#maybe narnia? that's been on my to read list forever
novelmonger · 3 months
The Fall of Gondolin, The Unpleasantness at the Bellona Club, Till We Have Faces, and The Rithmatist, please?
The Fall of Gondolin:
added to TBR | on my TBR | couldn’t finish it | did not enjoy | it was OK | liked it | loved it | favorite | not interested
One of these days, I really do want to get around to reading all of the History of Middle-Earth and other such books, but so far I've only read The Silmarillion a few times and am maybe halfway through The Unfinished Tales (what will I do when I finish them??? *ba-dum-bum-tsh!*). I do own the book, though! Got it in a bundle of other Tolkien works.
The Unpleasantness at the Bellona Club:
added to TBR | on my TBR | couldn’t finish it | did not enjoy | it was OK | liked it | loved it | favorite | not interested
I've only read one (and a half) of the Lord Peter Wimsey mysteries so far, but I do like them, so I'll add this one to the list. I know we have some, but they're all packed up in boxes right now, so I'll have to wait and see if we have this one.
Till We Have Faces:
added to TBR | on my TBR | couldn’t finish it | did not enjoy | it was OK | liked it | loved it | favorite | not interested
This is my favorite C.S. Lewis book. Yes, even more than Narnia, much as I love those books. And for all that, I've actually only read it once, because that copy was ancient and fell apart, and I haven't been able to find a replacement! I really do want to read it again, since it's been something like ten years. But that's the power of a really good book, isn't it? It's one of the many books I can say has forever changed me, though it would be impossible for me to explain exactly how or why. I just know that when I read it, I didn't know it was possible to tell a story like that, and my view of the world was forever changed. It's not a happy story, exactly, but it's real in a way that's sober but not hopeless. Fantastic stuff. And the impulse behind why Lewis wrote it basically makes it fanfiction, so there's that too.
The Rithmatist:
added to TBR | on my TBR | couldn’t finish it | did not enjoy | it was OK | liked it | loved it | favorite | not interested
I'm actually currently in the middle of it ^^' (Doesn't mean I'm going very fast or will finish it very soon, as anyone who knows my reading habits can tell you.) It does feel different from the Brandon Sanderson books I'm more familiar with, but I'm fascinated by the magic system and am curious about seeing more of the world (both of which, of course, are his forte!). So far, the characters themselves aren't grabbing me that much, but...it's Brandon Sanderson. Obviously I'm going to read the whole thing.
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celticwoman · 2 years
THE lady at starbucks wrote 'have a good weekend' on my cup :]
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stressed-chaos · 2 years
Memories - Part 3
Here's the third part. If anyone would like to be added to the tag list, it's open. This one has a lot of dialogues, as they discuss stuff. Anyways, hope it's likable.
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While searching for some books and arranging some, they kept the conversation going, almost like they had known each other for years. Strange. Y/N noticed they had many common interests, even had some debates over some characters, both defending the ones they love. Again it seemed as if she had been having those debates for forever. Again, strange. By now, she was a little sure that she knew him, but just doesn't remember. Maybe getting to know him more may help?
Currently, they are discussing their previous topic, Atonement by Ian McEwan. Agreeing on most of the things in the book until,
"Briony was a child."
"She was old enough to understand what she did. Even Robbie said, "How old do you have to be to know the difference between right and wrong?"
"It was anger."
"It was a thought out thing as revealed in the end, meaning, Briony herself thought that", Y/N thought she had won the argument.
"So she tried to atone it, hence the name," Ben prompted.
"Doesn't change much. She didn't see Robbie that day, should not have ventured in Cee's business and if she felt like anything was going wrong, could've talked about it to Cecillia. At least the ending would have been happy then."
"Lovers survive and flourish, they got eternity in the afterlife."
"Doesn't change the fact that she did wrong, she tried yes, but when she knew it was Marshall, she didn't do anything."
"It was too late."
"Apparently not late enough," Y/N sighed and decided to drop the topic. Ben agreed, since he knew this debate was going nowhere, having had it before.
They found a nice place and sat down talking, a little hushed, since it was after all...a library. Y/N asking him questions, Ben answering them eagerly, hoping with each that she would remember him. That wasn't working in his favor and with each stop, his hope declined more and more. But he was not ready to give up. He will never be. Not when it comes to her.
Suddenly, Y/N remembered what he said about his job, "Hey, you told me you're an actor, right?"
Ben hummed.
"So, anything I might have seen?" She was eager to find out where she knew him from.
Ben went in deep thought on that, keeping his finger on his chin and all. "I can't say, you didn't tell me a movie genre or anything."
"There is nothing specific actually."
"Not even romance?" Because I remember you secretly being a hopeless romantic, especially after all the books and fanfics you read, he didn't say.
"Sometimes. I keep out of sappy stuff mostly."
"It's not all sappy, some are nice."
"Some are, yes."
"Okay, have you ever seen Chronicles of Narnia? Or maybe the Punisher?"
"I started it. Not seen much, on the second episode, haven't seen it all yet. Last couple of days were busy, with Tom. He always insisted on going out when I was about to start."
"I'm from that one." That was wildly suspicious. But Tom seemed wary of him before. Did he know?
"Oh. oh. So you're the bad guy?" she raised her eyebrow.
"I'm not telling you anything," he retorted.
"Fine," she huffed and pouted. That was cute.
Y/N's eyes lit up in recognition, "Wait, you're Prince Cat...or something? Sorry, my memory is a little fuzzy."
Ben let out a full blown belly laugh, "If you mean, Prince Caspian, then yes and no worries."
"Yes, Caspian," she was almost at the edge of her seat. Wait, so that was it? "I guess that's why you seemed familiar," she let out a sigh, sadness blooming in her eyes and sunk back in her chair.
He was confused over her reaction, though sad himself. "It's alright, I'm actually glad you didn't."
"No no, I was sad because I recognized you," seeing his furrowed eyebrows, she contemplated her options which were, telling a person she had known not even a whole day, her whatever life story she remembers or, change the topic.
He was easy to talk to though, hadn't given her a single reason to distrust him, was patient, plus, bonus point, Tom seemed to despise him. Oh, riling Tom up even more would be great. Maybe he knew him and it was seeing them together, talking and laughing that riled him up, so maybe she and Ben knew each other and Tom didn't want her—or them, knowing it. But why? Tom had no reason to. But again, she can't say.
Y/N finally decided to tell him. What's the worst that could happen? Maybe he may know her, otherwise she remembers some self defence. Just hoped she did not have to use it.
"Okay, so this may sound weird...heck it is weird-"
"I've witnessed enough weird stuff, doesn't even seem weird anymore." He felt like she was going to tell him something secret and important and hence felt like he should encourage her, not in a pressing way, just giving a natural push.
"Well...yeah that can be said. Alright where was I? Oh right, weird," chuckling to herself. "You see, when I um...first..well when we first talked, I felt like I recognised you, you know? That fucking strong feeling that sometimes happens when you're trying to recognise a song you haven't heard in long, but you know it...just don't remember it...I'm sure you must have had that."
Seeing him let out a little nod, she sighed and continued, "So I uh..I got that feeling, but it's weird because I have never met you and when we talked, the feeling became stronger. And— And then the movies you mentioned and when I recognised you from there, I realized that it was that feeling of recognition and not what I hoped it to be." She was surprised herself about how much she was telling him, making the feeling become more firm.
"And— And now I'm telling you all this and I'm not the most open person, like I'd rather avoid but with you it came natural, making me feel that it wasn't just a simple recognition. And then Tom came and the look was making me think that we do know each other but he doesn't want me finding out. I was just hoping..." she trailed off, not meeting his gorgeous dark brown eyes.
Ben was surprised, he did not know that she was having such a debate within herself and he usually knew what she was feeling. This is more serious than he thought. Should he tell her? He left that debate for later and prompted her to finish, "What—", he cleared his throat feeling a little choked up, "What were you hoping for?" Please let it be what he thinks it is! Please!
"That I may know you from somewhere else. Actually I— I lost my memories. I can only remember stuff from an year ago, maximum and I'm trying, I'm trying so fucking hard to remeber my life or how I lost them, but my mind just isn't cooperating," she choked back a sob.
Ben took her hands in his and started rubbing circles on the back of her hand with his thumb in a soothing way but knew not to interrupt. He waited patiently until she was ready to say again. He knew that if she began opening up, she would finish and that was what he desperately needed her to do. Open up to him. Trust him again. That's why he didn't say anything to her before, just kept an eye on her, not in a creepy way of course. His fear of her driving her away always got the best of him. He was glad he fought the fear this time. Didn't know how much longer he could keep it all in.
He was brought out of his thoughts when she gripped his hands tightly and began speaking again, "I've been trying to find my family too...or friends, just someone I know to get clear on what happened to me and who I am. That's why when you felt familiar I was overjoyed...but then," she did not say any further.
Ben understood, there was no reason to complete the sentence anyway. He smiled a little, it was an unconscious smile. He was just about to tell her the truth but a question lingered in his mind.
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1 and 3
Thanks for asking! I don't know which ask this was for so i'm gonna do all three of the ones it could be :)
Get to know me uncomfortably well
1. What is your middle name Kate
3. When is your birthday November 27th
Identity asks
1. If someone wanted to really understand you, what would they read, watch and listen to? Lots of showtunes, old BBC comedy, 90's Aussie tv, Old school Disney movies, Enid Blyton stories, Narnia
3. List your fandoms and one character from each you identify with The Doctor Blake Mysteries - Jean maybe? i dunno, i identify with a lot of them for different reasons. Jean, Mattie, Alice, Danny, Even Lucien at times. Miss Fisher - Dot Sea Patrol - maybe Kate? also a bit of Bomber.
Music Asks
1. A song you like with a colour in the title Orange coloured sky
3. A song that reminds you of summertime Summer holiday I guess? don't really have one. This popped into my head cos we used it in a show and i had to learn the wizard of oz polka step and it took me FOREVER. lol
Sorry it took me so long to reply. I'm back at work and it has been crazy and im exhausted by the time i get home.
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theweekinarrowfic · 4 years
Completed Arrow Multichapters on AO3, December 20-26, 2020
NOTE: I’m now crossposting to https://theweekinarrowfic.dreamwidth.org. Also, I'm looking for volunteers to test out my fic recommender! Need more Arrow in your life? Why not try one of the multchapter fanfics recently completed by our talented fic writers?
Initial Contact by sidhe_faerie (2/2, 21 Dec 2020) - Hacker and Assassin verse
Contac: Hiding: Out by sidhe_faerie (2/2, 21 Dec 2020) - Yahtzee Set 2 Large straight all five connected in one story,
my love had been frozen deep blue (but you painted me golden) by MagusLibera for damnsmoaky (4/4, 22 Dec 2020) - Twenty-five years after Sozin's Comet was used to wipe out the airbenders, the war is making it's way to the Earth Kingdom. After realising that the cause he was fighting for was a lie, Oliver defected from the army to fight against his own people with his team - an earthbender, two former army comrades and a girl from the Southern Water Tribe. But his mission is interrupted when news from the Fire Nation reaches him, forcing him to head home for the first time in five years.; Set during the Hundred Year War from Avatar: The Last Airbender. Knowledge of the show will enhance the story but is not necessary to read it as this is set before the first episode.
all I want for Christmas is a divorce (is you) by thecomebackkids99 (6/6, 24 Dec 2020) - Oliver Queen and Felicity Smoak divorced over a year ago. But just a few days before Christmas, the tabloids dig up a juicy tidbit: the divorce was never finalized. Which causes a few fights, an exasperated friend or two to say something crazy, and an awkward car ride that brings the bitterness, the pain, and the truth to light.; Because Oliver Queen and Felicity Smoak are technically still married.
The Trouble With Tabloids by starrnobella (24/24, 26 Dec 2020) - All that tabloids are good for is to spread rumors.
Other Ships/Characters
As Long as it Takes by mizar24 (Dinah Drake/Earth-2 Laurel, 2/2, 26 Dec 2020) - laurel thinks that if they date, dinah will eventually end up leaving her so dinah's going to prove her wrong - as long as it takes
Dysfunctional Families by KleptoElf (Laurel/Oliver, 3/3, 23 Dec 2020) - Oliver just wants to get away from his life for a few hours. Laurel just wants a distraction from having to spend another Christmas with her dysfunctional family. Maybe they can both get what they want.
Scientific Method by kitkatt0430 (Barry Allen/Oliver, 5/5, 21 Dec 2020) - Barry Allen arrives in Starling City intending to get his foot in the door on a particularly unusual and interesting case. Maybe find out a little more about the Starling City Vigilante if the topic happened to come up.; He did not expect to be saving that Vigilante's life, but the world is a weird place. Barry's known that much for a very long time, after all.
