#maybe thats why i relate to it sm
luwukass · 5 months
nothing can convince me that ttpd isnt just about taylor excessively daydreaming and being in her own head
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rice-fae · 1 year
Funny little story about me and nimona: i was just a kid when the prints arrived in a couple bookstores in my country. Very much coincidentally, a way smaller version of me picked it up and showed to her mom. Very much coincidentally, she bought it, and it became my favourite book for years. Not even kidding, that book brought me so much comfort when i didnt even speak this language, when i half a world away from where the first panel was drawn, and when i didnt even know half the things about myself than i do now. thanks nimona, love u tons
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kingcunny · 11 months
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thank you sm!! <3
ive made a couple posts about balerion and viserys before, and i got another one in the works in my drafts. like im obviously biased but theyre one of my favorite dragon-rider bonds, even though they were only together for a year.
jorah in the main series says at one point that targaryen dragons were bred for war, and in war they died. balerion being the last of the valyria-born dragons probably has this instinct better than most. he takes aegon i as his rider because aegon is a conqueror, and is going to use him for the purpose he was born for.
the aegon i -> maegor line i think is pretty easy to understand. just like aegon i, maegor is also a conqueror. balerion sees in him that same war-instinct that he saw in aegon i, that he himself has.
maegor -> aerea is where things start to shift. balerion is an old war machine, but his last two riders died outside of war and away from him. aegon i from a stroke, maegor was eaten by the iron throne. hes made his lair on his not-quite-home dragonstone, when this upset little girl who misses the excitement of her life at court climbs on his back and tells him to take her home. i think balerion was fairly homesick at this point and thought “*i* want to go home too.” so he takes them home. back to his home. except balerion doesnt know that his home as been destroyed while he was gone. he spends those years with aerea *searching* for anything, any sign that the valyria that he remembers is still there. but theres nothing. its doomed and filled with monsters now. aerea spends the whole time begging him to take her back home, back to her mother. its only after hes injured and aerea is deathly ill that hes forced to accept that this is no longer their home. theres nothing here for them anymore, they dont belong here anymore than he belongs in westeros. so balerion reluctantly takes aerea back. maybe theres something they can do to save her, or failing that, at least shell be able to die in her home even if he cant die in his. after this balerion becomes the first dragon chained in the dragonpit.
finally, aerea -> viserys. i think viserys felt fairly alienated from the rest of his family, as he was so different from any of the other men he was related to. but he was raised to idolize old valyria (or at least the targaryens version of it) and feels that if he can claim balerion, if the last living aspect of valyria accepted him, well that means theres *something* targaryen in him. balerion was the living god of the thing he was raised to worship. when alyssa wanted to claim balerion, the dragonkeepers dissuaded her by telling her hes old and slow now, and wouldnt she rather a younger more energetic mount? i wonder if they tried the same thing with viserys, but viserys wouldnt care about that. thats not why viserys wanted balerion. all viserys wanted was balerions acceptance. balerion is very old now, old and tired and in pain. hes a war machine that can no longer fight, a dragon that can barely fly. but hes still holding on. he cant die yet. viserys is very different from balerions other riders, and i think that was the point. balerion could tell viserys didnt want anything from him, other than *him*. so balerion accepted viserys as he was, and viserys accepts balerion as he is. balerion gives viserys his final flight and thats enough for him. more than that even, after their first and last flight viserys tells baelon he wanted to fly to dragonstone but was worried that balerion wouldnt survive the flight. he was *worried for balerion*, worried about *his* health and safety and comfort. when has he had another rider care about him like that? (when has any dragon tbh...) viserys doesnt want to put more on balerion than he can handle. whatever balerion can offer him is enough. all viserys wanted was his love, and he got that. so he loves and comforts balerion in his final days. balerion doesnt have a home anymore, but viserys gives him one inside himself. he loves balerion enough to let him go. to let balerion finally lay down and rest.
(sorry for the screenshot answer i accidentally posted it before i was done <3)
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crossover-enthusiast · 6 months
first things first, obviously, the cult.
lets go to skiddad first.
ok. so, lilas husband. my guess is that throughout the years, he has been raised into cults. i imagine he became rather rebellious of this, and tried to abandon that life.
though, became too caught up, and eventually tried to get lila involved, POSSIBLY resulting in his death from fear from lila that he'd try to involve skid. my guess is skiddad is the right hand man of eyes.
theres not much i can grab there, BUT i think its worth noting the mannequin and the spiders, and how theyre probably related to skiddad. the mannequin is seen moving and/or trying to prevent people from escaping or hurting lila (sm6, sm5 where bob tries to catch her)
but, thats all i really got for him.
now, bob velseb
judging by this picture, i like to think bob came from a more wealthy family. though, this can just be him in a business meeting, or some other formal event.
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my personal idea, is that he was raised in a wealthy family, and eventually left home to go venture outwards and find some quiet peace in wherever-the-fuck-sm-takes-place. small town n stuff.
there, he worked at boys & grillz, selling to kids all around town, and specifically lila. now, to me, its not exactly clear how or why bob got into cannibalism. from what i see, its not exactly a metaphor for anything (besides like, idk, the fact his name is a pun on beezlebub, gluttony) and my only guess can just be the cult. or he was just.. hungry LMFAO
but, what i find the most interesting, is that bob couldve been a family figure (or family friend) to lila. which could explain the theory i have, that lila is the one who caught bob and put him in jail in the first place. theyre close, and lila accidentally digging too deep or stumbling upon bobs secretive cannibalistic tendencies can explain why he went out to kill her (sm1). once thrown back in prison, having help of the cult, he escaped again and tried to hurt lila AND her child, but once again, failed. (and ended up getting fucking killed in the process)
also, i like to think that bob was.. probably found at a low point with his cannibalism, and given a chance out to join the cult. idk. he probably escaped on his own in sm1 though
his role does not seem clear to me, but i like to think he was skiddad's right hand man, and once he died, bob took his place. i mean, in my eyes, he must atleast be in some high authority.
