#maybe it’ll grow on me 🥰
see, the thing about GO s2 is that I genuinely believe it needed another go over in the script editing/ final cut stages because watching it as a whole makes the story feel so bloated and meandering - the tone is massively off from the very tightly written first season, lacking focus and not quite capturing the same wit or wisdom that the OG series and the book achieved
but then I see a little moment on a beloved mutual’s gif set and my whole heart goes 🥺😭💕🥰
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leejenowrld · 9 months
could you write a scene where jeno & y/n talk about their future with kids?? like asking how many kids they wants, how they want to raise them up etc up to your imagination! i think it’ll be cute since jeno has already made it clear he WILL marry her 🥰🥹
something quick and cute i wrote whilst sitting in my terminal <3
Amidst the soft glow of fairy lights, you and Jeno found yourselves wrapped in each other's warmth on the couch, immersed in a date night that felt like a haven. The emotional yet comforting family movie played on the screen, ‘Instant Family,’ a masterpiece. it unexpectedly unravels a cascade of feelings within you.
Sobbing into Jeno's chest, he shushed and comforted you with warm hugs and tender kisses to your temple. The movie's resonance lingered until you stopped shaking, tear-stained eyes meeting his as a frown crept onto your face.
"What's wrong?" he asked, a small smile playing on his lips.
"I don't know why, but that movie made me think about us, our future."
You’re both 25, engaged, living in a new home, and growing more in love with each passing day. The topic of having kids had always been part of your conversations, and in the intimate glow of the moment, you couldn't help but ask, "When do you see yourself having my babies?" No filter, no hesitation, just the transparent openness that defined your relationship.
Jeno thought for a moment before responding with a soft smile. "I want to get married first and enjoy our life as newlyweds, but let's say you fall pregnant now, or any time soon, I wouldn't mind." Grinning, his words brought a small tear to your eye as you marvelled at the depth of your love and the journey you'd taken together.
The conversation naturally flowed into discussing the number of kids you wanted. Jeno contemplated, "Maybe 2 or 3. I think more will eat my brain, but I want a cute family." Your smile mirrored his sentiments, knowing you shared the same mindset about these things. Curious about his preferences, you asked if he wanted a boy or a girl. "I just want healthy and beautiful babies who all look like you," he confessed.
“You’re crazy! They’re all gonna look like you, I will speak it into existence.”
Playfully arguing about whose features the babies should inherit, Jeno expressed his love for the idea of a mini-you, while you envisioned adorable duplicates of him. As the banter continued, you cooed, "I can just imagine our future son and you being attached at the hip." The idea of having a daughter was something you both agreed on, with Jeno declaring, "My little princess. I'd spoil her so much. Say we had 2 sons and 1 daughter, you and our daughter would be my main priority in life." The conversation unfolded like a sweet glimpse into the dreams you were building together, creating a tapestry of shared visions and boundless love.
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forever-rogue · 2 years
I fell in love with the previous holiday request 🥹 can you do another part, maybe Christmas morning and presents? Dad Eddie is so cuteeeee
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AN | I love dad Eddie too, so have some more! 🥺🥰
Warnings | None
Pairing | Dad!Eddie x Mom!Reader
Word Count | 2.7k
Masterlist | Main, Eddie 
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
“Daddy,” Eddie heard the small voice calling out to him, but he kept his eyes tightly shut. Maybe if she thought he was still sleeping, she’d give him a break. Wishful thinking. This was his daughter after all. A little hand patted his cheek, “Daddy! Wake up!”
Eddie opened one eye to find Ollie looking at him with big eyes and a shy smile. How on earth was he ever supposed to be mad at her? He reached up and gently poked her cheek, causing her to giggle, “what are you doing up, Ollie Pop?”
“It’s Christmas,” her eyes went wide as she reached for his hand to drag him out of bed, as if she’d accomplish that through sheer force, “you gotta get up! Santa was here!”
“Can I have five more minutes?” he pleaded with her, not ready to leave the comfort of the warm bed and your soft body next to his. She put her hands on his cheeks and made sure he was looking at her, “please?”
“You say that sometimes and then it ends up being forever,” she huffed; she was really calling him out on his little white lies. The kid was too smart for her own good.
“I’m old, Ollie,” he sighed dramatically, “I need my sleep and rest…just like you do. So why don’t go back to bed for a little while?”
“Nope,” she looked so pleased with herself, displaying her big gap-toothed smile as she shook her head, a few dark curls bouncing roguishly, “Daddy, you can’t sleep in on Christmas!”
“Alright, alright,” part of him wanted to say no, but he couldn’t find it in his heart to do, “five minutes then?”
“Five minutes,” she agreed, “I’ll wait in the living room.”
“No peeking at what Santa left! And no touching either,” she scoffed as she walked, giving him a stern look and finger waggle before closing the door behind her, “I mean it, Olivia!”
He heard her yell something inaudible back and chuckled to himself. She was a lot, but he wouldn’t have changed a thing about her.
“Five minutes only, Daddy,” you teased, turning over to face him. He playfully rolled his eyes before leaning to press a soft kiss to your lips. You were just waking up, bleary eyed and soft-smiled with wild hair. You were the most gorgeous being he had ever seen, “hi.”
“Hi,” he grinned back, brushing a few stray hairs out of your face before settling his hand on the slight swell of your belly. It turned out that you had gotten him an early Christmas present that year, “do you think I can get away with making fifteen?”
“Not a chance.”
“If it’s even a moment over five, she’ll be right back in here to drag you out,” you laughed softly as he leaned back against the pillow, letting out a heavy sigh, “you should know that by now. It’s your kid after all.”
“She’s half yours,” he snorted as you shook your head, “oh? Are you telling me you swapped babies at the hospital and traded our baby for a different one?”
“Oh no,” you giggled in amusement, “there’s no denying that’s our kid. But…right now, early on Christmas morning, she’s all yours. You’re basically a single dad until at least ten this morning.”
“I’d argue with you on that,” he rolled over so you were under him, caged between his arms as he dipped his hand down to kiss you. He made sure to keep his weight off you so he wouldn’t hurt the baby…yeah, he was that kind of father - overprotective and always worried, but you loved it, “but I think you deserve some more rest. You’re doing all the hard work right now, growing our son.”
“Bold of you to assume it’ll be a boy!”
“I just have a feeling,” he smirked, “you’ll realize I was right in about five months.”
“Daddy!” you couldn’t help the laughter that bubbled up as he hung his head and sighed softly.
“Better go,” you whispered, reaching up and putting your hand on his face, brushing your thumb over the apple of his cheek, “I’ll be there soon, I promise. I just want to close my eyes for a few more minutes. Your son is really taking it out of me right now.”
“I’ll allow it,” he turned his face and pressed a kiss to your palm, “just rest. We’ll see you soon.”
“I love you.”
“I love you more.”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
“Alright, Ollie Pop,” Eddie rubbed the rest of the sleep from his eyes as he walked down the hall and into the living room. But his daughter was nowhere in sight, which immediately caused his anxiety to spike, “kiddo?”
“In the kitchen,” she called back and he relaxed before wondering what she was up to. He padded into the kitchen and froze at the sight in front of him. Ollie was standing on a chair, chocolate powder all over her and the kitchen counter. As soon as she noticed his expression, she turned oh so innocent and sheepish, “sorry Daddy. I was gonna make chocolate milk for us.”
Part of him wanted to be mad and blame her for the mess, but he knew there was no point. She was just a kid, and she was trying her best; the most important thing was that she was okay. Messes were annoying but they could always be cleaned up, “that’s very sweet of you, little miss. Maybe next time wait for me or Mommy, okay?”
“Okay,” she held her arms to him, silently asking for him to pick her up, “I wanted to surprise you!”
“Consider me surprised,” he picked her up and perched her on his hip as he grabbed a rag to start cleaning, “you’re something else, kid.”
“Is that good or bad?’ she looked at him curiously and he couldn’t help but press a kiss to her cheek.
“Very good,” he promised, “the absolutely best. Now - let’s get this cleaned up and then I’ll help you make some chocolate milk and maybe we can open a few presents. Sound like a plan?”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
After Eddie cleaned up the kitchen and the kid, he let her drag him into the living room. He started a fire as she excitedly sat down in front of the tree, but her attention was quickly pulled to the window. 
“Wow,” she jumped and ran over to the sliding glass patio door, putting her little hands on it as she looked into the backyard. It was snowing softly outside, everything outside was already covered in a soft layer of the glittering white flakes, “Daddy, its snowing! Can we go play outside later?”
“Sure thing, Ollie Pop,” he cast her a fond little look; he’d never had moments like this as a child and he was happy (and proud) to be able to give this to her. He’d vowed to capture every special moment with her, “but we gotta open presents and eat breakfast first, okay?”
“Okay,” she turned back to him with a serious look on her little face, “can we build a snowman and an igloo? Like the ones in my cartoon!”
“I mean, we can try,” he promised, “but we’re not penguins like the ones in the Pingu, so I don’t know how good ours will be. But we can definitely try.”
“We’ll do great,” she promised, padding back over to the tree and sitting down cross legged, “penguins don’t have hands or fingers so it must be harder for them. It’ll be easy for us ‘cause we have both!”
“You’re so smart,” he beamed at her before grabbing a blanket off the couch, and putting it over the two of them as he sat down next to her, “you definitely take after your mom.”
“Nuh uh,” she shook her head and waved her hand at him. Where did she get all this sass? You, he could practically hear you saying, “Mommy says I’m just like you.”
“Yeah? Not surprising at all,” he crooked his finger at her, and she leaned in close to him as he bent to reach her ear, “Mommy’s sometimes really sassy too. She’s just as goofy and silly as you are. But you didn’t hear that from me.”
“Hear what?” she feigned and shrugged her little shoulder as he just nodded. He’d taught his little mini-me so well. Ollie fell silent for a moment before looking at him seriously, “can I ask you a question?”
“Anything kiddo.”
“Do you and Mommy know Santa Clause?” she whispered causing Eddie to almost choke on his chocolate milk. He started coughing to clear his throat and she was closely scrutinizing.
“Whaddaya mean?”
“Last year Santa got me exactly what I wanted,” she mused, casting a suspicious look at all the presents under the tree, “how would he know that?”
“That’s because you left him a letter along with the milk and cookies, remember?” he was internally panicking, wondering what the heck he was supposed to tell her. The two of you hadn’t discussed what you’d say if she asked about Santa. He couldn’t do this alone, he needed you for back up. He cast a forlorn glance down the hall and the bedroom.
“Yeah, but it still doesn’t make sense,” she huffed, “how can he know exactly what I want and all the other kids in the world? How could he get me presents and everyone else? It makes no sense!”
“Sure it does,” he lied. Damn. This kid really was way too smart, “he’s got all his elves to help and then his reindeer to help. They all work really hard and fast.”
“Hmm,” she pondered over his words and he hoped that she would just accept his word for it. He didn’t want the full magic of Christmas to disappear for her just yet…and he definitely didn’t want to have to tell her that Santa wasn’t real without you, “I guess. Next year I wanna stay up all night so we can catch him! Can we, Daddy?”
“Totally,” he agreed, a wave of relief washing over him, “we’ll catch him.”
Crisis averted for now. 
“Can I open a present?’ she asked sweetly and he nodded, reaching under the tree and grabbing a box for her. She took it gently, but eagerly and went to shake it but Eddie shook his head and stopped her.
“You have to be gentle with it.”
“Okay,” she slowly started to rip off the wrapping paper as you made your way into the living room, all wrapped up in your fluffy robe and looking cozy, “Mommy!”
“Good morning, my little love,” you crouched down and pressed a big kiss to her cheek, “merry Christmas.”
She wrapped her little arms around your neck as she gave you a tight hug, “merry Christmas!”
“Go on,” you nudged her back towards her present and turned your attention to your husband, “and good morning to you, my love.”
“Hi baby,” he pulled you towards him, settling you on his lap as he wrapped his arms around your middle and rested his chin on your shoulder. He ran a hand over your belly, causing you to sigh softly, “and hello baby.”
“Dork,” you turned your head and pressed a kiss to his cheek before the two of you watched Ollie finish ripping off the wrapping. You watched in eager anticipation as she studied what she had just unwrapped. It took her a few moments, but when she realized what it was, she squealed in delight, jumping up and down with a burst of energy, “well? What do you think, Ollie?”
“It’s a guitar!” she exclaimed as if the two of you didn’t know exactly what it was, “now I can be just like Daddy!”
“You’re going to be even cooler than me,” he insisted as she ran over and hugged him, almost knocking him over in the process, “do you like it?”
“It’s what I asked Santa for!” she was almost yelling with all the excitement in her little body, “will you teach me how to play?”
“Absolutely,” he promised; she’d been fascinated with him playing the guitar since she was a baby. Once she’d gotten older and really understood what it was, she’d begged for own little guitar. You’d both agreed that now was as good a time as any to get her started, “you’re going to be a natural. I can’t wait to teach you.”
“Me too,” she started to open the box, being as careful as she could. If Eddie had passed on his love of music to her, he also passed on the knowledge of care and respect for the instruments.
You shifted slightly so you could turn to Eddie and leaned in towards him, lowering your voice, “do you think we should tell her? That way she’ll have plenty of time to process beforehand…”
“I think now is an excellent time to tell her,” he whispered, pressing a kiss to your cheek before looking back at Ollie, “hey kiddo, your mother and I have something to tell you.”
“What is it?” she plopped onto the floor and looked at the two of you with curious eyes. She tapped her chin thoughtfully for a moment, surprisingly introspective for such a small thing. Before either of you could say anything she made a small sound, “oh. Is it about the new baby?”
Your mouth dropped open as you and Eddie exchanged surprised looks. Both of you pointed at each other in surprise, trying to figure out if either of you had spilled the beans. You shook your head and Eddie did the same. He looked at daughter in amusement as she continued to try and unwrap the box, “Olivia May Munson, how did you know that?”
She shrugged, playing it off for a moment as the two of you waited for her to go on, “Mommy’s been sick in the mornings, and I heard her tell you about going to the doctor. Lilly said that her mom was sick a lot in the mornings and they told her she was getting a sister.”
You leaned into Eddie and whispered in his ear, “she’s way too smart and perceptive for her own good.”
“She’s your daughter after all,” he beamed, “guess the cat’s out of the bag.”
“Is it true?” she paused and looked at both of you, her brows knitting together, “is there a new baby?”