The scientist and the dog by 47652 (Barry Allen/Felicity, 6/6, 22 Dec 2020) - Basically a AU of the scientist where Berry Allen has a service dog.; This Follows the events of the scientist (season two episode eight of arrow)
An Arrow Christmas Carol by Xenia (Laurel/Oliver, 7/7, 24 Dec 2020) - Oliver is trying to make things work with Felicity. Tommy, his parents and Shado think that Felicity isn't right for him. And what better period for some friendly ghost visit?
Crisis on Infinite Earths by IAmMattis (James "Bucky" Barnes/Laurel, 10/10, 26 Dec 2020) - The time has come. Worlds will live, worlds will die and the Universe will never be same. Discontinued. Final chapter and epilogue are now posted.
Byline by Write_To_You (Barry Allen/Caitlin Snow, Oliver listed as character, 11/11, 25 Dec 2020) - “Flash Missing, Vanishes in Crises, by Iris West,” Caitlin repeated. “Thursday, April 25... 2018.” She stumbled a step back, blood draining from her face. “Oh my gosh,” she whispered. “That’s next week.”; OR the third installment in the Flux series, in which Team Flash realizes that Crisis is coming a lot sooner than they ever thought.
Attack on two earths by Stand_with_Ward_and_Queen (Steve Rogers/Caitlin Snow, Sara/Oliver and Thea/Roy among side pairings, 12/12, 21 Dec 2020) - Sequel to 'Torn between two timelines'. Two months after their engagement, Steve and Caitlin's closest friends all gather for their wedding. Unfortunately, ghosts from the past are unwilling to let the happy couple celebrate this moment in peace.
Bird in a Storm by Ray_Writes (Laurel/Oliver, 17/17, 26 Dec 2020) - The confrontation between the Hood and SWAT on the roof of the Winick Building goes differently, altering the course of Laurel's career, relationships and efforts to save her city forever, the shockwaves of such an altered path making themselves felt throughout her family and friends.
The Traveler by Darth_Rainbow_Queen_Of_Coconuts (OFC-centric, Oliver listed as character, 32/32, 25 Dec 2020) - Lucie Aconite ran away from home.; The trained hunter away from past traumas, ran away from dark memories, ran away from a twisted family. She joined the Travelers, an organization that exist outside of any temporal zones and made of people who will never matter. Their purpose? Lend a hand to heroes in need, make sure those are the ones history will remember.; So now, Lucie travels. To very, very, different places. Different universes, different worlds. Along her way, she met Shadowhunters, Demigods, Werewolves, Warlocks, Seelies, Emissaries, Vampires, Passlings, etc. But no matter how far she goes, something will always take her back right where she started...; I own nothing but Lucie and the adventures she will live.; [AU including Shadowhunters, Teen Wolf, The Chronicles of Narnia, TVD, The Originals, Charmed, PJO/HoO/Kane Chronicles, and others. Very freely inspired though.]
Vigilantes' Dawn by Kylia (Laurel/Oliver, 32/32, 20 Dec 2020) - What if Oliver Queen hadn't let his commitment issues sabotage things with Laurel? What if he'd invited Laurel onto the Queen's Gambit, instead of Sara? And what happens in Starling City when, five years later, The Arrow and the Black Canary, together, go after the List and the rest of the City's criminals? And what happens when Detective Sara Lance finds out her sister is one of the two Vigilantes that are bringing on the dawn of a new age?
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Are you currently wearing anything red?
my red nail polish
Have you had a deep conversation with anyone today?
What would you say is the most disgusting thing you’ve ever tasted?
not a fan of christmas pudding but would I say its the most disgusting thing ever? hmmm probs not maybe I need to try more foods and get back to you
What was the last food you got a random craving for?
toast, but that is a daily occurrence
Has anyone/anything made you angry recently?
yes.... I arranged to stay with my friend for a weekend to which she announces that she has also arranged for another one of her friends to stay. So instead of telling her friend that she’s busy, this friend is gonna crash and it made me angry because I wanted to spend the weekend with her, I don’t mind meeting her friends but now they’re gonna be there 24/7. I made my peace with it now
Who did you last go to the cinema with?
probs the same friend mentioned above haha
What was the last song that got stuck in your head?
Little Big Town - Better Man
When was the last time you listened to it?
the other day
Who was the last person to say something thought-provoking?
my friend questioned our group if we think we’re fat phobic so we had an open discussion about it and it got us thinking
On your Facebook friends list, who was the last person to have their b-day?
who knows
How old were they?
probs 22 or 23
What did you/are you having for dinner tonight?
I had steak, yum
Is your best friend in a relationship?
I have a few close friends, some are dating and some aren’t, tis a mixture
How old were you 5 years ago?
What is something you enjoy doing, but aren’t good at?
dancing, hehe
Who was the last person you talked to, whose name started with ‘C’?
probs Cara :)
What colour are that person’s eyes?
Name some healthy foods that you enjoy eating.
What is your favourite Studio Ghibli film?
hmm haven’t seen many Studio Ghibli films but Howl’s Moving Castle was a rollercoaster, note to self: watch more Studio Ghibli creations
Do you have a favourite hair accessory? What does it look like?
yes and no, I love using sunglasses or normal glasses to push my hair back so its both a hair accessory and isn’t
What’s your favourite type of insect?
one that leaves me alone
What’s your LEAST favourite type of insect?
Who was the last person you Facebook messaged?
What’s his/her favourite food?
I do not know haha
Did you have a good day yesterday? What did you do?
hmmm it was a stressful day, my dad and brother were driving up to join us for my grandad’s 90th over the weekend but they broke down on the M1 and took the car back to home in a lorry. mum was stressed and I was sad that we wouldn’t have use of our car to travel back in 
When was the last time you went to a fancy dress party?
have I ever? maybe when I was like 10
Who/what did you dress as?
What genre was the last film you watched? Did you like it?
FANTASY - I re watched Narnia Prince Caspian and oh wow 
Have you made a sandwich today? What did you put on it?
nope I had a salad
Do you remember the last time you overheard part of a random conversation?
nope, I do like to eavesdrop but can never remember what I hear
Did it make you feel awkward?
nah, I doubt it
What were you doing at 10 o'clock this morning?
How many vowels are there in your first name?
What was the last song you listened to? Does it mean anything to you?
Taylor Swift - right where you left me. It reminds me of my last relationship and it’s literally just ONE moment it reminds me of because the song is about the narrator being left at the restaurant and I can just vividly see the moment when my partner and I went for korean bbq. He didn’t leave me at the restaurant and I don’t know why the song would remind me of that moment besides it being at a restaurant. Crazy how taylor works her magic
What flavour was the last cupcake you ate?
tomorrow evening I’ll be able to tell you because we have cupcakes for my Grandad’s 90th :)
When was the last time you complimented a stranger?
in a pandemic? pfffttt hardly spoken to anyone let alone a stranger
What’s your favourite milkshake flavour?
nutella and oreo
Have you had an interesting or amusing dream recently?
nope they’re all stressful and weird
Do you know how old your favourite actor is?
Is there anything worrying you right now?
If so, have you talked to anyone about it?
I want to but I just can’t bring myself to
Is there anything you desperately want, that you can’t have?
When will you next see your best friend?
a couple weeks time but we keep in touch every day
Apart from sleeping, what do you plan to do tonight?
What’s the age difference between your parents?
5 years
You can only have one flavour of ice-cream for the rest of your life. Which do you choose?
chocolate always
Are there any foods you’ve been craving, or eating a lot of, just recently?
I always crave yoghurt so situation normal there
When was the last time you wanted to do something, but didn’t do it?
I wanted to drive my dad and brother back from the station
Why did you choose not to do it?
I knew it would cause a fight with my mum so I let it go
When was the last time you ate an apple?
within the last week for sure
What’s the nicest thing your best friend has ever said to you?
it’s not something they say once it’s more that they keep coming back to say more nice things :)
Have you ever experienced a hangover?
What was the last food or drink that you tried for the first time?
blood orange gin
Did you like it?
What do your friends think of the person you’re currently interested in?
I’m not interested in anyone rn
Name one of your favourite foods, that starts with the letter ’S’
The last time you hung out with your sibling(s), what did you do?
waited for my parents in the car whilst our parents went food shopping
Who was the last blue-eyed person you spoke to?
Is there a person you’d like to speak to right now?
I hope to get a response from Rena soon but I can wait
Why that person, specifically?
She has organised a party and I need more details haha
When you woke up this morning, what was on your mind?
It is spider season :/
At this moment, what are you most looking forward to?
CAKE (for my grandad’s 90th bday) and ofc seeing the extended family
Do you have any scented candles in your home? What scent(s)?
I do, sea salt, bergamot & another one from & other stories
Are you planning any special outings with family or friends?
YES my grandad’s bday dinner is tomorrow
Who were the last 3 males you talked to?
my padra, mon frere and Yao
Do you ever wear lipstick? What colour(s) do you prefer?
either nudes or deep reds, difficult to not look like a clown in the latter, that is always the fear
If you have a pet, when did you last pet him/her?
I don’t :(
Do you have a favourite Celine Dion song?
Name one of your favourite foods, that starts with the letter ‘C’
Does the person you love/like have a car? What colour is it?
I’m sure Timothee Chalamet does not sure what colour
Have you ever received a compliment on anything you’re wearing?
Have you had any caffeinated beverages today?
What was the last alcoholic drink you tried for the first time?
blood orange gin 
Did you like it?
Have you eaten any chocolate today? What kind?
so much
The last person you kissed - are they older or younger than you?
When was the last time someone wanted you to do something, and you refused?
mum wanted me to not have so much smoothie but I wanted the smoothie haha
What’s your favourite feature of the person you’re currently interested in?
nobody right now but I always notice a nice smile and kind eyes
How many people have you hugged today?
loads! twas my grandad’s 90th bday - we had the whole family come to celebrate
Do you have a favourite hair colour or eye colour on your preferred sex?
I don’t
Do you remember the first CD you ever bought?
it was probably taylor swift’s 1989 album. If it was the first CD I ever bought I dont know but I sure remember buying multiple copies of 1989 to get the polaroid collection
Is there anyone on your mind atm?
not in particular
The last song you listened to - does it remind you of anyone?
Is your birth year an odd or even number?
Have you eaten any of your favourite foods today?
What did you have for lunch yesterday?
fish finger salad!! I hope I’m never too old for fish fingers
Who was the last person you Facebook messaged?
How many different towns/cities have you lived in?
What are your parents’ middle names?
Steven & Anne
Are your eyes the same colour as your sibling’s?
How many pets do you have? Would you like any more?
I don’t have any! we used to have bunnies and I would love some more again
Do you prefer still or sparkling drinks?
depends on the mood
Is there a song you can’t stop listening to atm?
Little Big Town’s Better Man is on repeat rn
Did you have a strange or interesting dream last night?
Which friend do you confide in most?
I kinda tell the world my problems hehe
Who was the first male you talked to today? What colour are his eyes?
either my dad or brother, dad has blue eyes, brother has brown
Are you wearing any accessories in your hair? Describe them.
When was the last time you felt ill? What was wrong?
I caught this WEIRD bug that would just make me feel awful all of a sudden and then drained my energy. It was unlike anything I’ve ever felt it made me miss the normal cold
If given the chance, would you change anything that’s happened today?
the food came later than expected so I would change how much breakfast I had
Who was your first best friend? Do you still speak to that person?
Do you like your middle name, or does it embarrass you?
It fits my name
Are you wearing anything that was given to you as a gift?
Have you received any compliments about your appearance today?
yes! my auntie said I looked like a doll and how much I’ve grown since we last saw each other!
Have you ever written a song or poem for someone special?
Have you ever had an argument with the last person you text messaged?
What colour is your shampoo bottle?
Are you attracted to the last person you Facebook messaged?
she is wonderful but I am not attracted to her in that way haha
Do you have any ice-cream in your freezer? What flavour is it?
chocolate & raspberry 
Have you spoken to any of your neighbours today?
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i-am-just-a-kiddo · 4 years
favourite male fictional characters
Thank you @vishcount​ for tagging me, this was a lot of fun! 💞 I originally planned to follow your example and put ten characters here but suddenly it became a lot more oops. also i hope you forgive me for following your format, it’s neat 
I am tagging @isabellaofparma​ , @the-cloud-whisperer​ and @sassyassassy​!
I chose the characters that impacted me deeply on a personal level throughout my life (often shown by how long my love lasts over the years and if i was inspired to write for them). 