mr clown
not even gonna lie, not too much on this guy lmfao 😭😭
though, it is known very well that he kidnaps and kills kids (unlike frank, who most likely.. just holds them for ransom tbh.) as suggested in pelos doodles (obv theyre not usually canon, but i feel like.. this one kinda is)
hes most likely of high authority/ranking in the cult, but is then killed off by jack. oops! (jesus, jack has a streak of killing cult members.)
my favorite one to explore so far, eyes. i love eyes, specifically because of the fact we know NOTHING of their ability and their reasoning of why they inhabit this earth. to me, theyre a parasitic alien. sent, or either just out of hunger to drain the planet. i like to think that they desire to grab the human race, and put it under their control. whether it be hatred, for sadistic fun, or just for their own satisfaction. maybe controlling humans factor into their feeding. who knows.
anyway, thats where the cult comes in. tricking and playing with humans, eventually getting skiddad to lead all these people along.
my idea of eyes powers, really comes down to this. this is only what we have seen throughout sm2-sm6
-stunning, dazing.
as seen to pump, kevin, hatzgang, and gregor.
-changing humans eye color when an inhumane presence is spotted or near.
this isnt tooo important, but i think it should be added. though, unknown why bobs eyes changed. could just be his relation to the cult.
-spectating through the stars
eyes is seen throughout the episodes looking out through the sky, this could be that they are fond of skid and pump, and want to see what danger they could be in. or, theyre just curious of the two little guys' lives.
-manipulation, brainwashingggg, hypnotizing?
this is kind of a stretch, but in the end credits, and in the end of the episode itself, gregor bows to eyes and most likely put under their control. end credits wise, gregor is seen with moloch, being held up while the cult is around them. gregor could be used as a tool to summon demons and eldritch creatures alike to help take over the planet. or wreck havoc. or whatever.
but other than that, thats my idea of eyes. thumbs up.... i wonder if they can die? otherwise everyones screwed lmfao
john and JD (johns daughter)
johns daughter is teased through pictures and drawings. it is either thought she died in the housefire in sm4, or was kidnapped, and is currently being held hostage. i like the held hostage situation better, because it adds greater stakes.
we dont know much about her, but she seems to be a bubbly young girl, and john is grief-stricken once he loses her. also, i feel its implied that he is divorced.
my idea, is that multiple cult members helped with the operation, and kidnapped JD while she was sleeping.
see, this is good (on the cults end) for multiple reasons.
while it doesnt remove john off their trail, it does deteriorate him with the loss of his child. though, if anything this makes him more determind to stop the cult.
BUT, they burned the evidence too, he is now rather powerless unless he gains all his evidence back, which would take a while.
idk. i imagine the cult try to bargain with john. and why i think of this, is because of the little poster thats likely to be a spoiler/hint for future episodes.
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i mean, long hair, tealish smoke.. it could be JD being possessed? and john having to pick and choose between getting off the cults ass, or having his daughter back (and alive). shrug. thats just my theory.
heavily implied to be with the cult, and implied to be the one who burned down the house, its also likely he called the cult on gregor.
also, if anything, ignacio seems to be of somewhat.. high ranking or authority. or in the medium range, as he was assigned to burn johns house down. he is the one of only cult member(s) that we know of alive. others include candy dealer, the thieves, and possibly gregor.
not much about him tbh. old ass man.
not much with him either, but its likely hes brainwashed to be apart of the cult and help along with their goals and stuff.
skid (and a little bit of lila)
now, this is awesome because theres a very clear tie to skid and the cult. especially with skiddad and stuff.
we know from sm2, that skid is immune to eye's stun/dazing, so this can easily lead us to the fact that skiddad was connected to the cult a little before skid was born.
also! i wanna make it super clear with how lila tries to erase skiddad from everything. countless photos torn apart (specifcally of skiddads face), even ones in the attic.
lila seems to be awfully protective of skid, fearful of the cult in its entirety, but also mournful of what her husband had become. and having to possibly murder him in fear and protection of her and her son being involved.
the thieves and candy dealer
now, holy shit, i was NOT expecting the thieves to be apart of the cult, but it does make sense. my idea is that they were sent to rob lila's house specifically so that they could retrieve anything of skiddad and cult related stuff.
their failed attempts seem to be irking candy dealer, and he gives them a good warning before going away. tbh. these guys are silly dumb dumbs. i love them.
ALSOO, that spider. right. do you think that was skiddad trying to scare them away....
candy dealer, i have no idea what the fuck is going on with him, (besides him. like. being a drug dealer obviously) but hes definitely of good importance. its nice to see him ^_^
the cult necklaces
i feel its worth mentioning these, as they seem like a bind to those in the cult.
i think me and @deadbatzz talked about this, but we had this idea that if anyone was bound to the cult (whether by necklace or just joining), theyd be like. sent into purgatory, no release from life, just frozen in this half dead and half alive state. yeah. (though, dexters another story, as he was like. possessed and then murder in their own body. AND not to mention the happy fella dolls, but those arent part of the cult.)
closing, and one final theory.
i saw this a while back on a comment, and for the life of me i dont think i can find it. i know it was probably on a video that pelo didnt make, but related to spooky month.
the theory is, is that the cult is powered, or just has some significance with candy.
eyes is seen eating candy in sm2, and bob is seen stopping multiple times in sm5 to eat candy. while this could just be him having a sweet tooth, i like the idea of it being much more. he even gives up literal victims for candy.
woofh. but yeah, thats... all i kinda have? sorry jf this didnt help for anything of trying to figure out whats going on with lore, but it was fun to spill my knowledge.
Oh my god dude this is fucking sick!!!! I love everything about this! I don't really have much except
Eyes/the cult having a thing with candy?? That... makes far more sense than it should, especially now that we know the CANDY Dealer is part of the cult. I like this a lot
Also the thing with Bob. The idea of him coming from a wealthy family is honestly really interesting, especially with how his house is in such a state of disrepair in Tender Treats
Him being a father figure to Lila is honestly the most gut punching, because like?? Imagine learning this man you looked up to for years is a serial killer! AND IS NOW TRYING TO KILL YOU!!!
