#maybe if I can find a similar one I might give it another shot
nihil-ism · 6 months
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I suppose this is a good day to bring back my inpromptu Joker cosplay from back when the first movie was released.
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enhadiares · 6 months
Hiiiii ❤️ Little request 🥰👉👈
can you do Enha Jay # mafia something like that it's kinda rare to find fics like that
love your fics so much sorry if i bothered you
🕷️A/N: IM SORRY IT TOOK ME THIS LONG TO ANSWER YOU I REALLY AM 😭🙏 I HOPE YOU FORGIVE ME AND LIKE THIS ☹️☹️ I'll make a part of this if people like it and make it more yandere.
🕷️Warning: YANDERE THEMES , mentions of gun shot
🕷️ Pairing: mafia!Jay × doctor!reader
🕷️Synopsis:In the heart of a bustling city, Dr. (Reader) a renowned surgeon known for her unwavering commitment to saving lives, finds herself entangled in an unexpected situation when a notorious mafia leader, Jay Park, is brought into her emergency room, bleeding profusely from a gunshot wound and what's worse is that , he gets obessed with her.
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It was a usual day for (reader). The sun shining brightly, doing it's job perfectly showcasing her . How she was at her workplace again right on time . Very punctual indeed. With being punctual (reader) was also very hardworking.
She's a doctor at the be:lift hospital. She loves her job . It gives her a sense of comfort knowing she helps people heal , maybe there's a chance that she would save someone from dying.
Life is a very valuable thing which you can get just once . There may be second chances and she's here to give people just that. Second chance to live their life again , this time while taking care of their mistakes , learning from them and not repeating them again.
Second chances , very fascinating and amusing aren't they? Some people get second chance while some don't , it's upon fate .
Back to (reader) , she had just completed an operation successfully , saving yet another life. She felt at ease knowing she gave someone another chance to live .
Suddenly her peace was interrupted by loud noises , people were screaming in a hospital? Oh how rude - she thought. She was going to go stop them and ask why they were screaming in a hospital in the first place , they should know that it might disturb the patients.
But just as she was about to open the door she heard footsteps , they were getting louder as seconds passed by implying that someone was coming towards her . They also sounded like they were in a hurry . Maybe someone is very serious! - a thought crossed her mind and without any further ado she opened the door only to be my by 6 men , all in a similar attire : a black shiny and shimmery blazer , colour like that of a black hole with shining black boots where one could see their reflection. Upon studying their faces , she could sense they were panicking.
“Are you the doctor? Hurry up , he got shot!” one of the guy stated. He looked young yet authoritative, like he had some power.
(Reader) quickly nodded , it was about someone's life! She has to save him. She called out for some nurses and took the injured patient to the operation ward while the other waited outside for them.
He got shot? How would he get shot? He isn't dressed up like a cop. Is he a criminal? Her eyes widen at the thought but she wasn't sure about the assumption she's making . Should she prioritize saving the life of a potential criminal , or adhere strictly to her oath as a healer?
As Dr. L/n and her team work tirelessly to stabilize the patient's condition, tension fills the air. The presence of the person's six brothers, each with a intimidating aura as his own, looms over the hospital.
As the operation progresses, Dr. L/n is faced with unexpected challenges. The bullet has caused severe damage, and the patient's condition deteriorates rapidly. Despite her expertise, she fears that his chances of survival are slim.
With time running out, Dr. l/n makes a bold decision. Drawing upon all her skills and determination, she pushes herself to the limit, refusing to give up on her patient. In a high-stakes gamble, she performs a risky procedure that could either save the patient's life or seal his fate.
As the operation reaches its critical moment, a hush falls over the operating room. Every second feels like an eternity as Dr. L/n and her team fight to wrestle the patient back from the brink of death.
Finally, the monitors beep with renewed vigor, signaling a glimmer of hope. Against all odds, his heart begins to beat steadily once more, and his breathing stabilizes.
The surgery is a success.
A sigh of relief escapes her as she removes her mask to breath properly.
She goes out to inform the six individuals outside the room , awaiting for their companion to be saved.
“The surgery was a success. The patient is out of danger now”
She could hear multiple sighs of relief. They all felt like they could finally breath again , their tensed shoulders relaxed a bit after hearing the good news.
“You'll have to come with me now , I have some questions to ask" said Dr. l/n . She needed to know what exactly caused this.
“We need to see hyung first” the young yet intimidating guy proclaims.
“sure this way , but only two of you can enter as we can not have he patient feeling overwhelmed” (reader) sighs yet expresses her duties.
“I"ll go check on him guys” states the young guy
“I"ll accompany you !" Another voice asserts . He looked mature , maybe he is the eldest .
Dr l/n leads the way to the operating room where he patient lies . Upon reaching the guys rush towards him while she stays back just to observe.
Meanwhile Jay finally regained his consciousness back and opened his eyes , to be met with a sight of an angel , or so he thought.
Was he already in heaven? Oh he can't be with the number of crimes he has committed. So who is this angel like individual?
Upon seeing his eyes open , the other two individuals rush towards him.
“Jay! Are you okay?” questions the elder guy
Oh so his name is Jay - thinks (reader)
The younger one hits him “ofcourse he is not fine heeseung hyung , would you be fine if you were shot?”
“I'm just trying to be caring Jungwon!”
There goes their introduction too.
Despite the chaos and danger that surrounds him, Jay is captivated by her grace and skill, feeling a stirring within him that he's never experienced before.
As Jay awakens in the recovery room, his thoughts are consumed by Dr. L/n . Entranced by her beauty and kindness, he becomes obsessed with the idea of making her his own, convinced that she is the one who can bring light into his dark world afterall she's the one who brought him back to life right?
Jay is occupied with the thoughts of his newfound obsession, but his is brought back to reality by his two companions inquiring about his condition. To which he replies that it's fine because he can't seem to focus on anything else than the angel standing infront of his eyes.
He's observing her - Her beautiful face as if carved especially by God , every inch of her face and body screams perfection to him. Her shiny black lucious hair which turns brownish under the lights , her small button nose , or her eyes - she possesses brown almond-shaped eyes, framed delicately by medium-length eyelashes that accentuate her gaze. Her lips, adorned with a soft shade of pink, exude a subtle allure, adding a touch of warmth to her features.
Oh he was down bad for her . Was this what people refer to as love at first sight?
A knock interrupts all their activities.
“We all need you outside , the patient needs to rest and we need your statement” says a nurse
They bid their byes and inform him that he'll be out soon but all he can think about is how to get his hands on his angel and make her his.
The interrogation is stopped. The individuals were influential people and so they can do whatever they wished and they did not wish for this information to be out so they hushed everyone with their power. They wanted jay to be safe so they commanded for him to be shifted at their house where a doctor would help him if needed and fortunately for Jay , (reader) was chosen since she operated on him.
The next day , Jay is shifted to the nursery that is located in his big mansion. (Reader) was surprised at how big the mansion was , so they were rich rich.
Upon entering she also noticed alot of individuals wearing black blazer with guns in their hands . Were they that rich that they needed bouncers? The girl thought .
She helped Jay get comfortable and brought him lunch in time . While feeding him , she decided to interrogate him personally, maybe he could provide her with some information.
(Reader): Mr. Jay, can you recount the events leading to your injury?
Jay: It was a confrontation with a rival organization. We were negotiating a business deal when things turned violent.
(Reader): Were there any specific triggers that escalated the situation?
Jay: It seemed like a premeditated ambush. They were armed and ready when we arrived at the meeting point.
(Reader): Did you have any indication of hostility prior to the encounter?
Jay: Not explicitly, but tensions have been escalating between our groups for some time.
(Reader): I see. And how did you manage to escape the altercation?
Jay: I made a split-second decision to flee when the gunfire erupted, sustaining this injury in the process.
(Reader) : and what exactly do you do if I may ask?
Jay: You'll get know soon.
He expressed making (reader) frown . Why is it not the right time? What does he do that can't be spoken casually? Her thoughts are interrupted when someone comes barging in the room.
“Jay hyung I'm glad you are alright, we are planning to make them regret their actions by acquiring their company and killing them”
Her eyes widen at the word killing that the younger individual just slipped so casually. Was she in danger? Are these criminals?
“You should really read the room and check your surroundings before you speak Niki” said Jay rather calmly .
“i know I said soon but i didn't know it would be this soon , but now you know I guess. I am Jay Park - a mafia , a criminal or whatever your vocabulary describes individuals like me, but don't be scared , we won't harm you” he said with a eeire smile
All the words went from one ear and escaped through another , all (reader) heard was that he's a mafia. Confused and terrified, she finds herself thrust into a nightmare as Jay reveals his true identity but she knew better , she needed to act smartly and calmly. She took a deep breath .
“That's none of my business Jay , although I'm glad that I'm reassured about my safety”
Despite her initial fear, she senses a vulnerability within him so she doesn't ponder further . Niki mutters an apology and quickly leaves before he gets yelled at.
“I"ll be leaving tomorrow either way” speaks yn
“No you're not” Jay replies casually as if it was supposed to be common sense
“Umm yes I am , a nurse would be replacing me tomorrow” She filled him in with the necessary information
“No you won't ever be leaving me , this is your house from now on”
Her eyes widen at the words that left his mouth but later she started laughing.
“Omg you had me there Jay , I must say . You have a great sense of humour” she stopped laughing when she noticed Jay's face remained monotonous and serious . No sign of humour could be sensed from him.
“you're joking right?” questions yn in disbelief
“Whatever you want to think but you aren't going anywhere . If you can't piece it together , I'll piece it out for you . I love you and now you are mine ”
Would reader give Jay a chance ? Or would he need a second chance?
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anxious-witch · 8 months
So, Jan and Nace photoshoot analysis. This will definitely be long, and idk how coherent I will be. As always this is entirely subjective, this time maybe more than ever. I am up for friendly discussions and disagreements, but also after today if you are a dick, I will block you.
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So let's go pictures by pictures first and then observe how they interact. We start off with the top one, that almost seems like it was two individual shots first, but go glued together. To focus on Nace first, he is looking directly into the camera, his face completely visible, but his hair and body is in the shadow. His leather jacket is even covering his neck. He is in "full armor", except for his face. His face having a layer of combativness only add to that imagery.
Now to focus on Jan. I'd say he is in a similar state, his stare perhaps even more defiant, as if daring us to judge. His face is half covered by his hair, which makes sm sense in a way that we know Jan is a quite private person. He doesn't want people to full see him behind a curtain. Some things are private and he doesn't want to show us everything.
I also find it interesting that these pictures have less contrast than the ones we go later, as if there is additional layer of gray over them. Like they weren't sure it was just yet time to full pull the curtain away from their intimate moments, making them softer and more blurry. As someone else pointed out, it's giving a vibe of them being in the shower, the hot stream muddyijg up the pictures.
Then, right below it, we have Jan and Nace doing an Inuit kiss, their noses touching. And my god, I am so insane about this complete shift in perspective. They aren't looking into the camera, but at each other, with an almost painfully soft expressions.
What struck me as really interesting is that with Kris and Bojan's shoots, they were the most honest and open in the pictures where they look into the camera. Here, it's the opposite. In moments where they are focused on each other, you get the feeling they aren't even aware they are being observed. Looking into the camera, to the viewers seems uncomfortable.
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Then, we have this set. Top one resembles first one from the set, except for few significant changes. It's clearly one photo, not two separate ones glued together. Jan is closer to Nace, as if he moved close to protect him. Also another thing that I find interesting, although I am not sure of it was purposeful or simply a trick of the light but! In all pictures where they are together, it looks like they both have just a bit of smudged eyeliner. And I will even go as far to speculate it might be on purpse as if to imply their facade is getting smudged. They can't hold it in place anymore.
In picture two(my favorite, my beloved). We get them favung each other once again, and this time, Nace is openly laughing and Jan is smiling and looking at him with what I will dare say is the closest to adoration.
Jan's eyes are open and more visible, unlike from the first shot, where they were mostly covered by his hair. Almost as if seeing Nace in a happy and relaxed state made him show off a bit more of himself.
Last picture in this set has Jan looking at the camera, his hand clasped over Nace's mouth and Nace has his eyes half close, blind to the viewer, only focused on Jan.
And, okay. This is where my interpretation loses any pretense of objectivity, but I simply can't see this any other way. I read this as Nace being blind to them being watched so constantly and perhaps saying something that should-by Jan's standards-stay private. He is, unlike Nace, looking directly to us, and looks caugh, out of breath.
There is also that aspect of protectivness too-if he can stop Nace from revealing something us as views are not meant to hear, perhaps he can protect him from it.
Now, to focus on their separate pictures. Or well, mostly separate. Let's go with Nace's first.
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To start with the top picture, Nace looks both tired and defiant here, staring directly at the camera. His arms are crossed over his chest and he is gripping his shirt very tightly, pulling it away from his arms and towards his chest.
Again, throwing objectivity out of the window because I simply cannot be bothered today, but. This reads to me sm like he is showing off his tattoos and hiding chest? As if he wishes to be judged by art he choose for himself. It could also tie into the fact that due to some body issues, his arms are truly something he likes to shows off in comparison to the rest of his body.
Second picture on the left is connected. Once again, he is not looking at the viewer, unaware he is being observed and thus, showing how under the facade of intensity and defiance, the pressure is getting to him.
Third picture is SO INTENSE. Nace is gagged by some sort of fabric and the shadow/makeup around his eyes is the most intense. He looks the most brooding and his features look almost twisted. Like he is being silenced and put in the shape he doesn't want to be in.
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Then, we get this. What a transformation. The pure softness, the trust in Nace's eyes here. It's literally giving the intimacy of sharing an intimate moment with a lover to me, especially with the way these are positioned. Like Nace is laying down and softly looking up and then almost bashfully lowering his gaze. I am genuinely unwell with how intimate this looks.
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Now, THIS. We have Jan, staring at the camera, pulling Nace closer to himself. Nace is standing with his back to us.
This picture once again shows to me of how protective Jan feels over Nace. This is giving such "Don't you dare touch him" vibes, it's insane. Jan's hair is messy and untaimed, and still half hiding his face and yet, he is not turning away. Because turning away would mean leaving Nace vulnerable so instead he faces the camera head on while providing a safe space for Nace.
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And at last, two solo photos of Jan. First one has Jan showing off his painted nails, which we don't see in any of the other pictures. His face is half covered in both pictures, first with the hand and hair and the other with the hair only.
In the first picture, he is still looking at us, almost as if saying, "Are you watching? Do you see what I am showing?" While in the other one, he is looking at something away from the camera, in an almost resigned way. He is tired of the preformance, of being on guard. He is just letting hinself be observed.
Another thing that was pointed out to me was white frame for Nace vs black frame for Jan. And not to go totally off the rails at that, but-Nace providing a light to Jan, a hope of brightness and warmth, which Jan provides the comfort of dark, safe place for Nace is just bfjxnxkdjx.
Alll in all, I absolutely adored these and I am half asleep so I probably forgot half the stuff I wanted to say so please feel free to add on your thoughts.
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Just What You Wanted
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Pairing(s): onesided!Pietro Maximoff x Reader, Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: pietro really misses his chance here, oocpietro? (first time writing him), reader being a big adult and moving on, pietro acting like a child, mentions of sexy time (readerxbucky), toxic!pietro, protective!bucky
Words: 4430
Summary: You decided to take your chance and ask Pietro out. There had to be more to his flirting right? Unfortunately he turns you down but you won't waste your time mourning what could have been. You move on and find a perfect partner in the Winter Soldier.
