’t have to - he can just stay inside and keep meditating. Except that Louis keeps playing the melody of his song.
And one night, Harry breaks.
Loosely inspired by Baby Honey, Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds, the true story behind The Beatles’ Dear Prudence, CCR, and the countercultural revolution.
* 1978: i still crave it, you complicated freak  [M, 3k, Louis/Harry]
"This man is the music.
He’s the embodiment of millennia of human suffering, purging the tears of mankind through the beads of his sweat.
This is Louis Tomlinson.
And he’s fucking magnificent."
It's September 1978, and the king of glam rock, Harry Styles, sneaks into the show of a man who's defining a whole new genre called punk rock and who, okay, also happens to be his ex. Or, at least, well, it's complicated.
Inspired by Complicated Freak, Velvet Goldmine, whatever David Bowie/Mick Jagger/Iggy Pop/Lou Reed had going on, and a dash of Louis at the barricade.
* 1991: don't ask me to talk about [M, 5k, Louis/Harry]
In September 1991, Q&A Magazine publishes a cover story and interview with Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson, the stars of the ground-breaking queer indie drama, Muse of Fire, but the real story behind their friendship isn't quite what makes it onto the glossy pages.
Inspired by Talk, My Own Private Idaho - the film and its filming, whatever River and Keanu had going on, and the underbelly of early 90s Hollywood and The Viper Room.
* Tell me with your mind, body and spirit by @enchantedlandcoffee [T, 479 words, Harry/Louis]
Two short drabbles in the Coach Tommo Universe about poems. Part 2 of The Coach Tommo Universe
* And I Can Lend You Broken Parts That Might Fit  [G, 551 words, Louis/Harry]
Louis and Harry talk about Harry's life after becoming pregnant, and a key figure in Harry's life. Part 3 of The Coach Tommo Universe
* Like this with a tight grip by @enchantedlandcoffee [E, 146 words, Louis/Harry]
A smutty drabble with a jealous Louis and an impromptu heart to heart. Part 4 of The Coach Tommo Universe
* Hold On I Still Need You  [T, 1k, Louis/Harry]
"Please pick up. Please, please, please..." Harry muttered, biting the tip of his thumb as he listened to the phone ring. You have reached the voicemail of- "Fuck!" Harry's phone dropped to his bed as he began pacing his room, mumbling to himself as he tugged at his hair. It had been four days. Four days since he had heard from him. Four days since he'd woken up to an empty bed. Four days since- No. No, he couldn't, wouldn't, think of that. He needed to be strong. If not for himself, then for Louis. He paused his pacing and stared at the phone on his bed, the blank screen almost mocking him as he debated his next move. He'd already messaged and called everyone that Louis would go to, desperate for a sign that he was okay. When that failed, he'd run around their town, visiting Louis' favourite places to go. There was one place Harry hadn't searched, that he couldn't bring himself to search just yet.
OR The one where Louis goes missing and Harry desperately tries to find him.
* I promise that I'll love you for the rest of my life  [G, 358 words, Harry/Louis]
Vows and a kiss to seal the deal
* Rush Hour Crush [G, 1k, Louis/Harry]
Harry took a moment to take in his knight in shining armour. The man’s hair was swept elegantly across his face, dazzling blue eyes staring back at him. Letting his eyes wander further, he spotted a hint of a tattoo peeking out from the man’s collar and had to stifle a groan, forcing his eyes back to the man’s face. Tattoos were his weakness and he couldn’t very well embarrass himself more in front of the man. So he focused on the man’s face again. He seemed to be only a year or two older than Harry and he could immediately tell why Niall was comfortable leaving Harry with…whatever his name is. He probably should find that out at some point. That’d be good to know for a potential friend, or boyfriend.
OR An eventful meeting, a consuming crush and a meddling best friend.
