#maybe someday ill write about what all went on at the party
bratanimus · 1 year
33. you are such a nerd
@khaleesa, thank you for this awesome prompt! It was a lot of fun to write. And thanks to the lovely @pipergirl17 for betaing! I hope to work on the other prompts in my Ask box soon.
Eddie sprawled on his stomach across Chrissy’s white eyelet comforter and peered over the edge of the bed, like the invisible Bilbo peeping at Smaug. All around herself, his girlfriend (someday he would stop italicizing that word in his mind, but today was not that day) had spread a veritable dragon’s hoard of paper, folders, notebooks, flashcards, pencil cases, and pens of all colors on the pink shag carpet. 
Sitting cross-legged in her running sweats, framed in a patch of afternoon sunlight, Chrissy looked luminous as she carefully pried open the lid of a box of new pencils as if it were a treasure chest.
“Tell me again,” Eddie said.
He pushed up the long sleeves of his T-shirt and rested his chin on the heels of both hands in what he hoped was a coquettish and distracting manner, his jean-clad legs bent and kicking his socked feet behind him like he was at an honest-to-god Annette Funicello pajama party. 
“Why are you doing this, exactly?”
Chrissy gave him the briefest of eye rolls, because she’d already started to explain on their way upstairs…though she’d been interrupted when they’d passed the Cunningham household’s actual dragon, who’d bellowed after them, “Door stays open!” Eddie could almost feel the mistrust billowing like acrid steam from Laura’s sewing room. Well, the old reptile would get used to him sooner or later. Or not. 
“Make fun all you want,” Chrissy huffed (oh, she was cute when she was miffed at him, and maybe he shouldn’t rile her up, but he was a dumbass still getting used to having her undivided attention, so sue him if he occasionally resorted to his old habits of poking and prodding and other sorts of ill-advised provocation, and anyway, she didn’t seem to mind). “But it’s the end of spring break.”
With that, Chrissy pinned him with a friendly glare, as if a reminder of the calendar date should’ve made everything crystal clear. 
Smirk (and dimples) still firmly in place, she broke the eraser off one of those brand new pencils, an unexpected act of violence that made Eddie’s eyebrows shoot upward. She tossed the nub into the flowery little trash can under her desk. Then she grabbed a fat, pink, arrowhead-shaped cap eraser from a pile of them and twisted it onto the top of the pencil. 
“Ah, I see,” said Eddie, not seeing at all. 
Chrissy only laughed at his confused expression, so he lay flat on his chest, chin on the bed’s edge, letting his arms dangle so he could fiddle with the felt tip pens scattered on the carpet. He stole a glance at Chrissy and pondered why one eraser might be somehow inherently better than another, so much so that she had to amputate and reattach, like some nerdy bookworm version of Mary Shelley.
“School starts back in a couple of days, right?” Chrissy went on as she attacked the next pencil.
Eddie shoved aside her big green binder and slid his fingertips along the pens as he lined them up, orange and purple and red and blue—
Bonk! Another brand new nub landed in the trash can, and another cap eraser got reamed by a wooden writing instrument.
“I always reorganize my school supplies after fall break, Christmas break, and spring break. It helps me stay focused.”
“Mmm-hmm,” he bullshitted, as if he had any idea about systems for focusing.
He arranged the pens according to the colors of the rainbow, remembering Roy G. Biv, the acronym his seventh grade art teacher had taught for the progression of colors. But Chrissy owned way more than the seven basic shades here. There were at least two dozen. Did she carry these to school every day in a pencil case, a small treasure trove in her pink backpack?
“I love school supplies,” she gushed, continuing her mutilation of the pristine set of Ticonderogas, popping off a dozen heads one by one and replacing them with bloated Frankenstein ones.
He knew she had a thing about control, and Eddie had seen her do her fair share of feverish erasing in the two classes they shared this year. But were twelve cap erasers really necessary?
Messing with the felt tips on the floor, he must’ve asked that last bit out loud, because Chrissy said tightly, “Oh, you know. Just in case I need to correct a lot.”
Oops. He’d touched a nerve. He needed a distraction.
“I bet you pack five extra pairs of underwear for every overnight trip,” he mused, “just in case you have a blowout.”
“Ew!” she squealed.
An eraser nub hit him square between the eyes, which made him flinch and blink. 
“Seriously, Eddie.  Are blowouts something I should worry about?”
“Oh, I dunno. Hang around with me long enough—”
A larger arrowhead eraser smacked him on the cheek. He caught it before it fell off the bed, stuck it on his pinky, and made it speak over Chrissy’s giggles.
“Look, lady,” he Muppet-squeaked, “you have an eraser problem. And possibly an underwear problem. You need help!”
Chrissy pointed to his pinky. “Speak not to me, nor my Trapper Keeper, ever again. You’re just jealous of my loot.” 
“I have absolutely no use for dragon-guarded treasures,” Eddie murmured, quoting Tolkien as he slipped the eraser from his pinky and laid it reverently in Chrissy’s outstretched hand, “and the whole lot could stay here for ever, if only I could wake up and find this beastly tunnel was my own front-hall at home.”
Watching him, Chrissy’s eyes glimmered, prettier than any gemstones. His cheeks warmed. 
It was something to be looked at by her, wasn’t it? To be admired? He dropped his gaze back down to the pens he was arranging and hoped his face wasn’t too red.
“That’s it.” The words were barely a breath.
Eddie’s gaze rose again to find Chrissy staring down at her hoard of loot, hands upturned helplessly on her knees, the arrowhead eraser still in the center of her palm like the One Ring.
He tried to match her hushed tone. “What?”
“That’s how I feel. All the time. This house. All my things. It’s just…stuff.”
And she had no other home but this beastly one.
Eddie's heart pinched.
“Come up here,” he said.
She did, lying on her stomach next to him, chin resting on her folded arms as she watched him arrange the felt tips into different configurations with one hand. Gravity made his veins bulge a little; they looked knobbly and greenish-blue in the bright light from her window. His hand could almost be a pale dragon skittering over its mountain of treasure.
He didn’t know what to say, because he couldn’t say what he wanted to.
Come away with me. Let me be your treasure. You are already mine.
Leaning into her with one shoulder, he reached awkwardly into his front pocket and scrounged for the ever-present handful of mismatched polyhedral die, which he tossed to the floor, a field of shimmering stars around what he’d written across the landscape of her Pepto-Bismol carpet.
“Wait.” Chrissy’s head lifted from her forearms. She blew her bangs out of her eyes. “Does that say—”
It did indeed. Eddie had arranged her plethora of pens to read 
“You are such a nerd,” he whispered, creasing his brow and dipping his chin for emphasis. He wondered if she could somehow read on his face what he was really thinking.
Chrissy looked back at him and smiled like he’d just placed a crown on her head. He swallowed. Maybe she could read his thoughts. Eddie tucked her lovely smile away into his own mental hoard, for safekeeping.
“Takes one to know one,” she said, cutting the inhalation for his retort short with a kiss.
He nodded his fervent agreement until her widening grin made further kissing more difficult, but not impossible.
The eraser lay forgotten on the floor with the rest of the hoard. 
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fountainpenguin · 3 months
Hi! How are you?
Anyway... I hope it's okay to ask this (if not then please ignore this) but I wanted to ask why is "This is Halloween" (prompt 128) isn't on Ao3.
I went through the list there a couple of times, and I noticed it was missing (I noticed it a while ago but double-checked today). I know you said in the original AN for that fic, that it's skippable and if we didn't read it it's like nothing happened, so maybe that's why but I still think it's worth asking.
Thank you for your time and have a great day and a great week.
Thanks for taking an interest! I'm a bit ill and tired, but all right. "Only an Idea" and "This Is Halloween" are only available on FFN at this time, though the other 130 Prompts thus far are cross-posted.
I'll post "Only an Idea" to AO3 at the appropriate time for its appearance in Reedfilter Rules AU [+ FFN Link] because I thought it made more sense to post its content in chronological order (which is why RR updates slowly, as the pieces are vague and scattered in my drafts). I'm excited to post more for this AU, but I'm handling it as carefully as I can so I don't have regrets in my posting order down the line.
At the moment, it'll probably be posted after Chapter 11. I'm still waffling over whether I should post it as both Chapter 11 and a separate piece or just one of those things.
Likewise, I plan to post "This Is Halloween" at the time I deem appropriate, and preferably around Halloween. I don't regret writing it; it was a fun piece for a year Halloween fell on my update day. It's intentionally vague, misleading, and dripping with foreshadowing. I think it's fun and there's nothing wrong with reading it now.
It's up on FFN for readers to find and enjoy if they wish, but it's a complex piece that I do think is more impactful if read with certain context (Like nature spirits and the members Anti-Cosmo selected for his camarilla court).
Ex: Anti-Cosmo is Sunnie's medium in "This Is Halloween" (and in all 130 Prompts that take place after he becomes High Count). Notably, in "Halloween," Sunnie leaves Anti-Cosmo's body and they have a fight over whether to stay and defend the Anti-Fairies (what A.C. wants to do) and Sunnie's preference (Fleeing as far across the universe as possible).
The Anti-Cosmo-Sunnie relationship is very messy. Them figuring out how to, y'know, share the same body (particularly as H.P. and Anti-Wanda watch from the sidelines with increasing anxiety because A.C. has a bad habit of idealizing his abusers and now he's sharing a mind with someone his friends can't hear) is the main arc in Act 4 of Frayed Knots. So, y'know... That's gonna be a party!
We're currently 6 chapters into Knots' Act 3; we still have to get through the war before we meet Sunnie
I'm sure not all my AO3 readers follow me on Tumblr, so I thought it would be more effective to post "This Is Halloween" at a relevant time than it would be to make a Tumblr post saying "Hey, go check out this piece I wrote in 2017." Once the story is up on AO3, there's not much I can do to point people towards it, so that's the main reason.
I enjoy "This Is Halloween" and I'd love to discuss it with readers someday, but the chances that people will be willing to chat about The Implications™ and the many complicated layers involved in this piece seem higher if it's posted at a better time than now /shrug
That said, if anyone has read "This Is Halloween" (or any other piece of mine) and wants to send Asks about their theories or tag me in posts, I'd love to respond :) There are a lot of secrets and details in that one.
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dottielovegood · 2 years
Trick or Treat - part 2 (Elriel)
Chapter 2/2: Music of the Night Chapter 1: What to wear? Rating: Explicit Read on AO3 ________________________________
It’s been a year since Elain and Azriel met at a Halloween party. That time, they were dressed as Kylo Ren and Rey. What will their costumes be this year?
—————————————- This is the second part of my Halloween fic that I wrote last year. If you want to read part one, you can find it here
Let me present the GIF that inspired this entire fic:
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Floating, falling, sweet intoxication Touch me, trust me, savour each sensation Let the dream begin, let your darker side give in To the power of the music that I write The power of the music of the night
I was standing in the middle of the living room with my eyes closed, per Azriel’s request. It was the morning of the Halloween party and I had spent the better part of the last day and a half nagging him about the Halloween costumes. In my orgasmic bliss a week earlier, letting him decide the costumes hadn’t seemed like that big of a deal. But since waking up the day after, I had been worried. I didn’t know why really. Azriel had good taste and we did enjoy similar things. And I was pretty certain that he hadn’t bought me a Shrek/Donkey costume. But what if I had planted that idea in his head? What if he went with it? What if I had to go to a party dressed like a freaking donkey? I would have to fake an illness. I should have just kept my mouth quiet…
“You can open your eyes.”
I waited for a few seconds, praying to gods I didn’t believe in that he had chosen something that looked good. It didn’t have to be sexy - I had never been one for sexy costumes - but I did want to look hot. Or at least interesting. 
I crossed my fingers behind my back, hoping that he had gone along with my request of Anakin and Padme. 
Slowly, I opened my eyes and took in the fabric he held in his hands. It was white. A white dress. Or was it even a dress? The fabric looked thin and I could make out more than one ruffle. 
I stared at him. 
“Is it a…nightgown?” I asked, clueless to what his plan was. I couldn’t think of a single character wearing a dress like that. 
He shook his head. “No. It’s a dress.” 
Once again, I looked at the dress he was holding in one hand. White, ruffles– oh god. He hadn’t…
“Azriel…” I began, my eyebrows furrowed in confusion, “is that a wedding dress?” 
A smirk played on Azriel’s lips. “Elain, when I want you in a wedding dress, you’ll know.”
My eyes met his and I couldn’t help but smile. “ When you want me in a wedding dress? Not if?” 
“When,” he repeated, nothing but sincerity in his eyes.
I didn’t know if he understood how much that little word meant to me. How many meanings that word held. When . Our future held so many possibilities and knowing that Azriel intended on spending his future with me made me want to toss that white thing to the side and kiss him like my life depended on it. 
I took a step toward him to do just that but my plan was interrupted when Azriel handed me the dress. “Try it on.”
“Azriel,” I laughed and took the dress from him. I held it up in front of my body, hoping that I would understand his thought process if I could imagine myself in the dress. I couldn’t. “I still have no idea who’s dress this is supposed to be.”
“Wait,” Azriel bent down to the bag he had left by his feet. He pulled out another white item. “It comes with a corset.”
I took the corset from him and he looked at me like I had to get it now. I looked at the items in my hands and I still drew blanks. Maybe because my mind was still stuck on wedding dresses and the fact that Azriel wanted to see me in one someday . 
He reached into the bag again and pulled out a third white item. “I’ll be wearing this.”
He held it up in front of his face and that’s when all the puzzle pieces finally came together. 
“Phantom of the opera?” I asked, even though the answer was ridiculously obvious now. That mask could only belong to one character.
Azriel scratched his neck, suddenly looking less confident. “Do you like it?” 
I smiled at him and went up on my toes to kiss his cheek. “It’s not as good as Shrek and Donkey, but it’ll do.” 
In all honesty, it was the perfect costume. 
A few hours, and a few mental breakdowns later, I was standing in the bathroom, trying to tighten the corset. It had taken all my energy to curl my hair into something resembling Christine’s and this corset was making me question Azriel’s sanity. Why did he buy me this stupid thing? And how on earth did women in the past dress like this everyday? They deserved a fucking medal. But then again, their corsets were probably better quality and made from their measurements. But still – trying to put on this corset felt like a workout, and I definitely didn’t want to sweat right now. 
There was a light knock on the door. “Elain, are you okay?”
“Yeah,” I gritted out. “Almost done.” 
“Okay.” Azriel knew better than to question a woman while she tried to get ready. 
I tapped my phone to look at the time. Shit. The party started in ten minutes and I hated being late. I had to admit defeat. 
“Azriel,” I called out.
“Yeah?” he answered, and his voice told me that he was standing just outside the door. 
“I think I need some help.”
The door to the bathroom opened and Azriel stepped inside. He was already dressed and god, he looked good. How could a man possibly look this good? He was wearing a black suit, a white shirt and a black cravatt. His dark hair was slicked back and the mask was already in place. If we hadn’t been running late already, I might have fallen to my knees just at the sight of him. 
“You look so good,” I said, running my hands over his chest. 
He chuckled. “Better than Gerald Butler?”
“Mhm,” I hummed appreciatively. 
“Watch out Elain, you telling me that I look better than celebrities might go to my head someday.”
“But you do look better. I think you might be the most attractive man who ever walked this earth.”
Azriel caressed my cheek and placed a soft kiss on my lips. “And you are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.”
I smiled at him, holding his hand against my cheek. “We really are a ridiculously attractive couple, huh?”
Azriel just chuckled at that comment. “What do you need help with, angel?”
I pointed at the corset. “This torture device. I can’t tighten it properly.”
“Turn around.”
Even though he wasn’t suggesting anything sexual, my body clearly didn’t get the memo. I felt my nipples stiffen at the command and I knew, without a doubt, that if Azriel lifted my skirt and wanted to take me right here, I would be more than okay with the fact that we would be very late. 
But Azriel did no such thing, which was probably for the better. He just reached for the laces and expertly started to tighten the damned corset. “Tell me if it’s too tight.” 
I placed my hands on the sink and looked at us in the mirror. His dark form towered over me and I couldn’t help but smile at the picture it painted - we really did look good. And we did look like the characters. The dark, tortured soul that lived in shadows and the ethereal angel who was his muse and love. I made a mental note to never doubt Azriel’s costume buying skills ever again. 
Azriel tied the laces in a bow. “How’s that?”
“Perfect,” I said and stroked the stiff material. It hugged my body perfectly, and if I could say so myself, it made my boobs look great. Maybe corsets weren’t all bad? 
Azriel’s hands traveled up my back. He pulled my hair to one side, giving him access to my neck. He placed a soft kiss there, sending tingles down my spine. “You are perfect,” he murmured against my skin. His hands came around my body, holding me close to him. In the mirror, our eyes met. 
“We could skip the party,” he said and pressed another soft kiss to my flushed skin. 
I laughed and shook my head. “Why? Do you have some sort of role playing fantasy?” 
“Maybe,” he murmured, a smirk playing on his lips. “Did I ever tell you that I had a crush on Christine when I was younger.”
“Really?” I wasn’t really surprised. I knew that Phantom of the opera was one of Azriel’s favorite movies, another fact that didn’t surprise me. Knowing his past, I could see that teenage Azriel might see himself in the Phantom. His childhood had been full of darkness and the scars on his hands were a constant reminder of that part of his life. In the mirror, I could see that Azriel was lost in thoughts, maybe remembering things he would rather forget. I placed my hands over his where they rested on my stomach. We were still looking at each other in the mirror and I could see his features relax when I smiled at him, silently telling him how much he meant to me. 
“I love you,” I whispered and tried to turn around but Azriel's grip on me was firm. He pressed his lips against my hair and whispered, “We should probably go if we don’t want to be late.”
“I thought you wanted to stay home.”
“Don’t tempt me.”
“And what if I want to tempt you?”
His gloved hands were still holding me close and the stark juxtaposition between the black leather and white ruffles did something to me. In the mirror, I could see his gaze grow darker. 
“Then I would say that you are succeeding.” 
I bit back a smile. “I have heard that all the fancy guests arrive fashionably late.” 
“Have you now?” He smirked. One of his hands traveled lower, gripping my skirt. “What would people say if they knew you arrived late because you wanted to be fucked?” 
“How would they know?” I asked and arched into his touch. I could already feel him growing hard against me. God, I needed him. How could I feel such an intense desire for this man still?
Azriel met my gaze in the mirror. “But you just got dressed, Elain. Do you really want to do all of this all over again when I’m done with you?” 
“I’m wearing a dress, Azriel,” I said, looking down to where his hands caressed the white fabric. “I’m pretty certain that you can make me come without undressing me.” 
“Is that a challenge?”
Yes. Yes it was. 
“Do you want it to be?”
A grin played on his lips as he let go of me, taking a step back. I watched him in the mirror with a confused expression. Was he really going to deny me?
But all my questions were answered when Azriel told me to turn around and face him. 
“You really are a needy little girl, aren’t you?” he teased, and there was no point in denying the fact. 
“I always need you, Azriel.” 
His eyes traveled down my body, taking in the white dress he had bought for me. “Tell me exactly what you need. What do you want me to do to you?”
I took a step toward him. “I want you to make me feel good.”
“And I want you to fill me up,” I placed my hand on his chest once more. “I feel so empty,” I pouted. 
Azriel just chuckled at my lame attempt of seeming innocent. 
“Then kneel, Elain. And open your mouth for me.” And as if his words were a spell, I could do nothing but fall to my knees in front of him. 
I looked up at him as he reached for the fastenings of his pants. He quickly unbuttoned them and pulled out his hard cock, holding it just out of reach. I was aching for a taste. 
Before Azriel, I had never cared much for giving blowjobs. It was just something I did to keep my boyfriend happy, and it was usually something quick that didn’t require too much effort on my part. But then I met him, and that all changed. With Azriel, I craved having him in my mouth, I craved the taste of him - the feeling of him filling every part of me. 
Azriel placed the head of his cock against my lower lip and I let my tongue taste the small bead of precum there. One of his hands went to the back of my head, grabbing my hair. 
“You’re gonna sit there like a good girl and let me fuck that pretty little mouth of yours,” he growled. I nodded, eager for him to do just that. I placed my hands on his thighs for support. 
Without saying another word, Azriel slid the head of his cock into my mouth. I kept my eyes on his as he filled me. When I felt him at the back of my throat, I squeezed his thighs, silently telling him that he was reaching my limit. He slowed his movement, letting me get used to having him in my mouth. He was so big and my jaw already ached. But it was a good ache - one that could distract me from the ache that was already building between my legs. 
“You know what to do if you want me to stop.”
That was all the warning I got before he grabbed my hair with both hands and started fucking my face. Within seconds, I felt my eyes tear up from the intrusion. I couldn’t think, could barely breathe. I didn’t care. Everything was Azriel and I was in heaven. 
“Fuck, you look so pretty with my cock in your mouth, angel. Such a good girl for me,” he gritted out. “I can’t believe all the things you let me do to you.” 
I couldn’t believe it either, but I loved them all. The dirtier, the better. 
I tried to relax my jaw to take even more of him. Azriel didn’t let up. He fucked my face and I knew that I would have to fix my make up before we left because there was no chance in hell that everything had stayed in place after this. 
“I’m close,” Azriel warned, giving me the chance to signal for him if I wanted him to pull out. 
I did no such thing. Instead, I hummed around him, taking his cock just that little bit further. Azriel swore under his breath as his strokes became more erratic, the rhythm lost as he neared his orgasm. He held my head still and pushed in one last time, his fingers tangled in my hair. The groan he let out as he came in my mouth made me feral. The taste of him on my tongue made me, if possible, even wetter. 
When Azriel pulled out, I felt a drop of his spend run down my chin and Azriel reached down to wipe it away before it had a chance to ruin my dress. “Show me,” he commanded.
At his request, I opened my mouth and showed him his pleasure pooled on my tongue. He kneeled in front of me, one hand moving to grab my throat. “Swallow.” His eyes were dark with pleasure and need. 
I did as I was told and I could tell that Azriel was pleased to feel my throat work as I swallowed his seed. I opened my mouth again, just to show him that I had done what he asked. 
“Good girl,” he purred. “Always such a good fucking girl for me. What have I done to deserve you.” 
It didn’t seem like a question that needed a response so I just smiled at him, my eyes seeking his. He leaned forward and pressed his lips to mine, kissing me softly. I melted against him. Azriel moved the hand that wasn’t holding my throat to my thigh, finding his way under the skirt of my dress. When he reached my panties, his eyes grew even darked. A dangerous smile spread across his lips. 
“Such a needy girl. All wet and desperate from sucking my cock.”
“Yes,” I rasped, my throat still raw from him using me. I was needy, and I needed him to make me feel good now too. I was burning up for him. 
Azriel’s fingers stroked me over the panties, finding just the right spots to drive me wild. “Please,” I breathed. 
“You need me to fill you here too?” he teased. 
I could do nothing but nod as his fingers pressed against my entrance. I suddenly questioned my decision to wear panties. I should have just gone without. 
“Stand up and put your hands on the sink again and wait for me.” 
Before I could ask what he meant with that last part, Azriel stood up and walked out of the room. Confused, I stood up too. My legs already felt like jelly but I did as I was told and turned around to face the mirror, my hands firmly gripping the sink for support. 
When Azriel returned, I could tell that he was carrying something but I couldn’t see what. He placed it on the edge of the bathtub behind me and as he stood to face me, his body covered whatever it was that he had brought with him. 
