#maybe zeus is just really good at hiding it
aphroditelovesu · 1 year
Yan!Apollo w/Reader!Daughter of Yan!Hera Headcanons (Romantic)
❝ ☀️ — lady l: this headcanon is based more on Hera's POV than Apollo's, but I hope you like it anyway. This ask was thought of and I can do a second part if anyone wants! Good reading and forgive me for any mistakes! ❤️
❝tw: obsessive and possessive behavior, jealousy, offenses and hatred, bouts of jealousy, unhealthy relationships, mention of war.
❝🦚pairing: yandere!apollo x reader!daughter of yan!hera.
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No one knew how you ended up in Hera's arms, but everyone knew you were hers. Some said that you were found by her when you were a small child, others say that you were taken by her after she cursed your parents after they had offended her in some way and other versions say that you were her and Zeus's daughter. No one knew the exact origin and it didn't really matter, because you were hers and always would be.
Hera is known for being vengeful and possessive, jealous of Zeus's lovers and anyone who crossed her path. And that jealousy passed on to you as you grew into a beautiful young woman. Your mother wouldn't let anyone near you and when you reached marriageable age, Hera became more suffocating than ever.
She would never let her little girl get married or be defiled by any man. Whether mortal or god, no one will lay hands on you. Hera swore to herself that you would never be touched or hurt as long as she existed.
Apollo has always had an interest in you. He always liked you but never had the real chance to get to know you, not with Hera hovering over you all the time. The god didn't know why but he wanted to get to know you better, to get closer. You attracted him, maybe it was because of your immense beauty, he didn't know, but there was something about you that attracted him like a magnet and he needed to know what it was. So he waited for an opportunity to get closer to you.
And this opportunity arrived in the best way possible. You were finally allowed to wander around Olympus for a bit, without having your mother glued to your side. You begged her if you could go out alone for a bit and Hera gave in very reluctantly. As you wandered through some gardens, Apollo was sitting near a statue of Zeus, playing his lyre and singing something in a low voice. You cautiously approached the god and crouched near a hyacinth bush, hiding and watching him in wonder. Apollo knew you were there, but he didn't stop singing and playing, wanting to impress you.
When he stopped singing and playing, Apolo stared blankly at the bush where you were hiding. That was when you knew you had been caught. You stood up awkwardly, smoothing out your rumpled dress and stammering out a weak apology. You knew it was wrong to spy on others, especially a god. To your surprise, Apollo laughed and approached you, telling you that everything was fine and he didn't mind being watched by a beautiful lady like you. You blushed and smiled at his words and that was the beginning of a beautiful romance.
After this meeting in the garden, you and Apollo began to meet more often, all hidden from your mother's jealous eyes. You found yourself more and more attracted to this god and Apollo more and more in love and obsessed with you. You were perfect in his eyes. Benevolent and merciless in just the right amount, a daughter of Hera indeed. You would be a perfect wife and Apollo found himself more and more eager to ask you to marry him, but he was no fool, he knew that Hera would never accept. So he wouldn't ask her permission, but rather his father.
Apollo went to meet Zeus and told him his wishes, that he would like to marry you, leaving his father at an impasse. Zeus would like to allow you to become his son wife, but Hera would never allow it. And she was the goddess of marriage, getting married without her blessing wasn't the right thing to do. But Apollo didn't care and when Zeus reluctantly gave his permission, he knew what he had to do.
One night, Hera was by your side as you tried to fall asleep. Like the caring and patient mother she was to you, she kept you company until you fell asleep. As you fell asleep, Hera left the room and locked the door like she always did. You woke up a few minutes later and opened the window, allowing Apollo to enter. Once in your room, Apollo kissed you and got down on one knee and asked you to marry him. Your heart raced and before you could think, the words ''yes'' left your mouth and you were in Apollo's arms, kissing him passionately. You were so focused on each other that you didn't hear the door open until Hera started screaming.
Hera had known something was wrong for weeks. She suspected but had no proof that you were seeing anyone, until that cursed night. She left your room and waited for a few minutes, wanting to make sure you didn't have a lover, the thought made her sick. When she heard voices coming from inside your room, Hera unlocked the door and quickly walked in and she saw red. All she felt in that moment was hate, pure rage seeing you in the arms of a bastard of a husband. Hera had never been so sorry that she hadn't been able to kill Apollo when he was still in his whore mother's womb. How dare he tarnish you? Her pure princess? She was ready to kill him.
Apollo pushed you behind him just as your mother started screaming. This sight only enraged her further. It wasn't enough that he dishonored you, he still wanted to keep you away from the only person who would always love you. You flinched at your mother's screams and Apollo's eerie calm. When Hera finally stopped screaming, she tried to get closer to you but Apollo wouldn't let her. Just as Hera was about to curse him, Zeus stormed into the room furiously and demanded to know what was happening. Hera couldn't explain how furious she was and Apollo was very calm. Zeus looked at you and when he saw the ring on your finger, he knew what had happened. Curse that Hera had discovered that way.
Zeus tried to calm his wife, but his attempts were frustrated and he had to impose himself so that she and Apollo did not start fighting physically or trigger a war. Apollo just said that you and him would get married and that Hera would have no right to interfere, not when he had the blessing of the King of Olympus. Hera let out a scream of rage and all this fury was diverted towards Zeus, leaving the god in trouble. Hera was screaming at her husband and demanding answers, how did he have the nerve to let his bastard son get his hands on you? Hera doesn't remember feeling as much hatred towards Zeus as she did at that moment. Zeus remained silent, trying to remain calm while being insulted by his wife. When she finally stopped yelling at him, she turned to talk to you and you were no longer there.
Apollo had taken you. Hera fell to her knees and uttered curses. Zeus just watched her with remorse. She got up and sat on your bed and grabbed your pillow, in an act of fury, she tore it and her green eyes were filled with hatred. She would destroy Apollo and anyone who got in her way until you were safe and sound in her arms. She was ready to start a war, use her son, Ares, to destroy the world to bring you back. She swore these words and Zeus, for the first time, was speechless.
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evermoresqueiswriting · 6 months
dance the night
"Baby, you can find me under the lights Diamonds under my eyes Turn the rhythm up, don't you wanna just Come along for the ride? Oh, my outfit so tight You can see my heartbeat tonight I can take the heat, baby, best believe That's the moment I shine"
summary: barbie date and an invitation from clarisse you can't refuse
pairing: clarisse la rue x f!reader
word count: 3.4k
tags: fluff fluff fluff
series masterlist 2/?
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You were getting more and more comfortable at camp. You were getting along very well with your siblings. Especially Lee and Cornelia, who explained everything – sometimes twice – to you. They also explained to you that if you wanted to leave camp during the summer, you needed to get an authorisation from Mr. D. And Clarisse knew, so she told you to get it since it was your idea to go see that movie. Your siblings told you he rarely gave them away. 
“Mmh. I accept this challenge.”
“It really wasn’t,” Lee said. “It was a piece of information at best.”
You walked, determined, to Mr. D’s office. You didn’t have many arguments, but Cornelia did tell you Mr. D was always looking for campers to give him alcohol even though his father, Zeus, forbade him to drink any. Mr. D was playing cards with Chiron. Maybe it wasn’t the right time, you hesitated before Chiron looked up.
“Yes?” he said, putting his cards down. 
“Mmh,” you froze before staring at your camp director, “I needed to talk to Mr. D, please.”
Chiron turned his face to look at Mr D, and he took off his sunglasses before looking at you.
“I need authorisation to leave camp for one day,” you explained firmly. “Please.”
“And why would I give you that?” 
“Because I need it. For next week, the 21st,” you begged.
Mr D stared at you, bored. He was ready to take back his cards, when you shouted, desperately.
“I–I’ll give you alcohol in exchange!” 
“No you will not!” Chiron gave you a hard stare. “Zeus–.”
“I’m desperate, so yes I will.” 
Mr D was still silent. 
“What is this about y/n?” Chiron asked. “Why do you need to leave camp?”
“I– I asked Clarisse on a date. Well,” you faltered. “It’s not exactly a date I don’t think, it’s more like I won a bet, and what I asked for was for us to go see a movie together. So maybe it is? And it would suck for me if I can’t go, when I won the bet you know.”
Chiron and you were both looking at Mr. D, and you had your best puppy eyes for him.
“Still a no for me,” Mr. D took his cards. 
“Please, please, please, please, please!” 
Mr. D shook his head. You sighed, thinking about what to say to try and convince him to let you go. 
“That’s–,” you hesitated before blurting out “such a homophobic thing to do in 2024 to refuse to let us go on a date! Which is what that is… a date, with us girls.”
“What?” Mr. D muttered confused.
“And during pride month? You have no shame. It’s–.”
“Fine, if I give you this authorisation, will you shut up and leave?”
You nodded vigorously. And Mr. D sent you a  flying paper with the snap of a finger, and after reading the paper to make sure it was legit – which did take a few minutes – you ran away in case he changed his mind. The first person you ran into Luke and asked him if he had seen Clarisse. He pointed at the Ares cabin, and told you he saw her go in. 
You walked to her cabin, and knocked, shouting Clarisse’s name over and over again. The door flew open, revealing an annoyed Clarisse.
“Hi,” you smiled. 
Her face softened slightly at your sight, but she still looked at you annoyed, with her arms crossed. 
“Guess what?” your hands were in your back, hiding away the piece of paper you got earlier.
“Your boyfriend called your mom to ask her why you ditched him?” 
“What?” you hesitated. “No. First, I don't have a boyfriend, they were all losers in my school. And no girlfriends either for the same reason.”
“Good,” she nodded. “So what was the news then?”
The paper was still held behind your back, you held her gaze a few more seconds before showing her proudly the paper. She looked at the paper, frowning, and then took your paper. You stood there patiently, swinging on your feet, waiting for her to finish reading it at her own pace. 
“How did you get Mr. D to agree to this?” she puts the paper down. 
“It’s a secret. But I’ll tell you if you want to know.”
“Of course I do, no one here in years got one of these,” she shook the paper in front of you. 
You held up your index, and made a ‘come closer’ motion with it. She came closer, and you put your face even closer, her nose almost touching yours. Clarisse was taller than you – taller than most campers actually – and your face was facing up. And having her this close to you, it was as if time had stopped. You smiled. 
“I promised him alcohol,” you whispered. 
“What!” she stepped back. “Do you know Zeus–.”
“I know, I know, Cornelia told me. I don’t remember what I said after that,’ you lied, “I guess he just likes me.”
“Okay,” Clarisse smiled, “liar.”
Clarisse and you stood there, at the threshold of the Ares cabin for a few more moments, just enjoying each other's company before her siblings ran in, pushing you toward Clarisse. Your  body slammed against hers, her arms wrapped around your shoulders to steady you. You would have been upset if it weren’t for the outcome. But Clarisse quickly let go before grabbing the shirt of her brother – Mark – and made him stop in his tracks. You didn’t hear what she said, but you saw Mark nodding vigorously before walking away. 
“Let’s get out of here,” Clarisse grabbed your arm and led you outside. 
“So,” you started when she stopped under a tree and sat there. “Do you know what you’re going to wear?”
“No. Do you?”
“Uh obviously! I have the perfect outfit for Barbie. I actually planned this before coming here, minus the ‘going to camp half-blood’ cause I didn’t think I’d end up here. It’s all pink, and cute and oh, should I also do my nails? Should we do our nails all pink?” you beamed at the idea.
“True, yours do look very good in black,” you nodded. “Oh, we could cosplay Barbie and Raquelle. But it’s not going to be accurate, Raquelle hates Barbie.”
“I think it’s pretty accurate,” she shrugs. 
You slapped her arms playfully before laying your head on her lap. The weather was nice, the sun was out and the leaves were shading you from it, the perfect combination for you to take a nap. And then Clarisse started to run her fingers on your arm which made it for you. You were asleep in no time.
“Wake up sunshine,” Clarisse pinched you lightly on the hip. You jerked awake. 
“What?” you mumbled, standing up. 
“I have to meet up with my brothers and sisters for the next Capture the Flag strategy.”
“Can I come too?” you yawned. 
“We’re not on the same team, remember.”
“I won’t tell them anything.”
“Nope,” she walked away, “don’t follow me,” she turned around, walking backwards. 
I’d follow you everywhere you go Clarisse La Rue. 
“I won’t,” you said instead. 
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The night before the date, you laid out your outfit neatly before washing up to go to bed. Cornelia was your bunkmate, with the bed above yours. But before going to sleep, you loved updating each other’s day. 
“So tomorrow huh,” Cornelia sat on your bed. “I never thought I’d live to see Clarisse being friendly with anyone other than her siblings.”
“I think she’s funny.”
“Sure, if funny was a synonym of mean. Wait– do you even have money to spend on tomorrow’s activities?” 
“Actually I do. Mr. D did tell me he wouldn’t give me any, and thank gods I found a load of cash in my backpack. My mom gave it to me. I mean she did write it was for any expense that I would have to make on my way home, but I have other priorities.”
“Clearly,” she rolled her eyes, laughing. “You’re gonna regret this in August.”
