#mccall pack for the win
kitkatwinchester · 1 year
I literally love everything about this.
They're all so clever and so smart and so cute and just have such good teamwork and I LOVE OUR MCCALL PACK! <3 <3
Okay, for starters, that whole little planning and set-up of the lake house plan was so clever and so cute. This is a small thing, but at the start of their little talk, Stiles's immediate defense of Malia ripping up the basement, and that cute little supportive smile he gives her, was just so wholesome and I love them. And then Lydia saying she's "done with high school boys" (which, valid, frankly, given her relationship history), and then turning to Kira and Kira's immediate awkwardness like...
And then KIRA OMG. She's gorgeous, obviously, and she played the foxy fox beautifully, but it was also so unBELIEVABLY Kira to trip and fall down the stairs. Good thing Liam's a hormonal teenage werewolf or that definitely could've backfired. But luckily, it still worked!
And then the intervention at the lake house (("Think of it like an intervention, Liam. You have a problem." "And we're the only ones that can help." Sciles finishing each other's sentences ANYWAYS.), and everyone going through what they are and then there's Stiles.
"Uh, for a little while I was possessed by an evil spirit. It was very evil." "What are you now?" "Better?"
I LOVE HIM SO MUCH!!! XD XD <3 <3 (Though, as a very quick aside, anger issues and werewolf-ing do not mix, so THAT'S disconcerting...)
And then, after all of that, I really appreciate how quickly they all reacted, and how well they all worked together, when they hit emergency mode. Scott and Kira immediately grabbing Liam to get him to the boathouse (Scira! <3), Malia immediately calling for Stiles and him being super quick to grab her and get her to the basement (Stalia! <3), and then that fun little interaction between Stiles and Lydia (Stydia! <3 Stalia can be adorable and I can still have my OTP, okay? XD)...
"Lydia, who throws the best parties in Beacon Hills?" "What? Me, obviously!" "Okay. Then throw a party."
And I bet that's exactly what she's gonna do, because she rocks.
I mean it's just...
In other news, really not loving that we have an assassin to deal with, but I am loving the Derek and Noah team-ups and dynamics, because that's all kinds of fun since Sciles is a LITTLE busy to be helping with that whole situation at the moment.
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(100% not from this season (I can tell by Dylan and Shelley’s haircuts lol), but it's all five of them and I love them, so... <3 <3 <3 <3)
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rosalinesurvived · 1 year
Teen Wolf S5 becomes a million times more hilarious once you imagine that the Chimera Pack all still go to Beacon Hills alongside the McCall pack. They go through lessons together. I bet Theo forces the Chimeras to all sit with him at one table while the puppy pack sits sat at the polar opposite side of lunch hall. I bet they gang up against each other during Gym. I bet the classmates/teachers assume they’re just rival cliques
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lfzyxf · 3 months
Game night with the TW pack (S4)
Masterlist The pack being teens Word count: 872
“We are not playing Monopoly again Stiles” Lydia sighed looking at the mentioned boy disapprovingly. Stiles looked at her confused “Why not? It’s fun!” Scott laughed at his comment, shaking his head while Lydia just sighed again. “Fun for you and no one else. You turn into a monster when you play Monopoly. I’m not doing it again.” Stiles pouted before flopping down on the couch, crossing his arms.
“We could play UNO?” Kira suggested softly, she’s sitting at the coffee table crisscross style. She held up the pack of UNO cards, smiling sweetly at Lydia who shrugged in response. Malia moved to sit next to Stiles before she took the packet of cards. “Yeah, I still remember how to play this at least. My sister and I used to play this a lot.” She smiled softly at the memories coming to mind as she placed the cards down on the coffee table.
As everyone took a seat either on the couch or around the coffee table, Kira started to shuffle the cards. It didn’t take long for the game to turn into a chaotic mess. Stiles thought someone messed with his cards, there’s no way he just had luck that bad. Malia was placing as many +2 cards as she could and somehow kept getting them. Kira and Scott just played the game as they were supposed to. The kitsune even apologised when she made someone take cards or skip their turn. So did Scott, at first, but he quickly started turning competitive like the others.
Lydia was winning, of course. Stiles had accused her of cheating, but she simply claimed to be good at the game. “You can’t be good at UNO, that’s literally impossible” Stiles spoke loudly. The redhead laughed softly before she shook her head “Maybe for you it is.” As she placed another +2 card she proudly said “UNO” making Stiles grumble as he took two cards to add to his already full hand. After a few more rounds, where Lydia won once more, Kira once and Malia once, they decided to play something else instead.
Malia and Stiles were arguing about game choices when Scott received a text from Liam asking if they were doing anything. He quickly invited Liam to come over and join game night. It didn’t take long at all for the young wolf to arrive and join the argument about what game should be played next.
“What about Scrabble?” Lydia asked holding the game up. “No, you’d definitely win that,” Stiles said, shaking his head. Lydia sighed before putting the game back down. Malia looked at all the options laid out on the table before she picked one up. “This one looks fun,” she said before starting to read the backside of the game's box. Stiles walked over to her, looking at the game she chose “Yeah, actually we could play this one.” “What game is it?” Scott asked from where he was still sitting on the couch, Kira rested her head against his legs. “Clue” Malia read from the box, shrugging before she looked at the people in the room.
Scott shrugged before nodding “Could do, I haven’t played this in ages.” The group moved to sit down again. Liam started to help Malia empty the box, placing everything down as it should be. He handed the instructions to Scott, smiling excitedly. “I love games like this” he said to no one in particular. Scott laughed softly before looking at the character options. He looked at Kira before asking her what character she’d like to be.
She looked at all the options before picking DR. Orchid. “She looks the most like me,” she said smiling. She pointed at the card that read Mrs. Peacock “Malia, you should pick her, she looks like you!” The coyote looked at the card she was pointing at before she nodded in agreement and took the card. A moment later everyone had a character chosen, going with the one they look most like. Well, except Liam, who got stuck with Mr. Mustard.
Scott started to explain the game and the rules, going over it twice so everyone understood. The game started slowly while everyone was figuring out how to play properly. Soon enough it turned into everyone accusing everyone. Liam and Stiles were accusing each other, sure of their thoughts. Scott had a feeling it was Kira or Lydia, the latter thinking it was Malia. It ended up being Kira, who cleverly had almost everyone defending her. Except Scott of course, who was going to say she was the killer but ended up deciding to follow Lydia’s choice.
The night finally ended after this game. In the end, Stiles, Liam and Malia had gotten so heated the pack almost decided to end the game early. Especially when Stiles reached over to try and choke Liam. Who is stronger and easily overtook him before Scott made them stop, sit down and play the game properly. When everyone had cooled down Stiles decided to drive Lydia and Malia home. Kira and Liam deciding to stay over at Scott’s place stayed awake a bit longer before eventually they all went to bed. Already excited for the next game night.
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joshdiaz · 2 years
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— clementine von radics
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jpnriikicore · 1 year
── super shy
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paring stiles stilinski x mccall!reader, word count 1k, genre fluff, authors note ngl this is my fav writing piece i've done so far 🫶🏻( masterlist )
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your standing on the bleachers during a lacrosse practice before tonight’s game. as your a photographer for the year book club you decided to take a few pictures of the lacrosse team for the page that was going to be dedicated to them.
you zoomed your lens in on one player in particular, stiles stilinski. he was talking with the coach - well, more like arguing which wasn’t unusual for the two. you snap a few pictures of him. truth be told, you had a crush on stilinski since fourth grade finding the boy's humor and sarcasm charming.
as he gets back into line to continue to practice he notices you and waves at you. you back away from the camera shyly waving back at him.
you sit down on the bleachers searching through your bag to find a different lens. you were too busy with finding the lens that you completely ignored the sound of someone walking up the bleachers.
"you coming to the game tonight?" his voice slightly startled you as you look up at him. he knew that it was a stupid question. you came to every single game, but he got to nervous and just asked the first question that came to his mind.
he was always incredibly nervous in front of you. either he’s to shy to talk to you which like never happens when talking with anyone else. if you asked everybody else in the school if stiles was talkative or not they would reply that stiles never shuts up. or he would ramble on about the most stupidest topics. well, he believed that it was stupid, but you didn’t you find it to add to his charm and personality.
"yeah!" you nodded looking up at him.
"stilinski!" coach yelled grabbing the attention of the two teenagers.
"see you there," he pointed finger guns at her. she smiled at the playful action. "i-i gotta go get back to practice." he pointed with his thumb behind towards the field.
"yeah, okay. see you at the game stilinski."
luckily, stiles wasn’t on the bench anymore and actually got to play. you sat down on the bleachers next the sheriff and your mom, melissa. like normal game day your wearing braids with red ribbons and a red sweater due to the cold weather with the number '11' on the back to support your brother.
you bought your camera to take a few more pictures. though you tried to take pictures of all of the players fairly for the yearbook you couldn’t help, but notice that the majority of the pictures you took was of stiles. you put your camera down to focus on the game happening in front of you. you looked over to the scoreboard taking notice that beacon hills was winning a few points ahead.
stiles glanced over at you and now is completely emerged about the thought of you. his mind wasn’t focused on the game by any means. you looked too alluring making all his interest go on you. the wind moves a few pieces of your hair that managed to get loose from your braids that exposed '24' painted in red on your cheek. it was a small subtle thing, but it made butterflies irrupt in his stomach.
he managed to get his focus back on the game after getting snapped back into reality by scott. he threw the ball into the net scoring the last point for beacon hills to win. while the other players celebrated he searched for you in the crowd that formed on the field.
you snapped a few more pictures of the players celebrating after the win before packing up your camera equipment which lead to you being one of the last ones to get off the bleachers. you walked through the crowd trying to find your brother to tell him congratulations.
stiles found you first though rushing up to you lifting you up from the ground spinning you around. in shock a few giggles escaped your mouth. a rush of excitement and adrenaline filled stiles as his body reacted before his mind could comprehend what he was doing. he kissed you.