Once again, Azriel's hands snaked around my waist until he could hug me close - my back to his front. He kissed my temple and I let myself relax against him. 
“I want your eyes in the mirror at all times. I want you to watch what I do to you.” Azriel's breath was warm on my ear and I felt a shiver run down my spine at his words. 
He bent down and started to gather the skirt of my dress in his hands. The cold air against my hot skin was welcome as he pulled the skirt over my ass. He lifted the edge of my corset and pushed the fabric of the skirt underneath, making sure that it would stay in place for whatever he had planned. 
In the mirror, I watched him as he worked and I could feel my underwear grow even more damp. I couldn’t even explain the relief I felt as Azriel kneeled behind me and started to slide the panties down my legs. When Azriel had removed the lacy fabric from my body, he placed a kiss just under my ass. I arched into the touch of his lips on me, silently begging him for more. 
When I felt the leather of his glove between my folds, I sighed and closed my eyes, trying to savor the feeling. “Is this where you want me?” he asked, teasing my entrance. 
I nodded. “Yes.” 
He gathered the wetness there and moved his finger higher. Higher. 
“Oh,” I gasped as his finger started massaging me there .
In the past couple of weeks, we had experimented quite a bit with anal. We hadn’t really talked about it before and it wasn’t something I thought I ever wanted to try. It seemed scary – like something people only did in porn. But then one night, Azriel used his finger to massage me there as he ate me out, which resulted in the most mind blowing orgasm. It led me to evaluate everything I thought I knew about that kind of sex. And since then, we’ve tried fingers, plugs and even smaller dildos, and to my surprise, I loved it all.
“And what about here,” Azriel asked. “You need to be filled here too?” 
I had no idea what to answer. Did I want that? And if so, what was I agreeing to, exactly? As if he could read my mind, he said, “I’m not going to fuck you here, yet. But there are so many other naughty things I could do to you. Do you want that, Elain?”
I swallowed around the lump in my throat, remembering just how good he always made me feel. “Yes,” I said, my voice barely more than a whisper. 
“Good girl,” he praised. I could hear him shift behind me and my best guess was that he was reaching for whatever he had brought with him when he left the bathroom just moments ago. And before my mind could run wild with possibilities of what exactly that thing was, I had my answer. 
I felt the cold slick of lube before something cold pressed against my ass. “What is it?” I breathed, though I could almost guess. 
“A plug,” he said matter of factly. “The pretty one with the blue jewel on it.” 
I knew exactly which one he was talking about. We had bought it just two weeks ago and it had already become a favorite of mine. It was the perfect size and weight.
He pressed the plug against me and I tried to relax for him. I pushed back slightly and felt the tip go inside me. Azriel returned his fingers to my pussy, easily finding my clit. He massaged it, making me relax even more. I whimpered as I felt the widest part of the plug stretch me, making me edge somewhere between pleasure and pain. “Fuck,” I whimpered when the rest of the plug slipped inside. It felt heavy, big. It stretched me so good, yet I still yearned for more. 
“Such a sweet girl, taking everything I give you," Azriel cooed. 
And then his lips were on me, his tongue finding all the places that made me see stars. 
“Azriel,” I gasped as he grabbed my hips and started fucking me with his tongue. I reached back, twisting my fingers in his hair. I didn’t know if I wanted to pull him closer or push him away. I wanted to sob, it felt so good. 
“Please,” I begged and tried to move against him, desperately seeking the friction I needed. He let me do so, and I was right at that sweet, torturous edge. “I–fuck, I need– please,” I babbled, not really making any sense. When Azriel closed his lips around my clit, I shattered, my pussy clenching down on nothing as I came for him. Azriel’s tongue guided me through the pleasure and when I felt myself return to my body, Azriel was once again standing behind me. I could already feel the head of his cock at my entrance. I hadn't even noticed that he moved.
“Can you take more?” his jaw was set, as if it took everything in him to stay in control right now. 
I nodded, too spent to do anything else. I’ll take anything you give me. 
Without wasting any time, Azriel started to sink himself into me with a groan. The plug made me even tighter, which made his cock feel impossibly big. As he bottomed out, I felt my eyes roll back in my head from the pleasure of being so completely filled. 
“Fuck,” he growled and buried his head in the crook of my neck. “So fuck tight. How do you always feel so good? Fuck.” 
His dirty mouth would be the death of me.
Azriel stayed still for a few moments, one of his hands moving my hair to one shoulder. He licked my neck, sucking a bruise into the tender skin just below my ear. One of his hands spanned over my stomach and the other rested against my throat, holding me against him. In the mirror, he met my eyes and I could see the same desire I felt reflected there. As I looked at myself, I almost wanted to laugh. I looked so lost in pleasure. So desperate for anything this man could give me. And my make up was a mess. My mascara had run and the foundation around my mouth had rubbed off. 
I couldn’t even find the energy to care. 
At least my hair still looked great. 
Azriel pulled almost all the way out before pushing inside again with one, long stroke. I could feel everything, and it was pure bliss. My hands gripped the sink tighter, trying to hold myself steady as Azriel started to fuck me. “Taking me so fucking well,” Azriel growled in my ear. “Such a dirty girl, begging me to fuck her. Was this what you needed, huh?” 
I nodded. No words except ‘please’ and ‘yes’ would come to me right now, and my brain couldn’t even decide which word to use in this situation. I was too lost in pleasure. Too lost in Azriel. 
With every thrust, I could feel the plug shift slightly inside me as Azriel’s hips pressed against my ass. I tried meeting his thrusts, tried giving him everything he was giving me. 
I moaned when he hit a particularly good spot inside me. I was so close. And as if on cue, Azriel moved his hand from my waist to my core. He massaged my clit with two fingers and seeing that black glove between my legs was hotter than anything I could have imagined.
Yep, I definitely had a glove kink. Good to know. 
“You need to come,” he said, and it wasn’t a question. But even if it had been, I was pretty sure the answer was painted on my face. I did need to come, and I needed him to come too. I needed him to show me how good this felt for him. I needed him to give me everything. 
When I felt Azriel bite down on my shoulder, I could no longer hold back. I came with Azriel’s name on my lips and he held me close as pleasure coursed through my body, setting every nerve ending on fire. I felt like I was floating. 
It didn’t take long before I felt Azriel tense behind me and with one last stroke, he filled me with his cock and with his seed. My eyes rolled back at the sensation of being so completely filled by the man I loved. 
We stayed like that for a few moments trying to catch our breaths. When I met his gaze in the mirror again, I couldn’t help but smile. “That was…” I began, but I had no words to describe what just happened. 
“Yeah,” Azriel said, his voice low and gravelly. I felt his seed run down my thighs as he pulled out. God, I loved it when he made a mess of me. 
Azriel reached for a cloth on the shelf beside the sink and made quick work of cleaning us. When he gently slid the fabric against my sensitive core I had to bite my lip to keep from whimpering. I was so sensitive. I had no idea how I would be able to go to a party right now. 
Hopefully, my body would calm down in the fifteen minutes it would take to fix my make up. 
“Lift your legs, angel. One at a time,” Azriel said from where he kneeled behind me. I did, and felt him slid the panties back in place. When he was standing behind me again, I looked at him incredulously. 
“Azriel,” I said, turning around. “Didn’t you forget something?” 
He shook his head. “You asked me to fill you up and I’m pretty sure that’s what I did. So no, I did not forget anything.” 
“The plug is still inside me,” I hissed, keeping my voice low, as if anyone could hear us. 
“Yes, it is. And it will stay there until we get home.” 
I stared at him in disbelief. “What?” 
Azriel cupped my cheek and pressed his lips to mine. I could feel him smile as he kissed me, that bastard. “Only bad girls ask their boyfriends to fuck them when they’re already late to a party. I think that deserves some kind of punishment.” 
I narrowed my eyes at him. “How am I supposed to act like a normal human being when I can’t even move without being reminded of it.” 
He shrugged. “Should have thought about that before you begged me to fill you. I just gave you what you wanted.” 
With one last brush of his lips, Azriel let go of me and walked out of the room. I stood there, staring after him, my mouth hanging open. This man would surely never stop surprising me. 
I turned to the mirror again and reached for my make up bag. And as I expected, every single movement made me feel just how filled I was. I both hated it and loved it. 
This was going to be a long night. 
Twenty minutes later, we walked out the door and headed to the party. Luckily, we only had to take the elevator up to the top floor to get to Rhys and Feyre’s apartment. I was carrying a tray of cupcakes I had made the night before in the shapes of little pumpkins and ghosts. They were adorable, if I could say so myself. When the elevator doors closed behind us, Azriel started humming the melody to “The Music of the Night” from Phantom of the Opera. I smiled at him, wondering if he knew that it was my favorite song from the movie. The knowing smirk he gave me in return answered that question. 
“Are you doing okay?” Azriel asked as we stood outside the door. 
“No.” I muttered, trying to not think about the freaking butt plug in my ass. Azriel just chuckled and reached out to knock on the door. 
“You’ll sing a different tune in a few hours, I promise.”
I stared at him. “Hours? As in plural? I might die.”
Before he could answer, the door swung open and we were met by an excited Feyre. 
“Elain,” Feyre exclaimed when she saw me. I handed the tray to Azriel so I could embrace my sister.
“Hi, Feyre.”
Feyre took a step back to admire our costumes. “You look great,” she said and gestured to Azriel’s face. “Why am I not surprised to see you in a mask?”
Azriel chuckled. “At least this one only covers half my face.”
Feyre ushered us to come inside and took the tray of cupcakes from Azriel. “You’re late,” she remarked and I looked at Azriel because I had no idea what to say to that. I had totally forgotten to come up with a good excuse. 
Azriel smiled, his face giving nothing away. “Elain had some trouble with the corset,” he explained, and miraculously, Feyre seemed to accept that excuse. 
I followed my sister into the kitchen where she placed the cupcakes on the kitchen island. “I’ll put them here with the alcohol. Drunk people love cake.”
Feyre was positively glowing tonight and I wanted to compliment her outfit too, but I had no idea what she was supposed to be. She was wearing a yellow dress with matching yellow tights. She also wore a yellow diadem that sort of reminded me of the Statue of Liberty, but also not. 
“Feyre, I’m sorry, but what are you supposed to be?” I asked just as Rhys walked up behind her. He smiled at us in greeting and bent down to kiss the top of Feyre’s head. God, those two were disgustingly cute together. Rhys was wearing black jeans and a black jumper with a bunch of planets on it. He gestured to the shirt, “I’m the solar system,” he pointed at Feyre, “and she’s the sun.”
I couldn’t hold back the laugh that bubbled up. It was such a ridiculously sweet couples costume, even though it was a bit cheesy. And it kind of painted Rhys as a simp, which I guess he was in some aspects. 
“I lost a bet,” Rhys explained, and from the blush spreading across Feyre’s cheeks, I wondered what kind of bet he had lost, but I knew better than to ask. I really didn’t need to know intimate details about my sister and her fiancé.
“We had planned to go as Mr. and Mrs. Smith but that didn’t work out,” Feyre said and smiled warmly at Rhys. 
“Why not?” Azriel asked.
Feyre looked at him, seeming lost for words. Someone who didn’t know her as well as I did might have thought that she was just pausing before answering the question, but I could tell that she was hiding something. The way she looked to Rhys just after Azriel asked about the costume definitely gave it away. I just didn’t know what it was. 
“I ordered the wrong sizes. It was all my fault,” Rhys answered quickly and I think that both Azriel and I could tell that it was a lie. 
Feyre bit her lip to hide a smile. “Yeah, it really was all your fault.”
I left my sister, Rhys and Azriel in the kitchen to go look for Nesta. I didn’t find her, but I did find Nuala and Cerridwen in the living room. The twins were dressed as two of the members in the Cheerleading squad ‘East Compton Clovers’ from Bring it on . According to me, they should win the costume competition if there was one. Bring it on was, after all, one of the greatest movies ever made, and they truly looked like they could have been part of the cast. 
“Ellie,” they both shouted at the same time as they saw me walk up to them. 
“Why are you so late?” Nuala asked. 
I gestured to the corset, trying to seem nonchalant. “This thing was a bitch to get on.”
The twins narrowed their eyes. “Uh-huh,” Cerridwen said, clearly not believing me. 
“Was it because Azriel had to help you get into it again after you role played the sexy scenes from Phantom?” Nuala asked, a knowing smile on her face. 
“Shh.” I looked around to make sure that no one heard. “That’s not– I mean, we didn’t do that.” The blush that spread across my cheeks definitely didn’t help me make the lie seem convincing. 
“Good for you girl,” Cerr said and patted my arm. “He does look ridiculously hot in that costume.” 
I looked at Azriel where he stood by the door, talking to Cassian. He really did look handsome. Cassian looked good too in his Geralt of Rivia costume. From this distance, he almost looked like Henry Cavill. 
God, Nesta would be pissed. 
Nesta had told me that she was going as Yennefer this year and the knowledge that Cassian and Nesta now wore accidentally matching outfits had me biting back a grin. Fate was funny like that. 
Azriel and I stayed at the party for an hour and a half before I forced him to take me home. Not that he needed much convincing. Luckily for us, most people knew that we hated parties so no one was surprised that we left early, but I could definitely see the knowing looks the twins gave each other when I told them that I was tired and needed to go home. I decided to ignore it for now. 
There was only one thing on my mind…
(I'm sorry if this isn't particularly good. I decided to re-write the entire chapter last minute because I hated the first draft. Ah, the joys of being a writer! So yeah, sorry if some parts seem a bit rushed.)
As always, thank you for reading!
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cannotgiveafuck · 5 years
Shazam Week Prompt 2
I'm a day late and expect to do again, but I'm not quitting!
Heres prompt 2: Holidays
Halloween had always been one of Billy's favorite holidays. 
Before he was Captain Marvel, he would spend the day at the Fawcett Park Market, getting his face painted in preparation for trick-or-treating. The amount of candy he snagged would last him weeks, even far into December if he controlled himself.
Before he managed to permanently escape from his Uncle Ben, Billy enjoyed Halloween for the chance it gave him to be far away from the man. At least for the night. When he returned, he'd always have to hide a majority of his stash in his room, lest his uncle throw his entire loot into the garbage. 
Ever since becoming the Champion of Magic, however, Billy found no time for Halloween shenanigans anymore. He had a responsibility to uphold, civilians to watch over, monitor duty to attend. 
Billy Batson wasn't a kid anymore. 
"What do you mean, you're not going out? You're thirteen years old! Go throw eggs and TP at some old tosser's house, get sick from too much candy, and all of that!"
Billy didn't know where to begin, everything about what he'd said was just...wrong. "John, I'm twelve. And I'm on patrol tonight. Do you know how bad it would be if the League found out I… egged someone's house? I'd be toast!"
But the thought of throwing rotten eggs at his Uncle Ebenezer's house brought on a joy he was ashamed to acknowledge. 
On the other side of the mirror, Constantine took a long, contemplative drag of his cigarette. "Do you realize how mad what you just said was? You're twelve and you've got patrol for what? Fawcett? The entire bloody world?"
The familiar heat of indignation, of embarrassment, flared at his cheeks. "So what?"
When he sighed, smoke obscured part of his features, but his blue eyes - clear and crisp and so much deeper than others gave credit for - pinned Billy to his spot. It was an accusing stare. A look that challenged Billy, doubted him, was filled with more condescension than John's words could imitate. It was a look plenty of adults gave plenty of kids when they did something particularly exhausting. 
Billy hated that look.
He also knew that John hated the League, that Billy was even part of the League. Against all opinions of him, John was actually quite soft for children, became rather protective and reckless for them. Billy knew John thought of him as a child, heck, the magician looked out for him well enough, and Billy appreciated it, really he did. But…
"Know much about the spirit world and Hallow's Eve?" John asked, thankfully diverting the subject. At Billy's head shake, he continued. "The veil between alive, dead, and undead becomes thin, nearly open. All the planes of existence sync up. Get the most supernatural activity around that time. And I know the lot of em throw one killer of a ball."
Immediately, Billy had perked up, always interested in learning more about the magical community. But at the mention of a party filled with paranormal creatures?
Billy knew the glee on his face was evident as John chuckled.
"Unless, of course," he added, tone teasing, "you're too busy patrolling."
Ah, crap.
"Are you sure this will work?" Billy asked as he looked at John's handiwork. It was impressive and amazing, and Billy never got tired of seeing magic in action.
"C'mon now, lad, trust me here," he said with a face that did not at all look like John Constantine.
"It's not that I don't trust you, exactly…" 
They were currently in New York City, strolling down an alleyway that John was very certain lead into their destination. As they got ready earlier in the day, he had explained that the ball was a public affair, a yearly celebration that warranted total truce once entered. No murderous or underhanded conflict permitted on the property. The event was hosted by an affluent influence within the magical or supernatural community, though it took the effort of some key abilities to pull it off, to ensure the location was safe and secure. 
However, just because there was no guest list didn't mean anyone could waltz on in. Unless they were a plus one, a regular human or extraterrestrial could not enter the compound. Afterall, there was still so much that neither knew or understood about the world, about Earth and her inhabitants and patrons from all walks of existence. Only those immersed in the community and its secrets could be trusted to attend. 
Though, Billy was unsure how solid a definition of trust that they used. 
And then there were certain individuals or groups on a blacklist. No matter if they had attended before or were invited by someone going - once someone was banned, it took a great deal of influence to be welcomed back.
That is, unless someone was clever and crafty enough at magical tricks to sneak in.
Someone like the infamous and definitely blacklisted John Constantine.
"Think of it like any other Halloween party, yeah? Some folks go as themselves and that's fine, but boring, honestly, and others wear costumes. Nobody's gonna rip off someone's mask, right?" John smiled with far too many sharp teeth, with a face that was not his own. "That's how glamour is around these ilk."
It made sense, sure. But still, Billy couldn't help but feel...weird. Don't get him wrong, it was exciting getting to join in on this adventure, but looking into the mirror and instead of seeing himself, or even Captain Marvel, he saw a strange creature. It was creepy. 
Once John applied the glamour dust, Billy used his own magic to shape what he wanted to appear as - an aesthetic look inspired by his own Feyr. 
With Tawny's help, Billy became a tiger themed witch boy. Pointed ears and a gliding tail, sharp fangs and claws, wild hair and catlike eyes, a magically fitted black suit with striped markings that followed onto his skin, and eerie blood splatter across his hands and face - Billy so wanted to wear this for other Halloween parties.
(He doesn't actually believe he'd ever get the chance, but well, one could dream.)
Though, he admitted, he was sort of jealous of John's glamour. A full transformation into a stylishly decorated demon - large horns, full black eyes, fancy clothing and a grand colorful coat. He looked really, really cool.
"I could've gone as Marvel, you know. Being an adult seems easier for this," Billy commented. It would have also been safer. 
Great adventure aside, Billy wasn't stupid enough to ignore the dangers he was getting into. He may be magical inclined, but Marvel was the Champion of Magic. If things went south, he would prefer to have the Gods on his side. And great costume aside, something about attending a party as a kid, albeit a never aging one, seemed like it was asking for trouble. What if the glamour wasn't enough? What if his magic wasn't enough? What if someone saw right through them and realized Billy really was just a kid? If he got blacklisted from the coolest supernatural party of the year before he even turned eighteen, he would never live it down.
"You telling me that you want the entire place in chaos? That's what the Champion of the Gods would do. Half the party would swarm you for autographs and most likely try to pull you into rooms you do not want to go, and the other half would fall over themselves trying to leave the damn place. Some may even risk breaking the truce to get a piece of you."
"I thought that's what the glamour was for."
"A pretty costume can't hide the fact that he's the Champion of goddamn Magic. His energy alone would blind the lot like a beacon of divine fucking light." John stopped them before they reached a dead end wall practically oozing magical illusion. They kept a good enough distance, though he still lowered his voice. "I know you run with the big superhero league, but his reputation goes farther than you've been flying around in his cape. Near everyone knows about the Ancient Champions and their patron Gods, and half of those know about the Wizard and his lofty seat at the center of all Earthly magic. He's a bloody legend down here, so no shouting for your giant fuckall lightning, alright? You don't need to leave here with a massive target on your forehead."
Well, then. This was news to him.
"It'd be nice if you told me this before, you know, instead of when we are literally walking into the lions den!" Knowing that there could be powerfully magical beings who would want to hurt him… that seemed like important information.
"That's why I told you to stay as a kid, kid," John flicked at his forehead, infuriating and condescending all at once. Which wasn't an uncommon thing, unfortunately.
The response was immediate, Tawny's low rumble, warning John Constantine away.
"Yeah, yeah. I get it," he lead them forward and to Billy is felt like walking through a curtain to see what was covered on the other side. "Now, stay within eyesight of me, and don't accept drinks you haven't seen the bartender make. And even then, keep to what you know," John said. 
Billy knew what to do, thank you very much. He's had talks with his neighbor Candy, and he's heard older teens whisper at foster homes, and him and Freddy have watched teenage party movies. He knows what to do and unlike John, he doesn't go pissing off every magical being he comes across.
He'll be fine!
He was not fine.
Billy was very much not fine at all.
He felt sick and nauseous and all he wanted to do was throw up, but he couldn't and that made it worse. Thanks to John's quick thinking, he managed to get them out before Billy's glamour wore off. Though, with how fast John was walking, he was practically dragging Billy along, making the sidewalk blur and the street lights flare painfully. 
"That's what you get for accepting a drink from the eternal witch boy," John said, voice teasing. It was salt in Billy's wounds along with everything else right now.
Words seemed to escape him for the moment, so he gagged and spat on the ground at John's feet to let him know how he felt about that.
"Didn't take you for a delinquent," John continued. He sounded more amused and Billy hated it. "Not that I'm judging, mind you. I had my first taste of alcohol when I was ten."
"Didn't know," Billy muffled out. He'd tried beer before, him and Freddy had snuck out with a can each one time. They'd stolen it from one of the foster dad as he lay passed out on the couch. It was the most disgusting thing Billy had ever tasted.
"Yeah, can't blame you there. Mead tastes deceptively sweet. Either way, it was from Klarion and that's where you went wrong."
Okay, he really did not need a lecture right now. It was Halloween and he nearly blew their cover and he may have become an ally to Klarion and they almost got found out by Zatanna and all Billy wanted to do was sleep forever.
Still incapable of words, because talking required thinking and that was not going to happen - Billy groaned.
"No, no sleep yet. Gonna need some water and greasy food first, or you'll be feeling even more like shit come morning. Good thing I know a place and they won't ask questions." 
At the mere thought of food, Billy felt his stomach turn and finally threw up. Surprisingly, it made him feel better. 
"Hmm. Good thing you don't have monitor duty tomorrow, you're sleeping in. And no patrol, either. Consider it an extended holiday."
Halloween had never been this eventful before, at least at a personal level, but it all honesty, Billy didn't feel an ounce of regret. This was probably his favorite year yet.
Vomiting in the middle of the street excluded.
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omegasmileyface · 3 years
Not in the Job Description
heres a silly lil Danny Phantom concept based entirely off a half-awake sleep-vision that made me laugh :) my subconscious brain is a genius at coming up with things that make just enough sense to be worth writing
summary: Danny's job at a local restaurant is surprisingly fulfilling, even after being crowned Ghost King. Speaking of that job, however, there are some intricacies to it that are hard to keep in mind during everyday life.
warnings: descriptions of nausea and mild sickness
words: 2180
AO3 link
Honestly, life was going pretty well at the moment for Danny Fenton. He wasn't even worried that it was a false security or a calm before a storm, because this kind of semi-serenity had been going on for more than a year. It was a long-term stability brought about by adaptation and putting in effort to get help and accommodation. Jazz would be proud!