“Don’t worry about it.”
Like before any exciting day, it took some time to fall asleep. Anxiety and excitement mixing together, making up the worst and best scenarios. What if Clarisse is just messing with you and forgot? That can’t happen, you just saw her a few hours ago talking about it. What if you annoyed her so much with it, she’d stood you up? What if she doesn’t like everything you planned? Not a single positive and happy ‘what if’ comes to your mind. 
“Wake up!” someone shakes you awake. “It’s 8 already, you're going to be late!” Cornelia said. 
“Fuck!” you ran to the washroom. 
You rushed through your routine, before rushing back to your bed and grabbed your outfit, and put it on. And all of that only took 28 minutes. You looked at yourself in the mirror for a final check up, before opening the door. Clarisse was already there. Her curls free, just like the first time you saw her. It felt weird not seeing her in her usual orange tee, but she still looked pretty. She wore a simple short brown tank top with blue faded jeans, with her beaded necklace still hanging from her neck.
“You look really pretty today,” Clarisse smiled shyly, holding her arms around her.
“Thanks,” you approached her, putting your hands on her arms and leaned in, “you look pretty every day.”
“Don’t come home too late,” Lee interrupted, appearing just next to you. 
“Don’t worry, but also don’t wait up!” 
You grabbed Clarisse’s hand and dragged her away from your cabin. A taxi was waiting for you outside of the camp, and in no time you were at the local theatre in the middle of nowhere. And lucky for you, the people of this town weren’t going to see the 9:30am slot for Barbie. Except for that one couple sitting in the back. You dragged Clarisse in the middle, and sat with the popcorn and sodas. You ate in silence, watching the trailers. 
Well that was not fun. The worst ‘what ifs’ from last night came back immediately making you anxious. It was not supposed to be like this. What if she wasn’t enjoying herself. What if she was mad because she ate a salty popcorn when you asked for the sweet ones. What if she was disappointed—
“Ouch,” you looked at her, frowning, rubbing your arm. “Why did you do that?”
“You were ignoring me.”
“What? Oh I– I didn’t hear sorry.”
“I asked you, what’s the deal with Barbie anyway? Why are you so excited about a blonde, white, plastic doll?”
“W– Barbie is not– ok. She is a plastic doll, and she may not look like us but it’s the idea of Barbie, the idea that us women can be anything we want. And how in Barbie Land, it’s all about girls and women being able to be whoever they want, and have whatever jobs they want. Barbie is literally a doctor, a pilot, a model, a chef, a fashion designer, a business woman, a teacher – she has every job in the world. And there is no one telling her that she can’t do that because she’s not a man. And also, the Barbie franchise is my childhood. The movies, they deserve an Oscar honestly–,” you stopped. “Sorry, I talk too much.”
“I asked,” her attention went back to the screen. “So did you have any barbies?”
“Of course! I had Barbie's dreamhouse, and so many barbies and outfits. I’m surprised I didn’t end up being a writer with all my imagination. Did you?”
“My mom wasn’t the kind to buy me anything. And certainly not dolls.”
“Don’t feel sad for me, I’m fine,” she gave you a quick glance.
“I’m not!” you frowned. “So you never watched Barbie and A Christmas Carol? The best Barbie movie ever?”
“Oh, we have to change that. Mmh. But phones and laptops aren’t allowed though… Maybe if I bring my mom’s DVD player next summer.” 
“Already planning on your next move to woo me?” she teased, approaching you. 
Your eyes widened, your cheeks were hot.
“I– No! I– I– I don’t.”
“Relax sunshine, I’m kidding,” she laughed. 
And just then, the lights went out and the movie was about to start, thank the gods. Because you did not know what to say. The movie was incredible, you shed a few tears at the end, and sang Dance The Night with Clarisse laughing and cheering you on. It was a great experience, and it was even better to have watched it with Clarisse. 
“Did you like it?” you asked her when the credits started rolling.
“Yes. It was great.”
“And you’ll love the other Barbie movies because they are way less depressing.”
“So, what’s next?” she stood up.
“It’s almost time to eat, what do you want?”
“Whatever you want.”
“No you choose, I insist,” you smiled.
Really you were just very indecisive. Clarisse settled for a burger place not too far away from the cinema. There weren't many people inside, so you were able to choose where to sit – a table next to the window. It was a booth seat, so you had your own booth each, facing each other, menu in hand. 
“So, what are you choosing?” you asked her.
“I’ll take the Highwayman. You?”
“The Roadhouse looks good.”
Clarisse raised her hand and weaved at the waitress, when you grabbed her hand. 
“Can you order for me please?”
She furrowed her brow, but nodded. You smiled. You only waited ten-or-so minutes before the waitress came back with your food. Like always, you checked the inside of your burger before eating it, you picked out the onions and the tomato. 
“What are you doing?”
“I don’t like these.”
“Couldn’t you have asked the waitress to take them out.”
“Give me your tomato then,” she opened her burger bun.
You were the one entertaining lunch. Clarisse asked questions about your life and you told her – you told her stories about your childhood, your school, your mom and she listened, nodding along. Once you were done, you took a cab and decided to go to the mall. 
“We don’t have any money,” Clarisse stopped you when you were going to step into the mall. 
“I do. Remember I paid for the tickets, and the food.”
“Yeah, but I thought you only had enough for these.”
“Nope. Well, remember how I said my mom is an opera singer. It was you fifty percent talent and fifty percent nepotism and generational wealth. Meaning I’m rich, I mean my mom but her love language is sending me money for not raising me,” you joked.
She stared at you, concerned. 
“I’m kidding,” you grabbed her hand, “let’s shop.”
Clarisse refused to accept anything you’d set eyes on for her. 
“Well, at least try on some of them, just to see.”
She agreed to it, which was a mistake because now that you knew her size, you could buy her everything she laid eyes on. She was trying on this dark green simple long sleeve tee shirt, and after she put it back, you took it with you.
“What are you doing?” she tried to grab the tee shirt back. 
“I might want it for myself!” you hid it behind your back. 
‘Doesn’t look like something you’d wear.”
“My style changes, it depends on my mood. Maybe I want us to have matching clothes.”
“Then why is there only one in your hand?”
You quickly grabbed another one. And then it was settled. You’d buy her things and then another copy for you – everything went, from boots to tee shirts to pants, and jackets. Then you went to a jewellery shop. You needed new rings because yours flew away from your hands during the last Capture the Flag – they were obviously a tad too big. 
“Did you find anything you like?” you asked her. 
“No, they aren't the most useful things to have.”
You pouted, and threw a bunch on the table. 
“What are you doing?”
“Putting these back on the shelves, cause I chose half of these for you,” you sighed dramatically. 
“Oh,” she took a look at the jewellery. 
Various rings and bracelets.
“They’re great, I love them.”
“No you don’t.”
“You picked them out so yes, I do.”
“You don’t have to, it’s fine,” you sighed. 
“Maybe you don’t have to buy all of it, just one of each.”
You nodded, and picked one ring for her, and two bracelets for each of you. You gave them to the seller to wrap them and left to look at other items. Clarisse soon joined you and soon enough the seller gave a little bag, you paid and left. Your hands were full of shopping bags, and before leaving you needed a little bit of rest so you two sat on the chairs in the resting area. Thankfully the mall wasn’t too crowded as it was still early in the afternoon on a random Tuesday. 
“Huh!” you gasped pointing at something behind Clarisse.
“What?” she turned around swiftly, not seeing any threat. 
“A photobooth!” you smiled.
You stood up, grabbed all of your bags and walked to the booth, hoping Clarisse was following you. You turned around, and Clarisse was still sitting still, legs crossed, leaned into the chair, staring at you. You held your hands together, and motionned her to come. She didn’t move for a good minute, but seeing how you weren’t going to move, she caved in and stood up. 
“Sunshine,” she put her hands on your shoulders, “you can look at me for free, I won’t charge you, don’t worry.” 
You rolled your eyes, smiling. 
“You’ll thank me in a few years because of this. Pictures are the best kind of souvenirs.”
Clarisse got in first, the space was a tight fit, and you were glued to Clarisse, but you two fit in the frame so it was good. You put the coins inside, and waited for it to take the picture. But that was not good enough for Clarisse – she put her arm around your waist and scooped you onto her lap.
You nodded, staring at her. 
“Better,” you confirmed. 
You went to take a pose but too late, the four pictures were already taken. 
“It’s fine, we’ll take another one.”
Another turned into another few more and you ended with a ton of pictures. By the time you left the mall it was already pretty late. Almost time to go home. But neither of you wanted that, so you went to the beach instead – main beach in the east. It was empty – people at this hour were all eating. You two sat on the sand, far from the shore. 
“Did you have a great time?” you asked.
“Yes,” she looked at you, “did you?”
You nodded enthusiastically. 
“Aren’t you glad you lost that bet against me?”
“Mmh,” she shrugged, “my option would’ve been just as good for me.”
“Well, I am glad I won. I prefer this option much better.”
Clarisse started to lay down but you grabbed her arm. 
“Sand will get in your hair.”
“I’ll wash it tonight, it’s fine.”
You shook your head, and took off your blouse and laid it on the sand, behind Clarisse. She tried to protest, but you were quicker. 
“I don’t want this day to end,” you admitted, staring at the waves. “I don’t think Mr. D will give us another authorisation anytime soon,” you laughed. 
Clarisse stared at you, not saying anything. You arrived at camp only a week ago, and yet you two were already closer than she was with any of her siblings. You were nice to her, always rooting for her, and you were a great friend. Not many people were these things to the Ares kids. 
“There this field trip around October,” Clarisse sat up again, “I suppose you’re not staying around the whole year. But it’d be great if you could come.”
“A field trip? To where?”
“It’s something we do once a year at camp,” she explained. “A trip to Olympus.”
You thought about it. 
“Are you asking me to meet your father? I didn’t think we were already at this stage so early on."
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pumpkinbxtch · 5 months
hey queen bean!!! 💛 i wanna start off saying i’m so glad we’re moots HEHEHE <333 i was also hoping if i could request a leo blurb or oneshot maybe like,, a quince night with him?? like maybe he got invited and the reader is like his plus one??
okay i’ll stop rambling 🤲 hope we interact more!!!
sunkisses, sunni! ☼ *. mwuah!
quinceañera night ✧⁠*⁠。
— leo valdez x fem!reader
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warnings: language
a/n: Hello, Sunni! I'm also happy that we are mutual, I assure you that sometimes you won't get me out of your comments, lol. Here is this little blurb (I don't know how it turned out, I always write this before, but I hope it's okay 😮‍💨) I love when these things are mixed together because I'm Mexican so, it's my things ig. I'm going to stop rambling too, I hope you like it. 😭 mwuahh.
You were pissed, like, really pissed.
But Leo had invited you to that party, and between your pride and letting him go with someone else? NEVER. So, you ended up with him at the entrance of the party hall, fixing your heels.
The way Leo acted like a total gentleman with you killed you, annoyed you, frustrated you, because he wasn't yours, and you weren't his. That annoyance squeezed your guts, and you bit your lip uncomfortably.
Pretending not to care about not labeling your relationship or that everything could stay the same for a thousand years just to avoid suffocating him with the question was so hard. But you couldn't help but live with the constant fear that someone better than you would snatch away the person you loved the most.
— Ready — he said, giving your heel buckle a final check. He was at your feet with that beaming smile, the way his curls fell from his forehead should be illegal for the way it made your stomach flutter. — Does it feel okay?
You huffed and lightly pushed him with the tip of your shoe, making him lose balance momentarily as you stood up. Leo let out a charming laugh that made warmth spread to your cheeks. You were about to turn around to slap him hard and then kiss him.
He trotted to catch up with you and offered his arm.
— Señorita? —he raised an eyebrow.
— Leo
And you hooked onto him. Even though that had already happened, right?
— Let's go, let's have some fun — he sang in your ear. You looked him directly in the eyes, and he winked at you. Leo was already lively on his own, but you had never seen him like this, jumping around and giving playful smiles. He was having a good time, and for both of your sakes, you wanted to enjoy the party too.
Indeed, Leo was actually too happy because he was showing you a side of him that wasn't easy to reveal, not because he had issues with it, but simply because you can't find easily people who enjoy pozole, celebrate quinceañeras, or any festivities the way they did.
— Here — you saw him run from a few meters away to your table and extend a fruit skewered on a stick. You raised an eyebrow for an explanation.
— Jicaleta.
"Jica- what?" but oh, Zeus, it was delicious. You never thought a Jicama on a stick with chili would be such a delicacy.
Leo sat back down next to you and nudged your shoulder to get your attention. The expression on your face wouldn't have changed for a million dollars; the sparkle in your eyes was enough to have him giving you one of those looks that you knew meant trouble, so you decided to ignore it.
—What are you looking at? — You huffed, and before you could fully look away, he cupped your cheek to stop you.
— At you — cooed. He brushed off tiny sugar remnants from the corner of your lips. Those tiny crystals stayed on his thumb, and instead of wiping them on a napkin, he brought them to his mouth, tasting a bit of that sweet flavor. In an attempt to hide your nervousness, you furrowed your brow and wrinkled your nose.
