#maybe also inspired a little by acotar
The golden prince of the autumn court
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Autumn court ranger Jin Ling (and Fairy <3)
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erisweekofficial · 1 month
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Tonight we're celebrating the amazing @elleybug 🧡
This year, they joined the ACOTAR fandom on tumblr and have been gracing us with the most gorgeous Eris (and LoA, Azris) art. Take a look through their blog for all these gems!
We asked for their favorite pieces they've made and @elleybug highlighted: Child of Autumn and Eris catching fish with Lucien.
Thank you for choosing Eris! He definitely needs more love and you've breathed life in to him and inspired the rest of us! 🔥
Read on to learn more about @elleybug's thoughts on Eris and learn what he's naming his new cat 🐈
What made you want to draw Eris over the other acotar characters?
When I revisited the series I became fascinated with him and his story. (got me obsessed with autumn court in general) I found so little fan art of him, so I went on a drawing spree!
What's something you want to see eris say or do in future books?
I kinda want to see him in Autumn: him navigating the court, the inner work he's doing, him interacting more with his mother and brothers.
\What’s your favorite Eris ship and why?
I guess Azris since its the most I drew pairing wise. Lots of history between them and not to mention their opposite elements/ powers. Though since Silver flames, I'm also Intrigued with Nesta and Eris's chemistry (Also both are the eldest, have complicated relationship with their siblings.) Cassian and Eris have a nice dynamic as well. Thanks to those scenes from Silver flames too.
Eris is getting a cat!? What do you think he’d name it?
Eris accidentally adopting a cat and being a little annoyed with the cat just because they are so alike ( he's so cat energy ) Maybe a dark brown cat name Ink. It came in from the window one day - Knocked his ink bottle of his table and wouldn't leave.
Give us a name for one of his brothers!
Ooo ! I made an oc brother of Eris named Moros
Give us a name for one of his dogs!
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mudandmire · 4 months
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Azris Week - Day One: Contrasts
~~~ Hello hello! I found the Azris ship and the community this year and have absolutely been consumed by it. I love this idea, I love these two characters, and I love that there's so much potential between them and for them to feed and inspire such a wonderful community. I've never participated in the acotar fandom apart from this, and I'm so excited! Thank you so much to @azrisweek for putting together this event, I have had so much fun letting my brain run free like a dog off a leash with these prompts :D ~~~
Tell me
Azriel calls him tatlım, and Eris doesn’t know what it means.
It’s a secret, he supposes he can accept it—relate to it. Nooks and hidden corners itch and snarl with the weight of his own. An enchanted drawer he keeps in the washroom holds his greatest wonder and his greatest shame.
The journal weighs heavy in Eris’s mind. He traces back the parchment pages with intangible fingers during lulls in his father’s council meetings. The drone of bees, lazy and fat in the afternoon sun becomes the hushed whisper of a canyon gale through dried grass. The lines he inks, stroke by stroke, Azriel matches in full, thrumming strides. Words next to his are clean, unbroken, while Azriel’s remain thick, written in charcoal with smudges at the corners from where his fist has run over the line.
When it’s dark, a time when even shadows cannot creep and loom larger, Eris presses his own fingertips to those words. The smears of charcoal because Azriel had told him early on in their budding friendship when they were young that he can’t use quills.
“They're too thin, my hands shake too much.” A smaller version of Azriel speaks the memory into his mind. The whorls and pockmarks on his hands hidden between the gap of his thighs.
Eris had taken it as a challenge—and now he revels in it. Azriel is messy with his charcoal pencil, too free with his mistakes and smudges and it leaves Eris half a country away and entirely breathless.
‘Tell me what bothers you, tatlım.’ Azriel had written him earlier, the familiar scrawl of his heavy hand appearing stroke by stroke in the filled pages of Eris’s enchanted journal.
Two were made, Eris gave one away. He could not bring himself to regret it even if his life were on the line.
‘Tatlım?’ Eris had asked, his letters looped and coiled together in the way they get when he rushes, when he needs answers.
There was no sound save for Eris’s own steady pulse, the whistle of air through his nose as he waited for a response. And yet he could’ve swore he heard Azriel’s laugh, the breathy one, brush against the point of his ear.
The words appear in the space between one breath and the next: ‘Maybe one day, gach’lilit, I will tell you. For now, stop avoiding my prying.’
Eris places a hand on the rise of his chest. Holding in something that seems to be rising from his stomach to his throat and lands gently on his tongue like the orange and black patterned butterflies in the garden.
‘Tell me now,’ he begs, ‘and I will tell you whatever you wish, Azriel.’
‘Come back to visit me, sweetheart. That’s all I ask.’
It had formed a pause in their effortless back and forth. Eris wanted to—Azriel knew that. No, the issue wasn’t in Azriel’s plea, he knew just how much Eris longed for the little village in the Illyrian steppes. The stable in the field and the small, knobby kneed, black lamb that follows Azriel around like ducklings in the Forest House pond in spring. He misses the creeping, ruby red moss and the yellow and sage aspens that crop up from out of the golden plains like the jagged teeth of a cliff.
Most of all, most desperately of all, he misses Azriel. There is not one inch of his soul that doesn’t.
The inked tip of his quill hangs over the page, a knife poised for the final push. Through skin, muscle, bone, to the heart of everything—the rot that waits, festering under the floorboards of his adamant desire to run. It is one thing; it is also a collection of things Eris has stored like the most gruesome of trinkets, the most harrowing of trophies.
Because Azriel calls him sweetheart. He writes in his tongue letters of longing and punctuates them with words like tatlım, and gach’lilit. As much as Eris wants to stitch those given titles to his chest, he already has one.
Eris Vanserra. Heir of Fire. Son of Autumn.
Sweetheart. Tatlım. Gach’lilit.
He cannot have both. The heir who wears the crown, who feels it’s golden spiked thorns pierce the thin skin of his head knows this. Eris Vanserra was not born with room on his chest for titles other than this: his father’s son.
When his quill meets the page, a heaviness in his hand that wasn’t previously there, he knows Azriel already knows what he will write.
‘Soon,’ he lies, ‘when the festival of the summer sun comes, I’ll visit.' Eris Vanserra cannot flaunt about the wilds of the Night Court without purpose or reason. Even less if the hint of the reason is his desire to see an Illyrian male—but he can set out on inter-court business to strengthen alliances, break down information, and gather intel. Eris Vanserra cannot winnow straight from the quilts of his bed into the hay-strewn floor of Azriel’s stable.
No matter how much he wants to.
His chest pinches, a sharp point digging into the sensitive skin between his ribs when Azriel takes a minute longer to reply. The page remaining horribly empty with their spare words, their delicate dance.
‘Then I will just have to hold onto these words a little longer, besheirt. I wish for you to hear them in person, for they are as sacred to me as you are.’
Something cracks, folds then splinters and out pours a smile like evening sunlight through the painted colors of autumn leaves in the canopy. The tension building in his shoulders leaks down and pools around his feet, an unwanted puddle he completely forgets about. Eris may be an heir, a son of autumn, and child of a loveless, forced marriage; but he is also sacred. Something holy and divine by only the rights of Azriel, and Azriel alone.
Eris has his titles. The stitched corners of his heart taken up piece by piece, but he will forever play the game of keeping himself in between the two if it will let him keep Azriel.
He has his own titles to give him.
(Key for words:)
Tatlım - ‘Sweetheart’
Gach’lilit - ‘Firefly’
Besheirt - ‘Notion of a soul mate, but mostly means Intended in terms of spouse’
aH. Alright okay cool I'm so normal about them. This is a short little thing, and it doesn't follow canon lore lol sorry about that. I really loved the idea of contrasts because for me it's what first drew me to this pairing. At first it seemed like there were too many contrasts for them to even be compatible, and then through softening my perspective of both of these characters and their flaws (and no small amount of delusion in which we merely squint from afar at SJMs portrayal of these characters) I found that maybe these contrasts actually enhance their chemistry. what crazy imagine that.
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arson-09 · 3 months
How people are trying to change fandom (the rise of hatred against non-canon media)
This was inspired by the rise of backlash against the "Rhysta" ship.
Traditionally throughout the history of fandom spaces on social media, a very important factor has been creativity of course. Art and Fics by fans being the backbone of a fandom. Including non-canon ships, Aus, etc. And of course there was drama (when is there not drama?) BUT there wasn't as much hate because there was an understanding that it's not REAL. People in fandoms understood creativity and thinking outside the box (canon)
But something interesting happened in 2020 with the pandemic, people who weren't apart of fandom spaces started joining cause what else were you going to do? but there started the divide. These people wouldn't have joined fandoms originally because they didn't have that sort of creativity. Which isn't a bad or negative thing, everyone is different and that what makes the world go around, but these people were not used to fandom spaces and that divergency. To them, things have to be how it was written and non-canon things, ships or au's that can't hurt you or become canon, were blasphemous. Because why change the foundation if you liked the original media? this also ties into the "why do you read or interact with this media?" questions when people engage with media in their own way even if they dislike the majority of it. which is valid to do, I do it personally with acotar. I dislike the majority of acotar from the way it's written to lots of the characters, but I interact with a certain subset of the fandom that shares a love for the same characters as I.