Genuinely I want to know what the fuck happened with Gregor at the end, bc according to the ARG hub he went "missing". Apparently he wasn't even in the town for that long anyway, so like??
Just. A lot to think about.
ALSO I was thinking of them using John's daughter as a bargaining chip!! That makes too much sense! Though tbh I just don't want her to be dead-
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Hi! Can i ask for a matchup with Tokyo Debunker? If yes then thank you so much! Pronouns: any Zodiac: Aquarius Demiromantic Omnisexual MBTI: INTP Personality: I have ADHD, I'd describe myself as someone who is easy going, stubborn, honest and observant, though I dont think im also that good at understanding others emotions and struggles, so usually i try my best to sympathize and find logical advices to help them. My bad trait is that i give up easily at things i dont find myself good at. I also do have some issues trust people and myself, but when i start to trust people, I act more blunt and more teasing towards people, jokes around and can be sarcastic and mean around them. oh and i forget and let go of things really easily, so i dont really hold grudges. Appearance: Im kind of thin, purple with yellow strands, jellyfish hairstyled hair. My hair is pretty short cause i dont tend to like having a long hair to carry around. Orange eyes. My resting bitch face usually look like im mad or exhausted and thats usually why people don't tend to talk to me that much- oh and im about 6'5 and do tend to have scars all over the body because im pretty clumsy and cant concentrate much things around me. Likes: arts in general, i also enjoy watching people do their own activities. I enjoy music in general. Outside of arts, i also like to experience new things as long as it sounds interesting. I find human psychology interesting because we never know what others are thinking and why they think that way (maybe thats why i like taiga sm hshhshs) Dislikes: Bitter food and drinks, chocolate, insects, being forced to do something i dont want to. Hobbies: Listening to all kinds of music and drawing, sleeping and writing stories (i get to analyse people's mind) Thank you for reading if you ever decided to do this request!! I really love your writing style! Sorry if its a bit too long, its my first time asking in tumblr-
Hi! Thank you for your request! Sorry it took a while. I hope you like your matchup!
In Tokyo Debunker, I match you with...
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You and Haku are going to be an unstoppable teasing machine. You’re both too stubborn to back down when the other starts the teasing war and everyone around you will just have to deal with it.
I feel like he would also enjoy people watching. I think he finds it interesting watching people interact with the world around them and would like making comments to you and pointing out funny events he sees.
Haku can definitely relate to not liking being forced to do something. His relationship with his family and the shrine says a lot about that. So he’ll never force you to do anything you don’t want to. He values both his and your freedom too much to do that.
Since you have trust issues, I can see a relationship with Haku taking a long time to form. He can come across as ingenuine sometimes or seem like he’s just playing around so he’ll have to work hard to convince you that he really does like you.
I see Haku as someone who loves exploring new places and trying new things so he’s ecstatic that you’re the same. Expect to go on a lot of crazy dates when you both get free time.
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cringelordofchaos · 3 months
Heidi Turner HCs!
I LOVE HER SM and i DONT talk enough about her tbh
dislikes social media
has major depressive disorder, which led her to feel out of place and pushed away by society, and since she didn't feel like she belonged anywhere she started hating herself/ being unsure of who she was, or what she even wanted, which is why she came to be so gullible and easy to change and manipulate, its because she wasn't sure or confident in herself
before she started dating cartman, she would mask her depression. even though she was one of the popular girls who 'got along with everyone',, and cared about her reputation (which is why i think she was judgemental towards Marjorine in Marjorine), she still felt out of place but she would hide it and pretend she was fine and content. but she never had a best friend and she desperately craved some form of close bond which she would later get from Cartman.
listens to liana flores (self projecting ....) + relates to her (especially the song "recently,")
strongly inclined to listen to her emotions and follow her heart (canon), high empathy
her deep insecurity and lack of self-confidence is also what led her to be so defensive about her relationship with cartman, because she didn't want to be proven wrong about her decisions cuz that would only make her a "worse " person and yeah (pretty much canon)
big animal rights activist!! and an animal person too
canonically Irish, i like to think she and her parents lived in Ireland when she was much younger until they moved to Colorado but she barely remembers anything, they still sometimes visit Ireland for holidays to see her grandparents. (and i also like to think her grandma taught her how to cook and how to knit, and knitted her hat)
after she got changed by Cartman, she started drifting apart from all her friends, and even when she and Cartman broke up she still doesn't have the best reputation and she lost a lot of bonds, so she started feeling out of place AGAIN even after she broke it off with him... but she knows it's for the best.
nature lover and tree hugger, obsessed with flowers
i think her family is a bit more traditional one, and that her dad is the typical really tough strict emotionally invulnerable overprotective masculine father figure that would be like "NO BOYFRIENDS UNTIL YOU'RE 97 YEARS OLD WITH 42 GRANCHILDREN"
just a really good and kind person deep down and nothing can really change that
after her break up with cartman she started feeling guilty for the person she became and sorta pushed others away because she felt as if she didn't deserve them ?
girl needs to have an independence arc and learn not to solely rely on others reaffirmations. she needs to be sure of herself and love herself without needing others. but i also think she deserves friends and support
plays the flute
has a pet bunny !!! and is also kinda obsessed with butterflies
friends with stan
for a bit after she broke up w eric she would usually sit alone during lunch. wendy at one point noticed this and despite all the other girls thinking they should probably stay away from her / shes not worth it / let her be, wendy decided to sit next to her and be the friend she needs
at one point when she comes more to terms with who she is she gets a pixie cut !! i also like to think her hair is curly / really wavy and healthy
feels at most peace when shes out in nature
loves windy and colder weather
i also like to think she befriends Nichole at one point !! (since they're both sorta flower themed, in TFBW Nichole's room is flower themed and she also has flower hair clips)and /... thats pretty much my only reason lulz. I like to think of her, nichole and wendy as a trio !! idk i feel like all of them are some of the kindest characters in the show, i'd like to see them as friends
at one point develops a slighttt childish crush on wendy, but she tries not letting it get to her head
she felt as if she didn't fit in, maybe she even felt as if she wasn't wanted .