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"Maybe I got the signals mixed up?" You lightheartedly muse to Wanda. Carefully, you push down on the button stopper of the wine box that was situated between the two of you.
Wanda shakes her head. "Don't even give it a second thought. He's my brother and I love him, but you can do WAY better than him." She couldn't fathom why Pietro would reject your proposition of a date. Wanda knew her twin brother liked you. Painfully obvious in the obnoxious manner both of you flirt.
Making a mental note to chew him out later, Wanda tilts the remainder of her own wine glass into her mouth. "He's been acting like a complete ass since we arrived in America. I think now that he has freedom, he's overdosing on it. What was the term Tony used?"
You choke on your wine, a snort burning your nose and throat. "Man-whore."
She nods. "Yes! That is it. He's become quite a man-whore!"
Near dying next to her, you're forced to put down your wine glass or you would ruin your bedspread. Once your hands were free, you use them to clutch your stomach as it aches from your laughter.
Really you weren't that upset about it. You thought you would give it a shot, maybe something was there. No big duh to you.
"Did he really say he didn't want to date you because you're coworkers?" Confusion still plagued Wanda as she slowly blinks her eyes. Trying to understand what her brother was thinking. They didn't have that type twin telepathy. That was mainly based on feelings. "That's complete bull."
"Honestly it's okay. Really." You tell Wanda trying to calm her down. "He's probably right. No harm done."
Wanda placates her own feelings with a smile at how unperturbed you were by the rejection. Pietro was a fool. His loss will be someone else's gain.
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Not long after someone else did stumble upon you.
Never before had you worked with the Winter Soldier. You'd seen him around Avenger's HQ and spotted him in the common areas, but you wouldn't say you were close to Bucky Barnes. Only a handful of friendly words had ever been shared between you.
The assignment that paired you together with him would ultimately turn out to be a blessing in disguise. A simple mission that you confidently thought you could finish in no time. The run of the mill shadow organization that possessed weapons of mass destruction and infiltrating said organization. You and Bucky were picked for this based on your success record and skill set. You found it a compliment as you heard nothing but great things about Bucky. He was a fine soldier and outstanding friend to Steve Rogers.
Fury told you the timeline looked to be a month before this organization known as 'Specter' planned to launch its weapon. A major problem was that their base was hidden so both you and Bucky would have to go deep undercover.
You shared an close space with Bucky and found him pleasurable to be around. He was easy on the eyes too. His smile makes every inch of you flutter delightfully. Similar to how flirting with Pietro made you feel.
Patience was required when gathering intel. An operation like this couldn't be rushed. That meant learning more about Bucky. He even manages to pry some stories from your childhood out of you. Things you hadn't remembered in a long time.
When passing binoculars, fingers linger against one another. Excuses of offering warmth just so that you could press yourself against him. His jacket might as well have belonged to you now due to how often you were wearing it now.
"It looks better on you anyway." Bucky would tell you. A heaviness in his gaze puts all of your functions at a halt.
You started noticing how kissable his lips looked. Or the fine veins that run along his hands. Beautiful as they held a gun. Between your legs start to ache for him when you watch Bucky strangling a man for information. You never found violence. . . attractive until you worked with Bucky. It was just a means to get by. A requirement for the world you lived in.
Throughout the mission, you manage to keep things professional. Even though the burning gazes exchanged were still frequent. You had to focus your efforts on completing your assignment. Bucky respects that type of work ethic.
Identifying the main figures within Specter was easy once missing pieces were filled with the information you received along the way. One would be spared for questioning, the other two were quickly disposed of.
When your prisoner was handed over to the government which held dominion, you and Bucky head back to the room you'd been using to hide out in.
You were excited to go home and tell Wanda all about it. You're giddy, imagining her scandalized reaction that you loved. Her eyes would get so big, hands clutching onto your arm begging for more details.
A knock at the door puts a pause in your packing as you go to check the peephole. You open it once you verify it's just Bucky. "You all done packing? Sorry, I'll just be five more minutes."
He closes the door behind him. "It's not that."
The depth of his voice has you shivering, turning back to him with your full attention. He's cleaned off the dirt from his face and changed his clothes. Appeared Bucky even brushed his dark hair. Disheveled Bucky was sexy but cleaned up Bucky was a god damn smoke show. Your bones become trembling jelly as he stalks up to you.
"I believe, we have some personal business to take care of." The corner of his lips twitch up in a predatory manner to show off his sharp cuspids.
"By all means," You breathe out and internally cheer when it doesn't come out as a squeak "lets commence the business Mr. Barnes."
The delay of your return to headquarters did raise brows.
Especially Pietro's.
You took Wanda by the arm and she knew you had a story to tell. Using her magic-like ability, she conjures a bottle of wine accompanied by two glasses.
Two schoolgirls giggling and kicking their legs as they talk about one's crush.
"And he told me-" your cheeks hurt from your smile "that he wants to take me out on a proper date."
Wanda swoons backwards as she falls against your bed. She says something in her native Sokovian before switching to English "I told you that you could do much better than Pietro."
From then on it was a common occurrence to find you and Bucky together. You visit one another's room frequently day and night. Time spent not on assignment, Bucky would take you out on both fun and romantic dates. He wooed you like no other man had before. A goddamn gentleman who ate and slurped your pussy in a way that sucked the soul right out of you.
There were men before Bucky but sweet mercy they couldn't compare to the beast that was Bucky once he got your legs perched atop his shoulders. You would never had taken him for a sloppy eater, not by the way he used his fork and knife when he took you out to fancy restaurants. When he slides in his cold metal fingers, your back spikes up in a arch off the bed.
However, not everyone in the Avenger's Headquarters was happy for you and Bucky.
When Pietro first walked into the communal kitchen to find Bucky's hand up your shirt, he nearly suffered from an aneurysm on the spot. Thankfully his feet reacted faster than his brain and took off in the opposite direction before either of you noticed his presence. He'd heard the office gossip that you and Bucky were an item now. Pietro arrogantly thought that your relationship with the winter soldier was a fling or some fucked up way for get back at him for turning you down.
Hitting the two month mark had Pietro sweating. Your relationship with Bucky was thriving. The sting of betrayal sears his insides. When he voices his woes to his twin, Wanda held no comforting words for him.
"Oh well. They love each other now. So you have to move on." Uncaringly, her attention goes back to her phone. "You had your chance, Pietro."
He shoots his sister a glare. "Have some empathy."
That makes her laugh but at least Wanda puts her phone down and turns back to Pietro. "Empathy? Refresh my memory, what was the real reason why you didn't date her?" He'd told you it was because you were coworkers. Claimed he didn't want things to be weird around HQ. Conveniently forgetting that Wanda and Vision were in a happy relationship. But she knew the disgusting truth.
His eyes turn pleading, round and lined with those pretty lashes he flaunted. "Wanda-"
"No, I want to hear you say it again and really help me try to understand." Her arms cross in front of her.
Pietro takes his bottom lip between his teeth to give it a worrying chew. "I. . . I wasn't ready to be in a monogamous relationship- Hey, I'm being serious." He adds the last part after he hears Wanda snort. "We spent all of our adolescence and young adult lives under HYDRA control. It's only been two years since we were liberated. I want to live a little bit more before settling down."
"And look what that has cost you."
"I didn't think-"
"No, you didn't." Wanda's exasperated. "That's not a good excuse. Bucky is in the same boat as us and just because he missed out on having a life he didn't let that stop him from making things official with her."
In short, Pietro simply had no choice but to deal with it. And his way of dealing with it was bringing home his current ladies in the hopes of catching your attention. If you see him with another woman, maybe your jealous would remind you of your feelings for him. That tactic didn't work and only gained him disapproving looks from his twin. He stopped when it was clear your heart eyes weren't straying from Bucky.
Evident that he wasn't going to win you back, Pietro's disbelief curdled to jealousy.
Words weren't enough to bring him to his senses; none in English or Sokovian reached his ears. Exhausted from trying to speak reason to him, Wanda stops all together. Perhaps her brother needed to fall on his ass to wake up.
You weren't blind to Pietro's spike in hostile conduct. Lately there were a few close calls between Bucky and Pietro. Bucky refused to stand for Quicksilver's attitude. Fists weren't raised- not yet. But if looks could kill, both would be incinerated.
Unable to ignore Pietro at Headquarters, you and Bucky take the plunge and buy an apartment together and move out of the superhero facility all together. The apartment complex was still relatively close to headquarters; mainly housing other staff that worked out of there.
Just because you removed yourselves, you were still Avengers and required to attend functions for different movie fundraisers or anything else that had you in hair and make-up for two hours. It paid off to watch Bucky's mouth near drop at the sight of you. This once-assassin who has blood on his hands truly did something to you when he wore a sharp suit. Seams that are streamline and highlight his broad shoulders. Even his waist was deliciously framed. You wanted to hop on him and wrap your legs around that sinfully sexy waist.
Alas, neither you or Bucky could just continue to stand there drooling over the other.
"Wipe your chin, Barnes." Natasha teases as she passes by. To you she shoots a lively smile. "Come on you two. Free booze and food await us."
Pietro had already found the said free booze; ignoring the free food part. He was obligated to attend the gala, agreed to it months ago. If he backed out now, everyone else would have his ass over the fire.
Though he felt like maybe it would have been better had he just said fuck it and stayed home. Especially when you and Bucky walk in looking like the perfect couple. Cameras went off yet people kept a respectful distance from the two of you. You basically had your own guard dog in the form of the Winter Soldier. He towers over you in a way that told others to back off; a protective hand holding onto your's. Both of you are quite the sight standing next to Wanda and Vision. Wanda happily hugs you, her words lost to the loud background music.
He can't take his eyes off of you.
Alcohol warming his system, Pietro downed glass after glass. There was a momentary warmth he felt inside of him before he caught sight of you again.
Hating seeing the two of you together, Pietro spirals in his own head. Plenty of pretty girls around him, all he could focus on was you and the fact that you were hanging off the arm of a murderer. Everyone seemed to have so quickly forgotten that this man killed Howard and Maria Stark.
The moment you unlatched yourself from Bucky's side to go to the bar, Pietro descent upon you.
Your heightened senses barely register the high velocity sound that you associated with Quicksilver. Half a step back was all you were able to make before you heard his husky voice "You find killers sexy?"
His question rakes claw marks against your mind. "What?"
A mocking laugh puffs out of him and he rolls his eyes over in Bucky's direction. "The Winter Soldier. You like the fact that he's murdered innocent people?"
On edge, you notice in your periphery how people were starting to turn to look your way. The volume of Pietro's voice was gradually starting to rise and draw onlookers.
Flushing and attempting to retain your composure, you keep your shoulders back confidently. “Looks like you’ve had too much to drink.” Your eyes search the crowd for Wanda so that she could take him home before he said or did anything he’d regret later. You couldn’t see her or her floating man among the many bobbing heads. Even unable to find Bucky despite his stature.
“Deflecting the question, I see.” Pietro smugly smirks at you; a sway in the step that he took forward. “Shall I raise my voice so you can hear better?”
You narrow your eyes into deadly slits as you squint at him. He was clearly not in his right mind. “What do you want, Pietro?” What was this sudden change in him about? The moment your relationship became public knowledge, Pietro had been pissy ever since. He was the one who rejected you. The one who told you that you shouldn't date because you're coworkers. He had no right to be jealous.
Bucky suggested a few weeks ago that Pietro may still be interested in you. Proposed that his peaked interest must have been from seeing you and Bucky together. At the time you laughed it off. A corner of your mind was screaming at you to listen to him.
Not appreciating how closely he leaned into you, Pietro snarls "That guy has taken numerous, innocent lives. How could you fuck someone with that kind of blood on their hands?" Now you were sure more and more people were pulling out their phones and recording to send to whatever social media platform.
Heat rises off of your cheeks as they blare like alarms. You felt your body tremble not because you were afraid, no, you tremble under the weight of your own fury. Your powers rattled the bars of the cage you kept it in. Clenching down hard against your back teeth with the effort to keep them at bay.
"You know why he did those terrible things. It wasn't him." Growling softly you try desperately to keep a semblance of a calm tone. You were never the type to show your anger. The public might turn against you if they see you break from Pietro's cruel words. Even the bits you were letting slip was enough for your audience to know you were beyond furious. "He was under HYDRA mind control. You of all people should understand the ways HYDRA implements their tools of pain." It wasn't working.
You needed Bucky before you really snapped your last strand of patience.
At least Pietro had enough sense to take a step away from you. In his drunken stupor, he hadn't noticed the crowd. Dozens of people holding up their smartphones, a few reporters who were allowed in were snapping bright pictures. That's when he saw Bucky and Wanda toward him.
Wanda uses her power to wrap him up in scarlet bindings and drag him to where she stood at the cusp of the crowd. She spits something out in Sokovian toward him, motioning for Bucky to go to your side and get you out of there. He looked more ready to rip Pietro apart but valued your wellbeing over all else and easily strode to you.
He slings a protective arm around your shoulders, pulling you closer to his side in an attempt to keep you out of the sight of cameras.
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Those involved were taken back to Avengers HQ so the situation could be straightened out. That is, after Fury was done yelling at everyone for how they acted at what was supposed to be an extravagant gala. Admonished how you and Pietro were acting like dramatic high schoolers with your stunt and how this would definitely tarnish the reputation of earth's mightiest heroes. Pietro was still as drunk as a skunk, hissing at everyone who tried to get near him. Only being held back by Wanda who was still yelling at him in Sokovian. As everyone argued back and forth, only you and Bucky remained quiet.
A small upside could be found. Though it was quite the public altercation, popularity for you and Bucky as a couple sky rocketed. Within the hours of it happening, many social media websites exploded with praise at how you defended your man.
That news wasn't enough to make anyone happy at the moment.
Seeing that nothing would be resolved with such bickering, Bucky clears his throat to draw everyone's attention to him. "May I get a word with Pietro alone?"
Fury doesn't look like he wants to allow it. He was assured though that if anything were to happen, Bucky would be able to stand on his own and fend off an angry Pietro. His single dark eye roves around the room before conceding to Bucky's request.
Motive unclear, you arch a brow in his direction. He just offers you a smile and leans toward you to say "It'll be alright. Jus' wanna talk to him."
"I've seen you 'just talk' to people before." You remind him trying to keep your voice stern. "Don't make things worse. Okay?"
"Yes ma'am." That smirk of his will be the death of you, you just know it. There's a silent exchange between you and Wanda who finally relinquishes her scarlet restraints on her twin brother. Pietro staggers without the additional support that held him up.
"Fifteen minutes. Cameras are rolling." Fury warns as he escorts the others out.
Comfortably strolling forward, Bucky pulls out one of the conference chairs that had been entirely ignored. "Take a seat, Maximoff." Immediately there's a snarl curling Pietro's lips until Bucky rolls his eyes. "Or stand. Doesn't matter I guess. Just, listen to me for a moment."
Inebriated individuals don't understand reason, too caught up in their own tilted perception. He wants to do anything else but listen to Bucky prattle on about how he needs to back off of you. That you belonged to him now and how he wouldn't tolerate Pietro's pursuit of you.
Luck appeared to be on Bucky's side for the alcohol was wearing off of Pietro as he started to lose his steam and reluctantly slink down into the chair opposite Bucky's. His dark eyes hold steady onto the metal armed man. Remembering all too clear the stories that HYDRA would tell him and Wanda about the best operative they've ever had: the Winter Soldier. Would this legend of a man be able to hold off Pietro's speed attacks if he were to try?