"do you want to go on a date with me?" the words slipped without him thinking by the time he realized it was too late to backtrack his question. he swallowed nervously waiting for your answer.
"i would love to." you nodded, smiling up at him. you held his hand as you walk to the parking lot to your truck. you could tell your brother congratulations once he got home.
you chuck your camera equipment in the passenger seat through the rolled down window of the drivers seat. once you turns around to face stiles once again he trapped you between his body and the truck. his hand resting on the truck and the other carefully cradling your jaw. he leans in kissing you yet again. you melted into the kiss wrapping your arms around his neck pulling him closer. you could definitely get used to this.
"can i see the pictures you took?" he mumbled against your lips.
"yeah." you nodded reaching for the bag that sitting in the driver seat and unzips it getting the camera. you turn to him as you turn the camera on handing it to him. a bright smile paints his face.
"seems like you have a crush on someone." he teased, playfully pushing his shoulder on yours. you looks down in embarrassment kicking the small pebbles in the parking lot with you shoe.
"i've had a crush on you since fourth grade." you admitted lowly.
"i've had a crush on you since we met in the sandbox."
your face lit up at his confession. one night could truly change everything. at one point of tonight you was just childhood friends now you planned on going on a date next friday and kissed twice within the span of five minutes. what you believed was unrequited love for so many years turns out not to be as unrequited as what you believed.
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gatorbites-imagines · 9 months
may I request Scott McCall x male reader smut where Scott a bottom I have not found a fic where scott is a bottom anywhere and I love to see more support for this fandom pls
Scott McCall x male reader
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Scott has always had a special part in my heart ever since I watched Teen Wolf years ago. You are so right about the lack of bottom Scott content, so I hope this helps scratch that itch a little bit.
Reader is a kanima-wolf combo, like Jackson, cuz I love the kanima plot. did someone say tailplay? cuz theres tailplay.
I had a lot of fun writing this ngl, hope you guys enjoy.
Scotts claws dug deep groves into the floor, a high-pitched whine leaving him as the powerful flexible muscle of your tail curled around his middle, dragging him closer to where you were crouched near the shadowed corner of the room.
The day had been spent high strung on your part, as Scott had seemed to make it his mission to tease you. From sultry looks as he bit his lip, or the way he would push his scent at you specifically to leave you agitated. He seemed to take it as a win when he caught your tongue flicking out between your lips, tasting the air as your leftover reptilian instincts demanded of you.
You had been a kanima when you were bitten, around the same time as Jackson. It stemmed from similar issues to Jackson, something deep and emotional that left you feeling like you weren’t in control of yourself. You had to live up to very high expectations set by your parents, who were very strict about everything you did, also making it impossible for you to accept your sexuality at the time.
But with the help of the pack, you came to accept yourself, and like Jackson, you turned into something more of a hybrid, a mixture of a kanima and a werewolf. Unlike Jackson, you always fell more back onto your reptilian urges than the wolf urges, which was why you were now hissing softly as your slitted eyes bore into the naked back of your lover as you dragged him towards you.
With a flick of your tongue, you could taste the strong arousal in the bedroom, Scott’s bedroom, the faint scent of precum reaching your heightened senses. With a rumbled hiss, you wrench down the pajama pants Scott had been wearing, striking your lightly scaled hand across his naked ass. “You’re so dirty Scott, you were waiting for me, huh?” you hiss, squinting up at him as he looks at you over his shoulder, a slight squint to his eyes that told you that your guess had been correct.
Your tail released his middle as he laid out flat across the floor, lifting his hips just enough for you to pull his pants all the way down and off without tearing them. A whimper left him as your claws ran across his thick thighs, groping the muscle underneath with an appreciative hiss. “So needy” you mumble, digging your thumbs into the dimples of his back, making him keen breathlessly.
Your pupils shrank into slits as you watched how his muscles tensed, his back arching so beautifully as Scott shuffled his knees apart, trying to fit your torso between them as you scraped your sharp teeth across his lower back. The threat of your venom had only ever served to arouse him further, the possibility of being completely paralyzed sending a bolt of thrill and lust through your lover’s entire body.
It was something you had only experimented with once or twice, when you both had felt a little more in control of your more beastly half. But as of now, your tail lashed out, knocking something random off a shelf in the background. Scotts softly glowing eyes met yours as he looked back at you again, audibly gulping and whining softly, almost beckoning you to touch him more.
Spreading his cheeks apart, your tongue started to roll out of your mouth, ready to slither inside him to spread him open the way you knew he loved the most, until you saw the familiar shiny sheen across his pucker. “Did you prep yourself Scott?” you asked with a slight lisp, your longer than humanly possible tongue still hanging out of your mouth.
Instead of answering, Scott simply blushed and buried his head into his folded arms, his knees shuffling to allow him to lift his hips farther, giving you all the answer you needed. Instead of teasing him further, you crawled up his body, letting your torso drag across his back until your chest was pressed against his back, chin hooked on his shoulder.
Your tail coiled around one of his thighs, far up enough that part of your warm scales brushed around his pouch, making him twitch and moan, eyes fluttering shut at the feeling of smooth scales against his skin. “You’ve always been such a freak Scott, never imagined you’d be so turned on by scales” you snicker, tone teasing but also thick with want, half hissed as your tongue felt too long for your mouth.
“Maybe I should just fuck you with my tail instead, what do you say?” you murmur into his ear, the tip of your tail just barely pressing against his slick pucker, making Scotts hips flex as his jaw drops in a soundless moan. You knew it was a fantasy of his, you bet hed even let him fuck him when you were still just a kanima, ruled by a master and mind not your own.
You had seen his search history, you knew the kind of stuff he was into, and if that just so happened to always involve a lot of stuff that was similar to your anatomy? Who would have to know but you, Scott, and God.
The tip of your tail just barely pressed inside, your tongue reptilian tongue pressing against his pulse point as Scott moaned, head falling to the side to give you as much access to his throat as possible. It was an extremely submissive pose for a true alpha like Scott, but it always served to make you feel a deep feral rush, to somehow get someone like Scott under you and writhing.
But before your tail could breach the loosened ring of his hole, you pulled it back, doing your best to ignore the whined out “no, no, please” from Scott. Instead, you reached down and undid your belt, quickly releasing your hard length and letting it rest between the globes of his ass, rolling your hips against his to let him feel it.
“Next time, my cute little alpha” you tease, your sharp teeth scraping hard enough against his shoulder to make blood bead up at the bites, but they quickly healed over, only giving you a slight taste. “Please, please, please” Scott whimpered, sounding almost near tears. Its seems you hadn’t been the only one worked up all day, as Scott almost outright panted for your touch, your cock, your tail, anything.
You swore you could see him drooling as you finally press inside him, his hips shoving back against yours hard enough, that if you weren’t holding him still, he would have impaled himself onto your dick almost immediately. A slight warning hiss-growl left you, as if warning him to stay still. A rumble left him in response, his inner alpha seemingly feeling disrespected by your display, even as Scott arched and moaned for more.
Scott was only given a moment to adjust, just how he liked it, before you started moving your hips. A clawed slightly scaled hand was placed between his shoulder blades, shoving his face harder against the floor as your hips struck against his own, his noises rising in volume and neediness.
Scotts claws ached as they dug into the floor, his fangs flashing as his jaw dropped, open mouthed gasps and moans leaving him as the noises were punched out of him, tongue almost hanging out as drool ran down his chin.
As you struck his prostate, he almost wailed, but before that noise could leave him, the tip of your tail was shoved between his teeth, pressing down against his tongue, and tickling the back of Scotts throat, only making his eyes roll back as he groaned.
Your noises were akin to chuffing as your hips slammed against his, claws digging into Scotts back and hip hard enough to draw blood as venom filled drool dripping from your mouth and down into the divot of his spine. Scott gagged as your tail shoved deeper into his mouth, part of it pushing down his throat as he moaned and sucked on it like it was your cock, spit and drool running down his chin and creating a puddle under him.
There was no way for him to beg with words for you to go faster, but Scott was able to wrench one of his hands from the floor, reaching back to hold onto your hip, urging you to go faster, deeper, harder. So, with a deep hissed growl, you did, striking his sensitive prostate with the precision of an expert, making him keen around the scaley meat of your tail.
You weren’t even sure when Scott came, his cock squirting across the floor in thick white spurts, his eyes rolling back as the euphoria crashed through his body and making him tighten around you. But you were too consumed by your own pleasure, hisses and growls leaving you as you kept pounding into him, taking great pleasure in the wet slick noise of your hips meeting his ass, and how it left him moaning and crying out for more.
When you finally reached your end, you crushed your hips against his, your sharp teeth digging into his shoulder as you came, cumming deep inside him in the way you knew he loved as it made him feel so full of you. Your tail withdrew from his mouth with a wet sputter, strings of drool hanging from the deep green scaled to his pink wet mouth, a noise so high pitched you barely heard it as he came a second time.
Purring filled the room as you held Scott, grinding lazily into him as you milked your mutual orgasms as much as possible, before Scott finally slumped, completely limp and panting. You would think you had injected him with your venom with how limp he went, but in reality, it was just the post orgasm bliss.
