#maybe i’ll talk about this in more detail but yeah idk what all the worry is
tenisperfection · 1 year
I finally caught up with the last two episodes of 911 amidst traveling and uh, what are you all worried about again?!?
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Idk if I’ll actually make the other critters their own Reborn AU. Probably won’t, but I thought of things about Crafty and Picky if anyone’s interested. Not exactly as great but whatever works eh?
disclaimer: sh, ed, murder, mental breakdown
First off, Crafty. Implied to have murdered someone for that sweet sweet red paint. which means she might’ve lost her mind
Crafty could’ve murdered one of the smiling critters, and if she were to get isekaid with that trauma on her shoulders, that’ll end up horrible.
At first, maybe she’d try to put it past her, the old Crafty isn’t her and she starts to act like everything’s fine. But locking that away makes her feel worse as she starts seeing her friends as not what they are, but what their color is. She sees them as paint for her canvas, her house. Her house isn’t colorful enough, she needs more color. She needs more paint
She ends up hurting one of the SC, maybe Picky because she ate her or smth, and they lock Crafty inside her house until they can figure out what’s up with her. Crafty realized what she did and goes even more insane as she scolds herself for ruining the second chance she got. It escalates until she starts to harm herself, spreading the “paint” all around the room while mumbling stuff.
They find out about her doing that and immediately try to help her out, with the power of friendship (and talking about how she’s a different Crafty) she slowly gets better
Second is Picky, cannibal gal. First thing she did was eat all the stuff from the fridge and make a mess.
When she realized she got isekaid to a place where she hadn’t eaten anyone yet, she also tried to forget her past life. But everytime she looks at Kickin, Bubba or Crafty, the guilt would start eating away at her. (pun intended)
She keeps on seeing them as food, remembering their taste and drooling. In an attempt to try and forget about it, she starts eating way more than she should. She throws up from how much she keeps on eating which concerns the others.
They try asking Picky about it multiple times but everytime she would avoid the question. As Picky continued to eat, the others continued to ask her about it until she goes to a mental breakdown, detailing how she ate the three, which of course worries the critters.
They pull up an intervention and let her talk about her experiences. And they help her out through her ED recovery.
Yeah uh… I think I like this duo
If you have any ideas about the other critters reborn yourself, I’d love to hear it!
Anyways I’ll get working, see ya guys
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makeste · 6 months
BnHA Chapter 408: Orphaned Cryptid to Billionaire Supervillain
Today on BnHA: Horikoshi decides he’s going to cover the rest of the AFO/OFA saga in the span of just seven pages, the majority of which are mostly just filled with lovingly detailed closeups of AFO and Kudou’s eyes. Back in the present day, Kid For One takes a couple of seconds to trample the last of the “Kacchan is OFA II or is related to OFA II” theories into the dust, and is then all “fuck it, I’ll just take him out with one last spectacularly grotesque supermove.” Kacchan is all “lol you fucking dipshit”, and he says it with such confidence that it truly makes me believe he can defeat AFO’s “ALL THE QUIRKS EVER!!” attack with his piddly little exploding bloodsweat quirk. AND IT WILL BE A SIGHT TO SEE.
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Yoichi���s name btw is written with the kanji 与 which means “bestow” or “give”, and 一 which means “one.” so basically “one who gives”, which is fitting as the creator of OFA, but also fits in with this new context of being the first “possession” bestowed upon AFO
oh yes and also AFO I guess has just torn his brother to shreds or something too. idk. I’m going to be honest with you guys, this panel has such a surreal vibe that I just sat here blinking stupidly at it and wasn’t even shocked or anything. like what. is he dreaming this?? or did he really just make a “STOP! IN THE NAAAAME OF LOVE” gesture and in doing so remove half of his brother’s jaw
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idk what’s wrong with me today guys. AFO just disintegrated Yoichi, and Kudou and and OFA Tres (who apparently still doesn’t have a name???? freaking Kudou got named before you??) are literally RIGHT THERE and presumably horrified, and all I can think about is how fucking gross it is that they’re all hanging out in a fucking sewer
oh shit y’all it’s about to go down
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he can’t kill Kudou right off the bat can he? does Kudou even know he has OFA yet? are we going to see him transfer it to OFA III? I’m so fucking excited omg
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“weirdly matte” omg. so apparently he’s like All Might, where the “he’s just drawn differently” thing is something people actually acknowledge in-story. “yeah he actually has no pupils. that’s a real thing. technically that should mean he can’t see since pupils are what let light into your eyes, but don’t worry about that part. just know that his eyes canonically look weird to the story people as well, and everyone is creeped out by it, not just you”
yeah he’s actually blind
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so he literally can’t see outside himself. way to lay those metaphors on thick, Horikoshi
(ETA: this is my “just in case my impeccably dry wit doesn’t translate well across the internet” ETA to assure everyone I know he’s not actually blind lol.)
now we’re cutting to some random city where AFO is broodingly staring at Yoichi’s severed hand because he’s perfected the art of always doing incredibly unsettling things
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I cannot believe the fucking hands thing has an actual origin story. of course it does. this man has never done a single hinged thing in his life. it’s all unhinged or bust. am I talking about AFO or Horikoshi? YOU DECIDE
he’s sitting at a table with a bottle of wine holding his dead brother’s embalmed severed limb and thinking about fucking quirk shit
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so your transformation from Orphaned Cryptid to Billionaire Supervillain happened almost completely offscreen huh. I’m kinda disappointed, ngl. I could have read a few more chapters about that. maybe a spinoff miniseries
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are you serious. we finally get a panel that’s INCREDIBLY RELEVANT to pretty much ALL OF MY BNHA THEORIES, only for that same panel to contradict itself ONE SPEECH BUBBLE LATER?? so what is the truth???
omg omg omg
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so many fucking questions, omg. what the hell does “through research” even mean. how did he confirm Yoichi’s quirklessness, and why did he later change his mind? how the fuck can Yoichi have a quirk factor and yet not have an actual quirk. “it was just so weak it didn’t count or something I guess” okay??? how much of this is unreliable narrator vs. the word of god? how is it we’re getting so many answers and yet all I have is more fucking questions you guys
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Kudou is so goddamned hot. I hope you washed the hell out of that arm wound after getting it all covered in sewage you stupid sexy man
I can’t get over Three’s name. “idk if anyone noticed, but it’s kind of a subtle homage to another very famous superhero” Horikoshi your nap wasn’t long enough, please go home
also love how Bruce is talking shit about OFA being a puny loser quirk for wimps. how the fuck do they even know what’s going on, anyway? was there a tutorial???
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oh you just had a feeling huh??? that it was “something like this”, huh??? how is it that I, who knows all about OFA because I’m from the future and have read 408 chapters of this nonsense, am somehow still less in the know than this handsome clown who doesn’t know shit but just “had a feeling”
(ETA: while editing this post I noted that Bruce is sitting in front of a computer in what seems to be some sort of medical lab, so maybe they ran some tests or something? except that only makes me more confused, because it implies they didn’t actually figure out OFA’s workings via convenient plot instincts. so then how the fuck did they figure out the transfer process?? questions)
meanwhile AFO is sitting in the panel next to him whining about how someone stole Yoichi’s quirk. excuse you. he did not steal it. it was in fact a gift
these flashbacks are all jumbled up and it’s unexpectedly fun to read, but also really chaotic
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I guess he’s talking to Kudou on the right and AFO on the left
so many intense closeups of eyes in this chapter oh my goodness
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Horikoshi even drew the individual goddamn eyelashes. this looks like the margins of someone’s notebook from when they were really bored in middle school
oh my god the information overload!!!
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so much for AFO actually feeling emotions lol. or is he just lying to himself about why he cried. that delicious ambiguity
so we don’t even get a flashback explaining how the transfer actually happened?? to either Kudou OR my beloved Bruce?? goddamn you Horikoshi. omg I would seriously kill for more of this. make a movie about it. I want the OFA origin story prequel movie damn it
I like how AFO just sits there on a throne holding court with a single tiki torch beside him for aesthetic reasons
I can’t quite figure out how he killed Banjou and I’m not sure I really want to know. it looks very violent
friendly reminder that Shinomori is Sir Not Appearing In This Flashback because he’s the only OFA user who died of natural causes! good for you Shinomori. En probably wishes he was more like you
poor En
was Nana just taking a stroll or something one day and stumbled across this epic fight with the evilest man on the planet vs some kid in a trenchcoat, and then the poor kid got bisected and he looked at her and he was all “please eat my hair” and she was just like “ok”?
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what a transition omg
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you know, part of me always wondered how All Might was so certain he’d killed AFO that he apparently never bothered to confirm it. but looking at this panel now, I can understand
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he’s sweating so much. like “okay yeah he punched the top of his face off, this is pretty bad but I’LL DO MY BEST”
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so let’s recap. over on Kacchan’s side we have “GOTTA USE THE PAIN TO WIN!!!” haha ouch. and then over here on KFO’s side we have. whatever the fuck we just experienced over these past two chapters. so basically it’s a battle between the two most deranged characters in the entire series. glorious sweet chaos
DSFJKSLDKGJL he’s now trying to figure out how the fuck they look so much alike and whether they’re actually related
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“no, that can’t be it. so then maybe... this kid grows up and then somehow travels back in time...?!” HE’S JUST LIKE US FR
so now he’s saying it’s because Kacchan didn’t have character development yet the last time, but now that he does his eyes are all Full Of Determination just like Kudou’s and so we’ve basically come full circle!
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transcended WHAT? :O :D :D omg I’m kidding you guys please don’t hurt me
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actually the more we learn about Kudou the less I personally see the resemblance now lol. because Kudou seems so calm and collected, but Kacchan is just... [gestures to literally everything about Kacchan]
so AFO’s trying to strategize, but he can’t warp Kacchan away because the only available targets are too close and he’s still got that SUPERSPEED, BOYO so it wouldn’t make a difference. lol but if you kept doing it repeatedly it might be kind of funny though
and he can’t keep fighting him either because he’s getting his ass whooped and it’s speeding up his de-aging or whatever. well you could just give up then I guess. your call, AFO
oh was that your plan?
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spoiler alert for me lol. but it’s not exactly shocking or anything since he’s dying, guess he wants to abandon ship
(ETA: just FYI for anyone reading this who’s not familiar with my dumbassery, I have currently only read chapters 1 through 374 at this point in time, before skipping ahead to 403 because Kacchan came back and I lost all willpower. I am working on catching up with the rest!)
oh so now you did come up with a strategy?
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lmao what the FUCK
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how much of this is going to be clearer to me once I finish the chapters that I missed, and how much of it is just plain old “nope this is all brand new zero-context BnHA bullshit” lol. this looks like every single quirk AFO ever absorbed combined into one gigantic horrifying blob that forced Horikoshi to take an extra week just to draw it
oh my god!?
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Kacchan hovering there bravely facing all this is giving me Gandalf “you shall not pass” vibes and I’m LIVING FOR IT
so either AFO is going to kill Kacchan for the second time right here and now, or he’s going to fail and turn back into a squishy evil baby fdslfjkls
love how All Might is all “DODGE IT YOUNG BAKUGOU!” thanks for the warning, champ. doing his part
more exploding bloodsweat closeups. are these just going to be a mainstay of Kacchan fights from now on
“are you stupid?”, when faced with [gestures to the entirety of the previous page], is possibly the best line ever uttered by anyone in the series. even better than the polite “coming through” uttered only seconds before it
ah man. you love to see it. he literally doesn’t even care. HE ALREADY DIED ONCE TODAY, AND IT CLUED HIM IN TO THE FACT THAT HE’S A MAIN CHARACTER AND ACTUALLY IMMUNE TO DEATH. sorry AFO it’s curtains for you. CURTAINS
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sleeplessinspace · 2 years
So, hear me out: a Murdock of a more monstrous flavor (my personal favorite)
Something that looks and acts like a human, but when you get close enough to look at all the little details they don’t quite add up. Yes, he’s bullshit tall and strong and smart, but sometimes he’ll move just a little too fast, or in certain light there’s a look in his eyes you can’t quite place. He’s eerily still whenever you’re talking to someone, staring at them like he can see into their soul (what does he see with his special eyes). As you spend more time together he’ll occasionally tell you something he’s ‘noticed’ about random strangers, Sherlock-style. Maybe he can give someone a particular Look™ and they’ll go do whatever he wants (probably usually ‘get out of his/your way’, but you never know 👀)
Maybe people talk of a cryptid that devours people in the area, and you worry for him when he’s out late at night. Perhaps he even collects clippings from the latest disappearance in the paper, ‘proof’ found in the woods, all that jazz. He can act like it’s just a fun tourist-trap thing, or maybe a determined yet incompetent cryptid hunter (of course, that’s all for appearances only…)
And when he finally lets his true form slip? I imagine he’s been injured in this form and made the deliberate choice to come to you, and although you should be afraid of the massive beast leaking black blood on your kitchen tile, there’s something so… familiar about him. You patch him up, laughing about how you wish your roommate could see him, he’s obsessed with you, it’s kinda funny, honestly… Murdock greets you the next morning with the patched up wound on full display in his human form, and if that doesn’t tip you off he’s fully prepared to give a whole ‘that was me, dumbass’ speech. You confirm they’re the same with no fear or disgust, and it has him falling hard- anyone else would run away, but he could tell you’re special from the moment you two met.
Oh boy this got rambly. Anyway, monster hot. 10/10 would smooch. -🐈 (maybe I’ll design him a good true form later, for some reason I am suddenly full of Creature!Murdock Thoughts and idk what to do with them)
MONSTER MURDOCK MY BELOVED!! ❤❤❤ he would make such a good eldritch creature/cryptid, honestly. just a bit too fast, strong, and intense to a fault. him being eerily still is also weirdly hot?? hate this man, learn to human better, stinky wet paperbag of a man /aff /pos
him potentially endangering himself by revealing his secret to you because you're the only one he trusts to fix him up while in his other form?? 😩👌 actually perfect also him bleeding black blood/ichor is just,,,,yeah
he definitely already cares enough about you that no matter how you take the revelation of what he was, he'll try his best to still be in your life without endangering you - he cares about you way too much to let you go at this point. bonus points for actually being a little oblivious to the obvious signs that he is very much more than the average man, he loves his unaware little roommate.
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swordbeliever · 2 years
i want to make it clear btw i honest to god dont actually care that much about internet discourse. like yeah i definitely agree with certain points more but when i rb those things its mostly in good fun.
idgaf if someone uses weird pronouns and gender labels honestly!! its stupid to me and i dont get it and i’ll rb posts making jokes abt it but if someone irl tells me they use neos im just going to nod and move on, maybe ask if they have alt pronouns bc neos are hard for me to use.
i care far more about actual genuine action and activism and queer theory and i want this blog to primarily be focused on that. identity is complex and confusing and i dont really feel like its in my personal best interest to argue with randos online about whether their definition of an identity is the same as mine. theres more important issues at hand that id like to talk about so yeah.
idk i guess i’d still be considered by definition a transmed but im tired of people villainizing either side of that “debate” as if we’re not all going through the same shit at the hands of legislature and bigots. i shouldnt have to worry about being put in a blocklist because one time i said that trans people have dysphoria and didnt qualify that with every little detail of my viewpoint on what makes someone trans (which, btw, i feel like is a lot more than dysphoria but online discourse thrives on lack of nuance). i also dont think its fair to discount anyones view because they define transness broader than you do! just like. chill? idk.
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spywitch · 1 year
Sometimes I feel like I have a hard time making friends bc its hard for me to care about their lives , but then I’m like why do I think that… Because I don’t think I’ve ALWAYS felt that way about people and like in the past I often have a pretty good memory and attention to the details of things other ppl tell me about themselves.
I feel so much more exausted with talking to other people and focusing on their life and their needs than I used to and like. I think some part of it is I’m so used to people just literally never telling me anything thats going on with them so I feel invisible and forgotten about… so the idea of trying to get to know someone else’s life sounds exausting bc I always have to pry that information from people, and it makes me annoyed to put that effort in bc I know they won’t care about me and my life or remember things I tell them anyway.
And like I always think maybe people don’t tell me about themselves because they don’t like how I respond, because it doesn’t come naturally to me to just respond with emotions (for example, getting excited with someone, or upset with someone) and instead I usually have a somewhat flat “good for you” response or my rational observations/opinions of the situation. Or I might have trouble focusing on what they said at all and change the subject to myself but I try really hard not to do that, at least not until what they said has been acknowledged.