Honestly he was tired of being angry. Emotions both positive and negative were siphoned out of him until there was nothing left.
Bucky could see that.
"Whatever we say here, stays here." Bucky speaks again, each word cruelly clipped. They strike Pietro like small arrows. Nothing could prepare him for the dead eyed glare that now pinned him to his chair. "Your behavior stops here. I've been more than patient. Held my tongue and my fist when I wanted to knock some sense into you. I didn't, for her sake since she didn't want to cause any trouble among the team. But you're spoiled brat act can't be tolerated anymore. You embarrassed all of us at the gala and made the Avengers look like fools."
His metal hand curls its fingers inwards toward his palm before releasing; an attempt to calm himself before his tone became too heated.
Pietro waits for any sign of movement for Bucky as the larger man deeply inhales. Finally, Bucky's eyes flick back up to him. "I get it."
With a heavy tongue, Pietro croaks out "Get what?"
"I know why and what has fueled your actions. Underneath it all you may have possibly loved her. You're upset that you lost your chance with her. It sucks, it has to to lose someone as amazing as her. I couldn't imagine. . ."
There's a flicker of anger at how the Winter Soldier spoke to him. Reminded Pietro of when his father would scold him as a child.
Bucky's voice soften when he detects the subtle twitch of Pietro's nose. He promised you that he wouldn't escalate things. "I'm sorry. I feel for you. But. . . I'm not going to be stupid enough to let her go. As long as she'll have me, she's mine."
He wanted to ignore the sincerity that warmed Bucky's words. Wanted to keep what little resentment remained inside.
Abruptly, Bucky stands from his chair; bottom of the legs scraping against the floor and startling Pietro in the process. In half a second, Pietro is up on his feet, taking a defensive position. Though his movements were sloppy as his perception was still muddled from his quickly consumed drinks.
Whatever camaraderie had been built between them in those short minutes of Bucky talking was gone. Back were those assassin sharp eyes. "If you upset her one more time, it won't be me you'll have to deal with. It will be the Winter Soldier coming after you. And I can guarantee not even your speed will be able to stop that monster."
"I told you."
He didn't want to hear it from Wanda right now. Damn her for always being right. Right now he just wanted to forget how he made such an ass of himself in front of so many people. When he wasn't trying to fend off his massive hangover migraine he was scrolling through social media, coming upon videos of how he spat in your face saying all sorts of cruel and vindictive things to you. So many mean comments slandering Quicksilver and adoring the hero couple.
In an attempt to drown out Wanda, Pietro grabs his pillow and lays it over his head.
That wouldn't stop her as she was on the war path. He'd hurt her best friend.
Red tendrils of her power rip his pillow off of his head. Pietro hisses in response and whips his head to narrow his eyes in her direction. "You're going to apologize to her. Because if you don't and pull this kind of shit again, Bucky is going to kill you and I won't be able to stop him. You're an idiot for not realizing how protective he is of her." She mumbles something about how lucky he was that Bucky hadn't smashed his face in the conference room during their private chat.
Quiet for a moment, Pietro sits up and leans his back against the bed's headboard. "I know. . . I know I've fucked everything up. I just. . ."
Wanda still has her arms crossed in front of her chest, posture vibrating with the need to throttle her twin. The frostiness in her expression slackens though at Pietro finally admitting that he was in the wrong. Not like she got satisfaction out of it. It pained her watching her brother act like a total dick head toward her best friend. It wasn't long ago that she thought you and Pietro would make a nice couple.
He sighs and runs a hand through his ash blonde hair, repeating "I've fucked everything up."
"At least you're owning up to it." quietly points out Wanda.
Time was necessary for all wounds to heal. That applied toward the ones Pietro had caused. He gave you space for two days before he came up to you to ask for a private word; promising he'd behave and that he just wanted to apologize for everything. Even told you about what Bucky had said to him.
You knew he told the truth because his face was the definition of genuine remorse and repentance.
For most of his speech he looked at his hands, but when he dared to glance up at you Pietro would hold your gaze. His earnestness brimming in his blue eyes. For so long they had been darkened by his discontent. Now they remind you of the pretty bright hue they used to be.
After a moment of silence, Pietro hesitantly asks "Are you happy with him? Truly?"
"I am. I've never been this happy in my entire life. He makes me happy." A bright smile flourishes on your face. "I love him."
Pietro nods.
"Hey, even if things didn't work out romantically with us doesn't mean I don't want to be friends with you. I do. We had fun as friends." You bump him with your elbow.
A wisp of a smile beckons at his lips but couldn't quite get all the way there. "I'd like that. Eventually. . ."
"Eventually." You repeat in agreement.
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theredcuyo · 3 months
Hmm, so today i worked with a bit of horror and this came to me
What if we make the Batman into a cryptid but the cooler kind, the leyend to scare young kids type
Before you write or send a comment, i'm mexican, born and raised, still live there. Thank You.
This came from me thinking about La llorona, a leyend (scary one) here in México and some other parts of latam it seems(?) and it's in short, about a woman whose kids die and she dies from sadness over it, with her eyes drying up from so much crying, becoming a spirit that haunts the world while calling for her children in desperate screams
The reason behind the kids' death changes depending on who you ask, either she killed them or it was an accident, but they die by drowing in all versions, and, as a result of the above, any kid she comes across gets taken away because she mistakes them for her own, they end up dying by her hands too tho (because she thinks they're hers and drowns them, or because she realizes they aren't)
She's also a single mother (the story goes back to the 1500 btw)
And I think Bruce fits this. So. Fucking. Well.
Like, Jason and Dick die, and he becomes this, and then Tim was trying to help him pass from the world but he couldn't and instead became his child too, and the rest followed along, by accident, by choice or not
Can he be a hero here? I don't think so, but, maybe he does care for the children somehow, the ones that he realizes aren't his, that they have parents to go to are the ones he protects
He cares for the people, who are not at fault for his loss, so he protects the city he also haunts
He cares for the nice old man who's never been afraid of him, who gives him a sad smile and who he feels like he knows but all the memories of his life are buried down and forgotten behind his children dying
He might not even want the children he takes to die, it's like the pit rage in canon, it takes over him and they world gets too blurry to think right
And he cares for those kids, he really does, it's not their fault, but there's one he can never remember the name of (Dick) no matter how many times he repeats it
Dick forgave his dad (whatever the reason for their deaths might be) and wanders around him in a nice way, doing his best so all of them can finally pass away
Jason hasn't. He haunts Bruce, most of the episodes where he snatches more kids away are Jason's fault, as he appears and dissapears in front of him, making him believe any kid is his boy, Jason doesn't notice and actually tries to protect other kids.
Steph's 'your not my dad!' call hits harder in this au-
Cass was wandering around town alone, she didn't stand a chance because she couldn't even scream for help. She's like a second shadow to Bruce, always near, always watching, and some who have scaped them swear her eyes never stop looking at you. She might be the only kid who's not mad at him for taking her away
Duke is similar enough, he didn't like the dark, but when there's no other choice is the worst thing that happens.
Damian's tale as a child of his that Bruce originally thought to have died gets worse when he gets taken, reunited but only by death, one that is his dad's fault.
One where Bruce got another one of his kids killed.
Hoenstly, i'd like to work on this au? If that's like fine?
I'll try to make some designs and maybe like some draws, if i get to, a series of one-shots
Oh, and if you non-latam people want to know more about la llorona, well, there's a kids animated movie :D is called "La leyenda de la llorona" pretty sure you can find it with subtitles (always better than dub tbh) it's part of a saga on mexican leyends too, can watch the others if it calls your attention, they're fun
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storiesofsvu · 4 months
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Amanda Rolins x reader (brief mentions of Amanda x Nick) Warnings: language, alcohol consumption, it's hurt/comfort but mainly fluff, if that makes sense? LOL. This has been sitting in the drafts for a very long time and I think was a tipsy idea while watching old svu ideas that got jotted down and then added to bit by bit. I'm not sure if I'm totally happy with it, but I was determined to finish it and this is what we're left with. Basically Amanda deserves all the proper love and affection. The end.
You’d had a thing for Amanda for a while, it started out as a physical attraction that morphed into friendship, someone you enjoyed spending time with, someone you didn’t mind getting trapped in a car on stakeouts with. You shared interests, had similar coffee tastes, were both dog people, preferred take out to cooking and could spend hours watching trashy reality television. All it took was one night at a bar with a few too many beers and a few of your favourite songs on the dance floor to lead to a hot and heavy make out session that ended tangled in the sheets of Amanda’s bed.
When it happened a second time she felt a little bad, letting you know that while she was being safe, you weren’t the only person she was sleeping with. In return you let out a small laugh, telling her that it was clear as day her and Nick had something going on and you had no concern if she was hooking up with him too. With that conversation out of the way you were free to continue on with your random casual nights together. Some nights you’d end up with Amanda, others you’d go home alone and sometimes you’d find your own fun elsewhere, there were no hard feelings or sense of jealousy between either of you.
You slowly watched as Amanada started to slip under Amaro’s charm spell, ever the girl who wanted to be the fixer, the problem solver, do it on her own big sister. As his parenting relationship with Maria got worse her desire to be the one to help him through it grew, wanting to be there when he needed someone, no matter what the context was. Some nights he wanted to drink, to vent, talk things through with someone who could stay somewhat neutral and not argue with everything he said. Some nights he wanted to just forget and those were the ones he always went to Amanda for. The deeper he sank, the more entangled she became and he pulled her right down with him.
When it came to your relationship with Amanda, you truly never cared, even if she was leaving your living room because he called. The night he showed up at Amanda’s when you were there you were the first one to pour him a drink and toss him a smoke, reminding him how much relationships can suck. You continued to be Amanda’s friend, trying to support her through the entire ordeal while she was giving Nick her all and letting herself derail in the process.
“Thanks for meeting me.” She huffed, sliding into the bar stool beside you and you could tell she was pissed.
“Don’t worry about it. What’s up?” You asked, sliding her a shot that she threw back faster than you’d expected.
“Fucking Nick.” She grumbled, signalling the bartender for another round, “I get that he’s going through it but isn’t he supposed to be arguing with Maria?”
“’Manda…” you cautiously warned, “is he taking this shit out on you now?”
“He’s not doing it on purpose.” She defended, “he’s just so fucking irritable now. Everything’s an argument, he either wants to drink in silence or fuck.”
“I think it might be time for you to step back, let him cope on his own.”
“No, it’s fine. He needs someone to talk to and I know I can get through to him, I just need a little bit longer, really get under his skin.”
“Then maybe try to do it without pushing all his buttons?” You offered and she rolled her eyes, only half offended.
“It’s the easiest way to get him actually talking, I thought maybe a different emotion would come through this time.”
“Just be careful okay. I don’t want you getting too deeply wrapped up in all this and then end up being the one licking her own wounds afterwards.”
“I’m a tough kid,” she shot you a grin, “I can handle it.” Her phone buzzed on the bar top and she let out a sigh, throwing back another shot of whiskey before scooping up the device, “duty calls.”
You watched her pick up the phone as she disappeared out of the bar and let out your own sigh, wondering if you were going to be down a friend by the time all of this sorted itself out.
Two months later and you didn’t have much left to wonder about as Nick was gone, leaving the squad to relocate across the country in LA with his new family. You’d watched Amanda when he made the announcement to the team but she didn’t even flinch, a soft smile on her face knowing that he would be happier out West. His last few weeks it was as if a weight had been lifted off his shoulders, the stress evaporating as he finally found where he truly belonged.
Amanda felt lighter too, that sense of having to consistently check in and make sure someone was okay floating away with the summer breeze. She was able to relax, get up early enough to spend her mornings running through the park with Frannie and finally catch up on all the reality tv she’d missed. And this time the evenings on your couch were free from any and all interruptions. She wasn’t sad, she knew that everything happened for a reason and that her situationship with Nick had an end date all along, but there was a part of her that missed her friend, her work partner and that was what you could feel floating off of her.
She hadn’t been mopey about it at all, but there was still a sense of melancholy in the air as the commercial break played. Your arm was strewn across the back of the couch, Amanda tucked into your side, letting out a little sigh as she relaxed deeper into the embrace. You instinctively pressed a soft kiss to the top of her head,
“You wanna talk?”
“No.” She mumbled back, “I’m fine, swear. Just been kinda moody recently, dunno why.”
“You’re allowed.” You replied, your arm squeezing her softly before your finger curled under her chin, tilting her face up to yours, “you want me to help you forget?”
“Yeah?” Her brow raised in your direction, a gleam in her eyes as her lips curved up into a grin, “what’ve you got in mind?”
“Well…” you leant down, pressing your lips to hers, your teeth nipping at her lower lip, smirking at the way her breath caught in her throat, “I was thinking for starters that I could fuck you so good you wouldn’t even remember he existed.”
Amanda laughed softly, catching your lips in another kiss, “I certainly like the sound of that.” It only took a moment before your tongue slipped into her mouth as you caged her into the couch, a hand already creeping under her shirt and the television (among other things) were long forgotten.
And just like that your sexual affair with Amanda was sparked right back up again, your relationship skyrocketing from barely seeing each other to spending practically every night tangled in each others bedsheets. Though there was something different this time, nothing was holding either of you back, there were no other outside players, you spent nearly all of your time together now. Partnered up at work meant your days were spent together, the pure carnal desire for sex meant nights were shared, and what was left was evenings to devour takeout on the couch while the tv played and coffee in the park with Frannie on weekend mornings. Amanda would often catch herself with a dopey smile on her cheeks while she watched just how comfortable you were in her home. How you treated it like your own, you never had to ask questions, you just new exactly where everything was. A warmth would bloom in her chest every time your hand found hers, glancing up to catch the soft smile on your cheeks before you’d make a kissy face in her direction.
Not only was she finally starting to feel whole again, she knew that the reason was you, that you were the one who had been making her whole all along. She wasn’t quite sure what real love felt like, but she was certain it had to feel something like this, you were always there for her, you supported her in whatever dreams she wanted to explore, you helped ground her when she needed to be brought back to earth. You made her inescapably happy and she was noticeably more relaxed and joyful whenever you were around. She couldn’t be totally sure without asking you, but she was pretty confident that you shared similar feelings by the way you’d let out a small laugh and you cheeks would tinge whenever she caught you staring at her.
Amanda wanted you, that was for certain, and she wanted a future with you, to face life together as a team, grow old with you and spend the rest of her life happier than she ever had expected. But she suddenly had a piece of baggage that was a very big deal breaker and that’s why her heart was pounding out of her chest when she finally summoned the courage to knock on your apartment door.
“Hey.” You greeted as you pulled the door open, “didn’t expect to see you tonight, it’s late.” You stepped back to let her into the apartment and Amanda felt frozen on her feet, completely unable to move as she let out a shuddering breath and you noticed the tears in her eyes. “Whoa, what’s going on? Are you okay?”
Amanda shrugged, flailing her hands as she did her best to keep her emotions inside, her lip quivering as it attempted to all spill out.
“C’mere.” Your voice was impeccably soft as you wrapped an arm around her shoulders, guiding her into the apartment and over to the couch. “You wanna drink? I’ve got an open bottle of pinot.”
She shook her head and you dropped down onto the couch beside her, your hand finding hers, linking your fingers as your thumb stroked across her knuckles. She took a minute, taking deep breaths to try and calm herself down and once she was sure she wasn’t about to burst into tears she finally looked up at you.