Leo rolled his eyes.
— Oh, come on — he scoffed and kissed you softly. With his plush lips on yours, for a moment, you needed nothing more than this moment.
"The grill is open. You can order your tacos, and there's also barbecue."
But Leo seemed to need more food. And he got up, pulling you by the hand towards the forming line.
— Okay, okay. Try them — you groaned.
— Leo, I've already tried the tacos. I'm not doing anything out of the ordinary. — He repeatedly shook his head, so abrupt that you feared for his neck.
— No, linda — he took a taco from his own plate and held it up like a religious act; you could almost see some heavenly light surrounding the food, but it was probably just the party lights. — This is a real taco, not those sold with hard tortillas!
If only you could keep track of how many times you rolled your eyes. Nevertheless, the person playing an undefined role in your life (who called himself Leo) extended the food for you to try, and you took a bite.
The exquisite flavor made you cover your mouth and raise your eyebrows in surprise.
— Fuck — you said with your mouth full. Leo smiled triumphantly and kissed your cheek.
— I told you. Now, squeeze some lemon on it, squeeze some lemon on it!
Definitely, the most peculiar part for you was when the birthday girl started dancing with her chambelanes¹.
— Why is she dancing to us if it's her birthday?
Leo chuckled, still wrapping his arm around your shoulders and his head slightly resting on yours as you admired the girl changing outfits about five times and dancing various music genres in less than 10 minutes.
“Mordida²! Mordida! Mordida!"
Once again, you looked at him for an explanation. You applauded along with the rhythm but didn't understand why the quinceañera looked so nervous and complained at times.
—She has to take a bite of the cake.
You contorted your face in confusion and looked at her closely. Once the girl leaned slightly over the cake, her brother, mother, and father smashed it onto her, regardless of whether she choked. You felt slightly sorry for her until you saw that amidst all the icing and cream, she was also smiling and laughing brightly.
— Does she know that will be recorded? — you asked, looking at the cameraman who was also smiling at the scene.
— She knows — Leo took your hand and kissed your knuckles. Once again, that knot formed in your stomach, and you discreetly pulled your hand away. Slowly but surely, you were getting tired of his deliberate touch; you liked it, but you couldn't ignore your feelings.
It seemed that the elaborate itinerary of the quinceañera had ended, and only enjoyment remained; people were already on the dance floor or chatting animatedly at the tables while some kids ran around with candies in their hands. You were truly having a good time, and you liked learning more about this side of Leo.
— And? — he leaned towards you, and you leaned back.
— I'm having fun — you admitted and grabbed one of those candies on the centerpieces; it was called "tamborcito," it was so small that it was endearing that it was just a lump of sugar and chili, delicious.
The brunette leaned closer to you, searching your eyes, but you weren't in the mood for that kind of game.
Watching couples dance, kiss, and share a moment of celebration created a bittersweet feeling in you; you longed for something you didn't have. His hand found yours, and when you finally met his eyes, there was hardness in your gaze, the same hardness that pricked Leo's chest, giving him the sensation that something was not right, but what could it be?
— I'm going to the bathroom — you said, snatching the opportunity to avoid his questions. He watched you walk away and sank into his chair, letting out a loud groan. "The way she makes me nervous should be illegal," he thought.
Same thoughts, no communication.
You fixed your makeup a bit, wiped the excess sweat from your forehead, and adjusted your dress. You were glad you didn't have to be selling a wound or planning strategies; you were just a girl with a guy. As you dried your hands, you laughed sarcastically. If only you were his girl; you barely wanted to walk back to him.
You watched Leo from the bathrooms as he seemed to nod his head to the rhythm of the music; he looked so cute that it made you throw a little tantrum, taking advantage that no one saw you.
— Hi — a guy said beside you. You jumped, feeling the blood rush to your cheeks.
In the end, he asked you to dance.
Yes. Not Leo, that guy, and you thought, "screw it, why not?"
The guy smiled widely when you took his hand. If your UNDEFINED relationship with Leo would serve you anything, what better than to take advantage with a cute guy.
Meanwhile, Leo was starting to get impatient. How long could you take in the bathroom? He got up from the table with the intention of looking for you, but seeing you dance on the dance floor made his soul sink to his feet. And dances are VERY different at a quinceañera; sure, there's everything, but DANCING was a very different matter. Leo wouldn't have worried if it had been a cumbia or salsa, but bachata? the way that guy held you by the hips and led you while dancing drove him crazy.
His blood began to boil, and he tried to calm himself to avoid losing control over his powers to prevent himself from igniting. He made his way towards you, dodging people and apologizing until a click in his head made him stop in his tracks. With what right would he snatch you from the arms of that man? If he just remembered friends with benefits were famous because exactly, there was nothing to explain to the other.
Moreover, he observed your face, with a huge smile and your eyes focused on not messing up the next step. The colorful lights illuminated your face beautifully. He clenched his fist and returned to his place.
You hadn't stopped dancing with the guy; he was kind and taught you patiently.
You pouted as you walked through the garden of the hall and saw Leo kicking a rock with the tip of his shoe. There was the problem; no matter how attentive he had been or how good a match he seemed, he wasn't him.
Your friend's shoulders brushed against the branches of a bush, and he abruptly stopped.
— Did you have fun?— he asked with a certain acidity in his voice; you knew what he was getting at, but you didn't want to give it importance.
— Tons — you balanced on one foot as you unfastened your shoe. Leo just nodded with his gaze fixed on the bush as he caressed the foliage with his index finger.
You rolled your eyes and dropped the heel to the ground to unfasten the other one.
— Why that face, Leo? — It wasn't your intention to sound so mocking, but you couldn't help but feel a certain pleasure in his jealousy. He gave you a scowling look and huffed.
— I'm not making any face — he tore off the leaf and burned it in his hands. Jealousy was eating him alive.
— If you say so — you pulled a piece of paper from the bag hidden in your dress and smiled.
The guy tore another branch forcefully when he saw you smile and extended his hand, taking the piece of paper from you.
— Hey!
— Did he give you his number?
— And what if he did?
He inhaled loudly and felt pathetic. It was true. He returned it to you, still annoyed, and sat on the edge of the planter as you finished taking off your shoe. Both palms resting on his cheeks with that grumpy expression.
— I have something to say — he said once three seconds had passed, which for him felt like an eternity. You rolled your eyes again and put your hand on your hip, dropping the other heel. You were already barefoot on the pavement.
— What?
— I like you.
You softened your expression, replacing it with one of confusion.
— What?
— I like you, I love you — Leo looked up and gave you a flat, resigned smile.
— Like... what?
Leo scratched the back of his neck and straightened up.
— I like you, I love you, let's be boyfriend and girlfriend.
He thought it had been a great way to declare his feelings, but instead, you crumpled the piece of paper with the guy's number and threw it at his face, poking his left eye.
— Auch!
— Dumbass
And you held back a sob. It was so unfair. He seemed to read your thoughts and stood up.
— Okay, okay, okay. Wait, don't look — he took you by the shoulders and turned you around so you faced away. You heard the leaves rustle and some twigs snap; when he reappeared in your sight, he had his hair tousled and some bougainvillea branches in his hand. His eyes pleading and nibbling lightly on his lips. — Can we finally be together and stop with the nonsense once and for all because I can't stand seeing you with someone else, and besides, you're my best friend? Come on, say yesss
You couldn't hold that serious image for long. You threw yourself into his arms and kissed him on the cheek, for the first time confident.
— You're an idiot.
— I'll take that as a yes.
You nodded frantically and kissed him, this time on the lips, with such force that your red lipstick left a mark on him.
— Damn, finally — Leo celebrated and lifted you in a bridal style, making you scream with happiness. He leaned down with you to tangle the straps of your heels on his fingers and set off towards the car. — I'll take you home.
You raised both arms as if you were on a roller coaster. smiled ecstatically, with flushed cheeks. — Take me home!
¹ chambelanes: are the dancers who the quinceañera, usually they're a mix of family, professionals and the boyfriend.
² mordida: bite
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witchhazelevesque · 3 months
Wait wait wait, so like in an AU where Hera is Leo’s godly parent, how do you think Zeus would react?
In The Lost Hero, Annabeth tells Piper that Hera is the goddess of marriage and doesn’t have kids with anyone but Zeus.
Would he be like “I don’t like my wife, but no one else is allowed to like her either”? She’d probably hide the fact, maybe pose Leo as a child of Hephaestus since like, Hephaestus had to get his intelligence from somewhere right? And Esperanza is gonna teach him all about engineering anyway so. Or maybe she hides it in a more blatant way and just plans for him to remain unclaimed until the right moment. 
But things always come out eventually- (she probably resents Percy and his requirement that the gods claim their children even more) would Zeus be angry like Juno was about Jason? Would he demand to be given the child? But it’s Zeus so he might just be like, “I don’t want to deal with a kid.” Maybe he wants to just kill him. Maybe he doesn’t care. Maybe he does demand the child but relegates the task of raising him to one of his subordinates. 
Also, I’m wheezing because that makes Jason and Leo step brothers. Like the weirdest, most unenthusiastic step siblings. Leo’s thinking, I finally have a brother and it’s him, who I can never live up to? Great. It’s not even a one to one comparison but Leo feels even more inadequate now. Thalia is 1) furious but 2) having the time of her life because she has something to hold over Hera’s head now. She tells Leo that it’s a good thing it was Hera and not Juno, because Jupiter wouldn’t have been as lenient as Zeus. 
But also like. Hera IS the goddess of marriage and it’s not like if the maiden goddesses had kids through alternate means, they aren’t bound to the same restrictions as Hera, this is literally antithetical to her very nature. She and Jason discuss why she doesn’t have demigod children and the ramifications of this at the end of TLH. She’s often abducted because she holds the Olympians together, imagine what kind of damage this would wreak, the way it would shake the foundation of Olympus. Yeah, Zeus probably can’t let it slide because of this. (The first great prophecy says ‘the eldest gods’ right? Because honestly this would fit great in a Leo Was Around Then AU and he could have been the prophecy child that could end the gods reign if the eldest goddesses counted)
And that’s not helping Leo’s belief that he’s a mistake and the cause of so many problems. If Leo doesn’t have his fire in this AU then Esperanza likely dies in some sort of attack from monsters or gods that were after Leo and of course he’s going to blame himself. 
Or maybe she doesn’t die at all because Hera is actually really proactive and involved in the lives of the demigods and her plan for the prophecy of seven does work so she can probably find some way to keep Esperanza safe.
And if Gaea does try to kill her to break Leo, oh just imagine Gaea versus Hera, the previous mother of everything against the current queen of the universe. I’m already of the mind that there should have been something there burning between them in canon, they were the ones scheming, add to it all this context?  Let’s go.
Also, if Drew was willing to use Jason because he was prince of the universe then she’d probably be willing to do the same to Leo since he is also a prince of the universe and that’s really funny. And I have a head canon that Drew genuinely respects Hera for securing her power when there were so few options for her, so there is something like real admiration for Leo and that could lead to an actual friendship.  
But there is genuinely a lot of resentment and hurt feelings and envy going on between Leo, Jason and Thalia. It’s the sort of emotions all the enemies in TLH wanted to stir up to get the Greeks and Romans to turn on one another, and since Aphrodite told Piper that she’d be the deciding factor of what happens when Greeks and Romans meet, well that’s some material for the lost trio to contend with. 
And Leo wants to resent Hera and he does, but he also is so, so aware of how much she must have loved his mother to break her marriage vows, even if just emotionally. If Esperanza is still alive and Leo sees them together? Oh he would not know how to handle that. Because it’s clear his mom loves Hera, but she’s not expecting or even wanting to rekindle things, she just wants what’s best for Leo. 
And since she does know, she does understand the importance of Leo’s role in the prophecy, it might actually be that she had him not out of love, but out of necessity. Like she saw that he needed to exist (in this context she sees that she would be the immortal to bring him about, not Hephaestus) and yes it is the antithesis of what she is, but it must happen. There is power in that choice itself. They talk about how much of a gamble she took in shaping the seven of prophecy, this would be the gamble.
And either way- Leo is the literal embodiment of broken vows, add to that that those vows were probably the only ones ever kept in the Olympians’ world. He is the sins of his godly mother, and much like Jason was predestined to be what the gods shaped him into, the journey Leo would go though because he’s the one destined to fulfill an oath with his final breath that has been prophesied for millennia? He does it in part for atonement, not because he believes he’s at fault any longer, but because it’s what has to be done. 
That juxtaposition? That irony? That goddamn growth and tragedy? 
Hera did consider making him immortal when he was a baby. She knew she wouldn’t, the world needed him to be a hero. But she also knew the kind of life her child would have and she didn’t want him to suffer that pain for the sake of pain itself. If he was immortal he would suffer it for eternity. He’d be bound to follow her husband’s orders in a way that demigods didn’t have to, even though they should. 
He would take commitment incredibly seriously. Take his canon loyalty and selflessness and add to it this visceral, integral awareness  of the consequences of going back on one’s word. 
