#well i was thinking maybe i could take a lil break from reading classics and read something more modern from my to read list
surveillance-0011 · 1 year
oh geez uh uh any w-3 headcannons????
Yes many tee hee.
Most of these r new/havent said before but I will repeat some for sake of not having to rummage thru tags. ANd the ones rotting in my drafts. Sorry for length i am. not normal about these fish
DJ (they/he?) is nicknamed Faith, and with the og japanese name this nickname would be Chu(ji)
Timpanist (he/it) is nicknamed Val, jpnese version would be Oo(shiki) or just Midori bc that's a bit more presentable name
The Cellist (they/she/he). Uh. I don't have a set nickname for them I usually just call them The Cellist/ cellisake I think they'd be okay with being referred to as that too. I've also called them Algin even tho that's technically not who they are... I've seen Blade as a nickname for them but something like Jr or Kid in reference to the whole "First Child" thing could work. Idk I'm indecisive ig they have a lot of nicknames
They are all ND
The Cellist and Faith started the band and Val joined soon after. Perhaps it makes more sense for it to be the other way around but I feel like with the Cellist being stubborn and more out there with their ideas that they'd initially forgo a more traditional instrument until they realized something was missing.
Val and Faith live together. The Cellist lives alone, maybe nextdoor w/ a lil pulley system between the two houses. Houses made during the Salmon Run are not really meant to be long term so this was meant to be a temporary arrangement to streamline their work but as you can see it's been some time.
Faith finds this nice, they were pretty much homeless and just couch surfing pre omega 3 and ended up moving in w/ one of them in their permanent ocean residences and they decided for the Salmon Run to keep a similar idea
Faith likes a lot of urban, cool culture. Streetwear, graffiti, hip hop and break-dancing... etc etc. They're also very tech savvy. Preferred genres r edm/techno, rap +rnb and punk...
Val enjoys an active lifestyle. Into travel, camping, fishing and more outdoorsy things, working hard, eating well, taking part in festivities and trying to give back to the community when he's not too caught up in his own stuff. Likes traditional salmonid music a lot but also pretty big on grunge and nu-metal
The Cellist likes reading and interacting with art that is like. "good enough" for him. Most of it is confusing or dreary. Likes coffee in the morning and maybe a small glass of scotch on a lonely evening. And being right. As for genres he'll go for whatever he thinks is groundbreaking in specific songs mostly regardless of genre.. but I feel he'd like rock. Probably post punk and more experimental stuff? Maybe folk and some classical music... idk idk!!! If anything it's mostly stuff like Trout Mask Replica...
The Cellist does however claim to not like pop music. This is usually not a lie but. She does actually like some of the Squid Sister's songs maybe even some stuff from OTH or C-Side. She would rather die than admit this.
I do feel like if any of them had to choose a favorite band of the ones we know DJ would choose Dedf1sh or Sashimori maybe C side.. Val would go for bottom feeders and Cellist would say uhh ink theory may be.. it’s good jazz music
Also uh Splatfest teams!
Faith: Scissors, Grub or Fun, Grass, Sweet, Milk Chocolate, Aliens, Gano- Power. and Vanilla!
Val: Rock, Gear, Fire, Spicy, Dark Chocolate, Nessie, Courage, Strawberry
Cellist: Paper, Grub, Water, Sour, White? or Dark. Bigfoot, Wisdom, Mint ChocoChip
They have all physically fought on multiple occasions. There's been at least one near breakup too
The Cellist's dorsal/hair fin is greying, their coloration is also a bit warmer than other salmonids
Val is not completely blind it its injured eye but its vision is fucked. It's also sensitive to light and sensation which is a major reason for the eye patch
They all respect each other as musicians and people and deep down they all care but they really do argue a lot. They're not really people who blend well together at all. DJ rebels against all that is mainstream and all they don't like and even stuff they're more neutral on for the hell of it. They kindof think they're cool for being a jackass but theyve also just become very callous bc they didnt have a choice when they were younger... and they kind of feel like they're still on the defense. Esp since the other two are more experienced and older and tend to treat him like a kid sometimes esp the cellist...
Val means well but he often struggles to take others into account. He's very goal oriented, a one-way track sort of guy who often acts more than a little clueless or even selfish. Not as petty or stubborn as the Cellist but he's got a lot of inertia. That and he's just... kind of shit at socializing in ways that don't piss other people off. Says a lot of accidentally insensitive stuff too. Comes off pretty intense to some as well!! And the Cellist. Well. Stubborn, emotionally repressed, physically and verbally clumsy... they are also a very sensitive person with a lot of emotional empathy where they kind of sponge up whatever vibe they feel, but they don't quite have the ability to act on what they think would make things right!
So yeah they fight a lot between these clashing personalities that bring out the worst in each other and other creative differences. The stress of the job adds to it!
Faith has an older sister. Val has two older brothers and many younger siblings. The Cellist is an only child which is uncommon in salmonid society
Faith is a Goldie, at least partially so. Val is a cohock from a family of steelheads and Big Shots and is extra durable bc of this. The Cellist is a Maws or meant to be one... he either did not complete training or retired due to his clumsiness...
All of them have healthy appetites esp Val and the Cellist
Val and the Cellist have both been in different bands before. Val was in a rock band that only lasted a summer when he was like 17-18 and then was part of a traditional salmonid music ensemble for a couple years before ω-3
As for the Cellist they’ve been through a couple different musical groups. They left most due to creative differences and not getting along with band mates.
This is the DJ’s first like. Band. Before this they just did solo gigs and posted stuff online
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celticwoman · 2 years
THE lady at starbucks wrote 'have a good weekend' on my cup :]
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sukifans · 4 years
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⏎ MASTERLIST // part VI « VII. just friends :) » part VIII
SUMMARY: you’re a premed student at BSSU and you thought it’d be a good idea to take a latin class, but you’re in way over your head here. good thing your buddy sokka knows a classics major in your section you can study with.
WARNINGS: language
She really, really tried not to show how nervous she was. It would be stupid to be nervous, after all — it’s not a date, regardless of what her friends say. Besides, they had hung out alone before, even if only to study Latin. Friends meet up and get dinner and see movies together all the time. Toph and Suki and everyone else were just projecting what they wanted to happen. Surely if Zuko had intended to ask her on a date, he would simply and clearly ask her on a date. Surely.
The car ride to the pizza joint near the theater they’d decided on for dinner was mostly music-filled silence punctuated by some awkward small talk. She hoped he wouldn’t notice how often she had to covertly wipe the sweat off her palms on her pants. He was anxiously tapping his thumbs on the steering wheel as he drove, wishing he could think of something to say to break through the palpable tension. Even as he racked his brains, nothing came up. He let himself zone out to the sound of her soft humming from the passenger seat and stole glances over at her every so often. Maybe by some miracle he’d be a master at the art of conversation by the time they made it to the restaurant. Unlikely, but not entirely impossible.
“You know I have to pay for your ticket now, right?” she said, eyeballing him as he added a tip and signed the receipt for the dinner he’d insisted on covering.
“Don’t be ridiculous. I’m paying tonight.”
“Don’t be ridiculous. I’m paying tonight.”
“You don’t be ridiculous,” she scoffed. “You don’t need to do that.”
“I want to,” he assured, bumping against her side as they left the restaurant and headed in the direction of the theater. “Besides, princesses don’t pay for anything.” He grinned at the way her nose scrunched.
“You would know,” she quipped. He rolled his eyes to draw attention away from his nervous blush when she linked their arms together and leaned into him.
“Why do they call you that, anyways?”
She pursed her lips and willed the aggressive heat rising to her cheeks to settle down. “They say I’m high maintenance,” she lied.
He frowned. “That’s kind of mean. For what it’s worth, I don’t think you’re high maintenance.”
“Thanks, Zu.”
They continued to chat lightheartedly as they walked up to the theater building and, after a bit of arguing and shoving to get to the card reader first at the ticket stand, (Y/N) begrudgingly accepted that Zuko would not be letting her pay that night. She held out hope that maybe she could sneakily buy something from the concession stand before he noticed. As they approached the counter, an employee ringing people up caught her eye. He was familiar, but she couldn’t quite put her finger on why. The feeling kept getting stronger as she and Zuko approached his register.
“Oh, hey, Zuko,” the guy said once she and Zuko were in front of him.
“Hey, Haru.” Ah, Haru! She and him had had a few classes together in the past and sent lecture notes back and forth. “How have you been?”
“The usual, work and school.” Haru shrugged. “You?”
“Pretty much the same,” said Zuko. “Do you know my friend (Y/N)?” Haru looked over to her and gave her a soft smile.
“Actually, yeah. We’ve been in a few lectures together. What’s up? Haven’t seen you this semester.”
“Oh, you know... the usual,” she chuckled nervously. “You and Zuko know each other?”
“We went to high school together,” he said.
“It seems like everyone at BSSU went to high school together,” she said and Haru nodded.
“Most people that went to our school ended up here, honestly. But hey, I don’t wanna keep you guys from your movie. Can I get you something?”
(Y/N) had nearly tackled Zuko in order to pay for their snacks before he could, making Haru laugh. When she met his eyes, she felt warmth flood to her cheeks.
“Thanks, Haru,” she said, looking away quickly.
“Yeah, for sure. Have a good time, guys.” As she started to turn away, he leaned forwards to catch her attention. “It was nice seeing you again, (Y/N); I’ve kinda missed you copying off my notes in class. We should go out for coffee or something sometime.”
Well... that was unexpected. She was so surprised by the request that she didn’t notice the way Zuko stiffened, muscles in his face flexing as he clenched his jaw. Haru did, however, and shot him a confused look that was met with narrowed eyes. Blinking quickly, she recovered and sent him a smile.
“Yeah, that’d be fun,” she said.
“Great!” Haru said. “I’ll talk to you later, then. See you guys around.”
“Have a good shift!” she chirped. Zuko merely grunted and nodded towards Haru in acknowledgement before walking towards the theater with (Y/N). Now she noticed the tension in his posture and nudged him with her shoulder. “What’s wrong?”
“You sure? You’re acting weird now.”
“Yeah, I’m fine. Just tired.” She frowned and stopped just outside the entrance to the theater. He paused too when he saw she wasn’t following.
“Do you not want to see the movie anymore? We can go home if you want.”
“No, I said I was fine. Let’s go.” He turned to leave and huffed when she didn’t move.
“Zuko,” she said pointedly and he felt his cheeks go pink. If he would’ve just plainly told her this was supposed to be a date, this wouldn’t have happened. It wasn’t her fault he was a jealous idiot.
He sighed. “I promise it’s nothing. It’s just a little jarring seeing people from high school because... well, I wasn’t a very good person back then. I don’t like to remember it.”
Her expression softened. “Sorry, Zu. I didn’t realize.”
“You don’t have anything to be sorry for. You’re right, I was acting weird.” He held his hand out to her and she took it gladly. “C’mon, we have a movie to watch.”
“If it means anything to you,” she whispered as they looked for their seats, “I think you’re a very good person now.” His pulse jumped at her words as she squeezed his hand.
“It means a lot, (Y/N),” he responded, giving her a small smile that she returned.
When they finally left the theater a few hours later, Zuko made sure their clasped hands were in plain sight as (Y/N) waved goodbye to Haru.
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A/N: hi guys!! it’s been a while, i know :/ i was going through a big slump and this chapter was giving me a lot of problems for some reason. i’m still not thrilled with it, but i wanted to get something out for y’all! thank you so much for being patient with me as i adjusted to moving back to my college town and starting classes and work again, so many of you were so very lovely and supportive and it made the slump easier to worm out of eventually. and i made a gif! :D anyways!! hope you enjoyed this update and as always feel free to send an ask or reply! for tag requests i prefer asks so i can keep track of them easier without getting lost in my notifs :^) also sorry about no read more cuts, every time i try to add one on desktop it won’t let me edit my draft on mobile to fix the formatting :(
TAGS: @theblueslytherin @beifongsss @coconutsaiyan @5sos-wdw @silverreading @the-lva-way @cupofnctea @khaleesi-of-assassins @bloomkings @pyromaniac-olive @lil-lex1 @kyleewrites @cece-lives-here @coldlilheart @royahllty @astralsaf @damianwaynerocks @darkskin-buttercup @emogril @plutaars @duh-dobrik @harajukukitsune @kangaroobunny @harmlessoffering @rosetheshapeshifter @past-2am @welovediaaxx @dailytrashypanda @thenutellabreadsticks @sara5208 @whalerus @fanworrior @andrevvminyrd @travvestys @rosesandpines @cipheress-to-k-pop @lukessimp @justab-eautifulmess @mochminnie @whoevenfrickenknows @asianequation @booksandwonderlands @dekumiya @mothman-juicy-ass @spooky-titties @394pitterpatterpotter394 @rockinearthbending-marauders @kurt-nightcrawler @sifucuteness @degenerationarmy @songofgratitude
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kaaytea · 4 years
S/O does their makeup
⤷Includes: Akaashi, Kuroo, Bokuto, Sugawara
A/N: wow look I did self insert stuff for once, absolutely wild. I had a blast writing this so enjoy :))
The both of you were lying on the couch in the living room, he was lying on top of you while you scrolled through Instagram
You landed on a post with a very pretty, shimmery smoky eye
Inspiration has struck ✨
"can I do your makeup?"
Tired Akaashi = he really doesn't care as long as he can relax
He gets up off of you and waits for you to return with yo makeup bag
He mayhaps have dozed off for a bit while you were doing his eyebrows
You were just being very gentle with him and he was so relaxed he just-🥺🥺 sleepy boy
You had to wake him up to do his eyeshadow tho and you felt so bad bc he looked so peaceful
He hated the eyeliner
It felt weird and you poked his eye a few times bc he kept moving
3/10 he doesn't recommend not a fun experience
You on the other hand were loving the look rn tho
He had a shimmery black smoky eye w/ some sliver glitter on the lid, and winged liner
Originally you wanted to do lashes too but decided not to for his safety and comfort
"Akaashi I need you to open your mouth slightly"
"I'm putting your lipstick on"
He's so compliant, he knows how happy this is making you so he just rolls with it
When you finish he opens his eyes and looks at you and you just 😳😳
If you thought he was beautiful before he is absolutely gorgeous now
"can I see?"
" OH... uh yeah sure"
You give him a hand held mirror and....he actually really likes how he looks? Never really thought makeup was for him but.... apparently it is bc wOw his brows look good
Has a big smile when he looks back at you
" I really like it"
" I- you don't hate it? Really?"
" of course not, my eyebrows look cool :))"
Only Akaashi Keiji would describe his perfect eyebrows as "cool"
Ha ha a curious kitty
You had just finished organizing your makeup, you had been putting off going through all of it and getting rid of expired/things you didn't use but you finally did it and now everything is v v clean and organized
Little did you know this curious cat had been watching you the whole time from your bed
Literally didn't even know he was there till he spoke to you
"Could you do my makeup?"
"what? You really want me to put makeup on you?"
"yeah, I'm intrigued by it. I wanna know how it feels"
You just kinda shrug, grab a few products and go to sit in front of him on the bed
Doesn't fidget at all, he stays completely still throughout the entire process
Asks alot of questions tho
"what's this do?"
" That's an eyelash curler"
" It looks like a torture device"
At first you were just gonna put some eyeliner on him and give him a fun lip color, but then you added a bit of pink eyeshadow and some gold graphic liner...and some red liner on his lower lash line
Yeah you kinda went wild
He was snooping around in the lil bag you had your single shadows in when you heard him gasp
" is this heart shaped glitter??!!"
"uuh yeah"
He's very excited about the glitter 😌😌
You put it high up on his cheek bones/ under his eyes
By some miracle you were able to get lashes on him
He was very happy with how it turned out
" damn I look really hot"
"wait this isn't fair, how come you're like 10x more sexy now :("
"Some people are just born with it babe"
Deff sends a photo to Bokuto and acts like he's trying to slide into his dms
"Hey there big boy, heard you're good at spiking balls, maybe you could hit some other things for me ;))"
He's the one who asked you
He was really bored and just kinda flopped on your bed, it was one of those stormy days where you couldn't go out
He spotted your makeup bag on top of the dresser
Came up to you in the kitchen holding it like 🥺👉👈
"Can you make me pretty like you?"
"you're already pretty Bo"
"But I want to be as pretty as you.."
"....ok sit down"
Will nOt stop moving, he is vErY fidgety
Opens almost every product you have and smells it
Was very excited to find out liquid lipstick smelt like cupcakes
You let him choose what colors he wanted bc of how excited he seemed
Was that a mistake?....maybe but the way his face lit up looking at all the colors was worth it
"so you want blue eyeshadow with lime green eyeliner and purple lipstick?"