“I fucked up.” She admitted, a tear escaping to glide over her cheek. You were quick to reach out, wiping it away as you cupped her cheek, your thumb stroking soothingly. The tenderness made her heart swell even more and she let out a shaky sigh, “I’m pretty sure I’m in love with you and instead of having the balls to say it I screw it all up like I screw everything up.”
“Amanda…” you started softly, a warmth beaming from your eyes toward her as you squeezed at her hands, “you didn’t have to say it, and I doubt you’ve screwed anything up, just talk to me.”
“I want to be with you, this is so much more than just sex to me and that alone is scary enough.”
“It doesn’t have to be, because it’s always been more than just sex, we were both too nervous to admit it.”
Amanda sniffled, wiping away another tear, “fuck.”
“What’s going on Amanda? I adore you; I want to be with you too, I see a future with you, a future of us, I even referred to you as my girlfriend earlier this week so I don’t see what the problem is. We practically live together already and—”
“I’m pregnant.”
She had to get it out before you listed another ten reasons that you were perfect for her, that you would be perfect together, she couldn’t bear to hear all of that only to have you walk away in the end. She risked a glance up, her teary eyes meeting yours as your head tilted slightly.
“Oh. Okay,” your voice somehow got even softer, “have you thought about what you want to do?” You asked, your thumb continuing to soothingly brush over her knuckles.
Amanda took a breath, ducking her gaze, “I can’t just get rid of it, no matter how hard I try to think about it, that’s just not me and once it’s born I don’t think I’d be able to give a baby away.”
“Have you been to the doctor yet? My sister’s OB was fantastic, we could set up an appointment next week.” It was Amanda’s turn to look up at you with a quizzical expression on her face, watching as you glanced around your apartment, lower lip tugged into your mouth, “your place is bigger, extra bedroom and all, I’ll talk to my landlord about getting out of my lease.”
“Wait, what?” She asked and you looked back towards her.
“A newborn’s a lot of work, I’d want to be around as much as possible and like I said we practically live together already, why bother renting two places?”
“I’m confused…” she admitted with a small laugh, “I thought you were going to break up with me, not suggest moving in together.”
“Why would I break up with you?”
“You said you didn’t want kids…” She shrugged and it was your turn to let out a little laugh.
“So did you.” You squeezed at her hand, “but surprises happen and this can be a little happy one for us. I wasn’t adamant on not having kids, they just weren’t a big priority for me.”
Amanda chewed on her lip, her hands fidgeting in her lap as she tried to make sense of everything flying through her head at the moment, “but why change your mind for me?”
“I didn’t change my mind per say, life just presented me with an opportunity and I’m choosing to take it, because I want to, and I want to be with you, because I’m in love with you.”
“Really?” Her eyes were wide when she looked up at you and you giggled, the warm smile remaining on your cheeks.
“Of course I do, you doof. C’mere,” you tugged on her hand, effectively pulling her into your lap and she let out a little surprised squeal as her knees settled on either side of your legs. One of your arms wrapped around her, the other cupping her cheek, “you’ve always been my best friend, and I’ve always loved you like that. I’ll admit I was a little scared of falling in love with you another way and losing what we had, but it looks like that was the perfect thing to let myself do because I love what we have now, what we will have in the future.”
“I love you too.” She finally uttered the words and felt a weight lifted off her chest, a small smile breaking onto her cheeks and you leant up, kissing her softly. Amanda melted into you, her hands looping around your shoulders as your lips moved with grace together. You barely pulled away from the kiss, her forehead resting on yours as you kissed the tip of her nose and she let out a happy hum. “You make me so fucking happy, happier than I ever thought I could be, and I never thought I was gonna find something like that.” This time the tears blurring her eyes were ones of joy and they matched the ones forming in your eyes.
“And now you’ve got even more than that,” you smiled, “because we’re having a baby.”
“We’re having a baby.” She replied in a whisper, a smile etched permanently across her feature and she laughed softly as you stole another kiss. “Are you still gonna love me when I look like a beached whale?”
“Of course, I’ll even rub your feet and hand feed you grapes.”
“Promise?” She asked with a grin and you laughed, kissing her once more.
“Cross my heart.”
The warmth Amanda felt blooming through her was like nothing she’d ever felt before and she knew that in that moment she was exactly who she was meant to be, and exactly where she was meant to be. She knew she was safe, cared for, she had someone who had her back and always would, someone who loved her and truly meant it when they said it. She felt at peace, and most importantly, at home.
Because being anywhere with you meant she was home. You were her home, and that was all she needed.
@mickey-gomez @hbkpop @bisexualcrowley @red1culous @imlike-so-gaydude @altsvu @lesbianspacecowboy @wannabe-fic-reader @gaylorrds @beccabarba @mysticfalls01 @alexbllake @infernumlilith @australiancarisi @wandas-wife @emskisworld @samwithnoplan @multifandomlesbianic @sia2raw @dxtery @anlin2058 @itisdoctortoyousir @alexxavicry @daddy-heather-dunbar @evilregal2002 @7thavenger @m00nkn1ghts @sapphicprentiss @geekyandgay98 @onmykneesformarvel @desperate-gay @kmc1989 @irishavengersassemble @noahrex @temp0rary-bliss @wittygutsy
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p1nkc4lyps0 · 4 months
ISAT PKMN trainer assignments
i've been having brainrot recently and i havent really seen people doing pokemon trainer aus, just a lot of pokemon mystery dungeon aus which i think require different perspectives for so i figured i may as well give it a shot.
with my assignments i was making sure to think about actual symbolism and tried avoiding the canon pokemon assignments for a] more of a challenge and b] i havent really seen all of them so if i have picked some of the same pokemon my bad.
gimmighoul: tried taking siffrin's coin once, failed, now just hangs around with him and has gotten quite attatched.
minior: a pokemon he's had as long as he can remember. gets a lot of weird looks about it though and has never seen anyone else with one.
chingling: the only pokemon caught in the castle. ding ding!
popplio: what a little clown! a fool! just a litter jester doing a preformance!
hisuian sneasel: basically siffren's dagger. i picked the hisuian one over the johtonian one because it's white.
absol: not a pokemon he had before the loops and has a sneaking suspicion those two facts are related since it seems to remember them to an extent.
morpeko: i think mirabelle would like form changing pokemon and also. near the end of floor 3 mirabelle gets like, really annoyed and then eats and is fine. thats what morpeko does.
furfrou: a pokemon with plenty of styles to choose from! she hasn't been able to get it styled recently and while she is getting nervous of it not changing, she has noticed it's happier staying as it is.
indeedee: indeedees are helpful pokemon! often used as servants, i feel mirabelle would relate with this
palafin: a hero capable of change! and paladins tend to fight for a cause, often a religious one like who mirabelle is fighting as a maiden of change.
escavalier: we don't have a fencing pokemon but we do have a lancing pokemon! also the fact a shelmet has to be traded with a karrablast is something
mimikyu: isabeau is constantly putting up a facade of being a bit air headed, disguisigng himself. i also think with mimkyu wearing a cloak with him being a fashion designer would make this the most stylish mimikyu the world has ever seen
leavanny: this pokemon is known for making clothes from it's silk and any leaves it finds, making it into a clothing maker of sorts, they're also super protective.
bewear: what a big sweetie! aw it loves hugging people, it can also snap your back in two... i feel like this the most fitting attacking pokemon isa with it's bulk, cuteness and hidden scariness [something we see from isabeau when he gets... very protective of the sif nickname]
carbink: this was my first thought for an odile pokemon, it's a little rock! and with it's links to diancie, a perfect red herring for what she's studying, they're just native to ka bue. she hardly uses it in battle.
steelix: now this is her attacking pokemon! i know it doesn't cover her primary paper type technically but it does cover her use of rock and scissors type by being steel/ground. i also think she mega evolves it from time to time, for the gems theming.
relicanth: i tried to go with the theme of old pokemon for odile, not generations wise but in the way that relicanth hasn't changed in a millenia. it's also a map, which could be interesting with the island siffrin is from.
bronzong: i can't really explain this one i just think it fits with her character? maybe it's the shape language but it is another old pokemon, showing up in the ruins in arceus so once again, more red herrings for her research.
sinistcha: ka bue is very implied to be japan or at the barest of minimums asia. odile is absolutely a tea drinker to me, this might have been one of her earlier pokemon that came with her when she left ka bue. they also have similar hair
drampa: hahahahah funny grandpa dragon joke~ drampa is reported to burn down the houses of any bullies the child they've befriended, odile has said that she would do horrible things for the party. im not fucking with you. think is not just a odile is the grandma of the party joke. i am dead fucking serious when i say this is her most in character pokemon.
applin: i think bonnie tried to gather apples at somepoint and it turned out to be an applin, they kept it. they seem like the type of kid to enjoy bugs [im counting the none apple bit of applin a bug cause it is to me fuck off]
alcremie: a pokemon evolved completely by accident. their milcery took a strawberry from them while cooking and in an attempt to get it back, span around enough to where it evolved. just some complete loony toons bullshit
yungoose: their first pokemon! caught back in Bambouche and their main defence between themselves and sadnesses when they left. i picked yungoose over some of the other early route mammals because a] tropical and b] i fully believe that bonnie bites people.
unovian darumaka: potentially a gift from the party, more specifically odile who was curious of darmanitan's zen form. it's obviously not a darmanitan yet but it is very useful for lighting fires to cook with.
kantonian farfetch'd: it's basically THE food pokemon being a duck carrying a leek and i opted for the kantonian form over the galarian form since the galarian form is far too cool, bonnie is cringe [/pos]
smolive: cooking oil is a crutial part of cooking are you insane and olive oil is some of them best! very useful pokemon to have on hand and it's slightly more emotionally and nervous natural creates and almost parrallel to bonnie where both end in the same outcome of tears since both are young and not yet capable of fully handling their emotions.
gimmighoul: somehow the only pokemon they kept when they gave up on the loops, unsure if it actually remembers the loops or is just a clone...
natu [multiple]: loop can't actually catch any pokemon since, no pokeballs and they'd lose it at the end of the loop. so they've been slowly learning how to befriend all the local natu in dormont, secretly on the hunt for the roundest one. they've found shinies before and would usually be more snappy and blunt after all of those loops due to loosing them. they've gotten good at befriending them all too, being able to tell them apart and what they like. they would never admit any of this though.
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scaryspears · 3 months
MKX's Kung Lao an essay
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Notes: I originally wrote this in youtube comment section and decided to post it here. Watch Cynical Warlock's Rewriting Kung Lao video, its super interesting.
Kung Lao seemed pretty badass in MKX, and I'm talking about the old man version that's not seen in the storymode. I first interpreted MKX version of Lao appeared more humble and secure, no longer needing to prove himself as Liu Kang's equal. He even gave me the impression that he could be a mentor figure, appearance wise, whereas Old Liu Kang didn't give me that same vibe. Also, Kung Lao has a special hat that he uses as a weapon... How does he not outshine Liu Kang?
We do see his hat origin in MK1, so we can assume that it's similar to the past timelines on why he uses it. With that being said, he's great at coming up with random weapons, and very effective ones too. In another timeline he might be a weapons specialist, maybe even a maker. He even has another version of the hat that looks like daggers have been glued onto it, which we see in the game (I think it was a variant), and that might have been his first hat before he made a perfected version.
I think if MKX had better writing, then Kung Lao could've been brought back from the dead (like Sub Zero, Scorpion & Jax) and become another mentor figure to the combat kids instead of just being another yes man revenant who obey's revenant Liu Kang.
Both Liu Kang and Kung Lao were playable in MKX, they could've at least brought one of them back. Since they made Liu Kang king of the Neatherrealm, it would have to be Kung Lao.
Just as Sub Zero has a sort of friendship with Johnny, Kung Lao could be the same, separating him from Liu Kang on who they keep close to them. Personality wise, he's less harsh and strict than Liu Kang, and is more friendly, so I can picture him and Johnny having a friendship.
He can teach the combat kids that weapons can be formed from anything, basically ensuring that no one becomes a copy paste of their parents (Cassie & Jacqui), and has something unique about them, like having knives in their shoes and doing capoeira to cut the opponent or something (idk).
Just like Johnny, he isn't treated or spoken to very nicely by Sonya and some others because they keep mistaking his current self to his past self. He doesn't like it when people do this (I certainly wouldn't), but he is mostly civil with cutting remarks every now and then. Think of it as visiting a toxic family you've been in low contact with, and they occasionally make jokes and jabs about you copying your golden child sibling, and how you'll never be like them or escape their shadow. Even though you stand up for yourself, you're still seen as being bitter and jealous.
Another reason why I think Johnny and Kung Lao have a shot at friendship is because Johnny doesn't mention Liu Kang once, or anything linked to the past, or even his personality. Kung Lao is also said to "smile too much" according to Ferra, meaning he has a tendency to smile when he's about to face off with an opponent. Remind you of someone we know?
Here's how he can be introduced: The combat kids have a mission, however, the combat kids cannot go with weapons, at least weapons that are seen. In this au Johnny is with the Wu Shi instead of the Special Forces (as seen in my Havik post), so he sends the combat kids (mainly Cassie and Jacqui) to meet Kung Lao. The combat kids find out that Kung Lao, while still maintaining his teachings, has left the Shaolin and works as a weapons maker in some random town or city in China, and lives in solitude (a metaphor for no longer seeking the validation of others). Instead of giving the weapons straight up, he tests every single one of them. He ends up letting them have the weapons of course, and watches them go on their day.
MK11 made him so cocky to the point he was a Johnny Cage clone, and Kung Lao never struck me as the cocky type during MK9. It was actually Liu Kang that came off as egotistical to me, and the fact that he rebels against Raiden kind of proves that. Liu Kang went against a literal god. There's even an ending that shows he will be corrupt if he replaced Raiden. Earthrealm's champion, ladies and gentlemen.
I never viewed Kung Lao as cocky, so his MK11 version was a complete 180, and the fact that NRS continued that into MK1 disappointed me. Kung Lao is impulsive, but not always. He is capable of being reserved and calculating. While Kung Lao is also quite ruthless, Liu Kang is the hot headed one that refuses to listen to reason at times.
People make all kinds of jokes about Kung Lao and him getting his neck snapped, when Shao Kahn went about it cowardly. I'll elaborate by saying Shao Kahn snuck up on him, it wasn't face to face. In the words of Kendrick Lamar, "when I catch flight, it's gon' be direct". Shao Kahn is Drake in this situation, sneak dissing. When people make fun of Kung Lao's neck snap they're technically meat riding Shao Kahn.
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createserenity · 8 months
Master List of My Fics and WIPs
Been meaning to do this for ages, so here we go. All titles link through to the fics on AO3. Sunlight In Your Smile (M, 12k - wip)
Aziraphale has to attend a family wedding and he may have told a bit of a white lie. Of course he doesn't actually have a boyfriend. So now he needs to find one and in despair he turns to an escort agency for help.
Waking Up With You (G, 1.6k - complete)
Crowley has just left the shop for the night and Aziraphale is locking the door when it hits him out of the blue. Why are they doing this? Why is Crowley leaving?
After six thousand years together and free from Heaven and Hell, Azirpahale realises they need to take the next step in their relationship. Fluffiness all round!
All The Pieces of You (E, 73k - wip)
Aziraphale had known he found Crowley attractive for a long time, but there was nothing wrong with that. The Almighty had done a very nice job when she’d made Crowley and surely appreciating the work of the Almighty was what angels were supposed to do? It was nothing more than that.