The dynamics he could have with the rest of the main characters. Percy’s the savior of Olympus and Leo’s the potential key to its destruction. There might be bad blood on Percy’s side at first because of the way Hera’s treated his friends, but it wouldn’t last long because he knows Leo isn’t at fault.
Annabeth is not so quick to let go of her resentment. It’s irrational but it’s what it is. The Romans would be even more appalled than they were about Annabeth’s existence. He wouldn’t even need to be possessed and attack New Rome, his presence is enough.
Thalia would likely be the one to understand him best because she struggled so much with the temptation that came with being the child of the last great prophecy and became a hunter to take herself out of that narrative. Leo doesn’t have that option or anyone to take his place because there’s no role or job or quest, it’s just his identity.
And them being close makes Jason envious because in TLH he felt like Thalia didn’t have room for him in her life. If Leo is Jupiter’s by his demands then it’s Jason and Leo belonging to one another’s parents and that is complicated because they don’t want to be in the others place but still- there’s a degree of belonging that the other doesn’t have with their own parent.
By the end of TLH, Jason is talking to Zeus’s statue telling him he understands why Zeus has to keep his distance and that Jason is going to try and make him proud. Leo being acknowledged by his father even in this way when his father can’t do the same for Jason is hard to deal with. He knows Leo’s not at fault, he knows Leo doesn’t want this, but that doesn’t erase how it feels.
Nico is both deeply unsettled because he has respect and understanding for the ways of their world and completely unfazed because he knows what it is to be shunned, and he has to look at the bright side here because he has never been treated with such blatant hostility.  
I’m gonna have to make a part 2 for this
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crazyyluvr · 6 months
Ahhhh that Jason fic was so good! I loved how you write him so stern and caring!
I was wondering if you could do another Jason fic where reader is sort of working herself weary, maybe she feels like she has something to prove especially with how powerful everyone is so she’s been volunteering for watches and missions and helping hedge and just everything she can around the ship and she starts to crack a bit so everyone tries to get her to take a break but she’s super stubborn and no one can except Jason on like his third try she finally gives in and rests?
(Like when he told Hazel to eat in your last fic, sort of that vibe it makes me weak in the knees!)
Overworked, Underappreciated (by the gods)
pairing: jason x gf!ares!reader
summary: Jason notices you're overworking yourself again, and despite him and everyone on the Argo II trying to tell you to take a break, you never really sit your ass down until he finally convinces you to do so.
genre: angst/comfort
wc: 2.6k
warning/s: cursing, fem reader, she/her pronouns, overworking, jason being stern, stubborn reader, mmm godly father issues, breakdown
note: thank you for your request anon!! i hope it's fine that i made this one kind of a continuation of this oneshot, but it can be read seperately. enjoy!
oneshot under the cut :: not edited
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Jason always admired your hard work and determination.
Sure, you were constantly aggressive about it and telling everyone to fuck off if they complimented you on that, he still considered it one of the countless things that he loved about you.
But of course, there were times where that hard work and determination would lead to something unmanageable, like your tendency to overwork yourself.
You were an expert at hiding it, but Jason knew that beneath your tough and angry exterior, you always felt like you weren't giving enough despite giving a little too much already. You were a daughter of Ares, and your godly lineage didn't grant you much except for anger issues.
You weren't as good with weapons as your siblings. You definitely weren't as good at anything as Clarisse, your half-sister and your dad's favorite kid. Actually, all your other brothers and sisters had at least some sign that Ares acknowledged their existence. You on the other hand got nothing except that you could reach your boiling point seven times faster than the average person.
They have to thank Jason for being there to calm you down, because they all don't just feel like, but they know that if he wasn't with them, the ship would have sunk two days in the water or air.
They never really expected you to be the type to give all — and I mean, all your energy into whatever you need to do.
Replacing the ripped sails after a battle with some pirates? Step back. If not, you'd just push any one of them out of the way and grab the new sails from them and replace it on your own. Frank was a constant victim, despite being the burliest of them.
A large tentacle wrapped around the ship? They don't dare to think about chopping it into pieces before you came in, sword weaving through the monster like it was made of clay. Percy steps out from below decks to give the monster a little chat but slips on the blood it left in its wake.
Zeus/Jupiter decided to fuck around with them and send a lightning bolt striking almost right beside Percy? You'd immediately push him into the nearest demigod's arms and put out the fire yourself before the water boy could even process what was happening.
Even the simplest tasks around the Argo II, like cleaning the stables, rearranging the medbay, cleaning up the kitchen either after a meal or after the ship was constantly swaying and made a mess of fallen plates and food, you'd curse someone out just for trying to grab a broom or open their mouth to tell you that they can do it instead.
Jason was no exception to this treatment, and he didn't expect to be; he just wanted to make sure that you knew your limits as well as he did.
"You're low on medical equipment," Hedge grunted, stepping into the small dining room one afternoon while everyone was eating lunch. "I'm gonna go restock it."
Today was a slow day for the eight demigods, and they were grateful for it. All they had to do was the usual chores before they could chill anywhere on the ship.
Which is why no one was surprised you were the one who wanted to break the mundane routine. "I'll go with you," you huffed, standing up with your plate in your hands, maneuvering around the short half goat man to put the dirty dish in the sink. "I'll make sure your stupid fur brains doesn't get the wrong shit."
"Us satyrs are damn good healers, mind you!" Hedge bleated angrily.
You rolled your eyes. "Yeah with colored leaves and rituals and shit."
Before Hedge could retaliate, Annabeth stepped into the conversation. "You should rest today. I can go with Hedge and help him pick out the right items."
"No need, Brains," You shot her down. "I can do this. Are you suggesting otherwise?" Your voice raised threateningly, making Annabeth raise her hands in surrender.
"No, but I —"
"Good." You turned back to Hedge. "Let's go before you get more dirt on floor I just mopped, old man."
You left the room without waiting for the satyr to follow. Hedge muttered colorful insults under his breath, moving to exit the dining as well before Jason stopped him by asking, "Coach, can you watch over her? She's been working constantly these past few weeks, and she hasn't really caught a break."
Hedge rose an eyebrow. "Can't you do that yourself? Aren't you her boyfriend or something?"
"I tried, but it's hard to convince her," Jason sighed, leaning back in his chair exhaustedly. "Just — look out for her, yeah? And don't tell her I told you."
"Yeah, yeah, I know," Hedge waved him off. "It'll be my head."
The coach left without another word.
"I'm worried about her," Percy confessed, Frank and Piper nodding in agreement. "I tried asking her if she needed help yesterday, and she almost bit my head off."
"And you would've thought that she'd learn by now to stop herself when she starts to overwork again," Leo commented.
Hazel sighed. "If she doesn't give herself time to recharge, she's going to shut down."
Jason simply played around with his leftover food, deep in thought. "Yeah..."
Thank the gods you returned without any issues besides the usual profanities exchanged between you and Hedge. He left soon after that, claiming that he had "business elsewhere," and said that they should get going on their journey without him.
They left the day after that. They knew he'd make his way back to camp eventually.
The streak of calm continued, even as the Argo II departed from the sea and launched into the air. There weren't as much monsters that showed up to annoy them like flies hovering in their ears.
You and Jason were on watch that night. Thankfully, there wasn't much of a threat in the clouds, so Jason just sat down on a random crate while you paced around, playing with the straps of your leather breastplate.
"Hey, you can sit down for a while," Jason said, watching you go to and from the large wooden post in the middle.
You scowled at him in response. "We're supposed to be on watch. If we relax, we fall asleep. If we fall asleep, monsters attack. If monsters attack, the others could get swept up in that shit knowing how stupid they are."
Your concern for your other crewmates was evident despite how much you tried to hide it by insulting their abilities.
"Sweetheart, its okay," Jason said, still trying to convince you. He wasn't feeling all that tired, which is why he could cover for the both of you. You, on the other hand, looked like you were going insane, the dark half-circles under your eyes apparent even in the weak and diluted moonlight. "You can for now. I promise I'll wake —"
"I can't rest!" Your voice cracked slightly as you whipped around to face him, your eyes wide with a wildness that caught Jason off guard and made him stand up in concern. "I... I just can't..."
You tried to walk away, but your knees collapsed from below you. "Woah careful!"
In a flash, your boyfriend was by your side, barely being able to catch you before you could fully crumple to the ground. "Easy, easy..."
He tried to put your arm around his shoulders so he could lead you to sit down on another crate, but you pushed yourself away from him. Being unable to support yourself, you fell down on your ass.
"What are you doing?" Jason asked, moving to approach you, but you put up your hand to stop him.
"Fuck off, I don't need help," you said, trying to sound angry, but all Jason could hear was your exhaustion.
"Hey, stop being stubborn," Jason frowned, stepping towards you and putting your arm around his shoulders successfully this time, despite your protests and your struggles to get out of his iron grip.
"Fine, just — just put me down there," You gestured to the crate he was sitting on previously. He was originally going to bring you down to your room, but judging from the glance you gave him from the corner of your eye, you could still snap his arm in half if you wanted to.
And so, he obliged, making sure that your feet barely touched the ground as he basically carried you to your destination. He gently set you on the crate, making sure to stand close in front of you so that you wouldn't try to bolt.
"Explain," he said, crossing his arms and peering down at you. You turned your head away from his gaze, and he realized how vulnerable you looked: your eyes were darting around in a desperate attempt to stay alert, but they constantly glazed over, unfocused. Your hands were now fiddling with the strings of your hoodie, their movements slow and groggy. Your upper body was even swaying.
"I..." You started, but sighed and looked up at him. "It's stupid."
Jason's brows furrowed even more at your dismissal. "You almost collapsed from exhaustion. There has to be at least a valid reason for you to compromise your health like that."
You wanted to clamp your jaw shut, but Jason's intense glare made you open your mouth and speak. "You want to know? Fine, I'll tell you. Everyone relies on me — besides Twitchy Fingers — to do what is needed to keep this ship afloat by making sure it doesn't get completely destroyed by the Tartarus-spawn. Every time someone tries to do my job for me, I don't want them to because what if they fuck up and something bad happens? That's gonna be my fuck-up too. I —" You looked away again. "I just can't relax knowing that some bad shit might happen and it'll be my fault."
"I think you're underestimating how well the rest of us can do," Jason said lightly, chuckling a little as he tried to make lift the atmosphere up a little. It didn't work. "We can't do as well as you, of course, but we can manage."
"Oh please, I know damn well how good the rest of you are," You hissed, catching Jason off guard with the anger behind your words. "You all got your own skill sets that your godly parents planted in you that you got to fucking nurture. Even Annabeth, who doesn't have any actual powers, is more of a smartass than all of us combined."
Jason opened his mouth to retaliate, to say that you're downgrading yourself too much, but you didn't let him speak as your voice rose. "And what in the Tartarus did I get from my shitty dad? Fuckin' — fuckin' anger issues, that's what I got. Everything I'm good at — my fighting, my speed, everything — I did that. Ares gave me none of that. That was all me.
"And the moment I thought he'd actually look at me, that he'd acknowledge that I was his kid besides when he claimed me seven months after I came into camp," Your voice got louder still, cracking a little as your eyes got mistier, "is to pay a little visit to Frank in his Roman counterpart."
You stood up now, your body fueled with anger and frustration and other emotions that can't be described. "You wanna know the real reason why I work myself to the brink of exhaustion every time I do what I do, Jason?" Your smile looked maniacal. The few tears that escaped the confines of your lashes didn't really help. "It's because I don't fucking deserve to stand among you. I don't deserve to be on this quest. I don't deserve to be called a 'hero' when we return home as your godly parents shower you with love and attention while mine just thinks 'oh, my kid survived? I had a kid involved?'"
Your body was shaking, but you were done. You fell back down on the crate, holding your head in your hands.
Jason blinked, processing your breakdown. His own chest was contracting painfully as the weight of your words settled in his brain and his heart.
You were feeling this the entire time? Why didn't you say anything?
Your body flinched as you tried to contain a sob, snapping Jason back to reality.
He sat down beside you and wrapped his arm around your waist, pulling you close to him. "Oh sweetheart," he sighed sympathetically. "It's okay to cry. Cry as hard as you need."
Jason expected you to push him off of you again, to tell him to not be stupid and to try and bottle your emotions up again. He hoped you wouldn't.
And you didn't. Instead. you took your face out of your hands and planted it on his shoulder, your own shoulder shaking terribly from your suppressed sobs. "Let it out," he cooed, and you didn't hesitate to drown your sobs on the fabric of his t-shirt, subconsciously moving even closer to his body.
He wrapped both his arms around you as he fixed his position, his upper body now almost fully facing you to give you more comforting hug.
He stroked the back of your head and whispered sweet nothings into your ear as you let all your pent-up anger, frustration, disappointment, and just overall sadness. He even planted light kisses over the parts of you that he could reach; your neck, cheek, temple, crown.
It took you a little while for your sobs to turn into little hiccups, but eventually, you were able to calm down. Jason didn't mind that his shoulder was soaked from your tears. He didn't mind that his spine was stiff from being in a slightly uncomfortable position for a period of time. He didn't mind that you were feeling weak and stupid.