“It’s true,” you promised, reaching out for her to come over. She clambered over and sat down in your lap, “you’re going to be a big sister soon. You’re going to have a brother or a sister!”
“Wow,” her eyes lit up and you could tell that she was genuinely excited, “that’s cool! I hope it’s a brother…wait no - a sister! Well, either one really.”
“You’re such a good girl,” Eddie stroked her chubby little cheek, nothing but fondness coloring his voice, “we love you so much, Ollie. And that is never going to change. You’re always going to be our baby girl. We’ll always love you.”
“I know,” she put a chubby little hand on both of your cheeks, “I love you too.”
“Good,” you grinned, “glad to know we’re all on the same page.”
“Yes,” she promised, nodding and causing her unruly curls to bounce wildly, “now can we finish opening presents?”
“Never change, kid,” Eddie laughed as he wrapped an arm around you, “I love you both so much, my girls -  my boy!”
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cooloddball · 4 months
Ok, so I would like to throw in my opinion on the "fell first/fell harder" Lestappen take.
Let me preface this by saying I'm very new to F1 racing and am learning quickly about the sport and the racers (and falling absolutely in love with all these adorable goobers too!)
I only looked into it because a coworker of mine is in love with Daniel lol. In searching Daniel I found a pic of Charles and was IMMEDIATELY like 👀👀 'Damn ok I see you, gorgeous, who are you??' And in searching him, I saw MANY pics of him and MAX.
In lengthy conclusion, MY hot take is this: Max fell first in a heavy moment of bi panic. Let's face it, Charles is the kinda guy that could definitely make "straight" men questions themselves for a hot minute. I can FULLY see, understand, and sympathize with the idea of Karting Day Max being genuinely confused about what exactly it is he's feeling for Charles because, no, absolutely NOT is he attracted to boys! (Read: his dad would probably get pretty pissed to hear/know his champion racing "straight" son has a huge boy crush on his rival of all people)
So it's treated like an early school crush where you're young and immature and kinda mean to them only because you don't want them to know you actually like them, y'know? Plus, he has to be a bit ruthless! This is his rival, for corn's sake!
Flash forward, Max goes to F1, his crush probably simmers/dies down now that he's got all new focus. In comes Charles to F1 bringing all those emotions and memories back to the surface. But Max is determined to stay focused this time. And in this time I believe is when Charles starts really dealing with HIS side of the crush because look at (his) Max now! All grown up and racing in F1 and giving him a serious run for his money and looking damn fine while doing it and Charles has trouble not letting it effect him.
Eventually time progresses, they grow and mature and come to realize they're both equally deserving to be where they are at and they're both amazing drivers and Max has now allowed himself to start letting go of the school yard crush tendencies and started really appreciating Charles for who and what he is. I think he's now allowing himself to just enjoy being with and around Charles. He's come to realize he LOVES the giggles and the dimples and the shimmer in the sea green eyes and, hey, Charles is a damn good driver so why shouldn't he be honest about that and tell the world?
I look at his body language and how he acts and speaks around Charles (and vice versa) and, for all the years they've known each other, they're still so bashful and giddy around each other. I've noticed that when Charles might be giving an interview, Max will just walk over and start talking, and Charles gives him his FULL attention despite the fact he was originally talking to someone else first. Maybe Max and Charles can't have each other romantically, so they take the best they can get.
I'm so sorry for such a long (and probably confusing) rant but I've really no one else to talk with about this and I'm OBSSESSED with their obsession with each other that I could go on for literal HOURS about these two lovesick knuckleheads 🥰🥰
no apologies needed i love you and this ask because long asks are the best. i also like the fact that you are of a different opinion because we can’t all see things the same way.
as for the who fell first vs who fell harder i get why you see it that way but from my side i feel charles fell first because that’s who he is, like it would take something very little to happen for him to get a him to like something/someone and he loses interest just as quickly. meanwhile max is the kind of person who takes his time to understand things/ people and it takes a while to like these things/people but once he’s in it’ll take a lot to get out/dislike something etc.
also, as i mentioned in an earlier post, it’s charles’ “hostility” towards max when they were younger that did it for me. like from the lore we have there’s nothing that max could’ve done that warranted charles disliking him so much. and no, charles got his revenge for the inchident. i think charles realised he had a crush and max was oblivious (at first) because all he was focused on at the time was racing (thanks to jos 😡) so he probably didn’t care to form many relationships/friendships with the other karters which probably made charles feel some type of way like max didn’t care enough to like him so he decided “if it’s only racing you care about i might as well give you something to remember me by” so he focused his energy on racing against him and just outright being a track terror. little did he know that’s what max needed to steer him to liking him (charles)but it was too late, max had a target on his back…and here we are.
if you ever want to talk about them, i’m here to listen and offer whatever take.
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caustinen · 3 months
omfg love love loving the new additions to the hollywood au!! i love how it just keeps growing and getting better with every new thing you say about them 🖤🤍 (the b&w hearts are reserved for the clegan hollywood au now)
just have to say the way they’re actually so in character and so madly in love already even before the first time they say i love you (that drabble gave me sm life btw thank you :)) ) is so insane AHH and the hcs are out of this world amazing too THANK YOU
and YES YES YES can totally see the potential for a singer john & songwriter gale already. imagine buck writing all these songs with bucky as his muse but bucky thinks buck’s writing all this with someone else in mind (he thinks there’s no way anyone would be able to write such beautiful lyrics unless they really are in love) because every time he asks gale about it he manages to avoid the question/change the topic (& blushes slightly) and john just gets jealous/upset. cue all the intense pining & miscommunication because these two are oblivious idiots in love but obviously they get together in the most dramatic way possible & become even more insufferable to everyone around them. everyone around thinks that it’ll get better once they stop hopelessly pining for each other and once they get together but it’s somehow even worse cause now they go from oblivious idiots in love to obvious idiots in love (but everyone’s obviously so so happy for them and there are definitely bets placed about the two of them getting together)
and also YES YES would love to see more ig posts, but definitely no pressure though <33
im soso sorry this got super rambly but i had to get it out and you are literally my favourite person on this app right now so sending you loads and loads of love and hope you have a lovely day 🩵🩵🩵
oh you’re my favorite person on this app too this really made my day 😭🤍🖤 (<- and yes for these being officially their hearts now 🥰)
THAT SINGER-SONGWRITER AU 🧎‍♀️ that would be so amazing, the potential of delicious miscommunication & pining is making me shiver because i could also see how bucky would then sing the songs so emotionally, so filled with feeling that gale would also be like goddamnit he must be in love with someone and it would be this endless cycle until it gets absolutely ridiculous 😭 like gale could hand bucky a song literally called ”in love with my best friend (but he doesn’t get it)” and bucky would be like sigh if only you understood your own work 😪 and then when they get together the music they’d write together would be so cheesy, so sweet, so disgustingly romantic that even the label is like… maybe it was better when we were just releasing a million sad singles about pining? but also they’re like absolute bangers and bucky would fit the confident lover boy era just as well as the sad pining boi era 😌 and gale would write the masterpiece of his life with john as his muse, like the kind of love anthem that would stand time and become a classic that everyone knows 🥹
also wanted to say that i reallt appreciate you saying these have been in charachter, that’s always my biggest stress!! so ty and hope you’ve had the best day 💘
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hariboz · 30 days
1. kill the romeo
SOOOO catchy i love this so much, i wish it was 10 minutes long. i’m obsessed the instrumental is so fun, THE CHORUS IS LACED WITH PURE CRACK IT WAS STUCK IN MY HEAD WHILE LISTENING TO THE REST OF THE ALBUM….i’m so serious this could be my favourite jebi song to date i’m so in love with it oh my god
2. good so bad
“thank you goddess kenzie” we all say in unison. give me a few days and it might take over in bloom as my favourite title track….i’m sorry after kill the romeo there’s not much i can say for everything else GASP ALSO!!! GYUVIN LINES! wow
3. insomnia
THIS SHOULD BE 3:30 AT LEAST it’s so chill i love when they do songs like this. ricky vocals 🥰🫶🏻
4. eternity & 바다
eternity is like a hug it’s soothing to my soul i swear. it kind of reminds me of a seventeen song for some reason??? like i love it so much it’s so nice. 바다 is a good remake and it fits the jebis so well, so i’m glad they did it!!!
5. yura yura (korean ver.)
unfortunately it doesn’t flow as nicely as the japanese version..? i’m someone who usually listens to versions interchangeably, but this kinda misses for me. maybe if i get used to this version i’ll enjoy it as much as the og!!
6. road movie
i never thought this day would come but this is genuinely my least favourite jebi song so far….which is suchhhh a shame because the verses are so nice, their vocals are pure sugar but the chorus just takes me out of it completely 🥹 which is surprising considering i’m a czennie….it just doesn’t work imo, maybe it’ll grow on me </3
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cloudlessly-light · 1 year
I have this promt here if you are interested. (Please be interested🤭🥺) so it’s about jealous Hotch cause I’m sucker for jealous Hotch. Okay, so new young agent or police officer who has crush on Emily ends up on plane with them. He is bold and tries to flirt with Em and sit next to her. Hotch is pissed and immediately tells him that he should respect federal agent AND HIS WIFE. Then later Emily shows Hotch that she’s only his. It’ll be bonus if some biting and marking will be there👀 thank you 🥰
A/N: You guys voted and jealous Hotch won out, I hope this doesn't disappoint! Anon, thank you for sending this idea and I hope you like it! Title: You give me peace Summary: A young agent flirts with Emily and Aaron does not like it. Word count: 3,5k Rating: Explicit Warnings: Smut, jealousy, oral, biting/marking, dirty talk, multiple orgasms
Looking back at it, Aaron isn’t sure how detective Mark Davenport ended up on the plane with them. One moment they were talking victimology and the next they were on the jet heading to New York with this man on the case with them.
He knew why he was irritated, why he was sweating under his suit and his fingers twitched as he gripped the armrest of the chair. It was because that same detective had not so subtly been flirting with Emily, his wife the entire morning and while he knew Emily would never cheat or even encourage it, it didn’t seem to deter the other man.
They had just taken off from the strip, Emily sitting on the other side of the plane with Mark in front of her as he leaned forward over the table talking to her. Aaron couldn’t hear what they were talking about, but the way the younger man focused on his wife made his jaw clench.   
Derek sat beside him, his eyes moving from his unit chief to the detective with amusement. It was clear that Aaron was bothered, jealousy seeping off him in a way that he’d usually never would let slip in front of them. He’s sure that it’s because it’s their first case back since their honeymoon, their matching rings gleaming under the lights of the jet, that Aaron was still very much enjoying the newlywed life and did not expect a young and attractive man to pay such close attention to Emily.   
“Hey Hotch, relax.” He said and Aaron looked at him with furrowed brows. “You’re going to rip the leather.”   
It’s the first time he notices just how hard he’s gripping the armrest, knuckles white and fabric dented and he releases it.  
“Sorry.” He mutters and his eyes meet Emily’s dark stare from across the plane, her amusement almost as clear as Derek’s and he took a deep breath to calm himself.
She knew that Aaron was jealous, could feel his irritation growing by the hour, a part of her hated it, hated that her husband would ever feel anything but love from her. But another part enjoyed it, found it incredibly sexy that Aaron looked like he wanted to kill Mark Davenport as he flirted with her. She knew it was dumb, that she should be irritated by the blatant show of machoism, but she wasn’t. She noticed the tension on his face, held back a poorly hidden grin by biting on the inside of her cheek before turning her attention back to Davenport.
“Do you come to New York often?” He asks as he leans even further forward on the small table.  
“No, only for cases really.” She answers as she twists her wedding ring, hoping to catch his attention. In her peripheral she saw Aaron’s glare and it surprised her that this man seemed to have gotten under her husband’s skin. It wasn’t unusual that she was hit on, but Aaron had never seemed bothered before.   
“Maybe we should change that.” He grins at her, a smile that she’s sure he thinks is charming but to her only seems overbearing.  
“How about we focus on the case?” Aaron’s voice sounds loud in the jet and she’s acutely aware of the way he’s staring at her, knows that he had counted down the minutes for the team to be allowed to move around the cabin.
She unbuckles the seatbelt and moves to sit on the couch so they’re all closer and the detective follows close behind, sitting down closer to her than he should. For a second she’s afraid that Aaron would knock him out, the look on his face dark and bordering on aggressive.  
“Is there a problem?” Mark seemed to have noticed it too, his eyes questioning as he looked across the aisle to Aaron.  
“I don’t know, is there?” Aaron stares him down, his shoulders squared back knowing that it made him look even more imposing than he already was. “Maybe you should respect the personal space of a federal agent. And my wife.”    
If Emily wasn’t still worried about the fact that Aaron looked ready to attack the young man beside her, she would have busted out laughing at the way Mark’s face paled and jaw dropped. His eyes were wide as he looked between her and Aaron. The rest of the team seemed to be in the same predicament, JJ the worst at hiding her smirk across from Aaron at the four-seat table.  
“Y-your wife? I-I didn’t realize…” He looks accusingly at Emily who just raises her eyebrow at him. 
“Don’t look at her look at me.” Aaron’s voice is close to a growl and Emily knew that if they hadn’t been on the plane that he’d probably would have gotten in Mark’s face. “Move away from her. Now.”  
He shuffled away from her in seconds, the confidence he exuded completely vanished as Aaron kept his dark eyes on him. Emily met Dave’s eyes with amusement, a smirk playing on her lips as the older man winked at her. Then she looked back at Aaron, his stare intense and she felt the familiar heat of arousal in her belly, felt the flush creep up her cheeks. 
The usually very short flight had never seemed longer. 
Emily finds him alone in the conference room of the station in New York they were working in later that afternoon. Normally she wouldn’t ever cross the line from subordinate to wife while they were still working, but she couldn’t seem to help herself as she closed the blinds to keep prying eyes out. 
“Honey?” She asked and wrapped her arms around him from behind. “Are you alright?” She spoke against his ear and she felt the tension in his body dissipate some. 
“I lost my temper, I’m sorry.” He mumbled as he enjoyed the feeling of her warm body against his. “I was just…”  
“Jealous?” She finished for him with a grin. When he released a sigh she let her lips graze his earlobe “Don’t you know I’m yours honey?” She bit gently on the lobe and his hand grabbed her wrist in warning then turned around to face her. 
“I didn’t appreciate the way he flirted with you.” His hands moved to grab her around her waist and pulled her into him before grabbing her chin to hold her still. “He looked at you like only I’m allowed to look at you.”  