* Come Back, My Love by amomentoflove / @daggerandrose [E, 29k+, wip, Harry/Louis]
Frank and Shelley Harper are masterminds. They’ve created a storefront to entice those with gentle hearts and a willingness to help in times of catastrophe only to capture them for their own twisted goal.
The Victory Project.
The only ones who earn any sort of ‘victory’ are Frank and Shelley. No one else wins. While they don’t know what exactly is done to or with those who join the Victory Project, David has a gut feeling that it isn’t anything good. Part 2 of The Victory Project
* like a moth into a flame by we_are_the_same / @so-why-let-your-voice-be-tamed [T, 5k, Zayn/Louis]
Louis’ eyes light up. “Someone wrote a sex poem?” He ignores the way other teachers look their way, lowers his volume, but not by enough, if the narrowing of Zayn’s eyes is any indication. “Someone wrote a sex poem?” He repeats, barely able to keep from giggling. He’s twenty-seven years old and he shouldn’t be so delighted by the fact that some fifteen-year-old in Zayn’s class wrote something raunchy, but he can’t help it.
“Worse,” Zayn mutters, the dejected slump of his shoulders actually making Louis feel a little sorry for him. “Someone wrote a sex poem about me.”
* I'll Run (Run To You) [M, 1k, Louis/Harry]
What do people need after running a marathon?
Louis remembers the first time he Googled that, about 2.8 minutes after saying goodbye to Harry during a round of speed dating. It was probably a bit of a dickish move, considering he was already sat opposite another, presumably lovely, boy, but all it had taken was one look at Harry and he'd known.
* like a bridge over troubled water (I will lay me down) [T, 6k, OT5 friendship]
Zayn loves all of his friends. He just might love Liam in a different way.
Or: a love letter from Zayn to his friends, written in 4+1.
* (don't you ever) hope for something else [T, 5k, Zayn/Liam]
A long time ago, in the kingdom Zayn calls home, a foolish king disregarded a prophecy, sending the country into a decade-long war, nearly bringing its people to extinction.
Once the battle had finally been over and peace had been restored, once a new king had been crowned, a new law had been written into place: henceforth, from now until the end of times, no prophecy shall ever be disregarded.
Which is all fine and well, Zayn supposes, until your name is called.
* you try to stop it tumbling (but on and on it goes) [G, 2k, Liam & Harry]
Liam just needs to apply himself more.
Liam is smart, he just needs to work harder.
“Focus,” his father had said. “You can do this Liam. Just focus.”
But how? How can he focus when his brain isn’t letting him? When he can sit and stare at his homework for hours, unable to separate one train of thought from another, unable to get a single word onto paper?
Just do it.
That’s what he tells himself, sitting at his desk. Just do it. Just-
* The Lovers by @reminiscingintherain [T, 1k, Louis/Harry]
“Come inside,” an eerie voice seemed to echo from the darkness. “Come inside, and seek your destiny.”
* Private  [T, 2k, Louis/Nick Grimshaw]
Louis was not in the mood for a nightclub. At all. Let alone a series of them.
But, he sighed to himself, it was his fiancé’s birthday, and this was the event he had chosen.
A club crawl along Canal Street.
Or, it's Nick's birthday, and Louis doesn't want to miss it... but he's not exactly out, and things are not as easy as they should be...
* Dear Darlin'  [M, 2k, Niall/Olly Murs]
A series of timestamps from the headline years in Take The World By Storm Part 2 of Take The World By Storm
* In Chains [G, 316 words, Harry]
Stream of consciousness
* Are We In the Clear by asphodelknox / @iamasphodelknox [M, 1k, Louis/Harry]
England, 1256.
Louis and Harry meet across a crowded court at a time when falling in love would mean their destruction. With help from a friend, they run for their freedom.
Louis urges them on. Harry remembers.
* No Place I'd Rather Be [E, 29k, Harry/Louis]
Harry's had a crush on his stepfather's friend for six years. A small crush. A tiny crush.