Sometime at the beginning of Junior year, the Observants had chased him down and crowned him High Ghost King (much to the chagrin of both involved parties). It certainly added responsibility to Danny's plate, along with some new sensations and a series of crises (what didn't these days?), but a little political discussion with some of the more powerful ghosts ended with Danny deciding that, at least at the moment, the position didn't require him to do much more than he normally did. More ghosts would seek him out for help and he would do his best, and some "paperwork" (though there was very little paper involved and it was a lot of talking and oaths and rituals and such) happened about monthly. Otherwise, though, the Zone didn't need much more help than that, having survived off an absent King for centuries. Well, and the ambient purpose of the King as a sort of core for the Zone, but Danny didn't have to put in time or conscious effort for that.
Eventually that settled into normalcy, and Danny was back to worrying about the balance of schoolwork, self-care, and fighting. He still hadn't given up on the prospect of someday becoming an astronaut, and he was determined to have the grades for it. Don't get him wrong, he'd gotten way better about that! He'd formed a practiced, if not entirely stable, system that kept his grades at a solid B- / C+, while getting a solid 5-ish hours of sleep most nights and not bottling things up too much. It was about halfway through Junior year that he realized, with some help from his friends, that his ghosts fights were honestly pretty civil, at least against the regulars. Civil enough that he knew they had some respect for him, and was willing to risk asking for help. So a few weeks and awkward but not bad conversations later, and he had agreements with almost all his regular "foes" not to cause trouble within Amity from 11pm to 7am, 3pm on weekdays. It was more than half the day off-limits on school days, and plenty of ghosts made up for it to a degree by making themselves more common during the "permitted" hours, but it greatly increased Danny's well-being and school performance anyway. "Rivals" like Skulker and Technus had enough respect for Danny and his Lair to abide, and plenty even cared that he was taking care of himself, even between frequent sparring. Maybe a few were really just in fear of his new crown, but he chose to cautiously pretend that wasn't a possibility.
After graduation — he made Senior year with all As and Bs! — Danny's parents had encouraged him to get a part-time job over the summer. He had been interning at FentonWorks (paid! His parents might not be the most attentive but they certainly weren't unfair) since he had accidentally revealed himself a few years back, and they had been thrilled to hear that he still intended to go into NASA if possible, and had done whatever they could to help. They recommended the job because, as good as a paid scientific internship was on a resume, it would help to have a variety of activity and the opportunity to get recommendations from employers who weren't liable to nepotism. After searching local businesses, Danny found a small sandwich shop founded by a middle-aged couple who had moved in and set up shop just before the ghost attacks began. Being close to the school but not far from the commercial sector and offering small portable food (no one wants to sit down for a meal when a spirit could come crashing through the window at any moment), the place got good enough business to pay the employees a proper living wage. Better yet, they were allowed to take home unsold food! Not to mention the owners were both very kind women who held smiling conversation with employees and customers alike. Danny was more than lucky to land such a nice job, even if it meant he had to get up at 7 five days a week.
All this is to say that it wasn't as surprising as it could have been that he was having a slow and pleasant day at work.
Both the owners were out for the day on some sort of vacation, so today it was just Danny and a short teenager named Casey manning the place. Most of their orders recently had been online due to an explosion causing road work near the restaurant and it was mid-morning, leaving work slow enough that they could afford to just have the two until lunch shift started. Danny was on cashier duty today, but unless the door bell sounded, he was helping Casey in the kitchen.
"Aw, man, we're almost out of tomatoes."
"Really?" Casey looked up to the shelf Danny was inspecting and indeed saw only 3 tomatoes. "Huh, guess they didn't restock yesterday. Well, we probably shouldn't risk needing more before the day's out, do you want me to go get more?"
Danny shook his head. "Nah, I can go. I think I could use the fresh air." He said that a lot, especially as an excuse when his ghost sense went off, but that didn't mean it wasn't true. He never had liked being confined.
Casey checked the monitor to see if they'd gotten any new online orders. Since there was a grocery store just a block away, any time someone needed a quick restock they tended to just walk.
They looked up to see Danny already had his jacket on and was looking them in the eye. "Would you take over my position until I come back?"
"Of course. Ten minutes?"
With a nod and a smile, Danny was out the back door.
After a moment of habitually wiping down the counters, Casey went up to the register in case a customer appeared.
It was even quieter than before for a few minutes, so they busied themself with mini restocks and organization. They were in the middle of stacking some paper coffee cups when they started to feel dizzy. There had been this subtle pressure on their chest since Danny left, which they figured was anxiety for working the restaurant alone for the first time, and now it had solidified into a warm nausea that flared whenever they exhaled.
With the disinterested panic that came from having strange things happen for years, they wondered if they had missed their medication this morning. A quick glance at their phone, however, showed the notification for it checked off.
Putting the phone back away, Casey noticed the tips of their fingers were somewhat translucent. Alright then, it was definitely something to do with ghosts. Great! Just excellent. The panic was less disinterested this time.
They weren't familiar with any sort of ghost illness that made humans translucent, so they definitely needed to call someone to make sure nothing bad happened. It would be best to call the Fentons' public number so they could go over and get looked over by then. In the meantime, they should call Danny and ask him to hurry back. He shouldn't be much longer anyway.
Casey didn't even get the chance to act on their plan, however, before a short humanoid ghost appeared in the dining area. They didn't look to be up to anything, but Casey reached for the emergency ectoblaster beneath the register anyway. The nausea was getting worse, along with a new chill, and they couldn't be sure this new ghost wasn't somehow causing whatever they were going through.
The ghost looked at them with an expression that was almost desperate. "Ah! Kind human, thank you for your time." The ghost... bowed? "I am Eurusid, from the Spoken Channels. There has been a dispute which damaged public meeting grounds in the center of the Channels, and both groups refuse to allow the damage to be repaired except by the other group."
Casey's eyes narrowed. It was becoming difficult to stand with the dizziness, and if not the ghost himself, then whatever he was saying was probably a hallucination. They didn't even think about responding beyond a detached "what".
It was then that Danny re-entered the back door with the new tomatoes. Good thing, too. At least with another person there, Casey could confirm whether they were hallucinating.
Placing down the grocery bag and shrugging off his jacket in one motion, a skill only gained by years of laziness efficiency, Danny called toward the register. "Back!"
Once he caught sight of the teen, however, all casualness shed itself from his body and he rushed over to hold them. "Man, Casey, you feeling alright? You look really pale." The realization that their form was slightly translucent, despite the firm human heartbeat beneath, was drowned out by him finally noticing the ghost standing a few feet away. The reaction of his ghost sense had been so minor that he had ignored it.
He was surprised to see that he recognized the specter's face, marred as it may have been from worry and confusion aimed directly at Casey. "Eurusid? What's going on?"
As the ghost, still confused but unwilling to act impolitely, gathered his bearings and began to bow toward him, Danny's coworker shuddered under his hands, regaining his full attention. He thought back through the day's events for hints as to the situation, before swearing, cutting off whatever Eurusid was about to say.
Danny backed up and said, voice as clear as he could, "I recall my position."
Casey's reaction was immediate, a gasp of air like they had been kept from breathing and a return of their skin's human opacity. Danny rushed back over and put his hand on their back to steady them as their eyes narrowed and went slightly unfocused.
Figures, doesn't it? One of the many intricacies that had come up at his coronation Junior year that just hadn't come up enough to keep at the front of his mind. One of the defenses of the High Ghost Crown was the ability of the King to temporarily give their duty to someone else. As long as that person accepts, during a specified time they substitute for the King in dealing with political matters, as well as taking over as much as their ability allowed of the King's function to process the energy of the Realms.
Danny had no idea that this ability could be activated with words as vague as "take over my position", let alone that it could be used with a human. That potential had never come up during the ceremony, so for all he knew, a full ghost in his position couldn't substitute with a human. A human certainly shouldn't be able to take over any part of the energy processing, though maybe in Amity Park the average person processed enough environmental ectoplasmic energy to make it possible. Regardless of residence, though, it could not be good for Casey's body, which had no Core to properly process energy and had no human equivalent except perhaps a small emotional center in the brain, to even attempt to filter and manage some of the inherent energy of a dimension.
Their skin was still clammy and their coordination was shot. Ancients, if this is what an accidental substitution did to a human, Danny would have to word things very carefully when asking for help in the future.
"King Phantom?" Danny looked up to see that Eurusid was still floating there awkwardly. Right. He had two people here to help.
"Sorry, Eurusid. One moment, I'll be right with you." He turned back to his coworker, who looked confused and less lucid than ideal, but probably still lucid enough to realize this ghost had just called him "King Phantom". Well, he'd deal with that once it came to it. "Here, Casey, let's get you some water." He helped them walk back into the kitchen and sat them down on a bench by the back door. There was a chair in the register area, but they probably didn't want to feel exposed to the dining area like that, even with nobody but the ghost there.
Once handed the water, Casey sighed and eagerly drank from it, eyes closed. Danny rubbed his hand on their back a bit and promised to be back shortly before walking back out to meet Eurusid. Whatever he was here about was probably worth immediate attention but Danny was sure there'd be at least a solid minute of apologies on both sides before the matter was addressed. Hopefully both the Spoken Channels and Casey would be alright before the next shift came in.
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plounce · 4 years
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what if gay CATS........... were gay PERSONS
(info on this au under the cut)
theyre all shitty young adults just kind of. getting through their early 20s as best they can. or as much as they can. maybe things will get better someday, but right now they’re kind of spinning their wheels
magic exists but like eh it’s not a big thing don’t worry about it. it’s around but like whatever. not many people have it and it’s mostly just like. a curiosity or a party trick
demeter and bombularina are together, tugger and mistoffelees are together, bombularina and tugger occasionally fwb, it’s cool and aboveboard and it’s all fine
bisexual with a preference for women. 24 years old
semi-psychic (not as powerful as tantomile or coricopat). tends to have vague and confusing prophetic dreams
dropped out of grad school for sociology due to trauma and ensuing intensified mental illness. kind of bitter about it, but tries to get through every day. general anxiety disorder even before all that
very nervous around most men she doesn’t know & trust
currently working at a barnes & noble starbucks, which sucks. she recently became the assistant manager, which turbo sucks because now she has more work for only like a buck raise, but at least she’s getting reliable shifts
her go-to therapy is cutting her hair with scissors. her hair is fried to all hell from regular bleaching
she’s learning how to crochet because she’s decided she needs to do something physically productively creative with her hands to distract herself from Stuff
bisexual. 24 years old
got her bachelor’s in english two years ago and hasn’t found a job in her field and has kind of given up on it for now
she’s been bartending for like four years, does freelance editing work on the side. will occasionally write listicles for clickbait sites if she needs extra cash
literally any extra money she can save goes to tattoos. her right sleeve’s almost done
has natural red hair but dyes it cherry red
a hedonist to cope but is also just a natural hedonist. likes a good bath
i know that like the typical thing fandoms say about female characters is “doesn’t take shit” for the girlboss points but she truly does not take shit anymore. she used to take people’s shit sometimes but at this point in her life she’s tired and she has a girlfriend to be protective of. she has a couple people whose shit she will take (mostly just tugger) but besides them (and having to practice basic customer service to keep her job) she’s tired of other people’s shit! enough!
my personal take on bombalurina is a mix between the riot grrrls of the 90s and 80s punk girls, and then a dash of the greaser chicks from grease. i saw that spiked collar and my brain went OH okay i can run with this somewhere fun. same for demeter, but less so - she just has the piercings.
bombalurina met demeter in college at a women’s activism club, noticed her because of her dimple piercings and was like “oh someone else with a lot of metal in her face, i’ll sit next to her”
they were each other’s first off-campus roommates and were close friends. made out a couple times, but it was mostly a lot of sexual tension. there was a lot of bombalurina staring at demeter while she or demeter made out with someone else
demeter was on and off with her high school boyfriend munkustrap and bombalurina was like “oh he’s so much more stable/calm than me and she needs that, i party a bit too much for her, i shouldn’t try anything” so she just sort of. lets their almost-there peter off
(this is all bombalurina’s internal thoughts - demeter always was interested in her, but thought she was too boring for bombalurina. so neither of them thought they could pursue it)
bombalurina graduated and moved somewhere cheaper further away from campus. they kind of drift apart
munkustrap and demeter peter off and he moves away for a job (they’re still good friends, it was a very amicable breakup) and then demeter gets with macavity, which is a deeply toxic situation for her and sucks hugely and throws her whole life really off track. won’t go into further details
she finally manages to break up with him and calls bombalurina at like 2 am asking if she can pick her up, and also if she can sleep on her couch, it’s okay if that’s not okay, she just. really needs a place she feels safe, and her gut is telling her to. and of course bombalurina says yes
bombalurina also knew macavity and had also made out a couple times with him at like parties and stuff (see: staring at demeter as she makes out with people). something about transference of feelings - bombalurina was into him for a couple moments because he and demeter had a thing.
this is due to me interpreting the song “macavity” as actually about bombalurina wanting to fuck demeter and her singing as a half-repressed expression of that. i use my really good wlw brain to reach that conclusion. it’s kind of a non-competitive version of eve sedgwick’s take on the love triangle. (<-- normal thing to say)
but anyway demeter stays on bombalurina’s couch and she tries so hard to stay on track but eventually she just has to drop out. bombalurina helps her with that too. she’s just really supportive even as demeter’s life is at its lowest point. when she gets home from bartending she gets demeter to go to sleep
she just Stays with her and makes her smile and reminds her that her life isn’t over, there’s still things in her day to enjoy, to keep her trudging forward
bombalurina is roommates with tugger at this point - he also recently dropped out and demeter knows him because he’s munkustrap’s brother, so he’s Trusted and also is like “hey it’s okay that you dropped out, im here and im chilling and you like me and respect me at least a little, and you have a bachelor’s degree at least!” (more on him later)
demeter is like “oh god ive been crashing at their place for so long not paying rent, theyre gonna ask me to leave, im such a freeloader, they wont take my attempts at paying rent” but then bombalurina and tugger are like “hey! the lease is almost up! we found a pretty good 3 bedroom, do you wanna have your own room for real?” and she nearly cries because 1. the RELIEF 2. oh my god you want me around???
cut to bombalurina helping demeter put together an ikea dresser (tugger got banished to the kitchen to make crystal light lemonade for them because he’s useless with a screwdriver) and demeter has two epiphanies:
1. i thought i was ready to d*e four months ago and here i am making a dresser to put clothes into in my new apartment where i live and feel safe and loved. im still not happy but im still alive and im making a dresser
2. holy fuck im back in love with my best friend, and ten times more than i was back then.
so she like kind of freaks out because she’s already imposed so much on bombalurina, how could she impose her FEELINGS on her like this, oh no oh no oh no
meanwhile bombalurina’s back in love with her even MORE and she’s also like no... she’s already dealing with so much... i don’t want to make her uncomfortable or feel unsafe in her own home especially after her recent relationship trauma... i just want her to feel safe around me...
you might think tugger as their roommate would be like “JUST KISS” but he is in fact pretty oblivious because he is self-absorbed. mistoffelees on the other hand..
eventually they do have a big confession of feelings after demeter has a bad day and it’s very dramatic and they make out in the rain. and it’s like. well this is a movie scene. but also im cold and damp. let’s head inside our home and get warm and dry :)
and then they go inside and and talk through everything, all their feelings (not just their romantic feelings but like ALL their feelings) and their shared histories and bombalurina is like “do you think you’re... ready for a relationship right now? like that would be a good thing for you?”
and demeter considers it. she does stop and think. and then she says, “with anyone else... probably not. but it’s you. and i feel so safe around you, and we’re already so close. you make the future feel more worth it. you make more days alive feel not just tolerable, but something to look forward to. and knowing you’ve loved me all this time... it’s nice. it’s good. i’m - i’m understating it so much, it’s more than nice, it’s just - it’s a lot. i wish i had noticed back then.” “hey, hey, don’t blame yourself. i’m the one who never said anything.”
anyway. everything works out, and they start dating for real :)
bisexual. 22 years old
dishwasher at the same bar bombalurina works at. she got him the job. he keeps bugging her to teach him bartending tricks and on slow nights she will agree to
he dropped out of their four year, but he managed to secure an associate’s in communications before he dipped
trying to be an ig influencer hotboy and hopefully get modeling jobs from that but his phone’s camera sucks shit so his account isn’t really going anywhere. but he continues to post his low resolution shirtless selfies
trying to cope with being the failure son who does not have a fancy nonprofit job with a salary and healthcare by being self-absorbed and self-aggrandizing
it works about 60% of the time and 60% of the times that it doesn’t he’s able to hide it
he dropped out right around when bombalurina graduated and he was like HEY! ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A ROOMMATE WHO DOESN’T CARE IF WE LIVE TEN MILES AWAY FROM CAMPUS? WELL HAVE I GOT A SOLUTION FOR YOU: ME!
to which bombalurina (who has fooled around with him here and there and thinks he is funny little man and genuinely goodhearted, and also he has rockin abs as a plus) says munkustrap already asked me if i need a roommate and if i do to consider you, because you don’t want to move back home. in other words: yes, you little idiot
they do fool around with each other but they are both very understanding that it is strictly platonic and for fun, especially once they become roommates. they both do not desire each other for anything serious
he did have a bit of a crush on each other when they met (hot punk older girl who’s friends with his brother) but 1. it dissipated pretty quick after they fooled around for the first time because it was not a very serious crush 2. she was in the middle of being in love with demeter so she was focused on that, emotionally
he got his ears pierced a couple times in high school but bombalurina inspired him to get a couple more. she went with him when he got his nose pierced
demeter has always understood that him and bombalurina are strictly fwb, has never been an issue.
she and him like to bleach their hair together when their hair schedules line up (he bleaches his way less often then she does), but she refuses to use his fancy conditioner that keeps his hair unfried because it’s expensive, even though he tells her to go ahead and use it, please, the health of her hair is giving HIM anxiety, demeter please. please demeter
gay. 20 years old
has magic. it’s pretty good magic but again: magic is not a big deal in this concept
a bit spooky. skulks around. a bit of a bitch but also very very nice. chooses when to speak
he has postings on craigslist and fiverr about finding lost objects and people with magic. like a gig economy private detective
side job is a waiter at a fancy restaurant
sometimes he gets paid VERY well from the private detecting, depending on the client. he does ask his psychic friends (tantomile & coricopat) to give a quick glance over on some of the more suspicious clients just to make sure he isn’t finding someone who should not be found by that person.
doesn’t go to college. is roommates with his sister victoria, who’s a freshman and studying dance. moved into town with her so she wouldn’t have to live in the dorms by having a guaranteed roommate.
the general vibe i want for these two is mistoffelees walking around town or driving around in his shitty toyota camry while tugger tags along because he’s bored and thinks this is cool as shit
the general tone of the au is “magic isn’t a big deal” except for tugger, who thinks mistoffelees’ magic and his magic freelancing is the coolest shit ever. this is mostly because he just likes mistoffelees. “there are people who can do cooler shit than me, tug” “yeah but i don’t KNOW them also theyre not as COOL as you” “you had to explain to me how instagram reels work”
idk how they met i just think tugger shows up at his and bombalurina’s apartment one day (this is when demeter has moved in but they havent moved to the 3br yet) with this dude to dash in and pick something up and bombalurina is like “uh. who’s this” “oh this is mistoffelees he’s SO GOOD AT MAGIC” [mistoffelees nods hello] “okay bye bombalurina see you at work!!!” “uh. later”
after that he just shows up a lot. sort of ambiguous if theyre dating or what for a while before bombalurina straight up asks like “hey does the dude you’re dating know we fool around” “the dude im - what?” “... the little magic guy who keeps using our hot cocoa mix. misty.” “oh. uh. we aren’t dating.” “... do you want to? because you’re kind of all over him constantly” “um. well! haha, if i wanted to, i could! haha!” “yeah get back to me on that”
tugger trying to use his ig clout to get mistoffelees more work even though 1. he has no clout 2. mistoffelees has a very stable client base. but mistoffelees appreciates the effort. the self-promo guy promoing someone other than himself... the highest expression of love...
mistoffelees is A Nonthreatening Man plus he’s pretty obviously gay so demeter is chill around him pretty quickly. when mistoffelees is over they’ll sit on the couch where demeter sleeps and watch documentaries quietly while she crochets
they both occasionally say spooky shit at the same time because magic stuff. bombalurina and tugger are both torn between “that was cool as fuck” and “god that’s unnerving”
just a lot of tugger following mistoffelees around on his jobs and mistoffelees letting him because he’s fond of him and them occasionally getting into minor peril and interesting shenanigans, but it is 90% fetch quests
i think the first time they met tugger was taking selfies in front of a hydrangea in a public park and he saw mistoffelees walk up with a shovel and start digging in one of the flower beds and he thought he was hot so he went over and offered to take over on the shoveling to look strong and masculine and he ended up digging up a skull, which mistoffelees picked up and said “thanks” and then walked away
mildly terrifying but also very interesting and tugger’s days are kind of boring and dishwashing kind of sucks as a job to do like every night and he is a person who thrives on novelty so. moth to a porchlight
i think they do start making out for fun here and there and then a while later theyre out on one of mistoffelees’ jobs and someone asks “who’s the guy with you” and mistoffelees replies “oh that’s my boyfriend, don’t worry about him” and then it’s like. “HUH? I’M YOUR BOYFRIEND?” “uh. yeah? i assumed. is that okay?” “i mean yeah of course i think you’re great! how long have we–” “oh like a while.” “oh. uh. cool!!”
they just hang out a lot. mistoffelees enjoys teasing him and enjoys his warmth and bombasticity and tugger likes watching and helping him solve little mysteries around the county because it’s always something new. they’re kind of a comedy duo. they just enjoy spending their time together and following mistoffelee’s internal magic gps to find lost dogs and lost necklaces
yeah right now this au is just vibes and just sort of. continuing forward with your days and your weeks and your months. just young adults hanging out
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hecallsmehischild · 3 years
Recent Media Consumed
The Silmarillion by J.R.R. Tolkien. About ten or fifteen years ago, I tried to read this and was totally overwhelmed by it. I kept it around, hoping maybe someday I might be able to read it. I finally have, and here are my impressions: WHY SO MANY NAMES. WHY YOU HAVE TO NAME EVERYBODY, AND EVERY TRIBE OF PEOPLES, AND EVERY INANIMATE OBJECT, AND EVERY LANDSCAPE FEATURE. WHY. *ahem* So. I have a general comprehension of the events of The Silmarillion, but I dealt with it by doing what you do for an impressionist painting. I (mentally) stepped way back and let all the names flow by me, and if there were names that were repeated a lot, then I mentally attached appropriate plot points and character details to those names so I could track with who they were and what they were doing. And, actually, I found myself able to hang on and enjoy the book for the most part. This is going to lead into a re-reading of the Lord of the Rings books, since I haven’t read those in about as long…
The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien. I haven’t read some of these books since pre-teen years, with one required re-read of The Two Towers in high school (i.e. it’s been many an age since I’ve read these and my memory of the stories has been far more heavily influenced by the movies). In re-reading the first book, I was struck by the extreme tone shift for the Elves and Dwarves. Elves seem much closer to happy, mischievous fairies than these ethereal, solemn pillars of elegance and grace the movies show them to be. And Dwarves are far more bumbling and craftsmanlike than the movies show. Aside from that, The Hobbit was a pretty solid adaptation from the book, and the book also reminded me that this story was the first time I experienced “NO, MAIN CHARACTERS DON’T DIE, HOW DARE YOU,” and probably was the first book to make me cry. I must have been 8 or 10 years old. I FORGOT HOW MUCH THIS STORY INFLUENCED ME.