has no phone (i mean. she canonically threw it away)
sends letters to her grandparents, since they're getting pretty old she's a bit afraid they'll die soon -
likes to paint and draw sometimes but she doesn't think she's good at it
Before, she would sometimes pretend she was something she wasn't cuz she thought that would make her feel less isolated, and maybe she'd be more comfortable if she was anyone but her. But as she's been healing, and been away from Cartman, learning about herself and what she truly loves doing, and learning to love herself, she doesn't feel the need to pretend about much anymore, which actually happened to make her more genuine and people took actual interest in being her friend (even if she wasn't exactly as popular as she was before) (PS i have no idea what actually canonically happened to her after Splatty Tomato so uhh this might contradict canon)
has a ton of plants in her house she takes care of
not really interested in cheerleading if she's entirely honest
Raised Roman Catholic (actually, i just checked the fandom wiki (extremely reliable source, i know) and it's canon apparently)
Sometimes dresses like an old grandma but she doesn't care
"cats or dogs?" "both!!!!"
she feels SO SO guilty about all the things she's said and done to Kyle, and at one point apologizes, but lets him know she doesn't expect his forgiveness, she just wants to let him know he really didn't deserve any of that and that she still feels bad and tries explaining why she left him in Doubling Down but let him know it still didn't justify anything. I have no idea how Kyle reacts but I think if he saw how genuine she was he'd (maybe somewhat hesitantly at first??) let her know he understands, and there's no point in holding grudges yada yada. I don't think they would really hang out much afterwards, and especially i dont think theyd date again, but i dont think theyd be on bad terms forever
even after she breaks up with Cartman and begins a vegan diet again, while she stops being obese she's still a bit chubby
flora and fauna NERD !!!!!
Has private flute lessons (that she impermanently dropped when Cartman told her it was a bunch of bullshit she didn't need, but after she broke up with him she took it up again)
Never talked about her issues to her parents before, but at one point breaks it down to them all at once and they let her know they love her and she should talk to them if there's anything troubling her, and they'd never be mad about her having negative emotions, and that they're not mad about her not telling them earlier. They even ask her if she wants therapy, but she lets them know she thinks she's getting better and doesn't need it. but they let her know she can have it if she wants to.
when she was younger her hair used to be straight up blonde but it darkened with age
wasn't romantically attracted to cartman, she cared about him like she did about everyone and relied on him to reaffirm her sense identity but both were faking their interest in the other, though Heidi truly thought she had a crush on him at first, and stayed with him so he wouldn't kill himself even though he was a horrible boyfriend to her.(in anothr hc, she did really love him that way. idk man i think multiple interpretations make sense depending on how you look at it.)
this guy's her half brother
has a few freckles on her cheeks
favourite colours are pink and green
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r-0-x-4-s · 1 month
so... i watched tottmnt and i didn't love it
also why isnt this show being hated on whaaaat, every tmnt show has to go through the initial hate, thats like the law /hj
tw opinions under the cut
it just felt so... empty?? i dont really know how to explain it but, the lack of brothers interacting and anything ninja related, kinda made me frown
why did it feel nothing like a tmnt show??? my brother said "it looks like it took some ideas from rottmnt and just... made it worse", and in a way i agree? its like, in a way, this show wants to please everyone but doesn't have the balls to go full original and new like rise did...
i was very optimistic about it before its release, the turtles in high-school is something i dreamed of when i was a child! AND THE SHOW JUST BLUE BALLED ME??? I GET JUST SOME MENTION ABT WHAT THEY ARE DOING IN SCHOOL BUT ITS NEVER SHOWN AND THAT MAKES ME GRRRR
IT COULD HAVE BEEN SO EASY FFS, doing something none of the show before had ever done but nooooo u get two mini arcs
and lets talk about these arcs:
bishop arc: i really liked the general plot of this one ok, but since the first ep i could see one of the main problems with tottmnt, EACH EP IS ABT A SINGLE TURTLE retelling their version of what happened in the same moment, that could be cool, BUT THAT MEANS THE BROTHERS INTERACT WITH EACHOTHER IN ONLY 2 EPISODES CIRCA
also why does everyone kinda have the same personality (by this i mean cus they react basically the same in every situation, apart if there's a computer/something technological, then donnie would use it/the other 3 would say something abt like "donnie could use it")
and they are so chill abt their problems (leo's self worth issues, raph's anger issues) ? like everything is so lighthearted and they already know how to deal and therapy talk??
i wonder how they will get to grow as characters cus as of now, they are already way more mature than any other tmnt version???
goldfin arc:... so???? IM TRYING TO FIND SOMETHING POSITIVE TO SAY ABT IT REAL HARD, maybe it will come to me later so lets start with things i despise abt the show!
deux: i hate that they have "cousins" 😭 why is every character related to them (tbf this was already from the movie so u can just ignore it) it makes the world sm smaller and takes out so many known villains... also i hate scum sm, also shes the turtles' cousin too so her relationship with splinter is kinda even weirder
(tbf it could be that i hate the cousins thing after i came back from my vacation surronded by my huge family, AND HAVING TO SPEND SO MANY DAYS WITH MY SO FUCKING MANY COUSINS)
три: the way that the stories are told, apart that it makes it look like nothing is canon? ive seen many fans confused about it, but i think that both stories actually happened. the only reason i dont like it is cus... it clashes with the choice of having a single turtle each ep so hard
like whats the point of starting the arc with a turtle narrating, but the next ep it will be focused on someone else?? and then ending it with the first one closing it like as if he had been the one talking all the time
quatro: uhhh by this time i found things i like so i want to talk about them too, but! i feel like this arc is so much worse than the bishop one and horrible for a closure.