Honestly, if you don't look at Harry's dozens of poems about Louis Tomlinson, the crush is practically infinitesimal. They haven't even had a conversation.
But then a car wreck prompts them to finally have a conversation.
Christmas works its magic, Harry pines, Louis fonds, and they just might make it.
* The Places I Share With You  [M, 7k, Louis/Harry]
Five times Louis comes home to Harry and one time he's ready to welcome Harry home.
The process of Louis and Harry finding home in each other.
Sequel/Coda/Epilogue to No Place I'd Rather Be. Part 2 of The Places We Share
* Fight For Us by @fallinglikethis [E, 11k, Harry/Louis]
Louis isn’t okay.
It’s beyond wrong, the way they’re held in a cage waiting to be chosen for mating. It’s the way it’s been all Louis’ life, but he never wanted to end up like this. He’d hoped against hope that he’d present as a beta since they don’t have these same restrictions on them. They don’t have to adhere to their biology.
And one dark night, long after all of the other omegas in the pen have fallen asleep, biology comes calling for Louis.
* Let Me Taste Your Silhouette by LetTheMusicMoveYou / @letthemusicmoveyou28 [E, 4k, Louis/Harry]
Harry’s pulled out of his swirling thoughts then by the insistent buzzing of his phone again. He groans and reaches over to decline the call, except that it’s not Jeff calling this time.
It’s Louis.
Despite it being a rather warm day in London, Harry can feel the goosebumps raise on the skin of his arms. And for once he doesn’t really know what to do. For some reason, it hadn’t actually occurred to him that Louis might try to reach out.
Except that Louis is reaching out, which must mean he’s seen the picture.
(Or the one where Harry accidentally posts a picture to his main Instagram story instead of only to his close friends, and he just happens to be wearing a 28 Official Programme shirt. Louis happens to notice).
* Ace of Hearts by @allwaswell16 [E, 10k, Louis/Harry]
Louis Tomlinson, the alpha Duke of Yorkshire, had returned to England to stay now that he’d married and mated. But since his husband was also the omega he’d once held captive aboard his half-brother’s pirate ship, he held back from pushing Harry into parenthood.
With the Ace of Spades now docked in London, Harry spent time with his friends from the crew and remained a bit oblivious to his alpha’s deepest desires. What he was aware of was his best friend’s hurt and his mother-in-law’s wish for more than friendship with her oldest friend. Part 3 of Ace of Spades
* The Cats that Got the Cream by yeah_alright / @uhoh-but-yeah-alright [M, 3k, Harry/Louis, Liam/Harry/Louis]
When Louis accidentally releases the tiger trapped in Harry's thigh tattoo, Harry has to explain not just what the fuck is happening, but that it's not just a tiger. Luckily, Louis has a secret of his own that might help.
* someday, girl, we’re gonna get to that place  [T, 2k, Louis/Harry]
Harry's been drawn to pantyhose since he was a kid. If only he could stop taking every snag and run personally.
* Shoulder ’n’ the Load  [E, 2k, Louis/Harry, Louis/Louis' band]
When Louis breaks his arm and ends up in the hospital in traction, Harry comes up with an idea to distract him from the pain and discomfort. Louis' bandmates are all too happy to pitch in.
* Stable Hand [M, 3k, Harry/Louis, Louis/Zayn]
Harry and Zayn are wealthy ladies of leisure who bond over their shared interests, namely: dressage and cheating on their husbands with the gorgeous young stable boy. Though they both enjoy how submissive Louis is in bed, when they learn he might have it in him to take more control in the bedroom, they decide they might like to try switching things up.
* The Doppel Effect  [T, 6k, Harry & Louis]
In a future where the rich and famous can use lifelike android doppelgangers to increase their reach and expand their fortunes, unauthorized use of the technology by enterprising criminals results in a sub-class of doppelgangers referred to as Forgeries.