But these people, these mostly neurotypical, TikTok people, intrude into these safe creative spaces and cause a ruckus over non-canon Aus and ships. for no reason! Ships like Rhysta are harmless, of course people who make and consume this media don't think it's going to be real, and that's the misconception! Making and consuming non-canon media doesn't mean you think it's going to happen or want it to happen, it's just existing. existing for the sake of existing and stretching creative muscles. You can't grow as an artist if you do not break from the mold, from the restraints of canon.
What you are doing by constantly harassing and posting shit about non-canon media is showing you lack a fundamental understanding of Fandom. Policing what people do is a fruitless endeavor. of course, calling out actually problematic creators is okay, when what they're doing is actually harmful and not them being creative or God forbid, a little weird.
There has been and still needs to be respect in the places. Filtering tags for things that upset you and blocking creators you disagree with is key to being someone people will actually listen to and respect. If you refuse to do that, no one you harass, or attack will take you seriously. and maybe that's not your objective but that means you're going to be blocked on main and made fun of. And this segment is somewhat targeted at someone who has been consistently harassing my mutuals, but I've seen so many people like this and it's a real issue. And its such an issue in Booktok popular books and shows, and media that becomes popular with the masses.
Fandom spaces aren't meant to follow canon to a T. People will have non-canon ships, opinions on how they think the series should have gone, opinions on characters, etc. Constantly harassing and targeting creators won't change that.
I know this won't stop this behavior, it will continue to happen but it's been bothering me and maybe this will change some people's minds on how they interact with the media they like, and they hate.
I love rhysta, I think that the dynamic is very interesting and that people are free to explore that and say whatever they want about how it could have gone in canon. None of that means i think its going to happen or that it should. Lord, people are just having fun. Like they should in fandom places.
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madstronaut · 3 months
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blahblahmaster rant list link blahblah dont look at me
PSA when you only just discover a moot is a prolific writer you run to read all her writing and comment in excruciating detail cc: @gemmahale
blorbo x named oc fans, this one’s for you (it’s me, im talking about me)
please see below a random and incomprehensive ramblelist of my stream of consciousness as I sampled from gemma's works:
Feylands WIP
I find the content warning tags extremely titillating (also I have not seen such a prolifically well organized tag list AND color coordinated to boot like gemma’s blog???? putting my outlook inbox/work docs/excel sheets to shame!!!) and I don’t even read/like fae stories (yes I never read ACOTAR and I don’t plan to anytime soon, I missed that booktok ship, most likely cos im not on the tikky tokky as the children like to say, i watch the reposts on instagram like a proper mlllenial)
Josephine’s heart pitter-pattered at the compliment, heat climbing up her cheeks as she mumbled a thanks, their eyes locking again. 
my inquisitive ass is already like “what’s gary’s real name” and “hearing aid = soap b/c of all the damn bombs he blows up?” “but i headcanon gaz with freckles, maybe it’s gaz? gaz = gary?” “or maybe ghost = gary?” GEMMA GIVE US WIPS I MEAN HINTS PUT ME OUTTA MY MISERY
Call of the Wild WIP
I love the little note gemma included about this being inspired by @deadbranch (shoutout to branchy btw my beloved) - honestly floored at all the beautiful fic/headcanon/drabbles/askfills ive read that are the brainchilds birthed from love for other creators’ brainchildren
also equally floored at how many of writers here are like “this incredibly layered/moving/tender/spicy/nasty fic came to me in a dream”
Kyle cleared his throat, shifting his stance. “She prefers to be called a wolf.”
“Please!” Kyle called back, face half covered in shaving cream.
i need fanart of this right fucking now let me, i mean shannon, sorry oops but haha..unless? finishing shaving you bby
“The way I see it, you’re fucked either way. You don’t make it out of here, you’re fucked. You become mine, you’re fucked - but in the good way.”
this + the mention of bulge + damp cheek definitely brought a visceral IRL memory for me (affectionate/horny)
also sidenote: it’s the little things that matter and gemma i see you gurl and salute you - incorporating things like hearing aids, mentioning roach is HoH/using sign language, shannon using a shower cap for her curly hair - 😘👌
Corporal Distraction WIP
The captain moved closer to her, gently lifting her chin up with his finger. “So you’re the bird that’s got my sergeant distracted.”
“Been trying to figure out what’s got Gaz so twisted up lately. Figured it was a partner, didn’t think it was a Corporal under him.” He didn’t release her chin, now holding it between his thumb and finger. “Has good taste, at least,” he muttered, eyes shifting to the Lieutenant, who only huffed in response.
any premise that fucks with/frustrates/sleep-deprives soap has my heart 🥰
Flowers From My Love WIP
the bit where they discuss the casserole perfectly encapsulates each of the boys imho - price grunting out a response, soap eagerly asking about the food (such youngest of the group/im baby vibes), gaz picking up on the note and name/# left, ghost grumbling and ofc he fucking HAS to bring up manchester- 
and the MOODBOARD!!!! God I fucking love when writers flesh out a bit of their worldbuilding with related art, moodboards, face claims, etc etc etc i WILL lick up every crumb from the floor like a starving doggo- fun fact, one of my first interactions in cod fandom was requesting a moodboard from @the-californicationist (also shoutout to cali my beloved)
Palace Hallways WIP
my mind blacked out at artificer soap and knight kyle and druid ghost - I also just finished a campaign with my homegroup IRL not too long ago and we’re taking a long break before the next game while our DM preps and this is making me miss playing with them ;-;
Edge Dressing WIP
KATE KATE KATE KATE KATE KATE that’s it that’s the tweet
“She did, did she?” Kate murmured, scratching at Letty’s scalp and smirking as the woman went boneless against her.
yes only natural, i too would also go boneless if laswell was scratching my scalp and giving me a massage mommy? sorry. mommy. sorry? mommy. sorry?
Embroidered Secret WIP
if someone told me a year ago when I wasn’t into regency shows/fics that reading some COD AUs - yes fucking CALL OF DUTY, the military propaganda first person shooter video game - would change my mind - well id be more shocked than if someone flashed some ankle at my victorian pearl clutching ass
also please i love every single trope listed here
141 Studios WIP
“Our sweet soft girl Samantha (plus size rep ftw!) finds her niche quickly as the resident camgirl - creating a new set of films called "Tip of The Tongue", where she (and others) commentate on the scenes being filmed in a behind the scenes way.”
fuck i would read an entire multiseries for this premise alone???
Crew scramble around to clean up the sweat and cum streaked across the couch to reset for another scene.
fun fact - i briefly interned as a PA in college and one of the producers i worked with mentioned offhand that he once rolled up to a set that was cleaning up after a porn shoot and claimed they were rolling away literal barrels of lube 👀
“You the new girl?” His voice was deep, rumbling like stones cascading down a mountain.
A Protege’s Trust WIP
The most titillating tag of all..an empty one! lol jk im just messin with ya gemmy but actually yes i don’t see any posts with this tag
Museum Muse WIP
ahem you already know my rabid thoughts on this but noticed this new post re: multiple timelines and tbh do I know what’s going on? absolutely not - do I want to dive into this museum muse multiverse regardless? absolutely yes
Brix WIP
Re: “If it’s a story about learning to be loved again after a series of devastating losses, can that story then end on another loss? (And should the epilogue soften that loss by allowing them some sort of reprieve?)”
YES! i need to be in a certain mood to read angst but GOD WHEN I AM IN THE MOOD DOES IT HIT THE SPOT/FEEL SO CATHARTIC
also re: these comments - “Also, a bit of catharsis for my shitty experience working in the orchard industry.”
“It's less of a love story and more of a healing story. It's also a bit of a middle finger to the orchard that nearly hospitalized me. 🙃 (It's healing not only for the characters lol.)”
i find these types of fics are some of the best ive read when the writers have IRL experiences bleed into their writing - just has a certain je ne sais quoi about em
also i could be knee deep in sewage sludge and if i sensed soap within a 1 mile radius i would throw myself at him, brb busy handforging a trophy for annabeth for having enough willpower to continue working while JOHN SOAP MACATAVISH WHINES ABOUT WANTING TO COP A FEEL
Squeamish Stitches WIP
✨GLITz!!!! ✨fucking love this name
“God, I’d die here a happy man,” he grumbles into your thigh as you adjust your balance. 
His hands wrap around your calves, grunting as the treads dig into his shoulders. “No, between your legs.”
Ghost interrupts. “Keep it tactical, Sergeants.”
Useful Girl WIP
you had me at “we gonna get nast-ay kink-ay” and also got strong “secretary” with maggie gyllenhaal + james spader vibes 
also i had to look up ‘brown bottle flu’ as i’ve never heard that term before! ✨i learn somethng new with fanfic daily✨
She felt the breeze as the door opened behind her, the whiff of cigar smoke and cologne causing her to shift in her seat and sit up straighter.
if you’ve ever smelled/heard someone before you saw them it is *quite* the experience
“It's the prickle of the mountain's oncoming storm. It's the flapping of the flag in the howling wind. It's the explosion of lightning hitting a tree, splitting it open, part charred and part living - two states diametrically opposed to each other. It's the sigh of relief when the clouds finally part and the rain pours out. It's the breath of fresh air when the storm dissipates and everything is left clean.
It's yearning so hard for something that it leaves one fundamentally changed when they achieve it.