Again, the feeling of want made her thighs clench together. She could tell that he noticed, his hands gripping a little tighter, his eyes turning a little darker. When he leaned down to kiss her it was claiming and hard, everything he’d never be when they were still working and she let out a low noise of surprise against his lips.  
“I’m yours.” She breathed, she knew that she’d never be anyone else’s. 
There’s tension as they walk down the corridor towards the room they share later that night. Emily felt him behind her as she rummaged through her purse to find the keycard, his body imposing as he pressed close to her. She knew that the moment the door closed behind them, that he would be on her, something almost desperate in the way his touch had lingered on her throughout the day finally boiling down to this.  
But she catches him off guard, knows that she has from the way his body slams into the door as she pushes him against it the moment they’re inside. Her tongue pries his lips apart, tastes the familiar taste of him with a happy sigh as her hands starts to tear at her clothes. 
“Sweetheart…” He tried to slow her down, but she only shook her head, her want for him overpowering everything else. 
“I need you.” She mumbled against his lips, then kissed along his jaw, nipping at the column of his throat as she ripped his tie off him. “I’ve wanted you since the plane. Wanted you all day.”  
Aaron’s head fell back against the door with a dull thud as he let her continue to kiss down his body, her fingers quickly undoing the buttons of his shirt and pushing it, together with his jacket off his shoulder. He looked down as she kneeled in front of him, her cheeks flushed pink and eyes almost black in the dim light of their room. 
“You like when I’m jealous.” He stated quietly as he pushed some of her dark hair away from her face. His thumb swiped over her bottom lip, a low groan sounding in his throat as she nodded. 
“Yes.” She whispered and then she licked over the bulge in his pants, her tongue wetting the fabric of his pants as she trailed her tongue along his shaft.  
“Fuck, Em.” He grunted as he kept his eyes on her, watched as she got his belt buckle undone and then unzipped his pants before pulling them down along with his boxers. When her tongue moved over his heated skin his fingers tangled in the soft strands of her hair. 
She knew she was teasing him, the tip of her tongue lapping at his tip before slowly moving down the length of him. Her eyes flickered up to his face, a low moan sounding from her when she was met by his strained face, eyes glinting and jaw slightly slack. 
“You never need to worry about another man.” She told him quietly, her words landing in soft puffs against his cock before she sucked his cockhead. Her tongue swirled around him and then she pulled back much to his dismay. “I’ll never be anybody else’s.” Once again she took him in her mouth, her clit pulsing at the low groan that erupted from him. “I’ve never belonged to anybody but you.”  
Aaron couldn’t stop himself from pushing her down this time, his own want for her becoming too much. He kept his fingers tangled in her hair, pushed slowly against her face as he kept his eyes on her. His shaft moved along her wet tongue, pushing deeper and deeper and then pulled back just as slowly, fucking her face with sure strokes. 
“Baby, fuck I love your mouth.” He breathed as Emily swallows around him, her eyes turning glassy as she gagged on him. When she hummed around him, his knees buckled at the vibrations from her throat, forcing himself all the way down her throat. She choked on him but it didn’t stop her, she kept bopping her head, licked along his shaft, moaned when his fingers massaged her scalp. 
“You’re going to make me come.” He growled and tried to pull back from her but she wouldn’t let him. Instead her hand wrapped around his base as she sucked harder on his tip, making his breathing hitch as the pleasure built quickly. He saw the glint in her eye, saw how she nodded, wordlessly letting him know what she wanted.  
Emily kept her eyes on him as he leaned against the door, his breathing coming out in harsher breaths as he gave in to what his body craved.  She felt his hand tighten and loosen in her hair, saw the way his jaw clenched and eyes closed as his head fell back. The growl in his throat was her only warning before he came, his release hot and salty on her tongue. She swallowed down everything he gave her with a moan, her hand pumping his shaft until he was twitching and pushing her away. 
She sat back on her heels, licked some of his cum of her lip and waited for him to look at her again. Her hand gently stroked over his hip and down the outside of his thigh to help bring him back down from his high. When he released a long sigh and his muscles relaxed she stood back up and pressed a lingering kiss against his lips. 
Aaron let out a noise of satisfaction, his fingers gripping her hips tightly before moving up under her shirt. 
“Now it’s your turn.” He all but growled before pushing her back towards the bed, his hands quickly getting her shirt off her body, followed by her pants. By the time she was laying back on the bed she was naked and panting and he hovered above her.  
“Aaron, touch me.” She gasped against his lips, her teeth tugging on his bottom lip for a moment. He smirked at her when they pulled apart, almost a look of arrogance on his face as he trailed one hand down her body, his touch searing as he spread her thighs wide apart. 
“Going to take you apart, sweetheart,” He mumbled as he kissed down her throat, his teeth sinking into the soft flesh and leaving a mark that made her hiss. “going to make you forget every man you’ve ever met.” His tongue licked over the bitemark, soothing the skin and then he kissed further down her body, stopping at her chest to lap at a nipple. 
“Fuck…” Her eyes closed as she let him take control of her pleasure. 
“Going to make you scream my fucking name.” He whispered before sucking the other nipple between his teeth and bit down hard enough to make her arch in painful pleasure. 
“Aaron!” She tugged on his short hair and he grinned down at her, a look close to feral on his face. He sucked a hickey into her soft flesh and then pushed two fingers inside of her without warning, making her moan breathlessly. His fingers curled inside of her as he continued to press heated kisses down her body, not stopping until he was in between her thighs and his tongue licked a broad stripe over her clit. 
The sound that ripped from her throat was loud and deep and it made him only press his tongue harder against the bundle of nerves. The hand not between her thighs moved up to her chest, easily finding a nipple and tweaking it. Emily gasped, his touch seemingly everywhere at once. Her fingers gripped his hair, tugging hard and he grunted against her, the vibrations of his voice making pleasure shoot up her spine as he sucked on her clit. She grinded into his touch and Aaron quickly let go of her breast to pin her down, his forearms strong as he pressed her down against the bed.
“Baby,” She whimpered and his fingers curled hard inside of her in response “make me come, please.”
Aaron hummed, eyes flicking up to watch the desperation on her face. He circled her clit with his tongue then pulled back and she whined.
“You look so pretty like this.” He whispered as he continued to watch her. “You look so pretty begging for me.”
“Please…” She gasped and it made him chuckle.
“Just like that, sweetheart.” He leaned further down, his lips grazing her clit as he spoke. “Come for me, show me how good I make you feel.” When he sucked her clit back between his lips she let out a cry that was sure heard through the walls of their hotel room but it only urged him on. He didn’t stop until she was coming with his name falling from her lips, thighs trembling around his head as she kept him in place.
Emily moaned as he continued to push his fingers in and out, his tongue turning gentle as she came back down slowly. When her legs relaxed he started to slowly kiss up her body again. He laid between her spread legs, his cock hard again as he kissed the air from her lungs.
“I love you.” She whispered against his face, her hand gentle against his cheek as she stroked it.
“I love you too.” He told her just as quietly before kissing her again. He felt her hand on his cock, guiding her towards her and then he thrust inside of her, breaking their kiss with a grunt. “You feel so good.”
“You do too.” Her hips pushed up against his almost instinctively, wanting him as deep as possible. She wrapped her legs around his waist and Aaron grunted against her shoulder as he started to thrust, his hips strong against hers.
He knew that she was breaking the skin of his back and arms from the way she was clinging to him, knew that just like he wanted to mark her up as his, she wanted to do the same thing to him. He hissed against her skin, his body reacting to the sting by fucking her harder.
“Just like that.” She gasped, the flush on her cheeks creeping down towards her chest as he continued to move above her. “Fuck, baby just like that.”
They move together, the room sounding of moans and grunts and skin slapping together until Emily was muffling her moans of pleasure into his shoulder, her teeth digging into his skin to keep from crying out too loud.
“That’s it, come for me.” He grunted, sweat covering his body as her tight walls trembled around his shaft. Her body was straining against his, muscles tensing as she came again and he smirked down at her, this time not stopping even when she was squirming.
“Fuck Aaron-”
“Again.” He interrupted her, his pace somehow quickening and hand moving between them to rub at her clit.
She moaned, whatever word on her tongue disappearing as he used his knowledge of her body against her. She watched through heavy eyelids as he got up on his knees between her legs, watched his strong body as he thrust into her over and over again. It wasn’t long until she felt the heat in her stomach build again, could only grip the sheets in a vain attempt to keep herself grounded as he groaned above her, dark eyes wild as he watched her.
“Come on baby, let go.” He encouraged, voice thick and dark. He pinched her sensitive clit and it sent her over the edge for a third time. This time she couldn’t hold back her loud moans and Aaron grinned as she cried out. “Good girl.” He grunted and then pulled out only to flip her body around.
She was still trembling from her orgasm when she pushed herself up on her knees and elbows, a low whimper on her tongue when he pushed back inside of her again. His hands were bruising on her hips, pulling her body back against his to meet each one of his thrusts.
“Jesus, fuck, Aaron!” She moaned and she could hear his groan of satisfaction behind her.
“Touch yourself,” He leaned over her, his ear by her neck “come one more time for me.”
When she immediately complied he grinned into the back of her neck, kissed her shoulder quickly before moving back up on his knees. He could feel his own orgasm building, the pleasure of her beginning to become too much. Her pussy was clinging to him, her body moving back against his even when her upper body fell against the bed.
“Don’t stop, fuck baby don’t stop.” She mumbled through harsh breaths as her fingers rubbed quickly over her clit. Her body was exhausted but like always he managed to bring her to the edge again. His fingers tightened on her hips, his hips stuttering and she knew that he was getting close as well.
“Come with me, Em.” He growled and she tightened around him, her hips buckling. When her body tensed and she muffled her moan into the bed he let go as well, coming inside of her as she trembled around him. “Fuck baby, fuck you feel so good.” He mumbled through his release, the pleasure making his eyesight whiten out and hips stuttering.
Emily was still shaking when he pulled out and collapsed beside her, her breathing labored and mind hazy from pleasure. She moved so she could lay halfway on top of him, her head on his shoulder as she stroked over his chest, feeling his heartbeat in his chest.
“That,” She started and waited until he was looking at her “was fucking incredible.” She smiled into a kiss that he happily returned through a chuckle.
“You’re incredible.” He told her, his fingers on her jaw. “But if another man ever flirts with you like that and you don’t put a stop to it, I might not be this nice.”
Emily smirked, an eyebrow raising as she did.
“I really don’t see the problem with that, Mr. Hotchner.”
Aaron was quick to roll on top of her a growl in his voice when he spoke next.
“Maybe you shouldn’t try me, Mrs. Hotchner.”
“How about you always get a room on another floor from now on?” JJ’s voice suddenly sounds through the wall, making them both freeze.
“Or maybe even another hotel?” Dave calls from the room on the other side.
When Emily sees the look of embarrassment on Aaron’s face she laughs, her body shaking against his.
“Well,” She starts through breathless laughs “At least they know how good you fuck me.”
“Emily!” Three voices sound in unison.
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massivedrickhead · 11 months
hiii if you’re still accepting prompt requests could you please do 14 or 44 from that prompt list? ty!!! really love all your work btw xx
I couldn't think of anything for 44, so I went with 14 🥰Thank you for sending it!
14. “I’ll carry you.”
Prompt taken from here
Read on AO3
“Okay,” Beca said, returning to the living room holding a baby monitor. “I think she’s down for the night. You should go to bed, Chlo’, you look exhausted.”
Chloe gave a grunt from her spot on the sofa. “I can’t,” she said, stifling a yawn. “There’s still loads to do. I didn’t get, like, any housework or anything done today.”
“I can sort all that,” Beca said. “Go lie down, you were up with her all night, and I know you didn’t get a chance to nap today either.”
“You’ve been at work all day,” Chloe said.
“And so have you,” Beca countered. “And I’m under no illusion who has the harder job.” She sat down on the sofa beside Chloe. “You know when you asked to be a stay-at-home Mom, I didn’t agree because I thought it would mean I’d get out of doing chores and come home to dinner on the table, right?”
“I had all these ideas about what it would be like,” Chloe said. “I thought everything would be perfect and I’d have time to clean and cook, and take her out to the park, and meet up with other Moms and I… I didn’t even get to shower today. I had to hold her while I brushed my teeth because she wouldn’t stop crying.”
“You took care of our daughter on your own all day,” Beca said. “Right now, that’s all you need to focus on. You’re an amazing Mom and an amazing wife.” She kissed Chloe on the top of the head. “And we’re a team, remember? I earn the money, you keep our kid alive when I’m out of the house, and the rest we can do together.”
Chloe laughed and shook her head slightly. “My Mom made it look so easy growing up. Dad brought home the paycheck, and she did everything else.”
“Things were different then,” Beca said. “She did all that because she thought she had to. And just because it’s hard for you it doesn’t mean you’re bad at it. I certainly couldn’t do it all on my own. Plus, you know, we’re both super new at this. It’ll get easier. And, if it doesn’t, you just need to tell me and we can figure it out.”
“I love you,” Chloe said, resting her head on Beca’s shoulder.
“I love you, too,” Beca said. “Now, are you gonna go to bed?”
“I honestly don’t think I can move,” Chloe said, groaning dramatically as she flopped back onto the couch. “I’m so tired my legs have stopped working.”
Beca shrugged. “I’ll carry you.”
Chloe laughed. “Yeah right,” she said.
“You don’t think I can?”
“I’m hardly the skinniest I’ve ever been,” Chloe replied. 
“Like that’s gonna stop me,” she said, waving her off. She slid her arm beneath the crook of Chloe’s knees and put the other arm around her back.
“Oh my god, Beca, don’t!” Chloe squealed, throwing her arms around Beca as she was lifted into the air. “Beca! You’re going to put your back out or something!”
“Please,” Beca said, trying to hide any sound of exertion from her voice. “I bench more than this.”
“You’ve never set foot in a gym in your life,” Chleo said, clinging onto her wife as Beca carried her down the hall towards their bedroom.
“And I clearly don’t need to,” Beca said, dropping Chloe onto the bed, grinning triumphantly. “I’m super strong.”
“I can’t believe you just carried me,” Chloe said, beginning to laugh as Beca flexed in front of her. 
“You must be pretty turned on right now, huh?”
“You’re an idiot,” Chloe laughed. 
“Maybe so,” Beca said, climbing onto the bed beside her. “But I’m your idiot.”
They shared a kiss before Beca pulled away in order to change into her pyjamas. 
“I thought you were going to do the housework?” Chloe asked, eyebrows raised.