I’ve also learned I guess that other people expect to be Asked to share about themselves. Which like yeah I get that being asked about your life feels good and shows the person cares… but it feels like other people see things like you need permission to share a story or talk about something you care about which I just find odd. Like my mom once told me she was upset I never ask her about work or anything, but in my mind I was just like? You never talk about work, I didn’t know you WANTED to talk about work. You can just talk about work/your life, you don’t need me to give you permission, just like I just talk about my work. I also realized from someone else talking about going from being the “mature kid who always talks to the adults” to feeling childish as an adult, that I’m probably struggling to adapt to like, adult to adult conversations vs adult to child… bc when you’re a kid thats how conversations with adults go, you just get asked about your day at school and aren’t expected to ask the adult about their day 😂
Like idk, I’ve had friends and stuff, and continue to experience this even now tbh, who would always forget to tell me important things (I broke up with/got back together with my boyfriend, I’ll be out of town next week, I’m buying my new puppy that ur literally gonna have to live with in a couple months, etc). They’ll even often be confused that I don’t know about the thing they didn’t tell me about, like it just constantly slips people’s mind that they haven’t actually been talking to me about anything.
Or I’ll have friendships that seem to fizzle into them making 0 effort, so I’ll even try my best to ask how THEY are and about their life and still get little response or attempt at making conversations with it. Like sometimes it feels like even if I reach the realization that I maybe have been talking about myself too much, its too late and nothing I do afterwards to try to improve that will get them to share about themselves with me… and then it feels the only way we can keep a conversation going at all is if I ramble about something.
Like idk maaaaan I’ve always had limited friends but in the past it just felt like it was because I was anxious to meet new ppl, but now its like that COMBINED with just everyday conversation even with ppl I already know being exausting, and attempting to figure out a new person and how They converse and what they respond well to or not is so tiresome. And as a kid it was like “I’m worried I’m weird/annoying” but now its more like uhh I feel like I completely can’t relate to most other adults and like I’ve missed some huge social developments between high school and college and I’m just some big Child amongst a bunch of grown ass ppl with grown ass relationships where ppl are on equal footing with each other.
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gotatext · 1 year
location :  day beds.
time :   idk bcos we changed the day the thread takes place on. lets say early eve.
description :   rhys decides to make jude his buddy for some reason.
featuring :   rhys  /   @properbantz​​
𝐫𝐡𝐲𝐬 𝐚𝐥𝐝𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐠𝐞.
he had been wanting to catch the guy at some point, but figured that there was no better time than a little while after he made a one time comment in his defense. “hey.” jude’s given a small nod in greeting, “look i know it was like a one off comment but like, i just wanted to thank you for earlier. after stella’s dare.” the silent considering we haven’t really spoken hangs in the air between them. “that was cool.”
𝗷𝘂𝗱𝗲 𝗱𝗲𝗺𝗽𝘀𝗲𝘆.
jude's eyes snap up on rhys, and he's hit with a sudden swell of oh shit, here we go again. what's it gonna be this time? if you mess with jenny, i'll break your fucking kneecaps, punk. somehow, he doubts rhys has that in him. what actually comes—not a lecture, but a thank you—is enough to have him choking on his drink, sleeve of his tracksuit yanked up over his hand to wipe his mouth. "i thought spit takes only happened in movies." he'd spent so many hours trying to get his shithead mates to perfect one for the youtube sketch shows they made as kids.  "honestly, i don't even remember what i said, but you're welcome, bro." what the fuck had he said? clearly it made an impression on rhys. 
𝐫𝐡𝐲𝐬 𝐚𝐥𝐝𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐠𝐞.
he’s moving away from the splash zone, taking a seat on the bed across from jude. “eh,” he waves a hand dismissively. frankly he doesn’t even remember what exactly it was that came from jude. maybe he’s just missing josh and that’s why he was here seeking something akin to friendship from the bombshell. “all water under the bridge now. talked to stella, now i’m gonna have to figure out how to build a fucking boat.” a short laugh, hand raked through his hair, feeling staticky with whatever residual anger seb hadn’t brushed away. “how’re you getting on?” 
𝗷𝘂𝗱𝗲 𝗱𝗲𝗺𝗽𝘀𝗲𝘆.
"wait, why would you have to build a boat?" jude asks, pretty clueless, taking another swig of his drink. he's on the spirits tonight, double gin and nothing, wincing every time it hits his lips. "oh, shit. water under the... i get it, i get it." honestly, jude doesn't see much common ground between him and rhys, isn't even sure why the guys decided to take him under his wing (if that's what this is). maybe he's concerned that the recently single jude will make a move on jenny, and is here to do a stake out. "honestly? i'm pretty fucking shit, man. like... i dunno. i don't feel like what i did was that bad. in the context of romi's history, yeah, maybe it looks bad, i can see that point of view. but if you look at the facts, i don't think i'm this fucking dickhead adulterer they're making me out to be."
𝐫𝐡𝐲𝐬 𝐚𝐥𝐝𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐠𝐞.
“like the kiss with jenny you mean?” from the challenge? the very same kiss jenny had asked if it was really that bad. “i’m going to be honest with you, i don’t even know all the details in that entire thing either. but all things considered it could be worse?” he offers an unhelpful answer, but really what else is he supposed to do? “plus the whole point of being a bombshell’s to graft. i didn’t do that and found myself stuck with no connections two days before a recoupling because i was worried about hurting someone’s feelings. it’s gonna happen, you’re not a dickhead and at least you can sleep easy knowing you’ll always be a better person than dejan.”
𝗷𝘂𝗱𝗲 𝗱𝗲𝗺𝗽𝘀𝗲𝘆.
being a casa bombshell comes with way more expectation than jude anticipated. it’s like being a minor character introduced only to enhance the season one character’s life, like any want or thought he has that deviates from the pre-planned narrative somehow makes him a problem. “i’d get it if i’d straight up just kissed jenny not in a challenge, but even then, it would be tough, but like — i don’t owe romi anything? they were getting to know other people, too. they were clearly getting to know dante if the speed with which he jumped into my fuckin’ grave before i was even buried is anything to go by.” he’s still bitter about the way he handled that. talking to him about it first doesn’t change that fact. “romi compared me to marcus and dejan and said i was worse than fucking both of them. like somehow kissing someone in a challenge is equivalent to fucking your cousin? what the fuck is that about, man.”
𝐫𝐡𝐲𝐬 𝐚𝐥𝐝𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐠𝐞.
“no offense to them but the same romi that kissed dylan while coupled up with marcus and right after he and i coupled up?” he wasn’t sure who had watched the show at all or not, or how much they had seen and how much had actually aired. “the kiss was like mimi and dylan, i didn’t love it but it was a challenge, we talked it out, whatever.” he shrugs, he said it once but he’ll repeat himself. “you’re a better person than dejan. they’re probably just upset and didn’t know what to say other than something to hurt your feelings.” he’s spitballing. (i didn’t read it idk)
𝗷𝘂𝗱𝗲 𝗱𝗲𝗺𝗽𝘀𝗲𝘆.
honestly, jude can’t really remember romi kissing dylan. there was a lot of fuckin’ episodes and his flatmate nabilah had talked the whole way through most of them, but clearly it’s important to rhys. “shit, man. that’s kinda fucked. i’m sorry.” honestly, how does romi get off kissing dylan and josh when she’s supposedly head over heels for marcus and he can’t even kiss jenny in a challenge after two days of knowing her?  “i know that, man. it’s just like, yeah, i get the timing is shit for you, and you’ve been through shit, but we’ve all been through shit. why are you the only person whose feelings matter?” maybe because, according to romi, he doen’t have any. shrugging, jude downs the dregs of his drink and sets the cup down on the side, throwing his hands behind his head. “maybe we should stop talking about romi, it will only make me mad. how is shit with you and… is it bash?” although he’s pretty sure there’s something going on with seb, too. will be interesting to see how that plays out.
𝐫𝐡𝐲𝐬 𝐚𝐥𝐝𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐠𝐞.
he shrugs it off, really not being bothered by it anymore. is this what they all meant? he would love to get it, or say it upset him more than he had, but stewing on it would’ve made problems for him and dylan even earlier on. letting go was his safety. “ah bash. yeah.” he’s surprised to hear jude be the one to mention it again, first one of the day. maybe he should give him a medal. “it was good, like i really liked him. i just worry that we’ve been apart longer than we’ve been coupled. i know some of you better than i know him.” which is upsettingly true in the grand scheme of things. “so i dunno. is it shitty to say i hope he found a good connection in casa?”
𝗷𝘂𝗱𝗲 𝗱𝗲𝗺𝗽𝘀𝗲𝘆.
jude’s already shaking his head before rhys has finished his question. “nah, bro. that’s not shitty at all. you gotta do what you gotta do. look out for number one.” and if that’s moving on to someone new, finding a better connection with someone else, so be it. “this show moves fucking fast. it’s sink or swim in here and if you can’t see something working on the outside why bother?” obviously, rhys doesn’t seem too hooked on the idea of going back single for bash, and he can’t help but feel like bash seeing rhys single could be mixed signals. “do you think you’ll bring anyone back? like, even as a friend thing, or are you going it alone?”
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selfcarecap · 3 years
I’ll Show You [m.j]
pairing: MJ x reader, MJ x Peter Parker, Peter Parker x reader? (barely)
summary: When your best friend MJ reveals quite a significant detail about her relationship with her boyfriend, you decide to take matters into your own hands… (literally)
warnings: smut, cheating but only kind of (this is fanfiction and does not necessarily represent my irl views lmaoshsksjshh💀) sarcastic reader (towards Peter) idk, weed, mentions of underage drinking (under 21 but they’re at least 18), brief arguing lol
word count: 2.9k
-this is a repost of an old fic-
gifs not mine (does two gifs look ugly? lmk yskshs)
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Music thrums softly against the door as your head falls onto MJ’s shoulder, giggling amongst yourselves while all the other people at the party are getting loud. You’re just high. Much better.
Even Peter and Ned are part of the people with red cups in their hands, although they’re not as extreme as most other guys at college. It’s still illegal for them to drink and they’ve told you about how that makes them feel bad.
You, too, only drink rarely but there was that one time Peter accidentally took a sip of your rum and coca cola and it’s been his favourite drink ever since. But with that Spider-Man metabolism he’s sober after about twenty minutes before he drinks again and feels different for a few minutes only to have to drink again.
They’re all dizzy and dancing, all over the place. You and your best friend MJ prefer the laid back act of smoking weed.
The four of you, MJ with her boyfriend Peter, Ned, and you only go to parties every so often and only when all four of you are in the mood. Today is one of those nights. Even if the two pairs of you have completely different definitions of partying and having fun. And that’s okay.
You and MJ talk about the most pointless things in the safety of some guy named Chad’s bedroom - at least that’s what the sign on the door says, no one has complained about you two being here.
“How often do you and Peter have sex?”
You just put the question out there, not meaning to make MJ shift as uncomfortably as she suddenly does.
“You don’t have to answer, I was just thinking - how amazing would an orgasm be while high?” You spread your fingers in the air, holding your hand up high just to emphasise how amazing you think it would feel.
“I wouldn’t know.” She smiles from beside you on the bed.
“Huh? Oh, you mean an orgasm while high? Me neither.”
“No I mean um.. an orgasm.”
“You what?” You purse your lips and look at her incredulously, “So you mean Peter-”
“You what?” You purse your lips and look at her incredulously, “So you mean Peter-”
“Wouldn’t be of use in that department.” She finishes your sentence.
You’re a mixture of confused, amused, shocked... sad?
Her and Peter have been together for what? Two years and he‘s never made her orgasm? Peter seems like the first person to want to make his girlfriend feel good, you know he never did anything before being with MJ but you were sure he seemed like the type who is eager to learn…
“So it’s just him? I mean you’ve still got your own hands though, right?” Your hand slides down your belly, under your jeans and MJ playfully slaps your arm with a laugh.
“Noo! I don’t do that, I’ve got Peter!”
“Yeah, well, he’s not really doing the job, is he?” Your hand comes to rest against your cheek, holding you up as you lie down next to MJ, facing her with a curious look as she bites her lip.
“You know there’s nothing wrong with masturbating especially if your boyfriend isn’t competent enough.”
“I know but sex with him still feels very good, who knows maybe I’ve had an orgasm before.” She shrugs.
“If you’ve had an orgasm you would know for sure - it’s amazing. So what’s up with Peter? Does he know or do you fake it?” She shrugs again, still seeming too happy and indifferent for someone who’s aware that they’ve never had the pleasure of experiencing an orgasm.
She remembers how they had their first few times.
After it stopped hurting for her, Peter would always ask if she came and when she said no he would feel bad, attempting and failing to make her come. So eventually MJ just faked it because he was too adorably frustrated that he couldn’t bring her the pleasure she deserved.
And so it just continued. And after months and months it would have been too awkward to tell the truth all of a sudden, also because MJ never had any valid reason to lie and it‘s not like Peter‘s an asshole who doesn‘t care.
“I love him and I know that he loves me and like I said it does feel good. It’s enough for me, really, I’m not some kind of sex-crazed person, you know?”
“Neither am I and I still masturbate but okay… But what about equality, MJ? Thought you’d be the first to demand an orgasm if that’s what you give him?” You smile and with that you’ve got her. She doesn’t add to the topic any further and you go back to your previous conversations.
Though after a while MJ notices how you’re being all pouty and rather low-spirited. You’re usually all giggly and happy when you two get high.
“You okay? Is this the usual stuff?” MJ nudges your leg with hers.
“Yeah, yeah. Just kind of sad that you’ve never had an orgasm. Also a little mad at Peter.”
What she says next surprises you;
“I mean it’s never too late to start… But part of the problem is that I don’t even know what to tell him. I’ve never done anything myself and have no idea what feels good enough to.. you know.”
You don’t hesitate before saying it: “I could help you.”
MJ is silent for a few seconds. “No that.. that wouldn’t be right without Peter.”
“But would you want me to?”
She nods shyly and bites her lip as you scoot closer to her.
“I’m sure Peter won’t mind. You know with the relationship between you and me, the history and everything.”
(Mj has no clue what you’re talking about - she’s known Peter longer than she’s known you but she’ll take it.)
“I’ll go ask him, okay?” You hold your finger up signalling MJ to wait here and you’re out of the room before she can interject.
MJ thinks of following you but even though she’s a little worried how this whole situation will seem in front of Peter, MJ wants it, and she trusts her best friend and waits for you on the bed.
You find Peter downstairs after about five minutes, him and Ned and some other college guys you don’t know are having a Just Dance competition, a red cup in his hands but he seems very reliable and aware, sober enough for you to ask and get a proper answer.
“Uh hey Peter,” He turns around, greeting you with a smile, “You mind if I show your girl some fun?”
“You two smoking again?” You nod and bite your lip, thinking about MJ waiting for you upstairs.
“Yeah no problem, do whatever you want, just stay safe - where are you just so you know where to find you?”
“Last bedroom on the right, I believe it’s Chad’s room or something.”
“Okay see you later, say hi to her from me, have fun.” He smiles one last time before going back to his dancing competition with Ned.
Oh you will.
You run up the stairs and to the bathroom to give yourself a quick glance in the mirror.
Your eye make-up is a little smudged but with a few wipes it’s back to being nearly flawless.
You give your hair a few tugs and scrunches, turning and looking at your own reflection over your shoulder. You look good.
Your eyes are still a bit red despite not feeling high anymore. You’re completely sobered up at the thought of what’s about to happen.
You wonder for a moment whether MJ is only doing this because she’s high and can’t think straight, but you’ll just make sure to talk to her.
After washing your hands, you hurry back to the room to find MJ with her legs pulled up to her chest, a finger nervously between her teeth.
“Did you find him?”
“Yes he’s totally cool with it, just like I thought.”
The tension leaves her shoulders and she smiles, making room for you on the bed.
“Just one last question. Are you too high to consent?”
“No, not at all to be honest. Not any more. I want to do this but only if you do too, but you don’t have to do this just because you feel bad for me.”
“I’m not doing this because I feel bad for you, but because you deserve to feel good. And if I can help you then I‘m more than happy to do so.”
She automatically spreads her legs when you sit down in front of her.
“Also, I don’t want to promise that I’ll make you cum because I’ve never been with a girl. But I think it’s easier for me than for Peter because I know what everything feels like and I’ll gladly try.” Your hands stroke along her bare legs, and you’re happy she wore a skirt to the party for once.
You’re not sure what’s appropriate in this situation, so your hands and your lips stay at her legs, pushing her skirt higher and peppering her inner thighs with kisses and flicks of your tongue.
“Just think about something that sexually excites you,” you tell her and she nods, closing her eyes, “You wanna tell me? You don’t have to.”
“I don’t want this to come across as weird but.. this is quite exciting,” she nervously fiddles with the hem of her skirt but you’re quick to reassure her, “It’s not weird. I think so too.”
And with that she finally relaxes into the large pillows behind her and you lift one of her legs over your shoulder, moving closer between her legs.
As she drags her skirt up to her waist, she also pulls her red shirt up to reveal her bare chest.
“No bra? I like that.” You smile and she laughs.
You move up to lick her nipples, knowing how much that can add to someone’s pleasure and she gasps at the wetness of your mouth against her, breathing hard now.