the enemies are uhhhhh something, the stakes are lower than my will to live and we get poop jokes too <3
sept: this leo isnt leoing and april's personality just being "girl with the phone and recording"
by the second arc my brother started loudly sighing and glare at me every time donnie/mikey would make a "joke" we wouldn't understand, i started beating him to feel something
one: THE ANIMATION IS GREAT! im not the biggest fan of the artstyle but thats my personal bias, i like it being 2d! (i still like rise's animation and fluidity more, but THAT studio is impossible to beat, im still destroyed they dropped lmk <\3)
due: i liked the detective that hated birds, he brought a chaotic energy no one has in this show
três: THERE WASNT ANY APRILN4RDO THANK FUCKING GOD (i wrote this but then my brother made me notice the murales and now idk if i should take this out or myself)
четыре: i love hun and him being an animal activist is the cutest
and thats it ig?
tldr: i think its a mid series, it does nothing remarkably bad but it doesnt do anything remarkably good.
i finished and it left me nothing (it left me longing for more of rise actually)
though, its early to say it cus we have just 12 episodes! ofc i hope it will get better!!
also im autistic abt tmnt but in particular abt leonardo, i dont like this leo = my enjoyment of the show is very low
so until they get leo's character right, i will have spite in me
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stupidrant · 1 year
I have to talk abt this as this has been in my mind for months and this i think is the only safe space to talk abt the fandom and their weird antics towards the characters/actors and overall games.Im not against criticism but theres a line between criticizing and going overboard with hating.
One thing i dont understand abt the god of war fandom is that they complain about alot of things not being “accurate” and thats doesnt make sense to me bc when has gow ever been accurate? I thought it was obvious from the beginning that SMS wasnt going for that and never truly will. Its always their own interpretation. They also have this weird hatred / ignorance towards atreus that i also dont understand? Yea he was a little annoying in the first game but thats understandable as hes… a kid. Ragnarok expanded his character pretty well imo and i feel like alot of these people for some reason cannot get past him in general? Maybe because they are afraid of him taking over the series and “forgetting” kratos (idk why thats in their minds LOL) or they just hate him just because. I feel like the fandom wants kratos to forever be this god who destroys things and whatnot and its all so weird. like they never gave him a chance. thankfully he has fans but majority hates him. Dont even get me started on how they treat angrboda. Its really so ridiculous to me that they can be so hateful for no true reason. they call her a bitch for yelling at atreus when all the women in the game get annoyed or disappointed in him atleast once. And they dont understand that she has only known this prophecy shit for her whole life and she couldnt do anything outside bc of the threat. ofc shes angry bro LOLL its also in her name like i dont understand 😭.  Atreus helps her get out of that mindset and assures her she can do whatever she wants now. Laya is so strong idk how she does it :( I also noticed they treat thrud as this “replacement” of angrboda bc they dont like her either cuz shes black or bc they hate her and everything related to atreus but as long as he has a character they can like thats not angrboda its fine. Its all so weird bc theres no competition between the two. There never was. I dont think they actually like thrud for her character they just want to be weirdos and i feel kinda bad for her and mina bc they really dont give a fuck. Im so shocked chris sunny and others even INTERACT with this bullshit of a fandom they are all really strong bc id say fuck all of you and go 😭 im not against criticism at all and i try not to take this shit seriously but its hard when you see a insane group of people take alot of this shit to the next level. this fandom is a bunch of whiny babies who hold onto their precious destroyer too much. The hate everyone has gotten recently is just so stupid and they often times try to make it their goal to hate. I see that SMS is trying to diverge their fandom to a broader audience and they are taking a bit more risks esp with atreus and i love that despite the backlash against him, they continued with his character regardless. I hope they do the same thing with the other characters as well and expand them no matter how much these people want to hate and act all high and mighty. I can understand certain critiques like the ending being too fast or maybe they couldve done blah blah better and whatnot but i think alot of people are overreacting and being ridiculously nitpicky with alot of things when it comes to ragnarok. 
Last thing and also kinda random thing SMS is very wrong for what they did to TC Carson and i acknowledge that completely and i hope they never do smth like that to any of the current cast either bc i would be fucking pissed if so LOL
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skylertheghost · 5 months
im placing my bets rn so that in like 2-3 years time i can reblog this and be like "NO FUCKING WAY"
okay so its like a theory (GAME THEORY) that skids dad is the cult leader, most likely. and we know that his mum wanted to get rid of her husbands stuff, right? no normal widow would want to get rid of all her husbands possesions so he mustve done something REALLY bad. (probably making a death cult idk /sarc)
thats pretty obvi, but skid has also shown that he has an immunity to monsters and spirits and stuff (besides moloch). and even pump has a bit of immunity to a degree, not going into a daze like everyone else when seeing the eyes. it makes me think that skids dad probably had similar abilites like this and made this community of people to figure out if they could achieve human immortality by being able to communicate with these eltrich beings that no normal human is able too. at same point he probably fucked around too much and died somehow to these beings.
due to being, ya know, A CULT LEADER, he probably manipulated Lila a fair bit. which could be part of why she wanted to get rid of his stuff, but maybe also she found out about some of the things he had been doing. but maybe not the eltrich monster part, since she seemed scared and shocked by dexter like any normal person who wouldnt know of things like that (or at least thats what i remember i havent rewatched the series in a bit) and by ep 6 she probably thought all these incidents were related to him somehow.
Now with skid. like i said i think these "powers" got passed down by his father. and it seems these beings always come to skid in some way or another, maybe they knew of his father and took some sort of liking to him. and even though moloch did NOT like him, skid unknowingly kept him at bay. which is odd, seeing how Father gregors attempts at banishing Moloch was hard and repetitive to do.
And with Pump, i think somehow he might have some sort of "powers" like skid. just not as powerful as his. and i think that might be partly why his parents have completly abandonded him and his sister. in those photos they seemed exetremely loving and careing, even making sure to leave the two of them with a family member. there mustve been something dangerous.
so tldr i think
-skids dad has these "powers" so he can talk to eltrich beings and used them to start his cult.