“Well I was,” Beca said. “But I think I just hurt my back somehow.”
Chloe swatted her on the arm.
“Ow,” Beca laughed. “I’m kidding. I’ll get right on it.” She kissed Chloe again and left her pyjamas folded on top of the bed. “I’ve got the baby monitor with me. If she cries, I’ll get her, okay?”
“You’re too good to me, Beca Mitchell.”
Beca shrugged. “It’s what you deserve. Now get some sleep.”
“Yes ma’am.” 
It didn’t take Beca long to tackle the dishes and give the countertops a clean. She figured she would tackle hoovering on Saturday, it was too risky to do now while their daughter was sleeping. She poked her head through the door to see their six-month-old still fast asleep, and she couldn’t help but smile. 
She crept out of the nursery, returned to her bedroom, and found her wife asleep in the exact same position. She couldn’t help but smile harder.
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searenbound · 1 year
Hmm there’s something about the idea of a pre-established bond within an age gap relationship that gets me all🥰🥰🥰
Like 10 year old y/n with a little kid crush on their 15 year old brother’s friend and thinking they’re so discreet about it when they act like a lovesick puppy.
And of course it’s unrequited and treated like a silly little phase for years. Every time they try to confess it’s always “maybe when you catch up to me kid” up until their 20 and “over it”.
Suddenly mister “catch up” is turning around asking why they aren’t following him anymore. When did they go and grow up on him? And when did they get so attractive? His friend is gonna kill him but it’ll be worth it
I can see Bakugou, Shinsou, and maybe Sero with this
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harley-sunday · 2 years
August Rush [08]
Summary: You’ve known Carlos for almost as long as you have been working in Formula One but you never expected it would take you seven years and a concussion to realise that maybe you like him as more than just a friend.
Pairing: Carlos Sainz jr x reader (OFC nicknamed Pip) | Max Verstappen x reader (best friends)
Warnings: Language. NSFW-ish. 18+
Word count: 3.8k
AN: Hi. Hello. I’m back. It’s been over four months, which is wild! For anyone who’s left a comment on, send a message about, or liked August Rush in my absence - thank you so much! You have no idea how much it means :)
Also, this one’s for eL - for never giving up on this crazy little daydream. Or on me. LY babe! 🥰
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This is- It’s not good and you can feel yourself starting to panic, worried you might have fucked this up before it even really started, even though you’re not quite sure what this is. Well, that’s not entirely true, you think. This is your relationship. With Carlos. 
Carlos, who’s ready to show you off to the rest of the world as his girlfriend. Who can’t wait to tell his parents about you. Who seems to navigate all of this so effortlessly, even when you tell him you’re not ready yet. Some bullshit excuse about how you like to keep him to yourself a little longer. Hell, you even told Flo that you’re nothing more than friends with benefits. It all seems so- Unfair. 
Your mind is racing, trying to figure out if the look he threw you could be interpreted another way. Maybe he really does think you’re nervous about meeting his parents. Maybe he’s just tired after his workout. Maybe he caught a glimpse of your phone and saw the pictures as well and- 
Piñon nudges your leg with his nose then, pulling you out of your thoughts like he so often does, and it’s then you realise your phone is ringing. The custom ringtone letting you know it’s Max.
For a moment your thumb hovers over the decline icon but you know your best friend and you know he’ll try again in just a couple of minutes and so you slide the accept icon to the right instead, “Hey.” 
“Hey,” he draws out as if something about the way you answered your phone has him on edge. “You ok?”
“Yeah. Fine,” you quickly try to reassure him but it comes out a little too snippy and a little too high-pitched for it to be convincing.
“Don’t call me a liar, Verstappen,” you shoot back, pinching the bridge of your nose as you turn around and lean against the breakfast bar.
“Don’t lie then,” he counters, and even though you can’t see him you know there’s a shrug at the end of that sentence because as far as he’s concerned some things really are that simple. “What’s going on? Anything I can do?”
“Nah-” you shake your head, “-I just need to grow a pair, I guess.” 
He chuckles at your non-answer, “Ok. Sure.”
“It’ll be fine,” you assure him, not sure if you’re trying to convince him or yourself at this point. “I just need to get some of my priorities straight.” 
“You know what, fine,” he says with a dramatic sigh. “Don’t tell me what’s going on. See if I care.”
“Oh, but you do, Maxy,” you tease but immediately you feel guilty because Jesus, he’s your best friend and you’ve never kept him in the dark like this before. You can hear him start to say something else and so you quickly add, “I’ll explain in Spa, ok? It’s not-” It’s nothing bad, you want to say but maybe it is. You don’t even know at this point. “I’d rather talk to you in person.”
“This isn’t really helping.”
“I know,” you agree easily enough. “I know. I just-”
“You of course don’t have to tell me,” his voice is soft now and it makes you feel even more guilty, “but you know I’m here for you, right? You don’t have to figure this out on your own.” He clears his throat then, “Just- Does it have anything to do with your health? Are you feeling ok?”
He sounds worried and so you’re quick to assure him, “No, it’s not that. I’m fine. I promise.” 
“I’m sorry, Max,” you tell him, hanging your head. “I know this isn’t helping at all but there’s some personal stuff I need to figure out and-”
“It’s ok,” he says, “I trust you.” 
“Thank you.” You mean it, because by saying that he’s also letting you know that he won’t push you any further. 
 “Anyway,” he says in that nonchalant way only he can, “I called to let you know I’m back in Monaco.”
You can’t help but smile at his sudden change of subject, further proof that he’s ok dropping the subject for now, “Good. I can’t wait to see you next week.” 
“Yeah, let me know when you get there ok? I think my mom wants to take us out to dinner on Wednesday or Thursday.” 
“Oh, I’d love that,” you reply with a smile. You last saw Sophie at the Monaco Grand Prix and you know you’re way overdue for some quality time with her. Speaking of time, a quick glance at the clock on the wall tells you you’ve been on the phone with Max for a lot longer than you thought, now only about twenty minutes left until Carlos’ parents arrive. You push yourself off the counter, “I’ll call you once I’m at the track, ok?”
“Ok, I’ll see you soon.” 
“Yep,” you nod with a smile. “Love you, Maxy.” 
“Ik ook van jou.”
You’ve just hung up when Piñon darts past you to meet up with Carlos who’s making his way back to the kitchen and you can’t help the quiet, “Oh,” that escapes you when you see him walk towards you in a pair of navy shorts and a light grey polo, his hair still a little wet from the shower. He doesn’t say anything but you can tell from the way he looks around the kitchen that he’s surprised you haven’t started on lunch yet and so you quickly offer, “Max called,” as if that explains it all. Then again, it kind of does.
“That’s ok,” Carlos says as he walks past you to the fridge, “we can get started on lunch now, no?”
“Yep,” you agree, even though you’re not quite sure what to make of this. He seems- Different. A little stand-offish but maybe that’s just your imagination, you tell yourself in a futile attempt to calm the nerves that have flared up again. 
Without saying anything else you both set off to work, Carlos taking out the ingredients for a salad and some gazpacho and you setting the table outside. The silence between you is uncomfortable and seems almost charged and when you come back in after taking out the water and wine glasses you can’t take it anymore, “Carlos?”
“Hmm,” he replies without looking at you and somehow this makes you feel ten times worse.
You lean against the kitchen island behind him and take a deep breath, eyes trained on his back when you ask, “Are we ok?”
He lowers his head and turns around then, looking at you as if you’ve just ripped his heart out, “I don’t know, cariño. You tell me.” 
“Carlos,” it comes out barely above a whisper and almost like a plea. You have to bite your lip to keep from crying while you try to find the right words. To make it make sense. 
He takes your silence as something else and you see his eyes darken as he shakes his head.
You open your mouth to say something, anything to make this better, but it’s at that moment the doorbell rings and then Piñon’s barking and Carlos is abandoning you to greet his parents who have let themselves in and are making their way to the kitchen.
It really is nice to see his parents again, the hugs both Reyes and Carlos senior give you warm and long overdue and for a short while it feels as if nothing ever happened, Carlos talking to his dad in the kitchen while you and Carlos’ mom catch up in the garden but then you all sit down for lunch and there’s a renewed tension in the air when Reyes insists you and Carlos sit next to each other. It brings on a headache that you try your best to ignore but you know will only get worse the longer this drags on. 
You try to act normal throughout lunch, try to engage in the conversations about the new regulations that will be in place next year and who’s going to which team until Reyes tells her husband and son to maybe talk about something else than Formula One. They start talking about golf instead and you can’t help but zone out a little and absentmindedly play around with the food that’s left on your plate, pushing it around with your fork while Carlos and his father discuss whether to go to Pollença or Capdepera Golf Club tomorrow. 
When you look up not much later you find Reyes staring at you, her eyes shifting between you and Carlos as if she’s trying to figure out what’s going on. You give her a weak smile but it doesn’t seem to help because her eyebrows knit together in a way that tells you she won’t let this go that easily. 
“Help me with the dishes?” Reyes says after a while and starts collecting the plates as she stands up, not waiting to see if you’ll join her. Of course you do and so you find yourself alone with her in the kitchen not much later, where she surprises you when she asks, “What did he do?”
You can’t help but smile at her straightforwardness, “He didn’t do anything, Reyes.” For a moment you debate whether or not to tell her what’s really going on but you quickly decide it might only make things worse, not in the least because you haven’t even talked to Carlos yet and so instead you say, “I’m just a little tired and I’ve got the worst headache-”
“Hmm,” she replies but from the way she folds her arms in front of her chest you can tell she doesn’t believe you. Still, she seems to drop it when she says, “Why don’t you go lie down, cariño? I’ll finish here.” 
“No, I can help,” you try but it sounds weak and you do actually feel like lying down might help with the headache at least.
“No, no,” she shakes her head and puts her hands on your arm, gently pushing you out of the kitchen. “We were thinking of taking you and Carlos out to dinner tonight so I would rather you rest now, ok?”
You go back to your own bedroom, telling yourself it’s because Carlos’ parents are here and you don’t want to have to explain why you’re sharing a bed with their son when you haven’t even told them about the two of you yet, even though by now you’re not even sure if there’s anything to tell anymore. Sitting on the bed with your back against the wall you let your head rest against the cool stones, the dull headache you’ve had ever since lunch started only getting worse. You hate this, hate that you’ve let it come to this.
There’s a knock on your door then but before you have time to answer the door opens and Carlos steps inside. He keeps his distance and leans against the door but still he sounds worried when he asks, “Are you ok?” 
You want to tell him you are, that it’s just a headache, but the words seem to be stuck in your throat and instead there are tears burning in your eyes.
“Mamá said you had a headache and-”
You nod, a quiet sob escaping you.
He takes a tentative step towards you before he sits down on the edge of the bed and reaches out, one hand cupping your cheek, “Hey, ssh, it’s ok, cariño. I’m here.” 
“I’m sorry,” you tell him in between sobs. “I- I didn’t-”
“Ssh,” he says again and scoots closer so he’s sitting next to you, putting his arm around your shoulders and pulling you into him. “It’s ok.” 
“It’s not.” You press the palms of your hands to your eyes, trying to dry your tears but they keep coming. “I messed- I messed up.”
“Hey, no,” Carlos presses a kiss to the top of your head. “It’s only been three weeks since you fell, ok? This takes time.”
It takes you a second to realise he’s talking about your headache and it only makes you cry harder. God, you really don’t deserve him, you think. Not until you’ve been completely honest with him at least and so you push yourself off so you can look at him, trying to calm down enough to say what’s been on your mind.
He doesn’t say anything but starts taking deep breaths instead, like he’s done before, trying to get you to follow his lead. When you do he smiles, “There you go.”
“I have to tell you something,” you say after a while, your voice barely above a whisper. 
He shakes his head, “It’s ok.” 
“It’s not,” you tell him with a sad smile. You grab your phone and pull up the link Flo sent you, showing him the picture of the two of you, “This got posted today.”
“I know,” he says with a nod. “My mom showed it to me a couple of minutes ago.”
He takes one of your hands in his, his thumb stroking the back of your hand in a way that immediately grounds you, “Is that why you were so upset earlier?”
You bite the corner of your lip, knowing you have to be honest, and nod, “Yeah.”
You hesitate because that really is the million dollar question isn’t it? One you wish you had a straight answer to. Instead you smile at him through your tears and whisper an honest, “I don’t know.” 
His eyes darken and his jaw is set in a way that lets you know what he’s about to say next is important and you’re already preparing for the worst because he’s stopped stroking your hand and- “I want you to know that I am in this, Pip. For me, this doesn’t end when we have to leave this safe place where it’s just you and me and go back to the real world instead. I know it’s not going to be easy, you at Alpha Tauri and me over at Ferrari but I know we can make this work. This is not just a summer fling to me, ok? This is not some August rush that-”
“I love you.” 
Carlos blinks, once, twice, but doesn’t say anything. It doesn’t matter. It’s your turn now.
“I love you,” you say again, a little louder this time because it’s the truth. You put your free hand on his cheek and your heart skips a beat when you feel him lean into the touch. “It’s- It’s scary, and exciting, and- God, I never thought I’d feel this way about someone but-”
“You love me,” he repeats, almost as if he doesn’t believe you.
“I do.” You smile, “And I hate that it took a paparazzi shot of us for me to figure all of that out but- When I saw us in the picture I think I knew but at the same I didn’t, if that makes sense? I think I was mostly afraid our friends and family would see it posted online somewhere and figure out what was going on before I did.” You move closer then, your lips ghosting over his, “That I have been in love with you for a long time, Carlos Sainz. And that I love you.” 
He captures your mouth with his then and you can feel him smile into the kiss, “You are crazy, you know that?”
When both you and Carlos make your way back to the garden not much later you find Reyes eyeing you suspiciously but then she smiles that heartwarming smile you’ve grown so fond of and asks, “Feeling better?”
“Much,” you reply with a nod. 
“Good.” She nods towards her husband, “Carlos made dinner reservations at nine but we are going to Manacor so we should leave at eight-thirty.”
“It’s only four-thirty, mamá,” Carlos says as he sits down on one of the lounge chairs. He laughs then, “We don’t need that long to get ready.”
“You don’t but I was thinking maybe Pip and I could go for a quick shopping trip? There are some cute little boutiques in Cala Millor I want to show you, cariño,” she says as she turns towards you.
“Oh, I’d love to,” you agree easily enough. “I don’t really have anything nice to wear and I doubt you would want to have dinner with me in my Alpha Tauri team wear.” 