“Okay okay, I’m turned on enough now you can..” she smiles, telling you it’s enough foreplay and when your fingers wander to her panties you can already feel how wet she is, proud of yourself as you wonder if Peter’s ever made her feel this good.
Although you’d love to tease her some more, you also just want to make MJ feel good and your fingers start trailing up and down the front of her panties, and it’s like you can feel her flooding her underwear at your touch.
You decide to pull her panties off her legs completely and she’s nearly so wet that it looks like she’s already cum.
You gather some of the wetness with your finger and start circling her clit and her legs around your head twitch.
She’s already squirming with just your finger touching her, you decide to pull away and instead both your fingers spread her lips and your tongue presses against her clit instead.
“Fuck MJ, you taste really good,” you hear a swallowed moan from above you and you tell her she can be loud to which she responds with the most erotic sound you’ve ever heard.
You try flicking, sucking, swirling your tongue at her clit, and once you move your tongue in a circular motion her whole body jerks forward, so you stay with that.
“Fuck that feels good”
“Yeah, you close?” You pause for only a second before going back to making her feel good.
“I think so, don’t stop.”
Your tongue continues working her over and as her legs tense and her eyes squeeze shut, you can tell she’s there. You watch her as she comes undone on your tongue, and you’re grateful for every second of pleasure you get to give her.
You don’t stop until she’s pushing your head away, out of breath.
“Sorry, just wanted your first orgasm to be amazing.”
“Fuck, it was, that really was fucking amazing”, she breathes.
“Wanna go again?” And with how you look between her legs, and how good you’ve made her feel, and it didn’t even take you more than five minutes, she definitely wants to go again.
“Hey Ned, mind if I go and look for MJ and Y/N, see where they are?”
But Ned is preoccupied, celebrating his third win of the Just Dance competition so Peter pats him on the shoulder and makes his way up to the room you’d told Peter you and MJ were smoking in.
He finds a room at the end of the hall with a sign saying ‘Chad’ on it and pushes the door open.
“Hey I thought I‘d just come check on you tw-”
He stops at the sight. You’re lying between his girlfriend’s legs, your tongue inside of her and her hands tugging at your hair.
“Uh, what the fuck I-” But he’s at loss for words.
MJ pulls her skirt down, covering absolutely nothing, and opens her mouth but you beat her to it.
“You said it was okay so don’t look like you’ve just witnessed a murder and also can you shut the fucking door!” You shout, already seeing anger on his stupidly surprised face.
“What you said was that you two were going to have fun and when I asked if you were smoking you said yes I assumed you meant that!” His arms flail around as he points at you, at MJ, then at himself.
“You said stay safe and then have fun and I assumed that was an allusion to sex!”
“What no, I meant because you were smoking!”
Of course you’re aware of your vagueness when you first talked to Peter. But he’s mad and MJ looks more than terrified and you can feel your own blood boiling so you bring up the topic that really matters.
“Peter, you can’t be mad at me when I just gave poor MJ her very first orgasm!” you reason and for the first time since he’s come in the room he doesn’t look like he’s about to kill you for making his girlfriend have an orgasm (which was ridiculous to begin with).
“What no I-” He doesn’t believe you at first but then he looks at MJ, sees her (not justified) guilty expression, and realises he’s fucked up.
“So we’ve been together for two years and you’ve been lying to me this whole time! Why would you do that?” And he’s mad again.
“Hey don’t give MJ shit for your lack of skill!”
For the first time MJ chimes in. “Sex isn’t all that important in our relationship and you do put in an effort and I appreciate it. It just isn’t enough but I didn’t want to hurt your feelings.”
“My feelings? What, I feel like the biggest asshole. I’ve been getting off all this time and you didn’t even say anything - wow - I’m so stupid.” For the first time tonight you agree with what Peter’s saying, “I’m sorry, I should’ve paid more attention to you. I was so sure that your orgasms were real…” He looks at the floor and although you’re still proud that you could give MJ what he couldn’t, you let his hurt and sad puppy look get to you and stand up, slapping his chest lightly.
“Stop moping and come here. It’s not too late to learn, Parker. I’ll show you,” you pull him down onto the bed to join you and his girlfriend.
MJ sits up, still worried.
“We’re good, right?” MJ asks. She just got eaten out by someone who is not her boyfriend so you guess the question is rather valid, but you roll your eyes anyway.
“Of course, I mean I should be asking you that, I’m the one who fucked up.”
“You have a lot to make up for,” MJ looks at you while she talks to Peter and you nod, letting her know what she’s saying is right, “But yes we’re good, I love you.”
“I love you.”
You watch them kiss and see his eyebrows furrow at the new taste on MJ’s lips. He doesn’t say anything but with his advanced senses he smells the same between MJ’s legs and on your face and he really wishes he’d been there to see what you two got up to.
You’re more than proud to say that you made MJ come in less than half of the time Peter took.
You say goodbye to both of them as they seem to want a bit of alone time, but you’ll always know you made MJ come first.
She smooths down her skirt and stands up with you, shutting the door behind her so that Peter can’t hear you two talking in the hallway.
“Thanks for today, I’ll have to repay you sometime,” she whispers to you with a knowing smirk before she slips back into the room to return to her boyfriend.
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Part Fifteen. “eyes eyes eyes.”
word count: 5.9k (not including pictures) warnings: swearing
behind the screen (irl dream x f!reader) series masterlist ultimate masterlist 
A/N: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you know? anyway uh....... hope you like this... a lot is kinda going on in this part... but more details will come in the next chapter don’t worry i’m not scamming you 
"I can't believe you," Dream scoffed from the other side of the phone, which was displaying only his eyes and up as Y/n's phone laid face up towards her ceiling. She didn't mind; he had pretty eyes and his blond hair poked out wildly beneath his hoodie and it was enough to make her only half focus on their conversation about her newest Minecraft build.
Y/n smiled as she glanced back at her phone to see him squinting at his screen in confusion even though there was no face on the other side, then looked back at her monitor. Neither of them were streaming but were bored so they decided to wander around on the SMP, continuing their all-day FaceTime call instead of transferring to Discord. They were on their fifth hour of FaceTiming at this point. Y/n had suggested multiple times switching to voice call instead since she wasn't showing her face, hoping he would say no so she could see him still, and each time he denied it because he claimed it felt more real when he could see her ceiling. Whatever that meant.
"I don't know what to tell you, bud. I'm just playing the game."
"But..." he pouted, she could tell by his voice... and by the eyes that were still glued to the call. "How are you so good?"
"I knew it."
She giggled and looked back to Minecraft, where she was looking at the massive hideout Sam had helped her build, complete with secret doors and tunnels and a whole lot of redstone. "Sam did most of it."
"Bullshit. Look at that," he said as he looked away from the phone and his green avatar punched the side of the build. "That has 'Bug' written all over it. You did that."
"Okay, I did do that part, but the cool parts like the secret doors and stuff are all Sam."
"Stop downplaying your skills. It looks good, Bug." His voice was clear and genuine and sent chills down her spine. For someone who want physically affectionate, she really wanted to give him a big hug. And... well... other things.
"Thanks, Dream," she whispered.
"You're welcome," he whispered back childishly.
"What in the..." Y/n said as she turned and saw a familiar Minecraft character with a white and red shirt in the distance. She pressed the zoom hotkey and stared at him as he filled her screen. "What is he doing?"
"Oh, speaking of Tommy," Dream started, clearing his throat as his avatar ran back and forth between the door of her hideout and a tree about ten blocks from it. "Um, I had an idea about, uh, the lake thing? The New Years' trip?"
"What's up?" she asked, turning to face him as she listened.
"Well, it's only about three weeks away and I was thinking—"
Dream was cut off as Tommy ran over to hit him with an axe a couple of times before running away.
"What the hell?" Dream grumbled as they watched Tommy sprint and jump in the direction he came from. The young boy paused when he realized neither of them were following, just looking in his direction.
<TommyInnit> did I scare you guys <TommyInnit> I did, didn't I <TommyInnit> I am very good at scaring people
Y/n laughed and typed her reply
<BugsyGames> not one single bone in my body was scared, tommyinnit <BugsyGames> try harder next time ig :/ <TommyInnit> JOIN VC RIGHT NOW <TommyInnit> VC <TommyInnit> VC <TommyInnit> VC <TommyInnit> VC <TommyInnit> VC
"Oh my gosh, he's so annoying," Dream mumbled with a small laugh but made no effort to do as the younger told.
<BugsyGames> idk if i really wanna HEAR you curse me out bc you already have over text multiple times <TommyInnit> VC <TommyInnit> VC
"Are you gonna join?" she asked, opening Discord on her other monitor.
"Hell no," Dream scoffed before his voice turned worrisome. "Are you?"
"Yeah, he's entertaining," she said. "And he won't leave us alone until one of us pays attention to him."
"Oh, you wanna be left alone with me, Bug?" he teased and she couldn't help but smile widely in embarrassment.
"Whatever you want to think I said, Dream." Y/n laughed, making Dream pout.
"Buuugg... just say you love me already," he whined jokingly.
Since she couldn't ignore the overwhelming butterflies in her stomach, she ignored him and opened Discord and looked at the voice channel Tommy was in. "Oh, Tubbo and Ranboo are there too, so it's worth getting cursed out," she told Dream before sliding on her headphones and joining. She moved one side off of her ear so she could still hear Dream over FaceTime if he spoke to her, seeing as he wasn't going to join the Discord call.
"Uh... geesh Tommy, no hello?" Y/n asked. "Why do you get in so many fights with women?"
"They question my manliness."
"Hm. Maybe work on making it less questionable?"
"What is... happening?" Ranboo asked.
"I don't really know. Tommy came over and punched Dream and then made me join vc so he could yell at me, I guess."
"Oh, that's where he went!" Tubbo said. "I had no idea, he just disappeared."
"What is he saying to you?" Dream asked from the phone on the desk. "He's yelling at you?"
"No, it's just Tommy being Tommy."
"W-What?" Tommy asked.
"I was talking to Dream," she explained.
"I can get on and tell him to stop if you need me to," Dream offered before his keyboard started clicking. "Should I? Do you want me to?"
"No, Dream, it's okay. I'll just fight him."
"YOU'RE WITH HIM??" Tommy accused.
"No! We're on FaceTime."
"Yup," she stated before quickly changing the subject since Tommy and Ranboo were both streaming. "What are my sons up to?"
"We're just trident-ing around talking about whether or not my or Tommy's accent is worse," Tubbo said. "He says 'grass' weird."
"Tommy's," Y/n voted, wanting to piss off the youngest more. "You have the voice of an angel, Tub."
"Are we just going to ignore the fact that Bugsy and Dream are FaceTiming right now?" Tommy asked in a calmer, more mumbled but still frantic voice. "Cause, I mean, I just think it's a bit strange is all but if we're just going to breeze past it, I mean... you know? The two faceless Minecrafters are staring into each other's eyes while we all talk on Discord like nothing is happening."
"We aren't 'staring into each other's eyes'," Y/n corrected.
She paused when Dream giggled and said, "I bet you're staring into mine, Bug." She glanced down to see his full face beaming up at her with a playful smile. He had propped his phone up on his monitor so she could see where his elbows met his desk all the way to the top of his fluffy hair. Her cheeks and neck burned hot as she looked at the boy cuddled up in his hoodie once again. He folded his arms on his desk and placed his chin on his forearms, looking impossibly cuter as he stared at the camera. "There's no way for me to know you aren't."
"Shut up, Dream," she mumbled before speaking to the others again. "We're not even showing our faces," she lied. "Dream sorta is but not really."
"No need to lie to everyone," Dream said, still smiling, sitting up from his position. "This is my entire face. What, you don't want people to know you get to see me whenever you want? You have VIP access, baby, the people should know."
An abrupt laugh escaped her lips at the nickname. "Can you guys hear Dream?" Y/n asked the boys in the voice channel nervously.
"No, why? Is he telling you dirty things?" Tommy laughed evilly.
"Nope. Just wondering." Her face was on fire. She hit Dream's character in-game and watched him focus back on his computer with a goofy smile. He returned the favor by hitting her character back once even though she was continually dealing damage until he had half a and begged her to stop.
"He's probably flirting with her like he does when we're on call but, like, worse because no one else can hear him," Tubbo proposed before all three of the young boys gagged and yelled over each other.
"GROSS!!" Tommy shouted.
"Ew!! Mom, is there a dude flirting with you? That's disgusting," Ranboo gagged.
"I cannot stand you guys," Y/n laughed, making her voice as confident as possible so they couldn't detect her lies. "That's not what's happening."
"Do my words mean nothing, Bug?"
"Dude," she mumbled to Dream again. "I wish you could see how hard I'm glaring at you right now." He laughed in response.
A knock on Y/n's door snapped her out of her conversation and she quickly muted on Discord. "Come in!"
Naomi poked her head in and quickly put her hand up. "Oh, sorry!" she whisper-shouted. "I didn't know you were streaming."
Y/n shook her head and smiled. "I'm not. What's up?"
"TUBBO! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?" Tommy screamed, making Y/n deafen also.
Naomi stood taller and dropped her hand to her side. "I'm just bored and want to do something."
"I do too, actually," Y/n admitted.
"You're bored?" Dream scoffed. "Bug, I'm offended!"
Y/n smiled widely and turned back to her phone to see the blond boy frowning. "I've talked to you all day. Can I not go hang out with my roommate?"
"No! Tell her to fuck off."
"Dream! She's literally right here, she can hear you!" Y/n covered her phone screen with her hand to hide Dream's face as Naomi walked closer, laughing.
"Naomi?" Dream asked.
"Fuck off."
Naomi laughed as Y/n gasped. "DREAM!" Y/n grabbed her phone and held it up to show one eye in the corner of the screen so he could see her glaring, but he wasn't looking.
"I'm just kidddinnnggg... obviouslyyy..." he dragged out. "Unless you do steal Bug away from me, in which case I'm not kidding."
Naomi was silent with her hand over her mouth, not wanting to freak out and make Y/n back out before Dream could see her eye. It was a small thing, but a huge deal.
The silence caused Dream to look down and his jaw dropped. "B-Bug!!"
"You see this?? I'm glaring at you. How dare you talk to Naomi that way," Y/n reprimanded teasingly, trying to hide the shakiness in her voice.
"WHAT? Is this how you felt when I showed my face just to prove a point?"
"You're doing the exact thing I did! You're just proving a point!"
"Yeah, but I'm not showing my whole face like you did, idiot. Just enough so you can see the glare."
"Oh my gosh. Okay, yeah, I see you glaring, stop glaring!" he giggled and Y/n's camera went back to only showing her ceiling as she smiled. "I'm sorry, Naomi!"
"You can't just joke like that to someone you hardly know," Y/n scolded as Naomi continued laughing. She knew Naomi had that kind of sense of humor, but Dream didn't.
"Who said I'm joking?" he asked.
"Oh, shut up. I can't stand you."
"I'm kidding! I'm sorry, Naomi. I was just kidding."
"I know," she reassured. "It's all good, don't worry. I know you love your Bug too much to hurt her friends."
Y/n saw Dream quickly pull his phone away from his face after he smiled shyly, and she liked to imagine that he was blushing at Naomi's accusation.
"Yeah, I guess she's nice to have around," he mumbled.
<Ranboo> bugsy? you still there?
"Wait, both of you quiet for a second," she told Dream and Naomi before unmuting and undeafening on Discord. "Yeah, sorry, what's up? I was defended and muted."
"You were so cryptically silent, it was a little scary."
"Sorry, my roommate is talking to me. I'm gonna head off, actually."
"Aw, but we hardly got to play with you!" Tubbo pouted.
"We'll play soon! I promise! But not you, Tommy. I don't like you."
"Bye, Tommy."
"Bye, Bugsy," he grumbled.
"Goodbye, mother," Ranboo said as Tubbo laughed out a, "Goodbye mom," making Y/n's heart shed a proud tear.
"Goodbye, my sons. Be good. Be safe."
She left the Discord and then left Minecraft. "Okay, sorry, continue," she promoted Naomi.
"I think it's so cute how you talk to Tubbo and Ranboo," Dream cut in. "It's adorable."
"It is," Naomi agreed. "Tommy, too. I know you pretend to hate him but we can tell you want him to be your son too."
"Never," she murmured, making both of them laugh. She slid off her headphones and grabbed her phone, careful to keep it pointed away from her face as she walked to her closet.
"Anyway, I just wanna do something. It's really nice out today, do you want to go to the park or ride bikes or something?"
"Yeah, sure." She ripped a hoodie off the hanger with one hand, making the hanger ricochet and clank against the closet ceiling.  
"Yeah, sounds fun," Dream agreed from between them.
Y/n laughed. "Sorry, bud, not you."
A deep frown etched onto Dream's face and Y/n laughed. "What are you going to do there that I can't join? You can just prop me up on a tree and sit next to the phone."
"If we ride bikes, I can't hold you. And if we go to the park we usually skate. Besides, we want to talk about how much we hate you anyway so we don't want you there."