Except now Aziraphale knows what lust feels like and that might be a problem.
A mixture of smut, fluff and ridiculous historical adventures.
In The Beginning (E, 8.9k - complete)
In the beginning there was a garden and the Angel of the Eastern Gate and the Serpent of Eden decided that there are better things to do than stand around in the rain getting wet.
Shameless smut, in which Aziraphale and Crowley learn what all the fuss is about sex.
Better Than Today (E, 4k - complete)
Whenever they fucked Crowley said, “I love you.”
It would probably help if they talked about it, but somehow they just keep ending up having sex instead.
Smut with a fluffy ending.
Give In To Desire (E, 4.4k - complete)
Crawley hadn't actually meant for this to happen. He'd thought he'd tempt the angel into eating and the angel would maybe have a few bites and discover that it wasn't so bad after all. He hadn't expected to be setting himself up to be tempted into the sin of lust.
Just another fic speculating on what happened in the basement during the Job minisode, because you can never have too many of those, right?
A Day For Magic (T, 3.4k - complete)
In which there is a bench, a park and a coin, which leads to silliness and fluffiness all round.
Fic inspired by these kisses.
A Time of Wanting (T, <1k - complete)
Crowley wants.
He wants so badly and he's wanted for so long that it's a physical ache in his chest now. Short ficlet that's fluffy and happy, despite how the summary makes it seem. Also inspired by the kiss picture linked above.
Goodnight Angel (E, 14.4k - wip but also works as it is)
Post lockdown-phone-call fic.
Aziraphale had told him not to come over, but he was a demon and obviously he wasn't going to listen. Besides he was going out of his mind with boredom and going to see the angel was a much better idea than a long nap.
Apart from my main wip All The Pieces of You I've also got a follow up to In The Beginning in the works and eventually I'll go back to Goodnight Angel as well. Apart from that I'm going to list my wips here and try to keep track of them with tags and get a bit better at posting about them. Some of these will probably never get written, especially since a few days ago there was only 12, then I scrapped one altogether taking it down to 11 and now somehow I'm up to 15. Too many ideas in my head and too many half writtten fics on my computer.
After The Swap
Blind date
Dance for Me
End Times
Entertain Me
Here's to the End Times (yep different to the above fic despite the similar working title)
It's You (This one is a one shot human AU and might be posted soon)
Run Away Together
Sunlight In Your Smile (I've started posting this finally!)
Lockdown Lifted
So You Can Take It Off (Desperately want to finish this because it's different to anything else I've written)
South Downs
Run Away Together (very much a working title!)
This Land of Ours (fits in the Pieces of You universe)
Waking Up With You (This is now done and posted!)
Job (This is finished and posted as Give In To Desire - linked above - although technically there are more chapters in the works)
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canmom · 2 months
re gaza fundraisers situation
i don't think most of these escape-from-gaza fundraisers going around are likely to be scams. there probably are some scammers who jumped on the situation opportunistically, but there's less convoluted ways to make a buck. similarly, i think the people who are going to the effort of trying to verify them fit the profile of people who stepped up to do a difficult and quite thankless task and got in over their heads. why are there so many fundraisers? well if i was stuck in a refugee camp during a genocide and i word got around that there was a website with generous strangers who might pay for me to leave, i would probably give it a shot. so would you, I suspect. "elaborate conspiracy by porn bot operators to scam tumblr users, setting up a spurious system of 'vetting' to justify their scam" doesn't seem particularly parsimonious as a conclusion to jump to (the porn bot operators are in general just using tumblr as a free hosting service for seo shit), but if you fixate on the idea that's what's going on, and feel like you're the smart one for not falling foot it, there's very little evidence that can't be framed as part of the conspiracy. so a few people i sorta know over in the rat sphere threw out this accusation and now it's a whole furore.
even beyond that, though, there's plenty about the situation that is, through no fault of these gazan refugees, plain fucked. just like with e.g. trans fundraisers, with a loosely finite amount that people are likely willing to spare, you get a game of who can write the best appeal to emotion. for example, if you can point to a middle class occupation you used to have to supplant the stereotype of a poor refugee, that's effective rhetoric and maybe your fundraiser will go further. this is ugly and it shouldn't work like that, but that's the shape of it.
thus, the refugees end up looking at a wall of potentially hostile strangers and trying everything strat they can think to persuade them to part with money, while the tumblr user side is being constantly presented stories of strangers in pain; some of them end up trying to purchase satisfaction of moral principle, relief from feelings of complicity, etc etc. there are some personal connections between the two, but for most, that's the extent of the interaction. unfortunately, where they're continually confronted with a lot of people in very similar situations of misery, people (without some personal stake or connection keeping them invested) are likely to start mentally grouping everyone into one abstract figure of 'palestinian refugee', tuning out, finding excuses to dismiss them, etc etc. so on the refugee side, it ends up a very finite-sum game. and scammers just make that worse by mixing in an extra element of 'FUD'.
and worse, even if everything works out, mostly this money is going straight into the pockets of Egyptian border guards who set the (essentially) bribe price for putting someone on the exit list. similar to when the cops lock someone up and you have to raise bail, they can set that price to whatever they think they can get away with. there is absolutely no reason why it should cost $10,000 a head to cross from one side of a wall to another, except that the circumstances of this genocide produce an opportunity to fleece refugees - and anyone who decides to help them.
but if my friends were in Gaza you can bet I'd ask anyone who'd listen to pay those guards off for me. and if they refused, it would fucking hurt - that's my friend, they could die. a life saved is a life saved.
in general we are much more likely to move for a friend we have a personal connection to, or even a stranger who we perceive as relatable, than a total stranger, no matter how dire that stranger's situation. on some level this really feels wrong like, to each according to their need, right? somehow though applying the cold calculus of lives saved per dollar feels utterly cracked. if you're not filthy rich, there isn't really a good course to follow, because it's just a bad situation.
this isn't advice. there are always more people in need than you are capable of helping - the situation in Sudan is very dire as well for example, I've made online friends with a young gay guy at another refugee camp over there, and there's not much I can do to get him and his friends out except hope that he has some luck with certain Canadian charities. but every city on earth has people ending up destitute, right outside your door. helping someone is always a gamble. ultimately the call of which person you choose to help is quite arbitrary. so re gaza, I'm personally sending a decent chunk of monthly money to unrwa and I donated to a few fundraisers, but ultimately I'm already giving nearly all of my disposable income away to specific friends who are currently depending on me, so... is that the 'right' allocation of resources? i don't know and just have to accept the decisions i made.
charity is not a relationship that brings out the best in people, in general - it is inherently unequal, and there is a sense of shame, anxiety and suspicion that surrounds the whole thing on both sides, and that tends to find escape somehow. nobody likes to feel like a mark, nobody likes to feel like a pity case, and even in situations of legitimate suffering, nobody likes the hard sell. but as long as the genocide continues (and it shows no sign of stopping), this will continue, people will need the help. i have no solution.
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whisperiin · 1 year
chrome is my fav but I like seeing my favs suffer a bit so 🤭 can I request an angsty to fluff one-shot (or whichever format you prefer) with chrome and a childhood friend gn!reader? (friends with feeling for each other teehee!!!) smth like reader goes missing during a mission on earth and a year later reader is found as a construct and brought back to Babylonia? emotional reunion with chrome and everything 😭🫶🏻
chrome makes me explode!!!! he has no business being so romantic.
Thank you! I adore your blog and I hope to see it grow in the future!! <3
hi anon, thanks so much you're so sweet !! i totally get you tho ... i loooove making my favs suffer teehee it's so fun ... i also really like this prompt i love love love angst to fluff !! fun fact, i actually have a wanshi smooching oc with a similar backstory !! great minds think alike (〃´𓎟`〃)
i wrote mooostly from chrome's pov since the reader got yoinked so i hope it's alright that they don't have Too much involvement, but all that aside i hope you enjoy!!
here i am (following your steps).
content warnings: implications of/vague allusions to death (you get better though)
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When CHROME takes the mission report into his hands, he feels like the world has been pulled out from under his feet.
Your squadmates' faces were similarly grim — downcast eyes, lips pressed into thin lines — and no matter how hard he wanted to, he couldn't deny the truth of the matter, relayed to him in your captain's trembling apologies and Babylonia's standard typewritten font.
Your name, your rank, reported missing in action.
Chrome keeps his face carefully blank as he reads the rest of it over. Maybe he should have been there with you, he thinks. Maybe if you had one more person with you, then your squad wouldn't have had to split up, and you wouldn't have had to go alone, and —
"Thank you for letting me know," he says, a mask of fake reservation, and then he turns to leave.
There are pictures of you and him that you put up in his sleeping pod that he can't bring himself to take down, unopened gift boxes piled on top of the desk in the Strike Hawk lounge addressed to him. He thinks about how he wanted to straighten your jacket one more time before you swatted his hand away, and he wonders what you would say if he asked if you would still want to spend the rest of your life with him, like you believed you would growing up. You would always stay over for dinner, anyway, and his father already likes you — what's one more night, and one more, and one more?
It's a foolish, childish notion, but still the thought of it, the empty, gaping hole where you had once stood beside him, haunts him so.
Chrome sets the mission report face-down.
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Time without you passes slowly. After each mission Chrome spends another hour searching for you, and after each mission he returns to Babylonia without even finding the slighest trace of you. Not a torn piece of your coat, your pistol, your remains — nothing to officially pronounce you dead, and precious little else to remember you by.
Sometimes, he catches himself checking in on the private comms channel he set up for the two of you. Today, too, he finds himself listening to the silence that your voice used to fill, casting his gaze off to the horizon, past devastated streets and ruined buildings —
— And then he catches a flash of something in the distance that almost eerily reminds him of you.
He doesn't waste a single moment before he gives chase, your silhouette that he was so used to seeing growing clearer and clearer with each step. Even though he might just be deluding himself, he needs to see with his own eyes that it's not you to believe it.
The silhouette turns at the sound of his footsteps and at the sight of your face, the world is pulled out from under him again.
(How long has it been since he last heard your voice?)
"It's you," he says softly, falling from his lips like the answer to a prayer that even he can't quite believe. "...You're here."
The words bring a smile to your face — soft and bright and oh-so-familiar — and he reaches out for your hand, sliding down to hold your wrist. His fingers press against where he might feel your pulse but it's still, silent, cold, with only the same subtle thrum of electricity that sits beneath his own synthetic skin.
"I'm here," you echo, and for just a moment he sets aside all the questions running through his head.
Chrome takes another look at you, at your new metal body, at the same face he had seen every day growing up and seen in his dreams every night since you disappeared. He straightens your jacket and lets his hand rest on your shoulder for one moment, then two, waiting for you to swat his hand away.
"Chrome," you say, placing your hand over his. "Can I stay over for dinner?"
The question draws a surprised noise out of his throat, and his expression slowly melts into a smile.
"Always," he replies. "...And for however long you want to stay afterwards."
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kpopsexstories · 5 days
Updated Master List, September 19, 2024
I just updated my Master List of k-pop smut stories. This blog now contains 77 (!) unique stories that I've written from scratch specifically for this blog 😄
In this post I want to give you some recent highlights, to help you find smut stories you'll love.
Quick Fix Season 3 has ended
Quick Fix is my series with very short sex scenes. Season 3 officially ended yesterday with a story about NCT Johnny, after 8 stories that were published over 8 weeks.
I broke some personal records with this season as it contains some of my all-time most-liked stories and posts. Here are the top stories from Quick Fix Season 3:
#22: Muscle hunk Jeno fucks you missionary style
#19: Push-up sex with Haechan
#17: Mark asks you if Jisung can touch your boob
#21: Taeyong fucks you while Yuta jerks off beside you
Psst! Because I've received a lot of requests I will extend Season 3 by posting a few more Quick Fix stories next week. You didn't hear it from me ;)
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Most Popular Gay Stories
If you're a follower you can't have missed the fact that I now also have a Gay K-pop Smut series. While this series can be stories about any group/idol, I've so far been running an NCT Dream x Reader mini series called 'Dating Ban' in which you help the Dream team with their sexual frustrations.
Among the (still very few) gay stories I've published so far, here are the top 3:
NCT Jisung fucks you (pt. 1) then goes bottom in part 2
NCT Haechan fucks you from behind against a couch
NCT Mark sneaks into the bathroom for hot sex in the shower
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Old Stories, New Popularity
While updating the Master List with links to all my most recent stories I also went through my older stories. Here are a few that stand out because they received more attention recently despite not being new stories:
Your boyfriend WayV Ten has made you jealous so he fucks you hard to get your forgiveness. Stories about Ten have been requested a lot recently and I have two surprises for Ten fans coming next week ;)
Romeo Beckham – on of my very few non-kpop stories – finally got his first like! *LOL* This is by far my biggest flop, probably because it's a celebrity no one who follows a k-pop blog wants to read about. The non-kpop celebrity Leondre Devries (Bars & Melody) also flopped, but at least he didn't get an actual 0 xD
NCT Jeno brought a lot of new readers to the blog, probably as a result of the Quick Fix story about him (my most popular story to date!). His one-shot Jeno has sex with an older woman and the Most Memorable Sexual Experience of Jeno both received more attention after the Quick Fix story came out.
NCT Jungwoo's story from Quick Fix Season 2 in which he fucks you like a rabbit may not be a popular story at all, but it did take a small leap away from the bottom. I like this story and think it deserves better!
Another similar leap was made by Ten – probably due to his more recent stories attracting fans of his to the blog. The Quick Fix story in which he fucks you wild missionary style from Season 2 as well as the Most Memorable Sexual Experience of Ten have both grown steadily. The latter was previously and for a long time my only gay story, and the recent addition of a gay series on the blog might explain why more people have been drawn to it.
Backstage Sex with Haechan was always popular but keeps getting new likes regularly. In this x reader story Haechan talks dirty to you after bringing you backstage for sex.
Speaking of Haechan, the Quick Fix Season 1 story in which he fucks you missionary style and his gay-ish Most Memorable Sexual Experience of Haechan have also been discovered by more people recently. I assume this too is thanks to him being featured in the gay smut series.
Maybe thanks to the recent requested Yuta & Taeyong Quick Fix story, the older Quick Fix featuring Johnny & Yuta has seen new traction.
Chenle getting you pregnant has become more popular, probably thanks to the recent Chenle doing the seashell (sex position) story.
NCT Jisung pulling out and exploding on your stomach, Backstage sex with Haechan and NCT Mark fucks you silly missionary style have been dethroned as my three most popular stories – by far.
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Request a Story
I feel like I keep saying this, but the requests you send in are my #1 source of inspiration! While I can't respond to them all, many do end up becoming published stories. So please, do keep 'em coming. I'd be happy to realize your sexual fantasies 🤩🍆💦
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lilac-hecox · 8 months
ok i was going through your speculation tag bc i wanted to know what was up with kimmy and then just ended up catching up on the whole anthony/mykie speculation and then did some of my own detective work. i saw that someone assumed that anthony and mykie are living separately rn and anthony is staying in the smosh/pressalike studio while mykie is staying at their shared place, and i wanted to see if i can find any evidence of this.
so basically through looking at a bunch of pics i can say that anthony is definitely not staying at the smosh/pressalike studio but he may also not be staying in his space with mykie?
here are pics we have of the smosh/pressalike kitchen, from this member community post and the sleepwalking disaster bts. the things to note about this kitchen is the way the knobs for the stove are on the right of the stove and how the shelves of the kitchen are white in color and there's white cabinets.