A Conflict of Visions by Thomas Sowell. I have a longer-than-usual list of things to say about this book. First is that it was just that level of difficult that I was struggling to understand while reading it (on Audible), but I think I got it. Sowell has several base concepts that I see repeated throughout his books, though he does like to dedicate whole books to specific aspects of the same topic. He is pretty damn thorough that way. So, for example, I would put this book in the middle of a three-book spectrum of similar concepts: Intellectuals and Society (most concrete and easiest to read), A Conflict of Visions (next-level abstraction, a little difficult to read), Knowledge and Decisions (root abstract concept, very difficult, I have not been able to get past chapter 2). The second thing I have to say is about a couple interesting concepts it proposes. Its whole point is to help readers understand the roots of two ways of seeing the world that come into severe conflict politically, and he calls them by their root titles: the constrained and the unconstrained visions. He traces the path of each back through the intellectuals that most spoke of them (tending to contrast Adam Smith with William Godwin and Condorcet). Though he leans heavily toward the constrained vision (based on reading his other works) he does his best to make this book an academic study of both, with both of the visions' strengths and flaws and reasoning and internal consistencies fairly laid out. In doing so, he helped me understand a few things that make this situation really difficult for people on opposing sides to communicate. One of them is that root words and concepts literally mean different things to different people. I had some vague notion of this before, but he laid out three examples in detail: Equality, Power, and Justice. It was kind of astounding to see just how differently these three words can be defined. It makes me think that arguing about any specific issues rooted in these concepts is fruitless until first an understanding has been reached on terms, because otherwise two parties are endlessly talking past each other. Another really interesting idea he brought up is the existence of “hybrid visions” and he named both Marxism and Fascism as hybrid visions. This was especially fascinating to me because I have seen the accusation of “Nazi” flung around ad nauseam and I wondered how it was that both sides were able to fling it at each other so readily. Well, it’s because Fascism is actually a hybrid vision, so both sides have a grain of truth but miss the whole on that particular point. In any case, this was a little difficult to read but had some fascinating information. For people who are wondering what on earth this gap is between political visions, how on earth to bridge the gap, or why the gap even exists in the first place, this is a really informative piece.
The Hobbit & Fellowship trilogies (movies). I mean, it’s definitely not my first watch, not even my second. But I went through it with Sergey this time and that means the run-time is double because we pause to talk and discuss details. This watch came about partly due to Sergey’s contention that Gandalf’s reputation far outstrips his actual powers, so we ended up noting down every instance of Gandalf’s power to see if that was true. Conclusion: Gandalf is actually a decently powerful wizard, but tends to use the truly kickass powers in less-than-dire circumstances. That aside, this movie series was always a favorite for me. I rated The Hobbit trilogy lower the first time I saw it but, frankly, all together the six movies are fantastic and a great way to sink deep into lore-heavy fantasy for a while. And I’m catching way more easter-egg type details after having read the Silmarillion so it’s even more enjoyable. (finally, after about a week of binge-watching) I forgot how much this story impacted me. I forgot how wrenchingly bittersweet the ending is. I forgot how much of a mark that reading and watching this story left on my writing.
Upside-Down Magic. Effects were good. Actors were clearly having fun and enjoying everything. Story didn’t make enough sense for my taste, but it was a decent way to kill flight time.
Wish Dragon. So, yes, it’s basically an Aladdin rewrite, but it’s genuinely a cheesy good fluff fest that made me grin a whole lot.
Esther (Sight and Sound Theatres). < background info > This is my third time to this theatre. There are only two of these in existence and they only run productions of stories out of the Bible. The first time I went I saw a production of Noah, the second time I saw a production of Jesus. My middle sister has moved all the way out to Lancaster, PA in hopes of working at this theatre. My husband and I came out to visit her. < /background info > So. Esther. They really pulled out all the stops on the costumes and set. I mean, REALLY pulled out all the stops. And the three-quarters wrap-around stage is used to great effect. I tend to have a general problem of not understanding all the words in the songs, but I understood enough. I highly recommend sitting close to the front for immersive experiences. This theatre puts on incredible productions and if you ever, ever, EVER have the opportunity to go, take it. Even if you think it's nothing but a bunch of fairy tales, STILL GO. I doubt you'll ever see a fairy tale produced on another stage with equal dedication to immersion.
The Mandalorian (first two seasons). Well. This was pretty thoroughly enjoyable. It felt very Star-Wars, and I’d kind of given up after recent movies. Felt like it slipped into some preaching toward the end? Not sure, I could be overly sensitive about it, but I enjoyed this a lot (though I did need to turn to my housemate and ask where the flip in the timeline we were because I did NOT realize that the little green kid IS NOT ACTUALLY Yoda).
Portal & Portal 2. Portal is probably the first video game I ever tried to play, back when I had no idea what I was doing. Back then, I attempted to play it on my not-for-gaming Mac laptop. Using my trackpad. Once the jumping-for-extra-velocity mechanic came into play, I just about lost my mind trying to do this with a trackpad and gave up. Later I returned to the game and played it with my then-boyfriend on a proper gaming computer. Now, after having played several games and gotten better at "reading the language" of video games, I decided I wanted to see if I could beat the Portal games by myself. Guess what. I BEAT 'EM. Yes, I remembered most of the puzzles in Portal so that's a little bit of a cheat, but I'd say a good 2/3 of Portal 2 was new puzzles to me. It is crazy how proud I feel of myself that I could beat Portal 2, especially. Learning how to play video games at this age has really knocked down the lie, "You can't learn anything." Though I still suck at platformers and games that require precision. Since I find those types frustrating, I probably won't be playing many. Games are about enjoyment, so I'll push myself a little, but not to the point where I can't stand what I'm playing.
The Observer. I like the concept and the art but I don't think I could keep trying to play this game. It's really depressing. My in-game family members all died of illness or accident or committed suicide. I also kept getting executed by the state. In order to keep us all alive I'd have to do pretty terrible things that I have a hard enough time contemplating even in a fictional setting.
Baba Is You. Fun and interesting concept, but I got stuck pretty early on. Don't think I want to push as hard on this one.
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melanielocke · 3 years
Lost in the Shadows - chapter 11
Chapter list is getting a bit long, link to all chapters is on my pinned post.
Taglist: @nott-the-best @foxglove-airmid @alastair-esfandiyar-carstairs1 @justanormaldemon @styxdrawings @ipromiseiwillwrite
Cordelia dreamt of a castle in the middle of the forest. She wasn’t sure what was happening, all she knew was she needed to get away, this wasn’t right. There was a woman with empty eyes and long dark hair, something similar to what Thomas had described when he’d seen the washer woman? She was carrying a basket with bloodied clothes and bent over into a stream to wash them. This had to be her, the same woman Thomas had seen.
‘Bearer of cortana,’ she hissed, her voice an awful shriek. ‘Beware the thief of souls.’
Cordelia woke up and when she checked her phone she realized it was noon. Everyone had to be up already, she rarely slept this late. She had gone to bed at eleven yesterday and fallen asleep rather soon, which meant she had slept for thirteen hours. Cordelia wondered why, she rarely slept this long. Yesterday had been a long and exhausting day for sure, but this exhausting? She picked out a simple dress and changed. Dresses were easy in that regard, since it only required her to pick out one item of clothing and she was done, instead of having to match several pieces.
Lucie was eating at the table, and Cordelia wondered if that was her breakfast or lunch. Considering the time, probably lunch.
‘Did you sleep well?’ she asked. ‘I was beginning to wonder if you were going to wake up at all, or if you needed a prince to come kiss you awake. Or princess. Royal figure of indetermined gender.’
‘I did have a weird dream,’ Cordelia said, rubbing her eyes. ‘I only just woke up. Which is weird, because I don’t usually sleep for thirteen hours.’
‘You must be very well rested then,’ Lucie said, getting up from her seat to make Cordelia some toast.
Cordelia yawned. ‘Not really. Any news?’
‘You’re the only one who slept late,’ Lucie said. ‘Thomas and Alastair went to take another walk, they’re not back yet. I’ve been theorizing on what Tatiana is doing, or what Grace is and where she came from, but so far I’m not getting any further than her trying to bring back Jesse.’
‘Alastair is an early riser, always has been,’ Cordelia said. ‘Thomas too, apparently.’
Alastair often had nightmares and with his irregular sleeping pattern, Cordelia sometimes wasn’t sure if he slept at all. And he wondered why he was always tired.
‘Uncle Gideon still thinks he might be able to reach his sister, and went into the village again,’ Lucie added. ‘Dad is with him, he doesn’t trust Tatiana but is willing to give it one more chance. So far, they didn’t find her.’
Cordelia didn’t know Tatiana and didn’t want to judge, but if her intention was to bring back her son, she wasn’t sure Gideon would be able to change her mind.
‘Have you ever heard of the thief of souls?’ Cordelia asked.
Lucie frowned. ‘Maybe… It does sound like something out of a book, maybe. Although that could have been thief of hearts too. No, doesn’t ring any bells.’
‘In my dream someone said “Beware the thief of souls”,’ Cordelia said. ‘It could be just an ordinary dream, but I can’t be sure. It might be important.’
Cordelia tried to connect the term with what Lucie had learnt about Jesse Blackthorn. He’d died, and he’d disappeared somewhere, reappearing recently around the same time a washer woman warned Thomas of unpaid debts.
‘What if Jesse didn’t just die?’ Cordelia suggested. ‘What if this thief of souls is called by that title because it takes people’s souls in exchange for whatever someone asks for, and that’s what happened to Jesse.’
‘And then Tatiana made another deal to get him back, and right now he is a ghost,’ Lucie said. ‘Which might explain why the debt is no longer considered paid even if Jesse is still dead.’
‘But if that’s true, then how can we save Thomas?’ Cordelia asked. ‘We’d have to give back Jesse.’
‘Or we defeat the thief of souls,’ Lucie suggested. ‘That way we can save both Jesse and Thomas. No one deserves to be held as a price by such a being.’
‘Can something called the thief of souls even be killed though,’ Cordelia mused. ‘It sounds like a very powerful, perhaps even immortal being.’
‘They say cortana can kill anything, right?’ Lucie said.
‘You’re right, they say it can even kill immortal beings. But I’m not sure even with cortana I would stand a chance against such a thing, there’s also the matter of fighting it. I’m not giving up on either of them and if it comes down to a fight, I will fight. But perhaps we’re overlooking something and there’s another way to save them both.’
Still, if there was a way to kill such a thing, it was cortana. Cordelia would give it her best. She’d always wanted to be a hero, now she would have to prove she had what it took.
‘I don’t like giving up on Jesse’s soul,’ Lucie said. ‘And we definitely can’t let Thomas die.’
‘Either way, I’m going to practice,’ Cordelia said.
She and Alastair had practiced fighting together in childhood, both carrying wooden swords that had been made to match cortana in weight distribution. Since the real sword was so sharp, practicing with it together was too dangerous, but the wooden swords had worked. Alastair had lost interest in his early teens after cortana had chosen Cordelia, only joining her in practice when she begged him to.
She was used to the sword now, to its weight, the way it felt in her hand, and she knew how to fight with it. She’d never actually fought anything though, and according to her father that was the best way to learn. He’d trained her when she was very young. Their training together had become less and less frequent though, and for a long time Cordelia thought it was because he’d gotten sick.
She practiced her movement with the sword, repeating combinations of both attacks and defenses in one fluid motion. Cordelia had never doubted that someday she would fight evil with cortana. It was her destiny after all, and someone had to carry the sword. She’d always wanted to be a hero, like her father once was.
But now everything was coming much closer than she liked. Now Thomas’ life was in danger and Cordelia had no idea how to save him. Now she realized cortana alone might not be enough. Not when she had no idea what to fight, no idea what was coming to claim Thomas’ life. She wasn’t so sure anymore if this life was going to be what she dreamed it would be. She was scared she would end up like her father. Alastair refused to admit it, but Cordelia suspected he shared that fear, even if he had decided he didn’t want to devote his life to the supernatural.
‘That looks good,’ Lucie said. ‘Could you teach me, how to use a weapon?’
Cordelia frowned. ‘I only have cortana, I don’t have any other swords. Alastair does have daggers though. When he comes back, you could ask him to borrow one. Even if you don’t know how to fight with it, you would have a chance to defend yourself.’
Cordelia continued with some more complicated moves, practicing swift dodges followed by attacks. She had to be ready for anything. Lucie returned inside, and emerged a while later with a glass of water.
‘You need anything to drink?’
Cordelia gratefully took the glass of water and drunk it all as fast as she could, spilling a few drops. When training, Cordelia tended to get lost in herself and forget to drink. Lucie had the same problem when she was writing, but had several daily phone alarms telling her to drink.
‘I looked up that boy in the lake to see if they made any progress in the investigation,’ Lucie said. ‘So far it seems like he drowned, but the parents requested an autopsy because they think it’s unlikely since their son is such a good swimmer.’
Cordelia had expected as much. ‘At least now the parents have some closure. Poor child.’
‘I can’t imagine,’ Lucie said. ‘And the story of being trapped, it’s so similar to what Jesse said. Although the boy didn’t mention seeing any monsters or being stalked by something.’
‘There are vague stories of people getting trapped in places in the wild, but I’ve never seen anything that proves it’s real,’ Cordelia said. ‘Nothing like you described, at least not in the stories I remember from my father.’
‘I imagine most people don’t live to tell the tale,’ Lucie said.
‘I know, but… My father might have survived such a thing, and I don’t think I ever heard about it from him.’
Cordelia suspected that with the many years her father had travelled the world to slay evil creatures, he had told her and Alastair the most exciting stories and there were a few she might not have heard. Though she imagined something trapping people would be considered exciting. Perhaps her father did know more, but Cordelia was terrified to contact him, and she didn’t want to ask anyone else to either.
She still felt betrayed by him. She could sympathize with an addiction, it was an illness and she couldn’t blame him for seeking something that eased his pain. She knew her father had seen things most only saw in horror movies, she understood why he might want to forget. But he’d lied to her about it. She knew why Alastair had wanted to protect her, she didn’t blame him for not telling her the truth. Her father though? He’d gladly gone along with Alastair’s attempts to keep her in the dark, pretending to be overcome with sickness when he was drunk. Pretending the scent of alcohol was really medication for his illness. He’d often asked for her when he was sick, and she’d gone to read him stories, to keep him company while he rested. She hadn’t understood at the time, why Alastair didn’t like her taking care of him, why he’d insisted Father was sick and needed sleep even when her father kept asking for her.
As a dutiful daughter, she’d always gone when her father asked for her. She’d read him stories, kept him company, believing he was sick and not drunk. She had given up other obligations for him. She’d missed school parties she’d been excited about, because she couldn’t bear to leave her sick father after he’d asked her to stay.
Only now did she realize that as a father, he should have encouraged her to go anyway and have fun. That taking care of her father was not her responsibility and he should not have expected her to give up so much for him. Alastair had always tried to convince her that it was fine, that he could take care of Father too and he didn’t need her there. A couple of times he had managed to convince her, Alastair insisting she would regret it for a long time if she missed Lucie’s birthday party. She was still grateful that Alastair had practically dragged her away that day. No one else had shown up for Lucie, all the other children she’d invited thought she was weird and at that age Lucie had been desperate to be liked by her peers. Cordelia had almost abandoned Lucie too.
Now she understood why father had always asked for her, and not Alastair or her mother. She’d always believed it was because she was more like her father, because she was more affectionate whereas Alastair and her mother were rather closed off. Now she understood her father had preferred her because she was the only one who didn’t know he was drunk, because she would be kind and feel sorry for his sickness whereas Alastair resented him for being too drunk to be take care of his children. No, even if he knew the most about the supernatural from all his travels, Cordelia was not ready to call him to ask and she would never ask Alastair to do such a thing. No matter how betrayed she felt, what he’d been through was worse and he should never have to speak to their father again.
‘You alright, Daisy?’ Lucie asked.
‘Just thinking,’ she said. ‘Maybe my father does know more, but I can’t… I really can’t ask him.’
Lucie nodded. ‘I understand. If you really think he knows more, perhaps dad can call him instead to ask. And perhaps uncle Gabriel and aunt Cecily know more as well.’
Cordelia figured she could ask, but she feared her father would make it difficult for them. She’d learnt just how manipulative he could be, and she could easily imagine him refusing to talk to Will unless he’d let him talk to her.
Cordelia decided to practice a little longer, it had been a while with everything that had happened lately, and there wasn’t much space or opportunity at her aunt Risa’s apartment. She couldn’t be unprepared.
Lucie sat down to watch, book in hand, but Cordelia didn’t think she was making any progress reading. Instead, Cordelia caught her staring at her movement. Perhaps Lucie was studying her movements, in an attempt to learn more about fighting herself. Ultimately, it all came down to practice though. You didn’t learn how to fight by watching other people do it.
‘Aren’t Alastair and Thomas taking a little long?’ Lucie wondered. ‘They left early in the morning.’
‘I figured they’d be at the cottage with Sophie,’ Cordelia said. ‘They’re not?’
‘Mom is there with aunt Sophie,’ Lucie said. ‘She just texted me, we could come over for some tea as well. She mentions all four of us, apparently aunt Sophie would like it if Thomas came back for tea as well. So mom must have assumed they returned here after she left.’
Cordelia frowned. ‘What time is it?’
‘Four in the afternoon,’ Lucie said. ‘Dad also texted that he and uncle Gideon couldn’t find Tatiana and are coming back. But I haven’t heard anything from Alastair and Thomas. I’m not sure about Alastair, but it’s not like Thomas to disappear for so long and not let anyone know.’
Alastair could lose track of time on his long walks, but this was extreme even for his standards, and he would have at least texted her by now if he’d changed plans.
‘That is one long walk’ Cordelia said. ‘I’ll call Alastair.’
She turned cortana back into her necklace and took her phone out of her pocket, calling her brother. He didn’t answer, which was unlike him. She tried again. Nothing. She texted him instead, asking him if he was alright and when to expect him back. Alastair didn’t receive the message, maybe his phone had died. He rarely forgot to charge it though.
‘He’s not answering,’ Cordelia said. ‘I’ll try Thomas.’
Thomas didn’t pick up either, after several tries, and when Cordelia texted him he didn’t receive anything either.
‘Nothing either.’
‘Perhaps they don’t have cell service,’ Lucie said. ‘If you go far enough into the woods, that would happen.’
Cordelia guessed Lucie had a point, but that didn’t explain why they were spending almost a whole day into the woods. They weren’t experienced hikers, they must get tired at some point, right? And they would have at least let someone know if they would be gone for so long, this was worrying even for Alastair.
‘Maybe we should go looking for them.’
‘They could be making out though, maybe they don’t want to be interrupted,’ Lucie suggested.
Cordelia frowned. ‘In the middle of the woods?’
Lucie shrugged. ‘Who am I to judge?’
‘They’ve been gone for long enough that I think we should go looking,’ Cordelia said. ‘They could be in trouble.’
She put on some different shoes that were better suited for the forest and texted Will they were going to look for Alastair and Thomas, warning them to come find them if they took too long.
‘Do you really think they could be in trouble?’ Lucie asked when they walked into the forest, nervous.
Cordelia understood Lucie was scared, but if she was then how had she run after Tatiana into the woods just yesterday evening? If anything, her friend was chaotic.
The forest was a bit darker than she was used to in the bright sun, which was odd. The fog was a little thicker than usual, and Cordelia made sure to stay close to Lucie.
‘I don’t know,’ Cordelia said. ‘But only one way to be sure.’
A howl pierced the air. Cordelia could only tell the general direction it was coming from. It didn’t quite sound like a wolf, but it was similar enough.
‘Stay behind me,’ Cordelia said, removing her necklace and taking cortana into her hand. ‘I don’t know what that is, but I’m not going to let it harm my brother.’
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apparitionism · 4 years
I wrote the following brief scenes a while ago as part of a potential story that refused to coalesce. It may yet, someday, but for now this is merely a scrap of unfruited AU narrative; I’m posting only to prove to myself that I’m not completely incapable of doing writing-related things, even if it’s just tidying up generic, trope-y bits of dialogue. I intended Christina, about age seven, to be an important story lever in this, with this Myka and this single-mom Helena as coworkers of some sort (I was thinking insurance, possibly, because risk management has been on my mind). Such fuzziness was part of why the story as such never took off... in any event, it doesn’t matter. Here is what does matter: if you are a U.S. citizen who is able to vote, do it; choose Biden/Harris and every down-ballot Democrat. This HAS TO BE a landslide repudiation of that horrific, corrupt individual and the party that enables him.
Turning points arrive in their own time.
Myka and Helena were eating lunch together. That in itself was of course not unusual, for they were colleagues and friends. And as colleague-friends, they tended to eat lunch together.
“You seem upset,” Myka noted. Helena was picking at a salad, but differently than she usually picked at her salads. Usually she picked because she was picky and would eat only the most pleasing elements; today she was merely moving salad components from one region of the plate to another.
“I’m not upset.”
“But you seem upset.”
“Well... I have to break an engagement. It’s impolite.”
Being forced into incivility was indeed the kind of thing that would drive Helena to stab, lift, and re-place arugula. “Why do you have to break an engagement?”
“You know Mrs. Carter, the neighbor who usually sits with Christina. She was called out of town. An ill relative. This morning—but I had plans tonight.”
“Could your plans happen at your house instead? Without sitting?”
Helena wrinkled her brow. “It’s a first date. Far too soon to bring a new person into Christina’s life like that.”
A first date. The words punched Myka hard, leaving a queasy burning in their wake. Her analytical side leapt to make sense of this extreme response: It’s the first time you’ve heard Helena say anything about such a thing, so it surprised you. You’ve never liked surprises; ergo, you’re just reacting poorly to being surprised. Because of course Helena would go on a first date, because of course she would want to find someone, someone to be with, and Myka didn’t know why that hadn’t occurred to her before, but she and Helena hadn’t really talked much about relationships, so maybe Helena went on a lot of first and other dates that she hadn’t bothered mentioning to Myka, and maybe that meant their friendship wasn’t as close as Myka had thought, because maybe they really were more colleagues than friends, and... Okay, just stop. Whatever this is, stop. She breathed her way through the aftermath of the punch and said, “I’ll do it, then. Babysit.”
“You will?”
“You were planning to go out. You should go out.”
“You haven’t asked me with whom.”
“That’s probably not my business,” Myka said, because it wasn’t, despite her unexpected, inappropriate impulse to claim it as entirely her business. Just stop.
“Claudia’s new manager in platform development. Claudia described her to me as, and I quote, ‘absolute fire.’ Which I presume is good.”
“So you asked her out.”
“No, she asked me. And I said yes, because... well, is there a reason I shouldn’t?”
Was that intended as bait? But it couldn’t have been. Logicking it out again: Myka had never felt such a weird surge (no, a twitch, it was only a twitch) of possessiveness before; thus Helena couldn’t have identified it so quickly, and with such precision, that she would immediately challenge Myka on the point. Could she? “Of course not,” Myka said. “What time do you want me to show up?”