Harry Styles lives a simple life, far from the luxurious and nefarious worlds occupied by Dops and Forgeries. At least, he's never had a reason to think otherwise. Until a mysterious stranger shows up and threatens to turn Harry's world upside down.
* Amenable [E, 3k, Zayn/Louis]
Zayn guides Louis through a marathon day of fucking, exploring Louis' submissive side through a series of varied constraints. Louis is game for it all, because nothing makes him feel freer than following Zayn's rules.
* Take Me Home by jacaranda_bloom / @jacaranda-bloom [E, 26k, Harry/Louis]
Louis loves his new home, up high on the mountainside, and the perfect place to write his songs. Sure, it’s isolated, but that was the point. No distractions, no interruptions. Peace and quiet and tranquillity.
But when a stranger arrives and asks if he can camp by the riverside, Louis surprises himself by agreeing without a moment's pause.
OR the story of how when you think you’ve got everything you ever wanted, life has a way of showing you just how wrong you were.
* Toil and Trouble by stretchmybones / @harryslonecurl [E, 3k, Louis/Harry]
Harry and Louis are sirens who suck the souls out of humans in order to make potions
* in the hope of open hands by @justanothershadeofblue [T, 13k, OT5]
Five times the pack is protective of omega Harry, and one time Harry protects them. Featuring Louis and Liam as alphas, Zayn and Niall as betas, and Harry’s as the band's lone omega. A year and some change in which they’re all falling for each other and not quite getting their shit together (until they do, of course).
* you were in my dream by staybeautiful / @harruandlou [E, 59k, Louis/Harry]
“I had a sex dream about Harry.” Louis slapped his free hand over his mouth after the words slipped out.
Zayn paused, his hand freezing as he was about to take a bite, his head snapping up to look at Louis. Louis could relate, it’s how he’d felt that morning after he’d woken up. He’d laid in bed for fifteen minutes trying to figure out what had happened, why it had turned him on so much, and then patiently waiting for his erection to go down.
“Like… my Niall’s Harry? Harry Styles?” Zayn clarified, his face bewildered as if trying to comprehend what had just happened. “Do you even like Harry?”
“His last name is Styles?”
or Louis woke up after having a sexy dream about his best friend’s boyfriend’s best friend resolved to never think about it again. He hardly knew Harry, so what difference would it make? But when they are thrown togethe r only a few days later, Louis had to admit, his subconscious might have been onto something.
*The Park by larry_hiatus / @larry-hiatus [G, 1k, Harry/Louis]
Harry is a student who is trying to write, but Louis would rather be sleeping tonight. Harry is struggling to find his last rhyme, though the answer may be right there the whole time. Based on this Bert and Ernie skit from Sesame Street
* Dirty Bunny [E, 5k, Louis/Harry]
Harry has a private kink that he likes to indulge in after Louis comes back from his runs. It’s his own dirty secret, until the day he gets caught.
* It's human to break, it's hum an to fall [T, 1k, Harry/Louis]
A wobbly ladder and a stubborn Louis don’t make for a good combination, and now he’s left to deal with the painful consequences. His boyfriend Harry can’t help but be annoyed that Louis didn’t listen to him, but he quickly puts aside his irritation when he realizes something else is wrong.
* Don't Forge Me [G, 1k, Louis/Harry]
Harry wakes up to a fruit bouquet the morning after his last night with his boyfriend. Harry knows he won’t see Louis again for a while, but when he reads the confusing note tucked amongst the melons and pineapple flowers, Harry wonders if he’ll ever see Louis again…
* From Now Til Forever (series) by LiveLaughLoveLarry / @loveislarryislove [G/T, 6k, Harry/Louis]
doodles & daydreams 
Harry sits in math class and thinks about Louis. Mediocre teen love poetry is written. A dropped pen becomes a prized possession.
where no one else is
Harry and Louis became friends through watching their parents' marriages fall apart. Sometimes it's hard to believe in love when you watch it crumble. But maybe they can find a way to believe anyways.
you are my christmas
Harry wants their first Christmas together in their first home together to be perfect, something they'll remember for the rest of their lives. He gets one of those two things.
build a time machine
Louis and Harry have been planning to travel across Europe together for years, but never quite had the time or money to do it. Now they have it -- but something is still missing on the trip of a lifetime.
orange blossom
Louis comes home from work with a present for Harry -- or at least, Harry will probably love the present once he finishes being stressed about it.