With a soft kiss pressed against the already healing bite, you carefully pull you and get Scott to his feet, shuffling him into the bathroom to get him cleaned up, maybe even give him a nice warm shower so you two can be washed up. After getting him dressed in a new part of pajama pants, you tuck him into bed, expertly cleaning up the mess of blood, drool, and other bodily fluids left on the floor. You’ll have to find a way to fix the groves you guys left in the floor, but that was for later.
When all was said and done, you could finally allow yourself to crawl into bed with Scott, the scales on your skin receding for the most part, claws and sharp teeth disappearing to where they came from, and your eyes returning to your usual ones. The only thing that stayed was your tail, which curled around Scott in a loving embrace as you pulled him close to your chest.
Scott let out a soft huff, snuffling closer to your neck before he went limp once more, almost laying completely on top of you, basking in your presence and scent as he felt safe enough to be completely vulnerable, sleep quickly rushing up on him. You didn’t feel tired, so like usual, you laid back and held Scott as he snored softly, one hand rubbing up and down his back as you scrolled your phone with the other. His body heat always left you feeling sluggish afterwards, some kind of reptile reaction, but it made you feel safer to watch over him as he slept, so that it what you did, until Scott was ready to wake up again.
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got any theo fic recs?
of course!!! let me pull up my faves, linking them under the cut cause it might get long (also some fics are nsfw some aren't i didnt tag them all bc by the time i realized i had been through so many already)
Theo Raeken Centric (sometimes gen/sometimes w/pairings)
Why are Werewolves Always Teens? by Everlasting_mediocrity 
Crossover. In which Tony Stark is Theo Raeken’s biological father and they’re going to have to do some growing about it. Thiam. Ongoing.
i lost my heart under the bridge by infernal_gay_mess
"The Doctors said, years later, that Theo had taught them that true evil came from corrupting something truly good. What they didn’t tell him was that the best way to make someone into a monster was to convince them they already were one." Angst & Tragedy
blood is running deep, some things never sleep by likelightninginabottle 
Aka theo raeken’s mid-season six hot girl summer. Introspective. Thiam. 
a rose that won’t bloom by wormhusk
not theo centric, but a cute fic about stiles-scott-theo as kids and theo being scott’s first crush. thiam. 
pyrrhic victory of knowing yourself by painting_ethereal
a two part series of stolen memories, theo joining the mccall pack, leaving, and choosing to come back
even in the darkest places, flowers grow by strawberxi (Tupipsie)
a theo raeken-centric fic where he grapples with his sister's birthday, and the implication that he doesn't have to do everything alone. Thiam
On Theo Raeken and Manipulation by wormhusk
Theo Raeken Did Nothing Wrong 2k23. Not A Fic/Pure Meta
Secondary Drowning by marrowbite(wingfooted)
in which theo is a selkie. 
hey i think he likes you (but honey, i do too) by fallingforboys
in which liam is oblivious and wants to help theo get a boyfriend. 
Im not ready to die yet, should i pray? (i’m wasting time, haunted by the ghost of you) by petitommo
the one where theo leaves for Florida. out of necessity, not choice. voicemails, missing liam, waiting–and going home. 
tell me no more secrets, i’ll tell you no more lies by likelightninginabottle
“You were attacked. It was self defense.” Theo. “Okay, but what if it wasn’t.” Liam
when oblivion is calling out your name, you always take it further than i ever can by likelightninginabottle
In which Liam is terribly high and completely smitten, Theo is allergic to emotions and totally whipped, Mason has the patience of a saint, and everybody wins, except for Stiles
when you crave someone (to be there at dawn) by likelightninginabottle
(In which, for once, Liam and Theo aren't oblivious, even if the pack very much is.) Post-Monroe, Pack in College, Thiam Being Shameless
burning bright red till the end (now you’ll be missing from the photographs by likelightninginabottle
MCD, Angst
You Missed, Dumbass by Sailorscout7
(OR 2 times Liam trying to kiss Theo ended in disaster and 1 time it mostly didn't)
a fire without a spark by lexisaurus
Liam asks are you alright? it never occurs to Theo that Liam could be asking him, too.
Commemoration, Cauterized by Ty_Winn_Roa
Meeting his parents for the first time in a decade is terrible enough without having to do it all over again. And again. And again. But Theo's never done anything halfheartedly.
Hunting Hearts by l_t_m
“My heart is missing.” Liam blinked. Theo’s way of saying ‘hello’ wasn’t encouraging.
no angels in this bleeding heart town by fallingforboys
“Please don’t make me do this,” Liam says, pleads. His jaw clenches and he squares his shoulders. Theo’s claws flick out.
Happiness is (where you are) by crier_emperor
in which theo gets a home and a hug. Angst. Getting together.
pride before a fall, wolves will keep you warm by likelightninginabottle
Liam comes out of the closet, in more ways than one. Or rather: his friends break him out. Cute, fluffy, and funny
look at the wonderful mess we made, we pick ourselves undone by likelightninginabottle
In which the supernatural does not exist. But Beacon Hills still went through a war, of which this is the aftermath. Liam and Theo pine for each other, but Liam thinks he cannot have Theo and so he dates other people. And yes. They are roommates. Mutual Pining, Jealousy, Misunderstandings.
your slightest look easily will unclose me by likelightninginabottle
Liam thinks about the people who left and how he is almost alright without them. Post-Canon.
just steps across the tower bridge by eneiryu
Guilt, injury, angst–Theo’s body is failing, and he’s hiding it from Liam. Happy Ending.
Use and abuse me ‘til I’m gone by THENINTH09
5 times Liam makes Theo bleed and the one time (two times) he doesn’t.
don’t you hear me howling, babe? by THENINTH09
Theo and Liam in Theo’s truck, after Gabe and the hospital. NSFW
Iron and Copper by TheOceanIsMyInkwell
Or: A witch grants Theo's wish to turn human for a day and be loved for who he is. Liam shows him just what that wish might look like.
drove him underground by justt_ppeachy
Liam and Theo, but they are Orpheus & Eurydice retold. It always ends the same.
so cruelly you kissed me by wormhusk
A series of two one-shots, one with liam realizing his feelings for theo and the second on theo
this love is difficult, but it’s real by wormhusk
a two part series of oneshots with thiam secretly dating, liam telling the pack, it not going well, and the aftermath
all sunny days are on by wormhusk
Remember the hunger games au? This is an alice in borderland au. A lot of people will die but not thiam. incomplete
the smell of smoke would hang around this long by wormhusk
theo quits smoking 
and in ever crowd, it's you i'm looking for by fallingforboys
in which theo is unfortunately very attractive and needs a fake boyfriend at a party--and oh look, liam is right there
Thiam Fics That Are Part of This One Orphaned Series So I Have Put Them Together 
this is why they shouldn’t kill off the main guy by wormhusk
 a first-kiss fic with theo angst and liam bullying theo into staying with him instead of his truck
and i remember thinking by wormhusk
a fic exploring the theo train track theory AKA where they talk about a past suicide attempt
Oh i love it and i hate it at the same time
Established Thiam, Theo gets his wisdom teeth removed.
The one where Liam calculates how many times Theo died down in Hell and has a panic attack.
cut it out then restart by wormhusk
Theo has a bad day and gives into old habits. Angst. Self-harm
argumentative antithetical dream girl 
it’s a pwp but I'm including it because it's the same ‘verse
i just wanna stay in that lavender haze by wormhusk
thiam get high and and play the 36 questions that lead to love and then have sex about it
and i wouldn’t marry me either
Liam has a plan to propose to his boyfriend. Theo thinks Liam is acting cagey
fighting in only your army
The skinwalkers want Theo back. No one reacts well.
are there still beautiful things
a witch’s curse makes Liam hate the one he loves most–his fiance. Angst.
i know my pain is such an imposition 
the boys finally get to go on their honeymoon. so of course it goes wrong.
long live the look on your face by wormhusk
Theo and Liam go to build-a-bear
he was sunshine i was midnight rain by wormhusk
Liam does a 30-day love challenge
Shall I sleep within your bed by voices_in_my_head
In which Theo wasn't expecting to be rescued
fake my heart by LuthienKenobi
In which Theo is captured and a femme fatale all in one
gonna make you a believer by queerebrum
in which the battle is over, the Anuk Ite defeated, and Scott McCall can finally see things clearly–things like how he has been pretending he is not in love with Theo Raeken
Expelliaramus! by tabbytabbytabby
Gryffindor Scott and Slytherin Theo are secretly dating.
Sons of Monsters and Monster Sons by TheOceanIsMyInkwell
“i think,” theo says slowly, “my father tried to kill me when i was seven.” Sceo+Thiam, bc Theo is terribly in love with them both. Child Abuse Mention, as well as Mentions of sexual assault done to Theo by his Father. Theo did NOT have a happy loving childhood.
Unbreakable Heaven by tabbytabbytabby
Theo thinks he and Scott are FWBs while Scott thinks they are dating. Theo starts pulling away once he realizes he has feelings for Scott. Scott wonders what he did to make his boyfriend distant.
our hands dirtied by the other’s desire; i will declare my love with a slaughter by clementinecalls
When they lay in the grass and stare at the stars, Scott runs his thumb over Theo’s wrist. Feeling his pulse steady under his touch. He thinks about the sun in comparison to Theo. He thinks about how he was Icarus and he loved Theo just as he loved the sun — too close, too much.