“You could wear that jumpsuit you wore the last time we-” Carlos cuts himself off then, eyes darting between you and his mother, his cheeks turning a bright red.
Reyes, bless her, acts as if it’s nothing and shakes her head, “I’m not going to let her wear the same thing twice in a week’s time, Carlito.” She looks at you then, “Ready when you are.”
Reyes wasn’t lying when she told you about the cute stores in Cala Millor because three hours and six boutiques later you have two bags in each hand and are starting to worry you might not have enough room in your suitcase to take everything back with you. 
“We should probably head back before the boys get worried we’ve bought the entire town,” Reyes says as she leads you back to where you’ve parked the car. 
It’s been really nice to spend some time alone with her and so you tell her when you get into the car, “Thank you for today, Reyes. I had a great time.” 
“Same, my dear,” she replies with a smile. “I remember how I wished we could have spent more time together when Carlos was still driving for Toro Rosso but back then you weren’t really friends, were you?”
 You can’t help but laugh as you remember those early days, “Not really, no.”
“What changed?”
“We grew up, I think.”
“You sure did,” she agrees as she pulls out of the parking lot. “He really values your friendship, you know?”
“Hmm,” you reply a little too quickly perhaps but Reyes doesn’t seem to notice. “I’m really glad we stayed in touch all these years.” It’s true. Not just because of the recent turn of events but also because there have been only a handful of constants in your life ever since you started working in Formula One and Carlos has definitely been one of them. 
“So am I, cariño,” Reyes says, not taking her eyes off the road. “So am I.” 
By the time you make it back to the house it’s after seven, Carlos senior taking a nap on one of the couches in the living room and Carlos playing a game of online chess at the breakfast bar, Piñon snoring at his feet.
“Hey,” you greet him with a smile and hold up your bags, “I just spent so much money.” 
Carlos chuckles and gets up, holding out his hands so he can take the bags from you, “Let me put these in your room for you.” 
“Thank you.” You stretch your arms above your head as you follow him down the hall, “I think I’m going to take a quick shower-”
“How quick were you thinking?” Carlos looks at you from over his shoulder, eyebrows raised and a gleam in his eyes that means trouble.
“Carlos,” you hiss, knowing exactly what he’s getting at, “no. Your parents are here, we can’t-”
“We can if you keep quiet,” he suggests with a grin before he turns around and gives you a kiss that’s all teeth and tongue and if this is even a small hint of what’s to come you’re in for a lot of trouble. “Oh come on,” he teases, “I promise to make it worth your while.” 
You throw him a look that’s meant to be a warning but if anything eggs him on even more and so you shake your head but push him into your room anyway, “You’ve got five minutes.” 
“Carlos,” his name rolls off your tongue in both a blessing and a curse, so quiet you doubt he’s even heard you but then he gently bites down on your clit and you have to bite your lip to keep from screaming. You let your head fall back against the tiles, the warm water of the shower pouring down on you, and tighten your grip on his wet hair, grinding against his face, “Right there, papi. Fuck.”
You can feel him smile between your thighs and then he dips tongue in and starts eating you out for real.
“Don’t stop,” you plea, panting now, your orgasm not far off now. Somehow you manage to throw one leg over his shoulder to give him better access, which he takes as his cue to push two fingers in, pumping in and out of you achingly slow until he’s got you begging for more, “Please, Carlos. Please, please, please.” 
“Come for me, beautiful,” he says, quickening his pace while taking your clit between his lips at the same time. He starts sucking before he flicks his tongue right as he curls his fingers inside of you and gets you to do exactly as you’re told.
You’re too afraid to get caught and so you push him out of the shower not much later with a passionate kiss and a promise to make it up to him later tonight. When you get out of the bathroom a couple of minutes later, a towel wrapped around you as you dry your hair with another, you see the red dress you bought earlier today lying on your bed, with your phone on top. With a smile you unlock your phone and see there’s a new message from Carlos
Would love to see you in this tonight. X
Dinner is a much more relaxed affair than lunch was. Once again Carlos is sitting next to you but this time there’s a little less distance between the two of you even though you’re still not overly affectionate. You haven’t told his parents yet but from the way Carlos keeps bouncing his leg under the table you can tell he wants to. When Reyes and Carlos senior are discussing which wine to get for the main course you put your hand on his knee and nod.
He stops bouncing immediately and raises his eyebrows at you, the unspoken question hanging heavy in the air. 
You give his knee a gentle squeeze and nod again.  
Carlos waits until his parents have made their choice and then clears his throat, “Mamá, Papá, I would like you to introduce you to someone.” 
Both Reyes and Carlos senior look confused but don’t say anything, no doubt waiting to see what follows next.
Carlos sits up in his chair and puts his arm around your shoulders, pulling you into him as he presses a kiss to your temple before he looks back at his parents, “I’d like you to meet my girlfriend.”
Notes Leugenaar - Liar Ik ook van jou - (Love) you too
Taglist:  @shes-homeward-bound | @chiogarza | @oyesmendes | @thatchickwiththecamera | @sanne-p | @your-favourite-blonde | @internetgremlin | @watermel0nsugarhigh | @fictional-l0v3r | @nochillnel | @dr3lover | @dan3avacado | @idkiwantchocolatee | @nicke0115 | @desperate-and-broken | @iamasimpingh0e | @guardians-ofthe-lastyoungkilljoy​ | @vroomvroommbtch​
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rowanaelinn · 2 years
Right Where You Left Me - Chapter One
A/N: AHHHHH!!! I haven’t been so excited about a project in so long🥰 It’s inspired by a show I’m currently watching! I hope you will love this story, as it’s the only thing I’ve been writing or thinking about lately!
Warnings: none | Word Count: 3,300
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“We need to ignore the allegation,” the woman said, her eyes full of the worry that’d been growing in her for hours now. Ever since the leak happened. She was holding her husband hand, or maybe simply grabbing it, as the middle-aged man didn’t return the contact.
He looked away from his wife, and tension in his jaw was evident. He wouldn’t forgive this. It was one of the signs, signs that Aelin saw too often in her job. They wouldn’t divorce, that much she knew. He wouldn’t have sought her help otherwise. No, as a senator for the conservative party, the man sitting across from her couldn’t divorce.
Elide snorted and didn’t have to look at Aelin before she told the woman, “If you want to ruin your husband’s political career as well as your children’s life in Doranelle, sure. Go ahead, the scandalous press will love it. I’m sure your book club friends will also be really fond of it.”
“What do you want me to do?” The woman sneered.
Aelin answered, “Confess. Control the narrative before the dozens of men you’ve slept with start talking. The story’s already out. Now it’s only a race on who gets the power.”
The husband cocked his head to the side. “What tells you they’ll go public?”
Of course. It always happened, and it never sat right with Aelin. “Because I’m excellent at my job, Senator, which is why you hired me. You didn’t hire me to ask questions which could be answered by a teenager, you hired me to save your reputation and your career, which my plan will do. Though, if you waste your precious time asking questions, maybe you can already pack that cozy office of yours.”
The wife’s shoulders shuddered, and she said, “Alright. I will do it. Do I just go out there and—”
“We’ll have a speech for you. It’ll be written by—”
The conversation kept on going, but Aelin’s attention was caught by her phone ringing. Usually, she tried not to answer when she was with a client. But when she saw Gavriel’s name appear on the phone, she shared a look with Elide, asking her to take the lead of this meeting.
Aelin had full faith in the petite woman. She was talented, and smart and wicked. Everything a fixer needed to be.
She stood and felt the meeting room, entering her office. Then, she picked up the phone.
She didn’t speak to her uncle often. They had contacts there and then, but ever since she left her job, things had turned colder than they were when they worked together on the campaign. The man rarely spoke to his own son, as well. Though that was more Aedion’s choice than Gavriel’s.
“No,” was the first thing she said, her voice firm. “I’m not working for you anymore.”
Her heels clicked on the hardwood floor of her office. The sound was a delight to her ears. She knew her peers enjoyed more casual outfits, like Elide. But Aelin’s wide range of weapon started from her clothes to the contacts she had gathered her whole life. If the choice was given to her, she would always choose the stilettos with a pencil skirt. It didn’t help sometimes, especially when men looking for a chance to feel superior to her were in the equation. But it also worked in her favor. Because no matter how many times she proved herself, they always felt superior. And they always thought less of her. In the end, it made her win.
“Niece,” he started, with that pleading voice. “Maybe I was only calling to ask how you were.”
“You didn’t,” she said, matter-of-factly. “You didn’t show up for Hayley’s birthday party last week and as far as I know, she still hasn’t forgiven you yet, even with all the gifts you keep sending. Probably because of the shame. I know that in a week you will call her because you magically either found or bought something that she loves, and very expensive as well. She will be happy and jump in your arms, forgetting about how you didn’t show up, and then you will feed her stories about how busy you were, knowing very well she’s practically in love with your job. I know that you wouldn’t call me--unless you absolutely needed me--before making my daughter happy. So, no. You didn’t call to ask how I fared. And here is my answer, Gavriel, I’m not working for him anymore.”
He lost a breath, and it almost sounded like a chuckle. He hadn’t forgotten his great niece’s birthday before, it wasn’t a pattern which was the only reason why she hadn’t crucified him. But she knew how he worked. He formed her, formed her wicked mind and taught her how people’s mind worked, how to find loopholes. And he knew he was right, which is why he didn’t deny it.
“He needs you, Aelin,” he said then, and she almost heard worry.
“He has lots of people working for him now. Surely, he doesn’t need me.”
“He doesn’t trust anyone else with this,” he answered, and that made her back straighten. “Not even me.”
She looked through the tall glass window, at the building she knew he was in. Maybe she could do it, only once. If it was as important as Gavriel made it sound, maybe it was alright. She sighed and said, “Our place, in twenty minutes. You’ll tell me everything there.”
“You are Gods sent, Aelin,” he said, and she could hear his voice.
She didn’t answer to the praise, and only said, “I’m only hearing you out. No promises. Also, twenty minutes gives you enough times to call Hayley.” And then, she hung up.
Aelin had always loved this park. She’d always been a city person, thriving on the movements and the fact that there always was something to do. But she had two places to go when she was too overwhelmed, when she sought peace. As much as she adored her two daughters and her son, Aelin couldn’t consider her house peaceful. Two teenagers and a two years old running around wasn’t her definition of peaceful. She checked her phone, and she smiled at the picture Hayley sent her. They were spending the day at Aelin’s parents house, but if the time was any indication, Aelin’s mother was busy preparing lunch, which gave Hayley plenty of time to braid her sister’s hair.
Her back straightened as she felt someone at her back, and she slipped her phone back in her handbag. She crossed her arms as she turned around, facing her uncle and mentor. He was wearing his usual dark suit, brightened by his white shirt. He was holding a brown folder in his hand, and she knew it was destined to her, should she accept to help his boss.
He gave her a bright, nice smile. One that made it impossible to believe he sometimes could the snake she knew he was. He taught her well, after all. She couldn’t help but smile back, wrapping her arms around him as he did the same. “How’s my favorite niece?”
She rolled her eyes, sitting on the bench behind them. “I’m your own niece.”
He chuckled, sitting next to her. He didn’t speak for a moment, only looking at the flowers not far from where they were sitting. He was a busy man, she knew. Being the President’s Chief of Staff was not a job made for the weak, and she supposed it was his first break of the day. If he even considered this a break, as he was supposed to convince her to help him. But what came out of his mouth next barely surprised her. “How’s Aedion?”
“He had fun at Hayley’s party,” she answered.
He threw her a dirty look, and she pressed her lips together to hold in her smile. There was the reason he didn’t show up, though Aelin had the decency to not call him out on it.
She wanted to give him a better answer, but she’d promised herself to stay out of this thing between them long ago. Aedion had asked her to. So, she did.
“My time’s precious, Gavriel,” she told him.
He chuckled, “Of course, it is. How does business fares outside of the Glass House?”
She nodded. “Good enough.”
He gave her a tight smile, before handing her the folder. She was careful as she opened it, still unsure on what to expect inside. She didn’t let her heartbeat unevenly as she discovered the picture of a beautiful women. She had pale blonde hair, thin rosy lips as well as sharp, and yet beautiful features.
“Remelle Rosin,” her uncle explained. “She has been working as the Vice-President’s secretary for two years, since the elections.” Aelin looked at the rest of the folders, the woman’s records, and other documents her uncle had gathered on her. Then, he explained the true purpose of his call. “She’s been… spreading rumors. Saying she had sexual intercourse with the president, that they’ve been involved romantically.”
“Have they?” She asked.
“No,” he answered, and Aelin’s guts told him he was being truthful. “Of course not. You know him, and he is not unfaithful. He and the first Lady, they are better than during the campaign. He wouldn’t ruin that for a pair of pretty legs.”
“I need to see him,” she said.
“I need to see him,” she repeated. “I need him to look at me in the eyes and tell me he didn’t do it, and I need the confirmation before you send me to destroy that woman.”
He looked at her and then sighed. “You and your gut.”
“Five minutes, then consider it done.”
Because if he hadn’t done it, then she would help him. Of course, she would. She nearly got him elected; she wouldn’t let a liar ruin everything he’s done in office until now.
“Alright. Tomorrow, at noon. I’ll find a way to squeeze you in.”
She hadn’t walked through the doors of the Glass House in years. Against what the name indicated; the building was not see through. At least, not all of it. Only the touristic parts were. The rest of the building was made of very real walls, made of stone or bricks. She hated walking through the glass parts of the building, it always made her uneasy.
But the Oval office, where she was walking in direction of now, was hidden by a lot of thick, not-see through walls.
Connall and Vaughan, the two security men attached to the hip of the president, were standing straight in front of the big, oval office.
“Boys,” she purred as she arrived in front of them. “I have a meeting with your boss.”
Connall’s onyx eyes shone of mischief. With his brother on her team of workers, Aelin knew the dark-haired version of Fenrys better than she knew the other imposing man standing on her side. “Mrs. Galathynius,” he greeted her. “I’m afraid the president’s meeting is running late. You will have to wait.”
“Of course,” she said. She wasn’t surprised, if she was being honest. She had told Elide to take the lead of the office while she was gone, and if any client was to come in when Aelin was gone, she trusted her friend to take care of it.
They were all technically lawyers, and yet they were not. They were fixers. People came to them to help them through messes, and they were all damn good at their jobs. Kidnapping, death threats, murder accusations, cheating allegations… You called it, and Aelin and her team could fix it.