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bettsfic · 21 days
Hi Betts,
I recently listened to an interview with an author that said “when they decided to get really serious about writing and their dreams they made a ten year plan.” So me being the planner that I am, said maybe I should do it too, especially since this writer is pretty successful. Have I made a decent enough plan? No, because being real about your dreams and committing is scary af.
But I have developed this thinking that each story I have to work on has to be “publishable” and if I can’t immediately envision its success I need to push it away. For some people this is fine. For me, I’m pushing aside every idea and am constantly writing for an invisible audience. Which has its pros and cons.
I want to become efficient so that I can be a good author. One who meets deadlines and puts out work they are proud of. But I’m wondering if it’s even possible to try to work to be an author and still create work that is fun and true to you? If a decision isn’t meaningful I won’t include it in my outline. It feels like the only time writing can be fun is when I was young and had no clue about market and rules and just assumed my dreams would come true.
you know, what i keep finding over and over again is that i was right about a great many things before i had any idea what i was doing. i just didn't know why i was right, i had no context or evidence for my rightness. granted, i was arrogant, but arrogance isn't wrong; it's just uninformed. when you inform arrogance, it becomes confidence. you become informed by getting a lot of feedback on your work and giving feedback on work; having your work accepted once or twice and accepting someone else's work; having your work rejected hundreds of times and being the one to reject. maybe you've done all those things already, in which case you're firmly on your path and there's not much you have to do besides keep going.
i definitely relate to what you're saying, though. i would be lying if i said i wasn't just days ago in a phase of berating myself for my failures and wishing i could work harder and more efficiently. i've cultivated some confidence about my work, but there are some ways in which i'm too arrogant and others in which i'm too humble. i have a long way to go still in informing myself about my work and the process of making it.
you'll be in positions where you have to make creative concessions for the sake of publishing, but don't make them before you get anything on the page. listen to your own ideals and make those ideals happen in your work. a year ago, i finished a novel that was my favorite thing i'd ever made, and i was so proud of it, but i knew it wasn't publishable in the state it was in. even though i'd worked a year on it, it was still an early draft and bore the marks of an early draft, but i couldn't see that because i'd never taken any project further than that one. i'd never felt closer to a project or more intensely toward it. and when i was done, i went through six months grieving it, in a sense, because i knew i'd have to rewrite it. i had to kill the thing that it was in order for it to become what it needed to be. i came to accept that, and the next six months sat on the frustration of not knowing what direction to take it, but having the wisdom to know i couldn't rush it or force it.
and then the fix came to me all at once. the fix involves getting rid of many things that were once dear to me. not even darlings, but entire themes i felt were meaningful, that were the very things i want to share and explore in my work. i don't feel so bad about giving those things up now. what i take out will be put into something else eventually, and what i keep will stand out more starkly. the new parts i write will fit better and serve the story itself, even if it's no longer the story i originally intended to tell.
when you're drafting, your work is in a private conversation with yourself; it's about you even if it isn't. but it can't stay about you. eventually it has to stand on its own. and you might think, well why can't i just write something that stands on its own to begin with? but if you do that, writing is just work, it's business, and it may be more efficient but it's also less meaningful. there's no such thing as efficient creativity. it takes as long as it takes, and if you force yourself on a ten year timeline you might as well focus that energy on something more lucrative and within your control. there's so much about writing that's just chance and discovery and failure and faith.
so i think you should go back to assuming your dreams will come true and not thinking too much about anything except the work itself until you get to the point where you have to. and it will hurt. it may hurt more than anything hurt you've ever put yourself through. but trust you'll get to where you're going, even if it takes longer than you intended.