He's just a big puppy let him be 🥺🥺
You had to redo his eyeliner like 3 times bc he kept fidgeting
Liked looking at all the different brushes you had, he also ranked them by their softness level
Picked up one of your blending brushes and booped you on the nose with it
Explaining fake lashes to him is so difficult, he looks at you like you're explaining rocket science
"you just add a bit of glue on here, and then put the lash on your eye. They just make your lashes look really long and full"
"......eye wigs"
"I- no"
He was very excited when you finished
Immediately took on the persona of a rich lady
Was using one of the tote bags you use to carry your groceries as a "purse" and grabbed the small bitchy sunglasses you own
He looked really good
"ok ok, Bo thats enough"
"Sorry what? I don't speak poor person"
Sunday afternoon cuddles with Suga are the best
You guys were both lounging curled up together doing your own things
He was reading a book Ennoshita recommend and you were messing around on your phone
You ended up getting bored so you put your phone down to snuggle closer to him
You just kinda watched him read for a bit, admiring his features
He let out a small sigh and put his book down
"What are you thinking about?"
"Just how pretty you are"
"Well I think you're gorgeous"
He's such a sweetheart 🥺
You guys just kinda enjoy the silence for a bit as he pressed light kisses down your jaw
"Would you let me do your makeup?"
"mmm I don't know..."
"....I'll give you kisses"
"deal 👀"
Tells you not to do anything too crazy, which is fine with you
You opt for the classic cat eye and red lip 😌
He stays still for the most part but makes you take breaks when doing the eyeliner bc it feels funky
He has a habit of humming so he hums lil songs for you while you work 🥺
Had a blAst playing with your beauty blender, it was like a lil stress ball
He looks v v good with highlighter on, he's just got really nice cheek bones
Sorry babe but fake lashes aren't happening, he will physically resist if you attempt to put them on him
He liked the lipstick tho, it felt nice
You took a picture of him before handing him a mirror new phone background
Was kinda meh about wearing makeup but complimented your skills
He loves encouraging you and praising your skills bro
"you're really good at doing makeup y/n"
"well I'd hope so, I've been doing it for a long time"
"Can I get my kisses now"
"Of course you can baby"
The kisses were worth the wait :))
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maraudersandlily20 · 4 years
ok dorcas and marlene as chaotic professors at the same university? could be an AU, could just be Hogwarts
As told in Text Conversations: 
Groupchat: Picasso is a Bitch 
Dorcas: New Teacher alert.
Lily: Department?
Dorcas: Engineering
Remus: Sounds hot
Dorcas: shut up immediately.
Remus: you’re not my mom
Lily: M or F
Dorcas: F
Remus: Dammit
Lily: seem nice?
Dorcas: idk. I didn’t get the chance to actually talk to her. It was more like a moment in passing. She was surrounded by guys, though
Remus: what a lesbian move
Lily: how… how is that even a thing?
Remus: Lils, are you dumb? If girls ONLY hang out with guys, chances are they’re butch. Or they know they aren’t attracted to guys and are wild as fuck and have nothing to lose. They have no one to impress, really. Those are the only two options.
Dorcas: Jesus
Remus: No, I’m sure he wasn’t there
Dorcas: I have to leave this conversation before I physically kill Remus Lupin. Talk to you both later.
Lily: Lunch in our usual spot?
Remus: Tell me if you see the Lesbian again.
Remus: Also, where the fuck is Alice?
Groupchat: The Walking Dead
Sirius: Well lads, I dropped off the love of our lives at school. Felt like a proud parent. Almost cried.
Marlene: You are aware that I know how to make explosives from scratch right? I’ve been aching to do it for a while, so you wanna keep doing this? Is this happening?
James: I need him, though. We’re gonna get married eventually. So no. You are not allowed to blow him up
Marlene: Fuck
Peter: How's the new campus? 
Marlene: Small. I mean, it’s a lot smaller of a university, harder to get into and all that. But still. For a place that boasts a great deal of wealth, they certainly don’t show it in building size. 
Sirius: That’s how you know they have money. They have nothing to prove. Classic rich people move.
Peter: You should know.
James: Did you get settled though, Mars? 
Marlene: Enough. I still have to set up the lecture hall to my liking, but it’s nice to have an office that will probably be permanent. And I saw your door just a few down from mine, Jamie boy! Sirius: I should have become a professor. I feel left out. I hate being left out.
Peter: You have the right degree, Paddy. You could be a professor if you wanted.
Sirius: Desk jobs are gross. No thank you. Also, children.
Marlene: It’s not a desk job. And, like, these children are basically full grown adults.
Sirius: Physically, maybe. But I remember what we were like at their age. Mentally, they belong in daycare. 
James: You’re just bitter because those college boys outdrank you the other night.
Peter: They didn’t though
James: Whatever you say, Pads.
Marlene: Also, I just saw a very beautiful woman. Will keep you updated if I see her again.
Groupchat: Picasso Is a Bitch name changed to Hamlet, that’s fucking gay
Remus: Any sign of the lesbian?
Dorcas: No. 
Alice: What? What Lesbian?
Lily: Oh, while you were sick, Dorcas saw a very pretty girl. Remus thinks she’s a lesbian.
Alice: Ooh, that’s fun! 
Remus: I don’t THINK Lily, I know. 
Dorcas: You haven’t even seen her
Remus: Irrelevant. 
Lily: Do you guys know if Potter is back?
Alice: I saw him this morning. He was getting coffee.
Remus: I love that man so much. He’s so beautiful I could literally cry. With that hot caramel skin and that wild hair and how he always smells like some weird spice. I want him to be the father of my children.
Lily: Don’t encourage him.
Remus: He’s not even here.
Lily: He can sense your enthusiasm. So shhhhh
Alice: Do we still not like him?
Lily: No.
Dorcas: You know it was an accident, Lils. 
Lily: You don’t know that. And I don’t know that. And who in their RIGHT MIND asks someone out after they’ve pushed them into a fountain? Like, the audacity?!
Remus: At least he’s authentic
Lily: Yeah, an authentic bitch. 
Alice: Lol.
Alice: I’m honestly really interested in this Lesbian situation, though. Can we get back to that?
Remus: She’s in the engineering department. So if your cute little math loving butt just wanted to wander over there…
Alice: I’m on my way. 
Dorcas: Why are we friends? You’re joking, right? Please tell me you’re joking.
Dorcas: ALICE
Lily: They’re doing it out of love.
Dorcas: Well their idea of love is something I am not interested in. 
Alice: Blonde?
Dorcas: Fuck.
Remus: Is she blonde, Dorcs?
Remus: IS SHE?!
Dorcas: Yeah.
Alice: Marlene McKinnon. Blonde, blue eyed, I’d say 5”8, 5”9. Masters in Engineering. Very nice.
Remus: Alice, I fucking love you
Groupchat: The Walking Dead changed to Update, I’m still gay
Sirius: Why the name change?
Marlene: Needed to get your attention
James: But like… with that?
Marlene: It fucking worked, didn’t it?
Peter: What happened?
Marlene: I saw that beautiful woman again. And I was right. She was beautiful.
Sirius: Sounds riveting.
Marlene: I told you I’d keep you updated, and I am. Stop being ungrateful.
Sirius: Yes commander
James: Who was it?
Marlene: Don’t know. Short, black, curly hair?
James: Where did you see her?
Marlene: She was getting a plate of spaghetti in the Canteen.
James: Hm……….. 
Sirius: James doesn’t know anyone because he’s too busy mooning over Evans.
James: I am so much stronger than you. Do not come for me right now
Peter: Sirius, you have an appointment here, come down.
Sirius: Fuck. 
James: Peter, you know you can just text him personally, right?
Peter: I can’t shame him publicly if I only text him. 
Marlene: Facts.
James: Did you talk to her?
Marlene: Nah, she was with people. I wanted to though. She seems lovely. 
James: Lovely? Who are you and what have you done with Marlene McKinnon.
Marlene: She’s dead now. I’ve inhabited her body. 
Sirius: Thank god, she was a bitch.
James: I’ll keep an eye out for her. Let me know if you want me to scout it out.
Marlene: Okay, James Bond
Groupchat: Hamlet, that’s fucking gay changed to Dorcas McKinnon has a nice ring to it
Dorcas: Remus, stop changing the group chat name. I know where you live.
Remus: We live with each other.
Dorcas: Exactly.
Lily: Are there lesbian updates????
Remus: I met her. She was wandering around, looking for a pop machine. 
Alice: Yay! I love Lesbian updates
Remus: Good news: she’s funny. Like, super funny.
Lily: Saying good news like that often means there is bad news to follow
Remus: She’s uh… friends with Potter.
Dorcas: Uh-oh.
Alice: Oh no.
Lily: I’m really sorry that you have to eternally break up with this woman, Dorky. Because NO. ABSOLUTELY NOT. ANYONE who is friends with James Potter is not worth knowing.
Alice: That’s pretty judgemental, lils.
Lily: .... And?
Remus: Luckily, you don’t have to date her.
Dorcas: No one is dating ANYONE. Jesus, you guys. Chill out about this whole thing
Remus: I don’t think that’s physically possible. 
Dorcas: Can we talk about anything else?
Alice: Frank is taking me out for sushi tonight. 
Remus: I would marry Frank in five seconds, if he’d let me
Alice: I’ll let him know. 
Remus: Thank you, I appreciate it.
Groupchat: Update, I’m still gay changed to Emotionally Unavailable Idiots
Sirius: I have met the love of my life.
Marlene: Stop being dramatic
Sirius: Excuse me? EXCUSE ME? He quoted the Princess Bride with me. Word for Word? Marlene, I must marry this man. WHO IS HE?
Peter: Why do I keep missing all of the fun stuff?
James: The fun stuff is watching Sirius gay panic over a stranger?
Peter: Yeah. Obvs.
Marlene: He’s the lit professor.
James: Lupin?
Marlene: I think so, yeah. 
Sirius: An english nerd. Perfect. He can read me poetry while I give people tattoos. We’ll make millions. 
Marlene: I think… he wants to be my friend. He’s come around a few times. He even brought me coffee once, with a croissant. I didn’t know people were so nice to strangers. Am I in a hallmark film?
Peter: It’s cause you're such a catch, Mars. 
Marlene: I will shove that “catch” up your ass, Pettigrew, if you don’t stop being stupid.
James: Impossible. Stupidity is Peter’s middle name. 
Sirius: Yeah Peter Marcus Stupidity Pettigrew.
Peter: My middle name isn’t Marcus.
Sirius: Wait really?
Peter: No?
Sirius: Why the fuck did I think it was Marcus?
James: I think Lupin is bi, Sirius. So…
Sirius: James, you are the other love of my life. I will kiss you when you get home. You provide me with the most valuable information and attention. I can never truly repay you.
James: Finally. Getting the recognition I deserve. Can’t wait.
Sirius: Marlene, please. Be his friend, I am begging you. I will give you our first born child.
Marlene: Pass.
Groupchat: Dorcas McKinnon has a nice ring to it changed to I won’t hesitate bitch
Alice: Marlene is so nice
Lily: You’re all traitors. She’s friends with the enEMY
Dorcas: I thought Remus was supposed to be the dramatic one
Remus: I’ll take that as a compliment
Dorcas: Whatever helps you sleep at night. 
Alice: Seriously though. She’s so nice. A lot of my students have her and they’ve been gushing. Apparently she’s one of the best professors some of them have ever had.
Remus: Damn. High praise. 
Lily: Still skeptical
Alice: She asked about you, Dori. 
Dorcas: wait, what?
Alice: She said she had noticed that you and I are close and she wanted to know about you. What your name is, what you teach, how long you’ve been working here, if you were single.
Dorcas: She did not ask that.
Remus: Dorcas, shut up forever. Alice is talking. Alice, my love, please continue. 
Alice: I may have invited her to eat lunch with us.
Dorcas: Uh…
Lily: You did what?
Alice: She’s new, Lily. I’m trying to help her make friends.
Lily: You did it, didn’t you. 
Alice: ummm
Alice: He’s her friend. I couldn’t exclude him.
Lily: I never thought this would happen to me. To be betrayed so thoroughly by my own friends. I don’t even have the words. 
Alice: Who knows, it might be fun?
Remus: I’m so excited I could burst
Dorcas: Is it legal to drink on campus in the middle of the day?
Remus: Unfortunately not. Trust me, I’ve tried.
Marlene McKinnon to Dorcas Meadowes
Marlene: It was nice of all of you to invite me to lunch. I know it was probably awkward for all of you to have to spend time with a stranger. But I really appreciated it. 
Dorcas: No problem. You’re always welcome.
Marlene: Maybe… we could go get something to eat off campus sometime?
Dorcas: Yeah, of course. We go to the bar on Wright all the time.
Marlene: Oh, I meant like… just you and me. Actually.
Dorcas: Oh.
Marlene: Yeah. Did I guess wrong?
Dorcas: Guess wrong?
Marlene: About you being into women?
Dorcas: Ohhhh…
Marlene: ??
Dorcas: What did you have in mind? For our date?
Marlene: Wait, is that a yes?
Dorcas: I expect like, first class treatment, because I’ve seen you in action now. Anyone who can wrangle James Potter like that is someone who deserves knowing. So yeah. It’s a yes.
Marlene: Yay! Okay, you won’t regret it!
Marlene: Also, my friend is in love with Lupin.
Dorcas: wait, James? 
Marlene: Lol. Nah, James is still hung up on Lily. She’s wonderful, by the way. Tell her I’m grateful she was so kind. I know about what James did last year, so I can understand her bitterness. Fucking funny, though, to see it in person.
Marlene: It’s my other friend, Sirius. He owns the tattoo parlor, Cannis Major, on Levi. 
Dorcas: Hmm. Well, let me know what I can do. I’m sure we can get them in the same room at some point.
Marlene: Are you offering to meddle in people’s lives?
Dorcas: Is that okay?
Marlene: Dorcas Meadowes, I’m pretty sure I’m already halfway in love with you. 
Dorcas: Thank god. 
This has been in my ask box for literal months. I’m sorry @tonftyhw !! I had finals and stress and I don’t know how to write. I hope this makes you smile though.
Clarifier for who teaches what if anyone is interested:
Dorcas-Art (painting)
Sirius owns a tattoo shop because I will die for that AU every time. And Peter works with him, kind of like the brains of the business.
Should I write more of this? It was so fun lol 
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twink-frank · 3 years
hi i’ve noticed the pencey prep gay conversation going on over on @awsugar and i have spent lots of time dissecting pencey prep lyrics and subjecting nathan @faggot-frank to my deranged ramblings so Here is my pencey prep super ultra mega gay lyrical analysis masterpost. it’s very long so its all under the cut but i will include a TL;DR for those who dont wanna read paragraphs of my deranged ramblings: Pencey prep uses lots of themes of: heartbreak, forbidden love, keeping love a secret, and toxic relationships. which none of that is gay on its own but combined with them almost never using gender indicators in their songs and the “nail in the coffin song” of 8th grade it ends up being a very Fruity Album.
I will be going through heart break in stereo in order and pointing out which lyrics and elements of certain songs jump out to me as Super Mega Gay and then summarizing my conclusions at the end <3
1 ) PS Don't Write
PS don't write is about leaving a toxic relationship, it has notes of moving on and leaving someone behind. "packed up all my shit / stole back all my tapes / left your spare key under the mat / this is not a joke / you'd better learn to take a hint / 'cause i'm not coming back / maybe you'll understand / when you're waking up alone / in a cold and empty bed." it has no gender indicators or pronouns which is the case in a lot of pencey prep songs, and something i'll bring up quite a bit. it also has general "coming of age" themes, something common in lots of pencey prep songs. which Yeah apply to straight people to but read in this context combined with future evidence can be pretty Fuckin Gay. "somewhere along the line / i found a hidden strength / i didn't know i had / standing on my own / cutting all the strings / that you used to control / surprise surprise / i am long gone / if you thought you could hold me down / by holding me up / you were wrong / you don't call the shots anymore." not to say only gay people can find inner strength and the room to love themselves but combined with other context it is a really poignant message about accepting yourself for who you are.
2) Yesterday
Yesterday is very repetitive and has a lot less to analyze, but the constant themes of wanting to "run away" strike me as very Fruity. once again, not saying gay people are the only people who can want to run away or escape from something But Combined With Other Context. and once again a song with no gender indicators, doesnt specify who the speaker is running away with or what they are running away from. just that they want to Leave. "i wanna run with you / i don't care what we do / gotta get out of this place / because it feels like yesterday." also saying "it feels like yesterday" could mean that the town feels backwards or old timey in its beliefs, implying homophobia. how the speaker wants to run away from an old fashioned town.
3) Don Quixote
i'm going to bring up the cultural significance of this title and literary reference first. Don Quixote is a classical novel by Cervantes which is about a crazy dude who thinks he's a knight, and goes on weird adventures with his best friend. It's typically used as a symbol of following your dreams and breaking free from what people expect of you. In the context of the song its used as a symbol of following your dreams with Someone. once again this someone is given no gender indicators. "you say it's not worth it / been burned too many times / if your spine's receding / you can borrow some of mine / don't go and quit right now / cause i'd follow you through hell." "you say so many things / and not a word of it was true / if you're still in that state of mind / i'd still vacation inside of you / cause i think you're worth every minute / and every dime that i spend / i'd spend all my time fighting dragons / just to keep you alive and talking." it's about wanting to spend time with someone, wanting to be with them no matter what. and its also about how this person feels unreachable, like being with them would be a fairytail but the speaker Still Reaches for it. "your imaginations running wild / round your deceptive heart / this is my crusade / and you're the unreachable star / but i'm reaching." talking about this person being unreachable and unattainble. which isnt gay By Itself  but again combined with the other context. FRUIT BEHAVIOR.