In no specific order under the cut: 
The Lord of The Rings, J.R.R. Tolkien. 
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I think it’s only fitting I start off with this magnificent guy. Maybe I gotta admit, i’ve just had a crush on him ever since I was like, nine years old? He’s the character I will fight tooth and claw for (though I guess he doesn’t need me to do that). I love Orlando Bloom’s portrayal of him, eventhough he is vastly different from the books. Book Legolas is such a delight as well, he feels so whimsical and playful and his banter with Gimli is just gold. I was sad when The Hobbit trilogy came out and I was so disappointed by how they butchered his character, it just did not feel authentic anymore (maybe I am also just bitter about the forced hetero storyline for him. makes no cents, this elf is GayTM your honour. and he will meet his soulmate Gimli in a few decades).  Either way, Legolas is the love of my life, thanks for coming to my tedtalk,
Peter Pan 
Peter Pan, J. M. Barrie
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Another childhood crush of mine. The gif I chose if from the 2005 movie because we always used to watch it and it is to this day one of my favourite movies. It’s so dreamy, so magical, yet also incredibly sad and sweet.  I have this very strange fascination with Peter Pan. There is something incredibly unsettling about him, especially in the book. He represents something every child wants - who doesn’t want to escape their bedroom and fly away to experience magical adventured far from the adult world? And yet he also represents the impossibility of it, the curse he carries around with himself because he will forever stay alone, no matter how many lost boys he gathers around himself. And Wendy - it’s a love that was never meant to grow and mature, it’s a fleeting dream for the both of them.  I have seen many different adaptations of Peter Pan and I have my favourites, though I want to give a special mention to the book Peter Darling by Austin Chant. It’s a retelling of the story how we know it, in which Peter returns to Neverland after having finally grown up BUT the main points I want to highlight is trans Peter? Heck yes. Gripping and compelling gay love story with our favourite original lost boy Captain Hook? YES. 
Moomins, Tove Jansson.
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I have discovered Snufkin for myself only last year, and yet I know he will stay with me forever. In short - I vibe with him, he vibes with me. His anxieties about being with people and longing for solitude? His fear of being loved and being important to someone to a point he doesn’t know what to do with himself? This man just wants to roam freely with his own mind and yet he always returns for something that captures him. Mum, I love him because I have rarely felt this seen before. Also, Snufkin said ACAB. 
Prince Jing - Xiao Jingyan
Nirvana in Fire (2015)
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This too is a darling I have only discovered recently. I watched Nirvana in Fire this year and let me tell you, it’s the best show I have seen in a long while. It’s absolutely amazing and it also ripped my heart out. All the characters are absolutely amazing and I am still not over it.
To be honest, I contemplated between Xiao JIngyan and Mei Changsu, because character-wise I think the latter is a lot more interesting and compelling. He makes for a fantastic heartbreaking and flawed protagonist.
However I have to admit - it was love at first sight with Prince Jing for me and I’m still lowkey mad abt it rip. Seems like I am not immune to Pretty Prince Propaganda. But apart from that, I adore him for his genuine
his almost naive drive to be better and seek justice. He lost everything, and for the longest time did not have anything to fight for. So alone and lost and bitter, it makes me sad how much it hardened him. He is heartbreak and clumsy kindness hidden under a skin of scars that was inflicted by his father and many others. I see his sad cat-eyes and I cry, that’s just how it is.
Edmund Pevensie
The Chronicles of Narnia, C. S. Lewis
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I grew up with these books and movies - they have always been part of my life and it will probably always stay that way (only last night I rewatched the first movie and sobbed).  Imagine my surprised when I finally watched the last movie about five years ago and was incredibly impressed by how they adapted the book; also imagine my brain suddenly going CASMUND in bold letters at Skandar Keynes’ and Ben Barnes’  performance in that movie.  From there, I rediscovered this story completely anew for myself. My favourite Pevensie sibling has always been Lucy (and still is, because I identify with her so much and she feels like home to me); however this new discovery of Edmund’s character was overwhelming. It’s interesting to see characters you’ve grown up with from a more grown up point of view. I don’t want to lay out all my thoughts here, just know I am so heartbroken for him, and so so proud as well. His character arc is amazing and maybe that’s how the last movie makes me even more emotional. Seeing Edmund and Lucy still holding on to Narnia but knowing that that door was closing for them? Not to mention what happens in the later books (we don’t talk about that).  Also did I mention Casmund. Here, have my incredibly emo and depressing take on Edmund’s character that I started writing four years ago and which will forever stay a WIP. 
Nie Huaisang
The Untamed (2019)
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My son. My soul. My bane of existence. The tragic thing about him is, that he does not really exist in canon as I have created him for myself. He’s a secondary character in the show, always so relatable yet still brings the ultimate twist of the story, yet he still remains this incomplete shadow. The movie
Fatal Journey
gave him a lot more and I cried tears of joy and devastation. I don’t know why I latched on to him so much, but apparently he is the one that I project on, the one that feels like he sits somewhere inside my chest. I don’t know what else to say - this year he has been everything to me. I spend a lot of time in his head while writing, and maybe that’s how he’s there forever now. Nie Huaisang saw my brain and went it’s free real estate. All my love for you, you dramatic art hoe.
Sherlock Holmes
Sherlock Holmes, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
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Ah, another lifelong companion. There are many adapations that I adore - starting from the origin of it all, the books and stories which I have all devoured; the 80s adaptation with Jeremy Brett which was incredibly wonderful; to BBC Sherlock which shaped and traumatised me (I still like the first three seaons but I am too hurt to think about it); to the numerous movies -  but by far my most favourite performance is Basil Rathbone as Sherlock Holmes. Somehow he manages to capture the Holmes I see in my head when I read the books, the sharp yet polite eccentric detective, who loves his companion so much and who has desire to help others.  Sherlock Holmes will always stay special to me, in so many different ways. He shaped my youth and I know he will stay with me. (also what would you say when I told you he helped me discover that I can, in fact, be queer AND ace at the same time? thanks pal).  What else is there to say? Sherlock Holmes is a universe that you can dive into and find many amazing treasures. 
Isak Valtersen 
SKAM (2015)
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There he is, the boy that changed my life. SKAM changed my life. All of the characters did. However, Isak is special for many, as I imagine. I remember winter 2016, when tumblr was flooded by these norwegian white boys kissing in a pool and cuddling and I was like ‘nah’, this doesn’t look convincing.  I don’t know what changed my mind but I remember sitting down at last and watching all that was released of season three and it was only downhill from there. I remember starting to follow the real life updates religiously while watching the other previous seasons in between. The one clip that completely wrecked me was when Isak went to the school nurse about his struggles with sleep - it felt like for the first time I saw someone on screen that could understand me on so many different levels. The entierty of seaons three is so personal, I would tell you to go watch it if you don’t know what I mean. The entire show in fact. It’s a masterpiece and it feels so real. This show impacted my life in a way that no show has managed to do before. I miss it so much. I miss Isak too sigh. 
Shang Xirui
Winter Begonia (2020)
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Technically, for me personally, Shang Xirui is the nonbinary, gay and ace representation I need in my life (or at least that’s my own personal take on him), but since that is not official, he’s still here on this list. Of course he is because wow, it’s been a long while since I’ve seen such a compelling character on screen. I went from disliking him to being absolutely heartbroken over him. I don’t think any other character in this show captured me as much as he did. There are so many layers to him and discovering all of his sides is a wonderful, heartbreaking, painful and also beautiful journey. I’m not sure I understand all of him yet, but I am willing to try and dig and just ponder his existence. This too, is a perfect example for a flawed yet authentic protagonist. Also he is the most beautiful thing on this planet, or at least that’s how I have been feeling ever since I watched this. I wish to write more of him in the future. 
Avatar: The Last Airbender (2005)
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I grew up watching ATLA and my favourite characters have always been Toph, Zuko and Uncle Iroh. In recent years however, I completely fell in love with Aang all anew. 
I think especially in the past, I had these prejudices against main characters and found them all the most boring personalities ever. In recent years this changed a lot and especially Aang is a prime example for that. Watching him from the perspective of older me, I find so much wisdom in this young boy. Somehow he represents all I wish to be in my life but at the same time he shows his flaws, he carries this sadness with him that will accompany him all his life. This inner battle and chaos that he has to face day to day and in the end - he is just a young boy. So much has been taken from him and yet he learns how to not let it overtake him, that anger and hurt. He tries his hardest to be better than the day before, even if sometimes the world crashes down on him and he gets overwhelmed. He is a child recruited by adults to manage their mistakes and play into the hands of predestined fate and in this essay I will -
Harry Potter 
Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling
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I am surprised myself. I thought I would put Fred and George here, or Remus and Sirius, however I realised that none of them quite capture this feeling of lifelong change, of personal, deep impact that Harry had on me. 
As with Aang above, I used to think Harry was the most boring protagonist, yet my opinion took a 180° turn in the past years. Many of the things I wrote for Aang apply to him too - the fact that he was a child, that lost so much, and was always faced with challenges that a child should never have needed to face. Something I want to address is how my favourite book, The Order of the Phoenix, lays all of this out. Harry is just as flawed, just as vulnerable and angry as anyone else. I know some people did not like his ‘emo behaviour’ in the fifth book but for me it just showed how human he is, how he was just a teen like myself at that time. As for many, this boy shaped my entire life, shaped a generation, and I will forever be grateful. I’m sad and angry at how J*R behaves, and how she puts us in the position of doubting our love for these stories. I know I will always love them, but I will not turn a blind eye on all the problematic shit is carries with itself and what the author piles upon us. 
Lan Wangji & Wei Wuxian 
The Untamed (2019)
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I will try and keep this short, because if you want to read my thoughts about Wangxian just go to my ao3 and find the  over 70k i wrote for them.  I decided to put them here together because I can’t seperate them and I can’t choose between them. Each of them carries something I recognise in myself, and each of them is the opposite of me. They each own my heart and soul and I know there will never be a fictional couple like this for me ever again. They’ve snuck their way into my heart and have never left. They deserve to be here, together, because my love for them is indescribable. Bless them.  + Bonus:
The Doctor
Doctor Who (1963/2005)
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Technically, the Doctor doesn’t count as a “male” character, but since he has been presenting as male up until recently, I needed to include him. I chose the Tenth Doctor because he is the one that broke my heart the most. I adored Nine but he was there too short, and I do love Eleven and Twelve a lot, and Thirteen absolutely owns my heart, Ten has just always been the one that made me cry the most. I loved this era of Doctor Who, I loved how sad and hopeful he was, how heartbroken and yet determined to help wherever it was needed. Doctor Who is always that show, when I return to it, I am reminded that maybe, humanity and the universe isn’t all that bad. 
phew, this took ages damn. but i had so much fun! i decided to leave out honorable mentiones because we would be sitting here until tomorrow lol. 
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Narnia Week, Day 1
The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe
Prompt questions here!
Favorite character(s) from this book?
This will come as no surprise to you all, but my favorite character in EVERY Narnia book is Aslan <3 I’m gonna sound like a broken record saying that in every one of these posts lol.
After Aslan, Lucy. I love the sense of childlike wonder that you get with LWW seeing things through Lucy’s eyes. Throughout the series, I love her deep connection with Aslan, which begins in this book, and her love for Aslan in general. 
Shoutout also to the Beavers. They knew this old prophecy and knew that things in Narnia were changing. They were seeing a prophecy of old unfold before their very eyes. The king of Narnia, who hadn’t been seen in Narnia in at least a hundred years, probably more, had appeared, and was building an army. These 4 kids walk into Narnia, completely bewildered, and the Beavers know that these 4 kids are the future kings and queens of Narnia, destined to be part of the Witch’s defeat. 
And what do they do? They basically decide that they are their grandchildren now and adopt them. I’ve always loved the sense of informality, both in the book and movie, between the Beavers and the Pevensies. The Beavers would have KNOWN that these kids are the future rulers of Narnia, and yet they just loved on them and fiercely protected them. <3
If there is a screen adaptation of this book, what do you like most about said adaptation? Does it do the book justice? What would you change?
The Walden LWW movie is an absolute masterpiece. As far as book-to-movie adaptations go, it’s honestly one of the best I’ve ever seen. Not because it follows the book exactly, necessarily (although it does a pretty fantastic job of that), but because it really makes Narnia match just what you saw in your head when you read the books. That was Andrew’s goal in doing this movie--living up to his own childhood imagination of what Narnia was like. He knew that he had to try to top the image of Narnia that kids have when they read the books, and I think he did an absolutely beautiful job bringing that to life. I know Lewis wasn’t big on movies, but I think he’d have been beyond proud of this movie. 