"Bug!" he pouted. Dream paused before saying, "Can you give the phone to Naomi real quick?"
Y/n hesitated but handed the phone to her friend. She used her free hands to slip on the hoodie before tuning back into the conversation.
"You don't have to show me your face but I want you to look into my eyes and promise me something, Naomi," he said.
Naomi held the phone up to her face anyway and Y/n could see both of them looking at each other. "What's up?"
"Promise me you won't let Y/n fall and scrape her knee or something," he requested and Naomi laughed.
"I promise not to let your Bug get hurt." That was the second time Naomi referred to her as 'his Bug' and she was not opposed to the sound of it.
"Thank you very much."
"Great," Naomi said before her voice turned teasing. "Now that that's settled, Y/n, you're right he is cute!"
Naomi was a pot-stirrer. Always was, always would be. She knew what to say to make tension rise in the room whether it was between people who hated each other or people who secretly liked each other. Or whatever Dream and Y/n were.
While Y/n's face grew warm, Dream laughed.
"Hey, you're pretty cute too, Naomi. Should I tell George or does he already know?" Dream fired back, trying to embarrass her as much as she embarrassed Y/n.
Naomi's evil smile fell before a confident one took its place with a raise of her eyebrow. "Oh, he knows."
Y/n laughed abruptly and grabbed the phone back from her friend. "Okay, I'm hanging up now." Before I lose self-control and show you my whole face right here, right now, she thought to herself.
"Boooo," Dream whined. "Will you call me back later? Please?"
"Maybe," she teased. "Depends on if I'm clumsy enough to fall and break everything like you think I will."
"I don't think that. I just want you to be safe."
He needed to stop being so sweet. "Don't worry, I'll be fine. I'm a pro."
"I believe it. Still, though."
"I'll be safe. I promise."
"Also, Bug, um..." he paused shyly. "You have really pretty eyes. Just... thought I'd tell you."
Heat rose to her face again and the look on Naomi's face said she could tell.
"Thanks, Dream."
Naomi nodded her head towards her Y/n's door. "I'll be in my room," she whispered and Y/n nodded.
"Sorry," Y/n said to Dream with a short laugh. "I don't know why I did that."
"It's okay," he reassured. "I appreciate it. I know it was just a small part of your face but it still means a lot to me that you showed me because I know you haven't shown anyone."
"I want to," she blurted out. "I really, really do."
"Want to what?"
"Show people my face." She squeezed her eyes shut and walked to her bed, setting the phone face up towards the ceiling. "Specifically you."
He paused. "Then... why don't you? I'm not pressuring you, I just don't understand. If you want to, then what's stopping you?"
"It's not that simple, Dream," she responded softly. "I'm scared."
Dream was silent for a few moments. "That's kinda what I wanted to talk about earlier before Tommy came in."
"Really?" she perked up. What was he going to say? That she seemed too scared so he didn't what her to go on the trip?
"Yeah, uh, I know you're nervous about meeting everyone and Sapnap and I were talking and– well, okay, so I assume you, Karl, and Naomi are going to go to Georgia together?"
"Well, so, yeah, what if– only if you want, obviously, but, you guys could come down to Florida and hang out with us for a few days and then, like, the five of us could go up to Georgia together? That way you meet two people first instead of everyone at once. So, like, since you haven't shown anyone, it'll be like dipping your toe in the water and if you meet Sapnap and I and absolutely hate it you can go back home before meeting everyone else." He finally concluded his proposition and Y/n's heart was so warmed. He was so sweet it was killing her.
"I'll still pay for all the travel stuff for you guys to fly down here," he added with a shy mumble at her silence, "and it's only a four and a half hour drive from here so Sapnap and I were just going to drive up and we could just rent a bigger car to fit comfortably. But obviously you can say no. Just a thought we had."
"Dream," Y/n started softly, her voice coming out way more fondly than she intended but she did nothing to fix it.
"You're the sweetest damn person I've ever met in my entire life."
"I just want you to be comfortable," he said softly.
"I think..." she paused. "I think that would be fun. I'd like that. I'll see what Naomi and Karl think."
His voice perked up slightly. "Really? Awesome. You guys can come down whenever. We're going to leave on the 26th to get there that night but whenever you guys want to come, you can. You could even spend Christmas with us if you want to come a few days earlier. Might be hard to find tickets this late since it's the holidays but I can see what I can find."
"That would be cool! The three of us were just going to hang out together so we don't really have plans for Christmas. I'll ask them but I think they'll like that too."
"Cool," he breathed. "If you want to say no later, you can."
"I don't want to say no, Dream."
He paused and his next word had his smile laced clearly through them. "Okay."
"Thank you–thank you for thinking of me," Y/n fumbled out. "It means a lot to me."
"Eh, it might be a little selfish of me, too. I just want to spend as much time with you as I can."
She beamed and bit her lip to not laugh with pure joy. "I'm probably selfish too because I'm going to make Karl and Naomi agree even if they don't want to go."
"I have no problem if you need to use physical force," he joked.
Y/n laughed and shook her head. "I should go save Naomi from her boredom."
"Okaaayyy..." he sighed. "If you must. Thanks for talking with me today."
"I had fun! I'm surprised you didn't bore me to death," she teased and he scoffed.
"Well apparently I did since you're ditching me!"
"Nooo, you could never bore me."
"Hmm... sure."
"Dream," Y/n dragged out and he laughed. "You're so clingy."
"Ugh, I know," he joked. "It's almost like I like you or something."
Y/n froze before mentally scolding herself. He was obviously joking, but it still made her heart skip some beats.
"Almost," she mumbled. "Alright, I'm going to go. I'll call you later if you're free and want to hang out on call more or something."
"Yeah, I'd like that," he said. "Have fun with Naomi! And don't get hurt."
She laughed. "I won't get hurt. Bye, Dream."
"Bye bye, Bug."
Y/n finally hung up and threw her phone on her bed with a small external scream. Naomi came back into the room a few moments later with a smirk on her face and leaned against the doorframe. "Done with the call?"
"Naomi..." she said dreamily. "He's... too freaking cute."
Naomi laughed. "Come on, lover girl, you can tell me all about it while we go outside. Bikes or skating?"
"I haven't gone biking in a while, let's do that."
"Perfect, I found a new trail recently I've wanted to try out," Naomi said as she grabbed her keys off the front table. "Let's go."
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"OH, and then," Y/n recounted her story with Dream in detail (per Naomi's request) and she swerved on her bike a little in excitement."Then he said, 'it's almost like I like you or something'! What does that mean??"
Naomi laughed brightly and looked over her shoulder at Y/n. "Maybe it means that he likes you."
Y/n scoffed and rolled her eyes. "Yeah, right. Don't get my hopes up."
"I mean it, Y/n. I know you think it's not possible, but just think about it. Do you really think you didn't like him until you saw him?"
Y/n looked up into the treetops that provided shade on their trail. She dreaded that question. She had thought about it so many times, tossing and turning countless nights asking herself the same question over and over. When did she start liking Dream? She had always had interest in him but when did her starstruck admiration and wanting to be his friend turn into wanting to hold his hand and kiss him good morning? When did that change happen? Could it have happened before she knew what he looked like? It would go against so much that she believed, so much she had been told, but... maybe it was true?
"I don't know," Y/n admitted softly. "I really don't know."
Naomi's heart broke for her friend, knowing her internal battle was killing her slowly. "Hey," Naomi said in a lighter tone than she felt. "It'll all work out. I promise."
"What if it doesn't? What if he really doesn't like me and won't ever like me?"
Naomi shrugged. "Then... then he missed out and someone better will eventually come along."
Y/n nodded, wanting to talk about something a little happier. "So... I showed him my eye."
"You did," Naomi said cautiously. "I wasn't going to bring it up, but, damn dude. How do you feel?"
"Good. Great. I know it's small and insignificant but it doesn't feel that way."
"I don't think it's insignificant. It definitely shows you trust him a lot."
"He said I have pretty eyes," Y/n whispered excitedly, making Naomi laugh.
"You do! You really do."
"Speaking of thinking things are pretty, George knows?? What does that mean? Have you guys video called or what? I've been so stuck in my pity party that I have no idea what's going on with that!"
Naomi turned pink but her confident smile never faded. She slowed down and Y/n followed suit, both taking drinks from their water. "Can we sit for a minute?" Naomi asked as she nodded towards a large tree trunk. Y/n nodded and they sat down together, bikes haphazardly thrown to the side of the trail.
"So," Naomi started. "George."
"George," Y/n prompted. "What's going on?"
"I like him a lot. And... he told me he likes me."
Y/n raised her eyebrows and beamed at her friend. "Really? Naomi, that's great! That's so awesome, I'm so happy for you!"
Naomi let out a small squeal before blushing. "I know. We're both a little worried because of long-distance but we decided to not think about it until after the trip. Then we'll work out how often we want to see each other and stuff."
"Wait, so, are you guys, like, dating?"
Naomi hummed. "No? But I have joked about how I'm going to kiss him as soon as I see him and it always makes him turn bright red and he just laughs and is like, 'you're an idiot', so that's a good sign."
Y/n laughed. "Yeah, sounds like George."
"Sorry I haven't told you sooner. I just feel like since you're so confused about everything with Dream that it would be like I'm bragging or something? And I didn't want to make you sad that I'm talking to this boy so much and—"
"Naomi," Y/n smiled and grabbed her arm. "It's okay. I'm not upset by it. I'm so so happy for you, really."
Naomi let out a breath of relief. "Thanks, Y/n. You're a really good friend."
"You make it easy to be a good friend to you," she said with a smile and a scrunched nose. "You're the best. I love you."
"I love you too," Naomi giggled and threw her arms around Y/n, forcing a hug even if she didn't want it. Y/n accepted it anyway, hugging her friend back tightly.
"Alright, break's over. Let's finish this thing. How much more do we have to go?"
Naomi checked the map on her phone. "About a mile. Think you can manage not falling off for another mile?"
"I promised Dream I wouldn't let you get hurt."
Y/n rolled her eyes fondly. "He's so stupid."
"Maybe, but you like it."
"Who on Earth knows why? Oh! That reminds me," Y/n said as she got back on her bike and rode slowly next to Naomi. "I forgot to mention a huge detail."
"Ugh, you never stop talking about him," Naomi teased. "Just kidding, what happened? I want to know everything."
"This involves you and Karl. How do you feel about taking a detour to Florida before the trip?"
When Y/n got home, she showered while Naomi made them dinner. "Today was fun," she said as she sat down at the kitchen table. "We need to hang out more, just the two of us. Thank you so much," she added as Naomi handed her a plate off food.
Naomi nodded. "Agreed. But when do we ever have time when you aren't streaming and I'm not doing school or working?"
"Hmm, true. For a job with a flexible schedule, I don't feel very flexible. Maybe I should promise to join less streams."
"But then I can't join streams," Naomi joked with a laugh.
"Just ask George. I'm not your closest streamer friend anymore apparently," she fake pouted and Naomi blushed.
"He wants me to join one of his streams except neither of us want anyone to know so he thinks it'll be suspicious if it's just him and I."
'Wait, no one else knows you two have been talking?"
"Well, Dream does based on his joke earlier but you're the only person that either of us have told that we're, like, actually talking."
"Oh, I feel so special!"
Naomi laughed. "Good. You are."
Y/n smiled and looked down as her phone vibrated on the table.
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"Boyfriend calling?" Naomi teased with one eyebrow quirked.
Y/n stuck her tongue out. "Wouldn't you like that?"
"I would like that. Date him."
"Oh, shut up," Y/n said with a laugh. "But actually, Dream invited me to get back on and hang out."
"So I was right?"
"Well, go ahead, I won't stop you."
"Thanks, Naomi. I had fun today, thanks for forcing me out of my room and for dinner."
"Anytime dude," she giggled. "Put that sponge down, I'll clean up."
"But you made dinner. Let me help."
"No! Go, your boyfriend is waiting for you. I got it."
Y/n ignored her and started cleaning dishes and putting them in the dishwasher.
"You're the worst. Love you."
"Love you!" Y/n called back as she walked to her room. She got on her desktop and opened Discord while she waited for Minecraft to load.
"Who just joined?" Tubbo asked in a tired voice. "Oh, Bugsy, hello again!"
"Hi!" she greeted back. "How's everyone doing?"
"Good, good, good. How was your, uh, thing? Bikes... or something?" Ranboo asked.
"Yeah, I went on a bike ride with my roommate. It was fun! The weather was super good today so it was good."
"Is it the roommate who's coming on the trip with us?" Tubbo asked.
"Yup," she replied. Ranboo fake whined and Y/n's heart hurt a little. "Ranboo I wish you could come."
"Me too. It would be fun but also very scary," he chuckled and Y/n nodded. "But I'm busy anyway."
"I'm terrified," she admitted. "So I fully understand."
"It's going to be good, Bug," Dream reassured softly, sending butterflies to her stomach. "I promise."
"Why are you terrified?" Tubbo asked.
"Um... just... you know... showing my face to everyone," she said with a small laugh. "Kinda weird." Though, admittedly, she was much less nervous than a few hours ago before she showed Dream her eye.
"Well, Dream has seen you, hasn't he?" Ranboo asked.
"No, what makes you think that?"
"He hasn't?" Tubbo spoke up. "I'm shocked! I could have sworn he had."
"What, why? Dream asked.
"You guys are just super close so I guess we assumed," Tubbo explained.
"No, we are close, Bug is just a tease," Dream joked and Y/n scoffed.
"Oh, whatever. You've seen more than anyone else."
"What?" Ranboo asked with a slight panic in his voice. "What, uh, what does that mean? Oh gosh."
"She showed me her eye today!" Dream announced like it was a huge deal. Which, it kinda was. "But she's a tease because that's all she showed."
"Why do you want to see her so bad, huh Dream?" Ranboo teased. "Hmm???"
"So I can call her pretty without her yelling at me that I can't know," Dream stated bluntly.
Y/n buried her face in her hands, the Minecraft welcome screen long forgotten, and laughed. "I cannot stand you, Dream."
"Awe!!" Tubbo cooed. "Bugsy, give the poor man a break, why don't you show him?"
When she normally would have taken that sort of comment to heart and would have beaten herself up about not showing him, she lifted her head to look at her screen. 'Give the poor man a break'.
"No, Tubbo, she doesn't owe me anything," Dream said with a nervous laugh. "Don't pressure her!!"
"I'm not! I'm not pressuring her to do anything!" Tubbo defended. "I was just joking! But it would be so easy to just send a picture of your face."
"But she doesn't want to and I respect that. Ranboo, are you still on the SMP? Where are you?"
Y/n tuned out the conversation, which had quickly changed topics, scrolling right to the picture she found the other day of her sitting on her bed. She didn't think twice. It just felt right.
"So, the next manhunt is going to have five hunters or what? Like what's changing?" Ranboo asked. "I think it's super cool that you're continuing the series."
"Yeah," Dream started to explain. "I'm trying to see who would be the best to have as the fifth person to make it—"
Y/n's heart pounded in her ears as she listened to the new silence, waiting for some verbal indication from Dream that everything was okay. That he saw the picture and that everything was still okay.
But he was dead silent.
"Dream?" Ranboo laughed. "Uhhhhh...."
"Uh.." Tubbo laughed too. "Did he break? Dream?"
Y/n bit down on her hoodie sleeve in anticipation and excitement, surprised that there were butterflies in her chest instead of raging thunderstorms of fear.
A loud sound banged through her headphones and her eyes darted to the Discord to see it came from Dream's mic. "Dream?" she asked softly. Did this man just knock something off of his desk?
His regard for them being on call with others completely evaporated. "Holy shit, Bug," he breathed out. "I-Is that you?"
"Sure is," she hummed.
"What the hell?!" he shouted, joy and surprise laced in his voice.
"Wait, what happened?" Tubbo asked before sounding excited. "Did you actually send him a picture of yourself?"
"Mhm," she hummed. "Maybe."
"AHHA! YOU BROKE HIM!" Tubbo laughed.
"Error: Dream.exe broke," Ranboo teased. "Man's files broke at the sight of Bugsy Games. Headlines tomorrow: Bugsy Games murders DreamWasTaken with a selfie."
"Oh, shut up," she breathed.
"Text me back right now," Dream demanded.
Y/n giggled as the other two teased Dream but she picked up her phone and found his one-word response.
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Seconds later, Dream's voice was back in her ears. "Uh... I'm gonna get off. I have a lot to process."
Tubbo and Ranboo laughed loudly. "A lot to process?? HAHAHA! Just say you're in love with her and move on."
"WhaaAATT?" Dream yelled. "I-I'm not in love with her, what the hell is wrong with you, Tubbo?"
Y/n laughed, agreeing with him even though it kinda hurt. He didn't have to sound too shocked at the accusation.
"Have fun processing," Ranboo said. "Are you staying Bugsy?"
"Nah, I'm gonna get off too. I'm pretty tired."