That evening, Myka kept her still-reeling gut at bay by concentrating on Christina, who was delighted to have Myka all to herself. “You and Mom talk about boring things,” she pronounced as soon as her mother left. “Tonight you don’t have to do that!”
No... all Myka had to do was imagine what sorts of non-boring things Helena was talking about with her date who was absolute fire. But she managed not to do too much of that imagining, at least while Christina was awake, while they were building with Legos and renaming her plastic and puffy animals and manipulating slime. This latter was a fad that had, according to Christina, faded some time ago, but she found the texture soothing; she asked Myka, very seriously—as if Myka’s verdict would be the final word on the subject—whether that meant it was okay not to give it up. Myka said that in her experience, truly calming things were few and far between, so she thought it was more than okay. Christina enjoyed the phrase “few and far between.”
Myka was tempted to let Christina stay up late, late and later, but she supposed it wasn’t fair to deprive a child of sleep just to rescue herself from herself.
She fell asleep on the sofa, and that was a blessing; she didn’t have to hear Absolute Fire’s car, didn’t have to think about anything that might be happening in that car. She awoke just as Helena was stepping inside and taking off her coat. Helena turned around and smiled, and Myka struggled to sit up and look alert, saying a sleep-hoarse “sorry” as she did.
“What for? Being asleep at ten at night? That seems reasonable. Ideally I’d have been asleep by now, if I’d been home.”
“It’s only ten?”
“Dinner was short. The fire may be absolute as far as Claudia is concerned, but there were no sparks that I could see. Or feel.”
Thank god, Myka thought, too fervently. Then, Just stop. Aloud, she tried for indifference: “Maybe Claudia should go out with her instead.”
“Maybe she should. Did my own small bit of fire behave herself?”
“She was great. I’m never going to fully appreciate the appeal of slime... but I can report that bath, story, and bed were peaceful. No conflagration.” This news would make Helena happy: meltdowns at bedtime were common. Christina was often fearful of some unspecified something that would happen overnight, and she was never clear on whether it would be a good something or a bad something, just something, of which she would be unaware.
Helena did, in fact, smile her relieved “Christina is fine for tonight” smile. “Did she wear you out completely? Or might you stay for a glass of wine?”
“Weird way for you to end your date. A drink with the babysitter?” Trying to sound normal. Like the friend she was.
“Better than the date. No, that’s too callous. It was fine. But it wasn’t anything.”
Myka had the drink. Just the one, slowly, as they sat and talked about what Christina would have deemed “boring things”... but Helena had two. And a half. She was eyeing the bottle like she might be inclined to head for it again, so Myka said, “I really should go.”
Helena said, “Should you?” Myka wanted (wanted so much) to make of that what she was pretending she didn’t want to make of it, but she determined instead to make nothing of it. No one should make anything of what anyone said when they’d had a couple of drinks at the end of a long week. And at the end of a failed date, she reminded herself, then cringed at the pleasure she took in knowing that it had failed. Whatever this is, stop.
Standing by the front door, Helena gave her a vaguely unsteady half-hug, a clasp of her left arm around Myka’s shoulders. Myka didn’t want to not reciprocate—trying now to act normal, like the friend she was—so she let herself move her own left arm fully around Helena’s waist, allowed herself to rest her hand for just the press of a second on Helena’s hip.
For that press of a second, Myka leaned close and inhaled against the sharp sweet angle of Helena’s cheekbone. For that press of a second, a slide to a kiss was a warm looming certainty; then the second passed, and it was a receding dream. Myka released Helena’s body and said, “I’ll see you Monday.”
NOTE: I’d say “TBC,” but since I don’t know whether this will ever function as part of a larger piece, I’ll leave it as a little misfit story-island. You know B&W will find their way to each other; they’re just not quite connecting, in that “this friendship means everything to me and I can’t stand the idea of blowing it” way, on both sides. Anyway I’m not sure who these characters really are, other than coworkers and friends (who clearly need to be something more); plus there’s a gaping hole where a plot should be. Why are these people here? What are they doing? Should any reader care? I have no idea. Again, here is what matters: vote vote vote for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris and Democratic Senate, House, and local candidates.
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albarivas · 3 years
ana de armas, cis female, she/her    —    whenever i see alba rivas meandering down agnes street la escalera by pablo alborán starts to play inside my head. maybe it is the vibe they give off. bullet journals, colorful dresses, hairstyles with bandanas ;   you know ? artistic impressions is what keeps them interested in agnes. i heard they are a thirty-three year old teacher at bright future. they look like the kind of person who would make you do a vision board. 
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hi again, it’s ella again. okay so i had cameron (the lily james) but tbh she’s a new muse and right now i don’t have the brain to develop a muse from scratch but i still want to write and that’s why i decided to bring alba, one of my oldest muses. i’m so happy to give her a new home and i can’t wait for her to meet all of your characters.
NAME: alba carolina rivas borges
NICKNAME: al, albie
GENDER: cis female
PLACE OF BIRTH: boca raton, florida
DATE OF BIRTH: april 19, 1988
AGE: thirty-thirty
OCCUPATION: teacher at bright future
tw: illness, cheating
her story starts between cuba and spain. her mother, carolina, fled from cuba and her father immigrated from spain with no friends or family and only with a few dollars. the two newcomers were matched by fate and just a year later they welcomed their daughter, alba.
two years later, a son completed the rivas family. they didn’t have much and often had to deal with homesickness and many times they considered moving to spain, but eventually they decided to stay.
it was a big change for both julián and carolina. he used to work as a lawyer back in spain and carolina had almost graduated from med school. now in the united states they both had to start from zero.
her mother traveled an hour from boca raton to palm spring every day where she worked cleaning those luxurious houses.  her father got his credentials to become a spanish teacher and taught in the local high school.
alba always knew she didn’t have much. she grew up going with her mom to those huge houses and from a young age she understood what wealth could buy. however, alba never envied those who had a lot more than her. in fact, her childhood best friend was the girl that lived in the house her mother cleaned. the two were inseparable.
alba excelled as a student. education was something her parents always deemed as important and so she made it her goal to make them proud. 
she earned a spot in a prestigious public high school. as a teenager, she was the model child. always listening to her parents, rarely giving them problems. she had an active social life, she went on a couple of dates and she was part of several groups.
these qualities eventually earned her a place at nyu. moving to new york was something she’d never considered. she liked florida, and her family were there but her parents convinced her that this would be a great opportunity and that she could comeback.
becoming a teacher was her ambition. she admired her father for doing it and she knew from a young age that she wanted to teach children. 
to make ends meet, she got a job as a waitress and she really didn’t have a social life as she worked and studied full time. there was no time for friendship and even less time for dating.
it was during one day at work that she met someone that changed her life. she met another student while she was working who asked her out but she refused, however, he came back and did the same thing every night until one day she finally accepted.
one date turned into two and then three until soon people couldn’t see one without the other. most people thought they wouldn’t last, their personalities and values were too different. he came from a wealthy family, the typical spoiled kid that was set to inherit his parents’ fortune someday, the one that always featured on page six with a different woman every night. meanwhile, alba came from a working-class family, daughter of immigrants who always had to work to get what she had in life. despite the skepticism, they proved everyone wrong.
at twenty-two, alba graduated with a degree in early childhood education and began working as a teacher.
her relationship with this guy (i dont have a name for him lmao) was better than ever and after dating for three years, he proposed and alba said yes as she was convinced she’d found her other half.
however, not everything was perfect. his family didn’t like her and things only got worse after they got engaged. the couple married only a year later. they left new york and moved to florida where they bought one of those houses alba always had dreamed to have and the best part is that they were neighbors with her childhood best friend.
but all good things must come to an end, and soon her fairytale turned into a nightmare. the relationship with her in-laws was awful which eventually caused tension in their marriage. they began to fight more often and he started to spend more time at his office than at home. however, she was determined to make their marriage work, a love like theirs couldn’t end like this, she wouldn’t allow it.
tw cheating: one day, alba returned to their home early and what she saw was heartbreaking. there he was, in bed with none other but her childhood best friend. heartbroken, alba refused to accept any of his excuses and immediately filed for divorce, to the joy of her in-laws. end of tw.
after her divorce, alba moved to california where she started a year course at stanford. she planned to stay there but that when she received news from home.
tw illness: her father was very sick, and her parents had decided to move to islebury, rhode island. without anything holding her back, she packed up her stuff and moved here as well so she could help her mother with her dad. end of tw.
she’s been living here for three years now and works as a teacher at bright future.
She has the ability to see the good in almost anyone or anything and tends to sympathize with even the most unfriendly person. She often hides the extreme depth of feelings from her, even from herself, until circumstances elicit a passionate response. 
She has a deep sense of idealism that comes from a strong personal sense of right and wrong. She sees the world as a place full of possibilities and potentials and is governed by her intuition. She is quite reserved and is not easily manipulated.
She is a good listener and considerate, they try to care for and understand others in a deep way. She can be very calm and intuitive with the people around her, being able to search for hidden meanings in the actions and words of others.
Of course, all of life is not rosy and Alba is not exempt from suffering the same disappointments and frustrations that are common to others. She tends to be a perfectionist and often strives for personal ideals that can be exhausting or very difficult to obtain.
she’s a bookworm. her favorite book is the persuasion by jane austen
she speaks fluent spanish
alba has a beautiful white persian cat named nube
she loves wearing bandanas in her hair
claims she’s allergic to strawberries, she’s not. she just hates them and that’s easier than explaining why
Younger brother: I’m gonna make a wanted connection because I love this dynamic. He is two years younger than her and she adores him. She tries to stay in touch with him and in general, they are close.
Ex-best friend: they met as children and grew up together, they knew everything about the other. alba’s mother worked as a housekeeper and she used to go with her sometimes, that’s how they met. this person came from a different background, she lived in one of those expensive houses alba could only dream to own. their friendship was so strong that they even applied to the same university (although her friend was not accepted). alba considered this person as the sister she never had, but then she did the worst thing in the world, she slept with alba’s husband. they haven’t spoken since she found out.
Ex-husband: They divorced two years ago, after alba found out he had been cheating on her with her best friend. they met while she was a student at NYU and were together for three years before getting engaged and married. he comes from a wealthy family, the typical perfect american family. their relationship was never approved by his parents. she hasn’t spoken to him since the divorce.
Best Friendish: Okay, so this is a tricky one because her actual best friend turned into Judas and slept with her husband, but maybe this person is the closest she has to a best friend. she trusts this person and since her divorce, this is the only person that she has been able to speak without limitations.
Bad influence: Alba has never been one to go to many parties or even to drink, but this person is the only one that can convince her to have a good time.
Co-workers/Parents: She works as a teacher at bright future, maybe your character works there or their kids go/went there.
Neighbor: self-explanatory
Unlikely friendship: The two have different personalities, but somehow, both have managed to get along and form a weird friendship.
Hook ups: She’s not really the relationship kind bc she’s always busy but once in a while she hooks up with people ghdghdhgd (open to everyone)
Flirtationship: they act like friends, but cannot help to throw flirty looks or comments at each other.
Unrequited: It could go either way, I’m fine to plot it out. I’m an angst hoe sooo
Bad tinder date: after her divorce, her friends tried to set her up with someone but it didn’t go well. There was nothing wrong about her date, but she wasn’t ready and in the end it was a very uncomfortable situation for them.
One night stand: she was drunk, he/she was drunk too. They didn’t plan it but happened and now whenever they see each other in town it’s a bit awkward.
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goldie90 · 3 years
Helllllllloooooooooooooooooooo (⌒ω⌒)ノ trivia murder party, you don’t know jack, quiplash aaaaand word spud (=^ ◡ ^=)
trivia murder party(where would you place your f/o on the serious to silly scale? does it vary?): Well.... he´s more on the silly end, there are no doubts about it. But it vary. There are moments he also gets pretty serious and when this happens, it´s always a sign that he don´t feel well. For example, the day Chop went to vietnam, he showed the most serious side of himself, I´ve ever seen.   
you don´t know jack(gimme a weird cannon fact or headcanon about your f/o): Ummm...let me think about it... I kinda created the headcanon that his favorite parts in movies are death scenes and that in his opinion, the best way a movie can end, is with every character dying in the end (preferably in either a very gruesome way, or because of absurd accidents).
quiplash(what´s something that always makes your f/o laugh?): The death.😅 Seriously, seeing someone die always makes him laugh (especially if he killed this person himself). You know, when we have a victim at home and Nubbins is “playing” with him/her (which happens mostly when Drayton isn´t home, cause when he´s at home, he won´t let him do this) me, Chop and Bubba (and who knows, maybe even grandpa🤔) always know the exact moment when he finally finished it, because it´s the moment he gets a laughing fit, that can be heard in the whole house. Beside that, he also really loves to see people suffer (as long as it´s not a family member, or someone he considers a friend - but even then he sometimes laughs (it highly depends on his mood and on how bad the thing that happened to the friend or family member is, if it´s something really serious, then of course he won´t laugh about it). But if it´s a stranger? There are no limits. Every bad thing that happens to them is incredible funny in my darling´s opinion.🙄
word spud(how do you feel about the fandom´s general opinion about your f/o?): Most of the time not so good. Because there are so many things, that seem to be very popular in the fandom, that I highly disagree with and I just can´t understand how it could became so popular in the first place. (I think, it´s most likely that someday someone came up with it and then it simply spreaded around like some kind of disease😔). You know what kind of things I´m talking about, because I´ve told you before (he don´t shower etc.😠😡😤) Also, some people talk/write about him like he´s some stupid guy who´s got nothing in his brain and that´s also a thing, that makes me incredible angry, because I don´t see it that way and I also don´t understand why the hell someone should think this. Is it because he acts a bit... how can I say it... strange? Well, it is obvious that there´s something deeply wrong with him, he´s obviously got some seriously mental illnesses, BUT this got nothing, absolutely nothing to do with intelligence. For example, many psychopaths are in fact highly intelligent (not all of them of course, but many). I agree that he´s probably not the most educated - so what?  ¯\(°_o)/¯ Neither am I and I wouldn´t consider myself stupid. Honestly, I think he´s pretty average in terms of intelligence. There are things he obviously knows a lot about (like things that are related to his old job at the slaughterhouse, for example) Seriously, I´m sure that I could learn a lot from him, and that´s something that can´t be said about everyone. 
Another thing that highly bothers me, is of course that many people tend to soft him up so damn much. I know that´s not only happen with him, but also with many other characters but I hate it nonetheless. It´s so ridiculous. Like, yeah let´s take the most dangerous man out of the Sawyer family (which he is without a doubt. I mean, hell, even the actor who played him said so!!!) and turn him into some soft wimp. Honestly, whenever I read something like this, it makes me wanna vomit.🤮 In my opinion, it´s simply disgusting. 
It always makes me wonder about why exactly these people feel the need to do this and one of my theory´s is that maybe they´re simply afraid of seeing him just the way he is. I mean in terms of not knowing how to work with a character like this. So maybe because of this, they simply feel the need to change his personality, which is really sad if you ask me. I mean, if I can only like a character (or even be attracted to him) when his personality is completely changed, then that´s a sure sign that this person obviously isn´t for me. So ummm... maybe better look for someone else? LOL. 
Of course, everyone should be free to think, say or write what they want and I would never criticize someone directly for it. I´m simply talking about it here, because you asked me that question and so of course, I´m answering and I´m answering honest. (And seriously, it feels good to do so, so thank you for picking that question,😊 it´s really a good one👍) But personally, I simply prefer to see the things like they are: 
Nubbins isn´t an overly nice guy. 
He isn´t some kind of sweetheart.
He definitely isn´t a damn wimp.
And he surely isn´t a sub.
💘And damn, I love him because of that💘
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🌺Thank you so much, Ella.🌺
And sorry that it took me again so long to answer, but what can I say? I needed some time to write this down. ¯\(°_o)/¯
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animanightmate · 4 years
WIP Sampler Basket
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Send me an ask with the title that most intrigues you and interests you and I’ll post a little snippet of it or tell you something about it!
I was tagged by @thelaithlyworm​ so here goes:
Where it says “so far notes only” it means that it’s pretty much an entry in a notes file or spreadsheet. If you ask for a snippet, it will force me to write something, so you’ll get it, but you’ll have to wait... 😉
War Series – The Musketeers (BBC, 2014)
This one’s a bit of a cheat as it’s all in one file, but they’re being posted as separate works in the series. They also tend to just have date and place as their titles when they’re published, but I’ll give you a subtitle to whet your appetite:
Paris, 11 November 1637 (or: The King’s Parade), G
Character perspectives: Constance, Grimaud, Perrault, Marcheaux/ Tréville (haven’t decided yet)
Northern War Front, 13-15 November 1637 (or: Nightwalk and Return), T
Character perspective: Porthos
Benedictine Monastery at Douai, 6 December 1637 (or: Snow on St. Nicholas’s Day), G
Character perspective: Aramis – so far notes only; poetry is heavily implicated.
Musketeer Garrison, 21 December 1637 (or: The English Vice), T
Character perspectives: Constance, Ninon – so far notes only.
Metz and Environs, 25 January to 4 February 1638 (or: Burning Books), T
Character perspective: Sylvie – so far notes only.
Flemish Border, Metz, Strasbourg, Basel, 26 January to 7 February 1638 (or: Strong Cause), T
Character perspectives: Porthos, Athos, d’Artagnan, possibly Bolloré
Paris, 23 February to 2 April 1638 (or: Tightration), G
Character perspectives: Tréville (possibly Constance or Perrault), Grimaud (possibly Feron) – so far notes only.
Paris, 4 March to 23 April 1638 (or: More Than a Rest Stop), T/ M
Character perspectives: Sylvie, Constance – so far notes only.
Woburn Abbey, 10 October 1638 (or: Paper Trial), T/ M
Character perspective: The 2nd Duchess of Bedford.
The Musketeers (BBC, 2014)
These ones are a combination of plot bunny note entries and more (sometimes massively) fleshed-out pieces from when I was stuck on the War Series and needed to have a break while keeping on writing. Same universe, but either pre- or post-War series.
On The Road to You – pre-canon, G/T for language
Character perspectives: Constance and Athos – so far notes only (which it turns out I have lost and that is Not Okay).
Popinjay – between seasons 2 and 3, T for language and innuendo
Character perspectives: d’Artagnan, Aramis, Constance.
His Name on My Lips – between seasons 2 and 3, M
Character perspective: d’Artagnan – so far notes only.
Embattled – season 3, E
Character perspectives: Aramis and Porthos, with a couple of short bits of d’Artagnan, Athos, and Constance.
OT3 Reunion Inter-Bellum – season 3, E
Character perspectives: Athos and Constance.
Red Flag – season 3, M/ E
Character perspectives: Porthos/ d’Artagnan, Athos, Constance.
Red Flag Coda – season 3, M
Character perspective: Athos.
A Constant Rebellion – season 3, M
Character perspectives: Sylvie, Constance.
Sirocco/ Marais (haven’t decided yet!) – season 3, E
Character perspectives: Aramis, d’Artagnan, Porthos, Constance, a little Athos at the end, as a treat.
Sirocco Coda – season 3, M/ E
Character perspectives: Aramis, Athos.
Those Left Behind – post-canon, M/ E
Character perspectives: Aramis, Constance.
Crossing Over – AU yet also this universe, E
I’ll give you snippets if you ask, but that’s likely all of this that will ever see the light of day. It’s wildly self-indulgent crack.
The following is not part of the same universe:
Gathered – a sequel to Summoned (modern day reincarnation AU), E
Character perspective: Porthos – so far notes only.
I am currently recording and editing the War Series in random order (mostly going for the simpler ones – short, few/ highly contrasting voices – to start off with), plus someone else’s that I’ve asked permission for. You could theoretically ask for an audio sample of either the current, unpublished War Series recordings, or the third party ones...
What?! No, seriously, I do some of that too.
Nocturne – a novel
Started in 2016 when I was very ill and unable to perform (oh, also: speak, breath while lying down or in deep sleep, retain any weight, walk more than a few feet at a time), it’s well in excess of 200,000 words and I wonder if it’ll ever be finished, because I reckon it’s about 70-80% done. The plot is completely mapped out, I just have to, you know... write it. 
False – a short story
Probably. I’m not entirely sure where I was aiming when I started writing this in [checks] 2015?! Smug fantasy, started on a train while bored, as far as I can tell. In Arial. (That’s going to have to change!)
The Stranger – ?
I’ve no idea what this will turn out to be. Novel? Novella? Abandoned project which was born completely from a very detailed, rather scary dream many years ago? Who knows? I didn’t even realise I’d started writing it down until I went and looked at the folder of fiction on my Google Drive.
Highway – probably a novella, maybe just a chunky short story
It says it’s from May 2003, but I know fine well it’s older than that. I like the plot, so I may just rewrite it from scratch someday, having done a lot more research about 18th Century roads, carriages, weapons, clothing, post inns, and modes of address.
Short Days – chunky short story
Oh this! Every so often I remember this and wonder about getting on with it and then... don’t. It’s got something, though, so I’ll probably revisit it.
Experimental. May become a show. May malinger in my Unfinished Long Pieces drawer.
Sunk Cost
Also fairly experimental.
Nearly done.
Good Lads
Angry. Needs some focus and a proper ending.
I am going to tag @erytria, @r0b0tb0y, @mvsketeer, @canadiangarrison, and @suzie-shooter with absolutely no pressure, but I’d love to see what you’ve got cooking…
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thewildwaffle · 5 years
Abduction - Chapter 26
We’re getting close to the end here people! It’s officially been 2 years since I started writing this and I am so close I can almost taste it! It’s officially been 2 years since I first sat down to write this story. I never would have been able to do this without all the feedback and encouragement I’ve received from posting it. Thank you for the critiques, the ideas, the advice, and the reactions. It’s kept me going!
Also, thanks for being patient while I get this written and edited.
Chapter 1           Previous Chapter             Next Chapter
Thurrin wanted to pay more attention to the conversation going on in the shuttle, but she had to stay focused. Human Vern was piloting, but she had been put in charge of navigation through the warp. No small task seeing as the Burnti Command fleet had been on the move. They had exited warp and were now following slowly, very far behind the Arum Bloom. Hopefully, Mike and Wenona were still aboard. Or at least, Thurrin thought, why wouldn’t they be?
“Oh my gosh, is that it? It’s freakin’ huge!” Kylee leaned forward, marveling at the screen. It was big. Even from this far away. There was no atmosphere or obstacle of any kind to block their view of the ship. If they continued at their current pace, it would take a few solar cycles to reach the Arum Bloom, even if it was at a stand-still. Thankfully, the distance coupled with their ship’s small size would keep them “under the radar” as the humans said.
Human Vern turned and pushed Kylee back out of his space to her chair. “How can you say that’s huge after having been on the Rock Base?”
“Okay, that’s on a completely different level. That’s like comparing a mouse to a bear. The bear is huge, but I can still look at a mouse and say, ‘wow, that’s a big mouse.’”
For the first time in what felt like forever, Thurrin felt she could take her eyes off her controls long enough to look back at Kylee. “I assume those are Earth creatures?”
“Yeah, they are. Bears are the largest land predators back home. Mice are small rodents that…” She paused. A slow smile spread across her face. “Well hey, I actually think you’d be really interested in mice, Thurrin.”