The casting is absolutely perfect. The chemistry the Pevensies have as CHILD actors is amazing. Little Georgie was such a precocious little girl that I don’t think they could have cast a better Lucy for this movie, and the way she connected with others--her screen siblings, James McAvoy, etc.--is really incredible. One of my favorite Georgie moments in this movie is the moment Aslan steps out of the tent. Just the look of surprise and joy on her face... acting beyond her years. 
The entire atmosphere of this movie is incredible. It literally IS Narnia. One scene I have to talk about in particular is the battle scene. The sound editing. The FOR NARNIA AND FOR ASLAN. The acting. I get chills even thinking about it. It honestly has the feel of a battle scene from a classic movie from years before its time, it’s just so epic and touching and chilling. 
And, the music. Harry G-W. I love that man for this soundtrack, and the PC one. He really outdid himself. The battle song is amazing, but I’m partial to “Only the Beginning of the Adventure” (the title of which he very clearly took from that last line of LWW, even though it wasn’t even in the movie. Gold star for him). Years and years later I’m still listening to this soundtrack, and I will be for the rest of my life, I imagine. 
The ONLY things I’d have changed about this movie--I wish the Aslan scenes had stayed just a little bit closer to the book. For instance, I love the scene where Lucy and Susan are running around playing with Aslan after the Stone Table. That scene just has this brilliantly sunny, joyous, glorious feeling to it. For those who have read Surprised By Joy, that scene is a “signpost” for me ;) Plus, Aslan comforting Susan with a lion’s kiss when she is afraid he’s a ghost. Just. The Aslan scenes in the movie are great, but the ones in the book will always hold a special place in my heart. 
What about this book stands out most in your memory? Are there specific scenes, feelings, themes, or ideas that have stuck with you the most?
Gosh there’s so many scenes that I’m just going to list them. I love the scene of Lucy and Susan running around with Aslan at the Stone Table, as I said above.
The moment when the Pevensies and Beavers greet Aslan for the first time, and Peter is scared to say anything, but then he does, and Aslan’s voice takes the trembling out of them. I was actually just thinking last week about that quote where it says that “if they had ever thought that something couldn’t be good and terrible at the same time, they were cured of it now--” because I think that just holds such important spiritual meaning. 
A few of you already know that my favorite quote from LWW is the seagull one. I haven’t told this story before, but I guess I will here (no idea if anyone will even read this far lol). When I read that quote for the first few times, the “Oh, the cry of the seagulls! Have you heard it? Can you remember?” When I read that the first few times, I misinterpreted it. I understand now that Lewis was saying, “have you heard this before in your own life? Can you remember what that sounds like? That’s what it sounded like to them.” 
I, however, interpreted that quote as Lewis somehow saying that you, the reader, had been to Narnia before. It felt as if he was suggesting that you had been to Narnia before, and it was just around some corner in your memory, and he was telling you this story to remind you. As if you yourself had been there and witnessed the events of LWW and the coronation of the Pevensies... do you remember? Do you remember the glory of that day? Do you remember Cair Paravel? Do you remember the cry of the seagulls? It’s just around the corner of your memory--you know in your heart you’ve been there before. Do you remember? 
It feels a lot like in Dawn Treader when Lucy reads the story in the book and then can’t go back and reread it. And she asks Aslan to tell her the story again, and he responds that he will be telling it to her “forever” or something. In the way I interpreted that quote, it felt like Lewis was saying “you’ve been here before. Oh, do you remember?” And maybe that’s foolish of me for interpreting it that way, but honestly? I like that interpretation better. And to this day, that quote always sends chills down my spine for that reason. It makes it seem as if Narnia is right around the corner somewhere. 
Any memories from the first time you read this book?
So LWW is actually the only Narnia book that I have tangible memories of reading. I believe what happened is that my mom gave me the book because we were going to see the movie, and she wanted me to read it first. I believe she was afraid I’d be scared at the Stone Table scene, so she had me read up until that chapter, and then she read it to me so that if I got upset, she was there and we could talk about it and she’d know if I was scared or not. So I very clearly remember sitting in the front room at my old house reading this chapter with my mom. <3 I believe we talked about who Aslan represents that night, and about the significance of the Stone Table scene. I don’t know if that’s the night I found out that Aslan represents Jesus, but it may have been. 
If you’ve read this far, thanks for bearing with me xD Happy Narnia Day!
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mia-cooper · 5 years
Fanfiction Questions
from here
Fandom Questions
1. What was the first fandom you got involved in?
Involved as in ‘frantically read every book I could get my hands on, daydreamed about being part of that universe and wrote stories/made art inspired by the books, if not actual fanfiction’? Mm, probably The Chronicles of Narnia when I was six or seven. The next great obsession was The Silver Brumby when I went through my horse stage around age 12, and then Sweet Valley High when I was 15. Hahaha.
2. What is your latest fandom?
Marvel! I’m not into comics and I’m definitely not interested in consuming every last bit of canon material or memorising the variations of every universe, but I love (most of) the movies and Agents of SHIELD is pretty cool.
3. What is the best fandom you’ve ever been involved in?
Star Trek Voyager. No contest. I venture to suggest that the older fandoms, the ones that are all about defunct shows, are a hell of a lot more chilled. Maybe because we’ve come to terms with our shitty canon endings and learned that liking the ship you hate doesn’t make someone problematic, unlike some newer fandoms I could name (Yes I’m talking about you, Game of Thrones fans. What the fuck.)
4. Do you regret getting involved in any fandoms?
I’ve dipped a toe into one or two fandoms for shows or books I’ve really enjoyed and backed the fuck out when the vibe gets weird (oh hey, it’s GoT again), but nope. No regrets.
5. Which fandoms have you written fanfiction for?
All the Star Treks except TOS, and a Trek/MCU crossover. I’d like to write more for MCU someday. Plus I’ve written longhand entire notebooks full of teen romance shit that bore an uncanny similarity to SVH, and my first short story was a fantasy fic that featured a girl whose guardian was a wise talking lion who led her into mystical secret worlds, which is kind of familiar.
6. List your OTP from each fandom you’ve been involved in.
Wow. I’m going to define ‘involved in’ as ‘cared enough about to have an OTP’, but I’m guaranteed to forget a ton. In no particular order:
Voyager: Janeway x anyone who can get her off
Discovery: Lorca x Cornwell or Pike x Tyler x Burnham (or any combination of)
DS9: Kira x Jadzia Dax
TNG: Picard x Vash, I guess? I don’t really have any TNG ships
ENT: T’Pol x Trip x Hoshi (or any variation therein)
MCU: Cap x Widow
AoS: Coulson x Skye... no May... no Skye... I don’t know
CAOS: Madam Satan x Zelda
Timeless: Garcy
The Good Place: Eleanor x Tahani
The 100 (shut up): toss up between Clarke x Bellamy and Kane x Abby
Veronica Mars: Veronica x Leo (first run), Veronica x Logan (s4)
Orphan Black: Cosima x Delphine
BSG: Apollo x Starbuck
SG1: Sam x Jack
Arrow: Olicity (so over the show now though)
This Life: Milly x Egg
Yeah you know what... I’m drawing a blank. I can’t think of any other shows where I’ve been invested in The Romance that much.
7. List your NoTPs from each fandom you’ve been in.
I’m too tired to do every fandom, and besides, I can come around to almost any ship if the headcanons (or fics) are convincing enough. I do have a few hard no-gos, but they might be someone else’s OTP so I’ll shut up about them.
8. How did you get involved in your latest fandom?
Reluctantly. The MCU movies are not something I ever thought I’d enjoy beyond a dull evening’s entertainment. I never expected to get attached to the characters. And yet.
9. What are the best things about your current fandom?
Voyager is my forever fandom and the only one where I’ve really interacted with other fans. The best things about it? In general, everyone is just cool, accepting, open and basically awesome. And talented. I love my Party Bus people.
10.  Is there a fandom you read fic from but don’t write in?
Sure. The 100, Veronica Mars and Agents of SHIELD are the ones I’d dip into more frequently. I really enjoy crossovers between Trek and BSG or the Stargate variants, too.
Ship Questions for your Current Fandom
11. Who is your current OTP?
Janeway x Chakotay.
12. Who is your current OT3?
Janeway x Chakotay x Paris.
13. Any NoTPs?
A few.
14. Go on, who are your BroTPs?
Janeway & Tuvok! Also Torres & Chakotay, and I’d have killed for more Janeway & Torres in canon. (If they kissed sometimes that would be okay too)
15. Is there an obscure ship which you love?
Yeah. Paris x Seven. There are like two fics in existence, and yet ... the potential! (Sorry, B’Elanna)
16. Are there any popular ships in your fandom which you dislike?
17. Who was your first OTP and are they still your favourite?
Janeway x Paris. And they’re still way up there, but not quite at the top.
18. What ship have you written the most about?
84% of my fics feature Janeway x Chakotay as either the primary or secondary pairing... holy shit.
19. Is there a ship which you wished you could get behind, but you just don’t feel them?
Paris x Torres. I mean, I feel them. I just don’t generally feel the need to write about them.
20. Any ships which you surprised yourself by liking?
Chakotay x Seven. In another universe, it could’ve been beautiful.
Author Questions
21. What was the first fanfic you ever wrote?
Actual story that was clearly fanfic? A farcical drunken romp told in the 24th century equivalent of email format called PADDemonium (see what I did there?)
22. Is there anything you regret writing?
Lol, a few things that should probably have never seen the light of day for various reasons, some of them leola related. But I’ve only deleted two fics that I can recall.
23. Name a fic you’ve written that you’re especially fond of & explain why you like it.
Relieved. It’s a 30k AU Chakotay moral dilemma backstory that brings in DS9 characters, Section 31 and his longstanding history with AU Janeway. I did so much research for it (way back in the days before memory alpha and chakoteya.net) and I’m really proud of how I wound in canon stuff across series but changed a few key bits and pieces. Only problem is, it’s a sequel to ...
24. What fic do you desperately need to rewrite or edit?
... Pressure, which I can’t even read without cringing. My characterisation of Janeway, even Angry Maquis AU Janeway, is way over the top and there are moments that verge on Mills and Boon and give me first, second and third hand embarrassment. God, I’d love to rewrite it. Actually, that’s a lie. I want someone else to rewrite it so I can read it without covering my eyes and moaning.
25. What’s your most popular fanfic?
Desperate Measures, by about 70,000 light years, lol. Although Fragile Things beats it on bookmarks.
26. How do you come up with your fanfic titles?
You know what? A fair percentage of the time, I think of the title first and come up with a plot second. Aside from that, I prefer shorter, punchier titles that clearly tie into the story (Flight Risk, Speechless), though sometimes it’s song lyrics (Burn Our Horizons, your body like a searchlight) or a literary quote (Required to Bear, All the Devils are Here) or a turn of phrase from the story itself (The Prisons You Inhabit). Hey that was fun. Thanks for letting me pimp the shit out of my stories.
27. What do you hate more: Coming up with titles or writing summaries?
Ugh, it depends on the day. Summaries are harder, I think. I never want to give away too much of the plot, but there has to be enough there for people to know whether they’ll bother clicking. Funny story: I actually ran the stats on this a few months back. Here they are for your edification:
Fics with a one line plot summary = 54%
With two or three line plot summary = 18%
With a short snippet directly from the fic = 16%
With a snippet + a one line explanation = 3%
With a one line plot summary plus a line to date the fic (eg "set in season 3", “episode tag to Worst Case Scenario") or the fic prompt = 7%
And finally, a quote from something other than the fic = 2% (that's only 3 fics).
28. If someone were to draw a piece of fanart for your story, which story would it be and what would the picture be of?
Ooh. I’ll say the final scene in Explosive.
29. Do you have a beta reader? Why/Why not?
I used to regularly ask @jhelenoftrek​ and @littleobsessions90 to beta for me, and both of them are brilliant at it. Lately I’ve been posting without sending my stuff off for editing. This is partly because I’m impatient to get stuff out there, partly because I don’t have as much time to write/edit, and partly because I’m a little less focused on improving my writing and more on enjoying it for its own sake.
30. What inspires you to write?
Little bits of episode dialogue I haven’t noticed before, other people’s fanfiction, stray conversations, fic prompts, song lyrics, random headcanons, fever dreams, dares ...
31. What’s the nicest thing someone has ever said about your writing?
I’ve been really lucky with comments on my fic. The least helpful comment I’ve ever received was on one of my early 30k fics and all it said was “Did you have to take the name of the lord in vain?” Which is kind of funny. The nicest thing anyone’s ever said? I’m very partial to the feedback that starts “I don’t even like this pairing/genre/trope/show but you made me love it”, and particularly “I’ll read anything you write, I don’t care what it’s about.” But all comments are gold. The little heart button is cool too.