Because even after all that, he still saw you as the strongest and most powerful person he knew.
"What about we go back to my room and rest?" Jason suggested softly. You lifted your head in protest, but Jason pushed it back down to his chest. "I'm sure Hazel and Frank are having trouble sleeping from the good nap they had earlier. They can cover for us."
"I don't want to burden them," You said weakly.
Jason immediately shook his head. "You're a burden to no one on this ship, okay? They won't mind. And besides, it's not weak to ask for a little help once in a while. No one thinks you're weak."
You looked up at him. "You sure?"
Jason nodded, smiling softly. "Absolutely. From what I can see, you're the strongest person here."
You raise an eyebrow. "You sure there's no bias there?"
"Yes I'm 100% sure," Jason said seriously, before breaking into a smile when a breathy laugh escaped your lips. You don't do it often, but Jason loved your laughs. They were always genuine, and Jason would do anything to make you laugh again.
"So, what do you say? Let's go to my dorm," Jason said, supporting you when he felt you moving to stand up.
"You better not do anything weird to me, Grace," you threatened, but there was no heat behind your words.
Jason smiled softly, leading you back below decks. "Never."
He left you in the dorm before he went to convince Hazel and Frank to cover their shift, promising that he'll make up for it. They didn't care. They were just happy that you were finally resting.
Once the blonde boy returned, he found that you were already curled up under the sheets, face relaxed and breaths coming out of you evenly. His eyes softened fondly at your peaceful and stress-free features.
He flipped the light switches, blanketing his room in darkness as he navigated under the sheets to join you. He gathered you up in his arms and curled against you, sighing in content.
"Good night, sweetheart," he whispered against your head, placing a small kiss on the back of it as he felt sleep slowly invade his vision. "I love you."
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anotheroceanid · 10 days
So, maybe as a way to wrap around TTG verse into canon, Perse does something that really upsets Zeus, like disapproving of the Swear to not have anymore children and tries to hide any living Hades and Poseidon children (Zeus has already killed any of his that remained from WWII), so Zeus curses her to be reborn as a demigod. And everyone thinks she's going to be reborn as one of Athena's kids (with maybe Annabeth as the fan favorite suspect) only for Poseidon to whoopsie with Sally Jackson and realize "oh, shit, found her. My daughter!" and maybe baby perse remembers, or has chronic dejavu. I just really think its sad if Perse doesn't get Sally as her mom again.
My poor Percy, whoopsied TWICE. First, she died and went to the past to become Athena and Poseidon’s daughter, THEN she is forced to be born as a demigod again but doesn't remember almost anything (except in weirdly specific moments).
She's followed by owls wherever she goes, she hates Greek mythology media made in Hollywood, and she apparently can read Greek and Latin for no explainable reason. And from time to time she dreams of a grey-eyed women making everyone promise not to get near her daughter.
Athena would be so pissed in this AU. Like, how dare her dad punish her perfect child for DOING HER JOB? So is Poseidon. His poor Perse didn't deserve any punishment when Zeus himself couldn't keep it in his pants.
Athena would loves that Sally named her daughter after her daughter (even though Sally’s daughter IS also her daughter). Also, Sally loving Perse’s myths would be so cute 😭😭
Athena, whenever Zeus considers murdering little Perse: 👹👹👹
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moodyseal · 8 months
I got too deep into the Schema Theory while writing the paper for one of my exams and it got me thinking about Apollo's coping mechanisms yk
Basically the gist of this theory is that, in the eventuality that their primary needs are not satisfied during their formative years, a child might develop a bunch of different behavioural schemes in their adult life (which are too many to be listed here oh my god) that are a direct reflection of how the parent failed them during childhood
For example, one of these schemes is emotional deprivation, which is a person's tendency to emotionally distance themselves from other people due to the fact that they believe they won't be able to comfort them, and it's a scheme that's formed due to the guardian not satisfying the child's emotional needs. Basically it's formed through a "If my parent couldn't do it, then how could others?" sort of mentality
Another one, which I believe is very relevant here, is the sense of failure, which originates due to the guardian's immensely overbearing nature and the continuous dissatisfaction with the child's efforts. As an adult, the child in question believes that they're inept at everything, even if evidence points to the contrary, because of the fundamental belief that they hold that they're a failure
(Does it remind you of anyone?)
Now, these schemes tend to go hand in hand with modes, which are essentially coping mechanisms that the person uses to deal with whatever life throws at them and whatever negative emotion these schemes bring on. One of these modes is the *squints* scheme overcompensation? Anyway what it says on the article I got the info from is that basically people who use this coping mechanism tend to do the opposite of what their behavioural scheme tells them to do. If they're ashamed, they put down others. If they feel like a failure, they boast. (Again. Who does this sound like.)
AT FIRST it seems like a good coping mechanism but it's actually not, because the overcompensation leads to this vicious cycle where the more a person overcompensates, the more the scheme worsens. In Apollo's case, the scheme we're examining here is his sense of failure; in his overcompensation mode, to avoid feeling incompetent he tries to constantly put himself in the spotlight, drawing attention to his talents. However, he does it in such a ridiculous way (perhaps actually in some form of self-sabotage?) that the people around him insult those talents, call him a failure, and thus worsen his feeling of worthlessness.
(This might be tied to the punitive scheme as well, maybe? Considering how keen Zeus was on punishment, Apollo might've developed this scheme as a result, though over the centuries it could've shifted its focus from everyone to just him idk. The change between "I'm punishing everything and everyone for being so stupid, even my own son + this Ptolemaic god who breathed wrong in my direction" to "Actually I'm chill" seems pretty suspicious to me tbh)
ANYWAY all of this is to say that everything he does is so intrinsically tied to the damage Zeus did to him that it hurts. All his behaviours all his coping mechanisms. Everything
The arrogance is not just a façade he built over the years to hide his feeling of unhappiness and guilt!! It's quite literally an abuse response!!!!
And yeah maybe Leto was the one who spent the most time with him and Artemis and who took the most care of them so technically she should be considered his figure of attachment instead of Zeus but then again. How much time did Apollo spend beside her compared to the time he spent at Zeus' side, after the twins became Olympians? What do a few moments with her in a year do against entire centuries with him?
Leto's influence never really mattered. He was doomed since the beginning
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howlingday · 24 days
(demi-arkos) turns out nora was the daughter of thor this entire time.
no one knows who thor is in remnant.
jaune's just happy nora got to know her father and they both enjoy hammers
"And that was the last time I saw my dad."
"Wow, I... I'm sorry to hear that, Nora." Jaune said, offering sympathy as best he could without showing emotion. He had them, they just didn't get past the facemask and sunglasses. "He probably had a good reason for not coming back."
"Maybe. He played with me a lot more than Mom did." Nora sighed happily. "Games like hammer toss and noisemaker."
"Yeah!" She spread her arms wide. "Whoever makes the biggest noise won! I never did because he would just go BOOM!" She clapped her hands together. "And EVERYTHING would shake!"
"It would." Ren concurred. "My parents hated him playing noisemaker."
"He would also play hide and go seek with me. He taught me the best places to hide are underneath things."
"It really helped us when..." Ren became silent. Nora, too.
"Uh, so, how did you guys get to Beacon?" Jaune asked, hoping to steer the conversation away from their tragic history.
As they spoke, Pyrrha listened quietly to Nora talk about her dad and how she became who she is today. Things started adding up. Her reckless behavior, her lightning affinity, her use of heavy and loud weaponry, the sudden disappearance of her father. There could be no doubt.
Nora's father was Zeus, her grandfather. She remembered her mother telling her stories about him, and how he was as callous as he was powerful, and ruling the skies was truly a great power. There were times when Pyrrha would have nightmares of displeasing her grandfather and being punished with worse than a spanking like the other children. And if Nora really was the child of such a god...
...then Nora likely had power unlike anything Pyrrha could ever dream.
"Is the food not to your liking, sir?"
"Food's fine." Once words were finished, the plate was empty. He gave a burp, covering his mouth too late after. "Excuse me."
"Um, sir?" The waitress asked. "How will you be paying us?"
The mountain of a man rumbled, lifting his small but mighty hammer from the seat beside him. It left no imprint on the cushion. He looked to her, past his burly beard and nose. Such a small creature she was. "You got any work for someone like me?"
"Grimm? Heavy stuff to move? Bandits to kill?"
"Well, we have dishes that need to be washed."
He was quiet for a moment. "Anything not as delicate?"
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piratesfromspace · 1 year
Plaything (141xReader)
Pairing: (implied) Reader x Ghost x Soap x Price x Gaz Rated: Mature Word count: 2.7k Summary: Rain and Soap have been kidnapped. Note: In the same universe as my "Rain or Shine" fic, I recommend you read part 3 to understand this chapter. Reader callsign is "Rain", she's bi and autistic (I am autistic myself).
Content: angst, hurt/comfort, kidnapping, implied torture, threat of sexual assault, overall canon typical violence, but with a happy ending (kinda)
MASTERLIST // PART 1 // PART 2 // PART 3 // <> // PART 5
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Soap hears her before he can see her - Don’t touch me she screams, and the fury in her tone has his heart racing. They drag her into the room where he is detained. His hands tightly bound behind his back and to the metal chair he sits on. The zip ties are cutting into his skin, the metal too hard and cold under his thighs. No chance to rip them off discreetly with all those men watching him. But he stops caring about his own discomfort the second she appears. 
Despite the heavy tac gear on her body, she looks cruelly small against the giant holding her. Her hair is in her face, and there is a smear of blood on her cheek, but she’s trashing and screaming with so much vigor John is somewhat relieved. She’s alive and kicking . 
“My oh my, what do we have here, mmh? That’s an interesting new addition to your squad MacTavish.” The man next to the giant croons. “She wasn’t there the last time we met. Or maybe you’ve been hiding her all along?” He walks slowly, towering over Rain. “Wouldn’t blame you, such a pretty thing, you have to be careful who you show it to...” he taunts.
Soap knows him - codename Zeus, what a pretentious asshole - he’s the head of this mercenary unit they had to team up with once. But since they sell their fire power to the highest bidder, don’t really have any allegiance, it was only a matter of time before they met again in a less friendly situation. They had rat him out of the safehouse he was sharing with Rain. No clue how they got the intel. Or why they captured him. He had prayed Rain would be able to escape, but it appears she was caught as well. Soap just really hopes the rest of the squad will figure something out, and quickly. 
“So what is she?” Zeus goes on, evil mirth in his voice. 
“Sniper?” one of the other rogue soldiers tries. Zeus laughs.
“Nah. She had fucking glasses on when we caught her.” He looks at Johnny with a smirk, then at her. “Maybe you’re their nurse? Oh wait I know, you’re their cook, right?” he asks, feigning honesty, and his men chuckle. Soap wants to kill them all, break their teeth and stop them from laughing ever again. 
Zeus extends his hand, catches Rain’s chin between his gloved fingers, forces her head up. “Or maybe you’re their plaything? The squad little whore?”  Rain’s eyes widen in anger and shock, she snaps her head to the side trying to escape her captor’s grip. 
The words of Zeus awaken Soap’s memory. Invoke flashes of what happened in Siberia. Unexpected guilt settles in his guts with an icy feeling. “Plaything” - she wasn’t their plaything , she was the one initiating whatever it was , she was more than willing. They only wanted to make her feel good.
Johnny doesn’t understand why he suddenly feels guilty because of this. The implications of what Zeus is suggesting - he hates them, they’re nonsensical, but still he feels attacked even if it's ridiculous. He can only imagine what it does to Rain’s spirit. 
“Or maybe you’re their plaything? The squad little whore?”The words of their captor echoes in her head. How does he know? It’s not rational but for a split second she panics. She panics because maybe - maybe - there is the tiniest chance someone knows? Someone else beside the 141? It makes absolutely no sense, and she should not care at all, but since the second she’s been captured, she feels her mind unraveling.
She tries her best to keep it together - damn it , she followed the freaking training, she’s supposed to know what to do, she’s supposed to have her emotions in check. Truth is no training can prepare you for the feeling of helplessness slithering along every inch of her body, seizing her lungs, filling her throat full with a cloying fear.
Zeus and his men are hitting low, she’s easy target. Pointing at her womanhood and making it demeaning, citing all the adjacent prejudices they can think of. No better than stupid mean boys from high school. It should not dig at her confidence like this. She knows her skills, out of and on the battlefield. She knows her team respects that - respects her . Loves her, even. But still, she doesn’t feel so well, it’s too much happening too fast. Bile rises behind her teeth.
“Am I hitting a sore spot, sweetheart ?” Zeus laughs at her, forcefully cups her check, in a mockery of care. He turns to Soap “I guess we’ll find a way to have fun with her, me and my men, one way or another…”, He clicks his tongue, rests his hand on the handle of the knife attached to his belt, the threat blatant, “Don’t worry, you’ll watch before it’s your turn.” he snarls. Johnny grits his teeth, holds his tongue because he’s afraid anything he would say would be faced with some sort of retaliation on Rain. 