4) 10 Rings
another breakup song once again with no gender indicators, are you guys sensing a theme here? anyways this song is about someone cutting you off and then coming back suddenly wanting to talk again after breaking your heart. it has a sense of forbidden love, like this person Told the speaker they cant be together for Whatever Reason ;] and is now trying to come back and repair their mistake when the speaker is already hurt and reeling. "learn to live with decisions you make / i learned things from the break i can't forget / catch you doing drive-bys at 1 AM / it must kill you to know we can't be friends." "end of the summer you cut me off / i cut you out all the pictures i have." which this Isnt Gay By Itself. but bringing that phrase back with other context this is such a uniquely gay experience. being in love with someone and they cut you off Because theyre weirded out by that and then they try to come back, convince you it meant nothing.
5) The Secret Goldfish
my FAVORITE pencey song. this one has a lot. it's another breakup song about heartbreak and loss and im not even gonna dwell on the no gender indicators because yall see the theme now. it has themes of heartbreak and losing someone who is very close to you and having to let go of them and having to accept that this person cant be yours and you cant be with them. "land of the lost / i found myself in nothing / this time, promises broken find me / clutching to you for something / something that you're not / believing in what you say / it makes me lie awake at night / the truth, the truth is not what scares me / it's why you have to lie / all the time." here we see these themes of having to let someone go because they just Aren't The Same as you. "clutching to you for something / something that you're not." maybe like chasing after a straight boy and getting rejected? also the repetition of "heartbreak is forever" when you're young and gay losing that first person you felt some kind of love and attraction to can feel like the end of the world and can be a huge deal because of the lack of representation and guidance young gays get. and the themes of nothing lasting forever, the fact that gay people never get promised eternal love the same way straight people do.
6) 8th Grade
this song is the nail in penceys fucking coffin honestly. the rest of these songs have a lot of plausible deniability, just vague enough to maybe Not Be Gay. but framed in the context of 8th grade they all start to get a lil fruity. Im just gonna go through lyric by lyric for this one. "caught staring again / like a deer in the headlights / when you can't move fast enough / i take a hit for the team / pretty girl is blushing / i can't tell if she's disgusted / laughter starts to swell / someone gets the joke." this kid was staring at some cute boy ass and got caught and everyone is laughing at him for being gay. the "pretty girl" here is what most people think he's staring at but with the rest of the song it's obvious she's not the one he's looking at. "bells ring, i make my escape / helps a little, but doesn't save / beat downs a common thing / with us every day / maybe im just strange / cause i dont change schools / so maybe i like the abuse / or maybe i just like you." literally This is the nail in penceys fucking coffin. "maybe i like the abuse or maybe i just like you." this kid purposefully takes beatings from his bully who is Obviously male if you take into context the next verse. because he Likes Him. "maybe im just strange / cause i dont change schools" literally willingly taking beatings from his bully bc he has a crush. "another confrontation / you've got something to prove / your girl can't tell how tough you are / when you beat me up in the boys room." this just confirms that the subject of the song is a boy, and a tough macho boy with something to prove. maybe also hiding his own internalized homophobia through bullying? "well i made a big mistake / but i can't help who i like / this may not cost my life / but i am branded forever lame." LITERALLY ITS RIGHT IN YOUR FACE. "can't help who i like" "branded forever lame" do i even need to fucking explain this oh my god. he got outed as gay, he Can't Help Who He Likes and is now branded forever as "the gay kid." the rest of the song is general "im gonna get back at my bully" stuff but literally THIS. THIS is the song that brands all penceys other very vague songs as 100% verified super mega ultra gay.
7) 19
this song has a lot less, and is more about internal struggle than anything. but it is the only song with a "she" pronoun in it. but there is one thing i wanna mention. "I scream out loud / but no one hears a sound / i take my life with lack of sleep / i believe the things i feel / the things i see are fooling only me." this song is about not believing what the world shows you, believing what you think is true in your heart and what You feel. not what anyone else tells you. which is a gay experience. believing in yourself and your heart and your feelings, believing theyre right and theyre true and valid. Also this song has a significance in coming right after 8th grade on the album, going from being 13 to 19, from being unsure in your feelings and angry about the people who dont like you to lost and hopeless but somewhat grounded in yourself.
8) Trying To Escape The Inevitable
this song is about an abusive and toxic relationship, knowing you Need to escape it but being so infatuated with the person you literally cant. “i have this reoccurring dream / you make it hard for me to breathe / i gave you everything i could / i gave up everything i owned / and when you smile it’s not for me / you offer little sympathy / your grasp so far exceeds your reach / i wake up, this is not a dream.” “i have this reoccuring dream / where you admit that you’re not happy / i know that you will never leave / you’re here just to torment me.” which like again this isnt an exclusively gay experience but it is very interesting when framed that way. in that gay people are way more likely to throw themselves into abusive and toxic relationships because they dont feel like they can get anybody else. the repetition of “i know i should run” makes it seem like the speaker Knows he should get out but he just Cant because what if he never finds love again? and the little reprise in the middle “i have a new dream / and everything is perfect / the sky is pink, yellow, green, blue, and orange / and all the past has been forgotten / and we fell in love / and we fell in love / and we fell in love / and i fell into your trap.” implying that even if he escapes, even in his dreams he still falls for this person because he feels like he cant have anything else.
9) Lloyd Dobbler
another love song about wanting to have someone but not being able to because of Unspecified Forbidden Reasons. “why are you so far away / even when you’re standing next to me? / your eyes give you away / telling secrets your mouht don’t feel like talking.” falling in love with someone, maybe sensing that they like you too. that they Are Like You and that they have a Secret they dont want to vocalize. do i even need to explain it at this point? and in the chorus “That I’ll be your lloyd dobbler / with a boom box out in the street / and i’ll be there if you need someone / even if he isn’t me.” saying you’ll be there for someone even if that person isn’t you, also the use of Pronouns which is big for pencey prep. which yes the use of “even if he isnt me” could imply a straight girl ooorrr....Fruit Behavior. also this line “There’s a norman rockewll painting / of two kids sitting on a bench / it reminds me of all the stupid things / i’d like for us to share, but i dont care.” normal rockwell is a painter that paints traditionally “american” scenes. like the american ideal, that maybe he wants with this person. but he knows he cant have, but its stupid and domestic and he wants it but he Cant Have It because of FRUIT BEHAVIOR.
10) Florida Plates
another of my favorite pencey songs, and this one brings back those tragic “love but we cant have it” themes, except with a more somber tone. instead of being angry or resentful or spiteful in the face of adversity. its an Acceptance, of what they had and how good it was and how it just Cant Last. “kiss a mouth to open eyes / stall one last moment before goodbye / drive in different cars in different directions / never write all the letters full of good words, better intentions / it’s for the best although we don’t know it / paper words will cheapen the moments we shared / it’s better if i say nothing at all.” it’s about knowing you have to leave someone, even if having them in the moment is great they Can’t Stay and you can’t even talk or write about the moments you had. which do i even need to explain it at this point? forbidden love, not being able to have each other, not even being able to Talk about it. its a secret, and painful one but its beautiful while you have it. Conclusion alright!!! thank you so so much if you read all the way through that i Know it was long i Know it was a lot of repetition but i wanted to make my point. pencey prep has very big gay themes in their music. with forbidden love, letting go, heartbreak, keeping secrets, toxic realtionships. which none of it is gay on its own but in the context of: almost none of the songs having clear gender indicators and always speaking really vaguely about the subject and Eight Grade the “nail in the coffin song” you can see my point thank you and goodnight.
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jungshookz · 4 years
ok anyway build-a-bear employee!jin who meets y/n bc she comes in to make a new friend after a breakup and he teases her for being an adult by herself in the store and after she starts tEARING UP he’s like okok no!!!! and helps her make the cutest lil guy and records a cute message to put inside
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➺ pairing; kim seokjin x reader
➺ genre; employee!jin, i brought you to build-a-bear so obviously this is going to be very floofy (sfw!!) 
➺ wordcount: 4k
➺ what to expect; “…turning twenty-two soon and you’re buying yourself a teddy bear?”
➺ note; when i told u guys that jin always gets the cutest drabble requests i wasn’t LYING!!! i have my own bear from build-a-bear named blu (he’s dark blue with white stars!! at the age of eight i was not very good at coming up with creative names) so obviously i had to write something for him and his homies
                                         »»————- 🧸————-««
jin has a love-hate relationship with his job
you would think that working at build-a-bear would be pretty fun - and it can be, sometimes! - but jin can confirm right here right now that it’s not aLL that great
on one hand, he loves the dramatics of build-a-bear because he’s given the chance to act like the whole store is whimsical and that the tiny little heart that he stuffs inside of the bear is full of magic and hope and happiness (he majored in acting in university so his degree is surprisingly very useful here)
but on the other hand… he works at build-a-bear.
this isn’t where he thought he’d be!!! not at all!!! 
he’s basically almost thirty and he works at a frickin build-a-bear
this wasn’t part of his plan!!!
his plan was to graduate from university, get famous from acting in a small commercial because of his devilishly handsome face, and then immediately get signed onto some fancy hollywood acting deal and become internationally known
but, no!
he graduated from university, didn’t get any roles in any small commercials, and had to find a way to make money so had no choice but to find work at his local mall
and to make things worse, his boss is literally five years younger than him
he has this bratty little twenty-two year old constantly up his ass and he haTES it
“you forgot the whipped cream on my frappuccino.” jungkook looks up at jin from where he’s sitting behind the counter before raising his drink, “am i blind or are you just bad at listening to instructions? where is the whipped cream, seokjin? WHERE?”
jin clenches his jaw before leaning forward, “they were busy, i guess they just forgot. and i’m not your slave. i only got you that drink so you’d give me a day off tomorrow.”
“well, since there’s no whipped cream on it, you don’t get a day off.” jungkook kisses his teeth before shrugging
“wha-“ jin resists the urge to reach down and wrap his hands around jungkook’s neck, “are you kidding me right now?? i spent forty-five minutes out of my fifty minute lunch break lining up at starbucks to get that for you! forty-five minutes!!!”
“i don’t know what to tell you,” jungkook hums as he kicks his legs up onto the counter and leans back against his chair, “now get back to work. and remember to smile! after all, build-a-bear is where best friends are made-“
“the new slogan is ‘the most fun you’ll ever make’.” jin raises a brow, “you don’t even know our slogan! how did you become the manager?”
jungkook takes a slow sip of his drink while maintaining direct eye contact with jin
jesus christ
his life sucks
jin rolls his eyes before turning on his heel and heading back to the main area of the shop
today’s saturday, so the store is a little busier than it usually is - which is great, because jin works off commission and he thinks he’s pretty good at selling teddy bears
on his best day he managed to sell thirty-eight bears in one day
he also convinced most of the kids that their brand new furry friends needed new clothes and a personalised recorded message in place of the usual little red cloth heart
he doesn’t like looking at the parents whenever he’s egging their kids on to buy even more things because they always look at him like they’re going to kill him
he could’ve ordered like forty frappuccino’s from the money he made on that day
before he left for lunch today he sold eight which really isn’t that impressive
but, to be fair, the mall usually gets busy after lunch, so now is the prime time to make some sales
jin lets out a breath as he scans the store for any newcomers or anyone who’s noT already being bombarded by his co-workers
he can’t help but snicker to himself when he notices yoongi at the stuffing station conducting a heart ceremony
“-and now you can go ahead and give your heart a little kiss-“
he looks up for a split second and jin takes the chance to blows a sweet little kiss at him
he snorts to himself when yoongi’s eye twitches
yoongi hates giving heart ceremonies but he’s actually pretty good at it!
he’s good with children whether he wants to admit it or not
alright, enough making fun of yoongi >:-)
time to hunt down a new customer…
jin sucks his bottom lip into his mouth as he walks around the store slowly
ooh, a little boy and his family just walked i- aaand they’ve been swept up by jimin
okay, no problem!
how about those twin gir- nope, too late, taehyung’s approaching them
that would’ve been a good sale, too
it’s fine
he’ll get someone!
oh, wow
build-a-bear has really upped their game since the last time you were here
to be fair, the last time you were here was like more than ten years ago, so you’d hope that they make some changes to the store
…are those star wars themed teddy bears??
that is most definitely a princess leia teddy bear
and she even gets her own little light sabre!
this is a whole new world
“excuse me, sorry…” you manoeuvre your way through the crowd as you continue looking through your options
is it weird that you’re in here by yourself?
the thought of trailing behind a random child in order to blend in with everyone else crosses your mind for a split second
although… a grown woman creeping behind a child they don’t know probably isn’t going to sound good to the judge when you’re standing in court, so maybe you shouldn’t do that
you know what
it’s fine
it’s totally fine that you’re in here by yourself!
stuffed plushies are for people of all ages!!
it’s not just a kiddie thing
you’re FINE
and you have a perfectly legitimate reason to be in here
the only reason why you’re even in here is because…
well, the short and sweet version is that you got dumped two weeks ago.
which means that you’ve been cooped up in your apartment for the last fourteen days
which means your bedroom was starting to smell a little ripe so you thought it’d be good to air out the place and give your poor bed a break  
(also, please, for the love of god, remember to wash your sheets when you get back home later today.)
you thought that a trip to the mall for some retail therapy would make you feel better!
so far you’ve only been the food court but you helped yourself to a cheeseburger, some onion rings, and a vanilla milkshake
food always makes you feel better
you could honestly go for another round of onion rings right now
there’s nothing quite like the pain of having your heart broken nudge you towards the direction of binge-eating the pain away, is there?
you were about to head into a victoria’s secret to splurge on pretty panties (that no one but yourself will be seeing for a long time) but this build-a-bear caught your eye
a cuddle buddy you could ugly-cry into for the simple price of $35?
obviOUSLY you had to come in
the only issue now is that there are way too many options to choose from
who do you want to take home??
pawlette the bunny?
toothless from how to train your dragon?
you could even take pikachu home if you wanted to
“timeless teddy…” you mutter to yourself as you dig out a teddy bear skin (also, it’s very unsettling that they’re called ‘skins’. like, you know that’s what they technically are, but the phrase ‘i’ve picked out my skin!’ just makes your skin crawl.)
you lean forward a little to read the label on the wall
teddy bears are a timeless way to share love with every hug! timeless teddy is a classic teddy bear with shaggy brown fur and an adorable smile. personalize this classic teddy bear with outfits, sounds and accessories for a huggable gift they'll cherish forever!
a classic teddy bear sounds perfect
there’s nothing wrong with going back to basics
also, you’re assuming the ‘they’ll’ they’re referring to here is a child
you are doing this
you will buy this teddy bear!
your other option was to go and adopt a cat from the shelter but you can barely take care of yourself right now so that wouldn’t be a good idea
“hello!” you jump three feet into the air when you’re suddenly being greeted by one of the bright-eyed workers, “can i help you find anything?”
you turn around quickly while clutching your teddy’s skin (gag) to your chest with wide eyes, “h-hello!”
hello indeed
you feel your heart drop a little when you realise that you probably look disgusting right now
you weren’t expecting to bump into a veRY attractive super handsome boy today!!!
very attractive super handsome boy with sweet brown eyes and soft-looking hair and the poutiest lips you think you’ve ever seen in your entire life-
thank god you decided to wear the sweatshirt that doesn’t have any stains on it, right?
the one thing you remember from your previous build a bear experience (once again, 10+ years ago) is that the workers here are usually overly perky sixteen year old girls
this guy is not an overly perky sixteen year old girl
maybe he’s the perky part
but everything else??
he smiles brightly at you before tilting his head, “hello. i’m jin!” he points at his name tag, “i’d love to help you out today. were you looking for anything in particular?”
“hi! hello, jin. i’m, um, i’m y/n. i was, uh-“ you clear your throat, “i was actually just browsing, so…”
“oh, perfect!” jin claps his hands together, “let me tell you all about our collections. there’s the summer fun collection, the rainbow friends, the promise pets, the heartables, the classic build-a-bear collection-“
yeah okay
he’s definitely nailed the perky part of the job
“-DC comics, dr. suess, marvel, my little pony, how to train your drag-“
“you know, i-“ you smile sheepishly after interrupting jin, “thank you so much, but i’ve actually already made my decision, if that’s alright.” you hold your teddy’s limp, hollow carcass up before pressing your lips together
“of course that’s alright!” jin takes the skin from you before shrugging lightly, “i figured i’d just let you know of all the other options in case your younger sibling wanted something more extravagant than just our timeless teddy. follow me to the sound station!”
you don’t get a chance to say anything before jin spins around swiftly to head to the back of the store
he thinks this bear is for your younger sibling
okay, you can work with that!
you can pretend like you’re in here for your non-existent younger sibling and certainly not for yourself
“you can choose a pre-made sound from here,” jin gestures to the bins of plastic hearts (there’s a sound option for an ‘into the unknown’ snippet from frozen 2 which is insane), “or we can go ahead and record a personalised message. what’s your sibling’s name?”
you look up at him immediately
“wha- um, why… why do you need to know my sibling’s name?”