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here are the pictures of anthony in a kitchen during the iconic ian-gives-anthony-frozen-soup saga. this is clearly not the same kitchen as the one in the smosh/pressalike studio bc the knobs of the stove are on the bottom of the stove and there are light brown cabinets in the kitchen. other things to note about this kitchen in the vent on the wall and what might be knives in the background behind anthony? hard to tell bc blurry af.
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and now for the real kicker, what i am assuming is anthony and mykie's kitchen in their shared home (also an ian for vibes bc how could i crop him out). at first i though maybe this is all bs bc of the knives in the background of the above being similar to the below pic, but there's some stuff that makes me think it's a different kitchen. the most obvious is that there is not air vent above the cabinets in the picture with ian, which is pretty damning unless he like added another air vent to his kitchen. Also the color, pattern, and shape of the soup cabinets are different from the cabinets in the pic below. there is no upper lip on the soup cabinets, and the way there seem's to be a longer cabinet that extends down on the left of anthony is just not seen in the picture below. the soup cabinets are also a lighter brown, and i don't thinks it's just because of the lighting bc the ones below are also stripey while the soup cabinets seem to be more of a flat color.
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anyways, all of this is me basically wondering the age old question: where's anthony? ian gave him frozen soup, this is a fact. so where tf did anthony end up reheating it? it def isn't the smosh/pressalike studio and i would say i'm 95% it isn't the kitchen in the background of the ian with dog photo.
sorry this was super long and i probably seem absolutely batshit insane, but being a long time supernatural fan truly did change my brain chemistry and caused me to develop an extremely unnecessary skillset.
This is Sarah Christ levels of detective work and I applaud this! I also did see a theory floating about that Anthony is staying in a new place that is neither the new Smosh house nor the the house he and Mykie bought. This was because of his interior shots and also the videos of him smoking weed out on the balcony of what could be the new place.
This is all very interesting and I appreciate and salute your hard work!
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aladaylessecondblog · 4 months
Severed Destiny, pt. 10
Author's Note: tw, Sadara doesn't want to be 'alive' anymore and considers taking steps to not be alive.
Lots of medical talk from the Divath Fyr section. You can't tell me that this man can clone himself and not also invent a shitload of things.
This is long, almost 6k words
Below the sound of constant ashy gusts of the blight winds, the Ghostfence hummed.
She had been staring at it, waiting, for what she knew not. Perhaps for the bravery to carry through with the idea that had brought her here.
There had hardly been a moment of respite outside of Mausur Caverns. It seemed that whenever she approached a corprus beast or ash zombie, they would almost instantly turn, necks giving a too-loud crack, before fixing her with either a steady gaze or bolting at the spot where she'd last made a sound.
And she might have thought he did not have ill intent, had they not been so intent to lay hands on her. She could toss a bolt of ice at the lesser ones and run, but the ash ghouls (poets, his voice still corrected her somewhere in the back of her mind) and ascended sleepers...they were another story.
She'd thought herself well hidden enough, behind a scattering of rocks. The blight winds had slowed a bit, but were still strong enough she'd been certain it couldn't see or sense her movement.
She had been wrong.
The sleeper had spotted her, and as she'd moved back to flee - hurled a bolt of magic at her. It struck, but seemingly did nothing, and for a moment she could not figure out why - not that there was time for much thought. Moving away there was another bolt of the same, and another, yet neither of the two did anything.
It was not until she had gotten safely back to Mausur that she realized they were paralysis spells. They'd done nothing because wispmothers weren't affected by such things. It was almost a relief.
But the fact that she was being attacked at all confirmed what Azura had been telling her: that he wanted her gone, and likely enough, wanted to handle it himself. Why else would the sleepers be hurling spells at her?
Then there had been a similar encounter a week later, with an ash poet, and then another, a few days after that.
It made her wonder if Gilvoth had finally spoken up. Stay gone, he'd said, and I will keep your secret. Stay gone, and I won't tell him you didn't leave to retrieve Wraithguard. Perhaps after she'd been caught through the eyes of that dying man, he'd started trying to find her. Maybe it had not been entirely angry, she couldn't know. But he WOULD be angry if Gilvoth spoke up...yes. Yes, that would explain the sudden surge of spells the ash poets and ascended sleepers directed at her. That would explain everything.
The small joy she had been able to take from this world of shit had been eliminated, and Azura had had much fun mocking her for it.
The Sharmat wants to destroy she who most betrayed him! Do you think he would want to leave it to his underlings? Do you think he would let you expire peacefully? Dead as you are, the demon has ways of making you pray for the true end! There is no escape!
She was alone again, but she couldn't simply stay in Mausur - that was the surest way to madness, to hole up there to wait for the end, in whatever way it came.
So now here she stood, an arm's length from the Ghostfence, contemplating what, she wasn't sure.
No, she knew what it was.
She extended a spectral hand, lifted it to the shimmering, shifting surface of the Ghostfence, and winced. Putting a hand near it produced a repelling force, and pushing it forward anyway made her feel as though her hand would split painlessly apart.
But actually touching it?
Pain shot up her arm, and she cringed from the agony. She felt weak - weaker than usual, even more than she had when she had first awakened behind that cursed glow.
Yet it hurt not nearly so much as feeling nothing at all.
Had she still been living there might have come then a deep breath. There was still a steeling of nerves, a moment of silence in her mind, a desperate attempt to keep her course steady.
Fifteen years.
For certain she knew it, for Azura had been sure to tell her each time a year passed. Her daughter was nearly a woman now, and she had seen none of it, had barely been able to hold her as a babe before expiring. What would she look like now? Would she still resemble--him? Would her little girl be able to see her at all? How had the argonians raised her, what had she learned? What hopes and dreams did she have?
What would have been, had she been able to convince him of the wrongness of his actions? It was a sword, that imagining, a sword that cut her a thousand agonies with every attempt to approach it. She had once tried thinking how joyful a father he might have been, how eager he might have been to teach a young mind, the first new one of his family in well over three thousand years. The smile on his face when a small voice called him father.
She would gladly have cast off her own and worn the name Nerevar, forget all that she had been if she could have even a taste of that life.
How wonderful things might have been, had I only been able to make him see?
So many questions I will never know the answer to.
There had been light, laughter, and love once, a lifetime ago. But now? Now there was only darkness and the constant red fog of the blight storms, and even this was going to come to an end. And she would know - for Azura said as much - when he had been defeated, for it would all stop, and then would come her true doom.
Even the corprus monsters she had once sung to, her only real company, would cease to exist and she would be lost, truly lost, in a never-ending stretch of ash and ruin.
A silent moment passed then. She steeled her nerves, kept her ghostly hands clenched into fists, and began to float forward--
The voice was distinctly male, and stern in a way that reminded her of the ordinators. It came--from where, she wasn't sure. There was no one around her, that she could see, anyway. Perhaps she had finally lost it.
This isn't the answer.
"This is the only option I have left," she said in reply, "The last mote of happiness I had has been stolen. He has his followers dogging my every step, ready to end me if I'm not vigilant enough. I will never be able to pass the Ghostfence...what is left for me? What other answer is there?"
All is not as it appears. Listen to me. Let me help you. Just don't end yourself.
"Please don't make me hope," she whispered, "I would rather go now, than...than find you aren't real, or..."
I am real. I am HERE, the voice said. Strong as an ox, sure as the sun, he believed what he was saying, she could understand that much.
"But who are you?"
Yagrum was so eager to speak that Haj-deek couldn't help but sit there with him. She had the blood drawing tools in hand, but hesitated to go back up to Divath Fyr just yet.
"Your father - he was always brilliant, always knew exactly what he wanted - but perhaps not always how to get it. Else you would likely bear two names instead of only the one."
She looked away for a moment. "My mother's journals tell me she tried to change his mind, but...but was unsuccessful."
"Even for a lover's touch Lord Dagoth would not change his mind, that was always his way. Stubborn as any lord of a Great House might be."
"If my mother couldn't do it, then..." Haj-deek shook her head. Whatever Vivec had done, given her - she felt it kicking around in her head, boiling beneath her skin. He'd said she would know when the time had come to use it. Maybe whatever it was could be used.
She tried to explain what had lead to the situation wherein Vivec had given her this supposed power, whatever it was. Yagrum latched onto the topic eagerly.
"Much as Azura likes to consider herself a loving and benevolent deity, she has proven many times to be quite the opposite. And Vivec - him I am more and yet less sure of. He is eager to correct his mistakes, you say?"
"He claims to have seen the future," she said, "He showed me Baar Dau falling and striking the city...the disaster that followed. He was--very precise."
She knew she'd said too much, but Yagrum wasn't in a position to tell anyone else but those of Tel Fyr, and none of the people here seemed like the sort to go running to tell what she'd said.
"He didn't seem to dislike the idea of doing something to help my father," Haj-deek went on, "I wanted to know him, I said, and...he went along with it. He knows a lot of things I don't, this is probably one of them."
"Or he could be leading you on, to direct you to a most bloody fate. That is the whim of gods and those who consider themselves gods. Disobey them and their façades fade away in an instant." There was a moment of thought. "If you are quite serious in the attempt...I suppose there is something I could lend you. I would if possible want it back if you are able to escape this plan with your life."
Yagrum turned, and the spiderlike legs beneath him went tk tk tk as he moved over towards the wardrobe. He opened it, humming briefly to himself, and then lifted something from its bottom. "I've got something your father once gave to me...and when trying to appeal to one's humanity, it helps to have reminders from the past."
When he returned he held out a tiny, inert dwemer spider. It looked clumsily made - its sides were a little lumpy, and its legs felt brittle. Too thin. The metal had not been worked right, she could see that even not knowing how exactly smithing of such metals worked.
But the joints seemed to be holding together well, even while the rest of it didn't seem so well off.
"What is this?" she finally asked.
"A dwemer spider," Yagrum said, "House Dagoth mingled its blood with that of the Dwemer at some point in the past, and your father was interested in learning something of our skills, saying it could be of benefit to learn more of his heritage. And I, being--well, one of--his closest friends at the time, seemed the obvious first place to look for guidance on the matter. He tried a little of everything - and presented me with this spider."
Haj-deek smiled briefly. "Was he proud of it?"
"Yes and no. He was pleased to have made something, but he was well aware its quality was not...ideal. 'I have created, if not beautifully,' he said, 'And I would give it to you, but it would be an insult to provide you with something of such poor quality.' I cared not. I told him it was a shaky first attempt, but that he did not have the benefit that I did. I studied under Kagrenac himself - he had contented himself with notes I gave him. Seeing is better than reading, which is itself secondary to doing. I told him he should keep trying. I kept the spider, though, as a token of our friendship. Even in my wanderings, it's been at my side. Even when my mind deserted me, I knew it was important, even if I did not know why."
"I--thank you, for trusting me with it. Any help I can get, I'll take...do you think it will help remind him of--before?"
"It could, or it could not. But when you encounter your father, be sure to show him this little spider. Remind him that there was a time he did not make perfect the enemy of good, that there was a time he did not..."
Yagrum seemed to stop short at that.
"I'm sorry, I...lost track of my thoughts. Ah. You did not come here to only speak to me. You'd best take the blood-drawing tool up to Lord Fyr, I await eagerly the news of what you might help him discover."
"I don't mind speaking to you, though. Um...before I go..."
"Did you ever meet my mother? Divath Fyr says he did, and..."
"Your mother...the previous Nerevarine." Yagrum paused, squinted, and shook his head. "Very little. Her smile, I remember that...she had a smile that brightened even this dark room. Ah - something else, she played that guarskin drum you might've seen Uupse using. I don't remember why."
Haj-deek thanked Yagrum once again, and finally left.
The blood-drawing tool in question was a strange looking needle attached to a colorful...tube of some kind? It was made of something that seemed to give a little, but not much, and on either side of the bright part were two strange little things almost like wings. Behind that the small tubing extended into something that looked like it was made to be put into something else.
The needle was...rather large, and that made her skin crawl just a bit. But she went on back to Divath Fyr anyway, with Sunchaser following close behind.
"Ah, good, you're back. You were gone longer than I expected."
"Yagrum was eager to talk to someone new," Haj-deek said, "And he'd met my mother, so...I wondered if he'd have anything to say about her. Now...uh...this thing, what is it? How are you supposed to draw blood with it? What's it even made of?"
"A new material derived from certain trees in Black Marsh, they're calling it 'rubber,'" Divath Fyr said, "And I've taken to calling it a butterfly needle. My patients seem to prefer these to the metallic sort. It was actually Vistha-Kai who suggested using the rubber in place of them."
"Where's the blood supposed to go?"
He gestured to her to follow, and so she did. He lead her to what was clearly some sort of alchemy lab, as crowded as the desk there was. Vials, ingredients, lined the shelves behind it, and he plucked a small vial from a lower shelf. The end of the tubing seemed to slot neatly into the vial's open top.
"Your blood flows at a certain speed as it moves through your body, and as such all I need do is give a little prick into a vein and let your body do all the work."
"And then?"
"Then I begin my work. Your blood could be invaluable in my struggle against the...more negative effects of corprus. Provided, of course, your blood is...of the right type." Divath Fyr took to cleaning the point end of the butterfly needle as he spoke.
"Type? Blood has types?" Haj-deek was frankly astonished, and even though the idea of being stuck with the needle was a bit gross, she was curious to hear more.
"Oh, yes. I noticed that when studying the blood of some of my patients, a curious reaction happened when I combined some of it under another of my inventions. It allows for amplified viewing of small--"
"Go on," she gestured, when he stopped.
"--of things too small for the naked eye to see itself. I noticed certain differences between the samples, yet similarities from the corprus."
"The blood was different from one patient to the next?""
When he gestured for her arm, Haj-deek decided to cooperate. It was fascinating, listening to this, despite...everything. Listen, Vivec had said, listen when the masters speak. You may learn something even if you do not understand it.
"There were four types, as Uupse later discovered, and two...subtypes of those types. To keep things simple, I named them after two of my daughters...and for oblivion itself."
The needle pricked a vein in her elbow, and despite the sudden nausea Haj-deek watched the blood flow out and into the vial. It didn't take long to fill the thing; the needle was pulled away and the small wound healed.
"That's a little weird. Not your daughters, but oblivion...?"
"A thing a man discovers is his to name, after all," Divath Fyr went on with a laugh, "Alfe, or A, Beyte, or B, and AB. The fourth, O for oblivion, was chosen because it did not seem to fight A, B, or AB as they would with one another. Hence the name. All of my patients had one of these four types, in either the positive or negative..."
She nodded, and momentarily looked down at the tiny wound in her arm. It was still gross to think about, him taking her blood, but it hadn't be as bad as she was expecting. And at least he looked like he was doing something useful with it.
He went on to explain some further things she didn't understand as he turned away to examine her blood. He took drops of it and put them under glass with some other drops of other blood, and then looked into the strangest thing she had seen yet.
"What is that?" she asked as he bent over the thing.
"A device Yagrum Bagarn helped me with. I have a spell for magnifying my eyesight, but it leads to troublesome headaches and other...strange side effects. This thing merely requires lenses, such as you might find in an old man's glasses."
There was a pause, and then he spoke again.
"This may take me a few minutes, go and see about getting yourself something to eat. And for my sake, don't do it up here around my specimens."
When Haj-deek returned, Divath Fyr who had been still over whatever that little device was, looked quickly up.
"Anything?" she asked.
"Well, you're as immune as you say you are. And also what I've come to call O-, so that's an advantage to my work."
"How so?"