Zeus is not done. “Oh, one last thing. I just want to make it very clear for the both of you - I already got the intel I need. But my client wants you dead, so why not have a little fun while we’re at it? Well, I mean they want MacTavish dead.” Zeus goes back in front of Rain, “Sorry darling, you’re not quite famous enough for people to actually care about you.”
She spits in his face and he laughs it off. 
Ghost is the first to go in. He had rushed through the stairs of the decrepit building, stopping only a couple of seconds at every floor to make sure the way was clear before climbing up again. He doesn’t want to think about what he’s going to find. He only focuses on taking down any hostile as discreetly as possible. He doesn’t even want them to suffer, he has no will to torture - he just want them to be gone . Bones turned to ashes. Cleaned from the surface of this earth. He looks at their faces just long enough to forget them after. 
Since the news of their capture, he feels numb. Immune to any kind of emotions - dissociated - mind split into so many shards he wonders if it will ever heal. It’s not the first time one of them - of the 141 - has been captured. Not the first time he has to lead a rescue mission. But it’s her. And Johnny. And he knew this would happen - he knew it. 
The scars on his back are itchy, like the wounds were about to open again, as if time just decided to go backwards. The trauma of his own capture had been kept locked away very efficiently, Simon had tucked it into some layers at the root of his mind, pressed there between his will to live and his dedication to duty, a prison of steel where it was supposed to be forgotten forever.
Until Soap’s frantic voice had crackled through the comm - We been hit… is compromised… - and then the silence. Price had looked at him, surprise and something that must have been akin to fear in his eyes. Since then, Simon can feel it, the anxiety feeding on the ugly things he has repressed for years, gnawing at the base of his skull, ready to burst free. And along with it, blooms the guilt of failing to protect them from the worst that can happen to a soldier - to anyone . 
When he kills the first guard, he doesn’t bother to look at his face, but as he goes through the long corridors, sniping down each enemy, something clicks. He knows most of them. They’re mercenaries. When his knife slices the throat of another one, he can read in his eyes the terrible recognition and he’s pretty sure he can hear him croak “Ghost?” against his gloved palm before life leaves him.
Price, Gaz and him clear the rooms with brutal efficiency, and by the point they reach the end of the floor, they don’t bother with discretion anymore. They find a pile of discarded boots (two big ones, and two smaller) and belts and gears. Soap and Rain’s stuff. They are kept here, it’s a certainty now. So they kill and kill - sink bullets in old allies - terminating even the injured despite their begging. Ghost is bashing open every door he can see, leaving the last mercenaries to his teammates, until he finds it - the cell. 
He fires at the lock, kicks the door and goes in, handgun first. He scans the room in a second. Clear . And it’s like everything explodes inside him. The air is filled with the smell of gunpowder and fresh blood and revenge. Here they are, Soap and Rain. Soap is tied to a chair in the middle of the room, head lolling against his chest. His face is a mess of red, blood covering dark bruises, like stones at the bottom of a crimson pond. His clothes look soaked, his bare feet are also bloodied.
Rain is sitting on the floor, hands bound behind her back, curled against the leg of McTavish. She might be comforting herself as much as she’s trying to comfort her Sergeant. She’s down to the tight black shorts she wears underneath her cargo pants, her T-shirt is half-torned at the collar, hanging loosely on her shoulders. Blue and black patches are dotted on her upper arms, on her naked legs, but she looks in way better shape than Soap. 
“Simon” she whispers. And he realizes he’s been standing there in shock for a couple seconds. She turns her face to him, and there is a smear of vermilion on her cheek, where it was pressed against Soap’s thigh. Her eyes are a little wild, the white veined in reddish streaks - she must have cried. “Simon” she says again, like she can’t quite believe he’s real. 
Ghost snaps open the zip ties, and as soon as she’s free, she turns to Soap, holds his face in her small hands. “Johnny, Johnny, they’re here - you’ll be ok - Fuck, Johnny, please look at me…” she begs, while Simon frees him as well. Price and Gaz are at the doorstep, taking in the scene before them. Ghost is holding Rain with one arm, trying to prevent Soap from falling on the ground with the other - and she’s frantic, she repeats his name, tries to wake him up from his lethargic state. Simon tries to reassure her - Rain, let me take care of him. Rain. Rain, stop. 
But she can’t, she’s spiraling and she starts crying again. It feeds Simon’s own anxiety, he’s been helpless in protecting them, and even now he doesn’t know what to do. He presses her against him, hopes it will calm her down but it’s useless. Until her name - her true name - echoes in the room. Price’s voice is firm, devoid of any blame but commanding nonetheless. Ghost feels Rain stiffen immediately in his arms, her body reacting on instinct to her Captain’s order. 
Price gets her out of Simon’s grip, gently pulling her out of the way so he can take care of Soap. Are you hurt? Can you walk? She doesn’t answer, she’s shaking, from the cold and the shock of it all. Price scans her body, cataloging every bruise, the blood on her face, on her palms - not hers though. Soap’s…
“It’s bad Captain” Gaz whispers, eyes to the side, looking at Simon’s hauling Johnny in his arms. “We need to go. Now.” Price nods, gaze locked on Rain.
“Requesting evac. 6 minutes. They’re alive but … keep the medic on board.” Gaz’s radio crackled with a stern copy . They climbed on the roof to rendez-vous with the chopper. Rain insisted on retrieving some of her gear, she had put on her boots and holster, and had proceeded to unsheath her knife. Price had tried to argue she didn’t need to, she was safe now - but she wouldn’t listen. She made her way with the rest of them, in her shorts and torn shirt, holding her blade so tight her knuckles were white under the crimson of Soap’s blood clinging to her skin. She looked straight out of those dumb horror movies Soap likes to watch on leave. Bloodied and beaten and with tears on her cheeks, and yet still holding a knife ready to do whatever it takes to stay alive. 
Her head was too light and too heavy at the same time, her legs felt like cotton, she could barely hear anything above the deafening sound of her thumping heart. The last of her adrenaline was keeping her standing, but the second she got up into the chopper, she crashed. Price had to carefully pry the knife from her hands, strap her down to her seat, fix the headset on her ears, because her fingers were shaking too much.
On the other side of the heli, the medic was bunched over Johnny’s form, Ghost by his side. He turned back suddenly, back to her. The skull mask is streaked red, the white paint on his chin also. With the lack of light in the hull, she can’t see his eyes, just two holes of dark void. Anyone else would be terrified of him when he looks like this. Like some deranged creature that’s barely human, all bones and no flesh. But she spots the slight way his shoulders just drop, like he’s releasing a breath at her sight. Unconsciously, she mimics him, tries to even her breathing, tries to slow the angry roar of her blood. 
“‘Am fine” she states, voice flat, when Price clicks his mic open, before he even asks anything. “Just bruises. No internal bleeding. No concussion.” 
“Just let the medic check on you after.” Her captain insists.
“I have none of the symptoms.” She concludes and Price knows not to argue, because she started learning military medicine a few months ago and the new medic on base genuinely thought she was a colleague when she efficiently treated the open fracture of some rookie. Her ability to pick up new knowledge frightens him a bit sometimes. 
“I am fine.” she repeats mechanically. “I’m not the one injured.” she adds so low Price wouldn’t have heard it if it wasn’t for her mic. He picks up the underlying guilt in her statement immediately. 
“You stop this right now - Rain - Rain, listen to me. I’m fucking serious. It wasn’t your fault.” There is a tinge of despair behind the controlled anger in his voice. First time he sounds like this. It unsettles her. 
“You don’t understand, Johnny, he- he said stupid things so they would stop what they were- they tried to attack me-but…he…” She’s getting breathless, words stuck in her throat, hurting like she had been fed burning coal. Her voice not as monotonous as before, wavy and unsure. “He sacrificed himself.” and with that she starts to cry again. 
She’s asleep when Ghost joins her. The only reason she was able to close her eyes was the couple of sleeping pills and painkillers the medic slipped in Price’s hand before gesturing at her in a silent order. Her head had been spinning the whole time she shed her clothes and sat under the shower spray. From the medication and the exhaustion - Price had stayed to make sure she was alright. But at least she fell on her mattress and went unconscious the minute after.
Simon curls around her, squeezes her body against his, the warmth of her skin a blessing he wasn’t sure he would be able to know again. She moves in her sleep, sinks against his chest even further. Fuck . His heart misses a beat when he thinks about the fact she might have been gone. Forever. Her and Johnny, they both might have. He had spent the last hours mulling over his fear in the back of the room where the medic was trying his best to patch up Soap. 
Now all he wanted was for her to forget, for her to not have to go through what he had lived after his own capture. He stays there, strong arms around her waist, his discarded mask still covered in blood on the nightstand - an artifact powerful enough to repel the demons in her nightmares.
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apollosgiftofprophecy · 8 months
So I was re-watching the show and I had a thought about the dynamic between Zeus's kids. Ignore if you've answered this before, but how do her siblings feel about Persephone?
I kinda feel like there are parallels to Sally trying to keep Percy away from Olympian drama and Demeter trying to keep Persephone away from Olympian drama, only for both to fail badly. Not to mention that Persephone probably, for a brief period, turned into the kid Zeus paid attention to most, mostly because of how Demeter protested her marriage. I do have the HC that Persephone and Hermes get along the most, due to Hermes being the sibling to visit the Underworld the most, but what do you think? Hades might be a useful ally in a rebellion.
I haven't really thought much about Persephone's dynamic with everyone else🤔
However, I will touch on my thoughts on her relationship with Demeter and Apollo (in the RRverse) because those are the ones I know right off the top of my head.
With Demeter, I don't like the helicopter parent stereotype attributed to her. Contrary to the media's beliefs, Demeter's panic is very sound considering her daughter was. ya know. kidnapped.
it was an arranged marriage! yeah yeah it's still kidnapping, and Persephone screamed for help. it's all there in the Hymn to Demeter.
because of this, Demeter and Persephone had a very loving mother-daughter relationship imo. Demeter also wasn't against Persephone marrying, btw. In the Orphic tradition, Demeter prophesizes that Persephone would marry Apollo, though that never came to pass obviously (I have a silly take on this in a bit sit tight).
Now Apollo :D the fun starts here.
SO. PERSEPHONE'S PLAYMATES WERE ATHENA AND ARTEMIS. Additionally, as mentioned previously, Demeter was like "oh yeah Persephone's gonna marry Apollo one day".
Apollo & Persephone are BFFs, and Demeter is the mom who sees her daughter has a boy friend and starts shipping them XD
Demeter: You look so cute together!
Persephone: MOM YOU'RE SO EMBARRESSING hides face
also! there's another myth that adds on to this headcanon of mine :D
People think Demeter causes winter. She does not - she just stops the plant growth.
Apollo lets winter happen when he takes his vacations to Hyperborea :D
Apollo aligned his vacations during the time Persephone is in the Underworld because fuck it if he can't hang with his BFF during this time of year might as well do his vacation instead so he has more time during the spring/summer months with her then!
Remember this scene in The Last Olympian?
The older lady harrumphed. "I warned you, daughter. This scoundrel Hades is no good. You could've married the god of doctors or the god of lawyers, but noooo. You had to eat the pomegranate."
Apollo is the god of healing. He also hold dominion over law, and played defense attorney for Orestes.
she presents it to Persephone like she has two options but they're the same person LMAO
I also wanna talk about the whole 'Demeter forbid Apollo from going near her kids' thing too! Because with the context of this^, it makes you wonder why.
...but then you realize that maybe it was because of the above she forbid him from her kids - or more specifically, she forbid him because he didn't marry Persephone XD
So she ships them. But also she's salty she didn't get her favorite nephew for a son-in-law to marry her favorite daughter and therefore banned him from her kids.
Seems counter-productive, but you do you Demeter lmao XD
(and yes, Hades would be a useful ally in a rebellion...hehehehe)
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marieisnothere12 · 3 months
Elpenor, the Simulation
Spoilers for the Odyssey and any adaptation of it (ex: Epic the Musical) up to when Odysseus goes to the Underworld.
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moony-2001 · 9 months
Lore Olympus ep. 255 critique
Boy oh boy.
No remorse and tonal whiplash
We open this chapter with Persephone waking up not dead, total shock in Hades' arms, asking him if what happened was all a bad dream.
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When Hades responds that what happened was not all in her head, we as the readers would expect Persephone to react with shock, remorse, something. Nope. Instead, we get this:
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"Oh dear" with the most expressionless face ever. Our empathetic, caring protagonist everyone.
Now maybe I'm being too harsh. However, I feel like most people upon being confronted with the fact that they caused mass destruction would be pretty upset, if not incredibly so. But that's just my 2 cents.
We immediately transition into a party that's being set up for Persephone by all her friends and cohorts. We're then treated to this lovely image:
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Thanks Captain Obvious.
While Hermes and Megaera argue over whether or not carrot cake is good, Thanatos pulls Hecate aside and notes about the massive uptick in incoming deaths which confirms what I said in my last critique post. While initially denying it, Hecate quickly realizes that something is very very wrong and that's when Hades and Persephone burst through the doors. Persephone bursts into tears and we get the most tone-deaf sentence ever:
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Wow. Haha so funny. Comedy. Given the context of what just happened, this attempt at humor fell so flat.