"Are you going to be in Big Q's stream tomorrow though?"
She hummed. "I don't know. I didn't know he was streaming tomorrow."
"Oh, I thought he invited you?"
"Guess not. He just lost points."
Dream laughed. "Good."
"Well... we should stream together soon," Ranboo said. "I think that would be really cool."
"I do too! We definitely should. If you have any ideas or anything let me know, okay?"
"Yeah, I will!" he promised. "Talk to you later."
"Bye guys," she said before disconnecting. She noticed Dream linger in the call for a little bit even though he said he was leaving and she decided to get ready for bed, turning off her computer and walking to her closet. She was stopped by some texts though. Priorities.
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taglist: CLOSED - bold couldn’t tag @hydrate-tion @loraleiix @tinaswagbd @charsdummb @jeyyes @1ghoste1 @cerberus-hellhound @gaysludge @queestionmark @carnations-red @letsloveimagines @the-fictionwriters-hairdo @boiled-onionrings @a-cryptic @fee-btheweeb @erwinss @just-a-stan @axths @kayleigh2703 @furiouspockettoad @sometimeseverythingsucks @powerpuffyn @tinyegg @millavalntyne @automaticcomputerpaper @nikkineeky @fivedicksinatrenchcoat @sprucekot @bellomi-clarke @possiblyanxioushuman @crybabyjabby @mae-musicbitch @hungoverhellhound @dreamyteam @kuroo-icedtea @stuffforreferences @menacingaesthetic @sapphic-soot @fangeekkk @haseulreturns @queenwastaken @peteysgf @losingvienna @bi-narystars @zero-nightshade @erinitoburrito @sparklykeylime @youhyakuya @danny-devitowo @clubfairy @loser-keiji @oi-itsemily @alm334 @the-katastrophe @wreny24 @applecakeradio @unicornblood4ever @aha-red @brendalopez99 @spacecluster @justonemoreepisode199 @strawbrinkofdeath @aikochan4859 @chaotic-tieflings @dreamsofficialwife @where-thesundoesntshine @jamiealenaa @unstableye @kageyamama-hinatatata @officiallyunofficialperson @secretly-a-weeb @localsimp @loxbbg @rhymeorreason1 @flubblubbb @kiritokunuwu @sylumarts @raining13lemonade @aiyncel @ghostfacefricker6969 @avengemepercy​ @modyoonie​ @sapnapsupremaci​ @donttellaweirdweakling​ @dreamiewrites​ @misfortunatem00n​ @mayempress @strang-ersclub​ @panic-at-space-camp​ @netheriteaxes​ @kaqinq​ @momo-has-a-gun​ @lunelicmoone​ @beller-18 @bluechocolatemint​ @mythicalamphitrite​ @crypticcandi​ @80sfeel​ @asianfrustration13​ @justanunknown​ @libbynotfound​ @osculatcr​ @bindythedemon​ @haikyall​ @hyuckslytherin​ @thatonearieschild​ @the-perfect-gemini​ @ialexabsuniverse​ @sleepingalaska​ @renjunniex​ @rebellionburnsthemup​ @moonchildwildx​ @sarcasticmichelle​ @carat-eri​ @ravennightingaleandavatempus​ @isthatyouritalian​ @sunf10w3r-f31ld​ @suwunarin​ @bxsmentchildxx​  @sunbunniie​ @mintchip17 @vincent-stargogh​ @jules-skye​ @askgeoff​ @d-fendyr​ @diedestress​ @idiotinnit​ @gabbysblogthingy​ @call-me-soap​ @fujiapfel @stxrryb1tch​ @onlynarry​ @squarky-sheep​ @ecao @ok-honey​ @saltishima-rex​ @kodzukatcore​ @gwendolyn02​ @kiwismoothies​ @flippyninja​ @xfihvru @anqelanqel @letkeefeswear​ @cantaloupe-draws​ @what-is-the-creature-oh-glob @theboywhocriedlupin​
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my-simp-land · 3 years
You Cheeky Slink
Bucky comes to you in the night to tell you about his latest google dive and maybe something more. Bucky x reader fluff. 1508 words. This is highkey self indulgent so get ready to read the fantasy thats been living in my head lately. Thanks :))
Bucky stands at my door with just his head stuck into my room.
“Bucky, what are you doing? Where’s your shirt? You’re going to catch a cold wandering around with no clothes on,” I mumble from my pillow and plushie covered bed.
He smirks. He always does that smirk when he’s about to give some smartass response. That stupid lopsided smirk with he petal pink lips surrounded by the beard he’s been growing out. It’s kinda gangly but in a good way.
“Well, I guess I’ll have to come in then, so I don’t catch a cold in this freezing hallway. You know, you don't actually catch colds from being co-”
You had to stop the groan from falling past your lips. “Buck, love you and all, but now isn't the time to drop some of your newly found knowledge on me. It's...what time is it? Bucky, it is past midnight. Please tell me why you’re in my room at 12:38 a.m. talking about colds.”
Peter and I have been teaching Bucky how to use the internet and his phone, and We introduced him to Google a few days ago. Ever since then, he’s been catching himself up on most of what has happened in the last 70s years. It’s really heartwarming to see his interest in aerial technology and space exploration. We’re all glad that Bucky is adjusting well, but he’s been bombarding us all with random knowledge he’s found on the internet.
“Well, in all fairness, you were the one that invited me in, angel. I’m just doing what you said.” The smirk again. It’s too dark now that he's standing in my dark room, but I know the smirk. It bleeds into his voice. It makes him sound more...confident. Or cocky. “But dollface, we’ve explored more of space than we have the ocean. We don’t know what all is living in the deep parts of our ocean, but we know that you’ll get spaghettified if you go into a black hole. Some people think black holes are portals and some think they’re dying stars.”
“Wait, what? Buck, where are you getting your info?”
“Google, of course. Can I sit?”
“Sure.” The heavy weight of a giant man and his absurdly heavy metal arm rests on the corner of my bed. He almost seems hesitant to sit. I can immediately feel his warmth through the blanket. Despite me keeping my area freezing, Bucky always stays warm. “But Bucky, you went to a site to read these things. You used google but from there, what did you do?”
I can hear the wheels turning in his head. “Uh...the interesting looking ones?”
“You can’t believe everything you read on the internet, Buck. Anyone can put whatever they want out there. When you’re doing this research you’ve got to use reliable sources.”
“Reliable sources? Can I lean against the wall and stretch my legs?”
“Sure. Friday will help you with that, but Peter and I, and even Dr. Banner could help explain that to you in more detail tomorrow at a reasonable hour.”
Bucky shuffles his way across my bed to rest against the wall. He’s cautious of my legs as he makes his journey. It’s almost like he goes into assassin mode. Even though I know he’s moving, he tries his best not to disturb me.
“Well, did you know the footstep on the moon will likely stay there for at least 100 million years? There’s no wind on the moon, so it can’t be blown away. And did you know space is completely silent? There’s no air, so the sound waves have nothing to travel through so no sound.”
Bucky carries on with his space talk. Not long after we became friends, he shared that as a child he was interested in planes. He wanted to be a pilot growing up. That quickly became an awkward conversation. Now, Bucky is learning to fly with Sam, but once he learned our travels expanded into space, his dreams were out of this world. Bucky would start his google dives asking about some random thing, but without a doubt, he would end up on space exploration. Peter and I want to see how he’d do in a Wikipedia race. Peter thinks he would be amazing at it, but I know he’d get carried away and go down his own rabbit hole.
“Doll, Neptune has storms big enough to swallow the entire Earth! Can I get under the blankets?”
I hummed my approval and rolled over. Bucky’s voice is deep and raspy, and something about it can lull me to sleep. Usually I can’t sleep with any noise but Bucky is different. He could probably do audiobooks. Steve’s school videos and Bucky’s audiobooks. That’s quite a pair.
Bucky carries on with his space dump until I ask him. “Bucky, Russia got a satellite in space first. Sputnik. Would you have had anything to do about it? Idk. That might be a rough question but…”
He thinks, and he thinks hard. I can imagine his brows would come together, and he would bite at the right side of his lower lip. His Neptune blue eyes would move like he’s reading words off an invisible piece of paper laid before him. He would usually run his fingers through his hair, but Sam mentioned hair loss and that made Buck a little self conscious. I told him not to worry, but I’ll catch him catching himself.
“I’m not sure, angel. I don’t remember anything being about space, but maybe i just didn’t know it was about the space race. That is bizarre though. I was around when we made it to the moon, but I wasn’t. Can I get under the blankets?”
“Yeah, yeah.” Buck starts to talk again as he pulls the blankets over himself. He worms his legs undermine. “Bucky, get your popsicle legs off me. Go put those things on Steve.”
He lets out a small laugh before he continues his ted talk of everything. Bucky has been taken with space, but he’s interested in cooking too. He loves to sit and watch The Great British Bake-Off or MasterChef or Top Chef. It was quite sweet and funny when he tried to recreate one of the meat pies from season two of TGBBO. He was so confident, and his bottom was so soggy.
“We should grow a fruit salad tree. We’ve got to do something to a fruit tree, but we’d be able to make it grow up to 6 fruits! You could have peaches, Steve gets apples, Sam gets...I don’t know, and I get plums. We’d have to think of something for Pete. But imagine it, a huge fruit salad tree orchard behind the compound!”
“If it’s an orchard, why don’t we just plant a whole bunch of different trees?”
“Bragging rights. Can I lean on these pillows? I’m just gonna lean here.”
“Sure Buckbeak.”
“Hmph. Us having a fruit salad tree would be like the animals in Harry Potter.”
Bucky carries on, but his closeness and warmth are enough to lull me to sleep.
I woke up not too much later. Bucky has slowly made his way to fully laying between me and my pillow mountain. He’s pulled me in close to him and nuzzles his face into my neck. He somehow got his arms fully around me with my noticing. Our legs are intertwined, and thankfully, Bucky’s feet have warmed up. I can hear his heart beat in this position. Despite the torture and darkness he’s witness, his heart still beats like a young bird’s wings. His body and mind is old, but his heart is young. A young man from the 40s thrust into the 21st century. It is a cruel fate, but I know Bucky is strong enough to carry this burden. A heart is a heavy burden to carry.
I wake with the sun; a curious beam has made its way directly into my eyes. I go to grab a pillow to cover my face, but I seem to be in the death grip of a certain super soldier. I’m able to shimmy my way around to look at him. He looks at peace. Bucky always carries his anxieties and burdens, but in this moment, he looks youthful. He isn’t a super soldier who lost himself for 70 years. He isn’t a man who is widely hated and has to redeem himself. He isn’t a man with blood on his hands. He’s just Bucky; a great guy that will hold you when you cry or share a big bellied laugh with you.
“See something you like, dollface?”
“You slithered your slinky way into my bed.”
“No, no, no. You invited me in, so I wouldn't catch a cold. I just made myself not cold.”
“Oh yeah?”
“Yeah. You were obviously the best solution, cuddle bug. Your heart is so full of love and compassion that it’s gone hot.”
“You’re a big sap.”
“Only for my best girl.”
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bluejayblueskies · 3 years
How about an AU where Jon and Gerry have been dating since Uni and have managed to keep it secret from everyone (including Elias and Gerttrude) by complete accident?
send me an au and i'll give you 5+ headcanons about it! requests closed!
by accident you say? 👀
1. jon and gerry meet somewhere completely ridiculous (yet also completely mundane) where the chance of them running into one another was like.... one in a million. like, maybe jon's class got out early and so he decided to walk a little further from campus to try a new coffee shop that he's never tried before and never will again because he realizes he really hates the drinks and that it's not worth the walk, and gerry is in the area looking into something leitner-related and he looks down at his phone a bit too long and runs smack into jon when he's walking away from the coffee shop with a lukewarm travel cup of hot chocolate because they were out of tea (what kind of coffee shop is out of tea? jon thinks with a scowl).
the hot chocolate spills all over gerry and jon's like 'oh god sorry, do you- do you want me to do something?' and gerry's about to brush past him when he sees the person he was looking for and shit, they're looking this way so without thinking he just... grabs jon and pulls him into the nearest shop. which happens to be selling something weird, idk, little ceramic figurines. and gerry does Not know what to say because like, he can't tell this stranger that he's hiding from maybe-a-fear-avatar! so he's like 'uh. you can make it up to me by.... helping me pick out a figurine? for, er. my mother. yes.'
so they're just walking through this shop, gerry's shirt still wet with hot chocolate, jon Very confused and also Very late for class but somehow nervous to just leave, so they look at figurines together. gerry keeps looking back out the window and nope, maybe-an-avatar is still there, and now they're sitting on the bench and it doesn't look like they're planning on moving anytime soon and gerry really doesn't want to take the chance and gamble that the maybe-avatar won't recognize him or realize what he's looking for. so gerry keeps shooting down every recommendation jon gives him with some progressively-more bullshit reasons--'oh, my mum already has that one' 'that one's too expensive, i can't afford it' 'that's too small' 'i don't like the way that one's looking at me' 'my mom's allergic to dogs, actually'--until jon's finally like 'okay what is going on and can i leave now?'.
and the maybe-avatar is still out there and gerry's certain now that they're watching him and he's suddenly very aware that he's spent a long period of time with this guy whose name he actually didn't quite catch and that it definitely looks like they're working together and ah, fuck, if i let him leave and he gets targeted because of me i'd feel horrible. so gerry sighs and thinks fuck it and is like 'listen i'm gonna level with you. i'm here looking for a book and there is somebody watching me right now and i know how that sounds but it's really not as shady as you think and also really not my fault but it is my fault that you're here too so. yeah. sorry i don't know if it's safe for you to leave.'
and all jon can think to say is 'a book?'.
and gerry's like 'don't worry about that bit, you really wouldn't understand' and jon gets all bristly and says primly, 'well, i'm a lit major and i work at the university library maybe i could help' and gerry can't help but laugh and say, 'really hope there's not a leitner in your uni library, mate'. and then jon gets this wide-eyed expression on his face like he's just seen a ghost and says 'what did you just say?' and before gerry can deflect again jon says, more intensely, but also hesitantly, 'is... is it called a guest for mr. spider?'.
and gerry's like 'um. no, it's not' and jon deflates a bit but now gerry's curious and he's like 'why?' and jon tries to deflect like 'oh clearly i misunderstood' but gerry's not budging and he's like 'no, no--have you read a leitner? gold bookplate, super fucked-up consequences?' and jon just goes pale which is really all the confirmation gerry needs. gerry feels the need to clarify that he hates them too--that he burns them whenever he gets the chance.
weakly, jon says, 'there... there's more than one?'. and then, a bit stronger: 'you- you're looking for another one? here? and you're going to burn it?'
gerry: yes, that's the plan. why--?
jon, without hesitation: i want to help
and maybe gerry is hesitant at first but, well. it seems like jon is already fully in this, so he reluctantly agrees, and they hunt down the leitner together and gerry lets jon burn it and then they're friends (and it really doesn't take long at all for that to transition into partners).
2. gertrude and elias missing that they're dating is a comedy of errors, including a lot of rather dramatic near misses including, but not limited to:
- jon always leaves a room just before one of them enters
- gerry always talks ambiguously about the person helping him hunt down leitners; elias always assumes he means gertrude, gertrude always assumes he means his mother. this is exploited to a comedic level
- getrude thinks 'going on a date' is code for gerry having a new lead on jurgen leitner and leaving to go chase it down
- when jon joins the institute as a researcher and runs into gerry in the building for the first time, he greets him neutrally in a mutually-agreed display of professionalism while working. gertrude and elias both remark at the fact that 'it's so nice that jon/gerry has a friend'
- gertrude, opening the door to the break room and bustling around inside, looking over at gerry where he's standing in front of the counter, jon sat atop it with his legs bracketing gerry's hips (they have very clearly just been kissing): oh hello gerard. jonathan. talking about leitners again?
jon, a bit embarrassed, slipping into Ultra Professionalism to compensate: i was just discussing with mr. keay the details of case number 0031211 regarding ms. cortena's experience with the talking vase--
gertrude, not at all interested, already knows that it's fake: right, right, carry on then
*after she's gotten her tea and left*
gerry, holding in laughter: 'mr. keay'?
jon, blushing: shut up gerry
3. gerry, casually, not actually aware that getrude doesn't know that he and jon are dating: yeah so then i had to leave my date early to go chase down this leitner and jon was not pleased
gertrude, after a hum of acknowledgement: how unfortunate. i'm not sure how jonathan's opinion on the matter is relevant, however. was he disappointed that you didn't ask him to track down the leitner with you?
gerry, Confused™️: he was.... at the date?
gertrude: at the date? whatever for?
gerry, now staring openly: because i was on a date with him? because we're dating? wait, did you not know that?
gertrude, not willing to admit that she missed that for nearly three years: of course i knew that, gerard. don't be foolish.
gerry, now even more confused: but--
gertrude, without missing a beat: i trust the leitner hunt went well, then?
gerry, after a long pause: um. yes?
gertrude, nodding: good.