“oh! i was just asking so i could give you an example.” jin hums as he tosses the skin over his shoulder and places his hands on his hips, “like, you could say, hey there… sibling’s name, it’s me, your big sister! i love you! or something like that.”
“ah, right!” you nod to yourself, “that makes sense! my sibling’s name is totally normal information that i have no problem giving to you.”
jin raises a brow when he notices you continuing to ramble about how your sibling’s name is something that you will be telling him soon because you definitely know the name of your younger sibling whomst’ve this bear is for
you’re cute but you’re a little odd
“-my younger sibling’s name is… paulette!” you catch a glimpse of a pink pawlette bunny being stuffed before looking back over at jin, “yep. that’s her name. sweet, sweet paulette. sweet little angel.”
“hey, our iconic bunny is named pawlette!” jin beams, “wouldn’t you want to get paulette her own pawlette? instead of a bear?”
the smile immediately drops from your face
oh god
you’ve never been very good at lying
one time in middle school when you wanted to get out of PE you told the teacher that you were in pain and that’s why you couldn’t do anything on that day
and when he asked you what hurt, all you said was ‘…bleeding out of my butt?’
you don’t even know why you said that!!
you could’ve told him you had a headache or something but nO
you told your teacher your asshole was BLEEDING and that’s why you couldn’t participate in baseball
so yeah
lying has never been your forte
but you don’t want pawlette!!
you want this bear!!!
although, it would make sense to get paulette her own pawlette because that’d be an adorable coincidence…
what are you-
what are you even sAYING
“okay, you got me!” you raise your hands in defence and jin’s eyes widen in surprise, “paulette isn’t a real person. i don’t have a younger sibling. i’m in here for me. the bear is for me. the timeless teddy is mine.”
“oh…!” jin purses his lips before nodding slowly, “alright! totally get it. the bear is for you.”
why has everyone he’s ever been attracted to turned out to be a little cuckoo?
the expected demographic of build-a-bear are children aged 3-10 (a child aged below three isn’t interested in stuffed teddies because they don’t really do anything but sit there and a child aged over ten isn’t interested in stuffed teddies because… they don’t really do anything but sit there.)
and you… well, unless you’ve experienced some kind of insane growth spurt, you certainly don’t look like someone aged 3-10 years old
“phew! it feels good getting that off my chest.” you breathe out as you lean over and place your hands on your knees, “there was a lot of pressure there to keep lying to you but-“
“how, um, how old are you, by the way?”
jin doesn’t mean to sound like a judgy bitch
he’s just genuinely curious as to why a 21-23 year old would willingly go into a physical build-a-bear store to buy themselves a stuffed plushie
you could’ve purchased one off the online website
also, aren’t there better things to spend your money on?
like… literally anything besides a stuffed plushie??
“turning twenty-two soon!” you get back up onto your feet, “why do you ask?”
“…turning twenty-two soon and you’re buying yourself a teddy bear?” jin snorts before raising a brow, “i mean, really? didn’t you graduate this year?”
“ah, well…” you reach up to scratch the back of your neck as you feel the tips of your ears beginning to heat up, “i mean, yeah, but like…”
“i’m not judging! some people go on grad trips to party and get wasted after they graduate, and other people go to the mall to build themselves a $35 teddy bear-“ jin laughs to himself before turning around to plop the skin down on little counter attached to the stuffing machine, “anyways, were you thinking about choosing a sound or recording something?”
he spins back around and his eyes widen when he notices that your eyes have gotten red and are starting to water
uh oh
what’s going on?
what’s happening??
are you…
are you crying??
why are you crying??
he was totally kidding!!!
that wasn’t supposed to be mean!!
that was supposed to be playful banter!!!
“oh- oh, god no- wait-“ jin immediately walks over so that he’s standing in front of you and jungkook won’T be able to see that he just upset a customer, “don’t cry!! i was kidding!! i have, like, ten plushies on my bed! i’m twenty-seven and i work at a build-a-bear, if anything, i should be the one crying-”
“i just-“ you reach up to wipe at your eyes as you begin to blubber, “my boyfriend of one year b-broke up with me two weeks ago and i- i just th-thought that a teddy bear would make good company because god knows i’m not in the right mental state to be taking care of a real animal-!”
jin winces when you let out a particularly loud sob and he quickly drags you over so that the two of you are behind the stuffing machine and out of sighT from everyone
he doesn’t even have any tissues on him!!!!
maybe he can pull some fluff out from the machine and you can dab at your tears with that
actually, the cotton might stick to your cheeks if you try wiping your tears away with a fistful of stuffing, so maybe not
“i-i know it’s stupid and humiliating for a grown-up to be in here buying a stupid teddy bear for herself but there’s so much in my life that’s just out of my control right now a-and making this teddy bear seemed like the only thing i could control and i just-“
“y-yes, of course!” jin pulls you into a tight hug (your sobbing is getting a little loud and people are starting to notice so this is the only way he can think to muffle your crying) and strokes the back of your head comfortingly, “i’m so sorry, i had no idea! that makes total sense, of course you can get this teddy bear for yourself…”
he continues to hold you until your sobs reduce to little hiccups and gives a warning look when yoongi mouths whether or not they should call mall security on your ass
when you pull away your eyes are a little puffy and the tip of your nose is red
if jungkook asks, maybe jin can get away with saying that your allergies acted up in the middle of the store
you don’t look like that because he made you burst into tears
not at all!!
“how about we… record a special message for your new friend?” jin digs through the tub to pull out an electronic heart
“i-“ you hiccup, “i don’t really h-have anything i want to say…”
jin purses his lips in thought
stuffing the bear with a heartbeat heart seems way too basic
this is an important bear!
“why don’t you let me take care of it, okay?” he reaches over and rubs your shoulder gently, “you wait here and i’ll take care of everything. for his stuffing, would you like a soft cuddle bear or a plump one?”
your bottom lip starts to quiver again and you let out a light laugh, “a soft cuddle bear sounds really sweet.”
“then a soft cuddle bear it is.”
“and this is for you.” jin hands you the box over the counter and you take it from him with a grin, “thank you for your purchase! and… sorry about making you cry-“
“oh, god no-“ you snort, “i’m sorry for bursting into tears and loading all of that on you-“
“it’s totally fine!” jin shakes his head, “you’re definitely not the first person to start crying in a build-a-bear, so there’s absolutely nothing to feel bad about.”
“right! right, of course.” you nod and press your lips together, “anyways, thanks for helping me out today, jin.”
“of course! it was a pleasure.” jin clears his throat
it’s pretty clear that the two of you want to continue talking to each other, but…
jin doesn’t usually practice his flirting skills when he’s at build-a-bear, so pardon him for being a little rusty
“so… see you around!” you chirp, “i’m just gonna-“
“wait, uh-“ jin wipes his hands down on the back of his pants, “i… i don’t know if maybe this is a little too soon for you or… and it’s totally fine if you don’t want to, but… maybe i can treat you to an apology corndog or something sometime? i don’t know. this mall doesn’t really offer fine dining, so a corndog is really all i can-“
“yeah, i would love that!” you nod enthusiastically, “an apology corndog with you sounds great. i mean, a regular corndog would be fine too, but- d-do you… want my number?”
this isn’t you rebounding or anything
this is the first time in two weeks where your mind hasn’t been clouded with thoughts of your ex-boyfriend
this is the first time in two weeks that you’re actually happy
jin seems genuinely sweet and you wouldn’t mind getting to know him :-))
also you’re glad that hE was the one who asked
because if you were the one who asked, it’d probably make you look that much more pathetic
and you’ve already made a fool of yourself once today!!  
you sigh happily as you slam the car door shut
you’re about to shove the key into the ignition when suddenly you remember that your bear has a personalised message inside of him
“oh, right!” you reach over to open up the cardboard house that he’s been shoVed into
you wonder what soundbyte jin picked out for you!!!
you pull him out and smile fondly at the sight of his chubby arms dangling over your hands
cute :-))
this was money well spent for sure
okay, now how do you activate the sound…
there’s a bit of squeezing and poking but you manage to find the little heart inside of him
you perk up when you hear a muffled crackle
“hi, y/n! it’s me, your furry friend… uh… jin bear! if you’re listening to this, it probably means you’re super sad… cry into my stomach to muffle the sound of your violent sobs! …oh, god, probably shouldn’t have said that- anyways, um, i hope you feel better soon! and remember to give me plenty of cuddles - i promise it’ll make you feel better!”
that was actually a pretty good message
(you hope jin texts u soon)
“okay, jin bear.” you murmur quietly as you buckle him into the passenger seat, “time to take you home.”
help me help you make your wishes come tru (aka send me a request)
requested drabbles masterlist
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meetmeatthecoda · 3 years
(star emoji) for Grifting With The Enemy :D
Pumpkin!! 🧡🧡🧡 Hello, my dear friend, thank you so much for your endless interest & support!! 😍😍 And for giving me a reason to re-read GWTE, which I haven't done for a loooong time!! 😂😬 (But, the good news is, it low-key got me inspired to hurry up & finish it!! 😏) BUT - in the meantime - here's some BTS info from my re-read under the cut, which is a lot - fair warning - since it's a 4 chapter fic & counting!! ❤️
LOL I forgot how stressful it is coming up with names for random extra people in fics, I hate doing that LOL But I did think it was important to open with Red NOT being a merciless crime lord who kills anyone who displeases him, cause - while he does have that side to him when necessary - that's not who Red is or wants to be.
I liked including that little moment with Red & Dembe about the parallel parking. I love those father/son & brotp moments for them, they're just the best. I tried to sprinkle those in wherever I could in Red's POV in this fic.
I loved the mental picture of Liz - with glasses & beanie a la The Harem - just leaning casually against a bookshelf the first time Red sees her... & he's immediately captivated, just like in canon. Especially with her eyes, I can't NOT write any version of Red that is not completely blown away by Liz's eyes, I mean, come on I also thought it was important that he thinks she's much younger than she is (intentionally part of her persona) & I'm looking forward to writing the reveal of her true age in a later chapter.
I loved writing a Liz that instantly challenges Red, already having heard about him (& more than that, as revealed in chapter 2) & point blank telling him she may refuse the job bc she has a say too. I liked keeping - & even amplifying a little - that dynamic from canon!Liz of always surprising Red & keeping him on his toes, all while he's trying so desperately to stay ahead of her & impress her.
I LOVED writing the brush pass scene - that moment where Red realizes he has officially underestimated her - & LOL I completely forgot I wrote that part about the condom LMFAO wow past!Coda, mighty daring of you 😂😂😂
Plus, I couldn't help the bonus bit about her stealing his phone & tossing it to him to end the chapter, that was just so fun to throw in there!!
I liked opening chapter 2 with Red still thinking about Liz, just to show how she captured his attention, even before he finds out she's been stealing from him. And I liked writing that revelation without any anger on his part, with him understanding it wasn't a full-scale attack on his empire, she's just a thief taking well paying jobs where she can get them, & instead it just shows him how talented she is. I thought that was an important thing to clarify before moving forward.
I LOVED writing Red & Dembe surprising Liz in her apartment, especially the part with Red's snooping & being confused & surprised by what he sees there. I loved kind of creating/designing Liz's apartment to showcase her true self, not her "young thief" persona that Red falls for at first. I wanted it to be clear that Red is fascinated by her seeming duality from the start (canon LOL) as well as just straight-up attracted to her (also canon LMAO).
Also I gave Liz a loft apartment cause I've always loved those!!
And I LOVEDDD writing Red super confident about surprising her & looking forward to taking her off guard by settling in on the couch & all that macho man stuff, only to be rendered fucking dumbstruck when she comes downstairs with no pants on lmfao & I included that little detail of her usually wearing a knife on her leg to show she's not to be underestimated 😏 & I couldn't help but throw in there Dembe kicking the back of the couch, that made me cackle lmfao
I think the truce was important to establish asap bc I didn't want any secrets or lingering animosity between them. That's for canon 😒 Only flirting & sexual tension here, thank you very much.
I had to include Red being a gentleman & asking if she wanted to get dressed, but I also couldn't resist Liz being confident & careless about it, while still hiding tactfully behind the counter. I thought that was a cute exchange.
lmfao of course, I included their coffee preferences being noticed by the other, I think that's an obligatory thing in any Lizzington fic ever, I'm so guilty of that lmfao
I loved the idea of Red being ready to start on a classic Red's Blacklister Presentation but Liz once again stops him in his tracks (while still secretly being impressed by his presence, of course, & I even accidentally switched POVs for no reason to include that?? nice Coda lmfao) as well as trading barbs & quips with him while Red feels awful & guilty at any accidental slights bc he can't bear to insult her.
AM&R vs. AR&M whoops typo lol
I liked the little snippet of dark!Red we see in their conversation of consequences for his enemies, that way Liz sees a little bit of what he's capable of & Red sees how she's not phased by it.
And that last little flirtation & wink to finish the chapter - lol can't resist
Ooooh, I loved switching to Liz's POV (fully ha) for chapter 3, I enjoyed describing how head over heels she is for Red already, that was fun. I liked writing about her lil movie day & chores she's completed, as well as fleshing out her AU past a little with Sam & her young grifting experiences. And her burning her popcorn while daydreaming about Red cause... same 😏
Ooooh, phone conversations are always so fun to write between them, I love trying to get that perfect mix of joking & sincerity & flirting & pining & pressing the phone close to their ear.
I thought it was important to keep (or rather re-invent, since TPTB seemed to drop it like a hot potato 😒😒😒) Liz's intense interest & respect for psychology, especially as a reason for being attracted to Red, since it kind of mirrors one facet of his interest in her. Not to mention Red thinks at first that it's just a useless, do nothing degree for her LOL
Ohhh, I loved establishing that mutual respect & friendliness between Liz & Dembe early on, that's such a fave of mine, I've always loved their friendship & thought it had a lot of potential. Liz loves & respects Dembe for keeping Red safe & Dembe loves & respects Liz for being so dear to Red.
Ugh, I LOVED writing Liz so completely disarmed by Red's relative state of undress at his safe house (paralleling her pants-less parade in chapter 2, of course) bc sameeeeeeee girl.
I also had fun writing Red blabbing on about some story as he often does, meanwhile Liz has already picked the lock on the safe, once again impressing & surprising him while she admires his different passport pics. That was so fun.
And I loved the quick shift to just a little animosity between them with Red insulting her lockpicks & Liz flaunting her thefts from him. I think those little spats give a little electricity & tension to the relationship, even if they blown over quickly, which they always do. And the fact that Red apologizes & they shake hands & make up is very refreshing to me (since they never fucking do it in canon lol fml) & also it's an excuse to write a little teasing physical contact & sexual tension 😁😁😁
And damn, I forgot how fun it is to throw a little teasing jab in there at the end of a chapter, just for fun - probably bc I'm allergic to multi-chapter fics & never write them lmfao wow
Ahhhhhhhh. I remember how much fun I had writing this whole restaurant scene, partly bc it was a difficult & long process (trying not to make all the flirting & physical movements repetitive while fitting in all the necessary dialogue in a semi-non-boring way lol) but also bc it was so fun writing their back-and-forth while seated at a table alone with nowhere else to go & nothing to distract them. I also wanted to take the opportunity to show Red's genuine interest in her as a person & let them spend some quality time together for the first time. I loved the idea of them losing track of time & Dembe having to come interrupt them with a knowing smirk. Also I def referred to the Olive Garden website for the food they ate cause I'm lame lmfaooo
I thought it was cute to throw in that Liz almost couldn't find Red when she arrived but for the fedora marker he placed out for her & then when she's leaving, she can feel his gaze on her the whole way out. Little parallels like that are my guilty pleasure 😁
Omggg I forgot about the end of this chapter, I remember I wanted Red to surprise Liz yet again & I thought the dessert snuck into her bag was a cute touch. Plus, tiramisu is a favorite of mine 😋 I also tried to make the vibe of this phone call a little softer & more tentative, not so much on tender hooks with lots of tension as the previous ones have been, showing how they're getting used to each other & falling in love at a break neck pace lol
Welp, that's all 4 chapters that are posted buttttttttt a sneaky look at my document that I haven't opened for an embarrassingly long timeeeeeee shows my sketch for the rest of the fic which revealssssss....... a detailed 10 chapter map with an epilogue!! Wow, I forgot I sketched everything out in such detail, this isn't too bad, maybe I should actually write this 😂😂😂 And I promise I will, hopefully sooner rather than later!! ❤️❤️❤️
Well, there you go, Pumpkin, I hope that didn't take you too long to slog through & there was something enjoyable in there for you!! 😂 Thank you so much for your interest again, my lovely friend, & getting me excited about this fic again!! 🥰 Much love to you, always, Pumpkin!! 🧡
Fanfic Writers: Director's Cut
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jasmine-tea-latte · 4 years
(Some of) My Favorite Zutara fics
Warning, looong post ahead!