32. Do you listen to music when you write or does music inspire you? If so, which band or genre of music does it for you?
I’m not someone who can tune out music I love, or leave it in the background to inspire me. If it’s on, I’m fully invested in it. I’m that annoying person in the car who flips radio stations every three seconds until I find something I like and then it’s on 11 and I’m singing along to it. I’m also really picky but extremely eclectic, although there are genres I can’t stand (anything with autotune makes me stabby). That said, sometimes I find a song that I can’t stop listening to for weeks and often that perfect combination of music and lyrics will inspire me to write a fic. For example, I just plotted out an entire J/C story because of this song.
33. Do you write oneshots, multi-chapter fics or huuuuuge epics?
All of the above. Although I’m not sure if my longest epic is huuuuuge or just huuuge.
34. What’s the word count on your longest fic?
35. Do you write drabbles? If so, what do you normally write them about?
I have two drabble collections. One is all J/C, full of responses to random prompts and I add to it sporadically. The other is episode additions set on Kathryn Janeway’s birthday (May 20) and added to annually.
36. What’s your favourite genre to write?
Angst, definitely. Sometimes it’s smutty angst or fluffy angst or hurt/comfort angst, but often it’s just fucking unrelenting angst. And I’m okay with that.
37. First person or third person - what do you write in and why?
I did the stats on this once, too, haha. Pretty sure I came out fairly even on first and third person with a smattering of second person in there. I’m probably even-ish on present vs past tense, too. I make it a point to mix it up to avoid my writing getting stale or same-y. And sometimes a fic doesn’t really click for me until I try it in a different POV or tense or from a different character’s perspective.
38. Do you use established canon characters or do you create OCs?
I mostly write for canon characters - the fun is in all the different ways you can interpret and imagine them - but I’ve been known to throw in the odd OC, or focus on a character who only got a brief cameo appearance, or write about someone who only appears in beta canon, or who only rates a mention on screen.
39. What is your greatest strength as a writer?
Oh, wow. I’m not sure. I guess the thing I value most about my own writing is my willingness to try different styles, characters, pairings and so on. The thing I strive for most is characterisation that feels true, and I really love it when I get comments on that. Exploring a character in a way that rings true with a reader is the best thing ever.
40. What do you struggle the most with in your writing?
Overly long sentences and adverb abuse, haha. No, truthfully, there comes a point in most of my fics, particularly the longer ones, when I really just want to scrap it because in my heart I know it’s dreadful. Usually that passes once I slog through the ‘I don’t wanna’ stage because I’m a bloody-minded bitch, but sometimes fics do get left in the dust half-written. Honestly, though, they’re the ones that probably should stay there.
Fanfiction Questions
41. List and link to 5 fanfics you are currently reading:
This is hilarious because I was just talking on discord about my problematic ‘to read’ pile. My unread AO3 subscription emails currently number 29 and my phone browser has 71 tabs open. So here are 5 random picks from that list of exactly 100 fics I should be reading:
Sex on the Beach (E, Janeway/Chakotay) by @traccigaryn​
The Ruby Ring (T, Janeway/Chakotay, Janeway/Tighe) by @trinfinity2001​
Earth is But an Idea (T, Janeway/Chakotay, Carter/O’Neill) by @caladeniablue​
Home (E, Janeway/Chakotay) by Cassatt
Wise Up (E, Janeway/Chakotay) by KimJ
42. List and link to 5 fanfiction authors who are amazing:
Only five? Shit. Okay. In no particular order, these are five of the writers I keep coming back to:
quantumsilver (also here)
But there are so many others. My chosen fandom is chock full of amazing talent.
43. Is there anyone in your fandom who really inspires you?
All of the authors above for various reasons, but also august because her writing is so spare and delicate and devastating, and runawaymetaphor because she writes the most delicious Janeway/Paris, and @seperis​ because I read In the Space of Seven Days literally 20 years ago and I still haven’t recovered, and I could be here all night raving on this topic but there are still many questions to get through.
44. What ship do you feel needs more attention?
Janeway x Paris. I’m so happy there’s been a little bit of a resurgence in J/P fics lately. Thanks, @curator-on-ao3​, you’re doing the lord’s work.
I’ll also take Janeway x Johnson content any day of the week.
45. What is your all time favourite fanfic?
What the hell? I can’t pick just one! Ugh!
... but okay, here’s the first one that came to mind when I tried to think about this: if you came this way by tree. I’m not sure I’d call it my favourite, but it’s one I revisit often. Ugh, there are so many other fics I’m thinking of now that I really want to list.
46. If someone was to read one of your fanfics, which fic would you recommend to them and why?
Oh, that’s hard. I should probably pick an angsty smutty J/C because that’s a fair proportion of what I write and it’s good to let a new reader know what they can expect. But honestly, I think the best fic I’ve written is The Uncharted Sea. (It’s safe for work. Maybe not for makeup.)
47. Archive Of Our Own, Fanfiction.net or Tumblr - where do you prefer to post and why?
The Archive, of course. Where else can I find ad-free hosting on a stunningly user-friendly interface with absolutely no moralising content restrictions and the world’s best tagging system? That Hugo award is well deserved.
Tumblr is good for headcanons and meta and gifsets and a few other formats that I’m less likely to post on AO3 because I’d feel like I was pissing off people who subscribe to me by giving them some random garbage.
I also have my own website, but I’m not really sure why. Sometimes I post fic there that doesn’t make it to tumblr or AO3.
48. Do you leave reviews when you read fanfiction? Why/Why not?
I try to. Honestly I do. I love it when I get reviews, so I figure paying it forward is the least I can do. I’m less scrupulous about leaving comments when I’m busy or reading on my phone.
49. Do you care if people comment/reblog your writing? Why/why not?
I mean, I love it when people reblog, but I certainly don’t expect it. @arcadia1995​ is amazing for reblogging stuff *blows kisses*
Nobody owes fanfic writers shit, but I feel like there’s a tacit agreement that if you like what you just read for free and you’re on a platform that makes it easy to do so, you leave a review or at least a kudos, because I’m not gonna lie, posting a fic you’ve worked super hard on and seeing it get very few kudos or comments is a bit deflating. I’m sure a lot of us have been there.
50. How did you get into reading and/or writing fanfiction?
During Voyager’s original run I was trawling the internet for Endgame spoilers (I don’t know why; I usually love surprises) and I guess I googled (or whatever the 2001 equivalent of googling was) something like “how does voyager get home” and somehow I stumbled across Revisionist History. At first I had no idea what I was reading - was this a lost story pitch that somehow got leaked? A professional novella commissioned by the showrunners?
Then I started following links and discovered yahoo groups and webrings and Trekiverse and fanfiction.net and all sorts of incredible things I’d never guessed at, including the now defunct ‘archipelago of angst’, a collection of Voyager writers who focused mainly on a darker Janeway than most of the other fic writers I was encountering, and I was hooked. So I wrote a few of my own pieces, and then I lost interest for 15 years. I’m still not sure how I got dragged back in.
51. Rant or Gush about one thing you love or hate in the world of fanfiction! Go!
Honestly, in what other way can I indulge my obsessions, hone my skills and talk about it endlessly with like-minded people? Where else can I instantly find a plethora of fiction about the exact topic I feel like reading about on my mobile device and for free? Fanfiction is fucking amazing and I’m so glad it exists in my life.
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Day 5: Three favourite movies/series
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This is quite easy, actually. For change. After suffering for two days with extremely hard topics, I’m very happy about this. I had my answers ready already. 
I haven’t seen all his works yet. I’m kinda new to his filmography anyway, but I’m going to watch everything (I tend to do that with all my favorite actors). So this list may change some time later, but let’s not care about that yet, let’s focus on his works I actually have seen. 
1. Jackie & Ryan (2014)
Directed by Ami Canaan Mann
Starring Katherine Heigl, Ben Barnes, Clea DuVall, Emily Alyn Lind
“A modern day train hopper fighting to become a successful musician, and a single mom battling to maintain custody of her daughter, defy their circumstances by coming together in a relationship that may change each others lives forever.” 
I’ve said it a few times now, but Ryan has a special place in my heart. I said in my post ‘Madamrogers Storytelling’ that I had this one moment I realized many things; that moment was after seeing this movie. It was a little over a month ago. 
Ryan made me realize that if there is a thing I want to do, something I want to accomplish, something I hold dear... I should not get stuck. I have to go towards it, no matter what. I think I somehow can identify with Ryan; I don’t write songs or play music, I write stories. There is still the same agony, the same will to succeed and being able to do what you love. And I’d love to have that same kind of courage as Ryan has, that same way of approaching life. 
There are two moments that make me cry. They always make me cry; I’ve watched the movie like five times now and those moments still make me cry. They’re both because of Ryan’s words. In the first one he says to Jackie: “He is not going to take Lia from you. Because you won’t let him.” He sounds so sure, so strong and reassuring that I take it. Something happens inside me. The other moment is when Ryan says: “I always ask myself where am I gonna go next, how am I gonna get there.” I’ve taken that. I ask myself that quite often now. And it helps. I can tell you, it truly helps.
I love Ben in this film. Ryan is so kind, a bit shy, helpful, strong and inspiring character, and Ben’s way of portraying him goes right into my heart. I realized his talent during this film. He tells so much without even saying a single word. I can feel all the emotions he’s showing. And don’t even get me started with his singing voice! I’ve always loved men who sing and play an instrument, especially a guitar. There is something about the way a guitar changes a person; they may be this nice person without it, but when they take a guitar, they change completely. They become deeper, more tender, there is something extremely beautiful in them, more than before. I love all the songs in this film, but Southbound. I fell in love with it during the first note and never stopped falling.
I cannot say that I’m a friend of romantic movies. Especially romcoms make me feel quite bad because they often show love and life so wrongly, like both of them were full of roses and laughter all the time. I’m a bit cynical, to be honest. The reason may be that I’ve never actually been in love. I like honest, meaningful movies that have no fear of showing life and love the way they really are. I have nothing against romance in movies, don’t get me wrong. I just want it to be realistic. And in Jackie & Ryan, this ugly and cruel side of life is shown. Not exactly so clearly, but it’s still there under all those layers. You can see it. I like it how friendly and kind this movie is at the same time as it’s honest and shows you that if something bad happens, often something good comes after it. It’s like when winter dies and spring begins. People’s choices matter. This movie is not just a romantic movie. This is, like Ben said in an interview, a movie about people. I’ve seen that people don’t like it because nothing happens in it. In my opinion, quite a lot happens. This is one of my Go To movies and I’m happy that I found it. It always makes me feel better. I believe in myself. Would probably need someone like Ryan in my life, someone so inspiring and someone who isn’t afraid of telling me the truth. But, for now, this movie’s Ryan will do.
2. The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader (2010)
Directed by Michael Apted
Starring Georgie Henley, Skandar Keynes, Ben Barnes, Will Poulter
“Lucy and Edmund Pevensie return to Narnia with their cousin Eustace where they meet up with Prince Caspian for a trip across the sea aboard the royal ship The Dawn Treader. Along the way they encounter dragons, dwarves, merfolk, and a band of lost warriors before reaching the edge of the world.”
I’m actually glad that I watched Narnia films as an adult. I knew what Narnia was as a child, I probably got to know it around the same time as Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings but never really watched the movies or read the books. I remember getting this book with a movie cover from a book club. I forced my mom to let me keep it, and gladly I succeeded because I found the book a few weeks ago and it made me so happy. There were happy tears involved. That was the moment I remembered I had wanted to see the film. I also remembered looking at Caspian when I was just a girl and thinking ‘there is something in that one’. Never saw the film, sadly. 
But a while ago I sat down and watched these movies (with my mom, actually) and I just fell in love. Especially with this third one. Why am I glad that I watched these films as an adult and not as a child? Mostly because nostalgia hurts me instead of actually making me happy. I remember how much better life was back then. (It hurts to look at Ron Weasley sometimes... He was my first fictional crush.) And because now I have a place I can go, the place I got to know as the person I am now. I have Hogwarts, Middle-earth and all the other worlds I’m not letting go of, but this feeling that there is a place for me. It’s funny, really. The ending song of this movie is just so beautiful. There is a place for us. This movie reminds me of that; there is a place for me. I just haven’t found it yet. 