Homeless Theo/Theo + Pack
Too Afraid to Follow Through by dangerouscoffeetheorist
for your melissa & theo needs, and theo being forced to join the pack against his will. 
wither under the iridescent glow of the sun, moon, and stars by fallingforboys
Theo digs the bullets out himself, using them to cauterize the wounds, and the air around him becomes hot and a little sticky with the smell of his flesh burning, but he ignores it.
He ignores it and saves himself, because that’s all he knows how to do. He saves himself because he knows that no one else would bother trying. (He’s wrong.) Thiam but mostly pack focused
Heart coming up my throat, think I’m getting worse at breathing by Multifandom_damnnation 
Jordan Parrish & Theo. Thiam
murphy’s golden rule: whoever has the gold makes the law by game_ender
Coach Finstock & Theo. In which Theo gets adopted by the Coach. Thiam
Vanlife Style! by onyxthroughtheages
In which Alec and Theo are bffs, Theo was raised in the sewers and so learns about TikTok scandals and instafame through Google, and mentions Liam in almost every TikTok he ever makes.
built a ship in the morning but the hull’s worn through by eneiryu
in which theo makes a deal with the pack: after Monroe, he gets to walk away. Thiam
waves on the ocean for the wavering kind by eneiryu
a two parter series. part one is where Theo leaves Beacon Hills with exactly the same things he came into it with: his truck, a duffel bag full of clothes, and the permanent taste of blood and grave dirt in his mouth. part two is argent’s pov. thiam
Fics That Deserve a Category of Their Own
You only feel one emotion at a time by likelightninginabottle
Theo doesn't feel pain. It makes him reckless. The pack doesn't notice, until they do. Incomplete. Pack Dynamics. Thiam. Theo’s Past, Theo’s Present, and Hopefully, Theo’s Future.
Take my heart (and put it somewhere safe) by not_carrying_on
​​The one where Theo reluctantly helps the pack capture Monroe, deals with the aftermath of his upbringing with the Dread Doctors, saves the lives of not so few people (despite the will to deny it until his dying breath), practically adopts Alec and pulls his head out of his ass.
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star-stilinski · 25 days
i want to see community (nbc) + teen wolf crossover but it's just scott mccall's pack doing way too intense paintball. scott making an alliance with derek and getting betrayed. stiles being the 'we've got company' guy. allison getting shot and fading away in scott's arms (sorry not sorry). lydia being the 'i'm in' hacker person. peter hale showing up. isaac is there too but he sacrifices himself for scott to win. is this too niche of a crossover does anyone get this
maybe i just want the pack to have fun for once-
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thyfggfy · 9 months
Originally I wasn't planning on making a chapter about Theo Raeken . I've considered it , but then I was like "What the hell am I going to talk about?"
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However , after some time , an interesting idea popped up in my head - "What if Theo uses clothes as tools for manipulation?"
So this would definitely be more of a theory than an actual analysis and I would surerely be pulling shit out of my ass so bear with me here.
What I mean by this qestion is that Theo seems to dress according to his current goal in mind . Basically dressing for success . Examples:
When he is confronting the Dread Doctors about Hayden or when he introduces himself to the McCall pack for the first time he wears a jacket that makes him look sharp , imposing , capable , worthy of acknowledgment
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2. On his first day of school he wears the most basic outfit possible - jeans with a black hoodie which essentially screams "I am just an average guy. There is nothing to see here .No suspicious activity to witness at ALLLLLL"
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3. When he convices Donovan to go after Stiles he wears a short sleeved button-up that makes him look smart , presentable , reasonable
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4. When he tries to win Corey over on his side he wears a pink sweater which makes him look approachable , friendly ,soft even
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5. During Lydia's rescue he is the only one from both packs to wear short sleevees which shows confidence , like he knows what he is doing even though he doesn't .
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In season 6 he only has two goals : To survive and gain support from McCall's pack . That is why his outfits seem a lot more interchangeable . He is also homeless,but that is not important.
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He wears a lot more layers and his outfits are meant serve one purpose only - provide protection
All of this might have been me just blabbering , but I think this can work as a concept.
Considering the fact that everything about Theo is just lies and deception to the point where you have to wonder if there is a genuine version of him or if that maybe in a weird twisted way that his most authentic version.
Parts : Jackson ; Derek ; Liam ; Mason ; Scott.1 ; Scott.2 ; Stiles.1 ; Stiles.2
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andreafmn · 2 months
I'm Not Afraid | Chapter 20
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Word Count: 3.1K
Story Description: (Y/N) Argent arrived at Beacon Hills to put to rest her father’s sister, Kate Argent. For the first time, her family has decided to settle down and sustain a life in this interesting small town. After 17 years, (Y/N) has the opportunity to establish interpersonal relationships but will she be ready to face the complications that come with relating to her cousin’s, Allison, friends; especially, the infamous Derek Hale. She will face the adventure of being associated with the Derek and McCall pack, as well as being faced with the discovery of certain aspects of her life she never imagined.
A/N: so, I was planning on updating three stories this week but my body decide otherwise and put me out of commission for the past three days. I had a fever of 102.4 that lasted all of tuesday, accompanied with a wide array of other symptoms. Then wednesday and today, I had a mind breaking migraine. I was able to finish this chapter and I hope I can finish the others too 🤍
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They were late.
No. They were later than late.
By the time Isaac and (Y/N) rolled up to the school, the game had already started and was going in full swing. Cheers and screams were heard from the parking lot, and they hoped nothing had gone down just yet.
“Get to the locker room and get the rest of your stuff,” (Y/N) said as they hopped off her motorcycle. “I’ll go down to the field and see what’s going on.”
“Be careful, (Y/N),” Isaac worried. “We don’t know what we’re facing yet.”
“I’ll be fine. Just go,” she affirmed. “I’ll see you out there.”
She waited until he had disappeared into the school before tucking a gun in the back of her waistband and her knives inside the holsters on her ankles. One thing was certain: if anyone, whether it be the Kanima or her family, tried something that night, she was going to fight back and defend the people she cared about.
In the field, there was a shared nervousness between all those who knew the truth of the world that was hidden in plain sight. But no one felt the pressure more than Scott. Not only was he forced to sit out of the game, putting everyone on the field in danger, but he also had to protect his mother and his friends from Gerard and Jackson.
“Let’s put a real clock on this game, Scott,” the boy’s ears twitched towards the man’s voice. “I’ll give you until the last thirty seconds. When the scoreboard clock begins counting down from 30, if you haven’t given me Derek, then Jackson is gonna kill someone.”
Dread settled in the pit of the boy’s stomach. The man listed off potential victims, putting in the pool his mother and Stiles’ father. Even Lydia’s and the coach’s names were mentioned. What he had not expected was the last person he said. He knew the man was cruel, but he never thought Gerard would stoop so low. “Or maybe I’ll send him off on (Y/N),” he said. “Maybe Derek will hand himself over if I do that. You know how much he likes the Argent girls.”
Scott’s head snapped behind him, his gaze colliding with a frantic (Y/N). She was speaking into her phone, at a tone so low even he couldn’t hear, but he could tell she was worried. He just hoped it had nothing to do with what was going to go down that night.
“It’s up to you, Scott,” the man instructed. “But you are going to help me take Derek down. Because if you don’t… I’ll have Jackson rip someone’s head off right in the middle of the field and drench everyone you love and care about in blood. And I’d really hate for that person to be my own granddaughter.”
Even without the Kanima, there was a slaughter on the field. With Stiles' little to no experience actually playing the game, the team had no chance of winning, much less of benching enough players to get Scott in there. It was wrong move after wrong move, and there was nothing he could do—at least, not just yet.
As the coach forced him to sit back down when he tried to join the team, he felt a presence next to him. Someone he wasn’t quite expecting.
“You came to help.” 
Surprise was splattered across his face as the other boy smirked at him. “I came to win,” Isaac said before his eyes fell on Gerard’s threatening gaze. “Do you have a plan yet?”
“No,” he sighed, “right now it’s pretty much just keep Jackson from killing anyone.”
“Well, that might be easier if you’re actually in the game,” the blond stated. “We have to make it so coach had no choice but to play you.”
“How do we do that? He’s got a bench full of guys he can use before he ever puts me on the field.” All it took was one look before both boys knew what had to be done and how. “Can you do it without putting anyone in the hospital?”
Isaac took a deep breath, knowing he could not lie. He said, “I can try,” before sliding on his helmet and joining the team on the field, and setting off to work.
Whoever saw him on the field would think Isaac was playing for the opposite team. With jabs, swipes, and kicks, the boy got his teammates out one by one. He knew they’d be hurt, their bodies and their egos, but there was a greater good to be fought for. A couple of bumps and bruises would heal a lot better than a dead body.
The plan was working and working well. One by one, his teammates were driven on and off the field. It was going too perfectly. Until Jackson rammed himself into Isaac, sending him to the ground and dislocating his arm while inconspicuously nicking him with venom. Either way, Isaac was out of the game, and Scott was in. He was out his only supernatural advantage, but he would protect everyone like he had an entire army behind him.
(Y/N) couldn’t stay in her seat as she saw Isaac being taken away. She sped down the bleachers to follow the medics but stopped dead in her tracks. She wasn’t the only one that was heading back to the school. Gerard and two hunters followed the men back to the boys’ locker room, their sights set on the werewolf.
The girl knew where her grandfather’s head was at. He was going to torture information out of the boy and kill him afterward. He had no need to let Isaac live once he got what he wanted. He saw no need to let anyone live.
The medics had left Isaac by himself in the recovery room after putting his shoulder into place. But it wasn’t enough to completely trigger his healing and not fast enough for him to protect himself from three men and a sword.