But she refused to help the wrong people. If they were not innocent, at least in big cases, then they were not welcomed in Galathynius & Co’s office. She didn’t rely on her clients to tell her team the truth. No, Aelin trusted her own gut like nearly nothing else.
Hence why she was here now. To make sure she wasn’t sent to destroy an innocent. She could go low to defend her clients, but she still had that part of herself that refused to defend the wrong people.
She smiled at Elain, the young woman was the president’s secretary, and the brunette told her to sit to wait. She hadn’t been in this building since the inauguration party, more than two years ago. She felt uneasy at the idea of being here now. She’d promised herself to stay away from here, and until yesterday she had kept that promise. But if he needed help, and if he did trust her, then she couldn’t refuse.
She hadn’t worked her ass off to put him in office, only to have him lose credibility for a sex scandal. And maybe, if this woman was a liar, she would find some satisfaction in silencing her lies about him. Not that she would ever admit such thing to anyone.
“Elain, do you have the president’s schedule for next we—oh, Gods. Aelin!”
Quickly, her head shot up when she heard her name. The first Lady had walked in the room, standing beside Elain’s desk dressed in a beautiful red dress, not fitted too close to her body to keep the conservative look, but also not baggy enough to look cheap, or inappropriate. Even her make-up was done lightly, everything in nude colors. Her long wavy brown hair was down her back, and it had grown since the last time Aelin had seen her in person.
Slipping too easily in the persona she used at work, Aelin stood and mirrored the woman’s smile. The brunette took steps in Aelin’s direction and embraced her, Aelin returning the embrace. “Lyria,” she smiled. “I’m happy to see you.”
“Has Rowan finally convinced you to come back on our team?” She asked, too much cheer in her voice to be anything Aelin could mirror without loads of efforts. “You’ve done such miracles during the campaign.”
“Are you talking about me?” A grave, deep voice said from behind, and Aelin couldn’t stop her heart from missing a beat. She didn’t have to turn around to know who was speaking.
And yet, she still turned around. He was in the doorway between his office and Elain’s, dressed in a perfectly fitted suit, back with a white shirt. The only color on him was his red tie, and those mesmerizing green eyes. His hands were in his pockets, his chin high. She wasn’t sure he had lowered that part of him a single time since he was elected. “Good morning, Mr. President,” she said, and hoped she didn’t sound as breathless as she felt. From the lack of reaction from both Elain and Lyria, she supposed it was only an internal feeling. Good.
His lips barely tipped up as he greeted her, “Aelin.”
Lyria walked to the side of her husband, laying a loving hand on his shoulder. “Of course, we were speaking of you. In fact, we were discussing your negotiation skills, and if you finally managed to gain our best asset back.”
Aelin chuckled softly, looking to her feet for a second before daring to look back at the couple. He laughed, though the sound was short-lived. “I think we all know that no one can change Aelin Galathynius’ mind.”
A breathy laugh from Lyria, “Well, I’m sure you two will find a way. I’m running a little late,” she informed them, looking at her watch. “I have to leave for Blair’s house, unfortunately. Something about needing my assistance with which panting will be on the walls for the gala. Will I see you there, Aelin?”
She mustn’t have been able to hide her surprise quick enough, because Lyria understood quickly that she wasn’t aware of what she was speaking of. “I’m extremely bu—”
“Nonsense, I do not understand what happened. You were on the guest list, but I will fix this problem in the minute. Hopefully, it isn’t too short notice for you and Senator Westfall.”
She gave her that look that meant Aelin could only nod, and say, “Of course, we’ll be there.”
Lyria clapped her hands in excitement. “It’s been too long, Aelin. You should come to see us more often.”
Then, she bit them farewell and left the room. There was one second of silence before Rowan gestured to Aelin to enter his office. She grabbed her bag and did, walking into the room with him on her heels, the door closed. She placed her bag on one of the two couch, but did not sit. She turned to face him, and he was looking a little more steepish now, “Thank you, for coming. And helping. I know how busy you must be at work, it was Gavriel’s idea to call you.”
She braced herself on her heels, on the additional weight as she asked bluntly, because there was no reason to beat around the bush. “Have you had sex with her?”
His eyes slightly widened, and his silvery brows furrowed. “What? No, of course I did not.”
Her gaze didn’t falter as she said, “She’s your type, and she’s young. Is that what made you fall in love with her.”
He took a step in her direction, his eyes darkened at the allegation she made. And yet, he knew he couldn’t deny it. His voice was rough as he said, “I never touched that woman in my life. There is only one woman that I love, and it’s not her.” He was so close; she could take a step and reach for him. But she stood where she was, and even looked away. Because the weight of his gaze was too much to bear. “You have to believe me, Fireheart,” he breathed, the nickname slipping from his lips and hitting her in the chest.
She nodded, then looked back at him. “I do believe you.”
And she did. He couldn’t lie to her so easily, he couldn’t look her in the eyes and tell lies. She had known or maybe she had just hoped that he wouldn’t have done it. But now that she had the confirmation… She grabbed her bag, “I will work on this, Mr. President. Thank you for your time.”
She went to leave, but her skin electrified when she felt his hand grab her wrist, stopping her in her tracks. She still looked away as she said, “Let me go.”
“Look at me, Aelin,” he said softly.
“Let me go,” she repeated.
But her tugged on her wrist, and she took a step back toward him. She yielded to his demand, but worse she yielded to her desire. She looked at him, and his face softened. They didn’t speak for a moment, then he asked, “How are you, Aelin?”
“Tired,” she said. “But good. You?”
“I miss you,” he said, and there was only truth and desperation in that statement. And somehow, even if she wanted to ruin her whole life and yield to him… She couldn’t. The shiny silver ring on her finger reminded her of it, and the weight of it as well as her vows made sure she couldn’t forget.
She yanked her hand away, and told him, “The Remelle situation will be handled, Mr. President. You can rule over this amazing country of ours peacefully now.”
He snorted, “As if I could ever be peaceful without you handling everything for me.”
She smiled then, “It wouldn’t be fun if I did all the job for you, would it? But be careful, maybe I’ll run against you at the next election, I quite like that office.”
He smiled, and in that gesture, she realized she could have meant it for a whole other reason than the very pretty view he had from his window. But she could not think of that night, she refused. Thankfully, he didn’t comment. He only said, “You’d have my vote.”
“Good-bye, Mr. President.”
And with too much hope, he said, “I’ll see you tomorrow, Aelin.”
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lyranova · 1 year
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Hiya guys! So here’s another for OC Kinktober, I don’t know how many of these I’ll do (probably one more and then it’ll be Xreaders). I hope you’re all enjoying this small little event so far, I know OC’s aren’t everyones thing, but I still hope you’re all having as much fun as I am 🥰! Anyway MINORS DNI! And I hope you all enjoy~!
Word Count: 1,924
Warnings: Aphrodisiac use (accidentally), Kissing, Fingering (female receiving), Nipple Play, Grinding, Intercourse.
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“ Zera, I’m home!” William shouted as he walked into the home he shared with his newlywed wife, Zera. He looked around and didn’t see her, which was odd, considering she told him that she would be home from her shop long before he would. He walked further into the room, called her name again, but she still didn’t appear.
He turned to his left and noticed a glass sitting on the counter top, which made him frown a bit. But he walked towards it and picked it up before examining it closely. The glass was filled with cold, white liquid that had hints of yellow in it. It was topped with whipped crème, a cherry, and with a small slice of pineapple on the side of the glass. William tilted his head, did Zera make this for him?
He put the glass to his lips and took a sip of it, before humming in surprise. It was surprisingly good! It was sweet due to the whipped crème and coconut, but also had a tartness to it due to the pineapple. But there was another flavor mixed into it that he didn’t quite recognize, it was familiar, yet he couldn’t quite place where he knew it from.
“ Oh, you’re home! I was in the shower, so I didn’t hear you.” Zera said with a bright smile, she was wearing one of his shirts, a pair of shorts, and was drying her hair with a towel. He watched as she looked from him, to the glass in his hand, back to him again. “ Where did you get that?”
“ Ah, you left it on the counter and I thought it was for me, so I… I had a sip.” He admitted softly as he set the now empty glass back down onto the counter, he watched as she walked over to him and quickly inspected the glass.
“ You…drank it all?” She asked, her voice full of surprise and slight horror. William frowned but nodded slowly.
“ I did…did I make a mistake? Was it not for me?” He asked, his voice full of confusion. He watched Zera hum and wring her hands together sheepishly as she slowly turned around, keeping her eyes on the floor as she spoke.
“ Well, you kind of did. That drink wasn’t really meant for either of us, at least not yet…” Zera began, her cheeks going a bit red, and he could hear the hesitancy in her voice. “ I was playing around with the Piña colada, because the last time I made them they didn’t quite taste right, and instead of using Coconut extract or fresh coconut I used…something else.” She trailed off, her eyes still looking at the ground. William raised a curious, and slightly worried, brow.
Zera turned back around and reached over the counter, and when she turned back to face him, he noticed she had a bottle in her hand. He took it from her gently and stared down at it with wide eyes before his head shot up to look at her.
“ You used our flavored lubricant?!” He exclaimed, his face growing red. Now he knew where he recognized that sweet and slightly tangy flavor in the drink, it was from their lubricant!
“ I did. I thought, since the lubricant had a strong flavor on its own, that maybe it would give the drink one as well. So I was going to experiment with it before you got home, but I accidentally spilled some alcohol on my dress, which was why I took a shower. Then, when I walked out, you had drank it all before I could tell you.” Zera explained with a sheepish laugh as she rubbed the back of her head. William sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.
“ Zera…doesn’t that lubricant also have an aphrodisiac in it as well?” William asked as he suddenly felt his body growing warmer and warmer. Zera nodded as another sheepish laugh escaped her lips.
“ It does, which was why I was going to drink it instead of you. Since aphrodisiacs have less of an effect on me than you.” She admitted, she heard him sigh before he shook his head. “ I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have left the drink on the counter.” She apologized, but he shook his head.
“ It isn’t your fault, I shouldn’t have drank it before asking you first,” William told her softly before he moved closer to her and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead. “ I’m going to go take a shower, a cold one, to see if that’ll help.” He added as he turned around and began to walk towards the bathroom.
But he stopped when he felt Zera wrap her arms around him and held him close, he turned a bit to look at her over his shoulder. She looked up at him with a slightly flirty and mischievous look in her eye.
“ Instead of a cold shower, why don’t you let me help you out? I’m sure I would be a lot more fun and successful than the shower would be.” She whispered warmly as she leaned up on her toes and placed a soft kiss on the shell of his ear.
William suddenly shivered as he suddenly became keenly aware of her warm breath against his skin, and of her breasts rubbing against his back as she leaned up and moved. His skin felt like it was on fire, and his heart felt like it was going to beat out of his chest. And they weren’t even doing anything! All she was doing was holding him, kissing his neck, cheek, and ear, and yet his mind grew cloudier and cloudier as lust began to take over.
He turned around and stared down at his wife, who blinked at him in surprise. He bent down and captured her lips in a fiery, hot kiss. His tongue grazing her bottom lip, asking for permission, before he slipped it inside her mouth, deepening the kiss exponentially. He grinned when she moaned into the kiss and moved her arms around his neck to pull him closer to her. And the two began to move further and further into the house, until they reached their bedroom, where they kept moving until the back of Zera’s legs hit the bed.
The two broke their kiss for a moment, lustful purple eyes staring into heated blue ones. He watched as Zera sat on the bed, grabbed his hands to pull him towards her, and began to kiss him heatedly once again.
This was why William didn’t like to take aphrodisiacs very often, they always clouded his better judgement and made him more…frenzied. When he was ‘in control’ he liked to take his time and worship his wife at a slow and steady pace, taking her in little by little, but when he was like this? He was almost a completely different person. He was a little rough and impatient, as though if he didn’t have her now, then he never would.
He pulled away from her for a moment before he slipped her shirt off of her body and threw it to the side before his lips found hers again. He then began to travel further and further down with his lips until he made it to her chest, where he took one of her breasts into his mouth and began to kiss, lick, and suck it as his left hand massaged and rubbed her other breast.
William grinned and chuckled as Zera moaned and her back arched off the bed and her arms wrapped tightly around him. He lowered his hips and ground his still clothed crotch against her soaking wet underwear, eliciting another moan from her as he did. He removed his mouth from her chest and looked up at her.
“ Are you sure you didn’t have a sip of that drink? Because you’re awfully wet down here.” He teased as rubbed against her, making her hips wiggle against him.
“ I’m sure, believe me, if I did have a sip of that drink, I probably would have pounced on you the moment you walked through that door.” She breathed, her tone serious and raspy as her legs wound around his waist and pulled him against her.
“ Well that would have been quite fun wouldn’t it?” William chuckled as he sat up and began to remove his clothes, and then swiftly removed what remained of Zera’s before quickly tossing them onto the floor.
He took a moment to appreciate his wife’s beautiful body, before his hands slipped down her chest, down her stomach, until one hand rested on her hip as the other mover further down until it reached her entrance. He slipped one, then two fingers inside as his thumb drew quick and tight circles onto her clit.
“ Will~!” She groaned as her back arched off the bed again and her hands reached out to grab his wrists. He smirked as he felt her clench tightly around his fingers as he sang her praises and whispered salacious things into her ear. Until her body tensed and her walls clenched even tighter around his fingers, signaling to him that she came.
“ I think that’s enough teasing, William,” Zera muttered breathlessly as she wrapped her legs around his waist again, pulling his hips towards hers eagerly. “ I want you inside me. Now.” She added, her voice demanding as she wiggled suggestively against him. He blinked for a moment before his smirk turned into a smile and nodded. If he were being honest, he had been having a hard time holding himself back ever since he drank that Piña colada.
William positioned himself at her entrance and rubbed is throbbing cock against her lower lips before he slowly pushed himself inside her, causing a quiet moan to escape her lips and a hiss to escape his. He pushed himself further and further inside until she was filled with nothing but him. After Zera gave him the okay, he began to move his hips in slow and steady strokes, trying his best not to give into his more…carnal desire.
 As he kissed his wife passionately, and thrusted his hips, he felt himself shiver, and his body tremble slightly. He wasn’t sure how much of it was the aphrodisiac and how much of it was just him, but he couldn’t remember the last time his body felt so sensitive. With every movement of their entangled bodies, with every breath that escaped his wife's lips, and with every clench of her walls around his length, he felt like his body was being set on fire in the most delicious way.