-uses these abilites to find knowledge about how to achieve human immortality
-probably died the beings somehow.
-skids dads powers got passed down to skid
-pump also has these abilites just slightly different and not as powerful
-may be why pumps parents left
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HEYYY you alr know i love you and your blogs SM🥰🥰anyways could you ship me w an outsiders character pls?
i go by she/her pronouns and i am straight btw!
looks: i’m 15 (almost 16😭) 5’7, with an athletic body type and wavy medium blonde hair that i usually blow out in curls, expressive brown eyes, kinda chubbier cheeks, and suntanned skin
personality: obv you already know me bestie but anyways, i am pretty smart☝️🤓, im quick to laugh and to smile, and i don’t really take myself all that seriously. i am an introvert at first but once someone else starts a conversation im automatically like best friends w them. im told i can’t hide my emotions like at all😭. i love to take care of people and am def the therapist friend in my group
hobbies/interests: i love photography and like still life/sports photos the best. i also like sports med which is so random ik but 🤷‍♀️ i just enjoy helping people. i really like cooking too. i play the piano all the time, i used to take lessons but now i just self teach the songs i wanna learn. i do enjoy reading but i prefer classics compared to more modern books.
fun facts: ermmm i love you bestie🥰also dally is my fave but i prob won’t get him realistically but THATS OK🙏🙏anyways byeeee
Your Outsiders Ship: Ponyboy Curtis
(yeah I’m sorry I’m not putting you with dal- I don’t want to pay for your therapy /jjjj)
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Explanation: I think whenever he saw you, he thought you were like very, very gorgeous. He thought you were one of those athletic girls that would maybe be a little bit too good for him, but he still wanted to shoot his shot anyway. He really loves the color of your hair and I think that he’s definitely written poetry about how pretty you are and then never actually showed it to you because he’s so embarrassed of it. he almost thinks that you’re a dream because of the fact that you can are so perfect for him. You’re really kind which he always adores as a quality in someone because the world is already so unfair and cruel. Why can’t there be more people like you and that’s something that I think he would wonder consistently you’re also very smart and get good grades so I think he would love talking about things with you and like study dates would absolutely be something very common in your relationship: and he would love discussing tests or whenever you guys go into English together I think that he would like discussing the novel that you both read and make jokes about it with you. I don’t know. I just really see you guys being kind of academically based, but nothing too extreme like you don’t always do study dates and things like that. I just think you guys would find your classes, genuinely interesting and be able to relate to that and kind of a way that no one else in the gang can. I also think that he takes pride in making you laugh like if he can make you laugh or smile he’ll he’ll feel so good about himself. He will like I don’t know. It just makes his chest up. He’s just very very happy whenever he can do that. I also think that he would love talking his problems out with you and you would be a very great listener and that’s one of the reasons you guys make such a great couple is you’re not too afraid to express your feelings and neither is he and I feel like you guys would get into minimal fights because of this and he feels very comfortable being able to talk about literally anything with you just like Johnny or Cherry he feels that way about you too. He can talk about nearly anything he wants and he feels free to not be judged. It was just something kind of rare in his life that you can give him. I also think that he thinks it’s hilarious. You can’t hide your feelings at all and really deeply appreciates that because he’s so used to masking his own feelings and hiding his own feelings about certain things and being told to not be so sensitive so he finds it insanely refreshing that you never hide your feelings. I feel like he would also love photography and would love taking photos of landscapes because I think he finds landscapes and sunsets the most satisfying things to take photos of, but he would also take photos of you with a beautiful background. I don’t think he’s too much of a person himself. I think he plays football in his neighborhood and it was one of the things that could do altogether without fighting too hard, but he would absolutely come to all your games and support you. I think he relates to enjoying classics more than more modern books on another level. I think that you guys would definitely have so much fun reading them together and having your own little mini book club and then talking to each other about it afterwards, and I think you both go on deep rants about how much better the old classics are and how old writers used to have soul and modern writers just write whatever they want and I don’t know. I just think you guys would be really really passionate about that. He’s not the greatest cook, but I think he would enjoy it with you and if you actually managed to make something good together, I think he would be so proud of himself, but he would be way more proud of you. he also thinks the piano was a beautiful instrument. I also think he’s just addicted to it whenever you play the piano like he could stand there for hours and just listen you play and be all right and if you ever play the song that he requested, he would just die like I don’t know. I feel like he would love it so so much
I think he thinks that you’re really talented as a person. Also, yeah, I’m sorry you’re not getting Dallas. I don’t wanna pay for your therapy. 
Also, I’m so so sorry this took so long. I’ve been really really really busy and trying to get all these done.
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redr0sewrites · 5 months
i wanted to kinda talk about my opinion on some things related to Ana Huang and the romance genre in general- sorry for the rant!!!
finished king of sloth by ana huang and urgrhrgrhrhrh i actually really really enjoyed it!!!! (i say that ab everything i read tho tbh, i've just never been the type who criticizes the media i consume so PLEASE don't ever base ur opinions off of mine :)
my post isn't about the book specifically or even the author. i lowkey have a bone to pick and its NOT with ana huang or the book but moreso the reaction i've been noticing about the book (specifically from people who have been making fun of it and/or people who read it)! this isn't meant to start discourse or anything but i am open to polite discussion about some of the points im bringing up. this is generally focused around ana huang but also a lot of majority-feminine centric media has this same problem.
anyways, i'm gonna try to express how i feel as best i can without being rude or offensive ajshsjs-
it just lowkey irks me that sm people have been hating on ana huang now that she's getting attention, and since she's a romance writer, her fans and fanbase is mostly women and/or girls, (which is totally ok)!! however, i genuinely feel like this is just another barbie movie or sarah j mass or taylor swift scenario where the second something/someone that a lot of woman like starts to get publicity, people (mostly men) start excessively hating on it.