Zutara Fanworks Appreciation Week snuck up on me, so sadly I haven’t had time to properly contribute anything. I’d love to participate next year or maybe even before then (I play by my own rules, folks!)
Still, though. I wanted to at the very least pay tribute to some of my all-time favorite Zutara fanfics that I’ve enjoyed and have inspired me over the years.
(Click here for my post on Self-Love Saturday, where I shamelessly promote my series The Phoenix and the Dragon and share a bit of backstory behind how it came to be in the first place.)
I’ve shipped Zutara ever since Fall 2006, and I have been fortunate to read so many excellent fanfics since then.
Some have made me laugh, others made me sob, others straight up made my heart burn like it was shot full of lightning:
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So in honor of @zkfanworkweek​, below are 13 of my favorite Zutara fanfics, in no particular order:
Rated G(eneral)/T(een)
Engulfed by Luaburachid
Zuko finds himself engulfed by love.
A sweet one-shot of our favorite firebender discovering how deep his feelings are for a certain waterbender. It’s just pure fluff and always brings a smile to my face.
 we hold our hearts in silence by psychedelic_aya
Seventy years later, Korra tries to figure out Zuko and Katara.
Oh, this one is so bittersweet but oh so good. It alternates between flashbacks and Korra’s POV watching an older Zuko and Katara interact. Just… ugh. My heart.
 Day 6: Found by SooperSara
When Sokka comes up with an idea to get rid of Joo Dee, Katara finds herself in the Lower Ring of Ba Sing Se with a tea server she did not expect to meet.
I love a good Jasmine Dragon AU where Katara / the Gaang actually interacts with Zuko while he’s undercover as Lee from the tea shop instead of what happened in “The Guru.” This is so much fun to read, and my only complaint is that it’s not longer.
 Celestial by SooperSara
An unexpected dip into the koi pond at the North Pole brings Zuko in contact with the spirits and grants him insight to his destiny. A destiny he isn’t sure he wants.
Another by the talented SooperSara! Actually, you should check out all of her stuff. It’s all so good, and I absolutely adore this one. It’s pretty canon-compliant and the ending… oh, the ending makes me tearbend. Ma’am, I’m still weepy.
 this little fuse we lit made something in you by SecondStarOnTheLeft
There's a secret door in the wall of Katara's room. Things go a little further than planned, once she opens it.
What happens when Katara discovers a secret tunnel (secret, secret, secret tunnel, yeah!) that leads directly to the Fire Lord’s bedroom? Reading this fic is like settling down to drink a hot cup of Iroh’s tea – it’s soothing, sweet, and thoroughly warms the soul.  
 Dancing in the Dark by damagectrl
Post-Season 2 AU: While in Ba Sing Se, Katara and Toph hear a rumor about two tea servers in the lower tiers of Ba Sing Se and sneak away go to investigate only to have their suspicions confirmed. On her personal time, Katara tries to teach herself to dance and fails so badly, a masked man takes pity on her to try to help.
This is one most OGs will probably remember. It’s also one of the first ZK fics I ever read, back when I was a wee lil bb Zutarian! It was originally posted in Oct. 2006 and takes place between “Appa’s Lost Days” and “Lake Laogai.” One of my all-time favorite Bluetara AND Jasmine Dragon AUs. Heck, all of damagectrl’s works are fantastic reads, for that matter. I highly recommend checking them out, especially this classic.
 such selfish prayers by andromeda3116
Katara's ambition, so long set aside for the good of others, breaks free and sets fire to her soul. Or, Katara has a vision of her canon future, casts it aside, and becomes a world-changing politician instead.
There’s a reason why this fic is one of the highest rated on AO3, if not THE highest. It does right by Katara and gives her the ending she deserves. 10/10 would recommend.
 better than things dreamed of in the forest by catie_writes_things (SERIES)
As a child, Bumi knew: his mother was a waterbender, his father was an airbender, and he was a firebender. Something about these facts did not add up, but it would take him a long time to understand.
Hands down, one of the most heartbreaking fics / series I’ve ever read. The author describes this as the adultery fic for people who hate adultery fics, and it certainly packs an emotional punch in the gut. Personally, I’m not one for the “Zuko and Katara have an affair while she’s with Aang” fics in general, but this one examines the fallout caused by a single night of passion and all of the consequences that stem from it, especially how the ripple effect of their choices impacts everyone. Even though it breaks my heart all over again every time I reread it, I can’t recommend it highly enough. 
(More fics, several with high ratings, are listed below the cut)
Rated M(ature)/E(xplicit)
Moonlight and Sunshadow by GrapefruitTwostep
The dragon offered Katara a deal: protection for her family and tribe if she lived with it for a year and a day. And she said yes. Because what other way was there to save her people? But there was more to the dragon than Katara bargained for. An "East of the Sun, West of the Moon" retelling.
A fairy tale AU in which Zuko is cursed to live as a dragon and Katara is certainly no damsel in distress. You’ve probably heard some version of the original fairy tale before that this fic is inspired by, and it’s such a delight to read.
 The Blackfish and the Dragon by ama
Katara grew up in the Southern Water Tribe under the tutelage of Hama, the only waterbender ever to have escaped Fire Nation captivity. When Zuko arrives at the South Pole, seeking the Avatar, they are more than ready to defend him. Then one day, the Southern Water Tribe receives a petition for peace, and a proposal of marriage.
One of the best arranged marriage AUs I’ve come across. Iroh is crowned Fire Lord after defeating Ozai, and Katara must find some way to peacefully coexist with her hotheaded new husband as she also finds a place for herself in the Fire Nation.
 Confused by thispieceofwork
Zuko stood. "You told Aang you were confused. Are you confused because of me?" Katara was silent, arms crossed in front of her. "Don't make me answer that."
Starts during “The Ember Island Players” where Zuko overhears Aang and Katara’s private conversation on the balcony. This is another fic that will shatter your heart into a million pieces but it’s oh so worth it in the end.
 A Heated Exchange by Smediterranea (SERIES)
Katara had not considered herself to be someone who would have earth-shattering sex with a guy whose name she didn’t even know. But here she was, certain that she had never made a better decision in her life.
An AU two-part series of Katara getting familiar with a certain handsome guy who lives down the hall in her college dorm. It’s funny, cute, and cuddling while watching Planet Earth has never been hotter.
 Bonus day: Tea Shop by cincilin
"Hello and welcome to the Jasmine Dragon. Today's special is—" he cut himself of with a sharp intake of breath, at the same moment that Katara placed the voice and looked up.
'He has hair.' was her first thought. Then the rest of her brain caught up with her and she started to get up, sending Momo scrambling to hide under the table. Season 2 AU, during "The Guru."
I told y’all, I *LOVE* a good Jasmine Dragon AU fic, and this one-shot checks all the boxes: heart-to-heart conversations? Witty dialogue and banter? Bending match that turns into a makeout and something steamier? It’s got it all.
This was only going to be a list of maybe 5-7fic recs, but well… oops. I also kept the above list to completed works only, just because this post is already long enough.
Several of my other favorites that get honorable mention include:
Thinking Out Loud (WIP)
The Summit (WIP)
Sparrowkeet (Series)
The Nature of the Blue Spirit
Rhythm of the Rain
Fault Lines
Seriously, there are just SO MANY good Zutara fics out there. I had to cut myself off from adding even more, because I could go on and on and on. Much like Admiral Zhao, I have no. self. control. 
I love you all, my fellow Zutarians ❤️💙💜 Mwah! Happy ZFAW! 
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thereaderstea · 3 years
Hello tor-mon!
I just saw your response and honestly you flatter me too much, you re-read it ten times? This is the highest form of praise!
Secondly, I was wondering what things you personally like to see in the horror/yandere genre? I have been trying to come up with ideas for my next fic and am a little stumped. So, I figured who better to ask than my favorite reviewer in the whole world?
What is a fic you always wanted to read in this genre? AUs you don't see too often? Something you just really want to see! I'd love to hear your thoughts 💜💜💜
Merry meet, deliciae! Of course! Your writing is the perfect material to reread! I reread your fics all the time, and your writing never loses its effect! True beauty!
First, I’m honored 🥺 And second, I’ve got you, deliciae! A lot of these ideas are supernatural/paranormal/magical because that’s my usual realm and I am wholly unoriginal and empty-headed when it comes to the Normal world 😅
Yandere AUs
Among Us au: I believe this is a potent au filled with lots of possibilities, especially with the addition of the Town of Us roles (Imposter Lovers immediately screamed yandere at me). The two possibilities that stuck out to me was 1) the classic yandere is the imposter and mc is a crewmate (and mayhap the crew think the mc is sus 🤭), and 2) the mc is the imposter with a yandere crewmate (i.e. the yandere!crewmate simps for the mc). 
Battle Royale au: I remember you mentioning a long while back about starting your blog in part because of chinkbihh’s Quarter Quell but wasn’t sure what else to bring to the table? I have a singular idea and some alternate settings that employ a similar taste of the Hunger Games (because I, too, love chinkbihh’s yandere Hunger Games idea):
Hunger Games: game designer and hunger games survivor. The yandere is on the game’s designing team and the mc is a survivor in the games. The yandere does all they can to ensure the mc’s safety and victory in the games, and well, the mc may escape the games unscathed but they can’t escape the yandere’s clutches. 
S.O.S.: This is a game on Steam. You’re on La Cuna island, where you have to fight monsters, avoid becoming infected by the monsters, yoink a crystal on the island before other players do, call in the helicopter, and secure your spot home. There are thirty-two players, only three seats home, and you definitely didn’t sign up for this fight to the death 😅
Dead by Daylight: This is a game on Steam. There’s one killer and four survivors (but who says it has to be those numbers?). The survivors have to fix the generators to open the gates and escape, and the killer is having fun chasing the survivors, messing with them using their special abilities, taking them down, throwing them on hooks, and sacrificing them to the Entity. It’s ten times more terrifying to play with friends, and while I love the teaming up, I love a shameless, no-regrets betrayal between good friends more 🙂 (sacrifice, sacrifice, sacrifice)
Witch au: I believe there are a few aspects of the witch-y world that could be brewed with yandere, namely:
love potions
curses, hexes: anyone who tries to get between the mc and the yandere is cursed
a case of an accidental summoning of a djinn, demon, or some other being who becomes rather fond (and possessive) of the witch (or vice versa!)
empathy (specifically feeling others’ emotions): this could create some good internal conflict. If the mc is an empath, then what if they feel the yandere’s ‘love’; would the mc also become a yandere? 
fortune telling/scrying/clairvoyance or claircognizance/psychometry: you’ve actually hinted at this concept in Solar Eclipse and it’s such an intriguing concept, so here’s another version
dream walking/lucid dreaming/astral projecting: I read a book where the mc dreams of a town and her duty is to protect the town from the djinn. She loses her brother and so when the djinn approaches her in her dreams she makes a deal with a djinn to get him back (sort of like Persephone :D), but she didn’t think it was a real deal until she woke up. The interesting part was that she was chained to the djinn, and the djinn could use those chains to summon her to him, even across dimensions.
Tuatha Dé Danann/Sidhe/Fae au: besides the Unseelie being cool candidates for yanderes (glamour, master manipulators, and typically violent? perfect grounds to make a yandere), there are aspects of Fae folklore that I love and think would be pretty cool in yandere:
names: names hold power and if you tell a Faerie your name (specifically your full, true name), they hold power over you. the Fae are tricky, so it can be easy to literally hand your name over to them. 
faerie rings: if you step in a faerie ring, you’re trapped until the Faerie who created the ring comes to collect their trappings. But faerie rings are also rumored to be portals into the Fae realm
selkie: in folklore, men would convince a selkie to marry them and hide their seal skin as a means to trap the selkie with them. if the selkie ever finds her seal skin, she’ll dip on the man and return to the ocean.
Slaugh Sidhe, or the Wild Host/Wild Hunt: the Slaugh Sidhe are hosts of restless, unforgiven dead, sometimes rumored to be Fallen Angels. I believe the Headless Horseman is in the Hunt as well. They roam the Earth on Samhain and hunt during the night; they prey on humans and will steal their souls. You can also inadvertently call the Slaugh to you by saying their name during nightfall or feeling hopeless (they prey on sadness, broken hearts, and the depressed). 
each-uisce, or each-uisge: a shapeshifting water-horse; it typically takes the form of a man on land and a horse in water. Though if in the form of a horse on land, a human mounts them, and they smell water, the uisce will drag the human down into the water and eat them
zombie apocalypse au: I haven’t seen too many yanderes in the zombie apocalypse, but it sounds pretty cool (way I see it, the yandere is prepared to keep mc alive and the mc gets to kick some zombie booty! win-win!)
Yandere Situations
Storyteller: this is the perfect place to crack out fairytales! the Storyteller forces the character to live out retellings of fairytales (best if used with people the character knows). 
Shapeshifter: the yandere!shapeshifter shifts into a new person every time their relationship with the mc goes wrong. Doesn’t matter how many times it takes, the shapeshifter can become as many people as they have to be to end up with the mc :)
Resurrection: the mc kills the yandere plenty of times, but the yandere resurrects themselves every time. In the time it takes for the yandere to resurrect themselves, the mc runs/escapes, trying to get as far as they can away from the yandere. The yandere is rather amused with the game of cat and mouse; how far will the mc get this time?
Necromancy: the yandere is a necromancer and perhaps didn’t get to save the mc in time (or killed the mc themselves) and so they reanimated the mc. Maybe the mc loses a little bit of their soul with every revival, maybe they don’t, but one thing’s for sure: death isn’t an escape :)
Phasmophobia: this is another game on Steam. you are on a team a paranormal investigators, and you’re trying to document what type of ghost is haunting a location. This time may be your biggest break yet, but your latest ghost is a huge puzzle and also rather keen on keeping you...
Yandere Pairings/Characters
human and angel (bonus if there are clipped wings ☺)
witch and familiar
serial killer and grim reaper
forgotten deity and lone follower
thief and detective
time traveler and immortal
I hope this helps spark something even if you don’t use any of them, and lmk if I should clarify something or if you need more assistance! I’m happy to help ☺
Blessed be, deliciae! and may writer’s block not plague you!
your lil monster delight, tor-mon 🖤
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The Treatment of Capt. Syverson-Chapter Two: Therapeutic Procedure
Pairing: Captain “Sy” Syverson x OFC (Shane Benton)
Summary: Shane and Sy share some moments during their treatment sessions…and a phone call that could set the tone for the next few weeks.
Word Count: 2.6k
Warnings: None, yet… ;)
Author’s Note: Sorry, I was so eager and excited to post the first chapter of this last night, I totally put some inaccurate info in my description notes. I will correct that in the original post and  try to do better henceforth! Hope you enjoy Sy and Shane totally flirting some more and getting more friendly in this chapter. Feedback is appreciated! Even constructive criticism! :D
Disclaimer: Unfortunately for me, Henry is not mine, le sigh, and all mention of him, his characters, any characters from his films, or his precious doggy, Kal, are strictly for transformative and recreational use. I neither ask for, nor accept payment for the work I post on Tumblr or AO3. Unbeta’d because this is for fun and escapism. 
Tags: @onlyhenrys @cavillryarchive @summersong69 @titty-teetee
Let me know if you wish to be added to the list! I’m happy to do it!
Shane woke up that morning with knots in her stomach. She dropped every product she picked up in the shower, she was shaking so much. She accidentally ordered the wrong coffee on her way to work and was now drinking something much less caffeinated and far too sweet for her taste. The barista had informed her it was a grande caramel macchiato with an extra pump of vanilla and extra caramel drizzle…with only two shots of espresso…she couldn't begin to describe how wrong that drink was for her. But it was better than nothing, she told herself, not fully convincingly.
She had chosen her clothes with extra care, even though, with the dress code, her options were limited. And she had made sure to put on a bit of mascara and just a touch of perfume, even though they weren't strictly supposed to wear it…she didn't know why she was bothering.
Well, actually, she did know why. She had been checking her schedule extra diligently lately to make sure she didn't look like a hobo when Sy was coming in. He'd been coming for three weeks now, and after the initial bellyaching about Jordan not being as pretty as her…her heart!...and his feeling extra sore after his visits with him, they were on a roll and had a great chemistry together as far as their treatments went…she tried not to think about…beyond the world of therapy.
She thought back to their first session after she got back from her trip. And the conversation they had.
"I think the next time you can't see me, I'm just going to cancel." he had sulked as he wiggled his mass of muscle onto the mat.
"Sy, no. you need therapy. Don't be like that to Jordan. He's an excellent therapist."
"He ain't you though." he smirked, sending her heart racing with that smile that somehow managed to look both boyish and rakish under his full, dark beard. Fucking hell. He needed to stop.