“It was a good effort, Isaac,” Gerard called as he motioned to his hunter to hand him his sword. “This would be so much more poetic if it were halftime.”
Gerard and the hunters made their way toward Isaac, the older man dragging the tip of the blade on the ground. It was intimidating, sure. But not when the boy knew he had backup. As the older Argent raised his weapon toward him, Isaac smirked, making him stop dead in his tracks.
In the reflection of the mirror behind the blond boy, (Y/N) stood, knife in hand and a smirk on her face. Before the younger hunters could do anything, she hit one on the back of the neck with the handle of her knife, knocking him out cold before turning to the other.
The second man put up more of a fight since he knew what was coming. He was strong and agile; she would give him that, just like she gave him the first punch he threw to her jaw. But he had no idea who he was fighting. (Y/N) had been trained her entire life for that type of situation, even if she didn’t know it.
(Y/N) went low, using his height to her advantage. She drove a punch into his abdomen, making him hunch over in pain. As he bent down, she grabbed the back of his neck before slamming her knee one time on his nose, making a bloody mess of his face, and another on his temple, right between the bridge of his nose and his eyes. The man tumbled to the ground as though he weighed nothing more than a doll, succumbing to the blow she had managed to land.
“You know this looks very predatory,” she said between pants. “Three grown men cornering a teenage boy in a dark room, not a great look. Especially the principal of the school! What will the parents say?”
“(Y/N),” Gerard announced. “Can’t say it’s a surprise to see you here. I should have known you’d betray the family. At the end of the day, you do have your father’s blood running through you.”
“But this is not about that, is it?” she questioned, slowly making her way toward him. “This is about you using innocent kids to get to Derek Hale because you can’t do it on your own.”
“None of this concerns you anymore, (Y/N),” he said. “Maybe you should take a page out of your cousin’s book and accept your fate. You’re a hunter. You always will be. These people… these things, they are not your blood. They will turn on you the second they need to protect themselves.”
“Weird,” she chuckled dryly. “The only people who have done that is my own family.”
“That’s because you have no sense of loyalty, granddaughter. But I can’t blame you. Not when your father turned out the way he did,” he sighed. “Although, he seems to have learned his place now.”
“Enough chitchat already, old man,” the girl exhaled. “Why don’t you show me a real fight? Something those two clearly didn’t have in them.”
“Come on, (Y/N). You wouldn’t hurt your dear old grandpa, now, would you?” Gerard smirked deviously. “I don’t think that’s a line even you would cross. Not when I have the information you have been dying to know.”
“What could you possibly know that I don’t already?”
“I know all about the mystery woman your parents always talk about,” he smirked. “I also know why you’ve always felt so… different. Especially this past year. Everything is just so… heightened.”
(Y/N) wanted to accept his offer. Something in her told her that his information was reliable, that he knew everything her parents were hiding and more. But as much as she wanted the truth, there were bigger things in play.
“Tell you what, I’ll give you a piece for free,” he said. “Ever wondered why you don’t look quite like us? Like your mother? Ask your father about Raina, and maybe you’ll find out. Or let me go, and I will tell you all you want to know. And something tells me you’d prefer the latter.”
“Wanna test your theory out?” she threatened as she pulled her gun from her waistband and pointed it at her grandfather. “Because you may have the years of experience, but I have my health.”
The words made the man stumble in his stance, the phrase sending shivers down his spine. There was no way she could know what he thought she was implying. Her choice of vocabulary had to come from a catalog of random remarks she could use to hurt him. Because she couldn’t know, no one could.
“I think it’s best if you just go while you still can, Gerard,” Scott called out as he came into the locker room. “I’ve seen her fight, and it’s better if you just go.”
The man didn’t think twice as he took steps back, his gaze set on his granddaughter. “This isn’t over yet,” he said. “But the game almost is.”
As Gerard ran from the locker room, (Y/N) took a stumbling Isaac into her arms. “Okay, I have to trigger your healing, okay?” she told him. “Just, please, don’t fight back.”
She sank her knife into his arm, flinching as he let out a painful scream. Blood ran down the knife and onto her hand, but she knew it was the fastest way he could recover. “Hold on for just a bit more,” she said. “Gotta make your body work hard.”
“It’s fine,” he winced. “Let’s just get this over with.”
“What did Gerard mean about the game, Scott?” (Y/N) asked as she turned her head to face the boy. “He said the game is almost over. Why?”
“Jackson’s gonna kill someone if I don’t give up Derek,” he said. “Gerard gave me until the last thirty seconds of the match.”
“Then take these two out back and get to the field,” she instructed. “I’ll clean up here, and Isaac will be with you as soon as possible.”
Scott set off quickly to work, pulling one of the men onto his shoulders while dragging the other out. But he stopped as (Y/N) called out, “Be careful, Scott. Night’s not over yet.” And he was gone.
“Alright, Isaac, I’m gonna pull this knife out now,” she said as she turned back to the blond boy. “It will sting, but it’ll hopefully be enough for your body to metabolize the rest of the venom in your body.”
Just as she had said, the girl slid the blade from her friend’s arm, holding her hand over the wound as it healed. She could feel his blood pool under her hand, warm and sticky, and all kinds of uncomfortable. His body was slowly healing, but it was still healing.
Slowly, she removed her hand from Isaac’s arm, letting out a breath of relief as the cut disappeared before her very eyes. Only then, when she was sure he was recovering, did she set off to get towels and a mop to clean off the trail of blood the hunter had left behind. It wasn’t much, but it was enough to warrant concern if anyone else saw it.
“Somehow, I keep forgetting you were raised to be a fighter,” Isaac muttered as he helped (Y/N) wipe away the last of the water on the floor. “Really saved my ass back there.”
“I told you I could protect myself,” she smirked. “Maybe now you’ll stop worrying about me.”
“I’ll always worry,” he said. “I can’t help it.”
“Well, at least you’ll know I can hold my weight in a fight,” she chuckled, bumping her shoulder against his. “I’m okay, Isaac. I’m gonna have a pretty bruise on my jaw, but nothing I can’t handle.”
Suddenly, the sound of a whistle echoed through the room, signaling the end of the game. Terror washed over the pair as screams followed soon after. Fear infiltrated the locker room, sending waves of dread through the teens. Something had happened out on the field, and Scott hadn’t been able to stop it.
“Go,” (Y/N) instructed. “I’ll finish up here.”
“What if Gerard comes back?”
“He brought a sword to a gunfight,” she smirked. “I think I know which of the two is most lethal.”
(Y/N) finished cleaning up the floor, making sure there was no evidence that a fight had ensued there. Her jaw ached and her limbs throbbed but there was an exciting rush that flowed through her. She knew she was good. She had bested her parents in sparring matches since she was only fifteen, but being able to prove herself in front of her grandfather made her feel proud of the progress she had made. She was strong, and that was something no one could take from her.
But Gerard’s words hung at the back of her mind, taunting her. Mocking her. Raina, he had said. It was a name she had never heard before, much less from her father’s mouth. But he’d known exactly what question it would answer, and what information she craved for. If it hadn’t been for the situation at hand, (Y/N) knew she would have gone as far as torturing even the smallest detail from the old man.
Still, as much as her brain yelled at her for answers, she knew she had to focus on that night. Whatever Gerard had planned would change everything between the hunters and the wolves, and they had to do everything they could to stop him.
Once she was satisfied with her work, (Y/N) ran out of the locker room and into the commotion of the lacrosse field. The lights of an ambulance van and police cars flickered in the field, painting the groups of concerned people in red and blue. She quickly spotted Isaac and Scott close to the ambulance, and she ran to them for an update on the situation.
“What do you mean Jackson’s dead?” she questioned. “And Stiles is just gone? None of this makes sense.”
“I know,” Scott sighed. “When the lights turned back on, Jackson was on the ground, and he’d stabbed himself in the stomach. My mom checked him, and he had no pulse.”
“But Gerard needs him,” she muttered. “There has to be something we’re missing here.”
“If there is,” he said, “I have no idea what it is.”
“What about Stiles?”
“He disappeared,” Isaac answered. “He won us the game and was gone by the time the lights turned on. We’re gonna look for him after we change out of our uniforms.”
“What can I do? How can I help you find him?”
“Hang around the locker rooms until everyone else is gone,” Scott said. “We’ll get his scent, and you and Isaac can look for him.”
“Sounds like a plan,” she agreed. “This is gonna be a long night, isn’t it?”
“You can bet on that.”
(Y/N) waited in the dark hall as boys left the locker room, doing her best to keep out of sights. From where she hid, she could hear the Sherrif’s heartbreaking plead to Scott and Isaac to let him know if anything came up about his son. She had not felt as useless as she did at that moment. She could fight, she could defend, but she could do nothing to find someone who had seemingly vanished. 
When the man walked out of the room, she fought the urge to tell him she’d make sure his son came home. On the one hand, she didn’t have a lead on him yet. And on the other, she wasn’t even supposed to be there.
“Coast is clear, (Y/N),” Isaac called out. “Get in here.”
Inside the room, Scott and Isaac both held something of Stiles—a shoe and a shirt. “You know I could have just picked the lock,” she said as she noted the twisted locker door on the ground. “Save the school a couple of bucks.”
“I’m gonna need your resumé for future occasions,” Scott chuckled. “There are too many things you can do.”
“You have no idea,” Isaac smirked before his gaze turned back to the shoe in his hand. “But how come you get his shirt, and I get a shoe?”