I also love Caspian’s character. I find similarities with myself. Funny enough, my mom even calls me Caspian sometimes (that’s because I have similar hair as he had in Prince Caspian, but mom said once that we’re quite similar in a way). He seems like someone who could make you feel better in mere seconds. The way he speaks, the way he is, and also his hugs must be the best ones in all Narnia. I could go for one of those right now. He is exactly like a person I’d respect. And I respect him, even when he’s just fictional. But he’s a King anyway. And Ben as Caspian, so beautiful. I could say the same things as I did when talking about Ryan, but he has so many emotions in his eyes and body. The way he holds his hand could tell more than a sentence. 
We’ve had this common joke “let’s go to Narnia” with my mom long before we even saw the films. But now, after watching them, the joke is even more common. It’s not even a joke anymore. And I know that till the end of my days, these movies and Caspian will remind me of my mom. 
3. The Punisher (2017)
Created by Steve Lightfoot
Starring Jon Bernthal, Amber Rose Revah, Ebon Moss-Bachrach, Ben Barnes
“After the murder of his family, Marine veteran Frank Castle became a vigilante known as "The Punisher" with only one goal in mind, to avenge them.”
I suck at watching Marvel’s tv series. I’ve seen almost all the movies of MCU and the new X-Men films and Deadpool, but these tv series I’ve pretty much neglected. I tried to watch Daredevil back in the day but didn’t continue. Then, through my dear friend @accio-rogers, I found out about this show and that Ben Barnes is starring in it as a man called Billy Russo (I had no idea who Billy even was). I went to check the series from IMDb and saw that the main role was played by Jon Bernthal, who I had seen before in The Walking Dead. This started to feel like a safe choice, and during the same day I started to watch it. I was also having an awful summer flu back then, so what else could I have done than watch Netflix? Nothing. Didn’t have energy for anything else. 
Turned out that this choice affected on me more than I could’ve expected. 
This was the series which made me fall in love with Ben Barnes.
I probably have said this before, but instead of hating him, I love Billy Russo. I find him interesting. He is psychological, he has an interesting backstory. And I’ve always been interested in psychology, so I love this kind of characters. I don’t love everything he does or all his choices, no. No, no. I think he really is a bad man, but in this very interesting, captivating way. I’m unable to hate him. I understand why people hate him or refuse to write soft and sweet things about him. But still, in my deepest thoughts, hopes and fantasies (that came out wrong) - and probably headcanons - I can see that Billy really has a softer side. He is a psychopath, but maybe there is a side of him that is a bit softer? Maybe all of this is just his way of protecting himself? We know he had a tragic childhood. There must be tons and tons of armor on him, he has made stone walls around himself. Maybe there is someone else under those. No one, not even him anymore, can break those walls and armors. I’m more than willing to accept the fact that he is just a psychopath, as well. It makes him interesting. 
There is something about Ben playing the bad guy. He is so bad, but you cannot hate him. Billy is the perfect example. He is almost like a perfect villain. And the way Ben portrays him is magnificent: so much emotions in a blink of an eye. He’s phenomenal, a masterpiece. Billy Russo is my favorite antagonist of all time; he has this certain energy that makes him a bit frightening but likeable at the same time. He is well written. Full of layers and psychology. I cannot wait to see where Billy’s (or should we call him Jigsaw now?) story goes in season 2.
If I could’ve list four, Westworld would’ve been the fourth. I spent quite some time finding out do I actually love or hate Logan; decided eventually that I love him, that hottie-naughty cowboy. And I’m only in season 1! Yikes. 
Happy Ben Barnes week!
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elizabeth-karenina · 6 years
I was tagged again!
This time by my other good, long-time friend @lorraineblack90! Thanks Lorraine! You’re the best. :)
Name: Elizabeth
Nickname: Liz, Lizzie, Lizzie Loo (my boss’ nickname for me), Sis (my family name)
Gender: Cis Female
Orientation: Bisexual
Nationality: I am an American, from the state of Maryland. 
Faith/Religion: Christian, the sense that I practice the religion in my own way. I’m more of a Christ-follower than anything; I don’t go to church very often, mostly because a lot of mainstream Christianity nowadays turns me off. But I am deeply spiritual and I love to study my religion, its origins and its teachings. 
Hobbies: Reading, listening to music, going out on the weekends with my friends, online shopping (particularly Amazon), researching history, baking every now and then. 
Pets: I have the best dog in the world, and his name is Ringo. 
Favourite color: My most favorite color is blue (especially dark blue), but I am also partial to green, purple, and red as well. 
Favourite holiday: The entire part of the year from Halloween to New Year’s. Somehow, mankind figured out that the only way to get through the last part of the year is to have one party after the other. From Halloween, to Thanksgiving, to Christmas, IT’S LIT!!!!!
Books: Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, As Series of Unfortunate Events, The Chronicles of Narnia, Holes, The Outsiders, Tuck Everlasting, Treasure Island, Ivanhoe, Bridge to Terrabithia, The Royal Diaries/Dear America series, American Girl series, Pride and Prejudice, Sense and Sensibility, Persuasion, Evelina, Jane Eyre, Murder on The Orient Express, Ella Enchanted, The Brothers Karamazov, Anna Karenina, To Kill A Mockingbird, Catherine Called Birdie, The Midwife’s Apprentice, Crispin and the Cross of Lead....the list is very long. AND BIOGRAPHIES. So many biographies and social histories, you wouldn’t even believe.  
Movies: Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, True Grit (2010), Holes, Jurassic Park, Back To the Future, Indiana Jones, Star Trek IV: The Long Journey Home, Mulan, Pocahontas, Atlantis: The Lost Empire, Lilo and Stitch, The Prince of Egypt, Tombstone, Sherlock Holmes 1 & 2, Murder On the Orient Express, War Horse, Wonder Woman (2017), Black Panther, Ghostbusters (both 1984 and 2016), The Godfather 1 & 2 (in that I’m fascinated by the family dynamic and not the lifestyle being portrayed), Coco, Sense and Sensibility (1995), Pride and Prejudice (2005), Little Women (1994), Lincoln, The King’s Speech, Belle (2013), The Joy Luck Club, The Mummy, Hairspray (2007), Grosse Pointe Blank, Friday (1995), The Birdcage, Pirates of the Caribbean, School of Rock, My Big Fat Greek Wedding, Fiddler on the Roof, The Sound of Music, The King and I, The Quiet Man, Mary Poppins, Crazy Rich Asians....THE LIST COULD GO ON FOREVER. 
TV shows: The Office, Parks and Recreation, Brooklyn 99, Stranger Things, Due South, Harlots, Turn, Outlander, Avatar: The Last Airbender, The Simpson’s, The Middle, Modern Family, Superstore. But I also love miniseries as well, such as Horatio Hornblower, Bleak House, John Adams HBO, War and Peace (2016), Band of Brothers, North and South (2004). 
Music: Anything and everything. I have pop, R&B, musicals, hip-hop, rock music (mostly oldies tho), some country (I’m partial to older country, like Dolly Parton and Johnny Cash), Irish folk music, and a lot of classical music, too. 
Coffee, tea or hot chocolate: COFFEE PLEASE. 
Favourite meme: The one that goes “my wig’s been snatched,” LOL. I also miss the Breadsticks meme. And “I came out to have a good time and I’m feeling so attacked right now.” 
I want to live enough to: Get into the historical field, especially in terms of research and historical consulting. 
Weird obsession: Developing huge crushes on guys from the past. Yeah, I’m that person.  
Random facts: I never learned how to ride a bike, nor did I learn how to skate on roller skates. I never actually read The Great Gatsby; I Sparknoted that shit in high school. 
Goals for 2018: Start getting my freaking life together so I can continue being a successful person in 2019. Also...maybe I should start looking at schools so I can do online classes, so I can finish my Bachelor’s degree. 
I’m not gonna do any tagging on this one, but if you see this and wanna do it, feel free to do so! 
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I was tagged by @winemomjade and @stardustheartbeats​ to list my nine favorite albums of all time. I used to have a top ten list, but i lost it somewhere so this will have to do. It was difficult, but I stand by my decisions.
So, in no particular order other than this is the way my computer downloaded the images:
All This Bad Blood by Bastille This album came at a time of very strange growth for me and has stuck by me for a few years now. It started with me aggressively loving Flaws as I drove around the Irish countryside with the boy I liked and has transformed into me listening to Laughter Lines anytime I need to be reminded that I’m alive. 
Blonde by Frank Ocean Frank, Francis, my love, my life. I loved you before this but not in a way i was truly conscious of. This album is the pinnacle of summer heat for me and propelled my love of Frank Ocean into a full blown affair. It makes me sad and unbelievably joyful because my sisters and I listened to it during a very painful September. It’s raw and beautiful and I don’t have the proper words for it.
Romantic Works by Keaton Henson This album suits it’s title and reminded me of how beautiful classical music is. If I could get the sounds of Nearly Curtains carved into my skin I would. It moves me beyond words and is the perfect soundtrack for any emotion.
Coming Home by Leon Bridges Soulful and beautiful, I can’t rave about this album enough. If you haven’t listened to it at this point, what are you doing with your life? It’s the perfect soundtrack for any time of year. Fall and starting to feel cosy with flickering amber candles? Winter with warm blankets and mugs of tea? Spring time and falling in love underneath blooming trees? Summer where it’s sticky and too warm to eat anything but popsicles for dinner? It fits all those moods and then some. I want someone to make me feel the way this album makes me feel. I want to wrap myself in the tenderness of Leon Bridges’s voice and drift off to sleep in the arms of the love of my life.
Emotion by Carly Rae Jepsen Listen, I slept on this album for a long time. I loved Call Me Maybe and then kinda stopped listening to her after that? But I rediscovered this album in the past year and wow wow wow. She is the songbird of our generation. Your Type punches me in the heart every time I hear it, and Run Away With Me is one of those songs where you can dance an have an amazing time, or you can cry to it. It’s multifaceted and poppy and beautiful and fuck anyone who says pop music has not substance bc she proves it.
One of the Boys by Katy Perry My sister and I have discussed in length why this is one of the best albums of all time and tbh I don’t remember all the reasons we said, but it’s incredible. It’s fun and silly but also has a little rock side which i love? It was the soundtrack of my teenage angst (i had no angst in high school okay) and it made driving to school okay. I will forever be nostalgic about driving around my shit hole of a hometown listening to this. I wish Katy Perry still sounded like this, but sometimes life doesn’t agree. Rest assured, I’ll listen to this forever.
The Memory of Trees by Enya Enya is my pump up music, don’t @ me. I know what I’m about and if you can’t fuck with Enya I can’t fuck with you. My grandma would play this in the kitchen when we were over and it’s my soundtrack for baking bread. Every time I listen to Anywhere Is, I imagine that I’m a dryad in Narnia and honestly it cleanses me better than anything could. It’s foundational in who I am as a human being and it’s what my soul sounds like on a sunny day.
Coyote Stories by The Crane Wives The Crane Wives have gotten me through so much of the past five years, and I’m so grateful that a small local band could do so much. They’re one of the first bands that I discovered on my own, independent of my sister and my dad. They’re my best friend’s and my favorite band and we saw them two days in a row one summer in one of the fondest weeks of my life. Their songs tell stories and make my imagination run wild. This album in particular I love because it was the first album release I’ve ever been to. I went with a (now very dear) friend in a weird sort of happenstance and it was great. I bought a shirt and the album and everything feels good about it. They put on a hell of a show and they’re one of the few bands I love seeing live.  (p.s. all their cover art is incredible so honestly, look at their other albums for that alone). But seriously they’re so good please listen to them for my sake.
Marvin’s Marvelous Mechanical Museum by Tally Hall The one true musical love affair for me I think. You know the guy who does Actual Cannibal Shia LeBeouf? This is his original band and they’re amazing. So quirky and weird but then sometimes their lyrics just hit you in the way you need and you’ll be listening to Greener for the seventieth time and you just get it. It’s named after a weird little museum in Michigan that has all these old mechanical games and doodads. It’s wild. They’re one of the first concerts I went to where I could actually appreciate what was going on around me. They closed the show by making us all sit on the floor and sing campfire songs before doing an acoustic cover of Cecilia. I’ve seen them half a dozen times and each time was better than the last. This album again accompanied a lot of my teenage years, but I’ll still listen to it every now and then and it moves me in an incredibly unique way. Oh, and there’s a song devoted to Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen which, how can you not love that? Wow that was excessive. If you managed to read this far well done. I’m impressed with you. 
I’m tagging: @springlullaby​, @hiddenamongstars​, @emmanemone​, @mypersonalbubble​, @siriuslyweasley​, @flourishandblotted​ and @art-not-logic​.
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pioneergirlsie · 6 years
85 Questions
I was tagged by the lovely @dearponty <3 Thank you!