"Well, we can't fault him for that, can we? Lay back, Mister." She demanded. Done with the niceties of the evaluation and onto the treatments where she was in charge. The boss.
"Yes, sir!" she laughed at his clear avoidance of calling her ma'am.
"So where'd you go last week? Vacation or stay-cation?" he asked, the term "stay-cation" sounding downright comical coming out of his country-boy mouth.
"I went to the beach. Gulf Shores."
"I thought you looked like you got some sun."
"Yeah," she pretended his noticing the detail of her awesome tan did not send her reeling. "My folks rented a condo right on the water for my siblings and I to come and stay with them. They're still there. It was tough to leave all that beauty." the beach, pretty much any beach, was her favorite place to be.
"I bet…" he looked at her, something dreamy in his eyes, but he looked away before she could process it. "I thought I had my fill of sand and sun when I was over in Iraq. But you make it sound…like paradise." he smiled softly up at her as she worked on his knee, trying to break apart some of the scar tissue from the injuries and surgeries he'd had…and focus on that, and not the warmth rising in her.
"That's the perfect way to describe any place on the Gulf of Mexico. I doubt it's anything like Iraq, since there's so much water around. It's my favorite vacation destination. Well, apart from London."
"Them British folks always seem so stuck up. Don't know if I'd get along with any of 'em."
"It felt like a second home for me. Everyone was very kind and polite, for the most part. At least it was no worse than it is here."
"Maybe it's just because you're so nice."
"Wait 'til about week eight or ten of your protocol. You won't think I'm nice then. You'll be cussing me out and ready to ring my neck."
"Promise?" he asked, a dark grin on his lips and in his eyes…she faltered for a moment, gulping.
"Cut it out, Syverson." she rolled her eyes, covering…without great effect the way he made her feel.
"Yes...ma'am." he smirked with satisfaction.
And now, today, she'd be treating him again, fairly early in the day, and she had to prepare herself. She'd checked the policy, and although there wasn't anything strictly against dating a patient, it was clearly a conflict of interest, and would be frowned upon by her frigid tyrant of a boss. Best to let things remain platonic for now.
Her 9:30 was a no show, so she finished up some notes and was working on some continuing education credits when messenger popped up around 10:00.
Sergeant Sexypants is here. He's quite early and he knows it…*smirk emoji* he must like you, Shane!
Heather, come on, be respectful…he was discharged at the rank of Captain! *rofl emoji* and I think you might be right about him liking me…*nervous emoji*
Oooooooooh!!! You guys are gonna *couple kissing emoji* *eggplant emoji* *okay emoji* *explosion emoji* *baby emoji*
Omg…*three facepalm emojis* I am going to go ahead and start him early since my 9:30 was a NCNS.
Don't finish him too early. Make it last. *smirk emoji*
Jeez. She closed the chat and went to grab him from the waiting area.
"Hey Sy, you ready?"
"You bet, sunshine!" he flashed her a crooked smile. He was calling her sunshine now…ad that to the list of things she'd have to pretend didn't make her swoon.
"Great. Let's start on the bike. How's the knee feeling today?"
"Oh, it's…about the same. Stiff. Lil' sore."
"Well, it's a slow process, like I told you at your eval. You've got a lot going on in there."
"I know…just…it hasn't taken me four weeks to do anything in my life." he sulked. "So…thinking about this taking…twelve or more…" he grimaced as he sat down on the bike, and adjusted it for his longer than average legs, putting his feet in the pedal stirrups.
"You may not see it, Sy, because you're so close to it, but trust me, you're making progress. I can tell you're doing your exercises at home, and you're always willing to put in the work here. You have no idea how much that sets you apart from…some of these other people." she leaned in closer and spoke the last part more quietly to him. It was true. So many of her patients were either lazy or just in it to appease their MDs into writing them scripts for pain meds. That wasn't Sy.
"You really think so?" he gave her the side eye with his baby blues, crushing her with the color like the waves of the ocean she'd just returned from.
"In fact, I know so." she placed a reassuring hand on his broad and thick shoulder. She felt the tension between them hum, like electric current.
"Now, level one, and a steady pace. You're not trying to win any medals here. I'll take those crutches."
"When ya think I can 86 'em damn things?" he griped as he handed over the assistive devices.
"Well, you see Potter again tomorrow? I'll write an update today and send it to him. If he likes what he reads, or more likely pretends to read, regarding your progress, he may discharge them. Do you feel like you can be good to the knee and treat it nice without using crutches? I don't want you to regress and re-injure yourself. That's not gonna get you into your running shoes any sooner."
"I'll be nice. Real gentle." he winked at her…he wasn't just talking about the knee. And she knew it. But again, she pretended she didn't, ignoring once more those butterflies threatening to choke her they were multiplying so fast in her belly.
"Okay, I'll put that in my note. Patient compliant with instructions to be nice." she laughed.
They talked as they biked, Shane sat on the one next to him and pedaled along with him for something to do other than be idle. She thought it made him feel better as well. Like he wasn't doing it alone. They covered the subject of her siblings, an older brother in IT and a younger sister who was an MA, and his German Shepherd, Aika, which he was allowed to bring home from Iraq after they were both honorably discharged. Music, both of them completely in agreeance about the superiority of classic rock.
"I noticed you've worn a Lynyrd Skynyrd shirt a few times and meant to say something before now."
"Yeah, they're one of my favorites. But there are a few newer groups that I like a lot, too. Kings of Leon got me through some tough times, honestly."
"Oh, they're great! I love their sound. And their lyrics…poetry."
"No shit. Sorry." she shook her head and raised up her hands to indicate that he didn't need to apologize to her for swearing. She'd been known to make sailors blush when she was off the clock. "Only by the Night…that whole album is…it's just in my blood, ya know? Ya ever have an album do that?"
"I have. Whole artists catalogs, actually."
"Which artist?" he prodded.
"The Beatles. Pretty much every song. Like you said, it just, like, I dunno, it's almost deeper than the veins. It's in the marrow. My soul." she stared off out the windows ahead of them, thinking about her favorite band in the world and how magical it was to experience Sir Paul McCartney playing some of her favorites live…twice…and the timer on the bike went off, pulling her from her daydream.
She looked over at him, startled by both the noise, and the dreamy look in his eyes that was becoming all too familiar.
"Sorry." she stood, grabbing his crutches for him and handing them back to him from where she had leaned them as they rode.
"Hey, don't be sorry for…ahem…for loving what you love. We should all…hold on to the things that make us feel like that." she nodded.
"Thanks…I don't think a lot of people…understand the way I…my tendency to take things like music, movies, and shows…books…so deeply to my heart." they walked to the treatment room from the gym, taking their time, since they had it. A rare occurrence for Shane, always needing to capitalize on every spare minute. To make productivity a priority.
"I think…that…well, seeing a pretty grim side of the world like I have…seems like there's enough darkness and bullshit making everyone miserable. If we find something…or…someone…that brings us some happiness or even just makes that misery bearable…we oughta hang onto 'em real tight. Cherish it like gold." the silence in the small room was loud with that electrical hum of their tension again. He'd said all the right things, as he always seemed to, but under the absolute wrong circumstances. She just nodded.
"They teach you philosophy in Basic?" she giggled. He laughed back in response.
"Oh, no, Basic was way easier than…whatever goes on inside of us."
"Speaking of which," she segued deftly, "lay back, and let my try to get some range out of that knee before I take new measurements for this update I'm gonna write."
"Yes, ma'am!" he chuckled.
"You get some sick thrill out of calling me that, don't you?" she scowled playfully at him.
"Oh, you have no idea…ma'am." he winked at her.
The next day, Shane was wondering how Sy's appointment went as she ate her soup at lunch and caught up on her morning notes. She got a ping on messenger.
You have a gentleman caller…*eggplant emoji*  hehe, he's on line three.
Geez…thanks Heather.
No need to ask for a name. She knew Heather meant Sy.
She picked up the phone at her desk in the treatment room.
"Hey Sy! How'd the appointment go?"
"Hey, sunshine…eh…he said I'm doin' good, but he wants me to stay on crutches another two weeks." she could hear grave disappointment in his voice. She felt for him.
"Aww, I'm sorry Sy. I know you wanted off those. And I know they're a pain. Literally and figuratively."
"Why wouldn't he want me off 'em?" he was so frustrated. He must have just left the office.
"Did you ask him that question?"
"You know doctors, Shane. Not like I would have got an answer in plain English. Figured you'd know."
"Well, I haven't seen your post-visit report, but it's my presumption that he wants to play it safe. You know he spent most of his day in the operating room with you, right? An eight hour surgery, you had. He probably doesn't want to undo all that by d/c'ing the crutches too soon."
"I was gonna be careful though, Shane!" he was worked up properly, and she could hear it over the roar of his pickup in the background.
"I know you were, Sy. I'm sure you were going to take all kinds of precautions. But what if you're walking into your kitchen, during a storm, and there's a loud clap of thunder, and Aika gets startled and busts past you? What if you're feeling good one day, and forget about it, and jog to catch up to someone holding the door open for you and miss a stick or something under foot? You can't prepare yourself for every pebble or patch of mud in your path, Sy. Accidents will happen. Some circumstances are beyond our control…we just have to do the best we can. The crutches are going to help you until we get you stronger. That's what we'll focus on until those two weeks are up."
"Why is it you can calm me down like this?" he asked, sincere and truly calmer than he had been.
"I'm just a good therapist, is all."
"Ya don't think that's really all, do ya?" the sound of his deep drawl in her ear from the receiver made her shiver. He was implying something that she just couldn't entertain. It wasn't possible for them right now. Maybe…down the road…in a few weeks…
"I'll see ya tomorrow, Sy. Come ready to work that knee."
"You didn't say no…" he was too hopeful. Damn it, he was cute when he was hopeful. She was glad she couldn't see his face light up like she knew it was doing.
"You may have noted I didn't say yes, either."
"Yet. See ya in the mornin', sunshine."
"Bye, Sy."
She put the receiver in the cradle and her face in her hands.
She had a feeling this particular patient was about to become much more complicated.
Up Next: Chapter Three-Therapeutic Activity
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rainandhotchocolate · 4 years
Blackout - Part 8
A/N ha I’m not even going to try and say something about consistent posting. I am tired but I am sorry :( pls forgive, I hope this chapter makes up for the time it took to write xx enjoy
Part 8
Sirius’s head pounded painfully as he turned over on the couch, nearly falling off. The other three boys were lying in different states of disarray across the room. James was lying on his stomach, hair splayed around his head like a halo. Remus was curled into a ball around a couch pillow and Peter had fallen across the armchair, head lolling to one side.
Sirius groaned as he sat upright, a wave of nausea hitting him painfully. He took three steadying breaths and tried again, pushing himself up with his forearms and stumbled into the kitchen, beginning to rummage through his pantry for a bottle of anti-nausea potion he’d been saving for just this moment. His balance swayed and he felt himself sliding sideways as he quickly grabbed the bottle and the edge of the cabinet swung back into the side of his head.
“FUCK,” He swore loudly, leaning against the countertop and closing his eyes as the pounding in his head became worse. Sucking in a breath he took a swig from the potion. It took affect almost immediately, his entire body relaxing.
“What the fuck is going on?” Remus’s sleepy, angry voice came from the living room.
“Nothing.” Sirius brought the potion back into the living room and handed it to Remus who drank deeply and placed it beside James’s head. He snored loudly and nearly hit the bottle over.
“How are you feeling?” Remus sat up, leaning against the fireplace.
“Oh, real peachy,” Sirius snorted, sitting back down on the couch. “It’s all a bit of a blur.”
“Mmm,” Remus hummed, looking down at his dirty fingernails.
“What?” Sirius narrowed his eyes.
“You really don’t remember anything?”
“No… why, what did I do?”
Remus grimaced, running a hand through his hair.
“You made some calls.”
“Oh please, be more vague.”
Remus rolled his eyes and took in a deep breath.
“You made some calls to Lily… and Y/N.”
“Do I want to know what I said?”
“Something along the lines of professing your undying love for Y/N whilst your face was in her fireplace.”
Sirius closed his eyes and placed a hand over his forehead.
There was a loud banging on Lily’s front door and she grumbled loudly as she stumbled down the stairs and opened the door.
‘What?” Lily huffed, raising an eyebrow at the four rugged boys looking staring at her from the front steps.
“Is Y/N here?” James asked, rubbing his eyes as if he couldn’t see her properly. Which was likely due to the lack of glasses.
“No, you realise it’s 11am on a Tuesday, right?”
“Ahh, work.” Remus nodded sagely. He leaned slowly against the doorframe.
“Would you like to come in?”
There was a chorus of “Yes please.”
The boys traipsed inside, heading straight for the kitchen where James began pulling out the eggs and bacon and passing them to Sirius who pulled out the pots and pans. Peter slumped on the table.
“Sleep well?” Remus gave Lily a kiss on the cheek and a very sleepy smile.
“I did, I’ve been sleeping in so much lately you guys actually woke me up.”
“Merlin, I expected to be interrupting your day off, sorry we woke you.”
“I really should be up and about anyway,” Lily waved him off and joined the boys in the kitchen. “So do any of you want to explain last night?”
She smiled around the kitchen as the boys avoided her gaze.
“No? So you all just let Sirius get so destroyed he decided to call me?”
“In all fairness it was Y/N he was trying to reach.”
“Not helping Peter,” Sirius groaned. “I wanted to come over and apologise. I feel awful.”
“I’d say that’s the hangover,” James snorted, narrowly avoiding a slap on the back from Sirius.
“They were welcoming me back into town.” Remus chimed in, “Though I mean, classic Sirius to make it all about him.”
Remus winked and Sirius groaned louder.
“I actually hate all of you.”
“Breakfast is served!”
James placed two plates of eggs, bacon, spinach and tomatoes on the table and began handing out plates for the rest of them to start eating. Once they had finished, Lily squeezed Sirius’s arm and nodded towards the living room where he followed her.
“Are you ok?”
“I really don’t need the first degree right now, Lily.” Sirius rolled his eyes and lay on the couch.
“I’m honestly asking.” Lily gave him a look that always made Sirius uncomfortable. It was the one she gave him when he was burning his parent’s letters in the Gryffindor fireplace.
Sirius huffed and stared up at the ceiling. It was a pale blue colour. Sirius wondered for a moment why they had bothered painting it.
“I know you might not want to talk about it, but you don’t need to apologise to her.”
“I don’t?” Sirius still stared up at the ceiling but felt himself zoning back into Lily’s voice.
“She’s not a complete idiot, it’s not like she didn’t know you were still in love with her.”
“Definitely helping, Lils.”
“I mean that she wasn’t more freaked out by it. But you do need to bloody talk to her.”
“What do you thi-!” Sirius sat up to face her, narrowing his eyes.
“You’re not talking to her, you’re trying to bring back your old version of Y/N. You need to just talk to her, like a friend.”
Sirius looked at her momentarily. Like a friend. As if they were ever friends.
“She just needs people to trust right now, ok?”
Y/N arrived home around 7, finding James and Sirius lying on the floor of the living room and listening to a new muggle record, and Lily reading in the next room eating a large bowl of cereal.
“Welcome back,” Lily smiled up at her, placing a bookmark into the book and putting it on the table. “How was work?”
“Ok, I think. It’s weird getting my head around things I sort of know but sort of don’t. And I’m not really sure what they expect from me.”
“I’m sure they expect that you don’t know everything right after being in hospital,” Lily laughed, “Cereal?”
“Sure.” Y/N raised an eyebrow but joined her at the dining table all the same. “What are the boys listening to?”
“New joy division album, I picked it up this afternoon. Not too bad.”
Y/N just nodded her head, leaning back into the chair and watching through the doorway. Lily handed her a bowl of cereal and a spoon, returning to her book. The boys were humming along now, clearly having already listened to the record at least once over. Sirius’s face was soft and calm, hair surrounding his head in a halo of black curls. Y/N could see the glint of a gold earring in his right ear and felt up to where she had her own rounded gold earrings on.
“I think I’m going to head up to bed.” Y/N lifted up the bowl of cereal and turned to Lily.
“You sure?”
“Yeah, I’m pretty tired, I’ll see you tomorrow.”
Y/N took her bag and bowl upstairs and closed the door so she couldn’t hear the music anymore, just the soft wind blowing from outside the window in the guest room. She lay back on the bed, digging into the bowl of Rice Krispies Lily had given her and munching down as she stared at the wall in front of her. Lily had decorated their guest room with wallpaper that moved around as she watched it, the stars slowly moving around the room and circling the large full moon on the roof.
Y/N found herself drifting in and out of sleep, consistently waking up with a jolt and sitting up in the now pitch black room. Around what she thought must be 2 or 3am she decided to finally get up and stretch her legs. The house was quiet, calming. Y/N made her way down the stairs and into the living room where the large back doors looked out into the yard and the clear night sky. She pulled open the back door and sucked in a breath of fresh air, stepping out into the garden.
“Hello?” A voice called from around the side of the house and Y/N jumped, creeping forward to look around to the garden chairs James had set out over the summer. Sirius was leaning forward, similarly caught off guard by Y/N’s appearance.