i have genuinely seen sm people dissing not only ana huang but her writing as well. now i don't know much about her as a person and i know that a lot of people are flawed so if she's genuinely done something wrong PLEASE lmk, i don't keep up w that stuff. and hey, maybe you just didn't like the book and thats ok too!!! its totally valid to not like something, but to make fun of an author and the people who enjoy her content just seems.. ehh.
a lot and i mean a LOT of people claim that she's only popular because of her smut but i actually enjoy her books more than just for the smutty/romance aspect. maybe that's just me, but i genuinely find it interesting and a lot of other people i know also enjoy it for the plot. and if u are reading for the smut that's ok as well, this is a totally safe space, and nobody should judge u on your reasons to read a book. the books are INTENDED to be fluffy and spicy and overall are just fictional romantic stories. they're smutty, funny books, not the bible. it shocks me how much people make fun of them.
i just keep seeing this trend of people negatively nitpicking anything and everything about authors and their writing ESPECIALLY when its romance and it just rubs me the wrong way. ive seen a LOT of people upset about huang including cameo's of her other characters in her latest book, and if you don't like those other characters so much then why... are u reading it??? THAT SOUNDS SO MEAN IM SORRY but its just so strange that people are upset about her including her own characters from her own series'?
its just disappointing that whenever someone or something becomes popular, there are always people who are just trying to be negative and diss it along with the people who enjoy it. i'm NOT making this post to be rude or offensive to people who genuinely don't like the author or the series, ur absolutely entitled to ur own opinion!!! however i have just seen this link SO MANY TIMES of people suddenly disliking something/someone bc a lot of woman seem to enjoy it and it just makes me a bit sad and disappointed.
(also side note can men stop hating on the romance genre and books they haven't even read? please??? can feminine people like anything anymore??? romance exists as such a successful genre bc the majority of readers are WOMEN who have to create fictional scenarios about being loved by seemingly "unachievable" men that are literally just doing the bare minimum. women fantasize about being treated with BASIC HUMAN RESPECT as though that isn't the standard, bc honestly, it isnt.)
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georgiapeach30513 · 10 months
I’m wondering….movie trailers being removed could be because it’s usually co-tagged with the studio account (appletv, Netflix, etc) and those big trailer co posts include tags with other actors in the film and the directors…maybe after all the unfortunate abuse and hoopla this was affecting and annoying the studios and costars (I can imagine the hate filtering into the director’s account if they’re tagged in a big studio trailer post together). But maybe I just made that up lol. I mean he’s not the only celeb whose got personal drama that affects his public posts but removing the movie trailers was a pretty big move.
As for trees and clouds and xyz…those don’t have anything to do with career and maybe the team really did want a whole fresh start and just hard reset wipe. I think it was a good move. My suggestion would have been to omit SM altogether but that’s for an actor who’s actually going to retire into oblivion (not just one who is going through a rough patch, haha).
That’s a possibility. I know an anon earlier this morning said maybe it was because of the low engagement, so there’s a possibility too. And who knows maybe it was negative comments. Or just keeping his IG tidy and not have too many past work related posts.
I was being silly with the trees comment because people making a mountain out of a mole hill concerning three trees.
I think Chris is an actor that definitely benefits from social media, usually. And thats why the highly curated IG. They did some cleaning though.
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royal-they · 9 months
hi so i kinda happened to fall in love with your art.....and i wanted to ask a few things!!! (if its ok!)
uhmm first of all how long did it take you to get that art style and perfection it etc etc?
also do you have any tips for anatomy? not big complex full body anatomy, just like...idrk honestly, some tips related to anatomy or hands or just the body that helped/help you?
and uh yeah if you just have any general tips on whatever to improve my art/art style i'll take litterally anything 😭
again, i love your art, i love what you make! keep doing what you do, you're awesome!!!! sending love and support <3
ah!! tysm <333!! thats so cool to hear!!!!!!!!!/gen
ive been drawing forever honestly. i've always been really into it. im fifteen so thatd be like 12 years. and obviously i wasnt always studying it super seriously or anything. idk. my art isnt perfect by any means. i just dont really post the shitty pieces lmao. i struggle with sm stuff and will be continuing to study probably till the day i cant hold a pencil anymore lol. (i draw too much, my hand hurts ;w;) its a never ending process and honestly thats why i love it sm.
as for anatomy i think the main thing to keep in mind is that anatomy and just drawing people in general is really hard. i heard this in this old video about how pixar used to do 3d animation is that the reason they didnt do animations of humans for so long is because we ourselves have very specefic ideas of what a human looks like. i think this also applies to art. which is a really long way of saying, trust the process.
i use photos personally! you can find a lot on pinterest but there are a couple things id keep in mind when it comes to photos people edit their bodies sometimes so their proportions so be careful, it will defeat the purpose of the study if the bodies inaccurate.
idk here are some that might be good for starting off. dancers and people like that are super helpful. remember to not to focus too much on the lines but more copying down the shapes,
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for hands i would just look at your own hands and try to capture them quickly. i say quickly mainly bc i shake a lot lmao, maybe youre different. or you could just be smart and take a picture of your hand but im very lazy and dont like getting up to grab my phone.
for art style id just save stuff that inspire you. could be animations, comics, album covers, cool photos, just stuff that gives you like vibes. literally ANYTHING.
like, omg this is making me think of a cool idea rn!! save it! even if you cant execute it now you can always execute it in the future when your skills are more developed :)
style studies are also helpful! try copying art you like, seeing different peoples techniques however some things to keep in mind with this are
you might accidently copy down an artists mistakes or bad habits without realizing it so try to have some variety in your artists
dont post the art. some people are okay with tracing but the vast majority of artists dont like it and it makes them uncomfortable. so id just like keep it in your sketchbook or whatever :) better safe than sorry.
anyway ah this is so longgggg! sry im so bad at being concise lol. theres probably a lot of youtube videos that could help you with this stuff if you want more explanation. the channel ive been watching a lot in since this summer is sketches of shay. she makes a variety of stuff but her art studies and resources are also very helpful :)
Sketches of Shay - YouTube
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sukifoof · 1 year
(this is my main lol my other acc is @princeyralsei) I JUST WANTED TO SAY THAT I ABSOLUTELY LOVE HOW U INTERPRET FLOWEY/AZZY like so many utdr fans dont get him at all and it's so hard to find ppl to talk ab him with i just love him sm!
idk if u associate him with this but I like to compare his trauma to dissociative disorders, since his journey with feeling numb really helped me come to terms with my experiences with something similar. Maybe deltarune azzy just has a dissociative disordee this time instead of being a flower XD. Ofc the situations are VERY DIFFERENT LOL but yeah.