Before he could answer, a sudden presence made the hairs at the back of (Y/N)’s neck stand up. And the wolves had noticed. Their attention was no longer held by the items that could help them find Stiles. Instead, their sights were set on the man standing before them. The very man who had been avoiding (Y/N) like the plague.
“Derek,” she breathed. “What are you doing here?”
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airasilver · 2 months
I ran out of answers so I only did the ones I know for sure and want in the pack. I also had to combine Cora & Malia & then Aiden, Kira, & Ethan for this reason. So that means no puppy pack (which I’m still confused on who they exactly are even though I read fanfics with them in it) and yes, I combined the Packs. So what?
Don’t tell me that Danny and the twins aren’t pack. Far as I care, they are all the Hale Pack.
I’ll do one for the adults then maybe whoever wins each of these against Stiles. (Would that be fair though?)
This is for fun, I’m not being acurate on who’s who in the pack and I don’t care.
The Adult Favorite Character is here.
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kitkatwinchester · 1 year
This is the worst f*cking form of torture EVER.
Especially because Stiles is totally gonna try to do it.
Because it means saving everyone he cares about, and saving everyone Scott cares about, and that's all that matters to him right now.
But I still have faith that Scott would never, because like he said at the very beginning, the plan is to save Stiles, and killing him would be the exact f*cking opposite of that.
But I'm so f*cking scared, because I don't see this ending well at all.
I would love to say that I sincerely doubt they're gonna kill someone else after they just killed Allison, but I don't REALLY doubt it.
I kind of doubt they'd kill any of the parents (and yes, I say any, because DEATON TOTALLY COUNTS OKAY?!), and I know they're not gonna actually kill Stiles (unless they do and then bring him back somehow? Oh my god I hadn't even considered that...they could do something like that...oh god now I AM genuinely scared that Stiles is gonna try), but I would honestly be a lot less surprised if they killed Kira (because apparently Scott can't have a love interest period), and I could also see them killing Derek or the twins, and god I HOPE I'm wrong, and I hope to GOD that nobody else dies, but I don't f*cking trust this show, and I'm sure it'll somehow break my heart in half AGAIN (as if it isn't already in pieces), and I just...I don't even know what to do anymore.
But you know what?!
I've said it before, and I'll say it again:
As long as Sciles is okay, we're okay.
So as long as they DON'T LET STILES KILL HIMSELF, and DON'T MAKE SCOTT KILL HIM (I would legitimately riot if they did that I don't care how many years it's been since Season 3 first aired), then it'll be fine, okay??
I'll be fine as long as you DON'T HURT MY SCILES!!
There HAS to be another way!
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(Adorable Sciles that comes later in the show because I need to remind myself that he's going to be okay before I get traumatized by the inevitable sacrifice attempt that I'm sure I'm about to see. :( )
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jjsstars · 3 months
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Scott McCall Week 2024: day 4, this isn't just about the game
|| for @scottappreciation event
|| tags: scott/cora, hurt/comfort
“I need to keep studying, I’m sorry.” Scott huffs and avoids Cora’s eyes, looking back at his chemistry books that are seeming more like another language the longer he looks at them. He feels bad blowing off Cora’s request of a movie night but he can’t walk from this.
“Why are you studying so hard? I thought you said you had C’s.” If Cora’s honest, she’s surprised he’s even been able to keep that up with the chaos that’s been going on this year.
“I need B’s to keep playing lacrosse.” The library lights flicker above them when Cora sits across from Scott, lightly wrapping her fingers around his wrist to pull his hands away from where he has them resting on the book. They’re in tight fists of stress that Cora’s seen far too many times in the past couple weeks.
“You need to take a break and stop stressing.” She says softly but Scott only looks away again.
“This is the only thing that’s normal that I have.” It’s low and crunched together, even in the quiet library and with Cora’s werewolf hearing she leans in to listen to him.
“I’m not normal enough for you?” A harsh blush runs across Scott’s cheeks and neck as he lifts his head with a gentle smile and head shake.
“You’re perfect for me. I just… I don’t want to give up on lacrosse… it used to be so important to me.” When him and Stiles first started lacrosse it was the best thing in the world, even if Scott had just become a werewolf, lacrosse still seemed amazing. He was finally good at it, finally got a solid spot on the team, the coach actually looked at him and said he was doing a good job- everything about it was special.
“I know you really like it but isn’t it more realistic to put it off til things calm down?” Scott shifts in his seat, an uncomfortable knot of anxiety forming in his gut.
“Things won’t calm down, I’ll be putting it off forever.” He had kept hoping things would smooth over when everything first started off, he thought by the beginning of sophomore year he’d have everything figured out and they’d have a normal year. But now he’s a junior and every single year has been hectic, there’s never been a break.
“Okay babe, I’ll help you study so you can stay on the team. But starting tomorrow, the library closes in ten minutes and you need to sleep.” Cora picks up Scott’s book and shut its with his notes still inside, cutting off whatever protest he was going to give. The real goal of her coming here wasn’t to have a movie night but to make Scott get some sleep that he’s in desperate need of.
“I won’t let you put it off forever.” She assures, Scott leans over to kiss her forehead in thanks.
“I know you won’t.” Not if Scott is serious about wanting to keep playing, which he obviously is, and he knows Cora will do her best to help him achieve that.
They’ve talked about how Scott longs for that “normal” high school experience at times and how Cora is the complete opposite and has never seen the appeal of it. But Cora is just as stubborn and loyal as the rest of her family and Scott has no doubt she’ll be doing anything she can to help him get that life, at least a sliver of it. That’s all Scott really wants, he loves his pack and being a werewolf, all he needs is to play lacrosse once in a while to forget about the supernatural for a few hours at practice or feel the high of winning a game that doesn’t come up any other time. Even if he does have to spend all his free time studying to get there.
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heliads · 2 years
can i request a lydia martin x female reader? y/n is new in town and ends up getting along with the pack. she's a lot like lydia, genius smart, loves fashion, really girly, the major difference is that she's quiet and kinda shy, so everyone expects the two of them to become friends, but lydia really dislikes her and feels like she's being replaced by her. enemies to lovers, you know?
hope you like it and feel comfortable writing <3
reader: excuse me, i am smart, i am gay, i have the ability to make you jealous, i'm ~new in town~
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You are finding it hard to believe in the power of a fresh start. Everyone phrased it that way when it was first announced that you would be completely wrecking your old life to move to a town in the middle of Nowheresville, California, but you saw through it from the start. This would not be a wonderful chance to reinvent yourself, nor a blessed opportunity for trying again. This would be awful, and nothing about Beacon Hills could change that.
You already did your time of starting from scratch in a classroom you didn’t recognize back home. Home is not Beacon Hills, home is where you were born, where people knew you from kindergarten through your teenage years. Beacon Hills only has claim to you for the few years you have left in high school, and after that, you’re moving back to your hometown. So you’ve promised yourself, at least.
However, Beacon Hills doesn’t like it when its pawns and pieces get minds of their own. The only way people leave this town is through death, either theirs or that of someone they love. You don’t know that now, but you’ll learn it soon enough. It’s a lesson of inevitability for anyone daring enough to live in a supernatural hot spot even half the strength of this godforsaken town.
Death has not darkened your doorstep, however, and you go to your first day of school with only the apprehension of wondering if you’ll find enough friends to make this town worth your while. The students seem pretty friendly when they’re not judging you behind three ring binders or over locker doors, but what else is new? Beacon Hills High School is still a high school, and that means it can only be so great when you’re not one of its usual crew.
It’s a good thing, then, that you managed to stumble upon people who would embrace you with open arms. You met Scott McCall first when both of you were paired together for a chemistry lab, then Stiles second in a math class. After that, it was almost inevitable that you would join the rest of their group, their pack. If you can win over Scott and Stiles, you’re guaranteed to fit right in.
It’s nice being with the McCall crew. They watch each other’s backs, they stand up for themselves, anything you could want in a friend group. It takes them a while to trust you long enough to share exactly why that is, but even afterwards, it only solidifies the bond you have with the rest of them. Their world is strange and utterly confusing, but they’ve managed to navigate it together so far, and now that together includes you as well.
It would be perfect were it not for the presence of one person in that group. No one can understand why it is that you and Lydia Martin cannot get along, but the facts remain just as solid as always. Every time you and Lydia cross paths, you can’t escape without at least a few angry comments exchanged. Terse words are a must, and sarcastic retorts are a necessity. There’s no way kindness can prosper if the two of you have to work together.
It makes no sense. You and Lydia should be the closest here of anybody, with the exception of Scott and Stiles. Both of you are clever, among the smartest in your classes; both of you like being right, especially when it saves the lives of your friends. Malia and the rest have told you about a thousand times over that you guys could talk about so much if you would just talk to each other at all. 
That, however, seems to be far easier to say than to do. Lydia won’t let you get in a word unless she’s got the upper hand, and you’re no better. You’re not talking unless you’re sniping at each other, and that’s hardly talking at all. 
You’re not going to act like it totally ruins your friendship with the rest of the McCall pack, only that it’s frustrating you’ll never be able to win over the full set. You don’t need Lydia Martin to love you, though, she just has to tolerate your presence long enough to save your life if necessary, and she does that just fine. 
Too fine, actually. Scott gets it into his head that you should all split up to stake out potential hunter territory to see if they’re planning something big. Seeing as you’re still new to the whole hunter/supernatural deal, you’ll have to have someone there with you to keep you alive if your cover is blown, and of all the people to watch your back, he chooses Lydia. 