“Oh, sorry I didn’t realise… I can go.” Y/N smiled awkwardly at him but he shook his head.
“No, it’s ok. I mean if you don’t mind me being here.”
“No, of course not.”
A silence fell over them. Sirius moved over to give some room for Y/N to sit and she joined him, leaning back and looking up at the stars. They said nothing to each other for a few moments, just the noise of the cool breeze and Sirius’s breathing breaking the silence.
Y/N could feel Sirius glancing at him every few moments and so she turned to him.
“Sorry,” Sirius laughed, “I wasn’t sure whether or not I should offer you a cigarette.”
“Oh.” Y/N didn’t expect that. “Do I smoke?”
“No, I mean you smoked other things, but not cigarettes.” Sirius laughed, “But you sometimes liked one when you were stressed.”
“Right.” Y/N tried to remember the taste or smell, but all she could remember was watching Peter try one day at Hogwarts and coughing so much he began to gag.
“I’ll take that as a no, do you mind if I have one?”
“Go for it.” Y/N nodded her head towards him and he pulled out a packet and a lighter. He lit it and sucked in a breath, breathing out a spool of smoke into the air.
“How are you feeling after last night?” Y/N asked after a moment.
“Oh please, not you too.” Sirius placed his head in his hands, but Y/N laughed.
“I was very flattered, I promise.”
“I highly doubt that.”
“Ok maybe a little embarrassed.”
“That’s more likely,” Sirius sat up and looked at her. Y/N was smiling at him. He felt his heart jump.
“Do you feel ok though? I am surprised you’re not more ill.”
“Peter has a knack for potions, he was feeding us anti-nausea all day.”
“Ahh, of course.” Y/N remembered Peter was found brewing a Polyjuice potion in his fourth year. A great potioneer, but not so great at hiding.
“So how was your first few days at work?” Sirius took another breath in from his cigarette, looking back towards the garden.
“Eh, ok. I don’t know, it all feels a bit weird, you know?” Y/N wasn’t sure he understood but he nodded sagely all the same.
“I think you just need to get back into the routine of it. You’ll figure out where you stand soon.”
“You think so?”
“I know so.” Sirius grinned, “I basically have a map to your future.”
“Oh really?” Y/N raised an eyebrow and felt herself relaxing into the chair, lifting a leg up and under herself.
“I can’t tell my secrets.” Sirius shook his head and pretended to lock his lips.
“You’re useless,” Y/N snorted, rolling her eyes at him.
They sat there talking for the next little while until Y/N began leaning more heavily against the chair and Sirius could see her eyes fluttering shut every few seconds.
“Come on, let’s get you to bed.” Sirius put out his second cigarette and hooked an arm under her waist to lift her off the chair.
“Ok,” She mumbled, her head lolling slightly as she stumbled beside him, leaning into his arm, head against his chest. He brought her up to the guest room and into her bed, pulling the covers over her shoulders. She grabbed his arm as he turned to leave.
“For what?”
“I’m not sure yet.”
“Ok Y/N,” Sirius chuckled softly, “Good night.”
@averytruerayofsunshine @siriuslyjanhvi @blushingskywalker @blackpinkdolan @thebabblingbookworm @cherrie511 @imlukesnirvana​ @avengersassemblee​ @maraudersandco​ @sly-vixen-up2nogood​ @sirius-lysad​ @evyiione​ @minerva26love​ @aikeia​ @gollyderek​ @greatwombatblaze​  @songforhema​  @your-typical-giggle @myownviperroom @hermionie-is-my-queen @demiwitch527   siobhanhope    delightfuldela     nadinissavage     fleurmoon    treestarrrrrrrr    @with1love1anu     @findzelda    @brighteyedmichelle    a-dorky-book-keeper   placeforcoolusername    damalseer   @approved-by-dentists @placeforcoolusername  @eury-dice3  @bookscoffeeandracoons  moonstarrnghtsky  cherrycolakxsses  kamilantya  play-morezeppelin    mknight080904
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Hi!! I absolutely love your headcanons and the way you write them. It's so fun reading them! If it is not much of a bother, may I request something? How about a headcanon of the RFA+V being submissive to MC during sex. If you do not feel comfortable writing this, feel free to delete this! I also just wanted to tell how much of a FAN I am of your blog. Stay safe and I love you~💜
Ohohoho~ Nonny you’ve got a big storm comin (and really good taste for hcs damn)
I’ve already done one of these, but let me update en a lil bit y’know? Maybe add more ✨spice✨ or smth lmao
RFA+V being submissive to MC during the sideways tango (nsfw-ish)
Also really random comment but just know that everytime I write something like this, I’m listening to classical music like Beethoven and Tchaikovsky PFT
So we all know that Zen is actually pretty dominant, he’s definetly a top
One time though, you suddenly decided to change the roles a bit~
You were feeling confident and pushed Zen back against the bed, straddling him.
He was pretty surprised at first but he actually found it pretty hot
Zen will lean back and let you take the control, he won’t do the heavy things but he doesn’t mind sometimes being tied up (like his wrists against the bed post)
There are times where you will hold him down and make him reach his peak two, three or even four times. Those are the moments where Zen is the most vulnerable
You will stare up at him, an evil smirk on your lips while Zen pants, his face flushed
“Y-Y/N, p-please I-I can’t anymore I-I’ve already came enough and I don’t think that I can handle one mo-nghhh!!!!”
But eventually he will turn it on you and make you suffer as well~
Yoosung didn’t actually know he enjoyed being submissive until a while in your relationship
He was never really dominant, but the two of you were always pretty vanilla.
That was until one day you decided to put a collar on him and made him kneel in front of you
He did NOT know he would actually enjoy this sort of stuff, LIKE NANI?!
He loves being ordered around by you, especially when you make him go between your legs and tell him to suck, griping his hair tightly and once you reach your climax making him lick your legs clean
And he likes being praised too, it’s something he’s really into pft
Yoosung is completely comfortable with you taking the lead, and he enjoys it! Of course there will be times where he will take the reins too~
So this woman is pretty vanilla, she isn’t really into the whole over the top things
One time you asked her about handcuffs, and while she was pretty embarrassed she decided to try it out
Jaehee never knew you could be so dominant, and she found it hypnotizing
Jaehee also wouldn’t mind some light bondage, and maybe even a bit of begging *wink wonk*
You’ll suddenly stop rubbing against her, and she’ll let out a moan, tears almost falling from her eyes.
“P-please Y/N.”
“Please what?~ Jaehee I won’t know what you want until you tell me~”
“....p-please le-let me....let me come....please...i-it’s too much and I can’t anymore so please...!”
“Good girl~”
Oop it took a while for this man to be convinced, since he mostly likes to be in control of things
But every once in a while, you will suddenly surprise him by pushing him against the desk, taking off his tie and wrapping it around his wrists.
“Don’t take them off or I will actually break up with you” (tbh that’s the only way to make him DO something lol, but if you ever break up with him I will find you and destroy you don’t do my boy like that.”
Jumin is so surprised by your sudden boldness...but he doesn’t mind it
You will take off his pants and lick his tip, making him let out a moan, wanting to take that damn tie off and grip your hair, make you take him in fully
But you’re taking your slow, sweet time, while looking up at him with a little smile on your face, fluttering your eyelashes
As he’s about to come, you immediatly stop and he lets out an annoyed gump.
“Now now Jumin~ Why the rush? Let’s take our sweet time~”
You’ll keep egging him on, grinding against him and brushing your lips against his without actually kissing him
Jumin is a though cookie, and ya bet your ass he’s not one to submit, much less beg but at this point he’s not thinking straight and he’s been driven to the edge far too many times to form a coherent thought
“My love, please, don’t just-nnngh, don’t grind on me like that and then stop...love, I’m already on the edge and I c-can’t hold it back anymore.”
“Well Jumin, if you want to come you’re going to have to beg~”
“L-love, just please, please let me come, I want to, I really want to, please I’ll do anything you ask of my, just let me come my love, please.”
Afterwards, Jumin will take off his tie and push you against the bed ,a hungry look in his eyes
“Now it’s my turn to make you beg. I won’t hold back this time.”
Every once in a while the two of you will switch
He doesn’t really mind being tied up, or being put in a gall bag
There are times where he’ll be tied up against the bed by his wrists, and ropes all around him, tightening up and caressing delicate spots for him
Of course, he won’t be able to do much as whimper since you have his mouth covered too
You’ll eventually rub your entrance against him and look up at him
His eyes will be watery and his head messy, his glasses almost falling off.
“Do you want me to put it in?” You asked, and Saeyoung will furiously nod, whimpers and muffled moans coming out of his mouth
The two of you will then let out a satisfied sigh, and eventually will reach your peak, Saeyoung unable to hold it in anymore
Everything but blindfolds please he’s had enough of that PFTTT
Even though he will be embarassed to admit it, V is a power bottom aight?
He doesn’t mind light bondage
And he is absolutely into getting praised
Whenever you straddle him and whisper into his ear how good of a boy he is, he will let out a moan and beg for you to let him be inside you, to please let him become one with you
He always lets out little gasps whenever you touch him anywhere, and he’ll always try (but fail) at muffling his moans.
By the time you’re done bringing him to his peak, his eyes will be half lidded and the corners will be filled with tears, his hair messy and his face flushed, panting and trying to reach for you while his hands are tied up behind him
“Y-Y/N, I- I n-need y-You right no-ow, anngh- I re-really do- p-please r-ride m-me, I really w-want you to r-ride mmmee-mnngh!”
Also definetly peg the boy we’ve talked about this thousand of times he is peggable so do not miss the opportunity to break ya boi heyooo
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samthemarvelfan · 5 years
Goodbyes: Chapter Eight
Summary: Ella Monroe is the Avengers newest recruit, handpicked by Steve Rogers himself. Indebted to him for reasons unknown, Cap pairs her up with Bucky Barnes. He is tasked with training her to relearn and hone the skills that have long since rusted. Bucky is cold and distant, and Ella can’t seem to break through the wall he’s built up for decades. He sees something in her though, and it scares him to death. Has the fate of these two strangers been sealed? …or will they always be longing…
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x OFC, feat Steve Rogers, Sam Wilson, Wanda Maximoff, Natasha Romanoff, Tony Stark
Warnings: ANGST, Bucky is a dick, mutual pining, self sabotage, slow burn, alcohol, flirting, swearing. I think that’s it!  Def not following a specific MCU canon or timeline.
A/N: I legit can’t believe the love from you all! Gosh my lil heart might burst! Please stick with me after this chapter and please don’t hate me! Patience is a virtue after all. Thank you for every comment, like, message and reblog. Love you endlessly. <3
Taglist: @iheartsebastianstan @jjlizz @stuckysbabe @sk493494 @lefoutoir @nickangel13 @marvelismysafezone @lilulo-12 @warmvanillafeels @heartofagamotto @ravenesque @pinknerdpanda (strikethrough means the tag didn’t work! I’m sorry!)  (strikethrough means the tag didn’t work! I’m sorry! Tags are OPEN!)
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Three fucking weeks.
At this point, you were almost positive you were losing your mind.
Everyone was still in Romania, and you hadn’t had any actual contact with the team. Sam occasionally gave you the smallest of updates, usual in the form of a message that said “we’re alive.”
Gotta love that detail.
Wanda had checked on you too, making sure you were eating, as you had a tendency to forget to when you were stressed.
What drove you mad more than anything was that you hadn’t heard from Bucky. Was it really all in your head? The two of you connecting finally, and then he just vanished without a word?
Sure, maybe you were being irrational and needy. He was working; risking his life for the greater good after all. That doesn’t make it hurt any less, though.
“Miss Monroe, you’re receiving a call.” FRIDAY’s voice announced.
You jumped off the couch and ran to comm beacon in the middle of the table.
“Hello?” You ask, hopeful.
“Hey, Punchline! Miss me?” Sam’s humorous tone asked.
You couldn’t even speak, the only sound escaping your lips was an almost sob of relief.
You hear Steve chuckle in the background. “I’ll take that as a yes, meet us on the roof in 5?”
“You bet.” You reply quickly.
You pull your gray, half-zip hoodie over your head as you jog to the elevator. “Flight deck.” You announce as you enter.
The doors close and you hear and feel the rumble of the Quinjet docking. “Finally.” You whisper to yourself.
You get to the roof and see the bay doors opening as the ramp drops. Steve is the first one out, followed swiftly by Sam.
“You guys look the shit.” You jest, running at Steve with open arms.
He wraps you in the tightest hug, “Missed you too, Ella.” He laughs.
“How ‘bout me?” Sam asks. You turn to him with a smile, and he embraced you too.
“Is everyone alright? Did you...did you guys...is it done?” You couldn’t really formulate a thought, your mind still wondering how the hell they survived.
Steve nodded. “Every ounce of data we could extract, we did. That base wasn’t even close to inactive. In fact, it was the hub for HYDRA’s new order.”
Your mouth dropped, “What?”
Sam spoke, “Don’t worry, there’s a debriefing tomorrow, we’ll let you know everything we know.”
Your eyes glance behind Steve and Sam. You see Wanda and Vision exit the plane, relieved that they’re okay. You were chewing on your bottom lip, feeling the impatience take hold of you.
Where the hell is he? You thought.
“Hey Ella, listen—“ Sam said, but you tuned him out, hearing more footsteps on the ramp.
There he was, Bucky, safe and—what?
He was holding someone. A woman. Carrying her like a parent does their child after they’ve fallen asleep in the car.
She was stunning. Milky skin with gorgeous red locks. You knew who this was without a doubt, recalling her photo from the file you’d read months ago. Natasha, the Black Widow.
She was smiling. He was smiling. A real, genuine, happy look graced his face as he walked towards you all.
“Barnes, you can put me down now.” She laughed.
He shook his head, “Not a chance, Kitten. Can’t have you runnin’ off on me again can we?”
She pushed some hair out of his face, “I’m not going anywhere this time. I found what I was looking for, and I don’t intend on letting it go.” She smirked her perfect lips at him, causing him to blush.
Bucky places her gently on her feet before looking at you. His eyes looked panicked as he took in the expression on your face.
“You must be Ella! Nice to meet you, I’m Nat. Steve’s told me so much about you.” She smiled, pulling you in for a hug.
Why didn’t Bucky tell you about me? You think begrudgingly.
A smile graced your face nonetheless as you return the hug. “Its an honor, you’re a legend.” You say in an attempt to control your tone. It was true, too. Natasha Romanoff was infamous in your line of work.
“Don’t boost her ego, Kid.” Tony says walking by you.
You smiled politely, eager to escape to your room. “Well you guys must be exhausted, I’ll let you—“
“Hell no. I need a drink and I need one now.” Sam said as he walked towards the door leading back inside.
“You think you get to drink alone, Wilson? I don’t believe that’s how this relationship works.” Tony said as he completed his retinal scan by the keypad.
“We’re gonna have a ‘hey look at that, none of us died’ dinner tonight. Pizza, beer, booze, music. 8 o’clock in the lounge.” Tony said disappearing inside.
You turned around to see Bucky whispering in Natasha’s ear, both laughing like giddy fucking schoolgirls.
Are they...does he...is she... you’re brain tried to think, but it couldn’t seem to complete a thought.
You wanted to punch him in that smug face of his. He didn’t even have the balls to say goodbye to you when he left, and now that he’s back he has the audacity to not say two words to you?
“I’m always down for pizza, how ‘bout you Ella?” Steve asked, swinging an arm around your shoulder and leading you back inside.
Bucky eyed Steve with a curious look, but you couldn’t help smiling at your friend, “Is that even a question, Steve? Pizza is a main food group in my opinion, you know that.”
He and Nat were swiftly on you heels. “You sure about that Els? You look exhausted, have you been sleeping?” Bucky asks from behind you.
You stop suddenly and turn on your heel. Is he serious? The first thing he says to you is basically ‘you look like shit’ and ‘please don’t come to this party’.
“Now that you mention it, Sergeant, I haven’t been sleeping. I was worried about my friends. Wondering when and if I’d see them again, I’d hate to leave thing left unsaid,”
You grab Steve’s and Sam’s hand in each of yours and lift them, “But it looks like everyone I care about made it back on one piece.”
You turn back around and head into the elevator with everyone.
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You stood in your room, fuming.
Is this really who you’ve become? This pathetic teenager pining after someone who will never be hers?
It sure seems that way.
Your stomach churns at the image of he and Nat...together.
An excessive groan leaves your lips as you flop on the bed, ready to let yourself wallow.
Your plans, however, are interrupted by a knock on your door. “What?!” You scream.
The door opens slowly, “I thought you’d have missed me?” Wanda says.
You shoot up, and smile like an idiot. “Of course I missed you, Wan. I’m so glad you’re back!” You embrace her.
The two of you had become quite close recently, and it was so nice to have a girl friend around again.
“Then why do I get the feeling I interrupted a wallowing session, hm?” She said slyly.
You raise an eyebrow at her, “Wan...” You scold.