Thurrin glanced again at her instruments to make sure nothing had changed. “To be honest, I’d be really interested in anything about Earth. I think I’d like to visit someday.”
“Well hey, we get out of this alive, you’re more than welcome to come to crash it at my place if you’d like.”
“If we survive… yeah.” Thurrin’s tail drooped. The humans seemed pretty nonplussed at the idea of maybe dying. She herself knew it was a possible outcome. And on top of that, even if they did survive… “I might have to visit. Might not be welcome back on Bernor after… after we get done with this.”
“Hey, guys,” Human Vern interrupted, “we can make plans later, we’ve got movement.”
“They haven’t found us out, have they? I thought Booka Vern’s signal dampener was supposed to keep us hidden!”
Thurrin checked the readout of Booka Vern’s device. “It is! It is, it’s working, or it should be. I can’t exactly go outside and check!”
“What kind of weapons does this thing have?” Kylee stood up, ready for action.
Vern checked. “Uh, I think just a few small balinton blasters.”
“That’s it?!”
“This is a shuttle, not a battlecruiser!”
“Wait, hold on,” Demfar spoke up for the first time in a while, “I don’t think they’re coming after us, look!”
All eyes locked onto the small vessel in question. Sure enough, it was headed in their direction, but it didn’t seem to be coming straight at them. No one spoke, almost as if their silence would help keep them from being detected. It was some sort of small transporter. Or perhaps a mechanic’s hopper? What was it doing out here alone?
“We should hail it,” Vern whispered, already entering the commands to the computer to hail it.
“We should wha- are you completely out of your mind?!” Kylee whispered back.
Thurrin stared at the screen in front of her. Vern was searching for a compatible frequency that would an audio message without giving away their location. She looked out towards the oncoming ship. They were really booking it out of there. What were they doing all the way out here, so far away from their ship?
“They’re obviously not coming for us.” Vern selected a frequency and was preparing the ship’s communication commands. “I want to know what they’re doing out here.”
“Have you ever heard of the phrase ‘curiosity killed the cat?’” Kylee hissed quietly.
Thurrin’s ears perked. She knew what a cat was. Mike had told her about them and Wenona had drawn a few pictures of them. She had to say, they did look a lot like Booka. She didn’t understand why Kylee was bringing them up now though. “Why would you kill a cat?”
“It’s just a figure of speech,” Kylee sighed, “Meaning being curious is going to risk us all getting found out and ruining the entire mission, Vern!”
She tried grabbing at Vern’s hands to stop him, but he pushed her arms away with one hand and continued entering the commands with the other.
“Look at it. Something’s up. We need to know what’s going on before we go in,” Vern’s hands were big, but the final command needed input from the console from two separate keys at once. Thurrin looked between the console, the ship headed towards them, and  Vern. He was right. That ship had no business being this far from the main fleet. Something was going on, and it was best if they knew as much as they could before continuing with the mission.
Vern was struggling to reach the final key while still holding down the other. Before Kylee could stop her, Thurrin reached over and hit it. The communication programs were set and the frequency went out.
“You two are going to get us all killed,” Kylee huffed.
“We’ll be fine,” Vern sighed. “We’re still shielded. If they mean us any ill, we just stay hidden and continue on our way. Maybe even with a bit of insight as to what to expect here on out.”
Kylee grunted and sat back down, arms folded tightly across her chest. “Maybe next time we could vote on it before you go making stupid decisions.”
“Maybe next time.”
For a while, no one spoke. No one even moved. The ship got closer After what felt like a small eternity, a voice hesitantly peeped from the speakers.
“Uh, hello?” a wheezy voice broke the silence.
“What are you doing?” Hissed another voice quietly. It sounded like the speaker was standing away from the microphone. “We are running for our lives and you answer the weird signal?
“It’s not a Burnti signal,” the first voice said back. “You’re not Burnti, are you?” A pause. “Hello? Is anyone there?”
Vern looked around at the group before answering, “Hello, yes we’re here. You probably can’t see us, we’re cloaked, but we’re from the Galacti-”
“Hello? Hey, sorry,” the first voice interrupted, “I can’t hear you very well, could you speak up?”
Looking down at the console, Thurrin found a tuning dial. She carefully moved it a notch and leaned into the mic. “Yes, sorry, we can hear you just fine. We’re honing the signal, it should be better now, but there may still be interference between our operating systems. Uh… can you hear me now?”
There was a bit of inarticulate grumbling noises from the speaker for a moment. “Yes, we can hear you. Did you say ‘we’? Who are you? What are you doing here?”
“We- well, we are from the Galactic Confederation.” Which was true, even if this little trip of theirs wasn’t sanctioned by the Galactic Confederation.
“By all things bright and shining! This is Mahben Glaykur of the ESS Sicatna. My companion and I were prisoners on the Burnti ship, Arum Bloom. There was a breakout or a glitch or something in the cell doors where we were being held in and we escaped and stole this hopper.”
Everyone on both ships let out a deep sigh which turned into relieved laughter. 
“We can’t tell you how happy we are to hear you!” Mahben Glaykur continued, “Where are you? Are you the scouting party? Are there more ships coming?”
Thurrin looked over to Human Vern who stared back, his mouth straightened to form a straight line.
Thurrin paused. Her stomach tied itself in knots. The Burnti had prisoners besides the humans. How did she tell them that they weren’t here for them? How did you tell someone they’d been left behind? “There aren’t any other ships coming. It’s just us. For now. A, uh, covert mission of sorts.”
Behind her, Kylee made a short exhaling sound. “A very covert mission,” she mumbled under her breath.
There was a long silence from the other ship. They were almost close enough to see the markings on the side of the vessel. It was a small cargo ship, probably one that would carry specialized equipment and electronics. She wasn’t sure if it would have a warp drive aboard or not.
Once the silence was starting to become unbearable, Thurrin activated the comm device again. “Mahben Glaykur, how many escaped with you?” There was no response. “How many from the Galactic Confederation are still aboard the Arum Bloom?” She tried again.
The speakers clicked as if the other ship had activated their comms, but it took another quarter of a moortik before they heard the Mahben finally respond. “Unknown. I’m sorry, I… I know there are others. I don’t know if they made it out. It’s… it’s just the two of us here. There was a third, but he stayed behind to find his companions, the two humans.”
Thurrin’s tail twitched. Someone else was trying to save Mike and Wenona? Her brain tried to process what she’d heard.
“Mahben Glaykur, do you know who that was? Who was it that stayed?” Thurrin felt Demfar rest a tentacle on her shoulder. She looked up at his large eyes. As a medic, he was all too well aware of those who had been lost during the Battle of the Blockade. They both turned to look eagerly at the speaker for the answer.
“He was a sefra. Jebannuck Sefra. We tried to tell him it was a suicide mission, but he said he was pack-bonded with the humans. I’m sorry, we had to leave him, there wasn’t time. I wish we could have helped him, or found others to bring with us, but we barely made just ourselves.”
Thurrin wasn’t really listening anymore. She felt her fur ripple across her body. It felt both freezing cold and blazing hot at the same time. Her mind was about in the same state. She suddenly felt exhausted and hyperactive all at once. She wanted to cry and laugh. And she did. A bit of steam actually rose from the tears that fell into her fur.
Jebannuck was alive!
Demfar sighed deeply, which turned into a chuckle and grew to a full laugh. Squifra aren’t very loud creatures in pretty much anything they do, laughter being no exception, but the broken exhales and low clacking noises were the most Thurrin thought she’d ever heard one laugh before.
It would take a while to calm down - for either of them. And they still had a mission to do. Thurrin rose to her hind feet, having to balance herself for a moment before jumping down to let Kylee take her spot. They could figure out the specifics of their next step - getting aboard the Arum Bloom.
Where Jebannuck was. Where Mike was. Where Wenona was. All safe. All still alive!
Well, she paused, her giddy high dropped like a claw to the gut, she hoped they were all still alive. The humans might be safe for now, but he certainly wasn’t. Jebannuck should have just come with these two escapees. He should have. But she understood the reason why he didn’t. It was the same reason she was here now.
She took a moment to try to calm herself. She was here, and here was a dangerous situation. Jebannuck’s presence changed things, for good or bad - well that was easy, it was good. Oh, it was so good! It was more a matter of would this make things harder or easier?
 Humans Vern and Kylee were trying to get as much information from Mahben Glaykur as they could. It turned out that the other escapee aboard the ship was a relegated Burnti officer who had insights that would help them immensely. Their little hopper of a ship didn’t have a warp drive, but it did have some hyperspeed capabilities. They could probably make it out of the system alright. They could make it to secured Confederation space within half a partec if they were careful and didn’t get caught first.
It was helping with that last part that pulled Thurrin back into full-on mission-mode. The escapees had made it pretty far from the Burnti command ship, but there would be other ships scrambled to intercept them if there hadn’t been already. Stopping to talk with Thurrin and crew certainly put a damper on the lead they had going. Their hyperdrive was still coming online. They wouldn’t be able to get to hyperspeed before the Burnti arrived. 
Not unless some other small, mysterious ship just happened to disengage their signal dampener, and seemingly pop into existence to provide a distraction long enough for them to get away.
Thurrin’s tail twitched back and forth nervously. Their ship only had the balinton blasters. Not enough to fight off multiple enemy ships for long. But they wouldn’t be doing that. One, that would be death. Two, Human Vern and Kylee planned on getting captured. If they surrendered after what looked like a sufficient-enough struggle, they would be delivered right to the Arum Bloom.
Thurrin didn’t really like the plan. It was crazy. It was dangerous. All of this was. But it was the humans’ plan, and from the stories she’d heard and Thurrin’s own experience, those usually seemed to be the ones that got the best results. Thurrin looked around at her group. Demfar and the humans. She could think of no better group to help her get her friends back.
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etlunainmorte · 5 years
V left.
No, he didn't leave you like that, no.
It's just that, he and the other Devil Hunters had business to attend to. An old score to settle, just like what Nero said. Something that was related to someone named Mundus. Well, you didn't know the person ( or if he's a person, at all ) but, V said he’s dangerous. Of course, you wanted to beg him to let you come but, you knew he would never allow it. Heck, the Devil Hunters didn't even allow Nico to come. Lady was one thing but, you being powerless as of that moment? V simply refused.
So, with a promise that he'll keep you posted with everything that will happen to them, he went away with Dante, Nero, Trish, Lady, Griffon and Shadow. He also left Andromeda with you so you could have a source of power should things get awry on your side. Also to keep you vitalized while he's gone.
And just like that, V left.
And that was six years ago.
For at least a year and a half, V never failed to send you letters and postcards, telling you of those wonderful places he visited with the rest of the group in search of this Mundus. Places that he would visit again but, with you by his side. He told you, in these letters and postcards, how much he missed you, how much he longed to be by your side, to hold you in his arms and kiss you and make you his over and over again. He told you how much he loved you and you alone, above all else. You cherished these hand - written notes from the man you loved and kept them close. You prayed for the safety of their group, and for their safe return.
But, just like that, he stopped sending letters and postcards nearly five years ago, which has made all of you, including Nico ( who lost contact with them about the same time V stopped writing ), and Kyrie ( who has to take care of her and Nero's precious five year - old daughter and manage the orphanage all by herself ) awfully worried.
You tried sending Andromeda over and over again to see if they were doing fine but, the entity refused, telling you that it is her sworn duty to protect you and never leave your side. Nico tried many times to contact the team but, every single time she managed to hit a stable connection, something strange and unexplainable would interrupt, leaving her listening to just static. Kyrie helped you send letters to the addresses where V sent his, hoping that he would, by any chance, receive them.
But, to no avail.
Still, you didn't lose hope. You distracted yourself during the day, and you fervently prayed each night. You kept the smile on your face, and kept the hope alive in your heart.
Hoping that someday, he, and the rest of the group, would return, safe and sound.
Maybe it was that hope and inspiration that made you do simple but, life - changing things, which, somehow, made an impact and directly influenced your closest friends.
You may have lost the ability to dance but, still, it didn't stop you from establishing your very own little ballet school for beginners next to a church in Fortuna where you lived. Even the kind and gentle Sister Christina flew all the way from Germany to lend her support as an overseeing headmistress while you do the ballet instructing, yourself. You even have Nero and Kyrie's girl, Eva, as one of your little protégés ( who were mostly from poor families of Fortuna whose homes were destroyed by the Dreadnought six years ago ). You even got the surprise of your life, when, one day, the man who made Galatea showed up in the school's doorstep and revealed that he was, in fact, your parents' grandson. Through him, you found out that your precious parents didn't die, after all, after the Pale Ones abducted you and your sister. They were powerless against the cult, and they weren't able to do anything when the news of the Fortuna Castle's fire reached them. They thought you were dead, and has since moved on and had another child. He also revealed that they never forgot about you and your sister until death, and the old photograph they have of you was the thing that inspired him to make Galatea.
Cagliostro, who was, surprisingly, engaged to none other than Alicia, who has fully grown into a beautiful and mature woman, helped with the interior decorating. He has finally moved on from his heartbreak and found a new purpose in life - to be a much better artist and build a family of his own with his Hispanic fiancée.
Alicia, on the other hand, has figured out that her mother's strange behavior before her death was due to an unknown mental illness caused by a past trauma, and has since then dedicated the early years of her life as a licensed doctor to help people with the same case and helped a larger, more prominent medical team to develop a cure for this. 
Petya ( who was balding and happy ) and Natasha ( who still preferred being called Solagne ) never failed to drop by almost every month, bringing both French and Russian beverages with them, just to have little parties with you and the rest of your little group of loving friends. You even saw the haughty woman teaching music to your students during your break ( you only kept this to yourself but, you knew that the poor woman, who, according to Petya, was unfortunately unable to conceive, was longing for a cute little girl of her own ).
Nico, who still kept her lines open just in case one of the Devil Hunters called, improved a lot as an Artisan during those six years of her friend and partner, Nero's absence. Of course, just like you and Kyrie, she never lost hope that they would return someday, and since then, she has developed more powerful and much more revolutionary weapons for Nero to use. Guns, Devil Breakers, and even other, weird - looking gadgets that she called works of art. You even told her that she has surpassed her grandmother, Nell Goldstein, and more but, the woman wouldn't admit this. Said that she must first let Nero test all of her creations and let him admit that to her straight in the face.
Kyrie, just like you, remained ever vigilant. In fact, now that her daughter's growing up, she wanted nothing more than to have Nero finally meet his little girl. She helped you with the ballet school whenever she has time off the orphanage she and her husband built. She even cooked sumptuous meals for you and your little prima ballerina wannabes. And when the busy days were finally over, she, who you built a strong, friendly relationship with over those six years, would always go with you to the nearby church to pray for the return of your beloved ones.
A lot has happened during those years, things that helped you grow as a person.
And on the sixth year during the anniversary of the day you and V got together after so many trials and hardships, you decided to leave Fortuna for a bit to visit Red Grave, where Dante and V's house once stood.
After the Qliphoth incident that almost took the lives of hundreds of Red Grave's innocent citizens, the ruins of Sparda's residence has turned into a secret garden of some sort. For some reason, briars climbed on the broken walls and pillars, filling the whole place with vines, thorns, and roses. Yes. Roses of all kinds and colors. The mansion has turned into the largest rose garden you have ever seen.
You marveled at the sight and settled down, placing your bag on an old bench and sitting next to it. And as soon as your eyes landed on the beautiful sunset, you couldn't help but feel miserable. You and V loved watching the sunset from this very bench, and he has even told you that this has become his most favorite place in the world, now that this old house has turned into a massive garden of wild and fragrant roses.
And the moment you thought of V, you couldn't help but cry silent tears of longing.
Yes, you refused to let them see your weak side but, it didn't stop you from crying each night, from having dreams of him and you being together,...
... of you finally being lovingly held in his arms,...
"Where are you, V?" You miserably wept as your arms automatically went up to wipe your tears with the sleeves of your pink hoodie. "I missed you, so, so, so much,..."
You stayed there for what seemed like hours until you felt you could no longer cry, and when the moon has risen high above the starry sky, just like that one evening when you danced your first ever waltz with him, you decided to stand and retire for the day. Just then, some nagging thoughts plagued your mind,...
Did they fail in their mission to bring down Mundus? What if they, he, never return? What would happen now? What - ?
All of a sudden, you felt the temperature drop. Your hands went up to rub your arms due to the sudden cold that sent shivers up and down your back.
The wind blew, making the clouds roll by, concealing the moon and plunging the whole place in darkness.
That was when you saw,... something,... from a distance. At first, you thought your eyes were deceiving you but, alas, you were wrong.
If anything, they even widened at the sight that greeted you.
An unearthly slash in mid air, the blue and purple light radiating from it as if the atmosphere, itself, was ripped, and some people emerging from it.
"Why did you bring us here?" A familiar voice, which made you emotional all over again, questioned, his voice ringing in the air and disturbing everything within his immediate vicinity.
"Because V told me so!" Another answered.
"Whatever! I'll just go back to the shop and order pizza. Wanna come with me, ladies?"
"You're inviting us, Dante? Are you serious?!"
"Hey, what's wrong with that, huh, Lady?"
"Nothing. Except that your shop probably has six years worth of dust now. No, thanks!"
"How about you, Trish?"
"No, thanks. I want to go back to my own house and have a long bath."
"Eh, whatever. I'm not sharing!"
"Hey, look!"
Your eyesight almost became blurry with tears as the group finally noticed you standing from a distance. From there, you saw Dante ( who, easy to say, has become scruffier than ever before ), Nero ( who now looked a bit more like Dante due to his beard and shoulder - length hair ), Lady ( whose looks somehow stayed the same ), Trish ( who, just like the former, seemed to not have changed, at all ), Griffon ( still bald, and still lanky ), and Shadow ( now the same height as Lady and Trish and no longer a little girl but, a gorgeous young woman ).
But, what made you truly emotional was the figure standing behind them, slightly concealed.
Shoulder length snow white hair now long and waist length, emerald eyes that looked more gentle than ever before with little creases below them, that all - too familiar posture as he leaned on his metal cane, and that smile you missed so much,...
"Hey, uh, send my regards to Kyrie and Nico, will ya?" Dante told Nero as he nudged his nephew with an elbow. He, then, waved and winked at you as he gestured towards the silent man behind him.
"Let's go home." Lady said as she smiled at you.
"I'm with you." Trish replied as she waved at you, finally leaving the place together with Lady and Dante.
"Let's go back to Fortuna, you two." Nero told Griffon and Shadow. "I could sense Kyrie making apple pie right now."
"Talk to ya later, sweet pea!" Griffon yelled and waved at you as he went with Nero and Shadow back to the portal the Yamato has just made.
Which left only the two of you.
You had no idea what went on between the two of you during those awkward and agonizing moments or how long it took for you to finally go to him. You didn't even notice the clouds as they rolled away to let the moon shine down once more. And when he finally wrapped you in an embrace you longed so much for so long, you couldn't help but soak his white shirt with tears.
"Ssh, it's alright." He whispered to your ear as his hands rubbed your back to warm you. "I'm here now. I'm here."
"W - welcome back, V!" You greeted through your sobs, making the poet chuckle in amusement. "I have waited for so long! I never lost hope that you would return, but just now, I thought that - "
"It's alright, my love. Everything would be fine now. Our hunt for Mundus has brought us all to the Underworld. And he is gone. Finally gone. At last, we can finally live in peace."
You looked up at him and let him wipe your tears away with his thumbs. "Is that why we can't reach you? You went to the Underworld?"
"Yes. And I'm afraid to say that,... time works differently there from here. We've only been there for six days but,... when we resurfaced, it seems that,... six years,... has already passed."
"Are you okay? Were you hurt? Tell me, please! I will take care of you,..."
"There's no need. I will be the one who will take care of you. And I'm sorry,... for disappearing for too long,..."
"You don't have to say sorry. You fought bravely for us. Oh, dear God, I missed you so much! I missed you, so, so much!"
"And I missed you too, my love." V told you as he pulled you even closer to him if that's still possible. "You see, I even rushed here to meet you."
And you? You couldn't explain the happiness that was flooding your chest and making it burst.
"But, how did you know I will go here?"
"Cassandra told me."
"Oh, I see."
You gave him a look of utter confusion as he let you go, chuckling as he noticed the pout on your lips.
"I have,... something for you." He said as he grabbed something from his bag. You eagerly waited as he searched, and when he finally handed you a pack of popcorn, you couldn't help but smile.
"You bought this, V?" You asked him as the smell of butter reached your nostrils.
"Yes. We haven't finished Endgame, have we?"
"Come to think of it, no, we haven't." You admitted.
V smiled as he reached for his bag once more, producing a stuffed tiger from it and giving it to you, reminding you of,...
"Is this,... did you win this at the carnival?"
V proudly hummed. "I have,... quite a skill with,... should we say,... sniping?"
Oh, God, he remembered! You happily thought. He remembered I have a really bad aim and couldn't win the stuffed tiger at the carnival.
"And that's not all." V said.
"I went fishing."
"Oh, you did?! What happened?"
"I caught a boot."
V laughed, the sound of his low voice sending warmth all throughout your whole body. In fact, you have never felt so warm in your entire life. And when he handed you a single boot from his bag just for laughs, you fell in love with him all over again.
"I - I never thought this is possible, oh my!" You confessed through fits of laughter, however, at this point, the smile on V's face vanished. You noticed this and went silent as he took the boot from your hands and upended it, making a small velvet box the color of your eyes fall from it. Then, he went down on one knee and opened the box, revealing the most beautiful ring with an emerald attached to it.
Why,... did you not see this coming?
But, whatever the reason was, V was right there, right in front of you, offering you something more than just an emerald ring inside a boot he claimed he has fished.
And when he looked into your eyes, you saw something.
And most importantly,...
I see,... you thought as your heart filled up with love and gladness. My future,... before me,...
"(Y/N) (L/N)," V declared. " ... will you marry me?"
🖤 I See My Future Before Me 🖤
🖤 @la-vita , @micaelagua , @vergils-daughter , @beyond-the-mirror , @clevermentalitybeliever , @lessy86 , @ceruleanworld , @diabeticsugarush , @yepps , @shadowrosess , @gothghoulfrend , @heaven-on-a-landslide , and @krazy06 . 🖤
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szopenhauer · 4 years
Walking into a party, what’s the first thing you look for? someone I know lmfao also a toilet Who was the last person you ate with? my mom, sister and niece
What do you do when you’ve had a bad day? depends Kiss on the first date? maybe Have you ever had a best friend who was of the opposite sex? yes Are you too shy to tell people when you’re developing feelings for them? wouldn’t say so If you could pack up and leave to move away, would you? yeah Do you wish you were with someone right now? I wish my dad was already home and everybody else OUT or just leave me alone, I wouldn’t mind my gf’s company much either How many more people do you think you’ll kiss before you die? nobody else unless CPR will count if I will ever need it Do you like messing with people when they’re drunk? nothing rude/dangerous  Whats a song you absolutely hate? Gangnam style for example Your opinions on bi people? most of them end up in heterosexual relationships anyway because it’s easier  Song playing right now? Melanie Martinez songs Has anyone ever mistaken you for someone else? my mom and sister
What color dominates your wardrobe? dunno
Do you prefer color photos or black-and white? color, black and white or sepia only if they’re really old - elseway they usually remind me of death What color is your house? What about car? white What color “emotion” are you feeling right now? I’m feeling blue? Have you ever seen a double rainbow before? yep, even this year Do you own anything that is rainbow-colored? like one item that I don’t even use anymore Do you enjoy coloring? not really
If you had the chance to get the cast of any canceled tv show back together to make one “reunion” season, would you? Or do you think it’s better remembering it the way it was? If so, what show would you choose? BUFFY!