...I really ought to make moodboards for this fic. 😅”
this was an incredible fucking paragraph to read, fucking poetry right here, also incredibly erotic? though that might just be leftover brainworms in my head from watching shogun and a scene where one of the main charas describes an orgasm as “clouds parting after rain” 
Highland Tartans WIP
She reached her hand into his wool, petting him. “He comes from a good line and all, he’s just young.”
MacTavish laughed, sliding his hands to rest on his waist. “Aye, young and dumb. I know the type.” 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
anyway to sum up i am fully convinced the multiverse lives inside of gemma’s brain because goddamn i am convinced once day some god-tier epic space opera multiseries is gonna spring out fully formed like athena from the gemmamind (yes I compared you to zeus, a mythical god, deal with it)
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nickel156 · 4 months
SJM has said she wants to do a retelling of a Disney movie- more specifically the little mermaid:
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Gwyn fits all the attributes. Meaning our girl definitely isn't going anywhere.
However, these specific photos from SJM pinterest have me concerned.
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This is Gwynriel and I can prove it. ^
Considering she had the same theme in her other mermaid inspired acotar pins.
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Also this one, where it looks eerily like the male is ☠️ (this could also be Vassian)
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Idk what Sarah J Maas is going to do to us, but let's hope it's not a heart-wrencher.
Maybe it's a he saved her, now she'll save him situation 🤔
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highlordofkrypton · 3 months
Writing - Drafting Process
Clearly, I am avoiding actually writing by talking about writing. I was thinking about the drafting process today, and maybe this can help someone! For me, this process applies specifically to long stories to which I already know the conclusion, not my oneshots or update-as-I-go fics.
Honestly, I only found out that I write this way after my first fanfic. It's something that I do naturally, but with all the fun writing discussions I got to participate in lately, it was a fun exercise to actually break down what I do. It might sound daunting, but I promise that it's not as formal as you think!
I'm absolute a ✨vibes✨ writer, the drafting process is mostly for consistency and making sure I get to the end!
There are many ways to write, so for those who might still be looking for their process or those looking for something new, hopefully this can inspire you.
For larger stories, I always get a surge of inspiration. I usually create a DUMP document where I dump all my ideas. At the very top of the document, I create an outline with the major story segments and then whenever I think of a scene, I add into that outline.
For example, my outline for my ACOTAR Prequel was created in chronological order, but also by location.
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I would also start by adding:
The scenes that come to mind and I have muse to write
The necessary scenes that are either fundamental to character development or plot development
The transitional scenes
So, in that order, I can get a pretty decent idea of what I need to get done.
I also always make character sheets when I write. Not in a formal way, but just a page where I dump anything that I wrote in the story so I remember word for word what I said. That or I'll color code highlight, but a character dump is easier.
It's absolute chaos, but I prefer ideas to be as raw as possible. I'm an emotional writer, so I want to be reminded of it the way it came to me.
The writing starts here for me. The goal is to just write. Don't think, don't question, just write and depending on what medium you're using, drop a comment with notes for your future self to come back to. Sometimes, I'll even add a line between sections that I don't want to write to say "COME BACK AND INSERT TRANSITIONAL SCENE", highlight it or mark it in red.
More often than not, I'll start by writing out the scenes that appear in my mind vividly. For example, in Wildflowers, the first scene I ever wrote was actually Chapter 4. I knew that I wanted to write out Hybern Castle and if you read the scene completely, it was barely edited because it came to me so strongly.
Then, once I've finished writing the "muse driven" scenes, I start writing by importance.
Do not worry about about fleshing out the story. That will come later.
If I'm struggling with finishing, then I usually tag in a beta reader who's job at this point is to answer one question and one question only: "Is this good?" I think a more accurate phrasing would be -- Am I on the right track for this story? I'll do another post for how I work with my beta.
At this point, I only focus on the story and character development. Don't worry about the little details. For long stories, I might choose to print the story out because it helps refresh and reset my brain. It's also easier to read/annotate hundreds of pages this way.
Read through your story once.
Add notes to where you feel the story needs to flow better, either add transitional scenes, or something that need to add or hinder to your character.
Write out the scenes.
Bring in the beta and ask: "Story-wise, is there anything missing? Is there anything about the character that needs to be clarified?"
For example, a question that came up for Wildflowers is why would Tamlin be different from his abusive father and his siblings? He wasn't. Not at the beginning. He would have been raised to look down on humans, so in the second draft, I went back and thought of scenes that would help inform his choice to empathize with humans.
Calling this draft 3 is tentative because you may choose to do multiple drafts of this section. Once I've gotten most of the story down, I will pick one element that I want to focus on editing. I will do a read through and annotate what needs to be fixed for each "element".
For example, I might want to check the consistency of the character physical descriptions, so I will read once focusing ONLY on pieces of writing that contain that. Then, maybe I wanna go back and make sure Rhysand's voice is sassy enough. Another read through focusing ONLY on his dialogue.
I find this method is really great because it allows you to work on that specific element rather than getting overwhelmed with everything to fix.
These are what I usually read through if you're looking for ideas:
Character descriptions
Lore elements
Show vs. Tell
Tense (past vs. present)
Relationship depth (especially for side characters)
One would think this is where I would add foreshadowing but I'm not that organized of a writer. Again, I just go with the ✨vibes✨ and it usually works out.
I call this the final edit because I will probably write forever if you let me. In this draft, I focus on proofreading, grammar, sentence structure and clarity of the writing itself.
Yes, there are typos that usually escape and haunt you forever especially if you're a binder like me.
I also get my beta to help me with this as a second set of eyes, especially to give me feedback on stylistic choices.
I don't know if this helped anyone, but this was fun to write! I like doing guides and thinking about stuff, so yeah, this is usually my process. It takes about 2-3 months if I'm locked and loaded focus-wise.
Let me know if you have questions, I'm happy to help!
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ellesliterarycorner · 2 years
Writing a Retelling
I used to not like reading or writing retellings, but I actually think that writing a retelling might be on my bingo card for 2023, so I decided to do some research on writing them and share it with y’all! I think the reason I used to dislike retellings was because they can go SO wrong, and they are really hard to write. But, the more I’ve looked into this, I’ve decided writing retellings is actually a really good exercise for writers. The world’s been around for so long that there are no completely new plots, and taking the essentials plots of one story and turning them into something new is a great exercise in the basics of plotting and understanding the nature of characters. 
Back to the OG
Read the original story! That might seem like an obvious thing, but sometimes it doesn’t feel every author remembers to do this. If it’s a story you haven’t read since you were little, don’t rely on your memory, especially if its a story with a lot of different remakes. Are you writing a retelling of the Disney movie Cinderella or the original Greek folk tale? Spoiler alert, they are not the same. You can write a retelling of either, but you do need to decide early on which one you are doing and stay consistent to it. I also think rereading the original story will remind you why you decided to write a retelling. Something about the story you loved so much you wanted to bring to a new audience or maybe something that felt unfinished or unanswered, and you just had to finish it and find the answered. 
Notes, Notes, Notes
I love taking notes, and I think that especially when writing a retelling copious notes are your best friend. Unfortunately, you aren’t going to be able to fit everything into your retelling, but writing notes on the most important things in the original story will help you have a guiding light and keep you organized. I would definitely recommend that you make a list of characters and their roles in the story. Are you keeping the same protagonist? Do you want to write from the antagonists point of view? Or give a side character their time to shine? I would also make a list of all of the settings in the story. Decide whether or not you’re keeping the same setting or revamping it for your story. Finally, make a list of all the major plot points. You’ll probably add more plot points into your story, but making sure that you know and understand the major plot points in the original story will help you as you’re writing. 
Inspired By or Retelling?
This may just be a personal nit-picky, schematic thing, but imo, a book can be inspired by something without being a retelling. Point and case being my favorite book to bash: A Court of Thorns and Roses. People have stopped leaning on this as much as they used too (mostly because ACOTAR has been rebranded as adult), but when it first came out ACOTAR was very much marketed as a Beauty and the Beast retelling. Me personally, I did not realize it was supposed to be a retelling until one of my friends told me after I had read it. Now, that either means that I have a poor level of reading comprehension or that the book is not a very good retelling. Obviously, I don’t like one of those answers, so let us presume that ACOTAR is not a very good retelling. I would say agree that elements of it are inspired by Beauty and the Beast, but I do not think that it is a retelling. SJM fails to keep many of the major themes and motifs of Beauty and the Beast which I think are necessary elements to qualify under the label retelling. 
But What’s the Twist???
Don’t be afraid to take risks and try new things when you write a retelling! Just because you’re writing a retelling doesn’t mean that you aren’t writing a story in your voice and your style of writing. Stay true to yourself, so long as you treat the original story with respect. A lot of retellings either give the story a new protagonist, a new setting, or set the story in a completely different genre. To get yourself going here are are a few questions to ask yourself after you’ve finished rereading the original story help you figure out what the twist of your retelling is going to be. 
Which of these characters do you feel curious about?
Which of these characters is the most hated / misunderstood?
Which of these characters could have the most interesting growth / character transformation through the course of this story?
How would this setting affect the protagonist and the other main characters? 
How would this setting affect the major conflict of the story?
How would this setting affect the themes of the original story? 
Which themes would be preserved and which themes would no longer feel relevant?
Elle’s Retelling Recommendations
And of course, I had to end this with a few retellings recommendations! Reading other retellings and seeing what other authors did well or not well is a great way to sharpen your own skills. 