“ Will,” He suddenly heard Zera breath, and he stopped for a moment and looked at her. She pulled his face down to hers. “ You can stop holding back now, I won’t break, I promise. So just let go, and go as hard and fast as you want.” She whispered against his lips, her breath warm and alluring. William felt what remained of his sanity break at that point.
He didn’t say a word, nor did he nod his head, all he did was capture her lips in a passionate kiss before he did as she asked and thrusted into her at a harder and faster pace. Finally giving in to his carnal desire until both of their climaxes washed over them in one big wave.
Both were left panting and trembling messes, their bodies slightly sore, but otherwise feeling a lot better than they did a moment ago. Especially William.
Thank you all so much for reading and I hope you all have a good day~!
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citieskyes · 1 year
Hi! I love your posts so much, they're the highlight of my day and I hope you're having a great day <3 I'm slowly getting into astrology and I wanna learn more about myself. I hope it's okay to ask questions like this, my placements are Leo stellium (Sun, Mercury, Jupiter in 5th) and Cancer stellium (Moon, Venus, Saturn in 4th) with a Pisces mars in 12th. Could you maybe give me some opinions on my placements if you can? I appreciate it in advance if you answer this :) Hope you're doing okay lovely!
Hi, thank u sm! That honestly means a lot to me 🥰 I can give a short explanation on what it all means below but if you want something more in depth message me for a birth chart reading x
Cancer moon: This is a favourable placement as the moon is ruled by Cancer. As the moon is ruled by cancer, it changes signs frequently so this means you’re more affected by this energy. This can make you moody. You may be very empathic and nurturing. Sometimes you might place the needs of others before you. You may have strong “gut feelings” that you rely on when making decisions.
Leo mercury: Leo mercuries tend to be loud and flamboyant in their gestures. This depends on the house mercury is in also. Leo mercuries love hyping people up and giving out compliments. They are genuinely very supportive and genuine. They can’t lie at all, they’re very honest and straightforward people, sometimes a little TOO honest. I find that they’re good with public speaking and debates. Since Leo is a fire sign, when you speak people are captivated by your passion. You tend to have loud sounding voice. Lot of Leo mercuries I know are dramatic, like they love to gasp over the smallest things.
Cancer Venus: this suggests you’re loyal but sometimes it can be borderline possessive. You’re in love with the idea of love. A lot of Cancer Venus’s are super maternal. In fact, they may want a lot of kids and a big family. You guys are very loving and devoted, but sometimes you get too infatuated with people and fall in love with the idea of them. You tend to have rose tinted glasses when it comes to love. You tend to be nostalgic and constantly yearn for the past, so it’s hard for you to move on from people. You never let go of people/situations because you try to see the good in everyone. This placement screams “ride or die”, you are very protective over the people you love. Often in friendships you might be described as the “mom friend”.
Saturn in the 4th: Saturn represents karma, restrictions, responsibilities. Saturn in this house indicates a strong feeling of obligation and devotion to your family and home life. You may have had a strict upbringing, and you may have had to grow up faster than kids your age. The impact of Saturn in the fourth house might offer obstacles and lessons linked to your family relationships and sense of belonging. You may have felt the need to prove yourself or live up to particular expectations from your family. This placement can sometimes make you the 'black sheep' of the family. The good thing is everyone gets their Saturn return at the age of 29, so whatever area of life you’re struggling in, it’ll ease up by then.
Jupiter in the 5th: Jupiter is the planet of luck and abundance. Jupiter in this house promotes self-expression and creativity. The placement is associated with a natural gift for the arts, such as music, literature, painting, or acting. You can have an optimistic attitude towards life, which attracts opportunities and great experiences. This placement may signify that you have a lighthearted approach to love. Jupiter in the fifth house is frequently associated with a love of children and a natural ability to connect with them. You may like spending time with children.
Pisces mars in the 12th: the 12h rules endings, closure, the subconscious, what’s hidden, karma, enemies, spirituality. With Mars in this house, you may be prone to nightmares or vivid dreams. You may feel the need to retreat and spend time in solitude in order to recharge. The 12h house relates to spirituality, so you may feel sensitive regarding your own emotions. This placement can indicate hidden enemies as Mars represents conflict and the twelfth house is the house of what is hidden. Pisces gives you a vivid imagination and a lot of empathy. This placement can make you passive so you won’t directly be aggressive in your approach. You may be very spiritual with this placement. You may use your gut feelings to make a decision.
Since you clarified you’re an Aries rising, all your houses are lined up exactly where they need to be since Aries is the first sign of the zodiac. Example: your sun, mercury and Jupiter are all in the 5th house because Leo is ruled by the 5th. Your Cancer Venus/moon is in the 4th house because Cancer rules the 4th house. So you have a 5th house stellium, Leo stellium, and Cancer stellium. 5th house stellium is really cute, means you’re full of energy and adventure. Aries rising is also one of the most rarest rising signs so kudos to you!
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iamthecatwhotypes · 6 months
the letter (bts)
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It started with an unsigned letter...
💘Pairing: Fem!OC x Yongbok/Secret Admirer | Sincerely AU 📚Genre: Sincerely... AU (m.list) | Romantic Angst 🔞Rating: 18+ ⌨Word Count: 4.4k ✋🏽Warnings: Unhealthy relationship (edging on neglect; quick to anger) 🗣Summary: Jinju's birthday started out rough... but a curious letter from a secret admirer gives her new hope. The problem is, which of her friends has a crush on her? 💌A/N: Hi! I'm new, but have been lurking for a while. I've had this idea in my head for a while and wanted to give this a try. If you have any constructive criticism or anything you want to say about this, please feel free to reach out. I'd love to hear from you! 😁If you want to read on AO3, you can! 🥰 I know a lot of people prefer to read a whole story when it's done. If you want me to tag you when this series is finished, let me know and I'll tag you when the finale drops.
There was something in the air that Friday night.
It felt… maybe a bit romantic, really. The sky had faded to a soft blue with fluffy clouds bathed in pastel pinks and oranges while the horizon was aglow in dazzling gold. Chasing after the cotton candy clouds from the east was a storm the color of spilled ink. They sprinted along the sky, gobbling up the half moon that hung low and bright.
Rainy nights were my favorite. I was convinced they washed away all the negativity of the day or week and left me with a clean slate.
Maybe it’ll sound a little crazy or overdramatic, but it felt like there was something fated in the crisp breeze that whipped through my hair. It felt like I was on the precipice of something exciting and new starting.
I loved the way it seemed like everyone around me was so happy while being bathed in the soft glow of the street lights that were flipping on one street at a time.
I loved nights like this. They made me think of home when I was young. I'd sit with my mom and brother and watch the lightning until either the storm ended, or I fell asleep. 
In my moment of nostalgia, I looked around for my boyfriend, Yongbok, hoping to wrap my hands around his arm and walk tucked up against him, but saw him already so far ahead of me that he was almost to the restaurant we were going to meet our friends at. 
I paused for a moment, my shoulders slumping against the sudden brunt of disappointment. My jaw went slack as my heart slid down my ribs into my gut and dissolved in its bath of acid.
Why was he so far ahead? He almost always walked with me. I mean, yeah, he was a much faster walker than I was, but he had a bit of height on me and naturally had a longer stride.
I blamed my outfit. I didn’t often wear skirts or heeled sandals. Even though the long champagne colored skirt I wore had a slit up to the middle of my leg, I felt awkward walking in it. It felt almost alien to dress this feminine. The bag I had brought was bulkier than I was used to as well.
I guess I felt a bit like a puppy that had yet to grow into its paws.
Despite all of that, he should have been walking beside me like a proper boyfriend would.
Although… we have been going through sort of a rough patch, I guess. We’d made plans to go out tonight to celebrate my birthday months ago. Maybe he felt like if he didn’t show up tonight, then all our friends would know we were having problems and he didn’t want them to notice. 
I hoped that meant he still wanted to try and work things out with me.
I heaved a sigh and hurried after him, nearly breaking into a sprint in order to meet him at the door. He held it open with his foot and tucked his hands into the pockets of his jeans.
A small part of me was worried he'd started to be embarrassed by me. I had gained a bit of weight since I stopped doing my normal dance classes. I didn't think it had been a lot, but I had caught him looking at my tummy a couple of times.
Maybe he was just excited for everything that we had planned to do tonight. 
I felt myself get excited at the idea he'd gotten me something nice.
Maybe he was going to finally propose and was just nervous.
Why would he be nervous though? It wasn't like I would say no!
I smiled up at him sheepishly when I lowered my head and slipped past him and into the restaurant.
I loved this restaurant. The walls were black and the lights that hung overhead were low. It smelled of meat and fish and spices.
It reminded me of how my family's house had smelled when I was a child and my grandmother was cooking.
I looked around, plastering a smile on my face and searching for my friends.
I spotted Namjoon’s freshly dyed purple hair in a far corner and grabbed Yongbok's wrist, pulling him along with me as I navigated towards the group, my smile full and authentic now. 
Yongbok pulled his hand from mine and skirted past me, almost bumping into a waitress with a tray full of sushi, gimbap, and a delightful smelling udon. 
She gasped and steadied the tray with her free hand, her mouth agape as I waved her on, apologizing quietly for his rudeness.
Why was he acting like this? He was being so rude and embarrassing!
I scowled at him and walked over to the table, forcing the smile to grace my face again as almost everyone looked over at me.
I could almost feel the judgement in their eyes as Jimin pulled a chair out for me and pushed it in as I sat while everyone at the table wished me a happy birthday. I smiled shyly at them and bowed my head several times in gratitude while holding my hands together in thanks.
Even though it should have been Yongbok seating me, I thanked Jimin anyway. 
He was always a gentleman.
I looked at Yongbok and sighed again when I saw him already deep in conversation with Jungkook who had just started getting a full sleeve of tattoos and, of course, Yongbok was curious about it. He’d wanted to get tattoos for a while now and Jungkook had been the only one in our friend group brave enough to start.
The tattoos I could see on his knuckles were hard to read in the quick moment I looked at, but they looked crisp enough to look decent.
“Look at you!” My best friend, Chaeyoung leaned close to whisper into my ear as she took my bag and admired it for a moment before hanging it from a hook under the table I didn’t know existed. “I bet Yongbok is just itching to get his hands on you tonight!”
She hid her giggle with her long, slender hand. I did my best to laugh along with her to avoid suspicion. It’d been such a long time since Yongbok had touched me… since he’d hugged me… I thought I would probably erupt with joy as soon as he even so much as held my hand.
“Well, you look stunning.” Chaeyoung continued sincerely before letting her eyes gaze at the candles flickering in the center of the table. She went far away for a moment. “I probably shouldn’t say this, but I am a little jealous you have a boyfriend on your birthday. Mine was so lonely.”
I looked her over and scoffed. She was always so elegant with her high cheekbones, small forehead, and full hips that swung like a pendulum when she walked. She was everything I considered to be perfect. I couldn’t understand why she was still single. “You’ll find the right guy soon!”
“I hope so.” Her shoulders slumped enough for her collarbone to peek out from under the sleeveless black cocktail dress she wore.
I nudged her with my arm and leaned close, glancing around the table quickly to see who was watching us. “Have you told… you know… how you feel?”
Her eyes flicked up to the man who sat quietly on the other side of the table, between Jungkook and Namjoon, staring at a glass of water that was sitting in a pool of its own condensation. She shook her head and pulled her waist length black hair behind her ear. “No. If he likes me, he needs to approach me.”
“What if he’s shy?”
She gave a nonchalant shrug and took a sip of her red wine, the glint of the candles catching her long, almond nails painted in a nude shade. She thought carefully for a moment and met my eyes. “I think he likes someone. He’s been acting differently recently.”
I nudged her again as a pair of waitresses came around, setting steaming bowls of clear soup in front of us and taking our entree orders. “It could be you.”
She offered me a smile. “I hope so.”
We giggled together before beginning to eat our soups.
I looked around the table at everyone laughing together and sat back with a smile. 
I hadn't known anyone when I moved to Seoul as a teenager. It was only once I had met Yongbok that anyone at this table came into my life.
My life had become so rich and full with everything everyone brought to share with me.
I couldn't imagine my life without them.
“So… Jinju….” Jimin rubbed his hands on his trousers and looked over at me with a smile. I met his gaze and raised a brow, waiting for him to continue, watching as he ran a hand through his thick blond hair and cleared his throat. He shifted his weight and turned towards me. “What… um… what are we doing afterwards? I think it's been kept a surprise from us when, really, we should have been the ones to surprise you.”
I laughed as he ran his tongue across his bottom lip, his eyes roving my face. 
His sudden attention on me was a little confusing for me. Jimin had always been kind, but I had written it off as him being polite to his friend's girlfriend. 
I couldn't lie though, it was nice to have a man talk to me so kindly.
Yongbok looked up at us too. His large eyes narrowed suspiciously while going from Jimin to me and back again.
That was odd. 
Was he jealous or had he just forgotten our plans? I couldn't be sure. 
I came back to myself and put on my friendliest smile while laying my hands on the wood table.
“But I love surprising you all! I hope you don't mind.”
I dipped my head shyly. I hoped I hadn't inadvertently caused offense. I really didn't think anyone would mind. I had never been a fan of birthdays and really just wanted the attention to be off of me.
Jimin chuckled and ran a hand down the black blazer he wore, waving the other to dispel my worry. He softened his hand and offered a gentle smile. “Of course not. 
“I thought that since we were so close to Lotte World, that we could go there after we eat and do a scavenger hunt. I have a little gift for the winner.” I had gifts hidden away in my purse for everyone though, but I wasn’t going to admit that now. 
“It’s raining now though, my dear.” Yongbok interjected, his deep voice tinged with a gravelly undertone, hinting that I was being ridiculous. He used the endearment to try and soften his tone.
“I…,” I didn’t have much time to respond before Taehyung piped up, his eyes still on his glass.
“I drove.” He pushed his white linen napkin along the edge of the glass before looking up at me first then quickly around the table and back to his glass again. He swallowed hard and shrugged a shoulder as the weight of the collective stare went to him. “I can’t fit everyone, but….”
He let his words fall away, thankfully saved by the waitresses and a pair of runners who came up to our table and laid our meals out before us.
I couldn’t help but notice Yongbok glower at him for a moment before whipping open his napkin and laying it over his lap.
What was wrong with him?
I glanced at Chaeyoung to see if maybe I was overreacting, but she was watching me worriedly as she plucked up a piece of beef.
I tried to give her a reassuring smile, but I knew it was hollow. I couldn’t lie to her very well.