You tried to fight that choice as much as possible. If you have to be stuck in the dark of night with someone for an extended period of time, wouldn’t it be better if it was a person you could actually stand? Anyone else would be just fine by you. Even Theo Raeken, and the guy’s literally tried to kill everyone about half a dozen times. 
Scott disagrees, though, citing this as the perfect chance for you and Lydia to finally mend some bridges instead of burning them. You may think he’s insane, but Scott’s word is law, mostly because he’s the most capable of making reasonable decisions of all of you. 
This may be true, but it doesn’t mean you have to like it. You roll up to the stakeout with expectations on the ground, and when Lydia greets you with an eye roll, the bar descends even lower than expected. You’ll both be sitting in her car and waiting for something to happen, and all you can think is that three hours cannot pass quickly enough. 
Lydia chuckles derisively when you climb into her car. Evidently you’re not as good at concealing your disdain for this evening as you’d like to think. “You might want to work on your poker face, sweetheart. You’re looking a little unhappy.”
“Wonder why that is,” you say, settling into your seat with great reluctance, “it’s not like I’m stuck in a car for hours with someone who hates me. Oh wait, I am.”
Lydia frowns. “I don’t hate you.”
You scoff. “Of course you do. We pick fights every time we talk. You’re even arguing with me now about how much we dislike each other.”
Lydia goes silent for a second, then:  “I don’t want anyone to think I hate them. Unless they deserve it, of course.”
“I haven’t killed you or our friends yet,” you remark, “isn’t that enough for me to not deserve it?”
“It should be,” Lydia replies hesitantly. 
Yet it isn’t, which is what she isn’t saying. You exhale, irritated, and turn your attention back towards the house outside, you know, like you were supposed to be doing all this time. The sun sets and disappears beneath the horizon, and once the stars have bothered to take their place, Lydia speaks again. 
“It is.”
You look at her, confused. “What is?”
Lydia gestures vaguely at you. “What you said earlier. What you’ve done isn’t enough for me to hate you.”
“Then why do you?” You ask slowly. 
Lydia tosses you an affronted look. “I don’t, but you seem so determined to dislike me that you think I do anyway.”
Your hackles are rising again, and you feel yourself rushing to counter what she’d just said. “Only because you never give me a chance to do anything else!”
Lydia groans. “See, this is exactly what I mean. Neither of us can say anything without the other taking it as an insult.”
You pause for a second, and when you speak again, your words are calm and cautious. “What about a truce, then?”
Lydia nods. “I’d like a truce.”
She holds out a hand to you and you shake it with as much solemnity as you can muster. It’s awkward for a while after that, both of you apparently unable to come up with things to say that aren’t direct insults, but slowly the conversation comes and then you’re finding connections between each other you never knew existed in the first place. 
In fact, by the time your phone vibrates with the alarm you’d set to mark the end of the stakeout, you find that you’re almost disappointed to leave the car. Lydia must feel the same way, because she only lets you go with a promise to meet up later to talk. For real, this time. Truce continued without the forced proximity of a stakeout. 
You end up meeting Lydia later that week for coffee, then two days later for a study session, then again for a review of your favorite fashion house’s spring collection. The meetups seem to follow each other in waves, no one ever enough to make you tired of her company. If anything, it only makes you want it more. 
You never really considered what the others must think about the abrupt 180 in your interactions with Lydia until you’re at a pack meeting about a month later and Malia confronts you about it. 
The meeting is over, and just as you’re letting down your guard and pulling on your coat, Malia calls something out to you in typical no-nonsense Malia fashion. 
“So,” she says with unimaginable confidence, “how long have you and Lydia been dating?”
You feel every bit of air leave your lungs, and it takes a few seconds for you to recover enough to sputter out, “What?”
Malia spreads her hands. “How long have you been dating? You guys are together all the time. When did you first get together?”
Across the room, Lydia looks as if she’s just been shot. “We’re not dating, Malia.”
Malia frowns. “What do you mean? Of course you are.”
She looks as if she’d like to spend at least a few minutes more explaining all the ways you’re totally in a relationship with Lydia when Scott gently but firmly guides her by the arm out of the room. He winces over his shoulder as he goes, mouthing something like sorry about that and I’ll talk to her about it, I swear. 
You and Lydia are left staring at each other in complete shock. “Crazy mixup she had there, isn’t it?” Lydia asks faintly. “I mean, who could have even thought…”
You shrug weakly. “I mean, is it really such a leap? We go places together without anyone else all the time. We have inside jokes. You have my contact saved in your phone with a heart next to the name.”
Lydia shakes her head. “That’s just because it’s your favorite color. There was no other shape with it. You know that.”
When you stare at her for a moment longer, her eyes clear. “Oh, I see how that could look to someone who wasn’t there.”
“What if she wasn’t entirely wrong?” You ask as casually as you can, “you know, it does look like we’re dating. We might as well just go ahead and make it official.”
Lydia blinks in surprise, then: “Y/N L/N, are you asking me out?”
It takes everything in you to not turn and run. “Are you saying yes?”
Lydia laughs. “Yes, I think I am.”
You think you might owe Malia a favor after this. Intentional or not, she finally managed to get you and Lydia together. That’s at least worth saving her life a couple of times. 
teen wolf tag list: @thatfangirl42, @rogueanschel, @lovesanimals0000, @rafecameronswhore, @bellabadacadabra, @watchreadfangirlrepeat, @23victoria
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thotpuppy · 10 months
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Hunting the Hunters by HuffleBBC
Chapters: 10/10 Words: 34,804 Fandom: Teen Wolf (TV) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski Characters: Derek Hale, Stiles Stilinski, Kate Argent Additional Tags: Dead McCall Pack, Dead Hale Pack, Stiles is a BAMF, Spark!Stiles, Magical stiles, Tattooed Stiles, Full Shift!Derek Hale, Kidnapping, Torture, Graphic Violence, Cannon-Typical Violence, betryals, Nightmares, Panic Attacks, Masturbation, MlM kissing, mentioned sex, Kate Argent - Freeform, Cannon Divergent, AU, Orphan Stiles, past Kate/Derek, Implied Sexual Abuse, Implied Torture, touch adversion, touch starved, Swearing, magical healing, Grief, Emotional Healing, Not-so-slow burn, trauma drump talk, injured derek, minor gore, Bad guys die, Fighting Summary:
The death of his pack at the hands of Argent Hunters leads Stiles to becoming a weapon of vengeance, set on killing every hunter. He is good at his job, and when his next intel tells him an Argent is nearby, he is eager to claim their blood. But his plan is interrupted when he finds a living trophy locked up in the basement. Stiles rescues the poor wolf, barely making it out of the warehouse alive. Stiles heals the wolf and resolves to bring him to a safe haven with a shaman who can find the wolf a pack and home. As they travel together, Stiles rediscovers what it’s like to have a friend and family. He confronts the pain of his past and opens up to the wolf. The two form a connection, but Stiles is forced to choose; vengeance or a new start? Sometimes a familiar pain is easier to choose than to take a chance on a hope. With an Argent standing between him and love, his past, and future may come down to a single moment, a single fight. Can he win?
Read Here
I totally meant to make a promo post for this forever ago, I am so sorry Mim!
I had so much fun doing this cover akdjgkajdg
I initially had a... very, VERY different sketch concept, but it was more of an illustration and I have just been FEELING the cover art lately, so i ended up really drawing to doing this This Way instead. I also actually spent a huge amount of time like, precariously detailing a lot of things that, due to final lighting effects, are wholly invisible akdgjkadg please please full screen the FUCK out of this and zoom in to all those tiny details. thank u LOL
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triskhellion · 7 months
Rated: Teen (2k)
Relationship: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski
Characters: Stiles Stilinski, Derek Hale, Erica Reyes, Vernon Boyd, Isaac Lahey, Jackson Whittemore, Scott McCall, Alison Argent, Sheriff Stilinski
Tags: POV Stiles, Magical Stiles, Alpha Derek, Baking & Brewing, Accidental Secret Admirer/Assumed Creeper-Bad Guy, Scenting, Kissing, Hickeys, Getting Together
Stiles already knew that the secretive Alpha had a not-so-secret sweet tooth, but not about a favorite spice. He could do something with that.
The Stilinski men were only passable in the kitchen, but he figured he could learn to bake. Woo the guy of his literal and figurative dreams, experiment with finer magic control, and enjoy snacks as he went? Win-win-win.
For Noxnthea and Stiles Shipping Central Ficlet Exchange. Prompt #3, Secret Admirer:
Stiles didn’t mean to end up as [person’s] secret admirer. He’d fully intended to announce his intentions, okay? But then, well… then he accidentally did [insert mistake here], and now [person]’s convinced they’ve got some creepy dude stalking them and goddamnit, if this gets out, the pack is never gonna let Stiles live this down.
Wolf & Snow Moons - Snow prompts: 12, Ginger, Hidden
Stiles began working on his magic over the summer, but didn’t tell anyone because he wanted to have something impressive, or at least reliable, to show when he was inevitably asked to demonstrate. Struggling to light a candle in front of a skeptical audience? No thank you.
So he borrowed some books, started a herb garden, learned various grounding techniques, and eventually it wasn’t so hard to draw from that well of power inside him. Apparently, soon he wouldn’t even need anything except his own will, but for now he actually enjoyed the little rituals. He even got multiple sternum tattoos to aid with things like stealth, protection, and healing and to strengthen his connection to the land and elements. (They looked pretty fucking cool and he only fainted twice.) 