Daughters of Sparta by Claire Heywood
I actually really liked this book, but I think its because even though I like Greek mythology, I admittedly am not the most knowledgable on the subject. I know the basics of Greek mythology, but unless something was blatantly wrong, I wouldn’t be able to tell. Apparently, this book had a lot of important Greek mythology plot points missing, but I thought it told the stories of Helen and Klytemnestra very well!
Circe and The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller 
I first read Circe for school, but I went back and read it a year or two ago. I vastly prefer Circe to Song of Achilles as I didn’t really like SoA all that much, but both are definitely retelling masterclasses. Madeline Miller is definitely the Queen of Greek mythology retellings.
Beautiful Little Fools by Jillian Cantor 
This is one of my favorite books ever! I loved the Great Gatsby, and I am a Daisy Buchanan apologist. I love that this book fleshes out all of the female characters from the Great Gatsby, gives them proper back stories and answers one of the biggest questions from the original novel. 
Starcrossed by Josephine Angelini
This book is not the best book, and I only recommend it because it is in my opinion how not to do a retelling or even an inspired by book. My friend group was obsessed with this book in middle school, and the best way I can describe it is if Percy Jackson and Twilight had a baby. Take that as you will. 
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shadowsingercassia · 23 days
100 followers celebration!!
Firstly I just want to say THANK YOU SO MUCH!! 🥹💕
So since I have been writing so much angst, I will list some of my personal favorite fluff and smut drabble prompts (and writing them so feel free to send me the number of the prompt in my inbox with the character you want!) (You can also use them, just ask me first!)
You can send me aa many prompts as you'd like (personally I would prefer no more than three prompts at a time but it doesn't really matter!)
Fandoms I usually write for (and also will write for in these dribbles and in my fics):
Acotar 🩵
Throne of Glass 💚
A few extra fandoms I will write for (but only for these drabbles sorryy) because I think I should get out of my comfort zone:
Cruel Prince 💛
Aren Kertell from the Bridge Kingdom 🤍 (because I absolutely loved the Bridge Kingdom books and my man needs more fics about him)
Fourth Wing 🖤
Characters can be both female and male I don't mind it!
So, let's get into the prompts (quotes and prompts that just make my heart melt, some of them are quite long sorryyy):
1.A soft first kiss and then both character and reader are giggling and smiling uncontrollably
2. Character taking care of the reader's minor injury (ex. a tiny papercut) and making it a huge deal
3. Watching the stars with the other in comfortable silence and then one says "the stars are beautiful aren't they?" and the other replies with "they are," but they are looking at them.
4. Baking together
5. "You're adorable"
6. The one is sick and the other is denying them a kiss so they will pout and the other will give them a peck on the forehead
7. Cuddling with one another and one asks silly questions (riddle-like questions) and the other chuckles and tells them to go to sleep
8. Kissing the other all over their face
9. Dancing barefoot in the kitchen
10. Walking with their fingers entwined
11. A glass of wine after a hard day (either smiling at each other while wrapped in comfortable silence or while telling each other about their day)
12. Holding hands under the table in a meeting
13. Waking up next to each other and then giving lazy kisses
14. Character giving a piece of jewelry that maybe was their mother's or generally a person who they love
15. Reading date
16. Bringing coffee/tea to the other and the other being VERY specific about what type of coffee/tea (ex. EXACTLY one and a half tablespoons of sugar)
17. Reader being bloody, having just murdered someone in front of character and the other just says "You're beautiful"
18. Character going to the market and getting reader something they know they like
19. Playing the piano for one (most people might say this is inspired by throne of glass but actually it's just because i used to play the piano as a child and i need a fic like this)
20. 👆 Teaching the other how to play some basic things on the piano
21. Character bringing reader something that reminds the character of reader
22. Playing chess (with slightly twisted rules, ex. if one loses a piece they have to kiss the other)
23. "You have a beautiful smile"/"Your smile is my favorite sight in the world
24. Character obsessing over every little thing reader does
25. Reader/character staring at reader/character as the light of the setting sun hits their face
26. Character is injured, badly and they are healing but they are also horny so they say to the reader "touch yourself for me"
27. "Show me how to touch you"
28. NEEDY character but them and the reader are literal enemies, so character touches themselves (from character's pov)
29. "Give me another one, darling, you can do it" (overstimulation)
30. Character with size kink
31. Nearly dying together and then just character coming into reader's room and confesses leading into character fucking reader
32. Eating you out very slowly and the moment reader's hands tangle into their hair, they just... lose control
33. Hate-fuck
34. Reunion fuck
35. Jealous fuck
36. "Keep reading, love" while fingering you in their lap
37. Reader riding character on the library chair
38. Sparring, one person pinning the other to the sparring mat and well you know the rest
39. Kissing your scars turning into something more heated
40. Only reader could make character kneel
41. "Can you help me with the dress" reader says and the character goes and helps "Up, character"
42. The classic "Shut up" "Make me"
43. Lazy morning sex (I want to write this so badly for some reason)
44. "Mm, how about you show me, then?"
45. "Just... fuck me like you mean it. Pretend." "Oh, darling, I don't have to pretend with you." (The pretend part always reminds me of Kai and Paedyn)
46. Reader being on top and taking control because why not?
47. 👆 "I'm supposed to be pleasuring you"
48. Under the stars (this idea has been stuck in my head)
49. On the piano (but the lid is closed don't worry)
50. Reader having to seduce the character as part of their mission
Whoever thought there would be no angst... think twice.
(Claim your free tissues)
51. "You've changed so much"
52. "Why didn't you answer my letters?" "You sent me letters?"
53. Death (not specifying who, but I have the ideas in my mind so...)
54. Neglectful relationship
55. One getting the blame for something the other had done so they would take the punishment to protect the other and then the other is forced to watch
56. "No, no, no, no- stay with- stay with me! Please! Stay with me!" "It's alright... everything will be fine..." "Please, stay with me! Dont- don't close your eyes, damn it don't close your eyes-"
57. Bringing them flowers (but with a twist)
58. Both are in their knees, foreheads pressed against one another, character's hands cupping reader's face and reader's hands are grabbing character's wrists (angst twist after (i want to write this so badly!!))
59. Screaming their name while badly injured
60. Character/reader thinking they're not good enough for character/reader so they try to go away but the other begs them to stay
61. Hallucinating them
62. Character/reader insecure about their scars
63. "You lied to me!" And then the other looking down like REALLY guilty "Look at me, look me in the eye and tell me it was all a lie. That your love was a lie"
64. "And you want to know the worst part of this? I still love you"
65. "What happened, what did they do to you?" "Please, don't make me tell you"
66. "It hurts-"
67. "Tell me where it hurts"
68. Character/reader finding character/reader crying (they see them cry for the first time)
69. "Show me how to love you"
70. Death version two (I had two ideas with this)
Thats it, so feel free to mix and match prompts from different categories!! (Also I made the angst a bit less because I mostly want to focus on the fluff and smut and take a small break from all the angst (although I'm still editing two angst fics))
Also this will be a separate masterlist that I will post later and update it as I write!
Prompts that are crossed like this means that I have already written them
Love, Cassia ❤️
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yennas-stuff · 3 months
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Hi, anon. I chose to blur out the link. I hope that's ok.
I will start with the sleeping beauty theory you sent me. While I think it's actually fun (and it's the first time I felt engaged while reading an e/riel theory), I personally think it has no validity and it's based on basic symbolism.
They mentioned the fairies: flora = flowers (Elain loves flowers, got it), fauna (and only wrote fawn in brackets, so I wasn't sure what's that about) and the third one which the only significance for the theory was that she was dressed in blue (Azriel's color, I'm guessing), and a sword of truth (alluding to the Truth Teller).
Ok, so while I agree that it all seems very fitting... It's also very basic. If Flora and Fauna both symbolize Elain... who is she in the retelling? One of them? Both? And also, while flora means flowers, plants, fauna in no way means fawn. Sure, sure, these words sound similar, but... That's it.
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Fauna comes from this:
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So it's more a goat than a fawn if we had to connect it to an animal.
They also mentioned a sword of truth. Well, that's another confirmation bias. Swords are just often depicted as a symbol for it.
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So while all the theorizing and digging in sounds very fun... It has no legs to stand on after closer inspection. (Although Sarah does take some stuff and mix it all up as she wishes sometimes, lmao).
The only thing that connects it to the story is the name itself: "The Sleeping Beauty" since we know that Elain's mind was compared to a garden with flowers in deep slumber.
It could be an inspiration for Sjm, who knows. But there is only connection to Elain with this story. No e/riel proofs here. If you try to find a connection to romance and to lore, you will always find it (again, conformation bias, babeey).
Also, another point was made about priestesses from the library luring people... So far, it's only fanon theory.
And as for e/riel being inverted sleeping beauty where Azriel gets kidnapped by Koschei and Elain has to wake him up... I kinda got lost there. Koschei only takes women under his lake.
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And I agree totally that Azriel, in my opinion, has little connection to Koschei plotline. But we all know why they want him to be connected. Because Elain is, as well as her mate and his friends. He will maybe help out, but as a spy... But how do you spy a deity that's tied to a lake? Kinda nonsensical. But maybe I will take back my words, I'm fine with correcting myself.
I will not get into the whole emotional depth of e/riel being this 🤏 thin. I would be here yapping all day, and it's been discussed over and over again.
(Also, if everything in acotar is a disney retelling, what's Nessian, then? Genuinely asking.)