4. there's an institute party and everyone's allowed to bring a plus-one
elias, noticing that jon's alone at the party: ah hello, jonathan. no plus one for you today?
jon: no, gerry couldn't make it, unfortunately. family business.
elias, somehow Oblivious, and also very Old Fashioned and way too familiar with his employees: quite. though typically, plus ones are of the romantic capacity. it's nice that you would consider gerard an acceptable substitute though, i suppose
jon, Bi confusion and suddenly unsure if his boss is homophobic: um. it.... it would have been in a romantic capacity?
elias, still Not Getting It: ah, i see. perhaps for the best, then--office parties don't make for pleasant first dates, in my experience
jon, unsure of how much of his personal life he wants to share with elias but not really wanting to pretend like he's not been dating gerry for going on three years now: um. it- it wouldn't be our first date. or- or really a date at all, just an- an event, i really don't think gerry would call this a date
elias, Getting it a little bit: ah. unfortunate, then. congratulations, i suppose, are in order. was it a recent engagement?
jon, ??????, biting the bullet: we've been together for three years, elias
5. jon, handing gerry a wrapped package on their fourth anniversary after they started dating: this is, um. this is for you
gerry, opening it and holding up the little ceramic figure of a dog: jon. is this--?
jon, in a rush: it's from that shop. where we, uh. where we met.
gerry, overcome with such love he really can't stand it, throwing all of his proposal plans out the window and digging the little square velvet box out of his pocket: jon can i ask you a question--
(jon is so surprised he just starts crying. it's only the fifth time gerry's ever seen him cry and he's so worried he said something wrong at first but then jon manages to say yes around his tears and jon wraps his arms around gerry tightly and buries his face in gerry's shoulder and whispers i love you and gerry hugs him tightly in return and says i love you, too, jon. i love you too.)
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long story short - f.w
title: long story short
pairing: fred x female slytherin reader
summary: fred has been in love with y/n since they were fifteen, but the universe was never really on their side. (idk i'm bad at writing summaries but basically best friends to lovers. this takes place during gof in the spring.) this is also vaguely inspired by "long story short" by taylor swift bc i'm obsessed w her (see if you can find the lyrics)
other characters/pairings mentioned: adrian pucey/y/n, fred/angelina, george weasley, harry potter, ron weasley, neville longbottom
content warnings: its all fluff, some parts can be construed as angsty?? maybe probably not. sad fred at some point. sad y/n at some point. fred and y/n are both clueless all the time for no reason.
a/n: i wrote this with my Head Empty, but I hope you enjoy (feedback welcomed) also this wasn't proof read so ignore any grammatical errors
“... right Fred?”
“Yeah that’s cool, whatever,” Fred grumbled as a very irritated George hit his side.
The pair were having breakfast at the Gryffindor table, and the two were supposed to be brainstorming shop ideas, but it was apparent that Fred’s mind was off somewhere else.
Regardless of how hard he tried, Fred’s mind was often clouded with his feelings about Y/N. The two had been best friends since third year, and it took him a long time to realize that he wanted to be much more than just her best friend. But just as expected, right as Fred realized, Y/N had gotten into a relationship.
“Dude, Y/N is with Adrian now, you need to get over it,” George said. While he did feel bad for his twin, there wasn’t much that either of them could do about it.
Fred nodded, but just as he was about to respond to his brother, he noticed a flustered Y/N get up from the Slytherin table. In all honesty, if Fred hadn’t been staring at her he wouldn’t have noticed how distraught she was. Without another thought, the ginger boy got up from his seat and followed her into the corridor.
“Y/N, wait up!” Fred called out, not quite sure what he was going to say to her. The Slytherin girl slowed down, waiting for her friend to catch up.
When it came to his and Y/N’s relationship, there wasn’t a lot they wouldn’t talk about, but Y/N’s relationship with Adrian was a conversation that was often avoided. Y/N knew how Fred felt about Adrian, so she made an effort to keep the two as separate portions of her life.
“Hi, Fred,” Y/N’s cheeks were flushed, her eyes glossy.
Fred winced. Up until she had started dating Adrian, Y/N always called Fred by his nickname. When Y/N started dating Adrian she pulled away from Fred quickly. He could tell she tried to make everything seem normal, but it wasn’t.
“Is everything alright? You walked out of the Great Hall a bit fast.” Fred said. The pair were now sitting on a bench in the courtyard.
“Just… some stuff with Adrian.” Y/N said, knowing that there was no way that Fred would allow her to leave it at that. There was an ever growing vendetta that Fred had against Adrian, and him hurting Y/N would probably be the worst thing that the Slytherin could do.
“Listen, I know I’m not Adrian’s number one fan, but I’m still your best friend.” Fred said, hoping that Y/N would talk to him. It had been months since the two had chatted about anything of substance and he feared their friendship would fall apart if they kept avoiding each other.
Y/N went silent for a moment, weighing her options in her head. After a short while she looked at Fred and started, “Have you ever been in love?”
The question completely caught Fred off guard. He wasn’t exactly sure what he expected Y/N to say, but that wasn’t a question he was prepared to think about.
Sure, Fred had dated around during his time at Hogwarts, but the only person he had ever really loved was Y/N. It wasn’t something he had ever wanted to talk about with her, particularly because he didn’t know how great he would be at concealing his emotions. How terrible would it be for him to confess it to her while she was in a relationship?
Fred nodded, “Yeah, I’ve been in love before.”
“How did you know? What did it feel like?” Y/N asked, looking genuinely curious. Was Y/N truly asking him about this?
Fred looked at her incredulously, speaking once more, “Honestly, love, I think it's different for everyone,” The look on Y/N’s face was unreadable as Fred continued, “for me, I just knew.”
Y/N let out a deep sigh, “I feel like it’s all moving too fast.” There she goes again without any elaboration.
As Fred continued to give her terse answers, Y/N decided she had to describe what she meant. She had never really been great at putting her feelings into words, but she’d try.
“Adrian told me he loved me last night,” Fred’s face faltered, “and I didn’t say a word back.”
Fred wasn’t shocked by the idea that Adrian loved Y/N. The pair had been together for nearly five months, and Fred knew from experience how easy it was to fall in love with Y/N. If anything, it was more of a shock to him that Y/N didn’t say it back.
“But you do love him, right?” Once again, Fred hoped that Y/N would say what he wanted to hear. It was cruel of him to wish that Adrian and Y/N wouldn’t work out, but he couldn’t help it.
“I do,” Dammit. Y/N continued, “but I don’t think I’m in love with him. You know?”
Fred understood completely. He had loved a few of the girls he had dated, but he never felt in love. There was always some sort of hesitation that he had.
“I... just feel like I’m trying to force something that isn’t there,” The frustration was evident in Y/N’s voice. “And I thought that maybe I just needed more time, maybe we were moving too fast, but honestly I just can’t feel the way that I want to about Adrian.”
“Do you think there’s a reason why you can’t love him? You wouldn’t stop talking about him during Christmas break.” Fred said, recalling Y/N’s happiness after Adrian had asked her to the Yule Ball.
“What do you mean? I don’t think I acted any differently about Adrian during break.” Y/N was confused. If anything, Fred was the one who had acted strangely during Christmas break.
“No, I definitely recall you acting funny,” Fred said as Y/N shot him a glare.”You ignored me for two weeks Y/N.” Y/N frowned, shaking her head.
Fred remembered the two weeks in vivid detail. Up until six months ago, Fred and Y/N were attached at the hip. That’s why Y/N’s sudden absence in his life stung. In some way it felt like Y/N had picked Adrian over Fred, but he didn’t know why.
“Fred, I did ignore you, but do you really not know why?” Y/N said.
Once more, Fred tried to remember the events leading up to Y/N and Adrian’s relationship, but everything seemed normal. Adrian and Y/N had always been friends. It wasn’t strange for friends to date.
Fred shook his head, prompting Y/N to tell him what had happened.
It was a week before the Yule Ball, and the cheeriness around the castle was gleaming. The Great Hall was decked out with garlands of tinsel. Mistletoe was hanging in all of the corridors. It was nearly impossible to be unhappy with how much light was around., but as Y/N had watched what felt like the fiftieth person get asked to the Yule Ball, she was feeling less than cheerful.
“Y/N!” Fred greeted, earning an adoring smile from the girl in front of him. She was sitting in the Gryffindor common room, as she had just been working on an herbology project with Neville.
“Hiya, Freddie, what’s up?” Y/N was excited. She and Fred had been spending a lot more time together recently, and she was convinced that he was going to finally ask her out.
Fred smiled, “I need advice. ” Y/N nodded, encouraging the ginger boy to continue, “if you were to get asked to say, a ball, how would you want to be asked?”
Y/N was practically exploding with joy at this point, but alas, Fred still needed an answer.
“Well, for me personally, I’m not fond of the huge gestures. I feel like if you really like someone then you should just… ask? I know that’s a bit boring, but I wouldn’t want everyone to be involved in my business, so public gestures aren’t for me.” Y/N was getting rambly, a clear sign of her nerves.
Before Y/N could ramble anymore, Fred was marching up the dormitory stairs, calling out a short, “Thanks, Y/N!” over his shoulder.
Although Fred’s behavior was strange, Y/N brushed it off as Fred being, well, Fred. The boy often did things that were unexplainable. It wasn’t until dinner that day that Y/N had realized why Fred had asked her about the ball.
“Y/N, c’mon what’s on your mind?” Adrian asked, poking his friend in the side. Y/N was staring down her plate, pushing around peas with her fork. After her encounter with Fred earlier in the day, she had been on edge. The ball was coming up quick, and at this point it was now or never.
“It’s nothing important, don’t worry about me.” Y/N had finally put her fork down, flashing a sad smile at the boy. Adrian looked suspicious, but as he opened his mouth to talk, the pair noticed commotion at the Gryffindor table.
George was ruffling Fred’s hair, and Ron and Harry were laughing. Fred had a smirk on his face, his cheeks tinged a pink color. Just as Y/N was about to approach Fred to ask what the deal was, Fred walked out of the dining hall.
“I’ll be right back,” Y/N told Adrian, before walking to the Gryffindor table to ask George about what was up.
“Hey, George, what was that all about?” Y/N asked as she sat.
“Oh, Freddie boy just asked Angelina to the Yule Ball!” George replied, causing the two other boys to start to laugh again.
Y/N muttered a “thanks” to George before heading out of the Great Hall. She nearly sprinted to the Slytherin common room, not wanting to have a meltdown in the middle of the hall. Y/N was convinced that Fred would ask her to the ball, and it stung like hell to know that he had asked someone that wasn’t her.
When she arrived outside the common room, Adrian was waiting outside for her. Without any question, Adrian outstretched his arms, embracing the teary-eyed girl.
“You wanted me to ask you to the ball!?” Fred asked, mentally slapping himself for being so clueless.
Y/N nodded her head yes, clasping her hands together. She thought she had been very obvious about how she felt about Fred, but it was clear he truly didn’t know.
“I’m sorry, Y/N, I never meant to make you upset. Angie and I went as friends anyway.” Fred apologized. He hated seeing Y/N cry, and to think that he was the reason made his insides churn.
While Y/N had cleared up her pre-Yule Ball behavior, there were still a few questions that Fred had.
“Okay, but what does any of that have to do with Adrian? If you wanted me to ask you out, why did you start dating Adrian?” Fred asked, despite knowing how forward all of those questions were.
Y/N sighed, this wasn’t the part of the story that she was particularly proud of.
“Other than you and George, Adrian is probably my closest guy friend. After I heard about you and Angie, Adrian was the person who comforted me while I was crying. I think somewhere along the lines I got my feelings for him all confused…” Y/N trailed off.
“Adrian was sort of an escape from everything. I thought that if you were dating Angie it would stop whatever friendship we had going. It felt like I got knocked off of some weird pedestal.” Y/N’s explanation made some sense, but it didn’t explain why she wouldn’t just talk to him.
“Why didn’t you just talk to me, Y/N? We’re best friends.”
Y/N let out a soft laugh, “I sort of went down a rabbit hole when I stopped talking to you. I was embarrassed, and Adrian was sweet. But after it all, I think I was trying to emulate whatever feelings I had for you with him. I thought clinging to another person would stop my feelings. Clearly it didn’t work. It was just a bad time.”
From what Y/N was saying, Fred was hoping that this meant something for the two of them. But right now, Y/N was still with Adrian, and neither of them would ever do that to them.
“Y/N, you need to tell Adrian how you feel.” If the two were going to date, it had to be proper. Fred didn’t want to be some sort of secret.
“I did, that’s why I ran off actually. We broke it off yesterday, it was just a lot for me to be sitting with him today…” Y/N was slightly embarrassed.
“There goes your excellent communication skills again, why didn’t you start with that?” Fred teased, earning a groan from Y/N.
“Hey, the knife cuts both ways. If you had just said that you were asking Angie to the ball I would have never gotten my hopes up!” Y/N quipped back, intertwining her hands with Fred’s.
Fred sighed happily, “Is there any chance that you still feel the same way about me?” Fred was sure he knew what she’d say, but this situation had proved the two needed to talk more.
Y/N laughed, pressing a soft kiss to his lips, “I’m all about you, Freddie.”
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crypticwanda · 3 years
Idk why but I had this kind of silly and sweet idea where the reader and Bucky live together and one day while Bucky is maybe making breakfast he hears her scream. He goes into super soldier mode only to find out it’s because she found a bug in their room. He’d tease her a little but then heroically get rid of the bug.
Just thought that would be fluffy and cute.
Bug trouble
Summary: bucky hears his s/o scream in the morning, worried that they could be in trouble, but the threat is much smaller than expected
pairing(s): bucky barnes x reader
warnings: cursing, mention of spider? nothing too in detail but they talk about it
notes: domestic bucky is the best type of bucky
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Your mouth hung open as you let out a yawn while rubbing your eyes softly. You were walking down the stairs, still half asleep, after you woke up in a bed without Bucky by your side. You reach the bottom of the stairs as you begin to smell food from the kitchen. You stepped softly on the hardwood until you reached the entrance of the kitchen to see Bucky standing at the stove cooking.
A small sigh of relief fell through your lips as you saw him standing there. You walked up to him slowly, your eyes still half closed. Softly, you reach your hands up and wrap them around Bucky's lower torso. The sudden touch causes him to jump slightly but he softens when he turns his head to see that it's you. "I was wondering when you would get up." Bucky said with a smile on his face as he turned his head back to the pan. All you do is groan in response as you keep your head pressed against his back. He chuckles at your response as he let's go of the spatula in his right hand and turns slightly and wraps his arm around your shoulders. He pulled you close to him as you kept your arms wrapped around him. He pressed a kiss to the top of your head causing a smile to appear on your face.
"Are you hungry?" He asks softly as he slowly moved his arm away from your shoulders and back to the pan. "Yeah." You mumbled as you brought your hands to your sides. "I just started not too long ago, it might take a minute before it's done." He explains as he turns to you with a soft smile. "Good, I'm gonna take a quick shower." You tell him as he nods before turning his focus back to the food in the pan. You turn around and begin walking back the way up came from upstairs. You held onto the railing as you lazily walked up the wooden stairs and turned to go into your bedroom. You pressed the light switch on and made your way over to your dresser to grab a clean outfit to change into. Once you found an outfit, you close the drawers to the dresser and walk into the bathroom.
Bucky kept his focus on the food below him on the stove, making sure it wouldn't burn. A few minutes later, he hears a heart-wrenching scream come from upstairs. Immediately Bucky dropped the spatula in his hand, almost knocking the entire pan off of the stove, and almost slipped as he began running up the stairs. "Y/N!" He worriedly called out as he swiftly made his way upstairs.
As he turned to run into the bedroom, he saw you standing there with your clothes in your arm as you pointed one of your arms towards the open bathroom door. "Y/N, are you okay?" Bucky asked as he came up to you and held onto your shoulders. "There is a huge ass spider in the bathroom!" You yell as you keep your finger pointed towards the bathroom. Bucky's worried face slowly evolved into a confused one. "What?" He asked, still trying to process what you had said. "Look! Look!" You tell him as you backed up even further away from the bathroom. Bucky turned his head and slowly walked over to the bathroom. "It's in the shower!" You told him as he peeked his head into the bathroom. He looked over into the shower and saw a common house spider slowly moving around the floor of the shower. It was slightly smaller than the size of your palm and was moving very slowly. Bucky chuckled slightly as he turned his head around to look at you. "Really?" He asked, almost laughing. "Don't 'really?' me! Do you see the size of that thing?!" You argued as you stayed on the other side of the room.
He kept a smile on his face as he turned back to look into the bathroom. "I'll be right back." He said as turned and walked out of the room and down stairs. "What?! Don't leave me in here with that thing!" You called out as you heard him laugh slightly as he walked downstairs. "I'm gonna kill you!" You yelled out, jokingly. After a few seconds, Bucky came back with a small clear cup and a piece of cardboard. "Don't worry, I got this." He says dramatically as he holds his hands up. "Just shut up and get it out!" You said dramatically as he chuckled beneath his breath.