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damianbugs · 3 months
For the ask game, #3 for Jason Todd??
3. Least favorite canon thing about this character?
now i do want to preface this by saying my least favourite canon thing about jason isn't entirely jason's fault, and can be better explained of writers just doing whatever the fuck they want or using him as a device to extrapolate a very simplified view of another character (usually bruce) (more on that later). unfortunately however, since it's a character trend that has been repeated so many times, and the question is specifically about canon, it is a big part of his character.
and so my least favourite canon thing about jason is that... he's still around. what i mean by that is: time and time again, the story sets up a problem, a conflict, one that puts jason at odds with batman and/or gotham (two things that are connected whether you like it not) — and then a massive fight. a huge fallout. hurtful words are exchanged, a couple fists, maybe an exploding building or two.
you think woah, that was harsh and unhealthy, surely we won't see them hanging out with each other anytime soon.
then, it happens again.
next story, next conflict, next fight. jason usually gets the short end of the stick, because a batman who loses to his "greatest failure" is not a batman editorial want to sell, and also because in a lineup of characters were the worth of their existence is based on the moral conjugation with other characters, its very easy and usually not a emotional problem to kick the odd one out. red hood is cool enough to fight batman and really mean it, but not cool enough to win the actual battle.
it's come to the point where just the leak of jason in a new bat story makes me roll my eyes. even today, with the leaks of batman #145, all i could think was well, here we go again i guess.
so the most irritating thing is that jason still kicks around with the batfam. if you ask me, this unfixable break between him and bruce should have been established in Under the Red Hood (i have a really long essay post about that... somewhere tumblr tags will not allow me to find). if not then, then Battle for The Cowl (as horrendous of a story that it was) should have solidified the conflict between him and the others. it's because jason is still a character with (alleged) bonds to batman and nightwing etc, that dc gives us repetitive moments like the ones in Rhato, Batman and Robin (2011), Gotham War etc.
his character has remained annoyingly stagnant for this reason. he can't ever be a character cool enough to win the battle if he's always used as the Batman Your No Kill Rule Sucks also You Made Me This Way and I Do What You Can't (proceeds to not do anything all that different) conversational piece.
i don't say all this without some irrational hope that one say someone who actually likes Jason Todd enough to think about his character in any emotional capacity takes over. i do however say this with the acceptance that the one tweet that said "Nothing fans say about Jason Todd was actually ever written on a piece of paper published by Dc comics" was very correct.
to end happily, Red Hood: The Hill is his solo series away from the others! so! here's to hoping!
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yarameijer · 4 months
OMG are you the writer who wrote "Accidental Reverse"?!
If so, I'm a Huge fan!!!
Anyways... How are you?
If you accept headcannons or drabbles, what are your thoughts on Shindou and Tenma? How would you explain their relationship? Do you have any headcannons about them?
... I should probably stop here, so... Thank you so much for your AMAZING stories! I can't wait for what ideas you have in the future!
Take care and keep up the great work!!!
Heyhey! Yes, I am that writer! I’m good, super busy with exams and finishing my research tho, but hopefully I’ll get some more free time again eventually. Yes, I accept both headcanons or drabbles (as long as it works with my story universe), but I’m VERY bad at actually finishing drabbles haha…
Okay so I LOVE Tenma and Shindou’s dynamic, so thank you very much for giving me the opportunity to ramble about it XD
Shindou and Tenma’s relationship is, in one word, complex. As we all know, Shindou at the start of the anime doesn’t particularly like Tenma because of his behavior towards soccer, for two reasons: he thinks Tenma is very naive and his thoughtless actions will not only get himself in trouble, but also everyone else (and at this point, if Shindou has to choose between the team he’s been a part of for a year and a kid he’s met a day ago, it’s not even a choice).