Do you find music helps you sleep? Which type of music do you sleep to? recently it helps me survive until I feel sleepy enough to not overthink/cry/get anxiety attacks
Would you try to hold back your tears if you were attending a funeral? I didn’t cry but I believe it depends on who’s funeral it is
If you could be one age forever, how old would you be? I just want to be a kid
Do you have a particular shoe brand you favor over others? nah
If you had the choice, what would your final words be? telling my loved ones that I love them
What is one thing you always wanted as a child, but never received? big stuffed black panther and a treehouse mostly
What social situations tend to make you most nervous?  all of them?...
What is one medical myth you’re tired of hearing? for an example that severe illnesses are visible all the damn time
Do you like making up nicknames for people? love, they’re catchy and other ppl start to use them to :D
Delete a year of your life, or start over in a new town? deleting one year wouldn’t help unless it was a year I was born like in Shrek movie...
What do you call your grand-parents? babcia 
What’s your favorite song by Taylor Swift? Why is that your favorite? the only one I liked was Bad blood mostly because of the music video
What do you think about your hair right now? ugh...
Do you do your homework at the last minute? oh well...
Would you rather get a new brother or sister? new as in a way of replacement or another?
Have you ever used a Polaroid camera? I wanna buy one someday
What is your favorite thing to do online? lots 
Have you ever gone to see a movie just to make fun of it? that’s stupid
Would you rather watch Family Guy or South Park? Simpsons
Does it bother you when people wear pajamas out? I’d do that myself :3
Have you ever tried online dating? How did it go? I tried and every single “relationship” failed, not that there were many of them, I met plenty of people that I wish I didn’t tho
Who was the last person you took a picture with? my sister and niece but shadows only 
Do your parents allow smoking in your house? nooo
Is your last name shorter than your first name? longer
Last two numbers in your phone number? personal
Who’s in your house? my fam just went to the garden and I have a moment of silence, finally
What magazine(s) do you look at the most? interior design
Are you paranoid? kind of
What item should never be shared? toothbrush, bloody period pad, underwear, towel, used piece of toilet paper, gum that someone already had in their mouth etc.
Do you sleep with a fan on? I don’t even own a fan
How many plants are in your home? too many
Do you ever type “kik” instead of “lol”? it never happened :o
Do you know how to play chess? forgot
Are you picky? about some stuff, sure
How tall is the person you like?  tall, much taller than me
Are you excited for winter? if I was then only for Christmas or New year eventually my birthday but it’s doubtful
If it was free and it would work perfectly, would you get plastic surgery? but it ain’t safe and painless etc.
Have you ever been called prince or princess? I dislike that
Do you like your body? pfft
What do you hear right now? dog barking
Last thing you wrote your name on? documents 
Where did you get the pants you’re wearing right now? I don’t even remember anymore
When is the next time you will see your grandma? ...
What is it tomorrow? Sunday
Have you ever laughed at someone because they had a funny name? not face to face, I heard some funny names during mass or my mom told me about them and I saw some online or in movie credits Speaking of names, why do celebrities always call their kids stupid ones? to be unique If you have a problem with someone, will you confront them? maybe
Are you more likely to be called a hard worker or lazy? lazy What is your sense of humor like? quite dark, sarcastic, dry, witty, puns, daddy jokes, memes Have you ever had a dream in black and white? I don’t recall What about a dream with no sound? it’s possible What types of people do you tend to avoid? ... all of them? What is one personality trait a potential friend must have? understanding and similar sense of humor Have you ever been in a helicopter? no What color car would you like to have? DeLorean is grey but if I had a jeep then yellow, red, gree, black or silver
What is your favorite mode of travelling? on foot or train, definitely not plane Are your favorite characters often what the majority like? I hardly ever like the main character so I doubt it but who knows? Is it dark outside right now? not yet Do you get scared when it’s a full moon? when I’m outside it’s bothering If you travel anywhere, do you always buy souvenirs for people? often Are you waiting on anyone coming home right now? YES Do you like the way your voice sounds? nope Can you see the stars from your house? not currently but at night - if it’s not cloudy - yup How would you react if your favorite band made a song with your first name as its title? awesome! unless it was real bad Are you considered an awkward person? it seems Is there a light on in the room you’re in? too bright for that  What day were you born on? Saturday, my mom said I shouldn’t be lazy then but I responded with - I was half an hour late for Friday Do you like having a favorite everything or do you enjoy keeping open? I often say I have a lot of favorites of things as I have a hard time choosing just one for most of them
How often do you feel pressured to be better than or different than you are? For example, how often do you feel pressured to be skinner, tanner, prettier, etc? Keep in mind that pressure doesn’t always have to come from others; In fact, we can put a lot of pressure on ourselves. ugh...
Would you rather it snow for three days or rain for a week? rain for a week if it didn’t cause the flood 
Have you ever changed the look of a survey because you didn’t like the way it was presented? This can even include adding or deleting numbers to the questions. many times
Does it bother you when surveys ask questions that Google could answer? I agree
When is the last time you had a cell phone that wasn’t a smartphone, if ever? 3 years ago
Do you know anyone who can speak more than 5 languages fluently? noooo
Would you rather write an essay on global warming or UFOs? UFO
Do you like sailing? When was the last time you went, if at all? never been and don’t wanna Favourite Pokemon? Mimikyu and Pikachu Do you or have you done martial arts? Which type? karate, self defence
Favorite animal. raccoon
Any turn ons? personal
3 most important people in your life right now? my dad, my gf and my mom
Do you respond to texts quickly? depends
Who was the last person you called? dad
Winter or summer? summer
What is the secret to a happy life? good health, enough money, peace and quiet, either no people around or only good ones, no worries/problems
What are some phrases/words you say often? MAYBE
What are some of your greatest fears? personal
Spicy food:Like or dislike? my stomach doesn’t like spicy food
Do you like to travel? nope
Do you like rain? yup
Would you rather visit the past or the future? future to see if it’s worth living for - past if not to enjoy once more what I lost
How often do you go to parties?  never?...
Do you think you’re ambitious? I know I’m not
What makes you nervous? what doesn’t?...
First mobile phone? grey Siemens
Do you like sharing? sharing what?
What was the last picture you took with your phone? single tiny cloud
If you had one word to describe yourself, what would it be? ME
Are you more creative or logical? why can’t I be both?
Would you rather lie or hurt someone with the truth? I don’t know anymore
When you imagine yourself as really, really relaxed and happy, what are you doing? sleeping well and having a good dream?
What is the best news you could hear right now? that I have no allergies
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slvtbible · 6 years
I should’ve walked away | pt. 2
[In which he says everything he needs to say]
Warnings: mentions of terminal illness, tears, curse words
[If this sucks i’m sorry:/ i have never been good with part twos unlike some other talented writers out there, who are killing it lol]
[But anyways, i hope you guys like this. Sorry for taking this so long!]
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You thought that heartbreak will only last for a couple weeks. But you were wrong about that.
The night after you left the party was also the night you went back home to your small apartment. You blocked his number right after you reached your home, have no absolutely intention on rekindling the relationship,
You called your mother and told her about everything whilst your cried. She tried to calm you down but it didn’t work. You weren’t crying over the fact that your relationship with Harry had ended, but you were crying over how completely different Harry was that night. And how his friends were no better than him. That broke your heart to pieces, because you had been together for three years and expected that Harry was the guy that everyone talked about on the media. Yet, they proved you wrong.
Sobs were uncontrolled as you cried to your mom, cursing him over and over but surprisingly, although you told your mom how disrespectful Harry and his friends had been to both of you, she only sighed to herself and smiled softly. Knowing that this would happen either way, because your family were never been blessed with good wealth and people will always look down on you no matter what. She knew that already so she wasn’t disappointed nor hurt.
But she also knew Harry is a good person. Though only had a chance of meeting him once, he was the most polite and kindest man you have ever dated. She told you herself and she remembered how pink your cheeks were when you blushed, it was truly the most heartwarming and cutest thing your mother ever had to witness.
Now, those days were over. To you. You swore to yourself to never ever fall back to the arms of a man who is disrespectful towards your mother.
It is four months later after your break up with Harry and you’d be lying if you say you didn’t miss him. During work or during your sleepless nights, he would always manage to find his way to sneak in to your mind and it’s hard for you to get rid of those thoughts.
Harry is suffering just the same as you. Perhaps even worse.
He is not himself anymore. After he spat those terrible things towards the only woman he’s ever loved and he’s ever going to marry, he could never forgive himself. He blames himself for your departure, he curses himself for using your insecurities against you and that was not fair.
He’s very much aware of how privileged he is and so are the people around him, yet he decided to go and rub it on your face. Even made fun of your mother’s income. His mother would be livid if she finds out how terrible he treated you. Anne favours you very much, she always have.
This year, turns out to be a not pretty good year for you. Your mother had informed you four months ago that your sister, have been adapted with cancer. Both treatments and surgery costs $30,000 combined and you have no idea how to earn that much money in less than three months to pay for them all. Especially when you only have one job while you have classes to attend to. 
But you made up your mind. You decided to drop out of college and started to take three jobs—which are not really helping at all, the money aren’t enough just yet— to pay for the surgery. The university offers you to pay for all of your tuition including the living costs, in order for you to stay because you’re one of the best students and they don’t want to let you go.
However, you declined. It’s not fair and you have always been taught by your parents to work hard on your own. Earn your money and one day all of your blood, sweat and tears will pay off. Someday.
“Want me to close this one up, darling?”
Your lovely co-worker, Maria asks. She’s a couple years older than your mom and have been nothing but nice to you ever since you applied for this job. She knows all about your problem as well. Harry, his friends, the money, everything and she doesn’t judge you. You’re grateful for that,
With a smile, you nod your head softly at her as your eyes starting to get heavier. “Are you fine with that? Don’t wanna be a bother”
Maria scoffs, waving you off as she locks the cabinet. “You were never a bother, Y/N. Go get some rest, you do have another job to work at tomorrow don’t you?”
Again, you nod. Untying your white apron and fold it neatly, putting it inside your tote bag. You hug Maria as you thank her and kisses her cheek before walking out of the shop to walk home,
You see, for the past four months you work as a bartender on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday, from 11 am - 3 am. A waitress at a diner on Wednesday and Friday, from 6.30 am - 12 pm and babysitting on Saturday. So the only day you don’t have work is Sunday, where you spend it almost everyday just sleeping. Wether in your bed or the couch.
Tired is the perfect description about your daily life. Though your friends are all dying to meet up with you, you know you can’t. You have absolutely no social life and you’re just waiting for all of this to end. But you’re not sure when.
As soon as you step inside your small apartment, you lock the door and throw your keys on the counter before walking upstairs and run yourself a bath. You decide to spoil yourself for a few moments then go to bed,
Harry is suffering.
His days are supposed to be the days where he should write new songs for his next album. But the papers are only filled with dozens of messages he wanted to say to you. Crumpled and ruined. In which he have no slight intention on throwing them away because the paper is the only source he gets to say what he wants to say. And he can’t no longer say them to you,
He knows you’ve blocked his number, he’s hurt to say at least. Numerous voicemails and messages he sent were left unopened. The thing that drives him even crazier is that he doesn’t even know where you live! He needs to know wether you’re okay or not, are you eating well enough, drink enough water or not. Or have you found someone else that can love and care for you the way he does?
The thought of you finding someone else hurt his heart but he understands why. He has to. You’ve put up with his shit—his friends included— longer than anyone else does. That’s why he loves you.
His tears hasn’t stopped either. Everyday he wakes up, and finds himself crying over you, wanting you back in his arms. Every night he falls asleep with the thought of you on his mind makes him cry while he hugs your perfume scented pillow tightly against his chest. If he can’t hold you close to his heart then maybe your pillow will do.
“You want anything, mate?” Jeff swings the door open, voice fills with concern and fear. Ever since that night happened, Harry has done nothing but cold to his friends. Except for his band.
He shakes his head, rubbing his slightly red nose with his eyes glued on the journal. “No.”
With his one simple worded answer only leaves Jeff to nod his head, grabbing his black coat from the sofa and walk out of the studio.
Mitch looks over at Sarah for a split second before settling his eyes back on the piece of white paper,
“Have you... tried to talk to her? Perhaps, reach out to her again.” Mitch asks, carefully looking up.
Mitch learns that whenever he or anyone for that matter mentions your name, he gets aggressive then cries. So he reminds himself everyday and to everyone to be careful everytime they want to speak with Harry. He’s a fragile human being right now,
Harry lets out a small sarcastic laugh, closing his journal and lean his back against the couch. “Of course i did. Many times. But she never even answered my call or text. Her friend Jenna left me on read when i asked her to tell me about how Y/N is doing. It’s hopeless, besides it’s months ago. I bet Y/N has already forgotten about me.”
His voice cracks as the last sentence comes falls from his lips. Grabbing a water bottle from the table, he takes a slow sip as his eyes begins to water and he has to inhale deeply to keep them from falling,
Sarah looks down, sighing to herself. “You’re saying that as if it’s her fault for forgetting about you that fast.”
“I wasn’t-“
“Need i to remind you that you were the one who compared her to Kendall. From her appearance to her income. Her job wasn’t fancy or popular, yeah i get that but she was struggling, Harry. Did you ever learn that your girlfriend was an immigrant when she came here? Finding a job with such a reputation was hard for people like her! They don’t immediately give you the chance to work as models, fashion stylists or musical producers like us! Think about that Harry. Or were you too wrapped up around Kendall’s or any Victoria’s Secret models fingers that you had the audacity to bring your ex girlfriend down like that!”
“Sarah” Mitch tries, trying to keep her calm,
But she isn’t having any of it. “No, Mitch he needs to hear this!” She protests as she looks over at Mitch then back again at Harry. “You out of all people should know that! You were her boyfriend for fuck sake! And she didn’t need any of you snobby asses to remind her where her insecurities lay! She already knows she don’t fit in! She knows her place Harry, and she knows she’s not as pretty as Kendall Jenner, Camille, or Georgia or Nadine. Stop moping around and hope that people will have sympathy for you because you don’t deserve mine!” She snaps, breathing in heavily and stands up to walk away, trying to calm her down,
Harry is struck. Sarah is known to be one of those people who rarely gets angry because she seems to be walking in a ray of sunshine everyday, a sweet smile never leaves her face. As if there’s nothing can bring her down.
But today is completely different, Harry watched Sarah as she outed everything she had deep down in her heart. You and Sarah have always been so close, you two are like one of those two best friends in high school. The Betty to her Veronica. And to see Harry broke your heart, played a insecurity against you made her cry too. She was disappointed in Harry.
Still, Harry can’t accept the fact that Sarah put all the blame on him when you were the one who chose to walk away.
“I love her, Sarah. What makes you think that i would intentionally hurt her like that? That night, she was the one who walked out on me. I told her that i would help her, support her, financially and emotionally. She was my girlfriend but she left!” He bursts, looking up at his bandmate with his nose flaring in anger,
Sarah looks at him in disbelief and lets out a sarcastic laugh. “And have you, really?” She questions, crossing her arms over her chest. “You know, she thought about leaving you for a long time Harry. Way before we celebrated your victory win at that club. But she stayed. Did you know? She fucking stayed. Because to her it didn’t matter if the world was against her, if the fans hated the two of you together, or even if your exes stared her down like she was a peasant. All she ever needed was you. You and Y/N against the fucking world.”
Sarah leaves it at that, before walking away from the two of them. She needs to cool down before she completely loses it,
Harry looks down on his lap, taking each and every word of hers and input them in his brain. He bites down his lip trying to contain the tears that are threatening to spill from his eyes. He presses the home button of his phone and see a picture of you laying on the bed, wearing nothing but a white duvet to cover your naked body. A toothy grin stretches over your pretty face with your eyes closes a bit,
He smiles sadly at the memory. He remembers taking the picture on the next morning after making love to you all night. It was the best night of his life, he got to hold the woman of his dreams and the dimpled smile never leave his face. He wishes he never let you walk away. He should’ve beg you to stay that night. He swears that the day after he met you, he would leave his career and dreams behind if it means being with you forever. Yes. He thought of forever and it doesn’t scared him. But it’s all too late is it?
“I miss you” he whispers, tracing a finger over your picture on his wallpaper. “I’m sorry, baby. I’m really sorry.” He gives a small peck on his phone where your lips are, imagining that you were also there with him.
It doesn’t matter if it hurts him. Because nothing compares to what he has done to you few months ago
“Here are your hot cakes and coffee?” You smile sweetly at the customer, placing her orders on the table,
“Thank you, can i have a napkin please?” The customer smiles back, reaching over for the coffee and take a sip,
You nod your head, telling her that you’ll be right back before going over behind the counter and grabs a pink napkin, handing it to her.
“Is lover boy coming today?” Maria asks, as she places the order on the tray and giving it to you,
Rolling your eyes, you tell her to knock it off. Earning a loud giggle falls from her lips,
“What? That man has done nothing but come here to see you. And he only comes to your shifts! Don’t tell me that he’s not in love with you”
“Maria, no!” You laugh, picking up the tray full of food and handing it to the other waitress, “he’s just been so... supportive of me. I mean-he’s been helping me taking care of my mom and sister. Did you know that he offers to pay Beatrice’s surgery?”
Maria gapes, halting her moves as she stares at you. “That’s amazing!”
However you give her a look and a slight chuckle. “Don’t get too excited, i turned that offer down.”
The answer you give, wipes the bright smile off Maria’s face. “What? Why? Y/N! A kind and handsome man who’s been there for you through these past difficult months offers you to pay your sister’s surgery and you said no? Are you kidding me, honey?”
Nope. You aren’t. Sure it sounds good to have someone pay for something so important and urgent but you can’t let him do it. Not when this man is associated with your one and only former boyfriend who has the same circle of friends that will tear you apart all over again. You can’t go through the same thing twice.
Yes. Former boyfriend as in Harry Edward Styles. Dean is his right hand when it comes to writing the lyrics. He participates 80% on his first solo album, meaning that he plays a big role on his music and that’s very important to him. Dean is one of Harry’s good friends as well, though you had never seen them hang out that much.
The two of you have become close after your messy break up with Harry. Dean reached out to you and sent his love, and truly you didn’t expect that. You’ve never interacted with Dean before then to found out that he called you by his number, left you surprised. In a good way.
Ever since, Dean has been very kind and supportive towards you. He takes you home sometimes, whenever he gets the chance. He brings you food at late night though you tell him numerous times that you weren’t hungry, he knows you’re lying so he did it anyway. He knows that you don’t have the best place to lay your head since months ago. The small and crappy apartment that you only managed to afford for now, isn’t exactly the best one yet. People are selling weed and hardcore drugs in the building, you’ve gotten sick of it but you have to hold on.
And again, he offered you to stay at his place because he can’t stand to see you at that state. But you were so head strong that it makes him upset and admired you than he ever did before, you truly are a gift.
You’ve come into a conclusion where Harry prefers to keep his toxic friends closer to him than the ones who actually brings positivity. Dean is obviously the most positive out of them all, well apart from Sarah, Mitch, Adam and you haven’t seen Clare that much.
Dean decides to keep this friendship of yours a secret between the two of you. He can’t risk of getting caught by Harry and neither can you, Harry will tear him to limbs if he finds out that his best friend is talking with his ex who he still loves dearly.
Harry does talk about you to him all the time. How he cries at night for hours and how stupid he was to let go the only good thing in his life. Sure, Dean feels guilty about it but Harry should’ve known better than playing the victim in front of him. You were the one who got walked over by Harry and his friends, the one who puts up with his shit despite the hate and the judgemental looks, you’re working your ass off to earn money though it’s not one of those jobs that you can be proudly show them off.
Dean maybe his best friend but he disagrees with everything that Harry had done. And he just felt so bad that he wasn’t there that night to stopped them.
Rolling your eyes again, you give her a lopsided smile. “I’m not kidding, Maria. I’m gonna work to get that money, by myself. I admit, i would be glad to take the money from Dean but it’s not fair. So I won’t do that.”
Maria sighs, but a smile is playing on her lips. She completely adores you, the hard work you have given throughout these past few months she has seen you, never fails to make her heart melts. The love you have for your family is completely indescribable. And she prays that you’ll hold on to that,
“Okay, then suit yourself. Now, go ahead and brings this order to the coupl right over there.” Maria points with her thumb, sliding the tray to you. “I think there’s someone outside would love to meet you”,
In confusion, you turn your head around and spot a familiar young man with brown hair smiling softly at you. He gives you a gentle wave as soon as you turn around, mirroring his smile.
You hold your finger up, telling him to wait for a minute before taking the tray off the counter and place it on the couple’s table next to the window. Maria glances at you and gives a playful smile which you silently tell her to knock it off,
Dean is leaning against his car with hands in his pockets when you walk out, smiling over at you before regaining his posture to stand straight. A shy smile casts over your lips when the two of you greet with a friendly hug,
“Hey. What are you doing here?” You ask soon as the both of you pull away from each other’s embrace. “My shift is almost over.”
He nods, shrugging. “I know, that’s why i’m here.”
You stare at him with a sketchy look on his face, baby blue eyes staring at your brown ones and you can’t read what is going on his mind. “Okay...? what is it?”
“Was just thinking that maybe... you can swing by at the studio today.”
After he mentions the word studio, your face fall. Does he really thinks by bringing you over to the studio where your ex-boyfriend works at is a really good idea? You are not ready to face him nor will you ever be.
You let out a small laugh, “you’re crazy Dean. The answer is no. I don’t want to see Harry”
The way his name rolls out of your tongue feel so strange, considering you haven’t spoken his name for months. And honestly, that name used to give you goosebumps and the cause of your blushing cheeks. But now it doesn’t anymore.
“You don’t have to interact with him! Just stay with me. Besides, it’s not like you will be all alone. Sarah is there, Adam and Mitch are too.”
“They’re Harry’s friends” you state with an obvious tone,
“at the moment, not really. They’re giving him cold looks lately. Won’t speak to him unless for rehearsals and songs writing. Apart from Jeff, Lucy, Don, Annie, Jordan, Kel-”
“Why am i not surprised? Those people are the ones who trash talked about me. Wether it’s in front of Harry or not, and he had no interest on defending me whatsoever.” You cut him off before he can finish, breathing in deep as you recall the last moments you had together with him. “i just-- don’t want to get hurt anymore Dean. And they are not even his friends! They’re using him. They use his name to get into clubs, restaurants, after parties, you name it. As much as he had hurt me, i don’t want him to get hurt. He’s sensitive, you know that.”
Dean only nods, he knows that his friends are nothing but utter scums. He has been observing them for months and he cannot believe that Harry is gullible enough to think that they actually cared for him. They don’t and they never did. It was always him or Mitch who looks out for their green eyed friend, but he shoves him off and tells him to mind his own business. So he left it at that.
Then to see how frustrated you are at this time, he can feel a tug at his heart. You have condoned so many things lately, seeing you’re drowning yourself in bills, taxes, jobs, sweats, tears, makes him want to take your pain away but he doesn’t even know how. 
Harry has hurt you deeply, yet he can’t understand why you still care about him. 
“You don’t have to if you’re uncomfortable.” he says after five minutes of silence. “If i had an ex who treated me like dirt, i wouldn’t want to see her ever again. Probably would run for my life if we were in a room together.”