I love his and papyrus' friendship too bc i relate to papy a lot and very much want to form a fan club for Flowey too 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Anyway those are my thoughts I WOULD LOVE TO HEAR MORE OF UR HEADCANONS AB HIM. AND UR ART IS AWESOME!!
THANK U!!! i feel like i also really struggle to find other people who interpret him the way i do so i am always so pleased when someone agrees with my many paragraphs of analysis on him <3 i think dissociative disorders make a LOT of sense for flowey!! i always like to see other people who have been able to come to terms with their Various Struggles thanks to flowey cuz. Me Too Man. i've had Extremely Similar Experiences to flowey when it comes to our type of trauma and the ptsd that comes with it and it's really touching to see a character like flowey handle what exactly that kind of loss and the aftermath feels like. like yeah man flowey u get it. which i think is probably why i analyze him so much i look at him and the spiderman meme pops up in my head we point at each other and go SAME TRAUMA??? hes a very special character to me i love him dearly
ALSO THANK U!! i love talking about flowey so much.... one of my hcs is that the only person hes Like That (extra edgy and dramatic) around is frisk cuz theyve already seen him when hes. Having A Moment. but i also like to think papyrus is the only person he really feels calm around cuz hes. u know. papyrus. while with frisk i imagine he doesnt really wanna reopen old issues so hes just their weird edgy older brother who sits at home all day. "just let frisk live their life" yeah thats frisks loser brother who WILL throw rocks directly at ur face if ur mean to them cuz only HES allowed to bully them. i also think he probably tries very hard to stay away from his parents cuz he doesn't know how to go about That issue... but i think one day he'll finally be able to open up and maybe calm down a bit. and yet he still tries to kinda... take care of things Behind The Scenes like making sure asgores plants dont die if he forgot to water them or making sure toriel is taking care of herself. i think about him a lot
ALSO!!! i have been thinking about an au where he comes back and hes pretty much flowey but hes still in Goat Form which i might post later so if u are interested.... 👀
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xandersrailcrash · 1 year
Which watt character do you relate to most and why?
ooh ooh thats really difficult to answer actually, they're all super relatable
possible spoilers btw guys- and maybe personal lore drops too
but if i had to pick, probably like, Chess or Riley??
Chess because i'm pretty much the oldest of my main friend group, and i'm the first to go to college (bonus points that i'm leaving my best friend behind :(( ), and i just relate to her a lot with addiction (not anything for my "knee" but yk) experience and personality wise. while i'm more upfront like kate, i usually keep my head in situations even when i'm really pissed (mostly)(that is a LIE i have a crazy bad temper when my friends are being picked on). Chess also took her gymanst career seriously, but dropped out (i think??? i might be wrong) and just stuck to doing the Tigers, while i did similar when i dropped out of soccer and pretty much all sport and stuck with theatre
i'd say i'm also a lot like Riley just how i generally act and respond to things (minus stabbing my teammates). e.g., i do absolutely horrific under pressure and literally cannot handle it at all, like to the point where i'm slamming my head off the table and crying while Captain of the Team plays (/hj). all jokes aside when i'm not doing whatever that is i usually bounce around and try my absolute BEST to stick to any plans made like: "wait but ye said _____. STOP CHANGING IT" (worst nightmare is anything being changed in the plans, aka the daily agenda) generally i take a lead of whatever situation i'm in, but i ALWAYS have someone showing me how to do it or guiding me (e.g. a Cairo) like i am the most independent-codependent mf you will EVER meet like its not funny atp also this probably doesn't count but i would LOVE to be on a cheerleading team like oh my god BEING A FLYER LOOKS SM FUN
um thats kinda it!!! its 3:30 and i'm tired as hell. ignore any reasons that seem "invalid", i'll edit this whenever the heck i wake up (in three hours. fuck me.)
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venusiangguk · 2 years
i just finished reading and i think im gonna cry cause wtf!!!!! i totally related with oc in this whole chapter!! she's so understanding even after everything that happened and i love her... the part where she said "why would you be afraid of not being good enough for someone who never made you question it?"
broke my heart fr!!!!!! oh my god i literally had to take a couple deep breaths cause omg
jungkook was so cute in this chapter ... i forgive him. he's so cute cause wdym he showed up at her place at 8 am....i would have been dead asleep. binnie and jade... best roommates every i kinda need them.
nari cameo at the end AHHHHH i missed my baby sm. yn x nari dream team!!
it was sooo worth the wait and im so excited for what's next (if there is idk maybe drabbles idk!!) im happy that yn x jk x nari are all together <33
thank you for writing this amazing series !!
oc really does have the sweetest heart and she’s really does want to believe that everyone is good and has good intentions even if the outcome wasn’t necessarily good (especially so when she is in l*ve w said person)!! i think thats another part of why she had a hard coming to terms with what jk did ?
and yeah omg i was hurting for her to because she does have that soft heart and for her to feel like that?? aur jks got a lot of work to do 😭
but he started his redemption arc in this chapter !! bright and early at 8am on a weekday god bless !!
n his two girls reunited at last 💗
i’m glad that it met your expectations and that you enjoyed it!! thank u so much for reading and taking the time to send me this, it really means a lot to me 🫶🏻
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