"It means that anyone can receive your blood, without it attacking or being attacked. With the little you've given me I've already seen some reduction of corprus in the other samples."
Haj-deek was momentarily puzzled. "How--how does that work when I have it myself? I mean...I don't feel any of the bad effects, but..."
Further explanation was soon given, and most of it went over her head. Something about "hereditary immunity" and "bodily defenses" and a whole host of other things she didn't really understand. But what was clear was that her blood was doing something to that of his patients. The blood of the others were responding in some way,
Still, after years of trying and so much failure in finding a cure, it was something - and much less fatal than that potion he had fed her mother.
"I may even be able to formulate a treatment from it...assuming there are no ill effects."
"I imagine you Telvanni wizards can do anything with magic."
"Of course we can," Divath's head raised proudly, "This could take magic of a different sort...if you wouldn't mind staying here for a week, perhaps two...and give me a little time to study your blood, perhaps provide me with a few more vials of it. If you're as eager to learn as you've been so far, it would be no chore instructing you."
He held a vial like that which he'd collected her blood in.
"As long as you only take my blood with that...that...what do you call that thing, anyway? Leeches?"
"I hadn't named them, actually...leeches, yes. I'll go with that."
And with that he was back to looking at her blood through that strange little device. She resolved to ask about it later, when he seemed more amenable to talking again.
For the next week she spent the bulk of her time with Uupse and Yagrum, helping the former with the corprus victims and their various treatments, and speaking of her father and the past with the latter. Uupse applauded her for her interest one morning as she was helping dish out saltrice porridge for the patients' breakfast.
Sunchaser was having her own little meal from fish that Haj-deek had caught earlier - but outside. She seemed to adjust well enough to it, seeing as how there weren't any other cliffracers nearby...though she still preferred to stick close to the tower.
"He never gets visitors...Tel Fyr gets new people now and then, but they're usually not in good shape by the time we receive them, and not in a mood to talk. I think your presence has benefitted him greatly."
Haj-deek gave a slight smile. Yagrum had had many things to say, as the more he talked of her father and the past, the more linked memories seemed to appear. Not too many - sometimes they were only snippets, half-thought conversations, but he remembered, and that was the important part.
And more importantly, it gave her the chance to learn about her father. The moment Uupse was gone, she sought Yagrum out. He appeared to be studying her mother's journal--she'd given it to him, half wondering if there was something he could see that she didn't. Something to actually help.
"Your mother was quite the hopeful woman," he said, rubbing his eyes, "Nerevar...I don't remember him very well. I don't know if he was a hoper. He was...a man of action, though, I do remember that."
"I like doing things too," Haj-deek said, "And seeing things change because of me, but...I don't know if you'd call me someone of action just yet. Most of my life has been other people guiding me. The argonians that raised me...Vivec, for a while."
"Well, you're at that age where you start learning to make choices," Yagrum said, "So it's not your fault that you haven't made any yet. One thing I will say - don't be too much like your father. Stick to a decision if you feel it to be right, but be willing to change what you think if you're shown evidence it's not good for you. The man was stubborn, to an irritating degree, so unchangeable, unshakeable, he could not fathom being wrong most of the time."
"What worked with you?"
"Time," he said, "And multiple reminders that such behavior wasn't going to win him any favors with the people who cared for him."
"Could it really be that simple?" she asked. "He's been like this for...centuries."
"It's what worked before, who's to say it won't work now? Form a hypothesis and test it based on prior evidence. Granted, my evidence is...anecdotal..."
"Means it's my experience only, and not documented under studied conditions," Yagrum replied. "Now, I'm going to get to my breakfast before it goes cold. You should do the same."
Haj-deek's stomach growled in agreement, and she headed off to find Uupse again to get her own serving of the saltrice porridge.
"You've got a letter," Uupse said, after the bowl was filled, "It doesn't have a name on it."
"That's...strange." Haj-deek glanced over the envelope. "If it was anybody I knew they wouldn't...huh."
The envelope looked fairly nice, so she sat down in an alcove, near what had probably been some sort of campfire, and opened the letter. As she ate she read:
To the Nerevarine, Haj-deek
Be not afraid on receipt of this letter, if you should happen to have first ready my signature. I assure you that my actions shall not be those that you might already have heard from the dissident priests or other such unfaithful folk.
Though I have watched others come and go, my belief is that you are the child of prophecy. The time has come for you to reclaim your station. Together we can unite Morrowind once again, free from the Imperial yoke.
You are but a child, though nearly a woman you be. Allow me to guide you, for the title you carry is a heavy one. One, I am sure, you have already a deep awareness of, if your stay in Vivec City has been as long as I have heard it was. Let it not be said that Mother Morrowind, the font of mercy herself, cannot set a course ahead of the youth and help them to see the way they must go. You could be a beacon of hope, if only you will heed my words. Let the moon-and-star that adorns your hand and marks your destiny symbolize also your return to my side, though in a far different role than before.
But I must present you two warnings: there are those who seek to sway you to their own sides, away from the path of righteousness which you will soon walk. Lord Vivec, a revered god among mer as he is, has designs that are shrouded in complexity and ambiguity, as is his nature. You must be wary of seeking his counsel, lest it lead to your confusion in his wisdom at the worst possible time.
And as you no doubt have heard - you must at all costs guard your heart and mind against the evil whisperings of Dagoth Ur, the devil that plagues all of Morrowind. His influence is pure malevolence, a creeping necrosis that rots and kills all that it touches. You will be promised power and glory, but the path he would lead you down goes only one way: to ruin and despair. Do not trust him, even once, even for a moment, for the inch will be taken and the mile with it, as the saying goes. You should not have trusted him in the First Era, and you should not trust him now.
I would ask that you visit me in Mournhold. Seek out my wisdom, stand at my side, and fulfill your destiny. There are things only you can accomplish, and through me you will find all the strength you need and more to set the world right. Only you can now do what is needed - so it was with you when your name was Nerevar and you united Chimer and Dwemer, and so it shall be again.
Perhaps this time I may convince you to be less reckless, the better to preserve your life.
Signed, Almalexia, Mother of Morrowind, the Lady of Mercy
Haj-deek had for a moment an inkling of a feeling to show Almalexia the same mercy as she was planning to show to others. Something in the back of her mind stirred, weaker and yet there, a distrust of (Ayem) that would not be held back. It was Vivec, memory and the man's own mouth had said, to spear me through, but it was Ayem who I trusted most and thus who most betrayed me.
Still, perhaps she could see if these were only words, or if there was an inkling of a chance for her to change.
And if not...Vivec had once said something about Trueflame, and how Almalexia had it. Getting that sword would help...how would Vivec put it?...legitimize her as the Nerevarine nearly as much as the ring did.
The presence of a bloated corprus monster stirred Haj-deek's attention from musing on the letter. She looked up, and found the bloated thing staring at her. It sat down and seemed to inch closer.
She readied fire in her fist, which he seemed to notice. He looked at the embers, then back up, and shook his head.
They were so strange, these things. They'd never attacked her--grabbed at her, yes, but never hurt her. Most of the time they simply stared, and if she talked to them, would listen.
What were they looking for? What were they getting from this?
It reached for the letter clumsily, with a shaking hand.
"No, no, that's mine," she said, pulling it away, "Seems I'm very important these days...it's from Almalexia."
The corprus victim made an outburst--not quite a scream, but clearly an expression of pained panic.
"Oh, it's nothing to worry about. She's down in Mournhold, and I'm all the way up here. Still...if she's as eager to make up as she sounds, maybe she's sincere. It's worth checking--"
There was a groan, and a grab at her arm with its own bloated one. A clenched grip that wouldn't release, however much she pulled away. Still no attacks - but she wasn't sure he wouldn't.
"Uupse!" she called out, before looking back at the victim.
"Nnnn...nnn..." He was trying to make a sound, trying hard, she could almost feel the desperation, see the struggle, until finally a single strangled word escaped his lips, "No!"
A painful motion, almost like he'd vomit and then two words, in a softer tone, "No...go..."
"No go...don't go? Don't go whe--what, you mean to Almalexia?"
The patient nodded eagerly.
It was then that Uupse appeared, and she was able to cast a calm spell and ease the corprus victim's hand off Haj-deek's arm.
"They aren't usually like that," she said, "What was this about?"
"I got a letter from--from Almalexia, and I said I was considering seeing her and he just--he just--" she stammered, rubbing at the sore spot on her arm where the victim had grabbed her, "He said, and I quote, 'no go.'"
"Well, you're a Nerevarine, and the Temple doesn't like Nerevarines..." Uupse shrugged, "But...this one is so far gone, I didn't think he could..."
There was a pause.
"Well, it's a good sign...in a way. Do you know a calm spell? It might be helpful if you intend to stay here much longer...it'll be good practice for those fits you keep seeing them have. And for situations like this."
Another groan from the corprus victim, as Haj-deek stood; he stood with her and stayed close. There was a sickly groan, and then both his hands moved to her shoulders.
"Oh, he must think he knows you," Uupse said, "That happens rarely with them at this stage, but the early stage infections will...get like this. It's the rotting of their mind, it causes them to think that people around them are their friends, or family...it can cause them to be familiar with those they've never met."
Haj-deek looked up at the yellowed eyes of the corprus victim, and he stared back down at her own red ones.
She expected almost anything except what came next.
This corprus-addled man, so sickly looking she could not even tell whether he was man or mer, wrapped both his arms around her and pulled her into the tightest hug she'd ever been a part of.
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Should've Been Born Later, Nix - Chapter 3: The Twins
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Easy Company x Fem!OCs
Chap. Synopsis: What will happen when Easy Company finally starts getting settled in 2023?
Words: 3,440
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Author's Note: (Link to picrew in collage) Hey everyone!! I just wanted to say that part of this chapter mentions irl Easy Company and I wanted to emphasize that this work means absolutely NO disrespect to the real veterans - this work of fiction is based solely on the characters in the TV Series 💖
“Well, how do y’all like 2023 so far?” Zay asked over her shoulder, the three arriving at a pair of elevators.
“It’s certainly… something,” Joe replied hesitantly, causing Zay to let out a quiet giggle. The trio made their way back to the emergency room, Zay leading them back to the beds. The nurse stopped at another desk similar to the one Liebgott and Speirs saw before, asking which bed Malarkey was in. After the short conversation, Zay led Liebgott and Speirs through the maze of hospital beds and patients before finally arriving at the rest of Easy Company. They saw Malarkey laying in his bed, the top half of the bed raised so the soldier was sitting up. The rest of the boys were spread around his bed, some in chairs, others standing and leaning against the wall. Zay could barely contain her shock and excitement - ten people from the show that she has seen way too many times, honestly she could probably quote each episode word for word, were right before her. Surveying the men, Zay smiled and put her hands on her hips.
“So this is Easy Company,” she mused before all of the boys who were sitting compulsively shot to their feet, quickly reminding Zay of the strict etiquette rules of their time. She let out a laugh before she said, “Oh sit please! No need to stand on ceremony!” What Zay did not know was that the men were utterly enamoured - they did not know what to make of the nurse. She was unlike anyone any of them had ever met; she was bright, bubbly, outgoing, but exuded an air of openness and authenticity, something that made the boys feel safe and at home, even in such an alien place. One by one, the boys who were sitting slowly sat back down.
Suddenly snapping back into his leadership role, Dick stepped forward and outstretched his hand. “Ma’am, I’m Richard Winters, thank you for meeting with us,” he said politely, trying desperately to hide his nerves. Dick felt something he had never felt before - simultaneously, he felt safe and comfortable, but incredibly nervous, as if he was going to say something wrong. Zay smiled and shook Dick’s hand with a gentle but decisive grip - he could have sworn there was a spark.
“Azalea Bennett! You can call me Zay though,” she introduced herself to the captain. “And I think I know everyone here…” Zay took a survey around the small area sectioned off by rolling curtain dividers. “Looks like we have Lewis Nixon, George Luz, Bill Guarnere, Joe Toye, Bull Randleman, Doc Roe, an injured Don Malarkey,” she pointed to each man as she named him before turning to look beside her. “Joe Liebgott, Ron Speirs,” Zay finally turned to the quiet leader before her, “and captain Dick Winters.” There were mixed reactions from the boys. Most of the company were impressed and amused by the nurse’s memory, while Guarnere and Toye kept their guard up.
“How the fuck do you know our names?” Guarnere asked defensively.
“Don’t swear around the lady Gonorrhea!” Toye scolded as he smacked the man’s arm.
Zay let out another laugh before Guarnere could retaliate at his friend. “Okay, first, I don’t give a fuck if you swear around me,” Zay commented. The twenty eyebrows in the room shot to the ceiling when they heard the lady swear so casually - maybe they might like 2023. “And to answer your question… I’m not really sure how to tell y’all this,” she buried her hands in her shirt pockets, looking at the ground. “So��� um…” Zay tried to find her words, the eight soldiers waiting anxiously. “There’s this TV show, called Band of Brothers, that follows the soldiers of Easy Company and all of their missions and challenges as they fight the Germans in Europe.” Zay meekly looked up to survey the boys, trying to gauge their reactions. Some looked at her with their jaws on the floor, unable to believe her words. Others were staring into space, attempting to process the revelation. Speirs and Liebgott were surveying the reactions with Zay, while Malarkey spoke up.
“So, here, we’re all just characters in a TV show?” There was a certain quality to Don’s voice - it almost sounded like disappointment. Back home, or at least in Europe, they were fighting the war to end all wars. Here, they were just some characters on television.
“Well, not exactly,” Zay explained, “your characters are all based on real people that really fought in Europe, y’all are portraying them in the show, telling their stories.”
“So if we looked for them, we could find people with our names?” George asked from beside the hospital bed.
“Well… you’d have to look in cemeteries,” Zay replied solemnly, “the war was eighty years ago, I don’t think anyone from Easy Company is still alive.” Heads nodded in understanding to Zay’s statement. “Do y’all know how you got here? Or how to get back?” Zay asked the men, scanning their faces with her ultramarine eyes. Her eyes may have been framed by her glasses, but they never obscured the authenticity that shone from her expressions.
“Hate to say it, but no, we have no idea how any of this happened,” Nixon spoke up from his spot leaning on the wall.
“So what exactly happened?” Zay replied, stepping a bit closer to the group. The men looked around at each other… who was going to tell her what happened? Would she believe them? Would this be the breaking point?
Eugene spoke up after a beat of silence, “Well, we were in Bastogne, and we started taking hits, so of course I dove into a foxhole. Except, I never hit the bottom…” the medic looked down at his hands, as if this was painful to remember. “It was probably only a few seconds, but honestly, it felt like I was falling for ages, and everything was pitch black,” he mumbled the last part under his breath, “it was terrifying.” Roe took a deep breath and shook his head, shaking away the painful memories. “Next thing I knew, I was landing on the concrete, and all these boys were falling from the sky.” Roe pointed around the room with a small smile on his face, earning a sparse chuckle from the room.
“I saw him fall in and not come out, so I jumped in to try and see what happened, then the same thing happened to me,” Liebgott spoke up from behind Zay. “Then that one landed on top of me,” he pointed at Bull with a smirk. “Don’t know how I didn’t bite it.” The group laughed as Bull shot Joe a wink.
“You’re welcome,” Randleman replied with a laugh.
“Toye and I went in after Bull,” Guarnere chimed in, “then I think Lieutenant Speirs tumbled in after us.” He looked over to Ron, who has been leaning on the wall next to Nixon.
“Yeah, a blast threw me backwards into the foxhole,” the officer explained.