I feel like the first third of this chapter kind of speaks for itself in terms of the writing and art, which is not good. There's just no emotion at all. I get the feeling that we're supposed to feel bad for Persephone and I just... don't. I don't have a whole lot more to say about this portion of the chapter; just that when I read it, I strained my eyeballs from rolling them so hard.
Hades tries not to make everything about himself challenge: Impossible
We transition into the post-party disaster cleanup where Persephone is hiding out in a greenhouse and Hades and Hecate are inside. Hades takes this opportunity to make everything about himself.
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First of all, you're not and you're not.
But on a more serious note, this is not the first time we see Hades take a situation that has either nothing or almost nothing to do with him and make it all about himself. In fact, this is something he does frequently throughout the comic. Hades, in my opinion, very much has a "me, me, me, it's all about me" mindset.
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One instance that comes to mind is this scene that happens in early s2 after Persephone opens up about her childhood and AOW. She barely has had time to share and process her traumatic experiences when Hades decides that this is the perfect time to dump 2000 years' worth of pent-up trauma onto a girl he's known for maybe 2 weeks at that point. Yet, he refuses to actively seek help during his time before meeting Persephone and even calls his therapist a hack.
Another instance is when Persephone confronts Hades about ripping out Alex's eye in s1 (when she was still somewhat empathetic to nymphs and whatnot).
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Hades, when torturing Alex, very quickly shifts from the mentality of "you could've really damaged Persephone's reputation" to "I'm going to punish you because I view Persephone as my property and how dare you do this to me?"
Hades even outright admits it when confronted. He took a situation that had nothing to do with him and completely made it about himself.
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Another instance is when Persephone tells Hades about what Apollo did to her and Hades flies off the handle and makes her trauma about himself. About what he is going to do even though that is not his decision to make.
It baffles me how conceited Hades is despite claiming to care about Persephone. I don't understand how you can look at a person who is going through a hell of a time and think "Let's make this about me". But that's a whole other post for the future
Zeus and Apollo
Skipping to the end of the episode, Apollo calls Hades (with Zeus' phone?) and tells him that he wants to take Persephone off Hades' hands.
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Straight up, I don't like Hades and Persephone either as characters or together as a couple. I think they bring out the worst in each other. But Persephone is not some dog that needs to be rehomed and frankly, the whiplash Rachel is giving her audience in regards to Apollo's character is going to put me in a neck brace for life. She keeps flip-flopping between trying to make Apollo this sad, sympathetic anti-hero and the most egregious villain to walk the earth. You can not be both Zuko and Azula Rachel. You need to pick a lane and stay in it.
Apollo reveals that Zeus is in a coma and Hermes conveniently has the news up and running so we as the audience can be greeted with this:
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"Attempted murder" you say? Of a being that literally can't die? Rachel, do you even know what attempted murder means?
"The defendant took at least one direct (but ineffective) step towards killing another person" and "The defendant intended to kill that person (malice aforethought)" -> California Law and Sentencing
While both of these are true in the fact that Apollo took the steps to kill Zeus and also intended to kill Zeus, they're gods. You can't murder a god. In order for murder to be attempted, or to even happen, the person in question has to be able to die. But then they're a human, not a god.
I feel like a more accurate report would be something along the lines of "Zeus has fallen victim to what seems to be a violent coup that has left him seriously incapacitated." Maybe that's not the best sentence to ever grace the writing scene, but hopefully my point is clear.
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Also, how are people still oblivious to the fact that Apollo is, at the very least, incredibly suspicious right now. I mean his father has just been announced to be "dying" and instead of taking the time to mourn or even appear upset, he immediately slides into the position of power as King of the gods.
This chapter definitely wasn't as bad as 254, but it did make my brain hurt. Merry Christmas Eve and Happy Holidays to those of you who don't celebrate Christmas. See you all soon.
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
Hi! How are you doing? 🤔 I'm doing okay but I have a request of course! Can you do a Humans and Gods reaction to Shigaraki!Reader or if you don't really know him maybe Dabi!Reader and them reacting to how strong and powerful they are and maybe finding our about their past of being abused? I CAN ONLY IMAGINE ADAMS REACTION- please and thank you and have a good day/night! Drink water and eat food!
-You were a loner in Valhalla, able to leave freely now, not having to hide from authorities, unless if you did something bad here in the heavens, but you behaved, for the most part, as you liked being able to walk around without constantly having to look over your shoulder.
-You found solstice in those who appreciated your abilities, your flames, unlike your family, who turned their backs on you, mainly just your father, but you did have resentment for the others as well.
-The blacksmiths of Valhalla were appreciative of your hot flames, and you got to learn a new skill in what goes into making weapons.
-You enjoyed your quiet life, but there were days you hid away, refusing to leave your home, as your flames were eating away at you from the inside out, too hot to handle.
-The gods you worked with knew this and you were surprised when they presented you with a power limiter, one that helped keep your internal temperature, your flames, under control.
-You were so appreciative of this gift, as you could take it off whenever you wanted, like when you were working, and those painful days were soon left behind.
-You had always wanted to be a hero, following in your father’s footsteps, until you learned how corrupt some, not all, heroes actually were, your father being the number one example in your book, so you were content being a villain on earth, and being neutral in Valhalla.
-That is, until you were offered the chance to fight for humanity, to be a champion and fight against the gods themselves.
-You walked into the human champion’s waiting room, hands in your pockets and you were surprised by the other warriors in the room, many you knew, having seen them around in Valhalla, as well as knowing them from history.
-A fire god was the first god chosen and you were quick to volunteer, as you were tired and wanted to take a nap.
-Adam was quick to try to deter you, as you were a teenager and you sent him a grin, the staples in your face moving slightly, keeping what skin you had left intact, “I got this. It’ll be like fighting my dad again.”
-Your words stunned the whole waiting room, valkyries included as you walked out into the arena, the sound of people cheering for you, cheering your name, was a sound you never thought you would hear, it was so nice.
-The human champions were all watching from a viewing balcony, similar to Zeus’, as many had run out after you, worried by what your words meant in the waiting room.
-Humans screamed out in fear as your opponent was quick to shoot you with flames, surrounding your body with them, but everyone’s jaws dropped to the floor as you walked through the flames, patting your sleeves down, completely fine other that you were a bit singed.
-You smirked lightly at your opponent, “If you’re gonna burn something, make sure you’re going to actually burn it.” you pulled the limiter off and bright blue flames surrounded your hands, shocking not only him, but everyone else in attendance as well.
-By the time the match was over, about ten minutes later, you were the victor, but you collapsed to your knees, flames surrounding you as you gasped, unable to breathe, the flames too hot.
-Hephaestus and several of the blacksmiths ran to you, with two more power limiters and put them on your wrists and almost instantly your flames vanished, before you collapsed, fainting.
-It was hours later when you woke up, in what you could only describe as a test tube, surrounded by water, your skin and wounds healing from your flames.
-Once the nurses saw you were awake, they drained the water and helped you out, drying you off and putting you to bed with strict orders not to get up.
-Adam rushed in, worried about you, which surprised you before some of the other human warriors entered, as they had no idea you could do what you did in your match.
-You were weak, but cracking snarky jokes, which made Brunnhilde roll her eyes, but she knew you were okay.
-After some grilling between Kojiro and Adam about your earlier words, you told them about your past, of what your father did to you and your siblings, and how he abandoned you.
-Almost instantly, with no room for arguments, they both adopted you, a father and a grandfather in an instant which was unusual, but you didn’t feel like fighting them.
-When Nikola rushed you, asking you about your abilities and your flames, you humored his questions, allowing Adam to dote on you, feeding you the (favorite flavor) ice cream you had requested.
-It was strange, you didn’t dislike the idea about having a sudden mismatched family like this, it was almost comforting, like you finally found a place to belong.
-The wholesome moment was ruined when the ice cream hit your teeth and you froze up in pain.
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r-0-x-4-s · 15 days
epic: the musical ranking to my likings (to be updated every album release!)
God Games - i think i died the first time i heard Aphrodite, all the gods, its such a fun song, i love Athena
No Longer You - prophecy song and foreshadowing 🔝 just my vibe
Just a Man - the man, the legend, the myth, would feel like a crime not putting it in the top 3
My Goodbye - i can feel Athena's and Ody hearts break, i love singing along, "You're Just a Man" chorus... chills! i love Athena pt. 2
Scylla - i love evil women doing evil shit "Drown in your sorrows and fears!!!" 💃YAS QUEEN, Eurylochus' coming out+ "RUN FOR YOUR LIVES" yeah epic survival song
Suffering - i love evil women doing evil shit pt. 2, the love Ody has for Penelope>>>, such a funny song to sing along, "Penelope, why, You know I'm too shy 👉👈"
Done For - CIRCE!!! i love evil women doing evil shit pt. 3, i love circe
Wouldn't You Like - every God song is such a banger, hermes is a delight and i love his zany laughter
Ruthlessness - finally the Ocean Saga shows up! (no i totally didnt fear to write down this word *hides in dyslexic cave* i feel always proud if i can pronounce it right first try) this song is very much a slay
Remember Them - chills
Survive - yeah epic survival song pt. 2, aot vibes, i love how this one and polyphemus are attached, true epicness
Keep Your Friends Close - silly song i love with my whole heart, Aeolous is so cute!!
There Are Other Ways - CIRCE!! i love her!!
Little Wolf - why does Antino sound so good and suave, i always imagined him like a disgusting pig <3, i love Athena pt. 3
Thunder Bringer - Zeus has such a distant regal vibe, the "But we'll die/ I know" HEART BREAKING
Warrior of the Mind - a classic, maybe The Classic, i love Athena pt. 4
The Horse and the Infant -SUCH A GREAT OPENING OF THE ALBUM!! first look at zeus and so many greek "heroes" mentions!!
We'll Be Fine - Athena and Telemachus!! just this, she's not the Step-Aunt... she's the Aunt who stepped up!!! i love Athena pt. 5
Open Arms - Such a hawaiian shirt song fr fr
Puppeteer - it took me some time to warm up to it (cus of the rap, i don't listen to it usually) BUT ITS SO SILLY!!
Polyphemus - I really like the middle to end part, when Ody tries to talk his way out of the cave, and the end connecting to Survive its what we call a slay
Luck Runs Out - maybe i just dont really like the Ocean Saga lol, tho this song is very very cool, (remember seeing it in lmk video and thats what forced me to listen to the epic musical in full) before anyone comes for me THIS SONG IS GOOD BUT I LIKE EVERYTHING ABOVE IT MORE
Love in Paradise - CALYPSO IS SO GOOD!??? tho apart from her verses i don't really like anything else :(
The Underworld - everytime i get reminded Full Speed Ahead exists a part of my soul dies, tho right after "Bye, Mom" THE SONG BECOMES ONE OF MY FAVES
Monster - i think this is the song i quote the most irl, i think its low just cus its too fast for me to sing along 😭 and also its less iconic than The Underworld
Legendary - i like this a lot! such a good "I Want" Disney type song!
Mutiny - now im wondering if i should put this higher, but the problem is that (apart from the last 3 and the top 4) EVERY SONG IS INTERCHANGABLE, THEY ARE ALL GREAT IN THEIR WAY
Full Speed Ahead - the bane of my existência, i skip it 50% of the times, still has great moments like Polited and "Penelope is waiting for me"
Different Beast - the bane of my existência pt. 2, always a skip, unless im in the shower, then i would sing along while >:(
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toxic3mmy · 6 months
hiiii ive been rlly obsessed with pjo lately, and this idea's been stuck in my head sooo
a pjo au where reader is a child of eros, and accidentally shoots q with one of the love arrows while practicing archery?? and then he gets a puppy crush and starts following reader around, just a cute romcom :)
woah, this idea sounds awesome! thanks so much for the request babe!! i’ll try my best to satisfy your pjo obsession hehehe
(also, i tweaked some junk like powers of the children of zeus and stuff just to make it easier, JUST PRETEND ITS CORRECT PLZ)
(thinking of adding original art to this IDK GIMME TIME)
prompt: you’re practicing archery and shoot alex, child of apollo, with a love arrow which leads to an accidental crush on you
no warnings! super cute and fluffy and romcom!!
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part one ~
[listen at each star *]
it was a quiet spring morning. you were up and ready for your day and you decided that it would be perfect weather to practice your archery skills. you collected your materials and head off to your usual practice area.
you spruce up your target on the beautiful willow tree trunk in front of you and you begin.
you put your things out on your practice table in a neat manner. you play some of your “weird” non mythological music and begin.
you relax completely, hold up your bow and with a deep breath in, you let go.
“god.. that’s just terrible” you mumble to yourself as you spot the arrow almost a foot away from the practice board.
you draw back again and let go.
“no wonder i need the damn practice” you’re a bit annoyed seeing the arrow land in the grass at the base of the tree but continue to practice.
you draw back again, feeling a slight tingly vibration in your fingertips, and you knew this was a good sign. you were going to hit it right on the bullseye. the moment you begin to exhale, your music makes an odd doppler effect-like sound and it freaks you out a bit. you still absentmindedly let go of the arrow but don’t see where it landed.