You let out a small laugh, it’s not really funny but you think that he’s doing that to only lighten up the mood. You gotta give him credit for that.
“I’m sorry Dean, maybe next time yeah?”
Harry is now sitting on his car, parked in front of your mother’s house as he thinks about what to say as soon as he walks towards the small house.
He tries so hard to get rid of the redness that is clearly visible on his green irises, but it’s no use. The tears are still falling from his eyes, no matter how many time he tries to get rid of the thoughts when he had hurt you. Seeing you cry was the most heartbreaking sight he could have ever seen, and to know that he was the cause of your tears few months ago he could never ever forgive himself.
Before stepping out of his Range Rover, he takes a deep breath and looks over at the mirror to make himself look presentable. He doesn’t want to look gross or disgusting when meeting your mom. And he definitely doesn’t want her to think that he’s looking like this because of you, he doesn’t want to play the victim. He’s the one in the wrong,
Harry takes long steps towards the house, his body is clad with sapphire blue sweater and a beanie thrown over his head, so that the fans won’t notice that Harry Styles is around.
He doesn’t want to be that guy at the moment. He wants to be just Harry this time. The Harry that is about to ask your mother’s forgiveness in less than few minutes.
His heart beats louder as soon as he hears your mother calls after he knocks on the door. Leg is bouncing rapidly as he waits.
“Just a second!” She calls out, shuffling inside
He can hear her steps getting closer and he feels his palms are sweating. Bottom lip is taken between his teeth, waiting for her to open up the door.
The door swings open suddenly, and your mother’s exhausted face comes into view. Messy dark brown hair is pulled into a bandana, he can tell that she’s about to leave judging from her choice of clothing.
As soon as she looks up, her eyes are widen and her body freezes as she stands in the doorway. Taking in Harry’s appearance, glancing him up and down before letting out a shaky breath.
“Harry... what are you doing here, my love?”
His heart wrenches. After all this time. The talks, the looks, the whispers that had been thrown at both you and her, she still calls him an endearing nickname and nothing breaks him even more than that. He doesn’t deserve that, at all and he should be ashamed of himself
With a soft smile, he nods at her. Pulling his beanie off slowly. “Hi, Mrs. Y/L/N. Can i come in?”
Your mother is struggling what to say, and wether it’s a good idea for her to invite him in. But she knows that what happened in the past, stays in the past and she can never hold a grudge against him. 
Harry is a good man, is what she always says to you. Despite everything, she knows damn well that he is not a bad guy. And she believes that he has a good intention on coming here, she can’t reject that.
She softly nods, a smile pulling into her lips as she opens the door wider to let him in. “Of course, make yourself comfortable.”
He thanks her before stepping inside carefully, his eyes are observing the small place she called home. To say that he’s hurt is an understatement, he pays attention to every small details in the house and noticing that they aren’t in a very good condition. The ceiling has a hole on it and there’s a leak in it too, a big pink bucket sitting on the corner to capture the drops.
The kitchen is a mess. Vegetables are sprawl all over the counter, cups are messily falling over the place as well. He sees there’s a few papers laying on the coffee table, and his heart almost drops when it says ‘Eviction Letter’. There are five of them, and he doesn’t know where your mother will go from there.
He wishes he could help you and your family, but he knows that you won’t approve of him doing so. This hurts his heart more than it should be, he imagined it if it was his mom in this state. He knows damn sure that he will fills her bills with his money,
Your mother motions him to the small dining table, gesturing him to take a seat. “Here you go, mijo. Sit down” She smiles as she takes a seat as well. “Sorry if it’s a mess. Have no time to clean it today.”
Harry waves his hand off, telling her it’s completely fine before taking a seat beside her. Setting down his beanie, he clears his throat before opening his mouth to say something. But nothing comes out.
“What is it Harry? Are you okay, my dear?”
He flinches when her knuckle makes a contact with his cheek, seemingly concerned as she stares at the bags under his eyes and puffy nose which she can only assume that he had been crying for days.
Now, she knows why he’s here,
Looking up to meet your mother’s eyes, he takes a deep breath in as he reminiscing the words in his brain before pulling himself together to speak to her. He doesn’t understand how you mother treats him like her own child this moment, yet he let his friends talked shit about her and you. The love of his life.
“I’m sorry” he croaks out, sniffling as he feels his nose starting to get runny. “i shouldn’t have done it. I love your daughter more than anything in the world and i’m sorry for treating her like shit while we were together. I couldn’t find a reason on why i said all the things to her because i wasn’t thinking. Then i let my friends talked bad about you and that was completely unacceptable.”
Your mother closes her eyes for a while, sighing as she nods. She listens to every word he says to her. Her hand coming down to rub his arm slowly as he cries, fresh tears are running down his soft stubbled cheeks and he cannot stop them. No matter how many times he tries to wipe them off,
“She’s an amazing woman. And you are too, Mrs. Y/L/N. I’m sorry for being such a coward. I’m sorry for not defending you and Y/N. I’m sorry that i had the nerves to let my friends got away with the words they had thrown about you. Words cannot express how sorry i am because my mother would be livid if i treated the both of you this way.” He chuckles sadly, remembering the times where Anne would just love to give him lectures and scolds about how to treat a woman right,
‘You’re a handsome boy. Don’t go around breaking girls’s hearts, yeah? Because that will break mine too.’
“But, i hope you can forgive me Mrs. Y/L/N. I know i have no rights to say it but i hope you can.” He whispers the last sentence and lean his back against the chair, fiddling with his thumbs with his eyes looking down on his lap,
It takes a while for your mother to process all of this, and it’s not easy. She appreciates every word he had just said and she knows that Harry meant every word of it. She believes him. He’s a very good and well-mannered young man and sometimes she feels sorry of how his friends treat him like he doesn’t matter, how they can just use him for their own pleasure then discard him like a piece of garbage.
She can’t lie to him if you don’t love him anymore. You still do, but you just don’t want to admit it. Every day your heart breaks a little when the thought of not having him by your side anymore.
“I believe you, Harry. I do.” She speak with a soft smile. He looks up to her with eyes brimming red, face looking skeptical because he can’t believe the words just comes out of your mother’s mouth. “And... Y/N, she still loves you too.”
For the first time in months, his lips pulls into a genuine smile as he no longer bother to cry again. He sits up straight, leaning forward to place his arms on the table. “She does, huh?”
Your mother gives him a wide smile as she nods. “She’s just a little stubborn to admit that. You know how Y/N is, right?”
Harry lets out a small laugh, nodding his head eagerly as he remembers how hard-headed you were while the two of you were together,
“Classic Y/N” He shakes his head, suddenly missing you more than ever. “Are you going out, Mrs. Y/L/N?” He asks, changing the subject,
Your mother checks her watch and curses before standing. “I am, thanks for reminding me Harry. I appreciate you coming in here, Harry thank you.”
He hugs your mother and kisses her cheeks before pulling away from the embrace. “Where are you going? I can drop you off.” He offers, grabbing the keys from the table,
Your mother is quick to shake her head, grabbing her brown coat from the rack as she slips in on her body. “No need my love, i’ll walk.”
And in that time, she also panics. Panic because she can’t just say that she’s going to the hospital to see your sister. He’ll freak out and ended up insisting to drive her there,
“Nonsense, I’ll take you it’s fine. Just tell me where to go.”
She learns that Harry is stubborn as well. He looks at her pleadingly, and she thinks that it doesn’t matter how many times she’ll turn him down because it won’t work. He just keeps on asking and asking until she says yes. 
“To the hospital, my love.” She whispers, opening the door so the two of them can walk out,
But before Harry can take a step, the colour drains from his face and his rosy lips tremble soon as the word hospital fall from your mother’s lips. Thoughts are running on his mind as he thinks the worst possible reason on why your mother is going to the hospital with a sad look on her face.
Is your mother okay? Are you hurt? Were you in an accident or sick? Why didn’t you just tell him? Why did your mother invited him in when she was going to the hospital?
Smiling sadly, she extends her hand for him to take.
“I’ll explain in car, okay?”
“Maria! Can i take a rain check?” You call her out from the kitchen, busy dropping the dirty plates on the sink as you hurriedly pull the strings of your apron,
Maria barges in minutes later, her nose puffing as heavy breathe emerges from her mouth. She grabs her small towel and wipe the sweat that is forming on the crease of her forehead and down to her neck,
“Why? What happened?” She asks, eyes looking at you concerned with her hands settle on her hips. “Was it the landlord again? What was he saying?”
You shake your head, pulling your hair into a messy bun fast before checking your phone again to see if there is anymore messages from your mom,
“No. My mom told me to come to the hospital quickly. I don’t know why but it could have something to do with Beatrice. I have to get there quick.” You stumble with your words, thoughts are running through your head as you panic. Small tears starting to prickle from your brown eyes, you have no idea what to do if your mother is about to hit you with bad news. You can’t cope with that,
Maria rushes over to you and places her palms on your cheeks, trying to get you to look at her as she sees how much of a mess you are right now. “hey, hey. Stop it. Don’t over think something, Y/N. Everything is going to be okay, alright? Don’t stress this much. Your sister is fine, your mom is fine. She’s probably asking you to come over because Beatrice asked her to. You haven’t seen her in a while, right?”
You sigh, nodding your head slowly as she wipes off your tears. “yeah. Been so occupied with work i never got to see her in a month, i’m such a terrible sister.”
“You are everything but terrible! I have never seen a woman worked so hard in her life to help her family. I have never seen a woman sacrificed her school just so she can work to pay her family’s bills and sister’s surgery. I have never seen a woman so independent that she does not need a man to take care of her because she knows, she can handle herself well!” Maria snaps, eyebrows furrowing as her eyes stare at yours.
“Now, you’re going to take back everything you just said to me and get your ass to the hospital, sweetheart. Your family needs you more than this diner does. i’ll cover for you, don’t worry” She says, kicking her chin up to get you moving so you don’t have to take long.
She grabs your purse and jacket, shoving them to your hands then scrambles around the kitchen to find your house keys because she knows how clumsy you are with them. Good thing you don’t have a car, or else you would lose both of them.
“Here. Don’t rush okay? Take your time and let me know.” She softly says, kissing your forehead,
The love you have for her is indescribable. You look up to her after your dear mother, you rarely gets to see her these past few months and the only person that has the personality and mind as close as hers is Maria. 
With a nod, you hug her tight closely to your body. “Thank you so much Maria. I’ll pay you back, i promise.”
Maria rolls her eyes playfully and shushes you, “aish! No need to dear. Go on now. Don’t forget to text me!” She reminds you again, pointing her red manicured nail finger at you,
Without doing anything else, you swiftly turn around and head towards the exit to haul a cab. You usually prefer to take the bus than a cab or uber, but the station is 20 minutes away from the diner you work at and you have no time to reach there. 
Your mother has been blowing up your phone with dozens of texts, adding exclamation marks at the end of every sentences and nothing worries you more than that. Well not really. You’re scared that something already happened with Beatrice and then it would already be way too late to save her. Maybe that’s why your mom is sending you texts every minute...
To be honest, you have no idea why out of positive things that you can think of, the horrible thoughts manage to make their way to your brain and causes you much of a distress and nerves. You can’t contain them.
You’re pulling and tugging the strings of your jacket then switches to play with the hem of your diner uniform because of how nervous you get. Haven’t even realised that you’re biting down your soft lip too hard until your tongue manage to swipe your lower lip and taste a familiar metallic liquid, making you stop.
The driver parks the vehicle in front of the hospital lobby, and you’re way too deep in your thoughts that you really have no idea, you have arrived at the building. Pulling out a ten dollar cash, you shove the crumpled money towards the driver before stepping out of the car and rushes over to the receptionist and asks where your sister’s room is. 
And for Heaven’s sake! Can they go any slower?
“Room 187. Just straight towards the hall and the room is on your left” The middles age woman gives you a tight smile before resuming to type obnoxiously on her keyboard,
Muttering out a faint ‘thanks’, you fasten your pace quickly towards her room as you feel your heart beats louder and a small sweat forming on your neck as well on your forehead. You pray to God that nothing will happen to your sister.
She’s just a baby,
You waste no time to swing the door open when you spot the room already and soon your mother figure and your paled sister comes in view, they shifts their eyes to you and breathes out a sigh of relief. Your mother smiles at you and gives you a hug, letting it lingers for a while before pulling away.
“Thank God, you’re here.” She sighs, looking at you in the eyes. “What took you so long?”
Pulling your jacket off, not once your eyes leaves your mother’s neither on your sister’s. “What happened? Is she okay?”
Beatrice looks over at you and smile weakly before coughing furiously, lifting her arms slowly at you. “Y/N” She croaks, holding another cough in her throat. “I’m so glad you’re here”
Tears welled up in your eyes as you smile back, taking slow steps closer to the bed and gently wrap your arms around your baby sister’s fragile body. Sobs breaks out of you when you pull away from the embrace, but your hands still tightly wrap around hers, not wanting to let go.
“I’m sorry for not being around much. How are you feeling?” You softly ask her, moving your arm a little to not nudge her injected dorsal palm. 
She nods, eyes turning into slit and you can only assume that she’s pretty much exhausted. Perhaps from waiting for you and the dozens of medications they keep giving her. “I’m okay. Was just... waiting for you.”
You reply with a smile, gazing at her with much love and admirable in your eyes. The moment soon cuts off when your mother brings up a topic that had your eyes nearly pops out of their sockets.
“Pay her surgery? What? Who” You demand an answer from your mother, though you can see how she struggles not to say any word. But it’s too late to back out, your mother chooses to say it. “Tell me, who mama. Was it--was it, Dean?”
She’s quick to shake her head, moving her seat closer to sit by the bed so she can talk better with you. You watch as few strands of her dark brown hair falls to cover her eyes, causing her to push the hair back behind her ear.
“No, chica. it’s not... him. It was someone else” She speaks, hands intertwining as her voice gets lower, as if she’s afraid that you will break into a rage once you finds out who it is.
Feeling frustrated and annoyed, you give her a cold laugh. Eyes moving back and forth to look at her then back to your sister, who’s breathing is heavy and slow. You wish you can take the pain away from her.
“Are you just going to keep me waiting or what?” You ask with a rough tone in your voice. You don’t want to be mad or pissed, but you have sworn to yourself and to your family that you will pay your sister’s surgery with your own money. it’s a risk but she finds it better than to have herself rely on someone else’s cash.
The silence is driving you crazy. Because you try to get her to say what she wanted to say yet she can’t seem to find the courage in her to say it. Your mother looks down on her lap, debating on wether she should say it but mostly, she’s mentally beating herself up for speaking out too fast.
“It’s Harry.” You mother says at least, eyes looking up as she waits for you to burst out any second.
Then your face paled, brows furrowing as you retreat your hands from your sister’s causing her to whimper at the sudden contact. You cannot believe your ears! Is your mother insane or hallucinating?
“Harry? What the hell are you on about, Mom! This is not funny.” You snap, eyes burning in anger as you think to yourself how stupid and inconsiderate her mother is that she can pull out a joke at the time like this. “Come off with it, mama! Don’t fuck around!”
Suddenly your mother’s fear and concern turns into an anger soon as she hears you spoke the word. She sits up straight and lean forward. “Listen here Y/N. You will not talk to your mother with that kind of tone and words. You’re still my daughter and i’m still your mother. Respect me as your own or so help me God, i will kick you out of our lives!”
She finishes with a heavy breathing, glancing at Beatrice for a moment as she pleads to her to not start any fight. Your mother feels guilty afterwards, she shouldn’t have done it at the hospital. That’s just going to hurt your sister alot more.
You take a deep breath, nodding at your mother but still you’re upset and confuse of how your mother could bring up Harry this moment. You want to know why.
“I’m sorry. But please, explain to me what’s going on. What are you talking about? He didn’t even know you exist mom!” you jokingly add the last one but still manage to keep your tone firm. “Just tell me the truth. I won’t get mad.”
“He came to my house earlier. We... talked about something. Then he offered to drive me here and i told him why i had to go to the hospital. He broke down as soon as i told him what happened to Beatrice, my love. He cried... extremely hard and asked me how i was going to pay for all of this.” She explains, voice gentle as she traces her thumb over Sofia’s palm. “I told him that you’re paying. And that you had to quit school just so you can have three jobs to pay her surgery. He didn’t like the sound of that, chica. He knows how much you love your studies, so he can’t bare it. He wanted to pay for it all.”
“He’s a good man, Y/N. Please, you need to give him a chance.” Beatrice pleads, voice breaking as she speaks but you ignore her.
You sit there speechless. How dare for him to came to your mother’s house, asking for forgiveness and pay for all your sister’s medical surgery then hoped everything will turn out fine! That is not how it should goes and you can’t believe your mother would believed that man after he lets his friends said about your family. Your mother forgives way too easy and it has always been a trait of hers you particularly dislike.
“What the-” You stand up quickly, going to the other side of the room, pacing back and forth because you have no idea how to fucking deal with this. “How did he even find you? Mom, we can’t trust him okay? This has nothing to do with my break-up with him but who knows what he will about to say next! He would probably rant this shit out to his friends and i will no-”
“Carmen, i got you the caramel macchiato hope you like it. The espresso ran out. The line was super long.” A familiar voice cuts you off with a small chuckle follows after. 
It’s Harry.
His eyes moves from your mother’s figure to your eyes and shock is evident on his beautiful face. Breathing stops and mouth parts open as he struggles what to say next. He can sense that he’s about to loose his grip around the coffees.
You’re here. You’re really here.
“Y/N, y-you’re-” He says, still looking at you,
You scoff, not in the mood for any of this. “Save it. I’m gonna get some fresh air.” After that, you quickly move towards the door and shoves him with your shoulder, walking out of the room as you runs to exit the building.
Tears starts to stream down your face. After not seeing him for months, he’s finally there standing in your sister’s room. Thoughts are running on your head, not knowing how to face him nor your mother at this point. You should feel happy and grateful that Harry offered to pay but you don’t want to be someone else’s gossip anymore. This is completely bullshit and you refuse to even stand near him after your break-up.
“Y/N! Wait!” He calls out, you crane your neck briefly to see him running to you, nearly knocking a few people. “Slow down, please! I want to talk to you”
You don’t listen, you keep walking and walking as you finally walk out of the building. Breathing out a shaky breath, you pull out a pack of cigarette from your purse as you struggle to take one stick out.
You heart someone’s panting from behind and you don’t doubt for one bit that it’s not Harry. Hand running over his brown hair as he tries to get closer to you, a frown on his face after he sees you holding something that he hates.
“Y/N, love. Please listen to me.”
Shaking your head, you turn your head about to leave. “No. Leave me alone.”
You haven’t even take a step because Harry has already marches his way towards you and grabs your fore arms, turning you to look at him as you squeal and struggle to let go from his grip.
“Let me go! You don’t deserve to be here. Just go, Harry!” You shakily says, sniffling as your eyes meets his green ones. The eyes that you adore throughout your relationship.
“Not until you listen to me.” He states again, and he hasn’t notice that he’s crying until he sees you. Here, standing close to him with his hands wraps around your delicate ones. “I’m sorry.”
Closing your eyes you look down, shaking your head as you continue to struggle so he can let go of his grip. You don’t want to heart this. You had enough. He hurt you badly that the thought of you talking with him again had not once crossed your mind. 
You miss him but you don’t want to talk to him ever again.
“I was a fucking asshole to you. I was a terrible boyfriend and i let those people got into my head. You were so perfect for me that you’re willing to give up everything including your classes. But i was so blind to see that.” He whispers, sobbing but he keeps maintaining his posture and say what he needs to say because he does not want to lose you again.
“You have done everything for me. Sacrificed nearly everything as well and i didn’t give a single damn about it. They--they were wrong about you. They were wrong about your family, they were wrong about your mother, they were wrong about your background and it pisses me off that it’s all they care about.” He continues, hands slowly falling to rest on your hips and his heart moves a little to see you’re not pushing them away.
“It doesn’t matter, Harry. It doesn’t matter now, you’re too late. I-- i refuse to let you or any of your friends talk like that about me. You have no idea what it’s like okay?!” You yell at his face, hands on his chest to keep him from coming closer. “You have no idea what it’s like to have a mother who doesn’t have a decent job, a father who went to jail for something he didn’t do, a sister who’s life is on a line because i have no fucking idea if she will survives or not!”
You break out into sobs, pouring everything you haven’t got the chance to say to him. He looks hurt. Hurt because he had no idea about everything that has been going on in your family and he’s a fucking dumbass. Why? Why would he hurt you like that?
“People look down on me many times. Including your friends. But i stayed because i loved you, Harry. I loved you fucking much and you didn’t care.” Tears are blurring your vision and it’s pointless to wipe them away, knowing they just keep on coming. “We won’t work. We won’t ever work.” 
He shakes his head, hands grabbing the either side of your face as he forces you to look back at him again. “No. No, no, no, no. We will work. We will, okay? I-- i love you, Y/N. I never stopped, i missed you laying next to me and i missed seeing you looking at your laptop for God knows how long because of school’s paper and it breaks me to hear it from your mom that you quit. I can’t let you do that, i want you to do something that you love. That’s why i’m offering, Y/N.” he reasons, thumbs wiping the salty liquid falling from your eyes.
“I care about them and i care about you. I love you.”
There’s a million reasons why you should give him up at this moment. You can’t bare the thought of getting hurt again in the future, that would be a huge risk. Heartbreak is something that you had overcome for numerous times and you can’t say that it wasn’t a big deal. Because it was. And you don’t know how long you can pull this through. You’ve lost so many good thing in your life and you can’t ask to God to give them back to you.
But, you still love him. Despite everything he had put you through, you still love him. The love in his eyes is undeniable, it’s all for you and not even him can’t deny that. He’s a beautiful person, inside and out. He would never ever had the intentions of hurting someone on purpose. Especially the one he loves. And that is you.
Your mother always says, ‘beautiful person deserves second chances. But remember it’s not the beauty of appearance you should see. It’s their hearts.’ She always reminds you of that with every chance she got.
And maybe... you should.
“Harry... i would be lying if i say i didn’t miss nor love you” You watch as his eyes lights up a little but he knows deep down that he can’t get his hopes up. “I’m not sure how we’re going to do this but... i’m willing you give you a second chance.”
He breathes out a small laugh, nodding his head rapidly as he feels the butterflies erupts his stomach. He truly can’t hide the excitement over the fact you still love him.
“Okay, baby. Okay. I’m just, so glad to have you back. Also i wanted to let you know that i’ve cut ties with all of them. Told them to never speak to me again or there would be a hell to pay.” He assures, biting down his lips trying not to smile hard because he knows for a fact that his cheeks will hurt.
You nod, stretching your lips into a happy smile. “Okay. I’m-- glad to heart that but you shouldn’t hav-”
“No. I should. And i’m glad i did. Fuck them. They have no rights to say that about you.” He scoffs, cursing them over and over in his head. “You’re the love of my life, Y/N. Thank you. Oh my God, thank you baby”. He whispers, slowly leaning into your lips and presses his rosy ones to kiss you,
It catches you off guard but you kiss him back nonetheless, and you feel him smile against your soft lips because you decides to. Nothing truly makes him happier than this. Nothing.
As the two of you disconnect your lips, smile is adorn on both of your faces. Foreheads leaning against eachother, unable to contain the small giggle that escapes from your lips.
“Welcome home, baby”
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