He walked into the bathroom and kneeled down next to the shower where the spider was. He quickly put the cup above the spider so that it couldn't move and swiftly put the piece of cardboard under the cup so that the spider was secure. He held the bottom of the cup tightly so that the spider couldn't escape and walked out of the bathroom. He made his way downstairs and to the front door. He opened the door and walked out to a few bushes and let the spider go free.
He walked back inside and closed the door as you stood at the top of the stairs, looking down intently. "Is it gone?" You asked, much more calm now. "The bathroom is now safe and sound." He said with a smile on his face as you felt relief. "Thank you." You told him as he began walking back upstairs. "You're so tough but get scared at sight of a little bug?" He chuckled as he pulled you into his chest. "That was not a little bug! That was huge!" You protested as you pulled yourself away from his arms and you heard him chuckle once again. "House spiders aren't deadly, Y/N." He says reassuringly with a smile on his face. "Still, they're terrifying." You said as you looked to the side. He laughed again as he wrapped his arms around your waist from behind and laid his head on your neck, causing you to laugh softly. "Don't worry, no matter how big the threat, I'll be there to protect you from it." He said as he kissed your neck softly. You laughed again at his statement as you brought one of your arms up and put it in his hair. "How heroic." You sarcastically said as you felt him smile on your neck.
Then, you sniffed through your nose to smell something in the air. "Do you smell smoke?" You ask him seriously as he pulls away from your neck and looks at you confused for a second. His expression drops to worried as he turns and runs down the stairs. "The food!" He worriedly says as small curses were heard through his mouth as you heard the smoke alarm start beeping. The comedic timing was too good and you broke out into laughter as he went to take the food off of the stove.
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makeste · 3 years
some follow-up thoughts on BnHA 306
mostly Deku angst, but also a little Baku angst (and some TodoBaku angst) mixed in for good measure. because there’s plenty of angst to go around.
1. “if I’d only been stronger...”
I’ll talk more about Deku later in this post as well, because there’s definitely plenty to talk about; this is the most character development he’s gotten in almost 200 chapters. but for starters, I want to discuss the possible parallels between Deku’s current character arc, and what is arguably the most iconic moment of angst/character development in the series.
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remember how this kid, who up until this point had rarely seemed to give two fucks about the world around him, suddenly revealed that he blamed himself for being the downfall of All Might? remember how it came almost out of nowhere? how he’d been hiding it, and trying to suppress it? “but even if I try to forget... sometimes it all just comes rushing back.”
yeah. so anyway, I got to thinking -- if being the cause of one hero’s downfall could affect someone this badly, what about being responsible for the downfall of all heroes?
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what if a boy who wanted nothing more than to keep people safe suddenly found himself at the epicenter of a disaster that killed hundreds, possibly even thousands of people?
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now obviously, this is not the sole thing that’s troubling Deku right now; this kid has a whole array of traumas as of the War arc. like, you know it’s bad when Society As We Know It Coming To An End Partially Because Of You is the least of your problems. but still, I think this is worth bringing up, because the hero kids blaming themselves for things that aren’t their fault is hardly anything new. and yet, what with everything else that’s been going on -- all of the Todoroki drama, and Vestige revelations, and hospital antics, and political strife -- I feel like it’s easy to forget or overlook this little detail.
the fact is that AFO put this entire plan into motion solely in the hopes of finally obtaining OFA. every single thing that happened at Jakku -- Tomura powering up; Machia waking up and going on his rampage (after being ordered to do so by Tomura); and even Dabi/Touya choosing this moment to finally strike (because he knew this was when the reveal would do the maximum damage -- when people’s faith in heroes was already wavering) -- every last bit of it can ultimately be traced back to AFO’s desire to steal OFA. which, obviously, makes it AFO’s fault, not Deku’s. but then, Kamino wasn’t actually Katsuki’s fault either. it wasn’t his fault the villains went after him (but he blamed himself anyway), and it wasn’t his fault that people got hurt in the ensuing battle to save him (but he blamed himself anyway).
just. I think we’re underestimating just how strong of an impact all of this likely had on Deku. we haven’t really had the chance to see him process it yet. he’s been too busy, and there have been too many other things going on. but I’m telling you guys, that empty look in his eyes in the final page of the chapter? I can all but guarantee you that at least some of that emotional weight is coming from this.
sure would be nice if he had a friend who knew exactly what that was like, and could help him process the guilt and all of the other associated emotions, just like Deku once helped him. unfortunately I’m not so sure things will be that easy this time around. anyways though let’s move on to a couple of other thoughts and speculations.
2. “...and I bullied him.”
one of my least-favorite BnHA fanfic tropes is the one where the rest of class 1-A somehow finds out about Katsuki and Deku’s history -- i.e. that Katsuki bullied Deku throughout most of their childhood. mind you, it’s not the concept itself that I dislike; it’s mostly how it’s used. a lot of times it’s just an excuse to have all of the other kids turn on Katsuki and ostracize him; either because the author thinks that’s what he deserves, or else so that Deku can eventually come to his rescue and defend him and shame the rest of the class for not seeing how much he’s changed. either way, it’s usually pretty awkward to read, and more often than not the characters are pretty OOC (especially Ochako and Todoroki).
however! there’s a big difference between fanfic and canon, and just because I’m not a fan of this trope in the former doesn’t mean it couldn’t be executed well in the latter. and lately I’ve been thinking about this a lot. mainly for three reasons:
the recent (can we still call it recent?? well whatever) scene where Katsuki confessed to All Might that he used to bully Deku is now one of my favorite scenes in the entire series, and proof that this can be executed well.
both Todoroki and Deku have finally had their respective big secrets revealed to the rest of the class. so like, idk. feels like it just might be secret-revealing season now, you know?
and lastly, as a result of Deku’s secret about OFA finally being revealed, the rest of 1-A now either knows, or can extrapolate, that he used to be quirkless.
and from there, I feel like it’s not all that hard to put two and two together with how terrible Kacchan and Deku’s relationship was when they first started at UA. that’s not a terribly difficult puzzle to solve. so I feel like it might come out anyway, and if so, I’d prefer Bakugou telling them himself, and taking responsibility as part of his atonement process. because we know that he regrets it. we know their relationship has changed. we know that he has changed. and so I think I might like to see this.
alternately, if confessing to the entire class is too much, at the very least I could see him confessing to Shouto, because I’ve always felt like this was one of the big things that made Katsuki so resistant to letting Todoroki call him a friend. because I feel like there’s a part of Katsuki that saw the parallels between Endeavor’s abuse of Shouto and his own bullying of Deku, and thought, he wouldn’t be so quick to call me his friend if he actually knew the truth. and so there’s actually been this roadblock wedged between them this whole time that Shouto doesn’t even know about. because Shouto hates Endeavor. and so it’s not such a leap to assume he’d hate Katsuki too if he knew just how terrible he’d been to Deku when they were younger.
not that I think he actually would! actually I don’t think either of those things is actually true (because Shouto clearly doesn’t hate his father either, in spite of everything that’s happened). but the point isn’t what I think -- the point is what Katsuki thinks. and I really do think there’s a good chance he’s worried about Shouto hating him, and it’s one of the things that’s made him so reluctant to accept his friendship. anyway, so I’m really just rambling now, but you get my point. I don’t know if this is actually going to happen, but it’s a scene I would like to see if Horikoshi decides to indulge me.
3. “...so when you wake up, please give him my best.”
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and now, as promised, back to Deku.
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ngl guys, when I first saw this image, my immediate thought was that Gran must have died. because I mean, hello, leaving U.A.?? donning himself in his teacher’s old cape?? empty, exhausted look in his eyes?? what else were we supposed to think lol.
but maybe that was an overreaction. because when I think about it more, Gran’s death isn’t strictly necessary in order to push Deku over the edge. first of all, there’s already the whole “hero society is in ruins now because of you” thing I mentioned earlier. but also, there are just so many other things. like, let’s just list them here because omg. what a rough couple of days this kid had.
he was forced to battle TomurAFO and was terribly injured in the process (most of which was his own fault, but he wouldn’t have gone that far with OFA unless he felt like he had no choice)
and it wasn’t just him that was injured, either. in fact, even though he tried to act as bait to keep everyone else safe, he wasn’t able to stop three of the people closest to him from nearly being killed right before his eyes
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and of course that last one was especially traumatic, because it was Kacchan, and because he had to watch Kacchan nearly die just to protect him. out of all the things that Deku witnessed in this arc, this might be the one that had the biggest impact on him
he was also basically helpless to do anything to protect Shouto and Endeavor when Dabi showed up. so again, we have this running theme of people he cares about being hurt and him not being able to save them
and he also got sucked into the OFA Interstellar Dream Vortex for a brief spell during the battle, during which he learned that AFO had possessed Tomura. more importantly, he learned that Tomura was Nana’s grandson, a fact which was only briefly touched on during that scene, but which I think wound up being the trigger to the whole avalanche that ended with Deku leaving UA. but more on that in a moment
anyway so just to wrap this all up, the battle eventually ended, Tomura got away despite all of their efforts, and then Deku wound up comatose in the hospital for two days. which brings us to the most recent chapters, during which
Deku learns that he will be the last wielder of OFA, whether he likes or not
Deku learns the identity of the last two mystery OFA users
and then at some point, he wakes up and presumably talks to Gran, and winds up with his cape
something happened during these last two scenes which helped to push Deku over the edge. I won’t delve into the matter of the Second or Third users for now, although most of you already know my suspicions regarding that, and I do think that would fit into the general pattern here (that is, the pattern of Deku feeling more and more strongly that he is putting the people around him in danger, and his fear of losing them becoming so overwhelming that it eventually pushes him to leave).
but that’s not what I want to talk about for now. what I want to talk about is Gran. specifically, what it is that Deku discussed with Gran. and this is where we come back to that reveal I mentioned earlier -- that Tomura is Nana’s grandchild.
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basically, what I think happened is that Deku mentioned seeing Nana in the OFA Zany Psychedelic Spirit Void, which led to the topic of Tomura, and the fun fact Deku recently learned about him being related to Nana. this, in turn leads to Gran divulging his various regrets about everything that happened with him and Nana and Kotarou. his intent is to apologize to Deku for placing the burden of their failures on him. unfortunately, the part that Deku actually gets fixated on instead is this:
All for One hunted down and killed Nana’s son (and probably her husband as well), and stole her grandchild and psychologically tortured him into becoming a mass murderer, for no other reason than that Nana had once held OFA
in other words, AFO can and will hurt and kill anyone Deku is close to, anyone who has any kind of connection to him at all, without mercy, and regardless of whether it actually gives him any kind of tactical advantage or not. he’ll do it simply to hurt him. no other reason necessary.
I don’t know about you, but for me that would be a terrifying realization. and for Deku, I think it just might have been the tipping point.
so, let’s recap.
Deku learns that AFO is after him
AFO/Tomura very nearly kills several of Deku’s most important people, including Kacchan
and then he learns that this is just the tip of the iceberg, and realizes that all of their lives are still in danger and will continue to be as long as Deku is AFO’s target
and then add to all of this the misplaced guilt about society already being shambles, and the heroes already having more than enough to worry about. they’re barely holding things together as it is. and we already know how Deku feels about being a burden to them:
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and so instead, he leaves. of course he does. in hindsight, I think this was inevitable.
the question is, did anyone else also put the pieces together in time to realize what Deku was planning before he actually left? specifically, did Katsuki, who understands Deku’s self-sacrificial nature better than anyone else, see the signs and put two and two together? like he did back at Jakku?
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and if he did, would Deku have been willing to accept his help again?
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somehow, I can’t help but think it might not be that easy this time.
anyway, so that was a lot of rambling, lol. sorry about that. I JUST HAVE A LOT OF FEELINGS about all of this angsty shit. tired nomad Deku needs hugs and comfort and someone to reassure him that he doesn’t have to face this alone, and that everything is going to be all right. HE IS JUST A LITTLE BOY. this is too much, and I cannot handle any of these feels, and oh my god, somebody please help him.
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baekhansol · 3 years
prologue: pretty please
pairing: werewolf!jackson x f!reader
genre: werewolf au, fluff, smut, angsty ending | rated: mature
word count: 3.6K
warnings: lying, fluff, oral (f receiving), slight orgasm denial, sort of nipple play (reader on self), unprotected sex, knotting, sort of awful sex I'm sorry jackson, angsty ending, and lmk if i am missing anything!
note: so this is the prologue to a series I am writing!! i hope you all really like it! I actually decided today it fits as more of a prologue than a chapter one, so :p please enjoy and maybe give me feedback idk also i know the smut in it sucks i'm sorry
You often found yourself in the library during the day, studying and doing homework or taking a break and watching anime. You had been sitting there for an hour or so, and it was starting to get busy. It always did around midterms and finals; you were just glad you found your own small table to sit at.
You were working on a paper when someone came up, smiling a bit awkwardly. “Hey, would you mind if I sit here? I’ll be quiet, I promise,” He says, hesitating to sit down. He had an accent that you couldn’t quite place, as it only happened with some words.
When you finish the sentence you were typing and look up, you do your best to hide your surprise at how handsome he was. He was absolutely stunning, making you question your own appearance. “Oh, um, sure,” you say, your cheeks flushing with heat as you make room for him.
“I’m Jackson, by the way,” He says as he pulls out the chair and sits, getting himself comfortable across from you.
“I’m Y/N,” you respond, still blushing.
“It’s nice to meet you,” he says, offering a charming smile as he pulls out his laptop.
The next week at the same time, he showed up again and asked, “Y/N, is it alright if I join you?”
You nod, a shy smile finding its way onto your face. “What are you studying?” you eventually ask him, tilting your head slightly.
“Business,” Jackson says, glancing up at you with a smile. “Actually, it’s my masters and I’m focusing on international business. What about you?”
When you tell him, he listens intently and asks polite questions- the right ones, too. Not the usual ones you always get.
The next week you’re running late and stop at the vending machine to grab your favorite candy. Going to your usual table, you do a double take when someone is already there. You pause awkwardly, only to realize it was Jackson waiting there with a second cup of coffee.
“Oh, hey Jackson,” you say, blushing as you join him.
He smiles at you, pushing one of the cups towards you. “I got you a coffee, just the way you like it.”
You suspiciously tilt your head, taking a sip, only to be surprised that it was the way you liked your coffee. “How did you know?” you laugh, getting out your laptop.
“I know some of the workers,” he sheepishly admits. You laugh and open the candy, offering him some.
“I shouldn’t, I’m on a diet,” he says with a pout.
“Oh, come on,” you scoff, raising an eyebrow.
He playfully rolls his eyes before grabbing a piece.
Soon, every Tuesday you would meet up with Jackson in the library. Before midterms, it became every Tuesday and Thursday until finals, when it was almost every day. It was on one of these Thursdays that he asked you, “Are you free tomorrow?”
You tilt your head, wondering what he was getting to. He seemed to always have plans on Fridays during your normal study time, and you tried not to study too late since the library closed early. “Uh, no, I don’t think so? Why do you ask?” you respond.
“Well, I was thinking that I could take you for a date! If you wanted to, that is…”
You could tell he was a little nervous, and you realized you were staring at him blankly. You let out an embarrassed laugh, nodding. “Yes, sorry, I was just… yes, I would like that,” you admit, shaking your head some.
“Great! I can pick you up after your class tomorrow? Just make sure you dress warm!” he says with a grin.
“You already have a plan? What is it? Tell me~?” you ask, pouting a little bit.
“Nope, it’s a secret!” he laughs, smiling brightly. “You have to wait until tomorrow to know!”
The next day, you woke up early to get ready. You wore warm clothes like he said, and did your makeup cutely but not excessively, especially since it seemed like you would be outside. In class, you were extra fidgety and kept checking the clock. It felt like time slowed, but you knew it was from your anticipation.
Right on cue as class ended, your phone vibrated. Checking it, you noticed a text from Jackson saying he was outside the building.
You all but run out of the classroom down to the parking lot, finding him standing outside grinning.
“Will you tell me what we are doing now?” you ask, giving him your puppy dog eyes.
“Maybe,” he teases, leading you to his car. He opens the door for you and even shuts it, getting in on the other side. “Does hiking sound okay? Then takeout and a movie at my place?” Jackson asks. You see a hopeful glint and the worry in his eyes, and your smile grows.
“That sounds wonderful!” you tell him.
“Great!” he says, starting to drive. “You’ll love it! I go here quite often, and it’s very pretty. I’ve seen some deer and some really neat birds before there.”
“Oh, really? Do you know what kinds of birds?” you ask, curious.
“Well, I’m not sure since they’re not the same as back home, but definitely some owls! I went out later than I should have. And I don’t know if it was a falcon, eagle, or hawk. But those too.”