We fell into eating a bit quieter than before.
I appreciated Taehyung stepping up to help keep my birthday perfect. At some point in time, without me even realizing, he and Jimin had become my friends too… genuinely.
I didn’t know what I had done to earn that, but I was very grateful. 
The world felt a little smaller and less scary with them in it.
Eventually, we finished our meals and looked outside to see the rain had become so heavy that the street was practically empty save for a few stragglers who were drenched and huddled into their jackets and wincing against the elements.
Jungkook was the first to speak, always quick and eager to help in any way he could. “I think we should take Jinju to the zoo tomorrow. Or… maybe the aquarium.”
Namjoon nodded, pointing at him as he clasped his hands together and rested his elbows on the table. “Namdaemun would be cool too.”
“Oh… the Seosomun Museum is close to there.” Jimin chirped, glancing at me as he crossed his legs and sat back in his chair. “We could make a day of it if we wanted to.”
“Oh!” Chaeyoung cried out and leaned forward, her brow pinched and her eyes narrowed. “We could go to Sky Pizza!” She turned to me and put her hand on my arm. “That’s Bong Joon-Ho’s restaurant in Parasite!”
“We’re taking a tour of Seoul tomorrow.” Yoongi suddenly spoke with a breathy, deep laugh. “We may as well go to the National Park Mountain Museum.”
“Where is that?” Chaeyoung pulled her phone from her purse and tapped the name into her map app then looked up with wide eyes. “Bro! That’s so far away!”
Namjoon smiled until his eyes were half moons and shook Yoongi’s hand. “I see you’re getting out more.”
“That’s almost in Gyeonggi! That’s like an hour away!”
I was about to say that I loved getting out of the city, but Yoongi spoke again, waving his hand, his pinky slightly curved.
“Jinju, what would you like to do tomorrow?”
Everyone’s eyes shifted over to me and it was suddenly hard to breathe. I blinked rapidly and felt my mouth grow dry as my jaw went slack.
I couldn’t choose the museum Yoongi had suggested even though it sounded wonderful. Chaeyoung would be too miserable travelling that far. I made a note to go there later on my own. I sat up straight with a bright smile, watching subconsciously as almost everyone mirrored my movement. “I think we should go to the aquarium, Seosomun Museum, and Sky Pizza. If that’s okay?”
I looked over at Chaeyoung as she wrapped her arms around mine with a giggle. “That’s gonna be so fun!”
“Let’s see if it’s still raining tomorrow.” Yongbok’s voice was drowned out by Taehyung and Jimin offering to drive all of us, which made him roll his eyes.
Part of me felt bad for him to be ignored. I knew he hated it, but maybe the others were ignoring him since he was in such a foul mood.
I tried to compensate for him by being the brighter one.
“I’m really excited. It’ll be nice to do some new things.” I smiled at no one in particular.
My eyes flicked to Yongbok as he clinked his shot glass together with Jungkook’s and threw his drink back. I hadn’t even realized the grapefruit soju on the table. Yongbok locked eyes with me and pointed at me with a grin on his full lips then poured himself another shot. He raised it towards me, waiting for a moment for our bewildered friends to quickly follow suit when they realized there was going to be an impromptu toast. 
“Here’s to our beautiful Jinju on her birthday.” Yongbok smiled and gave a chuckle, the mood brightening for a moment as our friends broke into a smile and parroted him before he continued, interrupting a few of them. “May we all be so accommodating.”
I thought I heard a hint of sourness to his tone that the others seemed to gloss over. 
I smiled and bowed my head in thanks to my friends before a crack of thunder shook the building and made the lights flicker. We jumped and looked to see if the building had been hit.
“I think that's our signal to go.” Namjoon finished off his beer and stood with the rest of the table following suit quickly. We followed him to the counter to pay.
“Thank you all for such a lovely evening.” I bowed to the group at the large double doors that were painted black with an ornate design painted gold in the center of both of them. “It was good to see you all again and I look forward to seeing you tomorrow!”
I gladly accepted a hug from Chaeyoung, Jimin and Taehyung then shook hands with Namjoon and Jimin. Yoongi and Jungkook both gave me a small bow before looking out the windows as a flash of lightning illuminated the sky for a moment.
“I'll drive you home, Namjoon.” Taehyung patted the man on his shoulder as Jungkook fished his keys from the pocket of his black trousers and Yoongi pulled his black blazer over his tight black turtleneck.
“You two walked, right?” Jimin turned to us, raising his brow as Yongbok nodded, a sense of disappointment seeming to wash over him as his shoulders drooped a little. “I'll drive you home.”
I stepped up to him with a smile and held my hands demurely before me. “Thank you for your help, Jimin. Yongbok and I appreciate it very much.”
The tips of his ears grew red as he tipped his head away with a smile and ran his hand through his hair again as Yoongi swung the door open for us, his hand up to shield himself from the rain.
“Thank you!” I put my hand on his shoulder as I brushed past him, my skirt quickly becoming plastered to my thighs as the rain threatened to drench me entirely. He nodded and gave the fastest smile I had ever seen before looking away. 
Yongbok put his hand on my waist, pulling me close and guiding me quickly to Jimin’s car. He pulled away and sat in the front, leaving me to start to slip in the back before remembering I didn't have my purse.
“I forgot my bag!” I stood despite Yongbok's grunt of disgust and shielded my eyes with my hand as a waitress came out with my bag. I took it from her with a bow. “Thank you!”
“Jinju! Get in the car!” Yongbok yelled through the window at me as I opened the door and dropped inside, thankful for the quickly heated interior.
“Next time be more mindful.” Yongbok barked over Jimin, glowering at me from his spot as I sank into the back of my seat with wide eyes. “You're ruining the interior.”
My jaw went slack.
I was so confused.
He’d never berated me in front of other people before, let alone his closest friends. 
I don’t think he’s even ever raised his voice to me before. Why was he being so cruel? And on my birthday too. 
It made my heart drop as I lowered my head while Jimin stared at him, his playful, sweet eyes now dark and hard.
He moved his jaw from side to side before taking a deep breath and holding his hand up, palm down, trying to diffuse the situation. “Let’s not let a little rain ruin tonight. This car’s been through much worse than this.” He laughed, bringing me, at least, a little lightness and I relaxed. “I was getting the car washed one time and forgot to roll my window up until I was being sprayed in my ear.”
“Bro… you did what?” Yongbok stared in confusion at Jimin as he covered his face with his hands and laughed. 
Perhaps it was mean of me, but it was nice to see him be humbled after being rude to me.
“Yeah, I drove home with all the windows down to try and dry it out.” Jimin sighed and looked back at me when I covered my mouth as I giggled. “But anyway, don’t even worry about it. You’re fine, I’m not mad.”
I smiled and looked up at him through my lashes. “Thank you, Jimin.”
Jimin tried to get a conversation going, but with Yongbok’s mood, the short trip to our apartment felt like an eternity.
Jimin pulled up to the curb and put the car into park, twisting in his seat and reaching back to smile at me. “Happy birthday, Jinju. I’m sorry it rained, but hopefully tomorrow will be better.”
“I'm sure it will be. Thank you again for coming out with us and driving us home.”
Yongbok was out of the car and opening my door suddenly, his voice . “Remember your purse this time.”
I tried to smile but my lips refused to pretend.
I grabbed my purse and stepped out of the car, waving to Jimin before hurrying to catch up with Yongbok who was practically at the door of our building already. 
“What's wrong with you?” I glared up at him, watching as he threw his hands up and walked away. He went through the door to the stairs and let it slam behind him. 
I stood staring after him.
What happened? What had I done?
All I wanted to do was cry. 
I felt my chin tremble and remembered that my clothes were still wet. Even if my heart was breaking, I had to go take care of myself.
I went to the elevator and trudged my way to our door and tapped in the code. I slipped inside and stepped out of my shoes, holding my purse to my chest.
It only took a moment for me to hear him playing a video game loud enough that I was sure our neighbors would hear the woman screaming alongside the gunfire.
I felt so completely defeated. This wasn’t how I planned on my birthday going.
I had been so hopeful that today we would play nice and maybe it would start feeling like we were a couple again.
I wiped my eyes and went to the closet, dropping my bag into its place in the corner of my side. I went into the bathroom and began to draw a hot bath with a healthy scoop of lavender epsom salt.
I sank into the hot water carefully and sighed as I laid my head against the pillow, completely encased in the water.
I stared up at the ceiling and sighed. 
What was I supposed to do? Was there anything I could do to save the relationship?
It was just a rough patch. All couples go through rough patches. I did love him. I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him. I didn’t want to just throw it away without trying.
The next morning as we were rushing to get out the door to meet with Jimin and the others he had picked up, I remembered at the last moment that I had forgotten my wallet inside my purse. When I grabbed it and yanked it free from my bag, a sloppily folded piece of paper fell to my feet.
What was this?
I crouched down and picked it up, tipping my head as I unfolded it, thinking it was a receipt.
Hello darling,
The words met me in a neat hand.
I drew a deep breath and glanced over my shoulder. It wasn’t Yongbok’s handwriting. Even when he did his best handwriting, this was remarkably different.
I continued to read it, grateful for the brevity of it.
I know I shouldn’t be writing this to you, but I feel that if I don’t do something to give me freedom from you, I’ll go mad. So, here’s the truth: I’ve liked you for a long time and wish you all the happiness and love in your life. You deserve the best life and to be treated like a queen. You inspire me to be a better man and I thank you for that. Although I don’t think you’ll ever know who I am, I am grateful to have you in my life.
My mind raced and my heart thundered.
Someone had… what? A crush? On me?
Who could this be? Why did they choose now to tell me? When had they put this in my bag? Had it been there for long and I just hadn’t noticed it?
No. It had to have been from last night since it was on top of my wallet.
I blinked several times as Yongbok called for me.
Someone from last night had a crush on me. One of my friends felt something for me.
Had they sensed things hadn’t been well between Yongbok and I and was aligning himself up to be my next beau?
Who was it?
I was going to end it there and wish you all the best, but my soul won’t let me sleep without saying the deepest secret I have. I know you’re taken and I am sorry to drop this in your lap now, but please forgive a poor, heartsick man because I do wish you were mine. Will I give this to you? I know I shouldn’t, but the thought that maybe, just maybe, one day it could happen, is to strong to resist. We’ll see what happens, I guess. But, for now, I am happy to have you as a friend. Take care. Eat well. Sleep well. Study well. You are loved.
It ended there without any mark of the sender.
I swallowed hard and felt my eyes prick with warm tears. I trembled as I brushed them away and stuffed the letter into my everyday bag.
I should have thrown it away. I should have been loyal to Yongbok, especially if I wanted to keep our relationship alive.
Why did I keep it?
I brushed past Yongbok, staring at his thin, well-shaped jawline and cool eyes and went out to Jimin’s car that was idling by the curb.
I looked up at the fluffy white clouds in the brilliant blue sky. 
Someone who loved me was looking at those same clouds.
What a strange and wonderful thought.
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seylaaurora · 10 months
AND ALSO thoughts on the maybe man??? I finally got around to listening to it !! I like it, but its not an immediate love like some of their albums have been for me (neotheater i love you <3) but it’ll grow on me like they always do 🥰
The maybe man is typical AJR, but also I'm totally with you.
I think the reason I'm not as hyped about it right away is that we already knew most of the songs. I *was* hyped about those songs when they came out, but while the new songs certainly are good too, they already put out all the songs that would make us go !!! about the album way before the final release of the album
And I guess it's a little less personally relatable to me, but then again they're not obligated to make music that's relatable to me XD I'm still gonna love and cherish their music anyway <3
And also.... neotheater my beloved you will always be famous to me <3<3<3<3<3<3<3
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polydeuces · 2 years
𝐛𝐢𝐠 𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐬
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: the sequel to the beloved The View From the Afternoon !! fans curiosity about the suspected relationship rises when y/n posted lyrics from one the bands songs.
𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫: alex turner x fem! reader
𝐚/𝐧: knowing me it’ll be the new year or something by the time this gets published! so, happy holidays and cheers to a new year! 🥂
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liked by arcticalex, cigarettesatthecornerstore, and 2,945 others
y/nlivesforrocknroll: Spotify Wrapped?
On y/n’s recent instagram story she shares her most listened to artist.. arctic monkeys. Later she shared the lyrics the lyrics to The Last Shadow Puppets (former English supergroup consisting of Alex Turner, Miles Kane, James Ford, and Zach Dawes.) song titled Sweet Dreams, TN.
It’s rumored that Turner and L/n are in a relationship and have been for a while, maybe even during tlsp era, though nothing has been confirmed. Fans have been analyzing the lyrics Y/n chose to share. Could this song be about her or resonate with her and that’s why she’s sharing it?Are they dating or is it just a coincidence?
view all 96 comments
cigarettesatthecornerstore: far too many coincidences to explain this one away; there’s something going on.
y/nsbabymama: she’s so real for this
alexturntable: we NEED a deep dive like twitter thread of all the things that connect them. ⤿ babyboyal: omfg wait a connect between them like maybe an invisible string?? 🥺 ⤿ alexturntable: SHUT UP what if she wrote invisible string about him please my heart can’t even take it
arcticalex: Or, and I know it sounds crazy, she just likes the band. That’s it. There doesn’t always have to be some crazy thing.
kindontheeyes: If y’all get my hopes up and they aren’t actually together its an unfollow for all of you
milesawayfromu: OH? fanof505:1 used to pray for times like this
b0dyp4int: someone sedate me
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liked by matthelderz, littleamandablank, and 493 others
alexnotalex: The lights were bright.
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matthelderz: no, you just wanted to look cool, grandpa.
littleamandablank: imagine coming home to Alex. ⤿ iamy/n: I do and let me shatter the pretty illusion; he stinks and is sweaty because he refuses to take a shower in his dressing room. He says it just isn’t the same… 🙄
ben_chappell_: it’s times like these that i wish you were public with the relationship because i so badly want to post y/n’s comment.. it’s so funny
myleshendrik: Always put on an amazing show
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liked by reesewitherspoon, sadiesink_, estehaim, and 1,853,294 others
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estehaim: you, me, champagne - tonight! 🥂
reesewitherspoon: 🥰
lizzobeeating: rockstar BABY I love u
blakelively: Omg the cat shirt!!
tovelo: instead of 32 it’s 33 and still growing up now 🥹
selenagomez: my shining star 🌟💞
sadiesink_: you’re so cute
matthelders: since when did you play chess
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