The second reason is that he understands. Shindou loves soccer too. In a prestigious family where achievement is everything, soccer sometimes felt like the only thing he could just do for fun, not because he had to be good at it. And he was good at it.
But Fifth Sector ruined it for him, and the only reason he hasn’t left the club yet is because he feels a responsibility towards his teammates and because this is the only way he still gets to do what he loves, even if it’s twisted. So when he meets Tenma - cheerful, bright-eyed, hopeful Tenma - he hates him. He sees himself in him. And he can’t stand to see that spark in Tenma’s eyes fade like it did for him, so he tries to push Tenma away, get him to quit, before he has to see that happening. Beyond that Shindou is having a very hard time in general and using Tenma as a… well, a punching bag, in a way. At the same time you’ve got Tenma, who doesn’t know the meaning of backing down, and is also not the type of person to fight back against the type of treatment Shindou is giving him.
Of course, eventually this starts to change; Shindou gains hope that maybe, just maybe they can do something against Fifth Sector, and once he’s made up his mind about something he’ll go all in. With Shindou and Tenma now on the same side, the previous tension in their relationship fades and they have the chance to get to know each other. Tenma is (sort of ironically) very shy and very enthusiastic, and his optimism brings Shindou out of his own depressive slump. It’s contagious, really.
Once Shindou stops targeting Tenma all the time, Tenma gains a new appreciation for him as well. He’s already a fanboy of anything soccer and Shindou’s plans, the way his mind works, blows him away - Shindou is easily the smartest person Tenma’s ever met, and for him to look at Tenma and treat him as a teammate, as someone to be acknowledged… that means a lot. Just like that, their relationship becomes much more amicable, and they bond over their shared love of soccer and their goal of defeating Fifth Sector. They’re, maybe not friends, but at least on friendly terms.
Then there is another important factor that influences the way they interact - the captain switch.
Several people have actually expressed their surprise at the two of them. Tenma essentially ‘replaced’ Shindou as captain, after all, so outsiders would expect Tenma to reject Shindou’s advice - to prove himself as the ‘real’ captain, instead of listening to the old one. Similarly, Shindou was expected to hold a grudge since he was replaced by a first-year. Except that’s about as far from the truth as you can get.
Tenma respects Shindou very much first as captain and later as strategist, and holds his opinion in high regard. Even after all the years they’ve known each other, Shindou is still the one he’ll turn to first when a decision needs to be made and he wants a second opinion. Even if he doesn’t necessarily ask for it, he’ll always listen if Shindou has something to add. Furthermore, Tenma has never wanted to be captain - the role was thrust upon him due to circumstances, and he agrees because his team asked him to, but he’s never seen himself as any sort of leader and if he could, he’d shy away from the responsibility. He’s also of the opinion that Shindou is a great captain - why would he need to be replaced?
Except, of course, Shindou gets injured so there isn’t really a choice in that. What does happen, however, is the decision the team made to have Tenma stay on as captain even after Shindou recovered - which was suggested by Shindou himself.
Because Shindou doesn’t like being captain.
He’s pretty good at it, but it stresses him out a lot. He’s a strategist first and foremost and being captain interferes with that. Shindou wants to make plans, analyze the world around him, observe and gather information but if he’s acting as captain he can’t do that, can’t retreat into his own head like that. He’s got a responsibility to the rest of the team and he always feels the pressure to be aware of them, lift their spirits, lead them, and if he’s too busy with his plans he can’t do that. He also does not see himself as the most empathetic individual - gauging the team’s mood, figuring out what to say, isn’t really instinctive for him. He can do it if necessary but it takes effort and he often second-guesses himself, and with a team so diverse and intense as Raimon, empathy is a must.
So to Shindou, being captain is a burden. He took the position because the team wanted him to and he doesn’t regret it, but once Tenma shows a pretty instinctual talent for it and has a few weeks to polish that talent - once it becomes clear how easy it is for the team to follow him - well, Shindou sees his chance and takes it. He’s the one to voice the thought first, and once he tells the rest of the team, they don’t see any reason to disagree.