“When I saw him go in I wanted to make sure he was okay, so of course I followed,” Nixon added.
“Of course I couldn’t let him go alone,” Winters interjected with a laugh, giving heart eyes to his best friend.
“When I saw the captain go in, the bombardments finally stopped, so Luz and I ran over to make sure he was okay, but of course that didn’t go as planned,” Malarkey shot a playful glare to Luz, who was sitting on the floor near the foot of his bed.
“I said I was sorry!” Luz held up his hands in surrender. The group let out another laugh - everyone could tell that they were starting to relax in the unfamiliar environment.
“You wouldn’t happen to know how we could get back to our own… time, do you?” Dick asked the nurse, looking at her with shyer eyes than he had intended.
“I have no idea, but I’d be happy to help you figure it out!” she said with a smile, the brightest smile any of the men had seen. “Do y’all have a place to stay?”
“Can’t say that we do,” Winters answered, glancing back at Nixon - the officer nodded his head, affirming Winters’ statement.
“If y’all want, you’re more than welcome to stay with me and my sister,” Zay offered bashfully, her eyes going to the floor. “My sister watches the show, so she’d know you guys too.” Everyone looked to captain Winters to see what his decision was. No one would admit it, but each of the men were hoping that their CO would agree to stay with the blue-haired girl.
Dick took a moment to think it over before he replied, “I’m not really sure if we have any other option.” He smiled and nodded his head at Zay, a silent acceptance of her offer for a roof over their heads and a safe place to sleep.
“Great! My sister’s actually on her way, I’ll talk to the doctor and see if we can get Malarkey discharged,” Zay replied happily, a bounce appearing in her step as she walked off to the desk in the middle of the room.
“I think I might like 2023,” Luz spoke up with a smirk.
“Hey! I saw her first!” Liebgott spoke up indignantly, sending a glare to Luz.
“Men, she is our host here and you will treat her with respect,” Winters scolded his men in a firm tone. Nixon and Speirs could not help but let out a scoff at Dick’s words, both of the officers quickly going to cover their mouths. “What?” Winters prodded, becoming slightly defensive at their antics.
“Dick, we all saw how you looked at her earlier,” Nixon responded in earnest. Before the captain could reply, their modern-times hostess returned to the group.
“Y’all are all set to go! My shift ends in a few minutes, so as soon as my sister gets here we’ll head out,” she explained happily, bubbly energy exuding from her.
“Thank you for helping us,” Eugene spoke up, a humble and thankful expression on his face, “I know you kind of know us, so to speak, but still, to take ten strangers into your home is one of the biggest acts of kindness I’ve seen.” Zay blushed a bright red and turned her gaze to the floor, unable to hide the smile spreading across her face.
“It’s nothing, really,” she replied shyly, “but that means a lot to hear from you.” Zay met Roe’s gaze for a moment before going back to the floor, her blush nearly matching her hair in regards to the saturation of the color. Before anyone could chastise Roe for his (what Roe would call unintentional) flirtations, everyone heard an odd sound come from Zay’s pocket. Only Zay knew that the sound was her cell phone’s ringtone, Somebody to Love by Queen, but all Easy Company heard was an unfamiliar song and the voice of an angel. The nurse pulled her phone out of her pocket and held it up to her ear. “Hey! Are you here?... Great! I’ll meet you by my car! See you in a sec!” Zay tapped the lit-up rectangle before putting it back in her pocket. “My sister Chrys just got here! Stay here, I’ll get my things and then we can head out.” She turned on her heel, her signature bounce appearing in her step. Liebgott waited for the nurse to be out of earshot before turning to the medic seated next to Malarkey.
“TaKiNg StRaNgErS iNtO yOuR hOmE-” Before Liebgott could finish his mockery of Roe, the medic spoke up to defend himself.
“Hey! I’m just trying to be nice!” Eugene rebutted, voice laced with his trademark Cajun accent. Liebgott, Luz, and Roe began to bicker over flirting with Zay, Guarnere and Toye leaning back and watching the show with amusement. Bull looked on at the three arguing as well, waiting to see how things would turn out. Before things got too out of hand, Zay returned, a multicolored backpack slung across her shoulder.
“Alright! Malarkey is free to go! Ready boys?” She asked, clearly trying to contain her excitement. All ten boys felt their hearts warm at the sight. Roe helped Malarkey out of the bed, the redhead starting to stand on his own. Zay led the men to the elevator, the eleven of them packing in like sardines. Zay wound up squished between the corner, Winters, and Luz. She pushed a button on the side with the label “Garage” beside it before she smiled shyly at the men, backing up against the wall as much as she could. Luz and Winters tried to give the girl as much space as they could, but of course, said space was quite limited. While Winters kept his gaze firmly affixed on his feet, as if he would lose them if he looked away, George snuck a glance at Zay, returning her shy smile as he noticed the blush on her cheeks. As soon as her eyes met his, Zay immediately shifted her gaze to the floor, now staring at her shoes just as intently as Winters. Luz had to bite his lip to keep his smile from growing wider. All too quickly the elevator dinged and the doors opened to reveal the gray concrete of the hospital's parking garage. The boys filed out quickly, waiting for Zay to lead them to her car.
To anyone else, the group would look like little lost ducklings following their colorful mother duck. A mixture of emotions swam around the group - some were relieved that they found someone who not only knew this time period, but also knew them and liked them. Others were still coming to terms that something as fantastical as time travel happened to the company. How were they going to explain this to the rest of Easy? Or to Colonel Sink? Others in the group continued to be wary of Zay, especially Speirs and Guarnere. While they were greateful for the help, how did they know they could trust her? As for Zay, a mixture of emotions coursed through her body - excitement that she was about to spend time with the people who lived in her head rent-free, joy that she could help people who were need, and a hint of doubt that this was all actually happening… if she told anyone about this, would they believe her?
Zay led the group before everyone noticed the lights illuminate on a yellow car with a soft roof. The car had an emblem with a running horse on the back of it, something that only Zay recognized as a Ford Mustang. As if on cue, a bronze, sleek sports car came around the corner and stopped near the men. Zay put her backpack in her car's trunk before greeting the driver stepping out of the newly arrived Nissan Z-Car. The driver was a woman with short, curly black hair, the bangs and tips dyed bright firetruck red. Her look was punctuated by a pair of minimalist snake-bite piercings beneath her lower lip. The girl was wearing a set of auto-mechanic’s coveralls in classic navy blue, the name “Chrys” embroidered in cursive on the front. Zay engulfed the newcomer in a hug, earning the nurse a mild scolding.
“Zay! You’re gonna make me fall!” the girl laughed before loosely returning Zay’s ambush hug. Zay simply giggled and pulled away enough to talk to the girl, Zay’s arm still wrapped around her shoulder.
“Sorry Chrys! I just got excited,” Zay replied, turning her head to look at the group around her car. “Boys, this is my twin sister Chrys! She was kind enough to take the rest of the evening off work to help y’all get settled,” she announced, looking at Chrys with a proud smile. Chrys offered an awkward wave and a “hello” to the rest of group, not expecting the introduction. The boys replied in greeting before Liebgott spoke up.
“Shit! Captain Winters, we need to get our weapons from up front,” he reported urgently. Zay gave the group a confused look before Joe explained further, “We weren’t allowed to bring our weapons into the hospital, so we stashed them in the bushes up front, we put our helmets there too so we wouldn’t have to carry them.”
Zay nodded in understanding before turning to Chrys, “Do you wanna take half in your car and half in mine, then one of us can put their weapons in the trunk?”
Chrys nodded, turning to the group in front of her. “Alright guys, we gotta split up into two groups for the cars, who wants to go with who?”
“I’ll go with Zay!” Luz volunteered, all too eagerly.
“Me too!” followed Liebgott, glaring at Luz.
Nixon chuckled and shook his head at their antics. “I can go with Chrys,” he offered, meeting her eyes for the first time. Just like that, he knew he needed to know her.
“Me too,” Speirs chimed in. He refused to be in the same car as a bickering Luz and Liebgott.
“Can I just have a front seat, whoever I ride with?” Bull asked around his Emotional Support Cigar.
“Yeah sure, I think my front is roomier,” Chrys replied, Zay nodding along.
“Malarkey, do you and Doc Roe wanna come with me, so that you have medical support just in case anything happens?” The two men nodded in response to her question. Winters simply folded his arms, trying to mask his disappointment with focus. “And then captain Winters can take the last seat in my car, so that we have the officers spread out?” Dick’s eyes lit up at Zay’s offer, trying his best to just act casual.
“Yeah, that sounds like a good idea,” he rambled out. “That leaves Guarnere and Toye with Chrys, right?”
“Yeah, I’m good with that,” Guarnere responded. He looked at Toye for his response, who nodded along.
“So it’s Nixon, Speirs, Bull, Guarnere, and Toye with Chrys, and Winters, Roe, Malarkey, Liebgott, and Luz with me, right?” Zay said, confirming the riding arrangements.
“Sounds about right,” Chrys agreed. “Now, just so y’all know, we each only have four seats technically, so someone is going to have to lay across three of y’all in the back.” Some of the men’s eyes grew wide, while others laughed at the notion.
“Enjoy figuring that out, boys,” Bull mused while walking to Chrys’ car. After a few more minutes of discussion and bickering, moderated by Winters, the seating arrangements were agreed upon. In Zay’s car, Malarkey would ride in the front, with Winters, Liebgott, and Roe in the back, Luz laying on top of them. In Chrys’ car, Bull would be in the front, with Nixon, Speirs, and Guarnere sitting in the back, and Joe Toye laying across them. Everyone shifted into their assigned seats/positions, some more willingly than others.
“Someone’s gonna fucking die…” Toye muttered under his breath as he laid across the three men, anger exuding from every pore in his face. Speirs and Nixon were able to keep a straight face, albeit with substantial effort, while Bull simply turned his face away and focused on his ESC. Guarnere, however, could not help the giggles that befell him. The harder he tried to suppress them, the more intense they became. Toye made a mental note to get Gonorrhea back for this…
Meanwhile, in the yellow mustang, Luz was getting situated on his human couch, inadvertently sticking his ass right into Liebgott’s face. “Hey! Watch where you’re sticking that thing!” Joe yelled as he tried to evade touching George’s ass with his face.
“Yeah! That’s a dangerous weapon!” Malarkey called out from his seat up front. Everyone in the car erupted into laughter, save for Luz who shot Don a playful glare.
“I said I was sorry like a million times!” the radioman yelled, sounding very much like a little kid. Once both sisters knew everyone was situated, they drove out of the parking garage. Stopping briefly to place their once-hidden belongings in Chrys’ trunk, the two cars made their way to the twins’ apartment complex. Something that blew the boys’ minds while en route was how the girls played their music during the drive. At first, the men assumed they just had a radio in their cars, which they thought was neat already. However, when Chrys and Zay explained to their respective soldiers how “the cloud” and Spotify work, their minds were utterly blown. This was all the twelve kids talked about as they made their way home.
Chapter 2 | Chapter 4
Taglist: @b00ks1ut , @blueberry-ovaries , @bucky32557038ww2 , @claudycod , @dontirrigateme , @emilee1421 , @executethyself35 , @hanniewinnix , @ithinkabouttzu , @jump-wings , @love--persevering , @panzershrike-pretz , @stolen94 , @xxluckystrike
As always thank you so much for reading!! Chapter 4 will drop next week 😁💕
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patchwork-crow-writes · 9 months
On the topic of 'other secret bosses', have I told you my Rouxls Kaard theory yet? Specifically that I think halfway through the game, he's going to disappear and become a Secret Boss.
My reasons for thinking this firstly, because like the Joker Card, his real-world form is another item that always gets discarded: the Rules Card. His similarity to Gaster and Papyrus also help(since they're also both very affiliated with the idea of being 'Forgettable', and I suspect one of them may be the 'Strange Someone'. (Maybe both? I will NEVER give up on the Gaster is Papyrus theory.)) Anyways, those things, but there's also how Rouxls' theme has spoken words in it, and Jevil and Spamton have spoken words in their fights (Jevil's 'I can do anything', the lyrics to Big Shot), and there's ALSO something very important--
Rouxls is very important and no one really likes him. He's always running around, trying to find a boss to suck up to, but the Fun Gang treats him as 'eurgh, that guy again,' and neither King nor Queen really LIKES him. Much like Jevil, only one person(Lancer) really seems to appreciate him, but much like Spamton, he's not very good at all at what he does.
So I think that, in some future Dark World, Rouxls will meet someone he's not supposed to. And he's eagerly offer to be their lackey. And that will cause him to disappear. Stopping him from disappearing is out of your control. But what IS in your control is if you just give him up for lost, or go looking for him, even knowing that you can't ever undo the damage done by his having gone missing, even if he's radically changed by what happened, even if you don't think you'll be able to really bring him back...
Maybe Noelle felt similarly after losing Dess. No one seems to talk about them anymore. Life continues on perfectly fine without them. Even those who knew them and miss them still have a life to live. Maybe this was always going to happen. But still...
I've heard about the idea of Rouxls being a secret boss at some point, but this is a really cool take on that idea! I really like this for a couple of reasons - the first being that in a way this has already happened in-game! When we first enter the Cyber World, Rouxls slips out of our pocket in a blink-and-you'll-miss-it moment, and I'm willing to bet most people didn't even notice he was gone from our inventory until the next confrontation with him... myself included.
The other reason I really like this idea is because it would give Rouxls something else in common with other secret bosses - which is that we as players would have to really go out of our way to discover and fight him, and it's entirely likely that our efforts in that regard could cause many more problems than it might solve - see Kris's mental state after the whole Spamton ordeal. It's kind of like an extension of the philosophy behind the Sans fight in Undertale - we do it because of our morbid curiosity, because we want to see what happens, and because we can, we "have to"... no matter the cost in-game.
Quite aside from that, Rouxls fascinates me because it's entirely possible that his abilities could be literally game-breaking... if he only knew how to use them properly. As the Rules Card, he literally defines the terms of a game of cards - imagine what he could be capable of if he suddenly decided "you can't hurt me anymore" or "I win if I so much as graze you". I think that potential power may be largely curtailed by his need to be subordinate to a "higher power", because you cannot play a rules card in the same way you can play a face card... so maybe becoming subordinate to "something he wasn't supposed to meet" will allow him to use that power to its fullest extent.
To further hammer this point home, look at his appearances between Chapters 1 and 2. Under King, who is a incredibly myopic and cruel ruler whose subordinates either hate him or are completely indifferent to him... Rouxls' puzzles are equally rubbish. Then in Chapter 2, Queen does a slightly better job of "ruling" her domain, and actually commands loyalty from the Swatchlings, and suddenly Rouxls is able to construct a pretty elaborate house-capturing game in his fight. So there's a correlation between how powerful and competent a ruler is, and Rouxls' ability to craft puzzles and games.
So imagine what he might be capable of if he ever came into the employ of somebody with very intimate knowledge of Deltarune's game mechanics... somebody like that person who drove both Jevil and Spamton to insanity. And your theory here would be the perfect way that could happen. And then it's up to us whether we care enough - or are morbidly curious enough - to actually find him once he disappears. And what exactly such a search would entail, for Kris and the other main characters of Deltarune, the game's themes and motifs, and the nature of the nested worlds (e.g. Real(Light(Dark(Something else?))))
Thanks so much for sharing this with me! Rest assured it'll eat away at my grey matter for some time to come, which trust me, is the highest compliment I can give something here :D
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