“puta madre!”
a blood curdling shriek escapes you. you frantically try to hide from whoever it was that yelled.
a boy with dark hair came up from behind the willow tree and as soon as your eyes met, he holds both his hands up in defeat.
“don’t shoot, please!”
“dude, what the fuck are you doing here?! i almost had a heart attack! ew what’s wrong with your skin?” you made a face of disgust at him
“huh? look, i was just trying to find where that music was coming from and you shot me! like seriously, can you help me get this stupid arrow out of my ass?! god it’s like really deep in my butt meat”
“okay firstly, ew. secondly, ew.”
“im serious, can you give me a hand?” he pleaded, and as you approached him you noticed way too many things at once;
one: his skin was seriously looking freaky
two: he was a child of apollo, a sworn enemy of your eros parents
three: the arrow was really deep in his buttcheek
four: ….
“oh fuck me”
his skin was literally glowing. like… with love and junk.
you look down at the arrow you just removed from him and… oh no, how?!
you shot him with a love arrow. that’s just your luck, huh?
“hey… come here often sweetheart?” he smirked and you seriously had to choke down vomit
“really, that’s what you call flirting? you are such a little virgin boy”
“maybe you can change that” he holds your hand in his and pulls you in closer “maybe you want to put something else in my ass tonight besides that arrow” he smirked once again
you couldn’t believe the words he was saying to you.
you began laughing uncontrollably at his poor attempts at being suave and hot. you bent over laughing, you laughed so hard your abdomen was in absolute pain.
“see? i knew you’d come around, sexy lady” he pulled you up to be chest to chest with him
you quickly pushed him off and dried your tears from laughing so much.
“shut up dude, what even is your name? never mind, we need to get you a cure because i am definitely not going to deal with you and this… love crush thing” you began to collect your things in your backpack and you reached for the same arrow the raven haired menace did, as he was trying to help you.
“my name is alex… but you definitely have permission to call me papi” he said as your touching hands were intertwined in his and you quickly yanked your hand away
“blegh! you seriously need help, you creep! come on, we don’t have time to waste! our parents will absolutely kill us if they see us together” you yanked his arm to follow you and your head snapped at him as you heard a lewd moan come from alex.
“oh yeah, i love it when you’re rough baby” he moaned even louder and you plonked him in the head.
rolling your eyes, you continued to drag him to the only person who could help you out with no hesitation.
it took about fifteen agonizing minutes of walking to your friend thalia’s home as alex would not stop flirting with you and it wouldn’t be that bad of an issue but the dude had absolutely no game so it was just a lot of secondhand embarrassment you were dealing with.
you knocked on thalia’s door and prayed she was in.
thankfully, she opened the door a second later with a sweet smile,
“oh y/n! what a lovely surprise and… um excuse me what the actual frick is going on here??”
you pulled alex in and closed her door hurriedly.
“look man, i was practicing my archery right?”
“uh huh…” thalia replied
“because i simply suck balls at it right??”
“no you don’t darling! you’re a natural beauty and not to mention a talented one at that!” alex sighed, admiring you and inch from your face.
you shoved away his big head with your hand, and continued,
“oh no! my honey is in distress! fear not, sweet maiden—”
thalia blows a green dust in his face and alex plops down on the ground like a sack of potatoes and he’s snoring away immediately.
“oh my god, thank you so so much! you don’t understand, he was literally like moaning all the way here and he calls that flirting?! he—”
“okay girl, do you need some eepy dust too?? just take a deep breath okay?”
you nod and calm down
“okay, as much as i know you need my help and as much as i want to help you, i can’t. we literally just ran out of the potion for that yesterday and i can’t make any new batches because im missing the main ingredient”
“well that’s okay! tell me where to get it and i’ll go right now and we can fix this whole mess and get rid of the buffoon!”
“no y/n, you don’t understand… the ingredient we need isn’t something you can just go get…”
you looked at her with a really confused face
“the ingredient is uh… spider legs, really weird i know! but you know the all mighty zeus, my pops, yeah he’s not as big and bad as he seems. he’s actually terrified of spiders so he banned them here in our world and i don’t get any spiders in stock until christmas because that’s the only time i can get my guy out here and… yeah”
“are you serious? god damn your dad and his arachnophobia..” i pinch the bridge of my nose in frustration
“yeah well, it’s either wait eight months for this potion or… get your father to undo the love spell”
i sigh and put my head down in my hands, feeling really defeated. what the hell do i do now?
“well… on the bright side, that dust i used on him will have some good effects when used alongside a love spell” thalia offers and you perk up
“wait really?? is he going to stop being so creepy with me?”
“well, maybe? it differs from person to person. but i do know that it most likely will make him act more in tune with his regular personality when he’s into someone, if that helps?” she smiled nervously
“let’s just hope he stops moaning every time i touch him” i say hopefully
“so.. you should probably try telling your dad. it was all a huge accident and i don’t think he’s going to be too upset. yeah he’ll probably give you the old ‘you need to be more responsible’ speech thing but im sure he’ll help you… unless he punishes you by not helping” thalia laughs deviously at the idea
“well thanks anyways, man. also, how long til he wakes up?” you ask, pointing at alex on the floor
“oh, one sec” thalia moves closer to him and kicks him in the balls
alex immediately shoots his eyes open and groans in pain
you look at thalia and the two of you laugh together.
thalia hands alex a pain reliever lollipop as a parting gift and you say your goodbyes to one another.
now it’s just you and alex.. and you were nervous about the way he was going to act with you.
“hey.. i uh, im really sorry about the way i was acting earlier. i seriously was acting super virgin-esque huh? i kinda heard everything you guys were saying even though i was asleep and yeah… but hey, at least now i’m not moaning at you like a harlot right now?” he laughed softly
“that’s so embarrassing that you heard us… but hey, at least you’re somewhat normal again?” you asked and offered him a smile
“i uh.. i never even asked for your name”
“oh, its y/n” you reply in a quiet voice
“that’s a really beautiful name… did i ever mention what my powers were?”
“no actually, you didn’t” you shook your head
“well, can i borrow your bow?” he asks sheepishly
you hesitantly nod and hand him your bow and a normal arrow
he places the arrow in its rightful position and comes up behind you. he’s still holding onto it as he places it in your hands. his arms are completely around you and his head is right next to yours.
“okay, relax. now, you see that small red flag thing on the tree over there? imagine the arrow landing right in the middle. take a deep breath” his hands were atop yours as he pulled the bow back and he whispered almost seductively,
“let go”
you both let the arrow go and it shoots right where you imagined it to. you gulped at how close he was to you. he smelled of pine and cinnamon. it was wonderful..
“you just needed a little push.. you did great y/n” he said in a low voice, still holding onto your hands on the bow
why did you want to lean in and kiss him?
wait, what?!
you immediately pulled away, putting as much space between the two of you as possible.
“y-yeah.. um thank you alex. should we keep going now?” you ask, unable to make eye contact with him
“whatever you’d like to do y/n. i’m honestly just enjoying your presence right now. it almost feels like it’s just you and me here, doesn’t it?”
you didnt know what to say. you agreed completely. you wanted nothing more than to waste your time with alex and his handsome smile and his sweet way with words and—
“y/n? can i show you my other power?” her broke the scary thoughts you were having
alex began to sing the same song in was listening to earlier, without missing a single beat. how did he even know this song?
he took your hand and sung his heart out to you. you felt a swarm of butterflies flutter at the pit of your stomach. it feels like you were the one that got a love arrow stuck in your butt.
“your voice is beautiful… how do you know that song?” you asked, continuing to walk alongside alex
“well, i heard it a long time ago. sometimes i can hear it in my dreams, too. it’s not music we can listen to here, it’s mortal music i think. how do you know it?” he asked curiously
“i’ve always had an interest in mortal music.. i was actually playing that song this morning when the whole incident happened, i think you may have interfered with the sound waves when you were trying to find where it was coming from”
“that’s right… i guess this is our song then, huh?” he stated, grabbing me gently by the arm as we stopped in our tracks
“yeah, i guess so” your face was gently raised up by alex’s fingertips, forcing you to look into his entrancing brown eyes
“y/n, are you sure you’re not a siren?” alex whispered, his lips practically touching your lips
“it feels like you’re luring me to my sweet demise.. and what’s a death sentence without me being given a last meal? please, let me taste your lips before you take my soul away. it would make me feel oh so complete in this bittersweet end” he claimed proudly
with a flutter of your eyes, you shut them softly and gently press your lips against his
you feel his arms wrap around you in a tight but gentle way, and you reciprocated by holding his torso tightly
your hands grip his shirt tightly in fists as alex deepens the kiss, a small whimper leaving his soon to be bruised lips
alex pulls away and says softly,
“i can die a happy man now, y/n”
you had no idea what just happened or how it happened or even why you let it happen???
there was just something about him that lured you in. you wanted to take him in in every way possible, because to consume him would mean to be one.
god, what the hell were you even thinking?
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amazingmsme · 7 months
Oh no I accidentally wrote a whole lil drabble 😭 The Ler! Hermes brainrot is real man
Omg they're talking about which Gods scare them the most and Polites says a typical answer like the big 3, and Odysseus teases him about how he's shocked it isn't Hermes cause he's so ticklish. Polites gets flustered and enacts some fake bravado to hide it like
“Why would I be scared of a lame God like that? I'm not that ticklish-”
Eurylochus raises his eyebrows and chuckles like “Yeah, okay buddy. Whatever you say.”
Polites gets a lil defensive and pouty.
“I'm not!! Hermes doesn't scare me, okay? Zeus is way scarier-”
Famous last words lol. Hermes catches wind of the interaction, perhaps on a typical check in of Odysseus or in search of Athena and decides to have some fun. He lingers on the edge of Polites’ periphery, making him question if he's seeing what he thinks he's seeing and he eventually goes to Odysseus to confirm and maybe ask him to go away so he doesn't have to. Odysseus just winces sympathetically and laughs at him, a hand on his shoulder as his eyes twinkle mischievously.
“Ahh, that's Hermes alright. But you should be fine, right? You said you weren't scared of him. Good luck~”
Polites is left gaping after him at the betrayal and Hermes decides now is the time so he just poofs into existence and smiles innocently at him, waving Odysseus’ way who's watching with amusement.
“So; I heard you're not scared of me? Awfully bold for a Human with your…”
He trails off as his eyes scan him up and down and a smirk quirks his lips, already making Polites want to giggle.
“sensitivities. Though perhaps it's not too surprising, you do seem to gain quite a bit of enjoyment out of the whole arrangement, don't you?”
He laughs at the blush and frantic shh'ing that earns him as Eurylochus and Odysseus snicker and whispher amongst each other from afar.
“Oh trust me, my friend, they're already well aware. Why do you think they bully you so? Perhaps that's why you saw fit to provoke me as well, hm?”
Polities shakes his head as he backs away, a shaky smile already on his face.
“No, no! Of course not, your Grace, your Highness- I-I just-”
“Hermes is fine. They weren't exaggerating; you truly are downright endearing. I'll let you in a little secret, since I'm feeling charitable. You know, I don't even have to lay a hand on you to tickle you?”
He winks, and with a wave of his hand, Polities squeals and jumps away from what feels like a poke at his ribs, quickly followed by another and another until he's dancing in place trying to dodge the phantom tickles. Poor Polites is a flustered, jumbled mess.
“Point proven, point proven!! Please!”
Hermes hums in mock thought; smirking.
“Mm, Mm, much better! But enlighten me. Who's the scariest God again~?”
Politics feels a feather at his neck, and shrieks briefly as something squeezes his hips.
“Yhohohohou, you, Hermes!”
Hermes giggles and with another wave of his hand, the sensations stop, leaving him to crumple to the floor. Hermes leaves him with a water skin and a knowing, dare I say, fond smile and a ruffle of his hair.
“Good boy; do try to keep that in mind, yes? Ta-ta~!”
He disappears as quickly as he came and Odysseus and Eurylochus help him up, trying to hold back laughter of their own.
Eurylochus discreetly gives Odysseus his winnings for not holding out against Hermes behind his back. Then they both tease him.
“...See? Even the Gods think you're cute. Now you really can't deny it.”
“Looks like you were cursed after all~”
Polities just covers his face and groans, pouting, knowing they're never gonna let him live this down.
“Leave me alone…”
Ahhh I totally flustered myself writing this send help 😳
YOU FLUSTERED ME TOO OMG THAT WAS SO GOOOOOD! I can totally see them playing a silly game like that & finding any excuse to tease Polites, it’s just so fitting!
& the way he’s so defensive about it, going as far as to call him lame & downplaying his own sensitivity. But I like to imagine the Gods have a radar whenever someone mentions them & Hermes is curious & peeks in just to see Polites basically shit talking him & he can’t let that fly!
He’s so smug & teasy kxsjkzbdjd poor Polites can’t even defend himself! This is seriously amazing, I’m gonna reread it immediately!
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