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wingedblooms · 2 years
First off - I love your blog. The way you connect things for Elain/Elriel is *chef's kiss*. I've been rereading ACOTAR and came across something that might be useful for your theories (or maybe not at all but is, at the very least, interesting or maybe is completely dumb and irrelevant lol). This is also long... so sorry.
In ACOFAS chp. 24, Mor talks about "Rhys's request." She states "her blood called to her" and told her to "Go on the wind." Seems a little witchy to me. Especially because of how she describes witches at the Illyrian war camp.
Now what is VERY interesting happens a few lines down: "She had not mentioned it these past few days in Velaris." At first, it's easy to assume that she's talking about "Rhys's request", but as I'll explain I don't believe this is true. Next: "She knew Azriel would say no, would want her safe. As he had always done." This literally cannot be related to her traveling to the continent for Rhys. In chp. 14 of ACOFAS, we have Rhys's POV and he's talking to Mor. Talking to himself, he says "I debated asking her if she wished to know where AZRIEL AND I THOUGHT she might fo first." Clearly, Azriel is aware of Rhys's plan. This would not be news to Azriel and would not "cast a shadow."
Back to ACOFAS 24, "Cassian would have said yes, Amren with him, and Feyre would have worried but agreed. Az would have been pissed and withdrawn even further into himself. She hadn't wanted to take his joy away from him. Anymore than she already did. "
I think whatever decision she is trying to make has to do with Elain. I don't have a lot to back this up off the top of my head tbh, but Mor's mention of "joy" sticks out to me. We know earlier in ACOFAS, Azriel laughed a very "joyous" laugh. We also know that since that night, he has kept Elain's present to him on his nightstand at the HoW to look at every night. I don't think this is a coincidence. ACOWAR thru ACOSF provides plenty of instances that showcases Azriel's protection of Elain, as you know. Also, the fact that she thinks "Cassian would have said yes" sticks out to me. ACOSF shows that Cassian doesn't want Nesta involved with the trove and goes all alphahole when Azriel says Elain shouldn't mess with it because it would mean Nesta would have to. Cassian agreeing to Elain going with Mor somewhere would mean Nesta wouldn't have to.
What's weird is no mention of Rhys here... which suggests to me that he already knows what's going on with Mor. My thinking is whatever decision she is trying to make has to do with the hissing she shut out a few lines up in the same ACOFAS chapter, as this discussion occurs right after that. It makes me wonder if Elain is somehow involved with that hissing, too...
Finally, "But she'd have to tell them, regardless of what she decided, at some point." This means there are 2 things at work here: 1) the "news" and 2) her decision (which cannot be about going to the continent).
I realize this might make no sense but have you noticed this? Am I overanalyzing? Probably lol. But what could this be about??
Thank you so much for sending this intriguing ask! I’ve been taking a break from tumblr due to a bunch of life stuff, so I greatly appreciate your patience. Your ask inspired me to go back and review these sections before responding and after rereading, I do think the sections you highlighted are focused on Mor and her mission on the continent. BUT, they helped me notice an interesting parallel between Mor and Elain that aligned with something I had in the (at this point, endless) drafts, so please read on.
Warning: spoilers for all three series—TOG, CC, and ACOTAR—are below.
I’ll start with Hewn City, which (in part) seems to motivate Mor to accept Rhys’s request. HC has a different kind of darkness than Velaris. It is described as eternal, rotting, and smothering, and it withers all life. (No wonder those families are eager to get out of there. 😅)
There was no light in this place. There never had been. Even the evergreen garlands, holly wreaths, and crackling birchwood fires in honor of the Solstice couldn’t pierce the eternal darkness that dwelled in the Hewn City.
It was not the sort of darkness that Mor had come to love in Velaris, the sort of darkness that was as much a part of Rhys as his blood.
It was the darkness of rotting things, of decay. The smothering darkness that withered all life. (acofas)
I was struck by this language because it reminded me of Elain’s black dress in HC—the unflattering dress that seems to suck the life from her. But in Velaris? Elain is a curvy, glowing goddess wrapped in amethyst velvet. Is it possible that Elain, like Mor, is bound for adventures beyond HC? Or is Sarah setting us up for one of her infamous contradictions?
With scaled beasts of stone and sneering courtiers, HC is also associated with hissing (we’ll circle back to this when we get to the parts you referred to).
And the golden-haired male standing before her in the throne room, amongst the towering pillars carved with those scaled, slithering beasts—he had been created from it. Thrived in it.
The sneering tone. She could still hear the hissed insults beneath it, whispered long ago in her family’s private suite, whispered at every meeting and gathering when her cousin was not present. Half-breed monstrosity. A disgrace to the bloodline. (acofas)
Even though she was born and raised in this smothering darkness, Mor is eager to escape it. And like everyone else in the IC, she dons a mask of cruelty when she is there. She is never able to be herself there.
The words came out of her without thought. And her voice, the voice she used here … Not her own. Never her own, never down here with them in the darkness. Mor kept her voice just as cold and unforgiving as she corrected, “To what do we owe this pleasure, High Lord.”
This mask is something she is accustomed to now, but we have a hint that it did not come as easily to her as it did for Feyre. The fated High Lady of the Night Court became the mistress of HC with far more ease:
Feyre had fallen into the role of mistress of this horrible city with far more ease than she had. Clad in a sparkling onyx gown, the crescent-moon diadem atop her head, her friend looked every part the imperious ruler. As much a part of this place as the twining, serpentine beasts carved and etched everywhere. What Keir, perhaps, had one day pictured for Mor herself.
It’s also not surprising that Lady Death dominated her first event in the rotting darkness of HC. But the third sister? Like Mor, Cassian indicates that the cruelty of HC bothers Elain. And yet she still insists on going and supporting her family. She dons the equivalent of a black grandma dress and Cassian thinks about how it sucks the light and life out of her…much like the darkness of Hewn City, withering all life.
Mor used to enjoy her role (punishing Rhys’s detractors, especially her family) in HC, but we start to see that change in acowar when her father and Eris grow closer. Then in acofas, their solstice meeting triggers one of her most traumatic memories, possibly because Eris wears the same mask of indifference now as he did then:
Eris wasn’t fazed. Nothing had ever disturbed him, ruffled him. Mor had hated it from the moment she’d met him—that distance, that coldness. That lack of interest or feeling for the world. “Then I would suggest to you, High Lord, that you speak to your dear friend Tamlin about it.”
And like the hissing insults of HC, he is also compared to a serpent.
Eris’s mouth curved in an adder’s smile. “Because Tamlin’s territory is the only one that borders the human lands. I’d think that anyone looking to expand would have to go through the Spring Court first. Or at least obtain his permission.”
While Sarah has hinted that Eris is more complex than what we have been led to believe (we know there is a reason for his behavior), he and his court seem to be as cold and cruel as HC, rotting beneath a beautiful veneer:
Warm, buttery sunlight through the leaves, setting them glowing like rubies and citrines. The damp, earthen scent of rotting things beneath the leaves and roots she lay upon. Had been thrown and left upon.
A pale, beautiful face appeared above her, blocking out the jewel-like leaves above. Unmoved. Impassive. “I take it you do not wish to live here, Morrigan.”
She would rather die here, bleed out here. She would rather die and return—return as something wicked and cruel, and shred them all apart.
He must have read it in her eyes. A small smile curved his lips. “I thought so.”
She wished she could grow claws—grow claws as Rhys could—and rip out that pale throat. But that was not her gift. Her gift…her gift had left her here. Broken and bleeding. (acofas)
Eris’ behavior makes Mor wish to become a monster, like the clawed monsters lurking just beneath the skin of the High Lords. It is also reminiscent of witches, who (as we learned from Cassian) become something other—something cold and wretched. In Erilea, ironteeth witches grow iron teeth and claws, and are known for ripping out throats. Mor specifically wished for claws that can rip out throats…but that was not her gift. Six chapters later, Elain asks about changing form, and in the next book, her sisters note how she seemed to grow claws…
“Look who decided to grow claws after all,” she crooned. “Maybe you’ll become interesting at last, Elain.” (acosf)
And showed some teeth…
“Elain showed some teeth,” I observed. “I wasn’t expecting that.” (feysand bonus)
This reference to claws and teeth reminds me of a few things: court inheritance, as that is what Mor specifically compares it to in this scene; shapeshifting (1, 2); and witches (especially ironteeth witches in Erilea). It doesn’t seem to be a coincidence that we first learned about witches in the Illyrian camp, where Mor snorted and stepped aside to reveal Elain after Nesta was accused of being a witch (and of course I’m still hoping something will come of that accusation). Illyrians possess an explosive power (raw killing power that, if not controlled through siphons, can kill the wielder) like ironteeth witches, who have a combination of demon (Valg) and fae heritage. There are theories that Illyrians might have demon and fae heritage as well.
In addition to their solstice experiences in HC, and growing (metaphorical and/or actual) claws, Mor and Elain share other similarities:
golden features and warm eyes
arranged romance with an AC male (via family and/or mating bond)
embodiment of light and color
powers that uncover/verify hidden information (both respond to specific questions and weigh the words of others)
I wouldn’t be surprised if they shared another connection in the future: working as spy and courtier and ambassador to secure peace. The sections you mentioned in your ask seem to refer solely to Rhys’ request for Mor, but the more we learn about the position, the more it seems fitting for Elain as well.