Which is exactly why Shindou has no resentment towards Tenma for taking his position. Shindou can do what he likes most - strategize - and aid his team, all the while knowing Raimon is in the best possible hands. And beyond that; Shindou didn’t give up any of his authority in the team. If a decision has to be made, Raimon decides together. Shindou and Tenma are a duo when it comes to leading the team - Shindou makes the plans, Tenma inspires them to do what’s right and encourages them.
Tenma, despite first floundering under the responsibility, handles it well and Shindou (nor the other senpai) refuses to let him shoulder it alone. Tenma’s still just a first-year, after all, and like mentioned before, Shindou sees himself in him. Now more than ever. They both know what it’s like to become captain in their first year, to have the responsibility thrust upon them, and Shindou refuses to let Tenma struggle with it alone. He acts like a listening ear, always willing to lend advice if the younger asks for it, and although at first Tenma is quite hesitant (with Shindou being his senpai), he’s also very earnest and open.
Over time, they get to talking more and more, outside of club-related things. Shindou is the dependable smart friend Tenma can always come to with his issues, while Tenma is cheerful and optimistic and doesn’t really expect anything from Shindou, not like the rest of the world. Doesn’t expect perfect grades or being the best, and while it takes Shindou a while to let go of the mask, eventually Tenma becomes one of the few friends he can just completely be himself around. Shindou is much more relaxed now that he’s no longer the captain and the tension in Raimon that was present under Fifth Sector’s reign is gone, and it shows in his friendship with Tenma. They act crazy, or lazy, and just do things for fun because they want to. They, together with Tsurugi, have been dubbed the new Raimon Trio, and it just works. Their skills complement each other and they settle into a comfortable friendship and shared leadership over the team after Tenma’s first year.
Sure, it takes them quite a while to get to that point, both because they have unspoken issues between them originating from the start of the year, and because they need to learn to understand each other. There's the boundaries caused by Tenma's insecurities and Shindou's expectations for himself. It takes a while for Tenma to learn to depend on other people and for Shindou to learn to be patient and listen, something that's been driven out of him by years of expectation and responsibility. But they get there. Maybe not immediately, but once they do, their friendship is unbeatable and something they both cherish dearly.
As for headcanons…
They tease each other all the time. Tsurugi plays a part in this too. The three of them just full on snark whenever they have the chance (Tsurugi and Shindou especially like making fun of Tenma for being the shortest, Tenma and Shindou like making fun of Tsurugi when he’s pretending to be all cool, and Tenma and Tsurugi will never let an opportunity to mention Shindou’s dramatic tendencies go).
Tenma loves listening to Shindou playing the piano and once Shindou figures that out, he offers to play something whenever Tenma comes over to his house, to Tenma’s absolute delight.
They often discuss team matters, sometimes over video or phone call, and always end up sharing ideas for hissatsu techniques and strategies (either for themselves or their teammates). It’s actually why they’re so in sync and can pull off improvised moves so well; they share their ideas so often they know pretty well how the other thinks/works, and that shows when they’re in the middle of a match. Super convenient when you know your best friend has been designing a new super shot for WEEKS and is itching to try it out.
In the year Shindou goes to high school while Tenma’s still in middle school, they end up calling each other quite a lot, and they like to get ramen or bubble tea or ice cream after school if they’ve both got the time, since they can’t hang out anymore as easily. Soon they drag anyone in the team along if they’ve got time, but it’s a habit that started with just the two of them.
They have a standing agreement to disagree on whether cats or dogs are better.
Tenma has been known to drag Shindou out very early in the morning during weekends if he’s got plans, whether that’s soccer practice or for a walk or whatever they’ve planned this time. Shindou is NOT a morning person but it’s very hard to say no to Tenma.
That’s it for now, I hope you enjoyed it! ^.^
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