I’m tagging: @random----fandoms (I always keep thinking you’re still papillion XD) @thatwouldbeunfortunate @booksinthenooks @flyingthroughthemoonlight @xxno-wayxx
— what was your last…
1. drink: Water out of my huge Newsies cup. Or if water doesn’t count, I had a Mountain Dew yesterday
2. phone call: My aunt so I could wish my little cousin a happy 7th birthday
3. text message: @random----fandoms aka my bestie
4. song you listened to: “From Now On” from The Greatest Showman
5. time you cried: A few weeks ago I was so stressed that I just cried for about a half hour and did nothing
— have you ever…
6. dated someone twice: Haha I haven’t even dated someone once XD
7. kissed someone and regretted it: Haha I’ve never kissed either
8. been cheated on: No
9. lost someone special: Yeah. Too many special someones
10. been depressed: Yeah. After reading A Series of Unfortunate Events I got into a funk and it didn’t really go away on its own... 
11. gotten drunk and thrown up: No but I gag whenever I smell alcohol
— fave colours
12. Blue
13. Green
14. Blue green
— in the last year have you…
15. made new friends: Do online friends count?
16. fallen out of love: Well... Fallen out of “like” is more accurate (and it happened twice so...)
17. laughed until you cried: Oh yes XD
18. found out someone was talking about you: Yes, but not in a bad way
19. met someone who changed you: Yeppers
20. found out who your friends are: A lot of them are the same, but I see now that distance can change people
21. kissed someone on your facebook friends list: I’ve kissed my parents, and we’re facebook friends, does that count?
— general
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know irl: All of them because I don’t friend people I don’t know
23. do you have any pets: Yessss! I have three cats (one of which is missing and she’s my favorite) and a black lab/pointer mix who is adorable and I love him so much even though I don’t like any other dogs
24. do you want to change your name: No I love my name!
25. what did you do for your last birthday: We were on a road trip and my dad decided to pull off to a war memorial even though we were on a tight schedule, so that was interesting. There were LARGE mosquitos there. Then we drove for ten hours. We stopped at a gas station for a bathroom and they didn’t have a toilet seat, so that was... an experience. I cried. We finally arrived at Disney Springs where we got ice cream for my birthday. And the next day, on my bro’s birthday, we went to DisneyWorld. (But it’s alright because we both wore birthday buttons our whole trip and got mistaken for twins constantly and got many magical moments)
26. what time did you wake up today: 8 am
27. what were you doing at midnight last night: Sleeping thank goodness. But I also could have been sleepwalking or talking because I do that
28. what is something you can’t wait for: My online classes being done (but I get my wisdom teeth out two days later so... maybe I can wait)
30. what are you listening to right now: Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace soundtrack XD
31. have you ever talked to a person named tom: I think my aunt’s brother is named Tom but I don’t think I actually talked to him at that wedding...
32. something that’s getting on your nerves: Drama queens/kings
33. most visited website: Tumblr, YouTube, and the site for my college courses
34. hair colour: Brown
35. long or short hair: Medium-ish because I just got it cut from it being really long
36. do you have a crush on someone: It’s complicated
37. what do you like about yourself: I like my eyes a lot, and I like my personality. I have fun :)
38. want any piercings: Nopity nope nope, nope nope. 
 39. blood type: Ha, funny story. I skipped the day of biology where everyone got their blood tested and went to Disney instead 
40. nicknames: Elsie
41. relationship status: Single
42. sign: Pisces I think. I don’t really care
43. pronouns: she/her
44. fave tv show: The new Tangled series!
45. tattoos: Oh nodie dodie.
46. right or left handed: Right
47. ever had surgery: No but I’m going to need a couple
48. piercings: Ears
49. sport: I am totally into motocross. I can’t figure out how to shift, but I love watching it and riding little 50s. 
50. vacation: Are we talking all or most recent? I’ll go with most recent. We took a roadtrip through the deep south this winter all the way down to Florida to visit Disney and my friend at college and saw a Supercross Race over my brother’s and my birthdays.
51. trainers: Do braces count?
— more general
52. eating: Not right now, but if I am it’s probably pasta
53. drinking: Water, but later I’ll have a Mountain Dew
54. I’m about to watch: Some YouTube or the end of The Phantom Menace (again)
55. waiting for: Summer so I can be free
56. want: To star in a Broadway show XD Besides that, I’ve wanted this cute jacket for awhile. Ooh! And I want Newsies Live to get a CD and DVD
57. get married: Maybe after I’ve dated and found the right guy XD
58. career: Hopefully an author and an editor! Or I could do newspaper reporter/writer things
— which is better
59. hugs or kisses: hugs, especially when the person is really good at hug giving.
60. lips or eyes: eyes
61. shorter or taller: Well... I am shorter... so idk. But taller can be helpful to reach high places... idk
62. older or younger: Um? How do I answer this? I’d say younger because when you’re older everything starts to hurt
63. nice arms or stomach: Nice arms because they’re good for hugging
64. hookup or relationships: Hookups are bad. Relationships all the way
65. troublemaker or hesitant: hesitant 
— have you ever
66. kissed a stranger: Ew no way. I’d maybe kiss my fiance, but not before we’re engaged XD
67. drank hard liquor: Ew absolutely not! 
68. turned someone down: One time in high school a boy wanted to touch my butt and I shut that down hard. Oh, and another time this boy asked out about 5 girls at the same time, including me and my friend, and we both told him that that is not a good way to go about getting a girlfriend.
69. sex on first date: Ewwwww, save that for marriage please
70: broken someone’s heart: I really hope not
71. had your heart broken: Ha. Ha ha. Yeah. About three times. The first time was the worst
72. been arrested: Nope
73. cried when someone died: Absolutely. 
74. fallen for a friend: Well... I guess he still considers us friends, so yeah
— do you believe in
75. yourself: Mostly. Sometimes I panic, but for the most part yes.
76. miracles: Definitely
77. love at first sight: Yes, and it gets me into trouble XD But I also believe in falling slowly
78. santa claus: Well... I believe in the spirit of Santa. I never actually believed in the person of Santa Claus because Jesus is the reason for the season
79. angels: Yes
— misc
80. eye colour: Blue green. And it changes on a day to day basis
81. best friend’s name: @random----fandoms
82. favourite movie: This is an unfair question XD I love anything Disney, Narnia, or Star Wars. And don’t forget the forever underappreciated “The Adventures of Tintin (2011)”
83. favourite actor: Kara Lindsay
84. favourite cartoon: Kim Possible all the way. Also the old Loony Toons are great, as well as the new Tangled Series.
85. favourite teacher’s name: Mrs. B, Mrs. K, and Mrs. L were all so incredibly influential in my life. Mrs. B was like my crazy fun aunt who encouraged me to just be me. I came out of my shell so much because of her. Mrs. K encouraged me very early on as a writer, and she helped steer me towards my current career path. Mrs. L was my school mom. She also dragged me out of my shell and shaped me into the singer/actress I am today. 
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Dear Father Christmas... Chapter 1: December 24, 2016
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Cover art by the wonderful @rose--nebula!
Characters:  Tentoo; Rose Tyler; Jackie Tyler; Pete Tyler; Tony Tyler; OC Hope Tyler-Noble; OC Charlotte Tyler-Noble; OC Wilfred Tyler-Noble
Rated: Teen
Tags: Family!Fic; Kid!Fic; Pete’s World; Letters to Santa; Christmas Fic; Family; Fluff; Hurt/Comfort; Angst; Romance; Love
Summary: When Rose Tyler was little, she always wrote a Christmas wish list to Father Christmas. As she grew older, the wish list became more of a letter to someone she could confide in once a year, but she fell out of the habit somewhere along the way. Now, as a new mum, celebrating her daughter’s first Christmas, Rose takes up writing her Christmas letter to Father Christmas once again.
Rose’s Christmas letters are excerpts from her life with her beloved Tentoo and their children in Pete’s World, written once a year, for each of 31 years.
Part of my These Two Hearts series
Written for prompts provided by @doctorroseprompts​ over on Tumblr for their 31 Days of Ficmas celebration. I’ve played with the order of the prompts a bit, but I intend to use them all.
This will be a huge challenge for me. For those of you who know me well, you’ll know I am not a fast writer. To post one of these every day for 31 days will be pushing me well and truly to my limits. They may not all get posted on time, but they will get posted. Promise.
My eternal thanks to my brilliant betas @rose--nebula​ and mrsbertucci for picking up on the things I miss and for chivvying me along. ((((hugs))))
The first prompt is Hope. Please enjoy.
Also read at: AO3; FF.net; Teaspoon
December 24th, 2016
Dear Father Christmas,
Blimey! It’s been a while. I don’t think I’ve written to you since… well since Jimmy. That bloody wanker sucked the magic out of everything. He sucked the magic right out of my life. But that’s all right. The Doctor gave me back the magic and then some.
Oh my God! I just realized! Maybe you don’t even know who I am. Is Father Christmas even the same bloke in all universes? Are you a transdimensional entity? I reckon not, or else transdimensional travel would be possible, and we know for a fact it’s not, not any more.
I know I’m just being stupid. Transdimensional capabilities or not, you’re obviously just a fictional character, a product of children’s imaginations and a bloated, economy-driven society. Still, I bet the Doctor would disagree. He’d probably tell me Santa is an actual being from some planet with an unpronounceable name. Complete with elves too! I wager he’d say “lots of planets have a North Pole”. But most of his knowledge is based on the Prime Universe… for now. So even if you are real there, you may not be the same in this universe, or you may not exist at all.
Don’t suppose it matters anyway, yeah? It was just always nice to chat with you like this every year, so I guess I’ll start again. I missed this. Back in the Prime Universe, Mum got me started writing to you every Christmas Eve, even when I was just a baby. Those first notes were just a few pencil scratches. Complete rubbish. She loved them, anyway. She kept them safe for years, would bring them out every Christmas and show them around along with the naked baby photos, (especially if I had been a cow to her or we’d had a row.) But she had to leave them all behind in the Prime Universe with so much else from our lives. Embarrassing as they were, it would’ve been nice to be able to, well… Enough of that!
By the time I was four, I knew all my letters. I was so determined to do it myself, write my own Christmas wish list. Mostly it was just all the things I wanted for Christmas. But I always minded my manners. I said please and thank-you. I always asked after Mrs. Claus and the reindeer. And, I hope I was never greedy. Sorry if I was, even if you aren’t actually the right Father Christmas to apologize to.
As I got older, I realized you weren’t real (sorry!) and my letters to you became more of a diary. You know… private stuff I’d write every year, yeah. It was nice to be able to say things, to tell someone things I couldn’t say to anyone else. Course, I stopped for a while, because Jimmy… I’d never want him to find those letters and have that to hold over me. Anyway, it’s not like I’d ever had the chance to write them, working two, sometimes three jobs, just to keep that knob in fags and drink. And after a while, I just got out of the habit, and life took some good turns… and some bad turns. Then some really bad turns.
But now, life is completely brilliant! I have my Doctor by my side... forever! I have my own baby girl. (Hope’s her name and she’ll be writing you a note too this year!) And, to top it off, I’m actually dictating these letters now. Voice recognition software! The Doctor jiggery-pokeried it so when it’s printed it uses my handwriting as the font.
I’m rambling, aren’t I? Guess I’m just a bit nervous (and excited) about doing this again and getting Hope started too.
I think you’ll like Hope. But I’m warning you, I don’t think she’s quite like other babies. Well, I know she isn’t. She’s her father’s daughter, that’s for sure. Nine months old, and she’s already talking up a storm. Full sentences! Just watch, she’ll be able to use this voice recognition software… Course, I don’t know what her handwriting font will look like, ‘cause she’s pretty much like a normal baby in her gross and fine motor development, so no handwriting just yet. Her verbal and cognitive development, though… the doctors at Torchwood say it’s off the charts.
It scares me if I’m being honest. I don’t know how I can ever be a mum to her… a proper mum. Thank God I have the Doctor by my side to keep her entertained, because she takes in absolutely everything and it’s never enough. But he “gets” her. He knows how to keep her happy. We take her on adventures (safe ones, don’t worry!) all through space and time. And we explore. Oh, we explore so much!
But it’s so different from the way I explored as a kid, ya know? Here’s an example. We go to a beach, yeah, with rock pools and lovely sand too, and the water is so warm and wavy. Now me, as a kid, I’d splash in the waves and muck about in the sand with my pail and spade. And at the rock pool, I’d poke at a few beasties and squeal about them. It was all just in fun. But with Hope, everything is so intense. She investigates everything, and her Daddy is right there with her, coaxing her to connect the dots herself, filling in the bits she’s missed. The starfish (sorry, sea star − I must use proper terminology!) was carefully examined, all its little bits explored and then thoroughly researched back at the TARDIS, and not just the names of the bits, but the hows and whys of them too.