“Az can infiltrate most courts, most lands. But I might need you to win those lands over.” Because the pieces that were now strewn on the table… “Treaty negotiations are dragging on too long.”
“They’re not happening at all.”
“You wouldn’t need to be gone for months. Just visits here and there. Casual.”
“Casual, but make the kingdoms and territories realize that if they push too far or enter into human lands, we’ll obliterate them?”
I huffed a laugh. “Something like that. Az has lists of the kingdoms most likely to cross the line.”
She glanced sidelong at me. “When would I need to leave?”
“Not for another few weeks, maybe a month.”
She nodded, and fell quiet. I debated asking her if she wished to know where Azriel and I thought she might go first, but her silence said enough. She’d go anywhere.
As the spymaster, Azriel gathers intel from multiple sources and uses that information to protect and serve his court. He already has a list of kingdoms on their “watch list,” and this is what Rhys seems to refer to in this scene. While he might be in possession of this list and the general strategy, Rhys often operates alone and keeps secrets from those he claims as family. It sounds like Azriel does not know that Rhys has asked Mor to carry out this mission, which is similar to him asking Cassian to step in and play spy in the Band of Exiles because Azriel is juggling a lot at the moment…but he still has time to train Valkyries? More likely, it’s hard for him to work closely with Lucien at this point given how he feels about Elain, and Rhys knows that because of his conversation about tracking Lucien’s movements in chapter 7.
Rhys offers this position to Mor because they are trying to establish lasting peace.
“You always have a choice. If you don’t want to go, then it’s fine.”
“And who would do it instead? Amren?” A knowing look. I laughed again.
“Certainly not Amren. Not if we want peace.” I added, “Just—do me a favor and take some time to think about it before you say yes. Consider it an offer, not an order.”
This position requires someone who can win others over, someone who is a peacemaker. Later, Mor describes what this position would entail:
How far away the continent seemed, Rhys’s request with it. To go, to play spy and courtier and ambassador, to see those kingdoms long closed, where friends had once dwelled … Yes, her blood called to her. Go as far and wide as you can. Go on the wind.
Mor would be playing spy and courtier and ambassador (and yes, @whysterian, I agree that go on the wind sounds very witchy 😍…it also sounds a lot like an owl). She seems eager to serve her court in this way, but as Mor thinks about the offer, the hissing voices of her past—her family, Eris—start to invade her thoughts and she shuts them out.
But to leave, to let Keir believe he had made her go with his bargain with Eris … Coward. Pathetic coward. She shut out the hissing in her head, running a hand down Ellia’s snowy mane.
We now know that Mor accepted this mission and it is not going well…
“I’ve spent weeks in that blasted court,” Mor said, poking at the flaky pastry beside her teacup, “freezing my ass off, trying to kiss their cold asses, and their king and queen refused the treaty. I came home on the earlier side today because I knew any more last-minute pushing from me would be unwelcome. My time there was supposed to be a friendly visit, after all.”
because of the human queens:
“Why won’t they sign it?”
“Because those stupid human queens are stirring—their army still isn’t disbanded. The Queen of Vallahan even asked me what the point of a peace treaty would be when another war, this time against the humans, might redraw the territory lines far below the wall. I don’t think Vallahan is interested in peace. Or allying with us.”
And who was tasked with monitoring their activities? Azriel.
Az ran a thumb down Truth-Teller’s black hilt, the silver runes on the dark scabbard shimmering in the light. “What about the human queens?”
“We continue to watch. You continue to watch.”
“Vassa knows that the Queens of the Realm will be a threat until they are dealt with,” I said at last. Another tidbit that Lucien had told us. Well, Az and me at least. “But unless the queens step out of line, it’s not for us to face. If we sweep in, even to stop them from triggering another war, we’ll be seen as conquerors, not heroes. We need the humans in other territories to trust us, if we can ever hope to achieve lasting peace.” (acofas)
But they are stirring again and he can’t tackle this issue on his own (or through the source he might usually interact with). Enter, Cassian. Rhys asks him—the last person you’d expect, who also happens to be dismissed as a loyal dog much like Elain—to play spy out in the open. They need information from a trusted source and that is no longer Lucien, their emissary who is becoming increasingly loyal to the Band of Exiles.
“Az and I have good reason to believe that the human queens are scheming again. I need you to look into it. Deal with it.” (acosf)
Rhys went on, “Azriel is juggling more than he’ll admit right now. I’m not dumping another responsibility on him. This task of yours will help him.” Rhys flashed a challenging smile. “And let us all see what you’re really made of.”
“You want me to play spy?”
“There are other ways to glean information, Cass, besides peeking through keyholes. Az isn’t a courtier. He works from the shadows. But I need someone—I need you—standing in the open.
He needs someone who can play spy in the light. Through his spying out in the open, Cassian learns that the three remaining queens have scattered to the winds:
Eris said, “I have it on good authority that the other three queens have scattered to the winds.” Cassian tucked away the information and the questions it raised. How did Eris know that? “Briallyn has been residing alone in their palace for weeks now. Long before my soldiers vanished.” (acosf)
And Koschei, the mastermind whispering on the wind, has been influencing them for quite some time.
“Why was he imprisoned?” Cassian asked. “The story is too long to tell,” she hedged. “But know that Briallyn and the others sold me to him not through their devices, but his. By words he planted in their courts, whispered on the winds.” (acosf)
Most importantly, they are still a concern at the end of Nesta’s story:
But Nesta smoothed his bunched brow, as if she could see those worries there. “Later,” she promised. “We’ll deal with all that later.” Including the remaining queens, Koschei, and a still-looming war. (acosf)
But will Mor and Cassian continue to play spy, ambassador, courtier, etc? Negotiations on the continent are proceeding poorly because of the human queens who have scattered on the winds. What does that mean for the stability of their territories? Someone will need to locate them swiftly and, at some point, convince other leaders not to claim vulnerable territories as their own. Sadly, Cassian’s efforts have yielded little information on the whereabouts of the queens. And Mor can’t seem to leave Vallahan fast enough after her latest attempt to convince their leaders to sign a treaty. Enter, Elain.
Why Elain? We know she wins over others easily (her staff adored her, and everyone and their mom wants to protect her), gets answers to her questions with ease, keeps secrets as well as the spymaster, and routinely surprises others with her stealthy appearance. She can maneuver silently in the light and among the shadows. And unlike her sister, Elain tends to be a calming presence, more of a peacemaker.
“You still can barely talk to Nesta,” I said. “Yet Elain you can talk to nicely.”
“Elain is Elain.”
“If you blame one, you have to blame the other.”
“No, I don’t. Elain is Elain,” he repeated. “Nesta is … she’s Illyrian. I mean that as a compliment, but she’s an Illyrian at heart. So there is no excuse for her behavior.” (acofas)
Illyrians were strong, proud, fearless. But peacemakers, they were not. (acofas)
And Rhys hints that, as a gardener, she is willing to get her hands dirty for a pretty result—like peace.
Cassian will likely be occupied with the Illyrians and the Valkyries. Mor, who can hold her own against any illyrian…
There was a reason she’d held her own in battle, and could hold her own against any Illyrian. My brothers and I had overseen much of the training ourselves, but she’d spent years traveling to other lands, other territories, to learn what they knew. (acofas)
…might return to Prythian and join Valkyrie training in Azriel’s place as @offtorivendell predicted in this post.
Mor grinned. “You mind if I start joining you once this business with Vallahan is over? I never got to train with the Valkyries before the first War, and after it, they were all gone.”
“I think the priestesses would like to see you,” Nesta said, and glanced to Cassian to make sure he didn’t mind. He waved a hand. (acosf)
Elain could use her powers to track down the queens (as she did with the Suriel, who traveled like the wind) in real time and play peacemaker on the continent. Spy and courtier and ambassador. This would also bring her closer to her two love interests—one a spy and the other an emissary—and heighten the tension between them. These tasks are even more important with the looming threat of the Asteri (who may be connected to Koschei, creator of chaos and influencer of human queens). Divided as their world is now, they are an even more vulnerable target.
So while I don’t think those sections are about Elain (yet), @whysterian, I do think they might foreshadow her future as a peacemaker who is more than ready to get her hands dirty.