Stiles was practicing extending his senses while walking near the new Beta House one evening when he overheard Boyd telling Erica how he realized that whenever he had something gingery back at the loft — drinks, stir-fry, cookies from his grandma —  that some of it always disappeared. At first he’d thought it was Peter or maybe Jackson, but he eventually caught Derek red (or rather, yellowy brown-beige) handed. 
Interesting. Stiles already knew the secretive Alpha had a not-so-secret sweet tooth, but not about a favorite spice. He could do something with that. 
The Stilinski men were only passable in the kitchen, but he figured he could learn to bake. Woo the guy of his literal and figurative dreams, experiment with finer magic control, and enjoy snacks as he went? Win-win-win.
After numerous attempts ranging from “exploding goo turned charcoal” to “pretty good” his latest batches came out perfectly. Chewy triple ginger molasses cookies, crispy gingersnaps, and decadent dark chocolate gingerbread brownies. The power of three, baby!
He snagged some for himself (quality control) and saved two of each for his dad, but still had a dozen left of everything for Derek. On the way over, he stopped to buy some tea for good measure: chai and lemon ginger. Then it was showtime. 
But when Stiles knocked on the door there was no answer. How anticlimactic. 
He waited a few minutes and then enhanced his hearing to check for sure that Derek wasn’t home, but instead he heard Isaac, Erica, and Jackson approaching the elevator in the lobby — a.k.a. 3 of the 4 worst possible people to witness anything sincere and potentially embarrassing — so he set the bag at the door, quickly erased his scent. and ran down the stairs while hiding his presence.
The mystery gift was the first topic of discussion at the next pack meeting. Derek apparently enjoyed the goodies (yes!) and only gave the envious betas one of each before absconding with the rest. He assumed it was left as thanks by a half-fae waitress he’d helped the week before, but when he complimented her in passing a few days later she had no idea what he was talking about. None of the wolves could pick up a scent on the packaging and bemusement turned to fear (no!) 
There were any number of malicious spells or supernatural substances that could be activated through food, which would explain the lack of scent. And how did the sender find out about his penchant for ginger anyway? 
Having lost his nerve (he’d never live it down if they found out now,) Stiles sent an anonymous text the next afternoon to try to put Derek at ease, but that only made things worse. After receiving an angry voicemail on his burner phone he panicked and tossed it. 
Another pack meeting was held and they were worried enough to bring in Scott and Allison, though thankfully Chris at least wasn’t there. Allison swept the place for listening devices and Scott asked Deaton to strengthen the wards once the clinic closed. Everyone was now on high alert for what Erica dubbed the “Cookie Monster.”
If Lydia or Peter were around they probably would’ve been suspicious of him being unusually quiet, but she’d left early for MIT and their semi-resident zombie wolf (the 4th and final boss of jerkfaces) was off gallivanting who knows where. There was no evidence pointing in his direction. He just had to relax and keep his mouth shut.  
“Definitely sounds like some psycho stalker to me,” Jackson said, making the “screw loose” sign. 
“That lady on the second floor who’s always checking you out?” Boyd wondered.
“Ooh, what about that guy at the coffee shop that always gives us extra pastries if you pay for it? I bet he knows how to bake,” said Erica. 
“If it’s him, you should roll with it,” Isaac joked, earning a glare from Stiles. How dare he credit some skeevy barista.
“Yeah, maybe it’s just someone with a crush,” Scott said, ever the romantic.
“A creepy person,” Allison emphasized with a frown. Erica nodded.
“Yeah, and with his luck…” she muttered, wincing and turning to a silent Derek. “Sorry, big guy,” 
As the others continued speculating Derek only looked more and more irritable and withdrawn. Angry, yes, but even worse, sad. Stiles dreaded the embarrassment and hassling to come, but he hated seeing Derek upset even more.
“It was me, alright!” he shouted, shooting up from the couch.
Everyone paused and turned to stare at him. Scott tilted his head, his expression that of a confused puppy. 
“Dude, since when do you bake?”
Stiles shrugged awkwardly. “Since recently.”
“But why couldn’t we tell that it was you?” Erica asked.
“I, uh, might’ve done something with my magic? Surprise,” he said, making jazz hands.
He turned toward Boyd, who was looking him over as if to check for any changes. Glittery skin or a tail perhaps. Stiles was amused because he wasdifferent now, but only under his clothes were they — and his father — couldn’t see.
“Yeah,” he replied, grinning. “I’ve been learning for a while “
“You, magic?” Jackson scoffed, leaning against the wall. “The only—“
“Me, jackass” Stiles cut in, locating and drawing out streams of flour and black pepper from the pantry and dumping it on his head.
“Dude, that’s so awesome!” Scott exclaimed, coming over to fist bump him as Jackson coughed and sneezed, beating at his hair and clothes. Then Jackson stomped towards him so Stiles stopped him in his tracks just like he kept a pan of B- coffee cake from hitting the floor a week ago.
“Duuuude,” Scott said as Isaac and Erica laughed gleefully. Allison grinned, giving him a thumbs up.
Proud of his progress, he momentarily forgot the situation until he turned and saw Derek watching him with an intense, but unreadable expression. His stomach dropped, but he was still relieved that the subject had changed to his magic and he showed off a few more times, including cleaning up the mess he made. Even the now pristine and mobile Jackson was begrudgingly impressed.
He worked his way closer and closer to the door hoping that with a last good diversion he might even manage to escape (for now, anyway.) 
Then Isaac had to ruin it, raising an eyebrow and smirking before asking about his “sneaking around like a weirdo” and wondering why he made a bunch of desserts for Derek in the first place.
Stiles froze, face flushing as he rambled about training exercises and then made up some tradition of potential emissaries leaving gifts for Alphas. He caused the alarm on his phone go off and then silenced it, saying he had to go. 
Even with just his normal hearing the sound of laughter echoed as he fled.
When Stiles got home he distracted himself with a new game he hadn’t started yet, storming through the fantastical countryside and targeting particularly tall and smug-looking elves. A few hours later he saved his progress and took off his headphones, sighing and knocking his head against the couch cushions. He soon found himself back in the kitchen where he saw some texts and a bunch of group chat notifications when he took out his phone to check a recipe. He ignored the latter, but read the texts from Scott.
< r u okay? >
< do u likr derek?! >
< like >
< ?🤔🤯?! >
Groaning, he replied < can’t talk, abducted by aliens > as if he wasn’t thinking of a certain Sourwolf at that very moment. He added < (not really) > right after because this was Beacon Hills and then slid it back into his pocket.  
His dad came down an hour later in his uniform, yawning as he got a sandwich from the fridge. He was two days into a week of night shifts and was still adjusting to the schedule. 
“Hey, kiddo.”
Stiles saluted back and poured him the coffee he started when he heard movement upstairs. His dad thanked him, watching as he finely chopped a bunch of ginger and then added it and some sugar to a jar of water. 
“What’s that?”
“A ‘ginger bug’. It’ll be a starter for ginger beer in a few days,” he replied, stirring and covering it with cheesecloth.
He received the patented Sheriff’s Eyebrow and rolled his eyes, explaining that there was negligible alcohol content if you drank it soon-ish or refrigerated it, especially without using extra yeast. None if you just added carbonation instead of letting it ferment. 
“Like this one” he said, pointing to a bottle with seltzer and the lavender ginger syrup that he prepared already. His dad hummed dubiously. 
“So what inspired all of this?” he asked, gesturing with tonight’s allotted brownie. “And why does everything have ginger? Not that I’m complaining.”
Stiles once again made up some excuses as he cleaned, this time about trying new hobbies and how ginger was supposed to help with focus. 
“Uh-huh,” his dad said, giving him a knowing look and the “I’ve got my eye on you” motion. “Negligible.” 
His dad ruffled his hair and chuckled as he left. “Alright, I’m off. Be good!”
“I’ve got nothing better to do,” Stiles grumbled to himself. 
Or so he thought until he went upstairs and found Derek in room. 
“Heyyy, how's it going?” he asked after having a minor heart attack.
The look on Derek’s face could only be described as predatory and he swallowed, backing into the wall as 190 pounds of werewolf prowled towards him. Here it was, his somewhat deserved and unfairly attractive doom. 
But instead of mangling him warm fingers circled his wrist and slowly brought it millimeters away from stubbled cheekbones and parted lips. Derek inhaled deeply and sighed.
“You know, I’ve always loved that smell. My uncle, Daniel, used to make these elaborate gingerbread houses full of ‘gingerwere’ cookies in different stages of shifting,” he said, shaking his head with a bittersweet smile. “But I kind of forgot about how much until I came back here.” 
Derek let go, but stepped even closer, leaning in to nuzzle at his neck. Goosebumps rose in his wake and Stiles shivered when he spoke again, a now huskier voice pressed directly to his skin. 
“And then there was this troublesome brat everywhere, smelling of locker rooms and lust. Cheetos and body spray and the usual things…” Derek's chest vibrated against his when he laughed. “But underneath all of that, his scent was like ginger and honey.”
Stiles moaned as Derek licked his throat, clutching at muscular arms and letting his head fall back in offering.
"Mmm, delicious...just like what you made for me. And now I'm thinking that maybe it’s not just aimless, rampaging hormones with you. That maybe you actually want something more." Derek drew back just enough to meet his eyes with a darkened, red-ringed gaze. "Do you want...something more...from me?"
Stiles surged forward with a wordless cry to meet him, possessive mouth hot and spicy-sweet and even better than his dreams.
"Yes," he breathed, hips jerking and becoming speechless again when Derek switched to trailing bruises down his neck and below. 
It seemed like he was going to show off his tattoos after all.
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