And then the Doctor reads to her… not baby books, but Harry Potter and Narnia and Oliver Twist. She’s even sounding out some parts herself. He’ll break out the sciencey stuff, the physics and chemistry and biology, and the maths too, when it has something to do with what happened on our adventure that day. And she hangs on every word. I don’t know if she understands everything he reads her, but she sure understands a lot of it.
She’s just so tiny, just an infant, but her mind is so big. Definitely bigger on the inside, our child is! I love her like I never thought I could love anyone, but I’m so frightened that… that… well, that she won’t love me, a stupid ape. How can I be a proper mum to her when she already knows more about bloody sea stars than I ever will?
Then there are those times when I hold her in my arms and feed her at my breast, when I snuggle her to sleep, and I breathe in her sweet baby smell. It’s almost normal. Sometimes I can even get her giggling, completely out of control, over the most simple things, like peek-a-boo. And when she bumps her head, her arms immediately come up for me to hold her and kiss it better. Me!  That makes me feel like a proper mum.
You should have seen her when we were putting up the Christmas tree this afternoon. Her fat little fingers were grabbing for all those bright shiny baubles, and her eyes were so wide and she didn’t know where to look first because it was all so pretty. And then Daddy came prancing down the stairs from the console room wearing a big red light-up nose and huge felt antlers on his head, and we were all in hysterics. I really felt like part of the family, and I kind of realized I don’t always feel that way.
It’s made me think, though, going forward, I really need to make a place for her in my life as she grows. I always used to love to paint and draw. Once upon a time, I was even going to go for my A-levels in art. Before Jimmy. I’d like to take that up again, and I could teach her too, eventually, when she can actually hold a brush. Maybe we could do that together. And singing and dancing, not to mention gymnastics when she’s old enough.
Blimey! This has been one weird Christmas letter, yeah? And I haven’t even asked for any presents. I honestly just want my family to be healthy and happy, and I want to be able to be a proper mum to Hope. Not really stuff you can just hide under the tree.
Oh! Here comes Hopie now, in her Daddy’s arms, all fresh from her bath. Hey there, baby girl! Are you ready to write your letter to Father Christmas? C’mere, sit on Mummy’s lap and maybe Daddy will make us a cuppa. (Thanks, love!) And, my darling girl, as soon as you’re finished with your letter, we better head right over to see Gran and Grandad and Uncle Tony. There’ll be hell to pay if we’re late! (I hear you moaning, Doctor!)
Okay, Father Christmas, here’s me, signing off for this year. Lots of love to Mrs. Claus and all the reindeer and elves too! Thanks for listening to me whinge. It really helped to get it off my chest. I know, I know! I need to tell the Doctor how I’ve been feeling, but I don’t want him going and feeling guilty just because he’s being a bloody amazing dad. But I’ll talk to him; I promise.
Happy Christmas!
love, Rose
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amarauder · 4 years
faq / about me
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Me too, Shaggy. Me too. 
About Me: 
Hello! My name is Madeline. I am currently a senior in High School, who enjoys hanging out with her friends, playing tennis, and reading. I have dyslexia and ADD, so you can frequently see me post about it. Demigod? Lol, I wish. I am currently applying to colleges, which is super insane. So, if you have any advice about anything college related please let me know. Hahaha, I am applying to University of Arizona, University of Oregon, Michigan State, University of Alabama, University of Georgia, Auburn University, and University of Michigan (which is a dream, but a far, far reach.) I really love writing, and hope to maybe go into it? Maybe, we’ll see. I have the cutest cat in the entire world, and you really can’t convince me otherwise. Don't even try because sorry, but my pet is cuter than yours. I am currently writing this at midnight, so I’m super tired so just excuse my grammar and messy thoughts. My all time favorite fandoms are Percy Jackson and Harry Potter. Ya know, the essentials. Anyway, that’s about it, I’m really boring. So… 
1. Are requests open? 
Yes, they are! They have been as of Aug. 7th, 2020. So, please request! :) 
2. How long should the request take? 
Good question! Unfortunately, I don’t know the answer myself. I am super, super busy! I’m a senior in High School, and am currently starting college apps which is super stressful, so please be patient! Plus, school and my social life. 
3. What do you mean you won’t take my request? 
Sorry, babes. It means exactly what you think it means. The reasoning is probably, I’m uncomfortable writing whatever you asked, I don’t have the time, I’m not motivated to write that character at the moment, or something else. Most likely, though, we can figure something out and come to an agreement. 
4. Are your asks open? 
Umm, yes! Please hit me up any time! I do have to warn you though, I don’t get a lot so I forget to check them so don’t be offended if I don’t reply right away. Also, I’m pretty boring. So, half way through you’re probably gonna feel an overwhelming urge to leave me on read. 
5. Where is the rest of Percy’s Journey to the Top of the World? 
On wattpad! The link should be on there, but if not, it’s right here. I was just too lazy to transfer all of it to Tumblr, so it’s all on there. However, I’m not on Wattpad anymore because of the toxic environment so if you wanna discuss the story with me hit me up on here :) I can promise you I can go on forever about that story. 
6. Who’s your favorite character ever? 
Bruh, what? You’re asking me t-to choose from my children? 
7. House? 
Hufflepuff! The best house obviously. I still think we should be the bees instead of the badgers. I mean a bee is a lot more terrifying than a badger in my opinion. Whoever thinks otherwise, obviously hasn’t seen bee movie. (I haven’t seen snakes, lions, or whatever ravenclaw is lift planes.soo.) 
8. Cabin? 
Cabin Seven. Sorry, but I bet the rest of you suck at archery. 
9. Why do you hate Snape and Peter Pettigrew so much? 
Umm, self explanatory. Hit me up privately man. I will write you a whole goddamn book. 
10. Who do you write for? 
Oh Gods, I’ve been dreading this question. The list is way too freaking long. But I write for any character in any of the fandoms below except for Severus Snape,  Peter Pettigrew, and Voldemort obviously. 
Percy Jackson:  Closed | Open 
Heroes of Olympus: Closed | Open
Teen Wolf: Closed | Open
Newsies: Closed | Open
Harry Potter: Closed | Open
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them: Closed | Open
Narnia: Closed | Open
Vampire Diaries: Closed | Open
Marvel: Closed | Open 
Reign: Closed | Open
Maze Runner: Closed | Open
Star Wars: Closed | Open
Anne with an E: Closed | Open
Anne of Green Gables: Closed | Open
Game of Thrones: Closed | Open
0 notes
femsff · 7 years
From the Identity Ask post: 1, 11 and 12?
I’m keeping the ones I’ve already answered to others in here as well, just so everyone can get to know me even better!
identity ask………oh shit
if someone wanted to really understand you, what would they read, watch, and listen to?My body language, me, and whatever I’m talking about. That may seem like a cop-out answer to some, but I really do believe the only way to get to know someone is to observe, talk to, interact with and listen to them. Not necessarily in that order. I come into contact with a lot of different people through my work but also see/read a lot online and it often amazes me how little attention people pay to others! Be that cues (non-verbal or verbal), body language or just downright listening to and hearing what they have to say. No wonder people often don’t understand other people’s actions, points of view or feelings. Can anyone really be surprised or confused by someone if they ignore everything they say/do/emote?So, I like to think you can really get to know me by interacting with me. it seems to have worked for me in life so far.
have you ever found a writer who thinks just like you? if so, who?
list your fandoms and one character from each that you identify with.
do you like your name?  is there another name you think would fit you better?
do you think of yourself as a human being or a human doing? do you identify yourself by the things you do?
are you religious/spiritual?
do you care about your ethnicity?
what musical artists have you most felt connected to over your lifetime?
are you an artist?
do you have a creed?
describe your ideal day.Sleep in a little, have breakfast, go out to the grocery store/farmers’ market to get groceries and enjoy some brisk air (I prefer colder weather), relax, maybe go swimming, catch up on social media, news and emails*, have lunch, watch a new episode of a good TV show or two*, read a book/fanfic*, write some fanfic*, make dinner, maybe watch another TV show or continue writing* while chatting with some of my online friends*, whatsapp family/friends (not a phone call person), read the news, gossip and (post to) social media*, shower, go to bed*.*With my kitties by my side,
dog person or cat person?Cat, cat, cat! I’ve grown up with* both, first we had a dog and when she passed away when I was a toddler, we got another one two years later. We got our first cat about two years after that. She had a litter, from which we kept one kitten. Unfortunately both cats died when I was in my early teens. My sister managed to get us another cat by asking one for her birthday (and I was totally in cahoots with her and together we picked a kitten from an ad in a newspaper, behind my mother’s back) and then naturally, I needed my very own cat a year almost two years later. Let me tell you, my mother was not impressed with the tiny orange fluff ball (riddled with flees) my stepfather helped me pick up without her knowing about it. Unfortunately, sister’s cat was killed in a traffic accident a few years later. When I moved to uni, my mother insisted I took my orange cat with me as the cat only liked me (according to her) and, well, it was just mean to leave the cat all alone in my new house... so my housemate agreed to get a kitten! Sadly, both cats passed away about a year and a half, the orange one due to ‘old age’ (she’d had a brain infection a few years ago and recovered remarkably well, but her health wasn’t optimal) and the other one was so affected by it that she refused to eat or drink and died a few days later. It was awful! The house was very quiet and I was terribly upset, so my mother suggested I get another kitty. At first I thought that was a bad idea, but then I reluctantly started looking online and fell in love. The little attention seeker was so affectionate, playful and active that I felt awful leaving her on her own while I went off to work, so a few weeks later I got another kitty. They’re Best Felines Forever (BFFs) and the cutest, sweetest, most affectionate and lovable cats I’ve ever had.Don’t get me wrong, i still like dogs. But... I’ve also discovered I’m actually allergic to dogs ever since moving away from home and not having one around me/in the house. My sister and mother both have a dog and they’re nice, but always need entertaining and they have that typical dog smell I’m not too fond of. I not-so secretly like my sister’s dog better because it’s trained better and actually listens and doesn’t constantly jump into my lap like the hyperactive dog of my mother. Coincidentally, I was also allergic for cats but by having them around 24/7 I’ve built up a tolerance and rarely have reactions. Also, my current two kitties are half ragdolls, a breed which is known to be more tolerable for people with cat allergies.* Over the years we’ve also had birds, fish, hamsters, guinea pigs, mice (it was supposed to be one but of course I bought a pregnant one and got 10!), a rabbit and a turtle. I think my mother tried to make up for the fact that she never got to have pets as a child and instead took her stuffed toy dog out for walks on a leash in the neighborhood.**The dog I grew up with died almost a decade ago.
inside or outdoors?
are you a musician?
five most influential books over your lifetime.
if you’d grown up in a different environment, do you think you’d have turned out the same?
would you say your tumblr is a fair representation of the “real you”?
what’s your patronus?
which Harry Potter house would you be in? or are you a muggle?
would you rather be in Middle Earth, Narnia, Hogwarts, or somewhere else?I have a secret… I’could be considered a terrible sci-fi/fantasy fan as I���ve never read the LotR books (my brother loves them), the Chronicles of Narnia or Harry Potter. I do vaguely remember watching some LotR and HP movies at certain points in my life (in the gym, recuperating from surgery, passively watching something someone else is watching), but they never really spoke to me nor make me want to read the books. So, if I have to choose a universe, I’ll definitely be in the Stargate universe even though it’s simply on “boring” Earth. Well, most of the time, anyway.
do you love easily?
list the top five things you spend the most time doing, in order.
how often would you want to see your family every year?
have you ever felt like you had a “mind-meld” with someone?
could you live as a hermit?
how would you describe your gender/sexuality?
do you feel like your outside appearance is a fair representation of the “real you”?
on a scale from 1 to 10, how hard is it for someone to get under your skin?
three songs that you connect with right now.
pick one of your favorite quotes.Honestly, I’ve got nothing… Some of the things I’ve learned over the years through (online) media is that quotes and quoting important people is a thing in the US. It’s not in my country. I’ve never been asked to memorize/apply quotes from famous inventors, authors or other historical figures in school. Granted, I did drop history in the equivalent of 9th grade, but it was never a thing in Literature (of any of the languages) either. The only things I can really quote (which I’ve learned in school) would be the laws of physics, mathematical equations and such. And, outside of/after school I never developed an obsession with quotes either. Sure, some of my favorite characters on TV have great lines, but nothing really noteworthy for a question like this one.
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