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itselriel · 5 months
orpheus and eurydice anon, i asked my friend to send me her theory and she said she copied and pasted the plot from wiki and added her thoughts to how it pertains to acotar in the parentheses so this is what she sent me-
Apollo (Helion has similar imagery to Apollo and put the wards on the Harp) gave Orpheus a lyre and taught him how to play. It had been said that "nothing could resist Orpheus's beautiful melodies, neither enemies nor beasts." (Bryaxis hasn’t been caught) Orpheus fell in love with Eurydice, a woman of beauty and grace, whom he married and lived with happily for a short time. (Az carried Elain bridal style into the townhouse) However, when Hymen was called to bless the marriage, he predicted that their perfection was not meant to last. (Elain could predict that about her and Az in the next book) A short time after this prophecy, Eurydice was wandering in the forest with the Nymphs. (Elain hasn’t met Gwyn) In some versions of the story, the shepherd Aristaeus saw her, (Could be Lucien because Arstaeus is considered a “pastoral Apollo”) and beguiled by her beauty, made advances towards her and began to chase her. Other versions of the story relate that Eurydice was merely dancing with the Nymphs. While fleeing or dancing, she was bitten by a snake and died instantly. (Koschei might be able to shapeshift into a snake and bite Elain or shift someone else) Orpheus sang his grief with his lyre and managed to move everything, living or not, in the world; both humans and gods learnt about his sorrow and grief. At some point, Orpheus decided to descend to Hades by music to see his wife. Any other mortal would have died, but Orpheus, being protected by the gods, went to Hades and arrived at the Stygian realm. He also managed to attract Cerberus with a liking for his music. He presented himself in front of the god of the Greek underworld, Hades and his wife. Orpheus played with his lyre a song so heartbreaking that even Hades himself was moved to compassion. The god told Orpheus that he could take Eurydice back with him, but under one condition: she would have to follow behind him while walking out from the caves of the underworld, and he could not turn back to look at her as they walked. (Bryce thinks Prythian is Hel and we were introduced to the cave system under/in the night court) Thinking it a simple task for a patient man like himself, Orpheus was delighted; he thanked Hades and left to ascend back into the living world. Unable to hear Eurydice's footsteps, however, he began to fear the gods had fooled him. Eurydice might have been behind him, but as a shade, having to come back into the light to become a full woman again. Only a few feet away from the exit, Orpheus lost his faith and turned to see Eurydice behind him, sending her back to be trapped in Hades' reign forever. (Let’s say Sarah lets Az get Elain back or maybe he fails getting her back and that sets up the three sisters taking down Koschei in the final book I also ignored the real ending the myth because Orpheus dies but Nesta did find the harp in a room with constellations like what happened to the lyre after Orpheus’s death)
This is really well thought out. However, we have to remember that SJM doesn’t do full retellings. She will take some / a little inspiration here and there from different retellings, but it won’t be a carbon copy of the full thing. There definitely could be some inspiration here for Elain, Azriel and Koschei though.
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acourtofthought · 6 months
For acosf, Sarah already went hiking somewhere for inspiration of the illyrian mountains (I think). She might be looking for inspiration of illyria or the mountains again but I don't know how that will tie to an elucien book?
I know it sounds silly because many of the events of Silver Flames weren't foreshadowed in the other books. Sarah may have set up for major plot points but not the specific details about the story because she likes to go through that journey with her characters. It could possibly be the prison or winter court, or sjm might just be looking for a comfortable area to write and get her creative juices working.
I think everything is on the table.
Could her drafting tag indicate she's drafting a new book but included the ACOWHAT tag just to get people excited for the next ACOTAR novel? Letting us know she'll be announcing that soon while looking to what comes after? That's something to consider! She was working on ACOTAR back in September and pretty into it at that point so I do find it slightly surprising that she's still drafting it out (unless to her revisions fall under the drafting process).
Could the setting indicate she's trying to get into the mindset for the Illyrian mountains? The Prison? That's a possibility too!
Could the setting indicate she's trying to get inspiration for Vallahan, a place she's not yet visited on page yet but is extremely North and surrounded by mountains? Or Koschei's lake, surrounded by mountains which was covered in snow for Elain's vision? Also a maybe!
Her IG post could have ties to either a Gwynriel or Elucien book or it could mean nothing or it could actually be a tease for her beginning whatever comes after the next ACOTAR book.
There's no way to know so while it's ok to have a little fun with it (since we have nothing else to work with these days), I don't think we can hold fast to anything.
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ecileh · 8 months
You (Dark!Azriel x his own delusions)
Canon-compliant reimagining of Azriel’s crush on Mor as a delusional nice guy stalker’s obsession. I wrote this a while ago after a silly joke about Azriel being like Joe Goldberg of You (book/netflix show about a stalker/serial killer who’s completely sure he’s just a nice guy) and always meant to give it another chapter or two to round out Az’s pre-ACOTAR backstory. But I reread it and felt like it was kinda alright as is. Intended as a one shot for now but may write the rest someday!
(Also note to Az lovers that this is really not serious, I usually write Azriel completely different and I was just having fun imagining him as an insane freak)
AO3 link
Rating: Mature/not graphic but it’s DARK and UNHINGED Word Count: 2.1k TW: unhinged stalker vibes, no smut just Azriel being insane, sexless but very horny, inspired by Joe Goldberg/You so that should give you an idea of what’s happening here, maybe a little dead dove Relationships: kind of Az/Mor but not really it’s 100% in his head, if anything this ended up giving repressed Az/Cassion vibes
You winnow into the war-camp with your bare arm linked through Rhys’s and you look around, shivering, unsure if you belong here. You don’t. I don’t either. You’re underdressed—a slinky, artful arrangement of glittering black fabric. It’s impossible to know if you’re wearing any undergarments, but I don’t think that you are. Where did you come from?
Your clothes are appropriate for the Hewn City, but you’re freezing in this war-camp, high in the Illyrian mountains. You must be Rhys’s cousin, the one who is Cassian’s age, which is two years younger than me and one year older than Rhys. You are classically beautiful, with golden curls and pleading brown eyes and pale skin that has never seen sun or snow or scars. Shadows, though, you’ve certainly seen in the Hewn City. Maybe you won’t balk from mine. But even as I think that, my shadows shrink away. Maybe they’re just giving you the space to shine.
Look at you, walking right toward me. I’m trembling, and I’d fly away just to show you the power and size of my wings. But I don’t want to fly away. I want to be here, watching the connection dawn on your face when Rhys introduces us. Azriel, you’ll say. I’ve heard so much about you.
You’ll giggle and twirl your golden hair as I say, Only good things, I hope.
You come closer. Your gown tucks between your legs when you walk and you are definitely not wearing any undergarments under that slip of a dress and you definitely wanted me to notice. I see there’s a darkness in your eyes.  It doesn’t quite mirror mine, but … maybe you don’t want good.
Scratch out my last line. Your eyes will smolder and you’ll bite your lip as I purr, Only bad things, I hope.
The bad things are what I’ll do to you, you’ll say before running a delicate finger along the waistband of my leathers. Then I’ll sweep you up into my arms and unfurl my wings and fly until we find a spot where no one will be able to hear us. Miles, if I’m right about how loud I’ll make you climax.
Calm down, Azriel. They don’t like it when a male smells aroused the first time you meet, I remind myself. I take a deep breath, taking in the scent of my brother-in-arms next to me. Cassian reeks like sweat and balls and blood and dirt. He really should bathe before dinner, especially since we have all the hot water we want in the cabin, but he grew up half-feral, like a kitten without a mother to teach it how to lick its asshole clean. Some days he’ll train the extra half-hour rather than fill the tub, and sometimes he’ll continue to drill after dinner until he’s too tired to bathe at all. He picked a terrible day to go without a scrub before dinner, what with your arrival, but it’s good news for me. There are many Illyrian females who make eyes at him, the perfect rogue and dashing Illyrian warrior, even if he’s as bastard-born as I am. But your palate is more refined than these brutish Illyrians. You’ve run away from your home and I can’t wait to run away from mine. You’ll understand.
I put my hands in my pockets so you don’t see the shaking or the scars, then tilt my chin up and smirk. It’s what Rhys does when he’s trying to look nonchalant, and he looks damn good doing it so he must be doing something right. I straighten, but Cassian is slouching so we look about the same height side by side. Thanks, brother. He knows, my wingman—he knows you are for me.
But then you sashay right past the pair of us, still clinging to Rhys’s arm, and you glance furtively around the camp, nearly empty with everyone else in the mess tent for dinner, as you accompany your cousin into the Lady’s cabin.
I glance at Cassian, and he shrugs, lifting his shoulder slightly to sniff his armpit. “Should I have rinsed? You don’t think the Lady will scold me since we have company?”
Rhys’s mother, the Lady of the Night Court, is like our foster-mother and used to make us wash before dinner and again before bed if we went back to the training ring, but now that we’re preparing in earnest for the Blood Rite she usually looks the other way when Cassian pushes himself every free minute of the day. She’s Illyrian through and through, and she understands that the rules in the war-camps are different from the rules in the two cities of the Night Court, where neither of us have ever gone but will someday serve at Rhys’s side.
You, however, are High Fae from the Hewn City, and you’ll care about that etiquette. You’ll notice that I’m clean and smell nice and have manners and that Cassian stinks like sweaty balls and looks like hell, and then you’ll surely choose me over him, unlike the Illyrian camp females who like their males brutish and smelly and foul-mouthed.
I smile and slap a hand on Cassian’s shoulder. “If it were important, Rhys or the Lady would have given us a heads-up.” Cassian shrugs and follows me into the cabin.
We sit down at the table with Rhys and wait for him to explain because you’re nowhere to be seen, and neither is the Lady. The shadows whisper to me that she is giving you something warm to wear. You shivering, little thing, I could give you something warm, wrap my wings around you—
You come out of the Lady’s bedroom and I’ve changed my mind, because warm clothes means more layers for me to peel off. Even though I can’t see the bare skin of your arms and sides and legs anymore, I can imagine them with the way the warm Illyrian bodice and fur-trimmed skirts cling to your silhouette. Even better, I can imagine removing each piece one by one, slowly and with care.
The Lady smiles and shows you to a seat the good-smelling side of the table between me and Rhys, just as I’d hoped. The Lady takes the seat next to Cassian, then clears her throat and says, “Cassian, Azriel, you boys have heard us mention Rhys’s cousin. Morrigan is going to stay with us for a few weeks.”