“I know, I know—stay outta your head. But Ella, your thoughts are so loud I can barely hear my own!” She laughed.
You sigh and sit on the edge of your bed, Wanda joining you.
“I’m just mad. I’m mad at myself for acting like a love struck teenager, I’m mad at him for yoyo-ing me all the damn time. I’m just...”
“In love.” She finished your sentence.
You laugh aloud, “Wan, you have to know someone to love them. That big oaf of a man is too damn stubborn to let anyone in! Besides, I don’t think it’s me he wants.”
“What’s that suppose to mean?” She asked.
You stand heading to your closet, looking through clothes to wear for tonight.
“Nothing. Forget I mentioned it.”
Wanda’s footsteps followed you, “I know you say Bucky’s stubborn, but so are you, Ella.” She smiled softly, her nimble fingers landing on a black velvet dress.
“This one.” She says. The long sleeved, deep v dress was your absolute favorite, and also very fancy.
“Isn’t that a bit much?” You ask.
She raised her eyebrows at you. “Uh, have you met Tony? He says ‘pizza and beer’ but he means a gala... with less people.”
“Fine, but I swear to God if you don’t dress up too then I’m coming back here and putting on pajamas.” You hold your pinky out to her.
She hooks it with a smile, “Deal.”
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8 o’clock comes far too fast in your opinion.
You’d spent the last two hours in your bathroom doing your makeup and hair, and you look damn good.
The dress rested a bit below mid-thigh, and fit you perfectly. You make a mental not to thank Wanda later for forcing you into it.
“Breathe, Ella.” You say to yourself as the elevator carries you to the lounge floor.
Your black heels click through the corridor, the sound softening as your ears fill with classic rock from the end of the hall.
You slowly push the wooden door open, and spot everyone mingling. Maria Hill was there, as was Rhodey, and another man you’d never met before.
“Oh shoot! I didn’t know we had a supermodel living with us!” Sam shouts.
You laugh, “Oh shut up, you’ve clearly already been drinking.”
He shook his head, “So what? I still got eyes, don’t I?”
“You look beautiful.” Steve says cutting Sam off, placing a kiss on your cheek.
You blush, “Thank you, Steve. You boys clean up pretty nice too. I don’t think we’ve ever seen each other like this.”
Steve shakes his head, “Not exactly the suit I’m most comfortable in.” He took a sip of what you assume is scotch. “What are you drinkin’, sweetheart?” He asks.
“Honestly? Anything with vodka. Then I’ll have a shot or two.” You say, taking a seat at the high top table next to him.
“Coming right up, Sam why don’t you come with me fore you dig a deeper hole for yourself?”
You hear Sam grumbling as Steve drags him away, and you suddenly feel yourself being watched.
You scan the room, and spot him almost instantly. He’s standing with Nat, her back to you, leaning on the bar.
Bucky’s eyes, though glassy from the booze no doubt, had never been more focused.
His gaze roamed your body from your feet to your face. He licked his lips slowly, before capturing his bottom one in his teeth.
Shaking your head, you look away from him. “Don’t even think about it, buddy.” You mutter to yourself. You glance at him quickly one final time and see Nat waving her hand in front of his face.
Bucky’s trance seems to get broken and he falls back into conversation with her with ease.
“Moscow Mule? I think that’s what the bartender called it.” Steve says approaching you.
A light bulb suddenly goes off in your head.
“Steve? Can I ask for a favor?” You say, squeezing the lime into your drink
He nods, “Anything, what’s on your mind?”
You let out a large breath. “Okay, please don’t think I’m immature but I’ve been thoroughly pissed at your best pal over there,” you gesture with a nod of your head.
“and I’d really like to get him back for all the shit he’s put me through.”
Steve sips his drink again, as Sam places 3 shot of Jameson on the table. “What did you have in mind?”
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Bucky’s breathing stopped the moment he saw her. He didn’t think she could get anymore beautiful.
Turns out he was incredibly, outstandingly wrong.
He felt his heat racing and his blood pumping, drowning out whatever Nat was telling him about her plans for the evening.
Ella’s eyes were everything to him. They bared her soul and showed him her heart at the same time. He’d never been able to see a future for himself, until she fell into his life.
He worried about her constantly. Not being able to see her or talk to her or hear her voice for nearly 3 weeks drove him crazy. Then seeing her in the state she was in, so obviously sleep deprived and stressed. He hated himself for making her worry so much, and it was clear she wasn’t too happy with him when he got back this morning.
“Hello, Earth to Barnes? Did you hear me?” Nat said, waving her hand.
Bucky shook his head, “No sorry, what was that?”
Nat smiled slyly. “Mhm, your girls got you in a tizzy, that’s for sure.” She said, sipping her martini.
Bucky smiled shyly. “She’s not my girl, no matter how much I wish she was.”
Nat slapped his lapel, “So what the fuck are you doing fuck standing here with me?!”
“Ow! Okay, okay! Christ, shouldn’t you be fucking Banner in a utility closet or something?” He laughed stepping away from her.
“All in good time, Barnes. Now go get your girl.” She said spinning away from him.
Bucky’s eyes traveled to where she was standing, but she wasn’t there. Sam was in her spot, downing a shot Bucky was sure he’d regret in the morning.
He maneuvered around the groups of people, searching for her. The soft rock music playing poignantly through the speakers, he sees a few couples dancing.
He scoots around them and spots Steve.
Good for him. He thought happily to himself.
When Steve sways around with his partner, he sees its not a random guest he’s dancing with. Steve is dancing with a beautiful girl, a woman, Bucky’s girl.
Bucky wants to throw up and kick his ass all at once.
But then he sees Ella.
She’s smiling, and comfortable. She’s happy as she rests her head on Steve’s chest, and sways to the rhythm of the song.
The alcohol in his system doesn’t make these feelings any easier to handle. His vibranium fist clenching and unclenching.
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A whirring sound get both Steve and your attention. That’s when you see Bucky standing about 10 feet away from the two of you as he watches dance.
“Hey Buck, wh—“
“Shut the fuck up, Steve.” Bucky slurs.
Your eyes widen at the words he says to his friend. Bucky is visibly shaking, and obviously drunk—probably more so than you, and that’s saying something since Sam kept the shots coming.
“Bucky, stop.” You say before your mind can stop you.
He lets out a sarcastic laugh, “Not fucking him, huh?” He spat in anger as he pushed by you, leaving the lounge all together.
Steve looked to the door, then to you. Your eyes brimming with tears as you swallowed a sob.
He looks at you with a sad smile, and nods his head toward the door. “Go get him.”
Chapter Nine: Seen
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neurodecadence · 3 years
Sorry in advance bc I don't think I've subjected you to this before but Do The Prime Numbers
the only apology I need is for making me remember maths
2 (cause one doesn't count as a prime, right? I never got why though) "what's your favorite horror subgenre?" I love found footage. I know it's cliched and dumb, all that jazz, but I love the whole cinema verite (to sound pretentious) vibes of the whole thing. I know it's fake, I know the undead didn't kill a whole town in southern texas, I know a monster didn't destroy new york, I know there's not an asylum in toronto haunted by the ghosts of patients subjected to satanic abuse (actually considering the history of asylums, you never know on that one) but it FEELS real, like I'm seeing something I'm not supposed to. The low budget only amplifies the joy for me.
3 "you're planning a horror movie marathon with your friends - which movies are you picking?" Grave Encounters (love the genius locii/house of leaves stuff going on there), Halloween (classic), Southbound (great anthology horror, highly recommend), and capping it off with Evidence, so we can all go to bed going "what the FUCK did you just put in front of me"
4 "you can go back in time and watch a horror movie of your choice on its premiere - which movie are you going to see?" Alien, the first one. I'd kill to be there for the chestburster scene for the FIRST TIME EVER, it's not even a question
5 "if you were a character in a horror movie, what kind of movie would it be? what kind of character would you be? what would be your fate?" It's a found footage, and I'm the camera holder's best pal and genre savvy, funny sidekick. I make it through most of the movie, my jokes breaking the tension (even if I do get yelled at in an important character building scene for making light of the situation, where I break down and explain it's cause I'm frightened too). Late in the film it's just me, the camera holder, and their love interest, a chance to escape appears, but the threat is just behind us; someone is going to have to make a final stand to let the others go. The main character say's they'll do it, but I stop them and tell them I won't let them, they need to get out of here. My final lines are "You know me, this is always how I've wanted to go out, keeping my best friend safe and looking like a total badass" As they flee the camera is turned back, showing flashes of light, banging, and me yelling cliches and one liners at the monsters I beat back, until a strangled cry, and then nothing.
7 "answer for real life vs if you were a slasher movie character: a murder has occurred. somebody you knew, though only in passing, got knifed by some psycho killer and the whole town is in shock. the school fool has taken it upon themselves to throw a party in the midst of all of this, "to celebrate life", as they say. - you get an invitation but are you going to the party?"
Fuuuuuuck no, and not just cause I'm not a party kind of gal in the first place (well, maybe a chill drinks and background music kinda shindig). I'm also encouraging people I know to not go, cause it's genuinely pretty disrespectful, might invite some friends so we can share any memories we have and share a quiet evening. In real life, that's about where it ends, probably. In a slasher, we probably get knifed BEFORE the big party, one of us makes it out, runs to the party covered in blood yelling about the killer, causing a panic that only makes things worse when the stabbing starts. You just can't win when you got a Jason type bastard on the loose, can you?
11 "answer for real life vs if you were a slasher movie character: you escaped the killer but your friends are still stuck on their hunting ground, hiding and running for their lives. do you go back for them?"
Hell yeah I do! I'm running that cunt down with my car (which would probably be a prius everyone else made fun of earlier, making it more dramatically and comedically satisfying). IRL, the killer is now pavement jam. In a film, we might have a problem.
13 "you're offered the chance to privately talk to a horror villain of your choice, currently kept secure in a government facility. your safety during the encounter is guaranteed. do you take the offer? and if you do, who do you pick? why?"
No, I can't think of any that could tell me anything I'm, like, desperate to know. Anything worth that effort. Maybe Pinhead, to ask about the cosmology of the world, but he'd probably say some shit that made me go mad and, like, die horribly. Also I don't think I'm smart enough to "get" it.
17 "would you rather have chucky try and transfer his soul into your body or have the sawyer family try and put you on their dinner table?"
Sawyers. You never win VS that bastard doll, but leatherface is still human. Barely, but still.
19 "the asker gets to make up a would-you-rather question of their own."
Apparently the question was "do you wanna see if you can remember the primes, or ignore it and not risk embarrassing yourself" The answer is that I have very little pride or shame left, and I like answering questions too much to ignore it c:
23 "what are some things that give you the total creeps? places, items, even certain times that you try to avoid whenever possible?"
So, okay, it's well known that I'm a brainweird bitch (read: legitimately mentally ill, but trying to be cool about it), but also sometimes I just... See shit. I know logically it's probably visual hallucinations, or memory problems, pareidolia, or a sensible explanation for deja vu. BUT There is SOME shit I have seen that I can't ignore. Houses that don't make sense no matter how I look at them, the moonwatcher, catghosts, and that one thing I will not talk about because I just know in the back of my skull that it doesn't like being noticed. A lot of these are benevolent, or just not paying attention (the catghosts in particular are very chill, if a little bothersome some days), but there are some I will go out of my way to avoid or ignore. Maybe I'm being silly, hell, almost definitely, but I don't care. I don't want to poke at things I don't understand, only to find out it was a sleeping bear.
29 "29. are you dressing up this halloween?"
Shit I don't know if I'll get the chance. If I do.... Oh! I got it! I'm gonna go as my own corpse, being wheeled around in my wheelchair by my pal dressed as an evil spooky nurse! Grim, spooky, kinda funny when I stop playing dead and perk up to go "The punch is fantastic, by the way!", AND I get to have gruesome blood and injuries all over- it's perfect!
31 "make a list: halloween preparation shopping list."
Halloween ain't such a big thing down here in Aotearoa, sadly. I like to make a deal of it, but no one else does. Still, candy for handing out, a mix of some cheap bulk mix kids can get a handful of, and some nicer mini candy bars I can hand out one at a time. Costume supplies, fake cobwebs, and some other lil decorations. I'd love to own a house and go all out for it one year, but for now I can be content with the lil paper skeleton I have hanging in my room.
37 "it's halloween! the clock strikes midnight and at the edge of town, a witch is trying to summon you. what items will she need for the spell to work?"
I mean it's halloween, and it's a witch, so she's already mostly done. Aside from that... A plastic skull, A dvd copy of a crappy horror film, a 2 liter of sugar free coke, a crystal bell, and a chunk of rose quartz. AND a smooch- no way am I passing up that chance!
Thank you for all these questions, I had an absolute blast answering these!
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pestopascal · 4 years
so i only just saw the announcement on the fhr server what happened while i was in something else i tried searching and everything seemed to come back to you lol
“comes back to me” LOL yeah so bee posted the blm donation post after people were all like “i need a break from social media” following malins post on the fhr tumblr and like it wasnt mean. it was just a Post with ways to help/raise awareness bc like ngl being all “oh i need a break” when like there is ZERO mention of blm before all this btw. terrible. but the mods deleted it ???? (not a single mod has admitted to being the one to delete it first). and then it got reposted under spoiler tags with like “tw police brutality/politics” which. its a donation post for blm. tone deaf. so then i reposted it again, and quite frankly ppl were chiming in with like why was it hidden under those tw and spoilers and that maybe it should be posted in the announcement channel instead of being lost in genchat (it took 2hrs for it to be a formal announcement still under tws). it RLY didnt dissolve until justaname chimed in with “this server isnt supposed to be leftist fox news” (a classic which will not be forgotten by the masses) and literally like the mods were ??? not here but the mits and cms were like either trying to help or just straight up “this server is supposed to be a safe space” like even MY post wasnt aggressive lol i just gave suggestions on how ppl could donate or stream to donate or if they want more information on first nations (bc everyone seems to believe i left out australia in this...????)  but then mod cheion chimed in with “politics are on the trigger list” AGAIN and its like this is a donation post about blm YKNOW??? so then idk ppl tried to like non-apologise for comments and be all “how are ppl supposed to learn from mistakes from their comments” and encourage ppl to go onto different topics and kept saying that the donation post and blm was a “heavy topic” for a GAME that literally has “heavy topics” as its like core storytelling (which btw numerous people ALSO brought up was incredibly ironic and reminded everyone the server has been like that for a very long time) anyway madcatco literally called the server theirs LOL and was like literally take ur politics somewhere else (this game......... has politics involved btw)
like then ppl left it for maybe idk a lil while i hopped into the au server and snagged some screencaps of ppl just railing on me for literally bringing up racism bc thats bad apparently to point out racism??? also my MO is to be an asshole ❤️ and then it kicked off again as ppl read up and started criticising the mods and famous comment by trob of “we’re aware of smute” LMAOOOO like sry i tried being polite with dms and screenshots last yr to emma that mod who like was sarcastic af and trob and madcat (who also btw Hated smute and rei up until like. august last yr). anyway ppl started DIGGING and posting caps of rei and smutes antics on the server in genchat specifically (also that fucking post from saturn about smute skejfhskjdhf ) and then campaigning for ppl to be unblocked who were blocked like nina (contrary to ur opinion trob dont lie 2 us i have screenshots of u in the vent channel of the au server) and like ppl kept demanding why saturn was blocked and they REFUSED to answer why and still never outright admitted it and it kept GOING it was like absolutely hilarious and sad how many non-answers and non-apologies ppl got and they were like “oh but how do we help the server” and then ppl were like “wow i didnt realise the rot went this deep” bc sooooo many ppl were getting anons as well with just how deep smutes interaction with fhr went and it was like. incredible. also shout out to smute being the pet racist comment that was the FUNNIEST shit i’ve seen. only the mits and cms were actually trying to help btw. mods were nowhere to be seen. PPL WHO LEFT THE SERVER REJOINED like who swore off fhr all those huge content creators came back. wild. at some point i passed out, got banned by lime as a “knee jerk emotional reaction” alongside alex and seagull and i think there were others as well btw idk who and we got unblocked (im so sad that happened like an hr after i went to bed i MISSED it) and just madcatco SPLIT with no apology, idk cheion said smth but quite frankly idk it was words. lime dipped out. a whole bunch of ppl also split, ppl started POURING in again. like there was another non apology which was like ‘my mental health’ and idk man none of them still apologised for being racist mind you like that was the biggest and most absolute thing ppl kept bringing up and NONE of the mods apologised for being racist and wanting to do better. they just peaced out.
anyway now the mits are full mods, the old admin i think split after like being all “huh what i just fix up channels i dont work here” . trob is now just an admin and still being all tw drama LOL so we’ll see what happens with the server. i know ppl kept saying to make a new one but like the basic structure is there. ppl just gotta not be bought off by shitty copied art anymore yknow. who knows whats even gonna happen with the game anymore apparently malin May Return after the completion of the alpha or smth
OH AND smute’s fucking attempt at apology 2.0 sry honey but
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