“I think we have all three here,” you laugh.
“Well, that really doesn’t help identify it any, now does it,” he laughs with you.
“Not in the slightest,” you giggle.
“Well I guess if we see them, maybe you’ll know,” Jackson says, turning onto a gravel road.
“What am I, a bird expert now?” you laugh more.
“No, you’re just a native here,” he responds with a little pout.
“Still not a bird expert,” you point out.
“I know, but you will know better than me,” he reasons.
“Maybe, maybe not,” you say, shaking your head as he parks in a small parking lot.
“We are here!” Jackson says, turning off the car. He leads you over to the map by the trail entrance, glancing at it once before heading down.
“We’ll follow the blue markers this time,” he says, pointing them out on the tree.
“What do they mean? You didn’t give me time to read the map,” you say with a huff.
“They mean we’re going the correct way,” he tells you smartly.
“That’s not what I meant and you know it!”
“I know. And there’s nothing you can do about it but follow me and find out,” he teases you, taking your hand and leading you.
You’re both careful not to trip over any of the roots or loose rocks, and you start getting glances of white.
“Is that a river?” you ask, glancing at what looked like ice.
“Uh, maybe,” Jackson responded in an unbelievable manner. Of course he knew, he just wasn’t going to tell you.
Eventually, you made it to more of a clearing. Jackson didn’t even have to point to what it was he wanted to show you. You stood in awe instead.
Winter was definitely there, and you knew that since the little fountains on campus were frozen over. But this, this was a sight to behold. The entire river had frozen over, and what must usually be a gorgeous waterfall had frozen over. The water had frozen against the rocks, sharp spears of it dangerously hanging from the main body of water. You swore if the sun was just right, you could see some of the water on the very inside running down inside the thick, frozen ice.
“Isn’t it beautiful?” Jackson asks you, his voice hushed. All you could do was nod.
The next Tuesday, you got to the library first. “Want to go on a second date?” you bluntly ask him when he joins you.
He laughs before smiling, nodding. “Of course, I’d love to,” Jackson assures you.
You’re not sure if you can ever end up choosing a favorite date by the time finals end. Your last “date” was taking him to the airport. He was going home for the break, and you wanted to take him.
“I guess this is as far as we can go, huh?” you ask sadly, looking at the security checkpoint.
“Yeah, I’m sorry, Y/N,” Jackson says, fidgeting with his ticket as if he were nervous.
“Well, I’m sure everything will go well…” you say, almost more nervous than he was. “I mean, you’ve flown lots of times before, so this shouldn’t be any different…” you start to ramble in an attempt to console him.
He chuckles a little, gently putting his hand on your shoulder before tilting up your chin.
“Y/N, will you be my girlfriend?” Jackson softly asks, his dark eyes meeting yours.
Your heart leaped in your chest. You thought of him as your boyfriend, but you weren’t sure if you were official or not, so it made you a little nervous. But at his question, your lips smiled on their own, and you nod as much as you can for his hand holding onto your chin. “Yes!” you whisper.
“Can I kiss you?” he asks, causing you to blush and nod. Once given consent, he kisses you sweetly.
“I promise I’ll be back soon, okay?” Jackson says as he pulls away and picks up his things.
“Alright… be safe,” you tell him, feeling your cheeks burn.
“I will,” he assures you, kissing your cheek before leaving.
A few days later, when he was over jet lag, you face timed him. You were eating breakfast at the time, and he was eating dinner.
“How are you?” You ask, happy to see him again and hear his voice.
“I’m doing much better now that I get to see my beautiful girlfriend~” he coos playfully, causing you to laugh.
“Okay, okay. How was the plane trip? How are things going back home?” you ask, wanting more details.
“It went well, don’t worry. I am home safe, although it is a bit hectic at times,” he assures you.
“Why is it hectic? You’re on a break~ you need to relax!” you tell him with a huff.
“I know, I know, don’t worry, I am,” he again assures you.
“You better be,” you huff back, pouting slightly.
Just like that, your library dates were replaced with virtual ones. Some days you could only talk for a few minutes, some days you went on for hours. Every now and then, he even would sing you to sleep. You always slept well when he would.
When the holidays came, he ended up sending you a cd of songs he recorded to help you sleep.
When the semester started up again, you would meet in the library Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays this time. You sat at the same table, but also flirted more when you studied. You made sure to keep up your grades, since they were incredibly important to you.
After the initial start up hump of the beginning of the semester, you started to remember something strange about Jackson that you had forgotten or just hadn’t had the time to realize before. It wasn’t quite a gut feeling of danger, but a feeling of something was wrong. He would get sick nearly every month for a few days without fail. In the last week of January, Jackson was out sick for over a week.
The following Monday, Jackson comes back to the library, and you immediately perk up. “Jackson, how are you feeling? Your roommate told me you were sick,” you ask him.
“I was, but I am feeling much better now,” he assures you, smiling.
You felt a tug in your stomach, and you knew he was lying. “Jackson, you get sick more often than… well, anyone I know. What’s wrong?” you insist.
He sighs, his smile faltering. “I have an immune disorder. I don’t like talking about it much, but I often get sick,” he tells you.
So, you believed him.
You believed him until your introductory anatomy course went over autoimmune disorders. He didn’t fit any of the basic descriptions for them. You ended up choosing to do a paper on the topic, so you ended up pressuring him more when he was at your place for a movie date night.
“Jackson, I’ve been working on a paper for autoimmune disorders. I may have to narrow it down to one in particular… So, I was wondering what one you had?” you ask him, wanting to be a supportive girlfriend.
He sighs and seems irritated about it, and you couldn’t quite tell what was wrong. “I’m sorry, Y/N. I just… I feel like I can’t tell you…” he admits, shocking you.
You felt like you had told him everything. You told him about your asthma, how your therapy sessions went, what you wanted to improve on, your insecurities about your body, even sexual things you had thought about eventually exploring with him.
But he couldn’t tell you this? After you told him about your mental health issues? You were shocked and speechless.
After a moment, you finally catch your thoughts. “Jackson… you know you can tell me anything, right?” you say softly, frowning and not realizing you were tearing up.
Jackson’s face softens, and he pulls you into a hug, rubbing your back. “I’m sorry, I know. You’re right,” he soothes, sighing slightly. “I just… don’t want you to hate me or think I am a freak or anything,” he further admits.
“Jackson, I love you. I could never,” you whisper. It was the first time you had said that.
His heart melts at your words, and he started tearing up. You pull away, and he cups your cheeks.
He lets out a short sigh, making up his mind. “Alright baby. Well, I’ll just say it,” he tells you, now opting to hold your hands. Jackson gently squeezes them as he admits, “I’m a werewolf.”
You pause, staring at him as you replay his words in your mind. You then pull away and laugh, shaking your head. “No, seriously Jackson,” you say, feeling anxious. Why would he lie to you?
“I am being serious,” he sighs, running a hand through his hair.
“Then-then prove it,” you say, but it comes out as more of a question.
Jackson sighs softly, tilting his head some. “Alright. Count to ten and come into your room,” he says, going in.
You huff, counting out loud.
You stand up and head towards your room.
You turn the doorknob and say, “I’m coming in now.”
You open the door and are immediately greeted with a massive wolf. Oddly enough, he had the eyes of Jackson.
You quickly shut your door, knowing you weren’t allowed to have pets in your building.
“Um…” you begin, staring at him in confusion. You look around the room, wondering where Jackson was, only to notice his clothes on the floor. “So, you’re really-?” you begin, looking at the wolf again.
He nods and you groan, covering your face with your hands.
You hear him jump off the bed, and after hearing snapping and popping, you glance up and see Jackson pulling his pants back on. You quickly look away, your cheeks heating up as you try not to stare at his well defined body.
“Told you so,” he murmurs, smirking because he knew.
"Well this is rather awkward. What immune disorder do I choose to write about now?" You say with a laugh.
"Sorry babe. Let's go watch that movie now, yeah?" He suggests, taking your hand and leading you back to the living room.
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After learning about werewolves, Jackson would take you on hiking dates. Sometimes he would run around as a wolf, and other times you would ride him like a horse, which was probably ridiculous to look at, if anyone ever saw you. But he liked to show off.
After finals, you stayed with him for a week. You weren't ready to go home yet, but you already had to move out of the dorm you were staying in.
You were cuddling with him and watching a movie. You felt your insides burn with anxiety, having been wanting to tell him something for a while, but too embarrassed to say. See, once you admitted you were a virgin, Jackson took things very slowly with you. You enjoyed giving him blowjobs after he taught you about how he would knot, and the furthest he went on you was giving you oral once.
But now you felt ready to progress your relationship further, but you didn't know how to say it.
"Jackson," you say, feeling your cheeks heating up.
"Yes, baby?" He says, looking at you. He knew something was up and you needed to tell him something, but he honestly had no idea what it would be.
"I… think I'm ready," you admit, nibbling your lip.
"Ready for what?" He asks, raising an eyebrow in confusion.
"Having sex," you bashfully admit.
"Oh," he says, surprised. "Right now?" He asks, trying not to sound too eager.
You shake your head. "No, not right now. But soon," you assure him, feeling embarrassed.
"Well, I don't mind waiting a little longer," he assures you, kissing the top of your head.
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One minute you were grinding on Jackson, making out on the couch. The next, you and Jackson were both naked in bed. He lays you down, hovering over you as he kisses you.
“Jackson, can I give you a blowjob?”
“Don’t worry about making me feel good. I want to eat you out,” he says, pulling away from you and spreading your legs.
“Yes please,” you say, nodding softly.
He kisses your thighs, teasing you by biting and marking them. He knew this made you needy, as your thighs were sensitive. Jackson eventually kisses your clit, causing you to moan. He smirks as he licks your folds, maintaining eye contact as you blush.
“We’ve done this how many times? And you always get so bashful,” Jackson gently teases, quickly going to work.
He sucks your clitoris, his tongue flicking it as your juices leak out and onto his chin. Your hand grabs his hair, tugging as you moan. Jackson uses his strong arms to keep your legs open. He notices your hole clenching around nothing, boosting his ego.
Jackson inserts a finger, curling it up against your g spot, which causes you to cry out his name.
“You’re doing so good for me,” he whispers against your folds, pausing his kisses to your mound as he adds a second finger, working on stretching you out.
“Feels so good,” you whine, gasping as he adds a third finger. “I’m close,” you pant, reaching down to rub your clit. Jackson stops you and pulls out his fingers with a smirk.
“Jackson?!” you gasp, pouting that he took away your orgasm.
“I want to cum with you,” he explains, smiling sweetly.
You sigh and lay your head back down, nodding.
“Are you sure you don’t want to use condoms?” Jackson checks, raising an eyebrow.
“Positive. You said yourself I wasn’t fertile,” you admit, blushing some.
“Alright,” he says, teasing your folds with his tip. Jackson watches as your hole clenches around nothing, desperately wanting his cock.
“Please Jackson,” you huff, not liking how he began to rub his cock against your folds.
“I’m getting myself lubricated,” Jackson smugly responds, grinding into you, tapping his cock against your swollen bud.
“Fuck~” you cry, pulling your hair. “Please Jackson, I want to have sex with you,” you beg, tearing up in need.
“Hmm, alright,” Jackson says, slowly sliding his tip inside of you. He grabs your hands and kisses you, letting you adjust to his girth. He slowly slides in, huffing into your ear softly.
“Jackson, please move,” you beg once he bottoms out.
“Yes ma’am,” he teases you, starting with slow thrusts. Jackson greedily watches your breasts bounce with each thrust, a near-feral grin finding its way on his face.
“Faster, please,” you murmur, doing your best to keep your eyes open as you squeeze his hands.
He readily obliges, and you groan as the sound of skin slapping skin fills the room with both of your moans.
“I’m not gonna last that long,” he admits with a laugh.
You nod and he lets go of one of your hands, rubbing your clit. You grab your breast and pinch your nipples, stimulating yourself as you near your high.
He suddenly begins to cum with a loud groan of your name, his thrusts harder than before. You cry out in pleasure, which soon turns into a whimper as he begins to knot you.
“You’re doing so well, Y/N, you’re doing so good,” Jackson begins to praise. It takes all of his strength not to collapse on top of you, but he manages to nuzzle into your neck and kiss your sweet spot there.
You groan softly, brushing your damp hair out of your eyes. “I love you,” you say, smiling tiredly.
“I love you too.”
You wake up the next day naked and alone in bed. You look around, wondering where Jackson went. “Jackson?” you softly call, looking for him.
But something about his apartment was… off.
You carefully get up, your legs feeling a bit weak, and go use the bathroom. His toothbrush and razor were missing.
You go out into the kitchen and living room, and still no Jackson.
When you go back into the bedroom, you notice that his phone was missing. You open the closet and his dresser, and there were no clothes.
For one whatever reason, Jackson was gone.
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hi... so... im a lesbian........ with major comphet (maybe) however... when i fantasise about being with a guy... i see myself as... a guy? like im- thats not a very cis this is it? like... when i daydream about having a girlfriend, i feel more like a girl but... when im thinking about, somewhat hypothetically, being with a guy or having a boyfriend i feel... more like a guy? like im gay for both men and women???????? is that a thing? am i just crazy? is it serious comphet?! idk
Okay holy shit we’ve got a lot to work through here so, let’s go ajdjajd and dw anon this is not an uncommon experience in the slightest and I’ll help you through it!!
To answer your question: yes! It is possible to be gay for both men and women! There are multiple people who are as well as multiple labels for this experience, so don’t worry man, you’re not alone. You’re not crazy.
Now before I go more into detail about this, let’s address this whole gender thing
Now, you know what I’m going to say already: imagining yourself as a guy is Not very cisgender of you there my friend!
Now, try thinking *why* do you see yourself as a guy dating a guy? Does it feel more comfy? Does it feel better? Now, imagine yourself as a girl dating a guy. How do you feel? And why?
Here’s a post on gender dysphoria you might wanna read, it might help you out and I recommend you read it, especially the links at the end—see if you relate to anything!
Now, you might be thinking something similar to: “but if I’m a trans guy, then I can’t be wlw or a girl, and I don’t want to give that up.” But here’s the thing: you don’t.
If you are a trans guy you can still be wlw, you can still be sapphic and date women as a woman if you want to.
Some trans guys are multigender, so you can have more than one gender! You can be a guy and a girl at the same time if you wanna. You can still have a connection to having a sapphic identity and date women as a woman.
Now, what I want you to do is take a deep breath, and disregard everything you’ve ever thought about your gender. All of it. Doesn’t matter. What terminology you use, pronouns, everything. And I’m going to ask you one question.
What makes you feel happy?
You don’t need to obsess over your gender. Stop asking yourself “what gender am I?” and ask yourself, “what makes me feel happiest and truest to myself?”
Does being a guy make you feel happy? Be a guy! Does being a girl make you feel true to yourself? Be a girl. Chase the happy feelings and things will fall into place. Happiness first, labels second.
My advice, try on the label. Say “I’m a guy, and I like guys,” see how it feels! Either it’ll fit, which is awesome, I’m so happy for you!! Or it won’t fit, which is cool too!! You’re one step closer to finding a label that does!!
See, there’s this thing called gender euphoria! Basically, it’s the happiness you feel, or euphoria, when you’re called the right name/pronouns, or perceived as the right gender! As I was saying earlier, it’s about what makes you happy.
So yeah, do what makes you happy!! Try on labels and pronouns and see what feels right, and prioritise your happiness.
The entire trans community is here for you and we love and support you, and if you are cis that’s awesome, you’ve learned more about yourself! And if you are trans there is a future of love and happiness and joy ahead of you and it is going to be okay.
Now we’ve covered the gender part, on to the attraction part
Imo I don’t think it’s comphet. Like obviously I cannot label it for you and it is possible you are not attracted to men, but if you are fantasising or daydreaming about dating guys you might want to consider that you might be bisexual, pansexual or some other mspec sexuality.
Here is a post on comphet attraction. I’d suggest reading it, see if you relate, and also talk to any lesbians you know about what comphet feels like, and if your attraction to men doesn’t feel like that, then it is possible you might be mspec and not a lesbian.
I would say again try it on and see how it feels, try saying “I like guys and girls” and see how it feels!
Now, here’s a label you might like:
Sapphillean (click for link to wiki page)
Sapphillean is a term for when one considers oneself sapphic and achillean due to being both male or masculine-aligned and female or feminine-aligned (fluidly or simultaneously), and being attracted to men and women.
They identify as MLM and WLW however, they do not identify as WLM or MLW, one only feels attraction to women as a woman and only feels attraction to men as a man. One does not feel attraction to women as a man, or attraction to men as a woman. A sapphic achillean individual may or may not be also attracted to other genders.
You might also wanna check out the label saphboy!
I hope I could help you out, and I wish you luck on your gender and sexuality journey! Lmk if you have any more questions, and have a great day/night :D
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