Morrigan. A hard, consonant, ancient name. But your friends—Rhys—call you Mor.
Mor, a sweet sound I can’t get enough of. I need more Mor. Do you even have any other friends besides your cousin? I don’t think you’d be here on this cold, windy, unforgiving mountaintop if you did, Mor. I can see in your eyes and hear in the Lady’s voice that you’re hiding from something and we are the only ones who can save you.
That’s why you followed Rhys here. That’s why the Lady is keeping you here with us instead of sheltering you in Velaris, where the Lady was supposed to move next week, because she’s pregnant and the best Healers are in Velaris and an Illyrian war-camp is no place to give birth to a High Lord’s scion. But she’s changed her plans because she knows we—Rhys and me and Cassian too, I guess—are your protectors. She knows we—I—will keep you safe from whatever it is in the Hewn City that haunts your eyes.
I learn so much about you at dinner, Mor, and most of all, I learn how much you need a male like me: powerful, polite, protective. A strong male. A good male.
You’re quite possibly the most powerful and coveted female on this entire island, except maybe that monster in a High Fae body that the High Lord only tolerates for fear that she’ll waste the entire court, though she is only coveted by those with a death wish.
You’re running from an arranged marriage to some sadistic little teenaged tyrant, the eldest son of the High Lord of Autumn. The whole family has a reputation for torturing small animals and breeding females like livestock—the Lady of Autumn is already on her third or fourth pregnancy in fifteen years, practically unheard of for High Fae, and you swear you’ll never breed which is perfectly fine by me.
My childhood was so fucked up, the last thing I want is to witness someone else have a good one.
Your power-hungry father has traded you for an alliance as if a single court is all you are worth. Everyone here sees your worth is beyond measure and has vowed to do what we can to free you. The Lady is going to beseech her husband to let you take permanent refuge in Velaris. But my brothers and I know he will never listen to her. I notice that Rhys and Cassian both set their jaws and sit up a little straighter because they are ready to stand behind me as I slowly tear your fiancé and your father limb from limb to end this ridiculous engagement.
Once a glimmer of hope sparks in your eyes, Rhys teases and goads you. He knows you, knows that this is the best way to bring you out of the misery that this arranged marriage has caused you. Soon you’re goading him back. Little do you know that this is my and Cassian’s favorite subject. We usually keep it to the training ring and don’t mock Rhys like this at home out of respect for the Lady, but she sees how you start to glow as the jokes start rolling. Because Rhys laughs good-naturedly, so does she and so do you.
Cassian gets some good jabs in but his humor is crude and loud and sometimes surreal and absurdist, and Rhys is appropriately self-deprecating, but you, Mor, you’re more like me. My jokes are dry and wry and quiet and cutting, and though I have fewer of them, they mean more because they make you laugh that much harder than anyone else’s.
I can feel this chemistry between us growing. Like a bond.
At one point, mirthful tears streaming down your cheeks, you hold yourself together by placing a warm, dainty hand on my shoulder. Frankly, it’s a little forward of you, to make me imagine how that hand will feel on my cock or my wings. You are already marking me as your territory in front of Cassian, the only other male whom you might have deigned to touch in this camp but you chose me. I have to stop myself from leaning into your touch like a cat so I don’t come on too strong, but it’s the best feeling I’ve experienced since the first time I flew on my own.
As we clear the table I don’t even mind that you say you’re tired and want to go to sleep early because I can’t wait to learn what secrets the shadows in your room have to tell me.
Will you dream of me and touch yourself? Will you whisper my name in your sleep?
I wish I had known sooner that Rhys’s cousin Mor was you because I would have whispered to the many shadows of the Hewn City and learned everything there was to know before you even got here so that I could have catered to all of your tastes. You probably would have already been in my bed if that were the case, but I don’t mind playing this longer game with you.
Mor the truth speaker and Azriel the shadowsinger.
We’ll be each others’ first and only,  and when you’re this well-matched and immortal and powerful—and let’s face it, until Rhys inherits his title and the power along with it, we’re the most powerful beings in this entire Court besides the aforementioned she-monster and the High Lord himself—these things are worth waiting for. Mates.
I barely sleep in the living room where three cots have been set up in order to give you and the Lady each your own bedroom in the little cabin. I try to ignore my brothers’ snores and listen only to the whispers of my shadows as they relay every detail of your night to me. Like me, you’re restless, tossing and turning until your hand slips below the waistband of your pajamas. I listen—respectfully—to the little sounds you make, the way your breath evens out as you finally drift into fitful sleep. As for me, I keep watch all night, my shadows swirling through the corners of your room and around the camp, ensuring that I’m ready to fight if anyone comes.
But no one does. Rhys was right to bring you to the edge of the world, where I can watch over you.
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thehaemanthus · 1 month
20 questions for writers
tagged by @whatishowedyouinthedark. Getting to this, what, like a week late? Time has existed to have meaning for me, alas.
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 31
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
546,355. Goddamn, how did that happen?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Mostly ACOTAR, occasionally Red Rising. There are some smaller fandoms that I've dipped my toes in. When I started out, it was PJO fic.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? All ACOTAR fics!
lay yourself out, pick yourself up
live once (once is enough) FUCK YEAH MY OC KIDDOS
Our Savaged Souls
Haves and Have Nots (a collab fic with some lovely friends)
to take, to worship
5. Do you respond to comments?
I'm bad about responding to comments. I really try to do a "thanks for reading and commenting!" because as I commenter I like that interaction with the author. But lately I haven't been unless there's a question/interesting observation I'd like to engage with. I'm sure it doesn't feel that way to the commenter, but when I say the same thing (thanks for reading!) it starts to feel rote.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
The Second Son. Our Savaged Souls is an angsty fic, but it has a happy ending lol
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Almost all of the one-shots in live once (once is enough) are fluffy kid fics. Does that count? If not, perhaps miracles, set in the same universe
8. Do you get hate on fics?
eh, not really? I've gotten one or two "I don't like this" type of comments. I wouldn't classify it as hate, just annoyance
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Occasionally. I can't sit down and churn it out. Usually it's an idea that marinates in my brain for a long time, the emotions and the feelings setting in, before I can put it into words.
10. Do you write crossovers?
Nope, but I'm not ideologically opposed lol. Just haven't had the inspiration
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I'm pretty sure I haven't
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Someone volunteered, but I don't know if it actually happened.
I do have fanart for the live once (once is enough) kids!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes!!! Gotta love the writing circles. The lovely @mmvalentine also helped with OSS.
14. What is your all-time favorite ship?
Bellarke from The 100. Feysand is good, and there's a lot to play around with in that sandbox. But man, Bellarke is just on another tier. The fanfic that came out of than fandom is also absolutely stunning.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
oof, everything lol. I have some Red Rising fics that have gone stale, also an old one for The 100. I have the best of intentions to write The Illyrian Trials and all the other stories I have in mind for the live once (once is enough) universe, but I don't know if I ever will.
16. What are your writing strengths?
idk bro. Maybe dialogue? Can someone else tell me this, haha?
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
plot lol. I know the structures, I can feel the beats, but I'm bad at sitting down myself and plotting something out. And is it bad if I say prose, too? Sometimes I feel like I'm pulling teeth for some good prose because all I want are long dialogues.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
YES always
19. First fandom you wrote for?
WELL. Technically it was Stuart Little for a 3rd grade school assignment. Then in 4th grade, again for a school assignment, I wrote Warriors fanfic (the books about the cats). Actual intentional fic was an unpublished Jily attempt, first published fanfiction was PJO
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
Probably a toss up between The Second Son and Our Savaged Souls. I don't think The Second Son is my best writing, but there is a lot of me in there and it was a journey to complete. Our Savaged Souls was not planned in the same way, it just kind of happened. It happened pretty smoothly for a fic that was written mostly in one google doc lol.
i apologize, I gotta do the lazy thing and say "tagging whoever wants to be tagged" i feel like everyone has been tagged in this already because I'm so late!
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kilannad · 3 months
Hi! Hope you're doing well 🥰 I just wanted to say how much I love and enjoy your fic — I've been taught not to be afraid (look at the price I paid).
I wasn't sure I was going to like it because I haven't read TOG, but the way you explain and write is so easy to follow and understand! Also, the banter and chemistry between Aewin and Xaden is just so good ✨️🤌🏻
Please know that I'm really grateful that you posted and shared it with the rest of us! 🙌🏼💕 (there's so little Xaden/OC fics out there, I'm just really happy that you posted this fic)
P.S: If you ever find inspiration to write more for it down the line, just know that I will be there the moment you post more chapters lol
This is so sweet!! I actually have one more chapter of Price I’ve Paid that I will post after I fix the ending (currently it’s another cliffhanger which seems in poor taste since I don’t intend to finish the fic) and then I will post the outline I have for the rest of the fic. If u feel inspired pls feel free to continue it!!! That goes for everyone I just ask my fic gets linked.
I actually have another Xaden/OFC fic that’s like half done but I’m not sure if I want to finish and post it. It’s a Melgren Daughter fic and there’s so many of those idk if I want to post another one. If I get interest maybe I’ll post summary/snippet to see if it’s something ppl will be interested in. I’m trying to work on some of my WIPs that have gone dormant so I’m currently working on writing A Court of Decay and Growth (an ACOTAR fic).
I’m so glad you like my writing!! Thank you for the lovely ask
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